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March 25, 2015
Road upkeep in the District of Lake Country has a $30-million backlog. Infrastructure director told council last week returning some secondary roads to gravel surfaces may be the solution. ...............................
IT TAKES a lot of hands, and big hearts, to give a local food bank a new building all its own.Turning ceremonial spades are long-time Lake
Country Food Bank manager Phyllis McPherson (centre) surrounded by Mayor Jim Baker (left), local MLA Norm Letnick and the work crews who will bring the structure into reality.
Big project… The Lake Country Rotary Club took on a big project when it decided to raise funds for a new food bank building. A little more community support is needed. ...............................
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Food Bank truly a community effort
A couple of days after the golden shovels went into the ground, signifying the official start of construction of a new home for the Lake Country Food Bank, manager Phyllis McPherson was still basking in the glow of a true community effort to build the food bank its first permanent home. If all goes according to plan, McPherson and her group of volunteers— nobody is paid at the Lake Country Food Bank—will be serving clients out of the new building this Christmas. “It’s going to be fantastic,” said McPherson. “There are a lot of things to be looking forward to. I can hardly wait. I have butterflies in my stomach talking about it now. I’ll be a wreck by September.” McPherson was joined at the official opening by Kelowna-Lake Coun-
try MLA Norm Letnick, Lake Country Mayor James Baker, and representatives from Okanagan College, Aviva Insurance and from the Rotary Club, the club that has taken it upon themselves to get the project to the start of construction with a five year fundraising campaign (see story page A6). “They’re fantastic,” said McPherson of the Rotary. “If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be having this. Without them there would be nothing. I would still be looking for another place to rent and move into.” The Rotary Club’s campaign is still not over as the project will still need somewhere between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions to get to completion of the project. But now that the construction of the project is underway, Rotary says the public is stepping up more than it already has. “In the last week we have received
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quite an influx of donations,” said Bob Rymarchuk, project director. “I think people in the community are pretty excited that yes, the building is going ahead. We are very confident this community will come together and finish what we have started.” Rymarchuk was at Lake Country council last week, the day before the official opening, as district councillors were being asked to vote on whether or not to subsidize the project by waiving building fees and development cost charges. Councillors did support a grant-inaid for $33,000 to the food bank project to take care of permits and other charges associated with the project. When complete, the building will be turned over the municipality. “I’m so happy you are going ahead with this project,” said Coun. Rob Geier. “The district is going to get a
$750,000 building. I am fully behind the Rotary Club and the food assistance society and I have no doubts that you will make up for the shortfall. This project is going to be tremendous asset to the community.” It was fitting the councillors supported the project at municipal hall, the same land where Lake Country’s food bank once operated, in a boarded up house that was eventually torn down for the construction of Lake Country municipal hall. It has also operated out of the old Woodsdale school before moving to the current location at the old Winfield Elementary. “This will be my fourth move,” said McPherson, recalling the modest beginnings of the food bank. “But we won’t have to go anywhere anymore. We’ve got a new home.” For more Food Bank stories see pages A6 and A7.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200 Tuesday, March 31, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
PUBLIC HEARINGS Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.
Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.
Zoning Amendment (Behin) Bylaw 915, 2015 (Z2014-008) is a zoning designation amendment that would change the property FROM A1 (Agriculture 1) TO A1ta (Agri-Tourism Accommodation) to allow for a maximum of 7 agri-tourism accommodations. (See Map Below)
Zoning Amendment (G. Lewis) Bylaw 912, 2015 (Z2014-007) is a zoning designation amendment that would change the property FROM RR1 (Rural Residential 1) TO RU1 (Single Family Housing) to allow for a 2 lot subdivision 1.0 ha and 2.58 ha in size. (See Map Below)
SUBJECT PROPERTY: 15544 Old Mission Road LEGAL: Lot 2 Sections 2 and 11 Township 24, ODYD, Plan 25623
SUBJECT PROPERTY: 10650 Tyndall Road LEGAL: Lot 66 Shown on Plan B13454; Sections 9 and 16 Township 20, ODYD, Plan 521 Except Plans H18660 and KAP70483
Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to March 31, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
Speak at the Public Hearing
Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
March 18, 2015
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A3
Budget restrictions mean the district could surface aging roads with gravel KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country is in an unsustainable position when it comes to the state of its roads and is even contemplating taking some of its roads back to gravel to help make up for a $30-million backlog of needed improvements to its roadways. The comments were made as Lake Country council accepted its Transportation for Tomorrow plan but sent staff back to the drawing board to try and find solutions to a funding shortfall that is getting worse to the tune of $1.5 million every year. “This is our challenge as a community,” said Greg Bucholz, Lake Country’s infrastructure services director. “A lot of our roads were built in the 1970s or earlier and they are starting to come to the end of their lifespan and we need to reconstruct. There is no magic solution.” During his report to council, Bucholz told councillors many communities across Canada are feeling the same pinch when it comes to roadways and suggested going to nonpaved roads is one solution, although it comes with problems and costs as well. “This is reality. We see a lot of communities that if they can’t afford to pave, you have to go back to gravel roads,” he said. “The fact we may have to de-classify some roads, strip the pavement and put some gravel back for some of them, that may be a solution. But it will come at a cost too. The impact to taxpayers will
be there. Council has to make a decision on what is the level of service they want to provide the community with.” During public consultations about the district’s 20 year Transportation for Tomorrow plan, the district asked residents whether they would support a program of new roads by rais-
how to deal with the severe problems on its 200 kilometres of roads. For now the transportation plan was accepted without any financial plan attached to it and district staff will investigate op-
ing taxes. Less than 100 people responded and half of those said absolutely not when it came to raising taxes to support the transportation plan. “I don’t care how many times you ask taxpayers to increase their taxes, you’re going to have 50 per cent of them say no because that’s what they are going to say,” said Coun. Bill Scarrow. “I believe we need to give our staff the opportunity to go forward and be creative and come back with funding options that may include a tax increase but also hopefully could include other sources of revenue.” Bucholz says the district is in the position where it will have to start making decisions on
infrastructure services director Greg Bucholz says going back to gravel roads is one option as the district ponders how to fix a severe shortfall in funds for its roads.
tions to raise money through partnerships with higher levels of government or tax increases before presenting it back to council. newsroom
KNOW THE ADVERTISING RULES 2015 LAKE COUNTRY OKANAGAN RAIL CORRIDOR ASSENT VOTING Non-election assent voting advertising is any advertising during a non-election assent voting proceedings period that promotes or opposes, directly or indirectly, a particular outcome for the vote. If you advertise from March 26 to April 25 in the Lake Country Okanagan Rail Corridor non-election assent voting, you have rules to follow under the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act.
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You must file a disclosure statement with Elections BC by July 24.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
Just a breath away “Every time you take a breath,” Bob Sandford began his talk, “you inhale the breath of every creature that has ever lived upon this planet.” Sandford doesn’t make unsupported assertions. He has been, among other roles, the
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Kevin Parnell
Life and Faith
Staff Reporter
Jim Taylor
Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
chair of the Canadian Partnership Initiative in support of the United Nations Water for Life Decade. He knows what he talks about. But I didn’t hear what Bob said next. My mind
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GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.
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Making real progress on poverty VICTORIA – The B.C. government has made its most significant moves in decades to address the needs of some of the province’s poorest people. The largest financial commitment is for a new program to help single parents escape from the welfare trap. There are 16,000 single parents in B.C. receiving provincial income assistance or disability payments, most of them women. Even if they could find an entry-level job, it wouldn’t pay enough to cover the child care they would need to go to work. Worst of all, the current system requires that if they enrol in training, they lose their income assistance, including dental and extended medical care for themselves and their children. That is the welfare trap, one of the most perverse government policies to have survived into our supposedly enlightened modern era.
BC Views
Tom Fletcher The new program takes effect in September. It will not only continue income assistance payments when single parents enrol in skills training, it promises to cover their child care and transportation costs for an approved training program of up to one year. Medical and child care costs will then be covered for up to a year after training, to allow a transition to employment. Approved training means training for jobs that are identified as in demand, requir-
ing high school and occupation-specific training that can be completed in a year or less. They include retail sales, general office work and assistance jobs in health services. Another overdue policy change is to double the allowable earnings for all income assistance recipients from $200 to $400 a month. This gives people a chance to improve their circumstances by taking whatever part-time or casual work they can manage, without having that little income cut from their already meagre welfare cheques. And then there was the recent decision to end the claw-back of parental child support payments from income assistance payments. The province has for many years run a costly child maintenance enforcement program to track down (mostly) deadbeat dads and force them to pay at least a token amount to sup-
port their children. Now when they pay child support to a single parent on income assistance, they will at least have the satisfaction of knowing the children actually receive the extra benefit. These harsh, historic policies were built around a philosophy that welfare is a temporary last resort, to be withdrawn as soon as some other source of income is identified. That is a valid if unfashionable position to take on behalf of working taxpayers who pay for all this, but it only makes sense if the income assistance recipient has a realistic option. For those who are already in the entry-level job market, the minimum wage goes up 20 cents an hour in September, from $10.25 to $10.45. This is the beginning of an annual review that will tie the wage to the consumer price index. A paltry sum, to be sure, but anyone who still thinks jacking the min-
imum wage up to $15 an hour is a magic solution that won’t cost some entry-level jobs is clinging to a socialist dream world. • I have been contacted by several low-income seniors who read my recent column on B.C.’s Seniors’ Advocate. They were asking where to find out if they are eligible for support programs such as the SAFER rent subsidy, assistance for Medical Services Plan premiums, property tax deferment and grants to help with home modifications for disabilities. I apologize for this oversight. One place to start is the Seniors’ Advocate toll-free information line, 1-877-9523181, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.
was too busy trying to digest the import of his opening sentence. Because it’s true. The atmosphere we breathe is the product of millions of previous creatures breathing. We don’t know precisely what mix of gases first cloaked the planet. We do know that the first algae absorbed carbon dioxide from that mix of gases and converted it—by photosynthesis—into oxygen. And as the concentration of oxygen rose towards toxic levels, animals began using the plants’ waste, and converted oxygen back into carbon dioxide. Our present atmosphere is a fine balance that serves both plants and animals. Too little oxygen, we die. Too much oxygen, we combust. But Sandford’s insight also has huge im-
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A5
Heavy lifting in the gym, or a rush to get active in spring can hurt
eavy lifting in the gym causing your shoulder to ache? Living an active lifestyle for many of us means countless hours working on our fitness in the gym. Many of us recognize that the exercises we complete in the gym are translated into success when we are able to run five minutes longer, bike or elliptical with more resistance or lift heavier weights. Our bodies are designed to adapt and evolve based on the demand we put on them. However, what happens when your body is not quite ready to lift
the heavy weight you are mentally prepared for? To put it simply, if the load is too great and the exercise is still completed, there is a high possibility that your body had to make compensations which may lead to injury and or pain. To break this down further, the majority of joints in our body are paired with two muscle groups; those that help stabilize the joint and those that move the joint. When there is an injury and the fault lies in the muscles that move us, it may be easier to recognize that perhaps the problem is a muscle strain.
Sabina Lee
Keeping You Fit We identify what the problem is, ice the area, rest it and then slowly begin to pick up our activity level to get back to where we were in our work outs. However, it is the stabilizers that are more si-
lent in their injuries and leave many of us guessing as to why our shoulders may ache but there is no obvious injury to the shoulder muscles or surrounding joint structures. Think of the stabilizers as the base and foundation to a building. If the foundation is weak and this goes unnoticed and you begin to build, the foundation breaks down and prevents further building. Now think about this in relation to your shoulder. If your stabilizer muscles are weak and you are having difficulty nailing down the origin of the pain but continue
to lift heavy weights, more than likely, the instability produces pain. This pain or discomfort may prevent you from completing the desired lifting you have worked so hard to build up to. That being said, it is important to have a better understanding as to why your shoulder may be aching but more importantly to know that there is a way to target and build up strength in the stabilizer muscles of the shoulder. Once the stabilizers are back to full strength and the muscle balance between stabilizers and movers is restored you may get back
to the heavy lifting you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Sabina Lee is a registered physiotherapist in Winfield at Sun City
Physiotherapy. For further questions or to book an appointment she can be contacted at 250-766 -2544 or
Past and future butt together, separated only by a breath TAYLOR FROM A4
plications. Because it follows that every exhalation of mine will affect the atmosphere that every living thing that follows me will also have to breathe. Whether that exhalation comes from my own lungs. Or from 5the exhaust pipe of my car. Or from the chimney of the factory that produces my car, my cell phone, my newspaper… I see myself almost as a transparent membrane between the past and the future—inhaling the past, exhaling the future. Past and future butt together, separated only by the thickness of a single breath. Life is a huge respons-
ibility. The metaphor of breathing in and breathing out reminds me that we are all intimately connected, in ways beyond our imaginations. The fate of a tree in an Indonesian jungle will affect the air future generations of humans will breathe. The fate of a dolphin in the Galapagos will eventually be affected by outdated antibiotics that thoughtless Canadians flush down their toilets. There is no such thing as what government regulators love to call a “negligible impact.” Everything has an impact. Some things have more impact than others—nuclear war would obviously affect
David P. Yerema
the planet more than using an extra sheet of toilet paper—but everything has an impact. This is the principle behind chaos theory— small inputs can have big consequences. We’ve all heard the cliché that the beat of a butterfly’s wings in Mexico may affect the strength of the typhoon that devastates Manila. But we haven’t applied that insight to our own daily acts.
A small act of kindness or of carelessness can reverberate down the empty halls of tomorrow, amplifying itself. Ripples pile on top of each other to become a tsunami. I know, that can feel like a paralyzing responsibility. I don’t suggest stopping breathing! Nor does each breath have to be deliberately taken. Life goes on. But I believe it’s worth developing a mindset, a mental
attitude, that everything we do has consequences. The future isn’t something way off in the distance. It starts right here, right now, with your next breath. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
Project1_March 20th 18/03/15 2:37 PM Page 1
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
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New food bank building biggest project in Rotary Club history KEVIN PARNELL Tower of Song - A Creative Tribute to Leonard Cohen
Friday, April 17 @ 7:30pm
The duo will perform their reimagined covers, such as Swain’s live show favorite “A Thousand Kisses,Deep,” and Garramone’s unique “Hey That’s No Way to Say Goodbye” as well as originals of their own that are Cohen-inspired.
