Eagle Valley News, April 01, 2015

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District asks for change to TCH speed limits Page 3

Local musician sets sights on CBC Searchlight Page 7

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 PM40008236

Vol. 60 No. 13 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (GST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com

Rail safety concerns addressed First responders: Mayor pushes for co-ordination with local agencies. By Barb Brouwer and Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Being prepared locally for a worst-case scenario on the rails is a priority for Sicamous Mayor Terry Rysz. The mayor was pleased to hear that sentiment is shared by CP Rail during a presentation by CP director of government affairs Mike LoVecchio to members of the board of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District March 19. “They did a training session in Revelstoke just a few weeks ago,” said Rysz. “My biggest concern is having our first responders with enough skill-set in order to get a situation that might be catastrophic to lockdown, so that we don’t send a bunch of people going in that don’t have any expertise and have a major disaster on our My biggest hands.” concern is having LoVecchio provided our first responders details on how new reg- with enough skillulations and company set in order to get a commitment have led to situation that might safer transport of goods be catastrophic to by rail. lockdown. “Safety has been imTerry Rysz proving and CP Rail has Mayor led the pack,” he said, noting last year was the company’s best performance in corporate history. “We marry professionals with technology and the two together are the reason; we’re changing from being reactive to proactive.” He says the company has an obligation to move commodities, including those that are dangerous. LoVecchio said crude oil is one of the more dangerous commodities but assured directors See Trains on page 2

Playground pile-up: Sarah Pilkington, Taylor Watson, Kyra Murray, Alicia Pilkington and Victoria Murray slip off the slide into a pile while having fun at one of Parkview Elementary’s playgrounds. Equipment in both of the school’s playgrounds will be removed by June, and the PAC is raising funds for replacement structures that meet the school district’s approval. Photo by Lachlan Labere

Parkview PAC pursues playground funds Deadline: School parents appeal to district for financial support.

By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

While the future of Parkview Elementary School is uncertain, the school’s need for new playground equipment is not. Parkview PAC representatives Phaedra Kennedy and Mikel Stuart told Sicamous council last week that the school’s existing wood and metal playground structures will be removed this June. Kennedy said the equipment was assessed in 2012 by School District #83, and was found not to meet regulations for health and safety. “The PAC asked about repairing or replacing pieces,

rather than having all of the structures removed, but unfortunately the district informed us that would not be possible,” said Kennedy, noting the equipment was originally expected to come out by June of 2014. However, because the PAC did not have sufficient funds to purchase replacement equipment, that deadline was extended to this year. To date, the PAC has managed to raise $40,700, including a $7,500 contribution from the Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union, and a $10,000 commitment from the school district. The PAC estimates the cost of replacement equipment for both of the school’s playgrounds (K-3

and 4-7) at $75,000. “The existing park, as most of you know, was built in part by community members donating their time, energy and materials,” Kennedy explained. “But now, due to regulations and safety concerns, the playground equipment must be purchased from and assembled by professionals approved by the (school) district, which increases the cost significantly.” Kennedy and Stuart asked district council to consider donating to the fundraising effort, explaining Parkview parents and the local business community are already feeling a financial pinch from the fundraisers undertaken to date. Council expressed a will-

ingness to support the PAC, both financially and in finding other avenues for support. “Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union offered $7,500. A lot of people in this community bank at the Royal Bank and the TD Bank and the Bank of Montreal,” noted Coun. Gord Bushell. “If we can assist in writing to those banks we might get some decent funding as well.” Mayor Terry Rysz said he would check with Community Futures as well as the Columbia Shuswap Regional District. As for the District of Sicamous, Rysz said he’d like to see staff find around $10,000 to $15,000 in the budget to support the PAC.

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Name released in Malakwa rail fatal

By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Gilles Robert Joseph Thivierge was struck and killed by a 58-car freight train while vacating a vehicle stuck on tracks near a Malakwa railway crossing On Thursday, March 26, the BC Coroners

Service confirmed the identity (and age) of the 61-year old Malakwa resident, who died after he and the vehicle he’d been in were hit by a westbound freight train. The incident occurred just before 10 p.m. on Saturday, March 21 near the Malakwa Road/Som-

merville-Husted Road crossing. BC Coroners Service spokesperson Barb McLintock says that prior to the incident, Thivierge had been riding in the backseat of a Chrysler sedan. Also in the vehicle were two women, a relative and a friend. At approximate-

ly 9:45 p.m., the vehicle left the road near the intersection and ended up getting stuck nearby on CP Rail tracks. “The three persons in the car got out of the vehicle, but Mr. Thivierge was struck by a 58-car westbound freight train before he could get clear of the

tracks. He was deceased at the scene,” states McLintock. The two women were taken to hospital in Salmon Arm and released soon after. The BC Coroners Service and RCMP continue to investigate the Thivierge’s death.

