Kitimat Northern Sentinel, May 13, 2015

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Volume 61 No. 19

Temperaments calm as sides look again to mediation Cameron Orr When Martin McIlwrath and Jeremy Dos Santos presented the results of a community petition to Kitimat Council, the presentation did not come with any of the usual high tempers which had marked past encounters. The moment was in fact very low key, with McIlwrath reading a few comments — namely the words from a recent Unifor 2300 letter, which we reported on last week — before getting to the petition, circulated by the union. He said that as soon as a new collective agreement can be made, “we can start to rebuild our community.” For the petition, the question had signatories asking the mayor and council to return to the table any agreements or offers already reached in the bargaining process, and to leave only outstanding issues left to be negotiated. McIlwrath said that anything previously agreed to should not have to be re-bargained. As of Friday the sides were expected to resume mediation on Monday, which, if needed, could run to today. There was no council response at the May 4 meeting as the mayor said they are still bound by terms of mediation which provides strict confidentiality requirements. Speaking later in the week Mayor Phil Germuth did say that there has been no direction to the negotiating team to return any previous offers to the union, as requested through the petition. Germuth said to leave just the outstanding issues of the contract to be negotiated still wouldn’t put the sides any closer to an agreement. Continued on page 2

A look at how to plan for growth.

/page 8

KUTE calls in waste disposal experts.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015



Haisla thank you Massive pots of beef stew are dished out in the Kitamaat Village Recreation Centre during a special thankyou dinner hosted by the Haisla in honour of the people who provided assistance during the madness that was the February snow storm, which even led to an evacuation of the Village. Numerous volunteers offered help in those days, while the Riverlodge was opened up as well as a warming centre.

Housing society gets their grant After a recent request for support, Kitimat Council has come back with up to $20,000 towards the development of an affordable housing project in the Whitesail neighbourhood. Mountainview Housing Society will continue to work with industries and will potentially develop up to eight units out of 30 that will be used, on five year leases, towards industrial companies who may need the rooms in the future, if projects go ahead. The development, if it proceeds, would be built next to the Mountainview Alliance Church. Through debate, Claire Rattée did express some concern that town grant policies may not quite cover contributions to projects like this, and expressed some concern over the fact that some units would go towards industrial proponents. But Pastor Don Read with the housing society notes that creative partnerships such as with industry means they can build affordable housing units without breaking the bank. For instance he said to not lease out eight units would be the difference of the society asking Kitimat council for $1.25 million rather than $20,000. “We’re helping them meet a need but what they’re actually doing is funding up to one-third of the housing because that’s the amount of revenue that would be created,” said Read. As for the general policy implications, he said that housing

units like these aren’t just an issue for the non-profits but for the community at large. A community, he said, is gauged on how well it takes care of its vulnerable. “If it always lands to charities and non-profits, then as a community we should reflect on what it means to be a community.” Ultimately councillors decided that $20,000 was not a large amount of money given the potential return on providing affordable units. Read said at a later time they may come back during the construction phase for support — the money right now is to get through site engineering and evaluation — but that would come after a capital plan is developed and other partnerships are established. In the event the land proves unable to support a development the church said they’ll recommend to their head office in Surrey to sell the land, and the proceeds will go back to repaying the grants given, such as to the District. Rob Goffinet in moving the approval for up to $20,000 said the price would be a low cost against the possible need, while Mario Feldhoff added that this sort of housing has been identified as a need already. “I think it’s our job to help them, as opposed to hinder them,” he said. “Lets help keep the momentum going.”

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Continued from page 1 “It doesn’t really matter if those are back on the table or not, if you can’t resolve the outstanding issues you’re still not getting anywhere,” said Germuth. He added, “We’re looking forward to hopefully having a result to this labour dispute to get our workers back and have all our facilities back open. Of course it’s also had a big effect on people being able to get building permits and occupancy permits. We’re hoping that the negotiations are successful this time.” A union presenta-

tion on May 4 was not the only conversation about the strike to be had that evening. Council heard from two members of the public, urging an end to the strike. The presenters were Tim Rice and Vickey Kokesch. Kokesch in particular, through her role as chair for the Snowflake Community Fairgrounds Society, notes that there is only about a week left for the strike to get sorted out before the June 13 planned Bull-O-Rama will have to be called off. The event is held

“It doesn’t really matter if those are back on the table or not, if you can’t resolve the outstanding issues you’re still not getting anywhere.” in Tamitik Arena. Kokesch said the event provides a lot of benefit to local businesses and community groups and all will be at a loss if the event has to be cancelled. She transitioned to a personal reflection, saying that due to the strike she’s not

been able to receive an occupancy permit for renovations on her home, which is costing her a lot through insurance. “If your strategy is to starve out your workers you’re starving out other people too,” she said, asking to get District leadership back to the table and to not “outsource” the town’s leadership. She also pointed to the disadvantage for her grandchildren not being able to access the pool. “I want my grandkids to learn how to swim,” she said. “I don’t want my grand-

kids to be statistics.” Rice shared a similar sentiment to the lack of leisure services. “As you’re aware... drowning is the main cause of death for children. Kitimat kids are missing their chance at much needed swimming lessons to prepare for camping season at the lake,” he said. Rice said even in general for his family it’s harder to maintain usual levels of fitness. “We’re all suffering needlessly... especially those single parents and families on single income who are

shortfall of established requirements so under the arrangement, the land will now be zoned to require just 10 spaces, and the town will accept $43,060 in place of five of those stalls. It’s expected that parking

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requirements for the building won’t be high. The money for the parking spots will be set aside for parking or transportation infrastructure that will support walking, cycling or public transport.

herd cats?” he asked. “I expect my tax dollars to support good, reliable jobs. Not growing the number of precarious part-time positions.” Both Kokesch and Rice have municipal union employees in their immediate families.



