Clearwater Times, January 08, 2015

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Thursday, January 8, 2015 ▼ Volume 51 No. 2 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST





Winter storms bring white stuff. See page A3 inside.


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Assessment notices sent to property owners in the North Thompson

Property values remain stable for 2015 in Clearwater and area Submitted KAMLOOPS – Owners of more than 3,500 properties throughout the North Thompson can expect to receive their 2015 assessment notices in the next few days. “Most homes in the North Thompson are remaining stable in value compared to last year’s Assessment Roll,” said Graham Held, deputy assessor for the Thompson-Cariboo Region, “Most home owners in the North Thompson will see changes in the -5 per cent to +10 per cent range.” Overall, Clearwater’s Assessment Roll increased from $334 million last year to over $341 million this year. Barriere's Assessment Roll increased from $193 million last year to over $199 million this year “Property owners who feel that their property assessment does not reflect market value as of July 1, 2014, or see incorrect information on their notice, should contact BC Assessment as indicated on their notice as soon as possible in January,” said Held. “If a property owner is still concerned about their assessment after speaking to one of our appraisers, they may submit a Notice of Complaint (Appeal) by Feb. 2, for an independent review by a Property Assessment Review Panel,” added Held. The Property Assessment Review Panels, independent of BC Assessment, are appointed annually by the Ministry of Community,

Sport and Cultural Development, and typically meet between Feb. 1 and March 15 to hear formal complaints. The Kamloops assessment office is located at 805 Renfrew Avenue in Kamloops. During the month of January, office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Property owners can contact BC Assessment toll-free at 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) or online by clicking “CONNECT” at www. Visit for more information about the 2015 Assessment Roll including lists of 2015’s top 100 most valuable residential properties across the province. Of note, BC Assessment has launched a newly-enhanced version of its free e-valueBC service that allows the general public to search, check and compare properties online from across the province. Improved navigation, an interactive map and inclusion of property street-front imagery are among the new features. Also new for 2015, BC Assessment has updated its Customer Service Standards which include commitments to be open, transparent, fair, accurate, timely, accessible, knowledgeable, respectful, innovative and collaborative. “Our service commitments and standards clearly indicate the level of service that you can expect from BC Assessment and ensure we focus on customer needs as we continue to deliver excellent service,” said Held.

Making Christmas wishes Santa Claus asks Braeden Osmond, age 4 1/2, what he wants for Christmas during a Skate With Santa event held at the Sportsplex on Dec. 23. Also in the photo are Santa's helpers (l-r) Claire Arduini, Sophia Braaten and Lily Dulaba. Photo by Keith McNeill

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Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

‘Hello, 9-1-1? Can you MP says Valemount to receive fix my broken Wi-Fi?’ $68,000 for Mountain Bike Park Kamloops This Week

Next time, make your own darn pizza. E-Comm, the province’s largest 9-1-1 call centre, has released the 2014 Top 10 reasons to not call the emergency line. And, yes, complaining about the quality of your pizza made the Top 10. “Our staff are trained to treat every call that comes through our centre as a valid emergency, until they determine otherwise, no matter what the circumstance,” E-Comm spokeswoman Jody Robertson said. “Even if the reason for the call seems absurd on the surface, 9-1-1 call-takers need to take time to determine exactly what’s going on and whether someone genuinely needs help. “Calls about Internet access and cold food are a serious drain on emergency resources.” This year’s top reason not to call 9-1-1? Wi-Fi at a local coffee shop isn’t working.

“We’re here to help people with real emergencies,” said E-Comm 9-1-1 call-taker Warner Yang, recipient of this year’s top nuisance call. “If someone calls 9-1-1 about Internet problems, that means I’m not available to help someone who really needs it.” Approximately 2,600 9-1-1 calls per day were placed to E-Comm in 2014. Here are the Top 10 reasons to not call 9-1-1, based on actual calls received last year: 1. Wi-Fi at a local coffee shop isn’t working 2. “What’s the fine for jay walking?” 3. Pizza not fresh; wants a replacement slice 4. “What’s the number for my travel agency?” 5. Caller phoned 9-1-1 to ask for a taxi referral 6. “Is today a stat holiday?” 7. Food they ordered is cold 8. Wants help finding lost glasses 9. Home Internet is not working 10. “What’s the date today?”


Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo, has announced funding today through the National Recreational Trail Program in Valemount. “Families, residents and visitors will soon benefit from upgrades to the Valemount Mountain Bike Park and Valemount Recreation Trail Rehabilitation,” said McLeod. Canada has a vast network of recreational trails which allow Canadians to experience the outdoors and appreciate this country’s natural beauty. Thanks to a partnership between the Government of Canada and the National Trails Coalition, $10 million has been made available between 2014 and 2016 to help expand and rehabilitate Canada’s snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle and non-motorized trail system. The Valemount Mountain Bike Park received $68,000 for trail and bridge construction, while Valemount’s Recreation Trail Rehabilitation will receive $20,250 in trail upgrades and brushing. “The NTC was founded in the belief that trail users and volunteer trail builders/managers can achieve much more working collaboratively and supporting each other’s goals. Thanks to the support of the federal government, trail users have once again been able to apply for project

grant money. These additional funds of $10 million from the federal government will ensure the revitalization of recreational trails across our country and provide individuals and families with the opportunity to enjoy quality outdoor infrastructure and continue to live active and healthy lives,” said Jo-Anne Farquhar, president of the National Trails Coalition board of directors “Our government is pleased to support these projects as part of our efforts to expand and improve recreational and multi-purpose trails across the country. By investing in trail infrastructure, our government is encouraging job creation, linking communities and increasing recreational opportunities for Canadians. Through this commitment, we are continuing to support economic growth from coast to coast to coast while ensuring that Canadian communities remain among the best in the world to live,” said McLeod. This funding will help build and renew multi-purpose trails for walking, running, crosscountry skiing, biking, all-terrain vehicle use and snowmobiling. Between 150 and 200 projects are expected to be supported across Canada. The National Trails Coalition is responsible for selecting and approving projects.

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Santa Claus pays a visit during Avola's 2014 Christmas Concert – the first in several years. Pictued are (back, l-r) Katelynne Christiensen, Dawn Tucker, Isabelle Carpenter, Eleanor Deckert, Daisy Sun, (front, l-r) Tammy Wilson, Santa, Abby, and Owen Christiensen. Photo by Kevin Deckert

Society organizes Avola schoolhouse activities Eleanor Deckert The newly formed Upstream Community and Heritage Society has arranged with ThompsonNicola Regional District to open the Avola schoolhouse every Tuesday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., for one year. All activities are open to all residents and their guests. In the first month, December, 2014, a total of 30 individuals came to participate in activities, visit, learn, enjoy refreshments, borrow books, take part in the annual cookie exchange, volunteer, and make a Christmas concert.

On Dec. 30, there was a record turnout! Eight people came for fitness, three came for a coffee break, six came to help clean up, and five borrowed books. Six of the people came for the first time. Upstream Community and Heritage Society had a brief business meeting. Participants planned for the January activity calendar and newsletter. The Book Club agreed about the permanent collection of books (shelves under the schoolhouse window), the arrangement for an ongoing sale of books (25¢ each) and the rotation of new incoming books (donations).

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A3

Enough of the white stuff

Harley McKee uses her front end loader carefully to remove snow from in front of the Times' office on Monday morning. Photos by Keith McNeill

Cal Traub operates a Bobcat as he cleans snow away from in front of The Red Umbrella on Lodge Drive on Monday morning. About 25 cm fell overnight in Clearwater and more snow fell Monday night and Tuesday. All schools in School District 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) were closed on Monday and Tuesday. This was probably a good thing, said Clearwater Secondary School principal Darren Coates, as several staff members had transportation issues getting to school. Depending on the weather, Clearwater ski hill could open this weekend, said club spokesperson Dennis Greffard. Check for updates.

Harper acclaimed as school-board chairwoman; Wade elected vice-chair Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week Denise Harper will serve her sixth year leading the KamloopsThompson board of education after the Chase-area trustee was acclaimed on Monday, Dec. 8, by the new board. School trustees were sworn in by B.C. Supreme Court Master Robert McDiarmid in a brief ceremony before selecting their chairperson for the coming year. Two new trustees, Joe Small from Kamloops and Shelley Sim from Clearwater, join the board following November’s civic election. The only election for positions at the inaugural meeting was for vice-chair, won by

“Students can pick a subject and get intensive training,.

Denise Harper

Meghan Wade over Joan Cowden. Wade said Harper, who represents Chase and its surrounding rural area, ran unopposed due to the confidence of the rest of trustees. “We do have trust in her and appreciate the job she’s done to date,” Wade said. As chairwoman,

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Denise Harper

Harper is the face and spokeswoman for the board of education. Harper said highlights she looks forward to in the coming year include opening of the new trades and technology school at NorKam secondary in February. That program will allow 32 students to simultaneously earn publicschool and university credits in mechanical or construction trades.

She also said the board is helping to develop programs for at least one week of the new two-week spring break in 2015. Those programs may include math, literacy and sports camps. “Students can pick a subject and get intensive training,” she said. Wade said her No. 1 goal is to repair the relationship with teachers following the divisive strike through the spring and into the fall of this school year. “We have to take the time and energy to come back together after what we experienced,” she said, adding the board must “rebuild, heal and move forward” with teachers in the district.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

“ Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” -Jacob A Riis, journalist and photographer editorial by keith mcNeill

Fee-and-dividend petition offers global warming solution

Restore the long-form census Editor, The Times:

Eliminating the long form census was a costly mistake and it’s high time Parliament fix it and restore it by passing Bill C-626. In 2011, Stephen Harper replaced the traditional long form census with a voluntary survey that cost taxpayers more – $22 million more – and produced inferior data. Its numbers were unusable for 25% of our towns and weren’t comparable to past surveys. Worse still, groups like rural residents, the poor and youth were

undercounted because of low response rates. That bias not only compromised the census, but it damaged other surveys which rely on census data to correct their sampling. These errors make it harder for businesses to understand markets, governments to deliver services and researchers to get facts. The census is used to design better public transit through its data on commuting patterns. It helps determine where religious groups, minorities and immigrants live, which tells us what services and businesses could succeed in their neigh-

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NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

bourhood. It is the only source of data on small communities’ skill needs and labour shortages. Groups like the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Federation of Independent Business and the Canadian Medical Association have been calling for a fix. That’s why I proposed C-626 to restore the long form census. It would save money and produce better data for everyone. This bill also ensures the census produces quality data that is comparable over time, and empowers the Chief Statistician to protect the integrity of the survey design and data collection process. Canadians need the basic data that is essential to good planning. I hope Members of Parliament will vote to pass C-626 this winter so that we can stop paying more for less.

