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Friday, May 1, 2015 • kelownacapnews.com
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Reviving the natural flow
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The chief and council of the Okanagan Indian Band are welcoming support from Lake Country Mayor James Baker when it comes to their long-standing claim to the Commonage lands around Kalamalka Lake, including the old CN Rail corridor. OKIB Chief Byron Louis is now calling on Baker to act on his words.
Long dried-up lands could be stream beds as early as next year if efforts to restore sections of Mission Creek to a natural state proceed as hoped. See story A3
“We welcome the support of any rightminded individuals who have taken the time to learn about our claim,” said Louis. Louis was responding to recent remarks made by Baker in the Vernon Morning Star. “I’d like to see us support (the claim),” said Baker. “The courts have said that aboriginal title underlines all of B.C.” The OKIB claims Baker’s comments are the opposite of other proponents of the rail trail, including the City of Kelowna, saying the only
thing they have heard from the inter-jurisdictional team is that there is no legal obligation to the Commonage claim. “While we maintain working relationships with the municipalities and regional district,” said Louis, “our partners in the region, aside from Mayor Baker, have consistently denied our underlying interest in the land.”
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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Returning creek to its natural course Kathy Michaels
Outlined on these two graphic maps, compiled by the City of Kelowna, is the plan to allow Mission Creek to return to its natural meandering state between Gordon Drive and Casorso Road and the land parcels the work will impact.
Todd Cashin is the point man on just about every issue that has to do with the City of Kelowna’s natural amenities these days, but he started his career in forestry. Stomping through the trees after flowing floodwaters ebbed taught him the inherent value of nature running its own course. “Floods deposit silts, and that’s what makes the forest floor explode after every flood,” he said. “You’ll go in there and there will be vegetation like crazy.” The wide variety of plants that sprout from the forest floor, in turn, attract a wide variety of species, creating what biologists call a “biodiversity hotspot.” “They’re typically areas where there’s just a hell of a lot of critters and plants,” Cashin explained. “It’s always on the edge of an ecosystem, where one moves into another.” Such biodiversity— where reptiles, amphibians, bugs, birds and sometimes fish coexist—isn’t easily found within the confines of an urban hub. Kelowna, in particular, has seen a significant decline in amphibian, bird and reptile species, which over time have gone from bountiful to at-risk, in tandem with human populations growing. Like other cities across Canada, Kelowna has built up its infrastructure to accommodate the needs of swelling communities. So the powers that be in those years tended to pave, flatten or, as was the case with Mission
Mission Creek Greenway
3830 3850 3830
Remaining Acreage 10 Acres
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Creek—a waterway soon to get a new lease—dike all that was around. “With the dikes, they were engineered perfectly to move the water along to provide as much agricultural land as you possibly can,” said Cashin. “The problem with that is biodiversity decreases, the risk of flooding increases, sedimentation increases, water quality decreases.” By returning some of the natural flow to Mission Creek, like
Mission Recreation Park
what happens in the forest floor, many of the aforementioned problems could be eliminated, Cashin believes. “Everything I’m trying to do relates to what I learned in the bush,” he said. “There’s nothing better than knowing where all the creeks are and trying to fix the places where there are problems and protect the areas that don’t need anything.” *** Mission Creek has long been identified as one LEXINGTON DR
Weiss Land Acquisition Proposal
of the areas that needed some fixing. Plans to rehabilitate what was lost when diking began in the 1930s got underway in the ‘90s, and every level of government along with a number of special interest groups have chipped in on efforts to make improvements. The most comprehensive look may have started with the Okanagan Lake Action Plan. “It asked, ‘How do we make things better for
3990 Swamp Road 33475 Lot A kokanee and- Plan rainbow Park Subject Property explained trout?’” Acquisition Area Easement Cashin. Legal Parcel “They identified inlake and out-of-lake issues, and Mission Creek was important for how much water it provides to the lake and how much spawning goes on in there.” Restoration projects may have started out “fish-centric,” but Mother Nature and changing societal values have added a few twists to their trajectory. “Now there are 1230
This map is for general information only. The City of Kelowna does not guarantee its accuracy. All information should be verified.
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recreational and aesthetic values on the social side and there are species at risk to think about,” he said. “It’s a jewel of a corridor that runs right through the agricultural and urban environment and that’s where all the species at risk tend to flock.” As was the case when the dikes came in all those years ago, there are still flooding concerns. The difference between now and then, however, is the change in the way floods happen. “The hydrograph has changed. The Okanagan is not expecting to see more precipitation, but we’re expecting to see more precipitation fall as rain, and less as snow,” said Cashin. With water flows being so significantly altered, new needs at different times have arisen, but all the channel that currently exists knows is the previous flow regime. Working with what nature is giving them, and creating more room for that water to go, may be the best way forward— thus the plans for the city to soak up more land. Council recently unanimously endorsed plans to buy a four-acre property west of Swamp Road, immediately south of Mission Creek. Pending approval from the provincial Agricultural Land Commission, the property could be converted from farmland to wetland, subject to seasonal flooding. “I think it’s a beautiful piece of work many years in the making,” said Coun. Luke Stack, when the issue was raised at a council meeting. “This is actually one of my favourite projects
because it’s a win-win on so many levels,” added Coun. Gail Given. Between the recently approved purchase, another seven acres already bought from the Casorso family and a chunk of property in the Mission Rec plot, there’s roughly 15 acres between Casorso Road and Gordon Drive that could be used to direct the creek to its original course and restore much of the life that’s been lost. Cashin has reluctantly become the face of this leg of the creek restoration, but he stressed he’s far from the only one who has had a hand in bringing the project to life. Don Dobson, now with Urban Systems but previously with the provincial government, has been working on Mission Creek in some form since the 1980s. Given his expertise and long relationship with the waterway, Dobson was recently tapped to help fourth year UBC Okanagan engineering students Jacob Paul, Dylan deSousa and Jordan Beach create plans for reshaping the space. *** If a person were to stand on Gordon Drive Bridge and face toward Casorso Drive Bridge, they’d see a straight stretch of water flowing in between the two. It’s not the natural flow of the river, but perfectly encapsulates what’s happened to the full span of Mission Creek since settlement. “If you measure the length of all the river channels on Mission Creek, starting from East Kelowna and ending on Okanagan
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A4 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
news _____________________________________________________________________ GET OUTSIDE BC PROGRAM
Kevin Parnell
in Osoyoos, was one of the first Okanagan kids to take part in Get Outside B.C. a program sponsored by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society that combines leadership training with the outdoors. The program begins with a four-day leadership retreat in Squamish where kids not only learn
Shelby Schroeter has accomplished a lot since going through a provincewide program designed to get kids outside, learning about the great outdoors. The Okanagan youth, now graduated and working as a tour guide
outdoor skills but also meet mentors who work in the outdoors, giving them an idea of some career paths to take to work outside. The youth are then tasked with going back to the community to plan and host a community event with their peers. “I had done leadership camps before but this
one was definitely the best I have taken,” said Schroeter, 19, who took part in the camp two years ago. “Before the program I didn’t have the confidence to go out on my own, take chances and really explore the area I live in but after I took the program I really had that confidence. “It encouraged me to apply at our local desert center and now I’m employed as a tour guide.” Back in her community following the camp, Schroeter organized a clean-up of the local ski hill. She also pulled together a group of friends and went on a camping trip, utilizing her leadership skills to organize the trips, build fires, put up tents and run the camp stove among other things. The Get Outside B.C.
program will run July 12 to 17 in Squamish and for the past few years local organizers have struggled to find kids to register for the program. There will be 30 youth selected from around the province to take part in the July event which is completely funded through the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and is free for participants, including airfare to Squamish. The program is a great chance to get kids outdoors and away from the many digital distractions that have begun to dominate their lives, said Regional District of Central Okanagan program organizer Nicole Kittmer. “It’s kind of scary that kids today can identify all these logos like Starbucks or McDonald’s or Apple but if you take them outside and show them a tree in their
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Helping youth experience great outdoors
Okanagan youth Shelby Schroeter enjoying in the great outdoors after taking an outdoor leadership course called Get Outside BC. neighbourhood, most can’t tell you what it is,” said Kittmer. “There is a disconnect about information about our natural world. It’s not anyone’s fault, but there is
so much time being spent indoors that hopefully a program like this can help counter-balance that.” Schroeter agrees that her generation needs to spend more time outside. Living in the Okanagan, with its multitude of outdoor opportunities, gives kids a great chance to leave the smart phone behind and get outside. “In the Okanagan and in B.C. in general we have a lot of resources to get ourselves outside,” she said. “We have amazing ski hills and so many lakes and tons of great hiking areas. I think a lot of kids maybe weren’t into these things when they were young and it might be intimidating. “So this program really opened my eyes to all the opportunities there are to incorporate the outdoors into my life.” Kids who are interested in the program can apply online at getoutsidebc.ca or email nicole.kittmer@ cord.bc.ca.
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Proposal to give ‘dead channel’ along Mission Creek a meandering new life
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Lake, and compare what they were before diking and what they are today, there have been a lot of changes,” Dobson explained. “Somewhere in the neighbourhood of 30 to 35 km of channels existed before dikes, now the channel is 11 km long.” The land that’s been purchased between the two bridges won’t bring back all that lost length, but it will help improve the ecology of the area—changes Dobson has seen work in the past. In the South Okanagan, he was a key figure in the Okanagan River channel restoration project, which has been lauded for bringing back much needed biodiversity to the area. In that project, they pulled the dike out, put rocks in the channel to cause diversions, dug out a couple of pits to attract salamanders and spadefoot toads, and created a new place for endangered species to flourish. “When I was asked to work with the (UBC Engineering) students, I was more than happy to provide any of the coaching and guidance required to allow them to decide where the alignment would go, what the volumes and materials would be and what the design would be,” he said. There are three options at play, currently. “One is status quo, leave it alone,” he said. The other two options have to do with altering the dike. Dobson’s preferred option is to reduce the dike down to the natural
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of “dead channel,” the waterway could just curve left, move out into the new area, where the existing dike is. “You will get a whole complexity of habitat, with channels that flow all year, high water channels, pools and wetlands,” he said. It’s unclear as yet what option will be chosen, as the proposal will be reviewed first at the university level, then the city and finally by the provincial government and its Department of Fisheries and Oceans. “The approval process will involve basically the province from a flood control perspective and fisheries perspective,” he said. Regardless of what plan is put into motion, Dobson said it could be a step in the direction of a larger restoration plan. “This is tremendous,” he said. “There are still agricultural lands along the creek, and if the city was able to show how successful this one was, then it encourages the province and other private funding agencies to step up and offer to invest funds to purchase some additional lands. “ The wider the Mission corridor can be made, he said, the better it is because more of the natural functions of the creek can be restored. “Whether that’s fish habitat, fauna and flora, ecosystem values and flooding; natural systems allowed to operate in a normal way are much less expensive and of much more value to society,” said Dobson.
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ground level, then allow the creek, as it rises during spring freshet, to gradually create its own channels through the expanded area that’s been acquired by the city. In some stretches that could be a 30-metre meander and in others 80 metres. “Creeks love to meander,” Dobson said. “If you ever play around with water, or look on Google Earth, you very seldom find a straight line of creek; it wanders and curves. “So, if we were to do that to Mission Creek and remove all the dikes from where they are alongside the creek and set them back 200 to 300 metres, the creek would start to meander back and forth, creating new channels that will wind through the area, creating more wetlands, habitat and so forth.” The next option is to build a new dike and cut a series of openings through the old one so water can flow through the gaps into the expanded area. During higher flows, water would move into the area and create wetlands and habitat, and then the rainbow trout and kokanee have a place to rest and feed. “Regardless of what you did, whether you remove dikes or open it up so the land in behind was allowed to become wet, you are going to create a whole variety of habitat,” said Dobson, noting that there’s enough material in the existing dike to build a new one. The new view from Casorso bridge in the future won’t be nearly as linear once the plan is put in place. Instead of a half-kilometre
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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news _____________________________________
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Band files civil suit in B.C. Supreme Court LAND CLAIM FROM A1 The OKIB has filed a civil suit in B.C. Supreme Court attempting to stop the sale of the corridor, a $22 million deal between CN and Kelowna, with Lake Country and the North Okanagan Regional District as partners. It’s expected to be heard in late May. So far, only the municipalities and CNR have responded to the OKIB Statement of Claim filed on March 24 while responses from the Crown are expected in early May, according to Louis. “The responses so far have essentially denied that the Commonage reserve existed,” said Louis, “They also accuse the OKIB of ‘abuse of process.’” Louis added that any guilt relating to abuse of process lies at the feet of the Crown and others who choose to ignore
history. “When it comes to dealing with First Nations and unsettled land disputes in British Columbia, the federal government is the champion of abusing process,” said Louis. “Where else in the world can a governmental body determine which
claims against themselves are legitimate, and which claims are not? “In acting as judge, jury and executioner regarding First Nations land claims, the federal government is in conflict.” Louis said the municipalities keep saying they have invited OKIB to be a part of the
any of us have suffered with arm pain. Sometimes these injuries have healed quickly; sometimes they have lingered and progressively worsened despite our best efforts to treat the problem. It is helpful to understand what they are and how they developed.
process, but at the same time all parties deny any responsibility when it comes to the band’s claims. “We have heard what our membership has to say,” he said. “The rail action is our current priority.”
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City in Action CounCil HigHligHts social grants
Council received information about the Community Social Development Grants and Grants to Address the Sexual Exploitation of Youth and approved the staff recommendation to award 16 grants, totaling $102,000 to registered non-profit organizations and community organizations offering socially beneficial services or programs in Kelowna.
sterile insect Release Program
Council approved the Sterile Insect Release (SIR) Program, which charges levies to property owners in the program service area. The SIR Program provides area-wide management and control of codling moth infestation as well as the release of sterile codling moths throughout orchards to reduce the reliance on pesticides.
Cameron House update
Council approved removal of the $200,000 Cameron House budget request from the 2015 Financial Plan and staff will proceed with an updated capital request for 2016. Restoration and construction of the Cameron House will not occur in 2015 as the remainder of the year will be required to properly scope the project, develop appropriate solutions and seek funding partnerships. kelowna.ca/council
PubliC notiCes Residential Pool or Hot tub Draining
The City’s Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Regulation bylaw restricts the discharge of swimming pool or hot tub water that contains disinfectants such as chlorine, salt water chlorination, or bromine.
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City Hall 1435 Water Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J4 250-469-8500
Residents are recommended to drain their pool to a dry area on their own property over a long period of time, making sure that the water stays on your property. For individuals intending to drain their pool into the storm drain or sanitary sewer, please follow the procedure outlined on kelowna.ca/utilities, under water > drainage. Other water features including fountains and ponds may also need to follow these draining procedures. Please note that improper discharge could result in a fine of up to $2,000. inFo: 250-469-8887
until the muscle becomes dysfunctional; even simple tasks irritate the muscle.
Parcel tax Rolls
The City of Kelowna is updating the local area service parcel tax rolls. The parcel tax rolls are available for inspection at the City of Kelowna office Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Owners of property included in these areas may request that their own property roll be amended based on one or more of the following grounds: a) there is an error or omission respecting a name or address on the parcel tax roll b) there is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel c) there is an error or omission respecting the taxable area or the taxable frontage of a parcel d) an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed A request must be made in writing to: Revenue Manager, City of Kelowna, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna BC V1Y 1J4 by 4pm on May 4, 2015. Local area service parcel tax rolls can be local improvements such as concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk, boulevard seeding, road/lane drainage or sewer and water services.
local improvement Parcel tax Rolls: Abbott St Ace Rd Bertram St Bothe Rd Braemar St Clifton Rd Dease Rd Dilworth Dr Dundas Rd Enterprise Way Elm St
Glenaire Cres Glenwood Ave Glenaire Cres Glenwood Ave Harvey Ave Hein Rd Hollywood Rd Hollydell Rd Keehn Rd Lake Ave Lanfranco Rd
Lawrence Ave Leckie Rd Marshall St Mountain Ave Morrison Ave Pandosy St Pasadena Rd Raymer Ave Richter St Thompson Rd Wilkinson St
sewer/Water local Area Parcel tax Rolls: Water – Beaver Lake Sewer/Water Area 1 Water Area 16 – Burns/Benvoulin Sewer Area 18 – Caramillo Water Area 18 Sewer Area 19 Sewer Area 20 Sewer Area 21A Sewer Area 22A Sewer Area 22B Sewer Area 22C Sewer Area 22D Sewer Area 22E Sewer Area 22F Sewer Area 23 Sewer Area 26 Water Area 26 Sewer Area 28A Sewer Area 29 Sewer Area 30 Sewer Area 34 Sewer Area 36 Sewer Area 40
– Lakeshore Road – Poplar Point – Rutland – McKenzie Bench – Gerstmar – Vista – Hein – Elwyn – Dease – Mills – Rutland Rd SW – Fisher Rd – Fisher Rd – Okaview – Campion Cambro – Acland – Country Rhodes – Clifton Rd N - Brandt’s Creek Tradewaste Treatment Plant
Watermain Flushing
Utility crews continue their watermain flushing program to ensure the distribution system is refreshed and healthy. Poplar Point Drive to KLO Road from Okanagan Lake to Gordon Drive March 27 – May 15 During this period, lower than normal water pressure may be experienced. If water is discoloured, run the cold water until clear. inFo: 250-469-8929
oPen House lakeshore Road upgrades Dehart to McClure Roads Public information session
The public is invited to an information session to view the detailed design for Lakeshore Road from Dehart to McClure Roads. Wednesday May 6, 4pm – 7pm okanagan Mission Community Hall (4409 lakeshore Road) Improvements will include sidewalks, street lighting, improved traffic flow and safety with two lanes and a center turning lane, a multi-use pathway and commuter bike lanes. Construction is scheduled to begin in June and completion is anticipated by November. inFo: 250-469-8727 kelowna.ca/cityprojects
inFo: 250-469-8757 kelowna.ca/propertytax
A8 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Hair-brained idea to restore Mission Creek’s meander To the editor: Re: New parkland purchase for restoration of Mission Creek meander. How exciting! City hall is now committed to spending our hard earned tax dollars to fight nature by re-channeling and re-diking creek waters to “old natural boundaries.”
LETTER OF THE WEEK Just what are the “old natural boundaries” of a meandering stream? Who are the bright lights who have come up with this scheme? Who are the bright lights at Kelowna City Hall who have bought the idea without thought or question? Well it does sound like a good idea if you stop at the buzz words; “new parkland…historic restoration…green space… etc.” But did anyone look beyond these attractive buzz words to see reality?
No go zone As China modifies embryo DNA, a leading US health director says it’s a “line that should not be crossed.” http://tiny.cc/jg5lxx
Bye bye birdie One in six species on the planet could face extinction if climate change is not brought under control, US research suggests. http://tiny.cc/mj5lxx
Rubella booted The Americas have become the first region in the world to eradicate rubella. There have been no cases of German measles in five years. http://tiny.cc/1q5lxx
Softer drink PepsiCo will remove aspartame from its drinks by August in the US, saying it is responding to consumer preferences.. http://tiny.cc/yw5lxx
While new parkland is always an urban good, any proposed redevelopment of that parkland is an item of major additional expense that must be well thought out to be merited. Looking beyond the buzz words in the selling of the “meander option,” it is clear that ‘the King is without clothes.’ As anyone with a smattering of knowledge knows meandering of a water flow is a natural process comparable to the flexing of an unsecured water hose. Over time most waterways will tend to straighten somewhat, particularly in following the path of least resistance. This process results in ever-changing boundaries with the accumulation and leveling of alluvial plains. The Fraser River Delta is the prime example in this province. “Historic boundaries of a stream” therefore have no meaning beyond a decade by decade variable. But never mind, our trusted councillors have apparently bought the hair-brained idea hook, line, and sinker. Never mind that there are no monies to
4 n A t e f
b a a a f o d C
v L [ B i f t t o d
Step up to First Nations Commonage claim The Lake Country CN IN THESE Rail purchase PARTS referendum may be over but now RICHARD the heavy lifting ROLKE begins. A major stumbling block to the rail corridor from Coldstream to Kelowna transforming into a recreational trail is the ongoing land claim by the Okanagan Indian Band. “It’s difficult to deny the fact that the Commonage reserve, where the Commonage rail corridor is, was created in 1877 by the Joint Indian Reserve Commission,” said Chief Byron Louis in a recent release. However, bureaucrats between 1886 and 1893 erased the reserve boundaries on a map and the band’s access to the land disappeared. With calls for action ignored for more than a century, frustration has been building among band members and they believe sending a wakeup call to Ottawa is the only alternative. With local communities clambering to buy the rail corridor, legal action brings the band’s case immediate attention. The band has been clear that local communities
Publisher/Advertising Manager
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GLENN BEAUDRY A division of Black Press 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2 250-763-3212
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Office Manager Member of the British Columbia Press Council
should exercise ‘buyer beware’ when trying to purchase the corridor. “When Kelowna Pacific Railway went bankrupt and Canadian National Railway decided to abandon the entire rail corridor, the Commonage rail corridor should have reverted to reserve land,” states the band. “If the lands were to revert to reserve, as they should have, the Commonage rail corridor does not belong to CNR, therefore CNR cannot sell it.” Local officials have stated that the land claim is a matter strictly between the band and the federal government, but the Regional District of North Okanagan, Lake Country and Kelowna are all identified in the band’s notice of claim filed in the B.C. Supreme Court. The jurisdictions are involved whether they want to be or not, and it was disappointing that a press release Tuesday from the acquisition team made no mention of the situation with the band. However, there is some sign of movement. “This is a good opportunity for them (band) to get it before the federal government, perhaps with the support of local government,” said James Baker, Lake Country mayor, during an interview Monday. “I’d like to see us support (the claim). The courts have said aboriginal title underlines all of B.C.” And direct lobbying of the federal and provincial Newsroom: Sean Connor, Warren Henderson, Kathy Michaels, Kevin Parnell, Jean Russell, Alistair Waters Advertising: Ron Harding, Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Sheri Jackson, Robert Lindsay, Rick Methot,Christine Mould, Megan Munro, Al Tomiak, Kimberley Vico, Wayne Woollett Classified: Michelle Trudeau, Emily Vergnano Production: Nancy Blow, Shayla Graf, Kiana Haner-Wilk, Nadine Krahn, Mary Matthews, Laura Millsip,
Kelly Ulmer Accounting: Rachel Dekker Real Estate Weekly: Terry Matthews Distribution: Mark Carviel, Richard Dahle, Kate Sarac
governments to resolve the land claim is what’s needed if a rail trail is to materialize. Mayors and councils and regional district chairpersons and directors must not only fire off letters to their senior m counterparts, but demand face-to-face meetings with local MPs and MLAs. They need to make it abundantly clear that the OKIB’s claim can no longer t be cast aside and First Nations must be treated fairly t s and respectfully. w And given that 3,336 Lake Country residents voted yes to borrow funds to buy the corridor, there is an army of rank-and-file citizens who can also be m mobilized to contact their elected officials in Ottawa U r and Victoria. p Of course, the OKIB must also demonstrate a willingness to work with local communities 1 to resolve this issue as a rail trail can benefit all economically (the band’s Duck Lake reserve includes B s the corridor and could eventually be the site of l tourism services like hotels and restaurants). But the overwhelming onus is on municipal i councils that sold the dream of a rail trail to their residents and urged them to invest dollars. There is s another hurdle to jump and now is not the time to w sit on the sidelines. i i Richard Rolke is a reporter for Black Press in p Vernon. s i
r c a E-MAIL w Newsroom: edit@kelownacapnews.com i Production: prod@kelownacapnews.com b Classified Newsroom: 250-763-8469 Advertising, Classifieds, REW 250-862-5275
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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Classic Shoes
Food self-reliance as California dries out
To the editor: Re: Canadian water, Nafta and a dry California Listening to the dry cough from nearly 40 million thirsty Californians makes me nervous with respect to our water resources. A dry California also makes me rethink our topsoil and preserving our limited farm land, especially in the ideal climates for growing foods. Here, in the Okanagan, our people have been so busy building homes and businesses as well as expanding roads etc., that our available farm land is slowly being chewed away. California also supplies much of our food stuffs so maybe we should be preserving our farm land with respect to a halt or slow down of food supplies to Canada from California.