Self love firST - International Speaker & Life Coach Leona Wallace Saturday, April 25 @ 7:00pm Presented by the M.I.K.E. FOUNDATION MOMS INSPIRING KIDS ENLIGHTENMENT. Are you ready to have it all? Is it time to connect with your heart and have everything it desires? Well here is your answer; Leona Wallace. Visit for more infomation
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Over the years the Lake Country Rotary Club has done its fair share of community projects in Lake Country. The playground and picnic shelter at Beasley Park were Rotary projects. Rotarians helped with trails projects supporting Walk Around Lake Country, worked towards international Rotary projects, and two to three times a year raise money for the food bank. But about five years ago, after watching the food bank operate in temporary locations and struggle in close confines in its current spot at the old Winfield Elementary, the Rotary Club decided it was time to take on what would be the biggest single project in its history, building the food bank a new, permanent home. “Their volunteers are absolutely amazing and that’s what motivated us,” said Bob Rymarchuk, one of a handful of founding Rotary Club members and the project manager for the food bank project. “They are doing so much with so little and they have been doing it for such a long time. We looked at that and thought ‘if they can do that maybe we should
LAKE COUNTRY Rotary Club project manager Bob Rymarchuk says the club is
pleased to see construction start on the new food bank building. More support is needed to come up with the final $100,000 to $200,000 to finish the building. get off our butts and do something.’” And doing something meant deciding to find a location and fundraise enough money to construct a new building and permanent home for the food bank. The project now has serious momentum and is another step closer to reality with the start of construction last week on the 26,000 square foot facility expected to be complete by Christmas, should a few more funding fund sources fall into place. “There were easier ways to approach this,” said Rymarchuk. “We could have secured a
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long term lease on some sort of commercial property. But we wanted to find a permanent solution for them so they just don’t have to worry about where it is they are going to be located. They’ve been bounced around from one facility to another, and they’ve never had a facility that was easy to work in. It’s been old houses and converted this and converted that. When you go and look at what they are working in, it’s just totally astounding they can do what they do.” Building the new Lake Country Food Bank and bringing all of the partners together was something Rotary had never tackled before. There were fundraising efforts that slowly built a bank account. There were negotiations with Okanagan College and finally a commitment to have
the college’s construction trades program partner in the project. There was the Aviva contest where it took over 11,000 votes to win a $100,000 grant. There is the land set aside by the district valued at $275,000 and there is still much work to do raising an estimated $100,000 to $200,000 to ensure the project can be completed. “This is a huge project for a club our size,” said Rymarchuk of the club that currently has about 25 members and has had as many as 40 since its inception in 1996. “Typically you’re not going to see this scale of thing taken on by clubs anywhere near as small as ours. This was pretty ambitious so we are pleased to see it underway, We will be even more pleased when it is com-
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A7
news ROTARY FROM A6 plete and even moreso when we can hand the keys over to the food bank.” When that happens, hopefully around Christmastime this year, Ry-
marchuk and his club can sit back and rejoice in a job well done. The district will own a state of the art facility and will have paid nothing for it. The food bank will have a great space to work out of. Rymarchuk says the
club will enjoy it. But not for long. “Most certainly we will be proud,” he admitted. “But realistically with Rotary and Rotarians, you do something and then you sit there and say ‘gee, that’s great,
but what’s next?’ It’s a service club. You only exist to do these things. It will feel great for a day or so and then somebody will line us up for another project.” newsroom
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Production Manager: Nicole Arruda, Ext. 6316 Live/Safety: N/A Other Info: N/A
*Pricing applies to a 2015 Forester 2.5i (FJ1XO) with MSRP of $25,995 excluding freight & PDI ($1,650), documentation fees ($395) and battery tax ($30). License, taxes, insurance and registration extra. Dealers may sell for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Model shown is a 2015 Forester 2.0XT Limited Package (FJ2XTL) with MSRP of $36,695 including freight & PDI ($1,650), documentation fees ($395), and battery tax ($30). License, taxes, insurance and registration extra. Vehicle shown solely for purpose of illustration, and may not be equipped exactly as shown. **0.5% lease/ nance rates available on all new 2015 Forester models for a 24-month term. Financing and leasing programs available through Toyota Credit Canada Inc. on approved credit. †Limited time $1,000 Alternate Cash Credit offer applies only to retail purchase, lease, or nance agreements for new 2014 or 2015 XV Crosstrek, Forester, Outback, Legacy, Impreza, WRX/WRX-STI or BRZ models and is valid until April 30, 2015. One $1,000 Subaru Dollars offer per vehicle sold. Offer is not cash redeemable. Offer must be presented to dealer up front. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. See your local Subaru dealer or visit for complete program details. **Offers valid until MARCH 31, 2015. See dealer or for full details. ‡Ratings are awarded by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Please visit for testing methods.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Lake Country Rail Trail: From Vision to Action The newly formed Lake Country Rail Trail Action Team is aiming for a resounding “YES” to the referendum question April 25th, and has embarked on a broad-based campaign to drive that outcome. Team members are confident residents will support borrowing up to $2.6 million over 20 years to buy a 50% share of the CN-owned rail corridor within Lake Country boundaries, if they have the facts and understand the benefits.
The 47.5-kilometre stretch of rail line between Kelowna and Coldstream provides a rare corridor that connects the valley’s urban centres, and ensures access to many of the Okanagan’s most scenic features. Protecting the corridor for use as a public right-of-way ensures recreational benefits today and, if needed in the distant future, an opportunity to support regional transportation and economic needs.
Please contact us with your questions about the Lake Country Rail Trail (LCRT) and/or to share your vision for our community’s future!
The 16-km stretch of the corridor within Lake Country boundaries is breathtaking, as it winds along Wood and Kalamalka Lakes and touches natural habitats, orchards and vineyards. Residents would have input into the design and development of the ‘rail trail,’ which would be used for nonmotorized activities such as walking, running, cycling, and birdwatching, and would be wheelchair accessible.
• • • • • •
Campaign headquarters (#40-9522 Main Street) Phone (250-212-5334) Email ( Website ( Facebook (Lake Country Rail Trail) Twitter (@lcrailtrail).
You’re also invited to the Rail Trail Rally at Beasley Park Sunday, April 19th from 11am-2pm, where you’ll learn about the trail and enjoy local food, art and music. And please mark your calendar for voting day, April 25th, from 8am-8pm in the George Elliot Secondary School gym at 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Road. For more information about the referendum and advance voting opportunities, visit the District of Lake Country’s website at
Remember, every vote counts!
Opportunity of a Lifetime On April 25th, Lake Country residents will decide if our future includes a world-class rail trail that would greatly enhance our community’s social, cultural, environmental, and economic well-being.
In addition to the many health, safety and environmental benefits that would be enjoyed by local residents, the trail would offer huge potential for increased tourism and the resulting economic benefits. To that end, we already have significant strengths as a community that would support and be supported by the trail. “We have pristine natural beauty in our lakes, beaches, parks and hiking trails,” says action team chair Duane Thomson. “We have established agriculture and tourism industries along with an emerging agri-tourism industry. We have significant attractions such as wineries, restaurants, and arts/culture outlets and activities. And at our doorstep we have an international airport and a world-class university. It truly doesn’t get any better than that!”
LCRT enhances opportunities for clean economic development In keeping with Lake Country’s interests and objectives outlined in its Official Community Plan and Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, the rail trail provides many economic benefits. For more economic information visit the Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative website at and access the Impact Assessment conducted in 2014.
INDIVIDUAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS 4 Increases property values, job opportunities and tourismrelated opportunities for existing and future business COMMUNITY ECONOMIC BENEFITS 4 Attracts new visitors, encourages past visitors to return, and encourages past and new visitors to extend their stays 4 Enables economic activity during shoulder seasons
4 Supports and is supported by a strong regional tourism industry 4 Supports, and is supported by natural amenities (e.g., climate, lakes, seasons) and business amenities (UBCO, airport) 4 Increases number of residents and associated tax revenue 4 Aligns with local, regional and provincial plans and policies for economic development and clean industry.
Watch for your ‘Getting to YES!’ handout in the mail this week! It will answer questions about financial issues and feature testimonials from local residents. If you’d like to support the YES campaign with an endorsement, please email
Please join us by voting “YES” on April 25th. Remember, every vote counts!! This information is provided by the Lake Country Rail Trail Action Team. For more info visit
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A9
Office Closure Reminder Municipal Hall will be CLOSED Good Friday, April 3 & Easter Monday, April 6, 2015
Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200 Tuesday, March 31, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
PUBLIC HEARINGS Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.
Council has been asked to consider a zoning designation change bylaw.
Zoning Amendment (427725 BC Ltd) Bylaw 917, 2015 (Z2013-006) is a zoning amendment that would: Add the definition “Conservation Area” to Section 3.3 (General Definitions) to Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007; Add “Conservation Area” to Principal Uses - Section 18.1.2 (P1-Public Park and Open Space) of Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007; and Change the properties FROM: RR1- Rural Residential 1 TO: RU1-Single Family Housing and P1-Public Park and Open Space
SUBJECT PROPERTY: Tyndall Road LEGAL: Lot 61 Shown on Plan B13454, Section 9, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 521, Except Plan H18660 Lot 62 Shown on Plan B13454, Section 9, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 521, Except Plan H18660
Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
Zoning Amendment (Oyama Zipline) Bylaw 882, 2014 (Z2014-001) is a zoning amendment that would add a definition of “Zipline Course” to the General Definitions Section of the Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 and add “Zipline Course” as a Secondary Use within Section 13.2 RLPO (Rural Large Parcel Oyama Road) for Lot 2 Section 31 Township 21 ODYD Plan KAP84855 only. (See Map Below)
SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5617 Oyama Lake Road LEGAL: Lot 2 Section 31 Township 21, ODYD, Plan KAP84855 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to March 31, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
Speak at the Public Hearing
Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
March 18, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
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Cost of rail corridor referendum now $15k A KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country will spend $5,000 more than the anticipated $10,000 to hold the April 25 referendum on the CN Rail corridor in an effort to reduce wait times and improve the voting experience for residents in the much-anticipated referendum question. It’s expected the referendum on April 25, as
well as advance polling in the wards, will now cost Lake Country $15,000 to pull off when it asks residents whether to support the borrowing of $2.6 million to purchase the CN Rail corridor running through Lake Country borders. Councillors approved the request for an additional $5,000 to increase staff at the George Elliot polling station, the only station that will be
open on referendum day April 25. But the money will also go towards four advance polling days, one in each of the Lake Country’s wards. “Many electors expressed concerns that both the 2011 and 2014 election wait times were unacceptable,” said Reyna Seabrook, Lake Country’s corporate services manager in a report to council. “Additional staffing, a revised
Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road
registration process and K voting in each of the wards will assist in making the 2015 referendum o a smoother process with t C shorter wait times.” Staff are bracing for t the referendum to have l a higher turnout than w any of the past voting b days held in Lake Coun- f try since incorporation. Voter turnout in munici- o i k SEE REFERENDUM A12t F t A
Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200
NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE AND REMOVAL OF HIGHWAY DEDICATION BYLAW (DLC) 920, 2015 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 | 7:00 pm | Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Under Section 40 and 26 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that Council proposes to consider adoption of Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw 920, 2015 at the Tuesday April 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw may make representation to Council by way or written submissions prior to the meeting or by presentation at the meeting. Bylaw 920, 2015 authorizes the District to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of the westerly 1.5m of road allowance leaving the easterly 1.5m of road allowance for public walkway and transfer title of the closed road portion referred to in Bylaw 920, 2015 to the adjacent property being Lot B, District Lot 117, ODYD, Plan EPP17345, (Except Plan EPP37040).
GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday March 25, 2015 to Tuesday, April 7, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766 6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
Speak at the Council Meeting
Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
March 25, 2015
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A11
Lake Country
Arctic apple reception to be seen KATHY MICHAELS
The question lingering over the Arctic Apple in the aftermath of Health Canada’s approval of the divisive genetically modified organism is whether the public will bite, says an advocate for fruit growers. “It will be a couple of years until the apple is actually in the market, and how it will do is the great unknown,” said Fred Steele, president of the BC Fruit Growers’ Association. The government and
other proponents of the non-browning apple have repeatedly said “the market will decide” when addressing the question of whether it will bear fruit, economically. To answer that question fairly, Steele said there needs to be a bit of truth in the marketing. “I’m not arguing the science, but if (Health Canada) decided there’s no problem with it, then there should be no problem labelling it,” he said. “Let’s let the people decide. If it’s fine—fine. If it’s not, (consumers) will
let them know.” Grocery shopping, he pointed out, should be no less transparent than car shopping. “If I were to ask you to buy a car, you’d want to know what kind of car it was, who made it and what it contained,” he said, pointing out that labelling would create a level playing field for standard, organic and, now, GMO producing growers. Although some are looking at Health Canada’s decision with a jaundiced eye, Summer-
land company, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, celebrated the move. “This follows U.S. approval of our first two non-browning varieties, Arctic Golden and Arctic Granny…on Feb. 13 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture,” reads a statement the company released, Friday. “Over the next couple years, we will be working hard with our grower partners to get as many Arctic trees in the ground as we can,” said the press release.
Lake Country council approved a $750 grant-in-aid to the Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society to help with rental costs of the Creekside Theatre. The society is presenting a series of six lectures and
one film. Also receiving sponsorship money was the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce as it takes over the custom and classic car show from Ron Volk this year. The Chamber had requested
$800 to cover renting Swalwell Park as well as for event insurance. The Okanagan Centre Community Hall will receive a $4,000 grant from Lake Country as it looks to install an air-conditioner unit in the hall.
The capital improvement grant is available to societies running community halls. The Okanagan Centre Hall has received over $86,000 in assistance from the district in past years.
