Eagle Valley News, January 07, 2015

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2014 The Year in ReView

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Eagle Valley News

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Injuries minor in six-vehicle collision By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Four people were sent to hospital with minor injuries resulting from a multi-vehicle collision east of Sicamous. The incident occurred east of Sicamous at the Highway 1 turnoff to Cambie-Solsqua Road on Sunday, Jan 4 at 12:40 p.m. Sicamous RCMP Sgt. Scott West says the roads were snowy and ice covered and visibility poor when the driver of an eastbound vehicle stopped to make a legal left-hand turn. Behind that vehicle, a second

vehicle was able to stop safely. A third vehicle attempted to pass to the right when a fourth rearended the second vehicle. That fourth vehicle then crossed the centre line and collided with a westbound vehicle. The driver of a fifth vehicle managed to avoid the fourth vehicle but collided with the same westbound vehicle. Finally, the driver of a sixth vehicle approaching the scene but unable to stop in time and drove into a ditch. Three of the six vehicles involved received major damage. However, West is thankful

injuries to those in the vehicles were minor. “Everybody was OK – some people did go to hospital, the most serious injury appearing to be whiplash,” said West. None of the drivers were from the Shuswap and West says the incident is under investigation, with potential violation tickets pending.

Semis collide On Monday, Jan. 5, police responded to another multi-vehicle collision, this one involving four semi tractor-trailers and no injuries. This incident oc-

curred around 12:25 p.m. along the TransCanada Highway near the east end of town. West said the driver of a westbound semi slowed to a stop for a vehicle attempting to turn left off the highway. West said the driver of another westbound semi coming up behind the first didn’t leave sufficient distance to stop in time, resulting in a rear-end collision. A third westbound semi was able to stop in time, but a fourth did not and wound up sideswiping the rear end of the third, damaging the tractor as it swerved into the on-

coming lane. “Thankfully there was no one coming in the oncoming lane at the time or that wouldn’t have ended well for us either,” said West. The drivers of the second and fourth semis were fined for following too close. With the continuing winter storm conditions, West is reminding all drivers to drive slowly and leave sufficient distance from the vehicle ahead. “The speed limit is for perfect conditions and not the ones we’re seeing right now,” added West.




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Splatsin acquire portion of CP Rail corridor By Richard Rolke Black Press

There appears to be interest in determining if public ownership of another rail corridor can be acquired. The Splatsin First Nation wants to bring together local municipalities and regional districts to discuss options for acquiring the abandoned Canadian Pacific line from Spallumcheen to Sicamous, and possible long-term uses for the property. The Splatsin recently obtained 29 acres of the

CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. Ph: 832-2131 Fax: 832-5140 Email: classifieds@ eaglevalleynews.com

DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays

route after legal action against the federal government and CP. Other jurisdictions that will be invited to meet with the Splatsin are Armstrong, Enderby, Spallumcheen, Sicamous and the Columbia-Shuswap Regional District. “I’m open to looking at it,” said Herman Halvorson, Regional District of North Okanagan director for rural Enderby. “It needs to be maintained as a transportation corridor, but the big question is how to organize the funds needed

and the purchase price.” Between 2010 and 2012, the Regional District of the North Okanagan went through a process looking at the corridor from Spallumcheen to Grindrod and the net salvage value at the time was $3.2 million. RDNO did not look at the cost for the line from Grindrod to Sicamous. “We are prepared to work with them but we’re not sure what they are thinking about for land use yet, whether it’s a trail or not,” said Janice Brown, Spallum-

Jan 9th- One time event- Sicamous Seniors Ctre general meeting. Guest Speaker –Bea Jackson-registered hearing practitioner/owner of NexGen Hearing. Meeting 11:00 am – Guest speakers presentation 11:30 am followed by a pot luck lunch. Everyone is welcome! Monday to Friday Community Access Site at the Senior’s Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Internet & related services. Call Diana. 836-2446 Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. - Parkinsons Support Group Contact Don at 250-838-0794. Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the

cheen mayor. The Shuswap Trail Alliance will also be asked to participate in the discussions. “We look forward to supporting Splatsin leadership and local municipal, regional and provincial leadership in those discussions, which still include the potential for a continuous linear greenway corridor for walking and cycling,” said Phil McIntyre-Paul, Shuswap Trail Alliance executive director. “We will also be following up with CP

Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info. Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday - Eagle Valley Photographic Arts Club meets at the Red Barn at 7 pm. Everyone Welcome. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre - upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.- Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Malakwa Thrift Store between the 2 churches Open every Thursday 10-5. Every 2nd Thurs. - Sicamous Lions Club

leadership to better understand their plans for dispersal of the remaining abandoned rail corridor.” McIntyre-Paul says his alliance welcomes the Splatsin’s successful negotiations with CP and the band being able to obtain 29 acres of the rail line. “It is an important acknowledgement of the title and rights of the Splatsin community and the wider Secwepemc Nation territory through which the abandoned rail corridor runs,” he said.

Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed! Email to advertising@saobserver. net, fax to 250.832.5140 or phone in to 250.832.2131.

meeting at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Doors open at 6:15 and meeting starts at 6:30. Anyone interested in being a volunteer for the community, please feel free to call Mary at 250-517-8107, Joan at 250-836-4876 or Pam at 250-836-4788. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., The Sicamous Health Unit Every 4th Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:00 in the Learning Centre Library. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at the Eagle Valley Resource Centre. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Carol 250-836-3135 or Amy 250-836-4756. www. eaglevalleybrushandpaletteclub.com Every Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Legion at 6:00 pm Every 1st Fri. of the month –Sicamous Seniors Ctre general meeting 11:00am followed

by a great pot luck lunch. We encourage every to join us. Every 2nd 3rd and 4th Fri. Wii Tournament at 10 am at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Everyone Welcome. Every 2nd 3rd and 4th Fri. Lunch at noon. Everyone Welcome. At the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Last Sat. of the Month - Ladies’ Auxiliary Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion at 6 pm. Tickets sold until the Friday before at the Legion. No tickets at the door. Sundays - Candlelit Karma 6:30 pm. Warm & Gentle. Class by donation. Funds go towards community causes. Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 1 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - Birthday Tea (formerly the OAPO) for members and friends at Seniors Activity Ctre 1:30 pm. Everyone is Welcome Every Sat. - Morning Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 tailgate market – Everyone welcome – sell anything – for details call Murray @250-836-2224.

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 7, 2015

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Local governments work to save rail line This week the News reviews the headlines from July to December.

years. Last year, Johnston’s full-time position was cut to 0.6, now it has been cut altogether.


News the price for the district’s proposed water treatment plant had risen from $4.5 million to $7.9 million, instigated a groundswell of concern among residents interested in less costly alternatives, not only for the end-product but also in relation to water sources. Mayor Darrell Trouton said input had not fallen on deaf ears, and that time and effort was expended to assure the district is moving in the right direction.

Local governments in the North Okanagan and Shuswap launched an urgent drive to save the CP rail line between Sicamous and Armstrong from potentially being chopped up and sold to private investors. A meeting was held in Salmon Arm at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District offices on June 24 to strategize ways to preserve the line as a transportation corridor, initially for hiking and biking and, in the winter, perhaps crosscountry skiing or snowshoeing. The District of Sicamous announced chief administrative officer Heidi Frank had resigned, and would be leaving the district in August. Summer Stomp organizers and the District of Sicamous received word from the Agricultural Land Commission that the municipal dog park – which is part of the agricultural land reserve, could be used to host the motorcycle event until 2016. Young people see lots of sexual images and hear lots of sex-related information on the Internet, but they aren’t acquiring fundamental knowledge, said Cathy Johnston, a family life teacher with School District #83 for 20

Sicamous council approved the issuance of a development permit to numbered company 443606002 BC LTD, for the development and construction of a proposed 276-slip marina in Old Town Bay, as well as a breakwater, marine servicing and fuelling facilities, public and private boat launches and more. The marina will be developed in two or more phases, and will eventually be the new home of Twin Anchors’ houseboat rental operation. The body of Kevin Boutilier was recovered, a year after the 25-yearold Calgary man went missing in Shuswap Lake. The BC Coroners Service confirmed the body of Kevin William Boutilier was recovered on July 10. ‘Surprisingly complicated’ was how a de-

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fence lawyer described portions of the, legal action initiated by Ray Sasseville, Joan Hansen, and Sturgis North Entertainment Inc. involving motorcycle events they put on in the North Okanagan-Shuswap. After launching the lawsuit in BC Supreme Court in December 2013, in March, Sasseville and Hansen began the process to drop the court action against six of the seven defendants. According to the initial claim, Sicamous was named because Sturgis North entered into an agreement to hold an annual event there beginning in 2011 called the Sturgis North Burnout and Festival. The plaintiffs alleged the event was wrongfully taken over and became the Summer Stomp Burn-out. Tickets for illegal dumping may be issued to those responsible for

the mess left outside the recycling bins earlier this month at the corner of Main Street and Highway 97A. On the evening of Canada Day, the person contracted by the CSRD to maintain the depot was frustrated and angry to find a day’s worth of refuse left on the ground – and the bins completely empty.

Mayor Darrell Trouton announced he would not be seeking re-election in November. From a policing perspective, apart from the odd arrest for intoxication and a couple of noise complaints, the Summer Stomp event came and went without a hitch. At a committee of the whole meeting, District of Sicamous community planner Mike Marrs informed municipal council he’d received notice of a new application being submitted to



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District council was made aware of two applications for the local manufacture of medical marijuana, including an operation on Monashee Frontage Road. File Photo

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the federal government for a licensed medical marijuana production facility. Marrs also updated council on another application, this one from 1937 Enterprises Inc., to establish a licensed medical marijuana production facility at Waterway Houseboats’ Monashee Frontage Road manufacturing facility. Marrs said the company, which runs the website bcorganicbud.com, had not yet been awarded a licence under the federal government’s new regulations for the commercial production of medical marijuana.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Eagle Valley News


