Golden Star, January 28, 2015

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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 4 $1.35



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Mercer a hit in Field

New car pass will help locals during closures ....................................2


The Playhouse is open for the Masque Parade .........................................4


Local performer in line up for Sound Festival ..................................10


CBC’s Rick Mercer, left, celebrates after finishing the Heritage Relay with his partner, Field’s Sean Cunningham, at Yoho Blow Days this past weekend. Mercer was filming his show The Rick Mercer Report at the winter festival. See more photos on page 12 and online at Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Local rider given chance through WASP Golden Nordic Club hosted annual loppet ..................................20

Joel Tansey Even with a world class resort just a short drive away in Golden’s backyard, skiing and snowboarding could never be mistaken for an affordable sport. Certainly not for a single mom, and that’s what makes Michelle Powell and her son Shayne’s tale such a feel-good success story.

Shayne, 15, skied a little bit here and there while growing up but decided he wanted to make the switch to snowboarding not long after the family moved to Golden in 2009. Naturally, costs for season passes, equipment and other gear were a significant road block for Michelle as she strived to encourage her son on his way into the sport. That’s where the Whitetooth Affordable Ski Program came into play. “It’s just been amazing. It’s been something

that he has done avidly every year start to finish. Summer is no fun in our house,” Michelle said. The program, which is run by the Golden & District Community Foundation (with funding from the original sale of the Whitetooth Ski Area) offers lessons, equipment, lift tickets and transportation to Kicking Horse for children and youth from lower income families, depending on a specific family’s needs. Continued on page 5


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Kicking Horse Local pass may save you time during highway closure Jessica Schwitek

If you place this pass in your windshield, it will let traffic control workers know that you are local, allowing you to move around the area more easily during a highway closure. Star Photo

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Are you a Kicking Horse local? If so, then putting one of these new neon yellow signs in your car window might save you some time during the next highway closure…and we all know there are many more to come. “We have been hearing that the road closures are hard on locals,” said Greg Ehman, division manager with HMC Services. “So hopefully these passes will make things a little bit easier.” When HMC workers have to close Highway 1, they stop traffic at either end of the “highway strip.” And anyone heading to the Blaeberry or Donald, or even Pine Drive, also gets stopped until they can explain where they’re going. But now, if a highway traffic control worker sees one of these passes in the window, they know that the driver is a “Kicking Horse Local” and they can let them pass. The original idea came from local Ryan Watmough after a highway closure in the summer. “People had expressed some concern around town, some frustration with trying to get around as locals. So Ryan suggested doing something like this, kind of like a park pass,” said Ehman. “We took that idea and approached Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, and we were lucky enough to be able to use their logo. So we put this together and we’ll see how it works.” HMC has provided this as a community service, and began distributing them last week. It will take some time for motorists to get used to carrying them, and for traffic controllers to get used to spotting them. But ideally these passes will start making an impact this winter season, and get people moving around town more easily. You can pick up a pass at The Golden Star, the BC Visitors Centre, the Chamber of Commerce office, DJs Paper Place, and Kicking Horse Embroidery. If any other local businesses would like to carry some in their store they can contact HMC.

Youth Centre hosted a committee meeting to get youth more involved in centre’s future

4 classes $30 - or - 6 classes $45 Create your own punch card option. *Punch cards valid until March 20, 2015*

Joel Tansey

Nicki 250.439.9687 Facebook: Shape Up Fitness Group Page

Youth Centre attendance has seen a spike in recent weeks after a group led by



CONTACT Andrea Johnson 250-344-5251

coordinator Mike Symons visited Golden Secondary School, Lady Grey Elementary and Nicholson Elementary schools to promote the facility. “We saw about a 30 per cent rise in kids over the last couple weeks so it’s been super busy. It’s good,” Symons said. On Jan. 20 Symons hosted an inaugural youth committee meeting, which is made up of several kids who have shown the strongest interest in what goes on at the centre. Those in attendance listened to a series of guest speakers and discussed a range of ideas with the goal of seeing how the centre and its programs could be improved upon.

“Snowboarding and skiing definitely came up, not surprisingly,” Symons explained. “We have different

for the facility if it got to the point where the art could be sold. “We also (talked about) music production and jam band

“We saw about a 30 per cent rise in kids over the last couple weeks so it’s been super busy.” — Mike Symons — Youth Centre Coordinator levels of users in here but the idea is to do it as a group.” Group art projects were also discussed. It’s too early to know how that might look, but Symons said that it could not only be a good way for the youth to express themselves, but also as a way to fundraise

formation. We’ve got the space for that,” Symons said. “Recording has been an interest for sure.” Outdoor education and exploration were also discussed, with Symons saying that field trips are possible in the future, which would be a new

concept for the Youth Centre. “I think that to do it casually as an independent group it requires looking into insurance a little more and getting an activity planned for each field trip.” Symons also expressed a desire to create a collaboration between the youth centre and other groups and businesses in the community. “Once the community knows what the youth are shooting for, then we are hoping we can collaborate with some organizations in the community that might want to promote or advertise their centre by giving a discounted rate or working with our youth.”

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A3

CBAL celebrates Family Literacy Day with comedian Lucas Myers

Golden and District Search and Rescue

Kootenay comedian Lucas Myers entertained kids and parents alike on Saturday at Lady Grey Elementary School as part of the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy’s (CBAL) celebration of Family Literacy Day. Myers performed a variety of educational and entertaining skits and routines for the children in attendance in an effort to promote reading and literacy in Golden. Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 to recognize the importance of reading and literacy amongst families. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Annual General Meeting and elections

Golden & District Search and Rescue Annual General Meeting and elections

February 5, 2014 @ 7:30pm 210 Fisher Road, (Golden Airport) All welcome!

New group provides support to survivors Jessica Schwitek Patients need a tremendous amount of support when going through difficult medical treatments, but it is easy to forget that support is still needed when those treatments are over. After being diagnosed with cancer in the fall of 2014, local teacher Ruth Finnie has been searching for some sort of support group here in Golden that can help cancer survivors reclaim control over their lives. "I really wanted to talk to somebody or feel connected…And there was no group to go to, I checked," she said. Finnie has been through this once before when her daughter was diagnosed while living in Golden. So she started a group that was focused on youth cancer patients and their families. "After about two years I got kind of burnt out, so I stopped. And when I stopped, it stopped." So this time around Finnie wants to make sure that this group is not hers, but the community's. She doesn't envision any kind of formal structure to the group, just a series of workshops and get togethers where survivors can connect with each other, have some fun, or learn a new skill that will help them feel more in control of their lives. "This will really be centred around volunteers," she said. "I'm looking for professionals, the tal-

ented and the skilled. We have so many people in this community who have so much they can offer. Whether it's yoga, karate, or some sort of craft that you can share with the group, we're looking for anyone who's interested in being involved." Unfortunately there is no funding to support a group like this, and Finnie wants to make sure this doesn't become a burden on any of the volunteers, or cost the cancer survivors anything to participate. "Having gone through this with my daughter, and knowing a lot of people who have gone through it, I know that it's important to not just survive, but thrive. Getting that control back in your life is so important," said Finnie. There is no schedule, and Finnie is still looking for more people to run workshops, as well as participants. But they are expected to start very soon. She wants this to be a safe and welcoming environment for any cancer survivor, which is why she says she would be willing to either provide or help co-ordinate some car pooling so that no one has to walk into a new environment alone. Anyone who has a skill they would like to share with the group, or any cancer survivor looking for support is encouraged to contact Finnie at 250344-2171, or "I don't want this just to be about me, I want to reach as many people as possible and make it beneficial."

“I know that it’s important to not just survive, but to thrive.” — Ruth Finnie —

Behind the Wheel

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Johnston Meier

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Caveat Vendor - Window Tinting The Victoria Times Colonist is reporting on a crackdown with regard to tinted windows on vehicles by the local Integrated Road Safety Unit (IRSU). The article quotes a business owner who tells his customers that some window tinting is illegal and that the buyer should beware. What the article fails to touch on is that the vendor should also beware. The comments posted by readers with the article are entertaining. There are those who realize that tint in the wrong places can be significantly hazardous when it comes time for a driver to identify a low contrast target against a low contrast background. Think pedestrian dressed in dark clothing walking along an unlit road at night. The rest spout less well thought out responses including one about it not being illegal for businesses to install tint where is should not be on your car or truck’s windows. They are wrong. It is an offence under the Motor Vehicle Act for anyone to deliver over to a purchaser for use a motor vehicle, trailer or equipment for them that is not in accordance with this Act and the regulations. A violation of this could cost a business owner $109 if IRSU issues a ticket or could be determined by the court if an appearance notice is issued instead. Either of those two possibilities would pale in comparison to being found contributorily negligent by the courts following a crash. Chances are good that the business has no insurance coverage for such a situation and telling the customer that it is illegal will not provide protection. In fact, it helps to confirm negligence. So, caveat vendor too. One significant judgement could leave you bankrupt and out of the tinting business. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Former Sobey’s manager and wife take ownership of Golden IGA Jessica Schwitek Since the Golden Sobey's changed its name to IGA this past fall, there have been a few small changes - new branding, Air Miles, some new products. But perhaps the biggest change of all was not so visible. Cam Dawes, who was manager of the grocery store prior, was given the opportunity to purchase the store with his wife Erin. "Sobey's is franchising all the stores right now, whether they're IGA or Sobey's. We thought it was a great opportunity," said Cam. Cam's father John owned the store from 1993 to 2007, before Cam took over as the manager five years ago. "It's a great town, and Golden feels like home for us. This was a great opportunity to stay here," he said. Not too much has changed since the transition says Erin, who is spending much more time in the store now. But the small-town feel of the IGA over the Sobey's has been better suited to Golden. "Sobey's liked to have all of their stores look the same, no matter which store you went into. But our stuff was never big enough for that, so we couldn't carry things that our community wanted us to carry. And now we have that ability," said Erin. "This has given us the chance to bring in different things, and better serve the community and the needs of the community," added Cam. "We're looking forward to serving the needs of the community for years to come." It has always been a family business for the Dawes, and who knows, maybe you'll see the next generation working in the store in the future.

Cam and Erin Dawes are the proud owners of Golden IGA. Cam’s father owned the store in the past when it was Sobey’s, and Cam and Erin jumped at the chance to take ownership after the store converted to IGA in the fall. Photo Submitted

RCMP Report: Police break up Sunday fight at The Golden Taps Joel Tansey Police responded to 46 files over the past week. Marijuana seized In the early hours of Jan. 17, police on foot patrol stopped a Cranbrook male who was smoking marijuana. The man was arrested and his drugs were seized before he was released. No chargers were given. Driver fails breathalyzer On Jan. 18, not long after bars had closed for the night, an Australian male was stopped by police and issued a breathalyzer test. The man failed the test and had his driver’s license revoked for 90 days. The man had parked his car on the south side of the Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge in an effort to avoid police, a common strategy for individuals looking to drink and then drive home

which police are very much aware of.

well known.

Fight at the Golden Taps

Theft at local hotel

While out on foot patrol on Jan. 18, police entered The Golden Taps right before a fight broke out at the back of the bar. RCMP put a stop to the fight and the parties involved were sent home without further incident. Illegal parking at KHMR Police have had several reports from the resort regarding individuals who have left their car overnight in non-designated overnight parking areas. Overnight parking areas are clearly marked, and when drivers leave their vehicles outside of those spaces it can often lead to occasions where police and search and rescue personnel are lead to believe that someone is hurt or lost in the backcountry. Those parking in overnight parking spaces should sign in with the resort to ensure that their plans are

On Jan. 20, a visiting woman reported that some jewellery had been stolen from her hotel room. Police are still investigating the case but are reminding hotel patrons to keep their valuables hidden or locked up. Goldilocks visits Parson On Jan. 19 a man returned to his Parson residence after a few days away to find that someone had broken into his home and stayed overnight. Anyone with any information about the break-in is asked to contact RCMP. Noisy party Late on Jan. 22 police received a report about a noisy party happening in the 300 block of 10th St. The owners of the house were very cooperative when police arrived and the party ended shortly after.

