Castlegar News, June 11, 2015

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, June 11, 2015

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Vol.12 • Issue 24

Barry Brown





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2015 Miss Castlegar crowned The new Miss Castlegar princess and queen were chosen Friday. See page 3.

Citizens of the Year named After 20 years of handing out awards, Don and Irene Hill finally receive one of their own. See pags 4-5.

Get ready, summer readers The Castlegar library’s summer reading program is swiftly approaching. See page 9.

Sunshine for Sunfest

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Annual celebration lives up to its name

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This little guy tried to supply some cooling refreshment to the crowds he passed from his spot on a jungle-themed float during the Sunfest parade on Saturday. Castlegar’s annual community celebration enjoyed spectacular weather throughout the weekend. See more photos on page 2. Photo by Betsy Kline



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Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News

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Thousands came out last weekend to enjoy all Sunfest had to offer, including the parade, entertainment in Kinsmen Park, ball tournament, and photo show. Photos by Betsy Kline

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Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015 A3



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Left: Tenysha Ross-Van Mierlo fights back tears as she graciously accepts her title as Miss Castlegar 2015. Right: This year’s Castlegar Princess is Tyann Esovoloff. Photos by Chris Stedile

2015 Miss Castlegar crowned Tyanna Esovoloff and Tenysha Ross-Van Mierlo are the new royalty CHRIS STEDILE Castlegar News

Castlegar ushered in two new members of royalty this past weekend. The new Miss Castlegar Princess is Tyanna Esovoloff and the queen’s crown now sits upon Tenysha Ross-Van Mierlo’s head. While not all 15 contestants could take home the coveted crown, all did a wonderful job, wowed the audience, and showed compassion and appreciation for their fellow entrants right to the end. Tears flowed freely after the announcements on stage regarding the new princess and queen — not of sadness but of pride for their fellow contestants, who they all spent so much time with. Miss Castlegar isn’t only about coming on stage and showing what you’ve got for the crown. It involves a long, arduous journey of training, discipline and practice, practice, practice. Over the course of five months, contestants prepare for the pageant and learn various skills that will carry over into their future endeavors. They spent time with the RCMP learning Internet safety. Audrey Polovnikoff showed the girls what great customer service looks like and how to

interact with the public. Other skills taught included dancing and an introduction to taxes and finances. This training made up 30 of the 100 points towards their final scoring. The night opened with a dance number from the entrants, followed by their introductions and then the talent section. The runner-up award for this aspect of the pageant was given to Miss Silver Birch Clinic, Ashley Fitchett, for her crowdfavourite hula-hoop dance routine. The main talent award was handed out to Ross-Van Mierlo for her awe-inspiring performance of song and music performed on cello. The following event saw the ladies led out one by one onto the stage by an RCMP member to display their vibrant and elegant evening gowns. A short intermission was held before several dignitaries and royalty offered words of thanks and encouragement. MP Alex Atamanenko was present and blown away by the show. “I’ve never seen such a talented group of young people, nor been surrounded by so much royalty,” he said. “Thank you so much for inviting me. I’d like to

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March 30th- June 26th All the contestants in their vibrant evening gowns eagerly await the end results. Photo by Chris Stedile

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Monday and Friday 1:30 - 3:00

Stay Strong Yoga for Older Adults congratulate all of you; you’re all winners. I know it’s not easy — the trials and tribulations you go through — you’re an inspiration to everyone.” Next to take the stage was Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. With a front-row seat Chernoff enjoyed the show all the way through, grinning earto-ear even as he came out to congratulate the winners. The mayor said his piece to this year’s Miss Castlegar contenders, then thanked the outgoing royalty, Sophie Jensen and Alexandria D’Onofrio, Miss Castlegar and Castlegar Princess, respectively. Once the speeches finished, it was time for the award cer-

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emony. The queen committee training award went to Sime Kang. Runner-up for the speech award was taken by Adrienne Salmon, with Ross-Van Mierlo winning the main award. Zoey Chaves took home the perseverance award and Esovoloff was awarded Miss Friendship. The full list of young women who took part in the pageant: Emilie teBulte, Sime Kang, Zoey Chaves, Jessica Pinard, Ashley Fitchett, Cheyenne AllenKettlewell, Tyana Esovoloff, Janessa Connell, Emily Postnikoff, Tenysha Ross-Van Mierlo, Adrienne Salmon, Claire Soukochoff, Darci Moffat,

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Relay For Life is a unique opportunity for family and friends to celebrate YOU no matter where you are on your cancer journey. Sign up for the Survivors’ Victory Lap at or come see us on June 20. Registration 5:30 pm • Survivors’ Victory Lap 6 pm


Castlegar Relay For Life June 20, 6 pm – 6 am Kinnaird Park, Castlegar BC


Castlegar Minor Soccer Association AGM

Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 6:00 pm at the Community Complex Topics to be discussed are possible changes to how soccer is currently delivered in our area for next season. Many volunteer positions to be filled, please attend and voice your thoughts and questions.

Attention: Robson-Raspberry Improvement District

A Special Public Meeting will be held

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 7:00 pm Robson Hall

The purpose is to elect two trustees. Everyone welcome 100% Canadian Affordable, Dependable Service. He’s going to the dump anyway!


Irene and Don Hill, best known for their work with the Pass Creek Fall Fair, were honoured last week by the Knights of Columbus as Castlegar’s 2014 Citizens of the Year. Photo by Betsy Kline

Don and Irene Hill named top citizens BETSY KLINE Castlegar News

After 20 years of handing out trophies, plaques and awards it was finally time for Don and Irene Hill to receive an award of their own. The Hills were acknowledged as Castlegar’s 2014 Citizens of the Year by the Castlegar Knights of Columbus at a ceremony held last Wednesday. The Hills were unaware they had won until they arrived at the ceremony. “I did not really expect this,” Irene said. “Lots of other people are more deserving,

I think, than we are. We didn’t realize we had won until we got here. We are very honoured.” Once they got used to the news, the ceremony began and the Hills were escorted to the platform by a piper, Knights of Columbus Honour Guard, Mayor Lawrence Chernoff and MLA Katrine Conroy. Don and Irene have lived in Robson since 1962 and have always been involved in the community in one way or another. Event host Brian Bogle stated in his introduction: “For 20 years, Don and Irene have volunteered their time at Pass Creek

Courses starting in Castlegar

POSITIONS AVAILABLE within the Castlegar & District Minor Hockey Association Castlegar and District Minor Hockey Association Executive currently has the following vacant positions; Atom Manager, Bantam Manager, and Female Manager. If you wish to be considered for any of these vacant positions, please contact Carolyn Babakaiff at by June 17th 2015.. Please visit the website at for further details. CDMHA also has the following paid positions available; Ref Scheduler and Ice Coordinator. The salary for either of these positions is $2600 for the season. Please contact Carolyn Babakaiff at secretarycmha@ if you are interested in these positions. Last day that applications will be accepted is June 17th 2015. 2015. Please visit the website at for further details.

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Fair and Pass Creek Park. From construction projects to landscaping and everything in between, they have helped create the beautiful facility it is today.” After retirement, the Hills took on the development of the Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds and Pass Creek Fall Fair. They were the main carpenters behind the construction of the two riding rings, 36 box stalls, exhibition pavilion, amphitheatre, concession, entrance gates and public washrooms.

continued on page 5

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Hair Spray

Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015

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Volunteer with Victim Services Castlegar and District Community Services offers a Police Based Victim Services program, staffed by an excellent Program Coordinator, and Victim Services Assistant— but volunteers are at the heart of this valuable program!

and more!

Make-Up Left: Don and Irene Hill, along with Castlegar’s outgoing royalty and members of the Knights of Columbus. RIGHT: MLA Katrine Conroy presents certificates of recognition on behalf of herself as well as MP Alex Atamanenko. Photos by Betsy Kline continued from page 4

It’s estimated they put in 1,500 volunteer hours per year for the past 20 years, many involving the organizing, setting up and cleaning up afterward of the fall fair which won the Best Small Fair in BC award in 2013. The Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds is also home to the bluegrass jamboree, horse shows, clinics and dog shows as well other public events.

After the proclamation and award presentation, Chernoff offered congratulations to the Hills. “Strong communities are built by citizens like Don and Irene who see a need and then set about with the dedication and determination to do what is required to be done to fill that need,” he said. “Don and Irene, you are an inspiration to the members of our community and are most deserving of the citizens of the year honour.

Congratulations and thank you for your dedication.” Conroy followed by presenting the Hills with two certificates of recognition, one from her and one on behalf of MP Alex Atamanenko. The last speaker to honour the Hills was Area J regional director Rick Smith, who is also the Hills’ son-in-law. The Hills were then escorted out of the ceremony to a standing ovation by a crowd trying to show appreciation for the many years of hard work and community service.

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Castlegar man charged in robbery

Volunteering with Victim Services is an incredibly rewarding opportunity and one that some say is life changing. Victim Services volunteers are positioned to provide significant, meaningful assistance, often at the time of greatest need. Volunteer Victim Support Workers provide direct services to victims of crime and trauma.



