Golden Star, June 03, 2015

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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 21 $1.35



Open Mon - Sat 6:00 am 250-344-2928

Contact Talal Chaudhry 250-344-5525

Bakery & Deli



Hit the Jackpot Federal Liberals find their local candidate ....................................2


Kicking Horse Culture reveals summer lineup ................................9


Local gardener builds masterpiece in backyard .......................................10


Lukas Pfisterer took 1st in the 4D placings for the PeeWee Polls at the Delbert Johnson Memorial Barrel Jackpot at the Golden Rodeo Grounds over the weekend. See more on page 16. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Changes to B.C. Liquor Stores affecting private sellers Fast and Female in Golden a success ..................................19

Joel Tansey

This spring, government liquor stores expanded their hours as part of a large shift in the province’s liquor laws. As of April 1, the B.C. Liquor Store is open until 9 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, 7 p.m Monday to Thursday, as well as being open on Sundays and holidays. It’s welcome news for the consumer but a

worrying development for private liquor store owners province-wide, including locally. Greg Swanson has held ownership in the private liquor sales business since 2000 when he opened his downtown Golden store. In his 15 years in the industry, Swanson says he has never had to deal with anything quite like the changes that have happened this spring. Last year he traded his ownership of the downtown store for a 50 per cent stake in the

Mad Trapper store (an ownership stake that he shares with his brother Rodney, with Tim and Jerry Pugera owning the remaining 50 per cent). Business boomed in the early part of this year, with sales increases averaging 21 per cent from 2014 to 2015, but those increases didn’t last after the government store expanded its hours. Continued on page 3


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Resident gearing up for new procedure

Fashion show in Nicholson

Jessica Schwitek An innovative new treatment may bring a shining light of hope to a local man who has been battling with a debilitating disease. Chris Hambruch, who has had multiple sclerosis since 1982, is hoping that a new treatment in California will reverse some of the damage the disease has done. “Hopefully there will be relief of some of my symptoms after this,” said Hambruch, who is booked for a Transvascular Autonomic Modulation (TVAM) and Stem Cell Treatment for the end of the month. “It would be a really nice treat if I was able to stand up and give my wife and kids a hug as well.” Some of the symptoms he hopes to see improvement in include better mobility on his left side, better regulation of body temperature, and increase in autonomic body functions. The TVMA treatment, similar to the Liberation treatments Hambruch has received in the past, open up the veins and restore proper circulation in the body. The stem cell treatment, where they harvest stem cells from body fat, is new so Hambruch doesn’t know quite what to expect. These state of the art procedures take place at a medical facility in Newport Beach, California, unfortunately putting it outside of Canada’s medical system. The Hambruch family is therefore not receiving any financial help from medicare, and must come up with the $15,000 USD on their own. Any contributions to the family would be tremendously helpful, and can be done so by reaching out to Hambruch or donating through a page set up through Facebook. “Many thanks to the people who have already donated, it has been just overwhelming,” said Hambruch.

The Caped Crusader (Jake Pawley) was among the participants in a fashion show at Nicholson Elementary last week. Kindergarten and Grade 1 students acted as the models, while the show was hosted by Grade 5, 6 and 7 students as part of a French project. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

TRU Hardware Golden will be closed all day Sunday, June 7, 2015 for inventory. We will be welcoming the new owner on June 8, 2015.

Golden Star Staff

We thank all our loyal customers for their patronage over the last 32 years, as we look forward to our retirement in Golden. Thank you, John and Penny Shapperd


914 10th Ave. South 250-344-5714

Liberals choose Nelson candidate ship and Training from Royal Roads University in Victoria. Johnston is running with On May 27 Don Johnston, the Liberals because he the former CEO of both the believes it is time for a change Columbia Basin Trust and in government. “We all need to take personCanada World Youth was nominated to represent the al initiative to create the conLiberal Party of Canada in the ditions for a change in gov2015 Federal Election for the ernment. I will be asking voters to take this opportunity to Kootenay Columbia. He joins incumbent David consolidate the region’s vote All in-store merchandise Wilks (Conservative), Wayne and to make their vote count for the Kootenays and for Stetski (NDP) and Bill Green *** Even sale items! Canada,” he said. (Green). (A few exceptions will apply) “The first decision voters Don Johnston has been Johnston grew up in the Kootenays and graduated need to make is about the cap- acclaimed as the Liberal from LV Rogers Senior Sec- acity of their MP to represent candidate for the 2015 ondary in Nelson (where he their riding in Ottawa. Under election. Photo Submitted currently resides) before Mr. Harper’s leadership MPs starting a 40-year career in are expected to represent be a strong voice in Ottawa community development, the party to the region. That for local issues.” Johnston is in Golden today both within Canada and inter- needs to change. I accepted nationally. He holds a Mas- this challenge because the (June 3) at various meetings, ter of Arts degree in Leader- Liberal party will allow me to and around town.

November 30 only! 15% off

Golden Local Shopping Extravaganza

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A3

Pair of Golden organizations receive donations from Humanity Fund

Two separate $3000 donations were made to local organizations by the Steelworkers Humanity Fund over the past couple of weeks. Left photo: Melanie Myers (left) accepts a donation on behalf of the Golden Women’s Resource Centre from Denice Darbyshire (centre) and Krista Sander (right). Right photo: Marie-Helene Labonte accepts a cheque on behalf of Special Olympics Golden from Courtney Janes. Star Photos Joel Tansey The Steelworkers Humanity Fund turns 30 this year and in celebration of that anniversary the fund decided to donate 10 separate cheques of $3,000 each across District 3, which covers all of Western Canada. Proposals were gathered from Steelworkers across the dis-

trict and surprisingly enough, two of the 10 donations were granted to organizations in Golden. A cool $3,000 was given to both the Golden Women’s Resource Centre and Special Olympics Golden over the past couple weeks, with proposals generated by local Steelworkers members Courtney Janes, Krista Sander and Denice Darby-

shire. Janes’ proposal to support the local Special Olympics organization wasn’t chosen at random, as it’s a cause that he strongly believes in. “In my youth I volunteered and worked with special needs kids and I’ve been involved with the Special Olympics throughout my life so it’s an (important) cause for me,” Janes said, who acts as

a union representative at Louisiana Pacific in Golden. A third donation, beyond the two in Golden, was made within the Kootenays, meaning that three of the successful proposals landed within the Local 1-405 area. The Humanity Fund is fuelled by Steelworkers members themselves, with a small cut coming off of each of their pay

MLA Norm Macdonald: Growing pains under new liquor regulations Continued from page 1 Mad Trapper’s sales were down between 35 and 50 per cent on Sundays and holidays since the expanded hours took effect and between three and five per cent overall. Compounding the issue for Swanson has been the closure of the pub beside the store, of which he doesn’t hold any ownership. Many locals seemed to initially believe that the store was closed as well, Swanson says. In response, the Trapper store has dropped its prices pretty well across the board, but the concern remains. “We’ve dropped our prices three times already in the Trapper since this started,” Swanson said. “We’re at a position where we need to come up with 500,000 more in volume to get the same bottom line because we’ve dropped our net profit that much.” According to Swanson, the Trapper’s prices are now as low as they can get in order to remain profitable. “If that’s how we have to deal with it at the present time…we’re doing what we can,” he said. Private owners like Swanson used to purchase liquor from the B.C. liquor store itself but they now get that stock from large distribution centres out of town with the latest changes. That’s not where the issue lies, says Swanson. Rather, it’s liquor prices that have fluctuated wildly that have private owners frustrated.

“Prices are fluctuating up and down…(in the past) we’d have a little bit of knowledge ahead of time from breweries and distilleries that prices were going up,” Swanson said. “We’re seeing these changes all the time.” Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald understands where private owners are coming from, believing that there have been some growing pains under the new regulations. “It’s been a very confusing process with aspects of the pricing,” Macdonald said. “The information to businesses was very late coming and it also looks like there’s confusion around some of the pricing that people are dealing with. The rollout, actually, has been very confusing.” In addition to longer hours, private liquor stores used to have the benefit of refrigeration as an advantage of its government-owned competitors. That advantage is no longer as well, as many government stores are now offering refrigerated beer across B.C. That’s not the case at the Golden store, for now. Still, Swanson is optimistic that the two can coexist and his store can remain profitable, even under these trying circumstances. “I think we’ll be able (to co-exist). I think what it is, we’re just going through the break in period and it’s hard on both sides,” he said. “We know there’s adjustments we’re going to have to make…hopefully business will actually pick up.”

cheques. The fund has a very broad mandate, including emergency relief, international development projects and development education, but for Jayne it was especially satisfying to see the money go to two local causes. “There were questions about “where’s this go, where’s this go” so in our case to see $6,000 of it coming back to the com-

Behind the Wheel

munity…it alleviates some of the questions from my members

about where all this money is going,” Janes said.

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Do Bike Lanes Confuse Drivers?

510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201

I hate to admit it, but bicycle lanes confuse me. The Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) defines them as a designated use lane that is part of the highway, but not part of the roadway. Both the province and municipalities are able to create designated use lanes and restrict who may use them through legislation. You might be surprised about what this might mean for both cyclists and drivers. For the driver, the concept of roadway suddenly becomes very important. Roadway includes the lanes motor vehicles drive in and the area where they park at the side of the highway that is not the shoulder. So, if you approach an intersection intending to make a right turn, your pre-turn position is dependent on whether there is a curb or parking is available to the right of the bicycle lane or not. If not, you must remain to the left of the bicycle lane. If so, and it is practical to do so, you must move onto the parking area or next to the curb before you turn. For the cyclist, it is forbidden to ride other than single file when using the roadway. If the shoulder of the highway or the cycle lane is wide enough, there is no rule that prohibits riding side by side there unless a bylaw directs otherwise. If the highway shoulder is paved and passable, a cyclist must ride on it. If not, they are allowed to use the right hand edge of the roadway. The MVA does not require the use of cycle lanes if present and I have not found a municipal bylaw that requires their use either. The bottom line? It’s probably best that cyclists use bicycle lanes if they are present and drivers should exercise extra caution, especially when turning. The cyclist may see their bicycle lane as being clear and pass you on the right. The author is a retired constable with many years of experience in traffic law enforcement. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Beer fest is coming to valley Kevin Nimmock Black Press Craft beer lovers get ready, the East Kootenay Beer Festival is coming and it will be bigger than ever. The festival, in its fourth year, is on June 20th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Ski Area. This year, event organizers have gone all out, planning to give guests an unforgettable weekend in the beautiful Columbia Valley. “We will have over 70 beers for guests to sample and several new breweries presenting unique and seasonal brews, including Hoyne Brewing and Moon Under Water,” Charlotte Moos, Fairmont’s Special Events Coordinator, said. “To top it off, we also have our food truck on site serving up traditional beer lover’s eats like bratwursts and authentic German pretzels to keep people well fed.” For the first time, Fairmont Hot Springs Resort’s annual Long Drive Competition will run in tandem with the festival. Both young and old will tee up three golf balls and attempt to hit them as far as possible down the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Airport’s runway. The contest is on June 19th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and costs $15 for adults and $10 for children, with all proceeds going to the Columbia Valley Golf Trail Junior Tour, which helps to help develop young golfers. Along with the chance of winning some cool prizes, all participants will receive a two-for-one cou-

pon for the barbecue party at Mountainside Clubhouse, including live music by Ted Alexander from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. “We decided the Long Drive Contest would be a great way to kick off the whole weekend,” Moos said. Another new addition to the festival is this year’s after party, held at the ski chalet. Local band Valley Forged will have the crowd rocking out for the remainder of the night. All festival guests are invited to attend the party, enjoy some of their favourite beers, and take in the mountain views. As well as individual tickets for $49, the festival is offering two different packages for guests looking to stay for the weekend. The Lodge Package includes two nights of accommodation, two tickets to the festival and unlimited access to Canada’s largest natural mineral hot springs. The Camping Package includes two tickets to the festival and a two night stay at Spruce Grove RV Park and Campground. Ms. Moos said the accommodation packages and the additional events held over the weekend will encourage guests to spend more time in the valley. “It encourages people to come here not only for the festival but for the whole weekend.” Moos said. “We want the festival to be a special part of their summer vacation plans.” Tickets are still available. To purchase, or for more information call 1-800-663-4979 or visit

Golden Rotary Club

GSS Battle of the Bands

Sienna Mitchell sings at Golden Secondary School’s Battle of the Bands to the school’s jam-packed gym on Friday May 39. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Thanks You!

