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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 2 $1.35
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Golden makes its mark on roundabout scene ....................................2
Golden players win tourney with Invermere ....................................5
House concert features folk duo ..................................12
From left: Piper Noble, Monty Wright and Gage Chernoff pose with their completed pieces in advance of their classes’ end of semester art show. Their work, and art from their classmates, will be on display at the GSS library starting on Jan. 27. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Golden Secondary students prepare for art show Joel Tansey
Minor Hockey Week ...............................9-11
Students in art teacher Tanya Hobbs’ Grade 10/11/12 split class at Golden Secondary School have been readying their work for their end of semester showcase, an art show that will take place on Jan. 27. For the show, students were asked to use techniques, strategies and theories learned
throughout the course, while also explaining their source of inspiration and their use of various design elements. Monty Wright says she is proud of her finished product. “When I thought of this I was just kind of thinking about what someone sees every day, the sky during the day and at night, (and) putting those together in a way that someone hadn’t seen it before was kind of my initial
The NEW 2015 Golden Travel Planner is here! Your guide to activities, lodging and more. Look inside for your copy! Seek and you will find.
idea,” she said of her piece that used acrylic on watercolour paper. Piper Noble admits she made a couple small mistakes with her piece, but believes those will add character to the piece she created on canvas using poster and acrylic paints. “I like the idea of skeletons and stuff talking to each other, I just think it’s kind of funny,” she explained. Continued on page 5
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
Town CAO Jon Wilsgard, left, and Phil Armstrong, planning technician with the Town, hold a copy of the Roundabouts of the World Calendar in front of Golden’s own roundabout, which is featured in the calendar for March. Golden’s roundabout came to the attention of the calendar’s creator after Armstrong sent in a photo of it. gcf_agm ad 110331_final.pdf Jessica Schwitek/ gcf_agm ad 110331_final.pdf Star Photo
1 1
31/03/11 31/03/11
9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Golden joins other world cities in general meeting Roundabouts of the World Calendar general meeting Jessica Schwitek
for our our future. future. C C M M
Everyone invited on Everyone is invited We invite is the publicon Wednesday 18, 2011 2011 at7pm 7pm Wednesday May 18, 2015 at 7 p.m. Wednesday January 28th, at at TheRestaurant, Rockies,1305 1305 9thSt. St.S,Island S,Golden Golden Upstairs at The Of Island 1019th Gould’s atthe the College College The Rockies, Learn what the Foundation is doing and meet the Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Opportunities new Board of Directors. Are you you interested in Are interested in serving serving as as aa Community CommunityFoundation Foundationboard board member? Have Have onon one of of thethe member? you ever ever thought thought aboutgetting gettinginvolved involved one Volunteer Opportuniti es about advisory committees? advisory committees? Have you ever thought about getting involved with one of We are are lookingcommitt for community-minded people sets, the advisory ees? We looking for community-minded peopleofofdiverse diverseskill skill sets, experienced or interested in fund development, board development, We are looking for community-minded people diverse experienced or interested in fund development, boardof development, grant-making, youth needs, and communications. grant-making, youth needs, marketing andin communications. skill sets, experienced ormarketing interested fund development,
board development, grant-making, youth needs, Please mail letters of interest before the AGM to the attention of the: marketi ngletters and communicati ons. Please mail of interest before the AGM to the attention of the: Golden & District Community Foundation Golden District Community Foundation Golden &&District Community Foundation Management Advisory Committee: Management Advisory Committee: Management Committ ee: PO Box 1485, Advisory Golden, BC V0A 1H0 PO Box 1485, 1485, Golden, Golden, BC BC V0A V0A 1H0 1H0 PO Box www.goldencommunityfoundati admin@goldencommunityfoundati please call To learn more about your Community Foundation, To learn more about your Community Foundation, call Ryan Watmough at 250.344.8610. To learn more about your Community Foundatiplease on, please call Ryan Watmough at 250.344.8610.
Ryan Watmough at 250.344.8610
Paris, Shanghai, Birmingham…Golden? You wouldn't normally see these world renowned destinations and metropolitan centres in the same sentence with Golden, but they do all have one thing in common. They are all featured in the Roundabouts of the World 2015 Calendar. "Nearly a year ago I heard an interview on CBC radio’s As it Happens with Kevin Beresford who produces a calendar called Roundabouts of Britain – he was expanding to Roundabouts of the World," said Phil Armstrong, planning technician with the Town of Golden. "So I sent him a picture of Golden’s gem of a roundabout and he decided to feature the roundabout in his 2015 edition of the calendar." Golden's road to roundabout fame was not quite as simple as that, however. After receiving the photo of Golden's roundabout, Beresford lost all of the information, including a contact for Armstrong. He then had to seek help from the CBC and its listeners to identify the mysterious traffic circle in the B.C. mountains. As it Happens and CBC posted it on their Facebook pages, asking help to find this place. After a variety of guesses, including Clearwater, Squamish, and one gentleman who was certain it was downtown Regina (apparently the mountains in the background resembled those of Saskatchewan), enough people identified it as Golden. Beresford was able to find contact information for Armstrong, and let him know that the calendar had been published, with Golden featured in March. And Golden is in with some pretty impressive company. A roundabout from Idaho, which Beresford calls "a worthy winner of the International Roundabout of the Year award," features a wildlife scene with a mountain cliff face, cascading waterfalls, and soaring eagles. "There's some pretty cool other ones in there," said Armstrong. Our own roundabout came about from the revamping of the overpass off of Highway 1. Highways decided to use a traffic circle, and the Town of Golden wanted to add a little flair to it. "We had our new sign program designs in, so I thought 'why not do this?' Each of these structures were designed as landmarks to point to things in the community. And we wanted something big and bold here, so we put more of these together," said Jon Wilsgard, chief administrative officer with the Town of Golden. Highways had planned on putting shrubs in the centre, but Wilsgard wanted something a little more attention grabbing. "It's nice because you can see it from the highway when you drive in." As roundabouts are becoming more and more common in the province, so to is the inclusion of community art. Most that are popping up feature some sort of centrepiece that showcases the community in some way. Perhaps a Roundabouts of British Columbia will be coming up next.