Lake Country distributes grants in community
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Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
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Volunteers Needed! 28.Take it find ACROSS Must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box on the ____ 1. Judge’s 55.Dogs and of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the concern Copyright 31.Made holy cats © 2015, Penny Press rest of the volunteers. See Phyllis MacPherson at the 5. Signal assent Food Bank located in the rear of the find ACROSS 32.Clan 28.Take it 56.Fountain Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. 8. Has on the ____ ____ 1. Judge’s 34.Turf 55.Dogs and on any ofNO. the days ANSWER TO PUZZLE 757noted. concern 31.Made holy cats 12.Draft animals 35.Stags and 57.Young adult 250-766-0125 5. Signal assent 56.Fountain bucks32.Clan 13.Hot temper 8. Has ____ 34.Turf 38.Foot parts ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 757 14.Moderately 12.Draft animals 35.Stags andDOWN57.Young adult cold 1. Shy 39.Polite chap bucks 13.Hot temper 15.Decade unit 40.Winding 38.Foot parts2. Woodsman’s 14.Moderately DOWN cold 1. Shy curves39.Polite chap implement 16.Short-term job 15.Decade unit 2. Woodsman’s 40.Winding 41.Coin side 3. Caribbean, 17.Pine ____ curves implement 16.Short-term job e.g. 44.Hobo 18.Alternate 41.Coin side 3. Caribbean, 17.Pine ____ 46.MGM’s44.Hobo 4. Registers 20.Got the best e.g. 18.Alternate trademark once of 4. Registers 46.MGM’s 5. Close, 20.Got the best trademark6. Adjust to once 21.Largest 5. Close, of 47.Glass part 47.Glass part surroundings 6. Adjust to mammal 21.Largest 48.Effortless mammal 48.Effortless7. Unit ofsurroundings heat 24.Close 52.Resting 7. Unit of heat 24.Close 52.Resting 8. Happen 26.Bald bird 53.Act like PUZZLE ANSWERS 8. Happen CROSSWORD 26.Bald bird 53.Act like CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING 27.Half of twenty 9. Dates 54.Detective’s USE AMERICAN SPELLING 27.Half of twenty 54.Detective’s 9. Dates
April 12-18 is Volunteer Week
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COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•ANNUAL COMMUNITY TURKEY EASTER BINGO - Thur., Mar. 26th at The Seniors’ Activity Centre - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Doors open 6pm, games 7pm. Concession open, Lord & Lady Game, Door Prizes, Raffle, 50/50 Draw. All are welcome (Sponsored by the Old Age Pensioners’ Org.) •LADIES AUXILIARY - ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 CRIB TOURNAMENT - Oyama Community Hall, Sun., Mar. 29th. Doors open 9pm, games at 10am. $30 per team includes hot lunch etc. for info call 250-7626208. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sunday every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9.30-11.30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE PRIME TIME - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will be hosting Prime Time again every Monday from 1:00 until 3:15. Entertainment & refreshments are served & everyone welcome. Call 250-766-4220 or Joanne 250-766-0667 for info. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE NOTICE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will effectively have someone on site from 10:00 until 2:00 Mon - Fri., call or stop by if you have questions pertaining to Senior issues. Call 250-766-4220. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., is once again offering great meals on Tuesday at 12:00. •ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 Ladies Auxiliary Cribbage Tournament - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9am, games begin at 10am sharp. $30 Per team includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 Meat draw every Saturday at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. • BETTER AT HOME is a program funded by the Government of BC to help seniors live in their own homes by providing simple non-medical support services. Lake Country Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+ living in Lake Country. Please call 778-215-5247 if you would like more information. •LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE 3250 Berry Rd. Open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10am-6pm, April-September. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., and run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., Mar. 30 Prime Entertainment, Winfield Senior Centre, Tues. Mar. 31 Buffet Lunch, Fri., Mar. 27 Mystery trip. To reserve a seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website •LC FOOD BANK has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer2@ for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses). Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
Shorter wait times expected for advance polling
This little girl is looking for a new home where she can be with her new people all the time because she just loves people company. She REFERENDUM A10 said Seabrook, who also noted ADVANCE VOTING DATES: has lived with older children and the registration process will be • Wednesday, April 15 dogs, but as we always recommend, all family pal elections was 30 per cent in streamlined with more tables 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 members should meet any 2011 and 24 per cent in 2014. open during the general votMunicipal Hall prospective new canine TSN CHBC member CIVT CHAN KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC The highest voterSNP turnout KNOW was ing day. here at CBC the Shelter KIRO • Thursday, April KAYU 16 gets # $ to ensure % everyone & _ )cent of eli* ` will also 1be increased 6 7 10 a.m. 9 ; in 1999 ( when 43 per Staff to 7 p.m. along. Zoe’s previous Bookaboo The Price Is World Vision Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Mayday The Office :00 SportsCentre World Vision The View gible voters cast ballots. with as many as 25 people guardian her as Right ” ” ” described Bo On/Go ” Central PAW Patrol ” ” Kid vs. Kat Now WithOyama ” Paid Prog. :30 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 friendly. playful, gentle, Young & “ItRachael is believed that the 2015 referendum as op- Carole Community Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Ray Hockey Jelly Jamm working KOMO 4 the Criminal Monster Cold Water Hall Family Feud :00 Premier ” Denis Showand cuddly. ” Restless ” Central Bucket-Dino News Minds Rated A for MacNeil Cowboys Family Feud affectionate :30 League referendum will have a signifi posed to 10 who worked the • Friday, April 17 please ask the Kelowna News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News Draft Year PAW Patrol The Chew Criminal News Fat N FuName Game :00 Soccer: TSN Noon CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Chucks YTV CBC NEWS DISC KAYU Vancouver Now ” cantly Hour Hockey Unl. Kate and ” general Minds Squirrel Now With rious: Rolling Paid Prog. higher voter turnout and SPCA Staff, they would 2014 election. :30 International Hour to 7 p.m.; # $ % ( ) * ` 6 7 10 a.m. 9 Days of our beThe Socialto introduce Best& Recipes The_ Talk Days of our World Poker Astroblast General The1 First 48 Almost Andrew Ice Cold Law & pleased :00 Friendly staff would like Sportsnet to provideDragon an Carr’s Landing FireSVU ” Lives Visionyou ” Stefano ” Hospital ” Wayside Nichols Gold Order: :30 SportsCentre World The View Bookaboo The Price Is Lives World Vision Tour G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Mayday The Office all. :00
Sex: Female Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 363113
10 11 12 1 10 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :00 :30 12 :30 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 5 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 :30 10 7 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 8 :00 :00 5 :30 12 9 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 10 :00 7 :30 2 :00 11 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :30 12 :00 9 4 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :00 11 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 MARCH 27, 2015 FRIDAY, 10 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30
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A&E 1
Judge Judy Elementary Tournament: Early News Judge TeamsJudy TBA Global” Nat.
Avalanche at Dive, Joanna Sportsnet Olly Furever Canucks Lumley Central Jelly Jamm ” Furever NHL ” Kate and Sportsnet Hockey: Magic”Bus Sportsnet Her Kings at JackMaster’s Central Voice Islanders Wild Kratts
Grey’s Live The The First First Steve Kimmel Anatomy Harvey ”” Nightline Scandal The KOMO 4 The First First ”” News ” American The News The First First Crime ” World News
KIRO ”News Late 2015Show NCAA
Sportsnet ” Central Hockey
Waterfront Rescue Cities Park
News KOMO 4 Jimmy News
Letterman ET Basketball Ent Canada Sportsnet NHL Corden Doctors Central Tournament: The ET Canada Hockey:
Furever Waterfront Cities ”
Kimmel Wheel Live The First 48 Nightline ” Jeopardy!
News Hour Final ”
The Nature of Things
Teams TBA ”
Bones ”
SportsCentre The Blacklist Big Bang ” ” Goldbergs
Doc Zone ”
Post Game News
The Blacklist ” ” Sportsnet
Furever ”
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
The National Judge Judy ” Judge Judy
American Crime
” The Doctors ” KOMO 4 Steve News Harvey The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO” 4 News Steve The View Wheel Harvey ” Jeopardy! KOMO 4 KOMO 4 Grey’s News News Anatomy News The Chew Scandal World News ” KOMO 4 General American News Hospital Crime Wheel The Doctors News Jeopardy! ” Jimmy
Avalanche at Joanna Canucks Lumley
48 48 48 48 48 48
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat Chucks Kid vs. Kat Monster Sidekick Rated A for Nerds Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel Rabbids Almost Odd Parents Wayside SpongeBob Chucks Sam & Cat Kid vs. Kat Assembly Sidekick Wayside Nicky, Ricky Nerds Kid vs. Kat Stanley Dyn. SpongeBob Monster Gags Rabbids Rated A for Gags Odd Parents Chucks Vampire SpongeBob Squirrel Vampire Sam & Cat Almost Haunting Assembly Wayside Haunting
” Cold HallIce Gold
Now With Power & Politics Carole ” MacNeil ” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC CBC News News ” Now With ” Amanda Carole The National Lang MacNeil ” CBC News CBCNational News The ” Now With ” The National Andrew CBC News ” Nichols ”
Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made Fat N FuDaily rious: Planet Rolling ” Ice Cold Bitchin’ Gold Rides Ice Cold Fast Gold N’ Loud: Demo. How/Made Mayday Amish Mafia How/Made ”” Daily Planet Cold Water How/Made ” Cowboys How/Made Bitchin’ Fat N FuBitchin’ Rides rious: Rolling Rides Fast N’ Ice FastCold N’ Loud: Demo. Gold Loud: Demo. Nicky, CBC News Amish Mafia ChucksRicky The Power & Ice Cold Gags National Amish Mafia Stanley Dyn. Politics Kid vs. Kat Gold ”” Gags ”” Gags The National How/Made Sidekick ” How/Made Gags Amanda Gags How/Made Nerds How/Made Gags Lang ”” Vampire National Bitchin’ SpongeBob The Amanda Daily Planet Vampire Rides ” Rabbids Lang ” Haunting Fast N’ Odd Parents CBC CBC News News Bitchin’ Haunting ” Loud: SpongeBob Rides Demo.
Gags Sam & Cat Gags Assembly
Paid Prog. Family Feud Top Cooker Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey Name Game The PaidMeredith Prog. Vieira Show Law & Mike Order: SVU Anger Family Feud Two Men Top Cooker Mod Fam Steve The Office Big Bang Harvey Paid Prog. Big Bang The Meredith Family Feud BonesShow Vieira Family” Feud Mike Name Game Backstrom Anger Paid Prog. ” Two Men Law News& Mod Fam Order: SVU Mod Fam Big Bang Family Feud Raising Big Bang Top Cooker How I Met Bones Steve Cougar Harvey Name”Game Backstrom The Meredith Vieira ”Show News Mike Mod Fam Anger
The National Amish Fast N’Mafia Raising Two Men ” I Met Loud: ”Demo. How Mod Fam
Gags Nicky, Ricky Amanda CBC News Gags Stanley Dyn. Lang ”
Family Guy Seinfeld Rider” Family Mod Fam ” Guy
Lives Today cont’d Dr. Phil ” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 KING 5 News News Days of our KING 5 Lives News Dr. Phil Nightly” News News Ellen DeGeToday News Show neres cont’d Evening KING 5 New Day Dateline News Northwest NBC KING 5 5 KING The Blacklist News News ” Nightly Days ofNews our The Slap News Lives ” News Dr. Phil KING News Evening ” Tonight
Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang
Newthe Tricks Dateline Call Ellen DeGeBrainChange Show NBC Meyers Midwife neres Show ”” Seth Casethe The Blacklist Call KING 5 Histories Midwife News ”
Gypsy Gypsy Wedding
Jeffersons Browns Break Payne
Slap World ”News The KING 5 Murder Business News ”
Gypsy Wedding
Movie: Browns “Ghost Payne
Myster. PBS El Greco NewsHour
Rider” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
BrainChange Show IN Close News ” Seth Meyers SciTech Evening
KING News Nightly News Tonight News
The National How/Made ” How/Made
Bones ”
Gypsy Wedding
Family Guy Family Guy
New Tricks ”
Dateline NBC
Backstrom ”
Welcome to Myrtle
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Case Histories
The Blacklist ”
Gypsy Wedding
Jeffersons Break
” Murder
The Slap ”
Gypsy Wedding
Movie: “Ghost
The First 48 ”
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
The First 48 ”
Gags Gags
The National Amish Mafia Raising ” ” How I Met
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation MLB ” Operation The View Bookaboo Preseason Smile ” Bo On/Go
Corden The Price Is Right
The Doctors Central Operation MLB Smile Preseason
” G. Shrinks PAW Patrol
” Criminal Minds
Gags Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Young & Restless
Rachael Ray Baseball: ” Tigers at
Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Blue Jays ”
PAW Patrol Kate and
12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 4 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 6 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 1 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :00 :30 8 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 11 :00 :30 :00 12 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 4 :00 :30 11 SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 5 :00 :30 12 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 6 :30 1 :00 # $ % & :00 7 :30 :00 2 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30
Odd Squad Dinosaur Call the Dinosaur Midwife Peg Plus Cat Call the Peg Plus Cat Midwife Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Odd Squad NewsHour Call the Sesame IN Close Midwife Street SciTech Call the Dinosaur New Tricks Midwife Dinosaur ” World News Peg CasePlus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat Histories PBS Why! Super ” NewsHour Thomas Murder IN Close St. Sesame Myster. SciTech Odd Squad El Greco
The National Bitchin’ ” Rides
Waterfront Cities
Heartland ”
8 a.m. to Thomas 8 p.m. Sesame George Elliot Street Sesame St.
King Divorce Divorce The Middle The Middle Judge Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Fam Mod Divorce Seinfeld Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns King Jeffersons Payne King Break Mod Middle Fam The Movie: Seinfeld The Middle “Ghost
Gags Gags
Her Master’s American Voice Crime
Rachael Ray The Marilyn
Love; Lust Say Yes Say Yes Medium Say Yes Medium Say Yes Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Wedding Say Yes Love; Lust Welcome Say Yes to Love; MyrtleLust Gypsy Medium Gypsy Wedding Medium Wedding Gypsy Say Yes to Welcome Wedding Say Yes Myrtle Gypsy Say Yes Gypsy Wedding Say Yes Wedding Welcome Say Yes to Gypsy Myrtle Say Yes Wedding Gypsy Say PaidYes Prog. Wedding Say Yes Paid Prog. Welcome to Gypsy Myrtle Wedding
Vampire Vampire
Sportsnet Central
Braves ”
TLC Hot Bench April Peg Plus • Saturday, 25Cat News < N P KingA Super Why! Days of our
Say Yes Say Yes
Say Yes Say Yes Love; Lust
The First 48 ”
Sportsnet Central
New Day
The First 48 ”
News Hour Final
at ” Denis Show 11 :30 Red Sox FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015
Grey’s Anatomy
Elementary ”
SNP ) Sportsnet
Dinosaur GJudge ENERAL VOTING DAY Northwest Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 WTBS KCTS KING
Scandal ”
KIRO News Late Show
CHAN ( ET Canada
Medium Medium
How/Made Paid Amish Mafia Cougar Big Bang Welcome How/Made Name Game Paid Prog. ” Big Bang Myrtle
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer
KIRO _ Letterman
• Monday, April 20 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Okanagan Centre Community Hall TLC • Tuesday, WTBS April KCTS KING 21 < N P 8A am. to 8 p.m. Love; Lust Divorce Sesame Today Municipal Hall Love; Lust Divorce Street cont’d
KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * ` Furever Kimmel Live
KAYU ; Cougar
Lang CBC News Now With
How/Made Mayday ”
Intervention: Monster I Was There Rated A for
Carole MacNeil
KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `
Intervention ”
Nerds Squirrel
CBC News Now With
NEWS 7 Amanda
The First 48 ”
Almost Wayside
Andrew Nichols
Fast N’ Law & Loud: Demo. Order: SVU
A&E 1
Amish Mafia Mayday ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Bitchin’ ” Rides What Could Fast N’ Go Wrong? Loud: Demo. MythBusters Amish” Mafia ” Mayday Mayday ” How/Made ” How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet How/Made ” MythBusters Bitchin’ ” What Rides Could Go Wrong? What Could Fast N’ Go Wrong? MythBusters Loud: Demo. ” Mayday Amish” Mafia Mayday ” ” Mayday How/Made ” Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet MythBusters ” ” What Could What Could Go Wrong? Go Wrong? MythBusters Mayday ” ” Mayday Mayday ” ” Mayday ”
TLC < Paid Prog.