Thank you to all the businesses who donated to our 2015 silent auction: Alpine Auto Alpine Helicopters Alpine Rafting Avalanch Safety Solutions Bacchus Books Barney Bardarson BC Visitor Centre Bean Bag Coffee Beaverfoot Lodge & Outfitting Bell Star Hotels & Resorts Big Bend Café Boston Pizza Brand Source Bullet Point Marketing Can West Canyon Creek Pottery Canyon’s Edge Restaurant Castle Fuels College of the Rockies Columbia Basin Trust Columbia Pool & Spa Columbia Valley Credit Union Columbia Valley Driving School Columbia Veterinary Services Columbia Wetlands Adventure Cutis McKenzie

Darcy Grykuliak DJ’s Paper Place Dogtooth Log & Timber Products Downtown Auto Wash Dr. Booher Dr. Rebecca Kolbenson Optometry Elements Therapeutic Elite Sound & Light Emcon Services B.B. Emerald Lake Lodge Ewan and McKenzie Law Fairly Law Firepit BBQ Smokehouse Fountain Tire French Connection Glenn Birnie Golden and District Museum Golden Bakery and Deli Golden Chiropractic, Dr. Link Golden Concrete Golden Dental Centre Golden Dollar Store Golden Fire & Rescue Golden Golf & Country Club Golden Hardware

Golden Husky Travel Centre Golden Installations Golden Junk Golden Minor Hockey Golden Star Golden Taps Pub Gottler Bros. Great Canadian Heliskiing Great West Appraisals Heather Mountain Lodge IGA Golden Island Restaurant Jita’s Cafe K.Lim Accounting Kal Tire Kardash Plumbing Kat Hadford Photography Khub Artwork Kickin’ Thyme Catering Kicking Horse Coffee Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Kicking Horse Embroidery Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Kicking Horse Movies Kicking Horse River Lodge

Kootenay Pumping Legendz Diner Lordco Auto Parts Louisiana Pacific Maggie Melnychuk Mary Kay/Ellen Hatlevik McDonald’s Restaurant MediChair Kootenay Boundary Merc Flooring and Paint Minoldo Nail Design Mistaya Lodge Moberly Home Brew Moberly Wood Products Mountain Motorsports Mountain Sports Distribution Mountainside Gardens Napa Auto Parts Nicole Phillips Dober Bodyworks OK Tire & Auto Service Olson Construction Overwaitea Foods Parkys Heating & Cooling Patty’s Greenhouse Peoples Drug Mart Personal Touch Hair & Body Phil and Jill Tatlor

Plain Wayne and Jane Pretty Flower Prestige Inn - Golden Purcell Heli Skiing RCMP ReddiMart Ringheim & Co. Industrial Sales Rockets Hockey Club Roy Patrick Selkirk Electric Selkirk Service Shelly Soles Sherry Grykuliak Signature Clothing Subway Restaurant Tim Hortons Tim Parker Financial Top Notch/Brent’s Board Shop United Towing Vagabond Lodge Vandenbilt Autobody Vivid Hair Studio Weir Consolidated Western Financial Group Wet ‘n Wild Adventures Whitetooth Mountain Bistro

And thank you to all the bidders who came out to make our auction a success!

Check out the Golden Rotary Club at: And Like Us on Facebook at Rotary, Golden BC

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A5

RCMP Report: Many traffic complaints in May Golden Star Staff Numerous traffic complaints in May The Golden-Field RCMP responded to 78 traffic complaints and 18 collisions during the month of May. The traffic complaints included excessive speeding, passing on solid lines, and two instances in which a school bus was passed while both the red lights and stop sign were activated. “With the increase in traffic over the summer months, we would like to remind motorists to plan ahead and give themselves extra time to make it to their destinations safely,” said Golden-Field RCMP spokesperson Cst. Spencer Lainchbury. B&E on May 18 Police are seeking information after receiving a report that a seasonal residence on Lavallee Road had been broken into sometime on May 18. “At this time it does not appear that any items were taken, however there was extensive damage to the door,” stated Cst. Lainchbury. Anyone with information regarding this break & enter is asked to contact the Golden-Field RCMP at 250-344-2221 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Items stolen from Mitten On May 19 police received a report from campers at Mitten Lake that they had items stolen from their tent while they were out on the lake. The items stolen included backpacks, an orange Jackson kayak, a Coleman cook stove, Bose sound dock, chairs with an umbrella, and prescription medication. Anyone with information regarding this theft is asked to contact police or Crimestoppers. Youth admits to B&E A local youth attended the Golden RCMP Detachment on May 22, advising police that he and two friends were responsible for a break and enter at a family member’s residence. Police had been called earlier in the week to investigate the incident, in which it was believed some liquor had been taken from inside the residence.

The youths aged eleven, twelve, and thirteen will likely go before the local Restorative Justice committee. Pair of arguments for local males Police were called to mediate a disagreement between two males on two separate occasions during the week of May 21-26. “We were initially called on May 21 after the two males came close to a physical altercation at a local restaurant,” Cst. Lainchbury stated. “Both parties were spoken with at that time and we believed that the matter had been settled, however a couple days later we were called once again after one allegedly threatened the other.” Both parties were spoken to once again and both have agreed to refrain from communicating with each other. Planter box fire On May 21 the Golden-Field RCMP received a report that a fire had been set to a planter box outside a local restaurant overnight. “Staff came to work in the morning and noticed the burnt planter,” said Cst. Lainchbury. Police are asking anyone with information regarding this incident to contact them or Crimestoppers. Shoplifters banned Two area youths were caught shoplifting candy from a local convenience store on May 21. The owner of the store did not wish to pursue charges in the matter, opting to ban the youths from the store instead. Sentence for local A local male is serving a 45 day sentence in jail after police found him breaching a no contact order on May 21. Police received a 911 call to a residence, and located the male hiding inside the bathroom. The male was on conditions to have no contact with the person who lived there and was subsequently arrested for the breach. The male was held in custody and appeared before a judge the same week, where he pleaded guilty and was sentenced. Thefts from vehicles Police are once again

warning residents to remove valuables from their vehicles and lock them after a resident reported seeing two males going through his vehicle on 12th Street South during the early morning hours of May 22. “The two males took off on foot after being yelled at by the caller,” said Cst. Lainchbury. Police conducted extensive patrols, however the two males were never located. Police then received a call the following day advising that another vehicle had been entered sometime overnight, and that a wallet had been stolen out of the unlocked vehicle. Anyone with information regarding these incidents is asked to contact local police or Crimestoppers. MHA for Alberta man Police apprehended a 59 year-old male from Alberta under the Mental Health Act on May 22 after being called to a disturbance at a local residence. The male had recently been released from Rocky View Hospital in Calgary, and after consultation with doctors there, doctors in Golden made arrangements for him to be transported back to Calgary for further psychiatric evaluation. Disturbance at dealership A local male spent the night in police custody after police received a report that a group of males were believed to be breaking signs at a local car dealership. Police attended and located the group of males who were intoxicated. The group was encouraged by police to go home for the evening, however one male refused to take the suggestion, proceeding to yell at police. The 20 year-old male was arrested for Causing a Disturbance and lodged in cells until sober. Cooler heads prevail Police were called to a local hotel after a report was received that two males were fighting. Upon attendance the two males admitted to police that they had just been in a fight but had since ‘hugged it out’. Neither party wanted the matter pursued

by police, and no further disturbances were reported. Vandalism in Nicholson Police are seeking assistance from the public after a window at the Nicholson Store had a rock thrown through it during the evening on May 25-26. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call the Golden-Field RCMP or Crimestoppers. A reward may be offered for information leading to the arrest of those responsible. Suspicious report Police responded to a report that a male had asked two kids walking home from school to come talk to him near Selkirk Drive on May 28. “This was suspicious to both us and the parents of the children,” said Cst. Lainchbury. “We made immediate patrols in the area in an attempt to locate the male, however we were not able to locate anyone matching the description.” The following day police received a call back from the parents of the two kids advising that after speaking further with their children it was determined that the male had yelled at them as they were believed to be harassing another child. Male loses pants A local male spent an evening in police custody after being found

intoxicated during the early morning hours of May 30. Police found the male without pants or shoes, near 5th Avenue South after someone reported the male sleeping in the grass. The male was not able to tell police where he lived and was lodged in cells until sober. Party outside LGES broken up Police seized a small amount of marijuana and alcohol from the school grounds of Lady Grey Elementary on May 30 after a group of teens were seen scattering from the area. “One of the officers in an unmarked police vehicle noticed a group of teens sitting on the school grounds,” stated Cst. Lainchbury. “When marked police cars arrived the group scattered in all directions leaving behind several bags which were found to contain alcohol, a marijuana pipe, and a small amount of marijuana.

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Thursday June 18, 2015 3 pm at the College of the Rockies * refreshments will be served *

Annual Meeting AnnualGeneral General Meeting

The Golden Food Bank Society’s The Golden Food Bank Society’s AGM will be held on AGM will be held on Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 at 1pm Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 at 1pm at the Golden Food at the Golden Food Bank Bank th 1115 91115 Street South Golden BC 9th Street South Golden BC

Please join us! Learn more about the Please join us! Learn more about the Golden Food Bank… Golden Food Bank... who we who we serve in the community, how you can helpserve and more! in the community, how and more! Contact usyou at (250)can 344-2113help or Contact usatat (250) 344-2113 or by email by email at G OLDEN CCRR’ S A NNUAL G OLDEN CCRR’ S A NNUAL


Cars impounded Police with the Golden RCMP Traffic Services unit were busy on T EDDY B EAR ’ S P ICNIC May 18, impounding four separate vehicles , JJune UNE 4, TT HURSDAY EDDY B EAR ’4, S 2015 P ICNIC Thursday, 2015 for seven days under T EDDY B EAR ’ S P ICNIC T HURSDAY J4, UNE 10:30 -, 12:00 pm4, 2015 the Motor Vehicle Act T HURSDAY , J am UNE 2015 10:30 am-12:00 pm for Excessive SpeedKinsmen “Clown”Park Park Kinsmen “Clown” ing. 10:30 am-12:00 10:30 am-12:00 pm pm Children birth-six bring your Teddy Bears and parents, The vehicles, which Kinsmen “Clown” Park Children birth-six bring yourtoTeddy Kinsmen “Clown” Park were travelling on grandparents, caregivers etc., down the parkBears for fun Children birth-six bring your Teddy Bears and Highway 1 were and parents, grandparents, caregivers etc.,parents, activities, music, face painting, and a little snack. Children birth-six bring your Teddy Bears and parents, alleged to have been grandparents, caregivers etc., down to the park down to the park for fun activities, music, grandparents, caregivers etc., down to the park for fun for fun driving at 47, 52, and activities, music, face and a little snack. face painting, andpainting, a little snack. 56 km/h over the post- activities, music, face painting, and a little snack. For more information contact Golden CCRR at 250-344-4996 or at ed speed limit. Each For more information contact Golden CCRR driver also received a at 250-344-4996 or fine for $368. For more information contact Golden CCRR at 250-344-4996 or at For more information contact Golden CCRR at 250-344-4996 or at

Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Parents, Grandparents,Friends, Aunts & Uncles