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015 A3
Behind the Wheel
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The Officer Should Have Exercised Discretion The subject of an officer using his or her discretion in the issuance of a traffic ticket is often part of the explanation in the discussion forum on the DriveSmartBC web site. People asking for assistance in formulating their defence in traffic court often feel that in their case the officer should have given them a warning instead of a ticket. Sometimes I agree with them and sometimes I don’t. This is not surprising as the same situation often exists among police officers discussing the same situation. We all have our own opinions, based on our experiences, about what should and should not be done. We also have to live with the decisions that we make afterward. I regret some tickets that I have written and I regret having not written some as well. I expect that we all try to do our best in the circumstances. On the driver’s side of the equation, they have likely performed the particular behaviour that caught the officer’s attention many times. Nothing bad, a collision, near miss or a ticket has resulted, so the action has now become something acceptable as there is no perceived risk involved. The officer may see if differently because they have seen where this particular behaviour has resulted in significant consequences. Because of this experience, they tend to write the ticket instead of giving the warning. Of course, this puts them at odds with the driver. A review of both perspectives is available in the traffic courts. The author is a retired constable with many years of experience in traffic law enforcement. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Avalanche control crews use a DaisyBell to trigger avalanches above Highway 1 east of Golden last week. The operation was delayed because heavy snow had spun several semis out in the avalanche zone. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Av control a major operation Jessica Schwitek We all know what it's like to sit in our vehicles on the highway, waiting for the authorities to tell us that it is OK to pass, just as soon as avalanche control is done. But what is actually involved in shutting down a major highway? For the roughly four or five times a season that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure closes the highway east of Golden for avalanche control, highway crews have to scramble to make sure that everyone is out of the zone before any operations can start. "First thing is we have to make sure we have flaggers at both ends of the canyon, and also at strategic locations like downtown. We don't want traffic to get too backed up on the highway, it's better to have people diverted in town. At least that way there's facilities if it ends up being a significant closure," said Blair Piggot, Quality Assurance Supervisor with HMC Services. Once HMC has got everyone out of the zone, and does a sweep to be absolutely sure, then the Ministry commences operations. When the highway was closed last week that task was particularly difficult because four semis were spun out on a hill, one of which needed to be towed out. The avalanche control itself consisted of a helicopter flying over with a "DaisyBell," which is a device that explodes a hydrogen/oxygen mixture above the snowpack. The
deposits of snow then fall, either into the ditches or across the highway. "The first objective once they’re done with the control is go in and do whatever we have to do to get the highway open. Then we'll come back in, usually within the next night or two, and start cleaning out the ditches from avalanche debris," said Piggot. The debris usually isn't excessive, but can often spread across the entire highway. As HMC was clearing the zone just prior to avalanche control last week, there were small, naturally occurring avalanches starting to fall on the highway. The debris was not enough to cause damage on its own, but would certainly be enough to distract drivers, potentially causing accidents. "You can tell the avalanche techs made the right call because snow is already starting to come down," said Greg Ehman, division manager with HMC. Avalanche control often comes at inopportune times, such as last week when crews were already dealing with heavy snow fall and spun out vehicles. "Sometimes it's a little bit short notice, but that's just the nature of it," said Piggot. Communication has also become a major part of operations, as websites like DriveBC like to keep travellers as up to date as possible. Predicting opening times can often be difficult, with most cleanups taking HMC crews roughly two hours.
Lisa Wharton
Business and Career Training Business and Career Training with Dr. Dale Christenson with Dr. Dale Christenson Business and Career Career Training Training Business and Project Leadership Essentials with Dr. Dale Christenson with Dr. Dale Christenson
Project Course Leadership Essentials Course This 1 day Leadership course on Project Leadership Project Essentials Project Leadership Essentials Essentials directed to thoseLeadership who are This 1 day is course on Project Course Course responsible leading project Essentials is for directed to athose whoand/or are
This 1 day course on Project Leadership a project Project are responsible for leading aLeaders project and/or This 1 dayteam. course on Project Leadership Essentials is directed to Leaders those who are accountable for achieving project a project team. Project are Essentials is directed to those who results. are responsible for leading a project and/or This is an entry level course for active accountable for achieving project results. responsible for leading a project and/or aproject project team. Project Leaders are leaders and no pre-requisites. This is an entry Project levelhas course for active a project team. Leaders are accountable for achieving project results. project leaders has noproject pre-requisites. accountable forand achieving results. This is an entry level course for active This is an entry level course for active project leaders and has no pre-requisites. project leaders and has no pre-requisites.
Tues, Feb 3rd, 2015 Tues, $199 Feb 3rd, 2015 $199 Tues, Feb Feb 3rd, 3rd, 2015 2015 Tues, $199 $199 About Dr. Dale Christenson
About Dr. Dale Christenson Dr. Christenson is the founder and president of the Project Management Centre of Inc. He’s CertifiedofManagement Consultant About Dr.Excellence Dale Dr. Christenson is theChristenson founder andapresident the Project Management About Dr.Management Dale Christenson and Project Professional specializing in project management Centre of Excellence Inc. He’s a Certified Management Consultant consulting He is and one president of specializing very few people internationally to Dr. Christenson istraining. the founder of the Project Management and Project and Management Professional in Project project management Dr. Christenson isa the founder and president of the Management have obtained doctorate in project management. He also combines Centre of Excellence Inc. He’s a Certified Management Consultant consulting training.Inc. He He’s is onea ofCertified very fewManagement people internationally to Centre of and Excellence Consultant an extensive academic background with real-world expertise in the and Project Management Professional specializing in project management have obtained a doctorate in project management. He also combines and Project Management Professional specializing in project management areas of program and portfolio management, organizational development, consulting andacademic training. He is one of very few people internationally to an extensive background with few real-world expertise in the consulting and training. He is one of very people internationally to change management and incritical project success factors. He’s held have obtained a doctorate project management. He also combines areas of program and portfolio management, organizational development, have obtained a doctorate in project management. He also combines project management executive positions in He’s the an extensive academicleadership background with real-world expertise inpublic the change management and criticaland project success factors. an extensive academic background with real-world expertise in held the and private sectors.” areas ofmanagement program and leadership portfolio management, organizational development, project and executive positions in the public areas of program and portfolio management, organizational development, change management and critical project success factors. He’s held and private sectors.” and change management critical project success factors. He’s held project management leadership and executive positions in the public project management leadership and executive positions in the public and private sectors.” and private sectors.” Learn Now! Learn Now! Learn Learn Now! Now!
For full information or to register: For full information or to register: Phone: 250 344-5901 Phone: 250 or Visit: www.344-5901 cotr.bc.or For full information information orca/Golden to register: register: For full to or Visit: www. c otr.bc. c a/Golden Phone: 250 250 344-5901 344-5901 Phone: or Visit:
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
4.33” x 6”
Smiles help Mother Goose
Apply now COMMUNITY INITIATIVES AND AFFECTED AREAS PROGRAMS Wish to apply for project funding? The Town of Golden’s Community Funds Local Selection Committee is accepting project proposals for CIP/AAP funding from non-profit organizations throughout the Town of Golden or CSRD Electoral Area A. ADMINISTERED & MANAGED BY
Application forms and guidelines are available online at: • • Apply by noon local time Wednesday February 11, 2015. Late applications are not eligible.
For more information about preparing your project proposal, call Ryan Watmough at 1.250.344.8610 or email
All applicants MUST present their proposal at one of two Public Meetings on Wednesday, March 11 and Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Golden Civic Centre.
The Golden Star will be publishing a Special Section featuring the BaBies of 2014. Email or bring in a photo of your baby along with the date and time of birth, weight, and names of parents and any siblings.
Deadline: Noon on Thursday January 29th Publication Date:
Wednesday February 4th only $
The Golden Early Childhood Development Coalition (ECDC) is thrilled to have received financial support from the local Tim Hortons through their Smile Cookie Campaign. The donation of $1,471 will be used to support the much loved Parent Child Mother Goose Program which will resume on Friday Jan. 23 at the Early Years Centre. Photo Submitted
Odour in Golden came from pulp mill Steve Hubrecht Invermere Valley Echo An overheated incinerator at Tembec’s Skookumchuck pulp mill resulted in an unpleasant odour pervading Golden and the Upper Columbia Valley late last week. An incinerator at the mill that burns non-condensable gases shut down automatically, as it’s supposed to, when the temperature of the gases its burns crept above 300 degrees Fahrenheit (148 Celsius), resulting in the gases venting (a standard safety measure) for 11 minutes on Thursday night before the incinerator was restarted. A wind blowing from the southeast at the time meant the gases left a lingering smell in Canal Flats, Invermere, Panorama and all the way up to Golden by Friday afternoon. “We do apologize for the odour, it’s really difficult to avoid at times,” said Tembec acting technical manager Roger Puar. The high temperature triggered an alarm that shut down the incinerator at 10:12 p.m. on Thursday night. The machine was relit and running again by 10:23 p.m. An incident such as this is considered fairly minor, although as a matter of course Tembec will be investigating it thoroughly, said Puar, adding that the automatic shut down and venting system is in place because if the gas was not vented in such as case, pressure in the incinerator would build up and the mill would have a much more serious incident on its hands. The smell present in the valley may have been more apparent than normal because the gas normally heads out a vent that runs along one of the mills stacks, several hundred feet (more than 100 metres) high. “Unfortunately in this incident that vent was plugged by winter condensation,” said Puar. That resulted in the temperature of the vent rising to the point that another automatic safety system kicked in, and the gases were then vented out vents that were only 30 feet (nine metres) above the ground. The much lower altitude of the vents, combined with the wind blowing in the right direction lead to the smell in the valley. “Its appears the wind was coming from the southeast at the time of the incident, so it would be blowing (north),” said Puar. The incident was immediately logged in the company’s I-sight database, a monitoring system that measures all incidents relating to environment, safety or product quality, and this automatically results in an internal investigation, according to Puar. A significant portion of the gases released were methanol, although there were smaller amounts of sulphur compounds.