Ted Hsu, M.P. Liberal Party of Canada science critic

Is the public mood shifting on climate change? Polls indicate that people have felt for a long time that global warming is an important issue. Now it seems they believe it's time we do something about it. On New Year's Day I placed a petition on Care2 calling for a Canada-wide referendum on carbon fee-and-dividend. Within 2 1/2 days there were 100 names on it. This compares with the seven months to reach 100 names it took a similar petition I placed on Care2 in 2013. Despite what the tobacco salesmen say, the science on climate change is rock solid. Human beings are warming the planet. The consequences will be serious and they could be catastrophic. The sooner we act, the better. James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, has advocated carbon fee-anddividend for many years as the best approach to control global warming. The fee would be similar to a carbon tax, in that it would be charged on fossil fuels at source. Rather than going into general revenues, however, the money would be distributed as equal and recurring dividends to every adult.

A Canada-wide carbon fee set at the same level as B.C.'s carbon tax of $30 per tonne of carbon dioxide would generate about $20 billion per year – enough to give every adult living in Canada an annual fossil fuel dividend of about $1,000. Economists estimate that 2/3 of the population would receive more from the dividend than they would pay in carbon fees. My petition calls for a Canada-wide referendum on carbon fee-and-dividend. Imposing such a system would be a major step and deserves national debate. In Switzerland (population 8 million), a petition of 100,000 names is enough to bring an important question to national referendum. In Canada (population 35 million), an equivalent number would be about 400,000. My petition will be on Care2 for one year. If we are going to reach the 400,000 target, we will need more than 1,000 names per day. I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider putting your name on the petition, and if you would encourage your friends and neighbours to do the same. I suspect that your children and grandchildren will thank you as well.

Nisga’a Nation not a ‘parallel state’ Editor, The Times:

This in response to Tom Fletcher’s column (‘Nisga’a proving their critics wrong,’ B.C. Views, Dec. 3) First, the Nisga’a Nation is not a “parallel state.” As a result of our treaty, we are very much a part of Canada, a fact about which many Nisga’a citizens are extremely proud. In the manner set out in the Nisga’a Treaty, federal and provincial laws apply to Nisga’a Nation, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to Nisga’a government, Nisga’a citizens pay taxes, and Nisga’a citizens continue to be entitled to all the rights and benefits of other Canadian citizens. If anything, our treaty removed the barriers of the Indian Act that obstructed our full participation in Canadian society. We take exception to being separated

in any way from Canada. Second, Johnson’s comment that Nisga’a citizens have become a “landed gentry” is a completely inaccurate portrayal of the state of Nisga’a society. It suggests that through the recognition of our aboriginal title under the Nisga’a Treaty, Nisga’a Nation has somehow magically transformed its economic conditions to that of a 19th century aristocrat living off rents. In fact we were not allowed to participate in the industrial revolution, and we need to catch up to the rest of Canada. As tax-paying Canadians, we at Nisga’a Nation still have to earn our daily bread, attract investment to our area and carefully plan and build for the future, just like everyone else in Canada. This is why we support the

development of the liquefied natural gas industry in B.C., are seeking to attract investment, and possibly operate an LNG facility on Nisga’a lands. As we have indicated to the government of B.C. at recent joint press conferences, our efforts at Nisga’a Nation provide LNG proponents project certainty to support the establishment of the LNG industry in B.C. generally. Nisga’a Nation strives for sustainable prosperity and self-reliance. We appreciate how Fletcher has kept an open mind to allow his views on the Nisga’a Treaty to evolve. We are optimistic that eventually more people will understand that we want what all citizens of B.C. want – an improved quality of life.

H. Mitchell Stevens, president Nisga’a Lisims Government New Aiyansh, B.C.

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A5

Question of the Week


Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

Dalton Snippa:

I'm going to try to quit smoking, play my guitar more and maybe go back to the gym.

Austay McCauley:

No, I haven't. I don't think we need any.

Be ready: roadside flashing lights are a signal to slow down, move over By Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure

VICTORIA People who work to keep us safe often do so in dangerous places. Think about working on the side of a highway with barely more than a meter between traffic and a guard rail. This is the workplace of thousands of women and men who remove debris from travel lanes, clear culverts, repair traffic signals and hundreds of other important tasks every day - and night on our roads and highways. They need space to do their work safely. In the past, drivers were required to slow down and move over for official vehicles only, such as stopped police cars and ambulances with blue or red lights flashing. Others who work to keep our highways safe said that this wasn't enough. The BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association, and our highway maintenance contractors, raised concerns that this did not protect all roadside workers. We listened, and responded: As of Jan. 1, 2015, Slow Down Move Over protection is extended to all vehicles with red, blue or yellow flashing lights stopped on the side of a road - because a stopped vehicle means

there are people working nearby. The expanded Slow Down Move Over regulation requires drivers to drop their speed as soon as flashing lights are visible. On a highway, that means dropping to 70 kilometres an hour or slower. If the speed limit is 70 kilometres per hour or less, drop to 40 kilometres an hour or slower. Slowing down gives drivers more time to react in the event that more defensive action is required. Roadside workers need a buffer from traffic, so it is also important to signal and move to the adjacent lane on a four-lane highway or road. By slowing down, signalling and moving away from roadside work, drivers are doing their part to keep workers safe, as well as being an example to other drivers to follow. There are more than 2,000 contracted employees willing to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week to keep our highways and roads open, safe and reliable. In addition, there are hundreds more people who have reason to stop and turn on the flashing lights, including conservation officers, commercial vehicle safety enforcement officers, land surveyors, park rangers, tow truck operators, municipal maintenance workers,

contracted electronic technicians and geotechnical engineers in addition to police, fire and ambulance services. The Drive BC website lists scheduled maintenance work and any effect it may have on traffic, which helps motorists to be prepared for flaggers directing traffic around work zones. But not all work can be planned. Inclement weather may result in result in rock or tree branches falling on roads, or an incident could damage a sign or traffic signal. Insecure loads could mean debris on travel lanes, or wildlife could be killed. Whether planned maintenance or an unexpected event, we know one thing for sure: there are people working on the sides of our highways every day of the year. The legislation is clear: These people are keeping roads safe for our travel. Let's keep them safe from harm by obeying the law, and slowing down and moving over.

Robyn Murray (with Torin):

No, I haven't, except to stay healthy, keep up with my Tabata workouts, and eat healthy.

Dianna Leins:

Yes, I have. My number one resolution is to keep my promises to myself.

Beverly Shymkiw:

No, I haven't. I didn't think it was necessary this year.

Christmas recital fills audience with awe Editor, The Times:

Leah Jones' amazing soprano voice lifted us to new highs during her Songs for a Christmas Evening performance at the Baptist Church in Clearwater on Dec 23. Leah’s voice filled the attendees with awe as she skillfully reached those high notes that I find so difficult. I much prefer to hang out with those that sing in a much lower key – or in my case, one wonders if voice lessons might not have been a bad investment on time spent in my youth. The voices of the enthusiastic crowd joined in for a number of traditional carols at the mid-way point of the evening. Lucky for us that hymn books were supplied so we got the words right, and sang our hearts out to the ends of some of the longer

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ones, so that we could ensure that there was indeed a happy ending – that Good would triumph over Evil – that Peace on Earth was possible after all. The evening ended with us all sharing our stories, enjoying to sweets and coffee, as well as chips, dip and the ever-popular vegetable trays that adorned the refreshments area. The talent of the people in our valley never ceases to amaze me. I’d like to congratulate Leah and her skilled pianist friend, Bonnie Grusing from Barriere, for providing this evening for the community.

Cheryl Thomas Clearwater, B.C.

Clearwater resident Leah Jones smiles as the audience applauds following a performance in the Community Baptist Church before Christmas. Photo submitted






Welcome to the first Capsule Comments of this New Year. Our resolution is to fill the column with interesting and useful tidbits of health information throughout the year. Our goal is to keep you informed about important health topics through the year. Speaking of resolutions, many people don’t bother making them at all. Those that do, sometimes make too many. Not good. Pick one or two areas of your life that you’d like to change and set some realistic goals for those changes. Also, put a time limit on the goals, like three or six months. Shorter goals will enhance a feeling of accomplishment when you reach them. We’ve mentioned in this column before that writing down your goals is a positive way of helping you achieve them. Just seeing your goal on your bathroom mirror each day will help you keep on track. Also, tell a few good friends and relatives of your resolutions. They can be a great help in keeping your motivation. Some people are adversely affected by the short winter days with decreased sunlight. Their moods are affected causing irritability, fatigue, lack of interest in activities and inability to concentrate. Even sleeping and eating patterns are affected. The condition is called “Seasonal Affective Disorder,” (SAD) and can be helped by using light therapy. Our pharmacists are familiar with lights used to treat SAD. We’d be happy to tell you all about them.

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YEARS AGO: Archibald's sawmill closed down after 14 years of operation in Clearwater. J.H. Archibald and his son, David, had set up the original three-man mill in 1950 about a mile east of Raft River. Three years later it was moved to the Clearwater road. It had grown to a 25-man, year-round operation. For the final year-and-ahalf it was operated by the Swanson group of Edmonton. Camp Two parents sent a letter to the Birch Island School Board concerning the hazards to children attending school and using the Camp Two hill. There were 25 children using the road, and it had been blocked several times recently.


