Thursday, January 22, 2015
Family Literacy Day
The Agassiz Y Harrison
feature on n page 9
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Practice Makes Perfect
BASEBALL Baseball is making a return to Agassiz this spring.
TEENS New drop-in gives
youth a place to go.
Jeremy Lawlor of Deroche and Jesse Gasparac of Harrison Hot Springs practice their juggling skills at the plaza in Harrison Hot Springs Monday afternoon. Lawlor is learning the skills still while Gasparac juggles professionally in a group called Cendrillion Fire Arts. This group recently performed at the Harrison Hot Springs hotel on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and they have a show scheduled in February with the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra called Cirque de la Musique.
District obtains legal right of way to reservoir
INSIDE Kent lockdown . . . . . . . 2 Employment . . . . . . . . 5 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mailbag . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Honour Roll . . . . . . . . 14 ClassiÄeds . . . . . . . . . 18
By Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
District of Kent staff are drinking in the relief of finally owning the right of way to the water reservoir. Residents can raise a glass to toast Clair Lee, director of corporate services, who worked hard to ensure the statutory right of way was signed over to the district. According to a staff report submitted to Council, a licence of
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occupation was granted by Canada to the District in 2005 in order to construct the new water reservoir as well as pipeline and road access modifications. The water reservoir, located partway up Green Mountain behind the research station, was finished by mid-2007 after a request for extension to complete it was sent to the government. In that request, the District also asked for more permanent access to the reservoir
by way of either an easement or statutory right of way. Staff discovered in June, 2011 that the District did not have legal access to its water reservoir site. No documentation could be found from the government that provided the District with the legal right-ofway in spite of the request made back in 2007. “Both organizations (Canada and the District) have experienced staff
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turnover during this period, which unfortunately resulted in a loss of corporate knowledge,” Lee’s report to Council states. She adds there were never issues of physical access since the reservoir was completed. However, on paper, there were no legal rights. The concern was that the lands, owned by the government of Canada, could be sold and the District might be Continued on 2
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2 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
Lego Land at the Library
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Lego time at the library might be designed for the kids but parents like to get in on the block building action too, along with librarian Terrill Scott. Lego Club takes place every Thursday until February 26 at the Agassiz library, from 3- 5 p.m.
Lockdown at Kent uncovers weapon By Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
One weapon was recovered during a seven-day lockdown at Kent Institution. According to the Correctional Service of Canada, the lockdown was initiated on Friday, Jan. 9. The search "was ordered to ensure the safety and security of the institution, its staff and inmates," states a
press release from CSC. Sheila Collett, assistant warden of management services at Kent, says when they do a lockdown, the intention is always to resume normal operations as soon as staff feel it is safe to do so. "The lockdown was initiated following information that weapons were present in the inmate
population and, during the search, one weapon was recovered," states Collett. She explains that, in a lockdown procedure, inmates are confined to their cells, with certain exceptions and protocols, to ensure safety and security of staff, inmates and the public. Visits are suspended during lockdowns.
Collett goes on to say that criminal and disciplinary charges can be laid against any individuals found to be involved in illegal activities, such as possession of unauthorized items. However, no details were available by press time whether charges will be laid in this case. The lockdown ended on Friday, January 16.
Reservoir effort took three years From Front
unable to access the reservoir. Since the omission was realized in June, 2011, District staff have been in negotiations with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as well as the ministry of Justice to obtain legal access to the District’s water reservoir. Last March, District staff sought the service of its solicitors to provide advice on the multiple statutory right of ways already registered on the lands and
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hired Eaton Land Surveying to provide a statutory right of way plan. Finally, on December 3, the District was formally granted the statutory right of way with a document registered at the Land Title Office. In the District of Kent Council meeting January 12, Mayor John Van Laerhoven thanked Lee for all her hard work in making this happen. “Thank you for taking care of that requirement for making sure we have access to that property,”
Van Laerhoven said. Chief Administrative Office Wallace Mah included in the report a statement that emphasized the purpose of this information was not to cast blame on previous administration, but to point out that projects not completed properly can have serious implications and consequences to the District. “Ms. Lee was assigned this project and has immersed herself on this assignment for more than three years,” states Mah.
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 3
Baseball is back in Agassiz
The War Amps Key Tag Service
Bringing the game to the kids By Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
The baseball diamonds sit empty and Chris McCurdy wonders why. He wants to renew the oncepopular local pastime with the start of a new youth baseball league. McCurdy, president of the newly-formed Agassiz Baseball Association, hopes to start up this year with a program for kids from 5 to 15 years old. “It’s ambitious,” he admits. McCurdy has lived here since 2002. With no kid’s baseball league locally, he started driving his son to Chilliwack three years ago for competitive baseball. Sam, now 12, took to the sport quickly
and currently plays on an all-star team in the city. When asked what Sam likes about the sport, he replies simply: “Everything.” His favourite positions are centre field and pitching and he he likes that there’s less running than in soccer. It’s challenging, fun and Sam has become friends with his teammates. McCurdy says while he wants the Agassiz program to help kids like his son get better, he also wants those who have never picked up a bat to feel welcome too. “There’s a place for all kids on the team,” he says. It all depends on how many kids are registered for how big this program
Chris McCurdy
will be. But ideally, McCurdy is looking to get 12 kids in each age group including Tadpoles (ages 7-9), Mosquitos (ages 9-11), Peewee (ages 11-13) and Bantam (ages 13-15). Because tee ball players ( 5-7 year olds)
won’t travel for games, the ideal for this group would be about 30 kids. That way, they can play each other locally. Staying local is what the league is all about. With five baseball diamonds beside the Community Recreation & Cultural Centre, the infrastructure is already in place. And McCurdy has a dream that kids here can once again hop on their bikes, glove in their back pocket, and bike to the local diamonds to go play. “If a kid wants to play hockey or any competitive sport, they have to leave,” McCurdy exclaims. This league will bring the game to the kids instead of the other way around. The baseball
It’s free – and it works! association is in place. The logo has been designed and McCurdy even sports a new jacket designed for the local league. All they need now are players and several more coaches. Registration opened last Friday, Jan. 16. Registration forms are available at the Cultural & Recreation centre, the Seabird Island band office or on the association’s website at www.agassizll.com. For more information, check out the website or call Chris McCurdy at 604-300-0320. Next drop-in tryouts for peewee and bantam is Saturday, Jan. 24 12-2 pm at the Agassiz Agricultural Centre.
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ATTENTION TO Those Impacted by the December 8-12, 2014 Major Flooding Those impacted by the recent flooding event may be eligible for financial support under British Columbia’s Disaster Financial Assistance Program. Assistance is available to qualifying homeowners, residential tenants (renters), small business owners, farm owners, charitable organizations and local government bodies that incurred more than $1,000 of uninsurable damage during the period December 8-12, 2014, and that are situated within the geographic boundaries of: Lower Mainland: Delta, City of Douglas First Nation Fraser Valley Regional District Gibsons, Town of Lions Bay, Village of Mount Currie Nation North Vancouver, City of North Vancouver, District of Pemberton, Village of Richmond, City of Samahquam First Nation Sechelt, District of Skatin First Nation Squamish Lillooet Regional District Squamish, District of Sunshine Coast Regional District West Vancouver, District of Whistler, Resort Community of
Insurable damages, such as sewer or sump pit back-up, water entry from above ground including roofs, windows or other areas of the building that are not at ground level, are not eligible for DFA.
Circa 1909 baseball team in Agassiz. Courtesy Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society
Baseball history runs deep in Agassiz Baseball in Agassiz dates back to 1898. In 1909, Agassiz won the Agriculture and Horticulture cup when they defeated their arch-rivals, Chilliwack. In 1921, the Reach Trophy for the Fraser Valley Baseball League was won by the Agassiz Baseball Club. Around 1927, they sometimes played against Hope, taking the noon train to Haig and walking the rest of the way across the bridge to Hope, then returning on the evening train. In an article published in 1928, it was stated that baseball is a favourite community game in Agassiz "and has done much
to build up and keep alive the splendid community spirit of which we are so proud." At the time, there was 'friendly rivalry" between Agassiz and Chilliwack. Before the bridge or even a ferry service, a scow was poled up the river to a point where it might be safely carried down and across to a suitable landing. The toil and hardships only served to add zest to the game. From the 1920's to the 1950's, Agassiz produced numerous talented baseball teams and won several Fraser Valley championships. Around the
Vancouver Island: Alberni Clayoquot Regional District Campbell River, City of Comox Valley Regional District (Areas A,B,C) Comox, Town of Courtenay, City of Cumberland, Village of Hupacasath First Nation Ladysmith, Town of Nanaimo Regional District (All Areas) Nanaimo, City of Parksville, City of Port Alberni, City of Powell River Regional District (Areas A,B,C) Powell River, City of Qualicum Beach, Town of Snuneymuxw First Nation Strathcona Regional District (Areas A,D) Tsehaht First Nation
1960's, the formation of the Kent Recreation Commission inspired more participation and a junior boys baseball (hardball) league for boys aged nine to twelve, called the Cornbinders Little League. In the 1960's and 1970's, Dominion Day also was a big day for ball at Agassiz Centennial Park, with teams of all ages participating in both baseball and softball. From Memories: Agassiz, Harrison & Harrison Hot Springs. Courtesy Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society
Assistance is limited to providing 80 percent of allowable items that are considered essential to a home, livelihood or charitable service, for the portion of the claim that exceeds $1,000. To apply for financial assistance, individuals must complete and return an Application for Disaster Financial Assistance. Application forms are available from the Emergency Management BC web site at: http://www.embc.gov.bc.ca/em/ dfa_claims/dfa.html, Government Agent offices, most local government offices, Emergency Management BC regional offices, or by e-mailing the EMBC Recovery Office in Victoria at DFA@gov.bc.ca or calling toll-free at 1-888-257-4777. Applications should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than March 12, 2015 by fax (250-952-5542), by e-mail (DFA@gov.bc.ca), or by mail: Ministry of Justice, Emergency Management BC, PO Box 9201 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J1.
4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
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TransMountain pipeline installation near Jasper, Alta.
