250-445-6548 $
Thursday, FEBRUARY 5, 2015
Includes tax
It’s the Family Day holiday this weekend, and there’s activities for all ages P throughout the area.
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Inside Elvis Fine Jewellery
VOL. 33 Number 6
Even advanced thinkers such as Stephen Hawking are beginning to cry that the sky is falling. P
Midway council has given Ted and Noreen Neuman the green light to make applicaiton to the ALC.
Fall Fair elects its new board PAT KELLY
Boundary Creek Times Reporter
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The Rock Creek and Boundary District Fair Association held their annual general meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at the fairgrounds pavilion. Rock Creek resident Les Jackman chaired the AGM. Elected (all by acclamation) to the executive and board for the coming year are: President: Bill Bosovich Vice-President: Ilana Fraser Secretary: Rachel Lautard Treasurer: Lisa Sims Directors: Lincoln Blaine, Dean Corbett, Katherine Delisle, Rebecca Lindquist, Danny Nakatsu, Scott Petrie, Pierre Sinclaire, Ian Smith, Carol Thom. The outgoing board reported that the grounds had quite a bit of maintenance work done last year. A new floor was put on the dais, 86 new energy-efficient light fixtures were installed, five new yard lights, wiring was installed to enable service to proposed gatehouse, 44 gallons of paint were applied to the barn/bleachers, 40 new benches were built, five energy efficient fridges put in, an on-demand hot water system, new sanitizer and floor in kitchen. As well, volunteers painted the pavilion lobby, the sidewalk around the Bridesville food booth was repaired, the electrical sockets at animal wash rack were changed and a new lawnmower was purchased. The AGM heard budget and planning committee chair Ted Rexin report that $229,937 • See FALL FAIR page A5
It was dress-up day at the local elementary schools on the last Wednesday of January when literacy was the focus of a daylong get-together at Greenwood Elementary for students from the four West Boundary Elementary Schools. PHOTO: PAT KELLY
Storytime for Literacy Day Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually in January to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. To celebrate Family Literacy Day in the West Boundary the Midway Library and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) hosted a special story time last Friday at the library. Upcoming CBAL events in the West Boundary include: Free Computer Skills Mini-Lessons from noon to 3 p.m. over three days, Tuesday through Thursday Feb. 10-12 at the Boundary Learning Centre above the public health office in Midway at 540 Seventh St. Laptops will be available with Internet connectivity. Please bring a flash drive to save your work—there is no printer access. These one-to-one mini-lessons can cover a variety of areas: general computer skills, Word,
Excel, Internet, Facebook, email, etc. For more information call 250-446-2513. A CBAL writer’s group is forming in Midway too. “We are forming a writer’s group here in Midway,” reads their poster. “You may be a published writer, or have never put pen to paper. All are welcome. If you have ever thought you may be the next Hemmingway, or Stephen King now is the time.” For information contact John H. Fair at 250-449-2639. All CBAL literacy programs are free. CBAL also provides free tutoring for adult learners, English as a second language and free training and ongoing support for volunteer adult tutors. All programs are confidential. Programs can be arranged in various Boundary locations For more information contact West Boundary Community Literacy Outreach worker Evelyn Booth at or by phone at 250-446-2512.
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
Page Calendar of Events
263 South Copper Avenue, PO Box 99 Greenwood, B.C.
Phone: 250-445-2233 Email: sales@ boundarycreektimes. com
Thursday, Feb. 5: West Boundary Rail Trail Information Session at Midway Community Centre from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. RSVP to 250-442-2722 or Friday, Feb. 6: Family Day Dinner and a movie sponsored by the Midway Community Association. $5 for a spaghetti dinner and dessert; followed by a screening of “Jack” starring Robin Williams. Saturday, Feb. 7: 6th annual Kettle Valley Racing Association Snowmobile Drags at Midway airport. Gates at 9; races at 11:30. $7 for those 12 and over. Saturday through Monday, Feb. 7-9: Wilgress Lake Family Fishing Derby. Volunteers welcome. Info Greg 250-442-5848 or Danny 250-442-0392. Tuesday to Thursday, Feb 10-12: Computer lessons sponsored by CBAL. Noon to 3 daily in the Boundary Learning Centre above the Midway Health Clinic at 540-7th Avenue. Mini-lessons on general computer skills plus Word, Excel, Internet, Facebook, Emails. Info 250-446-2513. Wednesday, Feb. 11: Boundary Restorative Justice Program Meeting. Learn about RJ in the Boundary. 7 p.m. at Selkirk College in Grand Forks. Info contact program coordinator Richard Tarnoff at 250-442-8633 or email to Thursday, Feb. 12: Osoyoos Concert series presents Darrell London & Kevin Fox. Osoyoos Community Theatre located at 5800 115th Street. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14: Valentine’s Lunch & Quilt show from 11-2 at Westbridge Hall. Cost is $10. Monday, Feb. 16: Public Meeting at the Westbridge Community Hall from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. the subject is Habitat Recovery and Restoration for the Speckled Dace in the Kettle River Watershed. Sunday, Feb. 15 and March 1, 15, 29: Westbridge crib - $5 per session (eight games per session). Prizes per session Highest score $25, second $15, third $5, and lowest score $5. Prizes doubled if more than 24 players. Info Dell 250-4462330. REGULAR EVENTS: Mondays: Drop-in crib at Greenwood Legion at 7 p.m. $3 buy-in. Mondays: Girl Guides of Canada meets after school from 3:30 to 5 at WBES. Contact Janine Fraser at WBES or Linda Sheppard at 250-443-1529. First & Third Monday: Midway Village Council meeting; 6:30 p.m. with a delegation or 7 p.m. if none. First & Third Monday: The Bridge Drop-in Centre in Midway is open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed on holiday Mondays, but will be open the next day on Tuesday. First Monday: Greenwood Seniors Centre meeting at 2 p.m. Info: 250-445-2290. Second Monday: The Bridge Drop-in Centre sorting day 10-2
The Fun Spot
Be sure to send in your event information. This section is free of charge.
p.m. All helpers are appreciated. Second & Fourth Monday: Greenwood City Council meeting at 7 p.m. Third Monday: Bridesville Women’s Institute meets at 11 am. Info: 446-2210 or 446-2121. Third Monday: Frolicking Fancies – the Greenwood Red Hat Ladies Group meet monthly in Greenwood. Information Francine 250-445-6734; or Shirley 250-445-9908. Third Monday: Discover Rock Creek Society meeting at 6:30 – for location info phone 250-528-0227. Last Monday: Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Little Red School House at 7 p.m. Info Bill Watson 250446-2325 or Sherry Dalziel 250-446-2997. Mondays and Wednesdays: Boot Camp at McArthur Centre in Greenwood from 6-7. $10 drop-in or $60 per month. Info 250-442-3664. Postponed until further notice. Monday & Wednesday beginning Sept. 15: Country Kids Playschool 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Rock Creek Health Centre. For info or to register call Sara Eek 250-446-2202. Tuesdays: AA Meetings at McArthur Centre in Greenwood at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: Drop-in social at the Greenwood Seniors’ Centre, 9 -11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Taekwondo at BCSS gym from 4 to 5 p.m. Open to ages 6 (with supervision) to 106. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Boundary Women’s Resource Centre on Market Avenue in Grand Forks open from 9 a.m. to - 3 p.m. Info 250-442- 5212. First Tuesday: Elks #493 monthly meeting at the Slavonic Hall in Grand Forks at 7 p.m. Info: 250-442-2856 or 250-442-4276. Third Tuesday: Kettle Valley Wildlife Association meets at the range in Rock Creek at 7 pm. Wednesdays: Girl Guides of Canada meet at King of Kings Church in Midway, Sparks ages 5-6 and Brownies ages 7-8 meet at 4:30-5:45; Guides ages 9-11 and Pathfinders ages 1214 meet from 6 to 7:30. Info 250-449-2309 or 250-445-9955. Wednesdays: Midway Crib Tournament – Bored Room Bistro, 607 Eighth Avenue, Midway at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Senior’s Bingo at 1 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior’s Drop-in Centre. $1 admission. Wednesdays: Women’s Counseling in Rock Creek and West Boundary: Free and confidential. For information call the STV counselor at 1-855-441-3131 or 442-3131. Childcare and transportation subsidies are available. Wednesdays: Storytime at 10:30 a.m. at the Greenwood library. Preschool kids ages 3-5 years and their parent/caregiver can enjoy stories, songs, action rhymes, games, and simple crafts. Siblings welcome, too! Running through April 8th. First Wednesday: West Boundary Senior Housing Society meeting at 1 p.m. in Parkview Manor Midway. Second Wednesday: Boundary Citizen’s Patrol meets at
Midway Senior’s Centre from 7 - 8 p.m. Info: Wayne 250-4492191, Paul 250-445-2111, or Wolfgang 250-446-2455. Second Wednesday: Greenwood Board of Trade meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek Women’s Institute meet for a potluck lunch at 11:45. Info: 250-446-2454 or 250-446 -2608. Third Wednesday: Main River Women’s Institute meets in Westbridge at 1 p.m. Info: 250-446-2616. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek & Boundary Fair Assoc. meets at 7 p.m. at the pavilion from March through November. Info: 250-446- 2465. Thursday mornings: Free Yoga Classes in Greenwood at the McArthur Centre from 10:00-11:30 a.m. For more information call: Diane at 250-445-6364. Thursdays: Kinesiology at the old Kettle Valley School House from 9:30 to 12. Thursdays: Anglican Thrift Store from 11-3. Info phone Les Williams 250-445-2216. Thursdays: Quilters and other crafters meet at the Midway Senior’s Centre at 9:30 a.m. Come for coffee and bring your needle project to work on. Membership fee $10 per year. First Thursday: Rock Creek Medical Society meets at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the clinic. First & Third Thursday: Food bank at the Evangel Chapel at 11 a.m. Donations welcome. Info 250-445-2125. Second & Fourth Thursday: Kettle River Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. in the Medical Clinic boardroom at Rock Creek. Third Thursday (until May): Founder’s Day Organizing Committee meeting. Volunteers gather to brainstorm, share resources and help plan Greenwood’s birthday in July! 6-8 p.m. at City Hall. Fridays: Bingo at Greenwood Community Hall. Doors open 5 p.m., early bird 7 p.m. Progressive jackpot. Fridays: Coffee at Midway Seniors Centre from 9:30 - 11. Fridays: Overeaters Anonymous 11 a.m. - 12 noon at St. Jude’s Church in Greenwood. First & Third Friday: Karaoke at the Royal Canadian Legion in Greenwood. 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. Third Friday: Movie nights at Midway Community Hall; 7 p.m. Bring your own travel cup. $3 includes movie, drink and popcorn. Saturdays: Lion’s Club Meat Draw, at Prospector Pub in Rock Creek. Starts at 3 p.m. Saturdays: Greenwood Royal Canadian Legion Canteen open 2-6 p.m. Meat draw 3:30 p.m. Last Saturday: Karaoke at Hotel Midway – Hot-L Pub at 8:30. Greenwood Public Library: Open noon, Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. Greenwood Seniors Centre Thrift Store: Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Quote of the Week: You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. – John J. Plomp LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION
Joke of the Week: Some guy bought a new fridge for his house... To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: ‘Free to good home. You want it, you take it.’ For three days the fridge sat there without anyone looking twice. He eventually decided that people were too mistrustful of this deal. So he changed the sign to read: ‘Fridge for sale $50.’ The next day someone stole it!
