Lake Country Calendar, March 18, 2015

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Calendar Lake Country

Petrina Koltun R


Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


your home is where my heart is

March 18, 2015


Choppy waters

Hearing loss should not exclude anyone from community events. Activist Arlene Brenner found two sign language interpreters for a health workshop held in Lake Country. ...............................


Water meters are being installed in Lake Country. The district says they encourage conservation and equal out billing. ...............................


Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ Hometown ■ Jysk ■ Rona ■ Save On Foods ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples

OKANAGAN LAKE showed its violent side through Lake County Saturday as the Okanagan Centre Safe Harbour saw waves crashing during a wind storm.


Seeing both sides of rail line corridor KEVIN PARNELL

Allan Gatzke can clearly see both sides of the upcoming referendum question on the acquisition of the CN Rail corridor through Lake Country. As a property owner who has the CN Rail corridor running through a stretch of a family-owned orchard, Gatzke says a yes vote in

the referendum will see the multi-million dollar lake-front property decrease in value by hundreds of thousands of dollars. But the long-time Oyama resident and former Lake Country councillor says he is in favour of the acquisition of the land because it will provide a needed boost for Oyama and for Lake Country, as it looks

to continue to grow as a tourism destination. “From our family’s perspective it’s a negative,” said Gatzke on Monday. “Having that land as private is a lot more marketable. But our whole family is still in favour (of acquiring the corridor) because of the impact it can have. We’ve come through many, many years of a slow decline in terms of

economic activity but this offer is something solid and an investment in the future. I think there is an opportunity to turn around that trend with some concrete investment.” Last week Gatzke hosted a meeting at his orchard cafe where about 50 people turned out to express their views on the upcoming referendum question, set for

April 25 in Lake Country. He said it started out as meeting a few people to talk about the issue, but word quickly spread and soon they had to move the location to the cafe to accommodate more people. Gatzke said about 90 per cent of those in attendance were in support of the acquisition and said those who are against purchasing the

rail corridor are like his family: Property owners directly affected by the acquisition who have the rail corridor going through their property that could be open to tourists in the future. “The biggest issue that the no voters have with this process is a result of a lack of trust that they have with municipal


Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Deaf often a last thought

Lake Country deaf advocate Arlene Brenner says it is a step in the right direction when it comes to services for the deaf community. Brenner, who ran unsuccessfully for Lake Country council last fall,

was successful in finding two interpreters to take part in a forum on mental health and well being that was hosted at UBCO on Saturday by Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick. In an interview with

the Lake Country Calendar, Brenner expressed frustration with the lack of planning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing who would like to take part in community activities like the forum. But she said she

was finally able to secure two interpreters through the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind Well-Being Program in Burnaby. “It’s really exciting. This is wonderful news,” said Brenner. “This is a


good step in the right direction.” Brenner had been trying to find an interpreter to take part in the health forum as she says many seniors in the area suffer SEE DEAF A3


Arlene Brenner




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*Pricing applies to a 2015 Outback 2.5i (FD1 BP) with MSRP of $27,995 excluding freight & PDI ($1,650), documentation fees ($395) and battery tax ($30). License, taxes, insurance and registration extra. Dealers may sell for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Model shown is a 2015 Outback 2.5i Limited Package PLUS (FD2 LP) with MSRP of $37,970 including freight & PDI ($1,650), † * models for a 24-month term. Financing documentation fees ($395), and battery tax ($30). License, taxes, insurance and registration extra. Vehicle shown solely for purpose of illustration, and may not be equipped exactly as shown. **0.9% lease/finance rates available on all new 2015 Outback and leasing programs available through Toyota Credit Canada Inc. on approved credit. % ** MODELS EQUIPPED †Limited timeWITH $500EYESIGHT® Alternate Cash Credit offer applies only to retail purchase, lease, or finance agreements for new 2014 or 2015 XV Crosstrek, Forester, Outback, Legacy, Impreza, WRX/WRX-STI or BRZ models and is valid until April 30, 2015. One $500 Alternate Cash Credit offer per vehicle sold. Offer is not cash redeemable. Offer must be presented to dealer up front. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. **Offers valid until March 31st, 2015. See your local Subaru dealer or visit for complete program details.‡ Ratings are awarded by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Please visit for testing methods.









*Pricing applies to a 2015 Outback 2.5i (FD1 BP) with MSRP of $27,995 excluding freight & PDI ($1,650), documentation fees ($395) and battery tax ($30). License, taxes, insurance and registration extra. Dealers may sell for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Model shown is a 2015 Outback 2.5i Limited Package (FD2 LP) with MS of $37,970 including freight & PDI ($1,650), documentation fees ($395), and battery tax ($30). License, taxes, insurance and registration extra. Vehicle shown solely for purpose of illustration, and may not be equipped exactly as shown. **0.9% lease/finance rates available on all new 2015 Outback models for a 24-month term. Financ and leasing programs available through Toyota Credit Canada Inc. on approved credit. † Limited time $500 Subaru Dollars offer applies only to retail purchase, lease, or finance agreements for new 2014 or 2015 XV Crosstrek, Forester, Outback, Legacy, Impreza, WRX/WRX-STI or BRZ models and is valid until April 30, 2015. One $500 Sub Dollars offer per vehicle sold. Offer is not cash redeemable. Offer must be presented to dealer up front. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. **Offers valid until March 31st, 2015. See your local Subaru dealer or visit for complete program details.‡ Rati are awarded by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Please visit for testing methods.

BC’s first Subaru dealership since 1979



DLR 6371

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 18, 2015 A3


Metering water lends itself to conservation The District of Lake Country kicked off its residential and commercial meter installation program as part of the larger Universal Metering project. The project will see approximately 2,300 unmetered water connections retro-fitted with a new water meter and the existing approximately 800 metered connections upgraded with new meter reading technology this year. According to Lake Country, the move to a metered system will help water conservation and equal out billing. “People tend to use water more efficiently when they have to pay for their consumption,” states a release from the district. “Water metering has been demonstrated in other previously unmetered water systems to reduce consumption by as much as 30 per cent.”


UNIVERSAL Metering project will see water meters installed or upgraded throughout Lake Country.

The district held an open house last week, demonstrating the new system and answering questions from members of the public. The program began last year with water meter installations on several agriculture customers. In terms of water rates, the district says the

rates will be designed to be revenue neutral, meaning high water users will pay more and lower water users will see a decrease from their previous water bills. The project is being funded through the current water rate structure. The vast majority of homes will receive an in-

door installation which is free. If the property owner requests or requires an outdoor installation there will be additional installation cost to the home owner. This was done to protect the project’s budget, and ultimately the rate payers, from the more expensive outdoor installations. When installed the meter transmits a radio signal that the reading system picks up from a district vehicle when staff is out reading the meters. Transitioning to radio meters is expected to save over 1,500 man hours per year in reading and input cost. The district says the meter also provides beneficial information to the home owners such as leak detection, which can help to prevent a large consumption bill to a home owner. The meter does trans-

mit using wireless technology and will transmit for less than one minute per day at a third of the power output of a cell phone. The meter transmits on the same un-

licensed bandwidth as Wi-Fi, cordless phones, baby monitors and garage/car door openers. The technology is considered to be safe and meets all Health Canada

and Industry Canada requirements. Residents may choose an opt-out option if they don’t want the wireless meter in their home.

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Tourism, a rail in right direction CORRIDOR FROM A1 hall,” he said. “The second biggest issue is around the Indian reserve and what is going to happen around the central part of Kalamalka Lake.” At this point the Okanagan Indian Band has gone on record as not supporting the acquisition of the rail corridor as the rail right of way travels through its traditional territory known as the commonage reserve. But Gatzke says, despite the unknowns, he believes

voting yes to allow for the acquisition of the rail corridor is the right thing to do. “For the businesses that are here, we are primarily tourist oriented and that’s a really important thing for the rail trail,” he said. “We are ready for it. It doesn’t take long to look around Oyama and you see more empty orchards than full ones. For the Okanagan Valley in general this is the right type of investment long term because it gets us going in the right direction.”


‘Hearing, deaf, hard of hearing. We should be equal.’ DEAF FROM A2 from hearing loss as well as many people who may have lost hearing due to work. Brenner was born deaf and says the general community has a long way to go in understand-

ing how important it is to better provide services for those who are hard of hearing or deaf. “People don’t understand or think about it but I want people to know,” she said. “Everything should be equal. Hearing, deaf, hard of

hearing. We should be equal.” Brenner is able to communicate by speaking, using sign language and is proficient at reading lips. She said more needs to be done, especially by government organiza-

tions to provide interpreters or closed captioning during public events like the forum. She said many deaf people deal with depression and other issues because they cannot hear properly.

Call for BC Artists and Cultural Workers

Photo: Sara Machtaler

Are you an artist or cultural worker active in promoting arts and culture in your community? If so, BC Culture Days invites you to apply to be the next BC Culture Days Ambassador! The top finalist will win a trip to the National Congress on Culture in Edmonton, May 7 & 8, 2015 and $2,500 towards the production of their Culture Days event, September 25-27, 2015! In addition, up to 10 finalists will be awarded $1,000 towards production of Culture Days events in their community. Deadline: April 13, 2015 For submission criteria and guidelines or details on upcoming Culture Days information sessions, please visit To register your 2015 Culture Days event visit We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Imaginary climate of fear

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.


big black SUV with dark-tinted windows pulled up beside me. The driver’s window zipped down. A very big man with a shaved head and

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

lots of tattoos leaned out. “Hey, you!” he growled. It felt like the opening scene of almost any TV crime show. “What kinda dog is that?” the driver de-

Courtney Larkan Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.

Proud member of

Canadian Community Newspapers Association


Auditor leak has B.C. Liberals bailing Auditor leak has B.C. Liberals bailing VICTORIA – March has been a good month for the B.C. NDP, and it’s been a while since I’ve been able to say that. Opposition critics fired a shot amidships at the B.C. Liberal government when they began questioning the lack of progress by the new Auditor General for Local Government. This experimental vessel was launched in Premier Christy Clark’s leadership campaign, and two years after it set sail, it is listing, taking on water and in danger of sinking. The original idea was to expand the B.C. Auditor General’s office so it could check the financial performance of local governments too. Business groups were concerned about municipal taxes going up too quickly, with staff growing even as the province grappled with a hiring freeze.

BC Views

Tom Fletcher Mayors and councillors began to talk of mutiny over that plan, protesting that their budgets are already required to balance and are subject to annual audits. But this will be “performance auditing,” Clark insisted, not just making sure the figures add up. It will determine the public is receiving “value for money” on projects like arenas and services like police, by comparing different communities’ results. A new AGLG office opened in Surrey. The “value for money” promise is on the rocks.

The government appointed a quasi-independent board (hello, BC Ferries and TransLink) that hired chartered accountant Basia Ruta, a veteran of the federal Auditor General office who had also served as chief financial officer at Environment Canada and had done local government audits in private practice. NDP local government critic Selina Robinson started asking why this office has spent $5.2 million and produced only one audit out of a promised 18. Community Minister Coralee Oakes, a former Quesnel councillor in her first cabinet post, allowed that there had been some rough water but there is smooth sailing ahead. Then came a big leak, in the form of a “work environment review” of the good ship AGLG that was given to the NDP by a seasick crew member. It described chaos below decks, with “shift-

ing priorities and unclear direction,” as well as “wasted time and work” and “inefficient use of consultant and staff resources.” Worse, the review noted a human resources monitor had been stationed at the office for most of January to maintain a “respectful workplace for all employees.” “A peacekeeper,” as NDP leader John Horgan described the grim scene. “This is like we’re in Cyprus.” Then it was confirmed that when the AGLG board tried to conduct a performance review, Ruta’s response was to hire a lawyer. Ruta seems to be decisive when protecting her job, if not when hiring, running the office or meeting her own work targets. Whatever goodwill had been restored with local governments over this experiment is likely gone. Municipal staffers have been dealing with new auditor demands as their councils grind away

at their own budgets, and now they see signs that what they have contributed may well have been swept overboard. Oakes remains on deck, eyes fixed on the horizon. An audit of capital procurement in Rossland is finally scheduled to be done by the end of March, she said. Similar reports on Delta and Sechelt are due in April. The latest revision of that schedule is underway, no doubt in another series of long, acrimonious meetings. Clark addressed the situation in her last question period before the legislature’s spring break this week. She didn’t have a lot to say about the AGLG’s voyage of the damned, mostly familiar rhetoric about “lower taxes, less red tape” and so on. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black. @tomfletcherbc

manded. “A Chesapeake Bay retriever,” I replied, a little nervously. His door popped open. He levered his bulk onto the ground. He bent over to rumple my dog’s ears. “I’ve never seen a Chesapeake before,” he said. “She’s got a beautiful face.” Nope, definitely not your stereotypical crime show. Television, I’m convinced, gives us a hugely distorted view of reality. Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize how distorted that view is. Every study, for example, says that the rate of violent crime in Canada has decreased by around 50 per cent over the last 25 years. Yet the federal government bases


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 18, 2015

k A5

opinion ▼ FROM OTTAWA

Women from Kelowna-Lake Country shine in the national spotlight Each year, International Women’s Day (March 8) provides Canadians with the opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements and their extraordinary potential, across the country and around the world. As we honour and support the women in our communities, I

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan

wanted to bring to your attention to recent notable achievements by some of our fellow citizens in Kelowna-Lake Country. First, I want to congratulate Carol Gordon, this year’s recipient of the Gert Beadle award for her dedication to women’s equality and social justice. Every year,

the Gert Beadle Award recognizes the value of invisible work done at the community level to enhance women’s equality. Secondly, our Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, the Honourable K. Kellie Leitch, invited Renee Wasylyk, CEO of Troika Developments, to

accompany her to New York this week to speak at the 59th session of United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW). The UNCSW is a commission of the United Nations Econom-

its run for re-election on fear, pushing a heightened “tough on crime” agenda. Admittedly, the U.S.—source of most TV crime shows—has a much higher violent crime rate than Canada. You’re about three times more likely to be murdered in the U.S., according to Wikipedia. But the chances of being murdered at random are extremely low in both countries. Rather to my sur5 prise—yes, I get influenced by television too— the overall crime rate in the U.S. appears to have dipped even faster than in Canada. Even for gun crimes. Yet no one would ever get that impression

from the hail of bullets launched every night on the screen, where teams of crime fighters smash down doors, fan out through homes wearing flak jackets, fingers on triggers. TV coverage made the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, look like an episode of Star Wars last summer, with Darth Vader’s troops massing to crush protesters. The medical profession suffers from TV-induced distortion too. Doc Martin glimpses a rash on a woman’s exposed belly. “I must operate immediately!” he commands. “Get me some boiling water!” “At a time like this, you want tea?” his befuddled assistant gasps. “To sterilize my scalpel, you idiot!” the doc-

tor snorts. Marcus Welby might have spoken more diplomatically, but the aura of omnipotence stays the same. Given the stereotypes of medical drama, it must be very difficult for ordinary doctors to say, “I don’t know.” The great failing of television, it seems to me, is that it ignores the essential goodness of people. In the rush of telescoping a plot into an hour, or a news story into a minute, there isn’t time to acknowledge little acts of kindness, compassion, caring. I can’t quantify this claim, but I suspect that 99 per cent of my life

Award, which recognizes B.C. business women and their influence in some of Canada’s largest companies. I also want to acknowledge the achieve-


Yard Waste Collection

TV colours our everyday view of the world TAYLOR FROM A4

ic and Social Council and the principal global policy-making body dedicated to gender equality and the advancement of women. Renee is also a recipient of a 2015 Influential Women in Business

is spent trusting other people. Trusting that the relationship I have with them will withstand any disagreements. Trusting that those I don’t have a personal relationship with will still act with honesty and justice. Yet the TV culture encourages us to base our life decisions on fear. We act to protect ourselves, even when nothing needs defending. We withdraw. We hold back. We hesitate. We let a few drops of imaginary fear taint the entire bucket of life experience.

is back on!

• Yard waste pick up every two weeks starting March 2 through the end of November. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • Yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.

Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

For more info visit


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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


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Birthday Party


To all the women in our community, heartfelt thanks CANNAN FROM A5 ment of Laurie Koss, whose beautiful illustrations of pansies will be part of Canada Post’s annual floral series stamp collection. It was a pleasure to join Laurie at the unveiling ceremony at Hambleton Galleries on March 2. The two stamps each feature a colourful pansy variety: the yellow-accented true blue ‘Delta Premium Pure Light Blue’ and the ‘Midnight Glow’ Icicle Pansy in shades of purple, pink, orange and yellow. Pansies are a great favourite of many gardeners across Canada and Laurie’s gorgeous illustrations which Canada Post describes as an “intense and intimate study

of natural form, light and movement of the flower” will no doubt be popular with stamp users and collectors. You can see pictures of Laurie’s pansies at cpo/mc/aboutus/news/ pr/2015/2015_pansies.jsf. Of course this is not the first time a local Kelowna-Lake Country artist has been honoured nationally. Daphne Odjig, the driving force behind the Indian Group of Seven, was also honoured by Canada Post when it featured three of her paintings on Canadian postage stamps in February 2011. Kendra (Smith) Dixson had two of her designs chosen by the Royal Canadian Mint for its

2014 Fine Silver Coins O Canada collection. And in 2012, the fine folks at Goodman Zissoff Stained Glass Studio were chosen to design and create the exceptional stained glass windows that now adorn the Senate of Canada commemorating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th anniversary of her ascension to the throne. To all the women in our community who support our families, our economy and make our community’s cultural and social bonds stronger, please accept our heartfelt thanks. Ron Cannan is the MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.

