Gazette The Lake Cowichan
VOL. 19, NO. 1 | $1 + GST
Bilary Atresia: Town rallies behind newborn with liver disease PAGE 3
Boil Water Advisory lifted as of Jan. 6: Turbidity levels return to normal after nearly a month
Cowichan Atom Invitational: Local teams face off against the Island PAGE 10
Photo Drew McLachlan
Keepy Johel, backup operator for the Town of Lake Cowichan, stands with the town’s new garbage truck, which will be put into use next week when the new waste pickup pilot project begins.
d Waste pickup system to be mechanized Year En
Taking out the trash: A new truck will usher in improvements on Drew McLachlan
One of the biggest changes ushered in by the new year is already on its way, as Lake Cowichan residents prepare for the town’s new waste collection pilot project, slated to begin on Jan. 12. Set to run throughout
2015 before it’s official launch, the pilot program brings Lake Cowichan up to speed with many other communities on the Island by providing certain residents with a separate “organics bin” which will allow the town to deal with compostable waste separately from regular garbage. Aside from the environmental benefits
Year En
e v e nnce garbage day t
7,000 $7,000 % 0
of the program, such Earlier this year, the the decision was made Bob Day said the new as offsetting waste that town went through in April. “It’s a wise system will make the would otherwise be with purchasing a new move. We can’t get into garbage route a much UP TO sent to a landfill, the garbage truck from organics without a new smoother ride. town also hopes that Rollins Machinery, truck. Let’s go for it.” “They’ll be able to the program will also costing them over One of the advantages do more pickups in less ethe v previous e n t of the new truck, which provide a financial $300,000, as time,ADJUSTMENTS with less strain IN TOTAL PRICE Amount available on 2014 Veloster Turbo Manualsaid. benefit by decreasing truck was on its last leg. arrived several months onthe bodies,” Day tipping fees, which “The $300,000 is less ago, though it hasn’t “There can be a lot of are charged by weight. than we anticipated, been put into use yet, downtime with garbage However, the upcomingUP TOand we know the life is its ability to partly truck operators.” changes won’t just is up on our existing mechanize garbage FINANCING appear on council’s garbage truck,” Mayor pickup once the new bins PURCHASE -Continued on page 2 FOR UP TO 96 MONTHS budget. e v Ross IN Forrest said after hit the curb. Councillor ON SELECT MODELS TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS
Year En
cleara d nce
Year En
cleara d nc en e t
Amount available on the 2014 Veloster Turbo Manual
7,000 0
Amount available available on 2014Genisis Veloster3.8 Turbo Amount onthe 2015 GTManual Coupe
Extended until January 12th 1174_November_POP_Window_Poster_ENG.indd 4
2014-10-27 2:39 PM
[MECHANICAL SPECS] LIVE N/A TRIM 20" X 30" (40" X 60")
[APPROVALS] CREATIVE DIRECTOR ______ Simon Duffy ART DIRECTOR ______ Simon Duffy
[ACTION] ____ PDFX1A to Pub ____ Collect to Resource Site
22 Wednesday, Wednesday, January 7, 2014 THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE January 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
New waste pickup pilot scheduledSeniors’ to startcentre nextasks week town
Like us on 2
Wednesday January 22, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
JENNINA, formerly of Heads or Nails, is pleased to announce that she is opening her own hair salon.
new pickup system means new for maximum funding
please: Group asks council to increase from $5,000 rules, and the Town More of Lake Cowichan is trying to funding lay them out
OPENING FEBRUARY -Continued from 4 thethfront
annually to $6,500
bins with non-degradable yet,” Rizk said. “‘Confusion’ 2015. While garbage bins will the town can pay up to to the Centre, page material will have to wait for implies that something only be$6,500 picked up Seniors’ every other at 43 King George Street, Serving the Cowichan Valley since 2006 while Area F (Cowichan Lake South/Skutz next week’s pickup. is unclear. As far as I’m week, the organics bin will Falls) be next to the bakery. Vaccines and Routine Physical Exams and Area I (Youbou) alsoeach provide funding. While the mechanization of concerned, the new program emptied week. SENIORS Rizk also spent last month The letter states: “The two area directors are In-Home Blood Pressure Measurements garbage pickup will make for is very clear. You just unwilling have to to amendCurrently, onlybylaw singleRECEaIVE 10%driving ahead of the garbage the grant-in-aid pertaining Walk-ins Medical Diagnostics more efficient system, the town truck himself, looking for practice it.” family homes are planned O to the Seniors’ Centre as they are jointlytonow FF A Preventative Medicine and Palliative Care LL welcome is preparing for “a big learning For residents who are still theirbe incorporated into the pilot providing maximum of $11,000 based on the SERVICES residents who had jumped the Private Euthanasias converted valueprogram, of land improvements in their curve,” according to Day. though Rizk said areas. it’s Dr. Nancy Holling, The basis of their town hasorroom CallVeterinarian for an appointmentTo @make 250.932.9222 up for the stillargument up in theisairthewhether to contribute annot additional $1,500homes as it is currently confusion, the garbage truck multi-family will be 250.746.6143 providing $5,000.” will be accompanied by 2016. Centre Cell 250.709.5448 Hornbrook isincorporated clearly all forbefore the Seniors’ someone to make sure bins The program will be receiving more money. Dr. Holling will be having a vaccine/medical clinic are lined up correctly along gather “The Kaatzareviewed Museuminisorder in a tovery fortunate position whereby thebefore town pays issuance, data theits full launch,heating in Lake Cowichan, Saturday, January 10th, 2015 the curb and at least one metre and hydro costs.such The Seniors’ Centre has to all of apart from each other, allowing as logistics regarding thethat Please contact the Pet Emporium 250.749.4454 itself and I just think it’s disproportionate,” he for mechanical pickup. pickup routes and schedules,said. “The museum only gets around 2,000 visitors per to schedule an appointment. BAPTIST PENTECOSTAL Staff will also be knocking as well as how much11,000.” the full year and the Senior Centre gets about Cowichan Lake Cowichan on doors Lake or making contact programwith willAreas costFthe The Town combined andtown I currently Baptist Church in order Christian Fellowship with residents to once it is launched. provide a total of $30,000 in funding to the museum 8259 Beaver Road 57 King George St. South Mike D’Amour via a CVRD grant-in-aid allocation. on the ensure bins are left out More information Lake Cowichan Lake Cowichan Councillor Tim McGonigle, whowhat chaired properly in the future. gun and put out the new bins as unsure of the details of the new program, including can the Town of Lake Cowichan Coun. Franklin Hornbrook 250-749-3211 250-749-6492 meeting, was onbeboard. “It’s our job to educate,” soon as they received them in program, the Town of Lake placed in the organic waste Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. “It’s not like we’re moving forward with an Day said,10:30 “and sometimes that November, and explaining that Cowichan’s website contains can be found at Sunday School a.m. increase, awe’rebins, just bringing it up toonline the maximum Ross Armour Lake CowiChan Gazette means orTerry Hale the new program doesn’t start detailed outline, including what or level in the bylaw,” he said. Pastor Pastor Daleknocking Winters on doors making phone calls.” until Jan.The 12.Town of Lake Cowichan will canconsider and can’t go in the organics by explains calling Public Works and the The letter also that back “in 2006, pumping ANGLICAN BAPTIST not clear atServices this time,atrequested Nagi Rizk, superintendent “We put tags on all ofthe theCowichanbin, toCentre. purchaseTown, 100 for reasons Engineering 250more money into Lakewhere Seniors ROMAN CATHOLIC CONGREGATIONAL ANGLICAN St. Christopher of its maximum contribution for Cowichan Lake St. Louis letter presented Administrative St. Christopher of Lake Cowichan’s Public weasent them out, by Chief per cent compostable an bagsincrease as 749-6244. de Montfort ‘New Hope’bins when In and St. Aidan the Seniors’ Centre to $6,500 but continued to Officernot Joseph A. them Fernandez atwell last as Tuesday’s town & St. Aidan Baptist Church Works, said that anyCommunity organic Church telling people to use a pickup schedule for steadfastly maintain its annual contribution to the HOUSE CALLS FOR DOGS AND CATS
“ F���� D��������
70 Cowichan Ave. W Lake Cowichan
250-749-3466 Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
708259 Cowichan Ave. W Beaver Road Lake LakeCowichan Cowichan
250-749-3466 250-749-3211
Pastor Dale Winters
10648 Youbou Road Youbou
Fr. Alfredo Monacelli
St. Louis de Montfort Lake Cowichan TOWN Christian Fellowship 57 King George St. South Lake Cowichan
250-749-6492 Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Terry Hale
Bob Day
finance and administration committee meeting, the seniors’ centre requested council add an extra $1,500 on top of the $5,000 it currently provides. “The seniors are looking for the town to pay its full amount as Areas F and I have already done so,” said Coun. Frank Hornbrook, the former manager of the Cowichan Lake and District Seniors Association. Under a Cowichan Valley Regional District bylaw,
Seniors’ Centre at the $5,000 level.” Hornbrook as a result made a motion that the topic be brought forward for further discussion at future financial meetings and budget talks. With Councillor Jayne Ingram absent, Councillors Bob Day and McGonigle voted in favour of the motion alongside Hornbrook, with only Mayor Ross Forrest against.