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Out of Country Care


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Cell Tower Concerns

Getting sick is scary enough, especially when the medical and scientific community haven’t nailed down a cure, or even figured out how to reduce all the symptoms. But when the treatment you need is far away from home, that’s even scarier. - I SURMISE One local resident, By Jessica Schwitek story on page 2, is facing that very thing right now. Multiple sclerosis is a disease with many symptoms, and not a lot of answers. There are, however, innovative treatments in many countries around the world that are seeing real results for many patients (if not 100 per cent of them). Canada, unfortunately, is not on the cutting edge of this new science, so patients with MS often find themselves travelling south to the United States to receive treatments that could significantly impact their lives. Many Canadians who seek medical care south of the border do so because they do not want to wait in a queue for their treatment, or believe they will receive better care there. If that’s the case I truly believe those expenses should come out of pocket. Patients who need treatment that is not available in Canada, however, is a different case. This local patient seeking Transvascular Autonomic Modulation (TVAM) and Stem Cell Treatment for MS symptoms is on the hook for the cost. These treatments, which Canada views as “experimental”, is the only hope to alleviate some of the symptoms of the disease. If a patient is approved for a procedure by doctors who believe it will improve his condition, why shouldn’t the government (who received tax dollars from said patient for things like medical care), be obliged to chip in? The government collects taxes to provide health care for its citizens. Ideally that health care will be provided locally, but if that is not an option than those tax dollars should still go to health care for Canadian patients... even if they have to leave the country to get it. There is an approval process in place, administered by each province, where upon receiving a doctor’s recommendation you can apply for funding for out of country services. Most cutting edge treatments, however, don’t make the cut. Most provinces require that treatments be, “not experimental or for research or for a survey.” This strict, and highly subjective criteria is prohibiting Canadian patients from receiving some vital care that could change their lives.

Dear Editor: As a freelance journalist and author I must concur with the Golden residents who express concern about the proposed cell tower within your downtown core. Having spent over seven years researching this topic, it’s clear there’s enough scientific evidence to suggest a high degree of risk. Scientists such as Sweden’s Dr. Olle Johansson and Dr. Leif Salford, Columbia University’s Dr. Martin Blank, Dr. David Carpenter of the University of Albany and Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University, to name only a few, are raising red flags over the unrestricted rollout of microwave transmitters and devices. Dr. Johansson has called this a “giant experiment

on all forms of life,” and notes that we are now exposed to radiation up to a billion times what our ancestors lived with from normal background radiation. The telecommunications industry meanwhile has operated a concerted campaign to demean these scientists, damage their careers, and push their concerns to the back burner. At very least, no cell towers should be erected in residential areas or centres where people must work 40 hours per week. Studies done in Israel, Germany and elsewhere have shown elevated incidences of cancer double that of the population average for people living and working within 500 metres of a cell tower over a ten-year period. Sean Arthur Joyce New Denver, BC

MLA Report: Agricultural Land Reserve Why should the firing of Agricultural Land Commission chair Richard Bullock matter to you? Because exclusions of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) can make property developers a great deal of money, and Mr. Bullock was determined that agricultural land should be used for agricultural purposes, standing in the way of

friends of government who want to make a lot of money. How do I know this is true? A prominent BC Liberal, a politically appointed Ministerial Assistant to the Minister of Finance, pled guilty in court to taking a $50,000 bribe to get a specific piece of land out of the ALR. Imagine how much money that developer knew he was going to

make if he was willing to pay someone in government an amount that for many people is more than a year’s salary. A top BC Liberal admitted to this under oath, the land was removed, and the developer saw the value of the land in question drastically increased. Continued on page 7

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you like that B.C. has both private and public liquor stores? log onto to make your vote count

Last week’s poll question: Did you ever go to the original Mad Trapper?

Yes 89%

No 11%

DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

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Joel Tansey



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Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A7

Golden point of view

Do you like that B.C. has both government and private liquor stores? Stars to Adam for hosting a lovely barbecue, but stingers for not having any hummus. Should have bought more, buddy.

Wade Persson

Davin Dunn

Taraha Dixon

“I would say yes. It’s good to spread the wealth around.”

“Yeah, sure. It’s convenient.”

“I don’t think it makes much of a difference, but I’m not much of a drinker anyway.”

Since this time, the BC Liberals have taken further steps to make it even easier for property developers to buy agricultural land and change the zoning with no regard for the needs of the province to feed itself. Last year, the BC Liberals - Norm Macdonald passed a law that changed MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke the criteria for getting land out of the ALR to rules that were so loosely defined and nebulous, that virtually any request could be granted. Prior to his firing, Richard Bullock had been outspoken in his support of the ALR, and critical of the changes that the government was forcing on the Agricultural Land Commission. He knew that Bill 24 was the final step in undermining the ALR and was going to make it difficult for government every time an inappropriate exclusion was pushed through. Mr. Bullock understands that we have a great responsibility to protect our agricultural lands, not just in the present, but for future generations. We need to do everything we can to increase food security, and we cannot do that if we have destroyed our agricultural land base. If you look at the BC Liberal record on food security and protecting agricultural land it is more than just an example of simple failure. It is a record that includes bribery and corruption. The firing of Richard Bullock reminds us just how far we’ve strayed from the original intent of the Agricultural Land Reserve. And the price we will pay will be felt for many generations.

Stingers to the woman who left her used feminine product on the ground near the ball diamonds.

Stars to the Island Restaurant. Our Anniversary Dinner and the dessert was fantastic! Stars to Parky’s and Jacob for getting the air conditioning system all ready for children and families at the EYC and CCRR! Big thank you!

Stingers to whoever let their dog leave a trail of poo on the sidewalk outside of The Golden Star. Disgusting, and shameful. A star to Moon River Gallery for being our favourite store in Golden. Stingers to the employees on 9th Ave. N. that park on main street all day in a 2hr parking area!!! Not allowing spaces for tourists to park!!!

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6

Stingers to people who put up garage sale signs and don’t take them down when it’s finished, especially those that use nails.

Stars to the Golden Bakery for the delicious chilli. Just like my old man used to make. You guys rock!

Principal’s Report: Eco Ranch for Gr. 5-7 class Lois Ehman NES Principal It is hard to believe that it is June and that the year is almost over. We started out the year with big plans for the student’s success and they have met the challenge! As we synergized together we accomplished great things. The students have learned all 7 habits from the Leader in Me framework and have begun to implement them into their lives. This has been a big part of their success both academically and socially. We had a plan and we met it! The students in Grade 3/4 synergized to fundraise for their trip to Fort Steele during the first week in June. As a group they planned and fulfilled their goal and are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work. They worked first, now they are playing! The Grade 5/6/7 class are “Sharpening the Saw” this week as they go camping at the Eco Ranch for a night. They will work together and enjoy the beautiful outdoors

in Nicholson. Next week they will be touring the water system plant in Golden. The K/1 class has their year-end party planned as well. They will enjoy bowling at Down Memory Lanes and then a wiener roast in the park. The 1/2 class will also go bowling, as well as touring the museum. The Grade 7 class will celebrate their farewell to Nicholson on Thursday, June 11 at 7 p.m. It is an exciting time for the students as they prepare for high school at GSS. We congratulate each of the Grade 7 students and wish them the best of luck next year. As a school community, we will end the year together with a trip to Radium. The students will enjoy swimming, a barbecue and the companionship of their friends. The school year has flown by and it has been a pleasure for the staff at Nicholson to work with each and every one of your children. We thank you for that honor and for all the support you have given us throughout the school year. Have a wonderful summer!

June declared Invasive Species Action month Invasive Species Council of BC Submitted To get British Columbians active in preventing and stopping the spread of harmful invasive species in our province, the B.C. government has officially declared the entire month of June as Invasive Species Action Month. Invasive species threaten BC’s environment, economy and society, including human health, but stopping invasive species is possible if we take action now to prevent, detect and manage invasive species. “Stopping invasive species is possible if we change our behaviours and

take action together,” says Gail Wallin, Executive Director of the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC). “Increased prevention, detection and improved management of invasive species can provide significant economic benefits to the province, businesses, industry, and citizens. We are highlighting actions everyone can take each week this month, with easy things you can do to stop invasive species from spreading in the water, in plants and agriculture, through firewood, through sports equipment, and by keeping unwanted pets out of the wild.” To promote Invasive Species Action

Month, a new website has been set up at, and the public is encouraged to post to social media using the hashtag #ActionOnInvasivesBC. British Columbians will find information about how to prevent and stop the spread of invasive species in their gardens, parks and forests, through sporting and camping activities, in lakes, rivers and oceans, and in their cities, towns and across the province. There are links to events and activities being held by the Invasive Species Council of BC, regional invasive species committees, local governments and stewardship organizations across B.C.

Job Market Trends. Just one of the reasons to follow on Twitter. /localwork-bc



Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Have an an upcoming event? Call us! Have upcoming event? event? Call Call us! us! Is the event over? Call us! Is the event over? over? Call Call us! us! Call or or email let us know Call email and and let let us us know know what we can put in and take what out what we we can can put put in in and and take take out out of our Community Calendar. of of our our Community Community Calendar. Calendar. classifi 250-344-5251 250-344-5251 250-344-5251

Golden Golden THE THE THE

Something got you “up in arms”?! WH






AT ?!

Write a “Star” or “Stinger”. Have a little more to say? Write a Letter to the Editor. Stars & Stingers and Letters to the Editor are all free!

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This Week

APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth5yrs. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:45-11:45am. 250-4399324 for info. Marty Ryan “Exhale” at the Art Gallery of Golden May 15-June 17. Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info.

Thurs, June 4 250-344-5251

them at any store offers, purchase Browse theand mobile app at anybrand’s store for yourthem favourite offers, and purchase them at any store

Golden Cinema presents: San Andreas 3D starts Friday June 5 to Thursday June 11 at 7pm.

Wed, June 3

Let us know

offers, and through the app 1. Browse &purchase Shop Upload Receipt for your favourite brand’s 2. receipt and submit it

Events & Entertainment Calendar

be into your 3.transferred Get Cash the money you saveBack! will PayPal wallet beOnce transferred into your you reach just $5, the PayPal moneywallet you save will be transferred into your PayPal wallet

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Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Cribbage at the Golden Seniors Centre every Thursday from 1-3pm. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Teddy Bear’s Picnic June 4 from 10:30am-12pm in Kinsmen “Clown” Park.

Fri, June 5 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. D.O.A plays at the Rockwater June 5 $10.

Sat, June 6

Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Food Skills Program Saturdays Apr.11-May 23, 10am-1pm. Learn how to cook healthy meals on a budget. Free meals and child minding. 250-4399665 to register. Saturday Lego Club at the Library from 11am-12pm for all school aged children.

Sun, June 7 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment.

Mon, June 8 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre

• For more information... go to

Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. N.A Meetings Mon. in the Library basement. 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Crafts at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 1--3pm. Art classes at the Golden Seniors Centre every Monday from 10am-3pm. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info. RCMP Golf Tournament Monday, June 8, 9am shotgun start, $95 entry fee, 250-344-2221 for more info.