apartment of his ex-girlfriend on Aug. 1, 2014, after multiple attempts to contact her by phone and with text messages. Crown prosecutor Monica Fras said Kowalchuk’s ex saw him trying to get into her apartment building and refused to let him in. He later gained entry to the building and began banging on his ex’s door. “Eventually, he kicked the door in — he

broke the door frame,” Fras said. “Quite extensive force was used to get into the apartment.” Fras said Kowalchuk’s ex-girlfriend then barricaded herself inside her bedroom with a piece of furniture blocking the door. Kowalchuk was unable to get into the bedroom and left the building. His ex, who called police while Kowal-

chuk was banging on the door, went across the hall to her neighbour’s apartment to wait for Mounties to arrive. In addition to the jail sentence, Kowalchuk was also placed on a one-year probation term with orders requiring he have no contact with his exgirlfriend or be within 100 metres of her home or workplace, abstain from alcohol and take

counselling as directed. In addition, he will have to abide by an 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew for six months and pay $462.34 in restitution for damages caused to the apartment door. Kowalchuk, who had no prior criminal record, is slated to stand trial in July on charges stemming from an alleged breach of his bail conditions in October involving contact with his ex-girlfriend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Eagle Valley News

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Sicamous man sentenced in domestic altercation

By Tim Petruk

Kamloops This Week

Kicking in the door of his ex-girlfriend’s North Kamloops apartment after sending a string of harassing texts and phone calls has earned a Sicamous man nine days in jail. Matthew Kowalchuk was sentenced in Kamloops provincial court. Court heard the 28-year-old showed up at the Carson Crescent

Trains now running up to 10,000 feet in length Continued from front

not a lot of it moves through the regional district directly. But other commodities do – including various hydrocarbon liquids, propane and chlorine. “At the end of the day, these are the products you as communities use,” he said. “Society is using it and we are moving it, and under the Railway Safety Act, we are obligated to move it safely.” LoVecchio noted

CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. Ph: 832-2131 Fax: 832-5140 Email: classifieds@ eaglevalleynews.com

DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays

regulations under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act have been tightened up since the Lac-Mégantic tragedy in Quebec, and that CP uses the latest electronic equipment, combined with regular visual inspection, to make sure trains are in good repair, and tracks are subjected to inspection on a regular basis. Despite all precautions, however, LoVecchio agreed accidents do happen. He says CP Rail works with communities to be prepared for

such eventualities, beginning with his role in communicating with local governments. “We also work directly with first responders with tabletop exercises where we train together,” he said. “On occasion we do mock exercises and are in discussion right now with Shuswap Emergency.” CP Rail also offers what LoVecchio describes as “Railroad 101” in which firefighters are given specific training on tank cars and familiarization

Apr. 3 Candle-light Good Friday service at Sicamous United Church Apr. 4 Easter Egg Hunt at Finlayson Park. Ages 1-4 10 am - 10:30 ~ Ages 5-8 11 am - 11:30 ~ Ages 9-12 12 pm - 12:30. Bring your own basket. Donations for the food bank will be accepted for a chance to be entered to win a gift basket. Join us for crafts, gifts, ice cream and cookies. April 5 10:00 AM Easter service with the Black & Bluez Band at Sicamous United Church 790 9th Ave. N.E. Monday to Friday Community Access Site at the Senior’s Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Internet & related services. Call Diana. 836-2446 Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. - Parkinsons Support Group Contact Don at 250-838-0794. Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon.

with locomotives. Rysz expressed concern about increasingly longer trains and the number that run through the CSRD every day. LoVecchio advised that trains are now in excess of 7,500 feet on average, with intermodal trains as long as 8,500 feet. Coal trains are the longest at 9,000 to 10,000 and a train carrying all tank cars varies in length from 6,500 to 7,500 feet. After the presentation, Rysz said he had an opportunity to ques-

Every Wed. - Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info. Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday - Eagle Valley Photographic Arts Club meets at the Red Barn at 7 pm. Everyone Welcome. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre - upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.- Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Malakwa Thrift Store between the 2 churches Open every Thursday 10-5. Every 2nd Thurs. - Sicamous Lions Club meeting at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Doors open at 6:15 and meeting starts at 6:30. Anyone interested in being a volunteer for the community, please feel free to call Mary at 250-517-

tion LoVecchio regarding some of his concerns, including how quickly CP’s contracted response team could be in Sicamous. “They do have stations in Kamloops, Kelowna, Calgary, Vancouver, where they have trailers… that they could get here in a short period of time,” said Rysz. “He said probably within two hours, so that’s interesting. That was a concern for me because they really don’t have their own task force, it’s all third party.”

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Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed! Email to advertising@ saobserver.net, fax to 250.832.5140 or phone in to 250.832.2131.