YEARS AGO: Members of Wells Gray Curling Club prepared a sheet of ice at the Ian Davidson ranch in Blackpool. Lights were put up, and two games a night were

being played. The Monkey Patrol of First Star Lake Scouts went on a tour of the Times. Members of the patrol who were present were Kevin Musselman, Alan Nicholas, Doug Ukrainetz, Larry Nicholas and Randy Grahn.


YEARS AGO: Numerous complaints were expressed at a meeting of the Clearwater Improvement District that the Clearwater dump was hard to reach by vehicle. It was decided to write the regional district on the matter. Clearwater SnoDrifters held the first of two regional races at the Clearwater oval. An article outlined the history of Moilliets' sheep ranch near Vavenby, as told to Ruth Phillips by Jack Moilliet. In 1909 Jack's father, Tam Moilliet, had traveled by canoe to Kamloops to marry his bride from England.

Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

HISTORICAL Perspective



YEARS AGO: A letter from MLA and Minister of Health Rafe Mair reassured Clearwater resident Reg Small that a bridge across the Clearwater River to replace a bailey bridge then in place was progressing. Core samples had been taken in the vicinity of the new bridge, wrote Mair. Avola resident Herb George was elected chairman of the TNRD and appointed a director on the Yellowhead Interprovincial Highway Association. The George family had recently sold the Log Inn Store and Pub.


YEARS AGO: Grade 8 student Molly Therres was the

winner of the Times' junior Christmas story contest. A feature profiled the life of the late Alice Moilliet of Vavenby, as told by her husband, Jack Moilliet. Born in Kamloops, she had worked as a nurse at various locations, including the Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland, before marrying Jack in 1945. She had been instrumental in establishing the Vavenby Christian Church, and was Clearwater and District Citizen of the Year in 1975.


YEARS AGO: Two Clearwater umpires, Bill Mattenley and Gerry Scramstad, were being sued after a Vernon woman tore

Property Owner’s Checklist Have you received your 2015 property assessment notice?

Follow us

If not received in your mail by January 18, call toll-free 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) If so, review it carefully Visit to compare other property assessments using the free, newly enhanced e-valueBC™ service Questions? Contact BC Assessment at 1-866-valueBC or online at Don’t forget...if you disagree with your assessment, you must file a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by February 2, 2015

ligaments in her leg when she was sliding into second base during a women's fastball tournament. The woman sued Clearwater Improvement District, and the CID's insurance company in turn sued the two umpires. Dr. Kee Jim, the son of Little Fort residents Loy and Marie Jim, was given the prestigious American Association of Bovine Practitioners award for excellence in preventative veterinary medicine. The 10-bed Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital had 12 patients admitted as the flu made the rounds in the North Thompson. There were a lot of elderly people with symptoms, said hospital administrator Linda Basran.


YEARS AGO: An eight-car derailment on the eastern approach to the North Thompson River bridge just north of Birch Island closed the CN main line to the west. Work crew members estimated 400 feet of track had been torn up, and considerable damage was done to the bridge. No one was injured in the accident. McKaya Marie Leslie, the first child of Don and Stacy Schafer, won a close race to be the first baby of 1995. She was born at 12:37 p.m. on Jan. 2, just 37 minutes ahead of Levi Coralynn Simms, daughter of Charlene Simms.


YEARS AGO: WCB no-smoking rules that came into effect Jan. 1, 2000, were creating a firestorm of controversy with pubs, cafes and restaurants. Some local

establishments were abiding by the rules, while others were not enforcing them. Thieves took four new or nearly new snowmobiles with a total value of $50,000 from a Clearwater residence. Most property assessments slipped a little in the valley. A home in Clearwater assessed at $102,300 the previous year decreased to $101,200. In Blue River on the other hand, a home valued at $64,500 in the summer of 1998 was assessed at $67,000 in 1999.


YEARS AGO: A public forum was held regarding a proposed community forest license. The Wells Gray Country Community Forest Corporation had received an application package from the ministry. Eleven hardy souls participated in Little Fort’s Polar Bear Dip. The annual dip into the frigid waters of the North Thompson River at the ferry slip was also a fundraiser for valley food banks. Chuck Galvin of Blackpool was awarded a certificate for “oldest male” and was impressed with the community spirit in Little Fort. Interact Wood Products Ltd. loaded the first truck from its Vavenby operation with laminated beams bound for the U.S. Predictions were made to expand the current workforce of 30 to over 50 and expectations were to top 100. BC Property Assessments reported Clearwater homes were assessed at, on average, 2.2 per cent more than the previous year. Blue River residents faced an increase of 7.5 per cent.


YEARS AGO: Clearwater council gave the go-ahead to three more forest fuel management contracts totaling about $230,000 in value. Work was to be done near the

Vavenby water tower and around the Vavenby transfer station, as well as near the Wyndhaven area of Clearwater. Council agreed to increasing Mayor John Harwood's salary by 55 per cent. However, council tabled a parallel motion to increase their own salaries by 29 per cent. Harwood's salary was to increase from $11,142 per year by $3,000 that year and $3,000 the following year to bring it to $17,142. Most homeowners in Clearwater saw increases in their assessments in the zero to 25 per cent range. In Blue River, most homeowners saw their assessments go up in the zero to 10 per cent range. The future of the Canfor Truckers Fund was unclear. "There is no work and so there is no money. It's as simple as that," said fund spokesperson Carol Jensen.


YEAR AGO: District of Clearwater passed a roads cross-section bylaw. “The District is at a critical stage for planning the future of its community,” said CAO Leslie Groulx. “This created an opportunity to develop a road network plan to assure long-term financial sustainability for Clearwater's current and future tax base.” After more than 80 years, Kamloops Daily News was to close. Parent company Glacier Media served notice to staff that it would cease operations within the next 60 days. Matco Investments Ltd., a private investment firm based in Calgary, acquired a 36 per cent interest in Yellowhead Mining Inc. Matco was at one time the owner of the former Weyerhaeuser property in Vavenby before Yellowhead acquired it in 2011. Yellowhead's proposed Harper Creek coppergold-silver mine would be located about 10 km southwest of Vavenby.

North Thompson Times print subscribers will find complete e-Editions of each issue and weekly supplements on our website. Call our office to get your access number — 250-674-3343

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A7

Winter collisions

Auxiliary announces raffle winners Tammy Rutsatz (l) accepts on behalf of her mother, Linda King, two tickets to anywhere WestJet flies from Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital president Leslie Wolfer. DHMH administrator Berni Easson made the draw for the Auxiliary’s raffle on Dec. 30 in the hospital's meeting room, witnessed by 14 Auxiliary members. Sharon Chaytor won the second prize, a wooden bowl basket, while David Pool won the third prize, a hand crocheted bedspread. The Auxiliary members express their appreciation to everyone who purchased a raffle ticket and to Buy-Low Foods for allowing them to sell tickets in the new store. Photo submitted

Over of the past few weeks Clearwater RCMP has attended numerous motor vehicle incidents along Highway 5, as well as within Clearwater itself. With the roads being either snow or ice covered, police have been attending approximately one incident per day. Usually during the high volume traffic days such as the weekends, police have attended multiple incidents. Most of these incidents could have been avoided by simply reducing the speed of the vehicle and remembering that the current season is winter, not summer. Give plenty of space for the motorist in front of you and keep the speeds low. Just because the sign says a 100 km/h doesn’t mean you have to travel that speed. Drive the speed relative to the condition of the roadway.

New Year’s Eve impaired drivers

On Dec. 31, Clearwater RCMP conducted road checks and traffic stops in the North Thompson Valley in an effort to crack down on impaired driving. Due to the New Year celebration police were out in full force, looking for drunk drivers. During this evening as well as New Year’s


1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report morning, police stopped three impaired drivers, who all blew fail readings. The three had their vehicles impounded for 30 days, with their licenses prohibited for 90.

Missing person

On Jan. 3, Clearwater RCMP was advised of a missing individual who had not been seen for several days. Police investigated his last known whereabouts, spoke with friends and family members and searched the individual’s residence. Police also contacted Kamloops police dog services as well as the Wells Gray Search and Rescue to assist with the efforts. Thankfully, Search and Rescue tracked down the individual down to another friend’s residence, where the individual had been staying.

Training Tax Credit extension supports B.C. apprentices, employers Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Responsible for Labour VICTORIA Government is supporting B.C.'s skilled workforce by extending the BC Training Tax Credit program for an additional three years to the end of 2017, providing refundable income

tax credits for B.C. apprentices and their employers. Eligible apprentices enrolled in programs administered through the Industry Training Authority may qualify for up to $6,500 in tax credits over a fouryear apprenticeship program. Employers may qualify for up to $13,500 in tax credits as their apprentice progresses.

"British Columbia's job market creates a strong demand for skilled workers," said Premier Christy Clark. "Extending these credits will provide longlasting benefits for employers and skilled trades workers and help fuel the skilled workforce we need to keep B.C.'s economy moving." To encourage First Nations participation

in trades, individual and employer tax credits are enhanced by 50%. Persons with disabilities and their employers are also eligible for enhanced tax credits under this program. The Training Tax Credit program is designed to attract people to apprenticeship programs in B.C. to gain the experience they need to qualify

for skilled trades jobs. The program also provides employers with an incentive to hire and train apprentices so they can get the work experience they need to find the job they want to support themselves and their families. "Since the program began in 2007, thousands of apprentices have enrolled and gone on to secure

BC Coroners Service statistics on domestic violence homicides BC Coroners Service VICTORIA – The BC Coroners Service has made public a report examining the number of homicides resulting from intimate partner violence (IPV) over the past decade. The statistics cover the period from Jan. 1, 2004, through Dec. 15, 2014. They show that throughout that time period, the average number of persons who died each year from intimate partner violence is 13.9. For the current year to

date, the number is 14. About three-quarters of the victims were female. An IPV death is defined as one in which the death occurred as a result of injuries inflicted by a current or former intimate partner (spouse, whether married or common-law, or dating partner), or the death occurred during an incident where a current or former intimate partner was the intended victim. Deaths which occur as the result of injuries caused by other family members (e.g. parents,

children, siblings) that are not related to intimate partner violence are not included. The report also covers only IPV homicides, not suicides that occur in the context of IPV homicide-suicide cases. Over the period, the number of homicides ranged from a high of 23 in 2008 to a low of seven in 2013. The BC Coroners Service also notes that small numbers of cases, such as these, can magnify random effects and give the appearance of substantial variation

Read us online at

where the difference can be attributed to a normally expected random variation. The full report

can be found at: www. coroners/reports/ docs/IntimatePartner Violence.pdf

stable, well-paying jobs throughout B.C.," said Minister of Finance Michael de Jong. "These are the skilled

tradespeople who are building our homes, our infrastructure and eventually supporting B.C.'s LNG industry.”


SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It’s a special, significant birthday for both my father and my aunt- Ken and Karen Ferguson this week. Both have been lovely and wonderful figures in my life, and I’m very thankful for all they have done. To celebrate this special occasion, there will be a potluck lunch and gathering at the Blackpool Hall on Saturday, January 10. Doors at 12:00 noon - 5:30pm, lunch at 12:30. Feel free to swing by and celebrate with us.

2015 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE The 2015 schedule for Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Regular Meetings is as follows. Meetings are scheduled for 1:15 pm in the Boardroom of the TNRD Civic Building located at 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9 unless otherwise posted. January February March April May June

16 5 & 26 12 and 27 23 14 and 28 18

July August September October November December

16 20 – Out of Town (Sun Peaks) 17 8 and 22 5 and 19 10

Please visit the TNRD website at for more information and to view Board agendas when published.

A8 North Thompson Star/Journal January 08, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times A13



Songs and dances within the Secwepecm Nation

The following article was written by a Barriere Elementary School student in 2012 for the Heritage Fair The Secwepemc People: The Secwepemc people are also know as the Shuswap. Historically, the Secwepemc Nation was made up of 32 bands. Today, due to diseases such as smallpox that wiped out thousands of people, there are only 17 bands that make up the Nation. The Secwepemc people have a traditional territory that they live within, called Secwepemc’ulucw. They are united by a common language, Sewepemctsin, and a similar culture and belief system. The traditional people were semi-nomadic, living in pit houses in the winter and in matt lodges made of reeds in the summer. The Secwepemc traveled around the territory to hunt, fish and gather berries and medicines. Today, many people still carry on the way of life that has been passed on for generations.

we respect it as an extension of our own self. It is used in prayer, ceremony, and celebrations or just for the simple pleasure and pure joy of singing. Are there different songs and dances for the Band’s within the Secwepecm Nation? There are different songs that each community owns, but from the way that most of the songs are being taught, it’s clear that they belong to the entire Secwepemc Nation. They don’t belong to one family, or one community, they belong to everyone within the Nation. You don’t have to worry about protocol and asking permission, as long as you learn it by doing it, not by recording, not by videotaping it. You have to take the time to actually sing the songs yourself and do the dances yourself. That’s how you earn the right to sing and dance these songs.

Drum (Pumin): The drum represents the heartbeat of the Nation. The heartbeat of all living things in Creation. The round hoop that makes up the drum symbolizes the sacred hoop that we all live within. The life within, no beginning and no end. We are no better than anything else in Creation. We are all the same, everything has a spirit, and everything is sacred. All of these teachings come with the drum. You can pick up a drum and look at it and think about life and think about things that go on around you, that drum encompasses all of that. The drum is the heartbeat of our oldest living relative, the Mother Earth and the Creator. When we carry a drum,

Maiden song and Dance: Men and women sing the song, but only the women dance. This is also a t’ey (women’s) dance. It was used to show off the young eligible women in the community. The dance starts with all the maidens, the eligible women in the front. Behind them are the mothers, grandmothers, aunties, the ones who have husbands and kids. It’s almost like a line dance. All the maiden’s supporters are behind them. They dance forward with their hands on their hips. Doing t’ey steps. When they turn to the eligible men, they have their arms up in the air; hands open almost cradling the sky. That’s how they would present themselves to the young men. They would dance

an’s step. The women dance this welcome song. The way we were taught is the steps are really little, very feminine and dainty. The woman holds her hands on her hips. Raising her hands up to the sky, welcomes the son, the wind, the birds, anything up towards the sky. Placing of hands on the heart and moving outwards with palms facing up, welcomes the people and the animals. Moving the hands towards the ground welcomes the stream, and the rocks, everything on Mother Earth. When you welcome people, you place both your hands on your heart and push your hands out towards the people. Farewell Song and Dance: A man and a woman can sing the song together. It originally was sung for people leaving your community. The meaning

for Secwepemc was, “until we meet again”. People sang it for someone leaving the community, ever for a short time, like an ets’xwem (fast on the mountain). After gathering at a berry picking spot, or when finished hunting in a specific area, this song was sung. The dance is a t’ey, a woman’s step. Really small, really feminine steps with your hands on the hips, almost the same as the welcome song. When you are moving your hands, your palms are face down. The hands never move down away from your heart. Say farewell to the birds, the fish, and the deer, everything to do with Mother Earth or the people you are parting ways from. As a people, we never had a word that says a final goodbye. We always believed we would meet again.

STAR/JOURNAL photos: Jill Hayward

Simpcw First Nation Elder, Margaret Joseph, drums and sings a traditional song during an event in 2014. towards the young man of their choice. The young man at that time would either accept or decline. If he accepted he took her hand, if he declined, he would turn his back to her. If he said no or declined her offer he maybe hadn’t finished his training, still had something to complete, or wasn’t ready to take on the responsibilities of being a man or a husband. He didn’t decline the offer because she wasn’t pretty or because he didn’t

HOURS OF OPERATION Monday to Saturday 9am - 6pm Closed Sundays

like her, it was simply because he wasn’t ready to be a provider or a father. This dance was done at a National gathering of some sort. Welcome Song and Dance: The song welcomes guests to your community. It is sung if you’re in a new place like a berry picking patch or hunting area, that’s the song you would sing when you get there. The dance that goes along with the song is called t’ey. T’ey is a wom-

The 2012 Heritage Fair project created by grade 5 Barriere Elementary School student G. Loring.

PHARMASAVE North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012

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CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122

Nature plays a large part in Art by Ecki

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A9

Thompson Rivers University president looks to the future Dale Bass – Kamloops This Week Alan Shaver remembers that day many years ago when he boarded a bus in Ottawa and headed off to do something no one in his family had ever done — go to university. Shaver, recently reappointed president of Thompson Rivers University, said he had mixed emotions.

The enthusiasm was boundless, and the energy and determination, but there was a little bit of apprehension,

Alan Shaver

“The enthusiasm was boundless, and the energy and determination, but there was a little bit of apprehension,” he said. Shaver knew he was part of a larger group, all first-generation, post-secondary students in their families, and he appreciated more than just the support of his mother and father. “More than that, my parents’ generation for building all those universities for their generation of kids,” he said. “It’s very important to me.” Shaver’s resume includes many prestigious universities in North America, including Carleton University, where he received a bachelor of science degree; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received a PhD in organometallic chemistry; University of Western Ontario (now known as Western University), where he did postdoctoral studies and taught in the chemistry department; and McGill University,

where he went from an assistant professor in 1975 to dean of the science faculty in 1995, a position he held for a decade before being named the vicepresident academic provost at Dalhousie University. TRU appealed to him for a simple reason that carried with it lofty aspirations. “The mission. It was the mission that brought me here,” Shaver said, referring to the belief a university exists to serve its students, its faculty and its community. During the interview process, Shaver learned of the plans to add a law school to the campus. He knew of the role the openlearning programming played. What he learned intrigued him. “I’m looking at TRU and they’re looking at me and I’m thinking, ‘This is interesting’,” Shaver said. “What I was hearing resonated with that kid on the bus going to Carleton. “There was a trades school. I had never seen trades at any university. And open learning — five years ago, people were starting to realize distance learning would be a big deal and it was here,” he said. “All the aboriginal students, all the international students. Holy smoke, I really believe in the mission of this institution and the idea of being so dedicated to service,” he said. “I’d never been at a university as community-minded.” Shaver has a long list of advances TRU has taken since it morphed from a college, to a university college, then to full university status in 2005. They include the law school, two-year and four-year programs, building the master’sdegree programs and all the research focused on solving problems in the community. Shaver is looking

Happy Birthday

(Uncle) Kenny & Karen (Mom) “Ferguson Twins”

Wishing you both all the best in Health & Happiness May your Birthday be a special time of joy, laughter and a lifetime of memories. Love, Anne, Lesley, Elton, Sheldon & Carson Musselman

Alan Shaver, president of Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, was the first member of his family to go to university. Kamloops This Week photo

forward to creation of the university-village concept that has been in development for the past couple of years, seeing it has having “the potential to generate an even more inviting university environment, keep people on campus and, not only that, bring people to the campus.” That project is designed to include market-based residential and student housing, retail shops, restaurants and professional offices that would provide a revenue stream to be used for student support or other university needs. Shaver is also anticipating “the moment in time, the window of opportunity” that exists as the highschool success rate for First Nations students continues to grow. “Many are choosing TRU, for which I’m very proud,” he said. “But, we need to think ahead. We need to think about what these students, all of our students, want to further their education so we can generate researchers here, having local people here doing it for the community.” Shaver is confident TRU’s faculty, staff and students are ready for the challenges ahead. He said the university community has shown its ability to move quickly for potential funding, to identify donors and granting agencies it can work with, all to ensure the institution’s sustainability.

