Lake Cowichan Gazette, June 10, 2015

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Gazette The Lake Cowichan



VOL. 19, NO. 23 | $1 + GST


Cowichan Lake Recreation launching new drop-in program this summer PAGE 2

The Gazette’s 20th Anniversary: Reflecting on 20 years spent serving the lake PAGE 4

Lake Days Special: More stories and events at Lake Cowichan’s biggest weekend PAGES B1 - B12

Photo Malcolm Chalmers

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Nathan Irving eyes the race course on Stone Avenue as he prepares for his race at the 2015 Lake Days Soapbox Derby held on Sunday (June 7). For more photos of the Soapbox Derby and other Lake Days events, see our Lake Days Special inside (pages B1 - B12).

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Unified water restrictions could help alleviate low levels $7 $,7000 ,000 aa nn cece e evv e e nnt t

Drew McLachlan


With summer now in full swing, the Town of Lake Cowichan has implemented watering restrictions as a means to conserve the dwindling water supply of the town. As these watering restrictions progress this year, residents will have to become accustomed to a few changes due to a recent collaboration e vbetween e n Lake Cowichan and neighbouring

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municipalities. Tribes has produced a unified limits sprinkler use to two hours that stage two would likely be In previous years, watering regulation table and schedule for (6 to 8 a.m. or 8 to 10 p.m.) every implemented here as well. Stage TO UP watering TO restrictions were outlined by each the communities of the Cowichan UP other day, hand of trees two puts additional restrictions on municipality individually, meaning Valley. and gardens to two hours per watering new lawns and washing a resident of Lake Cowichan “Having uniformity is the best day and micro drip irrigation to a driveways. e would have different restrictions e v thinge for our watershed,” town maximum of four hours per day. town hopes that the unified v ent IN TOTAL IN TOTAL PRICE PRICE The ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS n McGonigle said. than her neighbour in Youbou councillor Tim t School and municipal playing restrictions reduce ValleyAmount available Amount available on the on the 2014 2014 Veloster Veloster Turbocan Turbo Manual Manual (CVRD Electoral Area I) or “Now everyone is on the same fields, as well as some businesses, wide water consumption rates, Honeymoon Bay (Electoral Area page when it comes to watering.” are exempt from all restrictions. which are currently at 246 litres F). The new collaboration between The Town of Lake Cowichan Ladysmith declared stage two per capita per day according to the UP of TO UP TO stage one watering the Town Lake Cowichan, implemented water restrictions to be in effect CVRD, by at least 20 per cent by Duncan, North Cowichan, restrictions as of May 1, which are as of Monday (June 8) with the PURCHASE the end ofFINANCING 2018... PURCHASE FINANCING Ladysmith, the Cowichan Valley planned to be lifted on October Town of Lake Cowichan soon FOR FORUP UP TO TO 96 MONTHS 96 MONTHS v e PRICE ON ON SELECT SELECT MODELS MODELS Regional District and Cowichan lightest set of restrictions following with their own statement >WATER LEVELS Page 3 IN e TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS IN TOTAL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS n 31. The

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2014-10-27 2:39 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


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Duck Pond: Town council wants to see a swimming program in Lake Cowichan next summer


Drew McLachlan

#2 - 2986 Boys Road, Duncan

Lake CowiChan Gazette

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New drop-in program coming to Central Park this summer

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With summer upon us and school out of session, Lake Cowichan’s youngest residents, along with their parents, may be excited to hear that Cowichan Lake Recreation is preparing to launch a new, free drop-in program designed to keep kids active and busy during the summer months. The Park Program is being held from July 6 to August 28 each weekday across the area. Monday, Wednesday and Friday will see the program take place at Central Park in Lake Cowichan, while on Tuesday and Thursday the program will take place at the Mesachie Lake Skydome and outside of the Honeymoon Bay Hall, respectively, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Though the drop-in program is free and does not require registration, space is

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For Cancer Research

limited to 20 kids per day. The Park Program is open to kids ages five to 14 and is held on a first-come, first-served basis. “The [Park Program] is not designed to be a daycare,” Cowichan Lake Recreaction programmer Tanya Kaul said. “It’s for kids who are independent to engage in games and crafts and of course meet and socialize with other kids.” Kaul said that kids will have the chance to participate in a number of crafts, sports and games, including football, relays, water balloon fights, potato sack races, drawing and painting. The Park Program is being launched this summer partly thanks to Cowichan Lake Recreation being given the go-ahead to hire a full-time summer student from the Lower Mainland to act as a playground facilitator. Though town council approved Cowichan Lake Recreation’s use of Central Park this summer, councillor Tim McGonigle suggested that the organization also consider running a swimming program in Lake Cowichan – possibly at the Duck Pond off North Shore Road – next summer. “Cowichan Lake Recreation should do something at the Duck

Photo Drew McLachlan

Cowichan Lake Recreation programmer Tanya Kaul said that a number of activities, sports and crafts will be held as part of the Park Program, though space is limited to 20 kids per day.

Pond for the residents of Lake Cowichan,” McGonigle said. “There’s a far greater need for usage here in town.” Kaul pointed out that swimming lessons are already offered at Arbutus Park in Youbou,

and that Cowichan Lake Recreation would need to get approval to have lifeguards present at the Duck Pond or another swimming hole in Lake Cowichan in order to offer swimming lessons or any other swimming program in town.

Councillor Bob Day suggested that the Town of Lake Cowichan submit a formal request to Cowichan Lake Recreation, and engage the group in a discussion if any improvements are necessary for such a program.

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2 Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, June 10,2015 2015 33 THE| LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE Wednesday, June 10,

AAnnnunaulaMl M eeteinegting

the Annuaofl M eting of e the of the

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Town of Lake Cowichan Date: Tuesday, Juneth 16th, 2015

Date: Tuesday, Tuesday, June June 16 16th,, 2015 2015 Date: Time: 5:00 p.m. Time: 5:00 p.m. Hall, 39 South Shore Rd. Time: p.m. Place:5:00 Municipal Place: Place: Municipal Municipal Hall, Hall, 39 39 South South Shore Shore Rd. Rd. Mayor and Council will meet to present the:

Mayor and Council will meet to present the:

Mayor and Council will meet to present the: Annual Report for 2014.

Annual Report for 2014.

Annual Report for 2014.

The Annual AnnualReport Report available for public The will will be be available for public th th 15 , 2015. inspection on or after June inspection on or after June 15 , 2015.

The Annual Report will be available for public

TheMayor Mayor Council be pleased to receive The and will will be to receive inspection onand orCouncil after June 15thpleased , 2015. submissions and/or questions from the submissions and/or questions from the Public.Public.

The Mayor and Council will be pleased to receive submissions and/or questions from the Public.


Photo Malcolm Chalmers

Conductor Simon Leung and guest accompanist Robyn Crosby with the string orchestra play Bach to the Beatles at the Lake Cowichan’s St. Christophers and St. Aidan’s Anglican Church on May 30. The Medford Choir sang one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s earliest cantatas in the first half of the performance.

Town receives funds for crosswalk lighting

Solar: Councillor frustrated over refusal to fund green energy for crosswalks Drew McLachlan

Lake CowiChan Gazette

It was announced at the town’s Public Works and Environmental Services meeting last week (June 2) that the Town of Lake Cowichan would be receiving the funding necessary to install lights at two of the busiest crosswalks in town, though one councillor was displeased with how the process is being handled. The funds for the crosswalk illumination are being provided by ICBC and the Ministry of Transportation, who have provided $15,000 and $5000, respectively. The crosswalks at South Shore Road and Darnell Road, near the Royal Bank of Canada, and at Ts’uubaa-asatx Square, will both be lit up by the end of the year, but the decision to use electrical power, rather than solar, proved to be controversial. “If we’re looking to go green, is solar not the way

to go?” Councillor Tim McGonigle asked. “It’s frustrating when another government entity has power over our infrastructure.” McGonigle also pointed out that the camera installed on Highway 18 at the top of Hill 60 is solar-powered, suggesting that the decision to light the crosswalks using electricity was not made out of necessity. “It’s more critical to light a crosswalk than it is to operate a camera,” Nagi Rizk, the town’s superintendent of Public Works and Engineering, said. “They’ve come to the conclusion that solar is not the way to go in Lake Cowichan. We do not have the technology yet.” Following the discussion, the motion to allocate funds was passed by town council, though McGonigle rejected the motion “out of principle.” The crosswalk lighting is expected to be installed by the end of this year.

...which will likely prove to be important considering the unusually low water levels that the Cowichan Lake is experiencing this year, which the town’s superintendent of Public Works and Engineering

Nagi Rizk mentioned is now at its lowest since 1998. “Lake Cowichan has been acutely aware of the value of water and its impact on daily life,” Mayor Ross Forrest said in a recent press release. “Despite our close proximity to the Cowichan Lake and River, we adopted a program

70 Cowichan Ave. W Lake Cowichan 250-749-3466

BAPTIST Cowichan Lake Baptist Church 8259 Beaver Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-3211

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Brian Wood

Pastor Dale Winters

PENTECOSTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC Lake Cowichan St. Louis Christian Fellowship de Montfort 57 King George St. South Lake Cowichan 250-749-6492

60 Fern Road Lake Cowichan 250-749-4103

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.

Mass Sunday 8:00 a.m.

Pastor Terry Hale

Fr. Alfredo Monacelli


Photo Drew McLachlan

Water levels at lowest since 1998, says town superintendent —Continued from the front page

ANGLICAN St. Christopher and St. Aidan

of universal water metering to do what we can to conserve the valuable resource and asset that water is to all of the residents of the Cowichan Valley. We are now very pleased to be part of this new regional initiative on regulating water use” The town will soon be distributing door hangers,

which outline the new restrictions, to all residents. In the meantime, more information can be found on the Town of Lake Cowichan’s website ( or the CVRD website (www.cvrd.

Kaatza Lakeside Players Society

June 15 at 6:30 pm Lower Centennial Hall moved to County Grocer Meeting Room due to strike notice

Considering Annie and Aladdin for next production

44Wednesday, June 10,June 2015 10, | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, 2015 THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE


We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Lake Cowichan Gazette or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address and day and evening phone numbers and that are verified by the Lake Cowichan Gazette can be considered for publication.

