Indulge Magazine, November 18, 2014

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Vol. 8 • Issue 4 • Winter 2014




Fashion, gifts and cuisine to make this holiday season one to remember




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2 Winter 2014 INDULGE

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contents VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 4 • WINTER 2014




6 Looking for some inspiration before

planning a holiday feast? Chef Spencer Watts offers plenty of tips and recipes to help make your dinner a breeze.

COVER STORY: With Fort Langley as the backdrop, get ready for the holiday season with the latest in winter fashion. (Cover photo: Alfonso Arnold)

10 Fraser Valley musician Billy Pettinger

keeps doing whatever it takes to pursue her artistic dreams – even if it means leaving her home behind.

24 18 Our gift guide offers plenty of ideas to help you with your holiday shopping.

24 Each December, Wayne Kuyer channels his Jacob Marley, in order to raise money for the less-fortunate.

28 Want to know what vino to bring to

a holiday party? Wine columnist John Schreiner has some great suggestions.

From the editor Nick Greenizan


hristmas has always been a big deal in my family, and it is – by far – my favourite holiday. It's a love that I inherited from my mom, who every year goes overboard come December – she puts up too many decorations, makes way too much food, buys everyone way too many presents, and hosts an army of family and friends in a three-day span beginning on Christmas Eve. But really, what's not to love? You eat too much, drink too much eggnog, open a bunch of presents and visit with people that, perhaps, you don't see as often as you'd like. And while some may complain that Christmas music is tough to escape this time of year – especially if you spend too much time at the mall – I actually enjoy it, too, truth be told. That said, as much as I love Christmas, it's the run up to the holidays that I always look forward to the most – in particular, the moment, usually around this time of year, when my mom, bless her Christmas-loving heart, insists to the rest of the family that "this year, we're going to do things smaller." It's a noble goal, sure. Like the people of Whoville in Dr. Seuss' classic How The Grinch Stole Christmas, my family would enjoy Christmas just as much without, as the Grinch put it, "packages, boxes and bags." But each year, we scoff at her claim, and each year, she ignores it, too. No matter how hard 4 Winter 2014 INDULGE

she tries to buy fewer gifts, or bake fewer sugar cookies, there's always too much of both. But the holidays can also be a stressful time for people, too. The malls are jam-packed, some family gatherings can feel like a chore, and the weather – dark and cold – can also do a number on people's spirits. So, in order to make your holidays easier, this issue of Indulge includes a handy gift guide to help you spend less time shopping, and more time doing things you actually might enjoy. And if you have a fashionista on your list, we've got you covered there, too. And if you – like my mom – are looking to channel your inner Whovillian this Christmas, and aren't worrying yourself with gifts, then maybe a pair of inspiring stories will get you in to the spirit of the season. While many of us will be spend the coming weeks with family, one Fraser Valley native – musician Billy Pettinger – has pulled up stakes for the U.S., as she follows her heart – and her art. And Wayne Kuyer is spending much of his December collecting money for the less fortunate – a noble goal at any time of year. So, I hope you enjoy this issue of Indulge, as well as your entire holiday season, no matter how you spend it.

Publisher Rita Walters Managing Editor Lance Peverley Interim Editor Nick Greenizan Creative Services Manager Jim Chmelyk Contributors Alfonso Arnold • Dan Ferguson • Jason McRobbie • Rob Newell John Schreiner

Indulge is published four times annually by Black Press Suite 200 2411 160 St. Surrey, BC V3Z 0C8 Tel: 604-542-7429 Fax: 604-531-7977 Distributed free to select households in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Paid subscriptions available. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.

