Thursday, March 5, 2015
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Quinten Fast earns silver at the Canada Winter Games.
Agassiz chef Tammy
Wood through to the next round.
Seabird school . . . . . . . 2 Age Friendly . . . . . . . . 4 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mailbag . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Classieds . . . . . . . . . 14
A road map to safer streets
Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
Ingrid Haines wants the speeding to stop. Now. Haines is tired of the "Agassiz Speedway" out front of her house at the corner of McDonald and Vimy Road and she wants something done about it before someone gets seriously injured or killed. Haines, her husband, their five children and their two cats live in what should be an idyllic neighbourhood. Beautiful views, Friendly neighbours and farmland just steps away. But, out front of their house is a long, straight stretch of 50 km/ hour roadway that runs between the Haig Highway and the Agassiz-Rosedale Highway. And she sees a constant race of reckless drivers who treat it like a raceway. One of her children, Caleb, already had a close call with a driver. Last summer, he and his brother were out on their bikes. Caleb had a bike trailer and was pulled off to the side of Vimy
Road while he waited for his brother. All of a sudden, a car came racing up the road. He tried to get off his bike but didn't make it in time. The driver swerved around his trailer and ended up knocking Caleb over. The woman stopped briefly to ask if he was OK then drove off. His mother says while he wasn't injured, it could have been much worse. So when a late-night truck drove at breakneck speed down McDonald road last month, Haines finally had enough. She fired off a letter to the District of Kent, asking for something to be done. “I have been concerned about the fast driving vehicles on McDonald / Vimy Road since I moved here over five years ago,” she wrote. “If something isn’t done about this, someone is going to be badly hurt or is going to die and I cannot live with that.” She suggests that speed bumps would be an appropriate solutions well as stop sings on all
Bacon N’ Egger with Hash Brown
Ingrid Haines and four of her five children, Janaye (at left), Caleb, Kalacia and Josiah, stand in front of their home which fronts McDonald road. Ingrid is tired of the cars that recklessly speed down her road and wants the District to come up with a plan to slow drivers down.
three corners of Vimy / McDonald Roads. The letter led to a lively discussion at the last Kent Council meeting, addressing Haines' concerns as well as the increased traffic on roads such as Mountainview and Fir. Councillors debated between traffic calming devices like speed bumps versus more RCMP enforcement. Coun. Duane Post suggested it’s time to have a look at speed bumps. His view was that speed bumps could deter speeding 24 hours a day whereas more enforcement cannot be done on all roads at all hours of the day. "It's time we addressed the situation in a more obvious way” said Post. However, Mayor John Van Laerhoven said the problem with speed bumps is they deter emergency vehicles from quick access when needed, a concern when there are several care homes along those roads. Continued on 2
Good Morning!
AgassizHarrison HarrisonObserver Observer Thursday, Thursday,March March5, 5,2015 2015 22 Agassiz
We work for YOU ... not the GOVERNMENT.
7020 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz Monday–Friday 9 am–5 pm Saturday 10 am-4 pm
Marriage Commissioner The Vital Statistics Agency, Ministry of Health, is looking for an individual to serve as a Marriage Commissioner for Harrison Hot Springs. The individual will perform civil marriages within their community on behalf of the Agency. For information and an application form please visit our website at: www.vs.gov.bc.ca/marriage
Raising the poles of success Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
Official dignitaries, students, staff and citizens gathered to celebrate the forward movement at Seabird College last week. In a windy outdoor ceremony, positive words flowed from the MC, the chief and other dignitaries about the importance of this moment, commemorated by the raising of two totem poles which outline the entrance to the local college doors. “We’re taking care of something that really belongs to our children and grandchildren,” said Chief Clem Seymour. The gathering was organized to unveil two new totem poles for the college and to celebrate the college's recent approval from the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of BC (PCTIA). PCTIA, a Crown Corporation, sets basic education
The District of Kent has retained the engineering consultant services of Boulevard Transportation to undertake the assessment of a District Transportation Network Plan. The completed document is to provide existing and future road network analysis with growth related short and long term road improvement projects including road classifications, crosssections, sidewalks, pedestrian and cycling networks.
Tyrone McNeil standards for registered private career training institutions in B.C. and establishes standards of quality which must be met. Tyrone McNeil, Chair of the Seabird College Board, spoke about the significance of the day. “We’re identifying and giving recognition on the next steps of growth and education here in the community,” said McNeil. He paid tribute to Diane Janzen, director of education for
“They’re as negative to street safety as they could possibly be a positive for speed,” said Van Laehoven. Any sorts of infrastructure changes to add traffic calming devices is “quite an expense” to consider as well, added Mick Thiessen, director of engineering services. He listed other concerns for
traffic calming devices, including residents' concern about having to go over the bumps every day, issues of snow removal, increased traffic noise, traffic divergence into other neighbourhoods and, as mentioned, quick access for emergency vehicles. Thiessen also discussed Chilliwack’s moratorium on new traffic calming devices,
author of
An important part of the process is to seek clarification and input from residents to identify issues and provide ideas to help improve our community’s road network. A presentation will be given by the project team, and a series of display boards will be prepared to provide information. The public open house event will take place on Thursday, March 5th, 2015 from 4pm to 7pm at the Community Recreation & Cultural Centre (formally the Fitness / Activity Centre at 6660 Pioneer Avenue). We would like to hear your opinions on our community’s road and transportation network. This is your opportunity to: • review existing conditions • discuss current and future needs • provide ideas on improvements • discuss key priorities
Continued on 8
Roads treated like raceways
From Front
“We’re identifying and giving recognition on the next steps of growth and education here in the community”
the Seabird Island band, and her team for the hard work they did to achieve the PCTIA approval. "It means we’re delivering programs of a standard that the province recognizes," said McNeil. "It's not easy to be certified, but Diane and her staff have been diligent.” He said in no way does this mean they are finished growing, but that it’s important to pause and celebrate this step. Janzen spoke at the ceremony as well, explaining the two-year process for this milestone. She praised the Chief and Council and the Board of the College for having this great vision. She stated that Seabird College is unique, allowing adults who want to complete their high school education and train for a trades career to do both at the same time.
FICTION WRITING WORKSHOP: 1:00 - 4:00 pm Agassiz Public Library AUTHOR READING: 7:00 pm Ranger Station Art Gallery
For further information, call Mick Thiessen, Director of Engineering Services at 604-796-2235.
instead focusing on measures such as Speedwatch and a neighbourhood toolkit to encourage safe driving called 'Hey Neighbour, Please Slow Down'. The other option bandied about the table was more RCMP enforcement. CAO Wallace Mah reported the last Council increased the local RCMP force by one member and added that an additional RCMP member would cost the District an estimated $150,000 per year. However, Mah said that when provincial highway patrol members have come to town, the District gets complaints from citizens of too much enforcement. Van Laerhoven said the other problem with RCMP enforcement focused on one area of town is that offenders simply move to another road. Coun. Sylvia Pranger expressed sympathy with the Haines family and said locals have asked RCMP for “a long time” for more enforcement on speeding. “It needs to be a priority for them,” said Pranger, to have visibility
on our local streets. Pranger suggested they start looking at preventative programs such as Speedwatch. “I don’t think we have the option of doing nothing,” said Pranger. Darcey Kohuch, director of development services, reported that in other communities, RCMP have encouraged people to write down license plate numbers of offending cars. That allows RCMP to contact the driver and let them know they are aware of their speeding. Council voted all in favour of a motion to advertise for Speedwatch volunteers, to seek RCMP comments about preventative measures and to investigate Chilliwack’s Slow Down Neighbour program. As for Haines, she just knows that, whatever is decided, something needs to happen. "I'm fighting for my kid's safety," she says. Where do you see the problem areas in town and what methods do you think will work to slow down drivers? Write us a letter to the editor at news@ahobserver.com
Offer more than a job, offer an experience.
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015 3 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015 3
Lions 'respectfully' decline renaming of Evergreen Park to Wiehler Park Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
Now that there will be a Parks and Recreation committee in the District of Kent, Council can send discussions from their chambers to the committee table. And once the member list is firmed up, it looks like there will already be at least one item to discuss. Council made a motion at the last Council meeting February 23 to move the deliberation of adding Peter Wiehler’s name to a Park and Street Naming Registry to the newly formed committee. Council’s decision arose from a staff report suggesting Council consider adding Peter Wiehler to the Park and Street Naming Registry. At a Council meeting in December, 2014, the discussion was prompted from to a letter by Wiehler's wife Sharon asking the District to consider renaming a park in Agassiz after her late husband. Suggestions included Evergreen park or Rockwell Park. Under Council’s direction, staff researched the history of Evergreen Park and the involvement of the AgassizHarrison Lions Club. They were heavily involved in Evergreen Park and were therefore presented with a request to rename the park to Wiehler
Peter Wiehler passed away due to ALS, leaving behind his wife, Sharon.