If you are interested in volunteering, our basic eligibility requirements are: • Minimum 19 years of age • Pass an extensive background check and security clearance • Superior interpersonal and communication skills • Valid BC driver’s licence • Able to consistent in volunteer time • Able to be on call once a month


Please call Kristein at Castlegar and District Community Services at 250-365-2104, or Christine VanDyke at 250-365-7341 if interested, or for more information.

and is in custody facing robbery charges. Every day millions women slap on body moisturizer, Xe He was dueof in court in Castlegar yesterday. Police say while the man indicated he had apply lipstick aor mascara Es weapon, no weapon waswithout produced, and no a second thought one was injured. about what they are putting on their skin. A study from th the UK claims that the average woman applies more en What’s in Your than 500 chemicals to her body every day during her sy Hair Spray Shampoo Beauty Products? co beauty routine. re Why should you be concerned? The average woman Chemicals such as parabens (aandsynthetic preservative an ca applies more Make-Up in everything from toothpastemore! to shampoo) than and ex 500are chemicals phthalates (a class of chemicals that found eff to her body as CHERRY SEASON HAS STARTED! in many “fragranced” beauty products such every day. FRESH OSOYOOS CHERRIES IN Nail lotions, perfumesPolish and deodorants) are classified as So Deodorant STORE NOW! xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens mimic our natural ou FINAL PLANT SALE, ALL STOCK Every day millions ofhormone women slap on body moisturizer, Every Day estrogens creating chaosXeno-Detox by increasing the w apply lipstick or mascara without a second thought EstroSense is a comprehensive liver detoxifier REDUCED BY 50%. about what they are putting on their skin. A study from that gently supports the elimination of harmful total amount estrogen, resulting in a condition the UKof claims that the average woman applies more environmental toxins and helps to bring back hormone w than 500 chemicals to her body every day during her synergy. Along with other key ingredients, EstroSense $1.75 beauty routine. containsdominance milk thistle which is one of has the most called estrogen dominance. Estrogen ho 6 PACK TOMATOES ..... researched herbs when it comes to liver detoxification Why should you be concerned? liver cell regeneration. Curcumin, indole-3 Chemicals such (a synthetic preservative and been implicated inas parabens many conditions including: breast carbinol, sulforaphane, calcium-d-glucarate, green tea in everything from toothpaste to shampoo) and A extract, lycopene and rosemary extract are all very phthalates (a class of chemicals that are found FLOWERS 4 PACKS FROM ..... $.75 and prostate cancer, obesity, infertility, endometriosis, effective for supporting healthy hormone balance. in many “fragranced” beauty products such as lotions, perfumes and deodorants) are classified as So starting now, read labels and stay informed, check da uterine fibroids, early onset puberty, hormonal acne xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens mimic our natural out The Environmental Working Group website Individual vegetable starts from .35c each estrogens creating hormone chaos by increasing the as well as Campaign for Safe Cosmetics amount of estrogen, resulting in a condition for more information about and PMS. total called estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance has how you can protect yourself. Arriving this week: Fresh Grand Forks Spinach,

Castlegar News Staff A 29-year-old Castlegar man is facing charges after a local business was robbed early Sunday. RCMP said the man entered the Columbia

Ave. store and browsed for several minutes before threatening to produce a weapon and demanding money. He fled with an undisclosed amount of cash. A suspect was arrested a short time later

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Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


Editor: Greg Nesteroff Published by Black Press Ltd. at Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

your views

Why stop at logo, slogan and mascot? It might have been prudent, even wise for the current Marketing 12 Class at Stanley Humphries Secondary School to have extended their survey from the present student and staff (700?) at SHSS before deciding to change the logo, slogan and team name of SHSS. Over the past 65 years (1951 to 2015) some 7,000 (approximately) students have graduated from SHSS, many of whom are still residing in Castlegar. Surely given modern technology and marketing strategems an attempt would have been made to receive input from these individuals. Being the only full secondary school in Castlegar and immediate area SHSS has represented the end point of K to 12 education for local students. The school has established a proud and vibrant history and tradition. The three themes emerging from current student input: strong academics, school pride and uniqueness are not new but simply a reflection and continuation of what SHSS has been for the past 65 years. In fact SHSS was known as a triple-A school with depth and diversity in Academics, the Arts and Athletics. A perusal of SHSS yearbooks records the history of academic

A Retrospective Walter Volovsek The outstanding Kootenay historian Edward Affleck visited Waldie Island Trail in 2000 and was thrilled by my efforts to popularize local history. He is seen relaxing at the Waldie Mill Viewpoint. The trees are now gone and the bench has been uprooted to make room for a chain link fence, and left on the ground to rot. Other notables who graced this spot were George McCleary (from Warkworth, Ont., tracing his great uncle’s footsteps); Ken Armson (from Toronto, writing a book on the Waldies); and Marolyn Mahon (from Seattle, exploring the city founded by her father-in-law).

achievement, the demonstrated talent of students in band and choral groups, of actors, dancers and singers in musical and drama performances and the prowess of athletes in all sports at the local, regional and provincial level. Rockers! Now there’s uniqueness! Finally, if there is to be a change of logo, slogan and mascot perhaps the transformation should also include the re-naming of the school. Stanley Humphries: Who was he anyway? Well he was the chairman of the school board (SD No. 9) who was instrumental in having the school built. I’m sure his daughter, Mrs. Betty Clark, now in her 90s, would be delighted to have his name removed from the learning institution he so determinedly promoted for the secondary education of Castlegar youth. Above all I’m very sure that all those grads/students wish fervently to maintain the original logo, slogan and mascot of SHSS. CARPE DIEM. Lachlan C. Farrell Vice-principal – Principal Stanley Humphries Secondary School 1970–85

Photo by Walter Volovsek

Local sculpture program continues to impress


’ve read several accounts of the opening ceremonies for this year’s Sculpturewalk program. I’ve also read people’s impressions of this year’s sculptures — that they’re better than ever. This year’s range of outdoor art is indeed very good. I don’t know whether the sculptures are better than ever, but they are quite a diverse collection and a pleasure to have on our streets. The 32 new ones for 2015 alone would be enough for Castlegar to retain the title of “Sculpture Capital of Canada.” The number of statues in Castlegar and throughout the Kootenays begins to boggle the mind. You will find them beyond the borders of the usual Sculpturewalk route from Kootenay Market to Castle Theatre. They grace storefronts, school sites, green spaces, art gardens, and show rooms. As well, they have taken

Spots in Time Gord Turner over spots on Nelson’s streets and are featured in key locations in Rossland. This proliferation of sculptures has come about because art lovers and councils have seen the benefits of having outdoor art in their neighbourhoods or next to their businesses. All of this is possible because Castlegar Sculpturewalk has extended its mission into leasing and sales. For example, six of the 11 sculptures gracing the streets of Nelson have been leased to Nelson, three have been purchased by Nelson, one has been donated di-

Pam Malekow Office Manager

rectly to Nelson, and one has been purchased privately and donated to Nelson. In Castlegar, I love the choice of Dee Clements’ hockey player in front of Tim Hortons. Called Going for the Goal, it fits many of the initiatives Tim Hortons has going for it. I’m also keen about Osamede Obazee’s golfer just outside the clubhouse at the Castlegar Golf Course. For five years now, we have had the People’s Choice Awards. All our visitors to Castlegar and many curious travellers take Castlegar’s sculpture tour and mark ballots for the sculpture viewed as the best. The artists who produce the winning sculptures are awarded $10,000 each year by the city, and the sculptures are added to Castlegar’s permanent collection. It’s interesting that the people’s choice award winners have always

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Selina Birk Creative Support

Sandy Leonard Creative Director

been placed for the summer in front of city hall or certainly nearby. Does the location give these sculptures a better chance of being number one? Would the great blue heron creation in 2012 have won if the sculpture committee had set it up on a side street? Nevertheless, I’m delighted to look beyond this year’s 32 sculptures on display and find the people’s choices around the city. I can look upon the first winner (2010), Denis Kleine’s Peace Sign at the airport. Not far away is Carl McMahon’s Linotype Wapiti, the second winner in 2011. The Patient Hunter (2012), developed by Kevin Kratz and James Karthein, has been artfully ensconced in a nook across from CIBC. Douglas Walker’s Honkfest (2013) is one of the most imaginative pieces to win the most popular award, and it is still located in

Katelyn Hurley Creative

Jaime Tarasoff Creative

Betsy Kline Reporter

front of city hall. Last year’s winner, Northern Leopard Frog (2014), also designed by Kratz and Karthein, hung on the wall of the RCMP building all year. Lots of groups have got involved. Kinnaird Elementary School was inspired to host Peter Vogelaar’s The Dreamer. Purchased by Columbia Basin Trust, the dreamer theme fits many of our bright young students. Heather Wall’s Sea Swimmer, purchased by the Yule family, is another apt choice as it ties in with the activities at the Millennium Park ponds. Indeed, if you take the time to look, you will see so many pieces of outdoor art, you’ll understand why people from elsewhere now have added Castlegar to their travelling itinerary. Gord Turner writes here every other week.