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
Sunday JulySunday, 24, 6:00Feb. - 7:00 8 pm Bridesville6:00 Community Hall - 7:00 pm
Bridesville Community Hall
“Is God Enough?”
Kids don’t remember their best day of television. Happy Family Day!
Midget goalie Shane Kappes celebrated his first shut-out victory last Sunday on home ice in Midway against Inland Empire2.
Celebrate Family Day There is certainly a lot to choose from for outdoor activities in the Boundary this weekend. Phoenix Ski Hill is open this weekend starting Friday. Hours are 9:30 to 3:30 and with Roxul as a sponsor they are once again offering free skiing on Family Day, Monday Feb. 9. The 4th Annual Wilgress Lake Ice Fishing Derby is set to go on Family Day weekend, Feb. 7 9. The Boundary All Nations Aboriginal Council (BANAC) and the Boundary Metis Community Association (BMCA) sponsor the fishing derby, with proceeds going to enhance youth programs in the Boundary Area. Derby times are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday; and from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday. Last weigh-in will be at 2 p.m. Monday. Saturday will see the sixth annual Kettle Valley Racing Association Snowmobile Drags at
For the record
We will be closed Monday, Feb. 9 to enjoy the holiday. If you are planning to spend the day outside, we have a great selection of outdoor supplies and apparel for the whole family. For the little ones, ALL MELISSA & DOUG TOYS ARE ON SALE!
Something like the above —— so I can change the d Midway airport. Gates open at 9; the races start at 11:30. The cost is $7 for those 12 and over. the The title each time…. concession is being run by the 2015 grad class, so come hungry. The Boundary Minor Hockey Association Pee For the 2nd and 4th Sundays (twice a month for the Wee Predators will be taking part in a hockey tournament in Grand Forks this weekend. And there will be plenty of adult rec hockey at the Midway arena this weekend as the sixth annual Midway Oldtimers Hockey Tournament While we try to teach our children all about life, goes from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. There will be 11 teams this year, one more our children teach us what life is all about. than last. The action starts at 6 p.m. on Friday and goes until 11 p.m. both Friday and Saturday. The action starts at 8 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday; with the final game of the tournament scheduled for 1:15 Sunday afternoon.
On page 5 of our Jan. 29, 2015 issue we made an error in the Greenwood council article. The article stated the cut-off date to qualify for a 10 per cent discount on municipal utility bills was Feb. 11. In fact the city will honour the discount until Feb. 28. We regret the error.
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FOREIGN ASSET REPORTING --- IT AFFECTS YOU! You may be wondering if and how changes to the T1135 Foreign Income Reporting Form may affect your tax filing. In prior tax years the reporting of foreign investments or properties was simplified because of certain exemptions, many of which have now been removed. So which foreign investments or properties now fall under these new rules? The following will provide an explanation as to which investments and properties you need to report to CRA - the basic rule being that you must report specified foreign property that costs more than $100,000 CDN. What is “specified foreign property?” • Shares of non-resident corporations held through a Canadian or foreign broker. • Shares of a Canadian resident corporation that are held on deposit with brokerage firms or agents outside of Canada. • Foreign property that does not produce income (if the cost of the land is more than $100,000). • Real estate that is not held for “personal use and enjoyment” (this is where it gets complicated): o You own a four-unit property outside of Canada and hold one unit specifically for your personal use and enjoyment and the other three units are rented out. If all the units are roughly the same size and value, the property would be specified foreign property and you would need to report the entire cost amount of the property on the T1135 because 75% of the property
is rented out for profit. The entire four units would not be considered personal-use property. o You own a house in Arizona that cost $230,000 and is rented out eight months of the year with the expectation of making a profit. You use the house four months of the year for personal use and enjoyment. You would report the property on a T1135 as specified foreign property because it is not held primarily for personal use and enjoyment. • A life insurance policy that is issued by a foreign issuer. • Investments in non-resident mutual funds. What specified foreign properties do not have to be included on form T1135? • Specified foreign property that is held in registered plans such as RRSPs, TFSAs, IRAs or Roth IRAs. • Personal-use property, generally defined as property owned by a taxpayer, and a related party, used primarily (>50%) for personal and enjoyment purposes. • Canadian mutual funds. • Property used or held exclusively in the course of an active business. • Property that you have no expectation of making a profit on, such as a condo you are renting out solely to recover condominium costs (if it is held primarily for personal use).
Contact your professional tax accountant for further information to ensure that if these new rules affect you that the appropriate information is included in your return. Failure to comply, or filing an incomplete T1135 Foreign Income reporting form is subject to rather punitive penalties.
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
A DIVISION OF BLACK PRESS – PRINTED EVERY THURSDAY. Mailing address: Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Street address: 263 South Copper Street, Greenwood, B.C.
Sky is falling Are machines going to turn on us humans one day? It has been a story line in popular film and fiction for decades. But now even such advanced thinkers as physicist Stephen Hawking and Tesla Motors and SpaceX founder Elon Musk are beginning to cry that the sky is falling. According to a CBC article filed by Emily Chung, the event that Hawking and Musk fear is “singularity”—when machines surpass humans in general intelligence, not just in beating us at games like playing chess or Jeopardy, as they have already. But the military also plows several trainloads of dollars into AI research each year and there is always the danger they might develop autonomous weapons and semi-autonomous drones. Legislation against technology would require enforcement; and as we all should know by now, if it comes down to enforcement of laws we should just fold our tents and go home. Ask anyone concerned about something so simple as enforcing a pooperscooper law on the sidewalk and you see how difficult it can become. Right now the military uses drones to strike targets in the Middle East. These drones currently have a human being on the kill-switch. But technology is advancing rapidly and the amount of information being fed into the computers is soon going to make the human being the slowest part of the decision process. At that time, military intelligence (an oxymoron if ever there was one) is going to argue that the button be taken out of the loop and that the computer should make the final decision. I guess we should just count our lucky stars that they haven’t hooked those new-fangled computers up to nuclear missiles yet.
Letters Policy The Times welcomes letters to the editor that are of interest to our community. Whatever the subject, there are a few basic guidelines to follow before The Times will publish your comment. – Letters must be received by 4 p.m. Friday for the following week’s paper. – One letter per person per month. – Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 350 words or less. – All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. – Anonymous letters will not be published and pen names may not be used, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the editor. – The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper. Send all letters to
Chuck Bennett Dyan Stoochnoff Publisher/Editor
Associate Publisher
Pat Kelly Reporter
There’s stuff yet to learn
I have been taking a volunteer role at the local one-to- reading a page and pointed down to the book and exclaimed with great delight, “Hey! I knew that word!” one reader program at the Midway Elementary School. It’s a fun and rewarding task that takes little more than Another time I was introducing one young fellow to the an hour each week. Plus it gives me a chance to see the one-to-one reading routine, like where to find the books world from a different perspective, and that’s a valuable and such. There were several of those magazine boxes thing to do from time to time. filled with early readers and I pulled one off of the shelf, I have to say I am always amazed at the jobs that the took it across the room and shook the books out onto an teachers do. When they talk about literacy from empty table. I told him to take his pick. their point of view of years of university educaThe little fellow got quite excited about A LITTLE tion, you come to realize what an amazing pro- PERSPECTIVE this. “Oh no, no, no!” he exclaimed as he cess learning to read and write is. raced to the table and started gathering But when the teachers talk among themup the books. He paused as he was putselves in teacher lingo it can get even more ting them back into the magazine box and confusing for a simple little fellow like me. They pointed to the open blue recycling box untalk in terms of curriculum and teaching modder the table. els and all kinds of complicated things. “A book could get lost if you do it that That’s why I like being just a one-to-one way, ” he explained. “It might fall in to the rePat reader. They sit me down with a young student cycling bin and you’d never know.” KELLY and we get to focus on easier stuff than the As he finished putting the last of the books teachers do. back in the magazine box he looked up at me After all, it just comes down to sharing time with a very solemn look on his face and said and a good story with another person. we should just take the books out one at a time. “Like a The one-to-one program got started late this year, normal person would,” he said. probably partly due to the school strike. As if the teachers What could I say to that? He was doing everything hadn’t enough on their plate but because of the strike they right: showing respect for the school property and, above are expected to do it all with two weeks less on their school all else, trying to keep things dialled in to normal. year. So like I say, we need to show classroom teachers a lot The one-to-one reading involves a certain amount of more respect than they often get. stuff that must be learned. Please just give me time. I’ll get There are definite perks to being a one-to-one reader, the hang of it yet. like the time a couple of years ago this little kid finished
Della Mallette
Production Co-ordinator
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
A division of Black Press
PO Box 99 Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Phone: 250-445-2233 Email: sales@
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
Council green-lights ALC application
