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April 1, 2015
Reprieve for Kettle River fish
Ajay Weintz,
a GESS student, has taken the initiative to not only clean up the skate park at Swalwell Park, but with other local kids, make suggestions for long-term improvements. ...............................
Sophie Schroeder has qualified to compete at the US Under-16 Alpine Skiing Championships. ...............................
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As new fishing regulations get set to go into effect on the Kettle and West Kettle Rivers east of Kelowna, making the two rivers catch-and-release only, a stream rehabilitation project is underway on the Kettle River system as groups, communities and anglers come together to try and revive the fishing in the Kettle River watershed. As of April 1, the West Kettle and Kettle River will become 100 per cent catch-and-release fisheries, meaning the age-old practice of (legally) catching and killing fish in the Kettle system will come to an end, as fisheries biologists move to protect a fishery that has been in decline for at least the past 10 years. “This is the only river-style fishery in the re-
gion and is utilized by avid fly-fishermen,” said Tara White, senior fisheries biologist in the Thompson-Okanagan Region. “The river is managed as a quality fishery. These changes will not only help conserve and protect wild stocks, they will help maintain and enhance angler opportunity on this unique river-style fishery. Hopefully it will also help address compliance concerns associated with it, which has been identified as a significant issue on the system, by simplifying the regulations.” Previously only about 44 kilometres of the 260 km river was catch-andrelease, meaning anglers had to use signs or markers to figure out where those locations were. Now both the Kettle and the West Kettle are entirely catch-and-release
AS OF April 1, fishing in the Kettle River watershed is under catch-and-release restrictions. The action is to save the trout and endangered speckled dace.
only, a move angling groups had been calling for over the past several years. “I applaud the ministry for changing the regulations,” said Travis Lowe of the Kelowna-based Trout Unlimited chapter. “The
truth is, killing fish in the Kettle was never an environmentally sustainable model. The fishery is on the brink of collapse and it needed these regulation changes. Hopefully they stabilize the fishery for the future and hopefully they can find a
way to police and monitor the river.” ••• Raise your hand if you’ve heard of a fish known as the speckled dace. OK, good. Now stand-up if you have ever caught one. And that my friends would be quite
the fish tale. You see, the speckled dace is a member of the minnow family and only grows to a maximum four or five inches in its short four-year lifespan. Believed to be one of the first fish to re-colonize B.C. waters after the Ice Age, there are healthy populations of the speckled dace in the Western United States but here in Canada it lives in only one river system. That system: The Kettle River and its two main tributaries of the West Kettle and the Granby River. The specked dace is abundant in the US but in Canada it is a much different story. It is an endangered species, listed as an aquatic species at risk by the federal government and protected under the government’s Species At Risk Act (SARA). “The dace are really cool because they are able to live in amongst the rocks,” said fisheries biologist Darryl Arsenault from his Kelowna office. They are an important part of the food chain. It’s all inter-connected. They feed on
Local group commits to raise $ 5million for rail trail KEVIN PARNELL The Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative has committed to raising $5 million towards construction along the CN Rail corridor should the municipalities be able to complete the purchase of the 47 kilometre long rail bed. The rail trail group based in Vernon made the announcement Tuesday morning at the
opening of the yes campaign headquarters in Lake Country and says taxpayers won’t be asked to subsidize construction or maintenance of the trail if it is purchased by the inter-jurisdictional group. Rail trail director Brad Clements says his group will have no problem raising the $5 million from individuals or businesses and added they could leverage that
amount for another $5 million in grants towards developing a transportation corridor. “We’ve always said we are willing to raise money for the construction costs of the trail but there seems to be some uncertainty about where that money is going to come from,” said Clements. “Absolutely, there will be no additionTRAIL FUNDRAISING A3
YES CAMPAIGN office manager Sheila Tansey and manager Duane Thomson check a map of the CN Rail corridor at their office on Main Street.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Tax hike not needed to cover trail development costs As a consultant to outdoor recreation projects throughout the province, Lake Country resident Leigh-Ann Johnson has truly walked the talk about ‘rail trail’ design, construction, maintenance and funding. In that capacity, she’s qualified and eager to dispel any misconceptions that could skew residents’ decision whether or not to borrow up to $2.6 million over 20 years to buy a 50% share of the CN-owned rail corridor within Lake Country boundaries. “First, I want to answer the question of who will pay for trail design and construction,” says Johnson, a Lake Country Rail Trail Action Team member who has managed projects worth more than $26 million, including reconstruction of the Myra Canyon trestles. Her impressive list of clients includes Tourism BC, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, the Trans Canada Trail Foundation, and Human Resources Development Canada. “Most rail trails in BC are managed and funded by wonderful groups of volunteers,” she explains. “These stewardship organizations have established
themselves as nonprofit societies to maintain insurance and to access funding for large-scale capital projects.” The Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative (ORTI), for instance, has committed to raising millions of dollars to help cover development costs for the 47.5-km stretch of rail trail between Kelowna and Coldstream. ORTI contributions could be bolstered by ‘matching funds’ from senior governments and other granting organizations. “Partnerships and matching funds have worked so well, in so many ways, in so many places,” explains Johnson. “I can’t see why it would happen here any differently.” For example, “In 2009 we received $1.25 million from the Community Development Trust Fund to employ seven labour crews for six months to improve trail infrastructure through the OkanaganSimilkameen and Kootenay-Boundary Regional Districts. This amount was matched by the Trans Canada Trail Foundation, and augmented by funds from each regional district.” While funding sources and eligibility requirements change every year, she says that government grants are regularly available. “The diverse sources
of grant funding prove how diverse the benefits are that we would gain from the rail trail.” Johnson and other action team members encourage you to vote YES on or before April 25th, knowing that the District of Lake Country will not have to increase its budget or raise taxes to cover the costs of trail development.
Rail trail expert Leigh-Ann Johnson has seen firsthand how rail trails enrich communities in a variety of important ways.
Trail supports Lake Country’s social objectives In keeping with Lake Country’s Official Community Plan and Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, the rail trail would provide many social benefits. INDIVIDUAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS 4 Expands recreational opportunities for walking, running and cycling and for people in wheel chairs 4 Enables free, daily, healthy activities for people of all ages 4 Offers year-round opportunities to learn about and enjoy nature 4 Increases access to local lakes 4 Provides an accessible and safe route for commuters 4 Encourages students and teachers to cycle to and from school
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1.
LEARN about the LCRT at the TrailTALK Open
House Monday, April 13th from 6-9pm at the Creekside Theatre. Presentations start at 7:00.
2. JOIN us at the Rail Trail Rally Sunday, April 19th from 11am-2pm at Beasley Park. Free lunch provided. 3. VOTE on or before April 25th. For more info on advance voting dates and locations, visit REMEMBER, EVERY VOTE COUNTS!
COMMUNITY BENEFITS 4 Connects neighbourhoods 4 Improves overall community mobility, health and quality of life 4 Reduces vehicle dependency and the resulting emissions 4 Enables the development of a 205-kilometre rail trail from Coldstream to Osoyoos and beyond
Help us take a big step toward enhanced community health, beauty and prosperity! Contact the Lake Country Rail Trail Action Team with your questions about the trail and/or to share your vision for our community’s future! 4 Campaign headquarters (#40-9522 Main Street)
4 Aligns with local, regional and provincial plans for natural, safe and accessible recreational and transportation corridors and routes
4 Phone (250-212-5334)
4 Protects transportation corridor for future uses
4 Website (
Authorized by LCRTAT, registered sponsor under LECFA, (250) 212-5334
4 Email ( 4 Facebook (Lake Country Rail Trail) 4 Twitter (@lcrailtrail).
Please join us by voting “YES” on or before April 25th. Remember, every vote counts!! This information is provided and paid for by Lake Country Rail Trail Action Team. For more info visit
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 1, 2015 A3
Purchase plans proceed despite pending lawsuit A civil court lawsuit filed by the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) is not stopping the inter-jurisdictional acquisition team from moving forward and attempting to acquire the CN Rail corridor for a future transportation corridor. In a suit filed in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver on March 24, the OKIB is seeking an injunction to block the sale of the discontinued CN rail corridor between Kelowna and Coldstream. “The partners remain unanimous in our commitment to complete this once-in-lifetime acquisition,” said Doug Gilchrist, divisional director community planning and real estate for the City of Kelowna on behalf of the
regional partners. “We are proceeding on what has always been our understanding—that CN owns the land outright and therefore has the legal right to sell the land.” The OKIB is claiming the land that CN is purporting to sell does not belong to them and is part of a large Commonage claim and the land should be turned over to the natives now that it is no longer being used for a railway. “It’s unfortunate it has come to this but we make no apologies when it comes to protecting the legal interests of our membership,” said OKIB chief Byron Louis. “The rail line runs through the Commonage Reserve and the OKIB has never lawfully
surrendered the land.” But according to the inter-jurisdictional team, the federal government’s status report on First Nation land claims states the Commonage Claim was reviewed and closed with no lawful obligation found. The property covered by the historical claim is approximately 28,000 acres and encompasses Highway 97 and hundreds of public and private properties spanning from Wood Lake to the north end of Kalamalka Lake and westward to Okanagan Lake. “We are proceeding on the understanding that the Commonage claim is a matter between the Federal Government and First Nations and it should have no bearing on the acquisition of land between a
private company and a local government,” said Gilchrist. “Land reserve challenges are ongoing across Canada and the City respects any final decisions.” The inter-jurisdictional team will continue its due diligence, including securing the financing required for the acquisition. The District of Lake Country referendum on April 25 will continue as planned. Pending a favourable resolution of any potential legal action, the partnership hopes the purchase and sale agreement can be completed in a timely manner. The regional partners will abide by any interim or final legal decisions issued by the court. The inter-jurisdictional team invited the Oka-
nagan Indian Band to be part of the acquisition team at the beginning of the process, however the band respectfully declined the invitation. Since then, municipal staff and elected officials have met with OKIB council members on numerous occasions to discuss this and other projects that could be mutually beneficial to all citizens. The municipalities of Kelowna, Lake Country, Coldstream and Vernon, as well as the regional districts of Central Okanagan and North Okanagan, have jointly identified the value the rail line could have as a continuous multi-modal transportation corridor connecting all the communities.
Cast your vote by mail Residents who won’t be in town on general referendum voting day or can’t make the advance polling dates can still cast their ballot in the referendum on the CN Rail corridor purchase plan. Eligible voters, including non-resident property electors (NRPE), with disabilities, illness or injury that affects their ability to visit a voting location may apply for a mail ballot. “Qualified electors can download the application and registration form and send it in to us via email, fax or mail along with copies of two pieces of ID that prove identity and residency— at least one piece must contain their signature,” said Willene Perez, deputy chief election officer. “If they are a non-resident property elector, then one person per
property can vote if they also submit the NRPE Consent Form containing the signatures of other registered owners on title, and as long as there is not a corporation on title.” Complete and return the Application and Registration to Vote by Mail before 4 p.m. April 23, to the chief election officer. General referendum day is April 25 and advance polls are on April 15, 16, 17, 20 and 21 as Lake Country is seeking elector assent through a referendum to approve the borrowing of up to $2 million for purchasing 50 per cent of the Okanagan Rail corridor within district boundaries. “Visionary infrastructure investments are
Rail trail financial commitments already lining up TRAIL FUNDRAISING A1 al costs to the taxpayers. We are very confident we can raise that ($5 million). There are all kinds of companies and individuals saying we want this and want to provide money for it.” Clements said his group already has financial commitments of $350,000 from two individual property owners in the area and adds there are many more individuals and companies that have come forward asking how to support the trail with financial donations. A study done by the Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative estimated it would take $7.3 million to develop the trail after it is purchased. The announcement Tuesday morning was part of an information campaign underway to get the word out about Lake Country’s April 25 referendum on borrowing $2.6 million to purchase the trail along with
trail. “I think people will come from all over to use this, it’s so gorgeous,” said Lynn. “We support this. It’s just part of community spirit and community support. It’s such a good thing for every-
one in the community.” “We haven’t heard too many many people against this,” added Bob. “I talk to people all the time and I have just heard one person say they are against it.”
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RESIDENTS Lyn and Bob Hansen say they are in support of the purchase of the CN rail corridor. Kelowna and the North Okanagan Regional District. Yes campaign manager Duane Thomson says future costs of the trail is a major question people are asking about the project. “This is a pay-as-you go project so we don’t have to do everything in the first year,” said Thomson. “We will not be asking local taxpayers with any help with development costs of the trail. There is a fear by locals that they will be charged for maintenance
of the trail. All of the objections to the trail are based on the argument that there is going to be more costs coming afterwards which is not true.” Lake Country residents Bob and Lynn Hansen dropped by the yes campaign headquarters on Main Street for some information before the official opening. Long-time residents of Lake Country, the couple’s acre-size property edges up on the CN Rail corridor and they say there is already a lot of people using it as a
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Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
Praise for an outdated practice
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n their honeymoon, my parents went hiking in the Himalayan mountains. They were already in India, as young missionaries. So, long before treks like the Annapurna circuit became popular with western hikers, they
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set up their own trek through the peaks and meadows of the Kulu Valley.
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Treaty trouble has deep roots W hy did the B.C. government suddenly slam the door on their old friend George Abbott, after spending months recruiting him to head up the B.C. Treaty Commission? The instant media narrative, embraced by a shocked Abbott and then by NDP leader John Horgan, was that this was payback for grievances nursed by Premier Christy Clark from the 2012 B.C. Liberal leadership contest. Done on a whim, Horgan said after a week grilling Clark and Aboriginal Relations Minister John Rustad. Clark is suddenly a sore winner, lashing out, wrecking two decades of careful and costly treaty-making. Like many instant media narratives, this one makes no sense and is almost certainly wrong. If Clark was resentful about the roasting she received from leadership rivals Abbott and Kevin Falcon, she had
BC Views
Tom Fletcher an odd way of showing it. She appointed Falcon as finance minister to drive a stake into the harmonized sales tax, and Abbott as education minister to fashion a pre-election truce with the ever-hostile teachers’ union. Both completed their unlikely tasks and retired as heroes of the party in 2013. Outgoing chief treaty commissioner Sophie Pierre was as dismayed as anyone at the news of Abbott’s demise. While the two were in transition meetings, Pierre learned that she was not being replaced, leav-
ing the federal-provincial-First Nations Summit partnership of 22 years in a shambles. Clark went further when questioned by reporters about the sudden reversal. The future of aboriginal relations in B.C. may or may not include the B.C. Treaty Commission. “There have been some results, but four treaties in 22 years for $600 million is not enough result,” Clark said. “We have to be able to move faster, and we have to find a way to include more First Nations in the process.” That $600 million is mostly loans, from the federal government to First Nations to finance treaty talks. Of every $100 spent trying to honour the century-old duty to sign treaties across B.C., $80 is a loan from Ottawa, $12 is a grant from Ottawa and $8 is a grant from B.C. The plan was for First Nations to repay their loans out of cash settle-
ments made to them for 100-odd years of uncompensated resource extraction, which is now accepted as being contrary to British and Canadian law. It was the bluntspoken Pierre who first acknowledged this hasn’t worked. Some of the 50 First Nations stuck at the treaty table have borrowed too much to go on, she said last year, calling for an “exit strategy” that forgives debt. The probability of the B.C. government making this decision without talking to the federal paymaster is exactly zero. I’m told the province’s clumsy timing had something to do with Ottawa’s late demands. I asked Clark if her plan to settle land claims faster was anything like the 2009 attempt by Gordon Campbell’s deputy minister Jessica McDonald to negotiate a province-wide deal declaring aboriginal title. Clark sidestepped the question, saying only
that the 150 B.C. First Nations not at the treaty table need a say and a solution too. (McDonald now faces a similar legal gridlock as the Clark-appointed CEO of BC Hydro, trying to build the Site C dam.) Pierre, a veteran administrator from the Ktunaxa Tribal Council in the Kootenays, made a prophetic statement when her term as chief commissioner was extended three years ago. She said if Ottawa isn’t prepared to give federal negotiators a realistic mandate on compensation and sharing of salmon rights, they should “shut ’er down.” Her advice may have been heard after all. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc
Their route began in Hindu territory. Hindus do not eat meat. Closer to Kashmir, they moved into Muslim territory. Muslims do eat meat. After many meatless meals, my parents hungered for meat. “I can get meat at the local market,” their guide assured them. “What would you like?” “Some lamb would be lovely,” my mother gushed. A little later, they heard a commotion outside their guesthouse. There stood their guide. With a local farmer, holding a very large knife in one hand. A string in the other hand led to a lamb, frolicking happily on the meadow. “You wanted lamb,” said the guide. “Which part would you like?”
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 1, 2015 A5
Outdated practice Rail corridor purchase spurs letters to the editor praised in sermons TAYLOR FROM A4
They didn’t have lamb that night after all. I doubt if most of us would eat meat if we had to sacrifice the animal ourselves. Or even watch it being sacrificed. So I’ve never understood why Christians so blithely refer to Jesus as the “Lamb of God,” especially during this Easter season. Yes, I know, the Bible uses that term. It comes to us on good authority. But in biblical times, animal sacrifice was taken for granted. Everyone who came to the Temple in Jerusalem was expected to offer some kind of creature for sacrifice. The outer court of the Temple became a shopping mall for suitable victims. Mosaic law required the sacrifice of at least two lambs every day in the Temple. By some accounts, the priest performing sacrificial rites on high holy days sometimes stood up to his an5kles in a river of blood. Still, sacrificing animals was a step up the moral ladder from sacrificing humans. In his dotage, Abraham thought that God wanted him to sacrifice his son Isaac, the way other peoples did. The book of Genesis says that God intervened at the last minute to provide a wild goat for the sacrifice instead. From then on, Abraham’s descendants
sacrificed only animals— and birds—instead of humans. Lambs had special significance for Jews, of course. At the first Passover, while they were still slaves in Egypt, God ordered them to sacrifice an “unblemished” lamb and feast on it, to prepare themselves for their escape into the desert. By smearing the blood of the sacrificial lamb on their doorposts, they could warn death to “pass over” that dwelling, while destroying the first-born in every Egyptian household. For the early Christian church, the symbolism was irresistible. It couldn’t help treating Jesus, crucified during the Passover period, as the innocent lamb, sacrificed so that others need not die. But the symbolism is now grossly outdated. We no longer sacrifice a bull on Bay Street to ensure prosperity, or fling chicken entrails on an airport runway to promote safety. Most of us would, like my mother, forego meat rather than needlessly slaughter a lamb. Yet I’m sure that countless Christians will hear sermons this week, praising a practice that is now both foreign and repugnant. Why?
