◆ Lucky shopper P. 3 ◆ Performing arts P. 3, 6
◆ Editorial P. 4 ◆ Honour roll P. 8, 9
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WEDNESDAY, March 25, 2015
VOL. 38 NO. 04 $1.30 inc. GST
Frances Honeywell, the Fort St. James bus driver coordinator, shows her rendition of what she saw through a drawing she made after the sighting. See kids drawing on Editorial page 4
Rebecca Watson photo
UFO sighting in Fort St. James REBECCA WATSON Caledonia Courier The day started out normal for Fort St. James bus driver Frances Honeywell, 47, who began her route down Tachi Road. It was just before 8 a.m. on Wednesday March 18 and she had already picked up a number of kids when she noticed an eerily strange looking object in the sky. “It looked like a jet stream but very short and there where three symmetrical tails with a light blinking at the top. The thing that puzzled me the most was it wasn’t moving across the sky, it stayed in one spot,” Honeywell said, who included she watched the object for nearly 15-20 minutes. “It was so odd and very unnatural looking.” At first she thought it might be a cloud but still kept her eye on it for a few kilometres down the road. She describes the top of the object as an eye with an upper and lower lid, similar to what most might call a flying saucer. “I’ve gone to many air shows since my dads a pilot but I’ve never seen anything like this from the ground or from in a plane. It definitely was not a plane or a jet. I thought about a helicopter which can hover but I’ve never seen a helicopter with jets underneath it and three jet streams at that.”
Spring has sprung sale
Environment Canada meteorologist Matt MacDonald said it may have been a lenticular cloud. A lens shaped cloud that is seen at sun rise or sun down often confused as a UFO since clouds at that time of day will take on optical affects from the sun. “After looking at the archived weather observations from that morning I see there were a few alto-cumulus clouds (mid level puffy clouds) but couldn’t pick anything out in the sky,” he said. There are a number of automated weather stations that read wind, humidity and temperature but, the closest human weather observer is in Prince George. “It would be almost impossible to know for sure,” he said. All the kids on Honeywell’s bus saw the object and talks about aliens made one little girl cry. “I didn’t want anyone to be scared but it was bizarre,” Honeywell said. “It definitely wasn’t a cloud.” Craig Houghton, the principal of Fort St. James Secondary also claims to have seen the un-earthly object. “I did see something in the air from the window at the high school. It looked like when you see a plane but it had three prongs coming off of it and certainly didn’t look like your standard jet,” he said. Brian Vike, 63, is world-renowned UFOologist from Hous-
ton, BC. Since he started recording sightings of crop circles and mysterious flying objects in 2000, Vike’s received more than 1,100 reports from all over the world. “I would say maybe it was a jet but not in that position and not for that length of time. Cloud formations dissipate… it could be something military or something coming back from space but it wouldn’t stand still for that length of time. I don’t know what it was,” Vike said in a phone interview, noticeably boggled by Honeywell’s drawing and description. The northern lights have been visible for the past few days and were visible the night before the sighting. They are however ruled out as a culprit considering the sun had already come up by the time the object had been spotted. “You could clearly see a blinking light at the top of it and at one point I could actually see the movement of the plumes. I later googled what I saw and the only similar thing was a plane that had gone through a cloud mixing the plane’s exhaust with the cloud’s vapour water but it didn’t explain the blinking, twinkling light on top. You have to take everything with a grain of salt but I’m not one to say there’s not something out there. Hey, it would sure be a good time to come with all those [beautiful] northern lights,” Honeywell joked. If anyone has seen a UFO they can contact Vike at
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Caledonia Courier
Lakeshore Realty 12931 SOWCHEA RD Charming 3 bedroom home on 5 acres that’s only minutes away from Stuart Lake beach. Home has a large country kitchen that opens onto deck and private backyard. Main level has a bright and spacious livingroom, den, and convenient mainfloor laundry. Don’t miss out on your chance to own this country home that’s only 15 minutes from downtown Fort St James. $225,000
You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618
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PERSONAL AND CORPORATE TAX FINANCIAL STATEMENT PREPARATION ASSURANCE RHN SCHMITZ GRACE BOOKKEEPING AND DATAde PROCESSING ESTATE PLANNING Fort St. James Of¿ce (Fridays) 169 Stuart Drive Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-976-7780 (toll-free)
Fort St James Search & Rescue would like to thank the Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion Branch 268 for their generous donation of $1,000. Pictured are Sandra Valk, Len Magnus and Linda Connolly of Search & Rescue. Ladies Auxiliary is Gladys Hart (President) and Jean Smith (Vice-President).
Photo submitted
District of Fort St. James Calendar March, 2015 SUNDAY
March 23rd to March 27th is Friendship Week!