Kinder Morgan won't disclose pipeline emergency plan Province demands release of Trans Mountain documents Jeff Nagel BLACK PRESS
The B.C. government remains stymied in its efforts to force Kinder Morgan to reveal what the province believes are crucial details of oil spill and emergency response plans for the firm's Trans Mountain pipeline project. And as the National Energy Board review of the proposed second oil pipeline enters a new phase there are growing calls for the province to withdraw from the process. Lawyers for the province have for several months demanded the release of detailed emergency plans for spills on either land or at sea. Trans Mountain officials last October released a heavily redacted version of the plan, citing various reasons for denying information, including "security" to protect its facilities from "targeted vandalism" during an emergency. "History has shown that the possibility of a spill originating from Trans Mountain's facilities is very real," the province stated in a Dec. 5 motion that demanded more disclosure. "The potential for devastating effects on the environment, human health and local economies is irrefutable. There is significant reason to query Trans Mountain's ability to respond to a spill effectively." One of the plan elements
withheld by Trans Mountain for security reasons is a map of public evacuation zones should a rupture or other emergency occur. While the company argued public disclosure of the map could interfere with its response, the province said making the information publicly available would aid safe and orderly evacuations. Kinder Morgan took the same position on disclosure of other manuals and fire safety plans. "We are extremely concerned that the very detailed response information provided in these documents could be used by anyone seeking to maximize environmental damage or cause harm to the public by intervening prior to or during a response," the company said. The province's December motion argued release is "imperative" for all intervenors to meaningfully participate in the review because the NEB process is "the only forum in which Trans Mountain's ability to effectively respond to a spill can be probed and tested." It said the company's "vague and perfunctory justifications" for withholding details are based on unverified assumptions and are "utterly unpersuasive." Various intervenors, including the province, were expected to file further information requests to
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the NEB by a Friday deadline in a second and final round of written questions and answers. B.C. Green Party deputy leader and MLA Andrew Weaver said the province must end the equivalency agreement that delegates its environmental assessment to the federal government and instead conduct its own independent hearings. "The province at this point has no choice but to pull out," Weaver said. "It's totally unacceptable. If you're not going to provide something as fundamental as an emergency response plan for the most critical aspect of your whole proposal then this is clearly not working in the interests of British Columbians." Weaver said it's particularly unreasonable that the emergency plan documents were not provided in time for intervenors to pose questions by Friday's deadline. An environment ministry spokesman would not say if the province is contemplating a pull out, adding B.C. continues to insist any heavy oil pipeline meet its five conditions to proceed. The NEB is expected to make a final recommendation on the application to twin the Trans Mountain pipeline by Jan. 25, 2016. The federal government would then have six months to approve or reject the project.
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Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 5
Employment opportunities abound at WorkBC THE OBSERVER
With the new year in full swing and resolutions already falling on the wayside, Work BC staff want you know there's help for you if you have career goals you'd like to meet this year or need help to even make career goals. Arnice Asquin, manager at Work BC's Agassiz branch, shares that this particular location helps between 200 and 250 people each year. There are as many unique programs and opportunities as there are individuals who walk through the door. There's selfserve job searches, workshops on subjects such as how to write a resume, case managers who can work one-on-one with clients, skills training, job creation opportunities and more. But while staff help show clients how to achieve workplace success, Asquin says "it really comes down to the individual chasing the opportunity." "We empower the client," explains Asquin. "It's always exciting to see some of the people that work the hardest, to get the job [they want] and succeed.” British Columbians qualified for assistance include
“It’s always exciting to see some of the people that work the hardest, to get the job [they want] and succeed” Arnice Asquin those who are unemployed, on income assistance, are working part-time or are facing an imminent risk of layoffs. The backgrounds of clients are diverse. Asquin recalls clients who have obtained high-paying executive jobs in Vancouver and internationally, and clients who were living in their car on income assistance and are now pulling in six figures. Each client faces unique challenges. Some are in specialized populations such as immigrants, youth, victims of violence, persons with disabilities or aboriginals. In this region, 75-80 per cent of the clients fit into at least one of these categories. Some people who walk through the doors haven't worked in 20 years, others have been employed in the same field for 20 years and suddenly find themselves in unfamiliar territory. When long-term employees suddenly find themselves out
of work, "They're absolutely devastated," says Asquin, and their self-esteem can be "battered." But through Work BC, these same people can find transferable skills or new job opportunities with the help of employees who understand the client and the market. Susan Janett is one of the many success stories here. She has been in the nursing field for more than 16 years and can't remember the last time she was not working. But in February of 2013, Janett had an accident and was unable to do her job. She walked into Work BC unsure of how the system worked. Right away, she felt cared for and helped from the local staff. She really liked the discussion of all the possibilities for reeducation and job opportunities. They were able to help her with funding to finish her master's program she had already been working on. They helped her with
Cold, blustery weather is waiting to rear its ugly head whether the public likes it or not. Winter weather may require revamping your normal health and beauty routine, as your skin and hair may need a bit more attention this time of year. Chances are you may be doing one or more things wrong this winter, according to beauty experts. Learn the mistakes many people make and how to avoid them. • Using the same foundation: Makeup needs may change in the winter. In addition to exploring a different color palette, you may need to actually change the formulation of the products you use. Skin tends to dry out in the cold, necessitating a switch to a foundation that boasts moisturizing agents. People who find their skin is normally oily may find a product for combination skin acceptable. • Taking prolonged, hot showers: Many people enjoy lingering in a hot shower or bath during the colder months of the year. But too much hot water can compromise your skin’s ability to contain moisture, further complicating dryness that comes with the season. • Going overboard with a tan: Artificial tans can be unhealthy for the skin. Do not try to compensate for shorter bursts of sunlight by spending hours in a tanning bed. Avoid self-tanners and bronzers as well. If you must use a bronzer, stick to one shade darker than your skin tone and only touch
the places the sun would hit naturally. application. • Skipping sunscreen: The sun still shines in the winter, and skin is still susceptible to damage. Make sun protection a yearround part of your beauty regimen. Use a moisturizer with SPF built in to make morning routines that much easier. • Forgetting hands and feet: Skin on hands and feet can dry out in winter air. Wear gloves to protect hands and thoroughly moisturize. Use a pumice stone to give feet an exfoliating treat and slather on the moisturizer. Pull on a pair of cotton socks and let that moisture penetrate feet for soft soles and toes. • Selecting the wrong lip balm: Chapped lips seem to be par for the course this time of year. Instead of reaching for a waxy lip balm full of menthol, which can exacerbate already dry lips, select a lip butter or something that has a more liquid consistency to get into the cracks of dry lips. • Ignoring hair: Your hair and scalp may need some winter TLC as well. Use extra conditioner to combat dryness and breakage. Rely on heat-protection styling products to combat damage from hair driers and other heat-based styling tools. Winter beauty is attainable, especially when men and women remember to compensate for the poor conditions.
Winter beauty mistakes to avoid!
resume writing, connected her with online tutorials and even helped her practice for interviews. That particular service "really helped me get my confidence," says Janett. Janett was able to finish up her degree last August. She graduated on a Friday and the following Monday, she started a new job in her field. After such a positive experience, Janett can't say enough good things about this service. "They were very encouraging, very supportive," she says. "They treat everyone as an individual." Janett's results are not unique in Agassiz. This branch has consistently remained at the top of the ranks for number of people helped each month. It's also one of the biggest regions in B.C., stretching geographically from a portion of Rosedale to almost Whistler, and Ruby Creek to Lake Errock. Asquin encourages anyone with questions or in need of help to come in to the branch, located at 7086 Pioneer Ave. Office hours are Monday to Wednesday and Fridays from 9-5 p.m., Thursdays from 9-7 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:301:30 p.m.
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By Lorene Keitch
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6 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
Double-edged sword
Did your property assessment go up? To answer, go to the Home Page of our website: www.ahobserver.com
Canada may have invested beyond its means in an oil boom that has come to a crude halt. Sure, the cheaper pump price has a direct impact for consumers who will have more disposal income. But as a result are we spending this money on imported goods? If so, this may eventually lead to more of our hard earned dollars being shipped off shore in exchange for the perishing and disposable products we allow in. In the short term, this drop in gas prices may directly be good for the consumer but why have prices for other goods and services not followed suit and also decreased? Around 112,000 jobs are linked to the oil industry. With less oil production, less labour is required and this has a negative impact on spending overall. These mining workers can no longer afford the lifestyles they have been living, they stop spending and can no longer service their debt. The flow-on effect continues. Consumers begin to think prices will continue to fall and delay their purchases but as we all know the growth of an economy relies upon consumers spending now. As a result of the government spending more on employment insurance, tax revenues decreases or they could ask for more money from your pocket each week. Not such a big saving now is it? With cheaper gas prices, will people use more of this fleeting resource? Will investment into renewable resources be crippled and take longer to develop? Will we become more reliant on oil as a result as this price crash? Sure it is not all doom and gloom having a weaker dollar, we can market our destination to the U.S. who is just down the road but do we have the infrastructure and tourism product to take advantage of our weak loonie now on the volume required to sustain our shrinking disposable incomes? – Black Press
Are you prepared for a power outage? Here’s how you responded: Yes 33% No 67%
Hippy science is easy, and wrong B.C. VIEWS Tom Fletcher Victoria – Did you do a “cleanse” to start the year? A diet or supplements to, you know, “detox” your body? Please, if you did, I don’t want the details. I’m here to discuss the underlying assumptions of this fad. TV presenter Dr. Oz is a promoter of various schemes, soup diets and the like, but there are many books and consumer products being flogged. “Supplements, tea, homeopathy, coffee enemas, ear candles and foot baths promise you a detoxified body,” writes Ontario pharmacist Scott Gavura, who treats cancer patients with medicine’s most potent drugs. Frustrated by the pharmacy industry’s willingness to cash in on fake cures for
nonexistent conditions, Gavura began contributing to ScienceBasedMedicine.org, where you can search “detox” find his takedown of this notion. He traces the roots of purification rituals in religious and medical history, such as when patients were bled with leeches. Actual “detox” is administered in hospital for those with dangerous levels of drugs, alcohol or other poisons. Credible physicians abandoned theories of “autointoxication” in the 19th century. “Today’s version of autointoxication argues that some combination of food additives, salt, meat, fluoride, prescription drugs, smog, vaccine ingredients, GMOs and perhaps last night’s bottle of wine are causing a buildup of ‘toxins’ in the body,” Gavura writes. “And don’t forget gluten. Gluten is the new evil and therefore, is now a toxin.” Gluten-free products now occupy
The Agassiz Y Harrison
whole sections of grocery stores, not far from the pricey “organic” produce that may or may not be tested for synthetic pesticides. Living in the Lower Mainland 20 years ago, I noticed people lugging
“The media are frequently part of the problem, lacking scientific literacy and preferring conflict over common sense.” big plastic jugs to the grocery store to fill with water. Metro Vancouver is a rainforest, with some of the best tap water in the world, so I wondered what they were trying to avoid. Discreet inquiries yielded similar answers. Aside from the odd superstition about chlorine or fluoride, they had no idea at all. They didn’t know about the
P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081 www.agassizharrisonobserver.com
DEADLINES Classifieds: Wed. 1 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 4 p.m.