Natural Healing REMEDIES WORKSHOP by the director of

“Silver Hills Guest Resort” PHIL BREWER

Offered as a FREE PUBLIC SERVICE absolutely NO charge! Time: 7:00 pm • Tuesday, March 24 • Thursday, March 26 • Tuesday, March 31 • Thursday, April 2 Location: Winfield SDA Church “Lifestyle Center” 11370 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country Come, learn and enjoy natural healing remedies that really work. Phil is very professional and an excellent presenter who is both entertaining and very knowledgeable. You will be amazed at how simple remedies can yield such effective results.

Jennifer Vallee, Ken Mairs, Todd Ryder, Janet Nore

The team members at the Cooper’s Winfield store were thrilled to welcome the community to celebrate the

Overwaitea Food Group’s 100th Birthday, on Sunday, March 8th. One hundred years ago the founder of the Overwaitea Food Group, Mr. RC Kidd, bought his first store located in New Westminster, BC. Mr. Kidd believed that to remain ahead of the competition, the store had to be different and give customers what they wanted. As a way to thank loyal customers, he began selling 18 ounces of tea for the price of 16, and customers loved this idea so much, that his store became known as the “Over-weight-tea” store. And the rest – they say….is history! Cooper’s Foods Winfield is extremely thankful for the strong relationships they have built with community partners, customers and team members in Winfield. A big thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate 100 years!

Todd Ryder, store manager; Ken Mairs, assistant manager & Chad Cormack, operations manager

Four FREE Sessions in the workshop!

For more information call 250-765-6456

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 18, 2015 A7

Water Meter Installations in your neighbourhood Residential water meter installations are happening NOW, so watch your mail for a booklet explaining the process. The booklet will include a unique code for your property so you can book an installation appointment that is convenient to you. Water meters will be installed in homes of District water utility customers in Lake Country and will provide each resident with a fair and equitable payment system based on the “user pay” principle. All installations will be conducted on an area-by-area basis by the District’s contractor, Neptune Technology Group (Canada) Ltd.

Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200

You can find more information about Lake Country’s Universal Water Metering project on the website at Tuesday, March 31, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

PUBLIC HEARINGS Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.

Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.

Zoning Amendment (427725 BC Ltd) Bylaw 917, 2015 (Z2013-006) is a zoning amendment that would:  Add the definition “Conservation Area” to Section 3.3 (General Definitions) to Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007;  Add “Conservation Area” to Principal Uses - Section 18.1.2 (P1-Public Park and Open Space) of Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007; and  Change the properties FROM: RR1- Rural Residential 1 TO: RU1-Single Family Housing and P1-Public Park and Open Space

SUBJECT PROPERTY: Tyndall Road LEGAL: Lot 61 Shown on Plan B13454, Section 9, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 521, Except Plan H18660 Lot 62 Shown on Plan B13454, Section 9, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 521, Except Plan H18660

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

Zoning Amendment (Oyama Zipline) Bylaw 882, 2014 (Z2014-001) is a zoning amendment that would add a definition of “Zipline Course” to the General Definitions Section of the Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 and add “Zipline Course” as a Secondary Use within Section 13.2 RLPO (Rural Large Parcel Oyama Road) for Lot 2 Section 31 Township 21 ODYD Plan KAP84855 only. (See Map Below)

SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5617 Oyama Lake Road LEGAL: Lot 2 Section 31 Township 21, ODYD, Plan KAP84855 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to March 31, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1


Speak at the Public Hearing

Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL



Art magazine will keep Okanaganites informed Last Thursday marked the six month anniversary of the launch of the Okanagan’s only visual arts magazine, the Okanagan Art Review, founded by local artists and Lake Country Art Gallery curator Katie Brennan. The web site brings a new awareness, excitement and insight into what is going on in the visual arts in the Okanagan. “I’ve been working as a curator in the Okanagan since 2011 and I know that I’m aware of a lot more that is going on in visual arts than most folks,” said Brennan, who had been kicking around the idea of an online visual art web site for some-

time. It wasn’t until she was talking with fellow artist Wanda Lock, that things kicked into high gear. “Wanda was telling me about a friend of hers who has a farm in West Kelowna who had been bringing in artists from other places to come and do installation and outdoor artwork on their farm,” said Brennan. “I was so surprised to hear about it and sad I had missed it. I wanted to find a way to keep people in the loop of what’s going on in the arts even if they miss seeing it in person”. Enter the Okanagan Art Review. Since launching the web site on Oct. 12, 2014, the

TEAM Okanagan Art Review (from left) Lucas Glenn, Kate Fagervik,


Hanss Lujan, Kelsie Balehowsky and Wanda Lock in action.

Okanagan Art Review has quickly gained traction within the com-

munity as the go-to hub for all things visual arts. “We had over 140

members sign up in our first week. And we had over 1,900 hits in a sin-

gle day,” exclaimed Brennan about how the Okanagan Art Review took off with a bang. “Since then we’ve added another 30 something members, including most of the public art galleries and artist-run galleries in the area and a handful of commercial galleries too. I’m really proud of that, as these institutions are an integral part of the visual arts in the Okanagan.” To celebrate the six month anniversary of the Okanagan Art Review and all the accomplishments of Brennan and the team of artists who help run it, they are offering a special 60 hour sale from 10 a.m. on Wednesday March

18 to 10 p.m. on Friday March 20. “We haven’t offered these kind of prices on new memberships since our launch. We’re doing it to say a big thank you to our community for supporting us and helping us to grow so quickly,” explained Brennan. Brennan thanked her team for their hard work, without whom the Okanagan Art Review would not be where it is today—Kelsie Balehowsky, Kate Fagervik, Lucas Glenn, Wanda Lock, Renae Roles and Alex Ross. To learn more about the 60 hour sale on new memberships for the review, visit

Ground has broken for Lake Country’s new food bank building Gold-plated shovels were scheduled to touch earth this morning to officially get construction underway for a new Lake Country Food Bank building.

At 10 a.m. a group of officials lined up for photos, though construction was actually scheduled to start 24 hours earlier when the excavators move in.

Provincial MLA Norm Letnick acted as the master of ceremonies, with federal MP Ron Cannan, Lake Country Mayor James Baker, and Food Bank founder

Phyllis MacPherson participating. Other key participants will be • Okanagan College’s Vernon campus, whose trades students will undertake much of the initial construction as

part of their training; • The Aviva Insurance Company, whose community project grant of $100,000 made this start of construction possible; • The Rotary Club of Lake Country, which has headed up the fund-rais-

ing campaign for the new building. The site of the ground-breaking ceremony for the new food bank is next door to the Winfield Seniors’ Activity Centre, at 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road.

Visitors and spectators are welcome, to attend but are asked to park at the east end of the curling rink parking lot to avoid conflicting with Seniors’ Centre programs.

▼ BRIEFS reservations 250.766.9309

CREEKSIDE THEATRE Oyama Community Garden opens info 250.766.5669

Lake Country, BC

Reservations: 250.766.9309 Goitse

Friday, March 20 @ 7:30pm “Forged in the white-hot creative crucible of Limerick University’s Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, the quintet have graduated with a musical maturity worthy of the greatest. One of the most sought after bands amongst connoisseurs of Irish Traditional music.

BiG Hero 6 - family movie niGHt

Saturday, March 28 @ 6:00pm

Willow Park Church is having a Free Family Movie Night - The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. RATED PG

tower of sonG - A Creative Tribute to Leonard Cohen

Friday, April 17 @ 7:30pm

The duo will perform their reimagined covers, such as Swain’s live show favorite “A Thousand Kisses,Deep,” and Garramone’s unique “Hey That’s No Way to Say Goodbye” as well as originals of their own that are Cohen-inspired.

self love first - International Speaker & Life Coach Leona Wallace

Saturday, April 25 @ 7:00pm

Presented by the M.I.K.E. FOUNDATION MOMS INSPIRING KIDS ENLIGHTENMENT. Are you ready to have it all? Is it time to connect with your heart and have everything it desires? Well here is your answer; Leona Wallace. Visit for more infomation

10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country

It is that time of year when gardeners’ fingers begin to twitch and long for the feel of dirt in their hands. There are some plots available this year at the Oyama Community Garden. The cost is $20 a year rent plus a one-time

$5 charge for the key to the shed. The garden is located in the southwest corner of the ball field area of the Oyama Community Hall. Once you have your garden, all needed tools are supplied All you need is your seeds and

desire. For more information contact Marj at 250548-3837 or oyamacommunitygarden@gmail. com.


The Oyama Community Club’s annual Community Clean-up is April 19. More details will follow but mark your calendar and come out to help friends and neighbours maintain Oyama as ‘Jewel of The Okanagan.’


Oyama Fun Day, on June 7, will once again provide fun and entertainment for all ages. There will be a pancake breakfast, Lake Country’s only parade, games and activities for all ages. Plan to come out and catch up with everyone you haven’t seen since last fun day.


The Lake Country Art Gallery is holding a reception to celebrate its fifth anniversary this weekend after its an-

nual general meeting this Saturday. Besides giving a report of this past year’s activities at the Lake Country Art Gallery at the AGM, gallery staff and board members will also present some of their highlights from all of the gallery’s accomplishments over the last five years. This celebration and AGM are open and free to the public. However, only members in good standing may vote on any motions, nominate and vote for new and continuing board and committee members, stand for election and bring forward any questions or suggestions they may have. Becoming a member of the Lake Country Art Gallery is easy and helps to support all of the programming and exhibitions. Visit for all the details. The AGM runs Saturday, March 21 from 2 3:30 p.m. with the reception to follow.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 18, 2015 A9

TENDER OPPORTUNITY: Bond Road Watermain Upgrade

Okanagan Rail Corridor


The District of Lake Country invites tenders for the installation of a new 350mm diameter watermain, asphalt curb and sidewalk, and associated roadworks. A summary of specific work items includes the following (approx. quantities):     

See the display in the lobby of

Installation of approximately 925 metres of 350mm diameter PVC watermain and associated appurtenances; Installation of approximately 330 metres of 300mm diameter PVC watermain and associated appurtenances; Installation of new Pressure Reducing Valve station and decommissioning of existing station; Installation of approximately 730 metres of asphalt curbing; Installation of approximately 5,800 square metres of hot mix asphalt and associated base gravels.

Lake Country Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road

Interested in working as an Election Official during the referendum? Complete the Application form and submit it by March 27, 2015 to the Deputy Chief Election Officer. Pick up an Application form at Municipal Hall or on the Referendum webpage at for details about the job responsibilities, training and rate of pay. See more details about Referendum voting opportunities in each of the Wards of Lake Country and by mail ballot on the full-page Referendum ad at the back of this newspaper.

See for more information. Contract documents may be ordered and a PDF copy provided for your use, on or after Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Contact AECOM by email at to obtain the Tender documents. Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

PUBLIC HEARINGS Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.

Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.

Zoning Amendment (Behin) Bylaw 915, 2015 (Z2014-008) is a zoning designation amendment that would change the property FROM A1 (Agriculture 1) TO A1ta (Agri-Tourism Accommodation) to allow for a maximum of 7 agri-tourism accommodations. (See Map Below)

Zoning Amendment (G. Lewis) Bylaw 912, 2015 (Z2014-007) is a zoning designation amendment that would change the property FROM RR1 (Rural Residential 1) TO RU1 (Single Family Housing) to allow for a 2 lot subdivision 1.0 ha and 2.58 ha in size. (See Map Below)

SUBJECT PROPERTY: 15544 Old Mission Road LEGAL: Lot 2 Sections 2 and 11 Township 24, ODYD, Plan 25623

SUBJECT PROPERTY: 10650 Tyndall Road LEGAL: Lot 66 Shown on Plan B13454; Sections 9 and 16 Township 20, ODYD, Plan 521 Except Plans H18660 and KAP70483

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to March 31, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1


Speak at the Public Hearing

Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

March 18, 2015


Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS

Most Common Mistake Young Patients Make


: My parents insisted I have braces as a child. No question my teeth were straightened. The orthodontist told me to wear my retainer at night, but honestly I haven't seen it in years. Now, my teeth seem to be shifting. I have to pay for my own dentistry now, and can't afford another orthodontist but I don't want to look at crooked teeth again. What's up with that?


Life gets in the way of good intentions sometimes. Most parents wanted their children to have good teeth. We have hundreds of young adults in our practice – some of whom I have been treating since they were toddlers. FACT – We suggest 6 month checkups always. This doesn't change when you leave home. FACT – With few exceptions, you are going to be responsible for your own dental care and the cost thereof. It is all too common to see young adults not scheduling their own dentistry once they have to pay themselves. I'm not complaining about our lost revenue, because in reality ignoring it only leads to a buildup of tartar, plaque, and possible periodontal (gum) disease. It just requires more expensive dentistry to repair later. Aside from the overall health problems such as heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and a host of other issues – perio disease should be controlled.

One of the 'To Do' items on your personal list should be to check out an invisible braces option to do what is called an 'express' treatment to halt the mobility with aligners, and correct what is mobile. It won't cost what your parents paid for your original ortho, but it can prevent many more problems later (in addition to making them look better too!).

A second 'cost cutting' mistake aside from not wearing those original retainers is cutting back on straight hygiene visits. Having your teeth cleaned regularly is the least expensive health aid I can think of. It is false economy to cut back here. Another problem is changing living habits. It is no longer good enough to brush twice a day. People 'graze' all day long with food and beverages, at work and even while shopping. If anything other than water passes your lips – consider brushing or at the very least rinsing your mouth with water. Too many foods and drinks are chock full of sugar, and you'll do yourself a favour by heeding this tip. Our patients who spend the least on their overall dental health are the ones we see most frequently. Prioritize expenses with your cell phone data plan, but don't for a moment think that skipping your dental appointments is going to save you money. We hate to be the one bearing the bad news, but it is becoming more commonplace. Mom and Dad were right in the first place!


Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.

The mobile teeth issue post-braces is common. Patients' teeth are mobile right into their 80's and 90's, so for you they most certainly can and will move. You can accelerate crossbites, overbites, gum recession, and other problems.

Petrina Koltun


Dr.Paul Rollett Optometrist


What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Meagan Noel Consultant,

Investors Group Financial Services Inc.


We are getting ready to list our home, where should my focus be when thinking about first impressions and curb appeal?

As we all know, first impressions are extremely important and can make, or break, your chance to get a potential buyer in the front door for a look! To make your home’s first impression a memorable one, there are a few details to attend to in order to make the curb appeal stand out while also improving your ability to sell quicker for the right price. Stand in front of your house with a friend and take note of all things that might improve that all-important first impression. Remember to look at the small details before looking at the bigger picture and have a realistic plan with a time-frame that will allow you to do a great job. For example, simple things like getting rid of weeds, cleaning the windows, getting pine needles and leaves off the roof and out of the gutter and a raked lawn will make your home look well kept and will brighten and accentuate the foliage that you want to be noticed. A freshly painted front door and a new welcome mat are simple ways to make your home look inviting! Finally, remember to wash your driveway and edge it for that clean, professional look. If you are getting your home ready for sale, remember to have a plan of action and to ask your Realtor for other great tips on how to get your home prepared for buyers! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100


With St. Patty’s Day around the corner, I had an inquisitive little guy ask me today about how rainbows work - he seemed impressed by the answer, so maybe you will be too!

When it comes to optics in nature, you’d be hard pressed to find anything more fascinating than a rainbow. In fact, they only occur in the very specific instance when white light (i.e. the sun), which is a combination of all the wavelengths of light, is shining from behind you onto droplets of moisture in the air in front of you. When light hits the front surface of a moisture droplet it bends to varying degrees depending on the component wavelengths (red bends the least and violet bends the most). When the now separated white light hits the back surface of this same drop of moisture, these disparities then reflect towards our eyes as a rainbow. So next time you find yourself looking at a rainbow, don’t bother worrying about the pot of gold at the end – the true treasure is just enjoying the beauty of nature’s optical theatre. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240

down the mortgage or Q Pay contribute to RRSPs? A

High house prices can damage your retirement. It all starts with young couples buying homes with megamortgages. Realizing how incredibly much they owe, they start stressing – and using any extra cash to pay down their mortgage. Sounds sensible, right? And it is, except for one thing. Young couples would achieve a better financial balance by investing that extra cash for retirement than using it to pay down a mortgage that will gradually disappear all on its own. It is important to make contributing to your RRSP a priority when you’re young. The sooner you get money into a sheltered retirement plan, the longer it will grow on a tax-deferred basis. There are a few other factors to consider such as investment returns, mortgage rates, if you are behind in your RRSP contributions in past years and if your company offers you a pension plan. There is no one answer that fits every family but building both home equity and retirement savings are equally important.