WTBS A Rider”
News KCTS KING KING Tonight N P BrainChange Show
Name Game Paid The Office WhatProg. Not to Body Beast! Wear
” Divorce Divorce
” Sesame Street
Seth Meyers Today cont’d
How/Made How/Made
Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
Judge Judge
Dinosaur Dinosaur
New Day Northwest
Bitchin’ Rides
Name Game Say Yes Top Cooker Say Yes
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Say Yes What Not to Say Yes Wear Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Say Yes Bride Say Yes Bride Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Say Yes Wear Say BrideYes Say Yes BrideYes Say Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yesand 19 Kids Say Yes Counting 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Bride Say Yes BrideYes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. BrideYes Say Bride Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting Bride Say BrideYes Say Yes Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Bride Bride
The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Browns The Middle Payne The Middle Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons King Break Browns King Payne Movie: The Middle “Win a Date Mod Middle Fam The Seinfeld With Tad Seinfeld Hamilton!” Family Guy Mod Fam Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Break Browns Movie: Payne “Win a Date Mod Fam With Tad Seinfeld Hamilton!” Family Guy Family Guy
Sesame St. Sesame Odd Squad Street Call the Dinosaur Midwife Dinosaur Call the Peg Plus Cat Midwife Peg Plus Cat World News Super Why! Business Thomas PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Odd Squad Washington Sesame Charlie Call the Rose Street Midwife Father Dinosaur Brown Call the Dinosaur Midwife Amnesia Peg Plus Cat ”News World Peg Plus Cat Business Amnesia Super”Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour ” Sesame St. Diaghilev Washington Odd Squad Charlie Rose Aging Call the Backwards Father Midwife Brown Call the Amnesia Midwife ” World News Amnesia Business ” PBS ” NewsHour Diaghilev Washington Aging Charlie Rose Backwards Father Brown
Dr. Phil Today” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News KING 5 Days News of our Lives Nightly News Dr. Phil News ” News Today Evening Ellen DeGecont’d neres GrimmShow New Day ”5 KING Northwest News Dateline KING 5 NBC KING 5 News News ” Days of our ” Nightly Lives News News KING News Dr. Phil Tonight News ” Evening Show Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers Grimm neres Show ” KING 5 Dateline News NBC KING 5 News ” ” Nightly News KING News News Tonight News Show Evening Seth Meyers Grimm ”
Dateline NBC
Myster. El Greco
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
The Season Days of our The Season Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”
Days of our Lives
Soccer: UEFA Euro
Astroblast Dragon
Off Record MLB Interruption Preseason NCAA Baseball: ” Red Sox at 2015 NCAA Braves Basketball ” Tournament: The Season Teams TBA The Season ” Off Record 2015 NCAA Interruption Basketball MLB Tournament: NCAA Preseason Teams” TBA Baseball: ” 2015 NCAA Red Sox at Basketball SportsCentre Braves ” Tournament: ” Teams TBA SportsCentre The Season ”” The Season 2015 NCAA SportsCentre Off Record ” Basketball Interruption Tournament: SportsCentre NCAA” Teams” TBA ” 2015 NCAA SportsCentre Basketball ” Tournament: SportsCentre Teams TBA ” ” SportsCentre 2015 NCAA ” Basketball SportsCentre Tournament: ” Teams TBA ”
Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show The Dr. Oz CTV News Show Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” CTV News Dr. Phil Vancouver ” etalk The View Big Bang Ellen DeGe” neres GrimmShow The Marilyn ” Oz The Dr. Denis Show Show Tank Shark CTV News ” CTV News Vancouver Vancouver Criminal The Social Minds CTV News ” Vancouver News-Lisa Dr. Phil News--11:30 etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers Grimm neres Show ” The Dr. Oz Shark Show Tank ” CTV News Criminal Vancouver Minds CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 etalk Big Bang Seth Meyers Grimm ”
Steven and Bookaboo Chris Bo On/Go Figure Heartland Skating ” ” CBC News ” Now CBC News Best Recipes ” Stefano CBC News Steven and Coronation Chris Figure Bookaboo Skating Figure Bo On/Go Skating ” Heartland ” ” ” the fifth CBC News estate CBC Now News ” The National Best Recipes ” CBC News Stefano Coronation CBC News Steven and Rick Mercer Figure Chris Skating Backstage Figure Coronation ” Skating ” ” the fifth ” estate CBC News The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Coronation Rick Mercer Figure Backstage Skating Coronation ” ”
Let’s Make a The DealPrice Is Right Bold Young & ThisMinute Restless 2015 NCAA KIRO News Basketball ” Tournament: The Talk Teams TBA ” ” Let’s Make 2015 NCAAa Deal Basketball The Price Is Tournament: Bold Right ThisMinute Teams TBA Young & ” 2015 NCAA Restless Basketball Post Game KIRO News News Tournament: ” TeamsJudy TBA Judge The Talk Judge”Judy ” 2015 NCAA KIRO News Let’s Show Make a Late Basketball Deal Tournament: Letterman Bold Corden Teams TBA ThisMinute ” 2015 NCAA Post Game Basketball News Tournament: Judge TeamsJudy TBA Judge Judy ” KIRO News 2015 NCAA Late Show Basketball Letterman Tournament: Corden Teams TBA ”
The Talk Operation ” Smile The Meredith Rachael Ray Vieira Show ” Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days our GlobalofNat. Lives News Hour The Talk ” ” Ent Operation ET Canada The Meredith Smile Vieira Movie:Show Rachael Ray “Eat Pray Young ”& Restless Love” Noon News ” Early Hour News Global” Nat. Days of our ” News Lives Hour News ”Hour The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith The Doctors Movie: Vieira Show “Eat Pray Young & Love” Restless ” Early News Global” Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent ET Canada The Doctors Movie: “Eat Pray
2016 MLB Qualifier Preseason Sportsnet Baseball: Central Tigers at CHL Blue Jays Hockey: ” Playoffs: Soccer: Teams TBA UEFA Euro ” 2016 Sportsnet Qualifier Sportsnet MLB Central Sportsnet Preseason Central UEFA EuroBaseball: pean QualiCHL Tigers at Hockey: fiers: Match Blue Jays of the Day Playoffs: ” Teams TBA Sportsnet Soccer: Central UEFA”Euro Sportsnet Misplays 2016 Is CHL Sportsnet Qualifier Central Sportsnet Sportsnet Central UEFA EuroCentral pean QualiCHL fiers: Match Hockey: of the Day Playoffs: Sportsnet Teams TBA Central ” Misplays Sportsnet Is CHL Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central UEFA European Quali-
Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Waterfront Bucket-Dino Cities Curious Coast G. Shrinks ” Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm The Village Jelly Jamm ” Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus The InspecPAW Patrol tor Lynley Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Mysteries Astroblast Grand Tours Waterfront Dragon Cities the Finding Bucket-Dino Fallen Coast Curious ” The Village Dive, Olly ” The Village Jelly Jamm ” Kate and The InspecMagic Bus tor Lynley Jack Mysteries Wild Kratts Grand Tours Waterfront Finding Cities the Fallen Coast The Village ” ” The Village ”
The Doctors The First 48 The View Criminal ” ” ” Minds Steve Criminal KOMO 4 Intervention: Harvey Minds News I Was There KOMO 4 Criminal The Chew Intervention News Minds ” ” News Criminal General First 48 World News The Minds Hospital ” KOMO 4 Criminal The Doctors Minds The First 48 News ” ” Wheel Criminal The View Criminal Jeopardy! Minds Steve Criminal ” Minds Harvey Minds Cristela Criminal KOMO 4 Intervention: Cristela Minds KOMO Criminal News 4 I Was There News Tank Criminal Minds Shark The Chew Intervention Minds News ”” Criminal ” World News Minds 20/20 Criminal General The First 48 ” 4 Minds KOMO Criminal Hospital ” News Minds News Criminal The Doctors Minds The First 48 Jimmy Wheel” Criminal ” Jeopardy! Minds Kimmel Live Criminal Steve Criminal Nightline Minds Cristela Criminal Harvey Minds Cristela Minds KOMO 4 Criminal Shark Tank Criminal News Minds ” Minds News Criminal 20/20 World News Criminal Minds ” Minds KOMO 4 Criminal News Criminal Minds Jimmy Minds Wheel Criminal Kimmel Live Criminal Jeopardy! Minds Nightline Minds Cristela Criminal Cristela Minds
Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Monster Chucks Rated A for Nicky, Ricky Nerds Hathaways Squirrel Henry Almost Stanley Dyn. Wayside Bella Chucks Assembly Kid vs. Kat Thunder Wayside Movie: Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Chucks “Despicable Monster Me” Nicky, Ricky Rated A for Hathaways ” Nerds Vampire Henry Squirrel Stanley Dyn. Open Heart Almost Open Bella Heart Wayside Assembly Haunting Chucks Haunting Thunder Kid vs. Kat Movie: Despicable Sidekick Me “Despicable Chucks Me” Nicky, Ricky ” Hathaways Vampire Henry Open Heart Stanley Dyn. Open Heart Bella Haunting Assembly Haunting Thunder Despicable Movie: Me “Despicable Me”
Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With CBC News Andrew ” Nichols The National Power” & Politics CBC News CBC News ” Now With ” The National Carole ” Amanda MacNeil LangNational The CBC News ” CBC With News Now ” CBC News Andrew ” The National Nichols ” The National Power” & CBC News Politics ” Amanda ” Lang The National ” ” Amanda The LangNational ” CBC News CBC News ” ” The National The National ” ” CBC News Amanda ” Lang The National ”
SportsCentre Love” ” ”
Shark Tank ”
the fifth estate
Post Game News
fiers: Match of the Day
The Inspector Lynley
Shark Tank ”
Criminal Minds
” Vampire
The National MythBusters Ups” ” ” ”
Say Yes Say Yes
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Amnesia ”
SportsCentre ”
Criminal Minds
The National Judge Judy ” Judge Judy
Sportsnet Central
Mysteries 20/20 Grand Tours ”
Criminal Minds
Open Heart Open Heart
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
19 Kids and Counting
Jeffersons Break
Amnesia ”
Misplays Is CHL
Finding the Fallen
Criminal Minds
Haunting Haunting
The National Mayday ” ”
Raising How I Met
Say Yes Say Yes
Movie: “Win a Date
KCTS ” N Diaghilev
KING News Tonight
Kimmel Live Criminal Born-Explore Nightline Sea Rescue Minds
Despicable Rabbids Me Bread
Amanda CBC News Lang News CBC
AgingKratts Wild Backwards Odd Squad
Show Gardening Seth Prog. Meyers Paid
The Talk Operation ” Smile The Meredith Rachael Ray Vieira Show ” Young & Noon News Restless Hour News Days of ” our Lives Global Nat. The Talk CHBC News ” Ent Operation ET Canada The Meredith Smile Vieira Movie:Show Rachael Ray “Eat Pray Young ”& Restless Love” Noon News ” News Hour ”” Days of our ” Global Lives Nat. CHBC News News CHBC The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith The Doctors Movie: Vieira Show “Eat Pray Young & Love” Restless ” News ” ” Global Nat. CHBC News Final Ent ET Canada The Doctors Movie: “Eat Pray
” ”
” ”
” CHAN (
KNOW KOMO News * ` Jimmy
A&E 1
A&E 1
What Could Go Wrong?
Family Feud The PaidOffice Prog. Body Beast! Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Name Show Game Vieira Top Cooker Mike Law & Anger Order: SVU Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Paid Prog. Big Bang The Office Big Bang Steve Body Beast! Harvey Movie: Family Feud “Grown The Meredith Family Feud Vieira Ups” Show Name Game ” Mike Top Cooker Anger News Law & Mod Fam Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Raising Family Feud How I Met Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Cougar Steve Name Movie:Game Harvey “Grown The Meredith Ups” Show Vieira ” Mike News Anger Mod Fam Two Men Raising Mod Fam How I Met Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Name Game Movie: “Grown
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late Show
SportsCentre ET Canada Big Backstage Hockey Fish’n TheBang Social Absolutely ” The Coronation Motoring RealDoctors Fishing Seth Meyers ” Canadian
Letterman ET Canada Sportsnet All In Fish’n MLB Corden Sports Stars The RealDoctors Fishing Central Preseason
The Wild Village Kratts ” Wild Kratts
Mayday ”
Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids and NameProg. Game Counting Paid Prog. Paid
With Blart: Tad Paul Hamilton!” Mall Cop
Scott FireFit Powerboat ” Driving TV
It Is Written etalk
Bull Riding ”
Powerboat Driving TV
Baseball: Braves at
Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Movie: Martha Outback “Twister”
Teenage Now With Mutant Ninja Hannah
Mayday ”
Kids News Old House
19 Kids 19 Kids
Anchorman: KCTS 9 The Legend Cooks: Just
Golf Digest Equipment
College Hockey
SportsCentre The Nature ” of Things
College Basketball
News Hour PGA Tour
Blue Jays ”
Dogs Dogs/Jobs
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
” ”
Movie: “Despicable
Jacked! ”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
19 Kids 19 Kids
of Ron Burgundy
PGA Tour Golf: Valero
Hope for Wildlife
World of X Games
” Movie:
KNOW KOMO A&E The Polar ESPN Sports “Deep ` 1 Sea* Saturday Impact”
” YTV Chucks 6 Chucks
What Could Go Wrong?
