Kootenay News Advertiser, March 27, 2015

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Friday, March 27, 2015







SAVE $6,000

2015 SIERRA 1500 MSRP $72,995

Rules clarified for left lane



What’s Inside


SAVE $6,000

The province has clarified driving rules about driving in the left passing lane.


page A4

2015 SIERRA 1500 MSRP $72,995

$56,995* $66,995*


SAVE $5,000 SAVE $6,000

Meet the new CBT Board


New and returning faces on the board of the Columbia Basin Trust.

2015 SILVERADO 1500 MSRP $62,995

page A9

2015 SIERRA 1500 MSRP $68,995

$57,995* $61,995*


SAVE $5,000 SAVE $7,000


The travelling chef

2015 KIA OPTIMA MSRP $37,995




2015 KIA SORENTO MSRP $37,995

A College of the Rockies instructor is learning and teaching in Costa Rica.


page A10


SAVE $6,000 SAVE $11,000





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* All prices and payments are plus DOC fees and taxes Disclaimer: all prices and payments are plus fees and taxes. All payments are OAC, please see dealer for further information.


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$2000 in

Introducing a brand new way to design on location plan and Thurdsay,Friday paint! and Saturday




11:00 - 1:00

Thursday, March 26th Cranbrook Lacrosse Association





phone: 250.426.3313

Friday , March 27th Royal Canadian Legion Saturday, March 28th Cancer Society

125A Slater Rd., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 4M4

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Factory reps will be in the store to answer all your paint questions.








phone: 250.426.3313



125A Slater Rd., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 4M4

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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

College of the Rockies

Practical Nursing and Health Care Assistant

Rules clarified for driving in left lane By Tom Fletcher

Information Session Wednesday, April 8 4 – 7 pm (drop-in)

Rm 205 – Cranbrook Main Campus Health Care Workers are in demand. Find out if a career as a Practical Nurse or Health Care Assistant is right for you.

Talk to faculty and students who are currently in the program. Learn about admission requirements and financial aid. Discover employment opportunities. Attend for a chance to WIN a $50 bookstore gift certificate.





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AUCTION SALE for Silver Tip Wood Products Old Cominco Shops Building

April 11, 2015 - 10:00 am

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GST Applies • Concession • No Dogs Please

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New highway signs are being installed to remind drivers to keep passing lanes clear.

Drivers must vacate the left lane when a vehicle comes up behind them, unless they are passing another vehicle, avoiding debris on the road, allowing traffic to merge from the right, preparing to turn left or passing an official vehicle stopped on the highway. That will be the rule any time when the speed limit is 80 km/h or higher and traffic is moving at more than 50 km/h, under changes coming to the Motor Vehicle Act. Hogging the left lane and holding up traffic is already a ticket offence, but one that police found difficult to enforce due to the wording of the legislation, said Transportation Minister Todd Stone. The fine continues to be $109 for unnecessary use of the left lane. Stone said slow drivers in the left lane are a big frustration, prompting drivers to pass on

the right, which is also illegal. The changes are not intended to encourage people to exceed the speed limit in the left lane, he said. Amendments tabled in the B.C. legislature Monday also aim to clarify the province’s roadside driving prohibition law, after court challenges. That law gives police powers to impound vehicles and suspend driving privileges for up to 90 days after a driver blows a “warn” or “fail” level of blood alcohol on a roadside screening device. The “immediate roadside prohibition” program took effect in 2010, effectively replacing most impaired driving charges with administrative penalties, including a threeday driving ban and a $200 administrative fee for those who register between 0.05 and 0.08, if the police officer has reason to believe the driver is impaired.

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College of the Rockies

Entrance Awards - over $50,000 available to applicants entering full-time programs at College of the Rockies. The 2015-2016 Entrance Awards Program offers awards ranging from $500 to two-year full tuition scholarships (value approx. $7,000).

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A complete list of awards and application deadlines is available on our website. www.cotr.bc.ca/financialaid/

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Province recharges rebate for electric vehicles

Photo submitted

Energy Minister Bill Bennett looks at the power system of a plug-in electric vehicle on display at the Vancouver International Auto Show. By Tom Fletcher The B.C. government has revived its emission-free vehicle subsidy program, offering up to $5,000 to buyers of battery-powered and plug-in hybrid cars. Energy Minister Bill Bennett announced the program at the Vancouver Convention Centre as it set up for the annual auto show this week. B.C. will spend $10.6 million, most of it for vehicle purchase rebates and the rest to finance new car charging stations. The program takes effect April 1 and is funded to continue until March 2018. Those scrapping a 2000-orolder vehicle can receive an additional $3,250 toward a new battery electric or eligible plug-in hybrid under the BC Scrap-It program. Even with the rebate, an electric car is more expensive to buy than a comparable gasolinepowered vehicle, but the fuel savings average about $1,600 a year compared to gasoline. B.C.’s last electric vehicle rebate program ran from 2011 to 2014, subsidizing the purchase of 950 electric vehicles and more than 1,000 charging stations. Bennett said electric vehicles and charging stations are not just a big-city option, and some are used in his home town of Cranbrook and other towns across the province, despite their shorter

range. “Anybody with a 200-

amp service can put a 30-amp breaker on their

panel, put a charging station in their drive-

way or in their garage and charge their vehicle at home,” Bennett said. That option won’t qualify for any provincial subsidy, other than for the vehicle. The program also includes rebates of up to $6,000 for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which are still not sold in B.C. Hydrogen vehicles were heavily promoted leading up to the 2010 Winter Olympics, with a fleet of 20 transit buses provided for Whistler. They were parked late last year, after bringing in hydrogen fuel from Quebec to keep them running. If they can’t be sold they will be converted to diesel. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are available in California, although at least one manufacturer expects to have them available in B.C. within two years, Bennett said.

Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA. (Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia

3 Facts You Need To Know About...

The New Minimum Wage 1. On SEPT 15th, the minimum hourly wage will increase to $10.45 per hour and to $9.20 per hour for liquor servers. 2. The new minimum wage will be indexed to the BC Consumer Price Index. When the consumer price index rises, so will the minimum wage.

$46,995 2015 Campion 542 Explorer

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Woodbury Resort Easter Dolly Derby April 3 - 5

3. Results of our BC Jobs Plan speak for themselves. B.C.’s unemployment rate is consistently below the national average, and B.C.’s average hourly wage is nearly $25 and almost $15 for youth. Wages are trending in the right direction – upwards. MLA Bill Bennett Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca website: www.billbennett.bc.ca




Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9

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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

The Weekend View

Making real progress on poverty

B.C. Views by Tom Fletcher The B.C. government has made its most significant moves in decades to address the needs of some of the province’s poorest people. The largest financial commitment is for a new program to help single parents escape from the welfare trap. There are 16,000 single parents in B.C. receiving provincial income assistance or disability payments, most of them women. Even if they could find an entry-level job, it wouldn’t pay enough to cover the child care they would need to go to work. Worst of all, the current system requires that if they enrol in training, they lose their income assistance, including dental and extended medical care for themselves and their children. That is the welfare trap, one of the most perverse government policies to have survived into our supposedly enlightened modern era. The new program takes effect in September. It will not only continue income assistance payments when single parents enrol in skills training, it promises to cover their child care and transportation costs for an approved train-

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com Advertising E-Mail: sales@kootenayadvertiser.com Editorial E-Mail: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com Distribution Email: circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

ing program of up to one year. Medical and child care costs will then be covered for up to a year after training, to allow a transition to employment. Approved training means training for jobs that are identified as in demand, requiring high school and occupationspecific training that can be completed in a year or less. They include retail sales, general office work and assistance jobs in health services. Another overdue policy change is to double the allowable earnings for all income assistance recipients from $200 to $400 a month. This gives people a chance to improve their circumstances by taking whatever part-time or casual work they can manage, without having that little income cut from their already meagre welfare cheques. And then there was the recent decision to end the claw-back of parental child support payments from income assistance payments. The province has for many years run a costly child maintenance enforcement program to track down (mostly) deadbeat dads and force them to pay at least a token amount to support their children. Now when they pay child support to a single parent on income assistance, they will at least have the satisfaction of knowing the children actually receive the extra benefit. These harsh, historic policies were built around a philosophy that

Tamara L’Hoost

MARKETING CONSULTANT tamara@kootenayadvertiser.com

welfare is a temporary last resort, to be withdrawn as soon as some other source of income is identified. That is a valid if unfashionable position to take on behalf of working taxpayers who pay for all this, but it only makes sense if the income assistance recipient has a realistic option. For those who are already in the entry-level job market, the minimum wage goes up 20 cents an hour in September, from $10.25 to $10.45. This is the beginning of an annual review that will tie the wage to the consumer price index. A paltry sum, to be sure, but anyone who still thinks jacking the minimum wage up to $15 an hour is a magic solution that won’t cost some entry-level jobs is clinging to a socialist dream world. • I have been contacted by several low-income seniors who read my recent column on B.C.’s Seniors’ Advocate. They were asking where to find out if they are eligible for support programs such as the SAFER rent subsidy, assistance for Medical Services Plan premiums, property tax deferment and grants to help with home modifications for disabilities. I apologize for this oversight. One place to start is the Seniors’ Advocate toll-free information line, 1-877-9523181, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@blackpress.ca.

Steve Zsillei

MARKETING CONSULTANT stevez@kootenayadvertiser.com

Photo submitted

CUPE 2090 recently volunteered for a Wednesday night dinner at the Salvation Army. CUPE commits to this every 3 months (March, June, September & December). CUPE also donates $250 for each meal it volunteers at to cover a portion of the cost of the food. (From left) Jim at Salvation Army, Melissa, Tanya, Dave, Deanna, Darlene, representing CUPE and Kathy, chef at Salvation Army. The Salvation Army provides a dinner every Wednesday from 5:30 - 6:30, and lunch every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 11:30 - 12:30. The Salvation Army is always looking for groups and individuals to volunteer. Please call the Salvation Army at 250-426-3612 if you are interested in volunteering.

Photo submitted

The most recent Burn Fund Calendar contest winner was Ken Ivens, (right) He received a gift basket from The Bedroom Furniture Galleries presented by the Fire Department’s Dean Eldred.

Lily Durham

PROMOTIONS lily@kootenayadvertiser.com

Zena Williams

Brian Coombs

Shannon Stewart







Erin Carlisle



Bridget Fix



The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

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High-tech wildlife detection system coming A new high-tech wildlife detection system will be introduced in the East Kootenays as part of the government of B.C.’s new 10-year transportation plan titled “B.C. on the Move.” Over the next three years, the government plans to invest $75 million in a new Road Safety Improvement Program, which will include the wildlife detection system. The hope of this detection system is to find an effective technology solution that will reduce

the number of wildlife incidents. The system would warn motorists about the potential for collisions beforehand. “Two wildlife detection systems will be installed this summer on Highway 3 between Cranbrook and Sparwood, in the highest wildlife collision areas on the corridor,” said Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett. “The success of this new technology will be monitored to determine future locations to expand these systems in the East Kootenays to further

ensure driver safety.” RCMP Staff Sgt. Lorne Craig said that he believes the incorporation of this technology will benefit the Elk Valley. “We do get a fairly large number of motor vehicle versus wildlife crashes in our area just due to the large population of deer and elk,” Craig said. “Anything that can reduce vehicle crashes and reduce injuries to the motoring public is a benefit.” Along with the wildlife detection system, resurfacing projects

between Cranbrook and the Alberta border will also take place this season, including the resurfacing of the 12 kilometers of highway between Elko and the Elko tunnel. As part of B.C. on the Move, the 10-year transportation plan will also entail the continued expansion of Highway 3 passing lanes from the east of Cranbrook to the Alberta border. “The actions prioritized in B.C. on the Move will enhance safety, grow the economy, maintain and replace

aging infrastructure and support trade for B.C.’s expanding resource sectors through Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway,” the BC Liberal Government Caucus press release read. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) plans to invest a total of $2.5 billion over the next three years to improve British Columbia’s transportation network. For more information, visit http://engage.gov. bc.ca/transportationplan/

Public input meetings Community initiatives and affeCted areas Programs Come learn about the projects applying for funding:

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Area A:

April 14, 7:00 PM Hosmer Community Hall front street & 6th avenue Proposals affecting: electoral area a (rural elk valley)

Area B:

April 13, 7:00 PM Jaffray Community Hall 7375 Jaffray village Loop road Proposals affecting: electoral area B (south Country)

Area C:

April 13, 7:00 PM Regional District of East Kootenay Office 19 24th avenue south Proposals affecting: electoral area C (rural Cranbrook, moyie, fort steele, Bull river, Wardner, etc.)

Area E:

April 8, 7:00 PM Wasa Community Hall Wasa school road Proposals affecting: electoral area e (rural Kimberley, Wasa, ta ta Creek, skookumchuck, etc.)

Columbia Valley:

April 2, 6:00 PM Invermere Community Hall 709 10th street Proposals affecting: district of invermere, village of Canal flats, village of radium Hot springs, electoral area f (rural Canal flats to rural invermere), and electoral area g (Wilmer to spillimacheen)


April 1, 4:00 PM Cranbrook Library Manual Training School 1212 2nd street north Proposals affecting: City of Cranbrook


April 20, 6:00 PM Council Chambers 816 michel road Proposals affecting: district of elkford


April 7, 7:00 PM Council Chambers 501 3rd avenue Proposals affecting: City of fernie


April 15, 6:00 PM Council Chambers 340 spokane street Proposals affecting: City of Kimberley


April 13, 7:00 PM Council Chambers 136 spruce avenue Proposals affecting: district of sparwood


Gregarious Gardener

10 Neat Things by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet

Plant now for a Summer Show

1. The first spring bulbs are just poking their heads out of the ground in gardens around the region. Some early bloomers, such as crocus and snowdrops, might even bring colour into the otherwise still sleeping yards. Now is also the time to remember that summer blooming bulbs have to be planted in the spring to ensure a dazzling display in your flowerbed later in the season. Many summer blooming garden favourites are grown from bulbs, tubers or root clumps. They include dahlias, gladioli, lilies and even peonies and hostas. They can be planted as soon as the ground is warm enough, around 10 degrees Celsius. Even if it frosts at night, the soil will keep them well protected. 2. Location. The best site for bulbs is on welldrained rich garden soil. Black Magic Soil is a great soil amendment if you want to improve your soil for bulb planting. 3. Light. Also consider the light requirements of the plants – you will find them on the package. Summer blooming bulbs will either need full sun like canna lilies, or partial shade like hostas. Bulbs can also make a great addition to your planters and baskets. 4. Plant. After choosing an appropriate site for your bulbs to grow, you can dig with a fork or spade to loosen the soil. Bulbs love Nurseryland bone meal. If you want a strong bulb, use bone meal directly in hole. For larger bulbs, such as dahlia tubers and cannas, it is better to dig a large hole of about 6-8inches. This will prevent the flowers from toppling over from the wind. Don’t worry, they will grow through the soil. 5. Place the bulb on top of this mix, making sure that the eye - this is the growth bud - is facing up before burying the bulb. Then all you have to do is water, fertilize and enjoy. Water the bulbs after planting and give them a good drink every time the soil is dry after the first flower buds appear. 6. Nurseryland Power Bloom Fertilizer is simply one of the best foods for the plant. Feeding your plants monthly, from when the shoots emerge until the plants reach full flower, will keep them beautiful. 7. Some summer blooming bulbs, especially dahlias and gladioli, might need extra support to remain upright. A wire support, such as a peony ring, is an easy way to hold up plants with weak stems and large, heavy blooms. Stakes will also work, however it is a good idea to drive them into place at planting time to avoid accidental damage to the bulbs. If you place your stake after you plant, it can be much easier to support your plant. 8. The different types of bulbs die down at different rates. Cut them down to soil level after the leaves have all yellowed and fallen over. Fading leaves can take away from the overall look of your garden. If they bother you, try growing your bulbs with low-growing herbaceous plants (plants that have no woody growth). They leaf out later on in the season and hide the bulb foliage. 9. Most summer flowering bulbs have to be dug up in the fall and stored indoors through the winter months. Use a spading fork to lift the bulbs from the ground. Some bulbs, such as dahlias, should be stored in clumps with soil around them, on a bed of lightly moistened peat moss in a cool place. Other bulbs, such as cannas, have to be washed and dried before they can be stored away from sunlight in a cool, dry basement, cellar or garage. Keep your bulbs well labelled so you know what you are planting next spring. 10. Bulbs are really quite easy. Grab them early so you can have the most varieties to choose from. Planting bulbs are a great way to get planting early. Till next time... happy gardening.