We have received a lot of letters both extolling and vilifying the plan for Lake Country to borrow money to purchase the section of the CN Rail corridor that passes through the district. Over the next several pages are some of them.
To the editor: I have been a resident of Lake Country for 18 years. During this time I have been self-employed as a project manager for outdoor recreation facility development, working on all of the rail trails throughout B.C. I have managed over $26 million worth of projects
on these trails including the reconstruction of the Myra Canyon Trestles. I want to address the fears of some people that taxpayers will be paying directly through municipal taxes for the development and day-to-day operation of the [proposed] Lake Country rail trail. During my time in project management on these trails, matching funds and partnerships have worked in so many ways. For example, in 2009 we were able to receive $1,250,000 in funding from The Community Development Trust Fund in or-
der to employ seven labour crews working on rail trails for an average period of 25.5 weeks. This amount was matched by the Trans Canada Trail Foundation (TCTF) at a rate of 20 per cent. Two of the three regional districts (RDCK, RDKB and RDOS) through which the trail travelled contributed $95,000 in order to increase the value of the matched funds. All funds were spent on capital improvements to the rail trails. In addition I have managed funds from Tourism BC, the Ministry of Transportation,
the Ministry of Forest and Lands, the Ministry of Community Development, Trans Canada Trail Foundation, Human Resource Development Canada and the Ministry of Environment. The B.C. government has proven that it is willing to invest in trail development in our province and the federal government often supplies infrastructure grants for these projects. While funding sources change every year and government ministries and programmes are continually being altered, these types of grants are regularly available. The
diversity of sources for these grants proves how diverse the benefits are that we would gain from this rail trail. Development and management of the majority of the rail trails in the province of B.C. are currently managed by wonderful groups of volunteers. In most cases these stewardship groups have established themselves as non-profit societies in order to maintain insurance and access funding through various grant applications that would otherwise not be accessible to their muni-
Drop off coloured picture & contact info by April 4th
Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Some concerns, but most writers for the purchase LETTERS FROM A5 cipalities. These groups have even accessed funds to implement largescale capital projects for their trails. They have achieved amazing feats for rail trails in B.C.. The Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative, a local citizens group, is planning to raise millions of dollars for development
once the acquisition goes through. These funds will pay for development directly and will be the source of matching funds to access other grants. While there is no absolute confirmed promise, I can’t see why it would happen in any other way than those who have gone before us. The District of Lake Country will not
Available to Meet I am home working in the riding April 3rd to April 17th. If you wish to meet with me to discuss issues or concerns related to the federal government feel free to call my office at:
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Ron Cannan, P.C., M.P. Kelowna - Lake Country
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have to direct its annual budgets to development and manage costs of the rail trail. Thanks for reading and please remember to vote on April 25. Leigh-Ann Johnson, Lake Country
COSTS OF CORRIDOR PROHIBITIVE To the editor: The corridor. I am against it because the costs are prohibitive. No one talks about the development costs, the upkeep, infrastructure like parking, safety access, water, add in the liability insurance, and the native community involvement—how much is that going to raise taxes in the future? Where are the treaty negotiations on this subject? If [Lake Country district] hall wants it so much why don’t they pay for it with their own salaries (paid by us of course)? Salaries at city hall are over $4 million per year, total supplies and services are over $20 million (2013 financial statement) and I have not even started on what LC needs as far as road safety, water, sewer, the food bank that needs community clean up more funding etc.
Add the Pelmewash Tobias J Smit, In addition, there are corridor, it is not even Lake Country plaques about the local close to an agreement. history. For example durTo me it has way more ing the war, there were SMALL COMMUNITIES WITH two large internment potential as far as access and development is camps along the route. VISION FOR A RAIL TRAIL concerned, it already has With the aid of local infrastructure and trail trail groups those small To the editor: connections. And how villages have embraced On three occasions I much is that project gohave cycled from Nakusp the abandoned railway as ing to cost the taxpayer an opportunity to profthrough to Roseberry, in all of those same asso- New Denver and to it for their own citizens ciated costs in the future Three Forks, (the Galena and to boost tourism. besides the railroad corWhy can’t Lake Trail). The rail bed starts ridor? More taxes? Country do the same? again in Slocan to WinAnd the list goes on. Personally, the decilaw, South Slocan and And this just to satisfy sion is not about whether onward to Nelson. a small vocal group that the money is needed to I’m always impressed. is now willing to spend First there’s the beauty of fix roads or other infra$25,000 to promote this, Slocan Lake, the lupens structure. That will alwith less than 10 per in bloom along the shore ways be a constant. This cent of the population as and the Valhalla Mounis about grabbing a onepotential users and a lot time opportunity to imtains as a backdrop. of those are from outside prove our future. Secondly, its impresour community. The Slocan Valley 50 sive how those small What if only one per km Rail Trail is managed communities (basically cent shows up when the on behalf of the Province abandoned silver minother 99 per cent are of BC by the Slocan Valing towns) have come paying for it? ley Heritage Trail Socitogether to maintain the With all the unpaid ety, a 100% volunteer ortrail and profit from it. and impossible to covIn the summer it’s dif- ganization that depends er liabilities we already on donations, volunteers ficult to find accommohave (municipal emand grants. Go to www. dation in New Denver ployees’ pensions, for for unless you book ahead. stance, in B.C. alone more information There’s a hotel, a motel, have over $1.3 billion in Diane Clement, and several B&B’s. There uncovered debt), I find it is further accommodaLake Country offensive. Nobody that tion along the trail. makes a $100,000/year The trail is clean, hard ONE CHANCE ONLY TO (like city hall) will feel packed with a couple the pinch but others will, of immaculate outdoor BUY RAIL CORRIDOR but the costs now and in bathrooms enroute. Past the future will get passed Slocan, following the rivTo the editor: along to every single per- er there is a spot with The opportunity for son that lives in Lake bleachers to observe naThe District of Lake B&W ad feb13:Layout 1 ture. 2/13/13 11:15 AM Page 1 to acquire 16 Country. Country kilometres of shore line on both Kalamalka Lake and Wood Lake for public use is a rare and unique gift for us. An opportunity that will only happen once and that is right now. No second chance, for if any part of this rail corridor is sold it would break the continuous public right of way and seriously destroy its value. Yes, there is a cost associated with this fabulous opportunity but there seems to be some misunderstanding about these costs. I get the impression from the ‘letters to the editor’ from some to pick up litter during “no” proponents that Community Clean-up month. their priorities are infraRegister your group NOW by structure upgrades and calling the Waste Reduction they seem to suggest that Office at 250-469-6250. these will not happen if the rail line is purchased. We supply The Lake Country d the bags an website seems very clear collect them when you’re that the rail line purchase done! would be done with borrowed monies. It is not current city plans or the rail line—it is both and so there is the extra cost. It appears the plans the Lake Country coun-
April is Community Clean-up Month Make a positive impact, Make a difference.
cil has for our district are otherwise unchanged and will go forward as if the rail line purchase opportunity had never come up. Many cities are now trying to buy back waterfront for the use of their citizens at what seem like prohibitive costs yet we have this gift of 16 kilometres for a reasonable sum. Vote ‘yes’ for this unique gift to your future. Gene Leveque, Lake Country
WHAT IF WE DON’T PURCHASE CN RAIL BED? To the editor: The referendum on the acquisition of the CN rail bed through Lake Country will decide the future of the corridor and also the future of Lake Country, particularly Oyama. Writers to your newspaper have provided a long list of the recreational, cultural, health, safety, environmental and economic reasons why the public should acquire the rail bed. Another consideration for Lake Country residents as they decide how to vote is what will happen to the rail corridor if the current referendum fails. The most likely immediate result will be the continued ownership of the corridor by CN, which will be free to dispose of the property piecemeal to the highest bidder. The corridor will be lost forever. Councillor Owen Dickie has painted a stark picture of condos lining the lakeshore along the Oyama isthmus, denying public access to the beach. Perhaps some people are not aware that the entire beach on Wood Lake including the section across from the Community Hall, long a favourite of Oyama families, will be privatized. It would be possible for the District of Lake Country to purchase a section of that rail bed from CN to provide public access to that beach on Wood Lake, but lakeshore land is prohibitively expensive. Lakeshore land on nearby Kalamalka Lake has a current assessed value of approximately $13,889
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 1, 2015 A7
Youth takes initiative to make change KAREN MILLER
Would you expect to find a visionary leader at a centre for higher learning or a spiritual retreat? What about at a colourfully graffiti-tagged skate park? Is age important when deciding who is a visionary leader? Recently Lake Country parks and facilities superintendent Shaun Lesowski met a young ,man who strikes us as a visionary leader. Ajay y Weintz is a George Elliot Secondary School student. On Feb. 26 when one of the parks crew was pruning trees at Swalwell Park, Ajay approached him and asked to borrow a broom and dustpan. Thereafter he spent several hours cleaning the skate park and surrounding area. He also asked to have a meeting with the parks superintendent. The meeting, scheduled for March 3 at noon started out between just Ajay and the parks superintendent, but within a few moments over two dozen young people were involved in the conversation, asking
brief overview of how skating has evolved since the skate park was first built,” said Lesowski. “By updating the park it will reduce the amount of boarding in the water park and on the pavilion—something that we have been trying to eliminate. We also talked about the kids self-policing the area to reduce vandalism etc.” On March 9 Ajay was back at the skate park picking up garbage from the area once again. “He is trying to put together a work day/ spring clean-up,” noted Lesowski. “And besides general clean-up the kids plan to paint over some of the inappropriate graffiti in the bowl area.” Ajay wants to look into ways they could fund raise to help with renovations to update the skate park. Now that sounds like a visionary leader. “It is great to see the
AJAY WEINTZ has taken it upon himself to work on “They brought forward ideas and gave a
about the future of the skate park.
el We iv er !
the Lake Country skateboard park.
head U14 coach Andy Willihan, Schroeder’s work ethic was the key to her success. “Sophie has worked very hard all season and qualifying for this event is a tremendous accomplishment,” said Willihan. “I look forward to seeing her compete at this level.” Carrabassett Valley Academy began operations in 1969 to help racers and freestylers sharpen their skills for competitive skiing.
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Sophie Schroeder
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Winfield alpine skier Sophie Schroeder has qualified for the United States Under-16 Alpine Skiing Championships. Schroeder is a student at Carrabassett Valley Academy at the base of Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine and is taking her high school classes at the ski academy. She qualified for the US U16 Alpine Skiing Championships at her home hill of Sugarloaf Mountain by finishing third overall at the Eastern U14 Championships held at Stowe, Vermont, from March 16-20. The championship consisted of a super giant slalom, giant slalom and slalom. An eighth grader at CVA, Schroeder is the daughter of Tim and Jennifer Schroeder of Winfield. According to CVA
Karen Miller works in communications for the District of Lake Country.
Lake Country’s Newest Swiss Chocolatier!
Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.
Lake Countr y
youth of the community getting involved in something they believe in.” emphasized Lesowski. “This recent experience with Ajay clearly demonstrates the importance of amenities for our youth and unmet needs,” said Greg Buchholz, director of infrastructure services. “Shaun and I believe this is a demographic that is under-served in our community and the issue they have raised is deserving of attention as part of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. I think updating the skate park with the involvement of the youth that use it is a project that could be an excellent early opportunity that would be a ‘win’ for everyone involved.”
Schroeder qualifies for US championships
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Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
beach for approximately $5.4 million. Why not buy the whole right of way including all of the CNowned lakeshore along the east side of Wood Lake, across the isthmus, and along the west side
per foot of shoreline. That figure likely holds for that particular prime beach on Wood Lake. At that price, the District of Lake Country could purchase a 400-foot
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of Kalamalka Lake for $5.1million, with initial investment of $2.6 million? Put another way, the district would acquire 105 acres of prime real estate for under $50,000 per acre. A less likely scenario is that the City of Kelowna becomes the sole owner of the prime lakeshore property along these lakes. Kelowna will then do what is in its own best financial interests to recover its investment. Where Kelowna identifies land that is surplus to the needs of the transportation corridor, it would sell those lands. A good portion of the value to be realized in “surplus” land is in the broad strip of CN land along the Oyama isthmus. Why wouldn’t Kelowna sell that land to pay off the $5.1 million investment and add to its own cash reserves? We must keep control over our lands and our future. If the referendum fails and the District of Lake Country is unable to purchase 50 per cent of the equity in that portion of the rail bed within its boundaries, it will have “no skin in the game.” It will abrogate all
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CREEKSIDE THEATRE info 250.766.5669
Lake Country, BC
decision-making power for the prime lakeshore land within its boundaries to other bodies with their own interests. That is really difficult for me to contemplate. Duane Thomson, Lake Country
TRANSPARENCY FOR THIS ON-GOING SOAP OPERA To the editor: Originally I was ambivalent about the rail corridor. This has changed as time has gone on and I get the distinct feeling Lake Country government is not being honest or ethical about the subject. First, they should have raised this issue before the last municipal election. Second, the dollar figures quoted do not include any development costs. Don’t tell me they have not thought of this. Even if it is only for hiking trails there is a cost. Please disclose accurate costs for the various options being considered before the referendum. So they lost the AAP petition and now there will be a referendum which is estimated to cost $10,000. I would bet my last dollar that if the AAP had gone their way there would be no referendum, one excuse of course would have been
the cost of a referendum. Here?s a crazy idea, lets have a referendum on open, transparent, ethical and honest governance. And now there is a ‘vote yes’ group being organized. No problem, if it is completely independent politically and financially of Lake Country government and has absolutely nothing to gain from a yes vote. Let’s have openness and transparency on all aspects of this on going soap opera. I also read that a “study found there would be $6.5 million in economic spinoffs per year beginning after year five of a potential trail.” How were these airy fairy figures determined? But if true, then why do our taxes have to increase to pay for it. Increase the taxes of those businesses that benefit from the corridor and at year five start refunding the resident taxes that had to be increased up to then to pay for the corridor. This brings me to the last issue. Were not the railroads originally given their lands so they would open up the country? If so, and someone please correct me with documented evidence if I am wrong, should the railroads not give the land back when they no longer have any use for it?
Since new local governments have grown up in these areas shouldn?t those local governments get the land? Also, for 2014, CN had a net income of $3.167 billion (their WEB site info). Surely CN can afford a tax deductible donation of the rail corridor if they actually bought the land originally. As an aside, how do you determine when a politician is misleading you? Their lips are moving and/or they feel the need to write newspaper articles about the subject to back up their position. Brent Walterhouse, Lake Country
TAKE THE PLUNGE AND VOTE YES To the editor: Thirty-five years in Lake Country, how lucky is that? Including 30 on an orchard adjacent to Wood Lake, so my family has many times walked lakeside portions of the railway. It’s a precious place to be—serene, peaceful, beautiful. And now we have the chance to secure this lakefront property for everyone to share. Lake Country has pressing infrastructure needs and a frustrating shortage of cash to deal with them. There also seems to be a distrust of government, and a resentment of the richer
community to the south. I truly believe we need to set aside these issues for the moment and think carefully about the future of our community. Stats tell us that my generation (I’m 67) is the most affluent generation ever, due in no small part to money we’ve made on outrageous land values; it’s predicted that coming generations will be far less fortunate, saddled with a housing market already unaffordable to so many. It seems incumbent on us to preserve as much outdoor space as we possibly can for future generations, many of whom will be scrambling to find affordable places to live and work. Walkers, hikers and cyclists travel to Europe every year to take advantage of dedicated trails that are kept separate from motorized traffic— why wouldn’t they come here if we offered something similar? The rail corridor will provide business opportunities for Lake Country residents—opportunities our children will need if they are to live and prosper here. So I ask you please, if you’re on the fence, take the plunge and vote yes for the future of our community—become a yay-sayer. And be sure to vote, there’s plenty of opportunities to do so. Anne Wise, Lake Country
Reservations: 250.766.9309 Tower of Song - A Creative Tribute to Leonard Cohen
Friday, April 17 @ 7:30pm
The duo will perform their reimagined covers, such as Swain’s live show favorite “A Thousand Kisses,Deep,” and Garramone’s unique “Hey That’s No Way to Say Goodbye” as well as originals of their own that are Cohen-inspired.
Self love firST - International Speaker & Life Coach Leona Wallace Saturday, April 25 @ 7:00pm Presented by the M.I.K.E. FOUNDATION MOMS INSPIRING KIDS ENLIGHTENMENT. Are you ready to have it all? Is it time to connect with your heart and have everything it desires? Well here is your answer; Leona Wallace. Visit for more infomation
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10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS
Do Crowns Cause Root Canals?
: My dentist told me that two of my teeth will need crowns in the next little while. I'm a 46 year old woman with good teeth. I remember someone saying that a crown will just bring on a necessary root canal. Should I wait and see?
Crowns are a useful and necessary tool to use for specific dental conditions. First, let's deal with the root canal. Myth #1 – Root canals always cause great pain. If an infection in your tooth has reached the nerve, and is causing significant discomfort – a root canal may very well be recommended. With technology and anesthetics, many patients are surprised when we're done, because they expected some legendary dental pain. Refer to it as a 'deeper' filling and you are more accurate. Depending on which tooth, and how many canals (roots) it has, your GP dentist will complete it – or in difficult access areas you may be referred to an endodontist (specialist).
