I N S I D E : Graduation time. Pages 9-12
Volume 120 No 23 PM # 400121123
Thursday, June 4, 2015
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Town cleans up, assesses damage The state of local emergency in Cache Creek will continue for at least another week as the Village assesses the damage from the May 23 flood. At least three trailers and possibly two houses were destroyed; many other residences have been severely damaged but are deemed salvageable. The evacuation order for the Riverside Trailer Park and most other areas of town was lifted on Thursday after a slope analysis on Valleyview Drive and along Old Cariboo Road confirmed that all of the debris on the hills had been washed away in the flood, leaving only bedrock behind in many places. The damaged residences have been categorized with visible red, yellow or green cards that indicate the amount of damage in the residence. The red cards indicate structural damage that needs to be fixed before they can be lived in; the amber cards indicate the owners can live in them while they carry out repairs although they may be without services. “I think we are recovering nicely,” said Mayor John Ranta. “The priority is repairing infrastructure so if we have another big rain, we’ll be ready.” “Cache Creek suffered a once in a hundred year rainfall event,” he added. “Environment Canada confirmed that.” Ranta said they are will be looking at stream stabilization in the coming week, and a hydrologist will have a look at Lopez Creek to see if there are remediation actions required. “We believe the water course has been changed to a certain degree,” he said, “but we can’t touch anything next to the streams.” The province’s Riparian Act requires that vegetation adjacent to fish-bearing rivers and streams be left untouched. He said the repaving project for Old Cariboo Road is still going ahead. He sees an opportunity to make it better if the province agrees that the road bed may have been damaged in the flood and makes money available to dig a new foundation for the road. He urged the flood victims to submit the two page disaster assistance form. “There may be some shortfalls in anticipated funding” for homeowners, he acknowledged. “That’s why the Village is also raising funds.” You can donate at the Village Office or online at www.cachecreekvillage.com .
Above: Post-flood rains were hard on the storm sewers in Cache Creek and the May 27 rainfall left much water lying above ground. (Below) A red-tagged house deemed unsafe and uninhabitable. (Right) The sidewalk south of the Hwy 1 bridge in Cache Creek fell into the river because of undercutting during the flood.
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Meeting up with the Premier
May 26 at 11 am police were notified about a suspicious male hanging around the Cache Creek Village Office, asking staff about Premier Christy Clark’s whereabouts. The Premier was in town that day to survey the flood damage. Police were given a license place number that didn’t match with the man’s vehicle and became concerned. The vehicle was located and the number given to them was wrong. The correct number showed a valid registration. The 65 year old Coquitlam man was there hoping to speak with the Premier.
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Broken window in vintage car
May 27 at 7:45 am a resident of the 200 block of Brink St. discovered a broken window on his 1978 Pontiac Firebird. The 30 year old man reported the incident for information. The damage is suspected to have happened some time overnight. Anyone having information about the incident can call the police at 4532216.
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Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
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The Dairy Queen Park in Cache Creek, normally a quiet little picnic area next to the Cache Creek, between DQ and Subway, lies in shambles after the May 23 flood. The raging waters in the creek dislodged the foot bridge and smashed the picnic tables and benches.
The Lions Club & Desert Hills Tri Club are pleased to present the ASHCROFT BOTTLE DEPOT
5th annual Skipʻs Charity Run!
May 27 at 2:20 pm staff at Horstings Farm on Hwy 97 reported the theft of an expensive ATV. They reported seeing three strangers hanging around the property, and riding north on Hwy 97 with the ATV. It was found abandoned 1 km west of Hwy 97 on Hwy 99 in a pullout. The keys were gone. Police were able to located a suspect vehicle and arrested the 26 year old Kamloops woman driving it. The truck had been stolen from Kamloops the day before, and it was bearing license plates stolen from Merritt. A police dog and handler conducted a search for the other two suspects and they were located at a home on Hwy 99. One was taken into custory without much trouble, the other had to be retrieved from the attic. The woman and two men, a 26 year old Cache Creek male and a 28 year old Kamloops male, are facing charges of theft over $5,000 and possession of stolen property over $5,000. The 28 year old Kamloops man is also wanted for outstanding warrants, including one from Williams Lake where he is charged with a sex assault.
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Car Cruise & Parade
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Show & Shine
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Smoke Show
Saturday, June 13 at the Community Hall
Sock Hop Dance Saturday, June 13 at the Community Hall For more information call 250-457-9263
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
Clinton Rodeo Parade May 23 Photos: Wendy Coomber
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A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published by Black Press Ltd 402 - 4th St., Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
Flood cleanup is a long and dirty job It’s been a hard week for many Cache Creek residents. The sound of heavy equipment starts up at 8 am every morning all over town. That’s the happy part. The disturbing part is the sound of thunder lurking in those dark rain clouds that have dropped rain on Cache Creek three or four times in the week following the great flood. Because the ground is already so saturated with water, anything extra just sits in the yards, carries a little extra mud into the driveway. We dug out not once but at least four times in a week. Really, if all you have to worry about is another little pool of water in your yard, it’s peanuts compared to what others have endured. And while we can grab the snow shovel and move the water along, we are all reminded that some of our friends and neighbours have no more homes to rescue. Or if they do, it’s going to be a long time and a lot of work to make them liveable again. More than a week later, the ground is still saturated. Lifting those shovelfuls of mud is backbreaking work but it has to be done. The work is far from over. The donations of money and help are surely much appreciated, but those affected by the flood won’t see any financial aid for four to six weeks - if at all. Spend your days and nights in a motel room that’s being paid for by Emergency Social Services, or in a cold, dark house where the power and heat have been turned off until the damages have been fixed, and perhaps you’ll see that four to six weeks can be an eternity. Everyone is saying that this is going to take a long time to straighten out, but people can’t put their lives on hold while the paperwork goes through the system. It needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible. Even so, disaster assistance from the province will only cover 80 per cent of just a certain area of the residence. Locally-raised donations will be distributed by a locally made up committee. Hopefully it will all get done sooner rather than later.
