CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, June 18, 2015
Vol.12 • Issue 25
Breaking news at
Lorene MacGregor RE
om H ge ta an dv eA
Castlegar Cubs win playoffs
Colourful mural installed
Local team is 2015 West Kootenay Little League Major Baseball champion. See page 17.
Place name series hits 100
Three-piece artwork now adorns Castlegar Community Services Society building. See page 14.
Regular feature on local toponymy now into the Ks. See the West Kootenay Advertiser.
Class of 2015
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
More photos on pages 2-3
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Decked out in their gowns, girls in the Stanley Humphries graduating class took a moment to pose for us last week. BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
PJ Poznekoff
Just over 100 smiling Stanley Humphries graduates crossed the stage, flipped their tassels and accepted their diplomas Friday evening in a ceremony held at Selkirk College. Congratulations and encouragements were offered by Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy, superintendent Greg Luterbach, trustee Rosann Brunton and Mayor Lawrence Chernoff.
all over the store!
Principal Aaron McKenzie summarized the Class of 2015 with the word resilience. “Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from most difficulties,” he said. McKenzie mentioned trials the class has faced including an early end to their Grade 11 and late start to their Grade 12 year and a fire that interrupted the current school year. In his speech, valedictorian Tristan Wheeler took the class on a trip down memory lane, reminding his fellow students of the Grade 8 versions of themselves
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before bringing them up to the present and looking into the future. “As that distant speck grew closer and proved to be more than a speck; rather, it became a boulder larger than the tallest mountain,” he said. “We had gone from adapting to the school to the school adapting to us. After what has felt like eons, we’re ready to climb that mountain in record time.” Over 70 scholarships and bursaries were handed
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continued on page A2
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Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
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committed to telling the truth.
Barry Gerding Managing editor at the Kelowna Capital News. With 34 years of experience in B.C. community newspapers, helping to shine a spotlight on issues affecting Central Okanagan residents.
With a few keystrokes y you y can sample p thousands of opinions, p , aoat in a sea of information.
Clockwise from top right: Deziree Weiss; valedictorian Tristan Wheeler; Stefany Rasmussen, winner of Leader’s Club Award; Hannah Streleoff, winner of the aggregate award. Photos by Betsy Kline
But as the volume increases, the accuracy and reliability of professional journalism is essential. Gathering and sorting the facts, weighing and interpreting events, and following the story from beginning to end is more important than ever.
continued from page 1
out along with four major awards. Gabriella Kenna was the recipient of the K.T. and R.E. McGauley Memorial Scholarship, given to the top academic student in the graduation class. Steffani Grondin received the Stanley Humphries Award, which honours a student whose academic qualities, service to the school, citizenship and personal endeavours have been outstanding.
The Leaders’ Club award went to Stefany Rasmussen while Hannah Streleoff won the Aggregate Award. Both honour students who are runners up for the Stanley Humphries Award. Glitz and glamour was the theme of the evening Saturday at the Grand March held at the Castlegar Recreation Complex. The students smiled and strutted as a full house cheered and encouraged them on. The grads completed the evening with their prom and dry grad activities.
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
News A3
Stanley Humphries grads celebrate during their grand march and prom Saturday. This year’s class has just over 100 students.
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Betsy Kline photos
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Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
The man charged with holding up the Castlegar Husky station this month remains in custody pending a sentencing hearing. Photo by Betsy Kline
Man confesses to robbing gas station BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
A Castlegar resident has pleaded guilty to the robbery of the local Husky station on June 7. Aaron Michael Ryan Lich, 29, appeared in Nelson provincial court a week ago Wednesday. Lich was denied bail and will remain in custody. The case was put over until July 22 in Castlegar for a pre-sentence report. According to RCMP, Lich entered the store and browsed inside for several minutes before threatening to produce a weapon, demanding money and then fleeing with an undisclosed amount of cash. He was apprehended a short time later.
Husky manager Happy Singh said only one employee was at the store at the time, who was frightened after the robber stated he had a knife in his pocket. “The employee got scared, so obviously, the employee opened the till because he wanted to save his life,” said Singh. “So he opened the till and the man got all of the money from the till except for some coins.” Singh also explained that police quickly arrived on the scene, took a statement from the employee, collected evidence for fingerprinting and reviewed security tapes. He found out the next morning that they had already caught the suspect. “Our employee is good. No life is gone. Everything is fine, just the money is gone,” said Singh.
City in good financial shape, auditor says Castlegar has a new business in town. Pharmacist Trevor Sawchuk has recently opened up I.D.A. Castlegar Community Pharmacy downtown at 1002 Columbia Avenue. Born and raised in the small Saskatchewan town of Melville, Trevor understands and appreciates the ways of a small town. He is thrilled to be in Castlegar and bring community-based, personal service to the people of Castlegar and surrounding areas. Castlegar’s Community Pharmacy offers a full prescription service, a private consultation room, a vaccine injection service, no extra charge blister packing of medications, blood pressure monitoring, natural health supplements, wound care products, compression stocking fitting, braces and supports and a full range of home health supplies and power mobility aids at very competitive prices. Trevor has extensive additional training in hormone replacement for both men and women, chronic pain treatment options, travel medicine, natural health alternatives, and all aspects of custom medication compounding. I.D.A. Castlegar Community Pharmacy’s only focus is your health and well-being. Working together with you, your physician and other members of your health care team they provide the highest quality professional service and a dedication to your health and wellness. Medication delivery options available. Stop in and say hi!
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday 9:00 - 5:30
The City of Castlegar’s finances have been given a clean bill of health. Don Simpson of BDO Canada LLP, chartered accountants, presented the independent auditor’s report of the city’s 2014 books to city council Monday. Simpson reported the firm felt the city’s management team did an excellent job managing the public coffers. “$5.3 million net financial assets is a very strong indicator of the strength of the city in maintaining the assets on behalf of your ratepayers,” he said. “[It] means you have money
Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 Phone: (250)365-0006
Castlegar News
in the bank to preserve your infrastructure and maintain your infrastructure. “Whereas other communities in our province are in a financial deficit, meaning they will have to borrow from future taxpayers to maintain and preserve their infrastructure. The City of Castlegar has come a long way to stand $5.3 million to the good.” Simpson also discussed upcoming changes in municipal requirements that will mean city-owned properties contaminated in any way may need to be reported as liabilities. Castlegar is ahead of most communities in trying to identify such properties and analyze whether it faces any risk.
“Your management team has also allowed us to share the work they have put together to try and lead other communities. So we are focusing with our other communities and giving the credit to the City of Castlegar,” Simpson said. “Your management team is well aware of the issues and are working very diligently. The work I have seen so far is excellent.” Councillor Kevin Chernoff thanked Simpson for recognizing the superior work of city staff. “I think it is great that you think this of our staff, because we think our staff does a really great job. It is nice to be told they are being proactive and helping other communities. It is what we believe in as council too,” he said.
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015 A5
Regional parks management plans ready for public review TAMARA HYND Nelson Star
Do regional parks matter to you? They’re your parks and it’s time for your say. That’s the message from the Regional District of Central Kootenay as four regional parks’ 10-year draft plans are ready for public review and comments.
We want users’ feedback on their vision for the future of these parks. Sangita Sudan
the future of these parks.” The park management plans, prepared by Juliet Anderton Consulting and Ecoscape Environmental, have been drafted to define the future direction, policies, priorities and actions for implementation by the regional district. Short and long term implementation strategies are identified to guide the operations, development and stewardship of the parks, with a 10-year focus. Whether you can make it to the open houses or not, the plans are available online and you’re encouraged to provide feed back through an online survey. To find more information on the draft management plans and the public consultation process, visit You can fill out the online surveys until July 10. OPEN HOUSES
The RDCK is inviting you to attend open houses on draft management plans for several regional parks including Crescent Valley beach, Waterloo Eddy and Pass Creek. The open houses are June 22 and 23. “These open houses are part of our public consultation process,” says Sangita Sudan, general manager of development services for the regional district. “We want users’ feedback on their vision for
Pass Creek Regional Park Monday, June 22, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Castlegar and District Community Complex, 2101 6th Ave.
City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Phone: 250.365.7227 Fax: 250.365.4810 Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday except statutory holidays IMPORTANT NOTICE
Claim your Home Owner Grant On-line City of Castlegar 2015 Property Tax notices have been mailed. If you have not received your Property Tax notice please contact the City of Castlegar at (250) 365-7227. ELIGIBLE TAXPAYERS CLAIMING THE REGULAR OR THE 65 AND OVER HOME OWNER GRANT ARE ENCOURAGED TO CLAIM ONLINE by visiting and selecting the Home Owner Grants menu from the top menu bar. Note that individuals claiming section 2 (b), (c), (d) or (e) additional home owner grants cannot claim on-line. Please remember that, for homeowners, payment of taxes is a two step process. You must claim your Home Owner Grant and you must pay the remaining amount due. Payments can be made by on-line banking through your financial institution or by cheque, Payments must be received in our office by 4:30 PM, July 2, 2015 to avoid penalty. THE POSTAGE DATE STAMP IS NOT CONSIDERED AS DATE RECEIVED. If paying in person, we accept cash, cheque or debit at City Hall, 8:30am to 4:30pm. CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. All unpaid 2015 taxes (including unclaimed home owner grants) are subject to a 10% PENALTY AFTER JULY 2, 2015
Waterloo Eddy Regional Park Monday, June 22, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Castlegar and District Community Complex, 2101 6th Ave.
Regional Park Management Plans
Crescent Valley Beach Park Tuesday, June 23, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Crescent Valley Hall, 1385 Highway 6
movie E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial will be shown on a 40-foot (12 m) outdoor screen.
Castlegar News
Castlegar city council approved a licensing agreement Monday for Valhalla Lemonade to operate a stand at Millennium Park, providing the operator meets prescribed conditions set in the agreement. This is intended as a temporary arrangement until the concession at the new pavillion opens.
Life rings to be installed Council approved the installation of two public access life rings at the Millennium Ponds. The idea was presented to the city by the Lifesaving Society whose goal is to place cabinets containing a life ring on public, unsupervised waterfronts to serve as lifesaving equipment available in the case of emergency.
Please join us on June 22, 2015 to provide your comments on the Draft Pass Creek Regional Park Management Plan. This well established 35.2 hectare park is north of Castlegar within the Regional District of Central Kootenay. The Draft Management Plan includes proposals to invest in recreational uses and preserve the park’s natural environment. What are your views? JOIN US!
Please join us on June 22, 2015 to provide your comments on the Draft Waterloo Eddy Regional Park Management Plan. This 3.3 hectare waterfront park is along the eastern shores of Columbia River, south of Castlegar, within the Regional District of Central Kootenay. The Draft Management Plan includes proposals to access to the waterfront and preserve the park’s natural environment. What are your views? JOIN US!
Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Time: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm Location: Castlegar and District Community Complex Address: 2101 6th Avenue, Castlegar Room: Monashee Room
Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Castlegar and District Community Complex Address: 2101 6th Avenue, Castlegar Room: Monashee Room
Can’t make it? Complete a questionnaire!
Can’t make it? Complete a questionnaire!
- Public Open House
Lemonade stand coming to Millennium BETSY KLINE
City will sponsor tournament Council passed a motion to sponsor the Castlegar Hospice Society Golf Tournament. The $300 will be allocated from the advertising budget.
Council supports extended hours The City of Castlegar will support the Element Club Bar and Grill’s application to the Liquor Control Board for a change of hours for Wednesday, October 14. The club plans to bring in a hip hop group for a special event. They are asking for the extension to help justify the expense of the event.
- Public Open House
Audit of occupational
Canada Day celebrations set health and safety planned �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� Canada Day celebrations will be held at Millennium Park from 4 to 11 p.m. There will be free birthday cake, games, activities and live entertainment. There will also be a barbecue and food vendors. To finish off the evening the
Approval was given for the BC Municipal Safety Association to perform a gap analysis on the city’s occupational health and safety program. The purpose is to identify any gaps in the program and find potential areas for improvement.
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Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Publisher: Chuck Bennett Editor: Greg Nesteroff • Twitter: @CastlegarNews Published Thursdays by Black Press Ltd. at Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Our view
Branding exercise stirs up passions A recent exercise by the Marketing 12 class at Stanley Humphries to come up with a new logo, slogan, and mascot for the high school has stirred stronger passions than just about any other issue in Castlegar in recent months — at least judging by the number of letters and Facebook comments we’ve received in the past couple of weeks. (We reproduce two such letters on page 9 today, as well as a sampling of those comments.) On one hand, it’s reassuring to be reminded of the fierce loyalty and strong nostalgia the school’s alumni feel for their alma mater. On the other, aren’t such things best decided by those currently attending the school? One school of thought suggests tradition is not to be trifled with, while another holds that periodic updating is required to keep in step with the times. At the moment, those arguing the former appear to outnumber the latter, although many also see a silver lining in the debate: the backlash provides an unexpected lesson about the difficulty people have with change, especially when it involves things they hold near and dear.
