Houston Today, February 11, 2015

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HFP site to LNG staging By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today


Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Winterfest kicked off on Friday with sledding, a bonfire, and hot chocolate on the hill at the back of the duck pond. Houston volunteer firefighters manned the bonfire and ran lights for the sledding hill. Above, Shauna is excited to have a free crazy carpet and go sledding. Mary, Laney and Eryn were also among the crowd of kids to hit the slopes on Friday. See the Winterfest photo page on page 8 in this paper.

Coastal Gaslink is considering the former Houston Forest Products (HFP) site for a staging area. It would be used temporarily for about two years during the construction of the natural gas pipeline, said Scott Reid, Coastal Gaslink Engineering Coordinator. Reid and Kiel Giddens, Land, Community and Aboriginal Relations talked to Houston council about the project last Tuesday. For most of 2015, Coastal Gaslink will finalize plans, hire their prime contractor, get permits and hold public information sessions. Reid says they want to make a final investment decision in early 2016.

HFP site considered for pipeline staging area.

If things line up, they’ll build work camps in summer 2016, start clearing in August 2016 and start building the pipeline in early 2017, he said. Asked by Councillor Tom Stringfellow about the plans for the HFP site, Reid said the site is proposed as a transfer location. They would bring pipe in by train, offload at the HFP site and send the pipe on trucks down the Morice River Road to the pipeline route. “Would that give local employment?” Stringfellow asked. See GAS on Page 3

Houston Health Centre future... ‘to primary care home’ By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

The Houston Health Centre is changing to incorporate doctors and other health services into one building. It’s a move meant to strengthen Houston for doctor recruitment.

“It’s tough to recruit. Everybody is recruiting and everybody is short on physicians,” said Dr. Geoff Appleton, Northwest Medical Director for Northern Health. “We need a bit of an edge, especially a small community like Houston. “This would be

a definite edge in recruitment,” he said. Doctors “tend to want to walk into a situation where everything is set up for them,” Dr. Appleton said. “They’re not as interested in setting up their own practice and being responsible for the management of


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“ that practice.” Northern Health

tried for two years to recruit a doctor when

Dr. Morry retired from his practice in Houston in March 2011, and have been working for almost a year to recruit for Ninth Street Medical, said Cormac Hikisch, Health Service Administrator for Northern Health. “I’m hopeful that by changing our

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- Cormac Hikisch

recruitment approach to a model that’s inclusive of the care team at the Health Centre, I really think that will be more appealing.” Northern Health is also now recruiting for two doctors to come to Houston, Hikisch said. See DOC on Page 3

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

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Pipeline open house to engage local contractors By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

Coastal Gaslink is sponsoring training to prepare local contractors to take advantage of opportunities in pipeline work. “During the construction phase, we want to provide as much opportunity as possible for the local businesses,” said Kiel Giddens, Land,

Community and Aboriginal Relations. Giddens and Scott Reid from Coastal Gaslink presented at council last Tuesday about the natural gas pipeline plans. Giddens said Coastal Gaslink will hire a prime contractor specialized in pipeline construction, but they will have local and aboriginal participation plans. “They have to

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tell us how they plan to engage local businesses and use local labour, and how they plan to spend dollars locally. That’s a significant part of our evaluation process,” Giddens said. After they hire the prime contractor in summer 2016, they’ll finalize construction plans and start hiring contractors, he said. Asked by Mayor Shane Brienen about training for local contractors, Giddens said Coastal Gaslink is investing in two types of training. First, they have a Pathway to Pipeline Readiness Program which they’re doing now to give the local workforce training to take advantage of pipeline opportunities. This includes a partnership with the Northwest Community College to enhance programs and strengthen mobile trades. They also have bursaries starting this spring for people to take trades or pipeline-related training, and they have an aboriginal training partnership to help First Nations

Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Two representatives from Coastal Gaslink presented at Houston council last Tuesday. Above are Kiel Giddens, Land, Community and Aboriginal Relations, and Scott Reid, Engineering Coordinator. upgrade skills and get employment, Giddens said. They’re also investing in education through the Breakfast Club BC and a UNBC sustainable communities project. Giddens says

Coastal Gaslink recently hired Scott Bowen, a contractor from Prince George, focused specifically on working with local businesses. They’re also working with Chambers of

Commerce and giving presentations and updates where ever needed. “We want to provide local business opportunities wherever possible,” Giddens said. Coastal Gaslink

is hosting an Open House in Houston this April, with information for businesses who want to get involved and for people wanting to understand the natural gas pipeline impacts.

Regional District will have input about pipeline construction camps By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

If the Coastal Gaslink pipeline is approved by the Province, they will need approval from the BC Oil and Gas Commission on details of the project. Individual aspects of the pipeline like the building process, construction camps and environmental

approvals are given by the Oil and Gas Commission, said Jason Llewellyn, Director of Planning with the Regional District of BulkleyNechako. The role of the RDBN is to comment on the environmental assessment, which was approved in October 2014, he said. RDBN comments were sent in a letter

to the Environmental Assessment Office on April 17, 2014. In that letter, the RDBN raised concern about being limited to comment on work camp and stockpile locations through the Oil and Gas Commission. “The RDBN has concerns that there may not be an adequate ability to address socio-economic and

infrastructure impacts at the permitting stage through the Oil and Gas Commission,” the letter said. Llewellyn says RDBN expects to comment as part of the Oil and Gas Commission referral process, but wants to ensure they are properly consulted with any zoning changes. “If the camps are in areas where there

is Regional District zoning - which is close to residential development - then the Regional District has a say through the zoning process,” Llewellyn said. “But most of the camps if not all of them are outside of that area on crown land, where the Regional District doesn’t have any jurisdiction.”

Houston Today


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Work camp proposed near Goosly Falls Coastal Gaslink map




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The Coastal Gaslink pipeline is proposed to run 23 kilometres south of Houston. A work camp is proposed on the Parrott Trail Forest Service Road, accessed through the Morice River Road. Above in blue is the proposed camp, with the green and gray showing possible stockpile locations. GAS from Page 1 Reid said the prime contractor manages that, and is encouraged to use local labour as much as possible. Coastal Gaslink has changed it’s route a lot since they first launched in June 2012. Giddens says they initially planned to use a site in Smithers for rail access. Houston council told them about the HFP site at a North Central Local Government A s s o c i a t i o n conference last May. That’s when their plans changed to Houston. Asked by Councillor Rick Lundrigan why they planned a Smithers site instead of

Houston, Giddens said they simply didn’t know about the Houston site. The site locations will be finalized this fall after they hire the prime contractor. BUCK CREEK WORK CAMP Coastal Gaslink plans a construction camp south of Buck Creek on the Parrott Trail Forest Service Road. Tr a n s C a n a d a communications specialist Jaime Croft says the proposed camp will be accessed through the Morice River Road and is 23 kilometres from downtown Houston. Construction traffic will travel from the Morice River Road to the Carrier, Roses and

Parrott Trail Roads, she said. Scott Reid, Coastal Gaslink Engineering Coordinator, says the camp will operate for two seasons. It will start small during forest clearing, and expand to about 1,000 people for pipeline construction, he said. Reid says the target schedule is to have work camps built in summer 2016 and operating in August 2016. They plan to bus people in and out of the camps to minimize traffic on the Morice River Road, Reid said. Camps will have waste management systems, fire suppression, recreational facilities and catering, and they

will be wet camps, he said. “Talking to other projects and camp providers, having dry camps has not worked well. People tend to leave camp more, come into town to find alcohol, and eventually it leads to more drunk driving,” he said. Councillor Tim Anderson asked how the Morice River Road would be maintained. Reid said Coastal Gaslink has done road assessments to determine where and how much upgrades are needed prior to construction. The contractors hired will have an access management plan, which involves notifying people know when traffic will be

Health services to work together DOC from Page 1 These changes come from recommendations in a Northern Health review of Houston health services. The review started last September and was released Friday, looking at the best way to provide health services in Houston. The review recommended that the Houston Health Centre be transformed into a primary care home. That’s a model where different types of health services work together in one

building, rather then being independent, said Penny Anguish, Northwest Chief Operating Officer with Northern Health.

A team of professionals from different health fields will work together to address a patient’s needs, she said. Hikisch said the

process of changing the way things work at the Houston Health Centre will be long-term, and may take close six years to complete.

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there, putting up signs, and managing dust. Croft adds that project representatives will be available to meet with residents about traffic issues before and during construction. Coastal Gaslink plans to finalize camp locations this fall.


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HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Houston Today

Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: editor@houston-today.com or: newsroom@houston-today.com Advertising: advertising@houston-today.com

In our opinion:

Economic deals bring certainty


he gradual signing by northern First Nations to a provincial program offering millions of dollars tied to the prospect of natural gas pipelines crossing through their traditional territories is a continuation of a broad policy which now stretches over several decades. And that is to slowly – and everything involving government action takes place very slowly – establish an economic base by which First Nations can prosper. With the exception in our area of the Nisga’a who have chosen to develop their economy within the context of their ground-breaking 2000 land and government agreement with the provincial and federal governments, other First Nations are choosing to negotiate agreements separate from political or government to government arrangements. The first of these economic agreements concerned forestry as witnessed by ones involving the Kitselas and Kitsumkalum to the point that today, each has a stand alone forestry operation. Specific to natural gas, the pipeline deals signed by the Kitselas First Nation several weeks ago broaden the objective of economic development. However First Nations seek to place themselves within the economy of northwestern B.C. the result is stability and the certainty that when businesses consider investment in the region, the pathway is clear. As First Nations prosper, so will everyone else. - Black Press

Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor!

Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to newsroom@houston-today.com

Give light in times of darkness There is nothing worse than losing a child, and over the years I have known far too many people who have endured such excruciating agony. Last year alone three of my friends and two acquaintances suffered this unfathomable loss – and then my niece’s baby girl died in late November. When I read last week of the 21-yearold woman who perished in a car accident in Kelowna, I immediately thought of her mother and father and my heart went out to them. The following day I read that it was a fire chief’s daughter and he was one of the first responders on the scene. I don’t even know them, but I cried. I posted the gutwrenching story on Facebook and among all the condolences to the family there was a comment from my new friend, Larry Barter. “The greatest gift one can provide these parents is to be

available,” he wrote. “Often people will avoid the survivors because they don’t know what to do or say.” He then offered a few suggestions such as: I’m sorry for your loss; I have no idea what you are going through; I don’t know what to say or do; what do you need? Larry knows the inconceivable sorrow of losing a child because he lost both of his. Taylor, his eldest son, died 10 years after a terrible car crash had left him severely brain injured at the age of 19. Michael, his younger son, died of a broken heart when he took his own life at the age of 18 – a year and a half after his brother’s devastating accident. “Our tragedies didn’t just affect us,” he said. “They also impacted our family, friends, colleagues and community. Even strangers were thinking: if it could happen to the Barters it could happen to anyone.” Some individuals of-

fered tremendous support and compassion, others didn’t respond at all. “There were people I knew who would sooner cross the road than talk to me,” Larry said. “What my family and I needed was not to be ignored, but to feel included and connected.” At the time, Larry was the regional director of alcohol and drug services. He is now a clinical counsellor and understands that this kind of avoidance stems from survivor’s guilt. While this reaction might be understandable to people who don’t know what to say, it’s not the least bit helpful to those who are grieving. Other things that didn’t provide solace were well-meaning comments such as: everything happens for a reason; he’s in a better place; time heals all wounds, you can always have more children; and God has a plan. Hearing “I know how you feel” was not

comforting either. “Linda Woods hosts a support group for bereaved parents called The Compassionate Friends of Kelowna,” Larry said. “I sat in a room full of people who had also suffered the loss of a child, but I didn’t know how they felt. I only knew what I was going through.” Asking mourners how they feel and what they need is infinitely more supportive. “My advice is not to avoid people when they’re in such pain,” Larry suggested. “And don’t try to fix it either. You don’t have to know what to say, just let them know you care and you’re available.” After years of therapy over the loss of his beloved boys and the life he once had, Larry eventually got to a point where he consciously decided that he wanted to live and love and contribute. “I will always feel an emptiness and loss without them,” he said. “But where I


On a brighter note Lori Welbourne used to feel like I lived 90 per cent of my life in darkness, I now feel like it’s 95 per cent light. When the darkness comes in now, I know it will pass.” Loving his sons and keeping their memories alive has helped him get to that place, yet he couldn’t have done it on his own. He needed counselling, and he needed to connect with others. It may appear that the people mourning a loved are doing just fine. Larry doesn’t want us to be fooled by their facade, and to keep letting them know we’re here for them, for as long as they may need us.