Parking variance sorted out A zoning amendment and a development variance permit has been approved for a planned warehouse on Enterprise Avenue. The planned construction of the space would see a parking

presently on strike,” he said. He said his hope is for the District to do better getting to the bargaining table. “Why is it that getting your negotiating team to the bargaining table and staying there has been like trying to

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015 3

REGIONAL BRIEFS Schools While the Coast Mountains School District looks at cutting down the administrative positions in the district, Kitimat is spared from any changes at the moment. This year, due to a number of staff vacancies, the district was able to move people around so it is not doubling up on administrators. “In our larger schools we’re trying to get to two, and our smaller schools trying to get down to one – we’re not all the way there yet, it will be a process of about several years to get to that,” said Katherine McIntosh. The move, which will see Skeena and Caledonia now move to one full-time vice principal instead of two part-time ones beginning in August, has been in the works for some time and will save the district about $30,000 in salary.

Kitimat CAO off to Mission for new job Cameron Orr Kitimat’s Chief Administrative Officer Ron Poole is moving on to the District of Mission, while Kitimat’s deputy CAO Warren Waycheshen fills in as Kitimat’s interim CAO. The District of Kitimat announced Poole’s departure May 5. On his departure, effective May 29, Poole said there was a mix of reasons to go, which essentially boiled down to his desire to spend more time with his family. “I’m looking forward to a new change,” he added. The move is bittersweet for Kitimat Council, especially Mayor Phil Germuth who credited Poole for

Medal for Poole Just as news of Kitimat’s CAO’s departure was made, another bit of Poole news came out; he’s the recipient of the 2015 Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal for Excellence in Public Administration. The announcement was revealed on May 6. A ceremony in Victoria is set to take place June 9.

Ron Poole doing so much over the last four years. “We’re sorry to see him go, but we definitely appreciate Ron’s four years with the District and we wish him all the best in his new position in Mission,” said Germuth. “There is no doubt Kitimat is much better off for having had Ron

for these four years.” Germuth pointed to the improved relationships with the provincial government, with the Haisla Nation and industry as well. “I know that, just myself having gotten to know Ron and learned from him these last four years...I know I can do a better job of representing Kitimat because of what I’ve

learned from [him].” Poole added that he has thoroughly enjoyed his four years being in Kitimat. “We have loved Kitimat since we’ve been here. Regardless of a strike or anything else, we’re not leaving here with any ill feelings,” he said. Germuth said that in this circumstance there is no severance

on that task. Germuth says Poole leaving shouldn’t have any impact on any furthering bargaining given the use of the third-party. “I don’t see that this is going to hinder any possible collective agreement getting signed at all,” he said. The Mission Record newspaper quotes their community’s mayor’s thoughts on Poole’s hiring. “Ron Poole’s experience and expertise are perfectly aligned with many of our major projects and initiatives,” said their mayor Randy Hawes. “His experience working with the province, federal government, and local First Nations in northern B.C. will be invaluable here in Mission as we move our community forward.”

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Lax Kw’alaams Taken to a membership vote, Lax Kw’alaams voted against an LNG benefits agreement with Pacific NorthWest LNG. There are three stages to the vote, and the first two have shown the members rejecting the agreement, which is worth just over $1 billion. Among the concerns was the impact the Lelu Island terminal would have on the way of life for people on the North Coast. “I will never, ever give up the Skeena River. I will never, ever give up my livelihood for money. There is far too much at stake ... we are Tsimshian people, that is who we are ... we live off the ocean, we live off the seaweed and we live off what is around us,” said one attendee. “I don’t care how many jobs they promise you... it doesn’t beat what we have.”

package that is to be paid out to Poole, given that it’s a voluntary departure by him. As for who will be Kitimat’s next CAO, the mayor says that will be a discussion taking place in the next few weeks. “We’ll be discussing that down the road”, he said, not dismissing the possibility of Waycheshen remaining in the position. “Certainly all of council have a lot of respect for Warren,” he said, noting his work history shows he has the background to be able to be CAO. Poole of course is leaving in the midst on the ongoing municipal strike which began February 28. Poole had been heading the negotiations before the District of Kitimat hired the services of a thirdparty negotiator to take

For more information, please contact the Kitimat Museum & Archives at 250-632-8950

Hunters encour aged to go on offensive

Insights A collection of art work by Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary Students are on display at the Kitimat Museum & Archives gallery, under their Insights exhibit, which runs to May 16.

Taxes are nearly all set Tax notices will soon find their way to Kitimat home owners with council formalizing tax rates. As usual residential homes will be subject to a flat tax — that is a single, equal payment — that is in addition to the mill rate. This year the flat tax is set to $560. The mill rate on top of that will be $1.35 per every $1,000 of taxable value of the property. The District collects other taxes as well, including North West Regional Hospital and school tax, among others. Those rates are not set by the municipality. All together residential homes will be subject to a $4.89 rate (approximate) on top of the $560 flat tax. Major industry’s rate is set to $36.60 for 2015. Utilities will be paying $50.55, and light industry’s tax rate is set to $56.27.

The business rate is $21.20. Those rates include the school tax, which is actually the largest tax rate among the classes (including municipal and hospital), with homeowners in Kitimat paying a $2.72 mill rate on that specifically. The tax rate bylaws now just have to be formally adopted by council. Council also worked to formalize their fiveyear financial plan, which is a guideline to how budgets will look years down the road, but is not a set-in-stone document. The provincial government requires the adoption of five-year plans by municipalities. The five year plan shows various ambitions or expectations, including a total $1.2 million for phase one of covering of the landfill, and nearly $4 million over those five years for Riverlodge.