Midway council has given MIDWAY LIBRARY tract for hangar space at an increase of $25 to $225 per Ted and Noreen Neuman the month. Councillors Darrin green light to make applicaMetcalf and Schierbeck artion to the Agricultural Land gued in favour of increasing Commission with their prothe rent by $50 but it was posal to subdivide into two pieces their 70-acre property that sits up- carried at $225 by a vote of 3 - 2. While they argued that the rate was too hill from the Midway cemetery. The Nuemans sent Brad Elenko, Senior low, others reasoned that there wasn’t a Planner with McElhanney Consulting Ser- line-up of renters ready to pay more and vices Ltd. of Osoyoos to make the request that a $50 increase would amount to a and answer any questions from council or 25-per-cent jump in the rate, which was Planner Brad Elenko briefs Midway council a subdivision proposal for property near felt was to be excessive. staff. the village cemetery. *** This is only the first step in a long proArea E director Vicki Gee has sent a letcess ahead for the landowners. The Agribrought back through the approval proUnder Rotvold’s report regarding a cultural Land Commission (ALC) requires ter to both Midway and Greenwood councess, including the public meeting, after a budget meeting at the regional district that municipal government be consulted cils requesting that Area E-West Boundresident complained to the Ombudsper- level, it was noted that Phoenix Ski Hill is prior to making application for subdivi- ary be included as a shareholder in the son that they had not been properly made being considered for a $5,000 grant from sion of land in the Agricultural Land Re- West Boundary Community Forest. It was aware that the zoning on their property the recreation commission. Mayor Randy agreed that Midway council should meet serve (ALR). was changing last year. Kappes said that if other organizations are The Nuemans had come to council a with Greenwood council before replying The Ombudsperson also found that the going to be guaranteed an annual grant few years ago with a more ambitious sub- to Gee’s request. notice of the public hearing at that time from the rec commission, he would like to *** division proposal for the property that had not complied with the basic require- know what is there for the arena in terms Midway council continues their war of would have seen the property divided into ments of section 892 of the Local Govern- of an annual grant. more parcels; but that would have required words with Canada Post, this time on bement Act. The village agreed to conduct a Rotvold said she would take the quesexclusion from the ALR and the property half of the Canadian Union of Public Emnew public hearing on the zoning bylaw, tion to the next budget meeting; that she owners decided against submitting their ployees. Council is writing to the Federaensuring that the public notice was consis- will not support the request until she can tion of Canadian Municipalities to request application to the ALC at that time. tent with the Local Government Act. bring more information back to council. Councillor Marguerite Rotvold voiced that they urge the federal government to *** her concern that animal grazing on the consult with the public about what kind property might contaminate the village of postal service they need water system or aquifer. Elenko said they before allowing Canada would not be opposed if the village wrote Post to make major changto the ALC saying that council is not in fa- es to public postal service. *** vour of using the land for grazing. A Parcel Tax Review He told council that the application has been that is now being put forward would see Committee the property divided into two lots, each lot formed that includes all having its own house and septic field. He members of council. Staff said it might expand to something bigger told council that they are aware a resident is considin the future. Elenko explained that Cemetery Road ering asking for a review would provide access to one parcel, while and the committee needs the legal access for the other parcel would to be struck so that the village is ready for the proceneed clarification. Council agreed to allow the application dure to go forward. *** to go forward, with the understanding that The zoning bylaw meetthe proposed subdivision would still be subject to council approval and in compli- ing that was scheduled for ance with existing village zoning, subdivi- Wednesday, Feb. 4 has been postponed until Monday, sion and utilities service bylaws. PHOTO: PIERRE SINCLAIRE Feb. 16 in village council *** Councillor Gary Schierbeck reported chambers. Continued from page A1 The recent advertising that the Boundary District Curling Club is still struggling to reopen for the season done for the meeting did was spent on a total budget of $245,937, coming and to our many other volunteers. because of failure of the chiller equipment; not fully comply with the The meeting also saw the presentation of lifein under budget by $16,415. and recent price quotes from FortisBC and Local Government Act and “This is due, in most part, from lower operat- time membership pins to Art Harfman and Mary others has moved the project even further the meeting had to be reing costs and the funds that were set aside for the Lautard for their years and countless hours of scheduled to allow for two from reality. new gatehouse project that was postponed,” said service to fair. consecutive weeks of ad*** Rexin’s report. The next meeting of the fair association will Council agreed to offer local tree planter vertising. Outgoing president Lincoln Blaine offered be on Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. at the fairThe zoning bylaw is acOwen Stewart and Greenpeaks Resource special thanks to Rexin for his service over the grounds. Management a renewal on the rental con- tually being rescinded and past three years as director and vice-president
Fall fair
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
9 AM
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
4 PM
Varied Programs Young & Restless The Dr. Oz Show Dragons’ Den Dr. Phil Young & Restless Kate and Magic The Doctors
5 PM
News CTV News CBC News News News Jack News
CBS News Wild ABC Hunters
6 PM
SportsCentre News News CTV News CBC Murdoch KREM 2 News at 6 (5:59) News Hour Varied Programs News News
Varied Programs
Hunt Intl
E. B. OutFront Sponge. Varied Movie Daily Planet Stranger--Home Meredith Vieira
Anderson Cooper Parents Sponge. Varied Programs Varied Programs Mike Anger
Person of Interest Movie Phineas Jessie Theory Theory Frasier Frasier
Blue Bloods Varied Programs Jessie Liv-Mad. Browns Payne Theory Theory Movie Chopped Storage Storage M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Castle
Varied Programs Movie Austin Varied Browns Payne Match Gas Varied Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs
Food Storage
Food Storage
Stargate SG-1
Varied Programs Varied Programs Sam & Assem Stargate Atlantis
Moves Moves Security Security Varied Programs Mike Toopy Big Cat in Caillou Mike WordGirl Wild News Busi PBS NewsHour Judge Judge News News News Million. CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Varied Programs Theory Theory Varied Programs Bill Cunningham Steve Wilkos News News Funny Videos Videos Varied Programs Mother Two Two Varied Programs Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Dexter Bravo Batman Murder, She Wrote Columbo Varied Programs Busi Varied Programs Charmed Sex-City Sex-City CSI: Miami
10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30
1 PM
College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving News PGA Tour Golf Marilyn Denis SickKids Found. Written etalk Gas Gas SportsCentre Our Vancouver Absolutely Doc Zone Nature/ Things Amanda Lang All In Men College Basketball PGA Tour Golf News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving News PGA Tour Golf Magic Doki Ad Wild Wild Maker Martha Dogs Dogs Hope for Wildlife Rescue Wildlife Outback Explore Paid World of X Games 30 for 30 Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Reno Reno Reno Reno Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Island Carib Hawaii Wahl Wahl Wahl Wahl Duck Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom (7:00) CNN Newsroom (N) Sponge. Parents Rabbids Bread Turtles Sanjay ›› “Agent Cody Banks” Law & Order: UK Cow NCIS “Canary” ›› “Battle: Los Angeles” Aaron Eckhart. Overhaulin’ Close Close Mayday Edge of Alaska River Monsters Vanderpump Rules Housewives/Atl. Untying Untying Real Housewives Matchmaker Kds Theory Paid Tip-Off College Basketball Hoops Basket Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Cold Justice ›› “Beautiful Girls” Timothy Hutton. ››› “Music of the Heart” “A League of Their Own” (12:25) “Lost in America” (10:45) ›› “Evan Almighty” Austin I Didn’t K.C. Jessie Liv-Mad. Girl “Adventures of Sharkboy” Gravity “Anchorman: Legend of Ron” “One for Money” ›› “The Kingdom” Jamie Foxx. Just for Laughs Theory Theory MenMenJust for Laughs Cash Cash Oscar Goes To “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon” ››› “Cheyenne Autumn” Pioneer Pioneer Top Chef Duff Till My. Din Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped (8:45) Crashed Ice Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Paid Paid Pawn. Pawn. Restoration Canadian Pickers Search for the Paranormal Wi. Paranormal Wi. Wizard Wars Face Off Doctor Who The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Security Security Security Security Bggg Bggg Border Border Security Security Big Toopy Caillou Cat in Babar Ready, Back Mike Truck Dino Home Old House Kitchen Chefs Martha Cook Garden Antique Roadshow News English Premier League Soccer Skiing Figure Skating Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kardashian Paid Paid We Have a Dream College Basketball Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dog Dog Dog Dog Expedi Expedi RockWalker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger State Coolest Paid AntiOutlaw ››› “Secretariat” Diane Lane. Gumby Casper Dexter Dexter Inspector Gadget Hercules “Daffy-Quckbstr” Punjab Mehak Punjabi Lamia Virasat Quran Peace Nagara Punjab Panj-Aab Antique Roadshow British Baking Martha Cooking Kitchen Sara’s Earth: A New Wild Style by Style Vampire Diaries Ghost Whisperer › “Just Married” Ashton Kutcher. M. M. Ultimate Survival Remote Survival Security Security Security Security
3 PM
Hockey Hockey Hockey Lunch The Talk Meredith Vieira Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle Let’s Make a Deal The Dr. Oz Show The Talk Meredith Vieira Dino Curious Olly Jelly Queen Latifah Rachael Ray Varied Programs Holmes on Homes Bryan Bryan The First 48 Varied Programs The Situation Room Chucks Kid Sidekick Chucks Paradise Varied NCIS Varied Programs How/ How/ Varied Programs Stranger--Home Fam Varied Steve Harvey Varied Programs Criminal Minds Flashpoint Movie Movie Varied Programs Phineas ANT ANT Good Middle Middle Seinfeld Mod Just for Laughs Gags Gags (1:00) Movie Movie Varied Programs Storage Storage Storage Storage Varied Programs Star Trek: Voyager Inner Scare Movie Varied Programs Ghost Adventures Gotta Eat St. Big Bubble Peg Octo Thomas Sesame Curious Cat in TMZ Minute Ellen DeGeneres Varied Programs TMZ etalk Mike Mike Two Two Maury KTLA 5 News at 3 Blue Bloods Funny Videos PIX11 News at 5 Ray Celebrity Animan. Toon Looney Looney Doc Martin Emily of Moon Wild Varied PBS NewsHour CSI: Miami My Style by Live Free or Die Varied Programs
7 PM
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(6:30) SportsCentre SC Top Giants SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) 16x9 Vikings Vikings Museum Secrets News SNL News CTV W5 (N) ››› “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” Post News Republic of Doyle NHL Hockey Pittsburgh Penguins at Vancouver Canucks. (N) White Collar NCIS: New Orleans News Closer NCIS 48 Hours (N) 16x9 Vikings Vikings Museum Secrets News SNL Nat’l Geographic Heartbeat Midsomer Murders Park Waterfront Cities Entertainment Ton. Scandal ››› “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Vegas Cops Cops Cops Cops Bryan Bryan Timber Kings Fixer Upper House House Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Nightwatch (8:01) Nightwatch (9:01) The First 48 (10:01) Nightwatch (11:01) Nightwatch Special Report Anderson Cooper Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Assem Max Chucks Heart Heart Haunting ››› “Zathura” Josh Hutcherson. ›› “Cowboys & Aliens” Daniel Craig. ›› “Battle: Los Angeles” Aaron Eckhart. Misfit Garage Ice Lake Rebels Street Outlaws Misfit Garage Gold Rush “Magic Mike” ››› “Magic Mike” Channing Tatum. ››› “Hitch” Will Smith. Two Theory News Wanted Animation Dom Red Band Society (Season Finale) (N) Sex Sent Me to About About Sex Sent Me to Stories of the ER Stories of the ER The Mentalist (N) › “Leap Year” Amy Adams. (10:05) ›› “View From the Top” (5:45) “Yentl” In-Name ››› “Born Free” (9:40) ››› “Midnight Express” Girl Austin I Didn’t ANT Next Wingin’ Derek ›› “The Cheetah Girls” (6:00) “Shrek” Fam Guy Fam Guy Seinfeld Seinfeld King King “Rules-Engage.” Theory Theory Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Louis C.K.: Shame. Comedy Comedy “Here Comes Mr. Jordan” “Mrs. Miniver” (8:45) ›››› “Citizen Kane” Orson Welles. Outrageous Chopped Chopped Canada Outrageous Cutthroat Kitchen Liquida Liquida Mantracker Dog and Beth Conspiracy GetS GetS UFOs Declassified Treasures Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Inner Inner Mummy Bitten “Bad Blood” ››› “The Mummy” Brendan Fraser. The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files The Dead Files The Dead Files (N) Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Keep Up Time/By Austin City Limits ››› “Broadcast News” William Hurt. Blue Bloods Sat. Night Live News SNL Dateline NBC “Before Dawn” Amazing Race Pop Pop MasterChef Amazing Race Beverly Beverly Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Office Office King Friends Friends Glory Two Two Two Two Fam Guy Fam Guy KTLA News at 10 News Bensin Rules Rules Parks Parks Raising Raising ›› “Deep Blue Sea” News PIX11 Honeym Honeym Alien Alien “Shall-Dance” The Pinkertons (N) Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Garfield Garfield Toon Animan. “Daffy-Quckbstr” Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Success Poetry Joyce Pink Joe Bonamassa-Acoustic Austin City Limits Artists Den Front and Center Baggage Excused CSI: Miami “L.A.” Sex-City Sex-City › “Just Married” Ashton Kutcher. Security Security Brain Street Remote Survival Security Security Ultimate Survival
