Rimbey Review, April 14, 2015

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Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, Winfield, Alder Flats and Buck Lake

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Volume 17 Number 16

Recognizing volunteers: Laine Dahms, AHS coordinator for volunteer resources in Rimbey and Anita Goetz, activity coordinator at Parkland Manor were busy last week putting up signs throughout Rimbey recognizing volunteers. Volunteer week is April 12 to 18 and a volunteer celebration dinner was held in Rimbey, April 13. Treena Mielke Photo

Rimbey Ideal Weight Loss Centre (Pharmasave 375) 2 Doors down from Rimbey Pharmasave

Tyler Jordan, DD

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Main Street beside the Bargain Shop

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The Community Calendar Proudly Presented by Rimbey Dental Care and the Rimbey Review BINGOS:


pmPlaza. @ 7:30 & 3rd Mondays. 1stRimbey 6:00 p.m. Lions BingoStarts at Ponoka Bingo 1 & 3 Thursday, Hall Bingo, Hoadley Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Curling Club Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza 4 pm. 7 @ month, each of Rimbey Legion, 2nd Friday st

Submit photos to be considered to: admin@rimbeyreview.com



Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. West Pine Lodge Bingo in Winfield. 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30 at Hoadley Hall Bingo doors open at 6:30 (non smoking) New Life Fellowship at the - 7 pmBingo us Mondays Anonymo in Recovery Addicts Food 2nd Saturday, 6:00p.m. Rimbey Historical Society Bingo, Ponoka Plaza rd for more 403-843-4 RimbeyCall Drop-In Bingo at570 Ponoka Bingo info. Plaza 3 Saturday, building. Church 3rd Sunday, Rimbey Legion at#264 Ponoka Bingo Plaza the second Monday of each month, in the meetings of Bentley Purple Royal


Brenda 403-302-7244 for more info. MEETINGS old Oxford school @ 7 pm. Call each month. Truck Wed.Church the 1stUnited meetingsRimbey & Saddle TOPS ( Take off Pounds Sensibly) meetsClub Wed evenings, Wagon, Sleigh, Rimbey 403-704-4236 for info. basement. @ YouPas-Ka-Po are invited otoPark. an open house. Oct (the 17 @president) 7pm Nancyat 843-0067 Denise Call Museum Bentley Minor Hockey Annual General MeetingOct 17 at 7pm at Drop-In Centre. RimbeySWSClub@gmail.com Email: Call 748-4838 or 748-2078 for info. Ladies Auxiliary meeting 2nd Tuesday every month, 1pm Hospital RimbeyCurling Bentley Club Annual Fall General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30pm at The e Rm. Conferenc Hospital Curling Club Lounge. New and Returning curlers invited. Super - 717pm monthOct y of eachMeetingWednesda 1stParent Blindman 4_H Game Beef Club Oragnizational at at 7:30 pm 8 meeting Fish and Rimbey Valley at Bentley Ag Centre. Call 748-2374 or 748-4739. New members welcome. room. Rimbey Elementary School Parent Council RES Oct 16 atAnglican 7:00pm Church. the Rimbey at room 8:30 pm ys-Meetingys s Anonymous Wednesda Alcoholic 2 Tuesday each month 1 pm Rimbey Health Centre Rimbey Auxilary Hospital info. 1403-843-3 Thursday662 each month, 7:30 p.m. Regular Members Meeting, Rimbey Legion 3rd Wednesday each month - 7:00 pm at the Agriplex. Society Ag Rimbey #36. y of month. 10 am @ meetat3rd Group Group, ralSociety Horticultu Thursday each monthRimbey Ag 7:00pm theWednesda agriplex 2Rimbey & District monthCaregiver Support Group 10am Rimbey Health 3 Tuesday foratinfo. 2539 403 843 Call In Centre. Drop Rimbeyeach the Centre. Royal Cdn. Legion meeting meeting1st Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm Rimbey Rimbey ACTIVITIES Legion, 5019 50th St. be seen tonow would you Oct sayplace Bentley Society Theatre- Event 20, like tickets on in Rimbey. -8844to&take call 1-403-347 gg,Dinner Counselin FamilyLibrary sale. Call Arlene 748-4429 the Bentley Contennial Core Committee meeting, Apr. 20 @ 7 pm in Bentley Drop Bentley Carpet Bowling- Wednesday mornings. Bentley Hall. 9:30 am. New Players In Centre. invited. Call Harry or Georgina 748-3404 for more info. nd st




Upside down pedestrian sign on main street Rimbey, after the Apr. 1 winds. Submitted by Michele Rosenthal

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“ Food For Fines Week” at the Bentley Municipal Library Oct 22-27. Donate dry every Tuesday nights @ 7 pm. Centre,Pantry. foods in lieu of library fiDances nes. Will be given to Bentley Drop InBlessing @ Rimbey Jammers’ Regular West Pine Informati Lodge In Winfi eldChicken Supper Oct 19 @ 5:00pm. ForIn more info call Computer Centre. Drop Rimbey Services, on & Referreal Seniors Wendy @ 780-682-3960 noon. – room, Apr. 14 from 10 am Winfield Playground Fundraiser- Supper & Silent Auction, Oct 19 @ 4:30,Winfieldshopping malls Bentley Community Van rides - from Bentley both Red Deer FREE Rec Centre. Skating,Crafts, Clown and more. Call 682-3788 for more info 002 (local call) to reserve a seat. 587-877-1 aheadand@Silent 22. CallDance on Apr. Family Halloween Auction on Oct 27 from 5-9 pm at the Bentley noon at the Bentley town 10am from 23 Apr. Drop-In ComputerHall. Community Hosted Help by Bentley Nursery school. CalltoTina 748-4407 for info. questions. tablet computer/ your with help office basement. Rimbey Community FREE ChorusStarts practice for Christmas, Wednesday Oct 10 8:45pm Unitedside Church. New singers welcome. Annette 843-3115 entry. Use theat ABC United Rimbey United Church is planning a Memorial Hymn Apr. sing 26 NovRimbey 4 at 2:00pm. uist, & Glen Ventriloq Comedy Val Hilliker For info call Alice 843-6732 or the church 8432458. Church, 7pm

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Weekly Forecast information provided by

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Tuesday April 14

Wednesday April 15

Thursday April 16

Friday April 17

Saturday April 18

Sunday April 19


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Monday April 20








Snow/Rain Showers

Mainly Sunny

Mainly Sunny

Mainly Sunny

Mainly Sunny

Sun & Clouds

Mainly Sunny










NW 25 km/h

NW 20 km/h

SW 15 km/h

NW 25 km/h

NW 15 km/h

W 20 km/h

S 10 km/h









Glass Repair / Replacement Sealed Units / Vinyl Windows Mobile Glass Service


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Vandals active at Pas Ka Poo Park BY TREENA MIELKE

Pas Ka Poo Park’s administrator Cheryl Jones attributes the quick action of Rimbey’s volunteer fire department with saving a church at the park from going up in flames last Tuesday. “Thank God for their quick response,” she said. “We are so lucky. It could have gone up so easily and then the rest of the buildings could have gone, too. It would have been a historical catastrophe.” Jones said she got a call about 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday from the RCMP as they needed a key to get to the church. The RCMP told her there had been a fire at the park and they needed to get inside the church to be certain there had been no damage. “I raced to the park with my heart in my throat,” she said. “I just panicked.” However, the firemen had already extinguished a fire in the hay bales beside the church by the time Jones arrived. “Luckily the ground was still frozen and the fire didn’t spread.” She said it was difficult to determine how the fire started in the hay bales that night as it was dark. The next day, however, Jones and volunteer Eric Hornsey discovered the work of vandals in the park and they are certain the fire in the bales was not caused by an electrical malfunction. “Whether they did it deliberately or accidentally, I don’t know,” she said. “But there were people here messing around. They had messed with the nativity scene and

A fire which began in some hay bales beside this historical church set up in Pas Ka Poo Park was in danger of spreading, but thanks to the quick response of the Rimbey fire department who received the call from someone passing by, the church was saved. Treena Mielke Photo

(the statue) of Mary was sitting in a truck (at the museum) and a wagon pulled out on the grass. The big polar bear is missing; it is nowhere to be found and an igloo is all smashed up.” Fire chief John Weisgerber said he suspects the fire was caused by vandals. “There’s nothing else around there to start a fire,” he said.

“We are so lucky. It could have gone up so easily and then the rest of the buildings could have gone, too. It would have been a historical catastrophe.” Cheryl Jones

He agreed it was fortunate the fire didn’t spread to the church. “Old dry wood like that would have gone up very quickly.” Jones said the church was the first building to arrive at the park which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in August. “It (the park) is a beautiful public facility and we want everybody to enjoy it. We are doing everything we can to help people enjoy it and they do come from all over to visit it. It is free and all we ask is that people act responsibly when they come here. We don’t want to have to put everything under lock and key.”

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Rimbey Adult Learning Council 403 843 3201 Located at the Rimbey Provincial Building (5025 55 Street) Make an appointment or drop in on Wednesdays from 12-4.

LIBERTY HALL SOCIETY Annual General Meeting will be held on


Tues., April 21 at 7:30 p.m . TOUR THE NEW HALL! Hear an information presen tation Engage in open discussion Contribute new ideas Share in the activities

EVERYONE WELCOME! (There might be cookies!)


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Rimbey - Rockey - Sundre Constituency Office Hours: Monday - Friday • 9:00 - 4:00 4624 - 47 St. Rocky Mountain House T4T 1C8 Tel: 403-844-2070 Toll Free: 310-0000 Fax: 403-844-2071 Email: rimbey.rockymountainhouse.sundre @assembly.ab.ca


Connie Johnson Sales


Treena Mielke Editor


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Remember volunteers and say a big thank you

Michele Rosenthal Publisher


Letters to the Editor Policy The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email: reporter@rimbeyreview.com

Copyright Notice All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.

Subscriptions: $50 + 5% GST In Canada $65 + 5% GST to USA

Contact Us: P.O. Box 244 5001 - 50 Avenue (Main Street) Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907 Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon

Treena Mielke On The Other Side

Volunteering? What is it and why would anyone become involved in doing something for which there is no financial reward? Those are interesting questions and truly leave one pondering the answers. It seems, especially in today’s hurry up world, there is hardly time to get off the treadmill of work and responsibility long enough to find that elusive ‘me’ time everyone is looking for, let alone take time to volunteer. ‘Me’ time, of course, is

Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.

very important. Personally, I like that, the idea of taking time for me. Whether it be hot yoga or a simple coffee with a friend or a nice, quiet walk where the gentle sounds of nature calm, inspire and nurture my soul, ‘me’ time seems wonderful. But that brings me back to the question? Why do people volunteer? I would have to say from my personal observation; there are a number of reasons, all of them valid. Firstly, for some unfathomable reason, going above and beyond the ‘me’ stuff provides a payback that is hard to describe, but simply comes with a gut feeling that it is the right thing to do, and, in giving rather than receiving, the world, in some small, mysterious way will be a better place. Volunteers truly enjoy their own personal reward that cannot really be seen, only felt. Really, there is no explanation as to why it is better to give than to receive and to take time to

lend a helping hand rather than worrying about getting enough ‘me’ time. It just is. In the big picture, volunteers are often thought of as the backbone of a community. Why? Mostly, because they are. They truly are! It is volunteers who quietly, without much fuss or ado, dive headlong into projects that paid employees wouldn’t even consider unless, of course, there was a huge ‘overtime’ price tag attached. It is volunteers who are there for youth who have reached a time in their life when they need a friend, a

coach, a confidant or simply another human being who will take the time to listen with an empathetic ear. It is volunteers who walk into long term care facilities and nursing homes and lodges and spend a few precious hours with seniors who are faced with sitting alone through another lonely evening. And it is volunteers who grease the wheels of progress. These are the activators who don’t just sit and watch things happen. They make things happen. Volunteer week is April 12 to 18.

During this week and, of course, not only this week, but during every other week of the year, we need to remember our volunteers and say thanks for a job well done. And, perhaps, even in the midst of our own busy lives, we can take the time to pay it forward and volunteer ourselves. After all, in the long run, time is the greatest gift we can give. And, it is a timeless gift that blesses both the giver and the receiver, not only in the present, but also for years to come. It truly is a gift that keeps on giving!