A Retrospective Walter Volovsek I was intrigued by this 1949 photograph of Ole Skattebo, taken a year before his death. I named the main Kootenay River trail Skattebo Reach, and the story of its opening in 1998 brought this offering from Carl Johnson, whose aunt is seen alongside. Other leads materialized which enabled me to piece together the fascinating story of this hauntedlooking and greatly revered legend of Slocan Pool.
While we appreciate the school’s longtime Latin slogan, Carpe Diem (Seize the Day), it’s hardly unique. The new slogan, “Achieve. Lead. Succeed,” isn’t 100 per cent original either (a business school in Georgia also uses it) but it is at least less common. As for the sports team nickname, the school has had a few. The new Coyotes name will be applied to both boys and girls teams, whereas before we had the Rockers and anachronisticsounding Rockettes. In adopting these changes, the marketing class is hardly ignoring history, since it is simultaneously creating a display showcasing and honouring the school’s traditions. The timing of this debate is interesting, falling both around graduation ceremonies, and as the City of Castlegar reviews its own branding scheme, including the flower logo and “Happily ever after” slogan. (We’ve always thought both to be harmless and pleasant but also generic and a bit boring.) In any case, a brand is only a reflection of what it represents, not the actual product. Stanley Humphries students and staff, present and past, can take pride in their school, regardless of logo, slogan, or mascot.
(Print from secondary negative; original courtesy of Carl Johnson)
The ‘wasted generation’ can now take a bow
here are times when I sit staring at the computer screen with a blank Microsoft Word document looking back at me. It doesn’t care if I have a deadline to write this column. Those are the times when I read everything I can, both print and electronic, silently begging for a topic to suddenly appear. When that literary miracle does happen to occur I breathe a huge sigh of relief and get on with it. This column came out of something I read earlier this morning, as you will soon read. It seems the age-old adage about “the more things change, the more they stay the same” has some merit when it comes to the generation gap. Back in the day, when I was a teen (yes, that was a lifetime ago) it seems that everything my generation did was wrong. And, of course, just because of the few bad apples, we all got painted with the same broad brush. My generation, known as Baby Boomers grew from what was called the beat generation. That generation became known as beatniks, or hipsters. Whatever the name of the generation, whether it be Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Z (currently the youngest of the
Off the Line Karen Haviland generations) it didn’t matter when it came to the age-old struggle between generations. Just today I witnessed that struggle on Facebook. It seems as if issue was taken with the recent grad party. The gist of the post tarred and feathered all of them when, in fact, there was only a handful who didn’t respect boundaries and propriety. While I recognize the concerns were valid, I felt badly for the 2015 grads who partied responsibly. According to one grad the class had put much thought into that party; and I just don’t mean what they were going to wear or who was going to be there. That grad said certain cautions and notices to those it might concern had been given. Her posts were well thought out and carePam Malekow Office Manager
Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate
fully constructed to reflect the maturity she obviously has. Well done, young lady. To protect your privacy, I didn’t publish your name, although I wish I could because you and your parents deserve recognition; them for raising a fine young woman and you for your level head and manners. As I read through the posts it occurred to me that this generational struggle is not that different from other generation struggles. During my generation many of our parents thought we were going to become dirty hippies. You know; turn on, tune in and drop out. In fact, most of our parents were certain my generation was a wasted generation. They didn’t like our slang, they didn’t like The Beatles, and I hesitate to say many were intolerant. There wasn’t much they liked about our generation. They were afraid my generation would leave a black mark in history, what with the advent of birth control and drugs and that we were going to ruin the world. While some did get pregnant and others dropped out permanently, there was and is a core of us who are caring, contributing human beings. Guess what? The world is still here and for
Selina Birk Creative Support
Sandy Leonard Creative Director
Katelyn Hurley Creative
Jaime Tarasoff Creative
the most part those boomers still alive have contributed greatly to the world and turned out to be exemplary human beings. Famous Baby Boomers who have contributed to this world include actor Dan Aykroyd, entrepreneur Steve Jobs and Prime Minister, Steve Harper. Oh wait, strike that last name. Boomers can also take a bow for inventing DNA fingerprinting, synthetic skin, and the worldwide web. Then again, we had Boomers such as serial murderers Paul Bernardo and his wife Karla Homolka. Every generation struggles for their identity. Which of any of us didn’t have someone in our life who was afraid of and for our generation? I do find it perplexing how some of those of my generation forgot what it was like when they were a teen. They forget too, that it will be the following generations who will care for us in the end. To all those grads of 2015 I offer since congratulations and best wishes for your future. Most of us know that you all will turn out fine in the end. Oh, and if it’s you who ends up caring for me in my old age, take it easy on me, okay? Betsy Kline Reporter
Greg Nesteroff Editor
Is a subsidiary of Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone 250-365-6397
Your Community News Team
Chuck Bennett Publisher
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015 7
Support Martial Arts for Justice
arlier this year in Nelson, I had the pleasure of meeting members of a grassroots enterprise called Justice at the Junction to discuss world slavery and other justice issues. One member of this group, Dean Siminoff, is the head instructor of the Kootenay Christian Martial Arts schools in our area and founder of Martial Arts For Justice. Thanks to Dean and others, their Breaking Boards, Breaking Chains campaign raised $16,000 in 2014, bringing awareness and support to the victims of slavery and oppression in third world countries. This year they are hoping to exceed those numbers. The demonstration of board breaking and traditional weapons at the Nelson Civic Theatre on April 18, and the showing of the movie Karate Kid afterward, were a great step in that direction, as was the Pete Seeger Memorial fundraiser on Jan. 31. Although the issue is not highly reported in Canadian media, some statistics brought to my attention leave little doubt that this is indeed a cause worth supporting. In Canada, according to the RCMP, between 800 and 1,200 people are trafficked through the country annually, many for the purposes of prostitution and forced labour. Meanwhile, on the global stage, the number of people held in slavery has been put as high as 36 million. The penalties for human trafficking are seldom enforced. For example in India, slave owners are more likely to be hit by lightning than to go to jail. Events like Breaking Boards, Breaking Chains can make a big difference in the lives of many people both here at home and in the developing world. Martial Arts for Justice has partnered with the International Justice Mission, an NGO whose mandate includes protecting poor people from
Postcard from Parliament Alex Atamanenko violence, ensuring crimes are prosecuted, and working to rehabilitate and support the survivors of slavery, abuse, and marginalization. I recently read a chilling account of the world of human trafficking written by the founder of International Justice Mission, Gary Haugen. A tremendous amount of effort is needed to end this despicable practice in the world. All funds raised from admission to demonstrations like the one on April 18 as well as donations received go directly to the International Justice Mission. Martial Arts for Justice and their affiliated group, Justice at the Junction, continue a great tradition of West Kootenay residents supporting important causes and making a difference. I am proud of the work that these great citizens are doing and I would encourage everyone to keep an eye out for future events in the area. As a student of karate for the last 40 years, I am happy that the martial arts potential to help humanity is being realized in this way and I offer the members of Martial Arts for Justice my full support and encouragement in their great endeavour. Alex Atamanenko is the MP for BC Southern Interior.
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS Yard Waste Facility Closure – June 17th & 18th The City’s yard waste facility at the Castlegar Community Complex will be closed on Wednesday, June 17st and Thursday, June 18th, 2015 for paving that will improve access to the facility. If you have yard waste to dispose of during this time, the following alternatives are available to you. the Ootischenia Landfill backyard composting – there are many great websites that provide excellent advice including The yard waste facility will re-open Friday, June 19th, 2015 for the remainder of the season. Be advised that burning of this material is prohibited. The City apologizes for any inconvenience and appreciates your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call (250) 365-7227 or (250) 365-5979.
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Don't Miss out on all the FUN this summer! Great Summer Camp Programs July & August Register Now!
Sign up eARly as camps have limited numbers; Fantastic summer leaders; Heather, Emma, Beth & Courtney!
Certain messages need to be repeated several times
Go on line at to register or view the Summer Leisure Guide. Camp Subsidies are available
Register for one day or three day camps! Summer Camp Samplers (6-12yrs) July 2 & 3 $15/ per day (8:30-3:30pm) Best Deal of the Summer!
Mondays Cool Camp Daze (7-12yrs) (8:30-3:00pm) $30/per day July 6 - Survive in the Wild July 13 – Water & Sport Mania July 20 – Under the Sea July 27 – Float your Boat – Pirate Adventures Aug 10 – Adventures by land & sea
Multi Day Theme Camps (6-12yrs) 8:30-3:00pm $79/per camp Tues/Wed/Thurs July 7-9 – Chef Camp July 14-16 – Mad Science July 21-23 – Sports Camp July 28-30 – Splash Down Aug 4-6 – Mixed up Camp Aug 11-13 – Best of the Best
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Stand up paddle Boarding lessons With endless Adventure! no experience needed. Just a great way to spend a couple of hours. Dates: Saturdays or Thursdays July 11, 16, 25, 30 & Aug 8th
Call Christine today to get your business noticed.
it could be the adventure of the summer!
Other fitness classes happening this summer:
250-365-6397 or
Sweat Surprise pilaties Open Strollersize
CrossChallenge for youth Kick Fit MMA Fit
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.
If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit A - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or call us at 250-365-6397.
Upcoming Ongoing JUNE CASTLEGAR SENIORS ACTIVITIES AT THE REC COMPLEX Mon 9:30 a.m. Floor curling 10 a.m. Darts 1 p.m. Whist Tues 9:30 a.m. Floor curling/ Carpet Bowling 1 p.m. Crafts 7 p.m. Pool Wed 9:30 a.m. Floor curling 10 a.m.: Coffee Talk (3rd, 10th, 24th) 10 a.m.: Raspberry Hi Coffee (17th) 1 p.m.: Bingo (3rd) 1 p.m.: Rummoli (10th) Thurs 9:30 a.m. Floor Curling 1 p.m. : Bingo (not on 4th) 2 p.m.: General meeting (4th) Fri 10 a.m.: Qi Gong 1 p.m.: Crib Coffee Talk has different speakers. CASTLEGAR CONCERTS IN THE PARK: Kinnaird June 24: Trail Pipe Band July 8: That Girl & Earl INTERNATIONAL SPY ACADEMY July 20 to 24 9 a.m. to noon Kids Grades K-6 are invited to attend this exciting Vacation Bible School. Join us for games, crafts, snacks, drama, friends and fun. This is a free event. Castlegar Baptist Church 250-365-7556 Register at:
See you at the SMOKE & STEEL car show! 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955
on Tuesdays from 12 to 3 p.m.
THE NEW LIFE CHURCH (behind the Castlegar Primary School) servces hot nutritious meals for people in the community every Thursday. Doors open at 3:45 and the meal will be served at 4:30 p.m. Please use the basement entrance at the back of the church. ROBSON FLEA MARKET is open every Sunday except Easter. Call Kathy to book a table 250-365-3796. BLUEBERRY BOTTLE DRIVE: The Blueberry Community School Hub has a pressing need for major work to its youth room. Please drop off refundable bottles and cans to the Blueberry School. Thank you to everyone that participated in our May bottle drive. LEGION MEAT DRAW: At the Castlegar-Robson Legion, Branch 170 every Saturday, 4 to 6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Guests must be signed in. MYRA DUFF WILL BE HOSTING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS: For information about the Heart Support Group please call Myra at 250-3656369. COMMUNITY LEARNING PLACE: drop in to get free help with basic computers, reading and writing, Test preparation, and skills upgrading at the Castlegar and District Public Library
BILLETS: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 to 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH: Meets Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Resker Hall in Robson (next door to the Robson Community Church) on Waldie Ave. Phone 250-365-6405 for more information.
Get your ed! c i t o n t n e v e r here fo e s i t r Adve
K! $20/t wChereistine
Contac 5-6397 250-36
CASTLEGAR HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP: Open Mondays thru Thursdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Telephone 250-365-7317/250-365-6587 or see ST. DAVID’S & UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: located at 605 Columbia Ave. Hours are Tuesday to Thursday 10
1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our stock includes clothing, shoes, bedding, linen, books and household items. Also come check the weekly in-store specials. Clean donations are accepted during working hours.
AL-ANON MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8 to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Sydney 250608-1867.
SELKIRK WEAVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD: Meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, 10 to 11 a.m. followed by show and tell.
FRIDAY YOUTH PROGRAM at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/sports/hanging out. Grades K to 5, 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Grades 6 up, 8 to 10 p.m. For more info or phone 250-365-7201.
COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK & DROP-IN CENTRE: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop-in center 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (free). Lunch served 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday Drop In Center 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (free). Lunch served 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St. David’s Church. Call 250-608-2227. ALL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING: Informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesday 10:30 a.m. to noon. More info: 250-3653662, or see CASTLEGAR A.A. MEETINGS AT THE PIONEER ARENA Sunday. at 10 a.m.; Tuesday at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-3652738); Wednesday at noon (Dan 250359-7817) Thursday & Saturday at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216 or Alex 359-7031) and Saturday at 8 p.m (Len at 250-365-7805).