Tues, June 9 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S. Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Bingo at the Seniors Centre every Tuesday from 1-3pm. Grab a Granny and Go, Tuesdays at 3:30pm at Durand Manor. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) Family Centre, Tue., 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Rockwater Grill & Ba

Upcoming Events

Food Bank AGM June 10 at 1pm at the Food Bank (1115 - 9th St). Twoonie XC Timed Race June 11. Meet at CBT park-

ing lot at 6pm. Interact Talks at the Golden Secondary School June 13 from 11am-4pm $5 admission. Empowering youth to build a better future! Golden Secondar y School Awards Ceremony #moments June 15 7pm in the gym. Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesday market June 17 from 12-5pm in the CP parking lot. Kicking Horse Culture presents: Summer Kicks 2015 June 17 John Welsh Band with Will Wardwell. All shows are at 7pm in Spirit Square, all ages. Food Is Fuel: How to Refill the Tank Post-Chemo June 18, 7pm, Dr. Erika’s house. 250-344-2171 for more info. C.A.A.T.S AGM June 18, 3pm, at the College. Golden Farmers’ Market Saturday market June 20 from 10am-3pm in Spirit Square. 4th Annual East Kootenay Beer Festival June 21 from 4-8pm at the Fairmont Hot Springs ski area $49. Legion Annual Father’s Day Golf Tournament June 21 $100 per player 250-3446214 to register. Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast at Mountainside Gardens June 21 from 10am-12pm. Kicking Horse Culture presents: Summer Kicks 2015 June23 Rococode with Jane Fearing & Sue Gould. All shows are at 7pm in Spirit Square, all ages. Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesday market June 24 from 12-5pm in the CP parking lot. Golden Farmers’ Market Saturday market June 27 Get 10am-3pm the wordinout! from Spirit Square. Canada Day Kicking Horse Dash July 1 in Spirit Square 5 & 10 kms. Aman Virk Memorial Golf Tournament July 11. Golden Sound Festival Aug.21 & 22 various downtown Golden locations. Do you have a community event coming up? Let us know and we’ll put it in our Community Events Calendar. 250-344-5251.

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This week's achievement award goes to...

Erica Pfisterer for working hard and having a good attitude. Stop in by June 10, 2015 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A9

Summer Kicks series coming up with opening show on June 17 Jessica Schwitek

Summer doesn’t officially start in Golden until the first Summer Kicks concert in Spirit Square. The Kicking Horse Culture series’ lineup has just been released, and as usual there’s something on the list to please every music lover. “There’s really something for everyone,” said Bill Usher, executive director of Kicking Horse Culture. “It’s a really nice, well-rounded lineup this year.” The series kicks off on June 17 with the John Welsh Band, a trio that blends together folk, surf rock, reggae and Latin. “They’re a very nice, Jack Johnson kind of sing along band,” said Usher. Among the nine concerts are a gypsy music group called Ayrad, barn-rockin’ tunes from Sofiella Wall and the Huckleberry Bandits, traditional Cape Breton music from Coig, catchy pop harmonies from Rococode, and the international veterans of upbeat folk rock, Oysterband. The concerts continue weekly on Tuesday or Wednesday nights until Aug. 12. All shows start at 7 p.m., and include in between sets that feature local acts like the Parson Jazz Cooperative, Krista and the Krybabies, piano player Litto Castillo, and Bill Usher’s own performance with the Space Heaters. In addition to or the registration preferred


nine weeks of outdoor music, this year Summer Kicks will feature a special treat for theatre lovers. A unique theatre company from New York City, the 52nd Street Project, is bringing their production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to Golden for a free show at the Civic Centre on Friday July 3. The social project takes inner city youth, who wouldn’t otherwise have the chance, and puts them through a theatre program. The graduating students, as a gift for finishing the program, get to take a production on tour, travelling to places they would never otherwise get to see. “They get to go to Europe, and some really neat places,” said Usher. “And they usually get to Calgary and Banff, but this year Banff had a conflict. So they recommended Golden to the 52nd Street Project… They contacted us, and we did anything we had to, to make it work.” The trip to Golden will be the first time most of the teenage actors ever see mountains like these. “They’ll be here for a couple days, setting up and such, so hopefully they’ll really enjoy their time here,” added Usher. But as usual the live music outside in the sun is the heart and soul of the summer series. The square fills with locals, tourists, families and friends to bask in the sun and listen to world class

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The John Welsh Band, right photo, is kicking off the Live Kicks series this year on June 17. The UK’s Oysterband, above photo, will be performing on Aug. 5. Photo Submitted music. “What’s really neat at those shows is the family vibe,” said Usher. “It’s really great to see the kids having fun, and people up dancing.” To see the full Summer Kicks lineup, go to

INTERACTTALKS Empowering youth to build a better future!

Engaging community speakers, group skills development and the famous Rotary BBQ Golden Secondary School Saturday, June 13th 11am - 4 pm

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To Co $5

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3 , 2015 A10

Golden Moments: Mastroianni’s retirement focused on garden Joel Tansey Frank Mastroianni smiles when he’s asked about his first efforts in the garden. “The first garden I ever did was in 1978…we started a little bit at a time,” he recalled. “It was probably 20 by 30 (feet) or something like that. Not too good.” If his early effort was that of an amateur painter, his work these days falls in line with a Da Vinci or a Michaelangelo, a veritable masterpiece. Much more of an urban farm than simply a garden, Mastroianni maintains row upon row of crops, from potatoes and tomatoes to peppers and lettuce, all in the yard behind his 12th Street home. It wasn’t always in his plans for his garden to become this robust. “I started small and it got bigger and bigger all the time,” he said. Mastroianni moved to Field from his native Calabria, Italy in April of 1965. Joining him was his brother, Mario, and his mother. Frank’s older brother, Rosario, was already living here. Those early winters were cold and difficult to handle for someone more accustomed to the climate in southern Italy. Mastroianni didn’t care for his new home at first, but he came around eventually and gradually began to like living in Western Canada. Most of his working life was spent with CP Rail in both B.C. and Alberta, eventually leading him to Golden. It was while he was living on Alexander Drive that he started his first garden. Soon he was spotting what he calls “good dirt” while working for CP and bringing it home for use in the garden. Evidently, his passion was growing. Mastroianni later decided he would build a greenhouse to help compliment his garden. Then he built another. And another. Now the proud owner of four homemade greenhouses, the indoor shelters allow him to get the growing season started early in the spring and help him continue well

Frank Mastroianni inside one of the four greenhouses that he built in the backyard of his 12th Street property. He started his first garden in the 1970s and it eventually turned into his primary hobby. Joel Tansey/Star Photo into the fall. This year, with particularly mild temperatures, Mastroianni began gardening earlier than he ever has. “This is probably the best year I’ve ever seen in the winter and the spring (for growing),” he said. It’s clear that gardening became more than just a way for him to save on the grocery bill and enjoy fresher food. Mastroianni loves what he does, he’d have to with the

amount of time he spends working on his garden. “I enjoy every minute when I go into the garden and I see everything growing,” Mastroianni said. With the impressive amount of food his urban crop yields, Mastroianni says he ends up sharing much of his ultra fresh produce with his friends and family. Certainly a far cry from that small, early effort that got everything started back in 1978.


The Net Result: Problems with oil addiction highlighted in doc Pump

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Pump takes a closer look at the oil industry and the monopoly it has over fuel. Fuel Freedom Foundation Joel Tansey One of the principal demands of any consumer is choice. Choice in different types of food, clothes. Heck, for golfers there are dozens of choices on which type of golf ball you want to use (if you’re like me, none of them will fix that nasty slice). One area where we are severely lacking in choice is at the pump, a topic that is explored in the aptly named documentary Pump, by directors Josh Tickell and Rebecca Harrell. Sure, most stations allow us to select between regular and premium gasoline, but it’s all still

gasoline. There are plenty of other potential sources of fuel, but we’re stuck as slaves to the crude oil industry for a multitude of reasons, many of which are explored in Pump. Ethanol and Methanol, both alcohol-based fuels, are cheaper and would decrease North America’s reliance on the oil industry beyond our borders. Naturally, these alternative fuels have been met with resistance from the oil industry, and it’s clear that part of Pump’s purpose is to dispel some myths about these fuels and encourage change. As is shown, a simple software update can allow any vehicle to run on these alterna-

tive fuels and the obstacles towards producing ethanol and methanol are extremely limited. They are also cleaner fuels compared to gasoline, as the film demonstrates, making this switch all the more enticing. Pump also takes a look at electric cars and what the future of the automotive industry might look like when the world’s oil addiction finally hits a breaking point. Pump combines the narration of Jason Batemen with interviews from leading professionals in the industry while covering the history of our dependence on oil and how that dependence might be broken in the future. It is very American-centric, but a lot of the basics certainly apply to us as Canadians who find ourselves in the same trap as that of our neighbours to the south. While the film lacks in raw excitement at times, it is nevertheless an eye opening experience and one worth checking out. Be forewarned, however, there’s a decent chance it will make you angry. It’s all about having a choice. For that reason I’ll give Pump 8 mouse clicks out of 10.

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A11


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Deputy Chief Ken Squarebriggs and his twenty years of service

Ken Squarebriggs poses in front of one of Golden’s trucks while wearing the medal that he earned for 20 years of fire service. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey After the sudden passing of Fire Chief Ken McClure last fall, the department lost its primary face and passionate leader. It was up to the rest of the crew to step up and attempt to fill McClure’s shoes, and much of that responsibility fell on the shoulders of Deputy Chief Ken Squarebriggs. In fact, the same day that McClure passed away, Golden

Fire and Rescue had to respond to a call and Squarebriggs was forced to step into the chief’s role for the first time, a position he held until the hiring of Chief Dave Balding earlier this spring. “I’m used to being the operations guy that gets sent out to take control out there and let him know what’s going on…but I had to stay back. ‘I’m in charge now and you take Ops’,” he recalled. “It was a pretty short transition but he trained us that way…he

made sure we were trained and prepared.” Squarebriggs followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the rural fire service in Grand Forks in 1994 at the age of 19, the minimum age at the time. The decision to join the fire service was an easy one. “I grew up around it. My dad was a volunteer in fire rescue and a paramedic in the Okanagan so it was something I’d seen from as early as I can remember.

Always being at the fire halls and the Christmas functions and that stuff growing up,” Squarebriggs said. Squarebriggs moved to Golden in 2007 and it didn’t take him long to sign up with the local service. “I was here for a week or so and I stopped by (the station) and all of a sudden there was this hand hanging out the door and it was Shawn Tomash who I went to trade school with,” he said. After Tomash found out that his former classmate was moving to Golden he encouraged Squarebriggs to sign up and “that was that”, he says. Squarebriggs started off as a fire fighter in Golden before working his way through the ranks as a lieutenant, training officer and captain before being promoted to Deputy Chief in 2013. “I think there’s definitely a sense of serving your community,” Squarebriggs said when asked what drives him to serve on the department. “The fire department gets called the people’s worst hour and we do our best to mitigate, control and save lives. “Everytime you go out and you’re helping the community it just makes you feel a part of it.” The sense of camaraderie amongst the members of the department is another aspect that Squarebriggs enjoys about

this line of volunteer work. “When you’re out there and you’re dealing with a dangerous situation, you’ve gotta have trust and faith (in others)…you build it over time,” he said. During his eight years in Golden, Squarebriggs has seen a vast change in the quality of the equipment available to the local department. After a difficult road rescue call a couple of years ago, it became clear that better equipment was needed. “That was a defining point for us…it was such a nip and tuck call with the fire and the two people trapped and not enough equipment,” he recalled. Everyone survived the accident but it still served as an eye opener for the entire department. The fruits of that realization arrived earlier this year in the form of Rescue 120, a state of the art road rescue vehicle. Recently, Squarebriggs was honoured with a federal medal for 20 years of fire fighting service. His goal now is to complete 25 years in order to receive provincial recognition. While he admits that it is a huge time commitment, Squarebriggs also believes volunteering with the department is an intensely rewarding experience. “Life’s a fragile thing and every time we’re out there and we make that difference…it’s pretty awesome.”

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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A13

Fairmont started with single home built by Sam and Helen Brewer Sam died in the hospital at Invermere the 1st of May, 1921, after a long battle with cancer of the jaw. Helen survived her husband for several years and was cared for during

those years by their only child, son Hope Brewer. Helen passed away on January 5, 1927 and was buried next to her husband in Windermere. The beginnings of Fairmont Hot Springs

may not change the way we see the planet or how we travel from place to place but a trip there to soak in the mineral water is certainly good for the soul.