Movie: “Swimfan”
NEWS DISC KAYU The National MythBusters ” 7 9 ; Issue ” ”
19 Kids 19 Kids
Movie: “Saving
TLC WTBS 19 Kids and Silverman” < A Counting ”
Absolutely Fish’n MLB The National All Dr. In Chris-Vet Moves Sportsnet Canadian Sports Stars Moves Real Fishing Central Preseason Hockey Changers
Wild Kratts Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities
Born-Explore Criminal ” ” Sea Rescue Minds” ”
Rabbids Chucks Bread Chucks
CBC News Mayday The National How/Made CBC News ” Mansbridge How/Made
Paid Prog. Bones Paid Prog. ”
19 Kids and Counting
Paul Blart: First Family Mall Cop Box Office
NHL Doc Zone Hockey: ”
” ”
News Hour PGA Tour
Golf: Valero Corner Gas Texas Open, Corner Gas
” College
Third Round Canada’s ” Worst Driver
Hockey Motoring ”
Fish’n The Moves CashSocial Cab Real Fishing Steele” Moves
Doc Zone ”
Figure Skating ” ”
” ”
News Hour Final
The Chew ”
YTV 6 Gags
Fast N’ News Loud: Demo. Mod Fam
DISC 9 How/Made
Nightline The View ”
A&E 1 The First 48
Golf: Valero Soccer: Texas Open, UEFA Euro
KIRO CHAN All In Third Round _ ( Sports Stars ”
SNP 2016 ) Qualifier
Thibedeau ” ” ”
Desserts ” ” ”
Texas Open, Third Round
Wild Kratts Skinny Gut Odd Squad Vibrant You
Gardening Tree Fu Tom Paid Prog. LazyTown
KCTS ” N ”
KING ” P ”
” Simpsons Scott FireFit Powerboat ” Simpsons Driving TV
The Marilyn It Is Written Denis etalk Show
All Simpsons BullInRiding Powerboat Sports” Stars Simpsons Driving TV
MLB Top Baseball: 100 Plays Braves at
Skeletons of Wildlife Cougar Docs Married Mister Maker Movie: at the Sahara Cougar First Sight Martha Outback “Twister”
Max The Teenage NowNature With Max Things Mutant Ninja of Hannah
How/Made Mayday How/Made ”
Bones Kids News ” Old House
Gypsy 19 Kids Wedding 19 Kids
Community Biz Anchorman: With KCTSBrenda 9 GolfKid$ Digest Community News The Legend Watson Cooks: Just Kids Equipment
MLS Soccer: Simpsons College News Hour Timbers Global Nat. Hockey at PGA Tour
The Social Ottawa SportsCentre The Nature etalk ” Senators of Things at
KIRO News College KIRO News Basketball
Simpsons News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour
Hockey Blue Jays Night in ”
Joanna Dogs Lumley Dogs/Jobs
” ”
Max Movie: Max “Despicable
the fifth Thibedeau estate”
Cold Water Jacked! Cowboys ”
Mike Prog. Paid Mike Prog. Paid
Gypsy 19 Kids Wedding 19 Kids
The Middle of Ron The Middle Burgundy
Whitecaps ” FC ” College ” Hockey Hockey College Motoring ” Hockey ”” Scott FireFit ”” ” SportsCentre College ” Hockey SportsCentre MLS Soccer: ”” at Timbers ” SportsCentre Whitecaps ”” FC College One Formula College Racing Hockey Hockey
CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas W5 Canada’s ”Driver The Social Worst ” Big Bang Cash Cab Anger It Is Written Steele etalk Criminal The Marilyn Minds SportsCentre Denis Show Motive” The Social Corner” Gas etalk Corner Gas News CTV News News--11:30 Canada’s Vancouver Worst Driver Murder by W5 Numbers Cash Cab ”
CBS News ” KIRO ”News
News Hour Golf: Valero Texas”Open, 16x9 Third Round Fish’n”” Real Fishing Remedy Moves ” Powerboat Moves DrivingNew TV NCIS: Simpsons Orleans News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Big Brother-Simpsons Side Golf: Show Valero Global Nat. Texas Open, News Final News Hour Saturday Third Round ” ” Night Live 16x9 ” Moves”
Canada Soccer: UEFA”Euro 2016 ” Sportsnet MLB Qualifier Preseason Central Sportsnet Misplays Baseball: Central Braves at NHL MLB Alumni Top ” Blue Jays 100 Plays ” Sportsnet Hockey Central Soccer: Night in UEFA Euro Sportsnet Canada Central 2016 ” Qualifier Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet Sportsnet
Hope for Wildlife Wildlife National The Polar Geographic Wild Kratts Sea Wild Kratts Heartbeat Waterfront Mister”Maker Cities Martha Midsomer Skeletons of Murders Dogs the Sahara Dogs/Jobs ” Joanna Park Hope for Lumley Wildlife Waterfront Hope for Cities The Polar Wildlife Sea Midsomer National Murders Waterfront Geographic
Surviving ” Marriage Movie: Intervention “Deep ” Criminal Impact” Minds Intervention: ” IMovie: Was ”There “Twister” Married Married at at First ” First Sight Sight ” Surviving ” Marriage ”” Movie: Intervention Surviving ” “Deep Marriage Impact” Intervention: IIntervention Was ”There ”
Assembly Me” Max ” Stanley Dyn. Chucks Kids’ Choice Rabbids Chucks Bread Kids’ Choice Chucks Awards Teenage Chucks Mutant Ninja 2015 Max Vampire Movie: Max “Despicable Haunting Max Open Heart Me” Max Open ”Heart Assembly Haunting Chucks Max Chucks Kids’ Choice Stanley ” Dyn. Chucks Kids’ Choice
The National ” Marketplace ” PopeNational & the The MafiaNews CBC Issue CBC News Doc National Zone The ” Now With Mansbridge Hannah The The National Nature Mansbridge Thibedeau of Things ” the Pope & the fifth Mafia ” estate ” The National The National IssueNational The Marketplace Issue The National Pope & the Mansbridge The National Mafia
Overhaulin’ What Could ” Go Wrong? Bitchin’ MythBusters Rides ” Mayday Fat N ”FuHow/Made rious: Rolling Mayday How/Made ” Overhaulin’ How/Made ” Jacked! How/Made ” Bitchin’ Cold Water Rides What Could Cowboys Go Wrong? Cold Water Overhaulin’ Cowboys MythBusters ” ” Moonshiners Bitchin’ ” How/Made Rides
Two Men Movie: Big Bang “Swimfan” Two Men ” Big Bang Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Backstrom Bones ”” Kids News Old House Sleepy Bones Hollow Paid Prog. ” Paid NewsProg. Mike Wanted Movie: Mike “Swimfan” Animation Two Men Domination ” Big Bang Glee ” Two Men ” Bones Big Bang
News Hour Golf: Valero Texas”Open, 16x9 Third Round Fish’n”” Real Fishing Remedy Moves ” Powerboat Moves DrivingNew TV NCIS: Simpsons Orleans News Hour Simpsons PGABrother-Tour Big Simpsons Side Golf: Show Valero Global Nat. Texas Open, News Final News Hour Saturday Third Round ” ” Night Live 16x9 ” Moves”
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KIRO _ Entertain-
All In ment All In ’Night Sports Stars Sports New Stars NCIS: Dr. Chris-Vet Orleans Bull Riding Changers ” Criminal All In Minds College Sports Stars Basketball 48 Hours KIRO News ” KIRO ”News KIRO ”News CBS News Scandal All In KIRO News Sports” Stars EntertainThe Insider Dr. Chris-Vet ment ’Night
NewsProg. Paid WorldProg. News Paid
KNOW KOMO KOMO World of4 X News Games * ` Wheel
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A&E 1
Little League PGA KINGTour 5 Desserts NewsValero ” Golf: Gypsy Movie: Weekend Nightly News 19 Kids ” Texas Open, Wedding “The Taking IN Close KING News 19 Kids “Saving ” Third Round Gypsy of Pelham Members’ Traveler 19 Kids and Silverman” ” ” Wedding 123” Blart: Choice Backroads 19 Kids and Paul Wild Kratts Gardening Counting ” ” ” Counting Mall Cop Squad Paid Prog. Gypsy Guy Odd Figure 19 Kids and Family First Family Skinny” Gut Tree Fu Tom Wedding Family Guy ” Skating 19 Kids Anchorman: KCTS 9You LazyTown Golf Digest Counting Box Office Vibrant 19 Kids The Legend Movie: Cooks: Just Equipment Gypsy Seinfeld ” Gypsy Community With Brenda Biz Kid$ Wedding Seinfeld “Julie & ” 19 Kids of Ron Desserts PGA Tour Wedding Community Watson Kids News 19 Kids Burgundy Golf: Valero Gypsy King Julia” ” Saturday Gypsy The Middle Little League KING 5 Wedding King ”” Night 19 Kids Movie: TexasLive Open, Wedding The Middle ” News 19 Kids “Saving Third Round Gypsy Movie: Great ”PerKING News Gypsy Movie: Weekend Nightly News Wedding “War of the formances Saturday 19 Kids and Silverman” ” ” Wedding “The Taking IN Close KING News Counting ” ” ” Peter Popoff Worlds” Night Live Gypsy of Pelham Members’ Traveler Paid Prog. ” ” Tom 19 Kids and 123” First Family Skinny” Gut Tree Fu Wedding Choice Backroads
4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2 :00 :30 # $ % & 8 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 9 :30 10 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :00 5 :30 11 :30 12 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 1 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 12 :30 :30
”” Calendar Simpsons MasterChef Movie: :00 Paid Prog. Worst Driver March Vancouver Basketball Wednesday, 25,KIRO 2015News rLake 11Country :30 ” CHBC News Canada “Bedtime KIRO News ”
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News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour CHBC News Golf: Valero Big Brother Texas Open, Canada Final Round Madam ” Secretary Ice Pilots The Block NWTGood Wife Lorna Dueck Collectors Battle Creek Joel Osteen Simpsons ” Paid Prog. Simpsons News Hour CHBCFinal News Block PGA Tour Global Nat. Paid Golf: Prog. Valero CHBC News Paid Prog. Texas Open, Big Brother Canada Final Round ” Madam
SportsCentre CTV News ” Vancouver W5 MasterChef ” Canada Movie: Once Upon “Morning a Time Glory” Secrets The Social ” and Lies Celebrity ” Motive Canada’s The Social Worst ”Driver MasterChef News SportsCentre Canada News--11:30 ” CTV News Castle W5 Vancouver ” MasterChef Canada Movie: “Morning Once Upon
Land & Sea Stories” Mansbridge ” Steven and Heartland Chris ” Figure Figure Skating Skating ” ”” Coronation ” Marketplace Backstage The National Our Mr. D ” Vancouver Movie: CBC News Land & Sea “Bedtime Movie: Mansbridge Stories” “Midnight’s Steven ” and Children” Chris Heartland Figure” Skating Figure
Tournament: CBS News Teams TBA KIRO News ” 60 Minutes 2015 NCAA ” Basketball Madam Tournament: Secretary Teams TBA The RoadGood ”to the Wife Final Four Post Game Battle Creek 2015 NCAA Pets.TV ” Basketball KIRO News KIRO News Tournament: KIRO News Teams TBA CBS News Inside March KIRO ”News Face/Nation 2015 NCAA 60 Minutes ” Basketball Tournament: Madam
Cabbie ” Curling SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre
Secretary Ice Pilots NWTGood The Wife Collectors Simpsons Battle Creek
a Time Glory” ” and Secrets Lies ” The Social Motive
Skating ” ””
” ” Simpsons ” CHBCFinal News SportsCentre News Block Nat. ” Global SportsCentre News SportsCentre CHBC Paid Prog. SportsCentre Paid Prog. ” Big Brother That’s Hcky Canada
” MasterChef Canada News
News--11:30 Movie: CTV News Stories” Vancouver ” Castle “Midnight’s ” Children” MasterChef Heartland Canada ”
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Once Upon a Time
Madam Secretary
SportsCentre The Good ” Wife
Secrets and Lies
SportsCentre Battle Creek ” SportsCentre World ”Vision ” SportsCentre News ”Final ” SportsCentre Block Rachael Ray ” ” SportsCentre Paid Prog.
Motive ” The View News ”
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Baseball: at Real at Salt Orioles Lake Blue Jays ICC Cricket ” World Cup Blue Jays Sportsnet MLB Central ICC Cricket UEFA Cup EuroWorld pean QualiSportsnet fiers: Match MLB Central of the Day Preseason MLS Soccer: Sportsnet Baseball: Toronto FC Central Orioles at at Real Salt Sportsnet Blue Lake Jays Central ” ICC Cricket Sportsnet Blue Jays World Cup Central MLB Sportsnet Central ICC Cricket World UEFA Cup Euro-
Little Prince Britain From Little Prince Above Animals Architects of Animals Change Waterfront Mystery Fish Cities ” Rescue Poirot Park ” Hope for ” Wild Kratts Wildlife ItalianJob Little Prince AttenborSilk Little ough Prince ” Little Prince Britain From National Animals Above Geographic Animals Architects of Poirot Waterfront Change Cities ” Mystery Fish ” Rescue Park Poirot
Rockets at News Wizards World News IndyCar KOMO 4 Racing: News Firestone Funny Grand Home Prix Videos of St. Once Upon Petersburg a Time Paid Prog. Secrets NBA Rescue and Lies Basketball: This Week Revenge Rockets ” at ” Wizards News News IndyCar World News Castle Racing: KOMO 4 ” Firestone News Burn GrandNotice Prix Funny Home Videos of St. Petersburg Once Upon
The Intervention Returned ” The Intervention Returned ” Intervention Neighbors” Bnft. Intervention: ISurviving Was There Marriage Intervention Intervention Bates ”Motel ” Intervention Intervention The ” ” Returned Intervention NeighborsThe ” Bnft. Returned Intervention Surviving Intervention ” Marriage ” NeighborsBnft. Intervention: ISurviving Was There
Stanley Dyn. ” Assembly ” Max Movie: Undercover “Tooth Fairy Cook’d 2” Movie: ” “Nanny That’s-Weird McPhee” Vampire ” Open Heart Kids’ Choice Movie: Open Bella Heart “Tooth Haunting Stanley Fairy” Dyn. Haunting Assembly ” Haunting Max ” Haunting Undercover Movie: Tooth Cook’dFairy “Tooth Fairy 2 Movie: 2” ” “Nanny McPhee” That’s-Weird
Now With Mexico’s Hannah Drug War Thibedeau The National ” ” ” Twin Sisters ” ” ” ” Marketplace Marketplace Doc Zone The CBCNational News ” ” CBC News the fifth Twin Sisters Now With estate ” Hannah Mexico’s ” Thibedeau Drug War Mansbridge ” The National The National ” ” Twin Sisters ” Marketplace ”
Secretary Ice Pilots NWTGood The Wife Collectors Simpsons Battle Creek
pean QualiSportsnet Central fiers: Match of theSoccer: Day MLS Toronto FC Sportsnet
Hope ”for Wildlife ”
a Time Paid Prog. Rescue and Secrets Lies This Week ” Revenge
Marriage Intervention ” Intervention ” Intervention ” Intervention
Vampire ” Movie:Heart Open Open “ToothHeart Fairy” Haunting
” The National ” the fifth estateSisters Twin
” Simpsons GlobalFinal Nat. News
Central at Real Salt Lake Sportsnet
Haunting ” ” Haunting
” Mexico’s Drug War ”
KIRONews News CBS KIRO Inside News March Face/Nation 60 Minutes ”
Block Hour News ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Big Brother Canada
Central ICC Cricket World Cup Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central
Madam Secretary
Madam Secretary
UEFA Euro- Poirot pean Quali”
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
fiers: Match of the Day Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet
Secretary Teams TBA ” The Good ” Wife Backstage Post Game Mr. D Pets.TV The National Battle Creek Movie:” KIRO ”News “Bedtime KIRO News CBC News KIRO News
Figure Skating ” ”
The National ” Bookaboo Bo On/Go CBC News
News--11:30 The Marilyn Movie: Heartland Denis ” CastleShow “Midnight’s ” Children” CTV News CBC News Vancouver Now
MONDAY, 2015 Days of our 30, The Social Our :00 Premier MARCH
1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 6 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 8 :30 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 10 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 11 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :30 12 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2015 8 :00 :30 2 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 TSN 3 # $ % & :00 10 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 ”
Joel Osteen Simpsons Paid Prog. Global Nat. News Hour NewsTour Hour PGA ” Golf: Valero Big Brother Texas Open, Canada Final Round Madam ” Secretary Ice Pilots The Block NWTGood Wife Lorna Dueck Collectors Battle Creek Joel Osteen Simpsons ” Paid Prog. Simpsons Final News GlobalHour Nat. BlockTour PGA News Hour Paid Golf: Prog. Valero ” Paid Prog. Texas Open, Big Brother Canada Final Round ” Madam
Off the Record
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Vancouver Steven and Chris
SportsCentre Curling SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ”” ” Hockey Lunch” SportsCentre Premier League ” That’s Off theHcky Record Lumberjacks Cabbie SportsCentre Curling SportsCentre SportsCentre ””” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” ” SportsCentre Hockey Lunch” SportsCentre SportsCentre Premier ” League That’s Hcky Off the Lumberjacks Record Cabbie SportsCentre SportsCentre Curling ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” That’s Hcky
The Meredith Vieira Show World Vision Young” & Restless Ray Rachael News ” Noon ”News Hour Nat. Global CHBC Days ofNews our LivesNight The Shift The Talk ” Big Brother Canada The Meredith Vieira Show Remedy World Vision Young”” & Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Angeles News ” ” CHBC News Noon News Final Global Hour Nat. CHBC News ET Canada Days of our The Doctors LivesNight Shift The Talk Big Brother ” Canada The Meredith Remedy Vieira Show ” Young & NCIS: Los Restless Angeles News CHBC News ” Final Global Nat. ET Canada CHBC News The Doctors The Night Shift
Ellen DeGeneres Show The View ” Oz The Dr. Show The Marilyn Denis Show CTV News Vancouver CTV News Vancouver CTV News Vancouver The Social etalk ” Big Bang Dr. Phil ” Gotham ” Ellen DeGeneres Show Forever The View ”” Oz The Dr. Show Castle The Marilyn ”Show CTV News Denis Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 CTV News Vancouver Vancouver Daily Show The Social Seth etalk Meyers ” Big Bang Dr. Phil Gotham ” ” Ellen DeGeForever neres Show ” The Dr. Oz Castle Show ” CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News Daily Show Vancouver Seth Meyers etalk Big Bang
Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Bo On/Go Dragons’ Den Heartland ” CBC News ” CBC News Now News CBC Murdoch Our Vancouver Mysteries Coronation Steven and Chris Murdoch Mysteriesof Republic Doyle Chasing Bookaboo Shadows Dragons’ Bo On/Go Den National The Heartland CBC News ”” ” CBC CBC News News Rick Mercer CBC Now News Murdoch 22 Minutes Our Coronation Mysteries Vancouver Coronation Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Republic of Chasing Doyle Shadows Dragons’ The National Den ” CBC News CBC News ” Rick Mercer CBC News 22 Minutes Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Coronation
Battle Creek Battle Creek ” The Price Is World ”Vision Right KIRO News News ”Final KIRO News Block Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” Inside March Paid Prog.