Fundraiser is a new identity for the man who began his career as a scientist and teacher before moving into administrative areas. “It’s another way of re-inventing myself,” Shaver said. “You also need to surround yourself with professionals and listen to them and make sure they listen to you.” Shaver looks to recent years as further proof TRU has what is needed to excel in the future, “When I was looking at TRU, I noticed the House of Learning. It was still being built, but it was a sign this institution was up to it, ready to take on the future. The public-private partnerships that led to residences being built and the way the Campus Activity Centre and International Building were selffunded were big signals to Shaver. He points out those successes to visitors and politicians — “and we get them up here as often as we can” — and talks about the funding challenges postsecondary institutions face today. Shaver is optimistic about the future, however. “I tell people there will be a recovery, there will be reinvestment and we need to be ready,” he said. “We need to be ready to take it to the next level.”

Start the New Year with a new Return to Work Action Plan! Together with a skilled Case Manager you can develop a plan, 1-on-1, and totally confidential. Please call for more information! HIGHLIGHTS OF



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A FULL LIST OF JOB POSTINGS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: WWW.CLEARWATEREMPLOYMENT.CA _________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operati operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Operated by Yellowhead Community Services

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times


ye a r i n rev i ew

Continued from last week

May Students from Raft River Elementary School kicked off the Clearwater School

Garden Project as part of Earth Day. Little Fort Herefords captured several of the top honours during the 77th annual Williams Lake Bull Show and Sale,

In partnership with

SAVE ANYWHERE. In partnership with In partnership with


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including grand champion, junior champion, reserve junior champion, best pair of bulls and best string of bulls. World renowned artist Robert Bateman donated a painting of an eagle’s head as first prize in the Kids-inWild-Nature treasure hunt in Wells Gray Park. “I’m pleased to contribute artwork and hope it translates into helping the community,” Bateman said. An article outlined how a dog guide named Valour was helping Marnie Peters. The Clearwater woman had been partially paralyzed during surgery eight years earlier. Bal Dhanoa, Saad Hafez and Usman Sharif tried their hand at cricket on the CSS field. It was believed the first time in a long time the game had been played in Clearwater. Despite short notice, more than a dozen people attended an event held at

Participants on the North Thompson Aboriginal Centre float celebrate after winning first place in the clubs and organizations category at Clearwater’s annual May Day parade. There were 192 participants in the parade, Rotary Club organizers reported. Times file photo

Clearwater Legion as part of the National Day of Honor for Afghanistan veterans. “This was a noble cause war,” said Mayor John Harwood. Local politicians, members of the Blackpool Hall committee, and representatives of Kinder Morgan gathered to officially turn the sod to mark the start of

Visit to Learn More

Visit to Learn More


As of Tuesday, January 13, fees are changing at all TNRD transfer stations and Eco-Depots. SMALL TRANSFER STATIONS (NO WEIGH SCALE)

Household garbage rates will stay the same at $1/ bag or $10/pick-up truck. DLC rates will increase from $20/ pick-up truck to $30/pick-up truck. See complete volume based tipping fee schedule at


2015 tipping


(WITH WEIGH SCALE) If bringing in bags of household garbage you will be charged $1/bag up to 4 bags. More than 4 bags or 50 kilograms will be calculated at $80/tonne Wood waste, asphalt shingles and concrete/asphalt are $100/tonne with a $5 minimum for loads under 50 kg. Loads of DLC that are not separated out will be charged $160/tonne with a minimum charge of $8 for loads under 50 kg

For more information visit our website or talk to your local site attendant a partnership between


construction of a park next to the hall. Wells Gray Country TNRD director Tim Pennell proposed a fire protection service for Birch Island. “It’s definitely the same, only different,” was how he compared the proposal with one that had been rejected by taxpayers the previous year. MLA and Health Minister Terry Lake announced $40,000 for a feasibility study into locating a hospice in the North Thompson Valley. Highways and Argo staff worked to save the culvert-and-fill crossing at Second Canyon on the road to Wells Gray Park after heavy runoff. Major freshets in previous years had taken out culverts at First and Third canyons, as well as at Spahats. TNRD awarded a $830,000 contract to Borrow Enterprises to construct a septage receiving station in Clearwater. The station would receive septic tank sludge from the vast majority of residences in the upper North Thompson Valley that were not served by a sewer system. District of Clearwater and Yellowhead Community Services were investing $650,000 of their own and their partners’

money to convert the former Dutch Lake School into a community center. “The benefits to the community will be enormous,” said YCS executive director Jack Keough. June TNRD issued an evacuation alert to the residents of Upper Clearwater as high water threatened the crossing at Second Canyon. Wells Gray Park has a unique geological history that deserves designation as a UNESCO Geopark and even a World Heritage Site, said Dr. Cathie Hickson during a presentation at the Infocenter. Formerly with the Geological Survey of Canada, Hickson had done her Ph.D. thesis on the park’s volcanoes. Local residents were being invited to sign a petition to keep convicted killer David Shearing (Ennis) from being released on parole. In 1982 he had murdered her uncle, his wife, two daughters and his wife’s two parents, said Tsawwassen resident Shelley Boden. Members of Simpcw First Nation and Canim Lake Indian Band joined others to celebrate the grand re-opening of the Wells Gray Infocentre and Art

Galley. The displays had been renewed and now included more about local First Nations history and culture. A total of 32 students crossed the floor to graduated from Clearwater Secondary School. Tori Barstow and Chad Bond were class valedictorians. Obtaining a helipad for Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital was being held back by the $800,000-plus price tag, said hospital administrator Berni Easson. In the meantime, emergency landings were being made next to the vet clinic on Camp Two Road. About 40 people took part and three fish were caught during a Free Family Fish Day at Hallamore Lake. “This large, sprawled area has unique challenges in terms of providing cost effective local government services, particularly for pipes and pavement,” said a service capacity report done for District of Clearwater. Repaving to a long list of roads in Clearwater got underway, including Old North Thompson Highway. Wells Gray Community Forest had distributed about $500,000 in the community over the past

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A11


ye a r i n rev i ew

five years, corporation president Dave Meehan reported to the annual general meeting of the community forest’s advisory committee. “It’s been a big boost to a lot of societies,” he said. Canfor and BC Timber Sales (formerly Small Business Program) had begun logging and/or roadbuilding on the west side of the Clearwater River, according to Upper Clearwater resident Erik Milton. “Clearwater’s namesake is about to get dirty,” said the Wells Gray Action Committee spokesperson.

July More than 60 people, including MLA Terry Lake, took part in a tour of Upper Clearwater to learn more about concerns that logging have on the region’s economy and other values. The tour was organized by Wells Gray Action Committee. Clearwater and Wells Gray Park attract a disproportionate number of European visitors said Tay Briggs, one of the speakers. “Why? Because it’s

Sowaran Heer takes part in Vaisakhi celebrations at the Sikh Temple in Clearwater in June. He has been involved with the temple for many years. Times file photo

wilderness,” she said. District of Clearwater council decided to set aside more money for snow plowing. Total cost to the district for the previous winter had been $357,000, which was $86,000 over the contract requirements. Clearwater Crushers crushed all opponents to win the U16 provincial softball championships in Clearwater. Pitcher Karter Romeo was chosen to play in the Canadian champion-

ships in Fredericton. John Hogg, the grandson of Wells Gray, visited the park named after his grandfather. Wells Gray was elected to be mayor of New Westminster four times. As Minister of Lands he helped create the park that was named after him. Clearwater town council approved $40,000 for a paved walkway next to the Buy-Low store then under construction. The grocery chain was paying half the cost of

upgrading the section of Murtle Crescent next to the new shopping center. RCMP removed three stowaways from an empty space on a freight train in Blue River. The two men and one woman had got on in Kamloops and were attempting to get to Montreal. Town council members helped staff as District of Clearwater moved its offices from the Flats to the former Dutch Lake School. Several Yellowhead

Community Services programs, Thompson Rivers University, Service Canada, Wells Gray Country (TNRD) and Clearwater Chamber of Commerce moved into the new community center as well. About three dozen people attended a talk about the wonders of Wells Gray Park put on by Roland Neave, the author of “Exploring Wells Gray Park.” Helmcken Falls was apparently first seen by a European

of 2014 B A E B I S Baby Name: Amy Francine Elliot Born: March 17, 2014 at 6:42 am 7 lbs 7 oz • 19.25 inches Parents: Darcy & Cara Elliot

Baby Name: Mckenzie Watson Born: March 31, 2014 at 16:55pm 8lbs 11oz Parents: Jillian & Michael

when surveyor Robert Lee (an American) came across it in 1913, he said. The talk in the Upper Clearwater Hall was one of the Wells Gray Rock series put on over the summer. Environment Canada opened a new weather station by the eco-depot in Clearwater. Having a weather station should benefit the tourism, forestry, agriculture and other industries, said Clearwater chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx. Clearwater town council approved spending up to $90,000 to begin repaving Candle Creek and Barber Roads. The two roads had been omitted from a repaving program completed earlier. About 20 members of the public attended a special meeting on the topic. RCMP were asking for public assistance after the remains of a small car were found in the North Thompson River downstream from the Mad River junction. No body was found with the vehicle, and it appeared to have been in the river for at least 40 years.

Environment Canada recognized the Moilliet family of Vavenby for collecting weather data for over a century. One hundred and one years earlier, Theodore (Tam) Moilliet had inquired of the federal government if it was interested in establishing a weather station at Aveley Ranch. Heavy rains meant the Clearwater River was higher than usual for the Clearwater Kayak Festival. Sean Bozkewzcz won the rodeo event for the men, while Beth Million won for the women. Hippy Carter won the downriver event. About 40 people took part as prey and trackers during the first Wells Gray Invitational Man Tracker event at Nakiska Ranch. Four Girl Guides plus one leader from Japan were with 10 members of the local Guiding movement when a severe rainstorm struck a SOAR provincial camp in Enderby. Many of the 2,500 participants were forced to take shelter in the Enderby arena. Continued on page A19.

Baby Name: Raylin Michelle McKale Born: January 31, 2014 at 10:33 am 6 lbs 15oz Parents: Jason McKale & Ashley Loomis


Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times


Rodeo Rednecks Horse 4-H Club is starting up their 2015 year!