• Closing Date for Submission: Sealed quotations are to be delivered to the attention of the undersigned, Town of Golden, 810 9th Avenue South, no later than 2:00 p.m. MST, Tuesday, June 16, 2015. Faxed or Emailed submissions will be accepted but must be followed by an original signed hard copy submission.

• Pre-submission Work Place Inspections: Prospective bidders are This photo was taken at Radium Hot Springs in 1924 when the pool at Radium was still new. It was more of a cement pond than a pool but it was certainly appreciated by visitors even in those early days. Photo Courtesy of the Golden Museum

By Colleen Palumbo

It seems to me that we often celebrate great achievements only after the achiever is long dead. Sometimes the achiever really did little to enhance “our” quality of life but did something so monumental that it will effect people hundreds of years away. I’m thinking specifically of David Thompson who only briefly passed through our area but whose work has been left for the world forever. Each of us leaves a mark on the past some big some small but it’s there and I’m in the business of finding the marks. The following is about another man who passed through our area and while he didn’t leave a mark on our historic past, many of us have certainly taken advantage of the mark that he left behind. Sam Brewer was born within eight miles of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana on the 5th day of May, 1837, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Brewer. While still under the age of 30, he joined the army of the north, serving

from John and Robert Galbriath of Galbraith’s Ferry. It would have been very interesting for Sam to have been able to look into the future and see St. Joseph’s Prairie today as the City of Cranbrook. In 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer together with their young son, Hope Brewer, moved north to the Windermere district and purchased from George Geary the ranch on which the now famous Fairmont Hot Springs are. Here, with his wife, Sam operated a roadhouse and catered to the folks that came from far and near to soak in the healing water of the hot spring. In 1906, Sam and Helen made the decision to build a new house on the site of the old one. Having nowhere else to live until the new house was finished, Sam came up with the idea of building the new house foundation around the old house. This new house was called Fairmont Castle and was opened by one of the biggest surprise house-warmings ever seen in the valley. It was during that open house that Sam, who had always welcomed everyone, said, “Welcome, welcome, the latchstring is on the outside of the door at the Castle and always will be.” Helen added, “My kettle is always just

about to boil.” In 1908, Sam and Helen sold the Fairmont property and retired to a small holding on the road near Windermere where they spent the sunset years of their lives.

• Anticipated Delivery Date: The successful firm will be expected to have all work complete and commissioned by December 31, 2015.

• Town of Golden Contact:

Name: Chris Cochran, AScT, Manager of Operations Telephone: 250-344-2271 ext 226 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email: Address: 810 9th Ave South, Box 350 Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

NOTICE OF A MAINTENANCE POWER OUTAGE GOLDEN AND AREA We will be making electrical system improvements in your area. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately four hours.

Where: All of Golden and the surrounding area. West to Donald, east to Blaeberry, south along Highway 95 to Chalmers Road and Campbell Road south to 3221 Campbell Road When: Sunday, June 7, 2015 Time: 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. (MDT) Outage Ref. number: 8-00199702 To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please turn off all lights, electrical heaters and major appliances and unplug all electronics. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore power as soon as we can. Visit or call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) for more information.


- Turning Back the Pages -

under Captain Grierson, in “E” company, of the 6th Illinois Cavalry. After serving out his term as a soldier in the Civil War, Sam went west to Wisconsin where he met Helen Bessey. Helen was born in London, England, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bessey. Helen and Sam were married in Lavalee, Wisconsin, June 5, 1877 and after a stay there of only a few years, headed for Canada, arriving in Maple Creek in 1883. After a short stay there, they proceeded west as far as Calgary by train and from there into the Beaver Valley by pack train. The following spring again saw him travelling until he reached the Columbia River at Golden. Here, he carved a canoe out of a cottonwood tree, filled it with all of his possessions, he paddled upstream to its source, taking his wife with him. The “Old Town” on Wild Horse Creek, near Fort Steele, was still a lode star for many, and between there and the diggings on Perry Creek, he spent some time mining for gold. Giving up the life of a miner was not a hard choice for Sam to make, and before long he became foreman for the Honorable Colonel James Baker, who had purchased St. Joseph’s Prairie

encouraged to contact the undersigned to make arrangements to view the place of work. Mandatory work place inspections are a condition of submitting a compliant proposal.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Golden Faith Column: Life is meant to be full of mysteries

- Ron Tabert Pastor Emeritus

“Christ is the answer”, coats faith in false epitaph: “they lived happily ever after”. In actual fact, most disciples discover “Christ is more questions.” “Happily ever after” covers every indis-

criminate occurrence or frustrating encounter with cliche: “the will of God.” Builders of great cathedrals – Amiens, Rheims, Chartres among them – set mosaic maze patterns in the floor of the nave. Some used it for penance, crawling, tracing the twisted route to the centre, which represented the presence of God or heaven. The trek was a little pilgrimage, a humble journey seeking God amidst the false starts, wrong turns of life. How truly enlight-

ening that Christians would build confusion into their worship. As if to say this is the believer’s life, too. Life is not a clearly answered question for disciples. It is a riddle for all, a puzzle even in the presence of all truth. Especially in the presence of Christ, it is a mystery. The answer is not in

resolution as much as in exploration. It is the journey that reveals God is everpresent, loving and worthy of honour. His grace is not that he makes the maze less troublesome. Somehow he takes us deeper into it. No emergency exits. To wrestle with our more obstinate side rath-

er than coat it with sweet nothings. Delving into moral dilemmas before complicating them with simple solutions. Baring our deepest fears and insecurities to love and acceptance ere a mask of piety increases the pain. Grace lives in the maze with us and how good that He does.

The Ruth Wixon Garden is in full swing. Steph Findlater (pictured), general manager of the Golden Food Bank, has weeded and prepared the garden, which is now fully planted thanks to the help of many volunteers. The Town of Golden sponsors the garden, and the produce harvested from the garden is used to fill hampers at the Golden Food Bank. Photo Submitted

Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459

Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street

Life is meant to be full of mysteries. One riddle after another, and more of the heart than morals or mind. Grace is the love we deserve neither from God nor fellowman, but receive nonetheless. For, without it, the puzzle would overwhelm us, bore us or not be half the fun.

Wixon Garden

Golden Church Services

Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456

For when we think we have life nailed down, something flies loose, caves in or wanders beyond reach. What a beautiful irony that this hypocrite, so full of ready answers, so quick to jump ship, can daily claim a place at God’s throne and call it mine. Amazing !

Five ways to benefit from new TFSA limits By Brenda Spiering Editor,

The new federal budget tabled in the House of Commons on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 increases the annual TFSA contribution limit from $5,500 to $10,000. That’s St. Andrew's United Church good news for Canadians. Whether you’re looking for a Sunday - 10:30am tax-sheltered way to save for a down payment on your first 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 home or you’re getting close to retirement and looking for a way to supplement your retirement savings, the highSt. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 er limit makes the account a more valuable option than ever before. Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Here are five additional ways you could benefit from the Sunday - 11:00am new TFSA limits: Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 1. Starting to save If you’re just starting out in your career and still in a low Golden Sikh Cultural Society income bracket, opting to save in a TFSA rather than an Sunday - 11am RRSP can make sense. While you won’t get a tax deducUpstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes tion for contributing to a TFSA, there is no tax payable on Lunch After Prayer by Donation investment growth and you also won’t get hit paying tax when you draw the money out. And should you end up in a higher tax bracket in retirement, the tax Brighter solutions to meet your goals deduction you get from contributing to an RRSP today could end up being less than the tax you will have to pay when you withdraw it. Our customized products and services include: 2. Saving for a home RRSPs • RESPs* • TFSAs • Disability insurance • Mutual funds* A TFSA is a more flexible option for saving for a Let’s talk about Money for Life. home than an RRSP. While the Canada Revenue Shannon Hood* CLU® CHS™ B.Sc. Agency (CRA) does allow first-time home buyers Shannon Hood Financial Services Inc. to use the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) to withdraw 250-344-4543 up to $25,000 from their RRSPs, you have to repay Life’s brighter under the sun it over a maximum of 15 years. *Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. And there are penalties: If you miss a payment, © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2015.

that amount is added to your taxable income for that year. TFSA withdrawals have no such requirements, and the increased contribution limit means they may provide you with enough savings room to cover the cost of a down payment. 3. Saving for retirement TFSAs were designed to supplement RRSPs. If you’ve maxed out your RRSP, they provide you with another great way to shelter a portion of your investment earnings from income tax. Contributing additional funds to a TFSA can help ensure you won’t outlive your savings. 4. Funding retirement If you’re nearing retirement and have substantial RRSP savings, you may wish to start contributing to a TFSA instead, to avoid a potential future impact on your Old Age Security (OAS) payments. This is because the CRA charges a special tax (or “clawback”) on your OAS payments if your net income exceeds a certain threshold (for 2014, the threshold is $71,592). As withdrawals from a TFSA are tax-free, they don’t add to your taxable income and have the potential for triggering this clawback in the same way as taxable RRSP withdrawals. 5. Working in retirement According to the Sun Life Financial Unretirement Index, more Canadians expect to be working full-time than fully retired at age 66. If you’re one of them, there can be advantages to contributing to a TFSA over an RRSP, as TFSA withdrawals can be used to supplement your postretirement earnings without pushing you into a higher tax bracket, the way RRSP withdrawals can. This column is sponsored by Shannon Hood Financial Services. If you’re interested in one-one-one advice contact Shannon Hood at 250-344-4543.

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A15

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Columbia Shuswap Regional District The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) is looking for volunteers for the Board of Variance (BOV) The BOV consists of three (3) members that review land use variance appeals for all CSRD Electoral Areas (A-F). The appointments are for a four (4) year term. Training will be provided to members. Individuals who best demonstrate the following attributes will be recommended to the CSRD Board of Directors for appointment: • Have a background in land use development or local government • Have an understanding of the CSRD and local government process • An interest and passion for sustainable community development Expression of Interest forms are available on the CSRD website under Volunteer Opportunities ( stay-connected/volunteer) or at the CSRD Office in Salmon Arm. Please submit or return completed applications via online form, email, mail, or in person by 4:00 pm Friday June 10th, 2015 to: Gerald Christie, Development Services Manager PO Box 978, 781 Marine Park Drive NE Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1 E: T: 250.833.5919| F: 250.832.3375 TF: 1.888.248.2773 (within BC)

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

Local riders do well in weekend Jackpot Barrel Golden Star Staff

The Golden Light Horse Club hosted their successful annual Delbert Johnson Memorial Barrel Jackpot this past weekend. The club’s biggest event of the year is in honour of former club member Delbert Johnson, who served as president for over 30 years. Local siblings Erica Pfisterer (1st in 4D PeeWee Barrels for both days), and Lukas Pfisterer (1st in 4D PeeWee Poles on day one, and 1st in 1D polls on day two), had a great showing at the event. Local rider and event organizer Shelley Black also had a great weekend coming in 15th (day one) and 13th (day two) in the 3D Open Barrels, and 1st in 3D Open Polls on day one. Kirsten Feldman from Brisco also did well in 3D barrels, and Rachel Godlien from Invermere had a strong showing in 4D Junior Barrels. Top prizes for the weekend went to Odessa Gerard and Frances Harring for

Mia Roberts took 1st prize in the PeeWee Barrels 1D placings at the Delbert Johnson Memorial Barrel Jackpot on the weekend. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Full results can be seen coming in first for 1D Open ene Tucker for coming in Barrel on days one and two. first for 2D Open Barrel on on the Golden Light Horse Club’s Facebook Page. Then Kyle Krise and Shayl- days one and two.