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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

College an investment in your future Considering a postsecondary education? A 2014 BC Stats report shows that it is a very good investment in your

future. As a college or university graduate you are likely to earn a higher income than those with a high school

diploma. The increase in earning potential can be substantial. For example, if you were to complete two years of arts and science courses at College of the Rockies and then transfer to another insti-

Masterfeeds would like to announce that Wasa Hardware & Building Centre is now an authorized dealer in the East Kootenay for all their

livestock feeds, including pet foods

Wasa Hardware & Building Centre Wasa, BC PH: 250-422-3123 Fax: 250-422-3300

Holiday Closure The Kootenay News Advertiser office will be closed April 3 for the Easter Holiday Friday, April 3 issue Deadline: Monday, March 30 - 2 pm Monday, April 6 issue Deadline: Wednesday, April 1 - 2 pm


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tution to complete a degree, you could expect to earn $577,000 more over your work lifetime than someone with a high school education. If you chose to complete a business degree, like the College’s Bachelor of Business Administration: Sustainable Business Practices, you could expect to earn over $1 million more throughout your work life than a high school diploma holder. Is four years to complete an undergraduate degree too much time for you to invest right now? The BC Stats analysis shows certificate and diploma holders can expect to earn from $178,000 to $370,000 more than a high school graduate. These increased earnings are not limited to those in the academic realm. Should you complete a foundation-level trades program, you can expect to earn $266,000 more over your working life than someone with a high school diploma. If you complete an apprenticeship, that climbs to a whopping $524,000 over your working lifetime. So, as you can see, your post-secondary education is a worthwhile investment in your future. College of the Rockies, with our small class sizes and lower tuition, is a great starting – or finishing – point. Visit one of our education advisors and get started on your future today. Learn more at: cotr.ca

Clinic on hiatus

With the recent Council decision to lower the water level of Idlewild Lake and to decommission the dam, the Cranbrook Firefighters will be putting their annual Fishing Clinic on hiatus. The annual fishing clinic held annually on Father’s Day has been active for the past 38 years and will take a break until the lake work is completed. “On behalf of the entire Cranbrook Fire Department, I would like to thank all our sponsors and the families for participating over the years and making the event a huge success,” says Jeremy Bertrand, spokesperson for the Cranbrook Firefighter’s Fishing Clinic. “We look forward to carrying on this great tradition upon the completion of Idlewild Lake revitalization project.”

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A9

New and familiar faces on CBT board Self Defence for your Buying Experience! Hi, I’m Simon at Denham Ford & when I’m not selling vehicles & providing the best customer service, I teach at Evolution Martial Arts. To get the same ethics I use teaching traditional Tae Kwon-Do, come & see me for your next vehicle.

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Columbia Basin Trust’s Board. (Back row, from left) Rick Jensen, Kim Deane, Gord DeRosa, Larry Binks, Greg Deck. (Front row) Am Naqvi, John Dooley, Wendy Booth, Vickie Thomas, Laurie Page, Loni Parker, Jeannette Townsend. Columbia Basin Trust welcomes five new members to its Board of Directors and recognizes the contributions of the departing directors. It also wishes to acknowledge the reappointment of three current directors. The new directors are: • Larry Binks from Creston (two-year term) • John Dooley from Nelson (three-year term) • Loni Parker from Revelstoke (two-year term) • Vickie Thomas from Aq̓am (two-year term) • Jeannette Townsend from Valemount (twoyear term).

The three reappointed directors are: • Wendy Booth from Fairmont Hot Springs (three-year term) • Gord DeRosa from Trail (two-year term) • Rick Jensen from Cranbrook (three-year term), who is now appointed Vice-Chair. Also remaining on the Board are Chair Greg Deck from Radium, Laurie Page from Nakusp, Kim Deane from Rossland and Am Naqvi from Nelson. “We wish to welcome our new Board members and thank all departing members who have helped bring the Trust to our current position

Special Council Meeting – 2015 – 2019 Five Year Financial Plan Special meeting of Council is scheduled for budget discussions, as it pertains to the City of Cranbrook 2015 – 2019 Five Year Financial Plan. The meeting will be held on Tuesday March 31, 2015 beginning at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers at City Hall. The public is welcome to attend.

of strength,” said Greg Deck, Columbia Basin Trust Board Chair. “It’s not easy finding the right combination of skills and personal attributes that allows us effectively to serve residents and oversee our investments and delivery of benefits to our communities— and we’ve been lucky to benefit from such a team both in the past and moving forward.” The Trust’s 12-member Board consists of qualified individuals appointed by the provincial government: six from among the nominees of the five regional districts and the Ktunaxa Nation Council and six others. All direc-

tors must be residents of the Basin. The Board meets throughout the year in communities around the Basin. The public is invited to attend in order to meet the directors and ask questions about the organization’s work in the Basin. The next public component is on Tuesday, March 31, in Fairmont Hot Springs. For more information about the Board, and to read highlights and minutes from Board meetings, visit cbt.org/board. To learn more about the Trust’s programs and initiatives, visit cbt.org or call 1.800.505.8998.

WASA LAKE LAND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 2015 at 7:00 PM Wasa Community Hall Purpose of the Annual General Meeting Opportunity for board to present audited financial statements and report on the activities of the past year. Election of trustees to available positions. Nominations for trustee must be submitted to admin@wasalake or Box 133, Wasa, BC V0B 2K0 by April 15. Voter Eligibility Requirements Canadian citizen over the age of 18 Property-owner within WLLID boundary (your name must be on title) BC resident for past 6 months You will be asked to present your driver’s license or health care card for identification.

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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

COTR instructor travels to Costa Rica to teach and to learn skills College of the Rockies Professional Cook Training program auxil-

iary instructor Chef Steven Lechmann recently participated in a profes-

sional development opportunity in Costa Rica. Discussions about

training opportunities between Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje

Smokey Bro’s Catering Boo!k npoowts are

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College of the Rockies International Projects and Marketing Specialist Ian Murdoch comments “We were happy to support Chef Steven in this opportunity. Exchanges like this provide a tremendous opportunity to build relationships and establish partnerships. We are hoping this is a first step toward more exchanges and potential collaboration on projects, similar


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Photo submitted

College of the Rockies Professional Cook Training instructor Steven Lechmann recently returned from a tremendous professional development opportunity in Costa Rica.

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(INA) in Costa Rica and the College’s International department began in 2014. When the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica to share knowledge was presented to the College’s Cook Training faculty, Chef Steven was quick to jump at the opportunity. “The chance to travel to another country and to not only share the skills that I have but to also be able to learn about their culture and their cooking methods was something I definitely wanted to be a part of,” says Lechmann. During the week of the exchange, 22 Executive Chefs from across Costa Rica participated in professional development, focussing on carving, garnishing and pastries. Lechmann lead the training in pastry work, sugar work and plate arrangement but also had the opportunity to learn carving skills and traditional Costa Rican cuisine from the local chefs.


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to our work in Bolivia, the Caribbean, Kenya and Tanzania.” The week-long program concluded with a formal luncheon with the Executive Chefs presenting their culinary best to Lechmann for evaluation. He documented the competition on camera and will share a presentation about the experience with the College’s Professional Cook Training students. It was not all work for Lechmann who also had the opportunity to explore the area. He found the locals very generous with their time and hospitality; his taxi driver Juan even brought him home to have dinner with his family. “To be able to immerse myself in the culture and to learn traditional cooking techniques from a family in their own home was an incredibly valuable experience,” continues Lechmann. “Costa Ricans have a true passion for cooking and for providing topnotch service. I hope to pass these ways of thinking on to our students here at COTR.” All of Lechmann’s learning was not of the culinary variety, however. “Overall the entire trip was very humbling,” he recalls. “The Costa Rican people are not materialistic like we can be in Canada. That really made an impact on me. I am reminded that I need to be less wasteful.” Learn more about College of the Rockies Professional Cook Training program at: cotr.ca/cook

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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A11

It’s time to start thinking about 10:00am-10:45am 1. 1311 Southview Drive


1:00pm-1:45pm 19. 1800 Mt. Connell Crescent

4+1 bdrm home perfect for a growing family. #2402781 $489,900 Jason Wheeldon

Private setting w/ 4 bdrms and great views $369, 900 Linda Stuckey

2. 1368 Southview Drive Custom built home w/ open concept floor plan. #2401857 $449,900 Jason Wheeldon

20. 3052 Mt. Fisher Place Beautiful 2010 built 4 bed, 3 bath home . #2403648 $374,900 Sandy Smith


3. 1460 Southview Drive Stunning 5 bdrm 3 bath quality finished home. #2403772 $434,900 Michelle Rybachuk


4. 1709 3rd Avenue S Gorgeous 4 bdrm 4 bath home on .24 acres. #2403248 $549,900 Sandy Smith

21. 1601 Mt. Proctor Place 6 bdrm 3 bath home updated with in law suite. #2403502 $359,900 Amber Bogaard 22. 705 18 Avenue N Lovely family home across from park & creek. #2401632 $233,900 Jeannie Stager

5. 129 15th Street S Beautiful home full of character & charm. #2403558 $348,000 Sandy Smith

23. 3312 Mount Royal Drive Charming and beautifully renovated home. #2402459 $329,900 Jason Wheeldon

6. 1220 3rd Avenue S 4 bdrm, 2 bath home in great location $244,900 Lori White

24. 209 2011 2nd Street N 2 bdrm fully renovated condo apartment $144,900 Linda Stuckey


11:00am-11:45am 7. 3113 6th Street S

Family home close to Community Forest. #2401525 $399,900 Jason Wheeldon

25. 2120 6th Street N 3 bdrm 2 bath home in a great location. #2403488 $174,900 Ken Wellington


2:00-2:45pm 26. 28 13 Avenue S

8. 2004 14th Street S

Family starter home close to schools. #2402198 $279,900 Jason Wheeldon 19

9. 9 2375 1st Street S

2 bdrm, 2 bath with home w/ double garage. #2399967 $284,900 Linda Stuckey

10. 1413 21st Avenue S New 3 bdrm, 2 bath home in Orchard Heights. #2402867 $309,900 Michelle Rybachuk

23 20 21 35

11. 313 5th Street S Charming 3 bdrm bungalow with large yard. #2398290 $224,900 Sandy Smith


Perfect 2010 built 3 bed, 2 bath family home. #2402993 $339,900 Lori White

12:00am-12:45pm 13. 2004 4th Street S

27 25


Fully finished bungalow w/ open concept plan. #2403593 $339,900 Sandy Smith

29 9

3:00-4:00pm 32. 8070 Foothills Drive

14. 1437 16th Street S

Immaculate 6 bdrm home on 2.63 acres. #2403028 $619,900 Michelle Rybachuk

New Home w/ over 1500sq.ft. on main floor. #2403174 $480,000 Cary Swanson

15. 2320 5th Street S 4 bdrm home w/ newer kitchen & appliances. #2403046 $234,900 Linda Stuckey

13 18





33. 132 Grandview Place Spacious 2 bdrm w/large yard on cul-de-sac. #2402922 $169,900 Trevor Fedyk

35. 1968 Christian Road Log siding, wrapping decks & 5 acre property . #2400813 $409,900 Sandy Smith




18. 1904 5th Street S

3+1 bed, 2 bath home on quiet cul-de-sac. #2403914 $244,900 Michelle Rybachuk


34. 49 Cross Road N Beautifully renovated on 5 acres with views . #2403599 $475,000 Jim Barber

16. 1513 21st Avenue S Energy efficient home with large fenced yard. #2403278 $319,000 Trevor Fedyk 17. 1012 14th Street S Lovely home in quiet cul-de-sac. #2403452 $329,900 Sandy Smith

2 bdrm condo apartment on top floor. #2402987 $114,900 Linda Stuckey

31. 2315 Mt. Baker Crescent

24 28

3+1, 1 bath home in great neighbourhood . #2402870 $239,900 Jason Wheeldon

28. 409 2011 2nd Street N

30. 412 16th Avenue N 4 bdrm 2 bath home w/ open floor plan. #2399108 $229,900 Sandy Smith

30 34

27. 2104 6th Street N Enjoy living close to many amenities. #2403279 $254,900 Jason Wheeldon

29. 4 14th Avenue S 2 bdrm home Walking distance to downtown. #2403613 $179,900 Ken Wellington


12. 1508 20th Avenue S

Live & run your business- C1 zoned home. #2400005 $144,900 Jeannie Stager

14 6



36. 194 The Whins Drive Custom quality built w/West Coast style. #2403051 $599,900 Sandy Smith 37. 5 - 9762 Ermacora Road

1 2


2 bdrm modular home w/ mountain views . #2403520 $109,900 Lori White

Spring Open House Tour Saturday, March 28

A12 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. 25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■






Large Lot!

Heritage Charmer!

Quiet Rural Park

Your dream home

Beautifully Finished

Move in Ready

A recreational paradise on 112 acres with spectacular mountain views.

Spacious 5 bdrm home downtown Cranbrook with charming character.

Lovely 3+1 bedroom home with beautiful updates & on a spacious double lot

Newer modular home with 2 bdrms, 1 bath, open concept & mountain views!

Stunning 3+3 bdrm home on 2.6 acres w/ mountain views in picturesque Mayook

Located on the edge of town w/ an open floor plan & stunning custom kitchen

Bright 4 bedroom home with open floor plan a large deck & fully fenced yard

Quality Built Home

Bright Condo

Fairway Park

Investment Property

Popular Location

Beautifully Landscaped

Great Curb Appeal

This open concept home boasts high ceilings, dream kitchen & more!

Centrally located with 2 bdrms, spacious livingroom & covered parking.

Move in ready home in gated community with lawn & garden maintenance

Mini storage development with 5 acres and a beautiful log home residence

Much loved home full of character and charm close to schools & parks!

Situated between Kimberley & Cranbrook approximately 10 minutes either way.

Immaculate 5 bdrm stylishly finished home in much loved Southview location

Mayook Station Estates

Wasa Acreage

Rustic style home

Character & Charm

Gold Creek

Peaceful Setting

Great Property

On 2 acres where you can appreciate beauty never seen before!

House on 3+ acres with many reno's. Enjoy the peace & quiet plus the lake!

Beautifully renovated 3 bdrm home with detached workshop 4.94 acres

Opportunity to live and run a business from home!

Charming country home situated on 10 acres with garage & outstanding views!

Spacious log home on 9.6 acre property w/ 5 bdrms & open concept living area

Beautiful family home w/ updated kitchen, large private yard & tiered deck


Lori White 2401541


Sandy Smith 2403593


Jason Wheeldon 2397490


Linda Stuckey 2402632


Carla Sinclair 2403546


Tara Sykes 2396667


Jeannie Stager 2403263


Barry Seitz 2399967


Sandy Smith 2400813


Lori White 2403520


Jason Wheeldon 2402423


Jeannie Stager 2400005


Michelle Rybachuk 2403028


Sandy Smith 2403558


Sandy Smith 2403430

For Lease Office for Lease

Kootenay Lake


Peace & tranquility on 10 beautiful acres with views! Shelley Simon 2391240

Highway Frontage!


3960sq. ft. retail space w/ warehouse, 10 & 12ft bay doors, & high traffic. Jason Wheeldon 2393022

Jim Barber

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.919.0958

Barry Seitz

Cranbrook 250.421.1853

Jason Wheeldon

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.426.9482


Peaceful & Quiet

Build your dream home on this beautiful lot with spectacular views

Spacious bungalow on just under have an acre property close to Jim Smith Lake


Jason Wheeldon 2401580

Cozy Country Home


Charm, character, spacious living & many renovations situated on 5 acres Sandy Smith 2403783

Dean Beck

Cranbrook 250.421.7898

Shelley Simon

Cranbrook 250.421.3406

Lori White

Amber Bogaard

Cranbrook 250.427.6342

Carla Sinclair

Cranbrook 250.421.4415


Carla Sinclair 2402308

Lovely & Spacious


Open floor plan, bright kitchen, spacious bedrooms & daylight basement. Sandy Smith 2403552

Trevor Fedyk

Cranbrook 250.427.8914

Sandy Smith

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.421.0835

We are proud supporters of

Prime office space in Royal Bank building. $10.00 / sq.ft. Jim Barber 2400356

In Kimberley

Great Opportunity

Access Center

Warehouse Space

1600 sq.ft. with two overhead loading doors. $4.00 / sq.ft. Lori White 2402315

Recently Updated

Perfect Location

Wayne Franklin

Cranbrook 250.426.9829

Justine Smith

Cranbrook 250.464.5577

Megan Jones

Cranbrook 250.417.9848

Jeannie Stager

Cranbrook 250-421-3441

Carla Sinclair 2403802


Shane Murray 2403015

Sandy Smith 2403648


Shelley Simon 2403896


Michelle Rybachuk 2403772


Michelle Rybachuk 2403830

1st Time Buyers!

