Lake Country Calendar, March 04, 2015

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March 4, 2015



Familiar face Former district councillor hired as the municipality’s new community development manager ...............................


‘No’ side keeping quiet In the aftermath of the defeated Alternative Approval Process temporarily halting the CN rail corridor property acquisition, reporter Kevin Parnell finds the triumphant ‘no’ vote side strangely quiet. ...........................

Referendum pursued for Lake Country KEVIN PARNELL The acquisition team representing Lake Country, Kelowna and the North Okanagan Regional District will meet Thursday to discuss options moving forward with an attempted purchase of the CN Rail corridor, with Lake Country looking to hold a referendum to help raise its $5 million portion of a $22 million tentative deal. More than 10 per cent of Lake Country residents voted down the district’s attempts to borrow $2.6 million in a failed Alternative Approval Process attempt, which has sent the partners back to the drawing board in attempting to secure financing for the deal, by a March 31 deadline. As of the Lake Country Calendar press deadline on Monday, the team had not yet heard from CN Rail on its request for an extension to the closing date on the tentative deal. The extension would be needed to hold a referendum on the question of whether or not the district can borrow $2.6 million, the same question that failed in the AAP. “A referendum is our only option,” maintained Lake Country Mayor James Baker Monday morning. “The big issue is to protect the corridor and keep it public but this is also an investment for Lake Country.”




LAKE COUNTRY’S 2014 Citizen of the Year Dorothy Dussault is awarded the annual Sax Koyama award by Oceola Fish and Game Club president Sean Richardson and Lake Country Mayor James Baker. See story on A3.


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Construction on new building to start March 16 A new food bank building for Lake Country suddenly got a lot closer. Shovels go into the ground March 16. Two factors have driven the agenda ahead. In January, Aviva Insurance made a $100,000 grant towards a new permanent home for the food bank, after the Lake Country Rotary Club organized a massive on-line

voting campaign in support. One condition of the grant was that the money must be spent within the calendar year 2015. The second factor was the commitment by Okanagan College in Vernon to use the food bank as practical training for their Trades Apprenticeship program. This semester, students get

five weeks of theory in class, 16 weeks of hands-on training on a project, and wind up with another five weeks of classroom work. To get in the 16 weeks of practical experience, food bank construction has to start no later than March 16. Representatives from a variety of organizations who made construction possible

will be invited to take part in the ground-breaking ceremonies. These will include the food bank itself; the District of Lake Country, which provided the land; Aviva Insurance; Okanagan College; the provincial government.; major donors; and the Rotary Club which has spearheaded development thus far.

Blueprints, engineering specifications, and materials lists are currently being completed. The municipality is expediting the building permit process. Contractors are being coordinated. Okanagan College’s stu-


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Bus drivers given more protection under Criminal Code ALISTAIR WATERS Regional transit, local bus drivers and city officials are all welcoming an amendment to Canada’s Criminal Code that they say will help protect transit operators from at-

tacks while on the job. The amendment, which will take away the ability of judges to give light sentences to anyone convicted of assaulting a transit operator—a move Les Milton, president of the Amalgamat-

Lake Country Hike For Hunger MarCH 8, 2015 10:00 aM – 12:00 PM

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ed Transit Union Local 1722, said is long overdue—went into effect last Wednesday. “We’ve been working on this for 10 years,” said Milton. “It’s long overdue. Milton said in the past, some people convicted of assaulting transit operators have received what he called a “light slap on the wrist.” “They have been back on the bus before the bus driver,” he said. The move to change the law comes two years after three serious incidents in the Central Okanagan involving attacks on bus drivers. In one, a driver was attacked with a syringe by a rider, in another a driver was attacked by an irate passenger while driving his bus on the Westside and suffered

The End of Religion?

The Rise of Spiritual Wisdom “An Evolving Path of the Soul”

Bruce Sanguin

a broken jaw. The man wanted to get off the bus and was not willing to wait until the next stop. Despite suffering the injury to his face, the bus driver managed to maintain control of the bus and bring it to a safe stop. In the third incident a driver was attacked outside his bus at a transit exchange. Ron Westlake, director of regional services for Kelowna and the vice-chairman of the Canadian Urban Transit Association, which spearheaded the change to the Criminal Code, was hopeful the amendment will act as a deterrent to anyone intent on harming a transit operator or taxi driver anywhere in Canada. He noted the push for the change to the feder-

al Criminal Code, which was proposed as a private members bill by Sen. Bob Runcimen and had the backing of all parties in the House of Commons, also had the support of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. In the Lower Mainland, the issue of transit operator safety has been in the news a lot because of the high number of attacks on Translink operators. Bill Harding, general manager of First Transit Kelowna, the company that operates the regional transit system, said his company was very pleased with Criminal Code change. He said while training is provided to drivers here to avoid altercations with upset riders and other members of the

Tentative May 9 date for $10,000 referendum CORRIDOR FROM A1 “Even if Kelowna did agree to buy it all, that’s not a very good investment for Lake Country

and for what we can do on the trail in the future. “If it all belongs to Kelowna then we are dealing with the same of kind of thing we have in

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the south end.” Baker was alluding to an area of Lake Country that remains inside City of Kelowna boundaries where talks have been ongoing in the past to try and re-acquire those lands, home to some industrial operations that pay taxes to Kelowna, but who operate in the heart of Winfield. The main stumbling block in the district’s attempt to hold a referendum is the closing date on the deal of March 31. Initially, the referendum wasn’t held because it couldn’t get done before March 31 but plans have been put in place to move forward with a ref-

erendum if CN Rail allows an extension. A possible date would be May 9 in Lake Country, asking the entire population of Lake Country whether the district can borrow the $2.6 million at an estimated $10,000 to hold the referendum. Baker says judging by the public support in the past week, he believes the referendum question would not only pass but the voter turnout would be very high. “We’ve had huge support for people wanting to buy it so a lot of people will get out to vote,” he said.

Fundraising still short for new food bank site

connections between:

Spirituality & Science t Awe & Wonder t Environmental Concerns for Our Earth t t A Dynamic Evolving Universe & Relationships t

BRUCE SANGUIN is a world leader in Christian spirituality. Bruce has been an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada for over 26 years and is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family therapy. He is the author of five books, including Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos: An Ecological Christianity (Gold Medal Winner for best spiritual book of 2001) and If Darwin Prayed.

While he noted the majority of passengers are respectful, sometimes riders can be threatening, especially if the person is impaired. Meanwhile; though B.C. Transit said last fall it was planning to install surveillance cameras on Kelowna-area buses, Milton said drivers here are still waiting. He said no time frame has been given for the promised installation. Last fall, a passenger was seriously injured after being attacked on a local bus. At the time, a B.C. Transit spokeswoman said the plan to install cameras on buses was already in place and a request for proposals had been issued.


Friday, March 13

Many people today are yearning to be part of a community that values a deep respect and concern for the planet and its people. Bruce will address the theme of the viability of traditional religion. In light of the scientific evidence that life, culture, and human beings exist within an evolving universe, is religious belief simply outdated? What would a credible and dynamic spirituality that took evolution seriously look like?

public, something needed to be done to serve as a deterrent. He noted it is not just the driver whose safety is in danger as a result of such assaults, passengers on the bus could also be affected, especially if the bus is moving at the time of the incident as it was during the Westside assault in 2013. The safety of people outside the bus could also be affected if the driver loses control of the bus. “We are really happy to see this legislation,” said Harding. On the street, local area bus drivers are also welcoming the federal move. John Klassen has been driving a bus in Kelowna for eight years and said he would welcome any measures to improve safety for drivers.


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dents expect to take the building from concrete foundations to lockup—roof on, doors and windows installed—before they return to their classrooms. The only missing element is funding to complete the building project. With Aviva’s $100,000, construction can start. But there’s still an estimated $200,000 needed to finish the building inside and out. All donations over $25 can receive a tax receipt. Donations can be monetary, or in services and/or materials. Donations should be directed to Lake Country Food Assistance Society and designated for the Building Fund. Please call 250-766-0125 for details.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 4, 2015 A3


Former councillor hired as community development manager KEVIN PARNELL The new person hired with the task to help push economic development in Lake Country is a former district councillor with deep roots in the community. Jamie McEwan, 29, is the district’s new community development manager, replacing Ryan Roycroft, who had left to take on a new job with the City of Kelowna. “This is a dream career and I intend to be here for a long time, dedicating myself to the community I love,” said McEwan. McEwan was raised in Lake Country, graduated from George Elliot Secondary and his father had a long career in Lake Country’s engineering services department before retiring. “It’s an honour to continue to work with the community. My dad is very passionate about this area and has a ton of knowledge, he said. “We grew up talking about Lake Country issues around the dinner table and now to be able to work for the community in a different way than my dad is a privilege and I’m very happy to have the chance to do it.” As a one-term councillor, McEwan was

elected to Lake Country council in 2011 and served one term before opting against running for re-election. At the time, McEwan said he wanted to focus on his career. As well, he and his wife were expecting their first child and that factored into his decision. “One of the reasons I didn’t run for council, and I wasn’t able to talk about it at the time, was my wife and I are expecting our first child in May,” he said. “I wanted to make sure my evenings and weekends were free for spending time with my family and the child that we have on the way.” While McEwan replaces Roycroft, the job title has changed although economic development will remain a key focus of the position. Reporting to Mark Koch, the director of community services, McEwan will work with council on its strategic priorities, tourism, business retention, attraction and expansion to Lake Country. “I think there is massive potential for Lake Country locally, regionally and beyond,” he said. “We are a 10 minute drive form a top 50 university in the world and a 10 or 15 minute drive


is the new community development manager for the District of Lake Country.

to the Kelowna International airport. “Through regional collaboration I think we can get a lot of unique and interesting businesses that will benefit the residents of Lake Country and also help local businesses thrive.” While hiring a former councillor isn’t unprecedented in B.C., it is a unique situation.

The district’s hiring process saw almost 100 applicants put their name forward for the position. The final short-listed candidates were tested by an external human resources provider as the last part of the process. McEwan, who has a degree in urban geography and past experience as a local govern-

ment planner prior to his stint as a Lake Country councillor, earned the position, according to Koch. “Throughout the recruitment process interview and testing phase, Jamie McEwan really shone as the best candidate,” said Koch. “It is great to hire someone that is local, qualified and has dem-

onstrated a keen interest in the community.” McEwan grew up in Lake Country and graduated from George Elliot Secondary in 2003. His wife is also from Lake Country as the couple first met in high school. “I have worked very hard to stay in the Okanagan,” he said. “I had no idea this

position would become available when I decided not to run for council. “I think this is going to be a pretty unique experience. This job is in a place I really believe in and with a team of people that I am really excited to work with. I’m committed to staying here with my family.”


Seniors’ centre president receives Sax Koyama Award Lake Country’s 2014 Citizen of the Year is Lake Country Seniors Centre president Dorothy Dussault. Dussault, who has been the president of the Lake Country Senior’s Centre for the past four years, was awarded the Sax Koyama Award as Lake Country’s Citizen of the Year as chosen by the Oceola Fish and Game Club. Dussault’s community service revolves around the senior’s centre

where she is focus ed on serving all seniors in the community. She has been instrumental in keeping the senior’s lunch buffet and brunch program running. The lunch is an opportunity for seniors to come together for a delicious meal each week. Any leftovers are packaged for people to buy and take home and any that don’t sell are donated to Lake Country Food Bank.

Prime Time is another social event to bring seniors together at the Centre which Dussault was instrumental in keeping afloat. And she runs the monthly breakfasts, a great way to start a Saturday morning. On a daily basis, she coordinates with user groups, the District of Lake Country and others to keep the seniors centre functioning. She is always trying to get new

programs started at the centre like the chair fitness program recently highlighted in the Lake Country Calendar. Despite personal health concerns/ issues, she is always ready to help others. An artistic person who enjoys many forms of needlecraft and painting, Dussault is/was an accomplished bowler and also enjoys bridge and many other card games.

During the summer months Dorothy enjoys camping with husband Bob and their cat at Beaver Lake, the Kettle River provincial campground or elsewhere. She is a mother of a son, has one granddaughter and two great granddaughters who she loves to see when she can.

Offer more than a job, offer an experience.



For local news online visit the Lake Country Calendar website—


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Reaching a column writing milestone

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.


his is the 1,000th column I have written for this newspaper. I consider that a significant milestone. The first of these columns ran in November 1995. I didn’t record the specific date—at the time, it didn’t seem important.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Courtney Larkan Nancy Blow Creative Consultants Production Designers

Several months before, Jack McCarthy, then the publisher and

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Pay down that student loan or else


n a recent speech, Premier Christy Clark quipped that while teenagers tend to be lazy, there is a limit. If your kid is still on the couch after age 30, she said, he’s not a teenager any more. “He’s a New Democrat.” Clark’s ‘get off the couch and get a job’ message is now being translated into government policy. The B.C. government is using one of the few tools available to it to track down people who aren’t paying off their student loans, by linking defaulted debt to driver’s licence renewals. There are “hardship” provisions for those who don’t have a job. ICBC will only refuse to renew a driver’s licence or vehicle plates for those who have let their student debt go for a year without making some effort to deal with it. Student debt collection is a long-standing problem for the province, with about $185 million

BC Views

Tom Fletcher currently on the books as defaulted and unpaid. Students naturally move around after completing their studies, and once the six-month grace period for beginning to repay student loans expires, finding those who aren’t paying becomes a costly effort. Historically governments sent defaulted debt to collection agencies. Last year $17.3 million was collected. How big is student debt these days? The subject was discussed briefly in the legislature last week. In question period,

NDP leader John Horgan reminded the government that tuition fees have doubled over the past decade, and cited a Bank of Montreal estimate that the average university student emerges from a four-year program owing $35,000 in student loans. With his usual modesty and tact, Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson dismissed Horgan’s accusation that he is indifferent to the plight of students. Wilkinson noted that the Bank of Montreal surveyed 602 students across Canada, and only 78 of them were in B.C. “To clarify this, and to address the cackling chickens on the other side, we have 430,000 students in our system,” Wilkinson said. “Some of them are part-time; some of them are on short courses. “We have 180,000 students who are in the system full-time and eligible for student aid. “Of those 180,000

students, 45,000 turn to the province for financial aid—meaning that 75 per cent of students, more than what was quoted on the CBC yesterday, go through their education without incurring debt through the provincial student aid program.” Whatever the amount owing is for an individual, it’s a debt that will be more difficult to avoid paying. The province has long used the withholding of driving privileges to collect unpaid provincial court fines, and that was recently extended to those who are 90 days in arrears on $25 or more worth of Lower Mainland bridge tolls. This student debt collection move follows efforts to match up post-secondary funding to areas of employment demand. In an era where misguided university professors use their positions to organize violent protests against job-creating

projects, the messages are similar. Variations of this productivity theme are being heard from governments across North America. The baby boomers are retiring. We are bringing in temporary foreign workers, not because of some right-wing plot, but because too many people growing up in our society refuse to do an increasing range of jobs. We have an education system—and media—that encourages people to complain and make demands to get what they want. And we are seeing the results of all of this. There was a U.S. president once who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc

owner of the paper, invited me to write. “We get too many people who want to spout right-wing fundamentalist stuff at us,” he growled. His implication was clear—if I could write something about religious faith that didn’t sound like hellfire and brimstone, my column could get the nutcases off his back. So in the beginning, I didn’t try to defend any particular religious view. I didn’t feel any obligation to promote the theology of my own church, which was then and still is the United Church of Canada. Just as well, because the more I wrote, the less inclined I felt to conform even to its liberal leanings. Indeed, in the beginning, the column didn’t even attempt to be Christian. Mostly,


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 4, 2015

5 A5


Transfer from resident hunters down to 60 animals


fter more than 10 years of review and negotiations, it’s time to put the issue of wildlife-harvest allocation behind us and have some certainty. At the end of the day, all stakeholders want the same thing—healthy wildlife populations that can be sustainably used by all groups. Obviously the issue is contentious, with a middle ground that was hard to find. If it weren’t, it wouldn’t have taken a marathon 18 months of intensive negotiations to determine how to allocate the 7,500 big-game animals affected by allocation. Under the decision, an estimated 60 total animals have been moved to guide-outfitter hunts. Regardless of this decision, resident hunters will continue to harvest


MLA’s Report

Steve Thomson about 92 per cent of the approximately 48,000 big game animals taken annually by hunters. Many popular biggame species are not affected at all, including mule deer, white-tailed deer, most Rocky Mountain elk populations and black bear. This is because allocation is required only for species in areas that cannot be managed solely by general open season and

only in sion, resident the parts hunters conof British tinue to be ColumUnder the de- recognized bia covered as having cision, resident priority over by guiding hunters conterritories. non-resiHunttinue to be rec- dent hunting and Resiognized as hav- ers. fishing are dent hunters ing priority key parts make an imof many over non-resi- portant conBritish tribution todent hunters. Columward the bian fameconomy in ilies’ lives and this province I am committed to keep- by pursuing their passion ing it this way. In fact, for hunting and fishing, the increase in resident and it is anticipated this hunters from 82,000 10 will continue. They also years ago to over 102,000 make large and ongoing today is in part because contributions to wildlife of resident hunter restewardship. cruitment and retention The guide-outfitstrategies introduced ter industry also plays and implemented by our a valuable role, encourgovernment. aging tourism and proThe decision on wildviding income for British life-harvest allocation Columbia residents and also reflects this commit- families. Out-of-provment. Under the deciince guide-outfitter cli-


ents are to 60. Guide some of outfitters the highwere not est-spendThe guide-out- happy about ing tourthis shift, but fitter indusists per I felt it was try also plays a important to capita in British balance the valuable role, Columpriority of encouraging bia. resident hartourism and I am vest with the also comneed of busiproviding inmitted cercome for brit- ness to maintainty for ish columbia taining guides. the viabilGovernresidents and ity of the ment’s intent families. guide-outis for a confitter insistent and dustry, and transparto do that, this allocation ent policy that is fair to decision was required. all wildlife user groups, That said, I am sensiwhere conservation tive to concerns of resicomes first, First Nadent hunters. It was for tions’ needs are met, and this reason that I reresident hunters receive visited my December priority allocation. The 2014 determination and harvest allocation decifound strategic ways to sion meets this intent, reduce the transfer of and will ensure that the animals from 110 down $350 million that hunt-

ing brings to the B.C. economy (from both guides and residents) continues to be viable for years to come. Now that a decision is made, I am hopeful that resident hunters and the guide-outfitter community can work together with government in support of these goals, which are supported by all hunters. Connect with the Province of B.C. at: Link to Harvest Allocation Ensures Certainty For Hunting Sector, dated February 6, 2015 from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations: o8xzctr.. Steve Thomson is the B.C. Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.