Planning for success requires succession planning.




The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A5

Students get ready for Snow King Masque Parade

Grade 7 students from Mrs. Kelly-McArthur’s class were at the Snow King’s Playhouse on Monday Jan. 26 making lanterns for the upcoming Snow King Masque Parade on Feb. 14. The theme this year is Snow King’s Excellent Space Adventure. (Right) Anne Sidhu laughs as she paper maché her lantern with her classmates. The playhouse has moved it’s location this year to the former Higher Ground, beside Remax on 9th Avenue North. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Powell hopes for future in boarding

VOTED BC’S #1 HIDDEN GEM IN 2012 & 2014!

Continued from page 1

Just under 40 children and youth participated in the program for the 2011-2012 season and another 22 the following year according to the latest data available from GDCF. Michelle’s application for Shayne was accepted in the winter of 2010 and he has been enrolled ever since. Shayne took to snowboarding right from the start. “I guess I just kind of love the cold. It’s like surfing on snow, it was kind of my thing from the beginning,” he said. It’s not all fun and games, however. This season, Shayne completed his Canadian Association of Snowboarding Instructors (CASI) level 1 certification to become a snowboarding instructor. The three-day course is designed to allow students to be able to teach beginner snowboard courses. By next season, Shayne hopes to earn regular employment at the resort. “I hope to get more instructors certificates and get to level 4 one day,” Shayne said. “I’m going to try very hard to make it (a career).” For Michelle, it has been rewarding to see her son build up his confidence through


Associate Members have the option to become an Initiated Member, at a discount , after the first year and for the following five consecutive years. Contact Graeme Kreiner at 250-344-2700 for further information.

FAMILY DAY PROMOTION New - Every day after 4:30pm an adult can bring up to three juniors (16 years & younger) for FREE with the purchase of their adult green fee.

Shayne Powell became passionate about snowboarding as soon as he got started. Photo Submitted sport, even if she shudders at the thought of him flying down the steep terrain at Kicking Horse. Shayne’s growing passion for snowboarding is something that they both know wouldn’t have been possible without the Whitetooth program.

“I think it’s an amazing program…so many kids see our mountain and now actually have a chance to access their backyard,” Michelle said. “For him to achieve the level that he’s gotten to, there’s no way that we could have put it together for him (alone).”

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Red Monday


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Wolf Management

Canadians from coast to coast showed up at work wearing red on Monday, although the occasion was not as happy as Canada Day. This day the country came together, not to celebrate, but to show support and solidarity following the tragic loss of life of an Alberta - I SURMISE RCMP officer. By Jessica Schwitek Const. David Wynn was shot after a routine licence plate check led to the confrontation. He died four days later in hospital. Wynn’s service took place in Alberta on Monday, with more than 7,500 in attendance, including Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The service did the fallen officer honour as the Rankins, Wynn’s favourite band from his home province, performed the song Bells and country musician Paul Brandt performed Amazing Grace. Prior to the service, thousands of mourners lined the streets for a uniformed procession that left Holy Family Church at noon. A sea of red and blue could be seen from above as RCMP members and fellow officers made their way to Servus Place, where the funeral began at 2 p.m. Law enforcement professionals from across North America also took part in the procession. The national, and local, support has been inspiring. A Facebook event was created, encouraging people to wear red to “show that the fallen, wounded, their families, and all members of the RCMP are in our hearts.” It was created by the spouses of RCMP officers so that even those who could not be in attendance at the service could show support. More than 72,000 people committed to participating on Facebook in just a matter of days. Law enforcement tends to be one of the least appreciated professions in our society. Police officers are more likely to get yelled at for issuing a ticket than thanked for keeping their community safe. Our local detachment, I’m sure, has their fair share of headaches, especially since they are charged with looking after a very long and busy section of Highway 1. It is unfortunate that it takes a tragedy for people to recognize what a difficult and important job policing is. Nevertheless, I’m sure Const. Wynn’s family, coworkers, friends, and the entire RCMP are encouraged by what they’re seeing.

populations may increase as a result of plural breeding as the stability of packs becomes compromised, and that the health and quality of life for wolves deteriEditor, orates in hunted populations. Wolf killing on a large scale has been used in the past Dear Responsible Ministers, I am writing in regard and has not resulted in a decrease in wolf populations of the recent announcement to kill up to 184 wolves in over the long term, for example during 1982-1986 the South Selkirk and South Peace ranges under the aerial hunting of wolves occurred in Fort Nelson BC, guise of Mountain Caribou recovery. I am opposed to during which the BC government aerial culled more this for several reasons. than 1,000 wolves in Northeastern BC before being A sad reality is that caribou are on their way out stopped by intense public outcry. because of what people have already done. CariThe decision to kill more wolves is scientifically bou are in this situation because of us, not because unsound. Killing wolves to increase ungulate popuof wolves. We have watched and allowed the provlations is an outdated management practice that has ince and industry to destroy the habitat that caribou failed to increase ungulate populations long-term require. whereever it has been tried in the past. Wolf populaThe discussion about what caribou really require tions rebound quickly and dispersing wolves fill in the (true habitat protection with no resource extraction, vacant space created where resident wolves have been roads, commercial recreation, seismic lines or other killed. All evidence to date shows that killing wolves disturbances) has taken place for the past 50 years, yet we have continued to allow human activities in critical will not work to reduce predator numbers. This is caribou habitat. This conservation dilemma we are in not the first time wolf helicopter killing and sterilizis certainly difficult and problematic, yet it is a conse- ation has occurred in BC. All past efforts have failed to increase caribou numbers. So why would this be quence of our neglect. attempted again? Quote from BC Forest Practices Board(2004): This is also a question of animal welfare. Are we as a “It seems unlikely that effective mountain caribou society prepared to spend the next thirty years shootrecovery will be achievable under the current land use ing wolves from helicopters? (If not indefinitely?) plans. Mountain caribou populations have declined Causing harm to hundreds of intelligent and sensitive under existing land use provisions and not all the animals for any reason should be questioned for its plans’ management approaches to mountain caribou moral ground. As new wolves migrate into the area habitat appear to be consistent with best available sciand populations rebound, killing hundreds of wolves ence”, would have to be continued in order to maintain the Revelstoke, Parsnip, Quesnel Highlands, South Selsmall herds of caribou. Some areas that have been kirks, and Wells Grey wolves have been trapped, killed, protected for caribou are not only small, but they are or sterilized by government employees since 2002, yet isolated, (eg. South Selkirk’s), so ongoing wolf killing this has had no effect on increasing caribou numbers. would likely continue to keep the small herds in existFurthermore, all evidence to date show that indiscrimence without newcomers migrating in. inately killing wolves can lead to increased conflicts with humans and livestock. Continued on page 7 In addition, scientific evidence shows that wolf


Do you think the town does a good job with its snow removal services?

Yes 89%

No 11%

This week’s poll question: Do you think there is a need for a cancer support group in Golden? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 500 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

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boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone

• $43.00 per year if you pick

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Michele LaPointe





Jessica EDITOR

Joel Tansey



Ali Starchuk

administration classifieds

Andrea Johnson



We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

• LOCAL Senior’s Discount

10% ($43.00).

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Star editorial and opinion A7

Golden point of view

Do you think there is a need for a cancer support group in Golden? Stars to the folks in Field for putting on a great show for ever yone at Yoho Blow Days and another star to Rick Mercer for being hilarious. John Manuel

Stephen Dykes

Jeff Klein

“I don’t know from personal experience but I would imagine it would be a good thing.”

“Yes. It would be very beneficial.”

“Absolutely. My step dad passed away from cancer. A support group would be a great thing.”

Stars to the staff at the Town for such a quick snow removal job on Saturday morning. I’m ver y impressed with how quickly

Most Sincerely, Sadie Parr -Director Wolf Awareness Inc. Golden *Editor’s Note: Academic citations from this letter have been removed due to space restrictions. See the full letter at

Stingers to friends who lollygag on a powder day! Stingers to the local restaurant that charged me a dollar to add onions to my burger. You could have at least warned me.

A cold splash of stingers to the vehicles that drive fast in wet conditions and spray poor pedestrians on the side of the road. You need to slow down! Stars to Caleb and Nikki from Bacchus Books for hosting a wonderful concer t this past Saturday night.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6 Aerial shooting is not an approved method under Canada’s current guidelines on Approved Animal Care. Shooting wolves from helicopters violates animal care standards and is unjustifiable The government has been engaging in sterilization experiments and government control (“kill”) for more than a decade and wants to continue to, although these programs have not resulted in any measurable benefits for caribou, despite nearly all of the wolves being killed in these caribou recovery areas, as stated in the BC Wolf Management Plan. Conservation, ecology, wolf social dynamics and ethical considerations were left out of this part of the caribou recovery plan and an apparent pre-determined agenda which encourages killing wolves has been exposed. I urge you to stop killing wolves IMMEDIATELY under the name of caribou recovery and to improve wolf management such that ecology and ethics are factored in. I look forward to your response and a decision to end the killing of wolves under the guise of endangered species recovery.

the roads were cleared after such a big storm.

MLA Report: How to ensure a dam never fails When the Mount Polley tailings pond retaining wall collapsed this past summer, the BC Liberals said the failure was completely unpredictable. That is not true. If BC Hydro operated their dams the same way the government allows mining companies to manage their retaining walls, the entire Columbia Basin would be under threat all the way to the city of Portland, Oregon. BC Hydro provides an example of how to manage these structures when failure is not an option. Mica Dam is an earth filled dam north of Revelstoke, and at full pond holds back so much water that the very fate of the whole Columbia River Valley depends upon it never failing. BC Hydro does daily visual checks, weekly site inspections by

trained inspectors, biannual inspections by specifically trained dam safety engineers, and every five years an independent set of dam safety consulting engineers visits from other jurisdictions in the world. This is how you ensure a dam never fails. Compare that to Mount Polley. The government knew there were problems with expansion of the tailings pond. The government knew that there were signs of cracks in

the structure. The government knew that there was improper management of water levels, and that, at times, 40% of Mount Polley’s automated measurement devices did not work. The government chose to have absolutely no geotechnical engineers on mines ministry staff and do no inspections of Mount Polley for years at a time. If the government had the attitude that tailings ponds can

never be allowed to fail, we would use our ability and technology to ensure that these accidents never happen. This government’s sloppiness made this failure completely predictable, yet the BC Liberals still feign shock and surprise. And the sad fact is that there will be no political consequences for their failure to ensure our environment is protected. If there were serious political consequences, future Minis-

MLA Meeting Day Wednesday, February 4 Please call 250 344 4816 to book an appointment

Norm Macdonald MLA |

Tell us what you’re up to!

Golden THE

x2 413A 9th Ave N Rev 250W4 col344-5251 B&

- Norm Macdonald -

MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke

ters and governments would do their jobs properly. It’s up to citizens to ensure that this is the case.


Have an upcoming event? Call us! HaveIsan upcoming event? Call us! the event over? Call us! Have event? Isan theupcoming event over? Call Call us! us! Is the event over? Call us! Call or email and let us know Call we or email and ustake know what can put inlet and out Call or email and let us know what we can put in and take of our Community Calendar.out what weCommunity can put in and take out of our Calendar. of Community Calendar. classifi 250-344-5251 250-344-5251 THE 250-344-5251

Golden Golden Golden THE


Apply Now!

arts, culture & heritage funding Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Program brochures and application forms are available online at

Deadline for applications is March 6, 2015, or March 20, 2015, depending on the program. Administered and managed by: Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7. 1.877.505.7355

Photo: Symphony of the Kootenays

Funded by:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: American Sniper starts Friday Jan.30, daily at 7pm.

