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Sound Fest Euphoria Gold Medal Glory
Brooke helps out at RCMP find missing Cops for Kids person in thedraw Columbia ....................................2 ....................................3
Sound rocks GoldenFestival Figure Skating Golden ......................... Club hosting show ..................................12 ........................................5
Rockets’ season Classic horror flick gets over after on OTNet lossResult to reviewed Rockies....................14 ...................................9
Coupon offers Rocketspage avoid eliminafantastic savings tion with game 4 win ..................................13 ..................................11
Golden upEuphoria at 5 a.m.kicked on Sunday morning packed to watch Canada Local residents musician got Pablo off a night full and of live musicKicking at the Horse GoldenMovies Youth Centre onTeam Saturday. Thewin freea gold medal in men’s hockey was at the Sochi Olympics. So many people camethat out featured to support team, to sit in in the show at the youth centre part of the fourth Golden Sound Festival 15the bands at they four had locations aisles. Kicking Horse Movies decided to open up the theatre for free after the team qualified for the gold medal game on downtown Golden. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Friday, and McDonald’s provided free coffee for anyone who came out. Photo Submitted
Local input stretch of Hwy 1 left one off BC budget Public period only yields submission Jessica Schwitek Jessica Schwitek
Highways be two a top priority The Town ofcontinue Golden to held open Publicfor Goldenon politicians MLApublic Norminput Macdonald Hearings Feb. 18 toas gather about blasts thechanges Provincial Budget forbylaw. leaving Highway proposed to the zoning 1 roadno improvements Golden the With input beingnear provided inoff person the The hearings, and onlyhave onepledged written submission BC Liberals to complete which was read out at the meeting, the public a four-laning project from Kamloops to the
Alberta border, but Macdonald’s hopes of seeinput process is now closed. ing reflected incame this year’s budget Thethat onepromise written submission in as opposwere dashed. ition to the proposed change to Highway Cor“SoCommercial many promises, and Lafontaine so much effort on ridor C4 (1401 Road, behalf local politicians, cameproperty to nothing (last near theof Visitor’s Centre). The would week) as the BCtoLiberal budget released on then be permitted split into separate lots for Tuesday completely ignored the Trans Canada development. The authors of the submission, David and Heahighway upgrade,” said Macdonald. therWhile Morgan who are residents of Pine Drive, there are small amounts budgeted
MARCH 27-28
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towards Highway 1, the projects are small and had some concerns regarding the proposal. focused “There on is Kamloops. the potential for short-sighted According to does ICBCnotstatistics development that serve thereported best inter-by Global News, the stretch of the Trans-Canada ests of the Golden community,” it read. The between Revelstoke andTown’s Golden wasofthe scene main concern being the lack control of 38 crashes in the 10 after years the fromzoning 2004– over anyfatal future development 2013, making it the deadliest stretch of highway change. in the province. Continued Continuedon onpage page53
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
Via Ferrata will be newest edition to Kicking Horse offerings Joel Tansey
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort will be constructing a Via Ferrata, like the one in Chamonix, France, pictured above. It is expected to be open to visitors on Canada Day. YouTube Still Photo
Ta r g e t e d I n i t i a t i v e f o r O l d e r W o r k e r s Job Skills Training Opportunity
Who is this for?
Participants must meet the following eligibility criteria: • Unemployed • Aged 55 – 64 (in some circumstances, unemployed workers aged 50 – 54 or 65 and up may also participate) • Be legally entitled to work in Canada • Require new or enhanced skills for successful integration into new employment • Live in an eligible community/region • Be ready and committed to returning to work
What will you get?
Participants may be eligible to receive: • Class-based skill development – including job searching and career planning • Funding to access training at local educational institutions/trainers • Income support for the duration of in-class training • Targeted wage subsidy for on-the-job training
When is it?
• March 30, 2015
Funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Contact the Golden campus today! 250•344•5901 • •
With relatively mild temperatures and plenty of sun in the forecast, Goldenites can be excused if they are beginning to think about spring these days. While Kicking Horse Mountain Resort staff are hoping for a snowy March, they’ve also made plans that will expand on their summer operations this year. In addition to opening for the summer earlier than in previous years (May 30), the resort has recently unveiled plans for a brand new offering, a via ferrata climb up the north face of Terminator peak. Italian for iron road, via ferratas are fixed climbing courses along a series of cables, ladders and bridges. While the activity has long been popular in Europe, very few have been built in North America thus far, but their benefits are fairly obvious. “You’re secured and clipped in for safety the entire time. So that allows anybody to try it out. Even those very new to mountain-type adventures can experience this,” said Matt Mosteller, senior VP of marketing and resort experience at Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. Climbers are secured onto the course and will also be helped along by a guide. A beginner and an advanced course are being planned. “One will be accessible to most people while another will be a much more challenging route,” Mosteller explained. Mosteller believes that the introduction of the via ferrata is just one more step towards a complete and diverse mountain experience for the resort’s summer guests and for Golden as a whole. “When you combine all of those together it makes it a top adventure destination in Canada. We want to continue to compliment that,” Mosteller said while highlighting Golden’s mountain biking, white water rafting and hiking opportunities in addition to the resort’s activites. “You’ve got a really unbelievable offering for people to spend not just a weekend but to make it a real summer stop from an adventure vacation standpoint.” Resort officials are planning to have the via ferrata course ready for Canada Day.
ICBC profits estimated at $160 mill Jeff Nagel Black Press
The B.C. government intends to pull more money out of ICBC in the years ahead. The annual dividend from the public auto insurer – which goes into general government revenue despite repeated demands from critics for lower premiums instead – is estimated at $160 million a year in each of 2015, 2016 and 2017, according to budget documents. That's an increase from estimates of $155 million for 2015 and $125 million for 2016 in last year's budget. By the end of 2017, the province will have taken $1.5 billion from ICBC coffers since 2010. The money comes from the profits on ICBC's optional insurance side, which can't be used to reduce basic auto premiums because the two sides of the business are segregated.
Critics accused the government of building its budget surplus by having Crown corporations like ICBC and BC Hydro charge customers more than is required. Finance Minister Mike de Jong calls it a dividend to the shareholders. Electricity rates are rising six per cent while BC Hydro's net income – most of which is remitted to government – climbs from $549 million last year to about $700 million by 2017. Energy Minister Bill Bennett has promised to eventually reduce and eliminate the Hydro transfers. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation was critical of the latest 4.2 per cent increase in Medical Service Plan premiums, calling it a continuing tax hike that exceeds inflation. A family of three will pay $150 per month in MSP premiums, up 40 per cent in five years. The pattern of service fee increases and income tax restraint is a recurring one in B.C. budgets.
Foundation welcomes new board GDCF Submitted
The Golden & District Community Foundation (GDCF) welcomed a new Executive on last week. Lynne Romano will be the new Board Chair for the next two years. Nola Milum, who had served as Board Chair for the past 4 years, stepped right into
the Treasurer’s role. Lori Baxendale, who volunteered with the Community Foundation during the “Vital Signs 2014” project, is the new Vice Chair. And Glen Ewan, a former GDCF Chair, offered his services as Secretary. Other Board members include Flec Demmon, Joy Orr, Brian Spain, and Bryan Stevens. The new Board will begin
their term by working together on a directional plan for the remainder of 2015 and call together the GDCF’s Management, Fund Development, Investment and Marketing advisory committees as needed. If you would like to volunteer or learn more about one of these committees, please contact Lynne Romano at
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A3
New COTR program helps aging Missing person recovered workers upgrade their skills Golden Star Staff
Jessica Schwitek The College of the Rockies is offering a new 14-week program that will ensure that older workers have the skills they need to stay in the workforce. “This program, called Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Program, will make aging workers, who perhaps cannot remain in a physical job any longer, more employable,” said Jane Powell, the program co-ordinator. Students will learn life and workplace necessities such as computer training, resume, interview and job search skills, and communication skills. The 14 weeks, starting on March 30, includes four days a week of in class training for the first 10 weeks, followed by four weeks of job searching. “This program has run at other COTR campuses and has been really successful. Golden applied for it, and we’re really excited to be offering it,” said Powell. The Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training is funding the training, meaning that it is tuition free for all students enrolled. Not only that, but there is also an income support allowance for participants of up to $1,200 a month. There is only space for 12 students, and there is some criteria that must be met to be eligible. Preference will be given to residents of Golden and Area A who are between the ages of 55 and 64, although applicants slightly outside of that age group may also be considered. Participants must be unemployed (with some exceptions such as EI recipients), and eligible to work in Canada. The goal of this program is work placement, so participants must also be employable and ready and willing to work. Packages are available at the COTR campus. Due to the fact that there is limited space, prospective participants will go through an interview process. If you have any questions you can contact Powell at the college at 250-344-5901.
