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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 6 $1.35
Bakery & Deli Open Mon - Sat 6:00 am 250-344-2928
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Rock the House
Young Asher’s family grateful for support ....................................2
Local couple still happy and in love after 65 .......................................10
Young nordic racers had success in Nipika ..................................21
■ SPECIAL SECTION The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015
StarHealth & Wellness A11
All your health & wellness needs in one place! en Lotus Ayurveda, and In a community where an impressive retail selecevery recreational opportion, Element Therapeuttunity is right at our fingerics has what you need if you tips, Golden’s new health and are an athlete with an injury, wellness centre strives to live or someone who just wants by the same philosophy… to move your body and spireverything you need all in it. At Element, you will feel one place! comfortable, receive excelElement Therapeutics lent treatment, and leave is your one-stop-shop for with a better understandhealth and wellness, where ing of your body and how they know that optimal to care for it. With a staff as health and wellness is best diverse as their clientele, they created with a team of pracwill definitely be able to find titioners. They have brought an approach that is right for together some of the most you. talented professionals in With a convenient location Golden to offer both convenin the heart of Golden, right tional and alternative health across from Town Hall, Elecare, all under one roof. ment Therapeutics has creWith this new, integrated ated an optimal environment approach, they are changing for a relaxing and rejuvenatthe face of allied health care ing experience. Away from in Golden and beyond.“I recthe noise of downtown, their ommend wholeheartedly newly renovated building this holistic, comprehensive approach to healing that sev- Take a step towards a healthy lifestyle and check out the Golden’s newest one-stop-shop for all has updated equipment, a eral different practitioners things health and wellness. Element Therapeutics newly renovated location is on Park Drive. brand new gym space, yoga studio upstairs, and multiple can offer for one problem. I private treatment rooms for think this collaborative model now available in one location is a great service for Golden,” said one their physio, massage, and alternative therapists. All the information you need on practitioners, treatments or schedules client. Offering physiotherapy and massage therapy, nutrition and person- can be found on Call us at 250-344-6654 or stop al training consultants, a wide variety of yoga classes offered by Gold- by the new facility to say hello and book an appointment.
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Health and Wellness ............................11-15 nutrition consults
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Mark Nagao fires a stone on Saturday during the Golden Curling Club’s bonspiel as teammates Lino Vincenzie (left) and Kenny Lehmann get ready to brush it down the rink. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Three men rescued from avalanche near KHMR Joel Tansey An avalanche struck outside Kicking Horse Mountain Resort’s boundaries last week and left three individuals with non life-threatening injuries. At 3 p.m., Kicking Horse Mountain Safety Dispatch received a call for an avalanche and potential missing persons outside the ski area boundary, located south of the resort. The resort’s
Mountain Safety personnel immediately started an investigation and activated their avalanche rescue plan. After confirming avalanche debris outside of the ski area boundary, RCMP and other outside agencies were activated. By 3:26pm, all three missing persons were accounted for and airlifted offsite for minor injuries, completing the rescue operation. None of them were even partially buried by the slide. “The Kicking Horse Mountain Safety
Team, Golden and District Search and Rescue (GADSAR) and all personnel involved did an outstanding job today, with minimal effect to normal operation,” said Mike Rubenstein, Director of Mountain Operations. Kyle Hale lead GADSAR’s team. “When we arrived it was just a small avalanche but it was through some high consequence terrain. It was very steep with lots of hazards such as trees and cliffs,” he said. Continued on page 4
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Asher Kotyk’s parents grateful for Golden’s continuing support Joel Tansey Goldenites once again
have rallied
around Asher Kotyk and his family, but his parents, Erin Van Achte and Jan Kotyk, would like to stress that their
say,“I Love You” Valentine Hours: Feb 14 • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm To pre-order call: 250-344-5855 Delivery Service in our area.
Flowers From Home 962 Jacob Rd, Nicholson
16 month-old is far from alone in his battle with a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD). According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, approximately one out of every 100 babies are born with some form of heart defect. In Canada, nearly 100,000 adults had surgery to correct defects as children. This week is CHD Awareness week and Asher’s parents are hoping their son’s health issues will help shed light on this often neglected disease. “CHD means that babies are born with something, or multiple things, wrong with their heart and no one
KICKING HORSE FORD is very pleased to welcome
Jordan Jones
to our parts department. Jordan is a licensed Blue Seal Journeyman partsman and is part of our commitment to serve you better!
One per cent of babies are born with Congenital Heart Defects just like Asher Kotyk (pictured). Photo Submitted have been in (hospital) for months with little to no progress waiting for their miracle and never giving up hope,” Erin said. The holes in Asher’s heart were first discovered late in 2013 and now, at 16 months old, he has undergone three separate open heart surgeries, two of which occurred this January. Asher’s latest surgeries have been in
knows why,” Erin said in an e-mail. “It is a lifelong battle for most. These heart warriors will require life-long specialized care.” Through Asher’s various medical treatments, his parents have met countless other parents in similar situations. “Some are waiting on new hearts, some are on their first, fifth, ninth or 11th open heart surgery and some
an effort to fix his pulmonary vein stenosis, a rare disease that causes the pulmonary veins to narrow. His vein narrowed once again after the first operation, so it was decided by Asher’s parents and his medical team to operate again. Through it all, the family remains immensely grateful for the support from the community, which has made donations
to their cause through various fundraisers in order to account for Jan and Erin’s significant travel expenses and lost wages during Asher’s time in hospital. “Our community truly is incredible,” Erin said. “Their hearts are so big and full of so much love. We feel so thankful to be part of a town that supports one another.”
RCMP Report: Single vehicle MVI
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Golden Star Staff One injured in collision On Feb. 8 at 11:01 p.m., the Golden RCMP received a report of a single vehicle collision on Hwy. 1 near Ten Mile Hill, east of Golden. Golden RCMP responded along with BC Ambulance, and one female was transported to the Golden Hospital with what is believed to be min-
MARCH 27-28
or injuries resulting from the collision. Westbound traffic was reduced to one lane for approximately one hour while the vehicle was removed from the highway. One male in hospital after Avalanche On Feb. 8, police received a report of an avalanche near KHMR. Two males from Golden were apparently skiing out-
of-bounds when they allegedly caused and were caught in the avalanche. Search and Rescue extracted the men from the area and one individual was taken to Cranbrook hospital with serious but non life-threatening injuries. “We would ask that those planning on going into the back country be aware of the avalanche and weather conditions,” said Cst. Spencer Lainchbury in a statement.
CANADA'S ONLY 4 star Event
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015 A3
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SeniorS Centre Luncheon & AGM February 13th at the Seniors Centre Luncheon starts at 1 o’clock Regular meeting is at 2 o’clock AGM to follow. 789987789987789987789987
arts, culture & heritage funding
Grant Writing Workshops
CKCA is hosting FREE workshops for individuals or groups in the Columbia Basin who are interested in applying for Columbia Basin Trust arts, culture and heritage funding. Golden: Saturday Feb. 28, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: Golden Seniors Hall, 1401 - 9th St. South, Golden Invermere: Saturday Feb. 28, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: College of the Rockies, 1535 -14th St., Invermere Cranbrook: Sunday Mar. 1, 10 a.m. – noon Location: College of the Rockies, 2700 College Way, Cranbrook Online: Fri. Feb. 20, 2 – 4 p.m. PDT & Tues. Feb. 24, 6 – 8 p.m. PDT Pre-registration required, email:
Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355 Photo: Iron Mountain Theatre - Mennonite Mafia production
Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals of Business Ideas and Planning Kootenay Aboriginal Business Development Agency is pleased to host Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals of Business Ideas and Planning. The morning will focus on Fundamentals of Business and what steps to take to become an entrepreneur. The afternoon session will cover Cooperatives What it is and how it can be Profitable. The workshop will be held at College of the Rockies 1305 9th St S, Golden, BC.
Wed., Feb. 18, 2015 beginning at 9:00 am.
