Kitimat Northern Sentinel, May 27, 2015

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Volume 61 No. 21

Goal met for new playground Cameron Orr After careful consideration of their policies and procedures, Kitimat Council were almost tripping over themselves trying to offer more money to the Kildala Parent Advisory Council. The PAC were asking for up to $20,000 towards their fundraising goal to construct a new school playground to replace their aged and small one. Council had sent the request back to town staff to reflect and comment on policy and to look for ways to offer cost saving measures. Ultimately staff recommended that the town offer a grant of just over $15,000, even though there were efforts to simply pony up the full $20,000, both to benefit the PAC and to save time in the future if they still needed a bit of extra money. The $15,457 does bring the PAC to their fundraising goal, which caps off years of fundraising efforts by the parent group. “We’re at the goal and ready to proceed to the next level which will be the installation,” said PAC President Kim Wasyleski. “We hope to have it in the ground before the next school year.” She said everyone on the PAC is “elated” that it’s all almost over. The playground was a project started by the past PAC executive, which managed to raise $4,000 before the new committee stepped in. Wasyleski said between them and the current group it’s been about two-and-a-half years to get to here. She said each person has taken on commitments of time, from selling treats in the school to organizing Subway orders to bottle sorting every weekend, all of which went towards getting the children a new playground. Continued on page 3

Cyclists embarked on Kitimat River Challenge. /page 3 Students engineer popsicle stick bridges. /page 12 PM477761

Wednesday, May 27, 2015



Remember to wear your sud-screen Grade 6 students at St. Anthony’s School wash cars for an afternoon on May 21, a fundraiser to support Nepal following the damage of a recent earthquake.

Students get immunized from meningitis in clinics Janet Munro has been leading the charge over the past 10 years to have comprehensive meningitis vaccines brought to B.C.’s youth, and even as the campaign to have them incorporated in to the public health system moves on, she’s brought clinics to Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary to get the ball rolling. Munro and her husband lost their son Bradley to the Y-strain of meningitis while he was studying at Thompson Rivers University. The incident kicked off a major push by the family to raise awareness and get other youth protected. The Munros are part of a coalition of parents advocating for the vaccines, called The recent clinic on May 20 was the second of three taking place in Kitimat. Two are for the two doses of the B-

strain vaccine while the third is for the four-strains of meningitis. Munro says the B strain takes two doses because of the complicated nature of its make-up. “The B is the hardest of the strains to curve because there are so many different bacteria that make up the B,” she said. The four strain covers A, B, W135, and Y. Through the efforts of these schoolbased clinics, Kitimat is at the forefront of protection against the disease. “These kids here in Kitimat will be the first kids in the entire province of B.C. that’ll be vaccinated against all five common strains of meningitis,” said Munro. These meningitis strains are not covered under the public health system in B.C., although eight other provinces

have incorporated them. Their existence outside of the public system does create cost barriers for parents. A single shot of the B strain vaccine, for instance, costs $120. Certain health care providers will cover the cost of the four-strain version. This cost barrier is something MeningitisBC is looking to overcome for parents and offers some financial assistance for parents who need it. Three Kitimat students were eligible for assistance. “When the parent is not covered you’re looking at $360 to get these vaccines before they go off to university,” she said. “We’ve been trying to raise money so we can support some parents to cover the cost of these vaccines.” Continued on page 2

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Police Beat

Another OD on fentanyl-laced pills May 11 Police were called on what was later deemed a consensual fight between two women at City Centre Mall. May 13 A complainant told police of dump trucks near Kuldo and Liard Streets that were using

their engine brakes and throwing gravel everywhere. Police spoke to a nearby foreman who said he’d address the issue. May 14 A stolen Dodge Caravan was recovered at 9 a.m. after being reported stolen at 5:50 a.m. Police are still in-

vestigating. Charges are pending against two women who allegedly stole or attempted to steal bottles of liquor from a store in Nechako Centre. May 15 Police attended after a vehicle on the highway near Cablecar

struck a moose. The moose did not survive and there was minor damage to the vehicle itself. May 16 Through the course of a roadblock on Haisla Boulevard at Eurocan Way, one Red Deer resident was given a roadside prohibition, as

was a driver from Powell River, both for consuming alcohol. May 17 Another road check at the Service Centre at 2:20 a.m. caught a Quebec driver who blew “warn” readings in the roadside screening device, and later a Kitimat man was given a

pills. The 39-year-old male was taken to the hospital and revived. Police warn fentanyllaced products are around and have potential to be fatal.

driving prohibition for failing the screening. Police are investigating an overdose which they say they’ve determined relate to fentanyl-laced “oxy”

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WEATHER WATCH STATS go a ways to setting that foundation, and of course ultimately inclusion in the provincial system. “Unfortunately with these vaccines not being publicly funded it’s a cost to the parents,” said Munro. “But the ultimate price is you take your chances. With this, because it mimics the flu, you could be gone within 48 hours. That’s how deadly it is.” She continued, “We look at it as we know what happens. Look at my son, you know?” The four-strain vaccine clinic takes place June 17 at MEMSS.