Liberals have misguided priorities: MLA away in this budget to the wealthiest British Columbians, money that could have made a significant difference if spent on highway improvements in Columbia RiverRevelstoke. “The BC Liberals have made their priorities crystal clear: a billion dollars for millionaires is more important than the safety of citizens travelling on the Trans Canada Highway. People in this area think those priorities are shameful,” said Macdonald.
Golden emergency crews respond to a motor vehicle accident just west of Golden in 2012. ICBC statistics show that the stretch between Golden and Revelstoke is the deadliest in B.C. Star Photo Continued from page 1 There were 14 fatal crashes from Sicamous to Revelstoke, 24 from Sicamous to Sorrento, and 24 from Sorrento to Kamloops. “How many times
has there been a fatality on that stretch of road? How many closures occur in Kamloops?” asked Macdonald. “The BC Liberals are quite willing to put signs up ahead of every election claiming that they are
completing the fourlaning of the Trans Canada through Revelstoke and Golden, but instead they do nothing.” Macdonald pointed out that nearly a billion dollars over four years was given
*With files from the Revelstoke Times Review
After five days of searching, the body of 27-year-old Taylor Oelrich was recovered from the Columbia River by members of the RCMP Underwater Recovery Team. Oelrich was reported missing on Feb. 15. He had been last seen by a friend at 4 a.m. outside the lodge where they were staying near Golden. Golden and District Search and Rescue, the RCMP Police Dog Service, and members from other Search and Rescue teams from around B.C. conducted extensive ground searches before efforts became focused on the Columbia River which ran adjacent to where Oelrich was last seen. "We are now working with the BC Coroner's Service to investigate the circumstances of Oelrich's death," said Cst. Spencer Lainchbury with the Golden-Field RCMP. "However at this time we do not suspect foul play."
Behind the Wheel
The search ended for Taylor Oelrich on Feb. 19 when his body was recovered in the Columbia River. File Photo Police are asking that anyone who may have seen Taylor Oelrich the night he disappeared, or anyone who has information about his death, contact them at 250-3442221.
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Detecting Drug Impaired Driving
Detecting and successfully prosecuting drug impaired drivers on B.C.’s highways is not a simple task. Currently the Criminal Code provisions for Drug Recognition Expert examination is the only method used to qualify drug induced impairment where the driver is not obviously incapable of physical control. One day in the not too distant future, the Cannabix marihuana breathalyzer may allow police to deal with the problem though a roadside breath test just as they would an alcohol impaired driver. A breath testing tool to detect THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, will have to undergo scientific testing to insure that it accurately measures the concentration on the driver’s breath and relates it to the level in their blood. Once that has been determined the laws will need to be changed to indicate the maximum allowable THC level that the driver can have. Finally, the whole scheme will have to survive the challenge of our legal system. We have not followed the current practices of countries like Britain and Australia. Britain has recently set blood concentration limits of a number of prescription and illegal drugs and enforces them by blood testing. Australia has done the same but uses saliva testing instead. A breath test based system, at least for THC, may be more palatable if it is successful as it is not as invasive a test as the other two are. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, drug impaired driving almost equaled alcohol impaired driving instances in fatal collisions during 2010. The Centre also reports that young people continue to be the largest group of drivers who die in crashes and test positive for alcohol or drugs. A system to effectively deter drug impaired driving is needed and the Cannabix device may be a made in B.C. component of the solution. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Reminder of Annual Public Forum
Community Funds Applicant Presentations Applicants to the 2015 Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs are reminded that presentation of their proposals at a public forum is mandatory. This year’s public meeting will be held March 4th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Golden Civic Centre and extend to the evening of the 5th at the same time and place if necessary. Applicants will have been contacted to know their respective placement on the order of the presentations; otherwise, contact Ryan Watmough at 250.344.8610 or email Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
Golden Eagles lose final tune-up before Kootenay Zones Joel Tansey Golden Secondary’s senior boys’ basketball team gave it a good fight, but eventually succumbed to one of the best teams in Alberta by a 12 point margin Feb. 18. The Eagles had previously lost to the powerhouse team from Chestermere by 30 points this season, so the result was an encouraging one. Playing in Canmore (roughly the midway point for the two teams), the Eagles kept things close throughout, trailing by five points at the half, a gap that also stood into the fourth quarter. Chestermere pulled away late for the 12 point win, but it was an encouraging result nonetheless.
“The team played really well...the game was in the balance all the way through right to the end and the guys played really hard. It’s the kind of game that we wanted to have,” said head coach Kindy Gosal. Neal Randhawa led the team on the scoresheet with running mate Saje Gosal not far behind. The Eagles also received good contributions from Meva Dhami and Reece Williams. Williams, an Invermere product who plays in Golden because his own school doesn’t have a team, has shown plenty of improvement since joining the Eagles midway through the season. “He’s a nice addition. He’s a good kid and he’s very athletic,” Kindy said. “He’s
starting to learn how we play basketball… he’s finding his role.” The squad got a much-needed break over the weekend as their focus shifts to the Kootenay Zone Tournament this weekend. “We have a short bench so these guys have logged a lot of minutes. They won’t admit it and they won’t think it but they have tired bodies. They need to take a bit of a rest here so that’s actually our primary objective,” Kindy said of his team’s preparation for the provincial qualifiers. The Eagles will be seeded first in the four-team Kootenay Zones and will need to win both their semifinal and championship games in order to move on to the provincials in Langley.
Marriage Commissioner The Vital Statistics Agency, Ministry of Health, is looking for an individual to serve as a Marriage Commissioner for Golden. The individual will perform civil marriages within their community on behalf of the Agency.
Golden’s senior boys’ basketball team will look to replicate the success it found at home earlier this month when they compete at this weekend’s Kootenay Zone Tournament in Kimberley. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Women’s 55+ cross country group at Dawn Mountain a great success
For information and an application form please visit our website at:
2015 Golden Directory Golden’s Only Telephone Directory
Over 4000 copies will be distributed in Golden and surrounding area including 2000 in the Golden Star and another 2000 copies to all the hotels, resorts and other commercial high traffic locations for an entire year.
Publishing: Wednesday, March 25th 2015 Deadline: Wednesday, March 18th 2015
Area en and ogate ies for Gold Director heen • Brisco • Harr munity and Com • Parson • Spillimac olson al, Business Resdenti ald • Field • Nich Don
Sheryl Walker organized a successful women’s 55+ cross country ski program this year that gave beginners a chance to learn essential nordic skiing skills. Photo Submitted Sheryl Walker Program organizer DEN
CONTACT Andrea Johnson Phone: 250-344-5251 Email:
A product
We completed our Women’s 55-plus Cross Country ski program this week. The program went well for three hours each Wednesday over six weeks, under the guidance of four coaches. For those that needed equipment, it was made available by Dawn Mountain Rentals at the Club Lodge. Over the time of the program the women put in a great effort and were very enthusiastic about what they had learnt and how far they had come. By the end, most felt more comfortable on their skis, despite the challenging icy conditions of the last weeks, and are eager to keep skiing. The group was grateful for the funding from Via Sport and the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD), initiating a program that has never been offered before and one we would really like to continue in the future, because it has helped them to get into this healthy winter sport. The Golden Nordic Club was pleased to be able to support this program and in subsequent years would encourage those who would like to participate, to contact the club at the beginning of next season.
