Truck driver impressed by hospitality Page 3
Sgt. Scott West joins Sicamous detachment Page 8
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 PM40008236
Vol. 60 No. 2 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com
Snowmobile accident kills Shuswap man By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
A Blind Bay man died at the scene of a snowmobiling accident that occurred Friday near Sicamous. The BC Coroners Service stated on Monday that David Mark Yule, 49, was killed on Friday, Jan. 9, after the snowmobile he was on went over a steep cliff. The incident occurred in the backcountry of the Owlhead snowmobiling area. Police, the BC Ambulance Service and search and rescue crews from Vernon and the Shuswap were called to the accident scene at approximately 12:30 p.m. Sicamous RCMP Cpl. J.R. Lechky reports that upon arrival, authorities learned the 49-year-old had mistakenly driven his sled off a cliff, estimated to be 40 feet high. Paramedics with BC Ambulance Service’s helicopter service and the Vernon search team arrived within an hour, said Lechky, but were unable to resuscitate Yule, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Gord Bushell, general manager of the Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club, said he and the sledding community are upset by the incident and expressed their condolences to Yule’s family and friends. Bushell called the incident an unfortunate accident, and said Yule had been well-prepared to sled the backcountry. “He was off on an un-groomed trail, he was in the backcountry and he wasn’t doing anything stupid,” said Bushell. “It was just an incident where he was coming down the hill and he ended up going over a cliff and wasn’t able to get away from the sled.”
Trail: Above is the trail head for the Owlhead sledding area. Photo by sledsicamous.com
Highway closure: Eastbound truckers wait in their vehicles parked along the Trans-Canada Highway, at the Husky Travel Centre and elsewhere in town last Wednesday morning. Photo by Lachlan Labere
Heavy snowfall cripples highway travel
Power outages: Close to 4,000 B.C. Hydro customers impacted. By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
Heavy snowfall, a highway closure and repeated power outages brought Sicamous to a standstill early last week. Between Monday and Tuesday, the community received about a half-meter of snow – similar to Salmon Arm and other parts of the Shuswap and North Okanagan. Environment Canada meteorologist Lisa Coldwells attributed the storm to a surge of cold Arctic air from the Yukon that settled into the valleys and was covered by a large warm air mass originating in Hawaii. “The two (air masses) are battling it out,” said Coldwells Monday. “And there has been
a continuous flow; that’s one of the keys for making it snow for what seems forever.” Schools were closed Monday and Tuesday as a result of the snowfall and the subsequent power outages that began Monday evening, and weren’t resolved until early Wednesday, impacted approximately 3,900 customers in the area. “The storm caused trees to fall into our transmission line and knock it out of service several times yesterday, which resulted in several power outages in Sicamous,” said BC Hydro spokesperson Mary Anne Coules. “The trees were weighed down from the enormous amount of snow we’ve had and the freezing rain on See Truck drivers on page 2
Damage: A tree weighed down by heavy snow caught a telephone wire while crashing on top of a pickup truck parked at a Forest Park Street residence. Photo by Lachlan Labere
A2 www.eaglevalleynews.com
Property values remain stable in Shuswap By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
Stable is how BC Assessment deputy assessor Jason Sowinski describes housing values for the Shuswap in 2015. BC Assessment has released its annual appraisal of properties in the province, and owners can expect their notice to arrive in the mail if they haven’t received it already. For the Shuswap, Sowinski said property assessment values saw minimal change – between minus five and plus five per cent – over
the year prior. This contrasts with properties in the Okanagan, especially along the Okanagan Lake commuter corridor, where assessed values increased up to 10 per cent. Assessments are estimates of a property’s current market value, and Sowinski notes, though sales numbers have increased in Sicamous and Salmon Arm, product demand isn’t the same as in larger North Okanagan municipalities. “I know some of the higher-level housing in both of those communities (Sicamous and
Salmon Arm), they’re still in demand…,” commented Sowinski. “But it’s not like Kelowna and Vernon, where it’s driven more by the up-tick in the local economies.” Doug Hubscher, a Shuswap realtor and director with the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB), has a slightly different perspective on local market activity. For 2014, OMREB saw “an upswing in consumer demand the strongest in seven years.” Sales activity was strongest in the Shuswap, with a 28 per cent increase in
residential sales over 2013. Property values on residential sales only increased by 5.7 per cent, however, which Hubscher said is “relative to what we’re seeing from BC Assessment.” If the current sales trend continues in the Shuswap, influenced by a decline in market inventory of lower-priced homes ($250,000 to $300,000), Hubscher says it’s likely property values will continue to increase. “I’m cautiously optimistic… that sales activity is going to be
translated into an upward movement of prices,” said Hubscher. “I’m cautious about it because I don’t think it’s going to be leaps and bounds. Property owners concerned about their assessment may contact an appraiser and, if still unsatisfied, may appeal by submitting a notice of complaint to BC Assessment by Feb. 2. Appeals are reviewed by an independent property assessment review panel. For more information, visit www.bcassessment. ca, or call 1-866-8258322.