Municipal Website:
7pm Council Mtgg Women @ NVCSS
9:30am-11am Preschool Gym @ Nak’azdli Daycare
Help clean up our community’s streets and sidewalks. FREE bags and gloves available at the District now!
April,, 2015 April
Thursday April 2nd from 10-11am at the Public Library This is a FREE event though children need to be registered in order to participate. Call the library at 996-7431 for more info! 5
Pitch-In Weeks is April 20th to May 2nd!
1-3:30pm Making Connections @ Old Sitka Inn
10-2pm Women Supporting Women @ NVCSS
10:30am Self Reg Wrkshp for Parents @ 11am-2pm Community Nak Hlth Ctr Meet & Greet @ the 11am-2pm Community KEY Meet & Greet @ the KEY 6-8pm Self Reg Wkrshp @ Nak Hlth Ctr
10-11am Easter Egg Hunt @ Library
1-3:30pm Making Connections @ Old Sitka
Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
Facebook 101 Wrkshp @ Learning Hub 9:30am-11am Preschool 1-3:30pm Making Gym @ Nak’azdli Connections @ Old Sitka Daycare Inn 7pm Housing Co-op AGM @ Snrs Ctr
Telephone: 250-996-8233
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
26 9:30am Preschool Gym @ Sowchea
Visit to view our Community Calendar for more detailed information.
9:30-11am Preschool Gym @ Sowchea
Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames
Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A3
Courier Lucky shopper wins grand prize REBECCA WATSON Caledonia Courier
Bonnie Hill, 58, of Fort St. James is the grand prize winner of the online Associated Grocers’ Great Grocery Giveaway. Her $5,000 winnings spawn from shopping at Sana’aih Market and for every purchase she received a pin number to enter online - she had a total of 29 entries. Pin numbers were accepted from Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Since her name was drawn it gave her the choice of $5,000 toward a home renovation, groceries or travel expenses. “They get my money here for groceries regardless and I don’t travel much. I’m in the middle of building a house right now so this will definitely help with moving in faster,” Hill said with a grin. This is the first time someone from Fort St. James has won this contest.
Piano Results for the Nechako Valley Performing Arts Festival
The 37th Annual Nechako Valley Festival of the Performing Arts would like to thank all of the donors that helped make this festival possible. We would like to thank all the teachers, parents, volunteers, adjudicators, and of course performers for making this festival a success. We appreciate the use of the Vanderhoof Christian Fellowship Church and School District No. 91 for printing the program and the Wolf Radio Station and Omineca Express for their assistance in making our festival a success. Thank you to the festival committee for all their hard work as well.
Thank You
All members and interested persons are welcome to attend. Come out and find out what your community golf course is all about and the plans for our future.
Dr. Leanne Regehr and Hargina Birdi.
First Class Honours: Olive Roberge Penelope Roberge Aiden Gulbranson Ella Davis Emma Wiebe, Julia Wick First Class Honours with Distinction: Hadassah Thiessen Rachel Lamprecht Julian Lamprecht Justin Gulbranson Hargina Birdi Honours: Jonathan Ruiter Heidi Campbell Kalleigh Paige Macy James-Schneider Susan Harman Minna Jones
Submitted photos
Ella Davis, Dr. Leanne Regehr, Emma Wiebe and Julia Wick
First Class Honours: Dietrich Pelzer Muloki Arnold Jaidee Randall-Swett Capri James-Schneider Bridian James-Schneider Derek Penner Bailey Vahi Patrick Vahi Jeremy Pagdin (2 songs -- x2) Simon Wiever Rachel Pagdin (2 songs -- x2) Miranda Giesbrecht Josiah Thiessen Annessa Penner, Jonathon Ruiter (duet) Kiya Giesbrecht Andrea Hartwig (2 songs, -x2) Rena Daniel Trinity Dean Abigail Yoder
Wendy Schultz Emma Wiebe Connor Ebert Rena Daniels Paige Loewen First Class Honours with Distinction: Matthew Lenartowicz Deziree Teichroeb Lucas Lenartowicz Bryce Giesbrecht Jeremy Pagdin Rebekah Wiens Sarah Thiessen Maria Schmidt Justin Gulbranson Connor Ebert Charis Schlamp
See more photos page 6
If you have an inquiry please address to the chairman, Stuart Lake Golf Club, P.O. Box 158, Fort St. James B.C. V0J 1P0
Student of the Week
) Fort St. James Secondary Grade 10
) Nominated by Mr. Wadell
Morgan Bennison - Absolutely dedicated speedskater. - Was alternate for team BC at Canada Winter games. Actually beat some of the team BC members at provincials but team was already chosen. - Still has the energy to come give his best efforts in school. “Works his tail off in all classes” - Has never said “no” when asked for help. - Was a top PE student last semester and understands how to tone his play down in order to accommodate the less skilled players. - Speed Skating in Calgary, PG, Vanderhoof, Fort St. John and here in the Fort. He is a high caliber skater/racer. - Morgan is an extremely nice and respectful member of the school.
