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Paramedicine in Houston By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
ROYAL Representative
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC views some of Houston on her way to the Leisure Centre. She was accompanied by her Private Secretary Colonel James Hammond (left) and Houston Mayor Shane Brienen, and led by the Honorary Aide-de-Camp Inspector Dana Hart, and RCMP Driver Corporal Mark Alexander. Her Honour visited Houston residents at a Seniors Tea and Mayors Dinner last Wednesday. See page 6 for more.
BC Emergency Health Services (EHS) will start implementing a pilot paramedicine program in three or four communities starting in April. Preet Grewal, Communications Officer for BC EHS, says they are still discussing potential communities for the pilot program, which will be implemented in phases over fouryears. Community paramedicine is a program that increases access to basic health services by involving A m b u l a n c e paramedics in nonurgent, primary care. The services carried out by paramedics would be in patients’ homes or in the community, and done in partnership with local health care providers, Grewal
Potential communities being considered for pilot program to start April 1.
said. In 2014, the Province committed to create at least 80 new full-time positions for this paramedicine program, which will be implemented April 2015 to March 2019. The North West Regional Hospital District Executive and Board sent a letter in February requesting an update on the program. See EHS on Page 2
RDBN Director says pipeline timber should be utilized By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
The Regional District wants Coastal GasLink to utilize the timber they clear. Rob Newell, Regional District Director for Area G, says he wants them to set a standard by
utilizing the maximal amount of timber cleared from the pipeline right of way. “I want them to set a standard… that they log everything that’s usable and chip what’s left of it. “They should have a minimal amount that they actually burn,” Newell said.
He adds that they should deliver timber to logging companies, rather then stockpile it like BC Hydro has done. “That’s part of the social licence,” Newell said, adding that it would be a minor expense for them. The proposed Coastal Gaslink
2006 Xterra G8862A
pipeline is a 650-kilometre, natural gas pipeline planned to run from Dawson Creek to Kitimat. It runs 23 kilometres south of Houston and has a proposed work camp near Goosly Lake and Buck Falls. Their target schedule is to finalize
plans this year, make a final investment decision in early-2016 and if it goes forward start building work camps and clearing the pipeline route summer-2016. Construction is tentatively set for early-2017. The Regional District of Bulkley-
Nechako (RDBN) is the governing body over development outside of municipalities or reserves. The proposed Goosly Lake work camp is on a site zoned RR1 or Rural Resource, said Newell. Jason Llewellyn,
2007 Tacoma G4431A
2011 Ranger G8896A1
2009 Camry G4349A
Director of Planning, says the RDBN “has the authority to regulate land use in the area.” Newell adds that they “have control over all of the permitting.” His main concerns about the camp are waste and road access. See PIPE on Page 3
2011Corolla G4349A
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015
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Houston Today
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EHS from Page 1
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“Many of our communities continue to struggle covering shifts and providing minimal levels of essential services,” said the board’s letter to EHS. Current paramedics are volunteers in small rural communities, thus they move on quickly when they find full-time work, said the letter. “The creation of a paramedicine program in communities like Queen Charlottes, Stewart, Houston and the Nisga’a Valley Health Centre will provide stability to the level of service provided.” The NW Hospital
Photo submitted
An ambulance got stuck on Buck Flats Road this winter. The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako wrote a letter supporting the NW Hospital Board to lobby for 4-wheel drive ambulances in northern B.C. Board also requested that BC EHS establish a Mobile Paramedic
Position, who can be sent to areas with no paramedic. This
person would work full-time and recruit and train new staff.
That was done in Stewart in 2013 and was very successful.
2,000 trillion We have enough to supply local needs and help meet global demand
cubic feet in Northeast B.C.
In fact, enough to supply LNG export operations and domestic needs for 150 years, so it makes sense to sell some of it
Natural gas has been produced safely in B.C. for more than 60 years. It is as much a part of our resource wealth as forestry and fishing. And like forestry and fishing, the natural gas sector provides thousands of stable, well-paid jobs for British Columbians who work for gas producers in the Northeast and for suppliers and service providers throughout the province. The industry also generates tax revenue to help pay for social services and infrastructure like salaries for nurses and teachers, and new roads, schools and hospitals. But unlike
NEW MARKETS FOR OUR NATURAL GAS... in Asia and elsewhere
an estimated
BRITISH COLUMBIA has far more natural gas than we use
China alone expects to use 17.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas a year by 2040 – three times more than in 2012
forestry and fishing, which are now mature industries, natural gas is entering what the International Energy Agency has described as The Golden Age of Gas. Demand is rising rapidly and B.C. is ideally positioned to meet some of it. Exporting B.C.’s natural gas is nothing new; it was first transported via Vancouver to the U.S. in 1957 and the U.S. has remained our main market ever since. But with the U.S. producing more of its own gas it now makes sense to sell our surplus overseas where there’s a demand. The only difference is that the gas must be converted into a liquid so it can be shipped. That’s why B.C. is developing a new industry to produce LNG.
The BC LNG Alliance is the voice of British Columbia’s new LNG export industry. Our mission is to foster the growth of a safe, environmentally responsible and globally competitive LNG industry in British Columbia and Canada.
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in BC LNG Alliance
Houston Today
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Regional District controls permitting on work camps Map shows a proposed work camp for Coastal Gaslink TransCanada pipeline near Goosly Lake. Goosly Falls is also known as Buck Falls.
MLS# N241289
3285 Cooper Road
Graphic submitted
PIPE from Page 1 Newell says he wants to see a contained, selftreating sewage system used at the camps and possibly donated to a neighbourhood in the region after the pipeline is built. He’d also like to see a specific plan to deal with garbage. “Our landfills won’t handle an additional 1,500 people in the area… The Knockholt landfill is being used by Smithers and all the small towns around,” Newell said. “There has to be a way to do it… and I would prefer minimal burning.” But Newell says they have to wait to work out those details because Coastal GasLink contracts the work camps to other companies, which won’t be done until later this year. Another concern for Newell is camp access, which Coastal GasLink says will happen through the Morice River Road and Parrott Trail Forest Service Road. “They aren’t planning to come down Buck Flats Road… They will though,” Newell said. “If you get 1,000 or 500 people in a camp, they’re not going to go across the Parrott and down the Morice… They’re going to come the shortest distance to Houston, which is Buck Flats.”
most about from his constituents are environmental. A big part of that is the water systems and fish, and Newell says there are some parts of the proposed Coastal GasLink pipeline that should change. “In some areas they should be going over feeder streams rather than under them… because of the possible problems with fish fry that are developing in those areas,” he said. A second concern is acid rain, and Newell says he wants to see Coastal GasLink use world-class scrubbers. “These companies should be meeting those requirements because if they don’t, sooner or later it comes back to taxpayers through health care costs,” he said. He wants to see careful baseline
m o n i t o r i n g ( m o n i t o r i n g the terrain to ensure vegetation and wildlife are maintained to return to their original condition). Newell raised this concern at a recent RDBN meeting where Coastal GasLink presented their plans. The minutes record that Coastal GasLink representative Scott Reid said they have done significant field work to collect information about the original condition of the environment, which they’ll use for baseline monitoring. Newell says another concern is that there are over five proposed pipelines with different routes across northern B.C. “No common corridor, that’s one of the biggest problems,” he said. He adds that with the timber shortage,
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Rob Newell, Director Area G (Houston rural) for the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako. wasting timber is a big part of that issue. At the RDBN meeting, Reid said
Coastal GasLink and Prince Rupert Transmission Project have difficulty sharing a route because the lines are separated significantly. They are also operated by two separate companies, LNG Canada and Pacific Northwest LNG, and “it is a very competitive market,” he said. Through the permits with Oil and Gas Commission, TransCanada has requested to co-locate where possible, Reid said.
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Newell says the issues he hears
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PHONE: 1-250-845-2895
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Red tape N
o one likes red tape. As the provincial government itself says, “reducing red tape benefits all British Columbians. For citizens it means fast, easy access to services – saving you time.” So it’s a head-shaker to consider what the province has in mind to finance adult basic education courses offered at institutions such as Northwest Community College (NWCC). Up until now, the province has provided an annual grant to NWCC to offers those courses at no charge.
Maybe Oprah can help?
But now it wants people taking those courses to pay tuition if they can afford it. Those below a certain level of income can apply to the province for assistance. Sounds fairly reasonable so far except it means more bureaucracy and more forms for those applying and for the college, more employee hours – and cost – to sift through those applications. So what should be a fairly uncomplicated way to obtain a basic education will turn into another bureaucratic box wrapped up in red tape. But perhaps that’s what the province has had calculated all along – make things so complicated that fewer people then enrol. In this way, the province still offers the program but at a reduced cost. It also downloads administration expenses to the college. The province wins. The college loses and, more importantly, so do prospective students. And helping those people is supposed to have been the goal. - Black Press
Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor!
Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to
By Lori Welbourne On a Brighter Note
In 2002 Jamie Lee Curtis posed for a magazine to show what she really looked like. The mother of two was make-up free in a sports bra and spandex shorts, proudly displaying a softer, thicker physique rather than the perfect hard body she was known for. She was 43-yearsold and felt compelled to reverse some of the harm she and her profession had done to a trusting public with it’s constant parade of impeccably airbrushed photos. She wanted women to discover that we shouldn’t try to look like models because even they don’t look the way they’re presented. After the unforgettable photograph was taken, 13 people worked their magic to transform her into the flawless movie star we were familiar with for the pages that followed. The enlightening pictorial made a
powerful statement. A couple weeks ago it seemed like Cindy Crawford might be doing something similar when a shockingly untouched image of her began circulating the internet along with a story about it being part of a magazine feature designed to empower women. However, it became unclear as to whether she intended it to be seen or it was leaked without her permission. Regardless, the imperfect body shot of her wearing lingerie was out there for anyone to see. Also a mother of two, Cindy Crawford was 47-years-old and in contrast to the one of Jamie Lee Curtis, she was fully made up and only needed some digital tweaking to smooth out her flaws and make her look the way we’re accustomed. I posted the photo on Facebook asking people if they’d rather see real pictures like this in magazines, or the altered images of perfection that have
become the norm. The reaction was mixed. The vast majority of women said they’d prefer to look at undoctored photographs, and many felt that seeing this iconic fashion star in a more honest state helped loosen their expectations of themselves to reach an unattainable standard of beauty. Some men agreed and added that the excessive use of trickery before, during and after a photo shoot wasn’t lost on them. Others, though, were revolted and one male friend responded with: “I just threw up a little.” If that’s the immediate reaction an incredibly gorgeous super model gets from an authentic picture, what chance do the rest of us have? These days most people realize what’s involved in the flawless images we’re used to, but is that knowledge alleviating unhealthy and unrealistic pressures? I think it’s helped slightly, but our society continues to be
negatively affected. The Confidence Coalition and the Canadian Mental Health Association says only two percent of women think they’re beautiful, one of four college-aged women have an eating disorder and 90% of girls say they feel pressured to be thin from because of the media. Even without airbrushing this makes sense when we consider the average North American woman is 5’4” and weighs 166 pounds, yet the average model is 5’11” and weighs 117 pounds. A few celebrities might offer bona fide images of themselves, and there will always be unauthorized shots posted on the internet, or unflattering ones taken by the paparazzi – but until there’s a reputable magazine with a person of prominence leading a mission to present more truthful pictures, I don’t think attitudes will change much. This is where someone like Oprah
Winfrey could make a difference. Her popular self-titled magazine is heavily photo-shopped from cover to cover. What would happen if she put a stop to that and started representing people, including herself, without postproduction tampering? Would sales drop or increase? Being a billionaire megastar intent on improving society, she’s in an optimal position to take the risk and find out. If my friends who prefer real over fake are a good reflection of the public, her sales would increase and other magazines would follow suit. For a woman who has personally suffered the ill effects the media has played on her own image, this seems like an amazing opportunity for her to reverse some of that damage, and help boost the self esteem of millions. If you have any ideas on other people who could help, please send them the suggestion.
Black Press Group Ltd.
B.C. Owned and Operated
Distributed every Wednesday HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council” Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934
Annual Subscriptions: Local (Houston only): $38.00 (includes tax) Seniors: $28.00 (includes tax) Out of Town: $50.00 (includes tax) We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
M.A. Ruiter - Sales Manager Jackie Lieuwen - Reporter/Photographer Annamarie Douglas - Production Manager
BC Press Council - Houston Today is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Houston Today
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
On the
Street... What do you want to tell the Lieutenant Governor of B.C. about Houston?
By Jackie Lieuwen
Kathy Ismond Retired
John Siebenga Houston Councillor
Lindsay Van Barneveld Registered vet technician
Marianna Dekker Retired
“Houston is a nice place with great outdoor activities. I would tell her not to forget the north in the government decisions. B.C. is more than Vancouver and Victoria.”
“I would tell her that this place is naturally amazing - we have beautiful creation and an amazing community that works together. There is so much to do in this community.”
“I would say Houston is a great community. It’s a great place to live, there’s lots to do, affordable housing, and good recreation. She should come visit again for vacation. ”
“The government needs to pay more attention to the north because a lot of tax revenue comes from us.”
Province digs deeper into ICBC, Hydro piggy banks By Jeff Nagel Black Press
The B.C. government intends to pull more money out of ICBC in the years ahead. The annual dividend from the public auto insurer – which goes into
general government revenue despite repeated demands from critics for lower premiums instead – is estimated at $160 million a year in each of 2015, 2016 and 2017, according to budget documents. That’s an increase from estimates of $155
million for 2015 and $125 million for 2016 in last year’s budget. By the end of 2017, the province will have taken $1.5 billion from ICBC coffers since 2010. The money comes from the profits on ICBC’s optional insurance side, which
can’t be used to reduce basic auto premiums because the two sides of the business are segregated. Critics accused the government of building its budget surplus by having Crown corporations like ICBC and BC Hydro charge
customers more than is required. Finance Minister Mike de Jong calls it a dividend to the shareholders. Electricity rates are rising six per cent while BC Hydro’s net income – most of which is remitted to government – climbs from $549 million
last year to about $700 million by 2017. Energy Minister Bill Bennett has promised to eventually reduce and eliminate the Hydro transfers. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation was critical of the latest 4.2 per cent increase in Medical Service Plan
premiums, calling it a continuing tax hike that exceeds inflation. A family of three will pay $150 per month in MSP premiums, up 40 per cent in five years. The pattern of service fee increases and income tax restraint is a recurring one in B.C. budgets.