Myth #3 – If we 'watch' it, it may get better. When was the last time a strange ticking in your car engine got better by ignoring it? It just delays the inevitable. The best time to fix almost anything dental is NOW. Later = more expensive and fewer options. For example - a patient had a large cavity on a molar. I suggested a crown, but he insisted on the cheapest solution with a larger filling. It lasted less than a year because of forces with his bite. Now, he was in a root canal situation. We completed the root canal, and fitted a temporary cap on it. Several months later, we suggested he crown that tooth to protect it properly. He ignored us. Now, that temporary cap led to tooth failure, and his only viable solution is to extract it and consider a dental implant. He was complaining about the original cost, but an implant and crown will cost him double. Oddly enough, the new wheels on his truck cost $2500 each, but he has no dental budget! Your dentist is likely accurate, considering your age. We do see patients seeking a second opinion, and in healthcare that is always your prerogative and can be a wise decision!
Winfield Dental Centre
When is the next episode of Realty Reality Okanagan?
When I needed an expert opinion on Urban Living Realty Reality Okanagan, I turned to Kelowna Mayor, Colin Basran. Colin’s vision of a prosperous community that is connected economically, socially and politically details a responsible path towards Kelowna’s future prosperity. The encouragement of urban living in Kelowna will be a vital building block of a healthy city. When urban living residents have handy access to Kelowna’s infrastructure, mass transit and local industry the doors to local investment will continue to open while also encouraging a vibrant cultural renaissance. When you are ready to explore urban living choices in the Okanagan, make sure to call me to discuss your options, and watch for the Urban Living episode of Realty Reality airing April 11 on CHEK network or by visiting my professional FB page: Petrina Koltun - Okanagan Real Estate Professional! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100
208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.
Dr.Paul Rollett
Meagan Noel
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Even though a crown is placed on a seemingly fine tooth, it can still have sensitivity afterwards if the tooth had previously been at risk due to a deep cavity that needed to be fixed with a big filling close to the nerve.
Myth #2 – Crowns cause root canals. If the crown is fitted properly without spaces, it will not contribute to failure. The advantage of the crown over a large filling alternative is that the filling may be weaker than the crown, hastening tooth failure. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a recurring cavity under a crown which left unchecked can reach the nerve and cause the need for a root canal.
Petrina Koltun A9
Eating all those carrots, I’d imagine the Easter Bunny must have some pretty good eyesight huh? I have to admit that I get asked about carrots and the eyes several times per week – which is rather interesting because carrots are far from being the most eye-healthy food around. The story of carrots being good for your eyes actually dates back to World War II when the British Royal Air Force published a story that said skilled fighter pilot John “Cat’s Eyes” Cuningham could thank a steady diet of carrots for his night vision prowess. In response to the story, many British people began to eat and grow more carrots with the hopes improving their vision during the blackouts experienced during the war. Alas, despite their abundance of eye-healthy beta-carotene (which converts to Vitamin A), the likelihood of carrots making any impact on visual development is unfortunately rather low. If the Easter Bunny really wants to preserve the health of his vision, a diet of spinach, coldwater fish and orange peppers may be a better place to start. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240
Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
What are some tips you would give to a First Time Home Buyer?
Taking the plunge into home ownership is exciting! Buyers need to be careful they aren’t biting off more than they can chew. Being house poor is not the way to get ahead. Affordability of the mortgage is key. I recommend that families should live on 70% of their income and use the other 30% to pay down debt and save for goals/retirement. Work through your budget and make sure the mortgage fits in your lifestyle. Have a financial planner run a credit check and walk you through it. This will provide some valuable insight as to whether you will be approved for a mortgage. It would also be a good idea to see what your Total Debt Servicing ratio is. This is another indicator as to how much you could be approved for when applying for a mortgage. There are many programs in place to assist first time buyers that are only available on your first home. It is important to work with a professional real estate agent, mortgage broker and financial planner that specialize in first time buyers to ensure you take advantage of these benefits. Once you have purchased your home make sure you revisit your financial planner to go over your new household budget and ensure you have the correct insurance in place to cover your mortgage.
250-762-3329 ex 5266
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Celebrate Lake Country’s 20th Anniversary Paint a panel in a community mural A 24’x48’ mosaic-style mural to be mounted on the south wall of Winfield Memorial Hall will be developed from two artists’ work and using 480 (12”x12”) panels painted by local residents, students and artists. Everyone is welcome to participate. No specific painting talent is needed. Supplies will be provided. Come participate:
Winfield Memorial Hall Saturday, April 4 2:00 – 4:00 Oyama Community Hall Saturday, April 11 2:00 – 4:00 Municipal Hall Community Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t 250-766-6674 f 250-766-0200
NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE AND REMOVAL OF HIGHWAY DEDICATION BYLAW (DLC) 920, 2015 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 | 7:00 pm | Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Under Section 40 and 26 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that Council proposes to consider adoption of Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw 920, 2015 at the Tuesday April 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw may make representation to Council by way or written submissions prior to the meeting or by presentation at the meeting. Bylaw 920, 2015 authorizes the District to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of the westerly 1.5m of road allowance leaving the easterly 1.5m of road allowance for public walkway and transfer title of the closed road portion referred to in Bylaw 920, 2015 to the adjacent property being Lot B, District Lot 117, ODYD, Plan EPP17345, (Except Plan EPP37040).
GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday March 25, 2015 to Tuesday, April 7, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766 6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
Speak at the Public Hearing
Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
March 25, 2015
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 1, 2015 A11
Lake Country
Kettle River management plan is in place KETTLE RIVER A1 algae and small invertebrates. They live on those and are able to transfer the energy up to trout and birds that feed on them. One of the biggest pressures on them is sediment coming down the river that takes nice clean rocks and fills it with sand so they can’t access food or hiding places.” Those rocky hiding places and the natural habitat of the speckled dace is the same habitat where rainbow trout thrive. And because dace are listed on the SARA, there is federal money
available to try and help them. That, in turn, will help trout, the Interior of B.C.s top angling target. “Anytime you reduce sediment moving down the system you also help rainbow trout because rainbow trout spawn in the same type of gravel these guys live in,” said Arsenault. “If you protect the speckled dace you also help the rainbow trout.” According to Arsenault, past and current logging practices in the area have resulted in increased sediment heading down the river and other practices like agriculture and bridge-build-
ing have long allowed too much sediment to enter the Kettle system. Over time the sediment impacts the river by eroding the banks and widening it, and lowering the water level as the sediment is deposited on the river bed. Put together with low flows in the summer, intense agriculture practices that remove water from the river and a history of over-fishing and the Kettle system is hurting. To fight the sediment problem, Arsenault, is working on a project to improve habitat for the speckled dace,
a $116,000 project with funding through the federal government, inkind donations as well as a $20,000 boost from Trout Unlimited (TU) in Kelowna. Travis Lowe with TU says his group has been sitting on the money for years, looking for an appropriate conservation project to put it towards. “I think this project dovetails nicely with what our goals at Trout Unlimited are in terms of conserving Canada’s freshwater and coldwater resources,” said Lowe. “It really fits in with what KETTLE RIVER A12
Register before April 23 to receive a mail-in ballot MAIL-IN FROM A3 key to making our community a better place,” said Mayor James Baker, “and acquiring the dis-
continued rail corridor now is important because multiple government partners mean that our community will benefit from land and fu-
ture infrastructure that we would not be able to achieve on our own.” Mail ballots will be sent to those who have registered after the first
advance voting date, April 15. Find the forms and more information about the project at
23.Slacken 24.Gashes 25.Narrow board 26.Wall component 27.Stance 28.Great Barrier ____ 29.Pathetic 33.Threatened 34.____ horse 37.Kingdoms
39.Big snake 41.“You ____ My Lucky Star” 42.Sum 45.Mickey and Minnie 47.Not common 48.Woe is me! 49.Shed 50.Pale gray 51.Deadlock 52.Cut of pork
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Kitchen boss 5. Certain sprite 8. Garden tube 12.Laze around 13.Golf score 14.Has a mortgage 15.Up to the task 16.Dreams up 18.Snoop 19.Highway sights 20.Bird cry 22.Comes in 26.Bed coverings 30.Travel on water 31.____ the mark 32.Sports groups
35.Fitness resort 36.____-friendly 38.Farthest down 40.Conquer 43.Denial 44.Bouquet 46.London streetcar 50.Physically active 53.Angel’s headdress 54.Anna’s post 55.Scoring serve 56.Unwritten 57.Garment edges 58.Supervised 59.Brood’s home
DOWN 1. Large family unit 2. Drifter 3. House ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 758 extensions 4. Sheep’s coat 5. Incident 6. Fancy gold fabric 7. Picture border 8. Raises 9. Have title to 10.Look 11.Racetrack feature 17.Card game CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 21.Stable grain USE AMERICAN SPELLING
April 12-18 is Volunteer Week
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... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
Volunteers Matter! Without volunteers in the community many organizations would not exist...
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247
COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•LC COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - Chair Yoga & Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-3173508 for more info. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sunday every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE PRIME TIME - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will be hosting Prime Time again every Monday from 1:00 until 3:15. Entertainment & refreshments are served & everyone welcome. Call 250-766-4220 or Joanne 250-766-0667 for info. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE NOTICE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will effectively have someone on site from 10:00 until 2:00 Mon - Fri., call or stop by if you have questions pertaining to Senior issues. Call 250-766-4220. •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., is once again offering great meals on Tuesday at 12:00. •ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 189 Ladies Auxiliary Cribbage Tournament - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9am, games begin at 10am sharp. $30 Per team includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 Meat draw every Saturday at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. • BETTER AT HOME is a program funded by the Government of BC to help seniors live in their own homes by providing simple non-medical support services. Lake Country Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+ living in Lake Country. Please call 778-215-5247 if you would like more information. •LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE 3250 Berry Rd. Open Tues., PUZZLE NO.10am-6pm, 759 Wed., Thurs. April-September. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., and run by our friendly volunteers. For more10.Cabbagelike info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. vegetable •LC SENIORS’ BUS SCHEDULE - Mon., April 13, 20, 27 Prime Entertainment, 11.Egg on Winfield Senior Centre.Tues., April 7, 14, 21, 28 Buffet Lunch, Winfield Senior 19.Given away Centre. Sat., April 11 Vernon Schubert Centre breakfast & shopping.Thurs., reserve April 16, Local shopping. Fri., April 24, Kelowna Treasures & lunch. aTolottery a seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 21.Deletion 22.FilmBring failure •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy23.Nurse’s boots for hel hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: 25.“Do, re, mi, •VISIT THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES at 11255 Okanagan ____ . . .” Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit 26.Cafeteria the website platters 30.Lawyer •LC FOOD BANK has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, &31.Ring Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium 32.Baby-sit size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy Copyright © 2015, Penny Press an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. 58.Plumber’s 34.Defects ACROSS •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT Woodsdale Road.), is problem 1. Dessert wine 36.Casual shirtSHOP (3751 open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & to donation drop-off. Call 59.Cause go 37.Foot lever 5. “____ the 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. 60.Allow season . . .” 39.“I Got ____ •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Babe” 61.Ancient harp 8. Pen fillers Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. ANSWER TO PUZ 40.Handbag hue 12.Place •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players 41.Hot spring DOWN 13.Behave welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. 1. Bear’s (COSCO) is an 43.“This ____ 14.Daytime TV •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS extremity House” advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. 15.Mourned Senior organizations/associations wishing to2.affiliate or individuals wishing to Raw mineral 44.Go to 16.Pod vegetable members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer2@ become extremes 3. Narrated 17.Dillyfor info. 47.Make a 4. Cheerio! •LC18.Long HEALTHpaddle PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE misstep 5. available, Pat A DIFFERENCE! opportunities are in the Better at 20.Slimmer Meaningful 49.Basketball side Home program & on Committees: Communications, 6. ArcticNominations, Health & 22.Wide’s Wellness Fair partner & LC CARES (Community & Response to Elder Abuses). 50.Beaver barrierAction abundance Call24.To for info or “get connected” at the778-215-5247 back 53.“____ in a 7. Not fresh •DO YOU LIKE - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A 27.Fired up TO DRIVE? Lifetime” 8. “Treasure DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them 28.In favor of 56.Run away ____” drivers with seniors a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer 29.Adjust through the Better at Homefrom Program. Training, support & compensation are PU 9. Verb’s CROSSWORD provided. CalltoforJoy” info 778-215-5247. 33.“____ counterpart USE AMERICAN S 57.Lens opening
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
good to see that happen-
ing right now.” Officer was transferred to our Sex: Male we are trying to do on shelter from Vernon, so we The project, underway Spayed/Neutered: Yes don’t know much about him. the Kettle River espethis month, will see wilAge: Adult We do know that he would cially with the rainbow low, cottonwood, doggreatly appreciate a second Animal ID: 362779 trout fishery because the chance in a stable wood and other plants home. He is a sweet speckled dace needs the re-planted on certain boy2,who enjoys his THURSDAY, APRIL 2015 exact same thing as rain- stretches of the Kettle, freedom and often bow trout need which is found lounging in West Kettle and GranTSN CHBCour CIVT CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E cat room. CBC Officer KIRO is clean water free from by rivers. As the new1 # $ would % & _ ( ) * ` benefit from sediment. We have had G. Shrinks plants grow they will crea quiet home where SportsCentre Operation The View Bookaboo The Price Is Operation MLB The View CSI: Miami :00 Smile Bo On/Go Smile Preseason PAW Patrol ” ” sitting in he can” feel safe and Right that money ate a new forest and new 10 :30 Curling THURSDAY, APRIL 2,Marilyn 2015 ” Rachael Ray The Heartland & Rachael Ray Baseball: Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal content. If you would Youngthe :00 bank and have been stability on the banks, ” ” Denis Show ” Restless ” Pirates at Bucket-Dino News Minds 11 :30 like to give Officer his ” Noon News CTV News News KIRO News Noon Patrol The Chew Criminal looking toNews try toYankees fiSNP nd a PAW catching the sediment forever homeCBC please TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN KNOW KOMO A&E ” Hour Vancouver Now ” Hour ” Kate and ” Minds 12 :00 :30 speak with a staff project where we can as it fl ows downstream # % Best & ) * ` ” Days$ of our The Social Recipes The _ Talk Days( of our World Poker Astroblast General The1 First 48 :00 member! Gym Lives ” Stefano ”put the Lives Tour Dragon ” 1 :30 Open money on the and alsoHospital stopping theMiami SportsCentre Operation The View Bookaboo The Price Is Operation MLB G. Shrinks The View CSI:
:00 :00 10 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 3 :00 :30 THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 :00 12 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :30 51:00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2:00 :30 6 :30 :00 103:30 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 114:30 :00 :30 8:00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 5:00 :30 9 :30 :00 16:30 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 27:00 :30 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :00 :30 128:00 :30 :00 49:30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11:00 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 FRIDAY, 10 :30 APRIL 3, 2015 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 12 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11:00 :30 FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 :00 4 :30 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 51:00 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 62:00 :30 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 73:00 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 84:00 :30 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 95:00 :30 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 106:00 :30 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 11 :30 7:00 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 128:00 :30 :30 4 :30 :00 9 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10:00 :30 6 :30 :00 11:00 :30 7 :30 :00 12:00 :30 8 :30 9 :00 :30 SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN :30 # $ % & 61:00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :00 7:30 :30 10 :00 :00 3:00 :30 8 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :30 94:00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 5:30 :30 10 :30 1 :00 :00 :00 :30 11 :30 26:00 :30 :00 :00 :30 12 :30 37:00 :30 Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil” Curling Smile Interruption ” ” ” Rachael Ray The Marilyn SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen ” ” DenisDeGeShow ” Vieira Show neres Show ” Noon News CTV News Around” Young & The Dr. Oz Hour Vancouver Hockey Restless Show ” Days of our The Social Curling CTV News Open Gym News Lives ” ” ” Vancouver Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil ” Global Nat. CTV News Interruption Operation ” ” SportsCentre View ” CHBC News The Vancouver Curling SportsCentreSmile The Meredith Ellen ”DeGe” Ent Grey’s ” Vieira Show neres Show ”” Rachael Ray The Marilyn ET Canada Anatomy ” ” & Denis Show Around Young The Dr. Oz That’s Hcky Bones Big Bang Hockey Restless Show ” Noon News CTV News Motoring ” Odd Couple ” Hour Vancouver Curling News CTV News SportsCentre The Blacklist Big Bang Vancouver ”” ” Days of Social ” ” our The Goldbergs Open Gym Lives ” Global Nat. CTV ”News SportsCentre Elementary American CHBC Vancouver ”” ” News Dr. Crime Off Record The Talk Phil
Interruption ” Ent ” News SportsCentre CHBC ET Meredith Canada ”” Final SportsCentre The ” Vieira Show That’s Hcky ET Bones SportsCentre Canada Motoring ”& ” The Doctors Around Young
The Darts Smile Preseason ground. ItTalk ” feels really ”
Steven and Let’s Bo On/Go RightMake a Chris Deal Heartland Young & Republic ” of Bold Restless Doyle ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Dragons’ Judge Now ”Judy Den Judge Judy Best Recipes The Talk CBC News KIRO News Stefano ” ” KIRO News Steven and Let’s Make a CBC News KIRO News Chris Deal Bookaboo The Murdoch CBSPrice NewsIs Bo On/Goof Right Republic Bold Mysteries Ent Doyle ThisMinute Heartland Young & Coronation The Insider ” Restless Dragons’ Judge Judy The Nature Big Bang Den News JudgeNews Judy CBC KIRO of Things Odd Couple Now ”News CBC News Big KIRO Doc Zone Bang ” KIRO News Best Recipes The ” MomTalk
Stefano CBC News Elementary KIRO”News The National Murdoch CBS Make News ” and Let’s ” Steven a ” Chris Deal Grey’s Mysteries Ent News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO Anatomy Coronation The Insider News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold neres Show Doyle Big Bang The Nature ThisMinute Big Bang Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman Odd Couple of Things Odd Couple Seth Meyers Coronation Corden The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy
Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our Early Lives News Global Nat. The Talk News Hour ” Operation ” Smile The Meredith Ent Vieira Show Rachael Ray ET Canada Young” & Bones Restless Noon ”News Hour Early News The Blacklist Global Days of our ” Nat.