USCC CULTURAL INTERPRETIVE SOCIETY: Volunteers meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the interpretive and training centre, 820 Markova Rd. in Brilliant.
TOPS GROUP MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:30 to 10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 250-365-7956.
FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250-6082254.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, oneon-one tutoring. Free. More info call Corinne at 250-687-4714.
Please send items to
This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.
Simon Laurie 250-365-1585
Val Koochin 250-365-1846
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Carmen Harris 250-365-1520
Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679
toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |
Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373
Chad Williams 250-304-5241
Pat Klohn 250-365-1731
Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017
Tammy Peitzsche 250-365-9640
Connor McCarthy 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |
Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564
Tyler Gienger 250-304-7865
James Kereiff 250-304-8970
A passion for plants The 14th annual Castlegar and area garden tour goes Sunday, June 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and features gardens in Castlegar, Pass Creek, Krestova, and along Highway 3A. It also coincides with the debut of the first BC/Yukon peony show at the Sandman Inn. Admission is by donation. Brochures are available locally or by emailing Carl Sayer took this photo during last year’s tour. Photo submitted
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
Think hard before rebranding school
Re: “Why stop at logo, slogan, and mascot?” Letters, June 11 It was with great interest that I read Lach Farrell’s op-ed piece. He raises many good points around the issue of rebranding our secondary school. The three themes of strong academics, school pride, and uniqueness were certainly true to what SHSS was when he was in charge. However, are they, in fact, true today? What evaluation of the school has been done to evidence the presence of these themes? Against what standard has the school been compared to clearly define the “brand” of Stanley Humphries Secondary School? Or, are these themes simply things that the school strives to be? What has happened to the honour roll at the school? Are the rumours true that some parents have moved their students to a neighbouring school district? Where is the regional and provincial recognition of arts and athletic programs?
The rebranding of Stanley Humphries touched a nerve with many readers. Here’s a sampling of the 26 comments (and counting) we received on Facebook.
Mr. Farrell simply makes good sense with his comments and historical overview, regarding an SHSS secondary school with a long and celebratory legacy of significant educational, athletic and cultural arts achievements and accomplishments. The current student body, being forever transient in the system, and inevitably moving on, might have misjudged the degree of community reaction to their ideas. Unexpected outcomes, though, might not necessarily be a negative, in this instance. In fact, a community dialogue has begun, through which the integrity, importance 9
When you strive to “rebrand” a school with a tradition such as Stanley Humphries, there are many questions to be asked. It is not simply a matter of choosing a woodland animal as a new mascot. Jack Closkey Teacher, Vice-principal, Principal, Stanley Humphries Secondary School 1969-98
Changing the slogan, etc. of our high school is wrong. Mr. Farrell has years experience and better insight than the Grade 12 class. History, pride, and accomplishments in all fields has made Stanley Humphries a school to look back at with fond memories. We who have attended SHSS don’t need a modern change. Dort Martini Castlegar
and high value the community places on the history and public standing of their secondary school is fervently being expressed. Now, that’s a beautiful thing! — John Eggleton
Congratulations to the students of the Marketing 12 class. This project must have been a wonderful learning experience and provided some valuable learning moments. Kudos to the teacher(s) that led the group. I suggest this discussion provides more learning moments for students and teachers, both current and former. If the Marketing 12 class has the power to implement, they also have the power to consider well articulated feedback and alter their decision. Or not. The lesson or learning moment for the current cadre is: remember to consider the
reaction/feedback after a decision; sometimes there is more than one right answer. — Brian Smitheram Maybe they should have an annual change the logo/motto contest and every ten years vote on the best one. As the original does not seem to connect with today’s generation, theirs probably won’t connect with future students either. — Ron Lampard I can only imagine the time, hard work and dedication these students took to accomplish this task. Kudos to these kids for having a modern vision and making it a current and positive value to them. I grew up in Castlegar and for the life of me couldn’t remember our logo or mascot. — Michelle Bos-Ferreira
So you can play together!
Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar
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Stock quotes as of closing
S����� � ETF�
conserve • reduce • recycle
5N Plus ............................. 1.26 BCE Inc. .......................... 53.37 Bank of Montreal ............. 74.89 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 66.00 CIBC .............................. 94.36 Canadian Utilities ............ 35.51 Canfor Corporation ......... 26.56 EnCana Corp. ................. 14.61 Enbridge Inc. ................... 55.81 Finning International.......... 24.40 Fortis Inc. ........................ 35.60 Husky Energy .................. 23.75
Manitoba Telecom ........... 27.49 Mercer International ......... 13.98 National Bank of Canada . 48.60 Onex Corporation ............ 70.09 Royal Bank of Canada...... 78.24 Sherritt International ............ 2.24 TD Bank .......................... 54.22 TELUS Corp...................... 41.08 Teck Resources ................. 13.73 TransCanada Corp ........... 51.89 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 19.03
M����� F���� CIG
Portfolio Series Balanced ... 30.31
Signature Dividend ........... 15.06
Portfolio Series Conservative 16.45
Manulife Monthly High ... 14.496
C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.812
Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 59.66
Gold............................ 1185.90
Silver ............................... 16.06
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News News News at your... at your... at your... Castlegar Girls Softball Association needs
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Fingertips Fingertips Fingertips
We are holding our AGM on June 23rd at 7pm at the Kinnaird Park. We are in need of a new executive for the upcoming 2016 season. ...Without an executive Castlegar Girls Softball will not be able to run for the new season.. We need people to come on board the executive and we also need people to come to the meeting to discuss the 2016 season. For more information: contact Leanna Handley at 250-608-2789
This was the view at Scotties Marina near Syringa back in February. Unusually low water levels in the Columbia River and Arrow Lakes are expected to continue through the summer. Photo by Chris Stedile
Dry weather means low water levels ? h t r o W re Words
What a
t they mean a h w s g in y Popular sa they came to be. and how
“A sight for sore eyes”
Meaning: A welcome sight; someone or something you are glad to see. Origin: Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver’s Travels, first used this phrase in A complete collection of genteel and ingenious conversation, 1738, with the line, “The Sight of you is good for sore Eyes.”
Project: Celgar Pavilion Concession Operations Reference No.: 2015-08 The City of Castlegar is seeking Expressions of Interest and Qualifications from those interested in providing concession operation services at the newly constructed Celgar Pavilion located at the Millennium Park in Castlegar, BC. The Celgar Pavilion which is expected to be completed by the end of July, 2015 contains a full kitchen and concession facilities. The City is looking for a concessionaire that will operate and maintain the concession within the pavilion and provide an attractive level of food and beverage services to the Millennium Park.
ALEX COOPER Revelstoke Review
It’s good news for birds and beach lovers, bad news for those that want to get into the water. Dryer than normal weather that reached nearrecord lows for rain in May means the Arrow Lakes won’t reach full pool this year. Birds won’t see their nests get inundated but boaters might not be able to use their docks. Beaches might be super-sized, which is good if you just like to tan, but bad if you actually want to swim. It could be bad for fish looking to spawn — they might not be able to get into their normal spawning channels due to the low water levels. All of this is a result of a drought leading to 2015 being the third-driest year in the Columbia Basin since record keeping began in 1960. Peter McCann, a resource coordinator for BC Hydro, explained that across the entire basin — Canada and the US combined — there is 69 per cent as much water as normal. In Canada the situation isn’t too bad, but across the border, they’re facing drought conditions. It’s the driest year since 2001, when water levels were 61 per cent of normal. BC Hydro begins its water year in October. Overall it was actually wetter than normal until March. But then April and May were extremely dry. Precipitation in May was about half the normal level. Snowpack levels are also below normal and shrink the further south you go. In the US, there’s pretty much no snow. So, why won’t the Arrow Lakes reach full pool? That’s because a lot of the precipitation that fell before April has already run down the mountains, through the reservoir, and out to the Pacific Ocean. Because
it was so warm this winter, snow fell as rain, so rather than accumulate and melt out in spring, it just ran straight into the river. “All that runoff, we were not able to capture it in Arrow, unfortunately,” McCann said. One chart exemplifies the problem. It shows water levels hovering around normal through early February, only to plummet downwards by June. The water wasn’t captured in the Arrow Reservoir because for a while it looked like a normal year. Up north, some water was held back in the Kinbasket Reservoir and it is expected to reach full pool in mid-August. The Arrow Reservoir is expected to peak this month at around 432 metres elevation. Normal full pool is about five metres higher. McCann said they will keep generating power at Mica Dam in order to keep Arrow levels up. He said they hope to keep the Arrow Reservoir at around 420 metres for most of the summer. Recreation is the main reason BC Hydro tries to keep reservoir levels up in summer, said McCann. “People can’t use their docks, there’s beaches where people have to walk a kilometre or two to get to the water,” he said. “It impacts tourism on the lake.” Ecologically, it’s good for nesting birds, but it could impact fish spawning. The dry conditions shouldn’t impact power generation, though. McCann said that due to the US being so dry, power prices are up, so BC Hydro will be generating power consistently and won’t have to spill water. “There’s not going to be a shortage of power in the province,” he said. “We still have lots of water at present for that. If this prolonged drought goes on for a few years, then we’ll start to see some problems.”
Adoption Dance of Joy... You can make it happen
EOI Documents are available for pick-up during normal business hours between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm at: Address:
Castlegar Civic Works 4500 Minto Road Castlegar, BC V1N 4B3
An electronic copy of the EOI Documents can be requested by emailing The EOI Closing Date, Time & Location are as follows: EOI Closing Time: 2:00 pm local time EOI Closing Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at: Address:
Castlegar City Hall Attn: Stacy Donald 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7
Inquiries should be directed to: Stacy Donald, Transportation & Civic Works Assistant - City of Castlegar Phone: (250) 365-5979 Email:
Sale! Sale! Sale! B.C. Cherries from Oosoyoos - 10 lbs or more for $2.50/lb B.C. beets and carrots with tops. Mix and Match! Any 2 for $5 B.C. Raspberries are now in! Call to place your orders. Come in and see our selection of cow and goat cheeses. Watermelon - Blowout Sale! $4 each (average 10 lbs each!) For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015 A11
Judy Smith Arts Around Castlegar
ABOVE: A crocodile garden guard is made more interesting by having it snack on a person; A pair of old work boots makes a handy planter.
One person’s junk is another person’s yard art
While Castlegar is on the map for being the Sculpture Capital of Canada, we tend to ignore the sculptures in our own backyards. Some call it junk; others call it art. It’s all in the eyes of the creator. One person hauls a bunch of old tin cans to the recycling centre. Another person tacks them together to make … a Tin Man. Why do we do it? I think we just like to play. Photos by Judy Smith
West Kootenays, get more of the shows you’ll love. Check out our new enhanced TV services at
Attention: Robson-Raspberry Improvement District
A Special Public Meeting will be held
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 7:00 pm Robson Hall
The purpose is to elect two trustees. Everyone welcome
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
= $12,042
2015 SONIC
2015 TRAX
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2015 CRUZE
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the cash purchase of a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab, Silverado 1500 Crew Cab, Cruze, Equinox, Trax, Sonic, Malibu and Impala. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. * Applies to oldest 15% of dealer inventory as of June 2, 2015. Valid June 5 to 28, 2015 on cash purchases of select vehicles from dealer inventory. Not compatible with special lease and -finance rates. Credit is tax exclusive and is calculated on vehicle MSRP, excluding any dealer-installed options. By selecting lease or -finance offers, consumers are foregoing this cash credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Dealer may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.
Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 877-526-6031, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. A13
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
% = $13,009 OF MSRP
2015 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 AWD, $32,945 MSRP. 2015 GMC TERRAIN SLE-1 FWD SHOWN ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a new or demonstrator 2015 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab, GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab or GMC Terrain. License, insurance, registration, PPSA and dealer administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. *Applies to oldest 15% of dealer inventory as of June 2nd 2015. Valid June 5 to 28, 2015 on cash purchases of select vehicles from dealer inventory. Not compatible with special lease and finance rates. Credit is tax exclusive and is calculated on vehicle MSRP, excluding any dealer-installed options. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this cash credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Dealer may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. **U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s New Car Assessment Program (
Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 877-526-6031, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar.
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
HANDLE WITH CARE conserve • reduce • recycle
S- 2EPM U O H PEN ime - 11AM
Oate - June 20th • T D
This mural now adorns the Castlegar Community Services building on Second St.
525 Fairview Drive, Castlegar, BC Fantastic Country Acreage and Gorgeous Rancher with Daylight Walk-out Basement. 10.76 acre property in the highly sought-after area of Upper Fairview just minutes drive from South Castlegar. Fantastic panoramic views and priceless privacy!