Coquitlam reservoir, or ozonation, or what they were buying, which was essentially municipal water run through a filter. They had been convinced to pay $2 for water in plastic bottles, and this somehow led to the conclusion that their tap water is only fit for washing clothes and driveways. Vaccinations? Don’t get me started. In the past year I have had an argument with a registered nurse at a blood donor clinic, annoyed that the health ministry denied her imagined “right” to infect frail patients with influenza, and with a veteran politician who only recently overcame a vague taboo against putting vaccines in her body. It’s no wonder people constantly fall for enviro-scares like toxins from the Alberta oil sands that are actually concentrated in cities where all that fuel is burned, or the threat of genetically modified canola oil, or smart meters. The media are frequently part of the problem, lacking scientific literacy OFFICE HOURS Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sat., Sun., & Mon.
and preferring conflict over common sense. Take Vancouver (please). The mayor rose to fame with a company that sold overpriced imported tropical fruit juice in single-serving plastic bottles. Calling it “Happy Planet” convinced a new generation of urban rubes that they’re doing something for the environment. Plus, there are “no chemicals” in it, to cite the central myth of hippy science. At the risk of giving you too much information, I did a cleanse last year. It was for a screening colonoscopy, one of many that have taxed the B.C. health care system since a new test was added to the standard medical checkup. Try that one if you’re over 50. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@blackpress.ca
Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Popkum/Bridal Falls, Rosedale and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572 Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.
BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 7
Harrison school zone: Safety measure or cash machine? Approaching Harrison on Hot Springs Rd (speed limit 80kph) there is a sign warning speed limit ahead is 60kph. Take your foot off the gas,and 200 meters ahead,you'll decelerate to the posted 60kph limit.Shortly thereafter,you see another sign indicating a 50kph zone ahead,and again,lifting your foot you'll decelerate to the new limit in the 100 meters before the reduced speed zone begins. Just 100 meters further,and you'll see a yellow school zone sign,and on the same post a sign smaller than the previous warning/speed limit sign stating speed limit 30 kph.Unless you've vigorously braked at first sight of that sign (assuming you see it behind
hydro poles etc),risking a rear end collision-you're in violation! No warning of reduced speed ahead-no warning you're approaching a school zone,the actual school property begins just 65 meters from the sign! If you're unlucky, as I was Jan 16,a police officer will appear from behind the bushes at Walnut St--and you'll receive a ticket for at least $196.00, and lose 3 points on your drivers licence. I'm not writing this because I got a ticket;I support police efforts to enforce speed limits,even if it includes hiding behind bushes. I was in violation,was caught fair and square,and intend to pay the fine.I'm writing it
because in over 60 years of driving,covering probably a million miles in all weather conditions,in 9 provinces,I've never had a ticket or an accident till now!Furthermore, much of that driving was for the purpose of administering federal safety laws,my job prior to retirement.I'm possibly obsessively safety conscious.I didn't sleep that night,replaying the event in my mind,wondering how on earth did I violate a reasonable and necessary law pertaining to the safety of school kids???? Next day I retraced my route several times measuring approximate distances ,and concluded that while I was clearly in the wrong,much of the problem was the
Volunteering is a path to personal fulfillment For personal fulfillment, and the good of society, we believe everyone benefits when you give a little something back - to help wherever there's a need. We'd like to invite one and all to join with us in 2015 by making a new year's resolution to give 'an hour a month to the community organization of your choice'. You can add that hour up any way you like, there's no rules. Over a year you may wish to give several afternoons to charities,
or perhaps mix in a few hour's wages to make up whatever you couldn't fit in by way of volunteering. Over time you'll be amazed how much good can come from each hour, from each of us giving just a little of ourselves. We guarantee you will feel rejuvenated, happy to have made a difference, and that our communities and the world will be a better place. All the best in 2015! Laurie Gourlay & Jackie Moad
The battle against TB Did you know that beautiful children in Africa, indeed the *future* of that vast continent, are going deaf due to the use of archaic drugs used to fight tuberculosis and MDR-TB (multiple drug resistant) TB? Well of course that is far away from here and doesn't affect you, so why would you know. This is inexcusable at a time when there are new technologies available to fight TB.
Here's hoping that we get the message sometime soon, however, otherwise the MDR-TB or XDR (Extra drug resistant) TB will come a-knockin', right on our back door, and that itchy and scratchy vaccine you received as a child (and hopefully obtained for yours) will be of no use. Canada is a leader in the fight against TB. Yes, though our reputation is suffering when it comes to the environment,
Canada established TB REACH in 2009 and has helped to save countless lives as a result. Of this we should be proud. It is time to replenish our pledge to TB REACH. Mere pennies to us: $120 million, will help to prevent the horrible side effects of 40 year old drugs used to combat TB in the poorer nations. C'mon Canada, we are up to bat and it is time to hit a home run! Connie Lebeau
Benefits of exploration Can you imagine an activity like camping and hiking bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars into BC’s economy? Well that’s what happens when geologists spread out all over BC looking for mineral deposits. It’s crazy but I can’t think of an economic activity that has a lower environmental impact than mineral exploration. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by explorers each year in communities in every
part of the province; at local hotels, motels, restaurants and stores. The economic impact is deep, widespread and positive while the environmental impact is virtually non-existent. Whatever we can do to support more mineral exploration activities and multiply the low environmental impact, high economic benefits it generates is definitely okay with me. Jason Walters
inconsistent signage.I'd bet that huge percentage of visitors to Harrison,not seeing a "school zone ahead" sign--or a 30kph ahead sign,would be in violation.With the 30 kph sign virtually IN the school zone, I suggest that while it may be a huge source of revenue to ?? Harrison?-or whoever gets the money-it does very little to contribute to the safety of school kids!!! To the parents of kids attending the school,I suggest you contact the village council,or whoever else is responsible,and demand the school zone be greatly enlarged,and clearly posted! Larry Tilander Harrison Hot Springs
The Observer welcomes letters to the editor, but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s phone number (for verification purposes only) Letters reflect the opinion of the writer and not necessarily that of The Observer or its staff. Email: news@ahobserver.com
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Sudoku January 22, 2015 Intermediate Level See answers in Classifieds.
ADVENTURE CLUB Book of the Week...
REE STERY, THER IT’S A BIT OF A MY NOT LOOKING AT. US WHAT WE ARE ING CRAZY DO S KIDS BOOK TELLS AL IM AN Y AZ SOME CR THE ARE CLUES ABOUT ADER FIGURE OUT MAY HELP THE RE RY. THINGS, AND THAT RA LIB UR YO COPY AT ENDING. PICK UP A Library, and Agassiz Plus, Agassiz Public . za Piz ver, ser The Ob join Adventure Club. to er und s 12 and A&W are inviting kid in this section, visit the Observer officee ears When your name app l receive: this clipping & you wil within 2 weeks with s Plu m Pizza • a FREE PIZZA fro blic Library m the Agassiz Pu • a FREE BOOK fro A&W iz ass Ag m fro • a FREE COUPON letter. of your birthday Upon presentation The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
8 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
Another Conservative hat in the ring Morley Anderson seeks nomination for the new Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon riding By Wendy Coomber Visit www.theprogress. com/contests to vote and for more information. VOTING ENDS FEBRUARY 1, 2015
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Former Ashcroft mayor Morley H. Anderson is adding his name to the growing list of Conservative nominees for the new Mission-MatsquiFraser Canyon riding. The new riding replaces the former Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon held by MP Mark Strahl and before him, his father Chuck Strahl. Anderson says the idea of running federally came to him while he was promoting Ashcroft Terminal - Ashcroft’s inland port - as Mayor. He made many contacts and learned much about national as well as international infrastructure and trade. One of his goals, he says, is to make the benefits that come out of the Asia-Pacific Gateway accessible to all communities, especially those
What do you What do you think? think?
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situated along water routes or train tracks. He also wants to see federal infrastructure grants become more accessible to small, rural communities. “I’ve made a lot of connections through working with Ashcroft Terminal,” he says. “The riding includes a lot of rural communities. It’s a new riding, and a new opportunity for a rural voice.” Morley H. Anderson is better known as Andy Anderson to his friends and colleagues. He is a businessman, community volunteer and regional advocate and he recently retired as the mayor of Ashcroft. During his 10 years as Mayor, he saw the Ashcroft Terminal progress from not much more than an idea to an operating trans loading facility that is growing larger every day. He guided the
community through a number of long term projects. He also never missed an opportunity to discuss the shortage of physicians in the rural areas and donated apartment space for new doctors for several months when necessary. For his work and dedication he was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 2013. He believes that rural British Columbia is one of the worst kept secrets as most communities offer a quality of life and cost of living that allows young families a lifestyle of work and play. He would like to see more jobs relocated from the larger centres so that young families can afford to move back home. As he spent his early years in the Bridge River area, he understands the vast area that this new riding covers. He has spent literally thousands of
Former Ashcroft mayor Morley H. Anderson
hours on the road and is up to the challenge of meeting and representing the citizens in this new Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon riding.
New CEO of Fraser Valley Regional Library named The Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) Board has named Scott Hargrove as the library’s next Chief Executive Officer, effective January 19, 2015. He assumes leadership from current CEO Rob O’Brennan, who will be retiring. In making the announcement, District
of Kent Mayor John Van Laerhoven, FVRL Board Chair, noted that the Board unanimously selected Hargrove based on his track record of leadership and innovation. “Scott has substantial experience in working effectively with the Board as well as the provincial and national library
AGASSIZ-HARRISON COMMUNITY SERVICES Seniors Photography Program invites you
Light Lunch provided Photo by, Werner Schwabe Agassiz, BC
FEBRUARY 21, 2015 |10AM-1:30PM FREE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Cheam Village, 1525 MacKay Crest., Agassiz Please pre-register by February 14th This workshop is developed for beginners and will cover the digital camera’s terminology, menu and functionality. Please bring your camera, fully charged battery, and memory card.
AGASSIZ-HARRISON COMMUNITY SERVICES 7086 Cheam Ave Agassiz | 604-796-2585 Program.coordinatorGTP@agassizcs.ca This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program
communities. His experience in strategic planning, team building, and collaboration is well suited to guiding the largest public library system in British Columbia into the future.” Hargrove’s library career spans 23 years, beginning in 1988 as a page at Greater Victoria Public Library. He held various positions in Burlington Public Library prior to joining FVRL in 2006. Over his time at FVRL he has provided leadership in information technology, library collections, and corporate services. Under his leadership FVRL has embraced significant technological advances as well as important management restructuring. He holds an Executive Master of Library and Information Science degree from San Jose State University and a Master of Science in Information Processing (Computer Science) degree from University of York (United Kingdom).