This Week

APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:45-11:45am. 250-439-9324 for info. Guided By Mountains: The Colours of the Wind Jan.16Feb.21 at the Art Gallery.

Wed, Jan. 28

Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Winter Walking at the Rec Plex. Wednesdays 9-10am. Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Badminton Wed., 7-9pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Public Skate Wednesdays 7-8pm at the Arena. Snowed In Comedy Tour Jan.28 at the Rockwater. Showtime 8:30pm.

Thurs, Jan. 29

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Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:309:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Kicking Horse Culture pres-

Visit to Learn More

ents Live Kicks: Tom Allen’s Judgement of Paris Jan.29 at 7:30pm at the Golden Civic Centre. Shinny at the Arena Thursdays 9-10pm. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Jan.29 is the last day to get your “Babies of 2014” submission in. 250-3445251 or email classifieds@

Fri, Jan. 30 All Girls Hockey run by girls, for girls 9+ Fridays, 4:30pm. Free for minor hockey members, $100 for non members. A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Free and snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Parent&Tot Skate Fridays 11am-12pm at the Arena. Public Skate 12-1:30pm Fridays at the Arena. Winter Walking 1-2pm Fridays at the Rec Plex. The Funk Hunters with DJ Mihajic Touch Jan.30 at The Rockwater. $10 advanced, $15 at the door.

Sat, Jan. 31

Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate Saturdays 7-8pm at the Arena. Riley J plays at the Rockwater Jan.31.

• For more information... go to

UFC Middle Weight Bout at Omega Bar & Grill. Silva vs. Diaz. $10 cover.

Sun, Feb. 1 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Public Skate Sundays 4:305:45pm at the Arena. Super Bowl Party @ Omega Bar & Grill. Free Chili and hotdog with the purchase of any alcoholic beverage.

Mon, Feb. 2

Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mon. 5-7pm at the Early Years Centre. Free program includes dinner, parent discussion with child minding. 250-439-9665 to register. Telling Our Life Stories Writing Workshop Mon. 10am-12pm. Techniques to organize memoirs. No writing experience necessary. 250-439-9665 to register. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Golden Youth Rec Hockey Mondays 8-9pm, ages 13-18 until Feb.23. Badminton Mon., 7-830pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Indoor Soccer at the Rec Plex 8:30-9:30pm.

Tues, Feb. 3 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm.

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Volleyball drop-in Tues. at the Rec Plex $5, 7-9pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Parent and Tot skate Tuesdays 10-11am at the Arena. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Women’s Journal Writing Group Thursdays until March 17, 12:30-2pm. Includes child minding, writing materials, and snacks. 344-5317 to register. Rockwater Grill & Ba

Upcoming Events

GADSAR AGM Feb.5, 7:30pm, 210 Fisher Rd (airport). Rotary Club Giant Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Feb.6 from 5-9pm at the Civic Centre. Live music. Admission by donation. Free movie (Finding Normal) and popcorn night at the Parson Hall Feb.6 at 5pm. Men’s and Ladies’ Combo Bonspiel Feb.6,7,8. 250344-1304 to register. Golden Farmers Market Feb.7 at the Rec Plex from 11am-3pm. Air Quality Control meeting Feb.11 at the Seniors Centre. 5-7pm open house, 7-8pm presentations and discussion. 9th Annual Snow King Excellent Space Adventure Masque Parade Feb.14 at 7pm in Spirit Square. Elliott Brood with The Wilderness play at The Rockwater Feb.17. Golden Sound Festival Feb.21, various artists preform at various Downtown Golden locations.

Visit to Learn More

This week's achievement award goes to...

Jacob Skappak for being a friend to everybody! Stop in by February 4, 2015 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A9

Early Golden lived by ‘the code of the north’ and left all as it was an old time Goldenite recently featured in the magazine, “B.C. Digest,” Sheriff Redgrave. “If the Sheriff saw men lying around the street too drunk to walk by themselves he would pick them up, put them in a wheelbarrow and cart them off to jail. I remember seeing him do that many a time, especially from the old Columbia Hotel and the other hotels in town. He’d keep them overnight to sober up and then let them go again.” Mr. Love met one of the Wild West’s reallife desperadoes who was also well beloved as “Robin Hood.” “His name was Bill Miner, and he was a good-hearted man whom I met in Revelstoke many years ago. Everybody liked him because he often used the money he stole, for

Madeline McDermot, George Love and May Sime pose for a photo on their skis. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

The following was taken from the Golden Star in 1965 and are some memories of living in Golden by George Love. George Love has been a resident of Golden since 1889 when his father came out to this province. They lived on the farm now owned by Tommy King and Mr. Love spent all his time here except for eight years. He also went to school with Maggie Gould, the first white child born

here. The family was from Ontario where Mr. Love eventually returned for two years. “We used to travel down to Buffalo and across to Detroit quite frequently and when we went, we rode on the T.H. and B Railroad which was an American company using CPR tracks. We called it the ‘To Hell and Back’,” Mr. Love said. Mr. Love later spent six years in Saskatchewan before returning to Golden. “Sometimes there was as much as four feet of snow in Golden and it even went down to 55 degrees below zero in 19101911. I worked for two stores here; the Columbia River Lumber Company in their mill and for Colum-

bia Wine and Spirits,” he continued. “When they had that big slide that wiped out Rogers pass, there were three boxcar loads of men who went down from here but in all, we dug out only eleven bodies because the snow was so deep. “When I worked for the Columbia River Lumber Company, it was our job to keep the river open for the sternwheelers travelling up and down it. We had to cut brush from the bank, take logs out of the river and build dams to make sure the boats wouldn’t get stuck,” Mr. Love said. In those days, no one locked their shacks so that anyone who wanted to use the place in an emergency could. The only laws of this ‘code

of the North’ was that everything be left as it was and God help the man who was caught stealing. But a traveler could have a meal and use the bed. “I remember at one time there was a log shack right here in town that someone who had got himself ‘quite high’ decided to take a nap in. He crawled into the top bunk and went to sleep. “It wasn’t long before a trapper called ‘Cinnamon Bill’ came home and found this drunk sleeping in his bunk. Bill took his shotgun and blasted it off right near the other man’s ear and even tore a great hunk of dirt out of the ceiling. I guess the intruder sobered up pretty quickly!” Mr. Love recalled

example in a train holdup at Ducks, to help people. This was the reason he wasn’t caught for so long; all the people were his friends and they, especially the farmers, would let him hide out at their places. He was finally caught when one of his men killed somebody. But Bill Minor wasn’t responsible and never killed or hurt the people he robbed.” Another early experience with a humorous note was Mr. Love’s time working for the Columbia Wine and Spirits Company. “Every fall we would take enough whiskey down the river to last the town until spring. That would be quite a trip since the men would take off one of the hoops on the barrels, siphon out several gallons of whiskey, and then put the

es z i r P s r Doo Snack

hoop back on so no one could tell there was a hole. They had a glorious time, but otherwise getting that old boat down the river without getting stuck was a hard job.” Life on the regular job had its lighter moments too because the clerks would be hardly able to stand up after they got off work so they often gave their keys to me. I could invite whoever I wanted down to the cellar and I got quite of few people tight, even the preacher, who was a great drinker.” But, according to Mr. Love, Golden was no better or worse a town than any other in those days. “People enjoyed themselves and they also got along well,” he said. It was certainly a different town in those days.”

How can we protect the air we breathe in Golden? What are the sources of air contaminants in the Golden area? Why do small mountain towns sometimes suffer from poor air? Speakers:

FEBRUARY 11, 2015 GOLDEN AIR QUALITY PUBLIC MEETING LOCATION: Golden Senior’s Centre TIME: 5-7 pm Open House 7-8 pm Presentations & Discussion We need your input to help plan for the future of Golden’s air shed!

Donna Haga PhD Air Quality Meteorologist BC Ministry of Environment A. Luttermann PhD Consulting Ecologist, Golden If you are unable to attend, please contribute your comments and questions to our webpage: www. or on Facebook: goldenairquality


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Pick up your card and display it proudly on your dash board. Let HMC workers know you live in Kicking Horse Country!

I’m a Kicking Horse

Cards can be picked up at the Golden Star, Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce, DJ’s Paper Place and the BC Visitor Centre.


eck Remember to ch for road conditions before you go. nditions To report road co please call 1-866-353-3136

THE FOUNDATION of my community starts with you and me . . .






COMMUNITY MAKES YOU. YOU MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY. The Golden & District Community Foundation can provide funds in good times and in bad. The GDCF invests gifts and distributes grants only when earnings are available. The principal keeps working year after year so that funds continue to support community endeavours. For our future.

John Jenkins has teamed up with bassist Jackson Baker and revived the name he used for his original band, John Jenkins Small Town Revival. Photo Submitted

Jenkins brings back Small Town Revival Joel Tansey Local artist John Jenkins has gone back to using his former band name and is now one half of a ‘two-man trio’ that has a busy schedule lined up for the rest of the winter. John Jenkins Small Town Revival is made up of Jenkins and bassist Jackson Baker, who grew up in Ottawa and moved to Golden from Vancouver in 2013. They’ll take to the stage for a free show as part of the Whitetooth Grill concert series at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort this Saturday and will be among the local performers at the Youth Centre during the Golden Sound Festival on Feb. 21. Jenkins, who used to front a full rock trio, has enjoyed playing with Jackson since the pair met and started jamming at the Wolf’s Den’s Sunday howl (which Jenkins leads). “It’s going really well (with Baker). You can really fill out a full sound with just two guys and it is something that is a bit more uncommon than a folk trio,” Jenkins said. “It’s really challenging for me as an artist…Now I’m trying to write songs that fit with what’s possible.” Baker complements Jenkins with backing vocals as well and while they lack a drummer, they aren’t necessarily looking to expand on their lineup either. “I do kick, snare, high hat, harmonica, guitar and vocals,” Jenkins explained. “On any given song I could be playing any of those.” While listeners have dubbed Jenkins as both a folk and bluegrass artist over the years, he has seen his sound evolve recently to the point where he is beginning to explore new genres. “It definitely feels like there is more rock and funky stuff coming out (lately),” he explained. “It’s still hard for me to not write ballad songs. I’m trying to write more upbeat and danceable stuff.” Jenkins has been working to get more gigs for the group and they’ll visit Canmore, Invermere and Revelstoke in addition to several shows in Golden in the coming months. He’s now looking to set up shows further afield while working towards recording another album. For more information and a full list of upcoming shows, check out the group’s website at

Men’s and Ladies’ Combo February 6th, 7th & 8th Bonspiel Entry fee - Men - $220/team Women - $180/team Call Phyllis at 250-344-1304

Entry Deadline is February 2nd.

3 Game Minimum

Cash Prizes

Saturday night dinner and entertainment Concession opened for breakfast and lunch Also for Friday night dinner

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A11

Juno winner plays house concert

Leave it in the ground with Hellbent Geothermal! • •

Let your new or retrofit geothermal heating and cooling installation pay for itself with 100% financing OAC. Dealer for Nordic heat pumps & Rehau in-floor hydronic systems.