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The District’s latest details on the bargaining

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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Alberta’s vote applied to here

The major loss by the Progressive Conservatives in Alberta losing greatly to the new provincial party NDP, has been, if I read the news coverage right, nearly unprecedented. I’ve been trying to quickly catch myself up because as Kitimat’s news gatherer I rarely care about what happens outside our region, let alone in a totally different province. (I remarked to friends recently that I’d only truly pay attention to this new royal baby if she was born in Kitimat General Hospital.) This Alberta election though could have direct results to Kitimat’s own economy. reported in the hours after the election that the impact to the stock market was already hitting oil companies. Energy price stocks dipped the morning after the election, they said. Among the changes the NDP promised on the other side of the Rockies is a review of the province’s royalty system, a process which has energy proponents seemingly nervous. I wonder if a royalty review would affect projects like the Coastal GasLink which is the pipeline to supply natural gas to LNG Canada, and which connects to TransCanada’s pipeline system in Alberta. I’m just theorizing though, of course so are worried energy analysts too, really, at this point. On the subject of straight-up oil, though, Northern Gateway could have more to fear. As a whole that project has definitely seen better days, with lacking social licence and a slew of legal hurdles in the wake of their federal government approval, following an equally controversial Joint Review Panel process. But the Alberta provincial support that project received may be at an end, when Premier-elect told the Calgary Herald that her government would withdraw support, and that the government should stop “forcing it” regarding that project due to unresolved issues Now-former Premier Jim Prentice, before joining the party in Alberta, was even a proponent of Northern Gateway, working to settle issues between the company and First Nations. Suffice to say, at this point, Northern Gateway may not be dead but it’s certainly been sent to the corner. As for how the reaction has hit in my own circles, reactions have been varied from just a reflection on how interesting it is that there’s been this change, to gung-ho celebration to end-of-the-world type laments. It’s the early days, of course. Anything can happen. But it seems clear that the vote in Alberta could see effects spill over in to Kitimat. I leave it to you to decide if it’s for better or worse. Cameron Orr

The thin skins of Granby, QC “The administration of the town of Kitimat has been as unnecessarily as foolishly stubborn as the representatives of its unionized workers resulting in lack of access to taxpayer-owned facilities over a needless nine week old by Allan Hewitson strike.” There, is that insulting enough for you? Do you see these mild insult, at least very mild comwords as insulting or threatening to the District of Kitimat? Or to the city pared, I suspect, to the ridicule now being heaped on these clearly too-senRCMP? It’s just to make the point that sitive councillors of Granby, who just I’m still glad to live in Kitimat. Thank extended their by-law to cover insults/ goodness I don’t live in Granby, Que- threats on the internet (especially sobec, where the town has just passed a cial media, like Facebook.) What could have been said to them by-law that would expose me to a court charge for insulting either the admin- to make them take these steps, which istration or police officers in the com- has led to them facing a now-endless barrage of criticism, including the munity. In Granby — a town about 80 km confident suggestion of local lawyers east of Montreal — it was already il- that the charges won’t stand up, if ever legal to insult a police officer and other brought before the courts? It seems the move followed after municipal officials. Offenders could face fines ranging from $100 to as high town officials discovered a locallybased Facebook page called Les policas $1,000. Overboard? Yes, I think so. What I wrote above would be a iers zélé de Granby — The Zealous Po-

Under Miscellaneous

lice of Granby — which was hardly fully supportive of those appointed “to serve and protect.” Adding themselves as administrators to the bylaw helped carry it over the top. By the way, I tried to look at it on Facebook but they reported no such page was to be found. I’m guessing it may have been taken down. The bylaw, unfortunately, is an attack on people’s freedom of speech. Are they really all that thin-skinned? Because, if they are they had better got out of municipal politics. Instead they prefer to legislate some form of despotic control over what can be said about them or their police force. One thing I know is that you cannot legislate respect. Certain levels of free speech, I believe, are guaranteed under both federal constitution and Quebec provincial law. Outside of Islamic extremists or Kim Jung Il I’ve never heard (in Canada) of any such level of intolerance to what people think or say. Continued on page 6

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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015 5

Blame for municipal strike goes to both Baxyard Banter As I write this, the municipal strike has entered its third month with both sides dug in deep and showing no sign they are prepared to give ground. Regardless of whether they are still stalemated as you read this or have by some miracle settled, I believe the following is still valid. Let’s start by delving into the Sentinel archives. Back in 1993 the Alcan union, recognizing the poor aluminum market and in exchange for improved benefits, reluctantly settled for zero per cent wage increases in each of the next three years. So when it came time soon after to negotiate a new contract for city workers, the city invoked the decades old convention that wage increases for its workers followed Alcan’s lead and insisted that they had to settle for three zeroes. The city workers reluctantly accepted the logic. So when three years later Alcan’s new contract specified three per cent increases in each of three

repeat them. In the wake of that 1997 strike council, in a split vote, decided they should get a consultant to come in by Malcolm Baxter and take a look at the city’s operations. years, the city union members unStantec was derstandably expected the same in hired to do just that and in Notheir new contract. vember of 1998 Pat Anderson But incredibly the city chose went to work, which included inthat moment to reject the long terviewing council, management standing link by offering only 2 and workers. His report, called per cent in year one and 2.25 per the Stantec Organizational Recent in each of the next two. view, was released early the folNow it wasn’t rocket science lowing year. to realize the union would go And there was one recurrent ballistic and sure enough in mid- theme in his report. January 1997 they went on strike. Management staff he interIt lasted 16 days and ended when viewed identified managementthe city folded and agreed to three union relations as a problem area. threes. Staff union members said So here we are 18 years later “there is a fairly strong consensus with the city again trying to end that relationships have deteriothe convention and again we have rated since the strike (and) there a strike on our hands. is a general complaint of a lack of Those who do not learn the communication and trust.” lessons of history are doomed to Code for management-

No 29% Yes 71%

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BC NDP ‘ecstatic’ Tom Fletcher NDP leader John Horgan remembers working with Alberta premier-elect Rachel Notley when she was a lawyer working for thenattorney general Ujjal Dosanjh, and he was a senior staffer in the NDP government in the 1990s. Horgan said Wednesday he's "ecstatic" at the upset victory of the Alberta NDP, toppling the Progressive Conservative dynasty that ruled for 44 years. And he predicts that sea change in the politics of western Canada will benefit federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair this year and his party in 2017. "I've known Rachel for some time," Horgan said. "She is as genuine as she looks. She is as competent as she sounds. I think that's good news for Canada." The effect of of Alberta's firstever NDP government remains to be seen, with the province in a sharp downturn due to low oil prices. Not-

release laying out what it called “facts”. The union responded with its own release of “truths”. Taxpayers learned little from either. The union claimed there were a boatload of grievances against the city, the mayor in open council flatly denied that - again no numbers provided by either side. And then there were the verbal slug fests between the two sides at council meetings which descended into something akin to school yard squabbles. The Sentinel’s February 5, 1997 front page on the settlement of that strike noted “Neither (side) is having any difficulty finding reason to lay blame on the other.” This time around I have no difficulty in blaming both. FOOTNOTE: if the strike is still going on I have a suggestion - put both sides in the same room, lock the doors, deprive them of food and water and let them out only when they have reached a deal.

Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds

Online poll: Do you think the NDP election win in Alberta will have an impact on Kitimat’s future economy?

union relations. Finally council, “when pressed”, pointed to the same problem. Nearly three decades later and things don’t appear to have changed much. And the length and bitterness of this strike has undoubtedly worsened the problem. Fast forward to this year and this set of contract negotiations - what a bloody farce. It didn’t take long for the generally accepted practice of not negotiating through the media to go out the window as a war of press releases erupted. The city said union demands would mean a 12 per cent tax increase - but to my knowledge never produced numbers to explain how they arrived at that figure. The union countered that the city claim was wrong - and produced no numbers to show where it was wrong. Responding to union statements, the city issued a press

ley's promises include raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour and increasing corporate taxes at a time when the oil and gas industry is laying people off. Horgan remains noncommittal about the proposed twinning of the TransMountain oil pipeline from northern Alberta to a shipping terminal at Burnaby. Notley has expressed support for that project, while opposing the Northern Gateway proposal to deliver Alberta heavy oil to Kitimat. B.C. Energy Minister Bill Bennett said he doesn't expect any change in relations between the two provinces. He shrugged off the Alberta vote, saying he mostly watched the Calgary Flames defeat Anaheim in the Stanley Cup playoffs Tuesday night. "It took 44 years to elect an NDP government in Alberta," Bennett quipped. "We've got 30 years left."

Clues Across

1. Leave out 5. Salt water candy 10. Suffragist Carrie Chapman 14. Northeastern Pennsylvania 15. Be in accord 16. 6th Jewish month 17. Young sheep 18. Mary mourning Jesus 19. Wolf (Spanish) 20. A public promotion 21. A lyric poem 22. City of Angels 23. Annual 27. Cinctures 30. Military mailbox 31. One and only 32. Rushed 35. Press onward forcibly 38. Apprehends 42. Guinea currency to 1985 43. Master of ceremonies

Clues Down

44. Swiss river 45. W. Samoan monetary unit 46. Los Angeles team member 47. Native of Bangkok 48. One point E of due N 50. The self 52. Humiliated 54. Disposed to take risks 57. Atomic number 13 58. Foot digit 60. Three-toed-sloth 61. Chopped beef and potatoes 64. Spanish appetizers 66. Crust-like healing surface 68. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 69. Slides without control 70. Add alcohol beverages 71. Showing 72. Medieval merchant guild 73. Current units

1. Applied over 2. Gettysburg Union Gen. 3. Inches per minute (abbr.) 4. The bill in a restaurant 5. Draw on 6. Currency exchange fee 7. 19th C. Polish composer 8. A festival or feast 9. Affirmative 10. UC Berkeley 11. Rapid bustling movement 12. Dining, coffee or game 13. Region surrounding ancient Troy 24. Rad squared 25. An old phonograph record 26. Sang in a Swiss folk style 27. Guided the car 28. Exclamation of surprise 29. A senate member 32. Very fast airplane 33. Myanmar monetary unit

34. Right angle building wing 36. Returned merchandise authorization 37. “Rubber Ball” singer Bobby 39. Express pleasure 40. Women’s undergarment 41. 3rd largest whale 49. Exist 51. The 4th state 52. Expressed pleasure 53. Cutting part of a knife 55. Civil Rights group 56. Makes taunting remarks 58. = 100 paisa in Bangladesh 59. American steam engineer James 62. Golfer Snead 63. Type of health insurance 64. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 65. Point midway between S and SE 66. Patti Hearst’s captors 67. E. British University river

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Letters Welcome

The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: or Fax: (250) 639-9373

6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cullen says Alberta NDP means death knell to Gateway Anna Killen Skeena-Bulkley Valley NDP MP Nathan Cullen says if the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project wasn’t dead before the NDP sweep of the Alberta provincial election, it is now. NDP leader Rachel Notley led her party to an historic victory in this week’s provincial election, overturning decades of Progressive Conservative rule, and promising her majority government would bring change to Alberta. Part of that change is her stance on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline, which as proposed would transport heavy crude from Alberta to a terminal in Kitimat where it would then be shipped to eastern markets. Notley knocked out PC premier Jim Prentice, who resigned not only the party leadership but also his seat. Before becoming leader of the PCs, Prentice had been tasked with shoring up support for Northern Gateway. The controversial pipeline was approved by the federal government nearly a year ago, subject to 209 conditions, and the company has been working towards meeting those conditions. “Rachel Notley was elected in with a strong majority government on a mandate to not pursue the Northern Gateway pipeline,” said Cullen. “If this were such an important pipeline and people had great hopes and expectations that would have been very difficult for her to win.” Enbridge Northern Gateway released a statement to media yesterday saying that the company looks forward to sitting down with the new Alberta government to provide an update on the project and their partnerships with First Nations in Alberta and B.C. “We share a vision with the new Alberta

government for world leading environmental protections for energy projects,” read the statement. “We believe that our vision for this project will earn the support of the new

government and we look forward to this dialogue.” ullen said he doesn’t know what else it will take for the company to give up its pipeline plans.

“This is another nail in the coffin. Enbridge, if they don’t know that, then they’re not very bright – and we know they’re bright because they hire a lot of expensive people,”

he said. And Cullen thinks the company should spend more time pursuing projects that have the endorsement and support of First Nations, citing pre-

liminary plans between Enbridge and Kitselas to explore geothermal opportunities on Kitselas territory near the Lakelse hot springs. “Why fight against communities,” he said.

“Why not work with us?” The election of Notley and an NDP government in Alberta “changes the conversation” on energy in Canada, said Cullen.