Photo by Betsy Kline
Youth are the Future mural installed About 20 youth worked together to create the mural with help from project facilitator Coleman Webb and aboriginal artist mentor Chad Thompson, along with youth council coordinators Zoe MacKay and Michelle Postnikoff. Castlegar Community Services, Columbia Basin Trust, the Vancouver Foundation, Cowan’s Office Supplies, Hair of the Dawg and Kootenay Industrial Supplies as-
Betsy Kline Castlegar News
A new three-piece mural has been installed at the Castlegar Community Services Society building at 1007 Second St. The mural is a project of the Castlegar Youth Council and has taken over a year to plan and execute.
Simon Laurie
Fami ly
843 Hom
Ave n
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d view
MLS# 2406321
MLS# 2405439
MLS# 2404482
In desirable Grosvenor sub division! This 4 bedroom, 2 bath home is situated on a large flat beautifully landscaped corner lot. This home has seen many new upgrades in the last few years!
Affordable and Modern Family Home! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home features include bright open floor plan, fenced back yard with alley access.
Looking for carefree modern living! This gorgeous 2 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse shines throughout with stylish hardwood and tile flooring & open concept layout.
Excellent south end building lot; the last one available in an already established and highly sought after neighborhood with sweeping valley views.
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MLS# 2403011
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MLS# 2405037
Brand new commercial lease space in downtown Castlegar. Everything is brand new. Rent includes heat, electricity, cable, internet, etc.. Up to $1250 sqft. Call today!
Tower Ridge is an upper-end community located on the golf course near Castlegar. Property is a completely flat and usable view lot overlooking Ootischenia, Castlegar and the Columbia River.
Brand new waterfront condos! Many units to choose from. Enjoy the no maintenance lifestyle as well soaking up waterfront living. Boat moorage available too!
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Hosted by Kelsey Ozeroff
sisted in funding the project through grants, discounts and donations. MacKay was very appreciative of the sponsors and the youth involved. “Special thanks, last but not least, to all of the youth who contributed their thoughts, designs and talent in the making of this mural.” she said. “This visual piece really is about what our youth have to say to the community.”
Saturday, June 20th 10AM – 1PM Stellar Place #21-2210 Columbia Avenue
THE SUPER 8 IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR POOL RENOVATIONS ARE COMPLETE! Come check out the newly revamped Indoor pool and whirlpool and 124 ft. waterslide! The pool is available to the public for birthday party rentals and celebrations. Contact the front desk for bookings, information, and rates.
651 18th Street Castlegar BC 250-365-2700 • Call us today! Derek Sherbinin Bryan Wilson Rand Wayling Kirby Wayling
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1695 Columbia Ave Castlegar
TICK TOCK... TICK TOCK... Kelsey Ozeroff Dan Rywaczuk Shirley Kosiancic
Anji Jones
250-365-2111 |
Greg Gritchin
Cathy Burke
250.365.6397 A15
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
Unity Music Festival 2015 announces line-up
Unity Music Festival is bringing music from around the world to Slocan City beach on July 25 and 26. The line-up includes OKA (New Zealand), Delhi 2 Dublin, Pigeon Hole, House of David Gang, Adham Shaikh, Moontricks, Cam Penner, Intersect and Dazza, Rosie Brown Band, J. Greg Walter Trio, Rhoneil, Good Old Goats, Sheree Plett, Father Paul
and the Fireside Prophets, The Circus Insomniacs and more. This is the fifth year for the family festival which will have two stages, a kids zone, live art and the beautiful swimming beach of Slocan City along with the breathtaking vista of Valhalla Park. For the full line-up and more info go to Tickets are $75 in
advance and $80 at the gate. Kids 12 and under are free. The festival is run by the Slocan Valley Cultural Alliance, a non-profit society dedicated to promoting music, art, dance and culture in the Slocan Valley. For more information contact Felicity Gerwing or Danielle Bedard at
Peony pride Adriana Work of Beasley’s Dutch Girl Peonies recently attended the Ottawa peony show, winning three first place ribbons, one second place ribbon, and two third place ribbons. She’s seen here with her winning entries. Holly Pender Love also won third place for one of her entries. “There were over 800 blooms at the show so we feel very happy with our success,” Work said. “Our peony fields are currently at their maximum stage of bloom.” Castlegar hosts the BC/ Yukon 2015 peony show on June 27 and 28.
Photo by Darlene Kalawsky
Start Your Summer Adventure with BC Transit! Buy your Monthly Pass and see the sights Monthly passes available at: Nelson
City Hall
City Hall
Fruitvale Municipal Hall
Wait’s News
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Rossland Municipal Hall
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Trail City Hall
Mountain Valley Gas Station
Shoppers Drug Mart Selkirk College - Trail Campus
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Regional District of Central Kootenay City of Nelson
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Over 500 specials for Father's Day.
Mountain Sky massage bars & body butter mens’ board shorts tanks and t-shirts sunscreen
See in store for details. 2000 Columbia Ave, Castlegar (250) 365-7737
Father’s Day Experts!
Tanning | Accessories 2-1502 Columbia Ave|Esthetics | Castlegar
Authentic Chinese & Japanese Cuisine Father’s Day Special Buffet June 21th - $21.95 +tax Phone ahead to book 1 of 3 RESERVATION times 4:30 - 6:00, 6:00 - 7:30, 7:30 - 9:00 Limited Seats Available • Featuring New Dishes
RESERVATION REQUIRED. Call Now! Chopsticks Restaurant 789 Columbia Ave. Castlegar 365-5330
250.365.5006 |
1721 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.7771 A17
Castlegar News Thursday, June 11, 2015
July 25, 2015
10:30 am - 7:00 pm
recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artist
Millenium Park – Downtown Castlegar 100 5th St Think Green – take the free MTI Shuttle FREE admission – donations gratefully accepted
Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership by:
recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.
Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership by:
recognition of community recognition diversity of through community recognition entertainment, diversityofthrough community cuisine, entertainment, education diversity through and cuisine, artistic entertainment, education expression and of cuisine, artistic all cultures. education expressionand of all artistic cultu
Recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.
recognition of community diversity through entertainmen
Kootenay Festival -Kootenay Let's Celebrate! Festival -Kootenay Celebrate! Festival - Let's Celebrate! Kootenay Festival -Let's Let’s Celebrate! Fes is presented in partnership is presented by: in partnership is presented by: in partnership by: Kootenay is presente
is presented in partnership by:
recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures. recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures.
Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate! is presented in partnership by: is presented in partnership by:
Contact Audrey at 250 365 3386 ext 4105 For more information, to sign up as a vendor or to volunteer at the event
T hank you to all those who helped to make Sunfest 2015 a huge success!
On the ball
The Castlegar Cubs are the 2015 West Kootenay Little League Major Baseball champions after going undefeated through the playoffs last weekend. They beat Okanagan Falls in the semi-final 15-13 before defeating the Nelson Giants 5-4 in a hard-fought final at McInnes Park in Fruitvale. Jim Bailey/Trail Times photos
Boardwalk Woodworking HIGH EFFICIENCY WOOD WINDOWS - locally owned - skilled local craftspeople - custom cabinets - sourcing local lumber & materials Proud to supply windows and cabinets for discerning homeowners and builders in the Kootenays
PH: 250.399.0030 • FAX: 250.399.0014 EMAIL:
Selkirk Challengers Gymnastics Club
AGM Date: June 24th Time: 7:00 Place: Gymnastics Club 1250 26th St Castlegar BC
• Zellstoff Celgar • Fortis BC • Kootenay Market • Element Bar & Grill • Sandman • Castlegar Recreation Department • Castlegar News • Ootischenia Fire Department • Castlegar Chamber of Commerce • Selkirk College • Trowelex Rental & Sales • Heritage Credit Union • Tim Horton’s • Columbia Basin Trust • RDCK Area I &J • EZ ROCK
• The Goat • City of Castlegar • Columbia Power • Teck Metals • Kootenay Savings • Mike’s RV • United Rentals • Waste Management • Enormous Productions, staff and crew • Tanya and Martin Whitehead, for the use of their RV • AM Ford • City works crews • Mountain Transport Institute (MTI) • Positive Computers
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Flourish Exposing the Placebo Effect of Acupuncture
By Chris Mansbridge Registered Acupuncturist, Registered Herbalist, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Independent Dental Hygiene Clinic 2709A Columbia Ave. Castlegar • 250-365-8024
Dr. Diana Draper Naturopathic Physician Services Offered Include:
Acupuncture, IV Therapy, B12 Shots, Lifestyle Counseling, Nutritional Counseling Common Conditions Treated Include: • Depression and Anxiety • Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns Disease • Osteoarthritis • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Digestive Complaints • Insomnia • Addiction • Pain
Now accepting new patients! Operating 5 days a week at Back in Balance
Naturopathic Medicine is covered under most extended health 2325 6th Ave. Castlegar, BC benefits. 250.304.4401
Over the past decade, acupuncture has gained increased recognition for its safe and effective methods to decrease pain, improve digestion, moderate emotions, and treat dozens of other problems. Today it’s being used in some larger hospitals and is covered by most health care plans. But there are still non-believers that think the results are due to the placebo effect. I’m here to tell those people that they’re actually right. Not completely right, but they’re onto something. The placebo effect is anything involved in a treatment that contains no active substance to affect health. The word makes me think of decades ago when doctors were allowed to prescribe “fake” medicine to people who had an illness that had no “real” symptoms. The confidence of the doctors along with their good reputations made
their patients feel better even though there were just sugar pills in their prescription. It was a successful and safe treatment, but what exactly made them feel better? What helped those people was the feeling that they were being cared for. The feeling that a professional gave them the best possible medicine. Their body now knew healing was possible. These days the placebo effect is one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to testing new pharmaceuticals. Patients get almost as great of results from the fake pills as they do with the real ones. We associate medicine, whether it’s in pill form or any other, as something that heals us. But in these scientific studies, the fake pills are nearly as strong as the pharmaceuticals that have been in development for years, even though there’s no “medicine” in them. This is a major problem for researchers. I think the biggest problem with placebo is that it’s thought of as a problem. Placebo makes you feel better without having to take
any meds. That sounds like a good thing to me. In fact a term with a deeper meaning emerged out of China a few thousand years ago. The word Shen means mind, or more accurately how the interaction with your environment affects your mind. In acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine practices, the Shen is treated together with the illness. A healthy Shen will help someone heal much faster. This would help explain how we get sick when we’re unhappy or stressed, or how when we feel great, it’s as if nothing can stop us. So how do we treat it? Treating the Shen has been used for thousands of years in acupuncture and can be used in all medicine, if the practitioner knows what to do. It’s all about creating an interaction that feels safe, comfortable, instills confidence in the patient and inspires their own ability to heal. The best pharmacy in the world lies inside your brain. There are more active chemicals there to create change in your body than there are in any drug store. As medical practitioners, our job is to ensure our actions allow you to release the ones that will make you heal best. When you get an acupuncture treatment, the practitioner probably gets you comfortable
on a massage table and keeps you warm with a heat lamp or blanket. They address your main complaints or problems, but also add acupoints that can calm your mind. They’ll leave you to relax to some music with the lights dimmed, giving you what feels more like a spa treatment than something you would get from a medical clinic. When you’re at peace, the ability for medicine to have the desired effect on you is much greater. The Shen is addressed – the mind is calm. You feel more relaxed, and the ability for the treatment to help with your main complaints is greater. I’m not saying acupuncture is just placebo. Without the placebo effect or Shen, acupuncture still works. They’ve proven this by giving dogs acupuncture treatments or using fake needles that don’t penetrate the skin on people. The dogs that probably don’t know what’s happening to them get better and the fake needles don’t get the results that actual needles do. These studies conclude great benefits. But when you have a practitioner who knows what they’re doing, they’re also almost sure to address the Shen and mind as they treat your problems, turning a great treatment into an unbeatable one.
Unsurpassed Ser vice, Lifelong Suppor t
• Sleep Apnea Screening • CPAP Therapy • Home Oxygen Therapy
Do You Snore? Are You Tired?
We can help! 1.877.965.6204 Office Locations Throughout the West Kootenay/Boundary area
Acupuncture - Massage Therapy - Laser Therapy - Orthotics
Dr. David Bzdel DC
Chris Mansbridge, Reg. Acupuncturist
Anna McCullagh, Reg. Massage Therapist
1020 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.3365 | A19
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
Notary Public Notary Public Inc. Inc.