‘God has to be more than simply a supernatural being out there’ TAYLOR FROM A4 I think, I wrote for the people who had given up on the church. Any church. The people who tended to say, “I just can’t believe all that stuff anymore.” I tried to say that even if they didn’t believe “all that stuff,” they still believed in something. Maybe not in a three-person God. But they believed in loyalty to friends. They believed in scientific research. They believed in education, in kindness, in health… And so, in their own way, I suggested, did people who might have grown up in other, less familiar religions… Over time, the col-

umns’ emphasis changed. “Do you write for anyone in particular?” a friend asked me. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I aim my words at someone whose reactions have gotten under my skin and festered there. But more often, I write for myself. Because I frequently don’t know what I’m thinking until I hear myself saying it. Thoughts swirl through my mind like a school of minnows darting through the shallows in a lake; I have to line individual minnows up in order to understand them. In speech, I’m sometimes surprised—and sometimes dismayed—at

the words that come out of my mouth. I have hurt people, because I literally did not know what I was going to say until it was too late to take it back. That’s the great advantage of writing. I get to see my words before anyone else does. I can parade them for my audience of one, straighten their lapels, even send them back to change into more suitable attire. As I look at recent columns, I realize I have moved from the value of religion generally, to what kind of God I can believe in without sacrificing my intellect or my integrity. God has to be more than simply a supernatural being out there whom we can

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blame when things go wrong. (When things go right, of course, we take the credit ourselves.) So I have doubts about most of the trad-

itional concepts of God—all-mighty, all-powerful, all-knowing… The traditional titles—Creator, Redeemer, Saviour—don’t

fit the time and space I live in. But I have no doubts at all that there is a God. Whatever it is. Or whoever it is. So that’s what I

write about. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

Hired Equipment Registration Final Notice

Okanagan Shuswap District

The Okanagan Shuswap District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating its list of registered Equipment for Hire for the fiscal year of 2015/2016, which begins April 1, 2015. This district geographically covers the area from the United States border, east to Osoyoos, west of Princeton and north of Salmon Arm. All individuals or companies registered in 2014 will have received invitations by mail to re‑register hired equipment for 2015. If you have new equipment to be added to your profile, you can register online at or contact the District Office in Kelowna to obtain the appropriate forms. Any individuals who were not registered in 2014, but wish to have equipment listed are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance or up‑to‑date WorkSafe BC coverage to register, you will have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. Only owned or lease‑to‑own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment may only be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations is midnight on Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment, or for changing or deleting equipment information already listed.

Register through the Okanagan Shuswap District Office at: 1358 St. Paul Street, Suite 300, Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 2E1 You can also phone 250 712-3660 or send a fax to 250 712-3669 to have the forms mailed or faxed to you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Pack mentality is not one of our best attributes



hen one of my besties dropped her Grade 1 age son off at school Wednesday with his pink T-shirt on, two boys sneered, made some sly comment about it, and she watched him shrink under the intangible weight that awful people put on decent people.


Kathy Michaels She ignored the boys and told their teacher, quietly on her way out the door, what happened. She was quite confident it would be dealt with

appropriately. You know, kids “tease,” said one of her Facebook friends, weighing in on the matter. Not long after that story was brought to my attention, one of my co-workers had another anti-bully shirt story to tell. He went off to the mall yesterday in his pink top and had someone yell “fag” at him as he was walking by. A knuckle dragging adult, who likely liked to “tease” strangers when he was a child. Both stories left a bad taste in my mouth, but perhaps more importantly reinforced my decision to never have my child engage in anything that encourages thoughtless compliance. Beyond the waste/ it-is-just-marketing/ how-many-dollars-goto-charity issues that spring from pink, it’s my humble estimation that whenever everyone gets behind a photo-op-your-

o t C o p c a t p r

c o f t m c t a



LAKE Country Cooper’s Foods held its Anti-Bullying campaign from Wednesday, Feb. 25 until Saturday, Feb. 28.The local Cooper’s Foods d participates every year and are very supportive of the whole campaign. social-ills-away model, the battle has been lost. And in this case, it really misses the point of what the two kids who started the movement were doing. They were doing something truly special and unique. Look up the origins of pink shirt day if you’re not familiar and think about what it took for them to do what they did. From my view it can be summed up as independence, confidence and creative thought. Things that are in

Yard Waste Collection

short supply these days, in large part because it’s easier to maintain compliance than it is to manage confidence. There are, after all, social imperatives at play. When I was a teacher overseas, I remember being shocked by the sight of social hierarchies repeatedly taking shape before my eyes—it was oftentimes all a bit too Lord of the Flies for my liking. When I was a child, which was much longer ago, I remember thinking an awful lot about how to navigate a new social environment, and avoid the pitfalls of those naturally evolving social hierarchies. If there’s anything a kid who had to move

every few years knows, it’s that in the first week of school they will act as a beacon to two types of people—the loneliest and the meanest. The loneliest, because a fresh face means a fresh start. Who knows what their problems to that point have been, certainly not the new kid. So, understandably, they want to make friends. The meanest, because there is something innately awful about humanity and those who have found a small amount of power always want to protect it. The latter, of course, are who we now refer to as bullies. And, while I was blessed to not be bullied as we moved

p i Kathy Michaels is a re- w porter for the Lake Coun- t try Calendar and Kelow- o na Capital News.


is back on!

• Yard waste pick up every two weeks starting March 2 through the end of November. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • Yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.

from town to town, I like everyone else, have been grazed by encounters with their kind. Encounters that my big mouth and stubborn disposition often helped with. Regardless, the best way to deal with these human aberrations is to not think like a pod person. Independent thought and confidence are so important in every circumstance of every day, and our differences should always be celebrated. But, above all else, young people need to understand the benefits of good, fair and kind behaviour and to be vigilant in protecting that for both themselves and

t c e others. m I believe that the a number of good people t out there far outweigh s the number of nasty ones. I believe that the s nasty ones probably just A have emotional problems c that they need to work n out on their own time. I believe that parents, w teachers and everyone a else need to talk about t the things that fuel confidence, free thought s and kindness every day. w Every. Day. p Those lessons will last forever, and won’t clog a t landfill. t

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 4, 2015 A7


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Will the ‘no’ side please stand up

I tried to get a hold of one of the organizers of the no campaign in Lake Country’s failed AAP on borrowing money to purchase the CN Rail corridor last week, to ask about the opposition to the district’s attempts to purchase part of the corridor. And while I was successful in finding at least one person responsible for floating what the district said was misinformation out into the community, getting him to talk on the record was a different matter. It is hard to quote a dial-tone, don’t ya know. When Lake Country decided to hold an Alternative Approval Process to try and gain voters assent to borrow $2.6 million, it was assumed, at least by the media, that the process would be successful. Termed controversial anytime it is used, an AAP only needs 10 per cent of the public to say no to vote it down. Those in favour of whatever the AAP is asking, need not do a thing. It’s a cheaper, and some would argue easier, way to get voters to approve something. But it didn’t work out that way in Lake Country, partly due to a campaign that began late in the five week process with a door-to-door distribution of some “facts” on the proposed borrow-

No Boundaries

Kevin Parnell ing bylaw. Whoever was distributing the sheets also came forward to the Lake Country Calendar, purchasing an ad that had all of the same misinformation as the handouts you may or may not have received in your mail box. This campaign came after the district had held two open houses on the AAP and also posted the information on its website. Confident that most Lake Country taxpayers were in support of the proposal, the district allowed the process to move forward, only sending out more public information and a fact sheet once it realized the no side had taken steps to thwart the process with inaccurate information. So after the AAP failed, it felt like a legitimate question to the ‘no’ side to get their comment. But apparently they don’t want to talk.

When I phoned the man who purchased an ad in the Calendar, I was hung up on after asking for a comment on the process. When I phoned back and asked a few more questions I had the same response. I have the man’s name and address sitting right in front of me. I’ve confirmed it and could post it here in this column but I won’t do that. What I can tell you is when he came into the Calendar office, he didn’t seem to have accurate information on the potential purchase. He even asked those in our office what might be some reasons to oppose the deal. It was at this point, as a reporter, I decided I did not wish to discuss the issue with someone who was not informed. He then decided to buy an ad but was adamant his name not be used and instead it was noted he was a concerned taxpayer. We probably should have shown him the door at this point. Contacting him on a Vancouver cell phone, I asked the man whether he was a full-time Lake Country resident and received a no comment. I asked why he didn’t want to talk. Nothing. I said I thought he would be happy the process failed, and he said that may be true but he wasn’t


lot back when they were given the proper information. Many people called the district and were confused about the facts. The no campaign had its desired effect. The AAP failed and now the process is continuing as the group tries to find another way. Maybe a referendum. Maybe not. But whatever you receive in your mail, or read in your newspaper, it might be best to question it before following along blindly. As for the no side, there is still time to stand up for what you believe in and answer a few questions. For now, your no comment is speaking volumes.


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2010, the city sold a small part of that land for $165 million. Let that be a precedent for Lake Country to borrow the money for the CN Rail corridor. Frank Latchford, Lake Country

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Think future with property acquisition

To the editor: In Richmond back in the 1960s, the council of the time over-ruled the public’s wish to not borrow $1 million to buy the land which would become the future home of the Olympic Oval. In

going to say. I said I just want to talk to someone on the no side. He said he would find someone and get back to me. Then all I heard was a dial tone. And I’m still waiting for the call-back from the group. Or maybe it was just a one-man show to attempt to scuttle the process with mis-information. Maybe he wants to purchase part of the corridor himself, what could be the next step if the municipalities can’t make a deal. In the end, the process failed by less than 30 votes. Some people were talked into a no vote, then asked for their bal-

NEXT TO 7-11




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Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Film festival honours The Paddler Movie documentary Recognition for movie about local crusader KEVIN PARNELL


KELOWNA filmmaker Carey Missler’s documentary The Paddler Movie, which explores the topic of water conservation through the eyes of Kelowna stand up paddler Bob Purdy, has won an Award of Excellence from the International Film Festival, which takes place in Vancouver next month.

Kelowna filmmaker Carey Missler says he owes his first ever movie award to the namesake of his now award-winning documentary The Paddler Movie. Missler’s film, which explores the topic of water conservation through the eyes of Kelowna stand up paddler Bob Purdy, was given an award of excellence by the Canadian International Film Festival. Missler and Purdy will attend the festival in April in Vancouver to claim the award. “It’s amazing, now that the movie is done I keep getting surprised by the feedback I’m getting

and now we’ve won this award,” said Missler. “I credit this whole award to Bob. I was just the guy behind the scenes putting the story together. He is an amazing guy and his actions should be credited.” For more than four years (over 1,500 days now) Purdy has stand up paddled each and every day for a movement he started called Paddle for the Planet, attempting to raise awareness about people’s impacts on the environment. Missler documented Purdy’s journey and brought together other environmental activists and people who use or are concerned about the way people live on the

planet with his movie. It debuted in Kelowna at the Kelowna Community Theatre in February to a standing ovation from the crowd of some 400 people and Missler is now promoting it to film festivals before deciding on a distribution deal. “What we are doing now is building the movie up, trying to get it out into film festivals before we send it out for distribution,” said Missler. “The more people see it, the more word gets around. We don’t have a marketing budget but all the press and people sharing it on Facebook is really helping.” So far Missler and Purdy plan to screen the

movie in Tofino, one of the key locations for the film, and it will also be shown at the World Community Travelling Film festival which will be held at Okanagan College March 12 to 15. Missler and Purdy have also been asked to talk at UBC Okanagan’s World Water Day, set for March 22. Missler said the movie is resonating with people who see it and share a love of the planet. “It’s about environment and water and taking precautions. It’s not harping on people just showing them the awareness of what’s being done to the environment and what Bob is trying to do with paddling every day.”


Could we be seeing the end of traditional religion? Rev. Bruce Sanguin is a world leader in evolutionary Christian spirituality So you quit going to church a few years ago. They just didn’t seem to be talking about the rest of your life. The things they talked about obviously mattered to them, but not to you.


Maybe you should have hung in there a little longer. Because sometime in the last 30 years, a revolution has been taking place. While the diehard

traditionalist in the Christian churches continued teaching the same old truths, a whole group of new leaders started rethinking church. On Friday March 13, the Rev. Bruce San-

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guin, one of the current leaders in that movement, will make a presentation called “The End of Religion? The Rise of Spiritual Wisdom” at the Creekside Theatre in Lake Country. Sanguin will be questioning the role of traditional religion in light of the scientific evidence that life, culture, and human being all exist within an evolving universe. What might a spirituality that takes seriously everything from quan-

tum physics to evolution to relativity look like? Sanguin’s presentation will take an hour, followed by time for questions and answers. The presentation starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door, for $10 each. On Saturday, Sanguin will lead a workshop at Winfield United Church, at the east end of Woodsdale Road, which will explore concepts that can help individuals and groups move

Family Therapy. His first book—Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos— set out his themes. Subsequent books have included If Darwin Prayed, a collection of prayers that taken an evolutionary focus; The Advance of Love; Reading Scripture with an Evolutionary Heart; and most recently, The Emerging Church. newsroom@

CREEKSIDE THEATRE info 250.766.5669

Reservations: 250.766.9309

WIN Two FREE tickets to


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To place your order visit compostersale or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250.469.6250.

towards a new spirituality that integrates scientific knowledge with religious faith. The workshop will cost $25, and includes a light lunch. Sanguin is a world leader in evolutionary Christian spirituality, in demand as a speaker and teacher ll over the world. He has been an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada for more than 26 years. He is also a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Draw for EH 440 - Mar. 4 @ 5pm Draw for WORMS - Mar. 11 @ 5pm

Lake Country, BC

EH 440

5 Voices, 0 instruments, 1 new exciting vocal sound.

Friday, March 6 @ 7:30pm

THE ARROGANT WORMS No matter where they are, they are having fun… and the audience is too.

Saturday, March 14 @ 7:30pm

10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS

Dry Mouth Syndrome Why Accuse My Child?


I recently took my teenager in for a checkup, and I was shocked : when the dentist pulled me aside and asked if my kid was using illegal drugs. Why accuse my son like that?


Dry Mouth Syndrome is a significant problem in oral health care. About 10% of the entire population, and 25% of older people suffer from it. It dries up the saliva glands, and occurs when there is not sufficient saliva (spit) in the mouth. It can be caused by a host of things, such as breathing by your mouth, some cancer treatment, nerve problems, infection, dehydration, and about 600 different legal AND illegal drugs. A steady flow of saliva will keep your mouth moist all the time. Chewing increases saliva, and even looking at great food can cause an increased saliva flow. Watch any pup anticipating food they enjoy and they become a 'saliva machine'!

We do have a long list of things that will assist in reducing this problem. Some are 'self-care' such as sipping water frequently from a water bottle, and avoiding specific foods and beverages that are more problematic. We do work closely with your family doctor and you should use our expertise in this regard. The dentist asked you about your son as a result of his own answer – which may have been evasive or simply untrue. Consider it the 'canary in the coal mine' and use it to encourage more dialogue between you and your son. It wasn't mentioned to insult you. We don't like to offend anyone, but there is a significant chance the dentist saw something to prompt that question!


Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.

As dentists, we see certain symptoms of Dry Mouth Syndrome. It can be anything from dry and cracked lips, to mouth ulcers, rapid rate of decay, bad breath, or problems in chewing and swallowing dry foods such as biscuits.


Dr.Paul Rollett Optometrist


What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

It's entirely possible there will be external 'signals' as well, which might include frequent coughs, joint pain, unexplained weight loss, vaginal thrush infections in women, dry nose and throat, as well as itchy and dry eyes. A high sugar diet combined with poor oral hygiene will cause cavities in between the teeth and on the biting surface. With Dry Mouth Syndrome we see something different. It frequently starts along the gum line, and in some cases the gums recede to expose dentine, which is the underlying tooth layer. It may, in addition, develop on the lower front teeth which are normally well protected by saliva that develops underneath the tongue.

Saliva is amazing stuff. It does have components that attack bacteria which causes tooth decay. It helps to destroy viruses, and neutralizes plaque. It contains calcium and phosphates which aid in the remineralisation, which rebuilds tooth enamel. It also assists us in pronouncing certain speech sounds.

Petrina Koltun A9

Meagan Noel Consultant,

Investors Group Financial Services Inc.


How do you incorporate drone photography and videography into the presentation of the homes that you list?