Visit to Thailand by Member of Canadian Parliament Mr. Blaine Calkins

Production: Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: Publisher: Fred Gorman

MP Blaine Calkins

Ottawa, Ontario – Mr. Blaine Calkins, Member of the Canadian Parliament, was in Bangkok today for meetings with local interlocutors. Mr. Calkins met with members of the Thai Board of Trade (TBOT) and the Thai private sector to discuss commercial relations, particularly with the Province of Alberta, take stock of the TBOT’s produc-

tive visit to Canada in late 2014, as well as discuss the successful Canada-ASEAN Business Council meetings held in Bangkok last month. Mr. Calkins noted the significant opportunities for expanding two-way trade and investment, and stressed the importance of a predictable business climate and the rule of law to trade partners.

Mr. Calkins also met with members of the ThaiCanadian Parliamentary Friendship Group. He reiterated Canada’s expectation that democratic governance be restored in Thailand as soon as possible through free and fair elections, while also highlighting the importance of a transparent, inclusive reform process. “Canada and Thai-

land have a long history of friendship and cooperation,” said Mr. Calkins. “Once a democratically-elected government is in place, we look forward to renewing official engagement between Canadian and Thai Parliamentarians, and strengthening cooperation in such areas as governance, business, and people-topeople ties”.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Making the difficult call Edmonton, Alberta – Alberta RCMP wants all Albertans to know that they have a critical role to play in identifying people who may be vulnerable to recruitment by terrorist groups. In many instances, it is those closest to a radicalized individual, or an individual undergoing radicalization, who witness the changes in the individual’s behavior, beliefs, activities or topics of conversation that often accompany radicalization. While the RCMP acknowledges that it may be particularly difficult for friends, parents or family members to come forward to police, notifying authorities allows police to intervene at an early stage, before an individual has the opportunity to engage in violence which may harm members of the public or even themselves. Support coming from family, friends and the community for those who do bring their concerns to police is very important to this process and the RCMP will engage various supports that are appropriate to the people in need. As well, it is important for the public to consider the privacy of the people involved in these situations. “Making the call might be difficult, but not as hard as dealing with what might

happen if you don’t pick up the phone,” Inspector John Baranyi, Officer in Charge of the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team in Alberta (INSET). “Early intervention is the only way to ensure that the individual gets access to the necessary support and assessment services before they do something they can’t undo.” As part of its national security mandate, the RCMP has developed initiatives aimed at mitigating and countering any threats to the security and safety of Canadians, their livelihood, their property and critical infrastructure on the national, provincial and local community levels. At the same time, it must be recognized that protecting Canada’s national security requires the awareness and active engagement of citizens too, as it is a shared responsibility. “Unfortunately, radicalization is something that can happen in any family or community, so every Canadian has a responsibility to help the police make sure it does not lead to senseless violence,” says Inspector John Baranyi. For more information on National Security visit: http://www.rcmp.gc.ca/ pubs/nsci-ecrsn/1-800-eng. htm

Rimbey & District Slo-Pitch Association ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, April 21 at 7:00 pm at the Rimbey Community Centre (Kinsmen Room) All team Reps are asked to attend this meeting to register for the upcoming season. New teams are welcome to attend. For more information or to inquire about entering a team in the league, please call: Stephanie 403.350.0915 New Teams are welcome.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Be environmentally friendly RECYCLE YOUR PAPER!



April 13 - 18

Farm Dispersal for the Klarenbeek Farms Ltd. Selling in Conjunction with the 35th Annual Spring Machinery Consignment Auction FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 • RIMBEY, ALBERTA SEEDING & TILLAGE


Schafer 20’ Field Disc c/w Fold In Wings Morris 20’ DT Cult c/w Single Wing & 4 Bar Mtd. Harrows Inland 50’ Diamond Harrow Draw Bar IHC 6200 30’ (3 - 10’) Press Drills c/w Grass, Fert & Factory Transport Volvo L60E 4 Wheel Loader c/w Quick Attach Grapple Bucket, Bale Fork, Duals for the Front Tires & Showing 6500Hrs


NH 195 T/A Manure Spreader c/w Slurry Gate, Double Floor Chains, Double Beaters & Floatation Tires

TRACTORS 2006 Exiss XT300 Aluminum T/A Gooseneck Horse Trailer c/w 3-4 Angle Haul, Large Front Tack Room & Saddle Stands, Newer Tires, Spare, Sliding Windows & Screens

JD 734 Moco c/w 12’ Cut & Impeller Conditioner

AUGERS & BIN NH T7040 FWA Tractor c/w 180 Engine Hp, 3 pth, 4 Hyd., Front Weights, Fluid in All Tires, 710/70R38 Rear Tires & Showing Only 2685 Hrs Case 1270 2wd Tractor

Westfield 10”x71’ Swing Auger 2 - Westfield 6”x20’ Bin Augers c/w 3 Hp Electric Motors Koender Plastic Hopper Mineral Bin Supreme 700T Feed Wagon c/w Scale

Terms & Conditions: Cash & Cheque, G.S.T. Will Apply on Some Items, All Items Must Be Paid For On Sale Day.

Sale Conducted by:


(403) 843-2747

License No. 165690

1 (855) 783-0556 TOLL FREE

E-mail: abolson@telusplanet.net

Homepage: allenolsonauction.com

Wildrose candidate gears up for spring provincial election BY TREENA MIELKE

Wildrose party candidate Jason Nixon is not surprised there is an election looming. “I figured we’d be going in the spring,” he said. Nixon, who will represent the Wildrose Party in the May 5 election believes Premier Jim Prentice pushed the election ahead while the Wildrose Party was still reeling from the effects of having nine elected representatives cross over. But he is confident the Wildrose, though faced with the challenge of rebuilding, is up for the political race to the polls. “I don’t think he was prepared for us to have our new leader in place as soon as we did,” he said. Nixon and his camp are traveling throughout the constituency in a mobile office

and are busy knocking on doors to chat with constituents. The young candidate is enjoying being on the campaign trail. “I’m excited to go and debate the issues,” he said.

“I figured we’d be going in the spring.” Jason Nixon

Nixon is pleased the Wildrose party has come up with five sturdy planks to nail down their platform. He is confident these objectives which include no tax increases, a balanced budget, patient centered health care, improved transparency and a strong rural Alberta will benefit the province as a whole. “The PC’s plan means higher taxes, higher spending

and less services,” he said. “Wild Rose means no tax increases, economic growth and services focused on outcomes. “We are the only party standing between Alberta and higher taxes,” he said, adding Albertans have suffered from decades of PC waste. “Our plan will not hurt front line services.” Nixon said the Wildrose party will release more details during the next few weeks of a plan that will continue to save taxpayers dollars. Nixon, the former Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre constituency president defeated MLA Joe Anglin in a nomination race last summer. The 30-something father of three lives west of Sundre in the Bearberry area with his wife and children.

UNRESERVED REAL ESTATE & FARM SALE FOR THE ESTATE OF GLEN FAWCETT SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 • BLUFFTON, ALBERTA • 10:00 AM Directions: North of Rimbey on Hwy 20, 6 Miles to Secondary Hwy #607, West 7.8 Kms to Rge Rd 34, North 2 Kms on the West Side of the Road (County Sign - 45030 RRD 34) Real Estate: Selling at 12:00 Noon Legal: SE 32-43-3 W5M Selling: 160 Acres M/L with 3 Surface Oil Leases, Fences & Cross Fence as well as a 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bathroom 16’x72’ Mobile Home with Carpet & Linoleum, Fridge, Electric Stove, Dishwasher, New Hot Water Tank, Washer & Dryer. Plus a 40’x60’ Quonset w/ an Overhead Door & Cement Floor in 1/2 the Building, a 16’x25’ Wood Working Shop w/ a Wooden Floor that is Approx. 5 Years Old. In addition there are Support Buildings including a Calving Barn, Cattle Shed, Garden Shed & a Fuel Shed. 2 Water Wells w/ a Submersible Pump. Oil Revenue: $9,850.00 Directions: From the Bluffton Rock on Hwy #20, 5 Miles West to the Paved Road to Rge Rd 40, 1 Mile North on the East Side Legal: NW 6-44-3 W5M Selling: 160 Acres M/L of Pasture with 2 Surface Oil Leases, 2 Dugouts with a Creek running from the North to the South, 4 Wire Perimeter Fence w/ a Old Yard Site in the NW Corner, Access on the East Side by an Oil Well Road & Some Cross Fences. Oil Revenue: $5,375.00 Open Houses: April 19th & April 25th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Real Estate Transaction are being Handled by Morrison Realty - (403) 783-0556 Real Estate Terms & Conditions: 10 % Down on Sale Day. Balance & Possession on or before June 9, 2015. If Balance is NOT RECEIVED by June 9, 2015 the Deposit will be Forfeited as Liquidation Damages. All measurement are approximate and need to be verified by the purchaser. Plus Selling: a Case IH 7110 2wd Tractor c/w Only 2967 Hrs & Duals, Case 1390 2wd Tractor c/w FEL & 3 pth, Norbert 20’ Stock Trailer, Kello 176 8’ Disc, Ezee-On 1490 16’ Disc, Assorted Trucks, Seeding & Tillage, Harvesting Equipment, Cattle Handling & Many Other Items. A Complete Listing is Available on Our Website at www.allenolsonauction.com Free Coffee Provided by the Fawcett & Norstorm Families Owner’s Phone Number: 403-843-4885

Sale Conducted by:


(403) 843-2747

License No. 165690

1 (855) 783-0556 TOLL FREE

E-mail: abolson@telusplanet.net

Homepage: allenolsonauction.com


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MLA Anglin’s political goals and objectives remain the same BY TREENA MIELKE

MLA Joe Anglin is running in the May 5 election as an Independent and he is confident this is the role in government where he can best serve his constituents. “There is a lot of anger and frustration out there,� he said. “People are really upset with the PCs and the current state of affairs. I think people need a choice and I can give them that choice.� Anglin said his political views have not changed since he first threw his hat into the political ring. “I entered politics with a

commitment to fiscal responsibility and a goal to improve upon Alberta’s educational system, senior’s care system, PDD Care system and the health care system,� he said. While his goals and values have never waivered, he believes his experience representing the Wildrose and his initial decision, which never materialized, to run for the PCs has shown him he can better serve the people as an Independent. “I know I can be very effective as an Independent. I can be there one hundred percent of the time and I don’t have to represent a

Party. Really, I kind of wish there was more Independents.� Anglin said his past experience and passion will serve him well. “I am extremely proud to be the first Independent Member of Alberta’s Legislature to have a Private Member’s Bill pass in 91 years. I am only the second Independent Member in the history of Alberta’s Legislature to accomplish this feat.� Anglin is worried that the PC budget will adversely affect future generations, noting the three per cent increase they have allotted for

education will not keep up with population growth. He views the budget as littered with wasteful spending and full of tax increases which are being imposed on the backs of workers. “It leaves our most vulnerable behind,� he said. While Anglin has no crystal ball to determine how the voters will cast their ballots, he is confident he would be a good choice to represent the people of his constituency in the legislature. “If they evaluate me on experience and effectiveness, I would get the job,� he said.


MLA Joe Anglin

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Gull Lake Golf Course Adult League Start Dates & Tee Times

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All levels of play are welcome to join. Call 843-3322 for more information. Come and check out the proshop the 2015 stock has arrived!!!