Park. According to the staff report, the Lions “respectfully declined the request as they did not agree that the Park should take on a resident's name.” The Lions executive did suggest they would be willing to work on an amenity in the park in dedication to Peter Wiehler. Coun. Duane Post says he found it “curious” that the Lions club has the authority to “dictate to us” what to name the park. Mayor John Van Laerhoven
asserted that their intention was to recognize the Lion’s contributions to the park, not that they could dictate to Council what they can and cannot do. Coun. Darcy Striker, a Lions club member himself, provided insight on the discussion from the Lions. He said they raised the point that there are a lot of good people out there, so “how do you choose one over the other?” when it comes to naming parks. However, he
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said the Lions would like to fix up the park more and that, when it’s finished, they could put something in the park with Wiehler’s name on it. Van Laerhoven liked that idea, saying he would like something named after Wiehler in a timeframe "where his contributions are remembered" by people that are still alive. The registry was created to help in the naming of local landmarks, complete with guidelines on what individuals fit the criteria, such as living in the community for at least 10 years, having made a special contribution to the community, or Aboriginals whose historic home is the region, among other criteria. Should Wiehler’s name be added to the list, it would be one of five names currently on the registry, of which Councils can use as a source of inspiration for naming new parks or streets. Whieler was a well-known local figure. He passed away in September, 2013 from ALS. He was born and raised here and served as a paramedic for 30 years. He worked unofficially as a German translator for the BC Paramedics and was active in his church community at Mountain View Community Church.
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Inquest into death of Kent Institution inmate Ambulance services attended, but were unable to revive Lahn. He was serving a two-year sentence for robbery, attempted indictable offense, possession of property obtained by crime, kidnapping, unlawful confinement and armed robbery. Presiding coroner Isis van Loon and a jury will hear evidence from witnesses under oath to determine the facts surrounding this death. The jury will have
the opportunity to make recommendations aimed at preventing deaths under similar circumstances. An inquest is a formal process that allows for public presentation of evidence relating to a death. The inquest starts April 13 at 9:30 a.m. at the Burnaby Coroners Court, 20th floor, MetroTower II at 4720 Kingsway, Burnaby.
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The BC Coroners Service has announced that a public inquest will be held into the death of Jesse Marcel Lahn. The inquest will take place beginning April 13, 2015, at the Coroners Court in Burnaby. Mr. Lahn, aged 33, was found unresponsive in his cell at Kent federal penitentiary in Agassiz on May 3, 2013. Correctional officers performed CPR and
New warden named for Kent Institution
Kent Institution welcomed a new warden March 2. Bobbi Sandhu began her career in Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) in 1988 in administrative support at Matsqui Institution. She has worked at three institutions and at both the regional and national level. Sandhu has held various
positions with increasing responsibility and accountability including. Throughout her career, Sandhu has demonstrated a strong commitment to learning and development. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and a Master of Arts In Criminal Justice from the University of the
Fraser Valley, and is a graduate of CSC’s Leadership Development Program. Sandhu has been the Acting Warden of Matsqui Institution in Abbotsford, BC since November, 2012 and she is proud to be the first South-Asian Woman to be appointed as Warden in CSC.
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4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015 4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015
Planning for an age-friendly future Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
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Approximately 20 residents attended an open house last week to share their thoughts and review the age-friendly plan drafted for Harrison Hot Springs. The plan was created to gather ideas on how to make Harrison a place that's accessible and livable for senior citizens. It was crafted through a series of consultations, workshops, a walkabout with residents and utilizing World Health Organization criteria as to what makes a community a good place to live as its citizens age. The draft plan, which now will go to the Village Council for approval, includes suggestions in four key areas of transportation and built environment, social and civic participation, employment and volunteerism and housing and health. There were dozens of ideas in the plan, such as sidewalk and curb improvements, development of trail guidelines, creating online and community public bulletin boards, creating a senior-friendly business decal program, organizing senior's fairs, implementing an E-health program and nursing outreach services , amongst many others. Community members shared feedback that in general, the age friendly plan looks good. They are curious where the money will come from for these projects and which ones may or may not be tackled. The Village was also sent a letter, signed by at least nine residents, that stated they “heartily endorse” the
Residents study the action plan for an age-friendly community in Harrison Hot Springs at the open house held Wednesday, Feb. 25.
initiative and anticipate the discussions of implementation and actions. Cherie Enns, the consultant hired for drafting the agefriendly plan, was on hand at the open house to answer questions. She heard feedback from the approximately 20 residents who came out. “People are happy enough with the plan,” Enns says. While it's up to the Council as to what to do with the plan, Enns says if they proceed with trying to achieve an official Age-friendly status, it would open up some funding opportunities for the village. “The designation gives you, at the very least, access to some seed funding,” says Enns. Lisa Grant, manager of development and community services, was also at the open
house to listen to feedback. She says the next step is to bring the plan back to Council. There may be changes based on resident feedback. Then, after formal adoption, Council can decide on a plan of action. Grant is happy with the draft plan, saying it’s really what they were looking for when they started this process early last year. “This is so unique to us,” says Grant. Having elements to creating the plan such as doing a walkabout and extensive local consultation led to a report that is unlike any other community’s and gives the Village “tangible” suggestions for positive change. Coun. John Hansen attended the open house. He said the plan looks good and now it's a
question of budgets. “It’s just a question of which have the costs and what we can afford,” says Hansen. He says they will have to look at "creative ways" to finance projects that were suggested in the plan. Hansen says in looking at an age-friendly Harrison, he would like to see something similar to the retirement home in Agassiz built in Harrison. “If we had something equivalent to that here, it would be incredible.” Coun. John Buckley also attended. “We’re on the right track,” says Buckley. He hopes they as a Council will be able to tackle as many of the suggestions made as possible.
Gas prices climb despite lagging crude oil
Jeff Nagel Black Press
Gasoline prices in parts of the Lower Mainland have soared 30 per cent since bottoming out at around $1 per litre in mid-January. And a petroleum industry analyst says there are multiple factors motorists can blame for the sudden pain they're now feeling at the pump. Refineries across North America have been shut down due to cold weather, a strike and even an explosion, said Jason Parent, vice-president of consulting for MJ Ervin and Associates.
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"A fair amount of refining capacity came offline and it really did tighten up supply," he said. That's been amplified by scheduled shutdowns for maintenance and something else that happens like clockwork as spring looms – more vehicles take to the road as winter recedes, gas supplies shrink further and pump prices rise. "It's not just you guys, it's happening across Canada," said Parent, adding the wholesale price gas stations pay has shot up sharply in recent weeks. Drivers struggle to understand how gas prices could be so high again when the price of crude oil is still way down. • Financial Assistance Application • Business Plan Advice • Entrepreneurial Support
The average Metro Vancouver price for regular gas of $1.31 as of Monday afternoon ($1.22 in Agassiz) is back to about the same level it was in early October. Back then, crude oil was above $85 a barrel compared to about $50 now after a slight rebound from its January lows. Parent said the divergence of the two commodities underscores the fact that the crude oil component cost is a small part of the overall picture that drives gas prices compared to refinery capacity and gasoline supply and demand. He said the weak Canadian dollar has also contributed to higher pump prices right now relative to stations in the U.S.
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Agassiz AgassizHarrison HarrisonObserver Observer Thursday, Thursday,March March5,5,2015 2015 55
PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to section 124(3) of the Community Charter, public notice is required to consider the following: TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs intends to amend Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1002 at its regular meeting of March 16, 2015; TAKE NOTICE THAT the bylaw proposes changes to provisions governing the proceedings of Council by amending: 1. Council meetings to be held at any venue within municipal boundaries; 2. The inclusion of Reports of Councillors to the Order of Business at a Regular Meeting of Council. Debra Key
Corporate Officer
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Kevin Bogetti-Smith
Quinten Fast grabs some air during Canada Winter Games competition in Prince George.