Black Press Group Ltd.


B.C. Owned and Operated

DISTRIBUTED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council” www.bcpresscouncil.org Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934

Annual Subscriptions: Local (Houston only): $38.00 (includes tax) Seniors: $28.00 (includes tax) Out of Town: $50.00 (includes tax) We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Houston Today


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0



Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: editor@houston-today.com or: newsroom@houston-today.com Advertising: advertising@houston-today.com

On the

Street... What do you like about snow?

Kate-Lynn Joseph Grade 2

Meghan Williams Grade 6

Haley Waldie Grade 3

Nevada Hardy Grade 5

“That you can jump in it and make tunnels and go through it. I like that you can roll around in it and make snow angels and snow men.”

“I like that you can make so many things with it and express yourself through it. You can make things like sculptures and snow men.”

“I like that you can build snow men and make snow angels.”

“I like snowboarding and sledding. And I like snowmobiling in the snow.”

By Jackie Lieuwen

B.C. to restore utilities commission authority By Tom Fletcher Black Press

The B.C. government has promised to restore the B.C. Utilities Commission’s independent role in setting electricity rates and add more fulltime commissioners to help them do it. Energy Minister Bill Bennett released an independent review of the commis-

sion Wednesday, and said the government intends to implement all 35 recommendations. Authority over setting BC Hydro rates for commercial and residential customers won’t be restored until 2017, after Bennett and Premier Christy Clark stepped in to cap rate increases in 2013. The review comes after the government

exempted big-ticket projects from BCUC review, including the Site C dam on the Peace River, the wireless electricity meter system and a new transmission line to northwest B.C. that ran $300 million over the original budget. Bennett announced the government directive on BC Hydro rates after the 2013 election, with a 10-year plan

that increases rates 28 per cent over five years. He acknowledged at the time that rate increases were being kept low using a “rate smoothing” account that defers more than $1 billion of the utility’s debt. BC Hydro rates are to increase six per cent this year under the province’s directive, and then be capped at four per cent for the

two years after that. “After the first five years of the 10-year plan they [BCUC] will be back in charge of setting rates,” Bennett said Thursday. NDP energy critic Adrian Dix said the B.C. Liberal government has been overruling and sidelining the BCUC since 2003 when it directed BC Hydro to buy power from private produc-

ers. He said its political intervention on rising BC Hydro rates is designed to continue holding down rate increases until after the 2017 election. Dix said it’s also no coincidence that Bennett received the independent review in November and held onto it until after the government had announced its decision to proceed with construc-

tion of the Site C dam. The review panel and the regulated utilities agreed that the government has authority to set provincial energy policy and direct the BCUC on specific issues. But the report adds that the government should define those policies well in advance and “then leave the commission to act independently within its mandate.”

Post-secondary ‘re-engineering’ begins By Tom Fletcher Black Press

Premier Christy Clark’s push to “reengineer” the B.C. education system is moving ahead aggressively in B.C.’s 25 post-secondary institutions. One of the first tasks for Andrew Wilkinson in his new role as advanced education minister was to outline the shift in operating grants for colleges and universities to indemand occupations. By 2017, a quarter of the money for postsecondary institutions will be directed to areas where labour force surveys forecast a need.

This was greeted with some alarm when it was announced last year. Simon Fraser University president Andrew Petter at first downplayed the coming skills shortage as “relatively small” and warned against pushing postsecondary institutions into a “zero sum battle for dollars.” Petter has since come on board, as his approving comments were featured in the ministry’s Jan. 26 news release detailing the shift. He and others have been assured that in spite of Clark’s rhetoric, suggesting trades training is in and university is out, the news for SFU and

other universities isn’t all that bleak. Wilkinson is completing a provincewide tour of all postsecondary institutions this week, and I reached him at his visit to Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. “The response to this has generally been pretty good, because the students are putting this pressure on institutions themselves,” he said. “Some of the institutions are … shrinking things like teacher education and putting more effort into the science-based, quantitative fields that are often related to these in-demand

occupations.” The surplus of teacher graduates has been noticeable for some time, but that’s largely a function of oversupply, much of it in urban areas. In the Cariboo, for example, teaching jobs are projected to have the highest number of openings by 2022, followed by nursing and retail and wholesale trade managers. Then come heavy duty mechanics and electricians, but also paraprofessional jobs in legal, social, community and educational services. P rov i n c e - w i d e, it’s part of a broader demographic shift to fewer children

and more retirees. In fact the government started this targeted funding a decade ago with health care, forcing universities to produce more doctors, nurses, lab techs and so forth. The retiring baby boom is expected to account for more than half of the openings in the next decade, which will expand the skills demand across most fields, beyond the trades training for the anticipated liquefied natural gas industry and other high-demand industrial areas such as truck driving. Wilkinson notes that of the ministry’s $1.9 billion budget, about 60 per cent goes

into general post-secondary education, for introductory courses that students take when they are seeking a career path, through undergraduate studies to professions. “So I think the idea that we’re going to somehow minimize or diminish funding in that general education, arts and science category is just not true,” he said. Key to this shift is measuring the performance of courses offered at colleges, universities and technical schools. Each year, the ministry surveys about 30,000 graduates to find out whether their studies helped them find a

related job. The results are available on a website that breaks them out by institution and general study area. To find it, do a web search for “BC student outcomes” and select the “executive dashboard” to check the results for courses and schools in your region. The site provides charts showing the percentage of students who land relevant jobs. Not surprisingly, it tends to be higher for technical programs and lower for fine arts. It also shows grads’ average wages, a sobering but useful bit of information for high school students and their parents.



Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Houston Today

“A lot of memories burned down with that place” By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

The recent house fire on Perow Loop Road levelled a heritage residence for the Perow area, which was once a community of its own. 79-year-old Verna Cloarec grew up in

that home, which was a general store, post office and coffee shop from 1948 to the 1970s. Her parents, Vanner and Florence Byman, moved into the building in 1948 after their home across the road burned down. Using horses and lots of community

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A receipt from the General Store in Perow in the 1940s. help, they moved the store building to its spot from farther up the road. That same year they put in store shelves

and mailboxes. About ten years later, they built a coffee shop onto the store. The home was the centre of the

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Top: The house on Perow Loop Road that used to be a General Store, Post Office and coffee shop for the Perow community. Bottom: The house burned to the ground on January 16. community in many ways, providing people with groceries, hardware and clothing and hosting events. “We used to have lots of dances there,” Cloarec said. She remembers pushing the store shelves and tables to the side to clear an open space for dancing. Alvin, Stuart, Leroy and Lester Oppen provided the music with guitar, banjo, accordion and violin. “I can still remember them walking up the road, playing their instruments from their cabin up to Mom’s,” Cloarec said. “For girls growing up, we had a lot of dancing and music.”

Cloarec says Perow Loop Road used to be the highway, and the area used to have close to 20 homes. It was home for families including Balls, Bjorkmans, Byes, Bymans, Cloarecs, Fontaines, Forsyths, Hays, Jarmans, Larsons, Leboes, Lunds, MacLeods, Mills, Oppens, Scotts, Spencers, Sullivans and Westgardes. Most people worked at a sawmill or planer. There were up to 16 private sawmills operating by the canyon between Perow Loop and Uplands in the 1950s to 1970s and several small planers. Perow also had a one-room schoolhouse

for 15 to 20 students, and a train station run by Lou Scott and his daughter Lyla. “We used to pull the mail on sleds to and from the train station every day,” Cloarec remembers. As the sawmills cleared out the timber and shut down, the little Perow community shrunk. The store closed in the late 1970s. Vanner Cloarec was post master for 36 years and the mailboxes were still in the house when it burned on January 16, 2015. Cloarec says that was a big loss in heritage. “A lot of memories burned down with that place.”

Thank you to the Houston and Topley community for your generosity. You helped us get back on our feet after losing our home in Perow Loop.

- Doug and Nicole

Houston Today

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



Houston Library celebrates 50 years

The Board of Education and Staff of School District #54 (Bulkley Valley), would like to congratulate the Ministry of Education’s 2014 DOGWOOD DISTRICT/AUTHORITY AWARD SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS

Top left: Anniversary cake made by Amber Oevering. The books on the cake were best sellers between the years 1965 and 2015. Top right: A Houston resident enjoys 60s music played by musicians Al Trampah, Mike Brown, and and Gerry Jenks at the Anniversary celebration last Thursday. Above: Evelyn Jaarsma was honoured with flowers and gifts for 42 years of volunteer service at the library. Photos submitted

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Pearse grew up in Houston and parents Walter and Linda PEARSE are still long term residents of the town. Houston was bred by Koping Weimaraners of Calgary AB and comes from a long line of Champions. Houston became a Canadian Champion by 10 months of age and a Grand Champion before he was 2. In 2014, he achieved the most Sporting group placements by a Weimaraner in Canada. To add to his success, Houston recently became an American Champion.




Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Houston Today

Public Health Nurse Jacqueline Malkinson came to educate about the importance of family meals. She said family meals encourage better eating, help families talk more, teach life skills and family traditions. Above, she stands with her daughter Lindsay at the booth.

Family Literacy Brunch Elaine Kaszas enjoys a healthy brunch with her daughter Hailey and Mom Paula Kettle.

Top right: Volunteer firefighters Shay, Dean and Chad serve sausage, pancakes and hash browns at the Literacy Brunch. Right: Belinda and Ali from Link to Learning gave Sue Jones a blanket meant to clothe her in strength, grace, happiness and peace. The two are part of the Link to Learning project called “Words change Worlds.”

Mackenzie and Erin spin on some of the toys from the Friendship Centre booth. The toys are part of a Friendship Centre Play Gym for kids under six, which runs every Monday and Wednesday 10 to 12 p.m.

Jackie Lieuwen photos/ Houston Today

Left: Nora and Avery enjoy a sensory table at the Beanstock information booth. Avery’s Mom Carla kept a watchful eye over the kids. This activity is actually a bowl of beans dyed in bright colours. Above: Charles and his son Sammy check out the play doh at the Friendship Centre information booth. Play doh is great for kids because it helps them develop their motor skills, imagination, creativity and it’s calming and soothing for them.

Houston Today

Wednesday, February 11, 2015








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OFFERS END MARCH 2ND ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the lease of a 2015 Chevrolet Trax LS Air & Auto and Equinox LS FWD. Freight ($1,650) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and applicable taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. *Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by and entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from February 3 through March 2, 2015 of any new or demonstrator 2015 model year Chevrolet (except 2015 MY Chevrolet Colorado 2SA). City Express excluded at outset of program; will be eligible once residuals become available. General Motors of Canada will pay the first two bi-weekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first two bi-weekly payments, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay dealer fees. Insurance, license, and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. †† Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickup models delivered in Canada between February 3 and March 2, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible Chevrolet vehicle (except Colorado 2SA, Corvette, Camaro Z28, Malibu LS, Silverado 1500 and HD). Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between February 3 and March 2, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,500 credit available on eligible Chevrolet vehicles (except Colorado 2SA, Corvette, Camaro Z28, and Malibu LS). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. † Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. > Based on WardsAuto.com 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak. ~ Requires compatible mobile device, active OnStar service and data plan. Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on certain vehicles and in select markets. Customers will be able to access this service only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). ¥ Lease based on a purchase price of $22,685/$26,435 (including $0/$1,000 lease credit and a $750 Owner Cash) for a 2015 Trax LS Air & Auto (1SA) and Equinox LS FWD (1SA). Bi-weekly payment is $119/$139 for 48 months at 0.5%/0.9% APR and includes Freight and Air Tax, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometers limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $1,675/$1,600 down payment required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $14,039/$16,123, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $8,960/$10,980. Price and total obligation excludes license, insurance, registration, taxes, dealer fees, optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. ¥¥ Comparison based on 2013 Polk segmentation: Compact SUV and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ^Whichever comes first. Limit of four ACDelco Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.

Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631]


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Houston Today

Photo submitted

Houston Mayor Shane Brienen asked Coastal Gaslink if they might leave sections of the pipeline right of way wider, to limit timber loss in wildfires, like the China Nose fire pictured above. Coastal Gaslink representatives said they would take that into consideration.

e 287 e 356 e 139

Houston Today

Coastal Gaslink to consider wildfire control By Jackie Lieuwen




HOUSTON COMMUNITY CALENDAR Community Market: Show your love this Valentine’s Day with a special gift purchased locally. Our February market takes place on Thurs. Feb 12 from 3-7 p.m. Vendors are asked to please call ahead to register. Tables are limited and are $10 each. Community Markets are sponsored by the Houston Public Library and H.O.P.E. Discover New Ways to Love Your Library & AGM - Mon., Feb. 23 starting at 7 p.m. the Houston Public Library Association will conduct its 50th Annual General Meeting and election of board members. Staff members will also be making Blue short presentations on Novelist - an on-line database; User Experience By Design; Greenstyle programming for kids and How to S.T.E.A.M. Access Your Library Account On-line. Everyone is Harvest welcome. Refreshments will be served. Houston Public Library Events: Story Time – Wed. mornings from 10-11 a.m. • Junior Literary Society – Thurs. afternoons from 2:30-4:30 • Mark Zagwyn Photography – Fri., Feb. 13 from noon to 4:30 p.m. • Book Club – Thurs., Feb. 26 from 7-9 p.m. For more info on above events please contact the library @250-845-2256. Houston’s “Love by the Bowl” Soup Kitchen serving healthy homemade soups Logo in two Colour different seatings, 11:00 -12:00 and 12:00 -1:00 on Wed.

Buck Flats Community Development Society, meets every 3rd Sat. evening at 6pm at Andy Pollack’s house (17642) on Buck Flats Rd. All Buck Flats residents are welcome to attend, we discuss issues concerning the Buck flats area. Please call Chris Newell at 250-845-3564 for more info. Activities for Seniors in Houston at the Seniors Centre: Carpet Bowling Tues. & Fri. 1:00 PM • Floor2007 Curling Mon. 1:00 PM • Pool any afternoon July to schedule call; Adrian-250-845-2338 • Breakfasts- first Sat. of the month, community invited. • Soup and Sandwich luncheon- third Thurs. of the month. Community invited. At Pleasant Valley Village, 3603 11th St.: Senior Exercise, Mon. & Fri 10:00 AM • Cards Mon. & Thurs. 7:00 PM. At the Bowling Alley: Seniors bowling Wed. 1:30 PM. At the Houston Swimming Pool: Aquafit, Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9-10 AM. At the Legion: Seniors darts and light lunch Thursdays 11a.m. - 2 p.m. Coffee Break - an Interactive Women’s Bible Study meet every Wed. morning from 9:30-11:00 at the Houston Christian Reformed Church, 1959 Goold Road. Childcare is provided. For more info call Margaret: 845-2348, Darlene 845-7438, Evelyn 696-3229.

File The Houston Legion Branch 249:

Meeting: 2nd Monday of the month is Executive, 4th Monday is General Meeting.

Community Calendar proudly sponsored by

Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION N

TOPLEY Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250696-3348 or come to a Fire Practice Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm). Topley Fire Protection Society meetings every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm.

GRANISLE Granisle and District Seniors meeting every 2nd Sunday of the month at 7:00pm at the Seniors Centre. Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire practices every Tues., 7:00pm at the Fire Hall. Granisle Church of the Way services are Sunday, 11:00am. Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at www.houston-today.com

HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston Phone: 250-845-7117

Since May 1941, Bulkley Valley Credit Union has been building a solid financial institution that members from Burns Lake to the Hazeltons have grown to rely on. People helping people is how we began and we strive to remain people-oriented, both in our financial services and through direct involvement with our communities. We are dedicated to local decision-making and local control, key factors in providing the kinds of services that meet the financial needs of individuals and business members alike.

Bulkley Valley



Coastal Gaslink is taking into consideration concerns from Houston council about wildfire control. Scott Reid and Kiel Giddens from Coastal Gaslink presented last Tuesday to Houston council about their plans. The 650-kilometre natural gas pipeline is proposed to run from the Dawson Creek area to Kitimat where it will be liquified and sent across the Pacific Ocean to Asian markets. It will run 25 kilometres south of Houston and will be entirely underground, Reid said. Coastal Gaslink got their environmental assessment certificate October 24, 2014, and Reid says they’re incorporating the 32 conditions into their plans. Councillor Tim Anderson asked what the environmental impacts would be if there was a leak. This Coastal Gaslink pipeline is different from an oil line, as it transports natural gas. Reid says natural gas is 90 percent methane, lighter then air and would just evaporate into the environment. Giddens added that “it’s the same product that most of us in northern BC use to heat our homes.” Mayor Shane Brienen asked whether Coastal Gaslink is considering wider forest clearance in

some areas of the pipeline to help control wildfires. “In the beetle area, we’re experiencing a lot of bigger, faster growing fires,” Brienen said. “What is happening in smaller communities, is that we’re losing big chunks of timber, which we see as losing a resource… Are you having conversations with [Ministry of Forests or Wildfires BC] and are you doing wider clearance in any areas?” “I know you’re probably expecting [people to] want the right of way very narrow in most places, but I think a few communities might want them wider.” Both Reid and Giddens said they didn’t know if there had been discussions about that, but would take the idea back to their teams. Reid says the current proposal is to clear right of way 60 to 100 metres for construction, and after the pipeline is built to leave a 32-metre permanent right of way. “We try to minimize clearing as much as we can,” he said, adding that they’ll allow natural vegetation to grow back to about ten metres. Giddens added that they would consider making it wider to help control wildfires if that is what communities want. Coastal Gaslink is finalizing plans in 2015 and planning to make a final investment decision in early-2016.


Bulkleythat Valley solutions work. FINANCIAL SERVICES




Houston Today


Wednesday, February 11, 2015



Photo submitted

Over 30 people came out to moonlight ski Feb. 2 at the Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club. Jaimie Yeomans, Jackrabbits Coordinator, says it was “a beautiful snowy ski with lots of great company.” Six Jack Rabbit Coaches came out to lead the group ski, which wrapped up with hot chocolate and snacks in the ski cabin. The Club is hosting a Twilight Ski on March 6, a day with an early twilight to enjoy. They’ll have group leaders, hot chocolate and potluck goodies. Above are Kathy Ismond, Jack Rabbits coaches Ann Hak, Jana Rose, & Jen Williams, and Jack Rabbits Ella Rose, Evan Rose, & Kaylee Sketchley.

? g n i t a Renov

Use your TIMBER MART card for your home project and do not pay for 6 months*(O.A.C.) Plus show your Airmiles Card and receive more Airmiles reward miles! Burns Lake 165 Francois Lake Dr. Phone: 1-250-692-7725


FALL 2015


KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten registrations will be accepted during the week of February 16-20, 2015 at all of SD#54’s elementary schools for entry into school in September 2015 for children who will be five (5) years old on or before December 31, 2015. Registration during this time is required to assist for planning and organizing of our local schools. Proof of age (original birth certificate) and BC Care Card must be presented at the time of registration. Registration in regular school programs should take place at a resident’s neighbourhood school (see list below). If you have any other questions, please call your neighbourhood elementary school. Lake Kathlyn Elementary 7620 Highway 16 West Smithers, BC 250-847-9427

Telkwa Elementary 1000 Hankin Avenue Telkwa, BC 250-846-5851

Bulkley Valley Education Connection 7620 Highway 16 West Smithers, BC 250-847-9427

Silverthorne Elementary 3455 – 13th Avenue Houston, BC 250-845-2228 Twain Sullivan Elementary 1771 Hungerford Drive Houston, BC 250-845-2227

Muheim Memorial Elementary 3659 – 3rd Avenue Smithers, BC 250-847-2688 Walnut Park Elementary 4092 Mountainview Drive Smithers, BC 250-847-4464




HOPE forToday

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Houston Today

Too Late?

I had a coupon for a certain product which I was planning to redeem when I was at the store. Whenever I was there, I realized I had forgotten the coupon, so some time passed before I actually had the item and the coupon. When I did, the cashier read the conditions and said “You are too late, the coupon has expired.” What was worth something a few days ago was now worthless. Other priorities had gotten in the way; I had procrastinated and now I could no longer receive the benefits of the coupon. Though the coupon was worth only a little, it reminds me of something of eternal value that we can miss, if we continually ignore the offer given to us. This is the gift of eternal life which God is offering to everyone who will receive him. (John 1:12 & 3:16). Peter tells us that God is patient with us because “He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” 2 Peter 3:9 NLT. The apostle Paul says “We speak for Christ when we plead ‘Come back to God.’” 2 Corinthians 5:20 NLT A time is coming when God’s gift of forgiveness and grace will no longer be available. If you are sensing the Lord calling you, do not delay, turn to him while there is still time, tomorrow may be too late. We can either turn to him for mercy and grace, or continue on in our sins and face his judgement and separation from him forever in eternal punishment. (Romans 2:5-8; Revelation 20:11-15) “So what makes us think that we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak?” Hebrews 2:3 NLT Submitted by Ken Penner Sponsored by Riverside Gardens

RAFFLE for Aid

Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church is running a raffle to raise money to help people in need. The top prize is $1,000 cash and some of the proceeds will go to the local soup kitchen and food bank. Georgina says they will be in the mall Thursday until this Friday. Above is Bill and Georgina selling tickets.

With a couple of clicks, add your event today.

BC Lieutenant Governor to visit Houston By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

events there’s moreWonline » www.vicnews.com www.houston-today.com

Advance Public Notice

Bulkley Stikine Load Restrictions

Pursuant to Section 66 of the Transportation Act, and to provisions of the Commercial Transport Act, notice is hereby given that load restrictions may be placed on short notice in the near future on all highways within the Bulkley Stikine District, including areas from Burns Lake west to Kitwanga and north to the Yukon border, including Atlin. Restrictions will be imposed in each service area as conditions warrant.

The restrictions will limit vehicles to 100 per cent, 70 per cent or 50 per cent legal axle loading. Overweight permits will not be granted and all term overweight permits are invalid for the duration of the restrictions. Trucking and transportation companies, as well as the general public, should govern themselves accordingly. If you normally receive bulk deliveries of water, fuel, livestock feed or other produce, please plan ahead so interruption to your deliveries will be minimized. Your cooperation in adhering to the above regulations is appreciated. Dated in Smithers, British Columbia, this 26th day of January, 2015. Carl Lutz, District Manager Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Bulkley Stikine District For more information about load restrictions, please contact local Operations Technician Caitlin Dobson at 250 847-7403 or visit the Load Restrictions section of www.DriveBC.ca.

The Lieutenant Governor of B.C. is visiting Houston on February 25. The Honourable Judith Guichon will visit a few places

around town, but her schedule has not been finalized, said Houston Chief Administrative Officer Michael Glavin. During community visits, the Lieutenant Governor typically attends an event or vis-

its a school, seniors residence or branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. The Honourable Judith Guichon, OBC Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. www.ltgov.bc.ca photo

Houston vision up for discussion By Jackie Lieuwen

This plan will guide the future decisions of council The District of and gives a long-term Houston is updating vision for them to the official vision for work towards. The District Houston, called the MoTI Ad 1088 developed a Official Community Bulkley Stikine LoadT r a n s p o r t a t i o n Plan (OCP). Restrictions Houston Today

Plan, Economic Development Plan and Age-Friendly Plan in 2014. Those will be incorporated into the OCP by May 5, 2015. Recommendations from these plans will

also translate into bylaws to be adopted by May 5. Public input is welcome at the Public Open House February 19 and the Public Hearing April 7.