8107, Joan at 250-836-4876 or Pam at 250-836-4788. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-8362695. Every 4th Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:00 in the Learning Centre Library. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at the Eagle Valley Resource Centre. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club meets at the Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! For info call Carol 250-836-3135 or Amy 250-836-4756. www.eaglevalleybrushandpalette. com Every Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Legion at 6:00 pm Every 1st Fri. of the month –Sicamous Seniors Ctre general meeting 11:00am followed by a great pot luck lunch. We encourage every to join us. Every 2nd 3rd and 4th Fri. Wii Tournament at 10 am at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre 1091 Shuswap Avenue. Everyone Welcome. Every 2nd 3rd and 4th Fri. Lunch at noon. Everyone Welcome. At the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre - 1091 Shuswap Avenue.

Last Sat. of the Month - Ladies’ Auxiliary Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion at 6 pm. Tickets sold until the Friday before at the Legion. No tickets at the door. Sundays - KARMA YOGA (Gentle Hatha) Sundays 5:15-6:15 pm @ I Am Yoga. Minimum $5 donation supports community cause of the month. No experience required. Drop-ins welcome! Open Meditation Circle by donation Sundays 4-5 pm @ I Am Yoga. Familiarize yourself with mindfulness techniques. No experience required. Drop-ins welcome! Every 4th Sun.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 1 p.m. Every 4th Sun. - Birthday Tea (formerly the OAPO) for members and friends at Seniors Activity Ctre 1:30 pm. Everyone is Welcome Every Sat. - Morning Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 tailgate market – Everyone welcome – sell anything – for details call Murray @250-836-2224.


Fax your events to: 250-832-5140 classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, April 1, 2015

District to ask for speed limit change By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Responding to safety concerns, district council will be asking the province to change speed limits at the east end of town. Last summer, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure changed speed limits – in many cases raising them – on highways throughout the province. Among these changes was an adjustment at the east end of Sicamous along the Trans-Canada Highway near Stadnicki Road, where the speed limit transitions from 60- to 100-km/h. “What actually happened was it used to go from 60 to 80 to 100,” Sicamous chamber executive director Michelle Wolff explained at last week’s municipal council meeting. “Last September, Highways changed it from 60 to 100. The chamber has had a lot of comments and concerns about where that transition is… we’re just concerned that there’s going to be more chance for accidents this year. “I don’t know why

Eagle Valley News

Sicamous council is saying no to a request for additional funding for the Summer Stomp and Burnout. In a letter to council, Summer Stomp CEO/ producer Steve Hammer asks that council consider contributing $1,500 to help cover the cost of fencing for the stunt rider event on Main Street. This is in addition to $7,500 payment to the Summer Stomp Committee. Mayor Terry Rysz said the district has already budgeted for the latter payment, and council has decided to leave it at that. “We originally budgeted $7,500, and then there was an additional request for $1,500, and we agreed to the $7,500. That’s pretty much where that stands,” said Rysz.

Shuswap Life Boat


April 8 7 pm

Sicamous Fire Hall

Letters Welcome

Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please.

New to the Community or Expecting a Baby....

Please call Welcome Wagon today! Quick transition: The province’s new speed limit on the east end of Sicamous has been a


concern for drivers and the chamber. Photo by Lachlan Labere highways changed it last year… The request is to at least go back to what it was or make it better than what it was.” Council recently received a letter from the ministry, inviting feedback on the local speed change. Coun. Gord Bushell said the 100-km/h speed limit at Kerr Road was a challenge for the Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club. He suggested the 60-km/h be pushed out to Kerr, where a transition to 80

and 100 could begin. “I’ve been asked by four residents out there about that speed limit,” said Bushell. “They’re concerned about the speed limit, so they would like to see it going back down to 60. Those are the residents on Kerr Road.” Community planner Mike Marrs said he’s dealing with development applications for properties on Kerr and has been trying to get clearance from MOTI for some time. “So we have to get

their approval before any development can move forward,” said Marrs. “It’s taken quite a bit of time and we still don’t have it. This increase in speed has worsened the situation… now that they are willing to adjust, I think we should be seeking some adjustment that’s in the 60 or 70-km area further out.” Council approved a motion suggested by Coun. Malcolm Makayev, that the district thank MOTI for

the opportunity to provide input, and ask that the speed limit be set at 60-km/h to at least to Kerr Road, and that a transition begin from there.”