Chamber of Commerce seeks the CitizenWhoofisthe for 2014 your Year outstanding citizen?
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.Mass Sunday at 12:30 p.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Rev. David Peterson
Rev. Sheila Flynn
60 Fern Road Lake Cowichan
It’s our (council’s) job to educate, and sometimes that means knocking on doors or making phone calls.
Coffee at 10 a.m. Sunday Service 11 a.m
Rev.Vikki Marrs
Lake Cowichan’s topGetvolunteer: Nominations forms willof the beYear them honoured: Nominations wanted for Citizen Stock Community released next monthandatNichole the visitor centreService andawards online
60 Fern Road Lake CowichanNOTICE
250-749-4103 Pursuant to Sections 890 (1) and 892 of the Local Government Act, notice is
Mass Sunday 10:00 hereby given at that the a.m. Council of the Town of Lake Cowichan intends to hold
a Public Hearing to consider adopting the “Town of Lake Cowichan Zoning Chalmers Gazettelife ca). The Malcolm Gazette will also be Lake CowiChan fellow worker’s Drew McLachlan Bylaw No. 935-2013”. The Public Hearing will be held at 6 pm. on Tuesday, Fr. Alfredo Monacelli running a nomination form after a workplace Lake CowiChan January 28th, 2014 in Council Chambers located atGazette 39 South Shore Road, Lake Do you know someone who was outstanding in once nominations are open. accident; and 2011 Cowichan, BC, prior to the consideration and adoption of the proposed bylaw. 2013, someone you think has the qualities to be
With 2014 now officially
Worsley saidLake the number of 2013winners and Jonamed Cowichan’s Citizen ofPete the Year?
Under authority of Section 903 of the Local Government Act, the Town Dovaries you know tireless volunteer, worthyfor of the nominations froma year Ann Pimlott their over, it’s time to look back exercises its responsibility in designating different zones pertaining to land 2013 Nichole Stockfrom Community Service Award? to touse year, typically ranging long commitment at the people who made in the Town of Lake Cowichan, and establishing the appropriate regulations If you do, nominate them for the Cowichan Lake to 15, though usually only community service. the community a little bitBylaw. The six for those zones through the proposed and revised Zoning land District Chamber of Commerce’s annual awards. onetocan beThe named Citizen Eachtorecipient use regulations of the designated zonesthrough contained in the bylaw are meant better their tireless Citizen of the of Year is given someone of who the Year.has Thespearheaded, winner is decided thecarried award through will alsoa ensure that uses of land and improvements are developed for the public good. volunteer work and honour organized or
their ingenuity through the
by a committee, who receive a spot on project that hasdiscuss benefited the community as a whole
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow the public to make representation during 2013. the nominations, research the the Citizen of the Lake Cowichan Chamber to Council respecting matters contained in the proposed bylaw.ofAll those who You talk couldtonominate a hero like theplaque, 2010 Citizen of programs and residents Year which “Citizen believe that their interests mayCommerce’s be affected byannual the proposed bylaw shall be the Year winner Blake Spragueiswho saved a fellowat before deciding. kept on display afforded the opportunity to beofheard at the hearing or may make present the Year Award.” life after a workplace accident a couple Whileworker’s the official Citizen of the VisitororCentre. written submissions respecting matters contained the bylaw But what does in it take to beprior to the like 2011 winners Pete and Jo-Ann Pimlott for their hearing. Written submissions, however, beYear? made no later than 4.30the pmYear ongoing is normally revealed Citizenmust of the community service. Whoever the next on January 28th, 2014 and these will be made available to Council. at the Chamber’s annual Citizen of theAward Year The Nichole Stock Community Service
“The Citizen of the Year is general meeting, the award is, they know winners are individuals who have won’t exemplified someone spearheaded A copy of the proposed Zoning Bylaw andwho attached schedule may be viewed volunteerism and who have not received anythe will be handed out a little later until they’re given a project within the last year, on the Town’s website ( zoning.shtml) or remuneration for the volunteeraward. activity for which the this these and other relevant documents may be inspected at the Town Offi ce,year, to coincide with that received no remuneration File photo award isannual being proposed. 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia, Monday to Friday, the Chamber’s Spring “We always bring Kathryn Worsley holds up the Citizen of the Year for it, but benefited the whole Malcolm Chalmers Past winners include Val Sangster in 2011 and excluding statutory holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until January 27th, Fling event in April. The them out on a ruse Katheryn Award. The winner this year willof be placed holds on community in the process,” Robert Bell in 2012. Worsley from the chamber commerce 2014. annual fundraiser, in its to put forforth something else,” up thethenew plaque, lastIfyear. “ It’s up tonow the community nominations” Citizen of thecreated year award. you are chosen Chamber of Commerce winner this year you may be comemmorated on a brand 13th year, helps the Chamber Worsley said. “Last said Chamber of Commerce spokesperson Katherine spokesperson Katheryn For additional information please contact the Chief Administrative Officer. thisYear one isAward, full. the Chamber know someone, pickwe upgot andGerald fill out new plaque sincethe cover theWorsley. costs of“Ifitsyou student year, Worsley said. Introducing the New Mobile Cash-Back Feature. the form.” will also soon be seeking employment program and Thom to come out to do a ANYWHERE. Dated at Lake Cowichan, British Columbia this 9th day of January, 2014. With exclusive offers for the brands you love & $5 cash-out minimums If you know somebody Forms are available at the Visitor/Business Centre, ANYWHERE. nominations for the Nichole through PayPal, you’ll never go shopping without your smart phone again! desired. other paid staff. Worsley said presentation for the Chamber Introducing the New Mobile Cash-Back Feature. who fits that description, there 125 South Shore Road. You can also download or fill ANYWHERE. Joseph Fernandez, All entries must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Stock Community Service Introducing the New Mobile Feature. With exclusive offers for brands you loveCash-Back & $5A. cash-out minimumsChief Administrative Officer the moving of the on the website projectwww. he was working are several ways to nominate out the formaward onlinewill at the Chamber’s Town Lake With exclusive offersnever for thegobrands you love & of $5 cash-out minimums through PayPal, you’ll shopping without your smartCowichan phone again! Monday, Feb. Award. 3, to theThe Cowichan Lake District annual award is Introducing the New Mobile Cash-Back Feature. also give the Citizen of the on at the time, then revealed through PayPal, neverBack go shopping your smart again! Getyou’ll Cash inPO 3without Easy Steps them for the Citizen of the Box 860, 39phone South Shore Road Chamber of Commerce Visitor/Business Centre, With exclusive offers for the brands you love & $5 cash-out minimums given to an individual who Year a bigger was receiving the Youraudience. form can be as simplethat or ashedetailed as you emailed Lake Cowichan, V0R 2G0 Year Award. Starting in late through PayPal, you’ll never go shopping without your smart BC phone again! to or sent by fax to Cash Back inReceipt 3 Easy Steps has exemplified volunteerism. 