Kitimat Northern Sentinel, January 21, 2015

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Volume 61 No. 03

Is LNG not all that?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Harvard study casts doubt Cameron Orr The prospects for liquefied natural gas (LNG) may be good, but not that good, according to a report from Harvard University’s Belfer Center. The report, called Falling Short: A Reality Check for Global LNG Exports and authored by associate professor Leonardo Maugeri, is, naturally, heavily focused on the United States’ LNG prospects, but Canada is included in his projections. And long story short, Maugeri is more

confident in Nova Scotia-based Goldboro LNG in adding to LNG exports by 2020 for Canada than he is with west coast-based projects. “It has already secured a long-term customer (German E.On) for 20 years, starting in 2019, but had not received an export license as of November 2014. This is also the only scheme whose selling price formula is not oil-linked,” he writes in the report. On the west coast, “To circumvent some of the problems affect-

ing British Columbia, Canadian natural gas developers could send their natural gas to the US west coast, where it could be liquefied and shipped to Asia. But the fate of Oregon’s LNG schemes seems very uncertain in this decade,” writes Maugeri in his paper. Maugeri’s paper, however, does seem to put U.S. potential for LNG exports at a notably higher level than other countries. Australia, he writes, has the worst business case globally. Continued on page 6

Museum pitches preservation plan The museum is pitching the District on a special project called the Kitimat Preservation Project. Citing risks to its existing collections due to storage constraints, the museum board is proposing a fiveyear plan, funded over and above the regular museum budget. The plan, if successfully adopted, would see new storage space provided, new office space, and a plan made for the old fire trucks held in storage at the fire hall. In the museum’s submission to council on this, they point to the current storage of their collections, one at the Service Centre and another at a locker facility on Forest Avenue, as non-ideal as they are not climate controlled, and any breach or damage at those facilities could lose artifacts forever. “If there’s any kind of fire or flood that stuff’s going to lost,” said Museum Board Chair Robin Rowland. He said that through his own research efforts he knows the value of

properly maintaining records. Without properly maintained collections, critical information could end up being lost to time. He’s seen it happen before in other facilities. In the museum’s submission they also say with the number of retirees in town growing, the pace of donations to the museum’s collection is rising fast. Operationally, the museum proposes making the assistant curator a full-time position, and creating a short-term education/exhibition coordinator position to reduce the assistant curator’s workload in cataloging and storing artifacts. This plan, the museum explains, is a “stop-gap” measure until proper museum storage facilities are available, or a new museum is built. They say cost recovery from the sale and licensing of photographs once their collection has been entirely digitized will help offset costs before the project. Continued on page 2

The Kitimat Ice Demons may have lost the first match of the weekend on January 10 against the Smithers Steelheads 4 to 8, but the team regrouped for a 8 to 7 win the following afternoon. More about their weekend on page 12. Cameron Orr


Haisla celebrate MK Bay Marina buy ... page 8

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Police Beat

Car crashes into gate trying to dodge police January 5 A District of Kitimat snow plow reversed into a small white vehicle, police say of a reported collision on Haisla Boulevard and Ptarmigan Street at 6:25 p.m. While there were no injuries reported, police say the small car had left the scene before they arrived. Police are still investigating. At 7:53 p.m. police spotted a car with

a burned out headlight. In attempting to pull the vehicle over though the driver didn’t stop, but rather turned on to Quatsino Boulevard and eventually crashed in to a gate. The driver then failed a roadside screening test and the 37-year-old driver from Saskatoon was given a driving prohibition and a court date. January 6 At 2:30 p.m. the police conducted a pull-over on Bittern

Street and found the driver was prohibited under the Motor Vehicle Act. The 46-yearold Kitimat resident faces charges of driving while prohibited and their vehicle was impounded. January 7 At 12:50 p.m. the police pulled over a suspended driver, at Forest Avenue and Highway 37. The 47-year-old Terrace resident faces charges and received a

vehicle impoundment. January 8 At 3 p.m. the Kitimat RCMP received four arrest warrants for persons who did not attend court as required. A 37-yearold Port Hardy man, a 24-year-old Duncan male, and two 25-yearold Kitimat persons are being sought in relation, however police did not reveal the persons’ names. January 9 Police responded

to a third-hand report of a break and enter when a person’s neighbour called them to say someone was inside their home and they had locked themselves in to the bedroom. Police arrived but determined that no break in had occurred at the home. At 9:39 p.m. a 25-year-old Kitimat driver was given a driving prohibition after a single-vehicle collision on Highway

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partment will begin to need more space which may push out the old Jeep and Fire One. Museum curator Louise Avery agrees that something has to be done with the town’s collection of history. “We need to do something with council regarding the issues,” said Avery. “There needs to be some future for the collection for Kitimat that is protected and accessible.” She said she sees the idea of ATCO trailers to house the collection as an effec-

tive temporary measure. She said the existing storage facilities may be heated, but not consistently enough to properly preserve artifacts. The presentation to council by the museum was part of a larger meeting where councillors heard the budget needs for a number of community groups and organizations. The meeting was not set to make any decisions though, but just to hear the groups’ needs ahead of finalizing a budget.

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Rain(mm) Snow(cm)

Dec. 26 4 0 10.2 Dec. 27 4 -1 2 Dec. 28 4 -3 0 Dec. 29 -3 -5 0 Dec. 30 -6 -10 0 Dec. 31 -3 -10 0 Jan. 1 4 -5 17.4

Museum Continued from page 1 Rowland said they didn’t give a cost estimate because the overall plan can be done bit by bit meaning the price, depending on how its approached, could be fluid. The written submission to council says the museum board and District of Kitimat staff would work together to create a more detailed budget, if council eventually agrees to the plan. On the issue of the old fire trucks at the fire hall, the museum is worried that with community expansion the fire de-

a curfew check for a 16-year-old at 12:34 a.m. and found the youth was not at home as required, and police say they will recommend charges of breaching curfew to Crown Counsel.