ItalianJob Attenborough Silk
A&E 1
” Britain” From News ” Intervention Above World News Neighbors” National News Geographic Castle 4 Bnft. Architects of KOMO Intervention Change News ” ” Poirot Surviving ” Fish Burn Mystery FunnyNotice Home Marriage Neighbors” Videos Bnft.
Once Upon a Time
Edge of Edge Alaskaof Alaska Edge of Bering Sea Alaska Gold Edge of Bering Alaska Sea Gold Edge of MythBusters Alaska ” Edge of To Beof Edge Alaska Announced Alaska Edge of To Beof Edge Alaska Announced Alaska Edge of To Beof Edge Alaska Announced Alaska Bering Sea To Beof Edge Gold Announced Alaska Bering Sea Gold of Edge Alaska MythBusters
sure Cooker! Name Game Body Beast! Simpsons Big Bang Monopoly Mod Fam Millionaires Movie: Simpsons “127 Hours” Burgers ” Simpsons ” Family Guy Paid Prog. Last ManFocus T25 Raising Earth Best PresLivin’ Dream News sure TroutCooker! TV How Met BodyIBeast! Name Game Cougar Big Bang Simpsons Paid Fam Prog. Mod Monopoly How I Met Movie: Millionaires Raising “127 Hours” Simpsons Burgers ” ” Simpsons
48 Hours:
48 Hours on Long Island ID Medium 48 Hours: Who You Hard Do Evid. ” Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Who Do You 48 Hours: Medium ” Hard Evid. Medium Medium 48 Hours: Medium Medium Hard Evid. Medium Medium 48 Hours on Medium ID Long Island Paid Prog. 48 Hours: Medium Paid Hard Prog. Evid. Who Do You ” Long Island Medium Long Island
Guy” Movie:” “SpiderMovie: Man” “Panic ” Room” ”” The Closer Big Bang ”in When Big Bang The Closer Rome Big Bang ” Movie: Big Bang Movie: “The Cable Mod Fam “The Spy Guy” Mod Fam Next Door” ” Movie: Movie:” “SpiderThere “Panic Yet? Man” Room”” ””
Great PerWeekend formances Cancer: The ” Medieval ” Lives Media Call the Coverage Midwife Evening With Masterpiece Sid Science Gwen Ifill Classic Odd Squad Closing Gap ”” McLaughlin ” IN Close Father Makers Great BrownPer” formances Weekend Lord Is” Not Cancer: The on Trial ” Here Medieval Lives Media Coverage Call the
PGA Tour Nightly News Golf: Valero KING News Texas Open, To BeRound Final Announced ” iHeartRadio ” Music Poppy Cat Awards Can’t Sleep? Noodle Skiing” Traveler ” Backroads ” KING 5 KING News PGA NewsTour The 206 Golf: Valero Nightly News Bensinger TexasNews Open, KING Paid Final Prog. Round To Be Announced ” ” iHeartRadio
Medium Long Island Medium Who Do You ” Medium Medium Medium
TheBang Closer Big Big Bang ”
Midwife With Evening Gwen Ifill Masterpiece
Music Cat Poppy Noodle Awards
Announced Edge of Alaska To Be
Family Guy Paid Prog. Raising Last ManEarth Livin’ Dream Trout TV News
The Closer Big Bang Big Bang ”
Announced Edge of Alaska To Be
How NameI Met Game Simpsons Cougar
Medium Medium Medium
Movie: Mod Fam Mod Fam “The Spy
Classic ” Closing Gap Traveler Backroads ”” ” ” Father KING ”5 Brown News Makers KING News
Paid Prog. Monopoly Millionaires How I Met Raising Simpsons Burgers
Medium Next Door” Long Island Movie: Medium “SpiderPaid Prog. ” Paid Who Prog. Do You There Man” Yet? ” ”
” Weekend Cancer: The Lord Is Not on Trial Here Medieval Lives
The 206News Nightly KING News Bensinger Paid To BeProg. Announced
Call the Midwife
iHeartRadio Music
Marketplace ” Doc Zone Edge of Alaska To Be
Haunting Mansbridge Announced Movie: The National Bering Sea “Tooth Fairy The National ” Gold Tooth Fairy To Be 2 ” Announced 2” Twin Sisters Bering Sea ” ” Gold
Medium Mod Father KING ”5 A13 Hard Evid. “The Fam Cable IN Close Medium Mod Fam Brown News
Surviving Marriage
That’s-Weird ” MythBusters Simpsons Vampire Marketplace ” Family Guy
Long Island Medium
” ItalianJob
Intervention ”
Open Heart Open Heart
The National To Be ” Announced
Last ManEarth
Who Do You ” ” The Closer
Masterpiece Awards Classic ”
Silk ” G. Shrinks PAW Patrol National
Intervention ” CSI: Miami ” Neighbors-
Haunting Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Haunting
News HowOffice I Met The Paid Prog. Cougar
Medium Medium 19 Kids 19 Kids Medium
Movie: Divorce Divorce “The Spy
” Sesame Street Makers
Today” cont’d KING News
Bnft. Criminal Minds Surviving
Haunting Monster Rated A for Tooth Fairy
Twin Sisters To Be ” Announced CBC News Mayday Now With ” To Be” Mansbridge Announced Carole Buying Al. MacNeil The National Buying To Be Al.
Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud How I Met
Medium Medium Paid Prog.
Next JudgeDoor” Judge”
” Dinosaur Dinosaur Lord Is Not
The New206 Day Northwest Bensinger
Marriage Criminal Minds
2 Nerds Squirrel
” CBC News Now With
Raising Prog. Name Game Paid Medium Paid Prog. Medium
There Yet? Hot Bench Hot Bench
on Trial Paid Prog. Peg PlusHere Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
and KNOW Secrets KOMO Lies * ` Revenge ” The View
Face/Nation KIRO News Paid NoonProg. News ” Hour
News ” Geographic Jelly Jamm Castle KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News ” Poirot Central ” Burn Notice World Poker PAW Patrol The Chew Tour Kate and ”
The Talk ”
Central Hockey Central Sportsnet
Announced Mighty Planes
Days of our Lives
World Poker Astroblast Tour Dragon
The Returned
Almost Wayside
Diana Swain Ice Cold ” Gold
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
KIRO Bold_
CHAN The ( Meredith
Draft Year NHL Count
SNP ) Sportsnet
Bucket-Dino The Doctors The Curious ” Returned
KNOW KOMO * ` Dive, Olly Steve
A&E 1 Bates Motel
Chucks Kid vs. Kat
YTV 6 Sidekick
Power & Politics
How/Made How/Made
DISC 9 How/Made
Family Feud Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
KAYU ; Steve
TLC < Bride
The Middle The Middle
WTBS A Seinfeld
Sesame St. Odd Squad
KCTS N Story of
KING P Ellen DeGe-
ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy Judge Judy Young & Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News CBS News The Talk Ent ” The Insider Let’s Make a Deal Girl Broke Mike Bold ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy NCIS: Young Los & Angeles KIRO News Restless KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Late KIROShow ”News CBS News Letterman The Talk Corden Ent ” The Insider Let’s Make a Broke Girl Deal Mike Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ” Judge Judy NCIS: Los Judge Judy Angeles KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Late Show KIRO News Letterman CBS News Corden Ent The Insider
Vieira World Show Vision Young” & Restless Ray Rachael ” Early News Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News ” our Days of LivesNight The Shift The Talk ” Big Brother Canada The Meredith Vieira Show Remedy World Vision Young”” & Restless NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Angeles Early News ” Global Nat. News Hour Noon News Final News Hour Hour ” ET Canada Days of our The Doctors LivesNight Shift The Talk Big Brother ” Canada The Meredith Remedy Vieira Show ” Young & NCIS: Los Restless Angeles Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final News Hour ET Canada ” The Doctors The Night Shift
Central Sportsnet Central Misplays Hockey Hockey Central NHL Hockey: World Poker Tour Canucks at Blues World Poker Tour ” Sportsnet Draft Year NHL Count NHL Hockey: Sportsnet Central Canucks at Sportsnet Blues Misplays Central Hockey Sportsnet Hockey Central NHL Central Hockey: NHL World Poker Classics Canucks at Tour Blues Sportsnet World Poker Central ” Tour Sportsnet Draft Year NHL Count NHL Hockey: Sportsnet Canucks Central at Blues Misplays Sportsnet Hockey Central NHL NHL Hockey: Classics Canucks at Sportsnet Blues Central ” Sportsnet
Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Kate and MagicJamm Bus Jelly Bucket-Dino Jack Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Kate and of Architects Change Astroblast Dragon Hope for Wildlife Bucket-Dino CuriousFrom Britain AboveOlly Dive, Jelly Jamm Northwords G. Shrinks ” Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Finding the Jelly Jamm Fallen Jack Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife Architects Kate and of Change Northwords Astroblast Hope ”for Dragon Wildlife Bucket-Dino Britain From Curious Above Dive, Olly Northwords Jelly Jamm ” Kate and Finding the Magic Bus Fallen Jack Hope for Wild Kratts Wildlife Architects of Northwords Change ” Hope for Wildlife
” CSI: Miami Bates ”Motel ” Criminal Minds Bates Motel ” Criminal Minds Motel Bates The ” Returned The Returned The Returned The Returned Bates Motel ”Motel BatesMiami CSI: ” Bates ”Motel ”Motel Bates Criminal Bates ”Motel Minds ” The Criminal Returned Bates Minds Motel The ” The Returned The Returned Returned The The Returned Returned Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel Bates Motel ” ” Bates Motel The ” Returned Bates Motel The ” Returned The Returned
Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Kung Fu Monster Rated A for Odd Parents SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Sam & Cat Assembly Almost Wayside Assembly Max Chucks Kid vs. Home Kat Funny Videos Sidekick Chucks Vampire Wayside Vampire SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Haunting Monster Haunting Odd Parents Rated A for SpongeBob Gags Nerds Gags Sam & Cat Squirrel Assembly Funny Home Almost Videos Assembly Wayside Max Chucks Funny Kid vs. Home Kat Videos Sidekick Vampire Chucks Vampire SpongeBob Haunting Kung Fu Haunting Odd Parents Gags SpongeBob Gags Sam & Cat Funny Home Assembly Videos Assembly Max
” CBC News Now With Amanda Lang Carole MacNeil CBC News ” CBC News NowNational With The Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The National CBC News ” Amanda Now With Lang News CBC Carole ” CBC News MacNeil ” The CBCNational News ” The NowNational With ” Amanda Diana Swain Lang CBC News ” ” Power & The National Politics ” ” The National ” ” Amanda CBC News Lang ” CBC News The National ” ” The National Amanda ” Lang CBC News ”
How/Made Mayday ” Daily Planet Buying” Al. Buying Al. How/Made How/Made Mighty Planes Sea Bering Gold Ice Cold Gold Overhaulin’ ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea Mayday Gold Daily Planet ” ” Overhaulin’ Buying Al. ” Al. How/Made Buying How/Made How/Made Mighty How/Made Bering Planes Sea Gold How/Made Ice Cold How/Made Overhaulin’ Gold ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold Daily Planet Overhaulin’ ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold How/Made Overhaulin’ ”
Harvey The Office PaidMeredith Prog. The Vieira FamilyShow Feud Family Mike Feud Anger Name Game Paid Men Prog. Two Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Big Bang Family Feud Paid Prog. Gotham Steve ” Harvey The The Office Following The PaidMeredith Prog. Vieira Show News Family Feud Mod Mike Fam Family Feud Anger Raising Name Game How I Met Two Paid Men Prog. Mod Fam Cougar Law & Name Game Big Bang Order: SVU Big Bang Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” Steve The Harvey Following The Meredith News Vieira Show Mod Fam Mike Raising Anger How I Met Two Men Cougar Mod Fam Name Game Big Bang Big Bang
Bride 19 Kids 19 Kids To Be Announced Medium Medium ” ” Medium Medium My 600-Lb. Life Say Yes SayBe Yes To Announced Say Yes Say600-Lb. Yes My Life Bride Bride To Kids Be 19 Announced To Be 19 Kids Announced ” Medium ” Medium ”” Medium ” My 600-Lb. Medium Life Popoff Peter Say Yes Paid Prog. To Be Say Yes Announced Say Yes My 600-Lb. Say Yes Life Bride To Be Bride Announced To Be ” Announced ” ” ” ” ” My 600-Lb. Peter Popoff Life Paid Prog. To Be Announced
Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge Judge Browns Payne Hot Bench Hot Bench Browns Payne King King Fam Mod Seinfeld The Middle The Middle Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Jeffersons Judge Break Browns Judge Payne Movie: Hot Bench “The Browns Hot Bench Payne Tuxedo” King ” Mod Fam King Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang Break Browns Movie: Payne “The Browns Tuxedo” Payne ” Mod Fam Seinfeld
England Sesame Streetor Fake Fortune? Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Peg Plus Cat Peg PBS Plus Cat NewsHour Super Why! Thomas Old House Antiques Sesame St. Odd Squad Antiques Roadshow Story of England Cancer: The Sesame Emperor Fake Streetor of Fortune? All Maladies Dinosaur World ”News Dinosaur Business Makers Peg Plus Cat ” PBS Plus Peg Cat NewsHour Independent Super Why! Lens Old House Thomas Antiques Sesame St. Antiques Odd Squad Roadshow Story of Cancer: England The Emperor of Fake or All Maladies Fortune? ” World News Makers Business ” PBS Independent NewsHour Lens Old House Antiques
neres TodayShow cont’d 5 KING News New Day Northwest KING 5 News 5 KING News Nightly News News Days of our Lives News Evening Dr. Phil ” The Voice ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Today KING cont’d”5 News The NewNight Day Shift KING 5 Northwest News News KING KING 5 TonightNews Nightly News News Show Days of our Seth NewsMeyers Lives Evening Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” KING 5 The Night News Shift KING 5 KING News News Tonight Nightly News Show News Seth Meyers News Evening
The Voice ”
General Hospital
A&E 1
” The Closer
Harvey The View KOMO” 4 News 4 KOMO News News World News The Chew KOMO” 4 News General Hospital Wheel Jeopardy! The Doctors ” Dancing With the Steve Harvey Stars The View KOMO”” 4 News Castle KOMO 4 News ” News World News News The Chew Jimmy KOMO” 4 News Live Kimmel General Nightline Wheel Hospital Jeopardy! The Doctors Dancing ” With the Steve Stars Harvey ” KOMO 4 Castle News ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
A&E 1
NEWS 7 ”
Dr. Phil ”
Lumberjacks Big Brother Cabbie Canada
Gotham ”
Murdoch Mysteries
Broke Girl Mike
Big Brother Canada
Britain From Dancing Above With the
Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made
Gotham ”
My 600-Lb. Life
Family Guy Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
Chasing Shadows
Scorpion ”
Remedy ”
Canucks at Blues
KNOW Stars KOMO ” * `
The Returned
Forever ”
NHL Hockey:
SportsCentre Remedy ” ”
Northwords ”
Bates Motel ”
Vampire Vampire
The National Bering Sea ” Gold
The Following
To Be Announced
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Cancer: The Emperor of
KING ” ” P
SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Curling SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ”
NCIS: Los Operation Angeles Smile CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Noon News The Doctors Hour
Castle The View ” ” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver
The National Bookaboo ” Bo On/Go CBC News Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes CBC News Coronation Now
NCIS: Los The Price Is Angeles Right KIRO News Young & Late Show Restless Letterman KIRO News Corden ”
NCIS: Los Operation Angeles Smile News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Noon News The Doctors Hour