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Specialty Retail Big Gary’s Vacuum Blue Ribbon Pet Supplies Ed’s Linen Warehouse GameStop Sally Beauty Supply Specialty Food & Liquor BC Liquor Stores Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut Meridian Meats & Seafood Fashion & Accessories Pistachio Boutique PLUM Turnabout Clothing Restaurants & Coffee Shops Booster Juice Cora’s Breakfast & Lunch Flying Wedge Pizza Healthy Monkey Cafe Papa Murphy’s Pho Sunrise Vietnamese Cuisine Sabatino’s Trattoria & Bar Yamako Sushi Other Stores & Services Accent On Travel Dollarama London Drugs Miracle Ear New Joes Farm Market Orangetheory Fitness Safeway Sienna Sun Tan Speedy Shoe Service The UPS Store Hairstyling & Esthetics Magicuts Salon Montage Trendi Nails Studio Professional & Medical Services Highroads Medical Clinic Peninsula Village Chiropractic Semiahmoo Physiotherapy Spectrum Optometry Westland Insurance

Pen i n s u l a V I L L AG E

24th Avenue & King George Boulevard w w w. p e n i n s u l av i l l a g e. c a INDULGE • Winter 2014 5

Company's coming

Restaurateur John Blakeley and Chef Spencer Watts know that planning ahead is the key to creating a delicious – and stress-free – holiday feast by Jason McRobbie • photos by Rob Newell

6 Winter 2014 INDULGE

Indulge in...



hile they spend the majority of their time in different parts of the ‘house’, when it comes to holiday cooking and actually enjoying the festive feast, chefs and owners agree one thing is essential – plan and prep ahead of time. Case in point: with snow yet to settle anywhere but the mountain tops, Chef Spencer Watts is already in the kitchen readying the final touches for Indulge’s Christmas dinner photo shoot at Vancouver's Left Bank. He smiles as he gives the bird a final brush from the pan juices. "That’s the beauty. Food like this is a time machine." The traditional turkey owns the spotlight for our feast, skin golden and meat cooked to perfection, always a tough task with almost any turkey. Watts admits that the ideal technique for cooking a turkey is to remove the legs to confit and cook the breast on the bone separately. Similarly, he points out that Julia Child offers up a great technique for compressing and pushing the leg meat down the bone. "Let’s be honest, though. Most of us just want to make a good, whole bird and make sure it is not dry," says Watts. "After all, there are other dishes to bring to the table, and the point is to enjoy your company." As executive chef for both Left Bank and Bistro Pastis, Watts is most certainly in good company, primarily that of John Blakeley, who owns both rooms and has a special connection to the former. Though Left Bank came later, Blakeley’s ties to the space go back to his very first job in B.C., when 751 Denman St. was home to Café du Paris – where his culinary career in Canada began. An enduring passion for sharing French cuisine has carried him far since – in the case of Left Bank, full circle. "French cuisine has gone through so many changes, but at heart, it is always very much a celebration of timeless food and company alike. It is always a holiday for us," says Blakeley, who admits to a particular fondness for December 25. "I think a great Christmas dinner is a common ground. Holidays are all about bringing favourites to the table and celebrating being together. "For us, it is really about giving people what

they want, and comfort food lies at the heart of both our rooms – and French food in general. It’s comfort food that people understand. There is a reason why a lot of this food has worked for over 100 years. There is a simplicity and family feel to it." Watts admits that jumping ahead for the holidays is not only a joy, but takes him back to the moment he realized that cooking would become his career. "It’s kind of funny when you consider the Christmas connection, but when I was in Grade 9, I entered a gingerbread-house competition and won second place. That did it for me. I said 'I am going to be a cook for life,'" he says with a grin. "And I still love making gingerbread houses." That said, Watts admits he is actually fairly hands off in his parents' kitchen for the holidays.

Whatever time you can save ahead only adds to everyone’s enjoyment on the day

"The truth is, I love to watch my mom and dad in the kitchen. And (I) cook for them whenever I can, but by the time Christmas rolls around, I have done over a 100 turkeys, so I watch them work their magic on that one," he says. For Blakeley, the holidays have always been about roasting and hosting alike, so he takes his tips on time management to heart. "The holidays let us all turn into children again,” he says, before adding a caveat. "So long as things are organized ahead. Whatever time you can save ahead only adds to everyone’s enjoyment on the day. A lot of prep work can be done a couple days ahead. Root vegetables can be pre-blanched for roasting. Some dishes actually taste that much better made ahead and reheated." Watts concurs. "The three hours before you sit down to eat should actually be the easiest part for the host. There is really very little that can not be made ahead and heated the next day, so the key is organizing ahead of time and taking the notion of the mis en place to heart in the home." As for what gifts the foodies in your family might enjoy, his eyes light up with the mention of a vacuum pack, but both he and Blakeley agree that any kitchen becomes more fun with the following: a good microplane, mandolin, cutting board, five-and-half-inch chef's knife, kosher salt and a gift certificate for professional knife sharpening. As for the recipes gathered for this holiday edition of Indulge, neither chef nor owner make any apologies for lack of a stuffing recipe. Both agree – every family makes their own best stuffing.