A GOOD PAIR OF COWBOY BOOTS can get you out of all sorts of mucky situations
Infrastructure must encourage social capacity by Milton Friesen HAMILTON, ON/ Troy Media/ The Federation of Canadian Municipalities will no doubt attract significant media interest at its upcoming annual conference with calls for great physical infrastructure spending. Indeed, even before it kicks off its gathering in Edmonton from June 5 to 8, the FCM has already won welldeserved attention for a report showing Canada is $123 billion behind on physical infrastructure, and lagging by a further $2 billion annually. New federal investments of $75 billion over 10 years for Canadian infrastructure will help, but even that can’t catch us up completely. The FCM is right to raise concern about this chronic infrastructure shortfall, which generally captures our awareness only if a large chunk of a local bridge plunges into a river or a broken water main snarls commuter traffic. We need these things so that we can live the lives we do, yet we forget and neglect them until trouble reminds us they’re essential. Yet there is another kind of essential infrastructure that all too often has even lower visibility: social infrastructure. The complex networks of relationships, groups, organizations, and institutions that make up the deep operating system of our common lives can
also be taken for granted. Failing to pay attention to our social infrastructure yields a result similar to neglect of bridges and roads. It can decline, eroding until a significant failure jars our inattention. One of the signs that we may be underinvesting in the ties that have long held our communities together is the increasing rate of social isolation of which we are only slowly becoming aware. Socially and economically marginalized people have long known the feeling of vulnerability that comes with being disconnected from the advantages that others unthinkingly enjoy. But cities such as Vancouver have begun to notice that social isolation affects all economic and social strata: privilege does not necessarily equal social well-being. Neither does digital connectedness. A Vancouver study revealed unexpected levels of social isolation and civic disengagement among residents in their mid-20s to mid-30s. Rather than being just another lifestyle choice, feeling disconnected from other people for prolonged periods of time can lead to poor health and premature death at rates comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, or suffering from heart disease. If health budgets are already challenging to meet, we can expect that a failure to attend to human connectedness in our EMAIL:
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A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
cities will increase the demand on those services. Faltering social infrastructure will be costly. Many factors influence social connectedness. One is the design of our communities - the space where social and physical infrastructure meet. Some arrangements of housing, businesses, schools, roads and buildings are socially productive, supporting the informal interactions of individuals, families, groups and organizations. Some are not. While we may not know why, we are naturally drawn to places that support such interactions - plazas, cafes, streets with little shops, places to sit, hang out, and watch each other. A significant question we must attend to is how our physical infrastructure builds or erodes social capacity. What do we know about the interaction of physical and social infrastructure that can guide us toward building new infrastructure that is more socially generative than what we currently have? What have we built that depletes or fights against social capacity? Perhaps we might re-think whether it can be retrofitted to yield a higher social return rather than just fixing up what hasn’t given us what we need. Milton Friesen is the program director of the Social Cities project of the think tank Cardus. www.troymedia. com Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
Emissions, revenue down at MV incinerator
he was assigned to the Engineering division in Sardis. Wells became skilled in infantry and military bridge production, and ultimately found himself assigned to the 6th Field Company of Royal Canadian Engineers after a year and a half. It was with the 6th that Wells landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in 1944. After his service in France, Albert was sent to Belgium, and then onto Holland. When asked about his service medals, Albert says that prior to the Republic of France awarding him Knighthood, he had a series of “ordinary” service medals which most Canadian vets would likely have. He said he’s not sure why he is receiving this highly esteemed award. Monday, June 8 He joked that Loonie Pot $215 + evening’s take they may have Proceeds to go to community projects “pulled his Hope to see you all there! name from a Cache Creek Community Hall • Doors Open 6 pm hat.”
Golden Country Real Estate Services “Your Hometown Professional Real Estate Team” RE/MAX Golden Country is this area’s oldest real estate office with over 20 years of successful history, and the team members of RE/MAX Welcome you to Gold Country! Conveniently located in downtown Ashcroft at 401 Railway Avenue. RE/MAX has THREE licensed professionals for your choosing to represent your real estate needs! Kelly Adamski, Cindy Adamski and Bob Cunningham. The choice is yours! Although always working together as a team effort, we provide you, the client, the very best service you expect from a licensed professional. We proudly service Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Loon Lake, Spences Bridge and all outlying and surrounding areas. Our office has an international referral data base, keeping our clients connected digitally and with extensive exposure nationwide and world wide! We are always available for our clients. Please feel welcome to come by our office for a coffee and a chat and to discuss any of your questions! We remind you as always, we continue to offer you our No Obligation FREE Market Evaluation of your Property! Visit our web page: www.goldencountry.ca Come HOME to RE/MAX ... Your Home Town Professional Real Estate Team! 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355 email: remaxashcroft@telus.net
plant that has since shut down. With no buyer for the more lucrative steam, the WTE plant retooled to generate strictly electricity. It also grappled with higher operating costs in 2014 to truck fly ash to Alberta because some loads had failed cadmium tests for B.C. landfill disposal. Metro officials say the plant remains by far the most cost-effective method of disposing of garbage, compared to using the Vancouver Landfill or trucking it to the Cache Creek Landfill, which the region wants to stop using in favour of a new waste-toenergy plant. Metro solid waste manager Paul Henderson said the dispos-
al cost is about half the amount per tonne to haul waste inland and dump it at Cache Creek. The existing incinerator burns about 285,000 tonnes of garbage a year and a new one – if approved – could take another 370,000 tonnes. In 2014, the net cost of WTE disposal was $60.53 per tonne, with more than $80 per tonne in operating and debt costs reduced by nearly $20 a tonne in revenue. That net cost has nearly doubled from $33.30 per tonne in 2010 due to the rising costs and falling revenue. The revenue doesn’t count tipping fees Metro collects from haulers that dump there.
In partnership with Nicola Valley Institute of Technology School District #74 (Gold Trail) is offering:
HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT PROGRAM WHEN: September 8, 2015 - April 14, 2016 (5 days a week) WHERE: Cache Creek Elementary School For further information please contact: Greg Howard, Transitions Adviser ghoward@sd74.bc.ca • 250-318-7485
Prices in Effect May 20 - June 10, 2015
France gives BC veteran special award
BlackPress Metro Vancouver’s garbage incinerator has cut its emissions by 53 per cent since completing a major pollution control upgrade over the past year. The $7-million retrofit by plant operator Covanta means the plant’s nitrogen oxides emissions now make up 0.4 per cent of the total in the region, down from 0.8 per cent. That’s just over one third of the emissions allowed under the current limit set by the provincial government, according to Metro. The plant is still awaiting a new operating certificate from the environment ministry – Metro’s application for one was challenged by the Fraser Valley Regional District, which demanded tougher pollution controls and testing. The waste-to-energy plant is also reporting a major drop in revenue in 2014. It took in nearly $5.5 million from selling electricity, but that’s down from $7.4 million in 2013. Power generation was offline for part of the year because of repairs to a failed turbine blade, and a new electricity purchase deal is now in effect with BC Hydro that pays Metro lower prices than before. The earnings picture for the Burnaby waste-to-energy plant, run by Covanta, has deteriorated since 2010, when it took in a combined total of $11 million from selling electricity to the grid and steam to an adjacent industrial
Mission’s Albert Wells is now a Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour.
Mission City Record Mission’s Albert Wells is now a Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour. The 99-year-old, Second World War veteran received the honour from the Government of the Republic of France. On May 28, at Chartwell Cedarbrooke Retirement Residence, Wells’ friends and family came out to celebrate the honour. Dignitaries representing all three levels of government came out to pay their respects. Wells was born on Oct. 16, 1915 in the Venables Valley near Ashcroft. He worked in construction – building bridges – and the lumber industry. He met his wife Dorothy while working in Colemont. During the war, he was initially posted in Vernon, where he completed basic training. It was discovered by higher-ups that he had experience and knowledge of safety, mine rescue, blasting and timbering, so
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Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
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Join Skip’s Run for a good cause
BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!
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Last year’s Skips Run was a great success for the Ashcroft & District Lions Club, and it was also a lot of fun for the participants who ran, walked, rode their bicycles and had a good time.