Chris Stedile Reporter

Is a subsidiary of Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone 250-365-6397

Your Community News Team

Greg Nesteroff Editor

Chuck Bennett Publisher

Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015


Wolf’s book an eye-opener

We are a part of the world community, and as such what ever happens to our neighbours to our south, east, west, or north, affects all of us. We, as a primitive culture, face extinction of all life on our minuscule planet from nuclear warfare, global warming (with our weather patterns changing), rise of disaster capitalism and a threat to what little democracy we have left (actually it’s a plutocracy) by a threat of a world dictatorship. One would assume that this is the last possible threat we may have, but it is happening world wide. The End of America by Naomi Wolf gives us glimpses of the dictators of the 20th century, from Stalin’s techniques to Mussolini’s takeover of Italy to Hitler’s subju-

gation of the German people. As we entered the 21st century, a new US president altered the course of world history by using many of the former dictators’ techniques on the world and the American people. All the president needed do to imprison anyone in the world or the US was to label him or her “an enemy combatant.” The rule of law was the military law. You must remember that George W. Bush lost the election in 2000. Al Gore asked the Florida state Supreme Court for a recount of the ballots, which was granted, but the US Supreme Court stopped the recount, thereby making George the kingpin. In 2001 the ballots were re-

counted and Gore won Florida. Bush had the Patriot Act passed after the downing of the twin towers plus one, and history was set. Wolf opens up the events that took place during Bush’s reign with great detail on the subjugation of the US laws and their constitution. Wolf ’s warning to especially young people of the world is to be on guard, as the many can stop any dictatorship attempts. Through knowing government techniques can we maintain our freedoms, for in truth, we the people of any country are that country’s worst enemy, because we may replace them at the ballot box. Peter Popoff Thrums

Camas could be city’s logo

Re: “Designation sought for significant plant,” June 4 While reading the council briefs in last week’s paper, an interesting connection between the Kootenay Camas Project delegation and the awarding of a contract to Twist Marketing for a performance audit of the city brand came clear to me. As the city is spending nearly $10,000 to determine how our current branding stacks up, it may be a good time to explore what kind of flower should represent our city on official “stationary, advertisements, signage, websites and promotional materials.” In order to have a brand that

really performs, it should be something that reflects the unique attributes — cultural, geographical and ecological and otherwise of our city. The camas flower links all of these attributes together and represents special places where culture and ecology come together. As Megan Read said, these plants tell a story about this special place by their very existence along the pathways at Millennium Park. Our family lived in Victoria for a few years and marvelled at the beauty of the camas each spring amongst the garry oak ecosystems while we lived there. When we returned to Castlegar I was delighted

The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the

to find these same flowers growing near the river. I didn’t know these plants, of such significance to First Nations people throughout the Pacific Northwest, grew here. I took part in the Camas Walk, organized by the Kootenay Camas Project, and learned how and why camas came to be growing here — the only site outside of the Pacific Northwest in the interior. These plants signify Castlegar as a very special place. If we are going to use a flower for our city logo, why not make it the flower of a camas plant? Christy Anderson Castlegar

editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the BC Press Council, Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Castlegar Girls Softball Association needs 7


We are holding our AGM on June 23rd at 7pm at the Kinnaird Park. We are in need of a new executive for the upcoming 2016 season. ...Without an executive Castlegar Girls Softball will not be able to run for the new season.. We need people to come on board the executive and we also need people to come to the meeting to discuss the 2016 season. For more information: contact Leanna Handley at 250-608-2789

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Stock quotes as of closing



5N Plus ............................. 1.28 BCE Inc. .......................... 54.37 Bank of Montreal ............. 74.79 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 66.08 CIBC .............................. 93.45 Canadian Utilities ............ 35.75 Canfor Corporation ......... 25.75 EnCana Corp. ................. 14.89 Enbridge Inc. ................... 56.70 Finning International.......... 24.72 Fortis Inc. ........................ 36.06 Husky Energy .................. 23.85


Manitoba Telecom ........... 27.85 Mercer International ......... 14.08 National Bank of Canada . 48.58 Onex Corporation ............ 70.48 Royal Bank of Canada...... 77.92 Sherritt International ............ 2.36 TD Bank .......................... 54.44 TELUS Corp...................... 41.56 Teck Resources ................. 14.45 TransCanada Corp ........... 50.72 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 19.25

M����� F���� City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Phone: 250.365.7227 Fax: 250.365.4810 Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday except statutory holidays IMPORTANT NOTICE

Claim your Home Owner Grant On-line City of Castlegar 2015 Property Tax notices have been mailed. If you have not received your Property Tax notice please contact the City of Castlegar at (250) 365-7227. ELIGIBLE TAXPAYERS CLAIMING THE REGULAR OR THE 65 AND OVER HOME OWNER GRANT ARE ENCOURAGED TO CLAIM ONLINE by visiting and selecting the Home Owner Grants menu from the top menu bar. Note that individuals claiming section 2 (b), (c), (d) or (e) additional home owner grants cannot claim on-line. Please remember that, for homeowners, payment of taxes is a two step process. You must claim your Home Owner Grant and you must pay the remaining amount due. Payments can be made by on-line banking through your financial institution or by cheque, Payments must be received in our office by 4:30 PM, July 2, 2015 to avoid penalty. THE POSTAGE DATE STAMP IS NOT CONSIDERED AS DATE RECEIVED. If paying in person, we accept cash, cheque or debit at City Hall, 8:30am to 4:30pm. CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. All unpaid 2015 taxes (including unclaimed home owner grants) are subject to a 10% PENALTY AFTER JULY 2, 2015


Portfolio Series Balanced ... 30.28


Signature Dividend ........... 15.00


Portfolio Series Conservative 16.46


Manulife Monthly High ... 14.473

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.811


Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 60.62

Gold............................ 1176.10


Silver ............................... 15.92


The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. and Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks are to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.

Let’s talk money. Thinking about investing? Retiring? Estate planning? The professionals at Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks are people you can trust for the answers you need. Talk to us today.

Mutual funds and securities related financial planning services are offered through Qtrade Asset Management Inc., Member MFDA.

Craig McFadden, CFP

100 – 605 20th Street, Castlegar 250.365.9953 1.877.691.5769


Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News





JUNE CASTLEGAR SR. ACTIVITIES @ COMPLEX Mon 9:30 Floor Curling 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist, Tues 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool Wed 9:30 Floor Curling 10:00 Coffee Talk 3,10,24 10:00 Raspberry Hi Coffee 17th 1:00 Bingo only on 3rd. 1:00 Rummoli 10th Thurs 9:30 Floor Curling 1:00 Bingo, not on 4th 2:00 General Meeting 4th Fri 10:00 Qi Gong 1:00 Crib Coffee Talk has different speakers.

This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

or business that has contributed to literacy in the community. Download nomination forms at or pick one up at the Castlegar Public Library. Deadline for nominations is June 8th. For more info call Alana at 250-304-6862. THE NEW LIFE CHURCH (behind the Castlegar Primary School) will be serving hot nutritious meals for people in the community every Thursday. The doors open at 3:45 and the meal will be served at 4:30 p.m.. Please use the basement entrance at the back of the church. For info phone 250-365-7500. ROBSON FLEA MARKET is open every Sunday except Easter. Call Kathy to book a table 250-3653796.


See you at the SMOKE & STEEL car show! 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

computers, reading and writing, Test preparation, and skills upgrading at the Castlegar and District Public Library on Tuesdays from 12 to 3 p.m. BILLETS: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 to 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH: Meets Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Resker Hall in Robson (next door to the Robson Community Church) on Waldie Ave. Phone 250-365-6405 for more information. CASTLEGAR HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP: Open Mondays thru Thursdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dona-

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

weekly in store specials! Clean donations are accepted during working hours. Thank you for your support. SELKIRK WEAVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD: meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Douhkohobor Discovery Centre, 10 to 11 a.m. followed by show and tell. COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK & DROP-IN CENTRE: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. to 1:30 Wednesday Drop In Center 10 to 1:30 (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 to 1:30 (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St. David’s Church. Call 250-608-2227.

NIGHT for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8 to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Sydney 250-608-1867. FRIDAY YOUTH PROGRAM at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/sports/hanging out. Grades K to 5, 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Grades 6 up, 8 to 10 p.m. For more info or phone 250-365-7201. USCC CULTURAL INTERPRETIVE SOCIETY: Volunteers meet Mondays and Wed., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the interpretive and training Centre, 820 Markova Rd. TOPS GROUP MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:30 to 10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

PARK: Kinnaird Wed. June 10-July 29, 2015 June 17th - Maple Leaf Band June 24th - Trail Pipe Band July 8th - That Girl & Earl

CASTLEGAR SOCIAL PLANNING SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING –June 15th @ 4pm at Castlegar Community Services, 1007 2nd St

FREE BUDGETING WORKSHOP: Do you struggle with budgeting on low or limited income? This workshop is for you. Thursday June 18, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Forum Room, CBT Building. Registration required. Lunch provided. Call 250 365-2104.

DO YOU KNOW A CHAMPION FOR LITERACY? A Champion for Literacy can be an individual, organization, service group

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

Val Koochin 250-365-1846

Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831

Carmen Harris 250-365-1520

Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679

toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |


BLUEBERRY BOTTLE DRIVE: The Blueberry Community School Hub has a pressing need for major work to its youth room. Please drop off refundable bottles and cans to the Blueberry School. Thank you to everyone that participated in our May bottle drive. LEGION MEAT DRAW: At the Castlegar-Robson Legion, Branch 170 every Saturday, 4 to 6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Guests must be signed in. MYRA DUFF WILL BE HOSTING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS: For information about the Heart Support Group please call Myra at 250-365-6369. COMMUNITY LEARNING PLACE: drop in to get free help with basic

Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

Tammy Peitzsche 250-365-9640

Connor McCarthy 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

tions accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Telephone 250365-7317/250-365-6587 or see

Get your ed! c i t o n t n e v e ise Advert

r here fo

K! $20/t wChereistine

Contac 5-6397 250-36

SCRABBLE CLUB: Come out and play Scrabble on the second Tuesday of the month at the Castlegar Public Library from 6:30 to 8 pm. All levels are welcome! For more info call 250-365-3834. ALL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING: Informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesday 10:30 to noon. More info: 250-365-3662, or see CASTLEGAR A.A. MEETINGS AT THE PIONEER ARENA Sunday. at 10 a.m.; Tuesday at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wednesday at noon (Dan 250-359-7817) Thursday & Saturday at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216 or Alex 359-7031) and Saturday at 8 p.m (Len at 250-365-7805).