Sportsnet MLB Central Preseason NHL Baseball: Classics Red Sox at Sportsnet Rays Central ”
Finding the G. Shrinks Fallen PAW Patrol Hope for Jelly Jamm Wildlife Bucket-Dino Northwords PAW Patrol ” Kate and
Castle The View ” ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”
Bates Motel CSI: Miami ” ” The Criminal Returned Minds The Criminal Returned Minds
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags Monster Gags Rated A for Funny Home Chucks Videos Squirrel
CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With
News The Office Mod Fam Paid Prog. Raising Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Cougar Name Game Name Game Paid Prog.
” 19 Kids and ” Counting
Jeffersons Divorce Break Divorce ” Movie: 19 Kids and Judge ” “The Counting Judge Peter Popoff Tuxedo” 19 Kids Hot Bench Paid Prog. ” 19 Kids Hot Bench
All Maladies Sesame ” Street Makers Dinosaur ” Dinosaur Independent Peg Plus Cat Lens Peg Plus Cat
The Night Today Shift cont’d KING News New Day Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News
” Cabbie
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”
Days of our Lives
MLB Astroblast World Poker Dragon
General Hospital
Almost Wayside
Diana Swain Overhaulin’ ” ”
Law & Order: SVU
19 Kids 19 Kids
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
A&E 1
A&E 1
Overhaulin’ Mayday ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold
King King
That’s Hcky That’s Hcky
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Tour NHL Count
Bucket-Dino The Doctors Surviving Curious ” Marriage
Chucks Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
How/Made How/Made
Family Feud 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids
The Middle The Middle
Sesame St. Odd Squad
Dr. Phil ”
SC Top 10 SportsCentre SC Top 10 Curling Golf Talk ” Hockey ” Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre ”” Cabbie Hockey That’s”Hcky That’s Hcky ” SC Top ” 10 SC Top 10 ” SportsCentre Golf Talk SportsCentre Hockey Curling SportsCentre Off Record ”” Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” ” SportsCentre Hockey ” SportsCentre ” Cabbie
The Meredith Operation Vieira Show Smile Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” News Noon ”News Hour Global Nat. Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” NCIS The Meredith ” Vieira Show The Operation Young & Dovekeepers Restless Smile ” News ” Ray Rachael ” News Hour Global Nat. Noon News Final CHBC Hour News ET Canada Ent Days of our The Doctors ET Canada Lives
Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” The Flash Ellen DeGe” neres Show Agents of The View Dr. Oz S.H.I.E.L.D. Show ” Law & CTV News The Marilyn Order: SVU Vancouver Denis Show News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show etalkSocial The Seth Meyers Big Bang ”
Republic of Bookaboo Doyle Bo On/Go Dragons’ Heartland Den ” CBC News CBC News ” Now CBC News Best Recipes Murdoch Stefano Mysteries Steven and Coronation Chris Rick Mercer Republic of 22 Minutes Doyle Creek Bookaboo Dragons’ Mr. D DenOn/Go Bo The National CBC News Heartland ” ” CBC News CBC Mercer News Rick Murdoch Now 22 Minutes Mysteries Best Recipes Coronation Coronation Stefano
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News News KIRO ” KIRO News The CBSTalk News ” Ent Let’sInsider Make a The Deal NCIS Bold ” ThisMinute The The Price Is Judge Judy Dovekeepers Judge Judy Right ” KIRO ”News Young & KIRO News Restless KIRO News KIROShow News Late CBS News ” Letterman Ent The Talk Corden The Insider ”
Sportsnet MLB Central Preseason Canucks TV Baseball: Hockey Red Sox at NHL Rays Hockey: ” Canucks at MLB Predators World Poker ” Tour Sportsnet NHL Count NHL Sportsnet Hockey: Central Canucks at MLB Canucks TV Predators Hockey Preseason Sportsnet NHL Baseball: Central Hockey: Red Sox at Sportsnet Canucks at Rays Central Predators ” Sportsnet ” MLB Central Sportsnet World Poker
Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate and Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Bucket-Dino Jack PAWKratts Patrol Wild Kate and Hope for Astroblast Wildlife Dragon The Polar Bucket-Dino Sea Curious AttenborDive, ough Olly Jelly Jamm Marwencol G. Shrinks Kate and ” MagicPatrol Bus PAW ” Jack Jelly Jamm Down Here Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino The Polar Hope for PAW Patrol Sea Wildlife Kate and Marwencol The Polar Astroblast ” Sea Dragon
Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Fresh-Boat Steve Repeat After Harvey Agents of The View KOMO 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. News ” Forever News ” 4 KOMO World News News News KOMO 4 The Chew Jimmy News ” Kimmel Live Wheel General Nightline Jeopardy! Hospital
Married at CSI: Sight Miami First ” ” Criminal ” Minds Married at Criminal First Sight Minds Married at NeighborsFirst Sight Bnft. Surviving Surviving Marriage Marriage NeighborsMarried at Bnft. First Sight Married at CSI: Sight Miami ” First ” Married at Married at Criminal First Sight First Sight Minds Surviving Married Criminalat Marriage First Sight Minds NeighborsSurviving NeighborsBnft. Marriage Bnft.
Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Monster Chucks Rated A for Odd Parents Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel Sam & Cat Almost Assembly Wayside Max Chucks Hathaways Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Nerds Open Heart Wayside SpongeBob My Chucks Kid vs. Kat Babysitter’s Odd Parents Monster a Vampire SpongeBob Rated A for That’s-Weird Sam & Cat Chucks Gags Assembly Squirrel Funny Home Max Almost Videos Hathaways Wayside
” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” ” The National CBC News Amanda ” Lang With Now CBC News CBC News Carole ” ” MacNeil The National The CBCNational News ” ” Now With Amanda CBC News Diana Swain Lang ”
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made Jade Fever Bering Sea Jade Fever Gold Ice Cold Overhaulin’ Gold ” Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made Buying Al. How/Made Buying Al. How/Made Jade Fever Mayday Daily Fever Planet Jade ” Cold Water Jade Fever How/Made Cowboys Jade Fever How/Made Buying Al. Ice Cold Bering Sea Buying Al. Gold Jade Fever Cold Water Overhaulin’ Jade Fever Cowboys ”
Steve The Office Harvey Paid Prog. The Meredith FamilyShow Feud Vieira Family Feud Mike Name Game Anger Paid Prog. Two Men Law Mod & Fam Order: SVU Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Paid Prog. Hell’s Steve Kitchen Harvey New Girl Office The Meredith Loners Vieira Show Paid Prog. News Mike Family Feud Mod Fam Anger Feud Family Raising Two Men Name Game How I Met Mod Paid Fam Prog. Cougar Big Bang Law & Name Game Big Bang Order: SVU
19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting 19 Kids and 19 Kids Counting 19 Kids ” 19 Kids ” 19 Kids 7 Little 19 Kids Johnstons 19 Kids 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting ” 19 Kids ” and Counting 7 Little 19 Kids and Johnstons Counting 19 Kids and ” 19 Kids Counting ” 19 Kids Paid Prog. 7 Little 19 Kids Paid Prog. Johnstons 19 Kids
Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Jeffersons Browns Judge Break Payne Judge Movie: Browns Hot Bench “The Ring” Payne Hot Bench ” Mod Fam King ” Seinfeld King
Story of Sesame England Street Fake or Dinosaur Fortune? Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Nick Stellino Sesame St. Rick Steves Odd Squad Twice Born Story of ” England Cancer: The Sesame Fake or of Emperor Fortune? Street All Maladies World ”News Dinosaur Business Dinosaur Makers PBS Plus Peg Cat ” NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Makers Nick Stellino Super Why! ” Rick Steves Thomas
Ellen DeGeTodayShow neres cont’d KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Undateable Today KING 5 Big Happy News cont’d Chicago Fire KINGDay New ”5 News Northwest KING News Nightly KING 5News Tonight News Show News Days of our Seth Meyers Evening Lives
NCISTalk The ” The Meredith Dovekeepers Vieira Show Young” & ” Restless World Vision News News ”Hour Final ” Ray Rachael ” ” Nat. SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre Global SportsCentre The Doctors CHBC News ” Noon News ” Hour Hockey Ent Days of our ” ET Canada SC Top 10 Lives ” NCIS Off Record The Talk ” ” Interruption ” ” The SportsCentre Dovekeepers The Meredith SportsCentre Curling Vieira Show SportsCentre ” ”” Young” & ” Restless SportsCentre News Hour ” News ” Final ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada ” Global Nat. SportsCentre The Doctors SportsCentre CHBC News
ThePhil Flash Dr. ” Agents of Ellen DeGeS.H.I.E.L.D. neres Show Law & Oz The Dr. Order: SVU Show The View News-Lisa ” CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Marilyn DenisNews Show Daily Show CTV Seth Meyers Vancouver CTV News
Rick Mercer Steven and 22 Minutes Chris Creek Republic of Mr. D Doyle
NHL Tour Hockey: NHL Count Canucks at Sportsnet SNP Predators Central
AttenborBucket-Dino ough Curious Marwencol Dive, Olly KNOW ” Jelly Jamm
Fresh-Boat The Doctors Repeat ” After Agents of Steve KOMO S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey
NeighborsSurviving Bnft. Marriage Married at A&E First Sight Sight First
Buying Al. How/Made Buying Al. How/Made Jade Fever How/Made DISC Jade Fever How/Made
Hell’s Feud Family Kitchen Paid Prog. New Girl Steve KAYU Loners Harvey
19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids ” and 19 TLC Kids ” Counting
Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Amer. Dad Seinfeld WTBS Amer. Dad Mod Fam
Sportsnet Canucks TV Central Hockey MLB Sportsnet Preseason NHL Central Hockey: Baseball: Rays at at Sportsnet Canucks Central Predators Yankees
Forever KOMO 4 ” News The View News News ” Jimmy World KOMONews 4 News 4Live Kimmel KOMO Nightline News The Chew Wheel”
Married ” at First Sight ” CSI: Miami Surviving ” Married at Marriage First Sight Criminal Minds at NeighborsMarried Bnft. First Sight Criminal
”” Best Recipes The Talk of our Blue Jays Coronation Insider Days ET Canada Sportsnet Stefano ” Lives Special Rick Mercer NCIS NCIS NHL Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Blue Jays 22 Minutes ” ” Hockey: Chris Deal ” Plays/Month Creek The The Canucks at Republic of Bold The Meredith Predators Sportsnet Mr. D Dovekeepers Dovekeepers Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show Central The National ” ” Sportsnet Dragons’ Judge”Judy Young” & Hockey ” Central Den Judge Judy Restless NHL CBC News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet CBC News KIRO News Early News Hockey: Rick Mercer Late Show Final Central ” KIRO News Global Nat. Maple Leafs 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada Sportsnet CBC News KIRO News News Hour at Sabres Coronation Corden The Doctors Central Murdoch CBS News ” ”
” Kate and Down Here Magic Bus G. Shrinks The Polar PAW Patrol Jack Sea Wild Jelly Kratts Jamm Bucket-Dino Marwencol Hope for ” Wildlife PAW Patrol Kate and The Polar
Funny Home Power The National Chucks & Videos ” Kid vs. Kat Politics Open Heart The National Sidekick ” YTV NEWS My Nerds ”” 6 7 Babysitter’s CBC News SpongeBob Amanda a Vampire ” Chucks Lang Wayside CBC News That’s-Weird The Kid Kat Now With Oddvs. Parents CBCNational News Gags SpongeBob Monster Carole”” Rated&A for The MacNeil Funny Home Amanda Sam Cat National Videos Lang Assembly ” Nerds CBC News
Vancouver etalk TheBang Social Big ” The Flash Dr. Phil ” ” Agents of Ellen DeGeS.H.I.E.L.D. neres Show Law & The Dr.SVU Oz Order: Show News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver
NCISMake a The NCISTalk Let’s Deal ” ” The Meredith KIRO Vieira CHAN Dovekeepers Show _ ( ”& Young ” Restless World Vision News ”Hour Early News Final Global Nat. Rachael Ray ”Hour ET Canada News The Doctors Noon ”News Hour Ent
Minds Surviving Astroblast General Shipping Sea Jeopardy! Marriage Dragon Hospital Shipping AttenborFresh-Boat NeighborsBucket-Dino Repeat The Doctors Shipping ough After Bnft. Curious ” Shipping Marwencol Agents of Married at Dive, Olly Steve Shipping ” S.H.I.E.L.D. First Sight Jelly Jamm Harvey Shipping ” Forever Married at Kate and KOMO 4 Shipping Down Here ” First Sight Magic Bus News Shipping The Polar News Surviving Jack News Storage Sea Jimmy Marriage Wild Kratts World News Storage Marwencol Kimmel Live NeighborsThe Polar KOMO 4 Storage ” Nightline Bnft. Sea News Storage
Squirrel Max Almost Hathaways Wayside Funny Home Chucks Videos Kid vs. Kat Open Heart Sidekick My Chucks Babysitter’s SpongeBob a Vampire Penguins That’s-Weird Odd Parents Gags SpongeBob Funny Home Sam & Cat Videos Assembly
Now With CBC News Diana ”Swain ” The National Power” & Politics The National ”” ” CBC News Amanda ” Lang The National CBC News ” ” Amanda The National Lang ”
PaidBang Prog. Big Cold Water Law & Cowboys Big Bang Cowboys Order: SVU Buying Al. Hell’s Buying Al. Family Feud Kitchen Buying Al. Paid Prog. Jade Fever New Girl How/Made Steve Jade Fever Loners How/Made Harvey Cold Water News Daily Planet The Cowboys ModMeredith Fam ” Vieira Show Buying Al. Raising Fat N FuMike Buying Al. How I Met rious: Rolling Anger Jade Fever Cougar Ice Cold Two Men Jade Fever Name Game Gold Mod Fam
Curling ”
Ent ET Canada
etalk Big Bang
Mysteries Coronation
Rescue Park
Bella Henry
CBC News ”
Ice Cold Gold
” ”
Survivor ”
” ”
Big Brother Canada
Law & Order: SVU
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
CSI: Crime Scene
The National ”
SportsCentre News Hour ” Final
News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Rick Mercer
That’s”Hcky That’s”Hcky
” 10 SC Top SportsCentre SC Top 10 SportsCentre Golf Talk ” Hockey SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Off Record ” Interruption Hockey
The Meredith Operation Vieira Show Smile Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” NCIS The Meredith ” Vieira Show The Operation Young & Dovekeepers Restless Smile ” Early News Rachael ” Ray Global” Nat. News Hour News Hour Noon News Final Hour ” ET Canada Ent Days of our The Doctors ET Canada Lives
The Bold Dovekeepers ThisMinute The National Judge”Judy Dragons’ ” ”Judy Den Judge Bookaboo The Price Is CBC News KIRO Bo On/Go Right CBC News KIRO News News Rick Mercer Late Show ” KIRO News Heartland Young & ” Restless 22 Minutes Letterman CBC News KIRO News Coronation Corden Murdoch CBS CBC News KIRONews News Now ” Mysteries Ent
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
X Company ”
The Big Brother Dovekeepers Canada
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes SportsCentre The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation
Sportsnet NHL
Wheel Jeopardy!