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Golden Star Wednesday, June 3, 2015 A17

Wednesday, June 3 , 2015 The Golden A17 Star

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In Memoriam




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It is with deep sorrow that the family of Robert McKeeman announces his passing on Friday, May 15, 2015 in Cranbrook, BC at 56 years of age. Rob was born in Golden, BC on August 30, 1958. He will be remembered for his love of family and his passion for the outdoors which included fishing, hunting and shooting and always living life to the fullest. Rob is survived by his mother and father Ruth and Howard McKeeman, his brothers Terry (Shannon) and Allen (Patti) and his children Jessica, Jeffrey and Taylor. Our family invites you join us for a celebration of Rob’s life which will be held on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 11:00 am at McPherson Funeral Home in Cranbrook (2200 – 2nd Street South). In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make a memorial donation in honour of Rob may do so to the: Canadian Cancer Society, 19 - 9th Avenue South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 2L9. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:

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Donald Wayne “Woody� Woodman August 16, 1966 - May 28, 2015

Donald Wayne “Woody� Woodman passed away unexpectedly in Golden B.C. on May 28th, 2015 at the age of 48. Don is survived by his parents Sharon and Wayne, sister Colleen (Gary), son Tanner, wife Karen, nephews Jared, Tyler, niece Kristy (Brett), greatnephews Jace, Cohen, and Dawson. Don was born on August 16, 1966 in Fernie B.C. to Sharon and Wayne Woodman. He graduated from Golden Secondary in 1984. Don was a natural athlete, one of those people who whatever he did he excelled at. He enjoyed spending his time fishing, curling, bowling, and playing baseball. A celebration of life is scheduled for Friday, June 5th at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center, with a reception to follow. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Don’s life. If you feel you would like to make a donation please make a donation to a local youth program of your choice. Online condolences may be sent through Woody’s obituary at

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Bad 866-668-6629 or visit REAL ESTATE Lots of references! free-assessment Golden’s Best!us online credit? Bills? Unemployed? at: 611017 BC2LTD We Premium can arrange delivery. Topsoil RENTALS HIRING Need Money? We Lend! If you DBA o/a Holiday HOUSEKEEPING AUTOMOTIVE own TAX your FREE own MONEY home - you HIP OR knee replacement? Call Bernie 344-4646. is available, if you are a Now Available qualify. Pioneer Acceptance InnATTENDANT Express ROOM MARINE COPD conditions? homeowner, Greator for arthritic gardens or lawns Corp. Member today! BBB. We can The100% disability tax6.9.7.0 credit. SUPERVISOR/ easily 1-877-987-1420 approve you by organic - ph Golden-Kicking $1,500 yearly tax credit. If you see a wildďŹ re, AGREEMENT phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mort$20 per cu. yard loaded CLEANING $15,000 lump sum refund (on It is agreedHorse by any Display or gage money is available Lots of references! report it to SUPERVISOR (noc.6215) avg)Weapply today! delivery. 1-844-453Classified HIRING Advertiser2requesting right now. Rates start at can arrange located 1120 14 St.ofN,the 5372. space thatatthe liability Prime.TAXEquity counts. We 1-800-663-5555 FREE MONEY HOUSEKEEPING paper in the BC event of failure to don’t rely on ifcredit, Call Bernie - 344-4646. Golden, V0A1H0 is available, you age are ora or *5555WEEKLY ROOM publish an ATTENDANT advertisement shall SUCCESSFUL income. homeowner, today! We can Permanent, Full-Time, Shift,by be limited to the amount paid community newspaper, Anytimeyou by SUPERVISOR/ on most cellular central easily Call approve theDay, advertiser for that portion of If you see a wildďŹ re, Alberta. Excellent web market1-800-639-2274 or mortEvening, Weekend phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd CLEANING networks. the advertising space occupied ing presence. 27,000 circula604-430-1498. online gage money Apply is available hourly for report it to SUPERVISOR (noc.6215) by the$19.00 incorrect item only, and tion. Owner approaching now. Rates start at 40 hours per week that there shall be no liability located at 1120 14 St. N, in tirement. If you are serious Prime. Equity counts. We 1-800-663-5555 Home Improvements any event beyond theSchool amount Completion of High about wanting to own your don’t rely on credit, age or Golden, BC V0A1H0 or *5555 paid for such advertisement. own newspaper contact Joyce, income. Experience is an asset The FULL SERVICEOr plumbing publisher shall not be liable Permanent, Full-Time, Shift,for 403-575-0090. please Call Anytime on most cellular from Parker Dean. Fast, reslight changes or typographiDuties: email: 1-800-639-2274 or Day, Evening, Weekend liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 networks. cal errors do or notarrange lessen the 604-430-1498. Apply online Hire andthat train hourly for off your next job if you present value $19.00 of an advertisement. for40 training of cleaning this ad. Vancouver area. 1hours per week 800-573-2928 bcclassifi cannot Home Improvements staff, Inspect sitesSchool orbe reCompletion of High sponsible for errors after the fi rst facilities to ensure is anofasset dayExperience of publication any adFULLMisc SERVICE plumbing Services safety and cleanliness vertisement. Notice of errors on from Parker Dean. Fast, reDuties: Electrical New to town? Having a baby? the fistandards; rst day should immediately Establish liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 Hire and or arrange Getting married? Call Ellen be called to train the attention of the off your nextE&P job if you present work schedules; Assist AERIAL Hatlevik, yourCONTRACTORS local Welcome Classifi ed Department to be corfor training of cleaning this ad. Vancouver area. 1cleaners in performing LTD. Power line systems built WINDOW CLEANING Wagon Representative! rected for the following 800-573-2928 staff, Inspect sitesedition. or to BC Hydro standards. EC# duties; Supervise and 250-344-4799. 250-272-1194 facilities to ensure bcclassifi reserves the 19806. 1-800-661-7622. co-ordinate activities of Misc Services right to revise, classify or resafety andedit, cleanliness Personals Recommend jectworkers; any advertisment and to reElectrical standards; Establish Help Wanted Help Wanted tain answers to the or any arrange fordirected additional ALL MALE hot gay hookups! work schedules; Assist E&P A18 bcclassifi Box Reply SerAERIAL CONTRACTORS maintenance services. Call free! 800-462-9090 only 4HE "#30#! 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HAPPINESS PLEASE VISIT YOUR Excellent written 611017 BC LTD • Money? 5Bills? days per week Premium Topsoil Provincial legislation forbids the CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. Others: Need We Lend! If you communication; Client publication of any advertisement LOCAL SHELTER TODAY No risk program stop mortDBA o/a Holiday OPENING AT • PERMANENT 5-6own hours per evening own your home -POSITION you Initiative; Effective which discriminates against any Now Available focus; Dependability; gage & Pioneer maintenance payqualify. Acceptance Inn Express interpersonal skills; • Member Medical Clinic provides cleaning suppliesor lawns person because ofReliable race, religion, GreatCLINIC for gardens GOLDEN MEDICAL ments today. 100% money Judgment; Corp. BBB. sex,Golden-Kicking color, nationality, ancestry or 100%3organic - phof6.9.7.0 Flexibility; Excellent back Free consul• guarantee. BeneÂżt Package offered after months 1-877-987-1420 FOR CUSTODIAN place ofEXCELLENT origin, or age, unless the $20 per cu. yard loaded tation. Call us now. WeAcan oral communication; Horse WWW SPCA BC CA employment condition is justified byFOR a bona Lots of references! help! 1-888-356-5248. OPPORTUNITY Excellent written fide requirement for2 the work Weexperience can arrange delivery. 5 days per week HIRING •• TAX :ages: commensurate with NEW IMMIGRANTS communication; Client FREE MONEY involved. HOUSEKEEPING • available, 5-6 hours perare evening In Memoriam In Memoriam AND ABORIGINALS Call Bernie - 344-4646. is if you a focus; Dependability; Applicants must: ROOM ATTENDANT • Medical Clinic cleaning supplies homeowner, today! We provides can Judgment; Reliable COPYRIGHT How to apply: SUPERVISOR/ easily approve you by • Be reliable BeneÂżt Package offered after 3 months of re, Copyright and/or properties If you see a wildďŹ Attn to Sam Sethi subphone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortCLEANING sist in allEXCELLENT advertisements and in • Be trustworthy employment gage money is availableMichaelreport resume: it to Patrick OPPORTUNITY FOR in all otherFax material appearing SUPERVISOR (noc.6215) right Rates start at •• now. Maintain conÂżdentiality successful applicant 250-344-4665 :ages: commensurate with experience this edition bcclassifi NEW IMMIGRANTS located atof1120 14 St. N, Prime. Equity counts. We 1-800-663-5555 Permission to reproduce wholly reTuired to sign a conÂżdentiality agreement

Email: AND don’t rely on credit, age or Golden, V0A1H0 or in part ABORIGINALS andBC in any form whator *5555 income. •Applicants Be ablemust: to work independently (Mike) soever, particularly by aShift, phoHow to apply: Permanent, Full-Time, Callreliable Anytime on most cellular • Be tographic or offset process in a Attn to Sam Sethi 1-800-639-2274 or Day, Evening, Weekend -• Applicants are reTuired to have current criminal publication must be obtained in networks. Be trustworthy 604-430-1498. Apply online Fax resume: $19.00 hourly for Any writing from the publisher. record check. • Maintain con¿dentiality successful applicant May 28 1975 unauthorized reproduction will 250-344-4665 40 hours per week be subject toEmail: law. - PastreTuired custodialto experience would an asset but Homebe4Improvements sign a con¿dentiality agreement

Completionrecourse of HighinSchool June 2005 Experience is an asset • not necessary. Be able to work independently FULL SERVICE plumbing

It Starts with You!





Duties: Hire and train or arrange Medical/Dental for training of cleaning staff, Inspect sites or MEDICAL Transcriptionists are infacilities huge to demand! ensure Train with safety Canada’s top Medical and cleanliness Transcription school. Learn from standards; home andEstablish work from work schedules; Assist Medical/Dental home. Call today! 1-800-4661535, cleaners in performing or MEDICAL Transcriptionists duties; Supervise and are in huge demand! Train of withco-ordinate Canada’s activities top Medical Employment workers; Recommend Transcription school. Learn from home for andadditional work from Agencies/Resumes or arrange home. Call today!services. 1-800-466maintenance 1535, or Others: Initiative; Effective interpersonal skills; Employment Flexibility; Excellent Agencies/Resumes oral communication; Excellent written communication; Client focus; Dependability; Judgment; Reliable EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW IMMIGRANTS AND ABORIGINALS How to apply: Attn to Sam Sethi Fax resume: 250-344-4665 Email:

- 6tart time would be -une 22nd. from Parker Dean. Fast, reare reTuiredperiod. to liable, have current criminal 24/7 service. Take $50 -- 3Applicants month probationary off your next job if time you present If wecheck. planted a flower each record - Please send bring resumethis to Golden Medical ad. Vancouver area. 1- Clinic, Past experience would beBox angarden asset but 800-573-2928 wecustodial thought you, our 6,of Golden B.C., 1170, 826 th Ave not necessary. Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 Attention: -an. would bloom forever. Misc Services 6tart time would be -uneand 22nd. -- 5eferences are reTuired will be validated. Electrical - 3 month probationary period. TH E&P ACCEPTING RESUMES UNTIL JUNE 12day. We miss and love toyou every AERIAL CONTRACTORS - Please send bring resume Golden Medical LTD. Power line systems built WINDOW CLEANING th Ave 6, Golden B.C., Box 1170, Clinic, 826 to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622. Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 Attention:250-272-1194 -an. Mom & Dad. Employment Employment - 5eferences are reTuired and will be validated.

