Golden Star, June 10, 2015

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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 23 $1.35


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Teddy Bear Fun 12 graduates leave COTR skills program ....................................2


Local opera singer takes the UBC stage ................................12


Golden swimmer will compete at university ..................................19


It was all smiles at Kinsmen Park last week for the annual Teddy Bear Picnic, hosted by Golden Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR). Face painting, music and other activities were among the things that kept the kids busy. Pictured from left: Stella Kells, Jocelyn Wilson and Lily Neilson. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Council debates recreation cost recovery A Blast from Golden’s Past.....................16-17

Joel Tansey Should local government be subsidizing recreational opportunities that might only be enjoyed by less than half of the population? On the opposite spectrum, should we even use the word subsidize, perhaps using a term with a better connotation, such as investment? That was

the debate that sprung up at the June 2 Town Council meeting during a pair of reports from Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services. Petrovics spoke to his reports on both the arena use and rate review as well as a recreation cost recovery survey. His report on arena rates demonstrated that Golden’s rates fell more or less in line with that

of other similarly sized communities in the province, although its full ice rental rates fell on the higher end of the spectrum, with only Summerland’s $148/hour punching above Golden’s $126.30/hour for adult ice time. Still, Golden’s rates were very comparable to those of Invermere, Revelstoke and Creston, who all ranged from $110/hour to $120/hour. Continued on page 4


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Camp Day at Golden Tim’s 13�� A���������� S��� June 9 - 13, 2015

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Tim Hortson celebrated Camp Day on June 3 across the country, including in Golden. Proceeds from all coffee sales went directly to support the Tim Hortons Children’s Foundation. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Golden Secondary School Awards Ceremony #moments

Photo by Scott Foster, G.S.S. Student

Monday, June 15, 2015 7:00 p.m. Golden Secondary School Gymnasium 1500 – 9th Street South Golden, BC

registration preferred or eciated

Open gym time at Mt. 7 Rec Plex Town of Golden Staff Submitted Grab your hockey stick, soccer ball, basket ball or whatever toy you like and join the Town of Golden Recreation Services team from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for some open gym time at the Mount 7 Rec Plex on June 18. While you’re there, take part in our open conversation about fall/winter programming at the Arena and the Mount 7 Rec Plex. User groups and the public are encouraged to come down and share their thoughts on the upcoming season. Recreation Services staff has been hard at work coming up with new and innovative ways to get the most out of the facility. Starting in September the ToG Rec Services team will be launching a brand new platform to enhance the drop-in gym programing offered at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. A $130-membership - or $5 drop-in fee - is now good for any drop activity offered at the facility. That includes badminton, volleyball, basketball, indoor soccer and public skate at the Arena. It doesn’t stop there. The Recreation staff wants to do more and to do more; we need the community’s input. “We are introducing new volunteer facilitated drop in activities under this platform,” says Manager of Recreation Services Jordan Petrovics. “So, if you have ever thought it would be cool to host open gym time for kids, dodgeball for youth, Pickleball for the young at heart, pin the tail on the donkey, what time is it Mr. Wolf or any other gym specific activity, now is the time to speak up, express your ideas and become a part of this new membership program.”

Petrovics says that these facilities are important to the community first and foremost, because they provide the opportunity for residents to stay active even while being indoors in the winter. They also provide a variety of activities for those that want to add to or supplement their winter activities “There is great value in supporting your community facilities, and there are so many excellent fall programs to choose from at the Mount 7 Rec Plex,” says Mayor Ron Oszust. “I encourage our residents to get engaged and have input into making this a successful season at the Rec Plex!” Petrovics says that the Rec Plex is a great place to hang out with friends or neighbours and get to know the people in your community. “It’s great that we have a place where all different walks of life come together,” he says. In Golden, the benefits of having a membership extend beyond the social aspect and into your pocket book. For a child membership, it is less than 75 cents per day; for an adult, $1.25 – less than a cup of coffee – helps to support your Rec Plex and Arena. For a family, the cost is less than $2.75 per day. The Rec Plex is your community facility and we want you to be a part of the action, for yourself, family and friends. This fall and winter, showcase your pride in your community services by becoming a member at the Mount 7 Rec Plex and Golden Arena. Drop by the Rec Plex on June 18 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to help us decide how to make this a great season! All user groups, volunteers and interested members of the public are welcome to attend. For more information call 250-344-2271 Ext. 225 or e-mail

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July 1st, 2015 from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm • 9th Avenue N. Downtown Golden, B.C.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A3

Graduates celebrate after completion of Older Workers program “The aim of the pro- classes that we had,” tomorrow, we have gram is to (allow) the said graduate Ken houses that we want to students to acquire Chouinard, who just keep,” said Sue Powell. the skills needed to turned 60. “This was like recharbecome re-employed,” “I had basic com- ging and reenergizshe said. puter skills but this ing…I’ve got a lot left “We have four gradu- brought me up two lev- to do,” said Jan Rodates who just recent- els,” added Daniel Fur- man. ly got work,” she said, lotte. Applications for the while adding that nearEven more than next program are now ly all of the gradu- specific skills, the pro- being accepted, with ates had also received gram gave its gradu- the next session schedinterviews. ates a much need- uled to take place in Many of the gradu- ed shot of both confi- September. Five appliates were pleased to dence and energy. cations have already benefit from the edu“We realize that been submitted, and cation that the pro- we are a viable and only 12 total spots are gram offered, especial- strong prospective available. Potential ly when it came to com- (employee)…I think applicants can e-mail puters and technology. that people should Jane Powell at jpow“I hardly had any really look at older or drop (computer skills) workers…as a long in at the College of COTR staff and graduating students celebrated the completion of the Older when I started and term employee. We’re the Rockies for more Workers Program last week, the first of its kind in Golden. Joel Tansey/Star Photo I really enjoyed the not going to leave information. gram. The program, ing from neighbour- ated the program and Joel Tansey which is targeted at ing communities in earned praise from Dr. Jim Booher individuals between the valley. many of the graduating The graduates, class. is pleased to announce the sale of his practice to The College of the the ages of 55 and 64, She was pleased Rockies, along with offered free tuition instructors and faculty Dr. Leah Mortimer 12 graduates, are cele- and an income support from the College cele- with how the program allowance through the brated the end of the went, while also revealbrating a successful 14 weeks and included program with a gradu- ing that two more proI would like to express my sincere thanks to my completion of the Tar- eight individuals from ation ceremony at The grams for older workloyal patients and staff throughout my 34 years geted Initiative for Golden and Area A, Island last week. ers would be offered in of practice in Golden. Older Workers Pro- with four others comJane Powell co-ordin- the near future.

GSS Students help with Bat Project

I wish Dr. Mortimer and Purcell Dental Centre the success and fulfillment I have experienced in Golden.

Joel Tansey

Bats might be rarely seen, but they are actually vital for our ecosystem. While bat populations could be at risk in the future, some students at Golden Secondary School did their part to ensure that isn’t the case. The project, which was a Kootenay Community Bat Project (KCBP) initiative, saw the construction of ten nursery bat houses. Small structures such as these have been known to attract bats, especially nursing mothers, who might be perceived as a nuisance by some landowners. “We are soliciting information from the local community and we’re trying to find land owners that have large colonies that want to create additional habitats, or landowners that have large colonies that are planning an eviction, and we want to make sure that the bats have an alternative home,” said Leigh Anne Isaac, the East Kootenay biologist for the KCBP. Loss of habitat, the fact that female bats have litters of just a single pup, as well as White Nose Syndrome, a disease that is quickly making its way west from its origins on the east coast of North America, are all reasons for concern with bat populations in the Kootenays, says Isaac. But, as she explains, there is still a lot that we don’t know about bats in the Kootenays, something that the KCBP hopes to change. “What’s interesting about British Columbia in general and bats is that we don’t know a lot about

Thanks for the great memories, Jim

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Reflectors Are Important? Joyce deBoer (bat costume, left) a volunteer with KCBP accepts nursery bat houses that were built by students in Jens Seidemann’s shop class at Golden Secondary. Students, from left: Emily Labrie, Francisco Valdes and Tristan Bachman. Joel Tansey/Star Photo our bat populations…We’re still very much learning about bats in B.C…it’s really important to have a solid understanding of the baseline situation of bat populations, particularly so because of what’s referred to as White Nose Syndrome,” Isaac explained. White Nose Syndrome is caused by a cold-loving fungus and has devastated populations in the eastern part of the continent. Now in five Canadian provinces, the syndrome has killed approximately 6 million bats, particularly devastating because of bats’ low reproductive rate. And potentially devastating to our ecosystem, as bats are exceptionally important for pest control.

“Bats are one of the primary consumers of insects, particularly in the evening. In a one hour period, in a lab situation, a little brown bat can consume up to 600 mosquitoes…The ability for bats to control insect populations, particularly those that impact us directly like mosquitoes, the impact is significant. If you are a farmer or in the forestry industry, you’ll also understand the importance of bats because bats control agricultural pests and pests that impact forests as well,” Isaac said. For more information on the Kootenay Community Bat Project, or to report a bat or request a bat house, visit the organization’s website at kootenaybats. com.

An important piece of safety equipment that is often overlooked on all variety of vehicles is the humble reflector. Why do I need reflectors? I’ve got lights! I heard this many times at the roadside after pointing out a lack of reflectors to a driver. True, but what happens if you park, break down or have to leave a disabled trailer at the roadside? What protects you and other road users at night? The reflectors. Sad to say, but I can point to a fatal collision that I helped investigate where a lack of reflectors might have played a part. Maybe, just maybe the person hit would still be alive if the reflectors on his vehicle had been in good condition. Generally, all vehicles require amber reflectors at the sides on the front and red reflectors on the sides and the rear. They are identified by the letter A in the collection of identifiers on the lens after DOT or SAE. Reflective markings, the long strips often seen on heavy commercial vehicles are acceptable reflectors when they are marked SAE-C, SAE-C2, 3 or 4. The front of a vehicle is the only side where reflectors are not required. I can see a concern when someone decides not to follow the rules and parks on the wrong side of the road, especially when visibility is poor at night or when oncoming vehicle headlights reduce your ability to see ahead. Who knew that an inexpensive piece of plastic could be so important? The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

New ‘age-out’ site

CVCU help kids afford summer camp

Golden Star Staff The province has unveiled a new website designed to help teens in foster care prepare for life without government support when they turn 19 and "age out" of care. The site was designed by former foster teens to connect with vulnerable youth and showcases services and supports to help make the transition. It includes videos of former youth in care discussing real world challenges and gaming "quests" where youth earn rewards by completing challenges like renting an apartment, getting a bank account, preparing for a job interview or dealing with an abusive relationship. "‘How do I get a job?’ ‘Where am I going to live?’ These are the types of questions we all faced when we became adults," Children and Family Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux said. "But for those in the care in the ministry, the transition can be much more challenging." About 700 young people age out of government care each year. The Golden Child Care Resource and Referral would like to acknowledge the support of our volunteers and sponsors who made the 2015 Teddy Bears Picnic a great success for children, families and child care providers in Golden on Thursday, June 4th.

Thank you! Golden & District Search and Rescue IGA Joni and Taylor Young Jupiter the Clown Mike Pecora Miss Jenn, Miss Kim and Miss Robyn Miss Shelley and the Alexander Park Elementary School StrongStart Program Rhonda Smith & the Golden Infant Development Program Town of Golden

Thank you to all our young friends for coming out despite drizzling rain. We can have fun together no matter what the weather does! See you again next year!

Carmen Dolinsky, left, accepts a cheque from Karen Cotton of the Columbia Valley Credit Union on behalf of Wildsight. The funds will go towards a Summer Fun Day Camp, co-ordinated by Dolinsky. The camp will get kids outside for activities such as gardening, hiking, community art and more. The funds from the credit union will help subsidize the cost of the camp for participants. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Coun. Moss: Recreation services are an ‘investment with a different outcome’ Continued from page 1 Its public skating rates, that saw adults

Barrel full of thanks!