Lunch will be provided for the participants as well as excellent door prizes. For information and to register for the Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship workshop please contact Janice Alpine, KABDA toll free 1 888 480 2464 ext 3164 or visit
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Archibald chronicles Fire Department history Joel Tansey Golden’s fire department has a rich history that dates back to 1898 and former firefighter Mike Archibald has put all of that history in one place with his book, titled On Scene. “If you walk through the fire department you can see a number of pictures from over the years and we had a number of photo albums…I thought there was an opportunity to sort of take some of these photos and do something with it,” Archibald explained. Archibald begins the book by recounting his introduction to the local department in 2002. When he and his daughter, Madeline, were passing by the station, she asked if they could take a ride in one of the department’s giant, bright red fire engines. The joyride recaptured some of Archibald’s childhood dreams of becoming a firefighter and spurred him onto over a decade of service, eventually rising to the rank of Captain. Once Jim Hein left the department, Archibald took over as the de facto historian. He began consulting late Fire Chief Ken McClure a couple years ago and started to put the department’s history together in a book. On Scene is designed to give locals a better sense of the department’s past, present and future and chronicles some of the biggest firefighting operations since its inception over 100 years ago. “There’s a section of the book about the apparatus of the hall, the training procedures, and the types of calls that we go on,” Archibald said. Numerous photos fill its 140 glossy pages, including pictures of firefighters of the past and present and closer looks at the department’s equipment over the years, all the way up to its latest acquisition, Rescue 120. “The goal was to be able to tell the story
Continued from page 1 Hale said there was concern that rescuers could trigger additional avalanches, so his team was delayed in getting to the injured parties while they ensured that their presence wouldn’t cause an
Columbia Basin Trust has five summer student positions available throughout the Basin: 1. Technical Support Analyst (Castlegar) 2. Delivery of Benefits Research Assistant - 2 positions (Castlegar or Nakusp) 4. Technical Assistant, CBBC (Cranbrook) Apply by February 20, 2015 at 4 p.m. PST. 1.800.505.8998
of the Golden fire hall but also to preserve a lot of the memories of that place instead of having the photos sit in a filing cabinet drawer. This is a way for people to share the experiences,” Archibald said. Archibald retired from active duty at the end of 2014 and sees this as a form of closure for his long stint with the department. “It was a significant part of my life,” he
said. “I’m leaving on a high note…for me it is a sense of closure. It kind of wraps everything up and allows me to look back on things with fond memories and enjoy the time that I had there.” The book was published by Blurb, with all sales being done through their website at
Three skiers caught in Avalanche beyond T2
Summer Student Positions
3. Operations Assistant (Castlegar)
Mike Archibald chronicles the rich history of the Golden Fire Department in his book, titled On Scene. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
additional slide. All three men are in their early 20s, all from Saskatchewan. They were skiing outof-bounds near Terminator 2 when they allegedly caused and were subsequently caught in the avalanche. One of the men was able to call 911 and the Safety Team from Kicking Horse Mountain Resort was able to quickly locate them. None of the men had proper avalanche gear with them at the time, something that Hale sees far too frequently despite increased awareness. “It’s a lot less than in the past but it’s still out there. People still recreate in the mountains without the appropriate equipment or training.”
GADSAR were called to the scene when three skiers were involved in an avalanche south of KHMR. GADSAR photo
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015 A5
Snow King and Lady Spring return with tales from outer space
This year’s Masque Parade will feature stories from the Snow King’s adventures in space. Star Photo Joel Tansey With a lack of snow on Earth, one can only assume the Snow King and Lady Spring fig-
ured they might as well take to the sky. At this weekend’s 9th annual Snow King Masque Parade, the Spirit Square audience will learn about the pair’s
incredible adventure in space and meet the assortment of extraterrestrial beings that they encountered along the way. The idea for a space
theme came out of a planning meeting last year. “This year somebody brought up the space theme and everybody (agreed),” said Joyce deBoer, one of the event’s organizers. DeBoer has been involved in Golden’s popular annual pageant since its inception, which started with the simple idea to host a winter festival. Now, between the creative and logistics team of volunteers, deBoer estimates there are between 35 and 40 individuals who help to put the show together for the 1000+ people who turn up at Spirit Square year after year. It’s a large undertaking that begins with creative meetings in the summer and ends with mask and lantern making at the Masque Parade’s Play House in the weeks leading up to the big night.
New for this year is the entertainment following the pageant. In the past, the audience has quickly dispersed once the grand finale is complete, but this year deBoer is hoping that people will stick around for afterpageant festivities that will include a performance from DJ Tracy Mihajic. “After the show, performers are now going to have a chance to
become for locals. “For some people it’s a tradition now. It’s become, if I can be so bold as to say it, almost a part of the culture of Golden…people come to expect it, a lot of people plan around it, they think about it and talk about it at their dinner table,” she said. This year’s Masque Parade will get underway at 7p.m. on Feb. 14 in Sprit Square.
Happy 80th Birthday on Valentines Day Mom!
Golden kids outfitted head to toe
To Rita with love, your family
Jessica Schwitek Golden’s newest hockey players got their first taste of Canada’s sport last week when the First Shift program came to town. When the country’s leading hockey organizations saw the state of the game in Canada, they decided to create this program to give young Canadians the chance to play. “Bauer and Hockey Canada got together and the stats that they had showed that over 90 per cent of kids in Canada don’t play hockey. That’s a staggering number for a sport we all love,” said Bauer’s Rob Wighton. “As a leader in the industry, and obviously with Hockey Canada leading the whole country with hockey, we got together to bring this program to Canada.” The First Shift includes a complete outfitting of new equipment, and a six-week session of on-ice training for kids who have never played organized hockey before. It’s a perfect fit for Golden, where minor hockey numbers aren’t high. And with the Kraft Hockey Goes On money that was won in 2013, the cost to each player was a very affordable $99, just a fraction of what the equipment would regularly cost. “We’re outfitting the kids, making sure everything fits properly. You don’t need the elite equipment to start playing hockey,” said Wighton. “That way when you fall, and you do fall when you’re learning, then
stand up on the stage area and take selfies with (those in the audience),” deBoer said. “We’re just going to encourage everyone to step away from being a part of the audience and be part of the street fest.” After nearly a decade spent as one of the parade’s principal organizers, deBoer takes particular delight in seeing what a ritual the Masque Parade has
Behind the Wheel
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Was I Ready to Learn to Drive?
Kobe Porter gets fitted with a brand new helmet by Bauer’s Rob Wighton as part the The First Shift program. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo you’re not getting hurt.” It’s not all about the equipment, however. After realizing that they needed to change the way hockey was being offered, The First Shift came up with a six-week session, giving kids enough time to fall in love with the game, without requiring the commitment of a whole season. “Coming to a place like Golden is fantastic. Minor hockey numbers here were not large.
We have 47 enrolled (in the First Shift), and I believe that’s over half of what’s established here in minor hockey. So for us that’s an unbelievable success. And after a couple weeks I think we’ll see just how much these kids learn to love hockey, and hopefully we’ll see the minor hockey program here grow. And really that’s our goal, to grow the game of hockey nationwide,” said Wighton.
Be careful what you ask for! I needed a topic to write about here so I sent a message to DriveSmartBC followers on Twitter and asked for suggestions. The one that intrigued me the most came from fellow road safety blogger Scott Marshall, the Director of Training for Young Drivers of Canada. He asked if, when I learned to drive, was I really ready? It would be easy just to say yes or that my parents must have thought so because they let me get it on my sixteenth birthday. In fact, my father let me drive the ten miles home with my new learner’s permit in my wallet. Maybe we were both overconfident! I had practiced before hand driving around the trails of the rodeo grounds in our Toyota pickup set for four wheel drive in low range. You could shift gears a couple of times this way and still be moving not much faster than a walk. The only incidents that I recall now are two: My mother being upset because I had passed too closely behind a logging truck as it turned. I had no appreciation for the sweep of the logs as the turn progressed. My father let me approach our snowy driveway at too great a speed and I ended up stopped part way onto the lawn because I didn’t have traction for the turn. I can probably truthfully say that I might have been ready, but I lacked thorough, organized training and the class five exam should have been more difficult to pass. My parents led by example, instilling a good attitude and respect for traffic laws, but they were not prepared to build a defensive driver through step by step introduction of skills with necessary repetition to master them. I appreciate that my children learned to drive after hearing stories from my work and completing a full course of driver training. They were more skilled at driving than I was at their age and they probably will be again as I grow older. This raises the question of hanging up the keys by my own choice when I am no longer a safe driver. Will I be ready for this too? The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
NDP misinformation
Respect the Rescue
With two avalanche rescues last week, and warming conditions that will likely cause more during this admittedly bizarre winter season, the frustrating topic of backcountry preparedness is coming up again. In the first avalanche, tourists, unfamiliar with the dangers of - I SURMISE British Columbia’s wild By Jessica Schwitek landscape got themselves into trouble. They were young, illequipped, and in terrain they did not know how to navigate. It was by shear luck that they made it out in the condition that they did, with minor injuries. Well, it was luck on their part. It was hard work and dedication on the part of the mountain safety team and search and rescue members who rescued them. These men and women not only went out there to save these people’s lives, but have also put in the blood, sweat and tears for years, even decades, to develop the skills to make these rescues. British Columbia has by far the largest contingent of volunteer search and rescue teams, volunteers, and receives more call outs than any other in the country. B.C. has 84 SAR teams, with 2,500 members and 1,304 searches (in 2011). Quebec comes in second for the highest number of teams at 43, Nova Scotia is second for the highest number of members with 1,100, and Nunavut has the second highest number of searches at 163. Out of a total number of 1,933 searches conducted in Canada in 2011, B.C.’s SAR teams handled 1,304 of them. That’s staggering. As is often the case with volunteers such as these, thanks are rarely necessary. They do it because of a passion and sense of responsibility, not for accolades. But out of respect to their hard work and risk to their personal safety, I don’t think it is too much to ask that you not take unnecessary and foolish risks. Backcountry adventure is the reason so many people flock to this part of the world, either on vacation or to live. And no matter how prepared and knowledgeable you are, there are always risks. But if you are prepared before you go out there (and there are plenty of resources available out there to help prepare you), than at least the volunteers coming to help you know that you put as much effort into your own safety as they are.
