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Monday, May 4, 2015
What’s Inside
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Government wins appeal The B.C. Government recently won an appeal over class size. page 2
Cleaning the bricks The old brick building behind City Hall is getting some love and attention. page 4
RCMP still investigating The RCMP are asking for the public’s help in a 2011 disappearance. page 5
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Hockey Academy Registration Registrations are invited for the 2015/2016 Hockey Academy offered by School District 5. The deadline for registrations is Mon., May 11. Again this year, the hockey program will be available to students at both Parkland and Laurie Middle Schools. The program features 50 hours of specialized on-ice training and is open to all male and female hockey players. Registration forms and information packages are available at the offices of Parkland and Laurie Schools and all Cranbrook elementary schools. For more information, please contact Scott Holt, Principal, Parkland School at or (250) 426-3327, or David Standing, Principal, Laurie School at (250) 426-5291 or
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Government wins appeal on class size By Tom Fletcher The B.C. Court of Appeal has ruled in favour
of the B.C. government on the long-running dispute with the B.C. Teachers’ Federation over the removal of
31 Years Experience
natural health Sugar water for Shingles Pain
tory cycle. Blocking the release of the inflammatory chemicals (substance P and Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide - CGRP) stops inflammation and allows for the release of nerve growth factor. Nerve growth factor is a powerful healing chemical produced by the nerve. Without the inflammatory trigger of substance P and CGRP, inflammation is reduced and nerve growth factor can start to heal the nerve. Over time, the damaged nerve heals and the chronic pain stops. Sometimes the nerve pain is not caused by a virus, rather the nerve is squeezed as it passes through the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs called fascia. Neural prolotherapy helps with this type of pain too. The goal of each treatment is for the patient to leave the treatment table with no pain. After the first treatment, pain relief usually lasts 4 hours to several weeks. Weekly treatments typically result in longer periods of pain relief and after 4 to 8 treatments the nerve has healed and the pain stops in 80% of patients. Neural prolo is a safe, simple and effective nondrug treatment for chronic nerve related pain.
union will seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada in its bid to restore classroom rules the government removed from its contract in 2002. “All teachers are looking for is workable and teachable classrooms,” Iker said. Education Minister Peter Fassbender said the changes made to classroom organization in the disputed period have led to “dramatic improvements in student outcomes, particularly for students with special needs.” The B.C. education ministry has argued that caps on class size and number of students in
each class with personalized learning plans were unduly restrictive. The NDP government of the late 1990s negotiated a settlement where the BCTF gave up salary increases in exchange for class size caps, specialist teacher levels and limits on the number of designated special needs students in each class. The appeal court decision leaves in place efforts by the government to settle the bitter dispute, including a provision in the current contract to pay $105 million to the union to retire thousands of grievances filed over class size and composition.
for Mom
Boutique Expansion!
by Trent Brereton, ND
Last week I wrote about how too much sugar increases your risk for a variety of diseases. Sugar, it turns out, is also a healer and can be used to heal post herpetic neuralgia and other chronic pain. The treatment is called Neural Prolotherapy and it is a safe and effective way to cure pain that is associated with inflamed nerves. Shingles is one example of nerve related pain that affects many people for months to years after an outbreak. When the virus that causes chickepox reactivates, it travels down the nerve of its choosing and triggers a painful blistering rash on the skin above the nerve: shingles. The virus irritates the nerve which triggers the release of a variety of chemicals that trigger inflammation. This inflammatory response can then cause long term pain when the nerve is unable to properly heal itself. Neural Prolotherapy works by using a 5% solution of dextrose (also known as glucose) and water injected just under the skin and near the inflamed nerve. This solution provides immediate analgesia to the nerve, stopping it from producing the chemicals that trigger the inflamma-
WCB Certified Fallers Hazardous Tree Removal Trimming and Shaping Fire Prevention Pruning Cabling and Bracing Thinning for Wind Insurance Work
class size and special needs support formulas from classrooms. In a lengthy judgment released Thursday, four of five appeal court judges found that the province did not infringe on the constitutional rights of teachers to bargain working conditions. The appeal court pointed out numerous errors in the 2011 judgment of B.C. Supreme Court Justice Susan Griffin, and overturned her order that the government pay $2 million in damages, which has been paid to the union. BCTF president Jim Iker said the decision is “very disappointing.” He announced that the
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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 3
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Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
The Weekday View
Comedian helps raise bursary funds
Photo submitted
Comedian/musician Todd Butler is performing at the College of the Rockies gymnasium on May 8. College of the Rockies is pleased to welcome comedian/musician/vocalist Todd Butler for an evening of fun and entertainment, Friday, May 8th at 7 pm in the College gymnasium. Butler, a veteran contributor to CBC Radio and Television, is an
award-winning comedy songwriter. With more than twenty years of experience in musical theatre, comedy, and street performance Butler is as well known for his wit and satire as he is for his amazing guitar playing skills. Admission to the per-
formance is free but donations are being accepted for the College of the Rockies’ Student Emergency Bursary. The bursary provides short-term loans to College students to help cover the cost of food, medication, rent or other expenses that students may experience while in school. College of the Rockies’ Manager, Continuing Education and Contract Training Tracey Whiting is excited about Butler’s performance. “The College is thrilled to be bringing a talent of Todd’s stature back to Cranbrook for this fun and free event,” she says. “We’ve had Todd perform for events in the past and he is always a huge hit. To be able to support such an important resource as the Student Emergency Bursary at the same time makes this an even more
worthwhile venture for us.” “Students sometimes find themselves in circumstances they are unable to prepare for. They may break a pair of glasses, require dental work or have a family emergency that arises,” adds College of the Rockies’ Financial Assistance and Awards Advisor Lois Murray. “The Student Emergency Bursary can be the difference between a student continuing on in his or her studies or having to drop out of school.” Tickets for the event are available by donation, with a limit of four per person, at the College of the Rockies’ Registration office at the Cranbrook campus or at the door. For more information on this event, go to: cotr. ca/whatsnew.
Photo submitted
Recently, volunteers got together at the Brick Building (behind City Hall) to clean bricks that will be used to re-build the back wall of the building. After what seemed like a long winter, work finally began on the building recently. Local master Mason and Bricklayer Karl Schmideder Jr dismantled the back wall, and is using the cleaned bricks, and original morter, to rebuild the wall. Anyone who wants to come down during the week, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to assist Mr Schmideder is more than welcome! (Pictured) Tootie Gripich, Anna Majkowski, Mr and Mrs Bob Sperling, Karen Waltham, Margaret Klima, Ken Haberman, John Fercho, Sharon Cross, Rob Amsing. Not pictured: Don and Linda Miller, Helen Thomas and Sonia Mama.
Photo submitted
Grade 5 students in Amber Neilsen’s class at McKim Middle School, and BC Hydro arborist Mark Krahn, with Bruce the Spruce in his new home.
Arbor Day with McKim Middle School BC Hydro celebrated Arbor Day on Friday, April 24 by talking to students at McKim Middle School and Kimberley Independent School about the value of trees. Children at the two schools were encouraged to think about the benefits they receive 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: Advertising E-Mail: Editorial E-Mail: Distribution Email: Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
from trees. They learned to watch for power lines when climbing trees, and to stay 10 metres back from downed power lines. Jim and Louise Welsh of Premier Trees, Skookumchuck, donated two seven-foot blue
Tamara L’Hoost
spruce trees, one for each school, which were planted on Friday. Canfor donated 300 larch, Douglas fir and spruce saplings so that each student could take home a tree and care for it in their own yard. Mark Krahn, an ISA certified arborist with BC Hydro, was thrilled to share his passion for trees with the students. “I feel it is important to
Steve Zsillei
educate people about proper tree care and pass this information down to our children so that future generations can enjoy the benefits of mature, healthy trees,” said Krahn. For more information about trees and power lines, visit To learn more about proper tree care, visit
Lily Durham
Photo submitted
Students from Mr. Nick’s and Ms. Taryn’s classes at the Kimberley Independent School pulled on their rubber boots and got their hands wet sampling macroinvertebrates in Mark Creek as part of Know Your Watershed, a program of the Columbia Basin Trust, delivered by Wildsight.
Zena Williams
Brian Coombs
Shannon Stewart
Erin Carlisle
Bridget Fix
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 5
RCMP are seeking the public’s help in 2011 missing person case The Cranbrook RCMP continues to investigate the disappearance and is appeal-
ing to the public in an attempt to gather information that may assist in locating Cox.
In the past four years, the Cranbrook RCMP have worked with other police forces and agen-
cies and have followed up a number leads which have not resulted in locating Cox.
At the time of his disappearance David Cox was 27 years old, 175 cm (5’9), 68 kg (150
lbs), with brown hair and brown eyes.
UP TO 65% OFF!
Canadiana fry pans feature our toughest, most durable, non-stick enviro-friendly coating that is PFOA free. 20cm/8” Canadiana fry pan. List: $129.00. Now $44.99! 24cm/9.5” Canadiana fry pan. List: $139.00. Now $54.99! 28cm/12” Canadiana fry pan. List: $149.00. Now $69.99!
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1.5L Canadiana saucepan with cover. List: $119.00.
6pc steak knife set. List: $49.99. PHOTO SUBMITTED
RCMP continue their investigation into the disappearance of David Cox.
The Cranbrook RCMP are continuing their investigation of a missing person investigation where foul play is suspected. On the 30th day of April, 2011, a report was received from a family member that David Robert Cox had not been heard from for a few weeks. An investigation commenced where it was learned that Cox was last seen on April 6, 2011, in the presence of another male.
73% OFF!
Our 11pc Copperline cookware set - simply beautiful to behold, with astonishing performance as well! Stainless steel construction with an encapsulated copper base provides remarkably sensitive heat control. Induction stovetop compatible. Set includes: 1.5, 2, 3L saucepans, 4L saucepan with helper handle, 5L Dutch oven, 24cm/9.5” fry pan, and 5 covers. List: $749.99. 99
$2499 33% OFF!
$3499 69% OFF! 20pc Dunes flatware set. List: $129.99.
3pc mixing bowl set available in blue or orange. List: $29.99.
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Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Regional District of East Kootenay
Mountains of quilts in upcoming show
Emergency social services Director We are looking for a compassionate, hardworking, organized individual to fill the role of Emergency Social Services (ESS) Director for the Elk Valley and South Country Emergency Program. The ESS Director, working on a contract basis, will receive $27.50 per hour (200 hours maximum per year) including expenses paid for training, travel and on-call. A detailed description of the contract requirements are available on the RDEK Website Applicants may submit a resume the following ways: , In Person at the RDEK Office Via email to By Mail to Melody Munro, RDEK, 19-24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Resumes will be accepted until Friday, May 8th, 2015 at 4:30 pm. We thank all applicants for their interest however only those selected for interviews will be contacted. For more information, contact Melody Munro at 1-888-478-7335 or
WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? To geT To The RDeK Town hall MeeTingS! area g Town hall & Volunteer of the Year: Wed, May 6, 2015 - Edgewater Community Hall 7:00pm - Volunteer of the Year Celebration 7:30pm - Area G Town Hall Meeting area F Town hall & Volunteer of the Year: Mon, May 11, 2015 - Fairmont Hot Springs Resort 7:00pm - Volunteer of the Year Celebration 7:30pm - Area F Town Hall Meeting area C Town hall & Volunteer of the Year: Weds, May 13, 2015 - Heritage Inn, Cranbrook 7:00pm - Volunteer of the Year Celebration 7:30pm - Area C Town Hall Meeting area a Town hall & Volunteer of the Year: Wed, May 20, 2015 - Hosmer Community Hall 7:00pm - Volunteer of the Year Celebration 7:30pm - Area A Town Hall Meeting
Jennifer Rea, pictured with her quilt, “Poppies of Perseverance,� was the winner of the Best in Show Award at the 2013 Cranbrook Quilt Show. Several of her more recent projects will be on display at this year’s show.