The latest piece of most ideal farm land in Kelowna is under pressure to be released from the land reserve so a well-known developer can build many condominiums and 200,000 sq. ft. of more retail space (we have plenty in Kelowna). Our city fathers were in favour of this release with one councillor speaking on the radio saying, “the 25 acres is no good for farming due to the lack of access.” How can lack of access make it good for development? Will California, with due respect to the articles in NAFTA-plus, now demand Canadian water be diverted south to their farms and swimming pools? So, which will it be? Food from California, ruin our own chances of growing future food by building on our farm land, send our water south, attempt to make ourselves more self-
sufficient, or shall we just sit on our rears and let time tell us what it will be? Why do you think NAFTA-plus has a water clause? It is because we have the water, they need it and if we do not wake up, they will take it. Once the water is flowing south, there will be no turning back or restrictions on the amount. If you believe oil, gas and electricity is important, think again, water outweighs them all by a million times. Ripping up farm land at this pace is a form of self harm, we do not think long-term, we think for now. Water conservation can also be accomplished by new thinking i.e.: using “used” water for irrigation etc. A thirsty man is more dangerous than a hungry man. Jorgen Hansen, Kelowna
Harper gov’t just adds to our debt load
To the editor: Regarding your article on the differing views of our Conservative MP and the Liberal candidate on the federal budget [Stretching the Credibility of Balanced Budget Claim, April 29 Capital News], it is clear, as always that Ron Cannan can faithfully recite PMO talking points, which in this case, are designed to get us to believe that the Harper government has a record of sound management of the economy despite accumulating the most debt of any
government in our history throughout its seven years of budgetary deficits. As Stephen Fuhr points out, the “balance” claimed by Cannan is indeed smoke and mirrors. Canada would still have a huge deficit when one discounts the fact that Mr. Oliver has dipped into EI and contingency reserve funds and has again postponed overdue major expenditures in defense procurement, infrastructure investment, climate change mitigation as well as in indigenous housing, education and health
care—all of which will come back after the elections and will tip the budget back into serious deficit. One area where the Harper regime could save is in its shameless self-promotion at taxpayer expense—such as those ads during the hockey games—which now have added almost $1 billion to Canada’s debt load.
Living wage for all jobs
Major expense to improve parkland
wage claim that stores could not afford this. But try taking into account the high franchise fees or ridiculous salaries earned by corporation CEOs. While food banks are a form of charity, supported by generous donors, and help in a pragmatic way people earning a low wage, it does nothing to remove the causes behind the need. Politicians encourage support of food banks but do little to eliminate the need for them. I am opposed to capitalism, communism and to being ruled by the rich, a form of governing labeled timocracy. I am for democracy, entrepreneurship and allowing people to make an honest living without being exploited. I would like to see a return of traditional family life, without the need for both parents having to work. We need a taxation system that will eradicate the greed that is rampant today. We can be a self-sustainable country without soliciting trade with non-democratic countries and stop stripping away our natural resources. Some who I have shared my views with respond to me that “I can’t think of a better country to live in.” Well, neither can I. But as US President Barack Obama stated: “There is nothing wrong with our country, it is the politics that need improvement.” Can we not see the western world being drained of our resources and the ever expanding gap between the rich and the poor? Are we content to keep on exploiting the poor? To see our youth unable to own a home and become financially independent? A.D.H. Ferguson, West Kelowna
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Stan Gooch, Kelowna
To the editor: Re: Recognizing the importance of the menial task workers. In early January of this year, I sent a letter to federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair stating that I was pleased to hear that he was suggesting the need to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. I pointed out that there needs to be more than just raising the minimum wage. Unfortunately, he lacked the courtesy of responding to my letter, a trait I notice practiced by many of our politicians. I was also pleased to read in the March 18 edition of the Capital News that the BC Federation of Labour took the stand to support raising the minimum wage to a livable wage. Shirley Bond, our provincial labour minister, is way out of touch with reality. I would suggest she should try living on an income wage of $10.65 an hour. I do disagree with the suggestion that it’s important to strive for something more important in life than working in a fast-food place. There are many people who would be satisfied with working in such an environment if it provided them a livable wage. It’s nice to be served by someone who recognizes regular customers, engages in cheerful conversation and enjoys what they are doing, rather than be treated by someone who has no interest in their work and treat it as a temporary job with no satisfaction or benefits. We should recognize the importance of menial task workers. Where would the franchise stores, chain outlets and corporations be without these workers? These workers are essential to any business and deserve to be paid a livable wage. Those in opposition to raising the minimum
MISSION CREEK FROM A8 complete existing parks, such as the much needed Cedar Avenue lakeshore park. We can always increase taxes! Please think twice before you spend once. This is a humble plea to the powers that be from yours truly, an overburdened taxpayer. Marguerite Beverley Sisett, Kelowna
EXPRESS YOURSELF We welcome letters that comment in a timely manner about stories and editorials published in the Capital News. Letters under 200 words will be given priority in considering them for publication. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. Letters sent directly to reporters may be treated as letters to the editor. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Names will be withheld at the editor’s discretion, only under exceptional circumstances. E-mail letters to edit@kelownacapnews.com, fax to 763-8469 or mail to The Editor, Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C., V1X 7K2.
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
news _____________________________________ AIR TRAVEL
Popularity of flying unabated
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Alistair Waters
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Your best source of community news—the Capital News
Delegates at this week’s B.C. Aviation Council annual general meeting in Kelowna don’t have far to look to see evidence of the “unprecedented demand” they say is out there for air travel in this province. The Kelowna International Airport (YLW) is hosting the council’s AGM, and is currently on its 25th straight month of recordbreaking passenger numbers, a year ahead of its targeted date to handle 1.6 million passengers. The airport is embarking on yet another major addition and renovation of its facilities. “These (provincewide) increases indicate that flying is a preferred means of travel for both the people who live (in B.C.) and those who come for business and leisure,” said BCAC chairman Mark Duncan. “The dilemma many airports are now facing
Kelowna International Airport is a leading example in B.C. that flying on airplanes remains a highly preferred way to travel. is how to build the infrastructure that ensures they can keep pace with growth and remain economic generators for their communities and the province as a whole.” Duncan pointed to YLW, as well as regional airports in Fort St. John, where numbers have nearly doubled in the last three year and Nanaimo, where numbers hit an alltime high for that airport in 2014. He said while B.C. is home to 13 per cent Canada’s population, its airports handle 20
per cent of the country’s airport traffic. YLW is the 10th busiest airport in the Canada and is often cited as a major economic generator for Kelowna, which owns and operates the facility. But with its growing reach, with routes across Canada, into the U.S., to several sun destinations in Mexico and Hawaii and now Cuba, YLW is marketed as a regional airport for the entire southern Interior, despite the presence of other, smaller airports such as the ones in Penticton and
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Kamloops. And the province is also paying attention. B.C. Transportation Minister Todd Stone said in recognition of the major economic impact regional airports are having on the provincial economy, it is providing $24 million over the next three years to help pay for infrastructure improvements through its 10-year B.C. On The Move transportation plan. But that amount is not expected to go far considering the latest round of expansion and renovation work at YLW is expected to cost more than $50 million alone over the next five years. In Kelowna, as with virtually all other airports in the country, improvements are paid for in whole or in part, by revenue generated from airport improvement fees. In the case of YLW, the fee is $15 on each ticket for a flight leaving Kelowna. The airport, while owned by the city, is financially self-sustaining and generates the money it needs to operate through fees charged to users, not property taxation. It makes money from corporate fees paid by the airport’s business users such as the airlines, the car rental firms, other business at the airport such as restaurants and retail stores and parking operators, as well as the travelling public through the AIF. The BCAC meeting was scheduled to wrap up Thursday, with many of the 90 delegates leaving, as expected, by plane.
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com A11
news _____________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET
Trustees sign off on cuts,revenue hikes, to balance budget Kevin Parnell kparnell@kelownacapnews.com
The Central Okanagan school board has approved several moves to balance its budget for the 2015-16 school season, chopping about $1.3 million from the budget as mandated by the provincial government. Trustees approved several decisions at its regular meeting on Wednesday night. A few moves will
increase revenue to the district including restoring a transportation user fee to $200 per year per student, increasing the International Education Program by 25 students and expanding the district’s WorkSafe BC claims management program. Other savings will come from cost cutting measures including: • Operations’ department reduced by $275,000. • Technology
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
news _______________________________________________
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WK council: Talking taxes, new bridge Alistair Waters awaters@kelownacapnews.com
The provincial study that includes looking at options for a second crossing of Okanagan Lake is about to turn to the public for input. B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure district manager Murray Tekano told West Kelowna council earlier this week that with the initial assessment work now nearly done by the technical planning committee, inclusion of the community planning committee can start. That work will include a public open house “very soon” to show the public what the technical
committee has learned and to gather public input. The two-year, $2-million study, which is looking at transportation issues between Lake Country and Peachland includes, but is not limited to, identifying a corridor for, and a location of, a second crossing. Tekano’s presentation did not give specifics about corridor or crossing locations but in response to a question from Coun. Rusty Ensign, said both should be identified by the time the study wraps up in 2017. But, he added, even then it would likely be years before a second crossing would be built. One of the concerns expressed by West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater is that in the long-
term, funneling traffic from a second crossing onto the existing Highway 97 on the Westside would “not be sustainable.” He made a pitch for a bypass route, something Tekano said will be looked at as part of the study’s overall work. But where that bypass would go is still a question. Previous studies have indicated that it could be in the hills above West Kelowna and eventually join the Okanagan Connector. But such a route would be very expensive as, among other considerations, a high-level bridge would be required over Glen Canyon. Tekano said the corridor on the Westside is a “critical” part
of what the two planning groups will be looking at.
West Kelowna council has adopted its budget for 2015, with property owners facing a 2.7 per cent tax increase,up from the 2.4 per cent proposed during budget deliberations. The reasons for the increase were that the district’s labour talks with its unionized firefighters took place after the deliberations, while a predicted windfall of up to $400,000 in new construction revenue as a result of a review by B.C. Assessment didn’t pan out due to assessment appeals filed by property owners.
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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news _____________________________________________________________________
UBCO Nepalese students organize candlelight vigil for earthquake victims Dinesh Adhikary Contributor
As you may have heard by now, a natural calamity happened in Nepal on April 25. A powerful earthquake
magnitude 7.9 on the Richter scale claimed the lives of about 4,000 people and still counting. The earthquake destroyed thousands of houses and many national heritage sites throughout
our nation, leaving our friends and families in a state of great pain and despair. We Nepalese students at UBCO are in great pain as well. Some of us lost our relatives and homes. Our
immediate families are fine but our homes are in ruin and our families are out on the streets. So to do what we can to help, we have initiated a fundraising campaign at UBCO, a part of which will include
a candlelight vigil ceremony at Stuart Park in downtown Kelowna on Saturday, 7:30 p.m. For more information, contact Dinesh Adhikary at 778-680-771.
Still looking for the perfect surprise for your Mom on Mother’s Day? The Capital News can help you out! One lucky reader will take home a $100 gift certificate from a participating merchant of choice. All you have to do to enter is snap a photo of you and your mom and enter it online at kelownacapnews.com/contests. The contest will be open until Thursday, May 7th @ 12:00pm. The winner will be notified by phone call on Thursday afternoon.
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2015-04-30 1:50
A14 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
news _____________________________________________________________________
Judge gives driver who rammed police car another chance Kathy Michaels kmichaels@kelownacapnews.com
Daniel Mader may be a career criminal, but a
Supreme Court judge found him worthy of
another shot at freedom and released him from
custody Wednesday, with time served.
Central Okanagan
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Mader, 31, was arrested in Kelowna Dec. 6, 2013, following an incident two days earlier where he intentionally rammed into a police car with a stolen vehicle in an attempt to evade custody. Justice Peter Rogers said Mader—who he described as a “serial criminal” with no demonstrated “attachment to civil society”—had served enough time for the incident at hand. Mader is “still relatively young,” Rogers said. “There is at least a possibility that (he) may be able to change the course of his life.” The fact he was willing to participate in a number of personal betterment programs while incarcerated, could be evidence of that ability, Rogers said. Mader, who has been behind bars for all but 23
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months of his adult life, suffers from brain damage incurred at birth and in a 2003 accident. His history is rife with tales of abuse and neglect, according a 2007 neuropsychological report, and the combination of both physical and emotional damage have put him at odds with society. Since 2005 he’s been convicted of manslaughter, uttering threats, multiple breaches of probation, stolen property, assault with a weapon, possessing forged documents and fleeing from police. The most recent incident, though not the most violent, was unusual. Crown counsel Kurt Froehlich told the court that two officers in an unmarked vehicle, spotted a truck that had been reported stolen out of Merritt Dec. 4, 2013. When the truck left the Hein Road home where it was parked, Mader was behind the wheel with his fiancee in the passenger’s seat, and police followed. Mader drove to a property on Homer Road where police positively identified him. He had a driving prohibition at the time so an arrest warrant was ordered and two unmarked vehicles turned their lights on as they pulled in behind him. “Mader reversed into the front bumper of the Tahoe,” Crown counsel told the court, noting that the force of the hit pushed the police truck into the road. A police officer who was standing adjacent to the truck had to push off the truck to escape being hit.
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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news __________________________
Saturday May 2nd and Sunday May 3rd
Rutland Senior Secondary students made a return to Mission Creek Regional Park this week to continue efforts to improve safety and security in a 1.8 ha section of the park between the Irrigation Channel to the Leckie Road parking lot and Springfield Road.
Finding hope for serial criminal DRIVER FROM A14 Then another officer pulled a gun, while showing a police badge. “The truck stopped several seconds,” Froehlich said. Mader revved the engine and stared at the officer holding the gun. Then he drove away with tires squealing and his engine roaring, taking out a chain link fence on his way. Due to the erratic behaviour, police did not take chase, but that didn’t stop Mader from driving in a frightening
fashion. A woman who was driving in the area called 911 when she saw Mader on Hollywood Road. As he turned onto Springfield Road and proceeded to weave through traffic, she followed, eventually spotted the truck on Mark Road. She saw Mader and his girlfriend run away. Mader was arrested two days later while standing in a business parking lot on Dilworth, wearing a blonde wig and a hoodie. Mader will be on probation for two years.
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
news _____________________________________________________________________ KEEPING A DREAM ALIVE
Papa John’s pizza outlets step up for Disneyland Dreamlift kparnell@kelownacapnews.com
Papa John’s employee Tamara Phillips says she will be ready to do it all over again next year after working one of the busiest days in Papa John’s franchise history. Phillips worked more than 12 hours straight on Wednesday, donating her wages in support of the inaugural Papa John’s Pizza Dreams For Kids Day.
Phillips was one of about 40 local employees who donated their wages, time and tips to the Dreams For Kids Day. The Kelowna mom said it was an amazing experience at the store, much busier than they anticipated. Overall, more than $42,000 was raised in sales, wages, tips and donations at Papa John’s restaurants in Kelowna, West Kelowna, Kamloops and Prince George.
“Overall it was great and fun and thankfully everyone was patient,” said Phillips, who became emotional talking about the fundraising effort, which will allow kids a one-day trip to Disneyland this fall. “I just think if that was my kid, I’d really be thankful that someone did something like this. I think it was awesome.” Wednesday’s Dreamlift Day marked the first year Papa John’s outlets
stepped forward to host the one-day fundraiser, a long-running event in Kelowna that used to be hosted by Wendy’s. But when the hamburger chain opted to focus on other charity efforts, Kelowna restaurateur Geoff Linquist, who owns the Kelowna and West Kelowna Papa John’s, stepped in to pick up the slack. “I’ve known this event for years and years and
Kevin Parnell
A day after helping to raise $42,000 in the first ever Papa John’s Pizza Dreams For Kids Day, employee Tamara Phillips and store owner Geoff Linquist were back cranking out the lunch orders. have had the privilege to meet some of the children and their families,” said Linquist. “So when we saw that it was going to go away we felt compelled to do something. We didn’t know if it would work but we talked with the Sunshine Foundation and with our team and we thought let’s do it.” And more than a success, Linquist said the event was overwhelming. Linquist said he was waiting Thursday for confirmation from head office of setting oneday record for sales at a Papa John’s restaurant in Canada at the Kelowna location, where people waited hours for pizza, phoning in orders from the line and coming back to pick them up. “We’ve never seen sales like that ever,” said Linquist. “It was completely off the charts.” The money will go towards the Sunshine Dreamlift, which will launch in December of this year, making kids
dreams come true in a long-standing tradition of a one-day return flight Kelowna to Disneyland. “For a lot of these kids it’s the first time they have been away from their parents,” said Linquist, a day after the event and working on three hours sleep. “The staff were amazing. A lot of them were on their feet all day so we have some sore bodies and tired faces. “But we were happy to do it. It’s not so much about Papa John’s, it’s the community that rallies around this. The success of this is a reflection on our community.” Not even 12 hours after finishing her shift Wednesday, Tamara Phillips was back making pizzas at the Kelowna Papa John’s. She said they will be ready to go next year. “We will make some changes next year,” she said with a smile. “But I think it was an awesome event.” @KP_media1
Conference to discuss men’s health and wellbeing issues An inaugural conference to discuss the health and wellbeing of men who have sex with men in B.C’s Interior will take place on Tuesday, May 19, at the Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna. The Men’s Health Matters conference will be hosted by the Living Positive Resource Centre’s Men’s Health Initiative, with the aim to deliver service providers, health care professionals and interested community members the information and education they need to help improve the Interior community of men who have sex with other men. “We are seeing more frequently the need for local LGBT programming and access to inclusive services and health care,” said Clare MacDonald, executive dA16 bg.inddirector at the Living Positive Resource Centre. “Tremendous headway has been made involving the health of gay, bi and trans men in large cities like Vancouver, and now we are seeing that same push for diversity in other non-profit services and health agencies at a local level.”
sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com A17
Sports Sports
Mlikotic aims for solid end to Clan career vwhenderson@kelownacapnews.com
It’s already been John Mlikotic’s best season with the Simon Fraser Clan men’s golf program. But there’s still more the 21-year-old Immaculata grad would like to accomplish before his fourth and final campaign of university competition comes to a close. Mlikotic and the Clan are off to the NCAA Div. 2 West/South Central regional tournament beginning Monday in Vallejo, Calif. The top five teams will advance to the national championship May 18 to 22 in North Carolina. Mlikotic and the Clan are enjoying the program’s best year to date, as SFU is currently ranked 14th in the nation in Div. 2 men’s golf. “It’s been a good season for us, but there’s more we want before it’s over,” said Mlikotic. “The first goal is to play well at regionals and get back to nationals. “Right now we feel like we’re clicking as a team, and if we get the the bounces and our time is right who knows, maybe we can win the whole thing. We might as well set our goals high.” Mlikotic and the Clan were in fine form last week en route to winning the school’s first ever
Great Northwest Athletic Conference in Idaho. Mlikotic posted scores of 69-70-73 to finish third in individual play. In addition to a pair of second-place and one third-place effort this season, the Kelowna golfer has also has nine top-10 finishes. Mlikotic was also named this week a GNAC first-team all-star. All in all, the former B.C. high school A boys’ champion is pleased with the way the 2014-15 season has unfolded. “My game’s always a work in progress but I’m pretty happy with it,” Mlikotic said. “I’ve been working hard this year, continuing on from last summer, so I think the work is starting to pay off. I feel ready to compete over the last few weeks here and hopefully help the team to a good finish.” Under the tutelage of Clan head coach John Buchanan, Mlikotic has shown improvement in each of his four seasons and has evolved into a leadership role as SFU team captain. An under-the-radar player coming out of high school, Buchanan didn’t have huge expectations for Mlikotic. Still, after watching him play at the B.C. amateur championship four years ago, the SFU coach said there were reasons to be
Rockets and Winterhawks down to a best-of-three Warren Henderson whenderson@kelownacapnews.com
Warren Henderson
Kelowna’s John Mlikotic is closing out his final season of university golf with the Simon Fraser Clan. intrigued. “You could see he had potential, there was very good intensity and focus in him,” Buchanan said. “He was exceptionally well-mannered, and I enjoyed talking to him. “He’s turned into a very consistent player during his time here, he’s very well-respected and he’s been a big part of helping build our program into what it is today.” The 2013-14 season was a breakout campaign for both Mlikotic and the Clan, as SFU surprised everyone by earning a spot at both regionals and nationals. Buchanan said Mlikotic’s defining moment and turning point in his game came at the 2014 regionals in
Austin, Texas. In the final round, with the Clan 16 strokes out of a national qualifying spot, Mlikotic went to work, stringing together a stellar back nine— including birdies on three of the last five holes—to shoot his lowest career round of 68. The result also vaulted SFU from ninth to sixth place and a berth at the national championships. “That was the biggest contribution I had made as a player,” Mlikotic said. “It kind of propelled us to nationals. Something like that gives you confidence and belief in yourself. “I think all the experiences of past years at school and on the golf course have really benefitted me,”
he added. “I feel more comfortable when I’m close to the lead and feel like I just handle myself better than when I was younger.” When the NCAA golf season and his Clan career comes to an end, Mlikotic will return to Kelowna for the summer where he plans to play in a number of tournaments. Next fall, he’ll return to SFU for his fifth and final year of school, where he majors in communications with a minor in business. Then in the summer of 2016, Mlikotic may try his hand at turning pro. “It’s been a dream and a goal of mine for a while now,” he said. “I figure I might as well give it a run.”