It would seem like NDP Norm MacDonald is up to his regular antics yet again attempting to distract constituents with his noise of NDP misinformation. Macdonald’s recent claims that the failure at Mount Polley could have been predicted and that there were warning signs is completely untrue and are completely refuted by the conclusions found by an independent panel that investigated the incident. A panel comprised of three internationally recognized geotechnical experts! Contrary to Macdonald’s contrary allegations, the Mount Polley tailings breech, as quoted directly from the panel report, was “a sudden failure without precursors”. Further and again from the report, “additional inspections would not have prevented the failure” again refuting Macdonald’s claims. Finally his allegations about the lack of government inspections is completely wrong as reported by the panel who indicate inspectors are “well qualified”, have “clear targets and schedules for annual inspections” and are “amongst the best the panel has encountered among agencies with similar duties.” The NDP misinformation begs an important question. Why does Mr. MacDonald go to such lengths to create his
Re: NDP misinformation Facts? Or simply saying what Bill Bennett tells you to say? What does a government do when disaster happens on its watch, and absolutely everyone can see that it is entirely the responsibility of government and the Minister in charge? Hold a press conference, refuse to
own facts? Could his reason be found in the panel’s conclusion which states: “The dominant contribution to the failure resides in its design. The design of the tailings storage facility did not take into account the complexity of the sub-glacial and pre-glacial geological environment.” In addition, Mr. Macdonald knows that the failed design of the Mount Polley facility was approved and permitted in the 1990s; when the NDP was in government. The panel has made comprehensive recommendations to ensure a similar failure doesn’t happen again and the BC Liberal government is moving to implement them and it does not stop there. Two additional government commissioned investigations are ongoing, one by the Chief Inspector of Mines and the other by the Conservation Officer Service. When Mount Polley tailings facility breeched, Mr. Macdonald, without any supporting evidence and in typical knee jerk fashion, unjustly called for the resignation of the Energy and Mines Minister. Now that the evidence is in, the Ministry has been exonerated and given his propensity to offer constituents misinformation we say to him using his own words; Mr. Macdonald “do the honorable thing and resign”. Doug Clovechok Fairmont Hot Springs
allow journalists to actually see the report that is the subject of the announcement, and then lie about its real contents. And when the opposition calls out the government for its failure and deception, get failed BC Liberal candidates to pose as regular citizens with letters to the editor written by BC Liberal hacks and Bill Bennett apologists.
What really happened at Mt. Polley? Who is really to blame? What does the report released on January 30, 2015 really say? Following the official press conference where no one was allowed to see the document that was being presented, Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun got the full report and actually read it. Continued on page 7
Does it bug you when this area is referred to as Kicking Horse rather than Golden?
Yes 59%
No 41%
This week’s poll question: Are you excited for this year’s Masque Parade? log onto to make your vote count
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Star editorial and opinion A7
Golden point of view
Are you excited for this year’s Masque Parade?
Amber Moxam
Ryan & Eva Gallagher
Talus Robinson
“Yeah I am. It will be my first time seeing it. I have a friend visiting from Ontario so we plan to check it out.”
“Yes. We attend every year and we are currently painting all of our stuff at home.”
“A little bit, yeah. I went last year and it was allright.”
A business full of stingers to the person/persons that slander others to try and build up their own personal gain. Just remember it may come back around to bite you in your ass…etc. Hundreds and hundreds of bucket loaders full of stars to BNW and his operators for doing such
And here’s Palmer’s analysis: preceding the disaster, industry and the Mines ministry were playing a ‘dangerous game’. Palmer clearly states, ‘(T)he engineering panel (that wrote the report that Mr. Clovechok didn’t read but is happy to comment on) had plenty to say about the sorry state of affairs that preceded the dam failure last August.’ Palmer continues, ‘Mount Polley was not a story of one flaw that went undetected for years with nothing to be done about it. Rather, it was characterized by a pattern of dubious behavior, margins of safety that skirted the edge of the cliff, little thought of worstcase scenarios, all factors in a disaster waiting to happen.’ And all this happened on Minister of Mines Bill Bennett’s watch. So on this issue, I think British Columbians would be better off believing the journalist that did his job on this file, rather than Mr. Clovechok who clearly does not know what he’s talking about. Norm Macdonald MLA Columbia River Revelstoke
Stars to Peter Shular for providing a ride home for mom. Greatly appreciated. Stingers to the girl on 12th Street South
who was crying and screaming “Tell me why! I just want to know why!” at the top of her lungs in the middle of the night. Stingers to noisy neighbours. A giant stinger to mother nature for making this such a difficult year for cross country skiers.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6
a good job of snow removal in Kicking Horse Village Trailer Parks. The Park has not been this well kept since Keith King owned it.
Plenty of outdoor activities at NES Lois Ehman Principal of NES
Nicholson has been a very busy place since the Christmas break. We have had our weekly buddy reading groups, some of the students were lucky enough to have sessions with Motus O when they were in town, and the older students have been making masques and will be part of the Masque Parade this weekend. Leadership groups are popping up throughout the school; we have a drawing club which meets twice a week and they are making beautiful canvas paintings, we have a theme day leadership group who are helping to plan fun events throughout the school, and the students are submitting entries to give the school a team name. Stay tuned for those exciting results.
Fresh air and physical activity has been bountiful as well. Students synergized and created snow sculptures on the playground. The grade 2/3 students have gone crosscountry skiing twice, the grades 5/6/7 students are planning cross-country and a downhill ski day as well (they are inviting the grade 4s along too!). Snow shoeing and our weekly school walk are also added to the great outside activities going on this month. Another first for the school is the Family Math Games day that was held on January 22. Parents were invited to come play math games with their children in the classrooms and see how much they are learning. The turn-out was wonderful and everyone learned a lot. Leader In Me assemblies continue to happen as the students learn the 7 Habits. Be sure to ask our students to tell you about them!
MLA Report: Plenty to discuss as spring Legislature session opens Spring session is in the Legislature is an opportunity to have your issues raised. On February 10, the British Columbia Legislature re-opened for the Spring session which will continue through until the beginning of June. I am looking forward to being back in the House, bringing forward your issues, questioning Ministers and debating new legislation. The session will begin with a Speech from the Throne, followed in the second week with the introduction of the provincial Budget. Much of the session will be taken up by a process known as Estimates, where Ministers are questioned by the Opposition, line by line, on their ministry
budgets. My focus in estimates will be on mining as the Critic for Energy and Mines, as well as a range of issues that relate specifically to my constituency. The shortcoming we have experienced this winter with our highways will be raised. You have made it clear that the quality of our highways and the standards of road maintenance are simply not good enough. Issues around poverty and the tremendous strain put upon people with disabilities by the lack of support this government provides will also be a focus. I will also continue to raise the critical need to
ensure that zebra and quagga mussels are kept out of British Columbia’s lakes. As I have said in previous MLA reports, the cost to our environment and economy from a zebra and quagga mussel infestation would be devastating, but still, very little is being done by government to protect our waterways. I would encourage you to continue to contact my office with questions and concerns. My office receives thousands of contacts a year, and my staff are available to help. I am also available regularly to meet with you in your community. You can reach my office at 1 866 870 4188 or by email
- Norm Macdonald -
MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke
solutions that work. /localwork-bc
New to towN?
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Get a yearly subscription to your local, community newspaper for a newbie rate of $20, yup only 20 bucks! This deal is only valid for people who have never had a subscription to The Golden Star, and is not valid with any other offer. Expires Dec. 31, 2015.
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: The Spongebob Movie: Sponge out of Water (3D) starts Friday Feb.13 daily at 7pm. Matinee’s on Saturday & Sunday at 3pm.
This Week
Apply Now!
arts, culture & heritage funding Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Program brochures and application forms are available online at
Deadline for applications is March 6, 2015, or March 20, 2015, depending on the program. Administered and managed by: Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7. 1.877.505.7355
Photo: Symphony of the Kootenays
Funded by:
APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:45-11:45am. 250-439-9324 for info. Guided By Mountains: The Colours of the Wind Jan.16Feb.21 at the Art Gallery.
Wed, Feb. 11
Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Winter Walking at the Rec Plex. Wednesdays 1-2pm. Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Badminton Wed., 7-9pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Public Skate Wednesdays 7-8pm at the Arena. Air Quality Control meeting Feb.11 at the Seniors Centre. 5-7pm open house, 7-8pm presentations and discussion.
Thurs, Feb. 12 In partnership with
SAVE ANYWHERE. In partnership with In partnership with
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Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:309:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every
Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Aquafit at the Ramada Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Shinny at the Arena Thursdays 9-10pm. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register.
Fri, Feb. 13 All Girls Hockey run by girls, for girls 9+ Fridays, 4:30pm. Free for minor hockey members, $100 for non members. A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Free and snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Parent&Tot Skate Fridays 11am-12pm at the Arena. Public Skate 12-1:30pm Fridays at the Arena. Winter Walking 1-2pm Fridays at the Rec Plex. Whitetooth Grill Concert Series at the Day Lodge at KHMR: Carl Trinkwon Duo Feb.13, 3-5pm. Seniors Centre AGM Feb.13, 1pm at the Seniors Centre. Golden Eagles Senior Boys Kicking Horse Classic Basketball Tournament Feb.13. Feb.13 at 1:30pm Golden vs Mt. Baker (Cranbrook). This game will be in front of GSS school. Again at 7pm Golden vs Salmon Arm.