Golden Light Horse club would like to thank the following Business and individuals for their support for the 2015 Delbert Johnston Memorial Barrel Jack Pot! Western Insurance, Selkirk Glass, Selkirk Electric, Parky’s Heating and Cooling, Columbia Valley Credit Union, Leftwich Ironworks, Johnson Meier Insurance,, Vanderbilt Autobody Ltd. Brian Jackson Contracting, Kootenay Pumping, Golden Installations, Town of Golden, Off the Wall, Cats to Cattle, Golden Bakery & Deli, Top Notch, Cox & Company, Legendz Diner, Kootenay Hauling, HR Pacific Construction, Golden Dollar Store, Joppers Exteriors, Kirstin Feldman and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Buckle Sponsorship /ADDED Money Whisky Jack Logging, MH Logging, Brisco Riding Club, Weir Contracting, Dog Tooth Log and Timber Ltd, Gottler Brothers Contracting, Glen Tress Contracting, Wolf ’s Den Restaurant and Canadian Timber Framers, ADDED Money Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre, Kicking Horse Janitorial and B.C Barrel Racing Association. Special thanks to the hard working volunteers that made this event successful. Ruth and Gord Frisky, Lawrence Dobbin, Casey Black, Eva Pfisterer, Kat Coatesworth, Louise & Tom Jobin, Dave Whyte, Enjulie Bennie, Trina Wolfenden, Angie Craige, Don & Pattsy Wolfenden, Angie Craig, Nicole Balwin, Andy Rynolds, Jay Barlow, Ron Watson, Bill Crashley, Jen Orr, Norm Pickering, Bruno Ossweld, and to anyone we may have forgotten, Thanks from the Golden Light Horse Club.

pay $4.50 and children $2.50 per session in 2014/15, are also comparable with other communities. Altogether, the arena was rented for 1,751 hours of a possible 2,086 hours last season, an improvement from 2013/14, where less hours were rented despite more available ice time. Coun. Bruce Fairley didn’t see the value in comparing Golden’s fees with other communities, pointing out that circumstances are often vastly different from town to town. Coun. Fairley expressed some concern that, according to him, the arena alone costs more than the entire recreation budget of 10 years ago, and that many in Golden are choosing recreation opportunities that aren’t subsidized like

the arena. Coun. Caleb Moss disagreed with the use of the s-word, preferring to call it an investment. “I recognize that they cost money and that they don’t generate as much as you put into it, which I suppose you could look at as a subsidy, but I always sort of look at it as an investment into a different outcome,” Coun. Moss said, while recognizing that success should continue to be based on usage rather than simple cost recovery. Petrovics later revealed the results of a survey that was filled out anonymously by each of the six Town Councillors and Mayor Ron Oszust with regards to recreation cost recovery. Part of a much larger, ongoing project,

the survey was seen as a way to get initial feedback from council across several different areas. When asked where the strategic cost recovery project rated in terms of importance, two councillors deemed it to be very important, four said it was somewhat important while one said it was of low importance. Not a single councillor believed it was not important. When it came to how much money should be committed to the project, however, council’s opinions were mixed. One councillor said that $100,000 + should be spent over multiple years with the support of a recreation consulting firm. Two councillors believed that $60,000-80,000 would suffice, while

three said that under $15,000 is all that should be required under a staff-driven model. One councillor believed that more information was required before he/ she could answer the question. Also as part of the survey, Council was given the opportunity to discuss the public value of an effective recreation department. One councillor wrote a “lack of recreational options is a detraction to individuals or families considering relocating,” while another stated that recreation “creates community for all residents, young, old, rich, poor, single families. There are numerous health benefits directly related to sports facilities, parks and trails.”

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A5

Sun shines on RCMP tournament Stolen vehicle involved in crash Golden Star Staff The Golden-Field RCMP along with police from the Integrated Road Safety Unit and a collision analyst are currently investigating a single vehicle collision that occurred on the Moberly School Road near Golden earlier in the morning of June 3. Police along with BC Ambulance and Golden Fire-Rescue responded to the incident at approximately 7:25 a.m. “We are continuing to investigate but we believe that the vehicle failed to negotiate a curve and went off road into a treed area,” said Cst. Spencer Lainchbury, with the Golden-Field RCMP. Both the 23 year-old male driver, and 17 yearold female passenger are from Golden and have been transported by Ambulance to Calgary with serious injuries but are expected to survive. At this time police can also confirm that the vehicle involved in the collision was stolen from a residence just south of Golden overnight, and that charges in relation to the theft are being investigated.

RCMP Officer Steve Pettit (third from left), has been playing in the annual Golden RCMP Golden Tournament for 10 years. The tournament raises funds for bursaries to help local students with their post secondary education. This year he is joined by, from left, Ted and Nancy Pettit, and Kim Ishii. Ted and Nancy are here all the way from Nova Scotia, and have played in the tournament for three years. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Local wants changes to window tinting laws Jessica Schwitek The laws regarding front window tinting in the province haven't changed in 25 years, but one local business owner says it's time for progress. Alan Chornyj has been installing window tinting on vehicles as well as residential and commercial buildings for 25 years, the past three of which have been in Golden. And he is getting fed up with his customers receiving violation tickets for window film that he says is not only safe, but has health benefits such as UV protection. "For medical reasons, like UV ray allergies, some drivers need film on the front doors," said Chornyj. “It also reduces glare, and keeps some of the heat out making more comfortable drivers. This product prevents injuries.” The BC Motor Vehicle Act states that, "No person shall drive or operate on a highway a motor vehicle which has affixed to or placed on the windshield or a window any material that reduces the light transmitted through a windshield or window unless the material is affixed to or placed on (a) the windshield but not more than 75mm below the top of the windshield, (b) a side window that is behind the driver, or, (c) the rear window if the motor vehicle is equipped with outside rear view mirrors on the left and right side of the motor vehicle." It is a law, however, that Chornyj says has a staggering level of non-compliance. "People know that it's against regulation, but they are deciding to risk getting a ticket because they want this product on their vehicles," he said. "They think it's worth paying the fine." Regulations also vary from province to province, making it difficult and confusing for travelling motorists whose vehicles must follow the regulations of the province they are in at the time. In other words, a driver from Ontario (where light front window tinting is legal), is vulnerable to a fine if he brings his vehicle to British Columbia even if it's temporary, like a weekend vacation. "We believe the regulations should be unified," said Chornyj, who personally received a fine for the tint on his vehicle, which had Ontario plates. The laws are in place to ensure that visibility remains optimal for the driver, as well as making sure that people outside the vehicle (especially law enforcement), can see in. "Police want to see into vehicles, and I agree completely," said Chornyj. "Safety is a big concern, that's why we would only want light film to be permitted for front windows." There are four grades of window film that Chornyj installs; (from lightest to darkest) 50, 35, 20, and 5 (which is what you see on limousines). He wants to see 50 and 35 permitted for front windows. Fortunately clear film is permitted for front windows. Although it does not provide any light protection, it does hold the glass together should the vehicle be in an accident, preventing the glass from shattering all over the occupants. Chornyj has yet to find the proper channel to deliver his complaints, but hopes that enough people in the industry making noise will somehow bring about change. “The government needs to recognize that the amount of non-compliance of these regulations shows that the taxpayers do not believe in this law,” he said. “Bans don’t work...there needs to regulations but the ban is clearly not working.” A “Compliance Circular” issued by the Government of British Columbia in 2004 stated that they have received “numerous letters” seeking permission to tint vehicle windshields and front windows for medical reasons. The purpose of the letter was to inform law enforcement and industry professionals that no authority exists to issue a permit or other permission to allow an exemption of Motor Vehicle Act’s tinting regulations. But Chornyj says that needs to change.

Golden & District Historical Society Annual General Meeting at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 @ 6:00 pm The evening starts with a pot luck and the AGM follows. Everyone is welcome to attend!

C.A.A.T.S Columbia Electoral Area “A” Television Rebroadcasting Society


Thursday June 18, 2015 3 pm at the College of the Rockies * refreshments will be served *

INTERACTTALKS Empowering youth to build a better future!

Engaging community speakers, group skills development and the famous Rotary BBQ

Golden Secondary School Saturday, June 13th, 11am - 4 pm Pre-Registration is FREE or $5 Admission Fee at the Door

Everyone Welcome!

To pre-register scan the code or contact the Interact Club of Golden on facebook.

To pre-r Contact $5 Adm

To pre-r Contact $5 Adm




Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Canada hosts world’s best

A history of Golden It's always an illuminating experience looking at the past, even if it's looking at the past of a place you thought you knew. For a small section in this week's issue of the Golden Star we took a look back at past issues of the paper, picking a select few stories that show how much has - I SURMISE changed, or how little By Jessica Schwitek has changed in Golden, British Columbia, and the country as a whole. The Golden Museum has every issue of the Golden Star dating back to its beginnings in 1891. Flipping through the brittle paper was actually a tremendous pleasure. I could have stayed there for hours taking a glimpse into the past, and it took some will power to leave and go back to the office. In its early days the newspaper was the only source of news from the outside world, and in an isolated community like Golden, where travel in the summer was difficult, and in the winter damn near impossible, that was tremendously valuable. The weekly issues were filled with national and international news, a few local notes such as who was visiting town, or who was away, and no photos to speak of save for the few simple graphics that accompanied some of the advertising. The occasional local story would outline community events, like a community fair, or bonspiel or hockey game that often pitted Golden against Invermere or Revelstoke. As the years went on there was more local coverage, and it was fascinating to see how certain issues have always dominated B.C. and Golden headlines, like education costs or flood protection in the Kicking Horse River. Some of the most eye-opening insights into what life was really like back then, however, was the advertising itself. At the turn of the century The Golden Star was filled with ads about the latest fashion trends and "medical" treatment for women's issues. Gender relations, as well as race relations left something to be desired back then. There was even a recurring ad from a local establishment that boasted it only hired "white" help. The Golden Museum is a tremendous resource, often overlooked by locals. Everyone loves history to some degree. The immense popularity of historical movies and novels is proof of that. Three of this year’s nominees for Oscar best picture were based on true stories from the 20th century. But it doesn’t take a blockbuster film to give you an impression of the life your ancestors lived. Just take a trip to the museum and open the pages of history. You never know what you’ll find.

Joel Tansey This week I can’t help but put on my feminist hat and root for some of the best female athletes in the world. Canada, as hopefully most of you are aware, is currently playing host to the Women’s World Cup. I’ll shamefully admit that I missed the home team’s opener on Saturday (a heart attack-inducing 1-0 win over China in added time) but I’m keen to see how the rest of the tournament plays out in what is surely the biggest international competition that Canada has hosted since the 2010 Olympics. Twenty four teams from across the globe are here to compete on fields from Vancouver to Montreal to Moncton. It’s a country-wide celebration of women’s sport and we just might have a chance of hoisting the ultimate prize, as the Canadian team looks to be a strong one. Of course, I can’t help but feel that this tournament is somewhat overshadowed in a couple of respects. For starters, if Canada was somehow playing host to the men’s edition of the tournament, you wouldn’t be able to walk down the street without sensing the buzz of having some of the world’s most famous athletes, even some of the world’s most famous people, like Messi, Ronaldo and Rooney performing on Canadian soil. It’s unfortunate but the Women’s World Cup simply doesn’t carry the same buzz, the same cache, at least at this point. Also overshadowing the tournament is FIFA’s rampant corruption scandal, which erupted just days before Saturday’s opening match when the organization’s president, Sepp Blatter, stepped down. It’s just plain old bad luck that the long overdue roundup of FIFA’s corrupt had to happen in the midst of what should be a celebration of the finest female soccer players in the world. A total bummer, but hopefully the quality of play in the tournament

over the next few weeks puts the corruption to the back burner for the time being. After getting a chance to see an amazing turn out for last week’s Fast and Female event here in Golden, I think it’s clear that interest in sports of all types is growing amongst both girls and women. I’m encouraged by that. I’m also encouraged by the opening up of some of the previously stingy barriers for women in the world of sport. One of the best male tennis players in the world, Andy Murray, did something that almost no top male pro has ever done last year: he hired a female coach. In that time, Amelie Mauresmo has successfully guided Murray from a number 11 ranking to the number 3 ranking that he holds today. Murray has also taken a stand for women in sport in general, declaring that he has become a feminist “if being a feminist is about fighting so that a woman is treated like a man”. Kudos to Andy. And a much smaller, somewhat subdued kudos to the NFL, the rather grotesque organization that was ripe with domestic assault controversies last season. While that problem still needs a ton of work, North America’s biggest sports engine does deserve some props for hiring its first full-time female official, Sarah Thomas, set to begin her career this season. Having a woman enter the old boys club that is the NFL and its roster of officials would have seemed unheard of just a few years ago, and it’s a welcome change. Is there a long road ahead before we reach true equality? Absolutely. Are we miles ahead of where we were half a century ago? Again, absolutely. For Canadian interests, let’s hope that our women can take home the championship and do us proud when the tournament wraps up in Vancouver next month, inspiring not only young girls, but young boys to get excited about soccer and sports.