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Sincerely, Laura Haggart President of AFCAS

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Ladies League Tuesday April 28 9:30am Mens League Tuesday April 28 6:00pm Seniors (Age 55plus) League Wednesday April 29 9:00am Mixed Thursday Night League Thursday April 30 7:00pm Mixed Saturday Night League Saturday May 16 7:00pm

After a long and successful year of curling and even a sturling tournament, the Alder Flats Community Agricultural Society would like to send out a sincere thank you to those involved. Special thanks to our ice maker, spear heads of the Oilmens, Ladies, and mixed bonspiels and round robin play, junior curling coaches, all of our sponsors and donors, volunteers on the ice, in the kitchen, and in the bar, and to all of those who came out to watch regular folks curl a few rocks. We look forward to a fun and even more successful year of curling next season. If you would like more information on curling in 2015/2016 season in Alder Flats, please check out www.alderflats.ca, our facebook page or contact one of the ag. society members for start dates and fees. Again, without all of this help and volunteerism, we could not run such a successful program in such a small community.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cowboy Kondro crashes the Rimbey Hooves and Horns Bullarama Jonah Kondro

The closest I’ve ever became to becoming a cowboy was when I learned to ride a horse. I was still within my elementary school years and the saddle I used was customized by my grandfather – the stirrups had to be shortened to less than

half their original length. On Mum’s side, my grandparents owned an acreage just off of Centerview Road – the acreage was oddly named “The Ol’ McCreadie Place”. It was during my visits on weekends and weeks of my summers there that I would learn to ride a horse named “Thunder”. As far as cowboy credentials are concerned, riding Thunder brought me pretty close

to earning my Wild West sheriffs badge; however, in hindsight I would have likely became a Jesse James outlaw versus a straight cut lawmen if I continued to pursue the cowboy life. I still wear cowboy boots though – they work well when I’m riding my iron horse. Music and apparel tend to define subcultures, and I can’t say that living in Rimbey had me fall in love with the twang of country music; but I can admit that my CD collection has music by Steve Earl, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams, and Johnny Cash. Just prior for an evening spent at the 2015 Hooves and Horns Bullarama here in Rimbey, Cash was spinning in my CD player while I dug my subtle black collared Wrangler shirt out of the back of

my closet. My sister was in town visiting her boyfriend’s family, and one of my cousins also appeared within the county to celebrate the Easter weekend – all of whom were attending the Bullarama. Someone said “beer gardens”, and there wasn’t any hesitations in appearing myself. I arrived almost late; my camera decided to play hide and seek before I left the house. And when I got to the Peter Lougheed Community Centre, I was refreshed to see that leggings and Lululemon Athletica hasn’t completely taken over the planet, and that some girls still wear blue jeans. I felt as though I was likely the only one in the building with Motörhead tattoos, but regardless of whatever culture a person is from ev-

eryone can agree on a cold beer and fireworks. The show started with a blast. I had barely managed to get a mitt full of drink tickets and a beer when all the cowboy competitors were lined up within the ring and indoor fireworks were igniting the evening. I managed to snap a bunch of terrible photos of the bull riders competing from Alberta to Australia. Throughout the majority of the evening I was up against the metal fencing that separates the spectators from the animals. My photography was still going poorly when a stubborn bull refused to exit the ring despite the methods of the animal controllers (which I believe is a modern phrase for rodeo clowns). The animal likely sensed that I was a fan of Motörhead and not

George Strait and had begun to test the fencing I was on the other side of. I could feel the heat from his snort as he started to posture and kick dirt behind him. I bounced back from the fence – automatically defaulting to a boxing stance. The bull snapped forward having his head contact the fence. A black speaker that boomed the announcer’s voice and event music held my beer quite nicely; but the exchange between the aggravated bull and the fence caused my beer to be launched from its safe perch on the speaker. I didn’t get a clear photo of my encounter with the bull and my beer split. I can appreciate the athleticism of the bull riders. continued on page 14

RIMBEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is excited to announce our



To be held on Thursday, April 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the Rimbey Arena.


We would like to thank the following sponsors for their donations to our auction A&T Buwalda Alberta Treasury Branch (Rimbey) Best Western Bonavista Buist Motors Eleisha & Peter Chow Craft ‘N’ Chat Crossfire Drilling Deermart Equipment (Red Deer) Dolman Construction John & Dixie Drost Dr. Christine Ellis Empress Theatre Emporium Farm Credit Canada (Red Deer) The Flower Gallery Game On Outdoors Gana River Outfitters Germaine Market Gardens GLDC Grade 4 & 5 class Grade 8 & 9 girls Holly’s Greenhouse April Klippenstein (Mary Kay)

L & S Bender Lacombe Corn Maze Mandy’s Fashion & Footwear Midwest Propane MNP Modern Electric Napa Auto Parts Jodi Pearson Pentagon Farm Centre Rimbey Building Supplies Rimbey Christian School Playschool parents Rimbey Implements Rimbey Pharmasave Rimbey Touchless Car Wash Rimbey TV SIRRS - Richard Gregory Stationery Stories and Sounds Subway Town of Rimbey Kathy Turner - Giegle The Urban Market The Wooden Shoe

Doors open at 6:00 p.m. with a Silent Auction and Concession. Live Auction will begin at 7:30 p.m. Baked goods, pop, chips, and hot dogs are available for purchase at the concession.

403-843-2622 • www.legacyfordrimbey.ca

APRIL SERVICE SPECIALS PACKAGE 1 Tire change over and balance with 4-wheel alignment




PACKAGE 2 Tire change over and balance with 4-wheel alignment and oil change




PACKAGE 3 Tire change over and balance with 4-wheel alignment and oil change plus a premium clean and shampoo






Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cote ready to go to the polls to represent the PC party BY TREENA MIELKE

The premier’s decision to go ahead with an early election is fully supported by the PC candidate for the Rocky Mountain House-Rimbey-Sundre riding. “The face of the party has changed. Under a new leader and MLAs who were elected under a different banner, the premier is right to seek a mandate. It is also good that Albertans have the opportunity to have their say about a very different budget than what they have seen before,” said Tammy Cote. Cote has set up her campaign office on the main street of Rocky Mountain House, but plans to travel extensively throughout the riding and is looking forward to visiting Rimbey. “People have different priorities and expectations,” she said. “Every community has their key issues and concerns.” Cote notes that the provincial budget has received criticism by Albertans, but she believes it is fair and balanced. “Budgets are never popular,” she said, “but I believe it shows a fair balance between keeping taxes low and still being able to offer quality services that Alberta expect.” Cote said the budget was determined by keeping in mind that the economy is fragile and tax increases were measured and kept relatively small. She said Alberta remains the lowest taxed jurisdiction in the country. “We have a very solid three year plan and Albertans can look forward to the fact we won’t be running a deficit in three years.” Cote also stressed that by the year 2019/2020 half of the revenue coming from the resource industry will be placed in the contingency fund and Heritage Trust Savings. “It is important to me that we capitalize on the wealth of our natural resources. We need to save money efficiently and not through the slash and burn approach.” Cote is passionate about working hard for the people

NOTICE: The Rimbey Gas Plant will be taken offline from April 24 to May 13, 2015 to complete a major turnaround of the facility. Turnaround is a time when the gas plant is taken completely offline and all equipment is drained, depressured, cleaned and thoroughly inspected. All reasonable efforts will be taken to minimize the amount of gas flared while depressuring the plant and raw gas gathering systems. During the turnaround there will be workers, equipment and services on site, over and above that required for normal plant operations. This will result in extra traffic in and around the plant for this time period. Keyera Corp. and its’ partners in the Rimbey Gas Plant appreciate your cooperation and support as we continue to maintain and update the facility with new technologies. For any concerns please call, Murray Loyek at 403-843-7146 or Bob Morrish at 403-843-7113.

of her constituency to ensure it remains a beautiful, viable place to live. “I have worked with people from all walks of life and businesses from all different industries. This experience lends insight into what is really important to the people of

this constituency.” Cote has taken a leave of absence from her position with ATB Financial in Rocky Mountain House to campaign for the May 5 election. She may be reached at info@tammycote.ca.

Rimbey Denture Clinic 30 years of experience to better serve you

Complete • Partial • Relines • Immediates • Repairs

Danny Jones

403.843.2777 4915 – 50 Ave, East of Rimbey Value Drug Mart


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Earth Day on April 22 SUBMITTED

The Beatty House Society has members who have been actively involved in environmental issues and stewardship for many years, and have worked locally, regionally and even internationally to care for nature in sustainable ways. This Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22, the society members have decided to focus on the growing issue of nature deficit, where Canadians, especially children, are increasingly having little or no connection to the natural environment during their day to day activities. According to Richard Louv, who coined the term, “Nature-deficit disorder is not a formal diagnosis, but a way to describe the psychological, physical and cognitive costs of human alienation from nature, particularly for children in their vulnerable developing years.” Is a mouse a critter or a computer pointer? Is Treehouse a place to play or a TV station? An Apple a fruit or a brand? What about a Blackberry? Children in our highly connected world are in fact very connected to nature - but many only via their devices and videos. Several game, toy and movie companies such as Disney tap into children’s love of animals and nature, but are the kids actually getting out there? Are they smelling the flowers, getting dirty, and going wild? Where can Rimbey kids have access to real nature day-to-day especially if they live in town? Do parents feel comfortable allowing their kids to ramble? This is a concern because there is a growing body of evidence that children playing indoors – safe on their devices – has led to a decline in fitness and rise in obesity. Some studies suggest that there may be a link with mental health issues such as stress or depression and nature deficit. And the reverse seems to be true: that the more often a child connects with Nature and is free to play, to create in spontaneous non-directed even risky activities, there is a related improvement in wellbeing. Continued on page 16


Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Directions: 6 miles north of Rimbey on Hwy #20 to Secondary Hwy #607 (Wilson Creek Road), turn west for 4 miles to Rge Rd 33, turn north for 1 1/8 miles on the west side of the road, down a long driveway. (435010 Rge Rd 33) TRACTORS

Morris 1400 Hay Hiker Rd Bale Case IH 5240 FWA Tractor c/w Mover - 14 Bale Capacity 3 pth, Ezee-On FEL & Grapple, Sitrex 10 Wheel V Rake Joystick, New Batteries in Dec NH 144 Swath Inverter 2 Wheel Swath Inverter 2014 & 5300 Hrs NH 488 Haybine NH 479 Haybine - For Parts 20' Bale Elevator on Transport OTHER EQUIPMENT MF 655 Sp Swather c/w Hydro, 14' P/U Reel & 6 Cyl Gas Engine MF 750 Sp Combine c/w 6 Cyl Perkins & Std Case 2290 2wd Tractor c/w Brandt 7"x30' PTO Grain Auger Powershift, 20.8x38 Tires & 5980 Westfield 4"x10' Grain Auger c/w Electric Motor Hrs NH 519 S/A Manure Spreader c/w IHC 600 2wd Tractor c/w Chains Ford Ferguson 2wd Tractor c/w 3 Double Beaters JD 22 Roller Mill pth & Running 2 Wheel Trotter cart SEEDING & TILLAGE IHC 4500 20' Double Wing CATTLE HANDLING Vibrashank Cult MF 12' DT Cult Schafer 12' Disc IHC #10 End Wheel Drill c/w Grass & Fert IHC 770 6 Bottom Plow c/w Trips & Coulters Herman 30' Tine Harrows c/w Hyd. Highline 7000 Bale Shredder c/w Draw Bar Grain Tank Several Diamond Harrows HAYING & SILAGE Schuler 175BF Silage Feed Wagon NH 664 Rd Baler c/w 540 PTO & Hi-Hog Maternity Pen Auto Wrap 3 - Sections of Hi-Hog S Alley c/w NH 315 Sq Baler c/w 1/4 Turn Chute Sliding Gates & Side Walkway


Hi-Hog Squeeze & Palpation Cage WW Cattle Squeeze 7 - Hi-Hog 10' HD Panels c/w 4' Walking Thru Gates 3 - Hi-Hog 12' HD Panels Hi-Hog Slide In Stock Racks c/w Tarp 3 - 16' Calf Shelters Calf Tipping Table Wooden Loading Chute c/w On Skids & Adjustable Height 3 - 30' Silage Feed Bunks 10' Plastic Feed Trough Various Rd Bale Feeders Calf Sled MISCELLANEOUS DSP Gooseneck Ball Hitch c/w Sliding Mtds 20.8x38 Clamps On Duals Homemade Dune Buggy - Not Running Shop Supplies Various Shop Tools Various Vet Supplies Assorted Scrap Iron TRUCKS & TRAILER 1976 Chev C50 S/A Grain Truck c/w 14' Wooden Box & Hoist, V8, 5 Spd & 58,600 Kms 1950's Dodge S/A Grain Truck c/w 12' Wood Box & Hoist, 6 Cyl, 4 Spd 1994 Chev 3/4 Ton 4x4 Reg Cab Truck c/w V8 & Gas 1981 Chev 3/4 Ton 4x4 Truck - Not Running

1970's Chev 3/4 Ton 2wd Truck Not Running

2001 Norbert 16' T/A Gooseneck Stock Trailer c/w Ball Type Hitch & Matted Floor ANTIQUES JD D 2wd Tractor on Steel - Will Run 2 - MH 55 2wd Tractors - Not Running IHC Parts Tractor on Steel Cockshutt 10' Press Drill Cockshutt Breaking Plow IHC Breaking Plow 3 pth Breaking Plow 4' 3 pth Disc 2 - Old Tillers Drag Disc Cockshutt End Wheel Drill Cockshutt Side Delivery Rake Dump Rake Hay Sweep w/ Push Off JD Semi Mtd. 6' Sickle Mower Sq Bale Stook Retriever 2 - JD 25 Combines - For Parts S/A Manure Spreader on Steel Various Old Tractor Parts Old Swathers, Sq Balers & Binders for Parts

Owner’s Phone Number: (403) 843-6485 Terms & Conditions: Cash, Cheque or Debit Card, G.S.T. will apply on some items, ALL ITEMS MUST BE PAID FOR ON SALE DAY. Listings are subject to additions & deletions Lunch will be available


RIMBEY, ALBERTA • License No. 165690 • (403) 843-2747 • 1 (855) 783-0556 Toll Free E-mail: abolson@telusplanet.net • Homepage: allenolsonauction.com Bullarama: The ninth annual Hooves & Horns Bullarama produced by Mark & Sara VanTienhoven was held April 4 at the arena at the Peter Lougheed Community Centre in Rimbey. The event featured 30 pro bull riders, 42 bulls, cowboy poker and a team challenge. A cabaret featuring a live band followed the bull riding.