250-762-3329 ex 5266

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Be a cultural ambassador

20.Multiple 22.Coin 23.Irish accent 25.Atmosphere 28.Brats, at times

36.Bulbs 38.Donated 39.Observed 42.Gang 43.Baking measure

Happy 60th Anniversary Ron & Lois (Clement) Taylor

BC Culture Days invites all BC artists and cultural workers to apply to be the next BC Culture Days AmbassaCopyright © 2015, Penny Press dor. Winners could receiveACROSS up to $2,500 to26.Smallest pup 47.Superman’s wards1.theShirt production type of 27.Guest letter their Culture Days event 5. Not barefoot 48.Cribs Each year, BC Culture 29.Lemon drinksWe are so proud to call you our parents, Days9. sends a delegate Female sib grandparents 49.Zoo cages and great grandparents. 31.Consider to the National ConANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 754 12.Did perfectly Heartfelt wishes and love from: gress on Culture to rep- 34.Pickling fluid Debbie (Taylor) Sadleir, Wendy (Taylor) Leschuk, Fred Leschuk, Rick Taylor, Barb Long, resent13.Calm artists and cultur- 35.Monarchs DOWN Sheri (Taylor) Barr, John Barr, 7 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren & Rupert - their dog. al workers from across 14.Play unit 37.Santa checks 1. Priest B.C. This ambassador next part 15. “____ Calm”for his twice * Shhh… 2.this Arctic andis a SURPRISE and we would appreciate acts as a spokesperson that nothing be said to Ron and Lois about this until we tell them. BC Culture Days and 16.Wreck Atlantic 38.“Pretty as a community mobilRon and”Lois’ are hosting an Open House at the Fish and Game Clubhouse for Woman starchildren 17.Securethe year 3. Shed style izer throughout friends and family to drop by and wish them all the best and to enjoy a few goodies. 40.Apple dessert 4. Bizarre 18.Dripped leading up to Culture Saturday, March 21, 2015 12 noon – 3pm Days,19.Animal Sept. 25 to skin 27. 41.Bat wood 5. Wall Fish and & Game Clubhouse Submissions with Main McGowan Road, Lake Country, BC 201520.Chirp CD Ambassadors 42.BLT spread 11, 888 in the21.All subject line, should 43.Harbor 6. Tow behind NO GIFTS PLEASE!! be sent to: culturedays@ 44.Final letter 23.Make holy 7. Exclude beL8. a k eCub Coun try 45.Across 24.“Moonlight fore April 13. Scout CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS Be sure to look online ____” USE AMERICAN SPELLING unit 46.Not new Proudly Serving at for mission requirements.


Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Call Teresa 250-979-7329


9. Occurrences 10.Trojan ____ 11.BPOE member 19.Brag 20.Spent 22.“____ the Roof” 24.Hamlet, e.g. 25.Poker payment 26.Slap 27.Charter 28.Musical group 30.Difficulty 32.Flightless bird

33.Electrified atoms 35.Braver 38.Hosiery color 39.Edmonton player 41.Pitfall 43.Sniffer 44.Jaw part 45.Farm worker 46.Thick stuff 47.____ up (confess) 49.Museum pieces

Copyright © 2015, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Old hat 6. Tailor’s concern 9. Ram’s counterpart 12.Pound fraction 13.Chop 14.Comrade 15.Saloon seat 16.Final letter 17.Tick off 18.Wanderer 19.Desert plant 21.Contented sounds 23.Fountain drink 26.That girl 29.Group of whales

30.Car 31.Transparent panel 33.Start a new paragraph 34.Intentional fire 35.Tropical constrictor 36.Have in sight 37.Prepared a golf ball 38.Small drum 40.Lodges 42.Foot component 46.Mass 48.Expel 49.Island greeting 50.Hooter

51.Length of life 52.Plastic ingredient 53.Small bill 54.____ your request 55.Tendency

DOWN 1. Luxurious 2. Vehicle 3. Highbrow 4. Ice-cream portion 5. Long fish 6. Peril 7. Managers, for short 8. Convene



Lake Country

April 12-18 is Volunteer Week

Health Planning Society

... supporting Community Wellness since 1982

Volunteers Matter! Without volunteers in the community many organizations would not exist...

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247

COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•ANNUAL COMMUNITY TURKEY EASTER BINGO - Thur., Mar. 26th at The Seniors’ Activity Centre - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Doors open 6pm, games 7pm. Concession open, Lord & Lady Game, Door Prizes, Raffle, 50/50 Draw. All are welcome (Sponsored by the Old Age Pensioners’ Org.) •ST. PATRICK’S TEA & BAKE SALE- Sat., Mar. 21 from 1-3pm at St. Edwards Church Hall, 11123 Okanagan Centre Road East. Also included will be live entertainment - Irish music & singing be Ceol na hEirann. Everyone Welcome. •LADIES AUXILIARY - ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 COMMUNITY BINGO - Mar. 21st at the Oyama Community Hall. Doors open 6pm, games start 7pm. Concession open & 50/50 draw, for info call 250-762-6208. •LADIES AUXILIARY - ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 CRIB TOURNAMENT - Oyama Community Hall, Sun., Mar. 29th. Doors open 9pm, games at 10am. $30 per team includes hot lunch etc. for info call 250-762-6208. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sunday every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-8782834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9.30-11.30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE PRIME TIME - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will be hosting Prime Time again every Monday from 1:00 until 3:15. Entertainment & refreshments are served & everyone welcome. Call 250-766-4220 or Joanne 250-766-0667 for info. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE NOTICE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will effectively have someone on site from 10:00 until 2:00 Mon - Fri., call or stop by if you have questions pertaining to Senior issues. Call 250-766-4220. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., is once again offering great meals on Tuesday at 12:00. •ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 Ladies Auxiliary Cribbage Tournament - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9am, games begin at 10am sharp. $30 Per team includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 Meat draw every Saturday at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. • BETTER AT HOME is a program funded by the Government of BC to help seniors live in their own homes by providing simple non-medical support services. Lake Country Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+ living in Lake Country. Please call 778-215-5247 if you would like more information. •THRIFT STORE NOW OPEN! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. WINTER HOURS: Saturdays 11- 2pm. •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., Mar.23, 30 Prime Entertainment, Winfield Senior Centre, Tues. Mar. 24, 31 Buffet Lunch, Thurs. Mar. 19, Local shopping, Fri., Mar. 27 Mystery trip. To reserve a seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website www. •LC FOOD BANK has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778215-5247.

All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Kelowna Shelter

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A.



I’m Alex! The great little girl you’re looking for! I would love sit on the sunny windowsill in your house and mand dolli@ soak up the sun while THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2015 you scratch my little head. I love toCBC interact KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E TSN CHBC CIVT and strut my stuff. # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 IfThe you’re that forever 2015 NCAA Operation UEFA View Bookaboo G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 2015 NCAA Operation Smile Bo On/Go Basketball Smile Europa PAW Patrol ” ” home”I’m looking 10 :30 Basketball MARCH THURSDAY, 19, 2015 The Marilyn Heartland Tournament Rachael Ray League Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Tournament: Rachael Rayfor, then please ask ” Denis Show ” 2015 NCAA ” Soccer Bucket-Dino News Minds 11 :30 Teams TBA Kelowna SPCA 2015 NCAA Noon News the CTV News CBC Newsto Basketball News Misplays Patrol The Chew Criminal TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO Noon CHAN SNP PAW KNOW KOMO A&E Vancouver Now Tournament: Hour Curling: Kate and ” Minds 12 :00 :30 Basketball Hour me. # $ meet% & _ ( ) * ` 1


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Sex: Female Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 362367

:00 Tournament: Days of our The Social Best Recipes TBA Lives ” Stefano :30 Teams 2015 NCAA Operation The View Bookaboo :00 SmileBride, ” Bo On/Go ” Rich Dr. Phil Steven and :00 :30 Basketball ” Poor Bride ” Chris :30 :00 Tournament: Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland ” The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic of Teams TBA ” Denis Show ” :00 :30 NCAA Vieira Show neres Show Doyle :30 2015 2015 NCAA Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 Rich The Dr. Oz Canada Hour Bride, Vancouver Now :00 :30 Basketball MARCH THURSDAY, 19, 2015 Poor Bride Show Reads 2015 :30 Tournament: Tournament: Days of our The Social Best Recipes :00 Teams TBA News CTV News CBC News :00 ” Stefano :30 Teams” TBA Lives ” ” TSN CHBC Vancouver CIVT Steven CBC :30 ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil and :00 ”” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News :00 Poor$ Bride ” Chris % & :30 2015# NCAA CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch :30 ” The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic of :00 Basketball 2015 NCAA Ent Operation The View Bookaboo :00 etalk Mysteries NCAA Vieira Show neres Show Doyle :30 2015 ” Bo On/Go Tournament: Smile ET Canada Big Bang Coronation :30 Basketball Rich Bride, Dr. Oz Canada :00 Basketball Tournament: Ray The The Marilyn Heartland Teams TBA Rachael NCIS: Los Grey’s The Nature :00 Tournament: Poor Bride Show :30 ” Denis Show Reads ” 2015 Anatomy of Things :30 Teams” TBA Angeles Teams TBA News CTV News CBC News :00 SportsCentre 2015 NCAA NoonBlacklist News The CTVRoyals News CBCZone News The Doc :00 ” Vancouver :30 Basketball Hour ”” Vancouver Now ”” ” ” :30 ” Global CTV News CBC Recipes News :00 SportsCentre Tournament: Days ofNat. our American The Social Best Elementary The National :00 2015 NCAA CHBC News Crime Vancouver Murdoch :30 ” Stefano ” TBA Lives ” ” :30 Teams Basketball Ent etalk Mysteries :00 SportsCentre ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Steven and CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News :00 Tournament: ET Canada Big Bang Coronation :30 ” Poor Bride ” ChrisMercer Final News--11:30 Rick :30 Teams TBA NCIS: Los Grey’s The Nature :00 SportsCentre ” TheCanada Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of ET Daily Show 22 Minutes :00 ”” Angeles Anatomy of Things Vieira Show neres Show Doyle :30 2015 NCAA The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation :30 The The Doc Zone :00 SportsCentre Basketball RichBlacklist Bride, The Royals Dr. Oz Canada ” ” Poor Bride Show ” Reads” 2015 :30 Tournament: American The Teams TBA Elementary News CTV News CBCNational News :00 SportsCentre ” Crime ” ” Vancouver :30 SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Global Nat. CTV News :00 ” Final Rick Mercer CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver Murdoch :30 2015 NCAA ET Minutes Basketball Ent Canada Daily etalk Show 22 Mysteries :00 SportsCentre ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Tournament: ET Canada Big Bang :30 Grey’s The Nature :00 Teams TBA NCIS: Los ” Angeles Anatomy of Things :30 :00 SportsCentre The Blacklist The Royals Doc Zone ” ” ” ” :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015 The National :00 SportsCentre Elementary American ” ” Crime ” :30 News News-Lisa News TSN CHBC CHBC CIVT CBC CBC :00 SportsCentre ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer :30 # $ % & :00 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation 2015 NCAA World Vision The View Bookaboo :30 :00 ” ” Bo On/Go :30 Basketball :00 Tournament: Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Teams TBA ” Denis Show ” :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015 :00 2015 NCAA Noon News CTV News CBC News Vancouver Now :30 Basketball Hour TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 Tournament: Days of our The Social Best Recipes Teams TBA Lives ” Stefano :30 # $ % & ” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Steven and :00 2015 NCAA World Vision The View Bookaboo :00 ” Poor Bride ” Chris :30 Basketball ” ” Bo On/Go :30 ” The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of :00 Tournament: Rachael Ray neres The Marilyn Heartland :00 NCAA Vieira Show Show Doyle :30 2015 ” Denis Show ” :30 Teams TBA The Dr. Oz Dragons’ :00 Basketball Young & 2015 MARCH NCAA Restless Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 Show Den FRIDAY, 20, 2015 :30 Tournament: Basketball Hour Vancouver Now :30 Teams TBA News CTV News CBC News :00 Days of The Social Best Recipes ” ” our Vancouver ” :00 :30 Tournament: TSN CHBC CIVT CBC Teams TBA Lives ” Stefano :30 ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News :00 ” Rich$ Bride, Dr. Phil Steven NCAA CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch :00 % &and :30 2015# ” Poor Bride ” Chris :30 Basketball Ent etalk Mysteries :00 2015 NCAA World Vision The View Bookaboo :00 Tournament: ET Canada Big Bang Coronation ” The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of :00 :30 Basketball ” ” Bo On/Go :30 NCAA Show neres :30 2015 Teams TBA Vieira Anonymous GrimmShow Doyle Marketplace :00 Tournament: Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland :00 ” ”& ” Oz Rick Mercer Basketball Young The Dr. Dragons’ :30 :00 TBA ” Denis Show ” :30 Teams Tournament: Restless Show Tank the Denfifth :30 SportsCentre ” Shark :00 2015 NCAA Noon News CTV News CBC News :00 ” estate Teams” TBA Hour News ” CTV News CBC News :30 :00 Basketball Vancouver Now :30 ” Vancouver ” ”” Blue Bloods The National :30 SportsCentre :00 Tournament: Days of our The Social Best Recipes :00 ” Nat. CTV News ” ” :30 Teams”” TBA Global CBC News :00 ” Stefano :30 2015 NCAA Lives CHBC News News News-Lisa Vancouver Murdoch CHBC CBC News :30 SportsCentre :00 ”” Rich Bride, Dr. Phil Steven and :00 Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer :30 Basketball Ent Bride etalk ” Mysteries :00 ” Poor Chris :30 SportsCentre Coronation ET Canada Big Bang Backstage :00 :30 Tournament: ”” The Meredith DeGe- Republic of :00 Doctors Ellen Seth Meyers Coronation :30 Teams TBA The Anonymous Grimm Marketplace :00 Vieira Show neres Show Doyle :30 2015 NCAA ” ” ” Rick Mercer :30 The Dr. Oz Dragons’ :00 Basketball Young & ” Shark :00 Tournament: Restless Show Tank the Denfifth :30 SportsCentre ” estate :30 Teams” TBA News ” CTV News CBC News :00 ” Blue Bloods The National ” Vancouver ” :00 :30 SportsCentre ” ” ” ” :30 ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News :00 CBC News 2015 NCAA CHBC News News-Lisa Vancouver Murdoch :00 :30 SportsCentre ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer :30 Basketball Ent etalk Mysteries :00 SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage Tournament: Coronation :00 :30 Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation :30 Teams” TBA The Anonymous Grimm Marketplace :00 ” ” ” Rick Mercer :30 ” Shark Tank the fifth :00 SportsCentre ” ” ” estate SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 :30 ” Blue Bloods The National :00 SportsCentre ” ” ” ” :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News # $ % & ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer :30 SportsCentre Canada Big Bang Backstage NCAA ET Fish’n SickKids FIS Alpine :00 2015 ” The Meyers Coronation RealDoctors Fishing Seth Foundation Skiing :30 Basketball Tournament Powerboat It Is Written FIS Alpine :00 Skiing :30 2015 NCAA Driving TV etalk News Hour SportsCentre Curling: :00 Basketball MARCH SATURDAY, 21, 2015 Tournament: PGA Tour ” The Elite :30 Ten, :00 Teams TBA Golf: Arnold Movie: ” Palmer 2” Quarterfinals TSN CHBC “Shrek CIVT CBC :30 Invitational, ” ” :00 SportsCentre # $ % & ” Third Round ” ” :30 2015 NCAA Fish’n SickKids FIS Alpine ” Moves Cash Cab The National :00 Real Fishing Steele Foundation Hockey Skiing ” Collectors :30 Basketball Top 10 Simpsons The Marilyn NHL Tournament Powerboat It Is Written FIS Alpine :00 SC MLS Soccer: Simpsons Denis Show Hockey: 2015 NCAA Driving TV etalk Skiing :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 Whitecaps Simpsons The Social Toronto :00 Basketball News Hour SportsCentre Curling: at Global Nat. etalk ” Maple Leafs Tournament: PGA Tour The Elite :30 FC City News Hour CTV News at Ottawa TSN CHBC CIVT CBC Teams TBA Golf: Arnold Movie: Ten, :00 Orlando SportsCentre ” Vancouver Senators ” Palmer “Shrek 2” Quarterfinals :30 # $ % & Fight 16x9 W5 ” NHL ” :00 SportsCentre Invitational, :00 UFC Night ” ” Hockey: 2015 NCAA Fish’n SickKids FIS Alpine :30 ” Third Round ” ” :00 :30 Real Fishing Big Foundation Skiing ”” Real Bang Philadelphia :30 Basketball :00 Moves Cash Cab The National :00 ” Inglorious Anger Flyers at Powerboat It Is Written Hockey FIS Alpine :30 ” Collectors Steele :00 :30 Tournament NCAA Driving TV etalk Skiing ” 10 NCIS Mike :30 2015 :00 SC Top Simpsons The Marilyn Edmonton NHL :00 ” ”Hour Cleveland Oilers News SportsCentre :30 MLS Soccer: Simpsons Denis Show Curling: Hockey: :00 :30 Basketball Tournament: Museum PGA Tour The Motive” PostElite Show :30 SportsCentre :00 Whitecaps Simpsons The Social Toronto :00 ” TBA Secrets News :30 Teams Golf: Arnold Movie:” Ten, Leafs :00 FC at Global Nat. etalk Maple :30 ” Palmer “Shrek 2” Quarterfinals News Final News Republic of :30 Orlando City News :00 Hour CTV News at Ottawa :00 ” Saturday News--11:30 Doyle ” :30 ” :00 SportsCentre Invitational, ” Vancouver Senators :30 SportsCentre ” Third Round ” Night Live Movie:” Cracked :30 SportsCentre :00 UFC Fight 16x9 W5 NHL ” :00 “Parker” :30 Night ”” Moves”” Cash Cab The National :00 ” Hockey: :30