Sat, Feb. 14
Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings
• For more information... go to
are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate Saturdays 5:30-6:45pm at the Arena. 9th Annual Snow King Excellent Space Adventure Masque Parade Feb.14 at 7pm in Spirit Square. Iolanta (Tchaikovsky)/ Duke Bluebird’s Castle (Bartok) Feb.14 10:30am at the Golden Cinema. Whitetooth Grill Concert Series at the Day Lodge at KHMR: Frankie McQueen Feb.14, 3-5pm. Golden Eagles Senior Boys Kicking Horse Classic Basketball Tournament Feb.14. Feb.14, 10:30am Golden vs Sahali (Kamloops). Again at 4pm Golden vs LV Rogers (Nelson). Happy Valentines Day!
Sun, Feb. 15 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Public Skate Sundays 4:305:45pm at the Arena.
Mon, Feb. 16
Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mon. 5-7pm at the Early Years Centre. Free program includes dinner, parent discussion with child minding. 250-439-9665 to register. Telling Our Life Stories Writing Workshop Mon. 10am-12pm. Techniques to organize memoirs. No writing experience necessary. 250-439-9665 to register. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Golden Youth Rec Hockey
Mondays 8-9pm, ages 13-18 until Feb.23. Badminton Mon., 7-830pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Indoor Soccer at the Rec Plex 8:30-9:30pm. Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info.
Tues, Feb. 17 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Volleyball drop-in Tues. at the Rec Plex $5, 7-9pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Parent and Tot skate Tuesdays 10-11am at the Arena. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Women’s Journal Writing Group Thursdays until March 17, 12:30-2pm. Includes child minding, writing materials, and snacks. 344-5317 to register. Elliott Brood with The Wilderness play at The Rockwater Feb.17. Rockwater Grill & Ba
Upcoming Events
Golden Sound Festival Feb.21, various artists preform at various Downtown Golden locations. Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant Writing Workshop Feb.28 9-11am at the Seniors Centre. Golden Figure Skating Club Stars On Ice Feb.28 at 7pm at the Arena. Kicking Horse Culture presents Live kicks: Quartetto Gelato March 8, 7:30pm, Civic Centre. Wrangle The Chute at KHMR March 27&28.
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This week's achievement award goes to...
Jemma Lebessis for working very hard on her math skills.
Stop in by February 18, 2015 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015 A9
Old Golden Star article recounts the life of Edward Feuz days is in groups and few people stay in one place more than one or two days. “In those days, people, especially wealthy Americans, would come for three weeks to several month vacations. Now anyone can be a guide and men without training or know how are climbing mountains. This is the cause of so many accidents,” he said. Mr. Feuz explained he had to go to school to become a licenced guide, and as a professional, he was required to take training in every aspect of mountaineering. He retired in 1949 but is “in the best of health and still climbing.” One of his two daughters, Mrs. Deyde Langlands, followed in her father’s footsteps by doing some mountain climbing in a government film. Mr. Feuz recalled many names still remembered in the district.
The above photo was taken of the guides cutting ice on Lake Louise that was then hauled by horse and sleigh up to the Chateau and stored for the convenience of the summer visitors. Photo Credit Syd Feuz Collection at the Golden Museum
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
Back in the 1960s the Golden Star published the remembrances of several of Golden’s locals, and I found this one quite interesting, so I thought I would share it. I think it’s always interesting to get a firsthand account of someone’s memories. It came from the Star, November 26, 1964 and was the memories of Edward Feuz.
“Every year you hear of a few more deaths in the mountains. In fifty years we never had an accident,” Edward Feuz, formerly a Swiss Mountain Guide employed by the CPR, told the Golden Star on Wednesday. Mr. Feuz, who celebrates his eightieth birthday this week, came to Canada in 1903. His father was the first Swiss Guide employed in the Rockies when he came in 1899. In 1912, when the guides moved into the Swiss Village near here, there were five of them. Two days after their move, the men took out two American university pro-
fessors who had been attempting to climb Mount Sir Sanford for several years. The climb was successful and resulted in a book by one of the professors, Dr. Howard Palmer, entitled, “Mountaineering and Exploration in the Selkirks.” “When we came to live in the Swiss Village there was no furniture in the houses and my wife was the only one who could speak English. And we had to leave them for two weeks!” Mr. Feuz remembered. “During our first years here we did not work in the winter time, and because we were young and active, we complained,” he continued.
“Finally they let us do caretaker work at Lake Louise and Glacier. For a long time, we had to bring in 300 tons of ice a year for the visitors at the Lake Louise Chalet, alone!” Many people will remember the first great movie dog, “Strongheart.” Mr Feuz aided in the filming of one of his early pictures near here. The setting was Lake Louise and Banff and Mr. Feuz recalls Strongheart as being an extremely intelligent animal, in fact, “just like a person.” Asked why there are no longer any trained mountain guides, Mr. Feuz explained most tourist traffic these
They were other guides, including his brothers, Ernest and Walter, Christian Haesler and Rudolph Aemmer, and three others who climbed Mount Sir Sanford with him, Sam Brown, Ed Robinson, and Pete Bergenham. In his retirement, Mr. Feuz’s main hobby is polishing
pieces of wood into attractive lamp bases, stands, etc. He has kept copies of newspaper accounts of his activities over the years and has a large number of photographs of both here and Switzerland. He also has several attractive trophy pieces in his home here.
Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals of Business Ideas and Planning Kootenay Aboriginal Business Development Agency is pleased to host Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals of Business Ideas and Planning. The morning will focus on Fundamentals of Business and what steps to take to become an entrepreneur. The afternoon session will cover Contract Awards and steps to Register as a Business. The workshop will be held at EK Employment Office, #2 1313 7th Ave Invermere, BC.
Thurs., Feb. 19, 2015 beginning at 9:00 am.
Lunch will be provided for the participants as well as excellent door prizes. For information and to register for the Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship workshop please contact Janice Alpine, KABDA toll free 1 888 480 2464 ext 3164 or visit
Columbia Shuswap Regional District ELECTORAL AREA ‘A’ LOCAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE INVITATION FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) is inviting Expressions of Interest from individuals interested in participating on the Electoral Area ‘A’ Local Advisory Committee (LAC) for a 2 year term. The LAC will consist of up to 7 volunteers who will provide local input to the Electoral Area Director on service delivery and community issues that are the responsibility of and can be provided by the CSRD. The Terms of Reference and Expression of Interest forms are available on the CSRD website at under News. Residents of Electoral Area ‘A’ interested in participating are requested to submit a completed Expression of Interest form to the Regional District offices by 4 PM on Friday February 13, 2015 to: Lynda Shykora, Deputy Manager of Corporate Administration Services Columbia Shuswap Regional District PO Box 978 Salmon Arm BC V1E 4P1 Email: Phone: 250-833-5939 or 1-888-248-2773 toll-free Fax: 250-832-3375
Visit our website at 781 Marine Park Dr. NE • PO Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1 250-832-8194 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Couple ready to celebrate 65th anniversary Joel Tansey
Ellen Hatlevik Independent Call today!Sales Director 250-344-4799 250-344-4799
When Russell and Ramona Elliott got married in 1950, there were some that said their marriage wouldn’t last six months. Nearly 65 years later the local couple has proved everyone wrong and then some. The pair’s paths first crossed in Forestburg, Alta., when Russell played steel guitar at a gathering at Ramona’s parents’ house. “She was sitting in the kitchen winking at me,” Russell laughed. “He claims I was,” Ramona said. Wink or no wink, Russell liked her from the start as well, saying that he was attracted to Ramona’s good looks and her way with people. “There won’t be
Russell and Ramona Elliott have celebrated their anniversary in Hawaii and Niagara Falls in the past but aren’t sure what they’ll do this year when they celebrate 65 years together. Joel Tansey/Star Photo another woman like (her). They don’t build them like that anymore,” he joked. Some of their early dates involved trips to the local movie theatre. That was in 1949 and they married the next year when Ramona was just 16 years old (Russell is four years her senior). At the time, some of those closest to the couple thought they were too young to get married and that it wouldn’t last. Russell later worked in Leduc and Kamloops before the couple settled in the Golden area, start-
ing with remote work as a faller in the Blaeberry Valley. They later moved into town with their four children. According to Russell, one of the keys to the couple’s long, successful and loving marriage is that they always kept busy and found things to do together. These days they can often be found out for walks with their dog or, on game nights, at the rink cheering on the Golden Rockets, for which they have season tickets. Ramona agreed that enjoying hob-
912 11th Avenue 250-344-7876
bies together was important, but also stressed the importance of working things out when there is a conflict. “We never go to bed angry,” she said. With their sapphire anniversary coming up on July 5 this year, the couple isn’t sure what plans they’ll have to celebrate. For number 50 they celebrated with a musical tour through Nashville - Russell has maintained a strong passion for music and still plays the steel guitar when he can find the time. For their 25th,
they travelled to Hawaii and Russell made due on a long ago promise that he made to Ramona when they got married. “I told her that if she stayed with me for 25 years that I’d take her to Niagara Falls and we did,” he said. Against the predictions of those around them, Russell and Ramona have made it work for over six decades, and now have four children and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. And it all started with a wink.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015
StarHealth & Wellness A11
All your health & wellness needs in one place! In a community where en Lotus Ayurveda, and every recreational opporan impressive retail selectunity is right at our fingertion, Element Therapeuttips, Golden’s new health and ics has what you need if you wellness centre strives to live are an athlete with an injury, by the same philosophy… or someone who just wants everything you need all in to move your body and spirone place! it. At Element, you will feel Element Therapeutics comfortable, receive excelis your one-stop-shop for lent treatment, and leave health and wellness, where with a better understandthey know that optimal ing of your body and how health and wellness is best to care for it. With a staff as created with a team of pracdiverse as their clientele, they titioners. They have brought will definitely be able to find together some of the most an approach that is right for talented professionals in you. Golden to offer both convenWith a convenient location tional and alternative health in the heart of Golden, right care, all under one roof. across from Town Hall, EleWith this new, integrated ment Therapeutics has creapproach, they are changing ated an optimal environment the face of allied health care for a relaxing and rejuvenatin Golden and beyond.“I recing experience. Away from ommend wholeheartedly the noise of downtown, their this holistic, comprehensive newly renovated building approach to healing that sev- Take a step towards a healthy lifestyle and check out the Golden’s newest one-stop-shop for all has updated equipment, a eral different practitioners things health and wellness. Element Therapeutics newly renovated location is on Park Drive. brand new gym space, yoga can offer for one problem. I studio upstairs, and multiple think this collaborative modprivate treatment rooms for el now available in one location is a great service for Golden,” said one their physio, massage, and alternative therapists. client. All the information you need on practitioners, treatments or schedules Offering physiotherapy and massage therapy, nutrition and person- can be found on Call us at 250-344-6654 or stop al training consultants, a wide variety of yoga classes offered by Gold- by the new facility to say hello and book an appointment.