ST. DAVID’S & UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: located at 605 Columbia Ave. Hours are Tues. to Thurs. 10:00am to 4:00pm; Fri & Sat. 10:00am to 1:00pm. Our stock includes clothing,shoes, bedding,linen,books & house- Saturday, May 9th 9am MEETS - 1pmEVERY MONDAY hold items. Also come check our AL-ANON

Farmer’s Market Station Museum

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

Tyler Gienger 250-304-7865

James Kereiff 250-304-8970

Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 250-365-7956. FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250-608-2254. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, one-onone tutoring. Free. More info call Corinne at 250-687-4714. THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION L.A. #170 have their monthly meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month from September till the end of June. Please send items to

Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015

Community 9


COACHES NEEDED Coaching Applications for Castlegar & District Minor Hockey Association now being accepted for the 2015-16 Season Castlegar and District Minor Hockey Association is accepting applications for the head coach position for all divisions. Applications are to be submitted to the Coaching Coordinator via email at

Current deadline for applications is June 15th, 2015 4:00pm.

Please refer to the CDMHA website ( to download the application form and for details & updates.

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex:

From left, Samantha Rigby, their robot MAK-R, and Kristyn Trickey.

Photo submitted

Reading programs gear up for summer Combine fun with reading and kids will stick with it for life Chris Stedile Castlegar News

The deadline to register for the Castlegar library’s summer reading program is swiftly approaching. Created for kids age 3 to 13, the program includes a flexible schedule of mornings or afternoons and is expected to fill up quickly, so register while you can. Official in-house registration begins July 17 at 10 a.m. but you can also sign-up online at or on their Facebook page, Castlegar Summer Reading Club. This program is free and runs from July 1 to the second week of August. Depending on your child’s age group, they may come once or twice a week. 2.833 5” Each session begins by xworking on a new craft

or art project, followed by games, and finally story time with the younger groups, or participation in reader’s theatre for the older ones. There is also a chance to win prizes in weekly draws for anyone who fills out their reading record and brings it back to the library for their session. At the end of the program the kids have parties/ celebration days up at the water park. Organizers Kristyn Trickey and Samantha Rigby are excited to introduce this year’s theme of Build It! “We hope to see many old and new faces this year to help us build crafts, new friendships, and of course, reading skills,” Rigby said. “We expect to have a great turnout this year,” continued Trickey, “so it is important to register.” Registration day is Wednesday, June 17 at 10 3.25Library. x 4.7 a.m. at the Castlegar


Classes start Aug 4

Build your skills Become a front line health care worker HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT PROGRAM Our 26 week program will support you in developing the confidence, knowledge and skills required to provide safe care and contribute to the well-being of clients in a variety of health care settings. As a graduate, you will be a respected member of the health care team and work under the direction and supervision of a health professional.

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Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim

Great Summer Camp Programs July & August Register Now!

Summer Camp Samplers (6-12yrs) July 2 & 3 $15/ per day (8:30-3:30pm) Best Deal of the Summer! Mondays Cool Camp Daze (7-12yrs) (8:30-3:00pm) $30/per day July 6 - Survive in the Wild July 13 – Water & Sport Mania July 20 – Under the Sea July 27 – Float your Boat – Pirate Adventures Aug 10 – Adventures by land & sea Multi Day Theme Camps (6-12yrs) 8:30-3:00pm $79/per camp Tues/Wed/Thurs July 7-9 – Chef Camp July 14-16 – Mad Science July 21-23 – Sports Camp July 28-30 – Splash Down Aug 4-6 – Mixed up Camp Aug 11-13 – Best of the Best Sign up eArly as camps have limited numbers; Fantastic summer leaders; Heather, Emma, Beth & Courtney! Go on line at to register or view the Summer Leisure Guide. Camp Subsidies are available Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.

If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.


Reminding you to Recycle!

Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


Stanley Humphries gears up for grad BETSY KLINE Castlegar News


Stanley Humphries Secondary School grad events happen this weekend, beginning with the convocation ceremony Friday evening. The ceremony will be held at Selkirk College at 5 p.m. and is open to the public. The next event on the agenda will be the grad car parade which begins at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. The route will take the caravan from the school on 7th Ave. to 10th St. and then on up Columbia Ave. and end at the recreation complex. Grad Parent Council president Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff encourages the community to participate.

“We are hoping people will come out and support them as its their big day — all in their pretties!” she said. “So line up on Columbia and support this, the grad class of 2015.” The grand march will be held at the recreation complex from 6 to 7 p.m. followed by an hour of time for guests to join the grads on the arena floor for photos and congratulations. The public is welcome to attend this event also. Following the grand march, the prom and dry grad activities will also be held at the recreation complex, making for a long and full day for this year’s batch of grads. Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre will be holding its graduation ceremony at the Trail Campus at 1 p.m. on June 18.

14th annual Castlegar garden tour coming Submitted to the Castlegar News

The 14th Annual Castlegar and Area Garden Tour features gardens in Castlegar, Pass Creek, Krestova, along Highway 3A plus a peony show. If you haven’t experienced the Castlegar Garden Club’s premier event, this is the Moment to become an inspired gardener. The tour is Sunday, June 28, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A carnival of colour captures the allure of ten garden venues. Unfetter your mind with horticultural panache and creative ingenuity. You can savour every second of this year’s garden tour that will go straight to the gardener’s heart. A relaxing drive takes you through the majestic countryside of Pass Creek and upwards to Krestova and Big Sky country where the Doukhobor vegetable gardens are legendary. Make sure to take your time

City of Castlegar City ofof Castlegar City Castlegar

Annual Report for the Year Annual Report for the Annual Report for theYear Year Ended December 31, 2014 Ended December 31, 2014 Ended December 31, 2014

Notice is given hereby given that pursuant ce is hereby that pursuant totothe otice is hereby given that pursuant the to the Community Charter, Castlegar City mmunity Charter, Castlegar City Council ommunity Charter, Castlegar City CouncilCouncil receive thethe City’s Annual will receive the2014 City’s 2014 Report, Annual ill receive City’s 2014 Annual Report,Report, uding Audited Financial Statements, including Audited Financial Statements, cluding Audited Financial Statements, hethe Regular Meeting of Council to bebeheld atRegular the Regular Meeting of Council to be held Meeting of Council to held day June 15, 2015 at 7:00pm in Council Monday June 15, 2015 at 7:00pm in Council onday June 15, 2015 at 7:00pm in Council th th th mbers, 445 1313 Avenue, Suite 101, Chambers, 445 13 Avenue, Suite 101, hambers, 445 Avenue, Suite 101, legar, British Columbia. Castlegar, Columbia. astlegar, BritishBritish Columbia.

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of of Castlegar ity Castlegar City of Castlegar Columbia Avenue 60 Columbia Avenue 460 Columbia Avenue astlegar, BC V1N 1G7 legar, BC V1N 1G7 Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 mail: il: Email: 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810 0)50) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810 (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810

and enjoy this often-missed scenic route. Return along Highway 3A and catch more enchanting and eclectic gardens, miniature horses and a dog agility demonstration. Your self-guided tour will unfold like a dream, so you can start anywhere and plan your own route. Catch the flute music of the Wind River Flute Quartet at the Castlegar Station Museum from 10 a.m. to noon.

The dazzling debut of the first BC/ Yukon Peony Show at the Sandman Inn is one of the highlights of this year’s garden tour. Admission is by donation. Brochures are available locally or by email. For more information call Nora Jukes at 250-365-6753 or email castlegargardenclub@

for the

LOVE of Peonies

BC Yukon Peony Show & Luncheon June 27, 2015 11:30 am - 2 pm Castlegar Community Complex Please join us for a posh luncheon with renown peony expert Carol Adelman from Salem, Oregon, who will share her LOVE of peonies, enjoy delicious food by Waneta Hunter-Oglow and delectable wines from the award-winning Columbia Valley Vineyards. Tickets are $20 and available at Kalawsky GM Castlegar, The Doorway Trail, Otter Books in Nelson and online * This luncheon ticket also grants entry to the Open House - Wine & Cheese at the Sandman Hotel Castlegar at 4:30 pm. Meet those who LOVE Peonies, guests from the Canadian & American Peony Societies, and local honored guests and peony enthusiasts.

250-352-5331 June 12th - Locarno w/ Papa Roots & guests

June 13th - Erica Dee w/ DJ Ginger - Video release party June 23rd - The Wooden Sky

June 26th - Metrik - Bassbizniz- On Sale Soon June 27th - BESTiE w Battle Stereo & guests

June 30th - Gob w/Neutron Bomb + The Tarholes - All Canadian Punk Party

July 4th - Savage Blade - On Sale Soon

July 6th - Beenie Man w Zaga Zow Band + DJ Dubconscious July 10th - Snowday + Rabs and Mooves

July 11th - Heavy Airship - Nelson’s own Led Zeppelin Tribute Act July 16th - The Sadies

July 22nd - Jenn Grant w/Mama Kin - On Sale soon

July 24th - The Good Ol’ Goats w/ Cam Penner & guest

Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015 A11


Interfor donates lumber to Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre Thanks to a donation of a load of lumber from Interfor, construction pre-employment program students at the Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre in Trail will be able to continue a variety of projects, primarily the garden box project which has been ongoing for the past three years. The boxes are built by students and sold to the community for a small donation to help sustain the program. Students also build benches and Adirondack chairs from the lumber for class projects. PIctured are Phil Power, the woods teacher at Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre, and Interfor purchaser Terence Hedges. Submitted photo


250.365.5006 |




Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


Aquanauts compete in Trail ATTENTION CASTLEGAR RESIDENTS The Castlegar Aquanauts impressed their coaches with their showing at the Trail invitational swim meet last weekend.