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4/9/15 4:19 PM

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015 7

Town camp policy pushed off again to July Kitimat’s efforts to formalize a work camp policy — which includes provisions for how much a camp bed will cost a company to the town’s affordable housing fund — have been pushed back to July, as a public hearing in to the proposed bylaws has gone on for over a year. The bylaw, for the M1 manufacturing zone, began in March 2014 and has gone through some revisionism, including new allowances for up to 25 people in a camp without the requirement to contribute to the affordable housing fund. The bylaw process has attracted atten-

tion from local industry, including Chevron when representative Dave Molinski said earlier drafts of the bylaw — in this case presented at on October 6 as part of this ongoing public hearing — could have “unintended consquences.” “For a project like us we look at all the costs that are involved in developing our project and we would need to understand exactly how those costs may affect our decision making going forward,” he said at the time. Other developments which have led to further considerations in the bylaw is

the results of a December Housing Action Plan report for Kitimat. The report included, among other items, an emphasis to discourage living out allowances from industries — monies paid to allow workers to live in the community. The impact of those is partially why house prices and vacancy in Kitimat rose and dropped, respectively, over the last few years. The District’s Director of Planning and Community Development Gwen Sewell said that the reason that the public hearing has been requested to continue is

there is still work to sort out regarding the language within it. “We’re going to take a look specifically at the in-kind contribution language and how to secure that with housing agreements,” she said. Namely the language will be looked at to formalize the way in which a company could build affordable housing themselves, and the ways the town would record those contributions. At the moment the housing crunch is beginning to ease with a 3.6 per cent vacancy rate as of October 2014.

Monies approved to replace the generator Council has approved $120,000 for the purchase of a new back-up generator for the fire hall. The Public Safety Building’s back-up generator failed during February’s intense snow storm, but concern over how to get the most cost-effective option to replace it held up an immediate purchase. Staff, under direction, returned to council May 4 with a report of potential replacement options, with the $120,000 purchase of a brand new generator being

the preferred. Councillors were also presented with an $80,500

option to replaced the generator with a new-to-us model, which would still

be a higher capacity unit than the one currently sidelined. Among the issues with that is that there were no used generators on the market to the best of the town’s knowledge, and there was concern that, being used, there would be elevated maintenance costs. A third option would have been to simply fix the existing unit. Even with a $4,000 cost, the town, in their report, said due to the generator’s age it would still be unreliable, parts are

hard to come by, and the generator would not meet all of the building’s power needs. The existing backup generator doesn’t meet all the needs either. Finally the fourth option would be to continue leasing a back-up generator. The fire chief said in his report that it would cost $25,200 a year to continue with that. The vote was unanimous in support for the purchase (minus Larry Walker who was absent for the meeting), but in one case it

was somewhat reluctantly. “I still feel I’m a little uneasy in terms of the options that’s been presented,” said Mario Feldhoff. “[But] it would appear that no matter what type of unit we get we’re going to be faced with similar cost in installation...I’m still not convinced we have the best option...but will vote in favour of the report.” Edwin Empinado said that $120,000 for 20 years of reliable power generation at the fire hall was a worthwhile expense.

Interested in potential contracting opportunities with LNG Canada? Has your company submitted the Request for Information Part 1 with LNG Canada? If not, start the process today by emailing for potential upcoming contracting opportunities. LNG Canada is proposing to design, build and operate a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Kitimat, British Columbia.

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015

‘Lets Talk’ event taps outside expertise The challenges of a community facing mega projects was the forefront of discussion at a special event last week, hosted by the Kitimat Economic Development Association and the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. The event, called Lets Talk, brought in a panel of speakers, including Fort St. John Mayor Lori Ackerman and Gordon Wilson, who advocates for the LNG BuyBC program. Other speakers were UNBC researcher Greg Halseth, who has been studying many communities in B.C. facing industrial development, including Kitimat, and Michael Evans from Fort McMurray, a government relations specialist. Ackerman tells the Sentinel that there are many parallels between Kitimat and her own community, which has also seen large growth through industrial development. At Fort St. John’s core is four guiding principles, says Ackerman: economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, social inclusion and cultural vitality. “Every decision we make is

viewed through those lenses,” she said. “Whatever your [Official Community Plan] says you want your community to look like, you’ll have to look through those lenses, to ensure you’re on the right path to get to that mountain top.” They’ve faced challenges similar to Kitimat’s own recent ones, including access to affordable housing and they’ve had an affordable housing committee for two years to study what other communities do. “We looked at Langford,

for instance, down on the island, keeping in mind their snow removal policy is wait 24 hours it will go away, ours is not,” she said. “Our affordable housing committee determined the highest priority would be low-cost market housing...How do you achieve that?” Her community approved zoning which makes way for single family homes with secondary suites, with stipulations such as the home owner must live in the home too. Houses with secondary suites was a proposal for a small townhouse complex on Blueberry Street last year, which ultimately didn’t get the backing of council, due to a number of concerns. Ackerman says her own town has had issues with townhouse complexes and secondary suites and notes they don’t always work out, outside of the single-family home model. Namely if a duplex rents out a secondary suite, that duplex suddenly becomes a four-plex, with new parking challenges. She also points to employ-

ment recruitment as a challenge, namely making a community attractive to new workers and managers. “Just because you and I happen to like it here doesn’t mean everyone else is going to,” she said. “How do you create that community that’s not totally industrial?” Again, Fort St. John came up with their own answer in the form of a group of under-40 members of the community, organized through their chamber of commerce. “Having them provide direct input in [plans]...really helps us to see what it is they’re thinking,” she said. “So make use of the kids.” The idea of tapping the younger business generation is something that Kitimat Chamber of Commerce’s executive director agrees Kitimat should do. “We’ve got some young, new business owners. They’ve got some new ideas,” said Trish Parsons. She said many people within the Chamber or in the business community at large are well es-

tablished but might not have new visions. “I think it would be very beneficial for the community to get some of these younger entrepreneurs together,” she said. Parsons said they were happy to get people like Ackerman because their communities have gone through similar transitions. Meanwhile representing a different angle, Buy-BC’s Wilson says his role is to mythbust misconceptions about LNG processes, and to connect smaller local businesses to opportunities with these international companies. To that he says Kitimat has an advantage given many local companies have already been trained on how to engage with large companies through the Kitimat Modernization Project. “I think the Rio Tinto project, I think some of the mining projects out there...the skills that are required in this industry are not necessarily that unique,” he said, adding that Kitimat’s experience with industry “should give them a front row seat to the [LNG] industry once this industry starts to hire local.”

