Ladysmith Chronicle, February 17, 2015

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

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Students urged to ‘Be More Than a Bystander’ BC Lions players speak to Chemainus Secondary students about violence against women and the need to be leaders


Standing in front of a packed gymnasium at Chemainus Secondary School, BC Lions quarterback Travis Lulay told students “all it takes for evil to exist is for good people to do nothing.” It’s a quote that retired Lions offensive lineman Angus Reid would use in his presentations that Lulay always liked, and it fit perfectly with the theme of the presentation Lulay and fullback Rolly Lumbala made to students Feb. 11 as part of the Be More Than a Bystander campaign, an initiative between the Ending Violence Association of British Columbia and the BC Lions that aims to increase understanding of the impact of men’s violence against women. The program encourages people to break the silence surrounding violence against women and girls and be more than a bystander by speaking up and intervening. One of Lulay and Lumbala’s main messages: doing something is better than doing nothing. “All we’re doing is encouraging you guys to be leaders, to do something, to stand up for what we all believe in,” Lulay told the students. “Let’s make this world a better place.” In B.C., there are more than 1,000 physical or sexual assaults against women every week, Lulay told students. “That’s over 50,000 a year,” he

Following the BC Lions’ “Be More Than a Bystander” presentation Feb. 11 at Chemainus Secondary School, quarterback Travis Lulay signs Dallas Johnson’s T-shirt. LINDSAY CHUNG said. “That’s far too many, I think it’s easy to agree. This is one of the numbers that is kind of shocking: one in three women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. It’s pretty easy to think of three women who are close to you; just know that at some point in time, there’s a chance that somebody close to you could deal with some of these issues.” Lulay says that part of the reason they visit schools and speak to young people is that women

younger than 25 experience the highest rate of partner violence of all age groups, and in many of those cases, violence occurs in dating relationships. “A study in London, Ont., found the students who reported the highest incidence of dating violence were young women in Grades 9 and 10 involved in steady dating relationships,” he noted. “Again, it’s dating relationships; it’s not always stranger danger, as you see on TV.” At least one million Canadian

children have witnessed violence against their mothers by their fathers or father figure, noted Lulay. “One of the things we’re talking about today is how this isn’t just an issue that affects women; gender violence is a bigger issue that affects us all,” he told students. The Be More Than a Bystander initiative stresses that making a difference and sending a message that violence and abuse is not acceptable doesn’t neces-

sarily mean taking a “superhero approach” and physically jumping in when you see someone being abusive. “You often think that if you see something going on, you either do nothing or you physically get in the middle of it, and that’s a scary thought, so all too often, we end up doing nothing,” said Lulay. “All we’re saying is you do have options. Just know that doing a little something is better than doing nothing — that’s one of the biggest things we want to encourage. Always know you have authority figures around, teachers, parents, counsellors, people can help.” Lumbala told students that he knows it is easy to make excuses and to turn a blind eye when you see something wrong, and it’s normal to be scared, but it’s a matter of being able to step out of your comfort zone and be courageous. He encourages students to say something when their peers are making inappropriate comments or listening to inappropriate music — and that doesn’t have to mean making a big scene; you can just take somebody aside and say you don’t think it’s appropriate. “This is your school, this is your community, so you guys have to take pride in what is tolerated here,” he said. “You’ve got to protect it, so we encourage you guys to become leaders, especially you men, to step up. You need to step up because See Players Page 4


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2 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3

Heritage Week

Celebrating Main Street — Oyster Bay

Looking north on Esplanade in 1909, you can see Gardner’s Store (the family lived upstairs) and the Frank Hotel; the new Post Office can be seen in background. PHOTO FROM THE RAY KNIGHT COLLECTION LADYSMITH ARCHIVES


f we define main street as the cated and given to white settlers focal point or centre of com- because the lands weren’t being mercial and social activity in “developed” or “used year round” a community, then the shoals and by the Hul’qumi’num bands. This shoreline of Oyster Bay were the concept of a “town” or one place original “downtown” in our cor- to live was a difficult concept ner of the world. for many First Nations to underArchaeologists estimate that stand. As Cowichan elder Angus the warm waters and sheltered Smith once explained, “Where harbour provided shelter and you dropped is where you belong. sustenance for Chemainus First Particular areas were peculiar to Nations for the last 4,000 to 6,000 certain groups or families, where years. The Chemainus people our ancestors were dropped on have traditionally lived in winter earth.” villages located on three sites in In the final quarter of the 19th the northernmost part of what is century, the area around Oyster referred to as Hul’qumi’num terri- Bay quickly began to fill with Eutory: Kulleet Bay, Sibell Bay and ropean settlers eager to exploit in the Coffin Point area. The bay the riches of the north end of the was not only a protected natural Cowichan Valley. Many saw the harbour but was also very rich area as excellent for fruit growin shellfish. The ancestors of ing, and apple, cherry and pear the Stz’uminus used a variety of trees were planted extensively fishing techniques including net- south and north of Oyster Bay. ting, harpooning, and trolling to Land was also cleared for growbring in the salmon, herring, ling ing potatoes and other vegetables, cod, flounder and halibut catch. as well as grassland for dairy Seals and porpoises and the tiny farms and ranching. Several logeulachon provided a valuable ging camps were established in source of oil for food, trade and the surrounding hills by the Vicmedicine. An abundance of wood, toria Lumber and Manufacturing mainly cedar, provided materi- Company, and timber was cut als for housing and canoes, and and boomed in Oyster Harbour maple and alder were used for to supply the newly-constructed smoking fish. sawmill at Chemainus. European In the spring, fall and summer settlers wasted no time in pursumonths, other Hul’qumi’num ing the same seafood gathering, speaking Coast Salish would fishing and hunting activities come here to trade, socialize and already well established by the engage in (mostly) friendly com- Chemainus Nation. petitions, and they continue to The major problem for all of do so today. Indian Reserve Com- this local commerce, however, missioner Gilbert Sproat reported was getting the products to marin 1877 that the “Sicameen” (thuq- ket. Wagon roads were slowly bemin or “spearing place”) and Oys- ing constructed to connect small, ter Bay (Hunitstun) people were growing towns like Cobble Hill, camped on both sides of the Bay, Duncan, Chemainus and Cedar, with at least six permanent long but travel to and from the larger houses established at what is population centres at Nanaimo commonly known as Shell Beach. and Victoria was almost entirely Despite the ravages of the sec- accomplished by boat. Originalond small pox epidemic in 1863, ly established as Hudson’s Bay Sproat estimated the native popu- Company Forts, these two cities lation in Oyster as “more than 800 were now becoming respectable souls” and reported the natives as ports of trade. However, until being “most friendly, industrious 1870, there was only a six-footand anxious to trade.” wide trail from Cowichan Bay to However, non-native settlers Esquimalt. Crossing the Malahat had already begun to homestead by wagon or stage coach was in the area. Although Indian Re- either difficult or impossible, deserves had been created which pending on the weather, so setrecognized traditional land use, tlers relied on scheduled visits by these lands were often confis- coastal steamers like the original