Truck drivers weather the storm in Sicamous Continued from front
top of it.” A telecommunication line was also knocked down on Forest Park Street. Sicamous Fire Chief Brett Ogino said a tree on a residential property fell under the weight of the snow, catching a telephone cable as it proceeded to fall on a pick-up truck parked on the neighbouring property. The power line was also hit, but did not disconnect or cause any damage. Policing matters during the storm pertained mostly to managing the community-wide truck stop that began Monday night after the TransCanada Highway was closed east of Sicamous due to snow and avalanche conditions. Other than that, and a few
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DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays
false alarms, Sicamous RCMP Sgt. Scott West said there were no incidents. The highway didn’t reopen until noon on Wednesday, Jan. 7. By that time there were approximately 200 tractor-trailer units parked along the highway between Sicamous and the Skyline Truck Stop in Malakwa. For some of the truck drivers, being stuck in Sicamous overnight was just a part of the job, and something that’s factored into the trip. “You make sure you’re prepared, pack extra groceries, blankets, clothing, water, the essential stuff,” said Mike DeBakker, who was heading to Calgary from Aldergrove. “With winter driving, you never know what to expect.
It can happen anywhere, be it an accident or whatever.” As someone who frequently drives the TCH from the Lower Mainland to Alberta, DeBakker suggested widening the highway might help improve winter driving conditions. He also suggested there could be more highway maintenance. “There have been a few times where there’s been some heavy snowfall and it will be four or five hours before you see a plow on the road,” said DeBakker. Trucker Marek Korez’s solution, however, is to avoid the route altogether during the winter. “No, I don’t come back to B.C.,” laughed Korez Wednesday morning, while en route to Calgary. His rig had
Jan.30 & 31 $2 Bag Sale Sicamous Thrift Shop 10 am - 3 pm clothing & shoes. Monday to Friday Community Access Site at the Senior’s Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Internet & related services. Call Diana. 836-2446 Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. - Parkinsons Support Group Contact Don at 250-838-0794. Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to
been parked on the highway shoulder since Tuesday. “I go maybe five times a year and I don’t come back to May 1.” District of Sicamous operations manager Randy Hand said the power outages added insult to injury, at least as far as staffing goes. He said the heavy, wet snow was very difficult to deal with, adding clean-up didn’t begin until Wednesday. “There’s so many factors to keep in mind like safety of motorists and pedestrians and everything else, the clearing of sidewalks and just to open up the driving areas so that residents could get around, make appointments, get to work and things like that,” said Hand. “A lot of the local areas
be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info. Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday - Eagle Valley Photographic Arts Club meets at the Red Barn at 7 pm. Everyone Welcome. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre - upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.- Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Malakwa Thrift Store between the 2 churches Open every Thursday 10-5. Every 2nd Thurs. - Sicamous Lions Club meeting at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Doors open at 6:15 and meeting starts at 6:30. Anyone interested in being a volunteer for the community, please
weren’t done until the afternoon, which was difficult. But our priorities are first the downtown, and then we have the collector roads and then the local roads.” While the power outages necessitated increased staff time for monitoring water and wastewater operations, Hand said the district was able to deal with the storm within budget, noting snowfall had been fairly light during the past two months. As for the numerous complaints received, Hand said they were usually able to resolve matters by explaining what the district was up against. “Once we explain what we’re doing, people understand we’re hard at it and moving as fast as we can,” said Hand.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
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Rays of Sunshine to the District Office for the good work they did during and after the snow event. Pushing huge piles of snow back from driveways, having the lower turn around on CPR Hill cleared off after it was being used for a for stacking snow from the road .... thank you so much. ~ Marilyn Birks Huge thank you to Wayne March, GM Eagles Hockey Team, for getting the Eagles out shovelling off trailer roofs, breeze ways, sidewalks, Houseboats etc. Truly shows these young men are a big part of the Sicamous community. ~ Marilyn Birks
**** To all those SNOW ANGELS out there, Thank you! And to the mystery angel who keep clearing our drive – THANKS! You truly do make a difference! ~ Karen Warrington, Swansea Point Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed! Email to advertising@saobserver.net, fax to 250.832.5140 or phone in to 250.832.2131.
feel free to call Mary at 250-517-8107, Joan at 250-836-4876 or Pam at 250-836-4788. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., The Sicamous Health Unit Every 4th Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:00 in the Learning Centre Library. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at the Eagle Valley Resource Centre. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Carol 250-836-3135 or Amy 250-836-4756. www. eaglevalleybrushandpaletteclub.com Every Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Legion at 6:00 pm Every 1st Fri. of the month –Sicamous Seniors Ctre general meeting 11:00am followed by a great pot luck lunch. We encourage every to join us. Every 2nd 3rd and 4th Fri. Wii Tournament at 10 am at the Sicamous Seniors
Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Everyone Welcome. Every 2nd 3rd and 4th Fri. Lunch at noon. Everyone Welcome. At the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Last Sat. of the Month - Ladies’ Auxiliary Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion at 6 pm. Tickets sold until the Friday before at the Legion. No tickets at the door. Sundays - Candlelit Karma 6:30 pm. Warm & Gentle. Class by donation. Funds go towards community causes. Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 1 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - Birthday Tea (formerly the OAPO) for members and friends at Seniors Activity Ctre 1:30 pm. Everyone is Welcome Every Sat. - Morning Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 tailgate market – Everyone welcome – sell anything – for details call Murray @250-836-2224. List your event, meeting, rehearsals or club listing here...at no charge.