Licenced REALTOR®

3785 Casorso Road


Teams TBA ” 2015 NCAA

Days of our Lives Operation

Basketball The Price Is Right Tournament News 2015 NCAA ” Basketball 2015 NCAA Tournament: Basketball Teams TBA Tournament: ” Teams TBA The Price Is Right ” 2015 NCAA News 2015 NCAA Basketball ” Basketball Tournament: 2015 NCAA Tournament Teams TBA Basketball 2015 NCAA ” Tournament: Basketball Post Game Teams TBA Tournament: News ” TBA Teams Judge Judy 2015 NCAA Judge”Judy Basketball The Price Is KIRO News Tournament: RightShow Late

SmileBride, Rich Poor Bride Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Noon News Rich Hour Bride, Poor Bride Days of our Early News Lives Global Nat. Rich Bride, News Hour Poor Bride ” The Meredith Operation Ent Vieira Show Smile ET Canada Rich Bride, Rachael Ray NCIS:Bride Los Poor ” Angeles Early News Noon News The Blacklist Global Hour ” Nat. News Hour Days of our Elementary Lives ”” Ent Bride, Rich News Hour ET Canada Poor Bride Final

Teams TBA News Letterman ”” Late Late

YTV 6 Open Sn 3 Movie: “How to Train Your


Dragon” Movie:

After 44 years working in the Okanagan Regional Library, Deborah McDougall retires from the Winfield Branch this summer. Her contriNEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING bution was celebrated 7 9 ; < A N P last week. “She was alCBC News Mayday The Office Love; Lust Divorce Sesame Today Now With ” Body Beast! Style by Jury Divorce cont’d waysStreet so knowledgeable Carole Cold Water Family Feud Long Island Judge Dinosaur New Day MacNeil Cowboys Family Feud Medium Judge and helpful,” Dinosaur wrote Northwest SharCBC News Fat N FuName Game Say Yes Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING ron Manuel Moraes Now With rious: Rolling Top Cooker Say Yes Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat News on 7 N P Andrew Gold9 Rush - Law; & Say< Yes KingA Super Why! Days of our LakeThomas Country’sLives FaceNichols The Dirt Order: SVU Say Yes King CBC News Mayday The Office Love; Lust Divorce Sesame Today Now With ” Body Beast! StyleYes by Jury The Divorce Street cont’d Power & Gold Rush Family Feud Say Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil book page. Politics ” Paid Prog. Say Yes The Middle Odd Squad ”

Grand Slam, Astroblast Round UEFA Robin Dragon G. Shrinks Europa PAW Patrol 1 Bucket-Dino ” Curious League Jelly Jamm Sportsnet Dive, Olly Soccer Bucket-Dino Central Jelly Jamm Misplays PAW Patrol Curling: Kate and Grand Slam, Magic Bus Grand Slam, Astroblast Round Robin Jack Round Robin Dragon 2 Wild Kratts 1 Bucket-Dino ”” Rescue Curious Hockey Park Sportsnet Dive, Olly UEFA G. Shrinks NHL Waterfront Central Jelly Jamm Europa PAW Hockey: Cities Patrol Curling: Kate and League Jelly Jamm Blue Jackets Lost Grand Slam, Magic Bus Soccer Bucket-Dino at Canucks KingCenAm Round Robin Jack Misplays PAWKing Patrol ” The of 2 Wild Curling: Kate Kratts and Sportsnet Hollywood: ” Rescue Grand Slam, Astroblast Sportsnet The King of Hockey Park Round CentralRobin Dragon Hollywood: NHL Poker Waterfront Waterfront 1 Bucket-Dino Party Hockey: Cities Curious ” Cities

General Hospital The View

Nightwatch ” CSI: Miami

“Kung Fu Panda” Open Sn 3

” The Doctors ” KOMO 4 Steve News Harvey The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO” 4 News Steve The View Wheel Harvey ” Jeopardy! KOMO 4 KOMO 4 Grey’s News News Anatomy News The Chew Scandal World News ” KOMO 4 General American News Hospital Crime Wheel The Doctors News Jeopardy! ” Jimmy

” Nightwatch ” Criminal Nightwatch Minds ” Criminal Nightwatch Minds ” Nightwatch The First 48 ” ” Nightwatch The First 48 ” ” Nightwatch CSI: Miami Nightwatch ” ”” Nightwatch Criminal The First 48 Minds”” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds”” The First 48 Nightwatch The First 48 ”” Nightwatch Nightwatch ””

Movie: “Kung Fu “How to Panda 2” Train Your ” Dragon” SpongeBob Movie: Rabbids “Kung Fu Odd Parents Panda” SpongeBob Movie: Sam Cat “Kung&Fu Assembly Panda 2” Open Sn 3 Nicky, Ricky ” Movie: Stanley Dyn. SpongeBob “How to Funny Home Rabbids Train Your Videos Odd Parents Dragon” Vampire SpongeBob Movie: Vampire Sam &Fu Cat “Kung Haunting Assembly Panda” Haunting Nicky, Ricky Movie: Gags Stanley Dyn. “Kung Fu Gags

NCIS: Los The Meredith ET Canada Angeles Vieira Show The Doctors The RichBlacklist Bride, ” Poor Bride

Post 2015 Game NCAA News Basketball Judge Judy Elementary Tournament: Early News Judge TeamsJudy TBA Global” Nat.

Blue Jackets Dive, Lost King Sportsnet Ollyof The at Canucks Jelly KingCenAm Central Jamm Hollywood: ” The Curling: KateKing and of Sportsnet Grand Slam, Hollywood: Magic Bus Sportsnet The King of Round Robin Jack Central Hollywood: 2 Wild Kratts

Grey’s Live Nightwatch The First First 48 48 Steve Kimmel The Anatomy Harvey ”” Nightline Scandal The First 48 KOMO 4 Nightwatch ”” News ” American The First First 48 48 News The Crime News World ”

Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made Fat N FuDaily rious: Planet Rolling ” Gold Rush Bitchin’ The Dirt Rides Gold Rush Fast N’ ” Loud: Demo. How/Made Mayday Amish Mafia How/Made ”” Daily Planet Cold Water Street” Cowboys Outlaws Bitchin’ Fat N FuBitchin’ Rides rious: Rolling Rides Fast N’ Gold Rush Fast N’ Loud: Demo. The Dirt Loud: Demo. CBC News AmishRush Mafia Power & Gold The National Amish Mafia ” ” Politics ” ” Funny Home The National Street Panda 2” ” How/Made Funny Home Amanda Street Videos” Outlaws How/Made Videos Lang ”” Outlaws Vampire National Bitchin’ SpongeBob The Amanda Daily Planet Vampire Rides ” Rabbids Lang ” Haunting CBC News News Fast N’ Odd Parents CBC Bitchin’ Haunting Loud: Demo. SpongeBob ” Rides

KIRO ”News Late 2015Show NCAA

News Hour Final ”

Party Poker ” ” Hockey

Waterfront Rescue Cities Park

News KOMO 4 Jimmy News

Gags Sam & Cat Gags Assembly

The King of Waterfront Hollywood: Cities

Kimmel First 48 Wheel Live The Nightwatch Nightline ” Jeopardy!




Letterman ET Basketball Ent Canada Sportsnet NHL Late Late The Doctors Central Tournament: ET Canada Hockey:


Nightwatch The First 48 ”




Funny Home Amanda Nicky, Ricky CBC News Videos Stanley Dyn. Lang ”

NCIS: Los Angeles

Grey’s Anatomy

The First 48 ”

Funny Home The National Street Videos ” Outlaws

The Blacklist ” ” Sportsnet

The King of Hollywood:

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

Vampire Vampire

The National Bitchin’ ” Rides

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Central

The King of Hollywood:

American Crime

The First 48 ”

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Party Poker ”

Waterfront Cities

Nightwatch ”

Gags Gags

Late 2015Late NCAA Basketball

The Doctors World Vision Central NHL Alumni ” ”

” Storage Storage

Videos Ice Age Movie:

SNP ) Sportsnet

KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * ` The King of Kimmel Live Hollywood: G. Shrinks PAW Patrol

Nightline The View ”

A&E 1 The First 48

Long Island To Be Medium Announced Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding To Be Love; Lustto Welcome Announced Style Myrtleby Jury Gypsy Long GypsyIsland Wedding Medium Wedding Gypsy Say Yes to Welcome Wedding Say Yes Myrtle Gypsy Say Yes Gypsy Wedding Say Yes Wedding Welcome Say Yes to Gypsy Myrtle Say Yes Wedding

Judge Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Fam Mod Divorce Seinfeld Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns King Jeffersons Payne King Break Mod Middle Fam The Movie: Seinfeld The Middle “Law

American Steve Cougar Idol Harvey Name Game ” The Meredith Vieira ”Show News Mike Mod Fam Anger

Gypsy To BeProg. Paid Wedding Announced Paid Prog. Welcome to Gypsy Myrtle Wedding

Family Guy Seinfeld Abiding Family Guy Mod Fam Citizen” Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang

Gypsy Gypsy Wedding

Jeffersons Browns Break Payne

New Day CONTRIBUTED Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 KING 5 News News Days of our KING Lives 5 News Dr. Phil Nightly” News News Ellen DeGeToday News Show neres cont’d Evening KING 5 New Day Dateline News Northwest NBC KING 5 5 KING The Blacklist News News ” Nightly Days ofNews our The Slap News Lives ” IN Close St. News Sesame Dr. Phil Pavarotti in KING News SciTech Evening Odd Squad Tonight ” Concert Being Poirot Dateline Call the Ellen DeGeSweet ReShow ” NBC Meyers Midwife neres Show venge-Turn Seth ” The Blacklist Call the KING 5 ” Midwife News ” Carreras, The Slap World News KING 5 Domingo, Business News ”

Gypsy Wedding

Movie: Browns “Law Payne

Pavarotti in PBS Concert NewsHour

KING News Nightly News Tonight News

Abiding Mod Fam Citizen” Seinfeld

Sweet ReIN Close venge-Turn SciTech

Show News Seth Meyers Evening

Being Poirot Dateline ” NBC


National YTV The NEWS ” 6 7 Funny Home Amanda


Street Paid Amish Mafia Cougar Big Bang Welcome Outlaws Name Game Paid Prog. ” Big Bang Myrtle

Teams TBA ”

CHAN ( ET Canada

Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey Name Game The Top Meredith Cooker Vieira Show Law & Mike Order: SVU Anger Family Feud Two Paid Men Prog. Mod Fam Steve TheBang Office Big Harvey Body Beast! Big Bang The Meredith Family Feud American Vieira FamilyShow Feud Idol Mike Name”Game Anger Top Cooker ” Two Men Law News& Mod Fam Order: SVU Mod Fam Big Bang Family Feud Raising Big Bang Paid IProg. How Met

The National Amish Fast N’Mafia Raising Two Men ” I Met Loud: ”Demo. How Mod Fam

Post Game News

KIRO _ Letterman

Blue Jackets Lost at Canucks KingCenAm

A&E 1

Carole ” MacNeil ” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” Amanda Carole The National Lang MacNeil ” CBC News CBCNational News The ” Now With ” The National Andrew CBC News ” Nichols ”

American Idol


Dinosaur Call the Dinosaur Midwife Peg Plus Cat Call the Peg Plus Cat Midwife Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Odd Squad NewsHour Call the Sesame IN Close Midwife Street SciTech Call the Dinosaur Being Poirot Midwife Dinosaur ” World News Peg Plus Cat ” Business Peg Plus Cat ” PBS Super Why! Carreras, NewsHour Thomas Domingo,



Gypsy Wedding

Family Guy Family Guy

Welcome to Myrtle

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Fast N’ News Loud: Demo. Mod Fam

Gypsy Wedding

Jeffersons Break

Carreras, Domingo,

The Slap ”

Amish Mafia Raising ” How I Met

Gypsy Wedding

Movie: “Law

Pavarotti in Concert

KING News Tonight

venge-Turn Sesame Street

Seth Meyers Today cont’d New Day Northwest

” ”

DISC 9 Street

KAYU ; Cougar

TLC < Paid Prog.

WTBS A Abiding

Lang CBC News Now With

Outlaws Mayday ”

Name Game Paid The Office WhatProg. Not to Paid Prog. Wear

Citizen” Divorce Divorce

” ”

KCTS N Sweet Re-

The Blacklist ”


Tournament Rachael Ray Misplays 2015 NCAA ” ICC Cricket

Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News

Storage Movie:

“Ice Age: The

Carole MacNeil

Overhaulin’ ”

Family Feud What Not to Family Feud Wear

Judge Judge

Dinosaur Dinosaur

Basketball Noon News Tournament: Hour

World Cup Curling:

PAW Patrol Kate and

“Deep Impact”

CBC News Now With

Bitchin’ Rides

Name Game Love; Lust Paid Prog. Love; Lust

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Teams TBA ”

Days of our Lives

Grand Slam, Astroblast Round Robin Dragon

Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Andrew Nichols

Fast N’ Law & Loud: Demo. Order: SVU

Love; Lust Love; Lust

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

The Price Is 2015 Right NCAA Basketball News Tournament ” 2015 NCAA 2015 NCAA Basketball Basketball Tournament: Tournament: Teams TBA ” ” The Price Is 2015 NCAA Right Basketball 2015 NCAA Tournament: News Basketball Teams” TBA Tournament ” 2015 2015 NCAA NCAA Basketball Post Game Basketball News Tournament: Tournament: TeamsJudy TBA Judge Teams TBA Judge”Judy ” 2015 NCAA KIRO News The Price Late ShowIs Basketball Right Tournament: Letterman News Late Late Teams ” TBA ” 2015 NCAA Post Game Basketball News Tournament: Judge TeamsJudy TBA Judge Judy ” KIRO News 2015 NCAA Late Show Basketball Letterman Tournament: Late Late Teams TBA ”

Rich Bride, World Vision Poor Bride ” The Meredith Rachael Ray Vieira Show ” Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days our GlobalofNat. Lives News Hour Rich Bride, ” Poor Bride Ent World Vision ET Canada The Meredith ” Vieira Show Anonymous Rachael Ray Young”” & Restless ” Noon News ” Early Hour News Global” Nat. Days of our ” News Lives Hour News ”Hour Rich Bride, Final Ent Poor Bride ET Canada The Meredith The Doctors Anonymous Vieira Show ” Young & ” Restless ” Early News Global” Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent ET Canada The Doctors Anonymous ”

4 NHL Alumni ” ” Sportsnet Misplays Central ICC Cricket Misplays World Cup Toronto Curling: NBA Grand Slam, Basketball: Round Robin Raptors at 4 Bulls ”” NHL Alumni WHL Sportsnet ” Central Hockey: Misplays Rockets at Misplays ICC Cricket Toronto Giants World Cup ” NBA Curling: Basketball: Sportsnet Grand Slam, Central Raptors at Round Robin Bulls Year Draft 4 Is CHL” ” WHL Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Hockey: Central Rockets at Misplays Giants Toronto ” NBA Sportsnet Basketball: Central Raptors at Draft Bulls Year Is CHL ” Sportsnet WHL Central Hockey: Rockets at

Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Waterfront Bucket-Dino Cities Curious Coast G. Shrinks ” Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm The Village Jelly Jamm ” Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus The InspecPAW Patrol tor Lynley Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Mysteries Astroblast Grand Tours Waterfront Dragon Cities the Finding Bucket-Dino Fallen Coast Curious ” The Village Dive, Olly ” The Village Jelly Jamm ” Kate and The InspecMagic Bus tor Lynley Jack Mysteries Wild Kratts Grand Tours Waterfront Finding Cities the Fallen Coast The Village ” ” The Village ”

A&E ” ” 1

Meltdown” Ice Age:

The Doctors The The View Storage ” Returned ” Storage Steve The KOMO 4 Storage Harvey Returned News Movie: KOMO 4 Criminal The Chew “Deep News Minds ” Impact” News Criminal General World News Minds” Hospital ” KOMO 4 Criminal The Doctors Minds The News ” Returned Wheel Bates Motel The View Storage Jeopardy! Steve The ” ” Storage Harvey Returned Last Man The KOMO 4 Storage Cristela Returned KOMO 4 Criminal News Movie: News Tank Criminal Minds Shark The Chew “Deep Minds News ”” Criminal Impact” World News Minds 20/20 Criminal General ” ” 4 Minds KOMO Criminal Hospital ” News Minds Motel News Bates The Doctors The ” Jimmy Wheel” Bates Motel Returned Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The ” Steve The Nightline Returned Last Man The Harvey Returned Cristela Returned KOMO 4 Criminal Shark Tank Criminal News Minds ” Minds News Criminal 20/20 World News Criminal Minds ” Minds KOMO 4 Criminal News Bates Minds Motel Jimmy ” Wheel Bates Motel Kimmel Live The ” Jeopardy! Nightline Returned Last Man The Cristela Returned