B.C. ‘still on track for LNG exports’ A sharp drop in oil prices and continued low natural gas prices led to reduced 2015 forecasts for drilling in Western Canada. Critics of the B.C. government’s push for LNG exports have begun to claim that delayed investment decisions by LNG producers are the beginning of the end for the industry in B.C. David Keane, president of the BC LNG Alliance, has worked for major industry players and represents an association of seven international proponents, Kitimat LNG, LNG Canada, Pacific Northwest LNG, Prince Rupert LNG, Triton LNG, Woodfibre LNG and ExxonMobil. He discussed B.C.’s prospects with Black Press legislature reporter Tom Fletcher.
TF: What’s the impact of the recent low oil prices on these kinds of investments? DK: These companies are not going to make long-term economic decisions based on the spot price of crude oil, regardless of whether it is $120 a barrel or $45 a barrel. They’re going to make long-term economic decisions based on long-term forecasts. I think B.C., in spite of the drop in oil prices, is in a very good position to capture some of the increasing demand for LNG that will take place over the next decade. We have a tremendous natural gas supply base, a highly educated workforce and we have a very supportive provincial and federal government for producing natural gas, de-
veloping LNG facilities and exporting it to the big Asian markets. We’re in competition with the U.S. Gulf Coast, Australia, East Africa, Middle East and Russia, and when you look the North Coast of B.C., we get about a 25 per cent increase in production capacity simply because of the colder ambient temperature. So the same amount of investment that you might make in Australia or East Africa or the U.S. Gulf Coast, in British Columbia you get a 25 per cent uplift in production. Also the proximity to Asian markets. When you look at how close we are to those markets, I firmly believe that we’re going to capture a good bit of the increasing de-
mand that will occur in Asia. TF: Premier Christy Clark refers the U.S. being our big competition now. Shell recently made a decision to cancel an Australian project and indicated they were concentrating on B.C. and a U.S. site. Is the U.S. the main competition? DK: I think so right now. When you look at the U.S. Gulf Coast, their LNG tankers have to go through the Panama Canal, and there are still long distances to get to the Asian markets. TF: One barometer of how things are going is gas drilling activity in Northeast B.C. Can you comment on that? DK: If we get just one of these large LNG facilities to de-
clare a final investment decision, that will require the largest single investment ever in BC. And I say that we’ll get seven, because we have seven members that will go to final investment decisions over the next few years. I think that will increase drilling dramatically. We have our internal market in Canada, and our external market is the US, where the demand for Canadian natural gas is declining. So we have to find a way to get our natural gas to market, which is liquefaction and transporting it to market, primarily across the Pacific. TF: Your alliance is beginning an advertising campaign. What’s the focus of that? DK: It’s meant to help inform British Columbians what
natural gas is, how it’s safely produced and transported. It has been safely transported in B.C. for 60-plus years. It’s to help inform people about the benefits to the province and to them from the development of a robust LNG industry, and about all of the safety aspects, from natural gas production, to pipelines to the liquefaction facilities themselves, to the marine transportation of LNG. TF: Are pipeline rights of way being settled? DK: Chevron just concluded its 16th agreement with the 16 First Nations along the Pacific Trails pipeline, which will serve Kitimat LNG. All the pipelines are working hard with First Nations partners
and I think that if the LNG industry can demonstrate longterm sustainable, real economic value to the First Nations, and when we demonstrate that LNG can be produced environmentally and safely, First Nations will support the development of the industry. TF: The new CEO of Petronas is coming for another visit soon. Is that an indication that they’re getting close, or that this slump in oil prices isn’t the big deal some people make it out to be? DK: I can’t talk specifically about that. But I’m encouraged by what I see with all of our members, in terms of the work that they’re doing to move their projects forward.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Houston Today
Top: Aquatic Coordinator Kelby Trottier gives the Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of B.C., a tour of the Houston Leisure Facility.
B.C. Lieutenant Governor visits Houston
Top: Her Honour visits with several Houston seniors at an afternoon Seniors Tea. Above: Judy Daye and Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon show off the gift Her Honour gave Houston during her visit to town last Wednesday. Jackie Lieuwen photos/Houston Today
Left, Mayor Shane Brienen presents a gift to Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of B.C. during her visit to Houston.
Left: Her Honour greets and thanks the Professional Cook students from the Northwest Community College. The students made the refreshments for the Seniors Tea and the meal for the Mayors Dinner last Wednesday. Above: Her Honour gives Arnold Amonson a pin in recognition of all his community service.
Houston Today
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
The Houston Retirement Housing Society is holding their
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday, March 23rd @ 7:00pm at the Houston Senior Centre -14th Street
St. Clement Anglican Church is pleased to welcome
Rev. Jacob Worley Rev. Jake will lead our services
At our new time of 2:00 in the afternoon Every Sunday at 2324 Butler Ave.
Photo submitted
Students from Houston Secondary School and Houston Christian School visited UNBC’s Prince George campus on Feb. 24 as part of tours sponsored by Canfor. The students received career presentations, had lunch at UNBC’s Dining Hall, and went to see a hockey game at the 2015 Canada Winter Games.
District to assess local parks for maintenance By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
The District of Houston is assessing local parks to manage for risk and maintenance. They have $16,000 available
funding for risk assessments through membership with the Municipal Insurance Association of BC (MIABC). “The money will just sit there if we don’t use it,” said Houston Chief
Administrative Officer Michael Glavin. He says these assessments would also help with the Asset Management Plan that the District is developing this year.
These MIABC assessments will show them their liability exposure and “how bad some facilities are - like swings, parks and trails,” Glavin said. It will give council information to do
March 6th - Free Art show From 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm check out local artists and artisans work at the Community Hall
strategic planning and prioritize maintenance.
Rev. Jake and his family moved to Smithers in November 2014 and he has been coming to lead our services once a month. We have changed the time of our service to allow for him to come weekly to Houston, and he will lead our service each week, with the exception of the 4th Sunday, when he will be back in Quick. Our lay leaders will lead the service on the 4th Sunday. This will also give the opportunity for fellowship and interaction in Houston and he will begin scheduled office hours soon. Rev. Jake can be reached by phone at 250-845-4940 or via email at or better yet, come join us at a regular Sunday service.
Women of all ages are INVITED to the
WomenINTERNATIONAL of all ages are INVITED to the 2015 WOMEN’S DAY CELEBR
2015 International Women’s Day Celebration Women of all ages are INVITED to the
SUNDAY, March 8th - 12 Noon until 3 pm - Houston Sen
2015 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY CELEBRATION Free Luncheon, Guest Speakers, Entertainment & D SUNDAY, March 8th - 12 Noon until 3 pm - Houston Senior Centre “2015 Honorable Woman” &Presentation Free Luncheon, Guest Speakers, Entertainment Door Prizes
March 7th - Ties & Tiaras Art Auction and Gala Cocktails at 6:30 pm VIP Table auction at 7:00 pm Live auction at 8:00 pm Silent auction Hors d’oeuvres served throughout the evening Cash Bar st
Tickets available @ 1 Choice Fashions Co-Op Gas Bar Chamber of Commerce Hair Trendz Event Sponsors Wilson Brothers Enterprises Ltd Tom Neufeld Trucking Ltd Gold Sponsor Bulkley Valley Credit Union
Confirmed Speakers: SUNDAY, March 8th - 12 Noon until 3 pm “2015 Honorable Woman” Presentation Jean Marr, Investor’s Group Houston Senior Centre Confirmed Speakers: VP Houston & District Chamber of Commerce
Free Luncheon, Entertainment & Door Prizes Jean Guest Marr, Speakers, Investor’s SandiGroup Lavallie VP Houston & District Chamber of Commerce
CPP Coordinator & Instructor “2015Sandi Honorable Woman” Presentation Lavallie North West Community College
CPP Coordinator & Instructor Confirmed Speakers:
North West Community College
Jean Marr Investor’s Group VP Houston & District Chamber of Commerce Sandi Lavallie CPP Coordinator & Instructor North West Community College
in our inspirational celebration and lunch registering with NWCC Share in Share our inspirational celebration and lunch by fiby rstfirst registering (Registration is required) with NWCC at 845 7266. (Registration is required) Share in our inspirational celebration and lunch by first registering with NWCC at 845 7266. (Registration is required)
Event Sponsor 20152015 Event Sponsor 2015 Event Sponsor
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Houston Today
District of Houston
Newsletter ~ March 4th, 2015 edition
Where the welcome is warm and the wilderness beckons!
Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC tours Houston
Upcoming Council Meetings:
Upcoming meeting dates for the District
Tuesday, March 3rd: Regular Council Meeting and immediately following the Regular Council Meeting is the Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 17th: Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, March 3 Tuesday, March 17
Tuesday, March 24th: Dungate Community Forest Annual General Meeting
Please visit the website for info on: • Council Meeting Agendas • Pool Schedule • Arena Schedule • Important Public Notices • Tenders & Job Opportunities • Lost Dogs
Canada Day Organizing Committee Members – Expressions of Interest
The above meetings are held at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, 3367 – 12th Street. The Agendas can be viewed on the District’s website:
The Municipal Office located at 3367 – 12th Street is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (closed on statutory holidays) Email: Phone: 250-845-2238 Fax: 250-845-3429
(example: water main break) Call the Municipal Office @ 250-845-2238 for a recorded message with the contact number of the person on call.
Pool & Gym Phone: 250-845-7420 Email:
Arena Phone: 250-845-7432
Burning Permits Required All open burning within the District of Houston requires a Burning Permit all year round. To obtain a permit contact the Fire Department at 250-845-2250
In order to assist the municipality’s garbage service pick-up and to avoid damage to your toter carts, please bring your toter carts in as soon as possible after pick up. For those consumers with additional service requirements, the District of Houston offers a “Tag-aCart” service. “Tag-a-Cart” is a waste collection service permitting the service user to set out additional Toter Carts beyond the one-cart limit prescribed by the District provided that the service user attaches a tag for which a fee has been paid to the District for each additional Toter Cart used. The cost for this service is $2.50 per Toter Cart (plus applicable taxes).
If you are interested in helping to organize the 2015 Canada Day Celebrations please contact Ryan Coltura, Director of Leisure Services at Expressions of interest must be received no later than March 16.
Municipal Office Hours
For Public Works Emergencies
Toter Carts
Notice to all Dog Owners
Houston Pool Aquatic Director Kelby Trottier shows features of the District Pool to the Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. Her Honour visited Houston last Wednesday, attending a Seniors Tea and Mayors dinner at the Houston Seniors Centre.
Pursuant to “District of Houston Pound and Animal Regulation Bylaw No. 918, 2004” all dogs over the age of six months must be licensed. 2015 licence tags are now available at the Municipal Office and must be worn by your dog effective January 1, 2015.
Leisure Facility Programs Swim Lessons Schedule: March 30th - April 10th (Mon-Fri) 8 classes Level Starfish, Duck, Sea Turtle Sea Otter Salamander Sunfish Crocodile / Whale SK 1/2 SK 3/4 SK 5/6 SK 7/8 SK 9/10
Time 12:30-1:00pm 10:00-10:30am 10:00-10:30am 11:00-11:30am 11:00-11:30am 10:30-11:00am 10:30-11:00am 11:00-11:45am 11:45-12:30pm 11:30-12:30pm
Spring Break Programs Bronze Lifesaving Camp March 29 - April 2nd (Sun-Thurs) • 9am-5pm • $273.00 • Ages 13+ or have Bronze Star Ranger Patrol
April 7th – 10th (Tues – Fri) • 2-4:30pm • $65.00 • Ages 8-12
Price (Resident/Non) $35.20/$44.00 $35.20/$44.00 $35.20/$44.00 $35.20/$44.00 $35.20/$44.00 $35.20/$44.00 $35.20/$44.00 $40.00/$50.00 $40.00/$50.00 $44.00/$55.00
Spring Break Schedule: Closed April Fri 3rd and Mon 6th Sun/Sat open - 11am-6pm Mon/Wed/Fri - 6am-8pm Tues/ Thurs - 10am-8pm
Houston Public Library Phone: 250-845-2256 email: Website:
What’s Happening... Story Time – Wednesday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m. Junior Literary Society – Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 4: 30
Mark Zagwyn Photography – Friday,
March 13th from 12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
ALL-NEW CHEVY COLORADO 2015 Motor Trend Truck of the Year®
CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Awarded The Lowest Total Cost of Ownership in its Class by Vincentric ‡
Includes $4,500 Delivery Credit, $2,420 Package Discount, $2,080 Cash Credit, $1,000 Owner Cash.