Book your appointment | 250 344 6654
Box 1017 802 Park Drive Golden, BC | V0A 1H0
A multifaceted approach to your healthcare nutrition consults
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StarHealth & Wellness
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
You can enjoy a glass of wine by the fire while you wait for your pedicure or hot stone massage at the Winston Lodge and Spa. A luxurious spa getaway without getting away.
Get pampered like the tourists do at Winston
Get the luxurious spa getaway experience without having to get away. The Winston Lodge and Spa offers all of your pampering desires, combined with the cozy backcountry lodge feel. And you don't have to drive more than 15 minutes to get there. Whether you want to glam yourself up with a manicure or pedicure, relax with a hot stone massage, or rejuvenate yourself with a revitalizing facial, the Winston can offer you all of that combined with the getaway experience. "When people come up for a treatment they often come early, or stay late. They can sit by the fire and relax, or spend some time in our hot tub or sauna," said Tracy Fedor, the spa's operator. With the Kicking Horse Saloon in the building, you can even enjoy a glass of wine while sitting by the crackling fire, watching the snow fall out the window. This is your chance to get away from the kids, away from the noise of the town, and sink into the deep relaxation that you usually only feel when you’re on vacation. A full list of services and prices can be found at
Oh, Wow!
Oh Wow Lashes
Feeling beautiful on the outside can help you feel beautiful on the inside, and what better way to do that than with eyepopping lashes. Younique 3D Fiber Lash Mascara
enhances and magnifies the appearance of your own lashes. The fibers are made from 100% Natural fibers from green tea. Easy to remove with eye make up remover or soap and water.
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back to wearing normal mascara. It's like when you leave your house with out your shirt , you feel naked. This mascara is something I always wear now. I wouldn't sell it if it was crap. I believe in the product.”
—Tracy Fedor
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015
StarHealth & Wellness
Hot stone therapy benefits
Hot Stone Therapy is gaining popularity in spas around the world and is known as the ultimate relaxation experience, but did you know that it has many therapeutic benefits as well? A hot stone massage combines thermotherapy with massage techniques to provide an effective healing therapy. The practitioner uses water-heated basalt stones (known for their ability to retain heat) to massage the body, as well, place them on particular areas to increase the circulation of fluids and remove energy blockages. The direct heat of the stones relaxes the muscles, allowing the therapist to access the deeper muscle layers.
A calming and soothing massage can do wonders in giving you an emotional boost, leaving you feeling happy and relaxed. The relaxed state is where true healing happens. Therapeutic benefits of hot stone massage: Pain reduction Stress / anxiety reduction Allows for better sleep Improves circulation Releases toxins Has been proven effective in reducing pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and MS. Tessa Keefer has been practicing massage and bodywork for 7 years. She is currently registered with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. To make an appoint-
Tessa Keefer Hot Stone Therapy
ment with her call Element Therapeutics-(250) 344-6654 or Winston Lodge and Spa(250)272-7272. A13
Hot Stone Therapy
Valentine’s Day
Gift Certificates are Available Tessa Keefer • Hot Stone Massage Winston Lodge 250-272-7272
Be fit for life, let Shape Up help Five Benefits of Regular Physical Activity: 1) Controls Weight 2) Combats Health Condition & Disease 3) Improves Mood 4) Boosts Energy 5) Promotes Better Sleep And Much, Much More! Physical activity is a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you haven't exercised for a long time, have chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, or you have any concerns. My Goal as a fitness provider in our community is to instill physical activity as a long term lifestyle habit and not just a quick Nicki McIntosh fix or a temporary phase. Of course improved Body Composition Shape Up Fitness and Athletic Performance are certainly great benefits to pursue exercise but how about prioritizing physical activity for longevity and quality of life? Setting short term, realistic goals is a great way to stay on track long term. Our Motto is "Be Fit For Life".
Your natural health source
Mike and Linda Pecora Elite Nutrition
According to owner Mike Pecora, many consider Elite Nutrition to be for gym rats and body builder types, perhaps due to Pecora's past business venture as a gym owner. That couldn't be further from the truth.
While Elite does offer your basic sports nutrition needs, its shelves are also stocked full of local organic body products, super foods and supplements, traditional medicinal tea and much more. "I've always carried regular supplements, I've always carried lots of body care, and now we've been getting back into the foods over the last couple of years," Pecora said. Carrying a wide range of local and regional products is evidently very important for Pecora, a born and raised local himself. "We carry the local honey from Parson, we carry deodorants made in Kimberley, soaps made in Nelson…it's totally important for us because it supports our local suppliers." Lately, Elite has also become well know for their selection of essential oils and
aroma therapy, an industry that is booming over the past few years. "The awareness on essential oils and their therapeutic values (is exciting)," he said. "They work therapeutically so they actually work on emotional and physical healing at the purest form possible." Pecora believes the popularity of essential oils is beginning to explode for one reason: it works. "It's kind of uncanny how well the oils work if you're using it for certain things, and once people try it they are hooked because it's the first thing people have tried that has actually resolved issues." For all the latest on what Elite Nutrition has to offer, visit their Facebook page at or follow them on Twitter @nutritiongolden.
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Local Organic Body Products •Apple Island & Willowbank all natural soap •Lipbalm, face and lotions •Mountain Sky Soaps
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StarHealth & Wellness
KInbASKet MASSAGE We bALAnCe eneRgy AnD StRuCtuRe In the bODy thROugh tOuCh Applying techniques such as: • Myofascial Release • Myofascial Cupping • Craniosacral Therapy • Visceral Manipulation • Traditional Swedish • Massage
Releasing fascial restrictions deep in the body to relieve pain and stress strengthens your resistance to disease and enhances your health and well-being.
LOIS RICARD 201 – 421 9th Avenue N. Patlar Building, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 250 344 1001
GOLDEN OPTOMETRY Even though it’s winter, don’t forget to wear sunglasses! • •
Enjoying a beautiful bluebird snow day? Cover up those eyes! UV exposure can nearly double when rays are reflected off the snow. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays is linked to eye damage including cataracts and macular degeneration.
Certain medications can increase sensitivity to UV radiation.
Be sure that kids are protected too when having fun with all the outdoor activities! Their lenses are clearer than adults, therefor making it easier for the UV rays to penetrate.
Now carrying
Come in and see the difference!
Eye health is important! Be sure to get regular check ups.