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A5
Figure skaters bring you Stars on Ice this weekend Jessica Schwitek editor@thegoldenstar. net
The Golden Figure Skating Club is hosting their performance Stars on Ice at the Golden and District Arena on Saturday Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door. Star Photo
Founder’s Day celebration for Scouts Golden Scout Group Story submitted The 1st Golden Scout Group celebrated Founder’s Day on Feb. 20. Founder’s Day remembers and celebrates the life of Lord Baden-Powell the founder of both the world Scouting and Guiding movements. There are over 40 million members of the scouting movement around the world, and 40 of those members are from Golden! Currently the largest and fastest growing group in the East Kootenay, this 0.000001 per cent of the worldwide organization knows how to party and the group organized a pot luck dinner and campfire sing-along for all the Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and their families, which was enjoyed by all. Your child can try out Beavers, Cubs or Scouts for free. Contact Group Commissioner, Julian England, for more details at 1stGoldenScoutGroup@gmail. com or 250-290-0250.
The Golden Figure Skating Club is putting the final touches on their annual Winter Carnival. Stars on Ice will be at the Golden and District Arena on Saturday Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. The season windup will feature the talents of the nearly 50 skaters that have been working hard all season with the club. The show will be a bit scaled back this year, but you can expect to see the same great skating with some exciting costumes during the one-and-a-half hour performance. Midway through the season the club went through a coaching change, and club president Chantalle Schacher said they were fortunate to have another one step in to fill the role quickly. “Melissa Miller was able to fill that role, and she did a wonderful job of keeping
us going for the rest of the season,” she said. This performance will also be the last for two skaters who have been with the club for almost their entire lives. Katelyne Elliott and Amelia Birnie will be graduating this year. “They’ve been a big part of the club, and have been junior coaches for the younger skaters as well,” said Schacher. “We’re really proud of them.” The concession stand will be open for Stars on Ice, and there will be a raffle
held for some baskets at the event. The club will also be drawing the winner of their 50/50 raffle, which they’ve been selling prior to the event. Tickets for the 50/50, provided there are any left, will also be available until the draw. “The ticket sales for that have been going really well, the draw will be for at least $2,500,” said Schacher. Tickets for the show will be available for $5 at the door, and will be free for children 12 and under.
FEB. 28th, 2015 7 p.m. at the Arena Concession, flowers, raffle table and 50/50 raffle tickets! Adults $5, kids under 12 free!
GOLDEN DI STR I CT ROD & GUN CLUB Awards Night, Banquet, Dance & Fundraiser March 14th, 2015 5:00pm – 1:00am Golden Seniors’ Centre Tickets: Adult – $25 Under 16 – $12 Pre-Schoolers Free Tickets available at: TRU Hardware TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR AS LONG AS THEY LAST
Founder’s Day was celebrated on Feb. 20 by the Golden Scout Group. Photo Submitted
Don’t forget your P.A.L for the raffle!
Golden’s New Business
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
Ice Rinks Dear editor,
A story about one approved business license has proven to be one of the more talked about subjects in town last week. Facebook was buzzing about the proposed escort service, and I can’t count the number of people who popped by the newspaper office - I SURMISE or stopped me on the By Jessica Schwitek street to ask about the details. It was certainly expected to be a controversial matter, but I have found that the talk seems to be more out of curious amusement rather than condemnation. Certainly not everyone approves of such an industry, as this week’s poll results show (although the results were closer than I had expected). But with no legal right to prohibit these activities in the community, the success of the business will be determined by the level of demand for the service. The details of the business have not been made public yet, so it’s hard to say exactly what services this S&S Escort Services will really be offering. Most people’s minds go straight to prostitution, given that “escort” is often used as a euphemism, especially where prostitution is illegal. As the Town of Golden’s lawyers put it, “prostitution has been legal in Canada for some time and the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision in Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford, 2013, has effectively legalized a number of prostitution-related activities, including living off the avails of prostitution.” The morality of these activities aside, I am very much in agreement with the court’s decision. Criminalizing it has not been able to prevent prostitution from taking place. Instead, it pushed it underground making it very dangerous for the girls involved. A more open approach to the service means that the escorts are protected by the same labour laws as every other worker in Canada, they pay taxes, and can feel safe approaching the police when necessary without fear of being prosecuted themselves. Any escort who works in Golden under S&S will be protected by the same laws as everyone else, and will be held accountable to the same business requirements as everyone else. And, just like any other business in the country, it will be at the mercy of the market. So if the community does not want a business like this operating in town, the only course of action is to encourage patrons to not partake in the services. If the demand is not there, the supply will move onto somewhere else.
My name is Adam Archibald. I am 11 years old and I LOVE our outdoor rinks in the winter. I am so happy whenever some guys from the Town of Golden come to the rinks and flood it or shovel away all the snow. I feel like I should always go over there and tell them how much I appreciate it, but I never do.
Provincial Budget Dear Editor In a mature society it is an accepted reality that taxes pay for things we want. Things like decent healthcare, mental health services, proper care of our elderly and our veterans. Taxes fund education and provide support for those less able to help themselves or who need temporary assistance such as the unemployed. You cannot fund key services and give tax cuts. Those on high incomes have a social responsibility to contribute more. Therefore, why, in the B.C. provincial budget for 2015, has the government removed the top tax bracket for people earning over
It is such a great thing that they do this because it beats spending all of our time inside playing video games. I appreciate it so much even though the rinks all melted early this year. I would like to thank the entire Town maintenance workers so much for all their hard work and I hope they keep it up. Thank you, Adam Archibald Golden
$150,000? Funding of healthcare and education is not keeping up with demand despite projections of population growth for the province. The government can dress up the numbers with all the “statistics” they like but every day we also hear of a broken system of failing schools, poor healthcare, lack of services for the elderly and inadequate mental health support services. Ending of child support clawback is a tiny drop in the ocean. B.C. remains the only province with no proper poverty reduction plan which is shameful. Additionally, this budget takes no action on climate change which we cannot continue to ignore. Carbon tax was supposed to be revenue neutral and yet is currently
giving away more in tax cuts than it collects in revenue. We can waste time debating climate change or we can start planning for problems it will bring such as changes to water table, agricultural ability and damage from severe weather patterns. It could also provide the impetus to explore new economic and job opportunities in renewable energy sources and new technologies rather than continuing to flog the old horses. Having a surplus is no good thing when we have many families living below the poverty line and we are not funding key public services. Tracy Giles Blaeberry Valley, Golden, BC
POLL OF THE WEEK Would you object to the establishment of an escort service in Golden?
Yes 60%
No 40%
This week’s poll question: Do you believe that the stretch of highway between Revelstoke and Golden is in dire need of upgrades? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
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en’s School zone.
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Star editorial and opinion
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A7
Golden point of view
Do you believe that the stretch of highway between Golden and Revelstoke is in dire need of upgrades? Stars to the new escort service for creating much needed job opportunities in Golden!
Mary Clampitt
Scott Kells
Pavi Khunkhun
“Absolutely. I used to work on the highway as a flagger and I saw too many accidents.”
“Yes. I don’t drive that way often but enough to know that it’s scary.”
“Absolutely. I think it needs to be four lanes all the way to Kamloops.”