See recipes, pages 8-9 INDULGE • Winter 2014 7

Croissant & Bing Cherries Bread Pudding 8

large croissants, diced


sage leaves, chopped


pearl onions, blanched

400 ml

Bing cherries, chopped (no juice)


celery stalks, finely diced


eggs, mixed thoroughly

250 ml


2 Tbsp


big pinch


In a bowl, combine all ingredients, using your hands and fingers to evenly incorporate all ingredients together. Select your favourite terrine mold/baking dish. Line with grease, parchment paper and press the croissant mixture firmly into your mold. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 F until the top is golden brown and the center is cooked.

8 Winter 2014 INDULGE

Warm Green Beans with Hazelnuts & Dijon Hollandaise For the hollandaise: 4

egg yolks

2 Tbsp

Dijon mustard


lemon, juiced

1 litre

clarified butter

In a blender, place the egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice. Turn blender on the lowest setting, move blender speed up to medium strength and slowly drizzle in the clarified butter. If the hollandaise becomes too thick, add a little water and keep incorporating the butter. Season with salt to taste.

For the green beans: 1 lb

green beans

1/2 cup

toasted hazelnuts

ffrom ro Concept to Creation

Trim ends and place green beans in boiling, salted water. Once green beans are tender but firm, remove from water and place in ice bath immediately. Once cooled reserve in a container.

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Plating the Dish: Re-heat green beans in boiling water for a few seconds, transfer into a mixing bowl and season with olive oil and a pinch of salt. On a nice serving platter, arrange green beans, serve a generous amount of your amazing hollandaise and garnish with toasted hazelnuts.

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exquisite holiday gifts Potato Pavé 4

large yukon gold potatoes, peeled

1 ½ lbs

clarified butter

to taste


On a mandolin/slicer (or with your knife, if you’re feeling lucky), slice potatoes about three-mm thick and immediately place them into the clarified butter. In a casserole dish, layer the butter-soaked potatoes evenly, switching direction with every layer and seasoning with salt. Cover with parchment paper and cook at 300 F for 1½ hours. When potatoes come out of the oven, place a weight over them using a same-size insert or a plate with some weight on it (i.e. can of tomatoes). Let cool at room temperature and place in the cooler for 24 hours. Once chilled and set, the potatoes can be pre-cut and reheated (from room temperature) at 350 F for 8-10 minutes.


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INDULGE • Winter 2014 9


Jennifer Picard photos, courtesy of Billy Pettinger

where her art is Fraser Valley-born musician Billy Pettinger has chased her dream from one side of the world to the other, but her heart will always lie in her hometown


by Nick Greenizan

illy Pettinger has a lot going on. It’s a Tuesday afternoon in mid-October, and the 32-yearold musician is a day away from a homecoming show at The Roxy in Vancouver – a performance she’s promoted, tonguein-cheek, as “my last Vancouver show in, maybe, ever” – and she’s juggling a lot of responsibilities. She has gear to pick up, a rehearsal to get to later and, considering this is only her third or fourth day at home in more than two months, there’s no shortage of friends and family with whom to catch up. Oh, and on top of all that, she’s trying to quickly divest herself of some rustic-looking furniture via a slew of online ads before she hits the road again. Just days after she plays The Roxy, Pettinger – a singer-songwriter who performs under the stage name Billy the Kid – is moving south to the Nashville area. Time to unpack in her new city will be at a minimum, too, because a U.K. tour opening for punk/rock band Against Me! looms.