fax to: 250-832-5140
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Trucker impressed with local hospitality Care packages: Stranded drivers surprised to receive hot meal. Eagle Valley News
Marie Munro was one of hundreds of truckers sidelined in Sicamous for close to 24 hours last Wednesday. Part of a long line of semis that stretched from Sicamous to the Skyline Truck Stop in Malakwa, Munro considered herself lucky to be stuck in a community. The 48-year old trucker, with 20 years of experience, has been sidelined along the Trans-Canada before but said she was amazed when a knock came on the side of her truck door Tuesday evening. "I rolled down the window and a woman said 'care package,' and handed me two foilwrapped packages," said Munro, noting she spied a couple with a white pickup working their way along the line, but it was too dark and happened so quickly she had no further details. "I said what's this? She said steak dinner. It was barbecued steak, potatoes and veggies and it was really tasty. I scarfed it down right away." Although she likes living in her truck and enjoys the amenities such as a heater, Internet access and a toaster oven, she had not yet made dinner. Munro, who had been stopped with her feline travelling com-
Travel buds: Marie Munro and her driving partner Turtle. Photo contributed panion, Turtle, since 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 6, was very touched by the thoughtfulness of the couple, who she noted, would have been without power themselves. That somebody turned out to be Sicamous resident Barb Makota and her partner Serge Miller, who were without power and were heading down the road to stay with a friend who has a woodburning fireplace. Makota found steak in her freezer and barbecued that and some veggies and dropped off the care packages to truckers on the way. "We had fun doing it; it felt really good to be able to help people out and be generous," said Makota, pointing out her partner was a truck driver for 30 years.
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"My heart sort of went out to the truckers; I know they’d been stuck. I felt so bad for them." Makota says she was touched by Munro's public acknowl-
My heart sort of went out to the truckers; I know they’d been stuck. I felt so bad for them. Barb Makota
edgment of her care package. Munro meanwhile said several other truckers were also surprised and pleased by the couple's generosity and by the operators of
the local Husky, who were handing out free sandwiches and beverages. While she has been stuck along the TransCanada more than once, and received special food baskets from local church groups when parked at truck stops over Christmas, she has never experienced this kind of community generosity. "It's really nice to see people are still caring about people," she said. "I want to say a huge thank you to Sicamous, especially considering they were without power." Munro wishes as much care and attention could be given to the Trans-Canada Highway. "It's highway one – death highway; if it's not avalanches it's crashes," she says, calling for better road maintenance. "I notice just between Christmas and New Year, it's great running. But the rest of the time, where are the plow trucks, where is the sand on the road?" Munro says if the province is going to privatize road maintenance, they need to have more oversight. "This isn't about money, this is about our lives," she says. "Don't privatize; or make the maintenance people liable." In terms of accidents, Munro says the trucking industry is
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suffering and there is a shortage of experienced drivers. "You used to have to have five to 10 years experience before you could drive the highway, but now they're taking drivers right out of (truck-driving) school," she says. "You need experience out here, it can be dangerous out here."
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
Heroic deed not a job qualification
ouse of Commons sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers performed a heroic deed in October when he shot dead a gunman who attacked Parliament Hill after murdering an unarmed solider guarding the National War Memorial. That Vickers was brave that day is without dispute. His actions very likely saved lives. For all that, Vickers has been commended. This week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Vickers will become Canada’s ambassador to Ireland, succeeding Loyola Hearn, a former Conservative MP. Vickers has been sergeant-at-arms at Parliament since 2006, before which he spent a quarter-century working as a Mountie. He may well become an effective ambassador to Ireland, but Vickers’ appointment again raises the question as to the qualifications of those awarded well-paid postings at home and abroad. Surely performing a heroic deed while employed in a policing role cannot in and of itself qualify one to become Canada’s highest link to a European country? Is there anything else, aside from Vickers’ work in stopping a killer in October, that makes him the right person to become ambassador to Ireland? Or, as with so many other appointments in politics, is the plum gig a reward for doing a good job? And, if so, should it be this way? We have seen too many people handed lives of luxury simply because they supported the government in power or because their celebrity can be perceived to help the government in power. Vickers’ predecessor in Ireland, Hearn, is an example of the former. He was instrumental in working to unite the Progressive Conservatives and Canadian Alliance. Examples of the latter include journalists Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin (to Harper’s eternal regret) and Sun Peaks’ own Nancy Greene Raine. Here’s wishing Vickers well in Dublin while we also wish for more transparency in how and why these appointments are made. -Kamloops This Week
Kennwick Man centre of long legal battle By Tom Fletcher News Columnist
VICTORIA – My Christmas reading included a fascinating new book called Kennewick Man, a study of skeletal remains discovered in 1996 on the bank of the Columbia River in eastern Washington. He was an ancient hunter buried just south of B.C. almost 9,000 years ago, in the Early Holocene period following the last Ice Age. Among the oldest humans found along the West Coast of North America, he sparked an unprecedented battle by the Smithsonian Institution to examine the skeleton and publish the book late last year. The most controversial evidence came from the skull. It doesn’t match the classic Mongoloid profile of modern aboriginal people, key to the theory that the earliest humans reached North America by land bridge from Siberia to