I have used aerial drone photography, using newer professional-grade equipment, as an effective marketing tool for numerous homes in our area. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (known also as UAVs or Drones) are technological marvels that allow a drone pilot to mount a high resolution camera to a multi-rotor aircraft that then flies at varying altitudes to capture pictures and video. The drone pilot manoeuvres the aircraft around your property to capture stunning visual perspectives that could not otherwise be seen from the ground. This service is particularly effective when used to showcase sweeping views from above and can be used to highlight various features on properties in our area. I have found drone photography to be particularly effective when used to show the terrain and size of an acreage or to show a lake view from the water, highlighting a home’s beach front. Not all homes need to take advantage of drone photography as a part of a sales marketing plan but when it is recommended, pictures from the air can be breath-taking and visually effective. When you are ready to market your home, remember to ask me about drone photography and how it might be used to best show off your home’s features! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100


My optometrist mentioned that they would like to put a “prism” into my glasses – what does this mean and what is it for?

Fellow fans of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album might recall from the cover that a prism is a tool that can be used to bend light in different directions. As optometrists, we can use this optical principle to our advantage when someone is having difficulty teaming their two eyes together – and thus experiencing headaches, vertigo or double vision. By adding prism to an individual’s glasses we can shift incoming light (and thus the incoming image of our world) in a predictable direction, so that it will line up more precisely with our eyes’ natural relative positioning. For some, this is an addition used to alleviate symptoms of double vision and for others it is used for more subtle ocular misalignments that may be causing eye strain, vertigo in moving vehicles or headaches and visual symptoms following head injury. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240

Q RRSP, TFSA or Both? A

Both RRSPs and TFSAs provide investors with the opportunity for tax-effective investment growth. But unlike an RRSP, contributions to a TFSA are not tax-deductible but amounts can be withdrawn tax-free at any time. This feature makes TFSAs a great short-term goal vehicle. Consider RRSPs for longterm investments if you are making over $45,000/year to take advantage of the tax-deductions. TFSAs may be a better option if you are in a lower tax bracket. It is important you look at your tax situation today as well as in retirement to ensure you are not creating a claw back on any federal income-tested benefits and credits you will be receiving in retirement.

250-762-3329 ex 5266

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Fresh ideas still coming for long-time Calendar Faith Today columnist BARRY GERDING Jim Taylor does not buy into the idea that belonging to an organized religion is a reflection of whether or not you have faith. While the numbers of people today who regularly attend church may be on the decline, that doesn’t mean those same people don’t follow their own personal faith. Ideals that guide them

in making lifestyle decisions. Wanting to explore that avenue of personal faith is what convinced Taylor back in 1995 to take up an offer from then Lake Country Calendar publisher Jack McCarthy and editor Bud Mortenson to write a weekly column about religion, not a fire and brimstone style of rhetoric but rather one that offered introspection

and opened our eyes and minds to what our own inner belief system might represent. At that point in his life, Taylor was getting out of the book publishing business with Wood Lake Publishing, which produces and promotes Canadian-authored books tailored to religious and spiritual culture. And with this week marking his 1,000th col-

reservations 250.766.9309

CREEKSIDE THEATRE info 250.766.5669

Lake Country, BC

Reservations: 250.766.9309 Eh440 - 5 Voices 0 instruments, 1 new exciting vocal sound.

Friday, March 6 @ 7:30pm

Together they form “an unforgettable combination of crazy-ass beatboxing, sassy rapping, killer harmonies, and fresh, urban, RnB-influenced compositions”. And their debut album, Turn Me Up, exemplifies their abundant influences.

umn since then (see page A4), Taylor said at age 78 he still enjoys the writing process and still finds fresh ideas to write about. “I still enjoy it,” he said. “If it ever becomes a chore, I will quit. But for the time being, it keeps my mind active.” Taylor recalls how his first four or five columns that were published didn’t garner much reaction other than from Mortenson and McCarthy. “I think it was about that point where people began telling me they enjoyed my approach, about not writing about individual religions, or promoting a particular church or theology.” Taylor says he has encountered people over the years who tell him

they no longer believe in God, or the Bible or about Jesus. “What I wanted to say in the column is you still have faith within yourself, that you still believe in things and what you believe makes a difference to you…something that provides a purpose to your life.” Taylor said a turning point for him early on in his column writing endeavour occurred at a youth conference he attended where a girl talked about not believing in any religious faith anymore. “She later talked about an experience she had with a friend where both of them were swept away by the current while swimming in a river, where she could barely get back to shore her-

Valleyview Dignity Memorial For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director

ThE arroganT worms

Saturday, March 14 @ 7:30pm

The Arrogant Worms began their journey to musical comedy success (oxymoron) in 1991 in Kingston, Ontario on campus radio.No matter where they are, they are having fun… and the audience is too.

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sT. PaTrick’s Day wiTh... coD gonE wilD Featuring The Okanagan Celtic Choir

165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147

Sunday, March 15 @ 3:00pm

The Cods will be performing some of their favourite Irish songs as well as some of their original material from their latest album “Battered and Fried.” Also performing will be the Okanagan Celtic Choir under the direction of Andrew Mercer.


Friday, March 20 @ 7:30pm “Forged in the white-hot creative crucible of Limerick University’s Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, the quintet have graduated with a musical maturity worthy of the greatest. One of the most sought after bands amongst connoisseurs of Irish Traditional music.

10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country In partnership with

Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.



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JIM TAYLOR enjoying another of his passions, fishing, this time at Lake O’Hara..

self never mind help her buddy. “Yet she chose to stay with her friend. She did not abandon her and in doing so made a statement about her belief in her loyalty to a friend, to risk her own life to save her friend.” Telling that story opened up a great discussion at the conference, he said, a reflection of how we all have a belief system that shapes how we live our lives. “I think extreme religious views we see acted out today have to die out at some point, but I’m not sure how or when that will happen. I do think today that many people don’t feel the issue of faith is something they have to go to a particular church in order to have within themselves,” Taylor said. “At my church, we talk about things openly and express doubts and disagreements about all kinds of things. But I’m not sure there is as much freedom for that kind of discussion in some other churches,” he said, referring to some of the more fundamental conservative churches in the U.S. “When we talk about evil and sin, I am increasingly becoming convinced that anything taken to the extreme becomes a sin. In religion,

you see the extreme fundamentalists take it to that extreme, while the other extreme is complete apathy. “I think we need to find a middle ground, to acknowledge that there are things important to us as individuals, that come from our own values and principles, but that we can’t hang on rigidly to ideals and force them on others.” So Taylor wants to continue venturing into that grey area of what makes up our individual core faith values, hoping that it makes his readers think about the questions and issues he raises as it relates to their own lives. He still gets a charge out of people responding via email or stopping him on the street to talk about something he has written. “It’s interesting what people want to talk about. Sometimes it’s something I wrote about a couple of months earlier that has stuck with them… “Once a column is published, you tend to move on in your mind to the next one and get on with other things. “But I am always flattered that writing a column has that kind of effect on another person reading it.”

Add your event to our Calendar.

Go to, look for the calendar, log on and click Add Event.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 4, 2015 A11



Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

Preparing for summer exercise


t looks like This condition spring will be can cause pain in coming early in the arch, heel or the Okanagan this ball of the foot due year, and toes everyto inflammation in where are happy to the plantar fascia be free again. from overuse or over Being released stretching. from our bulky The plantar fascia sorels, skiing and is connective tissue snowshoeing boots, that covers the arch Keeping You Moving of your foot and most of us will be donning the light your heel Laurie Snyder connects runners, flats and bone to the bones of flip-flops in no time. your toes. Over the winter This painful conmany of our feet have become acdition can be caused by standing, customed to the rigid supportive walking or running for long peboots we wear for tackling icy and riods of time; walking or running snowy terrain. on unstable surfaces like sand; or As the snow melts off the roads rapidly changing the amount of and trails you may find yourstanding, walking or running inself running or walking more frevolved in your day to day routine. quently in a less supportive shoe. If you have plantar fasciitis you Some feet may respond negamay experience pain on the first tively to the lack of support found steps out of bed in the morning, D in most summer shoes. If we tran- or after sitting or driving for prosition to spring too quickly in longed periods; as the plantar fasflimsy shoes there is the potential cia and muscles of your foot have of developing an injury known as become tight while immobilized, plantar fasciitis. and respond with pain when being

stressed upon those first steps. Some people may be at higher risk of developing this condition based on the shape of their foot. People with very low arches and people with high arches who over-pronate, or lose the arch in their foot when they walk or run, may be at a greater risk. However, there is no evidence proving that if you have this type of foot you are guaranteed to develop plantar fasciitis. In fact, there has been recent debate on whether or not it is better to wear supportive footwear, to help maintain our arch shape; or wear minimalist shoes with very little support, so that our muscles are required to function properly to support our arches. We do know, however, that most of us will change our footwear from sturdy winter shoes to summer flip-flops, and most of us will increase the amount of time we spend walking or running in the summer compared to the winter. SEE SNYDER A12


9. Lustrous cotton fabric 10.Slickest 11.Dance moves 19.Acclaim 20.Multiple 22.Coin 23.Irish accent 25.Atmosphere 28.Brats, at times

29.Springs up 30.Plates 32.Rest 33.Compelled 34.Fire 36.Bulbs 38.Donated 39.Observed 42.Gang 43.Baking measure

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Shirt type 5. Not barefoot 9. Female sib 12.Did perfectly 13.Calm 14.Play unit 15.“____ Calm” 16.Wreck 17.Secure 18.Dripped 19.Animal skin 20.Chirp 21.All 23.Make holy 24.“Moonlight ____”

26.Smallest pup 27.Guest 29.Lemon drinks 31.Consider 34.Pickling fluid 35.Monarchs 37.Santa checks his twice 38.“Pretty Woman” star 40.Apple dessert 41.Bat wood 42.BLT spread 43.Harbor 44.Final letter 45.Across 46.Not new

47.Superman’s letter 48.Cribs 49.Zoo cages DOWN 1. Priest 2. Arctic and Atlantic 3. Shed style 4. Bizarre 5. Wall and Main 6. Tow behind 7. Exclude 8. Cub Scout unit



•WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sunday every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2015 - will be celebrated in Lake Country on Friday, March 6 at 1pm at St. Edwards Church, 11123 Okanagan Centre Road East., followed by fellowship and refreshments. Everyone is welcome. Please join us. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9.30-11.30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •AGM LAkE COUNTRY FOOD BANk - Sat., Feb 28, 10 am at 3130 Berry Road. •LADIES AUXILIARY GENERAL MEETING - Mon., Mar. 9th at 1pm at The Oyama Legion Hall. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE PRIME TIME - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will be hosting Prime Time again every Monday from 1:00 until 3:15. Entertainment & refreshments are served & everyone welcome. Call 250-766-4220 or Joanne 250-766-0667 for info. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE NOTICE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will effectively have someone on site from 10:00 until 2:00 Mon - Fri., call or stop by if you have questions pertaining to Senior issues. Call 250-7664220. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., is once again offering great meals on Tuesday at 12:00. •ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 Ladies Auxiliary Cribbage Tournament - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9am, games begin at 10am sharp. $30 Per team includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 Meat draw every Saturday at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. • BETTER AT HOME is a program funded by the Government of BC to help seniors live in their own homes by providing simple non-medical support services. Lake Country Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+ living in Lake Country. Please call 778-2155247 if you would like more information. •THRIFT STORE NOW OPEN! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. NEW WINTER HOURS: Saturdays 11- 2pm. •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Prime Entertainment, Winfield Senior Centre, Tues. Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Buffet Lunch, Winfield Senior Centre, Sat., Mar. 14, Vernon Schubert Centre breakfast and shopping, Thurs. Mar. 19, Local shopping, Fri., Mar. 27 Mystery trip. To reserve a seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: edahnert@ •VISIT THE LAkE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website •LC FOOD BANk has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at www. •DO YOU LIkE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Foot exercises to adopt in preparation for summer outdoor activities Jung DY et el. 2011 and der width apart, keepleg while trying to mainMulligan EP, Cook PG ing your toes and heels tain the position of your In order to mini- MARCH 2013 shows that exercis- on the ground. Imagine arch. Challenge yourself THURSDAY, 5, 2015 mize the effects of this es for the bottom of the a pin is coming up from by throwing or kicking TSN CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E transition there are a CHBCfoot CIVT lead to an CBC increase KIRO the ground and poking a ball while in this po% in the & ) of * or lifting ` up onto 1 few things you# can do. $ in strength mus- _ your foot( in the centre sition Curling Operation The View Bookaboo The Price Is Operation Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 While the weather is cles that support your the arch. your toes. After exercisSmile ” Bo On/Go Right Smile Central PAW Patrol ” ” 10 :30 E:60 THURSDAY, 5, 2015 still warming up, can Ray arch and less navicular Young & TryRachael to contract the es, and aKOMO few other times ” youMARCH Rachael The Marilyn Heartland Ray Hockey Jelly Jamm 4 Criminal :00 Off Record Denis Show ” Bucket-Dino News Minds 11a :30 start training regimeNoon ”Newsdrop, aNews measurement ofRestless muscles of”News yourCentral footinso during the Chew day, rememTalk CBC News KIRO News Noon 30 PAW Patrol The Criminal :00 Golf TSN CHBC CTV CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN NHL SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Curling: Hour Vancouver Now ” this pin Hour Count Kate andto stretch ” the calves Minds to12 stretch strengthpronation. does notNHL poke ber :30 and # $ ( ) * ` 1 2015 Tm Days of our The% Social Best& Recipes The_ Talk Days of our World Poker Astroblast General Nightwatch :00 en the muscles of yourLives One exer- The Price and bottom of your feet, Horton’s ”simple Stefano ” you. Now Lives with the Tour mus- Dragon Hospital ” 1 :30 Operation The View Bookaboo Is Operation Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 Curling calves and feet.Draw The Talk cise Dr. Phil Steven and is: Let’s Talk arch Cricket Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 E:60 Smile ” can start Bo On/Go Right Make Smile Central PAW ” do not ” you with clesaofThe your contoPatrol ensure they be:00 Brier: 10 :30 15 ” ” Chris Deal ” Highlights Curious ” ” 2 :30 ” Ray The on Marilyn Young tracted, & Rachael Ray Hockey Jellycome Jamm too KOMO 4 with Criminal :00 research Recent byRachael stand yourHeartland feet,” shoulbalance on one Dive, tight the ” The Meredith Ellen of Bold The Meredith Sportsnet Olly Steve The First 48 ” DenisDeGeShow Republic Restless ” Central Bucket-Dino News Minds :00 Off Record SNYDER FROM A11

11 3 :30 :30 :00

SportsCentre Vieira Show Golf Talk Noon News

neres Show CTV News

Doyle CBC News

ThisMinute KIRO News Judge”Judy Judge Judy Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk News CTV News CBC News KIRO ”News Lives ” Stefano ” Vancouver ” KIRO News The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a Global” Nat. CTV News CBC KIRO ” Chris News Deal News CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic Operation The View Bookabooof Bold The Price Is Ent Grey’s Mysteries Ent Vieira Show neres ”Show Doyle ThisMinute Smile Bo On/Go Right ET Canada Anatomy Coronation The Insider Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy Rachael Ray Big TheBang Marilyn The Heartland Young & Celebrity Nature Big Bang Restless Show Den ” Judge Judy ” DenisCouple Show of Restless Apprentice Odd Things Odd Couple News News CTV CTV News News CBC News News KIRO News News Noon CBC KIRO The Blacklist Big Bang Doc Zone Big Bang Vancouver KIRO Hour ”” Vancouver Now ”” Goldbergs Mom ”News Global CTV News CBCNational News KIRO News Days ofNat. our American The Social Best Recipes The Talk Elementary The Elementary CHBC Vancouver Murdoch CBS News Lives ” News Crime ” Stefano ” ” Ent Talk Grey’s Mysteries Ent Make The Dr. Phil Steven and KIRO Let’s CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News Newsa ET Canada Anatomy Coronation The ” ” ChrisMercer Late DealInsider Final News--11:30 Rick Show

Young The Dr. Oz Dragons’ :00 Interruption Curling: Hour & Vancouver Now 12 THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2015 Restless Show Den 4 :30 :30 Hockey

:00 :00 1 TSN CHBC CIVT 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 # $ % 2 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 10 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 11 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 9 :00 :00 6 1 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 11 :00 :00 8 3 :30 12 :00 9 4 :30 :00 10 5 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :00 7 :30 12 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT :00 11 :30 # $ % :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30 2015 Tm Off Record Horton’s Curling: Brier: Draw 2015 Tim 15 Horton’s ” Curling Brier: Draw SportsCentre E:60 16 Interruption ”” Hockey Off Record SportsCentre Off Record Golf Talk ” Curling: Curling: That’s Hcky 2015 Tim 2015 Tm SportsCentre Horton’s Horton’s ” Brier: Draw Draw Brier: SportsCentre 16 15 ” Celebrity ” TheCanada Meredith SportsCentre ET SportsCentre The Apprentice Vieira Show SportsCentre Doctors ” The Blacklist Interruption Young & That’s ” HockeyHcky Restless

Big Bang TheMinutes Nature Ellen DeGe- Republic of Daily Show 22 Odd Couple of Things neres Show Doyle Seth Meyers Coronation Big Bang Doc Zone The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Goldbergs Show Den ”

SportsCentre Elementary Off Record News ” ” Curling:

American CTV News Crime Vancouver


Big Bang Bold Letterman Odd Couple ThisMinute Late Late Big Bang Judge Judy Mom Judge Judy


Ent The Talk News Hour ET Canada ” Final

Canucks at Cricket Ski TV Coyotes Highlights NHL Count Celebrity ” The Meredith Sportsnet ET Canada Apprentice Sportsnet Vieira Show Central The Doctors The Blacklist Young & NHL ” Classics Restless

Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate Kate and and Magic Bus Astroblast Jack Dragon Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino Rescue Curious Park Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Waterfront Jelly Jamm PAW Cities Patrol Kate and Jelly Jamm Lost Magic Bus Bucket-Dino KingCenAm

Harvey The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO” 4 News Steve The View Wheel Harvey ” Jeopardy! KOMO KOMO 4 4 Grey’s News News Anatomy Jack News PAW Patrol Scandal The Chew Katharine Wild World ””News Kate Kratts and Hepburn Rescue KOMO 4 Astroblast General Rosalind American Park News Dragon Russell: Life Hospital Crime Waterfront Wheel Bucket-Dino The Doctors Waterfront News Cities Jeopardy! Curious ” Cities Jimmy


” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Nightwatch The First 48 ” ” The First 48 After the ” First 48 The 48 CSI: First Miami Nightwatch ”” ” The First 48 Criminal Nightwatch Minds””

A&E 1

The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds”” After the Nightwatch After the First 48 48 ” First Nightwatch The First 48 Nightwatch ””

Lost Dive, Olly Katharine KingCenAm Jelly Jamm Hepburn

Grey’s Nightwatch Steve First 48 Kimmel Live The Nightwatch Anatomy Harvey ” Nightline

Katharine Kate and Hepburn Magic Bus

Scandal KOMO 4 News ”

The First 48 ”

Nerds Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel Rabbids Almost Odd Parents Wayside SpongeBob Chucks Sam & Kat Cat Kid vs. Assembly Sidekick Wayside Nicky, Ricky Nerds Kid vs. Kat Henry SpongeBob Monster Gags Rabbids Rated A for Gags Odd Parents Chucks Vampire SpongeBob Squirrel Vampire Sam & Cat Almost Haunting Assembly Wayside Haunting

Harvey Name Game The Meredith 21 Day Fix Vieira Show Law & Mike Order: SVU Anger Family Feud Two Men Beauty Mod Fam Steve TheBang Office Big Harvey Top Cooker Big Bang The Meredith Family Feud American Vieira FamilyShow Feud Idol Mike Name Game Backstrom Anger 21 Day ” Fix Two & Men Law News Mod Fam Fam Order: SVU Mod Nicky, CBC News Amish Mafia Raising Big Bang ChucksRicky The Power & Gold Rush Family Feud Gags National Amish Mafia Henry ” ” Big Bang Kid vs. Kat Politics Beauty Gags ” ” How I Met Gags The National Street American Sidekick ” How/Made Steve Gags Amanda Street Cougar Gags Outlaws Idol Nerds How/Made Harvey Gags Lang ” Outlaws Name Game Vampire National Daily Bitchin’ Backstrom SpongeBob The Amanda Planet The Meredith Vampire Rides ” Rabbids Lang ” Vieira ”Show

” Who Do You Gypsy” Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Fat Fabulous Love; Lustto Welcome ” Style Myrtleby Jury Gypsy Medium Gypsy Wedding Medium Wedding Gypsy Who Do You Welcome to Wedding Myrtle” Gypsy Say Yes Gypsy Wedding Say Yes Wedding Welcome Say Yes to Gypsy Myrtle Say Yes Wedding

Gypsy Family Guy Fat Seinfeld PaidFabulous Prog. Married” Wedding Family ” Mod Fam Paid Prog. ” Guy Welcome to Big Amer. Dad Gypsy Bang Myrtle Amer. Dad Wedding Big Bang

neres Show KING 5 KING News 5 News Days of our KING 5 Lives News Dr. Phil Nightly” News News Ellen DeGeToday News Show neres cont’d Evening KING 5 NewSlap Day The News Northwest ” World News KING 5 5 Peg Plus Cat KING Spirits... Live The Blacklist Business News ” Peg Plus Cat News Masterpiece PBS Nightly Super ofNews our ClassicWhy! Days Allegiance NewsHour News Thomas Lives ” ” IN Close News Sesame Dr. Phil ” St. KING News SciTech Evening Odd Squad Tonight ” 50 Years Justin The Slap The Great Ellen DeGeWith Peter, Show Hayward: ”Show British neres Paul Seth Meyers Spirits...Show Live KING The Blacklist Baking 5 Masterpiece Born to be News ”

Gypsy Wedding

Jeffersons Browns Gimme Payne

Classic World News Allegiance KING 5 ” Business News ”

Gypsy Wedding

Movie: Browns Payne “Just

PBS ” NewsHour 50 Years

KING News Nightly News News Tonight

Mod Fam Married” Seinfeld ”

IN Close With Peter, SciTech Paul

News Show Evening Seth Meyers The Slap ”


” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” Amanda Carole The National Lang MacNeil ” CBC News CBCNational News The ”” Now With The National Andrew CBC News Nichols ””


How/Made Alaska: The Daily Planet Last Frontier ” Gold Rush Bitchin’ The Dirt Rides Gold Rush Fast N’ ” Loud: Demo. How/Made Mayday Amish Mafia How/Made ”” Daily Planet Moonshiners Street ”” Outlaws Bitchin’ Alaska: The Bitchin’ Rides Last Frontier Rides Fast N’ N’ Gold Rush Fast Loud: Demo. The Dirt Loud: Demo.




Mod Fam The Middle Movie: Seinfeld The Middle “Just

British Peg Plus Cat Baking Show Peg Plus Cat Born to be Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Odd Squad NewsHour The Great Sesame IN Close British Street SciTech Baking Show Dinosaur Justin Born to be Dinosaur Hayward:



Elementary Early News Global” Nat.

Sportsnet American After the 48 Plays/Month Rosalind Jack News The First Central Russell: Life Crime Hockey Wild Kratts World News First 48 ”

Haunting Odd Parents CBC News Haunting ” SpongeBob

News Hour Final ”

Ski NHLTV Hockey: NHL Count

Waterfront Rescue Park Cities

News KOMO 4 News Jimmy

Gags Sam & Cat Assembly Gags

Brier: Draw ET Ent Canada Daily Grey’sShow 22 Mysteries SportsCentre Minutes 16 ET Canada Anatomy SportsCentre The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation

Ent Letterman The Insider Late Late

Ent Canada Sportsnet Canucks at ET ET Canada Coyotes The Doctors Central

Waterfront Katharine Cities Hepburn

Wheel Live Nightwatch Kimmel Jeopardy! ” Nightline

Nicky, Ricky Amanda CBC News Gags Henry Gags Lang ”

” Celebrity SportsCentre Apprentice

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Odd Couple

Celebrity Apprentice

Lost KingCenAm

Grey’s Anatomy

Nightwatch ”

Gags Gags

The National Street ” Outlaws

American Idol

Gypsy Wedding

Family Guy Family Guy

Justin Hayward:

Doc Zone ”

Big Bang Mom

The Blacklist NHL ” Classics

Katharine Hepburn

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

Vampire Vampire

The National Bitchin’ ” Rides

Backstrom ”

Welcome to Myrtle

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Spirits... Live The Blacklist Masterpiece ”

Gypsy Wedding

Jeffersons Gimme

Classic ”

Gypsy Wedding

Movie: “Just

Big Bang Odd Couple

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

American Crime

The National Amish Fast N’Mafia Raising Two Men Loud: ”Demo. How Mod Fam ” I Met

Amish Mafia Cougar Big Bang Welcome Street Paid ” Big Bang Myrtle Outlaws Name Game Paid Prog.

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Central

Rosalind American Russell: Life Crime

After the First 48

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Ski TV NHL Count

Waterfront Cities

Nightwatch ”

Gags Gags

The National Amish Mafia Raising ” ” How I Met

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show SportsCentre The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Curling Operation The View Bookaboo E:60 Smile ” Bo On/Go

Late Late Is The Price Right

The Doctors Central Operation Sportsnet Smile Central

Hepburn G. Shrinks PAW Patrol

Bates ”Motel ”

Gags Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Young & Restless

Rachael Ray Hockey ” Central

Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News

Bates Motel ”

Monster Rated A for

” Show 11 :30 Off Record FRIDAY, MARCH 6, Denis 2015 ”

Rachael Ray The Marilyn

The National Elementary ” ”

” Sportsnet

Nightwatch After the First 48 ”

Fast N’ News Bitchin’ Mike Loud: Fam Rides Demo. Mod Anger


Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Fam Mod Divorce Seinfeld Big Bang Judge Guy Family Big Bang Judge Family Guy Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns King Jeffersons Payne King Gimme

KIRO News CBS Show News Late

The Blacklist Big Bang ” Goldbergs

The Elementary CBCNational News KIRO News ” KIRO ”News


Central NHL in 30 NHL NHL Count Classics World Poker Plays/Month Tour Hockey Cricket NHL Highlights Hockey: Sportsnet Sportsnet Canucks at Central Central Coyotes NHL Hockey ” Classics Central Sportsnet Plays/Month NHL in 30 NHL Hockey NHL Count Classics NHL Poker World Sportsnet Hockey: Tour Central

SportsCentre CHBC CBC News 2015 Tim Global News Nat. News-Lisa CTV News Horton’s CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver Murdoch ” Final Rick Mercer

” That’s Hcky



Vieira Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our Early News Lives Global Nat. The Talk News ”Hour ” The Meredith Operation Ent Vieira Show Smile ET Canada Young & Ray Rachael Celebrity Restless ” Apprentice Early News Noon News The Blacklist Global Hour ” Nat. News Hour Days of our Elementary Lives ””

new amount of activity. If your goal is to your feet have time to When you are ready wear a less supportadapt to the change. to tackle your spring and ive shoe, like a bareThis will allow you to summer activities, make foot sports shoe or flipenjoy outdoor activities YTV KAYU TLC KCTS KING sure to do itNEWS gradually.DISC If flop, the same rule ap- WTBS that are the highlight of 7 don’t 9 plies.; N P you6 are a runner, Wear this < shoe for Athis season. Wayside CBC News The Office Lust Divorce Sesame Today start running the dis-Mayday short periodsLove; of time Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Top Cooker Style by Jury Divorce Street cont’d tance you were each day, then switch toJudge Laura SnyderNew is aDay regMonster Carole running Moonshiners Family Feud Medium Dinosaur Rated A for MacNeil ” Family Feud Medium Judge Dinosaur Northwest before the snow cova more supportive shoe istered physiotherapist at Chucks News Alaska: The Name Game Who Do You Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 YTV CBC NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Squirrel Now With Dayrest Fix of your ” ac- Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat News ered the trails. Take aLast fewFrontierfor21the Sun City Physiotherapy in 6 7 N P Almost Andrew Gold9 Rush - Law; & Say< Yes KingA Super Why! Days of our weeks to slowly increase tivity. Slowly increase Winfi eld Wayside Nichols The Dirt Order: SVU Say Yes King Thomas Lives Wayside CBC News Mayday The Office Love; Lust Divorce Sesame Today Chucks Power & Gold Rush Feud of Say Yes Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil Kid Kat Now ” Top Cooker Style by Jury Divorce Street cont’d thevs.amount ofWith running theFamily amount time youThe 250-766-2544 Kid vs. Kat Politics ” Beauty Say Yes The Middle Odd Squad ” Monster Carole Moonshiners Familyin Feud Medium Dinosaur New Day you are doing each day. spend these shoes, soJudge Winfi Sidekick ” How/Made Steve Fabulous Seinfeld The Great Ellen DeGeRated A for MacNeil ” Family Feud Fat Medium Judge Dinosaur Northwest

CBC & 22 Minutes Heartland ”

:00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 5 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 6 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 11 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 1 :00 6 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :00 7 :30 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 9 :30 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 11 :30 :00 12 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 4 :30 11 SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 :00 5 :30 12 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 6 1 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 7 :30 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 9 :00 4 :30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00

KIRO _ Letterman

KIRO News ”

CHAN ( ET Canada

SNP ) Sportsnet

KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * ` Katharine Kimmel Live

Open Gym Curling:

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Now

Noon News Hour

Hockey Unl. PAW Patrol Is CHL Kate and

2015 Tim Horton’s

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Astroblast Tour Dragon

Brier: Curling Tiebreaker E:60 ” ” SportsCentre Off Record Interruption Open Gym Hockey Curling: Off Record 2015 Tim Curling: Horton’s 2015 Tim Horton’s Brier: Tiebreaker Brier: Page Curling Playoff” 1 vs. E:60 SportsCentre 2 ” SportsCentre Interruption Off Record Hockey ” Open Gym Two Points Off Record Curling: Curling: SportsCentre 2015 Tim ” 2015 Tim Horton’s Horton’s SportsCentre Brier: ” Brier: Page Tiebreaker SportsCentre Playoff 1 vs. ”” 2 SportsCentre SportsCentre Interruption ” Hockey Two Points Off Record SportsCentre Curling: ” 2015 Tim SportsCentre Horton’s ” Brier: Page

The Talk Operation ” Smile The Meredith Rachael Ray Vieira Show ” Young & Noon News Restless Hour News Days of ” our Lives Global Nat. CHBC News The Talk Ent ” Operation ET TheCanada Meredith Smile Vieira Show Family Guy Rachael Ray Burgers Young” & Restless Hawaii FiveNoon News 0 News Hour ” Sleepy Days of our Hollow Global Nat. Lives CHBC News The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith The Doctors Family Guy Vieira Show Burgers Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 News Sleepy” Hollow Global Nat. CHBC News Final Ent

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show The Dr. Oz CTV News Show Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” CTV News Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” The View Big Bang Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Amazing The Marilyn Race The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show Tank Shark CTV News ” CTV News Vancouver Vancouver Blue Bloods The Social ” CTV News ” Vancouver News-Lisa Dr. Phil News--11:30 etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers The Amazing neres Show Race The Dr. Oz Shark Show Tank ” CTV News Blue Bloods Vancouver ” CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 etalk

Steven and Bookaboo Chris Bo On/Go Republic of Heartland Doyle ” Dragons’ CBC News Den Now CBC News Best Recipes ” Stefano CBC News Murdoch Steven and Chris Mysteries Bookaboo Coronation Republic Bo On/Goof Doyle Marketplace Heartland Rick Mercer Dragons’ ” Denfifth the CBC News estate CBC News Now ” The National Best Recipes ” CBC News Stefano Murdoch CBC News Steven and Rick Mercer Mysteries Chris Backstage Coronation Republic of Coronation Marketplace Doyle Rick Mercer Dragons’ the Denfifth estate CBC News The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Murdoch Rick Mercer Mysteries

The Talk Operation ” Smile The Meredith Rachael Ray Vieira Show ” Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days our GlobalofNat. Lives News Hour ” The Talk Ent ” Operation ET Canada The Meredith Smile Vieira FamilyShow Guy Rachael Ray Burgers Young” & Restless Hawaii FiveNoon News 0 Early News Hour Global Nat. Sleepy Days of our Hollow News Hour Lives News ”Hour The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada The The Meredith Doctors Family Guy Vieira Show Burgers Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 Early News Sleepy Global Nat. Hollow News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent

Cricket Sportsnet Highlights Central Sportsnet Hockey Central Central Draft Year Hockey Unl. QMJHL Is CHL Hockey: World Poker Remparts at Tour Armada ” Cricket Highlights NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Sportsnet Central Central Penguins at Hockey Ducks Draft Year Central QMJHL ” Hockey Unl. Sportsnet Hockey: Is CHL Remparts Sportsnet at World Poker Central Armada Tour Is CHL” Cricket Unl. Hockey NHL Highlights Sportsnet Hockey: Sportsnet Central Penguins at Central Ducks Draft Year ” QMJHL Sportsnet Hockey: Sportsnet Remparts at Central Armada Is CHL” Hockey Unl. NHL



The Chew ”

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `

Dr. Phil Today” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News KING 5 Days News of our Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil News ” Today Evening Ellen cont’dDeGeneres Show The Night New Day Shift 5 KING Northwest News Dateline KING 5 NBC KING 5 News News ” Days of our ” Nightly Lives News News KING News Dr. Phil Tonight News ” Show Evening Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers The Night neres Show Shift KING 5 Dateline News NBC KING 5 News ” ” Nightly News KING News News Tonight News

Movie: “Rango” “Rango” ”

” Amanda Close ” LangNational Close Close The ” Close

Big Bang Say Yes Seinfeld Cougar Paid Prog. ” Name Game Paid Prog. World’s Fun Love; Lust Family” Guy ” Style by Jury Family Guy

Charlie Evening ” Rose Show Skinny Gut SethNight Meyers Father The Brown Shift

The National Airshow ” ”


A&E 1

The Wild Village Kratts ” Wild Kratts

Powerboat Driving TV

Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Cont’d Martha Outback Movie:

Curling: 2015 Tim

Noon News Hour

SportsCentre Speed ” Skating

Florida at Kentucky

Noon News Hour

Dogs/Jobs Dogs

Rescue Paid Prog.