Got a news tip? Email us at:


Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Lake Cowichan Gazette may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms and will be edited for clarity, grammar and length. Publication is not guaranteed. Published by Black Press Ltd. 170E-Cowichan Lake Road, Lake Cowichan, BC

Reflecting on 20 years at the lake

Lake Days 1995: The Gazette’s first front page followed Lake Cowichan’s biggest event

Dennis Skalicky


As we gather to celebrate the 71st anniversary of Lake Days this week, the Lake Cowichan Gazette will be marking a milestone of its own — our 20th anniversary of serving the communities of the Cowichan Lake area. It seems like just yesterday that myself, editor Jim Zeeben and production manager Heather Roberts were putting together the first edition of the Lake Cowichan Gazette. I remember that we opened the week of Lake Days in 1995 and our first cartoon showed us looking out the window as someone was saying how nice it was that the residents had organized a parade for us newcomers! The front page of our first issue had a picture of the newly crowned 1995 Lady of the Lake Brannan Nelson, First Princess Katherine Sherred and Second Princess Aldena White, all smiling teenagers then who are now grown women, likely with families of their own. I think of our young newspaper carriers from years ago, some of whom would now be in their twenties, or even thirties, and making their own way in life — okay, now I’m feeling old! We have all witnessed many changes in the area in the last twenty years — most positive, others less so — but through it all, we’ve moved on and worked hard to make the communities a better place for everyone. While we have had new people move into the area and make a splash on the Cowichan Lake communities, we have also lost

many of the folks that helped make this the special place it is. We’ll all remember the people we lost and their names and faces will live on forever in our minds and through our history. While the names are far too numerous to mention here, it would be impossible to think of a person who went out of their way to be nice to people and make them feel special and not hear the name Marie Bergstrom; or when we see all the work being done for the future of our fish habitat, to not think of Gerald Thom, two of the many people who made the effort to make Lake Cowichan a place we can all be proud of. While there were many folks who made a tremendous effort to make this place so unique, it was when everyone would come together to help someone in need that made you proud to be part of such a wonderful community. The Cowichan Lake area has seen changes over the years — surely with more to come — and the future looks bright for the people of the lake. The years have certainly flown by, but it’s been a lot of fun covering all the events and people that have made this the special place it is now. We are very proud to be part of this wonderful community and we look forward to serving all the residents for many years to come. I would like to thank our readers, advertisers and everyone else who has helped us over the years to ensure that the Cowichan Lake area continues to have its own community newspaper.


Your Say: Letters to the editor

We want to hear from you! Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Keep it local — letters in response to issues raised in our pages get top priority. Letters will be edited for clarity, grammar and length — attack the issue, not the individual. All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. Thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication. Letters can be sent electronically to

The Lake Cowichan

Caycuse • Honeymoon Bay • Lake Cowichan • Mesachie Lake • Youbou

Box 10, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia V0R 2G0 Street Address: 170E-Cowichan Lake Road Phone: 250-749-4383 FAX: 250-749-4385 Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535 (toll free) EDITORIAL: ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS LTD. Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement #1090194 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

DENNIS SKALICKY Publisher The Lake Cowichan Gazette is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

EDITOR Drew McLachlan




Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38 Within BC . . . . . . . . . . . $54 National . . . . . . . . . $107 Electronic . . . . . . . . . $38 THE COWICHAN GAZETTE June | LAKE THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTEWednesday, | Wednesday, June10, 10, 2015 2015 55

With Malcolm Chalmers

Street Beat

Cowichan Lake

SAYS We asked:

What is your favourite event at Lake Days?

Naomi Rogers “The parade. I like the floats, I find it interesting — people’s imagination of how they want to display things.”

Lindsay Hartshorn “The crowning of the Lady of the Lake. I work at the high school and I know them personally so it is always nice to see that event.”

Jim Peterson “I haven’t been for the last couple of years but I liked the Logging Sports when they had it. That and for four years I made the pancakes at the breakfast.”

A history of Lake Cowichan’s entrance sign Dear editor, In response to the article “Is naming confusion a barrier to tourism?” Published in the Lake Cowichan Gazette, May 27, 2015. For many years the sign at the entrance to this area read Cowichan Lake with “welcome” and a rainbow at the bottom. It was welcoming people to the whole area and at one time the only road into this area was Cowichan Lake road. Long-time residents call it the old road now and the town was always called “the foot” as it was situated at the foot of the lake. At that time the land was owned by the Ministry of Transportation, therefore the welcome referred to the whole area which included the communities around the lake which is named Cowichan Lake. The “Welcome to Lake Cowichan” cougar sign produced by Zak Stok is still situated at OK Tire where the Tourist Booth was once located. In 2002 we held our first Great Lake Walk on September 21 on a full moon and it was a wonderful success. The walk was formed to help bring people to this area who hadn’t been here before and to boost the region’s economy following the

Youbou Mill closure in January of 2001. Apparently, it was the first time in many years that all the communities and organizations around the lake, including Caycuse, had worked together for a common goal. That goal was the success of the event which brought people from all over the island and parts of the mainland to participate in a walk/run for their charity of choice. Again, tourism and the economy were the driving force with charity fund raising as an added “warm, fuzzy” as Maureen Loebus called it. In 2003 or 2004 the GLW committee had an account set up as “funds back to the community” and we noticed the sign was direly in need of a paint job. Zak Stolk had put the bears on top, but the paint was peeling and changes were needed. And, unfortunately, several people in the community wanted the rainbow gone. The GLW committee went to the town with a proposal to paint the sign, stain the bears black with Zak’s approval, take out the rainbow and put in all the towns around the lake. As well, we were to add “the” and “area” to denote the whole Cowichan Lake area. Martin Nowoselski stained the

bears and painted the major sign structure a pale green. Evelyn Nowoselski and myself painted the names of the towns, “the” and “area,” several coats I might add. The town public works department attached them. In the last year or so the word “area” has fallen off so the sign doesn’t read well at the moment. I, along with other members of the GLW committee cleaned up the gardens below and planted a few non-invasive plants to brighten up that space. That was then, this is now. The town of Lake Cowichan purchased the property and pays a great deal of funds annually for upkeep. We have water and lighting there and more trees to beautify the entrance to our community. The rotting sign will need replacing in the next few years and it will change again. The GLW committee was proud of our donation back to the community and will be sad to see things change, but changes are necessary. We trust the new sign, when it happens, will be a positive and welcoming addition to our lovely town.

I am writing to you regarding unsightly properties. Within the Area F, Area I and the Town of Lake Cowichan there are several properties with extensive amounts of what I consider junk. One property in particular looks like a used car lot. Recently, the CVRD came to me and sighted me for not complying with the bylaw concerning unkept property. My property is an older home and yes

I do have a few vehicles on my property. One of these vehicles is used for my scrap metal business. It is the way I make money for myself. The fence is in a bit of disrepair but again it is an older home and I do not have the funds to turn it into a white picket fence. I feel like I am being singled out by the CVRD. They have many more properties in Area F that are far worse than my property. Why is the CVRD not focusing on all of the other issues that have more of an impact on

George Lockwood “The whole works! I have been here for 21 years and I don’t think I have missed one yet.”

Naming confusion a nonissue, not worth the money Dear editor, In response to the article “Is naming confusion a barrier to tourism?” Published in the Lake Cowichan Gazette, May 27, 2015. Absolutely not. Cowichan is a lake. Several towns are on it. The confusion is the name of Lake Cowichan, the town. Unless we plan on changing that there is no issue. Mayor Forrest is correct. It is a waste of time trying to reinvent the “issue” that Mr. Day is fussing about. As for trying to rebrand the town... silly. It historically is a rainforest, a provider of trees for the world. Sure it is a tourist destination but we do not

need to change our slogan to “stay for lunch, stay for a lifetime.” That is ridiculous. Having lived and worked in Whistler, Squamish, etc., the signage at the entry to our community is second to none. Every time we drive into town we comment on the outstanding displays whether it is summer or winter; and the updating of the boulevards, etc. is upscale and first-class. Rebranding and spending money for slogans and name changes? Count me out. —Joy McLennan Honeymoon Bay, BC

TOWN OF LAKE COWICHAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the matter of the amendments to the “Town of Lake Cowichan Official Community Plan Bylaw 910-2011” and “Town of Lake Cowichan Zoning Bylaw 935-2013” as described below at 6 p.m. on June 23rd, 2015: OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW 965-2015 Bylaw 910-2011 is hereby amended through revisions to Map 5 for the following properties as shown below:

Subject properties to be designated DPA-4 Downtown

—Carolyne Austin Lake Cowichan, BC ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 966-2015

CVRD inconsistent with bylaw enforcement Dear editor,

Lois Atchison “The Lake and River Stewards Table. It’s down at Saywell Park [during the event]. That is where I am going to be, you meet lots of people, it is nice to see them.”

the entire community such as the state of the roads? I pay my taxes and have been a member of this community for a very long time and do not appreciate being singled out. I have been trying to clean up my property but it never seems good enough for the CVRD. I feel as though I am being harassed. If the CVRD wants to spend some money to get it done faster then let them have it. —Anthony Goldsmith Honeymoon Bay, BC

Bylaw 935-2013 is hereby amended as follows: i. Section to be amended to read "Unit" instead of "Single Unit" and the maximum number of units should read "n/a" instead of "1"; ii. Schedule “A” is amended by rezoning property from Urban Residential (R-1) to Mixed Use Commercial (C-1-A), which is outlined in heavy black ink.