1. Browse &Get Shop 2. Upload 3. Get Cash Back! want. Judgesofwill you if award. more information is 250-749-0187. The next Citizen thecall Year The only person who February, you can pick up a Get CashTake Back in 3 Easy Steps Browse the mobile app a photo of your Once you reach just $5, Past winners include Wilma will be in good company. knew was his wife, so she 1. Browse & Shop 2. Upload Receipt 3. Get Cash Back! for your favourite brand’s andin submit it the money you save will nomination form from the Get Cash receipt Back 3 Easy Steps mobile app 2.Take a photo ofapp your Once youCash reach just $5,your Rowbottom in 2013 and 1.Browse Browse & Shop Upload Receipt 3. Get Back! offers, andthe purchase through the be transferred into Previous recipients of the could make sure he would Visitor Centre on 125 South for your favourite receipt and submit it the money you save them at any storebrand’s PayPal wallet Browse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach justwill $5, Robert Bell in 2012. offers, and through the app be into your 1. Browse &purchase Shop Upload Receipt 3.transferred Get Cash award include: Gerald Thom attend. We always get one for your favourite brand’s 2. receipt and submit it the money you saveBack! will Shore Road or fill one in online them at any store PayPal wallet offers, purchase through the of app beOnce transferred into your Browse theand mobile app Take a photo your you reach just $5, Nominations begin next in 2013, for his tireless work family member in on it, just at anybrand’s store for yourthem favourite receipt and submit it the PayPal moneywallet you save will through the Lake Cowichan offers, and purchase through the app be transferred into your month, so begin thinking of with the local watershed to make sure they show up to them at any store PayPal wallet Chamber of Commerce who you would like to see and Cowichan River; Blake receive the award.” website (www.cowichanlake. named Citizen of the Year. Sprague in 2011, for saving a Along with the Citizen of Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More In partnership with
SAVE ANYWHERE. In partnership with In partnership with
SAVE SAVE In partnership with
Visit to Learn More COWICHAN GAZETTE January www.lakecowichangazette.comTHE | LAKE THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTEWednesday, | Wednesday, January 7, 07,2015 2015 33
Photo Carolyne Austin
Photo Malcolm Chalmers
The release of the balloons at midnight brings in 2015 at the New Year’s Eve party at the Youbou Hall.
Eva and Gary Fearon at the 50 plus Activity Centre’s New Year’s Bash. The centre played host to over 70 patrons , who enjoyed a night of drink, dance and food, ending with a countdown to midnight and a toast of sparkling cider. Several door prizes were donated by the Footwear Centre, Island Pharmacy and Mid-Island Co-op. The two designated drivers of the night were also each given a Co-op gas card. Jan Matthews played an eclectic setlist of songs spanning several decades and genres to keep the diverse crowd on their feet.
Local newborn diagnosed with bilary atresia, a life-threatening liver disease
up and damage the liver. There Carlow family are also planning is a temporary treatment called a fundraiser for Naomi later this the “Kasai procedure” which, if month. “Our friends are helping out so It came as a shock to the Carlow successful, can extend the time before a liver transplant is required. me and my wife can focus on being family when newborn Naomi Naomi recently underwent the there for Curtis, Meredith and was diagnosed with bilary atresia Kasai procedure, though doctors Naomi,” Shawn said. “The support following her birth on Nov. 30, will not know if it was successful has been extremely humbling. but Naomi’s grandfather, Shawn for up to three months. We’ve always been strong in Carlow, said he wasn’t at all The Carlows have set up a volunteering and supporting the surprised by how the community trust fund for Naomi at the Lake community, and I’ve always looked has reached out to help the family Cowichan Island Savings Credit at it as a pay-forward, though we in their time of need. never anticipated having the need “I’ve found the whole Cowichan Union in order to help offset the cost of ferry trips to the BC ourselves. It’s been extremely Lake area to be very unique,” he Children’s Hospital, some of which humbling.” said. “It’s like a family. Families Donations to Naomi and the have differences, but they also rally are not covered by BC Medical, and time that Naomi’s father Curtis Carlow family can be made to together when there’s a need.” Lake Cowichan Island Savings Bilary atresia is a life-threatening has to take off work. Shawn said that the Youbou Fire Department Credit Union, under the account condition in which the bile ducts and Daly’s Auto Centre have lent number 239 309 8. inside or outside the liver do not HAN GAZETTE a tremendous hand in helping have normal openings, causing to raise money. Friends of the bile to become trapped, build Drew McLachlan
Photo Drew McLachlan
Curtis and Meredith Carlow with their newborn daughter Naomi, who was diagnosed with bilary atresia. She recently underwent the “Kasai procedure,” which could buy the family time before a liver transplant is needed.
Honeymoon Bay market-goers Cabin Fever the winter market gap confident Cabinbridges Fever is catching
File photo
Guy Patten, left, chats with Honeymoon Bay Farmers’ Market manager and Cabin Fever coordinator Bob Riddler.
Diana Hutton
thisMcLachlan event something special, with“It’s exactly the same as our Drew outdoor markets,” Riddler said. sneak previews of new items that LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE “Everything [for sale] has to be they’ve been working on over the or grown or painted.” While many residents may be winter and homemade goodiesmade The Cabin Fever Market’s coming down from the rush of on the lunch menu. name stems from a Honeymoon Christmas craft fairsCarol and markets, Local artist Rettig, Honeymoon Bay Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Market tradition. When a regular at the outdoor that market first began, Riddler manager Bob Riddler is busy summer with her fresh said he operated out of a “cabin,” preparing for market the annual Cabin homegrown veggies, will havewhile other vendors put up tents Fever Market set for next month. around the market grounds. As the The Feverand Market, now as well herCabin painting art cards, continued, more and more entering its fourth year, was created as some more edible delights. market vendors decided to put up their to bridge the got gap some between the “I’ve wonderful own cabins. The farmers’ market various Christmas fairs around herb-wine jellies which are great grew in popularity, and a sort-of the lake and the plentiful farmers’ for glazing meat as well as a markets held throughout spring and “cabin fever” caught on. Despite blackberry-merlot jelly that is its name, the Cabin Fever Market summer, beating back withdrawals will be held inside, so those struck unique and absolutely for both market vendors and delicious,” saysThe Rettig. “I’ve some with cabin fever will have to wait patrons. market willgot feature for the Honeymoon Bay Farmers’ a large selection of baked goods, different types of homemade produce, homemade baking as well.”crafts and art. Markets in the summer to once Another local artist, Shelly Ogden will be there with her
again grace the cabins. “We always host [Cabin Fever] inside, we can’t take a chance with the weather in February,” Riddler said. “When spring comes, we fight it off.” The Cabin Fever Market is currently slated for Feb. 7 at the Honeymoon Bay Community Hall, though organizers are still waiting for confirmation from the CVRD. Regardless of the date, the Honeymoon Bay Hall is sure to be packed with handmade art, crafts, baked goods and produce. “We usually have about 30 sellers, including 24 regulars,” Riddler said. “Most of them have been with us for the whole trip, there isn’t much turnover.”
Wednesday, 2015 THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE 44 Wednesday, JanuaryJanuary 07, 2015 7, | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Lake Cowichan Gazette or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address and day and evening phone numbers and that are verified by the Lake Cowichan Gazette can be considered for publication.