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The Kelowna Rockets would like nothing more than to relieve the Portland Winterhawks of their grip on the WHL’s Western Conference title. To make that happen, Dan Lambert’s team will need to take two of the next three games from the defending conference champions. All tied up 2-2 in the best-of-seven, the Rockets will host the ‘Hawks Friday at Prospera Place in Game 5. Face off is 7:05 p.m. After falling 7-3 in Game 3 Tuesday at the Moda Center, Kelowna rebounded on Wednesday night with a 3-2 win to get back on even terms. The Rockets did it without their top goal scorer from both the regular season and playoffs, as Rourke Chartier sat out after being injured in the third period of Game 3. Chartier, who has nine playoff goals, is sidelined on an indefinite basis. Justin Kirkland and Gage Quinney were also out of the lineup for Games 3 and 4, testing
the Rockets’ depth at forward. But it was the club’s veteran players who stepped up, as Tyrell Goulbourne scored the game winner on a second-period power play. Fellow 20-year-old Chance Braid also scored, while Leon Draisaitl added a goal and an assist. After giving up four goals on 18 shots and being pulled in Game 3, Rockets goalie Jackson Whistle was solid Wednesday night making 40 saves for his 10th win of the post-season. Game 6 will be played Sunday in Portland, with a seventh and deciding game, if needed set for Kelowna on Tuesday, May 5. It’s the fourth time in five seasons the Rockets and Portland have met in the post-season. The Winterhawks won last year’s conference final in five games. Meanwhile, the Brandon Wheat Kings have the upper hand in the Eastern Conference final, leading the Calgary Hitmen three games to none. Game 5 goes Friday in Brandon. @capnewsports.ca
250-869-0700 2492 ENTERPRISE WAY, KELOWNA (Across from Shaw Cable)
A18 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
sports ____________________________________________________________________
Warren Henderson whenderson@kelownacapnews.com
As a coach, administrator and
referee for more than four decades, it’s quite conceivable that no one has poured more hours into growing the game
of basketball in the Okanagan than Jack May. The 74-yearold Kelowna man’s exceptional contributions to the sport were formally recognized last week in Langley as May was inducted into the Basketball B.C. Hall of Fame. “It’s quite overwhelming,” said May, who was inducted into the builder’s category April 25. “To think you are being honoured for something you’ve done for so long, had so much fun with, and met so many people doing what you love, it’s very humbling.” After playing both high school and university basketball in Victoria, May got his first coaching assignment in Revelstoke in 1964. Among the players he coached in the early years was Ken Olynyk, a former national team and U of Toronto coach and father of current NBA player, Kelly Olynyk. Not long after moving to Kelowna, May founded
May enshrined in Basketball B.C. Hall of Fame
Kelowna’s Jack May, the founder of the Western Canada Basketball Tournament, has been inducted into the Basketball B.C. Hall of Fame in the builder category. the Western Canada Basketball Tournament in 1974. The annual showcase of high school talent continues to thrive 42 years later as one
of the premier sporting events in B.C. “(The tournament) has really succeeded beyond what I had imagined,” said May. “We wanted
to get the best teams here and show the fans the highest level of basketball, and expose our young players to it as well. “Jack Hoy took it on for 25 years after me and did a great job, and now others are carrying it on to new heights,” May added. “There was always great support from staff, students and the community and still is today.” May has been a fixture with the B.C. High School Boys Basketball Association where he served in various capacities, including sitting as president in 1987. He was also a key figure in the development of the Kelowna Minor Basketball Association along with fellow builder Bill Lang. Lang, a former coach at KSS who also played for May with the Owls in Grade 10, said May’s contributions to the sport in Kelowna and B.C. can’t be overstated. “Jack was one guy who
made a real difference and influenced a lot of people,” said Lang. “His passion that he’s passed on to so many others is hard to measure, but there’s no question he had a huge impact on the game here. “The who’s who of basketball in Kelowna have all been touched by Jack. He was the guiding light.” May remains involved today with both the B.C. High School Boys Basketball and the Western Canada Basketball Tournament. And up until recently he still officiating games, but a knee injury eventually forced him off the court. For May’s part, he wouldn’t trade in a single moment of his time spent as a coach, organizer, administrator or referee. “I’ve got a lot of enjoyment out of (basketball) in my life,” c said May. “You watch i kids as they grow up and T as they move on in life. It’sY all been very rewarding.” s For more Hall of Fame news see page A19.
Kelowna peewees 2nd at AA tourney The Kelowna Cubs settled for second best at a peewee AA baseball tournament held last weekend at Lombardy Park. The tourney featuring teams from Nanaimo, West Kelowna and
Penticton. After going 4-0 in the round robin, Kelowna matched up against Nanaimo in the final. Tied 2-2 after six innings, Nanaimo scored twice in the seventh to take a two-run lead.
Kelowna would answer back with one in the bottom half of the inning but would fall just short 4-3. The Cubs’ game MVP’s included Adam Renneberg, Brady Renneberg, Karrson Meier
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and Ronnel Castro. Solo home runs were hit by Kelowna’s Dawson Head and Adam Renneberg. The Kelowna Cubs peewee AA team is: Adam Renneberg, Aidan Marsh, Brady Renneberg,
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b S Braedon Ozechowski, g Cade Webber, Coltin Bryan, Connor Richards, a Dawson Head, Ethan Kohlen, Evan Meekma, c Finlay Nye, Karrson Meier, p b and Ronnel Castro. V The coaches are W Ted Richards, Derek Renneberg, Greg Meier, p and Matt Nye.
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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sports ____________________________________________________________________
Crows host Lions Saturday in rugby semifinal
The Kelowna Crows are a step away from a berth in the final of the B.C. Rugby Union’s 3rd division. The Crows will host Vancouver’s Brit Lions in the league semifinal on Saturday afternoon at the Parkinson fields. Kick off is 1 p.m. The winner will move onto to face the winner of the other semifinal between Capilano and the Velox Valhallians. The Crows, who finished first in the regular season with an 8-1 record, advanced to the semifinal with a 42-
Blair Bosscher of the Kelowna Crows receives the ball in a lineout in B.C. Rugby Union playoff action against Burnaby Lake Saturday at the Parkinson fields.
2 marathons, 2 weeks They did it. A quintet of Kelowna woman, led by 76-year-old Liz Borrett, successfully completed two marathons in less than a week. Borrett, Becky Williams, Astrid Varga, Charlotte Heidt and Sandy Wike all finished the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 20.
10 victory over Burnaby Lake in the quarters last Saturday in Kelowna. Meanwhile, the Crows’ women have a bye into the Div. 2 final on Saturday, May 9 at Brockton Oval in Vancouver. The Crows will face the winner of Seattle and Comox. Kelowna was to have hosted the semifinal this weekend at Parkinson, but Capilano forfeited the match. The Crows, who went 6-1 during the regular season to finish atop the table, defeated Capilano last weekend 56-12.
Kelowna bounced back from a 3-2 deficit at half time. • U12 girls—United Dynamite 4 Kamloops Orange 0; Kelowna United Dynamite 10 Penticton Kate Cartier and Lauren Voros had a hat trick in the win over Penction • U12 boys — Kelowna United Ravens 1 Pinnacles 1; Kelowna United Ravens 8 Vernon 1. Carson Martin scored three times on the weekend, while Seth Butler and Risto Zimmer tallied twice each. —Kelowna United Spartans 6 Kamloops Orange 0; United
into the back of the net by Harry Bortolon. The second goal of the match was a perfectly executed header by Harry Bortolon from a well placed corner kick by Reid Herron. •U16 girls—Kelowna United U16G 1 Kelowna United U15G 0 Brooklyn Kostiuk scored a solid goal assisted by Rachel Davis. Holding onto their lead to the final whistle blow, the game ended 1-0 in favour for the U16 girls. • U13 Girls —Kelowna United 4 Penticton Pinnacles 3 Jaxon Slaney and Kiana McRae tallied twice each in the win, as
minutes 37 seconds. Williams, 56, completed the run in 4:42:20, while Varga, 64, finished in 4:44:34, good for 13th place in her age group. Charlotte Heidt, 62, clocked in at 5:09:54, while Sandy Wike, 60, crossed the line in 5:10:67.
George Pringle inducted Former Kelowna resident George Pringle was inducted into the Basketball B.C. Hall of Fame as part of the 193637 UBC men’s team.
Kelowna United soccer results
Kelowna United teams continued to pile up wins in the third week of the Thompson Okanagan Youth Soccer League season. Here’s are some scores: • U14 boys Kelowna United 2 Vernon 1; Kelowna United 2 Revelstoke 2 Excellent goal keeping by KU Keeper Colton Smith yielded just one goal in the first contest and two in the second. Goals in the first match came initially from a precision passing play between Christopher Vandenheuvel and Joseph Wright, with the final pass being deposited
Six days later, in Carmel, California, the five local runners all crossed the finish line at the 26.2-mile Big Sur Challenge. Borrett, who won her age group (75 to 79) in Boston for the second year in a row, did the same at Big Sur with a time of four hours 20
A three-time all-star in the 1930s, Pringle helped lead the Thunderbirds to the Canadian men’s university championship in 1937, defeating the
Windsor Fords three games to one. Pringle, who was an ordained minister, graduated from UBC in 1938.
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Spartans 4 Kamloops Blue 1 Tobin Woodworth scored four times on the weekend, including a hattrick in Game 2. —Kelowna United Strikers 3 Kamloops 1; Strikers 1 Penticton 1 Caleb Schlachter, Jordan Jensen, Jasper Walker scored for United. • U11 girls— Kelowna United Thunder defeated Shuswap 6-0 anvd tied Kamloops 1-1. —Kelowna United Falcons played to a 3-3 draw with Vernon. • U11 boys—Kelowna United Fire defeated Vernon 5-1 and downed Revelstoke 10-1.
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
sports ____________________________________________________________________
National hardware for Kelowna racquetballers
Thalmeier 13th, Kruetzer signs at UNC
Kelowna’s contingent on the B.C. junior racquetball team: (back from left) Roni Lee, Spencer Bell, head coach Richard Gauthier, (front) Joeycosmo Lee, Kevin Lee and Mitchell Bell. division Spencer Bell, placed first in the red division, and also placed fourth in the Boys doubles division, partnering with an athlete from Alberta. Provincial team head coach Richard Gauthier was pleased with the results. “The boys played their hearts out in this tournament, proving that they compete with
the best players in the country, “said Gauthier who also coaches the Kelowna junior racquetball team. “I was absolutely proud to be able to coach them at nationals. “Everyone was impressed with their fair play on the courts, even calling faults on themselves when the referee didn’t see the
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ZZZ SUDLULHFRDVWHTXLSPHQW FRPÂ&#x2021; .HORZQD Â&#x2021; .DPORRSV Items may not be exactly as shown, accessories & attachments cost extra. Taxes, set-up, delivery, freight, and preparation charges not included. Prices are based on the US exchange are subject to change. A documentation fee of up to $250 will be applied on all finance offerings. Additional fees may apply. Programs and prices subject to change without notice, at any time, see dealer for full details, some restrictions apply. Offer valid from March 1, 2015 until May 31, 2015. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only. For purchases on your Multi-use Account. Offer is unconditionally interest free for the first 360 days. After the 360 day period, for eligible purchases of goods and services: 1) a minimum monthly payment of 2.5% of the original amount financed is required; and 2) finance charges will begin to accrue immediately on amount financed at 17.9% per annum. Minimum purchase amount may be required. A statement of account will be provided monthly. Representative Amount Financed: $10,000, at 17.9% APR, monthly payment is $250 for 62 months, total obligation is $15,500, cost of borrowing is $0. Semi-annual payments and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment. MSRP cash price based on highest priced product in series: is $17,383. Cost of borrowing is based on Representative Amount Financed and not MSRP cash price. In the event you default on this or any John Deere Financial Multi-use Account transaction, interest on all outstanding balances on your Multi-use Account (including on this and all other Special Terms transactions on your Multi-use Account) will begin to accrue immediately at 19.75% APR/AIR from the date of default until paid in full, and you will be required to make monthly payments on your Multi-use Account equal to 2.5% (personal use) of the original amounts financed plus interest. *Offer valid from March 1, 2015 until May 31, 2015. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only. 0% APR purchase financing for 60 months on new John Deere 1 Series Sub-Compact Utility Tractors. Eligibility for $0 down payment offer is limited to highly qualified customers and scheduled monthly payments will be required. Representative Amount Financed: $10,000, at 0% APR, monthly payment is $166.67 for 60 months, total obligation is $10,000, cost of borrowing is $0. Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. MSRP cash price based on highest priced product in series: $14,696 (includes $50 documentation fee). Cost of borrowing based on Representative Amount Financed not MSRP cash price. Minimum finance amount may be required; representative amount does not guarantee offer applies. The charge for amounts past due is 24% per annum. Must use when advertising a RSX: Before operating or riding, always refer to the safety and operating information on the vehicle and in the operatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manual. 3.9% APR purchase financing for 60 months on new John Deere Utility Vehicles. Down payment may be required. Representative Amount Financed: $10,000, at 3.9% APR, monthly payment is $183.71 for 60 months, total obligation is $11,022.60, cost of borrowing is $1,022.60. Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. MSRP cash price based on highest priced product in series: $18,130 (includes $50 documentation fee). Cost of Âą Valid from March 3, 2015 until May 31, 2015. Minimum finance amount may be required; representative amount does not guarantee offer applies. The charge for amounts past due is 24% per annum. Additional dealer fees may apply. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only. By selecting the purchase financing offer, consumers may be foregoing such discounts and incentives which may result in a higher effective interest rate.
play,â&#x20AC;? he added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That kind of attitude showed in Spencer Bell being nominated for the male sportsmanship award for the second year in a row.â&#x20AC;? All four players, who train out of Global Fitness and Racquet Centre in Kelowna, qualified to represent Team B.C. thanks to first- or second-place finishes at provincials last month.
Four members of the Kelowna junior racquetball program brought home seven medals from the Canadian Junior Raquetball Championships in Valleyfield, Que. In his first appearance at nationals, Kevin Lee, 7, placed second in the boys 8 under multi-bounce division. Kevin, who is the current U8 provincial champion, also took third place in the singles division. In the boys 10 under singles division, JoeyCosmo Lee, placed third in singles for the second consecutive year. He also won a gold medal in the boys 12-under doubles division with his partner from Kelowna, Mitchell Bell. Mitchell also won a silver medal in the boys 10-under singles division, also for the second year in a row. In the boys under 14
Kelownaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lily-Ana Kreutzer has signed a letter of intent to play tennis for the University of Northern Colorado.
to all our sponsors, exhibitors and volunteers for helping to make the 3rd Kelowna Autism Awareness Walk a huge success! Alpha Behaviour Services Arc Programs Ltd. Autism Okanagan Autism Speaks Canada Bell Media CAN Capital News Central Okanagan Wildcats Hockey Claro Evan Noble Photography Exceptional Music Adventures EZ Rock 101.5 Great Way Martial Arts IGA Marketplace (North Glenmore) KPMG Mamas for Mamas Okanagan Mr. Rooter Mind Over Learning Reach the Peak Okanagan Centre for Autism Intervention (OCAI) Okanagan Child & Youth Services Ltd. Okanagan Family Autism Connection Pivot Point Family Growth Centre Save-on Foods (Lakeshore Centre) Starbright Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Development Centre Stepping Stones Counselling Studio 9 Independent School of the Arts Summit Chiropractic Sun FM 99.9 SunRype UBCO Disability Resource Centre We Love Lucy Society Weighted Blankets Wentworth Music WFG Workman & Sons
As the only player from the Okanagan selected to represent B.C. at the U14 Rogers Indoor national tennis championships, Calvin Thalheimer was carrying the hopes of an entire region on his shoulders. Finishing 30th in 2014, Thalheimer, a member Global Fitness Centre and the Okanagan Mission Tennis Club, was hoping to improve his ranking this time aroundâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;did he ever. While the early rounds featured several difficult, three-set matches, Thalheimer managed to win all but one, advancing to the exclusive championship flight, a tremendous result for an unseeded player. He ultimately fell after two hard-fought matches to finish 13th overall in Canada. Calvin next plays several Vancouver selection draws, including the Stanley Park Open, as he vies for a berth in the 2015 Clay Outdoor Nationals scheduled for Montreal, Quebec this August 2015. In other tennis news, local high-performance player Lily-Ana Kreutzer, also of Global Fitness and OKMTC, recently signed a letter of intent to play tennis for the University of Northern Colorado. Scouted by the large U.S. institution, Kreutzer was granted a full-ride, tennis scholarship to the NCAA-accredited university in the Big Sky Conference. Kreutzer, 17, will bring her brand of high-intensity tennis to hall of fame coach Brenda Vlasak and the entire UNC Bears team. Local coach Joachim Nierfeld is pleased for Kreutzer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a very good athlete, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s super fit, an all-around good athlete and she works really hard,â&#x20AC;? said Nierfeld. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She deserves (the scholarship) and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m happy for her.â&#x20AC;? KELOWNA
In your smartphone
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sports ____________________________________________________________________
Cubs shutout Vernon Canadians in AAA baseball action Corey McCoy tossed a complete-game twohitter and struck out 13 as the Kelowna Cubs downed the Vernon Canadians 2-0 Wednesday in B.C. Midget AAA Baseball League action. Brandon Mallam-Kunz drove in both runs for the Cubs who are now 5-6 on the season. On Saturday, Kelowna downed Chilliwack 12-5 in the opener. Noah Ringness-Law had three hits and two RBIs, McCoy had two hits and three RBIs, while Keyshon Jackson picked up the win. In Game 2, Chilliwack rebounded for a 9-5 win. Taylor deGruchy had two RBIs in the loss. On Sunday, deGruchy and McCoy each had two RBIs and Dante Dennis earned the win as the Cubs prevailed over Cloverdale 9-5. Cloverdale responded with a 6-3 win in the series finale. Jackson and Mallam-Kunz had two hits apiece for the Cubs.
The West Kelowna D’Backs are at home and on the road this weekend. On Saturday at Boucherie field, the ‘Backs will host the Aldergrove Dodgers in a doubleheader beginning at 1 p.m. On Sunday, West Kelowna will travel to Chilliwack for two games against the Cougars. Last weekend, the D’Backs (5-5) split four games, losing 6-2 and 3-2 to Cloverdale. In Game 1, D-Backs’ Pitcher Nathan Hettinga threw just over six innings allowing eight hits and only two earned runs. In Game 2, Ty Loeppky pitched a complete game for the D-Backs allowing three runs on four hits, all unearned. While the West Kelowna bats were quiet, Brendan Martel stood out with two hits in Saturday games going 4-for-6 over the day. The D’Back bounced back Sunday to sweep a pair from league-leading Chilliwack, 14-6 and 5-2.
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In Game 1, Pitcher Joel Flood held Chilliwack to just two runs on two hits,
throwing 110 pitches in his first win of the season. Martel had two hits,
Landon Wark scored twice. In Game 2, Carter
Martens pitched a complete game, with 14 runs on 13 hits. Ty
Why You Need Vitamin C and Lysine for Heart Health and More... W. Gifford-Jones, MD
itamin C is arguably the single most important water soluble antioxidant in the human body. Antioxidants play a key role in protecting cells against free radicals, which can cause damage and play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. It’s tragic that researchers are unaware that high doses of vitamin C and lysine cannot only prevent, but reverse atherosclerosis in coronary and other arteries in the body. Vitamin C is needed for the manufacture of collagen, the glue that holds cells together. A lack of vitamin C means poor collagen, resulting in cracks appearing between coronary cells thus setting the stage for fatal blood clot. Recently, Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, made this monumental discovery. He took photos of the retinal arteries and then gave patients 6,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 5,000 of lysine (lysine adds strength to coronary arteries just like steel rods increase the strength of concrete). A year later he repeated the pictures. To his surprise, he found atherosclerosis fading away.
The essential amino acid lysine is probably best known for its use in those with herpes simplex infections but several other benefits have been ascribed to the molecule, including favourable effects on blood pressure and stroke prevention but also a positive influence on mood and anxiety. In addition to providing healthy collagen production and a healthy cardiovascular system, vitamin C and lysine supplementation helps support: • Immune system health • Vision • Teeth and gums • Wound healing • Bones and cartilage • Recovery from shingles • Recovery from herpes outbreaks This is why I’ve been taking high doses of vitamin C and lysine for the last 16 years following a heart attack. I believe it saved my life. Medi-C Plus™, containing high doses of vitamin C and lysine, is available in powder and capsules.
Millions of North Americans also suffer from osteoarthritis. Without sufficient vitamin C to produce collagen, a major component of cartilage, bone eventually grinds on bone. There would be fewer joint replacements if more vitamin C were available to produce healthy collagen. Rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammatory type, also requires large doses of vitamin C. Every moment of the day our bodies are using oxygen to keep us alive. But oxidation results in metabolic ash, known as “free radicals”, which are believed to trigger an inflammatory reaction in joints. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce damaging free-radicals. Patients often appear surprised when I tell them that vitamin C will help them keep their teeth a lifetime. By age 65 one in five North Americans has lost all their teeth and many of their teeth were normal. Rather, it was the gums that could no longer hold teeth firmly in place in part due to inadequate amounts of vitamin C. This vitamin is needed in large amounts to produce healthy collagen, the glue that holds cells together and keeps gums healthy. Without good mortar bricks fall apart and the same happens when gums lacking collagen lose their grip on teeth.
Available at Your Local Health Food Store and Select Natural Pharmacy. For store locator go to: PNO.CA
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Loeppky, Cam Rasmussen and Landon Wark led with three hits each.
Duane English & Wesla Wong
The Okanagan’s Weather Team
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Grand picture of the Grand Canyon Christopher Reynolds
Visit us at
The colours of dawn begin to paint the age-old rock formations along the South Rim near Mather Point. didn’t.) Mather Point (which loses color and riders, including former President We squinted and cheered gains crowds as the day goes on). We Teddy Roosevelt and his group in lingered in a stiff breeze for a Mohave through a golden sunset at Desert 1911. View, where the river is visible at Point sunset, hoping a miracle gap But nobody works that window the bottom of the canyon. And we might open in the wall of clouds. (It now because we tourists have our eavesdropped at the mule smartphones, GoPros, DSLRs stables while guides saddled and tripods. Instead of letting up the morning’s riders. somebody frame the canyon “This is not a pony ride at for us with a piece of pricey the county fair,” a guide told equipment, we can do it the rookies one morning. ourselves—if only that guy with “Two hours from now, you’re the selfie stick would move a all going to be crippled. Except few feet. the kids.” Over our four days at the Actually, we eavesdropped canyon in March, we spent lots in a lot of places. of time dodging selfie sticks, “My thumb’s so numb I thinking about image makers can’t text,” complained one and chasing images ourselves. shivering man at Mather Point. We rose in bitter-cold The Kolb Studio, where the Kolb brothers photo“Obviously, in New York, darkness to catch sunrises at they don’t know what ‘RV the Bright Angel trailhead and graphed mule riders and canyon life for 75 years. CONTRIBUTED
GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK—They were just a couple of greenhorns from Pittsburgh, but the Kolb brothers knew the greatest photo op in the West when they saw it. It was 1902. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway had just begun service to the Grand Canyon. The Kolbs gaped at the South Rim and bought the only photo studio for miles around. Then they set up shop at the head of the Bright Angel Trail, snapping tourists on muleback. Then as now, the saddled-up tourists and their mules would clipclop down the switchback trail into the vast chasm, denying vertigo, approaching infinity. By the time those tourists returned that night to the rim, the Kolbs would have prints to sell them—proof of the travelers’ valor and the canyon’s desolate beauty, all in one frame. An empire was born, as was one way of seeing the Grand Canyon. If you show up on the South Rim in 2015, as Los Angeles Times photographer Mark Boster and I did recently, you have to wonder what the Kolbs would say. The mules still clomp down the hill, tourists fidgeting in their saddles. The Kolb studio, grown to a five-story structure, still stands with an odd, smallish window on its west wall, facing the trail. For more than 65 years, that’s where the photographer, usually Emery Kolb, snapped the group shot of the mule
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parking’ means,” said a peeved woman, confronting a BMW (with East Coast plates) in the wrong part of the Visitor Center parking lot. “I’ve done a lot of hiking, and my fear of height has pretty much gone away,” said Casey Hinson of Houston as he posed on a small ledge above a deep chasm. I never hiked down more than 1 1/2 miles below the canyon rim, but I probably spent five hours on the Bright Angel Trail (using crampons, because there was still plenty of ice). The view was almost paralyzing, and it changed with every step. As I trudged and lingered, I imagined Emery Kolb, 5 feet, 2 inches and full of cantankerous energy, shouldering past me. Emery was the younger brother. Biographer William C. Suran writes that he was shrewd, scrappy and 21 when the business was born. (Ellsworth, adventurous and easygoing, was 26. He arrived first, in 1901.) In the early years of the studio, after Emery snapped the tourists at the trailhead with a 5-by-7 camera, he would hike 4 1/2 miles down the trail to Indian Garden, halfway to the canyon floor. Why? Because it had the nearest running water, and that’s where his rustic darkroom was set up. Once his negatives were processed and prints were made, Kolb would rush back up the trail to beat the returning tourists. That routine might seem enough to keep a photographer busy. But in the fall and winter of 191112, the Kolbs got hold of an early movie camera and decided to film themselves following the long, deathdefying route of John Wesley Powell’s first descent of the Colorado River.
sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com A23
travel ____________________________________________________________________ This a strange thing to admit after four days in panoramaland, but the Grand Canyon location that lingers most vividly in my senses today is the little window and the cramped, viewless
darkroom where Kolb framed the canyon for so many American travelers. At least 40 years after the old man developed his last picture, it still smells of photographic fixer.