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The Cranbrook Quilters’ Guild presents its biennial quilt show, “Mountains of Quiltsâ€? on Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9 at the Cranbook Alliance Church. Over two hundred and ďŹ fty quilts will be on display; with some for sale; all created by guild members. The show features a whole spectrum of quilts of every size: traditional, modern, artistic; as well as other quilted items, including handbags, table runners and other creations. The quilts are also judged, so that attendees will be able to see those considered the best. Attendees are also encouraged to vote on their favourite, which results in the Viewers’ Choice Award. Also included in the show is a selection of quilts that guild members have made to donate to the community. The guild has a long history of making quilts to comfort others; both local and international. Tickets are ďŹ ve dollars for adults and two dollars for students. Children under 12 are free. Times are 12 noon to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 8 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 9. More information is available on the quild’s website at:
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(1) Offer valid from May 1, 2015 until June 1, 2015. Prices are suggested retail prices only and are subject to change without notice at any time. Dealer may sell for less. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included. Attachments and implements sold separately. See dealer for details. (2)Offer valid from May 1, 2015 until June 1, 2015. Taxes, set-up, delivery, freight, preparation charges and a $50 documentation fee will apply. 0% APR purchase financing for 60 months on new John Deere 1 Family Sub-Compact and 3E Compact Utility Tractors. Down payment may be required. Representative Amount Financed: $10,000, at 0% APR, monthly payment is $166.67 for 60 months, total obligation is $10,000, cost of borrowing is $0. Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. MSRP cash price based on highest priced product in series: $15,781 (includes $50 documentation fee). Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. Minimum finance amount may be required; representative amount does not guarantee offer applies. The charge for amounts past due is 24% per annum. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Additional dealer fees may apply. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only. See dealer for details. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. Discounts or other incentives may be available for cash purchases. By selecting the purchase financing offer, consumers may be foregoing such discounts and incentives which may result in a higher effective interest rate. *Manufacturer’s estimate of power (ISO) per 97/68/EC.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 7
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 1
Rotary Radio & Public
Wednesday, May 6 and Thursday, May 7 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Tamarack Shopping Center (by the Columbia Theatre entrance-old Overwaitea location)
See photos of some of our auction items at May 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Canada Safeway, $50.00 Gift Certificate .............................................................. $50.00 Bamboo Garden Dining Room, 1 x $20 Gift Certificate ..................................... $20.00 Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers, WCB First Aid Kit....................... $60.00 Cranbrook Transit, 1 student bus pass................................................................... $35.00 The Hearing Loss Clinic, One Hearing Evaluation .............................................. $40.00 H & R Block, $50.00 Discount voucher towards income tax preparation for 2016................... $50.00 The Cottage Restaurant, gift certificate for 2 for breakfast specials .................... $25.00 Fort Steele Heritage Town, Glass mug, Fort Steel wool, and candy sticks......... $36.00 Nailz & Spa, 1 Classic Manicure .......................................................................... $20.00 Guidance Planning Strategies, Cranbrook Sunrise Rotary Golf Card $40.00 .. $40.00 Dairy Queen Brazier Store, Certificate for 1 8" Blizzard Cake & 1 DQ Log .... $40.00 Victoria Car Wash, 2 - $25.00 Wash Cards ........................................................... $50.00 Fisher Peak RV Rentals Ltd., $50 Gift Certificate ............................................... $50.00 Bravo Carpet & Upholstery Care, 1 Certificate for cleaning one room ............ $100.00 Frank Vanden Broek Sun Life Financial, 2 - one lb KRC coffees & 2 coffee mugs ............................................................ $45.00 Studio's Salon, Hair Products - Matrix, Argobeta Oil & Sebastian Hair spray ... $75.00 Juniper Lanes, Birthday Party Pkg ........................................................................ $90.00 Mission Hills Golf , 2 - 18 hole rounds for 2 people with cart - expires 2016 $105.00 Elizabeth Lake Lodge, 4 Rounds Mini Golf and Beverages ............................... $36.00 Uniglobe Travel, 3 $50.00 Gift Certificates (some qualifications) ................... $150.00 Jason Wheeldon Personal Real Estate Corp., Home DĂŠcor Basket................... $100.00 Metro & Son Locksmith, 1 Residential Entrance Lock set.................................. $50.00 RBC Dominion Securities-Dean Hamdon, Ladies Size L - Adidas Golf Shirt - Bright Coral color ...................................... $60.00 Duthie's Propane, 1 Full propane tank (tank & fill).............................................. $60.00 Dixon's Service Centre, lube, oil, filter, & 14 point inspection............................ $79.95 Millennium Health & Wellness Center, White Kidney Bean Extract, African Mango - Metabolism Booster................... $50.00 Kootenay Budget Blinds, Gift certificate towards purchase of blinds............... $250.00 City Glass & Windshield Shop Ltd., gift certificate towards 1 bevelled mirror of your choice ................................... $100.00 Willow Appliances Ltd., Gift Certificate............................................................. $100.00 Cranbrook Physiotherapy Clinic, Full Physio Assessment and one follow-up treatment........................................ $145.00 Kootenay Wine Crafters, 3 X $50 gift cert ......................................................... $150.00 Arby's, Gift Certificate .......................................................................................... $20.00 East Side Mario's Cranbrook, $20.00 Gift Certificate .......................................... $20.00 Sandman Inn, Gift Certificate for 2 nights stay .................................................. $125.00 McGibbons Auto and Truck Repair, Cooling System Check & Flush, includes Coolant ............................................ $200.00 Finning Canada Inc., Men's large North End Jacket ............................................ $80.00 Harley Davidson of the Kootenays, Men's X Large T Shirt - sleeveless .......... $30.00 Emco Corporation, Kohler Coralais single centre set Lavatory Faucet ............ $172.00 Sandi's Blinds & Interior Fashion, One pair of Adult Faux Fur Leg Warmers ... $40.00 JJ's Laundry Depot, Certificate for one duvet, quilt or sleeping bag cleaning .... $25.00 snapd East Kootenay, 1/8" advertisement in "snapd" newspaper ...................... $240.00 Home Depot Canada, Makita Compact Cordless Drill Combo Kit .................. $199.00 Cranbrook Crossfit / Underground Fitness, 1 month of Beginner Crossfit Fundamental classes ........................................... $105.00 Taylor Adams Chartered Accountants, Registration for one in the 2015 Kootenay Rockies Gran Fondo...................... $150.00 Southeast Disposal Ltd., 4 Rounds Golf at Will-O-Bend .................................... $80.00 Curves, one month membership (expires Sept. 2015) ......................................... $99.00
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Sun Valley Nissan, Gift certificate for parts & service ....................................... $100.00 McDonald's Restaurants Ltd., Gift Basket - contains coffee, mugs & 2 meals .................................................... $40.00 TD Canada Trust, Wood Wine Caddy................................................................... $25.00 Sunshine Houseboat Vacations Ltd., Gift certificate TOWARDS houseboat vacation between Sept 1 & Oct 15, 2015 ........................................................................... $500.00 Sandy Smith Personal Real Estate, Hair Services with Kaitlyn Smith @ Taupe Hair & Nail Salon......................... $100.00 Fitz Flooring Ltd., $200 Gift certificate .............................................................. $200.00 Initial Designs Custom Embroidery, Men's XL Brown Stormtech Work Jacket........................................................... $160.00 Revive Boutique, Family Photo Frame ................................................................. $30.00 HSBC Bank Canada, Gold Plated "Year of the Goat" Key chain and Handmade Crystal ornament "Mountain Goat" ................................................... $90.00 Rocky Mountain Diesel Ltd., $200 Certificate for body work .......................... $200.00 Neno's Paint & Auto Body, Gift Certificate ........................................................ $150.00 A & W Restaurant, $50.00 Gift Certificate ........................................................... $50.00 The Heid Out & Fisher Peak Brewing Co., 1 Growler plus 5 craft beer fills .... $87.40 Apollo Ristorante & Steak House Ltd., Certificate for 1 - 14" Pizza .................. $30.00 Cranbrook Glass, $100 credit towards a windshield replacement..................... $100.00 Kootenay Country Inn, 2 nights accommodation for two people and breakfast ...................................... $200.00 Suzanne Ormiston, Notary Public, $100 Gift Certificate towards a Will or Power of Attorney................................ $100.00 Koko Beach Tanning & Hair Salon, One Month of tanning with 3 packets tanning lotion .......................................... $75.00 JGD Handyman, 1 free lawn cutting in Cranbrook(1 city lot)............................. $60.00 Kootenay Mountain Mechanical Ltd, Full Service Certificate Complete service, eng oil, oil filter, fuel filter and grease - minimum of 42 litres of oil ............................................. $500.00 The Lawn Doctor, $100.00 gift certificate .......................................................... $100.00 Tri Kon Precast Products Ltd., Exposed aggregate planter.................................. $91.35 Sandor Rental Equipment Ltd, Two hour crane rental (to a max value of $450.00) Reserve bid of $300.00 ........................................................................................ $450.00 Van Horne Towing Ltd., 1 In town tow service ................................................... $75.00 Key City Theatre, Two pairs of tickets (4) to our May 2015 Performances ..... $110.00 Shaw's Enterprises, 1 Towing / Lifting nylon sling .............................................. $65.00 King Edward Hotel & Licensed Liquor Store, 1.5 L |Bottle of |White Zinfandel ........................................................................... $18.00 Fibrenew East Kootenay, 2 hours of Labour - Upholstery repair or Fibrenew repair .............................. $145.60 Subway, 7 Sub Party Platter................................................................................... $50.00 AABCO Pawnbrokers, Gift certificate for Aabco Pawnbrokers ....................... $100.00 Kootenay Ice Hockey Club Ltd, Luxury suite for a Kootenay Ice home game 2015 - 2016 regular season ........ $538.50 Great Canadian Liquor Warehouse Ltd., 100 Gift Card .................................... $100.00 Wolseley Mechanical, Delta 24" Towel Bar & Toilet Paper Holder - Stainless finish ........................... $160.00 Shoppers Drug Mart #290, Gift Basket for Him .................................................. $75.00 Baker Hill Dental Clinic, Oral B Toothbrush Pro 5000 with Bluetooth............. $95.00 Mega Silk Screening 2010, 4 assorted golf shirts, red, blue & pink, & 4 assorted caps .................................. $50.00 Tim Hortons (Tamarack Centre), 2 coffee go cups, 2 go cups for chilled drinks, 2 lbs Tim Hortons coffee one dark roast one reg .................................................. $45.00
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Rotary Radio & Public
Over $58,000 in goods and services to be auctioned! Wed. May 6 and Thurs. May 7 - B104 Station
This year the radio auction will begin with the first 8 articles and operate on a rotation basis, such as No. 1 auctioned, No. 9 on board; No. 2 auctioned, No. 10 on board; No. 3 auctioned, No. 11 on board; and so on. There will be an item auctioned every 1.5 minutes. This means any given articles will be on the board for 10 -12 minutes before being auctioned off. By using this rotation system, we feel there will be a continual interest in the auction items. The announcer will give you a warning on the next item to be auctioned. When the auction is underway, the items will be sold to the highest bidder as determined by the auctioneer. In the event 2 or more people are bidding on an item at the time of closing, it is suggested you stay on the phone until bidding is completed. The phone bidder will have the last chance to bid. When placing your bid by phone, please advise us of your name and phone number. If you are the highest bidder, you will be contacted. Items can be picked up at the Tamarack Centre during the auction times or on Friday, May 8 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm and Saturday, May 9 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. All donated items by merchants are for goods and services. Purchaser will not be able to redeem for cash or credit against an existing account payable.
Silent Auction - Come Down In Person and Bid on Items
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
See photos of some of our auction items at
Canadian Rockies Landscape, Gift Certificate for yard design & consultation................................................... $500.00 Ron's Collision, Box Liner GMC pickup............................................................ $350.00 Pharmasave, $50.00 Gift card for Pharmasave .................................................... $50.00 Fab Rite Services Ltd., 4 hours of welding labour ............................................. $400.00 Home Hardware Building Centre, Area Rug 5 x 8' ........................................... $199.00 Bumble Tree, Play Mobil - City Action ................................................................ $49.99 Murielle A. Mathews, Lawyer, Gift certificate toward 2 spousal wills ............. $500.00 Eclipse Hair Studio, Color & Cut by Stacy Horgas ........................................... $120.00 Bamboo Garden Dining Room, 2 x $20 Gift Certificate ..................................... $40.00 Fort Steele Resort & R.V. Park, 2 nights full camper hook up for family of 4 ... $84.00 Core Fitness, 1 - Two Month Membership - including Keytag ....................... $141.75 M & K Plumbing & Heating, Residential Forced Air Furnace Service in Cranbrook....................................... $189.95 Sink N Ink Tattoos, 2 hour appointment for tattoo ............................................. $240.00 Salvador Ready Mix L.P., 1 load 3/4" crush delivered in Cranbrook................ $260.00 Top Hand Supplies Ltd., Gift Bag for animals - toys, snacks & chews, Hot Dogs and Cool Cats $25 gift card ................................................................ $200.00 NAPA Auto Parts, Portable 12 Volt Air Compressor.......................................... $100.00 Western Financial Group, Kootenay Ice Box Suite for one Game in the month of October for the 2015/2016 Season .......................................................................................... $300.00 The Heid Out & Fisher Peak Brewing Co., 2 - $50.00 Gift Certificates........ $100.00 Quizno's Subs, 1 Gift Card .................................................................................... $20.00 Investors Group-Dan Poirier, 18 Hole Round of Golf for 2 people @ Mission Hills ......................................... $55.00 The Roadhouse Grill, $25.00 Gift Certificate ....................................................... $25.00 MEDIchair Cranbrook, $100.00 gift certificate - no expiry............................... $100.00 Cloverdale Paint Inc., Gift Certificate ................................................................. $50.00 The Hearing Loss Clinic, One pair of ear defenders .......................................... $130.00 BDO Canada LLP, 1 coffee press, & one beige urban classic throw .................. $73.00 Tangles Hairstyling, Redkin 1 Ltr Shampoo & Conditioner / Bed Head Hairspray / American Crew Shampoo, Gel & Shave Cream & Post Shave Cooling Lotion $100.00 Wesclean Equipment & Cleaning Supplies, 12" Upright zipper Bag Vacuum cleaner............................................................ $399.00 Exhale Yoga Studio, Yoga mat, towel, eye pad, water bottle and 5 yoga classes ................................ $140.00 Naud Lester Insurance & Investment, Wine Basket filled with goodies, great wine and glasses ................................... $300.00 A & W Restaurant, $29.00 Gift Certificate for "Chubby Chicken" 10 pce meal c/w 1 family size fries, 2 regular salads, 1 regular gravy ................ $29.00 JJ's Laundry Depot, Certificate for one duvet, quilt or sleeping bag cleaning .... $25.00 Jim Nichol Contracting, $100.00 Home Depot gift certificate .......................... $100.00 Elements of Life Esthetics & Breast Cancer Touch, 1 Post Mastectomy Bra fittings plus complimentary bra ...................................... $80.00 AC Dyck Financial Services, Oil Change at Alpine Toyota .............................. $100.00 Frank's Steak & Schnitzel Haus Ltd., Gift card ................................................... $50.00 High Country Sportswear, Eagle Creek Wheeled Briefcase.............................. $310.00 Kootenay Wood Preservers, 3 1/2" x 10' treated rails - 135 pieces .............. $1,025.00 Charmed Jewellery,Gift Certificate for a Beautiful Necklace created just for you - medium locket, 28" Rolo Chain & 4 charms ........................................................ $62.00 Arby's, 2 x $20.00 Gift Certificate ........................................................................ $40.00 Cranbrook Paint & Moore, Gift Certificate for purchasing paint - PPL Products .......................................... $250.00 Travellers Motel, 1 Night - 1 free room .............................................................. $100.00 Allegra Restaurant, $75.00 Gift Certificate.......................................................... $75.00
126 R ocky Mountain Pro Drivers Inc,Class 1 Commercial Drivers Course RESERVE BID OF $4000.00 .......................................................................... $7,900.00 127 Prestige Rocky Mountain Hotel & Resort, One night stay in deluxe Queen Twin Guestroom.............................................. $259.95 128 Canadian Rockies International Airport, 30 days of free parking to be used within one year PLUS a $100. airport restaurant credit ................................................................ $340.00 129 Exact Tax, 1 Free Tax return .................................................................................. $80.00 130 Bruder Plumbing & Heating, Furnace Service (materials extra) ......................... $95.00 131 Cranbrook Building Centre Rona, Drill 3/8" chuck with handles ..................... $149.00 132 Harley Davidson of the Kootenays, Ladies Large Sleeveless T .......................... $40.00 133 Cranbrook Vision Care, 1 Pair "Spy" Sunglasses............................................... $150.00 134 Pro Fitnes Gym, 1 - 3 month membership & wrist wraps ............................... $185.00 135 Canadian Purcell Machinery Ltd., A round of golf with a cart for two and $100.00 towards dinner at St. Eugenes, plus golf balls .................................................... $280.00 136 Koko Beach Tanning & Hair Salon, Month of red light therapy & collagen rejuvenating cream ............................... $180.00 137 Anywear Garment Company, Men's Large Navy Tracksuit ................................ $80.00 138 TerraLogic Exploration Inc., 1 Waterproof Duffle Bag ..................................... $150.00 139 Integra Tire Ltd., Wheel Alignment plus 4 tire change and balance.................. $200.00 140 Wineworks Cranbrook and Kimberley, $50.00 Gift Certificate good for both Cranbrook or Kimberley shops................ $50.00 141 Ricks Fine Meats & Sausage, Gift Certificate ...................................................... $75.00 142 CIBC Wood Gundy, $100.00 gift certificate for the Sakura .............................. $100.00 143 Bootleg Gap Golf Club, 2 midweek rounds of golf ........................................... $113.40 144 Booster Juice, gift basket ...................................................................................... $150.00 145 The BRICK Cranbrook, 8 Piece King Comforter Set ........................................ $199.00 146 Joey's Restaurant, 2 - $25.00 Gift Certificates .................................................... $50.00 147 ABC Country Restaurant, 2 $25.00 Gift Certificates ........................................... $50.00 148 Ashley Furniture Homestore, Frigidaire 4.5 cu. Ft. compact Refridgerator ..... $409.00 149 Adams Wooley Certified General Accountants, 2 night stay in 2 bedroom condo - Panorama Horsethief Lodge sleeps 6 ........ $500.00 150 Robin's Ink & Taxes, Brothers Laser Printer HL 2240...................................... $129.00 151 Freightliner of Cranbrook Ltd., XL Work King Lined Jean Jacket & Multi tool................................................ $125.00 152 Community Futures East Kootenay, Weber Portable Charcoal Grill and tool set......................................................... $125.00 153 Wolfpack Signs & Printing, 2' x 8' Printed Banner - hemmed & grommets... $148.00 154 Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc., Keurig Brewer K40 Elite .............................. $120.00 155 Cranbrook Daily Townsman and Kimberley Daily Bulletin, Half page ad and leaderboard on both websites .................................................. $650.00 156 McElhanney Consultint Services Ltd., 1 Fort Steele Family Membership.......... $65.00 157 E-Know East Kootenay Online Weekly, 3 month box ad including 2 week contest page ................................................... $675.00 158 Rockies Law Corp, 1 business incorporation (excluding dispersements) .......... $750.00 159 RBC Royal Bank, 1 year free V.I.P. Banking Package........................................ $360.00 160 Kal Tire, 1 Complimentary Four Wheel Alignment ............................................ $135.00 161 Jiffy Lube, 1 complimentary oil change................................................................. $55.00 162 Lotus Books, Whitewater Cooks with Passion - Cookbook ................................. $35.00 163 Joanne Osachoff, Party Lite Candles, Gift Bag ................................................... $100.00 164 Mountain Eagle Security, gift certificate to Allegra Restaurant.......................... $100.00 165 East Kootenay Real Estate, gift certificate ........................................................... $150.00
May 7
200 Dairy Queen Brazier Store, Certificate for 1 8" Blizzard Cake & 1 - 6 pack of cup cakes .............................. $40.00
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 9
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 3
Rotary Radio & Public
The annual Rotary Auction on May 6 and 7 is a service project in support of local and international Rotary projects and one of our main fundraisers throughout the year. Future local projects include the improvement and enhancement of the Rotary Way Trails and Rotary Park. Some of our recent local projects include Rotary Band Stand, Rotary Way and connectors, Cranbrook Arches project, and our annual Seniors Christmas Dinner. We support, through donations and hard work many other community groups and initiatives, including the Cranbrook Food Bank, East Kootenay Regional Hospital, and sports teams. Internationally, we partner with the Rotary Foundation to work on eliminating polio worldwide and have participated in many projects in third world countries.