Rezone from Urban Residential (R-1) to Mixed Use Commercial (C-1-A)

All persons who believe that their interests are affected by the proposed bylaw amendment referred to shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaws at a PUBLIC HEARING to be held in Council Chambers, 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia. All written input must be submitted by no later than 4:30 p.m., June 23rd, 2015 or you can make your views known to Council when the Mayor asks for comments from the public at the public hearing. Council members are not permitted to receive further submissions or hear from either a proponent or opponent to an application once the Public Hearing has been concluded. The proposed amending bylaw and related documents may be inspected at the Town Office, 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan, British Columbia, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until June 23 rd, 2015. Dated at Lake Cowichan, British Columbia this 4th day of June, 2015. Joseph A. Fernandez, Chief Administrative Officer Town of Lake Cowichan, PO Box 860, 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0


Wednesday, June 10, 2015


6 Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |


With Malcolm Chalmers

Smile FILE

Mia Frost

Occupation: Manager of Lakeside Sushi Favourite food: Coconut Thai sushi Favourite activity: Riding my bicycle My proudest moment: Five years of sobriety (at 24) I define down time as: Doing yoga I wish I was better at: Asking for help If I was stuck on a desert island I would definitely need: Coconuts Favourite time of day is: 8:40 p.m., still have a little time before bed I’m currently reading: lord of Fire by Galena Foley My go-to wardrobe staple: Everything, I am a clothes monster If I had a $1,000,000: Invest it in stocks

Photo Drew McLachlan


Thank you to all of our volunteers, donors and partners whose support made this year’s Daffodil Month such a great success. Together, we can change cancer forever.

Robyn Crosby (right) was at Neiser Sales, Service and Rentals to present a plaque to owner Janice Neiser in return for her 20 years of sponsorship of the Welcome Wagon, which visits new residents to the area and welcomes local newborns.

Overnight stays to create ‘private hospitals,’ says NDP BC Views: One in six operating rooms closed at any time due to lack of funding

Jeff Nagel

Black Press

Calling all Former International Woodworkers of America Members Calling all Former International Woodworkers America Members “Together we support ourofhistory” “Together we support our history”

The Kaatza Historical Society (Kaatza Station Museum & Archives, Lake Cowichan, BC) is honoured

be the recipient of the BC Society and National(Kaatza collection of Station the IWA archives in recognition of the The to Kaatza Historical Museum & Archives, historic role our community has played. LakeToCowichan, BC) is honoured to be the recipient of the International house this significant collection we are embarking on a fundraising campaign to build an addition to our museum. Can we count on you for support?in recognition of the historic Woodworkers of America (IWA) archives The IWA began in the Cowichan Lake area in the 1930’s. Through diligence and hard work they role our community has played. started the process of negotiating for fair wages and safe work practices for each and every member of the brotherhood. We have the IWA to thank for raising the standard of living in our logging community.

To house this significant collection we are embarking on a We are asking all former IWA members, families, other Union members and members of the community toto joinbuild our cause chip in for some local history! You can be fundraising campaign anandaddition to our museum. a part of this exciting time by simply making a donation of $10 (or more) to our campaign. Should you wish to make a larger gift please check our website for levels of Patronage. are asking all former IWA members, families, other Union members

We assist us in our goal of raising $150,000 for the IWA Archives, the United Steelworkers of and To members thea significant community our cause and We chip in greatly for some BC have alreadyof made donationto to join get our campaign underway. would appreciate support frombe all sectors Valley. time by simply making a local history!anyYou can a partof the of Cowichan this exciting Your tax deductible donation can be delivered to the Kaatza Station Museum 125 South Shore donation of $10 (or more) to our campaign. Should you wish to make a Road, adjacent to Saywell Park or mailed to: larger giftHistorical please check our website for levels of Patronage: Kaatza Society PO Box 135 Lake Cowichan BC V0R 2G0

Phone: 250-749-6142 YourMuseum tax deductible donation can be delivered to the Kaatza Station Museum email: Museum located at 125 South Facebook: kaatza station museumShore Road adjacent to Saywell Park, or mailed to: Thank you for your generosity in supporting our history in Cowichan Lake. Pat Foster

Kaatza Historical Society President Kaatza Historical Society P.O. Box 135 Lake Cowichan B C V0R 2G0

Museum Phone: 250 749 6142 Museum email: Facebook: Kaatzastation museum

Visit us at our table by the museum at Lake Days from 11 - 4 June 13, 2015. See our displays and plans

The province may let contracted private clinics keep patients overnight for as long as three days so they can take on more complex surgeries than the day procedures they’ve so far been permitted to perform. That possibility is mentioned in a health ministry discussion paper of potential surgical reforms that’s gone out for stakeholder comment. “Improved access to surgical services may include performing select surgical procedures which have length of stay up to three days, in private surgery centres using public funds,” the paper says, adding the change would require amending the Hospital Act. B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake announced an extra $10 million Monday to perform more day surgeries this summer – some through private clinics using public funds – in order to cut wait times. But NDP health critic Judy Darcy said letting private surgery clinics go beyond day surgery to multi-day stays would be tantamount to turning them into full-fledged “private hospitals.” Private surgery clinics so far perform barely one per cent of government-funded procedures in B.C. when public operating rooms aren’t available.

Longer patient stays would open the door to many more surgeries flowing to private facilities, Darcy said, adding critical staff may follow, further reducing capacity in public hospitals. “Health professionals are in short supply – anaethesiologists, specialty nurses – and if we drain them out of the public system into the private system we effectively become captive to private for-profit clinics,” Darcy said. She called the proposal a “game changer” that has been quietly advanced under the guise of a short-term “band-aid” to cut waits. “They ought to be doing the innovation and the strategic investment to use our public system to the maximum.” Fraser Health does not initially foresee hiring private clinics to supply the extra 500 surgeries it plans over the summer – it will open more of its own closed operating rooms. But the Vancouver Island and Vancouver Coastal health authorities have indicated they expect to make some extra use of private surgeons. Health Minister Terry Lake was unavailable for an interview. The ministry instead issued a statement defending extended private clinic stays as a successful method of handling more hernia surgeries in Toronto. “This is just one option that is

on the table for consideration,” it said. “Not all of these will be implemented.” The policy paper indicates the main reason that about one in six hospital operating rooms are closed at any time is lack of funding, while staff shortages and lack of demand are also responsible in some cases. The ministry says it’s working to increase training for specialist nurses and support recruitment and retention of key specialists, including anaethesiologists. Doctors of B.C. president Dr. Bill Cavers said health watchdogs are right to be wary of the potential to drain staff from the public system, but said the association believes some increased use of private surgery clinics “can be a good idea” as long as it’s publicly administered and funded, and quality and safety standards are upheld. Demand on hospitals can vary due to flu season or a backlog of patients waiting for a particular procedure, he said. “We feel that utilizing different avenues of access to care can improve the overall efficiency of the system,” Cavers said. “We have surgeons right now who can’t get enough operating room time.” He said he doesn’t foresee large numbers of clinics opening to the extent that they might cause problems for the public system. | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7

250.749.6660 145 South Shore Rd. Lake Cowichan

TOLL FREE PAGE 1-800-729-3246

Keith Nelson

Tracy Forrest



Lot 17 Kestral Drive 6624 Forestry Road $99,900 129,900

A great South facing lot just Panoramic views of the mountains and the waiting for your house plans. lake on this south facing 0.28 of an acre Only seconds away from Boating, lot in the “Cottages at Marble Bay.” Swimming and Fishing.

GREAT FAMILY HOME This 4 bed, 3 bath home sits on a private 0.57 acre lot which offers peace & quiet. The home has a good layout with hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen cabinets. Newer reno’s have been done. There is room to park your RV and enjoy the view from your back deck or relax in the hot tub. This is a must see to appreciate everything this property offers.


104 Elk Rd




THE SLOPES Elegance and sophistication are the 2 words to best describe this custom built designed 3100 sqft home. Features include hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, custom sandstone fireplace with cedar mantel, a solarium off the kitchen, Jacuzzi bath, heat pump, built-in-vacuum and so much more! Call to view today


413 Winter Drive

ESTATE SALE - MUST SELL! Sitting on nearly ½ acre level lot, this 3 bedroom home has a bright kitchen & lots of storage. The home needs TLC and sold “As is, Where is”. Subdivision Potential!


10 & 16 King George St.



60 Sahtlam Ave

First time buyer, investment or retirement – this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home will fit all your needs. Situated on a private 0.34 acre lot at the end of a no thru-road offering peace & quiet. Located only blocks from shoppijng, banks, transit, Trans Canada Trail & the Cowichan River. Possible subdivision situation. Call to view today.




10660 Cedar Drive

Warm & inviting is what you’ll feel when you see this well cared for 4 bed & 2 bath home. Original wood floors, comfortable & warm dining room which opens onto a south facing deck where you can look out to the lake and mountains. Close to public transit, beaches, hiking trails and all the outdoor activities the area offers. Call for an appointment!






Great family home! Cute as a button inside and out. This 3 bedroom home is in excellent condition and is move in ready. Priced to sell, call to view today!


123 Johel

TURN KEY OPPORTUNITY Turn key opportunity in Bayview Village. This park model home is great for families with access to shared lakefront with wharves & swimming area. This home is very private with tiered decks and fire pit. Call to view today! This one won’t last long

$169,900 47 Blackwood Heights

68 Boundary

4 bdrm & den home in sought after Fairbridge. Just over 72 acres, the prestigious homes in this unique area offer privacy and security. Formal dining rm area, lg.L/rm, family rm/wood fp, walk in closet, heat pump, built in vacuum. Cottage at the back of property.

1200 Sq Ft shop with two bays for all your toys. There is also a 3 bedroom home situated on a roomy .32 acre lot. The back yard is large and private. Located close to all town amenities


196 Neva



4775 Fairbridge


THREE BAY SHOP 1,000 sqft shop with over heights doors, parts room and car hoist. In addition there is a two car garage. The home features 4 bedroom, 3 baths, huge outdoor decks (one with a hot tub) and all on .4 of an acre. Mountain views and lots of privacy, what more could you want? Call to view today!

320 Deer



Spectacular home in the sought after subdivision of Point Ideal. Only steps to the lake and marina & walking distance to shops & restaurants. Features in this 5 bedroom, 3 bath home include hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, spacious kitchens, hot tub and so much more. There is a definite attention to detail with quality products and excellent workmanship. Call to view today!

462 Point Ideal



Across from the lake in Honeymoon Bay is this well designed 3 bed/ 2 bath rancher on .41 of an acre. Arched ceilings and skylights are just some of the many features. Priced to sell!


10034 March Rd

10552 Coon Creek


Sunny Youbou waterfront on .29 acre The main home has 3 bedroom & 2 bathrooms, beautiful birch floors and an open plan kitchen / living roomdesign. There is a 2nd residence with 2 bed/1 bath which is currently being rented. Why not own a piece of paradise?