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Starting on the Green River in Wyoming, passing through the canyon and finishing at Needles, Calif., the two (with two helpers at different times) spent 101 days on the river, surviving hundreds of rapids. Spliced together, their footage amounted to the first motion picture showing the Grand Canyon—and it may have kept the company afloat. In 1914, the Santa Fe Railway and the Fred Harvey Co. had architect Mary Colter build a rival photo studio to grab the Kolbs’ business. But the brothers counterpunched. They added an auditorium to their studio and in 1915 started screening their movie nightly, with live narration. It was a hit. Ellsworth moved to Los Angeles and sold his share of the business in 1924, but Emery continued to photograph the mule strings through the window and narrate the film nightly. He lived in the studio building with his wife, Blanche, and their daughter, Edith. 3 Edith grew up and Blanche died in 1960, but Emery stayed at it. As late as 1969, at 88, he was still shooting two
mule strings a day. By late 1976, when Emery died at age 95, the film had been running nightly for more than 60 years, and Kolb had photographed an estimated 50,000 mule strings. (If you caught the Grand Canyon parts of Ken Burns’ 2009 PBS series on the national parks, you may have seen some of his footage.) Meanwhile, the cliffclinging Kolb building had surpassed 50 years of age, which officially made it part of Grand Canyon history. Now the Grand Canyon Association uses it as a gallery and gift shop (still in competition with the Lookout Studio down the path). The old auditorium is filled with an exhibition on the Kolbs. Its private residential rooms are “too delicate” for frequent tours, studio manager Robb Seftar said, but he was willing to show me around, including the room with the view where Emery Kolb often lay in his last months and the little window where he used to take the mule-string shots. We also prowled around the adjacent darkroom, built to succeed the one at Indian Garden. It was still full of the photographer’s tools.
GreyStoke Photography
Mule riders begin their journey down the Bright Angel Trail en route to Phantom Ranch, more than 2,000-feet below the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, on March 9, 2015.
Visitors to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon take a break from hiking trails to explore the Desert View Watchtower. Resembling a Native American structure, the four-storey tower was designed by architect Mary Colter and completed in 1932.
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A24 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Give. Volunteer. Act.
In partnership with
unitedwaycso.com THE UNH2O GARDEN
Great variety of xeriscape plants for sale
Armeria ‘Dusseldorf Pride’ (thrift) and Russian stonecrop are among the colourful xeriscape plant varieties on sale Saturday at the Xeriscape Plant Sale in front of the H2O aquatic centre.
The Okanagan Xeriscape Association’s annual Xeriscape Plant Sale will be held Saturday, May 2, at the unH2O Garden, 4075 Gordon Dr., from 9 a.m. to noon. Last week, I wrote about pollinator plants that will be for sale in the Butterfly and Mediterranean Gardens. Here is a summary of the rest of the plants. In the Native Plant Garden, there will be spring blooming orange arnica, nodding onion, and bluebunch wheat grass. Showy aster blooms all summer. All of these are good to create a meadow as they self-seed readily. Tufted white prairie aster blooms in fall. Giant wild rye is a tall native grass. Pink pussytoes is a small, silvery ground cover. Easy-care Rock Garden
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Gardening With Nature GWEN STEELE plants include sedum varieties: ‘Angelina’, ‘Fuldeglut’ and Russian stonecrop. There is also ‘Dusseldorf Pride’ thrift (beginning to bloom), hen and chicks and blue fescue grass. In the Ornamental Grass Garden, we will have switch grass, feather reed grass, blue oat grass, and blue grama grass. Good companions for grasses, Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’, and ‘Stella d’Oro’ daylilies will also be on sale. Details and photos of the plants are on OXA’s
plant database: www.okanaganxeriscape.org. To help you with selection, plants for sale will be set out beside the theme garden they belong with and an expert will be in each theme garden to answer questions. Each child who comes to the sale can choose, from a display at the cash table, one pot of hen and chicks to take home for their own garden. Dean Dack, from Classic Compost, has donated his high quality mulch for sale. Funds raised will support CRIS Adaptive Adventures (Outdoor Pursuits for People with Disabilities). Their group will supply volunteers to bag the mulch and carry it
to your vehicle. Bring your own containers if you want to save on plastic bags. The Kelowna Waldorf School will also have their delicious food and beverages for sale. Okanagan Xeriscape Association memberships will be available. Benefits include a 10 per cent discount on plant purchases from seven local nurseries, free member’s events, and a discount on OXA classes and workshops. You can register for the next ‘Introduction to Xeriscape’ class (May 4 & 11) at the sale or on the OXA website. The new, revised edition of the excellent xeriscape resource book, ‘Creating the Prairie Xeriscape’ by Sara Williams, will be on sale.
Profits go to support OXA. Beautiful photo cards of flowers and pollinators from the unH2O Gardens will be sold as an OXA fundraiser. Come and enjoy a morning mingling with other gardeners and getting information about pollinator plants for bees, Seeds of Diversity and the new Make Water Work xeriscape plant project. Also the regional district is supplying invasive weed information. Master Gardeners and Xeriscape experts will be there to answer questions. I look forward to seeing you at the sale. Gwen Steele is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association. okanaganxeriscape.org
Local authors celebrate indie books A Kelowna bookstore will take part Saturday in a North Americawide event to promote the publishing of independent books. Authors for Indies Day
will be hosted by Mosaic Books in downtown Kelowna featuring presentations by nine local book writers. What started out in Canada as a B.C.-led
initiative, inspired by a successful campaign in the US, #Authors4Indies has found exposure both in the social media world and from the support of publishers, authors and
book lovers. The Canada-wide participation is intended to show the importance of independent bookshops, raise awareness of “shopping local” and strengthen the relationships between authors and booksellers. The presentation by authors at Mosaic Books will start at 1 p.m. Each author will talk shop about the writing world, the trials and tribulations of publishing and writing, as well as recommending their favourite authors and books. The participating authors will include Karen Autio, Frank Christopher Bosch, Bill Gallaher, Cherie Hanson, Alix Hawley, Ashley Little, Judith Muchowski, Darcy Nybo and Fred Steele.
Vineyard walks for the canines
Stuart Park, Kelowna • Sunday, May 3
Dog owners will have a chance to take their pooch for a vineyard walk on Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. The Lakeshore Wine Route Unleashed event will include tours of CedarCreek, Summerhill, St. Hubertus and Tantalus wineries, and your canine is invited to take part. For more information check out the website spca.bc.ca.
Check In 9:00 AM • Start 10:30 AM Entertainment, Kids Zone, BBQ Lunch
Register now to end MS• mswalks.ca 250-762-5850 • sarah.taylor@mssociety.ca
Capital news
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www.kelownacapnews.com A25
news _____________________________________________________________________ ACCIDENT INJURY CLAIMS
The ‘Yeah, but’ puts victim unfairly on defensive “Yeah, but.” A response sometimes attributed to teenagers? Roughly translated it means: “Yes, I did that, but here are all the reasons why it wasn’t my fault or I’m not responsible.”. “Yeah, but” comes up a lot in ICBC claims. An absentminded offending driver plows into the back of a stopped vehicle driven by your 63-year-old mother who was patiently waiting for a red light to change to green. It’s the most common collision I deal with in our world of inattentive driving. Your mother had been an active woman. She kept a spotless house, enjoyed long walks and gardening, and would set the pace if you took her on a hike. She saw a chiropractor from time to time when her neck or back felt uncomfortable, but those intermittent symptoms never held her back. She was looking forward to an active, healthy retirement. A headache comes on that evening. The next morning, your mother’s neck and back are so seized up she has trouble
Achieving Justice PAUL HERGOTT getting out of bed. With pain and antiinflammatory medication, and courses of massage therapy, chiropractic care and physiotherapy, she is able to fully recover her mobility. But the pain and headaches continue to linger. Many people recover fully from the neck and back injuries caused in rear-end collisions. Your mother, however, pursues and follows every stitch of medical advice and direction, but never gets there. She is never able to recover her painfree, active lifestyle. The offending driver doesn’t come up with the “Yeah, but.” The claim for fair financial compensation is handed over to his or her liability insurance company, ICBC. The “Yeah, but ” comes from the insurance adjuster who defends the claim. The adjuster and defence medical specialists hired for this purpose, look to find
reasons why your mother was one of the unlucky ones whose injuries resulted in chronic pain. They are looking for the “Yeah, but.” The most common “Yeah, but” is the x-ray that shows wear and tear degeneration of the spine. Yeah, your mother was injured in the collision, but if it wasn’t for that pre-existing though asymptomatic (without symptoms) condition, your mother would have fully recovered. Another common “Yeah, but” is the comparatively minor and intermittent neck and back condition she periodically sought chiropractor care for. Yeah, but if it wasn’t for that pre-existing condition, your mother would have fully recovered. Orthopaedic surgeons who have gone to the “dark side” to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year pumping out medical reports for ICBC give opinions like: “The injury in the collision would have been expected to resolve within
six weeks, therefore the ongoing pain is caused by the pre-existing condition.” Fortunately, the law is on the side of fairness. It doesn’t matter why your mother might have been particularly vulnerable to suffering chronic pain following a senseless rearender collision. What matters is whether or not she would have continued to enjoy a pain-free, active lifestyle had the collision not occurred. ICBC doesn’t get to “blame the victim” for being vulnerable. If the vulnerabilities would have otherwise remained asymptomatic, or at a lower level of symptoms, had the collision not occurred, the law squarely and unequivocally requires ICBC to provide full, fair compensation
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pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a personal injury lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna. paul@hlaw.ca
Free Event May 14, 6:30 - 8:00pm
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information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically
for those symptoms that would not have occurred absent the collision. This column is intended to provide general
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC _____________________________________________________________________ news
Unique garage sale to help The Bridge family services The Save Kindness Society, in partnership with Mamas for Mamas Inc., will present Food for Gifts—Spring into Giving on Saturday, May 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
in support of The Bridge Youth and Family Services, located at 760 Highway 33 West. Shoppers are invited to bring their wallets or donations of non-
perishable food items and toiletries to purchase a wide variety of items including books, clothing, household items, toys, small appliances, office furnishings and
mattresses. Adding to the fun will be a face painting station and information on couponing for savings. All proceeds from the event will be donated to
The Bridge programs. “It’s worth the trip to Rutland on Saturday
as we have so many wonderful items that have been donated,” said
Bridge support services coordinator, Kelly Paley.
Regional District News 1450 K.L.O. Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1W 3Z4 • 763-4918 • Fax 763-0606 • www.regionaldistrict.com
Regional BoaRd HigHligHts – aPRil 2015 shannon lake Regional Park dock The Regional Board has approved signing a 30 year License of Occupation with the Province so that an accessible floating dock can be installed in Shannon Lake. The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, Habitat Conservation Trust Fund and Province donated the $15,000 structure that will provide access from the shoreline in Shannon Lake Regional Park. It’s expected to be installed over the next few months.
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environmental advisory Commission appointments The Regional Board has appointed three new members to the Environmental Advisory Commission. Lynda Workman and Joe Kennedy will serve three year terms and Brianne Berchowitz has been appointed as a student member for one year. The Commission reviews land use and environmental applications and advises the Regional Board. Killiney Community Hall agreement The Regional Board has approved renewing an agreement through 2017 with the North Westside Community Association. The Regional District transfers tax requisition funding collected each year to the Association which is responsible for the operation, maintenance and capital improvements at the Killiney Beach Community Hall. next Regional Board Meetings Thursday, May 14th – following 8:30 am Governance and Services Committee meeting Monday, May 25th – 7:00 pm
Registration now open Call 250-470-7496
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Programs are held @ Mainstreet Community Church (1580 Bernard Ave) Contact Crystal @ cryss44@hotmail.com to register! For more information visit www.janharveymusic.com
sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com A27
It’s the end of June, school is out and the kids are ecstatic. You may be a bit overwhelmed not knowing how you are going to entertain your children for the entire summer…... One of the biggest issues about summer is that parents tend to have too much to do and kids don’t have enough to do. Some kids are happy about that. It means they can pick what they
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want to do, while other kids quickly get bored. Find a balance between fun and learning. Kids start the summer with enthusiasm for fun—and for a break from school. Consider letting them have some downtime before they start summer activities. Then create ways to take a break— and to learn (in fun ways).
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
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DrivewayCanada.ca |
Welcome to the driver’s seat
Visit V isit the Ford Focus gallery at DrivewayCanada.ca
Less really offers so much more right now. Initially, I was skeptical about Every 90 seconds, Ford sells a Focus this particular model’s abilities. somewhere in the world. In the Fiesta – which is a smaller and That’s a pretty staggering fact. lighter vehicle – it seemed to fit symbiAnd since the Focus’s introduction to otically. But adding additional weight the market in 1998, the North American and bulk to an already small engine had automaker has sold 1.5 million units per me thinking if it was going to work out year thereafter. as well as it did. Again, another sizeable number, but it’s The Focus is I must stay I was pleasantly surprised. not always about big numbers. So let comfortable, compact For daily commuting, this Focus does me familiarize you with the Focus 1.0L the job and does it well. EcoBoost: the smallest displacement and certainly has a Though you also have to take things at engine the Ford brand offers in North convenient engine face value with this car. It’s not going America. to accelerate particularly quickly. So, if It was seen first in Canada on the Fiesta size for the city. your plan is to try and merge ahead of in 2014 and now makes its way into Alexandra Straub other motorists from a stoplight, you the automaker’s compact sedan. The might want to choose Plan B. humble powerplant – complete with But when you rev the engine a little higher – upwards three cylinders – breeds 123 horsepower and 125 lb-ft of 3,000 rpm – you quickly forget you have such a of torque. small displacement engine powering your vehicle. Those aren’t really numbers that send car enthusiasts’ Helping me harness those 123 horses was the 6-speed hearts racing, but for a lot of people, less is more. That manual transmission. Again, another pleasant sursaying holds especially true if the bulk of your driving prise. Gear throws didn’t feel too long and they glided consists of commuting to and from work. seamlessly whether up or downshifting. The clutch Chances are, a chunk of that drive time might just was light, so when I was stuck in construction traffic, be comprised of inching along in the urban jungle or I didn’t wish I was in an automatic! It just all worked perhaps cruising along at highway speeds. Either way, very well together. the Focus 1.0L can accommodate your driving style. To help in achieving my favourable fuel results, there’s Its estimated fuel economy in the city is 8.1L/100km an auto start/stop feature that reduces gas consumpand 5.9L/100km on the highway. tion and emissions. But it wasn’t just the manual Even with my lead foot, I managed to use an average transmission or the autostart/stop feature that helped of 7.5L/100km, which was better than the estimated my fondness grow for the Focus 1.0L EcoBoost. city fuel economy, since I did most of my driving It came with some optional equipment that made it around town. look better, and gave me a few creature comforts that If looking for big horsepower and not as ideal fuel came in handy. economy results, the Focus ST will be your best bet
The SE EcoBoost package ($1,600) adds fog lamps, a rear spoiler, a full body styling kit, and 17-inch machined alloy wheels. The Winter Package ($700 – not that I really put it to good use at this time of year) adds heated front seats, a heated steering wheel, all weather floor mats and a power/heated mirror. While visibility is pretty good from all angles, the Reverse Sensing System ($700) can always lend a helping hand. Overall, I quite liked this sedan. The Focus is comfortable, compact and certainly has a convenient engine size for the city. When considering the Focus with the 1.0L EcoBoost, it’s only available on the SE trim (MSRP of $18,849) and comes as part of the aforementioned EcoBoost package ($1,600.) The price as tested on this vehicle comes in at $23,315 (which includes the $1,565 destination charge.) Write to alexandra.straub@drivewaybc.ca
$9,998 $1,450 $11,448 $2,500
Safety Tip: Crashes involving motorcyclists increase in summer. If you’re a driver waiting to make a left turn, look for oncoming motorcycles and yield right of way. If you’re a rider, protect yourself from serious injuries – wear an approved helmet and safety gear designed for riding.
Go to DrivewayCanada.ca for the question of the week
Almost a year ago, the posted speed limits on many B.C. highways were raised to 120 km/h. Would you like to see them raised another 10 km/h or returned to the original limits?
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Question of the Week
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B2 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Euro crossover roomy, thrifty at the pump Price Check: Nissan Rogue 2011 - 2014 (April 2015) Year Edition Expect to pay today
Euro styling, thrifty fuel economy, an extra roomy interior and good value features make the Nissan Rogue stand out in the hugely popular compact
2011: 2012: 2013: 2014:
$17,000 to $21,000 $19,000 to $23,000 $22,000 to $26,000 $25,000 to $29,000
Prices vary depending on a used vehicle’s condition, mileage, usage and history. A complete mechanical check should always be performed by a reliable auto technician prior to purchase.
The first generation Rogue was voted `best new vehicle in class` by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada.
Bob McHugh
utility market segment. The first generation Rogue was voted `best new vehicle in class` by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC), when introduced for the 2008 model year. Good consumer reliability ratings and excellent crash
Nissan Rogue 2012
came in just S and SL trim levels. The S and SV trims can come with front-drive or allwheel drive and a top-line SL is strictly all-wheel drive. The newer SV trim adds (compared to an S trim) 17inch alloy wheels, roof rails, privacy glass, a polished stainless steel exhaust tip, a backup monitor, dual vanity mirrors, a cargo cover, heated seats, a CD stereo with 4.3-inch colour display, and a USB port.
safety performance have helped make Rogue a solid and smart used vehicle choice. It`s also typically priced a little lower than more established competitors from Honda or Toyota ... another plus for prospective used Rogue buyers. We join Rogue`s first-generation product life story in 2011 when it got a styling refresh inside and out, and a new SV mid-range trim level was added to the model line. Rogue originally
Power in all trim levels comes from an advanced large capacity 2.5 litre 4-cylinder double-overhead-camshaft engine with continuously variable valve control. It can produce up to 170 hp and 175 lb-ft of torque. Tuned to provide a healthy amount of torque a low engine speeds, it makes a Rogue fairly quick off the line, yet it`s surprisingly easy of fuel. The lighter front-drive models are the most economical and get a city/highway fuel economy rating of 10.3/8.3 L/100 km respectively, using
the new five-cycle method. The all-wheel-drive editions get a 10.6/9.1 L/100 km (city-highway) rating. Nissan’s Xtronic CVT (continuously variable transmission) uses adaptive logic control to adjust gear ratios to different driving situations and driver demands. All-wheel-drive sends power to the front wheels under normal operating conditions (for best fuel economy). There’s also a locked 50/50 mode, which is useful on snow covered or slippery road surfaces. Rogue’s rear independent multi-link suspension is also interesting. In addition to offering a better ride than a conventional strut type suspension it’s a more compact design, which allows more rear cargo space inside a Rogue. Changes for 2012 included
a new sport mode that gives the transmission a more aggressive shift pattern, at the push of a button. The SL trim also received Nissan’s superb Around-View-Monitor system. This clever parking aid can provide what looks like an overhead (bird’s eye) picture of the Rogue via four wide-angle cameras. Not much changed for a 2013 model year which carried over into 2014, until an all-new (second generation) Rogue got a mid-model year introduction. Although the same length the outgoing model, this new Rogue has a longer wheelbase and it`s taller. A larger interior also allowed an optional 3rd row of seats. The 2014 Rogue also provides even better fuel economy, primarily due to a new continuously variable automatic transmission.
Up to
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 1 - June 15 2015
Up to
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 1 - May 31 2015
Up to
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 1 - May 31 2015
Up to
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 15 - May 31 2015
Up to
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires April 1 - May 31 2015
Up to
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 15 - May 31 2015
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 30 - May 23, 2015
Mail-in rebate on select sets of 4 tires March 30 - May 23 2015
2014: One of the five wheel lug nuts on the rightside wheels may have been installed without being tightened to specification. Dealers will verify wheel lug nut torque.
Rogue backseats.
bob.mchugh @drivewaybc.ca
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Mail-in rebate in the form of a Gift Card on select sets of 4 tires April 1 - May 30 2015
2014: An incorrect bolt may have been used at the intermediate shaft to upper steering column connection. This could allow the steering joint to lose tension and slip or separate and cause a loss of steering control. Dealers will inspect the steering column assembly and replace the bolt as required.
Cracking the curber code…
Up to
Nissan Rogue instrument panel.
2011: The Electric Power Steering assist (EPS) control unit may fail, due to faulty manufacturing, and cause a loss of steering power assist. Dealers will inspect and, if necessary, replace the EPS control unit.
2014: Improper nickel plating of certain fuel pump internal components could contaminate the pump, potentially resulting in an inoperative fuel pump. This could result in a no-start condition or an engine stall while driving. Dealers will replace the fuel pump.
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Safety Recalls: 2011 to 2014 Nissan Rogue 2008 to 2013: A wiring harness connector may corrode due to exposure to snow/water containing road salt and cause an electrical short. Dealers will add a waterproof seal, inspect the harness connector and replace as necessary.
Mail-in rebate in the form of a prepaid credit card on select sets of 4 tires March 15 - May 31 2015
Mail-in rebate in the form of a prepaid credit card on select sets of 4 tires March 15 - May 31 2015
For full details and conditions/limitations regarding tire manufacturers’ rebate offers, please see your Service Advisor. www.toyota.ca or the tire company’s website.
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sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
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King of India’s roads The Hindustan Ambassador sedan began life in England in 1942 but it became the known as The King of Indian Roads. It was the vision of industrialist Mr. B. M. Birla that turned the import into a people’s car that dominated sales in India until the mid-1980s. The first model offered was a knockdown (or re-assembled) Morris 10, rebadged as a Hindustan 10. That was followed by the model 14. The next body style change resulted in the Landmark, a knockdown A Morris Oxford fitted with a 1,478 cc, sidevalve engine that had been used in the Hindustan 14. The uni-body constructed Morris Oxford was launched in July of 1955, named by William R. Morris after the University City of dreaming spires. The tooling for production of the Morris Oxford family sedan, used by the British middle class, was sent in the mid-50s to India, where Hindustan Motors had built a factory in West Bengal near Calcutta (now Kolkata) to produce the Landmark. Despite the car being etched in British style, it was immediately embraced
It was the vision of industrialist Mr. B. M. Birla that turned the import into a people’s car that dominated sales in India until the mid-1980s.
Nigel Matthews
by India due to its size, and the comfortable ride experienced by its passengers. The Ambassador, affectionately known as the “Amby” in India, replaced the Landmark and was the first car to be built in India. During its 57-year production run, it was considered a status symbol and was used widely by politicians and government officials. It only began losing its dominance and foothold when Maruti-Suzuki introduced a low priced hatchback in the mid-80s.
The Ambassador was fitted with the well-known 1,489 cc, 55-horsepower; BMC B-series engine, and later was the first car in India to be fitted with a diesel engine (37 hp, B-series). In 1992, it was available with a 1.8 litre Isuzu Engine. A trip to India would not be complete without the experience of riding in a Hindustan Taxi, and today there is no shortage of those. Bombay (Mumbai) has 55,000, Calcutta 35,000. For comparison’s sake, London has 22,000 black cabs and New York 40,000 vehicles for hire. Over time, these familiar yellow taxis will disappear from Indian streets and be taken out of service as new legislation states that any cab 20 years old or older can no longer be used as a taxi. My recent ride in Calcutta brought back fond memories of being delivered to prep school in a Morris Oxford Series III during the early ’60s. Other than the indestructible cloth interior and the newer plastic dash and thick steering wheel, it was just as I remembered.
Nigel Matthews is director of client services for Hagerty Insurance, the world’s largest specialist provider of collector car insurance and provides many resources that support the classic car lifestyle. Contact him at nmatthews@hagerty.com or visit hagerty.ca.
Hindustan taxi.
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Hindustan Ambassador.
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Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Louisiana Hayride a musical journey back in time Mission Hill Family Estate, Tree Brewing Co., and Okanagan Spirits. Tickets for thefundraiser are still available at the art gallery, by calling 250762-2226, or online at kelownaartgallery.com.