We will be holding a registration & information meeting January 15th at 6:00 pm at the Wells Gray Inn - Monroe’s. New members are always welcome!! We will be kick starting the year in high gear, so be ready for a busy, fun and exciting year! For more information please call or text club leader Dani Noble @ 250-674-8591 or email Look forward to seeing you on the 15th!!

Peewees battle Kamloops Clearwater Peewee Jayden Kjenstad goes in for a shot on goal during a game against Kamloops at the Sportsplex last weekend. Backing him up are Parker Collins on the left and Angus Allchin on the right. The local squad tied Kamloops 6-6 on Saturday and won 5-4 on Sunday. Clearwater Peewees have nine wins, three losses and two ties in league play so far. They will be in North Okanagan this coming weekend for a tourney and in Revelstoke the following weekend for two league games. Photo by Keith McNeill


Clearwater & District Minor Hockey • Become part of a winning team. Join Minor Hockey and learn to play Canada’s Game. Open to Boys and Girls. Register @ 250 674 2594 or

New Year's Eve Bullarama a sell out for third straight year The North Thompson Agriplex in Barriere was rockin' to a sold out crowd on New Year's Eve for the third annual Farm Kids Fund Bullarama. Thirty cowboys turned out to try their hand at riding some of the best bulls in Western Canada, and the bulls almost had them beat. Just three qualified eight second rides by the cowboys in the first go round had spectators wondering if it was going to be a slam dunk for the bulls. However, cowboys have an innate ability to pick themselves up, dust off their chaps and climb back on to ride, which is exactly what they did in the final round. Winner of the event was Penticton cowboy Shaun Greenhough (pictured), taking home just under $2,500 for his efforts to stay on a whirlwind bovine.

Raft Mountain Skating Club • Register @ Adult Hockey • Mens Drop In Hockey Fridays, 8pm $10/each Oldtimers Hockey • Wednesdays 8:15pm • Sundays, 7pm • $10/each Wells Gray Curling Club • League play Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 7pm. Register for the second half 250-674-3768 for info

PARENTS, PRESCHOOL SKATING • Wednesdays at 10am HOME SCHOOL SKATING • Wednesdays at 1:30pm


Friday Jan. 9 Midget Tourny 2:00 - 4:00 Clearwater vs. Winfield 4:15 - 6:15 Kelowna vs. 100 Mile 6:30 - 8:30 Fort St. John vs. Prince George Saturday Jan. 10 8:00 - 10:00 Winfield vs. 100 Mile 10:15 - 12:15 Kelowna vs. Prince George 12:30 - 2:30 Clearwater vs. Fort St John 3:00 - 5:00 Winfield vs. Kelowna 5:15 - 7:15 100 Mile vs. Fort St John 7:30 - 9:30 Clearwater vs. Prince George Sunday Jan. 11 9:00 - 11:00 “C Final 11:15 - 1:15 “B” Final 1:30 - 3:30 “A” Final


40th Anniversary of the Sportsplex Jan 24 - 23 Curling Skins Jan. 30 - 31 Love Where You Live Bonspiel Jan. 31 - Feb. 1 Novice Hockey Tournament


North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo Association Ambassador Jillian McInnes sings the Canada and U.S. anthems during the opening ceremonies of the Farm Kids Fund New Year's Eve Bullarama at the Agriplex in Barriere Dec. 31. Photos by Shauna Moore, Creature Focus Photography

Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A13

Obituary Neighbours helping neighbours


Theodore Henry “Ted” Lundeen 1929 - 2014

Bob Behan uses a snowblower to clear a neighbour's driveway in Clearwater on Monday morning following a heavy overnight snowfall. In the background, Leanna Prud'Homme also helps neighbours dig out. Photo by Sandra Holmes

Rice happy with midwife agreement Prince Rupert Northern View The Midwives Association of BC (MABC) has reached a five-year agreement with the Ministry of Health that will help grow and sustain the midwifery profession, enhance midwifery services and increase access to maternity care

throughout the province, especially in rural communities. Health Minister Terry Lake announced the government will increase funding by 5.5 per cent over five years, with an undisclosed pay raise for midwives. Lake also said the province will direct $1.5 million in investment to sustain the profession.

North Coast New Democrat MLA and spokesperson for rural and northern health Jennifer Rice issued this statement on the deal: “This deal is good news for B.C. midwives and a host of British Columbians living in rural and northern communities. New Democrats have long

been advocating for the expanded use of midwifery services across the province as we believe that midwives play an integral role in the health care system and can be of particular benefit to women, families and First Nations communities by bringing specialized maternity care to otherwise isolated areas.”

Interior Health promotes HIV testing Submitted Interior Health launched a new campaign recently to encourage all adults in the region to get tested for HIV. The “My Health Is Sexy” campaign uses intimate images to convey the message that knowing your HIV status is an important part of a healthy sex life and a good relationship. Campaign materials include a website (www.MyHealthisSexy. com), as well as social media and print materials. In B.C., it is estimated that approximately 3,500 are people living with HIV and are unaware of their status. The campaign sets out to change this. “Expanding HIV testing and treatment has proven to be the best way forward to

fight HIV and AIDS,” said Dr. Perry Kendall, provincial health officer. “Innovative testing campaigns like this will help ensure we reach as many people as possible and engage them in the care they need.” Today, people living with HIV and receiving treatment can expect to live longer, healthy lives free of symptoms. In fact, research has shown that an early diagnosis in combination with sustained antiretroviral therapy means HIV-positive people can expect to live up to an additional five and a half decades. In addition, sustained treatment can greatly reduce the likelihood of HIV transmission. The first phase of the campaign promotes HIV testing for all adults with specific materials tar-

geting men who have sex with men. Future campaign materials will target additional high prevalence populations including

injection drug users and sex trade workers. For more information on the campaign, visit MyHealthisSexy. com.

Ted went to be with his Savior December 23, 2014. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife of 56 years, Pauline; son Norman, daughter-in-law Mary, their children Eli and Clarice; daughter Anita and her daughters Natalie and Mariclaire; sister Judy, and many nieces and nephews. Ted was born on November 13, 1929 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was the only son of Henry and Theodora Lundeen. His early years were spent in Minnesota, with much of his childhood spent playing in and on the water. He continued to enjoy being on or near a river or lake throughout his life. His father’s search for work during the depression led to many moves throughout several states. After his military service, Ted followed in his father’s career path and trained as a machinist. Ted and Pauline were married in 1958 and made their home in Enumclaw, Washington. Ted’s sense of adventure and his pioneer spirit led him to Clearwater in 1972. He worked for Weyerhaeuser until his retirement. He and Pauline purchased an undeveloped acreage, cleared it, built a home and operated a small farm. Ted

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-819-5579

could design, build or fix just about anything. His attention to detail meant everything was level, square and built to last. Ted enjoyed learning and had an amazing ability to retain facts. He read encyclopedias and solved math problems for fun. He would have done well on Jeopardy! He was a kind and considerate person who put the needs of his family first. He truly lived up to his name “Theodore – Gift from God.” Ted always had a special place in his heart for babies and little children, and found great joy in watching them at play. At last, Ted gets to hold John, his infant son. As he went through a series of health challenges, Ted drew strength from his Christian faith. He was ready to go home. Thank you to all members of Dad’s health care team. Every one of you is appreciated. There will be no service at Ted’s request. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to a charity of your choice. Arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services/Drake Cremation Services, Clearwater, BC. Condolences may be sent to the family via www.

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

(Kids church during service)

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy


Worship Service 10:30 250.674.1332


Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

& Service Directory s &Business Service Directory

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containers available for construction Tuesday to Friday:sites, 10 am -yard 5 pm clean-up, industrial sites etc. 10 am- 4 pm Saturdays:


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THE TIMES Al Kirkwood

Sat.: 10am - 4pm • Sun.: 11:30 - 4pm 343 Clearwater Valley Rd. (Beside O’Bryan’s in the Laundromat at the TNT Building Entrance to Wells Gray Park) or call 250-674-3763 or 778-208-5359


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Park Drive

Clearwater Information Centre Area

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phone: 250-674-2257 • Fax: DRAINS 250-674-2173 PLUMBING AND Box 157, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour

JASEN MANN 250-674-8151




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Good Prices • Great Service • Quality Work

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Clearwater Valley Rd


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North Thompson Provincial Park

Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service


Lake Rd

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Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A15

Business & Service Directory Taxi Service TAXI SERVICE




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His Mom Is Looking for a Hairdresser.

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Advertise your business for as low as $16/week Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road


Hunters protest shift favouring non-residents By Tom Fletcher, Black Press As B.C. hunters packed rooms to protest regulations giving guideoutfitters and their out-of-province clients a larger share of big-game permits, the provincial government argues that the shift is being exaggerated. The latest increase in the share of guide permits to hunt moose, grizzly bear and other restricted animals in limited-entry hunting areas of B.C. totals 618 "hunting opportunities" across the province per year, says a statement from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Based on the success rate of hunts for different species, "this model represents a transfer of approximately 186 animals from residents to guides." The B.C. Wildlife Federation's estimate that the wild game allocation policy could result in 5,000 fewer hunting permits for resident hunters under limited entry hunting rules is "not accurate," the ministry says. Forests Minister Steve Thomson said in an interview he made the decision on the latest allocation after a long consultation where the BCWF and the Guide Outfitters

Moose are the most sought-after species for hunters in B.C., with harvest restricted by a lottery in most regions. Hunting is increasing in popularity after a long period of decline. Wikimedia Commons

Association of B.C. couldn't agree. The decision was to provide certainty for guide businesses, but also took away guides' rights to pool regional game allotments and hunt in vacant guiding territories. "There are arguments over the number, depending on which base you use, and I expect those arguments will continue," Thomson said. "At the end of the day we all want the same thing, which is healthy wildlife populations." BCWF hosted hunter meetings in Kelowna and Langley recently, and spokesman Jesse Zeman said

hunters were lined up out the door in Langley. He said the latest changes are part of a longerterm shift going back more than a decade that has seen a loss of harvest share for resident hunters. B.C. hunters are concerned that the share reserved for guide-outfitters is now higher than anywhere else in North America. Under the latest policy, that share is 20 per cent for elk, 20 or 25 per cent for moose depending on the restricted region, 35 per cent for mountain goat, and 40 per cent for grizzly bears.