The Stomp is also receiving use of the Dog Park at no cost and staffing time for the downtown-portion of the event which, for 2015, will not include the burnout. “The actual stunt rider event will happen downtown on Main Street; it’s going to be a one-day event,” said Rysz. “The burnout… we’re going to hold that out at the dog park during the day so we’re not going to have a mess downtown.” The mayor says there’s been a different model for the annual motorcycle event since it began in 2011 with Sturgis North, and he’s hopeful this year’s set-up will allow the Stomp to at least break even. “My concern with this is we’re hoping this thing is at a break even or money-making

scenario so we don’t have to be forking out money for it,” said Rysz. “It’s very good for the community. It brings a lot of people in, it’s a family event downtown and it can hopefully assist some

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Summer Stomp format sees small changes By Lachlan Labere

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non-profit organizations.” Rysz said the district is keeping at arm’s length of this year’s event, with the legion taking on the beer garden for the one day of events downtown.

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Easter Deadlines EAGLE VALLEY


Eagles host heated home opener Page 8

E-babies offer glimpse at parenthood


April 15, 2015

Page 9

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Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 3 pm Book your tee times by phoning Hard work and determination will pay off for Shea Weber in February when he suits up in the red and whites of Team Canada. The 24-year-old Sicamous product was tagged last month to represent the nation in the 2010 Olympic Games. It’s a goal Weber had been working towards, and an opportunity he’s proud to be part of. “The Olympics are a very special event, not only for hockey but for winter sports and to be able to play for your country and compete for a medal is kind of neat,” says Weber.

Niedermayer (Anaheim Ducks), Roberto “Whatever they want him to do, he’ll do Luongo (Vancouver Canucks), Chris Pronger it,” said James. “He’s a team-first guy, he’s (Philadelphia Flyers) and Sidney Crosby not a selfish player at all.” (Pittsburgh PenBoth parents guins). share what could Apart from a be described as a camp held last subdued exciteThe Olympics are a very summer, Wement for their special event, not only for ber guesses the son and the honhockey but for winter sports team may have a our that’s been and to be able to play for couple of days to bestowed up on gel in February him. Shea Weber before hitting the “Shea phoned Team Canada ice in Whistler, home and said and he’s interest‘I’ve been chosen

shares. But she and James who, with Shea, share roots in Sicamous minor hockey, are definitely excited, and are hoping to attend at least one of their son’s games. Sicamous Eagles manager Wayne March is also pretty excited by the news that Shea, an Eagle alumni, will be playing for his community and country at the Games. March says Shea has been totally focused throughout his career on what he wanted to do: make it to the NHL. In the process, Shea helped the Eagles win the KIJHL Western Canadians in 2001-02; he helped take the Kelowna Rockets to three consecutive WHL Memorial Cup championship games,

250-836-4653 or 1-877-677-4653

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Eagle Valley News


Shopping options disappearing


he closure of Target stores this past week was not something to laugh off, be dismissive of or apathetic about. It was devastating. It was harsh and it was something Canadian communities are unfortunately becoming used to. Remember when Sears was everywhere? For that matter, remember when Eatons ruled the urban centre, or even the great deals we used to get at Zellers? Analysts have pointed out that with a rapidly diminishing middle class, consumer meccas such as shopping malls, all containing an ‘anchor’ big-box store, are becoming a thing of the past. The only real growth in that kind of shopping experience has been with dollar stores, which says something about what we choose to do with our meagre disposable income. These same analysts have also noted cities with a broad base of services and industry will eventually be able to entice these large-scale shopping centres back. Of course, most of those analysts are talking about big cities. A new industrial mover and shaker coming to the community would spur economic development and make it attractive to another big box store. But there is another, not as flashy but equally beneficial way to better the area’s economic outlook. David D. Hull, the new executive director with the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce, says if the chamber, along with the city and local business, could increase the bottom line of every business by 10 per cent, the cumulative effect would be astounding. Another tried and true way to boost the economy: shop local. Not flashy by any means, but a loyal and local, consumer base can do wonders for a community. Every dollar spent here stays here and multiplies as it gets spent over and over. –Kootenay Advertiser



B.C.’s treaty troubles have deep roots By Tom Fletcher News Columnist

VICTORIA – Why did the B.C. government suddenly slam the door on their old friend George Abbott, after spending months recruiting him to head up the B.C. Treaty Commission? The instant media narrative, embraced by a shocked Abbott and then by NDP leader John Horgan, was that this was payback for grievances nursed by Premier Christy Clark from the 2011 B.C. Liberal leadership contest. Clark is suddenly a sore winner, lashing out, wrecking two decades of careful and costly treaty-making. Like many instant media narratives, this one makes no sense and is almost certainly wrong. If Clark was resentful about the roasting she received from leadership rivals Abbott and Kevin Falcon, she had an odd way of showing it. She appointed Falcon as finance minis-

ter to drive a stake into the harmonized sales tax, and Abbott as education minister to fashion a pre-election truce with the ever-hostile teachers’ union. Both completed their unlikely tasks and retired as heroes of the party in 2013. Outgoing chief treaty commissioner Sophie Pierre was as dismayed as anyone at the news of Abbott’s demise. While the two were in transition meetings, Pierre learned she was not being replaced, leaving the federal-provincial-First Nations Summit partnership of 22 years in a shambles. Clark went further when questioned by reporters about the sudden reversal. The future of aboriginal relations in B.C. may or may not include the B.C. Treaty Commission. “There have been some results, but four treaties in 22 years for $600 million is not enough result,” Clark said. “We have to be able to move faster, and we have to