IN THE LOOP Cast members of the Louisiana Hayride Show recreating the music of country icons (from left) such as Roy Orbison, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams and Patsy Cline. ticketseller.ca; call toll free 1-866-311-1011. ART EXHIBIT Appetite For Art Saturday, May 2 7-10 p.m. Kelowna Art Gallery 1315 Water St.. Starting this week, the public has been able to take a sneak peak at the 30 amazing works of art that will be available for purchase at the Kelowna Art Gallery’s annual Appetite for Art fundraiser via an online gallery at kelownaartgallery.com. The concept behind the gala evening is to combine a celebration of the best in local cuisine with a selection of art that guests can purchase
and take home—all raising dollars to support ongoing children’s and educational programming at the gallery. Appetite for Art is presented by Walker Real Estate. “For me, it’s about more than just a house and a job. I came here to enhance life experience for myself and my family. And to help others do the same,” said Mark Walker. “For12 years, my wife supported me while I grew my real estate practice in Alberta. Now, it’s also her time to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Both she and my daughter enjoy art and love to paint.” Of the 30 works of art, 20 have been created by selected local artists
In the spirit of the original “Ex Nihilo” sculpture by Frederick Hart, and renowned artist Igor Babailov, “Body Language” is a juried exhibition open to artists across Canada. It will showcase the best of neoclassical, modern and contemporary interpretations of the human figure. Coinciding with the 2015 Okanagan Spring Wine Festival, the Body Language art show will run May 1 to 9, and conclude with an awards reception May 9, 7 to 9 p.m., featuring canapés and Ex Nihilo wine. For more information check out exnihilovineyards.com. CONCERT Musaic Vocal Ensemble Plays May 2 7:30 p.m. St. Michael and All Angels Cathedral 608 Sutherland Ave. Kelowna
The Spectrum Singers will give two concerts May 15 and 16 at the St. Michael’s Cathedral in Kelowna.
fundraiser include: Kelsie Balehowsky, Lynden Beesley, Katie Brennan, Amy Burkard, Connor Charlesworth, Rod Charlesworth, Glenn Clark, Briar Craig, Jan Crawford, Sara Gagnon, Ken Gillespie, Clea Haugo, Erika Hawkes, Jessica Hedrick, Fern Helfand, Byron Johnstad, Wanda Lock, Hanss Lujan, Jolene Mackie, Debra Martin, Sue McCarrell, Jo McKechnie, Fiona Neal, Carney Oudendag, Kyle Poirier, Liz Ranney, Kristine Sloan, Mary Smith McCulloch, Leanne Spanza, Johann Wessels, and Laura Widmer. Attendees will also enjoy delicious local food prepared by Waterfront Wines, Poppadoms, Joy Road Catering, Krafty Kitchen, and Sandrine, paired with tastings from
Five years ago, a group of talented musicians from the Okanagan got together to bring back the great country and rockabilly music of the 1950s and ‘60s. They called this production The Louisiana Hayride Show, based on the historical live radio program of the same name. Little did they know just how popular this show would become. Now celebrating five years of success across Western Canada, the Louisiana Hayride crew returns to the Okanagan for a special 5th anniversary concert. Established in 1948, the Louisiana Hayride was a musical variety show performed at the Shreveport, Louisiana Municipal Auditorium and broadcast live over KWKH Radio. It was best known for giving unknown artists a chance to perform, artists such as Hank Williams, Jim Reeves, Johnny Cash, Kitty Wells, Faron Young and even Elvis Presley. The updated version of the Louisiana Hayride today looks back at many of those singers and musicians and how it
sounded and looked to see them perform early in their music careers. Woven throughout the songs are fascinating tidbits of information, delightfully presented by your host and creator of the show, Lori Risling. The cast of multitalented musicians include William Brookfield on double keyboard, singing the songs of Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tennessee Ernie Ford and Conway Twitty. Mike Melnichuk adds stand-up bass, electric guitar and vocals when he treats the audience to songs by Faron Young, Red Foley, Burl Ives and Ray Price. Risling adds electric and acoustic guitar along with vocals to songs by Hank Williams, Willie Nelson and Roy Orbison. In addition to these talented musicians, Andrea Anderson returns to sing song hits by Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn and Tammy Wynette! As well,the musical cast will share their own memories from the past five years. “People love this type of music and they love the stories we tell,” said Risling. “The word is out there. We have people booking their holidays so they can travel to see our show again.” Tickets are available at Lammle’s Western Wear or Westbank Shopping Centre; online at
Friday,April May10 8 Friday, Saturday, May11 9 Saturday, April Sunday,April May 10 Sunday, 12
Kelowna Penticton 8:00pm 7:30pm Penticton Kelowna 7:30pm 8:00pm Vernon Vernon 7:00pm 7:00pm
CONCERT Louisiana Hayride Show Saturday,May 2 7:30 p.m. Westbank Lions Community Centre 2466 Main St. West Kelowna
especially for the event using wooden shadow boxes. The works of art range vastly—everything from an Okanagan landscape to abstract pieces that make use of bold bright colours. There is also a wide variety of media, including, oil and acrylic paint, textiles, mixed media, glass and photography. “We couldn’t be more pleased with the excellent works donated for this year’s Appetite for Art Fundraiser,” said Kelowna Art Gallery executive director, Nataley Nagy. “The generosity and support from the artists’ community has been tremendous.” The artists who have contributed or created works for the
ART SHOW Body Language Figurative Art Show May 1-9 Ex Nihilo Vineyards Creatio Gallery The Creatio Gallery 1525 Camp Rd. Lake Countryt
Spring is that magical time of the year when everything comes alive. As such, the Musaic Vocal Ensemble has been busy preparing their spring concert and is now ready to “Rise Again” in song. This widely acclaimed
Kelowna Community Theatre: 1375 Water Street 250.862.2867 / okanagansymphony.com 1379 Ellis Street, Actors Studio Cleland Community Theatre: 325 Power Street 250.276.2170 / okanagansymphony.com 553 Vees Drive, Wine Country Info Centre Box Office Vernon Performing Arts Centre: 3800, 33rd Street 250.549.7469 / okanagansymphony.com 3300, 33rd Street, Ticket Seller Box Office
sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com B5
entertainment_____________________________________________________________ 48-voice choir represented Canada at an international choral festival in 2014. Based in Summerland and under the directorship of Tracy Stuchbery, the choir will present a rich mix of music, in five different languages, including Russian, Swahili, Latin, German, and French. T The choir will be joined by special guests tenor and St. Michael’s music director Charles Matthew Hill and string musicians Elizabeth Lupton, John Suderman, Sarah Anderson and Olivia Walsh. Tickets are now available at the cathedral office or at the door. For more information call 250-762-3321.
talented and this award is proof of this as very few musicians are awarded such a prestigious award after competing in a very intense competition. “His talent with for violin is just a start; he is equally talented on piano and we are fortunate to have him perform with both instruments at our season finale.” The Canadian-born Chan, began playing the violin and piano at the age of four. Since making his solo debut with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra at just eight years of age, he has gone on to perform across four
CONCERT April Wine Monday, May 11 7:30 p.m. Kelowna Community
Along with Trooper and The Guess Who, April Wine have deep roots in Canada’s rock’n roll history. The band has carried on through numerous band member changes since starting in the early 1970s, but its music has carried through different generations sine then.
April Wine has released over 20 albums and have been together for over 40 years, many of their hit songs having become staples of classic radio airplay. Their longevity is reflected by the band’s induction to the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, recipient of the Canadian Music Lifetime Achievement Award in
2009 and being inducted into the east Coast Music Hall of Fame in 2008. Today, April Wine still consists of two original band members, Brian Greenway on guitar and vocals and Myles Goodwin on lead vocals. Tickets available at Prospera Place Box Office, by calling 250762-5050 or online at selectyourtickets.com.
April Wine lead singer Myles Goodwin.
Thank You Kelowna!
CONCERT Okanagan Symphony Orchestra Friday, May 8 8 p.m. Kelowna Community Theatre 1375 Water St. The Okanagan Symphony Orchestra welcomes internationally acclaimed pianist and violinist Jonathan Chan to join in the May 8 finale concert for the season. The OSO concert season wrap will also include concerts in Penticton on Saturday, May 9 and Vernon on Sunday, May 10. Tickets are available for the Penticton and Kelowna concerts by phone through Kelowna Tickets at 250.862.2867, and the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre phone 250549-7469 or online at okanagansymphony.com. “We are thrilled to welcome 2012 Canada Council for the Arts Musical Instrument Bank winner for violin to our stage,” said OSO music director Rosemary Thomson of the appearance by Chan. “Jonathan is incredibly
different continents. “In addition to our amazing soloist, our professional orchestra will express their talent with these incredible and difficult pieces which will leave attendees inspired to go home and learn to play an instrument,” added Thomson. “We look forward to welcoming audiences in the Okanagan for this powerful finish to a glorious season.”
For making the first annual Papa John’s Dreams for Kids Day a Success!
Our first DreamLift to Disney is December 9th.
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS If someone you know is in pain,
don’t just stand there.
Walk with us Sunday, June 7, 2015.
Rotary Centre for the Arts | 421 Cawston Avenue, Kelowna Registration Open: 8:45am | Event Start Time: 9:30am National Supporter
Presented by
Register and donate today at walktofightarthritis.ca
B6 www.kelownacapnews.com
Showtime Info for May 1 - May 7
Cineplex Orchard Plaza 5 THE AGE OF ADALINE (G) Nightly at 7:00 & 9:45; Sat Mats 1:25 & 4:10 & Sun Mats 12:40 & 3:45 AVENGERS:AGE OF ULTRON (PG) Nightly at 6:15 & 9:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 11:50 & 3:00 AVENGERS:AGE OF ULTRON 3D (PG) Nightly at 7:15 & 10:00; Sat & Sun Matinees 12:30, 1:00, 3:35 & 4:10 HOME (3D) (G) Nightly at 6:50 & 9:20; Sat Matinee 3:55 & Sun Matinee 4:30 HOME (2D) (G) Sat Mat 1:35 & Sun Mat 2:10 JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND (G) Sat Matinee at 11:00 am
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Superhero movies box office gold Three years in the making, the highly anticipated Avengers: Age of Ultron arrives in theatres this weekend. After the first Avengers film grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide, writerdirector Joss Whedon was immediately signed to do a sequel, bringing with him the original cast
Movie Guy
RICK DAVIS of Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce
Landmark Grand 10 948 McCurdy Rd. KELOWNA
FURIOUS 7 Nightly at 6:30, 6:55, 7:45, 9:30 & 9:55, Fri – Sun Matinees at 12:30, 12:55, 1:20, 3:30, 3:55 & 4:20 (14A) PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 Nightly at 7:05 & 9:25, Fri – Sun Matinees at 1:05 & 3:25 (PG) KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE Nightly at 6:50 & 9:40, Fri – Sun Matinees at 12:50 & 3:40 (14A) CINDERELLA Nightly at 6:35 & 9:10, Fri – Sun Matinees at 12:35 & 3:10 (G) MONKEY KINGDOM Nightly at 6:40 & 9:15, Fri – Sun Matinees at 12:40 & 3:15 (G) WOMAN IN GOLD Nightly at 6:45 & 9:20, Fri – Sun Matinees at 12:45 & 3:20 (G) THE RIOT CLUB Nightly at 7:10 & 9:35, Fri – Sun Matinees at 1:10 & 3:35 (14A) THE LONGEST RIDE Nightly at 7:00 & 9:50, Fri – Sun Matinees at 1:00 & 3:50 (PG)
for Showtimes, Tickets, Contests & more!
Landmark Paramount 261 Bernard Ave. KELOWNA
WHILE YOU WE’RE YOUNG Evening shows 7:10 & 9:40 daily; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:10 & 4:10. (14A: Coarse language). THE SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL Evening show 7:00 & 9:45 daily; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:00 & 4:00. (G: No advisory). TRUE STORY Evening shows 7:20 & 9:50 daily; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:20 & 4:20. (14A: Explicit violence, coarse language, nudity) SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS/EVENTS/SHOWS THE DUCHESS OF MALFI (GLOBE ON SCREEN)-Saturday May 2nd @ 10 am THE RISE AND FALL OF THE CITY OF MAHAGONNY (ROYAL BALLET 2015)-Sunday May 3rd @ 10 am THE DUCHESS OF MALFI (GLOBE ON SCREEN)-Monday May 4th @ 6:30 pm 88 (GLOBE ON SCREEN)-Wednesday May 6th @ 7:00 pm
Banner/Hulk, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. There are also numerous appearances of other characters from the last movie and the introduction to others from the Marvel Cinematic Universe including Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and the villain Ultron (voiced by James Spader). In the sequel, The Avengers must reassemble to combat the threat of Ultron, an artificial intelligence Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are working on together to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program. But things go awry when Ultron develops a god complex and decides to pacify the Earth by eradicating humanity. It goes without saying that Avengers: Age of Ultron will be a huge success, which is why there are many more
Make it happen
Landmark Xtreme
Okanagan Shopping Centre WEST KELOWNA HOME 3D G Fri-Wed 6:50 only (Ends Wednesday) HOME (Not in 3D) G Fri-Sun Matinees 12:50 & 3:15 FURIOUS 7 14A 6:45 & 9:45; Fri-Sun Matinees 12:45 & 3:45 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult THE LONGEST RIDE PG Fri-Wed 9:30 only (Ends Wednesday) PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 PG 7:10 & 9:40; Fri-Sun Matinees 1:10 & 3:40 UNFRIENDED 14A 7:20 & 9:35; Fri-Sun Matinees 1:20 & 3:35 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult No Passes Accepted: Gift Certificates are Always Accepted AGE OF ADALINE G 7:15 & 9:50; Fri-Sun Matinees 1:15 & 3:50 AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON (Xtreme 3D) PG 7:00 & 10:30; Fri-Sun Matinees 12:00 & 3:30 No Passes Accepted: Gift Certificates are Always Accepted AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 3D PG 6:30 & 10:00; Fri-Sun Matinees 11:30 & 3:00 No Passes Accepted: Gift Certificates are Always Accepted AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON (Not in 3D) PG 7:30 only; Fri-Sun Matinees 12:30 & 4:00 No Passes Accepted: Gift Certificates are Always Accepted HOT PURSUIT PG *Special Advanced Screenings* Thurs, May 7th @ 7:15 & 9:30
Landmark Encore
Westbank Shopping Centre WEST KELOWNA AMERICAN SNIPER 14A Daily 12:45, 3:40 & 7:30 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult DANNY COLLINS 14A Daily 12:55, 3:50, 6:55 & 9:40 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult DIVERGENT: INSURGENT (3D) PG Daily 3:40 & 9:30 *Surcharge for 3D* DIVERGENT: INSURGENT PG Daily 12:45 & 6:45 GET HARD 14A Daily 1:05, 3:50, 7:05 & 9:40 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult SPONGEBOB MOVIE: SPONGE OUT OF WATER (3D) G Nightly 7: & 9:30*Surcharge for 3D* SPONGEBOB MOVIE: SPONGE OUT OF WATER G Daily 1:15 & 3:30
Find out how we can help with your short and long-term goals. Talk to us today! *Rate subject to change without notice. To qualify for the 2.99% rate both life and disability insurance must be purchased on the loan. Minimum $5,000 loan to qualify. The 2.99% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a variable rate and fluctuates with Prospera’s Prime Lending Rate (Prime + 0.14%) throughout the loan term. As of January 29, 2015, the Prospera Prime Lending Rate is 2.85%.The APR is for a loan of $5,000 with monthly payments and a 5 year amortization, assuming no fees apply. If fees and/or charges apply, APR would increase. Offer available for a limited time and O.A.C.
superhero movies coming out over the next five years, including two more Avengers sequels. But superhero movies were not always a sure hit at the box office, as it has taken Hollywood moviemakers 100 years to get to this point. Up until the 1970s, most superheroes were featured in 12 to 15 chapter serials that ran weekly in front of movies featuring characters like Zorro, Superman, Batman, Captain America and The Shadow. Even before that, Zorro was the first superhero featurelength movie in the 1920 silent film The Mark of Zorro. Although there were numerous feature-length Zorro movies after that, the next major superhero movie was Superman and the Mole Men in 1951, which starred George Reeves and became the successful TV series. That was followed by Batman, which was based on the Batman TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. And although there were attempts to develop some superheroes (Captain America, SpiderMan and Dr. Strange) into TV stars in the ‘70s (the most successful of which was The Incredible Hulk), it took the world’s most powerful superhero to become a movie star. In 1977, Superman: The Movie became the first superhero blockbuster and spawned numerous sequels, but even by the third in 1983 it was suffering. A 1984 spin-off featuring Supergirl barely got a release in theatres. In 1986, the George Lucas-produced Howard The Duck was a bomb. Then in 1989, a new version of Batman, directed by Tim Burton, with Michael Keaton in the lead role and Jack Nicholson as The Joker jumpstarted the genre again. Throughout the 1990s, lesser known comic book characters like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Mask were getting hit movies and movie companies were giving older heroes another shot like The Shadow and Zorro. In the decade that followed, the comic book heroes movie success continued to grow with the box office X-Men and Spider-Man movie series,a and it shows little sign of letting up anytime soon.
sCapital News Friday, May 1, 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com B7
Vol. 12 No. 4
With only 15 residents, ground floor 2 bdrm, 2 bath completely professionally upgraded, Carolyn Walsh designed cabinets, caesarstone quartz counters, new boiler for the in-floor hot water heating, dock, nice beach area, licensed buoy to moor your boat, 2 parking spaces, low monthly maintenance at $264.00 a month sorry no rentals or pets. 103-5275 Buchanan Rd, Peachland, MLS®10097116, $695,000. Call Cecile Guilbault, PREC ** to view at 250-212-2654 or for more info go to www.cecileguilbault.com
This 3bed/2.5 bath+den, two story w/level backyard has MAIN FLR living & level access to backyard playground. The upper level boasts a large family room with all BDS on same floor, & upgrades include 9 ft ceilings, tray ceiling in DEN, hardwood & laminate, island and pantry in kitchen. 2097 Rosefield Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10095739, $469,000. Call Ellen at 250-863-9045 for a private showing.
Ideal UBCO / Investment Property. Features - Top floor with vaulted ceilings. Popular Floor plan, appliances, in Suite Laundry, Gas Fireplace, lots of tile. Outdoor Pool, Hot Tub, Secure Entry & Secure Parking. Rentals Allowed. 1406 3168 Via Centrale, MLS®10097588, $269,000. For more info call Tanis Read at 250-215-2121 or Trish Cenci at 250-864-1707.
Log rancher; 2 Bed/2 bath, lake view: 1 block to lake and boat launch. 3 bay garage heated workshop. Excellent spot for the whole family to hang out in the summer with extra room for RV parking. 10 mins to Predator Ridge and world renowned Sparkling Hills Resort, 20 mins to Kelowna Int’l airport. 16574 Schaad Rd, Lake Country, MLS®10097111, $649,000. Call Marnie Perrier at 250-212-8552 or go to marnie@marnieperrier.com
Is found in this sprawling rancher superbly crafted with over 6,000 square feet of spacious and comfortable living space. 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 dens and 5 bathrooms along with multiple family, living, and games rooms make up this custom gated European styled home. Enjoy the incredible and unobstructed views of Okanagan Lake and downtown Kelowna. Triple car garage with circular driveway and ample extra parking for both a boat and RV! 1791 Shaleridge Pl, West, Kelowna MLS®10096025, $949,000. Call Paige Guernsey at 250-862-6464 or go to www.kelownahome.com for more pics.
Kelowna 14-1470 Harvey Ave. (250) 860-7500
Residential: 250-860-7500
Westside 102-3480 Carrington Rd. (250) 768-8001
Spectacular rancher with basement with exceptional Lakeview, 3 bedrooms 3 bath, open concept, new kitchen, bath, flooring, new bosch stainless steel appliances, perfect for entertaining with large deck, games room, huge family room, and so much more. A must see, with so much to offer. Unit includes all bosch appliances, pool table, living room TV and fireplace, and window covering. 204-5300 Huston Rd, Peachland, MLS®10096863, $499,900. Call Larry Guilbault at 250-826-2047 or go to www.kelownaokanaganrealestate.com
With a newer private and licensed 90’ dock/boatlift. Current water license for water intake from the lake. Home is a ready for a makeover but has new roof and terrific lakeview. You will need to have a tram system built to access the lake for approx. $650,000. 7196 Brent Rd, Peachland, MLS®10097068, $650,000. Call Dave Collins at 250-870-1444 or go to www.davecollins.ca
Great room open concept, tile floors throughout, granite, SS appliances. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms featuring an ensuite which includes his/hers sinks, walk in closet, soaker tub, 1800 S.F on the main and 1653 on walk out lower level. Great potential to suite with rough in for second laundry in place. Nice valley views from the generous patio and upper covered deck. 1438 Black Mountain Cresc. Kelowna, MLS®10097471, $609,000. For more information, please contact Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500 or go to www.romaniessen.com
Are you looking for a safe environment for your kids to bike and play street hockey? This is the perfect neighborhood for them as there are dozens of kids on this street! 4 Bedrooms (3+1), 3 Baths, hardwood, open floor plan, covered back patio. 5003 Windsong Crescent, Kelowna, MLS®10096762, $529,000. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
$75,000 price drop on this development opportunity, Family Estate property or BOTH! Incredible 62 acre L-shaped parcel with lots of frontage on both Idabel and Paradise Roads. Could be divided into neighbourhood parcels, used as a resort property with 260 ft of Lakefront or retain a portion for your own estate and develop the rest! Land is treed and could have timber revenue as well. Most lots developed on Paradise are .5 acre parcels. DL1920S Paradise Rd, Kelowna, MLS®10095985, $475,000. Call Ellen at 250-863-9045 for a private showing.
Great lake views, no step one level rancher with a detached single garage/ workshop, carport 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, approx 1083 sq ft, oak hardwood and bamboo floors, wood burning stove, hot water tank replaced in 2010, C/A, underground irrigation, wonderful retirement home or first time buyers perfect condo alternative. Investors this home is easy to rent call for details. 5356 Buchanan Rd, Peachland, MLS®10096999, $379,900. Call Cecile Guilbault, PREC** to view at 250-212-2654 or for more info go to www.cecileguilbault.com
Spacious walkout rancher. Well maintained 19+ community, pets welcome no size limits for dogs(2 allowed). Fabulous view, master with 3 pce ensuite up and additional bedroom/office down. the main floor has a bright cheery kitchen with a corner window overlooking the views, open dining area, cozy family room, formal Living room, main floor laundry and large rec room with many built-in shelves down. 40-6400 Spencer Rd, Kelowna, MLS®10096742, $398,900. Call Mary Hamann for further details or to view at 250-717-6087.
Large home with an oversized double garage, lots of parking and one acre of land. Formal living room and dining room. Spacious eat in kitchen with nook, island, lots of cabinets and huge family room. Gas Fireplace and free standing wood stove in the family room. Real hardwood flooring on the main floor waiting to be dressed up, high ceilings and lots of windows to take in the rural country location. Yes in the country yet close to town and lake. 5209 Silver Court, Peachland, MLS®10094673, $545,800. Call Shirley Geiger to view at 250-767-2744.
Own this semi detached home and have no strata fees or bylaws! Gorgeous and completely private back yard with single garage. 2 beds and 1 bathroom that shows great and is ready to move into. Great area close to schools, parks and transportation. 1399 Aldon Rd, Kelowna, MLS®10095232, $239,000. Call Paige Guernsey at 250-862-6464 or go to www.kelownahome.com for more pics.
This 2BD/3BA is the recipe for incredible Okanagan Living! An elevator is great for those with limited mobility or to aid in loading the RV! This spacious 1732 Sq Ft townhome features SS Appls, granite countertops, hardwood, gas F/P, huge master & oversized deck. You could add a BD to garage if you want more living space as the owner has already installed a powder rm there. Beautifully decorated with furniture package optional. 9-3359 Cougar Rd, Westbank, MLS®10095628, $375,000. Call Ellen at 250-863-9045 for a private showing.