Splatsin offer hope on rail trail


t had appeared that political discussion over preserving public access to the rail corridor from Spallumcheen to Sicamous had been sidelined. However, the issue is back on the table thanks to the Splatsin. The Enderby area First Nation is showing leadership by calling on all local jurisdictions to meet in the new year to determine how to acquire the abandoned rail line from Canadian Pacific and what the best long-term use of the property is. “We are for working together collaboratively. We all have an interest and want to do what’s right,” said Wayne Christian, Splatsin chief. The Splatsin have become a catalyst because the band recently obtained 20 acres of the rail line through legal action against CP and the federal government. Like other local governments in the area, as well as the Shuswap Trail Alliance, the Splatsin see a number of opportunities that could arise if there is public control over the entire length of the old rail bed. “It’s important that it be maintained as a transportation corridor,” said Christian. Among the possible options are addressing congestion on parts of Highway 97A and developing a recreational trail that would attract tourists and bolster the local economy. Yes, it will take a major financial investment from municipalities and regional districts to purchase their portion of the corridor from CP, and the ultimate price tag may ultimately bring the process to a halt. However, unless all players are at the table and open to discussions, the vision of a public link from the North Okanagan to the Shuswap will never materialize. The Splatsin deserve praise for bringing the issue back to the table. -Vernon Morning Star



Water treaty with U.S. a bad deal for B.C. By Tom Fletcher News Columnist

VICTORIA – The U.S. has Canada over a barrel on water as well as oil these days, but the tide is turning. Last week, I mentioned a new book called The Columbia River Treaty – A Primer by members of Simon Fraser University’s climate adaptation team. This slim volume makes the case that B.C. has ended up with a shockingly bad deal from this 1964 treaty, which concerned itself entirely with flood control and hydroelectric power. In those days there was little or no environmental assessment. Agriculture, fish habitat and aboriginal impacts were ignored. More than a decade after the disastrous flood year of 1948, once Ottawa stopped its bureaucratic delays, U.S. public and private power utilities paid B.C. $254 million to build three dams on the Columbia system.

Those dams (and one at Libby, Montana that mostly floods B.C. land) hold back the huge spring runoff from the Rockies and then dole out water for power production in B.C. and for the 15 hydro dams previously built downstream in the U.S. The U.S. payment was for half the power over 30 years, which B.C. didn’t need at the time. Then our American cousins cut us another cheque for $64 million, an estimate of the value of flood protection from 1968 all the way to 2024. Boy, did we get taken. The SFU team calculates the value of that flood control to the U.S. at more like $32 billion. That’s not even the worst of it. The Kootenays were once the leading fruit and vegetable growing area in B.C., bigger than the Okanagan. Now in the Arrow Lakes and other reservoirs, levels rise and fall dramatically to steady the flow south. In addition to

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the large areas permanently flooded by the Mica, Duncan and Hugh Keenleyside dams, this renders more of B.C.’s prime bottom land impassable. B.C. is paid precisely zero for this sacrifice, while Washington state has developed a $5 billion-a-year farm economy using our stable irrigation source. That has helped their tree fruit growers push some Okanagan orchardists out of business. It’s worth noting that long before the treaty, the U.S. military-industrial complex had wiped out the Columbia River salmon runs. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its privatepower partners dammed everything they could find, exterminating a fishery bigger than the Fraser that had sustained aboriginal people on both sides of today’s border for thousands of years. B.C. Energy Minister Bill Bennett and SFU’s Jon O’Riordan both described

PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Terry Sinton PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

to me their experience at the Columbia River Basin conference, held last October in Spokane. Their main impression was that Americans, including traditional tribes, want those salmon runs restored. Vast amounts have been spent on hatcheries and habitat to speed recovery below the Grand Coulee dam. Should the Americans ever manage to get salmon above their biggest dam, it will largely be up to B.C. to provide sufficient cool water to keep them alive. That service has an increasing value to the U.S. as well as an ongoing cost to B.C. Bennett surprised some in Spokane when he said the U.S. needs to pay more for the benefits from the Columbia River Treaty. The flood control agreement expires in 2024. The treaty requires 10 years’ notice for either country to exit. Climate shifts are expected to make B.C. water more important than ever.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 7, 2015

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Severe storm rips through Shuswap, damages residences signing of another oneyear contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Franson’s contract was in limbo since last summer when his previous contract, worth $2 million US, ended, leaving him a restricted free agent. The Bottle Shop confirmed Monday they’ve been raising money to help Al Robert, whose home was damaged during a severe storm that ripped through the Shuswap. Police were also called out to a Swansea Point residence where a tree fell on the house and injured a woman inside. The province announced the replacement of the Malakwa Bridge would begin in August, to be completed by the summer of 2016. Approximately $2,300 in stamps and coins were stolen from the post office. Sicamous RCMP Const. Dusty Miller said the theft was reported on July 25, and occurred sometime overnight. The district received a $5,000 grant from BC Healthy Communities to engage in the development of healthy community partnerships and support health and wellbeing in Sicamous.

District council was informed by staff that development and temporary use permit applicants may be waiting longer for approvals as a result of the recentlysigned protocol agreement between the District of Sicamous and the Splatsin councils.