Watering Restrictions Bylaw Education Project Throughout the summer, Castlegar’s Water Smart Ambassador will place lawn flags on properties where watering restrictions are not being followed. These flags serve as a gentle reminder of Castlegar’s Water Conservation Policy. Watering Restrictions are effective from June 15 to September 15. Learn more at The Water Smart Ambassador also provides

FREE Lawn and Garden Water Use Assessments. The ambassador can help with watering needs such as determining appropriate watering times for your landscape or assisting with programming of automatic systems. Learn how to reduce water use before metered rates begin! To book your assessment today or for more information, contact Robyn at or 250-304-5343.

SUMMERS COMING! Whats on your feet? Shop online now!

Submitted photo

Submitted to the Castlegar News

This past weekend the Castlegar Aquanauts competed at the Trail and area invitational swim meet. A total of 26 swimmers competed, along with many other swimmers within the region. Head coaches Michaella Yang and Laura Zevenhuizen were extremely pleased with the results of the Aquanauts at the swim meet. “I was extremely impressed with all of our swimmers this past weekend,” said Yang. “Everyone swam beyond Laura and my expectations and left us in a state of shock. “Everyone’s determination to swim their best and achieve faster times for each race really showed me that the hard work everyone put in over the past few weeks was really paying off. I could not have been more proud to be an Aquanaut.” With this only being the first meet of the season, both Yang and Zevenhuizen are looking forward to many more successful weekends. “All of the swimmers who participated this weekend did exceptionally well. Michaella and I could not be more proud,” said Zevenhuizen. “We had best times for almost every single swimmer, and it showed when there was at least one Aquanaut standing on the podium. It was very rewarding for Michaella and I to see how happy each swimmer was with their results.” “Since it was the first swim meet of the year, both Laura and I were a little nervous with how the meet would turn out,” Yang said. “We only had 23 swimmers not including us as coaches. Numbers wise, there were three teams with more swimmers than us. I’m not going to lie, with our numbers down by almost half since last year, Laura and I were scared that it would be a huge game changer. Both Yang and Zevenhuizen were proven wrong

as the Aquanauts took home a winning title and were named “the team to beat” for the summer. The Aquanauts will be heading to the Grand Forks swim meet in two weeks where they will compete for another winning title. Both Yang and Zevenhuizen are looking forward to the rest of the season. TRAIL MEET RESULTS: Div 1 Boys: 1st: Ethan Marshall Div 2 Girls: 1st: Avery Cooke Div 2 Boys: 1st: Reid Quintanilha Div 3 Boys: 2nd: Bryce Anderson 1st: Ethan Lawczynski Div 4 Boys: 2nd: James Marshall 1st: Cayden Cooke Div 7 Girls: 1st: Michaella Yang Div 7 Boys: 1st: Jeffrey Ashton Div 8 Girls: 3rd: Laura Zevenhuizen Meet Record: Emma Lawczynski:. 100m Backstroke with a time of 1:09.38. Previous Record 1:12.09 Overall Points: 7th Creston Waves – 99 6th Colville Sharks – 141 5th Kimberley Seahorses – 389.5 4th Trail Stingrays – 391.5 3rd Grand Forks Piranhas – 469 2nd Nelson Neptunes – 536 1st Castlegar Aquanauts – 608



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Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015

Community A13

June 2015


Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment‌ our future!

Celgar in the Community

As the main economic driver for Castlegar for more than 50 years, we take our commitment to the community seriously. Not only do we employ just under 400 people from the area, we also source our wood requirements from neighboring forest and saw mill operations supporting Interfor, Kalesnikoff and local trucking companies and their employees who in turn also support the local economy. Our company and our employees donate regularly to causes within the community including charitable organizations, local sporting and community events (including SunFest this past weekend) and community enhancement projects (including Sculpture walk and Communities in Bloom) as well as annual scholarships. This year we are especially proud to be the major sponsor of the Celgar Pavilion (Public use facility) near the swimming ponds at Millennium Park that is targeted to be completed this July.


Celgar operates under three provincial discharge permits. The effluent permit allows for the discharge to the river and the air permit allows for discharge to the atmosphere. The third permit allows us to operate landfills on site. These permits are specifically written for Celgar and stipulate limitations for certain pollutants, as well as monitoring requirements and maintenance of works. Compliance with the effluent permit has been excellent over the past years and this can be attributed to increased controls and awareness within the plants, as well as improved effluent treatment operations. Air permit compliance includes not only the stack emissions but also community air quality, and for local residents it is this air quality that is of the most significance. Air quality is measured

at monitoring stations in different locations in the surrounding communities. The permit requires the mill to not exceed 20 parts per billion (ppb) on any hourly average measured at any station. Further, 90% of all hourly averages measured at all stations must be below 5 ppb. Some members of the community can smell the mill between 2 ppb and 4 ppb, and the rest of the community can certainly smell the mill between 5 and 10 ppb. We are limited to the information provided by the monitoring stations and need to use wind speed and wind direction to help determine what levels people might be detecting in areas where a station is not located. The stack emissions that are visible at the mill are often misunderstood and thought to be 'smoke stacks' when in reality what you see is actually 99.99% steam. Celgar also converts some of the steam that is generated during our pulping process into enough electricity to completely supply our own needs, and also export green energy to the local power grid that is about the equivalent of the energy needs of 20,000 area homes. What is that smell? We measure a grouping of sulphide compounds referred to as TRS, Total Reduced Sulphur. It is this combination of sulphides that make up that “pulp mill� smell. The majority of us find this smell unpleasant and it is for this same reason that mercaptans are added to natural gas to help detect gas leaks in our homes.

PO Box 1000, 1921 Arrow Lakes Drive, Castlegar, BC V1N 3H9

What causes odour? Odour can come from several sources, but at Celgar it is usually generated from two main processes onsite. The first is the effluent treatment system. The other source is the occasional venting of stronger gases that are normally collected and incinerated in the boilers. During upset mill conditions there may be shortterm venting while these gases are re-routed from their usual incineration points. These vents release a source of organic sulphide that can at times be quite evident in the community depending on atmospheric conditions at the time. Our emissions control equipment is monitored continuously 24 hours a day and every effort is taken to expediently return to normal operating conditions as quickly as is safely possible. During planned maintenance shutdowns, where we know in advance that short-term venting may occur, we run radio and newspaper campaigns to inform the community. Can the odour be reduced? Records show that the number of hourly averages over 5 ppb in recent years is substantially reduced from what was experienced prior to 2009. Regardless, every odour incident is always thoroughly investigated at the mill.

Your feedback is welcome!



Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


Start your career as an early childcare assistant STUDY ECCE 193 – CHILD CENTRED PARTNERSHIPS

Explore values, beliefs and attitudes toward building warm relationships with children. Learn the skills of guiding and caring for children while creating emotionally safe, respectful and empowering environments Selkirk College is offering this course completely online from June 15 – July 24, 2015. Hurry! Registration closes June 5. Visit our website for information or phone 250-365-1233 to register.

Turning heads The ladies of Turning Pointe Performance Company were busy Tuesday morning through afternoon with multiple stops at local schools. A total of 13 numbers were performed by nearly 40 dancers at Twin Rivers, Kinnaird and Robson elementary schools. Photos by Chris Stedile

Pet of the Week

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Sirloin Steak

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Ingredients • 2 sirloin steaks • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 tablespoons flour • 2 cups water • 1 (6 ounce) package dry onion soup mix

• 1 beef bouillon cube • garlic • pepper • 1 lb fresh sliced mushrooms

Directions Cut sirloin into serving portions. Brown steak in the olive oil then remove from the pan. Add the flour and any additional oil to pan to make a roux, stir for a minute. Add water, onion soup, and bouillon stirring until combined. Add garlic and pepper to taste. Allow to simmer until slightly thickened. Add the mushrooms and sirloin. Cover the pan and place in a slow oven (275 degrees) for 3 to 4 hours.

Charlotte is the perfect kitten! She is playful, snuggly, beautiful, and is used to other cats Charlotte and dogs. She was vaccinated on May 20th and is ready for adoption. She will be spayed and tattooed when she’s big enough. She comes running when you call her, and loves sitting on your lap talking to you and purring. Sponsored by

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Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015


Sculpture Talk

Welcome to our regular feature introducing the artists behind the sculptures in this year’s Castlegar SculptureWalk.