Photo by Michele Rosenthal

15042ZF0 WHATEVER THE WEATHER If there’s a time when your electricity provider is going to be tested, this is it. Because in the event your power goes out – we know the first question you’ll be asking is ‘How soon will it be back on?’ It’s our job to answer that question. By getting your power restored to your home, farm or business as quickly as possible. Safely, reliably – with the right people, and the right resources. Learn more at fortisalberta.com or call us at 310-WIRE (9473).

Our promise is your power.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Winners: The Rimbey Renegades Atom B team was one of the teams recognized at the Rimbey Minor Hockey awards night held April 8 at the Peter Lougheed Community Centre. Pictured are Gavin Scott, Kaelan Plunkett, Hayden Motowylo, Ty Gyori and Kaden Toussaint.


Photo by Diane Handford

BUYING OR SELLING? We do it all!

Multiple listing service

OFFICE: 403-843-7736

Rimbey/Bluffton Minor Ball Assoc. receives award

5301 WESTVIEW DRIVE. Lot 30 measures 1 acre more or less. All utilities including gas, water, power and sewer are to property line. 99,000 + GST. Call Dawna.

There are many choices one can do to call this acreage home. Build new or renovate the existing. Quick Possession. 450074 Range Rd 32 Hoadley CA0055298. Call Dawna.

New price. $209,000 Quick Possession. 4605 53 Street MLS CA0054041. Desirable neighbourhood. Large eat in kitchen with good size pantry, deck, close to park, freshly painted, in floor heat. Basement partially finished. Call Dawna.

Foxfire Glen one of Gull Lake’s newest developments. This family friendly subdivision offers convenience, nice country views and is situated only 5 minutes from Gull Lake. This development is a family oriented community.

Call Dawna.



Many upgrades! Nicely landscaped, fenced backyard, RV parking. Detached 29X30 heated garage. $269,900 Call Wendy.

QUALITY Tanning Beds & Barber Chairs PLUS all the excessories. High Traffic Area! Hair & Tanning Equipment For Sale. You can buy the business and Equipment. Call Wendy For More Info.

IMMACULATE HOME! 4 bdrms, 3 bath, all top of the line appliances, MAIN floor laundry, finished walkout basement. Attached heated garage, nicely landscaped, RV parking & more! Call Wendy.

Located Close To Nordegg, property is fully serviced, well treed, situated on 2.07 acres. 2 bdrms, 2 bath, brand new appliances. Very Nice Open Floor Plan! Quick Possession! A Perfect Recreational Retreat! Call Wendy For More Info.

VERY NICE ACREAGE 2 acres with nicely finished home new flooring oversized double heated garage on pavement well treed quick possession Call Jeff.

Good size home in Park Ave., ttached garage plus wood working attached LofD shop trees finished op in backS yard Olots upp and down new roof and windows 000 Call Jeff. plus more $264 $264,000.

2 and 4 acre lots just 3 minutes to town nice development gas and power to property lines lots of trees excellent homes already there come and build yours. Call Jeff for Details.

Large Family home VERY WELL BUILT and VERY WELL KEPT this home shows like new 3 beds main floor master ensuite with walk in closet double attached garage under ground sprinklers full size basement and more $356,000. Call Jeff.

Rimbey/Bluffton Minor Ball Association has been recognized with the Baseball Association of the Year award. President Dean Cameron said winning the award was made possible through the efforts of past and present board members, parents and volunteers. “”It is great they have been recognized for their hard work and dedication to the game of baseball in Alberta,” he said. “We (board members) would like to thank everyone who has helped keep our


Jeff Collins Cell: 403-783-0216 Home: 403-843-2193

AWESOME 13.38 acres with 5 bedroom 3 bath home just 5 years old close to pavement triple size garage walkout basement ZERO MAINTENCE EXTERIOR very well done and kept. 4300 sq.ft. Call Jeff $639,000.

D2001 mobile TO BIG AND BEAUTIFUL that describes this over RDABLE HOUSING AFFORDABLE SOLthis OVED is setup with 3 beds 2 baths op BE MOVED open 5000 sq.ft. home with lots room for the toys sitting on 2.5 acres right beside town. Double kitchen IMMEDIATE hen and all the appliances IMMEDIAT garage, formal dining area, huge kitchen, wrap POSSESSION. Call Jeff $19,500. around deck, and so much more. Call Jeff.


GOOD STARTER HOME OR REVENUE PROPERTY! Wendy Stevenson Cell: 403-704-5520

Ideal location! Currently used for hair and tan salon! Great spot for a small business opportunity! Quick possession! Call Wendy For More Info

44.38 acres, fenced & cross fenced. Beautiful log home, 4 bdrms, 2 bath, all appliances. Detached 32 x 50 garage. $499,900 Call Wendy.

BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED 3 bdrm, 3 bath bungalow! Open floor plan, gas fireplace, all stainless appliances, jetted tub, heated garage. Fenced backyard, deck, nicely landscaped & a great location. Call Wendy For More Info


Dawna Providenti Cell: 403-350-2706

24 Rolling Drive (Rimbey Ridge Estates.) 5.21 acres. In floor heat in the basement, hi efficient wood stove, boiler and furnace. The master bedroom has a walk in closet, ensuite, private balcony. Attached and detached heated garage. 840 sq ft cozy cottage as well. New Price $399,900 MLS CA0053202

Janall Estates is one of Rimbey’s best kept secrets. It is only minutes south of town on Lockhart Rd. and an excellent location. Build your dream home. Serviced lots with gas & power included. Spring into action because there is only 4 acreages left. $99000-$129000. GST applicable.

New Price. Only $299,000 4630 53 Ave. This is a beautiful large two storey home. In floor heat, oversized garage, fireplace in family room. High standards of construction.

program running.” The program began nine years ago. “There had been no baseball in the town of Rimbey since 1997,” said Cameron. The first year the association began, there were only 25 young players registered, but since that time it has continued to expand with up to 140 players participating. Cameron said board members are grateful to all volunteers who help make the program a success. “We would like to thank everyone who has helped keep our program running,” he said.

DID YOU KNOW? You can have your photo featured in page 2’s Photo of the Week in the Rimbey Review! Simply, email your photo and name for consideration to: admin@rimbeyreview.com

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Volunteerism alive and well in the community of Rimbey

up to


The contingent of volunteers in Rimbey is truly an asset to the town and all those individuals who give willingly of their time and expertise deserve recognition. Katherine Winters, volunteer services co-ordinator for Rimbey FCSS said she is grateful for the many volunteers who step forward to help out whenever and wherever they can. “We have about 160 volunteers,” she said. “Some come only once a year to help out and others come every week. I can schedule whatever time works for everyone, so those who don’t have as much time to volunteer can still be involved.”

“We need to get the youth involved and rejuvenate our volunteers.” Katherine Winters

However, Winters noted many of the volunteers are seniors and younger people are needed to step up to the plate to fill their shoes. “We need to get the youth involved and rejuvenate our volunteers,” she


Receive Discounts from


Rimbey Review, Ponoka News, Stettler Independent, the weekender, Bashaw Star, Castor Advance

Contact Michele for all your advertising needs.

403-843-4909 Fax: 403-843-4907 sales@rimbeyreview.com Wayne Thompson, volunteers at Pas Ka Poo Park. Treena Mielke Photo

said. Anyone who wishes to volunteer may go on the Rimbey FCSS website at RFCSS.com and check out various links. There is also a welcome package delivered to newcomers to town that provides information about non-profit groups who are always looking for volunteers. Annette Peck, program director for Big Brothers Big Sisters and Boys and Girls Club in Rimbey speaks highly of the volunteers who help out with that program. “Our programs wouldn't exist without our volunteers, we owe everything to them,” she said. She noted that people are busy. continued on page 15

Dedicated 2 You!

Bob & Rhonda Tarney

Bob’s Cell: 403-704-0110 Rhonda’s Cell: 403-704-0408







FULLY FINISHED NEW HOME! 1390 sq’ bungalow, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, s/s appliances, W+D, landscaped, driveway, NHW. $379,900




1464 SQ’ 2 LEVEL SPLIT with 6 bdrms, 3 baths, o/s att’d garage, rear deck facing west $274,900

EXCELLENT LOCATION! 4 bdrm, 3 bath, vaulted ceiling, main fl laundry, ensuite with walk through closet, fenced yard. $305,000

COUNTRY OASIS! 6.92 acres north east of Rimbey. 1344 sq’, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, outbuildings. $250,000

CUTE 891 sq’ 2 bdrm bungalow close to shopping & all amenities $125,000



Treena Mielke Photo

Central location, 1 block south of main street, $97,000 High profile location on main artery with service road access In high traffic area $165,000




WOW! Now $499,900! Gorgeous 1771 sq’ walk out bungalow. Covered upper deck, brick patio, fireplace, o/s garage, RV parking & more!

EXCLUSIVE LISTING Gorgeous 1585 sq’, 5 bdrm, 3 ba, gas fp, granite counter tops, hardwood & porcelain flooring. $449,900





LAND AVAILABLE! • 78.26 acres west of Rimbey $160,000

WEST SIDE OF GULL LAKE! Only reserve separates home from lake. 3 bdms, 3 bath, 2 f/p, walk-out bsmt, nicely renovated! $495,000

HILLTOP ACREAGE WITH VIEW! 4km from town, 4 bdrm + den, 2 ½ baths, f/p, attached 24x34 garage, 26x36 shop $515,000

NEWLY BUILT SENIOR’S CONDO! 2 units available. Spacious, modern décor, large master with shower in ensuite, den & full bath, 24x12 garage. $250,000

½ DUPLEX finished up & down with 4 bdrm, 2 baths , main fl laundry, 6 appliances, fenced yard. $245,000

BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM HOME! 1.66 acre lot sloping west

AFFORDABLE STARTER IN BENTLEY! 3 bedroom bi-level, close to school, view to north of town. $203,000

to east with view of Gull Lake & surrounding court side. Only 12 km to Rimbey. $115,500.

Website: www.mrandmrsrealestate.ca Ethel Walker, volunteers at long-term care at the Rimbey Hospital.


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FANTASTIC Manfactured home with fully finished basement, 3 baths, 5 bdrms, single attached garage and so much more!


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Country Living & Here the best of both worlds, 3 acres with over Walk to Town 1700 sq. ft. house, 5 bdrms, 3 baths. Double att. garage, huge covered deck, hot tub, wood stove, barn, corrals shop, sheds, trees, and still only a gentle walk to Rimbey! UNDER CONTRACT Well priced at $449,500! For more information and location call Dennis “O” at 403-829-8291

• 79.84 acre get-a-way NW of Rimbey $155,000 • 46.43 acres hay land with development potential $225,000

Quiet, year round retreat SV of Parkland Beach. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, fireplace, detached garage, fenced, garden, & more. $375,000

Office: 403-843-0100



Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hooves and Horns Bullarama continued from page 8


Within eight seconds an animal, sometimes weighting over twenty-two hundred pounds, would kick, buck, and thrash till either the cowboy made his eight or landed upside down in the dirt. Thankfully it appeared as though none of the animals or competitors sustained any serious injuries. It’s plausible to say though that many bulls and cowboys alike may have suffered from sore backs the next day. I tried to remember who the champion cowboy was of this western gladiator event, but like a gopher with ADD, my attention was diverted to the other side of the area where the band KixxSin was about to start performing. An uncle of mine out of Calgary had sent me a text the day before promoting some of the band member’s attributes. With an open mind I hung around enjoying the sociology experiment known as a Cabaret. Two things are certain in my life, I can’t dance and I’m too fat to fly. I proved half of this statement during the Bullarama dance; my dance moves probably looked like I was ready for takeoff. My cousin, who is accustomed to the electronic dance music that pollutes Edmonton’s nightlife, was getting a west of the 5th education. After a few tunes and a final beer I decided to escape the ensuing madness.