Horton’s Brier: Page

Collectors Simpsons

Corner Gas Corner Gas

College Basketball:

Collectors Simpsons

Hope for Wildlife

World of X Games

Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts

” ”

MLS Soccer Simpsons Cash Cab College Fish’n SickKids ” Simpsons Basketball Real Fishing Steele Foundation

The National 21 Day Fix Absolutely College Hockey Changers Canadian Basketball

” 10 SC Top ” Motoring Curling: Curling: 2015 2015 Tim Tim Horton’s Horton’s Brier: Brier: Page Semifinal Playoff 3 vs. ” College 4 Basketball SportsCentre MLS Soccer SC Top ”” 10 Motoring SportsCentre ” ” Curling: ” 2015 Tim SportsCentre Curling: ” Horton’s 2015 Tim Brier: Page SportsCentre Horton’s ” Playoff Brier: 3 vs. 4 SportsCentre Semifinal ” MLS Soccer ”

Simpsons Sportsnet Fish’n NHL Simpsons Real Fishing Hockey Classics



Say Yes Say Yes

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Father Brown --



Dateline NBC

19 Kids 19 Kids

Jeffersons Gimme

Saving Souls Motown 25

Raising How I Met

Say Yes Say Yes

Movie: “The Mist”

(My Music Presents)

KING News Tonight

Movie: Rabbids “Rango” Bread

Amanda CBC News Lang News CBC

Close Close Close

Cougar PaidFabulous Prog. College Fat When ”in Name Game Paid Prog. Basketball ” Rome”

” Wild Kratts Skinny Gut Odd Squad

Show Gymnastics: Seth Meyers AT&T

Turtles Sanjay

Now With Christine

Mayday ”

College Basketball:

KCTS 9 Cooks:

American Cup

Movie: “Swindle”

Birak ”

Edge of Alaska

St. John’s at Fat Fabulous Tale” Villanova Fat Fabulous ”

Pasta, Rice & Grains

PGA Tour Golf

” ”

River Monsters

Paid Prog. Focus T25

Fat Fabulous Movie: Fat Fabulous “The

TLC WTBS Fat Fabulous Tuxedo” < A Fat Fabulous ”

KCTS ” N ”

Dateline: First Family Fat Fabulous When in Real Life Box Office ” Rome

RockKratts My Wild Soul Squad Odd

Tree Fu Tom Gymnastics: LazyTown AT&T

KCTS”9 BroadwayCooks: Moments-Ed Pasta, Rice Sullivan & Grains Weekend ” IN Close ” My ” Yearbook: Wild Kratts ” Odd Squad 1960-1963 Rock My 50 Years KCTS 9 Soul Cooks: With Peter, ” Paul and Pasta, Rice Broadway& Grains Mary Moments-Ed Justin ” Sullivan ” Hayward: WeekendLive Spirits... ” IN Close Victor ”Borge My Broadway Rock My Yearbook:

Biz Kid$ American Kids News Cup KINGTour News PGA Boxing: Golf

“Deep Impact” ” ”

A&E The First 48 1 ”

” ”




YTV Squirrel 6 Squirrel

NEWS DISC The National Airshow 7 9 Issue ”

Ice The First 48 Born-Explore Movie: ” ” Sea Rescue “Twister”

Squirrel Rabbids Squirrel Bread

The National How/Made CBC News Close Mansbridge How/Made CBC News Close

Bones College ” Basketball

Squirrel Turtles Squirrel Sanjay

The NowNature With of Things Christine

Trout TV College Raising Basketball:

Geographic Prog. First 48 Mister Maker Paid Wildlife Docs The Cont’d Presents Cougar Martha Outback Movie:”

Simpsons Noon News Global Hour Nat.

The Social SportsCentre etalk ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas W5 Canada’s SickKids Worst ”Driver Foundation Big Bang Cash Cab Anger It Is Written Steele etalk Mike The Marilyn Cleveland SportsCentre Denis Show Motive” The Social Corner” Gas etalk Corner Gas News CTV News News--11:30 Canada’s Vancouver Worst Driver Indecent W5 Proposal Cash Cab ”

St. Louis Speed Blues at Skating

KIRO News Florida at KIRO News Kentucky

Simpsons Noon News Global Nat. Hour

CBS News College KIRO News Basketball: EntertainStanford at ment ’Night College Arizona Basketball To Be Fix 21 Day Announced College Changers Basketball: To Be All In Announced Florida at Sports Stars Kentucky 48 Hours KIRO News ” College KIRO News Basketball: KIRO News CBS News Scandal Stanford at KIRO News Arizona ” EntertainThe Insider 21 Day Fix ment ’Night

News Hour Collectors ” Simpsons 16x9 Simpsons ” Fish’n Simpsons Real Fishing Brainwashed Simpsons ” Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV NCIS Simpsons ”News Noon Simpsons Hour Museum Simpsons Secrets Collectors Global Nat. Simpsons News Final News Hour Saturday Simpsons ” Simpsons Night Live 16x9 ” Simpsons ”

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Lost Dogs/Jobs KingCenAm Dogs

Toronto Figure Maple SkatingLeafs NHL ” Hockey: Absolutely ” Canadian Vancouver The National Canucks Doc Zoneat Hockey ” San Jose NHL Sharks Speed Hockey: Skating Post Show St. Louis News Figure Blues at Skating of Republic Toronto Doyle Maple”Leafs ” Cracked NHL ” The National Hockey:

News The First 48 Rescue “Deep WorldProg. News Impact” ” Paid The First 48 ” ”” Nightwatch Shall We The First 48 Jeopardy! Born-Explore Movie:”” Dance on Sea Rescue “Twister” 20/20 Nightwatch Ice The First 48 ”” Docs Cont’d”” Wildlife Outback Movie: In an Instant The First 48 Paid Prog. The First 48 ” Rescue “Deep”” Cougar Paid Prog. Impact” ” The First 48 News The First 48 ”” World ”News of X World ” Games ” News Nightwatch KOMO 4 The First 48 Castle ” Shall We The First 48 News ” Dance” on ” Nightwatch Wheel Nightwatch Burn Notice The First ” Ice 48 Jeopardy! ”

KNOW KOMO KOMO World of4 X News Games * ` Wheel



News Mod Fam

NHL Women’s Hockey: Hockey

Hope Hope for for Wildlife Wildlife Quest-Maya The Polar ” Wild Sea Kratts Wild Kratts Heartbeat Waterfront Mister”Maker Cities Martha Midsomer Geographic Murders Dogs/Jobs Presents Dogs ” Lost Hope ”for KingCenAm Wildlife Waterfront Hope for Cities The Polar Wildlife Sea Midsomer Quest-Maya Murders Waterfront ”



The National Mayday ” ”


River Monsters

Family Feud The Office Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Steve Family Harvey Feud Family Feud The Meredith Name Show Game Vieira Body Beast! Mike Law & Anger Order: SVU Two Men Mod Fam Family Feud PaidBang Prog. Big The Office Big Bang Steve Paid Prog. Harvey World’s Fun Family Feud ” The Meredith Family Feud Vieira Glee Show Name Game ” Mike Body Beast! Anger News Law & Mod Fam Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Raising Family Feud How I Met Big Bang Paid Prog. Cougar Big Bang Steve Name Game World’s Fun Harvey ” The Meredith Glee Show Vieira ” Mike News Anger Mod Fam Two Men Raising Mod Fam How I Met Big Bang


CBC News ”

All In Simpsons College Powerboat Sports Stars Simpsons Basketball: Driving TV




Haunting Haunting

NHL Doc Zone Hockey: ”


” ”



Open Heart Open Heart

A&E 1

The Marilyn It Is Written Denis etalk Show




Criminal Minds

Simpsons Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV

News Hour Collectors ” Simpsons 16x9 Simpsons ” Fish’n Simpsons Real Fishing Brainwashed Simpsons ” Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV NCIS Simpsons ”News Noon Simpsons Hour Museum Simpsons Secrets Collectors Global Nat. Simpsons News Final News Hour Saturday Simpsons ” Simpsons Night Live 16x9 ” Simpsons ”


Criminal Minds

Kimmel Live Movie: Criminal Born-Explore Nightline Minds Sea Rescue “Twister”

KNOW KOMO The Polar Shall We ` Sea* Dance on

Name Game Say Yes Body Beast! Say Yes

Sesame St. Sesame Odd Squad Street Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Dinosaur ” Peg Plus Cat ” Peg Plus Cat World News Super Why! Business Thomas PBS NewsHour Sesame St. Odd Squad Washington Sesame Charlie Rose Masterpiece Street Classic Father Dinosaur Brown” Dinosaur Father” Peg Plus Cat Brown News -World Peg Plus Cat Business Saving Souls Super Why! Motown 25 PBS Thomas NewsHour (My Music Sesame St. Presents) Washington Odd Squad ” Rose Charlie Masterpiece Skinny Gut Father Classic Brown ” Father” Brown -World News Saving Souls Business Motown 25 PBS (My Music NewsHour Presents) Washington

ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n NHL The RealDoctors Fishing Central Classics

SNP Hockey ) Central

New Day Northwest

The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Browns Payne The Middle The Middle Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons King Gimme Browns King Payne Movie: The Middle “The Mist” Mod Fam The Middle ” Seinfeld Seinfeld ” Family Guy Mod Fam Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Gimme Browns Movie: Payne “The Mist” Mod Fam

College Basketball:

CHAN Simpsons ( Simpsons

Dinosaur Dinosaur

Say Yes WhatYes Not to Say Wear Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Love; Lust Style by Jury Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say What Not to Say WearYes Say Yes Love; Lust Say Yes StyleYes by Jury Say Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Love; Lust Say Yes StyleYes by Jury Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Say PaidYes Prog. Love; Lust Say Yes Style by Jury Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Love; Lust Say StyleYes by Jury Say Say Yes Yes

Letterman College Late Late Basketball

KIRO Stanford at _ Arizona

Judge Judge

Amish Mafia Mayday ” ” Mighty Overhaulin’ Cruise Ships Top 10 Daily Planet Bitchin’ ” Rides River Fast N’ Monsters Loud: Demo. Airshow Amish” Mafia ” Mayday Mayday Mighty”” Cruise Close Ships Overhaulin’ Close Daily Planet Top 10 ” Airshow Bitchin’ ” River Rides Monsters River Fast N’ Monsters Airshow Loud: Demo. ” Mayday Amish” Mafia Mayday ” Close ” Mighty Close Close Ships Cruise Close Daily Planet Airshow ” ” River River Monsters Monsters Airshow Mayday ” ” Mayday

It Is Written etalk

” NHL Count

Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With CBC News Andrew ” Nichols The National Power” & Politics CBC News CBC News ” Now With ” The National Carole ” Amanda MacNeil LangNational The CBC News ” CBC With News Now ” CBC News Andrew ” The National Nichols ” The National Power” & CBC News Politics Amanda ” Lang ” The National ” ” Amanda The LangNational ” CBC News CBC News ” ” The National The National ” ” CBC News

Powerboat Driving TV

” ”

Overhaulin’ Top 10

Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Monster Chucks Rated A for Nicky, Ricky Nerds Hathaways Squirrel Sam & Cat Almost Henry Wayside Max Assembly Chucks Kid vs. Kat Thunder Wayside Movie: Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Chucks “Rango” Monster ”Ricky Nicky, Rated A for Hathaways ” Nerds Sam &” Cat Squirrel Henry Heart Open Almost Open Max Heart Wayside Assembly Haunting Chucks Haunting Thunder Kid vs. Kat Movie: Sidekick “Rango” “Rango” Chucks ” Nicky, Ricky ” Hathaways ” Sam & Cat Open Henry Heart Open Heart Max Haunting Assembly Haunting Thunder

SC Top 10 Motoring

Figure Skating

Carole MacNeil

Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Criminal Bates Motel Minds ” Criminal Bates Minds Motel ” Criminal Minds Bates Motel ” Criminal Bates Motel Minds Motel Bates ” ” Criminal Bates Motel Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Minds Criminal ” Criminal Minds Bates Minds Motel Criminal ” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal

SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage College Fish’n SickKids Absolutely ” The Meyers Coronation Basketball RealDoctors Fishing Seth Foundation Canadian

Women’s Hockey

” KNOW KOMO News * ` Jimmy

Seth Meyers Today cont’d

Days of our Lives

Is CHL Finding the Hockey Unl. Fallen

Doc Zone ”

Lynley Mysteries

Paul Sesame Street

Super Why! Thomas

Sportsnet Central


” Divorce Divorce

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

News Hour Final


Name Game Paid The Office WhatProg. Not to Paid Prog. Wear

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Sleepy Hollow


Outlaws Mayday ”

King King

KIRO News Late Show

Canada’s Worst Driver

The National Blue Bloods ” ”

Lang CBC News Now With

Say Yes Say Yes

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer

Playoff 3 vs. Simpsons 4 Simpsons

Blue Bloods ”


KING News Tonight

Bitchin’ Rides

In an Instant Criminal ” Minds

SportsCentre Sleepy ” Hollow

” KCTS 50 Years N With Peter,

Fast N’ Law & Loud: Demo. Order: SVU

The Inspector

Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five” 0 0 Sportsnet

WTBS A Married”

CBC News Now With

” Two Points

the fifth estate

KAYU ; Cougar

Andrew Nichols

Jeopardy! Minds Kimmel Live Criminal Nightline Minds Shark Tank Criminal ” Minds


TLC < Paid Prog.

Allegiance ”

DISC 9 Street

Nerds Squirrel

” The Village ” The Village ”


Fast N’ News Loud: Demo. Mod Fam

Almost Wayside

A&E 1

Playoff 1 vs. ET Canada Big Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Sportsnet Hockey: SportsCentre Backstage Letterman ” The Doctors SethAmazing Meyers Marketplace Coronation LateAmazing Late The Doctors Central 2 Family Guy The The Family Guy Penguins at SportsCentre Burgers Race Rick Mercer Race Burgers Ducks


NEWS 7 Amanda

Bates Motel ”

The Doctors The View ” ” Steve KOMO Harvey 4 News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 News The Doctors Wheel” The View Jeopardy! Steve ” Harvey Shark Tank KOMO 4 ” 4 KOMO News News In an Instant The Chew News ”” World ”News General KOMO” 4 Hospital News The Doctors Jimmy Wheel” Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Steve Nightline Shark Tank Harvey ” KOMO 4 In an Instant News ” News World ”News ” KOMO 4 News Jimmy Wheel


YTV 6 Gags

Bates Motel ”

Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Waterfront Cities Bucket-Dino Curious Coast G. Shrinks ” Dive, PAW Olly Patrol Jelly Jamm The Village Jelly Jamm ” Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus The PAW Patrol Inspector Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Lynley Astroblast Mysteries Waterfront Dragon Cities the Finding Bucket-Dino Fallen Coast Curious The Village ” Dive, Olly ” The Village Jelly Jamm ” Kate and The Magic Bus Inspector Jack Lynley Wild Kratts Mysteries Waterfront Finding Cities the Fallen Coast

Hawaii Five- Shark Tank 0 ”

Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right Bold Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent The Price Is The Insider Bold Right ThisMinute The Amazing Young & Race Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO ”News KIRO News Blue Bloods The Talk KIRO ””News CBS News KIRO News Let’s Show Make a Late Ent Deal Letterman The Insider Bold Late Late The Amazing ThisMinute Race Judge Judy Hawaii FiveJudge Judy 0 KIRO News Blue KIROBloods News ” KIRO News KIRO News CBS News Late Ent Show


Nightline The View ”

A&E 1 Nightwatch

A&E 1





Fat Fabulous Movie: Fat Fabulous “Shark

Dateline on Fat Fabulous ID Fabulous Fat Squirrel the fifth Gold Rush Mike Dateline: Movie: Birak Edge of St. John’s at Fat Fabulous Squirrel estate” Mike RealFabulous Life “Swindle” Alaska” Villanova Fat Assembly The National Street Two Men Dateline: ” ” River Paid Prog. Fat Fabulous Cook’d Marketplace Outlaws Big Bang Real Life ” ” Monsters Focus T25 Fat Fabulous Assembly Where Is Bitchin’ Two Men Dateline: Squirrel The National Airshow Kids News Fat Fabulous Assembly MH370? Rides ” Big RealFabulous Life Rabbids CBC Close College Fat Squirrel IssueNews Old Bang House Fat Fabulous Bread CBC News Close Basketball ” Movie: Doc Zone Alaskan Last ManDateline: Squirrel The National How/Made Bones Dateline: “Men in ” Bush People Earth Real Life Turtles Now With Mayday College Fat Squirrel Mansbridge How/Made ” RealFabulous Life Sanjay Christine ” Basketball: Fat Fabulous Black” The National Street Sleepy Dateline: Squirrel The Nature How/Made Trout TV Dateline on ” Mansbridge Edge Outlaws Hollow RealFabulous Life Movie: Birak of St. John’s at Fat Squirrel of Things How/Made Raising ID “Swindle” Alaska Villanova Fat Fabulous That’s-Weird Where” Is Bitchin’ News Dateline: Squirrel the fifth Gold Rush Mike Dateline: Open ”Heart MH370? Rides Wanted RealFabulous Life River ” Paid Prog. Fat Squirrel estate” Mike Real Life ” Monsters Focus T25 Fat Fabulous Open ”Heart The National Moonshiners Animation Peter Popoff Assembly The National Street” Two Men Dateline: Haunting Mansbridge Domination Paid Prog. Squirrel The National Airshow Kids News Fat Fabulous Cook’d Marketplace Outlaws Big Bang Real Life Squirrel IssueNature Alaskan ” Old House Fat Men in Black The Glee PaidFabulous Prog. Assembly Where Is Bitchin’ Men Dateline: ” of Things People Two ” Paid Prog. Squirrel The National Bush How/Made Bones Dateline: Assembly MH370? Rides Big Bang Real Life


How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

KAYU Kids News Old ; House



Community Movie: Community “Shark The Middle Tale” The Middle ” Movie: Movie: “Daredevil” “The ” Tuxedo” When ””in Rome Family Guy First Family Family Guy Movie: Box Office “Shark Seinfeld Community Seinfeld Tale” Community King ” The Middle King Movie: The Middle “The Movie: Movie: “Cloverfield” Tuxedo” “Daredevil” ” ”” First Family ”



” ”


” ” KING P

” KING ” P ”


Keith ” Thurman vs. ” Robert” Guerrero Gymnastics: ” AT&T Caught Tree Fu Tom Evening American LazyTown Cup Evening Biz Kid$ Around PGA Tour Kids News Golf Dateline KING News NBC ” Boxing: KING ”News Keith Saturday ” Thurman vs. ” Night Live Robert” Tree Fu Tom Guerrero