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015 A5
Golden players finish in first Six midget hockey players from Golden joined the Invermere Rockies at a tournament in Missoula, Montana just after Christmas. The High School Holiday Classic had two pools, and after a sudden death overtime win against the Moscow Bears, the Rockies won it. Golden players included Brendan Sime-Vivian, Austin Gudjonson, Jake Gudjonson, Trey Beckett, Jared Frasca and Isaiah Fedow. TJ Routley also plays with the team, but did not attend the tournament. Photo Submitted Interior Health is currently doing some repairs to the front of entrance at Golden District Hospital following a January 1 motor vehicle accident.
RCMP Report: Drunk thieves crash stolen car Joel Tansey Police responded to 64 files last week. Stolen items at Finn Creek On Jan. 2 a vehicle was broken into at the Finn Creek parking area in Yoho National Park. A group of snowshoers returned to their parked vehicle to discover that their rear window had been smashed in and that some personal items had been stolen. This is extremely common at this time of year and police urge individuals to avoid leaving valuable items in their unattended vehicles.
Accident Golden
On Jan. 3 an Alberta vehicle travelling east lost control and swerved into oncoming traffic. The vehicle struck a westbound B.C. vehicle. A ticket was issued to the Alberta driver for driving too fast for the road conditions. Fraudulent phone call A man, posing as a lawyer, called an elderly woman in Golden and told her that her favourite nephew was in trouble and needed some money. The woman, concerned for her nephew, sent a few thousand dollars across multiple transactions to the man. She later heard
from her nephew, who was never in any legal trouble. Police are reminding individuals to use caution when receiving calls of this nature. The incident is still being investigated. Vehicle theft at Prestige In the morning on Jan. 8, a vehicle was reported stolen at the Prestige Inn. A vehicle had originally been stolen from Revelstoke, but the suspects made the switch in Golden, leaving the Revelstoke car at the Prestige and taking an Alberta rental car with them. The theft is still under investigation.
The individuals, one from Calgary and one from Medicine Hat, were found to be intoxicated at the time. Charges are currently pending.
IH apologizes for the inconvenience and asks that everyone follows marked signage at the site. Thank you.
Intoxicated vehicle theft On Jan. 10 a pair
Art opening hosted in library
of suspects took a vehicle from the 800 block of 11th Avenue South and later crashed through a fence at Louisiana Pacific.
The front entry is still open while repairs are taking place, but IH is requesting that patients/visitors with mobility issues (including wheelchair) access the hospital through the ambulance entrance.
Continued from page 1
For Gage Chernoff, his inspiration came from a character in a video game. “He’s the most annoying character you could ever imagine,” he laughed. “He’s hilarious and very annoying and you just wish somehow that he would end up gone from the game.” Chernoff used pencil and a Sharpie marker to create his work, which he says took him a considerable amount of time. Hobbs says the class used a large variety of mediums while combining them in different ways. “I am impressed with the work that students have generated. They are clearly dedicated to improving their skills in art and have shown considerable development since September,” she said. There will be a lunch time opening from 12:30 to 1 p.m. on Jan. 27 in the GSS library, with an after school opening from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., but the art will remain on display long after then and individuals can sign in at the office to view the students’ work.
The EMR course is for BC Occupational First Aid Level 3 attendants who wish to upgrade their The EMR course course is is for for BC BC Occupational Occupational First First Aid Aid Level Level 33 attendants attendants who who wish wish to to upgrade upgrade their their The skillsEMR to become an EMR attendant for the ambulance service and prepares the candidate for the skills to become an EMR attendant for the ambulance service and prepares the candidate for the The EMR course is for BC Occupational First Aid Level 3 attendants who wish to upgrade their skills to become an EMR attendant thethe ambulance service and thethe candidate for the provincial examination. This course for meets NOCP guidelines asprepares set out by Paramedics provincial examination. This course meets the NOCP guidelines as set out by the Paramedics skills to become an EMR attendant for the ambulance service and prepares the candidate for the provincial examination. meets the NOCP guidelines as set out by Paramedics Association of Canada. This Notecourse that most employers in the North are asking forthe minimum of EMR. Association of Canada. Canada. This Notecourse that most most employers in the the North are are asking forthe minimum of EMR. EMR. provincial examination. meets the NOCP guidelines as set out by Paramedics Association of Note that employers in North asking for minimum of Association of Canada. must Notebe that asking for minimum of EMR. Prerequisite: Candidates 19most yearsemployers of age, holdinathe validNorth Level are 3 OFA certificate or equivalent, Prerequisite: Candidates Candidates must must be be 19 19 years years of of age, age, hold hold aa valid valid Level Level 3 3 OFA OFA certificate certificate or or equivalent, equivalent, Prerequisite: preferably issued within the previous 6 months. preferably issued issued within the the previous 6 months. months. Prerequisite: Candidates mustprevious be 19 years of age, hold a valid Level 3 OFA certificate or equivalent, preferably within 6 preferably issued within the previous 6 months. Date: March 16 to 20th, 2015 Date: March 16 16 to to 20th, 20th, 2015 2015 Date: March Location: COTR Golden Campus Location: COTR Golden Campus Date: March 16 to 20th, 2015 Location: COTR Golden Campus Cost: $850.00 per person Cost: $850.00Golden per person person Location: COTR Campus Cost: $850.00 per Learn Cost: $850.00 per person Learn Learn Now! Now! Now! Learn Now!
For For full full information information or or to to register: register: Phone: 250 344-5901 For full information or to register: Phone: 250 344-5901 or Visit: www. c otr.bc. Phone: or Visit: 250 www.344-5901 cotr.bc.cca/Golden a/Golden or Visit:
Golden’s lamest injury
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
Treatment of drivers
I have officially experienced my first injury of the season. I’m sure the medical professionals in the town have seen plenty already, but this is my first this year, and it’s not even one I can brag about. I fell on a gradual slope while cross country skiing (slowly, I - I SURMISE might add), and gave By Jessica Schwitek myself whiplash. Every year locals and tourists boast about their injuries, bragging about what crazy thing they did to get their arm in a sling. Me...I lost my balance while practically standing still, and fell in such an awkward manner that my head bounced off the ground. Fortunately I fell into fluffy snow, and was only injured due to the way my neck snapped back. But had I had the same fall while walking to my car on an icy street, I would be suffering from a very different injury right now. Brain injuries are becoming increasingly prevalent in Canada. The annual incidence of acquired brain injury in Canada is 44 times more common than spinal cord injuries, 30 times more common than breast cancer, and 400 times more common than HIV/ AIDS. In fact, brain injury occurs at a rate greater than that of all known cases of Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer per year combined. 452 people suffer a brain injury every day in Canada. This amounts to one person injured with a traumatic brain injury every three minutes. (Brain Injury Association statistics). In British Columbia alone, there are 22,000 cases a year, plus more than 180,000 currently living with the results of brain injury. Many of these injuries result in partial, or permanent disability. But it isn’t necessarily the dare devil antics that result in disaster. Quite often it’s the seemingly benign incidents, like falling on fluffy snow, that end up hurting the most. On the same day as my fall I listened to a friend tell a story about a girl who fell on the ice while curling, and suffered such a serious brain injury that it has prevented her from working since it happened nearly five years ago. Obviously we can’t prevent everything, and no one is going to walk around with a helmet all the time. But this is the time of year where one wrong step can take us out. It wouldn’t hurt us to be a little more aware of our surroundings. It isn’t just the adrenaline junkies who get hurt.