Got a news tip? Email us at:
Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Lake Cowichan Gazette may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms and will be edited for clarity, grammar and length. Publication is not guaranteed. Email your thoughts to or fax it to us at 250-749-4385
The Columbia River Treaty flows one way
B.C. Views: The United States has been ripping us off on water for 50 years Tom Fletcher BLACK PRESS
VICTORIA — The United States has Canada over a barrel, on water as well as oil these days, but the tide is turning. In an earlier column I mentioned a new book called The Columbia River Treaty – A Primer by members of Simon Fraser University’s climate adaptation team. This slim volume makes the case that B.C. has ended up with a shockingly bad deal from this 1964 treaty, which concerned itself entirely with flood control and hydroelectric power. In those days there was little or no environmental assessment. Agriculture, fish habitat and aboriginal impacts were ignored. More than a decade after the disastrous flood year of 1948, once Ottawa stopped its bureaucratic delays, U.S. public and private power utilities paid B.C. $254 million to build three dams on the Columbia system. Those dams (and one at Libby, Montana that mostly floods B.C. land) hold back the huge spring runoff from the Rockies and then dole out water for power production in B.C. and for the 15 hydro dams previously built downstream in the U.S. The U.S. payment was for half the power over 30 years, which B.C. didn’t need at the time. Then our American cousins
cut us another cheque for $64 million, an estimate of the value of flood protection from 1968 all the way to 2024. Boy, did we get taken. The SFU team calculates the value of that flood control to the U.S. at more like $32 billion. That’s not even the worst of it. The Kootenays were once the leading fruit and vegetable growing area in B.C., bigger than the Okanagan. Now in the Arrow Lakes and other reservoirs, levels rise and fall dramatically to steady the flow south. In addition to the large areas permanently flooded by the Mica, Duncan and Hugh Keenleyside dams, this renders more of B.C.’s prime bottom land impassable. B.C. is paid precisely zero for this sacrifice, while Washington state has developed a $5 billiona-year farm economy using our stable irrigation source. That has helped their tree fruit growers push some Okanagan orchardists out of business. As U.S. billionaires continue to bankroll environmental attacks on B.C. and Alberta energy projects, it’s worth noting that long before the treaty, the U.S. military-industrial complex had wiped out the Columbia River salmon runs. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its private power partners dammed everything they could find, exterminating a fishery bigger than the Fraser that had sustained
Caycuse • Honeymoon Bay • Lake Cowichan • Mesachie Lake • Youbou
Box 10, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia V0R 2G0 Street Address: 170E-Cowichan Lake Road Phone: 250-749-4383 FAX: 250-749-4385 Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535 (toll free) EDITORIAL: ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS LTD. Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement #1090194 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
aboriginal people on both sides of today’s border for thousands of years.
that Americans, including traditional tribes, want those salmon runs restored. Vast
Washington state has developed a $5-billion-a-year farm economy that has... pushed some Okanagan orchardists out of business. Tom Fletcher
B.C. Energy Minister Bill Bennett and SFU’s Jon O’Riordan both described to me their experience at the Columbia River Basin conference, held last October in Spokane. Their main impression was
amounts have been spent on hatcheries and habitat to speed recovery below the Grand Coulee dam, which stands like a giant tombstone for migratory fisheries above it. Should the Americans ever
DENNIS SKALICKY Publisher The Lake Cowichan Gazette is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
manage to get salmon above their biggest dam, it will largely be up to B.C. to provide sufficient cool water to keep them alive. That service has an increasing value to the U.S. as well as an ongoing cost to B.C. Bennett surprised some in Spokane when he said the U.S. needs to pay more for the benefits from the Columbia River Treaty. The flood control agreement expires in 2024. The treaty requires 10 years’ notice for either country to exit. Climate shifts are expected to make B.C. water more important than ever. Your move, Uncle Sam. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:
COLUMNIST Rolli Gunderson
Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38 Within BC . . . . . . . . . . . $54 National . . . . . . . . . $107 Electronic . . . . . . . . . $38 LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE 7, 2015 www.lakecowichangazette.comTHE | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE Wednesday, | Wednesday,January January 07, 2015 55
With Malcolm Chalmers
Street Beat
Cowichan Lake
SAYS We asked:
What is your favourite memory from this past holiday season?
Alec Dalskog Linda Anderson “I hadn’t seen one of “Spending time with my grandkids. I got to see them my friends for awhile and we went up to his place. all over the holidays both His parents had an early here and in Parksville.” Christmas dinner for him because he was working through the holidays. So I got two Christmas dinners with family and friends.”
Margaret Northway “Seeing my family. They all came to visit us here in Lake Cowichan this year. They drove up from Duncan and Victoria for Christmas.”
Glen Berry “We got to visit with family and friends around here in Lake Cowichan. We got two dinners this year one at home and one where we ate out.”
Shannon Edgar “I got a gas power saw for Christmas from my husband. Now I can clean up my back yard.”
Your Say: Letters to the editor
We want to hear from you! Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Keep it local — letters in response to issues raised in our pages get top priority. Letters will be edited for clarity, grammar and length — attack the issue, not the individual. All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. Thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication. Letters can be sent electronically to editor@lakecowichangazette. com.
Violent dogs aren’t an issue of breed, but of knowledge and awareness Dear Editor,
Photos Malcolm Chalmers
Friends Dalton Arnison and Brayden Swain were the big winners at the Valley Fish and Game’s Boxing Day Shoot. The two youngsters outshot 25 other shooters in the Annie Oakley shoot then evenly split the cash prizes between them.
Mesachie Lake Fire Department’s year-inreview for 2014
During 2014, we had 14 calls, including a mutual aid with the Lake Cowichan Fire Department for a structure fire on Nov. 6. We underwent extensive mutual aid training with Honeymoon Bay Volunteer Fire/Rescue using tankers and portable ponds at our practice area in Mesachie Lake during the spring and summer. We received $11,000 from BC Gaming to cover the costs of responding to rescue calls on the Pacific Marine Circle Route between Port Renfrew and Mesachie Lake at the beginning of the year. During the summer, our quad raffle raised a little over $9,000, again to help fund our rescue calls on the PMR. We modified our rescue truck (#42) to better hold our rescue equipment. In May we had to replace the engine in our
pumper truck (#41). Two new members have joined the Mesachie Lake Volunteer Fire/Rescue Service Five more of our fire fighters received First Responder Level 3 Training in December and that makes all but two of our firefighters have FR3 certification. At the end of December Deputy Chief Dave Middlemost will be retiring after almost 20 years with us. His firefighting career has spanned 48 years and includes time with the City of Hamilton Fire Department and the Canadian forces. Owen Robertson was voted in to be our new Deputy Chief starting January 1st 2015. — Submitted by Gary Eve, Fire chief, Mesachie Lake
Several recent posts got me thinking, and I wanted to share my thoughts. Many people have profiled several breeds of dog as dangerous, and though I have in the past tried to defend my favourites on these lists, this simple truth always comes up. Dogs are predators who think entirely differently from humans. We chose to domesticate them for a variety of reasons and purposes and that means that we must respect their ancestry. We take a calculated risk when exposing our dogs to others and bear the responsibility of the possible outcomes of the dogs acting on their primal instincts. Small dog, smaller outcome. Big dog, bigger outcome . Yes, we do our best to train and raise our pets to interact with others without aggression, but in any breed mistakes can be made as a result of the differences between the perception of humans and those of the dog. Even the best-trained and most well-natured dog has the potential to attack if the right instinct is stimulated, regardless of its breed. Having owned several large-breed dogs, I have tried to understand and recognize danger signals or bad habits and I still am not completely sure what goes on in their heads. That I have been very lucky in my choices of pets is the most I can claim.