Silver for slope style snowboarder Quinten Fast at Canada Winter Games 'When I saw my score I was so excited, I couldn’t stop smiling'
Quinten Fast rode his way to a silver medal finish in the men’s snowboard slope style competition at the Canada Winter Games last Friday, Feb. 27. Fast, Agassiz' sole competitor at the games, was in third position going into the finals at Tabor Mountain and after two mediocre attempts at the slope style course the 14-year-old put it all on the line, attempting a new trick that ultimately landed him on the podium. “I had a few rough landings on my first two runs,” said Fast. “I fell a few times because I just wasn’t focused and was having a hard time keeping my speed up for some of the features so all of the pressure was on my final run.” After a fresh wax job on his board, Fast refocused and tried to relax. “Right before my last run I was just trying to breathe deeply and not let negative thoughts get into my head,” he said. “I felt great and landed a really hard trick that I’ve been
working on but hadn’t been able to get until today. I did some good spins on the rail and had to go pretty fast to catch them.” At the bottom of his final run, Fast knew he had done well but was surprised his score came back as high as it did. “When I saw my score I was so excited, I couldn’t stop smiling. The Canada Winter Games is probably the biggest contest I have done in my life. The course was so good, the jumps were super floaty, I just loved them.” Fast was one of 348 athletes, coaches and managers representing B.C. at the 2015 Canada Winter Games held in Prince George, February 13 to March 1. Team BC finished with 88 medals. Team BC was third in the overall medal count behind Quebec with 141 medals and Ontario with 111 medals. From B.C., 249 athletes showcased their commitment to sport through 88 podium performances including 21 gold, 34 silver,
and 33 bronze medals. The Canada Games also calculate flag points to track the overall team performance not just medal counts. Team BC had 270 points also placing the team third behind Quebec and Ontario. “We are incredibly proud of our athletes who each contributed to achieving the performance goal of a top three finish,” said Rob Needham, Team BC Chef de Mission. “Our entire team were tremendous ambassadors both on and off the field of play representing Team BC and the province at these home Games.” The Canada Games are a national multi-sport competition with participation from every province and territory in Canada. The Games are held every two years, alternating between winter and summer and are a key step in the development of Canada’s amateur athletes. The 2015 Canada Winter Games, held in Prince George, brought
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together approximately 3,300 athletes, coaches, and managers from every province and territory to compete in 19 sports. Team BC was chosen, for the second consecutive Games, as the recipient of the Claude Hardy Award which is bestowed upon the Provincial or Territorial Mission Team that best exhibits leadership, cooperation, integrity and esprit de corps. For the first time ever, the award was shared between two provinces with Team Saskatchewan as the other recipient. “It means so much to our mission team to be recognized for our dedication and commitment to our athletes here at home,” said Needham. “The host society in Prince George did such an incredible job organizing the Games. We felt part of the team and were proud to be part of their overall success.” The next Canada Winter Games will be held in Red Deer in 2019. TEXAS LARGE PINK
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Agassiz Harrison Harrison Observer Observer Thursday, Thursday, March March 5, 5, 2015 2015 66 Agassiz
Is there room to cut? School trustees across B.C., including those in the Chilliwack school district, must be scratching their heads at their premier’s apparent lack of awareness about what’s going on in their schools and administration offices. Last week, Christy Clark suggested school boards grab a step-ladder and start picking some “low-hanging fruit” to the tune of nearly $54 million over the next two years from district administrative costs. Later, Education Minister Peter Fassbender clarified that school districts must find efficiencies to get administrative costs down to 6%, where they were 10 years ago, which requires 0.5% savings this year and 1% the year after. While there is a concern that trimming administrative costs will eat up valuable dollars that must go to the classroom, the province should lead the way by showing where this cost-cutting should be made. BC School Trustees’ Association president Teresa Rezansoff has been quoted as saying that Clark’s comments ignore the fact that school districts are already working together to save money and have been doing so for years. Among the ideas being touted is converting school board meetings to a paperless model and moving professional development workshops outside school hours, thereby saving in substitute teaching costs. Bulk buying, sharing services — many of these measures have been tried with more or less success, depending on the district and the circumstances. One area that has been discussed is the high cost of legal services. CUPE has argued the district could do more to cut arbitration costs but clamping down on legal charges has been difficult given the large number of Freedom of Information requests and the district is also paying higher legal fees to resolve student-related issues. Everyone hates waste but instead of making off-the-cuff comments, would the premier please show school boards exactly where the hidden cache of cash is located? ~ Black Press
Should speed bumps be placed on some local streets? To answer, go to the Home Page of our website: www.agassizharrisonobserver.com
Would you like the province to end the Property Transfer Tax? Here’s how you responded: Yes 100% No 0%
Pay down that student loan or else B.C. VIEWS Tom Fletcher Victoria – In a recent speech, Premier Christy Clark quipped that while teenagers tend to be lazy, there is a limit. If your kid is still on the couch after age 30, she said, he’s not a teenager any more. “He’s a New Democrat.” Clark’s ‘get off the couch and get a job’ message is now being translated into government policy. The B.C. government is using one of the few tools available to it to track down people who aren’t paying off their student loans, by linking defaulted debt to driver’s licence renewals. There are “hardship” provisions for those who don’t have a job. ICBC will only refuse to renew a driver’s licence or vehicle plates for those who have let their student
debt go for a year without making some effort to deal with it. Student debt collection is a longstanding problem for the province, with about $185 million currently on the books as defaulted and unpaid. Students naturally move around after completing their studies, and once the six-month grace period for beginning to repay student loans expires, finding those who aren’t paying becomes a costly effort. Historically governments sent defaulted debt to collection agencies. Last year $17.3 million was collected. How big is student debt these days? The subject was discussed briefly in the legislature last week. In question period, NDP leader John Horgan reminded the government that tuition fees have doubled over the past decade, and cited a Bank of Montreal estimate that the average university student emerges from a four-year program owing $35,000 in student loans.
The Agassiz Y Harrison
With his usual modesty and tact, Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson dismissed Horgan’s accusation that he is indifferent to the plight of students. Wilkinson noted that the Bank of
“Whatever the amount owing is for an individual, it’s a debt that will be more difficult to avoid paying.”
Montreal surveyed 602 students across Canada, and only 78 of them were in B.C. “To clarify this, and to address the cackling chickens on the other side, we have 430,000 students in our system,” Wilkinson said. “Some of them are part-time; some
P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081 www.agassizharrisonobserver.com
DEADLINES Classifieds: Tues. 3 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 2 p.m.
of them are on short courses. We have 180,000 students who are in the system full-time and eligible for student aid. “Of those 180,000 students, 45,000 turn to the province for financial aid – meaning that 75 per cent of students, more than what was quoted on the CBC yesterday, go through their education without incurring debt through the provincial student aid program.” Whatever the amount owing is for an individual, it’s a debt that will be more difficult to avoid paying. The province has long used the withholding of driving privileges to collect unpaid provincial court fines, and that was recently extended to those who are 90 days in arrears on $25 or more worth of Lower Mainland bridge tolls. This student debt collection move follows efforts to match up post-secondary funding to areas of employment demand. In an era where misguided university professors use their positions to OFFICE HOURS Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sat., Sun., & Mon.
organize violent protests against job-creating projects, the messages are similar. Variations of this productivity theme are being heard from governments across North America. The baby boomers are retiring. We are bringing in temporary foreign workers, not because of some right-wing plot, but because too many people growing up in our society refuse to do an increasing range of jobs. We have an education system – and media – that encourages people to complain and make demands to get what they want. And we are seeing the results of all of this. There was a U.S. president once who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@blackpress.ca
Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Harrison Mills, Seabird Island and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572 Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.
BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Agassiz Agassiz Harrison Harrison Observer Observer Thursday, Thursday, March March 5, 5, 2015 2015 77
Mailbag Good value for grant funding
As the President of the Kent Harrison Arts Council I would like to respond to a few statements made in the article entitled ‘Some plates left empty as District of Kent carves grants-in-aid pie’ published in the February 19th edition of The Observer. Our council was grateful to receive a grant from the District this year to aid in the programming we provide to the community. We have applied for and received similar funding from the District in 2014 and 2013 after a long break from applying at all to the District – not quite ‘year after year’ as is stated in the article. I believe it is important to note that our Provincial funding is contingent upon our council proving that we are supported financially by our local government. In fact, funding by our local government is matched
up to a certain dollar value by the BC Arts Council. The British Columbia Arts Council, which is an agency of the Provincial government must divide up its own funding pie between arts councils all over the province. Proving we are supported by the Village of Harrison and the District of Kent shows the BC Arts Council what we do to provide high quality arts programming, by way of exhibitions at the Ranger Station Art Gallery, the only public art gallery in the area, workshops in various disciplines, children’s and young adult programming and our Artist in Residence program, is valued by the governing bodies in our community and viewed as enriching the lives of its citizens. In order to be able to deliver the wide range of cultural programming we offer, often in partnership with the Agassiz
Public Library and the Harrison Festival Society, we rely on funding from a variety of organizations and funding bodies including the Kent Harrison Foundation. We are a volunteerrun organization, our board of directors serve on all committees, and we work very hard to deliver excellent programming in an area where limited opportunities exist for professional artists to show their work and for aspiring artists to take part in professional exhibitions and attend workshops to further their skills and artistic development. Much of what we deliver is free of charge or offered at an extremely accessible rate, therefore, we strongly believe District taxpayers are receiving excellent value for their $1,500.