Open season areas for moose and other animals remain in the southern Interior and northeast, where anyone can buy a license and tag to hunt. Abundant species such as mule deer, whitetail deer and black bear have no hunting quotas in Harvest restrictions for guided hunting have been removed for bighorn sheep in the Kootenay region, any part of B.C. after a decline caused by over-hunting. Zeman said for an D. Wilson/Wikimedia Commons prized species such as Roosevelt elk again be over-hunted. on Vancouver Island, winning a The popularity of hunting in resident tag in the lottery is rare B.C. continues to increase, from enough to be a once-in-a-lifetime about 81,000 licences issued in opportunity. As hunter numbers 2003 to more than 100,000 last rebound, they increasingly face the year, which means more resident choice to aim for another species, hunters are losers in regional huntdrive long distances to an unreing lotteries. stricted region, or hire a guide. BCWF compiled statistics for The latest changes include moose, the most popular big-game returning Kootenay bighorn target. Moose populations have sheep to a general open season for declined in some areas while both guided hunting. The restriction applications from resident hunters that only full-curl rams can be and the share reserved for guides hunted remains in place. has risen. Thomson said the populaIn 2005 there were 56,000 applition will be closely watched, and cations for moose, with only one harvest limits returned if necesout of five successful. By 2013, sary. Zeman said the BCWF is there were nearly 67,000 would-be concerned that this iconic Rocky resident moose hunters, 54,000 of Mountain trophy could once whom were refused a moose tag.


Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

Thought of the week “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein

Season’s Greetings The Thompson Rivers University Regional joint brochure will be in your mailbox over the Christmas holidays Watch for it!!!! If you do not receive a copy please call 250-674-3530 or email to request one, or stop by the Dutch Lake Community Centre to pick one up.

Youth Gymnastic begins right after the New Year, phone and register your child to secure a spot in the program.

UPCOMING COURSES Foodsafe Level 1 Dec 16 & 17

Gymnastics - Youth Jan 6 – Mar 12

Wells Gray Country

Various prices


Please call 250.674.3530 to make an appointment for online work-related courses.


Jan. 3: Legion Branch 259 Meat draw, 257 Glen Rd, bar opens 1 pm. Jan. 4: Raft Mtn Skating registration, 3-5 pm, NT Sportsplex, or Jan. 5: Badminton, 7:30 – 9:30, CSS gym, info 250-674-2518 Jan. 6: Regular Council meeting, 2pm, 209 Dutch Lake Rd. Jan. 9-11: Midget Rep Tourney, NT Sportsplex


Jan. 19 – 24: Clearwater Hockey Days, NT Sportsplex Jan. 25: Ice Fishing Derby, Dutch Lake, sponsored by Clearwater Rotary Club. Info 250-674-2795 Jan. 30: Winter Festival event, public skating – Skate with Disney, 4:45 – 6 pm, NT Sportsplex Jan. 31 – Feb. 1: Winter Festival event, skiing @ Clearwater Ski Hill. Jan. 31-Feb 1: Novice Hockey Tournament, NT Sportsplex


TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 209 Dutch Lake Rd. EMAIL: •

ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-6743444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50-11:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250674-3530 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250587-0026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373.

• Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms. com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Sat. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, info 250-674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie. • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-6740001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:309:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-6742632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome.


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in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A17

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Career Opportunities

Barriere A-A Meetings Every Tuesday at 7:30pm Pentecostal Church 818 Amnesty Road 250-672-9643 250-672-9934 Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.

Personals Clearwater: AA Meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Drive, side door. Call 250-587-0026 anytime MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851 Older gentleman seeking 60+ woman for companionship, outings, conversation, possibly travel. Am 5’11”, 170 lbs, no beer-belly. Own own home. Hobbies: music, sports, writing, love to travel & have some post-grad ed. You: physically fit, easy to talk to, n/drinker, n/s, can be easy on eyes, some means of your own. Contact: c/o Box 1020, Barriere BC V0E 1E0.







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Legal Notices

Legal Notices


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CERTIFIED GM TECHNICIAN TICKETED BODYMAN Vancouver Island, BC (see our community online at busy GM dealership looking for two full time positions to be filled immediately. Very competitive pay scales, benefits, and flexible schedules.

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Classifieds Get Results! Legal Notices

Thompson-Nicola Regional District


When? Friday January 16, 2015 1:15 pm For info & submissions

The Board of Directors of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District gives notice that it will hold a Public Hearing in the TNRD Boardroom, 4th Floor - 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC, to consider proposed Bylaw No. 2486. What is Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2486, 2014? It is a change to Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 to rezone lands at 5164 Clearwater Valley Road (legally described Lot A, District Lot 3062, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 25824), more specifically the property shown in bold outline on the map below, from RL-1: Rural to C-4: Recreational Commercial. This change will permit resort use and expansion of the present tourist accommodation.


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Help Wanted




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All persons who believe that their interest in property may be affected by the proposed Bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing. Additionally, they may make written submissions on the matter of Bylaw 2486 (via the adjacent options) which must be received at our office prior to 4:30 p.m. on January 15th, 2015. The entire content of all submissions will be made public and form a part of the public record for this matter. How do I get More Information? A copy of the proposed Bylaw and supporting information can be inspected from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday (except statutory holidays) at our office, from January 2nd, 2015 until 1:15 p.m. the day of the Hearing; or please contact us via any of the adjacent options. No representations will be received by the Board of Directors after the Public Hearing has been concluded. R. Sadilkova, Director of Development Services

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Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

Pets & Livestock


Merchandise for Sale


Trades, Technical


Misc. for Sale

Homes for Rent

PLUMBER/GAS FITTER (2nd, 3rd, 4th year or J/man) required for Grand Forks company. We provide residential service, renovation, and construction services to our clients. If you are self-motivated, a problem solver, and have good communication skills - we need you. Please send detailed resume to or fax to 250-442-3327.

Good Dog Obedience Classes Starting Jan. 18! * NEW DATES! * Basic Obedience - A 6 week course in good manners & canine behaviour begins Jan. 18, 2pm at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere for all dogs at least 6 months old & up. Cost $100. Novice Class - 6 weeks of fun as we take you & your dog to the next level of obedient behaviour. Participants must have successfully completed a previous Basic Obedience course to qualify. Class starts on Jan. 18, 1pm. Cost $100. To register or for more information contact Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023

STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really big sale!” All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Call Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit

Clearwater: 3 bdrm, 2 bath, home on Bain Rd. Wood pellet & elec heat, 10 acre lot. $1250/mo + util. Mature adult. NS Ph. 403-816-7979

Merchandise for Sale

Appliances Kitchen aids: Bullet Express Trio & Flavour Wave oven. Both for $100 or $60/ea. Like new. 250-672-1908


Financial Services ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Photography / Video PHOTOS

by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928

Furniture For Sale lrg. sectional w/2 recliners, 2 microwave ovens & elect. stove. Good shape. $100 obo for everything.

Misc. Wanted Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 250-499-0251 Local

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online

For Sale By Owner Clearwater: 12x49 - 1 bdrm MH in Sunset Village Trlr Pk. Dbl lot, 4 sheds, incl appl, oil heat. Very well managed park. $27,900. Ph. 250-587-6300 Ask for Muriel

Very attractive 2-bdrm manuf home, f/s, washer, dryer, central air, office area, carport. $750/mo. Now avail. Thompson Crossing Blackpool, Clearwater. Ph. 250-587-6151

Mobile Homes & Parks


January 20– February 18

Jump into aare hard Some habits situation without to break, Aquarius. restraint, Aquarius. Look to a mentor to You find help may and you willit’s refreshing to let go succeed. A fitness for and goala ischange easily achieved not aboutof the withworry a new piece potential equipment.outcomes.

You maymay receive The odds be happy stackednews againstrelating you, to your partner’s Pisces, but that doesn’t finances this week, mean you won’t come Pisces. It with could be out on top a little aingenuity. salary increase or A weekend aendeavor good bonus. requiresIt’s a celebrate. February 19– time leap oftofaith. March 20

Rentals Duplex / 4 Plex Barriere: 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, duplex, large fenced backyard, 1 car garage. $895 + util. DD. Pets neg., N/P, N/S Avail Dec. 15. 250-672-0041.

Quit. Before your time runs out.

Barriere: large 1 bdrm apartment in quiet neighbourhood.750sqft. $615/mo. Pets negotiable. Call 250-682-2231

April 20– May 20

AFeeling greatblessed week with regard to matters these days, Gemini? of the is onA the Pay heart it forward. horizon, Gemini. compromise at home Ifraises youeveryone’s have been in aspirits relationship for and fun ensues some time,long! now is all weekend a great time to talk about the future of that relationship.

Legacies That Last Forever.

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PRIVATE MORTGAGE Lender. Funding smaller - 2nd, 3rd, & interim mortgages. No fees! Pls email: Courtesy to agents.

Taurus, Cast asideembrace all doubt, your desire to be Taurus. The offer is close to and friends genuine will bring this week.rewards. SpendA you many astestmuch as of faithtime begins— you can with your be strong. Money woes friends, especially ease. those you have not seen in awhile.

The North Thompson Communities Foundation awards grants through local charitable organizations generated from responsibly managed donations and legacies which promote community capacity building and unity throughout the North Thompson Valley.

Make a tax-deductible donation in support of your community. Funds raised by the Foundation assist charitable organizations that improve health, contribute to culture, enhance community services and support families... all right here in the North Thompson.