Please Recycle Your Paper!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Volunteers help out in many ways and fill an important niche continued from page 13 “Time has become such a precious resource that many can only give an hour of their time a week. That works perfectly for

our in-school mentoring program, allowing them to make a huge difference in one child's life. Reading, baking, playing games and talking become ways to

Joyce Tona volunteers at the long-term care in Rimbey, is a member of the Lions Club and music coordinator at St. Margaret’s Church. Treena Mielke Photo

connect and close friendships are quickly formed,” she said. Those who can spare a couple of hours become traditional mentors or help out with the Terrific Tuesdays or Mid-Week Mash-Up teen drop in program, she added. “We are always on the lookout for more mentors but at the same time are so fortunate that we have such a generous community of volunteers very committed to making Rimbey a better place.” Ethel Walker has volunteered at the long-term care at the hospital for too many years to count, she said. “It’s something different. I enjoy being involved in the community.” Joyce Tona plays the piano for the church service held at the long-term care facility. She has also

volunteered for many years. As well as volunteering at the long term care, she is the music coordinator at St. Margaret’s Church in Rimbey and is a member of the Rimbey Lions Club. “I love it,” she said. “It gets me out and I just enjoy helping whenever I can.” Raymond Tschabold, another volunteer at longterm care said he began volunteering when he moved to town. “I thought it was something I should do and I found out I enjoyed it.” Wayne Thompson, who volunteers at Pas Ka Poo Park said he is interested in old trucks and tractors and was glad to help out. “I find it quite rewarding,” he said.

Raymond Tschabold, volunteers at long-term care. Treena Mielke Photo


CANADIAN COURSE This is the course you need to get your firearms license.

Saturday, April 25, 8 am Hosted by Rimbey Adult Learning Council

Rimbey Provincial Building 5025 - 55 Street Non-restricted course and exam $120 Restricted Firearms exam available $100 Combined $200

To register call Guy 780-461-7686

79th Annual Ponoka Stampede Parade

On May 5


Alberta’s Future

2015 THEME:


TE TO 50 YEAR S of the

CANADIAN Maple Leaf Flag

Jim Prentice has a realistic plan to secure our future.

Friday, June 26, 2015 Starting at 10:00 a.m.• Judging at 9:00 a.m.

This plan takes immediate and long term action to:


Name: ______________________________________________

• Cut government waste 1542CC1 focus dollars on the front lines

Mailing Address: _____________________________________

• Protect Alberta jobs


• Double our savings in the Heritage Fund

Phone: ____________________ Fax: _____________________

• Diversify the economy, including agriculture

Contact Person: ______________________________________ Category You Are Entering: _____________________________

• Use new revenue to break the boom and bust cycle


• Invest in hospitals, schools and roads

Brief Description of Your Entry: _________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Registration deadline; June 24, 2015

Read the full Prentice plan at PCalberta.com

Mail entries to: Greg Gordon, Parade Director Box 4336, Ponoka, AB T4J 1R7 or fax to 403-783-5858 or phone cell 403-704-3541 Prentice.Jim



Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Directory Diirec Directory D irect i ec ctory ct y

Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC Worship 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. Reverend David Holmes 403-843-2502 5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley

Construction is underway for a new subdivision in Bentley. Photo by June Norvila

“Sharing New Life in Christ”

Rimbey New Life Fellowship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave.

Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM) 5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Grant Rainey


Service & Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Reverend David Holmes: 403-843-2502

Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene Edwards: 403-843-6077 www.churchofepiphany.ca

Th e Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturdays

Evangelical Missionary Church 1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611

Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499

Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461

Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420

Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave Service at 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided

403-843-2585 Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis

Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey 403-843-3727 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church Last Sunday of the month, service held at Parkland Manor at 10:00 am

RomanMass Catholic Church Times:

Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of every month: Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m. Rimbey 11:00 a.m. Parish Priest: Father Gabriel Udeh Administration Offi ce: 403-843-2126; Aft er Hours Emergency Cell: 403-963-0954

Construction starting on new Bentley subdivision BY JUNE NORVILA

Land moving equipment has moved in and construction on phase one of a new Bentley subdivision is now underway. The plan from the company doing the Summersault Residential Development is for 33 townhouse lots and six single-family dwellings on the 7.7 acres included in phase one.

Market and economic conditions will dictate to the developer how fast expansion will take place. Bentley town administration estimates servicing costs (water, sewer, roads) to be around a million dollars. Town mayor Lynda Haarstad-Petten is excited to have growth happening. The town annexed the 44 acres on the north-west side of Bentley at least 30 years ago and it has sat idle as farmland until now.

Earth Day to be held on April 22 Continued from page 10 After school from 3:30 to 5 p.m.at the Beatty Heritage House, Parentlink and Neighbourhood Place leaders and Beatty Heritage House Society volunteers are going to get wild with kids. During this free open house, there’ll be both indoor and outdoor activities tied to playing in and with nature, and will run rain or shine. In the evening from 7 to 9 p.m. the Rimbey Municipal Library has generously offered to host an evening to highlight the issues around nature deficit in our computer and safety focused culture, with two related Earth Day evening events geared to parents. First at 7 p.m. Todd Niven an outreach educator from Waskasoo Centre and Kerry Wood Nature Centre, will be talking about the importance of getting kids outside and connecting with nature, and will be giving encouragement and tips to parents to make it happen


Is auctioning off a fishing trip to assist RIMBEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL in fundraising. The reserve bid is $2000 for a trip to an exclusive 6,000 square mile area that lies in the heart of the Mackenzie Mountains in Canada’s North West Territories, one of the largest pristine wilderness areas left in the world. DATES: July 4th-12th, 2015 Trip includes flight from Norman Wells to camp and all food and lodging while at camp. Winning bidder will be responsible for flights from Edmonton to Norman Wells and return as well as hotel stay overnight on the 3rd in Norman Wells. TO BID: Call Judy at 403.843.4790 Check out the website at ganariver@pentnet.net CLOSING BID: RCS Spring Auction Night Thursday, April 16th, 2015 Trip for 2 people

locally. After Todd’s talk we’ll be showing a documentary film called “Project Wild Thing”, where filmmaker David Bond tries to sell Nature as the ultimate product to his family and the public, all the while looking at nature deficit and the surrounding concerns through a fun and creative lens. We are hoping the movie will spark a great conversation with event participations afterwards. Free child-minding will be available. At the end of Earth Day 2015, we hope you’ll be inspired to find your own Hundred Acre Wood! If you would like more information please call either the Rimbey Library (843-2841) or Teri at the Beatty Heritage House Society (843-6497). Here’s a link to a Richard Louv blog post, for some perspective: https://www. psychologytoday.com/blog/people-in-nature/200901/nomore-nature-deficit-disorder


Auction Mart Next Regular Sale April 21 Next Horse Sale April 24 403-843-2439

Visit www.sekuraauctions.com for all Upcoming Sales.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Voting Made Simple Provincial General Election – May 05, 2015 Voting will take place to elect a Member of the Legislative Assembly. Voting hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Additions to the Voters List may be made beginning April 13, 2015 during regular office hours by contacting the Returning Officer: Loren Braat in Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre. Revisions will conclude on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Candidate Nomination Papers for the Provincial Election must be filed with the Returning Officer during office hours, beginning immediately and concluding at 2:00 p.m. on April 17, 2015. Returning Officer office hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. If you would like to work on Voting Day, apply at www.elections.ab.ca.

Advance Voting will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from April 29, 2015 – May 02, 2015 These Advance Polls offer level access. Advance Poll Locations: Peter Lougheed Community Centre, 5109 54 Street, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 - NO LEVEL ACCESS Office of the Returning Officer: Bay 5/6, 110 Main Avenue W, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Royal Canadian Legion - Branch #8, 4911 49 Street, Rocky Mountain House, AB - NO LEVEL ACCESS

Special Ballot Applications

Announcement of the Official Results

Available from the Returning Officer throughout the election period for electors who will be unable to vote in advance or on Voting Day because of:

10:00 a.m. on May 15, 2015 at the Office of the Returning Officer for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre

• physical incapacity

Returning Officer: Loren Braat Address: Bay 5/6, 110 Main Avenue W, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Phone: (403) 636-2001 Fax: (403) 638-2191 Email: ro77@elections.ab.ca

• absence from the electoral division • imprisonment • election officer, candidate, official agent or scrutineer working away from his or her own polling station


• residency in a remote area

The office has level access.

County of Wetaskiwin No. 10

Electoral Division of Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre Watch this newspaper for polling place information or visit our website. TWP 450

RRD 40

Ponoka County

RRD 10

Lacombe County

RRD 53

RRD 60

TRD 350 r

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RGE 80


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TWP 310


TRD 370

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RGE 100


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Find out more at www.elections.ab.ca



TRD 392

TWP 370

TWP 330

Gull Lake

TRD 400 Eckville

TRD 380

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Clearwater County

Cow Lake

TRD 420

TRD 410



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TWP 390



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TWP 440

Banff National Park

Brazeau County

RRD 43

Yellowhead County


Mountain View County

M.D. of Bighorn TRD 310 No. 8

The Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act (section 9.1) requires that Third Party Advertisers must register with Elections Alberta if they spend or plan to spend more than $1000 for election advertising. Refer to our website.

ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA GMC DEALERS. ALBERTAGMC.COM 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the lease of a new or demonstrator 2015 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD (1SA/K05/G80/B30), Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 4WD (1SA/K05/G80/B30), Acadia AWD (3SA/K05), and purchase of a new or demonstrator 2015 GMC Sierra Double Cab 2WD Kodiak Edition and 2015 GMC Terrain FWD (3SA/K05). Freight ($1,695/$1,695/$1,650/$1,695/$1,650) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, dealer fees, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Alberta GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * $10,000 is a combined total credit on 2015 Sierra Double Cab 2WD Kodiak Edition consisting of a $4,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), $2,155 manufacturer to dealer Option ‘Kodiak Edition’ Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive), $250 Kodiak Double Cab 2WD cash credit, and $2,095 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $250 and $2,095 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ‡ Lease based on a purchase price of $31,943/$34,963/$39,481 (including $0/$0/$1,000 lease credit, $4,500/$3,500/$0 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit, $1000/$1,000/$0 manufacturer to dealer Option Package Discount Credit, and $952/$952/$714 Owner Cash) for Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD (1SA/K05/G80/B30)/ Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 4WD (1SA/K05/G80/B30)/Acadia AWD (3SA/K05). Bi-weekly payment is $145/$155/$179 for 24/24/48 months at 0%/0%/0.9% APR, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $2,150/$2,150/$1,750 down payment is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $9,674/$10,230/$20,364, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $22,269/$24,732/$20,186. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes, dealer fees and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. ¥ Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between April 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA); $1,000 credit available on all GMC Sierras. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between April 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,500 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. † $4,200 is a manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Terrain FWD, which is available for cash purchases only. *† U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). ‡* The 2014 GMC Terrain received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact SUVs in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014 Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed in February-May 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com.