Princess Louise, the Islander and the Beaver. The transportation problem was remediated in 1884 when James Dunsmuir agreed to construct the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway. By 1886, the railway was completed between these two communities and then extended to Victoria station in 1888. For the first time in Island history, a journey that by wagon road often took four or five days by could now be completed in less than four hours for less than $4. Many readers will have heard the oft-told tale of Dunsmuir’s quarrel with the New Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Company over right of way for his coal trains that resulted in the construction of Ladysmith. However, you may not be aware that there were several other factors that influenced the coal baron’s decision not to continue to ship coal out of Departure Bay. Firstly, the surface rights of the land around the pithead at Extension were owned by a man named Bramley, who refused to sell the property to Dunsmuir for $2,000. Bromley decided to lease individual lots to miners instead. Secondly, both the quality and supply of water at Extension was unreliable and the drainage so poor that in 1896, there was a serious danger of a typhoid fever outbreak. Dunsmuir was appalled at the thought of “an unhealthy slum” at his new mine. Thirdly, Dunsmuir was aware of the plan of Tyee Smelter to ship copper ore

by train from a point near their Mt. Sicker mine — probably at Oyster Bay. The government was considering a ferry terminal and deep sea port, which was ideal for shipping not only to Vancouver and Victoria, but down the Pacific Coast and to the Orient as well. Oyster Harbour was clearly an excellent choice. By 1898, the coal wharf and bunkers at Oyster Harbour were completed, and in the following year, the first shipment of coal left Oyster Bay on the steamship Wellington. By 1899, there were 30 buildings completed or under construction at Oyster Bay. In 1900, the first load of crushed ore was shipped from the new coal wharf to Oregon for refining. On shore, a number of miners’ cottages, hotels and businesses had been dismantled in Extension or Wellington and set up in the new community (now named Ladysmith) by the patriotically inspired James Dunsmuir. The harbour was a busy and noisy place. As you can see from the map below, Oyster (or Ladysmith) Harbour now included a shingle mill, a smelter, a foundry and improved wharfage for fishing boats. Even more significantly, a rail car transfer wharf had been added in 1902, providing the only point on Vancouver Island to offload rail cars from the Mainland directly on to the E & N line. The use of the tug Czar and the rail barge Transfer provided an opportunity for the E & N to offer passenger ferry service directly from Ladysmith to Vancouver for less than $2! At this point, the new City of Ladysmith has several potential “Main Streets.” The E & N railway itself could be given the title, as it was the quickest and most reliable route to Victoria or Nanaimo, including all points between. It was also the busiest — logs, cut timber, seafood, fruit and cattle could now be shipped to markets in either direction. Ladysmith residents could also take the train to Victoria or the ferry to Vancouver to watch a soccer game or enjoy an evening at the theatre! However, at the turn of the century, Esplanade Avenue was really Ladysmith’s Main Street. More than 200 miners disembarked dai-

ly off the train from Extension, to be greeted by wives and children waiting near the new railway station. Nearby, city residents picked up their mail from a baggage car that served as a temporary post office. (By 1909, a handsome new building took over that function, right next to the “new” City Hall and Library on the Esplanade.) Crossing this broad but unpaved avenue, single miners — after a quick wash up — would enter one of the newly built/relocated hotels that lined the boardwalk for a drink to wash down the coal dust. Others would head straight to their boarding houses for supper, and then collapse wearily in their room for an exhausted sleep. Crews from the coal and ore ships and fishing boats currently in port could be seen crossing over Esplanade to shop at Leiser & Hambergers, Gardner’s Grocery, or one of the many new businesses lining the avenue Gatacre Street. As rugged logging crews and foundry workers joined the crowd, Hop Lee’s bakery would do a roaring business. Then again, First Avenue was rapidly becoming the place to shop in Ladysmith. When the Victoria to Nanaimo Road was relocated from behind present-day Sixth Avenue to First in 1902, this long, sloping, muddy byway had begun to emerge as the core of downtown Ladysmith. In next week’s paper, as part of our celebration of Heritage Week in B.C. and its theme “Main Street: At the Heart of the Community,” we will raise the question: How has your concept of Main Street changed in Ladysmith in the past 12 decades? In the meantime, I hope you will spend at least a part of Heritage Week taking a second look at our lovely little town. Stop by the Ladysmith Museum or the Ladysmith Archives (below Tim Hortons) — and don’t forget “Mr. Ladysmith” Rob Johnson’s free presentation, “If These Walls Could Talk,” at In The Beantime Café. See you there on Wednesday, Feb 18 at 6:30 p.m.! Call 250-245-0100 to pre-register. Ed Nicholson, Ladysmith Historical Society (With special thanks to Harald Cowie and Bridget Watson for their kind assistance)

This map depicts Oyster Harbour in 1902. The present-day highway runs over Esplanade Avenue, but some buildings remain on the west side of Highway 1, such as the Bayview Apartments. ORIGINAL MAP BY DONALD MACLACHLAN

4 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

Students will build mini-libraries Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE

Ladysmith will be giving people more opportunities to spread their love of reading with the community by working with local high school students to create miniature libraries around town. Ladysmith Parks, Recreation and Culture (PRC) has received a

$1,500 grant from the Nanaimo-Ladysmith Literacy Task Force to enhance literacy in Ladysmith, and PRC staff would like to use this funding to provide mini-library kiosks, council learned Feb. 2. Staff will work with the Ladysmith Secondary School (LSS) woodworking class to design, build and install up to four mini-

library kiosks on Town of Ladysmith properties. Clayton Postings, the Town’s director of PRC, says this initiative will increase public awareness relating to literacy. The kiosks will be stocked with used books donated by the community, which can be shared and exchanged by the general public, he explained, noting PRC staff will