37 at Forest Avenue. The driver was being treated by paramedics on police arrival and the person was given a roadside screening test. January 11 Police conducted

3.8 0 0 0 0 0 0

THURSDAY High 5 Low 4

FRIDAY High 5 Low 3

SATURDAY High 6 Low 3

SUNDAY High 5 Low 3




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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3

B.C. UNBC professor suggests caution on LNG BRIEFS Squamish B.C.’s Environment Assessment Office has begun its review of a liquefied natural gas export facility near Squamish, and a large-volume gas pipeline from Coquitlam to supply it. FortisBC has applied to twin its existing 10-inch diameter gas pipeline to the former Woodfibre pulp mill with a 24-inch line that would supply gas to load 40 tankers of LNG per year for export to Asia. The existing pipeline right-ofway and an idle industrial site with barge sites put the Woodfibre LNG project at the front of the pack for the B.C. government’s push to develop an LNG export industry, with operation to begin as early as spring 2017. Woodfibre is smaller than most proposals for the Kitimat and Prince Rupert areas, which continue to study the cost of much longer pipelines from northeast B.C. gas fields. The Singaporebased investors behind Woodfibre LNG plan to use BC Hydro electricity and gas supplied by FortisBC’s existing network that supplies residential and industrial customers around the province. The 180-day assessment period began this week with acceptance of the pipeline and plant applications. EAO public open houses for the LNG plant are scheduled.

A University of Northern B.C. economics professor says people should be cautious, rather than optimistic, about LNG in 2015. UNBC’s Paul Bowles was responding to minister of natural gas development Rich Coleman’s yearopening statements saying 2015 will be the year. Bowles, however, says Coleman essentially has to push for a final investment decision (FID) on a project for 2015 or things will get hard for the government’s predictions. “He pretty much has to say it’s this year, or his targets for 2020 won’t be met,” he said. Yet ‘cautious’ is the word Bowles would use when thinking of LNG prospects in 2015. “He’s [Coleman] on one end of the optimism spectrum. The government brought in its tax regime which was designed to be very competitive to get companies to commit, but that hasn’t happened,” he said. “Global energy markets are in turmoil

at the moment, which nobody predicted. It’s unclear what’s going to happen to the price of oil which will affect competitive fuels like LNG.” He added “It would be a brave person to make a prediction about what will happen to the price of oil over the year and therefore the natural gas prices over the year, which will determine how much investment takes place...Rich Coleman must have a better crystal ball than most of the rest of us.” It’s not an entirely pessimistic outlook for the industry though. He does agree partially with some of Coleman’s ideas, such as that drilling in the northeast, and pipeline agreements made over the past couple of years, can mean there’s confidence in the industry. But Bowles only sees those as small parts of the larger picture. “That shows it’s still a possibility, but the difference between a possibility and a guarantee is quite a big gap,” he said. And for pipeline

agreements themselves, he said you only need one person not signing up to throw a wrench in everything else. “You can’t build 60 per cent of a pipeline,” he said. “Any one legal challenge would have consequences.” B.C., he also says, has challenges due to its geography causing any projects here to be high cost compared to other environments. Coleman in his LNG outlook also repeated the government’s belief that the industry will lead to 100,000 jobs, but that’s another area Bowles says could be too optimistic. “That’s very high,” he said. “They tend to count both what they call direct and indirect jobs on that.” He adds, “That’s still a very optimistic number. I’ve never seen a full justification for that number.” In Coleman’s outlook, he said that the government is anticipating that companies will begin making their LNG decisions

DoK begins budget Cameron Orr The early work on setting the year’s municipal budget has begun, as District of Kitimat staff and council work towards a proposed three per cent tax increase. Such an increase is in line with the District of Kitimat’s current fiveyear plan, which, if the town sticks to it, will likely lead to two subsequent two per cent increases over the next two years. Operationally, there are some anticipated minor increases in some areas. The RCMP contract is holding roughly where it was in the 2014 financial plan, now anticipated to be a total of $2.345 million. It’s important to note there is nothing finalized about the budget at this point and figures could change. Animal and pest control is looking at increases, namely from increases to the animal control contract with the Kitimat Community Humane Society, and with some higher building expenses, which in total is forecasted at $216,500 for 2015. Snow clearing is currently estimated at $1.08 million (just for streets), compared to the 2013 actual

cost of $728,457. In all, roads and streets are expected to account for just about $2.85 million, down from the just over $3 million in the 2014 budget. With the totals not in, we don’t yet know how much roads and streets actually cost the District last year. The District’s public transportation costs are up Beyond the line items for operations, the supplementary budget as presented includes some proposed additions to the fire department and the police detachment. The fire hall is seeking $52,000 to replace the deputy fire chief’s work truck, which, being a 1999 model, has been prone to breakdowns and is ready to be replaced, said the fire chief at a budget overview last Monday. They are also seeking $70,000 to replace the fire hall’s power generator. At the RCMP detachment, the upgrades to the building will likely be finishing the year wrapping up those expenses, while there is still the costs for two Colt C-8 carbine rifles ($10,800), as well as body armour ($10,000).

this year. “After three years of planning, we anticipate British Columbia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry will take flight in 2015 as leading proponents make final decisions to move forward,” said Coleman, in a written statement. Kitimat-based projects were among his list of six projects which have received provincial environmental approval. “We now have 18 proposals for LNG export operations. Provincial Environmental Assessment Certificates have been issued for six LNG projects - the Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission pipeline, the Pacific NorthWest LNG export facility in Port Edward, the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline, the Pacific Trail Pipeline, the Kitimat LNG project in Bish Cove, and

Coastal GasLink Pipeline.” “While the interest has been tremendous,” he continued, “our goal remains to

meet the BC Jobs Plan target of three LNG facilities by 2020. This would increase natural gas production and provincial revenues.”



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, July 23, Wednesday




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, July 23, Wednesday



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1.30 TAX



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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 7, 2015