18 RIMBEY REVIEW Tuesday, April 14, 2015







OFFERS END APRIL 30TH $4,500 $2,095 $1,000 $2,155 $250



2015 SIERRA 1500 4WD


15042MB0 15042MN0 15042MS0









145 @ 0%



155 @ 0%




179 @ 0.9%
















Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2015


REACH OVER 217,000 READERS With one of these great deals! 6 PACK 8 PACK





announcements Obituaries


Gloria Evelyn WHITELOCK It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Gloria Whitelock on March 28, 2015 at the age of 75 years. Gloria was born December 11, 1939 to parents Alida and Floyd Booth in Rimbey, Alberta joining her siblings Delores, Floyd, Opal, Joyce and Jim. Earl and Bernard followed. Gloria married Allen Whitelock on Jan 31, 1958. They made their first home on the Whitelock farmstead in Alsike. Later they settled in Rimbey where they were blessed with their children. Gloria and Allen lived in many different locations in Alberta finally settling in the Rocky Mountain House area. She is survived by her husband Allen; children Kim (Kyla) of Leslieville, Kenny (Linda) of Ponoka and Linda (Dale) Howes of Rocky; grandchildren Dawson Howes, Travis (Calyshia) Howes, Sara and Jessica Whitelock; great grandchild Wyatt Howes; step grandchildren Carey Keil, Chris (Tegan) Keil, and Curtis (Janice) Keil and their families. She will also be missed by her brothers Earl (Gail) Booth and Bernard (Grace) Booth all of Rimbey, numerous nieces and nephews and their families, and her Whitelock and Gerwien brothers-in-law and sisters-inlaw and their families. Known for her always positive attitude, Gloria’s passion was her family, cooking and baking for all to enjoy. She loved to paint beautiful pictures and loved her flowers and garden. She also loved the animals and felt the place was never complete without them. She loved her many lifetime friends that enriched her life. The coffee was always on. A celebration of Gloria’s life will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Rocky Mountain House on Saturday April 11, 2015 at 2 p.m. Cremation has been entrusted to the Rocky Mountain Crematorium, Rocky Mountain House. For those wishing to make a memorial contribution in Gloria’s name, the family decided on the Good Samaritan Society in Rocky Mountain House and the Canadian Cancer Society. Condolences may be forwarded to www.rockyfuneralhome.ca. ROCKY AND SYLVAN LAKE FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORIUM,

your Golden Rule Funeral Homes, entrusted with the arrangements. 403-845-2626

Celebrate Your Marriage With a Milestone Announcement • 1.877.223.3311 Remember to share the news with your friends & family!


WINTERS Hendrick (Hank) Hendrick (Hank) Winters of Birch Bay, AB passed away peacefully at Lacombe Long Term Care on Monday, March 30, 2015 at the age of 80 years. Hank was born in Holland and came to Canada in 1953 to Wayburn, SK. A year, later moved to Redcliff, AB. Hank and Kay were married in 1963 and moved to Calgary, then later in 1987, moved to Birch Bay Gull Lake. Hank is lovingly remembered by his two sons, Rob (Katherine) Winters, Doug Winters; five grandchildren; six great grandchildren; sisters, Klaas Sandbergen, Yopie (Ted) Kohlmetz, and Ann (Casey) Boutkan; brother, Henry (Pat) Winters; brother-in-law, Florus Bouman; sister-in-law, Pauline Winters and numerous nieces and nephews. Hank is predeceased by his wife, Kathleen in 2009; sisters, Heilt (Jan) Regelink, Margaret Bouman; brother, Egbert Winters; and brother in law, William Sandbergen. Cremation has taken place. As per Hank’s wishes, no formal service will take place but a Celebration of Hanks Life will be at Rob and Katherine’s home in Birch Bay on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Interment will take place at a later date in Medicine Hat. In lieu of flowers, donations in Hank’s memory may be made to: Dogs with Wings, 11343 - 174 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T5S 0B7, a cause that was close to his heart. Messages of condolence may be left for the family at www.myalternatives.ca.

MONTEITH Marlene Patricia “Molly” Monteith of Bentley, Alberta passed away peacefully at Extendicare Michener Hill, Red Deer on Thursday, April 2, 2015 at the age of 77 years. Molly will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her two sons, Todd Monteith of Bentley; and Stacey (Debbie) Monteith of High Prairie, Alberta; as well as three cherished grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She will also be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her brother, Bart Lindsey of Bentley; and her four sisters, Joan Beamish of Bentley; Trudy (Murray) Odenbach of Bentley; Betty (Martin) Kiffiak of Lethbridge; and Cheryl Dunn also of Bentley; in addition to numerous nieces and nephews. Molly was predeceased by her parents; her twin boys, Clinton and Bradley; an infant daughter, Patricia; and her brother, Dalt. With respect for Molly’s wishes, no formal Funeral Service will be held. Cremation took place at the Central Alberta Crematorium, Red Deer. The Monteith Family cordially invited everyone to a Social Gathering in Honour of Molly’s Life, which was held at the Blindman Valley Ag Centre, Bentley on Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Interment will take place at a later date in the Bentley Cemetery, Bentley. If friends desire, memorial tributes in Molly’s Memory may be made directly to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta, Unit 1, 5550 45 Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1L1. Condolences to the Monteith Family may also be expressed by e-mail to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net Cremation Arrangements for the Late Marlene Patricia “Molly” Monteith entrusted to the care of OBERHAMMER FUNERAL CHAPELS LTD.


DESCOTEAUX Richard (John) Obituaries SNIDER Irven Paul After a long goodbye, during which he rarely lost his jokingly spirit, Irven Paul Snider passed away on March 30 surrounded by the love and care of his family. He was the anchor that held the family unit together throughout his life. His spirit of fun, travel, jokes and family time were not only his life highlights, but also that of the family and friends that got to be part of it. Irven was born on October 17, 1967 in Orillia, Ont. where he grew up around his brother and sisters. He will be deeply missed by his loving father, Irven C. Snider; his sisters, Diane Handford (Neil), and Kathy Whitfield (Terry); brother David Snider (Simone); his closest Aunt Iris and Uncle Herb MacDonald; cousin Karen Kitchen; along with six nieces and nephews; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. He is preceded in death by his mother, Gloria Snider (2014) and grandparents, Gladys and Archibald Semple and Muriel and Herman Snider. Memorial Service will take place on Saturday, April 18 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Hall (Lacombe County) located on secondary Hwy 792 between TWNSP RD’s 412 & 414. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made “in memory of Irven P. Snider” to the Red Deer Hospice Society.

Richard (John) Descoteaux of Rimbey, AB, was born on October 9, 1948 and passed away on March 30, 2015. He was predeceased by his wife, Dianne, on October 8, 2012. He leaves behind one son, Tracy, one daughter, Kimberly (Josef), grandson, Scott, and granddaughter, Kelsey. Cremation took place in Red Deer. He will be laid to rest at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to EVENTIDE FUNERAL CHAPEL 4820 - 45 Street, Red Deer. Phone (403) 347-2222


Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2015



Coming Events

What’s Happening #50 - # 70

BAUER Ronald Edward “Ron” Bauer of Bluffton, Alberta passed away peacefully at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at the age of 75 years. Ron will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his brother, Don (Marie) Bauer of Bluffton; and his brother-in-law, George Bellows of Ponoka; in addition to numerous nieces and nephews, other family members and many friends. He was predeceased by his parents, Lydia and Edward Bauer; two sisters, Muriel Bellows and Donna Krieger; and one brother-in-law, Ed Krieger. A Public Memorial Service in Celebration of Ron’s Life will be held at the Zion Lutheran Church, Rimbey on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. with Pastor Brian Amison officiating. Cremation took place at the Central Alberta Crematorium, Red Deer. If friends desire, memorial tributes in Ron’s Memory may be made directly to the David Thompson Health Trust, c/o Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre ~ Long Term Care, Box 440, Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0. Condolences to the Bauer Family may also be expressed by e-mail to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net Funeral and Cremation Arrangements for the Late Ronald Edward “Ron” Bauer entrusted to the care of OBERHAMMER FUNERAL CHAPELS LTD.

Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

Coming Events


GULL LAKE GOLF COURSE Junior League Meeting and Registration Saturday, April 18th at 10am at Gull Lake Golf Course


Leedale Community & Centre ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday, April 27th at 7:30 pm at the Hall. 3-DAY ANTIQUE & Vintage Doll Show & Sale. Friday, April 17, 6 - 9 p.m. Saturday, April 18, 10 - 5 p.m. Sunday, April 19, Noon - 4 p.m. Classic Furniture Gallery, Whitecourt, Alberta. 5113 - 50 Ave. (behind IGA).

Coming Events


Bikes Trikes Helmets RIMBEY Home Hardware

ATR MANUFACTURING INC. 11724 - 180 St., Edmonton, Alberta. Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 10 a.m. Selling 5000 lb. forklift, gravity conveyor system, free standing Gantry Crane, articulating 14’ Jib Crane, warehouse equipment, 2-post hoist, shop equipment, material handling, new stock, offices, QC test equipment. See www. montgomeryauctions.com. 1-800-371-6963.

52 Rimbey High School Proudly Presents:





MULTI- FAMILY GARAGE SALE Fri, April 17th, 4-9 p.m. Sat, April 18th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Back Alley 6133 52 Street Close No early birds


It’s simple to run a Garage Sale Ad in the Classified section and make quick cash. Phone Classifieds 1-877-223-3311.




Coming Events


ROAST BEEF SUPPER Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Yorkshire Pudding Turnips, Carrots, Salads Dessert

Blindman River Hall Saturday, April 18th 5:00 – 7:30 pm Price – Donation at Door


AL-ANON WEEKLY MEETING FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF ALCOHOLICS. Tuesdays 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5110 - 49 Ave., Ponoka For more info 403-783-4557 AL-ANON WEEKLY MEETING FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF ALCOHOLICS. Tuesdays 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5110 - 49 Ave., Ponoka For more info 403-783-4557 CELEBRATIONS HAPPEN EVERY DAY IN CLASSIFIEDS


Weekly meetings Tuesdays @ 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5110 - 49 Ave. Ponoka For more info. 403-783-4557 or 403-783-8371

Directions: North of Rimbey on Hyw #20 to Township Rd # 442 (Iola Rd), then West 13.5 Km

Card Of Thanks

Info: 403-843-6257 Money raised will go towards purchasing 75 stacking chairs.

Dinner Theatre, by Joseph Robinette The family of Vera Brzus would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone for their kindness during our time of loss. Special thanks to Pastor Jeff Gooderham, Jeanine Parker, and Serenity Funeral Service. We also wish to thank everyone who joined us for the service, sent cards and flowers, and gave charitable donations in Vera’s memory. Your kindness has meant so much. The Brzus Family

Friday April 24th & Saturday April 25th at the Peter Lougheed Centre, Rimbey. $35 • Dinner at 6 pm • Play at 7 pm

Tickets available at the High School

Bluffton Spring Trade-Fair at THE BLUFFTON HALL April 18th, 2015 10am–4pm

6ft. tables left for $25.00 each.


ANTIQUE SHOW Edmonton - Western Canada’s longest running collectors show - antiques, collectibles, and pop culture. 40th Annual Wild Rose Antique Collectors Show & Sale. Sellers from across Canada. Special collectors displays. Antique evaluations by Canadian Antiques Roadshow appraiser Gale Pirie - $12 per item. Saturday, Apr. 18, 9 - 5 p.m.; Sunday, Apr. 19, 10 - 4 p.m. Edmonton Expo Centre. 780-437-9722; www.wildroseantiquecollectors.ca

Saturday & Sunday Meetings April 18th & 19th. 9:00 to 5:00. Moving Sale, Misc., Household and Farm/Acreage Tools. Directions: from Rimbey, 5 Mi., West to Hwy 766, 4 Mi., South to Leedale Road, 2 Mi., West to RR 35, 1 Mi., North to Twp 421, West 3/4 Mi. Signs Posted.


Great tables already booked; • JK Apparel • Happy Hippo Bath Products • Scentsy • Discovery Real Estate • It works Global • Imperfectly Perfect • South Hill Design Jewelry • Rimbey Victim Services • Rodan & Field Skin Care • Norwex • Triped Out Trends • Tack • Wood working crafts • Diaper cakes as well as some Baking

hether it happened Yesterday or Today, Whatever you want to say, To celebrate your special day...

~ Say it with a classified

ANNOUNCEMENT 1-877-223-3311 309-3300

Email: classifieds@reddeeradvocate.com

If you are interested in a table please call Gail 403-963-1649 or Irene 403-843-6805. Get your Fortune told by Cheyenne with a look within Reading or an Autograph & Photo by Obrey Motowylo & check out his Chuckwagon! Concession available, Door Prizes, 50/50. Donations for Door Prizes are welcome.