Continued from page 1 Munro says she’s still working to get the clinics in to Terrace schools. Because she’s not known in that community she said it’s harder to get Northern Health endorsement to run them, even though it’s all done safely. “These clinics are dealt with with the highest, strictest regard for everybody’s public health concerns.” A Kitimat pharmacist administered the vaccines here. She’s hopeful of a large uptake in the vaccine, and hopes the clinics

Historical Stats

May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7


11 12 15 10 14 19 20


4 5 2 6 6 4 5



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Grade 12 student Derek Hickman looks on as he get immunized against the B strain of meningitis. Cameron Orr

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3

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Riders from Kitimat, Terrace, Prince Rupert and Smithers participate in the Kitimat River Challenge, a 60+km cycle from Kitimat to Terrace.

Cyclists take on Kitimat River Bike Challenge It came down to two Smithers cyclists who, among many others, battled a strong headwind to move themselves from Kitimat to Terrace for the Kitimat River Challenge. There was a strong contingent of Kitimat riders, who joined Terrace, Smithers, and Prince Rupert for the event. Smithers’ Peter Krause placed first overall by just a second against Neil Hodgson. Krause finished with 1:51:51, while Hodgson ended with 1:51:52. Prince Rupert’s Travis Bernhardt placed third by time at 1:52:17. Kitimat’s Spencer Edwards finished fourth in

his class, male 45-49, at 1:56:04. In sixth place in that same category was Kitimat’s Eric Boulienne, at 2:06:19. In the mens over 50 class was Kitimat’s Abdelhak Abbou and Martin Cote. Abbou finished at 3:08:00 NORTHWEST while Cote couldn’t finish due to a flat tire on the way. Terrace’s Laurie Mutschke was the only female rider in the event.

with Geoff McFarlane at his side as vice-president. Louise Avery is the treasurer, and Jennifer Lagace is the recording secretary. Jaswant Dhillon


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and Anneli Jaakkola were elected as directors. The Society next meets on June 4 at 7 p.m. at the hospital cafeteria.

Playground Continued from page 1 “Every penny has helped us get there,” said Wasyleski. “Whether it’s a can or a thousand dollar cheque.” She said the most thanks goes to the community of Kitimat, where the bulk of all their donations came from. Very few came from companies not based locally. “Without them we wouldn’t have a hope,” she said. At the May 19 council

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Multicultural Society elect new board The Kitimat Multicultural Society elected their new board at their May 14 Annual General Meeting. Raymond Raj is selected as President,

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meeting, councillors ultimately decided not to provide an even $20,000 — which was the PAC’s original request before further fundraising was done — because they only needed the $15,000 by the time the staff report came back to them. Even so council left the invitation open for them to come back if there were any unexpected shortfalls in the playground fun.

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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015



Being prepared My knowledge of meningitis was limited, if not non-existent until a few years ago when I was following the story of Kitimat’s Janet Munro who has been advocating for the province to get the five common strains of the virus included in the vaccination programs. She and her family began advocating on this issue after her son died, very suddenly, while at university. It’s a story shared in detail on MeningitisBC. org’s website, along with stories of other young people who fell to the illness. What’s the saddest, the more I learn about this, is that not only are there vaccines available for the strain that took Bradley, but that B.C. isn’t the norm as far as not offering it. Eight other provinces provide it through their public health services. Munro explained to me that due to the cost of the vaccine it’s not a matter of ordering it from your pharmacist. Pharmacies won’t order it individually because the costs are too burdensome, even for them. That’s why Munro went ahead with the clinic system running right now at Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary. When the teachers strike last year impacted schools, she tried to batch order, with parents bringing their kids in individually to pick up their dose but hardly anyone did in the end, resulting in a lot of expiring vaccine. Now with the clinic the full batch can be ordered and the kids get an organized and safe way to get the dose. She pointed me to news reports from Nova Scotia, where the Acadian University this year has dealt with an outbreak of meningitis as well, which resulted in one student dying and another becoming very ill, although recovering. As a result of that outbreak that province’s public health system was setting up free B-strain clinics for students. I never mean to put words in to people’s mouths but I can only imagine Janet Munro is thinking about the life that could have been saved if those vaccines got to students quicker. I’ve personally been convinced of the risk. Case numbers may be few, relatively, but its severity is hard to ignore. I can only think of my son and the idea that, now, I know of some new but preventable risk. There’s no fairness that the Munros had to lose their son to spark their efforts in pushing for others to get protected. But, for the greater benefit, now they realize those risks and share their knowledge to whomever asks. I’m certain that because of them and other parents like them lives will be saved. Cameron Orr

It’s not easy being green There’s a lot of pressure on people to go “green.” Not so much in the political sense, but in a personal way; reduce, reuse, recycle, oppose over-use of oil, coal and other fossil fuels, generate your own electricity, and so on. I do think most people are, to varying extents, environmentally aware. They want development to provide jobs but also to be safe, sustainable and not harmful to air or water. Mostly I’m there but I hate to be pushed and I dislike it when people step over the line and try to force me to agree with their point of view and when I don’t, well, just call me a moron or worse. Frankly, it kinda runs off my back, mostly. But there is almost always so much controversy associated with advice on “going green” that I tend to try to avoid the phrase. Eco-conscious living, reducing my carbon footprint, things like that somehow tend to irritate me when its accompanied by a lecture. The Internet is packed with what I call “do-gooder sites” or green living blogs. Browsing a few of them can promptly lead to an attack of apoplexy.