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
7 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
9 PM
10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
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5 PM
7 FEBRUARY 2015 5:30
6 PM
College Basketball Sports SportsCentre (N) Hockey 2015 World Sledge Challenge. (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Moves Moves Simpson Simpson Simpson News (5:59) News Hour Worst Driver Cash Steele Marilyn Denis The So etalk CTV News FIS Ski Jumping National Hockey NHL Hockey Edmonton Oilers at Toronto Maple Leafs. (N) PGA Tour Golf Access Hollywood Paid Chan News News News Paid PGA Tour Golf Moves Moves Simpson Simpson Simpson News (5:59) News Hour Blue Realm Waterfront Cities Kingdom-Cobra Lost Kingdoms of Hope for Wildlife Fashion on Ice News ABC News Insider Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular (N) Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Vegas Cops (N) Cops Fixer Upper House House Timber Kings Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Income Property The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Nightwatch CNN Newsroom Smerconish Newsr’m Spotlight Inside Man Special Report Chucks Assem Assem Assem Assem Assem Assem Assem Cook’d Cook’d Lost Girl “Waves” “Suddenly” Ray Liotta. (1:30) ›› “Cowboys & Aliens” Airshow How/ How/ How/ How/ Gold Rush Street Outlaws Matchmaker Fatal Vows See No Evil Stranger--Home “Magic Mike” College Basketball Paid Mike Mike Two Theory Bones (ESP) Undercover Boss Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER “Music-Heart” Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing 19-2 “Borders” › “Joe Dirt” David Spade. (3:35) ››› “A League of Their Own” (5:45) ››› “Yentl” Phineas Rebels Good Wizards ANT Dog Jessie Austin K.C. Liv-Mad. “One for Money” 1st Fam Box Offi Commun Commun Middle Middle “Shrek” Just for Laughs Theory Theory Just for Laughs MenMenLOL :-) LOL :-) Chey (2:45) ››› “The Professionals” Lee Marvin. ›››› “The Philadelphia Story” Diners Diners Food Food Gotta Gotta Food Food Chopped Canada Storage Storage Liquida Liquida Storage Liquida Mantracker Storage Liquida Search for the Search for the American Pickers Pawn. Pawn. Dino Hunt Canada Doctor Who Inner Bitten “Bad Blood” (3:45) ››› “X-Men” Hugh Jackman. The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Security Security Lost-Lost-Security Security Security Security Ghost Adventures Umi Bubble Octo Charm Dora Peg Toopy Mike Truck Charm The Big Burn Globe Trekker Steves WA Wine Wait... Lawrence Welk Figure Skating Pain Paid 21 Day Judge News News News J’pardy! Brave Inside Pop Pop Beverly Beverly MasterChef TMZ (N) Mike Mike Two Two Theory Theory ›› “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” Animal State Coolest On Spot Operation Smile Middle Middle News News Walker, Ranger Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods PIX11 News at 5 Rules Rules Celebrity Celebrity Fam Guy Fam Guy Two Two “Daffy-Quckbstr” Looney Looney Garfield Garfield Animan. Toon Gadget Goose Tehlka Sardari Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab Mulaqat Made in Des-Pardes Earth: A New Wild Lawrence Welk Time/By Time/By Antique Roadshow Floyd-Moon Celebrity Damage Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City CSI: Miami “L.A.” CSI: Miami “L.A.” Ultimate Survival Ultimate Survival Ultimate Survival Ultimate Survival Ultimate Survival
Engrave-Nation Cabbie Giants SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET AboutMarry CHBC News Final Constantine (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) Theory News CTV etalk (N) The Mentalist (N) Grimm (N) Blue Bloods (N) Murdoch Cor Market Mercer News Mercer the fifth estate (N) The National (N) Inside Access Undercover Boss News Late Sh. Hawaii Five-0 (N) Blue Bloods (N) Ent ET AboutMarry News Hour Final Constantine (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) The Village Lynley Mysteries Grand Finding the Fallen Coast (N) Ent Insider Last Cristela (10:01) 20/20 KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank (N) Glory 19 Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Vacation House Hunt Intl Hunters House House Vacation House House Hunters Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Weed: Gupta Weed 2: Cannabis Special Report Weed: Gupta Weed 2: Cannabis Thunder Heart Heart Haunting Haunting ››› “Hairspray” John Travolta. 12 Monkeys “Battle: Los Ang” 12 Monkeys (N) Lost Girl “Waves” NCIS “Canary” Mayday Close Close Airshow River Monsters Mayday Guide-Divorce Untying Untying Friends Friends Guide-Divorce Matchmaker Theory Theory World’s Fun News Mod Raising Mother Glee (N) Say Yes Say Yes Love; Love; Say Yes Say Yes Love; Love; Say Yes Say Yes Saving Hope The Listener Criminal Minds Cold Justice Saving Hope “Wilby Wonderful” ››› “Leaving Las Vegas” ››› “Philadelphia” Tom Hanks. Girl Jessie “Adventures of Sharkboy” Girl “Eddie’s Cook-Off” Derek Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break “American Gang” Just for Laughs Gags Gags JFL Simpson Theory Theory JFL JFL “Man-Iron Mask” ›››› “Gone With the Wind” Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. Diners Diners Guy’s Games Diners Diners Diners Diners Guy’s Games Storage Storage Storage Storage Ghost Hunters Storage Storage GetS GetS East-Dickering UFOs Declassified Dino Hunt Canada Treasures UFOs Declassified (6:00) “X-Men” Inner Inner Castle ››› “X-Men” Hugh Jackman. The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Security Security Security Security Security Security Bggg Bggg Border Border Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Wash Charlie Doc Martin Shakespeare Shakespeare Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon Constantine (N) Grimm (N) Dateline NBC (N) Soup Celebrity etalk Pop Soup Celebrity Soup TMZ TMZ Live (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Office Office Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Whose? Masters KTLA 5 News News Friends Hart of Dixie (N) Mother Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Amer. Amer. He-Man He-Man Hercules Hercules Inspector Gadget Hercules Ninja Ninja Songs God’s Conversations EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Shakespeare Shakespeare Smiley Charlie Rose (N) ›››› “Casablanca” CSI: Miami Sex-City Sex-City ››› “Pride & Prejudice” Keira Knightley. Drugs, Inc. Security Security Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc.
8 PM
9 AM
10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30
1 PM
EPL Soccer Post NBA Basketball NBA Basketball: Clippers at Thunder News Block Context Osteen Paid News PGA Tour Golf Operation Smile The So Celebrity Worst Drivers SportsCentre W5 Cor Cor Cor Market Our Vancouver Land One/One Steven and Chris Fishing PGA Tour Golf College Basketball Michigan at Indiana. News Block Context Osteen Paid News PGA Tour Golf Dino Arthur Wild Little Little Anne. Animals Animals Waterfront Cities McCarv NBA NBA Basketball NBA Basketball: Clippers at Thunder Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Holmes Makes Ellen’s Design Hunters Hunt Intl Bryan Bryan Vacation House Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie ›› “Deep Impact” Robert Duvall. State of the Union Fareed Zakaria CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Madly Valen Valen Assem Max Thunder Sam & iCarly Young Boys Broad Law & Order: UK NCIS NCIS “Detour” “Cowboys & Aliens” Highway Thru Highway Thru Hell Gold Rush Overhaulin’ Top 10 Misfit Garage Friends Friends Friends ›› “The Vow” Rachel McAdams. ››› “Hitch” Will Smith. Paid 21 Day Arthritis? Paid Paid Paid Theory Mod “Shall-Dance” Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Kate Plus 8 “Music & Lyrics” ›› “Uptown Girls” Brittany Murphy. ››› “About a Boy” Hugh Grant. Madeline (9:35) “Back to School” “Back-Future III” (11:15) ›› “Loser” Jason Biggs. Austin I Didn’t K.C. Jessie Liv-Mad. Girl Gravity “Treasure Buddies” “The Tuxedo” ›› “Bedtime Stories” Adam Sandler. ›› “The Ring” Naomi Watts. Just for Laughs Sullivan Sullivan Theory Theory Charmageddon Cash Cash “Chitty-Bang” (10:15) ›› “The Brave One” ››› “David Copperfield” Chopped Knife Knife Duff Till Beat Outrageous Chopped Canada Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Paid Paid Pawn Pawn American Pickers Cnt. Cnt. Search for the Face Off (10:15) ›› “Drive Angry” Nicolas Cage. ››› “The Mummy” The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Expedition Un. Big Toopy Caillou Cat in Little Franklin Back Mike Truck Dino DFlyTV Impact Inside Olympia America Focus Stonehenge Genealogy Rd 21 Day Skiing Snowboarding NHL Hockey: Blackhawks at Blues Beverly Beverly A-List E! News Weekend Lance Loves Michael: Countdown-Carpet Focus Sleep ›› “Henry’s Crime” Keanu Reeves. ›› “The Game Plan”, Madison Pettis In Touch Hour Of Power Paid Ease FlashN AntiPaid Paid Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night On Spot Animal Paid Paid ››› “Any Given Sunday” Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz. Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Schuller Context Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Peter David Group Journal Prim. Charlie Feel Aging Pioneers Pioneers Style by Style Vampire Diaries Ghost Whisperer ›› “A Cinderella Story” Hilary Duff. Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Hitler’s Secre
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
Letters to the editor
Become spray-free, Canada Editor, The Times: An open letter to B.C. Attorney General Suzanne Anton Justice needs to be seen to be done. We have legislation for a reason. If there’s no enforcement there’s no motivation for a large corporation to do the best they can.
Family Day Public sponsored by the
Village of Midway
Monday, February 9 Noon – 1:45 pm
Farm crops and household gardens are being destroyed because of pesticides used in Canada. The implications of pesticide use are profound for humans and the ecosystems. When millions of people are poisoned each year, I expect the government to take action. It is time Canada became a “spray free country.” Gladys Brown, Midway
Players of the week
at the Midway Arena
Everyone Welcome School District No. 51 (Boundary)
Kindergarten Registration School District No. 51 (Boundary) would like to welcome those children entering the school system this year. The kindergarten program operates for the full day on every school day. To enter kindergarten in September of 2015, children must be five (5) years of age on or before December 31, 2015. Please bring your child’s Birth Certificate and Care Card on the day of registration. Elementary schools are open for registrations as follows:
John A. Hutton Elementary School Dr. D.A. Perley Elementary School Christina Lake Elementary School Midway Elementary School • (Greenwood Elementary Office – Mon. to Thu.) West Boundary Elementary School Beaverdell Elementary School
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Schools are open Monday to Thursday
Devon Kohler Atom Predator – #6 Right Wing Age: 9 Weight: 33 kg Height: 140 cm Devon always has a smile on his face— a happy guy. He loves Star Wars and drawing. This is Devon’s first year playing forward, in the past he played defence. Other than hockey, Devon also plays soccer and is part of the Boundary Tae Kwon Do Club. He also loves building forts, pizza and the colour blue.