Alaska as glaciers receded. Smithsonian scientists confirmed initial reports that Kennewick Man is a closer match with early Polynesians, and the Ainu people who remain in Japan today. He lived until about age 40, surviving for years with a stone spear point stuck in his hip. The authors conclude from chemical analysis that “Kennewick Man could not have been a longtime resident of the area where he was found, but instead lived most of his adult life somewhere along the Northwest and North Pacific coast where marine mammals were readily available.” This suggests migration by sea, perhaps from a great distance. The U.S. Army seized the skeleton. The scientists sued and eventually won the right to a brief examination. The court case exposed brutal and illegal actions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and fed-
171 Shuswap Street, P.O. Box 550 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N7 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 832-2131 Fax: (250) 832-5140 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com
eral departments to destroy the site and intimidate the scientists. U.S. law demanded all remains from before European settlement be repatriated for burial by local tribes, without examination. The head of the Society for American Archaeology tried to get the researchers to drop their lawsuit, fearing it would interfere with fragile relationships with area tribes. The U.S. Justice Department warned the Smithsonian that lead scientist Douglas Owsley and others might be in criminal conflict of interest as federal employees suing the government. Even the White House weighed in against them. Meanwhile the skeleton was mishandled and later stored in substandard conditions at a Seattle museum, where it remains today. Parts of both femurs were lost, and scientists were falsely accused of taking them. They had been re-
PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Terry Sinton PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison
BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
moved by tribal representatives and secretly buried. Kennewick Man was found as the army was in tense negotiations with tribes on salmon fishing rights on the Columbia, their demand for removal of dams, and the $100 billion cleanup of the Hanford nuclear site. The scientists finally won their case in 2004, with a ruling that the skeleton is so old there isn’t enough evidence to show it is related to the current tribes. The judge found the army repeatedly misled the court, and assessed the government $2.4 million in costs. The U.S. Army still controls the skeleton and denies requests for further study. One final irony. Analysis shows Kennewick Man ate mostly salmon in his later years, around 6300 BCE. These are the salmon runs wiped out by dams built by U.S. Army engineers before the signing of the Columbia River Treaty with B.C.
Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Ever since 9-11, the world has gone haywire over terrorism, with trillions of dollars wasted from war profiteering and hundreds of thousands of lives lost. and there is no end in sight for this madness. The shooting of a soldier in Ottawa along with the murder by two lone, disturbed individuals provided Prime Minister Harper a slight bump in the polls because he capitalized on these events to boost efforts to fight terrorism. And now the tragedy in Paris is being used by the Conservative government to urge more action. Yet few Canadians realize that despite Harper’s rhetoric, behind the scenes, his government has been promoting weapon sales to the Middle East, where these armaments may end up in the very hands of the very extremists the West is battling against.
The 10-year, $14.8-billion contract to sell light armoured vehicles made in Ontario in a General Dynamics branch plant was promoted by the government-run Canadian Commercial Corporation. Thus, it is no wonder the Harper Conservative government refused to sign the UN global Arms Trade Treaty, which came into effect three weeks ago after it was ratified by 50 countries. Hopefully this fall, voters will be aware of the Canadian Conservative hypocrisy that condemns the “international jihadist movement,” while at the same time facilitating more war profiteering and refusing to sign a treaty that encourages peace instead of more war.
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It’s 4 p.m. and I’ve just hit the wall. No, not literally. I’m referring to the afternoon slump, that point in the day when mental exhaustion sets in, and writing a lengthy, detailed story about, say, how sitting at your desk eight hours a day will supposedly decrease your lifespan by 20 per cent (thank you Mayo Clinic) is out of the question. The risk of errors and omissions is too great, as is the probability of my passing out on the keyboard. Yesterday at this time of day I felt great, with plenty of energy. Why do I feel this way now then? Oh, right, the night visitor. Two months ago, my family moved into a new place. The adjustment is a work in progress. Part of this has to do with our fiveyear-old son’s sleeping habits. Well, one habit really. It seems he can no longer sleep through the night in his own bed. Our son’s sleepy eyed, bedroom-to-bedroom pilgrimage occurs at around 1 a.m. He’ll open our bedroom door, crawl into our bed in between us and fall asleep. Which wouldn’t be terrible if his version of “sleep” complemented ours. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Sleep for him involves a lot of fidgeting, grabbing and kicking, and that’s on top of the tossing and turning like an adult who’s consumed too much caffeine too late in the day. So, once again, we find ourselves having to help our son re-establish a healthy sleep
dren – are experiencing an epidemic of sleep disorders. Coincidentally,studies indicate the prescription sleeping pill industry has done quite well over the past decade. I suspect sales of sleeprelated supplements such as melatonin, have also been on the rise. But not all solutions come from a bottle. Reestablishing a healthy sleep pattern may only require relatively minor lifestyle changes: avoid caffeine after lunch, exercise (though not close to bed time), lower the temperature in your bedroom at night and try to keep the noise down. Of course, none of that helps when the source of one’s sleep disturbance is a child who, for one reason or another, is determined to establish his or her own little groove in the middle of mommy and daddy’s bed. Another joy of parenting you don’t really think about until it happens to you. Is it 5 p.m. yet? Better yet, is it bedtime?
Harper a hypocrite
Jim Cooperman
Property Owner’s Checklist Have you received your 2015 property assessment notice?