It’s a familiar trip for the thoughtful, heavily-tattooed singer, who spent much of the summer overseas, touring with musicians such as Billy Bragg and Chuck Ragan, while promoting her new album, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, which was released by London-based Xtra Mile Recordings. All that travel – the unease that can come with living out of a suitcase for weeks on end – might seem, to some, as unsettling, especially now as the holidays creep into view and being at home with family and friends becomes important for so many. And not to say Pettinger wouldn’t love to spend more time at home – she would – but she’s also cognizant of what it takes to make a living in her industry. In her, there exists an interesting juxtaposition of creativity and practicality. “Vancouver is just a faraway place. When you’re trying to book a tour from here, it's just a lot tougher. You’re surrounded by an ocean, by a border to cross, or a 10-hour drive to Calgary – or there’s Alaska,” she explains matter-of-factly.


INDULGE • Winter 2014 11

There are so many things in the world that are trying to stop you from doing what you love the most. And it’s a lot to ask of your art to love you back and support you. “It’s home, and I’ve spent so much of my life here. But when you’re trying to make a living off of your art, it makes it a little bit harder to do when your hometown is one of the most expensive cities in the world.” Rent at her new place near Nashville, she points out, is half the price of the onebedroom apartment in Surrey she’s been renting – but rarely home to live in – the last couple years. The road is a comfortable place for Pettinger, who grew up “in every suburb along Highway 1 from here to Abbotsford.” Since forming her first punk band as a teenager, she has lived everywhere from Vancouver, Kitchener, Ont., and Los Angeles, to Richmond, Va., back to Surrey, and now, Tennessee. “If you don’t love what you’re doing, then there are things that you aren’t going to fall in love with about the road – the travelling and not being home, and missing people and family,” she says. “But the other part of it is that it’s super exciting. You get to see all kinds of interesting things, and meet cool people and do interesting stuff – things you might not normally get the chance to do.”

Billy the Kid's album, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades She’s realized, too, that for someone in her line of work, location isn’t all that important, anyway. “I can go to almost any city whenever I want to and book a show there, even if it’s somewhere small, like a coffee shop. So I can get that out of my system – I don’t have to live right in it, and that’s something I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older.”

There have been moments, however, where she’s struggled – times where she considered getting a real job and simply making music as a hobby. But each time, she’s fought the urge, knowing instead that being creative is the only thing that will truly make her happy. In addition to her prolific music-making – she’s released four solo albums, as well as four with her old Ontario-based punk band, Billy and the Lost Boys – Pettinger has also published a children’s book, The Smallest Small of All, and spent stretches between touring as a painter. Last year, from her Surrey apartment, she created paintings almost daily, and sold them online to fans as a way to help pay the bills. “There are so many things in the world that are trying to stop you from doing what you love the most. And it’s a lot to ask of your art to love you back and support you,” she says. “So you have to keep finding that newness – that thing that makes you keep trying. “There’s just a part in my brain that becomes activated, and makes me happiest, when I’m creating something… whether it’s writing a song, or a book, or drawing something, or painting. They all require different skills, but

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they all give me the same level of happiness. That’s the reward for me.” When it comes to her artistic pursuits, Pettinger abides by a mantra well-known in the improv and acting world – always say yes. “That’s the kind of creative spirit that’s always stuck with me. I don’t know how things are always going to work out, but you can either be scared of it, and not try, or go in a room and see what happens. A lot of times you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” That “let’s-see-what-happens” philosophy has served her well through the years, as it’s led to opportunities to make music with talents such as Bragg, Our Lady Peace frontman Raine Maida – who produced Pettinger’s first solo album – The Band’s Garth Hudson, who plays on Pettinger’s 2008 song, The Drugs, and Frank Turner, who produced her latest record. “All these people, I’m a fan of… so to get to play at a show with them, or collaborate, it’s pretty neat to me – I’m always amazed that I get to do it,” she says. “I spent enough time in the trenches – struggling to make something happen and booking my own tours and stuff like that – that whenever something good happens, I expect it to be the last good thing that will ever happen. I think, ‘OK, well I guess I’ll go back home and get a real job after this.' “I wouldn’t even be so bold as to guess what will happen next, because I never could’ve

"I wouldn’t even be so bold as to guess what will happen next, because I never could’ve predicted any of this."