The Town of Ladysmith Invites You to

Volunteer for the Board of Variance The Board of Variance is an independent body appointed by Council to consider minor variances from the Town’s Zoning Bylaw. Applications to the Board are generally made by homeowners or developers when compliance with a minor aspect of the Town’s Zoning Bylaw would cause undue “hardship” to the applicant. Ladysmith residents who meet some (or all) of the following criteria are encouraged to apply: • have public or private sector experience in the delivery of programs or services • have experience in research, analysis, land use planning, architecture, landscape architecture, building design and construction, engineering, law or local governance • belong to a community organization; and/or • own a business If you are interested in volunteering for the Board of Variance, please complete an application form and return it to City Hall. You can get the application form at City Hall (250.245.6400; info@, or online at Please submit your application by Friday, March 6, 2015.

maintain the kiosks as necessary. PRC staff have looked at Town-owned properties and come up with four preferred locations: the Frank Jameson Community Centre lobby, Aggie Hall, Transfer Beach Park, and one panel of the three-panel poster kiosk at the Ladysmith Post Office. Coun. Duck Paterson wondered if the Town had talked to Salamander Books about this yet because the store deals with a lot of used books. Mayor Aaron Stone didn’t think they had, but he noted this idea is still in the first stage. “I think there may be some other ideas that come forward to this table, but I’m sure staff will take that under advisement,” he said. Council would also like staff to look into locating a kiosk at the south end of town. “These are the highest-profile locations,” Postings told council. “There is a definite possibility we could work with LSS to add a fifth location.”

BC Lions fullback Rolly Lumbala meets Chemainus Secondary student Ann-Marie Louie after the “Be More Than a Bystander” presentation. LINDSAY CHUNG

Players share tools for standing up to abuse

From Page 1 “There is a tremendous amount you know what, you need to be of power in having these convercourageous. It’s not easy. You’re sations, a tremendous amount of probably thinking we’re big foot- power in just talking to each other ball players and it’s easy for us, but and even just in listening,” she said. “Never underestimate the power of that’s not exactly right. “Create a culture of love, respect listening. None of us are experts in this, so you don’t have to think and safety.” Kendra Thomas, a commu- ‘oh, I don’t know what to say, what nity victim services worker for would I say, what would I do’ — all Cowichan Women Against Vio- you have to do is listen. That goes lence Society, was at the presen- a long way. It validates the expetation and stayed at the school to rience that someone is having or speak with students afterwards if struggles with, then if you think it’s serious, you can talk to an adult.” they needed to talk.

SD68 faces another shortfall in 2015 Karl Yu

For the chronicle

Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District trustees will once again be dealing with a shortfall as they work their way toward finalizing the 2015-16 budget. A $3.5-million shortfall forecasted last year is in line with current numbers, according to Graham Roberts, acting secretary-treasurer. “That amount is in the range that we’re still looking at,” said Roberts. “We’re looking at between $3.5 to

$4 million.” An unrestricted surplus of $4.18 million from this year’s budget is being forecast, but whether that will be applied to the shortfall will be something that is part of budget discussions, said Roberts. Steve Rae, school board chairman, said although budget discussions are only beginning, trustees are aware that the district is currently in the red and will work through the numbers to account for the shortfall.


A balanced budget is mandated by the province, he said. “Obviously, the last place I can tell you we’re going to look is the classroom ... I can tell you that the flavour of this board, that is the last consideration, is the classroom, and hopefully we never get that far,” said Rae. The new school board is also in the process of examining the 10-year facilities plan, passed by the previous board. The school district is holding a series of

Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron 257 Ladysmith held its annual Zone Marksmanship competition Jan. 31. Congratulations to this year’s team: (from left) Cadet H. Bucatan, Cadet A. Benedict, Cpl. C. Ball, Cadet M. Boese-Ezard and Cadet F. Ordano. Special Mention to Boese-Ezard for Best Shot. To learn more about joining the Air Cadets, call Cathy at 250-245-8119 or e-mail Photo Submitted

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public forums to discuss the budget and the plan, with meetings set for Tuesday (Feb. 17) at Dover Bay Secondary School, Feb. 26 at John Barsby Secondary School and March 5 at Ladysmith Secondary School. All three public meetings will run from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The school district’s budget must be approved by June 30 at the latest, as per the B.C. School Act, but the school district aims for the end of April for staffing purposes, said Roberts.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 17, 2015 5


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6 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Please check out the public works area before declaring that we are a clean community Editor: After reading the article in the 2/10/15 paper regarding the Right to a Healthy Environment, “the right to live in a healthy environment, including the right to breath clean air and drink clean water.” Has anyone from the Town of Ladysmith ever walked along Sixth Avenue past the city works yard? The right to breath clean air is very much compromised; depending on the direction of the wind, it is like an assault by a wall of stench. This cannot be healthy to breathe. People are walking with hands over their faces, walkers are even jogging past and what about the poor residents in that area, including our RCMP? Another issue being the right for clean water, one of the jewels of our beautiful town is the Holland Creek Trail system. Many tourists come to enjoy this, as well as the daily use by many of the town people. Visitors are amazed that this facility is bordering the trail with mounds of compost with the potential of leaching into the creek. I wonder has any environmental testing ever been done? Rumour has it that in the past, due to the stench, this was not allowed at the city works yard. So I ask that before the draft of resolution is completed, please check this area out. As at this time declaring we are a clean community is just not so. Thank you. C. Townsend Ladysmith

Question of the Week

Do you believe childhood vaccination is effective? Vote online at

Word for the wise

This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Points to Ponder

Results from last week’s question Are you happy with the Supreme Court decision to allow doctor-assisted suicide in specific cases? Yes 80% No 20%

Rev. KW Boyd Tremblett Chemainus Pentecostal Church


f you were granted one wish, what would that wish be? Reviewing some sights on the internet this is what people have said: • Money and no more debt • Unlimited wishes • To go back in time • Health • World peace • Perfect soul mate • To live forever • To be taller, skinnier, tanned, muscular • To be better at school, sport, job, etc. The list could go on and on.

The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to

Chronicle The

Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27

940 Oyster Bay Drive PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3

Publisher/Advertising ................... Teresa McKinley

Since 1908

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

And if you are anything like me, I’m sure you thought, probably every time a lottery commercial came on, what you would do with the big jackpot. The column in this paper is called Word for the Wise. Every website I looked at for what people wished for, not one person asked for wisdom. In the Bible, I Kings 3, a man by the name of Solomon asks God for wisdom. I am not saying God is a genie, nor should we treat him that way. But God is there to grant us the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4). And in the wisdom that God gave him, he was known as the wisest man that ever lived. God used him in mighty ways and we can still read about him today. So, today what would be your one wish? My words to the wise today is make your wishes (or prayers) for what God desires for us, and that we would ask God for salvation, for ourselves and family and friends.