Nathan Scott Saanich, BC The Landing (bronze) Victoria-area artist Nathan Scott has undergone a dramatic career change – from gold miner in the Yukon to bronze sculptor – with hardly a misstep along the way. “I hadn’t taken an art class since Grade 8,” he says “but knew it was time to leave the mining work. I picked up that long-buried love of creating and ran with it.” Indeed he has. His trueto-life wildlife studies are inspired by the West Coast fauna so close at hand; figurative works are often based on his children or other family members. Rendered in beautiful bronze, his sculptures have been shown across North America and, with works displayed at the nearby world-famous Butchart Gardens, attract international clients and commissions regularly. Scott opened his own foundry, South Island Bronze Works, in 2009 to have better control of the process and timelines. He creates and casts his pieces at the studio/foundry in Saanichton just outside the capital. He also casts for other artists - poured bronze using the lost wax process or cold cast bronze – and supplies mounts if requested. He has done numerous public commissions in the Capital District Region, and beyond, including a series of sculptures dotting downtown Sidney that was featured on CTV and are much loved by local residents and visitors alike. The Landing is one of his many gorgeously accurate animal studies. Showing a bald eagle settling onto its perch, wings widespread as it de-accelerates to the branch, the detail is exquisite. Scott likes to capture motion in his meticulously crafted wildlife pieces. He succeeds fantastically here. The Landing is that precise moment of the title, just prior to his proud subject folding its

wings under and motionlessly surveying the world from its lofty perch. Where do you draw the inspiration for your sculptures, specifically this year’s entry? Living on the Wild West Coast, I’m always inspired by all that is around me, whether it’s figurative or wildlife. I love to be able to capture the subject in action. For this piece, “The Landing,” I wanted to capture the power and grace of an eagle coming in for a landing. Which artist, past or present, has had a major impact on you as a sculptor and why? Though I admire and enjoy many other artists, both from the past and the present, I don’t really have a specific artist that has inspired me specifically as a sculptor. Was there a defining time or moment in your life when you realized sculpting was something you wanted to do for a living? Until recently, well after becoming a professional artist, Grade 8 Art was the last art class I took, because I never wanted to be ‘a flaky artist on welfare!’ After pursuing a very different life as a gold miner in the Yukon, I realized that I needed to flee that career and lifestyle. I returned to my home in need of new direction. Providentially, I began painting murals with another artist because the opportunity presented itself. We soon began to put a 3-D aspect into the work, and I realized that I had a real love and gift for it. Because I live in Victoria, the City of Gardens, the first sculpture I cre-

ated was a life-sized gardener. A friend of mine forced me to put it into an art show and I sold nine gardeners before the show was over! Within six months of starting to sculpt, I was awarded my first public commission-and the rest is history. I love what I do and they pay me to do it! Do you always utilize the same material(s) as this year’s piece, and why is it your preferred medium? Bronze is beautiful, it’s structurally durable, and it comes with a 10,000 year warranty! As my sculpting has improved, so have the products that I use. I’ve worked in concrete, fibreglass and bronze. I like bronze so much that in 2009, I opened up my own bronze foundry where I cast for myself and other artists. What is the importance of the arts in today’s society? I believe art is very important in our society today, but unfortunately, it’s the first thing to get cut. Can you imagine living in a society without art in any form? It would be lifeless. I look at creation and it is extravagant and aweinspiring. It is natural for a human to want to also create and enjoy beauty. Without it, there are parts of us that die - or never live. SPONSORED by

Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club

Colin Payne Photography

Kazumi Tanaka

Princeton, BC Holes (sandstone ) Princeton, BC-based Kazumi Tanaka’s artistic journey has crisscrossed the Pacific Ocean several times . His inspiration for his intriguing sculptures also borrows from the two countries he calls home. Tanaka studied drawing and painting at Ochanomizu Institute of Art in Tokyo prior to obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Graphic Design) from Tama University of Art in the same city. He spent several years at Capilano College’s Art Institute as well as a winter session at the Banff Centre for the Arts doing selfdirected research and creating numerous pieces as he gradually transitioned from photography and painting to sculpture. His sculptures have been displayed and installed in both Japan and Canada, as well as international locations like Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the United States and Lithuania. Tanaka was one of a group of sculptors who provided public pieces of art for Kobe, Japan following the devastating 1996 earthquake in the coastal city. His work “seeks to ground its existence in, and offer a response to, ecological, socio-political and geographic realities.” Working in earthy mediums, he has focused of late on holes and their effects, one means of “draw[ing] attention to organic form inherent in natural materials, as well as the interaction of time.” It is the name of the sculpture

he displays here. Using cream coloured Haddington sandstone quarried on Vancouver Island, he juxtaposes two pieces of the stone, the upper angling downward creating seams and joints. Throughout the upper slab there are random drilled holes. The contrast between the smooth, man-made, “artificial” wall and the holes and corresponding fractures created by drilling is the intrinsic feature of Holes. It is thematically similar to a sculpture Tanaka recently displayed in Horice, Czech Republic for the 2014 International Sculpture Symposium, albeit on a slightly smaller scale. Holes has an ascetic look and feel at first glance but closer inspection and introspection reveal Tanaka’s ingenuity and intent. Where do you draw the inspiration for your sculptures, specifically this year’s entry? The fractures and natural breakage that results from drilled holes have been my interest for the last 10 years or so. I made a large piece in the Czech Republic last year and made many small experimental works in the past. Which artist, past or present, has had a major impact on you as a sculptor and why? Isamu Noguchi: He presented Japan or Japanese forms/shapes in the contemporary visual language. I myself would like to explore something beyond, if

possible. Was there a defining time or moment in your life when you realized sculpting was something you wanted to do for a living? I have done much photography and some abstract drawing and painting in the past. It seems three dimensional work including installations suits my temperament. I have not become bored with it yet. Do you always utilize the same material(s) as this year’s piece, and why is it your preferred medium? No. I use many different materials. I do not have an overly fancy imagination. Different materials lead me to the shapes and forms. Even “air” and “water” are coming into my fancy today. What is the importance of the arts in today’s society? Honesty and tangibility. Sensation and commercial –type stimulation lead our world today. We artists and craft persons must continue the first-hand experience that hunter-gatherers, fishers and farmers and so on had. Although we live in a world with amazing technological advancements, without these “first hand experiences” we will not continue to survive. SPONSORED by

Colin Payne Photography

For more information on SculptureWalk pick up a brochure from one of the ballot boxes in downtown Castlegar or visit



July 25, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News

10:30 am - 7:00 pm recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.

Millenium Park – Downtown Castlegar 100 5th St Think Green – take the free MTI Shuttle FREE admission – donations gratefully accepted

Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership by:

recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.

Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership by:

mmunity oughrecognition entertainment, diversityofthrough community cuisine, entertainment, education diversity through and cuisine, artistic entertainment, education expression and of cuisine, artistic all cultures. education expressionand of all artistic cultures. expression of all cultures.

Recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.

recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.

Kootenay Festival -Kootenay Let's Celebrate! Festival -Kootenay Celebrate! Festival - Let's Celebrate! Kootenay Festival -Let's Let’s Celebrate! Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership is presented by: in partnership is presented by: in partnership by: Kootenay is presented in partnership by:

is presented in partnership by:

ion of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures. recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.

Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership by: is presented in partnership by:

Taking the Sunfest tournament by storm The LL Minor Sunfest ball tournament this weekend saw many hard-fought games with teams from around the area. After battling through the round robin portion, two Castlegar teams ended up meeting in the final. The Castlegar Storm came in undefeated after some close games, and the Castlegar Cardinals ended up there with only one loss. The two teams battled back and forth through the heat of the day, with the Castlegar Storm coming out victorious with an 8-5 win, and no losses for the tournament. Congratulations to both teams on their performances. Submitted photo

Contact Audrey at 250 365 3386 ext 4105 For more information, to sign up as a vendor or to volunteer at the event

Juans Flooring Hardwood Floors Wholesale 100% Canadian - Maple & R Oak 2 1/4 x 3/4 pref Bistro $4.39/SF North Plank 3 1/4 x 3/4 $5.39/SF Import Eng H/S (Smooth) from $3.99/SF Cork click or glue down from $2.49/SF Bamboo - Slate

At Juan’s, 1503 Hwy 3A Thrums (Castlegar) B.C. Mon to Sat 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (250)399-6377



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Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015


Project: Celgar Pavilion Concession Operations Reference No.: 2015-08 The City of Castlegar is seeking Expressions of Interest and Qualifications from those interested in providing concession operation services at the newly constructed Celgar Pavilion located at the Millennium Park in Castlegar, BC. The Celgar Pavilion which is expected to be completed by the end of July, 2015 contains a full kitchen and concession facilities. The City is looking for a concessionaire that will operate and maintain the concession within the pavilion and provide an attractive level of food and beverage services to the Millennium Park. EOI Documents are available for pick-up during normal business hours between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm at:

Kootenay Christian Martial Arts students bring home medals


Castlegar Civic Works 4500 Minto Road Castlegar, BC V1N 4B3

An electronic copy of the EOI Documents can be requested by emailing

Ten students from the Castlegar dojang attended the US Chundo Kwon regional taekwondo tournament in Nelson last weekend. The tournament consisted of Poomse (forms) competition as well as sparring and extreme categories including weapons and musical forms. The tournament brought competitors from Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Kootenays and medal winners qualify to compete in the US Nationals held in Florida this summer. Local students who brought home medals were: Back row from left: Shana Kavaloff, bronze medal Musical form; Caleb Kavaloff, silver medal sparring, gold medal forms; Rob Robertson, bronze medal sparring; bronze medal forms; Chris Talbot, silver medal forms and silver medal sparring; Harmut Kaden, gold medal Sparring; Middle row left to right: Sam Walters, bronze medal forms; Ian Hartleb, silver medal forms; Rianna Van Tonder, gold medal sparring, gold medal forms; Orin Talbot, gold medal sparring; Front row: Head instructor Gord Kavaloff, Gerrit Van Tonder, silver medal sparring, gold medal forms Submitted photo

The EOI Closing Date, Time & Location are as follows: EOI Closing Time: 2:00 pm local time EOI Closing Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at: Address:

Castlegar City Hall Attn: Stacy Donald 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7

Inquiries should be directed to: Stacy Donald, Transportation & Civic Works Assistant - City of Castlegar Phone: (250) 365-5979 Email:


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Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


Waterline, by Marianne Nicolson, opens at the Kootenay Gallery on June 19.