Conveniently located downtown Cranbrook. $12.00 / sq.ft. Dean & Brad 2402162

4350 sq.ft. office space on second floor. $17.00 / sq.ft. Dean & Brad 2401934

1200 sq.ft. retail space downtown. $9.00 / sq.ft. Jason Wheeldon 2403813


Second Floor

1324 sq.ft., 2nd floor office space. $7.00 / sq.ft. Lori White 2402324

Great unit in premier strip mall! $12.00 / sq.ft. Jim Barber 2395532


Features 2040 sq.ft & bay door. $8.50 / sq.ft. Jim Barber 2403577

Carrie Lightburn

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cranbrook 250.421.3629

Linda Stuckey

Cranbrook 250-421-0776

Well maintained 2+1 bdrm, 1 bath home on double lot in great location. Features many updates, spacious livingroom with original hardwood, new drywall & paint. $194,900 Michelle Rybachuk 2402906

Brad McInnes

Cranbrook 250.421.3501

Cary Swanson

Cranbrook 250.421.7195

Chris Nault

Cranbrook 250.417.9027

Ken Wellington

Cranbrook 250.420.1236

Michelle Rybachuk

Cranbrook 250.421.9239

Kaytee Wheaton

Cranbrook 250.919.0391

Join our Facebook group at www.ekrealty.com/facebook

Cranbrook 250.489.9053

Complete Real Estate, Property & Strata Management, and Mortgage Brokerage Services

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A13

100% 100%Locally Locallyowned. owned. 385 Wallinger ave. kimberley 312-304th street, Marysville Phone: 250-427-0070 Toll Free: 1-866-427-0070 ■

kiMBerLeY MarYsViLLe ■



Corner Unit Condo

Fabulous Executive

Minutes From Town

Gorgeous Updates

Luxury & Location

Updated Home

Rocky Mtn Views

Open concept 2nd floor condo. Amazing views, great kitchen, furnished.

The home is an electrical showpiece...there are unique lights everywhere!

Recent renos including a new roof. 3 bed, 2 bath home just outside of town.

Property features front covered patio with built in BBQ, hot tub with waterfall.

Two bed, two bath unit at Mountain Spirit offers high end finishing.

Nicely updated home, with low maintenance living and close to nature park.

Incredible views of the Rockies and comes fully furnished!


Marilyn Jolie 2403706


Dave Graham 2402740



Shane Murray 2403539

Tara Sykes 2402893


Darren Close 2395125



Shane Murray 2396282

Marilyn Jolie 2187256

SOLD! 1/4 Share Townhome

Affordable Living

Spacious Condo

Unique Opportunity

Quiet Hidden Street

View to Rockies

Beautiful Home

Luxury town home right on the ski hill. Make Northstar your getaway place.

Three bed, 2 bath family friendly complex. Great investment opportunity!

1/4 share, 3 bed condo with private hot tub. Open living area, custom cabinets.

Bring your ideas for converting this to a funky residence.

This half acre lot has a creek flowing through the rear of the yard.

Exceptional condo on Kimberley's ski hill, truly ski in/out.

Open concept living, 3 bed, 2 baths, 2 covered decks, landscaped. A must see!

Preferred Area

Lots of Charm

Great Building Lot

1/4 Share of Luxury

Well Priced Lot

Great Investment

Fabulous Condo

Great family home on a huge level in one of Marysville's preferred areas.

3 bed 2 bath home on a quiet street. Total renovation done in 2008.

Close to Rails to Trails, no time frame to build. Great lot in Marysville.

Luxury 3 bedroom townhouse on the ridge with views of the forest behind.

In a quiet residential area. Take a look at this well priced lot.

This 3 bed 2 bath home is located in the downtown core. Great opportunity!

Furnished 2 bed, 2 bath condo. Never been rented, very clean.

Amazing Views!

Awesome Condo!

In Kimberley

Condo With Views

So Many Updates

Upper Camp Home

In Kimberley

One bed, one bath top floor condo with great views of the Rockies.

Affordable turn key one bed condo in a great location on the hill.

A rare find! 1 acre fenced industrial lot in Kimberley.

Premier condo on the hill. 1 bed, 1 bath with views of the Rockies & Ski Hill.

Check out this super clean and bright family home! Landscaped yard.

Upper camp home. Well maintained, wonderfully cared for family home.

Great building lot in quiet cul-de-sac with awesome views of the ski hill.


Audrey Welk 2398069


Shane Murray 2403000


Marilyn Jolie 2392100


Darren Close 2403714


Audrey Welk 2394085


Tara Sykes 2403595


Marilyn Jolie 2403643


Tara Sykes 2403646


Chris Nault 2403621

Furnished Condo

This master planned subdivision is centrally located.

0.728 acres in the heart of Marysville which consist of 3 separate titles.

Overlooks Trickle Creek Golf Course, u/g parking, pool & exercise room.

Level 20 Acres

Fabulously Kept

Unique Property

Park like level 20 acres just outside the city of Kimberley limits!

Come quickly here as ranchers don't last long. Good, well kept home.

Over 5 acres with rebuilt 2 storey home a short distance to downtown core.


Audrey Welk 2401994


Darren Close 2402550

Shane Murray 2402963


Dave Graham 2399728

Darren Close

Kimberley 250.427.8711


Marilyn Jolie 2398992

Marilyn Jolie 2400857

Heritage Style Home


Shane & Audrey 2403006


Dreamcatcher Lots



Shane Murray 2402545


Audrey Welk 2402373


Marilyn Jolie 2187371


Darren Close 2403787



Audrey Welk 2403217

Dave Graham 2397656


Tara Sykes 2396312


Dave Graham 2399331


Chris Nault 2403647

Stunning Log Home

Complete Remodel

Just minutes from town with so much to offer. Crazy Rocky Mountain views! $769,000 Tara Sykes MLS 2403683

Everything has been updated. Virtually a new home without the price tag! Great starter home. $249,900 Dave Graham MLS 2403704


Marilyn Jolie 2393796


Tara Sykes 2403696

Dave Graham

Kimberley 250.427.0372

Marilyn Jolie

Kimberley 250.427.8700

deBra Parker, aMP Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2375 Cell : 250.421.7600

Shane Murray

Kimberley 250.427.6215

Tara Sykes

Kimberley 250.427.6496

Audrey Welk

Kimberley 250.427.5900

darren LYon Mor tgage Broker Business : 250.420.2369 Cell : 250.919.1365

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A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

100% Locally owned. 25 - 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook, BC Phone: 250-426-8211 Toll Free: 1-866-426-8211 Fax: 250-426-6270 ■





A Real Charmer

Kimberley Ski Hill

Hilltop Estates

Bright & Sunny

Ready to Build

Gold Creek Ranch

Great location!

Tastefully updated home located just blocks from downtown amenities

Enjoy the hot tub from your mountainside condo after a day on the slopes

Affordable 1/2 acre recreational lots in Elko.

Trevor Fedyk 2401718

Carrie Lightburn 2398227

Updated home with exceptional floor plan with landscaped yard & more!

Large lot w/ matured trees, level building site & shared access to Koocanusa

1700 beautiful, fenced acres located at the base of Baker Mountain

Build your dream home on this beautiful corner lot with scenic mountain views.

A Place to Enjoy

Perfect Starter Home

Great Investment

Half Duplex

Executive Home

Wildstone Living

3 bdrm character home close to a broad range of recreational activities.

Many updates, 2 bdrms, original hardwood & character archways.

Recently renovated side by side duplex close to schools & parks!

Smart open-concept floor plan makes main level living easy & joyful!

Beautiful 5 bdrm bungalow in a great community perfect for a growing family

Beautiful home w/ vaulted ceilings, open floor plan & lots of natural light

Beautiful historic home with 4 separate units & located on Baker Hill


Shelley Simon 2403388


Amber Bogaard 2401686



Chris Nault 2403613



Carla Sinclair 2402923


Amber Bogaard 2403502


Carla Sinclair 2400881


Carrie Lightburn 2403277


Jason Wheeldon 2402653


Jim Barber 2399571


Carla Sinclair 2402651


Trevor Fedyk 2400649

Investment property


Jason Wheeldon 2402126

SOLD! Large fenced yard

Mountain Views

1768 Sq. Ft.

One of a Kind!

Revenue Property!

Stunning Views!

Former Green Clinic

Renoed 3+1 bedroom home in a quiet area close to schools

5 acre lot close to beautiful Koocanusa Lake w/ rolling hills & lots of privacy

Second floor prime office space offered in the Royal Bank Building downtown

Stunning custom built home on a .86 acre lot backing onto crown land.

5 acre property located just outside of Cranbrook with many out buildings

Beautiful custom built home backing onto beautiful park at Wildstone!

15000 sq.ft. total on 2 floors with formal reception areas & ample parking!

Location! Location!

Turn key home

Mountain View Lot

Absolutely Beautiful

Move in ready!

Luxury Villa

True Elegance

Freshly renovated home with beautiful hardwood, vaulted ceilings & more!

Lovely 3+1 bdrm, 3 bath home with an open floor plan & beautiful finishes

Close to Koocanusa Boat Launch and more!

Jason Wheeldon 2401857

Lori White 2398410

This 2 bdrm home with open floor plan has been taken care of immensely!

Beautiful 3 bdrm home with updated dream kitchen and stunning curb appeal

Now is the time to kick back & enjoy the care-free living in Boulder Creek

Stunning home w/ a dream Chefs kitchen & beautifully landscaped property

Baynes Lake Area

A place to call home

Central Location

Desirable Location

Orchard Park

Custom built

Historic Mayook

Lovely 7 acre property in the country with a 3 bedroom 2 bath modular home

Spacious floor plan with 2 sun decks, a great yard & in-ground irrigation

Lovely & spacious 3+1 bdrm home with great open floor plan.

4 bdrm home on .29 of an acre lot backing onto greenspace & creek.

Energy efficient home with vaulted ceilings and large fenced in yard

Unique eco friendly home with modern style and spacious floor plan

10.4 acres nestled in the heart of recreational district of Koocanusa!


Jason Wheeldon 2402107


Sandy Smith 2402920


Carrie Lightburn 2403657


Carrie Lightburn 2402652



Wayne Franklin 2402932


Jim Barber 2400356



Sandy Smith 2399108


Sandy Smith 2401924


Jason Wheeldon 2401651


Chris Nault 2401925


Chris Nault 2402712


Sandy Smith 2400679


Trevor Fedyk 2403278

you only need to ask.

for listing details, open houses with maps, property rentals & mortgages


Sandy Smith 2403051


Jason Wheeldon 2403662


Chris Nault 2402108


Jason Wheeldon 2402137


Wayne Franklin 2402499


Jason Wheeldon 2399255

Ad Size:10.25”

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A15

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In Memoriam

Dale Vaughan Grady


Aug. 7, 1961-March 27, 2013

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Personals Dear people of Cranbrook: I was hoping to again ask for your help. There is a werewolf in my garden & he is eating my petunias & digging up my dead pets. Poor old fluffy, he was a good hamster but he spent to much time at his ninja classes & my samurai turtle Sam took him out just before he got the turtle, but enough about that, I was asking about help against the werewolf. He frequents the park near my house. Gyro Park has a werewolf in it that seems to like the swings & teeter tooters. He apparently has a thing for flowers but hates wolf’s bane, he leaves that alone. I need him gone. Hopefully the one who killed that red dragon can help me with this too. Will offer the same one million experience points plus another one million experience on top of it because the dragon slayer never claimed it and it could be yours. Just get rid of the werewolf for me.

Coming Events

If tears could build a stairway And memories were a lane, I would walk right up to heaven To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. Our heart still aches with sadness And secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you. No one will ever know. Missing you Love Mom & Dad, Melanie, Doug, Brooklyn, Mackenzie, Nicholas and Kyla

Information CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada benefit.ca/free-assessment DO YOU have a disability? Physical or mental. We can help you get up to $40,000 back from the Canadian Government. For details check out our website: disabilitygroup canada.com or call us today Toll-Free 1-888-875-4787.

BIRTH-DOULA Workshop FERNIE $400. Apr18/19 info@kootenaybirthworks.com

Classifieds Get Results!

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Your life was a blessing, Your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words, And missed beyond measure. Gates of memories, Will never close... How much we miss you, No one knows... Days have passed away, Into years... And we’ll think about those memories, With silent tears. Love and miss you always and forever, Dad, Mom, Robert, Traci, Brandon, Erin, Paityn, Paisley, Nona, Family and Friends. In memory of

BRENT PIGHIN April 4, 1985 March 29, 2010


Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853

OBITUARY David Edmund Rayfield January 8, 1942 – March 19, 2015 Dave departed this world peacefully with his wife’s loving arms wrapped around him. A massive stroke ended his pain and the suffering of rheumatoid arthritis he endured for over 22 years. He fought many battles and faced his foe yet he was not without his gentler side. A very caring, considerate husband, father, brother and uncle, he had love in his heart. Dave was a great story teller and his word was his bond. His mother often said, “They broke the mold when Dave was born”. With more energy than most, he lived his life to its fullest and on his own terms, right to the end! In his younger years when he lived at the coast, Dave worked at Vancouver’s race track before school; he was in cubs, scouts, army cadets and the reserves. Dave took boxing lessons at the Bridgeport Legion and at 10 years old, he won the Marpole Community Center Bronze Glove Trophy. He spent a summer with the Island Department of Fisheries survey crew; drove cab in Vancouver; delivered “Honey Cream Donuts”; was a short order cook at White Spot and the Floating Lady Alexander restaurant and was employed at Ballards Dog Food Company. At age 18 Dave started to learn the glazier business which eventually led him to open and operate his own businesses “Creston Glass” and later ”Ample Glass” in Cranbrook. During his 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, Dave’s passion was raising thoroughbred horses on his Creston farm, having had horses since he was 10. He played drums and sang in his band for both small and large gigs in various cities, and he was a beautiful dancer. As a teen, Dave fished off Qualicum beach in his family’s small 12 foot boat, and spent many, many years on BC lakes as well as camping and hunting with his pack horses and his life-long friends, George and Dave. He was a respected outdoorsman, conservationist and horseman. Dave also enjoyed golfing, holdem poker and water skiing on Kootenay Lake. He was on the city’s rate payer’s council and volunteered at the animal shelter and fire hall in Creston. He was very proud to have provided a home close by for his parents for over 25 years – and to have successful businesses with only a grade 7 education. Dave will be sadly missed and never forgotten by his wife Bev and extended family that included daughter Destiny, son David, and “Other” son Brad (Suthida); Sisters-in-law Gladys(Brian) Laing, Dianne(Stephen) Morton, grand children and many close nieces and nephews. A small family gathering will take place this summer to honour and celebrate Dave’s life. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com



Leonard Schnell 1969 - 2015 It is with great sorrow that we announce Len passed away suddenly, at East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook, at 8:20 pm on Monday, March 16, 2015. Len was born on May 10, 1969 in the New Hospital in Cranbrook. He was raised and attended school in Cranbrook and was employed at the McDonald’s Restaurant in Cranbrook for the past 19 years. He will be dearly missed by many family and friends. I cried when you passed away. I still cry today. Although I loved you dearly, I couldn’t make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest. God broke my heart to prove to me That He only takes the best. Len is survived by his brother Roger, and by numerous other relatives. He was predeceased by his parents Allan and Eleanor Schnell. A memorial gathering and interment for Len will be held in Westlawn Cemetery on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 11:30 am. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com

Adopt a Shelter Cat!

The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.

BCSPCA www.spca.bc.ca

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

KIMBERLEY RESIDENTS Marketing/Merchandising We are Assistant

recruiting for numerous routes. Adult and children carriers welcome!

Kootenay Market is seeking a full-time assistant located at our head office. The ideal candidate will live in Cranbrook and have good organizational skills with attention to detail. General computer knowledge is necessary with experience in Microsoft Office and data input. Please mail, fax or email resume to: Kootenay Market Ltd. #320 – 2 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P6 Attention: George Wood Fax: 250-426-1847 Email: kootenaymarket@telus.net

How to reach us:

Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 or stop in to our office at

If you are interested of these routes, please 1510-2ndinSt.any N., Cranbrook call Shannon at 250-489-3455

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Strategic Fire Control Ltd. Now a Recognized First Aid Training Centre for:

Lead Instructor Janie Dickinson with Jon Hughes, Dale Hark and Mike Effray also Instructing

329 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, BC Ph: 250 426-2525 strategicmikeeffray@shaw.ca

Level 1 First Aid Course April 1, or 2 or 9, 2015 Level 3 First Aid Course-May 19-29, 2015 Also Offering Monthly this spring: Level 1 - Workplace First Aid and Transportation Endorsement Custom class bookings also available to meet your group or company needs.

Call now to inquire or register for courses

Hub International, the largest brokerage in Canada has a unique career opportunity for the right person; we are looking for a Commercial Service Representative (CSR). The successful candidate will need to be self motivated, customer & detail focused, who works well on their own or in a team environment. The right candidate will be provided with one on one training and various other courses to help you succeed in your role. Pre Requisites: • Level 2 license with experience preferred, willing to train • Task & detail oriented with strong organizational skills • Excellent communication and computer skills (Excel, Word) • Committed to professional development to enhance skills & abilities. Please apply in person to: 307 Cranbrook Street N Cranbrook, BC V1C 3R4 or by Fax: (250) 426-5056 Email: laura.vanderlind@hubinternational.com

Regional Manager Position – Kootenay Division, BC CIMS Limited Partnership is a 100% Canadian owned company. CIMS provides unionized, heavy industrial mechanical services for large plant maintenance shutdowns and complex capital industrial projects. We are active in the Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Mining & Smelting, Petro-Chemical and Renewable Energy sectors across BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We are looking for an experienced and talented Regional Manager at our Kootenay BC Division, based in Rossland, BC. The Regional Manager reports directly to the Regional Vice President, BC. The ideal candidate will have: • A university degree (e.g. P Eng.) OR Technical School Certification OR Trade Certification such as Pipefitter, Boilermaker or Ironworker. • 10+ years of progressive management experience associated with Heavy Industry, Turnaround Maintenance and Project Work. • Strong Management, Leadership, Project Management and Team Building skills. If you are interested in joining the CIMS Team, please send your cover letter and resume to gjurkowski@cimsltd.com.