predicted any of this.” That’s not to say she doesn’t still have things on her bucket list. She wants to write another children’s book, maybe a novel, too. She’d like to continue painting – maybe turn it into a legitimate side-career – and musically, touring with Ryan Adams, her favourite songwriter,

still tops her to-do list. And maybe – despite her previous claims to the contrary – she’ll hit the stage again here at home. “It’ll be awhile, but never say never,” she says. “This will always be my home. It’s where I’m from.” i

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Winter Magic

Whether you're headed out to a holiday party, or just staying in for the night, there are plenty of ways to look your best this season


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For ALL Your Holiday Shopping Needs Get the look: On the cover: Sarah is wearing a beautiful Anna Scott jacket, from She's Some Kind of Wonderful Boutique (604-535-1961), gold Simon Chang sweater from Zig Zag Boutique (604-535-1565) and pearls and other jewelry from Rochells Jewellers (604-536-3323). The black hat and Riki Biki pants (seen on page 4) are from She's Some Kind of Wonderful and Zig Zag, respectively. Title page, and above: Sara is wearing an elegant Joseph Ribkoff dress, and a ring and earring set, both from Anna Kristina Boutique (604-536-8873); stockings from H&M, and her shoes are Nine West, available at Zig Zag. Opposite the title page, and far left: As far as accessories go, the Porsche will run you a few extra dollars, but you can still look trendy in this Tuzzi vest, leggings, sheer long-sleeved top and vest combination – all from Anna Kristina Boutique, as is the stunning red handbag – while the Snowflake pendant is by Elle, available at Rochells. Opposite title page, bottom: Be toasty and warm in this poncho with leather pocket details and black, skinny, zippered jeans, both by Michael Kors and available from Zig Zag Boutique. Black messenger bag, from Anna Kristina Boutique; Carlo Rossetti paddock boots from Elegante Shoes (604-531-4633). Left: This flower-detailed black sweater, by Nuovo Borgo, is available at Anna Kristina Boutique, as is the Nuovo Borgo white cashmere sweater and black pants.


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INDULGE • Winter 2014 17

He's making a list... Gift ideas (for all budgets) to help you beat the holiday rush Less than $50

For her Less than $100

For the wine lover on your Christmas list, a stylish Wine-Tasting Decanter Set – priced between $35 and $50 – offers a unique tasting experience and instantly classes up any social gathering. Three mini decanters are designed for an easy appreciation of a wine's unique hue, and it also comes with a slate tray. Each decanter holds one-third of a standard size bottle of wine (750 ml).

Less than $1,000 For the fashion-conscious woman on your holiday shopping list, matching a Marc Jacobs bag ($428) with a wallet ($200) is the perfect one-two punch. The Classic Q Hillier Hobo bag is a signature look she can pull off no matter the season. A slim zip-around wallet, meanwhile, is an elegant addition to any collection.

Looking for a gift that's perfect for the social butterfly – or the hostess who enjoys entertaining guests? Then this simple, Japanese-inspired Cheeseboard and Knife Collection may be the perfect purchase. The cheeseboard, designed by artist Rae Dunn, is a work of art in itself. The ceramic board features hand-illustrated designs and includes tasting notes for popular cheeses: morbier, manchego and emmental. The set also includes serving knives.

18 Winter 2014 INDULGE

Indulgent For the woman who has everything, how about buying her something to put everything in? Louis Vuitton trunks range in size and price, from the 1930s-inspired "miniature cube" – which begins at about $3,900 – to the extravagant "executive" model, which costs $49,000. Expensive, maybe, but where else will you store all your stuff?

... and checking it twice

Less than $50

For him

A great idea for the serious poker ace or the casual player, a professional-weight Poker Chip Set will make any hand of cards seem like a high-stakes showdown. And who knows – maybe you'll win enough off your poker buddies to make the set (which ranges from $35-$50) seem more of an investment than a gift.

Less than $100 Know someone looking for a cool, new hobby? Well, why not pick them up a Whiskey and Rum-Making Kit? After all, who wouldn't love to show off their delicious homemade whiskey at a party or gathering? Priced at just $70 for the kit – at – it's a perfect idea for the whiskey or rum fan. And if beer is more their thing, beer kits are also available.