I suppose what I’m trying to say is that responsible dog ownership is not a black and white, big or small, Pitbull or Shitzou issue — it’s a risk and reward balancing act that differs in every case. The bigger and stronger the breed is, the heavier the responsibility is. Many will say that large-breed dog owners should be required to take courses or pass tests to ensure responsible care and management of their pets, but until society can all agree on what to say to each other around “the holidays,” I doubt this will happen. Until then, social peercounseling is our only choice. Learn all you can about the lineage and nature of your dogs and recognize inherent aggressive tendencies so you can either correct them or isolate dangerous animals from those that might be hurt by them. Talk to, teach and learn from other dog owners. I could go on for days and never say all that should be said, but the point is that a single statement of any kind cannot sum up this issue and it’s not about breed — it’s about knowledge and awareness! Cheers to all and a happy New Year! —Matthew Black Lake Cowichan
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
6 Wednesday, January 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
With Malcolm Chalmers
Smile FILE
Sharon Mirault
Occupation: Early childhood educator I’ve always wanted to: Hang glide Most people don’t know that: I come from Ontario Favourite food: Salmon Favourite activity: Walking or swimming My proudest moment: Graduating last year from the early childhood education class I define down time as: Meditation I wish I was better at: Fishing Favourite moment of day is: Early morning I’m currently reading: My encyclopedia for nutritional healing My guiltiest pleasure is: Smoking If I had a $1,000,000: I would buy a house to live in
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Hail to the chieftess: Lake Cowichan’s two female mayors Jean Brown: LC’s former commissioner, mayor, Citizen of the Year, still ‘as sharp as a tack’
Rolli Gunderson
PAGES OF HISTORY Born in Enthistle, Alberta in 1930, young Jean Lewis (Brown), her sister Mabel (Calder) and their mother Rachel, arrived in Lake Cowichan in 1934, two years after their father Jim arrived looking for work. The family soon moved into a rented floathouse moored along the Cowichan River near the present day Fields department
store. Young Jean, who grew up in Lake Cowichan where she still resides, could never have imagined that one day she would become the Mayor of the Village, one of only two women to ever hold the position. Married in the 1947, Jean and her husband Sam Brown had four children, all raised in Lake Cowichan like their mother before them. Sam was a veteran of the Second World War and therefore qualified for a house in the then-new family-friendly 100 Houses subdivision. Sam, who passed away a few years ago, worked “in the woods” (euphemism for logger). Later, Jean took on the responsibility of running the local public library system serving twenty-seven years as head
librarian in the Lake Cowichan branch. Always interested in and involved within the community, Jean was elected (and re-elected) to the Lake Cowichan school board serving several years as a trustee before taking the helm as board chairman of School District #66. In 1986 Jean successfully ran for a seat on the Village of Lake Cowichan council. She retained the position until 1996 when she was elected to the top-spot, Mayor of Lake Cowichan, for a total of thirteen years in elected office. In 1993 Jean and her sister Marie Bergstrom (recently passed away) were jointly awarded the local Citizen of the Year. Now retired, Jean remains active, witty and still “as sharp as a tack” as the old saying goes.
Sherri Brubaker
• • • •
$124,900 2 bedrooms with the master being quite large laundry room, bright well maintained kitchen, dining area. spacious living room with access to covered sun deck overlooking the park and Cowichan River. John Stilinovic, Associate Broker
RE/Max Mid Island Realty
(P)250-724-4725 (F)250-724-1645
The 50 Plus Activity Centre would like to thank the following for making the New Years Eve Dance a great success through volunteering, donations and advertising: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Donna and Bill Roughley The Footwear Centre Island Pharmacy Tipton’s Gas Bar Mid-island Consumers Cop-op Lake Cowichan Hospital Auxiliary Darlene, Evelyn, Cara, Maureen, Carolyne, Marina, Carol, Greg Designated drivers Gordon and Dave The Kaatza Lakeside Players Country Grocer Irly Bird Home Centre C. L. District Seniors’ Association
Photo Rolli Gunderson Collection
Photo Rolli Gunderson Collection
One time Mayor of Lake Cowichan. Mrs. Mildred Child, standing in front row flanked by NDP MP Bob Strachan on her left and NDP MLA Tommy Douglas on her right. Back row, from left: Melba and Gunder Gunderson, Photo circa 1960/70s.
Jean Brown was the second woman to hold the position of mayor of Lake Cowichan. She brought more than a touch of class to the position as well as the common touch.
Mrs. Child: Local woman sets sights on top job in 1960, after two years as village commissioner Years before Jean Brown was elected mayor of the village, Mrs. Mildred Child broke the glass ceiling when she became the first female mayor of the Village of Lake Cowichan in 1960. Mrs. Child, as she was ALWAYS called, demanded respect and got it. She was all business with a nononsense attitude who virtually lived and breathed politics on every level — local, provincial and federal. Prior to her role as mayor, she worked many years for the local school district, retiring as Assistant SecretaryTreasurer. As a woman, she was certainly ahead of her time when elected to the Lake Cowichan Village Council as councillor (then known as commissioner) in 1957. After two years she decided it was time to take the top job, which she did. Child revelled in
her role as mayor (then known as Chairman), retaining the position for seven years before retiring from local politics in 1967. During her tenure Childs took an on hands style of leadership demonstrating an ability to keep her eye on every aspect of “municipal affairs and spending”. It was said that she knew where every penny went and ruled with an iron hand. Her strong personality and intolerance for “back room politics” and “the old boys club” was just what the village needed resulting in a well run operation. In 1968 she moved to Vancouver to be near her daughter although returned to the lake each summer “to visit friends and catch up on village activities”, wrote former mayor Don Gordon some years ago. Years later the village
honoured Mrs. Child by naming the former BCTel / Lake Cowichan Public Library building on South Shore Road, the Mildred Child Annex, very recently the new location of the Lake Cowichan Food Bank. (It would seem appropriate, to this writer, that she be honoured with a plaque mounted on the present or new town hall.) At age 87 Mrs. Child died at Willowhaven Private Hospital, Nelson, B. C., on May 31, 1978. Her dedication to and love of Lake Cowichan was shown a final time with the scattering of her ashes on Cowichan Lake. (Two sources of information give two different sets of dates of her years with the school district and Village of Lake Cowichan. The information used here appeared more plausible that the other). | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, January 07, 2015 7
250.749.6660 145 South Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan
Keith Nelson
TOLL FREE PAGE 1-800-729-3246 Tracy Forrest
Sharon Kelly
AFFORDABLE UNIQUE 4 BDRMLIVING HOME There is room for everyone here. 4 bdrm & 2 bath home on a double south facing lot. Offers a big detached shop, fenced garden area, storage shed and many other features.
GREAT LOCATION 3 bd/2bath rancher on a cul-de-sac. Open design with curved archway separating the dining area from lv rm, propane fp, skylight in the lg kit. Fenced & private back yard. Min.from Cowichan River & shopping.
92 Cowichan Ave. East
Quality home with stunning lake views. Located directly across from the marina, this home is zoned to allow for a B&B or home based business. Offering two entrances, living areas, kitchens, sundecks, 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Call today to view this beautiful home!
434 Point Ideal Dr.
This unit has updated flooring throughout, new baseboards and is freshly painted. Main level entry, two bedroom condo has a great layout with a spacious living room with a slider and separate dining room. This is a great way to get into the market as a first time buyer, retiree or investor. You can’t go wrong at this price!
$2000 BUYER BONUS Well maintained home with curb appeal, private landscaped backyard. Sep driveway for your RV/Boat? 2 storey, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, open plan on a quiet no-thru road close to the Cowichan River. Walking distance to town. Call realtor for more info. on buyer bonus!
209 Quamichan REDUCED
Great family home in a Wonderful Neighborhood. Fully finished spacious 5 bed / 3 bath home including a 12’ x 25’ garage and separate workshop. Offers central vac, heat pump, awning over deck & a big fenced back yard.
Family home with 5 bdrms and 4 baths. Radiant hot water heating that is extremely efficient in the winter months. Nice U shaped kitchen with quality floor tiles. Mstr bdrm has a walk in closet and 3 pc bath that includes a lg. Jacuzzi tub. Potential investment.
33 Pine Street
504 Johel Cresc.
Lg. shop for All Your Toys! bdrm home is located close to all town amenities and is situated on a roomy .32 acre lot. Separate 1200 sq ft shop with two bays and 11 ft high doors. Great family home.