171 Shuswap Street, P.O. Box 550 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N7 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 832-2131 Fax: (250) 832-5140 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com


find a way to include more First Nations in the process.” That $600 million is mostly loans, from the federal government to First Nations to finance treaty talks. Of every $100 spent trying to honour the century-old duty to sign treaties across B.C., $80 is a loan from Ottawa, $12 is a grant from Ottawa and $8 is a grant from B.C. The plan was for First Nations to repay their loans out of cash settlements made to them for 100-odd years of uncompensated resource extraction, which is now accepted as being contrary to British and Canadian law. It was the blunt-spoken Pierre who first acknowledged this hasn’t worked. Some of the 50 First Nations stuck at the treaty table have borrowed too much to go on, she said last year, calling for an “exit strategy” that forgives debt. The probability of the B.C. government making

PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Terry Sinton PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

this decision without talking to the federal paymaster is exactly zero. I’m told the province’s clumsy timing had something to do with Ottawa’s late demands. I asked Clark if her plan to settle land claims faster was anything like the 2009 attempt by Gordon Campbell’s deputy minister Jessica McDonald to negotiate a province-wide deal declaring aboriginal title. Clark sidestepped the question, saying only that the 150 B.C. First Nations not at the treaty table need a say and a solution too. Pierre, a veteran administrator from the Ktunaxa Tribal Council in the Kootenays, made a prophetic statement when her term as chief commissioner was extended three years ago. She said if Ottawa isn’t prepared to give federal negotiators a realistic mandate on compensation and sharing of salmon rights, they should “shut ’er down.” Her advice may have been heard after all.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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Sicamous Community in Bloom Meeting Date: April 2 2015 Time: 7:00 pm Place: Red Barn For more info call Kim at 250.833.8085

Daffodil campaign: Canadian Cancer Society representative Sheila Davies welcomes Sicamous Mayor Terry Rysz’s donation to the society’s Daffodil Month campaign, an annual fundraiser organized by volunteers across the nation, including Davies and fellow Sicamous volunteers Amy Boutwell and Charlotte Sutherland. Photo by Lachlan Labere

Early write-offs benefits large-scale investment


One LNG proponent has stated that during the construction of their pipeline and plant they will employ 4,500 Canadians and, once it is operational, it will provide billions of dollars in taxes to all three levels of government. Our government knows that providing


an investment climate that attracts investment in our economy will create jobs, growth and prosperity for all Canadians which is why we continue to work with the Province of British Columbia to grow an LNG sector that is safe, sustainable and prosperous.

WORSHIP In Sicamous

United Church of Canada Rev. Juanita Austin Sunday at 10:00 am


When Suncor Inc. was developing the Athabaska Oil Sands in the 1980s, it faced many challenges that made it a marginal business proposition. At that time, the federal government provided an accelerated capital cost allowance (ACCA) that allowed companies investing in the oil sands to write off their capital investment in infrastructure sooner, which allowed them to retain earnings to reinvest in their development. This was not a subsidy or tax break but rather a temporary accounting practice that would defer taxes until after the company was profitable. Our government discontinued this incentive last year.

responded by extending the ACCA to Canada’s LNG sector to help its growth in Canada in the same manner that the sector has been supported and developed in the U.S. and Australia. This type of support for investors in our economy is wise and supports job creation.

Answers for today’s Coffee Break Page


During the 2008 economic downturn, Canada’s manufacturing sector was challenged by a strong Canadian dollar and slow markets. Our government extended the accelerated capital cost allowance to Canada’s manufacturing sector to help them revitalize through investing in new equipment, making them more efficient and more competitive in the global market. This was a great success as 40 per cent of the manufacturing sector benefited from this support that has allowed it to expand and create high-value employment opportunities for Canadians. Proponents of new liquid natural gas (LNG) development in British Columbia asked for the accelerated capital cost allowance to be applied to their capital investment in the plants that take natural gas off the pipeline and cool and compress it to liquid for transportation to offshore markets. The price of natural gas has dropped substantially and our government has

Whoever You are Wherever You are at You are Welcome 705 TCH Frontage, Sicamous


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Variable speed zone signs on the way between Vancouver and Whistler — will be operational with variable speed limits in time for next winter. Signs and sensors in the road will be tied to the ministry’s trafficmanagement centre in Coquitlam to provide a variable maximum speed for motorists during snow or heavy rains, for example. “The 120-km/h speed limit in the case of the Coquihalla might not be appropriate based on a big dump of snow,” Stone said. “In a matter of minutes, we’ll be able to dial that speed limit down.” The project will cost about $24 million for