Police report pickup tires slashed Smithers Interior News

Houston Today Jan. 31. Sgt. Rose By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today Lakes District Newssays police have no suspects and anyone with information Police arrested a 4.31” X 6.42” contact male and female for should 270 Lines RCMP obstructing officers at Houston (3 columns X 90 lines) at 250-845-2204 or a home on Sullivan Way at midnight Crime Stoppers at Jan. 31. RCMP Sgt. 1-800-222-8477. *** Rose says police Police are looking were investigating a disturbance when to arrest a shoplifter, the male and female who stole something were arrested. Both from a local business face charges for at 4:30 a.m. Feb. 1. causing disturbance, Sgt. Rose says the obstructing a peace clerk identified the officer and resisting shoplifter, who was gone when police arrest. arrived. Police are *** Someone slashed now seeking to arrest the tires of a pickup the female suspect, parked on Hagman who is known to Crescent overnight police.

*** A logging truck snapped a railway arm trying to beat the train at the North Nadina crossing at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 3. Sgt. Rose says the truck driver tried to cross despite the warning lights, and the arm came down between the spokes on his trailer. Police ticketed the driver for disobeying the warning signals, and contacted CN. *** Police are looking to arrest a male for assaulting a female at a home on Eagle Nest Crescent in the Tachet Reserve. Sgt. Rose

says the assault was overnight Feb. 4, and police have a suspect. Charges are expected. *** A vehicle hit the ditch on Highway 16 near Morgan Road at 3:30 p.m. Feb. 4. Sgt. Rose says the driver had minor injuries and alcohol was not a factor in the crash. Police are investigating the cause of the crash. *** In seven days, police had 47 calls for service, including ten traffic complaints, three false alarms, one abandoned 9-11 call and no bylaw complaints.

Houston Today Wednesday, February 11, 2015

www.houston-today.com 13

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Place of Worship

HOUSTON & AREA CHURCH DIRECTORY Houston United Church 2106 Butler Ave






Coming Events


THE 6th annual WCOWMABC Convention & Trade Show will be held at the Ramada Plaza (36035 North Parallel Road) on February 12, 13, 14 & 15 in Abbotsford. Workshops, open forum discussions, networking opportunities & door prizes. The trade show is held on Feb 13 only (complimentary admission). Don’t miss the only onsite wastewater trade show & convention in BC. More info at www.wcowma-bc.com.

AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact number: (250) 8457774. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266 CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada benefit.ca/free-assessment

Business Opportunities

Haircare Professionals

Haircare Professionals

SERVICES: Sundays at 11a.m. (Kids Sunday School during the service) To contact the church or for pastoral care: Morgan Ryder (250-698-7612 -H) or 250-692-9576 -C) or Marianne Dekker 250-845-2282

Career Opportunities

GET FREE Vending Machines. Can earn $100,000+ per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629. Or visit our website: www.tcvend.com THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on avg). Covers: hip/knee replacements, back conditions and restrictions in walking and dressing. 1-844-453-5372.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Houston Fellowship Baptist Church

Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM Pastor Carl VanDam s.carl. vandam@canrc.org Office Phone: 250-845-3441 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston, BC

Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578

Pastor Martin Vellekoop ~ Everyone Welcome! ~

2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 250-845-2678 Pastor: Mike McIntyre Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm Sunday School: During the Service

Everyone Welcome

Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston, BC

Phone: 250-845-4940

Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays

Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Association Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2705

Houston, B.C. V0J lZ0

This is a part time, temporary position beginning March 16th, 2015 with the possibility of extending to a permanent position. For a copy of the job posting, please check out www.bvcdc.ca

GENERAL MANAGER Community Futures Nadina

&RPPXQLW\ )XWXUHV 'HYHORSPHQW &RUSRUDWLRQ RI 1DGLQD LV D G\QDPLF DQG YLEUDQW QRW IRU SURĆ“W FRPPXQLW\ HFRQRPLF GHYHORSPHQW FRUSRUDWLRQ HVWDEOLVKHG LQ ZLWK LWĹ?V PDLQ RIĆ“FH LQ +RXVWRQ B.C. We are seeking a General Manager to lead our innovative and forward thinking organization in its commitment to fostering the entrepreneurial and community spirits within our region. We offer a wide range of services including: Community Economic Development Strategic Planning Business Loans Business Planning and Idea Development Related Business Services For required competencies and further information , visit www.cfnadina.ca 5esumes and cover letters citing salar\ e[pectations can Ee mailed, marNed Ĺ?&onĆ“dentialĹ? to CFDC Nadina, PO Box 236, Houston BC V0J 1Z0, Attention: Jerry Botti, or may be emailed to: Mbotti#cfnadina.ca, with Ĺ?*0 PositionĹ? in the subMect line. Closing date: February 27, 2015

Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH


Apply by resume by February 13th, 2015 to Kerri Bassett, Executive Director, director@bvcdc.ca Phone: (250) 847-4122

3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne

Sunday School: 9:45AM Church Service: 11:00AM Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810


Tzah Tez Tlee Development Corporation

Operations Manager The Tzah Tez Tlee Development Corporation has been recently established with the intent of creating opportunities for the members of the Community of Fort Babine to actively participate in and benefit from economic and investment activities in their traditional territory. Tzah Tez Tlee Development Corporation is looking for a creative Operations Manager to manage our day-to-day operations as well as to seek out and develop any economic opportunities within the territory that would benefit Tzah Tez Tlee, local contractors, residents of Fort Babine and members of the Lake Babine Nation. Please submit your resume along with a cover letter that provides an outline of the creative approach you would bring to this position, references and basic details of how you propose to further this exciting opportunity. This is currently an “as and when required� contract employment opportunity with a two year term. But with significant timber volume about to be tenured as well as potential major projects possible within the territory, along with other opportunities, this could develop into a full time position in the near future as a result of your efforts. Preference will be given to residents of Northern BC. Application packages can be mailed to: Tzah Tez Tlee Development Corporation P.O. Box 2663, Smithers BC, V0J 2N0 Or emailed to tzahteztlee@gmail.com (specific questions regarding this opportunity can be sent to this email address) The application deadline is February 28, 2015. Only those applicants selected for further consideration will be contacted for an interview.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Huckleberry Mines Ltd., an 18,,000 TPD open pit copper/molybdenum mine located 121 kilometers south of Houston in west central British Columbia, commenced operation in September 1997; a recent expansion has extended the mine life to 2021. We are currently recruiting for the following positions:


Huckleberry Mines is seeking a Mill Maintenance Planner/Scheduler to join our multi-disciplined team of maintenance personnel. Reporting to the Mill Maintenance &oordinator the indiYidual Ĺľlling this position Zill be a key team member in developing, managing and controlling all aspects of planning and scheduling maintenance activities in an 18,000 tonne per day copper mineral processing plant. 'uties Zill include Ĺ˜ Promoting and maintaining a safe Zorking environment through compliance Zith Huckleberry Mines Health and Safety programs and the %& Mines $ct Ĺ˜ (nsuring planned and scheduled maintenance activities are aligned Zith the annual budget and operational needs Ĺ˜ Maintaining a short range plan months and long range plan annual

Ĺ˜ :ork Zith the maintenance team to develop job scopes Ĺ˜ :ork Zith the Purchasing group to reTuest, source and obtain parts, tooling and specialized resources Ĺ˜ Scheduling Zork orders based on priority and resource availability Ĺ˜ 7racking and reporting .ey Performance ,ndicators 7he successful candidate Zill possess a minimum of a journeymanĹ‘s TualiĹľcation or a related technical diploma or engineering degree preferred. 7he candidate Zill have e[cellent interpersonal and communication skills, be able to establish and meet deadlines, be a team player and Zork Zell in a fast paced environment. &ompetent computer skills Zith e[perience Zith Microsoft 2fĹľce, &MMS programs and Preventive Maintenance programs are reTuired. 7his position Zorks a Monday to 7hursday, [ schedule days in, days out . Huckleberry Mines is located appro[imately tZo hours driving time from Houston, %ritish &olumbia. (mployees live in a camp environment on their days of Zork. 7ransportation to and from the mine site is provided from Houston and Smithers by bus and Zhile at the mine site all meals and accommodations are provided free of charge to employees. Houston and Smithers are located in the scenic %ulkley 9alley on 7rans&anada HighZay 1 , an e[cellent area to raise a family and has e[ceptional outdoor recreational activities. More information on the area is available at www.smithers.ca, www.houston.ca and www.rdbn.bc.ca Huckleberry Mines Ltd. offers a competitive salary and a full ranJe of beneĹľts includinJ medical, life, disability income and RRSP savings plan. We thank all applicants for their interest in Huckleberry Mines Ltd., but only those in consideration will be contacted. Candidates must be eligible to work in Canada. 4ualiĹľed candidates can submit their resumes in conĹľdence to Human Resources Department Huckleberry Mines Ltd. P.O. Box 3000 Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Fax: (604) 517-4701 Email: HR@Huckleberrymines.com


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STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, CONSTRUCTION TRADES 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, AND SUPPLIERSFebruary NEEDED.11, 60x150, 80x100 sell Today for balWednesday, 2015 Houston Kerkhoff Construction is tenance owed! Call 1-800-457dering multiple projects in Kiti2206 or visit us online: mat, BC. Projects includeonlya SAWMILLS FROM 2010 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. SAWMILLS FROM only 2010 CHEV CHEV Silverado Silverado 85,700 85,700 49-unit apartment; $4,397 --wood-frame Make money & Kms, $4,397 Make money & save save Kms, 6.0 6.0 Liter Liter Vortec Vortec -- 66 50 unitwithtownhome developmoney your own bandmill speed automatic, tow package moneyContact with your own bandmill speed automatic, tow package for dimension. tender pack-ment. -- brake - Cut Cut lumber lumber any any604-824-4122. dimension. In In brake controller, controller, A/C, A/C, power power age. stock ready to ship. Free info windows/locks, Tonneau packSAWMILLS FROM only 2010 CHEV Silverado stock ready to ship. Free info windows/locks, Tonneau 85,700 packsteve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw age, security $4,397 - Make money & save Kms, 6.0 Litersystem/Onstar, Vortec - 6 & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw age, security system/Onstar, for site supervision, general lamills.com/400OT 1-800-566extending heated mirrors, all money with your own bandmill speed automatic, package mills.com/400OT 1-800-566extending heated tow mirrors, all first aidanyattendants, -bour, Cut Ext:400OT. lumber dimension.etc In -vinyl brake A/C, Asking power 6899 vinyl flfloor -- no 6899 Ext:400OT. oorcontroller, no carpet. carpet. Asking also welcome. stock ready to ship. Free info windows/locks, Tonneau pack$27,000 691-1641 $27,000 OBO OBO (250) (250) 691-1641 & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw age, security system/Onstar, STEEL BUILDINGS/metal mills.com/400OT 1-800-566extending heated mirrors, all STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% 6899 Ext:400OT. vinyl floor - no carpet. Asking buildings 60% off! off! 20x28, 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, $27,000 OBO (250) 691-1641 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for bal60x150, 80x100 sell for balSTEELowed! BUILDINGS/metal ance Call 1-800-457ance owed! Call 1-800-457buildingsor 60% off! 20x28, 2206 us online: 2206 or visit visit us 50x120, online: GET BACK ON45x90, TRACK! Bad11, 2015 Houston Today Wednesday, February 30x40, 40x62, www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. credit? Bills? Unemployed? 60x150, 80x100 Left sell for balus unexpectedly on Need Money? We Lend! If you ance owed! Call 1-800-457own home - th you January , 2015 at 10:17pm. 2206 your or own visit us 27 online: qualify. Pioneer Acceptance www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. We will never be ready to Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 say goodbye. www.pioneerwest.com SAWMILLS FROM only 2010 CHEV Silverado 85,700 $4,397 - Make money & save Kms, 6.0 Liter Vortec - 6 IF YOUwith ownyour a home or join real us speed Please for teaautomatic, and money own bandmill tow package estate, Alpine Credits can lend - Cut lumber any dimension. In - brake memories on controller, A/C, power you money: It’s That Simple. stock ready to ship. Free info windows/locks, Tonneau packth Your Credit /www.NorwoodSaw Age / Income is 1:00pmsystem/Onstar, Friday, February 13 & DVD: age, atsecurity not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. mills.com/400OT 1-800-566extending heated mirrors, all in the basement ofvinyl thefloor Houston 6899 Ext:400OT. - no carpet. Asking TAX FREEChristian MONEY Reformed $27,000 OBO (250) 691-1641 Church. is available, if you are a STEEL homeowner, BUILDINGS/metal today! We can No buildings 60% off!you 20x28, easily approve by flowers please, 30x40, phone. 40x62, 1st, 2nd45x90, or 3rd50x120, mortjust smiles and happy Private Collector Looking to 60x150, 80x100 issellavailable for balgage money Buyto Coin Collections, Silver, ance Call 1-800-457share. right owed! now. Rates start memories at Antiques, Native Art, Estates + 2206 or visit us online: Prime. Equity counts. We www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. Wednesday, February 2015778-281-0030 HoustonLocal Today don’t rely on credit, age or 11, Chad: income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca

wind age, exte vinyl $27,

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MEDICAL Transcriptionists MEDICAL Transcriptionists are are in in huge huge demand! demand! Train Train with the leading • with the leading Medical Medical TranTranscription school. Learn • scription school. Learn from from home from MEDICAL Transcriptionists home and and work work from home. home. $ Call work-at-home positions are intoday huge 1-800-466-1535, demand! Train Call today 1-800-466-1535, BAYSHORE HOME Health is available. the MEDICAL www.canscribe.com or with the leading Medical Tranavailable. Get GetTRANSCRIPTION the online online traintrainwww.canscribe.com or email: email: hiring Register ing from employis an in-demand in scription school.Nurse, Learn LPN’s, from info@canscribe.com. ing you you need need from an ancareer employinfo@canscribe.com. HCA’s and House Cleaners in Canada! Employers have er-trusted program. Visit: home and work from home. er-trusted program. Visit: the areas: Prince •• Extensive work-at-home CareerStep.ca/MT 1-888Extensive renovations renovations to to this this spacious spacious 33 bedroom bedroom home home on on the the popular popular Call following today 1-800-466-1535, CareerStep.ca/MT or or positions 1-888George, Smithers, orHouston, Lund available. Get the online train528-0809 to start training for www.canscribe.com email: Lund Road. Road. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, brand brand new new 13’3 13’3 xx 22’7 22’7 kitchen kitchen with with dark dark cherry cherry 528-0809 to start training for Terrace, Prince Rupert. Send cabinets, ing need from ancareer employyour work-at-home toinfo@canscribe.com. cabinets, walk-in walk-in pantry, pantry, tonnes tonnes of of cupboard cupboard space space and and countertops, countertops, youryou work-at-home career toExp required. Wage/benefits CONSTRUCTION TRADES resume to: CONSTRUCTION TRADES er-trusted program. Visit: stainless steel appliances. Fresh paint and new fl ooring. day! negotiable. Send resume to stainless steel appliances. Fresh paint and new flooring. day! AND Extensive renovations to this spacious area 3 bedroom home on the popular hsellors@bayshore.ca. CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888AND SUPPLIERS SUPPLIERS NEEDED. NEEDED. ••• New crosback@telus.net New 66 foot foot patio patio doors doors off off the the dining dining area to to aa deck deck and and beautiful beautiful private private Kerkhoff Construction is Lund Road. Gorgeous, brand new 13’3 x 22’7 kitchen with dark cherry 528-0809 to start training for Fx 250-717-7538. Questions Kerkhoff Construction is tenten-backyard. backyard. 88 foot foot ceilings ceilings in in the the living living room room and and family family room. room. dering multiple projects in cabinets, walk-in pantry, tonnes of cupboard space and countertops, your work-at-home career tocall 1-877-717-7528. dering multiple projects in KitiKitiroom Family room features features aa woodstove. woodstove. Huge Huge foyer foyer with with new new flflooring ooring & & paint. paint. 14••• Family www.houston-today.com CONSTRUCTION TRADES mat, BC. Projects include aa stainless steel appliances. Fresh paint and new flooring. day! www.bayshore.ca mat, BC. Projects include And... for the guys, a new 30x30 detached garage/workshop with a •• New And...6for the guys, a new 30x30 detached garage/workshop with a AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED. 49-unit wood-frame apartment; foot patio doors off the dining area to a deck and beautiful private 49-unit wood-frame apartment; 9x16 and 200 amp 9x16 door. door.8 Insulated Insulated andinwired. wired. 200room amp service. service. Kerkhoff Construction is ten50 unit townhome developbackyard. foot ceilings the living and family room. 50 unitmultiple townhome •• Several out as well. well, area. Severalroom out buildings buildings as well. Drilled DrilledHuge well, large large parking parking dering projectsdevelopinpackKitiFamily features a woodstove. foyer with newarea. flooring & paint. ment. Contact for INTERIOR ment. BC. Contact for tender tender pack••• All and coverings are INTERIOR HEAVY HEAVY EQUIPEQUIPAll appliances appliances and window window coverings are included. included. mat, Projects include a • And... for the guys, a new 30x30 detached garage/workshop with a age. 604-824-4122. MENT age. 604-824-4122. MENT OPERATOR OPERATOR SCHOOL. SCHOOL. 49-unit wood-frame apartment; $ 9x16 door. Insulated steve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes NO $and wired. 200 amp service. steve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes NO Simulators. Simulators. In-the-seat In-the-seat 50 unit townhome developBAYSHORE • Several out buildings as well. Drilled well, large parking area. for supervision, general latraining. world BAYSHORE HOME HOME Health Health is is for site siteContact supervision, general latraining. Real Real world tasks. tasks. ment. for tender packINTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPGREENHOUSE WORKERS MEDICAL • All appliances and window coverings are included. hiring Register LPN’s, bour, fifirst attendants, etc Weekly start Job hiring Register Nurse, Nurse, LPN’s, bour, rst aid aidTranscriptionists attendants, etc Weekly start dates. dates.SCHOOL. Job board! board! age. 604-824-4122. MENT OPERATOR needed at Riverside Gardens. are in huge demand! Train HCA’s and House Cleaners in also welcome. Funding options. HCA’s and House Cleaners in also welcome. Funding options. $ steve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes NO Simulators. In-the-seat MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION • Well kept, older home with extensive renovations on a huge lot within Applyfollowing in HOME person. Phone: with the leading Medical Tranthe areas: Prince SignUp online! the following areas:Health Prince BAYSHORE is online! iheschool.com for site supervision, generalfrom latraining. Real iheschool.com worldcareer tasks. in an 1-866-399-3853 in-demand walking distance of all the amenities. isSignUp (250) 845-7707 scription school. Learn George, Smithers, Houston, George, Smithers, Houston, hiring Register Nurse,THINK LPN’s, 1-866-399-3853 SAFE! BE SAFE! bour, fi rst aid attendants, etc Weekly start dates. Job board! Canada! Employers have • Spacious living room with patio doors to a concrete patio. home and work from home. Terrace, Prince Rupert. Send Terrace, Prince Rupert. Send HCA’s and House Cleaners in also Funding options.positions work-at-home • Large foyer and country kitchen! Call welcome. today 1-800-466-1535, resume to: resume to: the following areas: PrinceLtd. SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD SignUp online! iheschool.com Tahtsa Timber is looking foror email: Get online train• Detached garage, wired and insulated available. with concrete floor.the www.canscribe.com hsellors@bayshore.ca. hsellors@bayshore.ca. MECHANIC WANTED. George, Smithers, Houston, 1-866-399-3853 ing All you need from an employ• 3 sheds, fenced yard, concrete walk ways. appliances included. info@canscribe.com. Fx Questions Exp required. ts Fx 250-717-7538. 250-717-7538. Questions Terrace, PrinceWage/benefi Rupert. Send-er-trusted program. Visit: call negotiable. Send resume to resume to: call 1-877-717-7528. 1-877-717-7528. $ GET • Extensive renovations to this spacious 3 bedroom home on the popular GET BACK BACK ON ON TRACK! TRACK! Bad Bad CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888crosback@telus.net hsellors@bayshore.ca. www.bayshore.ca FIND EVERYTHING YOU for www.bayshore.ca credit? Lund Road. Gorgeous, brand new 13’3 x 22’7 kitchen with dark cherry credit? Bills? Bills? Unemployed? Unemployed? 528-0809 to start training Fx 250-717-7538. Questions Need Money? We Lend! If you cabinets, walk-in pantry, tonnes of cupboard space and countertops, Need Money? We Lend! If you your work-at-home career toNEED IN THE CLASSIFIEDS call 1-877-717-7528. CONSTRUCTION own your -- Bad you GET BACK ON home TRACK! stainless steel appliances. Fresh paint and new flooring. own your own own homeTRADES you day! www.bayshore.ca AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED. qualify. Pioneer Acceptance credit? Bills? Unemployed? • New 6 foot patio doors off the dining area to a deck and beautiful private qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Kerkhoff Construction Corp. Member BBB. Need Money? We Lend!isIf tenyou backyard. 8 foot ceilings in the living room and family room. Corp. Member BBB. deringyour multiple 1-877-987-1420 own ownprojects home in - Kitiyou • Family room features a woodstove. Huge foyer with new flooring & paint. 1-877-987-1420 ' mat,www.pioneerwest.com BC.Pioneer Projects Acceptance include a qualify. for the guys, a new 30x30 detached garage/workshop with a www.pioneerwest.com 14• And... www.houston-today.com 49-unitMember wood-frame Corp. BBB. apartment; 9x16 door. Insulated and wired. 200 amp service. I IF own aa home or 50 YOU unit1-877-987-1420 townhome ••• Well kept, home extensive renovations on IF YOU own home developor real real Several outolder buildings well. Drilled well, large parking area. lot Well kept, older homeaswith with extensive renovations on aa huge huge lot within within estate, Alpine can lend ment. Contact for tender distance of all www.pioneerwest.com INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPestate, Alpine Credits Credits canpacklend • walking All appliances and coverings are included. walking distance ofwindow all the the amenities. amenities. & THINK SAFE! BE SAFE! you money: It’s That Simple. age. money: It’s 604-824-4122. •• Spacious patio MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. THINK SAFE! BE SAFE! you That Simple. Spacious living living room room with patio doors doors to to aa concrete concrete patio. patio. IF YOU own// Age a home or real $with Your Credit // Income is Well home with extensive renovations on a huge lot within steve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes •• Large foyer and kitchen! NO Simulators. In-the-seat Your Credit Age Income is Largekept, foyerolder and country country kitchen! G estate, Alpine Creditsgeneral can lend BAYSHORE HOME 1.800.587.2161. walking distance all the amenities. for an site supervision, laTahtsa Timber is looking forHealth is not •• Detached garage, and insulated training. Real world tasks. Ltd. not an issue. issue. 1.800.587.2161. Detached garage,ofwired wired and insulated with with concrete concrete flfloor. oor. THINK SAFE! BE SAFE! you That Simple. hiring Register Nurse, LPN’s, living room with patio doors to a concrete patio. bour, money: first aidIt’sattendants, etc •• 3Spacious Weekly start dates. Job board! 3 sheds, sheds, fenced fenced yard, yard, concrete concrete walk walk ways. ways. All All appliances appliances included. included. V GREENHOUSE WORKERS MEDICAL Transcriptionists SAWMILLS FROM only 2010 CHEV Silverado 85,700 Your Credit / Age / Income is • Large foyer and country kitchen! HCA’s and House Cleaners in Contact Stephen Burkholder also welcome. Funding options. FREE MONEY TAX FREE MONEY Train DVD business. $ needed at Riverside are aninTAX huge demand! $4,397 - Make money & save Kms, RENTAL 6.0 Liter Vortec Selling - 6 not issue. 1.800.587.2161. Tahtsa Timber Ltd. looking forGardens. • Detached garage, wired floor. theisfollowing areas: Prince $and insulated with• 1concrete SignUp iheschool.com is available, ifif Medical you are aa 1/2 storey home with extensive renovations on online! 9.42 acres! MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is available, you are due to illness. Fully stocked at stephen@tahtsa.ca Apply in person. Phone: with the leading Tranmoney with your own bandmill speed automatic, tow package • 3 sheds, fenced yard, concrete walk ways. All appliances included. George, Smithers, Houston, 1-866-399-3853 homeowner, today! We • Newly drilled well and a new insulated,isheated wired shop - career 1 with / an and in-demand in $5500.00 OBO. homeowner, today! We can can (250) 845-7707 scription school. Learn from - Cut lumber any dimension. In - brake controller, A/C, power Terrace, Prince Phone: Rupert. Send TAXapprove FREE MONEY easily you by 250-692-0187 2 - 18 X 33 lean-to’s. Wrap around veranda. $ Canada! Employers have www.tigressevideorentals.com easily youare by home andapprove work from home. stock ready to ship. Free info windows/locks, Tonneau packresume to: is available, if or you a phone. 