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SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 sofof u uggs j j p p rr aa ChCehBueuddwwiieessee B J.D. Marshall and Juno winner Cara Luft (together known as The Small Glories) performed for an audience of 40 at a house concert in Golden that was organized by Bacchus Books & Cafe. The Glories are due to release their first album together this spring. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Local artist finds beauty in multitude of mediums Golden Star Staff

Local artist’s Aaron Enns exhibit will be at AGOG until Feb. 1. Photo Submitted

Local artist Aaron Enns will be exhibiting his work at the Art Gallery of Golden from now until Feb. 21. Embodying life as art in the mountains, Enns is a multi-media artist specializing in acrylics … as well as an organic gardening permaculturist, a bluegrass reggae musician, and a free riding Apprentice Ski Guide. He began spending time in Golden in 1992 when his family purchased the Goat

Mountain Lodge in the Blaeberry and has primarily made his home here for the last twenty-two years, except for a couple of years travelling to the mountains and hills of Thailand, India, New Zealand and Central America, and another two years studying at Emily Carr Institute of Art. For Enns, art encompasses building bike trails and wood stunts, creating aesthetic ski lines on remote mountain summits, eccentric bird houses, permaculture landscape

and garden designs as well as standard mediums such as painting, drawing, and photography.

FREE Chili andHotdog Hotdog FREE Chili and With purchase of alcoholic beverage With purchase of alcoholic beverage

902 11th Ave South 250 344 6299

ROTARY CLUB GIANT SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER Golden Civic Centre Friday, February 6 from 5 - 9pm

GREAT SPAGHETTI & A VARIETY OF FAMOUS SAUCES! Served by Rotarians & Golden Dental Centre Staff


Admission by Donation

Funds will go to the Golden Food Bank and the Rotary Medical Emergency Fund


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Mercer competes in Heritage Relay, human bowling in Field

THE BABIES ARE BACK! The Golden Star will be publishing a Special Section featuring the BaBies of 2014. Email or bring in a photo of your baby along with the date and time of birth, weight, and names of parents and any siblings.

E C I T O N L A N I F Deadline: Noon on Thursday January 29th Publication Date: Wednesday February 4th

only $


Call tod


Rick Mercer, one of CBC’s most popular personalities, was in attendance for Field’s annual winter festival, Yoho Blow Days. Mercer took part in events ranging from human bowling (above photo) to a Heritage Relay, which involved the sawing of a log (demonstrated by Aaron Cameron in the top left photo) and axe throwing (which Mercer performed with his relay partner Sean Cunningham in the top right photo). The segment is due to air on the Rick Mercer Report within the next couple of weeks. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A13

Golden Star welcomes its newest member Andrea Johnson

Growing up in the city dubbed ‘Winterpeg,’ my journey to working here at The Golden Star has involved many all-youcan-learn late study nights, several full body lycra suits and one pair of hand me down skis. After an animated childhood in the prairielands of Manitoba, I moved to Calgary at the age of 17 to pursue a career in the sport of speed skating, hence the lycra. As it is a rare amateur sport, I am often asked about my experience and greatest accomplishments. Of course we all know the most-decor-

ated Canadian athlete, Cindy Klassen? Well my claim to fame is that in one of my races against her, she lapped me only once! The part that I sometimes leave out is that the entire race was only seven laps. During my plight to achieve athletic success, I was also attending the University of Calgary working on a B.A. in International Relations. Yes, I too have an Arts degree that I am still trying to figure out how to apply to the real world! Concluding my speed skating career in 2010 and completing my university degree in 2012, I was on the lookout for something new. As it turned out, I met a boy. The boy-who-

shall-not-be-named was a Golden local who convinced me to make the move in the summer of 2012. As a flatlander, my skiing ability was appalling at best and my first run down from the top of Stairway was a moment I do not want to relive. But, I have come a long way since then and have picked up a few other outdoor mountain sports during my time here. With 2.5 years of living in Golden under my belt, I have grown to love and appreciate this beautiful community! Working at the Golden Star, I am excited to meet more people in the community and to represent the needs of local business.




Coffee Shop Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m - 4 p.m Available for meetings by appointment

Andrea Johnson joins the Golden Star as the new advertising representative for the newspaper. Star Photo

The Net Result: The Interview a hit Joel Tansey Unless you’ve been living deep in the Blaeberry Valley, you probably know that few films in recent memory have generated buzz quite like The Interview during the lead up to its Christmas theatrical release. After Sony Pictures had their servers hacked and catalogue leaked, many believed North Korea was behind the digital attack in retaliation for The Interview. At one point, Sony pulled the Seth Rogen film from theatres after a North Korean threat, but they eventually released it both in theatres and for purchase online. Less than a month after its initial planned release, it’s available for streaming on Netflix. The film’s plot revolves around an assassination attempt of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapaport (Seth Rogen) are enlisted by the CIA to carry out the attempt after Skylark receives a rare exclusive interview with Kim, one of the world’s most notorious leaders. The plan goes awry almost as soon as the pair land in North Korea and Skylark

Golden 250-344-5251

Meet your friends for coffee and pastries and wander around the exhibits.

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) provides free literacy programs for children, families, youth, adults and seniors. To learn more, contact Golden Community Literacy Coordinator Monica De at or 250-439-9365

R yes!

I am supporting literacy and learning in Golden

Name ____________________________________ Email ____________________ Address __________________________________ Phone # _________________ I will give a gift of:

 $25  $50  $100  $250  other: $_______  My cheque, payable to CBAL, is enclosed

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) respects your privacy and never sells or rents donor names or personal information. The information collected here will be used to process your gift and issue a charitable tax receipt.

Did you know you can donate online? Visit and make your online donation today! Please send this form with your cheque (payable to CBAL) to: CBAL, #2 - 1535 - 14th St., Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K4

Visit us at or follow us on Facebook.



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JUNIORS (5-9 Yrs) and YOUTH/ADULTS (10 years +)

Register For Fall Training:

JUNIORS (6-9 years) YOUTH/ADULTS (10 years+) and NEW! Kids Classes (4-6 years) Saturdays, only 10:30–11:15 am Mt Seven Rec Plex - Community Connections night Sept 12th 7 – 9pm Or: Alexander Park Elementary School Gym Thursday September 19th 6:40 -7:00 pm Or: before regular class anytime until October 24th

INTRODUCTORY and AFFORDABLE FAILY PACKAGES: Includes a Uniform, ISKF dues and one month training fee - all for $75 Month Fees: Juniors and Youth $30/month Adults $40/month Family and Semester payment discounts available - contact for details Classes begin September 19th (Adult & Youth) and October 1 (Juniors)

We Are Taking New Students for our Spring Semester


Juniors (5-9 Yrs) – TUES & THURS . 6:00 – 6:45 Youth/Adult and Advanced belts - TUES & THURS 7:00 – 8:30pm Bruce 344 – 7221

Seth Rogen and James Franco star in The Interview, one of the most talked about films of 2014. Village Roadshow Pictures begins to spend quality time with Kim and starts to see him in a different light. Franco is in fine form as his normal goofy self with frequent sidekick Rogen acting as the straight man. Randall Park is mostly entertaining as Kim. Rogen and childhood friend Evan Goldberg co-directed the controversial comedy and while it doesn’t live up to earli-

er collaborations such as This Is The End and Superbad, it does deliver a barrage of mindless, slapstick humour that audiences have come to expect from the pair. Specifically, the budding friendship between Skylark and Kim provides the movie with its most entertaining scenes. While the most noteworthy aspect of The Interview is quite clearly its starring role in

the Sony Pictures hack of 2014, it still contains plenty of laughs and makes for a good popcorn flick. It’s also just worth checking out for those who want to see what all of the hype was about. For that reason, I’ll give The Interview 8 mouse clicks out of 10.

CONTACT Todd 344-7295 in Golden since 1994

Tyler 344 – 4845

To register, come by our new Dojo at 818 9th St N just before Class times - OR Next door at Columbia Pool and Spa (see Michelle)


Family and Semester payment discounts available Contact us for details

SPRING CLASS SCHEDULE (January 29 to the end of June) JUNIORS (5-9 years) TUES & THURS from 6:00–6:45 pm YOUTH/ADULT Beginners and Advanced belts TUES & THURS from 7:00 – 8:30pm

And Now KIDS Introduction to Martial Arts – Saturdays 10:30 – 11:15 am

CONTACT Bruce 250-344-7221•Todd 250-344-7295 •Tyler 250-344–4845 In Golden since 1994


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

Winter Farmers’ Markets about to begin at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Golden Farmers’ Market Submitted

The Golden Farmers’ Market is gearing up for a new year. The first indoor Market of the season will be held on Saturday Feb. 7 at the Rec Plex, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be live music, and a variety of products from local artisans. “In past years we have held quite a few winter Markets. This season we will host only two indoor Markets, one in February and one in April”, says Rebecca Malaka, one of the Market managers. “Due to the rising costs of renting the Rec Plex the Market is limited in hosting events. But we know how much the community enjoys and values the Farmer’s Markets, so we want to keep a few going. We are looking at other indoor venues, and will let the community know if we decide to move our April Market.” New this year will also be the location of the outdoor Saturday Markets. “Customers love the Spirit Square Location, but we understand it will be under construction this year. The Saturday Markets will instead likely be held in the same location as the Wednesday Markets, in the CP Parking Lot. We need to look at our options before we make a final decision on that.” There was considerable controversy last year regarding the future of the Markets in Golden. “We feel we have moved past the issues and are focused on the positive. We have great support from our current Town Council and Mayor. We are very happy with their decision to support the Golden Farmers’ Markets as a local event,” says Malaka. “It is great to see the amount of foot traffic going back and forth between the Markets at the CP Parking Lot, and the downtown businesses. The Markets are a fantas-

The Golden Farmers’ Market presents its annual donation to the Golden Food Bank. Stephanie Findlater (right), General Manager of the Golden Food Bank, receives a cheque with a $200 donation from Rebecca Malaka (left). Photo Submitted tic opportunity for local artisans to promote their wares. Vendors are passionate about what they do, and it shows in their products.” The outdoor Market season will start on June 14 and run until September 27. The theme of the February Market will be ‘Valentine’s Day’. Admission is by donation. Regu-

Hired Equipment Registration Rocky Mountain District

lar vendor table fee is $25, for students $12.50. The Farmers’ Markets are based on the principle of ‘locally made, baked and/or grown’. If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact Kay Nagao at, or via the Golden Farmers’ Market Facebook page.

Top athletes compete at KHMR

The Rocky Mountain District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating its list of registered Equipment for Hire in the Selkirk Service Area for the fiscal year 2015/2016, which begins April 1, 2015. This area includes Perry River east to Golden and south to Brisco on Highway 95 (not including Glacier National Park), and Revelstoke north to Mica Creek and south to Trout Lake on Highway 23. All individuals or companies registered this past year through the District Office in Revelstoke will be receiving invitations to re‑register their equipment for the coming fiscal year by mail by the end of February. Any individuals or companies who were not registered in 2014, but wish to have their equipment listed, are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance or up‑to‑date WorkSafeBC coverage to register, you will have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. Only owned or lease‑to‑own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment can only be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2015. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment or for changing or removing equipment information already listed.