“A Name CanYou Trust” “A You Name Can Trust”
• Purchases RealEstate EstateContracts Contracts • Purchases Real & Sales& Sale • • Mortgages • Family Transfers Mortgages Family Transfers Wills • Wills • Estate • Subdivisions PowerofofAttorney Attorney • Estate Planning • Subdivis Power Planning
2009 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC Tel. 250-365-2289 2009 Ave, Castlegar, BC Tel. 250-365FaxColumbia 250-365-2275 Fax 250-365-2275
Castlegar students visit Doukhobor heritage sites
Peter Evdokimoff’s Grade 4/5 class from Twin Rivers Elementary School in Castlegar travelled to Grand Forks recently to visit the Doukhobor Flour Mill and Boundary Museum at Fructova Heritage Site recently as part of their lesson on Doukhobor immigration. Left photo: (Bill the Baker) Bill the baker talks to the students about how the Doukhobors used to bake fresh bread outside using the wood stove. Right photo: (School) Breeanne Klassen of the museum talks to the students about what an early classroom was like. Photos by Craig Lindsay
Seniors take mini-bus ride tour BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
Twenty three seniors took part in a mini-bus tour Saturday sponsored by the Castlegar branch of the Senior Citizens’ Association of BC to familiarize them with the procedures, routes
and schedules of the lo- nior’s centre. cal transit system. “It was a success,” Castlegar city coun- said branch director cillor Bruno Tassone Bev Kennedy. “ Most and BC Transit super- are looking forward to visor Sharman Thom- their next bus advenas accompanied the ture.” group. The tour folThe free event was lowed both the North sponsored by the City Castlegar and South- of Castlegar, Regional ridge loops and ended District of Central with a lunch at the seand BC Tran2.833 xKootenay 5”
It’s time to place your ad!
sit and is just one of the many seniors activities put on by the Senior Citizens’ Association, Branch No. 46. For more informa-
tion about their activities or issues relevant to seniors check out their website at
March 30th- June 26th Yoga for MS
Monday and Friday 1:30 - 3:00
Stay Strong Yoga for Older Adults Tuesday and Thursday 8:45 - 10:15
Yoga All Levels
Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 - 12:00
Start your career as an early childcare assistant STUDY ECCE 193 – CHILD CENTRED PARTNERSHIPS
Explore values, beliefs and attitudes toward building warm relationships with children. Learn the skills of guiding and caring for children while creating emotionally safe, respectful and empowering environments Selkirk College is offering this course completely online from June 15 – July 24, 2015. Hurry! Registration closes June 5. Visit our website for information or phone 250-365-1233 to register.
Tuesday 6:00-7:30, Thursday 4:30-6:30,
Christine is selling this advertising spot Advertise your business to thousands with the Castlegar News. With a paper circulation of 6,731 you’ll get noticed. Contact Christine at 250-365-6397 or
ARE MENTAL HEALTH OR sUBsTANCE UsE IssUEs A CONCERN FOR YOU OR YOUR FAMILY? The Mental Health & Substance Use Consumer, Family and Peer Support Program, on behalf of Interior Health Authority, is looking for citizens to participate in local Mental Health and Substance Use Advisory Councils. The Councils represent the interests of mental health and substance use service consumers and their families. Working in collaboration with the health system, Council members promote an equitable, accountable, effective and efficient system of mental health and substance use care and mental health wellness. Interested applicants can contact the Consumer, Family and Peer Support Program Coordinator at 1-877-364-2326 ext 231. OR Contact local Mental Health and Substance Use office directly: Arrow & Slocan Lakes: (250) 265-5253 Boundary: (250) 442-0330 Castlegar: (250) 304-1846 Nelson: (250) 505-7248 Trail: (250) 364-6262 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2015
Children’s Yoga age 6 -16
The Mental Health & Substance Use Consumer, Family and Peer Support Program Funded by Interior Health Authority Kootenay Boundary Health Service Area Mental Health and Substance Use Services
Private class 1Hour session
Intermediate and Advanced
Tuesday 7:30-9:00, Thursday 6:00-7:30 Wednesday 3:15-4:30
Monday am, Wednesday 8:00-5:00
Janice Ferraro. 250 365-5428
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
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Our job is to help you find one.
Kootenay Career Development Society Nelson | Castlegar
Drop in or call us today! KCDs WorkBC Castlegar B-1020 Columbia Ave. phone: 250-365-6515
Fiddle workshop coming to Selkirk Submitted to the Castlegar News The BC Old Time Fiddlers, Kootenay Branch No. 9, are busy planning the 14th annual fiddle, guitar and piano workshop. This week-long summer camp will take place from July 13 to 17 at the Selkirk College Castlegar campus. This very popular camp continues to provide some of Canada’s very best champion fiddlers as instructors, headed by master fiddler Gordon Stobbe from Nova Scotia. During the workshop, renowned guitar and piano teachers share their expertise balanced by down-to-earth teaching styles, effortless patience and easy going sense of humours. “This five-day camp promises to be another year of offerings that will meet a wide range of interest and skill levels,” says Gary Shannon, president of the local Old Time Fiddlers. “There will be a little something for everyone and a whole lot of fun and great memories. Whether you are at an absolute beginner or advanced level, everyone is welcome.” The workshop is an immersion in fiddle music to learn and improve techniques, styles and expand your repertoire in a small camp environment. By learning to memorize tunes on-the-fly without music notation, students learn the traditional aural style of sharing and learning fiddle tunes. The piano and guitar workshops focus on playing backup to the fiddles and help participants become a more polished and confident musician. In addition to instrument classes, the camp offers mini-workshops including step dancing, orchestra, and harmony. This year
Juans Flooring Hardwood Floors Wholesale 100% Canadian - Maple & R Oak 2 1/4 x 3/4 pref Bistro $4.39/SF North Plank 3 1/4 x 3/4 $5.39/SF Import Eng H/S (Smooth) from $3.99/SF Cork click or glue down from $2.49/SF Bamboo - Slate
At Juan’s, 1503 Hwy 3A Thrums (Castlegar) B.C. Mon to Sat 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (250)399-6377
The week-long fiddle, guitar and piano workshop will take place at the Selkirk College Castlegar campus from July 13 to 17. The workshop is suitable for all levels of skill and promises to be a memorable week. Photo submitted there will be an offering of a mandolin mini workshop. The evenings are fun filled with a talent show, outdoor jamming, and an outdoor instructor’s concert held at Gyro Park in Trail. The public is invited to take in a very entertaining and upbeat evening camp recital and community dance to be held at the Castlegar
Get those those dirty Get dirty carpetWider s Worldview carpets cleaned today! of your Garden cleaned today! Encouraging a
Thursday - Sunday
Proudly serving the South and Central Kootenays since 1987
Recreation Complex on Thursday, July 16. “This is a rare opportunity to hear some of the best fiddling and enjoy a fun old fashioned evening with the whole family,” says Shannon. For registration information and on-campus residence housing information, please visit or contact Selkirk College at 250-365-1208.
rd Free scotchga9am to 5pm rch! a M 250.399.4439 for month of Perennials, veggie starts, 1.800.747.825grasses, 3 concrete garden art in sunny Glade!
Precision Tree care LTd. Full tree services, professional workers, fully insured, endless references. Call or Text 250 687 0734
Proudly serving the South and Central Kootenays since 1987
Kelly Legere, lpn Foot Care Nurse
kootenay foot care
3Z STUMP GRINDING Robin Zurwick and Sons 250-304-5763
Nursing Foot Care Services
Dr. Brandy Grantham & Associates Phone: 250-304-4401
250.608.0998 Serving Castlegar and surrounding area A21
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
6th Ave
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Castlegar Golf Club
• Interior, Exterior, Commercial, Residential • Texturing, Patch in Texture • Re-paint stippled ceilings • Complete wood finishing and refinishing • Airless Spraying • Free Reasonable Estimates We Appreciate Our Customers.
SALES • RENTALS • DELIVERY 10’ 20’ 40’ 48’ Units Available 1875 Robson Access Rd. (Brilliant) Castlegar, BC
Ph: 250.365.3014
HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! Enter to win our Spring Into Summer Basket - draw date July 2nd.
Book an appointment with Lanette, Colleen, Christine, or Cara
Evenings by appointment.
Walk-Ins Monday 9:30am - 2pm | Tues - Fri 9:30am - 5pm Welcome! 2327 6th Ave. | 250-304-6933
HANSON DECKING HANSON DECKING HANSON DECKING West Kootenay Kootenay Dealer West Dealerforfor
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North America’s premier vinyl decking system
North America’s premier vinyl decking system North America’s premier vinyl decking system Honest appraisals • Meticulous workmanship Honest appraisals • Meticulous workmanship Garth 1655 Granite Rd.Nelson Nelson GarthHanson Hanson250.352.1814 250-352-1814 Garth Hanson 250-352-1814
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for sale: June 19th 8 - 3pm Items Large multi family June 20th 8 - 3pm garage sale.
Multi Fam. sale:
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Multi family, lots of 14th Ave good things! enor Pl Grosv
2210 Columbia
June 20th 9 - 4pm
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Fri - Sat
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R A G E L T S Saturday
Toby’s Doggy Do
Professionally Trained & Certified Groomer Specializing in Dogs only (Sorry Pussy Cats)
For your Appointment or Free Consultation call today
1694 Ridgewood Drive Castlegar, BC
for newbies and beginners (7-14yrs) at Supercat Studios, Castlegar. July and August sessions. 250.365.1671 Visit Book today! Sessions are filling up fast!
Information CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Business Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Professional/ Management
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
GET FREE vending machines can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website:
LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Ltd., Golden, BC. Operations Planner JOB PURPOSE: To work with LP’s Forest Resources Division team to annually plan and develop 265,000 m3 of timber. To prescribe and use forestry practices that meets legislated and LP Corporate requirements. Refer to for further details. If you have questions please call Mr. Tim Arnett at 250-344-8856
WE are seeking qualified Management Couple for mobile home community in beautiful Cultus Lake, BC! On-site opportunity with housing provided. One team member will perform office duties, the other maintenance and upkeep. E-mail resume and/or cover letter to: or fax to 1.604.858.5939.
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Give life .... register to be an organ donor today!
Lost & Found
MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with Canada’s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535, or
Help Wanted
FOUND Sunday June7th at 10th Ave, Apple IPad. Must know password to claim. Call 250.365.5959
for more information 1-800-663-6189
Help Wanted
Help Wanted School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
Invites applications for the position of
INFORMATION SYSTEMS – HELPDESK TECHNICIAN School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia) is a looking for an energetic Information Systems - Helpdesk Technician to join our team. This challenging district position will provide support for district information systems. School District #20 is a compact district nestled in interior BC. We enjoy a strong commitment to technology throughout our district. Our technical environment includes: over 1000 computers (both Windows and Macintosh); a fibre based wide area network connecting all our sites; and diverse software set. Enjoy a very supportive environment, great quality of life and reasonable cost of living in the West Kootenays. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Supports district and school-based staff with technology issues and concerns 2. Logs and tracks issues; routes issues to appropriate team member 3. Performs inventory on a variety of systems 4. Creates and manages accounts in a variety of systems 5. Installs, configures and troubleshoots current business and education software 6. Performs other related duties. Deadline for applying is Monday, June 29, 2015 at 12:00 pm (Noon). For full details including qualifications please refer to the Careers section of our website at
co-op opportunity
Co-op Opportunity, Engineering/ Operations Reference Number 1507 We currently have a four month co-op opportunity for an Engineering Student in our Project Development group from September 8, 2015 – December 23, 2015. This position is open to a Mechanical, Civil, Electrical or Geotechnical Engineering student preferably in their third or fourth year. The successful candidate will provide support to the Project Development team and will gain exposure to and experience in a variety of areas including project management, various engineering disciplines, construction, and documentation, contract administration, and research. You will be a self-starter, able to work independently or in a team environment, and have experience using Microsoft Office Suite, working with different stakeholders and have a valid driver’s license. Qualified applicants are encouraged to visit the Careers section of for the detailed job descriptions. Closing date for this position is June 19, 2015. Please be sure to reference the job number you are applying for when submitting your application.
Help Wanted
Full-time Reporter T Castlegar News and Rossland News have an The immediate opening for a full-time multimedia journalist/reporter. Candidates will have outstanding, diverse writing abilities, and can generate and write compelling stories for use in print and online. Photography prowess, social media best practices and creative layout skills are an asset. Candidates must be willing to work various shifts, including evenings and weekends.
QUALIFICATIONS: The successful applicant for this position will be a key contributor to the print and online product. It would be an advantage to have a diploma/degree in journalism, and/or related experience, however, experience is not as important as hiring the right person for the job. If you have a passion for community and a great attitude along with great writing skills we would be willing to train. Knowledge of basic Photoshop and InDesign are also recommended. A valid driver’s licence and reliable car are required.
ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9X1
KB Division of Family Practice seeks a ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT For details visit: divisioncareers
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Reporter, Full Time The Free Press, Fernie, BC
The Free Press, a Black Press weekly publication in beautiful Fernie, B.C. is seeking an exceptional, full-time journalist/photographer to join our editorial team. We are seeking a candidate who will find and capture compelling stories and features and who will thrive in a deadline-driven environment to produce stories for our newspaper and online products. The successful candidate will be able to write stories, take photos and assist with online and social media responsibilities. Qualifications • • • • • •
Experience with InDesign an asset; Superior writing skills; Ability to write on a variety of topics, including local government, arts and sports; Proficiency in photography; Experience in posting content to the Internet; Ability to adapt to emerging trends in multimedia reporting, including social networking.