Employment Merchandise for Sale

Employment Rentals



Auctions Career BUD Opportunities HAYNES, Ward’s Firearms Auction. Saturday, June 13, 10a.m., 11802 - 145 St., Merchandise for Sale MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! Edmonton, Alberta. Denny

Misc Rent Helpfor Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


In-demand career! Employers Harding Estate, Sask.positions Store have work-at-home Dispersal. Over online 200 training new Visit our website for available. Get guns. Website, catalogue you need from an employerhas arental position complete listings w/pictures. Phone 403-347BUD HAYNES, Ward’s Firetrusted program. Visit online: available for an 5855 or 780-451-4549; arms Auction. Saturday, or callJune 13, 10a.m., 11802 - 145 St., 855-768-3362 to start training experienced Edmonton, Alberta. Denny for your work-at-home career Processor Operator. Harding Estate, Sask. Store today! Property Dispersal. Over 200 new Visit ourManagement website for guns. Website, catalogue Division Competitive complete rentalwages listings w/pictures. Phone GARAGE SALE403-347and beneÂżts. Alice Dahlberg, CPM 5855 or 780-451-4549; Saturday June 6, 9 am - 3 am (no early birds!) 250-344-2418 850 Read Rd, Nicholson, at Email resume or to: INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPthe Stash Your Stuff Storage. 250-344-8581 (cell) Property Management MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL., Storage unit clearing. NO Simulators. All sorts of In-the-seat stuff! Division resume to: Each Fax ofďƒžce is independently training. Real world tasks. GARAGE SALE Weekly start dates. Job board! 250-344-7282 Alice Dahlberg, CPM owned & operated. Multi-Family Garage Sale Saturday June 6, 9 am 3 am Funding options. Sat. June 6 from 9am-3pm. early birds!) Mailed resume to: 250-344-2418 or SignUp(no online! Household items, kids toys, 850 Read Rd, Nicholson, at bikes & 1-866-399-3853 clothes, tools, garden Box 10, Golden, BC the Stash Your Stuff Storage. 250-344-8581 (cell) tools, Storage craft supplies, wool & unit clearing. V0A 1H0 material,Allfurniture, area rugs, sorts of stuff! Each ofďƒžce is independently shelving, canoe, electric chain saw, RV stove & fridge. owned & operated. Multi-Family Garage Sale Sat. June 6 from 9am-3pm. Household items, kids toys, bikes & clothes, tools, garden 3 bdrm house for rent. tools, craft supplies, wool & material,OBERT furniture, areaOB rugs, RUCE C EEMAN 250-344-5075 / 344-5059 A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES shelving, canoe, electric chain STEEL SHIPPING Dry saw, RV stove & fridge. Storage Containers Used It is with deep sorrow 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ that thehouse family of 3 bdrm for rent. containers as low as $2,200. Robert McKeeman Also JD 544 & 644 wheel 250-344-5075 / 344-5059 Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forkMobile Home announces his A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES lift. Ph Toll SHIPPING free 24 hours Dry 1STEEL Lots for rent. passing on Friday, 866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 Storage Containers Used First 315, months May 2015free! in 8am-5pm. Delivery BC andconAB 20’40’45’53’ and insulated tainers all sizes in stock. 40’ Cranbrook, at 56 Creek side BC available. containers as low as $2,200. years of age. Ph. 250-344-0751. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forkMobile Home Rob Lots wasforborn lift. Ph Toll freeFROM 24 hoursonly 1SAWMILLS rent. in BUD HAYNES, Ward’s& save Fire866-528-7108 $4,397 - Make 1-778-298-3192 money Golden, BC on arms Auction. Saturday, June First 3 months free! 8am-5pm. BC bandmill and AB money withDelivery your own 2August bdr. ground level suite.He 1109 30, 1958. 13, 10a.m., 11802 145 St., - Cut lumber any dimension. In 13Creek Noside pets.available. References. Edmonton, Denny willSt. be remembered stock ready toAlberta. ship. Free info Avail now. 250-344-5691. Ph. Harding Estate, Store & DVD:his www.NorwoodSaw for loveSask. of family his 250-344-0751. passion for the Dispersal. Over 200 new and Visit our website for 1-800-5662 fibedroom house on acreage guns. Website, catalogue outdoors which included shing, hunting and 6899 Ext:400OT. FROM SAWMILLS only complete rental listings at Castledale on Hwy 95 w/pictures. Phone 403-347$4,397 - Make and money & save shooting always living life to the fullest. South. $950/month + utilities. 5855 or your 780-451-4549; STEEL BUILDINGS. big money with own “Our bandmill No reliable 2 bdr.parties, ground mature level suite. 1109 35th anniversary saleâ€? 20x20 - Cut lumber any dimension. In Rob25x24 is survived by his mother father Ruth tenants preferred. References 13 St. and No pets. References. $4500. $5198.Free 30x30 stock ready to ship. info and damage deposit required. Availhis now.brothers 250-344-5691. Howard McKeeman, Terry $7449. 32x36 $8427. 40x46 & and DVD: www.NorwoodSaw Property Management Call 250-344-6710. $12140. One end and wall includ- (Patti) and his children 1-800-566(Shannon) Allen 2 bedroom house on acreage ed. Steel 1-800-668Division 6899Pioneer Ext:400OT. renovated at Bedroom Castledale on Hwyolder 95 Jeffrey and Taylor.2house, 5422Jessica, GARAGE SALE downtown Golden. No South. $950/month + CPM utilities. Alicemature Dahlberg, STEEL BUILDINGS. big Saturday June 6, 9 am“Our - 3 am parties, reliable No parties, mature reliable family invites you join us for a celebration 35thOur anniversary saleâ€? 20x20 (no early birds!) tenants preferred. 250-344-2418 or tenants preferred. $950/month References $4500. 25x24 $5198. 30x30 850 Rd,life Nicholson, at will +and of Read Rob’s which beutilities. held ondeposit Saturday, Located on required. a large damage $7449. 32x36 $8427. 40x46 the Stash Your Stuff Storage. 250-344-8581 (cell) Private Coin Collector Buying commercial lot and is suitable Call 250-344-6710.Funeral June 20, 2015 at 11:00 atbusiness McPherson $12140. One endclearing. wall includ-amfor Storage unit Collections, Olympic Coins, nd use also. inSteel Cranbrook –250-344-6710. 2ofďƒžce Street South). ed. Home Pioneer 1-800-668-(2200 All sorts of stuff! Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Tel: 2Each Bedroom older isrenovated independently 5422 Chad: 778-281-0030 in town. those house, downtown Golden.a No In lieu of fl owers, wishing to make owned & operated. Multi-Family Garage Sale parties,of mature donation in honour Rob reliable may$950/month do so June 6 from 9am-3pm. tenants preferred. th Household items, kids Cancer toys, Society, to the: Canadian 19 9 Avenue + utilities. Located on a large OfďŹ ce/studio for rent: bikes &Coin clothes, tools,Buying garden Private Collector commercial lot V1C and is2L9. suitable South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, $350.00/month (excld. GST). tools, craft supplies, wool & Collections, Olympic Coins, for business useground also. floor, 200 SF, on material, furniture, rugs, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, area Estates Tel: 250-344-6710. hydro/heating/wi-fi / Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral shelving, canoe, electric chain Chad:Custom 778-281-0030 inHome town. Timber disposal incld, saw,Service. RV stove &Condolences fridge. forparking/waste the family cannobe On 6.5 acres, exc. Views private washroom, 250-348-2447 offered at: smoking, no pets, avail June1. Inquire: Konan OfďŹ 250.344.2443 ce/studio 3 bdrm house for forrent: rent. / 250.348.2591 Vreni. $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, 250-344-5075 / 344-5059 hydro/heating/wi-fi / A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES CustomSHIPPING Timber Home Dry parking/waste disposal incld, STEEL 41On - 1040 9th Aveexc. N. Views KHMP. 6.5 acres, washroom, noC O M Storage Containers Used S TA Sprivate H YO U R S T U F F. Renovated (1977) 14x64, con3 250-348-2447 smoking,spaces no pets, avail June1. 20’40’45’53’ and insulated Storage of different bdrm, 1 bath, new roof, fl oors, Inquire: 250.344.2443 Konan / tainers all sizes in stock. 40’ sizes starting at $40/month siding, windows, doors, 250.348.2591 Vreni. containers as low as $2,200. including heated units. appliances/blinds incld. Oil Also JD 544 & 644 wheel 250-344-3104. heating. & Lovely fenced yardforkw/ Loaders 20,000 lb CAT Mobile Home shed. Asking $35,000. lift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1Lots for rent. 250-344-2996. 41 - Ph. 1040 9th 1-778-298-3192 Ave N. KHMP. 866-528-7108 S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Renovated (1977)BC 14x64, First 3 months free! 8am-5pm. Delivery and 3AB different 3Storage bdrm, spaces 2 bath, of 1500+ sqft bdrm, 1 bath, new roof, oors, CASH REWARD up flto sizes starting at $40/month Creek side available. townhouse with balcony. Prosiding, windows, doors, $1000 to move in a new or including heated units. pane & dishwasher. appliances/blinds Oil Ph.fireplace 250-344-0751. newer home into incld. Kicking 250-344-3104. No pets; no parties. Long term heating. Lovely MHP. fencedCall yard Horse Village forw/ preferred. Good references & shed. Asking $35,000. details 250-344-6935. SAWMILLS FROM only security deposits required Ph. 250-344-2996. $4,397 - Make money & save $1595 per month + utls. money with your own bandmill 2 ground level 1500+ suite. 1109 250-344-6710. 3 bdr. bdrm, 2 bath, sqft REWARD up to In - CutCASH lumber any dimension. 13 St. No with pets.balcony. References. townhouse Pro$1000 to move in a Free new or stock ready to ship. info Avail now. 250-344-5691. pane fi replace & dishwasher. into Kicking & newer DVD:home www.NorwoodSaw No pets; no parties. Long term Horse Village MHP.1-800-566Call for 2 bedroomGood housereferences on acreage preferred. & details 250-344-6935. 6899 Ext:400OT. at Castledale on Hwy 95 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. security deposits required South. $950/month + utilities. No parties, N/S. Laundry fa$1595 per month + utls. STEEL BUILDINGS. “Our big No parties, mature reliable cilities, security doors. Best 250-344-6710. Black B4000 V6 References Mazda for 35th anniversary saleâ€? 20x20 tenants98 preferred. deal in town! 250-344-8113. sale. Single cab, smallrequired. box, 2 $4500. 25x24 $5198. 30x30 and damage deposit sets of winter tires, polishes $7449. 32x36 $8427. 40x46 Call 250-344-6710. aluminium bud rims, $4000 $12140. One end wall includOBO. 250-344-8136 ed. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6682 Bedroom renovated older Twin Rivers 1 & 2 Bdr apts. 5422 house, downtown Golden. No No parties, N/S. Laundry faparties, mature reliable 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. cilities, security doors. Best Black B4000 V6$950/month Mazda for tenants98preferred. Utilities included. Close to deal in town! 250-344-8113. sale. Single cab, 2 + utilities. Locatedsmall on abox, large amenities. No pets, parties. sets of winter tires,is polishes Private Coinavailable. Collector Buying commercial lot and suitable DD. Internet aluminium bud rims, $4000 Collections, Olympic Coins, for business use also. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. OBO. 250-344-8136 Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Tel: 250-344-6710. Chad: 778-281-0030 in town. 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. OfďŹ ce/studio for rent: DD. Internet available. $350.00/month (excld. GST). Golden 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. 200 SF, on ground floor, COMMERCIAL BUILDING hydro/heating/wi-fi/ 3100 sq. ft. Home Custom Timber parking/waste disposal incld, of Retail On 6.5 acres,Space exc. Views private washroom, no Located DOWNTOWN 250-348-2447 smoking, no pets, avail June1. Excellent High Traffic Area Inquire: 250.344.2443 Konan / Plenty of Parking 250.348.2591 Vreni. 250-344-6710 Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space 41 - 1040 9th Ave N. KHMP. S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Located DOWNTOWN Renovated (1977) 14x64, 3 Storage spaces of different Excellent High Traffic Area