What’s Better than finding money in your old jeans? OUR BLOG . . . seriously. Check it out blog.blackpress4good.com Showcasing heartfelt community stories from around the province.
Scott Hargrove
Fraser Valley Regional Library is the largest public library system in British Columbia, with 25 community libraries serving over 700,000 people in its service area. Established in 1930, it is funded with taxes raised in the community it serves, plus a Government of BC operating grant. The governing Board consists of elected officials representing 15 member municipalities and regional districts. With its mission "to connect people to the world of information and ideas," FVRL plays a prominent role in the communities throughout the Fraser Valley.
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 9
Family Literacy
Day 01.27.15
Literacy = Lifelong Learning Make learning together a part of your day this January 27 and throughout the year!
15 minutes is all it takes to improve literacy skills 1. Read a book aloud together! Children’s books usually short, and are a breeze to get through in 15 minutes.
2. Heading out on a long road trip to Grandma’s house? Count how many red cars you see along the way or find the whole alphabet using license plates and billboards.
3. Sing a song. Singing encourages learning patterns of words, rhymes and rhythms, and is strongly connected to language skills.
4. Bake some cookies! Most recipes are less than 15 minutes and measuring ingredients helps children understand math and numbers.
5. Go for a walk as a family and read the Story-time at the Agassiz FVRL every friday at 10:15 am
Finding time to set aside to learn as a family can be difficult, but all you need is 15 minutes a day to reap the benefits. In honour of Family Literacy Day’s 15th anniversary, taking place across Canada on January 27, 2013, ABC Life Literacy Canada is offering five learning activities parents can do with their children in less than 15 minutes. These ideas are so fun, it will hardly even feel like learning!
Robert Munsch Honorary Chair of Family LIteracy Day
street signs. You can even think of a city or country that begins with the same first letter as the sign. While we may not think of it, most of the time spent together at home can be learning opportunities between you and your child. Even time spent doing the dishes, eating dinner or having a bath can all easily have a focus on learning in a fun way. To find out how your family can have 15 Minutes of Fun for Family Literacy Day, visit www.FamilyLiteracyDay.ca
January 27, 2015
Family Literacy day Inspiring families to learn together!
604.796.0820 6
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Paula Morrison
After a long day at school,the last thing most kids want to do is learn at home. But the benefits of learning as a family outside the classroom are huge – not only are children exposed to a culture oflifelong learning, but the bond between parent and child can grow with each teachable moment.
Agassiz Elementary A Secondary School 7110 Cheam Ave. 604.796.2238
Family Literacy day January 27, 2015 Kent Elementary School Gym 6:30pm to 8pm Mayor Van Laerhoven and Council 7170 Cheam Ave, Agassiz
Come Join The Fun! Family Literacy Day:
Inspiring families to learn together A FREE, FAMILY EVENT
Tuesday, January 27 • 6:30pm Kent Elementary School Gym + Shayna the Storyteller + Launching the “Build A Book” book! + Refreshments & Crafts
If you want to be a part of a feature like this contact Tanya @ 604.796.4300
Brought to you by: FVRL Agassiz Library & Friends CALL Agassiz, District of Kent Kent-Harrison Art Council Ag-Harr Early Years, SD #78
10 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
SKI, SNOWBOARD OR TUBE TO FIGHT CANCER Sunday February 8, 2015 For more information contact Nicola at nromaniuk@bc.cancer.ca or 604-837-6837.
The District youth ministry staff include (from left) Daniel Sluys, Jaeden Munro, Jonathan Kornelson, Meagan Bradshaw and ViviAn Sluys.
A place for youth to belong Weekly drop in for students grades 7-12
By Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
Central Community Church is hosting a weekly drop-in event for youth and wants all local teens to know about it. The church, which just celebrated its one-year anniversary in Agassiz last Sunday, has started a youth ministry for students from grades 7-12. ‘The District’ features activities like foosball, ping pong and air hockey. But more than just games, ’The District’ is a place for teens to feel a sense of belonging and build relationships, explains organizers. Jon Kornelsen is the youth pastor at Central Community Church, which has its main campus in Chilliwack. Kornelsen says this weekly event is a place where teens can feel safe, can connect and just be themselves. “We want to provide a place where they can belong, are known, and cared for,” says Kornelsen. “We want to see lives changed. That’s our heart.”
Booking deadline is March 20
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The Agassiz Y Harrison
‘The District’ started last September and so far is going well. There’s approximately 15 youth showing up every week. For 2015, they've revamped the program to be more about relationship building. The coordinators hope to have a large turnout for their proper kick-off event taking place February 8 which will include a dodgeball tournament, barbecue, ping pong, video games and more. When Central Community Church decided to launch a campus in Agassiz, they looked at the gaps locally. And they found that social activities for youth were really lacking. Kornelsen says local youth face tough issues such as drugs, teen pregnancy, and sexually-transmitted disease. “There’s nothing really for students,” explains Kornelsen. “Students need that connection and relationship. They need a place they can come and be cared for and belong.” They partnered with Harrison Gospel Chapel to start up the
youth ministry. Central’s Agassiz campus pastor Eldon Fehr and Harrison Gospel’s pastor Brian Cool both felt it was important for churches to work together. "We want a greater sense of community in our teens," says Cool. "We want to do something positive and real." Down the road, Kornelsen and fellow youth co-ordinator Dan Sluis would like to start doing monthly events such as hikes or camping, or perhaps a skate competition in the summer. They’ve discussed the idea of starting a teen mom’s group as well, to help practically with things like money management and cooking on a budget. But for now, they just encourage local teens to come out next Sunday and see what it’s all about. ‘The District’ runs from 7-9 p.m. every Sunday evening at the Agassiz Agricultural Hall. All students from grades 7-12 are welcome.
It's a great time to kick the habit Several key factors to why young people start smoking Anyone who has tried to quit smoking knows how hard it is to break the terrible addiction to nicotine. It would seem logical, then, not to start smoking in the first place. However, given the vast amount of information available about the health consequences of smoking, it can seem incongruous and is certainly tragic that so many young people continue to smoke, despite the substantial
progress made in reducing smoking rates among Canadian young people. Data released by the Provincial Health Services Authority in 2014 shows that the percentage of B.C. students who smoke increases from three per cent in Grade 7 to 18 per cent by the time the students reach Grade 12. So why do so many kids, many of whom say they started at age 14, light up? Studies and
reports link the decision of young people to start smoking to several key factors. • Their parents and/or siblings are smokers. • They identify with peers they see as social leaders and want to imitate their smoking habits. • They regard smoking as a way to show independence and maturity. •They see smoking in many communities where they live, video
games they play, websites they visit and movies they watch. For example, in 2010, nearly a third of top-grossing movies produced for children—those with ratings of G, PG, or PG13— contained images of smoking. 5. They will often underestimate the full range of negative health consequences that are caused by smoking. Most will know that smoking causes lung cancer but Continued on 11
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 11
New Year brings bluegrass nouveau John Reischman & the Jaybirds offer a stylish, elegant take on Bluegrass
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contemporary West Coast acoustic music scene, each of these 'birds' has certainly earned their wings: the list of projects they have contributed to over the years is nothing less than a short list of acoustic power houses, from both Canada and the USA. "With Reischman being from California, the band has a cross-border membership, however there is a strong local
connection with bass player and singer Trisha Gagnon, who is well known in the Fraser Valley for her delicious award- winning organic jam," says Hillhouse. Together, this five piece ensemble makes for one of the freshest, most tasteful bandsounds on the folk and bluegrass circuit today. With numerous European and North American tours, five
National non-smoking week
From 10
will not know that smoking also causes many other types of cancers, as well as heart disease, and shortens life expectancy. 6. They may not see themselves as personally vulnerable to the risks of smoking. Physiology also plays a role in addiction. Adolescents seem to become addicted much earlier than previously believed. Research has shown that the symptoms of addiction — craving and withdrawal — can begin when kids are smoking as few as two cigarettes a week. While this is not the case with everyone, those for whom it is true are much more likely to become daily smokers. So, what can concerned parents do? Despite the impact of movies, music, the Internet, and peers, parents can be the greatest influence in their kids’
lives. In a 2009 study, teens whose parents often talked to them about the dangers of smoking were about half as likely to smoke as those who did not have these discussions. This held true no matter whether or not the parents were smokers themselves. And, if a child has already started using tobacco, parents can help her/ him kick the habit. January’s National Non-Smoking Week (Jan. 18-24) is a perfect time to start a new smoke-free life. An excellent resource can be found at https://www.quitnow.ca/. And, as always, the health professionals at the Agassiz Community Health Centre are available to provide young people and their parents with the necessary supports.
Submitted by Health Centre
critically acclaimed albums, two Juno nominations and two Canadian Folk Music Award nominations they have a firmly established role as a bluegrass institution. A genial blend of story-telling and side-show humor provides the backdrop to the Jaybirds' studied performance of original songs, instrumentals, and newly arranged traditional material. Mix
in the fun of watching them skillfully weave around one centre microphone - it doesn't get much better than this. Tickets for John Reischman & the Jaybirds are $22 and can be purchased online at www.harrisonfestival. com, by phone at 604796-3664 or in person at the Ranger Station Art Gallery in Harrison and Agassiz Shoppers Drug Mart on Pioneer Ave.
Public Notice Flushing of Water Mains The Village’s Drinking Water Assurance Program requires the flushing of water mains throughout the Village. Flushing of water mains is a key component to maintaining the highest level of water quality throughout the distribution system. Water main flushing may cause a brief reduction in pressure, possible sediment and/or discoloration of your tap water; none of which are a health concern. These changes to your tap water are temporary and will dissipate over time. For further information or to report extended low pressure problems or discoloration in your water, please contact the Public Works office at (604) 796-2171 ext: 232.
Flushing Schedule January 19 - February 13, 2015
Bluegrass band John Reischman & The Jaybirds perform January 31 at the Harrison Memorial Hall.