By Cam Fortems

Kamloops This Week

Variable speed zones will be in place on a section of the Coquihalla Highway, and on two other major routes, by next winter. Transportation Minister Todd Stone spoke on Friday, March 20, to a meeting of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, outlining the province’s new 10-year transportation plan. Stone told reporters three pilot areas — west of Revelstoke, around the Coquihalla Highway’s snowshed and at a location on the Sea to Sky Highway

all three locations. Each section is about 10 to 12 kilometres in length. Stone said the technology is used in other jurisdictions, particularly in Europe. “It’s proven to reduce collisions and save lives,” he said. Earlier on Friday, Stone announced $125,000 to install LED signs and special markings on Highway 97 at Monte Creek intended to make the route safer. The signs will be vehicle-activated to tell drivers when they are entering turns too fast. The transportation plan pledges spending another $650 million on

four-laning the TransCanada Highway east of the city. That will include four lanes from Kamloops through to Jade Mountain on the east side of Chase, as well as upgrading sections of the national highway around Salmon Arm and between Revelstoke and Golden. Passing lanes will also be added on Highway 5 North, north of Kamloops. The plan also focuses on rebuilding infrastructure, includ-

ing bridges, as well as improving surfaces on rural byways and side roads. There is also funding for airport investment.



Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Eagle Valley News

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Houseboat in collision poorly lit By Tim Petruk

to his father-in-law’s property on the Shuswap’s north shore. “We started heading up lake toward Fraser Bay, just taking our time,” MacDonald said. “We were just cruising very slowly. It was hard to see. It was a really, really dark night.” Before he spotted the speedboat being driven erratically, MacDonald said, he noticed strange lights on the lake — lights that turned out to be a blue LED rope light on a houseboat, court heard. “Before we got to the houseboat, we see an odd blue light about 10 or 15 feet up above the water,” MacDonald said. “It wasn’t until we got right beside the boat that my father-inlaw said, ‘Oh, that’s a houseboat.’ “I was kind of shocked that I came up

Kamloops This Week

An avid Shuswap Lake boater has told a judge he “veered off” to avoid a speedboat being driven erratically moments before a fatal 2010 crash that killed the driver of a nearby dimly lit houseboat. Leon Reinbrecht is charged with one count each of criminal negligence causing death and criminal negligence causing bodily harm. His trial in B.C. Supreme Court resumed on Monday, March 30, after a twoweek break. The charges stem from the crash that killed houseboat owner Ken Brown. Scott MacDonald testified he was on a boat with nine family members on July 3, 2010, following a fireworks display in Magna Bay, heading back

on him and I didn’t see him. There was no light evident on the houseboat and that kind of concerned me. So, I just focused on moving forward.” MacDonald said he passed the houseboat and then noticed the lights of another vessel in the water. “We saw the lights from a boat doing donuts and zig-zagging — driving erratically,” he said. “I remember commenting that he was pretty close to shore to be doing that because there’s always boats tied up.” MacDonald said he took an extra wide path around the boat out of an abundance of caution. “I was concerned we’d get crashed in to, so I just veered off,” he said. Reinbrecht’s trial is expected to run into mid-April.

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Guilbeault goes solo in Searchlight quest By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

The search is on, and Ryan Guilbeault wants to be discovered. Shuswap residents may know the 28-yearold Sicamous native for his powerful vocals and his affinity for funky grooves with the bands Scarecrow, Lead Painted Toys and, currently, Shoe Swap. These days, Ryan is busy penning all new original material for an upcoming album. But he’s not waiting for the release party to make first release, Dance of Life, public. He’s chosen this track to be his entry into this year’s Searchlight: The Hunt for Canada’s Best New Artist competition by CBC Radio. “I figured, I’m doing these recordings, I might as well see how far we can go with this,” said Guilbeault, describing Dance of Life as a ‘funkier’ tune. “Basically, it’s about… me and my wife. When things happen or people don’t necessarily believe in you, as long as we do it together, we can do this dance of life and we’ll be successful.” Guilbeault said his dad (and frequent bandmate), John Guilbeault, entered Searchlight last year, so he made it a point to have something ready for this year’s contest. The top prizes include $20,000-worth of music equipment from Yamaha Canada and a spot on a highprofile music showcase. The contest begins regionally, and the success of entrants depends on how many votes they receive. Guilbeault is