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If you have lived in Ashcroft for more than five years and especially if you own a vehicle, chances are you knew Skip Stuart. Skip was a hard working mechanic and garage owner who was always ready to help, even when the work day was done. He believed in the Lions Club and in serving his community. His pet projects were the Food Bank and Christmas Hamper. He was also instrumental in building the Lions’ concession trailer and seldom missed cooking a pancake breakfast. After Skip passed away in 2010, his friends at the Lions Club decided to host a running event in his honour. This Sunday, June 7, will be the 5th annual Skip’s Run for charity. I have enjoyed the Skip’s Run event since its beginning and each year it get’s bigger and better. It is a family friendly event and fun for everyone. Some running events I’ve attended are very serious and competiSPENCES BRIDGE tive.
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It may take a village to raise a child and it certainly takes a community to host a Plein Air Paint-out event! WRAPS would like to thank the following who made the 4th Plein Air another resounding success! Hedda Hall Royal Lepage Ashcroft Art Club Village of Ashcroft Pauline Ogilvie CF Sun Country Paulette Thille Desert Hills Marijke & Al Stott Jim & Martina Duncan Mayor Jack Jeyes Ashcroft - Cache Creek Rotary Club St. Alban’s Church The Journal Nancy & Royden Josephson Danita & Greg Howard Beans Roasted Rite Coffee Co. Santo Talarico - DW Dynamic Enterprises Alice Durksen
Ina & Dave Gory Sharon Rennie Joan Henderson Jo-Anne Portman Anne McKague Jim, Sue and Cecilia McLean Ken Dickinson Maggie Lyon Barbara Roden Ken Faulks Rhonda Hanson The Coffee Brew CBC Kamloops Kamloops This Week Jessica Clement Ken Leinweber Nancy Duchaine Angela Bandelli Brent and Donna Close All the Pot Luck Contributors All the Artists
….and the many members of our community who made the artists feel so very welcome. Thank-you all!
and finishes in Ashcroft at the downtown park and for those who would like to test their speed and stamina, there are medals for Vicky Trill 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in various age trills@telus.net categories. Skip’s Run is very inexpensive to enter at just $20 for a child Skip’s Run, however is about or $30 for an adult, or bring participation and fun and is the whole family and pay even a great event to try your first less per person! All proceeds race, or even your 100th. from the run go right back into the Ashcroft and Cache Creek communities so it’s money well spent! If you haven’t already signed up for Skip’s Run, there is still time. Come to the Ashcroft downtown park between 2-6 pm on Saturday, June 6 or just come on race morning any time before 8:45 am to register. If you would like to be involved, but are unable to run or walk this year, please come on down and cheer along the runners. Your cheers and encouragement may be just what someone needs to power them Skip Stuart Choose from a 2.5 km, across the finish line! Join the fun this Sunday 5 km or 10 km distance and and help your Lions Club supenjoy a scenic basically flat port our communities! See you route from start to finish. You at the finish line! can run or walk, or do a litFor more information, call tle of both. Skip’s Run begins 250 457-7038.
Living Well
Little wins age group in 15K Vernon Morning Star Staff Rick Brewster of Kamloops won the Blackwell Dairy 15K on Sunday in Kamloops in 56:59, followed by Cailan Libby of Kelowna and Josh Heinrich of Penticton, both in 58 minutes even. Yvonne Timewell of Kamloops was the female winner, finishing 11th overall in 1:03:35. She runs in the 45-49 section.
The men’s 45-49 category was won by Wayne Little of Ashcroft, in 59:38. The men’s 55-59 age group winner was Kris Malczynski of Kelowna. Cathy Brown of Coldstream took fifth in women’s 45-49 in 1:18:59, while Wendy Krasuin of Armstrong was third in 50-54 in 1:23:36.
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The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
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Fundraisers and clean ups
Call Terry at 250-453-2261 for the best advertising in town or email her at sales@accjournal.ca
Participants either brought their own planters or purchased them from the Building Center. Potting soil was donated by the Susan Swan Building Center and Lori 459-2224 or 2325 Byers (Home Building Cencountrysquire@ ter Senior Staff) volunteered bcwireless.com to come in on her day off to lead the workshop. A selecFitness Room Made Safer tion of plants was available A couple of years ago the Village to purchase and under Lori’s direcof Clinton created a fitness room in an tion pleasing selections were made. unused part of the Municipal Office Although attendance was low, Building. In 2014 it was recognized those who did attend were rewarded that the carpeted floor was not the best with a colourful arrangement of Lori Byers (center) helps Yvette May (left) and Janice Maurice choose appropriate for exercising on. plants to take home. Village Staff did some research and Home Hardware is a corporate plants for their planters at the Container found a grant that could cover 50 per sponsor of the National Commun- Planting Workshop. cent of the cost of a new 10 mm thick ities in Bloom program. waste per household for free. One load rubber floor (low impact flooring) that is considered to be up to an eight-foot meets liability insurance standards for Mill Girl Follies Presentation full-sized pickup truck box or up to an gymnasium floors. Clinton’s own Mill Girl Follies eight-foot trailer load. Council approved the grant applica- along with singer/song writer Katie No business or commercial loads tion to Tire Stewardship BC (TSBC), a Kidwell are holding a dress rehearsal will be accepted for free. not-for-profit society that represents the for residents of Clinton and area. tire retailers in BC. The society operThey will all be representing Clin- Health Auxiliary Yard Sale ates and manages the provincial scrap ton, British Columbia and Canada The Clinton Health Care Auxiliary tire-recycling program, which is fund- when they travel to Germany in early will hold their annual yard sale funded directly by the Advance Disposal July. They were invited to participate in raiser on Saturday, June 6 from 10 a.m. Fee on new tire sales from the retailers. a Festival there. to 2 p.m. in the Clinton Memorial Hall. Used rubber tires are recycled into The dress rehearsal will be an ex- Come and find some treasurers, bakcrumb rubber, which are granules of panded version of the show they will ing, etc. and help them raise funds for rubber with the steel and fibre removed. present in Germany and is a chance for the Clinton and District Health and This is used to create a variety of prod- them to thank area residents for all their Wellness Center. They recently funducts including athletic tracks, synthet- much-appreciated financial support for ed the recovering of all the chairs in the ic turf fields, playground surfacing, re- their airfare to and from Germany. Health Center waiting room. silient flooring in recreational facilities, This event is planned for flooring and mats for agricultural and Thursday, June 4 at 7 p.m. in Clinton and District industrial use and coloured landscap- the Clinton Memorial Hall. It Outdoor Sportsmen Association ing mulch. is open to everyone and admisThe Village of Clinton was success- sion is by donation. ful in receiving the grant which covered half of the approximately $8,000 cost Free Disposal Day for the floor. User fees covered the reSaturday, June 6 is a Free June 20, 2015 mainder of the cost. Disposal Day at the ClinThe new floor and other upgrades ton Eco-Depot. From 8 a.m. Clinton Legion Basement 7pm were done in April, during which time to 4 p.m. residents of Clinton Election of Executive the fitness room was closed to the pub- and area can bring one load of lic. The fitness room has been operational June 6-7 for a month now with the new floor and the consensus is that it is much better than the previous floor. The room is open 24/7 to users as it operates on a key card basis. The fitness room users pay a monthly fee at the Village Office and come Fill your flat with ANYTHING at and go when it suits Desert Hills Ranch for only $9.99 them. There is also HUGE SAVINGS the option of a oneyou won’t want to miss! time drop in fee for Introducing the New Save.ca Mobile Cash-Back Feature. visitors. ANYWHERE. With exclusive offers for the brands you love & $5 cash-out minimums
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On Saturday, May 30 the Clinton Communities in Bloom Committee partnered with the Clinton Home Building Center to hold a Container Planting Workshop.