LNG run down I’ve always been vocally optimistic about liquefied natural gas prospects for Kitimat, which either makes me a glass-half-full kind of guy or, I’m sure, a corporate shill, depending on who you ask. Either way (and to be clear, it’s that first thing) it’s only fair that I give some space to a less optimistic approach, and in on one hand comes from a report from Harvard. In short, Canada faces a tough environment, both physically and socially, to construct new infrastructure, and over in Australia the business case has never worked, the report’s author writes. The U.S. may have a better time growing LNG but even there it won’t be as great as analysts maybe had though. Over to a University of Northern B.C. professor on our page 3 who thinks natural gas development minister Rich Coleman was being a typical politician in saying we’ll get projects this year in his yearopening statement, despite signals that we should be more cautious. Professor Bowles didn’t tell me nothing was going to happen, but the conclusion I walked away with was unrestrained optimism about the prospects may be misplaced. Basically energy prices this year might be a wrench in the works for getting projects off the ground this year, but missing this year may mean missing the government’s timelines to get projects going. I don’t suspect there’s any anticipation of a quick decision on LNG from the mood in Kitimat either. Kitimat may even be looking forward to a little breathing space between the RTA mega project and any potential future ones from LNG. All that said I don’t think I’m swayed from feeling a bit more optimistic than some others on LNG. I’d even say I’m ‘cautiously optimistic.’ As I’ve noted before, I’d find it bizarre if a proposal like Kitimat LNG disappears, given everything it has lined up already, including a new partner, once the deals close in the coming months. LNG Canada, while at this point still seeking environmental approvals, had been moving very steadily in community engagements leading up to their filing, and ever since. If there’s hesitation on the company’s desire to build it doesn’t show in their public face. As our columnist Malcolm Baxter noted a few weeks back that these companies really look at the long game, and while some might be concerned that prices are so low right now, which might make a project uneconomical, there’s always an expectation that prices will go up again. That all comes back, though, to whether 2015 will be ‘the’ year or not for LNG. And as optimistic as anyone can be, we might end up having to wait a little longer. We’ll see. Cameron Orr

Spam is getting spread very thin This morning among my primary e-mail was a note purportedly from Disney Account Member Services noting I should reset my Disney Account password because there was an indication that I had forgotten my password link the last time I visited Disney Infinity. That this was a spam message was no surprise — I do not have a Disney Infinity account or a password link and I have never visited Disney Infinity. As I always do when I come across an e-mail like this I simply delete it to trash and then I clean out my trash bin. Problem solved. That’s where this one from Disney went. I also received requests to update information on my “frozen” iTunes account and to confirm a work ticket on my Bell account. (I have neither!) But I was left wondering how the Disney message appeared in my primary mail. Gmail is a pretty efficient service which divides my e-mails into categories such as primary inbox mail (direct legitimate emails), sent mail, drafts, spam and trash, etc. My inbox has three categories as

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

well; primary, social and promotions. Breaking down my direct e-mail into sections, one being a waste of time social media updates, from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. To me all are straight deletes but they take up time. A real time-consumer for me is “Promotions,” a category where Gmail groups all other (unimportant) mail such as commercial notices that I may or may not have signed up for from various people, who now have my e-mail address, either provided by me or otherwise obtained. I need to spend a bunch of precious time “unsubscribing” to much of this. Today spam is no longer a popular luncheon meat. It’s better understood as unsolicited electronic junk mail, “mischief”

messages and often much more; dangerous sources of malware, viruses, phishing for personal information and a number of other internet hazards. Networks of virus-infected computers are used to send about 80 per cent of spam and from that you can conclude that is effectively “postagedue” advertising. You still see the odd spam request from distant spots like Africa, in badly-written English, seeking people to help share “trapped” multi-million inheritances but it has slowly dwindled to be replaced by much more pernicious spam, very skillfully disguised as realistic real bank notices requesting updated personal information and material designed to download malware if you click on the attachments. Spamming is a very complicated subject - ranging from its sources of personal e-mail addresses to the immense value and costs of dealing with the problem, the dangers associated with spamming and of course the varying efforts of internet service suppliers to blunt its impact on customers. Continued on page 5

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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor

Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution

The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5

Finding a source of contentment in age of discontent Psalm 23: 1, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Are you a content person? So often we think that we are most content when we have abundance like we do these days in Kitimat, but is that really true? Contrast that thinking with the 23rd Psalm which begins, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” In this age of discontent that we live in, to hear someone say, “I do not want” is amazing indeed. The truth is, the only way the Psalmist can say, “I shall not want,” is because he can first say, “The Lord is my shepherd.” So what does the Good Shepherd do for His sheep? Well, “He makes me lie down in green pastures…He leads me beside still waters.” Rather than

From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church

emies, you anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows.” You know, one day each one of us will stand before that valley, and on that day when our earthly guides have to turn around there is only one person who can guide us safely to the other side; Jesus Christ. He can do it because He has been there and back and He knows the way. In fact, He is the way. The question before each one of us today is, if you found yourself at the edge of that valley today, would you be ready? Are you part of the Good Shepherd’s flock? Friends, true contentment can only be found in the certainly of knowing that your eternal situation is secure in the fold of the

Good Shepherd. The good news is that its never too late. Jesus is always looking for lost sheep. He wants you to

know that through faith in Him, your cup of blessing will overflow, goodness and mercy will follow you all the

days of your life, and one day, you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Amen.

From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church

Pastor Clint Magnus leaving us alone to try to fill up on the junk food of human philosophy and self-help that leaves us “In want,” He gives us His Word to nourish us. “He restores my soul.” Jesus the Good Shepherd came to this earth for that very reason, to die for our sins, so that through simple repentant faith in Him, we might be rescued and brought back into a right relationship with God. Jesus said in John 10:11, “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd

lays down His life for the sheep.” And that is exactly what He did for you and for me on the cross. Only in Christ can our souls be restored to an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father. “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table in the presence of my en-

Pastor Clint Magnus

Spam Continued from page 4 Largely however, we know we’re pretty well “on your own” to learn about dealing with spam and apply these protections available rigidly and regularly. Basically, if you see something that suggests it may be spam delete it without hesitation. If your e-mail supplier says an item is spam it usually is, but I always read the intro on the mail because I’ve often seen mis-identified regular mail in my spam column. They don’t get it right all the time. What’s our government doing about spam? They have limited options because of the explosive, expanding nature of the problem. However, on July 1, 2014, Canada’s latest anti-spam legislation came into force. The new rules are designed to protect Canadian consumers from the most damaging and deceptive forms of spam and online threats, such as identity theft, phishing and spyware. Canada’s anti-spam legislation followed extensive consultations with Canadian businesses and consumers. Numerous steps have been taken to limit the impact on Canadian businesses, while attempting to provide strong protections for consumers online.