1st, 2nd 3rd mort• Bright spacious kitchen features maple work-at-home cabinets, huge living room with a 250-542-0473 positions phone.today 1st, 2nd or 3rd Call 1-800-466-1535, & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw age, security system/Onstar, Private Collector Looking hsellors@bayshore.ca. homeowner, today! Wemortcan Private Collector Looking to to SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD gage is available wood stove and garden doors to a private deck. Get the online trainavailable. gage money money is you available www.canscribe.com or email: mills.com/400OT extending heated mirrors, all Buy Silver, Fx 250-717-7538. Questions easily approve by MECHANIC WANTED. Buy Coin Coin Collections, Collections,1-800-566Silver, right now. Rates start at • Master features a 4 piece en suite and ing greatyou views. Newfrom electric need anfurnace. employright now. Rates start at info@canscribe.com. 6899 Ext:400OT. vinyl floor - no carpet. Asking Antiques, Native Art, Estates + required. Wage/benefits call Exp 1-877-717-7528. phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortAntiques, Native Art, Estates + GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Prime. Equity counts. We • Green house, 20 X 20 barn with a lean-to for RV storage, woodshed. Private Collector Looking to er-trusted program. Visit: 'RQŇ‹W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV Prime. money Equity is counts. We $27,000 OBO (250) 691-1641 negotiable. Send resume to 'RQŇ‹W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV Chad: 778-281-0030 Local gage available www.bayshore.ca Chad: 778-281-0030 Local credit? Bills? Unemployed? don’t rely on credit, age or • Extensive renovations to this spacious 3 bedroom onlight the popular • Lots ofhome natural with all the windows in this energy efficient or home.1-888Buy Coin Collections, Silver, CareerStep.ca/MT don’t rely credit,start age or crosback@telus.net right now. onRates at Need Money? We Lend! If you income. Lund Road. Gorgeous, brand new 13’3 x 22’7 withand dark cherry coverings included. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal Antiques, Native Art, Estates + • All kitchen appliances window IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU 528-0809 to start training for WANTED TO buy: (house in income. IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU Prime. Equity home counts. - We own your you Call Chad: 778-281-0030 Local cabinets, walk-in pantry, tonnes of cupboard space and and countertops, buildings 60% off! 20x28, • Very scenic serene property. Call Lia to view, 250-845-1147 career toyour work-at-home the 'RQŇ‹W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV area from Fraser Lake to Callown Anytime don’t rely onAnytime credit, age or CONSTRUCTION TRADES qualify. Pioneer Acceptance 1-800-639-2274 or stainless steel appliances. Fresh paint and new flooring. &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, day! Smithers). Three or more bedDelivery available Houston 1-800-639-2274 or &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU $ income. IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED. Corp. Member BBB. 604-430-1498. Apply • New 6 foot patio doors off the dining area to a deck and beautiful private 60x150, 80x100 rooms. No pets due to allerto Williams Lake. sell for bal604-430-1498. Apply online online • Automotive Technician Call Anytime Kerkhoff Construction is tenG\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ 1-877-987-1420 www.capitaldirect.ca backyard. 8 foot ceilings in the living room and family room. ance owed! Call 1-800-457gies. Please contact: G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ www.capitaldirect.ca 1-800-639-2274 or &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU dering multiple projects in KitiCallor250.567.8780 www.pioneerwest.com room features a woodstove. Huge foyer with new flooring & paint. 2206 visit us online: house.wanted.in.n.bcgmail.com 604-430-1498. Apply online a 14•• Family www.houston-today.com Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Houston Today mat, BC. Projects include Glacier Toyota has an opening for an VHULRXVO\ And... for the guys, a new 30x30 detached garage/workshop with a www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. VHULRXVO\ Contact Stephen Burkholder G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ www.capitaldirect.ca 49-unit wood-frame apartment; IF YOU own a home or real • Well homeand withwired. extensive DVD 9x16kept, door.older Insulated 200renovations amp service.on a huge lot within DVD RENTAL RENTAL business. business. Selling Selling Automotive Technician! Routine vehicle ••• 11 1/2 home extensive renovations 9.42 50 unitAlpine townhome developestate, Credits can lend due to illness. Fully stocked at stephen@tahtsa.ca walking distance ofwith allasthe amenities. 1/2 storey storey home with extensive renovations on 9.42 acres! acres! Several out buildings well. Drilled well, largeon parking area. VHULRXVO\ due to illness. Fully stocked Stephen ••• Newly drilled well and aa new insulated, and /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD ContactIt’s for That tender packSAFE! BEBurkholder SAFE! Place ad in you Simple. INTERIOR Contact HEAVY THINK EQUIPmaintenance, installationment. of money: accessories and $5500.00 OBO. Spacious living room with patio doorsare toheated a concrete patio.shop Newly drilled well and new insulated, heated and wired wired shop -- 11 with with /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD All appliances and window coverings included. $5500.00 OBO.your DVD RENTAL business. Selling Phone: 250-692-0187 -1/2 X Wrap around veranda. age. 604-824-4122. www.tigressevideorentals.com Your Credit / Age / Income is MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. • 21 home with extensive Large foyer and country kitchen! 2 - 18 18storey X 33 33 lean-to’s. lean-to’s. Wrap aroundrenovations veranda. on 9.42 acres! www.tigressevideorentals.com due to illness. Fully stocked at stephen@tahtsa.ca the Classifieds pre-delivery inspections will be the focus of $ •• Bright spacious kitchen features maple cabinets, huge living room with a 250-542-0473 steve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes NO Simulators. Newly drilled well and afeatures new insulated, heated and wired - 1 with with a TahtsaIn-the-seat Timber Ltd. is looking forHealth is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD Detached garage, wired and insulated concrete flliving oor.shop Bright spacious kitchen maple with cabinets, huge room 250-542-0473 $5500.00 OBO. BAYSHORE HOME within and garden doors to aa private for site supervision, general latraining. Real world tasks. 250-692-0187 Phone: 2 18 stove X 33 lean-to’s. Wrap around veranda. this position our organization. • wood 3 -sheds, fenced concrete walk ways. deck. All appliances included. www.tigressevideorentals.com wood stove and yard, garden doors to private deck. hiring Register Nurse, LPN’s, •• Master features en and New electric furnace. bour, fi rst aid attendants, etc Weekly start dates. Job board! GREENHOUSE WORKERS MEDICAL Transcriptionists SAWMILLS FROM only 2010 CHEV Silverado 85,700 Bright features maple cabinets, huge living room with a 250-542-0473 Masterspacious features akitchen a 44 piece piece en suite suite and great great views. views. New electric furnace. TAX FREE MONEY A “Journeyman’sâ€? ticket is not but $doors HCA’s and House Cleaners in •• Green house, 20 X with RV also welcome. Funding options. wood toaaalean-to privatefor deck. needed at Riverside Gardens. are in required, huge ifdemand! $4,397 - Make money & save Kms, 6.0 Liter Vortec - 6 Green stove house,and 20garden X 20 20 barn barn with lean-to for RV storage, storage, woodshed. woodshed. is available, you areTrain a MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION the following areas: Prince •• Lots of natural light with all the windows in this energy effi cient home. Master featureslight a 4 piece suite and great views. Neweffi electric furnace. SignUp online! iheschool.com Apply in experience person. Phone: with the leading Medical money with your own bandmill speed automatic, tow package Lots of natural with allenthe windows in this energy cient home. some is mandatory thattoday! showhomeowner, We Trancan is an 1-866-399-3853 in-demand career in George, Smithers, Houston, •• All and included. Green house, 20 20 barncoverings with a lean-to for RV storage, woodshed. (250) 845-7707 scription school. Learn -WANTED Cut lumber dimension. In - brake controller, A/C, power WANTED TO buy: (house All appliances appliances andXwindow window coverings included. TOany buy: (house in in easily approve you from by Canada! Employers have cases quality of work a desire for Terrace, Prince Rupert. Send and •• Very scenic and serene property. Call 250-845-1147 Lots natural with all the windows inview, this energy efficient home. home and work from home. stock ready to ship. Free info windows/locks, Tonneau packthe area from Fraser Lake to Very of scenic andlight serene property. Call Lia Lia to to view, 250-845-1147 the area from Fraser Lake to phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortwork-at-home positions resume to: • All appliances and window coverings included. Private Collector Looking tobedCall 1-800-466-1535, & DVD: age, time security system/Onstar, WANTED TOwww.NorwoodSaw buy: (house in Smithers). Three or Delivery available Houston $ This position is permanent part position and its primary p “Customer Firstâ€? workmanship. Glacier Smithers). Three or amore more bedgage today money is available Delivery available Houston SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD $ property. Call Lia to view, 250-845-1147 available. Get the online trainhsellors@bayshore.ca. • Very scenic and serene Buy Coin Collections, Silver, the areaNo Fraser Lake to www.canscribe.com email: mills.com/400OT 1-800-566extending heated mirrors, all rooms. pets due to allerto Williams Lake. •youAutomotive Technician MECHANIC WANTED. rooms. Nofrom pets due to allerright now.working Rates or start at to Williams Lake. • Hard to find acreage only minutes froming town! need from an employFx 250-717-7538. Questions incoming calls, data entry, and help process accounts payable an Toyota strives to provide a great enAntiques, Native Art, Estates + Smithers). Three or more bedinfo@canscribe.com. 6899 Ext:400OT. vinyl fl oor no carpet. Asking Delivery available Houston gies. Please contact: $ Exp required. Wage/benefits gies. Please contact: Prime. Equity counts. We 'RQŇ‹W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV Call 250.567.8780 • 34.9 acre hobby farm with a 1998 1638er-trusted square foot 3 bedroom modular program. Visit: call 1-877-717-7528. Chad: 778-281-0030 Local rooms. No pets due toposition aller- requires to Williams Lake. $27,000 OBO (250) 691-1641 • Automotive Technician negotiable. Send We resume to house.wanted.in.n.bcgmail.com GET BACK ONcredit, TRACK! Bad house.wanted.in.n.bcgmail.com the company. This work efficiency, the ability to don’t rely on age or vironment. have an amazing shop space Glacier Toyota has an opening for an • Extensive renovations to this spacious 3 bedroom home onupdates! the popular with extensive 4 separate fenced areas, shelters, detached CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888www.bayshore.ca Glacier Toyota has an opening for an gies. Please contact: crosback@telus.net credit? Bills? Unemployed? income. Call 250.567.8780 IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU Lund Road. Gorgeous, brand new 13’3 x 22’7 kitchen with darkwoodshed, cherry greenhouse STEEL BUILDINGS/metal workshop/storage, and otherto outbuildings. 528-0809 start Technician! training for communication skills, and thoroughness. withfor the best possible tools &Money? technology forIf you house.wanted.in.n.bcgmail.com Automotive Routine vehicle Need We Lend! Call Anytime Glacier Toyota has an opening an Automotive Technician! Routine vehicle cabinets, walk-in pantry, tonnes of cupboard space countertops, buildings 60% off! 20x28, • Hay fieldand & spectacular views! Located approx. down the Buckcareer Flats Rd. toyour 15km work-at-home own your own CONSTRUCTION TRADES 1-800-639-2274 or - you &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU trade. We and oɈer a competitive pay home plan, stainless steel appliances. Fresh paint and new flooring. 