Baseball: Sportsnet Pirates at Central Yankees NHL Count ” Plays/Month World Poker Hockey Tour NHL Darts Hockey: MLB ” at Canucks Preseason Sportsnet Blackhawks Central Baseball: ” Pirates at NHL Count Sportsnet Plays/Month Yankees Canucks TV ” Hockey Darts NHL World”Poker
Lives News Hour Elementary ”” The Talk
Tour Hockey: Sportsnet Canucks at Central Darts
Ent ”Hour News ET Canada Final The Meredith Vieira Show Bones ET Canada ”& The Doctors Young
” Blackhawks Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Sportsnet Canucks TV Central NHL Count
Doctors The First 48 ” ” erosion The of the ” banks. It ” KOMO 4 Criminal
Bucket-Dino PAW Patrol Curious Jelly Jamm Dive, Olly Bucket-Dino Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate and Kate and Magic Bus Astroblast Jack Dragon Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino Rescue Curious G. Shrinks Park PAW Olly Patrol Dive, Waterfront Jelly Jelly Jamm Jamm Cities Bucket-Dino Kate and Joanna Magic Bus PAW Patrol Lumley Kate and Jack Finding Wild Kratts Astroblast Vivian Maier
Steve News Harvey The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO 4 ” The View News Steve ” Wheel Harvey KOMO 4 Jeopardy! News 4 KOMO Grey’s News The Chew Anatomy News ” Scandal World General ”News
The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” CSI: Miami ” ” 48 The First 8 Minutes ” Criminal ” Minds The First 48 8 Minutes ” Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” The First 48 ”
Dragon Rescue ” Park Snapshot Bucket-Dino Curious Waterfront Waterfront Cities Olly Cities Dive,
Hospital KOMO 4 American News Crime The Doctors Wheel” News Jeopardy! Jimmy Steve
” 48 The The First First 48 ”” The First 48 ” 8 8 Minutes Minutes ” ” The First 48
A&E 1
Sidekick Rated A for Nerds Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel Rabbids Almost Odd Parents Wayside SpongeBob Chucks Sam & Cat Kid vs. Kat Wayside Assembly Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Nicky, Ricky Nerds MonsterDyn. Stanley Rated A for SpongeBob Just Kidding Rabbids Chucks Just Kidding Squirrel Odd Parents Mr. Young SpongeBob Almost Boys
How/Made Family Steve Feud Medium Say Yes Seinfeld Cowboys Judge How/Made Harvey Say Yes Mod Fam Fat N FuName Game Long Island Hot Bench Daily Planet The Meredith Gypsy Big Bang rious: Rolling Body Beast! Medium Hot Bench ” Vieira Show Wedding Big Bang Ice Cold Law & Say Yes King Bitchin’ Mike SVU Say Gypsy Browns Gold Order: Yes King Rides Anger Wedding Payne Ice Cold Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Fast N’ Two Men Gypsy Browns Gold Joint Relief Say Yes The Middle Mayday The Office 19 Kids and Divorce Loud: Demo. Mod Fam Wedding Payne ” Paid Prog. Say Counting Divorce How/Made Steve Yes Seinfeld Amish Mafia Big Bang Welcome to Mod Fam How/Made Harvey Say Yes Mod Fam Cold Water Family Feud Myrtle Long Island Seinfeld Judge ” Big Bang Cowboys Family Feud Gypsy Medium Judge Daily Planet The Meredith Big Bang How/Made Bones Gypsy Family Guy Vieira Show Wedding Bang Fat N” FuName Long Island Big Hot Bench How/Made ” Game Wedding Family Guy rious: RollingMike Body Beast! Gypsy Medium Hot Bench Bitchin’ Browns Bitchin’ Backstrom Welcome to Amer. Dad Rides Anger Wedding Payne Ice Cold Law & Say Yes King Dad Rides ” Myrtle Amer. Wayside Nichols GoldN’ Order: SVU Gypsy Say Yes King Sam & Cat The National Two Men Browns Haunting CBC News Fast Fast N’ News Gypsy Jeffersons Assembly ”” & Loud: Demo. Fam Payne Haunting Loud: Demo. Mod Mod Fam Wedding Break Chucks Power Ice Cold Family Feud Wedding Say Yes The Middle Kid vs. Kat CBC Politics Gold Mafia Joint Relief Welcome Say Yes to Mod TheFam Middle Nicky, Ricky News Amish Bang Just Kidding The National Amish Mafia Big Raising Gypsy Movie: Stanley Dyn. ” ” Big Bang Myrtle Seinfeld Just Kidding ”” ” How I Met Wedding “The Sidekick How/Made Steve Say Yes Seinfeld Nerds ” How/Made Harvey Say Yes Mod Fam Just Kidding National How/Made Gypsy Guy Nicky, Ricky The Amanda How/Made Bones Cougar Paid Prog. Family Longest Just Kidding ” How/Made ” Game Wedding Guy Stanley Dyn. Lang How/Made Paid Prog. Family Yard” SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet Name The Meredith Gypsy Big Bang
” MacNeil ” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics CBC News ” Now ”With CBC News ” Carole ” MacNeil Amanda The National Lang CBC News ” NowNews With CBC The National ” Andrew ”
Harvey Live 8 ” Grey’s Kimmel 8 Minutes Minutes Anatomy ”” Nightline KOMO 4 The First 48 Hockey Den Judge Judy Restless Magic Bus News ” 48 Mr. Rabbids Lang Vieira Show SportsCentreRestless The Blacklist Show Big Bang Doc Zone Big Bang The Blacklist Plays/Month Darts Finding Scandal The First Young The National Bitchin’” Backstrom Goldbergs ” Mom News Early News ” ” Vivian ” Curling ” News ” CTV News CBC News KIRO Hockey Jack Maier News ” The First 48 Boys Odd Parents CBC ”News Rides Bitchin’ Mike” ” ” Vancouver ” KIRO News Global Nat. NHL Wild Kratts World News The First ” 48 Haunting SpongeBob CBC News ” Rides Anger SportsCentre Elementary American The National Elementary Elementary Sportsnet ” American Fast N’ News ” ” Crime ” ” ” Central Snapshot Crime ” Haunting ” Loud: Demo. Mod ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour Hockey: Rescue KOMO 4 The First 48 Sam & Cat The National Fast N’ TwoFam Men ” CHBC Park News ” Assembly ” Loud: Mafia Demo.Raising Mod Fam SportsCentre CHBCNews News Vancouver News-Lisa Murdoch CBC News CBS KIRONews News News ”Hour Canucks Sportsnetat Waterfront News 8 Minutes Just Kidding The National Amish Final News--11:30 Mysteries Rick Mercer Ent Late Show Final Central Cities Jimmy ” Just Kidding ” Mafia How Met ”” Ent Grey’s Ent Blackhawks Waterfront Wheel 8 Minutes Nicky, Ricky CBC ”News Amish Big IBang ” ET Insider ET ” Cities Jeopardy! ” Stanley Dyn. Amanda ” ” Big Bang SportsCentre ETCanada Canada Anatomy Daily Show Coronation 22 Minutes The Letterman ET Canada Canada Sportsnet Finding Kimmel Live 8 Minutes Nicky, Ricky How/Made Cougar ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Corden The Doctors Central Vivian Maier Nightline ” Stanley Dyn. Lang How/Made Name Game That’s Hcky Bones Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Bones Sportsnet Joanna Grey’s 8 Minutes Just Kidding The National How/Made Bones Motoring ” Odd Couple of Things Odd Couple ” Canucks TV Lumley Anatomy ” Just Kidding ” How/Made ” SportsCentre The Blacklist Big Bang ” ” Goldbergs
Doc Zone ”
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
The National Elementary ” ”
American Crime
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation SportsCentre World Vision The View Bookaboo Curling ” ” Bo On/Go
Big Bang Mom
KIRO News Late Show
KIRO Letterman _ Corden
Jelly Jamm Joanna Finding Lumley Vivian Maier Kate and
is expected to eventualin a long process of tryRegional District of ly create deeper pools in ing to do some restoraKootenay-Boundary enthe river, improving fish tion and education for dorsed a Kettle Rivhabitat. people.” er Watershed Manage“This is the first crack ••• ment Plan. at creating some enOver-fishing, illegal For more on the pland hanced habitat,” said Ar- fishing, water licenses, see senault. “I’m not going agriculture use, logging. “Now that there is a to say it’s going to fix the There are many things management plan, that YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING problem. This is really 9 affecting the Kettle Riv- A is reallyN important,” said 6 7 ; < P the first eff ort by people er.The But as the19new fishArsenault. “ThToday ey are Wayside CBC News Mayday Office Kids and Divorce Sesame Kid Now With to get ” Paid Prog. Counting Street at taking cont’dthat in vs. theKatwatershed ing regulations go intoDivorce looking Monster Carole Cold Water Family Feud Long Island Judge Dinosaur New Day together put their effFamily ect there are more Judge management plan to the Rated A for and MacNeil Cowboys Feud Medium Dinosaur Northwest Chucks CBC News Fat N Fu- people Name Game Long Island Hot Bench Peg Plus said Cat KING 5 eff ort together to restore working to save next level, Arsenault, YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Squirrel Now With rious: Rolling Body Beast! Medium Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat News habitat. It’s a small efthe Kettle and revive a “as a way to keep getting 6 7 A NWhy! Days P Almost Andrew Ice 9 Cold Law; & Say< Yes King Super of our Wayside Nichols Gold Order: SVU Say Yes King Thomas Lives fort. It needs to keepMayday go- unique fishery. Wayside CBC News The Office 19 Kids and Divorce funding Sesameand keep Today things Chucks Power & Ice Cold Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Paid Prog. Counting Divorce Street cont’d ing. just a first step Last November moving forward.” Kid vs.Th Katis is Politics Gold Joint Relief Say Yes theThe Middle Odd Squad ” Monster Carole Cold Water Family Feud Long Island Judge Dinosaur New Day
The Blacklist Darts ” ”
Finding Scandal Vivian Maier ”
The First 48 ”
Mr. Young Boys
The National Bitchin’ ” Rides
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Central
” Snapshot
American Crime
The First 48 ”
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
News Hour Final
Sportsnet Central
Waterfront Cities
News Jimmy
8 Minutes ”
Just Kidding The National Amish Mafia Raising Just Kidding ” ” How I Met
CHAN ET Canada ( The Doctors
SNP Sportsnet ) Central
KNOW KOMO Finding Kimmel Live * ` Vivian Maier Nightline
The Price Is Right
World Vision MLB ” Preseason
G. Shrinks PAW Patrol
Young & Restless
The View ”
A&E 8 Minutes 1 ”
YTV NEWS Nicky, Ricky Amanda 6 7 Stanley Dyn. Lang
Weddingto Welcome Myrtle Gypsy
Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Browns
Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy
Payne Jeffersons
Break Browns Wedding Payne Gypsy Movie: Wedding Welcome to “The Mod Fam Myrtle Seinfeld Paid Prog. Longest Paid Prog. Yard” Gypsy Family Guy
Backstrom ”
Fast N’ News Loud: Demo. Mod Fam
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
KAYU Cougar ; Name Game
The Returned
Here Comes CBC News Peter Cotton Now With
Mayday ”
The Office Arthritis?
Story of Ellen DeGeDinosaur Northwest England neres Show Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Call the KING Peg Plus Cat News 5 Midwife News Super Why! Days of our World News Lives KING 5 Thomas Business News Sesame St. Dr. Phil PBS Nightly News Odd Squad ” Sesame Today NewsHour News Street cont’d Story of Ellen DeGeIN Close News England neres Dinosaur NewShow Day SciTech Evening Dinosaur Northwest Call the KING 5 New Tricks Dateline Midwife News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 ” NBC Peg Plus News World NewsCat KING 5 Case The Blacklist Business Super Why! News Days”of our Histories
Thomas Lives PBS Nightly News ” The Slap NewsHour Murder ” Sesame St. News Dr. Phil Odd Squad News ” IN Close Myster. KING News SciTech Evening Echoes Tonight Story ofof Ellen DeGeEngland neres Show New Tricks Dateline Creation Show Aging Back NBC Seth Meyers Call ”the KING 5 Midwife News Case The Blacklist Histories ” 5 World News KING Business News ” The Slap Murder ” PBS Nightly News NewsHour KING News Myster. News Echoes of Tonight IN Close News SciTech Evening Creation Show Aging Meyers NewBack Tricks Seth Dateline
Family Guy
Welcome to Myrtle
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Case Histories
The Blacklist ”
Gypsy Wedding
Jeffersons Break
” Murder
The Slap ”
Gypsy Wedding
Movie: “The
Myster. Echoes of
KING News Tonight
TLC Paid Prog. < Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids
WTBS Longest A Yard” Divorce Divorce
KCTS Creation N Aging Back
Sesame Street
Show Seth Meyers Today cont’d New Day Northwest
” ”
Rachael Ray The Marilyn ” Denis Show
Heartland ”
Rachael Ray Baseball: ” Nationals at
Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News
The Returned
Rabbids Rabbids
Carole MacNeil
How/Made How/Made
Family Feud Long Island Family Feud Medium
Judge Judge
Dinosaur Dinosaur
” ”
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News KIRO News Marketplace ”
Noon News Hour
Yankees ”
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Returned
Thunder Thunder
CBC News Now With
Bitchin’ Rides
Name Game Bride 21 Day Fix Bride
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
” Cabbie
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”
Days of our Lives
Astroblast Dragon
Intervention ”
Thunder Thunder
Andrew Nichols
Fast N’ Law & Loud: Demo. Order: SVU
World MLB Poker Tour Preseason Sportsnet Baseball: Blue Jays Nationals at MLB Yankees Preseason ” Baseball: Darts Reds at Blue ” Jays World Poker ” Tour MLB Sportsnet Preseason Sportsnet Central Blue Jays Baseball: Darts Nationals at MLB ” Preseason Yankees Plays/Month ” Baseball: NHL Count Reds at Blue Darts Sportsnet Jays ” Central World ”Poker Sportsnet Tour Sportsnet Central Central Sportsnet Sportsnet Blue DartsJays Central MLB ” Preseason Plays/Month NHL Count Baseball: Reds at Blue Sportsnet Central Jays ” Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Darts ”
Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Waterfront Bucket-Dino Cities Curious G. Shrinks Coast PAW Olly Patrol Dive, ” Jelly Jelly Jamm Jamm The Village Bucket-Dino Kate and ” Magic Bus PAW Patrol The InspecKate and Jack tor Lynley Wild Kratts Astroblast Mysteries DragonTours Waterfront Grand Cities Bucket-Dino Finding the Curious Coast Fallen ” Dive, Olly The Village JellyVillage Jamm The Mysteries ” Kate and Magic Bus The Inspector Lynley Jack Wild Kratts Mysteries Grand Tours Waterfront Cities Finding the Fallen Coast ” The Village Mysteries The Village ”
Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole ” MacNeil
Amish Mafia Mayday ”” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Off Record The Talk Phil Steven and Let’s MakeIs a The Talk SportsCentre World Vision Dr. The View Bookaboo The Price World Vision Interruption ”” ”” Chris Deal ”” Curling Bo On/Go Right SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic of Bold The Meredith ” Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Young & Rachael Ray Curling Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show ” ” Denis Show ” Restless ” ” Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & ” Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless ” Hour Vancouver Marketplace ” Hour ” News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Early News ” Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk Days of our ” ” Vancouver Now KIRO News Global Nat. Cabbie Lives ” Stefano ” Lives ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk SportsCentre CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News ” Interruption ” ” Chris Deal SportsCentre World Vision The View Bookaboo The Price Is World ”Vision Hockey Ent etalk Mysteries Ent Ent Curling ” ”DeGe- Bo On/Goof Right ” SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen Republic Bold The Meredith ” ET Canada Big Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Curling Vieira Show neres Show Heartland Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show ” Rachael Ray The Marilyn Young & Rachael Ray ” Burgers The Amazing Marketplace The Amazing Burgers ”” ” & Denis Show ” Restless Young The Dr. Oz Rick Dragons’ Judge Judy Burgers Young” & ” Burgers Race Mercer Race ” Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless ” Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” Hawaii Five- Grimm the fifth Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five”” Hour Vancouver Marketplace Hour CTV News CBC News 0KIRO”News 0 Early News Lumberjacks 0News ” estate ” ” our The Vancouver NowRecipes The KIRO News Days Global ” Days of Social Best Talk ofNat. our SportsCentre Sleepy Blue Bloods The National Blue Bloods Sleepy Cabbie” ” Lives Stefano Lives Global Nat. CTV ”News CBC ”News KIRO””News Hollow News Hour Hollow ” SportsCentre CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News ” Off Record The Talk Phil Steven and Let’s The Talk SportsCentre CHBC News Dr. News-Lisa CBC News KIROMake Newsa News Hour Interruption Chris Hockey Ent ” etalk ” Mysteries Ent Show Ent ” ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer Deal Late Final ” ET Meredith Canada Ellen Big Bang Coronation The Insider The ET Canada SportsCentre The DeGeRepublic of Bold Meredith SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage Letterman ET Canada Curling” ” Vieira Show neres Show Doyle Vieira Show Burgers The Amazing Marketplace ThisMinute The Amazing The Burgers The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Corden Doctors Burgers Race Rick Mercer Judge Race Judy Young Burgers ”” Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ & ”” Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless Hawaii Five- Grimm the fifth Hawaii Five- Hawaii FiveLumberjacks 0 ” estate 0 0 ” News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Early News ” ” Vancouver News Global SportsCentre Sleepy Blue Bloods Now The National KIRO Blue Bloods SleepyNat. HollowNat. CTV News ” ” ” HollowHour ”” Global CBC News KIRO News News SportsCentre CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News ”Hour Final News--11:30 Mysteries Rick Mercer Ent Late Show Final Hockey” Ent etalk Ent ” ET Coronation The Insider ET SportsCentre ETCanada Canada Big BigBang Bang Backstage Letterman ET Canada Canada The Doctors The Seth Meyers Marketplace Coronation The Corden The Doctors ”” Burgers Amazing Amazing Burgers ” Burgers Race Rick Mercer Race Burgers
” Hawaii Five- Grimm Lumberjacks 0 ”
the fifth estate
SportsCentre Sleepy ” Hollow
The National Blue Bloods ” ”
Blue Bloods ”
SNP ” )
KNOW KOMO General Hospital * `
A&E 1
WTBS King King A
Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Long Island Say Yes Medium