MoTI Ad # 1082 Rocky Mountain Hired Equipment Revelstoke Times Review Golden Star Nakusp Arrow Lake News 4.3125” x 7.79” 3 columns x 110 lines

Register through the Rocky Mountain District Office at: 555 Victoria Road, Revelstoke, B.C. You can also phone toll-free at 1 888 613-9993 or send a fax to 250 426-1523 to have the forms mailed or faxed to you, or register on-line at

A ski mountaineer climbs toward the top of the gondola during an ascent at the Dogtooth Dash at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. The dash served as the Canadian national championships. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A15

Golden Business Directory Brighter solutions to meet your goals








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Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star A16

Weekly Angel Card Forecast: Focus Upon Divine by Kamia Shepherd ATP* Special to the Golden Star The energy moving through this week, available to any who choose to work with it, is an energy of cutting away mental, spiritual, and emotional debris, to make space for a deeper sense of inspiration, and focused purpose. Fear that making a leap of faith in a new and healthful direction for the Self, can sometimes overshadow our clear reception of inner wisdom. Sometimes we can feel afraid that by changing an aspect of ourselves, we will adversely affect those who are ‘counting’ on us. Yet when we focus completely on achieving ‘divine and perfect health’ we are ultimately offering the greatest of commitments to others in our lives, by empowering them to also make healthful changes. A depiction of Archangel Michael stands with one hand - Angel Card Forecast holding a lyre forewords, and the other holding a staff. The By Kamia Shepherd lyre is the divine music, the resonance of the soul, that he holds forward to remind us of the ‘music in our own soul.’ When we are in tune with the ‘inner wisdom,’ the purpose that inspires us, we resonate in a way that reminds others to also ‘dance’ through life. The staff, reminiscent of the staff associated with healing, encourages a connection with our inner power. The ability to speak clearly, and with assertive confidence about our life path requires immense courage. People do not always respond in the ways that we would wish when we contemplate major life changes. Their reactions however, are not a reflection of our potential to succeed, but rather a reflection of what their life experience is at this time. As we seek to connect with our ‘divine and perfect health’ we become teachers to those that we love and interact with. Belief that we are are worthy of health on all levels, affords remarkable opportunities to transform our lives. with light, Kamia **January 2 Card Relationship reading special** visit for details** To enquire about a personal reading please email Kamia Shepherd Compassion on facebook


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Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A17

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden A17 Star

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Karin Lynne Hewitt

March 11, 1954 - January 19, 2015




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Karin Lynne Hewitt, age 60 passed away on Monday, January 19, 2015 in Fort St. James. Karin was born March 11, 1954 in Mission, BC. She was predeceased by her parents Florence Gustafson & Edward Raspberry, and her brother Brian Raspberry. Karin is survived by her three sons, Reg Hewitt of Fort St. James, Brad(Nikki) Hewitt of Surrey & Jesse Hewitt of Fort St. James; Granddaughter Summer and Grandson Fraser; Brothers, Ron of Maple Ridge, Ken(Gail) of Mission, Wayne(Barb) of Salmon Arm; Sisters, Sandy(Henry) of Revelstoke, Mary Ann of Golden & Lil (Tim) of Golden; and many other loving nieces, nephews, cousins & relatives. Karin was a long time resident of Golden and would often be seen in Sobey’s as a cashier. She loved to chat and get to know her customers as they came into the store. When illness made it hard for her to work she eventually moved to Fort St. James to help care for her granddaughter. Karin’s grandchildren where a joy to her and always put a smile on her face. Karin enjoyed making crafts, quilting, crocheting and visiting the casino and playing bingo. She loved to spend time with family and friends and was often a catalyst for bringing them all together. Funeral Services will be held Saturday, January 31, 2015 in Salmon Arm, BC at the Elk’s Hall at 1 30 p.m. ,n lieu of Áowers, donations may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC or Diabetes Foundation. “Sometimes there are just no words to say those things that are deepest in our hearts.” You will be forever missed by your family and friends.

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Martha Paauw 1929 - 2015 Martha passed away in Durand Manor on January 18th. 2015 at the age of 85 years. Martha was born in Korastyschew, Ukraine March 19th. 1929 Martha immigrated to the U.S in 1952 from Germany, Martha came to visit her sister Alice in Field B.C. and there met her first husband to be Sam Derr who she had two children with Marlene and Alfred. Martha’s jobs in Golden consisted of 16 years of cleaning the Bank of Commerce, the Clinic, and the R.C.M.P station, and went on to chambermaid at numerous Motels and Hotels until many back surgeries forced her to retire, but she never stopped keeping busy with her family, gardens, flowers and volunteer work. Upon the passing of Sam in 1982 she kept busy, mostly being proud of and adoring her grandchildren. After 12 years as a widow a new suitor came a knockin’, Dick Paauw who after a short time asked me for my Moms hand in marriage another chapter in Martha’s life, and was blessed with 10 more years of love with a special man. Upon Dick’s passing in 2007, 2008 brought another change in Martha’s life, she moved into Durand Manor where she resided until her passing.

Alan John Harris It is with broken hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Alan John Harris, 37, of Calgary AB, on January 12 2015. Alan was engaged to Tiffany Valentine, and she is expecting their first child this spring. Alan is survived by his fiancé, Tiffany Valentine and their unborn child and his 9 year old daughter Sydney of Alberta. His “Ma”, Cynthia Dreier (Rich Piotrowski) of Calgary, his dad, Donald Harris (Jan) of Quesnel, and his grandparents Harvie and Lil Harris of Golden. He is also survived by his sisters Crystal (Lorenzo) Federico, Cassandra (David) Stevens, Jaclyn Piotrowski, and Alexandria Piotrowski and brothers Ryan Harris, Kelly (Racheal) Harris and Richard Piotrowski. Alan loved being an uncle to Emily, Lucas, Isabel, Corban, Danica, Annabelle, Hayden and James. Alan also leaves behind his faithful “boy” Keegan, his 5 year old Boston terrier, many aunts, uncles cousins and friends. A Celebration of Life was held for Alan, on Friday Jan 23 at McInnis & Holloway Funeral Home.

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Gail Foyston Schafer

One time sister-in-law, long time mentor, always a friend, forever remembered.

Martha was predeceased by her Mother Olga Pelzer; her Husband Sam Derr; her Granddaughter Crystal Joy Cain; her Sister Alice Hemmerling; and her second Husband Dick Paauw . Martha is survived by her Daughter Marlene (Teeder) Coupland, her Son Alfred (Vera) Derr, her Grandchildren Tina Spehar, Tim, Samantha (Matt), and Wade Coupland, and five Great .. Grandchildren. Also her loving Sisters Toni Beurig in Germany and Ida Mohr in Bridgeton New Jersey. A funeral service was held at the Golden Lutheran church on Monday Jan 26, 2015.

If so desired a donations may be made to Durand Manor Golden B.C. or the Alzheimer Society of Canada. Email condolences may be sent through Martha’s obituary at

“A Fond Farewell” I have seen the glory of the changing seasons A time of splendor - the rhyme, the reasons Have loved “my mountains” with great delight Watched my “Canada Geese” on their southern flight All the glories, soft mossy mountain trails and waterfalls The moon in its magnificence, the loons haunting calls I have been high above valleys where the eagles soar Have trampled in the forest and heard a now slide roar I have loved and been loved, happy to have been given birth Were this is not the case I would not have seen this splendid earth To this glorious earth I bit a “Fond Farewell” Knowing that on this same earth my being shall forever dwell. Pauline Marra

A18 The Golden Star A18 A18 A18Employment Employment

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The2015 Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, Golden Star Wednesday, January 28, 2015 Golden Star Wednesday, Golden Star Rentals January 28, 2015 Rentals

for Sale for Sale Employment Employment Services ServicesMerchandise Merchandise Employment Employment Rentals Services Merchandise Employment Employment Employment Rentals Services Merchandise for Salefor Sale Employment Rentals Employment Employment Career Apartment Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Financial Services Career Heavy Duty Apartment Financial ServicesHeavy Duty Opportunities Machinery Furnished Vernon Service Company IF YOU own a home or real Career Heavy Duty Apartment Help Wanted Help Wanted Financial Services Career Heavy Duty Apartment Help Wanted Financial Services Help Wanted Opportunities Machinery Furnished Vernon Service Company IF YOU own a home or real BOAT TOUR GUIDE F/T Journeyman estate, Alpine Credits can lend BOATrequires TOUR GUIDE requires F/Tyou Journeyman estate, Alpine can (Senior Guide - Trip Leader) Machinery Furnished M’akolaOpportunities Development Servic- Opportunities SHIPPING DRY 1&2 bdr. Furnished furnished suites. Vernon Service Company IF YOUSimple. own aCredits homeA-STEEL or lend realMachinery Plumber/Gasfi tter. $36/hr. Call money: It’s That (Senior Guide Trip Leader) Vernon Service Company IF YOU own a home or real M’akolaSeasonal, Development Full-time ServicA-STEEL SHIPPING DRY 1&2 bdr. furnished Plumber/Gasfitter. $36/hr. Call you money: It’s That Simple. for BOAT TOUR GUIDE

Rentals Rentals Rentals Office/Retail Office/Retail Commercial Space beside ce/Retail OffiOffi ce/Retail Commercial Space beside