A&E 1
Shipping Shipping
Cold Daily Water Planet Cowboys ” Mayday Buying ” Al. Jade Fever Buying Al. Jade Jade Fever Fever Jade Fever Ice Cold Jade Fever Gold Ice Cold Gold Cold Water
; News The Meredith Mod Fam Vieira Show The Office Raising Paid Mike Prog. How I Met Anger Family Feud Family Feud Cougar Two Men Name Game Mod Fam Name Game
Big Bang Big Bang
<and 7 Little 19 Kids Johnstons Counting 19 Kids and 19 Counting 19 Kids Kids and and Counting Counting Medium Medium Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ” Medium Medium 7 Little
A Jeffersons Big Bang Break Big Bang Divorce Movie: Divorce Browns “The Ring” Payne Judge Judge” Browns ” Payne Hot Bench Hot Bench Mod Fam
Twice Born ThePhil Voice Sesame St. Dr. ” Odd Squad ” Cancer: The Ellen Undateable Story of DeGeKCTS KING Emperor of Big Happy England neres Show N P All Maladies Chicago Fake or KING 5 Fire ” ” Fortune? News Sesame Today Makers KING Street World News cont’d KING News 5 ” Tonight Business News Dinosaur New Day Dinosaur Northwest Makers Show PBS Nightly News ” Seth Meyers NewsHour News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News Nick Stellino News
Say Yes Johnstons Say Yes 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Say Yes ” Addiction ” Addiction 7 Little Strange Johnstons Strange 19 Kids and My 600-Lb. Counting Life Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. Life
King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle Amer. Dad Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Jeffersons Big Bang Break Big Bang Movie: Browns “The Ring” Payne ” Browns ” Payne
Super Why! Rick Steves Thomas Twice Born Shalom ” Odd Squad Cancer: The Story of of Emperor England All Maladies Secrets ” of Henry VIII’s Makers World News ” Business Makers PBS ” NewsHour
Days of our Evening Lives The Voice Dr. Phil ” ” Undateable Ellen DeGeBig Happy neres Show Chicago Fire KING ”5 News KING News KING 5 Tonight News Show Nightly News Seth Meyers News
Old House Field Guide
News Evening
The Mysteries of Laura
Outrageous Mod Fam Births: Tales Seinfeld
Hockey: China’s Avalanche at Capitalist
The Middle Goldbergs
Storage Storage
Just Kidding The National Amish Mafia American Just Kidding ” ” Idol
My 600-Lb. Life
Sharks ”
Mod Fam blackish
Storage Storage
Mr. Young Boys
The National Fat N Fu” rious: Rolling
Outrageous Amer. Dad Births: Tales Amer. Dad
Cancer: The Law & Emperor of Order: SVU
Nashville ”
Storage Storage
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
My 600-Lb. Life
Jeffersons Break
All Maladies ”
News Jimmy
Shipping Shipping
Just Kidding The National Ice Cold Just Kidding ” Gold
Raising How I Met
Strange Strange
Movie: “Cleaner”
Cancer: The KING News 30 Days to a Tonight
Bella Henry
Cougar Peter Popoff Name Game Paid Prog.
Haydn’s Creation
” ”
Chicago PD ”
Sportsnet Central
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
NHL in 30 NHL Count
” ”
Letterman Corden
ET Canada World Poker China’s The Doctors Tour Capitalist
Park Rescue
Kimmel Live Storage Nightline Storage
Amanda Lang
Ice Cold Gold
Cold Water Cowboys
” ”
Family Guy Family Guy
” ”
Chicago PD ”
Younger Show Heart-Masley Seth Meyers
Wednesday,March March25, 25,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
A14 A14
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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Education/Trade Schools
Financial Services
Financial Services
Moving & Storage
Painting & Decorating
US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
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SCHERGER - LEO Was born on July 11, 1937 and sadly passed away on March 14, 2015 after a brief illness. He was a family man, loved his wife Donna, his children: Kim Roth (Dave Deagle), Kelly Lalonde (Robin), grandchildren: Steve Roth (Melonie), Danielle Bailey (Mark Morrison) and Amy Bailey, his great grandchildren: Dilyn, Jade, Shayodi and Jamie and great, great grandchildren: Aubrey and Charley, his two brothers: Ed and Elmer, one sister Jeanette and their families and numerous nieces and nephews. He loved to hike through the bush in the hills with his dogs, Jazz & â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Doodâ&#x20AC;? and playing in the yard with â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Pitbullâ&#x20AC;?, his yorkie Nikki. Gardening was his passion. He will be remembered by family, friends and neighbors for his witty humor and his kind heart. He will be sadly missed. A private family gathering will be held. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements entrusted to First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna, B.C. ph: 250-762-2299.
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,March March25, 25,2015 2015
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Antiques / Vintage
Misc. Wanted
BLUENOSE Coins & Precious Metals buys and sells Canadian & US Coins and Banknotes, Gold and Silver Maple Leafs, Bars, Vintage Sports Card, Fine Watches (Rolex), Large quality Diamonds, and much more!! We pay the most and sell at the best prices, shop and compare, family owned and life time member of the RCNA. Penticton 1-866-493-6515.
PURCHASING scrap gold & old Canadian & American coin collections. 250-548-3670
Auctions AUCTION March 28th Custom log furniture making equipment, 1379 Green Ave, Trail, BC for pictures and updates 250-212-3418
Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Misc. Wanted
Real Estate Business for Sale COIN-OP BUSINESS FOR SALE. Pool tables, juke boxes, digital music systems, & various games. All coin operated All on Locations Revenue producing Okanagan & Area. Serious Inquires only Asking $55,000.00
Firearms Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6 A15 A15
RV Pads LARGE Seasonal RV lot for rent at Shuswap Falls RV Resort Seasonal rate $2,700 from April 15th to Oct 15th, 2015. Price includes Water, Sewer, Power, Fire Pit, Picnic Table, Clean Shale Pad and Driveway. For more info or see my ad at BC Vacation rentals. Call Dave 403-703-9066 or reply via Lot is also available to purchase @$89,900.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
OKANAGAN RAIL CORRIDOR NOTICE OF REFERENDUM District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road | Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0116 | The Question (open to all eligible electors in Lake Country) “Are you in favour of the District of Lake Country adopting Loan Authorization Bylaw (Okanagan Rail Corridor) 906, 2014 to authorize the borrowing of up to Two Million Six Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($2,615,000) to fund the purchase of a 50% share of 16 kilometres of the Okanagan Rail Corridor within District boundaries?”
The Background In September 2013 CN Rail began the process of discontinuing the Okanagan rail line that runs from Mile 88 in Coldstream to Kelowna. After the Federal and Provincial levels of government declined the purchase it was offered to Municipal levels. The City of Kelowna, on behalf of the Inter-jurisdictional Acquisition Team (“IAT”) composed of Kelowna, Coldstream, Vernon, Lake Country, the Regional District of North Okanagan and the Regional District of Central Okanagan, entered into an agreement with CN to purchase the corridor. The City of Kelowna and the District of Lake Country then entered into a Memorandum of Understanding where the cost of the 16 kilometres of the corridor within Lake Country, approximately $5,145,000 will be funded 50% by the District borrowing up to $2,615,000 through Loan Authorization Bylaw 906, 2014 ($2,572,500 plus debt financing) and the City of Kelowna buying the other 50% of the land for $2,572,500. There is no repayment schedule or obligation to purchase Kelowna’s portion back although the intent is to buy the land back through the sale of surplus lands along the corridor. The annual interest on borrowing is approximately $164,655 per year over 20 years at an estimated 2.94% interest. The tax increase for borrowing, applicable to all properties within the District of Lake Country, will be approximately $27.00 per year on a house assessed at $475,000 (approximately $0.057/$1,000 of assessed value) This synopsis is not an interpretation of Bylaw 906, 2014 which can inspected on the District’s website and at the Municipal Hall Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.
Mail Ballot Voting To vote by mail complete the Application on the District’s website and submit it to the Chief/Deputy Chief Election Officer by 4 p.m. Thursday, April 23, 2015. Mail ballots will be mailed beginning April 15, 2015 and must be returned to the Municipal Hall by the close of voting on April 25, 2015. You can vote by mail ballot if: you are qualified to vote as a resident or non-resident property elector; you have a physical disability, illness, or injury that affects the ability to vote on all voting days; you will be absent from Lake Country on all voting days.
Contact Elections BC for advertising during a referendum. | | 1-855-952-0280
Applications to act as a scrutineer for the referendum can be completed online and submitted to the Chief/Deputy Chief Election Officer from March 30, 2015 to 4:30 p.m. April 9, 2015. Applications can be emailed to or dropped off at the Municipal Hall. Only one scrutineer in favour and one opposed to the question are entitled to be present at the voting location at one time. If more than one person wishes to be considered for appointment, the choice must be made by lot.
Elector Qualifications You are eligible to vote as a resident elector if you: are 18 years of age or older on general voting day are a Canadian citizen have resided in BC for at least 6 months have resided in Lake Country for at least 30 are not disqualified from voting in local elections You are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you: are NOT entitled to vote as a resident are 18 years of age or older on general voting day are a Canadian citizen have resided in BC for at least 6 months have been the registered owner of property in Lake Country for at least 30 days are not be disqualified from voting in an election only register for one piece of property only one person can vote per piece of property cannot have a numbered company or corporation on title must provide written consent from other people on title Non-resident property electors can complete an Application on the District’s website which can be submitted up until the close of General Voting Day.
Documents Required to Register All electors must register on the day of voting by signing a declaration and providing 2 pieces of ID (picture ID is not required): one must have your address (proving residency) one must have your signature (proving identity) Examples of acceptable ID include a BC Driver’s Licence, BC ID Card, Care Card or Fire Arms Licence; a Lake Country tax notice, utility bill, vehicle insurance documents, credit or debit card or passport. If you do not have acceptable ID, you must have at least 1 piece with your signature and the Chief/Deputy Election Officer will provide you with a declaration of residency.
Voting Locations & Times
(polling stations are open to all eligible electors in Lake Country) ADVANCE VOTING DAYS Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8 am - 8 pm Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
ADVANCE VOTING DAYS Monday, April 20, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Okanagan Centre Community Hall 11099 Maddock Ave
Thursday, April 16, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Rd
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8 am - 8 pm Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
Friday, April 17, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Carr’s Landing Fire Hall 16625 Commonage Rd
GENERAL VOTING DAY Saturday, April 25, 2015 8 am - 8 pm GESS Community Gym 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Rd