The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Sesame St. Sesame Odd Squad Street Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Dinosaur
Dr. Phil Today cont’d ” Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest
8 Minutes The ” Returned Criminal The Minds Returned
Thunder Here Comes Thunder Peter Cotton Thunder Rabbids Thunder Rabbids
Criminal The Minds Returned Criminal Intervention Minds ” Criminal 8 Minutes Minds The ” Criminal Returned Criminal Minds Minds The Criminal Returned Criminal Minds Minds The Criminal Returned Criminal Minds Minds Intervention Criminal Criminal Minds ” Minds 8 Minutes Criminal Criminal Minds ” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds
Nicky, Ricky Amanda What Could The Meredith 19 Kids and Big Bang Thunder CBC News Bitchin’ Name Game Bride Hot Bench Hathaways Lang Go Wrong? Vieira Show Counting Big Bang Thunder Now With Rides 21 Day Fix Bride Hot Bench Henry CBC News What Could Mike ” Browns Thunder Andrew Fast N’ Law & Say Yes King Stanley Dyn. ” Go Wrong? Anger ” Payne Thunder Nichols Loud: Demo. Order: SVU Say Yes King Bella The National MythBusters Two Men Bride Browns Thunder Power & Amish Mafia Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Assembly ” ” Mod Fam Bride Payne Thunder ” Top The Middle Here Comes Politics CBC News Mayday TheCooker Office Say 19 Yes Kids Divorce Thunder CBC News Mayday Big Bang Say Yes Mod Fam Peter Cotton Now ”With ” Arthritis? 19 Kids Divorce Thunder How/Made Steve Say Seinfeld Movie: ” ” Big Bang SayYes Yes Seinfeld Thunder ” How/Made Yes Fam Rabbids Carole How/Made Harvey Family Feud Say Long Island Mod Judge “Hop” The National Mayday Movie: Bride Family Guy Rabbids MacNeil How/Made Family Feud 19 Medium Judge Nicky, What Could The Kids and Big Bang ”Ricky Amanda ” ” “21 Meredith Jump Bride Family Guy Hathaways Lang Go Wrong? Vieira Show Counting Big Bang Thunder CBC News Bitchin’ Name Game Bride Hot Bench ” The National MythBusters Street” Say Yes Amer. Dad Thunder NowNews With Rides 21 Day Fix Bride” Hot Bench Henry CBC What Could Mike Browns Beagle ” ” ” Say Yes Amer. Dad Stanley Dyn. Andrew ” Go Wrong? Anger ” Payne Thunder Fast N’ Law & Say Yes King Open Heart CBC News What Could News 19 Kids and Jeffersons Thunder Nichols Loud: Demo.Two Order: SVU Bride Say Yes King Bella National MythBusters Men Browns Open Heart The ” Go Wrong? Mod Fam Counting Break Assembly ” ” Mod Fam Bride Payne Thunder Power & Amish Mafia Raising Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Haunting The National Mayday ” Movie: Thunder Politics ” Top Cooker Say Yes TheFam Middle Thunder CBC News Mayday Big Bang Say Yes Mod Haunting ” ” How I Met ” “Cloverfield” Movie: ”” ” Big Bang Say Yes Seinfeld Thunder How/Made Steve Say Yes Seinfeld Movie: Amanda Mayday Cougar Paid Prog. ” Thunder ” How/Made Harvey Say Prog. Yes Mod Fam “Hop” The Mayday Movie: Family “Hop” LangNational ” Name Game Bride Paid ”Guy ” Jump Guy Nicky,” Ricky Amanda What” Could “21 The MeredithBride 19 Kids and Family Big Bang Hathaways Lang Go Wrong? Vieira Show Counting Big Bang ” The National MythBusters Street” Say Yes Amer. Dad Beagle Say Yes” Amer. Dad Henry CBC ”News What” Could Mike” Browns Stanley Dyn. CBC News ” Go Wrong? Anger Payne Open Heart What Could News 19 Kids”and Jeffersons Open ” Go Wrong? Mod Counting Break Bella Heart The National MythBusters TwoFam Men Bride Browns Assembly ” Mod Fam Bride” Payne Haunting The National Mayday” Raising Movie: Haunting ” How Met ” “Cloverfield” Thunder CBC ”News Mayday Big IBang Say Yes Mod Fam Movie: ” Big Bang SayProg. Yes Seinfeld Movie: Amanda Mayday” Cougar Paid ” “Hop” Lang ” Name Game Paid Prog. ” Guy “Hop” The National Mayday Movie: Bride Family ” ” ” “21 Jump Bride Family Guy
Shark Tank ”
Criminal Minds
” Beagle
The National MythBusters Street” ” ” ”
Say Yes Say Yes
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Quirke ”
19 Kids and Counting
Jeffersons Break
” Live/Lincoln
A&E 1
” KING 5 Peg Plus Cat KING 5 ” News Peg Plus Cat News World News KING 5 Super Why! Days of our Business News Thomas Lives PBS Nightly News Sesame St. Dr. Phil NewsHour News Odd Squad ” Sesame Today Washington News Street cont’d Masterpiece DeGeCharlie RoseEllen Evening Classic neres Dinosaur NewShow Day Father Grimm Dinosaur Northwest ” KING 5” Brown ” News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Quirke Dateline Peg Plus Cat News World News KING ” NBC 5 Business Super” Why! News Days”of our Thomas Lives”News PBS Nightly Live/Lincoln NewsHour News Sesame St. KING Dr. Phil Center News Odd Squad Washington News Moveable Tonight” Charlie Rose Evening Masterpiece Ellen Moveable Show DeGeClassic neres Show Father Wheat Belly Grimm Seth Meyers Brown ” ” 5 KING ” News Quirke Dateline ” NewsNBC World KING 5 Business News ” ” Live/Lincoln ” PBS Nightly News NewsHour News Center KING News Moveable WashingtonTonight News Charlie Rose Evening Moveable Show Wheat Belly Seth Meyers Father Grimm Brown ”
Dateline NBC
Sportsnet Central
Mysteries 20/20 Grand Tours ”
Criminal Minds
Open Heart Open Heart
CBC News ”
Haunting Haunting
The National Mayday ” ”
Movie: Rabbids “Hop” Bread
Amanda CBC LangNews CBC News
Mayday Mayday ” ”
Cougar Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Name Game Extreme Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Extreme
” The Ring ” Two
Moveable Show Wild Kratts PreWheat Belly English Seth Meyers Odd Squad mier League
KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * `
A&E 1
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Sportsnet Central
Finding the Fallen
Criminal Minds
SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage Premier Fish’n SickKids Absolutely ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Curling Real Fishing Foundation Vancouver
Letterman College Corden Basketball:
ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n The Doctors NHL Central Real Fishing Classics
The Village Wild Kratts Mysteries Wild Kratts
Kimmel Live Criminal Born-Explore Criminal Nightline Minds Sea Rescue Minds
News Mod Fam
Sleepy Hollow
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer
What Could Go Wrong?
Family Feud The Office Top Cooker Arthritis? Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud
Say Yes Say Yes
The The Doctors View ”” Steve KOMO 4 Harvey News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” The View Wheel ” Steve Jeopardy! Harvey KOMO 4 Last Man News 4 KOMO Cristela News The Chew Shark Tank News ”” World News General 20/20 Hospital KOMO ” 4 News The Doctors News Wheel” Jimmy Jeopardy! Steve Kimmel Live Harvey Last Man Nightline Cristela KOMO 4 News Shark Tank News ” World News 20/20 ” 4 KOMO News News Jimmy Wheel Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Nightline Last Man Cristela
Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Plays/Month The Inspec0 0 NHL Count tor Lynley
The Chew ”
Raising How I Met
TLC ” ” <
Movie: Center “Cloverfield” Moveable
” ”
KING News Tonight
” ”
Powerboat Driving TV
It Is Written etalk
Doc Zone ”
Reese’s AllStar Game
Powerboat Driving TV
Canucks TV Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Married at Hockey Martha Outback First Sight
Turtles Sanjay
Now With Christine
Mayday ”
Kids News Old House
Extreme Extreme
Movie: “Drillbit
Sweet Revenge-
” ”
News Hour PGA Tour
Believing in Heroes
The Nature of Things
Boxing: Premier
News Hour PGA Tour
NHL Hockey:
Movie: “Hop”
Jacked! ”
Paid Prog. 21 Day Fix
Extreme Extreme
Taylor” ”
Turn PGA Tour 30 Days to a Golf: Shell
” ”
Golf: Shell Houston
Corner Gas Corner Gas
Amanda Lang
KIRO Paid_ Prog.
CHAN ( Open, Third
Canucks at Jets
” YTV ” 6 Nerds
” What Could Movie NEWS DISC KAYU ” Go Wrong? ” 9 ; The7 National MythBusters ”
Extreme Extreme
Round Fish’n Moves Real Fishing Moves Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Shell News Hour Houston ” Open, Third 16x9 Round Fish’n ” Real Fishing Moves The Moves Powerboat Dovekeepers Driving TV Simpsons ” Simpsons News Hour ” PGA Tour Simpsons Big Brother-Global Nat. Golf: Shell Side Show Houston News Hour News Final ” Open, Third Saturday Round 16x9 Night Live Moves”” Moves The
Sportsnet NHL Sportsnet Classics Hockey Canucks TV Hockey Hockey Night in NHL Canada Hockey: ” Canucks at Jets ” ” ” Hockey Sportsnet NHL Night in Classics Sportsnet Canada Hockey TV Canucks ” Hockey Hockey Night ”in NHL ” Hockey: Canada Sportsnet ” at Canucks Central Jets ” Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet Hockey Sportsnet Night in Sportsnet Central Hockey Canada
SportsCentre Open, Third Canada’s ” Round Worst Driver Premier Fish’n SickKids ” Moves Cab Curling Real Fishing Cash Foundation Curling Moves Steele ” Powerboat It Is Written ”” Simpsons The Marilyn Driving TV etalk ” Simpsons Denis Show ” News Hour Believing in ”” Simpsons The Social PGA Tour Heroes ” Global Nat. etalk ” Golf: Shell Corner Gas ”” News Hour CTV News Houston Corner Gas SportsCentre ” Vancouver SportsCentre Open, Third Canada’s MLS Soccer: 16x9 W5 ” Round Worst Driver Premier Fish’n SickKids Galaxy at ” ” Curling ” Real Fishing Foundation Moves Cash Cab Whitecaps The Big Bang Curling Moves ” Powerboat ItSteele Is Written FC Dovekeepers Anger ”” Driving TV etalk Simpsons The Marilyn SportsCentre ” Mike Simpsons Denis Show ”” News Hour Believing in ” ” Cleveland ”” PGA Tour Heroes Simpsons The Social SportsCentre Big Brother-Motive Global Nat. Corner etalk Gas ”” Golf: Shell ” Side Show ” ”” Houston Gas News Hour Corner CTV News SportsCentre News Final News SportsCentre ” Vancouver SportsCentre Open, Third Canada’s ” Saturday News--11:30 Worst MLS ”Soccer:Round 16x9 W5 Driver SportsCentre Night Live Major Galaxy ” ”” at Moves” ” Cash Cab League Curling Steele Whitecaps Moves The Big Bang
Boxing Champions
Dragons’ Den Paid Prog. Absolutely College The National Paid Prog. Vancouver Basketball: Hockey Changers Doc Zone Reese’s AllNHL ” All In Star Game Hockey: Sports Stars The Nature Boxing: Teams TBA KIRO News of Things Premier ” KIRO News Amanda Boxing ” CBS News Lang Champions ” KIRO News Dragons’ Paid Prog. NHL EntertainDen Paid Prog. Absolutely College Hockey: ment ’Night Vancouver The National Basketball: Paid Prog. Teams TBA NCIS Hockey Changers Doc Zone Reese’s All” ” ” Star NHL All InGame ” Scorpion Hockey: Sports Stars The Nature Boxing: ” ” of Things Teams TBA Premier KIRO News Post Show 48 Hours ” KIRO News Amanda Boxing News ” Lang ” Champions CBS News Republic of KIRO News ” KIRO News Dragons’ Paid Prog. Doyle Scandal Den Paid Prog. NHL EntertainDragons’ ” Hockey: mentProg. ’Night The National Paid Den Air America Hockey Teams TBA Changers NCIS
Golf: Shell Houston
SNP ) ”
Dogs/Jobs Dogs
Rescue Paid Prog.
Married at First Sight
of X NeighborsKNOW World KOMO A&E Games Bnft. ` 1 The * Polar ESPN Sports NeighborsHope for Wildlife
Sea Wild Kratts Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Mister Maker Mystery Martha Fish ” Dogs/Jobs Joanna Dogs Lumley Hope for Hope for Wildlife Wildlife The Polar National Sea Wild Kratts Geographic Wild Kratts Waterfront Heartbeat Cities Mister Maker ” Martha Fish Mystery Midsomer ” Dogs/Jobs Murders Dogs Joanna ” Lumley Hope for Park Wildlife Hope for Waterfront Wildlife The Polar Cities Sea National Midsomer Geographic Waterfront Murders Cities Heartbeat
Saturday Bnft. Born-Explore Criminal ” The First 48 Sea Rescue Minds ” ” Wildlife Docs Married at Cougar The First Outback First Sight48 Cougar ” Rescue Married at News The First Paid Prog. First Sight48 World News ” World of X NeighborsKOMO The First 48 Games 4 Bnft. News ” ESPN Sports NeighborsWheel Intervention Saturday Born-Explore Bnft. Criminal Jeopardy! ” Sea Rescue Minds ” The First 48 Fresh-Boat Minutes ” Docs 8 ” at Wildlife Married Goldbergs ” Outback FirstFirst Sight Cougar The 48 In an Instant The First 48 Cougar ” at Rescue Married ” ” Paid Prog. FirstFirst Sight News The 48 ” The First 48 World ” World News of X Neighbors” ” Games4 Bnft.First 48 KOMO The News Intervention News ” ESPN Sports NeighborsCastle ” Saturday Bnft. Wheel Intervention ” 8 Minutes Jeopardy! ” ” The First 48 Burn Notice ” ” ” Fresh-Boat 8 Minutes
A&E 1
Extreme Nerds Issue ” ” Extreme Rabbids CBC News Mayday Paid Prog. Extreme Nerds The National How-Made Bones Extreme Bread CBC News ” Paid Prog. Extreme Nerds Mansbridge How/Made ” Extreme Turtles Now With Mayday Kids News Extreme Squirrel The Nature How/Made Bones 19 Kids and Sanjay Christine ” Old House Extreme Squirrel of Things How/Made ” Counting Movie: Birak Jacked! Paid Prog. Extreme Squirrel the fifth Cold Water Mike 19 Kids and “Hop” ” ” 21 Day Fix Extreme Squirrel estate Cowboys Mike Counting ” ” What Could Movie Extreme Assembly The National Overhaulin’ Two Men 19 Kids and ” ” Go Wrong? ” Extreme Max Marketplace ” Big Bang Counting Nerds The National MythBusters ” Extreme Stanley Dyn. Issue Busting the Bitchin’ Two Men ” Nerds ” Rabbids CBC News Mayday Paid ”Prog. Extreme Extreme Assembly Berlin Wall Rides Big Bang ” Bread CBC News How-Made ” Paid Prog. Extreme Extreme Nerds The National Bones Movie: ” Fat N FuBackstrom 19 Kids and Nerds Mansbridge How/Made Turtles Now With Mayday Kids ”News Extreme Extreme “Evan Issue rious: Rolling ” Counting Sanjay Christine ” Old House 19 Extreme Squirrel The Nature How/Made Bones Kids and Almighty” The National How/Made Overhaulin’ Hell’s” ” Squirrel of Things Movie: Birak Jacked! Paid Prog. Counting Extreme ” Mansbridge ” Kitchen ” “Hop” ” 21 Day Fix 19 Extreme Squirrel the fifth” Cold Water Mike Kids and That’s-Weird Busting the Bitchin’ News 19 Kids and Squirrel estate ” Cowboys Counting ” What Could Mike Movie Extreme Open Heart Berlin Wall Rides Wanted Counting ” ” Go Wrong? Two Men ” Extreme Assembly The National Overhaulin’ 19 Kids and Open Heart ” Cold Water Animation 19 Kids and Max Marketplace ” Big Bang Counting Nerds The National Cowboys MythBusters ” Extreme Haunting Issue Domination Counting Nerds Dyn. Busting Issue the Bitchin’” ” Extreme Stanley Two Men ” Evan The National Moonshiners Glee Peter Popoff Assembly Berlin Wall Rides Big Bang ” Nerds The National How-Made Bones Extreme Almighty Mansbridge ” ” Paid Prog. Nerds Mansbridge How/Made ” Extreme Movie: ” Fat N FuBackstrom 19 Kids and
Soccer Goal Zone
Anchorman: Younger WTBS KCTS Houston KING The Legend Heart-Masley Open, Third A N P of Ron Aging Round Burgundy Backwards ” The Ring Wild Kratts English PreFirst Family Odd Martha LazyTown Two Squad mier League Box Office Martha Luna! Movie: Sweet Soccer Community RevengeMartha Biz Kid$ “Drillbit Goal Zone Community Martha Kids News Taylor” Turn PGA Tour The Middle Martha KING 5 ” 30 Days to a Golf: Shell The Middle Martha News Anchorman: Younger Houston Movie: Weekend Nightly News The Legend Heart-Masley Open, Third “Shrek 2” IN Close KING News of Ron Aging Round ” Aging Burgundy Backwards ” The Ring Wild Kratts Traveler English Pre” Backwards Backroads Two Odd Squad LazyTown mier League First Family Martha Family Guy Movie: Law & Box Office Martha Luna! Movie: Sweet Soccer Family Guy “Gone With Order: SVU “Drillbit Revenge- Biz Goal Community Martha Kid$Zone Seinfeld the Wind” TheNews Blacklist Community Martha Kids Taylor” Turn PGA Tour Seinfeld ” ” ” 30 Days to aKING Golf:5 Shell The Middle Martha King ” Saturday The Middle Martha News Anchorman: Younger Houston King ” Night Live The Legend Weekend Heart-Masley Open,News Third Movie: Nightly Movie: ” KING News “Shrek 2” INAging Close KING News of Ron Round “Match ” Saturday Burgundy Backwards Traveler” ” Aging Point” Live From Night Live Backwards Backroads First”Family Martha LazyTown ” Artists Den ” Box Office Martha Luna! Family Guy Movie: Law &
3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 11:00 :30 5 :30 :00 SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1:00 :30 :00 7 :30 # $ % & 2:00 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 10 :30 3:00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 4:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 12 :30 5:00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 1:00 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 2:30 :30 7 :30 :00 3:00 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 4:30 :30 9 :00 5:00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6:30 :30 11 :00 7:00 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 6, 2015 :00 9 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 12:00 :30 11 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 6, 2015 12 :00 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 6, 2015 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 7 2:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 9 4:30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 5:30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 1:00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 2:30 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3:00 :30 :00 9 :30 4:00 :30 :00 10 :30 5:00 :30 :00 11 :30 6:00 :30 :00 12 7:30 :30 :00 8 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 :00 9 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 12:00 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 5 :30 :00 :00 1:30 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2:00 :30 # $ % & 7 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4:00 :30 9 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5:00 :30 10 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 11 1:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 12 2:30 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 3:00 :30 :00 9 :30 4:00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 $ % & 5:00 :30 # :00 11 :00:30 6:00 :30 10 :30 :00 12 :00:30 7 :30 11 :30 :00:00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 9 :30 :00:00 2 :30:30 10 :00:00 3 :30:30 11 :00:00 4 :30:30 12 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 ” Premier
NWT Block
” The Social
” Coronation
Innovation Paid Prog.