The Observer welcomes letters to the editor, but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s phone number (for verification purposes only) Letters reflect the opinion of the writer and not necessarily that of The Observer or its staff. Email: news@ahobserver.com
Rebecca Schram, President Kent Harrison Arts Council
Community comes together to find missing dog
This is thank you to the people of Agassiz and Harrison. A Bernese mountain dog escaped from a house in Agassiz Friday, Feb 20. My husband and I saw a dog running down Harrison Hot Springs road and tried her. The person who was looking after the dog also tried to catch her. She then ran as far as Hardy road. The owner was in Sechelt. Even though we did not know the owners or the dog we offered to put up signs and help look. The streets and telephone poles where filled with flyers. It seemed everyone knew about this missing dog. We asked the owner if she wanted to stay at our house as this was close to where Inka the dog went missing. It was amazing to see so many people
phoning in tips and offering to help. We went to many false alarms but all where checked out. Inka the missing dog did not know she can't walk to Sechelt, but that's the way she was heading . On Saturday, the dog was sighted at Kent Corrections. On Monday, she was seen on Morris valley road by the Sts;ailes Store and gas station going to Hemlock. On Tuesday, she was seen again on Morris valley road by the single lane bridge. Seems she was heading down again toward hwy 7. We missed her by 10 minutes. Then she was sighted again by the Sasquatch Inn. We then decided to put flyers up in Deroche, thinking maybe she was heading down Hwy 7 . On Wednesday, many people had come to
help. Some took the day off to search. Someone with a K9 tracker dog came all the way from Port Coquitlam. Allen bought his 13-year tracker dog and spent hours searching and volunteering his time and his dog in the rain. No luck. We where just going to the Sasquatch Inn for coffee when the phone call came from someone who had see Inka that morning on a logging road. It was now 2 p.m. With little hope, we later went down that road in our car not knowing how far we had to go before we bogged down. Someone driving a white truck said they saw a dog about a kilometre up the road. There she was. With tears in our eyes, she came limping toward us. She smelled terrible and was dirty, hungry, thirsty
Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with Victoria’s Irish Trad Band of Awesomeness and special guest Rockland Moran
March 14 8pm • Harrison Memorial Hall
and had cuts on her feet. She had ticks and some small cuts but she had survived five days and nights and a very long trip. The people in this area are wonderful. Sandra Denisuk Harrison Hot Springs
Sudoku March 5, 2015 Intermediate Level
See answers in Classifieds.
osaurs, and here is many books on din There are never too is said that no other topic is more . It ngsters. a new one to enjoy the world for you in any country of T-rrific! its y, rar lib popular than this, r you this new one at Pick up a copy of
March Birthdays
Caitlin VanderWyk Mary Balfour Joshua Bruneski Heidi Nelson Harr son
Fest val S ciety world music & art small town roots
British Columbia
Tickets $22 available at www.harrisonfestival.com or Agassiz
Shoppers Drug Mart | 604.796.3664 | Ranger Station Art Gallery
British Columbia Arts Council
When your name appears in this section, visit the Observer office within 2 weeks with this clipping & you will receive: • a FREE PIZZA from Pizza Plus • a FREE BOOK from the Agassiz Public Library • a FREE COUPON from Agassiz A&W Upon presentation of your birthday letter.
88 Agassiz AgassizHarrison HarrisonObserver Observer Thursday, Thursday,March March5,5,2015 2015
Author helps get the word out
Vote for your favourite and
Cast your vote and you’ll be entered to WIN a Natural Gas Barbeque co om compliments of FortisBC Voting is now w open
What runs the world? Words! We all know that deep down. We have rules composed of words that run our lives, towns, countries … we have books, newspapers, lists, signs, songs full of words. And we tell stories with words and that may be one of their best uses. Because its all about the word, I want to entice you to wake up your inner writer and get yourself ready for the Annual World of Words Writers Workshop & Reading event. This annual program is a joint venture of the KentHarrison Arts Council and FVRL TERRILL SCOTT Agassiz Library and In the this year, we Stacks are nearly speechless with excitement as we have booked author Aislinn Hunter. She has just released a new book, “The World Before Us” in Canada, with its imminent release in the US and UK following in March. Aislinn is a writer of fiction, poetry and non-fiction and her words spring from a life of eclectic interests, time spent living in multiple countries, plus an education in Art History and Creative Writing. There may be a little influence gleaned from experiences with a husband and border collies. All grist for the mill. Award winning author, Helen Humphreys says of Aislinn, “Once in a rare while a novel comes along to remind us of what great fiction can do: creating a world so sublimely felt that, for the hours we spend reading, we are lifted out of our own lives, and when we return we find ourselves immeasurably altered and enriched. The World Before Us by Aislinn Hunter is such a novel.” Ms. Hunter will offer this years writers workshop
Choice Award. This Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Association Ovation Award is your opportunity to vote for your favourite new or renovated home!
To vote: log onto www.ovationawards.ca and click onto Peoples Choice
Aislinn Hunter will be joining local wordsmiths at the World of Words event this Saturday from 1-4 p.m. at the Agassiz library, followed by a reading from her at the Ranger Station Art Gallery that evening.
is going strong, and just because we have made our way through the alphabet, doesn’t mean the fun ends. March is World Cultures Month in libraryland, and we have special musical guest, Sam Taylor bringing sounds from around the world to our preschoolers. Sure to be wonderful for the small and the tall. Every Friday in March at 10:15, free, drop in, Crackle says – be there or be square! I do have one announcement that you should be aware of. Starting on Wednesday, March 11, we will no longer be open until 8 pm on that day. The library will be closing at 5 pm every Wednesday hereafter. In a perfect world we would be here 24/7, but, alas, the world isn’t quite perfect yet. As I head back into the stacks, I just want to let you know that if you liked the Ducktivities Pro D day workshop, or family members missed it, Fraser Valley Regional Library has a great selection of books that can inspire and guide your own ductape projects. Drop in to get one, order online or ask us to help. You are nobody until you are packing something in your life made of daringly designed ductape. On that note, keep reading and see you at your library.
Seabird College recognized for standards of education From 2
for the 2015 People’s
on Saturday, March 7, from 1 to 4 pm at Agassiz Library. As always, this is free, and registration is optional, but we encourage you to call Agassiz Library to ensure your spot. It will be an active writing experience, and you will be guided by a pro to get your words out, and on paper. To add to this weekend of word-ificness, Aislinn will be doing a reading from her new book as well as from her other works of fiction and poetry at the Ranger Station Art Gallery at 7 pm the same day. Who needs to leave town to enjoy workshops and readings? To follow up with a few more library tidbits, have you heard of the new weekly clubs we are trying out this year? Wednesdays is the grown ups chance to play everyone’s favourite word game, Scrabble. Wednesdays in March, from 2 to 4 pm, lovers of the letter come and can drop in and enjoy a game of Scrabble with a new friend, or bring an old friend. All skill levels welcomed, strictly for fun. Game boards, coffee and Scrabble dictionary supplied. Equally fabulous is our weekly Lego© Club. For school age kids, it doesn’t get much better than spending time after school on a wintery day with a room full of Lego© and friends, new and old. The power that Lego© cannot be underestimated. It builds creativity, literacy skills (seriously!) and friendships – a perfect partnership that truly illustrates the truth of FVRLs vision … Read. Learn. Play. This happens every Thursday from 3 – 5 pm, and has been extended to go until the end of March. 15 pounds of new Lego© has just been purchased for the Library by the most wonderful of volunteer groups, the Agassiz Library Society: Friends of the Library, so send your kids to the library for an afterschool snack and some quality Lego© time. One more classic Agassiz Library program to mention is the Friday Preschool Storytime. It
“We can’t have cookie-cutter eduction, because it doesn’t work,” she said, adding they have a “wraparound” model of support to promote student growth and development. The day was marked with celebration, as two totem poles were unveiled. The beautifully-handcrafted pieces of art feature a bear, a wolf and a beaver, representing the values of leadership, family values and work ethic. The totem poles were carved by inmates at Mountain Institution in an
ongoing collaborative partnership. Mountain Institution Warden Shawn Huish says this partnership helps the institution achieve one of their main goals, which is encourage the inmates to become law abiding citizens through partnerships such as this. “The offenders that worked on those totems, many didn’t now their culture,” says Hewitt. “They began to learn about where they came form while working on the poles. They’ve actually had a chance for their hands to work on something good instead of evil.”
Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015 9 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015 9
agassizharrisonobserver.com ahobserver.com Stay informed! Find us online, all the time:
Irish traditional band of awesomeness celebrates St. Paddy's Day in Harrison Crikey Mor brings fun and high energy to traditional Irish music
Friday, March 27 • 3 - 9 Saturday, March 28 • 10 - 6 Sunday, March 29 • 10 - 4
CHILLIWACK HERITAGE PARK Crikey Mor brings their Celtic band of awesomeness to Harrison for St. Paddy's Day.