See photos of some of our auction items at
201 H & R Block, $50.00 Discount voucher towards income tax preparation for 2016................... $50.00 202 HSBC Bank Canada, Gold Plated "Year of the Goat" Key chain and Handmade Crystal ornament "Horse" ............................................................ $90.00 203 Mister Tire Sales Ltd, Wheel Alignment for Passenger Car or Light Truck ....... $99.95 204 The Hearing Loss Clinic, One pair of ear defenders .......................................... $130.00 205 Brandt Tractor Ltd, John Deere Logo Jacket Mens XXL ................................ $100.00 206 Waste Management of Canada, Scale model Waste Management Truck ........... $80.00 207 From the Ground Up (Organically Correct ), Gift Basket- Strathcona Urban Seed collection products ..................................... $50.00 208 Cutter Ranch - Fort Steele, Leg of Lamb roast ..................................................... $30.00 209 Hemp 2000, $50.00 Gift Certificate ...................................................................... $50.00 210 Arby's, $20.00 Gift Certificate .............................................................................. $20.00 211 A & W Restaurant, $50.00 Gift Certificate ........................................................... $50.00 212 MJ's Floral Designs, Large Decorative Red & White metal wall clock............ $170.00 213 Harley Davidson of the Kootenays, Men's Large T Shirt - sleeveless ............. $30.00 214 Cranbrook Golf Club, 2 Green Fees with powercart.......................................... $150.00 215 Rella Paolini & Rogers, Wills for two - Domestic partners ............................... $500.00 216 WSP Canada Inc, Gift certificate at "The Flower Pot"......................................... $55.00 217 Sakura Sushi & Grill, $30 Gift Certificate for Lunch or Dinner ......................... $30.00 218 Pharmasave, $50.00 Gift card for Pharmasave .................................................... $50.00 219 Kootenay Insurance Service Ltd., Gift Pkg: fire extinguisher, smoke detector, first aid kit ..................................... $100.00 220 Heritage Inn Cranbrook, One night stay, two tickets for Laugh Shop Comedy Club and Sunday brunch for two.......................................................... $250.00 221 New Energy Wellness Spa, $40.00 Gift Certificate.............................................. $40.00 222 Cranbrook Auto Repair, $200.00 Gift Certificate............................................... $200.00 223 The Vanity Room Salon & Day Spa, $120 mens & ladies products + 2 x $50. gift certificates .................................. $220.00 224 WSP Canada Inc, Pro Snorkel Travel Set - Blue & Black color L to XL....................................... $135.00 225 Investors Group-Dan Poirier, 18 Hole Round of Golf for 2 people @ Mission Hills ......................................... $55.00 226 Dr. Trent Brereton, Naturopathic Consultation.................................................. $150.00 227 Core Fitness, 1 - Two Month Membership - including Keytag ....................... $141.75 228 Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet, Gift Certificate................................................... $50.00 229 Canadian Tire, Bean Bag Toss Game.................................................................... $40.00 230 Alpine Toyota, Men (L) & Ladies (M) Lethal Jackets $75.00 ea...................... $150.00 231 Acklands-Grainger Ltd, 1 Large Tool Bag ......................................................... $110.00 232 Pro Fitnes Gym, 1 - 3 month membership & wrist wraps ............................... $180.00 233 Willow Appliances Ltd., Gift Certificate............................................................. $100.00 234 Core Fitness, 1 - Two Month Membership - including Keytag ....................... $141.75 235 Rocky Mountain Prosthetics & Orthotics Ltd., $100.00 Gift Card for Allegra Restaurant ........................................................... $100.00 236 Guidance Planning Strategies, Cranbrook Sunrise Rotary Golf Card $40.00 .. $40.00 237 Pretty Pooch Dog Grooming, Gift Certificate towards Dog Grooming .............. $50.00 238 EK Transmission Ltd., One transmission service flush...................................... $250.00 239 Cranbrook Transit, 1 student bus pass................................................................... $35.00 240 Kootenay Advertiser, 1 Full page ad - includes color...................................... $1,000.00 241 Investors Group-Mary Ann Jenkins, The "Wine O'Clock" Bag - The perfect accessory for the woman who has everything .................................. $60.00 242 Max's Place, Mug, Coffee, Chai Tea Mix & 25.00 Gift Certificate..................... $75.00 243 Metro & Son Locksmith, 1 Residential Entrance Lock set.................................. $50.00 244 B A Blacktop (Interoute), Gift Certificate - 12 Kootenay Ice Tickets - upper suite 10 - 2015 / 2016 Season .............................................................................................. $650.00 245 Elizabeth Lake Lodge, 2 Night Stay ................................................................... $234.00
246 K ootenay Marine and Motor Company Inc., Poparazzi - inflatable water tube up to 3 riders, its unique shape with rocker bottom allows you to carve into the wake and glide across the water .................................................................... $600.00 247 Save On Foods, Acoustic Guitar ......................................................................... $175.00 248 Kootenay Kwik Print Ltd., $100 gift certificate towards copying & printing .. $100.00 249 RBC Dominion Securities, Men's Size XL - Adidas Golf Shirt - Bright coral color ..................................... $60.00 250 The Hearing Loss Clinic, One Hearing Test ......................................................... $40.00 251 Guillevin International, Electricians Tool Kit 16 piece ..................................... $250.00 252 Big Picture, Logitech (Bluetooth) Wireless speakers ......................................... $120.00 253 Kootenay Roasting Company, 2 lbs Costa Rican Honey - medium .................. $28.95 254 Exact Tax, 1 Free Tax return .................................................................................. $80.00 255 Creston Golf Club, 2 rounds of golf .................................................................... $120.00 256 Fort Steele Resort & R.V. Park, 2 Night stay for Family of 4.............................. $88.00 257 Koko Beach Tanning & Hair Salon, One Month of tanning with 3 packets tanning lotion ........................................... $75.00 258 Jim Nichol Contracting, $100.00 Home Depot gift certificate .......................... $100.00 259 East Side Mario's Cranbrook, $20.00 Gift Certificate .......................................... $20.00 260 Shoppers Drug Mart #290, Gift Basket for Her ................................................... $75.00 261 JJ's Laundry Depot, Certificate for one duvet, quilt or sleeping bag cleaning .... $25.00 262 Sidekick Stickers, $50.00 Gift Certificate ............................................................. $50.00 263 Bumble Tree, Play Mobil - City Action ................................................................ $49.99 264 E.H. Delamont Ltd., Sultana Mens watch .......................................................... $478.00 265 Bridge Interiors, Queen Box Spring & Mattress from Kingtown # 432 Body Fusion Model Luxury Firm Model 10 yr warranty ................................................................ $1,699.00 266 Kootenay Mountain Mechanical Ltd, Full Service Certificate Complete service, eng oil,oil filter, fuel filter and grease - minimum o f42 litres of oil ............................................. $500.00 267 Williams Moving & Storage (Cranbrook) Ltd., 2 hours local move time ........ $188.00 268 Steeples Construction Ltd., Kootenay Ice Gift Card .......................................... $100.00 269 Muriel & Jane's, Home DĂŠcor Gift Basket ......................................................... $100.00 270 Juniper Lanes (2006) Ltd., Birthday Party Pkg .................................................... $90.00 271 Cranbrook Crossfit / Underground Fitness, 1 month of Unlimited Crossfit Classes................................................................ $140.00 272 Heather Maher, RMT, one hour massage gift certificate...................................... $72.00 273 Peak Performance Motorsports Ltd., Large HJC Off-road Helmut................... $185.00 274 Affordable Floors, 8 Boxes Hardwood Flooring (260 sq. ft.) Engineered Oak 5" Planks - brown toned ....................................................... $1,500.00 275 Days Inn, Gift Certificate - 1 nights stay for two................................................ $165.00 276 Spring GM, XPEL paint Protection Treatment - Any vehicle ........................... $995.00 277 Ricks Fine Meats & Sausage, Gift Certificate ...................................................... $75.00 278 Bravo Carpet & Upholstery Care, 1 Certificate for cleaning one room ............ $100.00 279 OK Tire & Auto Service - Cranbrook, Wheel Alignment .................................. $100.00 280 Maximum Edge Skate Sharpening, 1 skate sharpening card with 10 sharpenings........................................................ $60.00 281 Carpet Superstores, 1 - 5 x 8 Area Rug ............................................................. $300.00 282 Grapes & Suds Brew, $30.00 Gift Certificate for Wine brewed on premises & Wine Cozy ................. $30.00 283 Bamboo Garden Dining Room, 2 x $20 Gift Certificate ..................................... $40.00 284 Pacific Coastal Airlines, Roundtrip ticket for two from Cranbrook to either Vancouver or Kelowna .................................................... $1,450.00 285 South East Maintenance, One load of topsoil (Approx. 10 cu yds.) delivered in Cranbrook......................................................................................... $500.00 286 Eastern Wok - Chinese Cuisine, Gift Certificate .................................................. $20.00
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Rotary Radio & Public
Thank You Merchants and Organizations of Cranbrook and Area for their generosity and support • Tamarack Centre • Mitech Communications Inc. • Kootenay News Advertiser • McPhersons Funeral Services • Jim Pattison Broadcast Group • Cranbrook Interior Woodwork Donations for workers: Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza & Pizza Hut
Thank You To Our Cash Donators! • Miles, Zimmer & Associates • Cranbrook Denture Clinic • Haddad Financial Services
• Hryciuk Gallinger and Co. • Mik's Barbershop
See photos of some of our auction items at
287 D r. Craig Spowart, One session of "Iveri" Teeth whitening in office includes 1/2 hour appt plus trays & bleach for home touch ups Book an appt $200.00 288 Shaw's Enterprises, 1 Towing / Lifting nylon sling .............................................. $65.00 289 Suzanne Ormiston, Notary Public, $100 Gift Certificate towards Real Estate transfer, or Mortgage transaction.... $100.00 290 Pro Vision Optical, $50.00 Gift Certificate .......................................................... $50.00 291 Windy May May Restaurant, Dinner for two ....................................................... $31.45 292 Dance With Me , 5 weeks - Dance Lessons........................................................ $130.00 293 Fab Rite Services Ltd., $200 toward rental at FR Rentals in Sparwood ........... $200.00 294 All Seasons Motor Sports, Motor Fist Hell Roaring Jacket - Unisex black & red jacket - size small ..... $260.00 295 Fabricland Ltd, "Rose" Color Throw 50" x 70" .................................................. $60.00 296 Fabricland Ltd, "Magenta" Color Throw 50" x 60" ............................................ $65.00 297 Maritime Travel Inc., Cooler bag with coolers and a $100.00 gift card to be used towards travel ...... $120.00 298 KD Electric, DeWalt 20 volt Lithium Cordless Hammer drill / impact driver combo kit ..... $399.00 299 BC Hydro, 100 piece Deluxe Highway Emergency Kit ...................................... $80.00 300 Marco Polo, Gift Certificate................................................................................... $20.00 301 Gold Creek Country Store, $50.00 Gift Certificate .............................................. $50.00 302 CIBC Wood Gundy, $100.00 gift certificate for the Heidout ............................ $100.00 303 Cranbrook Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, Gift certificate for 1 pair of custom made orthotics ............................................ $395.00 304 Splash of Colour Painting, Gift certificate towards painting (for labour and new customers only) ........... $300.00 305 Kootenay Pawnbrokers/RV Storage, $50.00 toward purchase in pawn shop or RV Storage.......................................... $50.00 306 Just Liquid Sports, 4 hour guided tour / expedition majestic Kootenay River for two people - includes kayak & gear, basic skill instruction, lunch & memories .................... $210.00 307 JJ's Laundry Depot, Certificate for one duvet, quilt or sleeping bag cleaning .... $25.00 308 Culligan Water & Beachcomber Hot Tubs, 6 month cooler rental & 12 water coupons ......................................................... $160.00 309 M & K Plumbing & Heating, Residential Forced Air Furnace Service in Cranbrook....................................... $189.95 310 Staples Canada, Stanley Cup Coin Bank .............................................................. $20.00 311 Cranbrook Photo & Studio, 1 Photo Mug & 50 5 x 7 prints .......................... $100.00 312 Denham Ford BC Ltd., Gift Certificate................................................................. $50.00 313 Exact Tax, 1 Free Tax return .................................................................................. $80.00 314 High Point Plumbing & Heating Ltd, One Year Plumbing and Heating Service Agreement ........................................ $299.00 315 Apollo Ristorante & Steak House Ltd., Certificate for 1 - 14" Pizza .................. $30.00 316 RE/MAX Blue Sky Realty Ltd., Portable Stainless Steel Mini Barbeque - uses propane .................................. $150.00 317 White Storm Enterprises Ltd., Pair of Lance Striker Auxiliary Driving Lights $287.00 318 Fitness Inc., 3 months free at Fitness Inc. ........................................................... $100.00 319 Cranbrook RV & Mini Storage,.......................................................................................... Gift certificate for storage of licensed recreational vehicle up to 30 ft. in length from June 1 to Oct 31 - .............................................................. $250.00 320 JGD Handyman, 3 hrs free painting labour .......................................................... $90.00 321 St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino, Romance Stay & Play Pkg , one night stay , strawberries & Sparkling wine, three course dinner & breakfast for two, one round of golf for two, power cart, use of hotel facilities ......................................................................... $350.00 322 Emco Corporation, Hytec Gemstar 60 x 32" Bath tub with apron, access panel right hand ......... $1,221.00 323 Fisher Peak CrossFit, 10 + 1 Punch card ........................................................... $100.00
324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350
Roberts' Inspections, 1 Complete Home Inspection $400.00 + $20.00 GST... $420.00 Shadow Mountain Golf, 4 Golf Passes including cart ....................................... $380.00 Great Canadian Oil Change, $50.00 certificate for oil change ............................ $50.00 Signal Collision, Gift Certificate ......................................................................... $199.99 Harley Davidson of the Kootenays, Ladies Medium Sleeveless T ..................... $40.00 Spring Honda, Quick wash 'n' vac package .......................................................... $50.00 Open Gate Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic, One Acupuncture Treatment ......... $80.00 FlexiNETBroadband Inc., Free Wireless Internet Radio Equipment and Installation ($600 value) for Wireless Internet Services (Flexihome, Monthly charges of $54.95 + tax will apply thereafter) ...................................................................... $600.00 Chatters Salon - Cranbrook Ltd., Cut & Style Gift Certificate ............................ $33.60 Rockies Notary and Legal, his and her will and power of attorney package ..... $700.00 Bruder Plumbing & Heating, Furnace Service Call (materials extra) .................. $95.00 McDonald's Restaurants Ltd., Gift Basket - contains coffe, mugs & 2 meals .... $40.00 Dueck Enterprises, gift certificate for construction consulting .......................... $100.00 Lordco Auto Parts, 2 - $25.00 gift certificates .................................................... $50.00 A & W Restaurant, $29.00 Gift Certificate for "Chubby Chicken" 10 pce meal c/w 1 family size fries, 2 regular salads, 1 regular gravy ................ $29.00 Caliper Machine & Hydraulics Ltd., $75.00 gift certificate for Rick's Fine Meats ......................................................... $75.00 Joey's Restaurant, 2 - $25.00 Gift Certificates .................................................... $50.00 Panago, 3 - Certificates for a small pizza ............................................................... $36.00 Petra Naturally, Gift Bag - Bath & Body Products.............................................. $56.00 McGibbon Auto and Truck Repair, 1 Air conditioning Service, check & re-charge................................................... $150.00 Nailz & Spa, 1 Classic Manicure .......................................................................... $20.00 Van Horne Towing Ltd., 1 In town tow service ................................................... $75.00 Quizno's Subs, 1 Gift Card .................................................................................... $20.00 Elements of Life Esthetics and Breast Cancer Touch, 1 post-mastectomy bra fitting and complimentary bra .......................................... $80.00 Kootenay Massage Therapy - Troy McFadzen, RMT, 1 60 minute massage...... $90.00 Cranbrook Daily Townsman and Kimberley Daily Bulletin, 1 year subscription of Home Delivery ................................................................. $110.00 Sweet Gestures, Taste of Cranbrook Platter - Chocolates and Local Products .... $65.00
Silent Auction SA 1 SA 2 SA 3
Kootenay Granite Inc., Granite Lazy Susan................................... $175.00 Williams & Associate Mortgage Team, Licquor Basket ............... $150.00 Realty Executives Cranbrook, gift certificate for reduction in real estate listing commission....... $250.00 SA 4 Harley Davidson of the Kootenays, Men's X Large T Shirt - sleeveless ................................................. $30.00 SA 5 Mrs. Palmer's Pantry, Romantic Spring Basket ............................... $70.00 SA 6 Kimberley Golf Club, 2 Rounds of 18 Holes with Cart. Plus $50.00 dinner for 2 Gift Card ................................................. $200.00 SA 7 East Kootenay Community Credit Union, Tool Kit ...................... $100.00 SA 8 HSBC Bank Canada, Gold Plated "Year of the Goat" Key chain and Handmade Crystal ornament "Koi" ................................................................................... $65.00 SA 9 Koocanusa Publications Inc, T-shirt, 2 Coffee Travel Mugs, 3 books by Keith G Powell, signed by Author................................................................................................. $90.00 SA 10 Panago, 2 - Certificates for a small pizza ......................................... $24.00
Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, 4, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, May May 4, 2015 11
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Lost & Found Reward for return of engraved & sentimental Leatherman multi-tool in worn leather case lost at Whitetail Lake on April 22. Ph 403-249-8411
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April 15, 1938-May 2, 2007
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results! Obituaries
Obituaries OBITUARY
John Orza 1927 - 2015 John Orza passed away at the F.W. Green Memorial Home on Sunday, April 5, 2015 at 87 years of age. John was born in Viscount, SK on May 26, 1927. He was raised on the family farm, played hockey for the Viscount Hockey Team, and was a very good player. During the summer months he worked on the family farm and other area farms, during the winter months he spent time logging in Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. He married Jean Shaw on June 29th, 1948 in Watrous, SK, and they moved to Cranbrook in 1949. Shortly after, in the 1950’s John was employed with Crestbrook Forest Industries, driving logging trucks and building roads, until his retirement in 1989. John was a great gardener who took a lot of pride in his yard. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved fishing and camping, and he also enjoyed playing cards with friends. John was predeceased by his wife Jean of 57 years in 2005, his sisters Ella, Vera, Elsie, and Eileen, and by his brother Don. He is survived by his children George (Anne) of Oklahoma City, Rick (Lin) of Cranbrook, Shelby (Steve) Harvey of Revelstoke, and 1 brother Leon Orza (Lil) of Kakabeka Falls, ON, 9 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren. There will be a graveside service for John at a later date. The family would like to thank the staff of F.W. Green Memorial Home and Dr. Witten and Dr. Wigmore for their care of John over the years. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Gummer Unit, F.W. Green Memorial Home, 1700 – 4th Street South, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 6E1. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Call John, 250-489-8438
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In loving memory of
HIGH CASH Producing vending machines. $1 vend = .70 profit. All on location in your area. Selling due to illness. Details call 1-866-668-6629.