Editor ................................................ Lindsay Chung Office / Accounts / Circulation .. Colleen Wheeler

Vol. 106, #29, 2015

Production Manager......................... Douglas Kent

Be brave and bare it all to help schizophrenics Staff Writer

the chronicle

WildPlay Element Parks in Cassidy is hoping hundreds of people will be brave enough to bare it all to support local people with schizophrenia and their families during the ninth annual Naked Bungy Jump for BCSS later this month. The Naked Bungy Jump is a unique fundraiser and awareness campaign organized by the Victoria branch of the British Columbia Schizophrenia Society (BCSS) and hosted by WildPlay. On Saturday, Feb. 21 and Sunday, Feb. 22, the “brave and bare” who wish to make a very visible and meaningful difference can register to shed all their inhibitions along with their clothing and leap from the 150-foot Bungy Jump above the Nanaimo River. Anyone interested can register online at or by phone at 1-855-5952251. The attention-getting event is more than a wacky experiment, says BCSS executive director Hazel Meredith. “The weekend challenges the stigma of mental illness, which often leaves those affected feeling and finding themselves alone,” she said in a press re-

lease. In contrast, Meredith notes, the Bungy Jump site at WildPlay becomes a jovial place where people come together and encourage each other to face their fears. Meredith sees the difference that every individual can make. “Two out of three people will not seek help due to fear of the stigma associated with their disease,” she said. “And 42 per cent of Canadians are unsure whether they would socialize with a friend who has a mental illness. There has to be a correction made here so people can rely on each other when they need it most.” Schizophrenia is a serious and persistent mental illness that strikes one in 100 people in Canada, most often youth, according to the BCSS. To help the BCSS raise money, WildPlay offers its Bungy Jump for $35 to pre-registered participants aged 18 or older. Those who are more bashful but still want to Bungy Jump can attend and do so fully-clothed for the regular cost of $129.99. Net proceeds from Bungy Jumps, as well as $15 spectator fees, are given to the BCSS in support of many lifechanging programs. Over the past nine

Your 2015 LDBA Directors:

Welcome to new directors Kamal Saab, Worldly Gourmet; Paul Joy, Antique Addict; returning directors: Tina Fabbro, Community Link Connexions; Steve Wilkinson, Pharmasave Ladysmith; Paul Mycroft, Market 2All; and directors with 1 year remaining on their term: Lesley Parent, 49th Parallel Printers; Brian Van Acker, Ladysmith Legion; Tammy Leslie, Palmer Leslie Chartered Accountants; Teresa McKinley, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle. The LDBA actively works to cultivate an environment of economic and cultural vibrancy in the Ladysmith Downtown core. Together, we can enhance local enterprise by focusing interest towards the Ladysmith business community. The benefits of a LDBA membership present a unique and fiscally responsive way to grow your business while joining a team of dedicated community members. To join:

Ladysmith Take the pledge to shift 10% back to our community.

years, Naked Bungy Jump for BCSS participants have raised $95,915.25 for BCSS. Event organizers are hopeful that many people will be motivated to drop their inhibitions and participate in Naked Bungy Jump for BCSS, and they’ve set a $30,000 fundraising goal for 2015. Those who want to support the cause but cannot attend have the option to pledge for a jumper or donate to the event by contacting the BCSS donating online via the Canada Helps button at For more information, visit www.wildplay. com/parks/nanaimo.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 17, 2015 7

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8 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

Grab & Go Help “Light Up the Night” Thursday Bouquets Lindsay Chung


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This Thursday night, the sky above Transfer Beach will glow with the light from 110 lanterns during a special event being planned by the Ladysmith Rotary Club. The Ladysmith Rotary Club is inviting the community to “Light up the Night for Heritage Week” Thursday, Feb. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Transfer Beach Amphitheatre, as the club celebrates Ladysmith Heritage

Week in conjunction with Rotary’s 110th anniversary. The Rotary Club plans to release 110 Chinese lanterns into the night sky at 8 p.m., and the club will be selling the lanterns for $5, with all proceeds going toward the rebuilding of the playground at Transfer Beach. Club president Cheryl Leukefeld and Pemberton Holmes Realty have donated the lanterns, which are made out of biodegradable, fireproof tissue. The Rotary Club

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is working with the Ladysmith Kinsmen Club to raise money to rebuild the playground, and Leukefeld says they were trying to think of unique ways to raise as much money as possible. “We thought it would be really fun,” she said. “We’re really excited, and I think it’s going to be just great.” The 110 lanterns represent the 110 years that Rotary has been serving communities around the world. Leukefeld says the lanterns only burn for

six minutes, but they can get as high as 100 feet before floating back down to the harbour and disintegrating. “I think it’s going to be phenomenal when they’re floating,” she said. “With 110 of them floating, it’s going to be beautiful.” Leukefeld says the lanterns are a Chinese Cheryl Leukefeld tradition, and she was inspired when she saw them years ago. Rotarians will be at Transfer Beach around 7:45 p.m. to the Kinsmen and Rosell the lanterns, tary Club are aiming and Rotarians will to have it completed be available to help by this summer. light them, as LeukeFor more informafeld says it takes two tion about “Light Up people to light the lan- the Night for Heritage terns. Week,” look for RotaThe new playground ry Club of Ladysmith costs $172,000, and on Facebook.

With 110 of them floating, it’s going to be beautiful.

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Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary #2101 recently donated $1,500 to the Ladysmith Kinsmen Club for rebuilding the playground at Transfer Beach. Pictured here are Madam President Angie Fletcher and Kinsmen Duck Paterson. PHOTO SUBMITTED

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 17, 2015 9


Get caught up in a Ring of Fire Staff Writer THE CHRONICLE

The first production of 2015 at the Chemainus Theatre Festival tells the remarkable story of Johnny Cash, sharing songs and stories that span from his upbringing on a rural farm to the hallowed halls of the Grande Ole Opry. Opening this Friday (Feb. 20) and running until April 11, Ring of Fire: Project Johnny Cash features more than 30 hit songs matched with narrated insights that reveal how Cash went from a life of farming to one of influential fame. Ring of Fire, conceived by William Meade and created by Richard Maltby Jr., is more than a biography or collection of Cash’s songs, according to a press release from the theatre. His story is told across a mingling of scenes that frame his iconic rowdiness and redemption through his unforgettable music. The result is a sweeping portrayal of American life in the themes of love, faith, family, and resilience through hard times, according to the theatre. “There is something appealing about Cash the icon — an untamed individual and still a community advocate through prison reform,

concept albums and old-time values,” show and Festival artistic director Mark DuMez, said in the press release. “The beauty of Johnny Cash is he let us hear many strands of a growing nation finding its groove. He was a wild gentleman, a rustic poet, a saved sinner and an American music hero with a genre-busting sound that still ‘kicks-it’ today.” Crooning their way through the lively stories and songs are: Jonas Shandel, Timothy Brummund, Scott Carmichael, Samantha Currie, Andrea Cross, Zachary Stevenson, music director, Kraig Waye, and Mark MacRae. DuMez says Ring Of Fire: Project Johnny Cash is an intimate show, perfectly suited for an intimate stage like the Chemainus Theatre Festival. The ambiance suits the small-town Southern settings in the musical and draws audiences closely into the moments of a young man falling in love, getting married, dealing with adversity, and finally reaching his golden years. “You can feel the depth of Cash’s journey, and perhaps a bit of your own”, said DuMez. “His experiences of family, community and country are warm