Welcome to Ambrosi Court! This large open floor plan condo features 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms + 2 parking stalls. Beautiful hardwood floors. Gourmet kitchen w/granite counters & large raised eating bar. You will love the convenient location. #210 – 1933 Ambrosi Road, Kelowna, MLS®10096737, $369,900. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
Water Street 1332 Water St. (250) 860-7500
Commercial: 250-763-4343
Peachland 5878E Beach Ave. (250) 767-2744 Toll Free 1-877-856-0626
Property & Strata Management (250) 860-1411 res. (250) 860-1420 comm
Where Home Begins
Capital News Friday, May 1, 2015
12 16 28
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EAGLES VIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Unit on the level closest to the lake offering spectacular lake, town and valley views from lower and upper sundecks. Upstairs has large master bedroom with 12’ ceilings plus large 5-piece ensuite bath. Main floor offers open concept design with island kitchen, living room and two more bedrooms. Unit boasts in-floor heating, hardwood floors, granite countertops, central vac. Parking for two vehicles plus RV/boat parking. #207-4350 Ponderosa Drive, Peachland, MLS®10090005, $525,000. Call Dave at 250-870-1444 to view or see pictures on my website at www.DaveCollins.ca
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Dave Collins 250-870-1444
Upgraded 2 bdrm, 2 bth upper condo with gorgeous views, gated community with pools, hot tubs, golf course, on site restaurants, pool table, shuffle board, woodworking shop, plus more. Pet friendly with a fenced in off leash dog park. Cork floor in kitchen and laminate floors in other rooms. #3404-415 Commonwealth Rd, Kelowna, MLS®10095493, $219,900. Call Marion Lahey at 250-300-3730 for more info.
Marion Lahey 250-300-3730
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17 15
Over 1500 sq. ft. of Cadillac living. Lots of up grades. Comfortable in floor heating, heated garage w/workshop area. Bright 2 bedroom 2 bath with large master w/walk in closet and large shower. New high end laminate and large island. Nothing Walt to do but move in. #112-3360 Old Okanagan Highway, West Reglin Kelowna, MLS®10094805, $409,000. For more photos go to 250-470-0919 www.wreglin.com
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HAWTHORN PARK ON KLO • • • • • • • • • • •
West facing with high ceilings, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, with enclosed balcony. Small pets OK and storage locker on same floor. Available after July 20th. #101-877 KLO Walt Road, Kelowna, MLS®10095881, $235,000. For more Reglin photos go to www.wreglin.com 250-470-0919
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Karen Guy 250-768-8001
and a sunny, south/west facing private back-side yard. Located in the cul-de-sac at the end of the road this home offers peace and quiet, and privacy while being located close to schools, parks, shopping, public transit, restaurants, recreation facilities, short distance to the lake and the heart of downtown Kelowna. This home is currently a revenue property with 4 tenants/students. Open to offers!! 1429 Alta Vista Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097360, $499,000. Call Cathy Cherka at 250-215-2956 to set up a viewing of this prime property.
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LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION • • • • • • • • This 4 level split home has 4 bedrooms, 2 & half baths, double car garage
SHANNON LAKE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Quiet no through street, flat driveway, RV parking, nice flat pool sized back yard, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a just a lovely lake view from the kitchen and dining room right through to the living room. Furnace, roof and hot water tank all within the last 5 years. Don’t wait on this one, you’re just minutes to everything! 3238 Sundance Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10094634, $449,000. For more information and details go to www.connectwithkaren.com or call Karen Guy at 250-768-8001 or 250-878-3605.
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Pinewoods Villa 45+ community. Nicely renovated, newer roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring and decor, appliances and more. Open concept design in main living area with rock fireplace. Two of the bedrooms have an ensure bath. Large wrap around deck offers sun & shade. Detached garden shed for extra storage. Allows 2 small dogs, strata fees $75 per month, RV parking available. #35-1750 Lenz Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10091511, $244,900. Call Dave at 250-870-1444 or see more pictures at www.DaveCollins.ca
www.kelownacapnews.com B9
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Gorgeous brand new home in Black Mountain with stunning valley & lake views! Open floor plan, modern finishes, designer kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, den & 2.5 Baths. Walkout basement roughed-in in law suite. Large suspended slab. On quiet cul de sac. 1114 Oswell Drive, Jaime Kelowna, MLS®10094342, $598,000. For more information on Briggs Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, 250-215-0015 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
Hwy 97 N.
7 N.
Hwy 9
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital News
Carr's Landing Rd.
B8 www.kelownacapnews.com
Immediate Possession is possible. Features 2 bedrooms plus hobby room, garage plus workshop, newer furnace, central air, vinyl windows, electrical, laminate floors. Quiet 55+ well managed park in north Rutland with the lowest pad fees in the area. Small pets always welcome. #54-1133 Findlay Road, Kelowna, MLS®10088745, affordably priced at $52,900. Call Renee Boucher at 250-470-1388. I speak your language, English, German and French. Email: kelownarealtor@shaw.ca
Do you require a Property or Strata Manager for your property? Call our office for a presentation.
Renate Boucher 250-470-1388
Located walking distance to all amenities, Mission Park Mall, medical offices and just a 5 minute drive to KGH. This meticulous 2 bedroom plus den/office mobile home has been upgraded with new kitchen, bathroom, furnace, electrical, flooring, plumbing and more...5 appls included. Quiet 55+ park, small pets welcome. Bus stop just steps away. #60-3745 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097393, affordably priced at $59,900. Call Renee Boucher 250-470-1388 to view.
Renate Boucher 250-470-1388 Dave Collins
Property & Strata Manager
Christie Fisher
Judith Gregson
Property Manager
Mike Makin
Janet McDonald Managing Broker
Strata Manager
Strata Manager
Christian Kirschke 250-863-2000
Exquisite 5 Bedroom, 4,000+ sq.ft. family home on quiet cul-de-sac. Open floor plan, 18’ lofted ceilings, gourmet kitchen. 4 Bedrooms all on 2nd level. Finished basement w/theatre room, 5th Bedroom & Bath. In ground saltwater pool backing parkland. 429 Audubon, Kelowna, MLS®10097239, $909,000. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
4.1 acres of flat yard space. 5200sf custom home featuring: hardwood, tile, slate, kitchen, granite, oversized master bedrm & ensuite, recroom and home-theater space. Pond, field, 60’ x 30’ Barn/Garage plus another outbuilding for your toys or business? Municipal water and complete newer septic system. 3131 Harold Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10093499, $1,499,000. For more information please contact Christian Kirschke at 250-863-2000.
Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015
Beautiful 4 Bedroom (2+2), 3,500 sq.ft. walkout rancher w/stunning valley views located on quiet cul-de-sac just minutes to downtown and a short walk to shops. Semi-private backyard, oak hardwood floors, spacious rooms and entertaining spaces. #20-452 Glen Pine Court, Kelowna, MLS®10095540, $499,000. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
Peter McKenzie
Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015
Property & Strata Manager
Glen Mehus
Commercial Property Manager
Residential: 250-860-1411
Christina Raho
Property Manager
Commercial: 250-860-1420
Shirley Mehus
Commercial Property & Strata Manager
Joy Ross
Property & Strata Manager
Anthony Serani Property Manager
LOWER MISSION NEIGHBOURHOOD • • • • • • • • • • • •
Unique finishing details throughout from trayed ceilings with fir inlays, granite vessel sink and counters, copper counters, marble, Brazilian hardwood and handscraped hardwood. A 1 bdrm in law or nanny suite is an added bonus. Main level offers open gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances, eating nook extends to great room. Lofted dining area off kitchen overlooks main level and provides endless vistas. Over 5600 sq.ft 5 bdrms & 5 baths on 3 levels of gorgeous living. 3266 Malbec Crescent, West Kelowna, MLS®10095617, $1,398,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
This home will delight you with warm hand-hewn ha Completely renovated offers an open design floor plan with over 3700 sq. ft. Amazing patio surrounds salt water pool w/fibre optic lighting, outdoor kitchen and living space w/gas fireplace overlooking the pool and rear yard. Oversized double garage w/lots of parking. Luxurious 713 sq. ft. main level master bedroom suite with direct access to the pool. Beautifully landscaped back yard enhances the privacy aspect of this exceptional home! 4362 Kensington Drive, Kelowna, MLS®10089868, $1,250,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
31 24
John Mandoli 250-860-7500
EXCELLENT BUY – A MUST SEE • • • • • • • • • •
This quality 3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bathroom townhouse is conveniently located close to all amenities including schools, shopping, bus routes and recreation. Tons of room to relax in your library/den, media room, private patio or living room. The basement has been just updated with a projector, screen and speakers. Single car garage with plenty of storage. Additional parking available. This home is move in ready. #105-1420 Terai Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097511, $279,900. For more info call John Mandoli or Brian Wright at 250-860-7500
PRICED TO SELL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Brian Wright 250-860-7500
Bright open concept, 1 bedroom + den. Perfect for 1st time home buyer/investment. Huge kitchen, granite counters, glass backsplash, stainless appliances, and wood flooring. Heat and water is included. Secure underground parking, large storage unit located by your parking spot. Walking distance to shops, restaurants, golf, skiing and lake. Great location. Priced to sell, move-in ready. #310-3645 Carrington Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10097871, $209,900. For more info call Tiffany Pare at 250-878-9621.
WALKOUT RANCHER WITH DETACHED SHOP/GARAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tiffany Pare 250-878-9621
This solid 2 bedroom plus den home with 1 bedroom in-law suite features neutral paint colors, new roof and two huge decks. There is a wood stove, cold room, and a large country kitchen! The 2.4 acre property also features a detached double garage/ shop with wiring and a carport, fencing and cross fencing, gardens, fire-pit and tons of parking. Bring your RV and other toys! This is the perfect property if you like privacy. Several pieces of equipment are included - a snow-blade, John Deer mowing mulching tractor, and more! 4651 McCulloch Road, Kelowna, MLS®10092483, $699,900. Call Jennifer Odorizzi at 250-860-7500 for more info.
Jennifer Odorizzi 250-860-7500
This home will delight you with warm hand-hewn hardwood flooring, custom mill-work, silestone counter-tops and a new bathroom. The complete main level has been re-done to include new recessed lighting, fixtures, built-ins, duradeck with glass rail, doors and more. The roof and high-efficiency furnace have also been updated. Downstairs has a bedroom with cheater-ensuite, rec-room, utility and a sliding glass doors to the level, fenced back yard. 961 Pinewood Place, West Kelowna, MLS®10096912, $599,000. Call Jennifer Odorizzi at 250-860-7500 for more info.
CASA LOMA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jennifer Odorizzi 250-860-7500
. 22
KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE! • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
JUST REDUCED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Spacious 3 bed, 1 bath solid home on .41 acres surrounded by nature. Beautiful brick 2 sided wood burning fireplace between the dining room and the living room plus another wood stove in the rec room. You will love the huge fenced yard & large deck off dining room. Newer roof, windows, doors and deck. School bus stops at your front door. Would also work as a great vacation home. 8031 Alpine Road, Kelowna, MLS®10093405, $225,000. Call Cathy Cherka at 250-215-2956 for more information or go to www.cathycherka.ca
Cathy Cherka 250-215-2956
30 24
This view will knock your socks off! Sweeping 180 degree view of Lake Okanagan from this choice Peachland building lot. All services at the property line. Minutes to shopping, beach, Allyn restaurants and the marina. 5816 Columbia Ave, Peachland, Bentz MLS®10098051, $169,000. For more info contact Allyn 250-470-2413 Bentz at 250-470-2413.
LIVE THE QUIET RURAL LIFE • • • • • • • • • •
45 mins from the city is this large rambling 2400 sq ft home on 2 lots. All the room you need with 3 large bedrooms, family room, a large double garage and covered RV storage. Close to West Kettle River and the kids can walk to school. Enjoy the summers with 2 large sun decks and an 18’ x 36’ covered patio. A 14’ x 32’ work shop and 3 additional garden sheds. The property has 2 wells for unlimited water, 2 garden plots and the property is fenced for your pets. 5838 3rd Street, Beaverdell, MLS®10098060, $269,000. For more info contact Allyn Bentz at 250-470-2413.
UPDATED TOWNHOME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Allyn Bentz 250-470-2413
Fabulous TOP FLOOR unit with spectacular view of lake, pools, sandy beach and marina, 2 BED plus LOFT. Spacious 1179 sq ft with huge sun deck, stunning views, lots of natural light with south east sun exposure. Turn key, fully furnished and ready to enjoy! Optional rentals with professional on site management. Year round vacation destination with all the amenities of a premier lakeside resort. #419-4205 Gellatly Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10084175, $469,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
32 24
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom and a single car garage. Ground floor with patio. New kitchen, new bathroom fixtures, Stainless Appliances ,tile floors and insuite laundry. On site pool and exercise room. Gary Close to shopping, Mission Greenway, H2O Center and Capital Loverin News Center. #107c-735 Cook Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097870, $244,900. Call Gary Loverin at 250-317-5252 for more info. 250-317-5252
COVE LAKESIDE RESORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Spectacular lake and city views from all main living areas. 80 ft of pristine water frontage. Stunning 3377 sq ft 4 bedroom home completely renovated. Granite and corian counters, custom maple cabinetry, natural tones with aqua accents. Licensed dock with covered slip and electric lift. Large lakeside deck complete with beach cabana. Double attached garage plus detached double carport. A quiet location to enjoy the Lake Okanagan lifestyle yet minutes to the amenities in downtown Kelowna. 2371 Campbell Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10076623, $1,595,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
Glass flows from the great room to dining to gourmet kitchen all with 16 foot sliding doors that lead to the large lakeview deck. Over 4000 sq.ft feet of luxury featuring 5 bedrooms and 5 baths. The front of the acreage has been lined with a newly planted privacy hedge and freshly planted Riesling grapes for future wine production. A Cabana pool side features full wet bar, sitting room and bathroom. Triple garage with one portion having 11 foot ceiling height to accommodate larger boat. 3370 Neid Road, Kelowna, MLS®10090448, $1,895,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
Amazing park like private rear yard with unobstructed views. Incredible quality throughout this luxury home. 3 car garage. Outdoor living space with fireplace. Lots of natural elements granite and hardwood. All bedrooms boast own ensuite bathrooms. Wharf with boat slip and lift. #11-605 Westside Road, Kelowna, MLS®10088633, $1,499,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
Where Home Begins
Capital News Friday, May 1, 2015
12 16 28
. ke Rd.
34 Summerland
McKenzie McKenzie
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Carnousite Black Mtn
Rutland Rd. N.
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S.E. Kelowna
20 7
EAGLES VIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Unit on the level closest to the lake offering spectacular lake, town and valley views from lower and upper sundecks. Upstairs has large master bedroom with 12’ ceilings plus large 5-piece ensuite bath. Main floor offers open concept design with island kitchen, living room and two more bedrooms. Unit boasts in-floor heating, hardwood floors, granite countertops, central vac. Parking for two vehicles plus RV/boat parking. #207-4350 Ponderosa Drive, Peachland, MLS®10090005, $525,000. Call Dave at 250-870-1444 to view or see pictures on my website at www.DaveCollins.ca
37 24
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Frost Rd.
Gordon Dr.
Okanagan Lake
Hwy 33
Dave Collins 250-870-1444
Upgraded 2 bdrm, 2 bth upper condo with gorgeous views, gated community with pools, hot tubs, golf course, on site restaurants, pool table, shuffle board, woodworking shop, plus more. Pet friendly with a fenced in off leash dog park. Cork floor in kitchen and laminate floors in other rooms. #3404-415 Commonwealth Rd, Kelowna, MLS®10095493, $219,900. Call Marion Lahey at 250-300-3730 for more info.
Marion Lahey 250-300-3730
. Rd
17 15
Over 1500 sq. ft. of Cadillac living. Lots of up grades. Comfortable in floor heating, heated garage w/workshop area. Bright 2 bedroom 2 bath with large master w/walk in closet and large shower. New high end laminate and large island. Nothing Walt to do but move in. #112-3360 Old Okanagan Highway, West Reglin Kelowna, MLS®10094805, $409,000. For more photos go to 250-470-0919 www.wreglin.com
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E. Kelowna Rd.
Black Mountain
Hwy 33
HAWTHORN PARK ON KLO • • • • • • • • • • •
West facing with high ceilings, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, with enclosed balcony. Small pets OK and storage locker on same floor. Available after July 20th. #101-877 KLO Walt Road, Kelowna, MLS®10095881, $235,000. For more Reglin photos go to www.wreglin.com 250-470-0919
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Cathy Cherka 250-215-2956
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Peachland 19
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Karen Guy 250-768-8001
and a sunny, south/west facing private back-side yard. Located in the cul-de-sac at the end of the road this home offers peace and quiet, and privacy while being located close to schools, parks, shopping, public transit, restaurants, recreation facilities, short distance to the lake and the heart of downtown Kelowna. This home is currently a revenue property with 4 tenants/students. Open to offers!! 1429 Alta Vista Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097360, $499,000. Call Cathy Cherka at 250-215-2956 to set up a viewing of this prime property.
sa ro en Gl
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION • • • • • • • • This 4 level split home has 4 bedrooms, 2 & half baths, double car garage
SHANNON LAKE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Quiet no through street, flat driveway, RV parking, nice flat pool sized back yard, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a just a lovely lake view from the kitchen and dining room right through to the living room. Furnace, roof and hot water tank all within the last 5 years. Don’t wait on this one, you’re just minutes to everything! 3238 Sundance Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10094634, $449,000. For more information and details go to www.connectwithkaren.com or call Karen Guy at 250-768-8001 or 250-878-3605.
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Dave Collins 250-870-1444
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Pinewoods Villa 45+ community. Nicely renovated, newer roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring and decor, appliances and more. Open concept design in main living area with rock fireplace. Two of the bedrooms have an ensure bath. Large wrap around deck offers sun & shade. Detached garden shed for extra storage. Allows 2 small dogs, strata fees $75 per month, RV parking available. #35-1750 Lenz Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10091511, $244,900. Call Dave at 250-870-1444 or see more pictures at www.DaveCollins.ca
www.kelownacapnews.com B9
x Se
Gorgeous brand new home in Black Mountain with stunning valley & lake views! Open floor plan, modern finishes, designer kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, den & 2.5 Baths. Walkout basement roughed-in in law suite. Large suspended slab. On quiet cul de sac. 1114 Oswell Drive, Jaime Kelowna, MLS®10094342, $598,000. For more information on Briggs Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, 250-215-0015 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
Hwy 97 N.
7 N.
Hwy 9
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital News
Carr's Landing Rd.
B8 www.kelownacapnews.com
Immediate Possession is possible. Features 2 bedrooms plus hobby room, garage plus workshop, newer furnace, central air, vinyl windows, electrical, laminate floors. Quiet 55+ well managed park in north Rutland with the lowest pad fees in the area. Small pets always welcome. #54-1133 Findlay Road, Kelowna, MLS®10088745, affordably priced at $52,900. Call Renee Boucher at 250-470-1388. I speak your language, English, German and French. Email: kelownarealtor@shaw.ca
Do you require a Property or Strata Manager for your property? Call our office for a presentation.
Renate Boucher 250-470-1388
Located walking distance to all amenities, Mission Park Mall, medical offices and just a 5 minute drive to KGH. This meticulous 2 bedroom plus den/office mobile home has been upgraded with new kitchen, bathroom, furnace, electrical, flooring, plumbing and more...5 appls included. Quiet 55+ park, small pets welcome. Bus stop just steps away. #60-3745 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097393, affordably priced at $59,900. Call Renee Boucher 250-470-1388 to view.
Renate Boucher 250-470-1388 Dave Collins
Property & Strata Manager
Christie Fisher
Judith Gregson
Property Manager
Mike Makin
Janet McDonald Managing Broker
Strata Manager
Strata Manager
Christian Kirschke 250-863-2000
Exquisite 5 Bedroom, 4,000+ sq.ft. family home on quiet cul-de-sac. Open floor plan, 18’ lofted ceilings, gourmet kitchen. 4 Bedrooms all on 2nd level. Finished basement w/theatre room, 5th Bedroom & Bath. In ground saltwater pool backing parkland. 429 Audubon, Kelowna, MLS®10097239, $909,000. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
4.1 acres of flat yard space. 5200sf custom home featuring: hardwood, tile, slate, kitchen, granite, oversized master bedrm & ensuite, recroom and home-theater space. Pond, field, 60’ x 30’ Barn/Garage plus another outbuilding for your toys or business? Municipal water and complete newer septic system. 3131 Harold Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10093499, $1,499,000. For more information please contact Christian Kirschke at 250-863-2000.
Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015
Beautiful 4 Bedroom (2+2), 3,500 sq.ft. walkout rancher w/stunning valley views located on quiet cul-de-sac just minutes to downtown and a short walk to shops. Semi-private backyard, oak hardwood floors, spacious rooms and entertaining spaces. #20-452 Glen Pine Court, Kelowna, MLS®10095540, $499,000. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015, or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com
Peter McKenzie
Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015
Property & Strata Manager
Glen Mehus
Commercial Property Manager
Residential: 250-860-1411
Christina Raho
Property Manager
Commercial: 250-860-1420
Shirley Mehus
Commercial Property & Strata Manager
Joy Ross
Property & Strata Manager
Anthony Serani Property Manager
LOWER MISSION NEIGHBOURHOOD • • • • • • • • • • • •
Unique finishing details throughout from trayed ceilings with fir inlays, granite vessel sink and counters, copper counters, marble, Brazilian hardwood and handscraped hardwood. A 1 bdrm in law or nanny suite is an added bonus. Main level offers open gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances, eating nook extends to great room. Lofted dining area off kitchen overlooks main level and provides endless vistas. Over 5600 sq.ft 5 bdrms & 5 baths on 3 levels of gorgeous living. 3266 Malbec Crescent, West Kelowna, MLS®10095617, $1,398,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
This home will delight you with warm hand-hewn ha Completely renovated offers an open design floor plan with over 3700 sq. ft. Amazing patio surrounds salt water pool w/fibre optic lighting, outdoor kitchen and living space w/gas fireplace overlooking the pool and rear yard. Oversized double garage w/lots of parking. Luxurious 713 sq. ft. main level master bedroom suite with direct access to the pool. Beautifully landscaped back yard enhances the privacy aspect of this exceptional home! 4362 Kensington Drive, Kelowna, MLS®10089868, $1,250,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
31 24
John Mandoli 250-860-7500
EXCELLENT BUY – A MUST SEE • • • • • • • • • •
This quality 3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bathroom townhouse is conveniently located close to all amenities including schools, shopping, bus routes and recreation. Tons of room to relax in your library/den, media room, private patio or living room. The basement has been just updated with a projector, screen and speakers. Single car garage with plenty of storage. Additional parking available. This home is move in ready. #105-1420 Terai Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097511, $279,900. For more info call John Mandoli or Brian Wright at 250-860-7500
PRICED TO SELL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Brian Wright 250-860-7500
Bright open concept, 1 bedroom + den. Perfect for 1st time home buyer/investment. Huge kitchen, granite counters, glass backsplash, stainless appliances, and wood flooring. Heat and water is included. Secure underground parking, large storage unit located by your parking spot. Walking distance to shops, restaurants, golf, skiing and lake. Great location. Priced to sell, move-in ready. #310-3645 Carrington Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10097871, $209,900. For more info call Tiffany Pare at 250-878-9621.
WALKOUT RANCHER WITH DETACHED SHOP/GARAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tiffany Pare 250-878-9621
This solid 2 bedroom plus den home with 1 bedroom in-law suite features neutral paint colors, new roof and two huge decks. There is a wood stove, cold room, and a large country kitchen! The 2.4 acre property also features a detached double garage/ shop with wiring and a carport, fencing and cross fencing, gardens, fire-pit and tons of parking. Bring your RV and other toys! This is the perfect property if you like privacy. Several pieces of equipment are included - a snow-blade, John Deer mowing mulching tractor, and more! 4651 McCulloch Road, Kelowna, MLS®10092483, $699,900. Call Jennifer Odorizzi at 250-860-7500 for more info.