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Notice of Public Meeting To Present the 2014 Annual Report Wednesday June 10th, 2015 7:00 pm Village Council Chambers In accordance with Sections 97, 98 and 99 of The Community Charter the Village of Clinton Council will publicly present the Village of Clinton 2014 Annual Report. Copies of the Annual Report are available at the Village Office, 1423 Highway 97, during regular office hours or from the Village’s website at www.village.clinton.bc.ca
Coming Events
June 1 and until further notice: the Emergency Department will be open weekends only: Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. For non-urgent matters, residents may wish to use the emergency departments or walk-in clinics in Kamloops or Merritt. If individuals are unsure about what services they require, call HealthLink BC at 811 and talk to a registered nurse. June 4: Cache Creek Garden Club meets at 6 pm at the Cache Creek Library. All gardeners or fans of gardening welcome. June 7: Skips Charity Run, 9 am at Heritage Place Park. June 8: Cache Creek Council meets at 7 pm in the Village Office. Everyone welcome. June 12: Movie Night at Zion; 7 PM! Showing: The Bible - Part 4 (last of the series). Last Movie until October. FREE admission; refreshments by donation. Zion United is at 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. Everyone most welcome. June 12-14: Graffiti Days, don’t miss any of the events! June 23-24: BC Cancer Agency Screening Mammography mobile service will be visiting Ashcroft and District Hospital Call 1-800-663-9203 for appointment. July 18-19: Ashcroft Wellness and Music Festival. Saturday 9 am to 9 pm and Sunday 9 am to noon. Visit our website at www.wellnessawaitsyou.ca Every Saturday from 9 am to noon. The Cache Creek Market is open at the main intersection in Cache Creek, next to Chums Restaurant, from now until October. We welcome both Farmer and Flea tables. Call 778-207-6957 for vending information.
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., JUNE 5th • 6:30 - 7:15 pm
Turkey or Beef Pot Pie 10/plate
Served with Salad and Dessert
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
Hamburgers & Chickenburgers served every Wednesday from Noon Bingo 1st & 3rd Wednesday Doors open 6:00 pm, games start 6:30 pm. Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
A 8 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
Residents and volunteers, aided by donations of equipment, are still digging out from under the mud and debris left by the May 23 flood. (Below) Local high school students helped clean up. (Right) On Tuesday, Marty Gibbons and Kyle Wolff, representing several United Steel Worker District 3 locals, presented Brenda Aynsley, executive director of United Way TNC with a cheque for $15,000 for the flood relief effort ongoing in Cache Creek. They also presented Yoriko Susanj, executive director of the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society with a cheque for $5,000 to aid with the food bank during this crisis. Both cheques were drawn from the United Steel Workers Humanity Fund. United Steel Workers across Canada donate one cent to the Fund for each hour they work. L-R: Yoriko Susanj, Cache Creek councillors Wyatt McMurray and Lisa Dafoe, Mayor John Ranta, Brenda Aynsley, Marty Gibbons and Kyle Wolff. More on pages 19 & 20
Bev Campbell (above) and Val Martin raised over $1,000 at the Cache Creek Market last Saturday by selling wood carvings made and donated by Logan Lake carver Bob Farquharson, taking donations and by donating the money from all of their sales.
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A9
Congratulations Clinton Grads! May this first step lead to a rewarding future Good luck from the
building centre
Clinton Home Building Centre
Great work grads, good luck with your future endeavours 1217 Cariboo Hwy, Clinton, BC
Congratulations Students! Management Management&&Staff Staffare are very proudofofall allof ofyou. you. very proud Have a greatGraduation! Graduation! Have a great
1507 Hwy. 97, Clinton BC
1507 Hwy. 97, Clinton BC 250-459-2172
Cody Ambler
Kelsey Ambler
Kyle Boys
Harrison Cole
Cassidy Fletcher
Cap and gown. Books are done Look out world. Here you come!
Cody Hainstock
Keisha Fletcher
Cody Hainstock
Harry Liu
Alysha Milward
Chelsea Stephenson
Spences Bridge B.C. Just off Hwy. 1 250- 458-2256
Class of 2015
Gold Trail Teachers’ Association
Congrats to the Class of 2015!
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin
We are sure today will be the first of many proud, successful moments for all our 2015 Grads 250-453-2225
Dream big, reach far Shine brightly, you’re a star
Congratulations on your Graduation! Ashcroft/Cache Creek 250-453-9999
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt Congratulations, graduates! Thompson Valley Funeral Home Ltd. Ordinary people. Extraordinary care. 250-453-9802 ~ 1-800-295-5138
A10 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
Jocelyn Beckett
Andrew Buis
Tommy Burgess
Ryleigh Campbell
Lane Chaney
Alesha Clark
Alexa Davidson
Brandon Douglas
Joseph Drynock
Alysha Edwards
Mark Ferguson
Arianna Fletcher
Tiffany Fletcher
Coral Foster
Wishing you every success in your future endeavours Congratulations!
417 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft
Wishing you many more successes in the future. Congratulations graduates!
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion Branch 113
250-453-2423 • 300 Brink St.
Congrats Class of 2015! The world is waiting for you Go for it!
S afety Mart
Revelations Tanning & Salon Wishing you a wonderful graduation and a lifetime of dreams come true Railway Ave, Ashcroft
Ashcroft Secondary School
Tim: so proud of all your hard work in high school, and of the fine young man you are. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations on your graduation. We wish you well as you pursue your goals and dreams.
Way to go Grads! You’re on your way to great things!
Congrats to all the Grads of 2015 Best of luck in your future endeavours
Ashcroft Bakery
Phone: 250-453-9133 201 Railway Ave, Ashcroft
and Coffee Shop
Congratulations to Breána Paulos & Cheyenne Wilder and the Class of 2015!
Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 250-453-9343
Unavailable for Photos: Jessica Charlie Cale Phung
250-453-2221 • 1425 Evans Road
3rd Street, Ashcroft
Tim: we’re so very proud of you Love from Grandma and Poppa (Bill and Heather Hacock) and Aunt Elizabeth (Bullock)
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2015! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. ~ Dr. Seuss
Ashcroft Dental Clinic 250-453-9147
411 Brink St., Ashcroft
The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change - Maya Angelou
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A11
Mikala Harder
Lexton Harry
Bryan Isnardy
Dillon Kiley
Dillon Lambert
Nino Lim
Shania McIntyre
Breána Paulos
Melissa Porter
Darcy PorterHulinskey
Richard Ranta
Keenen Raymond
Tim Roden
Jennifer Vos
Supporting our Grads, and donating a $500 bursary to a deserving Ashcroft Grad Student 250-453-9411 Highland Valley Road, Ashcroft
Whatever your dreams might be, May each become a reality! Happy Graduation!