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A17




Employment Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

First Steps Day Care in Kimberley is seeking an Infant Toddler Educator or an ECE employee for full time or part time employment. Please contact Gina Blake, First Steps Day Care, 570 Mark St., Kimberley, BC, (250)427-3876

Looking for responsible line cooks and Servers. References required. Serious inquiries only. Apply with Resume to Frank’s Steak & Schnitzel Haus, 1617 Cranbrook St N.

Selkirk Beverages requires Class 1 driver with air. Must be physically fit & have excellent customer service skills. Please fax resume and drivers abstract to Selkirk Beverages, 250-426-8875, or drop off at 604 Industrial Rd C. We thank all who apply; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Part time caregiver for SCI, morning shifts, must be reliable & have own transportation. Send resume to riverbendstable@gmail.com

We’re on the net at www.bcclassified.com

Account Executive Cranbrook-Fernie, B.C.

The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Account Executive with CHDR FM and CHBZ Cranbrook-Kimberley and CJDR FM and CFBZ Fernie-Sparwood. Reporting to the General Sales Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for maximizing retail sales revenue and growing our retail client base. Key characteristics are strong self-motivation, exceptional work ethic and focus on success. Your Responsibilities Include: • Provide excellent customer service to our clients • Build and manage great client relationships • Create and market local sales initiatives • Meet and exceed sales targets You possess these skills and qualifications: • Self-confidence with a positive, friendly manner and customer service approach • Enthusiastic with a passion for Radio • Excellent interpersonal skills and an effective problem solver • Communicates effectively and professionally in person, on the phone and in writing • Excellent organizational and time management skills • Computer proficiency • Minimum two years direct sales experience. Media sales preferred. • Valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle Please send your resume and completed copy of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group New Applicant Self ID form by April 15/2015 to Jason Caven, GeneralSales Manager at jcaven@thedrivefm.ca **Our New Applicant Self ID form is available for download at www.jpbroadcast.com/selfidform.pdf and should be completed and attached to all employment applications. Please note your completed forms will be kept confidential.** As part of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group’s Employment Equity Policy we encourage women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities to identify themselves as this may be to their advantage in helping us correct underrepresentation of those groups in our company. No phone calls please. Short listed candidates will be contacted by the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group.

CIBC Wood Gundy’s Cranbrook branch is seeking a part-time Sales Assistant

Lot Person/ Detailer

Preferably detailing experience Drop off resume at:

King of the Road Auto Sales

Employment Medical/Dental MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

444 Van Horne St. S. Cranbrook, BC

Web Page Designer

To design & maintain website for local car lot Drop off resume at:

King of the Road Auto Sales 444 Van Horne St. S. Cranbrook, BC

Job Options BC EMPLOYMENT & INTERPERSONAL SKILLS PAID TRAINING in Cranbrook starts April 7-May 14

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

Limited seats and travel supports available for Kimberley, Fernie and Invermere participants 6 weeks (25hrs/wk) 4 weeks work experience (subject to availability) For eligibility criteria CALL: 250.426.5222, ext. 3026 EMAIL: joboptions@ cmhakootenays.org www.kootenays.cmha.bc.ca

Help Wanted

Sales Clerk

Full-time/part-time permanent positions available For over 19 year old, mature, self-starters. Retail, sales, and some computer skills preferred. Criminal record check & Serving it Right required. Apply only in person Mon - Fri, 9am to 4pm. No phone calls please.

Candidates should have the following: Excellent customer service skills • Strong administrative skills • Working knowledge of business computer software • Willingness to learn •

Completion of the Canadian Securities Course (CSC) is an asset. Submit your application in confidence online: www.cibc.ca/careers Job Number:15003078

2100 Willowbrook Dr. (next to Walmart)

Thank you for your interest. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Employment Opportunity

School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) is now accepting applications for the following positions in Cranbrook and the Elk Valley:

For more information, please contact: CIBC Wood Gundy Cranbrook branch 117 Cranbrook St N., Suite 102, Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P8 250 489-4745

CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.

C112-14-15 Education Assistants – Casual on Call T215-14-15 Teachers Teaching on Call For complete details and to apply for this position please visit our website: www.sd5.bc.ca and follow the links to staff, employment. When applying please quote posting number. Deadline to apply – May 29, 2015. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. For further information contact Heather Hockley, Human Resources Coordinator at: heather.hockley@sd5.bc.ca (no telephone calls please)

160,000 Monthly Views. +

Just one of the reasons to call LocalWorkBC.ca for all your job recruitment needs.




A18 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Catering/Party Rentals

Courier/Delivery Services Bonded Courier owner/operator, drives between Kimberley & Creston, Monday to Friday, has room for freight or miscellaneous packages. Contact Ron, (250)417-7874


Smokey Bro’s Catering

Book now Spots are filling fast 250.464.1512


Financial Services 4 Pillars Debt Consulting Get the help you need to: F Lower your debt by up to 70% F Budgeting & credit rebuilding available as well

Call Robert Osborne

CHIMPS HANDYMAN SERVICE Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Painting, Flooring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements & More

WE DO THAT! Call Doug

250-426-7222 Leave a message ChimpsHandyman.ca

Home Improvements Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471

“Your go to guy� for people with money problems.

Household Services

Phone 250-365-8070 Toll Free 1-877-765-8070 roberto@4pillars.ca

A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca

Computer Services

Painting & Decorating Painter, handyman, Kimberley & Cranbrook area. Painting done right, for a reasonable price. Phone Sheldon at Effective Property Solutions, 1(403)700-1384 Kimberley

Pets & Livestock

Equestrian Farrier Service. Is it time to get your horses feet tended? Call Matt, (250)428-6276

Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

Antiques / Vintage BLUENOSE Coins & Precious Metals buys and sells Canadian & US Coins and Banknotes, Gold and Silver Maple Leafs, Bars, Vintage Sports Card, Fine Watches (Rolex), Large quality Diamonds, and much more!! We pay the most and sell at the best prices, shop and compare, family owned and life time member of the RCNA. Penticton 1-866-493-6515.

$100 & Under 4 Falken RV trailer LT 235/75/15’’, $100. Camper van tires, $100. 2 Max-Tour 185/60/R14’’ GT Radials, like new, $40/each. Turn at Lordco down hill to first right, follow in to first barn on left. 4 Toyota 5-hole 15� rims, $20/each. Four 195/70/R14 on 5-hole Dodge rims, $25/each. Four 205/75/R15�, $25/each. Four 175/70/R14�, $25/each. Turn at Lordco, down hill to first right, follow in to first barn on left. Assorted Used tires: Will buy or sell: sets of 4, pairs & spares, car & truck, 13� to 18�, $25/each. Turn at Lordco, down hill to first right, in to barn on left.

Teak veneer kitchen $30. (250)426-2417


$200 & Under made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617

Feed & Hay No need to unplug any cables, I will repair right in your own home or ofďŹ ce. I have 15 years as a Dell IT & repairing other popular brands of computers. Windows 7 & 8 Operating Systems. Computer knowledge of Networks & Servers. Installation experience in POS systems. Clean computer & virus removal. Will also help client with basic computer maintenance knowledge. Free estimate quote and flat rate of $40 phr, minimum 1 hour. Ebay power seller since 1998-able to help with your Ebay needs. Call 250-919-6498 ask for Laurier for any & all computer challenges.

Approx. 300 small hay bales, grass alfalfa mix, asking $6/each, located Creston/Canyon. (250)428-4203



Buying unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372

Pets Shih-Tzu Pomeranian puppies, vet checked, 1st shots, dewormed, $450. Call (250)426-4151

Book your Spring Clean Up Today • Spring and Fall Clean Up • Power raking • Aerating • Fertilizing • Mowing Free Estimates | thelawnbarbers77@gmail.com



Special Products Ltd.

Specializing in Fencing: Game Livestock Range & Chainlink Also Hayshed and Barn Construction

$300 & Under Self clean stove, excellent cond., $250. (250)417-3445

WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750

A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Antlers, Horns,




Misc. for Sale 24� Ashford rigid heddle loom, $150. (250)489-2289

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

Heavy Duty Machinery

Only one left! RV lot for lease at Kristina Creek Resort, fully serviced, games, trails & swimming pool. See www.kristinacreek.ca or call (250)424-5403 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

710B JD Extend A back hoe, slides & cylinders have been repaired, digging & clean up buckets 80%, detachable, no tractor, digging depth 23’ $2500 (250)417-6536

STEEL BUILDINGS. “Spring sales with hot savings!� All steel building models and sizes are now on sale. Get your building deal while it’s hot. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 www.pioneersteel.ca



One of the Family Inc. 1996 www.oneofthefamilypetcarecentre.com

We are a TRUSTED name in your community and the pet industry. Spectacular,country setting just minutes from Cranbrook. Dedicated to the care and well-being of your family pets. Board with the PROVEN PROFESSIONALS the first time you leave them. We welcome you to check our Web. page out at : www.oneofthefamilypetcarecentre.com

or call: 250-426-6461

Feed & Hay

Feed & Hay

All ladies jeans 50% off!

Rolled Corn

20 kg...................

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC (250) 489.4555



Musical Instruments Misc. Wanted Antiques wanted by private collector, car dealership, gas station or soda signs & door pushes, pre 1970 tin toy trucks, cars & windups, also brewery or soda calendars. (250)427-0500 or (250)4207129

Antlers Wanted,

DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Sporting Goods

Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444 Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 Local

Consignment Sporting Goods

Wanted: 6-7 months old steer calf in the Creston area. 1 (250)353-7441

www.funhogz.com 417-2828



917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook

"We make your house a home."

813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

INFRA-RED THERMAL INSPECTION • Detects pests without tearing open walls & ceilings • Detects moisture & air leaks that attract pests • Certified & Licensed • Money Back Guarantee

A Member of www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com Better Cranbrook Pest Control Business Bureau


BAILIFF SALE 2009 Pontiac Wave G3,

Pudy #330424

5-spd manual, 149,250 km, colour: gray, $4200 obo. 2008 Chevrolet Impala, automatic, 87,945 km, colour: black, $6800 obo.

Please call to adopt

MUST BE SOLD, MAKE US AN OFFER to view call Andwell Collections Services Ltd.

Breed: Domestic Long Hair Cross Colour: Brown Tabby Sex: Female (spayed) Age: Adult

EKSPCA (250)426-6751

FEED FOR LESS Most western clothing on sale!

All Kinds, Taxidermy Kelly, (250)426-6993 kubiwest@telus.net

4x8 slate pool table, ex. cond., with all accessories & matching pool cue table, $1700. (250)489-3556


Four 215/85/R16� 8-ply truck tires, $150. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left. Four 225/60/R16� car or van, $100. Four P265/70/R17� 1/2 ton or SUV, $150. Turn at Lordco, down hill to first right, follow in to first barn on left.

Misc. Wanted Wanted antiques by private collector, Medalta advertising, like Ogilvies flour, milk pitchers & bowls, or pottery whiskey jugs, with town names on them, also Seltzer bottles, soda pops or pottery ginger beers, from BC, AB or Sask. 1 (250)427-0500 or 420-7129

SLASHBUSTER 480HD w/extended boom, grapple & twist $20,000. ALLIED 797CS hydraulic hammer - Nitrogen fired, variable speed, energy recovery, anti-dry fire. Recent rebuild w/very low hours! Great for quarry or road building. $45,000. The CAT 330L it is mounted on is also avail. CATERPILLAR 325BL - long reach, two booms, swivel attach. $69,000.

3-pc oak wall unit, $150. Navy/gold loveseat, $95. Excellent condition. (250)417-2779

Firearms Livestock

Free: to give away, 6 very beautiful roosters. Call (250)427-7525 (250)432-5434

Canning jars, various sizes, $4/dozen. Macrame cord, $5/spool. (250)489-4532

Four serviced lawnmowers, starting at $65. Call (250)4172040

Misc. for Sale

Cat 300B Excavator, c/w 2 buckets, very good cond., $34,500 obo. Cat 245 Excavator, c/w dig bucket, excellent size for placer mining, $28,500 obo. Cat D9H Dozer U-blade, c/w push beams, $6800 obo. Cat rebuilt D8K, c/w m/s ripper, hydraulic angle dozer, $67,500 obo. Fiorentino Bros. Contracting, 250-489-9502

Free Items

Built in dishwasher, $100. Glass shower door, $75. (250)417-3445

Free range eggs, $4/dozen. (250)426-2417

Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,


GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished Freezer Packages Available Quarters/Halves $4.50/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Ground Beef Available TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston

Bags of sand, average 55lbs, $5/each. (778)517-5014

Four Hankook H714 M&S, 195/75/R14, 65% tread, $40/each obo. Two Hankook IPike M&S, Directional on rims, 225/60/R16, 50% tread, rims 5x4.5 bolt pattern, $40/each obo. Two Michelin X-Ice, 185/65/R14, 55% tread, one on rim, $30/each obo. One Bridgestone M&S, P/215/75/R15, 50% tread, a good spare, $25 obo. One 15� rim, 5x5.5 bolt pattern, $20 obo. Four rims, 14�, 4x100 bolt pattern, fit Aveo 2004-2008, $15/each obo. 2 studded tires, 750x16 M&S, $25/each obo. Two 700x16 M&S tires, $20/each obo. Call Ron, (250)417-7874

Heavy Duty Machinery

Food Products

Feed & Hay

250-489-5440 andwell@telus.net


Step 4 Complete Horse Pellets 20 kg...................



Cranbrook, Anglican Church Garage Sale, March 28, 9am-12noon, 46 - 13th Ave S Friday March 27 2-4, Saturday March 28 9-12, 704 11th Ave S, workshop, garden & household.

Fri, March 27, 2pm-6pm, Sat, March 28, 9am-1pm, 3300 Mt. Royal Drive. Movies, books, board games, puzzles, toys, household items, computer desks & misc. others GARAGE Sale, Sat/Sun March 28 & 29, 9:00am till 2:00pm. Mostly shop stuff, some household items, 1009 Foxtree Rd. NO EARLY BIRDS

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A19

It’s time to start thinking about

10:00am-10:45am 1. 1311 Southview Drive


1:00pm-1:45pm 19. 1800 Mt. Connell Crescent

4+1 bdrm home perfect for a growing family. #2402781 $489,900 Jason Wheeldon

Private setting w/ 4 bdrms and great views $369, 900 Linda Stuckey

2. 1368 Southview Drive Custom built home w/ open concept floor plan. #2401857 $449,900 Jason Wheeldon

20. 3052 Mt. Fisher Place Beautiful 2010 built 4 bed, 3 bath home . #2403648 $374,900 Sandy Smith


3. 1460 Southview Drive Stunning 5 bdrm 3 bath quality finished home. #2403772 $434,900 Michelle Rybachuk


4. 1709 3rd Avenue S Gorgeous 4 bdrm 4 bath home on .24 acres. #2403248 $549,900 Sandy Smith

21. 1601 Mt. Proctor Place 6 bdrm 3 bath home updated with in law suite. #2403502 $359,900 Amber Bogaard 22. 705 18 Avenue N Lovely family home across from park & creek. #2401632 $233,900 Jeannie Stager

5. 129 15th Street S Beautiful home full of character & charm. #2403558 $348,000 Sandy Smith

23. 3312 Mount Royal Drive Charming and beautifully renovated home. #2402459 $329,900 Jason Wheeldon

6. 1220 3rd Avenue S 4 bdrm, 2 bath home in great location $244,900 Lori White

24. 209 2011 2nd Street N 2 bdrm fully renovated condo apartment $144,900 Linda Stuckey


11:00am-11:45am 7. 3113 6th Street S

Family home close to Community Forest. #2401525 $399,900 Jason Wheeldon

25. 2120 6th Street N 3 bdrm 2 bath home in a great location. #2403488 $174,900 Ken Wellington


2:00-2:45pm 26. 28 13 Avenue S

8. 2004 14th Street S

Family starter home close to schools. #2402198 $279,900 Jason Wheeldon 19

9. 9 2375 1st Street S

2 bdrm, 2 bath with home w/ double garage. #2399967 $284,900 Linda Stuckey

10. 1413 21st Avenue S New 3 bdrm, 2 bath home in Orchard Heights. #2402867 $309,900 Michelle Rybachuk

23 20 21 35

11. 313 5th Street S Charming 3 bdrm bungalow with large yard. #2398290 $224,900 Sandy Smith