Indulgent Less than $1,000 Is the man on your list looking for the perfect fashion accessory – or maybe just someone who is always late? Well, a Shinola watch might be the best gift you buy anyone this holiday season. These hand-assembled time pieces are made in Detroit, and come in a variety of styles, sizes and colours, ranging from $550 to $1,000. The Runwell – Shinola's signature watch – features a sapphire crystal and solid stainless steel casing, and classic leather strap, and is a surefire hit under the tree.

Perfect for any man cave or TV room, Samsung's 85-inch 4K LED TV will make the man on your list the envy of all his friends. The "Ultra HD" television – which sells for just shy of $40,000 – features a cinema-quality screen and a floating design. It's a must-have screen for the television, movie or sports viewer who enjoys the very best.

INDULGE • Winter 2014 19

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20 Winter 2014 INDULGE

We all know that it's tough to keep most teenagers away from their smart phones, so why not at least make sure they're warm while they're texting their friends or updating their Facebook status? Moshi Digits Touchscreen Gloves ($30) are dual-layered for extra warmth and comfort and each fingertip is made with a special conductive fiber that allows for accurate typing on an iPhone or iPad.

Do you have a music lover on your list who has a love for old-school vinyl records? Well, then the Jensen Three-Speed Stereo Turntable is the perfect gift. And not only does the turntable – which costs $99 – play records, it also copies them into an MP3 format, helping to bring retro music into the digital realm. And the best part? A computer isn't even required, as the turntable can convert music straight to a USB flash drive or memory card.

Less than $1,000

One item that's sure to be on many teens' Christmas lists this year is the Sony Playstation 4. The next-generation console is sure to keep your son or daughter occupied for hours at a time – if not with video games, then with Netflix or web browsing, which are features of the new device. The PS4 also features new motion-sensor technology and a variety of new games designed to take advantage of the new technology. It currently sells for $449.









Admit it, at some point you – an exasperated parent – have threatened to send your teenager far, far away. So, why not buy them their own private island? You get them out of your hair for awhile, and they get a tan –everybody wins! Starting in the $1-2 million range for your standard fixerupper, and jumping to upwards of $25-million for the kind of Caribbean getaway befitting a movie star like Johnny Depp – who owns an island in the Bahamas – there's never been a better time to buy!


strides pedorthics #109-1656 Martin Drive, South Surrey Phone: 604.538.8276 Email: website: INDULGE • Winter 2014 21

nt B e c e ac h s e rC Veterinary Clinic

Less than $50 If you're a parent, you're probably familiar with the popular children's movie, Frozen. So what better gift to give your youngster than Snow Glow Elsa? With a touch of her magical snowflake necklace, hear Elsa talk to her friends, while her dress lights up a flurry of lights. Or raise her arm, and hear the hit song, Let it Go. Admit it, you know the words by now.

For kids

Dr. Andrews

Less than $100 Build a world of adventure for your adventure-loving tot with the King's Castle Building Set from Fisher-Price ($60). Raise and lower the drawbridge, fire the cannon! With easy, click-together bricks and panels, it's also easy to build and rebuild in a number of ways.

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22 Winter 2014 INDULGE

Taste the flavours of White Rock!

Less than $1,000 Cook up a little excitement with the KidKraft Uptown Espresso Kitchen (caffeine not included). The kitchen playset ($259) features a hip, modern look that young chefs are sure to love, and is full of fun details, like a chalkboard on which to write the daily specials.

JAN 20 - FEB 13 2015







If money is of no concern, then this limited edition, handmade Audi Type C pedal car – available for $16,000 through Audi's website – is perfect for your little race-car driver. The car – which harkens back to Audi's racing success of the 1930s and is built at a 1:2 scale of the original – features exquisite design and craftsmanship, and unparalleled attention to detail.