District council chose to avoid setting a precedent by not reimbursing the Eagle Valley Senior Citizens Housing Society for expenses related to the recent boil water notice. The society sought costs for a potable water tank totaling $1,823.40. Columbia Shuswap Regional District electoral area directors (EAD) approved a policy amendment that preventing the awarding of grants three-months prior to election time. RCMP recovered the body of an Alberta man who went missing in Shuswap Lake following a boating collision. A second man involved in the incident was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Police were seeking a suspect in an attempted abduction of a 16-year-old girl that occurred near Sicamous. The incident was reported to Sicamous RCMP on Aug. 17. The man, described as being in his mid-20s, with chin-length blonde hair and wearing a brown hat and a dark red shirt, asked the girl if she wanted a ride. When she declined, police say the man grabbed the girl. She fought off the attack and fled unharmed to a nearby residence. Council supported a Remedial Action Requirement, as per the B.C. Community Charter, for the demolition of a residence at 705 Larch Ave., the site of a

The BC Coroners service reported that Kim Alan Edwards, 57, died as a result of a twovehicle collision near Avoca Road in Craigellachie. Vic Phillips sees a lot of potential for Sicamous and the Parkland Center Mall. “It’s got a very good future, it’s a very good structure…….it’s in excellent shape, a wellbuilt building in a great location,” said Phillips, the mall’s new owner. He said he was looking to invest in the young municipality, believing it has a great future. Music in the Park took place Saturday, Aug. 23 at Malakwa Centennial Park. This was a fundraiser for the Malakwa Community Centre Association and the community hall fund. On Aug. 18, RCMP recovered the body of Darryl John Johnston, 50, of Calgary following an extensive search that began the day prior, when police responded to a report of a boating incident at Hungry Cove north of Sicamous. A boating fatality at Hungry Cove has prompted Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors to issue a plea for the installation of a navigation beacon to improve safety. Salmon Arm’s Cindy Derkaz announced her intention to seek the Liberal nomination in the federal OkanaganShuswap riding. The federal New Democratic Party selected its candidate for the riding – Jacqui Gingras of Falkland. In the Conservative camp, four people declared their wish to represent the party in this riding. Salmon Arm businessperson Mel Arnold, former Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert, Vernon businessperson Scott Anderson and for-

mer Lumby councilor Janet Green are all vying for the Conservative candidacy.

September The first day of school came and went Tuesday in School District #83, with the impasse between the provincial government and the teachers’ union delaying the start of the year to an unknown date in the future. “It’s a very sad day,” is how Glenn Borthistle, superintendent of schools, described Sept. 2. Council received notice from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities that the federal Transportation Safety Board had completed its yearlong investigation into the fatal Lac-Megantic derailment of an unattended freight train on July 6, 2013. Resulting explosions killed 47 people and destroyed 40 buildings. Coun. Fred busch said council should take heed of the incident, noting there are “umpteen trains that come through here and we really don’t know what it is that they’re carrying.”

Dips: The speed


dips on the Eagle River Bridge continued to be a topic of debate for Sicamous council. File photo

A report to council from staff contained a recommendation to remove the speed dips on the Eagle River Bridge, and place load restrictions. Couns. Charlotte Hutchinson and Suzanne Carpenter weren’t convinced the dips should be removed. Coun. Fred Busch expressed frustration over having to make a decision based on information that was handed to him just minutes before the meeting began. See Body on page 6


On Aug. 1, Sicamous RCMP and BC Ambulance Service responded to a two-vehicle collision on the Trans-Canada Highway/Highway 97A intersection. Police say the driver of an eastbound vehicle

A brief statement from the BCTF announced the resumption of talks, a day after the B.C. government announced a contingency plan to pay strike savings to parents of younger students if the strikes keeps schools shut in September.

structure fire on July 22, 2013.



attempting to turn left onto 97A failed to yield to an oncoming westbound vehicle.

Answers for today’s Coffee Break Page

Continued from page 3



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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Eagle Valley News


Body of Alberta man recovered after fall from houseboat Continued from page 5

On Sept. 6, Sicamous RCMP responded to a medical emergency on Shuswap lake near Seymour Arm. Upon arrival, RCMP officers were informed a 23-year-old man from Innisfail, Alta, had fallen from his houseboat into the lake and did not resurface. Nearby houseboaters who witnessed the incident began searching, and the missing man was located 10 minutes later but was no longer breathing. Coun. Terry Rysz announced he would seek the mayor’s chair. Rysz says his experience as both deputy mayor and chair of the finance committee provided him with the important background needed to make a bid for mayor. On Sept. 4, Sicamous RCMP responded to a domestic disturbance at a residence after receiving a report of threats being made towards the home’s owner by her son. Education Minister Peter Fassbender rejected the B.C. Teachers Federation’s call Friday for binding arbitration to end the teachers strike. Fassbender later said the province may take extraordinary steps to ensure senior secondary students’ school

year is not cut short by the teacher’s strike. “Do you put it on the end of the year? Do you take it out of spring break? Do you take it out of Christmas holidays? My staff are looking at all of the options.” Fassbender said. “Cautiously optimistic” was how the president of the North Okanagan-Shuswap Teachers’ Association described her reaction Tuesday morning to news of a tentative deal in the teachers strike. “It’s so hard for me to say more until I get more detail,” NOSTA president Brenda O’Dell told the News. A temporary borrowing bylaw received third reading by council, authorizing the district to borrow up to $4.39 million for building the proposed $7.92 million water treatment facility. Council supported a motion to restrict load limits on the Eagle River Bridge and defeated another to remove the dips. Council also agreed they had to begin planning for the bridge’s replacement. The Sicamous Eagles began their season in the red following losses at home and away. Saturday night’s season-opener wound up being a come-from-