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

Here’s an example: writer Andrea D. from Michigan has a site she calls “sustainable baby steps.” Baby steps for beginner hippies. I thought they all grew up at the end of the 70s. Andrea suggests “after you wash your hands at a restaurant, hospital, school, etc. and dry your hands with paper towels, DONT THROW THEM AWAY! They are clean! The water was wiped away from your clean hands! Instead take them home and use them around. I use them to clean the bathroom mirrors and any glass. For example: The bathroom mirror is dirty, so I spray some windex and wipe it with those used paper towels.” Yes I’d classify that as a baby step OK. Another of the Top 100 sites for

going green is, which describes itself as a comprehensive resource for those interested in working in the field or advancing their education. From salary information, career paths, and updates from the field, “you’re sure to find answers to all your questions – and some you’d never think to ask”. Such as “Fifteen ways to go green on a budget.” Example one is, “use power strips around your home. You can cut off power to chargers and small appliances when you’re done with them with power strips.” Fascinated? Here’s number two, “Keeping your freezer fully stocked is key to saving time, money, and stress when putting together meals, but did you know it’s also the most eco-friendly use of the space? That’s because it takes a lot more energy to cool an empty space.” There are more but I knew about not rinsing dishes before using the dishwasher (saves 20 gallons of water a year) and sharing my magazines. Suggestion, give them to doctors’ offices. Continued on page 5

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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor

Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution

The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

LNG Canada may be on the horizon but coming slowly Baxyard Banter

by Malcolm Baxter

vided, some saying the price is way too rich, others that it makes sense. Not that I think Shell much cares about what the analysts say. It clearly thinks this is a smart move and, given its long, successful track record, who am I to disagree? One interesting development in the wake of the announcement was the ringing endorsement the deal got from a surprising source, Qatar, the number one LNG exporter in the world. The state-owned Qatari Investment Authority bought 67 million shares in Shell and another 12 million in BG at a total cost of $US2.3 billion.

Now that is a vote of confidence on a grand scale. So what does this takeover mean to proposed LNG export projects in the Northwest? Obviously the proposed BG plant at Prince Rupert is dead given that Shell's LNG Canada project in Kitimat would be significantly less expensive - it would be built on an established industrial site (former Methanex methanol plant) and the length of pipeline needed to feed the plant would be considerably shorter. That said, I never thought the BG proposal was likely to come to fruition, dismissing it as another example of piling on. Does it improve the chance of a favourable final investment decision for LNG Canada in the short term? I suspect not and in fact fear it may even push back any

such decision. First, the proposed takeover has to receive regulatory approval from the countries in which both companies operate. While I don't think that will be a problem - with the possible exception of Australia - it will take time. Second, it is expected that it will take about a year to figure out the configuration of the "new" company and I cannot see Shell making any FID until this and item one are sorted out. And third, having just spent $70 billion on the takeover, are Shell going to be in a great hurry to take on more billions of capital expenditure? Like Snow White's prince, one day LNG Canada will come, but it may be a bit later than we would like.

Green Continued from page 4 I admit I did not know about putting your video game console to sleep after use, because these devices consume nearly full levels of power even when turned off. They also have links to other informative sites, the second

one they suggest checking out is called “Mindful Momma,” adventures in living a green and healthy life. Micaela writes this site but won’t give much more info without your subscribing, beyond “My name is Micaela.” I was tempted and reluctantly clicked on Green Grandma’s

blog too. I thought her philosophy of “combining old-fashioned ways with 21st century common sense by showing the next generations we care” might go somewhere, but I was stalled by an ad for her new book “Vinegar Fridays.” Click close on Green Grandma.

1. Selects 5. A cutting remark 9. Teaspoonful (abbr.) 12. Having two units or parts 13. Quality perceptible to the sense of taste 14. Expression of surprise 15. Italian Island 16. A coarse cloth with a bright print 17. Propose a price 18. Sedimentary material 19. Tree toad genus 20. Passed time agreeably 22. Custodians 24. 3rd largest city in Zambia 25. 18th Hebrew letter (var.) 26. Coasted on ice 27. Libyan dinar 28. Displayed exaggerated emotion

Clues Down

1. Lyric poems 2. Hungarian sheep dog (var. sp.) 3. A pad of writing paper 4. Lists of candidates 5. Base, basket and foot 6. Samoan capital 7. Mythological bird 8. Urban row houses 9. Sensationalist journalism 10. Carried on the arm to intercept blows 11. Estrildid finch genus 13. PA 18840 16. S.W. English town & cheese 21. Runs disconnected 23. Mourners

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31. Andalusian Gypsy dances 33. Material 34. Article 35. Ballplayer Ruth 36. 5th largest Greek island 39. Hand drum of No. India 40. A style of preparing food 42. Former ruler of Afghanistan 43. AKA Cologne 44. Not generally occurring 46. Auto 47. Print errors 49. Interspersed among 50. Electrocardiogram 51. Churns 52. Ice hockey feint 53. Drive obliquely, as of a nail 54. Dried leaves of the hemp plant 55. Ardour 28. Old world, new 29. Atomic #25 30. Sweet potato wind instrument 31. Legend 32. 3rd tone of the scale 33. Russian jeweler Peter Carl 35. Capital of Mali 36. Extremist sects 37. Violent denunciation 38. Tooth covering 39. Music term for silence 40. Smoldering embers 41. Writer Jong 43. Actor Kristofferson 45. Adam and Eve’s 1st home 48. Fish eggs