1 /
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Caledonia Courier
Editorial Page The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
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Kids on Frances Honeywell’s bus drew what they saw.
phone 888-687-2213 or go to
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
• Opinion
Municipal auditor fired with no severance VICTORIA – March has been a good month for the B.C. NDP, and it’s been a while since I’ve been able to say that. Opposition critics fired a shot amidships at the B.C. Liberal government when they began questioning the lack of progress by the new Auditor General for Local Government. This experimental vessel was launched in Premier Christy Clark’s leadership campaign, and two years after it set sail, it is listing, taking on water and in danger of sinking. The original idea was to expand the B.C. Auditor General’s office so it could check the financial performance of local governments too. Business groups were concerned about municipal taxes going up too quickly, with staff growing even as the province grappled with a hiring freeze. Mayors and councillors began to talk of mutiny over that plan, protesting that their budgets are already required to balance and are subject to annual audits. But this will be “performance auditing,” Clark insisted, not just making sure the figures add up. It will determine the public is receiving “value for money” on projects like arenas and services like police, by comparing different communities’ results. A new AGLG office opened in Surrey. The “value for money” promise is on the rocks. The government appointed a quasi-independent board (hello, BC Ferries and TransLink) that hired chartered accountant Basia Ruta, a veteran of the federal Auditor General office who had also served as chief financial officer at Environment Canada and had done local government audits in private practice. NDP local government critic Selina Robinson started asking why this office has spent $5.2 million and produced only one audit out of a promised 18. Community Minister Coralee Oakes, a former Quesnel councillor in her first cabinet post, allowed that there had been some rough water but there is smooth sailing ahead. Then came a big leak, in the form of a “work environment review” of the good ship AGLG that was given to the NDP by a seasick crew member. It described chaos below decks, with “shifting priorities and unclear direction,” as well as “wasted time and work” and “inefficient use of consultant and staff resources.” Worse, the review noted a human resources monitor had been stationed at the office for most of January to maintain a “respectful workplace for all employees.”
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“A peacekeeper,” as NDP leader John Horgan described the grim scene. “This is like we’re in Cyprus.” Then it was confirmed that when the AGLG board tried to conduct a performance review, Ruta’s response was to hire a lawyer. Ruta seems to be decisive when protecting her job, if not when hiring, running the office or meeting her own work targets. Whatever goodwill had been restored with local governments over this experiment is likely gone. Municipal staffers have been dealing with new auditor demands as their councils grind away at their own Community, Sport and Cultural Development Black Press budgets, and now they see signs that Minister Coralee Oakes what they have contributed may well have been swept overboard. Oakes remains on deck, eyes fixed on the horizon. An audit of capital procurement in Rossland is finally scheduled to be done by the end of March, she said. Similar reports on Delta and Sechelt are due in April. The latest revision of that schedule is underway, no doubt in another series of long, acrimonious meetings. Clark addressed the situation in her last question period before the legislature’s spring break this week. She didn’t have a lot to say about the AGLG’s voyage of the damned, mostly familiar rhetoric about “lower taxes, less red tape” and so on. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A5
NEWS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 91 (NECHAKO LAKES) NOTICE OF SPRING BREAK OFFICE CLOSURES The School District Administration OfÀce in Vanderhoof will be closed to the public March 30 – April 10, 2015. The School District Administration OfÀce in Burns Lake will be closed to the public April 7 – 10, 2015. Have a great spring break!
“A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION” 37, 3RD Avenue, PH: 250-692-3195 PO Box 820, TF: 800-320-3339 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 FX: 250-692-3305
MEETING SCHEDULE 2015 March 26, 2015 ........RDBN Board Meeting/
SNRHD Meeting April 16, 2015 ...........RDBN Committee Meetings April 30, 2015 ...........RDBN Board Meeting/
SNRHD Meeting May 14, 2015............RDBN Committee Meetings
Carrier Sekani Tribal Chief Terry Teegee, Doug Leslie and Matthew Smiley stand out front the Grand Reo Theatre at the Vanderhoof screening of Highway of Tears Saturday March 21.