JAN. 16 JAN 6 - FEB. FEB 5, 5 2015
$ 19
The Harrison Festival Society's 26th Season of Performing Arts continues into 2015 with the stylish, elegant bluegrass nouveau of John Reischman and the Jaybirds Saturday, January 31 at 8:00pm in the historic Harrison Memorial Hall. Like the mandolinist at its helm, the Jaybirds fashion a refreshing take on bluegrass that is at once innovative and unadorned, sophisticated and stripped-down, happily old-fashioned, yet unselfconsciously new. "John Reischman is one of the leading bluegrass mandolin players in North America," says Harrison Festival Society Artistic Director, Andy Hillhouse. "Along with his stunning technique, his approach to bluegrass has always combined musical sophistication and experimentation with a strong respect for tradition." While rooted in tradition, a sense of creativity guides the Jaybirds inventive excursions into acoustic roots music. Their bluegrass harmonies are spot-on and each instrumental break crackles with energy. "The music of the Jaybirds appeals to both those with hardcore bluegrass sensibilities and those who like to hear a range of sounds and grooves." says Hillhouse. Hailing from the variegated ranks of the
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12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
JANUARY Communi t y 2015 Corner Community Events
workshop The Legion presents: Steak Dinner & Dance - Pro D Day Pin Button - making her Saturday, January 31 at the Royal Canadian Legion, 1846 No.9 Hwy. Dinner from 6-7pm followed by dancing to Danny & Belinda from 7:30 - 11:30pm. Call 604-796-2332 to purchase tickets. Senior Health Round Table Discussion Wednesday, January 21, 2015 from 5-6p.m. at the Agassiz Public Library. The first discussion will focus on how to stay healthy in your senior years. Call the Agassiz Community Health Centre to register at 604-703-2030. The Harrison Festival Society’s AGM - Thursday, January 22 4:30pm at the Ranger Station Art Gallery, 98 Rockwell Drive, Harrison Hot Springs. All are welcome to attend.
For Everyone
Hooked on Books: Agassiz Library Book Club takes place on the third Thursday of every month, starting at 6:30pm at the Agassiz Library. Love to read and want to talk about what you’re reading? You don’t have to be a member, just drop in when you can. Pick up the book at the library any time before the meeting and get ready to share your opinions! Scrabble: The Game - Wednesdays at 2pm. Bring a friend or 2 or 3 and check out this new drop in program at Agassiz Library. You may want to play with a pal or you may find a new friend with words. We supply the space, the scrabble boards, the dictionaries, and the coffee. Bring your sense of fun and enjoyment of words, so you can “keep calm and scrabble on”.
January 23. Jessi Sparks will again be offering popular kids’ button-making workshop. This free, pro-D day workshop will be held at the Agassiz Public Library at 2pm.
Family Literacy Day: 15 Minutes A Day, A Lifetime of Learning - Tuesday, Jan 27 from 6:30
pm - 8:00 pm. Local book readings, refreshments, prizes and give-aways. Sponsored by Agassiz Library, Agassiz Community Access to Literacy and Learning, Agassiz-Harrison Early Years Committee, District of Kent, School District #78, and ReadRight Society. Takes place at the Kent Community Cultural and Recreation Centre.
second Wednesday of each month from Oct-July in the foyer of the Ag Hall at 7:30 pm. FMI 604-796-3291 or 604-796-2423
Agassiz-Harrison Lions - Meet at 7 pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Lion’s Den in the Ag-Rec Hall, 6800 Pioneer Ave. FMI call Joey at 604-796-9951 Hope Christian Women’s Club Brunch - Free nursery by reservation as well. For info & reservations call Raye 604-869-5420 Agassiz Harrison Community Drivers Program
- A community based volunteer driver program providing rides to all local, Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland medical appointments & other personal Stitch “n” Rip - Every Tuesday from 9 am - 1 pm. services. Always looking for more drivers. Call 604Come to the Harrison Mills Hall with any unfinished 798-6228, email agharcommdrivers@outlook.com or sewing, stitching, knitting projects, etc. FMI call Kim visit 7046 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz. 604-796-2336. Agassiz Monday Painters est.1961 - Meets every Olive Branch Dinners - Come join us for a free Mon. from 11 am - 3 pm at Agassiz United Church. home cooked meal. Tuesdays 5 - 6 pm. 7571 Morrow FMI call Linda 604-794-5554 Rd, ACS gym. No expectations, enjoy community Harrison Community Social Club Drop-in every companionship. Families & all ages welcome. Thurs. at Harrison Hot Springs Memorial Hall, 9:30 am: cards, darts, games & coffee. Contact Jacquie The Harrison-Kent Community Singers - Meet every Monday at 7:00 pm at the Memorial Hall. FMI 604-796-3105 or Suzanne 604-796-1269. call Carol at 604-796-2749. Friendship House Nickel Bingo on Mon. at 1 T.O.P.S. - Meets Thursdays at 9:30 am, or 5:45 pm., at pm, Tues. Bridge and Cribbage at 1 pm, Sit and Be Fit 10:30 am Mon. & Fri., Drop-in Floor Curling 7 pm the Agassiz Christian Church. Thurs.
Lesley Chisholm Photo
Katrina Voss at Red Mountain.
Hemlock Ski Team 10th overall at Provincials Congratulations to the Hemlock Ski Team for outstanding performances by their U16 racers last weekend at Red Mountain where they competed against 65 racers at the second of three Provincial race events this season. The racer’s combined efforts in three races resulted in the Hemlock Ski Team finishing in 10th place overall based on club points, beating out larger ski racing clubs like Cypress, Sun Peaks and Big White. In addition, all three Hemlock racers posted Provincial best placings.
The complete results for the Hemlock Ski Team are as follows: In Slalom, Katrina Voss (Port Moody) placed 13th, Lena Liljedahl (Port Moody) placed 36th and Megan Kardoes (Abbotsford) placed 37th in the ladies U16 group. In the first Giant Slalom race, Katrina Voss (Port Moody) placed 10th, Megan Kardoes (Abbotsford) placed 19th and Lena Liljedahl (Port Moody) placed 35th in the ladies U16 group. In the second Giant Slalom
race, Katrina Voss (Port Moody) placed 18th, Megan Kardoes (Abbotsford) placed 32nd and Lena Liljedahl (Port Moody) placed 51st in the ladies U16 group. Hemlock Resort is located 45 minutes east of Mission and overlooks Harrison Lake. The Hemlock Ski Club provides ski racing opportunities for kids from 4 and up. For more information about the Hemlock Ski Club and its ski racing program, please visit the ski club website at www. hemlockskiclub.com.
Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Thrift Store - We’re looking for volunteers! Open Monday Kent-Harrison Arts Council - KHAC meets the
- Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm. Feel free to come by third Sunday of each month. FMI call (604) 796-8604 or email us at kentharrisonartscouncil@shaw.ca 6919 Cheam Avenue or call 604-796-9932 FMI.
Royal Canadian Legion - Hosts drop-in “Fun Darts” every Mon. at 4 pm & Fri. at 8 pm, Players needed, arrive early to register. Cribbage daily. Nonmembers welcome. Call 604-796-2332
Harrison International All-weather Tennis Club - Drop-in tennis at 8 am daily at the Spring
Park tennis complex. All are welcome. Good fun and exercise is guaranteed at no cost. FMI contact John Allen 796-9117
The Wednesday Walkers - Easy hiking every Jam Session - Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the Wednesday. FMI call Eleanor 604-795-0076 month from 7pm - 10:30pm by donation. Everyone Knitting/Crochet Sisters Group - Projects for welcome, bring an instrument and a friend! OAP Hall, worthy causes. Contact Alice 604-796-3060 or email Friendship Hall. FMI call Derry at 604-796-1084 agisborne@shaw.ca Lions TV Bingo - Thursday at 6 pm on Shaw Agassiz Al-Anon. - Is someone’s drinking affecting Cable. Pick up your bingo nights cards at The Source you? FMI call Shirley 604-796-9865 or Anne 604-793- Chehalis Store & Ledoux Hardware 3103
The Chilliwack MS Multiple Sclerosis SelfAgassiz Elks Lounge - 1824 #9 Hwy, open daily Help Group - Meets every third Wednesday of each
3pm till closing. Everyone welcome
month from noon to 2pm at the lunchroom of the Agassiz-Harrison Garden Club - Meets the Royal Cafe 45886 Wellington St., Chilliwack. New members welcome. FYI call Owen at 604-795-5216
Agassiz Campus Sunday, 10:30 am Kids’ Ministry Meeting at the Ag Hall 6800 Pioneer Ave. www.central365.org
Best Rates
Sarah 604.796.430 1 To a
dvertise in th is space
Lesley Chisholm Photo
Lena Liljedahl racing slalom at Red Mountain.
AHCS Seeks Better at Home Clients A g a s s i z - Ha r r i s o n Community Services, in partnership with Chilliwack Community Services, is pleased to support seniors through the Better at Home Program. Better at Home is managed by the United Way of the Lower Mainland and funded by the Government of British Columbia. Vo l u n t e e r s , contractors and paid
staff from local nonprofit organizations will provide Better at Home services. By helping seniors remain at home longer, they support a diverse, inclusive and vibrant neighbourhood for everyone. Eligible seniors will be able to access services such as: • light housekeeping • Transportation • Friendly visits
• Minor home repair A g a s s i z - Ha r r i s o n Community Services is currently accepting applications for seniors to receive Better at Home services. Seniors and/ or their family member may apply directly by filling out an application form at the AgassizHarrison Community Services office which is located at 7086 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz.
Fees for Better at Home services are determined on a sliding scale based on income level. Some services may be offered free of charge. For more information, please contact program coordinator Fiona Delcourt at 604796-2585 or email betterathome@ agassizcs.ca
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 13
Provincial registry for automatic defibrillators By Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
A new provincial registry program could save lives locally through quick access to Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs). BC Emergency Health Services launched a provincial database to help emergency medical dispatchers connect callers with AEDs, a portable device used to restart the heart. AEDs deliver an electric shock to start the heart beating normally again. “The new registry is a vital step in helping people find the closest AED when there is a sudden cardiac arrest,” states Adrienne Bakker, CEO, Heart and Stroke Foundation for B.C. and Yukon, in a recent
press release. “Without defibrillation and CPR, the chase of survival deceases by seven to 10 per cent for each minute that passes.” The provincial government has invested $2 million in the BC Public Access to Defibrillators (PAD) program since 2013. Their goal is to install 750 community AEDs in public venues throughout BC by 2017. Through that commitment, the Agassiz Community Recreation & Cultural Centre was able to install a second AED during their renovation project. Kimberly Goulet, the District of Kent recreation supervisor, says when the centre was expanded, they realized it would be a good
idea to have another AED in the building to decrease the response time. Included in the funding for the AED was the opportunity to host a training session. Seven people participated in the AED orientation on December 18. Community Recreation & Cultural Centre staff are also trained in its use along with their First Aid level one training. But Goulet emphasizes these devices are designed to be "user friendly." Even if someone does not have training, the prompts from the device should help. The District of Kent also has AEDs located in District-owned buildings such as the pool, the fire hall and treatment plant. The Village of Harrison
Hot Springs does not maintain any AEDs for public use although the Harrison fire department carries AEDs on all their trucks. The Heart and Stroke
SMH congestion 'highest' ever: alert Jeff Nagel BLACK PRESS
maintenance checks on their AEDs. Users who register their AED have the option to make their information public or only allow BC emergency services to see it.