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ritual that, ideally, will benefit us all. So far this hasn’t been easy – not that I expected it to be. Our son has become more fluent in the English language, and has clued in to words he know will sting. As I learned the other night, he’s not afraid to do use them when being helped/herded back to his own bed. I don’t take it personally, but it doesn’t help matters any. The effects of sleep deprivation on children are well documented on the Internet: defiant/ contrary behaviour, difficulty waking up, poor concentration during the day, need for long naps, etc. Thankfully, the Internet also offers plenty of help/solutions to our far-from-unique situation. The same goes for adults dealing with sleeping issues, of which there are apparently, a great many. A 2011 report by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (yes, that’s a real thing) indicated Canadians – both adults and chil-
Answers for today’s Coffee Break Page
Fighting the fight of the sleep deprived
www.eaglevalleynews.com A5
If not received in your mail by January 18, call toll-free 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) If so, review it carefully Visit www.bcassessment.ca to compare other property assessments using the free, newly enhanced e-valueBC™ service Questions? Contact BC Assessment at 1-866-valueBC or online at www.bcassessment.ca Don’t forget...if you disagree with your assessment, you must file a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by February 2, 2015
A6 www.eaglevalleynews.com
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
West joins Sicamous detachment By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
If you wish to “like” Sgt. Scott West, you’re going to have to meet him in person. Sicamous residents will not find the community’s new detachment commander on social media websites like Facebook. When it comes to public relations, West says he prefers the tried-and-true approach of speaking with people in person. “Face-to-face – that’s the way I’ve always done business… and that’s the way I appreciate doing it,” said West. “If I have to do something over the phone, then great, but if it’s a community group or somebody who needs some personal attention, that’s what I get paid to do – help people solve problems.” West’s approach may have something to do with his preference for working in smaller communities. Prior to Sicamous, West, who has served 22 years with the RCMP, was stationed in Dawson Creek. There he was Operations NCO (noncommissioned officer) and sometimes acting detachment commander. Prior to that, he worked four years in Kamloops, just under a year in Nakusp and 13 years in Kelowna. “That’s just where my career path has led me…,” said West. “I’ve never been a big-city
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171 Shuswap St. Salmon Arm 250-832-2131 www.eaglevalleynews.com
In charge: Sgt. Scott West is now serving detachment commander at the Sicamous RCMP detachment. He arrives with 22 years experience with the RCMP. Photo by Lachlan Labere
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boy, so I’m not inclined to go to the metro area or the Lower Mainland. I like small-town policing. I like being able to deal with the public and being familiar with the people in town. That’s the way I grew up, I guess.” West arrived in the Shuswap with his wife and two kids, who he says “have been following him around for the last 15 years.” Not having been in the community long, West said he’s still getting his bearings, but is quickly picking up on policing priorities that may be more unique to the community, such as snowmobiling. He says one of the local detachment’s focuses has been, and will continue
Away Game Friday, January 16th
Sicamous vs Princeton
Away Game Saturday, January 17th
Sicamous vs Revelstoke
Home Game Wednesday, January 21st
Sicamous vs Summerland
Sicamous & District Recreation Centre
to be making sure local and visiting sledders can have a good time without being victims of crime. “It’s not that I have to make any changes along those lines – the members here already have that mindset,” said West. “And then of course, in the summertime – it is a summertime destination – so it’s to make sure everybody has fun and does so responsibly and nobody ends up being a victim of a crime in any way, shape or form.” While energies will be focused on policing priorities, West anticipates his problemsolving abilities will be called upon for all kinds of matters. “I was dealing with
a gentleman yesterday, it didn’t turn out it was solely a policing issue, and the policing issue was relatively minor, but it was an issue where he had a problem and he didn’t know how to solve it,” said West. “So I gave him a couple of outlets, a couple of avenues to follow up on his own. “I told him to get back to me and tell me how he made out. He called me yesterday afternoon and he said all my problems are solved… so, did I solve somebody’s problem? No. But did I equip him with the information to be maybe help them solve their own problems on their own? Yeah. Sometimes that’s what the police do.”