This 3 level, 3 bedroom home has a large bright kitchen and lots of storage in the basement. The property which sit on nearly a half acre suggesting subdivision potential. The house needs TLC and sold “As Is, Where Is”. This home must be sold so bring your ideas!
10 & 16 King George St.
One bdrm mobile located in Paradise Village RV Park. Small addition attached to the home, deck and shed. Honeymoon Bay is a wonderful community to enjoy outdoor recreational activities on and around Cowichan Lake throughout the year. Priced to sell!
#59-6855 Park Ave.
196 Neva Road
10085 Youbou Road
84 Nelson Rd.
189 MacDonald Rd.
This waterfront home has the WOW factor! Located in a protected bay - waterski, fish, lounge on the dock by the beach. 2000 sq ft family home. Many updates: windows, roof, kitchen, bathroom & more. Outdoor features are fruit trees, garden, big level lawn, wharfs all on .43 of an acre.
$649,000 MOVE-IN READY
10125 South Shore
Start your dream here! Waterfront lot located in the Creekside Estates. Property boasts 14,124 sq ft & is ready to build on. Add your own private dock or walk. Enjoy summer, live year round or retire.
$309,000 10034 March Rd.
Lot 34, Creekside Dr.
THIS HOME OFFERS LAKE VIEWS Big outdoor deck and nice backyard. The home may need some upgrading but has many wonderful features such as a large kitchen and living room plus thermal windows on the main floor. Great house for a first time buyer / investor.
10584 Cypress Road
Across from lake, 3 bd/2 bath rancher is th community of Honeymoon Bay. Arched ceilings, new flooring, lg. kit. w/ bright counter tops & island, sep. eating nook & wood stove. En-suite feat. a lg. soaker tub & 3 skylights.
RV PK IN HONEYMOON BAY Lovely recreational lot located in Paradise Village RV Park in Honeymoon Bay. Waterfront develop. is on 12 acres, 4 acres of play fields, private marina, boat launch, sandy beach and a year round caretaker.
#57-6855 Park Ave.
Great Investment property in the heart of Lake Cowichan. This property has been used as a residential rental but lends itself to redevelopment for commercial because of the prime location.
250 South Shore Rd.
2 Rec lots for the price of 1. Family friendly lakefront private RV park has a lot to offer, including full bathrooms with shower facilities, picnic area, playground, lake access for small boats and a seasonal store. Have one lot and rent the other or use for family gatherings.
Charming 3+ bdrm/2 bath home on .32 of an acre. Lake & mountain views makes this home a must see! The home features beautiful woodwork throughout including inlaid solid wood floors and magnificent ceilings. Included is a large two level finished shop featuring a ventilation paint room, woodworking area, kitchen & bathroom. The grounds are stunning with rock walls, fish ponds and a large greenhouse for those with a green thumb. If you appreciate quality workmanship, this is the home for you!
Updated 4 bd / 3 bath family home on .30 acre centrally located in town. Features a beautiful kit. with marble counter top and tiled back splash, lg. Lvrm. with feature fp & separate dining area, Brazilian teak hdwd floors, downstairs offers a large family room with fireplace & den. Don’t delay, come and view today!
Steps from the Trans Canada Trail, walking distance to all amenities, 3 bdrm rancher. Nice sized U shaped kit., big living area, propane fp, lg. open area that could be used as a den or family rm. A must see!
53 & 54-8631 S.Shore Rd.
#39-211 Madill
2 ½ acre treed lot on the outskirts of Lake Cowichan. Great opportunity to build a beautiful home in your own private wilderness. Zoning includes B & B or intensive agriculture.
A great way to get into the market with this well priced 3 bedroom home located on a corner lot. Upgrades include a remodelled bathroom and some new laminate floors. Large covered deck, great for BBQ’ing and a good sized back yard. New roof.
145 Nitinat Ave.
Lot 11 Indian Road $225,000
Flat lot across the road Fabulous lake views & only from lake front and min. from the boat launch. spectacular views of Build your home up high, enjoy the views this lot has Cowichan Lake, Bald Mts. to offer. Geo Technical report & the Narrows. Water & on file. A great investment! septic system already in place. Bring your plans.
A great South-East facing lot just waiting for your house plans. Only a 30 second walk to beautiful Cowichan Lake for fishing, Boating & swimming.
5 March Road $95,000
268 Castley Heights $49,000
4775 Fairbridge
4 bdrm & den home in sought after Fairbridge. Just over 72 acres, the prestigious homes in this unique are offer privacy and security. Formal dining rm area, lg.L/rm, family rm/ wood fp, walk in closet, heat pump, built in vacuum. Cottage at the back of property.
8 Wednesday, January 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
You’ll Feel Like Family.
Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. January 7-10, 2015
Proud to be serving Victoria since 1986
Thank You! The totals are rolling in from our annual “Help Fill A Dream” Foundation campaign; we raised over $14,000 through the sale of paper shirts at the tills, Island-grown Christmas trees & bouquets, and dream cakes!
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Green Beans
Grown in California
Asian Cut Broccoli Crowns
87 lb 4.12 Kg
Que Pasa Organic
Tortilla Chips
lb 3.24 Kg
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425 g
Pork Loin Back Ribs
Coffee Whitener
312 g
97 lb 8.75 Kg
2 500 F O R
While Stocks Last!
Pepsi, 7-Up & Diet Pepsi
2 700
2 1
15x355 ml
Orange, Limeade, Apple, Lemonade 1.75 L
While Stocks Last!
Baked Fresh...
Limit 4 Total
Raisin Bread
454 g
Offers valid at Lake Cowichan and Cobble Hill Country Grocer locations only WATCH FOR OUR
FLYER EVERY FRIDAY in the Cowichan News Leader Pictorial
1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, Cobble Hill • Open Daily 8 am - 9 pm 83 Cowichan Rd, Lake Cowichan • Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, January 07, 2015 9
Lake Cowichan Midweek Specials Wed. thru Sat. January 7-10, 2015
You’ll Feel Like Family. Locally Owned & Operated since 1984
In our Bulk Dept…
Dried Cranberries Scoope! & Sav
100 g
From Our Family to Yours... We Wish You a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We look forward to serving you in 2015!
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Nature Valley
Granola Bars Assorted Varieties, 175-200 g
2 500 F O R
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24 These Specials available at Country Grocer Lake Cowichan ONLY
Curried Quinoa Salad
67 100 g
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6 Pack
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Blue Diamond
Assorted Varieties, 946 ml
In our Cafe…
Fresh Fruit
A Fresh Start for 2015
83 Cowichan Lk. Rd, Lake Cowichan Open Daily 7 am - 9 pm
49 16 oz.
10Wednesday, Wednesday, January 7, LAKE 2014COWICHAN THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE 10 January 07, 2015 | THE GAZETTE |
Winter fishing tips as season in full-swing:
Photo Drew McLachlan
Gord March and his wife Darlene recently celebrated the opening of their new store Gord’s Fly Box and Goodies, located on 170 South Shore Road, in the Peters Centre.