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MyLink†with Remote Start Class-Exclusive Rear Vision 4G LTE WI-FI® †† Camera Automatic Locking Rear Differential
5 CHEVY SILVERADO HD Awarded The “Highest-Ranked Large Heavy-Duty Pickup in Initial Quality in the U.S. ‡‡” by J.D. Power
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Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631] **
ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase, lease and finance of a 2015 Silverado 1500 Double Cab 1WT (G80/B30/H2R) equipped as described. Freight ($1,695) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. ‡ Based on Vincentric 2014 Model Level Analysis of full-size pickups in the Canadian retail market. ‡‡ The Chevrolet Silverado HD received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among large heavy-duty pickups in the proprietary J.D. Power U.S. 2014 Initial Quality Study.SM Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed in February-May 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit * $10,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $4,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Silverado Light Duty Double Cab, $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), a $2420 manufacturer to dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab 1LT equipped with a True North Edition and a $2,080 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab LS Chrome Edition, LT and LTZ, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $2,080 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. † MyLink functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth® and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. †† Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required.** 0% leasing for 36 months available on 2015 Silverado 1500 Double and Crew Cab 1WT on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice.*** Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles from March 3rd through March 31st 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 48 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Silverado 1500 Double and Crew Cab 1WT. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $833.33 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. <> U.S. government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( + Based on 2014 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. 5-year/160,000 kilometre Powertrain Limited Warranty, whichever comes first. See dealer for details. ~ 2015 Silverado 1500 with available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 12.7 L/100 km combined (4x2) and 13.0 L/100 km combined (4x4). Fuel-consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with the new 2015 model-year Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Comparison based on 2014 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive information available. Competitive fuel-consumption ratings based on 2014 Natural Resources Canada’s Fuel Consumption Guide. Excludes other GM vehicles. ^ The 2-Year Scheduled LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV) with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the Oil Life Monitoring System and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four lube-oil-filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
Houston Today 9
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Houston Today
Provincial competitors The Bantam Flyers, Pee Wee Flyers and Tween Ringette teams are all headed to the Provincial Championships this month. Bantams head to Fraser Lake March 15 to 20. Pee Wees head to Kimberley March 15 to 20, and the ringette tweens compete in Vernon March 5 to 8. Submitted photos
Eryn and Maaike sweep the stone toward house at Junior Curling. The league started in January and will wrap up this month. Jackie Lieuwen photos/Houston Today
Winter sports
Dwayne Wandler and Conner Kenzle. Coach Back to front: Aiden Pottinger, Kurt Cole ell, ldw Cou nther, Dawson Fitch, Josh zle. Anderson, Chad Johnson, Caleb Gue Ken Don ch Coa d Hea zle, Erik Lloyd, and b Rennie, Jackson Cockle, Mason Ken Jaco ves, Dete e Luk lie goa , dler Trey Wan . Dylan Brockerville, Dylan Proctor, wen McE n ncer Lloyd. Missing is coach Jaso Silbernagel, Walker McEwen, and Spe
Back to front: Ty ler Emberley, Char les Sullivan, Bran Patrick, Hanna Co do ckle, Luke Lavigne , Josh Guenther, Ch n Taylor. Coach Bert Gabe Brienen, Cam ris Jansma, Nick Ta eron Ridgway, Colto ylor, n Sketchley, Coach Stumpf, Kalum Pa trick An Brienen, Brady Schm , Justin Brent, Keaton Sullivan, Da drew Lavigne. Reid llas Brienen, Dam idt. on
Above: Jacob and Matthew sweep hard to get the stone home, while Luke and Josh direct. Below: Kailee launches a stone toward home.
Shaely dge, Reagen Jolly, Kassidy Stuart, Back to front: Coach Steve Standbri erley. Emb n erley, Hanae Cockle, Coach Dea ey, Niven, Maggie Kenzle, Madison Emb Slan alyn Mad , Spooner, Taylor Standbridge Emily Anderson, Marli Breuer, Bailey . Courtney Farrell and Riley Standbridge
Houston Today
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Fast internet access a priority By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
Health care, RCMP and businesses all face challenges recruiting professionals to Houston. For Rob Newell the issue centres around broadband and community vitality. Newell is the Area G (Houston rural) Director for the Regional District of B u l k l e y - N e c h a ko (RDBN). He says one of his main focuses is getting broadband internet access to this area. “We need high speed here,” Newell said. “We need a minimum 5MB download speed, that’s the minimum in any larger urban area.” Newell says that will make a big difference for professionals in business and health. “I know professionals in the Lower Mainland [who are] sitting on $600,000 or $700,000 homes who would love to live in the country,” Newell said. “They would be here tomorrow… they’re professionals and all they need is broadband.” Fast internet access would also open doors in health care. “If we could get broadband here, there comes telehealth,” Newell said, adding that he’s talked several times about it with Penny Anguish, Northwest Chief Operating Officer with Northern Health. But besides internet, Newell says there are a lot of sectors that make a strong community that would be attractive to people. He’d like to see the Community, Health, Education and Social Services (CHESS) Community tackle a study on community
vitalization. The study would rate the strength of Houston on topics like tourism, businesses, transportation, health care and education. Then people involved in those areas would discuss how to strengthen that sector in the community. “There’s things that we can do, but not one person can to them all. There are people who have strengths in all of these areas, who can find out what we need and work to strengthen it,” Newell said. If the weak sectors in Houston are strengthened, Newell says business would naturally develop and professionals would come. “We need to build from the inside out,” he said.
RESCUE Camp Search and Rescue volunteers practice avalanche rescue. Forming a probe line, the team found and dug out a dummy buried in the snow. It was part of the training at the Houston SAR campout Feb. 20 to 21, where volunteers build their own shelters and spend the night alone to empathize with victims. Photos submitted
Chinook Community Forest
PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE The purpose of this open house is to give the public the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions on the proposed Chinook Community Forest Agreement (CFA) within the Lakes Timber Supply Area. There will be opportunity to provide verbal and/or written feedback and there is an open door policy for feedback received after the meeting.
The event will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at the following locations:
Cheslatta Carrier Nation Administration Office
12:00pm – 2:00pm 1215 Keefe’s Landing Road, Southside. 1.5km up from the ferry on the right side of road
Burns Lake Chamber of Commerce Heritage Centre 4:00pm – 6:00pm
HWY 16, Burns Lake next to the Visitor’s Centre A representative from Chinook will be available to answer any questions, address concerns and provide additional information in regards to the proposed CFA. Comments arising from this open house will be considered in the approval of the application and issuance of the Chinook license. If you have any questions, or would like to meet and discuss the proposed CFA, we encourage you to contact the Chinook Board of Directors at
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Houston Today
GEMS Soupfest The GEMS soupfest drew over 400 people, packed into the HCS gym to enjoy over 20 soup selections and a variety of games. The event raised $3,700 to be split between Houston Food Bank, Love By The Bowl Soup Kitchen, Rough Acres Bible Camp and Rock Nest Ranch, and the GEMS Home and Esther School in Zambia, Africa.
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Culture of Death
Are we living in Canada? That is the question I asked myself when I heard the recent Supreme Court of Canada unanimous decision to allow doctors to administer death to patients who want to die. What are we coming to? It is tragic enough that we see people taking their own lives. Though there is a lot of effort by some to convince people not to end their lives, here we have our highest court ruling that doctors - who are to preserve and extend life, and comfort those who were dying - should now assist people in killing themselves. It is a great leap into the darkness to give anyone, let alone a doctor, permission to actually kill another person, with their prior consent or not. When doctors have the dual role of preserving and taking lives, how can we be sure what is in the needle when they poke it into our veins? I remember when the abortion issue was debated years ago. Pro-life advocates warned of a slippery slope leading to euthanasia. The abortionists said this would never happen. Yet here we are today. When doctors are asked to terminate the life of an innocent child in the womb, it is only a small step to have them assist in the death of a disabled, elderly or depressed person. When we begin with a culture of death, death and killing will be the result. We can call it merciful death, death with dignity or whatever euphemism that seems to temporarily ease the conscience, but it still is one person voluntarily and premeditatingly, in cold blood, taking another person’s life. This flies directly against God, the giver and sustainer of life. Since the beginning of time God has strictly forbidden such taking of another’s life (Genesis 9:5,6; Exodus 20:13; Romans 13:9,10). Humans are created in the image of God, thus human life should be treated as precious. If we leave it up to humans to determine when one’s life should end, we will create a culture of death that will run rampant through our land. God warns us in his word “Don’t be misled – you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant,” Galatians 6:7 NLT. “They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind,” Hosea 8:7 NLT. A whirlwind of a culture of death is blowing through our land. When will it touch down in our yard and blow into the door of our home? Submitted by Ken Penner
Photo submitted
Police report By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
Police are seeking to arrest a shoplifter who was caught on video surveillance at a local store Feb. 19. RCMP Sergeant Stephen Rose says they identified the suspect and will arrest and charge them with theft under $5,000. *** Police arrested two people and searched for drugs at a home in the neighbourhood north of Steelhead Park. Sgt. Rose says
police seized a small amount of drugs and cash from the scene. Investigation is ongoing. *** Police arrested an impaired driver stopped on Sullivan Way at 9:30 p.m. Feb. 21. Sgt. Rose says the driver failed the breath sample and police charged him for driving while impaired, and for operating a vehicle with blood alcohol over 0.08. The vehicle was impounded. ***
A fire destroyed a home on Roses Road over 20 kilometres up Buck Flats Road on Feb. 22. Sgt. Rose says the owners were gone and no one was injured. The home was engulfed in flames when police arrived and burned to the ground. No one attended to extinguish the fire because the home is outside of the Houston Fire Service Area, Sgt. Rose said. Police are investigating. *** Police arrested a male at a home on Sullivan Way at 3:30 a.m. Feb. 25. Sgt. Rose says the male was
The Houston GEMS Girls Club thanks ! u “HOUSTON” for supporting us once o Thank y again at our SOUP FEST held last week.
Sponsored by Riverside Gardens
wanted on warrants and charged for two counts of breach. *** Police arrested a male for breach of the peace at a home on Sullivan Way at 11:30 p.m. Feb. 25. Sgt. Rose says the male was
held until sober and then released without charge. *** In seven days, police had 41 calls for service, including four abandoned 9-1-1 calls and four traffic complaints.
Houston Mixed Dart Club Tournament Results Friday Night Mixed Doubles: 1st - Shane Wadden and Carolyn Castle 2nd - Tom Henderson and Bea Paquin 3rd - Tom Schneider and Eva Reese Saturday Ladies Singles: 1st - Eva Reese 2nd - Trish Bayfield 3rd - Claudine Weins Mens Singles: 1st - Lee 2nd - Shane Wadden 3rd - Derrick Cox
Ladies Doubles: 1st - Trish Bayfield and Carolyn Castle We want to thank our businesses who donated as well: Mr. Sub, The Houston GEMS Girls Club thanks “HOUSTON”2nd for- Eva supporting usDiane Frasereaston Reese and Tea House With A Twist, The Elements, Lee’s Garden, Brewstirs
once again atRestaurant, our SOUP FEST held last week.. WeMens wantDoubles: to thank our Café, Pleasant Valley Love By The Bowl-Soup businesses who donated as well:,Sub, Tea House With A Twist, and Grant Kitchen, Home Hardware, and Country Wide Printi 1st - Shane Wadden Pharmasave, PacificLee’s Truck and Countrywide Sports. Café, 2nd - Dave Ketchall and Randy The Elements, Garden, Brewstirs
Thank you also to theRestaurant, Bulkley Valley Credit for Bowl Pleasant Valley LoveUnion By The their generous donati on towards the costs of the games and Country Wide Printing for donating soup prizes. Thanks also to Houston Today and PV Express for their andAsupplies. Thanks soGEMS much!! advertising. huge thank you also to our girls and leaders for hours of work, and the GEMS Moms who washed dishes for hours !! Thank you all so much!! We raised $ 3,700.00 to be donated to Houston Food Bank, Love By The Bowl–Soup Kitchen, The GEMS Home and the GEMS Esthers School in Zambia, Africa and Rough Acres Bible Camp and Rock Nest Camp.
Thank you to the Curling Club for facilities! Door Prizes: - Terrilyns Hair Trendz - Rasers Edge - Lee’s Garden - Pleasant Valley Plaza Food: Eva, Janice, Trish and Claudine Thank you to Derrick, Diane, Rena, Tom S. and Dave for all your help!
Offer more than a job, offer an experience.
Houston Today Wednesday, March 4, 2015 13
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AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact number: (250) 8457774.
APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Please send applications by email: More information available online: our-programs/scholarship. DO YOU have a disability? Physical or mental. We can help you get up to $40,000 back from the Canadian Government. For details visit: or call us today toll-free 1-888875-4787.
Business Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Houston United Houston United Church Church 2106 Butler Ave
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266
2106 Sundays Butler Aveat 11a.m. SERVICES:
SERVICES: Sundays at 11a.m. (Kids Sunday School
(Kids Sunday School during the service) during thethe service) To contact church orcontact for pastoral care: To the church Morgan (250-698-7612 orRyder for pastoral care: -H) or 250-692-9576 -C) or -H) Morgan Ryder (250-698-7612 Marianne Dekker 250-845-2282 or 250-692-9576 -C) or Marianne Dekker 250-845-2282
Houston Houston Fellowship Fellowship Baptist Church
3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Baptist Church Pastor: Larry Ballantyne 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd.
SundayLarry School: 9:45AM Pastor: Ballantyne Church Service: 11:00AM Sunday School: 9:45AM Everyone Welcome! Church Service: 11:00AM Phone: 250-845-7810
Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810 Houston
Canadian Houston Reformed Church
Canadian SUNDAY SERVICES: Reformed Church 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM SUNDAY SERVICES: Pastor Carl VanDam s.carl. 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM Office Phone: 250-845-3441 Pastor Carl VanDam s.carl. Everyone Welcome ~
3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston, BC
Office Phone: 250-845-3441 ~ Everyone Welcome ~
Our Fort St James location is now accepting applications for a:
Operations Forester Conifex Inc.—through astute strategic acquisitions and strong leadership—is emerging as a major national player in the forestry and sawmilling industry. Operationally, our approach is to blend state-of-the-art technology with the expertise of people who believe in the value of excellence. Together, we can achieve our vision to become a premier forest products company.
Houston Christian 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston, BC Reformed Church
Full details regarding employment, duties and qualifications are available online at
Pastor 1959 GooldMartin St., Box 6, Vellekoop Houston 250-845-7578
If you are interested in this opportunity, you are invited to apply for this position by March 9, 2015.
Houston 1959 GooldChristian St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578 Reformed Church ~ Everyone Welcome! ~
Pastor Martin
Services: 10:00 am Vellekoop & 3:00 pm ~ ~ Everyone Welcome!