A big star to HMC for keeping Reeves Road in fabulous shape this winter. Hope we don’t need it anymore this year! 33 Kilometres of Stars to “the Groomer Guys”; Golden Nordic Ski Club’s trail groom-
Go to to have your say.
ers for the Dawn Mountain and Golf Course trails. Thanks for maintaining consistently excellent ski conditions in such a boom and bust year! You Guys Rock! A Senior Centre full of stars to Chris Gaetz for her dedication and hard work in the past years, so much appreciated. Silver Stars to Becky
and Sharon from the Golden Rock Club, for volunteering their time to teach the Beginner’s Silversmithing weekend workshop… it was great! would like to send a Shooting Star to the Golden CVCU for their recent donation towards the purchase of a projector for school and public presentations.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Interior Health: Healthy environments make us healthier people Kerri Wall Community Health Facilitator Interior Health Human health is connected to the environment. We require specific conditions in order to thrive on our planet. These include clean air, fresh water, food, fuel, protection from UV radiation, and a relatively stable climate. These conditions are known as ecological determinants of health. When these determinants are threatened, our health is too. Now you might be thinking “that’s a no-brainer – everyone knows that” but have you ever wondered how you as one individual can influence such large
global issues? I find it helps to think of two levels: personal health and global health. Both are important and we can make changes that improve both levels either separately or simultaneously. You could make a personal level health goal like walking for an hour on Saturday mornings with the dog. Walking regularly is proven to reduce your risk of chronic diseases. You could also make a global health goal, like moving closer to your place of work so that you don’t need to drive to work. When you drive less often your fossil fuel consumption decreases and that helps improve air quality. You can also combine personal and global goals for maximum impact. Setting a goal like biking to work
three days a week is good for your body, your wallet, and the planet! We can start small and work our way up to larger actions. Try buying honey from a local, environmentally-minded bee keeper instead of buying imported sweeteners. Starting to compost at home helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Xeriscaping our properties reduces water usage. We can also encourage larger change by advocating for policies and programs that help protect our environment such as initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Big change starts with small steps. Protecting our environment and our health is something we all can do.
MLA Report: BC Liberals not acting in this region’s best interest When faced with a choice on who to help, the BC Liberals didn’t choose you. Every February the government releases a new Provincial budget, and every year, the government has to make choices about what it is going to do with your tax dollars. This year, the BC Liberals made a very clear choice; they chose to reward British Columbia’s most wealthy and privileged citizens, and they chose to hurt those with low or median incomes. One of the most significant choices that the BC Liberals made was to cut taxes to the wealthiest 2% which will result in a loss of revenue to the province of nearly a billion dollars over the next 4 years. That’s a billion dollars that will no longer be there to spend on education, healthcare, highways and other services that British Columbians rely on. The cost of living is rising for BC’s middle class and those on fixed incomes. Deliberate choices in this budget are resulting in rising rates for BC Hydro, ICBC and MSP. BC Hydro will go up 6% in 2015. ICBC rates are up 5.2%. Medical Services Plan premiums go up 4%. For Hydro, MSP and ICBC alone, the average increase per family will be $175 this year.
If we look back to the 2013 election campaign, Christy Clark promised a Debt Free BC. But since the last election, the debt will be increased by $28 billion. The BC Liberals have increased BC’s debt by $130 billion since they were first elected. But where is all that money going? There is no real money for the Trans Canada Highway twinning project that has been promised so many times. Public school funding does not meet costs, yet in this budget the BC Liberals found money to increase public funding to private schools. And despite the fact that we pay ever increasing MSP premiums, health ministry funding does not meet the public need. The BC Liberals chose once again to reward their political friends. The top 2% got a billion dollars while everyone else got less. These are the reasons that I will be voting against the BC Liberal Budget 2015.
- Norm Macdonald -
MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke
Job seekers
are online, are you? /localwork-bc
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
Faith Column: One Saviour Has Many Names Submitted by Pastor Frank A. Johnson Seventh-day Adventist Church
The foundaTion of my community starts with you and me . . . reCreation
soCial serviCes
Community makes you. you make your Community. The Golden & District Community Foundation helped fund the purchase of 8 articles of medical equipment for free, by-donation loan to Golden-area residents recovering from illness, injury or surgery. The Golden Red Cross HELP program is managed by the resident physiotherapist at Golden & District Hospital.
Invitation to Tenderers Town of Golden Contract:
Highway 1 Boulevard Improvements
Reference No.: RFQ 2015-001 The Owner invites tenders for:
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Contract Documents will be available to download February 12, 2015 from: ( BC Bid Website) or (Merx Website) The Contract Documents are available for viewing at: Address: MMM Group, 540 Leon Aveune, Kelowna, BC Town of Golden, 810 9th Aveune, Golden, BC Tender Closing Time:
2:00 PM local time
Tender Closing Date:
Thursday March 26, 2015 at:
Tender Closing Location:
MMM Group Limited 540 Leon Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 6J6
For additional information, please contact: Joe Mocilac, Project Manager MMM Group Limited Telephone: (250) 869-1334 ex. 4302 Fax: (250) 862-4849 Email:
As they question, “Who is this ‘Jesus’?” the disciples, filled with the spirit of inspiration, answer in eloquent strains as they repeat the prophecies concerning Christ. Adam would tell you, “This is the Seed of the woman who shall bruise the serpent’s head.” Genesis 3:15. Abraham would tell you, it is “Melchizedek, King of Salem,” — King of Peace. Genesis 14:18. Isaiah would answer, “Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6. “His name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14. Matthew quotes this prophecy confirming that His name shall be Immanuel, meaning “God with us”. Matthew 1:23. Jeremiah would tell you, the branch of David, “the Lord our Righteousness.” Jeremiah 23:6. Daniel would tell you, He is the Messiah. (Daniel 9:26, 27) Hosea would tell you, He is “the Lord God of hosts.” Hosea 12:5. John the Baptist tells us who He is: “Behold! The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29. And the beloved disciple adds his testimony, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. The Father has proclaimed from His throne, “This is My beloved Son.” Matthew 3:17. His disciples declared that this is Jesus, the Messiah, the Prince of life, the Redeemer of the world. Even the prince of the powers of darkness acknowledges Him, saying, “I know who You are — the Holy One of God!” Mark 1:24. An anonymous poem reads: He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega.
He is the Keeper of Creation and the Creator of all. He always Was, He always Is and He always Will Be, He is Jehovah, the great “I AM.” He was bruised and brought healing, He was persecuted and brought freedom, He died, and rose from the dead. He reigns and brings peace.
-Pastor Frank JohnsonSeventh-Day Adventist Church
The world can’t understand Him, Armies can’t defeat Him, Schools can’t explain Him, And the leaders can’t ignore Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him, The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him, Nero couldn’t crush Him, Hitler couldn’t find Him. The New Age can’t replace Him. He is Life, Love, Longevity and Law. He is goodness, kindness, gentleness and love. He is holy, righteous, mighty, powerful, good. His Way is Right, His Words Eternal. His laws are unchanging, and His mind is on me. He is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my God, He is my Priest, He is my Joy, He is my Comfort, He is my Law, and He rules my life. His name would be called “Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. “He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” Revelation 19:16. And He is coming soon!