I am a truck driver and on January 6th I was enroute to Langley with a load. Reaching the area of ten mile that evening the road was closed for sometime due to avalanche control, and clearing. We waited in line for sometime, then were directed to go to the ten mile brake check where chain up was mandatory to proceed. After chaining up I made my way into Golden arriving about 8:30 p.m. Once in Golden, we were told that the highway west of Revelstoke was closed until after 3 p.m. Jan. 7th, and that Revelstoke itself was filled to "capacity" with trucks, and there would be no room to park. We were told by the dept. of highways workers that night that the Rogers Pass was open but extremely hazardous, and that we should stay in Golden. BUT!! Golden also was pretty full to capacity with trucks everywhere. Trying to find a spot at night in the dark, while snowing, and not knowing the side roads at all was difficult. Eventually I parked along the curb along the north side of the frontage road running beside the highway, I was up about 1/2 mile from the Husky, just before the driveway to the U-haul lot. There were a number of other trucks parked the same. There was a clear lane for traffic in the middle of the roadway but 2 cars couldn't pass at the same time. I checked making sure I was clear and safely situated. I left my four way flashers on and went to bed at about 11:30 p.m. At roughly 7 a.m., I was awakened by a pounding on the side of my truck. A guy who said he was from highways maintenance gruffly, and not nicely, ordered me to immediately move the truck or he was calling the cops.
He said it was a fire lane. He said there were lots of other places to park, which there were not. He was impolite, and spoke to me like I was some sort of criminal, or bottom feeder. I phoned the police, 911 to be exact. I explained to the lady the situation, the highways being closed, the parking problem, and even that highways guys were blocking the exit from town from where I could see. At about that point the guy came back, driving a dark green minivan with an amber light on the roof. I told him I was talking with the police, and they want to speak with him. He took my phone and identified himself as a Maintenance Supervisor, and said I was ordered to move because I was blocking the fire lane "completely" and he said he asked me to move " 30 feet" and I was not complying. The fact is there was no spot 30 feet one way or another, and not anywhere in sight. He told the RCMP dispatcher something about highways maintenance taking control of the road situation or something like that. In the end, the RCMP told me it's better to move than to confront this guy, saying he was offering to lead me to a better spot. But when I was ready to move he had disappeared. I did drive up and down the roads and found no spots the full length of the frontage roads, either side, and in all the lots, everything was full. On my second go round a truck pulled out next to the Husky lot and I managed to park for a bit. My question is this. Is this how Golden treats truck drivers? Are we the nasty things you want to get rid of as quick as possible, after we spend our money of course? Anthony Boogerd Lower Mainland
MLA Report: Working for better democracy I think we can all agree that we need to make improvements to the way our government works. Many British Columbians feel that our government does not represent them, and that government does not func-
tion in a way that makes life better for regular citizens. People point out the fact that the Premier rarely attends the Legislature, the Legislature rarely sits, and so-called consultation by government
rarely results in anything meaningful. As a member of the Legislature for the last 10 years, I have been extremely disappointed by how much our democracy has eroded. Continued on page 7
Are you worried that the drop in gas prices is going to have a negative impact on the economy?
Yes 64%
No 36%
This week’s poll question: Do you get annoyed by the number of trucks on the strip during highway closures? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
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boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek EDITOR
Joel Tansey
Ali Starchuk
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
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10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Star editorial and opinion A7
Golden point of view
Do you get annoyed by the number of trucks on the strip during highway closures? A Star to the honest person on Dec. 21 that picked up and returned my birdseed outside Overwaitea, which I had forgotten to put in my car. I really appreciate the honesty!
Tawnia Jobin
Naomi Maisonneuve
Leslie Parent
“No, I actually think it’s good for Golden because it helps the businesses up on the highway.”
“I’d rather there be somewhere else for them, but I don’t go up there too often.”
“Yeah, it is actually kind of dangerous as it doesn’t leave much room. But where else can they go?”
Stars to Linda, Shannon & the crew at LUSH Mountain Accommodations. You guys are awesome.
Stingers to the new neighbour who moved into our peaceful and quiet neighbourhood with 14 howling, barking and yipping working dogs. We hope you can, at all times, keep them quiet!
Stars to Golden Dog Sled Adventures for the wonderful tour the other day. You guys are great! Stingers to people who text their friends at 2:41 in the morning. Stars to Sarah for the amazing pasta dinner the other night. Delicious!
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6 I am hopeful that British Columbians will begin to take democratic reform seriously, and will ensure that they only support political candidates and parties who have made a strong commitment to improving the democratic process in this province. The Opposition has put forward a number of ideas that we believe will make our democratic system work better. We support proportional representation, a method of electing MLAs that is fairer, and more accurately represents the will of the people. - Norm Macdonald We support the removal of all corporate MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke and union donations to political parties and candidates so that political parties are no longer controlled by big donors. And we have put forward legislation that would protect whistleblowers who provide information in the public interest. I also believe that we need to improve the committee system of the Legislature allowing for meaningful consultation and development of legislation; using MLAs from both sides of the Legislature as well as passionate and knowledgeable citizens to make real changes to the way we live. At present, most legislative committees do not sit, and rarely are reports written by committees taken with any seriousness by government. I believe that we need regular fall sittings of the Legislature to ensure that proper time is spent debating legislation before it is passed. British Columbia’s recent record of the number of sitting days of the Legislature each year has been amongst the lowest in Canada. And I believe that we need to employ a system, similar to the federal government, where Private Member’s Bills are actually voted on by members. In British Columbia, a bill brought forward by an individual member can be entirely ignored by the government. I think that people really care about their democracy, and support these changes to make things better. I would invite you to take the time to learn more about some of these ideas, and then make sure that the Premier knows how you feel. Send an email to
Stars to Melissa Lush for supporting a friend in need. You rock!