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10 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

Love Songs

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Just after Valentine’s Day, fall in love with the sound of Kristin Hoff’s voice in “Love Songs” Sunday, Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. at St. Michael’s Church in Chemainus. Presented by Chemainus Classical Concerts and St. Michael’s, this one-act a capella opera by Ana Sokolovic sees the internationally-acclaimed mezzo soprano flash through the many moods of love in 100 languages. “Bizarre, brash and hauntingly beautiful, this amazing vocal and theatrical display will create a unique experience for everyone lucky enough to be present,” states Chemainus Classical Concerts. Tickets are $20 at the door or $15 in advance and can be purchased at Owl’s Nest Bistro in Chemainus, Chemainus Festival Inn, Salamander Books in Ladysmith, Ten Old Books in Duncan and Valley Vines to Wines in Mill Bay or by phoning 250-748-8383. For more information, visit www. PHOTO SUBMITTED

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A lot of people have poor comprehension, though they actually still hear well. It becomes noticeable in conversation, watching television and asking family to repeat what’s been said. A potential cause can be undetected loss in the high-frequency range. This means the sensory cells in the cochlea that hear high-range sounds are damaged as a result of circulatory disorders, diabetes, sudden hearing loss or workplace noise. Hearing loss in the highfrequency range makes speech sound muffled and unclear. The person with hearing loss mixes up, or can no longer hear, consonants like s, f, t, k, h and g. Speech comprehension is particularly impaired when there is background noise or when television programs have background music. The dilemma is that people with hearing loss in the high-frequency range do not

Ginette van Wijngaarden, at Connect Hearing, advises people with hearing loss on the new hearing chip, together with her colleagues. consider themselves to have a hearing problem. They can hear deep tones with no issue, and often put difficulty understanding speech down to unclear pronunciation. However, the time soon comes when problems with comprehension become annoying. A new hearing chip has been developed.

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 17, 2015 11

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Clockwise from top left: seven-year-old Jayden Barry of Duncan joins her father, Patrick, as he races toward the finish line at the Cedar 12K Feb. 8 at North Cedar Intermediate School; top female Kimberley Doerksen of Gibsons comes in at 44:51, good for 14th overall; and Nathan Kamell, a member of the Victoria Flatliners, races to a 46:52 finish, which put him at 24th overall. LINDSAY CHUNG

Nanaimo runner wins Cedar 12K Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE

There were many highlights at this year’s Cedar 12K race. A member of the host Bastion Running Club from Nanaimo won the race, and a new record was set for the men’s 45-49 age category. The Cedar 12K, the third race in the Frontrunners Island Race Series, took place Sunday, Feb. 8 in Cedar. Jeremy Clegg from the host club, the Bastion Running Club, won, with Kim Doerksen from Gibsons winning the women’s race. “It was nice to see Jeremy win,” said race director John Durkin. “There were quite a few people standing at the finish line waiting to see who would be first to appear, and when it was Jeremy, there was a big cheer.” There were 382 finishers this year, which Durkin says is down quite a bit from previous years. Durkin thinks that a lot of people were away for the Family Day long weekend, and also, many people had the cold or flu that has been going around. Durkin says the weather was ideal for the race. “It turned out pretty good,” he said. “We had almost no wind, no rain, and ideal temperatures, not too hot for running,” he said. Clegg won the race in 39:57,

with Craig Odermatt second in 40:20, and Andrew McCartney third in 41:16. Clegg said afterwards that he was determined to win, particularly as his club organized the race. “I knew I would have a lot of support out there on the course, and wanted to take advantage of that,” Clegg said in a press release. “After finishing the Cobble Hill 10K, I regretted not going out more aggressively with eventual race winner Derek Vinge. My plan for this race was to go out strong, and work the hills. I made a push on the first notable hill on the course and created a gap that I was able to maintain until the end. I knew Craig was behind me all along, and I had to push hard and not let him feel he had a chance to reel me back in. “It was a thrill to have the support of the local crowd and the push of some great competition,” he added. Odermatt was the top Master in the race, and he also set a new age category record for M45-49, breaking a 14-year record set by Rob Reid. Odermatt told organizers he hadn’t been sure he was going to run, as he had just returned from Hawaii on an overnight flight. “Considering the tiring travel, I felt not too bad,” he said. “I tried to just run strong and see how it went. I was actu-

ally aware of the Masters course record (39:23) and thought I could beat it, but overall, I did well and I was happy with the context of the situation, treating it as a good workout.” Doerksen, the 2014 BMO Vancouver Marathon champion, won her race in 44:51. Claire Morgan was second in 45:08 and finished as the top female Master, while Danelle Kabush was third in 45:50. “The win was unexpected, but it was something I definitely had in the back of my mind, but it was the first race of the season so I didn’t want to put too much pressure on the end result,” Doerksen said in the release. “I set myself a time goal, and if the placing was there, that would be the cherry on top. Not having ever raced this event, it was a hilly course! I should be used to those types of routes coming from the Sunshine Coast, but it certainly made the downhill sections sweet relief from the big climbs. Overall, I’m really pleased with the result and was impressed with the organization of the race, and the post-race treats were delicious. Thanks to the Bastion Running Club for hosting an excellent event.” The average time for the race was 1:04:30. The top Chemainus finisher was John Weber, who ran the race in 58:51 and was 140th. The top Ladysmith

runner was Susan Miller, with a time of 1:00:25 and a 154th-place finish. Durkin says the Cedar 12K seems to be popular with runners. “We always get lots of nice comments about the volunteers, marshals and water tables on the course,” he said. “We always get lots of comments, we have a Celtic band in the gym playing while people come in and while we wait for the awards. We get lots of positive feedback from the runners.” In the club standings for the series, the Prairie Inn Harriers lead with 1,557 points, followed by Comox Valley Road Runners with 927, and Bastion Running Club with 739. Full results can be found at vira/2015. Eight races make up the Frontrunners Island Race Series. The next race is the Hatley Castle 8K on Feb. 22, followed by the Synergy Health Management Ltd Bazan Bay 5K on March 8, Comox Valley RV Half Marathon on March 22, Merville 15K on April 12, and Sooke River 10K on April 19. To register online for the series, visit Historical results from races dating back to 1980 from previous race series can be found online at http://pih. Summary.php.