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Eyes on the prize: Ryan Guilbeault shares a moment on stage with son Jaxon during a 2014 coffee house performance at Sicamous’ Red Barn. Ryan is one of the Kelowna region’s entrants into CBC’s Searchlight competition for emerging artists. File photo part of the Kelowna region, and as of March 20 was competing against 70 fellow artists. “But it’s not bad… I don’t know how many regions there are. There could be hundreds. But someone has got to win, so it might as well be me,” laughs Guilbeault. In the regional competition, entrants are paired down to the top 10, who move on to the national competition. From there the public will select one semifinalist, and another three will be chosen by this year’s panel of Searchlight judges – musicians Dan Boeckner (Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs, Operators), Jenn Grant and Saukrates – who will also decide the winner. Though he has his eyes on the grand prize, Guilbeault sees entering the contest as an opportunity – his song will be on the Searchlight website for all to hear. As for the album,

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Guilbeault says it’s a slow process but it’s coming together. This is largely to do with the fact that he’s doing it all himself. “Everything on it is me… I’ve done all the parts, so it’s been a lot of work to put any of them together,” said Guilbeault, noting he’s trying to keep the album danceable and fun. “I’m a bass player at heart… so I tend to play more funkier kinds of songs because the bass lines are more fun. I tend to have that feeling in a lot of what I do anyway. So this album is really coming out to be more funkier, more danceable stuff.” The public can begin voting on Monday, March 30, and people can vote for up to 10 of their favourite entrants daily. Guilbeault’s song can be heard at http://music. cbc.ca/#!/artists/RyanGuilbeault.

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Eight teams face off in Easter event With Easter approaching, so is the 14th annual Easter Hockey tournament, April 3 to 5. Organizers are happy to announce this year will see eight teams from all over B.C. and Alberta competing in the event. Some of the teams have been attending the local tournament since its inception. Mens and Ladies division games start Friday and Saturday at 1 p.m. and go until 10 p.m. and on Sunday

Old-time rock and roll: Jessie Scrimbit, right, of the Sicamous Oldtimers struggles to clear a Salmon Arm Colts players from in front of his net during round-robin action of the annual Shaw Centre Recreation Spring Hockey Tournament at the Shaw Centre on Friday, March 27. Photo by Evan Buhler

from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The concession will be open downstairs and beer gardens will be open upstairs from 11 a.m. to noon for anyone wanting to stop by and watch a game or two. On Friday and Saturday, local band Breakin’ Curfew will be rocking the crowd. Tickets are $5 per night. Call the Visitor Centre at 250-8363313, or the Sicamous chamber at 250-8360002 to reserve yours.

Not sure why busiNess is slow?

District seeking input on youth rec programming

Sicamous Business Directory

The District of Sicamous is looking for community groups and individuals who want to assist with the delivery of recreation program activities for children and youth. A public meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 9 at the civic centre. The

district is asking parents of kids in kindergarten to Grade 12 to attend, with the intent of finding groups and individuals who would work with a district liaison to deliver recreational opportunities. “We’re asking for parent input on programs that the

District of Sicamous can support that encourage and challenge our youth to be engaged and active…,” states a district news release. “Council feels if we can narrow our recreation activities wish list to quality rather than quantity, we can be more efficient and effective

Tree Pruning Many homeowners are content to leave healthy trees alone. However, trees eventually must be pruned or removed if they become safety risks or pose other threats. Trees with roots that are damaging home foundations or those with limbs overhanging property limits or power lines can be troublesome. Although homeowners can handle relatively minor tree maintenance, for a variety of reasons, many tree projects are best left to the professionals.


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in delivering recreational opportunities that better meet he needs of our youth.” Programs could grow depending on enrolment, interest and budget. Council terminated the district’s program and events manager position in January.




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Coffee Break Your Crossword

Your Horoscope

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 You are determined to get things done this week, Aries. You might want to start with that long list of chores that you have been putting off for some time.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, try to look at a problem through someone else’s eyes. This new perspective may be just what you need to find a solution that has thus far proven elusive.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a challenge awaits you this week. Don’t be afraid to seek help from others, as recognizing you need help is a sign that you’re capable of handling this task.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, your confidence inspires you to try something new this week. Embrace this newfound boldness, but don’t forget to keep your head on straight along the way.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, accepting too much responsibility at work is starting to affect your performance. Delay some of your more trivial tasks to focus on the more important ones.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, let others know what you expect of them this week. Be clear and concise and set a firm deadline. Reward those who fulfill your expectations.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, it’s easy to get your way this week, but try to remain humble. Others might not be so lucky, so offer your help in any way you can. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, enthusiasm about a new plan reigns supreme. You don’t need to convince others about your excitement. Just jump right in and get started on the project.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Hair on the head 5. Cirques 9. Thai (var.) 12. S. China seaport 13. Swiss river 14. Unstressed-stressed 15. Beginner Dr. Suess book 18. Begetter 19. Singer __ Lo Green 20. Shaded promenades 21. Not wet 22. Grow weary 23. Philippine Island or it’s seaport 25. Teeter-totter 28. Not alive 30. Golf scores 31. Tap gently 33. Ancient ointment 34. Constitution Hall org. 35. Icelandic poems 36. Citrus drink suffix 37. Detailed design criteria 39. Dignified manner 40. New York island 42. Clods 44. Camera optic 45. Add sound into a film 46. Ringworm 48. Tablet 49. Defense Department 52. 3rd “Star Wars” film 56. Raincoats 57. Restaurant 58. Head fronts 59. Burn residue 60. Immature newt 61. After ones CLUES DOWN 1. “Dragon Tattoo” actress 2. Received an A grade 3. No (Scottish)