APPEARANCES ARE DECEIVING This home is level entry buy has a fully finished basement. This 4 bed, 2 bath home boasts a huge family room, newer flooring, Low E windows on the south facing side of the home, vinyl decking, private fenced back yard with fish pond, flowers and shrubs. This is a great family home with room for you and your pets! Call to view today

This waterfront home has the WOW factor! Located in a protected bay - waterski, fish, lounge on the dock by the beach. 2000 sq ft family home. Many updates: windows, roof, kitchen, bathroom & more. Outdoor features are fruit trees, garden, big level lawn, wharfs all on .43 of an acre.

10125 South Shore



Great Investment property in the heart of Lake Cowichan. This property has been used as a residential rental but lends itself to redevelopment for commercial because of the prime location.

250 South Shore Rd.



There is room for everyone in this 4 bed, 2 bath home. Features include a double sized south facing lot, a huge work shop with 10ft high doors, RV storage, fenced garden area with storage shed, fireplace and wood burning stove for those chilly winter nights. There is great value in this great family package.

145 Nitinat




One of the best commercial properties on the market, located on Lake Cowichan’s main road. There is a two bedroom suite attached to the current business. Zoning allows for numerous uses and opportunities. Don’t miss out on this one, view now!

212 South Shore


Character home on a quiet street with many upgrades including new windows & baseboards throughout, new woodstove, newer roof and so much more! Pride of ownership is obvious, this is an older home which has been thoughtfully restored. An excellent opportunity for a starter home or investment.

Great family home in a Wonderful Neighborhood. Fully finished spacious 5 bed / 3 bath home including a 12’ x 25’ garage and separate workshop. Offers central vac, heat pump, awning over deck & a big fenced back yard.

504 Johel Cresc.




146 Nitinat

2 ½ acre treed lot in Lake Cowichan. Great opportunity to build your dream home in this private wilderness.

As new condition, a preferred corner suite with 2 balconies, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Looks onto Saywell Park, the museum and beautiful Lake & historic Cowichan River. Can come fully furnished even including the wine. Look soon as these corner units seldom become available. A real steal at $149,000


Great home for retirees or a small family. This 2 bedroom, 1 bath home has lots of room for expansion. Features include Douglas Fir floors, a large bricked hearth with woodstove, a large garage wand wood shed. Plenty of room for RV parking. Don’t delay, come and view today!

Lot 11 Indian Road $225,000


#207-138 South Shore

PARADISE VILLAGE #57-6855 Park Ave $102,000

Pretty as a picture in Mesachie Lake & Waterfront Lot in the prestigious ready for your new home ideas. There Creekside Estates. This 0.32 of an acre Make this your holiday get-a-away! Share is a wired, plumbed and insulated lot is ready to build on, so bring your interest in a waterfront development 200 sqft shed, a car port & the yard is house plans. boasting 4 acres of play fields, private fully fenced with mature trees. marina, boat launch & sandy beach.

2 Rec lots for the price of 1 at Beaver Lake Resort. Use one and rent the other or use both for family time.


The perfect picture in this very cute bungalow. From the moment you open the door you will be amazed at the openness of the design, 3 big skylights accent the vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms, master with 4 pc bath. What a beautiful area to live in. Good neighbours make the difference. Call to view today

191 Johnson Place

Beaver Lake Resort

53 & 54-8631 S.Shore Rd.

34 Creekside $319,900

340 Carnell Drive


8 Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE |

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1400 cowichan Bay Rd, cobble hill • open Daily 8 am - 9 pm 83 cowichan lk. Rd, lake cowichan • open Daily 7 am - 9 pm | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, June 10, 2015 9

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10Wednesday, Wednesday, June 10,LAKE 2015 THE LAKE |COWICHAN GAZETTE 10 June 10, 2015 | THE COWICHAN GAZETTE

Dry spring could leave us in a difficult situation CVRD applying for $10.4 million to reconstruct weir, would allow for more water to be stored

Parker Jefferson One COwiChan For the past 12 Tuesdays I have been working with a small but dedicated group of volunteers monitoring and rescuing salmon fry in the tributaries of Cowichan Lake and in the side channels of the Cowichan River. When we started in March the rivers were flowing well and salmon fry were hatching out of the gravel everywhere. Using fry traps we catch the tiny fish, measure them and determine their species. When we see fry in pools no longer connected to the stream we capture them in hand held nets called pole seines, put them in buckets and move them to the main part of the stream where they can have another chance at life. It is physically demanding work, but it is very rewarding to save the fish. The tiny fry have only about a one per cent chance of returning to spawn as adults so they need all the

help they can get. I have seen some amazing places like the Emerald Canyon and Elk Gardens of Shaw Creek and watched as the forest and streams have changed with the explosion of life that is our spring. I have enjoyed my packed lunches in some incredibly serene places. For the past month however, the serenity has been disturbed. It is as if someone has turned off the taps up in the mountains and all of the tributaries are quickly running dry. We have been shocked by the reduced flows we witness from week to week. Only a few of the tributaries have a continuous flow over the ground. Most are at best a series of disconnected pools in huge piles of gravel with some subterranean flow. To date we have rescued well over 10,000 salmon fry stranded in these pools and in many cases we have had to carry them long distances in buckets with aeration systems to release them in the lake so they can continue their lives. Many more thousands will have been lost to predators in pools we did not make it to in time. We have just experienced our driest May ever. Both the Vancouver and Victoria airports recorded the driest May since records started in 1937. Temperatures were up as well, averaging two degrees above

normal. This is not what we were looking for in a year with no snow pack. The lack of snow and rain is the reason the tributaries are running dry so early in the season. The recent algae bloom in our lake is another symptom of the lack of snow pack. The only other time it has been recorded here was in 1941, the last year we had no snow in the mountains. The lack of melting snow has increased the lake temperature, which is a factor in the algal bloom. Clearly, without spring rains, we are headed for an extremely difficult situation this fall. The weir is well below full storage and dropping. Inflows from the tributaries are estimated to be about four cubic metres per second (CMS) while the river flows are around seven CMS, which is important for fish health. It is likely the river flow will be further reduced to conserve water as much as we can in the coming weeks but we will not reach full storage this year without lots of rain in June and July. The good news is if we do get some rain this spring we will not likely be required to dump it by the provincial government, as we have had to do in the past. I thank all who wrote emails and letters to Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thompson requesting that

we be able to store more water than the current “rule curve” allows if we get rain. It appears that your voices were heard, well done. A few weeks ago when a delegation of our community leaders visited Mr. Thomson they were very pleased with his reaction to our concerns over water storage in the summer. Unlike the last time the increased storage request was denied in 2012, he seemed very motivated to do whatever he could to allow us to bend the rules and keep any water we are lucky enough to get behind the weir this summer. This is, of course, hypothetical, as not much rain is expected this spring. Another huge boost for our ability to store more water in the summer came last week as the Environmental Appeal Board finally gave us their decision on the matter of the appeal from six lakefront property owners who challenged the 2013 decision to allow us to keep full storage for an extra three weeks in July. In the 35-page decision several points were made that will enable us to reconstruct our weir and store much more water in the summer. The most important ruling was that there is no expropriation of private land below 164 meters in elevation, the average winter high water mark. This means that there is no compensation required for

water that may be stored on private lands in the summer as long as it is below the winter high water mark. The top of our current weir is only 162.37 meters, so there is lots of room for increased storage. Another very important ruling was on the importance of downstream benefits. This means that critical river flows are recognized as important for the ecological values we all enjoy as well as the continued operation of the Catalyst mill and water used in agriculture and private wells. The ruling acknowledged that due process had been respected and all views were heard and understood. This was a long and expensive process but now that all these facts are on the record it will make the process of applying for a new water storage licence much easier in the future. The CVRD has applied for 10.4 million dollars to reconstruct the weir. We know what has to be done, let’s get to work. We should aspire to start construction next summer. Climate change is happening quickly and we need to act just as quickly to respond to it. We are very lucky to have the option to store the water we get in the winter for our use and enjoyment in the warm and sunny springs and summers and falls we can look forward to in the coming years.

Town reviving plans for soccer field for Canada 150 Centennial Park: Space commemorating centennial of Canada could be getting an update 50 years later Drew McLachlan

Lake CowiChan Gazette

In preparation for the 150th anniversary of confederation in Canada, the federal government, along with Western Economic Diversification Canada, has committed to investing $150 million in community infrastructure — and the town is hoping to use that money to revive a previously shelved project at

Centennial Park. In order to be eligible for funding, a project must be for the benefit of the public, communityoriented, non-commercial and not limited to private membership. The maximum grant that can be received from the Canada 150 program is $500,000, and the grant cannot exceed 50 per cent of the cost of the project. The Town of Lake Cowichan will be applying for the full

amount of $500,000 in order to supplement the cost of a $1.25 million upgrade to take place at Centennial Park. This upgrade, which includes the addition of a soccer field, was originally planned in 2008. The town applied for several grants in order to cover the cost of the project, but unfortunately could not secure funding and had to shelve the project. Joe Fernandez, the town’s


14TH ANNUAL at Mayo Lake

Y B R E D S ’ D I K

Saturday, June 20th - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Weigh in at Valley Fish & Game Club at 3pm 6190 Mayo Road, Skutz Falls

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CAO, explained that the project was chosen this time around in order to meet the tight deadline of the Canada 150 program, as the deadline for applications is June 17, meaning the town did not have enough time to prepare a plan for a new project. The project is also significant due to its location in Centennial Park, which marked the centennial of Canada in 1967. “This project was something that we had that was almost shovel-

Sponsored by the Valley Fish and Game Club

ready,” Fernandez said. “Nothing else was even close to being ready when we decided to apply for the grant.” Fernandez also noted that the total cost of the project would have to be updated before being submitted, as prices have surely changed since the budget was first drawn up seven years ago. If the town’s grant application is successful, the project is expected to completed before March 2018. | THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, June 10, 2015 11

Pat Duringer

Sandy Stinson


Your Trusted Authority ~ Going the extra mile for you!