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BC Licensed Childcare workers needed at the Fernie Childcare Society Daycare in beautiful Fernie BC. Providing care for ages 10 mths to 5 yrs, the daycare requires ECE and ITE certified staff for full-time and part-time positions paying $16-$18/hr. Please email resume to Visit
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MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or call 1855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
M&M Meat Shops franchise for sale in Cranbrook, BC
Baker’s assistant to help with preparation and baking of products and organization of bakery in June, July & August. Wages negotiable depending on experience. Contact Fort Steele Farm, (250)489-3068 or
CHIEF EXECUTIVE Officer, Gitga’ at Development Corporation, Hartley Bay, B.C. For full job description visit under management positions. Send resumes to:
Trades, Technical
Wayne Sanford
Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still cherished and very dear. All our love, your wife Joan & our children Brent, Calvin, Stacey & Mardy
Obituaries OBITUARY
Edwin Ralph Kelly 1922- 2015 Edwin Ralph Kelly “Ed� passed away peacefully with family by his side on April 28, 2015 in Cranbrook, BC at the age of 93. Ed was born on March 29, 1922 in Athalmer, BC. He was a very talented man. Some of his accomplishments included serving time in the Navy, running a successful business in Cranbrook for many years “Kelly’s Glass�, and making various things such as jewellery for his wife, stained glass lamps, toys for his grandchildren, and furniture using many different types of materials. Ed married Frances Auguson on December 16, 1944 and they enjoyed celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary last December. He was predeceased by his parents William and Catherine Kelly, by his brother Lewis Kelly, by his sister Josephine McLeod and by his great granddaughter Jannea Tiller. He is survived by his loving wife Frances “Nana� and his children Eldeen and Allan Tiller, Barbara and David Stuckenberg, Ray Kelly and his spouse Shelly Paradis. He is survived also by 5 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren, 3 step grandchildren and many numerous amounts of loving family and friends. As per Ed’s request there will be no service. The family held a Celebration of his life/Open House on Saturday, May 2, 2015. The family sends out a great big thank you to the Care Staff at Joseph Creek Care Village in the Lakit Neighbourhood. They were absolutely amazing in how they cared for Ed and all of the family there with him. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment‌our future! Zellstoff Celgar operates a World Class1,500 tonne/day modern bleach kraft pulp mill located in Southeastern BC. This market kraft operation is committed to being its customers preferred supplier of customized pulp while maintaining its responsible position within the community. Presently we are seeking applicants for the position of Log Scaler / Yard Supervisor. Reporting to the Assistant Fibre Manager, you will play a key role in ensuring all loads delivered to the mill are scaled to both Company Standards and to all Provincial Regulations. You must hold a valid BC Scaling license with a minimum of 2 years scaling experience. In this role you will monitor the log quality program, ensuring the safety and efficiency of all log yard operations and maintenance of scale equipment. Your experience includes: • Weighing log loads, preparing daily reports, and month end reports • Hand scaling sample loads as per company standards and provincial legislation • Creating and maintaining log yard decks and inventory records • Maintaining scale platform to within regulatory tolerances • Operate rubber tired and tracked log loaders • Supervising loader operators • A working knowledge of the SAFE companies program • Excellent communication skills • Ability to use various software packages is an asset Zellstoff Celgar is just minutes from Castlegar, BC in the West Kootenay region. To apply for this position, please Email your CV to: (Apologies in advance; only those considered for an interview will be contacted)
How to reach us:
Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 or stop in to our office at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Gold Creek Market is currently seeking to fill a
Permanent Part-Time Afternoon Position
Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. 3-11pm Must have Food Safe Certificate, Level 1 Must be 19 years of age or older Job description: • Experience would be helpful • Sales (groceries, lottery, propane, fuel, liquor, beer, cigarettes) • Stocking shelves • Inventory counts • Filling and facing inventory • Making pizza, heat & serve items • Evening prep for morning baking • End of shift cleaning • Nightly cash count $13/hour Please apply in person with resume and a copy of current Food Safe Certificate, Level 1 to 2455-30th Ave. S., Cranbrook Overland West Freight Lines is currently hiring for the following position
5 ton pick up and delivery driver
Successful candidate will be responsible for: • Delivering a variety of freight to businesses and residential. • Performing pre/post trips on vehicle and recording accurately all information, as well as complete accurately, a log book. • Successful candidate will require: Minimum class 5 with air driver’s license Clean driver’s abstract Excellent physical condition Positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills Ability to work well unsupervised or in a team atmosphere BC MSP coverage and Pension Plan offered. Medical and dental benefits provided at end of probationary period Please drop off resume along with a current driver’s abstract to Overland West Freight Lines, 1201 Cobham Ave West, Cranbrook, attention, Cami Walks.
Overland West Freight Lines is currently hiring for the following position
Warehouse Person (with class 1 driver’s license) Successful candidate will be responsible for: • Unloading all inbound trailers by forklift, pallet jack, and hand balm as well as staging freight in appropriate areas • Assist in loading all pickup and delivery drivers • Responsible for recording all discrepancies of freight and reporting to supervisor • Responsible for maintaining a clean and safe warehouse environment • Responsible for maintaining equipment/ reporting to supervisor Successful candidate will require: Minimum class 1 driver’s license Clean driver’s abstract Forklift certificate Excellent physical condition Positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills Ability to work well unsupervised or as a team BC MSP coverage. Pension Plan offered. Medical and dental benefits provided at the end of probationary period Please drop off resumes along with a current driver’s abstract to Overland West Freight Lines, 1201 Cobham Ave West, Cranbrook, attention, Cami Walks.
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Part time caregiver for SCI, morning shifts, must be reliable & have own transportation. Send resume to
ALMO COURT MOTEL Hiring housekeeping staff.
COMMUNICATIONS/EVENTS Coordinator required. Nak’azdli Whut’en Fort St. James B.C. Email applications to: Attn: Maureen. For full details of this job visit: under management.
Tri-Kon Precast Products Ltd. is searching for 1, maybe 2 people who are looking for laborer positions. Competitive wages. Resumes may be submitted to Tri-Kon’s office located at 601 Patterson Street West, Cranbrook, BC.
ROTOTILLING & Yard Cleanup. 250-489-5981
COUNCIL SECRETARY required. Nak’azdli Whut’en Fort St. James B.C. Email applications to: Attn: Maureen. For full details of this job visit: under management.
GPRC, FAIRVIEW Campus requires Heavy Equipment Technician Instructors to commence August 15, 2015. for more information visit our website:
Apply in person or call 250-426-3213
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Sunshine Houseboats on Lake Koocanusa is seeking positive & enthusiastic individuals or a couple for the position of
Campground Host/Attendant of Gold Creek Bay campground from mid-May to mid-September 2015. Fax resume & cover letter to 250.489.2680
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT required. Nak’azdli Whut’en Fort St. James B.C. Email applications to: Attn: Maureen. For full details of this job visit: under management.
in Kimberley is seeking an E.C.E. person, preferably with Infant Toddler certification, immediately. Please contact Gina Blake at
Shipper/Receiver - Parts
The Cranbrook branch is seeking an applicant for Shipping/Receiving who will assist in all areas of running a parts department. Duties will include: shipping and receiving of incoming and outgoing freight; processing and locating freight; customer and service department parts ordering; processing, requisitioning and providing quotes; processing and filing parts and service packing slips and invoices; other duties as required to maintain a clean and efficient parts department. The successful candidate will be computer literate and have excellent communication skills; experience with Quipware is preferable. It is necessary that the candidate be willing to continuously learn This position will require heavy lifting and carrying. Journeyperson status or enrollment in the Parts apprentice program are not required, but would be considered an asset. A highly successful candidate may be offered an apprenticeship if not already enrolled in the program. Mike Anderson, 250-426-6778 or
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
PERMANENT PART-TIME PROPERTY MANAGER required in SPARWOOD, BC for townhouse rentals. Must be honest, trustworthy, fair, frugal, good judge of people, have great common sense. Position includes organizing, administrating, record keeping, reporting, purchasing, hiring & supervising. Send resumes to or fax 1(204)633-8945
Prevent E. coli Infection (“Hamburger Disease”) Cook all ground beef until there is No Pink AND the juices run clear!
Help Wanted
Home Improvements Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471 The Happy Customer :) Painting Company, interior, exterior, decks, fencing, quality painting at fantastic prices! Richard, (250)464-1932
Misc Services
Work Wanted
New subdivision coming summer 2015
Mr. Klean Up. Reno. Home, Acreage Klean ups. Dump Runs. (250)417-6603
Financial Services
Pets & Livestock
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,
made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617
Cleaning Services
Feed & Hay
No Bull Contracting, commercial, residential, post construction, spring cleaning, any of your household needs. (250)417-1188
GOOD quality horse hay wanted, minimum 200 bales, prefer small squares with some alfalfa. Baynes Lake area, will pay for delivery if available. or 403-249-2683
No Bull Contracting, pressure washing, painting (exterior/interior), yard work, small home renovations. What do you need? Give us a call, (250)417-1188
Buying unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372
Paving/Seal/ Coating
Paving/Seal/ Coating
BLACKTOP NOW! Driveways & Parking Lots No job too small! Free Estimates! Serving all the Kootenays
1-888-670-0066 Call 250-421-1482
Do you know your diabetes ABCs?
= AIC (measure of blood glucose levels over time) Recommended Target: 7.0% or below = Blood pressure Recommended Target: 130/80 mm Hg = Cholesterol Recommended Target: LDL: 2.0 mmol/L or lower. Total cholesterol to HDL ratio: below 4
If you have diabetes, you are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke, and other complications such as eye and kidney disease, nerve damage and foot problems. Keeping your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol in a healthy range can reduce your risk of complications. For more information about staying healthy with diabetes, visit: CANADIAN
Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, 4, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, May May 4, 2015
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under 4 matching P245/70/R17�, $25/each. 2 GT Maxtour 185/60/R14�, like new, $80/total. Turn at Lordco, down hill, past dump, 1st right, follow in to 1st barn on left to travel trailer. Assorted tires: 13� to 17�, $25/each. I buy some tires. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left. Computer monitor, $25. Entertainment centre, $5. Double bed frames, $40/each. (250)489-2697 Four LT275/65/R20� 10-ply, excellent tread, need 20� tubes, $50/each. Turn at Lordco, down hill, past dump, first right, follow in to first barn on left. Four serviced lawnmowers, starting at $65. Call (250)4172040 “Kootenai Why Stories�, Frank Linderman, $15. “East Kootenay Chronicles�, David Scott & Edna Hanic, $10. “Tales of the Windermere�, Winifred Ariel Weir, $20. “The Kootenai Puzzle�, H.D. Smiley, $50. “40 Years in Canada�, Samuel B. Steele, $45. “The Flathead Indians�, John Fahey, $40. “The Buffalo Head�, R.M. Patterson, $45. (250)489-4532 Left hand Ping golf irons, #5-PW, reduced to $100 for quick sale. (778)517-5014 Platform rocker & foot stool, $45. Large “Country Kitchen� table, 2 leaves each 12� wide, table is 41.5�x57.5�, $50. Dining chairs, $10/each. Backpacking tent, $50. Call (250)489-4532 Two 205/75/R15� trailer tires, $25/each. (250)417-6603
$200 & Under 4 Toyo LT245/75/R16�, 6-ply, $150/total. 4 P265/70/R17� Goodyear Wranglers, 1/2 ton or SUV, $150/total. 4 GM 6-hole alum. 16� truck rims w/centres, $150/total. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, 1st right, follow in to 1st barn on left to travel trailer. Beautiful sweater, hand knit by Folknits North Country knitwear Yukon Territory of Qiviuk (Musk Ox wool), paid $600, sell for $250. Size XL. 1 (250)489-4532 Ranger “21� swimming pool filter, $800 new, selling for $200. (250)417-6603 Three serviced self propelled lawnmowers, starting at $110. (250)417-2040
Farm Equipment Irrigation pipe: 600’ of 6� mainline w/3 6� valves, two 6� elbows. 1720’ of 4� line w/sprinklers. $3000/all. (250)421-0354
WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind
Mountain Man Outdoors
250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666
Remington .300 WSM S.S. & scope, FAC required, $800 obo. Call (250)489-2775
Free Items Free: to give away, a very beautiful Ameraucana rooster who is looking for a good home and his own hens. Call (250)427-7525 (250)432-5434
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery
710B JD Extend A back hoe, slides & cylinders have been repaired, digging & clean up buckets 80%, detachable, no tractor, digging depth 23’ $2500 (250)417-6536 A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
The link to your community
Medical Supplies Lift recliner, burgundy, electric w/battery back up, new cond., rarely used, paid $1195 (with receipt), asking $650. Call (250)427-3523
Misc. for Sale Composted manure, top soil, bark mulch, lava, pond boulders, flagstone & stackers, delivery available (250)421-7399 For Sale Two refrigerated drink machines, or trade for 2000 watt generator. 1 (250)427-7786 MODEL BOATS Handmade, radio controlled. 250-352-2419 Only one left! RV lot for lease at Kristina Creek Resort, fully serviced, games, trails & swimming pool. See or call (250)424-5403 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info and DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext: 400OT
STEEL BUILDINGS “Spring sales with hot savings!� All steel building models and sizes are now on sale. Get your building deal while it’s hot. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422
Antlers, Horns,
All Kinds, Taxidermy Kelly, (250)426-6993
Misc. Wanted 13
Real Estate
For Sale By Owner
Apt/Condo for Rent
Auto Accessories/Parts
Condo in Creston, BC, adult complex, 2-bdrm, 2-bath, w/d, f/s,dishwasher, beautiful view, $219,000. (250)417-7072 or (250)489-4456 property/rennich/index.php
Kootenays New subdivision coming summer 2015
Mobile Homes & Parks
1975 22’x48’ double wide Good condition. Already disassembled and ready for shipping.
Only $15,000
Call James 250-417-5257
S lives here. It’s here in our community. Please make a difference by volunteering. Sclerosis Society of Canada S Multiple
Rentals Acreage New subdivision coming summer 2015
Antlers Wanted,
Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.
Real Estate
• Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital
106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250)489-5160 (250)417 1260
Rare opportunity to purchase private 150 acres 5 minutes from Cranbrook BC. Borders crown land on 3 sides. Mixture of timber and fields. Not in the ALR zoned RR60. Serious inquiries only, $675,000. 250-489-9234
For Sale By Owner Dovetail log shell packages for cabins, garages or barns, includes Mortised loft timbers, 22 long, 18 wide, 10 high and larger. For more info, call Dalton, (250)428-0108
Quiet downtown location, 1bdrm apt in Cranbrook, $650/mo, inc. all utilities, adults only, n/s, n/p, references required, available June 1. (250)919-3744
has some rust, only starts once in a while, 165,400 km, blue color, GAS PEDAL IS ON THE LEFT SIDE, asking $500 obo. Please call (250)919-7797 4 Firestone winter tires, 195/65R15 4-bolt mounted on steel rims, off of Chev Cobalt, should fit any Chev or Sunfire, used 1 month, $500 firm. (250)427-3477 Four 205/60R16 Goodyear Nordic winter tires on 5-hole universal mag wheels, Nitrogen, balanced. Used one season, ex. cond., $450 firm. (250)489-2100 (250)421-0020
Beaters under $1000
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic 2008 Toyota Yaris, 4-dr, 5-spd standard, new front tires & bearings, runs well, 212,000 km, $3300 obo.(250)421-8976
on most cellular networks.
Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, w/deck, no pets, $700 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926. WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2-bdrm units, $725-$800. 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379
CRESTON 2 bdrm home w/single car garage in 55+ community - #30 - 310 6th Avenue South. Very clean. W/D & kitchen appliances included. Utils extra. $950 monthly. 1 yr. lease. Refs. required. Call 1(306)222-3563. SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
Commercial Vehicles 2002 Honda Accord Coupe, V6, loaded, 156,000km, new W/S tires on alloy rims, towing package, immaculate, senior driven, $6500. (250)427-2258
has some rust, only starts once in a while, 165,400 km, blue color, GAS PEDAL IS ON THE LEFT SIDE, asking $500 obo. Please call (250)919-7797
Cars - Domestic
1966 Chrysler Windsor, partially restored, $7000 obo. (250)429-3937
2002 Merc Cougar 2.5L V6, Std, almost new, rebuilt front to back, ex. cond., very fast, $5000 Too many details to list. (250)489-1956
2002 PT Cruiser Chrysler, 5-spd std, 43,000 km, air, p/w, no rust., $2000. 1994 Mazda Miata, 72,000 miles, auto, hard & soft top. 2000 Ford Explorer, no rust, 3-spd auto., $2000. (250)428-4775 2005 Ford Mustang, 72,000km, 5-spd manual, $8900 obo. (250)426-9735
1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498
1985 Thunderbird Elan V6 Automatic 78,500 km No rust excellent condition $5,500 OBO (250)421-7054 1992 Toyota Corolla Wagon, new alternator, new winter & summer tires all on rims, newer muffler, well maintained, 277,000 km, $1400. Call (250)428-5624
1957 Studebaker truck, runs well, new paint, $8000 obo. (250)464-1286 (250)489-2265 1963 Plymouth Belvedere, push button control, please make me an offer. (250)4268307
1993 Toyota Corolla FOR PARTS,
Ol’ Blue 1954 International Off frame. Restored: motor, paint, no rust. Lots of fun & money invested ($15,000) Asking only $8500 for a new toy (250)417-1418
Motorcycles 1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545
We’re at the heart of things™
1993 Toyota Corolla FOR PARTS,
For rent: 2 RV Moyie River front lots, fully serviced, side by side, 100x40, at 3 Valley Resort in Yahk, BC, $1000/year each including services. Email for more info: Holiday trailer or rent. Fully serviced & set up at Kristina Creek Resort. Sleeps 4, ideal for young family, games, trails & swimming pool. See or call (250)424-5403
45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5000. (250)489-8794
Seasonal Accommodation
Cars - Sports & Imports 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe. Auto, A/C, PW, PL. 170,000km. Asking $9000. Call 250-919-7836
Homes for Rent 3-bdrms, 2 full baths, all appliances, newer modular w/fenced yard, 8x10 storage shed, $1200/m, references required. (250)421-8976
2011 Hyundai Elantra Touring GLS 4-cylinder, 4-spd auto, block heater, new windshield, air, cruise, mud flaps, seats-5, CD/AM/FM, 4-new winter tires on rims, 4-summer tires on rims, no accidents, one owner & well maintained, only 85,300 km, $11,500 obo. (250)4223469
2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $7777.77. (250)426-7354
1-800-663-5555 or *5555
Apt/Condo for Rent CRANBROOK, 1-bdrm & 2bdrm apartments, $600/m, includes utilities. (250)417-5806
1993 Toyota Corolla FOR PARTS,
1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 2001 Chevrolet Impala, black, 4-dr, w/sunroof, good cond, only 181,356 km, asking $3000. (250)426-7797 2001 Grande Am, 5-spd, 4cyl, 194,000 km, sunroof, silver, good tires, 2-dr, $2300 obo. (250)426-0535 or (250)421-0551 2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997
If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to
Antiques / Classics
Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antique Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 in town.
• 1 & 2 Bedroom units
Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444
Solid Oak kitchen/dining room table & chairs, 6’x3-1/2’ table, 6 padded solid Oak chairs, $600 obo. (250)489-2428
has some rust, only starts once in a while, 165,400 km, blue color, GAS PEDAL IS ON THE LEFT SIDE, asking $500 obo. Please call (250)919-7797 1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454 2002 Toyota van, must sell, offers. (250)426-8307
2007 Mazda 3 Sedan Manual transmission After market LED Spyder headlights Kenwood CD/ DVD deck Bluetooth compatible. Excellent condition. Very clean. One owner. $7500 (250)919-7788
1990 BMW K-1, 1000cc, rare model, red & yellow, flat four, 4 valves per cylinder, fuel injection, stainless steel exhaust, new Michelin radials, 55,000 km, $4500 obo. Must be seen! (250)426-8408 2004 Black Honda Rukas scooter, 50cc, low mileage, $1500. (250)417-9976 2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley 2004 Yamaha Roadstar 1700, ex cond, 40,000km, lots of extras including Stage II upgrade, $8400. (250)489-2474
2006 Yamaha V Star 650 Silverado Classic, 9459km, saddle bags, windshield, sissy bar, halogen headlight, bike cover, electric vest (new never used), $5800. (250)489-4532 2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724
2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, 120,000 km, summer & winter wheels, air, $6500 obo. (250)427-7153 2008 Dodge Charger RT, 5.7L, 85,000km, one owner, summer driven only, $18,500. (250)417-7163 2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758 2009 Pontiac G5, 4-dr, manual, FWD, 97,390 km, ex. cond., $7000. (250)489-5392
2009 Honda Goldwing, nav, audio, CB, other extras, call in evenings, (250)428-4301
2010 850 4x4 Polaris Sportsman Touring, c/w winch, windshield, back box, extra set of tires & rims, handle bar warmer & tracks, asking $8500 with tracks or $6500 without. (250)529-7434
2011 HONDA CRF230F w/riding gear, low km, 10 hrs approx riding time, $4800. 1 (250)426-3606 HD Sportster factory custom, 5400 km, (250)426-7710
1200 mint.
Off Road Vehicles 1996 Yamaha Big Bear 350 quad, plow, winch, $4000.(250)423-0328
2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, wench, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305
1978 24’ Prowler, good cond., $1900. (250)427-3300
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Trucks & Vans
Sport Utility Vehicle
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
1979 28’ Terry trailer, good cond., fully contained, awning, sleeps-6+, $2800. (250)4210435
2009 Keystone Hideout 23RKS with slide, walk around queen, 2 entries, ex. cond., $13,500. (250)422-9321 or (250)421-9328
35’ Toy hauler, has 10’ garage, sleeps 8-10, $16,000. Two 8’ campers, both have fridge, stove, furnace, one has bathroom, $1200 & $3000. Good clean units, Call (250)428-9759
1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446
2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162
ONLINE RV DEALS Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447
1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376
1994 K.W. T800. 500hp N14 Cummins,46000lb Rockwell 410’s,Big 6 suspension. Excellent appearance, low hours, reliable. $29,500. 1986 PARPAC tri-axle wagon, Offers. Certified. 2000 PEERLESS pole trailer $4,000 certified. Call 250.428.5610 or 250.254.2441 Dave
1991 26’ Rustler, Jack & Jill bunks, front kitchen, fold out couch, air, full bath, new water pump, newer HW tank, new battery, sleeps-6, $5500 obo. (250)426-5653
2011 Coleman 26-1/2’ Lite CT250GS travel trailer, walk around queen bed, ducted air & heat, slide has couch, sink & stove, 1/2 ton towable, power awning, hard wall siding, $17,500. 1(250)402-6717 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $28,800 obo. (250)4269832
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 Jayco tent trailer, sleeps-6, f/s, good cond, $2200 obo. (250)421-8976 1992 Terry 29’, sleeps-6, rear walk around bed, appliances good working cond, newer fridge & awning, $4800. (250)428-7208
Snowmobiles 2012 Creekside 22RB, walk-around bed, couch, oven, MW, large bathroom, day/night blinds, 30 lb propane tanks, black tank flush, solar panel, p/awning, new battery, 3-yrs left on EXTENDED WARRANTY, $19,800. (250)489-1645
1994 Westwind 22’. 5th Wheel with hitch, good cond., air, furnace, awning, 4 burner propane stove & oven, MW, fridge/freezer, tub/shower & toilet, queen bed, sleeps 6, all works, power front jacks, propane tanks, asking $4500. Phone 250-427-4975
2014 Cougar Travel Trailer, 19’, with large slide, most options inc. power awning, as new, $24,500. (250)427-0728
1997 Vanguard Wrangler 5th wheel, 26’, hitch included, asking $8000. (250)426-5535
The Kootenay Advertiser can be reached by calling
1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5’, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $13,500 obo. (250)427-4435 1999 25’ Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $6900. Call (250)422-3217 1999 29-1/2’ Fleetwood Storm Class A, good cond., from Arizona, 451 C.I., 34,000 miles, queen bed in rear, $16,000 obo. 1976 Class C Dodge 17’, Tioga, 318 C.I., fiberglass body, like new tires, good running cond., $3000 obo. (250)428-4775 or (250)4894688
1999 Frontier 22.5’ sleeps 6, full kitchen, 6-person dinette, full lounge, 4pc. bath, excellent condition, new awning, $7900 (250)489-1833 1999 Jayco Litehawk 21BH, rear bunks, U-shape dinette, stereo, 4400lbs, awning, F/S, oven, very clean, no leaks, $7000. (250)489-0446 2003 23’ Westwind camper, sleeps-6, Jack & Jill beds, solar panel equipped, clean, outside shower, asking $7000. (250)427-5987 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805 2006 Pioneer Holiday Trailer 19’, air, walk around queen bed, awning, $8000. Call (250)426-0252 2008 Pioneer 19’ trailer, ex. cond., barely used, $13,500. (250)421-3885
Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038
toll free 1-800-665-2382
2005 Arctic Cat M7, $3500 obo. (250)489-2877
Sport Utility Vehicle
2000 4-Runner, 3.4L, V6 standard, 5-spd, running boards, sunroof, tow package, new clutch, 372,000km, 2nd owner, $4200. Dave, (250)489-0999
1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988
1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350, 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $2400 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston
2000 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel, 24 valve, loaded w/leather, good shape, 200,000km, $11,800. Leave message at (250)829-0773 or call (250)421-7133 2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084 2004 GMC Sierra SLE 2500, 6.6 Duramax, 4-dr Ext cab, fully loaded, auto, 342,000 km, ex. shape, clean interior & body, 1 season on new winter tires, $12,400 with topper, $11,800 without. (250)4231377
2002 Explorer Limited, V8, w/trailer tow package, ex. cond., $5500. (250)426-7354
1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884
2006 Chev Silverado 2500HD Ext. cab 4x4, includes aluminum bullboard, drybox, stainless steel stepbars & 4 winter tires on rims, only 122,000km, $18,500 obo. (250)426-5987
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Sunshine Houseboat Vacations Ltd., of Cranbrook, BC, has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for a License of Occupation for Commercial General purpose (proposed septic field), situated on Provincial Crown land located in Gold Bay, Koocanusa Lake, BC, and containing 1.102 hectares more or less. The Lands File for this application is 4405580. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook BC V1C 7G1 or email to: Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to June 5, 2015. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at: Search/Search by File Number: 4405580 for more information Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. Access to these records requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.Visit information to learnmore about the FOI submissions
LL A AK KE E K KO OO OC CA AN NU U SS A A G G oo ll dd B B aa yy
Proposed Tenure
2. 3.
Name of Project: Owner: Project Address: Project Description:
Bid Documents
Document Charge:
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Site Tour:
10. Bid Depository: 11. Bid Closing:
AAb bbbe eyy R Rdd
12. Bid Submission:
Kikomun-Newgate Kikomun-Newgate Rd Rd
70% of street kids suffered abuse from family members. That’s why there’s Covenant House.
13. Owner’s Interest: 575 Drake Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 4K8 For more information or to give on-line: Or call toll-free: 1-877-685-7474 BN 89767 5625 RR0001
2007 Dodge Grand Caravan, Stow & Go model, roof rack, hidden hitch, very good cond., very clean, $6000. (250)464-1159 2007 F150, 4x4, 133,000 km, red with matching canopy, immaculate cond., trailer tow package, has all service records, can be seen at Mister Tire in Cranbrook, $15,500. (250)426-9606 2007 Ford F150 Lariat Supercrew, 4x4, 5.4 V8, leather interior, p/moonroof, sprayed shortbox, tri-fold Tonneau cover, air suspension kit, 61,000 km, ex. cond., $20,000. (250)426-9572 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199 2008 F150, 4x2, Super Crew, XLT, V8, 170,000km, loaded, white/tan, new 3-fold Tonneau cover, great cond., $10,999.99. (250)426-5093
2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199 Hunter’s Special: 1980 Chev pickup, with Okanagan camper, great shape, comes with canopy, $3500. (250)421-9160 Selling locally, 2003 GMC 4x4 pickup, 5-spd standard, regular cab, short box, $6000 obo. Call for more details, (250)427-7171 or (250)4645214
Utility Trailers Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893
Boats 12’ aluminum shape, asking (250)417-3323
boat, good $600. Call
2009 Silverado pick up, longbox, 2WD, V6, auto, air, p/w, $6500. (250)428-0108
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
INVITATION TO BID Project #13747 Golden Community Early Learning & Childcare Centre
Kids Don’t Choose the Streets 2009 22’ Salem f/s, furnace, c/w hitch, sleeps-6, awning, $9999 firm. (250)489-4276
How to reach us:
2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab 4x4, $5200 obo. Call (250)426-8032
Trucks & Vans
2009 Chev Silverado 1500 Extra cab 4x4, immaculate cond., 121,000km, $20,000 (250)428-9606
1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $4500. (250)423-0328
Call Toll Free 1-800-665-2382, stop in to our office at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook or visit our web site
2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere
2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591
SD 06 - Golden Community Early Learning & Childcare Centre The Board of Education of School District #06 (Rocky Mountain) 1000 S 14th Avenue, Golden, BC. The project, located in Golden, BC, consists of construction of a 392 m2 Daycare addition to the existing Alexander Park Elementary School. The work includes site development and construction of a new one storey wood framed structure over crawlspace, concrete slabs and stairs on grade. The roof is a combination of insulated SBS roof over plywood decking and wood trusses, with acrylic stucco finish system to exterior wood framed walls. Bid documents may be viewed and picked up at MQN Architects: #100 – 331332nd Ave., Vernon, BC. V1T 2M7, Tel: (250) 542-1199 after 1:00 PM (PST), Friday, May 01, 2015. Call to reserve your set. Bid documents may also be viewed at Construction Association Offices (SICA) in Cranbrook and Kelowna BC and, online at BC Bid. Aivee Castro MQN Architects Tel: (250) 542-1199 #100 – 3313-32nd Ave. Fax: (250) 542-5236 Vernon, BC. V1T 2M7 Bid documents will be available to General Contractors only upon payment of deposit of $50.00 for each set of documents. The deposit is refundable upon return of the documents in good condition within fourteen (14) days of the Award of Contract. Make deposit cheque payable to MQN Architects. A ten percent (10%) Bid Bond shall be submitted with the Bid. A fifty percent (50%) Performance Bond and a fifty percent (50%) Labour and Material Payment Bond are required within ten (10) working days of the Award of Contract. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a CCDC 2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract and BCDC-2 amendments for Publicly Funded Projects. A non-mandatory site tour scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 3:00 PM (MST). N/A. Bids together with all documentation as called for in the Instructions to Bidders are to be delivered to the address listed below before 2:00 PM (MST) Thursday, May 28, 2015. Late bids will be returned unopened. Sealed bids together with all other attachments as called for in the Instructions to Bidders, marked “BID FOR: Golden Community Early Learning & Childcare Centre, Golden BC ” with the Bidder’s name and return address clearly indicated on the envelope, will be received at: Attn: Steve Jackson, Director of Operations School District #06 (Rocky Mountain) 620-4th Street Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone: (250) 342-4676 Fax: (250) 342-2579 FAX Bid Amendments: (250) 342-2579 The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. In submitting bids, it is understood that the bid will remain irrevocable and open for acceptance until sixty (60) calendar days have expired from the bid closing date.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 15
CLOSING STORE Furniture & Mattresses
40 70 to
No refunds or returns from prior sales. All Sales Final.