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Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying "The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." Clearly Royal Dutch Shell is of like mind, as evidenced by its takeover offer to British company BG of US$70 billion. That translates to a premium of 52 per cent on what BG shares were trading at when the announcement was made, making it an offer BG's shareholders can hardly refuse. (This may sound like an eerie echo of Rio Tinto's successful over-the-odds takeover of Alcan, but there is one big difference: Rio Tinto did that at the top of the aluminum market while Shell is making its move at the bottom.) Predictably the all-knowing, all seeing analysts are di-

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Piping hot coffee not associated with piping oil Cameron Orr Kicking Horse Coffee Company may be kicking themselves over an innocent naming of one of their coffee blends which has some people confused. Named for the tube-shaped waves popular for surfing, the company has a line of coffee called Pacific Pipeline. On Twitter the company received some negative attention from a small handful of customers who felt the name implied the company was associating with pipeline projects in B.C. Namely the similarly named Pacific Trail Pipeline, a natural gas pipeline proposal which would supply the proposed Kitimat LNG terminal in Kitimat by Chevron and Woodside Petroleum.

to the proposed Pacific Trail Pipeline or petroleum industry,” said Elana Rosenfeld, CEO of Kicking Horse Coffee. “The blend name is derived from surf culture, and is in homage to the Pacific’s perfect tube-shaped waves.” The company said they had seen some

The company is quick to point out that their coffee product is not intended to be associated with these kinds of industrial projects. “Pacific Pipeline is a Kicking Horse Coffee blend that’s been on the market for nearly 20 years, and is in no way connected

confusion on the name over the past year. One of the more colourful Twitter responses to the blend is a photo taken by a person showing them extending the middle finger to a bag of the coffee beans. Pacific Pipeline is a medium blend, described as full bodied and smooth.

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Coming Events June 9 DAVID SUZUKI is coming to Kitimat. We want to hear from coastal residents about the challenges facing your community and B.C.’s coastal waters, along with your hopes for the future. Starts at 7 p.m. at Mount Elizabeth Theatre. September 1 SPORTFISH ADVISORY COMMITTEE meeting, 7 p.m. at Kitimat Rod & Gun Club. Topics for discussion: Fish possession limits and transporting; and Steelhead plan. For more info call Jack Riddle 250-888-8202. Ongoing HOSPICE: Do you have a couple of hours a month to make phone calls, plant flowers, share memories, play cards, etc.? Hospice can provide you with excellent training. Call us now at 250-632-2278. Continued on page 7

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5/22/15 7:07 PM

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7

Rupert LNG project gets provincial deal Happy Ads Shaun Thomas The provincial government and Pacific NorthWest LNG signed a project development agreement that both parties say moves the project closer to becoming a reality. "For Pacific NorthWest LNG and Progress Energy, the issue of the highest importance was stability and predictability in relation to an investment decision on a $36-billion project...this is a good day for stability and predictability," said Pacific NorthWest LNG

president Michael Culbert. "This is extremely good news and is indicative of the B.C. government's commitment to develop an LNG industry." The agreement, which includes a long-term royalty agreement that covers 2016 through to 2038, is anything but final as it will need approval from both. "The agreement is subject to internal approval from Pacific NorthWest LNG and Petronas and it will then be introduced into the Legislature," said

Premier Christy Clark. "It will not come into effect until approved by the Legislative Assembly and all of its members. Once the agreement is tabled and debated, it will be available for public viewing and scrutiny and I am sure that there will be no stone left unturned." Once approved the agreement will not come into effect until Pacific NorthWest LNG reaches a final investment decision.

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Coming Events Con’t from page 6 KITIMAT LADIES AUXILIARY, Branch 250 hold regular meetings every second Thursday of the month. More information by calling Nancy at 250-632-4051, or Lyn at 250-632-2351 FRIENDS OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY To join, contact Luce Gauthier at or Virginia Charron @ or call 250-632-8985. KITIMAT POTTERY GUILD meets in the Riverlodge arts wing every Thursday, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Interested in playing with clay? All experience levels welcome. For more information call Anne at 250-6323318. HEALTHY BABIES DROP IN is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year (older siblings welcome). Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more information call 250-632-3144. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FunSpot drop-in for children aged birth to 5 years with caregivers. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am- 12 pm. Fridays are now a combined drop-in/ multicultural playgroup. All are welcome to attend. Contact 250632-3144 for more information.


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raising your hand at

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Economic Benefits for Northern British Columbia Through April 2015, TransCanada’s Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project team hosted public question-and-answer sessions in nine northern B.C. communities. We’d like to thank everyone who attended, and take this opportunity to respond again to some of the questions that were asked. How is Coastal GasLink providing business opportunities for northern B.C.? • Over $4 billion is estimated to be spent on pipeline construction, a third of which is estimated to be spent in B.C. • Opportunities for qualified businesses include the supply of construction materials, services and labor, and increased retail and commercial activity in the area of the proposed project. • Most direct business opportunities during construction will be provided through prime contractors or their sub-contractors. Each prime contractor will develop a local and Aboriginal participation plan to cover local contracting and employment. We will monitor and enforce the implementation of these plans and require regular progress reports. • Four categories of activity are designated as opportunities for qualified Aboriginal businesses including right-of-way clearing; camp management; security; and medical. • Coastal GasLink representatives are already working full-time to explain the qualification process to local businesses. • During project planning, since mid-2012, we have spent over $34 million on goods, services and wages in northern B.C. What about hiring and training? • Coastal GasLink estimates there will be 2,000 to 2,500 people directly employed through the main construction period. Most job opportunities will be provided through prime contractors or their sub-contractors. • There will be opportunities for welders and mechanics, equipment operators, drivers, labourers, flagpersons and more. Openings will be communicated in northern B.C. communities. We expect there will also be a need to attract qualified workers from other parts of B.C. and beyond. • Coastal GasLink and TransCanada have launched a “Pathways to Pipeline Readiness” training program with northern B.C. colleges and training institutions, with $900,000 in funding announced to date.