Organizations that send emails to clients will have three years to obtain express consent from existing clients. Registered charities, which operate on the generosity of Canadians, continue to be able to request donations. Will it be effective? That remains to be seen. One major U.S. Internet security company reported in the second quarter last year, the percentage of spam in total email traffic increased by 4.2 per cent from the first quarter of 2013 and came to 70.7 per cent. The percentage of phishing emails in Clues Across 1. Supervises interstate commerce global mail traffic fell 4. Society ingenue by 0.0016 per cent and 7. Old Austrian currency (abbr.) 10. Wife of Jacob came to 0.0024 per 12. “Aba ____ Honeymoon” cent. Malicious attach13. Cologne 14. Christian reading platforms ments were detected 16. 8th Jewish month in 2.3 per cent of all 17. Arbitragers (inf.) 18. Goof emails. 19. C5H12 Stay alert. Best 21. Adult female chicken 22. Cooking vessel advice, check it all. 24. Drake’s Golden ship If in doubt delete and 26. Mimicry 28. Language spoken in Nakhon keep scanning reguPhanom larly. 30. Betel palm

LETTERS WELCOME The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: or Fax: (250) 639-9373



January 22, 2015 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Kitimat Valley Institute

1352 Alexander Avenue, Kitimat, BC V8C1A2 Dear Neighbour, You are cordially invited to attend a public Information Meeting open-house regarding the proposed development planned on 1015-1050 Nalabila Boulevard, Kitimat. The public information meeting open-house will be held at the Kitimat Valley Institute. The proposed initial development anticipates the construction of up to 96 apartment units in eight 12-unit buildings. Also proposed are nine townhouse units in two buildings. All designed with comfort and style as depicted above. The District of Kitimat will be present and welcoming comments. More information is available on the district website at: See you soon!! COAST TO COAST BY INTACTUS 70 Chaparral Square Valley SE Calgary, T2X 0P6

Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds

32. Fulda River tributary 33. Diet sugars & starches

Clues Down

1. Sudden brilliant light 2. 35% Sierra Leone ethnic group 3. Pool side dressing room 4. 24 hours (old English) 5. Abba __, Israeli politician 6. Bret Maverick’s brother 7. Glenn Miller hit “Moonlight ___” 8. Truck operator compartment 9. Composer Walter ___ 11. Hall of Fame (abbr.) 12. Two painted panels 15. Surpassing all others 17. Liquorice-flavored liqueur 20. Exclamation of surprise 23. 100-year-old cookie 25. Disco Duck’s Rick 27. Budgie 29. Atomic #36

38. Goat and camel hair fabric 39. Used of posture 40. Native of Istanbul 41. Elk or moose genus 43. Gave a slight indication 45. Farewell expression 46. Japanese sash 49. Disturb greatly 53. Piles of combustibles 55. Suffragist Carrie Chapman 57. “Inside the Company” author 58. Counterweights 59. The total quantity 60. Daminozide 61. South American nation 62. Original “SportsCenter” anchor Bob 63. Can cover 64. Aka River Leie

31. Yes vote 33. Embryonic membrane 34. Suddenly 35. More colorless 36. Count on 37. Receive willingly 40. Technetium 42. Oxalis 44. Physician’s moniker 47. Smelling of ale 48. Modern day Iskenderun 50. Afrikaans 51. Grapefruit and tangerine hybrid 52. Grasp the written word 54. Bark sharply 55. UC Berkeley 56. Brew

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Buck up, Bull-O-Rama is back for another romp in June Cameron Orr After a one year hiatus organizers are bringing back one of Kitimat’s staple events: the BullO-Rama. A letter seeking sponsorships to local businesses last week broke the news and Jack Oviatt, a primary organizer for the event, said the reason it came back this year was mainly down to excitement. “We’re just anxious to see it back is all,” he said. This year the organizers are setting a fundraising goal of being able to purchase two infusion pumps for the Kitimat General Hospital, which is the current target of the Kitimat General Hospital Foundation. The event will take place June 13, and tickets will likely go on sale sometime in May. Marking a return with the Bull-O-Rama also is the wild horse races as well. For the Bull-O-Rama, riders attempt an eightsecond journey on top of the wild beasts, all with an eye to a $10,000 grand prize. The event is sanctioned by the British Columbia Bull Riders Association.

A moment from the 2013 Bull-O-Rama, which is marking its return after a one year break. Dwight Magee photo

Cold weather shelter getting good use Cameron Orr Kitimat’s Cold Weather Shelter has proven an invaluable service to some in the community. Shelter co-manager Michelle Martins says the service has been accessed 17 times since it opened in mid-November, with about half a dozen people representing those visits. Oddly enough though, it’s not the weather which draws people to use

the service. “Weather doesn’t seem to be as indicative of a precursor to accessing because there were nights where it was really cold...and nobody would show up,” she said. “On the flip side there were people coming in on much warmer nights, when it was five or six degrees out still.” One of the things that did improve use was moving the location. When they originally opened they

were using the Mountainview Alliance Church, but since December 8 they’ve been using space at the First Baptist Church along Columbia Avenue. “That’s made a huge difference in people accessing,” she said. The convenience of being down the hill has been important because she said a lot

of the people who use the shelter spend more time down the hill in general. As for what brings people to the shelter, she said it’s hard to say for sure because those are not the types of questions asked of people when they show up at the door, but she said there have been a few people who have recently

have any support systems in place either. She said they will ask shelter users for emergency contact information, even a doctor, for their files. “With the excep-

tion of a couple of times everybody says no.” Meanwhile people are encouraged to sign up as volunteers. You can call 250-279-0847 for more information.

The Return of Winterfest

I N K I T I M AT L’Association des Francophones et Francophiles du Nord-Ouest (AFFNO) invites everyone to experience a taste of Quebec

January 22 to 24.

Francophone culture, food and family fun in a festival you’ll never forget!

Harvard Continued from page 1 As well Canada, he says, “will likely be the hardest hit by the new ‘chill wind’ blowing over LNG projects.” Meanwhile he writes that the U.S. shale gas revolution “will supply relatively cheap gas for future US LNG export schemes.” even as LNG growth will fall short of expectations, he anticipates. He referred to all British Columbian LNG proposals as being planned for greenfield sites — that is sites that have no infrastructure and have not been developed before — however that’s not true for the LNG Canada proposal which owns the former Methanex site in Kitimat. Overall though the report doesn’t say LNG is a dead market. His conclusion states that “Even a prudent and skeptical view of the evolving global gas market cannot help but recognize that soon the world will witness the largest increase ever of LNG export capacity.” As for Canada, though, under his conclusion, he states, “Also the yet-on-paper Canadian and Mozambican potential LNG exports seem to be too expensive to cope with the current market situation. This is likely to freeze their materialization till the next decade.”

lost jobs. “I think a big reason to accessing is mental health and addictions,” she added. In addition, most people who use the service don’t tend to