(fiddle), Tasia MacKay (flute), Eric Reiswig (uilleann pipes), Andrew Morris (bodhrán) and Jeremy Walsh (guitar) founder of seminal Canadian folk band Scruj McDuhk (now The Duhks). "The lead singer and songwriter, Jeremy Walsh, has a deep repertoire of traditional songs and recently penned tunes that draw on traditional music, " says Hillhouse. Crikey Mor has performed in Victoria and all around Vancouver Island, including the Victoria Highland Games festival, Folkwest, Read Island Beach Fest, and even brought their foot-stomping music north to the small Malcolm Island town of Sointula, BC. They most recently took part in CelticFest
Vancouver 2014 in celebration of St. Paddy’s Day, performing four shows over the course of the festival. This concert will include a special opening set by finger style guitarist and songwriter Rockland Moran. Rock, a Chilliwack native with Irish roots who now resides in Victoria, has developed a unique playing style that has whimsically been called 'Fusegrass', a fusion of jazz, roots and delta blues. Tickets for Crikey Mor are $22 and can be purchased online at www.harrisonfestival.com, by phone at 604-796-3664 or in person at the Ranger Station Art Gallery in Harrison and Agassiz Shoppers Drug Mart on Pioneer Ave.
Juxtaposition of barren landscapes to commercialized natural spaces in March art show Lorene Keitch THE OBSERVER
Vancouver artist Helena Wadsley is this month’s featured artist at the Ranger Station Art Gallery. She has brought a series of paintings that span about four or five years. "My idea was to juxtapose sites that exploit natural geography but destroy it, places like sea ports and highway overpasses, next to more barren landscapes where there is just one sign of human presence in the vastness of the land, a tiny shack or an abandoned vehicle," explains Wadsley. She found the subjects for her paintings as far-reaching places as Barcelona, Iceland, Scotland and within Vancouver. "In my latest three paintings, Caught Out 1, 2 and 3, I started incorporating a human figure into
the work as I direct my investigation into how humans interact with nature," describes Wadsley. "Nature is always a negotiated or compromised place. If we can reach a place, no matter how isolated it seems, we aren't the first to do so." She cites early Canadian painters, who wanted to depict a victory over nature. But in this day and age, when we've finally come to realize nature in its "purest state" is a necessary and good thing, it's almost too late. "To appreciate nature, we are asked to please stay on the trail." This is Wadsley's first time bringing a show to Harrison. She feels it's a perfect venue because fo teh naturally beatuiful location. And it doesn't have a "tangle" of highways or busy ports – "a good thing" - she remarks.
Helena Wadsley
Wadsley has always been interested in art. In fact, she can't imagine her life without it. She studied at Concordia University, Emily Carr and the University of Saskatchewan. She teaches full-time at Langara College in Vancouver now. Two years ago, she founded an artist residency in Italy that she runs in the summers. "It has been an incredible experience, creating a temporary international art community in a small town in southern Italy,"
shares Wadesley. "The local community has been very welcoming, and the participating artists have been inspirational." Come to the gallery to see Wadsley's exhibit, on now through March 29. Be sure to look for her painting 'Left Behind', one of her favourites because of the memories of the experience. She says that piece came out of a trip with her son in Iceland. They were walking and came across a car in a "most unlikely" place. "But when we started to look around, there were signs that this had once been a road but nature had reclaimed it." Wadsley's exhibit runs through March at the Ranger Station Art Gallery, on Rockwell Drive in Harrison Hot Springs. Gallery hours are Mondays to Fridays, 10-4 p.m. and weekends 1-5 p.m.
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THE FOUNDATION of my community starts with you and me . . .
COMMUNITY MAKES YOU. YOU MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY. The Kent-Harrison Foundation promotes social services in a number of ways. By providing grants to the 1st Agassiz Scouts, we help ensure that young people can go camping. We also grant to the Senior Peer Counsellors, who hold lunches for seniors and teenagers, so they can get to know each other in a social setting. It also provides much needed interaction for the elderly and sometimes lonely. Kent-Harrison Foundation. For Good. Forever.
3-15W BCOL4
Victoria-based Irish traditional band of awesomeness, Crikey Mor, will be celebrating St. Paddy's Day in the intimate Harrison Memorial Hall Saturday, March 14 at 8 p.m., bringing together a sense of fun, or what the Irish call 'craic', with a genuine love and respect for traditional music. Drawn together by a shared love of Irish traditional music, Crikey Mor started out as a group of quality traditional musicians just getting together to play Irish tunes every week at a local Victoria pub. The sessions caught the attention of music lovers who wanted more, resulting in some of the core members deciding to band together and bring their exciting, rollicking and spontaneous sounding music to the stage. "At last year's Vancouver Celtic Festival, I was immediately impressed by how they whipped the crowd into a happy frenzy with their high energy songs, well played jigs and reels, and fun rapport with the audience," recalls Harrison Festival Society Artistic Director, Andy Hillhouse. In the past two years, this fivepiece band has gained a wellearned reputation for bringing audiences to their feet with the kitchen party atmosphere provided by their spirited jigs, reels and songs. Crikey Mor consists of Nancy Grossert
10 10 Agassiz Agassiz Harrison Harrison Observer Observer Thursday, Thursday, March March 5, 5, 2015 2015
Communi t y Corner
MARCH 2015
Community Be Kind; Don’t be a Bully
Community Events
- Saturday, The Kent Harrison Arts Council presents: Terra St. Patrick’s Day Tea & Bake Sale sale by House. Bake Friendship the at 14 March March through Now Wadsley Helena Infirma by served at 29 at the Ranger Station Art Gallery, 98 Rockwell Dr., Harrison Hot Springs. The Sound of the World - March 6-27 from 10:15am-11am at the Agassiz Library. Celebrate World Cultures Month and enjoy stories, songs, and sounds from around the world during Friday storytime!
For Everyone
donation begins at 1:15pm with tea 1:30pm. Goes until 2:30pm. All welcome!
The District of Kent and FVRL Agassiz Branch present Magician Matthew Johnson - Wednesday, March 25 from 11am-11:45am at the
Community Cultural and Recreation Centre. Enjoy an interactive blend of magic, juggling, comedy and music. Great fun for the whole family! Free admission.
Staff and students at AESS sported Bkind gear on Pink Shirt Day Feb. 25 to take a stand against bullying.
• Hooked on Books: Agassiz Library Book Club takes place on the third Thursday of every month, starting at 6:30pm at the Agassiz Library. Love to read and want to talk about what you’re reading? You don’t have to be a member, just drop in when you can. Pick up the book at the library any time before the meeting and get ready to share your opinions! • Scrabble Club - Wednesdays, 2 pm - 4 pm at Agassiz Library. Free, drop in, all skill levels welcome. Enjoy the game, friendship and a cup of coffee. • Stitch “n” Rip - Every Tuesday from 9 am - 1 pm. Come to the Harrison Mills Hall with any unfinished sewing, stitching, knitting projects, etc. FMI call Kim 604-796-2336.
the Ag-Rec Hall, 6800 Pioneer Ave. FMI call Joey at 604-796-9951
• Hope Christian Women’s Club Brunch - Free nursery by reservation as well. For info & reservations call Raye 604-869-5420 • Agassiz Harrison Community Drivers Program - A community based volunteer driver
program providing rides to all local, Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland medical appointments & other personal services. Always looking for more drivers. Call 604-798-6228, email agharcommdrivers@ outlook.com or visit 7046 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz.
• Olive Branch Dinners - Come join us for a free • Agassiz Monday Painters est.1961 - Meets home cooked meal. Tuesdays 5 - 6 pm. 7571 Morrow every Mon. from 11 am - 3 pm at Agassiz United Rd, ACS gym. No expectations, enjoy community Church. FMI call Linda 604-794-5554 companionship. Families & all ages welcome.