A&E 1

Movie: Ice “IceAge Age: Movie: Continental “Ice Age: Drift” The Nicky, Ricky Meltdown” Hathaways Ice Age: Stanley Dyn. Dawn of the The Zone Dinosaurs Bella and Movie: the Bulldogs “Ice Age: Thunder Ice Age Movie: Continental Movie: Drift” “Wreck-It “Ice Age: Ralph” Nicky, Ricky The Hathaways ” Meltdown” Chucks Stanley Ice Age:Dyn. The Zone Open Heart Dawn of the Open Heart Bella and Dinosaurs the Bulldogs Haunting Movie: Haunting Thunder “Ice Age: Movie: Wreck-It Continental Ralph “Wreck-It Drift” Ralph” Nicky, Ricky ” Hathaways Chucks Stanley Dyn. Open Heart The Zone Open Heart Bella and Haunting the Bulldogs Haunting Thunder Wreck-It Movie: Ralph “Wreck-It Ralph”


Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With CBC News Andrew ” Nichols The National Power” & Politics CBC News CBC News ” Now With ” The National Carole ” Amanda MacNeil LangNational The CBC News ” CBC With News Now ” CBC News Andrew ” The National Nichols ” The National Power” & CBC News Politics ” Amanda ” Lang The National ” ” Amanda The LangNational ” CBC News CBC News ” ” The National The National ” ” CBC News Amanda ” Lang The National ”

Amish Mafia Mayday ” ” Mighty Overhaulin’ Cruise Ships ” Daily Planet Bitchin’ ” Rides What Could Fast N’ Go Wrong? Loud: Demo. Airshow Amish” Mafia ” Mayday Mayday Mighty” ” Cruise Close Ships Overhaulin’ Close Daily Planet ” ” Airshow Bitchin’ ” What Rides Could Go Wrong? What Could Fast N’ Go Wrong? Airshow Loud: Demo. ” Mayday Amish” Mafia Mayday ” Close ” Mighty Close Close Ships Cruise Close Daily Planet Airshow ” ” What Could What Could Go Wrong? Go Wrong? Airshow Mayday ” ” Mayday Close ” Close Close Close

Love; Lust What Love; Not Lustto Wear Love; Lust What Not Love; Lustto Wear Love; Lust Love; Lust Lust Love; Love; Lust 19 Kids and Love; Lust Counting Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; by Lust Style Jury Love; Lust Say Yes What Not to Say Yes Love; Lust Wear Love; Love; Lust Lust What Not to Style by Jury Love; Lust Wear Love; Lust Say Yes Love; Lust Say Yesand 19 Kids Love; Lust Counting 19 Kids and Love; Lust Counting Love; Lust Love; Lust Style by Jury Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; Lust Say Yes Love; Lust Say Yes Paid Prog. Love; Lust Paid Love;Prog. Lust Love; Lust Style by Jury Love; Lust Say Yes Love; Lust Say Yes 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting Love; Lust Love; Lust Style by Jury Love; Lust Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Love; Lust Style by Jury

The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Browns The Middle Payne The Middle Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons King Gimme Browns King Payne Movie: The Middle “Match Mod Middle Fam The Seinfeld Point” Seinfeld ” Guy Family Mod Fam Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Gimme Browns Movie: Payne “Match Mod Fam Point” Seinfeld ” Family Guy Family Guy

Sesame St. Sesame Odd Squad Street Call the Dinosaur Midwife Dinosaur Call the Peg Plus Cat Midwife Peg Plus Cat World News Super Why! Business Thomas PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Odd Squad Washington Sesame Charlie Call the Rose Street Midwife Midsomer Dinosaur Murders Call the Dinosaur Midwife Midsomer Peg Plus Cat Murders World News Peg Plus Cat Business A Tribute to Super Why! Bruce PBS Thomas NewsHour Springsteen Sesame ” St. Washington Odd Squad Charlie ” Rose Call the ” Midsomer Midwife Murders Call the Midsomer Midwife Murders World News A Tribute to Business Bruce PBS Springsteen NewsHour ” Washington ” Rose Charlie ” Midsomer Murders

Dr. Phil Today” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News KING 5 Days News of our Lives Nightly News Dr. Phil News ” News Today Evening Ellen DeGecont’d neres GrimmShow New Day ”5 KING Northwest News Dateline KING 5 NBC KING 5 News News ” Days of our ” Nightly Lives News News KING News Dr. Phil Tonight News ” Evening Show Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers Grimm neres Show ” KING 5 Dateline News NBC KING 5 News ” ” Nightly News KING News News Tonight News Show Evening Seth Meyers Grimm ”

” ”

Giants ”

The Inspector Lynley

Shark Tank ”

Criminal Minds

” Chucks

The National Airshow ” ”

Say Yes Say Yes

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Midsomer Murders

Dateline NBC

Sportsnet Central



Post Game News Judge Judy Judge Judy





The Chew ”

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `







Family Feud The PaidOffice Prog. Paid Prog. Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Name Show Game Vieira Paid Prog. Mike Law & Anger Order: SVU Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Paid Prog. Big Bang The Office Big Bang Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Glee Family Feud ” The Meredith Family Feud Vieira ”Show Name Game ” Mike Paid Prog. Anger News Law & Mod Fam Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Raising Family Feud How I Met Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Cougar Steve Name Glee Game Harvey ” The Meredith Vieira ”Show ” Mike News Anger Mod Fam Two Men Raising Mod Fam How I Met Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Name Game Glee ”


” ”









Mysteries 20/20 Grand Tours ”

Criminal Minds

Open Heart Open Heart

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

19 Kids and Counting

Jeffersons Gimme

A Tribute to Bruce

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Draft Year Is CHL

Finding the Fallen

Bates Motel ”

Haunting Haunting

The National Mayday ” ”

Raising How I Met

Love; Lust Love; Lust

Movie: “Match

Springsteen ”

KING News Tonight

Letterman 2015 NCAA Late Late Basketball

ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n Matchday The RealDoctors Fishing Central English

The Wild Village Kratts ” Wild Kratts

Wreck-It Rabbids Ralph Bread

Amanda CBC News Lang News CBC

Close Close

Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. A Haunting NameProg. Game Paid Prog. Paid ”

Point” Just Like ” Heaven

” Wild Kratts ” Odd Squad

Show Gardening Seth Prog. Meyers Paid

Turtles Turtles

Now With Christine

Mayday ”

Kids News Old House

Movie: “Just

Sweet Revenge-

PGA Tour PGA Tour

Birak ”

Jacked! ”

Paid Prog. A Haunting Body Beast! ”

Married” ”

Turn Rick Steves

Golf: Arnold Palmer

” ”

What Could Go Wrong?

Raising Mike

Anchorman: Great PerThe Legend formances

Invitational, Third Round


” CHAN (


KNOW KOMO News * ` Jimmy

A&E 1

Kimmel Live Married The Born-Explore at Nightline Returned Sea Rescue First Sight

Tournament Powerboat 2015 NCAA Driving TV

Premier League

Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Martha Outback

Basketball News Hour Tournament: PGA Tour

Soccer Hockey

Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

The First 48 ”

Movie: “Wreck-It

Teams TBA ”

NHL Hockey:

Hope for Wildlife

World of X Games

The First 48 ”

Ralph” ”

2015 NCAA Moves Fish’n Matchday Tournament: ” Basketball Real Fishing Hockey English Teams TBA Collectors

Wild Kratts Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities

Born-Explore Married ” The Firstat48 Sea Rescue First Sight ” ”

” Simpsons Tournament Powerboat 2015 NCAA Simpsons Driving TV

Hockey Premier ” League

Basketball Simpsons News Hour Global Nat. Tournament: PGA Tour

” Soccer ” Hockey

Teams TBA ”” Post Game 2015 NCAA The 2015Insider NCAA Basketball Basketball EntertainTournament: ment ’Night Tournament Teams TBA 2015 NCAA Scandal ” ” Basketball 2015 NCAA Tournament: 48 Hours Basketball Teams” TBA Tournament: KIRO ”News Teams TBA Scandal 2015 NCAA ” Basketball ” Post Game Mommie Tournament: The Insider

NHL ” ” Hockey: Curling: at Canucks Grand Slam, Matchday Kings English Semifinal ” ” Premier Hockey League ” Hockey Sportsnet Soccer ” Hockey Sportsnet ” Central NHL ” Hockey: Sportsnet ” Central at Canucks ” Kings Sportsnet Curling: Central Grand” Slam,

Hope for Wildlife Wildlife National The Polar Geographic Wild Kratts Sea Wild Kratts Heartbeat Waterfront Mister”Maker Cities Martha Midsomer Grand Murders Dogs/Jobs Canyon Dogs/Jobs ” Lost Park Hope for KingCenAm Wildlife Waterfront Hope for Cities The Polar Wildlife Sea Midsomer National Murders Waterfront Geographic

Golf: Arnold Palmer

KIRO CHAN 2015 NCAA Invitational, _ ( Basketball Third Round



News Hour Golf: Arnold ” Palmer 16x9 Invitational, ” Fish’nRound Third Real Fishing Real Moves Inglorious Powerboat Collectors Driving TV NCIS Simpsons ”Hour News Simpsons PGA Tour Museum Simpsons Secrets Golf: Arnold Global Nat. Palmer News Final News Hour Saturday Invitational, ” Third Round Night Live 16x9 ” Moves”

” ”


SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Canucks at The Polar ESPN Sports The First 48 ) ` 1 Kings Sea* Saturday ”



What Could Go Wrong?





A Haunting ”

A Haunting ”




YTV Turtles 6 Turtles

NEWS DISC The National Airshow 7 9 Issue ”

KAYU Mod Fam ; Trout TV

TLC A Haunting < ”

WTBS of Ron A Burgundy

KCTS ” N Carreras,

Rabbids Turtles Bread Turtles

CBC News Close The National How/Made CBC News Close Mansbridge How/Made

Paid Prog. Bones Paid Prog. ”

A Haunting ”

Just First Like Family Heaven Box Office

Wild Kratts Domingo, Odd Squad Pavarotti in

Gardening Tree Fu Tom Paid Prog. LazyTown

Grand 48 Mister Maker Cougar Wildlife Docs The First ” Canyon Cougar ” Martha Outback

Turtles Turtles

Holy Money Now With ” Christine

How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

Bones Kids News ” Old House

My 600-Lb. A Haunting Life ”

Community Movie: Community “Just

Concert Sweet Sweet Revenge-

Biz Kid$ PGA Tour Kids PGA News Tour

Lost Dogs/Jobs KingCenAm Dogs/Jobs

Turtles Movie: Chucks “Wreck-It

the fifth Birak estate”

Gold Rush Jacked! ”

Mike Prog. MyHaunting 600-Lb. Paid A Mike Beast! Life ” Body

The Middle Married” The Middle ”

RevengeTurn Turn Steves Rick

KINGArnold 5 Golf: News Palmer

Cook’d Ralph” Max ” Stanley Dyn. Turtles Assembly Rabbids Turtles Bread Fantastic Turtles Four: Rise of Turtles Turtles the Silver Turtles Surfer Movie: Turtles “Wreck-It Haunting Turtles Open Heart Ralph” Chucks Open ”Heart Cook’d Haunting Turtles Max Turtles Fantastic Stanley Dyn. Four Turtles Assembly

The National ” Marketplace ” The National The Passionate CBC News Issue CBC News Eye National The ” Now With Mansbridge Christine The National Holy Money Mansbridge Birak ” The ” the fifth Passionate estate” Eye ” The National ” The National Marketplace Issue The National The Mansbridge The National Passionate

Street What Could Outlaws Go Wrong? Bitchin’ Airshow Rides ” Close Close Fat N’ How/Made Furious Mayday How/Made ” Street How/Made Outlaws Jacked! How/Made ” Bitchin’ Gold Rush Rides What Could ” Go Wrong? Gold Rush Street ” Airshow Outlaws ” Moonshiners Bitchin’ ” How/Made Rides

Two Men Raising Big MikeBang Two Men Mod Fam Big Bang Paid Prog. Trout TV Paid Prog. Backstrom Bones ”” Kids News Old House Sleepy Bones Hollow Paid Prog. ” Body News Beast! Mike Wanted Raising Mike Mike Animation Two Men Domination Mod Fam Big Bang Trout Glee TV Two Men ” Bones Big Bang

Movie: Anchorman: “Mr. Deeds” The Legend of Ron” ” Just Like Burgundy Heaven Family Guy First Family Family Guy Movie: Box Office “Just Seinfeld Community Seinfeld Married” Community King ” The Middle King Anchorman: The Middle The Legend Movie: Movie: “The Ring” of Ron “Mr. Deeds” Burgundy ” ”” First Family ”

Weekend Great PerIN Close formances Motown ” 25 (My Music Wild Kratts Carreras, Odd Squad Presents) Domingo, Sweet” Pavarotti in RevengeRock Rewind Concert 1965-1967 Turn Sweet Rick Steves (My Music) RevengeThe Big Great PerTurn formances Band Years Weekend (My Music) ” IN Close Carreras, ” Motown 25 Rick Steves Domingo, (My Music

Nightly News Invitational, KING News Third Round Traveler ” Backroads Gardening ” Paid Prog. Movie: Tree Fu Tom “Fast Five” PGA Tour LazyTown PGA Tour ” Biz Kid$ ” Golf: Arnold Kids News Palmer ” KING 5 ” Invitational, News Third Round KING News Nightly News Saturday ” KING News ” Night Live Traveler ” Tom Tree Fu Backroads

NewsProg. Intervention Paid The First 48 WorldProg. News Paid ”

KNOW KOMO KOMO World of4 X News Games * ` Wheel

ESPN Sports Jeopardy! Born-Explore Saturday Sea Rescue Secrets ” and Lies Wildlife ” Docs Outback In an Instant Cougar ” Paid Prog. Cougar Paid Prog. ” News World ”News of X World Games News KOMO 4 Castle Sports ESPN News Saturday ” Wheel Burn Notice ” Jeopardy!

A&E 1

Intervention The First 48 ”” Married The Firstat48 First Sight Married ” at First Sight ” The First 48 ”” ” Intervention The First 48 ”” The First 48 ” Intervention Intervention ” The First 48 ” ” at Married Intervention First First Sight48 The ” ” Married ” at The First First Sight48






My 600-Lb. A Haunting Life ” MyHaunting 600-Lb. A Life A Haunting ” ” MyHaunting 600-Lb. A Life A Haunting ” ” My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. My Life A Haunting Life ” My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Life A Haunting Life ” My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Life A Haunting Life Peter ”Popoff My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. A Haunting Life



KING ” P ”


4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2 :00 :30 # $ % & 8 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 11 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 1 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 6 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 10 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 12 :30 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 8 :30 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 10 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 11 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :30 12 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 8 :00 :30 2 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3 # $ % & :00 10 :30 4 :00 :00 :00 10 11 :30 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 1 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 Basketball Simpsons Tournament Joel Osteen

Phoenix” Canada’s

Basketball ” Tournament: 2015 NCAA Teams TBA Basketball ” Tournament: SportsCentre Teams” TBA ” ” 2015 NCAA SportsCentre ” Basketball ” 2015 NCAA Tournament SportsCentre Basketball 2015 NCAA ” Tournament: Basketball SportsCentre Teams TBA Tournament: ” ” SportsCentre Teams TBA 2015 NCAA ” Basketball Tournament: SportsCentre Teams” TBA

News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour CHBC News Golf: Arnold Simpsons Palmer Burgers Invitational, Madam Final Round Secretary TV-Torrens Block The Good TV-Torrens Lorna Dueck Wife Simpsons Joel Osteen Battle Creek Simpsons Paid Prog. ” Simpsons Hour News CHBCFinal News PGA Tour Block Global Nat. Paid Prog. Golf: Arnold CHBC News Paid Prog. Palmer Simpsons Burgers Invitational, Final Round Madam

SportsCentre CTV News ” Vancouver W5 MasterChef ” Canada Movie: Once Upon “Harry a Time Potter and The Social Secrets and the Order of Celebrity Lies the Canada’s Motive Phoenix” Worst ”Driver etalk SportsCentre News The Social ” News--11:30 CTV News Castle W5 Vancouver ” MasterChef Canada Movie: “Harry Once Upon

” ” SportsCentre ” 2015 NCAA Basketball SportsCentre

Secretary TV-Torrens TV-Torrens The Good Wife Simpsons Simpsons Battle Creek

a Timeand Potter the Order of Secrets and Lies the Phoenix” Motive

Mr. D Ten, Finals

Pets.TV Simpsons Tournament Joel Osteen Simpsons Paid Prog. Global Nat. ” Basketball News Hour Cats” ” CBS News NewsTour Hour Tournament: PGA ” KIRO News ” Land & Sea Teams TBA Golf: Arnold Heartland Simpsons Mansbridge 60 Minutes ” Palmer ” ” Burgers Our 2015 NCAA Invitational, Agatha Madam Madam Vancouver Basketball Final Round Christie’s Secretary Secretary Q Tournament: TV-Torrens Curling: 2015 NCAA Block Marple The Good Good ” Teams TBA The TV-Torrens The Elite Basketball Lorna Dueck ” Wife Wife Backstage Post Game Simpsons Ten, Finals Tournament Joel Osteen The National Battle Creek Battle Creek Mr. D Pets.TV Simpsons 2015 NCAA Paid Prog. ” ” ” Movie: KIRO News Simpsons ” Basketball CBC News KIRO News News Final “African GlobalHour Nat. ” Tournament: the fifth KIRO News PGA BlockTour Cats” CBS News News Hour estate Land & Teams TBA Paid Golf: Prog. Arnold ” Sea Face/Nation KIRO News ” Canadian Paid Prog. Mansbridge Paid Prog. ” Palmer Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons ” Burgers Our ” 2015 NCAA Invitational, Vancouver Basketball Final Round Agatha Madam Madam Christie’s Secretary Secretary Q Tournament: TV-Torrens Teams TBA The TV-Torrens Marple” The Good Good