Quinn Johnson Atom Predator – #12 Left wing Age: 11 Weight: 30 kg Quinn has worked hard to overcome many challenges in his life. He has learned to view his ADHD diagnosis as a hurdle rather than a roadblock. He is a wonderful brother to both sisters who live with him and wishes he lived closer to his older brother and sister. He is very excited to see his baby sister join minor hockey next year and be there to help guide her. Quinn has been playing hockey for four years; he likes poutine, the colour red and gaming.
Sponsored By 256 S. COPPER, P.O. BOX 76 GREENWOOD, BC 250.445.9900
Early registration is important so that school planning for next year can begin as soon as possible. For further information please call the School Board Office at 250-442-8258.
Village of Midway
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BYLAW REVIEW Pursuant to Section 890 of the Local Government Act, the Council of the Village of Midway requires that a Public Hearing be held prior to the adoption of a Zoning Bylaw. THeRefoRe the Village of Midway will be holding a Public Meeting to receive input on the proposed Zoning Bylaw on february 16, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers, at the Municipal Office, located at 661 eighth avenue. The purpose of the review is to bring the Zoning Bylaw into conformity and to revise and update the current zoning standards primarily to implement the policies of the Village of Midway’s current Official Community Plan. The proposed comprehensive Zoning Bylaw review applies to all lands within the Village of Midway boundaries.
Joseph Kirschner Midget Predator – #16 Centre Age: 14 Weight: 128 pounds Height: 173 cm Joseph has been playing hockey for four years. Outside of hockey he likes soccer, swimming, watching Netflix and exploring and hiking. His favourite colour is green his preferred food is sushi.
Blake Ferrier Sr. Novice Predator – #12 Age: 8 Weight: 26 kg Height: 127 cm As well as being a hockey star, Blake loves to play soccer. His favourite food is hot dogs and his favourite colour is brown.
The purpose of the Public Hearing meeting is to provide information and receive comments from the public. Any person may attend the public meeting to make written or verbal representation relating to the proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 464. The proposed bylaw may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the office of the Village of Midway, 661 Eighth Avenue, Midway, B.C., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Telephone inquiries regarding the above Bylaw may be addressed to the Village of Midway at (250)-449-2222. At the hearing all persons who deem themselves to be affected by the proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 464 will be afforded the opportunity to be heard. Written submissions will also be accepted up to the time of the Public Hearing on February 16, 2015. Penny L. Feist Chief Administrative Officer
A8 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
Pourboys Mechanical
Best of luck to all the racers! 805 Murray, St., Midway, BC
THE RACE IS ON! Kettle Valley Racing Association 6th Annual Snowmobile Drag Races Volunteers and organizers started working at the Midway airport last weekend in preparation for the 6th annual Boundary Snowmobile Race. This Friday the fencing and other final touches will be put in place and all will be ready for the gates to open at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. Organizer Darrin Metcalf says that a lot of sleds have pre-registered and registration will continue from 6 to 9 at the track on Friday and again at 8:30 on Saturday morning. They are expecting over 50 sleds again this year, drawn by a purse that might top $2,000 this year. The Kettle Valley Racing Association sponsors the annual race as they continue to work toward their goal of an oval dirt track in the West Boundary.
Wishing all the competitors a great race!
Above: Some of these sleds can hit speeds of over 125; and the big turbo machines are clocked at over 140 km/h on the airstrip.
Photo by Jolly McMynn
When the sled leave the starting line they call it a launch; and it is every bit that exciting and more! Photo by Jolly McMynn
• 2006 Case 580sm Backhoe 4x4, 4-1, Ext. hoe, forks • 12 & 24” dig buckets, 42” clean up bucket • Vibratory plate compactor & post pounder
Water lines, general excavating, septic systems
Newton Construction Co. Ltd. Dave Hoenderop
Home: 250-446-2676 • Cell: 250-449-1983 Rock Creek, BC
Good Luck to All Racers! B&F Sales and Service Ltd.
250-442-3555 7466 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC
Start your engines and enjoy the day!
Metcalf said there will be 14 classes this year with opportunities for kids and adults alike to get their thrills. The start is done with an armdrop just like on the Pinks TV show. There will be campfires conveniently located for the spectators to stay warm. And if you get hungry the Grad 2015 class is running a concession stand to raise funds for their graduation. Kettle Valley Racing Association has about 20 members according to Metcalf. They and a squad of dedicated volunteers make the day happen. Metcalf credits the community itself for stepping up in a huge way to support from races each year. In past years, the Boundary Citizens on Patrol radar gun has shown the 800 cc sled can attain speeds of over 125 km/h and the 1,000 cc machine clock in at over 140 km/h. The first race will get started at 11:30; or as soon as all of the paperwork is in order – whichever comes first. In the 2010 inaugural race, organizers were elevated to the same status as the International Olympic Committee in Vancouver when they had to truck snow to the airport for the event. In the past, racers have come from South Slocan, Christina Lake, Castlegar, Rossland-Trail, and Grand Forks; as well as the Okanagan. Race organizers are planning separate races for men, women and youth. See you at the Midway Airport, located at Cleghorn and 7th Avenue.
Wis h to a ing th ll th e e ra best cer s.
256 S. COPPER, P.O. BOX 76 GREENWOOD, BC 250.445.9900
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times A9
Kettle Valley Racing Association
Snowmobile Drag Races – Schedule –
nd a t u o e Com e h t y o j n e t! n e m e t i c ex
fe riding Best of luck andilesars! to all snowmob Johni de Groot
Your Local Full Service Real Estate Office Located at the Gateway to Boundary Country on HWY #33
1-250-446-6808 •
Midway Airport Come and join the fun on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015
Small log solutions for improved forest health.
Gates open at 9:00 am Registration 9:00 am - 10:00 am First Race at 11:30 am (or once race line-up is finalized) On site concession opens at 9:00 am
$25.00 entry for racers per class Bring it and race it!
250-449-2900 • Midway, BC
Pre registration Friday Feb. 6, 2015 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Midway Airport Adults over 12: $7.00/person 12 and under, no charge with an adult For further information contact: Darrin Metcalf: 250-449-1700 • email:
Ted and Mary wish all the snowmobilers a good day!!! Cannon Excavating & Concrete 250-446-2454
Welcome everyone to the 6th annual Snowmobile Drag Races. Good luck to all the competitors! Phone: 250-449-2699 Email:
A10 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
What you call JUNK could be someone’s TREASURE.
West Boundary Sustainable Foods and Resources Society president Leda Fair poses beside a table displaying what can be grown in any kitchen—even in January at a workshop at the Midway Seniors’ Centre last Saturday.
Got stuff to give away? Recycle it! Call or email us with your items and we will put it in the Free 4 All. It doesn’t cost you a penny!
Thank You
The Boundary Minor Hockey Association would like to thank the following individuals and businesses. We greatly appreciate all your support and sponsorship throughout the year.
First Seed to Table held
West Boundary Sustainable Foods ing taped so the knowledge can continue done as far as gardening and farming and Resources Society (FAR) held a to be shared. are concerned, but it will also have the FAR will be holding a general meet- opportunity to learn and/or teach other workshop at the Midway Seniors’ Centre last Saturday. This was the first of Seed ing on Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. in the Rock skills,” she said. to Table, a series of four monthly work- Creek Medical Clinic. They plan to Their next workshop is already schedshops. The day-long session was entitled launch their website at this meeting. uled: mark you calendars for Feb. 28 at St FAR president Leda Fair said that re- Jude’s Anglican Church in Greenwood. All About Seeds. Admission was free and a complimentary lunch was served cordings of the workshops will be posted That talk will be called All About Soils. to the packed house. Many came from to the website. “I think it will be a great For more information about FAR as far away as the Similkameen to attend. tool for everyone to see what can be contact Leda Fair at 250-449-2639. A display table was filled with examples of what can be produced even at this time of year: micro greens, picture of how restorative justice is connected sprouts and wheat CRAIG LINDSAY to all aspects of the community—child developgrasses. Boundary Creek Times Contributor Boundary Minor Hockey Association ment, crime, community relations, victim servicThe sessions are beAbout 60 people showed up at the GEM The- es—and so it gives a bigger picture,” said Tarnoff. atre on Thursday night (Jan. 29) for a viewing of “This film takes a deeper look and a broader look the film A Healing River and a discussion after- at what communities need to be safe and healthy wards. and heal when harm happens and what a chalThe film is a documentary about restorative lenge that is.” justice and features interviews with several difTarnoff said the discussion after the viewing ferent subjects with a wide range of experiences was a great opportunity for those in the audience from First Nations to prisoners to university pro- to talk about what they thought of the film. “It Please be advised fessors to provincial court judges. was very good,” he said. “I thought it was a great that our office will be After the film, the movie producers, Larry turnout. It was a lot more than we expected for Moore and Cathie Douglas, as well as local something that most people would see as dry and RCMP Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison and Boundary academic. People were really forthcoming with Restorative Justice program coordinator Richard their ideas and questions.” Monday, February 9 Tarnoff panelled a discussion about the film and Tarnoff said the group is very appreciative of for Family Day the role of restorative justice in the community. the staff at the GEM for allowing them to use “Part of our mandate for our program is to in- the theatre. He also praised the work of Staff Sgt. form the community about what we do and what Harrison, whom he says has been very supportIn order to maintain our restorative justice is, and to do that we make pre- ive of the program. press schedule, sentations and we often have information tables Anyone wanting more information about the at events,” said Tarnoff. program can contact Tarnoff by phone at 250He said the film presentation and discussion 442-8633 or email was a natural progression from those. He said he A Healing River is available at the Grand Forks contacted all the parties and was able to set it up. Public Library for anyone who was unable to at“I think the film, though short, gives a good tend.
Bored Room Bistro Bob and Margaret Bugeaud Deadwood Junction C.G. McMynn Ltd. Haynes Contracting South Beach Hair Studio Kane’s Harley Davidson Kettle Valley Electric Ltd. Lydia and Judson Mayes Rock Creek & Boundary Fall Fair Association Vaagen Fibre Canada
Restorative justice focus of film
for the February 12th issue of The Boundary Creek Times will be Friday, February 6 at Noon.
CLASSIFIED WORD AD DEADLINE will be Friday, February 6 at Noon.