Services: 10:00 am HOUSTON & 3:00 pm PENTECOSTAL
We wish to thank everyone for their interest in Conifex; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm Sunday School: During the Service
Anglican Church Welcome ofEveryone St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Anglican Church Box 599, Houston, BC of St. Clement Phone: 250-845-4940 2324 Butler Ave., BoxServices 599, Houston, are:BC
10:30 a.m. Sundays Rev. Jacob Worley Phone: 250-845-4940
Guru Nanak Services at: Sikh 2:00pm Sundays Temple Association Guru Nanak
SikhSingh Santokh Manhas Temple 250-845-2705 Association
Houston, B.C. V0J lZ0
Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2705
1-800-663-5555 or *5555
QUALIFIED MECHANIC (Service Truck Position)
Want to work out of a good quality service truck, with some shop work? The successful candidate will be a leader in safety and efficiency and will be able work in difficult situations with an upbeat attitude.
on most cellular networks.
Year around work available in the Burns Lake Area! Starting wage $38.00/hr. 50 hr. per week and possibly more.
Career Opportunities
Contact Stephan Posselt, at Phone: 778-669-1010
Benefits package available!
Yard Supervisor Bulkley Valley Home Centre Houston has an immediate opening for a yard supervisor. Duties involve maintaining day-to-day yard operations including shipping and receiving, customer service and material loading and delivery. Must be familiar with building materials and enjoy working with the public. Must also be capable of learning our computer system. BeneÀt plan available. Wage related to experience. Please fax or email resume and cover letter to 250-846-7608 or REGIONAL DISTRICT OF BULKLEY-NECHAKO 37 3rd Avenue – Po Box 820, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: (250) 692-3195 – Toll Free: (800) 320-3339 Fax: (250) 692-3305 E-Mail:
(Bylaw Enforcement - Fire Training - Emergency Management Support)
2024 Riverbank Drive, Pastor: Mike McIntyre
If you see a wildfire, report it to
Tahtsa Timber Ltd. is looking for
2024 Riverbank Drive, HOUSTON Box 597, Houston PENTECOSTAL Phone: 250-845-2678 CHURCH Pastor: Mike McIntyre SundayBox Worship Service: 11:00 am 597, Houston Sunday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm Phone: 250-845-2678 Sunday School: During the Service
HIGH CASH producing vending machines. $1.00 vend = .70 profit. All on location in your area. Selling due to illness. Call 1-866-668-6629 for details.
Hoskins Ford Sales has an opening for a new
Service Manager The Service Manager will be responsible for the supervision and leadership of the dealership’s Service Department. He or she will effectively and efficiently manage the development and direction of the service team to drive the growth of revenue, technical productivity, quality assurance and to promote a high level of customer satisfaction. The Core Competencies of the successful candidate will be: t $VTUPNFS 'PDVT t $PNNVOJDBUJPO t 5FBN 8PSL t 5JNF .BOBHFNFOU t "EBQUBCJMJUZ 'MFYJCJMJUZ t $SFBUJWF BOE *OOPWBUJWF 5IJOLJOH t %FDJTJPO .BLJOH BOE +VEHFNFOU t 1MBOOJOH BOE 0SHBOJ[JOH t 1SPCMFN 4PMWJOH t -FBEFSTIJQ
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The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako is looking for a Regulation Compliance Officer to play a key role ensuring compliance to the Regional District’s bylaw and regulations. Reporting to the Director of Planning and the Protective Services Manager, the Regulation Compliance Officer will be responsible for the full range of bylaw enforcement activities as well as working closely with rural fire departments to ensure compliance with the Regional District’s training requirements and standard operating guidelines. The position also includes involvement with the Emergency Management Program. Preference will be given to candidates that have: t Knowledge of local government bylaw, regulations, policies, and enforcement procedures t The ability to investigate complaints, deal with the public, and enforce bylaws with tact, impartiality, and sound judgment t BC Fire Training Officers Train the Trainer Certification t Ability to develop, maintain, and implement Fire Department standard operating guidelines t A combination of education, training and practical experience related to the above may be considered t Valid BC Driver’s License (mandatory) Applications should include a cover letter and resume containing three references. This is a permanent, full time (35 hr/week) position offering a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Applications will be received by Deborah Jones- Middleton Protective Services Manager, at 37 3rd Avenue, Box 820, Burns Lake, BC, V0J 1E0, until 4:30 p.m. on March 31, 2015 at the above address or be e-mailed to
Until there's a cure, there's us.
dollars today! We can easily Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced letter and resume to: approve you by phone. 1st, GREENHOUSE WORKERS by 5 PM on Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in 2nd or at 3rdRiverside mortgageGardens. money or 1-855needed Friday, March 20, 2015. 1 Position full time success! Thank you for coming outto and is available now. Rates 768-3362 start having training for Apply in right person. Phone: caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] packin}] start 845-7707 at Prime. Equity Today counts. work-at-home career to(250) 14 fun for Family Dayyour Wednesday, March 4,4,2015 Houston MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Wednesday, March 2015 Houston Today Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible 14 weekend! 14 We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age mountain goat experience a must. day! is an in-demand career in ing you need from an employ-
2nd Annual Winterfest er-trusted such an unbelievable program. Visit:
Keep your toddler safe in the car.
to help unload freight, help customers with their orders,
or income.
Canada! Employers have Announcements Announcements Announcements Services Announcements Announcements Employment Employment Employment Employment Along with all the organizations that put their heartWCG into their Call Anytime isorganizing seeking a Case ManPlease apply to and assist other team members with their various work-at-home positions 1-800-639-2274 or ager/Facilitator to join our available. Get the online trainindividual group event in WinterFest 2015 - (Houston Curling Club, responsibilities. or fax 250.847.2909 604-430-1498. Apply online WorkBC team in Houston! ing you need from an employHealth Products Career Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks Cards Thanks at Help of Wanted Help Wanted Financial Services Cards Thanks Cards of Thanks Help Wanted Help Wanted More info of available Houston Link to Learning, Houston Public Library, CountryWide er-trusted program. Visit: t Competitive wages or 1-855Opportunities JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & IF YOU own a home or real t 40 hours per week Sports, Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, 768-3362 to start training for leg cramps? relief in lend one estate, Alpine Fast Credits can Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Houston Today t Training available your work-at-home career toLAT60 Geospatial Solutions is LAT hour. money: Sleep Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at night. Proven Seasonal: April 1 - October 2015 & Arena). Houston Leisure30, Facility you That Simple. day! looking for a Senior GIS Analook for over years. Online: Your Credit 32 / Age / Income is Learn how to Requirements: also like to thank: lyst/Project Manager to work lyst/P Mon-Fri 8-4 Announcements We would Services Employment Employment Employment not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. WCG is seeking a Case ManMarch 2015 Houston out of outdoors the downtownToday Edmonout EST, call 1-800-765-8660. t Wednesday, Must enjoy manual labour4,and the ager/Facilitator to join our install your office. A university degree ton Committee would truly like The Houston ACT Committee would trulyability like to workton Twain Sullivan PAC The Houston ACT Monster Industries t Demonstrated intechnical a teamteam environment WorkBC in Houston! or diploma in GIS or or te ss Announcements Announcements Services Employment Employment Employment 2 Positions -to part timethe LARGE FUND Financial Services More info andavailable at thank community of Houston for their to thank the community of Financial Houston for their t Demonstrated interpersonalrelated and communication skills exHouston Fire Department Maureen Vernon Czirfusz Career Cards of Thanks Help Wanted Help Wanted Services area, 5+ years relat childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car seat and Borrowers Wanted Smithers,AVAILABLE BC Smithers, BC savingONhundreds perience in GIS with is required. To perie ' Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible to JOB OPENINGS t that Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion Start BACK of GET TRACK! Bad participation andand support that made the participation and support made the Mayor Shane Brienen and family Len Jagger Potvin Opportunities our team, Services send a cover join correctly. Call Career s Cards cash of Thanks Cards Thanks Help Wanted Help Wanted Financial IF YOUconfidential own a home or real join dollarsexperienced today! can easily credit? Bills? WeUnemployed? process sales, assist customers withof their projects, Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced information Skeena Air Guides seeks letter and resume to: lette nd nd Seasonal: April 1 - October 30, 2015 Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing approve you We by phone. Money? Lend! If1st, you estate, Alpine Credits can lend 14and Wednesday, 4, Need 2015 Houston Today 2 Annual Annual Winterfest such an unbelievable , be available to assist wherever needed. Winterfest such an unbelievable 2 LAT60 byÂ&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} 5 March PM on}uide t Opportunities Strong customer service jobsI Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in YOU own a home or real 2ndvÂ&#x153;r or 3rd own mortgage money Geospatial Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} Solutions is}uide own your home - you 1-877-247-5551 you vÂ&#x153;r money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. IF Friday, March 20, 2015. Frida success! Thank you for coming out and having success! Thank you for coming out and having estate, Alpine Credits can lend is available right packin}] now. Rates t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short qualify. Pioneer Acceptance looking for a Senior GIS AnaWe would also like to congratulate Marie Kaszas on winning the Announcements Announcements Announcements Services caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] packin}] Employment Employment Employment caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] Your Credit / Age Solutions / Income is is you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. t Competitive wages LAT60 Geospatial start Member at Prime.BBB. Equity counts. Corp. & notice lyst/Project Manager to work MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION MED or visit fun for Family Day weekend! fun for Family looking for a a1.800.587.2161. Senior GIS Ananotweekend! an issue. Your Credit / Age / Income isexperience t 24 hours per week We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age WinterFest prize! Marie won a 6 foot skimmer from goat Day experience must. mountain goatin a must. 1-877-987-1420 is an an issue. in-demand career is a out of themountain downtown Edmonlyst/Project Manager to work not 1.800.587.2161. or income. 2 Positions part time t Cards Trainingofavailable drop off resume at: Starland Supply have Canada! Employers Career Thanks Cards of put Thanks Cards of Thanks Wanted Help Wanted Financial Services CanG ofPlease the downtown Edmon-in person CountryWide Sports!! tonPlease offiHelp ce. that Aapply university degree ommittee would likeorganizations Along withtruly all the that their heart into organizing their Call Anytime Along with all the organizations puttotheir heartout into organizing their Please apply toBC work-at-home positions work ton offiwill ce. be A Ltd. university degree (2000) 165 Francois Drive, Burns Lake, TheRequirements: Houston ACT Committee would truly like or technical diploma in GIS orcandidate 1-800-639-2274 or Description: The qualified responsible to Lake Opportunities LARGE FUND available. Get the online trainavail IF YOU own a home online or real or technical diplomaClub, in GIS or individual group event in WinterFest 2015 (Houston Curlingtook Club, eventrelated individual group inprocess WinterFest 2015 -250.847.2909 (Houston Curling Help Wanted or fax or fax 250.847.2909 Gotthe pics? If anyone who participated in the -WinterFest activities unity of forcommunity their 604-430-1498. Apply FUND area,cash and sales, 5+ years exassist customers with and their projects, Help Wanted ing you LARGE need from an employtoHouston thank of Houston for their ing V estate, Alpine Credits can lend Borrowers Wanted related area, 5+ years ext Strong computer skills Borrowers Wanted Smithers, BC LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is perience in GIS is required. To Houston Link to Learning, Houston Library, CountryWide Houston to Learning, Houston Public Library, CountryWide pictures that they would like to see on the Public ACT website and facebookLink page, er-trusted program. Visit: Smithers, BC er-tr you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. perience in GIS is required. of To and be available to assist wherever Start needed. saving hundreds supportparticipation made the Start saving hundreds of t that Minimum one year experience and support with thatretail made the looking for a Senior GIS or 1-855Care join our team, send a cover join Your Credit / Age / Income is our Valley team, We send cover dollars today! cana easily please submit them to dollars today! We can easily Sports, Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, Sports, Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club, Pleasant Plaza, APARTMENT Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced lyst/Project Manager to work Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced t Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment 768-3362 to start training for 768not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. letter and resume to: letter resume to:wages t and Competitive AMP CALEDONIA approve you by phone. 1st, approve you bybyphone. 1st, 2ndsuch Annual Winterfest such an unbelievable out ofwork-at-home the downtown Edmonrfest an unbelievable SUMMER CAMP STAFF your career toyour/ MANAGER 5 PM on & Arena). t Demonstrated abilityHouston to exerciseLeisure discretionFacility with Houston Leisure Facility & Arena). Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in by 5 PM on 2nd or 3rd mortgage money t 24 hours per week Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in ton offi ce. A university degree 2nd or 3rd mortgage money The Houston ACT Committee would truly like day! day! Friday, March 20, 2015. needed for 27 unit in success! you for coming out and having is available right now. Rates Friday, March 20, 2015. confidential or technical diploma in GIS or for coming outThank and information having caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] packin}] We would also like tofÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] thank:of Houston t Training available right Caledonia now. Rates We would alsoavailable like to thank: isLocated at: Camp Christianstart Anglican Youth Summer Camp in Telkwa, BC, Diocese Caledonia. LARGE of FUND at Prime. Equity counts. caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] }uidin}] packin}] to thank the community for their Burns Lake, BC. Must related area, and 5+ years exWCG is seeking a Case ManWCG MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION t Strong customer service Borrowers Wanted fun for Family Day weekend! start at Prime. Equity counts. WeCamps donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;tinJuly rely credit, mountain goat experience a TRANSCRIPTION must. Smithers, BC Seeking paid Staff for 2015 Summer -is 25, age 2015 perience GIS2on required. To toJuly join our ager ily Day weekend! Requirements: isWe andonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in-demand career be Start saving hundreds of participation and support that made the PAC MEDICAL Sullivan Industries Twain Sullivan Monster Industries rely on credit, agein ager/Facilitator t Twain Ability to work withPAC flexible scheduling and on Monster short mountain goat experience a live-in. must. or income. join our team, send a cover WorkBC team in Houston! Wor is t anStrong in-demand Canada! Employers have Help Wanted dollars today! We can easily computer skillsin seeks Skeena Aircareer Guides experienced Email resumes to: organizations that put their heart into organizing their Call Anytime or income. Paid Positions Available: letter and resume to: notice Please apply to nd More info available at More work-at-home positions Houston Firetheir Department Maureen and Vernon Czirfusz Houston Fire Department Maureen Vernon Czirfusz approve you by phone. 