Applicants must own a reliable vehicle. This position will require the applicant to work evenings and weekends. All applicants please send resume and cover letter to: Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Email:
The Castlegar News and Rossland News are part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent nnewspaper company, with more than 1,500 comm munity, daily and urban newspapers in B.C., Alberta, Wa Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Those interested sho should submit a resume, writing and photography sam samples, references along with a cover letter to: Chuc Chuck Bennett at
Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 Only those selected for interview will receive a response.
We’re on the net at JOB DESCRIPTION
Executive Director
Trail & District Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Reporting to the board of directors, the Executive Director provides leadership and direction to the achievement of the Trail & District Chamber of Commerce’s mission and objectives. Acting as a liaison among members, the board of directors, staff, volunteers, government and partners, the Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the delivery of all programs and services, membership growth, membership retention, including budgets, daily operations, community and public relations. Qualifications: • University degree in business administration, communications, marketing, economic development or related field • Minimum 5 years management experience in a related field • Strong leadership skills and excellent written and verbal communication skills • Must be a highly motivated self-starter who works well under limited supervision • Organized, efficient, resourceful and dependable • Ability to manage a variety of projects simultaneously and to meet deadlines • Strong public speaking, interpersonal and negotiation skills • Proficiency in major office computer applications • Knowledge of the West Kootenay business area preferred • Experience with other business associations, economic development offices or non-profit associations is an asset More information at Qualified applicants should email resume and cover letter to c/o HR Committee, or mail/drop off in sealed envelope to Suite 200 – 1199 Bay Ave. Trail, BC V1R 4A4 Closing Date: June 29th, 2015. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press has an immediate opening for an Editor for its weekly community newspaper. You will work closely with the publisher to help set the editorial vision for this newspaper and as Editor, you will take a lead role in community engagement, which means getting involved in different organizations to promote the newspaper’s role and brand in the community. Must have experience with InDesign. You will have experience in website content management, with the aim to grow online readership, while still preserving print readership. You will have a thorough understanding of how to use social media to enhance our print and online editions as well as expand our brand. This job requires a tremendous amount of effort and time in order to be successful and we are looking for a dynamic individual to join our team. Compensation for this position will be based on experience and qualifications. There is an excellent benefits package as well as a car allowance and other related benefits. A reliable vehicle is required. Fernie is considered by many one of the most desirable places in the province, if not the country, to live. People come for the skiing and stay for the lifestyle. Fernie offers a myriad of opportunities to the outdoor enthusiast, including skiing, mountain biking and fishing to name just a few. It is also a wonderful community to raise a family. Black Press Community News Media is an internationally recognized newspaper publishing group with more than 190 community, daily and urban publications in BC, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio published at 14 regional printing centers. Black Press employs 3,300 people across North America. Please send resume, with cover letter, to Andrea Horton. We thank all of those who apply, however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 2nd Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Email: Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 No phone calls please.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015 A23
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Home Improvements
Misc. for Sale
Homes for Rent
FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online at
• Dairy Coordinator • Grocery Coordinator Evergreen Natural Foods In Crescent Valley has Full-Time Opportunities. Dairy Coordinator: • Placing orders • Stocking & inventory • Setting up promotions • Previous experience req. Grocery Coordinator: • Placing orders • Stocking & Inventory • Previous exp. an asset
Competitive wage based on experience. Apply in person with resume to Mat 1290 Hwy. 6 Crescent Valley or email: evergreen1290
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1-855-7683362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
(Registered Nurses) Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses for daytime shifts, 30 hours week, 0800-1400 for youth to attend full time school in the Castlegar / Nelson area. Pediatric exp. preferred; some lifting & transferring required. Client specific training will be offered. Please send your resume & cover letter to: Pedsvancouver@ or Fax: 1-866-686-7435
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions AERO AUCTIONS 1 Day Industrial Auction. Tuesday, June 23. 9 a.m. Hwy 16 & Hwy 60 Edmonton. Live & On-Line Bidding. Timed Auction. Mobile offices, excavators, dozers, graders, truck tractors, trailers, pickup trucks misc attachments & much more! Consignments welcome! Visit: or call 1-888600-9005.
Estate Sales Estate Sale: All household items, furniture / kitchen / bedroom suites, new condition. 5 days: June 18th 22nd. Viewing 9am - 7pm Phone for appointment Castlegar 250.365.6540
Fruit & Vegetables !!! Certified organic blueberries!!! $3/ lb or $2.75 if over 100lbs. 36765 Nelles Rd Abbotsford. Call 604755-3045 for large orders
Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB Wanted:Will pay cash for construction equipment, backhoes, excavators, dozers, farm tractors w/loaders, skid steers, wheel loaders, screeners, low beds, any condition running or not. 250-260-0217.
Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014
Trades, Technical EXPERIENCES Powersport Mechanic required in Whitehorse, Yukon for ATV, snowmobiles, marine, etc. Let’s Talk! $25.00 + per hour DOE. Contact Chris, 867-633-2627,
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
STEEL BUILDINGS. “Our big 35th anniversary sale” 20x20 $4500. 25x24 $5198. 30x30 $7449. 32x36 $8427. 40x46 $12140. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422
Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Coins, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Chad: 250-499-0251 in town.
CASTLEGAR 3 Bdrm House 550 - 9th Ave, $1,200/mth + utilities, Ph 250-365-7867
Rota Villa now accepting applications for studio suites. Age 60 & over. Call 250.365.7010 for information
Suites, Lower CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 Bdrm Basement suite in quiet 4-plex Clean, spacious & bright Laundry available, N/S, N/P $650/mth incl utilities 250-352-5659
Cars - Domestic 2007 Chevy Optra LT 4dr hatch back, 4 cylinder automatic, sun roof 52,500 kms, $7000 OBO call 250.365.1146
Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.
Mobile Homes & Pads
AUTOMOTIVE STARTERS/ ALTERNATORS. Repairs. Full Warranty. Half price on exchanges Call 250.365.3313
ROBSON 3 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent $700/mth + Utilities, Written references required Call 250-304-4862
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.
Blueberry Creek: 2 bdrm single wide trailer, newly renovated N/S, N/P, long term tenant preferred, $700/mth + utilities, Avail July 1st Call John 250-417-3971
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Homes for Rent
Help Wanted
Career opportunities MANAGER, INVESTMENTS Based in any of our four offices, this position builds and maintains financial relationships and manages and develops the Trust’s regional investment portfolio.
ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN Based in our Castlegar office, this position processes accounts payables and provides general financial and accounting support to the departments.
Apply by June 26, 2015. View complete job descriptions at
Hauling & Salvage -GARBAGE Can Dan HaulingQuick Junk Removal Service. 250-226-PLOW (7569)
30 Days Online Exposure. Just one of the reasons to call for all your job recruitment needs.
For Rent 3 bedroom house centrally located - Castlegar Avail July 1st 250.365.4857
Apt/Condo for Rent
Castlegar, Large 2 Bdrm Apt in quiet Bldg close to Kootenay Market. Main floor, nice view, deck. Recently renovated with laminate floors, newer appliances. Laundry on site, N/S, N/P $775 + utilities, 250-505-3609
CHRISTINA LAKE HOUSE for rent June 11-30, July 1-10 and Aug 18-31. Seven night min. Contact Lisa 604-787-8523
CASTLEGAR Downtown 3 Bdrm Apartment $975/mth, F/S, W/D, Heat included N/S, N/P Handicap acces. Phone (250)365-2290 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
CLUES DOWN 1. Something comparable 2. Rural delivery 3. “Laugh-In” co-host Dan 4. Sheep genus 5. Affirmative 6. Vanilla’s flower family 7. In a way, made smoother 8. Belong to he 9. Greek rainbow goddess 10. S.F. football team player 11. Atomic #52 12. Kiss 13. Proverb 15. Lattice support 18. Cereal grass 21. Rome, GA river 24. Disease of cattle 26. Seated 27. A baglike structure in a plant or animal 30. Blatted 32. Murdered in his bathtub 35. Finish 37. Sheep sound 39. Scarlett songbird 40. Kills oneself 42. Broad, flat pieces of stone 45. Auto fuel 46. Derek __, X Harvard Pres. 48. Woman’s undergarment 50. Topics of discourse 51. Belonging to the peerage 53. Most recent 54. Point of debate 56. Ostend artist James Sydney 58. Phonograph inventor’s initials 59. Eagle’s nest 61. Ripped a fabric 63. Lucre 66. Manuscripts (abbr.) 67. Frozen water 70. 41st state 72. Keystone state
CLUES ACROSS 1. S.W. gully 7. Japanese polytheism 13. N.H. Academy and town 14. Most aired 16. Prosecuting officer 17. Badger State 19. Atomic #24 20. Moose genus 22. Possessed 23. Make a smooth transition 25. Thug (slang) 26. Locations or places 28. Rivulet 29. The self 30. Not good 31. Obstruct 33. Decalitre 34. Space for sitting 36. Taxi 38. 7th tone 39. Ethiopian lake 41. Tears down 43. Gold 44. Angle (abbr.) 46. Semitic fertility god 47. Beak 49. Digital audiotape 51. Small child 52. 4th caliph of Islam 55. 4840 square yards 57. Devious trick (Yiddish) 59. Overgarments 60. Large creature 62. Ingest 63. Nuisances 64. -__, denotes past 65. Wine waiter 68. I, Portuguese 69. Compunction 71. Overshadow 73. Emphasize 74. An unsuccessful ending
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Obituaries and Memorials Nick Wasyl Osachoff Sadly the family of Nick Wasyl Osachoff, of Castlegar (formerly of Vallican), wishes to announce his passing, with his loved ones by his side, at Talarico Place Care Centre, on Thursday, May 27, 2015 blessed with 88 years of life. Nick was born in Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan on June 18, 1926 to parents Polly and Wasyl Osachoff. He grew up on the farm, along with two brothers, and attended school up to grade 8 in Riverhill, Saskatchewan. In 1943, at 17 years of age, Nick got his driver’s license, bought a car, and drove, with his dad, to BC and settled on a farm that his dad bought. He ended up living in Vallican for 64 years. On December 19, 1948, he married the love of his life for 52 years, Nellie Swetlishoff. They lived in an old shack until Nick built their home in 1954. The young couple adopted their son Walter in 1958 and daughter Theresa in 1961. Nick worked for Burns Lumber and the Vallican Pole Yard. In 1956, he was instrumental in starting the valley’s credit union, which he ran out of his home and was also involved in starting up the Slocan Valley Co-op. In 1961, he was asked to manage the co-op for 3 weeks, he did not leave until he retired in 1991 and even went back for a year and a half in 1995. Nick was a well liked and respected active member of the community. He spent many years as president of the Passmore Senior Citizen’s Association. In 2007, Nick moved to Castlegar, where he spent the remainder of his years. Nick loved animals and had many pets over the years. He loved music and enjoyed playing his sax and violin. Nick enjoyed pitching horseshoes, and won trophies in the BC Senior Games, gardening, golf and woodworking. Nick now joins his parents, his wife Nellie, his son Walter, his daughter Teresa Kanigan and his brother John. Nick will be remembered by his four grandchildren Jodi (Keelan) Lightfoot, Scott Osachoff (Amanda Rivet), Jaime (Sean) Massey and Kelly Kanigan (Mike Van Ryn); 7 great-grandchildren Braden, Jordan, Lexi, Morgan, Keegan, Zoey and Melody; brother Fred (Mabel) Osachoff; sister-in-law Fanny Osachoff and an huge circle of extended family and friends. Funeral Services were officiated by Sid Malakoff at Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 followed by interment in the Slocan Park Cemetery. The family would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Castlegar Funeral Chapel, officiant Sid Malakoff, the Slocan Park Ladies Cooking Group and the Men’s Digging Group, as well as for the many kind words of sympathy, cards, flowers and donations that were given. The family would also like to thank the staff at Talarico Place and the staff at Castlewood for their care and kindness.
A PLACE TO REMEMBER LOVED ONES William (Bill) Sapriken Bill was born in Glade, BC, on May 05, 1938 to Dora and Alex Sapriken. After a short battle against cancer, he passed away peacefully on June 05, 2015, with family by his side. He was predeceased by his mother Dora, father Alex and two brothers Norman and George. Left to mourn Bill’s loss is his daughter Lube Sapriken, son Russell Sapriken and many nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. Bill worked for the CPR and retired at an early enough age to enjoy life. He was known for his many day trips to the Okanagan and his daily, multiple trips to Tim Hortons where he would relax in his lawn chair and people watch. His favourite past time though was fishing. Bill was a kind man, and a man of few words, but he got along with and was liked by many. He will be greatly missed. A big thank you to Dr. Kyle Merritt for his kind care, to Rhianna and Jackie from Home Care, and to Bill from the Castlegar Funeral Chapel, as well to all those who have shared their kind words and prayers. Cremation has taken place and a memorial will take place at a later date.