4. Very long period of time 5. Crafty & shrewd 6. Hourly payment for services 7. Married woman 8. More disreputable 9. F. Lamas’ 3rd wife Arlene 10. 11-23-14 awards show 11. Big Blue 12. Million gallons per day (abbr.) 14. Runs out of gear 16. Beige 17. Nostrils 21. Unit of loudness 22. Czar 23. Insert mark 24. Doctor of Education 26. ___ Adaba 27. Walk with your feet in water 28. Genetic information carrier 29. Great St. Louis bridge builder 30. Political action committee 32. Cast out 34. Cub Scout groups 35. Voltage 37. Guide 38. Self-mortification 41. Alder genus 42. Awadh 43. Blood type 45. Meeting arranged 46. Green, black and oolong 47. It causes scratching 48. Slang saying of disbelief 49. Art ____, 1920’s design 50. Lyrics 51. Show disrespect to 52. Returned material authorization, abbr. 53. Clod or lummox 54. Computerized money movement 55. Mandible & maxilla See Todays Answers inside

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, your generosity knows no bounds and that is a trait people love about you. Continue this positive approach to life, and your efforts will be their own reward. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you are a powerhouse of activity this week and it’s hard for others to keep up. Slow down a bit so coworkers don’t fall too far behind.

Your Suduko Complete the grid so every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. (For solution see Today’s Answers in this paper).

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Don’t be afraid to stray from your comfort zone this week, Aquarius. If you never try new things, success will prove elusive. Jump in with both feet. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, be subtle in your approach with friends and family members. This thoughtful approach will benefit you and those you care about. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS APRIL 1 Hillary Scott, Singer (29) APRIL 2 Clark Gregg, Actor (53) APRIL 3 Damien Sandow, Wrestler (33) APRIL 4 Robert Downey, Jr., Actor (50)

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THE LEMARE Group is accepting applications for experienced gradermen. Candidates will have a minimum of 5 years coastal logging road experience as well as public road works. Resumes to be submitted with covering letter via email at office@lemare.ca or via fax: 250956-4888. We thank all candidates in advance for their interest, but only those shortlisted will be contacted.





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Anna “Marian� Graham

December 16, 1922 – February 5, 2015 A Celebration of Life service will be held for Marian on Saturday April 4, 2015 at the Sicamous Seniors Centre, 1091 Shuswap Ave Sicamous at 1:30 pm.

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PATRICK CLYDE MILLER AUGUST 21, 1938 – MARCH 26, 2015 It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Patrick Clyde Miller at the age of 76 years. Patrick passed over peacefully with the love of his family by his side at Kelowna General Hospital on March 26, 2015. He will be sadly missed by his loving wife of 55 years Georgia. Patrick was born in Kamloops B.C. and was raised in Pioneer, a small mining town in Bridge River Valley. Patrick and his beautiful bride Georgia moved to Sicamous in 1966. Pat and several of his friends were the founders of Miller’s Cove campsite, the place that became the heart of many of the family’s sacred memories. Patrick was predeceased by his parents Patrick and Myrtle Miller and is survived by his siblings Mickey (Teena), Colleen (Al), Danny (Sharon). Also mourning the loss of Patrick are his children Kevin, Shane (Cori), Shantel (John), Darren (Shelley) and many nieces and nephews. Patrick was a man of few words, but when he spoke it had purpose. Patrick was the happiest while golfing, boating or watching his grandchildren grow up. Ashley, Steven, Keaton, Alyssa, Brandon, Jessica, Brooke-Lyn, Austin, Dante, and Julian. His love for his grandchildren was his one big soft spot in life. A Celebration of Life service will be held at the Sicamous Legion on Friday April 3, 2015 at 4 pm. In lieu of flowers, if you wish, please make a donation to the Sicamous Legion or the charity of your choice. Arrangements entrusted to Fischer’s Funeral Services, Salmon Arm (250) 833-1129. Email condolences and share memories of Patrick through his obituary at www.fischersfuneralservices.com.

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, April 1, 2015


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