March 21– April 19

May 21– June 21

Volkswagen van/bus with split front window. Any info pls call Kevin 403-690-7646 or email

2bdrm Featuring Living rm with tip out, Dining rm w/buffet & hutch Refrigerator, Range, Washer & Dryer, Oil Furnace Screen porch & family rm additions Unit had an auxiliary roof over the majority of time on site Asking $25,900 Phone: 250-587-6151

Don’t be Aries, afraidand Speak up, to your theembrace problem will be lighthearted solved. A little side miracle this week, Aries. at home makes for an Laughter the best interesting is weekend. medicine, Travel plansand comethose around will enjoy your sense of humor.

Interior (250) 762-9447

Vehicle Wanted

Optional RENTAL PURCHASE 1974 Homco-Ambassador

A January p r i l 2 3 8 - - 14, 2 9 ,

To learn more about diabetes, volunteer, advocate or donate, please contact :

Vavenby: Nice clean 3bdrm house w/bsmt, carport, & storage sheds on half acre w/river view. F/S, W/D, $900/mo, $450/dd. Call 250-674-0002

Real Estate

(One move factory to site) 12x68

Heavy Duty Machinery

Capricorn, This week is your all mind is running about give and take,a mile a minute Capricorn. Do forthis week, do your others, but and they will best maintain do fortoyou. A special your event focus. calls forThis some breakneck extra-specialpace gifts. will December 22– only last for a little January 19 while.

Clearwater: 3bdrm, Peavine Rd, new renos, lg deck, 1500 sqft. $850/mo; 3bdrm, 220 Dutch Lk Rd, $795/mo, recent renos; 3bdrm, 2.5 bath, dbl garage, 225 Murtle Cres, avail Mar 1. NP Call 250-674-3668

2015 2 0 1

June 22– July 22

July 23– August 22


You harbor desire A business relationship to spend with some blossoms an time alone this week, addition. A larger-thanCancer. You are a life personality drops social by withperson, an offer but you even you need some can’t refuse. Oh boy, moments to retreat oh boy, Cancer. into your own mind for a while. You Oops,may Younoticfall ing all on of athe good behind project, vibes raisingsurrounding some you this week, eyebrows. Not to Leo. worry.Expect You willsome get positive changes back on track soonerin the ahead. It thandays you think, thanks may be a new to an just innovation. romantic relationship or friendship.

Virgo, a work Spend less, save more opportunity could and you’ll definitely spring up this week get more, Virgo. More ifinyou willing yourare bottom line toandexpand yourof more peace horizons. It may be mind. Flowers provide aabit of your greatoutside pick-me-up. comfort zone, but August 23– September 22 you can handle it.


Embrace simplicity and sincerity and you shall have a wonderful New Year ahead.

Libra, yousmiles are inona Lady Luck relatively you, Libra, optimistic and there frame of mind is nothing beyondthis your week you try to reach. as A treasured see the bright side heirloom resurfaces, ofbringing things. You may back many find many new fond that memories. September 23– opportunities are October 22 headed your way.

October 23– November 21

Don’t spend The tiniest of too much in changestime makelost a vast your own fantasies, improvement in a Scorpio. need project. A You rejection is to maintain focus a blessing inyour disguise. on tasks hand, Be the grateful for at what both home and at you’reatgiven, Scorpio. work.

Sagittarius, resist News from afar gets the tojuices take the urge creative yourself too seriousflowing, and you ly. Instead,more lighten accomplish than up the youand haveembrace in some time, “class clown” role Sagittarius. A game of for little while. witsa at the office departure from November 22– This proves challenging. December 21 the norm is a breath of fresh air.

This Crossword Sponsored by



Clearwater Times Thursday, January 8, 2015 A19


ye a r i n rev i ew

Continued from page A11

August Two campfires that were not put out properly plus two debris piles that were lit caused a potentially serious fire near Spahats Falls, according to Jim Jones, manager of Clearwater Fire Zone. “The local rain cells that moved through likely saved our bacon,” he said. Close to 20 people took in a lecture about lichens put on by Trevor Goward as part of the Wells Gray Rocks series. “As the forest ages, lichen become more abundant,” he said. “That’s why mountain caribou need old forest.” Avola hosted its fourth reunion over the August long weekend. Committee heads Bob and Colleen Jensen noted that many contributed

Jenny Jim of Little Fort takes part in a gymkhana held in Clearwater in August by Rodeo Rednecks. The event was to benefit the children of Angila Wilson, a woman whose children had been made motherless during a domestic dispute in May. Times file photo

in many ways to the event. District of

Clearwater set up a trails task force to improve the commu-

nity’s “walkability” - one of the most important factors in

deciding how attractive a community is to residents and newcomers. One of its first projects was developing a loop trail around Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital. Vavenby residents voted in a mail-in ballot to use its portion of taxes collected on industrial land in the community to make improvements in Vavenby Community Park. When Clearwater was incorporated about six years earlier it included the industrial area in Vavenby – a move that was not popular with Vavenby residents. As a result, a portion of the money collected is being returned to Vavenby. Golfers from Lacarya defeated those from Barriere’s Chinook Cove golf course to win the Big Woody trophy. The

competition had been revived after a fouryear hiatus. Neskonlith Indian Band issued an eviction notice to Imperial Metals, owner of the proposed Ruddock Creek Mine, which is located near Tum Tum Lake east of Avola. The eviction by band chief July Wilson was in response to the Mt. Polley tailings pond spill. John Harwood announced that he intended to seek a fourth term as mayor of Clearwater. He had been the town’s mayor since incorporation in 2007. Harwood did not plan to run again for school trustee, however. Construction of Clearwater’s new 25,000 sq. ft. BuyLow store was progressing on time for an opening on Dec. 1, said Gord Leclaire,

A new way to use apricots to a mushy texture. The nice thing about kale is it doesn’t go soggy if it sits for an extended time with dressing on it, so kale salads can be made in advance and eaten multiple days in a row. A great leftover for lunches. This salad is packed with nutrition. Apricots are a good source of vitamin C, betacarotene and fibre. Kale is considered a nutrition powerhouse and is an excellent source of vitamin C, A and K. Quinoa is a source of complete protein and is high in fibre, magnesium, and other minerals. Adding nuts to the salad provides a good source of healthy fats and more protein. Kale, Quinoa and Apricot Salad 1 cup quinoa 1 ¾ cups water 4 cups kale, washed and chopped 4-6 apricots, pitted and sliced ¼ red onion, thinly sliced 2 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped 1/3 cup almonds or walnuts, chopped and toasted ½ cup feta cheese, crumbled 1-2 tsp olive oil

Directions Rinse quinoa with a fine sieve, drain well. Combine quinoa with 1¾ cups water in a small-medium sized pot. Bring to a boil, stir, then reduce heat and simmer covered for 18-20 minutes. Fluff and allow to cool. Choose apricots that are ripe but firm. Remove the tough spines from the kale before chopping into small pieces. Massage the chopped kale with a small amount of olive until thoroughly coated. Chop the nuts then toast them in a small frying pan stirring frequently. Combine all ingredients and toss with the dressing. Maple Balsamic Dressing (source: WhiteWater Cooks) 1 Tbsp maple syrup 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp soy sauce 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp pepper ½ cup olive oil Whisk together all ingredients or blend in a magic bullet. – Former Clearwater resident Simone Jennings is a registered dietitian with Interior Health

Continued next week

Your news Your way

Simone Jennings

We had a staff potluck recently and the theme was local food. I remembered about the potluck at the last minute so I missed my chance to plan and source ingredients for my contribution. Instead I found myself wandering my kitchen, checking out my ‘local’ foods and trying to figure out what I might be able to quickly create. I decided on two items: a bag of kale that I bought at the farmers market and some apricots picked from our backyard tree. Next I turned to Google to see what recipes exist using these two ingredients. I gained inspiration from scrolling through a few salad recipes and decided to try a kale and quinoa salad with fresh apricots and nuts. Admittedly the quinoa and nuts are not local but my dish just needed to ‘contain local ingredients’ so I was good to go! I substituted some ingredients with what I had on hand and I made one of my favourite dressing recipes from the WhiteWater Cooks cookbook (best cookbook ever!). The result was better than I expected. I used apricots that were ripe but firm and they held up well without turning

a consultant working for Jim Pattison Developments. Up to 60 workers, including a half dozen locals, had been employed on the project, added site supervisor Ken Eldridge of Norson Contractors. A total of 120 students from all over the world visited Upper Clearwater and Wells Gray Park as part of a two-week tour of B.C. They were taking part in the 42nd annual International Forestry Students Symposium. Local author Tom Coles held a book-signing at the Aboriginal Sharing Center for his new book, “Spirit Talker – The Legend of Nakosis.” The book tells of a young man’s induction or initiation into the ways of a shaman.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015 Clearwater Times

Campbell’s Soups

Everyday Gourmet or Ready to Serve Selected Varieties 500 ml & 540 ml


BUY ME and receive a




same item of equal or lesser value

Garden Salad or Cole Slaw Mix Fresh Express Product of USA 10 oz. & 14 oz.

Del Monte Vegetables Selected Varieties 341 ml & 398 ml



FREE in prizes & discounts available including

Groceries for a Year 1 Grand Prize to be won chain wide. Prize will be awarded as $5,200.00 of Buy-Low Foods Gift Cards

or a $25 Grocery Gift Card, Daily! No purchase necessary. Prizes may not be exactly as illustrated. See Official Rules in-stores for details. MD/®


Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops



same item of equal or lesser value



same item of equal or lesser value



Whole Grain 12 Grain Bread In-Store Baked 450 g

same item of equal or lesser value

General Mills Cheerios 400 g







same item of equal or lesser value



Homous or Tzatziki

Assorted Varieties Greek House Restaurant 250 g

same item of equal or lesser value



same item of equal or lesser value

Prices Effective: Sunday, January 11 to Saturday, January 17, 2015 CLEARWATER, 365 Murtle Crescent SW, (: 250 - 674 - 2213 Store Hours: Sunday - Saturday: 9:00am - 7:00pm WESTERN CANADIAN OWNED & OPERATED


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