One month in for CSRD Area A Director One month in, and it’s full speed ahead….. It’s exciting and very interesting!! A Conversation with our Area A Director….. • I guess the first thing I want to tell our residents is that I certainly enjoy hearing from them. Having an open and transparent communication process is critical. I am learning a lot about what residents want to see happen and the process of local government. • The second thing I want to say is a huge thank you to the CSRD staff for being so supportive and helpful. We are very lucky to have the resources we have in Salmon Arm to support our regional districts. • Since December 5th, it’s been a very busy time. I attend the Board of Director Meetings that are held once a month in Salmon Arm. I bring concerns and issues and opportunities to the table on behalf of Area A residents. Should I not be able to attend a meeting Mike Cantle is my alternate and our Municipal representative at the CSRD table is Caleb Moss. • What have I been doing? I have been reading a number of documents from the 2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report Nicholson, BC., Kinbasket Reservoir Commercial Recreation Opportunities Analysis, CSRD, Fire Services Review for KHMR for example, meeting with a number of companies and ISP’s (Internet service providers) about high speed internet, planning the next steps for the water situation in Nicholson and moving forward with the Parks and Recreation Commission planning to name a few. I attended the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Meeting, Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, Golden Museum Society Meeting and
Board meetings in Salmon Arm. I have had the opportunity to meet with a number of our residents as well. • So you have a plan? My plan is to work with our Area A residents. To that end, after the Board of Directors Meeting on January 15th, I will begin the process of creating the advisory committee. There will be a call to action in the news- Area A Report paper and on Facebook that By Karen Cathcart will ask residents to submit their resumes and letter of intent for the advisory committee. The advisory committee will become the foundation group for building the capacity for Area A. • I have been working with the Town of Golden Mayor, Council and staff to ensure that our two legislative bodies are working collaboratively and collectively so that we can maximize the opportunities for Area A and the Town. One big project the CSRD and the Town will embark on will be the Shared Services agreement Model. The CSRD will work collaboratively with the Town of Golden to ensure that we develop a model that is sustainable and fair. • Please keep connecting with me should you have questions or concerns and opportunities you would like to share! I want to hear from you! If you need to connect with me, please call me at home: 250348-2226 or 250-344-8357 or Facebook: Karen Cathcart Director Area A
Tell us what you’re up to!
Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
Have an upcoming event? Call us! Is the event over? Call us! Call or email and let us know what we can put in and take out of our Community Calendar. 250-344-5251
Golden THE
Something got you “up in arms”?! WH
AT ?!
Let us know Write a “Star” or “Stinger”. Have a little more to say? Write a Letter to the Editor. Stars & Stingers and Letters to the Editor are all free!
Golden THE 250-344-5251
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: The Interview (Mon., Tue., Wed. only) starts Monday Jan12 - Jan.14 at 7pm.
This Week APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:45-11:45am. 250-439-9324 for info. Guided By Mountains: The Colours of the Wind Jan.16Feb.21 at the Art Gallery of Golden.
Wed, Jan. 14
Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Winter Walking at the Rec Plex. Wednesdays 9-10am. Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Badminton Wed., 7-9pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Public Skate Wednesdays 7-8pm at the Arena.
Thurs, Jan. 15 In partnership with
SAVE ANYWHERE. In partnership with In partnership with
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Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:309:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every
Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Shinny at the Arena Thursdays 9-10pm. Kicking Horse Culture presents Film Kicks: Tracks Jan.15 at 7pm at the Golden Cinema.
Fri, Jan. 16 All Girls Hockey run by girls, for girls 9+ Fridays, 4:30pm. Free for minor hockey members, $100 for non members. A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Free and snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Parent&Tot Skate Fridays 11am-12pm at the Arena. Public Skate 12-1:30pm Fridays at the Arena. Winter Walking 1-2pm Fridays at the Rec Plex. Aaron Enns Guided By Mountains opening reception Jan.16 from 5-7pm at the Art Gallery of Golden.
Sat, Jan. 17 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate Saturdays 7-8pm at the Arena. Kicking Horse Cinema is showing The Merry Wibow (Lehar) at 11am, Jan.17.
• For more information... go to
Whitetooth Grill Concert Series at the Day Lodge at KHMR: Tony Bell Jan.17 from 3-5pm. The Merry Widow (Lehar) is showing at The Golden Jan.17 at 11am.
Sun, Jan. 18 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Public Skate Sundays 4:305:45pm at the Arena.
Mon, Jan. 19 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mon. 5-7pm at the Early Years Centre. Free program includes dinner, parent discussion with child minding. 250-439-9665 to register. Telling Our Life Stories Writing Workshop Mon. 10am-12pm. Techniques to organize memoirs. No writing experience necessary. 250-439-9665 to register. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Golden Youth Rec Hockey Mondays 8-9pm, ages 13-18 until Feb.23. Badminton Mon., 7-830pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Indoor Soccer at the Rec Plex 8:30-9:30pm.
Tues, Jan. 20 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Volleyball drop-in Tues. at the Rec Plex $5, 7-9pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Parent and Tot skate Tuesdays 10-11am at the Arena. Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Rockwater Grill & Ba
Upcoming Events
Free Employment Workshop Jan.21 at the EK Employment Office (205421 9th Ave N). Call 250344-5413 to regisgter. Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Jan.23 from 11:30am-1pm. $6. Yoho Blow Days Jan.23-25 in Field. Various outdoor activities! Starts Friday night at 7pm with a hockey game. Huckleberry Loppet at Dawn Mountain Jan.24 (classic) and 25 (skate). Whitetooth Grill Concert Series at the Day Lodge at KHMR: The Pickups Jan.24 from 3-5pm. 2015 Buff Canadian National SkiMo Championships Jan.24 at KHMR. The Small Glories: Cara Luft & JD Edwards Jan.24 at 7pm. 40 advanced tickets only at Bacchus Books. Kicking Horse Culture presents Live Kicks: Tom Allen’s Judgement of Paris Jan.29 at 7:30pm at the Golden Civic Centre. 9th Annual Snow King Excellent Space Adventure Masque Parade Feb.14 at 7pm in Spirit Square. Elliott Brood with The Wilderness play at The Rockwater Feb.17.
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This week's achievement award goes to...
Lukas Pfisterer for his hard work, diligence, responsibility, and kindness to others.
Stop in by January 21, 2015 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015 A9
January 9-17, 2015
MINOR HOCKEY WEEK Golden Minor Hockey President’s Message Another very successful season is now half over. As we move forward into our busy “Tournament” season, our kids are improving their hockey skills and team building skills at an incredible pace. Our coaches, parents and other volunteers never cease to amaze - Mike Palumbo me with their tireless GMH President efforts in all aspects of the game. Our arena is always alive during every week night and almost every weekend with the slap of sticks on ice and the sharp noise of the occasional puck rattles off the glass. “Music” to our ears! We have had another impressive year of events…a fully functioning hockey school in August, Hockey Canada Coaching Clinic for all Golden Minor Hockey coaches, a BC Hockey Ref clinic with 10 referees in attendance, power skating sessions coming soon, and in the next month we will have four local tournaments with many out of town teams attending. One of the most exciting events we have ever hosted is coming to Golden in early February. Bauer Canada will be in town with free equipment for all first time players from the ages of six to 11! A huge thank you to Tyler Gulliford for coordinating this event. I have always believed that every single child in Canada should play organized hockey at some time. This will give all kids the opportunity to try it out. Thanks again to our executive and all the volunteers involved in minor hockey. See you at the rink.