1st, Canada! Employers have and 2 Please Annual Winterfest such an unbelievable 1-800-639-2274 orPM on by 5 t Minimum one year experience with retail irevent heartininto organizing Call Anytime http: Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in available. Get the online trainCamp Director (closing date March 18th) time commitment is June 18 August 8th apply to 2nd or 3rd mortgage money WinterFest 2015 (Houston Curling Club, or fax 250.847.2909 work-at-home positions JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE 604-430-1498. Apply online Friday, March 20, 2015. Mayor Shane Brienen and family JaggerMayor Potvin Shane Brienen and family Len and Jagger Potvin APARTMENT 1-800-639-2274 ingin you need from an or employsuccess! ThankLen youand for coming out and having t Demonstrated ability to work a }uidin}] team environment is available right now. Rates available. Get the online traincaÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] packin}] -o Learning, (Houston Curling Club, Houston Public Library,Valley CountryWide or fax 250.847.2909 program. Visit:Life Guard, Head Cook,30, Assistant Cook, Sport Leader, Craft Leader, Cabin WORKERS start atCounselors Prime. counts. 604-430-1498. Apply online MANAGER Seasonal: April - er-trusted October 2015 Seasonal: April 1 - October 30,Equity 2015 Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Demonstrated to1exercise discretion with Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing Daylight Savings MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION ing t you need from anability employfunRemanufacturing for Family DayGREENHOUSE weekend! needed at Riverside Gardens. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age mountain goat experience a must. Position - full time (closing date Marchor25)1-855- time commitment isTime primarily July 2in- July for 27 unit is needed an in-demand career in 25.or income. Mountain Nordic Ski1 Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, lic Library, CountryWide confidential information Begins... er-trusted program. Visit: 768-3362 to start training for Apply in person. Phone: Canada! Employers have Wewith would also like to congratulate Marie on winning We wouldthe also congratulate Marie Kaszas on winning Burns Lake, BC.forget Must Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t on your work-at-home career to-Nurses, 845-7707 Along all the put their Kaszas heart(250) into organizing theirlike Call helpers. Anytime or 1-855t Strong customer service Description: The qualified candidate willthat be responsible Houston Leisure Facility &organizations Arena). Please apply to Volunteer Positionsthe Available: Chaplains, maintenance, kitchen and craft work-at-home positions Saturday night you b, Pleasant Valley Plaza, day! 1-800-639-2274 or be live-in. 768-3362 to start training for WinterFest prize! Marie won a 6 foot skimmer from WinterFest prize! Marie won a 6 foot skimmer from t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short available. Get the online trainto help unload freight, help customers with their orders, have to set your clocks individual group event in WinterFest 2015 (Houston Curling Club, orcareer fax 250.847.2909 We would also like to thank: 604-430-1498. Apply online Staffis and volunteer applications online at2an your work-at-home to- - WCG Services ahead oneemployhour! ingavailable you need from Email resumes to: 2Sports!! Positions part time Positions - part time seeking a Case Man- are & Arena).andHouston notice assist other members with their Sports!! various CountryWide CountryWide Linkteam to Learning, Houston Public Library, CountryWide er-trusted program. Visit: day! Forward resumes asjoin outlined on the application as soon as possible. ager/Facilitator to our responsibilities. PAC Monster Industries Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible to Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible to or 1-855WorkBC team in Houston! thank: Sports, Morice Mountain Nordic Skiin Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, Got pics? If anyone who participated the WinterFest activities took Got pics? If anyone who participated in the WinterFest took Health Products 768-3362 startsales, training for customers with their projects, More activities info their available process cash asales, assist customers with projects, at WCG is seeking Case Manprocesstocash assist epartment Maureen and Vernon Czirfusz GREENHOUSE WORKERS t Competitive wages your work-at-home to- KNOW... DIDcareer YOU Houston Leisure Arena). pictures that they would like to see onFacility the ACT&website and facebook page,would pictures thatSyndrome they like to be seeavailable on the ACT website and facebook page, ager/Facilitator to 1to join ourwherever needed at available Riverside and assist needed. toGardens. assist wherever needed. RESTLESS LEG & JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE Position - full time day!and be ster Industries t 40family hours per Len weekand Jagger Potvin rienen and Apply in person. Phone: newspaper readers read all or WorkBC team in Houston! leg cramps? Fast relief in onesubmit please submit them to please them to We would also like to thank: 72 per cent of local community t Training available (250) 845-7707 t Competitive wages t Competitive wages hour. Seasonal: Sleep at night.April Proven1 - October Description: The qualified 2015 WCG is seeking a Case ManMore info 30,available at candidate will be responsible Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing een and Vernon Czirfusz for over 32 years. Online: of theper paper. Reachouryour audience by advertising in: ager/Facilitator to week join t 24 hours per freight, week help customers with their orders, t most 24 hours to help unload Twain Sullivan PAC Monster Industries Requirements: JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE Mon-Fri 8-4 WorkBC Services team in Houston! nd Potvin likeJagger to congratulate Marie Kaszas on winning the t Training available t Training available and assist other team members with their various EST, call 1-800-765-8660. More info available at t Houston Must enjoy Fire manual labour the outdoors Maureen 14and 14and Wednesday, March 4, 2 Department Vernon Czirfusz 14 responsibilities. est prize!t Marie won aability 6 foot skimmer from April 1Jagger - October 30, 22015 acturing Demonstrated to work in aSeasonal: team environment JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE Requirements: Requirements: Ph: 250-845-2890 Mayor Shane Brienen and family Len and Potvin Health Products Positions - Announcements part time computer skills Financial Services Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements Employment Employment Employment Employment Announcements Announcements Employment Employment Help Wanted t DemonstratedSports!! interpersonal and communication skills CountryWide t Announcements Strong t Employment Strong computer skills Competitive wages Seasonal: April 1 October 30, 2015 Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Remanufacturing 'RQŇ&#x2039;W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV Demonstrated ability to exerciseValley discretion with RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible to e Kaszast on winning the t Minimum one year experience with retail GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad t Minimum one year experience with retail
,W WDNHV PXVFOHV WR IROG XS WKLV GUIDE/ PACKER QHZVSDSHU ,W WDNHV YARD/WAREHOUSE WORKER â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grandma, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Drive to Save Lives CASHIER/SALES ASSOCIATE CASHIER/SALES PXVFOHV ASSOCIATE coming to visit!â&#x20AC;? YARD/WAREHOUSE WORKER WR IROG ,W WDNHV Keep your ,W WDNHV PXVFOHV XS WKLV CASHIER/SALES ASSOCIATE toddler safe in ,W WDNHV #JobPostings the car. QHZVSDSHU CASHIER/SALES ASSOCIATE PXVFOHV WR IROG IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU CASHIER/SALES PXVFOHV Follow us on Twitter for the ASSOCIATE Learn how to W &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grandma, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re installâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Grandma, your THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU HUNTING HUNTING @LocalWork latest local job postings in XS WKLV HUNTING G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ BC. childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car seat WR IROG WR IROG 'RQŇ&#x2039;W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV coming to visit!â&#x20AC;? coming correctly. Call GUIDE/ PACKER GUIDE/ GUIDE/ PACKER VHULRXVO\ to visit!â&#x20AC;? YARD/WAREHOUSE WORKER YARD/WAREHOUSE WORKER IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU QHZVSDSHU 1-877-247-5551 XS WKLV XS WKLV &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD SUMMER CAMP STAFF YOU or visitHUNTING NTING HUNTING Keep your Keep your G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ randma, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re E/ PACKER GUIDE/ toddler safePACKER in GUIDE/ PACKER toddler safe in Help Wanted QHZVSDSHU VHULRXVO\ QHZVSDSHU ming theto car. visit!â&#x20AC;? the car. YARD/WAREHOUSE WORKERCAMP STAFF /HDUQ PRUH DW PXVFOH FD SUMMER â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grandma, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Learn how to Learn how to THANK YOU weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re HUNTING installcoming your install your Make ur to visit!â&#x20AC;? childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car seat childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car seat YARD/WAREHOUSE WORKER GUIDE/ PACKER
Minimum oneweek year experience with retail t 40 hours per yone who participated in WinterFest activities took leg cramps? Fast relief in one With a coupleinformation ofthe clicks, add your event today. credit? Bills? Unemployed? APARTMENT confidential process sales, customers with their projects, Career Cards of Thanks Cards Cards of ofcash Thanks Thanks Cards Cards ofofof Thanks Thanks Wanted Wanted Wanted Helpenvironment Wanted Cards of Thanks Thanks ofThanks Thanks Help Wanted Wanted t Cards Demonstrated ability to work Cards in Cards aHelp teamof environment t Help Demonstrated to work in a team Training available We would also website like to congratulate Marie Kaszas winning the assist hour. Sleep at night.ability Proven oot skimmer from Needon Money? We Lend! If you would like to see on the ACT and facebook page, MANAGER t Strong customer service and be available to assist wherever needed. t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with for over 32 years. Online: Opportunities own your own home you 2 Positions part time ts WinterFest prize! Marieand won a 6 foot skimmer from Requirements: evonen se needed for 27Mon-Fri unit in8-4 Ability work with flexible scheduling short ts!!submitt them Pioneer Acceptance confidential information confidential information Wednesday, March qualify. 4, 2015 Wednesday, Houston March Today 4, 2015 Wednesday, Houston Today March 4, 2015 Houston Today 2 Positions part t Member Competitive EST, call 1-800-765-8660. t Must enjoy manual labour -and thetime outdoors Corp. BBB.wages to LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is CountryWide Burns Lake, BC. Must notice t Strong customer service Description: TheSports!! qualified candidate will be responsible t Strong customer service thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more online Âť t 24 hours per week 1-877-987-1420 looking for a Senior GIS Anat Demonstrated ability to candidate work in a team environment Announcements Services Services Services Description: The qualified will be responsible to Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment WinterFest activities took be live-in. t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short t Ability to work with flexible scheduling on shortto work lyst/Projectand Manager cash sales, assist customers with their projects, Financial Services Please in person at: Starland Supply Got drop pics?offIfresume anyone whoprocess participated in the WinterFest activities took t Training available t Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills process cash sales, assist customers with their projects, Email resumes to: out of the downtown Edmonnotice notice website and facebook page, (2000) Ltd. 165they Francois Lake Drive, Burns BC and available assist wherever needed. pictures that would like to be see onLake, the to ACT website and facebook page, t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with ton offi ce. A university degree ACTServices Committee TheThe Houston would truly ACT like Committee like and be available to assist whereverwould needed. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Houston ACT Committee wouldtruly truly like Requirements: Career Cards Help Help ofWanted Wanted Thanks Help HelpCareer Wanted Wanted The Houston Financial HelpCareer Wanted Financial Services Financial Services Help Wanted or technical diploma in GIS or credit? Bills? Unemployed? confidential information please submit them to Help Wanted t Strong computer skills to thank the community to of thank Houston thethe for community their ofof Houston to thank community Houstonfor fortheir their related area, and 5+ years ex-
IF n es LA LAT B yo loo look Yo lys lyst/ no out out ton ton re oror t rela rela t Competitive wages t Competitive wages Need Money? We Lend! If you WORKERS IF own one a home or real IF YOU own a home or real IF YOU own a home or real GREENHOUSE t with Strong customer service Smithers, Smithers, BC in GIS is required. To GRE Smithers, perience perS t YOU Minimum yearsupport experience retail peri ownBC your own homeGardens. - you at Riverside t Ability 24made hours week participation and that the and support that made the estate, Alpine Credits can lendparticipation estate, Alpineper Credits can lend- full estate, Alpine Credits can lend needed participation support that made the t 24 hours per week 1and Position time 1 Position - full join time our team, send a cover need join join t to work with flexible and on short APARTMENT qualify. Skeena Pioneer Acceptance LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is scheduling d t Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment Apply in person. Phone: Appl you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced Air Guides seeks experienced Skeena Air Guides experienced AMP CALEDONIA t Training available letter and resume to: letta nd nd lette nd Corp. Member BBB. looking for a available Senior GIS Ana- looking for a /Senior Anafor a /Senior Anat Training notice 845-7707 The qualified candidate MANAGER (250 Your Credit Age ability / GIS Income is looking Your Credit Age qualified / GIS Income is such Your Credit / responsible Age / Income is (250) such an unbelievable such an unbelievable an unbelievable Description: The candidate will be Description: will be responsible t Demonstrated to exercise discretion with by 5 PM on jobs job2 1-877-987-1420 Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in lyst/Project Manager to work lyst/Project Manager to work lyst/Project Manager to work Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. needed for 27 unit in Requirements: 14 Wednesday, March 4,Friday, 2015March Houston Today Frid 20, Frid to help unload freight, help customers with their orders, help unload freight, help customers with their2015. orders, confidential information of the Edmonout BC, of the downtown Edmonout of the downtown Edmonsuccess! Thank for success! coming out Thank and having you for coming out and having i success! Thank you for and having Please drop off resume incoming person at:out Starland Supply Located at: Camp Caledonia Christian out Anglican Youthdowntown Summer Camp in Telkwa, Diocese ofyou Caledonia. Requirements: caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] caÂ&#x201C;p° }uidin}] SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] packin}] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] packin}] caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] }uidin}] packin}] Burns Lake, BC. Must t offi Strong skills ton office. A university degree ton ce. Acustomer universityservice degree ton ce. Acomputer university degree s mmittee would truly like and assist other team members with their various and assist other team members with their various t offi Strong (2000) Ltd. 165 Francois Lake Drive, Burns Lake, BC MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION ME MED fun for Family Day weekend! fun for Family Day weekend! fun for Family Day weekend! Seeking paid Staff for 2015 SummerorCamps July 2 July 25, 2015 diploma inskills GIS or or technical diploma in GIS or ort technical diploma in experience GIS or mountain goat experience mountain a must. goat must. career in isis W t technical Strong computer mountain goat experience experience a must. be live-in. Minimum oneshort year with retail LARGE LARGE FUND LARGE FUND responsibilities. responsibilities. is an in-demand t Ability to and workFUND with flexible scheduling andand on ity of Houston for their related area, and 5+ years ex- related area, 5+ years exrelated area, 5+ years exo Borrowers Wanted Borrowers Wanted Borrowers Wanted APARTMENT Canada! Employers have Can Ca resumes to: t organizing Demonstrated ability toheart work in aEmail team environment t Minimum experience with retail mithers,Paid BCPositions Available: Smithers, BC Smithers, BC notice perience in GIS is year required. ToAlong perience inwith GIS istheir required. To perience in put GISput istheir required. To Along with allone the organizations with that all putthe organizations heart that their heart organizing their Along all the organizations that their into organizing their Please apply apply to Start saving hundreds of into saving hundreds of into Start saving to hundreds of Please Please applywages to t Start Competitive wages 14 Wednesday,positions March 4, 2 upport that made the t Competitive work-at-home wo work MANAGER join our team, send a cover join our team, send a cover join our team, send a cover APARTMENT t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with Camp Director (closing date March 18th) time commitment is June 18 August 8th today! We can easily today!2015 We can dollars today! Club, We can easily RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & t Demonstrated ability to work indollars aindividual team environment available. Get the online train- RES ava ides seeks Skeena experienced Air Guides seeks experienced Air experienced avai individual group event inseeks individual WinterFest group 2015 event - (Houston in WinterFest Curling Club, - (Houston Curling group event int dollars WinterFest 2015 -easily (Houston Curling Club, 40 hours week fax 250.847.2909 fax 250.847.2909 t 40 hours peror week letter Skeena and resume to: Guides letter and resume and resume to: or fax 250.847.2909 needed for unit approve you byto:phone. 1st, letter approve youperby phone. 1st, approve you or by phone. 1st, leg confidential information cramps? Fast27 relief ininone ing an employing e }uide such anCook, unbelievable ing MANAGER AMP CALEDONIA by 5 Learning, PM on by 5 Learning, PM on by 5 PM on GREENHOUSE t vÂ&#x153;r Demonstrated ability to}uide exercise discretion with IF you YOUneed own from a home or real leg Head Assistant Cook,}uide Life Guard, Sport Leader, Craft Leader, Cabin Counselors n} vÂ&#x153;r Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in WORKERS t 2nd Training available t Training available 2nd or 3rdLink mortgage money or 3rd mortgage money 2nd or 3rd mortgage money Houston Link to Houston Houston Public to Library, CountryWide Houston Public Library, CountryWide Burns Lake, BC. Must Houston Link to Learning, Houston Public Library, CountryWide hour. Sleep at night. Proven er-trusted program. Visit: erhour t Strong customer service Friday, March 20, 2015. Friday, March 20, 2015. Friday, March 20, 2015. estate, Alpine Credits can lend er-tr needed at Riverside Gardens. needed for 27 unit in r coming out and having is available right now. Rates is available right now. Rates is available right now. Rates for over 32 years. Online: (closing date March 25) time commitment is primarily July 2 July 25. or 1-855Ca 1 Position full time for confidential information Care LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is ÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] caÂ&#x201C;p° }uidin}] SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] packin}] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] caÂ&#x201C;p° }uidin}] SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] packin}] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] packin}] be live-in. you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. Sports, Morice Mountain Sports, Nordic Morice Ski Club, Mountain Pleasant Nordic Valley Ski Plaza, Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short Apply in person. Phone: Sports, Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, Requirements: Requirements: start at Prime. Equity counts. Located start atat:Prime. Equity counts. start atYouth Prime. Equity counts. Camp Caledonia Christian Anglican Summer Camp in Telkwa, BC, Diocese Caledonia. Mon-Fri to /start 768 768 looking forresumes a of Senior GIS 8-4 Ana- 768-3362 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Burns Lake, BC. Must Day weekend! Your Credit Age training / Incomeforis www Email to: (250) 845-7707 t Strong customer service We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age at experience mountain a must. goat experience mountain a must. goat experience a must. Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible 1-800-765-8660. your work-at-home career to- EST you Volunteer Positions Available: Nurses, maintenance, kitchen and craft helpers. career notice your t Leisure Must enjoy manual the outdoors t call Must enjoy manualtolabour thean outdoors lyst/Project Manager work and is Chaplains, an in-demand career in is an in-demand in is an in-demand in andCamps Houston Leisure Facility Houston & Arena). Leisure Facility & labour Arena). Houston Facility & Arena). Seeking paid Staff for career 2015 Summer July 2 - July 25, 2015 EST, not issue. 1.800.587.2161. or income. or income. or income. be live-in. day! day day! out the downtown Edmonto help unload freight, with their orders, Canada! have scheduling Canada! Employers havecustomers Canada! Employers have t Ability toEmployers work with flexible and on short help IF t Demonstrated ability to work in a team Call environment t of Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment rheart into their Call Anytime Call Anytime Anytime Stafforganizing and apply volunteerto applications are available online at We would also like to thank: We would also like to thank: Please Please apply to We would also like to thank: ton offi ce. A university degree work-at-homeACT Committee positions work-at-home positions work-at-home positions The Houston would truly like es Paid Positions Available: Email resumes to: and assist other team members with their various 1-800-639-2274 or 1-800-639-2274 or 1-800-639-2274 or t Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills t Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills WCG is seeking a Case ManWC notice WC LAT60 Geospatial Solutions is or technical diploma in GIS or available. Get the online trainavailable. Get the online trainavailable. Get the online trainGREENHOUSE WORKERS yo Forward resumesClub, as fax outlined on the application as soon possible. (Houston Curling LARGE 250.847.2909 or 250.847.2909 oras fax 250.847.2909 604-430-1498. Apply online 604-430-1498. Apply online 604-430-1498. Apply online Camp Director (closing date March 18th) - time commitment is June 18 -t August 8th ager/Facilitator toFUND join Anaour age age to thank of Houston for their looking for a Senior GIS related area, and 5+ years ext Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with ing youthe needcommunity from PAC an employingresponsibilities. you need from an employing you need from an employneeded at Riverside Gardens. Yo GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Twain Sullivan Twain Sullivan Monster PAC Industries Monster Industries GET Twain Sullivan PAC Monster Industries Wanted 1 Position - fullBC time WorkBCBorrowers team in Houston! Wo Wor Smithers, Manager to work cred perience in person. GISUnemployed? is required. To lyst/Project c Library, CountryWide er-trusted program. Visit: er-trusted program. Visit: er-trusted program. Visit: Apply in Phone: no credit? Bills? confidential information Start saving hundreds of confidential information participation and support that made the Head Cook, Assistant Cook, Life Guard, Sport Leader, Craft Leader, Cabin Counselors More info available at Mo Mor t Competitive wages out of the downtown EdmonHouston Fire Department Houston Fire Maureen Department and Vernon Czirfusz Maureen and Vernon Czirfusz join our team, send a cover Houston Fireor Department Maureen and Vernon or 1-855- 1-855- or 1-855(250) 845-7707 Need Money? We Lend! If you Description: The qualified candidate will LEG beCzirfusz responsible dollars today! We candegree easily Nee Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced http GREENHOUSE WORKERS , Pleasant Valley Plaza, t Strong customer service t Strong customer service http #ShouldaUsedHouston ton offi ce. A university RESTLESS Syndrome & letter and resume to: Houston ACT Committee would truly like (closing date March 25) time commitment is primarily July 2 July 25. nd 768-3362 to start trainingThe forsuch 768-3362 to start training for 768-3362 to start training for own your own home - you t family 40 hours per week own you by phone. an unbelievable Mayor Shane Brienen and Mayor Shane Len Brienen and Jagger Potvin Len and Jagger Potvin tofamily help freight, help customers with their orders, Mayor Shane Brienen and family Len and Jagger Potvin or approve technical diploma in GIS1st, or qual leg cramps? Fast in one needed at unload Riverside Gardens. by 5 PM on scheduling t Ability tonatural work with scheduling and onrelief short your work-at-home career to-a your work-at-home career to-and your work-at-home career tot Ability to work with flexible and on short qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in Pacific Northern Gas Ltd.,to subsidiary of community AltaGas Ltd., owns and operates gasflexible 2nd or 3rd mortgage money Arena). t Training available thank the of Houston for their related area, and 5+ years ex- Corp hour.Chaplains, Sleep at night. Proven Friday, March 20, 2015. Volunteer Positions Available: Nurses, maintenance, kitchen and craft helpers. and assist other team members with their various Apply in person. Phone: day! Thank day! day! Corp. Member BBB. success! you for coming out and having Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Ryan Valley Stumpf Remanufacturing & Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing is available right now. Rates Stumpf & Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing notice Smithers, BCnotice transmission and distribution systems.Ryan We have two exciting opportunities in our Terrace office. caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] packin}] perience in GIS is required. To for over 32 years. Online: ank: 1-877-987-1420 S (250) 845-7707 Prime.send Equitya counts. participation and support that made the responsibilities. Description: candidate willseeking be responsible Requirements: joinstart ourat team, cover Mon-Fri MEDICAL Dungate Community Forest8-4 Limited Partnership isTRANSCRIPTION looking WCG is seeking a qualified Case Day ManWCG is a Case Man- WCG ismountain seeking aapplications Case ManStaffPlease and volunteer are available online at fun for The Family weekend! d Weat: donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely Supply on goat experience a must. drop off resume in person at: Starland Supply Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced Please drop off resume in person Starland We would also like to congratulate We would Marie also like Kaszas to congratulate on winning Marie the Kaszas on winning the We would also like to congratulate Marie Kaszas on winning the and resume to: credit, age EST, call 1-800-765-8660. is part-time an in-demand career in letter nd t Must enjoy manual and the outdoors ager/Facilitator to join help ourcustomers ager/Facilitator to orders, joinlabour oursuch ager/Facilitator to join our to help unload freight, with their to hire an Administrative Assistant for work a or income. Forward resumes as Francois outlined on the Drive, application as Lake, soon as t an Competitive wages unbelievable er Industries (2000) Ltd. 165 Lake Burns BCpossible. by BC 5 PM on Canada! Employers have (2000) Ltd. 165 Francois Drive, Burns Lake, WorkBC team in Houston! WorkBC teamWinterFest in Houston! WorkBC team in Houston! Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in 2 t Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment Along with all the organizations that put their heart into organizing their Call Anytime WinterFest prize! Marie won WinterFest a 6 foot prize! skimmer Marie from won a 6 foot skimmer from RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & prize! Marie won a 6 foot skimmer from (approximately 20-25 hours a month). Dungate has no offi ce, Please apply to and assist other team members with their various t 40 hours per week Friday, March 20, 2015. work-at-home positions More info available success! at More Thank info you available at More info available at for coming out and having en and Vernon Czirfusz is 1-800-639-2274 or leg cramps? Fast relief in one 2 Positions part time 2 Positions part time 2 Positions caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] }uidin}] packin}] t Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills but does have a laptop computer, printer and fi le cabinet which Reporting togroup the General Manager Operations, the Manager Engineering & Special Projects is beCountryWide responsible for ensuring all available. Get the online train individual event in WinterFest 2015 (Houston Curling Club, CountryWide Sports!! Sports!! t Training available CountryWide orSports!! fax 250.847.2909 s 604-430-1498. Apply online responsibilities. hour. Sleep at from night.anProven MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION ing you need employfun for Family d Jagger t Demonstrated abilityDay to exercise discretion with such would be kept in your care. ourPotvin of facilities conform to the latest applicable design, operations and maintenance standards forweekend! natural gas facilities W GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad mountain goat experience a must. Description: The qualified candidate Description: will be responsible The toVisit: candidate responsible to in forer-trusted over 32 years. Online: Description: Thequalified qualified candidate be responsible to is anwill in-demand career Houston Link to Learning,Got Houston Public Library, CountryWide program. Requirements: o credit? Bills? Unemployed? pics? If anyone who participated Got pics? in If anyone the WinterFest who participated activities took in the WinterFest activities took Got pics? If anyone who participated in the WinterFest activities took Mon-Fri 8-4 customers regulator and meter installations. Thisconfidential position willinformation provide overall management, supervision, turing as pipelines, compressor stations, Canada! Employers have t Competitive wages process cash sales, assist customers process with cash their sales, projects, assist their projects, Duties would include: or 1-855process cash sales, assist customers with their projects, AMP AM Along with all the organizations that put their heart into organizing their Need We Lend! If you EST, call CALEDONIA 1-800-765-8660. Sports, Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, Please apply to t maintenance Must enjoy manual labour and theMoney? outdoors work-at-home positions t for Strong customer service pictures that they would like pictures to see on that the they ACT would website like and to see facebook on the ACT page, website and facebook page, 768-3362 to start training for pictures that they would like to see on the ACT website and facebook page, engineering and technical direction, along with project management various capital, operating and projects. RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & â&#x20AC;˘ regular monitoring of email and regular mail and directing andyour be available to assist and needed. be own own home - youwherever and beavailable availableto toassist assist wherever wherever needed. t 40 hoursgroup per week your work-at-home career to- available. Get the online traint cramps? Demonstrated ability to work in a correspondence team environment event in WinterFest 2015 - submit (Houston Curling Club, Kaszas on winning the Houstonindividual orAcceptance fax 250.847.2909 t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short Leisure Facility &submit Arena). leg Fast relief in one qualify. Pioneer please them to please them please submit them to Located Camp Caledonia Christian Anglican YouthBBB. Summer Camp in Telkwa, BC, Diocese of Caledonia. Located at: Camp Caledonia Christianing Anglican in Telkwa, you Youth need Summer from anCamp employday! t Training available t Competitive wages t Competitive wages Corp. Member t Competitive wages t Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills hour.CountryWide Sleep at night. Proven notice Houston Linkto tothank: Learning, Houston Public Library, â&#x20AC;˘ paying bills, deposits and banking duties ot skimmer from er-trusted program. Visit: We would also like 1-877-987-1420 Seeking paid Staff for 2015 Summer Camps July 2 July 25, 2015 Seeking paid Staff for 2015 Summer Camps July 2 July 25, 2015 t â&#x20AC;˘ 24 hours per week t t 24 hours per week for t over 32 years.ability Online: 24is hours per Demonstrated to exercise discretion with WCG seeking aweek CaseBad Man- or 1-855tions - part time 2 Positions - part timeMorice 2 Positions - part time Ski off GET BACK ON TRACK! bookkeeping duties Sports, Mountain Nordic Club, Pleasant Valley Plaza, ! Requirements: Please drop resume in person at: Starland Supply ager/Facilitator tominutes join our 768-3362 to start training for Mon-Fri 8-4 credit? Bills? Unemployed? t â&#x20AC;˘ Training t t Training available Training available information Reporting to the General Operations, the ManagerIndustries Records & Administration is responsible forconfidential ensuringAvailable: compliance preparingavailable agenda, financial statements and taking Twain PACtoManager Monster Paid Positions Paid Positions Available: fied candidate Description: willSullivan be responsible The qualified candidate Description: will be responsible The qualified to candidate will be responsible to your work-at-home career toWorkBC team in Houston! Need Money? We Lend! If you (2000) Ltd. 165 Francois Lake Drive, Burns Lake, BCservice EST, 1-800-765-8660. Houston Leisure Facility Arena). Must enjoy manual labour and thewith outdoors t call Strong customer andactivities administration regarding the t efficient overall office operations, the aim of & developing, improving and(closing managing of-regular meetings (usually WinterFest took Camp Director date March 18th) time commitment is Junemonthly) 18 - Requirements: August 8th Camp Director 18th) - time commitment is June 18 More info available at day! own your own (closing home -date youMarch Requirements: Requirements: Houston Fire Department Maureen Vernon ssist customers process with cash their sales, projects, assist customers process with cash their sales, projects, assistand customers withCzirfusz their projects, t Demonstrated ability to work inand a team t Ability work with flexible scheduling and on send shortskills We would alsoenvironment like being to thank: â&#x20AC;˘ Strong Organize and invitations to stakeholders for the qualify. Pioneer Acceptance administrative processes. This position provides ongoing leadership mentorship, the go-to person for alltoadministrative website and facebook page, t computer t Strong computer skills t Strong computer skills ist wherever and needed. be available to assist wherever and needed. be available to assist wherever needed. WCG is seeking a Craft Case Leader, Man- Cab Cook,forAssistant Cook, Life Guard,Annual Sport Information Leader, Craft Leader, Corp. Cabin Counselors Mayor Shane Brienen Len and Jagger Head Cook, Assistant Cook, Life Guard, Sport Leader, Member BBB. Meeting notice and office concerns. As part ofand the PNG Operations Management team, this position alsoskills acts as ReliefHead Manager the Manager t family Demonstrated interpersonal and Potvin communication ager/Facilitator toJulyjoin our25. t Minimum one year experience t t with Minimum retail one experience with retail Minimum oneyear year experience 1-877-987-1420 (closing date March 25) time commitment is primarily July 2 July 25. (closing date March 25) time commitment is primarily 2 July Twain Sullivan PAC Monster Industries â&#x20AC;˘ Other duties as may arise or are assigned Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing t Competitive wages t t Competitive wages Operations Accounting and Manager Customer Care. team in Houston! APARTMENT Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with t Demonstrated ability to work in t t aDemonstrated team environment ability in a team environment AMP Demonstrated ability to to work workWorkBC environment dropTRACK! off resume at: CALEDONIA Starland Supply GET Please BACK ON Badin person More info maintenance, available kitchen at t 24 hours per week t 24 hoursFire per week Houston Department Maureen andcredit? Vernon Czirfusz Volunteer Positions Available: maintenance, kitchen craft helpers. Volunteer Positions Chaplains, a you are interested in thisto position please submit your resume MANAGER Bills? Unemployed? t IfChaplains, Demonstrated exercise t and discretion withAvailable: ability exercise discretion with t Demonstrated Demonstrated ability to toNurses, exercise discretion with (2000) Ltd. 165 FrancoisNurses, Lake Drive, Burns Lake,ability BC confidentialMarie information We would also like to congratulate Kaszas on winning the
2 Annual Winterfest 2 2Annual Winterfest Annual Winterfest
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eat AVAILABLE NINGS JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE Health Products Learn how to all ril 1 - October Seasonal: 30, 2015 April 1 - October Seasonal: 30, 2015 April 1 - October 30, 2015 SUMMER CAMP STAFF install your 5551 he ALESCASHIER/SALES ASSOCIATE CASHIER/SALES ASSOCIATE childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car seat Manager Records & ASSOCIATE Administration @LocalWorkBC n BC. correctly. Call Help Wanted 1-877-247-5551 JOBServices OPENINGS AVAILABLE Financial or visit Follow us on Twitter for the Seasonal: April 1 - October 30, 2015 'RQŇ&#x2039;W WDNH \RXU PXVFO HV SUMMER CAMP STAFF Drive to Save Lives Drive to Save Lives
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Help Wanted
JOBof OPENINGS t TrainingPlease available t Training available visit our website atShane for detailed job descriptions and information on to:BC, byAVAILABLE March 25th. needed for 27 unit in Mayor Brienen andLocated family Len andChristian Jagger Potvin n Need Money? We Lend! If youin Telkwa, Help Wanted at: Camp Caledonia Anglican Summer Camp Diocese confidential information information confidential information Staff andYouth volunteer applications are available online atCaledonia. Staffconfidential and volunteer applications are available online at t Strong customer service WinterFest prize! Marie won a 6 foot skimmer from We thank you for your interest, only those selected for2015 an service Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. Qualified applicants are invited to email their resumes in confidence to the own your own home you Burns Lake, BC. Must BB t Strong customer service t Strong customer t Strong customer service Requirements: Requirements: Seasonal: April 1 October 30, Ryan Stumpf & Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing Seeking paid Staff for 2015 Summer Camps July 2 July 25, 2015 Forward resumes as outlined on the application as soon as possible. Forward resumes as outlined on the application as soon as possible. 2Acceptance Positions - part time be contacted. t Ability to Wanted work with Department; flexible scheduling andWanted on short qualify. Help PioneerWanted Resources Sports!! Helpcomputer Help t interview Ability will to work with flexible scheduling t t Ability totowork on short with andlive-in. on short short Abilityand work withflexible flexible schedulingbe and on lls t Strong computer skills CountryWide t Human Strong skills Corp. Member BBB. Paid Positions Available: Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible to notice Email resumes to: We would also like to congratulate Marie Kaszas on winning the AMP CALEDONIA notice notice notice experiencet with Minimum retail year experience t with Minimum retail one yearWinterFest experience with retail took 1-877-987-1420 Got pics?one If anyone who participated in the activities Camp Director (closing date March 18th) - APARTMENT time commitment is June 18 - August 8th their projects, process cash sales, assist customers with rer APARTMENT APARTMENT y to work in t aDemonstrated team environment to work in t asee Demonstrated team environment to in work in a at: team environment WinterFest prize! Marie won aSupply 6 foot skimmer from Please drop offability resume person Starland pictures that theyability would like to on the ACT website and facebook page, and be available to assist wherever needed. Located at: Camp Caledonia Christian Anglican Youth Summer Camp in Telkwa, BC, Diocese of Caledonia. MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER 2 Positions part time y to exercise t Demonstrated discretion withability to exercise t Demonstrated discretion withability to exercise with Cook, Life Guard, Sport Leader, Craft Leader, Cabin Counselors Headdiscretion Cook, Assistant CountryWide Sports!! GREENHOUSE WORKERS GRE GR please submit them to (2000) Ltd. Drive, Burns Lake, BC needed for165 27Francois unit in Lake (closing needed 2725) unit in commitment for 27 unit Seeking Staffwages for 2015 Summer Camps July 2The - July 25, 2015candidate tion confidential information confidential information date for March - time ispaid primarily July 2 - in July 25. Description: needed at Riverside Gardens. nee nee t needed Competitive qualified will be responsible to 1 Position full time 1 Position full time 1 Position Burns Lake, Mustwho participated Burns Lake, Burns Lake, BC. Must Apply in person. Phone: App Ap pics? If BC. anyone in BC. the Must WinterFest activities took rvice t Strong customer service t Got Strong customer service t 24 hours per week process cash sales, assist customers with their projects, Paid Positions Available: Volunteer Positions Available: Nurses, Chaplains, maintenance, kitchenDescription: and craft helpers. (250) 845-7707 (25 (250 The qualified candidate Description: will be The responsible be responsible responsible Description: The qualified qualified candidate candidate will be be live-in. live-in. beavailable live-in. that they would likescheduling to see onbe the ACT facebook page, flexible scheduling t Ability and to work on short with flexiblepictures scheduling t Ability and to work on short with flexible and on shortwebsite and t Training and be available to assist wherever needed. Camp Director (closing date - time commitment Junecustomers 18 to - to August 8th to help unload freight, ishelp help unload their freight, orders, help with their their orders, orders, helpwith unload freight, help customers customers with Email resumes resumes to: are available Email resumes to: March 18th) StaffEmail and applications online at notice notice please to: submit them to volunteer Services Requirements: t andCompetitive wages assistLeader, other team members and assist with other team their various various andCounselors assisttheir othervarious team members members with their Head Cook, Cook, Life Guard, Sport Craft Leader, Cabin Forward resumes as outlined on theAMP application asAssistant soon as possible. CALEDONIA Help Wanted t Strong computer skills t 24 hours per week responsibilities. responsibilities. responsibilities. (closing date March 25) - time commitment is primarily July 2 - July 25. GREENHOUSE WORKERS GREENHOUSE WORKERS GREENHOUSE WORKERS Health Products H t Minimum one year experiencet with retailavailable Training needed at Camp Riverside Gardens. needed at Riverside Gardens. needed atPositions Riverside Gardens. t Competitive wages wages t Competitive Competitive wages Volunteer Available: maintenance, kitchent and craft helpers. sition - full time 1 Position - full time 1 Position - full time APARTMENT Located at: Caledonia Christian Anglican Youth Summer Camp in Telkwa, Diocese of Caledonia. t BC, Demonstrated abilityPhone: to Nurses, work inChaplains, a team environment Apply in person. Phone: Apply in person. Phone: Apply in person. RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & RES RE Requirements: t 40 hours per week t t 4040hours per hours perweek week MANAGER t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with (250) 845-7707 (250) 845-7707 (250) 845-7707 leg cramps? Fast relief in one leg leg fied candidate Description: will be The responsible qualified candidate Description: will The responsible candidate will Staff and volunteer applications are available online at Seeking paidbeStaff forqualified 2015 Summer Camps Julybe2 -responsible July 25, 2015 Help Wanted t Strong computer skills Training available t t needed Training available Training available hour. Sleep at night. Proven hou for 27 unit in hou confidential help customers to help with unload their freight, orders, help customers to help with unload their freight, orders, help customers with their orders, Forward resumesinformation as outlined on the t application as soon as possible. for over 32 years. Online: for for Minimum one year experience with retail Burns Lake, BC. Must Services Services Services Paid Available: t Strong customer service Requirements: Requirements: Requirements: am members and assist with their othervarious team members and Positions with assist their othervarious team members with their various Mon-Fri 8-4 www ww APARTMENT t Demonstrated ability to work in a teambe environment live-in. EST, call 1-800-765-8660. ES t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short EST t Must enjoy manual labour and t the Must outdoors enjoy manual labour and the outdoors t Must enjoy manual labour and outdoors Camp Director (closing date March 18th) - time commitment is June 18 - August 8th responsibilities. responsibilities. MANAGER t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with Email resumes to: Health Products Health Products Health Products notice t Demonstrated ability to work in t t aDemonstrated team environment ability a team environment environment Demonstrated ability to to work work in needed for Services 27 unit in confidential information t Competitive wages t Competitive wages Financial FF Head Cook, Assistant Cook, Life Guard, Sport Leader, Craft Leader, Cabin Counselors t Demonstrated interpersonal and t communication skills and communication skills t Demonstrated Demonstratedinterpersonal interpersonal communication skills Burns Lake, BC. Must RESTLESS Syndrome & RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & t Strong customer service t 40 hours per week t 40 hoursLEG per week t Demonstrated ability to exercise t Demonstrated discretion with ability to exercise discretion with (closing date March 25) - in timeone commitment is primarily July 2 in- July t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with leg cramps? Fast relief leg cramps? Fast relief one25.leg cramps? Fast relief in one GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad GE GET be live-in. GREENHOUSE WORKERS t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short t Training available t Training available
Houston Today Wednesday, March 4, 2015 15
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc for Rent
Misc for Rent
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
BowďŹ&#x201A;ex Tread Climber TC10 - brand new - must sell $2000 250-697-6238 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDINGS. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Really big sale!â&#x20AC;? All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit us online
Cards of Thanks
If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555
most cellular ommittee on would truly like networks. unity of Houston for their Misc. Wanted support that made the Privatean Collector Looking to rfest such unbelievable Buy Coin Collections, Silver, for coming out and Antiques, Native Art,having Estates + 778-281-0030 Local ily DayChad: weekend!