4 :30 5 :30 :00 12 :30 SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2015 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT :00 2 :00 :30 # $ % 8 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 9 :30 10 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :00 5 :30 11 12 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 1 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT 9 :00 :30 # $ % :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :00 12 :30 :30 2015 Tim ”

Simpsons Joel Osteen

” Canada’s

Skating Our

Pets.TV College

” CBS News ” KIRO News ” 60 Minutes College ” Basketball: Madam Wisconsin at Secretary Ohio State The Good College Innovation Wife Basketball Dr. Chris-Vet Battle Creek College Pets.TV ” Basketball KIRO News KIRO KIRO ”News News KIRO ”News CBS News The Insider ” KIRO News Scandal College 60 Minutes Basketball: ” Wisconsin at Madam Ohio State Secretary Innovation The Good Dr. Chris-Vet Wife Pets.TV Battle Creek KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO

Simpsons Joel Osteen Simpsons Paid Prog. Global Nat. Noon News News Hour Hour ” Moves Simpsons Simpsons Family Guy Simpsons Madam Simpsons Secretary Simpsons The Good Block Simpsons Wife Lorna Dueck Simpsons Battle Creek Joel Osteen Simpsons ” Paid Prog. Simpsons News News Final Noon Global Nat. Block Hour News Hour Paid Prog. Moves ” Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Family Guy Simpsons Madam Simpsons Secretary Simpsons The Good Simpsons Wife Simpsons Battle Creek Simpsons ” GlobalFinal Nat. News

Blue Jays Baseball: MLB Pirates at Baseball Blue Jays ”” ” Bobsled Sportsnet ” Central Bobsled Bobsled ” ” Sportsnet NHL MLB Alumni Central ” Preseason Plays/Month Sportsnet Baseball: Blue Jays Central Pirates at MLB Ski TV Blue Jays Baseball Plays/Month ” ” Sportsnet Bobsled ” Central ” Sportsnet Bobsled Central ” Bobsled Sportsnet ” Central NHL Alumni Plays/Month ” Blue Jays Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball Ski TV

Prerace ” NASCAR ” Racing: SportsCentre Sprint Cup ” Series: E:60 Kobalt Tools ” 400 That’s Curling ”Hcky Bowl XLIX ” Curling: SportsCentre ” 2015 Tim ” 10 SC Top Horton’s SportsCentre Prerace Brier; Final ” NASCAR ” SportsCentre Racing: ” Sprint ”Cup SportsCentre Series: ” Kobalt Tools E:60 400 ” ” That’s Hcky Curling: Bowl XLIX 2015 Tim SportsCentre Horton’s ” Brier; Final SportsCentre

Noon News Global Nat. Hour CHBC News Moves Simpsons Simpsons Family Guy Simpsons Madam Simpsons Secretary Simpsons The Good Block Simpsons Wife Lorna Dueck Simpsons Battle Creek Joel Osteen Simpsons ” Paid Prog. Simpsons News Final Noon News CHBC News Block Hour Global Nat. Paid Prog. Moves CHBC News Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Family Guy Simpsons Madam Simpsons Secretary Simpsons The Good Simpsons Wife Simpsons Battle Creek Simpsons ” CHBCFinal News News

SportsCentre CTV News ” Vancouver W5 MasterChef ” Canada Movie: Once Upon “Harry a Time Potter and Secrets and ThePrisoner Social the Lies Celebrity of Azkaban” Motive Canada’s ” Worst ”Driver MasterChef News SportsCentre Canada News--11:30 ” CTV News Castle W5 Vancouver ” MasterChef Movie: Canada “Harry Once Upon Potter a Timeand the Prisoner Secrets and of Azkaban” Lies ” Motive MasterChef ” Canada News

Land & Sea Princess Mansbridge Diaries” Steven and Heartland Chris ” Figure Agatha Skating Christie’s ” Marple Coronation ” ” Marketplace Speed The National Our Skating ” Vancouver Movie: CBC Land & Sea “The News the fifth Mansbridge Princess estate Steven and Diaries” Canadian Chris Heartland Figure” Skating Agatha ” Christie’s ” Marple Speed” Skating The National Movie:” “The News CBC

” ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ”

Block the fifth Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV News Princess CHBC News Castle Vancouver Diaries” Paid Prog. estate Paid Prog. ” Canadian Simpsons MasterChef Heartland Family Guy Canada ”

KIRO News CBS News KIRO News The Insider

Block News Hour ” Paid Prog.


Madam Secretary

That’s Hcky Bowl XLIX

The Good Wife

:00 Horton’s Simpsons MasterChef Movie: KIRO News :00 Wednesday, 4, 2015 rLake SC TopCalendar 10 Paid Prog. Worst Driver March Vancouver Basketball 11Country :30 Brier; Final CHBC News Canada “The KIRO News

SportsCentre Battle Creek ” SportsCentre World ”Vision ” SportsCentre News ”Final ” Block Motoring Rachael Ray Lumberjacks ” SportsCentre Paid Prog. ” 10 SC Top SC Top 10

Paid NoonProg. News Hour



The Talk ”


Scandal 60 Minutes ”

Paid Prog. Simpsons Family Guy

Agatha Christie’s

Madam Secretary

Madam Secretary

Bobsled ”

Secrets and Lies

Marple ”

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

NHL Alumni ”

Motive ” The View News ”




Steven and Chris


Minds Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Bates Motel Minds Minds” Criminal Criminal Bates Motel Minds Minds” Criminal Criminal Bates Motel Minds Minds” Criminal Criminal Bates Minds Motel Minds” Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal

the ChipHathaways munks Meet Thunder the Wolfman Thunder Alvin and Undercover the ChipCook’d munks: The Assembly Squeakquel Assembly That’s-Weird AlvinVampire Frankenstein Open Max ”Heart Open Heart Assembly Alvin and Haunting Hathaways the ChipHaunting Thunder munks Meet Haunting Thunder the Wolfman Haunting Undercover Alvin and ChipmunksCook’d the ChipSqueakquel Assembly munks: The Assembly Squeakquel AlvinThat’s-Weird Frankenstein Vampire ” Open Heart Alvin and Open Heart the ChipHaunting munks Meet Haunting the Wolfman Haunting

estate Now With Where Is Christine MH370? Birak The National ” ” ” India’s” Daughter ” ” Marketplace Marketplace Doc Zone The CBCNational News ” ” CBC News the fifth India’s Now With estate Daughter Christine Where Is ” Birak MH370? Mansbridge ” The National The National ” ” India’s ” Daughter Marketplace ” Doc Zone Marketplace ” The National the fifth ” estate India’s Where Is Daughter MH370? ”

Castle KOMO 4 News ”

Minds Criminal Minds Criminal

Haunting Alvin and the ChipChipmunks-

Burn FunnyNotice Home Minds Criminal Videos Minds

Squeakquel munks: The Squeakquel

Mansbridge The National Last Frontier ” ” The National Naked” and Afraid India’s” Alaska: The Daughter Last Frontier


Once Upon a Time

That’s-Weird ” MythBusters Simpsons Vampire Marketplace ” Brooklyn

” Secrets and KNOW KOMO ” Lies * `

A&E 1

Criminal Minds

A&E 1






DISC 9 ”

Big Bang Movie:

Mary McLaughlin

Noodle Red Wings

Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Who Do You Medium ” Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Who You Long Do Island Medium ” Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Long Island Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog. Medium Who Do You Medium ” Medium Long Island Medium Medium Who Do You Medium ” Medium Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Medium

Heaven” Movie:” “Diary of a Movie: Mad Black “Saving Woman” Silverman” ”” The Closer Big Bang ” the OneBang for Big The Closer Money Big Bang ” Movie: Big Bang The “Just Like Mod Fam Expendables Heaven” Mod Fam ” Movie: Movie: “Diary”of a There Yet? “Saving Mad Black Silverman” Woman” ” ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Mod Fam The Mod Fam Expendables

Glorious Weekend Women SciTech Never Age The Jewel in Wheat Belly the Crown Total Health” William ” 50 Years Masterpiece Sid Science With Peter, Mystery! Odd Squad Paul and Masterpiece McLaughlin Mary Mystery! IN Close Aging BroadwayGlorious Backwards Moments-Ed Women Weekend Sullivan Never Age SciTech Europe Wheat Belly The Jewel in Total Healththe Crown William ” 50 Years ” With Peter, Masterpiece Paul and Mystery! Mary Masterpiece Aging Mystery! Backwards Broadway-

PGA Tour KING 5 Golf News ” The Voice ” ” ” ”” ” ” Dateline NHL ” NBC Hockey: Poppy Cat ” Red Wings Noodle ” at Bruins KING 5 KINGTour News PGA News The 206 Golf KING 5 Bensinger ” News Paid Prog. ” The Voice ” ” ” ” ” Dateline Poppy Cat NBC Noodle ” KING ”5 News KING News

Paid Prog. Two Men Big Bang Mod Fam

Medium Long Island Medium Paid Prog.

Movie:” “Diary”of a

Raising Simpsons Burgers

Paid Yet? Who Prog. Do You There Mad Black ” Woman”

Moments-Ed The 206 Weekend KING 5 SciTech News Sullivan Bensinger Europe Prog. The Jewel in Paid The Voice the Crown ”




Long Island Medium



” The Closer



” ”



” ”


Criminal Minds

Open Heart Open Heart

The National Naked and ” Afraid

Family Guy Last Man

Who Do You ” ” The Closer

Haunting Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Haunting

India’s Daughter CBC News Now With ”

” Mayday ” The Alaska:

News HowOffice I Met The Paid Prog. Cougar

Long Island Medium What Not to Wear Medium

Minds Bates Motel ” Criminal

Haunting Monster Rated A for Chipmunks-

Mansbridge Carole MacNeil The National

Last Frontier Buying Al. Buying and Al. Naked

Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud Mod Fam

Medium Medium Paid Prog.

Paid NoonProg. News Hour

Central Yankees ”

” PAW Patrol Kate and

Burn Notice The Chew ”

Minds Bates Motel ”

Squeakquel Nerds Squirrel

” CBC News Now With

Afraid Mighty Planes

Raising Yet? Name Game Paid Who Prog. Do You There Hot Bench Paid Prog. ” Hot Bench

Europe Paid Prog. Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

The Talk ”

Masterpiece Dateline Mystery! NBC

General Hospital

Masterpiece ” The Mystery! Divorce Sesame Today” Divorce cont’d Expendables Street BroadwayKING News Moments-Ed The Judge” Dinosaur New206 Day Judge” Dinosaur Northwest Sullivan Bensinger

Days of our Lives

MLB Astroblast Plays/Month Dragon

Bates Motel ”

Almost Wayside

Diana Swain Ice Cold ” Gold

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

KIRO Bold_

CHAN The ( Meredith

Cricket Highlights

SNP ) Sportsnet

Bucket-Dino The Doctors Bates Motel Curious ” ”

KNOW KOMO * ` Dive, Olly Steve

A&E 1 Bates Motel

Chucks Kid vs. Kat

YTV 6 Sidekick

Power & Politics

How/Made How/Made

DISC 9 How/Made

Family Feud Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

KAYU ; Steve

TLC < Love; Lust

The Middle The Middle

WTBS A Seinfeld

Phil KCTS Dr.KING ” N P The Jewel in Ellen DeGe-

ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy Judge Judy Young &

Vieira World Show Vision Young” & Restless Ray Rachael

Central MLB Preseason FA Cup Soccer Baseball:

Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Kate and MagicJamm Bus Jelly

Bates ”Motel Bates ”Motel Bates ”Motel

Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Kung Fu Monster

” CBC News Now With Amanda Lang Carole

How/Made Mayday ” Daily Planet Buying” Al.

Harvey The Office PaidMeredith Prog. The Vieira FamilyShow Feud

Style What by NotJury to Wear Addiction Addiction Medium

Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge

Rays at ” ” Yankees

Buying Al. How/Made How/Made Mighty

Family Mike Feud Medium My 600-Lb. Anger Game Who Life Do You Name Paid Prog. ” Two Men My 600-Lb. Mod & Fam Life Yes Law Say Order: SVU Say Yes Big Bang Addiction Big Bang Addiction Family Feud Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Gotham My 600-Lb. Life Lust Steve ” Love; Harvey Style by Jury The Office Addiction The What Not to Following Addiction The Addiction PaidMeredith Prog. Wear Vieira Show Addiction News My 600-Lb. Family Feud Medium Mod Fam Life Mike 600-Lb. Family Feud My Medium Anger Life Raising Name Game Addiction Who Do You How I Met Addiction Two My 600-Lb. Paid Men Prog. ” Mod Fam Life Cougar Peter Popoff Law & Say Yes Name Game Paid Prog. Big Bang Addiction Order: SVU Say Yes Big Bang Addiction Family Feud Say Yes Gotham My Paid Prog. Say600-Lb. Yes ” Life Steve Love; Lust The Addiction Harvey Style by Jury Following Addiction The Meredith Addiction News Show Addiction My 600-Lb. Vieira Mod Fam Life Mike My 600-Lb. Raising Addiction Anger Life How I Met Addiction Two Men My 600-Lb. Cougar Peter Mod Fam Life Popoff Name Game Paid Prog. Big Bang Addiction Big Bang Addiction

Judge Browns Payne Hot Bench

the Crown neres Sesame TodayShow Street cont’d 5 The Jewel in KING the Crown News Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur World News Northwest KING 5 Business News 5 Peg Plus Cat KING

Hot Bench Browns Payne King King Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle The Middle Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Jeffersons Judge Break Browns Judge Payne Movie: Hot Bench “Duplex” Browns Hot Bench Payne” King ” Mod King Fam Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang Break Browns Movie: Payne “Duplex” Browns Payne” ” Mod Fam Seinfeld

Peg PBS Plus Cat NewsHour Super Why! Thomas Aging Backwards Sesame St. Odd My Squad Yearbook: The Jewel in the Crown 1960-1963 Sesame Victor The Jewel in Street the Crown Borge’s Dinosaur Timeless World News Dinosaur Business Echoes Peg PlusofCat Creation PBS Plus Cat Peg NewsHour BroadwaySuper Why! Ed Sullivan Aging Thomas Backwards Sesame St. My Odd Squad Yearbook: The Jewel in 1960-1963 the Crown Victor The Jewel in Borge’s the Crown Timeless World News Echoes of Business Creation PBS BroadwayNewsHour Ed Sullivan Aging Backwards

News Nightly News News Days of our Lives News Evening Dr. Phil ” The Voice ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Today ” KING cont’d 5 News The NewNight Day Shift KING 5 Northwest News KING News KING 5 Tonight Nightly News News News Show Days of our Seth News LivesMeyers Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” KING 5 The Night News Shift KING 5 KING News News Tonight Nightly News Show News Seth Meyers News Evening

Family Guy Family Guy

NEWS 7 ”

Lumberjacks Off Record News ” Interruption SC Top 10 Noon ”News SC Top 10 Hour Nat. SportsCentre Global ” CHBC Premier Days ofNews our League Lives SC Ent SC ET Canada That’s Hcky The Talk That’s Hcky The Night ” Motoring Lumberjacks ShiftMeredith Cabbie The Cabbie Vieira Show SportsCentre Bones SportsCentre World Vision ”” Around Young”” & Hockey Restless SportsCentre NCIS: Los Motoring Rachael Ray ” Angeles Off Record News ” Lumberjacks Interruption CHBC” News SportsCentre SC Top 10 Noon News ” 10 Final SportsCentre Global SC Top Hour Nat. ” CHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada Premier Days of our ” The SC Ent League LivesDoctors SC ET Canada That’s Hcky The Talk Motoring That’s Hcky The Night ” Lumberjacks Shift Cabbie The Meredith SportsCentre Bones Cabbie Vieira Show ” ” Around Young & SportsCentre NCIS: Los Hockey Restless ” Angeles Off Record News SportsCentre CHBC Interruption ” News ” Final SportsCentre Global Nat. SportsCentre ET Canada ” CHBC News ” The Doctors SC Ent SC ET Canada

Denis Show CTV News

” CBC News

Restless KIRO News

Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News Vancouver The Social etalk ” Big Phil Bang Dr. ” Gotham ” Ellen DeGeneres Show Forever The View ” The Dr. ” Oz Show Castle The Marilyn ”Show CTV DenisNews Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 CTV News Vancouver Vancouver Daily Show The Social Seth etalk Meyers ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ” ” Ellen DeGeForever neres Show ” The Dr. Oz Castle Show ” CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News Daily Show Vancouver Seth Meyers etalk Big Bang

” CBC News Now News CBC Murdoch Our Vancouver Mysteries Coronation Steven and Chris Murdoch Mysteriesof Republic Doyle Ascension Bookaboo ” Dragons’ Bo On/Go Den National The Heartland ”” CBC News ” CBC CBC News News The HonourCBC Now News Murdoch able Our Woman Coronation Mysteries Vancouver Coronation Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Republic of Ascension Doyle ” Dragons’ The Den National ” CBC News CBC News ” The HonourCBC News able Woman Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Coronation

KIRO News News KIRO KIRO ”News CBS News The Talk Ent ” The Insider Let’s Make a Deal Broke Girl Mike Bold ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge”Judy Right Judge Los Judy NCIS: Young & Angeles KIRO News Restless KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Late Show KIRO ”News CBS News Letterman The Talk Late Ent Late ” The Insider Let’s Make a Broke Deal Girl Mike Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ” Judge Judy NCIS: Judge Los Judy Angeles KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Late Show KIRO News Letterman CBS News Late Late Ent The Insider