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Sicamous Lions Club would like to thank everyone who came and supported our Food Bank Bingo and Raf�le. We raised close to $1,000 for the Sicamous Food Bank. A huge thank you to the following businesses for their donations to the raf�le table. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Eagle Valley IDA Sicamous Liquor Store Sicamous Loonie-Toonie Happy Corkers Wine Store Hair Affairs Parkland Dental Clinic Grandma & Grandpa’s Cafe Sicamous Car Wash Sea Dog Boat Sales Moose Mulligans Brothers Pub District of Sicamous H2O Motor Sports Jana’s Hair
Sicamous and District
Recreation Centre
Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12:00 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Pre Novice: 4 pm - 5 pm Novice: 5 pm - 6 pm Eagles vs. Chase: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm THURSDAY JAN. 15
Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am School Hockey: 12:45 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm SA PeeWee 4 pm - 5 pm SA Midgets: 5 pm - 6:30 SA T3: 6:45 pm - 8 pm Eagles: 8:15 pm - 9:15 pm FRiDAY JAN. 16
Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12:00 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm
• Napa/Action Rentals • Waterway Houseboats • Jill of All Trades/Donna Mounce • Monashee Chiropractic • Eagle Valley News • Creative Memories/Joan Thomson • Twin Anchors Houseboats • Askews • Canada Post • Sicamous Eagles Jr. B Hockey • Sic Ryders/AFD • Sicamous Auto Repair
SA BT3 Game: 11:45 pm - 1:45 pm SA MT2 Game: 2 pm - 4 pm SA MT3 Game: 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm SUNDAY JAN. 18
Pre-Novice Game: 9 am - 10 am SA BT3 Game: 11:45 am - 1:45 pm SA MT2: 2 pm - 4 pm PWT3: 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm MONDAY JAN. 19
Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Pre Novice: 5 pm - 6 pm Novice: 6 pm - 7 pm Old Timers: 7:30 pm - 9 pm TUESDAY JAN. 20
Public Skating: 9 am - 11 am School Hockey: 12:45 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Eagles: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm SAT 3: 7:15 pm - 8:45
Rec Centre Gym open 8:00 am to close. Full Membership: $20. (250) 836-2283 • arena@cablelan.net • Box 665 Sicamous
ve Nathan Grie
Position: Forwards Home Town: Salmon Arm, BC Age: 19 Height: 6’ 4” Weight: 205 Prev Team: Sicamous Eagles Goals: Get a scholarship Hobbies / Interests: Golf, video games Personal Hero: My parent Favorite NHL Team: Vancouver Canucks Favorite Player: Sidney Crosby Favorite Music: Hip hop Favorite Food: Lasagna What do you like best about playing hockey in Sicamous: Being able to live at home.
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 14, 2015
CSRD sorts out new recycle program
www.eaglevalleynews.com A7
By Barb Brouwer Eagle Valley News
The launch of the new recycling program at Columbia shuswap Regional District depots was smoother at some sites than others. Trying to make the transition from a comingled system to one that requires sorting recyclables into six categories as smooth as possible has been a bit of a challenge for staff, says Environmental Health lead Ben Van Nostrand. “It’s one of the busiest starts to a new year I’ve ever had,” he said last Thursday. “It’s been a bit of a learning curve, and that’s putting it mildly.” Miscommunication between the regional district and Emterra, the company responsible for picking up recyclables from Bill’s Bottle Depot until midnight Dec. 31, resulted in overflowing bins and a “rough start” for the new program. Van Nostrand said Emterra had been trying to hold off on going to the depot to remove their large, familiar green bins until their contract had ended. This resulted in overflowing bins. “There was some miscommunication, maybe on both sides, that led to some issues,” he said, noting the depot operator made several calls on Jan. 2 to get the bins removed, something that apparently happened after the depot closed. “One day the bins were there and the next day they were gone, but there was still stuff on the ground.” Another issue that complicated the launch was the number of Salmon Arm residents who missed curbside collection over Christmas and took their comingled blue bags to the depot. While several of the new commodities have been added to the curbside collection program, some remain unacceptable – plastic foam packaging, glass and plastic bags or plastic film, which are part of the depot program only. If a driver spots un-
Waste not: CSRD’s Ben Van Nostrand recycles styrofoam at one of two new recycling bins in Salmon Arm on Friday, Jan. 9. Photo by Evan Buhler
acceptable material in the blue bag, he will leave it at the curb. If too much of the material ends up being collected, MMBC will fine the city. For a complete list of acceptable curbside items, visit www. salmonarm.ca and type recycling in the search window. Meanwhile, Van Nostrand says that by Wednesday the Bill’s Bottles site looked fantastic and people at the depot were thanking him for adding the new categories such as plastic film and Styrofoam and saying they were happy to separate the material. “We’ve had to hire a bunch of contractors so there’s a bit of an uptake on employment,” he said, noting that in the first week of 2015, more than 2,000 cubic feet of materials including Styrofoam had already been collected from the Shuswap by Materials Management BC (MMBC). And that does not include the estimated five tonnes-plus of fibre material. “The other big thing is we haven’t paid anything for that; it’s all paid for by MMBC,” he said. “They are collecting and processing the material.”
And the savings will be used for new recycling programs such as food waste diversion and a permanent hazardous waste disposal facility. “Through savings, we have budgeted to have a permanent facility up and running in 2016 instead of having a hazardous waste round-up every two years,” Van Nostrand says. “And other options are included in the new Solid Waste Management Plan, which will be brought to the board by February or March.” Van Nostrand says the transition so far has been better than he thought – at most depots. Tempers have been hot at the Salmon Arm Landfill, despite the presence of contractors who are not only providing information on the new system, but actually offering to help people sort their recycling. “Someone will just throw their stuff on the ground and say ‘screw you,’” says Van Nostrand of the attitude some attendants are dealing with. “They’re saying ‘I’ll dump it in the garbage.’” That can be a costly response, as doing that will earn people a disincentive fee and other
penalties. “We’ve asked attendants to get licence plate numbers and if it’s a bylaw issue we’ll follow up on it,” he says. “Attendants are only trying to help; it’s not their fault and they’ll even help you sort your stuff.” Van Nostrand is frustrated that some people are saying they were not told about impending changes, despite the regional district’s attempt to reach everyone within CSRD over the last several months through newspaper advertisements, their website, Facebook and Twitter. Travel east to Sicamous and Malakwa and Van Nostrand says that while there has been some after-dark, illegal dumping, most residents are happy and welcome the new categories. Van Nostrand had heard little from the North Shuswap as of Thursday and was receiving mixed reviews from South Shuswap. “CSRD has partnered with Bill’s, Sorrento Firehall and Tappen Co-op,” he says. “We have begged them to help us make this work, but at the end of the day. if they are inundated with garbage, they’re gonna walk and there won’t be a depot.”