Downtown Golden 250-344-6268
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Myofascial Release
The “missing link” in your treatment Myofascial Release techniques are utilized in a wide range of settings and diagnoses; pain, movement restriction, spasm, spasticity, neurological dysfunction, ie, cerebral palsy, headaches, temporomandibular pain and dysfunction, geriatrics, sports injuries, pediatrics, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, traumatic and surgical scarring, acute and chronic pain. The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach consists of the gentle application of sustained presssure into the fascial restrictions. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon; a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate. Research recently has discovered that the environment of over 50 trillion cells of our body is the ground substance of the fascial system, which ideally should be viscous gel. Trauma, thwarted inflammation process and surgery dehydrate the ground substance. The solidification impedes the transport of oxygen, nutrition supplements and/or medication, the biochemistry, hormones, the information and energy that cells need to thrive. Research has confirmed the importance of treating the cross-links that Fascial restrictions create develop into the fibrous web and the ground substance, the fluid malalignment of the structure component of the fascial system. My advanced studies with John Barnes and Dr. J. Upledger have helped me better understand how the structure, emotions and belief systems are interconnected and can be released via the collagenous barrier of the fascial system. I have an increased awareness of women’s health problems and have more of an appreciation for how massage and myofascial release can relieve common issues such as pelvic floor pain and dysfunction, problematic breast implants or reduction scars, and endometriosis. Discovering this truly unique approach has helped me to develop the skills and confidence to provide consistent results for my clients while adding fulfillment and revitalizing my professional and personal life.
Important for UV protection all year Most of us have no trouble remembering to wear sunglasses during hot, summer days, but what is often forgotten is that wearing sunglasses in the winter is equally important, if not more so. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays has been linked to eye damage including cataracts and macular degeneration, which is a significant problem in the sum Dr. Rebecca Kolbenson mer, and a potentially more harmful issue in the winter. UV exposure can nearly double when it’s reflected off of snow and with many forgetting to wear their sunglasses in the winter, there is potential for some serious eye damage when you might least expect it. Children can be even more susceptible to UV damage when compared to adults, as their clearer lens can allow UV rays to penetrate deep into their eyes and kids often spend more time outdoors when compared to adults. For your protection needs, Golden Optometry is excited to offer Maui Jim sunglasses and invites locals to “come in and see the difference” that these bold, crisp glasses can make. If you believe you are in need of an exam, Golden Optometry has an OCT scan that is vital to monitoring glaucoma, macular degeneration and other retina disorders. Children up to the age of 19 are covered for eye exams while individuals 65 and over will have a portion of their exam paid for by Medical Services Plan (MSP).
StarHealth & Wellness
Naturopathic Prevention
With your health, as with all things in life, the more options you have the better. “Naturopathic medicine is about prevention as well as providing different options for patients,” says Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel, Naturopathic Physician with Golden’s Aqua Vitalis Naturopathic. Naturopathic Medicine is by no means a new discipline, but there are still some misconceptions out there about what Naturopathic Doctors really do. As a highly regulated profession, training to become a Naturopathic Doctor includes eight years of post-secondary education, along with a series of intensive licencing examinations. Their methods and treatments, although often rooted in natural healing traditions, such as traditional Chinese medicine, are based on research and proven results. The goal of Naturopathic Medicine is to work alongside, not in contrary to, conventional medical methods to provide the most options, and best overall health for each patient. “It’s about thinking actively about your health and having options to deal with your day to day health care concerns,” said Dr. Buckley-Strobel. Patients often go to Naturopathic Doctors for
ailments such as digestive issues, female health problems, headaches and other pain management concerns, immune support and a multitude of stress-related symptoms that may be impacting day to day life. “Naturopathy also puts a strong focus on prevention… helping people live a healthy lifestyle today so they are less likely to develop chronic health conditions, such as cancer and heart disease, in the future,” she said. A Naturopathic Physician’s tool box is vast, however Dr. Buckley-Strobel finds that acupuncture, which treats a wide variety of conditions and symptoms, is often very helpful for her patients. “The very first priority when a patient comes into the office is to find the root cause of their problem, and determine a specific course of action that fits the individual. This results in a personalized combination of different natural therapies being recommended. Acupuncture is frequently one of these therapies as it addresses many ailments, however, herbal remedies, dietary changes and nutritional supplements also play a role.” To learn more about acupuncture and other Naturopathic therapies go to
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel, BSc, ND 250-344-4983 1309-11St. S
Ayurvedic healing system
Dalia Yanai
Golden Lotus Ayurveda
Golden Lotus Ayurveda is a Natural Health clinic in Golden, BC, specializing in traditional Indian Medicine (Ayur-
veda). This ancient healing system offers a truly holistic approach to health and wellness – caring for body, mind and spirit. We have been helping clients in Golden, Calgary and elsewhere since 2008. We offer a wide range of treatments, including Traditional Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga) – done with warm organic oils; Shirodhara – pouring warm oil over the forehead to relax the nervous system; Diet and Lifestyle Consultations; Herbal remedies; Private Yoga sessions, and more. Ayurveda is the most ancient form of medicine in the world, originating in India more than 5,000 years ago. The timeless principals of this system are
applicable anywhere, any time. We believe in living in harmony with the Elements, and finding balance and real healing by knowing yourself. Whether you are looking for complete relaxation of the body and mind or are looking to address deeper health issues – we can help. Our clinic is located at 914A 11th St. S., Golden. C. Scott Ryan and Dalia Yanai are graduates of The Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM, one of the most renowned Ayurvedic schools in the world. They are also the owners of the Golden Lotus Yoga Studio, located above Element Therapeutics at 802 Park Drive, Golden.
Ayurveda is the 5,000 year old traditional healing system of India. Offering traditionalAyurvedic massage, Shirodhara and Lifestyle & Diet Consultations. All Ayurveda Clinic offerings are held at 914A - 11th St S. Phone: 250-344-8685
Eat Pure Mountain Market
Nicole Du Vent
Eat Pure Mountain Market
Opened in December by local chef and cookbook author Nicole Du Vent, Eat Pure Mountain Market is Golden’s NEW hub for healthy food access. The store features fresh organic food, a large bulk food section including bulk liquids and cleaning products as well as healthy snacks, superfoods and more! Their aim is to provide access to healthy pesticide free food at a reasonable price. The store features many local and regional products as well as fresh BC produce. Within Eat Pure Mountain Market you’ll find the Steep and Deep Juice Bar, serving up fresh organic superfood juices and smoothies. Nicole has been joined by organics expert Judith Thilbault, former owner of Genuine Organics, and Kory Monteith owner of Golden Clear to provide friendly knowledgable service. Whether you are looking for answers for your health questions or a rare spice or ingredient, Eat Pure Mountain Market is happy to help. You can find them just around the corner from Overwaitea, beside Bizzare Entertainment and Jita’s Cafe, and they are open 7 days a week!
Golden’s for Golden’sNEW NEW source source for local freshly local&&organic organic food, food, freshly squeezed squeezedjuices juices & & smoothies smoothies andso somuch much more! more! and Fromlocal localbacon bacon & From & BC BC produce to bulk maple produce to bulk maple syrup syrup and local teas! We are your and local teas! We are your local organic store with MORE! local organic store with MORE! Open 7 days a week!
Open 7 daysMon-Sat a week! 10am-6pm 10am-6pm Mon-Sat 10am-5pm Sundays 10am-5pm Sundays 1007-10th St (Beside Bizarre) 250-344-2285 1007-10th St (Beside Bizarre) 250-344-2285
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star 16
Golden’s PeeWee Rockets won the home tournament this weekend Kjell Osborne took a shot on net against Cranbrook at the Golden and District Arena on Sunday afternoon. The Golden PeeWee Rockets hosted an A and B division tournament in town over the weekend, and beat Cranbrook in a shootout in the final to win the whole thing. They head to Elk Valley this weekend to see if they qualify for Tier 4 provincials in Kimberley. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
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The local Golden PeeWee Rockets continued their winning ways over the weekend with an exciting tournament victory. The Rockets hosted an A and B division tournament, with the locals participating in the A division. After defeating Calgary Friday evening with a 5-3 win, the squad opened Saturday with a dramatic 1-0 loss to Cranbrook. The team went on to defeat Invermere Saturday even20 bucks) to into the final for a rematch with Craning to put themselves
subscription for $20 (yup, only You can get a one year subscription to your local, community newspaper! The Golden Star is offering a yearly subscription for $20 (yup, only 20 bucks) to Questions? You get a us oneatyear subscription to your Callcan or email the contact info below. local, community newspaper!
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brook. The final saw both teams tied at 0-0 after two periods until Kjell Osborne opened the scoring a few minutes into the third frame. Cranbrook evened things up with eight minutes left to keep the fans off their seats until the end of the game, which saw the locals kill off a late penalty. The match then was decided by a shootout with Golden topping Cranbrook 2-1. An exciting finish to the game and tournament and now the team heads off to Elk Valley this weekend for provincial playdowns to qualify for Tier 4 provincials in Kimberley in March.