Winterfest Brunch

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015 7

First Nations challenge BC Cameron Orr The province of B.C. hasn’t escaped scrutiny relating to the Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal. The Coastal First Nations, and the Gitga’at First Nation council have launched a constitutional challenge against the province, in an effort to compel B.C. to use its power to decide whether the pipeline project goes forward. According to a joint news release from Coastal First Nations and the Gitga’at, the heart of the lawsuit is an argument that the province failed to consult with First Nations and failed to follow the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act when it entered into an “Equivalency Agreement” with the federal National Energy Board (NEB), in which the province abdicated its power to review the project’s environmental effects and to impose more stringent environmental protections. “The province signed the Equivalency Agreement without any consultation with First Nations, even though the Northern Gateway project could have devastating impacts on our rights and way of life,” said Arnold Clifton, Chief Councillor of the Gitga’at First Nation. “Our territories are within the shipping route that would be used by hundreds of tankers each year. In abdicating its decision-making power, the province is putting coastal communities at risk of the severe and ir-

reversible harm of oil spills and oil tanker traffic.” Coastal First Nations Executive Director Art Sterritt said the

lawsuit being launched is “about protecting Aboriginal rights and title,” as well as giving B.C. the chance to take action on the

pipeline project. “We believe the province has erred in law by avoiding responsibility for a project that its lawyers ar-

gued before the NEB should not be approved because of unacceptable risks to British Columbia’s communities and natural envi-

ronment,” he said. The lawsuit contends that while the province was entitled to reduce duplication and overlap by participat-

ing in the federal assessment process, it was not entitled to abdicate its decisionmaking power over the project.

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12/30/14 10:47 AM

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015

BECOME A LIFEGUARD The Kitimat Leisure Services Department is recruiting

AQUATIC TRAINEES for future employment.

Spend hot summer days guarding at the wading pools or join the team at Sam Lindsay Aquatic Centre. Top Candidates will receive the following programs FREE: Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Water Safety Instructor, NLS and Standard First Aid. Lifeguards in the making, 15 years and older, pick up an application at the pool front desk. Closing date to apply is February 6, 2015. 100% ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED. For further information, contact Gina at 250-632-8955 Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

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Above, a Spirit of Kitlope dancer performs at a special event marking the Haisla’s purchase of MK Bay Marina. Below, Ellis Ross speaks to the importance of the deal. Cameron Orr

MK Bay deal sealed with a ceremony The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine have officially bowed out of the waterfront business, with the sale of MK Bay Marina to the Haisla. The ink on that deal dried late last year, but it became real with a gift-giving and dance ceremony at the Haisla Recreation Centre in Kitamaat Village January 14. The event, however, also teased to the Haisla’s next plan, which is acquiring Lot 98, and Chief Councillor Ellis Ross explained is right across the road from the marina and is owned by Rio Tinto Alcan. That said, acquiring the marina was a key component of having that land released from the company and in front of a gymnasium full of Haisla members said that he’s hopeful of seeing that land become the Haisla’s in under a month. Lot 98, he said, was originally going to be transferred to the Haisla but there were complications relating to MK Bay Marina and the land was held under expropriations since 1998. We did not immediately receive comment from Rio Tinto Alcan about the land.

Chief Councillor Ellis Ross Back on the marina itself though, there will be changes and upgrades in the future, and while the Haisla Nation Council has committed money to seeing it done he said the finalized plans aren’t ready, but early diagrams of the future facility show an expanded breakwater, an extension to the store and restaurant, and there may be more berths as well. Even the name is on the table. “We haven’t really had time to take a breath yet, but I think that’s probably one of the next things we’ll have to do with our business partner and our community,” he said about the possibility of changing the name of the marina. Speaking to all who at-

tended the event, he said that while LNG may provide a big opportunities, he said there are side opportunities the Haisla also need to get a handle on, and acquiring the marina is a major step for the community’s economic independence. “I do not want my kids or my grandkids to continue begging for money from Ottawa. I don’t want our people to exist under the Indian Act forever or think that treaty is the answer. We’ve got to start looking at ways to sustain ourselves,” he said. He said he hopes that the regional district understands the significance of this deal to the Haisla, which brings in to their ownership land that for decades had existed just on the other side of their community but which didn’t belong to them. It was reported late last year that the Haisla were set to pay $875,000 in total for the land deal, which breaks down to $704,300 for the land and improvements, $5,000 for the a Crown water lease and $139,000 for other items including remaining assets, trademarks and goodwill.

Legislate, not regulate pipes Cameron Orr Skeena MLA Robin Austin believes preventing natural gas pipelines from being converted to oil pipelines should be done with legislation, not regulation. Regulations lack teeth and could easily be overturned in the future, he said, while legislation would be harder to tear up. The B.C. government announced the regulations recently, in the wake of a private members

bill from Stikine MLA Doug Donaldson which would have legislated such rules. Austin said he believes Donaldson will be re-introducing the bill in the near future and he will support his colleague’s efforts. The regulations were also criticized by SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, which were also worried the new measures wouldn’t be permanent. - Files from the Terrace Standard


Haisla Town Centre OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1860, 2014 What: A public hearing will be held on Monday, January 26 at 7:30pm at Council Chambers, 606 Mountainview Square to consider ‘Haisla Town Centre OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1860, 2014’. What is it? The proposed bylaw changes the zoning and amends the Official Community Plan. What changes? Council is considering an application to rezone 879-899 Lahakas as C13 HTC Mixed Use Commercial/Residential to allow the construction of three apartment buildings, hotel, restaurant, and commercial office building. The C13 Zone is a new zone. Changes to the Official Community Plan will establish development guidelines for this project, as site is in the Downtown Revitalization Area. Bird’s Eye Rendering of Site Layout

Site Profile - showing elevation changes and forested area abutting Albatross Ave.

Haisla Town Centre

Site Section

When can I speak? Anyone wishing to comment on this issue may provide written comment to Mayor and Council c/o 270 City Centre, V8C 2H7; fax 250-632-4995; or email to Comments regarding the proposed zoning and OCP change must be received before 8:30am on January 21, 2015 to be included in the report to Mayor and Council. Submissions received by email after this deadline but before 4:30pm on Monday, January 26, 2015 will be read before Council at the Public Hearing. You may also speak in person, or deliver written comment, at the Public Hearing held Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:30pm at Council Chambers, 606 Mountainview Square. Need more info? The bylaw, Council resolution, staff report, application, public comment received, and other background material is available for review at the District of Kitimat reception desk, 270 City Centre, 8:30am-Noon and 1:00-4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. Most of this information is also available at Further inquiries should be directed to Community Planning & Development at 250-632-8910.