Home Game Wednesday, January 7th

behind victory for guests and rivals, the Revelstoke Grizzlies, who took the game with a 4-3 win. On Sunday, the Eagles were in Kamloops where they were shut out with an 8-0 win for Kamloops Storm. Being a world champion was a new experience for Will Phillips, but one the gold-medal martial arts practitioner seemed to be taking in stride. Between Sept. 3 and 7, Phillips, from Sicamous, and 14 other members of the Provincial Martial Arts Association (PMA) Shuswap were at the Olympic Oval in Richmond, B.C., taking part in the first TAFISA (The Association for International Sport For All) World Martial Arts Games. There Phillip competed in three events in his division: kata, continuous sparring and point sparring. It was in the latter competition, a difficult match versus a competitor from the U.S., that Phillips earned gold. What may seem a little thing can mean the world to a child living in poverty. Grace Krauss saw this firsthand during a mission in Costa Rica, where she and other Operation Christmas Child ambassadors distributed shoeboxes filled with gifts to children. Krauss said it was an amazing experience, especially

seeing the kids’ faces as they opened their boxes and dug inside. Krauss was selected to take part in the trip by Samaritan’s Purse, the international relief organization that oversees Operation Christmas Child. The program annually collects and distributes shoeboxes to children worldwide. The Shuswap’s Better at Home program expanded its outreach to better help seniors to remain independent. The program is intended to assist seniors “with simple day-to-day tasks so they can continue living at home.” Jeanne Rokosh, general manager of Shuswap Better at Home, says her role is to help co-ordinate the delivery of non-medical services for seniors who would like to remain in their homes. These services include things like housekeeping, lawn work, the provision of transportation, minor home repairs, grocery shopping and friendly social visits. After a rather rough couple of season starter games, the Junior B Eagles picked up three wins in a row, including a satisfying 4-3 rebound versus the Kamloops Storm. On Friday, Sept. 19, the Eagles were at the Revelstoke Forum for another round against the Grizzles.

Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12:00 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Pre Novice: 5 pm - 6 pm Chase vs. Eagles 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm THURSDAY JAN. 8

Home Game

Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12:00 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Twin Anchors 6 pm - 9 pm

Sicamous vs 100 Mile House Saturday, January 10th

Sicamous vs Revelstoke Sicamous & District Recreation Centre

A made-in-the-Shuswap resolution for the B.C. government to take ownership of abandoned rail corridors received unanimous support at this year’s Union of BC Municipalities convention. During this annual gathering of local government representa-


tives, held Sept. 22 to 26 in Whistler, Sicamous Coun. Terry Rysz presented the resolution the province “facilitate public acquisition and ownership of abandoned transportation corridors,” and that the B.C. government work with UBCM to develop a funding mechanism such as a province-wide parcel tax, to help governments or community groups purchase and maintain corridors for public recreational use.

a number of the Shuswap’s premier trails. In the past year or so, the Gorge Creek Loop Trail in Craigellachie, the Upper Bear Creek Flume Trail in Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park and the Reinecker Creek Trail west of Margaret Falls in Herald Park all suffered at the hands of nature which, in some cases, caused substantial infrastructure damage that will cost thousands of dollars to repair.

Severe weather has taken a heavy toll on

See Okanagan on page 7

Carriers Wanted In Sicamous

If you are interested in making some CASH, please call Val at 250.832.2131


Recreation Centre


Friday, January 9th

Away Game


Sicamous and District

Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am School Hockey: 12:45 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm SA PeeWee 4 pm - 5 pm SA Midgets: 5 pm - 6:30 SA T3: 6:45 pm - 8 pm Eagles: 8:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Sicamous vs Chase

The end result was a 6-4 win over Revelstoke. On Sept. 20, the Eagles were back on home ice where they earned a 6-5 win over the Grand Forks Border Bruins.