7971 Cowichan Valley Hwy. 8160 Sa-Seenos Cres.

Lot 1 Stin-Qua Road Waterfront Lot Rare 1/2 acre, fully serviced


PROPOSED NICE NEW HOUSE. Big log home with loft, and shop on 14 acres in town boundary. Big 16’ x 23’ workshop with 14’ ceilings

100 ft. Waterfront with Dock + Gazebo, New Roof Incredible Views


Penny Lane


521 Point Ideal

Duplex $239,000 Cottage $259,000 Great Riverfront Community, Walk to Town

3 Kitchens, Garage, shop. 1 Min. from boat launch and access to great Cowichan Lake Accessory Building newly renovated.

$919,000 $349,900

• Riverfront +/ residential+/ +business too! • Location, location,location • Established since 1960 • 1960 sq’ building • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom • 62x104 riverfront lot



67 South Shore Rd.

175 Elk

127 Darnell Rd.

Cute cottage, easy walk to town



Perfect for the person who has everything!!

Your own island on Cowichan Lake, private and peaceful.




6695 Bear Lake Road, $349,900

10215 Youbou Rd. Awesome View, Awesome House

10484 Youbou Rd.

Lake view from kitchen, landscaped, .52 acre


$265,000 169 South Shore

Land & building or start your own business


130 Neva Rd. Lake Cowichan Home Centre, business and mini mall


Best of both worlds. Weekend Gettaway or live full time. This Park Model is right at the edge of the pond 32 Paddle Duck Lane


72 Park Road

93 & 95 South Shore Rd.

Riverfront home on the Cowichan River Commercial/Residential downtown riverfront property walking distance to all Lake Cowichan has to offer.



215-19 Madill


Newly renovated 3 bdrm Town House. All outside remediation done. Perfect starter or retirement.

10150 Youbou Road


$350,000 5 acres of amazing waterfront, huge log cabin, tennis court, swimming pool, caretakers cabin, shop.

18 King George Unit 210 and 310

2-2 bdrm apartments in 55+ quiet building

27 Stevens Crescent Quiet cul-de-sac in town Great starter home

Main St. in Lake Cowichan, 7200 sq. ft. lot

$310,000 266 Hillside Road 3 bedroom A-frame with separate shop.




228 Grants Lake Rd. 175 MacDonald

264 Hillside

Awesome house & land. Private. Big lot, huge shop

Awesome family home in quiet neighborhood 3 bd and family room



10408 Arbutus

Two 2 bdrm cottages in the Heart of Youbou


$107,750 199 MacDonald

LOTS Big House, 5 $68,000 bdrms, 2 baths, big 164 Elk $105,900 workshop wired and 466 Point Ideal 1/4 Acre includes 1/2 bath 1734 Meagan St. Crofton Ocean View $133,900


$189,000 154 South Shore Rd. Commercial Building and Land

Includes Mother-in-law suite

Fabulous sun filled home with 2 master suites


$284,900 196 Johel Road

59 Eldred

159 River Road

Unique waterfront development situated on the Cowichan River 2 bdrm cottage perfect for a weekend retreat or live year round

Newly Renovated w/open concept living area. XL lot Huge south facing waterfront 1.01 acres. .26 acre to build your own Steel roof and bonus sun room shop. Near hiking trails.



256 North Shore Rd

$2,500,000 $144,900 Starting at $84,900 #2-77 Nelson

6743 Park Drive $474,900

Rare Find Beautiful sandy lakefront property in the Town of Lake Cowichan


Stunning lake and mountain views from this new 3bd 2 bath home

Huge lot, water glimpses, 3 bedrooms

Sweet and Beautiful Landscaping


9227 Kestrel Drive

10351 Youbou 2 bdrm & Den, Big Workshop

23 Stevens Crescent 3 Bdrm. cedar sided, wood floors, 2 shops, awesome fenced yard.



9260 South Shore

Magnificent lakefront home on .70 of an acre. Complete with guest cottage


146 Wavell Road

WATERFRONT One acre in town, walk to everything, new open concept living 1.66 acres, HUGELY MOTIVATED! RIVERFRONT

SLOPES Beautiful upscale development has attracted a lovely mixture of mostly retired professionals.

481 Mountain View Rd.

229 Johel Rd


10196 Youbou


ATTENTION DEVELOPERS & Investors – here is a great opportunity to purchase a multifamily site within city limits with full community servicing. “The Slopes”, a new Lake Cowichan subdivision showcasing a variety of beautiful new homes. Close to town & minutes to the Lake with easy hwy. access.

Large Sunny Lots STARTING AT $100,000 The SLOPES BIG LOTS $99,000

RECREATION – MULTI-FAMILY INVESTMENT – SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Nearly 1.5 acres of gently-sloping waterfront. panoramic Views. Private & sheltered. This charming cottage includes a sweet bungalow & has everything you need for rest, relaxation & entertaining.


12Wednesday, Wednesday, June 10,LAKE 2015 THE LAKE |COWICHAN GAZETTE 12 June 10, 2015 | THE COWICHAN GAZETTE

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Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm • Thursday: CLOSED

250.749.4383 Fax 250.749.4385

Photo Malcolm Chalmers

The Rivernotes Choir at St. Aidan’s Anglican Church’s presentation of Bach to the Beatles. From left: Amanda Nixon, Susan Elsass, Sue Alford, Rosemarie Dennis, Jean Osborne, Carolyne Austin, Eva Fearon, Michelle Connolly, Robyn Crosby and Sandi Sheridan. Directed by Judith Quinlan.




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Sherri Brubaker

state of emergency:

Cache creek

Donate directly to the emergency fund at:

The BC interior town of Cache Creek declared a state of local emergency Sunday, May 23 after a flash flood raged through the town. This campaign will help pay for recovery efforts. Please help us put our town back together! Even the smallest donation will make a difference. Officially endorsed by Mayor & Council, Village of Cache Creek RELIEF FUND SUPPORTED BY CHEVRON Learn more at visit

You can make a difference...

Retreads top mountains Retreads did mountain hikes with terrific views and a trip up to the Duke Point area where they hiked Jack Point along the north side of the spit of land. We took the easier approach to Mount Prevost, driving up to just below the summit where we set out to hike three sections around the summit. We could recall an earlier time where we hiked most of the way up and that was one of our more challenging hikes. On this day the first viewpoint had us looking out through a haze toward the Hydro right-of-way where it crosses highway 18 and on up the Cowichan valley. The next crest was the place where those crazies (my interpretation) run off a cliff and glide up and down under a hang glider. I am always amazed that they can get so high and finally glide down onto the field without hanging up on the hydro lines that cross parallel to the highway. We walked carefully around the rocky side of the hill and down a few meters to a point where we met the mount Prevost traffic circle. A turning point for the many vehicles that bring gliders and equipment up. Apparently it is a busy road near the top of the mountain on favourable gliding days. Up to another crest and around the side of the mountain and we reached the famous World War I Memorial Cairn that is visible from the highway. The Cairn is showing its age but still standing tall and proud looking out toward Mount Tzouhalen and the North Cowichan and Duncan area. One of our vehicles had hit a broken bottle on the way up and had a flat tire when we returned down a trail to the parking area. With some searching for tools and teamwork we soon had the tire off and a temporary tire attached and we proceeded cautiously down the North Cowichan

logging road back to highway 18. This hike provided wonderful views up and down the valley and at this time of year lets us view and marvel and tenacity of a range of mountain wildflowers. A week later we headed toward the Duke Point Ferry and followed the road signs to Jack’s Point. We parked near the ferry highway, made our way through a tunnel under the highway and then followed the trail toward the point some distance east. One one side of the point of land is heavy industry and the toward the end the Duke Point Ferry terminal. On the other side is quieter with a path, sets of stairs, walks through the forest and down on to rocky shores on sites that look out over the inner waters, currently at low tide, over downtown Nanaimo and up Mount Benson. We reached the rocky point and looked out over the Salish Sea where we could see three ferries lined up. One headed out to Horseshoe Bay, one coming in to Duke Point, with a smaller one cutting across toward Gabriola Island. This was a windy spot at the edge of open sea and like Cowichan Bay we were reminded not to pick shell fish that are contaminated. Return from this hike via Cedar was convenient and found half of our member in a bar and the other half in a corner of the coffee shop. One more week and under hazy skies, an even dozen of us set off to climb the upper part of Mt. Tzouhalem where a large area of forest has been designated an ecological reserve with Parks BC. There is a maze of hiking/ biking trails criss-crossing this mountain so you need to have a map and a good idea where you are going before you set out, or you can easily become lost. As we hiked steadily uphill,

we passed an area where numerous small inuksuit (plural of inukshuk), looking like a miniature stone city, have been built alongside the trail. One of our group advised us that it brings good luck to add to an inukshuk so we enlarged the collection before we carried on. It was a good workout as we made our way steadily upwards. Some of us chuckled at the comparison between the people in our group who were outfitted with packs, poles and sturdy hiking boots versus some local people in shorts and sandals who didn’t have gear at all and were simply out for what was probably a daily walk up the mountain with their dogs! By the time we reached our destination - the rocky bluff where the large cross is mounted - the haze had cleared enough to reveal the whole of Cowichan Valley spreading out far below us. The one hundred and eighty degree view was magnificent! Way down and to our left we could see the huge estuary of the Cowichan River as well as all of Cowichan Bay while straight ahead was the town of Duncan and to our right was Quamichan Lake. It was a chief of the Quamichan tribe that this mountain was named after. Chief Tzouhalem was a powerful leader but also quite a warrior. He was eventually banished because of his aggressive nature and is said to have lived in caves on Mt. Tzouhalem until he died in 1854. We enjoyed our lunches on another scenic bluff nearby with an equally expansive view and then we headed back down the trail, which seemed much shorter going downhill! —Submitted by Willa Suntjens and David Kidd THE COWICHAN GAZETTE 2015 1313 | LAKE THE LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTEWednesday, | Wednesday,June June10, 10, 2015

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ďŹ l here please THE|LAKE GAZETTE Wednesday, June 10,10,2015 15 THE COWICHAN LAKE COWICHAN GAZETTE | Wednesday, June 2015 15

Our Community in Brief Summer swimming Lake Days lessons at Arbutus Dance tickets now available Park in Youbou The annual Lake Days Dance is set for June 13 at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The dance will feature three live bands this year: local country group Backstage Whiskey, pop-rock “corporate” band The Circus as well as David James and the Big River band, a tribute to Johnny Cash. Tickets are $20 and available at CLSA, Youbou Hall and online at The event is 19+.