Body Quest for lease. 1400 sq Body for lease. 1400 Space besidesq ft, Commercial mainCommercial level,Quest avail.Space now. beside suites. ft, main level,foravail. now.1400 BOAT TOUR GUIDE es CONTROLLER position: STORAGE CONTAINERS Utilities included. Close to requires F/T Journeyman estate, Alpine Credits can lend Body Quest lease. sq 250-549-4444 or Journeyman email: Your Credit / Age / Income is 250-344-7876. Seasonal, Full-time for requires F/T estate, Alpine Credits can lend Body Quest for lease. 1400 sq es CONTROLLER position: STORAGE CONTAINERS Utilities included. Close to (Senior Guide Trip Leader) 250-549-4444 or email: Your money: Credit / It’s AgeThat / Income is 20’40’45’53’ Rafting of - Trip 101 Leader) GoldM’akolaAlpine Development ServicA-STEEL SHIPPING DRY 1&2 bdr. suites.ft, main (Senior Guide fullM’akola cycle accounting, financial Used amenities. No furnished pets, furnished parties. Plumber/Gasfi $36/hr. Call Simple. ft,250-344-7876. main level, avail. now. Development ServicA-STEEL SHIPPING DRY 1&2 bdr. suites. notyou an issue. 1.800.587.2161. Alpine Rafting of 101 GoldPlumber/Gasfi tter. $36/hr. Call tter. money: It’syou That Simple. level, avail. now. full cycle accounting, fi nancial Used 20’40’45’53’ amenities. No pets, parties. Seasonal, Full-time for not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. en Donald Upper Road, es CONTROLLER STORAGE CONTAINERS Utilities included. Seasonal, position: Full-time en for technical support and assisinsulated containers all DD. Internet available. 250-549-4444 or Credit email: / Age Your/ Credit / Age Income is 250-344-7876. es CONTROLLER position: STORAGE CONTAINERS Utilities included. Close Close to to250-344-7876. Donald 250-549-4444 Upper email: Your Income is / and technical support and assisand insulated containers all DD. Internet available. Alpine of 101 Road, Gold- Golden BC V0A 1H0. full cycle accounting, financial Used 20’40’45’53’ amenities. No pets, parties. Alpine Rafting of 101Golden Gold- Rafting tance. Visit: sizes stock. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. INCOME TAX1.800.587.2161. PROBLEMS? not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. full cycle accounting, financial Usedin 20’40’45’53’ No pets, Wanted: Manager BC V0A 1H0. Residential not Manager an issue. tance. Visit: sizes incontainers stock. amenities. 250-344-8429, orparties. 344-0604. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? en Donald Upper Road, Wanted: Residential Job Duties: Coordinate rectechnical support and assisand insulated all DD. Internet available. en Donald Upper Road, DEADLINE: Feb 9 Trades are welcome. Have you been audited, reastechnical support and assisandreasinsulated containers all DD. Internet available. for 12 unit apartment. Pay to Job Duties: Coordinate recDEADLINE: Feb 9 activities, Trades are welcome. Have you been audited, Golden BC V0A 1H0. for 12 unit apartment. Pay describe tance. reation Visit: sizes in stock. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Golden BC V0A 1H0. TAX PROBLEMS? 40’Containers $2500! sessed or todisallowed certain Wanted: Residential Manager tance. Visit: sizes under in stock. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. INCOME TAX INCOME PROBLEMS? be based upon reation activities, describe Wanted: Residential Manager 40’Containers under $2500! sessed disallowed certain JobrecDuties: Coordinate rec- experience be 12 based upon experience points relay S H YO UofR S T U F F. C O M DEADLINE: FebDuties: 9of interest, Trades are welcome. Job Coordinate Have youor been audited, reasDMG 40’ containers under claims by Revenue for unit apartment. Pay toCanada DEADLINE: Feb 9 Trades are welcome. Have you been audited, reasand responsibilities taken on. points of interest, relay StorageS TA spaces different for 12 unit apartment. Pay to DMG 40’ containers under claims by Canada Revenue reation activities, describe and responsibilities taken on. important command, spaces different 40’Containers under $2500! reation safety activities, describe sessed orcertain disallowed certaineach. Also $2,000 JD 544 Agency? Call Allen @ 1be based upon experience 40’Containers under $2500! SStorage HatYO UofF. F F.C COOMM sessed or Bob disallowed Duties include: minor important command, sizes starting be based upon experience S TA STA HS YO U$40/month RUSR TS$40/month UT F $2,000 each. Also JD 544 Agency? CallCanada Bob Allen @ 1-wheel DMG points of safety interest, relay Duties include: minor attend needs, sizes starting at 40’ containers under pointsto customer’s of interest, relay claims by Revenue & 644 Loaders & 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income and responsibilities taken on. DMG 40’ containers underLoaders & Storage spaces of different different claims by Canada Revenue maintenance, lawn taken and attend to customer’s needs, including heated units. and responsibilities on. Storage spaces of & 644 wheel 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income important safety command, maintenance, lawn and Call Bob guide customers down class including heated units. $2,000 each. Also JD 544 important safety command, Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 120,000 lb CAT forklift. Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Duties include: minor $2,000 each. Also JD 544 sizes starting at $40/month Agency? Allen @ 1sidewalk maintenance, guide down class 250-344-3104. Duties include: minor sizes250-344-3104. starting at $40/month 20,000 lb CAT forklift.& Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with attendcustomers to customer’s needs, sidewalk maintenance, 4+attend customer’s needs, 644 size wheel Loaders 35yrs. Income Wanted buy&300 Golden Revenue Email: r.galmaintenance, lawn andCanada.250-542-0295 & 644 to wheel Loaders & including heated units. 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income cleaning areas/ 4+ waters. maintenance, and including heated units. Wanted to CAT buy 300 size Golden Revenue Canada. 8.5yrs. Email: hydraulic r.galguide down common class lawn cleaning areas/ Requirements: No education 20,000 lb forklift. guide customers downRequirements: classcustomers Tax experience, with excavator. COMMERCIAL BUILDING C- 250-938-1944 sidewalkcommon maintenance, 20,000 lb CAT forklift. 250-344-3104. Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with laundry room, keep vacant No education sidewalk maintenance, 250-344-3104. hydraulic excavator. COMMERCIAL BUILDING C- 250-938-1944 4+ waters. laundry room, keep vacant requirements, 3 + years Wanted to buy 300 size 4+ waters. Golden Revenue Canada. Email: r.galPh Toll free 1-866-528-7108 3100 sq. ft. cleaning common areas/ Canada. Email: r.galWanted toPh buy 300 Golden Revenue suites in+education showable condition, requirements, 3cleaning years common areas/ Toll freesize 1-866-528-7108 3100 sq.BUILDING ft. Requirements: No suites in showable condition, guiding experience Class hydraulic excavator. Requirements: Noineducation COMMERCIAL 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm of Retail Space laundry vacant hydraulic1-778-298-3192 excavator. BUILDING 250-938-1944 C- 250-938-1944 showing vacant suites, tenant guiding experience Class laundry room, keepshowing vacant room, keep 8am-5pm COMMERCIAL TAX FREEC-MONEY of3100 Retail requirements, 3 +in years suites, tenant IV+requirements, whitewater, Valid driver’s Phand Toll AB free 1-866-528-7108 3 + years sq.Space ft. Delivery BC TAX FREE MONEY Located DOWNTOWN suites invacant showable condition, Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 3100 sq. ft. liaison as point of contact, IV+ whitewater, Valid driver’s suites in showable condition, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft Delivery BC and AB is ofavailable, if you are a Located guiding experience in Class liaison as point contact, license, 40 hourin First 1-778-298-3192 guidingValid experience Class Valid 3 bdrm, bath, 1500+ ofSpace Retail Space is We available, you are a Excellent Traffi cDOWNTOWN Area showing vacant suites, tenant today! 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm 8am-5pm ofHigh Retail delivery notices. please license, 40Valid hourof First showing vacant suites, tenant TAXcan FREEif MONEY townhouse with 2 balcony. Pro- sqft homeowner, High Traffic Area IV+ whitewater, driver’s TAX FREEhomeowner, MONEY delivery notices. please Aid, text. Valid Oral comIV+Reading whitewater, driver’s townhouse with balcony. ProLocated DOWNTOWN today! We can PlentyExcellent of Parking liaison asofpoint of contact, Delivery BCDelivery and ABBC and AB Located DOWNTOWN send resume to:contact, Aid, Reading text. Oral com3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft liaison as point of is available, if you are a pane fi replace & dishwasher. easily approve you by Plenty of Parking 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft license, Valid 40 hour First is available, if you are a to: munication, Critical40thinking. Excellent license, Valid hourmunication, First pane fireplace & dishwasher. Excellent Highc Traffi easily approve by 250-344-6710 delivery notices. please High250-344-6710 Traffi Areac AreaNotownhouse Administration PO Boxplease 74 sendofresume Critical thinking. townhouse withbalcony. balcony. Prodelivery of notices. homeowner, today! you We can pets; no parties. Long term phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortwith ProAid, Reading text. Oral comhomeowner, today! We can Administration PO Box 74 Terms of Employment: Aid, Reading text. OralTerms com-of Employment: No pets; noreferences parties. Long& term Plenty of Parking phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd send resume to: money iseasily Plenty of Parking Golden BC V0Aresume 1H0 orto: email: fireplace dishwasher. send approve you mortby preferred. Good available panepane fireplace & &dishwasher. munication, Critical thinking. easily you by Golden BC V0Agage 1H0 or email: Full Time, 8 Critical hours per day, Office, shop250-344-6710 space 250-344-6710 for rent. munication, thinking. preferred. Good references gage money available Administration PO Box 74 approve 8 hours per day, No pets; parties. Longterm term& Offi ce,fenced shop space foronrent. security Administration Box 74 phone. 1st, orSTEEL 3rd mort- BUILDINGS/metal deposits required right now. Rates start at2nd is No pets; no no parties. Long Terms of Employment: phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mort40Terms hoursofper week, MayFull 1st Time, 1250 sq ft, with yard Employment: security deposits required right now. Rates start at Golden BC V0APrime. 1H0 or email: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal 40 hours per week, May 1st preferred. Good references 1250 sq ft, with fenced yard on Golden BC V0A 1H0 or email: gage money is available $1595 per month + utls. Equity counts. We preferred. Good references && Full Time, 8 hours per day, gage money is available Offi250-344-0277 ce, shop for space for rent. buildings 60% off! 20x28, - August 31st, 82015 Street N. Full Time, hours per day, 31st, $1595 per deposits month + utls.required Offi ce, shop space rent. Prime. Equity counts. buildings 60% off! 9th 20x28, -40 August security 9th Street N. 250-344-0277 right now. start We at don’t on credit, age or Rates deposits required STEEL BUILDINGS/metal hours per 2015 week, May 1st rightrelynow. Rates start atcredit, 1250 sq ft, with fenced yard250-344-6710. onsecurity 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, Wage: $22 per STEEL BUILDINGS/metal 40 hours perhour. week, May 1st 250-344-6710. 1250 sq ft, with fenced yard on don’t rely on age or A18 Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Golden Star 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, Wage: $22 per hour. $1595 per month + utls. We80x100 income. $1595 per month + utls. buildings 60% - August 31st, 2015 Prime. Equity Prime. counts.Equity We counts. 9thN.Street N. 250-344-0277 60x150, selloff!for bal-off! 20x28, How31st, to Apply: buildings 60% 20x28, - August 2015 Street 250-344-0277 income. 60x150, 80x100 sell 50x120, for9th balHow to hour. Apply: TRANSCRIPTION 250-344-6710. don’t rely onorcredit, ageowed! or 40x62, 250-344-6710. 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, per don’t Call rely Anytime on credit, age MEDICAL ance Call45x90, 1-800-457Contact: Valhour. Pleym Wage: $22 30x40, 50x120, Wage: $22 per Call Anytime MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION ance owed! Call 1-800-457Contact: Val Pleym income. 1-800-639-2274 or 60x150, 80x100 sell for balHow to Apply: income. is an in-demand career in 2206 or visit us sell online at: Phone:How 1.250.344.1455 60x150, 80x100 for balto Apply: 1-800-639-2274 or is anhave in-demand career Call in Anytime 2206 owed! or visitCall us 1-800-457online at: house. Close to Lady Phone: 1.250.344.1455 2 bdr. Call Anytime 604-430-1498. Apply online MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Contact: Val PleymEmployers Canada! Fax: 1.866.220.7844 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION ance Call 1-800-457bdr. laundry, house. Close Contact: Val Pleym Fax: 604-430-1498. Apply onlineowed!ance DRIVERS WANTED Canada! Employers have 1.866.220.7844 Large2 yard, large to Lady 1-800-639-2274 or ispositions an in-demand career in 2206 visit us at:online Phone: 1.250.344.1455 1-800-639-2274 or WANTED work-at-home Grey. yard, laundry, large is an in-demand work-at-home career in 2206 or visit usor online Phone: 1.250.344.1455 AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake DRIVERS positions bdr.Large house. Close to Lady living room. 250-344-3535/5629. 604-430-1498. Apply online 2 bdr. 2house. Close to Lady Canada! Employers have Fax: 1.866.220.7844 604-430-1498. Apply online AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake available. Get the online living room. 250-344-3535/5629. Canada! Employers have Fax: 1.866.220.7844 DRIVERS WANTED • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Grey. yard, Large laundry, yard, laundry, large available. Get the online DRIVERS WANTED Grey. Large large • Guaranteed 40hr. Work work-at-home positions ingwork-at-home you need from an employpositions Week &3Overtime 5, orOvertime 1own w/ Airbrake IF YOU a home or real Commercial Space beside living room. 250-344-3535/5629. ing you need employAZ, DZ, 5, or 1GUIDE w/ AirbrakeAZ, DZ, living room. 250-344-3535/5629. Week & available. Get from the an online er-trusted program. Visit: TOUR For Sale / Trade available. Get the online train•BOAT Paid Travel & Lodging • Guaranteed 40hr. Work estate, Alpine Credits can lend Body Quest for lease. 1400 sq • Guaranteed 40hr. Work er-trusted program. Visit: • Paid Travel & Lodging Private Collector Looking to ing you need from an or 1-888(Senior Guide Trip Leader) an apartment in Riverpoint, • Meal Allowance ing you need from an employWeek & Overtime A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Private Silver, Collector Looking to AERIAL CONTRACTORS Week & Overtime you money: It’s That Simple. ft, main level, avail. now. or 1-888• Meal Allowance Buy Coin Collections, er-trusted Visit: AERIAL 528-0809 to start training for Seasonal, Full-time facing the walking bridge, built 2 CONTRACTORS ••4Paid Weeks Vacation • Your Paid Travel & Lodging er-trusted program. Visit: program. STORAGE CONTAINERS Utilities included. Close to Silver, Buy Coin Collections, Travel & Lodgingfor LTD. line systems Credit / Age / Income is 250-344-7876. 528-0809 training for • 4• Weeks Vacation Private Collector Looking to Antiques, Native Art, Estates orPower 1-888Private Collector Looking to+Art, LTD. Power line systems built your work-at-home career to-to start • Excellent Benefi ts 101 Package Meal Allowance Alpine Rafting of Gold- • Excellent bdrm. We’re downsizing and or 1-888Used 20’40’45’53’ amenities. No pets, parties. Antiques, Native Estates + • Meal Allowance AERIAL CONTRACTORS to BC Hydro standards. EC# not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. your work-at-home career toBenefi ts Package AERIAL CONTRACTORS Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Chad: 778-281-0030 Local Must toUpper have extended 528-0809 to startwill training fora smaller Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Local to BCPower Hydrolinestandards. EC# Weeks Vacation day! en be Donald Road,Must be• 4able trade for house 528-0809 to start training for •able 4 Weeks Vacation and insulated containers all DD. Internet available. Chad: 778-281-0030 LTD. systems built to have extended 19806. 1-800-661-7622. day! Visit our website for LTD. Power line systems built Antiques, Art, stays away home. to 6 • Excellent Benefits Package your work-at-home career to- ofto Antiques, Art, Native Estates + Estates + 19806. Golden BCfrom V0A 1H0.ts Up in centre town. your work-at-home career to• Excellent Benefi away from home. Up to 6 sizes in stock. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. BC 1-800-661-7622. HydroEC# standards. EC# Native months. Must have valid Package AZ, DZ,stays to BC standards. Chad: 778-281-0030 Local complete rental listings isable looking forextended LOG Must beMust toLARGE have day! Chad: 778-281-0030 Local to have extended Job Coordinate recCallHydro 250-344-6109. FUND have valid AZ, DZ, TRUCK is looking forday! LOG TRUCK Trades are welcome. 19806. 1-800-661-7622. 5, 3Must orDuties: 1 be withable airbrake license andmonths. 19806. 1-800-661-7622. stays away from home. Up to 6 stays away from home. Up to 6 3 or 1 with airbrake license and in drivers, based reation activities, describe Borrowers Wanted 40’Containers under $2500! have previous commercial driving5,months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, drivers, in isoflooking for based LOG TRUCK months. of Mustinterest, have valid AZ, have previous is commercial looking fordriving LOG TRUCK points relayDZ, saving experience. DMG 40’ containers under Cranbrook. 5, 3 or 1Start with airbrake licensehundreds and 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and experience. Cranbrook. FULL SERVICE plumbing based ineach. Also JD 544 important safety command, Apply dollarscommercial today! We can ineasily drivers, drivers, based have previous driving $2,000 FULLFast,SERVICE plumbing have, previous commercial driving Apply, from Parker Dean. recareers & then choose attend to customer’s needs,experience. approve by phone. 1st, Cranbrook. & 644 wheel Loaders & experience. fromTake Parker reCranbrook. careers &time thenyou choose FULL SERVICE plumbing liable, 24/7 service. $50Dean. Fast, Full work; home every the FastTRACK Application. Apply, FULL SERVICE plumbing guide customers down class the 2nd or 3rd mortgage money Property Management Apply, 20,000 lb CAT forklift. liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 Full time work; home every FastTRACK Application. ARE YOU $10K Or More In Custom Mountain Home from Parker Dean. 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EQUIPGET BACK ON TRACK! 1783. munication, Critical industry standards. INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPGET BACK ON TRACK! Bad 3100 sq. ft. industry standards. MENT SCHOOL. credit? Bills? Unemployed? FaxSCHOOL. resume and TermsOPERATOR of Employment: MENT OPERATOR credit? Bills? Unemployed? of Retail Space FaxNeed resume and Each ofce is independently INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPGETIf BACK Bad NO Simulators. In-the-seat you INTERIOR HEAVY GETMoney? BACK We ON Lend! TRACK! Bad ON TRACK! Full Time, 8 hours per EQUIPday, drivers abstract to: NO In-the-seat Need Lend! If you Located DOWNTOWN HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. MENTSimulators. OPERATOR SCHOOL. credit? drivers abstract to:Bills? training. Real world tasks. own your own home - Money? youBills?WeUnemployed? Fax resume and owned & operated. MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. credit? Unemployed? Fax resume and 40 hours per week, May 1st training. Real world tasks. own your own home you Excellent High Traffi c Area 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft Best price. BestWeAcceptance quality. NO Simulators. In-the-seat Need Money? We Lend! If you Weekly board! qualify. Pioneer Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. Simulators. Need Money? Lend! IfAll you drivers abstract to: colours - NO Auguststart 31st,dates. 2015 JobIn-the-seat Weekly start dates. Job board! qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Twin Rivers 1 & 2 Bdr apts. drivers abstract to: Plenty of Parking townhouse with balcony. Proshapes & available. training. Real world tasks. own your own home you Funding options. Corp. Member BBB. home - you No parties, N/S. Laundry fatraining. Real own your own fax:250-426-4610 Wage: $22 per world hour. tasks. Funding Corp. Member BBB. No parties, N/S. 250-344-6710 fax:250-426-4610 pane fireplace & dishwasher. 1-866-652-6837 Weekly options. start dates. Job board! Pioneer Acceptance Twin Rivers -apts. 1Best & 2 Laundry Bdr apts. faSignUp 1-877-987-1420 FIREWOOD for sale. cilities, security Weeklyonline! startto dates. Job board! Twin Rivers - 1 &doors. 2 Bdr qualify. Pioneer qualify. Acceptance How Apply: SignUp online! 1-877-987-1420 FIREWOOD for sale. cilities, security doors. Best or call: 250-426-6853 No pets; no parties. Long term Funding options. Member BBB. NoN/S. parties, N/S. faLaundry fa1-866-399-3853 Call 250-344-7677. deal town! 250-344-8113. or fax:250-426-4610 call: 250-426-6853 Funding options. Noin parties, Laundry Corp. Member BBB. Corp. fax:250-426-4610 Contact: Val Pleym 1-866-399-3853 Call 250-344-7677. deal in town! 250-344-8113. preferred. Good references & Twin Rivers 1 & 2 Bdr apts. newspaper? SignUp online! for sale. cilities, security cilities, doors. security Best doors. Best SignUp FIREWOOD for FIREWOOD sale. 1-877-987-1420 1-877-987-1420 Phone:online! 1.250.344.1455 or call: 250-426-6853 Offi ce, shop space for rent. security deposits required No parties, N/S. Laundry faor call: 250-426-6853 1-866-399-3853 Call 250-344-7677. deal in town! 250-344-8113. AERIAL CONTRACTORS 1-866-399-3853 Call 250-344-7677. deal in town! 250-344-8113. BUILDINGS/metal Fax: 1.866.220.7844 1250 sq ft, with fenced yard on $1595 per month + utls. cilities, security doors. Best LTD. Power line systems built buildings 60% off! 20x28, 9th Street N. 250-344-0277 250-344-6710. deal in town! 250-344-8113. to BC Hydro standards. EC# 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, The family of the late Clayton would to thank 19806.of1-800-661-7622. 60x150, The Johnson family the latelike Clayton Johnson would like to80x100 thank sell for bal everyone for their condolences, cards, andClayton food. Also, ance owed! Call 1-800-457everyone forflowers condolences, andlikefood. Also, family oftheir the late Johnson would toorthank The family of the the staff late Clayton Johnson would likeDurand tocards, thankflowers 2206 visit online: a thank you to ataThe Abbeyfield House and thank you to the staff at Abbeyfield House and Durand everyone for their condolences, cards, flowers and food. Also, everyone for their condolences, flowers and food. Also, Manor for$10K their excellent care of cards, ouryou father during the last Manor for their excellent care of our father during the last AREa YOU Or More In a thank to the staff at Abbeyfield House and Durand FULL SERVICE plumbing youcan to the at Abbeyfield House and Durand STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really few thank months. tostaff Dr. Tan and R.N. Gladys Delgadillo Debt? DebtGo Thanks help re-few Thanks toduring Dr. Tan Gladyssale!” Delgadillo from Parker Dean. Fast, re-R.N. Manor their excellent care ofand our father theAlllast steel building Manor forstaff theiratportion excellent caremonths. offorour father the last bigduring and the Golden Hospital. Thanks to David duce aother signifi cant ofand liable, 24/7 service. Take $50R.N. models other staff at Gladys theto Golden Hospital. Thanks toandDavid few months. Thanks Dr. Tan and Gladys Delgadillo sizes. Plus extra few months. Thanks to Dr. Tan and R.N. Delgadillo your debt load. Call now and Wallensteen of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home and the off your next job if you present Wallensteen ofVancouver Hindman Bowers Funeralsavings. Home to and the Buy now and we will and other staff atThanks the Golden Hospital. Thanks David see if you qualify. 1-800-351and other staff at the for Golden Hospital. to David this ad. area. Call Ladies Hospital Auxiliary catering the tea at the Seniors YOUR LOCAL YOUR EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS store spring. Pioneer Ladies Hospital Auxiliary forBowers catering the tea at theuntil Seniors 1783. Wallensteen ofMacDonald Hindman Funeral Home and the LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS 1-800-573-2928. Wallensteen Bowers Funeral Home and the Centre. Thank ofyouHindman to Bill Centre. and Sherri of Glen Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit Thank you to Bill and Sherri MacDonald of Glen Ladies Hospital Auxiliary for catering the tea at the Seniors YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS Ladies Hospital Auxiliary catering thefortea at the Seniors YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS online: GET BACK ON TRACK! Badforbeing Crichton Apartments for always there mom and dad. Crichton Apartments for thereMacDonald for mom and Centre. Thank you to always Bill and Sherri of dad. Glen Centre. Thank you to Bill and Sherri MacDonald ofbeing Glen credit? Bills? Unemployed? Crichton Apartments always being Need Money?Apartments We Lend! Ifforyou Crichton always being there forformom and dad.there for mom and dad. own The your family own home you of the -late Martha Paauw would like to would like to Looking to Collector qualify. Pioneer Acceptance The family of the late Martha PaauwPrivate everyone for their condolences, flowers Coin Collections, Silver, Corp.thank Member BBB. The everyone family ofcards, the late Martha PaauwBuy would like to thank for their condolences, cards, flowers The family of the late Martha Paauw would like to FIREWOOD for sale. Antiques, Native Art, Estates + and1-877-987-1420 most of all for the and kindness and Love they thank everyone for their condolences, cards, flowers most of all for the kindness and Love they thank everyone for their condolences, cards, flowers Call 250-344-7677. Chad: 778-281-0030 Local expressed to my Mom.