Best in Custom andCoverings Window Coverings The Best inThe Custom Blinds andBlinds Window
All Blinds !NSANE All Blinds !N The Best in Custom Blinds
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
BLIND SALE! BLIN and Window Coverings Don’tDon’t missmiss out. out.
is the New Blinds! Now is Now the time fortime Newfor Blinds!
Cordless1/2 Feature Price during this month! Cordless Feature Price 1/2 during this month! The Best in Custom Blinds and Window Coverings Best- in Custom Blinds and Window Coverings In-home consultation! FREE The - FREE In-home consultation! FREE - Installation FREE - Installation FREE - “No Questions Asked 5 Year Warranty” FREE - “No Questions Asked 5 Year Warranty” DEEP FREEFuzzies - Warm Fuzzies PLATPILNAUTMIGNOULM PDLATIGNOULMDGOLD GOLD FREE- Warm PLATINUM
Buy More Now is the DISCOUNTS Save More time for on selected LOVE NEW YOURBLINDS NEW BLINDS YOU’LLYOU’LL LOVE YOUR window UM PL Don’t miss out. You’ll haveBlinds! it made in the coverings shade Don New 2013
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CINDY - FERNIE, SPARWOOD ELKFORD 250-919-2432 CINDY - FERNIE, SPARWOOD & ELKFORD &250-919-2432 KEVIN - CRANBROOK & KIMBERLEY 250-919-4709 KEVIN - CRANBROOK & KIMBERLEY 250-919-4709 IDA - CASTLEGAR, NELSON & TRAIL 250-304-8135 IDA - CASTLEGAR, NELSON & TRAIL 250-304-8135 OR-TOLL FREE - 1-855-799-1787 OR TOLL FREE 1-855-799-1787
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with these Awning Now is the time for New Blinds! Now is UNIQUE WINDOWS & SOLARIUMS FREE In-home consultation! UNIQUE WINDOWS & quality SOLARIUMS ISAHAVING A SALE ONOUR ALL OF OUR IS HAVING SALE ON ALL OF GOLD Factory Products! PLATINUM Cordless Feature 1/2 Price Cordless FREE - Installation HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS THATduring this month! HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS THAT MAKE YOUR HOME MORE MAKE YOUR HOME MORE SILVER BRONZE In-home consultation! FREE --“No Questions Asked 5 Year Warranty” FREE COMFORTABLE YEAR ROUND! COMFORTABLE YEAR ROUND! FREE--Warm Fuzzies Installation FREE OrderWindows your Windows & Doors NOWbeat andthe beat the spring price increase! Order your & Doors NOW and spring price increase! FREE - “No Questions Asked 5 of Year Warranty” FREE SILVER Help keep your home cool this summer BRONZE Mike Kaufman Discover an Oasis Calm Discover an Oasis of Calm Discover an Oasis of Calm Kevin Bringing the of theIndoors... Outdoors, Indoors... Owner the Best ofD theBest Outdoors, L L N I O O T D U A G G IGNOULMD from TINwindow TFuzzies D UM- Warm M L GOLBudget FREE- W LAFREE Blinds PLATINUMBringing P Pwith PLAcoverings It Rain or Shine And Enjoy ItAnd RainEnjoy or Shine LVSEIRBLVREORNZSEIBLVREORBNRZOE NZE BRONZE LVER SI2013 SI2013 20122013 2012 2012 20122013
TOLL - 1-855-799-1787 OFFICE 250-489-5858 CINDYFREE - FERNIE, SPARWOODOR & ELKFORD 250-919-2432 CINDY - FE CINDY FERNIE, SPARWOOD & ELKFORD 250-919-2432 KEVIN - CRANBROOK & KIMBERLEY 250-919-4709 KEVIN - CR KEVIN - CRANBROOK & KIMBERLEY IDA - CASTLEGAR, NELSON & TRAIL250-919-4709 250-304-8135 IDA - CAST Rollshutters - CASTLEGAR, NELSON & TRAIL 250-608-2377 Habitat Screens Rollshutters HabitatADAM Screens OR TOLL FREE 1-855-799-1787 OR TOLL F •rollSHutterS Security • Security Habitat BLOCK THE SUN, BLOCK THE SUN, NOTScreenS YOUR VIEWNOT YOUR VIEW
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1-800-881-1588 • 724 304t 1-800-881-1588 Mainstreet 1-800-881-1588 •• 724 724 304th 304th St., St., Mainstreet Marysville Marysville
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 B1
In honor of Mother’s Day, we’re reducing prices on our most popular family vehicles. Choose from the safest Toyotas on the road today, all specially priced for one day only Saturday, May 9th!
Perfect for Mother’s Day
BRAND NEW! 2014 Toyota Corolla "S" Model Auto, pw, pl, cruise, tilt, heated seats & p/moon roof, back up camera Mother's Day Price!
20,999* Almost $4,000 off!
BRAND NEW! 2015 Toyota RAV4 LE Model w/AWD, heated seats, back up camera, privacy glass StkW320215
Mother's Day Price! $ After $1,500 tax rebate
BRAND NEW! 2015 Toyota Highlander 7-pass, AWD, p/hatch, Sat radio, heated seats, back up camera Mother's Day Price!
“Your Community Minded Dealer”
39,999 * #1 Best Seller!
1924 Cranbrook St. N. (on the strip) Cranbrook, BC • DL#30845 Ph: 250489.4010 Toll Free 1.888.489.4010 • *all prices are plus $499 secure ride protection. Taxes extra.
HOURS 9 am - 11 pm 7 days a week Cranbrook Next to Wal-Mart 250-426-2338
Don’t forget Mom! Mother’s Day is May 10
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Don’t forget Mom! Mother’s Day is May 10
A mother’s role has really changed! It was just before the First World War that Mother’s Day was first established in Canada and the United States. Even though we have only been celebrating our mothers for a little less than a hundred years, their role and status have changed a lot because of family separations, reconstituted families, adoptive families, etc. There are as many different family models as there are new challenges for the modern mother. The feminist struggle has opened new doors, as much in the job market as in the home. But there still remain enormous difficulties in families where the mother is not necessarily the one who gave birth to us. Think about those reconstituted families, for example, where sometimes two mothers share the same role. According to the most recent statistics of the Public Health Agency of Canada, 12% of families with children are reconstituted. As well as playing her traditional role, a mother must, more than
Annual Mother’s Day Tea and Victorian Fashion Show
Sunday May 10, 2015 1pm Limited Seating
Fine loose-leaf teas, tasty delights, Victorian fashion show, etiquette lessons and more
ever, be inventive and able to organize complicated daily logistics within families where her status can sometimes be ambiguous. On Mother’s Day pay homage to mothers for finding answers to all the new challenges they are faced with. New breakthroughs in fertility treatments and the possibilities of adoption are also changing the hand that motherhood is dealt. It takes the modern mother a lot of courage and patience to take the difficult and often frustrating steps that accompany the decision to go to a fertility clinic or to start the monumental task of putting together an adoption file. On Mother’s Day pay homage to their determination. Today’s mothers are faced with new challenges.
Call now to reserve your seats 250-417-6000 Or visit our website for more information
Flowers for Mother’s Day Lush & Lovely Special: Bath & Body Bundle Plus Spring Bouquet $80 *includes delivery Only 12 available
Posy Vase
Hand Tied Spring Bouquet
Potted Blooming Plant
Premium Floral Bouquet
Mother’s Day Brunch
10am-2pm • Sun., May 10 Plus, many thoughtful gifts for Mom!
• Seafood Tower • Breakfast • Salads • Omelette Station • Carving Station • Pasta • Fruits • Cheeses • Desserts - We’ve Got It All!
$24 (kids half price) New and unique, with fresh, locally sourced, contemporary cuisine!
1101 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC 250.426.8659 |
Prestige Rocky Mounain Resort, Cranbrook
Reservations 778-520-2224
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 B3
Our resources go way beyond our scenic beauty. Read inside some of the stories that make our region vibrant and unique.
Photo by Anne Davis
A Region of Wealth
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
AT AMERICAN VINTAGE, we brew tea the right way – slow steeped using flavourful tea leaves and real lemon for a big hit of refreshing homestyle taste.
Our lush RED WINE bursts with red cherry and pomegranate with flavours of black tea, boysenberry and ripe plums. Our tantalizing WHITE WINE exudes with tropical aromatics like pineapple and mango, balanced by green apple, orange blossom honey and a crisp finish.
NEW! Dragonfruit Watermelon
WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS make lemonades & ice teas
Mango Lemon
Premium Ontario vodka genuine Mexican tequila, South American rum. More Natural, less sweet
COMING SOON! New for the season - Ice teas appearing in flavours and different brands just in time for the sunshine! Black Fly is another new product available in 3 flavours: vodka based cranberry, rum punch, tequila margarita - all are much less sweet (really true!!). Beer available in new flavours as well: mango, raspberry, apple - just some examples. We are still waiting for some of these new items to arrive but check us out over the coming weeks for all the new products.
Cranbrook • Next to WalMart • 250-426-2338 •
HOURS 9 am - 11 pm , 7 days a week
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015
A Region of Wealth B5
Cranbrook—expanding regional hub of the East Kootenay
Cranbrook by the Numbers
(From top, clockwise) Crowds line the streets for the Sam Steele Days Parade. The Wild Horse Theatre at Fort Steele Heritage Town. A look at the home rink of the Kootenay Ice at Western Financial Place. A Pacific Coastal plane gets ready for takeoff at the Cranbrook/Canadian Rockies International Airport. Cranbrook has a lot going for it. From the obvious assets of brilliant sunshine, green forests, sparkling lakes and rivers to the more intangible qualities this community offers, there is plenty here to crow about. Below is a snapshot of the community and some of its amenities, services and infrastructure. Transportation Cranbrook provides ground transport links to markets across North America, including: • CP Rail Four common carriers with local terminals serving Cranbrook, and one bonded warehouse • Across the region there are more than 45 trucking establishments providing service for hauling and general freight, moving and storage, logging and mining transport, and other trucking services. Many provide overnight or daily service to major centres
• Cranbrook is within 40 minutes of Kingsgate, a major US point of entry for road and rail freight. Retail The retail sector is Cranbrook‘s largest employer, reflecting the role the City plays in providing retail services to the region. Cranbrook is home to the region’s existing ‘Big Box’ retailers, with many other chains having already decided to locate in Cranbrook or considering the prospect. Healthcare and Education As the regional service centre, Cranbrook provides the East Kootenays with a first class regional hospital and associated healthcare facilities. The main campus of the BC College of the Rockies is located in Cranbrook, with six other campuses throughout the region providing a broad range of academic and vocational programs. The
College has been instrumental in developing training programs to address key labour and skills priorities in the region. Tourism The East Kootenays has a large and increasing tourism sector and almost all visitors (62% of which are non- residents) to the region stay in, or pass through, Cranbrook. The City serves as a hub for resorts and outdoor tourism facilities such as ski hills, hot springs and golf courses. There are approximately 34 accommodation properties with more than 1,000 bed units as well as meeting facilities. In addition there are 800 camp and RV sites in neighbouring parks and private facilities. Cranbrook is also a key player in sports tourism in the region, hosting the multi-use Western Financial Place and numerous indoor and outdoor recreation facilities.
Airport The Cranbrook/Canadian Rockies International Airport is emerging as a transportation growth engine for the region’s burgeoning tourism industry. It is the 10th busiest airport in the province with roughly 117,125 passengers in 2013, an 11% increase since 2010. The airport provides regular scheduled daily flights to and from Vancouver and Calgary, with new service expansion now in development. Communications Cranbrook is the central hub for East Kootenay communications delivery, including cable, wireless and telecommunications. The planned expansion of broad- band service is key to the City’s economic development strategy to attract professional service providers and entrepreneurs to the region.
Population: Cranbrook area (square km): 31.95 Population density (per square km) 604.7 Service population (within 150 km) 69,857 Housing and building: Value of building permits over 10 years: $356.7 million Average home price: $282,000 Education: K-12: 10 public and 2 private schools Post-Secondary: College of the Rockies Medical: General Practice/Family Physicians: 51 Specialist Physicians: 40 Attractions: Western Financial Place Kootenay Ice WHL Hockey Cranbrook Curling Centre Key City Theatre Symphony of the Kootenays Stages Studio Door Theatre Canadian Museum of Rail Travel Fort Steele Heritage Town Bull River Fish hatchery Wildstone Golf Course Shadow Mountain Golf Course St Eugene Golf Resort and Caino Cranbrook Golf Club Mission Hills Golf club Events: Cranbrook Farmers’ Market Cranbrook Pro Rodeo Fort Steele Dominion Day Celebration Fort Steele Halloween Kootenay Children’s Festival Kootenay Fall Fair Rockin’ in the Rockies Sam Steele Days
A Region of Wealth
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Hard work, inventiveness and listening to your clients
Photo Through my eyes photography
Mike Hambalek, right, receiving the Business Person of the Year Award at the Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards. At the recent Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards, Mike Hambalek, of Caliper Machine & Hydraulics Ltd. won the Business Person of the Year award. He did that through a combination of knowing his customers, hard work and a level of inventiveness rarely seen anywhere. Caliper Machine & Hydraulics Ltd. is a machine, welding, fabricating and engineering services shop that has been in business for 41 years. Hambalek has been with the company for 19 years, taking over ownership 17 years ago. “Back in 2008 and 2009, our shop work was getting slow so I approached Teck and spoke with their employees about problems
they might have been having with their equipment,” said Hambalek. He said that the first problem they identified was at the back of their graders. At the back, there are teeth that can get pushed up on a hard contact with a rock. As these are connected to a bar to the back of the radiator, the end result is that the radiator could get pushed into the fan, causing between $50,000 to $100,000 worth of damage. “What we did was come up with a different idea where we made a shock absorbing cylinder, called a link absorber. That fixed the problem.” A short while later, again speaking with people at Teck to come up with solutions, he was informed that there were numerous prob-
Proud to be part of the forest industry. Buyers of cedar & pine poles We sell treated poles
Photo submitted
(Above) A view of the steel dash created by Caliper Machine & Hydraulics Ltd. to replace the plastic dash in the giant Komatsu haul trucks used by Teck. (Right) The solar and wind powered light stand currently being perfected by Hambalek and his partner, Bob Frampton. lems with the dash on the huge Komatsu 930e haul trucks. “They gave me this broken dash made out of plastic and asked me if it could be made of steel,” said Hambalek. “Besides it breaking, they told me that it took three hours to make any repairs to gauges or anything else on it.”
Hambalek went home, created a prototype out of craft paper, took it into a 3d program and cut one out of steel. He made it so it would go on and off easily, turning a three-hour repair job into three minutes. “Now we’ve done every Komatsu truck there and the smaller 830e as well.” Currently, as Teck and
Come see us for a good selection Come see of us for a good selection of
luggage and travel accessories. luggage and travel
Pick up your accessories. passport Pick up your applications and passport have your passport applications and photos havetaken yourhere! passport photos
3, 755 13 Street taken here! 250-342-6978
Ph. 346-3315 Fax: 346-3218 Scale - 346-3241
3, 755 13 Street Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Ph: 250-342-6978 Fx: 250-342-3091 Toll Free: 1-888-98-8888
y Mountain Meats Ltd. Rock
Specializing in:
King Steak, Beef, Italian Sausage and Lunch Meat
We cut wild game!