Super League Bantam: 2 pm - 4 pm Super League Midget: 4:15 - 6:15 Revelstoke vs. Eagles 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm SUNDAY JAN. 11

Super League: 11:45 am - 1:45 pm SA MT 2: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Super League: 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm MONDAY JAN. 12

Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Pre Novice: 5 pm - 6 pm Novice: 6 pm - 7 pm Old Timers: 7:30 pm - 9 pm TUESDAY JAN. 13

Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am School Hockey: 12:45 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Eagles: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm SAT 3: 7:15 pm - 8:45

Rec Centre Gym open 8:00 am to close. Full Membership: $20. (250) 836-2283 • arena@cablelan.net • Box 665 Sicamous


e Justin Wild

Position: Forwards Home Town: Surrey B.C. Age: 18 Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 185 Prev Team: Valley West Hawks Goals: Play Hockey at the highest level Hobbies / Interests: Fishing and Country Music Personal Hero: My Grampa Favorite NHL Team: Vancouver Canucks Favorite Player: David Backes Favorite Music: Country Favorite Food: Pizza

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 7, 2015

www.eaglevalleynews.com A7


Okanagan Regional Library considering cuts Continued from page 6

The Okanagan Regional Library is considering cuts at 19 branches, including those in Sicamous and Salmon Arm, to achieve a better balance of service levels at its libraries. In total, ORL is looking to reduce 12.5 full-time positions at 19 of its 29 service locations. Rhona Martin’s term as president of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities ended with this year’s convention in September. Martin, who describes her time at the helm of UBCM as an amazing opportunity, will try for a 24th year as Area E Rural Sicamous director. Pickleball is back in play, and runs Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at Parkview Elementary. The Sicamous Eagles learned that life on the road can be hard. On Friday, Sept. 26 the team was in Castlegar where they lost 7-4 to the Rebels. On Saturday, the Eagles were south of the boarder to battle the Spokane Braves. Sicamous earned a 3-2 win. On Sunday the Eagles were in Nelson to take on the Leafs. Final score: 6-3 for the Leafs. Despite poor registration numbers and numerous cancellations, Sicamous council is not giving up on summer recreation programming for the community. Council received a summer program and events report from the district’s new program and events manager, Jillian Alexander. Alexander noted in the report that out of 29 possible program dates, only three had enough registrants to run. A Salmon Arm businessman will carry the Conservative banner in the 2015 federal election. Mel Arnold was elected the party’s Okanagan-Shuswap

candidate during two days of voting. A new rural advisory council is the key commitment from the provincial government’s new report on rural development, Supporting Rural Development: Creating a Voice for Rural B.C. The rural advisory council will provide input to government policy decisions to best support thriving rural communities, while keeping in mind government’s need to control spending and ensure an overall balanced budget. The pulse of the Shuswap is strong in many ways, but there is room for improvement in others. This is one of the findings contained in a Shuswap Community Foundation report. A total of 10 issues were considered in assessing the overall health and vitality in the report that included input received from a Vital Signs survey. Survey respondents asked for extended hours and further reach of transit service and a regional service to provide better access to education and employment opportunities. The Sicamous Eagles had their work cut out for them when they faced off against two of the best in the KIJHL. On Friday, Oct. 3, the Eagles lost 5-4 to the league’s top team and guests, the Osoyoos Coyotes. On Saturday, Oct. 4, it was Eagles versus Storm in Kamloops. The Storm won 5-2. Twelve people were officially in the running for council, while two were vying for mayor In the mayoral race, incumbent Coun. Terry Rysz was up against former Sicamous mayor, Malcolm MacLeod. Those campaigning to keep their seats on council were incumbents Fred Busch, Charlotte Hutchinson, Don Richardson and Joan

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Flying Eagle: Tyson Taylor hops from the crease during home-game action Saturday versus the Chase Heat. File photo Thomson. They were up against Colleen Anderson, Gord Bushell, Todd Kyllo, Malcolm Makayev, Jeff Mallmes, Lynn Miller, Donna Mounce and Janna Simons. Longtime incumbent Rhona Martin would face off with political newcomer Dan Letendre in Electoral Are E Rural Sicamous/ Malakwa. Iconic Canadian retailer Roots appeared to have taken a shine to Sicamous. A newly released product for the store was an item called the New Sicamous Coat, priced at $228 on the roots.com online store.

November A standing-room only crowd of approximately 200 people packed the Sicamous Seniors Centres to listen to the candidates for the upcoming municipal election. The issue that the crowd was buzzing about was not necessarily items like improved water treatment or increased economic opportunities, although those were certainly discussed, but about the “team” approach being taken by five of the council candidates. The group has See Residents on page 8

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Eagle Valley News


Residents question $3.4 million jump in water plant cost Continued from page 7

Sicamous Business Directory

taken a political partylike strategy coming out with a “like-minded platform” to create change in the community. The candidates, Todd Kyllo, Malcolm Makayev, Colleen Anderson, Jeff Mallmes and Gord Bushell, were vocal in their support for a business-like ap-

proach to council and stressed the need for voters to elect a team of representatives who could get things done. Sicamous has many assets but improvements can be made, starting with attitude. That was the overall finding of eight Healthy Community Forums. District of Sicamous

Coun. Suzanne Carpenter said the goal of the forums, funded by a $5,000 grant from BC Healthy Communities Society, was to get a snapshot of what the community is doing well, how to sustain that and how to improve on making Sicamous a healthier community. Sicamous’


Western continued to live up to its name, receiving the hotel chain’s highest honour. At the Best Western International’s 2014 convention, held recently in Toronto, Best Western Sicamous Inn co-owners Loretta and Tim Corless were the recipients of the M.K. Guertin Award, as well as the Champion Customer Care Award.