NWT Block Lorna Dueck Collectors Simpsons Joel Osteen Paid Prog. Simpsons
Panthers Sportsnet Central ” Sportsnet Darts ” Season
Wildlife Wild Kratts Little Prince Attenborough Little Prince Annedroids Britain From
KIRO News Global Nat. Paid Prog. News Hour High News School News PGA Tour CBS Hour KIRO News Golf: Shell ” Basketball ” Houston 60 Minutes Big Brother
Preview NHL Count NHL Top MLB 100 Plays Classics Hockey Sportsnet
Above Animals Animals of Architects Change Waterfront Cities Hiroshima
Returned Intervention World ”News The ” NBA Returned KOMO 4 Intervention News Basketball: The ” Bulls at Returned The Ten Neighbors-
“Mr. Movie: “Happy Popper’s
Cowboys Movie: gists At War Overhaulin’ “One Life” Birak ” ”” The National ” ”” Bitchin’ ” Rides The Bering Sea
” Sports Spectacular Madam Paid Prog. Top Cooker Secretary Paid Prog. Innovation The Good Paid Prog. Changers Wife Paid Prog. Pets.TV Battle Creek Paid Prog. KIRO ”News High School KIRO News KIRO News Basketball CBS News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Insider Sports 60 Minutes Scandal Spectacular ”
Canada Open, Final Round Madam Block Ice Pilots Secretary Lorna Dueck NWT The Good Joel Osteen Collectors Wife Paid Prog. Simpsons Battle Creek News”Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. News Final Golf: Shell News Hour Block Houston ” Paid Prog. Open, Final Big Brother Paid Prog. Round Canada
Central NHL Hockey: Blue Jays Sportsnet at Canadiens Special Central Panthers World Poker Darts ” Tour ” Sportsnet Sportsnet NHL Count Season Central NHL Preview Sportsnet Classics MLB Top Central Hockey 100 Plays Sportsnet NHL Sportsnet Central Hockey: Central
” Rescue Park Poirot Wild Kratts Hope ”for Little Prince Wildlife ” Little Prince AttenborItalianJob Annedroids ough Silk Animals Britain ” From Animals Above National Waterfrontof Architects Geographic Cities Change Poirot Rescue Hiroshima ” Park ”
Bnft. The Returned ments 8 Minutes NBA Bates Paid Prog. 8 Minutes ” ”Motel Basketball: ”” Paid Prog. ” Intervention Rockets The This Week Intervention ” at ” Thunder Returned ” ” ” Intervention The News ”” Intervention ” NBA News Returned World ” ” NeighborsBasketball: The 4 Intervention KOMO Bnft. Bulls at Returned News ” News 8 Minutes Cavaliers The The Ten NeighborsCastle ” ” Returned CommandBnft.
Penguins” Feet” ” Beagle Max ” That’s-Weird Assembly Movie: Open Heart Stanley Dyn. “Happy Feet Open Heart Hathaways Two” Haunting Thunder ” Haunting Undercover ” Haunting Movie: Haunting “Happy “Mr. Mr. Popper’s Feet” Popper’s Penguins ” Penguins”
Passionate ” Marketplace Eye CBC News The Nature ” CBC News of Things The National Now With the fifth ” Christine estate The Birak ScientoloPassionate ” War gists At Eye ”” The National ”” The National The ”” Marketplace Passionate
League Lorna Dueck Celebrity Marketplace Paid Country Calendar Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Prog. rLake 10 :30 SC Top 10 Collectors ” Backstage Changers :00
Open Gym Premier League Curling
Simpsons Mr. Joel Osteen etalk Canada’s OurD Paid Prog. Worst Driver The Vancouver Simpsons MasterChef Water CHBC News Canada News Hour SportsCentre Horse: Land & Sea PGA Tour ” Mansbridge Global Nat. CTV News Legend of
” Curling ””
Pets.TV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. KIRO News
”” ””
CHBC News Vancouver the Deep Golf: Shell W5 Steven and Houston ” Chris Big Brother MasterChef Movie: ”” Canada “Finding Open, Final Canada It’s The Nature ” Round Complicated of Things SportsCentre Madam Once Upon Nemo” Premier Block Social Coronation SportsCentre Ice Pilots ” Q ” Secretary aThe Time ” League Lorna Dueck Celebrity Marketplace ” NWT ” ” That’s Hcky The Good Secrets and Doc Zone Premier Joel Osteen Lies Canada’s Our ” SC Top10 10 Wife Collectors ” Backstage SC Top League Paid Prog. Worst Driver Mr. Vancouver Open Gym Simpsons etalk D SportsCentre Battle Creek Motive The National Curling News” Hour MasterChef SportsCentre LandWater Curling Simpsons The ” ” ”& Sea PGA Tour ” Mansbridge ”” CHBC News Canada Horse: SportsCentre News Final News CBC News Golf: Shell W5 News the Steven Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV Legend of ””” Block fifth and Houston ” Chris ”” CHBC News Vancouver the Deep SportsCentre Paid Prog. Castle estate Open, Final MasterChef It’s ” The Nature Big Brother Movie: ””” Paid Prog. Canadian Round Complicated “Finding of Things ”” Canada Canada
Paid NBA Prog. Basketball: This Week ” at Rockets Thunder News
KNOW KOMO CommandCavaliers * ` ”
Bates ”Motel ” Intervention The
A&E 1
Movie: of Things Max CBC News Assembly News “Happy Feet CBC the fifth Two” estate Stanley Dyn. Now With Hathaways Christine ” Scientolo” Thunder Undercover Movie:
Cash Cab Highway Thru Hell How/Made How/Made Cold Water
Gold MythBusters ” MythBusters Highway Cash Cab ” Thru CashHell Cab Movie: Cold How/Made “OneWater Life” Cowboys How/Made ” Overhaulin’ Movie:” ” “One Life” Bering Sea Bitchin’ Gold ” Rides ” Movie: MythBusters Bering Sea “One Life” Gold ”
Raising ” Big Bang Paid Prog. Say Yes Paul Blart: Focus T25 Say Cop Livin’ Dream WhoYes Do You Mall Big Bang Trout TV ” Big Bang Arthritis? Say Yes Movie: Body Yes NameBeast! Game Say Long Island “Dreamer: Mod Fam
” Sid Science
Tree Fu Tom NHL
Odd Squad Hockey: Ancient Traveler A13
Roads McLaughlin
Millionaires Movie ” Simpsons
IN Close Father Mod Fam Brown Inspired by a Live/Lincoln True Story” Center Movie: Weekend Medium “Stealth” SciTech Who Do You Movie: Great Per” “Daddy’s formances Who Do You ” Medieval at
Burgers ” ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Family Guy Focus T25 Raising Last ManArthritis? Livin’ EarthDream Body Trout Beast! TV News Big Bang Name How I Game Met Mod Fam Simpsons Cougar Movie Monopoly Paid Prog. ” Millionaires How I Met ” Simpsons Raising ” Burgers
” You Little Girls” ” Who Do ” ” Medium ” Say Yes Paul Blart: Who Do You Big Medium TheBang Closer Say Yes Mall Cop ” Big Bang Who Do You ” Say WhoYes Do Big ” You Movie: TheBang Closer Say Yes “Dreamer: ” Big Bang Long Island ” Say Yes by a Long Island Inspired Mod Fam Medium Movie: Say Yes True Medium Mod Story” Fam Who Do You “The Time Who Do Medium Movie: ” You Movie: Machine” ” “Daddy’s Medium “Stealth” Paid Prog. ” Who You Girls” Who Do You Little ” Yet? PaidDo Prog. There ”” ””
Simpsons Big Bang Mod Fam Monopoly
KING News Houston
Open, Final Dateline Lives NBC the Met Round ” ” Call the Dateline Sid Science NHL ” Poppy Midwife NBC Cat Odd Squad Hockey: ” Tree Fu Tom Masterpiece A.D. The McLaughlin Penguins at Ancient Traveler Classic Bible IN Close Flyers Roads Backroads Wolf Hall on American Live/Lincoln PGA Tour Father KING 5 Masterpiece Odyssey Center Golf: Brown NewsShell Suze OrKING News Great PerWeekend Nightly News man’s Finan-Houston The 206 formances Final SciTech at Open, KING News cial SoluBensinger the Met Medieval Dateline tions for YouRound Top Cooker Lives ” NBC ”
SportsCentre Madam Ice Pilots SportsCentre NWT ”” Secretary
” Once Upon a Time”
Q Nemo” ””
Top Cooker Madam Innovation Secretary
Ice Pilots Madam NWT Secretary
Canadiens Hope for Blue Jays at Poirot Panthers Wildlife Special ”
Paid Prog. ments Paid Prog. ”
8 Minutes ”
” The Beagle Eye Nature Movie: That’s-Weird of Things ”
SC Top 10 That’s Hcky Open Gym SC Top 10
” and Secrets etalk Lies
Backstage Doc Zone Mr. D ”
Changers The Good Pets.TV Wife
Collectors The Good Simpsons Wife
World ”Poker Attenbor” Sportsnet ough Tour ItalianJob
This Week ” ”
Intervention ”
“Happy Feet the Open Heart Thefifth National How/Made Movie: Two” How/Made Open Heart estate” “One Life”
Livin’ Dream Who Last ManWho Do Do You You Big Bang ” Trout ”” Big Earth TV TheBang Closer
Ancient Masterpiece Traveler A.D. The Roads Backroads Classic Bible
Britain From News ” Intervention Silk Above” World ”News ”
” Haunting ” Haunting
ScientoloMovie:” The gists At War “One Life” Passionate ”
Name News Game Long Long Island Island Simpsons Medium How I Met Medium
Father 5 Wolf Hall on KING American Brown Masterpiece News Odyssey
The Eye National Bering” Sea ”” Gold ”
Monopoly Cougar Millionaires Paid Prog.
Medium Who Do You Movie: “The Time Medium “Stealth” ” Machine”
Weekend Nightly News Suze OrKING News SciTech News man’s Finan- KING The 206
Simpsons How I Met Burgers Raising
Who You ”” Paid Do Prog. ” Paid Prog. There” Yet?
Medieval Dateline cial SoluBensinger Lives tions for You NBC Top Cooker
Medium Medium
Call the Midwife
Collectors The Good Simpsons Wife
Curling Simpsons MasterChef SportsCentre Battle Creek Motive CHBC” News Canada ”” ”
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Cash Cab Paid Prog. MythBusters Simpsons Cash Cab Raising ” Family Guy
Backroads Penguins at
Flyers KING 5 News PGA Tour Golf: Shell Nightly News
Medium Say Yes Say Yes Medium
Who Do You Big Bang Medium ” ” Big Medium TheBang Closer
Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie:
” Call the ” Midwife
Poppy Cat Dateline Tree NBCFu Tom
” GlobalFinal Nat. News CTV News Legend of SportsCentre News CBC News CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver the fifth Deep ”” Block the
CBS News KIRO News KIRO News News KIRO
News Final Hour News Block ”
MLB Top Sportsnet 100 Plays Central
Architects of KOMO” 4 National Change News 4 Geographic KOMO
Intervention NeighborsBnft. ”
Movie: Haunting “Mr. Haunting
” Big Brother SportsCentre Paid Prog. Canada ”” Paid Prog.
MasterChef Castle Canada ”
Movie: estate “Finding Canadian
60 Minutes The Insider ” Scandal
Big Brother Paid Prog. Canada Paid Prog.
Sportsnet Central
Hiroshima Poirot ”
The Ten News CommandCastle
Neighbors8 Minutes Bnft. ”
Popper’s Mr. Popper’s The National Bering Movie: Sea Penguins” Passionate Gold Penguins ” “One Life”
SportsCentre Madam ” Secretary
Once Upon a Time
Nemo” ”
Madam Secretary
Madam Secretary
Blue Jays Special
ments ”
8 Minutes ”
Beagle Eye That’s-Weird
That’s Hcky SC Top 10
Secrets and Lies
Doc Zone ”
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
World Poker ” Tour ItalianJob
KNOW KOMO ” ” ” * `
Intervention ”
Open Heart Open Heart
Last ManEarth
Who Do You ” ” The Closer
Masterpiece A.D. The Classic Bible
Intervention ”
The National Movie: ” “One Life”
Haunting Haunting
The Passionate
News How I Met
Long Island Medium
Wolf Hall on American Masterpiece Odyssey
Cougar The Prog. Office Paid Paid Prog. How I Met Family Raising Feud Family Feud
Who Do You “The Time 19 Kids Divorce ” Machine” 19 Kids Divorce Paid Prog. ” Long Island JudgeYet? Paid Prog. There Medium Judge
The Good Wife
SportsCentre Battle Creek Motive ” ” ”
The National Battle Creek Battle Creek Sportsnet ” ” ” Central
” ”
A&E 1
MythBusters Simpsons ” Family Guy
DISC ” ” 9
SportsCentre News Final News CBC News SportsCentre Operation The View Bookaboo ” Block News--11:30 the fifth ” Smile ” Bo On/Go SportsCentre Paid Prog. Castle estate Premier” Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Paid Prog. ” Canadian League ” Denis Show ”
KIRO News News Final The Price Is Operation KIRO News Block Right Smile The Insider Paid Prog. Young & Rachael Ray Scandal Paid Prog. Restless ”
Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball: Sportsnet Toronto Central Blue Jays at New
National G. Shrinks Geographic PAW Patrol Poirot Jelly Jamm ” Bucket-Dino
” The View KOMO 4 ” News KOMO Castle 4 News
NeighborsCSI: Miami Bnft. ” 8 Minutes Criminal ” Minds
Haunting SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Mr. Popper’s SpongeBob Penguins SpongeBob
Eye CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil
His & Hers ”
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
York Yankees
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Chew ”
Criminal Minds
SpongeBob SpongeBob
CBC News Now With
Premier League
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Our Vancouver
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Sportsnet Astroblast Plays/Month Dragon
General Hospital
The Returned
SpongeBob SpongeBob
Diana Swain Ice Cold ” Gold
That’s Hcky That’s Hcky
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
SportsCentre Meredith Ellen DeGeSportsCentre The Operation The View ”” Vieira SmileShow neres Show ” Olbermann Young & Ray The Oz Premier Rachael TheDr. Marilyn ” Restless Show League ” Denis Show Off Record News CTV News His & Hers Noon News CTV News Central” Vancouver Hour ” Vancouver 2015 NCAA Global Nat. News Premier Days of our CTV The Social Basketball CHBC League Lives News Vancouver ” Tournament: etalk That’s Hcky Ent The Talk Dr. Phil Final: Big Bang That’sTeams Hcky ET Canada ” ” TBA Big Brother SportsCentre Meredith Gotham Ellen DeGeSportsCentre The Operation The View SportsCentre Canada ” Show ”” Vieira Show neres Smile ” ” Remedy Olbermann Young & RayForever The Oz Premier Rachael The Dr. Marilyn That’s ”Hcky ” ” Restless Show League ” Denis Show SportsCentre Off HisRecord & Hers ” Central ” SportsCentre 2015 NCAA Premier ” Basketball League
The Night News Noon News Shift ” Hour CHBC News Global Nat. Days of our Final CHBC Lives News
SportsCentre Canada Tournament: Ent That’s Hcky ET The Talk ” Teams Doctors Final: ET Canada That’s Hcky The ”
KIRO CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk Deal_ ” (
Republic of Bookaboo Doyle Bo On/Go Dragons’ Heartland Den ” CBC CBC News News Now ”
CBC Our News Murdoch Vancouver Mysteries Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch Republic of Bookaboo Mysteries Doyle Bo On/Go Chasing Dragons’ Heartland Shadows Den ”
SNP KNOW KOMO World Poker Bucket-Dino The Doctors Tour) Curious ” * `
A&E The Returned 1
YTV Movie: “Happy 6
DISC How/Made How/Made 9
” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet Buying Al. Buying” Al.
Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:
Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly PAWJamm Patrol
Steve The View Harvey ”
BatesMiami Motel CSI: ””
Feet” SpongeBob ” SpongeBob
NHL Toronto Blue Hockey: Jays at New Blue York Jackets at Rangers Yankees
KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World ”News
Bates Motel Criminal Minds ” Bates Motel Criminal Minds ”
2015 NCAA The Talk Basketball ” Tournament: Let’s Make a Final: Deal Teams
” Sportsnet Canucks Plays/Month NHL World Poker Hockey: Tour Kings at Sportsnet MLB Canucks Central Baseball: ” NHL Toronto Blue Sportsnet Hockey: Jays at New
Kate and Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Bucket-Dino Jack PAW Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and Architects Astroblast of Change Dragon Hope for Bucket-Dino Wildlife Curious Britain’s Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Bloodiest Jelly PAWJamm Patrol The Dark Kate and Jelly Jamm Ages Magic Bus Bucket-Dino
KOMO General4 News
Bates Motel The ” Returned
SpongeBob SpongeBob Kung Fu SpongeBob Odd Parents CBC CBC News News SpongeBob SpongeBob Now With ” SpongeBob Sam & Cat The National SpongeBob Diana Swain Assembly SpongeBob ””
The The Returned Returned
Assembly Movie: Max “Happy
CBC News Power & Politics”
The Motel Bates CSI: Miami Returned ”” Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds
Funny Home Feet” SpongeBob Videos ” SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob SpongeBob Boys Kung Fu SpongeBob
The National ” CBC News ”” Now With The National Amanda Carole Lang ” MacNeil
News Hour Days of our Lives ” Ent The Talk ET Canada ” TBA Big Brother Bold Meredith The Price Is The Operation Post Game Canada ThisMinute Vieira Right Smile Show News Remedy Judge Young & Ray YoungJudy & Rachael The Insider ” Judge Judy Restless Restless ” Castle The National Ent The Night CTV CBC CTV News News CBC News News KIRO KIRO News News Early Noon News News ” ” Mike Shift Vancouver Central Global Vancouver Now ” ” Hour Nat. News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour CTV News CBC News 2015 NCAA News Hour The Social Our The Talk Days of our News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show Final Vancouver Murdoch Basketball ” Vancouver ” Lives ” Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada etalk Mysteries Tournament: Ent Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Seth Meyers Coronation Corden Doctors Big Bang Coronation Final: ET Canada ” Chris Deal Teams The ”
Sportsnet Blue York Jackets Central at Rangers Yankees
Hospital KNOW Wheel KOMO The Doctors Jeopardy! ” * `
Dancing Steve The View With the Harvey ” Stars KOMO 4 KOMO 4 ” News News
A&E 1
For King and Castle Bates Motel Jack PAW Patrol News The Chew Criminal Empire Wild World ””News Minds ” Kate Kratts and Blue Jays Hope for of News The Motel ” Architects KOMO Bates Sportsnet Astroblast General4 The Plays/Month Jimmy Returned Canucks Change News ” Plays/Month Wildlife Dragon Hospital Returned Sportsnet The Dark Kimmel Live NHL Hope for Wheel The World Poker Bucket-Dino The Doctors The Central Ages Nightline Hockey: Wildlife Jeopardy! Returned Tour Curious ” Returned
Haunting Odd Parents SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob SpongeBob Gags Sam & Cat SpongeBob Gags Assembly SpongeBob
To Be Announced
NEWS Power & Politics 7
Bold Meredith The Price Is The Operation ThisMinute Vieira Right Smile Show Judge Young & Ray YoungJudy & Rachael Judge Judy Restless Restless ” KIRO News Early News KIRO News Noon News Central” Global Hour Nat.
Bering Sea Mayday Gold ” Movie: Buying Al. “One Life” Buying Al.
CBC News News CBC CBC News ”” Now With The National National The Diana Swain ” ””
Funny Home Power Amanda Assembly CBC News Movie: & Videos Lang ” Max “Happy Politics Funny Home The National Feet” ” Videos ” ””
” The Closer
” Movie:
Suze OrSesame man’s FinanStreet cial SoluDinosaur tions for You Dinosaur
Dateline NBC
KING News Today The 206 cont’d Bensinger New Day Top Cooker Northwest
Name Game Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Law & Order: SVU
King King
Super Why! Thomas
KAYU Family Feud Paid Prog. ;
Hoarding: Buried Alive
TLC WTBS Hoarding: The Middle Buried Middle <Alive TheA
Steve Hoarding: The Office 19 Kids Harvey Buried Paid Prog. 19 Kids Alive The Meredith Hoarding: Family Feud Long Island Vieira Show Buried Family Feud MediumAlive
How/Made To Be How/Made Announced
Mike Game Name Anger Paid Prog. Bering Two & Men Ice ColdSea Law Gold Mod Fam Gold Order: SVU Overhaulin’ Family Big Bang How/Made Feud ” Big Bang How/Made Paid Prog. How/Made Gotham How/Made Steve Mayday The Office How/Made ” How/Made Harvey ” Paid Prog. Bering Sea The The Meredith Daily Planet Buying Al. Family Feud Gold ” Following Vieira Show Buying Al. Family Feud Overhaulin’ Mike News How/Made To Be Name Game ” Mod Fam How/Made Anger Announced Paid Prog. How/Made Raising Bering Two Men Ice ColdSea Law & How/Made Order: How Fam I SVU Met Gold Mod Gold
Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce
World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Why! Super NewsHour Thomas
The 132-lb. The ModMiddle Fam Old House Hoarding: Shalom Scrotum Seinfeld Antiques Buried Alive The Middle Odd Squad My 600-Lb. Seinfeld Family Guy Foyle’s Antiques Hoarding: 19 Kids Divorce SesameWar Life Family Guy Roadshow Buried Alive Mod Fam 19 Kids Divorce Street ” The 132-lb. Big Amer. Dad Foyle’s Antiques Hoarding: Bang Long Island Judge DinosaurWar Scrotum Amer. Dad Roadshow Buried Alive Judge Big Bang ” Medium Dinosaur Hoarding: Hoarding: Hoarding: Buried Alive Alive Buried Buried Alive Hoarding: My 600-Lb. Hoarding: Buried Alive Life Buried Alive
Jeffersons Browns Hot Bench Break Payne Hot Bench Movie: Browns King “Saving Payne King
Dr. Phil ”
Foyle’s War Today Ellen DeGeSesame neres Show Street ” cont’d Foyle’s War New KING 5 Dinosaur Day ” News Dinosaur Northwest
Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Hoarding: Browns Hoarding: Hot Bench Buried Alive Alive Hot Payne Buried Bench My 600-Lb. King Browns Hoarding: Life Payne Buried Alive King
Days of our Lives
KCTS Shalom Odd Squad N
KING55 KING News News Nightly Days of News our News Lives
News Dr. Phil Evening ” The Voice Ellen DeGeToday ” neres cont’d Show KING 5” New Day News ” Northwest
Independent The Night World News KING Peg Plus Cat KING 55 Lens Shift Business News Peg Plus Cat News ” KING PBS Nightly News Super Why! Days ofNews our Rick Steves Lives Tonight NewsHour News Thomas
How/Made Overhaulin’ How/Made How/Made ” How/Made
Cougar Peter Popoff The Silverman” Big Bang The 132-lb. Mod Fam Family Feud Hoarding: Middle Name Game Buried Paid Prog. ” Big Bang Scrotum Seinfeld Paid Prog. Alive The Middle
Europe Old House Shalom Marathon Antiques Odd Squad Antiques Foyle’s War Roadshow ”
Show News Dr. Phil Seth”Meyers Evening
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Bering Sea Daily Planet Gold ” Overhaulin’ How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold How/Made Overhaulin’ How/Made ”
Gotham Steve Harvey” The The Meredith Following Vieira Show News Mike Mod Fam Anger Raising Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar Big Bang Name Game Big Bang
My 600-Lb. Hoarding: Life Buried Alive The 132-lb. Hoarding: Scrotum Buried Alive Hoarding: Hoarding: Buried Alive Buried Alive Hoarding: My 600-Lb. Buried Alive Life Peter Popoff The 132-lb. Paid Prog. Scrotum
Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Browns Break Payne Movie: Browns “Saving Payne Silverman” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
Antiques Foyle’s War Roadshow ” Independent World News Lens Business ” PBS Rick Steves NewsHour Europe Old House Marathon Antiques
The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” KING 5 ” News The Night KING 5 Shift News KING News Nightly News Tonight News Show News Seth Meyers Evening
The Voice ”
TBA SportsCentre Big TheBrother Meredith Gotham Ellen DeGe- Murdoch Republic of SportsCentre Canada ” Vieira Show neres”Show Mysteries Doyle ” Remedy Forever Chasing Olbermann Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ That’s Hcky ” ” Shadows ” Restless Show Den SportsCentre The Night Castle The National Off Record News CTV News CBC News ” Shift ” ” Central ” Vancouver ” SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News 2015 NCAA Global Nat. CTV News CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer Basketball CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Tournament: Ent etalk Mysteries ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Final: Teams ET Canada Big Bang Coronation
TBA Bold Post Game ThisMinute
Big at TheBrother Meredith Kings Sportsnet Canada Vieira Show Canucks Central Remedy ” Young & NHL ” Sportsnet Restless Hockey: The Night Sportsnet Early News Blue Jackets Shift Central Global Nat. at Rangers News Hour Blue Jays News Hour ” Final Plays/Month ” Canucks ET Canada Sportsnet Ent NHL The Doctors Central ET Canada Hockey:
Britain’s Dive, Olly Bloodiest Jelly Jamm
Dancing Steve With the Harvey
News Judge Judy The Insider Judge Judy Ent KIRO News Mike Central KIRO News 2015 NCAA Late Show Basketball Letterman Tournament: Corden Final: Teams
The Dark Kate and Ages Magic Bus For King and Jack Empire Wild Kratts Hope for Architects of Wildlife Change The Dark Hope for Ages Wildlife
Stars KOMO 4 ” News Castle News ” World News News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live Wheel Nightline Jeopardy!
The Motel Bates Returned ” Bates Motel Bates Motel ” ” Bates Motel Bates Motel ” ” The Bates Motel Returned ” The The Returned Returned
TBA Big Brother SportsCentre Canada
Gotham ”
Murdoch Mysteries
TBA Post Game
Big Brother Canada
Kings at Canucks
Britain’s Bloodiest
Dancing With the
The Returned
Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made
Gotham ”
My 600-Lb. Life
Family Guy Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
” That’s Hcky
Forever ”
Chasing Shadows
News The Insider
Remedy ”
” Sportsnet
The Dark Ages
Stars ”
Bates Motel ”
Mr. Young Boys
The National Bering Sea ” Gold
The Following
The 132-lb. Scrotum
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Antiques Roadshow
Castle ”
The National Ent ” Mike
The Night Shift
Sportsnet Central
For King and Castle Empire ”
Bates Motel ”
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
Overhaulin’ ”
News Mod Fam
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Jeffersons Break
Independent The Night Lens Shift
Blue Jays Sportsnet Plays/Month Central Sportsnet HockeycenCentral tral at Noon
Hope for G. Shrinks Wildlife PAW Patrol The Dark Jelly AgesJamm Bucket-Dino
The CSI: Miami Returned ” The Criminal Returned Minds
Gags Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Monster Videos Rated A for
The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Raising The IOffice How Met Paid Prog. Cougar Family Feud Name Game Family Feud
Hoarding: Movie: 19 Kids and “Saving Divorce Buried Alive Counting Divorce Peter Popoff Silverman” Medium Judge Paid Prog. ” Medium Judge
Bering Sea Gold
Remedy ”
SportsCentre The Night ” Shift
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News SportsCentre World View Bookaboo ” Final Vision The News--11:30 Rick Mercer ” ” ” Bo On/Go SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Premier” Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation League ” Denis Show ”
KIRO News News Hour The Is World LatePrice Show Final Vision Right ” Letterman ET Canada Young & Rachael Ray Corden The Doctors Restless ”
Hockey Lunch
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
SportsNation Days of our ” Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”
CTV News News News The Flash CBC Rick MercerKIRO NCIS Vancouver Now ” ” ” 22 Minutes
The Chew ”
Criminal Minds
Chucks Squirrel
CBC News Now With
General Hospital
Almost Monster
Diana Swain Overhaulin’ ” ”
” The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News The Chew News ” World News General KOMO Hospital4 News The Doctors Wheel” Jeopardy! Steve Fresh-Boat The View Harvey Fresh-Boat ” KOMO 4 Agents of KOMO 4 News S.H.I.E.L.D. News News Forever The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Kimmel Live The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Fresh-Boat Steve Fresh-Boat Harvey Agents of KOMO 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. News Forever KOMO News ” ` World News News Jimmy KOMO 4 The View News ” Live Kimmel Nightline Wheel 4 KOMO Jeopardy! News
Marriage CSI: Miami Surviving ” Marriage Criminal Married at Minds First Sight Criminal Married at Minds First Sight NeighborsMarried at Bnft. First Sight Surviving Surviving Marriage Marriage Surviving Surviving CSI: Miami Marriage Marriage ” Married at Married at Criminal First Sight First Sight Minds Married at Married at Criminal First Sight First Sight Minds Married at Surviving NeighborsFirst Sight Marriage Bnft. Surviving Surviving Surviving Marriage Marriage Surviving Surviving Marriage Marriage Married at Married at First Sight First Sight Married at A&E Married at First Sight First1 Sight Surviving Marriage Married at CSI: Miami First Sight ” Surviving Marriage Surviving Criminal Marriage Minds
Kid vs. Kat Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds Monster SpongeBob Rated A for Chucks Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Sam & Cat Monster Assembly Wayside Maxvs. Kat Kid Hathaways Sidekick Funny Home Wayside Nerds Videos Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Open Heart Monster Chucks Boys Rated A for Odd Parents Haunting Chucks SpongeBob Haunting Squirrel Sam & Cat Gags Almost Assembly Gags Monster Max Funny Home Wayside Hathaways Videos Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Sidekick Videos Nerds Open Heart SpongeBob Boys Chucks Haunting YTV Odd Parents Haunting 6 SpongeBob Gags Gags Sam & Cat Wayside Assembly Kid vs.Home Kat Funny Videos Max Monster Hathaways Rated A for
Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News CBC News Now With ” Diana Swain The National ” ” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The National CBC News ” ” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News CBC News News CBC ” ” Now With The National The National Diana ”Swain ”” CBC News Amanda Power ”& Lang Politics The National ”” ” The National Amanda ” Lang CBC News NEWS CBC News ” 7 ” The National ”News The National CBC Now ”With Amanda Lang CBC News Carole ” MacNeil
The Chew Fresh-Boat ” Fresh-Boat
Criminal Surviving Minds Marriage
Nerds Home The CBC News Railroad Ice Cold Funny National Squirrel Now ”With Gold Videos Alaska
General Agents of Hospital S.H.I.E.L.D.
After theat Married 48 First Sight
Almost Open Heart Monster Boys
The First Married at48 ” First Sight Storage Surviving Storage Marriage
Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting
SNP Drift)
Noon NCISNews Hour ”
Detroit Oilers Tigers ”
That’s Hcky TheChicago Talk Dr.Person Phil and Let’s Make Talk FireIcons SportsCentre Fire of Steven The National Person of a The Chicago Sportsnet That’s Hcky ” ” ” Chris Deal ” ” Drift ” Interest ” Interest Central SportsCentre TheNews Meredith DeGe- Republic of Bold Meredith SportsCentre HourEllen News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News The News Hour Sportsnet Sportsnet ” Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show Central ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show Final Central
KNOW KOMO Bucket-Dino The` Doctors *
Curious G. Shrinks Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus PAW Patrol Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Astroblast Hope for Dragon Wildlife Bucket-Dino The Polar Curious Sea Dive, Olly AttenborG. Shrinks Jelly Jamm ough PAW Patrol Kate and Mugshot Jelly Jamm Magic Bus ” Bucket-Dino Jack A Sorry PAWKratts Patrol Wild State Kate and Hope for The Polar Astroblast Wildlife Sea Dragon The Polar Mugshot Bucket-Dino Sea ” Curious AttenborDive, Olly ough Jelly Jamm Mugshot Kate and ” Magic Bus A Sorry KNOW Jack State * Wild Kratts The Polar Sea Hope for G. Shrinks Wildlife PAW Patrol Mugshot ” The Jamm Polar Jelly Sea Bucket-Dino
PAW Patrol AttenborKate oughand
Whitecaps FC
Survivor ”
NEWS Power & 7
DISC How/Made 9
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” Bering Sea Jade Fever Gold Jade Fever Overhaulin’ Ice Cold ” Gold How/Made Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made Railroad Mayday How/Made Alaska ” Daily Planet Jade Fever How/Made ” Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever Cold Water Bering Sea Jade Fever Cowboys Gold Ice Cold Railroad Overhaulin’ Gold Alaska ” Cold Water Jade Fever How/Made Cowboys Jade Fever How/Made Railroad How/Made Alaska How/Made Jade Fever Daily Jade Planet Fever ” Cold Water DISC Jade Fever Cowboys Jade 9 Fever Railroad Alaska Ice Cold Mayday Gold ” Jade Fever Jade Fever Cold Water Jade Fever Cowboys Jade Fever
KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show NewMeyers Day Seth Northwest
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
King King
WTBS TheA Middle
Super Why! Thomas
KCTS Sesame N St.