263 South Copper Avenue, Greenwood, BC 250-445-2233
Selkirk catalogues in the mail Submitted
A wealth of Selkirk College community education and workplace training (CEWT) opportunities are currently arriving to mailboxes throughout the West Kootenay-Boundary region. Creating educational experiences that inspire lifelong learning is an important part of the Selkirk College vision and the winter and spring calendar is a cornerstone of making it happen. There are hundreds of courses available in the 112-page booklet that includes offerings between January and July. “There is so much going on at Selkirk College,” said CEWT Manager Gregg Neelin. “When you flip through the calendar, the scope and depth of the programming that we offer is amazing. I
think some people might be surprised to see just how much is in there.” From learning to make fused glass jewellery to occupational first aid to ballroom dancing, the winter and spring Calendar is thick with courses that appeal to a variety of interests. Selkirk College works closely with local employers to ensure the workplace component of the course offerings match the skills required in today’s West Kootenay-Boundary economy. Selkirk College has campuses and learning centres in Castlegar, the East Shore, Grand Forks, Kaslo, Nelson, Nakusp and Trail. With hundreds of community instructors offering their expertise, the course offerings are spread throughout the region and throughout the next seven months.
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times A11 SUNDAY AFTERNOON
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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Basket Hockey SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles CHBC News Final State of Affairs (N) Sleepy Hollow (N) Theory News CTV etalk (N) Gotham (N) Forever (N) (10:01) Castle (N) Murdoch Cor Murdoch Mysteries Ascension News Honour. The National (N) Inside Access Broke Mike NCIS: Los Angeles News Late Sh. Scorpion (N) Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles News Hour Final State of Affairs (N) Sleepy Hollow (N) Hope for Wildlife Tudor MonFar Jane Austen Finding the Fallen Hope for Wildlife Ent Insider KXLY 4 Kimmel The Bachelor (N) (10:01) Castle (N) Contrac Contrac Contrac Contrac Contrac Rescue › “Babylon A.D.” Vin Diesel. Bryan Bryan Hunt Intl Hunters Ellen’s Design Bryan Bryan House Hunters (7:01) Nightwatch (8:02) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 The First 48 (11:02) Nightwatch CNN Tonight CNNI Simulcast CNNI Simulcast CNNI Simulcast Assem Thunder Funny Videos Vampire Vampire Haunting Haunting Gags Gags Helix “Densho” (N) NCIS “Seek” NCIS “Squall” Helix “Densho” NCIS “Seek” How/ How/ Alaskan Bush Airshow MythBusters Airshow (N) Million Dollar Matchmaker Friends Friends Million Dollar Friends Friends Theory Theory News Mod Raising Mother Gotham (N) Sleepy Hollow (N) Fabu Fabu My 600-Lb. Life Fabu Fabu Weight; Killing Kate Plus 8 The Listener Criminal Minds Criminal Minds 19-2 “Tribes” (N) 19-2 “Tribes” “David Copper” “Big Girls Don’t Cry” Dazed (9:45) ›› “Reality Bites” Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Dog Good Next Rebels Good Win, Wizards Derek Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break “From Paris” Just for Laughs Gags Gags JFL Simpson Theory Theory Daily Nightly “Best Yrs-Lives” ››› “The Story of G.I. Joe” ››› “Laura” Gene Tierney. Kids Baking Donut Donut Diners Diners Kids Baking Best. Ever. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage GetS GetS Appalachian Search for the Lost History Lost History Restoration Inner Scare Castle Grimm Bitten “Bad Blood” Bitten “Bad Blood” Better Call Saul Better Call Saul Call Saul Better Call Saul (N) (8:04) Better Call Saul “Uno” Border Border Ghost Adventures Security Security Border Border Mysteries- Cas. Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Grown Steves Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow NW A Path Appears (N) J’pardy! Wheel Celeb. Apprentice Celeb. Apprentice News J. Fallon State of Affairs (N) Celebrity TMZ etalk Pop Fashion Police Celebrity TMZ TMZ Live (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Office Office Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The Originals (N) Jane the Virgin (N) Rules Rules Raising Raising ›› “A Knight’s Tale” Heath Ledger, Mark Addy. News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Batman Toon Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget Biblical Consp. Mes Conspir. ››› “Doctor Zhivago” Un Popoff Roman. Smiley Antique Roadshow Antiques A Path Appears (N) Charlie Rose (N) Celebrity Legacies CSI: Miami Sex-City Sex-City “Reel Love” LeAnn Rimes. Science Science Security Security Brain Street Science Science Ultimate Survival
NBA Basketball Sports SportsCentre (N) NBA Basketball: Spurs at Raptors PGA Tour Golf Ice Pilots NWT Simpson Simpson News News News The So MasterChef CTV News ››› “The Italian Job” Mark Wahlberg. Nature/ Things Back Mr. D Q (N) “Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United” PGA Tour Golf Body Back Edition News News KREM 2 News at 6 PGA Tour Golf Ice Pilots NWT Simpson Simpson News (5:59) News Hour Watch Park Hope for Wildlife South Pacific Tudor MonFar Architect/Change NBA Basketball Paid Paid Streets of S.F. News ABC News Estate Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Income Property Expand Expand Ellen’s Design Hunt Intl Hunt Intl House House Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Spotlight Spotlight Death Row Stories Death Row Stories “Shrek Forever” ›› “A Cinderella Story” Hilary Duff. ›› “Ella Enchanted” “Cowboys-Aliens” “Suddenly” Ray Liotta. “Stonehenge Apocalypse” MythBusters Cash Cash How/ How/ 747: Definitive Last Frontier (12:30) “Hitch” See No Evil Matchmaker Matchmaker Housewives/Atl. “Shall-Dance” Paid Raising Livin’ Trout TV Celebrity Simpson Two Theory Kate Plus 8 Kate Plus 8 Kate Plus 8 Sister Wives Sister Wives (N) “Music & Lyrics” Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing “It’s Complicated” “Back-Future III” Madeline (2:50) ›› “EDtv” (DVS) (4:55) › “Baby Geniuses” Phineas The 7D Good Wizards ANT Dog Jessie Austin K.C. Liv-Mad. “The Tuxedo” Theory Theory Theory Theory Mod Mod ›› “Burlesque” Just for Laughs Sullivan Sullivan Theory Theory Charmageddon Just for Laughs David (2:45) ›››› “The Yearling” Gregory Peck. ››› “Lassie Come Home” Diners Diners Carn Carn Chopped Canada Best. Ever. Kids Baking Storage Storage Liquida Liquida Liquida Storage Mantracker Liquida Storage Search for the Search for the Cnt. Cnt. Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri “The Mummy” Bitten “Bad Blood” Forever (N) Castle “I, Witness” “Drive Angry” The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Mysteries- Cas. Security Security Museum Secrets Museum Secrets Mysteries-Museum Umi Bubble Octo Charm Dora Peg Toopy Mike Truck Charm Finding Your Roots The Big Burn Grand Coulee War of the Worlds British Baking Skiing Paid Pain Paid Wheel News News News Mark Countdown-Carpet Live From the Red Carpet (N) Reign (N) Total Divas (N) White Collar The Good Wife The Good Wife Blue Bloods Blue Bloods WWD WWD KTLA Special News News Live From the Grammy Red Carpet (N) Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night ›› “Deep Blue Sea” News Celebrity Ray Ray Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Two Two Scooby Doo Movie Fl’stone Fl’stone Gumby Garfield Bugs & Tweety Gadget Goose Arise Tom’row Beyond Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Leading J. Meyer Pioneers Father Brown Masterpiece British Baking Masterpiece CSI: Miami Celebrity Damage Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City CSI: Miami Bugging Hitler Holocaust Mys. Nazi Death Camp Hitler the Junkie Holocaust Mys.
7 PM
11 FEBRUARY 2015
Golf SC SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Security Security News Hour Final Chicago PD (N) Stalker “Salvation” Theory News CTV etalk (N) Arrow “Canaries” Criminal Minds (N) Saving Hope (N) Murdoch Cor Book-Negroes News Mercer Dragons’ Den (N) The National (N) Inside Access News Late Sh. The Mentalist (N) Criminal Minds (N) Stalker “Salvation” Ent ET Security Security News Hour Final Chicago PD (N) Stalker “Salvation” Watch Park Puyi: The Last David Starkey’s Music and Monarchy Park Watch Ent Insider Middle Gold Mod blackish KXLY 4 Kimmel Nashville (N) Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Carib Hawaii Hunt Intl Hunters Beach Island Carib Hawaii House Hunters Wahl Donnie Donnie Wahl Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Donnie Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. CNNI Simulcast CNNI Simulcast CNN Tonight (N) Henry Max Gags Gags Vampire Vampire Haunting Haunting Gags Gags NCIS Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles (N) NCIS “Revenge” NCIS “Revenge” Gold Rush Edge of Alaska Last Frontier Gold Rush - The Gold Rush Untying Untying Tardy Tardy Friends Friends Friends to Lovers? Untying Untying Theory Theory News Mod Raising Mother American Idol (N) (9:01) Empire (N) To Be Announced My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My Addiction The Listener Criminal Minds Suits Suits (N) Motive “Pitfall” “Crazy Moon” Fools “The Wedding Singer” ››› “Hitch” Will Smith. Parent’s I Didn’t Dog Good Next Wingin’ Good Win, Wizards Derek Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Gimme “The Score” Just for Laughs Gags Gags JFL Simpson Theory Ground Daily Nightly “Treasure-Sierra” ›››› “Twelve O’Clock High” (9:15) ›››› “The Bicycle Thief” Knife Knife Food Food Diners Diners Knife Knife Beat Duff Till Storage Storage Storage Storage Hillbilly Buck Storage Storage GetS GetS Pawn Pawn Appalachian Swamp People Mississippi Men Ice Road Truckers Paranormal Wi. Inner Scare Castle Paranormal Wi. Paranormal Wi. Better Call Saul (10:15) Better Call Saul We (5:00) ››› “Braveheart” Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Security Security The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Earth: A New Wild Railway Journeys Nature NOVA (N) Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU News J. Fallon Chicago PD (N) Soup TMZ etalk Pop Total Divas Soup TMZ TMZ Live (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Office Office Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends Arrow “Canaries” The 100 “Rubicon” Mother Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Batman Toon Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget The Paradise Mes Conspir. ›› “Must Love Dogs” Super Popoff Earth: A New Wild SciTech Passion Smiley NOVA Charlie Rose (N) Nature Celebrity Legacies CSI: Miami Sex-City Sex-City ›› “The Boy She Met Online” Wicked Tuna Security Security Ultimate Survival Wicked Tuna M. M.