POLL OF THE WEEK Did you find the planned power outage on Sunday morning to be inconvenient? log onto to make your vote count

Last week’s poll question: Do you like that B.C. has both private and public

liquor stores?

Yes 67%

No 33%

DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

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boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone

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Michele LaPointe





Jessica EDITOR

Joel Tansey



Ali Starchuk

administration classifieds

Andrea Johnson



We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

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10% ($43.00).

Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A7

Golden point of view

Did you find the planned power outage on Sunday morning inconvenient?

Stephanie Foort

Mike Symons

Anne Levesque

“I wasn’t around but it was early enough. My family slept through it.”

“No, I was camping out of town.”

“No, we actually had solar energy so I was still able to make my morning coffee.”

Go to to have your say.

Stars to the children, parents, child care providers and community volunteers who came out to the CCRR’s Teddy Bears Picnic despite the drizzling rain. What fun we can all have no matter what the weather. It was great to see your smiling faces! Stingers to bartenders who fight their patrons. What a joke. I want to put a star in for the local motorcy-

cle club and users for respecting our weekend and not using the area while our event was happening! From the Horse Club. Stingers to whoever was fighting outside of my business last week. Take your personal issues home, we don’t need to see that. Stingers to the local restaurant that is making me cook for myself on Tuesday nights because their

awesome promotion ended. Booo! Stingers to people who hibernate in the summer. It’s a beautiful world out there, get out of your house! Stars to Glacier Rafting for the awesome trip down the Kicking Horse last week. Can’t wait for the next one! Stars to the staff at Overwaitea for being so kind.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

MP statement in the House of Commons GSS Principal’s Report MP David Wilks Submitted In my riding of Kootenay-Columbia, from Nakusp to Elkford and all points in between, logging is a mainstay of the economy. The Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association is a coalition of 14 forest companies based in 13 communities in the southern interior of BC. Most of these companies are small, and many are family owned. All are the cornerstones of their communities. Caring for the environment is front a centre. All of their members meet or exceed existing forestry regulations. It’s not just part of gain-

ing social licence; it’s the way they think business should be done. It’s important because they live in these communities. They are a primary source of employment in the communities they work in. Continued, sustained sources of timber are vital to this employment. They care about jobs and the economic boost they bring to these communities. They are committed to continuous improvement and are listening to the concerns and issues that are raised in their respective communities. I would like to congratulate the ILMA on 74 years of dedication to the Kootenay-Columbia region and timber harvesting a sustainable natural resource.

Youth invited to Democracy in Action Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Submitted Young people from throughout British Columbia will have an opportunity again this year to participate in the Democracy in Action conference, Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes announced this month. Supported by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and B.C. Rotary Clubs, Democracy in Action will present a two-day conference for approximately 30 young people, aged 16 to 18 years, from Oct. 27-29, 2015, in Victoria. The conference strives to foster a better understanding about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Democracy in Action also encourages participating young people from all around British Columbia to engage in civic opportunities in their home communities. “Democracy in Action provides unique learning opportunities for young British Columbians to understand how our democracy works and appreciate why it is so important. The program encourages youth to apply their ideas and energy to civic duties in their home communities. I want to thank B.C. Rotary Clubs for helping to make this program available for our young citizens,” said Oaks. Last year, the initial Democracy in Action conference included an opportunity to meet Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon and learn about British Columbia's electoral process through workshops conducted by Elections BC, government leaders and senior officials. Individuals interested in participating should contact their local Rotary Club for more information. Contact information for local Rotary Clubs can be found online.

Iris Trask Principal of Golden Secondary School Things are wrapping up at the high school… At this point in the year, Golden Secondary/Golden Alternate students have one week left of classes and then the final assessments begin. Our last day of classes is Thursday, June 18th and final assessments end on June 24th. There are BC Provincial Exams for the following subjects only: English 10, Science 10, Math 10, Social Studies 11, English 12 and Français Langue 12. For the other courses, our teachers have been working to prepare students for a variety of culminating assessments including digital story-telling, writing and reflection, book study and presentation, and other final assessments involving oral and written components. These alternatives to the traditional paper and pen final exams provides students with authentic ways to show evidence of their learning. We have a number of special events occurring between now and the end of the year: - June 10th 7:00 pm GSS Gym Music Concert – TONIGHT!!! - June 12th 2:00 pm GSS Gym Recognition Assembly (put on by our Leadership Class) - June 15th 7:00 GSS Gym Awards Ceremony - June 16th 5:00 GSS Forum Aboriginal Graduation Celebration - June 19th 9:30-2:30 GSS Grade 7 Orientation Day - June 25th 7:00 Arena 2015 Graduation Ceremony - June 26th 4:30 GSS Grads’ Last lap and group picture (this is a great time to come to the school to view the grads and their dates in their dresses and suits) - June 26th 5:30 Eco-ranch Grad/parent dance - June 26th 6:00 Eco-ranch Graduation Prom A well-deserved summer will be upon us very shortly! Thanks to our parents and community members for working in partnership with us to ensure that we provide the best education possible to our students as they work towards graduation. “Every Student at Golden Secondary/Golden Alternate will cross the Graduation Stage with Purpose, Dignity and Options”.

BC Job News. Just one of the reasons to follow on Twitter. /localwork-bc



Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Have an an upcoming event? Call us! Have upcoming event? event? Call Call us! us! Is the event over? Call us! Is the event over? over? Call Call us! us! Call or or email let us know Call email and and let let us us know know what we can put in and take what out what we we can can put put in in and and take take out out of our Community Calendar. of of our our Community Community Calendar. Calendar. classifi 250-344-5251 250-344-5251 250-344-5251

Golden Golden THE THE THE

Something got you “up in arms”?! WH






AT ?!

Let us know Write a “Star” or “Stinger”. Have a little more to say? Write a Letter to the Editor. Stars & Stingers and Letters to the Editor are all free!

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Golden Cinema presents: Spy starts Friday June 12 to Thursday June 18 at 7pm.

This Week

APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth5yrs. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:45-11:45am. 250-4399324 for info. Marty Ryan “Exhale” at the Art Gallery of Golden May 15-June 17.

Wed, June 10

Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Food Bank AGM June 10 at 1pm at the Food Bank (1115 - 9th St).

Thurs, June 11

In partnership with

offers, and through the app 1. Browse &purchase Shop Upload Receipt for your favourite brand’s 2. receipt and submit it

Events & Entertainment Calendar

be into your 3.transferred Get Cash the money you saveBack! will PayPal wallet beOnce transferred into your you reach just $5, the PayPal moneywallet you save will be transferred into your PayPal wallet

Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More

Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Cribbage at the Golden Seniors Centre every Thursday from 1-3pm. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register. Twoonie XC Timed Race

June 11. Meet at CBT parking lot at 6pm.

Fri, June 12 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392.

Sat, June 13

Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Food Skills Program Saturdays Apr.11-May 23, 10am-1pm. Learn how to cook healthy meals on a budget. Free meals and child minding. 250-4399665 to register. Saturday Lego Club at the Library from 11am-12pm for all school aged children. Interact Talks at the Golden Secondary School June 13 from 11am-4pm $5 admission. Empowering youth to build a better future!

Sun, June 14 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment.

Mon, June 15 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18.

• For more information... go to

Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. N.A Meetings Mon. in the Library basement. 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Crafts at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 1--3pm. Art classes at the Golden Seniors Centre every Monday from 10am-3pm. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info. Golden Secondar y School Awards Ceremony #moments June 15 7pm in the gym.

Tues, June 16 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S. Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Bingo at the Seniors Centre every Tuesday from 1-3pm. Grab a Granny and Go, Tuesdays at 3:30pm at Durand Manor. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) Family Centre, Tue., 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am12pm. 344-8392 to register.

Rockwater Grill & Ba

Upcoming Events

Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesday market June 17 from 12-5pm in the CP parking lot. Kicking Horse Culture presents: Summer Kicks 2015 June 17 John Welsh Band with Will Wardwell. All shows are at 7pm in Spirit Square, all ages. Open Gym Time at the Rec Plex from 5-7pm on June 18. Come learn about fall/ winter programming. Food Is Fuel: How to Refill the Tank Post-Chemo June 18, 7pm, Dr. Erika’s house. 250-344-2171 for more info. C.A.A.T.S AGM June 18, 3pm, at the College. Golden Farmers’ Market Saturday market June 20 from 10am-3pm in Spirit Square. Golden Aboriginal Day Celebrations Musical gathering and community pictin June 21 at the Golden Museum 11am-3pm. 4th Annual East Kootenay Beer Festival June 21 from 4-8pm at the Fairmont Hot Springs ski area $49. Legion Annual Father’s Day Golf Tournament June 21 $100 per player 250-3446214 to register. Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast at Mountainside Gardens June 21 from 10am-12pm. Kicking Horse Culture presents: Summer Kicks 2015 June23 Rococode with Jane Fearing & Sue Gould. All shows are at 7pm in Spirit Square, all ages. Golden & District Historical Society AGM Wednesdat, June 24at 6pm at the museum. Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesday market June 24 from 12-5pm in the CP parking lot. Golden Farmers’ Market Saturday market June 27 from 10am-3pm in Spirit Square. Canada Day Kicking Horse Dash July 1 in Spirit Square 5 & 10 kms. Golden team Redline Car Show July 1, downtown Golden, 12-5pm. Aman Virk Memorial Golf Tournament July 11. Golden Sound Festival Aug.21 & 22 various downtown Golden locations.

Visit to Learn More

Visit to Learn More

This week's achievement award goes to...

Alberta Putney for having a good attitude towards school and work. She models respectful behaviour towards other students and teachers.

Stop in by June 17, 2015 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A9

Columbia Shuswap Regional District CSRD Office Move The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) is pleased to announce that it is anticipating the move to its new office as of June 15, 2015. The offices will be closed Friday, June 12th and Monday, June 15th to allow for take down and set up and to get all computers and phones working. The phones should be functional on Monday, June 15th but the office is anticipated to be closed to the public. If you call looking for assistance, please be patient with staff. If you have an emergency, you can call the after-hours emergency line at 1-877996-3344. Only the office will be closed. Off-site services, such as landfills and parks, will operate as usual. The website will be operational to help answer questions: Please note that all CSRD phone numbers will remain the same. The mailing address will also remain the same: Mailing Address: New Physical Address: PO Box 978 555 Harbourfront Drive NE Salmon Arm, BC Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1

Visit our website at 781 Marine Park Drive NE • PO Box 978 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1

250-832-8194 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773

From left: Allanah Smith, Mel Myers and the Golden Women’s Resource Centre’s new volunteer co-ordinator Elina Salonen, are excited to be launching some new volunteer programs at the centre. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Career opportunities

New volunteer programs starting up

Based in any of our four offices, this position builds and maintains financial relationships and manages and develops the Trust’s regional investment portfolio.

Jessica Schwitek The Golden Women's Resource Centre (GWRC) facilitates some vital programs for the community, but would not be able to offer many of their services without the help of volunteers. "We have some very skilled and dedicated volunteers here at the centre," said Elina Salonen, the volunteer co-ordinator with the GWRC. Salonen is working on getting some new volunteer-run programs going, and is eager to get some more people in the community involved in the centre. "The great thing about getting involved in these programs now is that they're just beginning. This is a chance for volunteers to bring their creativity and really set the focus for these programs," she said. The GWRC will get these groups off the ground, but the hope is that some passionate volunteers come forward to keep them going. The programs include a court watch pro-

gram, a nannies on call program, a workshop series, and a support group for moms whose spouses work out of town. "The shape that these programs take will depend on the volunteer base that we get, as well as some of the legalities we have to be aware of," said Salonen. Especially when it comes to sensitive issues like court cases, the centre has to be careful to respect the law and the people moving through the legal system. But the sky is the limit when it comes to the workshop program, and any community member who wants to impart some of their knowledge or expertise on a group of women is welcome to join in. “It’s a really rewarding experience to volunteer and connect with people,” said Salonen. Anyone interested in getting involved can stop by the women’s centre. They are currently looking for female volunteers, however there are men’s programs operating in town. So if any males are interested in volunteering the women’s centre can point them in the right direction.