• Coastal GasLink has invested in community projects and services in a dozen communities, from fire/rescue equipment to restoring rivers and streams to summer programs for children. • Notable recipients of recent contributions include the Chetwynd Health Clinic and Wellness Centre, the Pacific Salmon Foundation’s Skeena Salmon Program, and the Houston Search and Rescue Society. • Coastal GasLink and TransCanada are active members of 14 local Chambers of Commerce across northern B.C., and regular sponsors of community events. • During operation, Coastal GasLink will support local services far into the future. Judging from current assessment rates, the proposed pipeline will generate more than $20 million every year in property taxes across four regional districts and the municipal District of Kitimat that will support services like fire protection, schools and hospital districts.

Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. is proposing to develop an approximately 670 kilometre pipeline to safely deliver natural gas from the Groundbirch area, near Dawson Creek, B.C., to the proposed LNG Canada gas liquefaction facility at Kitimat. Coastal GasLink is committed to meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements, and to working with regulators through construction to achieve the highest standards of environmental protection. Once in operation, the proposed pipeline would be subject to ongoing regulatory monitoring by the BC Oil and Gas Commission. Coastal GasLink will provide numerous benefits to B.C. including property taxes, local contracting and business stimulus, community investments and more. For more information • Visit • Contact us at or 1.855.633.2011 (toll-free) • Check us out on Twitter: @CoastalGasLink

What is Coastal GasLink doing for local communities? • Coastal GasLink engages with, listens to, and acts on feedback from communities. From the onset of the project, the project team held numerous meetings with First Nations, local governments, landowners, other land users and community residents.

Economic Benefits for NBC_10.31x14_BW_V2.indd 1

5/21/2015 8:36:46 AM

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9

Lakelse joins others in B.C. fee increase Tom Fletcher If you hadn’t already noticed, a night of camping is a bit more expensive than last year. As of March 15, a night at Lakelse rose three dollars, from $25 to $28. Fees at 40 provincial campgrounds in the Kootenay-Okanagan, Northern, South Coast and West Coast regions increased at least $3 a night, and 141 of B.C.’s 204 provincial campgrounds saw a $2 increase. The Ministry of Environment said earlier this year that this is the first province-wide increase in fees since 2010. Rates for backcountry camping and use of sani-stations remain at $5, and fees for mooring buoys, picnic shelters and group camp-


ing are unchanged. Parking fees for day-use lots, a failed experiment from 10 years ago, are not being reintroduced. The ministry says the varied rate increases take into account local demand and economic conditions as well as private camping availability. The province collected about $17 million from its park and recreation fees last year, while spending $22 million on direct park operating costs. Campsite use is on the rise in B.C. since the introduction of an online reservation service called Discover Camping, which opened for the season at 9 a.m. on March 15. The system handled 133,000 reservations last year, nearly a 10 per cent increase over 2013.

at the LNG Canada Community Information Centre 176 Ocelot Road Please join us. Light refreshments will be served. Membership is $5.00 for individuals / $25.00 for a society. We welcome new board members to work with us on building our Kitimat Community Foundation. The Aluminum City Telethon (ACT) is our annual fundraising event, which is held October of each year. Our goal is to build the Foundation for our future and to provide funding to eligible non-profit organizations in Kitimat. For more information please call Margaret Warcup tel. 250-632-3144 ext. 202









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Phone: 250-632-6144 • Email:

Safe Boating Awareness Canada is blessed with more fresh water than anywhere on the planet, and our lakes and rivers are favourite places for summer recreation. The ice is barely out before millions of Canadians are taking their boats out for fishing, water-skiing, tubing or just a leisurely cruise through beautiful northern scenery. Operating a boat is tons of fun, but it is serious business too, so please consider these boating safety tips. Life Jacket required: By law you may not have to wear a life jacket – just have one in the boat for everyone onboard – but an average of 525 Canadians lose their lives each year to water related injuries (estimated from 1991 to 2010 stats), 167 of those died in boating incidents. Of those 167 people, nine out of ten were not wearing a life jacket or were not wearing them properly. Today’s lightweight, vest-style life jackets are much more comfortable than the clumsy versions of the past. Sober second thoughts: Attitudes and rules about drinking and boating have changed significantly, but a large percentage of serious boating accidents still involve alcohol. A cold drink on a hot summer day is a great thing, but operating a boat under the influence is a mistake you could regret forever. Testing, testing: All Canadians are required by federal law

to carry a boating licence when operating a powered water craft. The Pleasure Craft Operator Card is for people who operate a powered watercraft that is used for recreational purposes. This licence is mandatory for all size motors. A little knowledge can take you a long way. On the rocks: Many Canadian lakes are full of hazards, including rocks and trees. Knowing the waters and respecting markers are essential safety tactics. No wake zone: There’s lots of room to move in Canadian waters. But smart safety means slowing down when near other boats, swimmers, and those enjoying the water. Weather Watch: For your safety, always check local weather conditions before departure. The radio, television and internet are good places to get information. If you notice any bad weather indicators such as darkening clouds, dropping temperatures or rougher winds while out on the water, play it safe by returning to land. Stay Seated: No standing up in your canoe, small powerboat, or any other similar watercraft. Standing can cause a small boat to become unstable and possibly capsize.