Cowichan Lake Recreation is hosting a series of swimming lessons for kids ages four months to twelve years. Session one will be held July 6 to 16, session two will be July 20 to 30 and session three will be August 4 to 14 and 17 to 27. Lifeguards will also be on duty at Arbutus Park from July 6 to September 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

United Steelworkers Kaatza Lakeside serve strike notice Players annual to Regional District general meeting

Photo Malcolm Chalmers

The Truck Wash just west of Youbou is in place but not working yet. Youbou residents fought to have Timber West install something to clean the dust off their logging trucks before entering the community of Youbou.

The Cowichan Valley Regional District was served a 72-hour strike notice on May 29 by USW Local 1-1937, which represents 50 employees, including those at Cowichan Lake Recreation and the Meade Creek recycling facility. 97 per cent of membership voted in favour of strike action. As of the time of publication (June 9) the USW has not announced any further action.

After a brief hiatus, the Kaatza Lakeside Players are back, and will be holding their annual general meeting on June 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Country Grocer meeting room. The public is invited to attend the AGM.

—Drew McLachlan


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Lake Days June 7 - 14

2 01

2014 Ambassadors

5 Can

a p n d i d a te s o



4 s ge

Schedule of events on Pages 6 - 7



WEDNESDAY, June 10, 2015

Lake Days Mainstage events New festivities for a new year

Jackie Cummings Lake Days Celebration Society Chair Hello Lake Cowichan Residents! On behalf of the Lake Days Celebration Society, we would like to extend a warm welcome to this, our 71st annual Lake Days! You will notice a few changes this year as we endeavoured to offer something for all age groups throughout the week. Many of the events are free, and we hope fun, for all. One such new event is the Scavenger Hunt for the Food Bank on Tuesday (June 9) sponsored by Harmony Ridge B&B. A worthwhile event that the whole community can

Ross Forrest

Mayor of Lake Cowichan

support and get involved in! We hope it will become a regular item on the Lake Days agenda, and a fun way for the town to make a difference. Movie Night, held at the Lake Cowichan Christian Fellowship on Thursday (June 11), where Big Hero 6 will be shown, continues the theme of trying to provide something for everyone throughout the week. Something else new to be offered this year are the Lunch and Dinner Cruises sponsored by Jake’s at the Lake, which has proven to be very popular with seats for the various sailings selling out quite quickly. Have you ever seen a Human Foosball court? Well Irly Bird has sponsored the building of one, and we are looking forward to some exciting community competition for this drop-in game! Also not to be missed is the hot dog eating contest (sponsored by Country Grocer), Tickles the Clown and her whole family of clowns, and a Fishing Derby (sponsored by Gord’s Flybox). And we hope you will enjoy the fantastic line up of mainstage live performances scheduled Town council and myself wish to welcome everyone to this year’s Lake Days. With a new executive stepping forward it is exciting to see many new events blended in with the successful events of the past. Lake Days has always provided a great avenue to socialize and enjoy the company of friends and neighbours and this year’s schedule looks very promising. Thank you to the organizers past and

Be sure to pop in to


throughout the day. Many of the long standing traditions will remain unchanged like the Pancake Breakfast, Parade, Lady of the Lake, Soap Box Derby, Road Hockey, RBC Build, Bail and Sail, food trucks and vendors, beer garden, Lake Days Dance and the Steak Dinner. This year’s Lake Days is all about the Lake and the great community that is Lake Cowichan. We are excited about the changes and can’t wait to welcome one and all! Please see our website (www. for the schedule of events and join our Facebook page “Lake Days” for all the latest updates. On behalf of the Lake Days Celebration Society, we want to extend tremendous gratitude to our sponsors, generous donors, volunteers and committee members for stepping up to make this another great year! Without your support, these events couldn’t happen. See you all at Saywell Park!

Sincerely, Your 2015 Lake Days Celebration Society present for volunteering to keep this popular community event alive and strong. Hopefully everyone has an enjoyable time and respects and appreciates the sacrifice these volunteers make to put on a Lake Days for all ages. Please participate as much as you can and help make this years Lake Days more successful than ever. Have fun and be safe.

File photo

The McCandless Family Band will play during the steak dinner this Saturday.

File photo

Local duo Ray Gunderson and Jack Harvey will also be taking the stage on Saturday.

➸ Saywell Park Mainstage Events: Saturday June 13 from 2 to 2:45 p.m. will see the crowning of this year’s Lady of the Lake. A full list of candidates for Lake Cowichan’s annual ambassadorship program is available on pages B4 and B5. The music will also take place on Saturday with a performance by Steady Eddy from noon to 1p.m., followed by a performance by Funk Canon from 1 to 2 p.m. After the crowning, local duo Jack Gunderson and Ray Harvey will play a set from 3 to 5 p.m. Folk/pop group the McCandless Family Band will be playing during the steak dinner from 5 to 7 p.m.

More stuff you need to know ➸ Handicapped parking is available at Cowichan Lake Community Services’ parking lot. With Saywell Park’s handicapped parking spaces being occupied by the road hockey tournament and other activities throughout the weekend, the Community Serivces’ parking lot will be freed up. The parking lot is located behind the Kaatza Station Museum, down Point Ideal Drive, near its intersection with South Shore Road.

➸ South Shore Road will be closed Saturday, June 13, 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. from Neva Road (OK Tire) to Wellington Road (IDA Pharmacy) to accommodate the parade.

Enjoy Lake Days!

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Good luck to all the Candidates for Lady of the Lake!

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Sponsored by: Gord’sSponsored Fly Box &by: Goodies Sponsored by: Gord’s Fly Goodies Gord’sSponsored Fly Box Box & &by: Goodies Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Gord’s Fly Box & Goodies Gord’s Gord’s Fly Fly Box Box & & Goodies Goodies TH TH TH TH Weigh-in: 3:00 p.m.TH at Saywell Park TH

SATURDAY, SATURDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 13 , 2015 SATURDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 13 ,, 2015 SATURDAY, JUNE 13 2015 JUNE 13 , 2015 JUNE 13 , 2015 JUNE 13 , 2015 Weigh-in: 3:00 p.m. at Saywell Park Weigh-in: 3:00 p.m. at Saywell Park Weigh-in: 3:00 Tickets forp.m. saleatatSaywell Gord’s!Park Weigh-in: 3:00 p.m. at Saywell Park Weigh-in: 3:00 p.m. atat Tickets for sale Gord’s! $20 each Tickets for sale atSaywell Gord’s!Park

Tickets for Gord’s! $20 each $10 for children under 10 $20sale eachat Tickets for sale at Gord’s! Tickets for sale at Gord’s! $20 each $10 for children under $10 for children under 10 10 $20 each $20 eachunder 10 $10 for children Great Prizes! $10 $10 for for children children under under 10 10

Great Great Prizes! Prizes! Great Prizes!


WEDNESDAY, June 10, 2015



GREG ‘DIESEL’ POWERS Wishes everyone a great Lake Days.

See you at Breakfast on the Town!

Cowichan Valley Autos file photo Steven Johnson (left) and Geno Gagne volunteer to whip up their usual hearty supply of pancakes for the annual Breakfast in the Town, June 13.

Breakfast in the Town being served at a new location

The Lake Cowichan Fire Department arranges all the cooks, and volunteers from the Chamber of Commerce help with set up and service, and Worsley says the town council and Area F and I directors — Ian Morrison and Klaus Kuhn, respectively — come out to the breakfast. Local not-for-profit organizations such as The Shriners usually set up tables and sell tickets. Worsley says there will also be someone there selling tickets to the Lake Days barbecue at Saywell Park and the Ducky Derby. Anyone who wants to start their day with Breakfast in the Town can enjoy free pancakes and sausages, as well as coffee, tea and juice. Worsley said Breakfast in the Town has always been sponsored by CVRD Areas F and I, and groups like the Chamber of Commerce and the Lake Cowichan Fire Department have been volunteering for more than 10 years. “It is a tradition,” she said.

Drew McLachlan

Lake CowiChan Gazette

Fuel up for a busy day of fun in Lake Cowichan with the annual Breakfast in the Town. Volunteers will be serving food hot off the grill Saturday, from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. at a new location — the Lake Cowichan Fire Hall on North Shore Road. The breakfast is sponsored by Country Grocer and Cowichan Valley Regional District Areas F (Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls) and I (Youbou/ Meade Creek), and admission is free. Katherine Worsley, Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce visitor centre coordinator, says the breakfast has become a highlight for many families and is considered a kickoff for Lake Days. “We get between 1,000 and 1,500 people,” she said. “Families have been coming for many, many years. It is really nice.”

Lake Cowichan

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WEDNESDAY, June 10, 2015


Lady of the Lake Crystal Bell

Gianna Eglison Miss Shaker Mill

Miss Island Pharmacy

I was raised in the beautiful lakeside community. I couldn’t possibly wish for another place to grow up. Next year when I graduate from LCS I plan to pursue a career as a pediatric nurse and work in a childrens’ hospital. Upon completion of university, my goal is to travel to Africa and volunteer wherever needed. Being raised in a loving, supportive family has taught me to be myself, follow my dreams and help others. Getting to know my fellow candidates has been an unforgettable journey and I would like to wish them the best of luck!

My name is Gianna, and I am proud that Lake Cowichan has been my home for my whole life. I enjoy writing, music, drawing and painting with watercolour. In the future I hope to write my own book. My other hobbies include reading, binge TV watching and midnight snacking.

My name is Laura Fernandez, I’m 15 years old and am proud to be sponsored by Island Pharmacy. I enjoy camping, hiking, making music, and exploring the beautiful west coast that surrounds us, but my all-time favourite hobby would have to be fishing. I love being a part of this community and would like to say thank you to everyone, especially my sponsor, for supporting me throughout this program.

Sidney Fothergill

Kristen Hamilton

Justus Irving

Hi, my name is Sidney Fothergill and I am proud to be the first candidate of Countrywide Realty. I have lived here in Lake Cowichan my whole life and I am 16-years-old. I enjoy spending my time painting, singing and learning to play guitar.