Home Ambassador Program returns WildSafeBC Submitted WildSafeBC’s Home Ambassador Program is up and running again in Golden. A pilot project launched at the end of last season in partnership with VP Waste Solutions Ltd., the program aims to reduce wildlife conflicts at residential properties. WildSafeBC’s local coordinator, Sarah Jane Osadetz, works individually with local residents to find solutions to common problems, like securing household garbage. After a mild winter, many bear sightings have occurred throughout the Town of Golden this spring. WildSafeBC’s message is the same as in the past, says Osadetz. “Keep garbage locked up between May and November. This deters bears from frequenting neighbourhoods in our community.” To find out more about the Home Ambassador Program, please contact Sarah Osadetz via email at or by phone at (250) 344-4855 or (250) 344-8695.



Based in our Castlegar office, this position processes accounts payables and provides general financial and accounting support to the departments.

Apply by June 26, 2015.

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Red Cross Emergency Childcare

June 17

Project Management Professional

June 22

Encaustic Painting

July 11

Rock Bands & Famous Facies

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Mountains with Magnificent Faults

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Aug 27

Beginner Pottery

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The Art of Visual Expression

Sep 25

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For more information call: 250-344-5901 Please register early to avoid disappointment!!

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10 , 2015 A10

Golden Moments: Henderson’s career started at a young age Joel Tansey Bill Henderson’s career driving trucks got started earlier than most. In fact, it got started even before he got a license, such was the desperation of the times. In 1942, with many men in Golden off at war, it was up to the younger generation to help pick up the slack. Two local hotels needed shipments of sawdust from the mill for heating purposes and Henderson was hired on as a driver. “They took me in and I was driving truck at 13 years old with no license, no nothing. “There was one policeman in town, Jim King was his name, he’d see me coming with that truck up the road and

as soon as I got fairly close all he’d do is look at the top of the mountains because he knew I had no license,” he chuckled. Even before that, Henderson helped his grandparents, who ran a funeral home in Golden. “I was always a working guy,” he said. Henderson hauled sawdust until 1945 and then worked as a truck driver in Field hauling gravel before later working in the same capacity for the mill. “I was always trucking all my life,” Henderson said. For his job, Henderson would make frequent trips south to the mill in Parson, where he caught the eye of a young woman named Pearl. “She kept seeing me

Columbia Shuswap Regional District REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AGRICULTURE BRAND AND MARKETING FOR THE SHUSWAP The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting proposals from qualified consultants to develop a coordinated marketing approach for Shuswap agriculture products and to provide education for communities in the Shuswap and beyond as to how important the agriculture industry is to the long term sustainability of our communities. This project was identified as one of the top priorities in the 2014 Shuswap Agriculture Strategy to enable the agriculture industry in the region to grow and prosper. Proposals clearly marked “Agriculture Brand and Marketing for the Shuswap” will be accepted until 4 PM local time on Friday, June 26, 2015 at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 555 Harbourfront Drive NE, P.O. Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1. Proposal documents and further information are available online at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at news-notices/opportunities/tenders, on the BCBid website at, Civic Info website at and at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular office hours. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals and to waive any informality in the Proposals received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Proposal which it deems most advantageous. Faxed or emailed submissions will be accepted. The lowest or any Proposal not necessarily accepted. For more information, please contact: Robyn Cyr, Economic Development Officer T: 250.833.5928 or TF: 1.888.248.2773 E:

Visit our website at 555 Harbourfront Dr. NE • PO Box 978 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1

250-832-8194 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773

go by there all the time with the car and she finally started catching a ride and then it wasn’t that long. She was only 19 when we married (in 1948),” Henderson said, who was just 20 himself when the two tied the knot. Considering the couple have now been married for 67 years, it’s a good thing that Pearl didn’t heed the advice of her father. “Her dad would tell her ‘don’t ride with that idiot there, he goes too fast’,” Henderson laughed. Altogether, the Hendersons have six kids, three boys and three girls, and now have numerous grandkids, great grandkids and even three great great grandkids. “I get a kick out of those little kids…boy they try everything,” Henderson said, smiling. The only time he wasn’t driving trucks came in the late 1960s when he bought the Nicholson store. “I bought it and we ran it for three years but I couldn’t stay because

Bill Henderson alongside his wife of 67 years, Pearl. Henderson has lived in Golden his entire life and began working when he was barely in his teens. Joel Tansey/Star Photo the mills wanted me,” Henderson said. Immediately after selling the store, however, Henderson and his wife took to the road, driving clear across the country to visit some of Pearl’s family.

With his extensive experience driving trucks, it was a natural fit for him to drive the bus for the Golden Rockets, and Henderson did so for nine years. “It was tough driving from the States on night

jobs,” Henderson said. “They’d all go to sleep…so you’d start getting a little sleepy. I’d start eating candy when I started to get tired and I’d be wide awake again.” Through his retire-

ment, Henderson continues to love living in Golden and has never had any thoughts of living anywhere else. “What I really like about Golden is that I know the whole town… I just really like it here.”

Grab a Granny and Go for Seniors Week

Staff at Durand Manor and community volunteers “Grab a Granny and Go” every Tuesday afternoon. This is a great way for residents at Durand Manor to get some fresh air and to see the sites. Many volunteers from across Golden come out to make this event possible each week, weather permitting. June 7 to 17 is Seniors Week in B.C., which celebrates seniors and their many contributions throughout the province. Photo Submitted

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A11

Golden’s talent on full display during Civic Centre recital

A wide selection of Golden’s talent was on display last week as children performed on a variety of instruments for a recital, which was led by Rocky Mountain School of Music’s Dana Hudson. Clockwise from left: Alina Liu singing, Sienna Mitchell and Ryan Ginn performing a duet, Seth Michener on guitar and Sierra Pecora playing piano. Joel Tansey/Star Photo



. 0 0 $5







Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Golden opera singer takes Vancouver stage in famous production Golden Star Staff You don’t have to be an opera fan to know that La Traviata is one of the most famous operas to ever grace the stage. It is therefore a

crowning achievement for Golden native Kyle Lehmann to be taking on the role of Germont Pere in Guiseppe Verdi’s most famous work. After receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in May 2014, Lehmann

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is performing the role for his thesis in the Masters program at UBC, his seventh role with the university. Singing did not come naturally to Lehmann, who graduated from Golden Secondary School in 2002. A brief foray into guitar was as far as his musical education went. Hoping to one day perform on the big screen, Lehmann studied theatre at Red Deer college, the worst part of which was singing a song as part of his admission. To be successful in his career choice, Lehman realized that his singing was going to need some work, so he enrolled in singing lessons through the college’s music department. He became

Public Notice

Presentation of the 2014 Annual Report In accordance with Section 98 of the Community Charter, the 2014 Annual Report for the Town of Golden is now available for public review. Copies are available for the public at Town Hall by request or for viewing on the municipal website at

hooked once he discovered the musical theatre style of singing, a natural fit for him. As with most students, however, the reality of the pocket book soon set in. He obtained his Class 1 driver’s license and began working for the family business, Golden Transfer. His commute involved trips to Calgary and allowed him to continue with his voice lessons, and his love for opera grew. But it wasn’t until he moved to Vancouver to be with his wife Tanya that he really caught the acting bug again. He started singing improv musicals and got in touch with a UBC instructor, Dale Throness. He encouraged Lehmann to audition for UBC, and was accepted on the spot to UBC’s Bachelor of Music - Opera Performance pro-

Golden’s own Kyle Lehmann will be performing in La Traviata at UBC in late June. Photo Submitted gram. The rest is history. The production of LaTraviata will be at the Old Auditorium

on the UBC campus on June 20,21, and 25-28. After the run of shows in Vancouver they will be taking

the show to the Toronto area to perform at the Westben Festival in Campbellford, Ontario.

Via Ferrata underway at KHMR

The Annual Report will be reviewed and presented by Town Council during its Regular Meeting held at 1:15pm, Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 at Town Hall. Public commentary and questions will be invited at this time. Jon Wilsgard Chief Administrative Officer

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Quebec-based company Prism arrived at Kicking Horse Resort to begin construction on the Via Ferrata, Golden’s newest summer attraction that features fixed rungs on the rock face for guests to climb (while being strapped in of course). The team predicted they would be ready to begin installation of the Iron Road this week. Photo Submitted

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A13

John Welsh Band opening summer series Jessica Schwitek As with many musicians’ road to success, John Welsh was plugging along, making music and performing for ten years before things started to take off. "My whole family is musical, so I've sort of been at it for over a decade," said Welsh. "But it's in the last year and a half that things have really started happening." Welsh and his bandmates, collectively known as the John Welsh Band, will be opening up Kicking Horse Culture's Summer Kicks series on Wednesday June 17. It was when an old musical friend came back to town, Courage Eigbike (the band's percussionist/vocalist), and they played a pub show together, that they decided to focus their energy into a

music career. "The support in the area since then has been really great," said Welsh. The B.C. band is fairly new to the touring scene, only having done local (the lower mainland) shows and weekend excursions around the province. "This will be our first major tour, and the first time we've performed in Alberta," said Welsh. But the band loves being on the road, as you can see from their first single "On the Road" which features a roadtrip in a Westfalia Van in the song’s music video. With roots in folk rock, and songs that you can sing along to, the John Welsh Band is looking forward to an outdoor concert experience for their first visit to Golden. "Even if you haven't heard any of our songs before,

GET WILD! Summer Fun Day Camp

Early Bird rate until July 17th only $180/week. Visit our booth at the Farmer’s Market, June 17th from 12-5pm. Contact Carmen, Wildsight Golden Camp Coordinator at

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The John Welsh Band, pictured in Sayulita filming their most recent video, is opening up the Summer Kicks series on Wednesday June 17. Photo Submitted you're still going to enjoy it," he said. The show starts at 7 p.m. in

Spirit Square. Local act Will Wardwell will be playing the in between set.

The Net Result: Gone Girl a can’t miss thrill

Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike star in Gone Girl. Regency Enterprises after Nick Dunne (Ben Joel Tansey Affleck) discovers that his wife Amy (RosWhat’s the “normal” amund Pike) has been way to react to discov- taken from him. Dunne appears ering that one of your indifferent, loved ones has been aloof, and rather cold. The kidnapped? I’m not so sure you media and the pubcan ever appropriate- lic have a field day, ly answer that ques- and while the ensuing tion, but in the David witch hunt isn’t the Fincher thriller Gone only theme, I think Girl, much of the world it was a fascinating gives it their best shot underlying discussion

point that really elevated Gone Girl from the relatively mundane to its current status as one of the most critically acclaimed movies of 2014. The audience soon discovers that Nick and Amy have had some severe marital problems leading up to their fifth wedding anniversary, which happens to coincide with Amy’s disappearance. Nick steadily becomes a larger and larger suspect for local police investigating the kidnapping, eventually becoming the prime target of the investigation. He seeks comfort from his sister and his lover, one of his university students. Fincher is right on par with some of his finer directorial efforts such as Fight Club, Zodiac and The Social Network. He just

has a knack for elevating every script that he directs, creating incredible suspense and a dark, mysterious mood where it otherwise might be absent. Particularly chilling was Amy’s narration through the early parts of the film as she discusses her relationship with Nick and where things began to turn. Her words really resonate with the audience and ramp the suspense up a notch or two with each occurrence. Also noteworthy was a brief role from Neil Patrick Harris, who stepped out of his usual funny man routine to play a rather disturbed ex-boyfriend of Amy’s. Gone Girl is thrilling, suspenseful, and it’s actually quite thought-provoking and offers a poignant commentary on society and the many judg-

Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesday Markets

CP Parking Lot • Noon - 5pm June 17th Music by

ments that are made through the media in the world today. It’s a very worthy choice for 9 mouse clicks out of 10.