INTERIOR TO LOWER MAINLAND TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT Public Safety Notice – Snowmobiler and Winter Recreation Users Winter recreationalists and snowmobilers should be aware that construction of the Interior to Lower Mainland (ILM) Transmission Line continues. On-site activities include on-going maintenance of access roads; tower assembly and erection; and stringing of the conductor (transmission lines).
Surrey Memorial Hospital was notorious for congestion for years, leading to recent construction and expansion.
normal congestion. Donohue said extra staff have been brought on line as required. One of the key challenges has been getting patients discharged from hospital. "Everybody in the hospital needs to work together to ensure patient flow is working," Donohue said. "If patients no longer need hospital care we need to do everything we can to ensure they transition to home or community care or residential care." The memo says managers and directors are helping find solutions and an operations command centre has been set up to pursue new strategies. Donohue said residents can help by calling 811 to speak to
a nurse before going to emergency in cases involving less serious illness to see if there are other options besides hospital. It's not unusual for a hospital to be facing various infections, particularly during flu season. Donohue said the c. difficile outbreak in one medical unit is being countered with restricted transfer protocols and enhanced cleaning and infection control procedures. An outbreak is declared any time there are three or more cases in a unit. C. difficile infects the intestines and can cause illnesses ranging from diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever and colitis and in some cases, result in death.
According to a Fraser Health's report card for Surrey Memorial, the hospital was admitted only 34 per cent of incoming ER patients within 10 hours in 2014, well off a provincial government-set target of 55 per cent. SMH was notorious for congestion for years, leading to the construction of both the Jim Patttison Outpatient Hospital and a new $512-million ER and critical care tower. The new larger ER opened in October 2013 but didn't immediately improve congestion as much as expected, in part because it's believed more patients who avoided the hospital in the past were now making it their first choice over other nearby hospitals.
The ILM right-of-way continues to be a construction zone with restricted access. Restricted access is required for worker and public safety to avoid risks associated with construction materials and equipment, or other potential hazards that may be hidden or partially hidden by the snow. Please avoid using the right-of-way for your activities. If you are in the area, use extra care when traveling around the right-of-way. The ILM project is a new 247 kilometre 500 kilovolt transmission line between Merritt and Coquitlam that will expand the electrical system so that BC Hydro can continue to deliver clean and reliable energy to homes and businesses in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. For more information on the project please visit: bchydro.com/ilm. If you have any questions, please contact BC Hydro Stakeholder Engagement: 1 866 647 3334 or 604 623 4472 or send an email to stakeholderengagement@bchydro.com.
A staff-only memo is warning of "unprecedented site congestion" at Surrey Memorial Hospital. The Jan. 16 site alert calls it an "all hands on deck" situation as the hospital grapples with multiple infection outbreaks, including c. difficile, influenza and other respiratory conditions. SMH is experiencing "the highest volumes ever of patients in Emergency needing admission without assigned beds," it says. Fraser Health public affairs director Ken Donohue said the worst day came Jan. 11 when about 470 patients came to emergency compared to the high 300s. Donohue rejected suggestions that staff levels at the hospital are inadequate. "What we're seeing are high patient numbers," he said. "The acuity or the seriousness of the illness of many patients is a bit higher than normal and that means patients are requiring more care than normal." He said there are high levels of the flu virus circulating in the community, with flu outbreaks in multiple residential care homes, and that's one trigger causing higher than
Foundation urges anyone who has an AED in their home or business to register in the database, found at w w w. b c p a dpro g r am . c a . Registrants are required to complete monthly
14 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
Agassiz Elementary Secondary School Term 1 A Honour Roll AGASSIZ 2 PITCH S TA R T U P M E E T I N G ALL Team Captains need to attend.
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Grade 7 Jo Beauchamp Daniel Chrenko Maximilian Holzapfel Kian Johnson Austyn Moore Meka Quintana Kierra Walker Liam West Grade 8 Kayla Adrain Clara Burt Tori Downs Hailey Drury Simon Grieshaber-Otto Zoel Jackson Anna Jang Hailey Keating Katrina Lawley Ashlyn Lowe Anna Madsen Megan McCallum Tyra Peters
Katie Schram Dezrae Timmers Rionna Vander Wyk Sierra Visser Joree Walde Grade 9 Seleen Banez Kaliska Beauchamp Emily Bestwick Quinten Fast Jaydin Lees Jessica Lucki Kaitlin McGillivray Kaela Pope Hannah Sharples Justine Stoeckly Megan Vander Wyk Grade 10 Jordan Baker Hannah Exley Alex Howe Trevan Kozel
Serena Madsen Mercede McBride Sebastian Molina Coby Sayo Cody Sayo Emily White Grade 11 Tamara Andrews Cody Beauvais Taylor Lees Jacob Lucki Braydon Peters Euan Sayo Sydney Vander Wyk Ian Wilson Grade 12 Zac Callander Megan de Bruin Jasper Fast Elisha Johnson-Jensen Eric Petesrson Hunter Ramey
Sail away for March break! 7 Night Mexican Riviera (return from Los Angeles), March 21, 2015 on the Ruby Princess. Balcony Cabin $985 CAD pp
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Hope & District Minor Hockey would like to say
T HAN K YO U to the following sponsors who generously supported our recent Midget Hockey Tournament:
• Hemlock Resort, Dianne LeChasseur • Hemlock Hollow Mountain Accommodations Inc, Marty Stewart • Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa • Allenby’s General Store, Jim Allenby - Agassiz • Agassiz Cold Beer, Wine & Liquor Store • Burden Propane, John Bestwick - Agassiz • Harrison Watersports, Mitchell Schindle • Cheam Source for Sports, Jeff Ames Chilliwack • Jimmy’s Pub and Grill, Dave & Sharon Mawhinnie - Agassiz • Muddy Waters Café, Richard Fife - Harrison Hot Springs • Pioneer Tim-Br Mart, Chris Knott - Chilliwack
Grade 8 Trevor Carscadden Connor Douglas Cole Faessler Anna Fehr Chloe Harris Cassandra Howe Lucas Irwin Caleb Kafi Shilah Mair-Hope Maggie McCurdy Nadia McNeil-Joseph Makayla Morissette Samantha Seymour Kayla Stanway Annalise Wilkinson
Tournament Coordinators: • Michelle Inancsi • Janice Simon Donations received from: • Shoppers Drug Mart, Bal Hayre - Agassiz • Len Davidiuk Tax Services - Agassiz • Lordco Auto Parts, Scott Medlock - Hope • Napa Auto Parts - Hope • Septic Expert, Martin Sparks - Agassiz • Pharmasave, Steve Marshal - Hope • Kent Outdoors, Jerry Faulkner - Agassiz • MatSel Hair Studio, Trish Humeniuk Agassiz • Old Settle Pub, Kent and Trent Lucki Harrison Hot Springs • Gardner Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd, Bud Gardner - Hope
Grade 9 Thomas Andrew Chelsey Baboth Aidan Coughlin Paul Dumas
Kevin Graham Brianna Heaton Amanda Heffel Jessica Heffel Haley Hodgkinson Darrian Jenkins Drew Ramey Quentin Robertson Logan Sarka Tianna Sennie Nicole Striker Justine Stoeckly Danae Timmers Klaudia Trajanovski Aidan Van Paridon Tomas Walton Grade 10 Chelsey Barnett Tanner Douglas
Samuel Dyck Riley Finlay Kirsten Fleming Kaysee Gilroy Alex Howe Matt Irwin Blake Kafi Joey Kennedy Alyssa Lawley Lauren Lowe Ben MacPherson Jacob Macpherson Henrietta McInroy Quinton McNeil-Bobb Owen McNeil-Joseph Grade 10 con’t. Marshall Pennier Alex Schwichtenberg Gage Sippel Jenna Smith
Camryn Striker
Autumn White
Grade 11 Ignacio Aguirre Chase Bestwick Derek Bobb Shaye Bresland Sean Clark Lindsey de Bruin Justin DePatie Zane Elliott Millar Frederickson Natasha Geyer Richard Harris Michaela James Teagean McNeil Kaitlyn Phillips Joelle Sicard Hayden Simon Amber St.Germain
Grade 12 Nick Allen Brandon Baboth Trevor Bobb Rachel Brown Maggie Folk Carl Graham Jeremy Harris Reese Jacobi Robert McNeil-Bobb Sara Oleksy Sarah Penney Michelle Pollock Alex Robertson Ashley Sicard Kendra Simpson Melissa Vermette
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 15
Newspaper Tub Tube
Agassiz Elementary Secondary School Term 1 November Effort Roll Chase Bestwick Derek Bobb Amber St.Germain Michaela James Taylor Lees Jacob Lucki Keith Machelle Braydon Peters Kaitlyn Phillips Euan Sayo Joelle Sicard Hayden Simon Sarah Sisson Sydney Vander Wyk Karen Walton Autumn White Ian Wilson
Grade 7 Daniel Chrenko Kayla Elliott Maximillan Holzapfel Kian Johnson Paige Leon Austyn Moore Sheradin Jijkamp Keaghan Onos Terra Toovey Kierra Walker Grade 8 Kayla Adrain Miya Andrew Clara Burt Tori Downs Hailey Drury Simon Grieshaber-Otto Chole Harris Lucas Irwin Zoel Jackson Anna Jang Hailey Keating Katrina Lawley Ashlyn Lowe Anna Madsen Shila Mair-Hope Megan McCallum Maggie McCurdy Nadia McNeil-Joseph Tyra Peters Katie Schram Dezrae Timmers Rionna Vander Wyk
Sierra Visser Joree Walde Annalise Wilkinson
Hannah Sharples Nicole Striker Megan Vander Wyk
Grade 9 Chelsey Baboth Seleen Banez Kaliska Beauchamp Emily Bestwick Quinten Fast Kevin Graham Jaydin Lees Jessica Lucki Kaitlin McGillivray Kaela Pope Drew Ramey
Grade 10 Jordan Baker Tanner Douglas Kaysee Gilroy Hannah Exley Riley Finlay Matthew Irwin Blake Kafi Trevan Kozel Alyssa Lawley Lauren Lowe
Ben MacPherson Jacob MacPherson Serena Madsen Mercede McBride Coby Sayo Cody Sayo Gage Sippel Camryn Striker Tristan Van Oort Emily White Grade 11 Ignacio Aguirre Tamara Andrew Cody Beauvis
Grade 12 Zac Callander Megan de Bruin Jasper Fast Maggie Folk Carl Graham Reese Jacobi Elisha Johnson-Jensen Hebrina McInroy Robert McNeil-Bobb Eric Peterson Hunter Ramey Alex Robertson Amber Ruddell Kendra Simpson
Former Agassiz farmer celebrates 100th birthday amongst family and friends On January 6, 2015, Siegfried Bartel smiled with content surrounded by his family and friends who celebrated his 100th Birthday. Born in a time when the US House of Representatives was denying women the vote, neon tubes were patented and the first coast-to-coast long distance call was made, Siegfried has lived through the incredible and rapid changes of the 20th and 21st centuries. World War 1 had just begun to rage across Europe when Siegfried’s mother prayed a prayer of blessing upon her unborn child. Growing up in Prussia (Poland) in a Mennonite community, Siegfried enjoyed a privileged life earned by the hard labour of his farming family. As a young boy, he watched his father extend grace to a man whose drunken negligence caused a train accident that took the lives of his mother and oldest brother. It was natural for a man of German descent to enlist in the German Army and Siegfried did so in 1937 before the second world war. When the war erupted in September of 1939, he found himself in an army that eventually brought horrors to others and convinced Siegfried that pacifism was the only sane response to killing and war. During the war, Siegfried married Erna and started a family. Seven boys were born into his family as Siegfried went back to farming to earn a living. In 1951, he received refugee help through Mennonite Central Committee to re-establish his life in Canada becoming a dairy farmer in Agassiz, BC. Siegfried became an active participant in the community as well as
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Siegfried Bartel holds his great granddaughter while his son, Martin Bartel, leans in for a better look, during Siegried's 100th birthday party January 6.