Perfect 2010 built 3 bed, 2 bath family home. #2402993 $339,900 Lori White

12:00am-12:45pm 13. 2004 4th Street S

27 25


Fully finished bungalow w/ open concept plan. #2403593 $339,900 Sandy Smith

29 9

3:00-4:00pm 32. 8070 Foothills Drive

14. 1437 16th Street S New Home w/ over 1500sq.ft. on main floor. #2403174 $480,000 Cary Swanson

Immaculate 6 bdrm home on 2.63 acres. #2403028 $619,900 Michelle Rybachuk

15. 2320 5th Street S 4 bdrm home w/ newer kitchen & appliances. #2403046 $234,900 Linda Stuckey

13 18





35. 1968 Christian Road Log siding, wrapping decks & 5 acre property . #2400813 $409,900 Sandy Smith




18. 1904 5th Street S

3+1 bed, 2 bath home on quiet cul-de-sac. #2403914 $244,900 Michelle Rybachuk


33. 132 Grandview Place Spacious 2 bdrm w/large yard on cul-de-sac. #2402922 $169,900 Trevor Fedyk 34. 49 Cross Road N Beautifully renovated on 5 acres with views . #2403599 $475,000 Jim Barber

16. 1513 21st Avenue S Energy efficient home with large fenced yard. #2403278 $319,000 Trevor Fedyk 17. 1012 14th Street S Lovely home in quiet cul-de-sac. #2403452 $329,900 Sandy Smith

2 bdrm condo apartment on top floor. #2402987 $114,900 Linda Stuckey

31. 2315 Mt. Baker Crescent

24 28

3+1, 1 bath home in great neighbourhood . #2402870 $239,900 Jason Wheeldon

28. 409 2011 2nd Street N

30. 412 16th Avenue N 4 bdrm 2 bath home w/ open floor plan. #2399108 $229,900 Sandy Smith

30 34

27. 2104 6th Street N Enjoy living close to many amenities. #2403279 $254,900 Jason Wheeldon

29. 4 14th Avenue S 2 bdrm home Walking distance to downtown. #2403613 $179,900 Ken Wellington


12. 1508 20th Avenue S

Live & run your business- C1 zoned home. #2400005 $144,900 Jeannie Stager

14 6



36. 194 The Whins Drive Custom quality built w/West Coast style. #2403051 $599,900 Sandy Smith 37. 5 - 9762 Ermacora Road

1 2


2 bdrm modular home w/ mountain views . #2403520 $109,900 Lori White

A20 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Apt/Condos for Sale

For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner

Call (toll-free)

1997 14’x66’ Modular 1/2 Acre in Jaffray 14’x20’ Addition 2 Bedrooms Completely updated. New Roof and Siding. Must See. $249,900 250-464-0204

to book an appointment.






Homes for Rent

Auto Services

Cars - Domestic

CRESTON 2 bdrm home w/single car garage in 55+ community - #30 - 310 6th Avenue South. Very clean. W/D & kitchen appliances included. Utils extra. $950 monthly. 1 yr. lease. Refs. required. Call 1(306)222-3563.

Don’t Wait.

Mammograms can save your life and you’re worth saving.


Avail. April 15, 1-bdrm house, large fenced yard, attached garage, pets ok, hydro included, $900/mth plus DD. (250)489-1521 (250)919-9911

FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE Absolutely beautiful fully furnished 2 bedroom, 2 ensuite lock-out unit in Big Horn Meadows Resort on the 9th green. Spectacular Mountain & Valley views. Great rental opportunity, original owners. Hardly been used & never rented. SHOWS MINT! $275,000 call Gerry 403-585-6886

Mammograms can detect lumps in the breast long before they are noticed in any other way.


SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448 primeprop@mymts.net PRICE REDUCED!!! QUICK POSSESSION AVAILABLE. $499,900 Enjoy living in a park like setting minutes from Cranbrook. This 5-bdrm country home offers up many upgrades & loads of opportunity. Fully fenced pastures with large barn & new addition for added Hay storage. 5 acres of wonderful land with several storage sheds, oversized two car garage & a large deck overlooking the creek. The home features a very large kitchen with an oak island & floor to ceiling wood cupboards. Oversized laundry room, billiards room & full sized sauna. This home is a gem, lots of space & loads of privacy. 250-426 0409 to view

Seasonal Acommodation


Looking for good, clean vehicles Top Dollar Paid! Best place to buy or sell your vehicle 444 Van Horne St. S. Cranbrook, BC 250.489.0739

2002 Honda Accord Coupe, V6, loaded, 156,000km, new W/S tires on alloy rims, towing package, immaculate, senior driven, $6500. (250)427-2258

Cars - Domestic

Holiday trailer or rent. Fully serviced & set up at Kristina Creek Resort. Sleeps 4, ideal for young family, games, trails & swimming pool. See www.kristinacreek.ca or call (250)424-5403

1966 Chrysler Windsor, partially restored, $7000 obo. (250)429-3937 1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498

2002 Merc Cougar 2.5L V6, Std, almost new, rebuilt front to back, see Kijiji ad ID 1032567591. (250)489-1956

Shared Accommodation ROOMS for rent in Cbk, incl util. Must be working or college student, $400 & $430. Available immediately. (250)426-2479

Business for Sale

Business for Sale

Are you tired of looking for a job? Tired of getting only part time work? Are you at the employer’s beck and call for minimum wage?

Well stop looking!

We have an established business for sale with reliable trained staff to help you run your business. Cranbrook Drycleaners has been in the community for several decades and is a business with great potential. Owners retiring and motivated to sell. Please call Rob Stang 250 919 9915 303 – 105 9th Avenue South Century 21 MAXIMUM REALTY LTD. www.buyacranbrookhome.com


Condo in Creston, BC, adult complex, 2-bdrm, 2-bath, w/d, f/s,dishwasher, beautiful view, $219,000. (250)417-7072 or (250)489-4456

Suites, Lower Newly renovated 1-bdrm er level suite in Cbk, W/D, ered parking, n/s, n/p, no ties, $800/mth inc. (250)581-0952



www.crestonvalley.com/ property/rennich/index.php

Antiques / Classics


1957 Studebaker truck, runs well, new paint, $8000 obo. (250)464-1286 (250)489-2265

RV Lots for sale on Kootenay Lake located on the west arm two kilometres from the Balfour Ferry, prices starting at $65,000. Call 1-877-352-9172, email zane@balfourresort.com or visit balfourresort.com

1963 Plymouth Belvedere, push button control, please make me an offer. (250)4268307

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2-bdrm unit available in Victoria Villas, rent includes W/D & water, starting at $825/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)417-7325 CRANBROOK, 1 & 2-bdrm apartments, starting at $600/m, includes utilities. (250)417-5806 Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $625/mth; 2-bdrm, $775/mth, Call (250)417-7379 Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, w/deck, no pets,$200. off first and last months rent, $750 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926. WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2-bdrm units, $725-$800. 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379

Commercial/ Industrial Creston COMMERCIAL BUILDING

3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space

Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240

2004 Subaru Outback,

1970 Chev 4x4, 3-spd standard transmission, 6-cyl motor, originally from Texas, no rust patches on body panels, safety inspected, $5800. (250)489-3705 1972 Chev show truck, 350 CID, auto, 2WD, column shift, bucket seats, nice paint, green with black interior, asking $11,900. 250-427-5895

Ol’ Blue 1954 International Off frame. Restored: motor, paint, no rust. Lots of fun & money invested ($15,000) Asking only $8500 for a new toy (250)417-1418

Auto Accessories/Parts

Duplex / 4 Plex

4 Firestone winter tires, 195/65R15 4-bolt mounted on steel rims, off of Chev Cobalt, should fit any Chev or Sunfire, used 1 month, $500 firm. (250)427-3477

1308D 11th St S, renovated 1bdrm, complete with living room, kitchen & bathroom, parking & yard, n/p, n/s, one year lease, $585/mth + electric. (250)417-7325

Four 205/60R16 Goodyear Nordic winter tires on 5-hole universal mag wheels, Nitrogen, balanced. Used one season, ex. cond., $450 firm. (250)489-2100 (250)421-0020

1985 Thunderbird Elan V6 Automatic 78,500 km No rust excellent condition $5,500 OBO (250)421-7054

1991 Corsica, good cond, runs great,CD player, power windows, AC, cruise. Ski rack, winter tires, approx. 160,000km, new battery. as is $1200 obo 250-417-6952 1992 Toyota Corolla Wagon, new alternator, new winter & summer tires all on rims, newer muffler, well maintained, 277,000 km, $1400. Call (250)428-5624

1996 Corvette Collector Edition, 160,000km, 2 roofs, auto, original paint, engine LT4, fully loaded,ex cond, asking $15,000 obo. (250)426-3802 1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997 2002 Toyota van, must sell, offers. (250)426-8307 2005 Ford Mustang, 72,000km, 5-spd manual, $8900 obo. (250)426-9735 2006 Volkswagen Jetta Sedan 1.9L TDI Turbo 4 Cyl, FWD, 6-spd auto, diesel, Stock #V26370A, $8995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-855888-6864 www.importautogroup.com

AWD, heated seats, p/windows, air, 98,879 km, 4-cyl, CD player, $10,000. (250)426-8094

2006 Monte Carlo, sporty, 2-dr, white, summers & winters, $5000. (250)919-5210 2007 Ford Freestyle SEL AWD 4DR, 3.0L, Stock #T4174B, $9995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839

2007 Mazda 3 Sedan Manual transmission After market LED Spyder headlights Kenwood CD/ DVD deck Bluetooth compatible. Excellent condition. Very clean. One owner. $7500 (250)919-7788 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, 120,000 km, summer & winter wheels, air, $6500 obo. (250)427-7153 2008 Honda Accord 2-dr EX silver Coupe, 72,000km, ex. cond., 1 owner, garage kept, $12,999. (250)489-3656 2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758 2008 Toyota Yaris, 4-dr, 5-spd standard, new front tires & bearings, runs well, 212,000 km, $4200 obo.(250)421-8976 2009 Chevrolet Malibu, 2.4L, Stock #T4432A, $12,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1800-663-3839


Cars - Domestic 2009 Ford Focus SEL Sedan, 2.0L, 4-cyl, FWD, 5-spd auto, Stock #V40575A, $8495. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-855888-6864 2009 Volkswagen Jetta Wagon Comfortline Station Wagon, 2.0L Turbo 4 Cyl, FWD, 6-spd auto, diesel, Stock #A43490, $14,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-855-888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2010 Ford Fusion SEL 4dr FWD, 2.5L, 6-spd auto, Stock #T4127B, $11,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839 2010 Honda Civic EX-L Coupe, 1.8L, 4-cyl, manual, Stock #B11265A, $14,811. Spring Honda, DL #3110, 1888-638-4488 2010 Hyundai Elantra Touring GLS Sport Station Wagon, 2.0L, 4-cyl, FWD, 5-spd manual, Stock #Z84616, $12,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-855-888-6864 2010 Mazda Sport, 4-cyl, manual, Stock #14T4590A, $15,869. Melody Motors, DL #5248, 1-888-703-2211 2010 Nissan Altima 2.5S Coupe, 2.5L 4 Cyl., FWD, auto, Stock #N81728A, $17,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-855-888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2011 Dodge Caliber SXT Hatchback, 2.0L, Stock #T14403B, $12,900. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2011 Ford Fusion SE 4dr Sedan, 2.5L, manual, Stock #T4358A, $11,995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1-800-6633839 2011 Hyundai Elantra Touring GLS 4-cylinder, 4-spd auto, block heater, new windshield, air, cruise, mud flaps, seats-5, CD/AM/FM, 4-new winter tires on rims, 4-summer tires on rims, no accidents, one owner & well maintained, only 85,300 km, $11,800 obo. (250)4223469 2011 Nissan Juke SL AWD, 1.6L Turbo 4 Cyl, auto, Stock #N19398A, $21,495. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-855888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LT Sedan, 1.8L 4 Cyl, 5-spd manual, Stock #1J8560, $16,900. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1800-663-2307 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LT Sedan, 1.8L 4 Cylinder Engine, auto, Stock #14T8696A, $16,362. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2012 Dodge Avenger 4-dr Sedan, 2.4L, 4-spd auto, Stock #T14361AA, $12,998. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2012 Mazda 5 GS Sedan, 2.5L, 4-cyl, auto, Stock #U879491B, $15,695. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798 2012 Nissan Sentra, 2.0L, 4cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #H04545A, $12,763. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2012 Subaru Impreza 2.0i AWD Hatchback, 2.0L 4 Cyl, Stock #S04922A, $18,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-855-888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2013 Buick Regal Turbo, 2.0L, 4-cyl Turbo Fuel Injected, Stock #BI3090, $23,995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-866652-9863 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe AWD 4dr 2.4L Auto Premium *Ltd Avail*, 4-cyl, Stock #61474, $25,999. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-888-424-6831 2013 Nissan Sentra Sedan, 1.8L, 4-cyl, FWD, 6-spd, Stock #N46443, $16,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-855888-6864 2013 Subaru Impreza 2.0i w/Touring Pkg, 2.0L 4 Cyl, AWD, 5-spd manual, Stock #S24161A, $21,995. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1855-888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2013 Toyota Corolla CE Sedan, 1.8L, 4-cyl, auto, Stock #C005964M, $15,533. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888418-4798 2014 Chrysler 300 Touring Sedan, 3.6L, V6, 8-spd auto, Stock #C14237A, $33,998. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039 2014 Toyota Corolla, 1.8L, 4cyl, fuel injection, Stock #BI8626, $21,995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-866-652-9863

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015



Cars - Domestic


Cars - Sports & Imports 2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $7777.77. (250)426-7354

1982 Rustler pickup camper 9-1/2’, 3 burner stove, fridge/freeze, furnace, bathroom, good condition. $2000 obo Call 250-417-6952

1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806


Off Road Vehicles Recreational/Sale

1999 28ft Kustom Koach

Sleeps 6, Queen walk-around bed, full bath, fridge, stove.



250-489-4962 1978 24’ Prowler, good cond., $1900. (250)427-3300 1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $6000 obo. (250)426-5653 1992 Terry 29’, sleeps-6, rear walk around bed, appliances good working cond, newer fridge & awning, $4800. (250)428-7208

1993 26’ Prowler Regal Trailer, 130 watt solar panels, storm windows, 22’ awning, self contained, very good cond., asking $6500. (250)489-5334 1997 Vanguard Wrangler 5th wheel, 26’, hitch included, asking $8000. (250)426-5535 1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5’, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $14,000 obo. (250)427-4435 1998 Mallard, 23’, rear kitchen, large awning, walk around queen bed, Stock #T3458.1, $9900. Runners RV, 1-800663-4824 1999 25’ Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $6900. Call (250)422-3217 1999 Jayco Litehawk 21BH, rear bunks, U-shape dinette, stereo, 4400lbs, awning, F/S, oven, very clean, no leaks, $7595. (250)489-0446 1999 Rustler 5th Wheel, awning, dinette, 4895 lbs dry weight, Stock #T2678.2, $6900. Runners RV, 1-800663-4824 2001 26’ Vanguard, parked on for last 10 years, no bush km since 2003. New roof, 2-yr old awning, double bed in front, Jack & Jill bunks in rear, sleeps 6 comfortably (can accommodate 8), asking $11,000. Call or text, (250)421-1597 2002 Wanderer 26’, small side, air, front queen bed, rear bath, immaculate cond., asking $9000. (250)342-9849 2002 Wilderness 27’, large slide, awning, large washroom, open living area, Stock #T3461.1, $13,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2004 Flagstaff 25’, rear single bunks, light weight, 3,580 lbs dry weight, AC, awning, walk around queen bed, Stock #T3553.1, $13,400. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2004 Trail Cruiser, light weight approx. 3,033 lbs. dry, awning, walk around queen bed, Stock #T3570.1, $11,900. Runners RV, 1-800-663-4824 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805 2008 28-1/2’ Passport Ultra Lite holiday trailer, power front jack, outside stereo, cookstove & shower, rear living room w/swivel rockers, slide out has couch, sink & stove, sleeps 6, front walk around queen bed, 4 new tires, ex. cond., $16,500 obo. (250)402-6663




Sport Utility Vehicle

Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans

2008 Pioneer 19’ trailer, ex. cond., barely used, $13,500. (250)421-3885

2015 Subaru Forester 2.5I TOURING SUV, 2.5L 4 Cyl., AWD, auto, Stock #S15646, $33,344. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-855-8886864 www.importautogroup.com 2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0L DOHC CVT SUV, 2.0L 4 Cyl, AWD, 5-spd manual, Stock #S10539, $28,344. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-855-888-6864