Kootenay Legends

June 24th Music by

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June 20th , June 27th, & July 4th


Aboriginal Day Celebrations

MUSICAL GATHERING & COMMUNITY PICNIC! Bring a lawn chair & picnic lunch Enjoy bannock with prederves, Coffee, tea & refreshments available


FREE! VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN MUSEUM Tom Jobin will be on hand to tell stories about aboriginal artifacts and their use

A METIS GENEALOGY & REGISTRATION TABLE will be available for assistance with ancestral research and the provincial application process.

Golden & District Museum Sunday June 21st, 2015 11:00am - 3:00pm


Hosted by: Metis Nation Columbia River Society Visit our Facebook page



Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Josh Hiraoka prepares for final swim season before university

Josh Hiraoka, who will swim for the University of Lethbridge after his final season with the Dolphins this summer, dominated at last year’s provincials, taking home three gold medals. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey It’s a miserable Wednesday evening. The rain has subsided, for now. The sun remains largely absent and there’s a distinct chill in the air. It’s the kind of evening that keeps most teenagers at home on the couch, watching the latest offerings on Netflix or firing up their Playstation. But that’s not the case for Josh Hiraoka. Having spent his winter out of the pool, the Golden Dolphins star, along with the rest of his teammates, is making up for lost time, getting in as many training laps as he can before the start of the summer swim season, and even more importantly, the start of his university career.

Steam rises from the pool, the water thankfully much warmer than the 13 degree air temperature outside. With his coaches comfortably wearing pants and sweaters, Hiraoka completes lap after lap of the butterfly, perhaps his best stroke. Swimming that many laps of a gruelling stroke such as the fly can lead to a drop in form, Hiraoka says, which is why he wears a pair of black flippers during the training session. “It’s an incredibly exhausting stroke. Your shoulders get sore really fast. If I weren’t wearing flippers my form would go downhill pretty quickly,” he said. While power is certainly important, and Hiraoka has plenty, technique is paramount to maximizing speed in sprint races that are routinely decided by fractions of a

second. Hiraoka maximized his speed throughout 2014, taking home three provincial gold medals, one in each of the 50m fly, 50m freestyle and 100m freestyle while also adding a bronze in the 100m fly, coming agonizingly close to setting a provincial record. “I did well last year so I obviously want to try and do that again. Duplicate that or better, of course,” he said. Even at the tail end of a wildly successful campaign last year, Hiraoka wasn’t sure what his future in swimming would look like. Even after his dominance at provincials, he was undecided on whether he would pursue swimming at the university level. He says it was the opinions of those around him that swayed him towards continuing in the sport that he has had so much success in, and he’ll be featured on the University of Lethbridge’s swim team come the fall. “Everyone’s been telling me that it would be a waste if I didn’t do it. It was really, honestly, more of everyone else’s decision than my own,” he laughed. Before he takes his swimming talents to Alberta, however, Hiraoka has one more season with the Golden Dolphins. When he joined the club he looked up to a few of the veteran swimmers, those who had reached the level that Hiraoka aspired to reach himself. Now, the tables have turned. “I never thought I would get to that point because watching the guys swim, I always thought they were top notch and I always wanted to be like them…it’s still weird for me to think about,” he said. “Yesterday I was doing some stretches and I kind of gathered a small group who were duplicating my stretches. They were asking me questions about fly and stuff and I want to be nothing but a good influence and help them out.” As the Wednesday night session comes to a close, Hiraoka’s gruelling training regimen ends for another day. Less than 24 hours later he was due to be back in the pool again, continuing along the long, arduous path to the CIS. Hopefully next time it will be under sunnier skies.

Updated website features area hikes for tourists and locals Golden Hikes Submitted An updated hiking trail website is being launched for Golden and surrounding area. The website will likely prove to be a valuable resource of information for Golden locals, and visitors to Golden, seeking information on hiking trails. The new Golden Hikes website is the evolution of work by several people. The goal of this group of individuals is to provide trail information for hiking opportunities around the Golden area. However, underlying this goal is the common value that each of these individuals sees in spending time outdoors, particularly

in natural settings. The trails showcased on the website will include descriptions for road access to the trails, trail route descriptions, photos, a map, and some will include a downloadable GPS track. Both the descriptions and maps can be printed from the website. Approximately 50 hikes are listed on the site. Trails range from walks in town such as Edelweiss Slough and the Rotary Trail, to day-long hikes such as Wolverine Pass and Prairie Hills. While only about 15 hikes currently have a downloadable GPS track, the aim is to increase this number over subsequent hiking seasons. Currently, all trails have their trailhead marked by a


location pin on the website map. Photos will be added and updated over time. Golden Hikes will be run as a volunteer effort by Rick Seward and Chad Gennings under the umbrella of the nonprofit society Golden Outdoor Recreation Association (GORA) where Chad is the Board’s Secretary. Funding was provided by Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program (what is locally known as “CBT funding”) The funding was used to hire Dave Best of Best Impressions Photography and Web Design who then masterfully rebranded and redesigned the website. Kindly, Dave also donated some of his time to the project in addition to offering his services at a reduced rate.

Much credit goes to Kevin Finnegan, who in the early 2000’s, created the original website which was passed onto Rick and Chad for its redesign last fall. The new website includes a new look with added features. However, it was Kevin and his unofficial army of helpers who over the last 12 years crafted the core descriptions which make up the bulk of the site. The new site is strictly a voluntary effort on the part of Rick and Chad. All fees collected from advertising go towards maintaining the site. Information for advertisers is available on the site. There are many beautiful trails around Golden. Check out the website. Be inspired. Get outside.



NOVEMBER 1, 2015!

The Government also announced an ICBC issued numbered sticker that will be available in early fall of 2015. An OFF ROAD VEHICLE owner will have the choice of displaying either a metal number plate or the sticker. Off Road Vehicle owners who choose the sticker will be responsible for removing the sticker if the vehicle is resold. For those who have already received a plate, they may exchange it for a sticker at no additional cost. This option will be available for a limited time. More details will be available by the end of summer.



Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Ave. N. (250) 344-5201

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star A15

Answers to your health and wellness questions: Summer heat

- Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel Ask Dr. Erika

Q – As much as I love to garden, this heat we’re experiencing is making it difficult for me to enjoy the outdoors. Is there any-

thing I can do to prevent myself from getting overheated and feeling ill? A – It’s important to pay attention to your body and know your limits in the heat. Even a short time outside in high temperatures can lead to dehydration and related health problems. Pace yourself when working outside and be sure to take regular rest and drink breaks in the shade. Your choice of beverage is vitally import-

ant in keeping you hydrated in high heat. Although we may think that there is nothing more refreshing than our favourite cold beverage, those that contain alcohol or caffeine will increase dehydration rather than helping. A great way to replace some of your essential electrolytes without overdoing the sugar is with a diluted, pure fruit juice. A favourite of mine is squeezing ½-1 lemon in glass and topping it up with cold

water. A little bit of honey can make this drink more palatable for those who find it too sour. A great snack to consider while gardening is celery sticks with almond butter. The celery has a natural source of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphorus, while the almond butter contains calcium and is a great source of protein. It’s important to know the signs of heatrelated illness. These

include extremely high body temperature, shortness of breath, headache, rapid pulse, dizziness, nausea, confusion, or unconsciousness. If these occur, get out of the heat immediately and seek medical attention. Be extra careful to watch for these signs in young children and the elderly, who can be more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Keep these tips in mind to make your summer in the garden

Cover to Cover: Debut novel highlights valley Ballistics by D.W. Wilson is available at Bacchus Books. Image Submitted

Joel Tansey D.W. Wilson presents an intriguing, mystery filled novel with Ballistics, and it also happens to be somewhat locally focused, making this a rather intriguing read for anyone who calls the Columbia Valley their home. Wilson, a 30 year-old Cranbrook native, has seen his writing take a significant step forward after his debut publication, a short story collection named Once You Break a Knuckle that I reviewed last year. While a solid collection, the quality of Wilson’s description and prose, as well as the intriguing, page-turning mood that he creates with Ballistics is a notch above. Encouragingly, because he did such a good job with it during his short stories, Wilson continues his melancholy story telling, once again to great effect. Ballistics centres around Alan West, a man who grew up in Invermere under the care of his grandfather, Cecil. When “Gramps” suffers a heart attack, his dying wish is to be reunited with his son Jack, Alan’s father who left when he wasn’t even a toddler. Alan’s journey to find his father takes him to Cranbrook to the home of Archer, an American who deserted the army during the Vietnam War. Archer got to know Cecil once he moved north to Canada and Alan soon discovers that Archer’s daughter, Linnea, is his biological mother. The novel bounces across time periods and perspectives, with Alan and Archer at the forefront of the narration. It’s a device that is used very well by Wilson here. It’s with that background that the reader should begin to get hooked on Ballistics. Adding to the suspense is that the book is set during the raging interior forest fires of 2003. The fires provide an obstacle for Alan on his way to finding his father and create an underlying sense of worry amongst all of the main

happy and healthy for all. Do you have a health and wellness question for Dr. Erika? Submit it to the editor ( and watch for an answer in an upcoming column. Disclaimer: The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medic-

al advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Aqua Vitalis Naturopathic



Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel, BSc, ND 250-344-4983 1309-11St. S

✳ Live and In Person: 409-9th Ave N. in Downtown Golden ✳ Internet Awesomeness: Order online ✳ Facebook Quirk: Like us a wee bit characters in the story. Wilson’s writing is blunt, yet infinitely descriptive. If the book’s mood were likened to a type of weather, it would be a cold, overcast day with the occasional light drizzle. Not quite storming, but continually dreary. It’s definitely more of a curl up on the couch kind of book rather than a beach-time vacation read. Overall, it’s a very impressive debut novel and worth picking up. Wilson has also firmly planted himself on the radar as a Canadian author to keep an eye on. Ballistics is now available at Bacchus Books and Cafe.

Next meeting teaches importance of food Golden Star Staff The new local group to create a support network for people affected by cancer and other chronic illness is in full swing. Their next meeting will cover the topic Food is Fuel: How to refill the tank post-chemo. These seminars are meant to bring people together, keep them active, and teach skills that will help them through their journey. This seminar reviews the basics of whole foods nutrition and show how food choices can help or hinder the energy rebuilding process in chronic illness. It will take place at the Ramada Inn on June 18 at 7 p.m. For more information contact Ruth Finnie at 250-344-2171.


• Closing Date for Submission: Sealed quotations are to be delivered to the attention of the undersigned, Town of Golden, 810 9th Avenue South, no later than 2:00 p.m. MST, Tuesday, June 16, 2015. Faxed or Emailed submissions will be accepted but must be followed by an original signed hard copy submission.

• Pre-submission Work Place Inspections: Prospective bidders are encouraged to contact the undersigned to make arrangements to view the place of work. Mandatory work place inspections are a condition of submitting a compliant proposal.

• Anticipated Delivery Date: The successful firm will be expected to have all work complete and commissioned by December 31, 2015.

• Town of Golden Contact:

Name: Chris Cochran, AScT, Manager of Operations Telephone: 250-344-2271 ext 226 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email: Address: 810 9th Ave South, Box 350 Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star


Blast From Golden’s Past

Next year the Golden Star will turn 125 years old. Once every month for the year leading up to our big celebration, we will be reprinting interesting stories that were published throughout the years. Your Community Newspaper Since 1891

Beer May be Sold from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. - February 6, 1925 British Columbia’s new beer halls will operate from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. There will be no bars or barmaids; dancing will be taboo; the regulations have been designed to prohibit any return to the beer cabaret, so prevalent in Vancouver some years ago. “We have applied ourselves to the simple instruction of the legislature. It is a straight case of relief to a parching thirst in the simplest manner possible,” said Hugh Davidson, in a brief comment on the new regulations today.