Box 1619, Sparwood, BC V0B 2G0 Phone: (250) 425-4401 Fax: (250) 425-0186 Toll Free: 1-877-240-8686 Owners: Patsy & Richard Boivin
A Region of Wealth
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 B7
A view of the roller saddle block (the blue device with the green leaf emblazoned on it) being tested in the field on a massive shovel. This invention is under development by Hambalek and his company. other operators in places like Fort McMurray are using the giant 797 Cat Haul Trucks, he is working on prototypes to replace their
dashes as well. “The market for this is huge.” Lately, a project Hambalek is working on is get-
ting more and more attention. Starting with speaking with an electrician at Teck, Hambalek found out that they are constantly running
large lights on generators that operate on diesel fuel. In the winter, these lights run 24 hours a day because they won’t start when they
are cold. “I asked a senior foreman who estimated they spend over $1 million a year at the five mines just for the diesel fuel.” He spoke with a friend, Bob Frampton, who had designed a solar and wind powered light tower that used no generator at all. Although it was small, it had already run for two years without spending any money on it. The two set to work on making it more heavy duty. They replaced the halogen lights with LEDs, put on solar panels that will adjust to capture the best light and a wind turbine on the top of the light tower. The two formed Soleco Technologies to perfect the invention. “In winter testing, it ran almost continuously for almost five full nights in a day with 15 to 16 hours of darkness. We put in a generator and if the batteries get low, or the temperature drops it kicks in for a few hours to recharge the batteries. It then is ready for another four to six days of light.” Teck and other companies from Alberta and as far away as Chile have approached him about lights. Local company JSL Forum
Ltd., is also speaking with Hambalek about putting security cameras on the light stands. Because of this interest, Hambalek’s partner Frampton is in China overseeing the manufacture of the latest, more heavy-duty version of the lights. But one of the biggest projects Hambalek has ever done is still ongoing. For the past nine years he has been working on a roller saddle block to help with the operation of the big shovels used in the mining industry. Parts of the equipment were breaking on a regular basis and as the costs to fix are astronomical, Hambalek worked with engineers, Teck employees and his own acumen to create a device to alleviate the problem. Some testing has been done and Hambalek hopes to get the new roller saddle block into place as soon as he is able. “I’ve been able to do all this because I speak with the people on the ground. Sure it’s taken time and money, but I always say if you don’t try you’ll never know. Because of all of this, we’ve been breaking our business records for four years running and it’s because if someone needs something that is better and cheaper, we’ll do it.”
On the Strip in Cranbrook 250-489-1606 HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY LAUNDRY As more and more people discover the beauty of the East Kootenay’s our commercial linen cleaning department has grown in leaps and bounds. We have expanded this year to encompass the huge demand for commercial laundry service.
Hotels and lodges are always looking for a way to save on costs and a dedicated laundry can provide an efficient and money saving laundry service. We service all sizes of Resorts as well as Restaurants, Spas, Hair Salons and Gyms.
The Really Dirty Stuff!
We can clean all those really dirty coveralls and have them back to you the next day! We also use our large super duty machines to clean horse blankets
✭Green Laundry Solutions ✭
JJ’s Laundry Depot has been working with all of our suppliers and has moved to all environmentally friendly detergents and the newest technology in cleaning machines. Our high tech machines use less electricity, less water and have high extraction so we need less drying time. This also extends the life of the fabrics we are cleaning.
Personal Laundry Service Let the professionals at JJ’s Laundry Depot take care of all your laundry needs. Just put your personal laundry in a bag or basket and drop it off. We will sort it into colors, darks, lights and delicates.
Your laundry is never washed with someone else’s.
We can press your dress shirts and sew on missing buttons. We can pick up and deliver if required.
A Region of Wealth
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
The Bedroom Furniture Galleries has a comprehensive selection of furniture.
Anyone who who has has shopped been to at theBedroom Bedroom Furniture Galleries Galleries or or Ashley AshleyFurniture Furniture Furniture HomeStore in Cranbrook, it is a HomeStore Cranbrook, knows B.C., knows uniqueare and dramaticstores shopping these attractive withexperience. excellent The furniture, service. What theymattress wouldn’tand haveappliance known, stores showcase an excellent however, is that behind the scenes selection the two with outstanding What businesses sharedservice. a total of five customers different may not have known, is that warehouses. Although staffhowever, had learned to behind the scenes the two businesses accommodate the inconveniences of the once shared a total of Joey five Hoechsdifferent haphazard system, owner warehouses. Although mann had always found itstaff tookhad extralearned enerto Organization accommodateissues, the inconveniences gy. product damageof the time haphazard system, owners Joey & and requirements were all complicaChristine had always found tions of theHoechsmann number of warehouses. itWhen took extra energy. Organization Liquidation World closedissues, its
product requirements Canadiandamage stores, aand largetime space opened up were all complications of the number of on King Street in Cranbrook. Hoechsmann warehouses. recognized the opportunity and set out to When the Liquidation World closed its acquire building, which is within walkCanadian stores, a large Furniture space opened ing distance of Bedroom Galup on King Street in Cranbrook. The leries. It has now been renovated and Hoechsmann’s opportunity reopened as a recognized distributionthe centre for the and set out to acquire the building, which two stores. As a result, 4,000 square feet at is within walking distance of Bedroom the Ashley Homestore that were previously Furniture Galleries. space After have months of used as warehouse been work, space was reopened openedthe uprenovated into a price-conscious showas a massive furniture distribution centre room. The area will feature a great new sefor the two stores. lection of Ashley furniture, Frigidaire The new and distribution has been appliances mattressescentre that are aggrescarefully designed to meet all the needs of sively priced.
the businesses andcentre their has customers. Joey The distribution been carefulvisited severaltowarehouse facilities ly designed meet all the needsaround of the North America before deciding what to businesses and their customers. Hoechsinclude for hiswarehouses own. “This facilityNorth has mann visited around been a dream of mine for years. I wanted America through his buying group before to make sure that we did it right.” deciding what to include for his own.Said He Hoechsmann. Investments in racking, believes customers want to interact with a specialized carts and loading baysthat were store on different levels—whether be made with efficiency in mind. “The most online, via social media or at a traditional important question we asked was, how bricks and mortar storefront. will better serve our customers?” Set this up for top-notch service The distribution center long “We’re always going to was needalso our ashowterm the going futuretoofsetthe rooms,investment but what’sinreally us company. The Hoechsmann’s believe that apart is the ability to get the product to the customers a storesaid on customer want in ato interact timely with fashion,” different levels—whether that customers be online Hoechsmann. “There are some through e-commerce website or who mayannever want tobased set foot in our at a traditional store. They’ll bebricks able and to gomortar onlinestore and front. Both of these customers will want they’ll be able to take it right out of the dissome products in stock ready for pick up tribution centre. Having a distribution or deluxe “Weother believe we will centre setsdelivery. us apart from online
The new 17,000-square-foot distribution centre on King Street in Cranbrook.
813 Baker St. (downtown), Cranbrook, BC | 250.426.2316 | |
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015
A Region of Wealth B9
continue to because need our showrooms, presence ourretail distribution cenbut what’s going to set us apart is the tre is rightreally here in Cranbrook. For (local) ability to get theable product to thethem customer residents, we’re to service with in a timely fashion,” said Hoechsmann. deluxe delivery right into their home out of Residents in the East Kootenay can they take that distribution centre, however advantage of our service professionals want to buy.” with delivery rightand intoAshley their home Thedeluxe Bedroom Galleries Furout of HomeStore our distribution niture also centre, deliver however to surthey want to buy.” Theas Bedroom rounding areas such Creston,Galleries Fernie, and Ashleyand Furniture HomeStore deliver Invermere Kimberley. we’re seeing that as theKimberly, distributo“What surrounding areasissuch tion centre goingvalley, to allow to serve Creston, theis Elk andusInvermere those markets even better,” said Hoechsvalley. mann. we One of“Because the more have the two stores important benefits to we find we’re up the new that Distribution in those once a center is areas cost savings. week. facility What allows we’re “The looking is making us to buyateven better sure that continue and takeweadvantage to service of volumethose buysmarand Christine and kets and hopefully special offers” says Joey Hoeschmann even grow in (the Hoechsmann. communities). This distribution is The other centre exciting going to to do that.” news is allow the us expansion of retail space Advantages customers at each store.for The Cranbrook Ashley Hoechsmann is also looking to Furniture HomeStore is now forward over 35% leveraging “container through4000 the larger opening up anbuys” additional new facility. He’s nowused ableastowarehouse purchase square feet previously large amounts of discounted product, and space. The new look is very industrial then the savings are passed on ceilings. to cuswith concrete floors and high
The Ashley Furniture HomeStore can meet all your kitchen appliance needs.
“We are excited showcase a new product tomers, clearly atomajor advantage. offering from Ashley After almost 40 yearscalled in the Urbanology.” locally famiSays Christine. looks famwith ly-owned business,“Reclaimed the Hoechsmann metal, wood, leather and life muted ily continues to love in fabrics.” the East At The Bedroom, alsobeginnings used part ofasthe Kootenay. After itsthey humble a store to as warehouse. GivenBedroom the age of the homemade waterbed store, Furbuildings that are has overseen a century old, you can niture Galleries a number of exonly imagine the character of the basement pansions. space being with converted. Fir timbers and Together the Ashley HomeStore hand laid stone walls framethe the distribution space with a showroom expansion, decommissioned asfor a focal centre can only coal meanfired goodboiler things the point. “We spent hours shopping for this area’s furniture shoppers. With a continuspace with products from service, around the world. ing policy of “service, service,” We can’t wait toisshow our forward customers Hoechsmann looking to some takingof the new pieces we have to offer”five theamazing effort that was required to manage
Also on theand list putting this year is anmaking updatethe to warehouses it into the efficiency of the downtown businesses theand bestsafety possible. location. Newprocess high has efficiency LED “This whole been a dream lighting fire“Customers suppression system is for me,” and he said. come in and being installed. comment on the beautiful store and how After almost 40 years inthat the locally they love the product—and stuff is so family owned business, the Hoechsmann important—but it’s the back end that realfamily continues to So love life don’t in thehave East ly fulfills their need. if you a Kootenay. After its humble beginnings as strong logistic side in the back end of your abusiness, home based waterbed you can fail. I’vestore, alwaysBedroom felt that Furniture Galleries has seen a number we had to put so much extra energy into of expansions. Together with the Ashley the back end of our business to make us HomeStore expansion, the succeed thatshowroom now applying that same distribution centre(to can onlyaspects mean ofgood amount of energy other the things for the area’s furniture shoppers. stores) will make us even better.”
1708 Cranbrook St. N. (on the Strip), Cranbrook, BC | 250.426.2311 | |
A Region of Wealth
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
The College of the Rockies for local and international students
Photo submitted
The College of the Rockies Kootenay Centre entrance. Post-secondary education is always a good benchmark of the forward momentum of a community. In Cranbrook, the College of the Rockies has always moved to stay ahead of the skills curve to not only maintain its relevance but to help make the city a place people want to live in. “We at the College see ourselves as a key partner in the economic and social development not just in Cranbrook but for the entire college community,” said Patricia Bowron, Executive
Director of International and Regional Development with COTR. Having recently completed ‘Our Roadmap to New Heights’, the colleges strategic plan from 2015 to 2020, Bowron explained that just how the organization fits with the local community and with its students are questions constantly being asked by the college. “Our mission statement is to transform lives and enrich communities through the power of education,” explained Bowron. “That
includes any community we are involved in, even the international community.” Bowron noted that in regards to international students, the feedback from the community is that these students have become more involved in the fabric of the community and its workforce. Then there is the local students and the programs offered. Besides a host of trade, scientific and general course, the college also offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in Sustain-
able Business Practices, an Associate of Arts Degree, an Associate of Science Degree, a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Science Nursing. On top of that is the College’s desire to support the skills necessary for people to get jobs now. “We have specialized programming. There are the older worker programs and programs in what industry is looking for like health, business, tourism and skilled trades,” said Bowron. “One example is our haul-truck
program which has had around 175 graduates. We do skills accessment as an institution to help take care of the skills gap. We find that we have the nimbleness as a smaller institution that allows us to do that. We look at skills shortages and create programs to address that.” Heather Jackson, Manager, Communications & Marketing for the college pointed out how these degrees and other programs helps the local economy. “The college contributes $200 million to the region’s
economy, not just rhrough spending, but from contributions from students who spend in the area,” said Jackson. “We know that students who come here want to stay and start a business or be part of the economic community. Many alumni may have gone on to university and come back. A lot of students came here from larger centres and when we ask them why, their answer is because we get to know them and they feel a sense of community.”
Talking about business in Cranbrook with David D. Hull David D. Hull recently took over the reins of the executive director position for the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce. His experience ranges from city councilor to years in management consulting, real estate sales, management and operations for a large wholesale distribution company and six years as the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce. Recently he took the time to have a conversation about what he sees for the economic outlook of Cranbrook.
Q: You’ve been involved with business in a number of areas around the province. What is a good comparison for Cranbrook? A: A good comparison would be Terrace. It has a similar population and is the local centre for government. From mines to forestry, it is very similar to Cranbrook in that those industries and local economies are changing. Q: How do you see business and the economy changing exactly?
A: The economy here is certainly in a state of evolution. There is opportunity and that comes with a whole bunch of tentacles. The challenge is to work with what the new world looks like. Right now there is unprecedented mobility of people and money. When you and I were young, if you asked if someone worked elsewhere the vast majority would have said no. Now the world is really small and companies are investing all over the planet. Somewhere
along the line, from senior government down, we need to collectively realize where we are at and where we are going. The economy has changed in the last 20 years. Q: What strategies have you seen some municipalities take to increase their economy? A: Well, for a while it was chasing smokestacks. Then it was chasing call centres. But call centres isn’t really helping the economy with jobs that are slightly above minimum wage. That kind
of activity has happened in the past and it is a race to the bottom. Someone elsewhere can always give cheaper labour. Half the call centres in Canada have shut down and moved elsewhere now. It’s the same in manufacturing. I’ve travelled to China and a lot of the basic manufacturing is leaving there for Vietnam and Cambodia because China was too expensive. What you see in Canada is an effort to reestablish ourselves as manufacturers, which can help us
compete. Q: What about Cranbrook, in particular? A: The first thing that should be done is to stabilize what we have—make sure the people we have don’t leave. We need programs to keep people here. A retention strategy should be first and foremost. Identify what are the factors that make people succeed and why they should stay. The next step is to grow it. If we can grow the existing economy by 10 per cent, that would
A Region of Wealth
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 B11
12’ Enclosed Trampoline $ 99
84-0211-8 Reg. 399
S A L E $2 7 4 99 CIL Golfgreen 1 Step Lawn Makeover or Touch-up 59-2999-4
S A L E $1 9 99- 3 9 99 Scotts Weed Prevent Fertilizer $ 99 59-2350-6 Reg. 34
Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Esecutive Director, David D. Hull. be bigger than putting a new saw mill in. Q: How does the Chamber help in that? A: Our job is to lobby different levels of government. It has to make the conditions right. We can’t make sure a business succeeds but we can help. A good example is the Kootenay Ice. They have good players and good facilities, but at the end of the day, they have to execute. Our job is to make sure conditions are right for trade and commerce. Local government has to be amenable to business. I was a city councillor and sometimes people would go to my city hall with a proposal, but there may as well have been a sign saying, ‘We start with no, then work our way up.’ Chilliwack was different. Economic development, planning and permitting were in a separate building. When people went in saying they wanted to invest, they were given coffee, someone
would bring in a building guide, planners came in to talk. In effect, the city was open for business. Q: How can Cranbrook help to encourage business? A: We have a great historic downtown section here, but it seems like other towns have a higher mixed use density. I’ve been told that we can’t have that because of height restrictions based on the height of the ladder on a fire truck. But I’ve been in cities that have 62-story buildings—no ladder reaches that high. Now if the height restrictions based on the height of the fire truck ladder is just a story, the city has to let people know. If we can have shops on the ground, professional offices and living units above that, we can get a better use of our downtown core. Cranbrook has a great advantage in quality of life. An example of attracting business was in Abbotsford and Cascade Aerospace. All
S A L E $2 9 99
Photo wells photography
they really needed was a big hanger and people and for that they could have gone anywhere. They could have settled in Northern Saskatchewan where the land is cheap, but the engineers didn’t want to move there. If a city can’t offer these professionals soccer fields and hockey for the kids, places close by to hike and swim and good education, Northern Saskatchewan doesn’t look so bad. Cranbrook could become a cluster for very portable businesses. There are a lot of great natural attractions. All the elements are here. Geographically, it is central to the East Kootenay, with good access to Alberta and a great lifestyle. The kids can walk to school and it is safe. The rivers are not polluted. Not everyone wants to live in a big city and Cranbrook has the potential to increase the business done by existing operations and for some growth in the future.
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Lagostina Roaster with Rack 99 42-0004 Reg. 279
S A L E $7 9 99 Timothy’s K-Cups 53-4848-4/5242-8
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S A L E $4 9 99 Our Canadian Tire Service Shop in under new management and booking appointments to serve you better - walk ins welcome. As of March 14th our Service Department will be open Saturday’s. Watch for our Garden Centre scheduled to open this spring, weather permitting. Stop in your local Cranbrook Canadian Tire to see all our new spring arrivals. And check the Kootenay Advertiser for our weekly flyer.
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See our flyer in Friday’s Kootenay Advertiser
A Region of Wealth
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
H2O, family, business and being a part of the community
Photo submitted
(Clockwise from top) Rob Porter teaching an outdoor kayak course. Being adventurous is a necessity for Porter from time to time. Porter winning the first of three awards at the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards.