2007 Dodge Grand Caravan Base Van, 3.3L, V6, Stock #15-567236A, $8552. Cranbrook Kia, DL #30736, 1-866980-7966

2012 RAM 2500, 6.7L 6-cyl, diesel, 4x4, Stock #X351481A, $38,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888-418-4798 2013 Chrysler Town & Country Touring-L Van, FWD, 3.6L, V6, Stock #PR9973, $22,476. Cranbrook Kia, DL #30736, 1866-980-7966 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SE/SXT, FWD, 3.6L, V6, Stock #PB7177A, $17,827. Cranbrook Kia, DL #30736, 1866-980-7966 2013 Toyota Tacoma, V6, 4.0L, auto, Stock #C009187A, $31,954. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1-888-418-4798 Hunter’s Special: 1980 Chev pickup, with Okanagan camper, great shape, comes with canopy, $3500. (250)421-9160 Selling locally, 2003 GMC 4x4 pickup, 5-spd standard, regular cab, short box, $6000 obo. Call for more details, (250)427-7171 or (250)4645214

2009 Keystone Hideout 23RKS with slide, walk around queen, 2 entries, ex. cond., $14,900. (250)422-9321 or (250)421-9328 2011 Coleman 26-1/2’ Lite CT250GS travel trailer, walk around queen bed, ducted air & heat, slide has couch, sink & stove, 1/2 ton towable, power awning, hard wall siding, $17,500. 1(250)402-6717 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $28,800 obo. (250)4269832 8 Foot Vanguard Camper, Hyd. Jacks. Heavy Duty Tie Downs $1500 250-529-7470 Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038


Trucks & Vans 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1987 Jimmy, V6, 4WD, rebuilt front end & transfer case, recent paint, runs excellent, good tires, $2800 obo. Call (250)421-7865 (250)432-0162 1992 Mazda 2600 4x4 Ext Cab for parts, best offer. (250)426-8134 1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350 cu.in., 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $2400 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston 1993 Chevy van, 1 ton, well maintained, winter & summer tires on rims, ladder rack, $1500 firm. (250)489-2805

Sport Utility Vehicle

45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5000. (250)489-8794

2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, wench, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305


2005 Arctic Cat M7, $3500 obo. (250)489-2877

Commercial Vehicles

1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545 1990 BMW K-1, 1000cc, rare model, red & yellow, flat four, 4 valves per cylinder, fuel injection, stainless steel exhaust, new Michelin radials, 55,000 km, $4500 obo. Must be seen! (250)426-8408 2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 cu.cm of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley 2004 Yamaha Roadstar 1700, ex cond, 40,000km, lots of extras including Stage II upgrade, $8400. (250)489-2474 2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724 2011 HONDA CRF230F w/riding gear, low km, 10 hrs approx riding time, $4800. 1 (250)426-3606 HD Sportster factory 1200 custom, 5400 km, mint. (250)426-7710


1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376 2002 Explorer Limited, V8, w/trailer tow package, ex. cond., $5500. (250)426-7354 2004 Lincoln Aviator Ultimate, 8-cyl, auto, Stock #CAC3898A, $12,412. Melody Motors, DL #5248, 1-888-7032211

1995 Dodge Grand Caravan ES, 173,000 km, winter & summer tires, $1100. (250)426-3849

2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport, 3.6L, 6-cyl, auto, Stock #BA3133, $26,495. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-866-6529863

1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884 1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $4500. (250)423-0328 2000 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel, 24 valve, loaded w/leather, good shape, 200,000km, $11,800. Leave message at (250)829-0773 or call (250)421-7133 2000 Ford F350 XLT 4x4 Crew cab w/lift kit, 7.3L diesel, V8, Stock #T4470A, $9995. Denham Ford, DL #30786, 1800-663-3839 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 4x4, p/seats, air, w/canopy, asking $3500 obo. (250)4268677 2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084 2004 GMC Sierra SLE 2500, 6.6 Duramax, 4-dr Ext cab, fully loaded, auto, 342,000 km, ex. shape, clean interior & body, 1 season on new winter tires, $12,400 with topper, $11,800 without. (250)4231377 2005 Dodge Caravan Base Van, 3.3L, V6, 4-spd auto, Stock #U1720A, $5995. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1888-259-7039 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199

Vehicle Lease / Rent

Vehicle Lease / Rent

2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere 2011 Ford Edge, 98,000km, FWD, $35,000 obo. (250)4218434 2011 Toyota RAV4 SUV, 3.5L, 6-cyl, auto, 4x4, Stock #B11264, $21,861. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2012 Hyundai Tucson Limited SUV, 2.4L 4 Cyl, AWD, 6-spd auto, Stock #Z36974, $24,995. Sun Valley Nissan, DL #30313, 1-855-888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2013 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6, 4.0L 6-cyl, auto, 4x4, Stock #5110420M, $39,999. Alpine Toyota, DL #30845, 1888-418-4798


2014 Ford Focus, 2.0L, 4-cyl fuel injection, auto, Stock #BA3980, $15,995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-866-6529863 2014 Volkswagen Beetle Coupe, 2.0L Turbo 4 Cyl, FWD, 6-spd auto, diesel, Stock #V08650, $24,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-855888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2014 Volkswagen Jetta HIGHLINE 2.0 TDI Sedan, 2.0L Turbo 4 Cyl, FWD, 6-spd auto, diesel, Stock #V34614, $26,995. Arrow Motors, DL #5467, 1-855-888-6864 www.importautogroup.com 2015 Hyundai Tucson GL, 2.0L, 4-cyl, auto, Stock #BA2795, $27,995. Chalet GM, DL #6340, 1-866-6529863 2015 Subaru Legacy 2.5I LIMITED Sedan, 2.5L, 4-cyl, AWD, auto, Stock #S29817, $32,244. Subaru of Cranbrook, DL #10523, 1-855-8886864 www.importautogroup.com

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A21

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2007 F150, 4x4, 133,000 km, red with matching canopy, immaculate cond., trailer tow package, has all service records, can be seen at Mister Tire in Cranbrook, $15,500. (250)426-9606 2008 Chevrolet Uplander Extended Passenger van, FWD, 3.9L, V6, Stock #PB9313, $7995. Cranbrook Kia, DL #30736, 1-866-980-7966 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 4-dr, 4.7L, 8-cyl, auto, Stock #14T3590A, $15,788. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)4274224 2008 F150, 4x2, Super Crew, XLT, V8, 170,000km, loaded, white/tan, new 3-fold Tonneau cover, great cond., $13,999.99. (250)426-5093

Utility Trailers

2009 Chev Silverado 1500 Extra cab 4x4, immaculate cond., 121,000km, $20,000 (250)428-9606 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 2011 Chrysler Town & Country Limited Van, 3.6L, V6, 6-spd auto, Stock #T15045A, $24,900. Cranbrook Dodge, DL #30708, 1-888-259-7039 2011 Ford Ranger 4WD Supercab, 4.0L, 6-cyl, Stock #TK6167B, $18,999. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-888424-6831 2011 Ford Ranger XL, 2.3L, 4-cyl, manual, 4x2, Stock #B11261, $11,844. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488 2012 Chevrolet Express Passenger RWD 2500 135” LT, auto, 4.8L, 8-cyl, Stock #CG9290A, $29,999. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-888424-6831 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan SE/SXT, FWD, 3.6L, V6, Stock #PB8803, $14,524. Cranbrook Kia, DL #30736, 1866-980-7966 2012 Ford F150, 8-cyl, auto, Stock #14T1305A, $28,851. Melody Motors, DL #5248, (250)427-4224 2012 GMC Sierra 1500 4WD Extended cab, standard box, SLE, 5.3L, 8-cyl, Stock #TK4215A, $29,999. North Star GM, DL #5717, 1-888424-6831 2012 Honda Odyssey LX, 3.5L, 6-cyl, auto, FWD, Stock #B11257, $22,632. Spring Honda, DL #31110, 1-888638-4488

Legal Notices

Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893

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Legal Notices


Boats www.jonesboysboats.com


Legal Notices Notice of Repossession

Under the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, the following Will be sold at Public Auction Or by the owner In Cranbrook, BC. Unit #B3 Shelly Paradis Ace Mini Storage: c/o: 25 - 10th Ave. S, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M9

NOTICE WOODLOT LICENCE W0423 WOODLOT LICENCE PLAN Notice is hereby given that the holder of Woodlot License # W0423 is making their draft woodlot license plan available for review and comment for a period of 30 days as required under sec 17 (3) of the Woodlot Planning and Practices Regulation. The woodlot license plan covers a ten-year period (2015-2025) and identifies results and strategies for forest management in relation to government objectives as well as expectations for legislated practice requirements. The woodlot license area covers Crown Lands along Baker Forest Service Road and private lands near HaHa Lake. These areas are situated close to Mayook, BC. The Woodlot License Plan will be available for review, upon request, during regular business hours (8:30am to 4:30pm), from March 24 to April 24, 2015 at the offices of VAST Resource Solutions Ltd. Those interested in reviewing the plan should contact Chris Lovesey RPF at (250) 426-5300 to make viewing arrangements. To ensure consideration in the development of the final draft plan, any comments must be received in writing prior to 4:30pm April 24, 2015 C/O VAST Resource Solutions, PO Box 538, Cranbrook BC. V1C4J1 or at chris.lovesey@vastresource.com

A22 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

Sale ends March 31st

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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com B1

Celtic Tenors bringing music and more to the Key City Theatre

Photo submitted

The Celtic Tenors are bringing their amazing voices and humour to the Key City Theatre on March 29 at 7:30 p.m.

The only tenor group with a truly global audience, The Celtic Tenors will give you a night to remember at Key City Theatre this March 29th. Whether playing a neighbourhood cathedral or major concert halls in international cities like New York, Amsterdam or Shanghai, you are assured of a professional, sparkling and most of all, good humoured performance. They genuinely love what they do and you’ll see that shine through in each rendition of beautiful Celtic songs like the haunting Danny Boy and exhilarating classics like Nessun Dorma. From The Celtic Tenors, you’ll get more

than a performance by world-class artists. You’ll enjoy an evening to savour and a night with tenors who despite their incredible success don’t take themselves too seriously! The Celtic Tenors have established themselves as the most successful classical crossover artists ever to emerge from Ireland. In 2000, following an impromptu audition at EMI in London, the Celtic Tenors were signed on the spot to an international record deal, a highly unusual event that was the talk of the music industry. The Celtic Tenors released their fifth album in late 2014. It is essentially a roots al-

bum with rich harmony driven songs; a collection from North American songwriters including Stephen Foster and Bob Dylan. The Celtic Tenors continue to reinvent the whole tenor idiom by pioneering a new style of ‘cool’ never before seen on the classical stage and by breaking the traditional stuffy tenor mould. The show is on March 29 at 7: 30 p.m. Tickets are $40 and $35 for Key City Theatre members. Tickets are available at the Key City Theatre Box Office 250-4267006 and Online at www. keycitytheatre.com.


2015 MODEL SEARCH! ARE YOU A MODEL IN THE MAKING? Think you have what it takes to be the face of Tamarack Centre? If so, send us your photo along with your name and age to lmorello@bentallkennedy.com. Males and females between the ages 15-25 are welcome. Jacket Eclipse 44.99 Top Bootlegger 19.50 Skirt Warehouse One 29.99 Shoes Shoe Warehouse 89.99 Tote Bag Bentley 59.99 Jewellery Northern Reflections


Photo taken at College of the Rockies, Cranbrook campus

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B2 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

After a great season, Team Buchy defeated in championship WWW.KOOTENAYGRANITE.COM



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Leonard Schnell 1969 - 2015 It is with great sorrow that we announce Len passed away suddenly, at East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook, at 8:20 pm on Monday, March 16, 2015. Len was born on May 10, 1969 in the New Hospital in Cranbrook. He was raised and attended school in Cranbrook and was employed at the McDonald’s Restaurant in Cranbrook for the past 19 years. He will be dearly missed by many family and friends. I cried when you passed away. I still cry today. Although I loved you dearly, I couldn’t make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest. God broke my heart to prove to me That He only takes the best. Len is survived by his brother Roger, and by numerous other relatives. He was predeceased by his parents Allan and Eleanor Schnell. A memorial gathering and interment for Len will be held in Westlawn Cemetery on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 11:30 am. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com

Adopt a Shelter Cat!

The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.

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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser


BCSPCA www.spca.bc.ca It was a heartbreaker as Kimberley’s Team Buchy was defeated by Team Joanisse at the 2015 AMJ Campbell BC Mixed Championship of Curling in Kelowna recently.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


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We are recruiting for numerous routes. Adult and children carriers welcome!

y’s BC es a an. kier’s in se ful

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Got Stuff? The Playpen is excited to be hosting a gigantic garage sale this summer to raise funds for our local East Kootenay animal rescue organizations!!! Save some lives and start your spring cleaning now! Drop off any sellable, unwanted items at The Playpen Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 1545 Industrial Road F1, or call Karla at 426-4000

to 000



If you are interested in any of these routes, please call Shannon at 250-489-3455


The lower mainland’s Team Joanisse will represent BC at nationals after they defeated Kimberley’s Tom Buchy 5-2 in the final of the 2015 AMJ Campbell BC Mixed Championship in Kelowna. The rink, who curl out of Royal City, Golden Ears Winter Club and Vernon, is unbeaten since they formed in February, having won every game they’ve played at both playdowns and in the BC Championship. Skip Dean Joanisse, and his team of third Shannon Aleksic, second Tyler Orme and lead Kelsey Steiger

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took an early lead in the final when they opened with a threeender. They then forced Buchy to blank the second end, before stealing one in the third. Tom Buchy, and third Lori Buchy, second Dave Toffolo and lead Robyn Toffolo, recorded singles in the fifth and seventh end but had to concede in the eighth after running out of rocks. The Kimberley team had previously won the Championship in 2006, 2010 and 2012. Three members of Team Joanisse had already come close to clinching provin-

cial titles this year as Joanisse was runner-up at the BC Men’s Championships, whilst Orme took bronze at the same event and Aleksic was a BC Scotties bronze medallist. Speaking after their win, Aleksic said: “It’s always a thrill and honour to represent your province at a national championship. It is all the more special because I have achieved this with my fiancé (Joanisse) and two great friends. We look forward to trying to do BC proud.” The Buchy rink had secured their place in the final by beating Chilliwack’s Team Freeman 4-3 earlier in the day. The bronze medal winning team consists of skip Mike Freeman, third Kim McLandress, second Mike Arden and lead Victoria Murphy. The eight-team field at this year’s Championships was a particularly strong one which included five skips who had already won silver medals this year, as well as several past provincial champions. Team Joanisse will now go on to represent BC at the Canadian Mixed Championship which takes place at The Weston Club in Toronto from November 7-14. All of the scores from the 2015 AMJ Campbell Van Lines BC Mixed Championship, which was held at Kelowna Curling Club from March 1922, can be found here http://playdowns.com/ curlbc/event.php?id_ cmp=550.

Ride the bus and get a tax credit with your monthly pass.

City of Cranbrook

Transit Info 250·417·4636 • www.bctransit.com

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com B3

Things to See & Do

TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: lily@kootenayadvertiser.com 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.Only non-profit organizations/events will be allowed.


MARCH 1-29 - SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICES: Each Sunday 3-4pm at the Girl

Guides of Canada Hall, 1421-2nd St. Cranbrook. Phone contact 250-426-4791. March 31-April 24CDAC will be showing an exhibit featuring works created by local Elementary School Students: K to Grade 6 in the Gallery. Gallery Hours: Tuesday- Friday 11am to 5pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. For more information contact Marisa Phillips at 250-426-4223 or email cdac@shaw.ca.


the Manual Training School for Friends of the Cranbrook Public Library MEMBERS/ ONLY: 4pm-8pm. ART MOVIE NIGHTCentre 64 7:30pm, “Drawing the Line: A Portrait of Keith Haring”. Also, a hands-on experiment: The Emo-

Hugs: To the Kimberley Fire Hall for giving my child with autism a tour of your facility. You guys were awesome, and I’m pretty certain he overcame many of his fears with the trucks because of your patience and kid-friendly attitude. I think his favorite part was using the fire hose! Slugs: To those people damaging the deer traps. The city should create a bylaw stating every instance of willful damage to the traps would double the number of deer to be culled. Hugs: Huge, heartfelt thanks to whoever found & displayed the blue wooly hat with white stars. I lost it over a year ago, somewhere along the Park Royal Community Forest access. I love this hat (Fashion Police worthy though it is) and thought it was gone forever. You have made someone very happy & thankful for the kindness & honesty of strangers! Hugs: To Randy Renaud at Cranbrook Flooring for his first rate customer service and advice on our recent home flooring purchase. We highly recommend him! Hugs: To the City of Cranbrook crews who, on Sun. Mar. 15th, worked for hours on end through the pouring rain, to repair broken water mains and restore water back into the homes on Brookview Crescent. Our most sincere THANKS to all of you. Slugs: To the people riding their horses on the NorthStar rails to trails dropping profuse piles of

tional Impact of Cut Paper Design, No Host Bar, Snacks, admission by donation. March 27-29-Eagles Spring Craft Fair, Friday 5pm-9pm, Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 11am-4pm. Eagles Hall 711 Kootenay St N. Cranbrook. Too book a table or for more info call 250-426-6006.