• Harrison Community Social Club Drop-in • The Harrison-Kent Community Singers - Meet every Thurs. at Harrison Hot Springs Memorial
every Monday at 7:00 pm at the Memorial Hall. FMI Hall, 9:30 am: cards, darts, games & coffee. Contact call Carol at 604-796-2749. Jacquie 604-796-3105 or Suzanne 604-796-1269. • T.O.P.S. - Meets Thursdays at 9:30 am, or 5:45 pm., • Friendship House Nickel Bingo on Mon. at 1 at the Agassiz Christian Church. pm, Tues. Bridge and Cribbage at 1 pm, Sit and Be • Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Thrift Fit 10:30 am Mon. & Fri., Drop-in Floor Curling 7 pm Store - We’re looking for volunteers! Open Monday - Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm. Feel free to come by Thurs. 6919 Cheam Avenue or call 604-796-9932 FMI. • Kent-Harrison Arts Council - KHAC meets the • Royal Canadian Legion - Hosts drop-in “Fun third Sunday of each month. FMI call (604) 796-8604 Darts” every Mon. at 4 pm & Fri. at 8 pm, Players or email us at kentharrisonartscouncil@shaw.ca needed, arrive early to register. Cribbage daily. Non• Harrison International All-weather Tennis members welcome. Call 604-796-2332 Club - Drop-in tennis at 8 am daily at the Spring • The Wednesday Walkers - Easy hiking every Park tennis complex. All are welcome. Good fun and Wednesday. FMI call Eleanor 604-795-0076 exercise is guaranteed at no cost. FMI contact John • Knitting/Crochet Sisters Group - Projects for Allen 796-9117 worthy causes. Contact Alice 604-796-3060 or email • Jam Session - Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the agisborne@shaw.ca month from 7pm - 10:30pm by donation. Everyone • Agassiz Al-Anon. - Is someone’s drinking affecting you? FMI call Shirley 604-796-9865 or Anne welcome, bring an instrument and a friend! OAP Hall, Friendship Hall. FMI call Derry at 604-796-1084 604-793-3103
• Agassiz Elks Lounge - 1824 #9 Hwy, open daily • Lions TV Bingo - Thursday nights at 6 pm on 3pm till closing. Everyone welcome Shaw Cable. Pick up your bingo cards at The Source • Agassiz-Harrison Garden Club - Meets the - Chehalis Store & Ledoux Hardware second Wednesday of each month from Oct-July in • The Chilliwack MS Multiple Sclerosis Selfthe foyer of the Ag Hall at 7:30 pm. FMI 604-796-3291 Help Group - Meets every third Wednesday of each or 604-796-2423 month from noon to 2pm at the lunchroom of the • Agassiz-Harrison Lions - Meet at 7 pm on the Royal Cafe 45886 Wellington St., Chilliwack. New 4th Wednesday of each month at the Lion’s Den in members welcome. FYI call Owen at 604-795-5216
Agassiz Campus Sunday, 10:30 am Kids’ Ministry Meeting at the Ag Hall 6800 Pioneer Ave. www.central365.org
Best Rates ☎
Sarah 604.796.430 1 To a
dvertise in th is space
Kids helping kids
Local Music Students Raising Funds for BC Children’s Hospital Music students in the AgassizHarrison area are putting in extra practice minutes at the piano in order to benefit sick kids at BC Children’s Hospital. 2015 marks the 35th anniversary of the Music for Young Children® organization (“MYC”), a music education program which provides students with instruction in piano, theory, ear training, rhythm ensembles and composition, and includes parental participation. To celebrate the anniversary, MYC has invited students across BC to help others through their practice efforts by participating in an Independent Community Event called “Practice Makes Cents,” a fundraising campaign that MYC hopes will raise $10,000 to
benefit sick kids at BC Children’s Hospital. Music for Young Children students around the province have been collecting pledges for practicing and performing to donate to kids at BC Children’s Hospital. Sponsors can donate a certain amount per minute of practice, or make a one-time donation. These “Practice Makes Cents” events are taking place at different times between February and May in music studios throughout B.C. Locally, Music for Young Children students at Cadenza Music Studio are practicing their music as much as possible from March 7th to March 23rd - each minute the students practice helps raise money for the event. As one local
student puts it, “so if I practice more, it can help really really sick kids get better!” If anyone would like to support our students in the “Practice Makes Cents” fundraising event, online donations can be made through BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, and would be gratefully appreciated! A tax receipt will automatically be sent from the BCCH foundation for any donation of $20 or more. Please visit the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Community Events page (http://www.bcchf. ca/events/community-events) and click on “MYC students Practice Makes Cents,” or phone Cadenza Music Studio at (604) 491-5584 for more information.
War Amps ‘Newsreel of the Week’ features Harrison Hot Springs
On Monday, March 9, The War Amps YouTube channel will feature 1940’s footage of servicewomen from the Second World War biking, enjoying homemade food and playing golf at Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa. The resort served as a medical facility for servicewomen who participated in the war effort to recuperate from illness and injury and was under the supervision of the Canadian Army Medical Corps. This one minute clip is just one segment of a
Footage the Second World War featuring service women at Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa.
total of 106 World War II newsreels filmed by the Canadian Army Film Unit that document the
infantry in training, the front lines and the war efforts back at home. The War Amps is
releasing a newsreel every week on its YouTube channel at YouTube.com/ warampsofcanada, a two-year project that will make the complete set of Canadian Army Newsreels available to the public for the first time online. Featuring 20 hours of footage, the collection contains 106 newsreels filmed and produced by the Canadian Army Film Unit. A newsreel is being released every week, until November 2015, in time to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
AgassizHarrison HarrisonObserver Observer Thursday, Thursday,March March5, 5,2015 2015 11 11 Agassiz
Agassiz chef Tammy Wood makes it through in MasterChef Canada latest episode Local chef hangs on to compete in the next round
After a high-stakes day under the iconic Cirque du Soleil blue-and-yellow Big Top, the Masterchef Canada Season 2 home cooks returned to the kitchen for the first Pressure Test of the season, which ended with judges Michael Bonacini, Alvin Leung, and Claudio Aprile eliminating Debra Pangestu, a Public Relations Officer from Richmond, B.C. from the competition. With 13 home cooks remaining, Masterchef Canada continues this Sunday, March 8 at 7 p.m. on CTV, with an Elimination Challenge inspired by Season 1 winner Eric Chong. After dividing into two teams on the stage of Cirque du Soleil's show Kurios: A Cabinet of Curiosities, the Red Team, led by Andrew Al-Khouri, and the Blue Team, led by Line Pelletier, prepared a buffet meal for the show's acrobats, performers, and crew. As tension and conflict brewed under Line's authoritative military leadership, the Red Team's cooperative team spirit led them to victory – and earned
surprising turn, she decided to save herself. Once safe in the gallery, Line had a shocking collapse and following medical attention, it was determined she was dehydrated and would recover. With Line in the hands of paramedics, the five remaining home cooks faced the Pressure Test featuring a Québécois favourite; tourtière. After a tension-filled cook and judging, Christopher Siu, Michael Motamedi, and Sabrina Poirier all Heating water accounts for about 20 per cent of your moved to the next step home’s energy use. With natural gas rates at some of of the competition, while the bottom two their lowest in a decade,1 a high-efficiency natural home cooks were gas water heater can save up to $270 a year for Tammy Wood and a family of four, compared to an electric model.2 Debra Pangestu, with Rebates are also available. Debra heading home. In the next new Discover the benefits and savings episode of Masterchef at fortisbc.com/gasisgood. Canada, Wood and the other home cooks face FortisBC commodity rate history since January 1, 2006. their second Mystery Based on the difference between approximate annual costs for water heating in FortisBC’s Mainland service area. Calculations compared a high-efficiency natural gas storage tank water heater with equivalent electric Box Challenge and this model, using FortisBC and BC Hydro rates as of January 2015. Savings may vary and do not include rebates or time, victory rests on an incentives. Estimate your savings at fortisbc.com/energycalculator. iconic Italian favourite. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (15-019.15 02/2015) The home cook who most impresses the judges selects the ingredient everyone 1 2/5/2015 else cooks with in15-019.15-NGSpringGeneralPrintAds-4.3125x6.5-BW_PRESS.indd an Elimination Challenge inspired by the journey of Masterchef Canada Season 1 winner, Eric Chong.
Natural gas. Good for shaving expenses.
Courtesy CTV Canada.
Tammy Wood during the elimination challenge in MasterChef Canada's episode last Sunday.
them immunity from elimination. Once back in the Masterchef Canada kitchen, the Blue Team faced the season's first Pressure Test which came with two twists. First, the winning Red Team was given
the option to save one member of the Blue Team from elimination, and they decided to save Jennifer Innis. The second twist gave Line the opportunity to save one member of her team from elimination, and in a dramatic and
Story Festival
Booking deadline is March 20
Confetti •
Just in time for wedding season, The Observer proudly presents the seventh edition of our award-winning wedding magazine. Brides-to-be throughout the Fraser Valley will see your ad in print and online as they plan their perfect day. LORENE KEITCH/ OBSERVER
The grade 4 students at Harrison Hot Springs Elementary School performed ‘The Tower’ during the 2015 Story Festival. Each class chooses a play, rehearses and puts it on for family and friends in this annual theatre event. ‘The Tower’ was written by grade 4 teacher Rebekah Jack.
Call Sarah to book your space today
The Agassiz Y Harrison
10:57:41 AM
ALL-NEW CHEVY COLORADO 2015 Motor Trend Truck of the Year®
UP TO CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Awarded The Lowest Total Cost of Ownership in its Class by Vincentric ‡
Includes $4,500 Delivery Credit, $2,420 Package Discount, $2,080 Cash Credit, $1,000 Owner Cash.