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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10 FEBRUARY 2015
SC Top SC Top Hockey Open SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET NCIS: New Orleans News Hour Final NCIS “Cadence” Chicago Fire (N) Theory Agent Carter Person of Interest News CTV etalk (N) The Flash (N) Murdoch Cor Mercer 22 Min Creek News Mercer Mr. D (N) The National (N) Inside Access NCIS: New Orleans Person of Interest News Late Sh. NCIS “Cadence” Ent ET NCIS: New Orleans News Hour Final NCIS “Cadence” Chicago Fire (N) Blue Realm South Pacific Emergency Marriage Fraud? Blue Realm Ent Insider FreshFreshAgent Carter KXLY 4 Kimmel Forever (N) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Framework (N) House House Hunt Intl Hunters Holmes Makes House House House Hunters Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Anderson Cooper Sanjay Gupta CNNI Simulcast CNNI Simulcast CNN Tonight (N) Haunted Assem Funny Videos Heart Nine Lives Vampire Gags Gags NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS Royal Pains (N) NCIS “Berlin” Buying Buying Gold Rush Edge of Alaska Buying Buying Edge of Alaska (N) Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Friends Friends Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Theory Theory New Girl Mindy News Mod Raising Mother MasterChef (N) Fabu Fabu Kate Plus 8 Fabu Fabu Kate Plus 8 Kate Plus 8 The Listener Criminal Minds Homeland Cold Justice Homeland (N) “Events Leading” Disclo ››› “Groundhog Day” (9:45) ›› “Fierce Creatures” Girl I Didn’t Dog Good Next Wingin’ Good Win, Wizards Derek Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break › “Mr. Deeds” Just for Laughs Gags Gags JFL Simpson Theory Sirens Daily Nightly Bachelor (7:15) ›››› “The Killers” (9:15) ›››› “I Remember Mama” (DVS) Chopped Diners Diners Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Storage Storage Storage Storage Close-Up Kings Storage Storage GetS GetS Restoration Cnt. Cnt. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Canadian Pickers Inner Scare Castle Face Off Wizard Wars Wizard Wars (N) ManShot (5:00) ››› “Gladiator” ››› “X2: X-Men United” Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman. Hotel Showdown Ghost Adventures Mysteries-Museum Hotel Impossible Hotel Showdown Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Genealogy Rd Forgot-Plague Arts & the Mind Frontline (N) Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Parks Parks Marry AboutNews J. Fallon Chicago Fire (N) Beverly TMZ etalk Pop Signed, Sealed Beverly TMZ TMZ Live (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Office Office Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The Flash (N) Supernatural (N) Wres Wres Wres Wres Wres Wres Rules Rules Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Batman Toon Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget (6:00) “Sabah” Mes Conspir. ››› “Doctor Zhivago” Un Popoff Weap Weap Smiley Genealogy Rd Forgot Frontline (N) Charlie Rose (N) Celebrity Legacies CSI: Miami Sex-City Sex-City ››› “Juno” Ellen Page. M. M. Security Security Security Security M. M. Science Science
8 PM
(6:30) SportsCentre Hockey Open SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Mulaney Burgers Simpson Simpson Fam Guy Burgers State of Affairs News Block MasterChef News CTV ››› “The Hunger Games” Jennifer Lawrence. Heartland Winnipeg Comedy News fifth est. Life Story (N) The National (N) News 60 Minutes (N) The 57th Annual Grammy Awards (N) Mulaney Burgers Simpson Simpson Fam Guy Burgers State of Affairs News Block Rise-Black Wolf Single Handed Nat’l Geographic Poirot “Death on the Nile” Funny Videos KXLY 4 V’Impe ››› “The Hunger Games” Jennifer Lawrence. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Coaching Bad (N) Coaching Bad Holmes Makes House House Timber Kings House Hunters Timber Kings (N) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories CNNI Simulcast “Shrek Forever” Chucks Vampire Heart Heart Haunting Haunting Haunting Haunting Rizzoli & Isles Broadchurch Broadchurch (N) NCIS “Detour” “Gran Torino” Last Frontier MythBusters 747: Definitive Last Frontier Last Frontier Friends to Lovers? Stranger--Home Housewives/Atl. Friends to Lovers? “The Vow” Mulaney Simpson Simpson Brooklyn Fam Guy Burgers News Mother Cougar Paid Sister Wives Sister Wives Sister Wives Kate Plus 8 Sister Wives (N) (6:00) “It’s Complicated” (10:45) “An Education” ›› “A Walk on the Moon” (6:30) “Madeline” “Big Lebowski” › “Billy Madison” ››› “Back to School” Girl Austin I Didn’t ANT Next Wingin’ Jessie Good Wizards Derek The Closer The Closer “Nothing Like the Holidays” (6:00) ›› “Burlesque” LOL :-) LOL :-) Theory Theory Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Comedy Comedy “Woman of Year” ›››› “Casablanca” (DVS) ››› “Gaslight” Charles Boyer. Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Canada Kids Baking Cutthroat Kitchen Best. Ever. Liquida Liquida Mantracker Haunted Collector MeatEa MeatEa GetS GetS Dino Hunt Canada Pawn Pawn Search for the Appalachian Dino Hunt Canada Inner Fact or Faked “Drive Angry” (8:15) ›› “From Dusk Till Dawn” Better Call Saul The Walking Dead Talking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Dead (N) Mysteries- Cas. Museum Secrets Mysteries-Museum Mysteries- Cas. Expedition Un. Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Masterpiece Masterpiece Masterpiece Midsomer Murders Shakespeare Dateline NBC News Pain American Ninja Warrior “USA vs. the World” C. Milian Celebrity E! After Party (N) Total Divas C. Milian Celebrity Reign Theory Theory Two Two Mike Mike Raising Raising Rules Rules Celebrity Celebrity Friends Friends 5 News Sunday News at 10 News Grammy Wres Wres Raising Raising Salem Bones Bones News PIX11 Honey. Honey. Fam Guy Fam Guy Fturama Fturama Rules Amer. Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Fl’stone Fl’stone Tintin Tintin Tintin Tintin Osteen Prince Study Popoff Jewish Armor V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Masterpiece Variety Studio British Baking Masterpiece Masterpiece Baggage Excused CSI: Miami Sex-City Sex-City ›› “A Cinderella Story” Hilary Duff. Nazi Death Camp Hitler the Junkie Bugging Hitler Hitler’s Secre Wicked Tuna
7 PM
12 FEBRUARY 2015
SC Top Hockey SC Top SC Top SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Celeb. Apprentice CHBC News Final The Blacklist (N) Elementary (N) Grey’s Anatomy Theory Gold Two McCar Away-Murder News CTV Murdoch Cor Nature/ Things Doc Zone News Mercer The National (N) Inside Access Theory Two Theory News Late Sh. Mom (N) Elementary (N) Ent ET Celeb. Apprentice News Hour Final The Blacklist (N) Elementary (N) Waterfront Cities Lost Kingdoms of Waterfront Cities ››› “Touching the Void” Ent Insider Grey’s Anatomy Away-Murder KXLY 4 Kimmel Scandal (N) Tattoo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Hunt Intl Hunters Expand Expand Fixer Upper House Hunters Fixer Upper (N) (7:01) Nightwatch (8:02) Nightwatch (9:01) The First 48 The First 48 (11:02) Nightwatch CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Inside Man CNNI Simulcast CNNI Simulcast Nicky Henry Gags Gags Vampire Max Haunting Haunting Gags Gags Mrs Mrs Brown’s Boys Engels NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS Misfit Garage Billy Bob’s Gags Moonshiners Moonshiners (N) Street Outlaws (N) Fatal Vows Stranger--Home Friends Friends Suburg. Suburg. Friends Friends Theory Theory News Mod Raising Mother American Idol (N) Backstrom (N) Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence The Listener Criminal Minds Rush Missing “Victoria” Rush “Pilot” Little (7:45) ›› “Bad Boys II” Martin Lawrence. (10:15) ››› “Lethal Weapon 3” I Didn’t I Didn’t Dog Good Next Wingin’ Good Win, Wizards Derek Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Gimme “The Ring” Just for Laughs Gags Gags JFL Simpson Theory Theory Daily Nightly (6:30) “This Land Is Mine” ›››› “An American in Paris” ››› “Born Yesterday” Top Chef Gotta Gotta Diners Diners Top Chef My. Din My. Din Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Liquida Storage Storage GetS GetS Mississippi Men Swamp People American Pickers East-Dickering Canadian Pickers Exploding Sun Inner Scare Salem Salem Castle “Always” (6:00) “Cujo” ›› “Predator 2” Danny Glover, Gary Busey. ››› “Die Hard 2” Mysteries- Cas. Ghost Adventures Security Security Expedition Un. Mysteries- Cas. Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Talk to City Hall Poirot Death in Paradise Masterpiece Charlie Rose (N) College Basketball News J. Fallon The Slap (N) The Blacklist (N) Allegiance (N) Couch TMZ etalk Pop C. Milian Celebrity Couch TMZ TMZ Live (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Office Office Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Vampire Diaries KTLA 5 News News Friends Reign (N) Mother Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Btman Toon Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget McMillan TimeMes Conspir. EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Death in Paradise Masterpiece Manor Smiley Michigan Michigan Charlie Rose (N) Celebrity Legacies CSI: Miami Sex-City Sex-City “The Dating Coach” Eric Mabius. Drugs, Inc. Security Security Underworld, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Security Security
A12 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
2015 Spring Registration is
Register your youth before February 20, 2015 and the cost is $85! ($150 late registration fee starts Feb. 23) While you’re at it, you can apply online to be a coach, referee, Board of Directors, or sign up to volunteer for one of our Tournament Days.
Sunday, Feb. 15th 11:00 am Curling Rink, Midway, BC Everyone welcome!
Kettle River Lions Club Membership: 250.528.0055 – Tom Donations: 250.446.2096 – Les Suggestions: 250.449.2291 – Margaret Information: 250.446.2455 – Wolfgang SERVING THE WEST BOUNDARY FOR OVER 25 YEARS
Internationally in 206 countries/areas with over 1.35 million members!
Meet 2nd & 4th THU at RC clinic
Business cards, letterhead, envelopes, brochures, posters, post cards, rubber stamps & much more. The Hall Printing & Boundary Creek Times team has your priNTing needs covered. Hall Printing will produce your proJEct and deliver IT to the TIMEs office for pick up. PHone or email DYAN today for pricing or advice on your next printing project 250-442-2191 ext. 206
Over two-dozen Red Hat Ladies came to the Motherlode Icecream Bistro & Galleria for lunch last Friday. Hosts Adele LaRiviere and Dave Edmondson made everyone welcome and Bored Room Bistro shipped in enough pizza to ensure all were satisfied.
Trio of Red Hatters meet It was a bright and colourful affair as the sun came out to shine on the three Boundary-area Red Hat Ladies groups as they met for lunch at the Motherlode Icecream Bistro & Galleria in Greenwood last Friday. Membership in the Red Hatters means having to abide by only a few rules: you have to be over 50, you have to wear a red hat and you have to have fun. If you are younger than 50 but are still willing to wear a hat and go along with the have-fun rule, then you can wear a pink hat and join in all the fun. The Red Hatters have been active in
the Boundary for over a decade now. The Grand River Rubies from Grand Forks were the first. They now have 24 or 25 members. Their queen is Karen Radford and vice-queen is Gail Nelson. The Rubies meet monthly on the first Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Grand Forks library. According to Radford, there are national organizations of Red Hatters in both Canada (known as the Crown Jewels) and the United States (the Red Hat Society) but none of the three Boundary-based groups are affiliated. The Frolicking Fancies group hails
from Greenwood with 14 or 15 members. The queen is Frances String and vice-queen is Shirley Mui. They meet on the third Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at Shirley’s house. The String of Pearls is based in Midway. They boast 12-15 members. Linda Thibault is their queen and Jan Kohlhauser their vice-queen. They don’t have a regular meeting schedule, but meet monthly at a pre-arranged location for a lunch or other fun outing. All three groups shared the same message—that new members are welcome all the time.