Ashcroft Medical
Family Practice
Anie’s Pizza & Bakery Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. ~Les Brown Trans Canada Hwy., Cache Creek BC
Best of luck Graduates of 2015 May all your dreams come true! 210 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you’ll land among the stars. We’re so very proud. Mom, Dad, Katy
Congratulations Brandon! No more crying about getting your homework done; you have graduated! We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Tyler.
Cheyenne Wilder
Tim: Speaking for both Dennis and myself, you did us proud! Congratulations!
Credit Union Your graduation proves all of your hard work and determination. Congratulations! 201 Railway Ave. Ashcroft, Phone 250 453-2219
May your graduation be the beginning of a future filled with success and happiness! Cache Creek Husky 250-457-9312
959 Trans-Canada Hwy. S. Cache Creek BC
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2015 “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” - Henry David Thoreau
A12 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
KUMSHEEN SECONDARY Village of Lytton Way to go Grads!
Cameron Adams
Jason Isaac
Tyson Justice
Cheyenne Machelle
Kyle Mckay
May your diploma unlock many doors to well deserved success Congratulations from the Village of Lytton, Mayor & Council
Unavailable for Photos: Todd Peters Nancie Ann Vander Griend
Todd Peters
Dylan Phillips
Fo l l ow y o u r d re a m s fo r t h e y w i l l a l way s l e a d y o u in the right d i re c t i o n .
Taylor Sidorzuck
250- 457- 6464 C ach e C reek
Congratulations to the Class of 2015, Good luck in all your future endeavours! 1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek B.C.
Best wishes to the Graduating Class of 2015! Open 24 Hours Highway 97, Cache Creek
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it. Congratulations Grads!
Village of Cache Creek
It is said, as you sow, so shall you reap. You worked really hard. Now it is time to celebrate your success. Happy Graduation.
1047 South Trans-Canada Hwy, Cache Creek
Best of luck to the Graduating Class of 2015
Steven Rice, Director Area I
Congratulations to Arianna Fletcher & Tiffany Fletcher
and the entire class of 2015
Cache Creek Dairy Queen 250-457-9924
Desert Inn
Hats off to the Class of 2015 Your hard work has paid off!
(250) 457-6226 www.desertinn.ca Cache Creek, BC.
Every yesterday is a memory of dreams. Every tomorrow is a vision of hopes.
Hwy. 97 Cache Creek
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 13
Golden Country presents
... Past, Present & Beyond The Great War - Pt. 5: It is all gloriously exciting An intermittent series looking at Ashcroft and area during World War I.
sweet-smelling primroses. Even in this desolate land the wounded Tommy regards as nothing short of a the call of spring can be heard.” ministering angel. The second is the woman whose The letter would have been appreciated by Ash- husband or son is at the front while she stays and For those on the home front during World War I, croft and area readers who, although far away from keeps the home going, and should he come home, letters from loved ones who had gone to war were the trenches, were doing their best for the war ef- nurses him back to health again, in order that he may treasured, as they were the only fort. The Red Cross declared that May return sooner to the fighting line. You will see a lot means of hearing news from 23 and 24 would be “Sock Day” in Brit- of them every morning when the troop train leaves them, even if the letters had ish Columbia, during which every man, [London] for the front. And you must remember the been written and posted days, woman, and child in the province was front is nearer London than the 150 Mile House is to even weeks, earlier. In many encouraged to give at least one pair of Ashcroft. cases their contents were shared socks each for soldiers at the front; it “Send some more Journals, but none of Skooas widely as possible, so that was estimated that 50,000 pairs of socks kum’s [pen name of R.D. Cumming] poetry books, friends and neighbours could were needed every week to supply the please. It would damage the battery.” Cumming addhear the news as well. These Canadians serving in France. The Ash- ed a reply: “Which last item the Journal begs to redays we have numerous ways croft campaign raised $123 in dona- sent.” of spreading news from others; tions and 32 pairs of socks. Before his departure for the front, James Rennie but in 1915 the surest way of On May 22, however, locals were Rae had worked as a clerk in the Ashcroft post ofdisseminating information was reminded of the brutality and unpredict- fice, and had doubtless been pleased by the news, in via the newspaper. ability of war, when The Journal re- summer 1914, that a public building - which would Thus it was that in the May ported that George Christie had been house the post office - was to be built. Perhaps he GOLDEN COUNTRY 1, 1915 issue of The Journal killed at the front. “This is the first of thought of returning to the town and working in it, BARBARA RODEN there appeared extracts from a the Savona contingent to meet death,” when the war ended. But although he survived the letter written by James Rennie the paper reported. “Mr. Christie was a “inferno at Ypres” (the second battle near that town, Rae, an Ashcroft resident who had been one of the great favourite here. The whole community mourns April 22–May 15, 1915), he would not live to see the first locals to sign up. In November 1914 a letter of his death. He was killed in action about two weeks new public building (now the Museum). On June 10, his, describing his voyage to England, had appeared ago. In his letters he stated he had been in the trench- 1915, six days after his 28th birthday, Private James in The Journal, and editor R.D. Cumming used es for several months. Up to the time he was killed Rennie Rae, 13543, died of wounds in a hospital in more of Rae’s observations some six months later. he had not received a scratch.” The same issue of Boulogne, northern France. He is buried in Boulogne “Since writing last, events have moved rapidly. the paper also contained the news that “Our friend Eastern Cemetery. After a month’s experience in the trenches, opposed [James] R. Rae survived the inferno by the best of German troops, we have come up to at Ypres.” this big French town for a rest and to act as reserve to Ashcroft’s W. T. Bond wrote important positions. home about his experiences at the “I enjoyed the trench life greatly . . . the exciting front. “Our battery is being sent to incidents made the days simply fly. One bullet burst- the Dardanelles or some such spot ing on the zinc roof of our ‘booby’ cut my nose and to amuse the Turks. So the next letdrew blood. I lived well, and felt perfectly healthy. ter you get from me - if ever you get “The real life of the trenches begins only after one - may come from Constantindark. During the day it is impossible to move with- ople, Jericho, Cairo, or way points. . . out one of the lynx-eyed marksmen opposite having . I cannot help thinking how thankful a shot at you. As soon as it is dark both sides spring you and others in Ashcroft ought to into life. The reliefs come, and food, ammunition and be that there is a very large ocean and repairing material of all kinds is carried up by land. strong British fleet on it, which sepPatrols go out between the lines to find out what the arates you from Germany. enemy is doing, or to annoy him by sniping at close “There are two classes of women quarters; or to mend the wire. It is all gloriously ex- who are coming on top in this war citing, and in fine weather, is the best of sport. and whose bravery is equal to any, Painting of Canadian troops during the Second Battle of Ypres, in “The time of the singing of birds has come. and greater even than that of the men. which Ashcroft resident James Rennie Rae took part, by Richard Everywhere you can see dancing daffodils, and The first is the hospital nurse, whom Jack.