Meetings tentatively commence at 10:30 a.m. Please call (250) 692-3195/1-800-320-3339 for further information
Rebecca Watson photo
Highway of Tears documentary raises questions REBECCA WATSON Caledonia Courier
It’s been given the name Highway of Tears, a term many might know but not all understand. The term refers to a 724 kilometre stretch of highway in northern BC where more than 40 women have been reported missing, a majority of them aboriginal. A film director from Los Angeles, Matthew Smiley, learned of the topic after hearing the tragic story of Nicole Hoar’s disappearance, a young tree planter who went missing near Prince George. This led him to do a full documentary that was showcased at the Grand Reo Theatre in Vanderhoof Saturday, March, 21. Smiley plans to show the movie again in upcoming weeks for surrounding areas including Burns Lake and Fort St. James. The film profiles 18 cases including Maddison Scott of Vanderhoof who remains missing, and Loren Leslie, 15, of Fort Fraser who was found dead in 2010. Carrier Sekani Tribal Chief Terry Teegee was also featured in the film and spoke to the topic at the Vanderhoof screening. His seriousness was evident when talking about his cousin being one of the missing women. “My cousin went missing but I can’t even imagine what it would feel like if it was my daughter and how Maddy Scott’s family must feel. This film is important to keep these stories in peoples minds. The more people talk about it the more chance we have of finding these women,” Chief Teegee said. Hitchhiking was highlighted in the film as one of the major culprits of missing women. Chief Teegee mentioned that Carrier Sekani Family Services is in the midst of advocating to bring more safe transportation to the area. “I also want to mention all the other people who have gone missing, men, women and families. In 1989 the Jack family went missing, parents and two young boys, and that’s still an unsolved case,” he said. The movie has been shown all over Canada and Smiley plans to debut it in the United States, Europe and Australia. During the QandA period after the Vanderhoof
screening, one community member brought up appropriation of funds and asked what the point of taking the film around the world was. Teegee said the public inquiry would help make recommendations and open up opportunity to get rid of misunderstandings. “The purpose of this film is to raise the difficult questions. We can’t just sit around and say everything is ok. Especially with hitchhiking season here we need to bump up the awareness,” Teegee said. Doug Leslie, Loren Leslie’s father, started the Loren Donn Leslie Foundation (LDLF) and does a variety of scholarships and awareness work. All proceeds from the Vanderhoof screening went to the foundation. For more information on Highway of Tears documentary visit or for information on the LDLF visit
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Stand Proud Share Your Identity Show Our Strength For Information on the Métis Public Health Surveillance Program call Gail Parenteau at, Phone: 250-550-6436 or email Or for information on the Métis Citizenship Registry or anything Métis please contact MNBC at 30691 Simpson Road, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C7 Toll free: 1.800.940.1150 Lower Mainland: 604.557.5851 Kishchee tey mo’yawn aen li Michif wi’yawn (Proud to be Métis)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Caledonia Courier
Nechako Valley Performing Arts Festival
(Top Left) Deziree Teichroeb on piano at the Nechako Valley festival of Performing Arts concert, playing A Happy Secret by Lynn Olsen. (Top Right) Clara Yoder and Sarah Thiessen say The Spider and The Fly by Mary Howitt at the Nechako Valley Performing Arts Festival concert. (Middle Left) Miranda Giesbrecht plays Castle on a Cloud by Schonberg at the Nechako Valley Performing Arts Festival concert.Â
Justin Gulbranson plays Dream Journey by C. Donkin on piano at the Nechako Valley Performing Arts Festival concert.Â
(Middle Right) Clara Gill says a speech titled, When Daddy Sat on the Tomatoes, by Jack Prelutsky at the Nechako Valley Performing Arts Festival concert. Rebecca Watson photos
Get ready for sunny weather with spring cleaning tips, checklists, money-saving coupons and more.
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A7
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
Pioneers Courageous Battles
Athletes Achieving
Human Interest
Serving the community of Fort St. James
Featuring the spirit of the local people
High school careers and counciling update REBECCA WATSON Caledonia Courier There are always things to look forward to in highs school, some more hands on then others. Deirdre Houghton is the Fort St. James Secondary School (FSJSS) careers councillor and is ramping up for Project Heavy Duty. Schools throughout the Nechako Lakes will meet in Vanderhoof in upcoming weeks to participate in the industry hands-on education. “It gives kids the hands-on experience they need to work with a variety of heavy duty equipment,” Houghton said. “And it’s the local business who donate their time and equipment.” The event will host several stations for kids Gr 10-12 to rotate through over two days. The first day will be driving the machinery and the next day a tour of L&M, Houghton said. “It’s really an amazing opportunity because it allows them to connect to the people in the heavy