Days of our Lives
KAYU Family ;Feud
Say Yes Say Yes
TLC Say< Yes
Dr. Phil Paid Prog. Say Yes The Middle Odd Squad ” The Office 19 Kids and Divorce Sesame Today Steve 19 Kids and Seinfeld Foyle’s War Ellen DeGePaid Prog. Counting Divorce Street cont’d Harvey Counting Mod Fam ” neres Show Family Feud Medium Judge Dinosaur New Day The Meredith 19 Kids and Big Bang Foyle’s War KING 5 Family Feud Medium Judge Dinosaur Northwest Vieira Show Counting Big Bang ” News Name Game Medium Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Mike ” Browns World News KING 5 Paid Prog. Medium Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat News Anger ” Payne Business News Law & Say Yes King Super Why! Days of our Two Men 19 Kids Browns PBS Nightly News Order: SVU Say Yes King Thomas Lives Mod Fam 19 Kids Payne NewsHour News Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil Big Bang 7 Little ModMiddle Fam NickSquad Stellino News” Paid Prog. Say Yes The Odd Big Bang 7 Little Seinfeld Rick Steves Evening Steve 19 Kids and Seinfeld Foyle’s War Ellen DeGeHell’s 19Kids Kidsand Divorce Family Guy Sesame Twice” Born Today The Voice The Office 19 Harvey Counting Mod Fam neres Show Kitchen 19 Kids Family Guy Street ” Paid Prog. Counting Divorce cont’d ” The Meredith 19 Kids and Big Bang Foyle’s War KING 5 New Girl 7 Little Amer. Dad Dinosaur Inside” the ” Family Feud Medium Judge New Day Vieira Show Counting Big Bang News LonersFeud Medium 7 Little Amer. Dad Dinosaur Court ” Family Judge Northwest Mike ” Browns World News KING 5 News 19 Kids and Jeffersons Frontline Chicago Fire Name Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING Anger Game Medium ” Payne Business News5 ModProg. Fam Counting Break ” Cat News ” Paid Medium Hot Bench Peg Plus Two Men 19 Kids Browns PBS Nightly News Raising ” Movie: Skinny Gut Days KING Law & Say Yes King Super Why! ofNews our Mod Fam 19 Kids Payne NewsHour News How I SVU Met ” “Bad Boys Thomas Vibrant You Lives Tonight Order: Say Yes King Big Bang 7 Little Mod Fam Nick Stellino News Cougar Paid Prog. II” With Brenda Show Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil Big Bang 7 Little Seinfeld Rick Steves Evening Name Game Say Paid Prog. The Middle ” Watson Seth”Meyers Paid Prog. Yes Odd Squad Hell’s 19 Kids Family Guy Twice Born The Voice Steve 19 Kitchen 19 Kids Kids and Seinfeld Family Guy Foyle’s” War Ellen DeGe” Harvey Counting Mod Fam ” neres Show New Girl 7 Little Amer. Dad Inside the ” The Meredith 19 Kids and Big Bang Foyle’s Loners 7 Little Amer. Dad Court War KING 5” Vieira Show Counting Big Bang ” News News and Jeffersons Chicago Fire KAYU 19 Kids TLC WTBSFrontline KCTS KING Mike ” Browns World ”News KING 5” Mod Fam Counting Break N Anger; ”< Payne A Business News P Raising ” Movie: Skinny Gut KING News How I Office Met ” “Bad Boys Vibrant You Nightly Tonight Two 19My Kids Browns PBS News TheMen 600-Lb. Divorce Sesame Today Mod Fam Kids Payne NewsHour Paid Prog. 19 Life Street cont’d Cougar Paid Prog. II” Divorce With Brenda News Show Name Game Paid ” Watson Seth Meyers Big Bang Little Fam Nick Stellino News Family Feud7 My Prog. 600-Lb. Mod Judge Dinosaur New Day Big BangFeud7 Little Seinfeld Rick Steves Evening Family Life Judge Dinosaur Northwest
Name Game 600-Lb. Family Hot Bench PegBorn Plus Cat Hell’s 19My Kids Guy Twice TheKING Voice5 Paid Prog. 19Life Hot Bench Peg Kitchen Kids Family Guy ” Plus Cat News ”
Diana SwainJade ColdFever Water New LawGirl & My 600-Lb. Amer. KingDad The National 7 Little Cowboys Order: SVU 7 Little Life KingDad ”” Jade Fever Loners Amer.
Hockey: Jack Maple Leafs Wild Kratts
News World News
Storage Storage
News Hour ”
at Blue Jackets
The Polar Sea
KOMO 4 News
Storage Storage
Sam & Cat Assembly
The National Ice Cold ” Gold
Two Men Mod Fam
My 600-Lb. Life
Mysteries Coronation
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
Sportsnet NHL
Rescue Park
Wheel Jeopardy!
Shipping Storage
Bella Henry
CBC News ”
Big Bang Big Bang
Outrageous Mod Fam Births: Tales Seinfeld
Super Inside theWhy! Thomas Court
Days ” of our Lives ”
Buying Al. Cold Water Buying Al. Cowboys
Family Feud19My 600-Lb. The MiddleFrontline Sesame St. Dr. Phil News Kids and Jeffersons Chicago Fire Paid Prog. Counting Life The Middle Odd ” Mod Fam Break ” Squad ” How/Made Raising Steve My 600-Lb. Seinfeld Inside the KING Ellen DeGeRailroad ” Movie: Skinny Gut News How/Made Harvey Life Mod Fam Court neres Alaska How I Met ” “Bad Boys Vibrant You Tonight Show Daily Planet Cougar The Meredith MyProg. 600-Lb. II” Big Bang With Wolf Hall on KING 5 Jade Fever Paid Brenda Show ” VieiraGame Show Paid LifeProg. Big ”Bang Watson Masterpiece News Jade Fever Name Seth Meyers Fat N FuMike My 600-Lb. Browns World News KING 5 rious: Rolling Anger Life Payne Business News
Ice Cold Gold
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Hockey: Dallas Stars
China’s Capitalist
The Middle Goldbergs
Storage Storage
Just Kidding The National Cold Water Just Kidding ” Cowboys
Criminal Minds
X Company ”
Criminal Minds
Big Brother Canada
at Anaheim Ducks
Absolute Prokofiev
Mod Fam blackish
Storage Storage
Mr. Young Boys
The National Fat N Fu” rious: Rolling
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
CSI: Cyber ”
The National CSI: Cyber ” ”
Chicago PD ”
Sportsnet Central
” Chung
Nashville ”
Storage Storage
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
SportsCentre News Hour ” Final
News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Plays/Month Park NHL in 30 Rescue
News Jimmy
Shipping Storage
SportsCentre Masters ” ET Canada
Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation
Letterman Corden
Masters ET Canada
Sportsnet Central
Kimmel Live Storage Nightline Storage
China’s Capitalist
” Sesame Rick Steves Street Europe Dinosaur Marathon Dinosaur
” ”
Name Game Medium Paid Prog. Medium
Early News Global Nat.
Storage Surviving Storage Marriage
Law & Order: SVU
SportsCentre Big Brother ” Canada
KIRO News CBS News
3 Contest ”
etalk Big Bang
A&E 1
YTV Wayside 6
CBC News Murdoch
Young & Hockey ET Canada Sportsnet Restless The Doctors NHL Central
Bucket-Dino The Doctors A Sorry Forever Curious ”” State Dive, Olly Steve The Polar News Jelly Jamm Harvey Sea Jimmy Kate and KOMO Mugshot Kimmel4Live Magic Bus News ” Nightline
A&E Surviving 1
Power & CBC News Politics ” Sidekick ” Gags The National Chucks Gags ”” SpongeBob Amanda Funny Home Amanda Penguins Lang Videos Lang Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”
SC SportsCentre Young & The Dr. Oz Judy ET Canada Daily Show Dragons’ 22 Minutes Judge Letterman Hockey ” Restless Show Den Judy The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Judge Corden Golf: News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Masters Par ” Vancouver ” KIRO News
MLS Soccer: Ent Crew SC at ET Canada
World Poker PAW Patrol Tour Kate and
3 Contest Days of our Socialof Best Recipes The TalkNew Days of New our World Poker Astroblast SportsCentre NCIS: NewThe Agents Gags NCIS: NCIS: Sportsnet Mugshot ” Lives ” Stefano ” Lives Tour ” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Orleans Orleans Plays/Month Dragon”
Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News Vancouver
World Poker Astroblast Tour Dragon
The Seth Meyers Coronation Corden The Central Ent Doctors etalk Mysteries Young Ent & Ent Doctors Hockey: Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Rachael Ray Minnesota ET”CanadaDenis Big Show Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Kingsat at ” Restless ” Twins
Golf: Noon News That’s Hcky NCIS Masters OpenPar GymHour ”
Noon News Hour
The Season The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and The Season ” ” Chris Deal ” Icons SportsCentre World Vision The View Bookaboo The Price Is World Vision Sportsnet Hockey The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold The Meredith Sportsnet ” ” ” Bo On/Go Right ” Central Lunch Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show Central Premier Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Young & Rachael Ray HockeycenAround Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & NHL League ” Denis Show ” Restless ” tral at Noon Hockey Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless Hockey: Hockey Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News World Poker Off Record News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Early News Islanders at Lunch Hour Vancouver Now ” Hour Tour Interruption ” Vancouver ” KIRO News Global Nat. Flyers SportsNation Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk Days of our World Poker SportsCentre Global CTV News CBC News KIRO News News ” Lives Nat. ” Stefano ” Lives Hour Tour ” ” CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News ” NHL The Season The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Drift Cabbie Ent etalk Mysteries Ent Ent Hockey: The Season ” ” Chris Deal ” Icons Cabbie ET Canada Big Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Kings at Hockey The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold The Meredith Sportsnet That’s Hcky NCIS Mercer NCIS SportsCentre WorldShow Vision The TheFlash View Bookaboo The Price Is NCIS World Show Vision Oilers Sportsnet Lunch Vieira neres Show Rick Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Central Open Gym ”” ”” 22 ”” ” ” BoMinutes On/Go Right ” Central Around Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & NHL SportsCentre NCIS: New of Gags NCIS: NCIS: New Premier Rachael RayAgents The Marilyn Heartland YoungNew & Rachael Ray Sportsnet HockeycenHockey Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless Hockey: ” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Orleans Orleans Plays/Month League ” Denis Show ” Restless ” tral at Noon Off Record News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Early News Islanders at SportsCentre Chicago Fire Person of The National Person of Chicago Fire Sportsnet Hockey Noon ”News CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Noon News World Poker Interruption Vancouver ” KIRO Global Nat. Flyers ” Interest Interest” Central Lunch Hour” Vancouver Now ” Hour ” Tour SportsCentre Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour ” SportsCentre News News News Hour SportsNation DaysHour of our News-Lisa The Social CBC Best News Recipes KIRO The Talk Days of World Poker ” CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News ” our Sportsnet NHL ”” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show Final Central Lives ” Stefano ” Lives Tour Cabbie Ent etalk Mysteries Ent Ent Hockey: SportsCentre Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Sportsnet The Season ET The Talk Dr. Bang Phil Steven and Letterman Let’sInsider Make a ET TheCanada Talk Drift at Cabbie ET Canada Big Coronation The ET Canada Kings ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Corden The Doctors Central The Season ” ” Chris Deal ” Icons That’s Hcky NCIS The Flash Rick Mercer NCIS NCIS Oilers Hockey The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic of Bold ” The Meredith Sportsnet Open Gym ” ” 22 Minutes ” ” Lunch Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Vieira Show Central SportsCentre NCIS: New Agents of Gags NCIS: New NCIS: New Sportsnet Around Young & The Dr. Oz Mr. Dragons’ Judge Judy Orleans Young & NHL ” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. D Orleans Plays/Month Hockey Restless Show Den Judge Judy Restless Hockey: SportsCentre Chicago Fire Person of The National KIRO Person of Chicago Fire Sportsnet CHAN SNP Off Record News” CTV News CBC News KIRO News Early News Islanders at ” Interest ” Interest ” Central _ ( ) Interruption ” Vancouver ” KIRO News Global Nat. Flyers SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet ” Final News--11:30 Rick Late Show Final Central SportsCentre Global Nat.The CTV News Bookaboo CBCMercer News The KIRO News News Hour MLB ” SportsCentre Operation View Price Is Operation ” CHBC News Daily Vancouver Murdoch CBS News Smile ” NHL ” Smile ” Show Bo22 On/Go Baseball: SportsCentre ET Canada Minutes Right Letterman ET Canada Sportsnet ” SC Cabbie Top 10 Cabbie Preview
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Wednesday,April April1,1,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
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Education/Trade Schools
Financial Services
Garden & Lawn
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APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline April 30, 2015. Send applications to More information: our-programs/scholarship.
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Career Opportunities MANAGEMENT position available in the recycling industry. Excellent salary available to the right person. Email to
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THE LEMARE Group is accepting applications for experienced gradermen. Candidates will have a minimum of 5 years coastal logging road experience as well as public road works. Resumes to be submitted with covering letter via email at or via fax: 250956-4888. We thank all candidates in advance for their interest, but only those shortlisted will be contacted.
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Financial Services
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ANDERSON, KAREN Karen passed away peacefully on Monday, March 23, 2015. Karen was a beautiful woman inside and out, loyal, calm, brave, principled, she made everyone better through knowing her. She will always be missed. Karen has left behind parents Connie and Elton Anderson, daughters Jaime and Jessica Skinner (Jackson), sisters Kathy (Jim) Lye, Janet Anderson (Douglas MacLeod), Nancy Anderson, Sue Anderson (Jason), nieces Amy Boudreau (Graham Trimble), Heather and Joey Lye, and nephews Dylan Joyce and Jack MacLeod. Karen is predeceased by her beloved husband Malcolm Skinner (2006) and her loving partner George Tidball (2014). Flowers are welcome at the house until April 6; Karen’s charity of choice was the Nature Conservancy of Canada. A gathering for friends and family will be at Lindon House in Kelowna on April 16, 1 – 4 p.m. For more about Karen’s life and to share memories, please visit
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
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Wednesday,April April1,1,2015 2015 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday,
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Real Estate
Business for Sale
Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6
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OfďŹ ce/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
OKANAGAN RAIL CORRIDOR NOTICE OF REFERENDUM District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road | Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0116 | The Question (open to all eligible electors in Lake Country) “Are you in favour of the District of Lake Country adopting Loan Authorization Bylaw (Okanagan Rail Corridor) 906, 2014 to authorize the borrowing of up to Two Million Six Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($2,615,000) to fund the purchase of a 50% share of 16 kilometres of the Okanagan Rail Corridor within District boundaries?”
The Background In September 2013 CN Rail began the process of discontinuing the Okanagan rail line that runs from Mile 88 in Coldstream to Kelowna. After the Federal and Provincial levels of government declined the purchase it was offered to Municipal levels. The City of Kelowna, on behalf of the Inter-jurisdictional Acquisition Team (“IAT”) composed of Kelowna, Coldstream, Vernon, Lake Country, the Regional District of North Okanagan and the Regional District of Central Okanagan, entered into an agreement with CN to purchase the corridor. The City of Kelowna and the District of Lake Country then entered into a Memorandum of Understanding where the cost of the 16 kilometres of the corridor within Lake Country, approximately $5,145,000 will be funded 50% by the District borrowing up to $2,615,000 through Loan Authorization Bylaw 906, 2014 ($2,572,500 plus debt financing) and the City of Kelowna buying the other 50% of the land for $2,572,500. There is no repayment schedule or obligation to purchase Kelowna’s portion back although the intent is to buy the land back through the sale of surplus lands along the corridor. The annual interest on borrowing is approximately $164,655 per year over 20 years at an estimated 2.94% interest. The tax increase for borrowing, applicable to all properties within the District of Lake Country, will be approximately $27.00 per year on a house assessed at $475,000 (approximately $0.057/$1,000 of assessed value) This synopsis is not an interpretation of Bylaw 906, 2014 which can inspected on the District’s website and at the Municipal Hall Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.
Mail Ballot Voting To vote by mail complete the Application on the District’s website and submit it to the Chief/Deputy Chief Election Officer by 4 p.m. Thursday, April 23, 2015. Mail ballots will be mailed beginning April 15, 2015 and must be returned to the Municipal Hall by the close of voting on April 25, 2015. You can vote by mail ballot if: you are qualified to vote as a resident or non-resident property elector; you have a physical disability, illness, or injury that affects the ability to vote on all voting days; you will be absent from Lake Country on all voting days.
Contact Elections BC for advertising during a referendum. | | 1-855-952-0280
Applications to act as a scrutineer for the referendum can be completed online and submitted to the Chief/Deputy Chief Election Officer from March 30, 2015 to 4:30 p.m. April 9, 2015. Applications can be emailed to or dropped off at the Municipal Hall. Only one scrutineer in favour and one opposed to the question are entitled to be present at the voting location at one time. If more than one person wishes to be considered for appointment, the choice must be made by lot.
Elector Qualifications You are eligible to vote as a resident elector if you: are 18 years of age or older on general voting day are a Canadian citizen have resided in BC for at least 6 months have resided in Lake Country for at least 30 days are not disqualified from voting in local elections You are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you: are NOT entitled to vote as a resident are 18 years of age or older on general voting day are a Canadian citizen have resided in BC for at least 6 months have been the registered owner of property in Lake Country for at least 30 days are not be disqualified from voting in an election only register for one piece of property only one person can vote per piece of property cannot have a numbered company or corporation on title must provide written consent from other people on title Non-resident property electors can complete an Application on the District’s website which can be submitted up until the close of General Voting Day.
Documents Required to Register All electors must register on the day of voting by signing a declaration and providing 2 pieces of ID (picture ID is not required): one must have your address (proving residency) one must have your signature (proving identity) Examples of acceptable ID include a BC Driver’s Licence, BC ID Card, Care Card or Fire Arms Licence; a Lake Country tax notice, utility bill, vehicle insurance documents, credit or debit card or passport. If you do not have acceptable ID, you must have at least 1 piece with your signature and the Chief/Deputy Election Officer will provide you with a declaration of residency.
Voting Locations & Times
(polling stations are open to all eligible electors in Lake Country) ADVANCE VOTING DAYS Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8 am - 8 pm Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
ADVANCE VOTING DAYS Monday, April 20, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Okanagan Centre Community Hall 11099 Maddock Ave
Thursday, April 16, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Rd
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8 am - 8 pm Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
Friday, April 17, 2015 10 am – 7 pm Carr’s Landing Fire Hall 16625 Commonage Rd
GENERAL VOTING DAY Saturday, April 25, 2015 8 am - 8 pm GESS Community Gym 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Rd