Nick Barisenkoff
Helen Kositsin Sadly the family of Helen Kositsin of Castlegar wishes to announce her passing at Talarico Place Care Centre on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 blessed with 99 years of life. Helen was born in Kharkov, Russia on August 9, 1915 to parents Antonia and Michael Kalabugin. She was an enthusiastic gardener, an avid reader, a fantastic cook and famous for her hospitality. In her full life, she was a teacher at a mission school in China, a nurse in New Westminster, a piano teacher in Salmo and Nelson and a World Book Encylopaedia salesperson. Helen’s greatest talent was her unparalled singing voice, which she used on the international radio broadcast “Blagaya Vestj” (Blessed Hope) for over 30 years. Helen was predeceased by her loving husband of 62 years Boris, her sister Natalia Dombsky of Coquitlam, BC and son Alexander of Castlegar. Left to mourn her loss is her son Larry of Dayton, Ohio; her daughter Galina Maerzke of Castlegar; her sister Tatiana Sity of Brazil; 7 grandchildren; 20 greatgrandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. A Memorial Service will be held in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Trail on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at 3:00 PM. Interment has taken place in Park Memorial Cemetery, under the direction of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. The family would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Merritt and the amazing staff at Talarico Place Care Centre for the love, care and attention given to Helen over the past 10 years.
June 23, 2014
You are just away To dear husband and father I can not say and will not say That you are gone, You are just away With a cheery smile, and a wave of your hand you wander in to an unknown land And left us dreaming of very fair It needs must be since you lingered there Think of your faring on as dear In the love of there, and the love of here Thinking of you still as the same I say you are not gone, you are just away. We love you, and miss you dearly Love Kathleen and family.
To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email: A25
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
Sculpture Talk
Welcome to our regular feature introducing the artists behind the sculptures in this year’s Castlegar SculptureWalk.
Spring Shine & Christopher Petersen Argenta, BC Regeneration (steel cable, brass and cedar) Argenta may be a small community but it boasts two very talented sculptors who happen to be close friends too. Last year, they entered separate pieces – Christopher Petersen’s Möbius, a bright blue steel realization of the famous strip and Spring Shine’s Petrified, three lovely soapstone eggs in a nest, – but have decided to combine their collective talent and inventiveness for this year’s installation. The towering result is Regeneration. Both sculptors tend to bounce their ideas off of each other, sharing materials, expertise and labour when needed. The genesis of Regeneration is one of nature, new growth rising from century old stumps of felled trees. It is a powerful, beautifully realized work. Using burnished steel cable that mimics the bark , they have created a fabulous old-growth stump mounted on a bed of cedar chips. The stunning cedar interior shimmers in strips of copper hues, a lovely bench provides contrast. From the old comes new – a small nurse tree, metal branches and delicate leaves finely crafted, is climbing from the top outer edge of its host while whispery roots cling to the back. Honoring the founding basis of most Kootenay communities and expressing continuity, Regeneration is moving and monumental. “It is a celebration of life, and a strong statement about the beauty of working together,” say its creators. That it certainly is. Regeneration is exquisitely realized, magnificently crafted. Where do you draw the in-
spiration for your sculptures, specifically this year’s entry? Spring: I am inspired by nature. I love to celebrate the natural beauty that surrounds me. This year’s sculpture ‘Regeneration’ is a celebration of the trees that have brought life to our communities. I am always amazed when I come across a giant old stump and touched deeply to see new life emerging from it. Christopher: Instinctively, I draw my inspiration from nature. These forms, presented in abstract or figurative, remind and connect a viewer. Regeneration was inspired by an example of a forest just down the road from my house. Which artist, past or present, has had a major impact on you as a sculptor and why? Spring: Philippe Faraut for his life-sized portraits. Heather Jansch for her driftwood horses, I love how she utilizes natural materials. Fran and Cathryn Jenkins for their monumental stone
work. Jason Tennant for the way he works with wood and joinery to create his amazing wildlife sculptures. Christopher: Andy Goldsworthy, this guy is great. Goldsworthy works in a variety of natural materials, the way the time and light ”play” on these pieces always amazes me. Was there a defining time or moment in your life when you realized sculpting was something you wanted to do for a living? Spring: My first Sculpturewalk was like a door opening for me. Creating and presenting my first large sculpture, meeting and rubbing shoulders with so many artist that I admired and respected and being a part of an event with so much beauty and talent really inspired me. Christopher: During the carving of my first sculpture project (1994) I was planning my next one and so on… SPONSORED by
Colin Payne Photography
Patricia Vader
Martinez, CA USA Corkscrew (aluminum and steel) Exuberant is the best word to describe the magical, chaotic, rarely stationary sculptures of Patricia Vader. Born and raised in the Netherlands, Vader brings aspects of her native country to her lively, motion-filled works: reclamation – not of land but materials, bicycles (“Like so many Dutch people I practically grew up riding one!”, she says), and windmills. Originally working as an astronomer after emigrating to the United States, the Ph.D. degree in mathematics and natural sciences she earned at the University of Amsterdam meant she was in front of a computer far too much. At least by her estimation. Putting together a portfolio that gained her entry (and a Masters degree) into the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, she has honed her expressive talent and creative zest ever since. The 26- acre property she and her husband occupy in Martinez, California is awash with her wild, kinetic wind sculptures and even a few stationary ones. Vader creates ingeniously designed works of art that are often functional, and always an integral part of the fantastic landscape she inhabits. One of her pieces (Peacock) sits massively on her studio roof and acts as her own personal wind barometer - unlike any other assuredly! – while the whirring, hypnotic, motion-filled extravaganza that is The Interstellar Butterfly was a hit at the 2010 Burning Man festival. Corkscrew taps another favourite subject of Vader’s - cats. The simply styled metal heads of two felines, similar but slightly different in composition – big whiskers fanning out, red mouths below abstract eyes and noses – sit high
on either side of a bright gold steel post. A vibrant, purple slender tail winds around the pole ending above the faces. It is simple, balanced and hugely engaging. Vader has incorporated cat sculptures into bridge supports; here she is thinking less of the functional and more of the pleasures of life – like fine wine. Always hugely inventive, Vader’s entry is just a hint at the complex creations her fertile mind conjures up continuously. Where do you draw the inspiration for your sculptures, specifically this year’s entry? My inspiration is the fauna and flora, domestic and wild, in the coastal hills with grazing cattle of the San Francisco bay area where I live since 2001. In the first year, all the fruit trees I planted were destroyed by gophers so I built up an army of cats, eleven of them at its peak, that keeps the gopher population almost extinct. The cats are very entertaining personalities that inspired “Corkscrew” and several other sculptures. Which artist, past or present, has had a major impact on you as a sculptor and why? I looked a lot at the kinetic machinelike creations of Swiss sculptor Jean Tinguely whose imagination and humor are a source of energy and made my own first kinetic piece on a windy day, a bicycle wheel turned into a windmill. These windmills are now a signature component in my larger sculptures, public safety rules requiring moving parts to be at least seven feet above ground, while the smaller sculptures feature other bicycle parts, pointing to my origin as a Dutch girl practically born on a bicycle. Cork-
screw has its share of them. Was there a defining time or moment in your life when you realized sculpting was something you wanted to do for a living? My first career began at the university as a professional astronomer. When the omnipresence of computers started stifling my brain, I found an outlet in photography and created a painting portfolio to be admitted to graduate school where I fell in love with sculpture. When I moved to a rural property, the wide horizons called for large works and soon public art became my main interest. Do you always utilize the same material(s) as this year’s piece, and why is it your preferred medium? Because they are strong and versatile, metals are my preferred materials. I bolt them together as much as I can and have other professionals do the welding. What is the importance of the arts in today’s society? It is wonderful to see how art is embraced today as a way to attract people to town and create a unique community signature. The more freely accessible public art there is, the more interested and delighted people are, which is the artist’s dream. Making art part of the landscape and everyday life is a visually and intellectually stimulating contribution to society.
Colin Payne Photography
For more information on SculptureWalk pick up a brochure from one of the ballot boxes in downtown Castlegar or visit
3.25 x 4.7
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Archaeology Open House
Save the date!
July 19, 2015 SLOCAN NARROWS PITHOUSE VILLAGE The Open House marks the end of the 2015 Archaeology Field School, operated by New York’s Hamilton College. Learn about the site and what has been unearthed this summer through interactive guided tours. A BBQ will raise money for the Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society.
You’ll find more than just produce at the Castlegar Craft and Farmers Market, held every Saturday on the grounds of the Station Museum. Photo by Deb McIntosh
Farmer’s market opens pottery, paintings, wood crafts, stained glass art and more were on hand. The market is held on the grounds of the Station Museum, giving shoppers a chance to take in a bit of history along with their veggies. The museum is housed in the more than century-old railway station. The first provincial police station and a caboose are also located on the beautifully landscaped grounds, adding to the atmosphere of the location. You will also find
BETSY KLINE Castlegar News
250-352-5331 June 19th- Sweat Sessions w five local DJ’s in 2 rooms June 23rd - The Wooden Sky June 26th - Metrik- (London UK) Hospital Records w Smasha June 27th - BESTiE w Battle Stereo & guests
The Castlegar Craft and Farmers Market is open for the year and is a great place to spend a Saturday morning. The market will be open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. until October. Last week’s market was a wonderful display of foods and craftsmanship. Vendors selling breads, eggs, plants, honey, jams,
June 30th - Gob w/Neutron Bomb + The Tarholes - All Canadian Punk Party
Cool Camps filled with summer fun
July 3rd - Brian Rosen & The WhatNow w James Lamb + Mooves July 4th - Savage Blade - Immune 2 Cobras July 6th - Beenie Man w Zaga Zow Band + DJ Dubconscious
Be sure not to fizzle when the summer starts to sizzle. The Castlegar and District Recreation Complex’s summer camp leaders are gearing up for a summer filled with Cool Camp fun for ages five to 14 — a jampacked summer full of adventure, games, sports, and more. To register go online at or phone 250-365-3FUN. From left, Emma Jansen, Courtney Terhune, Heather Kinicki and Elizabeth Engel.
July 10th - Snowday + Rabs and Mooves July 11th - Heavy Airship - Nelson’s own Led Zeppelin Tribute Act July 16th - The Sadies July 17th - Rhapsody July 22nd - Jenn Grant w/Mama Kin - On Sale soon
BC Yukon Peony Show & Luncheon June 27, 2015 11:30 am - 2 pm Castlegar Community Complex Please join us for a posh luncheon with renown peony expert Carol Adelman from Salem, Oregon, who will share her LOVE of peonies, enjoy delicious food by Waneta Hunter-Oglow and delectable wines from the award-winning Columbia Valley Vineyards. Tickets are $20 and available at Kalawsky GM Castlegar, The Doorway Trail, Otter Books in Nelson and online * This luncheon ticket also grants entry to the Open House - Wine & Cheese at the Sandman Hotel Castlegar at 4:30 pm. Meet those who LOVE Peonies, guests from the Canadian & American Peony Societies, and local honored guests and peony enthusiasts.
Photo submitted
Courses starting in Castlegar How to Facilitate Group Meetings
May 29
Hunter Training
May 29
Classes start Aug 4
Applied Leadership Module 4: Coaching for Performance
June 3
Motivational Interviewing
June 5
Red Cross Emergency First Aid with CPR C
June 6
Occupational First Aid Level 3
June 8
Occupational First Aid Level 1
June 13
Introduction to Solar Electricity
June 13
Applied Leadership Module 5: Human Resources & Emotional Intelligence
June 24
Red Cross Wilderness Remote First Aid
June 26
Introduction to Solar Hot Water Systems
June 27
Occupational First Aid Level 1
Build your skills CARPENTRY FOUNDATION This 24-week pre-employment program prepares you for a carpentry apprenticeship in construction. •
Learn theoretical principals of construction
• •
Master carpentry skills with in-shop training 450 work-based hours toward your apprenticeship
Understand provincial and national building codes
July 4
For more information call 1.866.301.6601, ext 13221
July 5
Occupational First Aid : Transportation Endorsement
CONTINUING EDUCATION & WORKPLACE TRAINING Visit or call 1.888.953.1133 Selkirk College
LOVE of Peonies
3.25 x 4.7
for the
some of Castlegar’s Sculpturewalk entries to enjoy there. The farmers market gives you an opportunity to stroll at your leisure and talk to the growers, bakers and artisans that are there, enabling you to learn about them and their products. At the same time, supporting local farmers, entrepreneurs and craftsmen helps build the local economy. For more information or to book a table, call 250-365-6440.