Jennifer Odorizzi 250-860-7500
This home will delight you with warm hand-hewn hardwood flooring, custom mill-work, silestone counter-tops and a new bathroom. The complete main level has been re-done to include new recessed lighting, fixtures, built-ins, duradeck with glass rail, doors and more. The roof and high-efficiency furnace have also been updated. Downstairs has a bedroom with cheater-ensuite, rec-room, utility and a sliding glass doors to the level, fenced back yard. 961 Pinewood Place, West Kelowna, MLS®10096912, $599,000. Call Jennifer Odorizzi at 250-860-7500 for more info.
CASA LOMA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jennifer Odorizzi 250-860-7500
. 22
KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE! • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
JUST REDUCED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Spacious 3 bed, 1 bath solid home on .41 acres surrounded by nature. Beautiful brick 2 sided wood burning fireplace between the dining room and the living room plus another wood stove in the rec room. You will love the huge fenced yard & large deck off dining room. Newer roof, windows, doors and deck. School bus stops at your front door. Would also work as a great vacation home. 8031 Alpine Road, Kelowna, MLS®10093405, $225,000. Call Cathy Cherka at 250-215-2956 for more information or go to www.cathycherka.ca
Cathy Cherka 250-215-2956
30 24
This view will knock your socks off! Sweeping 180 degree view of Lake Okanagan from this choice Peachland building lot. All services at the property line. Minutes to shopping, beach, Allyn restaurants and the marina. 5816 Columbia Ave, Peachland, Bentz MLS®10098051, $169,000. For more info contact Allyn 250-470-2413 Bentz at 250-470-2413.
LIVE THE QUIET RURAL LIFE • • • • • • • • • •
45 mins from the city is this large rambling 2400 sq ft home on 2 lots. All the room you need with 3 large bedrooms, family room, a large double garage and covered RV storage. Close to West Kettle River and the kids can walk to school. Enjoy the summers with 2 large sun decks and an 18’ x 36’ covered patio. A 14’ x 32’ work shop and 3 additional garden sheds. The property has 2 wells for unlimited water, 2 garden plots and the property is fenced for your pets. 5838 3rd Street, Beaverdell, MLS®10098060, $269,000. For more info contact Allyn Bentz at 250-470-2413.
UPDATED TOWNHOME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Allyn Bentz 250-470-2413
Fabulous TOP FLOOR unit with spectacular view of lake, pools, sandy beach and marina, 2 BED plus LOFT. Spacious 1179 sq ft with huge sun deck, stunning views, lots of natural light with south east sun exposure. Turn key, fully furnished and ready to enjoy! Optional rentals with professional on site management. Year round vacation destination with all the amenities of a premier lakeside resort. #419-4205 Gellatly Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10084175, $469,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
32 24
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom and a single car garage. Ground floor with patio. New kitchen, new bathroom fixtures, Stainless Appliances ,tile floors and insuite laundry. On site pool and exercise room. Gary Close to shopping, Mission Greenway, H2O Center and Capital Loverin News Center. #107c-735 Cook Road, Kelowna, MLS®10097870, $244,900. Call Gary Loverin at 250-317-5252 for more info. 250-317-5252
COVE LAKESIDE RESORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Spectacular lake and city views from all main living areas. 80 ft of pristine water frontage. Stunning 3377 sq ft 4 bedroom home completely renovated. Granite and corian counters, custom maple cabinetry, natural tones with aqua accents. Licensed dock with covered slip and electric lift. Large lakeside deck complete with beach cabana. Double attached garage plus detached double carport. A quiet location to enjoy the Lake Okanagan lifestyle yet minutes to the amenities in downtown Kelowna. 2371 Campbell Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10076623, $1,595,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
Glass flows from the great room to dining to gourmet kitchen all with 16 foot sliding doors that lead to the large lakeview deck. Over 4000 sq.ft feet of luxury featuring 5 bedrooms and 5 baths. The front of the acreage has been lined with a newly planted privacy hedge and freshly planted Riesling grapes for future wine production. A Cabana pool side features full wet bar, sitting room and bathroom. Triple garage with one portion having 11 foot ceiling height to accommodate larger boat. 3370 Neid Road, Kelowna, MLS®10090448, $1,895,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
Amazing park like private rear yard with unobstructed views. Incredible quality throughout this luxury home. 3 car garage. Outdoor living space with fireplace. Lots of natural elements granite and hardwood. All bedrooms boast own ensuite bathrooms. Wharf with boat slip and lift. #11-605 Westside Road, Kelowna, MLS®10088633, $1,499,000. Call Jane Hoffman for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to wwwjanehoffman.com for more pictures.
B10 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty has Fundraised over $23,500 for the Heart & Stroke BIG BIKE ride in DOWNTOWN Kelowna since 2008. Thank you to all that have supported our efforts to make this such a successful event! We could not have done this without you! We will be riding again this year on Thursday MAY 28 at 1pm
Donate to the Heart & Stroke at http://tinyurl.com/CBCyclones Or call us at 250.860.7500 to talk to Kimberly.
Growing up in Kelowna was the best experience a kid could have (thank you Mom and Dad). After more then a decade of serving Buyers and Sellers in Vancouver BC, I am so happy to do what I love, back in my hometown; while my own son gets to experience an Okanagan childhood too. Three years back to the Okanagan and selling locally, I am very excited to be joining forces with such a great company.
sCapital Capital News News Friday, Friday,May May1,1,2015 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com B11 B11 www.kelownacapnews.com
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
250.763.7114 fax 250.862.5275 email classiďŹ ed@kelownacapnews.com Announcements
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Craft Fairs
David Karns Bogaardt Sunshine passes, shadows fall. Loveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sweet remembrance outlasts all. And though the years be many or few, My days are filled with reminders of you.
John D. Milne
March 7, 1923 - April 19, 2005
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been 10 years since you left us. You are in our thoughts every day and always in our hearts. ~ Your loving wife Helen & Family
All my love, Mom
Memorial Gifts
Fax: 250-763-9116 Email: info@kcfb.ca
Box 20193, RPO Towne Centre, Kelowna, BC
CENTRAL OKANAGAN HOSPICE ASSOCIATION 104 -1456 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2E6 Phone: 250-763-5511, Fax: 250-763-5567 $'' /2*2 SHU LQVHUW
Terance Coderre Assistant Manager
Kathleen â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kathyâ&#x20AC;? suddenly passed away at home with her husband at her side on April 26, 2015 and will be dearly missed and remembered by her husband Stan Prosko of 24 years of love and joy. She will be remembered by her children David Roberge, Linda Scott, and Barbara Roberge and her brothers and sisters Gordon Sinclair, Michael Sinclair, Tim Sinclair, Sharon Klassen and Colleen Sinclair. Kathy was well liked and appreciated by all her friends and she was a wonderful person and she was admired for her sense of humour. A memorial service will be held at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 10:00 am.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Nick Bulach on April 25, 2015 at Kelowna Hospice House. He is survived by wife of 54 years, Eleanor and two daughters Brenda (Jack) Appel and Lynn (Rick) Hainstock. He will also be greatly missed by his two granddaughters Karlee and Ashlee Appel and step granddaughter Shawna (Carl) Johnson and two great step granddaughters Emilie and Elise. He is survived by two sisters Mary and Rose and several nieces and nephews. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 10 a.m. at Springfield Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the B.C. Lung Association. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com 250-860-7077.
SPRING CRAFT SALE Sun May 3, 10-3pm. Winfield Memorial Hall. Over 50 tables of crafts. Get your Mothers Day gifts here! Please bring a donation to the food bank. Kathy, 250-863-0649
Coming Events
SUNSHINE Farm Certified Organic Plant and Seed Sale is back and expanded! Heirloom Tomato plants, dozens of varieties. Peppers, eggplant, herbs, seeds and more. No GMO. May 8th & 9th, 9:00 to 4:00. 2225 Saucier Road. www.sunshinefarm.net. 250448-1826
Lost & Found FOUND leather bracelet with silver band and wings, at the Kelowna Capital News.(With a bible verse.) It probably happened when you stopped by for the paper on Wed., March 25 250-763-7114 to claim.
250-763- 1040
0(025,$/ *,)76
To find out the many benefits of pre-arranging please call 762-2299
September 2, 1947 ~ April 26, 2015
Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com 250-860-7077.
FIRST MEMORIAL FUNERAL SERVICE 1265 Ellis Street, Kelowna Phone: 250-763-7161
It is with profound sadness and undying love that the family of Joan Loyst announces her passing. Joan died peacefully with her children by her side on April 19, 2015. Joan was born on May 6, 1943 in Minnedosa, Manitoba. She moved to Westbank, BC at the age of three. In 1961, Joan married Frank Loyst and together they had three children: Heather, Penny and Stephen. Joan worked for Westbank Irrigation District for over thirty years. Joan was strong willed with a very gentle kind soul. Joan was predeceased by her parents, William (Bill) Saunders and Dorothy (Dolly) Saunders (nee Jenner). She is survived by her brother Garth (Marj) Saunders and her three children, Heather Loyst and children Joseph and Kristen Malaer; Penny Tanner (Mike) and children Alannah Hummel (Brent) (great-granddaughter Azaleia) and Myles Tanner (great-grandson Nate); and Stephen Loyst (Jenn) and children Matayah and Gage Loyst. A special mention must be made of Lorraine Schnurr, who was Joanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best friend since the age of three - for 68 years! They were inseparable - like twins. A Memorial Service will be held at the Westbank Community Hall on May 6, 2015 at 1:30pm. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Joanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name to Red Deer Hospice, 99 Arnot Avenue, Red Deer, AB T4R 3S6
LOST: Set of black GM keys with orange band. Spruceview Cres area, Glenmore. Please call 250-763-1430 Reward.
Employment Business Opportunities
ESTABLISHED in the Okanagan in 2000. Pressure Washing Business for sale. Repeat yearly clients in place including property management & commercial clients. Includes all equipment & contact numbers. $30,000. Dave 250-8630306
Kelowna business opportunity carpet cleaning Co.,Comes with a 2002 Chev van, slide in system. $12,000. 250-300rugs.(7847)
Community Newspapers Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at the heart of thingsâ&#x201E;˘
CREDIT REPAIR CENTRE â&#x20AC;˘ 250.212.9599 CALL WE CAN HELP www.kelownacredit.com
B12 B12 www.kelownacapnews.com www.kelownacapnews.com
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Education/Trade Schools
US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to parris@ricknickelltrucking.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results! Farm Workers 2 farm fruit workers, Judge Orchards. June 15 - end of Oct., 2015. Thinning, picking, etc. 40hrs/wk, $10.49/hr. Kelowna. 250-859-2562 HANS ORCHARDS is looking for Farm workers for thinning & picking. June 15-Oct. 31 $10.49/hr. 40 hrs/week. Call (250)808-9270
SPENCER, TED Passed away peacefully on Friday, April 24, 2015 at the age of 83. A Celebration of Life will be held Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 11:00 am at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road,Kelowna, BC. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com 250-860-7077.
MAZUR, JERRY On April 26th, 2015 Jerry Mazur passed away suddenly at the young age of 45 after playing soccer in the park. He leaves behind his daughter Micah (19) and son Brodie (18). He will be remembered and sadly missed by Shelley Lynn Mazur, mother of his children, his loving parents Stan and Sylvia Mazur, his sister Trudy (Mitch) McDonald and a large extended family. A Memorial Service will be held Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 2:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Rd, Kelowna, BC with Dean Dahl officiating. In Jerryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s memory you may support SKATELIFE. Cheques can be written to Young Life of Canada-â&#x20AC;?Skatelifeâ&#x20AC;? 9440-202St Unit 120, Langley BC. V1M 4A6 or Online: www.younglife.ca (search â&#x20AC;&#x153;skatelife division.â&#x20AC;?) Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com, where you will also be able to watch the service via LiveStream 250-860-7077.
LIGHT, MAUREEN ELLEN Born in Kelowna November 27, 1930 ~ April 23, 2015 Maureen passed away surrounded by her children on April 23, 2015 after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Maureen was predeceased by her Father (Vic Fowler) and her Mother (Ann Fowler). She is survived by her brother Fred Fowler (Marg) and her children Christopher (Janice), Colleen (Peter), Tim (Robin) and Darran (Tracy). Also missing Granny are her 13 grandchildren Jared (Skyla), Angelyn, Naomi, Leia (Chuy), Ashton (Kara), Brittany (Mack), Stephanie (Travis), Nicholas, Erin, Taya, Shea, Steve and Keith. GG will be remembered by her 6 great grandchildren Eli, Jude, Michael, Grayson, Mykayla and Kai. Mom was a long-time employee of Sears where she retired as the manager of ladies fashions Division 7. She had a passion for flowers and flower gardens. Known to her children as the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best cook she enjoyed her kitchen and would not hesitate to help her granddaughters bake anything at anytime. To Mom, Family was everything. Funeral service will be held at St. Aidanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church on 380 Leathead Rd. at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, May 6. Interment to follow at 1:00 PM at Lakeview Memorial Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations can be made in her name (Maureen Light) to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation to benefit Hospice House www.kghfoundation.com Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com 250-860-7077.
Friday,May May1,1,2015 2015 Capital Capital News NewsC Friday,
Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call 250-979-4357 to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy #400-1631 Dickson Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 0B5
Help Wanted EI CLAIM Denied? Need Help? 22 yrs experience as an EI Officer. Will prepare, present, reconsiderations & appeals. Call me before requesting reconsideration: Bernie Hughes, Toll Free at : 1-877-581-1122. Experienced Janitor required. Must have own vehicle. $13.00/hr., Phone: 1-250-8592336, Fax: 1-250-764-6460. info@evergreenmaintenance.ca IMMEDIATE Hire FARMHAND Beaverdell, B.C. Pay $2000/month plus 2BR House to live in. Contact GORD (250)484-5470
Help Wanted
Professional/ Management
LAKESHORE RESORT in West Kelowna now accepting applications for ROOM ATTENDANT positions. Must be in good physical condition, and able to work weekends. Staring wage plus incentive depending on experience. Email resume to housekeeping@casaloma.com, fax to 250-7696388 or drop off resume to Casa Loma Resort front office Must have own transportation and accommodation.
AFTERNOON Shift Dispatcher needed for busy transportation company. Position is based in West Kelowna, Monday - Friday from 2pm - 11pm. wage will be negotiated based on experience. Fax resume to 250-357-2612, or apply on line at sutco.ca
Trades, Technical
BUSY commercial contractor looking for tradesman. Experience in metal cladding, framing, cabinetry, painting, tile, electrical, plumbing, drywall would be an asset. Must have transportation. Must be willing to work some nights and travel. Non smoking company. Email resume hanconconstructors@gmail.com
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
The Okanagan Regional Library is looking for a dynamic, bright, intellectually curious and committed individual to lead our organization in our communication, marketing and fundraising activities. Working as part of a highly committed management team, the Public Relations/Fundraising Manager will work with ORL personnel to create and execute professional marketing campaigns, positive media presence, well-crafted public messaging, and a high profile brand that is recognized throughout the region. The Public Relations/Fundraising Manager will explore and initiate fundraising opportunities on a local and system wide basis. For further information on this position please check out the â&#x20AC;&#x153;About Us â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Careersâ&#x20AC;? link on our website at orl.bc.ca To apply please forward resume and three references via email to: Human Resources Manager - bdrake@orl.bc.ca Closing date for applications is Wednesday May 6, 2015.
Career Opportunities
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services
Career Opportunities
Job Postings The City of Kelowna currently has opportunities for: â&#x20AC;˘ Recreation Clerk PT â&#x20AC;˘ Recreation Clerk PT Term (up to one year) â&#x20AC;˘ Airport Finance and Corporate Services Manager Apply online at kelowna.ca/careers kelowna.ca/careers
Driving Instructors Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy for New Drivers is recruiting for Kelowna! Our driving school incorporates the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best practices in new driver training. We are looking for passionate driving instructors who are certified to deliver driving lessons. Requirements: t %SJWJOH JOTUSVDUPS FYQFSJFODF t 'VMMZ MJDFOTFE XJUI UIFJS (-1 EFTJHOBUJPO t &YDFMMFOU PSBM BOE XSJUUFO DPNNVOJDBUJPO 8F XJMM QBZ GPS BEEJUJPOBM USBJOJOH XIJDI QSPWJEFT UIF RVBMJGJFE BQQMJDBOU XJUI UIF UPPMT UIFZ OFFE UP DPBDI TUVEFOUT BU B IJHIFS MFWFM DVSSFOUMZ OPU QSBDUJDFE JO UIF JOEVTUSZ Our company offers above average compensation and unique benefits including a Mercedes-Benz school car. *G ZPV BSF B QSPGFTTJPOBM ESJWJOH JOTUSVDUPS XIP JT passionate about driving, teaching others to drive, BOE JT SFBEZ UP TUFQ VQ UP B IJHIFS MFWFM UIJT QPTJUJPO DPVME CF GPS ZPV 5BLF BEWBOUBHF PG UIJT FBSMZ PQQPSUVOJUZ UP KPJO UIF leader in driver training. Send your resume: info@mbdrivingacademy.ca or Call: 1-866-577-6232
Lower Nicola Indian Band Employment Opportunity
Strategic Initiatives Coordinator The Lower Nicola Indian Band (LNIB) has recently created the position of Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, who will play a signiďŹ cant role in shaping the strategic agenda of LNIB. The Strategic Initiatives Coordinator will provide support in designing, presenting, and implementing strategies, program development and project management support, strategic planning and implementation of key initiatives of LNIB. S/he will support and work closely with the Executive Director, Sector Directors, and Managers of LNIB in formulating strategies and initiatives, and presenting them to Chief & Council and Members, across the full range of programs and departments of LNIB. The job requires a candidate with superior organizational skills and multi-tasking abilities, coupled with excellent interpersonal strengths. The ideal candidate will be a natural leader with excellent verbal/ communications skills and a thoughtful, persuasive personal style. Self-starters who are comfortable in a project-oriented environment tend to be successful in this role. Key Duties and SpeciďŹ c Responsibilities Coordination and support of strategic planning initiatives, including: s Support the Executive Director as custodian of the Planning Framework of LNIB, including the Comprehensive Community Plan. s Assist multi-functional teams in the development and execution of initiatives, and driving their implementation in support of goals of LNIB Communications and Liaison s Prepare and present reports, proposals and presentations to Management Team, Chief & Council, and Membership. Regularly communicates in person, through presentation, in writing through reports and papers, and through social media. s Prepare background materials and develop proposed action strategies in support of Executive Directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts to advance LNIBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interests relative to identiďŹ ed trends and emerging issues. s Assist in developing funding proposals for departmental and/or organizational projects and initiatives including for fundraising purposes. s Act as a liaison between the Executive Director, Chief & Council, LNIB membership, and other external stakeholders. s Undertaking other tasks and responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Director. Education and Experience Education and Training s Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree on Business Management or Project Management, or equivalent and a minimum of 3 years or more of job-related experience. Advanced degree is strongly preferred. s Proven ability to identify key issues and to carry forward ideas or projects from conception to execution. Proven ability to assimilate information gathered through research, consultation, and engagement to apply that information in creative and cross-cutting ways, and to synthesize appropriate strategies and responses. s Strong organizational skills and demonstrated capacity to develop and implement practical strategies, plans, and solutions to identiďŹ ed issues and problems. s Detailed knowledge of, and experience in First Nationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; community development and organizing, policy development and advocacy. s ProďŹ ciency with Microsoft OfďŹ ce suite and Microsoft Project software. Relevant Experience s Superior track record of taking initiative in managing competing organizational and departmental priorities and to work effectively under pressure when facing short deadlines. s Exceptional research, writing, analytical and organizational skills, and the ability to convey complex concepts in a clear, concise and logical manner. Familiarity with research sources on the nonproďŹ t and philanthropic sector, and knowledge of the sector is an advantage. s Preference will be given to those who have worked with First Nations in the areas of development and delivery, and community organizing and building. Special Knowledge and Skills s Strong analytical skills and capabilities (both quantitative and qualitative) required to design, implement, and evaluate initiatives and programs. A systems thinker. Track record of thinking conceptually and mastering complex subject matter quickly, and strong prioritization and follow-up skills. s Superior critical thinking skills, including the capacity to identify and appropriately assess and order competing interests and priorities. First rate verbal and written communication skills. s Proven track record of turning ideas into executable strategies and actions. Strong sense of ownership, work ethic and follow-up skills. Good judgment, discretion, tact and the ability to work easily with senior leaders within the LNIB community, First Nations organizations, government, charities and foundations, and business sectors. Excellent diplomacy skills and ability to converse easily with a varied range of stakeholders. Flexible and with sense of humour. s Strong project management skills. Ability to work independently and drive multiple projects at the same time. Ability to work in a fast-paced organizational, team-oriented, highly demanding environment. s Passion for working with First Nations, demonstrated by a strong interest and prior exposure to First Nations experiences and aspirations in human development, community engagement, economy and nation building, infrastructure, and environmental stewardship. Sensitivity to the political and cultural environments of First Nations institutions, governments, neighbouring communities, and business and industry. Ability to act as a liaison and effectively associate with other institutions and organizations. s High ethical standards required to ensure a high level of professionalism is maintained. s Candidates able to speak or willingness to learn the NĹ&#x201A;e kepmxcin language will be given preference. Reporting & Supervision s Reports directly to the Executive Director Work Environment s OfďŹ ce at the Lower Nicola Indian Band Administration, at 181 Nawishaskin Lane, Nicola-Mameet Indian Reserve #1, 8 km west of Merritt, BC. s Overtime may be required to attend evening and weekend meetings, meet deadlines, or respond to emergencies. Stressful work conditions at times. Some local/regional travel required. Annual Salary Range s Attractive salary and beneďŹ ts package commensurable with qualiďŹ cations and experience. Closing Date: Monday May 11, 2015 at 4:00 PM Please submit a cover letter and resume to: Attention Executive Director Lower Nicola Indian Band 181 Nawishaskin Lane Merritt, BC, V1K0A7 Or Fax 250 378 6188 Or email at executiveassistant@lnib.net
sCapital Capital News News Friday, Friday,May May1,1,2015 2015
www.kelownacapnews.com B13 B13 www.kelownacapnews.com
Pets & Livestock
Pets & Livestock
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Accounting/Tax/ Bookkeeping
Moving & Storage
Feed & Hay
$100 & Under
Estate Sales
FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687
Ginseng tarps 24’x80’ for shade or windbreak. Inexpensive and attractive solution for hay shed, livestock shelter etc. $160. ea. 24’x160’ @ $300.ea. Quote available for installation. 22’ gooseneck tip pg trailer, 27,000 lb axles, 95 lb winch. $7500. 250-558-8322.
Tiny Chihuahua puppies, CKC registered, microchipped, Champion sired, intelligent, cuddly, adorable. 3 boys left, $800. 250-309-5429. Website: tanzanitechis.webs.com. Email redlox21@hotmail.com
4 tires, M&S, 215-65R17. $55/all. Good condition. Call 250-769-0083
Dispersal Auction Rexin Unreserved. 4000 Kettle Valley Rd. S Rock Creek. May 9, 10 am. 98 Chev truck, 96 Grand Prix low k’s, MF 135 tractor & implements, Irrigation setup, tack, antiques, tools. Rothwell Auctions. 250-306-1112 www.rothwellsoldit.com
Brown laying hens just starting to lay. $12.50 each. 250308-7972.