LIBERTY HALL SOCIETY Annual General Meeting will be held on Tues., April 21 at 7:30 p.m. TOUR THE NEW HALL! Hear an information presentation Engage in open discussion Contribute new ideas Share in the activities

EVERYONE WELCOME! (There might be cookies!)



is a fluid trucking company based in Rimbey, Alberta

We are currently seeking

FULL TIME CLASS 1 DRIVERS to operate tank trucks in Central Alberta. All relevant Oilfield Safety Certifications required. Interested candidates may apply with resume, employment references, and current driver’s abstract. Email: portiek@crudeoiltrucking.com Fax: 403-407-7558 www.crudeoiltrucking.com Thank you for your interest. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

Employment #700 - #920 Caregivers/Aides................710 Clerical ..............................720 Computer Personnel ..........730 Dental ................................740 Estheticians........................750 Hair Stylists ........................760 Janitorial ............................770 Legal ..................................780 Medical ..............................790 Oilfield ................................800 Professionals......................810 Restaurant/Hotel ................820 Sales & Distributors ..........830 Teachers/Tutors..................840 Trades ................................850 Truckers/Drivers ................860 Business Opportunities......870 Miscellaneous ....................880 Volunteers Wanted ............890 Positions Wanted ..............895 Employment Training ........900 Career Planning ................920

Hair Stylists


WILD ORCHID SALON & Spa, Jasper, Alberta seeking Licensed Hairstylists & Registered Massage Therapists! Accommodation available, travel & bonus incentives. Please send resume & references to: info@ wildorchidjasper.com; www.wildorchidjasper.com. 780-852-2111.




Oilfield Maintenance Labourer

Must have safety tickets. No experience necessary. Will train. Fax resume to 403-746-5131 or email smittysoilfield@gmail.com


Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2015




is currently seeking a Field Engineer to join our Ricinus Gas Plant. The successful candidate will provide operations engineering expertise to maximize the efficient, safe and profitable operation of the facility. Suitable living locations for this position include: Rocky Mountain House, Caroline, Sundre and surrounding areas. Qualifications include: Engineering degree from accredited university and registered Professional Engineer in Alberta with a minimum of 7 years chemical, mechanical and/or process engineering experience in implementing projects and providing operational support for gas and NGL processing facilities. Please visit www.keyera.com to view the complete job posting.

Restaurant/ Hotel


CAMERON Bay Holdings Inc. o/a McDonalds’s in Ponoka and Red Deer (Gasoline Alley East and West) is now hiring full time and part time Food Service Supervisors. Wages are between $13.75 to $16.00 per hour, depending upon experience and qualifications. Benefits (dental, disability, life and group insurance benefits) and opportunity for job advancement. Candidates must be able to work a variety of shifts and have 3 to 5 years previous experience. Must be able to supervisor up to 20 crew. Part-time applications will be accepted from Canadians and Permanent Residents. Apply in person 4419 Hwy 2A, Ponoka, 37479 Hwy 2, Red Deer, and 37428 Hwy 2, Red Deer or email resume to cbay22@telus.net or fax to 403-783-4251.

Sales & Distributors



For North/Central Alberta. Opportunity for a mature person or couple in wholesale fashion jewelry, giftware and clothing sales. • • • •

Great second career. Must be fit and love to travel. Work schedule approx. 8 months per year. A strong interest in ladies fashion an asset. Reply to: order@klassenjlrs.com Terry, 306-652-2112 Check us out at: www.klassenjlrs.com


Equipment Operator

Q Endorsement preferred. Competitive Wages & Benefits. Fax resumes & ref’s to: 403-343-1248 or email to: admin@shunda.ca

Business Opportunities



ONLINE BUSINESS. Serious impact on retirement for self-motivated people. Work at your home. Flex hours. Free online training! Escalating income potential; www. project4wellness.com. SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400OT.

Truckers/ Drivers

Misc. Help



Cook, Waiter & Waitress at Richard’s in Best Western/ Rimstone Ridge. 403-843-2999 403-704-6655 Classifieds...costs so little Saves you so much!


is looking for an organized and hardworking individual to join our parts team in the SHIPPER/RECEIVER role. Prior experience is an asset but not a must. If interested contact Wayne Mountain (403) 442-3866 or fax/email resumes to (403) 442-3829 wmtn@inbox.com.

860 Opportunity for Employment

Motorgrader Operator Posting #2015/13 The Position: The County of Wetaskiwin is seeking a motorgrader operator for the Lakedell area in the County of Wetaskiwin. The motorgrader will be housed at the Lakedell Transfer Station site. The successful candidate will report to the West End Foreman and will be responsible for grading, snowplowing and generally maintaining gravel surface local roads and other duties as required within approximately 100 mile grader beat in Division 6. Hours of work are 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or as required.

The successful candidate must: t )PME B WBMJE $MBTT PQFSBUPS T MJDFOTF t )BWF B EFNPOTUSBUFE BCJMJUZ GPS FRVJQNFOU PQFSBUJPO BOE NBJOUFOBODF Preference will be given to candidates with two or more years grader experience. t 1SPWJEF QFSTPOBM USBOTQPSUBUJPO UP UIF -BLFEFMM 5SBOTGFS 4UBUJPO TJUF

Volunteers Wanted

Engineers Collective Agreement with the County of Wetaskiwin No. 10, with a starting salary of $28.87 per hour, with a provision for standby pay for the months November to March inclusive. QualiďŹ ed candidates are asked to submit their resume by 4:30 p.m., April 21st, 2015 listing job posting number, qualiďŹ cations, experience and education to the address below or you may submit on our website at www.county.wetaskiwin.ab.ca.


DO YOU KNOW a great volunteer? The Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association and Direct Energy are now accepting nominations for the 2015 Volunteer Citizen of the Year award to recognize someone who goes above and beyond to help others in the community. Nominations are open to all residents served by an AWNA newspaper with the award going to the person who most exemplifies the volunteer spirit. A $5000 donation will be made to a community organization of the winner’s choice. Just visit: directenergy.com/vcoy or awna.com. Nominations close Friday, April 17, 2015.

Employment Training


MEDICAL TRAINEES needed now! Hospitals & doctor’s offices need certified medical office & administrative staff! No experience needed! We can get you trained! Local placement assistance available when training is completed. Call for program details! 1-888-627-0297. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Career Planning


SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: awna.com/for-job-seekers.

Misc. Services


We are looking for a reliable RIMSTONE hard working person to join our team at the Best Western RIDGE HOTEL Rimstone Ridge Hotel in Rimbey. This position requires attention to detail, accuracy and the capability to trouble shoot. You must be a people person with strong customer service skills. The hours are from 11:00pm to 7:00am 4 shifts on 4 off. This shift will rotate and include some weekends. Wages are competitive with beneďŹ ts. Please send in your resume by email or in person attention: Anul. Anul@bwrimbey.com

FRONT DESK AGENTS Best Western Rimstone Ridge Hotel Day 7am-3pm /afternoon 3pm - 11pm We are seeking an individual who shares our values in customer service, professional presentation, is conďŹ dent and can work independantly. QUALIFICATIONS: • High School diploma or equivalent • Knowledge of proper telephone etiquette • Ability to communicate with public, hotel staff and management in a professional manner • Ability to multitask while maintaining a high level of professional appearance and demeanor.

Squeezthee MOST out of your advertising dollars Place your ad in this newspaper and12345 province wide $ with a combined circulation of over 800,000 for only...

995 plus GST/HST

Value Ad Network

Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association toll free 1-800-282-6903 x228 email andrea@awna.com or visit this community newspaper

Career Planning

920 Let us amplify your message!


Business Services #1000 - #1430




Licensed Mobile Mobile Butchering Licensed Butchering Custom Cutting Cutting &&Wrapping Custom Wrapping Beef,Pork Pork and Beef, andWild WildGame Game

Paul Taylor


12345 Add this feature to your next career ad booking

Call for more details 1-800-282-6903 ext 235


GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest.com. NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228.

Painters/ Decorators

miles EE & & 1.5 1.5 22 miles miles N of Hoadley AB.




FINISHED in WOOD Custom Cabinets/ Finish Carpenter. Comm. & Residential Kitchen & Bath, Cabinets & Counter Tops. Office Furniture. Free Estimates. 25+ Years Experience/Insured finishedinwood.ca Gerry Lesperance 403-505-8547

Journeyman painter, serving the area: since 1984

Cabinet Makers



REFORESTATION NURSERY SEEDLINGS of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Full boxes as low as $0.99/tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca.

Legal Services


CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300/ 1-800-347-2540.

Misc. Help

“When Ralph’s done brushing you don’t feel rolled�

403-843-4172 Personal Services


HIP OR KNEE Replacement? Problems with mobility? The Disability Tax Credit. $2, 000 yearly tax credit. $20,000 lump sum refund. For assistance call 1-844-453-5372. MEDICAL CONDITION? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian government. ALL conditions qualify. Call Alberta Benefits *** 1(800) 211-3550



Central Alberta’s Largest Car Lot in Classifieds


Verna Lonsdale, Executive Assistant County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 Box 6960 Wetaskiwin, AB, T9A 2G5 (780) 352-3486 (fax) / (780) 361-6224 (phone) The County of Wetaskiwin would like to thank all applicants for their interest, however only the candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

Misc. Help

Please drop resume at front desk, attention Anul.

Start your career! See Help Wanted

Business Salary is in accordance with the International Union of Operating Opportunities

Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY

Truckers/ Drivers





Best Western Rimstone Ridge Hotel We are seeking an individual to join our housekeeping team, professional presentation, reliable, is conďŹ dent and can work both independantly and in a team. QUALIFICATIONS: • Attention to detail • Strong organizational skills • Ability to multitask • Ability to communicate with hotel guests, staff and management in a professional manner. Please drop resume at front desk, attention Valerie.


Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2015

RIMBEY BUSINESS DIRECTORY Action Autobody Rimbey Windshields - Heavy Equipment Glass Residential & Commercial Mobile • Pickup & Delivery • In Shop Owner: Jamin Sargeant


“We’re in the Business of Making You Look Good” 3 kms North & 3 kms East of Rimbey on Hwy #53

Owner Carey Anderson


Rimbey Implements Ltd.


Janice Cameron DD

TERRY GRIEMAN Home Centre Manager

Al York General Manager Cell: (403) 783-0593 5410 - 43 Street Bus: (403) 843-3700 Fax: (403) 843-3430 Rimbey, AB

Hillbilly Tree Mulching Ltd. • • • • • •


Doug Casey

P. O. Box 260

Business Ext. Fax Cell terrygrieman@rimbeycoop.com

Rimbey Co-op 4625 51st Street Association Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Canada Ltd.

(403) 843-2258 #111 (403) 843-4242 (403) 704-0271

Call for your appointment today:



Garden Sheds, Garages, Soffit, Fascia, Siding, Drywall, Taping, Renovations. P.O. Box 1501, Rimbey, AB. TOC 2JO RES. (403) 843-4499 CELL (403) 588-4014

Can do trees up to 15” wide

1.403.318.0498 1.403.358.0452


Alder Flats • Buck Lake




Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.


P.O. Box 14 #4 50th Street 0 / "OX -AIN 3TREET Bluffton, AB T0C 0M0 "LUFFTON !" 4 # -

We have moved to a new location in Ponoka. Now located in downtown Ponoka north of the Dollar Tree store.

Tel: 403-843-8463 Fax: 403-843-8465 &8 www.blufftonvetservices.com


$30.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or more details



Plumbing Gasfitting Hot Water & Forced Air Heating Water Analysis & Treatment Systems

If you choose us as your contractor we will: • • • •

Listen to your needs and concerns Provide high quality products Show attention to detail Carefully clean up, leaving your yard the way we found it • Provide you with the best warranty in the business We are manufacturer certified and have over 20 years experience. We work all seasons of the year.

Outdoor Wood or Coal Boilers High Efficiency Wood Gasification Boilers Doug Madu 5034 45 Avenue Box 2040, (403) 843-2635 Rimbey, AB., TOC 2J0 Cell (403) 350-5901 email: rgcourse@gmail.com


Call Al for a free estimate: º


Ph: 843-7794 Cell: 704-5039 dbfranklin@telus.net


Reaching 5700 households per week


RR#1 Lockhart Road Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

No Sunday Calls

BRIAN GODLONTON Petroleum Manager

Rimbey Co-op Association Ltd.