MINI BOOK SALE. Everyone is welcome from 9am-4pm. We are receiving donations of books, in good condition at the Circulation Desk at the library. Contact Marilyn 250489-6254. F.P.P.A.S presents a spring concert, “Spring into Bluegrass” at the Royal Alexander Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm. Tickets are $15 and available at Lotus books, The Cranbrook

dung on the track. Navigating between the numerous piles is unappreciated by all using the trail and surely the horses don’t find the pavement too pleasant either. Next time please pack a shovel and show some consideration. Slugs: To the parents/drivers who stop in the middle of the road to let their kids out of the vehicle instead of parking in the designated stalls in front of Mt. Baker high school and to the kids who take their time crossing the streets without even looking....maybe they should have an assembly in school to reinforce road safety. Hugs: Big hugs to whoever found and turned in my purse on March 15 at the Tamarack Mall. God Bless You and a Big Thank You! Hugs: To all the volunteers and workers at Fort Steele and JCI that help make this years “Fishing Derby” a huge success. No one can predict the weather and everyone stepped up last minute to pull off such an important event. Slugs: To the furniture store in Cranbrook that has sales. You have terrible customer service and don’t offer any sort of guarantee. I will choose to take my business elsewhere. Slugs: To ALL involved in stopping the deer cull. I have witnessed numerous times in town deer being aggressive towards people and other animals. What you all did is a crime and I hope you are punished for your actions.

If you have a Hug or a Slug...we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at shannon@kootenayadvertiser.com with your short quips, compliments or complaints. We will print the anonymous submissions for all to see. Be honest, but all we ask is you keep it tasteful. Hugs and Slugs will be printed as space allows, if we miss yours check back next week and you will be bumped to the start of the list. You can also drop by a written submission to our office at 1510 2nd Street N. or call Shannon at (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382

& District Arts Council and Snowdrift Cafe in Kimberley. All monies go to the Fisher Peak Performing Artists Society.


FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, pancake breakfast 8:30am11am, $5 per person, 711 Kootenay St. All proceeds going to CANCER.


above the clouds-Nepal 2014” Gebhard & Sabine Pfeiffer and David & Patricia Stock with be showing their travelogue’s, 7pm College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre. Admission is by donation to the Canadian Friends of Nepal and is sponsored by the COTR International Students Department.


ENCE FAIR 2015, College of the Rockies. Theme- Light (In keeping with the UN’s proclamation of the International Year of Light and Light Based Technologies). Guest speaker Astronaut Abigail Harrison (she plans to be the first astronaut on Mars). *Volunteers are need for both days. Check out our website at www.ekrsf.ca


Diversity Inclusion & Safety Workshop (Ensuring safe spaces for LGBTQ community members), Cranbrook, 1-4pm at College of the Rockies Room 205. Workshop leader: Christopher Moore. FREE limited to 30 participants. Register online today at www.

Cranbrook Alliance Church Sunday Service & Children’s Ministry - 10:30 am 1200 Kootenay Street N. For more info: 489-4704 Senior Pastor Grant McDowell www.cranbrookalliancechurch.com “Seeking the heartbeat of God”

basinreach.ca or contact Theresa Negreiff 250352-6786. CDAC will be hosting an in-house Gallery Country Music Concert with musician Brandon Blackmore from 1pm2pm. Admission is by donation. Coffe and tea provided. 135 10th Ave S, Cranbrook.

APRIL 17 April 17-18 Confer-

ence: Friday 7pm, Saturday 9:30am, 2pm, 7pm. “Kingdom Living:Walking in Emotional Health” Speakers: Jason and Lauren Vallotton from Redding California. At House of Hope Cranbrook, 629-6th St NW. Registration: www. ihopecranbrook.com or 250-421-3784.


at the CDAC Gallery. The public is welcome to join us for the reception. Refreshments will be made availalbe. #104, 135 10th Ave.S, Cranbrook. For more information contact Marisa Phillips at 250426-4223 or cdac@ shaw.ca.


PINEWOOD SPRING SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA, 5:30pm8pm. Pinewood School Gym. Everyone welcome!


Legacy Builders Lunch *for those 50 and over) 11am. Spring Salad Buffet Lunch. FREE. Just let us know you are coming. Abundant LIfe Church, 501 11th Ave. S, Cranbrook. 250-426-2866.

Reception for the Junior Arts Exhibit 12pm-2pm

Jaffray United Church

With Jack Lindquist March 29 – Everyone Welcome! April 3 – Good Friday Service, Communion, No Luncheon. April 12 – Easter Service. Everyone Welcome! *All services at 11 a.m. Jaffray United Church

EK Lutheran Parish

Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Sunday Service - 10:30 am

Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Monday Workship 2:15 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm

Cranbrook United Church

Website: www.eklutheran.ca

Knox Presbyterian Church Corner Victoria and 3rd Street south 426-7165 Senior Pastor Young Families Pastor - Pastor Al Brouwer Sunday worship/children’s classes 10am Friendly congregation - biblical teaching - traditional and contemporary music - Everyone welcome!

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm 518 Cranbrook St. N. (next door to KFC) For more info: 421-1822 Pastor Steve Moon www.calvarychapelcranbrook.com

#2 - 12 Ave. S. on the corner of Baker & 12th Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School 1st & 3rd, Children’s activites alternate weeks •www.cranbrookunited.com

Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Interim Pastor Helmut Strauss 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 10:30 am Sunday School ............................ 9:30am

The Salvation Army

First Baptist Church

New Life Foursquare Church

Catholic Churches

Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green

308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 Sunday Morning Worship • 10am Senior Pastor • Gordon Henry www.cranbrookfoursquare.com

Kimberley Pentecostal Church

8687 Hwy 95A, Kimberley • 250-427-4677 Pastor Ray Green Pre-Service Prayer * 9:30am Sunday Service & Children’s Church * 10am Everyone welcome King’s Cottage Clothing: Wed-Thur 9:30-2, Fri 9:30-1, Sat 10-2

Pastor Kevin Ewaskow Sunday morning worship at 10:30am Children’s ministries at 10:30am 334 14th Ave S • 250-426-4319 www.fbccranbrook.org 250.426.4266

Christ the Servant 1100 – 14th Ave. S Saturday 5 PM & Sunday 9:30 AM St. Mary 39 – 10th Ave S Sunday 8 AM & 11 AM

St. Aidan Orthodox Church 201- 7th. Ave. S. • Phone: 250-489-8006 • www.saintaidan.ca

Divine Liturgy/Typica Service (English) 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow Fr. Andrew Applegate 403-554-0193

All are welcome to come in, see, listen, pray, and stay for lunch.

B4 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

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Welcome to the driver’s seat 2015 Nissan Leaf

You last chance to go green for free! by Keith Morgan Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell KIA Soul EV

Tesla Model S

Visit the Auto Show gallery at DrivewayCanada.ca

Clean energy cars now more affordable The long awaited rebate incenfleet purchases of clean energy tives designed to encourage vehicles. British Columbians to buy clean ◼ $500,000 for research, energy cars were announced this training, and public outreach week at the Vancouver Internaon clean energy transportation tional Auto Show. technology. Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Today, electric vehicles typically Bennett announced a scheme to The incentives cost about 25 per cent more than offer incentives of up to $5,000 non-electric vehicles, for the purchase or lease of a new are expected to but the incentives will battery electric or plug-in hybrid reduce greenhouse H2 narrow that price gap. electric vehicle, and up to $6,000 gas emissions by Electric vehicle owners for a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, typically save about 75 When combined with new SCRAP- the equivalent of per cent on their fuel taking 1,400 cars IT program incentives revealed costs, which adds up to $1,600 here last week, the total savings off the road. per year. could be up to $8,250 for an An analysis will be conducted to Keith Morgan electric vehicle. identify gaps in the location of The incentives are expected charging infrastructure and determine the most to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the effective way to deploy infrastructure funding. equivalent of taking 1,400 cars off the road and This will include looking at what locations are part of Phase 2 of the Clean Energy Vehicle (multi-unit residential buildings, downtown (CEV) program. The program will distribute parking areas, shopping centres etc.) would $10.6 million from the Province’s Innovative best support increased adoption of electric Clean Energy Fund over the next three years for vehicles. the following purposes: The first phase of the CEV program ran from ◼ $7.5 million for point-of-sale incentives for 2011 to 2014 and helped support the purchase electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. of 950 electric vehicles and the development ◼ $1.59 million for investments in charging of over 1,000 charging stations, and resulted infrastructure and hydrogen fuelling in 57,000 tonnes of direct emissions reductions infrastructure. – equivalent to taking approximately 1,000 ◼ $1 million for incentives for commercial vehicles off the road.



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The Ministry of Energy and Mines will administer and implement the CEV program through partnerships with the New Car Dealers Association of British Columbia, the Fraser Basin Council, and the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association. Quote: Blair Qualey, president and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association of B.C. is delighted with the announcement. EV “Our members are seeing increasing interest from consumers in purchasing electric vehicles and this program will provide many with the incentive they need to make a purchase.” Visitors to the Vancouver International Auto Show, which closes on Sunday, will have the opportunity to take a clean energy vehicle for a spin. Most manufacturers are also showing their clean energy vehicles inside the Vancouver Trade & Convention Centre West.

If you would like to plug in an all-electric Nissan LEAF at your home, this weekend is the last chance you will have to get one for nothing! British Columbia’s SCRAP-IT Program kindly supplied us with one of the eco-friendly sedans as a prize in our Plug-In to Win Contest, which closes at midnight on Sunday (see below for entry details). The winner will be announced online next week and Driveway will feature an interview with the lucky winner in an upcoming edition. SCRAP-IT announced its new incentive program here last week, which offers a $3,000 rebate for electric car purchasers if they scrap a 2000 or older vehicle. This is in addition to the newly announced provincial government program detailed in our main story today. The LEAF will be on display at the SCRAP-IT booth throughout this weekend at the Vancouver International Auto Show, in the Vancouver Convention Centre West. Qualifying electric vehicles for the organization’s incentive are listed on the SCRAP-IT.ca website. Take a look because some of them, plus vehicles qualifying under the additional government program will be at the show to view and some made available there for test drives outside.


Vancouver Convention Centre West Weekdays, Noon - 10 pm, admission $15*; Saturday, 10 am - 10 pm, admission $17*; Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm, admission $17*. *Discounts for seniors (65+), students with valid ID, children ages seven - 12 (except Tuesday), multi-day passes, and family packs.

For information on electric vehicles and charging systems and infrastructure visit Plug-In BC at: http://pluginbc.ca/ For details of the Clean Energy Vehicle incentive program visit: www.cevforbc.ca Write to Keith at keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca

Plug in to win!



Enter for your chance to win at drivewaycanada.ca Presented by




For more information and to purchase tickets: www.VancouverInternationalAutoShow.com.

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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser


Golf Sportwagon scores a hole in one the core of this success. This lighter, yet stronger platform is so flexible the Volkswagen Group has plans to use it for dozens of vehicles throughout the many brands it builds. The benefit to the consumer is a vehicle that is lighter, can use a smaller, more efficient engine and, with huge economies of scale, VW can lower the price. The Golf hatchback along with the sportier GTI is available in the market now and very soon the Sportwagon (station wagon), built on the same successful platform, will arrive. Looks One could be forgiven for not noticing the major changes in this 2015 model but that is the way VW likes to do things-keep the exterior looking familiar, yet radically update the things that are less obvious. Zack Spencer The one thing that should get By Zack Spencer any buyer’s attention is the new starting price of $22,495, Austin, TX – The latest sevwhich is roughly $1,100 less enth generation Volkswagen than the last model. In adGolf has been a huge hit, windition, the base model gets ning the World Car of the Year standard 15-inch alloy wheels, award, along with the North heated seats, Bluetooth and a American Car of the Year and backup camera for a total of several other titles. $2,000 of additional value. The The effort and billions of dolSportwagon is sold as the base lars, VW invested in its small Trendline, the middle $24,695 car platform, called MQB, is at flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips. and the $30,495 Comfortline

The smooth ‘‘power, along

with the good feed-back to the driver, plus the well-insulated cabin reminds us why this car has won so many awards.


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Highline, with a $1,400 premium for an automatic transmission and $2,300 more for a TDI diesel engine. Inside This Sportwagon is a true sport utility vehicle. It has the lower, sportier stance of a car coupled with a huge cargo area that would put most small crossovers to shame. The front seats are heated and the rear seats split and fold. The remainder of the cabin is the same as the regular Golf family, with front and rear passenger dimensions the same except for rear passenger headroom,

which makes way for the beautiful panoramic sunroof. The dash has high quality switches and dials and even the base model is fitted with a 14.7cm (5.8-inch) radio screen that doubles as a backup camera. This screen size is a bit on the small side but VW will increase the size slightly when the 2016 model arrives this fall. Drive What can’t be seen but is instantly obvious when driving is the new 170hp 1.8L turbocharged base engine, that is so much more advanced and responsive, compared to the

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No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, 18 years of age or old er. Od ds of winning d epend on the number of eligible entries received. Five (5) prizes are available to be won, each consisting of a check for $100. Approximate value of each prize is $100 CDN. The selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest opens Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:01 AM ET and ends on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 11:59 PM ET. For instructions to enter and complete contest rules visit Save.ca/SpringCleaning. No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, 18 years of age or old er. Od ds of winning d epend on the number of eligible entries received. Five (5) prizes are available to be won, each consisting of a check for $100. Approximate value of each prize is $100 CDN. The selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest opens Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:01 AM ET and ends on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 11:59 PM ET. For instructions to enter and complete contest rules visit Save.ca/SpringCleaning.

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old, less efficient 5-cylinder in the previous model. This engine has superb mid-range torque and it runs on less expensive regular fuel. It’s efficient too, using 9.5L/100km in the city and 6.6L on the highway. The optional diesel, with 150hp, but more importantly, 236 lb.ft. of torque is only marginally more efficient, rated at 7.7L city and 5.4L on the highway. Considering this engine is $2,300 more expensive, the new turbo gasoline engine will certainly be a sensible choice for drivers that don’t pile on the kms. The gasoline engine gets a 5-speed

manual or a 6-speed automatic; the diesel gets a 6-speed manual or the high-tech duel clutch automatic. It’s too bad both engines are not offered with the TDI’s transmissions. Great news for VW fans, waiting for all wheel drive (AWD), the 2017 model will arrive with AWD in the Sportwagon and that technology should spread to the rest of the Golf line. Verdict Volkswagen held the launch event for this Sportwagon in Texas, hoping for beautiful sunny weather but we were treated to pouring rain. With

the wipers plugging away and the radio on, this latest Golf feels all grown up, almost “Audi Light”. The smooth power, along with the good feedback to the driver, plus the well-insulated cabin reminds us why this car has won so many awards. The Sportwagon takes all the goodness of the hatchback and shares it in a slightly longer and more useful package. If you are in the market for a small sport utility, give this truly sporty utility a try. zack.spencer@drivewaybc.ca

! e d i r y m s i This ! l l e s I t a h w s i s i Th Clint Kary

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No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, 18 years of age or old er. Od ds of winning d epend on the number of eligible entries received. Five (5) prizes are available to be won, each consisting of a check for $100. Approximate value of each prize is $100 CDN. The selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest opens Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:01 AM ET and ends on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 11:59 PM ET. For instructions to enter and complete contest rules visit Save.ca/SpringCleaning. No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, 18 years of age or old er. Od ds of winning d epend on the number of eligible entries received. Five (5) prizes are available to be won, each consisting of a check for $100. Approximate value of each prize is $100 CDN. The selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest opens Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:01 AM ET and ends on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 11:59 PM ET. For instructions to enter and complete contest rules visit Save.ca/SpringCleaning.

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By Ian Harwood

Purchasing a new or used truck is exciting but personalizing it is even more fun! Believe me when I tell you, buying the truck is the cheap part. I have seen people over the years spend upwards of $25,000 or more on customization. One of the more popular things to do these days is to install a suspension lift along with larger tires and wheels. If you’re going to tackle this yourself, here are a few things you should know. Installation: Many manufacturers offer manuals for installing lift kits but some installations are quite intricate, requiring some welding or cutting in order to add some necessary components. In this case, having a mechanic or a few knowledgeable friends around will help make the job go smoothly. Additional Modifications: Upgrading to taller tires also means that a number of components may require part upgrades or some tuning to compensate. For instance, a truck’s engine is tuned at specific gear ratios to propel the vehicle. When adding taller tires, the gear ratios must be changed accordingly, since the engine has to spin much larger, heavier tires. You will also be required to purchase a speedometer recalibration tool, so you have an accurate reading. Again, consult with more experienced individuals for further insight. Highway Driving: Larger, wider tires can sometimes result in instability on roads or a noisy, uncomfortable ride, particularly at high speeds. Also, more aggressive off road tires tend to wear faster on the highway and traction might not be as great as you would expect on wet roads. Weight: larger tires are heavier, which can put a lot of strain on your suspension, particularly if it is a stock suspension. Trusted, durable suspension components and lighter aluminum wheels can sometimes help to reduce the strain. Handling: Adding a truck suspension lift kit will undoubtedly raise the vehicle’s centre of gravity, resulting in less stable turns. This is a common problem when installing lift kits, but is mostly just a matter of becoming accustomed to a vehicle’s change in performance. Legality: Some lift kits create such a serious change in your suspension system that it may not be legal. Check the suspension regulations within your province to be sure. A Few Useful Accessories: Before installing a lift kit, it’s a good idea to first examine if any components will be affected by your vehicle’s new height. Here are a few useful accessories that may need to be upgraded: Brake Upgrades: Stock brakes do not always accommodate larger tires, or will wear easily due to the added strain. Drivetrain and Differential: Axles, gears, differential covers, lockers and more ensure that your drivetrain is up to par with






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Shocks: For those taller lifts, longer shocks will ensure the smoothest performance both on and off road. Other Parts: Steering linkage,
















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slip yoke, drive shaft length, u-joint angle, and brake lines are all worthy of consideration before installing suspension lift kits.