Meeting on speckled dace Feb. 16 GRAHAM WATT Submitted
tions for restoring their habitat, and the public will be able to sign up to help or provide ideas on stream stewardship in the Kettle River Watershed. This project supports the efforts of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Province of British Columbia in developing a recovery strategy for the speckled dace. Some of the main threats are low river flows and siltation from road building, forestry, and livestock access. According to Lesley Peterson, a biologist with Trout Unlimited Canada, “These issues are also detrimental to rainbow trout which not only require cold, clean water but also healthy and functioning riparian areas.”
The team is currently identifying project sites and preparing information on sediment reduction and riparian habitat restoration options. Fieldwork and restoration activities are scheduled to start in late March, pending weather and site conditions. The meeting is being made possible by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, the Government of Canada’s National Conservation Plan, the Okanagan Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada and Golder Associates. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Graham Watt (; 250-442-4111) for more information, or visit
The speckled dace is a small minnow with an important role in the Kettle River. The species is relatively abundant here, but it is considered endangered because it is the only place in Canada where it occurs and it is isolated from American populations. Now, residents of the Boundary and Okanagan region will have a chance to help the speckled dace and the overall health of the Kettle River. As part of the Kettle River Watershed Management Plan, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has received funding from the Government of Canada’s National Conservation Plan and the Okanagan Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada to restore speckled dace habitat near Beaverdell, the Christian Valley, and the upper Granby River. The public, anglers, landowners and others are invited to join the RDKB and project partners for a public meeting on Monday, Feb. 16 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. at the Westbridge Community Hall. Golder Associates and Trout Unlimited Canada will share information on The Speckled Dace is a small minnow found in the Kettle River watershed and west– Illustration by Nichola Lytle, Pink Dog Designs the importance of speckled dace and op- ern United States.
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times A13
Over $100 of tobacco stolen
ily prepared sign this winter. George Guess has AL DONNELLY BLASTS stretched across leased the tennis grounds and FROM THE Chronicles of Boundary Country the Le Plant is arranging to change it into PAST from the pages of building on Copa large rink…to be 150 feet in The Boundary Creek Times per Street—a sign length and 70 feet wide. Good Volume V, No. 12 – November 26, 1898 ice is guaranteed.” which announced ➤ Greenwood’s First Skating Rink that this strong fi➤ A New (Imaginary) Rail– “Greenwood is to have a skating rink road – “The editor of the Grand nancial institution was ready to do Forks Miner business. is a man of “Around the many gifts. corner on GreenHe has lately blossomed out as a wood Street, the Cosmopolitan Restaurailroad engineer rant building was also decorated with a and discovered a similar sign. It told the surprised resinew route directly dents of the city that the Bank of Combetween Grand merce was doing business.” (ed. – less Forks and Midway. than a week later, Greenwood’s third It is needless to bank, the Bank of Montreal, opened in state that the route, the former P. Burns & Co. building) which has suddenly ➤ Board of Trade – “The city of formed itself in the Greenwood has now grown to such mountains at the proportions that it ought to be an easy will of the Grand matter to form a regular board of trade. Forks locating ex- Such an organization will carry more pert, is unknown to weight than a commercial association, the railway officials. although the commercial association If the editor says it did good service when in existence. To is there, it must be organize and maintain a live board of there, even if no one trade, it is necessary that every business else can discover it.” man should appreciate the necessity for ➤ A Banking such an institution, and regularly attend Bonanza – “The the meetings. A half-dead, half-alive business men of board of trade is worse than useless.” Greenwood re➤ Thought to be Guilty – “Over ceived a severe but $100 worth of tobacco was stolen out pleasant shock as of the B.C. Mercantile store in Cascade they came from Saturday night. John Doon and Flos their homes to Florence were thought to be the guilty their places of busi- parties and were arrested on a charge of ness on Wednesday vagrancy. Justices Rose and Rocheson Rumours of perfect weather conditions in the higher morning. The Bank sentenced each to six months imprisonelevations send the Times reporter/photographer of British North ment with a fine of $5, and in case of deup the hill to get this shot of hoar frost and fog on America had a hast- fault of payment, twelve months.” McCarren Creek Road last Friday.
Pretty as a picture
Women tend to forget their worth From the Back Pew ”Just saying”, by the sometimes irreverent Ed Brouwer. No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, “I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter.”
By the time the Lord made woman, he was into His sixth day of working overtime. An angel appeared and said, “Why are you spending so much time on this one?” And the Lord answered, “Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -- and she will do everything with only two hands.” The angel was astounded at the requirements. “Only two hands?” No way! And that’s just on the standard model? That’s too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish.” “But I won’t,” the Lord protested. “I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days.” The angel moved closer and touched
the woman. “But you have made her so soft, Lord.” “She is soft,” the Lord agreed, “but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish.” “Will she be able to think?” asked the angel. The Lord replied, “Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate.” The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the woman’s cheek. “Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one.” “That’s not a leak,” the Lord corrected, “that’s a Tear!” “What’s the tear for?” the angel asked. The Lord said, “The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride.” The angel was impressed. “You are a genius, Lord... You thought of everything! Woman is truly amazing.” And she is!! Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile
when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don’t take “no” for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally. They know that a hug and a kiss can help to heal a broken heart. Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes. They bring joy and hope. They have compassion and ideals. They give moral support to their family and friends. However—if there’s one flaw in women, it is that they tend to forget their worth. Proverbs 31
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Church Directory GREENWOOD Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fr. Ron Dechant – 326 Church Avenue Mass - Saturday 5 pm St. Jude’s Anglican Church of Canada Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 145 S. Kimberley Services at 4 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday) Evangel Chapel Interim Pastor Martin Fromme 250-449-1978 Food Bank (Errol/Gerry) 250-584-4164 401 N. Kimberley Service - Sunday at 10 am St. Columba United Church of Canada Rev. Kim Horwood 250-442-3311 101 S. Government Service & Sunday School - Sunday 9 am MIDWAY Boundary Community Church Pastor Ryan van Kuik 250-449-1439 at the Midway Community Hall Service - Sunday at 10 am King of Kings New Testament & Academy Pastor Rick Steingard 250-449-2252 735 9th Ave Service - Sunday at 10 am Jehovah’s Witnesses 943 13th Street 250-449-2665 Tuesday - 7 pm Sunday - 10 am ROCK CREEK New Kettle River Chapel Pastor Dave Janke 250-446-2341; cell 250-273-4321 1735 Hwy #33 Coffee & fellowship - Sunday 10 am Service - Sunday 10:30 am St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kettle Valley Service - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10:30 am BRIDESVILLE Sidley Mountain Cowboy Church Pastor Ed Brouwer 250-495-4877 Service at 6 pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday Bridesville Hall WESTBRIDGE Humuh Monastry Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Master Maticintin (1-800-336-6015) Meditation & Spiritual Teachings Sunday at 11 am Seventh-day Adventist Church Harald Zinner 250-446-2517 Westbridge Community Hall Service - Saturday at 10 am
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
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This FREE ad space is provided by the Boundary Creek Times and the RDKB to advertise FREE items.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015 Boundary Creek Times A15
Boundary Waste Water Systems & Excavating
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A16 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, February 5, 2015
Client satisfaction goal of ects, we work with you to guide your ideas to quality, professional finished product,” says their website. also uses the Internet to serve their customers and expand their market. They have This week’s feature: shipped high quality, unique Now you’re talking... specialty signage across North new Jeep Renegade America and to a half dozen —with an accent! countries overseas. Perhaps the best way to fully grasp the range of signage options that exists today is to visit online. The galleries of their work often help customers decide what type of sign they would like; that is a great place to start when dealing with a shop that offers so many options. Owner Cornel Hanson has been in the business for 17 years, and during that time has develOffer expires February 28, 2015 oped valuable associations 100% Money Back Guarantee with several commercial artists. These collaborations have brought new products to market such as edge-lit and halo-lit accent signs that pop. OLIVER PENTICTION OSOYOOS A stunning example of 135-5717 Main Street 101-1301 Main Street 105-8309 Main Street a halo-lit canvas hangs on Southwinds Crossing In the Safeway Plaza Next to Shoppers Drug the wall of the shop. The 250 498 2966 250 770 2255 250 495 7008 Voted Best Hearing Clinic by the readers of Okanagan Life four-foot print of a cat is Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals shown with eye-catching effect when illuminated with LEDs creating a coloured halo effect around the print. You can see it online, just follow the printing/canvas prints link. “We have built our business based on our firm belief that customer service and satisfaction are the number one priority,” says the website. “What we do is more than just is a lifestyle and a passion and we take pride in our workmanship.” As for prices, Cornel said the product line is so varied
One of Greenwood’s newest businesses——is technologically up-to-date, right down to using their website address as their company name. is a tech-savvy sign
shop that relocated to Greenwood from Kelowna last fall. They offer wide-format printing and laminating with top-of-theline equipment. “Whether your needs are digital imagery, dimensional product, illuminated signage or custom manufactured art proj-
Limited Time Offer
Premium Hearing Aid Technology
that he has to look at each job individually. But has the experience and range of product that it can certainly try to accommodate your price point. For example, the dimensional foam signage that graces the new assay office façade at the A-frame was done with dimensional foam. “It is a nice way to go upscale a bit with a sign that jumps out at you without spending a lot more,” Cornel said. Cornel is a community-oriented fellow too. He was vicepresident of the Chamber of Commerce in Keremeos, sat on the tourism advisory committee and supported local charities, and has done much for the kids. But the Okanagan-Similka-
meen’s loss is the Boundary’s gain. Cornel laughs when he says, “We escaped from Kelowna. We ran away from Kelowna to get here.” He appreciates the slower pace. “I like to think I came here to die. Not going anywhere. My wife Cathy and I just love it here. We are just really happy to be here. And we are here for the duration.” He invites people to call ahead and arrange a time to drop by and see what he does in the shop as it continues to evolve. “We are not done yet but we are getting there.” Check them out at or give Cornel a call at 250-4456661.
THE FOUNDATION of my community starts with you and me . . .
COMMUNITY MAKES YOU. YOU MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY. The contribution of the funds to help build the Rotary Spray Park in Grand Forks City Park will enhance wellness for children and youth. The park will promote healthy physical activity for all children and youth regardless of their mobility capabilities, at no cost to families. In addition the park will capture and reuse all of the potable water to water flower baskets and flush sewer main lift stations.
Cornel Hanson stands beside his wide-format printer at the Signs49. ca shop in Greenwood.
Cornel Hanson has played host to a dragon all winter in Greenwood, because has a contract to refurbish “Dino” the waterpark dragon from the Ben Lee waterpark in Rutland. The 13-year-old dragon was brought to Greenwood to be given new life. After Dino is completely rebuilt he will be put back on his perch in Rutland early in May where he will again be entertaining the kids for the next 15 or 20 years.