P. O. Box 260 4625 51st Street Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Canada

Business Ext. Fax Cell


www.primoroofing.com (403) 843-2258 #104 (403) 843-4242 (403) 704-0271


Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2015

Pet Services


MacDonald Old Kennels Animal services for Ponoka County

Dog Shelter Boarding Dogs for adoption Dogs to surrender www.pawsandclawsanimalrescue.ca click courtesy adoptions




AUTO/TOOL/SURPLUS AUCTION. Saturday, April 18 at 11 a.m. Autos, tools, parts, surplus, storage buildings, benches, tents, pressure washers. Scribner Auction, Hiway 14, Wainwright, Alberta. 780-842-5666; www. scribnernet.com.


METAL ROOFING & SIDING. 30+ colours available at over 40 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888-263-8254.

Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990



Unreserved Grazing Lease Auction In Conjunction with Spring Machinery Consignment Sale Friday, April 17/15 Rimbey, Alberta Selling at 12:00 (Noon) 2 GRAZING LEASE QUARTERS LOCATED SIDE BY SIDE Fenced with rolling hills, bush & open spaces. Located north on Hwy 771 (Rimbey Gas Plant Road) 4 Miles to TWR 434, east 1 mile on the south side. RAYMOND DAHMS NE 20-43-1 W5M 43 AUM Per Year EXPIRY DATE: JUNE 30, 2023 ELAINE JOHNSON SE 20-43-1 W5M 43 AUM Per Year EXPIRY DATE: MAY 31, 2018

Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey, Alberta 403-843-2747 Sale Site Well Drilling


Well Drilling




SPRING EQUIPMENT Consignment Auction. Sat., April 25, 9 a.m., MAS Sales Centre, Blackfalds. Farm equipment dispersals, tractors, farm machinery, acreage equipment, cars, trucks, equipment trailers, RV’s, ATV’s, fencing, livestock equipment, lumber, lawn & garden , trees, tools & much more. See www.montgomeryauctions.com or call 1-800-371-6963. UNDEVELOPED LAND in Okotoks, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 29 in Edmonton. 80+/acres just North of Okotoks town limit. Currently Zoned A - Agricultural District. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauction.com/realestate. WHEATLAND AUCTIONS Spring Consignment Auction. April 18, 10 a.m. in Cheadle, Alberta. Farm equipment, vehicles, heavy equipment, RVs, etc. Consign now! Call 403-669-1109; www.wheatlandauctions.com



A-CHEAP, lowest prices, steel shipping containers. Used 20’ & 40’ Seacans insulated 40 HC DMG $2450. 1-866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com.





View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at



MOBILE STRUCTURES Campground Washroom

10 x 20 skid................................................................

Summer Kitchen/Concession


12 x 20 Skid/Frame .......................................................

12345 Ranchhand Unit|One bedroom

10 x 28 Wheeled ........................................................

2007 ATCO Construction OfďŹ ce

12 x 60 Skid ...............................................................

AltaFab Command Centre

12 x 54 skid................................................................ Transport Available


$24,000 $38,000 $42,000

I.C. Industrial Inc. t 780-914-1282

Grain, Feed Hay


35 HAY BALES 1200 lbs

Some rain, put up dry. 2 miles west of Bluffton.



403-843-6726 1ST. cut hay for sale, Phone 403-782-3149 or 403-350-8800 HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup� Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. SELLING ORGANIC/ conventional Sweet Clover, Red Clover, Alfalfa, Smooth and Meadow Brome, Crestedwheat, Timothy, Sainfoin. Milk Vetch. Free delivery on larger orders! Pasture and hay blends. Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK. Phone 306-863-2900; ivanaudrey@sasktel.net.



Large 2 BDRM bsmt. suite in PONOKA incld’s util’s, washer/dryer, no pets, non partier, N/S. Working tenant only. 403-704-1645 PONOKA newly reno’d 2 bdrm. 1 1/2 bath, clean quiet building, no pets, balcony $695/mo. plus utils, avail. Apr. 1, 403-348-6594

* RIVERSIDE APTS. * Newly renovated 1 & 2 bedroom units in Ponoka: 3724-45 Street. 403-357-0287


Manufactured Homes

Open House! Wednesday April 15th, 1 pm - 7 pm. #53, Poplar Grove [6205 54 St. Ponoka]. Brand new, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1520 sq. ft. manufactured home in Ponoka! Only $164,900! Immediate possession available. Toll Free 855. 463.0084, online at www. jandelhomes.com or email us at sales@ jandelhomes.com

Real Estate #4000 - #4190 Houses For Sale


EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW - 3842+/- sq. ft. on 33.98 title acres & 5.50 Acre Lot w/32, 440+/- sq. ft. Commercial Industrial Buildings.. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, May 7, Getkate Property near Lethbridge, Alberta. Jerry Hodge: SQUARE hay bales, horse 780-706-6652; hay quality, 90% meadow rbauction.com/realestate. brome, 10% alfalfa, no rain, plus second-cut alfalfa. 403-741-4353

Agricultural #2000 - #2290 Farm Equipment ..............2010 Haying Equipment ............2020 Tractors ............................2030 Combines & Headers ......2040 Fertilizer Equipment..........2050 Misc. Farm Machinery ......2060 Equipment Wanted ..........2070 Farm Custom Work ..........2080 Farm Auctions ..................2090 Livestock ..........................2100 Livestock - Exotic..............2110 Sheep ..............................2120 Poultry ..............................2130 Horses ..............................2140 Horse Boarding ................2150 Riding Supplies ................2160 Horse/Stock Trailers ........2170 Pasture Wanted ................2180 Grain, Feed, Hay ..............2190 Seed Grain ......................2200 Seeding & Tillage ............2210



BAR-DALE LIMOUSIN, ERSKINE, AB. 40, two year old virgin bulls for sale at the farm. Fully guaranteed. Call Carole Barclay at 403-742-4825, Terry 403-740-5037 Ricky 403-740-5711. email bardale@xplornet.com FOR SALE. Simmeron Simmentals, fullblood full Fleckvieh bulls, yearlings and 2 year olds, polled and horned, A.I. bloodlines, very quiet, muscled. 780-913-7963; www. simmeronranch.ca. RED and black Angus bulls, semen tested and delivery can be arranged. E & L Ranching in Bowden, Eric @ 403 391-2259. Evenings @ 403 224-2396

Houses/ Duplexes


3 bedroom/ 1 bathroom

MAIN FLOOR OF HOUSE FOR RENT IN RIMBEY Available immediately! $1000/m rent plus $1000 dd Call Darlene at 403-704-4655 4 BDRM. house, Ponoka on quiet cul-de-sac, fully fenced yard, det. single garage, fresh paint, new blinds, 5 newer appliance, ceiling fans in every room, fully dev. bsmt., 3 1/2 baths, absolutely NO Pets or smokers. $1500. rent/sd., tenant pays all utilities. Min. 12 months lease. Avail. immediately. 403-619-5758

4 Plexes/ 6 Plexes


3 BEDROOM IN 4-PLEX, IN PONOKA. 4 appliances. Close to swimming pool & seniors drop-in Centre, very quiet, mature tenants only 403-783-5493 RIMBEY: 2 bdrm., bright & open, incld’s heat & water , off-street parking, storage & onsite laundry, no pets. 403-843-4894

Vans Buses

AT THE LAKE Executive 5 bdrm., 3 bath, Att. 4 + Garage. Secluded, Quiet. Boat Dock, Beyond affordable, BELOW Replacement @ $749k. Dori Westin, Coldwell Banker Ontrack Realty 403-357-9010



Businesses For Sale

Buildings For Sale


Meticulous & Unique 2184 Sq. Ft. 2 Bdrm., 3 Bath, 2.69 Acres. Heated Shop. Tranquil Crick trickles thru. Mins. to Sundre. $437,000 Dori Westin, Coldwell Banker ONTRACK Realty 403-357-9010

This paper is


able Recycl


LOOKING FOR a shop? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403-818-0797 or email: ryan.afab@gmail.com.

Lots For Sale



HIGH CASH PRODUCING vending machines. $1.00 vend = .70 profit. All on location in your area. Selling due to illness. Call 1-866-668-6629 for details.


WANTED R2 Residential Building Lot in Rimbey.

403-704-0605 Public Notices

4 Acres, 1 Mile E of Caroline, Trees on N Property Line, Power to Property, $129,000. Dori Westin, Coldwell Banker ONTRACK Realty 403-357-9010


2013 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN CREW, 39,400 kms, fully inspected with factory warranty remaining. 7 passenger, Sto n go seating, Back up THE HEART of Every Camera, Rear heat & A/C, Home is in its Kitchen. Kitchen specials starting at PW, PL, AM/FM/MP3, Power Seat, CC, and more. $138,500. Upgrades $16,800. (will take payinclude full backsplash, ments if required). Call stainless steel appliances & more. For more informa- Harvey @ 403-358-1698 or email harvey@rewardlease.com tion call United Homes Canada 1-800-461-7632 or visit our site at www. unitedhomescanada.com.


For Rent #3000 - #3200

Transportation #5000-5300


Semi loads of pine, spruce, tamarack, poplar. Price depends on location. Lil Mule Logging 403-318-4346

")' )2/.

Misc. for Sale


Sale Conducted by:

RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide) Tell them Danny Hooper sent you


Selling for:





ACREAGE AUCTION for Lawrence Nonay. Saturday, April 18. Sale Features: Ford diesel truck; tractors; antiques/collectibles; tools; misc. items & much more. Details at: www. spectrumauctioneering.com. 780-960-3370 / 780-903-9393. AUCTION Sales Wed. @ 6 pm. Antique sales 1st. Sun. of the month @ 1 pm. Apr.5 Moose Hall 2 miles south of Ponoka on 2A WE BUY FOR CASH. 403-304-4791 Check website for full listings

Well Drilling


COLLECTIBLE & ESTATE AUCTION Sunday April 19- 10 a.m. Bowden Lions Hall, Bowden AB Stamps, Coins, Collectibles, Furniture, Household, Shop tools, Kitchenware, Lots of items.. Just too much to mention Check the web for full listing & pictures Pilgrim Auction Service 403-556-5531 www.pilgrimauction.com

MEIER SPRING Classic Car & Truck Auction. Saturday & Sunday, May 2 & 3, 11 a.m. 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Consign today, call 780-440-1860.

Phone (403) 783-7447 Roofing



w/Lehman Monarch 2 trike kit. This unit is loaded with all options plus lots of extra chrome. 49,500 kms. Bike was triked in 2011. Asking $33,000. Call (403)318-4653

Auto Wreckers


FREE SCRAP and truck removal including farm machinery. We pay cash at our yard. 1-780-914-7560; www.sturgeonbusparts.ca.

Public Notice #6000 Public Notices ..................6010 Special Features ..............6050

TELL it all! Tell it well! Make your ads sell for you by giving full description of goods or services offered. Include prices and terms. Phone 1-877-223-3311 for a friendly ad taker.


NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of HAZEL ARLENE BEAGLE who died on November 26, 2014 If you have a claim against this estate, you must Ăźle your claim by May 8, 2015, and provide details of your claim with Woollard & Company at 5133 - 49th Street Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1B8 If you do not Ăźle by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015


n io t c a f is t a S e ic v r e S #1 in Sales and If the Legacy Markdown isn’t on it ... you probably paid too much! 2015 FORD ESCAPE S AUTO, 2.5L | C1030

2015 FORD FUSION SE | C1068

2015 FORD ESCAPE SE | T1012

2015 FORD F150 XLT S/CAB 5.0L | T1064





2015 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 5.0L XTR | T1077


OR $145 BW @ 84MTHS

OR $169 BW @ 84MTHS

OR $257 BW @ 84MTHS

OR $183 BW @ 84MTHS


2010 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT | L0442




2010 FORD F150 XLT XTR | T0313A

2010 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT | L0351

2011 FORD F150 XLT XTR | L0348






2011 DODGE RAM 2500 MEGA CAB | T0887A

2011 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT | L0454

2011 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT | L0459

2012 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT | L0373





OR $264 BW @ 84MTHS

OR $172 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $245 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $313 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $213 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $259 BW @ 72MTHS


OR $176 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $213 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $286 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $243 BW @ 72MTHS

OR $277 BW @ 72MTHS

N E W U N I T S A l l p m t s a n d p r i c e ta k e i n t o a c c o u n t $ 1 0 0 0 C o s t c o r e b at e • E g p m t s C 1 0 6 8 t o ta l p m t s $ 3 1 0 8 5 t o ta l i n t e r e s t o v e r t e r m $ 1 0 7 1 @ . 9 9 % • A l l p m t s o a c

“Let your Legacy start here.”






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