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JOHNSON, Rayna Lynne

January 31, 1960 – February 4, 2015 Rayna was taken tragically from her family and friends on February 4, 2015. Predeceased by her mother, Mary Coco (2000). Survived by her children Timothy (Twylla) Johnson and Christina Johnson; grandchildren Austin, Madison, Annabelle and Carter; brothers Rick (Shelley) Johnson, Tim (Kirsten) Coco and sister Wendy (Jeff) MacLeod; numerous nieces and nephews; special friends Bruce and Debbie L’Heureux and Jack the cat who she called her husband.

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BRANT, Jim Passed away peacefully on Monday February 9, 2015 at the Nanaimo General Hospital. Born in Blackburn, Lancashire, England on July 30, 1926. Predeceased by his loving wife Margaret (1997); sister Joan, grandchildren Troy and Trevor. Lovingly remembered by his family; children, Marlene Laird (Tom), Rob (Joan) and Christine (the late Harold Nikirk); brother Roy in England; grandchildren; Sean, Angie, Jeremy, Amy and Crystal; numerous great-grandchildren and greatgreat-grandchildren. As well as one of his good friends Norm and Linda Watts. He leaves his favourite cats; Shami, Buddy, and Tigger. Jim was a Veteran of WWII and was very proud to serve his Country. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. His pride and joy besides his family was his love for his boats. A Celebration of his life will be held at H.W. Wallace Cremation and Burial Centre, 5285 Polkey Road, Duncan, B.C. on Tuesday February 17, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Online condolences may be offered at H.W. Wallace 250-701-0001

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April 14, 1940 – January 30, 2015 Hendry passed away suddenly at his residence in Ladysmith. He is pre-deceased by his parents James and Elizabeth and identical twin brother Jim. He is survived by his son Scott, sister Bertha Coleman, brother Ted (Judy), sister Christine Bergman (Jim), sister-in-law Iness and many nieces and nephews. Hendry was born in SpittleďŹ eld, Pershire Scotland and when the twins were 10 moved to Canada and made their home in Fairbridge, Cowichan Station. In later years, Hendry worked in the woods and later became a car salesman - it was said with his gift of gab “could sell an ice-box in The Arcticâ€?. He ďŹ nally made his home in Ladysmith where he spent time with friends. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him. There will be no service by his request. A celebration tea may be held at a later date.

PRODUCTION WORKERS Canada’s Largest Independently owned newspaper group is currently looking for Part Time Production Workers for its Ladysmith location. This is an entry level general labour position that involves physical handling of newspapers and advertising supplements. REQUIREMENTS: • Prior bindery and/or machine operator experience would be an asset • Motivated self-starter willing to work in a fast paced environment performing repetitive tasks • Must be able to lift up to 25 lbs and stand for long periods of time • Ability to work cooperatively in a diverse, team based environment • Must be reliable, dependable, have excellent communication skills and good attention to detail • Must have own transportation âœąAfternoon and evening shifts 16-20 hours per week. $11.25 an hour Interested parties may drop off their resumes between 9am and 5pm at:

LADYSMITH PRESS 940 Oyster Bay Drive, Ladysmith, BC V9J 1A2 SMALL ENG/SAW/OUTBOARD MECHANIC WANTED. Exp required. Wage/benefits negotiable. ShopRite Marine/Logging, Port McNeill, BC Send resume to:

MEDICAL/DENTAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on avg). Covers: hip/knee replacements, back conditions and restrictions in walking and dressing. 1-844-453-5372.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES GPRC, FAIRVIEW Campus urgently requires a Power Engineering Instructor! Please contact Brian Carreau at 780835-6631 and/or visit our website:


MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

PERSONAL SERVICES FINANCIAL SERVICES LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online







KWIKAUCTIONS.COM online-only weekly New/Used Restaurant & Commercial Food Equipment Auctions. Every auction ends Thursday night beginning @ 6pm (PST) View our website for catalog & inventory pictures Preview our auction floor in person 9am- 4pm, Mon-Fri - 7305 Meadow Ave, Burnaby (604-299-2517)

GARAGE SALES LADYSMITH- RYAN Pl; signs off N. Davis Rd, Sat. Feb 21, 8:30-4. More stuff-Estate Sale!


GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.


SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really big sale!� All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Call Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit online:

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Large, immaculate, quiet 2-bedroom condo available in Duncan, bottom floor, bright corner unit in a 4-plex, wheelchair accessible. Great location! Within walking distance to shopping & restaurants. Wood burning fireplace, in-suite washer/ dryer, F/S, dishwasher, lots of storage! Non smoker. No pets. Available April 1. $850/m. References required. 250-818-0678. LADYSMITH: $1350/mo. 55+ Building, 385 Davis Rd, Ocean & Harbour Views, 2 Bdrm suite 250-246-5688. LARGE 2 bedroom apt for rent immediately, located above Tree’s Restaurant on the Alberni Hwy, Parksville. $800 per month. 250-954-9547 Meicor Properties Chemainus: Lockwood Villa. Well kept bldg, 1 bdrm $650 incl heat & hot water, available now. N/S, 1 small pet welcome. 250-709-2765. Meicor Properties Ladysmith: 2 bdrm 4th flr $860/mo. Includes heat & hot water, small pets OK. 250-924-6966.

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SPACE avail. at Timberlands Mobile Home Park, 3581 Hallberg Rd. Suitable for restaurant or small grocery. Call 250-245-3647.




* Gutters * Windows * Siding * Moss Removal * Pressure washing

BUSINESSES FOR SALE DVD RENTAL business. Selling due to illness. Fully stocked $5500 obo. 250-542-0743 www.tigressevideoretals.mydvd


Mill Bay/Duncan 250-743-3306 Chemainus/Ladysmith 250-324-3343

FOR SALE BY OWNER with option for rent to own. Million dollar ocean city view call for information 250-753-0160

Residential/Commercial New and Re-roofing 24hr Emergency Repairs

Professional Service Since 1992

250-245-7153 www.r-and-l-rooďŹ


MOBILE HOMES & PADS TIMBERLAND MOBILE Home Park; 2 mobile home lots for rent at $450/mo; 1 on Family side and 1 Seniors. Call (250)245-3647.