Waterline comes to Kootenay Gallery

We have gifts and cards for your graduates!

1128 3rd St, Castlegar | Visit Visit Visit



June 13th 8 - 2pm

June 12th 2 - 6pm Moving sale:

Tool, furniture, camping gear, garden equip., Lower Ch antique &eek Rd ina Cr collectibles,yarn Smit h Cre scen t


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$21.26 28th St



Advertise your Garage Sale for

Above Trowlex



Follow the Balloons!! Tools, cloths, household items, & 4200 Grandview Dr. FREE STUFF



#117 - 825 MerryCreek Rd.


Items for sale:

43rd Av e


Collectibles, new gemstone jewelery, household, exercise equipment, furniture, lamp collection


k Dr.



June 13th 8 - 1pm

Multi Fam. sale:

Grandview Drive Cr ee kR


Homegoods Rd


China Creek Rd

1401 6th Genelle




June 13th 8 - 2pm

move across the floor and finally up the walls and down again. The pictographs are revealed and then lost as would naturally occur when the water levels in the river rise and fall. This simple premise reveals a powerful message. Marianne Nicolson is a highly acclaimed artist whose work has been exhibited nationally as well as internationally. Her recent installation of a large scale light project in the Vancouver International Airport again references the historic significance of our river systems to the community of First Nations. The opening reception for this exhibition, sponsored by Columbia Power Corporation, will be held on Friday, June 19 at 7 p.m. Curator Arin Fay will be in attendance. This exhibition will run until Aug. 1. The gallery is located across from the Castlegar Airport adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre on Heritage Way and is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 5 p.m. For more information visit

Submitted to the Castlegar News For those of us who live along the Columbia River, we are very aware of its power and significance. Rich with history, this river has provided sustenance and a way of life for those who settled along its banks. Yet with the passing of time the inevitable industrialization has occurred with large sections of the river being dammed for hydroelectric power controlling the rise and fall of the water levels. The next exhibition opening on June 19 at the Kootenay Gallery of Art is a powerful installation entitled Waterline by First Nations artist Marianne Nicolson of Victoria that references the effects of this rise and fall on the many pictographs once created close to the river’s edge. A glass bentwood box etched with pictographs is placed in the centre of the darkened gallery. A light suspended from the ceiling moves up and down within the box. As the light moves, the shadows of the images

Give gifts that care, with Pharmasave

Fri - Sat

Photo by Arin Fay

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Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015


Thank You! 201 5

Bottle drive tops $2,000 Blueberry Creek Community School Hub hosted its annual community picnic recently, complete with face painting for the kids, bluegrass music and lots of great food. Pictured is acting mayor Dan Rye (right) with Ed Waywood, the community school society’s amazing bottle drive volunteer. The Blueberry Creek bottle drop-off and drive has raised more than $2,000 this year alone thanks to Waywood with all proceeds benefiting programs and community events at BCCS Hub. Submitted photo

The SHSS Grad Class of 2015 would like to thank all the generous sponsors for making the 2015 Dry Grad an event to remember for a lifetime. We truly could not have pulled off the day without your generosity!

The Brick Mallards Source for Sports Canadian Tire McDonald’s Cartwright’s No Frills Castlegar Realty Oglow’s City Furniture & Appliances Ltd. Old Dutch Foods Ltd. The City of Castlegar Panago Pizza Columbia Basin Trust Rebels Columbia Power Corporation The Rempels Dairy Queen Rona Dollarama Rotary Diamond Dinner Committee Element Club Bar & Grill Safeway The Heaton-Sherstobitoffs Shoppers Drug Mart Heritage Credit Union Teck Metals Ltd. Kootenay Market Tim Horton’s Trowelex Kootenay Optometry Clinic - Dr Brent Allen Zellstoff Celgar Kootenay Savings Credit Union and any other businesses that had a part in our Dry Grad!

And thank you to all of the the parent volunteers, Grad executive, and the Grads themselves for the endless hours of tireless work! A special thank you to the Administration and the Staff at SHSS for making our high school years memorable. Thank you for all your support and encouragement over the years.

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Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News


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for newbies and beginners (7-14yrs) at Supercat Studios, Castlegar. July and August sessions. 250.365.1671 Visit Book today! Sessions are filling up fast! KOOTENAY Food Strategy Society AGM. Tues, June 23 at 7pm CDCSS. Come out and keep the society going!

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Congratulations! Robynn Geier graduated from the UBC Medical Program in May 2015. Her undergraduate program was completed at Queens University where she became actively involved in the QHO program which facilitated medical support in impoverished regions of the world. She is excited to begin her residency program in Paediatrics at BC Children’s Hospital Vancouver. Her proud parents are Rob and Deb Geier of Lake Country BC. Equally proud are her grandparents Nick and Verna Ogloff of Robson BC, and Joanne Geier of Windsor, Ontario. We are all thrilled with Robynn’s success and wish her the very best in her career!

Congratulations! Hannah Geier graduated from UBC Okanagan with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in psychology. She is beginning her career with Steve Nash Fitness headquarters in Richmond. Her proud parents are Deb and Rob Geier of Lake Country BC. Equally proud are her grandparents Nick and Verna Ogloff of Robson BC, and Joanne Geier of Windsor, Ontario. We are thrilled with Hannah’s success and wish her the very best in her future career ambitions!

Get the Read the Castlegar News every Thursday!

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PURCHASING & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR (PLC) Based in Grand Forks, B.C., the PLC will report to the principals of Boundary Electric Ltd. (BEL) and work closely with production and sales teams in purchasing/coordinating/ moving material for BEL. The PLC will show a strong commitment to quality achieved through BEL’s ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. Qualifications: • Ideal candidate would have a 2 year business diploma with an emphasise on corporate purchasing and/or logistics • Ability to work and adapt in a fast paced environment with an exceptional work ethic • Experience with cross border paperwork and brokerage • Familiarity with the trucking industry • Strong organizational and communication skills • Strong administrative computer skills • Ability to coordinate multiple purchase requests and logistics simultaneously • Take direction and work well in a team environment while being a creative and solution based thinker Starting wage of $18.00 - $25.00/hr based on experience. BEL offers extended health benefits and a pension plan. Willing to train ideal candidate with less experience/education. Send resume in word format to: by June 12, 2015. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE

We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Teck Metals Ltd. supports a non-smoking environment.


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Full-time Reporter

Co-op Opportunity, Engineering/ Operations

T Castlegar News and Rossland News have an The immediate opening for a full-time multimedia journalist/reporter. Candidates will have outstanding, diverse writing abilities, and can generate and write compelling stories for use in print and online. Photography prowess, social media best practices and creative layout skills are an asset. Candidates must be willing to work various shifts, including evenings and weekends.

Reference Number 1507 We currently have a four month co-op opportunity for an Engineering Student in our Project Development group from September 8, 2015 – December 23, 2015. This position is open to a Mechanical, Civil, Electrical or Geotechnical Engineering student preferably in their third or fourth year. The successful candidate will provide support to the Project Development team and will gain exposure to and experience in a variety of areas including project management, various engineering disciplines, construction, and documentation, contract administration, and research. You will be a self-starter, able to work independently or in a team environment, and have experience using Microsoft Office Suite, working with different stakeholders and have a valid driver’s license. Qualified applicants are encouraged to visit the Careers section of for the detailed job descriptions. Closing date for this position is June 19, 2015. Please be sure to reference the job number you are applying for when submitting your application.

QUALIFICATIONS: The successful applicant for this position will be a key contributor to the print and online product. It would be an advantage to have a diploma/degree in journalism, and/or related experience, however, experience is not as important as hiring the right person for the job. If you have a passion for community and a great attitude along with great writing skills we would be willing to train. Knowledge of basic Photoshop and InDesign are also recommended. A valid driver’s licence and reliable car are required. The Castlegar News and Rossland News are part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent nnewspaper company, with more than 1,500 comm munity, daily and urban newspapers in B.C., Alberta, Wa Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Those interested sho should submit a resume, writing and photography sam samples, references along with a cover letter to: Chuc Chuck Bennett at

Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015 A21




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Professional/ Management

Reporter, Full Time The Free Press, Fernie, BC

The Free Press, a Black Press weekly publication in beautiful Fernie, B.C. is seeking an exceptional, full-time journalist/photographer to join our editorial team. We are seeking a candidate who will find and capture compelling stories and features and who will thrive in a deadline-driven environment to produce stories for our newspaper and online products. The successful candidate will be able to write stories, take photos and assist with online and social media responsibilities. Qualifications • • • • • •

Experience with InDesign an asset; Superior writing skills; Ability to write on a variety of topics, including local government, arts and sports; Proficiency in photography; Experience in posting content to the Internet; Ability to adapt to emerging trends in multimedia reporting, including social networking.

Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0


Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Hauling & Salvage

Auctions ONLINE AUCTION COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTOPENS JUNE 10 - CLOSES JUNE 17, 2015----------Bailiff Seized Goods PLUS Lease Return equip AND some never installed equip.--incl: Eloma Elec Combi Oven, Dishwashers, Mixers, Walkins, Coolers, Freezers, Water Heating, Ice Cream, slicers, furnishings AND MORE....... View Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm @Active Auction Mart Unit 295 - 19358 96th Ave, Surrey, BC--- view ONLINE & REGISTER to BID @ --- Tel: 604-371-1190 email:

Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 Only those selected for interview will receive a response.