serving in leadership with MCC from 1972 – 1987, grateful for how he had received refugee help in his time of need. Siegfried’s birthday celebration was a vibrant afternoon party with friends and residents from Menno Home joining in the festivities. Five sons, six daughterin-laws, one grandson and one greatgranddaughter and the staff of Menno Place celebrated as well. Siegfried’s older brother, Hans, age 103 came over from Primrose Gardens Apartments with his
wife to celebrate his brother’s life and enjoy a delicious piece of home-made cake and some German music. Ingrid Schultz, chaplain, shared highlights of Siegfried’s life of faith and a prayer of blessing upon his life and the lives of those who love him. Siegfried is the author of two books, Living with Conviction and Journey to Pacifism. In these books, he shares his life’s story and resulting convictions about pacifism and dedication to others in need.
DEADLINES ADVERTISING ................Friday @ 4:00 pm CLASSIFIEDS ...... Wednesday @ 1:00 pm
7167 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz
604.796.4300 TF: 1.866.865.4460 In print every Thursday or see us online 24/7: agassizharrisonobserver.com
16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
Slopes for Hope at Hemlock Resort Fundraiser for Canadian Cancer Society for speed demons and snow plowers Brenda Anderson BLACK PRESS
Striking a blow in the fight against cancer can be as simple as strapping on a pair of skis and pointing them downhill. And then doing it 21 more times. The third annual Slopes for Hope fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society takes place at Hemlock Valley Resort on Sunday, Feb. 8. The event is a great opportunity for Fraser Valley skiers and snowboarders to put together a team and enjoy the Family Day weekend, while doing
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their bit to help, said the Cancer Society's Nicola Romaniuk. Once again, Slopes for Hope participants are challenged to raise money — through pledges or lump sum donations — for the Canadian Cancer Society and then attempt to ski or board the vertical equivalent of Mount Everest (29,029 feet) — the world's highest peak — in a single day. At Hemlock, that translates to 22 runs which, for the purposes of the challenge, can be completed by a single person or divided among teammates. Last year, two skiers accomplished the feat individually, said Romaniuk. Speed demons and snow plowers are equally welcome, because both the hill and the event are suitable for every level of skier and snowboarder, she said. "You can challenge yourself if you want, or just get out and enjoy the day." Hemlock is one of five B.C. mountains hosting a Slopes for Hope fundraiser this year. Locally, 45 people participated in last year's event, raising $14,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society. This year's goal is $15,000. Money raised at Hemlock will stay in the Fraser Valley to help pay for programs, including the society's volunteer driver program, and sending kids to Camp Goodtimes, Romaniuk explained. The cost to send a single child to camp is $1,500, but through fundraisers such as Slopes for Hope, the experience can be offered at no charge to local families who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis or treatment. "If we raise $15,000, that sends 10 kids to camp." Among those hitting the slopes on Feb. 8 will be Langley's Stirling Noyes, a twotime cancer survivor who attended Camp Goodtimes every summer, from age seven to 16. Although he has fond memories of his summers spent at camp, Noyes doesn't recall much about his first goround with cancer. He
Two-time cancer survivor Stirling Noyes will be skiing the vertical equivalent of Mount Everest on February 8 to raise money for Canadian Cancer Society programs.
was just six years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia. He does remember being sick and undergoing three years of chemotherapy, along with radiation treatment before he went into remission. At 23, Noyes's cancer returned. This time it was in his brain. The graphic designer who lives in Walnut Grove was just minutes from getting into his vehicle and driving, he said, when he began feeling woozy — as though he was drunk. "My wife said 'sit down,' and the next thing I knew, I was being loaded into an ambulance." He was admitted to Langley Memorial Hospital, and was alone in a washroom there when another seizure hit. This time he woke up at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster. After undergoing scans and an MRI, Noyes was diagnosed with type 3 astrocytoma — a brain tumour. It was aggressive, but hadn't metastasized.Â
Because the tumour — likely the result of radiation therapy he underwent during his treatment for leukemia — had spread throughout a section of his brain, it couldn't be removed surgically, said Noyes. Another 18 months of oral chemotherapy (pills) followed. Noyes, now 30, has been in remission for a little over three years — a measure of time that is "a big deal" in cancer treatment, he said. He continues to take antiseizure medication. This year marks the Langley man's second time participating in Slopes for Hope. On Feb. 8, he will ski as part of a team of five, which also includes his wife, brother, sister-inlaw and a friend. "It will be lots of fun. It's a good day," said Noyes. "It's not hard. You raise $100, you ski for the day." In addition to participating in the event, he has also put together a DVD presentation which will be shown at the event, and is using
social media to promote Slopes for Hope. "I'm a big proponent of research. It's very important that money goes to research and to Camp Goodtimes, to help kids in my situation and to find a cure," said Noyes. "Stirling is the epitome of a Canadian Cancer Society volunteer," said Romaniuk. "It's volunteers like Stirling who make our organization what it is." A minimum contribution of $100 earns Slopes for Hope participants a lift pass to ski all day, with the first lift going up at 8 a.m. Prizes will be awarded for top fundraisers, including a two-night stay at Hemlock's Snowflake Resort. Equipment is available for rent on the mountain and participants are encouraged to jazz up their gear with crazy costumes. Registration is now open. To participate, make a donation or find more information, go to slopesforhope.ca.
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015 17
January 2015
Have you considered refinancing to pay off debt? With the high cost of holiday giftbuying and entertaining now behind you, this may be the perfect time to get the New Year off to a fresh start by refinancing your mortgage and freeing up some money to pay off that high-interest credit card debt. By talking to mortgage professional, you may find that taking equity out of your home to pay off high-interest BARBARA TEN BOS debt associated 'Mortgage with credit card balances can put Minute more money in your bank account each month. And since interest rates are at a 40-year low, switching to a lower rate may save you a lot of money – possibly thousands of dollars per year. There are penalties for paying your mortgage loan out prior to renewal, but these could be offset by the extra money you could acquire through a refinance. With access to more money, you will be better able to manage your debt. Refinancing your first mortgage and taking some existing equity out could also enable you to make investments, go on vacation, do some renovations or even invest in your children’s education. Keep in mind, however, that by refinancing you may extend the time it will take to pay off your mortgage. That said, there are many ways to pay down your mortgage
sooner to save you thousands of dollars. Most mortgage products, for instance, include prepayment privileges that enable you to pay up to 20% of the principal (the true value of your mortgage minus the interest payments) per calendar year. This will also help reduce your amortization period (the length of your mortgage), which, in turn, saves you money. If homeowners fail to take the time to thoroughly research their options through a mortgage professional and, instead, simply sign renewal offers received from their bank, credit union or other lender, they could end up paying thousands of dollars more per year in interest. Simply by shopping your mortgage with a qualified mortgage professional, you can access the banks as well as other lenders that you may not have considered, but which can often offer interest rate specials or other attractive terms. In the current credit-crunched lending environment, now more than ever it’s important to take the time to contact a mortgage professional to find out your options. By refinancing now and paying off your debt, you can put yourself and your family in a better financial position. It’s very important to not rack up your credit cards after refinancing, however, so set your goals and budgets, and stick to them!
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B.C.'s fifth wind farm will have 61 turbines and electricity output equivalent to supply for 54,000 homes, making it the largest in the province so far. Site clearing for the Meikle Wind project began last fall on windswept peaks northwest of Tumbler Ridge, and California-based Pattern Energy expects to start construction in June with an expected completion date of late 2016. Meikle Wind is the third in the Tumbler Ridge area, and the fourth in the region including
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Barbara Ten Bos is a mortgage professional with Dominion Lending Centres. She is providing a monthly column about mortgage options, for publication in The Observer. Email her at btenbos@ dominionlending.ca or call 604-819-5845.
Construction to start on B.C.'s biggest wind farm By Tom Fletcher
retractable ’s
Bear Mountain Wind near Dawson Creek. The only wind farm so far constructed outside the Peace region is at Cape Scott on the northern tip of Vancouver Island. Northwest B.C. has significant potential for wind power as well, Energy Minister Bill Bennett said after a project announcement Tuesday in Tumbler Ridge. He added that the company's decision to invest $400 million shows the Site C dam isn't the death knell for independent power that some feared. "Site C actually enables more renewable energy," Bennett said. "Wind is
the cheapest renewable technology available today, and it has come down in cost significantly over the last five years." BC Hydro CEO Jessica McDonald said the Crown corporation has several more wind projects being considered under its "standing offer" purchase program. BC Hydro signed a 25-year power purchase agreement for the Meikle project in 2008. Pattern Energy took it over from Vancouver-based Finavera Wind Energy, which received four contracts for area projects in BC Hydro's 2008 clean energy call.