A picture of what the new emporium will be like can be conjured from the following architectural and physical specifications: You may enter only from a door opening on the street. The beer premise, in practically all cases, will be part of a hotel, but there will be no door meeting with the hotel. Before you enter, you may glance in through the window if you wish, for no blinds or screens are to be allowed. The inlook, like the outlook, is open to the public. The room will contain chairs, tables, and waiters. Only

The Kicking Horse Friday, January 7 1898 This winter’s experience of the overflow of the Kicking Horse shows the necessity that exists for some radical action being taken to prevent a recurrence of this trouble. It appears that owing to the wash from the mountains the bed of the river at its junction with the Columbia has become filled up to such an extent as to form bars, which destroy the force of the current by the otherwise natural fall and which current has not therefore been sufficient to prevent the river being blocked with ice brought down the canyon. We don’t profess to be experts at ice engineering, but there seems to be no doubt that the work already done this season at a considerable cost has been fruitless. We don’t profess to know what would have been the best way to do the work though every second man we meet seems to know all about it and every man who has anything to say on the subject seems to have a different idea. One thing appears to be pretty clear, and that is that when the open cut in the channel was made it should have been kept open.

Education Report January 1900 The twenty-eight annual report of the Minister of Education, Hon. Charles Semlin, was submitted to the House a few days ago. The expenditure for education proper during the year was; teachers’ salaries, $184,337.57; incidental expenses $14,126.35; per capita grant to city districts, $56,692.12; education office, $13,479.42; Total $268,653.46. Last year the total expenditure for education in the province was $247,756.37.

New Hospital Opened Today - March 5, 1970 An estimated 300 persons were on hand to witness official grand opening ceremonies at the newly built Golden and District General Hospital this afternoon. Vaughan Kimpton, president of the Board of Management, introduced the special guests following which George Keenleyside of Union College dedicated the new building. Following the presentation of the key to Mr. Kimpton by Mr. Paul D. Smith of Smith & McCulloch, Architects, official opening ceremonies were performed by the Hon. W. E. Black, Provincial Secretary, Province of British Columbia.

young men who are British subjects and otherwise eligible to get on the voters’ list, can be employed. The commissioner thus hopes to heat off a threatened invasion of exbartenders from Seattle. The proprietor must likewise be British and eligible to vote. The upstanding bar and the brass rail of olden times will be conspicuous by their absence. The largest tables will probably be of a size that can be completely surrounded by four chairs, with possibly room for a fifth - at arm’s length.


Wednesday, June 10 , 2015 The Golden Star


Blast From Golden’s Past

Celebrating Our History in the Golden Star Since 1891

Whitetooth Ski Area Opens - January 7, 1987 The re-splicing of the cable is complete and the Whitetooth Ski Area is in full operation with both the handle tow and chairlift running well! Despite the chairlift being closed this past week, we were happy to see a good daily turnout of children and adults alike enjoying the beginner slope and handle tow. With the main lift open, the parking lot has been pretty well full by the afternoon with lots of people enjoying the great snow so close to home. Now that the ski traffic has packed the snow down, skiing is much easier than on opening day, and the few inches of fresh snow this week was, naturally, welcomed. All the signs for the runs are in place to help you choose the best way down for your ability. The Christmas holidays are over so Whitetooth will now be operation four days a week, Friday through Monday. Group and private lessons are available through the certified ski school daily, and the rental shop has a good selection of equipment in a wide range of sizes. We look forward to seeing you up on the hill! We are still looking for some part-time lift operators, so if you feel you are the one for the job, please contact the Whitetooth office. We’re starting to finish the ski lodge interior on Thursday evenings. Plan to bring your own hammer and other tools and help us finish. Free coffee! On ski operating days, bring a small chain saw or shovel and we’ll do some run maintenance. We’ll make great skiing even better! Naturally, improvements to the runs, lodge and the cutting of new runs (etc.) will continue for many years to come as time and money allows. The best way to keep in touch with what is going on is to come and have a look and ski a few runs. There will always be room for volunteer work, especially on the trails. Many thanks to all the volunteers who have put in hundreds of hours to get Whitetooth to this stage of development. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Worker fatally injured after being struck by under carriage of train - June 14, 1962 On Thursday evening, June 14th, an inquest was held into the death of 29 year-old Fritz Weber who died at approximately 7 p.m. on June 8th near Red Grave, about 28 miles west of Golden on the CPR line, as a result of multiple severe injuries, internal bleeding and shock. At the time of the mishap, about 5:18 on the said date, Weber was working on the deck of Griffith bridge, about 35 miles west of Golden, when he was struck or rolled by the undercarriage of three CPR “pusher” diesel units after he had fallen while running to try and seek safety, from the oncoming eastbound train. Blew Whistle Three Times Percy Coulter, CPR employee, who was operating the diesel unit at the time of the fatality, was the first witness called to the stand by Coroner J. E. Taylor. Coulter told the seven man jury that he was operating the engine and had sounded the whistle about one mile previous to the bridge, also about one-half mile from the bridge. He said, “and

I saw the workman on the deck, I sounded the whistle for a third time, and this time it was directly at him. I applied the emergency brakes immediately. However, I could not get the units stopped in time.” Coulter then went on to say that Webber, the deceased, looked up and saw the train coming towards him and so he started to run to try and seek safety. He stated “As he was running, he stumbled and fell very hard to the deck of the bridge and I saw no more of him until the units had passed him, when I then looked back and saw him summersault about one and one-half times. We then took the units to the end of the bridge and stopped, and then went back to the injured man.” Hollered, But Did No Good When Fritz Moraun, another CPR employee, was called to the witness stand he told the court that he was working beneath the deck of the bridge and Weber was working on top. Maraun said, “I heard the train whistle in the distance and took for granted that Weber also heard it.

However, he kept right on working. Then as the train came into sight and Weber still continued to proceed with his work, I started hollering at him, but I guess he did not hear

me as he was operating a noisy machine. Then as the train approached the bridge, the noise and vibrations of the train drowned out all other noise.” He said he then went

up onto the deck and saw Weber in a sittinglying position. However, he was motionless. He went on to say that the trainmen from the engine units came back to the injured,

and immediately telephoned for help, while he stayed at the side of Weber. Weber died while being transported to medical assistance. Weber was a resident

of Vancouver, native of Germany. He was not married and had no relatives in Canada. From Golden, his body was taken to Vancouver.

Parents, Grandparents,Friends, Aunts & Uncles

Do you have a 2015 Graduate you would like to congratulate?

2 col x 2” ad


Send your best wishes in The Golden Star Graduation Supplement July 1 Deadline Friday, June 26 @ Noon Book your space now by calling or emailing to The Golden Star!


Seems like only yesterday you were this high! Congratulations! Love Mom & Dad


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Wenman’s Shoe Repair Shop more than just a store to locals

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

Each generation of people has the spots that were their favourite, the music that no one else understands, the clothing styles that they think is theirs alone and hairstyles that really made a statement. Last week I had a call from someone who was asking if I remember Crystal Ponds? Of course

I do, and fries from the Bamboo Inn, the great jukebox at the Elite, and the train tracks that gave us an excuse to be late returning from lunch. The following story is remembrances by Arvid Seward and I’m sure that many of you will remember this as well. One of our favourite stopping places, on the way to and from school, was Billy Wenman’s Shoe Repair Shop. If we discovered any peculiar looking bug, butterflies or such, we would catch them and take them to Billy. He would preserve them in alcohol.

This photo shows a group of skiers enjoying a day on the hill at Moberly, BC. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum

make repairs to our also, a favorite outshoes or rubbers for a ing on Sunday aftervery small charge, or noon, was to walk the SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) railway track east up no charge at all. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) the Kicking Horse He made canvas Operations Department Operations Department music stand cases for Canyon for several USED BUSES/VEHICLES FOR SALE USED BUSES/VEHICLES FOR SALE all members of the miles. Upon our return band, free of charge. School District No. 6No. (Rocky Mountain) is accepting sealed bids for thebids purchase School District 6 (Rocky Mountain) is accepting sealed forthe thefollowing purchase of the following ool District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of we would congreWhen we were growof vehicles/buses. the following vehicles/buses. All vehicles/buses are on is anwhere “as is where is No warranty or condition of Allare vehicles/buses areissold onissold anbasis”. “as is basis”. cles/buses. All vehicles/buses sold on an “as where No warranty or condition of basis”. No warranty is or expressed condition ofor roadworthiness is expressed or implied. ing up to the dancing gate at the C.P.R. Staimplied. worthinessroadworthiness is expressed or implied. age, throughout the tion and watch the GoldenGolden Zone Zone Golden Zone winter months, we arrival and deparBus 3060 - One (1) 2003 International School Bus - 72 Passenger Bus 3060 One (1) 2003 International School Bus 72 Passenger Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 254,199 kms. would hold weekly ture of Train Number Bus 3060 - One (1) 2003 International School Bus - 72 Passenger Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 254,199 kms. Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 254,199 kms. parties at our homes 4, which at that time Bus 3061 - One (1) 2003 International School Bus - 72 Passenger 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, kms. Bus - 72 Passenger playing cards, and came in at five p.m. -International One (1) 2003 International Bus 3061Engine - OneBus (1) 3061 2003 School Bus257,603 - 72 School Passenger Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, (250) There was always dancing. Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 257,603 kms. 257,603 For further details or to view please contact Alan Ure, Operations Supervisor, 344-8643 or (250) 344-0217. Some favourite lots of music in our FororZone further details to viewAlan please contact Alan Supervisor, Ure, Operations Supervisor, (250) (250) 344For further details to view pleaseorcontact Ure, Operations at (250) 344-8643 (250)344-8643 344-Vir- orhome. Invermere Mother played dancesatorwere the 0217. 0217. ginia Reel, Two steps, the organ and the Bus 0062 - One (1) 2000 Bluebird School Bus - 84 Passenger Cummins ISC, Automatic Invermere Zone and Waltzes. We accordion. Many of Invermere ZoneTransmission, 402,722 kms. would take turns at the Swedes who came 2062 2002 Bluebird School - 84 Passenger Bus 0062Bus - One (1)- One 2000(1) School Bus - Bus 84School Passenger Bus 0062 -Bluebird One (1) 2000 Bluebird Cummins ISC, Automatic Transmission, 425,340 kms. Bus - 84 Passenger our homes, the Max- played the accordion Cummins ISC, Cummins AutomaticISC, Transmission, kms. 402,722 kms. Automatic402,722 Transmission, RM18 – One (1) 1988 Toyota Pickup, 3L, V6, Standard Transmission, 225,750 kms. wells, Wenmans, Bly- or mouth organ. Bus 2062 - OneBus (1) 2062 2002 -Bluebird Bus - 84School Passenger One (1) School 2002 Bluebird Bus - 84 Passenger saks, Mrs. John Pratt, In 1912, a toboggan One (1) 1990 Ford Van, 2WD, 350 Engine, Speed Auto CumminsRM13 ISC, –Cummins Automatic Transmission, 425,340 kms. 3425,340 ISC, Automatic Transmission, kms.Transmission, Gasoline, 244,147 kms. and the Johnsons. slide was built from RM18 – One (1) 1988–Toyota Pickup, 3L, V6,Pickup, Standard3L, Transmission, 225,750 kms. RM18 One (1) 1988 Toyota V6, Standard Transmission, 225,750 kms. Billy Wenman had the top of the hill RM6 – One (1) 1997 Ford 4x4 1 Ton Truck, 285,589 kms. RM13 – One (1) 1990–Ford 2WD, 350Van, Engine, 3 Speed Auto Transmission, Gasoline, RM13 One Van, (1) 1990 Ford 2WD, 350 Engine, 3 Speed Auto Transmission, Gasoline, one of the Edison back of the smelter, For further details or to view please contact Brian Nickurak, Operations Supervi244,147 kms. 244,147 kms. sor at (250) 342-6814 or (250) 342-1728. Phonographs with down past the smeltRM6 – One (1)RM6 1997–Ford 1 TonFord Truck, kms. 285,589 kms. One4x4 (1) 1997 4x4285,589 1 Ton Truck, er and over the hump the long horn on it. Kimberley Zone This played cylin- by the smoke stack, Bus 7060 or - One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 84 Passenger For further details to view please Nickurak, Operations Supervisor at (250) 342-6814 For further details orcontact to viewBrian please contact Brian Nickurak, Operations Supervisor ator(250) He 342-6814 der records. andoralong the railway 8.3 Cummins, Automatic Transmission, 386,868 kms (250) 342-1728. (250) 342-1728. would bring it to track for a distance. Bus 8061 - One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 72Passenger Kimberley Zone Engine T444E Diesel IHC, Automatic Transmission, 281,622 kms. wherever the party It was about three Kimberley Zone was being held. In the quarters of a mile 3063 2003 Bluebird Bus 7060Bus - One (1)– 1998 BluebirdSchool SchoolBus Bus– -7284Passenger Passenger Bus 7060 One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus 84 Passenger T444E IHC, Automatic Transmission, 246,380 kms. summer we would get long and was board8.3 Cummins, Automatic Transmission, 386,868 kms 8.3 –Cummins, Automatic 386,868 kms together for big pic- ed up on both sides. Bus 2061 2001 Bluebird School Transmission, Bus – 72 Passenger Bus 8061T444E - OneIHC, (1) Automatic 1998 Bluebird School 261,999 Bus - 72Passenger Transmission, kms. nics which other fam- At one time the last Bus 8061 (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 72Passenger Engine T444E Diesel IHC,- One Automatic Transmission, 281,622 kms. Engine T444E Diesel IHC, Automatic Transmission, 281,622 kms. For further details or to view please contact Evan Stavrev, Operations Supervisor ilies would join. lap was over the railBus 3063at–(250) 2003427-2268 BluebirdorSchool Bus – 72 Passenger (250) 427-8727. way track towards the We would have to Bus 3063Transmission, – 2003 Bluebird School T444E IHC, Automatic 246,380 kms.Bus – 72 Passenger The highest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Kicking Horse River. walk to wherever we T444E IHC, Automatic Transmission, 246,380 kms. Friday,School June 19th, 3:00 p.m. (MST) Bus 2061Closing – 2001date: Bluebird Bus2015 – 72atPassenger This had to be were going as there Please quote2061 individual bidsBluebird for each vehicle. your bid envelope with Bus – 2001 School Bus – mark 72 Passenger T444E IHC, Automatic Transmission, 261,999 kms.Clearly were no automobiles stopped because of “Used Vehicle and submitTransmission, sealed bids to: 261,999 kms. T444ETender” IHC, Automatic Steve Jackson, of Operations For further details or to Director view please contact Evan Stavrev, Operations Supervisor at (250)available 427-2268 until later the danger involved. years. further to view please contact Evan Stavrev, Operations Supervisor at (250) 427-2268I believe boards from SchoolFor District No. 6details (RockyorMountain) or (250) 427-8727. 620 – 4th Street 427-8727. In the Spring, after the Smelter buildings or (250) PO Box 430 the snow was gone, had been used for the highest or any bid will be accepted. Invermere, B.C.not V0Anecessarily 1K0 and in the summer slide. , 2015 3:00 p.m. (MST) be accepted. ing date: Friday, June 19 The highest orthany bidatwill not necessarily Billy was very kind to us all. He would