See chevrolet.ca For Details
MyLink†with Remote Start Class-Exclusive Rear Vision 4G LTE WI-FI® †† Camera Automatic Locking Rear Differential
5 CHEVY SILVERADO HD Awarded The “Highest-Ranked Large Heavy-Duty Pickup in Initial Quality in the U.S. ‡‡” by J.D. Power
0 % 0
Call Gardner Chevrolet Buick GMC at 604-869-9511, or visit us at 945 Water Avenue, Hope. [License #7287] **
ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase, lease and finance of a 2015 Silverado 1500 Double Cab 1WT (G80/B30/H2R) equipped as described. Freight ($1,695) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. ‡ Based on Vincentric 2014 Model Level Analysis of full-size pickups in the Canadian retail market. ‡‡ The Chevrolet Silverado HD received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among large heavy-duty pickups in the proprietary J.D. Power U.S. 2014 Initial Quality Study.SM Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed in February-May 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com. * $10,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $4,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Silverado Light Duty Double Cab, $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), a $2420 manufacturer to dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab 1LT equipped with a True North Edition and a $2,080 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab LS Chrome Edition, LT and LTZ, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $2,080 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. † MyLink functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth® and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. †† Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required.** 0% leasing for 36 months available on 2015 Silverado 1500 Double and Crew Cab 1WT on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice.*** Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles from March 3rd through March 31st 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 48 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Silverado 1500 Double and Crew Cab 1WT. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $833.33 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. <> U.S. government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). + Based on wardsauto.com 2014 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. 5-year/160,000 kilometre Powertrain Limited Warranty, whichever comes first. See dealer for details. ~ 2015 Silverado 1500 with available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 12.7 L/100 km combined (4x2) and 13.0 L/100 km combined (4x4). Fuel-consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with the new 2015 model-year Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to vehicles.nrcan.gc.ca for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Comparison based on wardsauto.com 2014 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive information available. Competitive fuel-consumption ratings based on 2014 Natural Resources Canada’s Fuel Consumption Guide. Excludes other GM vehicles. ^ The 2-Year Scheduled LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV) with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the Oil Life Monitoring System and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four lube-oil-filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015
Agassiz Harrison Harrison Observer Observer Thursday, Thursday, March March 5, 5, 2015 2015 13 13 Agassiz
Ruth Altendorf is an occasional columnist in The Agassiz-Harrison Observer. Here, she shares a slice of her own history instead of her usual tales of Harrison folks and happenings. This is part four of a six-column series to appear in The Observer over the coming weeks.
A nice place to sell your scrap metal
accused the government of being slow to act. "We have waited too long for the government and health authorities to take action and our nurses have the broken jaws to prove it," she said.
Besides the policy of pursuing legal action on behalf of a nurse injured by violence on the job, the BCNU also aims to provide a range of other supports for nurses who are physically or psychologically hurt. March 2015
Meet the Pros CK
asked me to come and fill out a job application. I agreed, mainly because I did not know how to refuse! Heinz went with me and I was asked to start in the mail room on the following Monday. They also showed me the accounting room and told me that many of their employees who had started in the mail room had worked their way up eventually to any of these jobs. The accounting machines in those days were not silent like computers are now, they made quite a racket and looked very scarey! But, to make a long story short, I accepted and worked for this company for almost thirty years! Heinz also accepted the job he was promised and presto! we were part of the canadian work force! It is amazing how fast one can learn a language if totally immersed. This is especially true in regards to children. Yvonne, for instance, did not say much for a long time until, one day, it all was there! Julia handled it differently, but she also had it easier: while Yvonne had to go to school right away, Julia had a few months to adjust. But she also was a real trooper who could not wait to be part of it all! Her first sentence was "We came in a Studebaker" - a true statement in more than one way!
It had been a long day as most likely were all the and it was hard to believe ones in the neighborhood, that we finally were on but never mind, we were canadian soil! But here we truly happy! Especially were and, after solving the after our first walk to task of fitting four adults, and through "High two children and our Park" which we would suitcases in my be visiting sister's fiancee's often with the tiny sports children in the car, we started future. We were the long drive also happy to from Montreal find out that to Toronto. the school was Somewhere just around the we stopped corner, since for something both our girls RUTH ALTENDORF to eat. It was had to attend it Senior our first meal soon. I should Happenings not forget to in Canada: Campbell's mention that Cream of not only was Tomatoe soup, hot dogs, our flat fully furnished, coffee and ice cream. It but also featured an old, was a new taste sensation, but working black and the girls loved it and we white T.V. set. Though all doubled our portions. we never had this luxury Meanwhile, my mother, before, we took to it who was waiting for us instantly and thus learned in Toronto, had prepared the english language in a traditional welcome record time! Of course, it dinner which we ate at also helped us to adjust to ten pm in the evening. the canadian way of life. To say that we were truly Soon, however, we overwhelmed would be started to wonder how an understatement! to pay for all this and The next morning Heinz decided to take we woke up to our new action! Though Heinz surroundings: Indian had a letter from the Road Crescent in company my brother Etobecoke, near the Bloor worked for in his pocket and Dundas intersection promising him a job upon and in walking distance arrival, he wanted to of the "High Park". Most look around a bit before streets around there accepting. When he consisted of charming, decided to check it out but slightly run-down with an office-job agency older houses, big enough in downtown Toronto, I for the owners not only went along, just to see the to live there, but also to city. But, while waiting rent out. My brother and for Heinz at the agency his wife, for instance, I was asked to also fill also lived in one of these out an application. I did, houses - right next to not thinking anything us. Our "flat", as they would come out of it. We were called, consisted of were hardly back home, four rooms plus bath and however, when the phone kitchen and an enclosed rang. It was for me: a balcony. The floor of the company by the name of balcony was quite slanted Brunswick International
The B.C. Nurses Union is vowing to pursue charges against violent patients who assault nurses. President Gayle Duteil said the BCNU has asked for better security, including more safety officers and alarm systems, but
Hot dogs, ice cream and the studebaker
Community BCNU acts on assaults against nursing staff
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14 Agassiz Harrison Observer, Thursday, March 5, 2015
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Mar 7 & 8 ; 8:30am to 1pm a
MARINE .......................................903-920
In Loving Memory
Christopher Nigel Brown
of March 6, 2014 My Darling Chris, Memories of you will always bring a smile to our faces. If only we could bring you back, we so would. You have always meant so much to us all and always will. The fact you are no longer here, will always cause us great pain but you will forever be our hearts until we meet again.
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Love you wife Coleen & family.
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Hope & Area Transition Society
Michael and Marilynn
Congratulations on your Diamond Wedding Anniversary
March 11, 1955
Hope & Area Transition Society Stopping the Violence Counselor
• Family Therapist
This position is considered to a permanent part-time position.
For a detailed job description of each position visit www. hopetransition.org It is critical that this person be able to demonstrate ethical thinking and make sound judgments and respecting the diversity of our community. Ability to pass and maintain security clearance, carry a valid driver’s license. Along with resume send a letter of interest indicating how you meet the qualifications stated above to: The Hope and Area Transition Society Executive Director Box 1761 Hope, BC V0X 1L0 gerry@hopetransition.org
Qualifications: The preferred candidate will have: • Bachelor’s degree in Counseling or related field or combined work and educational experience • Have an understanding of family violence • Knowledge of the Aboriginal culture • Ability to create programs to meet the needs of women experiencing historical and current trauma • Ability to demonstrate assertiveness and leadership qualities, along with both professional and personal boundaries • Excellent verbal and written communication, this includes conflict resolution and mediation • Efficient time, organizational and stress-management skills • Understanding of the diversity within the community of Hope and the Fraser Canyon It is critical that this person be able to demonstrate ethical thinking and make sound judgments and perform in a women-focused manner, respecting the diversity of our community. Ability to pass and maintain security clearance, carry a valid driver’s license.
Closing Date: March 20, 2015 Start Date: ASAP Only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.
In all those years you have cared and built many precious moments with your friends and family. Today we raise a glass of happiness and send our love to you on this very special day. Love all your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
The Hope & Area Transition Society is a non-profit organization providing programs and services to individuals and families affected by social issues. The Society is seeking applications for the position of Stopping the Violence Counselor.
• Family/Youth Key Workers
The Hope & Area Transition Society is a non-profit organization providing programs and services to individuals and families affected by social issues. The Society is seeking applications for the positions of Family/Youth Support Workers; Family Therapist; ECD/CCRR Worker.
Missing:”Soleil” 9mo calico cat since last week from 3633 Hot Springs rd.,Agassiz (near Harrison). Has tattoo from Kent Vet Clinic. $100 reward for her safe rtn. Ph. 250-826-0207 or 250-878-6949
• Early Childhood Development & Child Care Resource and Referral Worker
Advertise across the Lower Mainland in the 15 best-read community newspapers.
Next Show Date: Mar 7 & 8 Heritage Park website: www.hacsbc.ca
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We support Canadian Cancer “Kids Camp” & CKNW Orphan’s Fund
AUTOMOTIVE ..............................804-862
RENTALS ......................................703-757
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Heritage Park Chilliwack
REAL ESTATE ...............................603-696
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CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE...........503-587
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Along with resume send a letter of interest indicating how you meet the qualifications stated above to: The Hope and Area Transition Society Executive Director Box 1761 Hope, BC V0X 1L0 gerry@hopetransition.org
Closing Date: March 20, 2015 Start Date: ASAP Only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.