might not be long in coming. Oh, and can you imagine where this might go if Stephen Harper decided it was worth pursuing? I remember when I was about 11 getting a fairly sharp boot on the backside from a grizzled police sergeant in Prestwick, Scotland, after I failed to be entirely polite when he asked me

to “move along.” When I complained to my father, he sent me to bed for being rude to a police office Circa 1950. Different era, different times. Most of us live in a bubble. We have very little negative interaction with the police. Not all of us. Check around some regional pubs around 2 or 3 a.m.

when young police officers get to do their job. It’s not easy or safe. It’s much more so when you’re facing daily near-riot situations whether in the States or in Quebec. It’s “act first, ask questions later.” I’m not saying this is right or wrong but it’s today in North America and police as a whole don’t come off well, when

the toll is taken. But, come on. Insulting a cop and threatening one are two different things. Placing yourself, as a municipal employee or councillor, as above criticism, protected by a bylaw, is just simply ludicrous and I hope will be found to be so if the Granby council tries taking it into court.

Lori Ackerman

Granby Continued from page 4 I have little doubt the community is “not amused” by the council’s efforts to control any backtalk from the taxpayers or the unwanted attention it is bound to bring. Presumably, the bylaw remains in place, at least until tested. A look at Facebook commentary suggests that a test

Linda Lefranc killer gets granted day parole The family of a woman killed here in 1998 says they’re devastated her murderer has been given day parole. “His release only serves to depreciate the seriousness of his crime, undermine respect for the laws of this country and marginalize our family’s loss,” Anita Johnstone said of the National Parole Board decision regarding Christopher Alexander who was convicted of killing her sister, Linda LeFranc. Alexander, who has been in jail for 13 years, over half of which has been spent at an aboriginal healing village in the Fraser Valley, was released to a halfway house in the Fraser Valley area this week. He’ll be working on a farm that provides work experience for people under conditional release from prison. Alexander was 17 years old in December 1998 when he broke into LeFranc’s Terrace townhouse, stabbing her 83 times with a knife taken from the kitchen. Now 33, he’s to report to authorities twice a week, refrain from using alcohol or illegal substances, cannot use social media and is restricted from traveling

outside of the general Fraser Valley area. But Johnstone said she has no confidence that Alexander’s activities will be properly monitored. “I’m totally petrified,” said Johnstone. “He’s not capable of following the simplest of instructions.” “My serious, serious concern is the lack of supervision when he’s out there.” Johnstone and other family members have sat through numerous previous parole board hearings through which Alexander has been granted absences of various kinds and for different lengths of time. Other than reading a victim impact statement, family members have not been allowed to take a role in the hearings. Throughout those hearings, Johnstone said Alexander has never taken accountability for killing her sister. “He has not dealt with the issues that have caused him to commit such a violent crime,” she said. “I believe he is an untreated offender.” Based on his conduct and activities, Alexander can apply for full parole six months after being granted day parole.

Johnstone and other family members attended the April 23 parole hearing which resulted in the day parole decision. It marked the last time they will have an opportunity to sit through a hearing because further decisions affecting Alexander won’t require a formal session. “That’s it, we’re done. We’ve lived through this 17 years now,” said Johnstone. “And this is our life sentence. The system is not about my sister or the victim at all. It’s about the offender and what the offender wants. It’s just so heartbreaking.” The family had mounted numerous petition campaigns, including ones online, in a bid to keep Alexander in jail. Still, Johnstone said she and the family will continue to advocate for longer prison sentences and more rights for victims and their families. Arrested in late 1999 following an extensive RCMP undercover operation in which an officer posing as the “Mr. Big” of a criminal gang got Alexander to admit to the murder, he was sentenced following a trial in 2002. - Terrace Standard

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9

KUTE organizes hazardous waste event Cameron Orr A household hazardous waste disposal event may not quite sound like carnival-level excitement for the family, but it’s an important way for you get rid of surplus toxic materials from your garage. Kitimat Understanding the Environment is hosting the event in Kitimat, and will also be run in Terrace and New Hazelton as well. KUTE director Ken Maitland said the event got off the ground with financial support from the local governments and from local businesses and industries. He said the material being collected is for things not covered by the provincial Extended Producer Recycling program, and can include things like oven cleaner or Draino. KUTE has used the financial contributions to fly in spe-

“Don’t leave half a bottle and [then] go buy another... just use it.” cialized chemists who will take in the materials at the KUTE depot on Railway Avenue in the Service Centre, and properly store and transport them away. “It needs to be treated and handled appropriately,” he said about the waste products being collected. In total the event, among the three communities, costs an estimated $74,000. Among the various products people can bring in includes paints, used oils and flammable liquids. Maitland said it has been 10

to 15 years since the last similar event in Kitimat, and beyond this specific time, people in the community don’t have places they can properly dispose of these types of items. While these products are not designed to go in to the landfill he says it happens, and that material can contaminate soils and water ways. Kitimat’s event runs on May 23 from 10 am to 3 p.m. New Hazelton’s event will run the same day, at Allen Park, and Terrace’s event runs May 24, in the co-op parking lot. There’s no immediate plans to have the same event next year so Maitland recommends either get to this event or make a plan for the chemicals you have at home. “Don’t leave half a bottle and [then] go buy another,” he said, for ways to cut down on waste. Just use it all up.

Ken Maitland with some of the hazardous products he has in his garage.