th se quote individual bids for each vehicle. your bid(MST) envelope with “Used Vehicle Tender” and , 2015 mark at 3:00 p.m. Closing date: Friday, June 19Clearly mit sealed bids to: quote individual bids for each vehicle. Clearly mark your bid envelope with “Used Vehicle Tender” and Please

I understand that the older Henderson boys and others in their age group exercised their skill and knowledge in building this slide. We used some of the rails from the Smelter to build a track up the side of the hill. Then we would push one of the ore cars to the top. Everyone climbed on for a ride down the hill. Once it jumped the track and Louis Blysak got his leg jammed against a tree. We had to stop this enjoyment also because of the risk. In the winter, for skating, we would shovel off the snow on the Kicking Horse River in a large area for an outdoor skating rink. We had many nice skating parties. Many people from town would come up and join the fun. We would fish in the Kicking Horse River off the old Smelter bridges and later off the Kootenay Central bridge. We caught many trout and whitefish here. We also fished for gray-ling off the old Sawmill Wharf on the Columbia River.

We would use these as bait for ling cod which we caught further up the Columbia in the evening. The ling cod had nice white meat. They had to be skinned and had just one set of bones down the middle. They were slimy things to catch and handle.

PS: A note regarding the article a couple of weeks ago regarding the accidental death of Mr. Widen. I used the information from the story directly from the accident report in the newspaper at the time of the incident. I have had three people contact me now to tell me that the accident didn’t happen on Moberly Mountain but rather on another face. I’m assuming that the mountain Mr. Widen had died on was the one that today is called Widen Mountain. It was probably called something different before the accident but at any rate everyone seems quite sure that the accident was not on Moberly. I really appreciate all the feedback – thank you.

The Golden Star Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A19

Golden Business Directory Fix Auto Bow VAlley

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Warranty TheGuaranteed only collision repair facilityNational in the valley to offerLifetime a national lifetime warranty.

The shop preferred most insuranceus companies. Call orbyEmail today! Proudly serving the Bow Valley for 27 years. 403-678-8818 119 Bow Meadows Crescent, Canmore, AB Ph: (403) 678-8818

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ContraCting Ltd. ContraCting Get ready for spring! Ltd. Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Box599, 599,golden, golden,BC. BC. V0a V0a1H0 1H0 Box for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway Get ready for spring! atSkid 250-344-2215 Get ready for spring! sweptCall withShaun our JCB Street Sweeper CallShaun Shaunatat250-344-2215 250-344-2215 Call Gravel Trucks, EndEnd Dumps, LogLog Haul Gravel Trucks, Dumps, foraaquote quote tohave have your parking lot anddriveway driveway for to your parking and Units Loader and Skid Steerlot Rentals sweptwith withour ourJCB JCBSkid SkidStreet StreetSweeper Sweeper swept Sand,Loader, Gravel Skid and Landscape Haul, Steer, Snow GravelTrucks, Trucks, Endavailable Dumps,Log LogHaul Haul Gravel End Dumps, Materials Removal, Sand, Gravel Units Loaderand and Skid Steerand Rentals Units Loader Skid Steer Rentals Sand,Gravel Gravel andLandscape Landscape Sand, and Landscape Materials available. Materialsavailable available Materials











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Custom milling of Douglas Fir, Cedar, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, Birch and Larch

Placing a classified ad? Our deadline is Friday by 5:00 p.m. Call or email for more details! 250-344-5251


Golden Church Services Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459 Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street St. Andrew's United Church Sunday - 10:30am 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Sunday - 11:00am Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 Golden Sikh Cultural Society Sunday - 11am Upstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes Lunch After Prayer by Donation

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Golden Faith Column: Like father like son “You’re just like your father.” A simple statement that can range in tone from a light hearted amusement - to a sincere compliment - to a cutting criticism. Have you heard someone say that, or something similar? Was it directed at you per chance? The sentiment was directed at me once in a negative tone - Rev. Jim Dorst - by my wife. It happened some Golden Pentecostal Church years ago when my children were much younger. Although I cannot remember the details, I do know it had something to do with disciplining the children. I also know that the statement penetrated my emotions, causing a personal evaluation and an intentional change in my parenting skills. This incident is only one example of how much my parents and family of origin influenced my parenting and relationship skills. To which my wife and daughters can say, “It is a good thing we came along and taught him the rest.” There were also many good traits that I inherited and learned from my dad. One characteristic is he loved his grandchildren and showed it by his interactions with them. The kids loved to visit Oma and Opa. Loving my kids and grand kids so they love to visit is a characteristic I have nurtured over the years. A trait in which I hope to hear, “you’re just like your father.” As a Christian I want to be just like my Heavenly Father in my character as well. I want to be loving because “God is love”. He is referred to as the Father of all compassion, so I want to be compassionate.


Rev. Jim Dorst’s daughters have fun with their grandfather and great aunt. Photo Submitted

I want to see in me the product of the God at work by evidence of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). The Bible refers to Christians as Christ’s representatives; so may I represent Him well. God is making His appeal through me; so may my faith be appealing to those who see. (2 Corinthians 5:20) My heart’s desire is to live my life in such a way that people would not be surprised to find out I am a Christian, and Christians would be encouraged in walking out their faith journey. I’ve never heard anyone say, “You’re just like your Heavenly Father.” That is not something people seem to think of saying, and that is OK. But maybe my Heavenly Father will see me and say, “That’s my boy!” With the Heavenly Father’s love, Jim Dorst. P.S. Have a happy Fathers Day on June 21st.

Tell us what you're up to!

250 344-5251

www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS

Golden Star Star Wednesday, JuneJune 10, 2015 The Golden Wednesday, 10, 2015 A21 A21

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or online at: free-assessment.

Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Housekeepers Exp. preferred, but will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy.

New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.

Personals ALL MALE hot gay hookups! Call free! 800-462-9090 only 18 and over.

Lost & Found My name is Shelby and I’m looking to find the kind gentleman who helped me after I had rolled my car in between Golden and Radium on Feb.5/2015 at 6:30. I know he has a family and lives on and a farm. I also think he has a border collie dog. Please contact me at 778-215-1145 if you are him.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1-855-7683362 to start training for your work-at-home career today! OVERWAITEA Foods is HIRING GROCERY CLERKS! No exp. necessary. Apply online today at:

Help Wanted


Join the LUSH Mountain Accommodations



Accepting applications for:

Vacation Home Cleaners Duties include Cleaning & preparation of vacation homes




Please email resume to: If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to

1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.

In Memoriam

All shifts - Full & Part Time kitchen/front end positions required for A&W Golden 1300 Trans Canada Hwy Summer incentives, a great place to work! 250-344-4784. Please apply in person with resume to Robert.

Stuart Townsend Soles May 18 1930-December 31 2014 & Lucille May Soles (nee Feuz) May 5 1935-December 12 2008 [\[\[\[\ Surrounded by family on May 9, 2015, their ashes were scattered overlooking the beautiful Columbia Valley near Parson. Blue sky and the aroma of a mountain breeze along the bluff, honored their final journey to be together forever. With love, sharing in the honor of their wishes and with the legacy of memories; Lois & Keith, Carole & Greg, Wende & Randy, Bill & Shelley, Dick & Cindy and their extended families.



Reporter, Full Time The Free Press, Fernie, BC

The Free Press, a Black Press weekly publication in beautiful Fernie, B.C. is seeking an exceptional, full-time journalist/photographer to join our editorial team. We are seeking a candidate who will find and capture compelling stories and features and who will thrive in a deadline-driven environment to produce stories for our newspaper and online products. The successful candidate will be able to write stories, take photos and assist with online and social media responsibilities. Qualifications • • • • • •

Experience with InDesign an asset; Superior writing skills; Ability to write on a variety of topics, including local government, arts and sports; Proficiency in photography; Experience in posting content to the Internet; Ability to adapt to emerging trends in multimedia reporting, including social networking.

Applicants must own a reliable vehicle. This position will require the applicant to work evenings and weekends. All applicants please send resume and cover letter to: Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Email: Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 Only those selected for interview will receive a response.


GARY CLINTON ELDER January 17, 1958 - May 13, 2015

It is with sadness in our hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Gary Clinton Elder at his home in Golden, BC during the early hours of Wednesday May 13 2015, at the age of 57. Gary was born in Flin Flon Manitoba, January 17, 1958. He moved to the Kootenays in the late 70’s. There he met Lissa and started a family. In 1996 they relocated to Golden where Gary worked for Mount 7 Taxi and later Hallcon, with whom he was still employed at the time of his death. In his early years, Gary was an avid outdoorsman and fisherman, as his health declined limiting his mobility, Gary enjoyed passing the time reading and was a skilled woodworker. Gary is survived by Lissa Hake, his wife of 32 years and children Erin Johnson and Clinton Elder, two grandchildren Katelyn and Megan Johnson along with his siblings Joyce (Martin), Glen, Garth, Dale (Loretta), Grant, Holly (Shawn) and Dean (Joanna), along with numerous nieces and nephews. Gary was predeceased by his parents, George Elder and Irene Levesque. A celebration of life will be held toward the end of summer. An announcement will be placed in the Golden Star, once details are arranged. He will be forever missed as a husband, father, brother, and friend. Online condolences may be sent to the family through Gary’s obituary at www.