KRIC workshop teaches new technology KRIC Submitted No matter how large or small your business, technology can give you an edge and help you succeed. The Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council and Community Futures East Kootenay are pleased to offer a cutting-edge technology integration workshop in Golden on March 4. “Kevin Erickson from GO Productivity will deliver an eye-opening workshop to help small business people feel more comfortable integrating technology into their businesses,” said Kevin Shepit, KRIC Project Manager. “It’s important people know that tech integration isn’t scary—it’s something you can learn to do and it pays big dividends.” Rene Ziorio, manager of Content Development & Delivery at GO Productivity, is passionate about how small businesses can use technology. “When we talk technology, it’s not just the big fancy expensive systems,” Ziorio said. “In a small-business set-
ting, integrating technology can be as simple as implementing an out-of-the-box customer relationship management software to transition away from using spreadsheets or address books. It can also be implementing hardware in the form of cell phones or iPads.” Productivity is the goal when it comes to integrating different technology into your business. The workshop will cover some “productivity basics.” “Productivity is about doing more with what you already have, and that applies to technology as well,” Ziorio said. “You’ll learn to break down the steps so you can succeed in your implementation with investing your time and dollars wisely.” Ziorio and the GO Productivity team developed the workshop content with small businesses in mind. “When we started this project, we heard a lot of barriers from small business when it comes to implementing technology,” Ziorio said. “Our approach is to educate companies on the best practices and tools avail-
able for them when it comes to technology implementation. “Technologies will constantly change, so we like to focus on the process of adoption that they can use over and over again. This session provides a high-level overview of this process and will give participants a sense of where to begin, what they are doing right and what areas they have for improvement in their technology implementations.” This half-day workshops will run from 1-4 p.m. at The Wolf's Den in Golden Wednesday, March 4. The $40 registration fee includes snacks and refreshments as well as all workshop materials. “Golden participants can also attend the free KRIC Business and Beer mixer at the Wolf’s Den from 5 to 7 p.m. on March 4,” Shepit said. “We encourage you to stick around after the workshop and mingle over appies and drinks.” For more information or to register, visit or contact KRIC at 1-877-505KRIC (5742).
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A9
Glacier Rafting takes advantage of warm winter on the Kicking Horse
On Feb. 18 the Glacier Raft Company crew and friends took a couple of laps down the Kicking Horse River from the Campground to the Columbia. The river was slow and friendly with beautiful ice on the sides. Glacier Rafting Photo
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Jack Nicholson does an excellent job of portraying his character’s descent into madness. Warner Brothers Joel Tansey In the movie’s opening scenes, writer Jack Torrence (Jack Nicholson) gets a job as the careStephen King has gone on the taker of the Overlook Hotel, a record numerous times as saying remote seasonal destination that he hated director Stanley Kub- shuts down in the winter when rick’s film adaptation of his hor- the roads become impassable. ror novel The Shining. To be fair Torrence moves into the hotel to King, there are some major with his wife Wendy (Shelley differences from the novel, Duval) and son Danny. where main character Jack TorOver the course of the winter, rence’s alcohol problems play a Torrence begins to show sympmuch smaller role. toms of cabin fever and becomes However, whether it was a true increasingly short and distant adaptation or not, The Shining with Wendy, and his mental stands by itself as one of the best demise becomes the basis for the horror movies ever made. rest of the movie. The story is probably familiar As is Kubrick’s trademark in to most by now, but I’ll give it a many of his films, there is some quick recap anyways. striking but very confusing
imagery throughout. For me, the way Kubrick leaves many scenes open to interpretation is part of the attraction here and it makes multiple viewings rewarding. Nicholson is brilliant in his portrayal of Torrence’s slow descent towards insanity. Many over the years have criticized Duvall for her performance (she received a worst actress award at the Razzies for her role) but I don’t think it was that bad. There is one scene where Nicholson’s character chases her with a baseball bat and her fear appears to be very genuine (perhaps it was, Nicholson was pretty convincing as a crazed lunatic). Still, this is Kubrick’s show and his handiwork is all over the movie’s two plus hours of runtime. From long, extended shots to short, sudden bursts of action (and horror), Kubrick successfully creates a mood that leaves the viewer with chills and possibly a nightmare or two by the film’s ultimate conclusion. It’s rare that I give a movie a perfect score, but The Shining is worthy of 10 mouse clicks out of 10.
2015-01-19 1:55 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
Thank you for donating to our latest fundraiser! DARY MONCHAK took home the load of firewood! Golden Lions Club - serving Golden & area. Interested? Phone 250-344-6081.
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: Kingsman: The Secret Service starts Feb.27 daily at 7pm.
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Get a yearly subscription to your local, community newspaper for a newbie rate of $20, yup only 20 bucks! This deal is only valid for people who have never had a subscription to The Golden Star, and is not valid with any other offer. *Expires Dec. 31, 2015*
APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:45-11:45am. 250-439-9324 for info. JoC Willems - Journey: March 6 - April 11 at the Art Gallery.
Wed, Feb. 25
Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Winter Walking at the Rec Plex. Wednesdays 1-2pm. Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Badminton Wed., 7-9pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Public Skate Wednesdays 7-8pm at the Arena.
Thurs, Feb. 26
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Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:309:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Aquafit at the Ramada Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Shinny at the Arena Thursdays 9-10pm. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register.
Fri, Feb. 27 All Girls Hockey run by girls, for girls 9+ Fridays, 4:30pm. Free for minor hockey members, $100 for non members. A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Free and snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Parent&Tot Skate Fridays 11am-12pm at the Arena. Public Skate 12-1:30pm Fridays at the Arena. Winter Walking 1-2pm Fridays at the Rec Plex. Soup Day at the Seniors Centre Feb.27 from 11:30am-1pm. $6. Whitetooth Grill Concert Series presents: Leo Downey Feb.27 from 3-5pm in the Day Lodge of KHMR. The Gentlemen’s Club of Golden presents: Dodgeball! Feb.27, 7:30pm at Mount 7 Rec Plex. $20 per team, register at Darkside. 18+.
Sat, Feb. 28
Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Public Skate Saturdays 5:30-6:45pm at the Arena. Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant Writing Workshop Feb.28 9-11am at the Seniors Centre. The Golden Figure Skating Club presents Stars On Ice Feb.28 at 7pm at the Arena. Demo and Registration Day at the Kicking Horse
• For more information... go to
Gymnastics Club Feb.28 from 1-4pm. 907 - 10th Street North. Whitetooth Grill Concert Series presents: John Jenkins Duo Feb.28 from 3-5pm in the Day Lodge of KHMR.
Sun, Mar. 1 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Public Skate Sundays 4:305:45pm at the Arena.
Mon, Mar. 2
Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mon. 5-7pm at the Early Years Centre. Free program includes dinner, parent discussion with child minding. 250-439-9665 to register. Telling Our Life Stories Writing Workshop Mon. 10am-12pm. Techniques to organize memoirs. No writing experience necessary. 250-439-9665 to register. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Golden Youth Rec Hockey Mondays 8-9pm, ages 13-18 until Feb.23. Badminton Mon., 7-830pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Indoor Soccer at the Rec Plex 8:30-9:30pm. Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info.
Tues, Mar. 3 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave
S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Volleyball drop-in Tues. at the Rec Plex $5, 7-9pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Parent and Tot skate Tuesdays 10-11am at the Arena. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) meets at the Family Centre Tuesdays from 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. Women’s Journal Writing Group Thursdays until March 17, 12:30-2pm. Includes child minding, writing materials, and snacks. 344-5317 to register. Rockwater Grill & Ba
Upcoming Events
Technology Integration for Small Businesses course Mar.4 from 1-4pm at the Wolf’s Den. $40, register at World Day of Prayer Mar.6 at 7pm at St. Andrew’s United Church. Free dinner, popcorn, and movie night at the Parson Community Hall Mar.6 at 5:30pm (dinner) 7pm (movie). Kicking Horse Culture presents Live kicks: Quartetto Gelato Mar.8, 7:30pm, Civic Centre. Kicking Horse Culture presents Film kicks: Love is Strange Mar.12, 7pm at the Golden Cinema. Rod & Gun Club Awards and Banquet Night Mar.14, 5pm1am at the Seniors Centre. $25 adults, $12 kids, tickets at Tru Hardware. March 17th - Happy St. Patricks Day!! Wrangle The Chute at KHMR March 27&28. Canada’s 4 Star After Party Mar.28 feat. Skratch Bastid at the Whitetooth Grill at KHMR. Doors at 7:30pm.
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This week's achievement award goes to...