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Operations andSociety TheCancer Canadian Cancer Society present Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Teck Trail Operations andTeck TheTrail Canadian present Kootenay Savings Credit Union, TeckTrail Operations andTheCancer Canadian Society present Canadian Cancer Society presents: Kootenay Savings Credit The Union, TeckTrail Operations andThe Canadian Cancer Society present
Bro/PostNew Ads
Bro/Post New
Saturday June 20 2015 Bro/Post
6pm-6am at Kinnaird Park, Castlegar Join us for an old fashion Western Showdown against Cancer!
Schedule of Entertainment Events (Times and acts are approximate and subject to change)
5:30 pm Registration Open 6:00 pm Opening & Survivors Ceremony : Erika verging singing anthem 7:00 pm Mystic Dream Belly Dancers 7:50 pm Danika Soukoroff 8:45 pm Super Cats 10:00 pm Luminaries Ceremony with bag piper Len Cots 10:45 pm Ayan 11:10 pm TBC 12 am Team interaction games: minute to win it, scavenger hunt, mystery box. 3:00 am Rooster Crowing Contest/ wake up lap 4:30 am Wake up with aerobics! 5:15 am Closing / Prizes / Awards
Lots of fun and activities throughout the night, come out and support Relay For Life, everyone is welcome! Luminary Sales: 6:00 – 10:00pm Purchase a luminary candle in honour or in memory of someone who has battled cancer. The luminaries will line the track as we join together at 10:00 pm.
Food & Beverage Xtreme Grilled Cheeze on-site from 5pm to 10pm
Raffle Win a 3 piece Outdoor Patio Set donated by The Brick
Silent Auction: Open to the public 5:30 – 11:00
Full Lift of Hemlock (2x4x10’) Retail Value $600.00+ – INTERFOR, $200.00 Gift Certificate - WEST K CONCRETE, Chrome Faucet (Bathroom) – ANDREW SHERET/ SPLASHES, $75 GC, Hat & T-shirt - PLAYMOR POWER PRODUCTS, Free Oil Change - GRIMEY’S AUTOMOTIVE, $50 GC & basket of snacks – CASTLEGAR HUSKY, Slipper gift sets(2) – SHOPPER’S DRUG MART, Free Ear Piercing – LION’S LAIR BODY PIERCING, 4 Ceramic Bird Houses – HOME GOODS FURNITURE, 2 X 1 Full day Kayak Rentals – SCOTTIES MARINA, 1 night Theme Room– SUPER 8 CASTLEGAR, Manicure & Gel Polish – KATHY WATT, Jewelry - TINA POPOFF’S JEWELRY, Hand Crafted Jewelry – U LOCKET CUSTOM JEWELRY-Roxane Bohm, Car Detailing - KALAWSKY’S GM DEALERSHIP, Variety of Baskets PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE…….
Everyone is welcome! Every step we take at Relay helps
| 1 888 939-3333 | 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333
The Brick Zellstoff Celgar The City of Castlegar Kootenay Savings Credit Union | 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3 |1 1 888 939-3333 | 888 939-3333 |1 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
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Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
I would like to congratulate the 2015 graduates from Stanley Humphries Secondary School. I hope that you have a safe and fun graduation celebration. Good luck to all of you and may your future endeavors be successful!
1721 Columbia Ave 250.365.7771
Jordan Sherstobitoff
Alison Griffiths
Kennedy Walton
Matthew Trehune
Alex Molnar
Ashley Voykin
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Congratulations! We’re proud of all our 2015 grads!
GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015 Tristan Wheeler It is beyond an honour to be standing before you all today. Distinguished guests, faculty, friends, family and most importantly, the graduating class of 2015. I do not think I’m speaking out of turn when I say that the 105 people that sit before me have grown together immensely in the last five years. The first day I met all of you, I was 13; I was an awkward weirdo who had this impression that everything I did was hilarious — now look how much has changed. The first week for all for all of us was nothing short of insanity: classes with different teachers, and all these kids I had never spoken to before. The first words anyone ever said to me in high school were “fresh meat.” I laughed to myself, thinking “Do people actually say that?” But in that first year, an amazingly important thing happened: we all met our grad class. You met the people you now are now sitting beside, the people who stood beside you through the awkward 8th grade dates and the failed tests. The smiling faces you celebrated with when you won that tournament or slayed that provincial exam. In Grade 8, we had no clue what the upcoming five years would be like; we were a group of dopey-eyed kids, too scared to break off from our protective pods in the hallways. None of us knew the carefully orchestrated nicknames we’d be known for, or the momentous friendships that would form. In Grade 8, we knew only a few things: do not stray into unknown hallways or make yourself known to anyone who was more than a foot taller than you. But Grade 8 wasn’t all trepidation. I remember it was a whole new social jungle gym at the high school. Each and every class had all these “new” kids, the by-product of the funnelling of all the elementary schools. Everyone and ev-
erything was new; the concept of highschool was a whole new adventure for us to tackle. In our little 13 and 14-year-old brains, grad seemed more than a distant speck on our horizons. As that distant speck grew closer, it proved to be more than a speck. Rather, it became a boulder larger than the tallest mountain. We had gone from us adapting ourselves to the school, to the school adapting itself to us. After what has felt like eons, we’re ready to climb that mountain in record time. We’ve gone from anxiously scurrying the halls like frightened field mice to confidently strutting through them like John Travolta in that one movie. Each and every one of us is ready to confidently look into the abyss that is “the real world” and march onward for victory. Also, to no one’s surprise, spending 30 hours a week in a building together has drawn us all together. Walking through those doors didn’t just mean an enriching education graciously given to us by
the government of British Columbia, it meant another opportunity to see your friends for one more day. It even got to the point that we were excited to go back to school after summer break, just to see those smiling faces we missed for two whole months. Our grad class has been through ebbs and flows; toes have been stepped on and nails broken, but we still manage to remain loyal to one another. A few months ago, I locked my keys in my 1995 Honda Civic. This is how you know I’m valedictorian material. I quickly asked two grads who were nearby if they could help. After a few minutes of struggling, we figured this was not going to work out, so we called up three other grads. At the end of the ordeal, it took eight guys, a coat hanger and a knife to finally open my car. There are two morals to that story: the first being, never try to break into my car, and the other being that the grads are there for each other. Everyone who came to my rescue dropped everything they were doing to help me. They drove across town, just on the off chance that they’d have the answer. I think that speaks a great deal about our grad class. If it had come down to it, I bet every single graduate in this room would be there with the eight of us, prying at those cherry red doors. 2015 proves a grad class that is a community like no other, a community that I can be very proud to be a part of and to represent today. Now today, at 6 p.m., June 12, 2015, this tight-knit community of the next artists, tradespeople, scientists and engineers is about to graduate high school. We are about to all be unleashed onto the great wide open field of life. That sprawling beige building called SHSS now calls to us to make our marks on the sands of time. The five-year-long fuse has finally
run short as we cannonball ourselves into that great explosion called adulthood. But, everybody, for just one more night, let’s stave off that intimidating creature we decided to call “the real world”, that thing that involves us doing taxes, and going to dinner parties and talking about politics. Let the world’s next greatest scientific discovery, or artistic endeavour be late by just one night. Because, hopefully, for most of us, we only get to graduate from high school once, so savour this moment, because before long, you’ll find yourself in the throes of adulthood, talking about the weather, or discussing the latest political shift. But from what I’ve gathered, being an adult is far from a negative experience; it definitely has its upsides. As a grown-up, you have the ability to mold your world as you see fit; you no longer have the words of a teacher or a parent telling you the many facts of cellular respiration or World War I. If you want to be the next Picasso, go out and do it. If you want to cure cancer, you have that ability. From now on you are an adult with the capacity to make choices in your own life. Tonight’s the night to exercise the right to be an adult, to be a full-fledged human in charge of your own life. You are now all floating in a great buffer zone, where you are an adult but not yet part of “The Real World.” My advice in this situation is just to enjoy yourself, because very few of us will ever be afforded a similar luxury again. Now’s the time to come together, as classmates, as graduates and most importantly as friends. Because as a great man once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,” which is maybe just a flashier way of saying Carpe Diem.
“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives” -- Clay P. Bedford
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015 B3
GRADS of 2015
1982 Columbia Ave Castlegar, BC 250.365.4990
Allen Drew
Anderson Matthew
Ballendine Tabitha
Bauman Hannah
Brazeau Kyler
Briggeman Owen
Campbell Bryar
Chapman Riley
Clemans-Gibbon Hayley
Clemans-Gibbon Katie
Clement Harrison
Croteau Joel
Cutts Jake
Davis Matthew
Durning Alex
Flynn Robyn
Hadikin Svetlana
Harris Jessica
e h G t r a o t d s C n l ass of 2015 o i t a l u t a r g n Co FROM
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Speedy Auto Glass would like to say
WELL DONE T O THE GRADUATES OF 2015 Enjoy your graduation but please be safe. Don’t drink and drive! 956 Columbia Ave, Castlegar • (250) 365-6505
Francis Victoria
Gatenby Megan
Gauthier Denis
Grandstrom Dylan
Griffiths Allison
Grondin Steffani
Hipwell Elora
Hubert Chloe
Jorge Olivia
Kalmakoff Jenna
Kenna Gabriella
Kinakin Jared
Konkin Noah
Lindsey Edward
Liszt Rebekah
Lord Taylor
Lynn Jared
MacLeod Steven
Congratulations dancers! Wishing you all much success and happiness! Turning Pointe Dance Studio
#602 18th Street • 250.365.5046
Emily Ryan
Anna Scheulin
Marcus Watt
Aleksey Jmaeff
Jade May B5
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015
Congratulations graduates of 2015! 1990 Columbia Ave, Castlegar
Johnathon Smith
Ryker Smith
Dylan Granstrom
Matthew Davis
Karly Konzelman
Markin Melissa
Mason Ren
Matthews Luke
Melo Zoe
Molnar Alexander
Morgan Nicholas
McCreight Maranda
Morris Clarke
McKendry Dylan
McMahon Ian
Moyer Tamelin Connor
Muangxong Vanessa
Having Trouble seeing your grad graduate?
We can help. Trail Waneta Plaza 250-364-2220
Munden Dallon
Mus Bogue Cole
Nascimento Flavio
Nevakshonoff Tori
Heritage Credit Union
Renz Kirsten Terhune MathewGatenby Megan cheulin Anna S Nevakshonoff Victoria
Castlegar • #100 - 630 - 17th Street, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4G7 phone: 250-365-7232 Fax: 250-365-2913
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Clarke Morris Jaeden Soukoroff Nicole York Emily Ryan Nevada-Lee Peters
635 Columbia Ave. Castlegar,BC 250.365.1011
GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015 Congratulations Cole Bogue!
The future is yours, go out and get it!
Best of luck in the future to the Grad Class of 2015! Owen Brock
Paulson Christopher
Pereverzoff-LaHue Taylor
Peters Nevada Lee
Congratulations Grads! Ponte Luke
Popoff Nikolai
Prince Haley
Rasmussen Stefany
May your future be fruitful!
Across from Castlegar Airport (250) 365-1009 Open Tuesday – Saturday 11am-5pm Sunday’s 11am-330pm
to all 2015 grads
Well Deserved! Reid Jarod
Renz Kirsten
Ryan Emily
Scheltens Derek 1128 3 St, Castlegar • (250) 365-7813
Dairy Queen would like to say
CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!! Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
–Robert Frost
Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015 B7
Congratulations to all our graduates. You’re ready to take on the world. Some of you will head to college, some will go into the workforce and still others will take your backpacks and travel. Whatever path you choose, remember we’re with you all the way.
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Scheulin Anna
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-234 4
Sherstobitoff Jordan
Shukin Heather
We Would Like To Congratulate The ox B t Grads Of 2015! Gif
Sieber Ferris Luke
Smith Jonathan
Skuce Siobhan
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Mountainview Realty
Smith Justin
Smith Ryker
Soukeroff Angela
Soukeroff Nathan
Soukochoff Paige
Soukoroff Jaeden
Strelaeff Brittney
Streleoff Hannah
Streloff Shelby
Szabo Anjela
teBulte Rachael
Terhune Mathew
to all 2015 High School Grads & everyone cheering you on!
Within Reach. Beyond Imagination.
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Castlegar News
Have A Delicious Graduation!
Thompson Perry
Thomson Roy
Vander Hoek Eric
Marcus watt
Stefany Rasmussen
Verigin Kayla
Ed Linsey
Leah Wesko
Villa Mateo
Nathan Soukeroff
Deziree Monahan
Voykin Ashley
Angie Soukeroff
Voykin Drake
Wahl Urijah
Watt Marcus
Weiss Deziree
Wesko Leah
Wheeler Tristan
GRADUATING CLASS OF 2015 Wilson Rachel
Wood Nathan
York Nicole
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