Test your home to protect your family Golden and District Air Quality Committee Submitted In our series of articles on air quality so far, we have mainly talked about outdoor air pollution. However indoor air quality is just as important and can be subject to various forms of contamination such as radon gas. What is radon? Radon is an invisible and odourless gas that is emitted through the natural breakdown of uranium in soils, rock and water. It can seep into your home from underground through cracks in floors and foundations, unfinished floors, pipes, windows, and sump pumps. Radon gas can be harmful to your health if it builds up in sufficiently high concentrations. Areas of the home most at risk are those on lower levels with poor ventilation such as the basement, where the gas can be trapped. Long-term exposure to radon gas is a leading cause of lung cancer in Canada. Damage to the cells of the lung can result from inhaling the minute radioactive particles given off as radon decays. Spending a lot of time in a building with high levels of radon presents a significant risk. Can you test for radon? Some areas of B.C. are subject to higher concentrations of radon than others. Within the same community certain homes may experience high levels and others are fine. Since you cannot smell, taste or see radon, it is only possible to know if your home is affected by conducting a simple test. You can obtain test kits from the BC Lung Association or the local hardware store. Make sure you use a long-term test. Usually you leave a test device in place undisturbed for about three months in the lowest living area of your house. The device is then mailed to a lab for analysis, and the lab will mail you the results. The best time to test for radon is during the winter when the house is most closed up. What action can be taken based on test results ? Health Canada’s radon guidelines suggest that if your home’s radon level is less than 200 Bq/m3 (becquerels per cubic metre) you do not need to be concerned. However, it is considered to be a good idea to try to achieve the lowest radon level possible. If your home’s radon level is between 200 and 600 Bq/m3, you should repair your home in the next two years. If it is over 600 Bq/m3, you should repair your home within one year. How to reduce radon levels in your home? You may need to hire a contractor with expertise in radon mitigation to figure out where the radon is coming in, how to block it, and/or vent it out. On Feb. 11, 2015. join us for a meeting to learn more about air quality in Golden and discuss strategies for improvement. An open house will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and presentations and discussion will take place from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Refreshments and door prizes will also be available.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015 A17
Golden Business Directory Kicking Horse Embroidery Mike Burns
Eddie Leigan
ConstruC tion
Shop 250-272-2222 Cell 250-344-0143
Licensed Home Builder Cell Office Email
250 344 0290 250 344 3992
ContraCting Ltd. Box 599, golden, BC. V0a 1H0
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Placing a classified ad? Our deadline is Friday by 5:00 p.m. Call or email for more details! 250-344-5251
A18 The Golden Star
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
Weekly Angel Card Forecast: Stay Optimistic by Kamia Shepherd ATP* Special to the Golden Star The focus for this week is to ‘stay optimistic’. In this context, it is similar to staying ‘positive’ in our thoughts, while using discernment to recognize what needs altering in our lives, to allow for optimism. For example, if we have arranged our schedule in a manner that allows for no self nurturing, either through appropriate rest, exercise or artistic expression, it will often be difficult for us to feel positive. Optimism, is a view of the world, where the best possible outcome, is a reality we truly believe to be possible. Optimism does not mean we stop acknowledging areas in our lives, or the collective world at large that can be improved. It is rather that we see where there is room for improvement, and devout ourselves towards believing, acting, and encouraging others, to create that reality. The card shows a mermaid looking towards a trail and a person in the distance. The trail weaves between two bodies of water, and in the distance two dolphins jumps joyously. With a pessimistic view, it could be interpreted that the person in the distance is beyond the mermaids reach. With an optimistic view however, and closer inspection, one can see that the figure is in Planting the Seed to fact on the path, heading towards the mermaid and carries a gift of flowers Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals in his hands. Very soon, they will both be joyous in one another’s company of Business Ideas and Planning like the leaping dolphins. Optimism does not discount that an unexpected Kootenay Aboriginal Business Development miraculous outcome is possible. Agency is pleased to host Planting the Seed to When we have devoted ourselves to realizing a dream, a new positive outEntrepreneurship: Fundamentals of Business Ideas and Planning. The morning will focus on come, or a change in our lives, we are asked, sometimes daily to choose Fundamentals of Business and what steps to take either optimism or pessimism. By discerning what we personally need, to to become an entrepreneur. The afternoon session will cover Contract Awards and steps to Register return to an optimistic view of life, we create space in our etheric reality to as a Business. attract the miracles we are seeking. The workshop will be held at Akisqnuk First Nation Band Hall, 3050 Highway 93/95 Windermere, BC.
Fri., Feb. 20, 2015 beginning at 9:00 am.
Lunch will be provided for the participants as well as excellent door prizes. For information and to register for the Planting the Seed to Entrepreneurship workshop please contact Janice Alpine, KABDA toll free 1 888 480 2464 ext 3164 or visit
- Angel Card Forecast By Kamia Shepherd
With light, Kamia (To enquire about a personal reading please email kamishep@hotmail. com) Kamia Shepherd Compassion on Facebook
Tell us what you're up to!
250 344-5251
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Golden StarFebruary Wednesday, February 11, 2015Star Wednesday, 11, 2015 The Golden A19
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In Memoriam
In Loving Memory of
Raymond Olson
August 5, 1919 - February 14, 2014
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(Senior Guide - Trip Leader)
Seasonal, Full-time for Alpine Rafting of 101 Golden Donald Upper Road, Golden BC V0A 1H0. Job Duties: Coordinate recreation activities, describe points of interest, relay important safety command, attend to customer’s needs, guide customers down class 4+ waters. Requirements: No education requirements, 3 + years guiding experience in Class IV+ whitewater, Valid driver’s license, Valid 40 hour First Aid, Reading text. Oral communication, Critical thinking. Terms of Employment: Full Time, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, May 1st - August 31st, 2015 Wage: $22 per hour. How to Apply: Contact: Val Pleym Phone: 1.250.344.1455 Fax: 1.866.220.7844
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Seel Forest Products Ltd.
requires an experienced Faller Buncher Operator to start immediately working in the Canal Flats area. Must have min. 3 years experience. Please phone 250-342-5420 or 250-347-9420.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Merchandise for Sale
Apartment Furnished
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star A21
Jack Rabbits return with hardware from Nipika
Several nordic skiers from the Golden Nordic Club’s youth programs went to the Nipika Loppet at Nipika Mountain Resort last week. Many of them returned home with medals from a fine weekend of competition. For results from the loppet, go to asp?ID=5411&cat=all. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Rockets go 1-1 across final two home games of regular season
Rockets forward Riley Barnes drives into the Grand Forks zone during Friday’s win. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey Rockets 4, Border Bruins 2 On Friday, the Rockets managed a win against Grand Forks, but it wasn’t in an overly impressive fashion against a club that has struggled all year.
“It wasn’t the result that I’m concerned with, it’s how we played,” said head coach Ty Davidson. “We have to be playing with good habits, playing our system, executing the proper way. I guess we did it enough to get a win out of it here tonight but I’m not very happy with our performance.” Playing against a Bruins team that hasn’t won a game since Christmas, the Rockets got off to a sluggish start in the opening twenty minutes. “We weren’t ready to go, I could tell in the warm-up,” Davidson said. Early in the second, the Rockets finally got on the board. Braeden Allkins broke the scoreless tie with a tip-in goal off a Tanner Watt shot and Jacob Macpherson gave the Rockets a two-goal advantage less than a minute later with Allkins and Watt assisting as part of a newly formed line. After the game, Davidson said he was mostly pleased with the new trios, which also saw Nick Hoobanoff join Cole Mckechney and Ian Desrosier. “There might be some changes coming a little bit, some tinkering, but I like our line combinations,” Davidson said. The Bruins showed they weren’t going to go away easily when they beat Magnus Viberg with just under 6 minutes remaining in the second period. The mood was tense for the Rockets entering the third and it got a whole lot tenser when Coleman Macdonald beat Viberg from over 150 feet. The puck took a strange hop or two on the way to the back of the net for what was clearly a goal the Rockets goaltender would have liked to have back. However, Spencer Gerth picked up his goalie with a beautiful backhanded finish less than a minute later and the Rockets were back in business and up 3-2. Viberg shut the door from there and Desrosier potted an empty netter for a 4-2 final.