Remember, a life jacket only works if you wear it!


Serving Kitimat and Terrace Construction Commercial Residential 202-4644 Lazelle Ave Terrace • Fax 250-638-0054


Safe Boating Fact Did you know that in Canada, if you are caught boating without a license, you will be fined? Get your Operator Card before you boat! K









626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat Tel: 250-632-6144 Fax: 250-639-9373



10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 A10

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Northern Sentinel

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Career Opportunities



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APPLY NOW: A $2,500 Penny Wise scholarship is available for a woman entering the Journalism Certificate Program at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline May 31, 2015. Email applications to More information available at: our-programs/scholarship. RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Website: Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.

AREA SUPERVISOR – LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CANADA LTD - MALAKWA WOODLANDS DIVISION LP is seeking a highly motivated individual to supervise harvesting, road construction, road maintenance and other forestry operations in the Malakwa BC area. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Supervision of Contract Harvesting, Road Construction & Maintenance Activities. - Inspections for Compliance and quality control - Review field layout working with Planning Forester. - This is a field oriented position; 80%+ of time will be in the field. QUALIFICATIONS: - Driver’s License required. - Strong communication, negotiation, interpersonal and computer skills. EDUCATION: - Forest Technician diploma or Bachelor’s degree in Forestry is preferred; Or equivalent combination of education and experience. EXPERIENCE: 5 + years’ forestry and supervisory experience. Apply with Resume & References to: by May 23, 2015.


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Traffic Control Flaggers Gitxsan Safety Services is looking for qualified Traffic Control Flaggers in Kitimat and Terrace. Those with a class 5 driver’s license as well as Level 1 First Aid certification are preferred. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.

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GET FREE vending machines. HIGH CASH PRODUCERS. $1.00 Vend = .70 profit. Can earn $100,000.00 + per year. Be first in your area. No competition. Protected Territories. For full details call now 1-866668-6629 HIP OR knee replacement? COPD or arthritic conditions? The disability tax credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on avg) Apply today!1-844-4535372.

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You will have at least five years’ experience in a sales or business development role, and knowledge or experience in a community newspaper publishing environment. Your success in developing and implementing sales strategies is a result of your entrepreneurial spirit, well developed customer service and communication skills, knowledge of the publishing industry, and extensive business connections. As the largest independent newspaper group with more than 170 titles in print and online, Black Press has operations in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii and Ohio. This is a full-time position with a competitive compensation and benefits package. Qualified applicants should send a resume and covering letter before Friday, May 29th to: Bruce McAuliffe, President

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Interview Tips. Just one of the reasons to like on Facebook. /localwork-bc

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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, May 27, 2015



Merchandise for Sale


Caretakers/ Residential Managers


Misc. for Sale

MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with the leading Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today. 1.800.466.1535 or email:

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Cars - Sports & Imports


Misc. Wanted

Oceanview &Viewpoint Apts.


You must be, computer literate, a good communicator, have general office/accounting procedures and be a visual presence at the property. Interviewing prospective tenants, negotiating contracts and adhering to the practices consistent with R.T.Act rules and regulations will be some of your duties. For more info. call: 250305-0446 or 250-302-9108 Please apply to:


full-time, permanent required by the Van der Merwe Family for two boys, in their rural homestead at 1st Ave., Lakelse Lake, 40 km North of Kitimat, BC. Duties: help with child care; meal preparation; general household chores; transporting the children to school, sports activities etc.; help with children’s academic program etc.; accompany children on outdoor activities Skills required: high school diploma, proficiency in English, mathematics and computer literacy. Wages: $10.50/hour, 40 hours + per week. Please send resume to: Van der Merwe F42, 920 Lahakas Blvd. S Kitimat, BC, V8C2R5 or fax to: 1.250.632.8668


On-site training provided. Closing date is June 8, 2015

For further info. please visit : Email applications to: mail or drop off to TSW at 350-370 City Centre, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 1T6 include a cover letter. COASTAL Logging Company looking for an experienced grapple yarder operator. Town job with the possibility of a labour contract to the right individual. Email resume to


✱(15 vacancies) NOC 9431 Company operating name: Yaorun Wood Co. Ltd. Business and mailing address: 4032 12th Avenue, PO Box 148, New Hazelton, BC, V0J 2J0. JOB DUTIES: • Examine logs and rough lumber to determine size, condition, quality and other characteristics to decide best lumber cuts to carry out. • Operate automated lumber mill equipment from control rooms or equipment consoles to saw logs into rough lumber. • Set up and adjust saw equipment and replace blades or bands using wrenches, gauges and other hand tools . • Clean and lubricate sawmill equipment. Full time, permanent; $26.50 per hour. Location of work: New Hazelton, BC. Contact: Bealie Chen, Tel: 778- 919-2077. ✱Minimum two years of work experience. Training will be provided. Education: not required. Stratton Ventures requires a


This handy person will have experience dealing with minor repairs and general up keep for various properties. Hours are M-F and on-call for weekends/emergencies. This could be an hourly or a contract position. For more information call: 250-632-2822 or 250-407-2297

or Email:

Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015 @ 10:00 A.M. Decker Lake Starland Storage site Hwy 16, 7km west of Burns Lake 8 x 12’ campshack - 6” walls wired - metal clad - treated skids, Gooseneck stock trailer, Older Murray 2 horse trailer, motorcycle trailer, 1999 Chev Cavalier - 4 cyl auto, 1998 Chev Malibu - V6 auto, (4) 15” studded snow tires on rims, Kubota tractor - 18 hp/3pt. Rototiller, core cutting saw 14”, Craftsman 10 hp snowblower, Poulin & Homelite chainsaws, 10 sheets 20’ galv. roof metal (new), treated 4”x4”x10’ timbers, large roll chain link fencing, large roll filter cloth, deep well pump, 2 cases pipe insulation, (2) 325 gal Turtle water tanks, (2) caged water tanks, 10 rolls fire hose (new), small Generator, (2) shop vacs, variety of tools, (2) large commercial yard lights, Herman Nelson construction heater, oil filled heater & electric heaters, Geo stove (kerosene), fire extinguishers, large First Aid cabinets/supplies (2), new helicopter stretcher, large commercial ice cooler, (2) dog carriers, bicycles, snowshoes (3 sets), extension ladder & step ladders. HOUSEHOLD: Teak dining table/6 chairs, Teak coffee table, Inlaid Oak coffee & end table, (3) dining room suites, table/4 chairs, Pine buffet, (2) fold-up cots, futon, Kroehler loveseat, couch & loveseat, orthopedic bed (Queen size), bedroom suite, dressers, (12) padded folding chairs (new), electric stove & propane stove, (2) fridges. ANTIQUES: Beatty wash machine/copper tub, (2) Beatty galv tubs, Singer sewing machine, (2) cross-cut saws. TACK: English saddle with rigging, new saddle pads, blankets, halters, headstalls. Misc household items & more

For information call Richie at 250-698-7377 or 250-698-7351 Sale conducted by Schmidt Auction

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Coins, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Chad: 778-281-0030 in town.

Real Estate For Sale By Owner 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW

for sale by owner 1150 Sq ft. Newly renovated bathroom, new floors through out. New electric panel, ducting, plumbing, insulation, bonus room within attached garage. Some Doors and Windows replaced. New Roof, W/D and F/S. Snow blower and lawn mower included. ASKING $239,000 250-632-3912 Serious Inquiries Only

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent HILLCREST PLACE APARTMENTS Totally Renovated (ask for details) Security Entrance, Dishwasher, No Pets, No Smoking 250-632-7814

KITIMAT BOXES, BOXES, BOXES You need them and we have them. Buy one bundle of 10 for $5.00 and we will give you a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue 9:00am - 4:30pm

Serious inquiries only Please


32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 2300hrs on New 370H.P. Fresh Water cooled 8.1L Diesel Engine, Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering, 2 Hydraulic Deep lines and Trap Puller, Sounder, Radar, 2 Radios, Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop, 8’ Dinghy. Assessed at $84,400 Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. Includes slip Best offer over $55,000 Contact Warren Poff at 250-632-6119



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LIVES Help a stranger today and donate.

If you see a wildfire, report it to

1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.

Tom Fletcher Premier Christy Clark and officials of B.C.’s largest liquefied natural gas project are moving ahead with legal restrictions that the NDP says may tie the hands of future governments to change tax and royalty revenue from the industry. Petronas-led Pacific Northwest LNG and the B.C. government signed agreements to ship LNG from the port of Prince Rupert to Asia (See page 7). NDP leader John Horgan said the agreements appear to give the investors what they need, but lack job guarantees and assurances that if the natural gas price improves, B.C. taxpayers will receive an adequate share of the resources they own. “My biggest concern is that we’re tying the hands of future governments because a desperate government made commitments that they over-promised on and now they want to get a deal at any cost,” Horgan said. Pacific Northwest LNG hit a roadblock in recent weeks with a vote by the Lax Kw’alaams First Nation to reject the port site at Lelu Island, despite revenue sharing totalling more than $1 billion over 40 years of LNG shipments. Culbert said answers to the community’s questions about changes to the project to protect Flora Bank, a shallow bed used by young salmon, were presented to the Canadian Environment Assessment Agency the day before Lax Kw’alaams members began voting. Clark said there have been agreements reached with 14 of 19 aboriginal communities along the pipeline route, and she is confident that differences can be worked out with the rest, including the Lax Kw’alaams.


Fentanyl leads to OD in Rupert Shaun Thomas and Cameron Orr Prince Rupert RCMP say a lethal overdose last week is being attributed to heroin laced with fentanyl. At approximately 6:13 p.m. the British Columbia Ambulance Service called police to report they were treating a man who was suspected of using Heroin mixed with Fentanyl. Due to the potency of this mixture the man succumbed to the overdose and died, prompting a warning from police. “It is with sadness that we have to advise the community of Prince Rupert about this tragic event and

our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends that have been affected. At this time we are not releasing the name of the deceased, out of respect for the family,” said Const. Matt Ericson, spokesman for the Prince Rupert RCMP Detachment Fentanly-laced products have been circulating in Kitimat in recent months, prompting similar warnings from Kitimat RCMP. Fortunately there have been no deaths in Kitimat linked to the drug however there have been a few incidences of overdoses. The most recent incident is attached to the police report on page 2.