Cuts coming to Northwest Community College Northwest Community College has announced spending cuts of $1.4 million, primarily affecting its university course credit program. While no academic courses will be cancelled outright, where and how they are offered is to change, said college communications director Sarah Zimmerman. “With underenrolled courses, we looked at timetables

so that instead, for example, of being offered several times it will be offered once,” she said. Smithers is to be affected the most as students there will take university credit courses via teleconferencing or other electronic means. But fewer course times means fewer instructors and others will be needed, Zimmerman said. “We’ve been working with our

unions offering early retirement and severance packages,” she added. The more college employees take up retirement or severance packages the fewer actual job losses there will be, said Zimmerman. And some instructors are also being told they’ll be teaching less. The employee cuts amount to the equivalent of 14.5 full-time

positions across all college departments. Zimmerman said the college’s shortfall stems from receiving less money from the province and less tuition money because student enrolment has dropped. “And as a college, we are obligated to submit a balanced budget,” she said. The $1.4 million cut reduces the college’s base budget to just over $22 million

compared to last year’s $23.4 million. One large financial loss comes from the province cutting a grant worth $494,000 to provide tuition-free adult basic education courses. The college will now start charging the same level of tuition for adult basic education that it does for university level academic courses but students can also now apply to the province for

Alliance won’t get requested money The Northwest Resource Benefits Alliance won't be seeing any money from the provincial government until the Province of B.C. starts seeing income from some of the major projects proposed for the region. That was the response of Ministry of Natural Gas Development assistant deputy minister Brian Hansen and Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development assistant deputy minister Jay Schlosar to the alliance's request for $1.131 million to cover the cost of negotiations that would eventually lead to a resource benefit sharing agreement between the provincial government and the body representing various municipalities and regional districts in the Northwest. "At this stage, major investments in the region are still developing and making critical decisions on final investment.

Significant new provincial revenues will not be realized for a number of years following those final investments ... it is, in our view, premature for the province to consider entering into any agreements that would see those revenues dedicated before they are realized," the two wrote in a letter to Kitimat — Stikine Regional District chair Stacey Tyers. "We will be unable to meet the alliance's request for funding at this time. Recognizing that all future benefits rely upon securing and enabling investments in LNG facilities, the province must continue to dedicate its primary focus on working with local governments either hosting these prospective facilities or most directly impacted by facility development." - The Northern View

Coming Events May 13 or 14 Are you a landlord or a tenant? Join a free information session to learn more about your rights and responsibilities. May 13 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm or May 14, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. At the Kitimat First Baptist Church. E-mail HSRTO@gov. or phone 604-880-1816 for more information.

May 14 Kitimat Multicultural Society Annual General Meeting. At 7 p.m. in the Kitimat General Hospital cafeteria. Contact Raymond Raj for more information at, or call 250-632-4006. September 1 Sportfish Advisory Committee meeting, 7 p.m. at Kitimat Rod & Gun Club. Top-

ics for discussion: Fish possession limits and transporting; and Steelhead plan. For more info call Jack Riddle 250-888-8202. Ongoing HOSPICE: Do you have a couple of hours a month to make phone calls, plant flowers, share memories, play cards, etc.? Hospice can provide you with excellent training. Call us now at 250-632-2278.

financial assistance. The level of assistance will depend on their income. “We don’t know what the impact of charging tuition will be or the uptake of financial aid,” said Zimmerman. Despite the spending cuts and a compressed academic program offering, Zimmerman said the college remains a vi-

able educational institution. “We continue to have robust programs,” she said. “There is demand for what we offer – trades, fine arts, health, business programs, university transfer.” The cuts are in a provisional budget being distributed for comment and the college board will officially vote on the document next month.



Kitimat Area 314 Railway Avenue

Household Hazardous Waste Roundup Saturday May 23, 2015 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

What you CAN bring to the event:

Please DO NOT bring: X

Biomedical and infectious waste Explosives and shock sensitive materials

Brake fluid Paint and paint thinner


Cleaners with acid or lye


Radioactive materials

Pesticides or herbicides



Household batteries and car batteries


Trash and tires

Pool and hot-tub chemicals


Motor oil, and filters


For a more detailed list of products please visit:,, or

White goods such as refrigerators, stoves, or washing machines

Electronics (T.V.’s, computers, iPods/iPhones) For more information on where to take these products please visit:,, or X










For more information call the Regional District 250-615-6100, or City of Terrace 250-615-4021.

“Aluminum infinitely recyclable”



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Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Northern $2.93 Sentinel Taxes:

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STUDENTS NEEDED To run “Museum Kids” Summer Programs-11 wks or to work with the artifact collections. Must have attended school full time and be returning to school full time in the fall. Deadline for resumes with covering letter is Friday, May 15 at 4pm 293 City Centre, Kitimat, or email applications to: Attention: Louise Avery Full job descriptions avail. at: Kitimat Museum & Archives

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

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Upscale Salon & Barbershop is seeking stylists for salon and those that are interested in apprenticing for their barbers license. Work in Kitimat’s largest salon with a well established and return client base. Join our team. email resumes to : for more info please call: Tracy at 250-632-3048




Grant Bliss May 8, 1948 - May 4, 2015

We are saddened to announce the sudden passing of Grant.

Grant, formerly of Kitimat, is survived by his wife Wendy and his sons Darren (Colleen), Brian (Erika) and David (Amy). If anyone wishes, donations may be made to the Palliative Care Unit, Saanich Peninsula Hospital, 2166 Mount Newton Crossroads, Saanichton, B.C. July 9, 1946 to April 3, 2015

Mary MacGregor


The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

Mary MacGregor born July 9th 1946 in Duncan, BC passed peacefully on April 3rd 2015 after a long battle with MS. Mary will be reunited with her Mother Megan, Father William and younger brother Robin. Although Mary will be missed she will live on in the fond memories of her loving husband Paul, her daughters Paula (Bill), Alanna (Mark), Patricia (Jake), Brenda (Richard), her seven grandchildren Jordan, Ben, Kody, Wade, Sage, Talina, Brekkan and her many nieces and nephews. Mary loved the ocean, and the great outdoors. She enjoyed frequent camping trips, climbing mountains and building sandcastles. After she lost her mobility Mary continued to enjoy the great outdoors through photos and treasures collected by her children and grandchildren. Mary always placed the highest value on community and went through great lengths to establish strong connections. Mary was a leader with Guides Canada, a Sunday school teacher, member of the Ocean Falls Women’s Auxiliary and Legion and was a founding member of the Kitimat MS Association. Mary’s community involvement went far beyond formal organizations- she was a regular helper at school, the back yard became a regular gathering spot for the kids in the neighbourhood and she was always involved in helping the less fortunate. Even in her last days Mary found a way to knit scarves for those in need. Her strength and compassion set an incredible example for everyone around her. Despite enduring great hardship, Mary was always the first to remind everyone that we should be thankful for what we have.