The former honour is presented to Best Western properties that demonstrated “exceptional levels of service, quality, value and commitment to the brand. Sicamous elected a new team to council. Unofficial results showed Terry Rysz as the community’s new mayor with 545 votes, beating candidate Mal-


colm MacLeod by 200 votes. In the race for council, Gord Bushell received the most votes with 682. Next in line was Malcolm Makayev with 565, Todd Kyllo with 518, Jeff Mallmes with 492 and Colleen Anderson with 463. Rounding out the team was Janna Simons, who received 371 votes, a mere three votes over incumbent

candidate Fred Busch. Busch requested a recount be done. That was completed and the result remained the same. Malakwa’s Colin Martin was out on bail as he appeals an extradition order to the U.S. on charges linked to a cross-border drug See Martin on page 9


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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 7, 2015

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Martin granted bail while appealing extradition order Continued from page 8

smuggling operation. On Nov. 27, the B.C. Court of Appeal determined Martin was not at substantial risk to re-offend or flee, and that his release was not contrary to public interest. According to the Appeal Court registry, Martin was released on a $400,000 surety. Martin was recently sentenced to two years of jail time, minus 23 months for time in custody, after pleading guilty to charges of production of a controlled substance and possession for the purpose of trafficking. Two Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Shuswap Station 106 crews were nominated for the Canadian Safe Boating Council Rescue of the Year award. The nomination is for the crews’ two-day rescue effort in response to a boating collision on Aug. 17 in Hungry Cove. The Shuswap Trail Alliance sought the public’s assistance in

control over local mine permit applications.

the push for government support of the Shuswap-North Okanagan rail trail concept that could potentially link Sicamous to other communities along decommissioned rail lines extending to the U.S. border. This includes a connection to the famous Kettle Valley Rail Trails.

December Two Calgarians died when their Honda Civic crossed the centre line and into the path of a westbound semi truck near the Canoe Forest Products mill. The pair were 18 and 19 years old. Brandon Schweitzer can say he’s accomplished what few others have – a physical feat his friends find both inspiring and a bit crazy. On Nov. 15 and 16, Schweitzer was one of just over 1,000 people in Las Vegas taking part in the year’s World’s Toughest Mudder – a five-mile obstacle course, run repeatedly over a 24-hour period. He came in 255th place overall but, more

New council: Clockwise from top left – Terry Rysz was elected mayor. Elected to council was Colleen Anderson, Gord Bushell, Todd Kyllo, Janna Simons, Jeff Mallmes and Malcolm Makayev. importantly, he completed his 50-mile goal. Eight art works painted by Eagle Valley Brush and Palette Club members were selected for an interior set in the film Go With Me, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins, Ray Liotta and Julia Stiles, which was being filmed in Enderby.

Council received a report from All-Span engineering stating there’s another five years of life to the Eagle River Bridge on Sicamous-Solsqua Road. A ceremonial ground-breaking was held at the Dabell Street site of Sicamous’ future water treatment plant. Participating in

the event were Okanagan-Shuswap MP Colin Mayes, Shuswap MLA Greg Kyllo and Sicamous Mayor Terry Rysz – representing the three funding partners behind the $7.9 million project. District council supported a bylaw amendment to extend the sewer connection deadline

for properties on the east side of Sicamous Narrows. The amendment, which received three readings by council, extends the sewer connection deadline from June 30, 2015 to Nov. 30, 2015. Legal precedent may trump the district’s desire to have some

Shuswap residents saw an unusual trend develop at the gas pump. Over the past month or so, gas prices had been falling steadily across the country. As of Dec. 17, the average cost per litre of regular in B.C. was $1.79 and in Canada $1.9 (in Alberta, gas can be purchased for as low as 82.9 cents). In Kamloops, gas could be had for as low as 96.9 cents, while in the Shuswap, the price was $1.09.9. While this higherthan-average price may not have been a surprise to locals, a big difference was how it compares to neighbouring communities. In Vernon, Enderby and even Kelowna, regular was selling for $1.08.9. Salmon Arm chamber president Jim Kimmerly noted another big difference was the time it was taking Shuswap dealers to drop their prices in comparison to dealers in neighbouring communities.


Eagles put chill on Wranglers and Steam, then fall to Heat By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

The Sicamous Eagles transitioned into the new year on a couple of wins, only to be followed by a 5-2 defeat to the Chase Heat. On Dec. 30, the Eagles were in 100 Mile House where they earned a 3-2, comefrom-behind victory over the Wranglers. The home team potted singles late in the first and second frames. Come the third period, the Wranglers were losing steam, and wound up spending more time on the defensive. At 17:47, a marker by Ben Campbell, off Justin Wilde and Devyn Myck, put

the Eagles on the board. Nicholas Cuglietta tied things up with a late period power-play conversion, pushing the game into overtime. One minute into OT, Campbell added his second goal of the night, giving Sicamous the win, and earning the game’s second star. For their first game of the new year, the Eagles were in Summerland on Jan. 2, when they put the chill on the Steam with a 4-3 win. Sicamous started the scoring with a marker at 11:05 in the first period by Nathan Grieve, assisted by Riley Jepson and Owen Rowsell. At 8:21, Bradley White-

head delivered an unassisted goal. Summerland replied at 5:07 with an unassisted marker, but the Eagles would have the last word with a goal at :01 by Nathan Plessis, assisted by Scott Robinson and Whitehead. The Steam added a second goal around the half-way mark of the second frame, followed by the win-sealing marker from Eagle Korwin Schewchuk, assisted by Riley Cardinal and Arlyn Semeschuk. Summerland added its third goal in the third period. On Jan. 3, the Eagles were in Chase to once again take on the Heat.