The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press has an immediate opening for an Editor for its weekly community newspaper. You will work closely with the publisher to help set the editorial vision for this newspaper and as Editor, you will take a lead role in community engagement, which means getting involved in different organizations to promote the newspaper’s role and brand in the community. Must have experience with InDesign. You will have experience in website content management, with the aim to grow online readership, while still preserving print readership. You will have a thorough understanding of how to use social media to enhance our print and online editions as well as expand our brand. This job requires a tremendous amount of effort and time in order to be successful and we are looking for a dynamic individual to join our team. Compensation for this position will be based on experience and qualifications. There is an excellent benefits package as well as a car allowance and other related benefits. A reliable vehicle is required. Fernie is considered by many one of the most desirable places in the province, if not the country, to live. People come for the skiing and stay for the lifestyle. Fernie offers a myriad of opportunities to the outdoor enthusiast, including skiing, mountain biking and fishing to name just a few. It is also a wonderful community to raise a family. Black Press Community News Media is an internationally recognized newspaper publishing group with more than 190 community, daily and urban publications in BC, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio published at 14 regional printing centers. Black Press employs 3,300 people across North America. Please send resume, with cover letter, to Andrea Horton. We thank all of those who apply, however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 2nd Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Email: Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 No phone calls please.


A22 A22

Wednesday, 2015 Wednesday, JuneJune 10, 10, 2015 The Golden Golden Star Star





Merchandise for Sale

Help Wanted



Financial Services

Garage Sales

Seasonal Full time Part time Front desk/Night Security and house keeping required for

MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with Canada’s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535 or email:

611017 BC LTD DBA o/a Holiday Inn Express Golden-Kicking Horse

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Moving Sale great bargains! Everything must go! Saturday, June 12, 9am to 2pm. 2732 Golden Donald Upper Road. Advanced purchases Thursday by appointment only. Please call 250-816-9410. Patio furniture, garden tools, bdrm furniture, linens, power tools, dining room set, lamps, light fixtures, arm chairs, tables, pictures, roofing materials and much more!

Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Multi Family Garage Sale 1309 Selkirk Drive Saturday, June 13th, 9am2pm.


Heavy Duty Machinery

Visit our website for complete rental listings

Kicking Horse River Lodge.

Professional/ Management

Experience an asset/ will train. Must be able to work weekends and nights. Send Resume to C. Stewart at

RESIDENTIAL Caretaker Golden BC, 2 apartment buildings - 50 suites. Must be energetic handy personable & detail oriented. Experience an asset. Send resume:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

OFFICE MANAGER Full time - starting immediately Salary to be based on experience Duties to include: • 2I¿ce administration • Invoicing • Scheduling • Showroom sales • Warehouse inventory Please email resumes to or fax 250-344-2854

Employment Agencies/Resumes

HIRING 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM ATTENDANT SUPERVISOR/ CLEANING SUPERVISOR (noc.6215) located at 1120 14 St. N, Golden, BC V0A1H0 Permanent, Full-Time, Shift, Day, Evening, Weekend $19.00 hourly for 40 hours per week Completion of High School Experience is an asset Duties: Hire and train or arrange for training of cleaning staff, Inspect sites or facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards; Establish work schedules; Assist cleaners in performing duties; Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Recommend or arrange for additional maintenance services. Others: Initiative; Effective interpersonal skills; Flexibility; Excellent oral communication; Excellent written communication; Client focus; Dependability; Judgment; Reliable EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW IMMIGRANTS AND ABORIGINALS How to apply: Attn to Sam Sethi Fax resume: 250-344-4665 Email:

Employment Agencies/Resumes

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928 MOSSBUSTERS ! Call us for your roof and exterior cleaning needs . We remove Moss, Algae , Lichen , Mold , Black streaks and other debris with our exclusive Softwash nopressure cleaning system . We do pressure washing too . Fully insured , affordable and professional service . Toll Free 1844-428-0522


Get Paid to Learn


Pets & Livestock

Need to build your skills in a new area? Earn while you learn through a paid work placement! Call us today to find out more.

A: 2 0 5 - 4 2 1 9 t h A v e . , G o l d e n

P: 344-5413

w w w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . o r g The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

Lessons/Training ME INC. WORKSHOP. Thinking about launching a start-up or buying and running a business? The Basin Business Advisor Program is offering a free “Me Inc.” workshop on June 25 (6:30-8pm) at Golden Civic Centre. The session will walk you through the factors to consider, how to get started and where to find support. Registration required. Call 1-855510-2227 or visit

Merchandise for Sale

Garage Sales Garage Sale Sat. June 13 from 9am - 2pm. 507 - 9th St. S in back alley.


Commercial/ Industrial


Misc for Rent

A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

Misc. for Sale Garden & Lawn


SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.

Misc. Wanted

Community We’re at the heart of things™

Houses For Sale Custom Timber Home On 6.5 acres, exc. Views 250-348-2447

Mobile Homes & Pads

Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Home Lots for rent. First 3 months free! Creek side available. Ph. 250-344-0751.

41 - 1040 9th Ave N. KHMP. Renovated (1977) 14x64, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, new roof, floors, siding, windows, doors, appliances/blinds incld. Oil heating. Lovely fenced yard w/ shed. Asking $35,000. Ph. 250-344-2996.

Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.

Townhouses 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft townhouse with balcony. Propane fireplace & dishwasher. No pets; no parties. Long term preferred. Good references & security deposits required $1595 per month + utls. 250-344-6710.


Real Estate

2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. 250-290-0056.

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

3 bdrm house for rent.

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Coins, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Chad: 778-281-0030 in town.

Apt/Condo for Rent

ORLANDO or LAS VEGAS 5 STAR RESORT 1 bdrm fully equipped villa, 1 week $800 Can. Must be used before Dec. 15, 2015. Call for more info 250-344-2998.


250-344-5075 / 344-5059





CASH REWARD up to $1000 to move in a new or newer home into Kicking Horse Village MHP. Call for details 250-344-6935.

Office/studio for rent: $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, hydro/heating/wi-fi/ parking/waste disposal incld, private washroom, no smoking, no pets, avail June1. Inquire: 250.344.2443 Konan / 250.348.2591 Vreni.

Homes for Rent 2 bdr. ground level suite. 1109 13 St. No pets. References. Avail now. 250-344-5691. 2 bedroom house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95 South. $950/month + utilities. No parties, mature reliable tenants preferred. References and damage deposit required. Call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No parties, mature reliable tenants preferred. $950/month + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Tel: 250-344-6710. Newer 1bedroom cabin with loft, sitting on a full basement on acreage south of Golden. $950/month plus utilities. No parties, no illegal activities. Long term, mature, reliable tenants preferred. References and damage deposit required. Please telephone 250-3446710.


4 Websites for the Price of 1. Just one of the reasons to call for all your job recruitment needs.




Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

Summer Savings! A23


15% on selected GE Café appliances

at your

May 28th - June 28th, 2015


up to


Check out the




on select Monogram appliances Now until July 31st , 2015



1.7 cuft Over-The-Range Microwave Oven


• 10 power levels • Auto & time defrost • 2-speed high-capacity exhaust fan with 300 CFM Also available in black.

















30” Electric Self-Cleaning Convection Range

20.2 cuft Bottom-Mount Refrigerator with Pull-Out Drawer

Built-In Dishwasher with Stainless Steel Tall Tub

4.5 cuft Top Load Washer with Stainless Steel Drum

• 5.0 cuft oven capacity • TrueTempTM system & dual element bake • Glass ceramic cooktop & hot surface indicator light

• FrostGuardTM technology • GE RevealTM interior lighting & upfront temperature controls • 2 full-width glass shelves & 2 adjustable crispers

• 4 cycles/ 8 options • Steam prewash option • PiranhaTM hard food disposer with removable filter

• 3 wash/rinse temperatures • 4 heat selections & 13 cycles • De-wrinkle & quick fluff • RainShower wash system • Interior dryer light & rotary & quiet-by-design electromechanical controls • Rotary electromechanial controls

Also available in black.

7.0 cuft Electric Dryer with DuraDrum Interior

Also available in black.

Over 100

Coast to Coast! 801 9th Avenue, Golden, 250 344-2728 BARRAULTBRANDSOURCE.CA

The Summer Savings event is an instant rebate promotion applicable on the purchase of select GE brand appliances and runs from June 6th-28th, 2015. The “Save 15% event” applies on the purchase of select GE Café appliances and runs from May 28th to June 28th, 2015. The “Save up to 20% event” applies on the purchase of select GE Monogram appliances and runs from May 1st to July 31st, 2015. See store for details on all promotions. Advertised prices apply during the promotion periods only, while quantities last. While we strive for accuracy in product descriptions and pricing, which can be amended without prior notice from the manufacturer, we cannot be held responsible for technical or typographical errors which may appear in the flyer or promotional materials.



Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry GarryOddy Oddy (250) (250)344-7234 344-7234


$77,000 615 - 9th Street

$325,600 4 bedrooms

50’ x 130’

$209,600 773 Canyon Creek Road

3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft

.35 acre

1308 Pine Drive 3 baths


#101, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

2 bedrooms 2 baths 960sqft

$259,000 #412, 1420 Palliser Trail 2 baths


3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


$950,000 528 - 9th Avenue

Land, Building & Business



1001 - 10th Avenue

11 bedrooms

4.5 baths


$469,000 2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres

3071 Tegart Road

Rural Propery with 2 Homes

3 bedrooms


527 - 8th Street 2 baths


2483 Seward Road

3 bdrms 3 baths 2,160sqft


4 bedrooms

3.5 baths


$330,000 Lot 17, 1208 Station Avenue Land & Building

8.5 acres


#3, 532 Hietala Road 3 bedrooms

5 bedrooms

3 baths


509 Main Street

Land & Building Fully Rented

DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435



#14, 415 - 5th Avenue

2 bedrooms


5bdrms 2.5 baths 2,180sqft .54 acre

REDUCED 2 bedrooms

1 bath


5bdrms 2.5 baths 2,544sqft .98 acre

$925,000 1669 Dogtooth Close

3 bedrooms

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$80,000 Lot 19, 1208 Station Avenue .35 acre

2 1/2 baths


$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

$195,000 #206, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail




1222 - 10th Avenue

2 baths

1282 Horse Creek Road

$169,900 3377 Highway #95, South 2bdrms 1 bath 952sqft 2.41 acres

$445,000 1011 - 11th Avenue Building & Land


802 Nicholson Frontage Road


$1,195,000 1593 Columbia Valley View

$362,900 405 Riverglen Drive





2016 McMurdo Road

Land and Building

$875,000 1638 Purcell Woods


901 - 7th Street


2 bedrooms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

3 baths


$279,000 #18, 1333 Aemmer Way

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$249,900 917 - 10th Avenue Land and Building

MOBILE HOMES #5, 604 Almberg Road.......................2 bedrooms.......................................$15,000 #10 Swiss Village MHP.......................3 bedrooms.......................................$65,000

#8 Mountain Shadows MHP..............2 bedrooms.......................................$66,300 #40 Kicking Horse Village MHP.........2 bedrooms.......................................$85,000

IN TOWN LOTS 506-8th Street.................................. 50’ x 130’ ..................................... $76,300 Granite Drive................................3 Lots available............... each listed at $199,600 1608 Gareb Road.............................. 71’ x 180’ ......................................$89,900 1553 Quartz Crescent...................... 66’ x 207’....................................... $79,000 1556 Quartz Crescent....................... 71’ x 173’ ..................................... $89,000 1402 Deere Ridge Road................... .35 acre.............................................. $99,000

RURAL ACREAGES Highway #95 South........................ 40 acres................................................... $209,000 Lot B, Carlson Road........................2.47 acres......................................... $84,900 2000 Highway #95 South............... 4.22 acres..................................................$136,300 Lot 2, Campbell Road................... 2.5 acres........................................... $120,000 646 Lower Habart Rd...................... 4.8 acres.................................................. $399,000 Blaeberry Valley Estates............2 acreages available.........from $118,300 to $195,300 985 McBeath Road............................40.52 acres......................................... $349,600

1414 Black Bear Drive....................2.07 acres........................................... $119,900 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South.... 5.8 acres................................................... $189,000 Cromac Ridge............................... 4 acreages available.........from $210,000 to $260,000 Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road.... 4.99 acres...................................................$119,900 1735 Short Road.............................. 4.94 acres............................................$119,900 Lot 2, Imler Road............................ 3.21 acres .................................................$112,500 1374 Black Bear Drive..................... 2.03 acres ................................................ $124,900

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