duty industry. It allows the students to ask questions on what the work load is like, what kind of training do they need and what do [employers] look for in a potential employee. It gives them the chance to see the job,” Houghton said. Students must register by visiting their school’s career councillor. But Houghton is not the only one preparing. Tony Dagenais, the district councillor for FSJSS and David Hoy, is working on Diversity Week that will be sometime at the end of April early May. The project will work in conjunction with Prince George and surrounding communities to educate students on diversity and indigenous people. The collaboration between a number of schools will mean resources are not spread too thin and each school will get to host a different topic each day, Tony Dagenais, district councillor and Deirdre Houghton, Fort St. James Secondary School careers Dagenais said. “[Diversity Week ]will councillor. Rebecca Watson photo create awareness for students on the uniqueness create acceptance,” she port of all kinds and can the high school and Tuesbe reached Mondays, days and Wednesdays at of people. We want to said. Thursdays and Fridays at David Hoy. Dagenais offers supbreak down barriers and
John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes
Box 421 183 First Street, Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 Email: Website:
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Caledonia Courier
FSJSS Honour roll semester 1 term 2: Alexander, Bryden Allen, Marcus Amyot, Emma Amyot, Tess Antoine-Blackjack, Taylan Beauchemin-Prince, Taylor Bennison, Morgon Bennison, Will Benson, Bonnie Best, Krista Best, Wesley Birdi, Davin Birdi, Hargina Bolotnikova, Kristina Burgart, Hailee Burgart, Hannah Caldwell, Bryan Christopherson, Dawson Constantine, Warren Cooper, Kendra Crook, Daniel Croucher. Oscar Davis, Sophie Dean, Dani Dionne, Jazmyn Fergusson, Kiana Fry, Cassandra Gammon, Elyse Gauthier, Emily Gauthier, Isabelle Geernaert, Amanda George, Jamie Gerbrandt, Rachel Goerz, David Goerz, Harry Hiebert, Jillian Hilde, Megan Holdis, Mckenzie Holland, Cody
Honeywell, Koltyn Hoy, Shahaila Huang, Wayne Hunt, Alex Johnson, Callie Jones, Minna Joseph, Walter Kemp, Alexander Kemp, Andrew Klassen, Rachel Klassen, Reid Kosmick, Laurissa Leon, Orrie Macdonald, Kaylee
Marin-Perrino, Quinn Martin, Mara McMullin, Erica Moore, Aaron Olinek, Hannah Olund, Levanna Pierre, Dorian Pierre, Nate Playfair, Sydney Prince, Farrah Prince, Marcel Prince, Trey Repko, Daniel Repko, Troy
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ADVERTISING You can subscribe online at or call 250-567-9258 and we will help you set up your e-sub to 169 Stuart Drive West, at the Lakeshore Realty ofďŹ ce
Roessler, Sammy Sabo, Cheyenne Sabo, Sarah Saharchuk, Cailen Saharchuk, Ethan-Jett Saharchuk, Joey Sam, Kattie Sampson, Sarah Schlamp, Sydnee Siefert, Colin Skeen, Cale Stark, Joscelyn Steeves, Jaide Swan, Cassidy
Swedak, Jesse Thomas, Cambria Thomas, Lorraina Thomas-Beddow, Brooke Thompson, Sydney Tom, Corbin Valk, Sarah Vandrishe, Cheyenne Vinnedge, Eric Walstrom, Kaylee Webster, Aziza Wickes, Raylin Willick, Gabriela Willick, Grace Wilson, Colby
ADVERTISING DEADLINES! Due to the Easter Long Weekend Good Friday, April 3 Holiday Please note the following changes April 8 issue - ad deadline: Courier: Thursday, April 2 - 11am Express: Thursday, April 2 - 11am OFFICE HOURS: CLOSED - Friday, April 3, 2015
Reaching Every Door
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A9
FSJSS high school assembly awards
Gr 8 girls basketball: Colby Wilson, Amanda Geernaert, Shahailla Joseph, Farrah Prince, Megan Hilde, Sarah Sampson, Cailen Saharchuck, Orrie Leon, McKenzie Holdis, Krista Best, Cambria Thomas, Jaydeen Felix and Coach Davina Valk. (Top Right) GR 8 boys basketball team : Caine John, Bryan Caldwell, Ethan Thomas, Troy Repko, Sean-Tay Julian, Donovan Gregg, Lucas Prince, Bryden Alexander, Jared Prince, Ezra Croucher, Christopher Anatole, William Bennison, Coaches - Andrew Vogelsang and Gary Soles. (Left) Ski and Board Team at FSJSS: Lissy Kosmick, Sydnee Schlamp, Mara Martin, Orrie Leon, Levanna Olund, Kaylee Walstrom, Brooke Dunkley, Gabriela Willick, Mackenzie Moeller, Ayden Leon, Oscar Croucher, Ben George, Cale White, Minna Jones, Ezra Croucher, Joey Saharchuck, Maxz Boschman, Nathan Johnson, Jayden Greenaway, David Goerz, Logan Burck, Grace Willick, Quintanna Paziuk, Jaide Steeves, Jazmyn Dionne, Tessa Knight, Sydney Tibbetts, Summie Prince, Landon Thompson and coaches Sarah Grill and Chris Greenaway. Photos submitted
Junior girls basketball team: Cassidy Swan, Sydney Thompson, Jazmyn Dionne, Katrina Holden, Anna Auchstaetter, Lissy Kosmick, Julia julian, Katie Sam, Jody Duncan, Shelby Joseph, Naomi Johnnie, Tomika Sam, Hannah Olinek and coach Taylor Johnson.