Rob Porter, owner of Just Liquid Sports, is the poster child for taking what you love to do and making it a growing business concern. The recent recipient of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce’s Hospitatlity and Tourism, Retailer Excellence and Business of the Year with 1-15 employees awards, took time to answer questions on what has allowed him to start and grow his business over the years. Q: You were originally from Hamilton, Ontario, and I understand that you were involved in motocross for a number of years. A: Yes, I spent many years racing but that ended in a bad crash causing a 100 per cent fused ankle and the other with lots of hardware. I was not able to race any longer due to the weak fused ankle so I took up recreational kayaking (easier on the ankles). I started going
on many kayak expeditions throughout Ontario and then because I have a need for an adrenalin fix, I tried whitewater kayaking on the Ottawa River. I was hooked and on my way home from the course I bought a whitewater kayak. Five years later (now 10 years ago) I moved to BC and grew my passion for extreme whitewater, running steep creeks and rivers, competing and paddling all over BC and Alberta. Along the way I picked up sponsorships, claimed the first Descents of Moyie Falls, Bull River Falls, Big Sand Creek Falls and made headlines both in local papers and throughout the magazine world. This marketed this region globaly as a premier paddling paradise for extreme whitewater enthusiasts and this area is now frequently visited by paddlers form all over the world.
After travelling all over to different events, competitions and visiting shops for a year living the dream I realized the potential of the Kootenays and created the business plan for Just Liquid Sports. Q: So you had helped create awareness for kayaking and the area and had created a business plan. How did you make it all work? A: After splitting up with my ex the previous year to opening the shop, I did not have much left in the bank. All I had was a dream, a passion for watersports and a business plan. I tried to find a financial partner however nobody believed this area needed a shop Like Just liquid Sports. So I then contacted people in the industry and secured terms for some of the product and found a building to put it all in. Yes, my budget at the start was only $7,000 but
I had some help with terms in the industry. Throughout the first two years I was supported by close friends who helped me get through the toughest startup times. I am very lucky to have had so many great friends and family whom have been there through think and this. There have been many sacrifices, struggles, many hard lessons learned, and many stressful moments in the last five years. However it’s all worth it when I know we are contributing to a healthier active and friendlier community above or below H20 In the East Kootenays. I love this place and I am so proud of all our staff and fellow watersports enthusiasts whom contribute to making such a difference in our region. Q: Your operation is more than just bricks and mortar. You seem to spend as much time with the watersports
community as you do in your shop. A: Yes in the winters we continue with pool training for both Kayak (specially with youths and schools) and PADI Dive courses. We offer Paddle Canada Certified Training for Kayak, Canoe, Stand Up Paddleboarding, IKO Kiteboard instruction and we are also a PADI Scuba Dive center. We also offer EFR First Aid and CPR Certification Training as well. We also offer Rentals and repairs for almost all watersports and equipment. We also host a Just liquid Film Festival, Stand up Paddle board festival/race, Whitewater kayak Competition, regular guided Kayak, Canoe, SUP and Dive tours and more. Q: You talk a lot about community. How important is community to you and to your business? A: I believe that the best business is a business that gives back to its community just as much as the community gives to them if not more. My goal in opening Just Liquid was not to become a millionaire. I knew that would never happen the day I wrote the original business plan. I started Just Liquid because we live in a watersports paradise and at the time very few people were using the lakes and rivers to their potential. We set out our mission to create a healthy active and friendly community above or below
H2O and that continues to be our primary focus. I am not in it for the money, I am in it to change lives and contribute to building a healthy, happy active and friendly community within the East Kootenay region. I love this region and I am very honored, very happy and proud to live here. We live in a watersports enthusiast paradise and I am definitely an enthusiast of all watersports. The community is my life. We do what we do here at Just Liquid for the overall betterment of the community and use of the waterways in the is region. We work very hard to grow both the business and our community in a very positive direction but with out the community support and their positive change we could not and would not do what we do. Personally Community is very important to me just as close friends and family are. I have always been the friend who brings another outsider friend to a party or gathering thus growing that group of friends. I think the more friends the better and well why not just be one happy healthy community together. I like people and I love the great outdoors. Having a community of friends to enjoy this majestic place we call home is worth every effort I put fourth to grow such a community.
A Region of Wealth
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 B13
How your local newspapers benefit the entire community
Photo submitted
(Above) Rick O’Connor, president and CEO of Black Press Group Ltd. (Right) The presses that produce The Kootenay Advertiser, The Cranbrook Daily Townsman, The Kimberley Daily Bulletin and a host of other publications.
What is often overlooked in the wealth and wellbeing of an area is the role of the local newspaper. The Kimberley Daily Bulletin was founded in 1932, the Cranbrook Daily Townsman has been operating since 1946, and the Kootenay News Advertiser has been in business for more than 40 years. Each of these newspapers have been bringing people the news of the region, human interest stories, classified and general advertising and
a host of other services to the communites since their inception. And while some like to point out that a lot of world news is available on the web, it is the local newspaper that keeps people informed about what is going on right here. “I think community papers are here to stay for a long time,” said Rick O’Connor, President and Chief Executive Officer of Black Press Group Ltd. “It’s still the preeminent way to convey the news for what is happening in the area. I don’t see how
communities can be healthy without community papers being a conduit for both news and advertising.” Newspapers have stayed relevant for more than just being disseminators of information and advertising. From its inception, the Kootenay News Advertiser, and other local newspapers have been strong supporters of the community. “Our mantra is to get involved in the community and support community activities at the same time. Every year our goal is to help
the community in as many ways as possible,” said O’Connor. A direct case in point is Black Press 4 Good, on the web at This is a crowd funding site that provides a free platform for people with good ideas, individuals who need a helping hand and others looking to help their communities. To date more than $52 million has been raised by individuals and groups using the site. Locally, The Kootenay News Advertiser, the Cran-
brook Daily Townsman and the Kimberley Bulletin support the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy through the Black Press Reach a Reader initiative and Family Literacy Day. The United Way. The Spring Honda Fun Run for ALS, the Canadian Cancer Society (through the Abreast in the Rockies Dragon Boat Team and the Relay for Life), the SPCA, the Children’s Festival, Sam Steele Days and the M.S. Walk are other worthy initiatives supported by local Black Press papers. Black Press is also a major sponsor of the Symphony of the Kootenays and the Cranbrook and District Community Foundation. For Karen Johnstone, Cranbrook Daily Townsman publisher, this kind of support is what keeps a community going. “Our local businesses trust an advertising investment to their community newspaper and we in turn look to support initiatives and fund raise for the initiatives that stay in the community and make the lives of our readers richer,” explained Johnstone. The printing for a number of publications is done right here in Cranbrook and is probably more than most people think. The Cranbrook
Daily Townsman and the Kimberley Daily Bulletin are printed five days a week, the Kootenay Advertiser twice a week, the Creston Valley Advance, the Fernie Free Press, the Invermere Valley Echo and the Golden Star, the Columbia Valley Pioneer, the Elk Valley Herald and the Crowsnest Pass Herald are printed weekly. The press also publishes the Ktunaxa newsletter, the Salmo Valley News and a host of special sections, magazines and commercial jobs for local clients. All this printing results in direct employment for more than 230 people locally. This breaks down to 93 carriers, 4 drivers and 26 employees for the Kootenay Advertiser and its mailroom and 23 staff at the Townsman/ Bulletin and Press Centre, which also employs 11 drivers and over 75 carriers. “Black Press has invested in our local communities and in return have been welcomed by residents and the business sector,” said Zena Williams, publisher of the Kootenay News Advertiser. “Moving forward, we intend to keep supporting the people that make the East Kootenay region one of the best places to live and do business in the province.”
All Paddle Sports, Kite boarding, Scuba Dive, Wake/Water Ski, Clothing & Apparel,
106 VanHorne St. S. Cranbrook, BC - 250.489.2837
A Region of Wealth
2015 H
i Elant
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
2015 Hyunda
i Tucson
ent yundai Acc
2015 H 2015 Hyunda
i Santa Fe
Denham’s Cranbrook Hyundai
With a planned relocation to the old Denham Ford dealership, a full renovation of that facility is in the works. “As one of the fastest growing brands in Canada, the decision to invest in Hyundai was an easy one”, says Braydon Denham, Dealer Principal. “We intend to bring the Denham Difference to our Hyundai franchise. What that means is exceptional customer service, a great product at great value, and a fun car buying/servicing experience.” Stay tuned for our big move. In the meantime, please stop in and see us at our existing location!!
Denham Ford BC
With our first full year in the new dealership now behind us, Denham Ford BC is ramping up for another banner year. Earlier this year, we were extremely proud to be notified by Ford Motor Company that not only had we won President’s Award for the 4th consecutive year, but are also the recipients of Ford’s prestigious Diamond Award. The Diamond Award is given to a select few of Canada’s 400+ Ford Dealers, each year. “Earning this award is a testament of the hard work that our entire team does on a daily basis to deliver the Denham Difference. It also speaks to the loyalty of our customers, who appreciate the level of service that we provide; and by extension, continue to grow the Denham brand in our community. Whether purchasing a vehicle, or servicing it, we aim to provide an experience, not just a transaction.”, says Braydon Denham, General Manager. Sporting one of the freshest lineups in the industry this year, Denham Ford is thrilled to be a part of some of the best vehicle unveilings Ford has ever seen. They have already launched the completely redesigned 2015 F150, the new 2015 Ford Focus; and the first, all-new 2015 Ford Edges have just begun to roll in. Also, this year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic vehicles ever, with the 2015 Ford Mustang. Later this summer, we expect the refreshed look of the 2016 Ford Explorer.
On Jan 2, 2015, Braydon Denham made a further investment in Cranbrook, when he purchased the local Hyundai dealership. Rebranded as Denham’s Cranbrook Hyundai, Braydon plans to bring the same vision, and level of service that has made Denham Ford BC a local success story.
Carrying one of the largest selections of new and used vehicles, we invite you to give us a call, or stop by to have a look around to experience the Denham Difference for yourself. We look forward to seeing you, soon!
rd F150
2015 Ford M
2015 Fo
rd Explo
2016 Fo
5 Ford Focus
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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, May 4, 2015 B15
Things to See & Do
TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.Only non-profit organizations/events will be allowed.
April 5-May 17 Special Gospel Services: Each Sunday 3-4pm at the Girl Guides of Canada Hall, 1421-2nd St.S Cranbrook. Exception: No service April 26. Contact 250-426-4791.
Barbecue by donation, Save-on More, 11am6pm. All proceeds to go to Jennifer to help with her expenses as she represents Canada at the 2015 Paralympic Games in Rio De Janeiro. Jennifer will also have tickets on sale for the Silent Auction Fundraiser at Colombo Lodge on June 13th. Jennifer will have a copy of her book “An Unexpected Miracle-Surviving Brain Injury” on sale. 250426-6595.
MAY 8 8-9-Cranbrook
May Quilters’ Guild Quilt Show: Friday 12pm7pm, Saturday 10am4pm. 1200 Kootenay St.N (Alliance Church) $5 adults, $2 students, children under 12 Free. Hundreds of quilts on display, silent auction, refreshments available. See
GO GO Grannies annual GLITZ AND GLAMOR fund raiser. Light luncheon and lots of jewelry and women’s accessories. Tickets $25 per person and available at Lotus books or from your favourite Granny. Tickets sell fast! For more info or to donate items, please call Cynthia 250-919-8253. Dinner & Dance, Kimberley Elks Lodge, $30per person. Advance Tickets required. 250-427-2343. Children’s Festival, 10am to 4pm in front of the Key City Theatre. Special guests include: Charlotte Diamond (tickets must be picked up prior to May 9th and are free), the famous “Duck Man”, PT the Clown, Kellie Haines Ventriloquist, bouncy tents, face painting, CU Express Children’s Train and, much, more. Free Admission! No pets please.
MAY 11
Jubilee Chapter #64, OES will meet at
7:30pm sharp, Masonic Hall, 401-3rd Ave.S, Cranbrook.
MAY 12
Discover the joy of sox. Sign up at the Cranbrook Library or call the Sox Lady 250426-7071. Group Acoustic Guitar Lessons now available through Cranbrook Leisure Services. Tuesday and Thursdays 7-9pm. May 12-June 4. For more information contact 250-489-0220 or
MAY 13
Go Go Grannies, “Chilcotin Ghosts”, 7pm at the College of the Rockies theatre. Dan Hicks will illustrate the Chilcotin region. Admission by donation. Fort Steele Cemetery Society -Clean Up Day at Fort Steele Cemetery 9am-11:30am. Please bring a rake and gloves. BCGREA, Rocky Mountain Branch, Days Inn, Noon, Guest speaker: Francine Guerrette-Smith, Dietitian from Cranbrook Health Unit. For further information contact Ronald Kerr, 250-432-0002. Kimberley Garden Club meet, 7-9pm, Selkirk High School Library. New members welcome. For more info: Nola 250-4271948.
Pride’s celebration. May 22 9am-11pmLaser Bowling (Juniper Lanes), May 23 1-4pm Family BBQ at Rotary Park. May 23 6pm-9pm Youth Dance Rotary Park. May 23 11pm-2am Adult dance and entertainment at Dewey’s Pub. May 24 from
10am-2pm Brunch Windup at Heritage Inn. visit: or contact 250-426-3383 or 250-581-0055.
MAY 30
Kimberley Aquatic Centre Free Family Swim, 6pm-7pm. Sponsored by Kimber-
ley Medical Clinic. Wasa Lions Fun Day & Community Garage Sale, 9am-3pm at the Wasa Lions Grounds. Contact Sharon 250422-3227 or Val 250422-3499 to book a table or to drop off items for donation to the Lions. Pancake Breakfast 9am-11:30am. Ev-
eryone welcome!
Spaghetti Supper & Silent Auction in support of Jennifer De PippoParalympic Swimmer. Tickets on sale at Lotus Books. $15. Supper starts at 5:30pm at the Colombo Lodge, 22508th Ave. S, Cranbrook.
Home Services/Contractors Directory Free In Home Consultation Shutters, Wood Blinds, Cellulars and more!
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250-489-5858 1-855-799-1787 Toll free AB & BC
Visit our “Virtual Decorator” at Springs Window Fashions
Snow Removal Available
J&T Landscaping
• Wood • Metal • Stone • We Build With It Call Mike 250-402-3362 Working for Perfection!
• Lawn care & maintenance • Tree trimming • Debris removal • Small repairs $25/hr labour
For estimates: John 250.421.0613 or Tim 250.422.3721 Our community-minded Canadian Tire is here to provide efficient customer service and deliver an exceptional shopping experience.
MAY 22
May 22-24 Cranbrook
It all about the kids
Sale 3.19 Reg 7.98 9x12’ Value Tarp. Great for Spring prep. 40-5030-2.
SAVE up to
Sale 34.99 Reg 59.99 Hamilton Beach 6-Qt Stay or Go Slow Cooker. 3 settings 43-1755-6.
Sale 99.99 Reg 149.99 FoodSaver Advanced Vacuum Sealing System. Vacuums, seals and shuts-off automatically with a single touch. 43-0620-2.
See us at the Kootenay Children’s Festival
May 9 • 10-4
Nat & Jess will be flipping delicious Burgers, Smokies and Hot Dogs!
Rick’s Fine Meats &
Award Winning Sausage
9 am-5:30 pm (Tues.-Sat.) 250-426-7770 • 1350 Theatre Rd., Cranbrook, BC
Sale 19.99 Reg 69.99 T-fal 34cm Giant Frypan. Two handles. 1427079-4.
Sale 19.99 Reg 69.99 T-fal Cook N’Serve 5-Qt Casserole. 142-2408-2. Sale 24.99 Reg 84.99 T-fal Jumbo 36cm Wok with Glass Lid. 1425766-0.
Hours:Mon–Wed8:30a.m.to8:00p.m. ,Thurs -Fri8:30a.m.to9:00p.m. Sat8:30a.m.to6:00p.m. ,Sund10:00a.m.to5:00p.m.Holidays8:30a.m.to5:00 p.m. 1100 Victoria Avenue North,
Cranbrook, BC • 250-489-3300 • 1-877-330-2323 • Service 250-489-5563
For days like today™
See our flyer in Friday’s Kootenay Advertiser All sale prices end Thursday at close
Save 45% Sale 3.99 Reg 7.69 Scotties 6-Pack Facial Tissues. 53-3034-6.
Enter to win one of 4 4-$25 gift cards
Name: _______________ Phone: _______________ Draw date May 31, 2015
* Cranbrook Store ONLY. Gift card must be picked up within the month or it will be re-drawn
Monday, May 4, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
HELD OVER! until W ed.,
May 6
WEEK ONLY dealer invoice pricing! Save up to
You PAY what we PAY!
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