Kayla Sherriff for doing a great job on her project on Lyme disease.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A11
Rockets drop first three, victorious in game 4 to avoid sweep
Cole Mckechney drives to the net during the Rockets’ 6-4 Game 4 victory. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey Coming off a trio of losses to open their first round series with the Fernie Ghostriders, the Golden Rockets played like they had nothing to lose and took a 6-4 win Monday night to avoid elimination. It wasn’t easy.
A collective groan could be heard around the rink when Ghostriders captain Dylan Robertson narrowed the Rockets’ lead to a single goal midway through the third. The Ghostrider pressure in the final frame was relentless as wave after wave of players wearing black sweaters stormed
into the Rockets’ zone. When Robertson finally broke through, a tying score seemed inevitable to follow. Instead, it was the Rockets who grabbed the momentum back and held on the rest of the way. Scooping up a sloppy pass from a Fernie defenceman, fourth
line forward Riley Barnes broke in alone against Fernie goaltender Jeff Orser. His backhanded attempt was stopped, but the loose puck redirected into the slot, where it waited patiently for whoever was fortunate enough to get there first. The beneficiary was Braeden Allkins, he of the last second power play goal in the first period that had given the Rockets more momentum than they’d had all series. Fresh on the ice, Allkins flew into the Fernie zone, wound up, and one timed the puck past a stunned Orser and Golden had its two goal lead once again. Never mind that the Riders narrowed the gap once more before Cole Mckechney finally iced the game for good, this was a tremendous, hard fought period for a team that has struggled for much
Golden Golf Club earns top honour Joel Tansey The Golden Golf Club has received some good news this offseason as it has been awarded a few significant accolades. In InsideGolf’s poll of B.C.’s certified golf pros, Golden was named the 23rd best course in the province and the number one “Hidden Gem,” ahead of Salmon Arm and Storey Creek. “It holds a soft spot in a lot of people’s heart,” Head Pro Graeme Kreiner said of his peers’ thoughts on the course. “It’s just a fair test of golf for everyone, there’s no gimmicks it’s all right in front of you…it’s just a matter of you hitting it straight.” Golden was unranked in the magazine’s 2012 poll, so the 2014 results represent a nice boost for the local club. The club also received a Gold medal for the Kootenay region, the second highest rating possible for the region, behind only Greywolf Golf Course near Invermere. “This is pretty big when you consider all of the golf courses up and down the valley here,” Kreiner said. The club’s location and atmosphere make it an easy choice as a hidden gem according to Kreiner. “I like to say it’s a small town atmosphere with big time golf,” Kreiner said. “We are trying to be more of an every man,
woman and kids course.” Meanwhile, a 2014 National Allied Golf Associations study on the economic impact of golf in Canada revealed some of the effect that golf can have on Golden’s tourism industry. Canadians spend about $19.7 billion on golf every year and it was estimated that golfers spend $2.5 billion on golf-related travel on an annual basis. Kreiner estimates that 80 per cent of nonmember play in Golden comes from Albertans and the club hosted 20,000 rounds in 2014. “It’s a little bit surprising to some people how much of an economic driver the game is,” he said. In addition to Albertans, Kreiner sees a lot of traffic come through Golden from Washington, Oregon and California as well as the Okanagan and Saskatchewan. Another initiative that the course was able to complete with a joint opportunity with Kootenay Rockies Tourism was a hole by hole flyover of the club’s 18 main holes and its extra 19th hole. Even Kreiner was surprised by what some of the flyover shots revealed. “On number five, you don’t realize how close the creek is to the hole until you are 100 or 200 feet up in the air,” he said. For this unique perspective on the club’s varied terrain, check out the Golden Golf Club’s YouTube channel.
of 2015. “We did a good job, I’m happy with the fact that we didn’t just lay down and die. We put forth a great effort and came away with the win,” Davidson said. Before the third period dramatics, it was Tanner Watt who willed the club in front alongside Mckechney and Ian Desrosier. Watt opened the scoring with 8:16 left in the first and added another with just over a minute left in the second. “We’ve kinda been shut down the last couple games and I hadn’t scored in six games so it was nice to get back on the scoresheet,” Watt said.
Spencer Gerth had the only other Rockets goal after he scored on a rebound off a Nick Hoobanoff shot. Magnus Viberg wasn’t called on very often in the first two periods, but rewarded Davidson’s decision to start him with a very solid third against Fernie’s barrage. Golden responded well after each Fernie goal by always getting the next one. It was a testament to the team’s focus. “Even when we did get scored on I thought we came back right away. We didn’t go into a five minute lull,” Davidson said. As for Game 5 in Fer-
Associate Members have the option to become an Initiated Member, at a discount , after the first year and for the following five consecutive years. Contact Graeme Kreiner at 250-344-2700 for further information.
FAMILY DAY PROMOTION New - Every day after 4:30pm an adult can bring up to three juniors (16 years & younger) for FREE with the purchase of their adult green fee.
NEW TWILIGHT RATES In 2015, you can play 18-holes with a power cart for as little as $46.90!! Check our website for details on our new twilight (2pm) and super twilight (after 4pm) rates. 250-344-2700 GoldenGolfClub
First Round of the Playoffs! Golden Rockets VS. Fernie Ghostriders VS.
nie on Wednesday, the Rockets are being careful not to look too far ahead as they face elimination for the second time in three nights. “I just (told the players) ‘the only thing you should be worrying about is your next shift…one shift at a time and we’ll go from there,’ “ Davidson said. “All the boys want to stay here as long as possible and play as long as we can,” Watt said. “We’re focusing on the next game and that’s all you can do. You can’t look too far ahead.” Game 6, should it be necessary, will be in Golden on Friday night.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
Old article boasts about Golden’s God-given gifts of nature
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
From the Golden Star – July 30, 1964. Golden, British Columbia – A town that is building, booming, and surging ahead with ever increasing rapidity from the bygone days of Mammy Yokum to a majestic village of the 20th century. Golden is, thanks to God, to nature, and to man, blessed with many gifts that are more often than enough taken for granted
rather than appreciated. Golden is not only located at the gateway to the fertile Columbia Valley, superb Rogers Pass, and Mica Dam project, but it is also centrally situated where two rivers meet, two railways join, and two highways are linked. With a current population of about 2,800, Golden has almost everything to thank for its very existence. But with its sudden birth to a new life, which is mostly attributed to the tourist trade made possible upon the opening of the Rogers Pass Section of the Trans Canada Highway, Golden is experiencing a heritage that has got only one foot in the door at the present time. The sounds of yes-
The attached picture is a postcard taken in about 1960 from near the viewpoint at the top of the Golden Hill. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum
Hired Equipment Registration Rocky Mountain District
The Rocky Mountain District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating its list of registered Equipment for Hire in the Selkirk Service Area for the fiscal year 2015/2016, which begins April 1, 2015. This area includes Perry River east to Golden and south to Brisco on Highway 95 (not including Glacier National Park), and Revelstoke north to Mica Creek and south to Trout Lake on Highway 23. All individuals or companies registered this past year through the District Office in Revelstoke will be receiving invitations to re‑register their equipment for the coming fiscal year by mail by the end of February. Any individuals or companies who were not registered in 2014, but wish to have their equipment listed, are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance or up‑to‑date WorkSafeBC coverage to register, you will have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. Only owned or lease‑to‑own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment can only be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2015. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment or for changing or removing equipment information already listed. Register through the Rocky Mountain District Office at: 555 Victoria Road, Revelstoke, B.C. You can also phone toll-free at 1 888 613-9993 or send a fax to 250 426-1523 to have the forms mailed or faxed to you, or register on-line at
teryear have all but disappeared. No more is heard the haunting wail of the steam locomotive. Gone is the whistle of the river steamer and the splash of its paddles as it plied the Columbia River between Golden and Windermere. Long since have the townspeople ceased to set their clocks to the shrill noon hour whistle of the Columbia River Lumber Co. Long ago the villagers turned their backsAd on#the ThompMoTI 1082 son River. Long ago Rocky Mountain Hired the mill wheels rustEquipment ed and the paddle Revelstoke wheels layTimes motionReview less. Golden But Star today new Nakusp Lake wheels Arrow are echoing News above the sound of hammers and hand4.3125” x 7.79” saw. Wheels thatlines are 3 columns x 110 turning the town, where loud lumberjacks and rebel railroaders used to brawl in the streets, into a bustling village that is viewed by thousands of tourists from all points of the globe annually as they venture during their annual vacation. The growth, expansion, and the boom that Golden has experienced during