GOLDEN COUNTRY YOUR HOMETOWN PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENTS 250-453-2225 •1-800-557-7355 email remaxashcroft@telus.net
Kelly Adamski Broker/Owner
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Bob Cunningham Geninne Fitzgerald Representative Support Staff
Pamela Smith Support Staff
Proudly serving Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Loon Lake, Pavilion Lake, Spences Bridge, Savona and areas since 1993
A 14 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
Change your purpose and save the planet Happy Father’s day June 21st! “I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.” - Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum May’s guest speaker was Bill Sundhu. This eloquent lawyer was born and raised in Williams Lake. Following in his father’s footsteps he practised law for 12 years and then earned his Masters in Human Rights in International Law at Oxford University. His passionate interest in Universal Human Rights has taken him to other countries, notably Tunisia. A question and discussion time con-
lar General Meeting is June 18 following a noon Potluck lunch at the Clinton Seniors Zee Chevalier Centre. No meetings cluded his thought-provoking address. will be held in July The Foot Clinic will be held in Clin- or August. The group ton on June 12-13. To book an appoint- will reconvene Sept. ment or to discuss your foot health, call 17. Come and join us! Colleen Thom RN CAFCN at 250-374For June’s reso1735. lution, let us try to be The Clinton Seniors Association an- eco-conscious. Our nual Yard Sale will take place July 1 at the personal choices can Clinton Seniors Centre - 217 Smith Ave. make a big difference. Joyce Witt (left) and members of the Clinton Seniors from 10am until 2pm. Please come out We’ll explore simple Association wait for last week’s parade to begin. and support this fund raising endeavour. ways in which we can aware of how your choices affect the enThe Clinton Seniors Association regu- make a positive impact on Mother Na- vironment. There are three basic stages ture. to becoming eco-conscious: 1.) learnBeing eco-friendly or en- ing to use items and practices that cause vironmentally friendly is be- minimal environmental harm; 2.) discovcoming more and more im- ering the extent of your own carbon foot The Royal Canadian Legion #113 Sage & Sand Pony Club portant. “Save the planet” print and acting to lessen that foot print 301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 District Commissioner: Marcie Down has become a war cry. on the environment; and 3.) striving to Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625 mleedown@yahoo.ca. What does being eco- support others who work to live and profriendly mean? It means that duce eco-friendly and sustainable comSouth Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club 601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Contact Person: Karin Magnuson Phone 250-457-6629 each of us should exist with munities. 250-453-9656 the intent of living withAs previously stated, the first step is Desert Spokes Cycle Society out harm to the environ- about you immediately acting to change Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Phone 250-457-9348 ment through our inter- the way you consume things in life. This Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 actions with it. It goes be- means changing your habits about drivContact Person: Jessica 250-457-7128 Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341 yond an idea and extends to ing, the types of packaging you use, how Ashcroft Soup’s On actual practice that influen- you dispose of waste and how you use St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association ces how communities, busi- natural resources. Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome Phone: 250-457-9390 nesses and individuals conThe second step you may not be able duct themselves. to change because you live in a house, Ducks Unlimited Canada Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department Being eco-friendly goes Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter have to drive a car or perhaps the type of Phone 250-453-2233 Phone 250-374-8307 far beyond just turning off employment you have prohibits change lights when you leave a but still you can develop an awareness of Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Phone 250-457-9967 room or separating your gar- the situation and act with responsibility Zarthan Lodge No#105 bage for recycling. It is about to lessen that imprint to the best of your Contact Person: Fred Dewick Phone 250-453-2415 South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 changing the purpose of how ability. Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0 you live. It means a lifestyle Ashcroft & District Tennis Association The third action involves activeContact Person: Maria Russell Martin change based on your conly seeking connections with other ecoSoccer Association Phone 250-453-9391 viction of understanding and friendly persons or communities and Contact: Tom Watson Phone 250-457-7178 determination to save the choose to network and support them to Ashcroft & District Lions Club Thompson Cariboo Minor Hockey Association planet. create a more sustainable life. That may Contact Person: Nick Lebedoff Phone 250-453-2664 Contact: Lewis Kinvig 250-457-7489 Eco-friendly products not be as easy as it sounds, which is why Lewis@thompsoncariboominorhockey.com promote green living that it is third on the list. To live in and supAshcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc. 601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762 help to conserve energy and port a sustainable community and econHistoric Hat Creek Ranch prevent air, water and noise omy you may not have many of the conContact: Jack Jeyes Phone 250-453-2259 The Ashcroft & District Health Care pollution. veniences that you’re used to – by far this Auxiliary Thrift Store Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo You can start to become is the hardest thing to adjust to. 601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944 Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062 eco-friendly by becoming Millions of words, articles, books, 347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp have been written with Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 “to do” lists on to live Contact Person: Jackie Phone 250-457-9122 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email: darrin.curran@cadets.gc.ca a “green” lifestyle. Of course you Bridging to Literacy ZION UNITED Ashcroft Communities in Bloom Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417 don’t have to give up Sunday Worship 10:50 am Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or everything that you 401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 Marijke Stott 250-453-0050 The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club like and are used to. zuc@coppervalley.bc.ca • http://ashcroftunited.ca President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564 Even small chanTaoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard United Church of Canada Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail: dangre@telus.net ges make a differSCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Rev. Dr. Wayne Atkinson (Holy Communion) ence. Make this a Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415 Ashcroft Hospice Program family thing. EncourShirley 250-453-9202 Ashcroft Yoga Group age younger generaSUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050 tions to play outdoors Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society which will help them St. Alban’s 250-453-2053 Second Time Around connect with nature 501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909 201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781 and be more aware Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Anglican Church of Canada Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) of their environment. Cache Creek Market and Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244 CANON LOIS PETTY Cache Creek Garden Club Living “green” will Marcie Down 250-457-9630 come naturally. Desert Bells Handbell Choir Happy Birthday Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119 Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122 Yvette May on June Christ Centered People Centered 18 and Eleanor Pigeon Sage Sound Singers Adult Community 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463 BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676 June 26. crossroadspentecostalassembly.org Director 250-453-9683 Email:carelee67@gmail.com “Life is so short, Pastor David Murphy Cache Creek Beautification Society and we should all move Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Ashcroft Cache Creek Better at Home Cache Creek Communities in Bloom more slowly.” -Thich Everyone welcome 405 Railway Ave. 250-453-9911 - Sandy Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119 Nhat Hanh
ROCKIN’ & TALKIN’ Clinton Seniors Association
Community Volunteer Groups
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A15
One crash is too many
Have you ever driven from one location to the next and realized once you reached your destination that you didn’t remember getting there? I have. And when I do, it freaks me out. How is it possible that I could get behind the wheel of a vehicle made up of thousands of pounds of steel and operate it without being completely attentive in every sense of the word? It’s not like I haven’t witnessed the horrific destruction of a car crash and its everlasting aftermath. You’d think the first tragic one I knew the victims of would have whipped me into
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com shape. I was 23 years old at the time and had just started a job at a grocery store, where I worked with a beautiful young woman named Lisa Maier, a sweet and helpful cashier. We had attended the same high school she was a grade older and I looked up to her.