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get in touchThen withget your local with EK Employment Centre (WorkBC) and mosttoofmy allMom. forLove the they kindness and Then Love they expressed and most of all for the kindness and in touch your local EK Employment Centre to (WorkBC) to expressed to my Mom. Dr. access FREE employment services, including everything from resume Career Career Career Dr. Starke,toDr. Drysdale, Dr. McCarroll, expressed my Mom. Then get in touch with your local EK Employment Centre (WorkBC) to Then withFREE your employment local EK Employment Centreeverything (WorkBC) to resume access services, including from Dr. Starke, Dr. Drysdale, Dr. McCarroll, Dr.get in touch VanDerLugt and his teamVanDerLugt of care givers, Dr. Carol help, to financial supports, wage subsidies and much, much more. Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities access FREE employment services, including everything from resume Dr. Starke, Dr. Drysdale, Dr. McCarroll, Dr. and his team of care givers, Dr. Carol access FREE employment services, including everything from resume Dr.and Starke, Dr.aides. Drysdale, Dr.Lynn McCarroll, help, to financial supports, wage subsidies and much, much more. Ward her care Also Mary forDr. VanDerLugt and his team of Mary care givers, Dr. Carol Ward and hergivers, careLewis, aides. Also Lynn Lewis, forto financial help, to financial supports, wageand subsidies and much, much more. VanDerLugt and his team of care Dr. Carol help, supports, wage subsidies much, much more. her continued support. Allher thecontinued numerous aides Ward and herLynn carecare aides. Lynncare Lewis, for support. AllAlso the numerous aides Ward and her care aides. Also Mary Lewis, forMary Ckindness, a l laides : 25 0- 3 4Cal 4-5l :4 12509 344-5419 V i s i t: 2 0521 h Av e, 9tGholAv d ee,n G olden and LPN’ s who looked after Mom your kindness, V4 i si t: 9t 205421 herthe continued support. All theMom numerous care and LPN’ s who looked after your her continued support. All numerous care aides Love and care has not gone unnoticed, she had a unnoticed, Cal l : 250344-5419 V i si t: 205421 9t h Av and LPN’ s who looked after Mom your kindness, Love and care has not gone she had a C a l l : 25 0- 3 4 4-5 4 1 9 V i s i t: 2 05- 4 2 1 9t h Av e, G ol e, d eG n olden and LPN’ who after Mom your kindness, special places in herlooked heartspecial for family in Durand Loveher and care not gone unnoticed, had a place in has her heart for her family inshe Durand Love and care has not gone unnoticed, she had a Visit Our Regional BoardJob Board Manor. Visit OurJob Regional special place in herinheart for her family in Durand Manor. special place in her heart for her family Durand Visit Our Regional Job Board Manor.Clapperton, Ingrid Visit Our Regional Job Board AManor. special thanks to Inga A special thanks to Inga Clapperton, Ingrid Hambruch, Marija Spehar, Lori Formenti, Carol AInga special thanksSpehar, toIngrid IngaLori Clapperton, Marija Formenti, Ingrid Carol A specialLinda thanks toHambruch, Clapperton, Anderson, Hautala, Glen Ewan, Pastor Hambruch, MarijaHautala, Spehar, Lori Carol Anderson, Linda GlenFormenti, Ewan, Pastor Hambruch, Marija Spehar, Lori Formenti, Carol The Employment Program of British Columbia Tim Industries Schnieder the Tim congregation ladies Tolko Ltd.and is a private, Canadian-owned products based The Program BC is funded by the Government ofEmployment Canada and the of British Columbia Anderson, Linda Hautala, Glen company Ewan, Schnieder andforest thewho congregation ladiesPastor who in Vernon, Anderson, Linda Hautala, Glen Ewan, Pastor is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. provided tea and snacks at the church. To all the The Employment Program of British Columbia which manufactures and markets forest products to world Since its beginnings in 1956, Tolko Province of British Columbia. The Employment Program of British Columbia Tim Schnieder and the congregation ladies who provided tea and snacks at the church. To all the Tim Schnieder the congregation ladiespast who is funded the Government is funded by the Government of by Canada and the of Canada and the friends relatives andand volunteers who over these has grown from a small sawmill to become a company diversified by geography and products, Province of British Columbia. provided tea and thewho church. To allpast the Province of British Columbia. friends relatives andsnacks volunteers over these provided teathe andtime snacks at the church. To allatthe few years3,000 took tofew visit and make Mom with over employees in operations across Western Canada. Tolko’s manufacturing friends relatives volunteers whomake over Mom these past years took theand time tofeel visit and feel friends relatives and volunteers who over these past truly lovedproduce wordslumber, can’t express our thanks. operations speciality kraft co-products, fewvisit years took thecan’t time topapers, visit andpanel makeproducts, Mom feel truly loved words express thanks. few years took the timeunbleached to and make Mom feelour biomass power and a number of specialty wood products. For more information, please visit our truly loved words can’t express our thanks. Thanks to Dave Wallensteen and Higginson truly loved words can’t express our thanks. Thanks toNina Dave Wallensteen and Nina Higginson website at from Hindman Bowers from Funeral Home for the Thanks to Dave Wallensteen and Nina Hindman Bowers Funeral HomeHigginson for the Thanks tocompassion Dave Wallensteen and Nina Higginson kindness and during this difficult Tolko is interested in seeking individual proposals fortime. a non-replaceable Log Hauling from Hindman Bowers Funeral fortime. the Contract kindness and compassion during difficult from Hindman Bowers Funeral Home for the thisHome with an annualand volume of up tokindness 300,000 tonnes. The work will bethis based out of Vernon, BC with during difficult time. kindness compassion duringand thiscompassion difficult time. THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA

That’s how many REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) companion animals will FOR LOG HAULING SERVICES need loving, new homes this year. Kidney Kidney diseaseWill strikesyou families, disease strikes families, open Kidney disease strikes families, Kidney disease strikes families, not onlynot individuals. only individuals. individuals. not only home to not only your individuals. T K F C Ys Ys YsYYs sYY Ys Y Ys YsY ssYs Ys K F C T K T F C one? ss Ys Ys Ys Ys Ys YsYY Ys Ys YYs YsY the majority of the work taking place within the Southern Interior of BC.

Prior to obtaining a Request for Proposal (RFP) package, contractors must provide a prospectus with the following information:




1. Company name and contact information, including a phone number and an email address. 2. Brief description of your company and services offered. 3. Previous work history with dates that would pertain to this RFP.

Fetch a Friend Join the conversation Join the conversation Join the conversation Join the conversation Like us on Facebook for local job trend from the SPCA today! Like us for job trend trend LikeFacebook us on on Facebook Facebook for local local job Like us on for local job trend

Once we have received your prospectus, a package will be sent to you with instructions on how to submit a complete proposal. Tolko reserves the right to reject in whole or in part, any or all proposals for any reason. Completed proposals must be submitted by 5:00pm (PST) on Friday, January 30th.

Until a formal purchase order or other contractual document is finalized, signed and accepted by Tolko, Tolko does not intend to create any contractual relationship (either express or implied) with any entity submitting a proposal or other response to the Tolko request for quotation. As a result, those who submit a proposal are free to modify or withdraw their proposal as they deem appropriate. The successful recipient will be considered an independent contractor.

reports, workplace ideas &ideas more. reports, workplace & reports, workplace ideas & more. more. reports, workplace ideas & more.

Company Prospectus and Contractor Proposal(s) can be faxed or emailed to: Attn: Travis Kiel

/LocalWork-BC /LocalWork-BC /LocalWork-BC /LocalWork-BC

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star A19

Racers compete at Huckleberry Loppet

A big crowd of cross country skiers participated in the Golden Nordic Club’s annual Huckleberry Loppet at Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre. Left: Anya Klafki leads Jorgen Halvorsen out of the gate. Right: Simone Gervais competes in the 1km classic mass start. Joel Tansey/Star Photos

Rockets lose two to the Fernie Ghostriders despite improved form Joel Tansey The Rockets didn’t get the results they wanted over the weekend, but it was a much stronger effort by the fourth place club than in recent weeks. “The boys played the way I want them to play. We played hard both games,” said head coach Ty Davidson. Up against the division-leading Fernie Ghostriders, the Rockets suffered 5-3 and 2-1 defeats in the home and home series. On Friday the Rockets jumped out to a two goal lead on the strength of second period scores from Braeden Allkins and Tanner Wit. The lead was short-lived, however, as Spencer Bender scored twice and Evan Reid added another for Fernie before the period was through. Wit notched his second of the game to even the

score just over five minutes into the third. That set up Riders sniper Doan Smith to tally the winner with just under eight minutes to play. Ex-Rocket Dustin Watt, who moved from Golden to Fernie during training camp, earned a measure of revenge against his former club with an insurance marker late in the period to cap the scoring. Mark Becica tallied 33 saves on 38 shots in the loss. The Rockets produced another solid performance the following night, but once again it wasn’t enough. Magnus Viberg made 20 saves on 22 shots as the Rockets outshot their division rivals but had trouble solving Riders netminder Jeff Orser. Jason Yan got Fernie on the board in the second period but Cole Mckechney sent the teams to the dressing room on even terms with a power play goal. Smith was the hero once again for Fernie when he beat Viberg with just under 12 minutes to play in the final frame.

Outside of the Rockets’ 9-0 thumping of the Grand Forks Border Bruins last weekend, the club has scored just 6 goals across its other four previous games, a drought that will need to end sooner rather than later as the team heads towards the playoffs. “To me it’s been a bit of a concern this whole year,” Davidson said, who tinkered with a few different line combinations on Saturday but left his powerhouse top line of Mckechney, Tanner Watt and Ian Desrosier intact. “Hopefully some guys will get hot here. I still think at times we’re a little bit of a one line team unfortunately.” The Rockets will be at home against Columbia Valley and Creston Valley next weekend as the regular season begins to wind down. The club has clinched a playoff spot in the Eddie Mountain Division, with only seeding left to be determined.

TWO HOME GAMES IN A ROW!!! GO ROCKETS GO!!! Golden Rockets VS. Columbia Valley Rockies FRIDAY JANUARY 30, 2015 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA

Golden Rockets VS. Creston Valley Thundercats SATURDAY JANUARY 31, 2015 7:30PM GOLDEN ARENA



Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

$179,000 1145 - 10th Street

4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,240sqft

$430,000 909-14th Street

3 bdrm Home w/ 1 bdrm Legal Suite

$959,000 1425 Granite Drive

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


3 baths


3+2 bedrooms

3+2 baths

701-12th Street 2 baths


1742 Seward Frontage

1 Bedroom

1 Bath

1741 Seward Frontage Road

701 - 8th Street

6 bedrooms

#21, 1345 Aemmer Way 1 bath

770 sqft

2.5 baths

1638 Purcell Woods 2.5 baths


$330,000 Lot 17, 1208 Station Avenue Land & Building

3 baths

2016 McMurdo Road

2328 Holmes Deakin Road 2 baths

3,032 sqft

60 acres

$595,000 551 Highway #95, South

6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres

2 bedrooms

1 bath

#404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail 3 baths


$445,000 Legion 1011 - 11th Avenue Building & Land


2 bedrooms

1 bath


1398 Harley Road 1&2 1/2 baths

3 bdrms

3 baths


2 bedrooms

5 bedrooms

2 baths

527 - 12th Street

4 bedrooms


#402, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail 3 baths


$2,300,000 1000 Kicking Horse Drive 8.7 acres


3 baths


3bdrms 2.5 baths 2,430sqft 3.97 acres

3 bedrooms

1 bath

2 bedrooms

2 baths


4 Bedrooms

1735 Oberg Johnson Road

1.5 acres

4 bedrooms

6 bedrooms

7 baths


1308 Pine Drive 3 baths

Land, Building & Business


1695 Golden Donald Upper Road

3bdrms 1 bath 1,230sqft

5 acres

$220,000 931 McBeath Road

4bdrms 1 bath 1,160sqft

3 acres

$375,000 #406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

3 bedrooms 3 baths 1,248sqft

$1,195,000 1593 Columbia Valley View

4 bedrooms

3.5 baths



$1,900,000 1401, 1405 Trans Canada Highway



$1,695.00 1590 Columbia Valley View

1.5 Baths


$269,000 3bdrms 1 bath 1,988sqft


$220,000 519 - 10th Street

$198,900 #12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road




$365,000 3 bedrooms

1 bath

3 baths

1114 - 10th Street


REDUCED $309,900 505 - 6th Street

3 bedrooms


955 McAllister Road


800 Nicholson Frontage Road 2 baths


#204, 521 - 8th Avenue

$345,900 4bdrms


$349,900 1309 Pine Drive


$299,900 1 bedrooms

3 baths

1130-8th Street


$389,000 3 bedrooms

4 bedrooms

$129,900 1055 King Crescent

$575,000 5 bdrms


#207, 521 - 8th Avenue


2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres

$875,000 3 bedrooms

4 bedrooms


$285,000 2 bedrooms



1445 Granite Drive

$349,300 1610 Gareb Road


$699,000 4 bdrms 2 baths 3,438sqft 14.22 acres

3 baths


$585,000 3 bdrms 1 bath 1,740 sqft 18.5acres


#203, 521 - 8th Avenue

$308,000 4 bedrooms

5 bedrooms

Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435


$362,500 405 Riverglen Drive

$390,000 605-9th Street

$369,000 407 Riverglen Drive

4 bedrooms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

Lot 19, 1208 Station Avenue .35 acre

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