Thursday, March 5, 2015, Agassiz Harrison Observer 15
The Langley Concrete Group Wants You!
Excavator & Backhoe Operator Training. Be employable in 4-6wks. Call 604-546-7600. www.rayway.ca
Please send updated resume and cover letter indicating salary expectations to hr@ langleyconcretegroup.com
Req: Carpenters, Helpers Labourers, CSO’s/OFA’s TCP’s, Cleaners $11-28/hr Work Today, Daily or Weekly Pay Apply 9AM to 2PM at: 118 – 713 Columbia Street
New West 604.522.4900
Minimum Requirements: •High school graduation •1 year experience or equivalent education and experience •Certificate of completion for Basic AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2, AutoCAD Civil 3 D, Architectural drawing or similar computer aided drawing program. •Microsoft excel and word, excellent math skills, communication skills & mechanical aptitude Our Company Offers: • Attractive Salary + Benefits • Extended Health Benefits & Wage • Future Personal Growth & Development • On The Job Training • Fun Supportive Atmosphere With Extracurricular Activities
The Langley Concrete Group Wants You!
A family owned enterprise with over 55 years history, seeks a highly motivated person to be part of our successful office team located in Chilliwack, BC. The primary focus of this position is to prepare clear, complete, and accurate product and detail drawings from rough or detailed sketches to meet the requirements allowing them to be used as production, catalogue, submittal and / or customer approval drawings. This will require effective communication with sales, distribution, engineering, and production staff.
We are a local progressive concrete pre-cast company based in Chilliwack. Duties include; preventative maint., scheduled repairs, and quick response repairs to ensure our modernized equipment runs efficiently. Routine equipment inspections and repairs are required. The Successful candidate must have good problem solving, diagnostic, interpersonal, and time management skills. Must be able to work flexible hours in a variety of conditions. Experience working with electrical systems and PLC programs would be a definite asset. Minimum requirements include completion of ITA certificate of qualification as an Industrial Mechanic, inter - provincial red seal endorsement, & a certificate of apprenticeship. Previous work experience in a related industry would be an asset.
OUR COMPANY OFFERS: FLAGGERS NEEDED. No Certification? Get Certified, 604-575-3944
F/T Cashier Hot Springs Liquor Store Cash experience & customer service an asset. Please email resume to: hotspringslrs@gmail.com
1.) Attractive Wages & Excellent Employee Benefits. 2.) Supportive, Engaged Atmosphere With Change Minded Management Group. 3.) Company Sponsored Social Activities.
Please e-mail resume, including cover letter & references: HR@ langleyconcretegroup.com
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BRO MARV PLUMBING Plumbing, heating, clogged drains BBB. (604)582-1598, bromarv.com
POWER WASHING since 1982. WCB/Liability insurance. Call Simon for prompt service. 604-230-0627
HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s group of companies req. Highway linehaul owner operators based in our Surrey terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain driving experience/training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract and details of your truck to: careers@vankam.com or Call 604-968-5488 or Fax: 604-587-9889
F/T position in Langley lubricants plant. Warehouse work, Mfg. and shipping / receiving. Must be capable of physical labour, computer usage, be meticulous and reliable. Exp. in manufacturing & warehousing preferred. We offer a long-term career with a financially successful Co. + Benefits + RRSP Plan. Send resume: hr@fuchs.com or fax: 604-888-1145
EXPERIENCED Commercial Heavy Duty Mechanic req’d for Trucking Co in Maple Ridge. Fax Resume to 604-460-7853 or email to wmader@telus.net
F/T - Millwright / Maintenance Person Princeton, B.C. You will work on the repair & upkeep of bucking mills post peelers and wheeled mobile equipment. Must have 10 years exp. including hydraulics, welding & minor electrical repairs. Will have the ability to work unsupervised, be able to problem solve and prioritize jobs. Competitive Compensation Package w/ Profit Sharing! Email resume: elizabeth@pwppost.com or fax: (1)250-295-7912
Stó:lō Nation Requires the services of a FULL-TIME
Stó:lō Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training Department Located in Chilliwack For complete details visit our website: www.stolonation.bc.ca click on Jobs link on the Homepage Mail resume and cover letter to: #7-7201 Vedder Road Chilliwack BC, V2R 4G5 E-mail to: jobs@stolonation.bc.ca OR Fax to 604-824-5342
Attn: Stó:lō Nation HR Personnel 2/15F_SN27
Please Fax resume: 604-513-1194 or E-mail: jobs@westcoastmoulding.com
YAMAHA UPRIGHT PIANO U1 walnut case, 30 yrs old, 2nd owner, Played recreationally. Well maintained. Beautiful instrument. $1950. obo. 778-808-8938
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SMOOTH MINI Dachshunds. Born January 10. Family raised. Well socialized with kids. 1st shots, dewormed. $850. 778-552-4658
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PAINT SPECIAL 3 rooms for $299 2 coats any colour
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NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring.
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and 2 bdrm...$799/m Prkg, coin laundry, elevator & balcony, 5 min walk to all conveniences. Available now. Call 604-703-3405
CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866
fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977
Spacious and bright 1 bdrm....$600/m. Also, new construction,
in need of caring homes! All cats are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at:
(Under new Management)
from $499 (Made in BC) Repairs & Service. We extend warranties to all makes. Vacuum needs a service every 5 years just like an oil change! 604-792-8055 / 854-8055
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Running this ad for 10yrs APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Send applications to fbula@langara.bc.ca. More information: www.bccommunitynews.com/our-programs/scholarship.
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Only those of interest will be contacted.
Westcoast Moulding & Millwork Surrey, a building product supplier has a Full - Time opportunity for an experienced Stair Builder & Parts Craftsman. Must have pervious experience in shaping Rails & Building stair components. Positive attitude, dedication & willingness to learn rewarded with: • Advancement Opportunities • Excellent Remuneration Package Commensurate w/ Experience • Full Benefits
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Stair Builder / Parts Craftsman
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Chihuahua pups, playful, cuddly, family raised, vet check, 1st shots, avail Mar 20. $725. 1-604-794-5844
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Restless Leg Syndrome & Leg Cramps? Fast Relief In One Hour. Sleep At Night. Proven For Over 32 Years. www.allcalm.com Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.
HARRISON - Studio Apartment, Nice quiet & safe building, suitable for single person. Newly renovated, $595 & $625/month includes utilities. Call 604-819-6422 QUIET & clean top floor suite with elevator, new laundry facilities, storage locker, parking and resident caretaker. Easy walking distance to downtown Agassiz amenities. Discount provided to seniors. Pet friendly. $575. Call / text 778-9189062
733 MOBILE HOMES & PADS Wanted: Class C Mobile home 20ft to 28ft. Call Dennis 604-796-2809
Agassiz- 1/2 duplex for rent. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. N/P, N/S. DD + ref req’d. $1000/mo + util. Avail. to Rent. call: 604-845-2705
BEDFORD HOUSE RESTAURANT ROLFE PRETTY AUCTION Site # 9272 Glover Rd., Ft. Langley, BC March 22, 11am Insp: Mar 21, 10am to 4pm Collectors Auction Native & other Art. Masks & Totem poles. 150-yo carved wood mantle, spinning wheel, churns, milk cans, stoves, ship clocks, lamps, duck collection, brass, furniture. Bedford Restaurant furniture, incl. 200 wood chairs, tables & 100’s of other items. Facebook for pics: mmmarketingbcgmail-auction Consignments Welcome Email: mmmarketingbc@gmail.com Phone: 604-720-9661 MM MARKETING
Multi Family Garage Sale March 7 & 8 at 8 am 3137 Hot Springs Road Some antiques/collectibles & Furniture, gardening tools. golf clubs bag & cart, portable satellite dish with stand, filling cabinets and much more.
Rosedale. RV pads available. $420/month + hydro. Cable & Wifi avail. Laundry facilities onsite. Washrooms open year round. RV storage @ $75/mo available. call 604-794-7361
The Scrapper
March 5, 2015
pick a part
WAREHOUSE LIEN In the matter of the Warehouse Lien Act: Agassiz All Storage, located at: 7651 Industrial Way, Agassiz, BC and Malia Eaton of the last known address of: 10140 Nelson Road, Rosedale, BC, V0X 1X2; for unpaid rents totaling $485.75 If this amount is not paid on or before March, 19 2014, the unit contents will be sold by public auction at a later date to settle unpaid rents.
16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 5, 2015
March 7
DJ Supasweet
March 21
Blind Pigeon
CANUCKS GAME FEATURES $4.50 Coors Light & Molson Canadian Pints during the game, plus prizes given away for everytime the Canucks score!
March 28
Johnson Brothers
Todd Richard
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