Search the internet. There are many sites which offer complete instructions on various suspension lifts. You can download a copy before you make the pur-

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X Equivalent lease payments of $29/$38/$55/$60 on the 2015 Micra/2015 Sentra/2015 Altima Sedan/2015 Rogue must be made on a monthly basis and cannot be made weekly. Weekly lease payments are for advertising purposes only. ±The $750/$1,000/$1,000 additional discount offer is valid on the purchase financing or lease (at inception) of select new 2015 Sentra/2015 Altima Sedan/2015 Rogue. $750/$1,000/$1,000 is comprised of $500/$750/$750 NCF cash and $250/$250/$250 deaelr participation. Offer valid March 11-31, 2015. Offer is based on stackable trading dollars. Offer is available to eligible customers for a limited time on approved credit only. The discount will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. Applicable to Nissan Canada Finance (NCF) contracts only through subvented NCF finance, lease or NCF standard finance rates. Not combinable with fleet discounts and not applicable to cash purchase buyers. Offer not eligible for program protection. Certain conditions apply. †Offer is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services Inc. (NCESI) and applies to any new 2015 Micra/Versa Note/Sentra/Altima/Juke/Rogue/Pathfinder models (each, an “Eligible Model”) leased and registered through Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc., on approved credit, between March 3 – March 31, 2015 from an authorized Nissan retailer in Canada. Eligible only on leases through NCF with subvented rates. Offer recipient will be entitled to receive a maximum of six (6) service visits (each, a “Service Visit”) for the Eligible Vehicle – where each Service Visit consists of one (1) oil change (using conventional 5W30 motor oil) and one (1) tire rotation service (each, an “Eligible Service”). All Eligible Services will be conducted in strict accordance with the Oil Change and Tire Rotation Plan outline in the Agreement Booklet for the Eligible Vehicle. The service period (“Service Period”) will commence on the lease transaction date (“Transaction Date”) and will expire on the earlier of: (i) the date on which the maximum number of Service Visits has been reached; (ii) 36 months from the Transaction Date; or (iii) when the Eligible Vehicle has reached 48,000 kilometers. All Eligible Services must be completed during the Service Period, otherwise they will be forfeited. The Offer may be upgraded to use premium oil at the recipient’s expense. The Eligible Services are not designed to meet all requirements and specifications necessary to maintain the Eligible Vehicle. To see the complete list of maintenance necessary, please refer to the Service Maintenance Guide. Any additional services required are not covered by the Offer and are the sole responsibility and cost of the recipient. Offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain offers NCESI reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. Ask your retailer for details. ≠Representative monthly lease offer based on any new 2015 Micra S 5MT (S5LG55 AA00)/2015 Sentra 1.8 S Manual Transmition (C4LG55 AA00)/2015 Altima 2.5 CVT Transmission (T4LG15 AA00)/2015 Rogue S FWD CVT transmission (Y6RG15 AA00). 4.99%/0.9%/0%/1.99% lease APR for a 60/60/60/60 month term equals monthly payments of $127/$165/$236/$258 with $998/$0/$0/$0 down payment, and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Prices and payments include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $8,621/$9,900/$14,177/$15,491. $250/$30 Dealer participation included only on the 2015 Micra S 5MT (S5LG55 AA00)/2015 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG55 AA00) included in advertised amount. $500 NCF lease cash included on advertised offers, only applicable on 2015 Altima 2.5 CVT Transmission (T4LG15 AA00). These offers are only valid from March 3 - 31, 2015. $750/$1,000/$1,000 Cash Bonus included in advertised amounts. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Conditions apply. VModels shown $16,217/$25,765/$35,543/$36,348 Selling price for a new 2015 Micra® KROM MT (S5RG55 KR00)/2015 Sentra 1.8 SL (C4TG15 AA00)/2015 Altima 3.5 SL CVT (T4SG15 NV00)/2015 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG15 BK00). $1,000 Cash Bonus not included in model shown. *X±≠VFreight and PDE charges ($1,450/$1,567/$1,695/$1,750) air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, applicable fees (all which may vary by region), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. Offers valid between March 3 - 31, 2015. ∞Based on GAC (AIAMC) Intermediate segmentation. All information compiled from Natural Resources Canada Fuel Economy data and third-party sources, including manufacturer websites. November 26, 2014. +Based on 2014/15 Nissan Sentra (3,144L), 2015 Honda Civic (3,031L) and 2015 Toyota Corolla (3,119L). All information sourced from competitive websites and is accurate at the time of printing. January 28, 2015. ^Based on 2014/15 Sentra SV, SR, SL models with NissanConnect Apps system. Smartphone connectivity allowing access to popular mobile applications and connected services (ex. Google Send-to-Car). For more information see IIHS.org. ALG is the industry benchmark for residual values and depreciation data, www.alg.com. Offers subject to change, continuation or cancellation without notice. Offers have no cash alternative value. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©1998-2015 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc.

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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser


2015 is a good year for vintages By Rob Sass 2015 follows 2014 and 2013 as particularly rich years for automotive milestones – here are five automotive anniversaries. 1955 Ford Thunderbird: The Corvette may have been the first post-war American twoseater from one of the Big Three, but it was the Thunderbird that was the most popular. In fact, after a disappointing first two model years, Chevy was considering killing the Corvette until the runaway popularity of the 1955 T-Bird made them reconsider. Made famous in George Lucas’ film, “American Graffiti,” the 1955-57 two-seater “baby birds” remain the most collect-

ible T-Birds. Happy 60th. 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air: The 1955-57 Bel Air is probably the quintessential American collectible car, and it introduced another American milestone — the Chevy small-block V-8. The brainchild of Chevrolet chief engineer Ed Cole, the small block was relatively light, easy to service and expandable — from its original 265 cubic inches up to the ubiquitous 350 and beyond. The Bel Air was just the car to showcase the new overheadvalve V-8. Mazda Miata: This one makes a lot of us feel old: The Miata is 25. Introduced in late 1989 as a 1990 model, for all intents and purposes, it was a British

roadster that wouldn’t leak oil in your garage, or decide not to start below freezing or spontaneously set its dash on fire (not necessarily in that order). Mazda took all the good that we remember from British roadsters (they allegedly dissected several of one of the best, the Lotus Elan) — from sharp handling to a smooth short-throw gearbox — and added five speeds a modern twin-cam engine as well as a beautifully designed manual convertible top. Low mileage first generation Miatas amazingly still trade for under 10 grand in its 25th year; it’s doubtful those prices will hold steady for its 50th. 1955 Chrysler 300: The first

of the “letter series” 300s was originally just known as the “300,” although it was succeeded by the 300B, 300C, etc. A gorgeous pillarless coupe that was really only built to go racing in NASCAR, it was powered by a 331-cubic-inch Hemi V-8 and was capable of nearly 130 mph, an amazing figure for the day. Just a few more than 1,700 were built, but it was the inspiration for the sensational sedan introduced by Chrysler in 2005. Happy 60th to the original 300 and happy 10th to the reboot. 1975 Porsche 911 Turbo: The mid-1970s were the dark ages of automotive performance, taking on the moniker “The Malaise Era,” which is known

1955 Ford Thunderbird (Photo courtesy of Brewbooks) for low compression, emission controls and generally excruciat-





ing dullness. The Germans didn’t get that memo and, building on years of racing experience using exhaust-driven turbochargers, Porsche introduced the outlandish 911 Turbo Carrera, otherwise known by the internal project number “930.” Porsche used nearly as crude a setup as the turbo employed by the Corvair a decade earlier, and early 930s were very much an on-off proposition with turbo lag aplenty. But with 0-60 times of around five seconds, the 930 would put most muscle cars to shame. Many owners got caught by sur-

prise by boost coming on while entering a corner — lift off the gas or brake and the rearengine weight bias plus physics would take care of the rest. A fair number of dentists and pro athletes wrapped 930s around trees. The 40th anniversary has been preceded by a dramatic upswing in 930 prices. Rob Sass is the vice-president of content for Hagerty Insurance. Learn more at hagerty.ca


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*$2,500/$1,500/$1,500 discount on MSRP available on cash purchase, finance or lease of new and unregistered 2015 Tiguan 2.0T Trendline / Jetta 2.0L Trendline / Passat 1.8T Trendline models. Discount on MSRP available on cash purchase, finance or lease of new and unregistered 2015 models. Discount varies by model. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer not shown in this ad. **Lease payments of $215/$150/$193 on the Tiguan/Jetta/Passat must be made on a monthly basis and cannot be made bi-weekly. Bi-weekly payment amounts shown include $2,500/$1,500/$1,500 discount. Limited time lease offer available through Volkswagen Finance, on approved credit, based on a new and unregistered 2015 Tiguan 2.0T Trendline / Jetta 2.0L Trendline / Passat 1.8T Trendline base model with 6/5/5-speed manual transmission. $1,760/$1,605/$1,605 freight and PDI included in monthly payment. 48-month term at 1.9% APR. $4,174/$1,299/$4,045 down payment, $260/$200/$240 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation: $14,470/$8,475/$13,301. 64,000-kilometre allowance; charge of $0.15/km for excess kilometres. PPSA fee, license, insurance, registration, any dealer or other charges, options and applicable taxes are extra. †2015 Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0T 4MOTION® received a 5-star side-crash rating while the Jetta 4 DR FWD received a 5-star overall rating. Government star ratings are part of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) New Car Assessment Program (safercar.gov). Crash performance was based on a U.S.-equipped vehicle. Some features on that model may be optional or not available in Canada. ††The 2015 Jetta/Passat was awarded a Top Safety Pick from the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety). To qualify for a Top Safety Pick, a vehicle must earn good ratings in the moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint tests, as well as a good or acceptable rating in the small overlap front test. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Offers valid from March 21 to 31, 2015 at British Columbia dealers only and are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Models shown: 2015 Tiguan 2.0T Highline R-Line, $42,850 / 2015 Jetta 1.8T Highline, $27,385 / 2015 Passat 1.8T Highline, $32,690. Vehicles shown for illustration purposes only and may include optional equipment. Visit vw.ca or your Volkswagen dealer for details. “Volkswagen”, the Volkswagen logo, “Das Auto & Design”, “Tiguan”, “Jetta” and “Passat” are registered trademarks of Volkswagen AG. © 2015 Volkswagen Canada.

Denham Ford would like to welcome Tracy Wavrecan to the dealership as our new receptionist. Tracy brings years of experience to the role, along with a great personality. Stop in and say hello to the new voice, and face of Denham Ford!


Cranbrook • 250-426-6645 • Toll Free 1-800-663-3839

Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

www.kootenayadvertiser.com B9

St. Aidan Orthodox welcomes its new rector

Father Andrew (Brent) Applegate and his wife Sonia.

for The Advertiser

Saint Aidan Orthodox Church would like to welcome our new Rector, Father Andrew (Brent) Applegate and his wife Sonia to the East Kootenays. They recently moved to Cranbrook from Calgary where they were attached to St. Peter the Aleut Orthodox Church. Father Andrew was born in Calgary in 1954 and baptized in the United Church. He met and married Sonia who was baptized in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and grew up in the small hamlet of Wandering River, Alberta near FatherMcMurray in 1976. Together they embarked upon a spiritual search attending various evangelical, charismatic and mainline protestant churches until coming “home” to the Orthodox

Church in 1983. In 1995 they sold their motel in Wandering River and moved to Calgary to help develop the fledgling mission parish of St. Peter’s. On coming back to Calgary, Brent stared “Pillar to Post” home inspections and then old it in 2001. He then worked as technical sales and marketing manger for Unicrete, Skyline and Canmark Roofing specializing in concrete roof tile installations and other high end roofing products until 2013 when he retired. Father Andrew has taken many courses on Orthodox theology over the years and continues to study at St. Arseny Institute. He was ordained a deacon by Bishop Irenee on July 15, 2012 and as a priest on March 3, 2013. He has been serving St. Aidan Orthodox Church in Cranbrook, travelling here from Calgary every three weeks for

Photo submitted

the past 1 ½ years. Father Andrew and Sonia have one son Michael with his wife Katherine, grandson John and a new granddaughter Eliza, who live in Colorado Springs. Father Andrew and Matushka Sonia, look forward to meeting and visiting with any Orthodox Christians scattered throughout the Kootenays, as well as anyone interested in learning about the Orthodox Christian Church. Father Andrew would also like to get to know as many people as he can and be part of the Kootenay community. If you see a “slightly” older man in a grey cassock robe with a cross or his “black dress” as Father Andrew jokingly calls it, please stop and say hello. Saint Aidan Orthodox Church is an English language mission Church under Bishop Irenee and the Cana-

Final call for Cedric writers

The deadline of May 1st for submissions to the 2015 Cedric Literary Awards is fast approaching and organizers of the writing competition are putting out a final call for submissions. The Cedric Literary Awards is a first-ofits-kind literary awards program in Canada, created specifically to recognize and celebrate unpublished English and French-speaking BC writers of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and First Nations storytellers, age 50 or better. Executive Director Veronica Osborn says:

“We’ve been receiving a steady stream of submissions since we put out the Call for Submission on February 1st, but we’re hoping for more so that we can have a competition that is truly representative of the talent we know is out there of writers with a lifetime of experience to share.” The Cedric Literary Awards is a juried competition, and a prize of $3,000 will be awarded to each of the category winners, with an additional prize of $3,000 given to a First Nations storyteller. Details about a gala awards event will be an-

nounced at a later date. “I want The Cedric Literary Awards to be the best writing competition of its kind in Canada,” says Peter Dale, creator of the writing competition. “Although we’re focused on BC writers and storytellers this year, we hope to take this program nationwide next year.” Authors interested in taking part in this exciting new writing competition should log on to the website at: www.thecedrics.ca or email Veronica Osborn, at vosborn@thecedrics. ca.

dian Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). It is in communion with the Greek, Russian Ukrainian, Romanian, Serbian, Antiochian and all of the other canonical Orthodox Churches worldwide which all trace their beginnings back directly to the first apostles. While the Orthodox Church is very large worldwide with around 250 million members, our local St. Aidan mission parish may be in the running for one of the smallest parishes; so if you are looking for a church family, you will find us a welcoming, warm and Christ centred community, and will defi-

nitely not get lost in the crowd! Everyone is also welcome to “come and see,” please join us for a Saturday evening Vesper (Evening) Prayer service, or a Sunday Divine Liturgy service at 10:30 am. Plan to stay for a potluck lunch with us downstairs after the Sunday service! Saint Aidan Orthodox Church is on the corner of 7th Ave. and 2nd St. South in Cranbrook (in the old Ukrainian Catholic Church). To reach Father Andrew call or text 250-420-1582 or email: frandrewapplegate@ gmail.com.

HELP PLAN OUR EVENTS FOR THE YEAR AT OUR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday, April 9th Cranbrook Alliance Church @ 7:00 pm

Cranbrook Mixed FUN Soccer Registration

Join our team! We are looking for community minded people in our region to discuss and plan Strategies to benefit our communities. To start your community journey call Donna, 250-426-8833.

Thank You!

Midget Tier 3 Ice would like to thank • Sweet Gestures • Ktunaxa Nation • Pharmasave • Kootenay Ice • Mrs. Palmers Pantry • Real Deals • Fort Steele Heritage Town • City of Cranbrook • College of the Rockies • Petra Naturally For donations towards our basket for the Dawson Creek, BC Provincials

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ATo HUGE “THANK YOU” our sponsors who have help make our AGM possible with their generous and supportive donations!!


Our apologies to anyone who we may have missed!

We’d like to make a correction

The Equine talk about wound management that was advertised as taking place on April 11, is now taking place on May 11. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We care for all animals


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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, March 27, 2015

Don’t miss out! This Saturday!

www.kootenayadvertiser.com B11

Tickets $10, available at the door All proceeds will be donated to Abreast in the Rockies

The Kootenay

Women’s Show

11th annual Kootenay Womens’ Show 2015 Presented by Kootenay Advertiser

Sat. March 28 1pm-5pm


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Friday, March 27, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser

Last chance to save on these 2014s 2014 Ford Edge $ 142/wk*

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