Auctions FOR RENT

Garage Sales Education/Trade Schools

Garage Sales

Obituaries Heavy Duty Machinery R “R


�B M K 1958 – 2015 Mobile Homes Heavy Duty & Pads Machinery

Merchandise for Sale Misc. for Sale Auctions

Misc. for Sale

Mobile Homes Rentals & Pads

Misc for Rent Homes for Rent

FOR RENT Homes for Rent

Garage Sales

Misc. Wanted

Misc. Real Wanted Estate

OfďŹ ce/Retail

Houses For Sale

OfďŹ ce/Retail Real HeavyEstate Duty Machinery Mobile Homes Houses For Sale & Parks Place a classiďŹ ed wordStorage ad and... Mobile Homes & Pads Mobile Homes & Parks Storage Townhouses


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Golden Star Prestige Inn Golden Kicking Horse is looking for full/part time housekeepers, competitive River Lodge Administrative Assisitant wages, benefi ts, seasonal and

It takes Community It takes Newspapers 11 muscles 11 read muscles to to read this ad. this ad.

employment oppor tu nity


Wednesday, JuneJune 3, 2015 TheGolden GoldenStar Star Wednesday, 3, 2015

year round positions available, requires Seasonal Full TheFront Golden Star bonus has an opening for apply an structure. Please time Part time in personfor with our resume at the administrative assistant weekly desk/Night Security Prestige Inn located at 1049 Trans Canada Hwy. and housepublication. keeping. Experience and asset/ are looking for a team player who isn’t afraid to willWe train. take initiative. Must be able to workYou must be organized, self-motivated, andand havenights. developed computer and typing skills . Basic weekends Sendbookkeeping Resume toskills are an asset. C. Stewart at Salary will commensurate with experience. Preference

We’re at the heart of things™

will be given to candidates with recent and relevant experience. We offer an excellent benefits package (including medical / dental and profit sharing after one year) including a few unique perks upon completion of the standard three-month probationary period.

Please submit your resume with cover letter and Obituaries Obituaries references no later than Friday, June 5, 2015 to:

MicheleWayne LaPointe, Publisher Donald “Woody� Woodman The Golden Star August 16, 1966 - May 28, 2015

Box 149, 413A 9th Ave. N. Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Golden Star Black Press is Canada’s largest independent newspaper group with over 100 community, daily and urban papers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Hawaii, and Ohio.

It takes 11 muscles to read thistake yourad.muscles Don’t

Donald Wayne “Woody� Woodman passed away unexpectedly in Golden B.C. on May 28th, 2015 at the age of 48. Don is survived by his parents Sharon and Wayne, sister Colleen (Gary), son Tanner, wife Karen, nephews Jared, Tyler, niece Kristy (Brett), greatnephews Jace, Cohen, and Dawson. Don was born on August 16, 1966 in Fernie B.C. to Sharon and Wayne Woodman. He graduated from Golden Secondary in 1984. Don was a natural athlete, one of those people who whatever he did he excelled at. He enjoyed spending his time fishing, curling, bowling, and playing baseball. A celebration of life is scheduled for Friday, June 5th at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center, with a reception to follow. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Don’s life. If you feel you would like to make a donation please make a donation to a local youth program of your choice. Online condolences may be sent through Woody’s obituary at

for granted. Over 50,000 Help Wanted Help Wanted Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes Don’t take your ACCEPTING RESUMES UNTIL JUNE 12 Canadians with muscles muscular PERMANENT POSITION OPENING AT for granted.take Over 50,000 Employment Misc. for Sale GOLDEN MEDICALEmployment CLINIC dystrophy them very Agencies/Resumes Agencies/Resumes FOR A CUSTODIAN Homes for Rent Townhouses Canadians with muscular • 5 days per week seriously. Rentals • 5-6 hours per evening Transportation • Medical Clinic providesJust cleaning supplies one of the reasons to call for all your job recruitment Apt/Condo for Rent dystrophy take needs. them very • Bene¿t Package offered after 3 months of Cars - Domestic employment Learn more at tocommensurate build your in a Get • Need seriously. :ages: withskills experience Rentals new area? /localwork-bc @localworkbc Applicants must: Transportation 1-855-678-7833 Apt/Condo for Rent Apartment • Be reliable Paid to • Earn while you learn through Furnished Be trustworthy Cars - Domestic Learn more at Need to build your skills in a • Maintain con¿dentiality successful applicant a paid work placement! Get TH

30 Days Online Exposure.



reTuired to sign a conÂżdentiality agreement

new area? Learn •Call Be us abletoday to work independently to find out more. Paid to - Applicants Earn while you through are reTuired to learn have current criminal record check. a paid work placement! - Past custodial experience would be an asset but Learn A: 2 0 5 - 4 2 1 9 t h not A vnecessary. e., Golden P: 344-5413 Call us today to find out more. - 6tart time 22nd. www.e kem p lwould o ymbee-une nt.o rg

- 3 month probationary period. Medical/Dental - Please send bring resume to Golden Medical Clinic, 826 th Ave 6, Golden B.C., Box 1170, MEDICAL Transcriptionists A:demand! 2 0 5 - 4Train 21 9th Ave., Golden P: 344-5413 are in huge Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 Attention: -an. with Canada’s top Medical reTuired will be validated. w w w . -e5eferences k e m p l oare ym e n t .and org Transcription school. Learn The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535, or


Misc. Wanted

Apartment Furnished Commercial/ Industrial Real Estate

Houses For Sale Commercial/ Industrial Mobile Homes & Parks

OfďŹ ce/Retail


Don’t take your muscles

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star A19

Great turnout for Fast and Female event

This year’s Fast and Female Champ Chat at the Golden Arena featured 51 local athletes from ages 8-15 and four Olympians, including three time Olympian Alex Gough (left photo) who is pictured signing an autograph for Alexia Cote. Joel Tansey/Star Photos

Challenger camp coming to Golden

Neva and Keelan Dalinghaus (campers) pose with coaches Christopher Duff and Sean Szabo at last year’s camp in Golden. Photo Submitted Golden Star Staff The Women’s World Cup is just over two weeks away and the eyes of the soccer world will be focused on Canada as it hosts this showpiece for the world’s best women’s soccer teams and play-

ers. Soccer is clearly growing in popularity and the number one soccer company in the United States and Canada, Challenger Sports, has been invited to hold one of their highly regarded “British Soccer Camps” right here in the growing soccer community of Golden.

Golden Minor Soccer has teamed up to host the week long “British Soccer Camp” from July 6-10 at Keith King Memorial Park. The camp will run Monday through Friday and each child will be coached by a member of Challenger’s elite team of 1,200 British soccer coaches flown to Canada exclusively to work on these programs. Challenger Sports will hold over 4,000 soccer programs this year and will coach over 225,000 players between the ages of 3 and 19. Challenger’s 1,000 touches coaching syllabus provides an innovative daily regimen of footskills, moves, juggling, tactical practices and daily tournament play. Challenger also weaves lessons on Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Leadership and Sportsmanship into the camper’s daily routine. The British Soccer Camp program also provides a unique cultural experience for the players, highlighted in the Camp World Cup. The coaches use this daily tournament to teach the players about life, customs and traditions of other countries. The campers are asked to make up soccer chants, wear the team colors of their country, bring flags and learn as much as they can about the country they represent. For more information visit

The Golden-Field RCMP

Charity Golf Tournament Monday, June 8, 2015 This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the GoldenField RCMP charity golf tournament. The annual event raises money to help support students going in to post-secondary education through scholarships. “The tournament is a great way for us to help ease the financial burden of college or university for our local youth.” says Golden-Field RCMP Detachment Commander Sgt. Troy Durand. “This tournament would not be in its thirtieth year if it wasn’t for the tremendous support of those who come out to golf and the businesses who continue to donate to the cause year after year”. The tournament is set to take place on Monday June 8 with a 9:00 am shotgun start. The cost is $95 per player and includes green fees, cart rental, meal, and a prize.

Those interested in participating in the tournament or those wishing to donate prize items can do so by contacting the Golden-Field RCMP Detachment at 250-344-2221.



Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry GarryOddy Oddy (250) (250)344-7234 344-7234


$77,000 615 - 9th Street

$325,600 4 bedrooms

50’ x 130’

$209,600 773 Canyon Creek Road

3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft

.35 acre

1308 Pine Drive 3 baths


#101, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

2 bedrooms 2 baths 960sqft

$259,000 #412, 1420 Palliser Trail 2 baths


3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


$950,000 528 - 9th Avenue

Land, Building & Business



1001 - 10th Avenue

11 bedrooms

4.5 baths


$469,000 2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres

3071 Tegart Road

Rural Propery with 2 Homes

3 bedrooms


527 - 8th Street 2 baths


2483 Seward Road

3 bdrms 3 baths 2,160sqft


4 bedrooms

3.5 baths


$330,000 Lot 17, 1208 Station Avenue Land & Building

8.5 acres


#3, 532 Hietala Road 3 bedrooms

5 bedrooms

3 baths


509 Main Street

Land & Building Fully Rented

DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435



#14, 415 - 5th Avenue

2 bedrooms


5bdrms 2.5 baths 2,180sqft .54 acre

3377 Highway #95, South 2bdrms 1 bath 952sqft 2.41 acres


1 bath


5bdrms 2.5 baths 2,544sqft .98 acre

$925,000 1669 Dogtooth Close

3 bedrooms

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$80,000 Lot 19, 1208 Station Avenue .35 acre

2 1/2 baths


$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

$195,000 #206, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail




1222 - 10th Avenue

2 bedrooms

2 baths

1282 Horse Creek Road


$445,000 1011 - 11th Avenue Building & Land


802 Nicholson Frontage Road


$1,195,000 1593 Columbia Valley View

$362,900 405 Riverglen Drive





2016 McMurdo Road

Land and Building

$875,000 1638 Purcell Woods


901 - 7th Street


2 bedrooms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

3 baths


$279,000 #18, 1333 Aemmer Way

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$249,900 917 - 10th Avenue Land and Building

MOBILE HOMES #5, 604 Almberg Road.......................2 bedrooms.......................................$15,000 #10 Swiss Village MHP.......................3 bedrooms.......................................$65,000

#8 Mountain Shadows MHP..............2 bedrooms.......................................$66,300 #40 Kicking Horse Village MHP.........2 bedrooms.......................................$85,000

IN TOWN LOTS 506-8th Street.................................. 50’ x 130’ ..................................... $76,300 Granite Drive................................3 Lots available............... each listed at $199,600 1608 Gareb Road.............................. 71’ x 180’ ......................................$89,900 1553 Quartz Crescent...................... 66’ x 207’....................................... $79,000 1556 Quartz Crescent....................... 71’ x 173’ ..................................... $89,000 1402 Deere Ridge Road................... .35 acre.............................................. $99,000

RURAL ACREAGES Highway #95 South........................ 40 acres................................................... $209,000 Lot B, Carlson Road........................2.47 acres......................................... $84,900 2000 Highway #95 South............... 4.22 acres..................................................$136,300 Lot 2, Campbell Road................... 2.5 acres........................................... $120,000 646 Lower Habart Rd...................... 4.8 acres.................................................. $399,000 Blaeberry Valley Estates............2 acreages available.........from $118,300 to $195,300 985 McBeath Road............................40.52 acres......................................... $349,600

1414 Black Bear Drive....................2.07 acres........................................... $119,900 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South.... 5.8 acres................................................... $189,000 Cromac Ridge............................... 4 acreages available.........from $210,000 to $260,000 Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road.... 4.99 acres...................................................$119,900 1735 Short Road.............................. 4.94 acres............................................$119,900 Lot 2, Imler Road............................ 3.21 acres .................................................$112,500 1374 Black Bear Drive..................... 2.03 acres ................................................ $124,900

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