9 th A N N U A L








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Find participating restaurants: INDULGE • Winter 2014 23

Dan Ferguson photo

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Wayne Kuyer channels Dickens' classic for charity


by Nick Greenizan

quick scan of Wayne Kuyer's Langley office reveals things one would expect to see in an accountant's place of business – a waiting area for clients, a large printer against the back wall, a bowl of candy resting on the front counter. But look closer, and hints of Kuyer's secret

Christmas at Hazelmere NUTCRACKER BUFFET


Served in our elegant Garden Room overlooking the golf course The Nutcracker Buffet will be commencing December 1st 2014 Monday to Friday from 11:00am – 2:00pm (last reservation 1:00pm) Prices: Adults $22.95 (plus tax) Children 4 – 12 years $13.95 (plus tax)

Brunch with Santa & Mrs. Claus served in our Panorama Room & Garden Room commences November 30th 2014 Seating times are: 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm & 1:30pm Prices: Adults $29.95 (plus tax) Children (4yrs – 12yrs) $13.95 (plus tax)


Open to the public 7 days a week Christmas parties can be booked in our lounge For more information please call 604-538-1212

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18150 - 8th Avenue 604-538-1212 website: 24 Winter 2014 INDULGE

identity begin to come to light. Sitting on a stand in the hallway is an oldfashioned adding machine, while behind the desk sits a large, hard-covered ledger, the kind Ebenezer Scrooge may have used to keep track of his every penny in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Soon, Kuyer enters the room, decked out in full costume – vintage suit, complete with gold timepiece, wire-rimmed spectacles, fingerless gloves, ascot and top hat, looking every bit like Jacob Marley, as though he has walked right out of 19th century Dickensian London. Next month, Kuyer – as he has every year since 1996 – will don the get-up as he makes his rounds through the Langley business community, collecting donations for the Langley Christmas Bureau and the Empty Stocking Fund. The tradition began as a two-man operation, and Kuyer – dressed as Marley – and his late business partner Stephen de Verteuil – dressed as Scrooge – would canvas various neighbourhood haunts. In 2002, de Verteuil died after a battle with cancer, and Kuyer decided to continue the charitable effort on his own. To date, Kuyer's efforts have raised more than $165,200. "When Stephen passed away, I knew, number one, that I wanted to keep going with it," Kuyer said. "It is extra work, doing it on my own now, but when you look at the extra time it takes…

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continued on page 27

Get ready for your holiday entertaining... with this free edge hand crafted table from a solid slab of teak, each table is unique. Clean and contemporary style, solid teak wood table. Rustic & charming yet offering genuine comfort, quality & style, built to last.

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BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND BLOWOUT Nov. 27 - 30 1708 - 152nd St., White Rock 26 Winter 2014 INDULGE

It's really the business community that has supported it. all you do is just look at the money we've raised, and it's pretty hard to say, 'Oh, well I'm too busy to do it this year.' It's helping out a lot of people. It's nice if you're able to appreciate where you are in your own life, and help out others when you can." It's that philosophy that led the pair to begin the drive in the first place. Kuyer said they had been brainstorming ways to help some local charities at Christmastime, and both agreed on a grassroots campaign. The costumes, however, were Kuyer's idea. "A Christmas Carol has always been a real favourite of mine, so I think it was probably me who came up with it," he said. The first year, the pair rented their costumes and made their rounds, collecting $2,400. The next December, they raised $2,800. "It's just kept continually growing," Kuyer said, adding that last year – thanks in part to a single sizable donation from one business-owner – donations topped the $22,000 mark. The costumes – Kuyer now owns his, rather than relying on a rental – have always been an excellent ice-breaker with those who give. "One of the nice things about putting on a costume is that it creates a dialogue. A lot of businesses have signs outside that say 'No Soliciting' but it's a little different if you show up like this," he said. "Once you put on the costume, people are happy to see you." Occasionally, Kuyer says he'll go a bit further into character – "I have a little bit of a spiel I do… it's just sort of a play on the theme," he says – but even he has his limits. "Sometimes, people expect that I'm going to break out into a song. But I don't sing – I have to make that clear to people," he laughed. The operation is far more streamlined than the early days, too. Now, in advance of his collection period, Kuyer sends out a letter – creatively written by his office manager Angela Miles – along with a pledge form. Then, he awaits a response and begins making his rounds. Kuyer is quick to credit the community around him for the campaign's continued success. "With respect to what we're achieving, sure, it's partly on my efforts, but it's really the business community that has supported it," he said. "We are just a conduit for people who probably already want to give, but maybe they just don't know to where. They just need a little push, or the convenience – that's really what this helps with. Without all this support, this wouldn't be as successful, or as much fun." i


Your gift stays in this community. Consider making a donation with a gift of stock or securities. Donations must be received or postmarked by Dec 31 to receive a 2014 tax receipt.