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, of accessories • The country kitchen features ample cabinets and a bright dining Technician! areainstallation as well day!maintenance, Automotive Routine vehicle maintenance, installation ofthe accessories and t 4FDPOEBSZ TDIPPM HSBEVBUJPO qualify. PioneerApply Acceptance AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED. 604-430-1498. online • New 6 foot patio doors off the dining area toasaan deck and Cozy beautiful private 60x150, 80x100 sell for balisland. family room with a woodstove. great beneĂ„ts and an amazing customer Corp. Member BBB. pre-delivery inspections will be the focus of G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ Kerkhoff Construction is tenwww.capitaldirect.ca maintenance, installation of accessories pre-delivery inspections will be the focusand of administration backyard. 8 foot ceilings in the living room• and family room. such as barn wood wall in the ance (Business owed! Call 1-800-457- programs are an asset but not require Custom touches master as well as the ensuite. 1-877-987-1420 multiple projects in KitiIf this sounds like dering something you have • Family room features a woodstove. Huge foyer with area new fland ooring & just paint. 2206 or visit us online: • Garden pond outside your front door.position Fridge, stove,inspections this within our pre-delivery willbase. be the focus of this position within our organization. organization. www.pioneerwest.com VHULRXVO\ mat, BC. Projects include a t 1SFWJPVT PGĂĽDF FYQFSJFODF JT BO BTTFU CVU OPU SFRVJSFE Contact Stephen Burkholder • And... for the guys, a new 30x30 detached garage/workshop with a www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. dishwasher and window coverings included. Call Lia to view 250-845-1147. been waiting but for submitapartment; a A is 49-unitBC, wood-frame DVD RENTAL business. Selling this position withinticket our organization. A “Journeyman’sâ€? “Journeyman’sâ€? ticket is not not required, required, butin Smithers door. Insulated and wired. 200 amp service. IF YOU own a home developor real $ 19x16 1/2kept, storey home with extensive renovations on 9.42 • Well older home with extensive renovations on a acres! huge lot within due to illness. Fully stocked at stephen@tahtsa.ca 50 unit townhome t $PNQVUFS TLJMMT XJUI QSPHSBNT MJLF 8JOEPXT 4BHF 4JNQMZ 8 Severaldrilled out buildings asawell. Drilled well,heated large parking area. jobs@glaciertoyota.ca look some experience is mandatory that showA “Journeyman’sâ€? is resume not required, but estate, Alpine We Credits canpacklend •• walking Newly wellofand new insulated, and wired shop - 1 with /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD some experience isticket mandatory thatto showdistance all the amenities. $5500.00 OBO. ment. Contact for tender INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIP• 2All- appliances and window coverings are included. THINK SAFE! BE a SAFE! you money: It’s contact That Simple. Phone: 250-692-0187 18 X 33 lean-to’s. Wrappatio around veranda. • Spacious living room with doors to a concrete patio. www.tigressevideorentals.com t 4USPOH PSBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT EFUBJM PSJFOUFE T forward to hearing from you. We will age. 604-824-4122. some experience is mandatory that showMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. cases quality of work and desire for cases quality of work and a desire for Your Credit / Age / Income is Brightfoyer spacious 250-542-0473 • Large and kitchen country kitchen!maple cabinets, huge living room with a $ features steve@kerkhoff.ca. Resumes NO Simulators. In-the-seat capable of working an effective team member; selected for an cases quality of work and a desire for forHealth position is permanent part and purpose is; “Customer Firstâ€? workmanship. Glacier not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. wood stove and garden to a private Tahtsa Timber Ltd. isthose looking • Detached garage, wired doors and insulated withdeck. concrete floor. This position is aageneral permanent part time time position position and its itsasprimary primary purpose is; to to field field ability to int BAYSHORE HOME is interview. “Customer Firstâ€? workmanship. Glacier for This site supervision, latraining. Real world tasks. features ayard, 4 piece en suite and great New included. electric furnace. •• 3Master sheds, fenced concrete walk ways. Allviews. appliances hiring Register Nurse, LPN’s, with the public on the phone and in person bour, fi rst aid attendants, etc This position is a permanent part time position and its primary purpose is; to field Hard to fi nd acreage only minutes from town! “Customer Firstâ€? workmanship. Glacier Weekly start dates. Job board! incoming calls, data entry, and help process accounts payable and receivable for Toyota strives to provide a great working en• Hard to find acreage only minutes from town! calls, data entry, and help process accounts payable and receivable for Toyota strives to provideHCA’s a great en- in alsoincoming •• Green house, 20farm X 20with barna with a1638 lean-to for RV storage, woodshed. and working House Cleaners welcome. hobby square TAX FREE MONEY Funding options.to provide ÂŽ • 34.9 34.9 acre acrefind hobby farmonly with a 1998 1998 from 1638town! square foot foot 33 bedroom bedroom modular modular Hard acreage minutes $ incoming calls, dataposition entry, and help process accountsthe payable receivablefriendly for Toyota strives a great working encompany. This work ability to vironment. We shop space • Lots oftonatural light with the windows in thisshelters, energy effi cient home. t $MBTT ESJWFST MJDFOTF the following areas: Prince the company. This position requires work efficiency, efficiency, the abilityand to multitask, multitask, friendly vironment. We have have an an amazing amazing shop space with updates! 44 all separate fenced areas, detached is the available, if you are a requires SignUp online! iheschool.com with extensive extensive updates! separate fencedsquare areas,foot shelters, detached • 34.9 acre hobby farm with a 1998 1638 3 bedroom modular • All appliances and window coverings included. George, Smithers, Houston, WANTED TO efficiency, buy: (house the company. This position requires work the inability to multitask, friendly workshop/storage, woodshed, greenhouse and other outbuildings. vironment. We have an amazing shop space homeowner, today! We can 1-866-399-3853 communication skills, and thoroughness. with the best possible tools & technology for workshop/storage, woodshed, greenhouse and other outbuildings. with extensive updates! 4 separate fenced areas, shelters, detached communication skills, and thoroughness. with the best possible tools & technology for •• Very scenic and sereneviews! property. Call approx. Lia to view, 250-845-1147 Terrace, Prince Rupert. Send thet 8BHFT OFHPUJBCMF CBTFE PO FYQFSJFODF area from Fraser Lake to the easily approve skills, you and by thoroughness. • Hay Hay fifield eld & & spectacular spectacular views! Located Located approx. 15km down the Buck Buck Flats Flats Rd. Rd. workshop/storage, woodshed, greenhouse and15km otherdown outbuildings. Tel: 250-847-9302 communication with the best tools & to: technology the We oɈer pay resume Smithers). Three or more bedDelivery Houston •• The kitchen cabinets aa bright area as phone. 1st,available 2nd or 3rd mortthe trade. trade. We possible oɈer aa competitive competitive pay plan, plan,for $views!ample Hay ficountry eld & spectacular Located approx.and 15km downdining the Buck Rd. The country kitchen features features ample cabinets and bright dining areaFlats as well well t 4FDPOEBSZ TDIPPM HSBEVBUJPO t "QQSPYJNBUFMZ IPVST QFS XFFL .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ Private Collector t 4FDPOEBSZ TDIPPM HSBEVBUJPO hsellors@bayshore.ca. rooms. No pets Looking due to toallerto Williams Lake. is available • Automotive Technician island. room with aa woodstove. the trade. We oɈer a competitive pay plan, gage money • as The kitchen features ample and a bright dining area as well as an ancountry island. Cozy Cozy family family room with cabinets woodstove. great beneĂ„ts and an amazing customer TODAY TOMORROW TOYOTA Buy Collections, Silver, great beneĂ„ts and an amazing customer t 4FDPOEBSZ TDIPPM HSBEVBUJPO Fxwww.glaciertoyota.ca 250-717-7538. Questions gies.Coin are Please contact: (Business administration an asset but not required) •• Custom touches as in right now. Rates start at programs (Business administration programs are an Art, asset but not as an island. Cozysuch family roomwood with awall woodstove. Custom touches such as barn barn wood wall in the the master master as as well well as as the the ensuite. ensuite. Call 250.567.8780 great beneĂ„ts and an amazing customer Antiques, Native Estates + required) base. IfIf Toyota this like something you call 1-877-717-7528. house.wanted.in.n.bcgmail.com •• Garden and pond outside Fridge, stove, Please resume off to Mitch at 3859 Firs Prime. Equity counts. We (Business are androp asset but not required) base. this sounds sounds like something you have have Custom touches barn woodyour wall front in thedoor. master as well as the ensuite. GET BACK ONadministration TRACK! Bad programs 'RQŇ‹W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV Garden area area andsuch pondasjust just outside your front door. Fridge, stove, Glacier has an opening for an Chad: 778-281-0030 Local t 1SFWJPVT PGĂĽDF FYQFSJFODF JT BO BTTFU CVU OPU SFRVJSFE window coverings Call Lia to 250-845-1147. base.waiting If this sounds like www.bayshore.ca something you have don’t relyBills? on credit, age or t 1SFWJPVT PGĂĽDF FYQFSJFODF JT BO BTTFU CVU OPU SFRVJSFE • dishwasher Garden areaand and pond just outsideincluded. your front door. credit? Unemployed? dishwasher and window coverings included. Call Lia Fridge, to view viewstove, 250-845-1147. been for in Smithers BC, submit a been waiting for in Smithers BC, submit a t 1SFWJPVT PGĂĽDF FYQFSJFODF JT BO BTTFU CVU OPU SFRVJSFE or email to bookkeeper.aqua@telu Automotive Technician! Routine income. dishwasher and window IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU Need Money? We Lend! If you $ been waiting for in Smithers BC,vehicle submit a $ coverings included. Call Lia to view 250-845-1147. t $PNQVUFS TLJMMT XJUI QSPHSBNT MJLF 8JOEPXT 4BHF 4JNQMZ 8PSE &YDFM FNBJMT FUD t $PNQVUFS TLJMMT XJUI QSPHSBNT MJLF 8JOEPXT 4BHF 4JNQMZ 8PSE &YDFM FNBJMT FUD resume to We Anytime resume to jobs@glaciertoyota.ca jobs@glaciertoyota.ca We look look own yourCallown home - you $ maintenance, installation of accessories and t $PNQVUFS TLJMMT XJUI QSPHSBNT MJLF 8JOEPXT 4BHF 4JNQMZ 8PSE &YDFM FNBJMT FUD resume to jobs@glaciertoyota.ca We look 1-800-639-2274 or &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU All resumes submitted by Feb 27, 2015, only applicant qualify. Pioneer Acceptance t 4USPOH PSBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT EFUBJM PSJFOUFE TFMG NPUJWBUFE forward to from We will contact t 4USPOH PSBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT EFUBJM PSJFOUFE TFMG NPUJWBUFE forward to hearing hearing from you. you. Wethe willfocus contact pre-delivery inspections will be of 604-430-1498. Apply online Corp. Member BBB. t 4USPOH PSBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT EFUBJM PSJFOUFE TFMG NPUJWBUFE forward to hearing from you. We will contact considered will be contacted. G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ capable of professionally those selected for www.capitaldirect.ca 1-877-987-1420 capable of working working as as an an effective effective team team member; member; ability ability to to interact interact professionally those selected for an an interview. this position within ourinterview. organization. capable working as phone an effective member; ability to interact professionally those selected for an interview. www.pioneerwest.com with the of public on the and inteam person