My name is Kristen Hamilton and I am proud to be running for the Royal Canadian Legion in this year’s Lady of the Lake Program. I am 17 years old and attending Lake Cowichan School. I enjoy art and baking, along with hanging out with friends and family. I’m always open to learning things and meeting new people.

Hi everyone, my name is Justus Irving and I am excited to be the candidate for A&W. I love living in Lake Cowichan and spending my summers with friends and family by the water. I hope everyone has a happy Lake Days!

Miss Copper Lane

Miss Countrywide Realty

Miss Royal Canadian Legion

Laura Fernandez

Miss A&W


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Meet the candidates for 2015 - 2016 Kirsten Mackie

Miss Kinsmen Club

Grace Matson

Miss Island Savings

Amanda Nixon

16 years ago in 1998 I was born in Lake Cowichan, BC. I currently go to Lake Cowichan School and will be graduating next year. Singing and shell collecting are my two favourite hobbies. I really enjoy traveling and wish to see as much of the world as I can. In my future, I hope to see myself as a successful paleontologist discovering amazing mysteries buried beneath the earth.

My name is Grace Matson and I am very happy to be running for Island Savings. I am a grade 11 student at LCS. Some of my favourite pastimes are going to yoga, hiking, running, reading and spending time with friends. I like people who can make me laugh, and enjoy going on adventures. I’m looking forward to Lake Days this year and seeing everyone out there!

My name is Amanda Nixon, but some of you may know me as “the Singing Girl” or some variation thereof. When I’m not singing, I often spend my time reading, writing, and mentally correcting your grammar. I sincerely thank the Lions Club for sponsoring me through this amazing program.

Alyssa Porter

Miss Shop & Save

Avi Ursulom

Miss B.P.O. Elks Club

Madison Youmans

I have lived in the Cowichan Lake Area my whole life. Growing up here has not only given me the opportunity to be involved in my community but it has given me the chance to get to know the people within it. Meeting new people in my community is what I truly love and will continue to do forever.

My name is Avi Ursulom and I am pleased to be running for the B.P.O. Elks. I am currently in grade 11 and in a lot of sports, my main passions are gymnastics and volleyball. Secretly I’m a nerd when it comes DC and Marvel comics. I look forward to the rest of the remaining days of this wonderful program.

My name is Madison Youmans, I am very honored to be representing Country Grocer in this amazing program. Lake Cowichan has only been my home for three years, but I’ve made many amazing friends and discovered new hobbies that have changed my life for the better. Telling bad jokes, and playing volleyball are just a few of the things I enjoy doing in my spare time. I’d like to thank Country Grocer for giving me the opportunity to make more wonderful memories.

Miss Lions Club

Miss Country Grocer




Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lake Days 2015 Wednesday

Opportunity Night 7 p.m. This is a casual event where members of the community get to witness the talents of the Lady of the Lake contestants. There are 12 contestants this year, and each has been working hard to perfect their talents in order to entertain the audience. The event takes place in the Upper Centennial Hall, and admission is $5 for all ages.


Family Movie Night 7 p.m. FREE The Lake Cowichan Christian Fellowship will be hosting a free family movie night at the church at 7 p.m. over their 90" projector screen. The film will be Big Hero 6, a new animated Disney film about a team of robotic superheroes.


Music on the Lake 12 - 7 p.m. FREE (but donations to Lake

Days are encouraged.) Great family entertainment in the park. Bring your own lawn chair.

• Live, local music featuring: The McCandless Family Band from 5 to 7 p.m.

Breakfast in the Town 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. FREE This free breakfast is courtesy of

Country Grocer and CVRD Electoral Areas I and F and is available to all those interested, at the Lake Cowichan Fire Hall on North Shore Road, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

• 57 King George Street


Lady of Lake Grand Ball 5:30 p.m. The Lady of the Lake Grand Ball is simply elegant. Enjoy dinner, a fashion show, speeches, impromptu questions and watch for candidates to receive special awards. This year’s 12 contestants will also be providing the audience with a performance of their talents.

• Upper Centennial Hall • $30 Tickets at Footwear Centre • Social 5:30 p.m., Guests seated by 6:15 p.m.

Grand Parade

11 a.m.

Parade begins at the entrance to town on Neva Road and makes its way to the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena. Sponsored by Lake Cowichan Lions Club.

• Marshaling and judging will begin at 8 a.m. • Parade commences at 11 a.m. | Handicap Parking at Community Services, Point Ideal Road


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lake Days 2015 Saturday

Hot Dog Eating Contest 1 p.m.

Community Fair FREE this year The Community Fair, in Saywell Park, will include a myriad of activities for the whole family to enjoy. Food, amusement rides, children’s games, live music, various vendors. An adult beverage garden will be open all day. Drop-in human foosball

• • Drop-in volleyball games • Live music all day long on the main stage

Lady of the Lake Crowning 2 p.m. The crowning is the moment this year’s 12 Lady of the Lake candidates have been waiting for. Judges will have whittled down their decision throughout the week of Lake Days events to three Lady of the Lake ambassadors, including the Lady of the Lake, First Princess, and Second Princess.

• The crowning will take place on the main stage

at Saywell Park.

Town’s Steak Dinner Ticket cutoff is Friday at 4 p.m. The Town’s Steak Barbeque is to take place at Saywell Park, ticket cutoff is 4 p.m. on Friday, dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. Tickets for the annual event are on sale at the municipal office and Country Grocer. Music by The McCandless Family Band from 5-7 p.m.

Lake Days Dance

9 p.m.

ADULTS ONLY Live music from three different bands this year will provide something for everyone. With well over 400 people expected to fill the

arena yet again. Tickets are $20

How many can you eat? The contest takes place in Saywell Park, starts at 1 p.m., and is open to all ages. No preregistration is required to take part in the contest. Limited to the first 10 contestants.

Fishing Derby

6 a.m.

The Lake Days Fishing Derby, a new event, starts at 6 a.m. with the weigh-in at 3 p.m. at Saywell Park. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 10 and available at Gord’s Fly Box & Goodies.

Sunday KinDucky Derby

1 p.m.

Ducks are $5 each at the IRLY Home Centre, Home Hardware, Grab Bag, Tipton’s Gas Bar and the Shaker Mill Restaurant.

• 1st prize is $1,000

• 2nd prize is $500 • 3rd prize is $250 • 4th - 8th prizes are $100

This annual event is sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Lake Cowichan.

Road Hockey Tournament 8 a.m. The 9th Annual Lake Cowichan Road Hockey Tournament in the Saywell Park parking lot should feature some exciting hockey action for all ages. Finals begin at 3 p.m.

Available at: Cowichan Lake Sports

• Doors: 8:30 p.m., dance till 1 a.m. • Concession and bar available

Arena, Youbou Hall, ISC Theatre box office in Duncan and online | Handicap Parking at Community Services, Point Ideal Road



Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Enjoy Another Great Lake Days!


Have a Great Lake Days Everyone • Fish • Pet food • Supplies • Otter Co-op Livestock Feed • Wood Pellets • Grooming MONTHLY VET CLINICS

Tiptons Gas Bar (2007) 14 North Shore Rd.


Kinsmen Club members scoop KinDucks at the end of the race.

Cowichan Pet Emporium (1996) 170A Cowichan Lake Rd.


Everything is just Ducky Lake Days: Kinsmen hosting annual KinDucky Derby fundraiser in the Cowichan River once again Staff Writer

Lake CowiChan Gazette

Town Barbecue

Sponsored by the Town of Lake Cowichan

Saturday, June 13th, 6:00 pm Saywell Park STEAK DINNER $7.50 per person Tickets available at the Town Office, 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan *Please bring your own chairs

Plus live entertainment!

When is it normal to see more than a thousand yellow rubber ducks floating down the Cowichan River? During the KinDucky Derby, a popular Lake Days activity that has been taking place for about 26 years. This year, the derby, which is run by the Kinsmen Club of Lake Cowichan, will take place Sunday (June 14) at 1 p.m. Kinsmen Club member Troy Douglas says every year, they drop about 1,200 ducks into the river at the pedestrian bridge at “the Duck Pond,” and the ducks race down the river. The first

eight ducks to cross the finish line win prizes. “It’s pretty exciting,” he said. “We’re out there on our boats, and people are lined up on the bridge.” Adding to the excitement, Douglas says you never know how long the KinDucky Derby will take. Sometimes it’s windy and it takes a long time for the ducks to get down the river, but other times the water will be flowing and the derby will be over in 15 or 20 minutes. People can purchase ducks for $5 in advance or right up until before the Kinsmen drop the ducks into the river. The Kinsmen will be selling ducks at the Breakfast in the Town Saturday, June 13 at 7:30 a.m. at the Town Office, and ducks can be purchased in various local stores. The ducks have cost $5 since the very beginning of the KinDucky Derby, noted Douglas. “The money all goes back into the community,” he said, adding the Kinsmen recently re-decked the upstream float at the pond.

Lake Days Dance all set to jive Lake Days: Three live bands, including Backstage Whiskey, to groove to this year Staff Writer

Lake CowiChan Gazette

Lake Day y o j s! En

File photo

This years Lake Days will once again be calling on people to get their groove on and get out the dance shoes. This year’s dance will feature will feature three live bands: local country group Backstage Whiskey, pop-rock “corporate” band The Circus as well as David James and the Big River Band, a tribute to Johnny Cash. The dance is being hosted once again by Cowichan Lake Recreation. Organizer Linda Blatchford explained the return of live music from last year’s video dance format. “We don’t like to be pigeon-holed,” she said. “We’ve done live

music and other formats in the past, but we like to change it up every year.” The dance takes place Saturday, June 13 at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, running from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The dance is licensed, so it is not for minors, and there will be a concession during the evening. Doors open at 8:30 p.m., and the dance starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $20 each and are available from the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, Youbou Hall and the Cowichan Theatre Ticket Centre Box Office in Duncan or online at A bus service will be available for pickup and drop off to and from Youbou, Honeymoon Bay, Mesachie Lake and Skutz Falls, with pickup service at Youbou at 8:15 p.m. and Honeymoon Bay at 9 p.m. Drop off service will be offered from 11 p.m. for as long as necessary. For more information, call Linda Blatchford at 250-749-6742.

Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce encourages everyone to get our and enjoy all the events of Lake Days and support our local businesses. Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce ‘In business for business.’

Photo Malcolm Chalmers Flag girl Caity Day with race winners, from left: Gary Miller in third, Nathaniel Jamieson in second and his brother Kayle Jamieson in first place in their division for the 2015 Lake Days Soap Box Derby last Sunday (June 7).


Wednesday, June 6, 2015


Build, Bail and Sail storms back Lake Days: Build, Bail and Sail returns to Saywell Park for a third year — and the competition is far from sinking. Drew McLachlan

Lake CowiChan Gazette

Lake Cowichan’s amateur boat builders will be launching again this year at the third annual Build, Bail and Sail competition, and putting their building, sailing and bailing skills up for a chance at the competition’s top prizes. Build, Bail and Sail will see entrants fabricate their very own cardboard canoes and pleasure crafts from scratch Saturday afternoon using little more than a roll of duct tape, a length of string, contact cement, a lone paper clip and two four-foot by eight-foot quarter-inch sheets of File photo cardboard. A duo from 2013’s Build, Bail and Sail competition on the lake. The event Beginning at 1 p.m. in Saywell was a huge hit for both participants and spectators in the past two years, Park, boat builders in teams of and continues to grow in popularity. four will have two hours to build their vessels and then two of that four will take to the water for the race at 3 p.m. Kate Khan, branch manager of Lake Cowichan’s RBC, will be taking over the Registration forms can be brought in the day of event this year. the competition, and sign-up will begin at Saywell The Royal Bank of Canada will be donating all Park at 1 p.m. The event is free to compete in or of the parts, but the deisgn is up to the competitors, watch from the sidelines. who will be required to bring with them any Competitors will launch behind Jake’s at the necessary tools, as well as paddles and life jackets, Lake. Sailors will have to go around an emergency which are mandatory. boat, manned by local firefighters, and back to the This year’s race will also see prizes presented to shore. winners at the end. Last year saw a lively but friendly contest “Last year we gave out trophies for the first time, between the Kinsmen Club and the Lake Cowichan and there will for sure be some cheesy awards Fire Department, and the competition is only going out,” Khan said. “I think many of them were getting bigger this year, with many local businesses made from cardboard last year. building their own boats and racing against each “Teams will race in heats and we’ll have an other. award for the fastest time, as well as the most “It gets a bit competitive, but you have to be dramatic sinking. Sometimes it takes two hours to pretty bold to take part in the Build, Bail and Sail,” build the boat and sometimes not. We’ve had teams Khan said. come in at the last half an hour before and build Oars are also allowed as an alternative to their boat.” paddles. Flags and decorations are encouraged, but For more information on Build, Bail and Sail call contrary to the event’s name, equipping boats with Kate Khan at 250-749-7303. sails is not allowed and neither are power tools. Registration forms are available online at —with files from Nick Bekolay

Have a Great Lake Days! Stop in and check out our new line of Cambridge towels and our new selection of comforters, sheets & bedding.

Have a Great Lake Days!

Good luck to all the Lady of the Lake candidates. We encourage everyone to get out and enjoy the activities of a special week for Cowichan Lake!

Lake Cowichan • 108-B South Shore Rd., Next to Copper Lane


Lake Cowichan Furniture and Appliances 169 South Shore Road


Photo Malcolm Chalmers

Nathan Irving and Brianna Bissit wait for starter Gary Miller to drop the gate to start the race.

Buy any foot long sandwich at regular price & receive the 2nd one for ONLY with the purchase of any 21oz (min.) beverage from



Lake Cowichan

*Not to be combined with any other offer. *Offer expires June 30, 2015


Lake Days Dance

Saturday, June 13 | 9 pm - 1 am (doors open at 8:30 pm) Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, Lake Cowichan

With 3 live bands: • Backstage Whiskey • The Circus • David James and The Big River Band Production by Pacific Audio Works Tickets $20 each at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, Youbou Hall and ISC Theatre Box Office in Duncan or online at Licensed. No Minors! Concession Available

Call 250-749-6742 for more information Visit:


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File photo

Kinsmen Club members scoop KinDucks at the end of the race.

Everything is just Ducky Lake Days: Kinsmen hosting annual KinDucky Derby fundraiser in the Cowichan River once again Staff Writer

Lake CowiChan Gazette

When is it normal to see more than a thousand yellow rubber ducks floating down the Cowichan River? During the KinDucky Derby, a popular Lake Days activity that has been taking place for about 26 years. This year, the derby, which is run by the Kinsmen Club of Lake Cowichan, will take place Sunday (June 14) at 1 p.m. Kinsmen Club member Troy Douglas says every year, they drop about 1,200 ducks into the river at the pedestrian bridge at “the Duck Pond,” and the ducks race down the river. The first

eight ducks to cross the finish line win prizes. “It’s pretty exciting,” he said. “We’re out there on our boats, and people are lined up on the bridge.” Adding to the excitement, Douglas says you never know how long the KinDucky Derby will take. Sometimes it’s windy and it takes a long time for the ducks to get down the river, but other times the water will be flowing and the derby will be over in 15 or 20 minutes. People can purchase ducks for $5 in advance or right up until before the Kinsmen drop the ducks into the river. The Kinsmen will be selling ducks at the Breakfast in the Town Saturday, June 13 at 7:30 a.m. at the Town Office, and ducks can be purchased in various local stores. The ducks have cost $5 since the very beginning of the KinDucky Derby, noted Douglas. “The money all goes back into the community,” he said, adding the Kinsmen recently re-decked the upstream float at the pond.

Lake Days Dance all set to jive Lake Days: Three live bands, including Backstage Whiskey, to groove to this year Staff Writer


Lake CowiChan Gazette

This years Lake Days will once again be calling on people to get their groove on and get out the dance shoes. This year’s dance will feature will feature three live bands: local country group Backstage Whiskey, pop-rock “corporate” band The Circus as well as David James and the Big River Band, a tribute to Johnny Cash. The dance is being hosted once again by Cowichan Lake Recreation. Organizer Linda Blatchford explained the return of live music from last year’s video dance format. “We don’t like to be pigeon-holed,” she said. “We’ve done live

music and other formats in the past, but we like to change it up every year.” The dance takes place Saturday, June 13 at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, running from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The dance is licensed, so it is not for minors, and there will be a concession during the evening. Doors open at 8:30 p.m., and the dance starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $20 each and are available from the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, Youbou Hall and the Cowichan Theatre Ticket Centre Box Office in Duncan or online at A bus service will be available for pickup and drop off to and from Youbou, Honeymoon Bay, Mesachie Lake and Skutz Falls, with pickup service at Youbou at 8:15 p.m. and Honeymoon Bay at 9 p.m. Drop off service will be offered from 11 p.m. for as long as necessary. For more information, call Linda Blatchford at 250-749-6742.

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Photo Malcolm Chalmers Flag girl Caity Day with race winners, from left: Gary third, Nathaniel Jamieson second and LIKE his brother in firstUS place Bodyshop 250Miller 748 in4370 | Parts 250 746 in 4466 US ONKayle Jamieson AND FOLLOW ON in their division for the 2015 Lake Days Soap Box Derby last Sunday (June 7).


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

LAKE DAYS 2015 Enjoy Your Family Time at Lake Days!


enjoy the festivities of

Lake Days!

lake days!

J.J.’s Chinese



Take-Out & Store Business Hours STORE: Tuesday-Sunday 10am-9:00pm KITCHEN: Tuesday-Sunday & Holidays 3pm-8:30pm

Cowichan Lake

Community Services Society 121 Point Ideal Road


Have a

Fabulous LAKE DAYS!

The Royal Canadian Legion

154 South Shore Road


Branch 210

Town of Town of LakeTown Cowichan of

Wishing Everyone a SUPER TIME during

Lake Cowichan Lake Cowichan

Lake Days!! Photo Drew McLachlan

Gord March, the sponsor of the fishing derby, said that there are plenty of prizes to be won for participants, including new rod and reel combos.

Good Luck Girls! AUTO SERVICE


Come Celebrate Come Lake Days! Come

Celebrate Celebrate Lake Lake Days! Days! STAYS COUNTRY

728 Neva, Lake Cowichan

Have a great Lake Days!

New Fishing Derby event open to anglers of all ages Lake Days: Fishing Derby among several new events this year that will incorporate the Cowichan Lake itself into this year’s festivities Drew McLachlan


Rod’s Auto Glass 2-2986 Boys Rd., Duncan


Lake CowiChan Gazette

Lake Days is all about celebrating where we live, and this year’s event will be introducing a brand new way to enjoy the lake — with an all-day fishing derby. “Lake Days itself is its own theme, that’s why we’ve introduced events like the dinner and lunch cruises this year — it gives people an opportunity to spend time on the lake,” Lake Days Celebration Society Chair Jackie Cummings said. “The fishing derby is something that lets us incorporate the lake into Lake Days. Its a joy where we live, and its a huge draw for the community.” The fishing derby will see anglers of all ages take to the lake to compete for the biggest fish. Participants will cast at 6 a.m. on Saturday and fish until the weigh-in at 3 p.m. at Saywell Park. Any fish caught in Cowichan Lake or Bear Lake will be eligible for weighing. Afterwards, fishermen will be treated to a beer and burger on the

town while kids will get a burger and pop. There are also many prizes to be won, including several fishing-related packages, gift cards to Mr. Mike’s Steakhouse and Bar in Duncan and golfing packages at March Meadows. Gord March, owner of Gord’s Flybox and Goodies, who is sponsoring the event, said that there will be enough prizes for every participant. “I approached my wholesaler and they have some packages coming over with rod and reel combos as prizes,” he said. Tickets cost $20 each for adults and $10 for children and are still available at Gord’s Flybox and Goodies, located in the IRLY Bird Centre on South Shore Road. Cummings said that there is no limit to the number of tickets that can be sold, and that the event is open to everyone. “We’re offering [the fishing derby] for the first time, so we’ll see how the event grows as the participation grows and what it will look like,” Cummings said.

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Have a Great Lake Days Everyone!


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