4-BDRM HOUSE in Ladysmith. Close to all schools. Oil heat, W/D Hook-up. Oil & hydro not incld. $1050./mo. Call (250)245-4869.

SUITES, LOWER LADYSMITH: 1BDRM suite. W/D. Heat & hydro. Private driveway. $750/mo. Avail. Immediately. Call 250-722-3307 LADYSMITH: 2 bedroom. Call 250-245-4638.


Trent Dammel All Types of RooďŹ ng

DUNCAN 2-BDRM, clean, bright 2-level, near schools, bus route, park, on cul-de-sac. 5 appl’s, propane F/P. fenced backyard, new shed. NS/NP. Refs req’d. $925./ mo. (250)746-8128, (250)477-5859


PLUMBING A SERVICE PLUMBER. Licence, Insured. Drains, HWT, Reno’s, Repairs. Senior Discounts. After Hour Service. Call Coval Plumbing, 250709-5103.


$288,000 ..‌‌. 265 South McCarthy St. 3 Bedroom family home, full basement (suite potential). Private fenced level backyard, gas heat & fireplaces, Call 250.287.6635.


1988 WILDERNESS 30’ Fifth wheel. Needs some TLC. $4995. obo. To see: 405 Selby Street. Call (250)618-6800.

- BUYING TRUCKS & VANS - RENTING 2006 PONTIAC Shift Montana SV6Ladysmith 10% - SELLING seats 7, DVD player, recently detailed, automatic, 172,000 bcclassiďŹ km. $6000. (250)701-0006.

APPLIANCES 15 CU.FT. upright deep freeze, $125. 8 cu ft deep freeze, $150. Almond 15 cu ft fridge, $125. White 30� range, $150. 30� almond range, $125. White 30� propane stove, $150. Kenmore Washer dryer sets, $300-$350. Washers, $150-$250. Dryers, $100$150. Apt size staking washer/dryer, $250. Built-in dishwashers, $100-$150. White portable dishwasher, $125. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.

#(%#+Ă–#,!33)&)%$3 Ă– $BMM

Email items for publication to with the subject line containing "What's Happening". This is a free service for non-profit groups that runs as space allows. Please keep length to 25 words or less.

Up Coming IMPROVE YOUR “NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY� with tips and techniques presented by acclaimed Ladysmith photographer Sean Sherstone at the Ladysmith Camera Club. Tues, Feb 24, 7 pm, in Hardwick Hall, High St at 3rd Ave in Ladysmith. Everyone welcome. Nonmembers $5 drop-in fee. LCC invites new members, novice to pro. www.

On Going LADYSMITH FOOD BANK Open Tues mornings 9 - 12. 630 Second Ave, Ladysmith.

Lowest Price Guarantee

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.

What’s Happening

Ladysmith 10% Shift

LADYSMITH DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION meets on the third Thursday of each month, 7:30 am upstairs at the Legion. This dedicated group of business owners discuss everything business-related in Ladysmith from partnerships with organizations, upcoming events, business strategies and tips, website performance and sometimes, a guest speaker. CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP meets 3rd Mon of each month 5:15-6:45 Ladysmith Community Health Centre - 1111-4th Ave, Room 101 250-667-5587 SING FOR PURE JOY! - meets on Saturdays, 7-8:30 pm in the 2nd floor lounge of The Lodge on 4th or (250) 285-3764 STROKE RECOVERY GROUP: Survivors and caregivers meet every Thursday at 11 am in the basement Activity Room of Bethel Tabernacle, 1149 Fourth Ave. Programs include exercises and tips for managing activities. Call Ken or Flo 250-245-8199. BINGO - LADYSMITH Every Wed - 6:30 pm, Doors 5 pm, St. Mary's Church Hall. Info call 250245-3079. Sponsored by Ladysmith Resources Centre Association Tue, Feb 17, 2015, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle HAR­VEST HOUSE FOOD BANK - Chemainus. Friday, Info call 250-246-3455.

59. Respite Creative activity BINGO -61. Chemainus Senior 62. Slight head motion

Drop-in Centre. Mondays, 6:40 pm. Info: Murray 250246-9968.

LADYSMITH LEGION Mondays, crib, 7 p.m. Meat draws: Saturdays 2 - 5:15 pm, Fridays 4-6 pm, Sundays 3-5 pm, Darts: Wednesdays, 7 pm, Line dancing: Thursdays 9-11 am, Fridays: pool, 8 pm, 250-245-2273. CANADIAN FEDERATION of UNIVERSITY WOMEN Nanaimo branch. Meets 4th Monday of each month. St. Andrews Presbyterian. 7 pm. Karen: 250-756-9508. BINGO - Every Fri, 6:45 p.m., Chemainus Legion branch #191. Doors open 5 p.m. WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY SUPPORT GROUP - 3rd. Wed. of the month, 6:30 7:30 pm, Inn on Long Lake, 4700 North Island Hwy. Nanaimo. All welcome CHEMAINUS SKETCH GROUP - Painting and sketching group meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. New members welcome. 250-246-3118 BORN HEALTHY - a program for pregnant women and new moms. Check out “Born Healthy Ladysmithâ€? on Facebook or call Kate at 250-245-3079 (the LRCA). Wednesdays from 10-1:30 with drop-in office hours for one-on-one on Mon and Tues from 10-1:30. LADYSMITH MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP - Meets on the 1st & 3rd Friday of the month 1:30 pm basement of Ladysmith Resource Centre. LADYSMITH CELE­BRA​TIONS SOCIETY Ladysmith Days. Ladysmith city hall, on 3rd Tuesday of every month, 7 pm 250-2452263. www.ladysmithdays. com DAD'S GROUP - Drop In Breakfast - Program of the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. 630 - 2nd Ave., Upper Floor, Saturdays, 10 - noon. 250245-3079. ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. Call Jane Hope, Alzheimer Society of BC at 250-7344170. NORTH OYSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY Engraved bricks fundraiser. Info call Bob Handel at 250245-0919.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Glasgow inhabitant 5. Dangerous tidal bore 10. Prevents harm to creatures 14. Upper class 15. Caused an open infection 16. Styptic 17. Am. Nat’l. Standards Inst. 18. Muse of lyric poetry and mime 19. He fiddled 20. Afrikaans 22. Don’t know when yet 23. Mottled cat 24. 1803 USA purchase 27. Engine additive 30. Reciprocal of a sine 31. __ King Cole, musician 32. Time in the central U.S. 35. Insect pupa sheaths 37. Prefix denoting “in a� 38. Okinawa port city 39. Capital of Pais-deCalais 40. Small amount 41. Fictional elephant 42. Grave 43. 12th month (abbr.) 44. Knights’ garment 45. One point S of due E 46. Lender Sallie ___ 47. Express pleasure 48. Grassland, meadow 49. Vikings state 52. Deck for divination 55. Mountain 56. Cavalry sword 60. Largest known toad species 61. Once more 63. Cavity 64. Paper this tin plate 65. Slang for backward 66. James __, American steam engineer 67. Sea eagles 68. Wooded 69. Expression of annoyance