Junior boys basketball team: Daniel Repko, Wesley Best, Jayden Greenaway, Benjamin George, Nate Pierre, Andrew Kemp, Corbin Tom, Nathan Johnson, Quinn Marin-Perrino, Kane Marin, Taylan Antoine-blackjack, Koltyn Honeywell and coach Chris Greenaway.
Senior girls basketball team: Dennise Bolton, Hailee Burgart, Hannah Burgart, Brooke Dunkley, Tacayla Huhn, Sydnee Playfair, Joscelyn Stark, Sydney Tibbetts, Hannah den Engelsen, Sarah Valk and coach Suzanne Burck.
Senior boys basketball team: Davin Birdi, Kainaan Greenaway, Alex Kemp, Kevin Martin, Dustin Pierre, Ben Rokoratu, Douglas Sam, Nick Zaporazan, Jimmy Martin and coaches Andrew Mulroy and Gerry Ford.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Caledonia Courier
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
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P.O. Box 1298 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0
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Medical Office Assistant F O RT S T. J A M E S M E D I C A L C L I N I C
250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon
Medical Office Assistant required for a busy medical office in Fort St. James, British Columbia. This is a full time, long term position. Office hours are generally 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Preference will be given to those applicants with office experience. Medical office experience preferred but not essential for the right candidate as training will be provided. The successful candidate will be enthusiastic, friendly, responsible, organized, able to multi-task and pay close attention to detail. The candidate must have excellent English skills, both written and oral. Applicants must be proficient with the computer. Please send a cover letter with your resume to Kathy Marchal at P.O. Box 1149, Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0, fax to (250) 996-8212 or email While we wish to thank all applicants for their interest, only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
MARINA MANAGER The District of Fort St. James is now accepting bids for the contract position of Marina Manager. The Marina Manager will provide 24-hour security/ supervision of Cottonwood Marina for the 2015 boating season (May 15 through September 20), oversee the municipal campground at Cottonwood Park, and maintain the public washrooms at Cottonwood Park and Goodwin Park each day. On-site accommodation is provided. A submission package including a sample contract can be viewed at the municipal office. Proposals will be reviewed based on price, relevant experience and innovation. To be considered for the contract, bids must be received no later than April 10, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Please submit your proposal/bid to the attention of: Kevin Crook, Chief Administrative Officer District of Fort St. James PO Box 640 – 477 Stuart Drive West Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0 E-mail:
GARDENING CONTRACTOR The District of Fort St. James invites proposals for a gardening contract covering Spirit Square Park and portions of the highway boulevards in Fort St. James. Requirement for qualification of bidder: Professional, experienced company or individual with horticulture or landscaping certification, valid business licence and WorkSafe BC coverage. Scope: t Lawn care, weeding, care of garden beds with flowers and shrubs, fertilizing, planting and general maintenance of the included sites (no weed or pest control chemicals) t Placing and/or replacing shrubs and mulch where needed t Sites include Spirit Square Park (lawns, flower beds and shrub beds), Five Corners (beds only) and Stuart Drive West (boulevard shrub beds only) t Time period: May 1 through September 30, 2015 t Equipment to be supplied by contractor t Plants and materials to be provided by District Please submit your proposal no later than April 10, 2015, to the attention of: Dennis Saharchuk, Project Manager District of Fort St. James PO Box 640 / 477 Stuart Drive West Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0 E-mail:
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Please arrange for a site visit prior to submitting a proposal; call Dennis at 250-996-7161.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The District of Fort St. James is accepting applications for the following summer jobs:
TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the ďŹ rst publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the ďŹ rst insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed by any display or classiďŹ ed advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the condition is justiďŹ ed by a bona ďŹ de requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertisements and in all other advertising material appearing in this edition of the Omineca Express. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
PARKS WORKERS t ' 5 $0.1"/: 508/ %3*7&34 t ' 5 )*()8": %3*7&34 We are a growing, progressive and well respected carrier specializing in the transportation of perishable and dry freight, since 1957. We are currently looking for an individual to support our Founding Values for future success at our Coquitlam Terminal. We are currently looking for F/T Company Town & Highway Drivers. Requires a Class 1 license with 6 -12 months of previous driving experience required. Consistent hours and start times. We offer competitive wages with group benefits and a group RRSP plan. Fax Resume & abstract to (1)604-472-2136 or email to:
Temporary full-time from May through August 2015, 40 hours per week. Duties will include maintaining lawns at municipal parks, gardening, garbage pickup, and other related duties as assigned. Requires driver’s licence.