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MILKER POSITION on Agassiz dairy farm. 4 hour shifts starting at 4am and 3pm. Some experience preferred. Flexibility with days and shifts. Please send resume to agassizdairyfarm@gmail.com
Foxridge Homes is currently hiring experienced Framing Crews for our Single and Multi-Family projects in Surrey, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge and Langley. Foxridge Offers Steady Full-Time Work With Competitive Rates & Production Bonuses. If this is of interest to you please contact us at: foxridgecareers@qualico.com
The Langley Concrete Group Wants You!
We are a local progressive concrete pre-cast company based in Chilliwack. Duties include; preventative maint., scheduled repairs, and quick response repairs to ensure our modernized equipment runs efficiently. Routine equipment inspections and repairs are required. The Successful candidate must have good problem solving, diagnostic, interpersonal, and time management skills. Must be able to work flexible hours in a variety of conditions. Experience working with electrical systems and PLC programs would be a definite asset. Minimum requirements include completion of ITA certificate of qualification as an Industrial Mechanic, inter - provincial red seal endorsement, & a certificate of apprenticeship. Previous work experience in a related industry would be an asset.
OUR COMPANY OFFERS: 1.) Attractive Wages & Excellent Employee Benefits. 2.) Supportive, Engaged Atmosphere With Change Minded Management Group. 3.) Company Sponsored Social Activities.
Please e-mail resume, including cover letter & references: HR@ langleyconcretegroup.com
YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899
BRO MARV PLUMBING Plumbing, heating, clogged drains BBB. (604)582-1598, bromarv.com
283 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS Gutter & Roof Cleaning/Power Washing since 1982. WCB/Liability insurance. Simon, 604-230-0627
Full Service Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1-800-573-2928
We Service all Makes • • •
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from $499 (Made in BC) Repairs & Service. We extend warranties to all makes. Vacuum needs a service every 5 years just like an oil change! 604-792-8055 / 854-8055
STARTING FROM $43.95/hour distinguishedmovers.com Call 778-237-4364
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853
NORTHSTARS PAINTING www.northstars-painting.com Master Painters at Students Rates. We will BEAT any Qualified Quotes. 778.344.1069
FLAGGERS NEEDED. No Certification? Get Certified, 604-575-3944
• includes print and online • colour when available
Have a Special
SUTCO IS seeking U.S. qualified Class 1 Drivers, steady year round dedicated runs and over the road work available. We offer group health benefits, pension, e logs, and auto deposit pay. apply on line at sutco.ca/fax resume and abstract to (250)-357-2009/call 1-888357-2612 ext.230
APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Send applications to fbula@langara.bc.ca. More information: www.bccommunitynews.com/our-programs/scholarship.
Need CA$H Today? Own a vehicle? Borrow up to $25,000. Snapcarcash.com 604-777-5046
Excavator & Backhoe Operator Training. Be employable in 4-6wks. Call 604-546-7600. www.rayway.ca
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour
M’akola Development Services CONTROLLER position: full cycle accounting, financial technical support and assistance. Visit: makola.bc.ca DEADLINE: Feb 9
IF YOU own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
REAL ESTATE ...............................603-696
PACIFIC COMMUNITY Resources is seeking a client centered EPBC Case Manager for a 1 year term position. Please visit: www.pcrs.ca/careers for full job posting.
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE...........503-587
ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 1250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: r.gallen@shaw.ca C- 250-938-1944 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca
CASUAL BUS DRIVERS REQUIRED School District #78 (Fraser-Cascade) has openings on the Casual Bus Drivers list for qualified applicants willing to drive in the Hope area. All applicants must possess a Class 2 Driver’s License with Air Brake Endorsement. Rate of Pay:
$21.80 per hour as per CMAWBC Collective Agreement
Class 2 with Air Endorsement School Bus experience an asset
Applicants will full supporting documentation, including references to be forwarded to: Natalie Lowe-Zucchet Secretary-Treasurer School District #78 (Fraser-Cascade) 650 Kawkawa Lake Road Hope, B.C. V0X 1L4 Email: alimb@sd78.bc.ca Fax: 604-869-7400 Questions regarding these positions may be directed to Dan Landrath, Transportation Supervisor at 604-796-1042. 01/15H_FC15
Thursday, January 22, 2015, Agassiz Harrison Observer 19
PETS 477
SCRAP CARS & METALS - CA$H for CARS Up to $300. No Wheels - No Problem! Friendly &
Agassiz Area:
in need of caring homes! All cats are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at:
Farm Land House & Barn 23.94 Acres 3 titles call: 604-796-9383
fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977 FREE KITTENS born Dec 1st Call Evenings: 604-796-9935
30255 Cedar Lane DL# 31038 604-855-0666 1998 HONDA CIVIC 2 dr, auto Aircared. STK#652. $2,495. 2007 DODGE CARAVAN 7 psgr, auto, fully loaded. Only this week! STK#546. $3,900. 2002 HONDA CIVIC 4 dr auto, fully loaded. STK#547. $4,900. 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 4 dr, auto, full load. STK#648 $4,900. 2007 DODGE CALIBER, 4 dr, auto. STK#602. $5,900. 2003 HONDA ACCORD 2 dr, auto, full load, ST#586 $6,900. 2007 JEEP COMPASS, 4 dr, auto, full load, STK#603 $7,900. 2008 HONDA CIVIC, 2 dr, auto, sunroof, fully loaded. STK#642. $9,900. 2009 JEEP COMPASS, 4 dr, auto. STK#606. $10,900. 2009 KIA SPORTAGE, 4 dr, auto, full load, runs good. STK# 624 $10,900. 2012 NISSAN SENTRA, 4 dr auto, sedan, full load, black. STK#614 $12,900. 2010 DODGE JOURNEY 4 dr, auto, loaded, 7 psgr STK#428. $13,900. 2011 NISSAN ALTIMA. 4 dr, auto, sedan, fully loaded, sunroof. STK#641. $14,900. 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA, 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, standard STK#639. $15,500. 2008 CHEV 1500 LT. Crew cab, 4 X 4, auto, short box, fully loaded. STK#600. $16,900.
NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com
HOMES WANTED WE BUY HOMES BC • All Prices • All Situations • • All Conditions • www.webuyhomesbc.com 604-657-9422
RENTALS STAFFORDSHIRE bull terrier, P.B. CKC reg’d. Staffies, only 6 left. Call Candace 604-780-4771.
Agassiz - 1 & 2 bdrm apt. for rent available near post office. Clean building. Laundry and off street parking onsite.$650/mth & 800/mth call 604-491-6380 or 778-834-1951
T. Marlowe Manor 1755 - #9 Hwy, Agassiz (Under new Management)
Spacious and bright 1 bdrm....$600/m. Also, new construction, condo quality l bdrm...$650
and 2 bdrm...$799/m Prkg, coin laundry, elevator & balcony, 5 min walk to all conveniences. Available now. Call 604-703-3405
Huge Flea Market Saturday Jan 24 10am-4pm Tzeachten Hall 45855 Promontory Rd
pick a part
RV Pad for rent- All services, gated, lrg deck. 8 ml. west of Harrison. on Lougheed Hwy. 350/mth incl. satellite 604-701-1762
Over 100 tables. Kids stuff, vintage treasures, clothes, collectibles, household, DVD’s, records & more. $2 admission.
Financing Available
The Scrapper
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 921 of the Local Government Act that the Regional Board of the Fraser Valley Regional District will be considering an application for a Temporary Use Permit 2014-03 for the lands noted below at its meeting to be held January 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, B.C.
1998 ACCURA 1.6 EL. 4 dr, auto, loaded. STK#651 $2,900. 2003 FORD FOCUS 4 dr, auto, Aircared, STK#545, $3,900. 2002 FORD EXPLORER 4X4, auto, full load. ST#585 $5,900. 2007 DODGE Caravan 7 psgr, Aircared, STK#524 $5,900. 2007 FORD Fusion 4 dr auto, loaded A/cared ST#321 $6,900 2007 KIA RONDO 4 dr, auto, 7 psgr, leather, runs good, STK#424. $10,900. 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 dr sedan, loaded. No trade. STK#504. $10,900. 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab, 4X4, auto, diesel, only 156K STK#17. $12,900. 2007 FORD F350 XLT Crew cab, diesel, 4X4, auto, short box only 162K. STK#126. $14,900. 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab, diesel, 4 X 4, auto short box. STK#275. $16,900.
1.24 ACE. 4 Bedrooms 3600sft., dble Gar., Back onto Coq River, 5 mins to Coq. Malls. $2900/mo. 604649-8987
33166 South Fraser Way DL# 40083 778-908-5888
HARRISON - Studio Apartment, Nice quiet & safe building, suitable for single person. Newly renovated, $595 & $625/month includes utilities. Call 604-819-6422
Professional Service. Servicing the Fraser Valley 1-855-771-2855
BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?
Shoprider 778EL Cobra Scooter upgraded to deep cell batt. $800 firm. Call 604-796-3700
January 22, 2015
STEEL BUILDINGS...”REALLY BIG SALE!” All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 www.pioneersteel.ca
If issued, the Temporary Use Permit 2014-03 would have the effect of authorizing the placement of park model trailers that are up to 80 square meters (860 square feet) on the 49 lots in the first phase of the Bridal Falls RV Resort strata subdivision at 53480 Bridal Falls Road. This Temporary Use Permit will be valid for three years. INSPECTION OF THE PERMIT APPLICATION
SCRAP CAR Removal TOP CA$H PAID on the spot. Local Business. www.a1casper.com 604-378-2029
Two open heart surgeries.
A copy of draft Temporary Use Permit 2014-03 may be inspected at Fraser Valley Regional District, 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, B.C. (open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday), from January 13, 2015 to January 27, 2015 . For further information you may contact the Planning Department of the Fraser Valley Regional District at 604-702-5000, or toll free at 1-800-528-0061.
One big need.
Comments received in writing before 12:00 noon on January 27, 2015 will be presented to the Fraser Valley Regional District Board of Directors.
Help us build a new BC Children’s Hospital.
This notice serves to meet the requirements of Section 921 of the Local Government Act.
Please Give. 1.888.663.3033 beasuperhero.ca
Dated the 13th of January 2015 Paul Gipps Administrator
20 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, January 22, 2015
heritage park
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