Mountains of fun: Tyler Watson leaps over one of the piles of snow on the school grounds enjoyed by Parkview Elementary students last Wednesday following the snow storm that closed Shuswap schools for two days. Photo by Lachlan Labere
Welcome to Bowling Kids Event! Top of the Hill, Salmon Arm 250.832.3946
WHEN: Sunday, January 18th, 2015 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm WHERE: Lakeside Bowling Centre, Salmon Arm WHAT: A fun afternoon of bowling to introduce the kids to this great game! COST: $5 per child ages 0 - 18 Please call Lakeside 250-832-3946, email or come in to register! Youth coordinators and coaches will be present to answer questions and host the kids. COME DOWN AND HAVE A BALL! Lakeside-Lanes-Bowling-Center-Salmon-Arm
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Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please. Letters can be emailed to lachlan@saobserver.net or faxed to 250.832.5140
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
Eagles trip up Wranglers with 6-2 win in 100 Mile By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
Sicamous Business Directory
The Sicamous Eagles made sure the 300plus kilometre trip to 100 Mile House Friday to take on the Wranglers was well worth the effort. Four hours of sitting on a bus didn’t deter the Eagles from earning a 6-2 win versus
their Cariboo hosts. Devyn Myck lit up the board with a goal early in the first period, assisted by Ben Campbell and Tyson Taylor. Minutes later, teammate Scott Robinson added one off Samuel Subert. The Wranglers got on the board at 8:45 with a power-play conversion, but Nathan Plessis added a third
goal for Sicamous off Ashton Wake, putting the Eagles at 3-1 going into second period. Carter Hansen, off Bradley Whitehead, added a goal early in the second frame. Later in the period, the Wranglers were once again able to score on the power-play advantage. Korwin Shewchuk potted a fifth goal for
the Eagles early in the third frame off Riley Cardinal. At this point the Wranglers were largely on the defensive, yet they were unable to stop a goal by Wake at 10:04, assisted by Plessis and Hansen, who, at the end of the night was named the game’s second star. On Saturday, Jan. 10, the Eagles were
back on home ice where they were handed a 6-3 upset by the Revelstoke Grizzlies. Myck delivered an unassisted single late in the first frame that wound up being the only goal that period. In the second frame, though the Eagles delivered more shots on net, the Grizzlies sealed the win with five unan-
swered goals. The visitors added their sixth goal in the third frame on a power play. It was answered, however, a minute later by Darien Blight, off Wake and Hansen. Justin Wilde added the final goal of the night off Plessis and Campbell, and was named the game’s first star. Tonight (Jan. 14),
the Eagles welcome the Chase Heat, to play a game that was cancelled last week on account of the snowstorm and related travel conditions. On the weekend, the Eagles will be in Princeton to take on the Posse, and then in Revelstoke for a rematch with the Grizzlies. Game time is 7 p.m.
Chiropractic Monashee Chiropractic & Massage Dr. Cameron Grant, D.C. Roxanne Petruk RMT
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Business Profile
Eagle Valley Pharmacy I.D.A
Eagle Valley Pharmacy supplies Sicamous and area with health beauty and cosmetic products, Womens clothing, home healthcare, giftware, greeting cards, books & magazines, we also have an ATM & Kodak Digital Print Centre. Our flower shop offers a variety of florist options. The Eagle Valley Pharmacy currently employs 15 people and is a proud supporter of the Sicamous Eagles Hockey Team. Our slogan is “Best prices, best service, biggest smiles!” Visit us at 317 Main Street Sicamous or check out our facebook page.