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Give the gift of wine this Christmas

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28 Winter 2014 INDULGE


t this time of year – the holiday season – some of the most popular gifts are bottles of wine, or articles related to wine. Let me share some ideas. Choosing a wine is easy if you know wines and if you know what the recipient likes. If not, don’t hesitate to get advice from the staff in any good wine store. For example, Everything Wine has experienced tasters on staff who can help you select good wines within your budget. What should you spend on wine for a gift? I would suggest $15 to $25 a bottle; more if the recipient knows something about wines. Hester Creek Character wines (red or white) and Road 13’s Honest John wines (red, white and rosé) at $20 JOHN are among great values from the Okanagan. If you want to impress with an imported red, consider a Luigi Bosca Malbec ($20) from Argentina, or D’Arenberg Footbolt McLaren Vale Shiraz ($24) from Australia. If the recipient is a favourite relative from whom you might get an inheritance, consider splurging on Champagne, such as Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve at $70. Recommendations like these also work as a hostess gift for a party, although I would spend less on sparkling wine. Dr. Loosen Sparkling Riesling, from Germany, at $19, is just as festive. I don’t advise taking homemade wine as a hostess gift unless to the home of another home vintner. I know that suggestion will irritate owners of U-Brew stores, but while some amateur winemakers are very good, others are not. And the gift can come back to embarrass you. I was once a home winemaker and, early into that hobby, I took a bottle of my wine to a dinner party, where the wine was not opened. (That is usually what happens.) Several years later, at a dinner with the same

host, my wine was served blind and I was challenged to comment on it. Let’s just say that the wine could have been worse. You can always give wine accessories as a gift. Check the website of a Kerrisdale store called Call the Kettle Black. Among other items, they sell what is called “Screwpull Activ.Ball Wine Opener ($31), which extracts the cork easily while also shedding the cork from the screw. Indigo/Chapters stores also sell many wine accessories. Stemware makes a good gift because one always needs to replace or upgrade wine glasses. Eight to 10-ounce crystal glasses in the standard Bordeaux shape are good all-round choices. If you can afford them, the top-of-the-line glasses are made by Riedel in Austria. But I have been happy with more basic stemware you can find in most houseware stores in boxes of four or six, for $20 or $30 a box. This has not been a strong year for new wine books. However, if I may do some selfpromotion, may I suggest the recently-released fifth edition of John Schreiner’s Okanagan Wine Tour Guide? Still just $20 – and $15 at Indigo - this 430page book profiles close to 175 wineries. It is just the thing for friends who visit the Okanagan wineries every year. i John Schreiner is one of Canada’s bestknown wine writers with 15 books published since 1984. Contact John at goodgrog@

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30 Winter 2014 INDULGE

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society invites • Get into the holiday spirit at the annual Christmas on the Peninsula event, set for Saturday, Nov. 29 at the White Rock Community Centre. The popular event runs from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. and will include carollers, crafts, a market, food and more. Visit

• The Vancouver Christmas Market runs Nov. 22 until Dec. 24 – open 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. daily – at Queen Elizabeth Plaza (650 Hamilton St., Vancouver).

in the photos • Judges examine a wide variety of meat

Book available for sale.

Studio Pricing. Buy direct from the Artist in time for Christmas Barbara Boldt Studio Gallery 25340 - 84th Ave. (Upper Driveway) Glen Valley, Fort Langley Call ahead to view

during the Great Canadian Sausage Competition, which was part of the Fraser Valley Food Show, which took place Oct. 3-5 Mijune Pak photo


at the Tradex Centre in Abbotsford.

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Parts & Service Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7:30 am - 6 pm

2466 King George Blvd. Surrey


Sales Hours; Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 8 pm Fri. & Sat. 9 am - 6 pm Sun. 12 - 5 pm INDULGE • Winter 2014 31


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