the past three years is just a slight indication of what lies in store for the future. At present, what has Golden to offer the tourist who wishes to make his stay more than just an overnight stopping point before continuing his journey to the Okanagan, Cariboo, and Coastal B.C., or to Banff, Calgary, and points east? Motels, hotels, service stations, and other commercial business establishments are springing up to help accommodate the demands of the motoring public. At present, 17 modern hotels and motels have a combined total of 400 units. Ten ultra-modern cafes and 15 service stations are situated in conspicuous locations. Aside from these there are drug stores, department stores, meat centres, hardwares, variety stores, furniture and appliance stores, floral shop, banks, theatres, and many other outlets to offer public appeal. For religious services, Golden has nine churches that are attended regularly. Twelve ser-
vice clubs and lodges, and a Chamber of Commerce play an important role in activating the community. For the camper, a community park is located in the heart of the town with picnic tables and modern facilities for outdoorsmen. A tourist information booth is centrally located to assist the traveller as to sights, directions, and facilities. But all these will not hold the tourist for more than a single night. Currently a number of projects are being worked on and a number of proposed projects are still in the blue print stage. While there is a heated swimming pool, camp ground, historical sights, and breathtaking scenery galore, such projects as a golf course, civic arena, museum, baseball stadium, roller rink, bowling alley, lookout on a mountain peak, ski hill, and many others are still on paper. These projects that will make the tourist want to stay in Golden for his entire vacation will come in time – but it will take time,
patience, and perseverance But what are we doing for the present time? Two of the most common questions asked by tourists are: “Where is the camp ground?” and “Where is the liquor store?” Is it possible to have more conspicuous directional signs posted to assist those unfamiliar visitors? Or could the local townspeople and merchants who are constantly in the public’s eye wear badges with words stating, “I’m from Golden… ask me”? Another point worth commentating on is the attitude of a number of local residents. Complaints have been lodged about local citizens being uncouth, unmannerly, and in some cases rude when asked advice from tourists. If the tourist dollar was now abolished from Golden, then a vast majority of Golden would be abolished. Golden could have ten million hotels and motels and all the facilities in the world, but if it lacks common courtesy then it has nothing.
The Golden Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Golden Star Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A13 A13
Merchandise for Sale
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Heavy Duty Machinery
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Information CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.
Financial Services
Financial Services
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Employment Business Opportunities HIGH CASH producing vending machines. $1.00 Vend = .70 Profit. All on location in your area. Selling due to illness. Call 1-866-668-6629 for details. THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on avg). Covers: hip/knee replacements, back conditions and restrictions in walking and dressing. 1-844-453-5372.
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Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Loving Memory of
George Cameron January 22nd, 2012
Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day... Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed, and very dear. Forever missed & remembered
Sharon G McTighe May 10 1947 - March 2 2014
MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with the leading Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today. 1.800.466.1535 Online: Email:
FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
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Help Wanted
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C a l l : 25 0- 3 4 4-5 4 1 9
V i s i t: 2 05- 4 2 1 9t h Av e, G ol d e n
Visit Our Regional Job Board The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) School District No.6 (Rocky Mountain), Golden Zone is now accepting applications for a permanent, part-time (30 hrs/wk) Custodian position, in the Golden Zone, currently placed at Alexander Park Elementary School, effective March 23, 2015.
(Senior Guide - Trip Leader)
Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Margaret & Family.
Help Wanted Seasonal, Full-time for Alpine Rafting of 101 Golden Donald Upper Road, Golden BC V0A 1H0. Job Duties: Coordinate recreation activities, describe points of interest, relay important safety command, attend to customer’s needs, guide customers down class 4+ waters. Requirements: No education requirements, 3 + years guiding experience in Class IV+ whitewater, Valid driver’s license, Valid 40 hour First Aid, Reading text. Oral communication, Critical thinking. Terms of Employment: Full Time, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, May 1st - August 31st, 2015 Wage: $22 per hour. How to Apply: Contact: Val Pleym Phone: 1.250.344.1455 Fax: 1.866.220.7844
Merchandise for Sale
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB
You meant so much to all of us You were special and that’s no lie You brightened up the darkest day And the cloudiest sky Your smile alone warmed hearts Your laugh was like music to hear We would give absolutely anything To have you well and standing near Not a second passes When you’re not on our minds Your love we will never forget The hurt will ease in time Many tears we have seen and cried They have all poured out like rain We know that you are happy now And no longer in any pain. Don, Kristi Bart and Family
This is manual work involving the cleanliness and security of district buildings. The work may include dealing with public use of school facilities. Once an employee becomes familiar with a clearly defined work schedule, the work is performed with minimal supervision. Usually, this job is performed after regular school hours and generally alone. Completion of the 12th school grade or equivalent is required as well as completion of the Board provided training program. First aid training would be an asset. Rate of pay: $19.70/hour, as per Collective Agreement 440. If you are interested in this position, please submit a resume, with three references, by 4:00 pm on Friday, March 6th, 2015 to: Ms. Meghan O’Neill Human Resources Coordinator School District No.6 (Rocky Mountain) P.O. Box 430 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Phone: (250) 342-9243 e-mail: Successful applicant will be subject to a criminal record search.
Trades, Technical RETIREMENT home in Osoyoos seeking FT maintenance person. Resume and cover letter to
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/LocalWork-BC A14
Wednesday, February 25, 25, 2015 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, February 2015
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc. Wanted
RV Sites
Rooms for Rent
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:
Wanted Construction Equipment ,Backhoes, Excavators, Dozers, Graders ,Wheel Loaders ,Farm Tractors , Skidsteers ,Chippers ,Attachments , Any condition running or not , also looking for large amounts of Scrap Metal. 250-260-0217
Commercial/ Industrial
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Full time permanent operations manager needed for busy dog sled touring company. Live in position. December thru April: Lake Louise AB (tours here) and Kicking Horse Road Golden BC (winter kennel here). May thru November: summer kennel in Logan Lake BC. Job Duties: Oversee the well being of 120 Alaskan Huskies. Plan and control inventory of dog food, gear and equipment/oversee and train staff and implement company standard operating procedures/repair and maintain gear and equipment/guide tours. Skills required: Solid dog driving skills (minimum 3 years of driving dog teams of 10 or more dogs) solid sleddog husbandry skills, ability to operate power tools and basic building skills/safe driving skills with 1 ton dog trucks on winter roads/ability to operate snow machine and groomer/critical thinking and logistics wrangling abilities good people skills. First aid: standard with CPR. Parks Canada interpretive course. Summer Kennel is isolated. Applicants must be comfortable with this. Wage $22/ hour, 40 hour work week. Apply via with resume and references. Phone: 250-299-6284
Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 Local
Real Estate Houses For Sale Custom Mountain Home on 6.5 acres, exc. Views MaxWell Realty Invermere 250-270-0666
FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-9600045 or visit us online at:
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results!
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Fully Serviced RV Lots For Sale - $35,000. Titled, Year Round, River Access. 250-348-2094
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. 250-290-0056.