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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 14, 2015
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Your Horoscope
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Unexpected news excites you, Aries. Even though you’re not yet sure if the news is good or bad, you have high hopes that positive information is on the way. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you have an abundance of energy and you have to find a way to harness it for the greater good. Find a new hobby or volunteer for a local project. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Now is not a good time to make significant financial decisions, Gemini. You have to make changes when the time is right, and you will know when that day arrives. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, your mood is uplifting to those around you. Maintain this optimistic outlook in the weeks ahead, and good fortune is bound to come your way. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, don’t be afraid to accept a helping hand at work. Seek help from others if no offers are immediately forthcoming. Explore all of your networking possibilities.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Mandela’s party 4. Gives up territory 9. Yellow edible Indian fruit 11. Storefront coverings 14. King of Huns 15. Atomic #18 16. Jive talk for ignored 18. D. Tartt’s third novel 23. Three-toed sloth 24. Gained through effort 25. Macaw’s genus 26. Helps little firms 27. A large group of pheasants 28. Baby bed 29. English dictionary (abbr.) 30. Yellow-fever mosquitos 32. Liquify 34. Add a supplement 38. Insistence on traditional correctness 39. Milk, butter & cheese 40. = to 10 amperes 43. Mined mineral 44. Greek god of war 45. Don’t know when yet 48. Fellow 49. Detailed criteria for a piece of work 50. Special Spanish dish 53. Atomic #46 54. CBS This Morning hostess 56. Rubber tree genus 58. Pa’s partner 59. A tiny bubble in glass 60. Lost light 63. Surface boundary 64. Islands 65. = to 1/100 yen CLUES DOWN 1. Subside in intensity 2. __ Hale, Am. revolutionary
3. Leafstalk herbaceous plant 4. Price of a ride 5. 1/2 an em 6. Execute or perform 7. Narrative poems 8. Breathe deeply and heavily 10. 1/40 inch button measure 11. Morally reprehensible person 12. For instance 13. Members of U.S. Navy 17. Crown 19. Old English 20. Libyan dinar 21. Goddess of the rainbow 22. Catch 26. Fern spore mass clusters 28. Music disc 30. All without specification 31. -__, denotes past 32. A young canine 33. Biblical Sumerian city 34. __ Hitler 35. Marched in a procession 36. Patchy in color 37. Trauma center 38. Time after midday 40. The expanse of a surface 41. Develops into 42. Equally 44. 4th month (abbr.) 45. Nervous & taut 46. Emits blood 47. Assert without proof 49. Saturates in liquid 50. No. Italian river 51. Article 52. Mayflower cooper John 54. Filippo __, Saint 55. Begetter 57. Old Dominion state 61. Raised railroad track 62. Point midway between N and E See Todays Answers inside
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Keep an extra-sharp mind this week, Virgo, as there isn’t anything you cannot accomplish if you put your mind to it. Try tackling those big projects that you have been avoiding. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a problem with no obvious solution has you seeing both sides of the argument. Dwell on things for a little while longer, and the solution will eventually come to you.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you are planning some big moves and you are bound to have a number of supporters behind you. Others want you to succeed so take an opportunity and run with it. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Take extra care with projects at work, Sagittarius. A difficult problem may arise, and a careful approach to the tasks at hand can help you nip that problem in the bud. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, you will forge a new relationship this week, and it may lead to a solid friendship that lasts a number of years. Feelings are bound to get more intense. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 This is a great week for brainstorming, Aquarius. Once you have a few solid ideas, put your plans into motion. At least one should pan out quite well. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Someone is trying to steer you in one direction, Pisces. Politely decline if that direction is the opposite of what you want to do. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS JANUARY 14 Jason Bateman, Actor (46) JANUARY 15 Pitbull, Rapper (35) JANUARY 16 Kate Moss, Model (41) JANUARY 17 Zooey Deschanel, Actress (35)
Your Suduko Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
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STANLEY DOUGLAS BURTON July 18, 1925 - December 28, 2014 After a full and eventful life Stanley went to be with the Lord on December 28, 2014. He was halfway to his 90th birthday. Stan is survived by his four children Dan (Shirley), Linda (Steve), Liz (Shawn) and Doug, his wife Margery of 35 years as well as grandchildren Tim (Kristy), Carolyn (Mark), Stephen, Ryan (Shawna), Shane (Ileana), Jennifer (Rose), Mathew (Tanya), Caroline (Dorian), Joshua and Stephanie; and 13 great-grandchildren. In his retirement years he moved to Sicamous, BC, where he took up wood carving with chain saws and other tools, creating beautiful cedar plaques of fish and birds. He had a home alongside a creek at the edge of a mountain and he spent hours tending his garden creating a park-like environment. It was the envy of all around him. He was also active in the local church and worked on behalf of seniors in the community. In 2002 he returned to Winnipeg to finish his years closer to the majority of his family. He lived in Lions place for 11 years and then one year at Lions Manor Supportive Housing. A memorial service was held on January 8, 2015 at 2:00 pm, at Neil Bardal Funeral Centre, 3030 Notre Dame Ave. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Lions Housing Centres of Winnipeg. Neil Bardal Funeral Centre 204-949-2200 neilbardalinc.com
TED WHITEHEAD CELEBRATION OF LIFE Edward (Ted) Whitehead, age 86, died at Salmon Arm hospital on January 7th. Ted died with his wife Eileen and family at his side. Ted was born on April 28th, 1928 in Miami Manitoba. He has lived in Sicamous since March of 1961. Ted had a variety of careers starting as an electrical engineer, worked on the Rodgers Pass road construction, was a Superintendent of mill construction, had a metal fabrication shop, constructed homes in Sicamous, then for many years had logging and site preparation equipment. Ted retired at the age of 72 and enjoyed telling stories, woodworking and travelling. A Celebration of Life will be held at the
Sicamous Legion Hall on Saturday, January 17th at 3:00 PM.
All friends and family are welcome to attend. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to the Shuswap Hospital Foundation in Ted Whitehead’s name.
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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, January 14, 2015
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Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
Snowclearing BOBCAT & operator for snow removal in Sicamous & surr. area. Stacey (250)836-5000
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS / Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100. Sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Misc. Wanted BUYING gold jewelry! Bracelets, chains, necklaces, rings, watches, coins, gold teeth, etc. Call Todd @ 250-864-3521. Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 Local
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent LGE 1 & 2 BDRM. BRIGHT apts. In suite storage, green space, live-in manager. Cable incl. Sicamous, 250-804-5364.
Quit. Before your time runs out.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Eagle Valley News
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