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Star Minor Hockey Week
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
A/B Initiation team Front row (left to right): Rowan Johnson, Jacob Skappak, Erica Pfisterer, Connor Sherriff, Keslin Cooper, Whelan Leighton Middle row: Assistant Coach Craig Ward, Rowan Ward, Kaiden Mastroianni, Declan Nolin, Caedan Desmarais, Parker Jackson Top row: Jaxon Lillies, Tyson Lesser, Tristan McCullough, Hunter Thorne, Rylan Brunner, Josh Tatton Coaches row: Assistant Coach Adam Sherriff, Assistant Coach Lisa Fawcett Absent: Head Coach Maddy Lindsay, Dirk Potvin, Chase Crashley
Novice Rockets Front row (left to right): Hannah Palumbo, Luca Cote Middle row: Cole Hadford, Ludovica Hadford, Koben Potvin, Aiden Schuck, Brendan Niemi, Brayden Ricard Top row: Rowan Baxendale, Henna Gustafson, Lucy Wilson, Madison Sherriff, Alexander Parker, Lucas Hunter, Braeden Knight Coaches row: Mike Palumbo, Marc Hadford, Sean Hunter, Mario Mastroianni
For the LOVE of the GAME!
hats off
to all the minor hockey players, coaches and staff
The most important thing is to stay positive Johnston Meier
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The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Star Minor Hockey Week A11
Atomic Rockets
Front: (Goalie) Rex Baxendale Front row (left to right): Annika LaFleur, Lukas Pfisterer, Evan Tsadilas, Owen Mastroianni, Carter Thorne, Lucas Wilkins, Brayden Mastroianni Middle row : Nolin Alexander-Mitchell, Braxton Gulliford, Taya Anderson, Thomas Wilkins, Iain Frazer, Jackson Nolin Coaches row: Shane Mitchell, John Tsadilas, Tyler Gulliford, Mark Baxendale, Mario Mastroianni
PeeWee Rockets Front row: Isabella Palumbo Middle row: Rowan Heim, Dillon Anderson, Matt Cable, Madison Oslund, Kjell Osborne, Johnny Crawford Top row: Mike Palumbo (coach), Joel Lussier (coach), Sam Lussier, Aaron Denis, Eli Mastroianni, Marcus Dondaneau, Tallon Durning, Walter Bramsleven (coach) Absent: Arvin Rana, Sajan Virk
We salute the dedication of all the players. Put forth your best effort and soar above the rest!
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
Former Wailin’ Jennys singer coming to Golden for house concert Joel Tansey
Cara Luft and J.D. Edwards are playing in Golden on Jan. 24. Tickets are available at Bacchus Books. Photo Submitted
Juno award winning artist Cara Luft has performed as part of a band and as a solo artist, but recently she has formed a duo with J.D.Edwards after discovering that the pair had a rare, instant chemistry. Luft co-founded the folk trio The Wailin’ Jennys before breaking off and achieving success as a solo artist with albums such as 2010’s One Take Only and 2012’s Darlingford. The latter was hailed as her best album yet and called a powerful personal statement by Folk Radio UK, while Luft was praised for singling like an angel named Joni or Alanis by The Globe and Mail. Now Luft and Edwards, together known as The Small Glories, are getting set to release a self-titled album this spring. They started performing regularly together early last year, and the chemistry between the two was apparent right away. “The way our voices worked together was magical. It kind of blew both of our minds,” Luft recalled. “It doesn’t always
work when you sing with other people. It can be really beautiful and really nice but this was going to another level.” What was supposed to be a single performance turned into a tour and eventually they decided to team up full time. The artists trade between singing the melody and the harmony, with Edwards playing the guitar and Luft on the banjo for the most part. While Luft broke away from The Wailin’ Jennys in order to possess complete creative control over her music, she says it’s different playing alongside Edwards and it’s been an excellent career change for her. “I think part (of the success) is that when we play, it’s a very intense performance but it’s a very authentic performance as well,” Luft said. “I’m giving 110 per cent of myself in this formation and the people that have been fans of mine for a really long time…now that they see me with J.D. they say ‘now you’ve met your match’.” Locals will get a chance to see The Small Glories on Jan. 24 when they perform at the house of Bacchus Books owner Caleb Moss. Tickets must be purchased in advance at Bacchus.
Film Kicks feature about self discovery Golden Star Staff
821 - 11TH Ave. N Golden, BC 250-344-5577
In 1977, a 27-year-old Australian woman named Robyn Davidson set out from Alice Springs to walk 2,700 kilometres of harsh desert to the Indian Ocean. Accompanied only by her dog and four camels, Davidson yearned for a solitary journey of self-discovery, and had no ambition other than to reach the ocean. She ultimately wrote about her desert adventure in her 1980 book Tracks, which became a cult favourite around the world and has now been beautifully adapted for the big screen by director John Curran (The Painted Veil, We Don’t Live Here Anymore). The film adaptation, Tracks, will be the next feature in Kicking Horse Culture’s Film Kicks on Thursday Jan. 15. Robyn (Mia Wasikowska, Alice in Wonderland, The Kids Are All Right) spends two hardscrabble years in the Alice Springs area learning how to train and care for camels (feral herds of which number in the thousands in Western Australia) in order to prepare for the epic trek. Finally ready
Tracks, starring Mia Wasikowska, is the next Film Kicks feature on Jan. 15. Photo Submitted to embark on her journey, she realizes she is woefully underfunded and, despite her desire for self-sufficiency, accepts a fee from National Geographic in exchange for a written feature on her travels. The magazine adds a condition: she must allow photographer Rick Smolan (Adam Driver, The F Word, television’s Girls) to photograph her at selected stops along the way. As adapted by Marion Nelson, Tracks captures two ardu-
ous journeys: Robyn making her way slowly through the outback, and her (arguably more perilous) inner search. Curran casts the harsh, red-baked land as much more than just Robyn’s antagonist— at different points it woos her, threatens her, comforts her, steals from her, and submits to her, and we feel privileged to share the journey. The show starts at the Golden Cinema at 7 p.m. Tickets are cash only at the door.
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Head of the Herd among Sound Fest headliners A13
Motus O brings out inner creature
Joel Tansey The Golden Sound Festival is getting set for its second Winter Block Party (in addition to two successful summer festivals) and Todd Menzies, Willhorse bassist and one of the festival’s organizers, is exceptionally pleased with how things have gone thus far. “We’re starting to see more and more support not only from our community but from the Town itself,” Menzies said. The festival will present an exciting lineup on Feb. 21, with breakout stars Head of the Herd, as well as Royal Tusk, taking their place as the headliners. Menzies, who now lives in Vancouver, has been working on this winter’s lineup ever since their summer festival ended. “I just try to bring the best to Golden that I can that may not necessarily make a stop in Golden on their regular tour or realize that there is a music scene or an appreciation for music (in town),” he said. Head of the Herd hit it big with their sophomore album that included the single By This Time Tomorrow (feat. Jasmin Parkin) which soared to number one on Canadian rock charts. Meanwhile, Royal Tusk has recently released their first EP, but singer/guitarist Daniel Carriere and bassist Sandy MacKinnon have been playing together for much longer as members of Juno-nominated Ten Second Epic. The festival will also feature its first MC (Immaculate) as well as local favourites John Jenkins, Pablo Euphoria and Infinity Solstice. “I want the Golden Sound Festival to be really diverse and have a bit of everything,” Menzies said. For more lineup information and ticket info, check out the festival’s webpage at
During a dance workshop put on by theatre company Motus O, Georgia Gale gets on the back of Christina Spence to create a new “creature” with their two bodies. The workshops were free, and were brought to Golden by Kicking Horse Culture. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
The Net Result: 96 Minutes of thrills Joel Tansey One of the best things about Netflix is that its extensive library allows the user to discover solid, hidden gem movies they never would have seen otherwise. There’s considerably little risk in taking a chance on an unknown movie by an unknown direcPopular Sizes to Choose From: tor when it’s so easy to bail on Business Card it whenever you like. 96 Minutes was that pleas2.83” x 2” = $37.68 x 2 = $75.36 + 1 FREE AD ant surprise for me, a thrillWorks out to $25.12 per ad. er along the lines of Crash Square Box and Babel which combines the stories of several differ2.83” x 3” = $56.52 x 2 = 113.04 + 1 FREE AD ent individuals and gradually Evan Ross stars in 96 Minutes, a thrilling movie that Works out to around $37.68 per ad. jacking. brings them together. centres a car Eighth The film begins by show Page First Point Entertainment ing a pair of women who are 4.33” x 4” = $113.04 x 2 = $226.08 + 1 FREE AD in the back seat of a car and to the events from earlier in the acting chops to make his Works tobut $75.36 perit’s ad.a tech- character completely believtheout day, overall being held at gunpoint by nique that director Aimee able, but that’s my only gripe two teenage boys. One of the Quarter Page Lagos uses well. with the performance from women has been shot in the 4.33” x 7” = $197.82 x 2 = $395.64 + 1 FREE AD The cast lacks true star the cast. face but remains alive. power most of While 96 Minutes lacks a Works out tobut $131.88 perthe ad. perWe are then introduced to formances were both believ- certain depth and originaleach character and the deciHalf Page sions and events that led to able and engaging. Evan ity that could push it from 10.33” 7” Brittany = $461.58 x 2are = $923.16 1 FREE Ross xand Snow good to +great, it isAD an enterthe carjacking. especially impressive in their taining ride that won’t disIt’s a pretty simple premWorks out to $307.72 per ad. appoint those looking for a ise but it is executed well respective roles. Full Page The primary aggressor in fast-paced suspense flick. For and in a way that extracted the entire ordeal is a troubled that reason, I’ll+ give 96 Min10.33” x 13.75” = $906.67 x 2 = $1813.34 1 FREE AD a maximum amount of sus16 year-old named Kevin utes 8 mouse clicks out of 10. pense from the plot. The Works out to $604.43 per ad. film does feel jumpy at times (played by J.Michael TrautAddmann). 30%There for colour were times as the action bounces back Trautmannpick lacked and forth from the present Youwhere can always
any size in between!