3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail mid Feb. $850/mth. Call 344-6533 or 344-0725 or 480686-9076 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished JANITORIAL SERVICES CONTRACT GOLDEN OFFICE BUILDING Tender documents with envelopes, plans, speciÂżcations and conditions oI tender are availaEle Irom the oIÂżce oI (mcon 6ervices Inc., 521 Donald Upper Road, Golden, BC V0A 1H0. These documents can be picked up starting February 2, 2015 between the hours oI 00 a.m. and 0 p.m., 0onday to Friday. Tenders close on February 27, 2015 at the oIÂżce oI (mcon 6ervices Inc., 521 Donald Upper Road, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 at 1 00 p.m. 6ervices to commence on 0arch 1 , 2015. Greg (hman Division 0anager Dated at Golden, B.C. February 2, 2015
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. Blaeberry Valley Apartments: (1) and (2) Bedroom Units Available April 1/15 #1-$800, #2- $775 May 1/15 - #4 -950 All prices include Utilities, Wi-Fi & Satellite TV. Visit Website for more Info. Call 344-7299 or Text 3441825 to arrange viewing.
Commercial/ Industrial
Office, shop space for rent. 1250 sq ft, with fenced yard on 9th Street N. 250-344-0277
Cottages / Cabins Cabin for rent. Fully furnished studio cabin at Sander Lake campground. $600/mnt, utls incld, sat. tv, wifi, NS, $300 DD, small pets considered. 250-344-6517, 250-344-1744, 250-272-1744.
Clean, modern 2 bdrm Clean, modern room for rent ground level suite rent in Nicholson (must for have car)in looking for (must a reliable, Nicholson havemature car). person for (man or woman). Looking a reliable, mature Please call 250-344-2989. couple. Please call Available any time. 250-3442989. Available anytime.
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Misc for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
Suites, Lower Sunshine basement suite. 2 Bdr newly reno’d. Centrally located. Large fenced back yard w/ garden plot. Private covered entrance. Walk-in closet. Very cool rental suite, a must see! W/D. Avail Mar. 1. No pets, N/S. 6 mo. lease min. $775/mth. Please call Mike 250344-8385 or Lee 250-348-2242.
Townhouses 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft townhouse with balcony. Propane fireplace & dishwasher. No pets; no parties. Long term preferred. Good references & security deposits required $1595 per month + utls. 250-344-6710.
OfďŹ ce/Retail
Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Commercial Space beside Body Quest for lease. 1400 sq ft, main level, avail. now. 250-344-7876.
Tell us what you're up to!
250 344-5251
www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 25, 2015 A15
Golden Business Directory Kicking Horse Embroidery ~ LASER ENGRAVING ~
Eddie Leigan
Shop 250-272-2222 Cell 250-344-0143
Trophies ~ Plaques ~ Giftware ~ Name Tags Signs ~ Acrylics ~ Wood ~ Plastic ~ Glass ~ Granite Tile Leather ~ Painted Metal ~ Anodized Metal WE DO IT ALL AND MORE!
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Ned Johnson
Cell Office Email
Showroom @ 805-9th St. N
We build everything from dog houses to dream homes! 23 years experience!
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Call us at 344-5251.
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250 344 0290 250 344 3992
This Space
ConstruC tion
Licensed Home Builder
• renovations • new construction • service • septic systems • • pumps • water softeners •
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Licensed Builder 250 344 8530
Shannon Hood Financial Services Inc. 250-344-4543 Life’s brighter under the sun
One Call Does It All! “Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area”
Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
Brighter solutions to meet your goals
Mike Burns
10% Seniors Discount – parts only
Box 599, golden, BC. V0a 1H0
ContraCting Ltd. ContraCting Get ready for spring! Ltd. Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Box599, 599,golden, golden,BC. BC. V0a V0a1H0 1H0 Box for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway Get ready for spring! spring! atSkid 250-344-2215 Get ready for sweptCall withShaun our JCB Street Sweeper Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Gravel Trucks, EndEnd Dumps, LogLog Haul Gravel Trucks, Dumps, foraaquote quote tohave have your parking lot anddriveway driveway for to your parking and Units Loader and Skid Steerlot Rentals sweptwith withour ourJCB JCBSkid SkidStreet StreetSweeper Sweeper swept Sand,Loader, Gravel Skid and Landscape Haul, Steer, Snow GravelTrucks, Trucks, Endavailable Dumps,Log LogHaul Haul Gravel End Dumps, Materials Removal, Sand, Gravel Units Loaderand and Skid Steerand Rentals Units Loader Skid Steer Rentals Sand,Gravel Gravel andLandscape Landscape Sand, and Landscape Materials available. Materialsavailable available Materials
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All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652
$25/week This Space
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Call us at 344-5251.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 The Golden Star
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry GarryOddy Oddy (250) (250)344-7234 344-7234
$480,000 1339 Pine Drive
5 bedrooms 3 baths 2,800sqft
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 3,447sqft
4 bdrms
3.5 baths
2 bedrooms 2 baths
5 bedrooms
2 baths
3 baths
5 acres
2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres
3 bedrooms
2 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
3 bedrooms
3 baths
4bdrms 3 baths 3,700sqft 7 acres
4 bedrooms
1.5 baths
3bdrms 2.5 baths 2,430sqft 3.97 acres
3 bdrms 1 bath 1,740 sqft 18.5acres
5 bedrooms 4 baths 2,618sqft
2 bedrooms
2 baths
3bdrms 2 baths 1,500sqft 3.6 acres
2 baths
4 bedrooms
3 baths
3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft
.35 acre
4 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
2 baths
2 baths
4 bdrms 2 baths 3,438sqft 14.22 acres
5 bdrms
2 baths
3,032 sqft
60 acres
2 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
2 baths
1,350sqft 1 acre
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$174,900 2 bedrooms
1 bath
$309,900 1695 Golden Donald Upper Road
3bdrms 1 bath 1,230sqft
5 acres
$595,000 551 Highway #95, South
6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres
$1,195,000 1593 Columbia Valley View
4 bedrooms
3.5 baths
$997,700 1636 Purcell Woods Close
2 baths
#204, 521 - 8th Avenue
$267,000 554 Day Road
$575,000 2328 Holmes Deakin Road
2.5 baths
#15, 415 - 5th Avenue
$699,000 1741 Seward Frontage Road
$239,900 #111, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
$330,000 910 - 12th Street
$209,600 773 Canyon Creek Road
$420,000 1502 Poplar Street
$443,300 1361 Pine Drive
$345,900 800 Nicholson Frontage Road
1590 Columbia Valley View
6 bedrooms
7 baths
#15, 851 Read Road
3 bedrooms
#10 Swiss Village MHP
3 bedrooms
IN TOWN LOTS 66’x207’ 71’ x 180’ 3 Lots available .35 acre 1.35 acre
2 baths
$410,000 904 McBeath Road
$225,000 #203 - 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
$429,000 520 - 12th Street
$585,000 1742 Seward Frontage
DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435
$399,900 1114 - 10th Street
$735,000 955 McAllister Road
1201 - 10th Avenue
1553 Quartz Crescent 1608 Gareb Road Granite Drive 1402 Deere Ridge Road 1512 Granite Drive
1 bath
$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue
2732 Golden Donald Upper Road
$389,000 #404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
5 bedrooms
$469,000 2016 McMurdo Road
2014 Alexander Drive
$550,000 3897 Highway #95, South
614-8th Street
$325,000 515 - 11th Street
$495,600 1401 Granite Drive
$359,900 1327 Selkirk Drive
$579,600 1500 Quartz Crescent
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
$79,000 $89,900 each listed at $199,600 $99,000 $199,900
Blaeberry Valley Estates 3 acreages available Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South 5.8 acres 880 Canyon Creek Road .44 acres 532 Anderson Road 155 acres 1735 Short Road 4.94 acres 3140 Imler Road 18.03 acres 1516 Black Bear Drive 6.58 acres Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road 4.99 acres Cromac Ridge 4 acreages available
from $129,000 to $195,300 $189,000 $97,000 $449,900 $119,900 $99,600 $220,900 $119 , 9 0 0 from $210,000 to $260,000