14 February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A14Tuesday,

CLUES DOWN 1. Spawn of an oyster 2. Town near Venice 3. Bone (pl.) 4. Pair of harness shafts 5. Midway between E and SE 6. Of a main artery 7. Catches 8. Maintained possession 9. Old Tokyo 10. Yemen capital 11. Commoner 12. Street border 13. Old Xiamen 21. Soul and calypso songs 23. Explosive 25. Put into service 26. Swiss river 27. Territorial division 28. Pulse 29. Hair curling treatments 32. Small group of intriguers 33. Portion 34. Slightly late 36. Taxi 37. Political action committee 38. Grab 40. Between 13 & 19 41. Tai currency 43. Newsman Rather 44. Great school in Mass. 46. Technology school 47. Have a great ambition 49. Groans 50. Fill with high spirits 51. Expressed pleasure 52. Modern London gallery 53. A gelling agent in foods 54. Dilapidation 57. Swine 58. Footwear museum city 59. Respite 61. Creative activity 62. Slight head motion


Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, February 17, 2015 15

The Last Word

Heard around town...

CHURCH DIRECTORY Attend regularly the church of your choice Welcome to

St. Mary’s Catholic Church 1149 Fourth Ave, Ladysmith, 250-245-8221

Family Worship Service Sundays 10:30 am (Nursery & Children’s classes available) Mid - week groups for Children, Preteens, Teens and Adult Life Studies

The Knights of Columbus Santa Maria Council 4582 in Ladysmith presented donations to seven local groups Jan. 29 at St. Mary’s Church. “People that need people are the greatest people in the world,” said Grand Knight Denis Olynyk. “It goes in one big circle; everyone needs everyone. It’s a privilege for the Knights of Columbus to present you with a donation to help your organization help someone else.“ Pictured here, from left, are: Denis Olynyk (Grand Knight), Jerry Polievre (Knight), Elizabeth Weiss (Ladysmith Food Bank), Dennis Lait (Ladysmith Resources Centre Association), Bob Erskine (Knight), Bern Muller (St. Joseph’s Elementary School), Cliff Fisher (Ladysmith Festival of Lights Society), Elizabeth Nicol (Crossroads Crisis Pregnancy Centre), Art Gerrand (Knight), Clover Burgess (Ladysmith Boys and Girls Club), Ross Lubben (Knight), Ray Hedstrom (Ladysmith Disabled Sailing Association), Rev. Anthony Gonsalves, Carl Wandler (Knight) and Jim McGarry (Knight). Missing from photo is a representative from the NanaimoLadysmith Schools Foundation. LINDSAY CHUNG • A reminder that Rob Johnson will be giving a free Heritage Week slideshow presentation about the buildings and people that shaped our downtown, “If These Walls Could Talk,” this Wednesday (Feb. 18) at In The Beantime Café at 18 High St. at 6:30 p.m. Space is limited, and it is filling up fast, so pre-register to ensure you get a seat by calling 250-245-0100. • The Ladysmith Community Gardens Society’s 2015 Spring Speaker Series on Edible Gardening kicks off this week with a discussion about bees. Ted Leischner of Plan Bee Now will be giving a presentation called “Supporting Native Pollinators” this Thursday (Feb. 19) at 7 p.m. at the St. Johns Anglican Church Hall at 314 Buller St. in Ladysmith. “Some 200 species of native bees, of all sizes and shapes, do the work of pollination in our Island gardens,” the society notes in a press release. “Learn to see them, know their habits, protect their

habitats and include flowering plants to support them throughout the season.” Tickets for the series of six discussions are available at Salamander Books for $15. The other upcoming talks include “Why I Love to Garden!” with Janice Peters of Ladysmith Health Food Store on March 3, “Gardening With Native Plants” with Todd Carnahan of Habitat Acquisition Trust on March 19, “Timing is Everything!” with Joy Story

Ladysmith Little Theatre proudly presents

Mass Times: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am 250-245-3414 Father Anthony Gonsalves, OFM

Hall Rentals Available 250-245-2077 Inclusive - Diverse - Vibrant

381 Davis Road

February 22, 2015


9am & 11am Good King Bad King Series This week: Bad King Manasseh Part 1 Pastor Darin Phillips

of Grow Food Network more information, visit on March 31, “Hardy ladysmithcommunityFigs and Unusual Edi- gardensociety.weebly. ble Permaculture Trees” com. with Devmurti Khalsa of Denman’s Figs for Life on April 16, and “Local Water and Food Security” with Laurie Gourlay of Vancouver Island and Coast Conservation Society on April 28. The Nanaimo & District Hospital The Spring Speaker Series is presented by Foundation needs your help to purchase the Ladysmith Commuan Echocardiograph Machine for nity Gardens Society, the Ladysmith Saltair Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Garden Club and the Ladysmith Library. For An Echo Machine uses ultrasonic waves

A n I m p r o b a bl e Fa r c e

1135 - 4th Avenue Ladysmith, BC

Ladysmith First United Church Sunday Service including Sunday school at 10:30 am

Healing Pathway

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-8 pm

Rev Maxine Pirie 232 High Street 250-245-2183

for continuous heart chamber and blood movement visualization. Echo has become one of the most commonly used tools in diagnosis of heart problems, as it allows for non-invasive assessment of heart structure and function.

$200,000 Directed by MORT PAUL

March 5 - March 22, 2015

Box Office 250-924-0658 4985 Christie Road, Ladysmith V9G 1J3

Beyond Your Expectations

One Lifetime. One Hospital The Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation 102-1801 Bowen Rd. Nanaimo, BC V9S 1H1


Donate Securely online at

Call for a Free Home Evaluation 640 Trans Canada Hwy., Ladysmith, BC P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 E.

16 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


Heritage Week

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