Estatetheir ir heart intoReal organizing - (Houston Curling Club, Homes Wanted lic Library, CountryWide WANTED TO buy: (house in b, Pleasant Plaza, the areaValley from Fraser Lake to Smithers). Three or more bed& Arena). rooms. No pets due to allerthank: gies. Please contact:
Mountain View Motel SKI SPECIALS - $69.95/ night or $395.00/ week Monthly Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Suites Avail. Ref. Req./ Resp. People Includes - Cable - Internet - Phone Call Terry 1-778-210-1703 or 250-847-9009 or e-mail
,W WDNHV PXVFOHV Help Wanted Help Wanted WR UHDG WKLV DG HUNTING Wanted: to startPACKER immediately a GUIDE/
PART TIME PERSON Skeena Air Guides seeks experienced Smithers, BC
with sewing skills and also computer Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;unĂ&#x152;ain Â&#x2026;unĂ&#x152;in} }uide vÂ&#x153;r reÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;Ă&#x152;e yĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2021;in competence. Must be able to}uidin}] work Saturdays. caÂ&#x201C;p° SeasÂ&#x153;naÂ?] fÂŁĂ&#x2021;xÂłĂ&#x2030;daĂ&#x17E;] packin}] mountain goat experience a must. Please apply in person with resume. 'RQŇ&#x2039;W WDNH \RXU PXVFOHV Please apply to IRU JUDQWHG 2YHU Pleasant Valley Cleaners or fax 250.847.2909 3356 10th Street, Houston &DQDGLDQV ZLWK PXVFXODU G\VWURSK\ WDNH WKHP YHU\ VHULRXVO\ local economy depends on you A healthy
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENCE W0189 Please be advised that Fairlead Log Company Ltd. is proposing to remove 51 hectares of private land from Woodlot License W0189 located in the vicinity of Aiken Creek. Inquiries/comments regarding this proposal must be submitted to Rob Turner, Box 487, Telkwa, B.C. V0J 2X0 by March 15, 2015. Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Rob Turner at 250 846 9592.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Houston Today
Snowmobiles Employment
NEED ROOM FOR HORSES? â&#x20AC;˘ Attractive, very well kept, recently updated 4 bedroom home on a gorgeous 5.97 acre lot on the popular Lund Road! â&#x20AC;˘ 4 separate fenced areas, barn with stalls, water, hay storage & tack room. â&#x20AC;˘ Fenced back yard. House features updated dark cherry cabinets in the kitchen, new laminate flooring throughout the main. â&#x20AC;˘ 3 bedrooms on the main, 1 in the basement. 3 bathrooms, rec-room in the basement as well as a second kitchen area! New Blaze King wood/ electric furnace. Wrap around drive way, nicely landscaped, drilled well. â&#x20AC;˘ Your own pond for hockey in the winter! Double garage. â&#x20AC;˘ All appliances incl. This one wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t last long!! Call now to view 250-845-1147
Services Snowmobiles
Career Financial Services 1978 PANTHER 5000 Opportunities IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend clean - almost mint. $1,000 LAT60Very Geospatial Solutions is you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. looking for a Senior GIS Analyst/Project Manager to work out of the downtown Edmonton office. A university degree or technical diploma in GIS or related area, and 5+ years experience in GIS is required. To join our team, send a cover letter and resume to: by 5 PM on Friday, March 20, 2015.
Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
2012 POLARIS PRO 800
LARGE FUND 163 inch track - reverse. Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of Some extras. Good condition. dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, $7800 2nd or 3rd mortgage money
is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Phone: 250-845-2498 or 250-845-7419
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-855768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
END OF THE RAINBOW! â&#x20AC;˘ Spacious family home on a huge lot! 5 bedrooms, double garage, fenced back yard, RV parking, paved drive! â&#x20AC;˘ Kitchen features new flooring, countertops and re-finished cabinets. â&#x20AC;˘ Formal dining room with patio doors to a deck. Bright, spacious living room, laundry on the main floor. Basement features a family room with a pellet stove as well as a rec-room and 3rd bathroom. â&#x20AC;˘ Other updates include vinyl windows and siding. 10 X 10 storage shed, 21 X 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;7 garage. All appliances and window coverings included. â&#x20AC;˘ Call Lia to view! 250-845-1147.
WCG is seeking a Case Manager/Facilitator to join our WorkBC team in Houston! More info available at
ster Industries een and Vernon Czirfusz nd Jagger Potvin acturing
Hospice e KaszasHouston on winning the Art Show, Auction & Gala Houstonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Love by the Bowlâ&#x20AC;? Soup Kitchen Fundraiser oot skimmer fromat the Houston Community Hall. Free Art serving healthy homemade soups in two different Show: March 6: 3-8pm. Ties & Tiaras Art Auction and seatings,-11:00 2 Positions part -12:00 time and 12:00 -1:00 on Wed. ts!!
The Topley Fire Protection Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annual General Meeting will be held at the Topley Fire Hall on Sunday, March 8th at 2 pm. Agenda: 1. Election of directors. 2. There will be a special resolution in regards to changing a portion of the by-laws. Copies of the changes will be available to anyone interested.
Gala: March 7 starting at 6:30pm.Description: Tickets available The qualified will be responsible to Buck candidate Flats Community Development Society, @ 1st Choice Fashions, Bar, Chamber of WinterFest activities took Co-Op Gasprocess cash sales, assist customers projects, meets every 3rd with Sat. their evening at 6pm at Andy Commerce & Hairpage, Trendz. website and facebook and be available to assist wherever Pollackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house needed. (17642) on Buck Flats Rd. All Buck Pee Wee Hockey is holding a BBQ fundraiser to Flats residents are welcome to attend, we discuss t Competitive wages help pay for travel costs to provincial t 24competition. hours per weekissues concerning the Buck flats area. Please call The BBQ is Saturday, March 7 from 11-2 atavailable the Chris Newell at 250-845-3564 for more info. t Training Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Credit Union in Houston. Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. Activities for Seniors in Houston at the Seniors Requirements: NoWanted experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C Houston Baptist Church presents: Tim &computer The skills Centre: Carpet Bowling Tues. & Fri. 1:00 PM â&#x20AC;˘Help t Strong Glory Boys concert Sat. March 7. openone at yearFloor Curling Mon. 1:00 PM â&#x20AC;˘ Pool any afternoon to 250-696-3348 or come to a Fire Practice Thurs @ t Doors Minimum experience with retail 19:00 hrs (7pm). 6:30pm. Everyone welcome, admission by donation. ability schedule call; t Demonstrated to work in Adrian-250-845-2338 a team environment â&#x20AC;˘ Breakfasts-APARTMENT t Demonstrated ability exercise with Call the church for more info 250-845-7810. firsttoSat. of the discretion month, community invited. â&#x20AC;˘ Soup MANAGER Topley Fire Protection Society meetings every needed for 27 unit in confidential information second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. 2015 International Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Celebration and Sandwich luncheon- third Thurs. of the month. Burns Lake, BC. Must t Strong customer service Community invited. At Pleasant Valley Village, 3603 Sunday, March 8: 12noon-3:00 t pm Houston Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short â&#x20AC;˘ be live-in. Senior Centre. Free Luncheon, Guest Speakers, 11th St.: Senior Exercise, Mon. & Fri 10:00 AMEmail resumes to: notice Cards Mon. & Thurs. 7:00 PM. At the Bowling Alley: Entertainment & Door Prizes. (Registration is Seniors bowling Wed. 1:30 PM. At the Houston required: NWCC at 250 845 7266) and District Seniors meeting every 2nd Swimming Pool: Aquafit, Mon., Wed. & Fri.GREENHOUSE 9-10 GranisleWORKERS Sunday of the month at 7pm at the Seniors Centre. needed at Riverside Gardens. The Houston M.S. Self Help Group is meeting1 Position AM. At the Legion: lunch - full timeSeniors darts and lightApply in person. Phone: at 10 a.m. Wed March 11 at the office of Nadina Thursdays 11a.m. - 2 p.m. Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & (250) 845-7707 Description: The qualified candidate will be responsible Community Futures on Butler Avenue. Those coping fi re practices every Tues., 7:00pm at the Fire Hall. to help unload freight, help Break customers with their Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s orders, Bible Study - an Interactive with multiple sclerosis and their family are welcome. Coffeemembers Services and assist other team with their various meet every Wed. morning from 9:30-11:00 at the Granisle Church of the Way services are Sunday, Phone 250-845-7859 for information. responsibilities. Houston Christian Reformed Church, 1959 Goold 11:00am. Products Houston Public Library Events: Story Time â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wed. Road. Childcare is provided. For more info Health call t Competitive wages PleaseSyndrome keep your mornings from 10-11 a.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Juniort Literary Society LEG & announcements as brief as Evelyn 40 hours per weekMargaret: 845-2348, Darlene 845-7438, RESTLESS leg cramps? possible. Fast relief in one (faxed or mailed or delivered) is Deadline â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Thurs. afternoons from 2:30-4:30. For moreavailable info 696-3229. t Training hour. Sleep 4atp.m. night. Proven Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as on above events please contact the library @250for over 32 years. Online: The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Requirements: spaceMon-Fri permits. Items 8-4 will be accepted via fax, email 845-2256. Monday is Executive, 4th Monday is 1-800-765-8660. EST, call or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. t Must enjoy manual labour of andthe themonth outdoors Community Calendar proudly sponsored More calendar items are listed online and can be General Meeting. t by Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment
weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re visit!â&#x20AC;?
t Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills t Demonstrated ability to exercise discretion with confidential information t Strong customer service t Ability to work with flexible scheduling and on short notice
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION
Please drop off resume in person at: Starland Supply (2000) Ltd. 165 Francois Lake Drive, Burns Lake, BC
BUYER FRIENDLY!! â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
5 bedroom home on a 62 x 100 lot located close to all amenities! 3 bedrooms up/2 down. Bright kitchen with white cabinets. Dining room with patio doors to 10x12 deck. Laminate flooring throughout. 2 Bathrooms. Spacious family room in the basement, large laundry room with a laundry tub. Updated furnace & hot water tank, some new windows. â&#x20AC;˘ Covered front walk way. A great first investment or rental! â&#x20AC;˘ Call Lia to view 250-845-1147. Quick possession available.
WELCOME HOME! â&#x20AC;˘ Extensively renovated 4 bedroom, 2 bath home in a great neighbourhood!! â&#x20AC;˘ Really must be seen to be appreciated!! Oak hardwood in kitchen/dining/ living and hallway. New countertops in kitchen and main bath. â&#x20AC;˘ Laminate in bedrooms. Some new windows. â&#x20AC;˘ Full finished basement features huge rec-room, den and office as well as a spacious laundry room and 3 piece bath! â&#x20AC;˘ Andâ&#x20AC;Ś outside features include a patio wired for a hot tub, detached 13 x 30 garage/workshop, and a really neat insulated & wired playhouse! â&#x20AC;˘ Fenced yard, ample parking. All appliances included. â&#x20AC;˘ Quick possession available!
The Hometown Experts with a World of ExperienceÂŽ
Financial Services submitted or viewed at
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? & IfDISTRICT BRANCH Need HOUSTON Money? We Lend! you own your own2365 home Copeland - you Ave. qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. MemberP.O. BBB. Box 1480, Houston 1-877-987-1420 Phone: 250-845-7117
Help Wanted
Since May 1941, Bulkley Valley Credit Union has been building a solid financial institution that members from Burns Lake to the Hazeltons have grown to rely on. AMP CALEDONIA People helping people is how we began and we strive to remain people-oriented, both in our financial through direct Located at: Campservices Caledoniaand Christian Anglican Youth Summer Camp in Telkwa, BC, Diocese of Caledonia. involvement with our communities. Seeking paid Staff for 2015 Summer Camps July 2 - July 25, 2015 We are dedicated to local decision-making and local control, key Paid Positions Available: factors in providing the kinds of services that meet the financial Camp Director (closingalike. date March 18th) - time commitment is June 18 - August 8th needs of individuals and business members
Head Cook, Assistant Cook, Life Guard, Sport Leader, Craft Leader, Cabin Counselors (closing date March 25) - time commitment is primarily July 2 - July 25.
Volunteer Positions Available: Nurses, Chaplains, maintenance, kitchen and craft helpers. Staff and volunteer applications are available online at
Lia Long 250-845-1147
Re/Max Houston
2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, BC e-mail: Locally owned and operated
Call 250-845-7325
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Houston Today
March 4-10, 2015
Your Pantry Fill Specialists
Large Navel Oranges
2 for
Superpack Top Sirloin Steak
12.32 / kg
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee
Mini Peeled Carrots 2 lb
Kraft Cheez Whiz
Superpack Chicken Thighs
Limit 2 per Family Purchase, 900 g
Bone-In Skin-On, 5.71/kg
Bolthouse Juices
Folgers Classic Roast Coffee
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee, 946 ml
2 Varieties, 375 g
Western Family Bacon
920 g
2 for
G R E AT BA R G A I N S Value Priced Cookies Assorted Varieties 625-907 g
Kraft Miracle Whip Limit 2 per Family Purchase 890 ml
Christie Snacking Crackers Assorted Varieties, 200-225 g
4 for
Western Family Wraps
Assorted Varieties, 8 ‘s
Bull’s Eye Barbecue Sauce
Starbucks Whole Bean Coffee
2 for
Assorted Varieties, 425 ml
2 for
Western Family Ice Cream Assorted Varieties 1.89 litre
2 for
Frebreeze Air Effects Multipack Works out to 2.25 each 4x275 g
French Roast, 1.13 kg
Western Family Frozen Fruit
Duncan Hines Cake Mixes
Assorted Varieties, 515 g
2 for
Western Family Tuna 2 Varieties, 12x170 g
Minute Rice 3 kg
Frank’s Red Hot Sauce
Assorted Varieties, 354 ml
Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup
Liberte 0% Greek Yogurt
2 Varieties, 1 litre
Aussie Shampoo or Conditioner
Kraft Cool Whip
Cascade Dish Powder 3.54 kg
2 for
999 2
Assorted Varieties, 450 g
22 count, 1.85 kg
Assorted Varieties 1.5 kg
Duncan Hines Frosting
2 Varieties, 865 ml
Plain, 1.75 kg
Softsoap Bodywash
Assorted Varieties, 443-532 ml
Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 6 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm 3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 •