Short on Funds to Advertise Your Business? The Golden Star is making it easy!
We are offering one free ad for every two booked before January 31st. Buy 2 any sized ads, colour or black and white, before January 31st and receive a third ad FREE. The third ad can be used any time in February! Popular Sizes to Choose From: Square Box Business Card 2.83” x 2” = $37.68 x 2 = 2.83” x 3” = $56.52 x 2 = 113.04 + 1 FREE AD $75.36 + 1 FREE AD Eighth Page 4.33” x 4” = $113.04 x 2 = $226.08 + 1 FREE AD
Quarter Page 4.33” x 7” = $197.82 x 2 = $395.64 + 1 FREE AD
Half Page 10.33” x 7” = $461.58 x 2 = $923.16 + 1 FREE AD
Full Page 10.33” x 13.75” = $906.67 x 2 = $1813.34 + 1 FREE AD
Add 30% for colour. You can always pick any size in between!
413A 9th Ave. N 250-344-5251
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
Daisy Addison one of the last women to travel in covered wagon
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
The past is the story of where we have been but that story when told, has often been incomplete. Whole groups of people and individuals or families ignore women when they think about their own history. Much official history, whether written by professional historians or journalists, has left out one half of the population. Traditional recorded history focused on political, military and economic leaders and events, passing over the lives and accomplishments of women.
And yet, in countless ways, women have played an essential role in shaping our communities and our country – in the home and family, on the farm, in industries, offices, schools, hospitals, religious institutions and benevolent and reform organizations. Our female ancestors made significant contributions as wives, mothers, daughters, paid and unpaid workers, volunteers and community leaders. Women’s achievements today are a legacy of those past actions and achievements. It is time for Canadians to celebrate the lives and accomplishments of women past and present. All too often, history has been presented as the story of privileged people and distant events.
Friends walking on the wagon road east of Golden before the Kicking Horse Trail was completed. This is now the Trans Canada Highway. W. Wenman Collection at the Golden Museum copy-write Karen Flewin. But women’s history tells the story of both the famous and the not-so-famous, of the
ordinary women of all origins who made this country what it is today.
Property Owner’s Checklist Have you received your 2015 property assessment notice?
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If not received in your mail by January 18, call toll-free 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) If so, review it carefully Visit to compare other property assessments using the free, newly enhanced e-valueBC™ service Questions? Contact BC Assessment at 1-866-valueBC or online at Don’t forget...if you disagree with your assessment, you must file a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by February 2, 2015
Golden, like many small communities recorded the first “white” child born here, the first Italian etc., we also record the lasts. One of the last women in history to travel across the country in a covered wagon came to the Columbia Valley. Her name was Daisy Addison. Daisy was born in Leicestershire, England, the youngest of a family of 12 children. Times were very hard in England and in 1926 Daisy’s mother, Elizabeth and her stepfather Leonard Tolley brought the family to Canada. They landed in Montreal but kept on going until they came to Storthoaks, Saskatchewan, where they bought a farm. They stayed and worked this farm until they were forced out by the drought of the ‘30s. Once again, the family packed up their belongings, this time into two covered wagons and headed for Vancouver. When they came through the Banff-Windermere highway, they liked what they saw
and decided to make their home on the McMurdo bench. While still in Saskatchewan, Daisy met a young man named Nat Addison and within a short time, they were engaged. Nat followed the family west and went on to the coast looking for work. Within three months, he was back to marry Daisy and settle in the valley. Daisy, always artistically inclined, had appeared on the legitimate stage as a child star, with a group of professional actors in a travelling troupe. Also, while a child of only six years, Daisy started lessons in ballet and trained as a ballerina for years, intending to seek a professional career. Daisy was the star of many dancing and ballet displays on both sides of the ocean. In her last years Daisy took up painting and sketching and her detailed pictures of dogs, birds and landscapes covered the walls of her modest little home. Over the many
years of her life Daisy lived through many different challenges and hardships, none of which was able to take the lady out of the lady. She lived alone at her home in McMurdo from the time her husband passed away in 1978 until her own death. And up until the death of her husband, still carried water from the spring. Daisy enjoyed visiting with neighbours and friends and made everyone feel welcome. She enjoyed a particularly good relationship with the Braisher family who were her neighbours for many years on the McMurdo bench. Daisy and Nat never had any children who might have done something special to recognize her existence but I hope that we have done that today. Unfortunately the Golden Museum has no pictures of Daisy or Nat Addison but we would be interested in adding them to the collection here if you happen to have one.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015 A15
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star A16
Weekly Angel Card Forecast: Lakshmi - Bright Future by Kamia Shepherd ATP* Special to the Golden Star On a cosmic level, there is an energy shift occurring, a lightening and brightening for this upcoming week. Projects, inspiration and daily living come forward this week with lightheartedness, a healthy does of humor, and a renewal of faith. Lakshmi, an ascended master associated with abundance, stands confidently before us, with hands open to share her good fortune. This can manifest as a new job opportunity, a flow of inspired creativity or a renewal of self esteem that reminds us that we all have ample gifts to share with one another. The elephants playfully spraying water behind her, can represent bringing our sense of humour with us as we remove obstacles, or move through obstacles that have formerly blocked us. We always have a choice to find the humour in a situation, and within ourselves and our - Angel Card Forecast reactions. By Kamia Shepherd Surrounding Lakshmi in the pure, light filled water are blossoming lotus flowers. The lotus flower often represents a blossoming, a heightened sensitivity in consciousness. As we engage in meditative practice, whether that be knitting, yoga, walking, cooking, skiing or otherwise, sometimes spontaneous ‘answers’ to our questions can appear in our mind. Make a conscious choice to be more receptive to the inner wisdom that you carry, and messages from your higher consciousness and guides, will begin to manifest. In the shared light of Lakshmi, we are all capable of seeing the abundance of life surrounding us. We are all able to act in accordance with our dreams, one small or large step at a time. This week, a wave of reassurance sweeps across us, reminding us that the chances we take, and the investments we make in ourselves, bring about a brighter future for us all. With light, Kamia **January 2 Card Relationship reading special** visit for details** To enquire about a personal reading please email Kamia Shepherd Compassion on Facebook
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www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS
A17 Golden Star Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden A17 Star
Eagles suffer first two losses of the season Nicholson students work on Leadership
Gage Chernoff goes up for a shot during the Eagles’ weekend tournament in Kamloops. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey “Those teams were ready for us, they knew about us…they came out firing and that’s what we have to understand…all It was a difficult weekend for the Gold- these teams are going to play their best en Secondary School’s senior boys’ games against us so if we don’t play our basketball team that ended with the club best game then we are going to be in going 2-2 against some game competi- trouble,” said head coach Kindy Gosal. tion in Kamloops. Valleyview, the tournament hosts, have The Eagles, who went into the week- been a particularly difficult nemesis for end undefeated in the 2014/2015 sea- Golden, as they defeated the Eagles twice son, took losses against Fulton (Vernon) last season, including a tight victory in by a 67-56 score and Valleyview (Kam- Golden at the Kicking Horse Classic. loops)by a 66-54 score. Despite losing a few starters to gradu-