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P Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015A11 11

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, May 13, 2015


full-time, permanent required by the Van der Merwe Family , two boys, in rural homestead at 1st Ave., Lakelse Lake, 40 km North of Kitimat, BC. Duties: help with child care; meal preparation; general household chores; transporting the children to school, sports activities etc.; help with children’s academic program etc.; accompany children on outdoor activities Skills required: high school diploma, proficiency in English, mathematics and computer literacy. Wages: $10.50/hour, 40 hours + per week. Please send resume to: Van der Merwe F42, 920 Lahakas Blvd. S Kitimat, BC, V8C2R5 or fax to: 1.250.632.8668

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Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale


✱(15 vacancies) NOC 9431 Company operating name: Yaorun Wood Co. Ltd. Business and mailing address: 4032 12th Avenue, PO Box 148, New Hazelton, BC, V0J 2J0. JOB DUTIES: • Examine logs and rough lumber to determine size, condition, quality and other characteristics to decide best lumber cuts to carry out. • Operate automated lumber mill equipment from control rooms or equipment consoles to saw logs into rough lumber. • Set up and adjust saw equipment and replace blades or bands using wrenches, gauges and other hand tools . • Clean and lubricate sawmill equipment. Full time, permanent; $26.50 per hour. Location of work: New Hazelton, BC. Contact: Bealie Chen, Tel: 778- 919-2077. ✱Minimum two years of work experience. Training will be provided. Education: not required.

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Career Opportunities


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Full-Time Labourer Opportunity to work with Local Contractor. You must be reliable, hard working and have your drivers license and transportation. Wage based on experience. Please drop or mail resume’s to : 626 Enterprise Ave Kitimat B.C. V8C 2E4 M-F 9-4 pm no phone calls.

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Enclosed is $ _________ for one year subscription (includes tax) NAME: ___________________________________________


Columbia (20) Friday Delivery ONLY VACATION COVERAGE NEEDED

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Renewal date will be extended from current expiry date. Deadline May 22, 2015.

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sports & Leisure

Music festival hits high note with 50 years Submitted The Pacific Northwest Music Festival 2015 came to a close after a very successful 16 days. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, they hosted special events, including two concerts and workshops. With over 1,200 entries, 4,000 performers and 135 locally sponsored awards, this event demonstrates the commitment the Pacific Northwest has to the performing arts world, as well as enormous support for the young people who are involved in the arts. There are three additional scholarships available in three levels, Junior, Intermediate and Senior, for most outstanding performer. The competitors for these scholarships will be those with the highest marks and among the top performers from each discipline, representing piano, vocal, speech arts, dance, guitar, strings and woodwinds for these awards. Kitimat performers Madison Sommerfeld (Piano) and Iris Striker (Speech Arts) were chosen to compete in the Junior category for ages 12 and under and Julia Piroso (Speech Arts) was chosen to compete in the Senior category for ages 16 - 20. Madison Sommerfeld was the winner in the Junior Category of the Munson Family Scholarship. Other results from the event: Award of Excellence Iris Striker - Speech Arts Julia Piroso - Speech Arts In addition to awards and scholarships, the PNMF also offers bursaries for students to participate in a summer arts experience. Piano Bursary Junior - Victoria Stenson Intermediate - Ben Anker Senior - Nicole Hepting Speech Arts Bursary Junior - Iris Striker Intermediate - Delaney Ribeiro Senior - Kevin Eastman Award winners Band McDonalds Restaurant Trophy: Level B200 or B300 Band - Mount Elizabeth High School Concert Band, which came with an invitation to Nationals. Mount Elizabeth Middle school band also received an invitation to the National

t The bes

S L A E D V R are in BC! Houston

Music Festival. Dance Art in Motion Award: Highest Mark Contemporary Duet - Kendra Hall & Marissa Cordeiro Vocal Lorraine Johnstone Memorial Award: Highest Mark Singer & Accompanist Team - Katherine Oscavai and Hannah Durrant Speech Arts Mike and Joan Brady Award: Highest Mark Spoken Poetry (Lyric) Senior - Julia Piroso Terrace Little Theatre trophy: Highest Marks dramatic arts – Julia Piroso On Cue Players Award - 13 and over: Highest Mark Canadian Poetry 13 and over - Kevin Eastman Royal Bank Trophy : Highest Mark Choral Speaking (Grades 4 to Open) - St. Anthony’s School - Grade 7 Woodwinds Bank of Montreal Award: Highest Mark Woodwind Solo, Junior - Madison Sommerfeld Piano Nenninger Family Award: Highest Mark Older Beginner - Myriam LapierreGoncalves All Seasons Source for Sports Award: Highest Mark Junior Canadian Composers - Andrea Watt Carlyle Shepherd & Co. Award: Highest Mark over 85, Senior Piano - David Leite Eugene H. Thomas Award: Highest Mark Senior Bach - Nicole Hepting Frank Froese Memorial Award: Highest Mark Junior Bach - Madison Sommerfeld Jose Coosemans Award: Highest Mark Romantics - Madison Sommerfeld Janet Felber Trophy: Highest Mark Junior Piano Conservatory - Andrea Watt Kitimat Music Scholarship Award: Highest Mark Sonatina - Ben Anker Northern Savings Credit Union Award: Highest Mark Piano Duets - Andrea Watt & Amelie Hrynkiw Park Avenue Medical Clinic Award: Highest Mark Chopin - Madison Sommerfeld Pizza Hut Award: Highest Mark Sonata or Concert Group - Nicole Hepting Royal Canadian legion Branch #13 Award: Highest Mark Intermediate Piano







Kitimat’s Ben Anker is seen here warming up at Knox United Church where he would eventually play for an adjudicator. Knox is one of the three venues for the music festival. Conservatory - Jeremy Baker Terrace Kinsmen Award: Highest Mark Junior 20th & 21st Century Composers - Camryn Oliveira Allan Dubeau Award: Highest mark

Senior 20th and 21st Century Composer Alyssa Pangan Westlund Insurance Award: Highest Mark Mozart and Haydn: Madison Sommerfeld.

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