GENERAL LABOURERS (SORTERS) for RECYCLING PLANT Cascades Recovery Inc., Canada’s largest processor of recycled materials with operations throughout British Columbia, has immediate openings in Kelowna for Sorters. Working as part of a team, the job of a Sorter in a Recycling Plant involves the safe and efficient sorting, grading and placement of recycled materials in their appropriate areas according to the specified requirements and production standards. Applicants have to be physically fit and be able to handle all aspects of the job. Must be available for day, evening and/or weekend shifts. Starting wage for the position is $10.25-$12.66 per hour, with wage increases after 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. Company benefits are offered. Profit sharing is also available. If you interested in working for a Company that makes a difference to the environment and is committed to its employees. Please apply in person at the plant office at: 144 Cambro Road
Trades, Technical RETIREMENT home in Lake Country seeking PT (6h/day SSMon) general maintenance person. Resume to and cover jobs@balticproperties.ca WE are looking for a f/t Red Seal automotive technician. $29/hr. Benefit package and signing bonus for right candidate. Located in Clearwater BC (1hr & 25min from Kamloops). If you love the outdoors lifestyle, this could be the place for you & your family. Email resume to aspen10@telus.net, or fax 1-250-674-4087
Work Wanted Senior would like to work evenings. No computer or typing. George 250-212-5034
Alternative Health
The Tax Pros. Income Tax Service. Orchard Park Mall. 250-762-8206, 250-717-8299
Contractors DCR Contracting, Summer outdoor kitchens, pergolas,....etc , int/ext. Free est. 250-862-1746
Drywall MJ Drywall & Renovations Drywall, taping, texture spray. Call 250-826-8033 MR. CHRISTIE’S Your One Stop Drywall Service Centre. We guarantee our work. Free est. Call or txt (250)575-1190.
Garden & Lawn M&S Lawn & Garden. Full yard maint & landscaping. Free Est. Jim 250-861-3693 QUALITY Gardening & Yard Maintenance. Is your yard getting to be too much? Let us help! Providing affordable yard services to Winfield and Kelowna, including weeding, pruning, mowing, and more! Free estimates. Okanagan Greenscapes 250-307-5736 QUALITY TOPSOIL or mixed w/manure. Sand, gravel, decorative rock. Ensign Bros. MonFri. Phone: 250-769-7298 RETAINING walls, irrigation, & So Much More! Diamondback Landscapes (250)-212-5320 ROTOTILLING, power raking, hedges & aerating. Ace of Spades, 250-878-1315
Home Improvements www.paintspecial.com. 3 rooms for $299! Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT until the job is completed! Free Est. (1) 250-899-3163
Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations. GEMINI BATHS 250-862-6991.Free Estimates. SPECIAL of the month. Kitchen & bathroom, basement renovations. Call Joe 250859-5032
ROLL ENDS Are Back in Stock!
PACKING PAPER FOR SALE at The Kelowna Capital News. 2495 Enterprise Way
GREAT for the kids to draw on, plus puppy training, gardens and packing for moving. Cleaner Than News Print! $1.50 + up. Talk to the girls in classified to purchase yours.
Painting & Decorating The Old Pros Painting, Drywall & Remodeling. Licensed & Insured. Insurance restoration for over 20 yrs. Not Covered? Deductible too high? Call me 1st - Barry @ 250-826-2599. WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Roofing & Skylights OK Roofing All repairs, maint., & re-roofs. Warranty on all work. Free Est., 878-1172 RYDER Roofing Ltd. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ Call: 250-765-3191
A European Massage. Days/Evenings. New Kelowna number 250-878-8968, Kim
Rubbish Removal
Mind Body Spirit
2Girls1Truck Rubbish Removal. We load/haul/sort including electronics and paint. 250-878-5210
ABSOLUTELY Guaranteed to be the best massage you’ll experience. Industry Trained. Great Rates. Professional Studio. Sauna Available. Welcoming Atmosphere. New Clients 10% off, Linda 250-862-3929
Help Wanted
$1,000 Reward for Missing Dog!!! Lost on April 13th, 2015. She is a small black miniature pincher. 11 lbs, black and tan color with a bit of grey due to age. When she went missing she was wearing a beige jacket with brown teddy bear patterns on her coat. The coat has a blue trim. She was last seen near old Sicamouse road in Grindrod. Please call me if you have any information at 778-883-7219 or donnadinh2@gmail.com. Thank you and please help me, she is my family.
Poultry Merchandise for Sale
Auctions KWIK Auctions Commercial Food Equipment & Restaurant Auction House - Burnaby & Kelowna - Live & Online - visit KwikAuctions.com for Catalog, Pics, Video Preview
CKC PB Registered American Cocker spaniel pups. Tri and parti colours $700. 1-250-5497138 or 250-308-8665
ONSITE AUCTION - MAY 7, 2015 All Assets - Formerly Akari Japanese Restaurant 112 - 3000 Lougheed Hwy, Coquitlam, BC Complete Cooking Line, Sushi Cases, High End Furnishings & More!!!!.....View all lots ONLINE, Register to Bid & Bid via Live Broadcast. Visit www.activeauctionmart.com or call 604-371-1190 buyit@activeauctionmart.com
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Join our Creative Team We are looking to fill a full time position in our creative department. Are you PROFICIENT in Adobe InDesign CS6, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe Photoshop in a Mac environment? Are you experienced with e-mail and internet programs? If so, an opportunity exists for you to compliment our fast-paced creative department. We are seeking a well organized, CREATIVE TEAM PLAYER to join our newspaper. The successful candidate will have strong design skills, be a quick and accurate typist, and have a keen eye for detail. Interested applicants may apply by letter, fax or email to: Kelowna Capital News c/o Tessa Ringness 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 Fax: (250) 762-3220 Email: tringness@kelownacapnews.com
Closing date for submissions: April 30, 2015
CAPITAL news www.blackpress.ca
BLISS Deep & French Massage, 10 years experience. Call 4 appt. 250-859-2272 THAI Massage. Totally relax & energize your body & mind. (250)-801-7188
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca
Home Care CARE AID needed in Winfield Care is Private in home, one one one, Lady is trached and on ventilator Training Provided/ $15.50/hr 250-766-2251 or Text/ Call 403-803-6620
#1 DECORATIVE ROCK, www.bcrocks.com, Compost Soil - $25/yard, 250-862-0862 TERRA Nova Landscaping can help with all of your landscape needs! Design & Construction, for more information on all our services Contact Chad @ 778-215-3130
Machining & Metal Work GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, stainless, steel 863-4418www.getbentmetalfab.ca
Moving & Storage AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. FLAT Rates long dist. Weekly trips BC/AB. 250-861-3400 A+ Service: JOE’S MOVING Reasonable Rates, Fully Equip’d Trucks, Local-long Distance, Storage Available. No Job Too Small! Free Estimates. Call Joe: 250-470-8194 DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282 U1ST MOVING 2 men $90/hr. Local and long distance. Call 250-859-8362.
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at the bay door in the front of the Kelowna Capital News. 2495 ENTERPRISE WAY Wednesdays & Fridays are the BEST days to get Pallets! Call (250)-763-7114
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Are you into exercise, motivated and wanting some extra income? Capital News is looking for a person or persons with a reliable vehicle to deliver newspapers door to door in the Kelowna and Westside areas. Various sized routes on Wednesday and Friday. Your papers would be dropped at your home early in the morning for you to deliver, which leaves the rest of the day free. Work as much or as little as you want. To apply for this position, please call Capital News Circulation at 250-763-7575 and ask for Richard.
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ASIAN MASSAGE. Lovely & Peaceful Setting. $60/Hour, $100/2 Hours. 250-317-3575
TAN Recliner Chair $55 obo (250)763-9503
(Exempt) Reporting to the Director, Recreation Services, this position coordinates and oversees the administrative function for the division and is a confidential assistant to the Director, Recreation Services. Please see our website at www.vernon.ca for a complete job description and method of application. Closing date is May 8, 2015. Please quote competition # 48-COV-15.
(Exempt) Under job evaluation review Reporting to the General Manager, Municipal Support Services – RCMP, and under the direction of the RCMP Officer-in-Charge, the Manager, Detention Facility is responsible for the safe and secure operation of the Vernon RCMP Detachment detention facility. This includes the care and handling of all custodial inmates, the supervision of full-time and casual custodial guard employees and the management of DNA sampling. Please see our website at www.vernon.ca for a complete job description and method of application. Closing date is May 8, 2015. Please quote competition # 46-COV-15.
Collators & Inserters Required Duties include hand collating, straightening papers and pocket feeders on Kansa Machine. Shifts start at Midnight or earlier. Minimum 2 to 3 days a week. Approx. 16 to 24 hours per week. Good, safe working conditions. Interested applicants may drop off resumes to: Kelowna Capital News c/o Glenn Beaudry 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 or Email: gbeaudry@kelownacapnews.com No phone calls please.
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CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
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JOEY’S Urban - Poutinerie | Taqueria | Chips. Fish, now seeking Franchise Partners for a great franchise location in Kelowna, BC. Check us out at www.joeysfranchisegroup.ca or call Rob Hilditch for more information at 1-800-661-2123
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MORE HOME FOR YOUR MONEY, SIERRAS You can walk to big box stores, shops & entertainment. Attractive home designs set back from a wide street-scape. Brand new 3bed/2bath homes starting at $199,900.00 with $10,000.00 down & $795.00 Bi-weekly O.A.C. We take trades for down payments, so give us a call about your trades. See show homes at 1680 Ross Road where you’ll discover your next home. ACCENT HOMES 250-769-6614 accenthomes@shaw.ca
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1998 29’ Jayco Eagle 5th wheel. 2 slides, full load, barely used.
$6900. 250-769-3311
New vinyl floors, axels flipped for clearance, 2-way fridge, propane 4 burner stove, hot water, dual sink, lots of tread left on tires, sleeps 5, queen bed, fold down kitchen table with bunk above, two 6V batteries, A/C works awesome, outdoor shower, stereo with aux/cd, easily pulled with half ton, tows great, hitch available.
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$579,000 250-768-7415
The link to your community
Sealed proposals clearly marked on the outside of the envelope with the words “T15-033 Janitorial Services for Kelowna Community Theatre” will be received at the Office of the City Clerk, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna, BC up until 3pm, Local Time, May 19, 2015. The Request for Proposal (RFP) will not be opened publicly. There is a mandatory site meeting on May 4, 2015 at 9am PST at the Kelowna Community Theatre, 1375 Water Street Kelowna, BC. The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses, to waive defects in any bid or tender documents and to accept any tender or offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the City. The lowest or any tender or offer will not necessarily be accepted. RFP documents may be obtained at no charge from the City of Kelowna website or from the City of Kelowna Purchasing Branch, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna BC V1Y 1J4. kelowna.ca
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
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Birth Announcements
or email: classified@kelownacapnews.com
ROOMS. $430+up. Student/ senior. NS/no alcohol/no drugs. 250-469-2168, 778-363-6204
Trevor Douglas Yuros and Tamara Jo Weiss have finally found love and are happy to announce their engagement and wedding to take place on May 5, 2015.
T15-033 Janitorial Services for Kelowna Community Theatre
Homes for Rent MORE HOME FOR YOUR MONEY, SIERRAS You can walk to big box stores, shops & entertainment. Attractive home designs set back from a wide street-scape. Brand new 3bed/2bath homes starting at $199,900.00 with $10,000.00 down & $795.00 Bi-weekly. We take trades for down payments, so give us a call about your trades. See show homes at 1680 Ross Road where you’ll discover your next home. ACCENT HOMES 250-769-6614 accenthomes@shaw.ca
WITNESS to an accident on Benvoulin Rd. This is to notify anyone witnessing an accident on Thurs April 23/15, @5pm in front of the strawberry patch on Benvoulin and KLO rd. An older model ford pick up, red and black swerved into the center median to avoid crashing into the back of an Audi S4. They may have information pertaining to this accident. Please call Cam @ 250-5752509
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Moments to Remember
Cars - Domestic 280ZX DATSUN 1980, Silver Grey, 180,000km, 5spd.manual, T-Roof, collector plates, one owner, no winter driving, stored in garage. $15,000.obo. 250-368-6217 gerryandmaryann@shaw.ca
GARAGE Sale @ Watersedge Condos (3865 Truswell) 10 units participating. Saturday, May 2nd from 8am-12pm! L.MISSION Multi-family Garage Sale. 9am Friday, May 2nd 4524 Walker Road L. Mission. Sat May 2, 8-2. 4339 Lysons Cres. Neighbourhood Garage Sale! Multiple families. Furniture, antiques, tools, gardening supplies, ornaments, xmas decor, books, electronics, hshld, etc. L. Mission. Sat/Sun May 2/3. 8-4. 4027 Kentucky Place. Huge Multi family Garage Sale. MAY 1, 2,& 3. 8:30am-2pm 1330 Gibson Rd Books, Art, oxyacetylene tanks, baby/child items and much MORE!! May 2 & 3 8am- 1pm 2900 Abbott St Multi family, High Quality merchandise, Womens clothing & More!!!
MISSION. Sat MAY 2, 8-4. #53-3745 Lakeshore Rd. (Shasta Mobile Home) Lots of household items. MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale Saturday, May 2nd 9am-3pm Belgo Elementary School parking lot 125 Adventure Rd. (Rutland Rd. S, Benchview Rd., Adventure Rd. Something for everyone! Hotdogs for sale! Multi Family sale! 481 Curlew Dr. beside Kettle Valley. Come thru walkway.Sat May 2nd 8-2 PLANT sale. Many perennials & shrubs, $1-$5 each 8-1, SatMay 2, 3402 Mariposa Crt. Saturday May 2 8am-2pm 390 Hillaby Ave Something for everyone Freebies TOO!
Saturday, May 2nd 5225 Lark St 7:30am-1:00pm Hshld items, Thule ski/cargo box, Yahama key board, small Apt. freezer, kids books, creative memories albums/page protectors, lights/ lamps, CD’s , 20” TV & more! SUNRISE Village Annual Garage Sale. Gordon Dr & Raymer Ave. Sat., May 2, 8am-2pm. Something for Everyone!!!! WEST Kelowna. Community Yard Sale. The Pointe. 4074 Gellatly Rd. Sat May 2, 8-1. 20+ homes participating. Hot dogs & drinks available. W. Kelowna. May 2, 8-1. 3737 Gellatly Rd. Huge multi family garage sale. Providence Vista
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most units sold unreserved
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
ELECTION OF TRUSTEES GLENMORE-ELLISON IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT There are two (2) board vacancies to be filled, each for a three (3) year term. Two (2) Trustees will be elected from the following candidates: BULACH, Joe
GRAMS, Horst TIEDE, Lee-Ann
Business Owner Administrator
Polls will be held on the following dates at the District office, 445 Glenmore Rd., Kelowna: Advance Poll Thursday, April 30th, 2015
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Election Thursday, May 7th, 2015
8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Voter Eligibility You must be a Canadian Citizen, eighteen years of age or older, a resident of the Province for the prior six months, and a landowner within the District boundaries, or the “Authorized Agent” of any board or corporation that is an owner of such land.
B16 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 1, 2015 Capital NewsC
Kelowna Secondary School Community Connection
Home of the Owls
May 2015
‘Tell the Girls’ Poised to Release New EP In 1981, Brian Johnson sang the words, “For those about to rock, we salute you.” Now, in an era when the music industry is dominated by meaningless, overproduced songs about drugs and the lower areas of the human anatomy, independent musicians all over the world and in our community are continually working towards having their message heard by anyone willing to lend them their ears. One of these bands is Kelowna’s Tell the Girls. The band (which celebrated its first birthday in February) started out when Antony Knight, Brandon Campbell, and Tieghan Desson were asked to be the backing band for a pop vocalist in late 2013. When their musical chemistry became obvious, the band members decided to put their talents into a new group, and to explore the possibility of playing some original music. It was then that Knight suggested recruiting guitarist Francois Jolicoeur, and with a complete lineup, they switched into sixth gear.
Within two months they had already written enough original songs to start playing shows. Shortly after, the band went into the studio to begin recording their first EP. “It was immediate” says Jolicoeur ,“from the first rehearsal we all had together it was obvious that we had the potential to create some really cool stuff.” After a summer of writing, recording and playing shows (including winning first place in the Westside Daze talent competition and second place in the IPE talent competition), the band continues to charge onwards, never letting their trajectory falter. “I want Tell the Girls to be an unforgettable part of my life,” says Knight. “And as much as I want to remember it, I want others to remember Tell the Girls as well.” Currently, the band is preparing for the release of their long awaited debut EP, but they already have a new ambition in mind: “[We want] to make a great full album and have as much fun as we can along the way,” says Campbell. Jolicoeur agrees, “Right now we have a ton of songs that we’ve had a blast sharing in our live shows, so making the full album and finally having these ideas in a tangible form is an obvious next step.” Regardless of any ups and downs of the world around them, the objective seems to remain unaffected. Four guys playing real instruments trying to share what they have to say through their songs. “I want us as musicians to leave our mark on the world,” says Knight,“whether or not we achieve popularity is irrelevant.”
Adieu Mrs. Kintzinger!
It was with a heavy heart that the Kelowna Secondary School community bid farewell to Mrs. Vianne Kintzinger, the principal of the past fourand-a-half years.
We then chatted with grade twelve student Sophie Marie, who stars as the beloved spider Charlotte, asking what she enjoys about being in the company.
- See more at: http://ksscensorthis.com/2426/ ae/night-owl-theatre-company-presentscharlottes-web/#sthash.Z1WLMMAC.dpuf
The Not-So-Happiest Place on Earth Shylo Sheppard
Mrs. Kintzinger has worked in the Central Okanagan School District for the past 28 years, and has held teaching and administrative positions at all levels from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Prior to her current position, she was also the Principal at George Elliot Secondary and Hudson Road Elementary Schools.
cartoon credit - Marzio Manderiolli.
Kintzinger said, “I am excited, honoured and feel very privileged to join the District’s Senior Leadership Team as we work collaboratively with school communities to enhance student learning”. Mrs. Kintzinger was always supportive of the vision and endeavors of KSS Journalism. But beyond our small neck of the woods, Mrs. Kintzinger reflected a deep caring for people, evidenced in so many things: tutoring students in math; attending sporting and other school events; giving you a smile and a kind word in the hallway; doing her best to make a situation work for all parties involved; gracefully handling tragedy within our school community; celebrating new life or achievement…. This list is long. In an e-mail, Mrs. Kintzger wrote, “It has been both an honour and a privilege working with all the staff at our school.” And at a farewell luncheon just prior to spring break, she told KSS staff, “A part of me will ALWAYS be an Owl.” Mrs. Kintzinger, we bid you a fond adieu.
Note: A bursary has been set up in her name to help an outstanding KSS student each year. In response to the news of her appointment, Mrs.
Natasha Mudie & Jasmine Pathak, A&E Writers “… I don’t understand how a spider learned Sophie: “Being in the company has led me to spin a web in the first place. When the to meet so many people. Sometimes things words appeared, everyone said they were get a bit haphazard, but everything is a a miracle. But nobody pointed out that the learning process.” web itself is a miracle.” -from the novel Finally, we got the chance to speak with Charlotte’s Web director Ms. Holmwood, a.k.a. KSS’s For the past few months, KSS’s Night renowned drama teacher, about why Owl Theatre Company has been working she chose Charlotte’s Web as the spring tirelessly to put on their second feature production. production of the year. The childhood classic Charlotte’s Web is to be put to life on stage Ms. Holmwood: “When choosing Charlotte’s by our very own KSS students. Exploring Web for the Night Owl Theatre Company, I themes of friendship, kindness, and loyalty, wanted a meaningful play with broad appeal, Charlotte’s Web is sure to be enjoyed by well-loved characters, and challenges for the children and adults alike. KSS Censor This! acting company and production team. This recently got the chance to catch up with the classic tale of friendship, community and director and some of the featured actors the natural world was a perfect fit. Through the eyes of the farm characters, author E. B. regarding the upcoming performances. White asks us to slow down and look closely We asked grade eleven actor Aaron Lum, at the ordinary things in life – only then can who stars as the “humble, radiant, and we truly appreciate the miracles that happen terrific” pig Wilbur, what the best part of everyday, and the miracle of life, itself.” putting on Charlotte’s Web has been. If you want to come out and watch the show, Aaron: “I love getting to hang out with my tickets are available at the door or through friends everyday in rehearsals. Of course it’s nightowltheatre@gmail.com. The play a lot of work, but the show is tons of fun. opened Wednesday April 29, but you can Plus, I get to channel my inner pig!” he still catch the show at 7pm on Friday, May 1st and until Saturday, May 2nd. added with a laugh.
As of 1955 millions of people have entered the magical kingdom of Disneyland, but not all have left. Situated in Anaheim, disneyland has become the most haunted place in California. Even though technically nobody has ever died on Disney property due to a supposed rule of health officials not being able to declare somebody dead till off the grounds, we all know its happened. There’s been numerous reports from both guests and employees alike of supposed ghosts and hauntings. Even though the whole park is alleged to have an eery vibe at times, I’ll be giving you a heads up on the most paranormally active places.
In February, the Board of Education for the Central Okanagan School District announced the appointment of Mrs. Kintzinger to the position of Director of Instruction – K to 12. Mrs. Kintzinger is filling the vacancy created by the planned retirement of current director Norm Bradley.
In a letter, Chairperson for the Board of Education, Moyra Baxter, commented that, “The Board is pleased that an administrator with Mrs. Kintzinger’s experience and knowledge will be joining the Senior Leadership Team, and trustees look forward to working with Vianne in her new position”. Superintendent of Schools, Hugh Gloster, said, “Mrs. Kintzinger has been a wellrespected and important member of the leadership team in the District for many years. Her vast experience will serve her very well in the role of Director of Instruction – K to 12.”
Night Owl Theatre Company Presents: CHARLOTTE’S WEB
1. The Haunted Mansion: Clearly the most obvious spot in the park, the haunted mansion is home to multiple ghostly children. The mansion is one of the most popular places to sprinkle cremated ashes in disneyland and the problem had gotten so bad that security regulations were put in place to monitor. One family decided to ignore these rules though and tossed their sons ashes along the ride; the young boy is often seen sitting at the end of the ride crying. Not all the children are as upset as him though, multiple times guests and employees report seeing children running through the halls and ballroom. After hours strange music is also said to make an appearance. 2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Second most popular place for ash scattering in Disney, the ride is home to a young ghostly apparition. He is seen multiple times by security riding on the boats, enjoying himself, after hours. The transition tunnel, which happens to be the darkest portion of the ride, is also said to house strange noises and the odd giggle. 3. Space Mountain: The ever so popular roller coaster of Disney’s tomorrow land is home to two popular ghosts. In the 1970’s there was an
accident during the ride that resulted in the death of the so-called ghost, Mr. One-Way. Described as a large, pale man with reddish hair; he is seen getting on the ride with lone riders, but disappears before it finishes. Secondly is Debbie, a woman who died from an aneurism behind the building. She is seen multiple times and all cases report her glowing green. 4. Mainstreet Firehouse: During the construction of Disneyland, Walt Disney used the upper floor of the building as his personal apartment and according to some he never left. Previous to his death, Walt would always keep his lamp on in his office, but once he died employees were slightly startled when it didn’t turn off. One old employee stated that whenever she would finish cleaning the room she would turn the lamp off, only to get outside and see that it was on. After going back again to turn off the light she heard a whisper from behind saying “Don’t forget, I’m still here”. The light in the apartment is now left on at all times as a tribute to Walt. 5. The Matterhorn: Since its building, The Matterhorn has been where the last breaths of two people were taken. First, in 1964 fifteen year old, Mark Maple, decided it would be a good idea to attempt to stand up at the top of the ride. He was thrown from the sled and died on the track below. Next in 1984, Dolly Young stood up to help a child in the seat behind her, only to fall out and be run over by the next sled. Supposedly the track had to be dismantled to retrieve her body and her ghost still haunts the ride. Employees have nicknamed the spot “Dolly’s Dip” and say they constantly feel like they’re being watched while there. The lights in the area flicker and are constantly burning out. Whoever knew that the happiest place on earth would hold such dark secrets?