Freshwater: Cowichan Lake fishing has picked up. Try trolling creek mouths with 3” tomic plugs in the new amazing new iridescent colours. You’ll also meet success with gang trolls, the larger the better. 24-30” leader and size five to seven kwikfish or flatfish chrome blue and frog patterns work best. Try fly-casting at creek mouths with wooley buggers or leeches. Remember the ban on single barbless hooks, which took effect on Apr. 15, 2012. Cutthroat and rainbow trout over 50cm must also be released. Kissinger and Lizard Lakes to the west guarantee good rainbow trout fishing, so try corky and single egg rig off the docks and beaches. Trolling with small spratley’s leeches, wooley buggers, flatfish and small spoons. Fuller Lake, Chemainus Lake, Dougan’s Lake, Quamichan Lake and Somenos Lake are also producing well. These seven lakes have been recently stocked. Cowichan River Trout Fishing: Skutz Falls to 70.2 trestle is excellent for browns and rainbows. Single egg copies and minnow or rolled mudler flies Stanley creek to 70.2 trestle loaded with rainbows that have dropped from the lake to dine on the salmon eggs and prepare for spawning. The largest browns in the river are found in this section. Flies of choice: single egg patterns, rolled mudlers, prince nymphs, hairs ear nymphs and pheasant tail nymphs. Stick to the bead heads and weighted flies, as the river is still quite high, so it is important to get down deep. The best flies for Coho include blue rolled mudlers, micky fins or Jim
Humphrey’s famous river salmon flies. Best spinning lures for Coho: Vibrax, gold/orange size 3 or silver/ pink in size 3 and Gibbs crock spoons in hammered brass with fire stripe. Steelhead fishing in Cowichan River: Try Silver Bridge area for early steelhead. Pink worms (we stock 17 shades), blades and spin and glows are your best bets. When mid-river (Riverbottom Road area) try pink worms, blades and smaller roe imitations. December and January yields the largest fish of the season, followed by the February to March run of smaller, but more plentiful, fish. Steelhead fishing in Nitnat, San Juan and Harris Creek: The above are all excellent rivers for late summer runs and winter steelhead. Best fished when coming off of high water. Fly Fishing: Heavy-sink tip lines are necessary when the rivers are running in winter conditions. Flies of choice: The always popular egg and roe copies, General Practitioners in black or orange, Squamish Poachers or any large and bushy fly — the best of the best are Jim Humphrey’s Intruder Flies that could entice a strike at any time. Put your time in, and as the weather improves the odds of landing a winter steelhead will only get better. —Submitted by Gord March, owner of Gord’s Fly Box and Goodies
Lake Cowichan Volunteer Fire Department’s Year-in-review
Summer heat and autumn storms kept the town’s volunteer fire department busy over 2014 Jakob Shand (#3) scores a goal against the Kerry Park Islanders on Friday, Dec. 26.
There was plenty of hockey action at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena on Dec. 27, 28 and 29 as Lake Cowichan & District Minor Hockey Association RBC Atom Lakers and Daly’s Auto Centre Atom Lakers held the annual Lake Cowichan Atom Invitational Tournament. A total of eight teams provided the action for the crowd as the two local teams were joined by the Nanaimo Atomic Moose, Juan De Fuca Grizzlies, Oceanside Raiders, Alberni Cougars, Peninsula Eagles and Kerry Park Islanders to provide some exciting action by the young hockey players. The winners of the tournament were the Oceanside Raiders with an exciting shoot out win over the Peninsula Eagles. The RBC Lakers finished the tournament in fifth
Photo Dennis Skalicky
place while the Daly’s Auto Centre Lakers finished in seventh. The Daley’s Auto Centre Atom Lakers MVPs were Richard Bergman, Alex Rudzik, Dylan Cummings and Mackenzie Callihoo. The Diggers for the tournament were Devon Clayton, Asia Nichols, Elijah Vaughan and Jakob Shand. The RBC Lakers MVPs were Chase McKinlay, Seth Nahirnick, Tyler Friesen and Chaas Mearns. Diggers were Elise Nelson, Taylor Svendson, Janae Weir and Jackson Lee. Tournament coordinator Connie Vaughan and the volunteers who looked after the raffle tables, 50/50 draws and other events put on a great weekend of hockey for the players and fans.
December 2013: One motor vehicle accident, one vehicle fire, seven fire alarms activated. January 2014: The first of fast water and boat training, two chimney fires. February 2014: Swift water/boat operator course, two chimney fires, two trailer fires. March 2014: Two motor vehicle accidents, one fire alarm activated. April 2014: Two motor vehicle accidents, two alarms activated, one trailer fire, one brush fire. May 2014: Two motor vehicle accidents, one pedestrian hit, a training day at North Cowichan Fire Department, a final visit to the new truck for a pre-delivery inspection. June 2014: Four fire alarms activated.
July 2014: Three brush fires. August 2014: Two motor vehicle accidents, one fire alarm activated, two bush fires, six burning complaints. September 2014: One motor vehicle accident, two fire alarms activated, one mutual-aid bush fire, three burning complaints, one structure fire. October 2014: Two motor vehicle accidents, one alarm activated, Fire Hall tour for the Ohtaki group. November 2014: Five hydro lines down, one boat drifting, three structure fires, three rekindle structure fires, all on Nov. 6. Some firefighters were on duty for up to 15 hours, with calls starting early in the morning until past midnight.
Sandy Stinson
Your Trusted Authority ~ Going the extra mile for you!
Pat Duringer | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, January 07, 2015 11
Lot 1 Stin-Qua Road Waterfront Lot Rare 1/2 acre, fully serviced
7971 Cowichan Valley Hwy. 8160 Sa-Seenos Cres.
PROPOSED NICE NEW HOUSE. Big log home with loft, and shop on 14 acres in town boundary. Big 16’ x 23’ workshop with 14’ ceilings
100 ft. Waterfront with Dock + Gazebo, New Roof Incredible Views
9722 Miracle Way, Youbou
Copper Lane
Magificent Property, fabulous house
3 Kitchens, Garage, shop. 1 Min. from boat launch and access to great Cowichan Lake Accessory Building newly renovated.
67 South Shore Rd.
127 Darnell Rd.
Cute cottage, easy walk to town
Newly renovated 3 bdrm Town House. All outside remediation done. Perfect starter or retirement.
Perfect for the person who has everything!!
Your own island on Cowichan Lake, private and peaceful.
93 & 95 South Shore Rd.
Commercial/Residential downtown riverfront property
215-19 Madill
$144,900 438 Point Ideal Road
First class home overlooking the marina
385 Lake Park, $185,000
Awesome View, Awesome House
10484 Youbou Rd.
Lake view from kitchen, landscaped, .52 acre
$265,000 169 South Shore
Land & building or start your own business
204 -138 South Shore The Wellington
Fabulous Water Views, this charming home has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, original fir floors, new roof, heat pump and could be your new getaway cottage, retirement, or your very first home, close to Arbutus Park.
228 Grants Lake Rd. 175 MacDonald
130 Neva Rd. Lake Cowichan Home Centre, business and mini mall
$1,495,000 10670 Youbou 2 bedroom & den, newer roof, heat pump, close to Arbutus Park
Awesome house & land. Private. Big lot, huge shop
6794 3rd St.
Honeymoon Bay, Character home across from park
$216,500 11 North Shore Big lot, small house, close to town.
$244,900 199 MacDonald
Big House, 5 bdrms, 2 baths, big workshop wired and includes 1/2 bath
SLOPES Beautiful upscale development has attracted a lovely mixture of mostly retired professionals.
481 Mountain View Rd.
$246,000 266 Hillside Road 3 bedroom A-frame with separate shop.
5 acres of amazing waterfront, huge log cabin, tennis court, swimming pool, caretakers cabin, shop.
10003 March Rd Waterfront, great beach and amazing price
$650,000 $2,500,000 $124,900 10652 Youbou OFF THE GRID WATERFRONTS 13 acres.........$399,000 SOLD
Marvellous home on .98 acre overlooking Lake Cowichan
Awesome renovations, nothing to do but move in
9889 Youbou Road
45 Arbutus
Renovated charmer in Youbou, lots of updates,
1/50 share in over 300 acres and 1/2 mile of pristine waterfront.
Huge lot, water glimpses, 3 bedrooms
$268,800 10215 Youbou Rd.
$370,000 8547 Maple Ridge Street $178,900 10351 SOUTHSHORE ACRES
2.8 acre treed lot
276 South Shore Rd.
23 Stevens Crescent 3 Bdrm. cedar sided, wood floors, 2 shops, awesome fenced yard.
• Riverfront +/ residential+/ +business too! • Location, location,location • Established since 1960 • 1960 sq’ building • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom • 62x104 riverfront lot
Lot 8 Indian Road
9260 South Shore
Best little boutique in town, great opportunity for the right person.