The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press has an immediate opening for an Editor for its weekly community newspaper. You will work closely with the publisher to help set the editorial vision for this newspaper and as Editor, you will take a lead role in community engagement, which means getting involved in different organizations to promote the newspaper’s role and brand in the community. Must have experience with InDesign. You will have experience in website content management, with the aim to grow online readership, while still preserving print readership. You will have a thorough understanding of how to use social media to enhance our print and online editions as well as expand our brand. This job requires a tremendous amount of effort and time in order to be successful and we are looking for a dynamic individual to join our team. Compensation for this position will be based on experience and qualifications. There is an excellent benefits package as well as a car allowance and other related benefits. A reliable vehicle is required. Fernie is considered by many one of the most desirable places in the province, if not the country, to live. People come for the skiing and stay for the lifestyle. Fernie offers a myriad of opportunities to the outdoor enthusiast, including skiing, mountain biking and fishing to name just a few. It is also a wonderful community to raise a family. Black Press Community News Media is an internationally recognized newspaper publishing group with more than 190 community, daily and urban publications in BC, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio published at 14 regional printing centers. Black Press employs 3,300 people across North America. Please send resume, with cover letter, to Andrea Horton. We thank all of those who apply, however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 2nd Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928 MOSSBUSTERS ! Call us for your roof and exterior cleaning needs . We remove Moss, Algae , Lichen , Mold , Black streaks and other debris with our exclusive Softwash nopressure cleaning system . We do pressure washing too . Fully insured , affordable and professional service . Toll Free 1844-428-0522

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions AUCTION Antique furniture & collectibles at Russell Auction 2067 Hwy 3A, 14km North of Castlegar. Sun June 21st, 11am. Open 9am. Watch for next week display ad. Call 1.250.399.4793


Misc. Wanted

Mobile Homes & Pads

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Coins, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Chad: 250-499-0251 in town.

ROBSON 3 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent $700/mth + Utilities, Written references required Call 250-304-4862

Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale

Garage Sales Garage Sale June 20th 9am - 4pm, 2416 Doukhobour Road ( 1st rd past glade esso) Many great items! Household, woodworking hand tools, plywood catamaran boat

Homes for Rent

REDUCED - 809 Merrycreek Road Condo for sale by owner. 2 Bdrm, 2 baths, gas F/P, A/C, 2014 furnace, immaculate. $252,900 Call: 250.365.7678

For Rent 3 bedroom house centrally located - Castlegar Avail July 1st 250.365.4857

For Sale By Owner

CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 Bdrm Basement suite in quiet 4-plex Clean, spacious & bright Laundry available, N/S, N/P $650/mth incl utilities 250-352-5659

Suites, Lower


Heavy Duty Machinery 2 storey approx 10 yr old cabin 4 km from Ashram, Riondel, beach and golf course. Needs: elec., plumbing, H2O pipe or well, insulation, cabinets. On 2.8 nicely treed acres. Good bench(es) for building second home with lakeview. Appraised at $170,000 but old vendor is quite flexible. Great starter home especially for handy person(s). Call : 780-566-0707 or : 780-222-2996 or

A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

-GARBAGE Can Dan HaulingQuick Junk Removal Service. 250-226-PLOW (7569)


Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.

Mortgages OUR mortgage rates start at 2.19% (oac). Servicing all of BC. Difficult Situations Welcome. Call Today (855) 585 2080 or apply online at

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service

Help Wanted

Help Wanted



YOU’RE APPROVED 1-800-961-0202 for Pre-Approval


Applicants must own a reliable vehicle. This position will require the applicant to work evenings and weekends. All applicants please send resume and cover letter to:

RESIDENTIAL Caretaker Golden BC, 2 apartment buildings - 50 suites. Must be energetic handy personable & detail oriented. Experience an asset. Send resume:

Merchandise for Sale




Cars - Domestic

1995 Volkswagen Golf, 4 door hatchback, 4 cyl, 4 sp auto, PS, excellent condition, $2,100. Also 1994 Golf, auto, $1,600. 250-442-0122 / 250493-1807. 2007 Chevy Optra LT 4dr hatch back, 4 cylinder automatic, sun roof 52,500 kms, $7000 OBO call 250.365.1146


Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent CASTLEGAR Downtown 3 Bdrm Apartment $975/mth, F/S, W/D, Heat included N/S, N/P Handicap acces. Phone (250)365-2290 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday Large 1 Bdr Apt close to Kootenay Market and bus stop. $675 includes utilities Call 250.608.3930

Help Wanted

The School House ECLC

Employment Opportunity Licensed Early Childhood Educator + Infant & Toddler Certification Lynx Program This is a full time position commencing June 15th, 2015 with a starting wage of $17-17.50. The successful candidate will be familiar with the Early Learning Framework and be open to learning about and facilitating a Reggio Inspired Practice. Our Childcare Centre values honest respectful relationships with children and families. Our care practice is child centred; children are viewed as developing beings that are capable and able to; co-construct learning and to shape our culture, values and beliefs.

It Starts with You!

Teamwork and strong interpersonal skills with all ages is mandatory. Our centre values open honest communication in a supportive, positive working environment.

Position Available: June 15, 2015


Please send a cover letter & resume to:

Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 No phone calls please.


The School House ECLC Attn: Veronica O’Connor 1623 Falls Street Nelson, BC V1L 1J7

Or by Email to:


The School House early care and learning centre

4 Websites for the Price of 1. Just one of the reasons to call for all your job recruitment needs.





In Loving Memory

Joshua Evin

April 15, 1981- June 13, 2010 He will always be remembered! As we share our stories and memories of how you lived your life We share how very much we love you, And how very much you mean to us. You left us with such sweet memories that live forever in our hearts. We miss you every day and think of you every minute of the day. Five years have passed but to us it seems like yesterday. When you left you took with you our love. May God grant you Eternal Peace and may his love light your path. Love Lorne and Lillian Evin Christina Amelio (sister)

Nellie McCreight It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Nellie McCreight on June 8, 2015 at Talarico Place in Castlegar, BC. She is survived by her three sons, Rob (Kelly), Rick (Patti), and Brian (Sandi), grandchildren Tasha (Chris) , Aaron (Lana), Cory (Taumi), Mandy and Kayla and great grand children, Kelcie, Zack, Jackson and Ryder. Also her brother Paul (Tina) and sister Elaine (Bill), and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband Ray and her sister Mary. A Celebration of Life will be held on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. with luncheon to follow, at the Kinnaird Park Community Church, 1250 26th St., Castlegar. As an alternative to flowers, the family requests making a donation in Nellie’s name to the charity of your choice.

Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News

Obituaries and Memorials A PLACE TO REMEMBER LOVED ONES

Mary Koochin

Ray McLean Ray McLean a long-time resident the Robson/Castlegar area passed away peacefully surrounded by family at Talarico Place on May 30, 2015.

Sadly the family of Mary Koochin of Nakusp (formerly of Castlegar) wishes to announce her passing at Minto House on Sunday, May 31, 2015 blessed with 95 years of life.

Ray was born in Londonderry, Nova Scotia on January 2, 1934. He moved to Toronto, Ontario in the early 1950's where he met the love of his life Dorothy and they were married 56 years in which time they had three sons, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Ray and Dorothy moved to B.C. in 1957, first settling in Renata and then later moved to the Robson area. During his working career Ray worked at construction and operated heavy machinery. In his retirement years he was frequently found fishing the shores of the Columbia River. Although family is saddened by their loss, solace is taken in the thought that he will be reunited with the love of his life Dorothy.

Mary was predeceased by her loving husband of 70 years Paul, her daughter Kay Markin and her grandson Dan Markin. Left to mourn her loss is her son Ed (Laura) of Nakusp; daughter Mildred (Phil) Sherstobitoff of Kelowna; 7 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews to whom she was always Auntie. Funeral Services were officiated by Sid Malakoff at Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Friday, June 5, 2015 followed by interment in Park Memorial Cemetery.

A celebration of life for Ray McLean will be held at a later date. Announcement to follow. Al Grywacheski of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services™ has been entrusted with arrangements.

“Give her wool and she would knit, give her string and she would crochet, give her flour and she would bake, give her soil and she would plant…”

A special thanks to Dr. Taylor and the staff of Talarico for your special care.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online register at

In Memory Of:

Beryl Gibson

July 6th, 1940 June 11th, 2011

A Lady, Wife, Mother, Partner and Friend It’s four years since you left us never to return. But never, ever, to be forgotten.

In Loving Memory of Josh Evin Josh: “my beautiful boy”. Evin “In memory of my son” June 13 - 2010 I am so grateful you allowed me to share your outstanding life, as your mom. My heart burst with pride. You left me with so many wonderful memories, your birthday’s, Christmas, Graduation, Trips to Mexico and Squamish, Competitions, Weekend trips to Spokane, family get togethers, too many to list. The photos remind me of your beautiful spirit and smile. I have loved you from the first moment. May God grant you eternal light. Love Lillian

By her husband John C, son John A., daughters Jackie (Ken) Martin and Jenny Rogers, Grandsons Bruce, Twins Nick and Chris Martin and Damien Rogers. And by family and friends in England, Canada and around the world.

To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email: A23

Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015


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2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600



Thursday, June 11, 2015 Castlegar News

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