ation, the Kamloops squad bested the Eagles once again, this time by 12 points. “We just came out sloppy. I think they started on a 12-0 run and after that point the game was neck and neck. Coming out slow like that really hurt us for the rest of the game because we couldn’t close it out,” said Grade 9 student, John Oszust. A raucous crowd was on hand for the game, making things difficult on the Eagles, but according to Grade 11 student, Meva Dhami, the boisterous crowd didn’t pose much of a problem for him. “When we were taking our free throws they were heckling…I kind of use it as motivation. You use it to your advantage,” Dhami said. The Eagles also received support from a small but vocal number of parents, family and friends who made the trip to Kamloops to cheer on the team. Golden managed to take out Salmon Arm by half a dozen points and Mount Elizabeth (Kitimat) by over 50 to close out the weekend at .500. One of the Eagles’ weaknesses was something that simply can’t be helped. The team played with just seven players and was up against squads with twice that number. That allowed opponents to roll different lines onto the court to take advantage of a tired group of players. Naturally, conditioning is paramount for the short-benched Eagles. “We work hard in practice,” Dhami said. “But we are going to work harder.” Golden will travel to Vernon for a tournament this weekend, with a potential rematch against Fulton Secondary looming.
Lois Ehman Principal of NES The students of Nicholson Elementary School have been back in school for one week now and are busy getting back into the swing of things. We started off Monday morning with an assembly for Habit #2 – Begin With the End in Mind. This was a perfect habit to learn to start the new year as the students discussed goals they wanted to achieve and how they would get there. They realize that they have to focus on “what” they want to accomplish and then figure out the little steps they need to do in order to achieve that goal. Leadership teams are happening at the school as well. A group of students are organizing a drawing club for interested students in the building and hope to culminate their efforts with a spring art show in the school (watch for further information as to times and dates). We also have students in each grade/ room who are part of the recycling team, school greeters and a theme day team. It is very rewarding to see the students come up with ideas of leadership and watch them put them into action! The students are learning that no job is too big if we synergize and make it happen together.
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A18 The Golden Star
Wednesday, January 14, 14, 2015 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, January 2015
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star A19
Rockets victorious over Posse before getting blasted by Nitros they noticed that at the beginning of the game and took advantage of it, putting us in a hole we couldn’t get out of,� said Rockets captain Daniel Dahlin. Nitros captain Jason Richter opened the scoring with a power play goal with just over five minutes remaining in the first and Braden Saretsky added another two minutes later. The real backbreaker came late in the opening period when Dynamiters forward Brady Revie flashed impressive speed on a defensive zone breakout and fed a beautiful pass to Alex Rosolowsky
Ian Desrosier attacks the Princeton net on Friday night. Desrosier didn’t manage to score on this chance, but the club scored six in a two-goal win over the Posse. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
The Rockets earned a win over Princeton on Friday before taking one on the chin the following night against the Kimberley Dynamiters for a 1-1 weekend that saw the team drop to fourth place in the Eddie Mountain Division. Golden 6, Princeton 4 The Rockets got off to a poor start and found themselves behind by a goal after barely a minute had ticked off the clock when Kurtis Klinger beat starter Magnus Viberg. Mckechney answered that with a shorthanded goal less than two minutes later to knot things at one. It was a sign of things to come, as Princeton would hold four separate one-goal leads throughout, with the Rockets answering each with the tying goal. Minutes later, Kyle Bergh notched the
second for the visitors. Surprisingly, that was it for Viberg as the Rockets netminder received a quick hook from head coach Ty Davidson in favour of Mark Becica. “They scored two quick goals and I didn’t think (Viberg) looked comfortable on even the saves he was making. He just didn’t look there tonight for whatever reason,� Davidson said when asked why he made the change. Brennan Fuoco tied it up with the first less than half over thanks to a precise point shot. That was how the teams went to the dressing room after 20 minutes. Just as in the first, the teams traded goals in the second, with Thomas Cankovic and Connor Sloan scoring the goals for the Posse and Nic Noseworthy and Ian Desrosier tallying the responses for Golden. The Desrosier marker was the obvious choice for goal of the night. Mckechney
found Fuoco with a dazzling cross-ice saucer pass before Fuoco tee’d one up for the Rockets’ leading goal scorer in the slot. Early in the third the Rockets grabbed their first lead of the game when Alex Astasiewicz walked the line and ripped home a slapshot less than three minutes into the period. From there it was far from easy, but the Rockets held on despite a barrage of penalties that included a lengthy 5 on 3 disadvantage. Davidson declined to offer his opinions on the officiating, but was visibly upset on the Rockets’ bench on multiple occasions after his club took penalties. However, one of the Rockets’ biggest strengths all season has been their penalty kill, and despite allowing a rare opposition powerplay goal, this was another mighty effort on that front. “Our penalty killing
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has really been a shining light all season long for us,� Davidson said, while noting that his team had given up just that one powerplay goal across its last five contests. Nick Hoobanoff added a sixth goal for Golden to put a cap on the scoring.
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Golden 1, Kimberley 8 The Rockets won the third period, but little else, as a dismal opening 40 minutes paved the way for the team’s worst home loss of the season in an 8-1 drubbing at the hands of the Kimberley Dynamiters Saturday night. “It isn’t a physical thing, we have every bit as much talent as Kimberley has. I have no idea why we weren’t ready to go tonight but that will be something I will be diving into as a coach and hopefully try to rectify,â€? said head coach Ty Davidson. “We just didn’t come to play. Mentally we weren’t there‌
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in the third with the game out of reach. “At least in the third period we were playing the game the proper way, we were winning battles‌if there’s one positive we can take out of it, it’s that we played a solid third period,â€? Davidson said. The loss was costly in the standings, as Creston Valley was also a winner on Saturday to push Golden down to 4th place in the Eddie Mountain Division. The Rockets will hit the road next weekend for a bout with the Grand Forks Border Bruins on Friday before a divisional matchup against Creston on Saturday.
Joel Tansey
for a one-timer that left Rockets goalie Mark Becica with little hope for a stop. The Dynamiters added five more in the second period, including a flurry of three goals in a two and a half minute span late in the frame, to give themselves a dominant 8-0 lead through two. There was little action in the third as the Nitros were content to coast to an easy victory, but Nic Noseworthy did salvage a measure of pride for Golden with a power play goal that broke the shutout. If there was a silver lining for Davidson, it was the team’s resolve
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Golden Star
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