Simpsons etalk Movie:” News 2015 NCAA Paid Prog. Worst Driver March 2015 NCAA :00 Calendar Wednesday, 18,KIRO 2015 rLake 11Country :30 Tournament: Teams TBA CHBC News The Social “African KIRO News



Curling: Baseball: Grand Rays atSlam, Blue Final Jays ” Misplays ” NBA Sportsnet Basketball: Central Knicks at English Raptors Premier ” MLB League Sportsnet Preseason Soccer Central Baseball: Sportsnet Curling: Rays at Blue Central Grand Slam, Jays Sportsnet Final Misplays Central ” Sportsnet NBA ” Central Basketball: Sportsnet Centralat Knicks Raptors English


” 2015 NCAA SportsCentre ” Basketball Tournament:

Premier ” Sportsnet League ” Wife Soccer Backstage Post Game Wife Simpsons Central Mr. D Pets.TV Simpsons Curling: The National Battle Creek Battle Creek Sportsnet ” ” Central Simpsons etalk ” Movie:” KIRO ”News Simpsons Grand Slam, CHBC News The Social “African KIRO News Global Nat. Final News Final News CBC News KIRO News News Final Sportsnet Block the fifth KIRO News Block Central Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV News Cats” CBS News News Hour ” CHBC News Castle Vancouver KIRO News Paid Prog. ” ” Paid Prog. estate” Face/Nation Sportsnet Paid Prog. ” Canadian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Central Simpsons MasterChef Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons Sportsnet Burgers Canada ” ” Burgers Central

Teams TBA ”

Madam Secretary

” Tournament: Teams TBA SportsCentre

” Intervention Intervention: ” I Was There Intervention Intervention ” ” Intervention Neighbors” Bnft. Intervention Neighbors” Bnft. Intervention The ” Intervention: IReturned Was There Intervention Intervention ” ” Intervention: Intervention NeighborsI Was There Bnft. ” Intervention NeighborsIntervention ” Bnft. ” NeighborsBnft. Intervention ” Neighbors-

a Chance of Assembly Meatballs Stanley Dyn. ” Hathaways Movie: Thunder “Bee Movie” Cook’d ” Assembly ” Movie: Chucks “Flushed Vampire Away” Henry”Heart Open Max Heart Open Cloudy With Assembly Haunting a Chance of Stanley Dyn. Haunting Meatballs Hathaways Haunting ” Thunder Haunting Movie: Movie: Cook’d “Bee Movie” “Bee Movie” Assembly ” Movie:” “Flushed Chucks

estate Now With Cocaine Christine Wars Birak The National ” ” ” World ”Most Wanted ” Cocaine Marketplace Wars Doc Zone CBCNational News The ” CBC News ” the fifth Now With World Most estate Christine Wanted Cocaine Birak Cocaine Wars Wars ” The National The National ” ” World Most Wanted ” Marketplace Cocaine

Gold Bering Sea Bering Gold Sea Gold Bering Sea Bering Sea Gold Gold Bering Sea Bering Gold Sea Gold Bering Sea MythBusters Gold ” Bering Sea Bering To Be Sea Gold Gold Announced Bering Sea Bering To Be Sea Gold Gold Announced Bering Sea Bering To Be Sea Gold Gold Announced Bering Sea To Be Sea Bering Gold Announced Gold Bering Sea Gold Sea Bering Gold MythBusters

Livin’ Dream Paid Prog. Name Game Body Beast! Simpsons NASCAR Two Men Racing: Big Bang Sprint Cup Simpsons Series: Auto Burgers Club 400 Family” Guy ” ” Top Cooker Last Man” Paid Prog. Earth Focus T25 Paid News Livin’Prog. Dream BodyIBeast! How Met Name Game NASCAR Cougar Simpsons Racing: Paid Prog. Two Men How I Met Sprint Cup Big Bang Raising Series: Auto Simpsons Burgers Club 400 Family” Guy

Hope ”for Wildlife ”

a Time” ” and Secrets Lies Cougar Jeopardy! Revenge

Bnft. Intervention ” Intervention: IIntervention Was There ” Intervention

Vampire Away”

WarsZone Doc

Bering” Sea Gold To Be Announced Bering Sea Gold To Be


A&E 1



” Open ”Heart The National ItalianJob Open ” Wild CloudyHeart With the fifth Kingdom a Chance of World estate Most Single Haunting Handed ” Haunting Wanted Britain From News ” Intervention: Meatballs Cocaine Above World News I Was There ” Wars National News NeighborsHaunting Cocaine Geographic Bnft. Wars Architects of Castle KOMO 4 Intervention Haunting Movie: The National Change News ” ” “Bee Movie” The National ” Poirot NeighborsMovie: ” “Bee Movie” Skeletons of Burn FunnyNotice Home Bnft. Neighbors” World ”Most the Sahara Videos Bnft. ” Wanted

Movie: Movie: & “Angels “Prince of Demons” Persia: ” The Sands of ” Time” ” The Closer Big Bang Movie: ” Big Bang “TheCloser Lovely The Big Bang Bones” ” Big Bang Cont’d Movie: Mod Fam Movie: “The Ring Mod Fam “Angels & Two” Movie: ” of Demons” “Prince There ”Yet? Persia: The Sands” of Time” ”

Deepak Weekend Chopra-God SciTech ” The Big of Echoes Band Years Creation (My Music) The Big ” Band Years Sid Masterpiece (My Science Music) Odd Squad Mystery! ” McLaughlin Masterpiece Mr. IN Close Mystery! Selfridge: A Deepak Rock Rewind Celebration Chopra-God 1965-1967 Weekend (My Music) ” SciTech Transatlantic Echoes of The Big Band Years Creation The Big (My Music)

Golf: Arnold Nightly Palmer News KING News Invitational, The FinalVoice Round ” ” ” ” Poppy Cat NHL Hockey Dateline Noodle NBC ” Traveler ” Backroads PGA Tour ” KING 5 Golf: KING News NewsArnold Palmer The 206 Nightly News Bensinger Invitational, KING News Paid Final Prog. Round The Voice ” ””

” Last ManEarth Focus T25 Livin’ Dream News

Medium My 600-Lb. Life Do You Who ” My 600-Lb. Life Medium

TheBang Closer Big Big Bang ” The Closer Big Bang Big Bang ”

” Band Years (My Music) Masterpiece Mystery! ” Mr. Masterpiece

Poppy” Cat Noodle Dateline NBC Traveler Backroads ”

Announced Bering Sea Gold To Be

How NameI Met Game Simpsons Cougar

Medium Medium My 600-Lb.

Movie: Mod Fam Mod Fam “The Ring

Announced Bering Sea Gold To Be Announced Bering Sea Gold

Paid Prog. Two Men Big Bang How I Met Raising Simpsons Burgers

Life Medium Medium Paid Prog. Paid Who Prog. Do You ”

Two” Movie: “Prince ” of There Persia:Yet? The Sands of

Mystery! Selfridge: A Celebration Rock Rewind 1965-1967 Weekend SciTech (My Music) Transatlantic The Big Band Years

KING ”5 News News KING The 206News Nightly KING News Bensinger Paid Prog. The Voice ”

Medium Medium

Time” The Closer

(My Music) ”






Marple ”

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

League Soccer

” ItalianJob

Intervention: Open Heart I Was There Open Heart

The National To Be ” Announced

Last ManEarth

Who Do You ” ” The Closer

Masterpiece Dateline Mystery! NBC

Motive ” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Denis Show Castle ” CTV News Vancouver

The National ” Bookaboo Bo On/Go CBC News the fifth Heartland estate” Canadian CBC News Now

Battle Creek ” The Price Is Right KIRO News KIRO News Young & Restless Face/Nation Paid KIROProg. News ”

Battle Creek ” Operation Smile News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog. Paid NoonProg. News Hour

Sportsnet Central MLB Preseason Sportsnet Central Baseball: Yankees at Sportsnet Central Nationals ”

Single Handed G. Shrinks PAW Patrol National Geographic Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Poirot ” PAW Patrol Kate and

” The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Burn Notice The Chew ”

Intervention ” CSI: Miami ” NeighborsBnft. Criminal Minds NeighborsBnft. Criminal Minds

Haunting Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Haunting Haunting Monster Rated A for Movie: “Bee NerdsMovie” Squirrel

World Most Wanted CBC News Now With Cocaine Wars Carole MacNeil The National ” CBC News Now With

News HowOffice I Met The Paid Prog. Cougar Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud How I Met Raising Name Game Paid Prog.

Medium Medium What Not to Wear My 600-Lb. Life Medium Medium Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes

Movie: Divorce Divorce “The Ring Two” Judge Judge” There Yet? Hot Bench Hot Bench

Masterpiece Mystery! Sesame StreetRewind Rock 1965-1967 Dinosaur Dinosaur (My Music) Transatlantic Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat

Today” cont’d News KING The New206 Day Northwest Bensinger Paid Prog. KING 5 News

Premier League

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Our Vancouver

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

MLB Top 100 Plays

Astroblast Dragon

General Hospital

Criminal Minds

Almost Wayside

Diana Swain Ice Cold ” Gold

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

That’s Hcky That’s Hcky

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

The Meredith Vieira Show Operation Smile Young & Restless Rachael Ray News ” Interruption Hockey Noon ”News Lunch Hour Nat. SportsCentre Global ” CHBC Premier Days ofNews our League LivesNight Two Points The

Ellen DeGeneres Show The View ” Oz The Dr. Show The Marilyn DenisNews Show CTV Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News

Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Bo On/Go Dragons’ Den Heartland ” CBC News

Vancouver The Social etalk ”

” CBC News Now News CBC Murdoch Our Vancouver Mysteries

Motoring That’s Hcky That’s Hcky Hcky That’s

Big Bang Dr. Phil ” Gotham

Coronation Steven and Chris Murdoch

Shift The Talk ” Big Brother



KIRO _ Bold

CHAN ( The Meredith

SNP ) Sportsnet

KNOW KOMO * ` Dive, Olly Steve

A&E 1 The

Chucks Kid vs. Kat

YTV 6 Sidekick

Power & Politics

ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy Judge Young Judy & Restless KIRO News

Vieira Show Operation Smile Young & Restless Rachael Ray ” Early News

Central MLB Preseason NHL Hockey: Baseball: Yankees Kings at at

Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Kate and Magic Bus Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Jack

Harvey The View KOMO” 4 News KOMO 4 News News

Returned CSI: Miami Bates ”Motel ” Criminal Minds Motel Bates

Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Kung Fu Monster Rated A for Odd Parents


Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News ” our Days of LivesNight The

Devils Nationals ””

Wild PAWKratts Patrol Kate and of Architects Change Astroblast Dragon Hope for

World News The Chew KOMO” 4 News General Hospital Wheel

” Criminal Minds Motel Bates ” Criminal Minds The

SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Sam & Cat Assembly Almost Wayside Assembly

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

KIRO ”News CBS News The Talk Ent ”

World Poker Bucket-Dino The Doctors The Tour Curious ” Returned

Sportsnet MLB Top 100 Plays Sportsnet

NEWS 7 ”

MythBusters Family Guy ” ”


Secrets and Lies

A&E 1

Cocaine Wars

My 600-Lb. Medium Life Medium My 600-Lb. Who Life Do You ” My 600-Lb. Medium Life Medium My 600-Lb. Say Who Do You Life Yes Say Yes ” My 600-Lb. My Medium Life600-Lb. Life Medium Medium My 600-Lb. Medium Life Medium Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Medium Paid Life Prog. Who Do You ” My 600-Lb. Life Medium

Battle Creek ” Operation Smile News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog. Paid NoonProg. News Hour

and KNOW Secrets KOMO Lies * ` Revenge

Chucks Vampire

Backroads ”

SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Motoring Lumberjacks SportsCentre ” Hockey Lunch



Mr. McLaughlin

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife

Once Upon a Time

Big Bang Bones”

Madam Secretary

Hockey Lunch SportsCentre ” Around Hockey Motoring Lumberjacks Off Record


Life My 600-Lb.

Medium Mod Fam Selfridge: 5 A13 Life Cont’d IN Close A KING PGA Tour Medium Mod Fam Celebration News

Agatha Christie’s


English Premier

Jeopardy! Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News Cougar KOMO 4 Cougar News Paid Prog. Funny Home Paid Prog. Videos In an Instant Once ”Upon a Time ” Rescue Secrets ” and Paid Prog. Lies Cougar Paid Prog. Revenge Jeopardy! Paid Prog. ” News Cougar News World News Cougar Castle KOMO 4 ” Paid NewsProg. Burn Notice Paid Prog. Funny Home Videos In an Instant Once ”Upon

Once Upon a Time


Madam Secretary

Kingdom Little Prince Britain From Annedroids Above Animals Architects of Animals Change Waterfront Skeletons of Cities the Sahara Rescue Poirot Park ” Hope for Wild Kratts ” Wildlife Little Prince ItalianJob Wild Little Prince Single Kingdom Annedroids Handed Britain From Animals National Above Animals Geographic Architects of Poirot Waterfront Change Cities ” Skeletons of the Sahara Rescue Park Poirot


To Be Announced Mayday To Be” Announced Buying Al. Buying To Be Al. Announced Mighty Planes

KCTS N Call the

KING P Ellen DeGe-

” CBC News Now With Amanda Lang Carole MacNeil CBC News

How/Made Mayday ” Daily Planet ” Al. Buying Buying Al. How/Made How/Made Mighty Planes To Be Announced Ice Cold Gold Airshow

Style What by NotJury to Wear Addiction Addiction Medium Medium My 600-Lb. Life Say Yes Say600-Lb. Yes My

Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge Judge Browns

” CBC News NowNational With The Diana ”Swain ” CBC News

Harvey The Office PaidMeredith Prog. The Vieira FamilyShow Feud Family Mike Feud Anger Name Game Paid Men Prog. Two

Midwife Sesame Street Call the Midwife Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Peg Plus Cat Peg PBS Plus Cat

neres TodayShow cont’d 5 KING News New Day Northwest KING 5 News KING 5 News Nightly News

Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU Big Bang

Life Say Yes

NewsHour Super Why! Thomas Old House

News Days of our Lives News

The Following

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

The Voice ”

To Be Announced

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Antiques Roadshow

News The Office Mod Fam Paid Prog. Raising Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Cougar Name Game Name Game Paid Prog.

My 600-Lb. What Not to Life Wear Addiction Medium Addiction Medium Peter Popoff Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

Jeffersons Divorce Break Divorce Movie: Judge “Win a Date Judge With Tad Hot Bench Hamilton!” Hot Bench

Independent Sesame Lens Street Midsomer Dinosaur Murders Dinosaur ” Peg Plus Cat ” Peg Plus Cat

The Night Today Shift cont’d KING News New Day Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News

Diana Swain Airshow ” ”

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Chucks Kid vs. Kat

Power & Politics

How/Made How/Made

Family Feud Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

The Middle The Middle

Sesame St. Odd Squad

Dr. Phil ”

Married at CSI: Sight Miami First ” Married at Criminal First Sight Minds ” Criminal ” Minds Married at After the First Sight First 48 Surviving The First 48 Marriage ” NeighborsMarried at Bnft. First Sight Married at CSI: Miami Married at First Sight First Sight ” Married at ” Criminal First Sight Minds” Surviving Married at Criminal Marriage First Sight Minds NeighborsSurviving After Bnft. the Marriage First 48

Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Monster Chucks Rated A for Odd Parents Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel Sam & Cat Almost Assembly Wayside Max Chucks Hathaways Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Nerds Open Heart Wayside SpongeBob Nine Lives Chucks Kid vs. Kat ” Odd Parents Monster Vampire SpongeBob Rated A for Gags Sam & Cat Chucks Gags Assembly Squirrel Funny Home Max Almost Videos Hathaways Wayside

” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The National CBC News Amanda ” Lang With Now CBC News CBC News Carole ” ” MacNeil The National The National CBC News ” ” Now With Amanda CBC News Diana Lang Swain ”

How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made To Be To Be Announced Announced To Be Airshow Announced ” Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made Buying Al. How/Made Buying Al. How/Made To Be Mayday Daily Planet Announced ” Cold Water To Be How/Made Cowboys Announced How/Made Buying Al. To Be Al. Buying Announced To Be Cold Water Airshow Announced Cowboys ”

Steve The Office Harvey Paid Prog. The Meredith FamilyShow Feud Vieira Family Feud Mike Name Game Anger Paid Prog. Two Men Law Mod & Fam Order: SVU Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid Prog. Hell’s Steve Kitchen Harvey New Girl Office The Meredith Mindy Vieira Show Paid Prog. News Mike Family Feud Mod Fam Anger Feud Family Raising Two Men Name Game How I Met Mod Fam Paid Prog. Cougar Big Bang Law & Name Game Big Bang Order: SVU

19 Kids What Not to 19 Kids Wear 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Say Yes 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Say Yes 7 Little Say Yes Johnstons Say Yes 19 Kids and 19 Kids Counting 19 Kids 7 Little What Not to 19 Kids Johnstons 19 Kids Wear 19 Kids and 19 Kids Medium Countingand Counting Medium 19 Kids 19 Kids Say Yesand 19 Kids Counting Say Yes Paid Prog. 7 Little Say Yes Paid Prog. Johnstons Say Yes

Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Jeffersons Browns Judge Break Payne Judge Movie: Browns Hot Bench “The Score” Payne Hot Bench ” Mod Fam King ” Seinfeld King

Call the Sesame Midwife Street Call the Dinosaur Midwife Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Nick Stellino Sesame St. Food Odd Squad El Greco Call the James Midwife Baker-Man Sesame Call the Who Made Midwife Street Frontline World ”News Dinosaur Business Dinosaur The Big PBS Peg Cat BandPlus Years NewsHour Peg Plus Cat (My Music) Nick Stellino Super Why! ” Food Thomas

Ellen DeGeTodayShow neres cont’d KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Undateable Today KING 5 Big Happy News cont’d Chicago Fire KINGDay New ”5 News Northwest KING News Nightly KING 5News Tonight News Show News of our Days Seth Meyers Evening Lives

Fresh-Boat The Doctors Fresh-Boat ” Agents of Steve KOMO S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey

NeighborsThe First 48 Bnft. ” Married at A&E First Sight First Sight

Buying Al. How/Made Buying Al. How/Made To Be How/Made DISC Announced How/Made

Hell’s Feud Family Kitchen Paid Prog. New Girl Steve KAYU Mindy Harvey

El Greco St. Sesame James Odd Squad Baker-Man Call the KCTS Who Made Midwife

Married Married at at First First Sight Sight CSI: Miami Surviving ”” Marriage ” Criminal NeighborsMinds Married at Bnft. First Sight Criminal Minds Surviving Marriage The First 48 ” NeighborsBnft.First 48 The ” at Married

First Sight Storage Storage Married at Storage First Sight Storage Surviving Storage Marriage Storage NeighborsStorage Bnft. Storage

19 Kids Say Yesand Counting Say Yes 7 Little 19 Kids TLC Johnstons 19 Kids Cold Water News 19 Kids Kids 9 ; <and Daily Planet The Meredith 19 Cowboys Mod Fam Counting ” Vieira Show 19 Kids Mayday The Office What Not to Buying Al. Raising 19 Kids To Be” MikeProg. 19 Kids and Paid Wear Buying Al. How 19 Kids Announced AngerI Met Counting To Be Family Feud Medium To Cougar Paid Prog. Announced Family Feud Medium To Be Be Two Men 19 Kids and Announced Name Game Paid Prog. Announced Mod Fam Counting To Be Name Game Say Yes Squirrel Now With Announced Paid Prog. Say Yes Max CBC News Cold Water Big Bang 7 Little Hathaways Diana ”Swain Cold Cowboys Big Bang Johnstons Almost Water Law & Say Yes Wayside ” Cowboys Order: Yes and Funny Home The National Buying Al. Hell’s SVU Say 19 Kids Videos Buying Al. KitchenFeud Say Counting Chucks Power”& Alaska: The Family Yes Kid vs. Kat Politics Last Frontier Paid Prog. Say Yes Open Heart The National To Be New Girl 7 Little Nine Lives Announced Steve Mindy Johnstons Sidekick ”” How/Made Strange Chucks ” How/Made Strange ” CBC News Cold Water Harvey News 19 Kids and SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet The Strange Vampire ” Cowboys ModMeredith Fam Counting Penguins Lang ” Vieira Show Strange Gags The National Buying Al. Raising 19 Kids Odd Fat N FuMike My 600-Lb. GagsParents CBC News ” Buying Al. How I Met 19 Kids SpongeBob ” rious: Rolling Anger Life Funny Home Amanda To Be Cougar Paid Prog. Sam & Cat The National To Be Two Men My 600-Lb. Videos Lang Announced Name Game Paid Prog. Assembly ” Announced Mod Fam Life

Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Amer. Dad Seinfeld WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam

Forever KOMO 4 News ” The View News News ” Jimmy World News KOMO 4 Kimmel News KOMO 4Live Nightline News The Chew Kate and The Polar Wheel” Sea Jeopardy! Astroblast General Dragon Hospital AttenborFresh-Boat ough Fresh-Boat Bucket-Dino The Doctors Curious ” of Disfarmer: A Agents Portrait S.H.I.E.L.D. Dive, Olly Steve Jelly Jamm Picture Start Harvey Forever Kate and KOMO” 4 ” Magic Bus News The Polar News Jack News Sea Jimmy Wild Kratts World News Disfarmer: A Kimmel Live at The Polar KOMO 4 Portrait Nightline Sea News

Funny Home Power The National Chucks & Videos ” Kid vs. Kat Politics Open Heart The National Sidekick ” YTV NEWS Nine Lives Nerds ”” ” CBC News 6 7 SpongeBob Amanda Vampire Chucks Lang ” Wayside CBC News Gags The Oddvs. Parents CBCNational News Kid Kat Now With Gags ”” SpongeBob Monster Carole Funny Amanda Rated for MacNeil Sam &AHome Cat The National Videos Lang Assembly ” Nerds CBC News

Big Bang Break Big Bang Movie: Browns “The Score” Payne ” Browns ” Payne

Call the ” Midwife The Big World News Band Years Business (My Music) PBS ” NewsHour

Broke Girl Mike

Big Brother Canada

NHL Classics

The Returned

Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made

Scorpion ”

Remedy ”

Draft Year Between the Stars Hockey Unl. Folds ”

Bates Motel ”

Vampire Vampire

The National To Be ” Announced

SportsCentre MLB ” Preseason SportsCentre Baseball: ” Phillies at SportsCentre Braves ” ”

NCIS: Los World Vision Angeles ” CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Noon News The Doctors Hour

Castle The View ” ” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver

The National Bookaboo ” Bo On/Go CBC News Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes CBC News Coronation Now

NCIS: Los The Price Is Angeles Right KIRO News Young & Late Show Restless Letterman KIRO News Corden ”

NCIS: Los World Vision Angeles ” News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Noon News The Doctors Hour

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central Sportsnet Hockey Central Central Sportsnet NHL Alumni Central ”

Castle The View ” ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”

Bates Motel CSI: Miami ” ” The Criminal Returned Minds The Criminal Returned Minds

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags Monster Gags Rated A for Funny Home Chucks Videos Squirrel

CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With

Premier League

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”

Days of our Lives

World Poker Astroblast Tour Dragon

General Hospital

After the First 48

Almost Wayside

That’s Hcky That’s Hcky

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

ICC Cricket World Cup

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”

SportsCentre MLB ” Preseason Hockey Baseball: NBA Phillies at Basketball: Braves at Raptors ” Pistons Premier ” League SportsCentre That’s”Hcky That’s Hcky That’s Hcky SportsCentre Madness ” SportsCentre MLB Hockey ” NBA Preseason SportsCentre Basketball: Baseball: ” Raptorsat at Phillies SportsCentre Pistons Braves ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Premier ” ” League

The Meredith World Vision Vieira Show ” Young & Rachael Restless Ray ” News Noon ”News Hour Global Nat. Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” NCIS The Meredith ” Vieira Show NCIS: New World YoungVision & Orleans Restless ” Chicago Fire News ” Ray Rachael ” News Hour GlobalNews Nat. Noon Final CHBC News Hour ET Canada Ent Days of our The Doctors ET Canada Lives

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” The Flash Ellen DeGe” neres Show Agents of The View Dr. Oz S.H.I.E.L.D. Show ” Person of CTV News The Marilyn Interest Vancouver Denis Show News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show etalk The Social Seth Meyers Big Bang ”

Figure Bookaboo Skating Bo On/Go Dragons’ Heartland Den ” CBC News CBC News ” Now CBC News Best Recipes Coronation Stefano Figure Steven and Skating Chris Rick Mercer Figure 22 Minutes Skating Creek Bookaboo Dragons’ Mr. D DenOn/Go Bo The National CBC News Heartland ” ” CBC News CBC Mercer News Rick Coronation Now 22 Minutes Figure Best Recipes Coronation Skating Stefano

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News News KIRO ” KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’sInsider Make a The Deal NCIS Bold ” ThisMinute NCIS: New The Price Is Judge Judy Orleans Judge Judy Right Person of KIRO News Young & Interest KIRO News Restless KIRO News KIROShow News Late CBS News ” Letterman Ent Talk The Corden The Insider ”

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central NHL Hockey Hockey: Central Kings at NHL Alumni Rangers ” ” World Poker Hockey Tour NHL ICC Cricket Hockey: World Cup Jets at Sportsnet Canucks Central ” Sportsnet NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Central Sportsnet Kings at Hockey Central Rangers Central Sportsnet ” NHL Alumni Central Hockey ” Sportsnet NHL Poker World Central Hockey: Tour

Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate and Jelly MagicJamm Bus Bucket-Dino Jack PAWKratts Patrol Wild Kate and Hope for Astroblast Wildlife Dragon The Polar Bucket-Dino Sea Curious AttenborDive, ough Olly Jelly Jamm Disfarmer: A G. Shrinks Kate and Portrait MagicPatrol Bus PAW Picture Start Jack Jamm Jelly ” Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino The Polar Hope Patrol for PAW Sea Wildlife Kate and Disfarmer: A The Polar Astroblast Portrait Sea Dragon

Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Fresh-Boat Steve Fresh-Boat Harvey Agents of The View KOMO 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. News ” Forever News ” 4 KOMO World News News News KOMO 4 The Chew Jimmy News ” Kimmel Live Wheel General Nightline Jeopardy! Hospital

AttenborBucket-Dino ough Curious Disfarmer: Dive, Olly A KNOW Portrait Jelly Jamm Picture Start * Kate and Magic”Bus G. Shrinks The Polar Jack Patrol PAW Sea Wild Kratts Jelly Jamm Disfarmer: Bucket-Dino Hope for A Portrait Wildlife PAW Patrol

NCISTalk ThePhil Flash That’s Hcky The Dr. Madness That’s Hcky ” ” New Agents of SportsCentre NCIS: The Meredith Ellen DeGeOrleans S.H.I.E.L.D. ”” Vieira Show neres Show SportsCentre Chicago Hockey Young & Fire Person The Dr. of Oz ” Interest NBA ” Restless Show SportsCentre Operation The View SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa Basketball: News CTV News ” Smile ” ” at Final ” News--11:30 Raptors Vancouver Off Record Rachael Ray The Marilyn SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Golf Talk ” Nat. Denis Show Pistons Global CTV News The Doctors Seth Meyers ”” CHBC News CTV Vancouver Hockey Noon News News



Jeopardy! The Doctors Returned The ” Returned Dancing The With the Returned Steve The Harvey Returned StarsView BatesMiami Motel The CSI: KOMO”” 4 Bates ””Motel News ” Castle Bates Motel KOMO 4 Criminal News ” Bates ”Motel News Minds World News The ” News The Chew Criminal Jimmy Returned KOMO” 4 Bates Minds Motel News Live The ” Kimmel General Criminal Wheel The Nightline Returned Hospital Minds Jeopardy! Returned The Doctors The Dancing The ” Returned With the Returned Steve The Stars Bates Motel Harvey Returned ” ” KOMO 4 Bates Motel Castle Bates Motel News ” ” ” News Bates Motel News The World News ” Jimmy Returned KOMO 4 Bates Motel Kimmel Live The News ” Nightline Returned Wheel The Jeopardy! Returned


Britain From Dancing Above With the





Finding the G. Shrinks Fallen PAW Patrol Hope for Jelly Jamm Wildlife Bucket-Dino Between the PAW Patrol Folds Kate and



A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1

Max Chucks Power” & Kid vs. Home Kat Politics Funny The National Videos Sidekick ” Chucks ” Vampire The National Wayside CBC News Vampire ” SpongeBob Amanda Kid vs. Kat Now With Kung Fu Lang News Haunting CBC Monster Carole Haunting ” Odd Parents CBC News Rated A for MacNeil SpongeBob The National ” Gags Nerds CBC News Gags ” Sam & Cat The Squirrel NowNational With Assembly ” Funny AlmostHome Amanda Diana Swain Assembly CBC News Videos Lang Wayside ” Max ” Chucks Power & Funny The National Kid vs. Home Kat Politics Videos ” Sidekick ” Vampire The National Chucks ” Vampire ” SpongeBob Amanda Haunting CBC News Kung Fu Lang Haunting ” Odd Parents CBC News Gags The National SpongeBob ” Gags ” Sam & Cat The National Funny Home Amanda Assembly ” Videos Lang Assembly CBC News Max ”









” How/Made How/Made How/Made

DISC 9 How/Made

How/Made To Be Mayday Announced Daily Planet ” ” Airshow Buying Al. ” Al. How/Made Buying How/Made How/Made Mighty How/Made To Be Planes Announced How/Made Ice Cold Airshow How/Made Gold ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made To Be How/Made Announced Daily Planet Airshow ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made To Be How/Made Announced How/Made Airshow ”


Airshow Mayday ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made To Be How/Made Announced




KAYU ” ” ;







Seinfeld The Middle The Middle Family Guy

WTBS A Family Guy Seinfeld




Antiques Sesame St. Odd Squad Antiques

KCTS N Roadshow Call the




Evening Dr. Phil


KING ” ” P



Lunch SportsCentre ” Premier League That’s Hcky Madness That’s Hcky That’s Hcky SportsCentre

Hour Ent ET Canada Days of our Lives NCIS ” The Talk NCIS:”New

Vancouver etalk Big Bang The Social ” The Flash ” Dr. Phil ” of Agents

NCISMake a The NCISTalk Jets Cricket at Let’s ICC Canucks Deal ” ” World Cup NCIS: New NCIS: New ” Bold The Meredith Sportsnet KIRO CHAN SNP Orleans Orleans Sportsnet ThisMinute Vieira Show Central The National Person of Chicago _ ( Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & Fire Sportsnet NHL) Interest ” Central Den ” Judge Judy Restless Hockey: Bookaboo The Price Is Operation MLB CBC News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet CBC News KIRO News Smile Early News Preseason Kings at Bo On/Go Right Rick Mercer Late ” KIROShow News Final Global Nat. Central Rangers Heartland Young & Rachael Ray Baseball: 22 Minutes Letterman Canada Sportsnet ” Restless ”Hour Mets at CBC News KIRO News ET News ” Coronation Corden The Doctors Central Coronation CBS News ” Hockey CBC News KIRO News Noon News Yankees Now ” Hour ” Figure Ent Ent NHL Skating The Talk Insider Days ET Canada Hockey: Best Recipes The of our World Poker Stefano Lives Tour Rick Mercer NCIS ” NCIS Jets at 22 Minutes ” ” Canucks Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk NHL Chris Deal Creek NCIS: New NCIS:” New Classics ”

” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre NBA ” Basketball: SportsCentre Bulls at ” Raptors SportsCentre ”” TBA

Orleans The Meredith Vieira Show Chicago Fire Young” & Restless News Hour News Final ” ET Canada Global Nat. The Doctors CHBC News

S.H.I.E.L.D. Ellen DeGeneres Show Person of The Dr. Oz Interest Show News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show CTV Seth News Meyers Vancouver

Mr. D Figure Skating The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes CBC News Coronation Coronation

Orleans Bold ThisMinute Person of Judge Judy Interest Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News Late Show KIRO News Letterman KIRO News Corden CBS News

Orleans The Meredith Vieira Show Chicago Fire Young” & Restless News Hour Early Final News Global Nat. ET Canada News Hour The Doctors ”

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Misplays Central Hockey Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey: Sportsnet Avalanche Central Oilers

SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Figure Skating

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada


Rescue Park

Storage Storage

Bella Henry

CBC News ”

Strange Strange

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Oregon Field News Guide Evening

That’s Hcky Off Record


Dragons’ Den

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

Hockey: Stars at

Making Mao The Middle ” Goldbergs

Storage Storage

Gags Gags

The National Amish Mafia American ” ” Idol

My 600-Lb. Life

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

The Mysteries of Laura

Criminal Minds

Big Brother Canada

Flames Sportsnet

Genius Within: The

Mod Fam blackish

Storage Storage

Vampire Vampire

The National Fat N Fu” rious: Rolling

Chicago PD ”

Sportsnet Central

Inner Life of Nashville Glenn Gould ”

Storage Storage

Haunting Haunting

CBC News ”

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Sportsnet Central

Park Rescue

Storage Storage

Gags Gags

The National To Be ” Announced

Letterman Corden

ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Central

Making Mao Kimmel Live Storage ” Nightline Storage

Gags Gags

Amanda Lang

Survivor ”

Rick Mercer Steven and 22 Minutes Chris Creek Figure Mr. D Skating

Dr. Phil ”

Midwife Antiques Sesame Roadshow Call the Street Midwife Independent Dinosaur Lens World News Dinosaur Business Midsomer Peg Plus Cat Murders PBS Plus Cat Peg NewsHour Super”Why! Old House ” Thomas Antiques Sesame St. Antiques Odd Squad Roadshow Call the Antiques Midwife Roadshow Call the Independent Midwife Lens World News Midsomer Business Murders PBS ” NewsHour ” Old House Antiques

Chasing Shadows


Payne Hot Bench Hot Bench Browns Payne King King Fam Mod

Sesame St. Odd Squad

Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Jeffersons Judge Break Browns Judge Payne Movie: Hot Bench “Win a Date Browns Hot Bench Payne With King Tad Mod Fam Hamilton!” King Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang Break Browns Movie: Payne “Win a Date Browns With Tad Payne Hamilton!” Mod Fam Seinfeld