The last time the teams met, Chase wound up on the losing side of a 4-0 shutout. The team was clearly determined not to let this happen again. The home team scored three times in the first frame around Sicamous goals, the first by Cuglietta, assisted by Myck, and the second by Campbell, assisted by Myck and Wilde. Though the Heat lost some steam from after the first period, they were able to add two more goals before the final buzzer. Sicamous netminder Patrick Kasper earned the game’s second star after stopping 39 out of 44 shots on net.

Face the Heat: Carter Hansen of the Sicamous Eagles tries knocking the Chase Heat’s Kolten Moore off the puck in the Sicamous zone during a Jan. 3 contest in Chase that ended in a 5-2 home-team win. Rick Koch photo

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Eagle Valley News

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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Your Crossword

CLUES ACROSS 1. Humbug 4. Meaningless talk 10. Conceit 11. Not studied 12. Megabyte 14. When born (abbr.) 15. Placed on a golf ball stand 16. Melekeok is the capital 18. Mischievous 21. Mason’s mortars 23. Spain’s former monetary unit 25. Small fries 27. Article 28. Capital of Yemen 29. Type of Theater companies 31. Plastic, paper or shopping 32. Electronic countermeasures 35. Language along the lower Yenisei River 37. Institute legal proceedings against 38. Beam 39. Old World buffalo 40. Latch onto 42. Physical therapy 43. Conditions of balance 48. Half pro 50. Resounded 52. Sales event 53. Separates seating areas 54. N.M. Pueblo people 55. Bridge building degree 56. Fullback 57. Peyote 59. Afflict 60. Rests on one’s knees 61. Having negative qualities

CLUES DOWN 1. Besmear 2. Genus dasyprocta 3. A male ferret 4. Unit of volume (abbr.) 5. Italian hors d’oeuvres 6. N.W. German city & port 7. Signal sounds 8. Adult females 9. -__, denotes past 12. Gas usage measurement 13. Fishhook point 17. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano 19. In a way, thrusts 20. Grimm brothers birthplace 22. Withered; dry 24. Genus salvia 26. About senator 30. Livestock enclosure 32. Work units 33. Hebrew name meaning dog 34. A tumor composed of muscle tissue 36. Satisfy to excess 41. Third mast 42. A horse’s strut 44. Tree producing gum (Arabic) 45. Armour carried on the arm 46. Winged goddess of the dawn 47. Ego 49. Hesitancy 51. Young woman of society 55. Founder of Babism 57. Mark (abbr.) 58. Jeans maker’s initials See Todays Answers inside

Your Horoscope

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Don’t be afraid to embrace your lighthearted side this week, Aries. Laughter is the best medicine, and those around you will enjoy your sense of humor.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Don’t spend too much time lost in your own fantasies, Scorpio. You need to maintain your focus on the tasks at hand, both at home and at work.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, embrace your desire to be close to friends this week. Spend as much time as you can with your friends, especially those you have not seen in awhile.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, resist the urge to take yourself too seriously. Instead, lighten up and embrace the “class clown” role for a little while. This departure from the norm is a breath of fresh air.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 A great week with regard to matters of the heart is on the horizon, Gemini. If you have been in a relationship for some time, now is a great time to talk about the future of that relationship.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your mind is running a mile a minute this week, but do your best to maintain your focus. This breakneck pace will only last for a little while.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You harbor desire to spend some time alone this week, Cancer. You are a social person, but even you need some moments to retreat into your own mind for a while.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Jump into a situation without restraint, Aquarius. You may find it’s refreshing to let go for a change and not worry about the potential outcomes.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 You may be noticing all of the good vibes surrounding you this week, Leo. Expect some positive changes in the days ahead. It may just be a new romantic relationship or friendship.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 You may receive happy news relating to your partner’s finances this week, Pisces. It could be a salary increase or a good bonus. It’s time to celebrate.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a work opportunity could spring up this week if you are willing to expand your horizons. It may be a bit outside of your comfort zone, but you can handle it. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you are in a relatively optimistic frame of mind this week as you try to see the bright side of things. You may find that many new opportunities are headed your way.

FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS JANUARY 7 Katie Couric, TV Host (58) JANUARY 8 David Bowie, Singer (68) JANUARY 9 Nina Dobrev, Actress (26) JANUARY 10 Pat Benatar, Singer (62)

Your Suduko Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).


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