Lisa welcomed me with open arms and told me to ask her anything anytime. “Don’t worry about a thing,” she said, when I told her how nervous I was. “We’re going to have tons of fun. You’ll see.” Buoyed by her friendly confidence, I looked forward to
working there and getting to know her better, but that never happened because she and her sister Linda, a gorgeous girl one grade younger than me, perished in a head on collision days later. The horrific car crash rocked the community of Deep Cove in North Vancouver where we grew up, and I was deeply affected by their deaths even though I didn’t know them well. Just knowing them at all, and being witness to the devastation their younger sister Lori and their heartbroken family and friends endured made their story in the news so much more intense. It also made me realize that as young and immortal as we often felt, any of us could die in the blink of an eye. I drove more attentively after that. I’m not sure how long that lasted, but it definitely wasn’t long enough. There have been so many car accidents since then that have reminded me that our vehicles are potential killing machines and should be thought of in that way every time
they’re in operation. So what can I do personally to stay focused, alert and defensive while driving? For years my friend Paul Hergott’s been recommending putting our hands at the ten and two position on the steering wheel. “Some argue that the nine and three, or the eight and four makes for better positioning,” says the personal injuries lawyer located in West Kelowna. “What’s optimum for driving is debatable, but what matters to me is that the ten and two position is the least comfortable, requiring conscious attention to keep them there. When my mind wanders, so do my hands, and that movement to a more comfortable position alerts me to refocus my attention on the important task at hand.” According to Transport Canada over 165,000 people were injured in car crashes in 2013 - that’s 452 per day. These numbers seem to drop every year with safer vehicles and mandatory safety laws being implement-
ed, but the numbers are still staggering and unacceptable. Those injured and the families of the 1,923 people who lost their precious lives in just one year would agree. “Even one crash is too many,” Paul says. “If we could just open our eyes to the immense personal losses in injuries and deaths, those crash statistics would be slashed significantly.” The RCMP doesn’t refer to them as car accidents anymore. “The word accident suggests something couldn’t be helped,” Paul continues. “Virtually all crashes are preventable and are usually caused from someone driving inattentively, recklessly, impaired or falling
asleep at the wheel.” Staying awake has always been a challenge for me when overtired or driving too long, so I’ve learned to pull over and take a nap if tricks like opening the window, playing music or eating sunflower seeds doesn’t keep me alert. We all know our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to driving. The key to preventing car crashes, though, seems simply to be paying continuous attention to the road ahead of us. By doing so, we can help keep everyone safe, including ourselves. For more tips and information on preventing injuries and deaths due to car crashes, please visit OneCrashIsTooMany.com
June • Week 2 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, this week expect to gain a better understanding of things that have confounded you in the past. Someone comes into your life to play the role of teacher. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Fun conversations with a friend prove to be a great way to start your week, Taurus. Things will continue to progress on a positive note throughout the week. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, make an effort to more effectively manage life at work and at home this week. The fruits of your labors will pay off with more productivity at work and more family time at home. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, do not hesitate to share your personal goals with others in your life. Your loved ones are there to offer their support and encourage you to do your best. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, others are sure to take notice of your work ethic and impressive accomplishments this week. If you keep quiet, recognition may pass you by. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, stay true to your faith this week. Don’t feel you have to change to fit in with the masses. Uniqueness is to be prized, and your faith can guide you. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Worrying about something you can’t change will only bring on more stress, Libra. Trust that things will work out and don’t worry about things you can’t control. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, your ideas are met with encouragement and optimism this week. Stick with your plans and allow others’ encouragement to fuel you as you work toward your goals. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, don’t be afraid to readjust your work schedule if you are running out of gas. You can handle multiple projects at once, but don’t do so at the expense of your health. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, attention to detail is a staple of your work ethic. Try not to get too caught up in the minor details, as you might end up missing the big picture. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, be there for a friend who needs you in the coming days. This friend has been there to support you in the past, so now it’s your turn to provide support. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 This week you are more comfortable relaxing and engaging in fun pursuits, Pisces. Immerse yourself in creative projects.
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
A 16 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Come see the McGinley Family Troupe’s Benefit
Musical Rev ue & Auction
Direct from the Theatre Royal in Barkerville
With all proceeds going to the
Cache Creek Flood Victims
Friday, June 5
Martin Exeter Hall in 100 Mile House
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. • Auction at 7:00 p.m Performance at 8:00 p.m.
Admission by Donation Come support “Neighbours Helping Neighbours” This event is Co-Sponsored By... Newman & Wright Theatre Company
© 100 Mile House Free Press
Twenty-two days of prayers, bell-ringing Normally, you hear the bell ring at St Alban’s Anglican Church in Ashcroft on Sunday morning, letting everyone know that it’s worship time. Let me tell you about a change that is coming for 22 Days . . . Beginning Sunday, May 31, St Alban’s Anglican Church will be ringing the bell 55 times per day at 9:45am for 22 days, commemorating the 1,181 indigenous women and girls who were reported murdered or missing between 1980 and 2012. In 2008, the Anglican Church of Canada joined the federal government and four other denominations to establish the TRC under court order through the Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The Anglican Church of Canada is marking the closing ceremonies of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and its work to address the tragic legacy of Indian residential schools with a project reflecting one of the event’s key themes - that this ending is just the beginning. The church is calling for 22 days of prayer and renewal in its commitment to healing and reconciliation for all the peoples of Canada - Indigenous and non-Indigenous - that will begin Sunday, May 31, at the start of the TRC closing event in Ottawa, leading up to the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer on Sunday, June 21. The #22Days project includes four major elements: 1. A specially created 22 Days website (www.22days.ca) with resources on the history of residential schools, the relationship of Indigenous peoples to the Anglican Church of Canada, the work of the TRC, and worship material for the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer; 2. Sacred stories on the website telling the experiences of residential school survivors stories of trauma, shame, and abuse, but also courage, resilience, and hope - accompanied by a daily prayer; 3. A wall on the website where users can post their own stories of learning and describe their commitment to improved relations with Canada’s First Peoples; and 4. The ringing of church bells across Canada for each of the 1,181 indigenous women and girls who were reported murdered or missing between 1980 and 2012. Bells may be rung on National Aboriginal Day or throughout the 22 days. At the heart of the #22Days project - endorsed by Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, along with National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald and the Anglican House of Bishops - is a commitment to listen to the stories of residential school survivors and work for positive change. For almost a century, the Anglican Church of Canada worked with the federal government to run a total of 36 residential schools for Indigenous children. While some participants may have had nobler intentions, the underlying colonial aim was the destruction of Indigenous cultures by taking children from their families, driving many parents and children into social dysfunction and addiction. A growing recognition that this was wrong led the Anglican Church to withdraw from running the schools in 1969, yet it took another quarter century before the church offered an apology to children and their families. The church has been striving ever since to live into that apology and confront ways in which it has embodied colonial attitudes.
Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
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Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
The Journal Thursday, June 4, 2015
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Alexander concert adds to flood relief by Barbara Roden Some 70 people filled St. Alban’s church hall in Ashcroft on Friday, May 29 to hear former Ashcroft resident Leslie Alexander in concert. The event, sponsored by the Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society, had been scheduled for some weeks, but after the floods in Cache Creek on May 23 Alexander contacted WRAPS and asked that her fee be donated to a relief fund for the Village. WRAPS directors agreed to add to that all monies earned at the “by donation” concert. The congregation of St. Alban’s Church waived the hall rental fee; a generous anonymous donor covered all other costs associated with the event; Safety Mart provided free ice cream to supplement the donated baked goods supplied for intermission; and Alexander contributed all proceeds from the sales of her CDs at the event. The result was more than $2,000 raised for disaster relief, as area residents amply demonstrated their generosity and goodwill, and more than one person who could not be present sent donations. Now living in High River, Alberta, Alexander punctuated her excellent, high-energy sets with recollections of the 2013 flood which saw all 13,000 residents of High River evacuated, and drew comparisons with what she’s seen happening in Cache Creek over the last few days. “People helped everyone,” she said. “Strangers came and helped clear and repair damaged properties. We got a lot out of it, and we remember what others did for us.” Alexander said this was the first concert she’d performed since the 2013 floods. At that time she didn’t know if she’d ever sing in public again; but she was inspired by the event to write several new songs, some of which she played in public for the first time at last Friday’s concert. One of them, “High River Storm”, spoke of “Families and friends, neighbours and strangers / Reaching out a helping hand” and how “The power of the people is making this a stronger place”, words Alexander said also applied to “our friends in Cache Creek”. WRAPS is donating the $2,200 generated by the concert to the Thompson Nicola Cariboo United Way Cache Creek Flood Relief fund, which will match all donations up to $10,000 dollar-to-dollar. To contribute to the fund, go to http://www.unitedwaytnc.ca/cachecreek/
Leith, Susan, and Vivian McLean attending the Leslie Alexander concert last Friday, with Nikki Robillard overseeing the donations. More than $2,000 was raised for Cache Creek flood victims.
Cache Creek Fire Chief Tom Moe (left) accepts a $1,000 donation from Spences Bridge Fire Chief Arnie Oram (right) for repairs to the Cache Creek Fire Dept.The storm of May 23 clogged the culverts on the nearby cache creek, causing it to overflow. The amount and force of the water slammed against the bay doors, making its way into the hall and forcing the back doors open while leaving about eight inches of water and mud behind.
Firefighters reach out to Cache Creek Fire Dept.
Leslie Alexander in Ashcroft Friday night gave a benefit concert for the Cache Creek flood.
by Barbara Roden The Spences Bridge Volunteer Fire Department has donated $1,000 to assist the battered Cache Creek Fire Department, which sustained significant damage and losses during the flood on May 23. Water, mud, and debris battered the fire hall, causing damage to the building and resulting in the loss of equipment which will need to be replaced. “We felt bad about what happened [to the Cache Creek firefighters],” said Arnie Oram, SPVFD Chief. “The Ashcroft firefighters have been good about helping us, and we know they have a mutual aid agreement with Cache Creek, and wanted to assist. We do a lot
of fundraising, things like bottle drives, to raise money.” Oram met with Cache Creek Fire Chief Tom Moe last week to present the donation. The fire department in Spences Bridge is a non-profit society made up of volunteers, some of whom act as first responders. Last year, thanks to a recently purchased defibrillator, they saved the life of a man who went into cardiac arrest, and within the last two weeks were able to assist a passenger on the Rocky Mountaineer Railtour train who was in distress. The train made a special stop in Spences Bridge, where first responders stabilized the passenger before she was transported to hospital by air ambulance.
“We [volunteer firefighters] do so much to help out,” said Oram. “We don’t just fight fires; we volunteer to make better communities, helping out at local events.” The Spences Bridge firefighters are committed to raising more funds to assist their colleagues in Cache Creek. Thanks to Captain Ross Figley, fireman’s boots have been placed in the Spences Bridge post office, convenience store, and the Packing House restaurant to encourage community members to make donations, which will go to assist Cache Creek. “Whatever we can do to help, we’ll do,” said Oram. “We have a good corps and a strong community feeling.”
A 20 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, June 4, 2015 The Journal
Lost it all in one fell swoop
Mary-lou Jylha talks to neighbours outside her now-condemned trailer.
state of emergency:
Cache creek
Donate directly to the emergency fund at:
The BC interior town of Cache Creek declared a state of local emergency Sunday after a flash flood raged through the town. This campaign will help pay for recovery efforts. Please help us put our town back together! Even the smallest donation will make a difference. Officially endorsed by Mayor and council, Village of Cache Creek
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by Wendy Coomber It was a Saturday afternoon like many others in Cache Creek - warm and sunny. People were working in their gardens, preparing for supper, returning home after a short day trip, getting home from work. Mary-lou Jylha had the day off work at Husky House Restaurant and was busy shampooing her carpets in the two-bedroom Mary-lou Jylha trailer that she and husband Marty had made their home for the past dozen years in the Riverside trailer park. As can happen on a typical Saturday afternoon in late May, the skies clouded over and the raindrops began to fall. Big drops that exploded when they hit, falling faster and faster until it looked like a rainfall that you might see on the coast or some other part of the country - anywhere but Cache Creek. Jylha paused from her carpet cleaning to watch the rain as it turned into marble-sized pellets of hail for 10 minutes and then back to rain which fell even faster if that was possible. Then she picked up the phone and called her husband who was at their cottage in the Cariboo along with their pets. “I told him ‘Ya gotta see this’.” She figures the conservation with him didn’t last more than three minutes. “It’s coming off the mountain (the hills that line Old Cariboo Road) like a waterfall. Hey look, it’s coming across the street. Hey look, it’s coming through the pickets (fence). Hey look, it’s floating the shed.” “This was the first storm I’ve ever been in where I was scared,” she said. Her husband told her to get out of the trailer, but she was wondering if it was too late for that. “Hey look, it’s at the door,” and then her telephone went dead. She says people ask her why she was talking to her husband and not calling 911 instead, “But what would I tell 911? That it’s raining and I’m scared?” Her neighbour Jason was already on the phone to 911. The shed on her property was partially blocking her view to the west, but he had a clear view of what was coming down the hill. Jylha knew she had to get out. The trailer was moving with the force of the water. Furniture and appliances were falling over, glass was smashing. It took what seemed like an eternity to force the kitchen door open and she forced her way against the onslaught of water onto the deck where the water was thigh-deep. She stood there in the rain and watched sheds moving, power poles going over. “I recall looking down and seeing a little red toy floating by. I realized it was my dog’s squeaky toy. My mind couldn’t really comprehend what was happening.” She knew she had to get out, but how do you get to safety when hipdeep water is rushing into the Bonaparte River just a few yards away? Like her trailer, her vehicle was swamped. She looked around and saw Jason coming towards her. She said she never felt so relieved in her life. They went to his trailer where he advised the 911 operator that she was safe and concluded his call to them. He grabbed his cat, they got into his truck and left through the post office fence because the only other way out of the park was now impassable. Jason dropped her off and went back to into the park to look for other residents. “I loved that little place,” she said. But she had appointment with a realtor on Monday to list it. It’s not the first house she’s lost in Cache Creek. Before the trailer, she lived on Mclean Cres. until her house burned down. That put her in the hospital for weeks. “I totally love Cache Creek,” she says, “but I’ve lived through house fire and now flood... maybe the town wants me to move on. “Through it all, I’m happy to enjoy the sunshine and blue sky the next day,” she says. “You realize everything can be replaced except your life. She and the assessor looked at the trailer on Saturday. It had at least two and a half to three feet of mud inside, perhaps more. She said even he was surprised at the amount of devastation and joked that they might be able to sell the pictures. She gives full credit to everyone who has pitched in to help the community. “I think Mayor Ranta and council are doing a fabulous job and I told them so,” said Jylha.