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9

Sentinel show at museum


Extra, extra, read all about us! The Northern Sentinel has teamed up with the Kitimat Museum & Archives to host a month-long exhibition in their art gallery of this paper’s storied history. Front pages, photos and some artifacts will line the gallery, highlighting moments from the community’s over 60 year history, as reported in the pages of the Sentinel’s 60 year history. The Northern Sentinel is still in its 60th year, after its first pages rolled off a press on April 15, 1954. The exhibit opens on January 30, and runs until February 28.

Bright lights blind driver

Moricetown may be thinking about PTP deal with Chevron

A truck seen off the road on Highway 37 near the Hirsch Creek campground entrance, on January 12. RCMP say the driver was heading back from Terrace at around 1 a.m. that morning when the person was blinded by the lights of an oncoming vehicle that had a light bar. The driver was not hurt and had arranged to get the vehicle out of the ditch. With several more accidents reported on the highway in the days following this, drivers are encouraged to use caution and to drive to conditions.

Update on flu season year, while they don’t yet know ing other providers a total of Cameron Orr The peak of flu season is how many were given by other 62,266 were given. B.C. in its entirety received here and it’s been a good season providers. Over the 2013/2014 flu sea- 1.55 million vaccine doses, comparatively. “Compared to last year son Northern Health adminis- while Northern Health is allowe’ve had a very mild season tered 23,912 shots, and includ- cated 83,700. so far in the north. Last year at this time there were lines of residents waiting for the flu shots,” said Dr. William Osei, Northern Health’s medical Proudly sponsored by the District of Kitimat Council health officer. He did confirm Want to go for a day of skiing but don’t want to drive? what has been reported in national media, that No problem, head down to Riverlodge this year’s flu shot was and take the Kitimat Ski Bus. mismatched from the This is a chartered bus that includes chaperones. prevailing strain of flu ONLY this year, but maintained that vaccinaNO DAY OF TRIP PAYMENT OR BOOKING tions are still the best WILL BE ACCEPTED way to control the flu. All persons pay, skiing or not. While Northern TEN PERSON MINIMUM, Health doesn’t track per person 18 & un by booking deadline, for bus to run der flu down to the indi$ 15 pe *see below r pe rson vidual communities, 13 & under must be accompanied age 19 and up the health authority by an adult age 19 or over says there have been a total of 21 confirmed cases of the SATURDAY, FEB. 14 TRIP * Pre-book by 4:30pm Thurs., Feb. 12 flu. Confirmed cases DATES: are those which were SUNDAY, FEB. 22 SATURDAY, JAN. 24 determined through * Pre-book by 4:30pm Thurs., Feb. 19 * Pre-book by 4:30pm Thurs., Jan. 22 blood sample in a lab. 8am departure from SATURDAY, JAN. 31 The Northwest, which * Pre-book by 4:30pm Thurs., Jan. 29 Riverlodge Parking Lot includes Kitimat and (please arrive by 7:45am) SUNDAY, FEB. 8 Terrace, has seen two 5:30pm return * Pre-book by 4:30pm Thurs., Feb. 5 confirmed cases. The Northeast has had 10 reported cases and the CALL RIVERLODGE TO northern interior has BOOK YOUR SEAT seen nine. 250-632-8970 Northern Health itself has administered 16,453 flu shots this






Alicia Bridges A Wet’suwet’en chief has indicated the Moricetown Band wants to allow LNG development on traditional land in exchange for financial benefits. In an invitation to a community meeting last week, Moricetown chief Barry Nikal said the band wanted to support other First Nations who had already signed on to receive payments and other opportunities through individual LNG deals. Citing the First Nations Group Limited Partnership (FNLP) associated with Chevron’s Pacific Trails

pipeline as an example, he said Moricetown could gain cash payments and priority access to jobs and skills training by signing that agreement. “We want to stand strong with the other 15 First Nations, including the four Wet’suwet’en bands who have already entered that agreement,” Chief Nikal said. “More than anything, I wish to see unity within our Wet’suwet’en Nation and strongly believe we can work together towards a future of prosperity and wellbeing for our people.”

10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015 A10

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Northern Sentinel

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.632.6144 fax 250.639.9373 email


House Exchange

Disability Benefits Free Seminar

Former Kitimat Resident Will swap 2 bed,2 bath Condo (beautiful view) in Metro Vancouver, for your house in Kitimat. Last 2 weeks of July (flexible) please call: 604-461-4281

Speakers: Dr. Alison Bested, on ME/FM, CFS, other Julie Fisher, Lawyer, Long-Term Disability and CPP

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:

SUTCO IS seeking U.S. qualified Class 1 Drivers, steady year round dedicated runs and over the road work available. We offer group health benefits, pension, e logs, and auto deposit pay. apply on line at resume and abstract to (250) 357 -2009/call 1 888 357 2612 ext.230

Career Opportunities

Annamarie Kersop, Lawyer, Injury & No-Fault Benefits Date: Mon. Feb.9, 2015 at 7 pm Where: Hyatt Regency Vancouver RSVP: 604-554-0078 or

Business Opportunities

Thompson Community Services

Service, Commitment, Leadership



RV LOT rentals $8.95 a day. 362 days of sunshine, pets, events, classes, entertainment. Reserve by 02/14/2015. Call: 1-800-926-5593

in Community Living Services, Terrace BC

At Thompson Community Services we offer highly individualized, solution-focused services for individuals with developmental disabilities, families and funders. Fundamental to our purpose is the selection and support of committed staff members. We are seeking skilled, experienced and self-directed individuals to fill management positions. As a TCS Manager, you will have extensive experience as a Community Service Worker in a variety of settings and supervisory experience. You must have a sincere commitment to providing quality services to individuals with developmental disabilities and challenging behaviours. As a team player you must be able to build relationships, be an excellent interpersonal communicator and be able to maintain a flexible schedule as necessary.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

This position is based in Terrace. We offer competitive salary with an excellent benefit package. The closing date to apply is January 23rd, 2015. Please submit resumes to Randi Pritchard at or Terry Watkinson at or you may fax to fax 250-624-9631.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities


FOR LOG HAULING SERVICES Tolko Industries Ltd. is a private, Canadian-owned forest products company based in Vernon, BC which manufactures and markets forest products to world Since its beginnings in 1956, Tolko has grown from a small sawmill to become a company diversified by geography and products, with over 3,000 employees in operations across Western Canada. Tolko’s manufacturing operations produce lumber, unbleached speciality kraft papers, panel products, co-products, biomass power and a number of specialty wood products. For more information, please visit our website at Tolko is interested in seeking individual proposals for a non-replaceable Log Hauling Contract with an annual volume of up to 300,000 tonnes. The work will be based out of Vernon, BC with the majority of the work taking place within the Southern Interior of BC. Prior to obtaining a Request for Proposal (RFP) package, contractors must provide a prospectus with the following information: 1. Company name and contact information, including a phone number and an email address. 2. Brief description of your company and services offered. 3. Previous work history with dates that would pertain to this RFP. Once we have received your prospectus, a package will be sent to you with instructions on how to submit a complete proposal. Tolko reserves the right to reject in whole or in part, any or all proposals for any reason. Completed proposals must be submitted by 5:00pm (PST) on Friday, January 30th. Until a formal purchase order or other contractual document is finalized, signed and accepted by Tolko, Tolko does not intend to create any contractual relationship (either express or implied) with any entity submitting a proposal or other response to the Tolko request for quotation. As a result, those who submit a proposal are free to modify or withdraw their proposal as they deem appropriate. The successful recipient will be considered an independent contractor. Company Prospectus and Contractor Proposal(s) can be faxed or emailed to: Attn: Travis Kiel Fax: 250 547 1274 Email: All proposals will be kept confidential.



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We bring smart, creative, inspired people together. We collaborate across disciplines and industries to bring buildings, energy and resource, and infrastructure projects to life. For our Prince Rupert office, we are currently seeking:

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Stantec is an Equal Opportunity Employer dedicated to Affirmative Action, Workforce Diversity, and the principles of Employment Equity.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015A11 11

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, January 21, 2015





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Email applications: For more information visit: www.bccommunitynews. com/ our-programs/scholarship

We need YOU! Looking for




Help Wanted


in the Kitimat area. PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES ~ Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) ~ Blueberry, Strawberry, Cranberry (40) ~ Stein, Morgan, Kingfisher (65) Call to get your name on our Replacement Routes List.

CITY CENTRE MALL in Kitimat has an opening for a BUILDING CUSTODIANJANITOR PT/ 12-21 hrs/week approx. rotating schedule, evenings & weekends. Please fax: 250632-6784 or email resumes to






Connector The Northern

Contact the Northern Sentinel at 250-632-6144. 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat

Haisla Nation Council Haisla Nation Council has an immediate opening for an:

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR REPORTS TO: Pre-School Program DUTIES: • Maintain ethical standards of the Child Care profession and the C’imo”ca childcare centre including maintaining continuing competency in the Pre-school profession: • Maintain confidentiality regarding all information related to the children, families, and personnel and fulfill obligations to respect protection of privacy; • Work cooperatively with the staff team and community resources to support inclusive practice and address the needs of individual children; • Monitor the child care facility for hazards and take preventative action as required to ensure the child care environment is healthy and safe for all children. Follow the licensing requirements and the centre’s procedures for maintaining health records, administering medication and first aid. Ensure cleanliness and food safe practices are followed; • Follow all licensing requirements; • Report all accidents, injuries and illnesses to the Pre-School Program Coordinator or designate and record such incidents in the confidential log book and as a reportable incident, as required; • Report all incidents or alleged incidents of child abuse as required and follow Centre procedures, regional protocols and government legislation; • Update self daily on children’s allergies, special conditions or other pertinent information. • Ensure positive communication with enrolling parents/legal guardians. Discuss the program’s daily events with the enrolling parents/legal guardians and accommodate the enrolling parent’s/ legal guardian’s instructions for daily care routines when possible within the routines established for the group; • Encourage families to participate in a variety of meaningful opportunities as they are available and interested. Participate in planning parent conferences; • Maintain regular attendance and punctuality; • Participate in the annual performance review process and plan and carry out an annual professional development plan. • Follow Haisla Nation Council Personnel Policy and Manual; • Other related duties as requested by the Pre-School Program Coordinator. QUALIFICATIONS: • A valid Early Educators Certificate or Diploma; • A valid license to practice in British Columbia; • Experience in pre-school, day care or classroom setting; • Familiarity with the legal requirements of child care programs; • Good interpersonal communication skills –both orally and written; • Demonstrated organization, time and general management skills; • Flexible, able to incorporate ideas and changes as suggested by colleagues and parents; • Must maintain the highest professional and ethical standards; • A valid safety oriented first aid certificate; • Immunization and medical clearance forms; • A criminal record check clearance letter; Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume which must include names of three (3) references and the express permission for HNC to contact these references, to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: No later than 4 pm on Friday, January 30, 2015. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted for interviews.

• •

FULL TIME SECRETARY NEEDED in KITIMAT Bookkeeping experience Computer experience Please drop resume off at 1580 Albatross Ave. #196 KITIMAT




Help Wanted

Financial Services

Apt/Condo for Rent

NIGHT SHIFT POSITION Duties include, snow removal, and maintenance. Equipment supplied. Please drop resume off at 1580 Albatross Ave #196

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420



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Trades, Technical ELECTRICIAN Houston, BC DH Manufacturing is looking for a F/T Electrician. Candidate needs to be min. 3rd yr, reliable, team player, mechanically inclined, able to work independently on projects. Wage will be negotiable on experience. Email to:

Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? INVERSION TABLE $190 Never used paid over $500 Bread Maker $20 used once *New-Liquor Dispenser $20 Bum and Thigh roller w/video $25 *New-Electric landscape 123 tiered lights with 2 flood lights $20 call: 250-632-2893

Kitimat Help Wanted TONY’S SPECIALTIES is looking for ENTHUSIASTIC RELIABLE, FRIENDLY and HAPPY cashiers. Must be available to work afternoons shifts and weekends. Please drop off resume at TONY’S SPECIALTIES in the Nechako Centre during the day.


IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online:


Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies


Homes for Rent FULLY FURNISHED 2 Bedroom home for rent In Kitimat attached garage, hot tub, large deck, gas bbq, wifi and cable, w/d, f/s incl. N/s, no pets. $2100 + heat and hydro avail. immediately Please call: 250-639-1641

Rooms for Rent KITIMAT 1 Large Bedroom a 2 bdrm unit w/B night shift worker Extra Fridge $800/mnth. 1-604-818-1665


Trucks & Vans


FLAT DECK,4 WHEEL DRIVE Please call: 250-632-9935 2010 CHEV Silverado 85,700 Kms, 6.0 Liter Vortec - 6 speed automatic, tow package - brake controller, A/C, power windows/locks, Tonneau package, security system/Onstar, extending heated mirrors, all vinyl floor - no carpet. Asking $27,000 OBO 250-691-1641

STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really big sale!” All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit online:

Misc. Wanted Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 Local

Land Act: Notice of Application for a Disposition of Crown Land. Mines Act: Notice of Application for a New Permit Approving the Mine Plan and Reclamation Program for applicant (MEM). Take notice that Interoute Construction Ltd. has filed with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) Smithers and the Chief Inspector of Mines, pursuant to Part 10.2.1 of the Health and Safety Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia, a proposed mine plan together with a program for the protection and reclamation of the land and water courses related to the proposed Wedeene Aggregate Sand and Gravel Project located ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND IN THE VICINITY OF BOWBYES LAKE TOGETHER WITH THAT PART OF DISTRICT LOT 6118, RANGE 5 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 19.55 HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, Kitimat, BC. The Lands File for this application is 6408749 and Mines File is 1650862. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Inspector of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines, at PO Box 5000 – 3726 Alfred Ave., Smithers BC V0J 2N0. Comments will be received by MEM up to February 23, 2015. MEM may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http:// jsp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Smithers.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Hillcrest Place Apartments Bachelor & two bedroom units. No smoking. No pets. Starting at $650 monthly. 250-632-7814 Kitimat

• • • •


Starting at $725 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)



Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking


• • •

QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sports & Leisure

Demons tackle Steelheads Cameron Orr The Kitimat Ice Demons may have missed the playoffs this year, but that doesn’t mean they had no more steam left with one win against the league’s Coy Cup champions the Smithers Steelheads. The Demons faced Smithers on January 10 and 11 on home ice. The first match of the weekend would go to Smithers 7-4. It was nothing but Smithers points for the first period, with the first just three minutes from the start by Wyatt Vanderheyden. Adam DeVries would also claim two goals against Kitimat in that same period. The Demons held it together in the second period, letting no Smithers goal in, and even adding one to the scoreboard

for them, by Derek Wakita at 15:54. The Demons earned three more goals in the third, which were matched by three by Smithers as well. When the Demons and Steelheads hit the ice the next day, it was a race to the 8-7 finish for the home team, and the Demons pushed hard to make up the difference in the third period, with five goals starting 47 seconds in. The Steelheads’ Brendan DeVries tried to equalize the score in the final minute of game-play but that one goal, at the end, wouldn’t edge them to 8-8 and the Demons would win, despite a strong second period from Smithers with three goals against Kitimat’s one. The Demons opened up the scoring a minute and a half into

the first with a goal by Nick Markowsky, and a second goal by Terry Whelan just over seven minutes in. The Steelheads took the majority of the penalties, earning 24 minutes with eight infractions, while the Demons were comparative angels with just four minutes on two infractions. The Ice Demons were hosted in Smithers last weekend, on January 17 for the Demons’ final game for the season. The season went to January 18, when the Smithers Steelheads hosted the Quesnel Kangaroos. In addition to the Demons’ match, the Williams Lake Stampeders were hosted in Lac La Hache by the Tomahawks, and the Kangaroos were hosted by Terrace on the 17th as well.

The Kitimat Ice Demons hosted Smithers Steelheads January 10 and 11.

Coming Events January 22 Kitimat Art Club. Found Objects Still Life – Bring materials of your choice; charcoal, pastel, or paint and something to contribute to the composition. Art Club meets in Room 103 at MEMSS. For more information call Katherine Johnsen at 250-632-6888. January 28 The Snowflake Community Fairgrounds Society is hosting their 2015 Annual General Meeting at 7 p.m. at the Tamitik meeting room. For more information e-mail February 5 Kitimat Mulicultural Society regular meeting at the Kitimat General Hospital Cafeteria at 7 p.m. Please attend, become a member and help with the 2015 International Potluck Dinner. For more information call Raymond Raj at 250-632-4006 or e-mail Ongoing Consider joining the Friends of the Public Library. To do so contact Luce Gauthier at lucegauthier10@ or Virginia Charron @ vcharron@ kitimatpubliclibrary. org or call 250-6328985.

KITIMAT QUILTERS GUILD: If you are interested in joining the Kitimat Quilters Guild please contact Aileen Ponter at 250-6326223 or Janet Malnis at 250-632-7387 for further information. EVERY THURSDAY, the Kitimat Pottery Guild meets in the Riverlodge arts wing, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Interested in playing with clay? All experience levels welcome. For more information call Anne at 250-632-3318. THE KITIMAT Public Library offers the highly engaging Mother Goose StoryTime for pre-schoolers Monday mornings from 10:30 -11:15 .am. Please register for this free program. HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year (older siblings welcome). Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more information call 250-632-3144. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Fam-

ily Fun Spot Drop-In Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Fridays 1 to 3 p.m. Ages 0-5 welcome “A Great place for families to meet over coffee and toys!” Contact 250-632-3144 for more information. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more information phone Maureen 250-6325444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would like to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016. AGLOW of Kitimat - All are welcome at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and women, singles or married, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. For informa-

Pick up your FREE Family Fun Book today!



Fun Bo ok yone For Ever A Little Fun K







Sentin Sentielnel

Northern Northern

tion phone Brenda at 250-632-1616. PRAYER Canada Kitimat meets weekly on Tuesday at noon at Northwest Community College. All are welcome to pray for our town, province, and country. Contact Lesley for info at 250-6324554. DID YOU KNOW that literacy is more than just being able to read? The Kitimat Adult Literacy Program provides FREE tutoring services for adult interested in improving their reading, writing, math, communication, and information technology skills. Is English NOT your first language? We provide FREE tutoring and small group English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. For more information please call Brandi at 250-632-7393 or to see what’s happening at the Community Corner check us out at


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KITIMAT html or find us on facebook. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? Individual

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- 4:00 p.m. - or leave message on our voice mail. We are located on the second floor of the Kitimat Hospital in the Home Support offices.

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We are pleased to announce that Paragon Insurance Agencies Ltd. has become part of Northern Savings Insurance Services Ltd. Call us at 250.635.6371 or visit us in Terrace at 4660 Lazelle Avenue for all your insurance needs. AUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL • RECREATIONAL

626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat BC V8C 2E4 tel 250-632-6144 • fax 250-639-9373

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