” Early News GlobalNews Nat. Noon Hour News Hour ” our Days of Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ” The Night ShiftMeredith The Vieira Show Bones World Vision Young”” & Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Angeles Early News ” Global Nat. News Hour Noon News Final News Hour Hour ” ET Canada Days of our The Ent LivesDoctors ET Canada The Talk The Night ” Shift The Meredith Bones Vieira Show ” Young & NCIS: Los Restless Angeles Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final News Hour ET Canada ” The Doctors Ent ET Canada

” TV Canucks Hockey MLB Plays/Month NHL Hockey: Cricket Highlights Ducks at Canucks Sportsnet Central MLB ” Sportsnet FA Cup Preseason Soccer Sportsnet Baseball: Central ” Rays at ” Party Poker Yankees ”” TV Canucks Hockey Sportsnet MLB Central NHL Plays/Month Hockey: Cricket Ducks at Highlights Canucks Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet FA Cup Sportsnet Soccer Central ” Party Poker ” ” Canucks TV Sportsnet Hockey Central NHL Hockey:

Bucket-Dino News ” Jack The First 48 Wild Kratts World News Bates ”Motel PAW Patrol The Chew Kate and of KOMO” 4 Architects Bates ”Motel Change News Astroblast General Bates ”Motel Dragon Hospital Hope for Wheel The ” Wildlife Jeopardy! Returned Bucket-Dino The Doctors Bates Motel Curious Great The ” The ” Railway Bachelor Returned Dive, Olly Steve Bates Motel Jelly Jamm Harvey ” TreasureE” The First 48 G. Shrinks The View Bates Motel gypt Kate Bates ””Motel PAW and Patrol KOMO”” 4 Magic Bus News ”Motel Finding the The Bates Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bates Motel Fallen Bachelor ”” Jack The First 48 Bucket-Dino News Wild Kratts World News The ” Hope for News PAW Patrol The Chew Bates Motel Wildlife Jimmy Returned Architects Bates ”Motel Kate and of KOMO” 4 Change News ” TreasureEKimmel Astroblast General Live The Bates Motel gypt Nightline Returned Hope for Wheel The Dragon Hospital ” Wildlife Jeopardy! Returned Bucket-Dino The Doctors Bates Motel Great The ” The ” Curious Railway Bachelor Returned Dive, Olly Steve Bates Motel TreasureE” The First 48 Jelly Jamm Harvey ” gypt ” ” Kate and KOMO 4 Bates Motel Finding the The Bates ”Motel Magic Bus News Fallen Bachelor ” Jack News The First 48 Hope for News Wild Kratts World News The ” Wildlife Jimmy Returned Architects of KOMO 4 Bates Motel TreasureEKimmel Change News Live The ” gypt Nightline Returned Hope for Wheel The Wildlife Jeopardy! Returned

Rated A for MacNeil Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob CBC News ” Nerds Squirrel Now With Sam & Cat The National Assembly Almost Diana ”Swain Wayside ” Assembly CBC News Thunder Chucks Power” & Kid vs. Home Kat Politics Funny The National Videos Sidekick ”” Chucks ” Vampire The National Wayside CBC News Vampire ” SpongeBob Amanda Kid vs. Kat Now With Kung Fu Lang Haunting CBC News Monster Carole Haunting ” Odd Parents News Rated A for CBC MacNeil SpongeBob ” Gags The Nerds CBCNational News Gags ” Sam & Cat The Squirrel NowNational With Assembly ” Funny AlmostHome Amanda Diana Swain Videos Lang News Assembly CBC Wayside ” Thunder ” Chucks Power & Funny The National Kid vs. Home Kat Politics Videos ” Sidekick ” Vampire The National Chucks ” Vampire ” SpongeBob Amanda Haunting CBC Kung Fu Lang News Haunting ” Odd Parents CBC News Gags SpongeBob The National ” Gags ” Sam & Cat The National Funny Home Amanda Assembly ” Videos Lang Assembly CBC News Thunder ”

Motoring The Night Lumberjacks Shift

Gotham ”

Murdoch Mysteries

Broke Girl Mike

The Night Shift

Ducks at Canucks

SportsCentre Bones ” ”

Forever ”

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre Off Record ” SC SportsCentre Hockey ” Lunch

NCIS: Los World Vision Angeles ” CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Noon News The Doctors Hour

Premier League

Days of our Lives

That’s Hcky That’s Hcky

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

Soccer ”

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Interruption Off Record Hockey SC Off Record Hockey NBA Lunch Basketball: Premier at Raptors League Spurs That’s”Hcky That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Interruption ” ” Hockey SportsCentre Off Record ” SC NBA SportsCentre Hockey Basketball: ” Lunch Raptors at SportsCentre Premier Spurs ” ” League

The Meredith World Vision Vieira Show ” Young & Rachael Restless Ray ” News Noon ”News Hour Global Nat. Days our CHBCofNews Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” NCIS The Meredith ” Vieira Show NCIS: New World YoungVision & Orleans ” Restless Chicago Fire Rachael News ” Ray ” News Hour Noon News Global Nat. Final Hour News CHBC ET Canada Days of our Ent The Doctors ET Canada Lives

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Big Phil Bang ” The Flash Ellen DeGe” neres Show Agents of The View Dr. Oz S.H.I.E.L.D. Show ” Person of The Marilyn CTV News Interest Denis Show Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show The Social etalk Seth Meyers Big Bang ”

Republic of Bookaboo Doyle Bo On/Go Dragons’ Heartland Den ” CBC News CBC News ” Now CBC News Best Recipes Murdoch Stefano Mysteries Steven and Coronation Chris Rick Mercer Republic of 22 Minutes Doyle Creek Bookaboo Dragons’ Mr. D Bo DenOn/Go The National Heartland CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC Mercer News Rick Now Murdoch 22 Minutes Best Recipes Mysteries Coronation Coronation Stefano

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The CBSTalk News ” Ent Let’s Make a The Insider Deal NCIS Bold ” ThisMinute NCIS: New The Price Is Judge Judy Orleans Right Judge Judy Person of Young & KIRO News Interest Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIROShow News Late ” CBS News Letterman The Talk Ent Late Late The Insider ”

Sportsnet Hockey Unl. Central Draft Year UEFA Cricket Champions Highlights League Soccer Cen. UEFA NHL Champions Hockey: League Kings at Soccer Avalanche ” ” Sportsnet Plays/Month Central Party Poker Hockey UEFA ” Unl. Draft Year Champions Sportsnet Cricket League Central Highlights Soccer Ski TV Soccer Cen. NHL Plays/Month UEFA Hockey: Sportsnet Champions Kings at Central Avalanche League

The Flash Dr. Phil ”

Rick Mercer Steven and 22 Minutes Chris




Harvey The View KOMO” 4 News 4 KOMO


A&E 1







SNP ” Sportsnet )

Great Railway

The Bachelor

KNOW KOMO TreasureE” gypt* ” `

A&E The First 48 ” 1

Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made

YTV Vampire Vampire 6

NEWS The National ” 7

Gotham ”

DISC The KAYU Alaskan Bush People Following 9 ;

TLC Addiction Addiction <

WTBS Amer. Dad Amer. Dad A

My Yearbook:

KCTS 1960-1963 Victor N

The Voice ”

Ascension ”

CHAN Bones ” (

Castle The View ” ” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver

The National Bookaboo ” Bo On/Go CBC News Heartland The Honour” able Woman CBC News Coronation Now

NCIS: Los The Price Is Angeles Right KIRO News Young & Late Show Restless Letterman KIRO News Late Late ”

NCIS: Los World Vision Angeles ” News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Noon News The Doctors Hour

Sportsnet Hockey Unl. Central Draft Year Party Poker Cricket ” Highlights Sportsnet Soccer Cen. Central UEFA

Finding the G. Shrinks Fallen PAW Patrol Hope for Jelly Jamm Wildlife Bucket-Dino TreasureEPAW Patrol gypt Kate and

The The View Bachelor ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”

Bates Motel The ” Returned The Criminal Returned Minds The Criminal Returned Minds

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags Monster Gags Rated A for Funny Home Chucks Videos Squirrel

CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With

Airshow Mayday ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Alaskan How/Made Bush People

News The Office Mod Fam Paid Prog. Raising Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Cougar Name Game Name Game Paid Prog.

My 600-Lb. What Not to Life Wear Addiction Medium Addiction Medium Peter Popoff Who Do You Paid Prog. ”

Jeffersons Divorce Break Divorce Movie: Judge “Duplex” Judge ” Hot Bench ” Hot Bench

Borge’s Sesame Timeless Street Echoes of Dinosaur Creation Dinosaur BroadwayPeg Plus Cat Ed Sullivan Peg Plus Cat

The Night Today Shift cont’d KING News New Day Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News

The Social ”

Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”

Days of our Lives

Champions League

Astroblast Dragon

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Almost Wayside

Diana Swain Airshow ” ”

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”

Chucks Kid vs. Kat

Power & Politics

How/Made How/Made

Family Feud Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

The Middle The Middle

Sesame St. Odd Squad

Dr. Phil ”

Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate and Jelly MagicJamm Bus Bucket-Dino Jack PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Kate and Hope for Astroblast Wildlife Dragon The Polar Bucket-Dino Sea Curious Wild Dive, Olly Kingdom Jelly Jamm Emergency G. Shrinks Kate and ” PAW Patrol Magic Bus Life in Stills Jelly Jamm Jack ” Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts The Polar PAW Patrol Hope for Sea Kate and Wildlife Emergency Astroblast The Polar ” Sea Dragon

Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Monster Chucks Rated A for Odd Parents Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel Sam & Cat Almost Assembly Wayside Max Chucks Assembly Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Nerds Open Heart Wayside SpongeBob Nine Lives Kid vs. Kat Chucks ” Monster Odd Parents Vampire Rated A for SpongeBob Gags Chucks Sam & Cat Gags Squirrel Assembly Funny Home Almost Max Videos Assembly Wayside

” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The National CBC News Amanda ” Now With Lang CBC News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The National CBCNational News The ” Now With ” Amanda Diana CBC News Lang Swain ”

How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made Gold Rush Alaskan ” Bush People Gold Rush Airshow ” ” Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made Buying Al. How/Made Buying Al. How/Made Gold Rush Mayday Daily Planet ” ” Cold Water How/Made Gold Rush Cowboys How/Made ” Buying Al. Alaskan Gold Rush Buying Al. Bush People ” Gold Rush Airshow Cold Water ” Cowboys ”

Steve The Office Harvey Paid Prog. The Meredith FamilyShow Feud Vieira Family Feud Mike Name Anger Game Paid Prog. Two Men Law Mod & Fam Order: SVU Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid Prog. Hell’s Steve Kitchen Harvey New Girl Office The Meredith Mindy Paid Prog. Vieira Show News Family Feud Mike Mod Fam Family Feud Anger Raising Name Game Two Men How I Met Paid Fam Prog. Mod Cougar Law & Big Bang Name Game Big Bang Order: SVU

Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Jeffersons Judge Browns Break Judge Payne Movie: Hot Bench Browns “Bad Boys Hot Bench Payne II” King Mod Fam ” Seinfeld King

The Jewel in Sesame the Crown Street The Jewel in Dinosaur the Crown Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas BroadwaySesame St. Moments-Ed Odd Squad Sullivan The Jewel Members’ in the Crown Choice Sesame The Jewel in ” Street the Crown ” Dinosaur World News Dr. Dinosaur Business Fuhrman’s Peg Cat PBS End Plus Dieting Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Forever! Super Why! BroadwayWheat Belly Moments-Ed Thomas

Ellen DeGeTodayShow neres cont’d KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days News of our Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” Today”5 KING cont’d News Chicago Fire New Day KING ”5 Northwest News KING News KING 5News Nightly Tonight News Show Days of our News Seth Meyers Evening Lives The Voice Dr. Phil ”



The Meredith World Show Vision Vieira ” Young & Rachael Restless Ray ” Early News Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” NCIS The Meredith ” Vieira Show NCIS: New World Vision Young & Orleans ” Restless Chicago Fire Rachael Early News ” Ray Global” Nat. News Hour Noon News News Hour Final Hour ” ET Canada Days of our Ent The Doctors ET Canada Lives


NCIS Let’s Make a NCIS The Talk ” Deal ”




Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 KOMO News 4 News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Fresh-Boat Steve Repeat After Harvey Agents of The View KOMO 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. News ” Forever KOMO” 4 News News News World News The Chew KOMO 4 Jimmy News ” Kimmel Live General Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! Hospital


A&E 1

Storage The Storage Returned Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage The Storage Storage Returned Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage The First 48 Storage Storage Storage ”

A&E 1

” Wild Soccer Bucket-Dino Fresh-Boat The Doctors Storage The First 48 Plays/Month Kingdom Repeat ” Curious ” After Storage ”







Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle

Sullivan Sesame St. Members’ Odd Squad

Little Family 19 Kids and TLC Little Family Counting

Amer. Dad Seinfeld WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam

Choice ” The Jewel in Ellen DeGeKCTS KING ” the Crown neres ”Show

CBC News Amanda ” Lang News CBC Now With The National CBC News Carole” MacNeil Amanda The National Lang News CBC ” Now With CBC News Diana ”Swain ” The National Power” & Politics The National ”” ” CBC News Amanda ” Lang The National CBC News ””

News The Meredith ModOffice Fam Vieira Show The Paid Raising Mike Prog. How AngerI Met Family Feud Family Feud Cougar Two Men Name Game Name Game Mod Fam Paid Prog. Big Bang Law & Big Bang Order: SVU Hell’s Family KitchenFeud Paid Prog. New Girl Steve Mindy Harvey News The Meredith Mod Fam Vieira Show Raising Mike How I Met Anger

19 Kids 19 Kids What Not to Wear 19 Kids 19 Kids Medium Medium Paid Prog. 19 Kids Paid Prog. Who Do You 19 Kids ” Little Family Say LittleYes Family Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Little Family Addiction Little Family Addiction 19 Kids Strange 19 Kids Strange 19 Kids My 600-Lb. 19 Kids Life

Jeffersons Big Bang Break Big Bang Divorce Divorce Movie: Browns “Bad Boys Payne Judge Judge II” Browns Hot Bench Payne” Hot Bench Mod Fam King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Amer. Dad Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Jeffersons Big Bang Break Big Bang Movie: Browns “Bad Boys Payne

” The Jewel in Dr. Crown the Sesame Street Fuhrman’s World News End Dieting Business Dinosaur Dinosaur Forever! PBS Wheat Belly Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Peg Plus Cat BroadwaySuper Why! Moments-Ed Thomas Sullivan Sesame St. Members’ Odd Squad Choice The Jewel in ” the Crown ” The Jewel in Dr. the Crown Fuhrman’s World News End Dieting Business

Cougar Paid Prog. Two Men My 600-Lb. Name Game Life Paid Prog. Mod Fam

II” Browns Payne”

Forever! Show News PBS Nightly Wheat Belly News Seth Meyers NewsHour

Big Bang Big Bang

Strange Strange

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Rick Steves Rick Steves

Rick Steves’ The MysterEurope ies of Laura

Person of Judge Judy Interest Judge Judy The Price Is Right KIRO News Late KIROShow News Young & Restless Letterman KIRO News Late KIRO News CBS Late News ” Ent The Talk Insider ” NCIS Let’s Make a ” Deal NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute Person of Judge Judy Interest Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News Late Show KIRO News

Chicago Young & Fire ”Vision Restless World ”Hour News Early News Final Global Nat. Rachael Ray ” ET Canada News Hour The Doctors Noon News ” Hour Ent Days of our ET Canada Lives NCIS The Talk ” ” NCIS: New The Meredith Orleans Vieira Show Chicago Fire Young & ” Restless News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.