RECREATION LEADER Temporary full-time from May through August 2015. Duties will include planning and leading programs and events for children aged 5-12 years, in addition to supervising recreation assistants. Requires First Aid certification and driver’s licence.
RECREATION ASSISTANTS Temporary part-time, July and August 2015. Duties will include assisting the Recreation Leader with facilitating programs and events for children. To be considered for the above positions, applications must be received no later than April 10, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Please specify which position you are applying for and submit resumes to the attention of: Kevin Crook, Chief Administrative Officer District of Fort St. James PO Box 640 / 477 Stuart Drive West Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0 E-mail: Preference will be given to local students who are registered to return to school in the fall. We appreciate all applications but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Career Opportunities Thompson Community Services
Career Opportunities
Service, Commitment, Leadership
REGISTERED NURSE – HOME MANAGER Prince George, BC TCS is a social services agency that provides services to individuals with developmental disabilities in a number of communities in the Province of BC. We possess an unwavering commitment to care, innovation and highly individualized, solution-focused services for individuals and their families. Fundamental to our purpose is the selection and support of committed staff members. TCS is establishing a home in Prince George for individuals with complex health care needs and developmental disabilities. As the RN / Home Manager you will be responsible for the provision of all aspects of care in the home as well as supervision, training and leadership of staff members, administrative management, communication and liaison with professionals in the community. You will also have extensive experience in a variety of health care settings and supervisory experience. As a team player you must be able to build relationships, be an excellent interpersonal communicator and be able to maintain a flexible schedule as necessary. We offer competitive salary with an excellent benefit package. Please submit resumes by April 3, 2015 to Kristine DeMonte at
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities A11
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Business Opportunities
MECHANIC FULL-TIME COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT MECHANIC LEVEL 2 OR HIGHER We are a growing, progressive and well respected carrier operating a full repair and maintenance facility at our head office in Coquitlam.
(Service Truck Position, Burns Lake)
Want to work out of a good quality service truck, with some shop work? The successful candidate will be a leader in safety and efficiency and will be able work in difficult situations with an upbeat attitude. Year around work available in the Burns Lake Area!
Starting wage $38.00/hr. 50 hrs per week and possibly more. Benefits package available!
REQUIREMENTS: Must be physically fit, communicates well in English, full certification. WE OFFER: Attractive compensation package which includes group benefits.
Please email resume: or Fax: (1) 604-472-2136
Contact Stephan Posselt email: Phone: 778-669-1010
Classifieds Get Results! Career Opportunities
Stump to Dump Roadside Logging Contract for Sale Stump to dump roadside short log logging contract for sale in the Central Interior of British Columbia. The annual harvest volume is 200,000 m3 which consists of approximately 126,000 m3 of replaceable/ evergreen volume and approximately 74,000 m3 of non-replaceable volume. The contract includes all contractual work (road construction, road deactivation, debris piling) associated with the harvest volume. The owner is willing to finance a portion of the contract. Interested parties should reply to
and provide the seller with their name and contact information.
Misc Services
Misc Services
Career Opportunities PATHFINDER Endeavours Ltd. is excepting resumes for NATURAL RESOURCE AND FIELD TECHNICIANS. Pathfinder is an equal opportunity employer that offers a competitive salary, set shift schedule, and ongoing training for career minded individuals. Visit our website for full job descriptions Submit resumes to
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Home Care/Support BAYSHORE Home Health is hiring HCAs, LPNs and RNs in Prince George area. Competitive wage, benefits and flexibility. Own vehicle and BCDL an asset. Help us make a difference in your community. Apply to, visit
Trades, Technical CLIMBER/BUCKET Operator needed for residential tree service. Min. 2 years exp., must have valid BC DL, Certified Arborist an asset. $30$35 based on exp. 604-819-9447/
Soda Creek Division, Williams Lake, B.C. Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development?