Seniors’ advocate calls PINT OF for housing reforms

Homes for Rent

Misc. for Sale

CLASSIC/COLLECTOR 1971 300SEL 3.5 Mercedes Benz. 75,000km. Very good condition, always garaged, never driven in winter. Well maintained. Maintenance records, service/parts book. Manuals. Some spare parts. 250-632-6755

NDP oppose deal


Tom Fletcher Too many seniors are going into residential care when they could still be accommodated in assisted living, due to rules that are “outdated and too restrictive,” B.C. Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie says in a new report. The report found a 10-per-cent vacancy rate for assisted living facilities, meaning space is usually available, at least in urban areas. It calls for a “fundamental redesign” of regulations for registered assisted living, to change spousal eligibility and reduce

the number of higher functioning seniors moving to residential care. More than 90 per cent of B.C. seniors live independently and 80 per cent are homeowners, who should be able to apply for a provincial loan against equity to pay for repairs, the report recommends. “A new roof or the need to fix a dilapidated deck may be a cost that forces a senior out of a house they have loved for decades,” Mackenzie said. “Living in a house that is worth $500,000 or even a million dollars

does not mean much if you’re living alone on $24,000 or less, which is the median income of seniors in B.C., and you can’t find the cash to pay the bills.” Health Minister Terry Lake said he supports the direction of Mackenzie’s 18 recommendations, and the ministry is working on assisted living changes. Some recommendations, such as providing private rooms with ensuite bath for residential care beds, have “wide-reaching implications for health authorities” and require more study, Lake said.

Better your odds. Visit

The Northern Sentinel will publish all neatly handwritten, faxed or emailed coming events if space permits. Coming Events must be free to the public (no money exchange of any kind). • by mail, 626 Enterprise Ave., Ktimat, BC V8C 2E4; • e-mail:; or • by fax 639-9373.

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sports & Leisure

Enterprising engineers craft popsicle stick bridges Submitted Lapointe Engineering Ltd. (LEL) hosted, in partnership with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Northern Branch (APEGBC), the fourth annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition on May 2 at the Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School. LEL was able to design and fabricate a Bridge Breaker Machine for the Northern region, which presses up to 300 lbs of force on to the model bridges to see how they stack up to the pressure. This year marked the highest turnout in the event’s history, with a total of 119 teams participating from Hazelton, New Hazelton, Prince Rupert, Telkwa, Terrace, and Kitimat. The Most Innovative Bridge Award was presented to a Category 1 team “The Maple

Border fix coming

Lapointe Engineering Ltd.

THANK YOU To all those involved in making the 4th Annual

Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition A HUGE SUCCESS!

Kitimat LNG invites you to attend a Community Open House Date and time: Tuesday, June 16 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Location: Kitimat Valley Institute, 1352 Alexander Ave, Kitimat

Kitimat Valley Institute

Kingfisher Ave

LEGACY GOLD SILVER Emporium Builders APEGBC DL Baker Supplies Lapointe Engineering Construction Canada Enbridge Northern Ltd. McElhanney Gateway Consulting Services Tetra Tech EBA Zanron Fabrication & Golder Associates Rio Tinto Alcan Machine Co. Pacifi c Northwest Platinum Maher Terminals Holding LNG BG Canada Corp. Prince Rupert Grain Stantec OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Ridley Terminals Inc. Hawkair Viking Construction Armtec Oviatt Contracting Ltd. Prince Rupert Port Authority PF Bistro Kitimat Pizza Factory Dragon Shish Kabob

Alexander Ave

Chevron and Woodside are committed to protecting people, the environment and to being a good neighbour in communities where we work. We’d like to hear from you. Please join us for an update on the proposed Kitimat LNG project and to share your thoughts and ideas with us. For more information please email

Again, a BIG THANK YOU to all participants, teachers, parents, sponsors and volunteers. Looking forward to seeing you all again next year!

t The bes

LS RV aDreEiA n BC! Houston

Lightweight, affordable, quality-built travel trailers, fifth wheels and campers.

A group watches as the Bridge Breaker makes quick work of their popsicle bridge structure, May 2.

Stickney St

Anna Killen A compromise may be in the works to restore 24-hour access between the communities of Stewart, B.C. and Hyder, Alaska with Canada’s border services agency confirming it has been looking at alternative service options for the border crossing. “We have been consulting with stakeholders in and around Stewart, B.C., as well as with first responders and law enforcement partners to explore additional alternative service options,” said Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) spokesperson Robin Barcham in an email last week. Barcham said the agency didn’t have anything specific to report, but “we look forward to further engagement at the community level.” S ke e n a - B u l k l ey Valley NDP Nathan Cullen said he spoke with CBSA officials and indicated that the solution could come by way of a 24-hour access phone.

Arch” from Ecole Mountainview School in Terrace, BC. The Strongest Bridge in Category 1 went to “K & N Bridge Company” from Kildala Elementary School in Kitimat. Their bridge held 154 lbs of force. The Strongest Bridge in Category 2 and the Overall Strongest Bridge went to “Dream Iron Crossing” from Prince Rupert Middle School in Prince Rupert, BC. Their bridge withstood 264 lbs of pressure. “Team Phenomenon” from MEMSS and “Bob’s Builders” from Kitimat City High tied for Strongest Bridge in Category 3 at 141 lbs. The Strongest Bridge in Category 4 went to “Cop My Mix Tape Next Week it’s Gonna be Fire” from MEMSS, holding up to a force of 177 lbs.



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