Life Stills Kateinand ”Bus Magic G. Shrinks PAW Patrol The Polar Jack Sea Wild Kratts Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Emergency Hope for ” PAW Patrol Wildlife Kate and The Polar Astroblast Sea Dragon Wild Bucket-Dino Kingdom Curious Emergency Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm Life in Stills Kate and ” Magic Bus The Polar Jack Sea Wild Kratts

Forever KOMO 4 ” News The View News ” Jimmy World News KOMO 4 News Kimmel KOMO 4Live Nightline The Chew News ” Wheel General Jeopardy! Hospital Fresh-Boat The Doctors Repeat After ” Agents of Steve S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey Forever KOMO 4 ” News News News Jimmy World News

Storage Storage CSI: Miami ” Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Donnie Storage Loves Jenny Storage Donnie Storage Donnie Storage Donnie Storage Donnie Storage Donnie Storage Donnie

Letterman KIRO News Late Late CBS News

ET Canada Sportsnet News Hour ” The Doctors Central ” Sportsnet

Emergency The Polar Sea ”

Kimmel4Live Donnie Storage KOMO Nightline Storage News Donnie

Funny Amanda Gold Rush Rush Sam & Home Cat The National Gold Videos Lang ” Assembly ””

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily News Show CBC 22 Minutes Clippers at Global Nat. CTV News ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Murdoch Coronation Thunder CHBC News Vancouver






Hell’s Family Feud 19 SayKids Yes Kitchen 19 Paid Prog. SayKids Yes

SportsCentre Interruption ” Hockey SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Off Record ” NBA Off Record SC SportsCentre Basketball: ” at Hockey Raptors Lunch Spurs Premier ” League SportsCentre That’s”Hcky That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre Off Record ” Hockey SportsCentre NBA ” Basketball:

Sportsnet UEFA Central Champions NHL Classics Ski TV League Plays/Month Soccer Cricket Highlights Sportsnet NHL Central Plays/Month Hockey: UEFA Kings at Champions Avalanche League ” Soccer Plays/Month ” Party Poker Sportsnet ” Hockey Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey: Ski TV Sabres at Plays/Month Maple Leafs



New Girl Steve KAYU Mindy Harvey

Storage A&E Storage




The National Gold Rush ” How/Made ” ” How/Made

Emergency Agents of Dive, Olly Steve KNOW KOMO ” S.H.I.E.L.D. Jelly Jamm Harvey




Funny National Buying Al. ChucksHome The Power & How/Made Videos ” Buying Al. Kid vs. Kat Politics How/Made

NCIS: New Party Poker The Meredith Sportsnet CHAN SNP Orleans ” Vieira Show Central

The National Dragons’ Den ” Bookaboo Bo On/Go CBC News Rick Mercer ” Heartland ” 22 Minutes CBC News Coronation CBC News Murdoch Now Mysteries Best Recipes Coronation Stefano Rick Mercer Steven and 22 Minutes Chris Creek Republic of Mr. D Doyle The National Dragons’ ” Den CBC News CBC News Rick Mercer ”



19 Kids and What Not to Counting Wear 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Who Do You 19 Kids ” 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Little Family Say LittleYes Family Say Yes 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids and Counting Little Family What Not to 19 Kids Little Family Wear 19 Kids 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids 19 Kids Who Do You 19 Kids 19 Kids ” 19 Kids Paid Prog. Say Yes Little Family Paid Prog. LittleYes Family Say

KING ” ” P

Open Heart Sidekick YTV Nine Lives Nerds

NCIS: New Bold KIRO Orleans ThisMinute

Person The Dr. of Oz Interest Show The View ” News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Marilyn Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers CTV News Vancouver Vancouver etalk The Social Big Bang ” The Flash Dr. Phil ” ” Agents of Ellen DeGeS.H.I.E.L.D. neres Show Person of The Dr. Oz Interest Show News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver


My 600-Lb. Life


Days of our Lives

Sesame St. Odd Squad

KIRO Scorpion ” _


The Returned


Planes Alaskan Bush People Ice Cold Gold Airshow ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Alaskan Mayday Bush People Daily Planet ” ” Airshow Buying Al. How/Made Buying” Al. How/Made How/Made Mighty How/Made Alaskan Planes Bush People How/Made Ice Cold How/Made Airshow Gold ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Alaskan How/Made Bush People Daily Planet Airshow ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Alaskan How/Made Bush People How/Made Airshow ”

New Agents of Creek SportsCentre NCIS: The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic of Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D ” Vieira Show neres Show Doyle

Medium Long Island

Long Island “Just Mod Fam Aging KING 5 A13 Medium Like IN Close at Bruins Medium Mod Fam Backwards News

Criminal Minds Motel Bates ” Criminal

Ellen DeGe- Republic of neres Show Doyle The View Bookaboo ” Oz Bo On/Go The Dr. Dragons’ Show Den The Marilyn Heartland

Chicago Young & Fire ”Vision Restless World News ”Hour Final ” Ray Rachael ” ET Canada Global Nat. The Doctors Noon News CHBC News Hour Ent Days of our ET Canada Lives NCIS The Talk ” ” NCIS: New The Meredith Orleans Vieira Show Chicago Fire Young & ” Restless News Hour News Final ”

Livin’ Dream Paid Prog. Name Game Focus T25 Simpsons NASCAR Two Men Racing: Big Bang Sprint Cup Simpsons Series: Burgers Kobalt Tools Simpsons 400 Brooklyn ” Family Joint Relief ” Guy Last BodyMan Beast! Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. Livin’ Dream How I Met Focus T25 Name Game Cougar NASCAR Simpsons Paid Prog. Racing: Two Men Mod Fam Sprint Cup Big Bang Raising Series: Simpsons Kobalt Tools Burgers 400 Simpsons ” Brooklyn ” Family Guy Paid Man Prog. Last Livin’ Dream News NameI Met Game How Simpsons Cougar

Single Revenge Handed ” G. Shrinks The View PAW Patrol News ” Quest-Maya ” Castle Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News ” Poirot

Cabbie The Meredith Cabbie SportsCentre Vieira World Show Vision ” Around Young” & Hockey Restless Ray Motoring Rachael

SportsCentre That’s Hcky NCIS The Talk ” That’s”Hcky

How/Made Gold Rush Naked” and Afraid Overhaulin’ ” Top 10 ” Bitchin’ Alaska: The Rides Last Frontier MythBusters MythBusters ” ” Cash Cab Naked and Highway Cash Cab Afraid Thru Hell How/Made ” Gold Rush How/Made ” Naked and Alaska: The Overhaulin’ Afraid Last 10 Frontier Top ” Naked Bitchin’ ” and Afraid Rides Alaska: The MythBusters Last Frontier ” MythBusters Cash Cab ” Cash Cab Naked and How/Made Afraid How/Made ” Naked” and Afraid Alaska: The

Battle Creek Sportsnet Central World ”Vision MLB Preseason News ”Final Ski TV Block Rachael Ray Plays/Month Baseball: ” Rays at Paid Prog. Sportsnet

The National Battle Creek ” ” Bookaboo The Price Is Bo On/Go Right CBC News KIRO News News--11:30 the fifth KIRO News The Marilyn Heartland Young & Denis Show estate” Restless Castle The Insider ” Canadian Scandal CTV News CBC News KIRO News Vancouver Now ”

Dr. Phil ”


” Bulls at News Spurs World News ” KOMO 4 NBA News Basketball: Funny Home Clippers at Videos Warriors Once ”Upon a Time Cougar Secrets and NBA Extreme Lies Basketball: This Week Revenge Bulls at ” Spurs ” News News ”News World Castle NBA KOMO 4 ” Basketball: News Burn Notice Clippers at Funny Home Warriors Videos ” Once Upon Cougar a Time Extreme Secrets and This Week Lies ” Revenge News ” World News News


Once Upon a Time

1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 3 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015 6 :00 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 12 :30 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :00 12 :30 7 1 :30 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 :00 8 :30 2 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 3 :30 # $ % & :00 10 4 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 5 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 12 6 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 6 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 That’s Hcky That’s Hcky


Plays/Month ” ” Architects of ” Change Sportsnet Poirot Central ” Sportsnet Mastodon Central Death Trap

MONDAY, Days of our 9, The 2015 Social Our :00 Premier MARCH League


Kingdom Little Prince Great Annedroids Railway Animals Architects of Animals Change Waterfront Mastodon Cities Death Trap Rescue Poirot Park ” Hope for ” Wild Kratts Wildlife ” Little Prince Wild Single Little Prince Kingdom Handed Annedroids Great Quest-Maya Animals Railway ” Animals Architects of Poirot Waterfront Change Cities ” Mastodon Rescue Death Trap Park Poirot Hope ”for Wildlife ” Wild ” Kingdom Single Great Handed Railway Quest-Maya

6 ” SpongeBob Vampire Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat Gags Odd Parents Gags SpongeBob Monster Rated A for Funny Sam & Home Cat Videos Nerds Assembly Squirrel Max Almost Assembly Wayside Funny Home Chucks Videos Kid vs. Kat Open Heart Sidekick Nine Lives Chucks ” SpongeBob Vampire Penguins Gags Odd Parents Gags SpongeBob



Ent ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Mysteries Coronation

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Sportsnet Central

Rescue Park

Wheel Jeopardy!

Donnie Dirty-Funny

Henry Max

CBC News ”

Basketball: Rockets at

Survivor ”



Cold Daily Water Planet Cowboys ” Mayday ” Al. Buying Gold Rush Buying ” Al. Gold Rush ” Gold Rush ” Gold Rush ” Cold Water Cold Water Cowboys Cowboys Buying Al. Alaska: The Buying Al. Last Frontier Gold Rush How/Made ” How/Made Cold Water Daily Planet Cowboys ” Buying Al. Alaska: The Buying Al. Last Frontier

Gold Rush ”






Chicago KING 5 Fire News ” Today cont’d KING News 5 Tonight NewsDay New Northwest Show News Nightly Seth Meyers KING 5 News News News Days of our Evening Lives The Voice Dr. Phil ” ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show Chicago Fire KING 5 ” News KING News KING 5 Tonight News

News Evening

Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

UEFA Champions

Mao: A Goldbergs Chinese Tale Goldbergs

Donnie Dirty-Funny

Gags Gags

The National Amish Mafia American ” ” Idol

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Family Guy

Trail Blazers Simpsons ” Simpsons

Criminal Minds

X Company ”

Criminal Minds

Simpsons Simpsons

League Soccer

Fisherman’s Mod Fam Friends blackish

Donnie Donnie

Vampire Vampire

The National Alaska: The Empire ” Last Frontier ”

Strange Strange

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Rick Steves Rick Steves

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”

CSI: Cyber ”

The National CSI: Cyber ” ”

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Central

The Queen’s American Palaces Crime

Donnie Donnie

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

Jeffersons Gimme

Rick Steves’ Chicago PD Europe ”

SportsCentre News Hour ” Final

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Rick Mercer

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Party Poker ”

Park Rescue

Donnie Dirty-Funny

Gags Gags

The National Gold Rush ” ”

Raising How I Met

Strange Strange

Movie: “Crimson

Letterman Late Late

ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Central

Mao: A Kimmel Live Donnie Chinese Tale Nightline Dirty-Funny

Gags Gags

Amanda Lang

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation

News Jimmy

Gold Rush ”

Amish Mafia Cougar Peter Popoff Tide” ” Name Game Paid Prog. ”

Law & Order: SVU

Victor Borge’s

KING News Tonight

Timeless Revenge

Show Seth Meyers

Wednesday,March March4,4,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,


Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.








Career Opportunities

Farm Workers

Financial Services

Financial Services

70 Cherry Orchard Workers req’d at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from July 13th to Nov 30, 2015. Pay: $10.50/hr. Successful applicants must be physically capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and incl pruning, clean up, and general labor as well as picking & packing cherries during harvest. Fax resume to 250-766-4953 or call 250-979-8555 for interview.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Painting & Decorating

ANCHOR THRIFT STORE will be having a “BLANKET DRIVE “ from March 1- April 1. Blankets will go to Metro Church, Gospel Mission and Houses of Mercy. Drop off location will be at Anchor Thrift Store store #189 Hwy 33 Visit our blog for more info: APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Please send applications by email: More information available online: our-programs/scholarship. DO YOU have a disability? Physical or mental. We can help you get up to $40,000 back from the Canadian Government. For details visit: or call us today toll-free 1-888875-4787. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-855768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking We require qualified US capable Class 1 drivers immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.


SEASONAL Farm Worker positions available from approx. June 21 to Oct 28. In Lake Country BC. Thinning, summer pruning and picking of apples and grapes. Must be physically capable of working in all weather conditions. $10.49/hour. 40-60 hours per week. MUST be available for the entire season. Send resumes to:

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL Moving Services Local & Long Distance. 4 Ton, Power Tailgate 250-215-0147


Health Products RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Online: Mon-Fri 8-4 EST, call 1-800-765-8660.



February 24, 1945 ~ February 24, 2015

Employment Business Opportunities HIGH CASH producing vending machines. $1.00 vend = .70 profit. All on location in your area. Selling due to illness. Call 1-866-668-6629 for details.





On his 70th birthday, Morley passed away peacefully at the Kelowna Hospice House after a courageous and private battle with lung cancer. He is survived by his wife Maryann (nee Ambrosi), his children Don (Tammy), Gord (Lorie), Chris (Kim), and Tammy (Dwayne), five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Also survived by his siblings Alvin (Fae), Robert (Deanne), Margaret (Les), Stewart (Helene), sister-in-law Carol, and in-laws Andy & Mary Ambrosi, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Sadly predeceased by his parents, John and Isabel, and brother, Gordon. The family would like to thank the staff and volunteers at Kelowna General Hospital, the Kelowna Cancer Clinic, and the Kelowna Hospice House for their care and kindness during this difficult time. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 1:30pm at the Winfield United Church, 3751 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Easter Seal Camp – Winfield, c/o BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities, 3981 Oak Street, Vancouver BC, V6H 4H5, are greatly appreciated. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services Kelowna. 250-762-2299


#JobPostings Follow us on Twitter for the latest local job postings in BC.


Wednesday,March March4,4,2015 2015 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday,

Merchandise for Sale A15

Merchandise for Sale


$100 & Under

Misc. for Sale

Legal Notices

BLACK colored single bed, 6� memory foam mattress. $100. 250-766-5505

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.

BLACK colorwash upholstered loveseat, $75. 250-7665505 BOYS bicycle. Smaller size. $20. 778-480-1069 DECK storage 250-766-5505



ELNA portable sewing machine, $100. 250-766-5505 KITCHEN Table, glass top, 4 blue upholstered chairs, $75. 250-766-5505 LARGE chesterfield & chair, good cond., $80 obo. 778-4801069 PATIO/Lounge chair w/cushion. $30. 250-766-5505 PORTABLE closet, stands alone, plastic cover, $20. 250766-5505 PORTABLE singer sewing machine, incl zigzag stitch, $20. 778-480-1069 TV Stand, gray/glass doors, 32Lx16Wx19H. $30. 250-7665505

$200 & Under PATIO set, table, glass top, 4 chairs, umbrella & stand. $150. 250-766-5505

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really big sale!� All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit us online

Misc. Wanted BUYING unwanted and/or broken jewelry. 250-864-3521 I’m searching for old fifty cent pieces! 250-864-3521 I want to buy the coins from your safety deposit box or safe! Todd - 250-864-3521

WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN SALE In accordance with the Warehouseman’s Lien Act in the Province of British Columbia, goods and personal property of Helen Jane Lundberg which was deposited with Penticton Towing and Recovery for storage has been seized and will be disposed of for public sale on March 18, 2015 at 1380 Commercial Way Penticton, British Columbia to recover the costs of the unpaid storage and all other costs, in the amount of $2,605.00. The property for sale consists of 1990 GMC Dually Pickup Truck Vin #1GTHC343NOLE509577 The Property can be viewed by contacting the bailiff. The highest bid may not be accepted. All sealed bids must be sent to ALPHA BAILIFF’S AND COLLECTIONS a division of CAC BAILIFF’S AND COLLECTIONS LTD. 1380 Commercial Way, Penticton, British Columbia, V2A 3H6 Phone 250-490-2030.

Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 250-863-3082 Local

Farm Equipment


MF 35 diesel tractor. 35hp, 3ph, front end loader. Good cond. $3700. 250-546-7233

Auto Services

Garage Sales MOVING sale, 4425 Northview Rd. March 8th, 10am-3pm. items on sale/lots of freebies. More info. Call 250-766-2506

PAINT, AUTOBODY & Restoration. (250)835-2070

Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

! * & *& " *& * % ! % % ( & ! */ #!$!% * ) /&+( '!* # !%) * . % !) * )* !%, )*$ %* !% * % ( +) &+( &$$!*$ %* - * , ( !*) )!0 -!## #' $ " % ( !)*&(/ % ! % % ( & ! */ +% ) * $&)* ( ) ( )+''&(*) * $&)* ' &'# % ! *) *& '( , %* ## */' ) & % ( # ) &%* * .* &( $ !# *)* +%*&% % ( --- % (





EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! ROOFING


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Don’t Burn‌ Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788

WE DO HEDGE TRIMMING MORTGAGE SPECIALIST Candice Thompson Mobile Mortgage Specialist

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Only $15

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Landscape Design Landscape Installation Garden Maintenance

KHS Landscape DesignServices Build KHS Ken’s Horticultural

Please Please contact contact us us via via our our website website or or call call1.877.767.1311 1.844.767.1311


Lake Country Seniors Centre

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL

Dorothy Dussault named 2014 Citizen of the Year

Lake Country Seniors Activity Centre located just north of the Winfield Arena at 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is a primary gathering place for seniors to enjoy a large variety of programs and events. Someone is on site Monday - Friday from 10am - 2pm. at the Seniors Activity Centre. Regular activities include Wood Shop; Songsters; Tai Chi; J.O.Y Exercise; Scrabble; Bridge, Cribbage and Line Dancing. Call the Seniors Bus Society to reserve a seat to get to Seniors Centre programs & events: Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. Prime Time Entertainment is scheduled every Monday 1-3pm. Refreshments are served. Everyone welcome. Lake Country Seniors Buffet for only $8 happens Tuesdays at noon.

Water Meter Installations . . . COMING SOON Residential water meter installations will begin in March so watch your mail for a booklet explaining the process. The booklet will include a unique code for your property so you can book an installation appointment that is convenient to you.

You are invited:

Open House

Thursday, March 12 3:30-7:30pm Lake Country Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road

Dorothy Dussault is well known in the community for coordinating activities and events at the Lake Country Seniors Activity Centre. At a February 21st banquet hosted by the Oceola Fish & Game Club, Dorothy was presented with the Sax Koyama 2014 Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Dorothy!

Come see sample water meters, learn how they work, and talk to the technicians to find out more. Water meters will be installed in homes of District water utility customers in Lake Country and will provide each resident with a fair and equitable payment system based on the “user pay” principle. All installations will be conducted on an area-by-area basis by the District’s contractor, Neptune Technology Group (Canada) Ltd. You can find more information about Lake Country’s Universal Water Metering project on the website at

Winfield Arena closes for season March 31 The last day of ice use at the Winfield Arena will be March 31, 2015. After that the area will be CLOSED for resurfacing of the rink area.

It’s Income Tax Time… Trained community volunteers can

help prepare your income tax return. If you are a low income senior (below $30,000 single income or $40,000 couple) please come see Dave or Leona in the Winfield Room at Municipal Hall (10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.) Mondays 9:00-11:00am from March 2 to 30. Bring your tax papers/forms.

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