Murdoch Mysteries

The Meredith World Show Vision Vieira ” Young & Rachael Restless Ray ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” NCIS The Meredith ” Vieira Show NCIS: New World YoungVision & Orleans Restless ” Chicago Fire Early News Rachael ” Ray Global” Nat. News Hour News News Hour Noon Final Hour ” ET Canada Ent of our Days The Doctors ET Canada Lives

The Middle The Middle

” The Voice ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Today KING cont’d”5 News The NewNight Day Shift KING 5 Northwest News News KING KING 5 TonightNews Nightly News News Show Days of our NewsMeyers Seth Lives Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” KING 5 The Night News Shift KING 5 KING News News Tonight Nightly News Show News Seth Meyers News Evening

Forever ”


Family Feud Say Yes to Paid Prog. the Dress

SayBe Yes To Big Bang Family Feud Announced Say Yes to Paid Prog. the 600-Lb. Dress The My Following Life Lust Steve Love; Harvey Style Jury ” To Beby The Office What Not to ” Announced The Addiction PaidMeredith Prog. Wear Vieira Show Addiction News 600-Lb. Family Feud My Medium Mod Mike Fam My 600-Lb. Family Feud Life Medium Anger Life Raising Addiction Name Game Say Yes How IProg. Met Addiction Two My Paid Men Say600-Lb. Yes Mod Fam Life Popoff Cougar Peter Law & Say Yes Big Bang To Be Name Game Paid Prog. Order: SVU Say Yes Big Bang Announced Family Feud Say Yes to The My Paid Prog. the 600-Lb. Dress Following Life Steve Love; Lust ” To Be Harvey Style by Jury ” Announced The Meredith Addiction News My 600-Lb. Vieira Show Addiction Mod Fam Life Mike My 600-Lb. Raising Addiction Anger Life How I Met Addiction Two Men My 600-Lb. Cougar Peter Popoff Mod Fam Life Name Game Paid Prog. Big Bang To Be Big Bang Announced

Gotham ”



WTBS A Seinfeld

SportsCentre Remedy ” ”



TLC < Love; Lust

That’s Hcky Big Brother SportsCentre Canada



KAYU ; Steve

Central World Poker Wildlife Bucket-Dino Tour CuriousFrom NHL Britain Classics AboveOlly Sportsnet Dive, Central Jelly Jamm Draft Year Between the MLB G. Shrinks Hockey Unl. Folds NHL Kate and Preseason PAW Patrol Hockey: Magic Bus Sportsnet Finding the Baseball: Jelly Jamm Central Kings at at Fallen Jack Yankees Bucket-Dino Devils Wild Kratts Sportsnet Hope for Nationals PAW Patrol Central Wildlife ”” Architects Kate and of Sportsnet Change the Sportsnet Between MLB Top Astroblast Sportsnet Hope for Central Folds 100 Plays Dragon Central Wildlife World Poker Bucket-Dino NHL Britain Tour CuriousFrom Classics Above Sportsnet Dive, Olly Draft Year Between the Central Jelly Jamm Hockey Unl. Folds NHL Kate and Sportsnet Finding the Hockey: Magic Bus Central Fallen Kings at Jack Sportsnet Hope for Devils Wild Kratts Central Wildlife ” Architects of Sportsnet Between the Sportsnet Change Central Folds Sportsnet Hope for Central Wildlife



DISC 9 How/Made How/Made How/Made

The Let’sInsider Make a Shift The Talk Deal Girl ” Broke Big Brother SportsCentre Canada ” Mysteriesof Bold Mike Canada Hockey The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic The Meredith Lunch Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show SportsCentre Forever Chasing Scorpion Remedy SportsCentre Remedy Operation The View Bookaboo The Price Is Operation ”” ”” Oz Shadows Around Young” & The Dr. Dragons’ Judge”Judy Smile Young” & Smile Bo On/Go Right Hockey Restless Show Den National NCIS: Judge Judy NCIS: Restless SportsCentre NCIS: Los Los Motoring Rachael Ray Castle The Marilyn The Heartland Young Los & Rachael Ray ” Angeles ”Show CBC News ”” Angeles Off Record News ” CTV News KIRO News Angeles Early News Lumberjacks Denis Restless ” Interruption ” Vancouver ” KIRO News GlobalHour Nat. SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hockey Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” Final Rick Late SportsCentre Global CTV News CBC News KIROShow News Lunch Hour Nat. News--11:30 Vancouver Now Mercer ”News Final Hour Hour ” CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News ” SportsCentre ET Canada Show 22 Letterman ET Canada Premier Days of our Daily The Social OurMinutes The Talk Days of our Two Points Night etalk Mysteries Ent Night ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Corden The League Lives ” Vancouver ” LivesDoctors Motoring Shift Big Bang Coronation The Insider Shift That’s Hcky The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk That’s Hcky Gotham Murdoch Broke Big Brother That’s Hcky Big Brother ” ” Chris Deal Girl ” SportsCentre Canada ” Mysteries Mike Canada Hockey The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold The Meredith SportsCentre Remedy Forever Chasing Scorpion Remedy Lunch Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show ” ” ” Shadows ” ” Around Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & SportsCentre NCIS: Los Castle The National NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Hockey Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless ” Angeles ” ” Angeles Angeles Off Record News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Early News SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour Interruption ” Vancouver ” KIRO News Global Nat. ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show Final SportsCentre Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada ” CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News ” ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Corden The Doctors Two Points The Night etalk Mysteries Ent The Night Motoring Shift Big Bang Coronation The Insider Shift



” ”

SportsCentre Big Brother ” Canada

Criminal Minds

X Company ”

SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”

CSI: Cyber ”

The National CSI: Cyber ” ”

SportsCentre News Hour ” Final

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Rick Mercer

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation


Wheel Jeopardy!

News Jimmy


To Be Announced

To Be Announced

Big Bang Big Bang

” ”

ThePhil Voice Dr. ” Undateable Ellen DeGeKING Big Happy neres Show Jeffersons Frontline Chicago A N P Big Bang Call the KING 5 Fire Break ” Big Bang Midwife News ” Divorce Sesame Today Movie: The Big KING Browns World News cont’d KING News 5 Divorce Street “The Score” Band Years Tonight Payne Business News Judge Dinosaur New Day ” (My Show News Judge Dinosaur Browns PBSMusic) Northwest Nightly ” ” Seth Meyers Payne NewsHour News Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Hot Peg Cat News ModBench Fam NickPlus Stellino News Seinfeld Food Why! Days Evening King Super of our King Lives Family Guy Thomas El Greco The Voice Family Guy Sesame James St. Dr. Phil” The Middle The Middle Odd Squad ” Amer. Dad Baker-Man Undateable Amer. Dad Call Whothe Made Ellen Big Happy Seinfeld DeGeMod Fam Midwife neres Show Jeffersons Frontline Chicago Fire KING 5” News KING News KING 5 Tonight News Show Nightly News Seth Meyers News

Strange Strange

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


Law & Order: SVU

News Mod Fam

My 600-Lb. Life

Jeffersons Break

” ”

Chicago PD ”

Raising How I Met

Strange Strange

Movie: “The Time

Amish Mafia Cougar Peter Popoff Machine” ” Name Game Paid Prog. ”


KING News Tonight

A Girl’s Life ”

Show Seth Meyers

Wednesday,March March18, 18,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,

A14 A14

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

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US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Send applications to More information online at: /our-programs/scholarship. DO YOU have a Disability? Physical or mental. We can help you get up to $40,000 back from the Canadian Government. For details online: or call us today Toll-Free 1-888875-4787.

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Ok Tire and Automotive, Terrace BC is seeking a licensed auto mechanic partner for an OK tire franchise. E-mail: HIP OR knee Replacement? Problems Walking or Getting Dressed? The Disability Tax Credit $1,500 Yearly Tax Credit. $15,000 Lump Sum Refund (on avg). For assistance Call: 1-844-453-5372.


Cards of Thanks

With True Thankfulness I want to let my precious Family Church community, Caring friends and Lake Country residents know how much I appreciate their loving strength & support through the last several months. Compassionate loving words of encouragement have supported me through the loss of my husband Brian. My husbands passion for soccer, along with his dedicated friends in Lake Country & Kelowna found fulfillment in building a unique, well designed club house and beautiful soccer fields. Along with endless volunteer hours L.C. Residents and the outlying areas are enjoying this wonderful park. I am grateful to be able to use Beasley Park and enjoy the many community events. I hope our municipality realizes the value and resources Beasley Park provides and makes soccer affordable for all family members. The pride in our community is shown in the efforts of so many people who volunteer themselves to a sport they love. We never know the value of what others have given in time and talents until we get involved ourselves. Long may it continue to benefit our community. -M. Dolman




HOWEY, JACK MELVIN JAMES Born in Unity, Sask. April 19th, 1930, Jack passed away peacefully with his family at his side at Lakeview Lodge in Kelowna, B.C. on March 11th at 8:12 a.m. Left to cherish his memory are his loving companion Barbara Hunter, daughter Debbie, and son Jack (Nadia), grandchildren Becky (Marcello), Jonathon (Janice), Nicholas, and great granddaughter Clara (Jonathon and Janice). He is survived by his sister Ruby Howey an numerous nieces and nephews throughout Alta. and Sask. and a lifetime of friends he gathered around the world throughout the years. Predeceased by his loving wife Patricia (Huxley), his brother Oliver, sisters Violet (Mascarin), Winnifred (Morgan), and his son-in-law Bruce Page. A celebration of Jack’s life will be held at Springfield Funeral Home (2020 Springfield Rd. Kelowna) on March 21st at 1:00 p.m., followed by refreshments at the Pointe Clubhouse (4074 Gellatly Road Westbank) at 3:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Cancer Society. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.


To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace.




rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,March March18, 18,2015 2015

Services A15 A15

Merchandise for Sale

Financial Services

Misc. for Sale

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online


SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS. “Spring sales with hot savings!” All steel building models and sizes are now on sale. Get your building deal while it’s hot. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422

“Alexa’s Team” was formed in memory of 4 ½ year old Alexa Renée Middelaer, who lost her life after being run down by a vehicle driven by an impaired driver.”

Misc. Wanted BUYING USED JEWELRY. Call 250-864-3521. Thank you I’m searching for old fifty cent pieces! 250-864-3521 I want to buy the coins from your safety deposit box or safe! Todd - 250-864-3521

Moving & Storage DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282

Painting & Decorating

Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 250-863-3082 Local PURCHASING scrap gold & old Canadian & American coin collections. 250-548-3670


(1) 250-899-3163

Real Estate

3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour

Business for Sale

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Merchandise for Sale

Firearms Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6

COIN-OP BUSINESS FOR SALE. Pool tables, juke boxes, digital music systems, & various games. All coin operated All on Locations Revenue producing Okanagan & Area. Serious Inquires only Asking $55,000.00

Cst. Eric Beaulieu Cst. Theodor Lange Cst. Trevor Skappak Cst. Cory Schneider Cst. Troy Laplante Cst. Sheldon Herman Cst. Scott Appleby Cst. Sean Orb Cst. Bradley Smith Cst. Andrew Campbell Cst. Michael Nelson Cst. Peter Mann Cst. Amit Goyal Cst. Kathy Prentice Cst. Trent Wessner Cst. Doug Pennington Cst. Al Conkin Cst. Colin Brandt

Cst. Darren King Cst. Bart Doerr Cst. Kieran Bastians Cst. Mike Dibblee Cst. Dan St. Amand Cst. Cara Volz Cst. Chad Doucette Cst. Michael Nelson Cst. Tyler Mills Cst. Jason Tait Cst. Bryden Hennessey Cst. Micha Yakonowsky Cst. Maggie Banich Cst. Andrea Fitzpatrick Cst. Matt Greenough Cst. David Gauthier Cst. Martin Giguere Cst. David Gale

Alexa portrait courtesy Craig Minielly / Aura Photographics


EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! ROOFING


Roosters Barber Shop

Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days)

Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays

Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s




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Josef Kalis

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Josef Kalis 250.766.1234 Serving the Okanagan since 1988

TRAVEL EXPERTISE & EXPERIENCES Costa Rica Family Adventure June 27, 2015

Office/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707


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Cst. Gary McLaughlin Cst. Chris Neid Cst. Bob Charron Cst. Chad Lucash Cst. Beth Paetz Cst. Matt Innes Cst. Jeffrey Burnett Cst. Gabriel HuardLapointe Cst. Martin McKenna Cst. Sherrill Shmur Cst. Eric Ernzer Cst. Mike Leiding Cst. Don Carefoot R/Cst. Garry Moritz Cst. Ryan Fletcher

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Landscape Design Landscape Installation Garden Maintenance

KHS KHS K Landscape ’ H ti Design lt l S Build i

Please contact us via our website or call 1.844.767.1311

Only $15

and the creative department will design it for free! CONTACT Teresa Huscroft-Brown 250-979-7329 or

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL


Scrutineers Applications to act as a scrutineer for the referendum can be completed online and submitted to the Chief/Deputy Chief Election Officer from March 30, 2015 to 4:30 p.m. April 9, 2015. Applications can be emailed to or dropped off at the Municipal Hall.

OKANAGAN RAIL CORRIDOR REFERENDUM District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road | Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0116 | The Question (open to all eligible electors in Lake Country) “Are you in favour of the District of Lake Country adopting Loan Authorization Bylaw (Okanagan Rail Corridor) 906, 2014 to authorize the borrowing of up to Two Million Six Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($2,615,000) to fund the purchase of a 50% share of 16 kilometres of the Okanagan Rail Corridor within District boundaries?”

The Background In September 2013 CN Rail began the process of discontinuing the Okanagan rail line that runs from Mile 88 in Coldstream to Kelowna. After the Federal and Provincial levels of government declined the purchase it was offered to Municipal levels. The City of Kelowna, on behalf of the Inter-jurisdictional Acquisition Team (“IAT”) composed of Kelowna, Coldstream, Vernon, Lake Country, the Regional District of North Okanagan and the Regional District of Central Okanagan, entered into an agreement with CN to purchase the corridor. The City of Kelowna and the District of Lake Country then entered into a Memorandum of Understanding where the cost of the 16 kilometres of the corridor within Lake Country, approximately $5,145,000 will be funded 50% by the District borrowing up to $2,615,000 through Loan Authorization Bylaw 906, 2014 ($2,572,500 plus debt financing) and the City of Kelowna buying the other 50% of the land for $2,572,500. There is no repayment schedule or obligation to purchase Kelowna’s portion back although the intent is to buy the land back through the sale of surplus lands along the corridor. The annual interest on borrowing is approximately $164,655 per year over 20 years at an estimated 2.94% interest. The tax increase for borrowing, applicable to all properties within the District of Lake Country, will be approximately $27.00 per year on a house assessed at $475,000 (approximately $0.057/$1,000 of assessed value) This synopsis is not an interpretation of Bylaw 906, 2014 which can inspected on the District’s website and at the Municipal Hall Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.

Mail Ballot Voting To vote by mail complete the Application on the District’s website and submit it to the Chief/Deputy Chief Election Officer by 4 p.m. Thursday, April 23, 2015. Mail ballots will be mailed beginning April 15, 2015 and must be returned to the Municipal Hall by the close of voting on April 25, 2015. You can vote by mail ballot if:  you are qualified to vote as a resident or non-resident property elector;  you have a physical disability, illness, or injury that affects the ability to vote on all voting days;  you will be absent from Lake Country on all voting days.

Contact Elections BC for advertising during a referendum. | | 1-855-952-0280

Only one scrutineer in favour and one opposed to the question are entitled to be present at the voting location at one time. If more than one person wishes to be considered for appointment, the choice must be made by lot.

Elector Qualifications You are eligible to vote as a resident elector if you:  are 18 years of age or older on general voting day  are a Canadian citizen  have resided in BC for at least 6 months  have resided in Lake Country for at least 30  are not disqualified from voting in local elections You are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you:  are NOT entitled to vote as a resident  are 18 years of age or older on general voting day  are a Canadian citizen  have resided in BC for at least 6 months  have been the registered owner of property in Lake Country for at least 30 days  are not be disqualified from voting in an election  only register for one piece of property  only one person can vote per piece of property  cannot have a numbered company or corporation on title  must provide written consent from other people on title Non-resident property electors can complete an Application on the District’s website which can be submitted up until the close of General Voting Day.

Documents Required to Register All electors must register on the day of voting by signing a declaration and providing 2 pieces of ID (picture ID is not required):  one must have your address (proving residency)  one must have your signature (proving identity) Examples of acceptable ID include a BC Driver’s Licence, BC ID Card, Care Card or Fire Arms Licence; a Lake Country tax notice, utility bill, vehicle insurance documents, credit or debit card or passport. If you do not have acceptable ID, you must have at least 1 piece with your signature and the Chief/Deputy Election Officer will provide you with a declaration of residency.

Voting Locations & Times

(polling stations are open to all eligible electors in Lake Country) ADVANCE VOTING DAYS Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8 am - 8 pm Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

ADVANCE VOTING DAYS Monday, April 20, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Okanagan Centre Community Hall 11099 Maddock Ave

Thursday, April 16, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Rd

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8 am - 8 pm Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Friday, April 17, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Carr’s Landing Fire Hall 16625 Commonage Rd

GENERAL VOTING DAY Saturday, April 25, 2015 8 am - 8 pm GESS Community Gym 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

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