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GREENHOUSE WORKERS GREENHOUSE WORKERS needed needed at at Riverside Riverside Gardens. Gardens. Apply in person. Phone: Apply in HEAVY person. EQUIPPhone: INTERIOR (250) 845-7707 (250) 845-7707 MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. GREENHOUSE WORKERS NO Simulators. In-the-seat needed at Riverside Gardens. SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD training. Real world tasks. Apply in person. Phone: MECHANIC WANTED. MECHANIC WANTED. Weekly start dates. Job board! (250) 845-7707 Exp ts Exp required. required. Wage/benefi Wage/benefi ts Funding options. negotiable. Send resume negotiable. Send resume to to SignUp online! iheschool.com crosback@telus.net crosback@telus.net SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD 1-866-399-3853 MECHANIC WANTED.

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A “Journeyman’sâ€? ticket isBurkholder not required, but Contact Lia LongStephen • Well kept, older home with extensive renovations on a huge lot within ÂŽ ÂŽ some experience is mandatory that show• 1 1/2 storey home with extensive renovations on 9.42 acres! 250-845-1147 at stephen@tahtsa.ca walking distance of all the amenities. • Newly drilled well and a new insulated, heated and wired shop - 1 with THINK SAFE! BE a SAFE! • Spacious living room with patio doors to a concrete patio. cases quality of work and desire Phone: 250-692-0187 for Re/Max Houston 2 - 18 X 33 lean-to’s. Wrap around veranda. Tel: 250-847-9302 • Large foyer and country kitchen! PURE &hugeSIMPLE! • COUNTRY Bright spacious kitchen features maple cabinets, living room with a “Customer Firstâ€? workmanship. Glacierfor Tel: 250-847-9302 Tahtsa Timber Ltd. is looking • Detached garage, wired and insulated with concrete fl oor. wood stove and garden doors to a private deck. 2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, BC to fifenced nd acreage minutes from town! TODAY TOMORROW TOYOTA www.glaciertoyota.ca •• 3Hard sheds, yard,only concrete walk ways. All appliances included. Toyota strives to provide a great working enTODAY TOMORROW TOYOTA • Master features a 4 piece en suite and great views. New electric furnace. e-mail: remaxhou@telus.net TOYOTA www.glaciertoyota.ca TODAY TOMORROW • 34.9 acre hobby farm with a 1998 1638 square foot 3 bedroom modular • Green house, 20 X 20 barn with a lean-to for RV storage, woodshed. vironment. Toyota... We have an amazing shop space Glacier with extensive updates!$ 4 85,000 separate fenced areas, shelters, detached • Lots of natural light with all the windows in this energy effi cient home. Locally owned andwith operated workshop/storage, woodshed, greenhouse and other outbuildings. the best possible tools & technology for • All appliances and window coverings included. Growing to serve you better! • Hay field & spectacular views! Located approx. 15km down the Buck Flats Rd. • Very scenic and serene property. Call Lia to view, 250-845-1147 the trade. We oɈer a competitive pay plan, Call 250-845-7325 • The country kitchen features ampleN cabinets and a bright dining area as well E W LISTIN $ room with a woodstove. as an island. Cozy family beneĂ„ts and an amazing customer G! •great Automotive Technician www.realtor.ca • Custom touches such as259,900 barn wood wall in the master as well as the ensuite. base. If this sounds like something you have • Garden area and pond just outside your front door. Fridge, stove, dishwasher and window coverings N included. Call Lia to view 250-845-1147. Glacier Toyotafor has an opening forsubmit an been waiting in Smithers BC, a EW Lwww.remaxhouston.ca SLia T $ LiaILong Long NG! Automotive Technician! Routine vehicle resume to jobs@glaciertoyota.ca We look 239,900 I250-845-1147 250-845-1147 the Houston maintenance, installation of accessories and forward for to hearing from you. Weand will contact Re/Max Houston Re/Max Houston pre-delivery inspections will be the focus of those selected for an interview. Burns Lake area. 2436 2436 Poulton Poulton Ave., Ave., Houston, Houston, BC BC this position within our organization. PARADISE FOUND! e-mail: remaxhou@telus.net Contact Stephen ÂŽ A “Journeyman’sâ€? ticket isBurkholder not required, but • 1 1/2 storey Locally home with extensive renovations on 9.42 acres! at stephen@tahtsa.ca owned and operated Locally owned and operated some experience is mandatory that show• Newly drilled well and a new insulated, heated and wired shop - 1 with Phone: 250-692-0187 2 - 18 X 33 lean-to’s. Wrap around veranda. Tel: 250-847-9302 cases quality of work and a desire for Call 250-845-7325 • COUNTRY Bright spacious kitchen features maple cabinets, living room with a PURE &hugeSIMPLE! “Customer Firstâ€? workmanship. Glacier TOYOTA wood stove and garden doors to a private deck. www.glaciertoyota.ca TODAY TOMORROW www.realtor.ca •• Master a 4 piece en suitefrom and great Hard tofeatures find acreage only minutes town!views. New electric furnace. Toyota strives to provide a great working en•• Green house, 20 farm X 20with barnawith lean-to for RV storage, woodshed. 34.9 acre hobby 1998a 1638 square foot 3 bedroom modular Glacier www.remaxhouston.ca vironment. Toyota... We have an amazing shop space • Lots natural updates! light with4 all the windows this shelters, energy effi cient home. with of extensive separate fenced in areas, detached • All appliances and window coverings included. workshop/storage, woodshed, greenhouse and other outbuildings. with the best possible tools & technology for Growing to serve you better! •• Very and serene views! property. Call approx. Lia to view, 250-845-1147 Hay fiscenic eld & spectacular Located 15km down the Buck Flats Rd. the trade. We oɈer a competitive pay plan, • The country kitchen features ample cabinets and a bright dining area as well $

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,W WDNHV Transportation ,W WDNHV PXVFOHV Trucks & Vans PXVFOHV WR IROG WR IROG XS WKLV XS WKLV QHZVSDSHU Misc. Wanted QHZVSDSHU ,W WDNHV Transportation Real Estate PXVFOHV Trucks &for Vans Business Sale WR IROG XS WKLV Homes Wanted QHZVSDSHU

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AQ UAphone N OBusiness RTin Hperson P for L U Sale M B I N G LT D. with the the public public on on the the phone and in VHULRXVO\ with and person Pets & Livestock DVD RENTAL business. Selling IF t $MBTT ESJWFST MJDFOTF YOU own a home or real

Receptionist/Accounting Clerk /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD Feed & Hay

t $MBTT ESJWFST MJDFOTF due to illness. Fully stocked estate, Alpine Credits can lend t $MBTT ESJWFST MJDFOTF $5500.00 OBO. yout 8BHFT OFHPUJBCMF CBTFE PO FYQFSJFODF money: It’s That Simple. t 8BHFT OFHPUJBCMF CBTFE PO FYQFSJFODF www.tigressevideorentals.com Your Credit / Age / Income is t 8BHFT OFHPUJBCMF CBTFE PO FYQFSJFODF This position is a permanent part time position and its primary 250-542-0473 nott "QQSPYJNBUFMZ IPVST QFS XFFL .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ an issue. 1.800.587.2161. t "QQSPYJNBUFMZ IPVST QFS XFFL .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ


purpose is; to field t "QQSPYJNBUFMZ IPVST QFS XFFL .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ incoming calls, data entry, and help process accounts payable and receivable for GRAIN TAX FREE MONEY Wanted Please drop off to Mitch at First Ave the company. Thisresume position requires work efficiency, the ability to multitask, friendly offHomes to Mitch at 3859 3859 First Ave Smithers Smithers is Please available, drop if you resume are a SCREENING communication and thoroughness. homeowner, today! We can orskills, email toWANTED bookkeeper.aqua@telus.net Misc. TO Wanted buy: (house in

CONTRACT email tothebookkeeper.aqua@telus.net easilyTwitter approve or you by career TRUCKS, LONG Follow us on for articles, area from Fraser Lake to PELLETS phone. 1st,resumes 2nd or 3rd mortt 4FDPOEBSZ TDIPPM HSBEVBUJPO All submitted by 27, 2015, only applicants Three or more Delivery available Houston Private Looking tobedAll resumes submitted by Feb FebCollector 27, 2015, only applicants who who are are being being resumes submittedSmithers). by Feb 27, 2015, only applicants who are being gage All money is available rooms. pets duecontacted. to to Williams Buy CoinNo Collections, Silver, (Business administration programs are an be asset butallernot required) LOGGERS AND will right now. Lake. Rates start at considered considered will be contacted. resume tips, job inspiration & more. @LocalW considered will be contacted. gies. Please contact: Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Prime. Equity counts. We Call 250.567.8780 'RQҋW WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV house.wanted.in.n.bcgmail.com t 1SFWJPVT PGüDF FYQFSJFODF JT BO BTTFU CVU OPU SFRVJSFE Chad: 778-281-0030 Local don’t rely on credit, age or SHORT LOGGERS income. IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU

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t $PNQVUFS TLJMMT XJUI QSPHSBNT MJLF 8JOEPXT 4BHF 4JNQMZ 8PSE &YDFM FNBJMT FUD Call Anytime Ofďƒžce Support Ofďƒžce Ofďƒžce Support Real Support Estate 1-800-639-2274 or &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU t 4USPOH PSBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT EFUBJM PSJFOUFE TFMG NPUJWBUFE 604-430-1498. Apply online capable of working as an effective team member; ability to interact professionally G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ www.capitaldirect.ca Business for Sale with the publicAQ on the phone and in person UA N O RT H P L U M B I N G LT D. VHULRXVO\ Pets & Livestock DVD RENTAL business. Selling t $MBTT ESJWFST MJDFOTF due to illness. Fully stocked /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD $5500.00 OBO. t 8BHFT OFHPUJBCMF CBTFE PO FYQFSJFODF Feed & Hay www.tigressevideorentals.com 250-542-0473 t "QQSPYJNBUFMZ IPVST QFS XFFL .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ This position is a permanent part time position and its primary purpose is; to field


Receptionist/Accounting Clerk Follow us on Twitter for career articles, calls, dataresume entry, andoff helpto process accounts payable and receivable for resume tips, job inspirationincoming &GRAIN more. Please drop Mitch at@LocalWorkBC 3859 First Ave Smithers Homes Wanted the company. This position requires work efficiency, the ability to multitask, friendly SCREENING or email toWANTED bookkeeper.aqua@telus.net TO buy: (house in communication skills, and thoroughness. area from Fraser Lake to PELLETS All resumes submittedthe by Feb 27, 2015, onlybedapplicants who are being Smithers). Three or more

Delivery available Houston t 4FDPOEBSZ TDIPPM HSBEVBUJPO

Houston Today


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


GEMS girls

hit the slopes Close to 100 GEMS from Houston, Smithers and Telkwa camped out at Rough Acres Bible Camp for a weekend rally January 31 to February 1. They hit the snow hill with their sleds all Saturday afternoon and then enjoyed a sleepover, activities and singing and Chapel times throughout the weekend. Left: Cora and Kaylee shoot down the snowy trail. The sledding trails were tunneled through the deep snow at Rough Acres Bible Camp. Right: Becky, Mary and Meghan chase another sledder down the trail. Jackie Lieuwen photos/ Houston Today

Above left: Jordyn, Kailee and Alyne fight to stay on their sled and they race down the hill. Above middle: Kari and her daughter Kenadie take a turn on the slopes. Right: Trinity and Rebekah made a volcano in the snow using coloured water. Below left: Emily and Evaan pack their sleds up the hill for another run. Below right: Girls tote sleds up after a run.




Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Houston Today

Feb. 11-17, 2015


Your Pantry Fill Specialists


Fresh Strawberries 1 lb

2 for



Coca-Cola or Pepsi Products 12x355ml

Beef Tenderloin Medallions

2 for




35.25 / kg


Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee

Organic Portabella Mushrooms 340 g

Nabob Gastown Grind Coffee

Mann’s Sugar Snap Peas

Western Family Toilet Paper 2 ply or 3 ply


350 g

double roll, 24 roll

Frozen, 31.50/kg





Alaskan King Crab Legs







Western Family Breaded Calamari

G R E AT BA R G A I N S Western Classics Bacon Dolly’s Sockeye Salmon Wrapped Scallops Fillets Frozen

Western Family White Prawns




EZ Peel, 454 gram


Assorted Varieties 218-650 ml

Assorted Varieties 414-475 ml

2 Varieties, 2.27 kg

340 gram

Italpasta Noodles Assorted Varieties, 900 g

2 for



Western Family Swiss Chocolate Assorted Varieties, 100 g

2 for



Becel Soft Margarine 1.81 kg



297 gram


Classico Pasta Sauce



Maxwell House K-Cups Coffee

Assorted Varieties, 12’s



International Delights Creamers


Assorted Varieties 946 ml

Krinos Kefalograviera Cheese

Chapman’s Premium Ice Cream







Axe Shampoo

Axe Deodorant



Assorted Varieties, 355 ml

Kraft Salad Dressings

2 for

23.63 / kg

or Spray 113 g, 85 g


New Zealand Lamb Chops

Gastown Grind Only! 375 g


2 lb



Assorted Varieties 2 litre



Crest Whitening Toothpaste 2 Varieties, 130 ml




Western Family Lasagna


Cocoa Camino Dark Hot Chocolate 336 g



Green Giant Vegetables Assorted Varieties 750 g



Listerine Mouthwash Assorted Varieties, 1 litre


Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 6 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm 3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 • bulkleyvalleywholesale.com

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