At Tolko people are our most valuable resource and our success is dependent on innovative individuals who are aligned with our organizational values. Our tradition of excellence is built on strong company values, a challenging work environment and continuous development. Tolko’s value for safety, the environment, and sustainable business practices are key to being an industry leader in the world market of today. We are currently seeking a Sawmill Supervisor to join our team in Williams Lake, BC. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community, please apply via our website by April 5, 2015. We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
POSITION OVERVIEW The Soda Creek Sawmill Supervisor will be responsible for exceeding targets in quality, cost control and employee engagement with an uncompromising focus on safety standards. This key position reports to the Sawmill Superintendent and works closely with maintenance and other staff to ensure safety, production and overall plant efficiency. The successful incumbent will require superior leadership skills to deliver on World Class results and possesses a comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing operations, OH&S and industrial relations. QUALIFICATIONS • 3-5 years related supervisory experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment • Post-secondary education in forestry, business, engineering or related field • Self-motivated individual with well-developed organizational, time management and analytical skills • Demonstrated ability to work and contribute in a team environment • Superior computer application skills • Technical knowledge of sawmill equipment and log and lumber scanning systems is a definite asset
REGIONAL DISTRICT OF BULKLEY-NECHAKO 37 3rd Avenue – Po Box 820, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: (250) 692-3195 – Toll Free: (800) 320-3339 Fax: (250) 692-3305 E-Mail:
BAM LIKE TOBAM Oil & Lube ADVERTISE Douglas, Fort St. James HERE 240 GIVE US A CALL:CALL 778-667-0346 to book you appointment! 250-567-9258
In the old Fort Diesel Building
CHANGE AND LUBE “Warranty Approved”
NEWSPAPERS Serving Fort St. James and area since 1972 Pam Berger Publisher
Advertising: Advertising: News: News: Website: Website:
Fort St. James Transfer Station Attendant The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako requires an attendant to operate the Fort St. James Transfer Station. The general duties of the attendant will be: t Daily operations of the transfer station including operation and maintenance of a skid-steer loader t Loading 53 foot walking floor trailers in a safe and efficient manner t Greeting and assisting the public t Management of waste on site including regular clean up of site t Monitoring and reporting of transfer station activities including recycling initiatives Skills that the attendant should possess: t Good public relations skills t Be physically fit and enjoy working outdoors in all weather conditions t An ability to keep a well organized and clean and tidy site t Experience operating and maintaining heavy equipment The successful candidate will work under a general averaging agreement, Monday through Thursday (4 days per week), from 10 am to 6:15 pm for a total of 33 hours every week. This posting is for a permanent full time position upon successful completion of a 6-month probationary period. The Fort St. James Transfer Station Attendant position offers a competitive wage and includes a comprehensive benefits package. Resumes will be accepted until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at the Regional District office in Burns Lake and may be hand delivered or faxed to 250-692-3305. Resumes should be addressed to Janine Dougall, Director of Environmental Services.
Serving Serving Vanderhoof, Vanderhoof, Fort Fort St. St. James, James, Fort Fort Fraser Fraser and and Fraser Fraser Lake Lake
Pam Pam Berger Berger Publisher Publisher 150 W. Columbia St 150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0 BC V0J 3A0
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Antiques / Vintage BLUENOSE Coins & Precious Metals buys and sells Canadian & US Coins and Banknotes, Gold and Silver Maple Leafs, Bars, Vintage Sports Card, Fine Watches (Rolex), Large quality Diamonds, and much more!! We pay the most and sell at the best prices, shop and compare, family owned and life time member of the RCNA. Penticton 1-866-493-6515.
Auctions AUCTION March 28th Custom log furniture making equipment, 1379 Green Ave, Trail, BC for pictures and updates 250-212-3418
Misc. Wanted Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 Local
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 640 Please be advised that Ben Hoy is proposing to remove 65h of private land from woodlot 640 located in the vicinity of the Pinchi Mine Road. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted in writing to Ross Hamilton , Bag 19 , Fort St James , B.C., V0J1P0 by April 27, 2015. NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 1210 Please be advised that Lori Hoy is proposing to remove 10h of private land from woodlot 1210 located both along the Middle river and along Sowchea Creek Road near Ft St James. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted in writing to Ross Hamilton, Bag 19, Fort St James , B.C., V0J1P0 by April 27, 2015. NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE 648 Please be advised that Janet Robin is proposing to remove 130 h of private land from woodlot 648 located along the Ocock River. Inquiries/comments on this proposal must be submitted to Ross Hamilton, Bag 19, Fort St James , B.C. , V0J1P0 by April 27, 2015.
WOODLOT LICENSE 256 Woodlot License Plan for Woodlot 256 is available for public review and comment. The Woodlot is situated north of the Necoslie River SE of Fort St James, B.C. The plan is available for viewing at the KDL office in Fort St. James during business hours by appointment only until April 3rd. Please contact Ross Hamilton at 250-996-8032 or
Tel: 250-567-9258 Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070 Fax: 250-567-2070
Email: Email:
Reaching Every Door Reaching Every Door
Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Serving Fort St.Lake James, Fort Vanderhoof, Fraser and Fraser Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake
150 W. Columbia St 150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BoxV0J 1007, Vanderhoof BC 3A0 BC V0J 3A0
Pam Berger Pam Berger Publisher Publisher
Tel: 250-567-9258 Tel: 250-567-2070 250-567-9258 Fax: Fax: 250-567-2070 Email: Email:
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Caledonia Courier
Sale! Sale! Sale! Sale! March 11 - April 1, 2015
Regular Rate
Senior Rate
33. $ 30 27. $
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