Rockets 7, Thunder Cats 4 The Rockets outshot the Creston Valley Thunder Cats on Saturday night, but once again it wasn’t enough to get the team a win. The 7-4 defeat gave the Rockets seven losses over their past 10 games. The turning point came midway through the third period. With the teams locked in a 4-4 tie, Thunder Cats forward Kyle Richter slipped the puck past Daniel Dahlin and broke in alone on Rockets netminder Mark Becica. Richter sniped a picture perfect wrist shot to the top corner and the Thunder Cats had a 5-4 lead that they wouldn’t relinquish. Nicholas Kovacik added insurance with 97 seconds left in the third and Connor Kidd salted the wound with an empty netter to cap the scoring. Earlier, Watt, Spencer Gerth, Tanner Wit and Dahlin tallied for the Rockets, who held a third period lead before the visitors scored four unanswered. The Rockets will close out the regular season with a trio of road games, beginning with a pair of contests in Creston on Friday and Saturday and ending with a Sunday matchup against Kimberley. Golden will open the playoffs against divisional powerhouse Fernie. Over the weekend, the Rockets officially announced that Davidson would not be returning to coach the team in 2015/16. The Rockets’ long-time bench boss made the decision to resign after the Christmas break. “It has nothing to do with the organization. The organization has been fabulous for me. Being here five years it’s time for a change,” he said. “The other thing is, if I could find a job close to Salmon Arm and be close to my family, that is a huge factor for me.” Davidson will officially step down at the end of the playoffs.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
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The Net Result: Special Forces
2015-01-19 1:55 PM
Invitation to Tenderers Town of Golden Contract:
The Parson Jazz Cooperative, and later the Masters of Nün, performed to a full Golden Civic Centre for the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Friday evening, which was raising money for the Golden Food Bank, and the Medical Emergency Fund with the Rotary Club of Golden. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Highway 1 Boulevard Improvements
Reference No.: RFQ 2015-001 The Owner invites tenders for:
• Clearing and Grubbing • Construction of Concrete, Sidewalk, Landscape Aprons and Curb and Gutter • Associated Landscape Planting and Irrigation Installations • Rock Wall Features and Earth Berm Instalation • Landscape Lighting Installation • Roadway Restoration Work • Traffic Control and Management
Contract Documents will be available to download February 12, 2015 from: ( BC Bid Website) or (Merx Website) The Contract Documents are available for viewing at: Address: MMM Group, 540 Leon Aveune, Kelowna, BC Town of Golden, 810 9th Aveune, Golden, BC Tender Closing Time:
2:00 PM local time
Tender Closing Date:
Thursday March 26, 2015 at:
Tender Closing Location:
MMM Group Limited 540 Leon Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 6J6
For additional information, please contact: Joe Mocilac, Project Manager MMM Group Limited Telephone: (250) 869-1334 ex. 4302 Fax: (250) 862-4849 Email:
Joel Tansey
In 2011’s Special Forces, French journalist Elsa Casanova is at the centre of an intense rescue operation after she names warlord Zaief “the butcher of Kabul” in an article. As a direct consequence, Elsa (played by Diane Kruger), who is stationed in Kabul, is captured and held hostage in Pakistan with her friend Amen (Mehdi Nebbou). The news eventually reaches the French government and a rescue plan is set into motion. The operation is led by a group of Naval Commandos and everything goes smoothly with Elsa’s rescue until their wireless set sustains terminal damage. Without the ability to communicate with home base, the commandos have no way of arranging a pickup point. The group is forced to walk to their base in Afghanistan, which is where all of the “fun” begins. The Pakistani terrain is brutal, nearly as brutal as Zaief and his men, and the challenges the group faces are immense, including a mountain pass over 5,000 metres. There’s plenty of action through the film’s nearly two hours of runtime, and Special Forces will leave fans of the war genre well satisfied with its intense sequences of gunplay. For those who prefer adventure flicks, there’s plenty of that here too as the group treks across some of the harshest terrain on the planet. Much of the dialogue is in French, with some scenes in English and Persian as well. Acting wise, there are a pair of brilliant performances that are worth highlighting. Diane Kruger will be familiar to many Hollywood audiences for her memorable role in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds. She’s on point here and does a very convincing job as Elsa. Not the typical damsel in distress, Elsa is shown to be a strong woman on her own, which is refreshing. Djimon Hounsou, who starred alongside Leo-
Diane Kruger has the starring role in Special Forces. Easy Company nardo Dicaprio in Blood Diamond, plays the leader of France’s commandos. His character is faced with numerous difficult decisions throughout the ordeal and his leadership is tested more than once. Hounsou’s raw emotion towards the film’s end is terrific and a pleasure to watch. Overall, this is a real gem that might have been missed by English audiences when it was released four years ago. It’s more of a popcorn flick than a serious war drama, but it’s absolutely worth a click. For that reason I’ll give Special Forces 9 mouse clicks out of 10.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star A23
Golden Faith Column: Beginning of Lent Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Submitted
ever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrite do in synagogues and in the street so that they may be praised by others… But when you give alms do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And whenever you pray do not be like hypocrite for they love to stand and pray in the synagogue and at the street corners so that they may
be seen by others. Truly I tell you they have received their reward. But whenever you pray go into your room shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And whenever you fast do not look dismal like the hypocrite for they disfigure their faces so as to show other that they are fasting. Truly I tell you they have their received their reward. But when you fast put oil on your head and wash your face, so
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that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you”. This season gives us more time and opportunity for our battle against evil and gives us more time and opportunity for our Christian service and spiritual nourishment through prayer and fasting. This season is also our time to go back to the time on how Jesus sees things in his perspective. How does he
respond, react and do things? This is also the time for us to evaluate our life, if we are truly a better Christian- being Christ like in all we think and do. Can we also carry our own cross and offer our lives like Jesus who carries his cross and offered his life in Calvary?
Golden Eagles head into home tournament off a win in Calgary
I’m a Kicking Horse
Ash Wednesday, February 18, is the beginning of Lent. The ashes put in the forehead marks that we are willing to travel on a journey of faith with God on our side. This day, Ash Wednesday is also fasting and abstinence a period of prayer and sacrifice. In Lent there is always the mark of alms giving, prayer and fasting. According to the gospel of Mark “… so when-
Jessica Schwitek
because they know who we are. They know we're a top team in B.C., and we've beaten top teams in B.C. and Alberta. We have a bit of a After a bit of adversity mid-season, the target on our back, teams are out to beat us," Golden Secondary School Eagles are feeling said Oszust. But they don't mind. In fact, it only adds strong, and are ready to give Golden a good show for their first and only home tourna- more fuel to the fire. ment of the year. "All the coaches have been coming up to me After a tournament in Medicine Hat two before the games, and they knew about us… weeks ago where they went two and two, the The coaches all have a bit of a scouting report senior boys basketball team was happy to come on us, and they've all been very complimentout with a win on their final game at the 35th ary about the team," said head coach Kindy Annual Trojan Classic, a AAAA tournament in Gosal. For the first time this year the boys will be Calgary. Golden's own Neal Randhawa even able to show the home crowd the reputation came out of it as the Tournament Allstar. The Eagles started strong with a 88-66 win they have been building on all season. The entire team is grateful against Lethbridge's Winston Churchill, a “I thinks teams are start- for the unexpected support they have received team they'd beat in the ing to gun for us now from Goldenites who finals of an earlier tourbecause they know who have travelled with nament. "We knew they'd be them, but are eager to we are.” coming at us strong bring this momentum —John Oszust— again. But we were back home. ready for them," said "I've seen some starting point guard Kiran Gosal. things I really like from this team this weekThey suffered a hard loss in the semi-finals end, compared to the past three or four. We against the tournament winners, William started off the season very strong, had a bit of Aberhart, but didn't get discouraged as they a lull, and are now starting to ramp up again," said Kindy. headed into their final game. He is especially encouraged by the growth "It wasn't necessarily the most successful tournament for us, but I wasn't disappointed. he has seen from some of his younger players, We left with a win. In previous tournaments like Kiran and Ozsust, who have developed we'd made it to the finals and went home on a into strong competitors, making significant loss, and you leave with a feeling of regret. I'm contributions to a team comprised mainly of still regretful for losing that semifinal game, senior players. "These guys are laying it on the line for this but I feel like we were able to leave with a good win and get some confidence back," said Kiran. team and I'm really proud of them," he added. The community will have the chance to see "It was really important for us to get that win, now we have momentum, and it's downhill for the Eagles, ranked 7th in the province for AA, us into our home tournament this weekend," on Friday Feb. 13 at 1:30 p.m. against Cranbrook (although GSS students will be occupysaid John Ozsust. That does not mean it is going to be an ing most of the stands). They will be playing easy ride for the team. Four strong schools Salmon Arm that same night at 7 p.m., which are coming out for the home tourney (Cran- is expected to be a can't-miss game against a brook's Mt. Baker, Salmon Arm, Sahali from strong, physical team. They will also be playKamloops, and LV Rogers from Nelson), and ing two games on Saturday Feb. 14 at 10:30 a.m. against Sahali, and 4 p.m. against LV Rogthey all have their eyes on Golden. "I think teams are starting to gun for us ers.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 The Golden Star
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#203, 521 - 8th Avenue
1 Bedroom
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4 bdrms
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2 bedrooms 2 baths 1,388sqft
$735,000 955 McAllister Road
3bdrms 2.5 baths 2,430sqft 3.97 acres
$699,000 1741 Seward Frontage Road
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#12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road
2 bedrooms
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$599,900 2416 Campbell Road
5 bdrms 2 baths 2,986sqft 10.28 acres
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2328 Holmes Deakin Road
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$1,195,000 4 bedrooms
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3 bdrm Home w/ 1 bdrm Legal Suite
$309,900 1695 Golden Donald Upper Road
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800 Nicholson Frontage Road
2 baths
2 bedrooms
3 bedrooms
3 baths
3 bedrooms
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$569,600 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths 1,833sqft
$319,000 1312 - 11th Street
5 bedrooms
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REDUCED 4 bedrooms
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2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres
$585,000 1742 Seward Frontage
3 bdrms 1 bath 1,740 sqft 18.5acres
$267,000 2 bedrooms
554 Day Road 2 baths
1,350sqft 1 acre
2016 McMurdo Road
517 - 12th Street
2 baths
$595,000 551 Highway #95, South
1501 Quartz Crescent
$339,000 1508 - 14th Avenue
1 bath
$209,600 773 Canyon Creek Road
3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft
.35 acre
SOLD $179,000
#205, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1 Bedroom
$169,900 #207, 521 - 8th Avenue
$330,000 1613 Gareb Road
$154,900 1 bath
66’ x 207’
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1114 - 10th Street
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$268,000 #6, 433 - 5th Avenue
1213 - 10th Avenue
1 bath
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