146 Wavell Road
WATERFRONT One acre in town, walk to everything, new open concept living 1.66 acres, HUGELY MOTIVATED! RIVERFRONT
49 acres.........$625,000 49 acres.........$725,000 49 acres.........$765,000
Trees, full sun, great beaches
10287 Youbou Road
3 bdr. and large workshop. Amazing lake views. $179,000
$179,000 9712 Miracle Way A waterfront gem, well built open concept that gets full sun, huge deck.
LOTS 389 Point Ideal Waterfront Lot 30 Cypress Private 466 Point Ideal 1/4 Acre 1734 Meagan St. Crofton Ocean View 173 River Road Turnkey
$319,000 $69,000 $105,900 $133,900 $69,900
10196 Youbou
ATTENTION DEVELOPERS & Investors – here is a great opportunity to purchase a multifamily site within city limits with full community servicing. “The Slopes”, a new Lake Cowichan subdivision showcasing a variety of beautiful new homes. Close to town & minutes to the Lake with easy hwy. access.
470 Mountain View NEW DEV 489 Mountain View NEW DEV The SLOPES BIG LOTS
$114,000 $114,900 $99,000
Nearly 1.5 acres of gently-sloping waterfront Beautiful beach, very sheltered Includes a sweet bungalow
12Wednesday, Wednesday, January 7, LAKE 2015COWICHAN THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE 12 January 07, 2015 | THE GAZETTE |
Trails span the southern half of the Island, as the Retreads look back at 2014
Photos submitted
Members of the Retreads hiking club stop for lunch at Ruckle Provincial Park during their hike on Salt Spring Island. The Retreads’ weekly hikes are about more than getting exercise and enjoying the view — they also offer a unique social experience for outdoorsmen and women of all ages.
Globe treaders: Lake Cowichan’s Retreads hiking club experienced the best of the Island, from Ucluluet to the Malahat to Quadra Island, on 51 hikes over the past year. When I re-read this story I thought “gosh, too many statistics can get boring!” What I set out to do was tell you where we had been hiking this year, a breakdown of local, away and far away hikes, something about the different hikes and how we mix social activities in with our hikes. Retreads continued to grow as a healthy activity and social club with hikes that covered much of the southern half of Vancouver Island. We touched both the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia) from Salt Spring Island and Newcastle Island to the Strait of Juan de Fuca in Port Renfrew. Also the Pacific Ocean in Ucluluet and Mount Washington and Quadra Island to our north. We also ventured over the Malahat to the outskirts of Victoria. What a great way to know the geography and keep in touch with nature and what man in his enthusiasm has done to nature. We checked back and found that 27 hikes were local. That is, on trails down the Cowichan River and around the Lake. We are always amazed at how many really interesting hikes are right at the edge of our town, examples being the old railway line that follows Beaver Creek or hikes to Lost Lake. Some 24 hikes were further away, including in the Nanaimo,
Duncan and Crofton areas, down to Goldstream Park, Shawnigan Lake and to big trees and ocean vistas in the Port Renfrew area. We also had multiple night trips to Mount Washington for crosscountry and snow-shoe hikes, Ucluluet to hike the Wild Pacific Trail and Quadra Island to hike a variety of trails with members of the Cowichan Hikers. All told we had 51 weekly hikes. Yes, we missed Christmas but did hike on New Year’s Day. We hiked on 40 different trails. Some were repeated two to three times within the year and four were new hikes this year. Interestingly, we never tire of some of the spectacular and challenging hikes such as the Cowichan River Loops, Bald Mountain and Stoney Mountain, near Genoa Bay. These hikes vary widely as the seasons change. Some hikes we fit in only once
a year. Ending at Averill Creek Winery for a pot-luck lunch, hiking
Cable Bay to watch the sea lions and salmon and going up to the Mount Bolduc Memorial near Remembrance Day are examples.
We meet together quarterly at the Lake Cowichan Sports Arena to plan out hikes and related social events. Different members take turns at leading hikes and sometimes we lean on experienced Cowichan Hikers to introduce us to new (for us, at least) trails. Social events are fitted in with the hikes. We end some hikes at nearby members’ homes. Sometimes we end up having refreshments at a coffee shop such as Bean Time in Ladysmith and sometimes in pubs that just happen to be near the end of the trails, examples being the Maple Bay Marina Pub and the Crow and Gate Pub in Cedar. We also organized a Christmas party at the Curling Lounge and occasional special events. Our club participated in the Health Fair, the Christmas Parade and played a lead role in the Terry Fox Event in September.
The Retreads, which operate under Cowichan Lake Recreation, have over 50 members. Some are very regular, seldom missing a hike, while others manage to fit in an occasional hike. Retreads got off to a busy 2015 season when 22 members turned out on New Year’s day to hike around Youbou Lands and along Cottonwood Creek which was running full and clean. No turbidity here. Typical hikes have between 12 and 18 members. Numbers swell on some of the special hikes and about 12 members manage to get away on the multiple night hikes. You realize, of course, that the sun almost always shines on “Retreads Wednesdays.” We had one really rainy day, but it’s okay to go out in rain gear. We don’t let some snow on the ground stop us either. If interested, you can pick up a brochure and membership at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, look for Retreads on the CVRD website, or phone Willa Suntjens, our current leader, at 250-749-4144. —Submitted by David & Beth Kidd
A14 14 Wednesday, January 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |
Wed, Jan 7, 2015, Lake Cowichan Gazette
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Nov 9, 1956 - January 02, 2015 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Brian Nelson. Brian passed away peacefully on January 02, 2015 at the CDH after a long battle with cancer. He leaves behind his 2 sons Alex and Brian who where the light of his life. Brian also leaves behind his mom Velma (Hank) brothers Keith (Deena) Oz (Susan) and his sisters Sheila (Guy), Rhonda and Donna (Rick). Brian also leaves behind his partner Joanne, his best friend Grant Olson and many nieces and nephews. Brian was born in Chilliwack, Nov 9, 1956 and lived in the Cowichan area for his entire life . He worked as a grader operator for over 20 years and was arguably the best at what he did. Brian enjoyed fishing and had many good memories on the Cowichan River and Lake. He was an incredibly loving and kind man who put a smile on the face of many. He will be sadly missed by all that knew him. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal� Your memory will live forever in our hearts, until we meet again may you rest in peace. No service at this time
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The inside back: A little of this and that
Happy New Year!
Photo Malcolm Chalmers
Make soMe noise – Ken and Gail Pohl show off their noisemakers as 2014 turns to 2015 at the Youbou Hall’s New Year’s Eve party.
• Hit the stage for a night of Karaoke at the CLSA Curling Lounge on Jan. 16, starting at 7:30 p.m. Singers are free to bring their favourite karaoke discs. 19+ only. • Join other local musicians for an Acoustic Jam Session at the CLSA Curling Lounge every other Tuesday evening, starting on Jan. 20. The jam sessions run from 7 to 9 p.m. Bring your own instrument. Cash bar opens at 6:45 p.m., no minors permitted. • Jan. 24 is Hockey Day in Lake Cowichan! Come to the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena for hockey action all day long, plus raffle baskets and a 50/50 draw. • Take your date dancing this Valentine’s Day at the Youbou Hall. The Teen Valentine’s Day Dance takes place on Feb. 13 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Admission is $5 and the event is open to ages 11 to 18. • Have an old-fashioned Valentine’s Day at the historic Youbou Lanes. My Sweet Youbowlin’tine takes place Feb. 13 and 14, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Games are $3.75 per person. Come as a couple and bowl a minimum of three games to cut your bill in half. • Free Public Skating will be held each Monday at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena. The rink will be open from 3:30 to 4:50 p.m. Paid skate rentals are available for those without their own pair. Skinny Hockey games will also be on the ice for kids 12 and under, helmet required. • Yoga Sessions for ages 15 and over are will be held at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena multipurpose room from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. • Hiking Club meetups are held every Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. starting at Saywell Park.
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16 Wednesday, January 07, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |