Clearwater Times, July 02, 2015

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Thursday, July 2, 2015 ▼ Volume 51 No. 27 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST






Reid Rebinsky wins all round award. See pg. A9 inside.

First Place Best All Round Newspaper & Best Editorial Page Second Place Best Front Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2014 First Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2014

Looking at trails network

No more propane

Keith McNeill Clearwater is spread out, but that could be a good thing, if there were trails to connect the different parts. People could get from point A to point B and get healthier at the same time. With this in mind, District of Clearwater set up a Trails Task Force last year to improve the opportunities for walking and other self-propelled forms of mobility. On June 17 the task force held a pair of open houses at Dutch Lake Community Centre to get public input on a draft trails network master plan for Clearwater and area. Continued on page A3

A section of a map presented at a Trails Task Force open house on June 17 shows proposed routes around Dutch Lake. Those in red are first priority, in orange second, and third priority are in green. The map notes that some of the existing or proposed trails are situated upon private land. The map in no way invites, authorizes or approves public trespass upon or across private land, nor does it commit the District to the purchase of these lands. Submitted graphic

Borrow gets passing lane contract A crane lifts the main container unit of a new biomass heater being installed at Dutch Lake Community Centre on Thursday morning, June 25. Chips for the 150 kW heater are to come from Canfor-Vavenby. Photos by Keith McNeill

Andrew Dyck of Armstrong (l) and Stephen Bearss of Fink Machine in Enderby give the final push.

Grant Lofto of Kamloops operates the crane.

Submitted VALEMOUNT – Construction of a southbound passing lane on Highway 5 near Camp Creek has begun thanks to a $1.19 million investment from the B.C. government. A construction contract has been awarded to Borrow Enterprises Ltd. of Clearwater to perform the work. This project is part of government’s commitment to construct additional passing lanes between Kamloops and Tete Jaune Cache to promote

Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441

safety and efficiency under B.C. on the Move, the government’s 10-year transportation plan. “Highway 5 is a busy route that serves local residents as well as commercial and recreational traffic,” Prince GeorgeValemount MLA Shirley Bond said. “Improvements to this highway have been a priority and additional passing lanes will increase travel safety along this busy corridor. With work underway, drivers will need to demonstrate extra patience as crews undertake this important project.” “Highway 5 is an important

Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148

Located on Highway 5

trade corridor that contributes to our local economy,” Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake said. “This passing lane will help keep our people and goods moving safely and more smoothly.” Improving highway capacity and reliability are a priority of B.C. on the Move, a 10-year transportation plan that outlines critical investments and improvements throughout the province that will improve the daily lives of British Columbians. Follow the work of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure at


Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

Stand-alone hospice for Valley gets no encouragement Keith McNeill

Firefighters serve breakfast Members of Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department (l-r) Fred Hess, Chris May and Chance Breckenridge help out during the Elks and Royal Purple’s pancake breakfast on Saturday, June 27. Not pictured is firefighter Jan Westendorp. Breakfast is served every Saturday morning in front of the Elks Hall next to the Interior Whitewater building. Photo submitted

telling the whole story

Barb Brouwer Multimedia journalist at the Salmon Arm Observer. Her national award-winning coverage of a local resident working in a hospital in Liberia gave readers an inside look at the horror of Ebola.

With a few keystrokes you can sample thousands of opinions, aoat in a sea of information. But as the volume increases, the accuracy and reliability of professional journalism is essential. Gathering and sorting the facts, weighing and interpreting events, and following the story from beginning to end is more important than ever.

The North Thompson Valley likely does not have the population to sustain a stand-alone hospice house facility. However, an enhanced acute/residential room, probably in Clearwater, would be favored over the status quo. Those seemed to be the key recommendations of a consultants’ report presented to North Thompson Valley Hospice House Society and other interested parties at a meeting held June 23 in Little Fort Hall. "I continue to support the option of dying with dignity in a less institutionalized setting," said society president Jean Nelson. "The society values input from other members of the community. We need a long term strategy," she said. According to the report, with a population of only 7,300, the North Thompson Valley would require between 0.65 and 1.2 beds for hospice/palliative/end of life care, statistically speaking. At present, there are only four standalone hospice houses in Interior Health – at Kamloops, Kelowna, Vernon and Penticton. All are located in cities with populations much larger than the Valley’s. The Valley’s number of residents is expected to grow only marginally over the next 25 years. However, the number of those aged 75 years and older is

Graph shows that palliative care is the second most common types of case at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital in Clearwater. Submitted graphic

predicted to be three times greater in 2041 than in 2011. Presently, there are no dedicated palliative care beds in the Valley, except for swing beds at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital and Forest View Place (the hospital’s extended care wing). Palliative care accounts for one of the highest case loads at DHMH, second only to convalescence. Interestingly, the report found that Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital regularly has noticeably more alternative level of care days than the Interior Health and B.C. averages. This indicates that people are remaining in the hospital after their acute care needs have been met because alternative care options are not available. The reported suggested that possibly a hospice component could be combined with the campus of care that is being proposed for Clearwater.

The campus would provide a range of services intermediate between the basic level available at Evergreen Acres, and the high level provided at Forest View. The report was done primarily by a former North Thompson Valley resident, Randy Sunderman of Lions Gate Consulting. There are three societies involved with hospice in the Valley. Clearwater and District Hospice Society used volunteers to provide emotional support for dying patients and their loved ones. Although without a hospital to work from, Barriere and District Hospice Society provides support for those suffering from a loss, people who are terminally ill and their families. North Thompson Hospice House Society’s objective has been to establish a hospice facility for the Valley.

"The hospice house idea is a good one," said Drake Smith, a longtime NTHHS supporter. The local funeral home director said he is familiar with the hospices in Kamloops and Penticton, and understands their importance. Since the society started several years ago, there have been discussions on what such a hospice house should look like and where it should be located, he said. Acquiring property and getting a building built have never been problems, he said. Individuals have already offered to donate land and money to do both. The key question has been how the hospice could be kept open on a sustainable basis. Now, with the report, the viability of the different options is much clearer. "Now we have a good tool to move forward," Smith said.

Local Jobs. Local People. Just one of the reasons to call for all your job recruitment needs.




Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A3

North Thompson towns getting provincial grants Times Staff District of Clearwater has received a Small Community grant of $281,448 and Barriere has got one of $278,278, according to a recent media release. “This funding is a significant boost for local governments to invest in programs and services that improve safety and quality of life,” Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake said. “The grants allow important local priorities to go ahead without burdening local taxpayers.” The money is part of $1,560,221 distributed in the Kamloops-North Thompson riding. In addition to the grants going to the two North Thompson municipalities, Kamloops has received

$746,514 in traffic fine revenue, Sun Peaks has received a Small Community grant of $158,274, and Thompson-Nicola Regional District has received a Regional District grant of $95,707. Almost $75.2 million being invested into communities across B.C. to meet local needs including more policing, new equipment, increased community safety initiatives, infrastructure and service delivery priorities. This is the second of two annual payments. A payment of $40 million was made in March 2015. Since 2009, the Small Community, Regional District and Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing grants have provided more than $792 million in funding to support B.C. communities.

Burned out couple says thanks Longtime Clearwater residents Bob and Miki (Doreen) Sissons have been overwhelmed by the support they have received from the community after losing their home to a fire at just before midnight, Saturday evening, June 13. Previously residents of Abbotsford, they had lived in the house, which was located at the bottom of Steeg’s Hill on Station Road, for nearly 25 years. They would particularly like to say thanks to their neighbour, Darlene Treseng, who woke them up shortly before the flames engulfed the house. A number of questions, such as whether they will rebuild, are still up in the air, they say. Photo by Keith McNeill

Recycling services continue at TNRD facilities despite strike Thompson-Nicola Regional District Despite the recent labour dispute at Emterra Environmental, the TNRD does not foresee any disruption in services at TNRD waste management facilities. The TNRD will continue to accept recyclables at all waste management facilities despite

the strike, which began on June 22. In addition, the TNRD recycling pickup service in Electoral Area “B” (Blue River and Avola) and Electoral Area “J” (Savona, Cherry Creek and Tobiano) will continue. Although the TNRD uses Emterra as a recycling processor, the regional district has sufficient storage and trans-

portation capabilities at its waste management facilities to continue to take in recyclables. If the Emterra labour dispute continues for some length of time, the TNRD may have to reassess its current position. For more information about TNRD Solid Waste and Recycling Services, including accepted materials and hours of operation, go to

Trails task force gathers public input Continued from page A1

Two trail sections were given the highest priority: Number 1h, a 950 m trail next to Old North Thompson Highway by Dutch Lake that eventually would form part of a Dutch Lake perimeter trail; and Number 7a, a 1,900 m trail from the old hospital to the roundabout. The cost of the first was estimated at $170,000, while the second was put at $328,000. Priority three went

to Number 1d, 300 m of the Dutch Lake perimeter trail next to Dutch Lake Road by the Dutch Lake Community Centre. Cost of that was estimated at $73,000. Priority four would be Number 7b, 570 m of trail along Murtle Road and Murtle Crescent that would cost an estimated $100,000. Altogether, 16 trail sections were rated as high priority. They totalled nearly 16 km in length and would have an estimated

price tag of close to $2 million. Close to 40 trail sections were given medium priority, while about another 30 got low priority. After the public

consultation, the next step will be to prepare a plan document. After that, possibly next fall, the plan will be brought back for review and, if approved, adoption.

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The offices of the District of Clearwater “Municipal Hall” and ICBC/Motor Vehicle are located at: Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N2 Mailing Address: Box 157, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0 Tel: 250-674-2257 Fax: 250-674-2173 OpenBurning BurningProhibited Prohibitedwithin withinthe theDistrict DistrictofofClearwater Clearwater Open Theopen openfifire prohibition applies to: The re prohibition  • Burning Burningofofany anyyard yardwaste, waste,slash slashororother othermaterials materialslarger largerthan thanone-half one-halfmeters meters  • Burning Burningofofstubble stubbleororgrass grass Theuse useofoffireworks, fireworks,sky skylanterns lanternsororburning burningbarrels barrelsofofany anysize sizeorordescription description  • The Theprohibition [prohibitiondoes doesNOT NOT ban campfires The ban campfi res Unless otherwiseposted postedthis thisprohibition prohibitionremains remainsinin eff effect until October Unless otherwise ect until October 1, 2015. Noticeofof2015 2015Water WaterRegulations Regulations Notice Watering regulations will be in effect from May 15th to September 30th, 2015. Watering regulations will be in effect from May 15th to September 30th, 2015. Watering Hours – Between 6:00am to 10:00am and from 6:00pm to 10:00pm (Properties with even numbered houses–may water6:00am on even numberedand days; properties with odd numbered may Watering Hours Between to 10:00am fromand 6:00pm to 10:00pm (Properties withhouses even numbered water oddwater numbered days). housesonmay on even numbered days; and properties with odd numbered houses may water on odd numberedis days). Watering not allowed between the hours of 10:00am and 6:00pm. Watering between the hours of

12:00 midnight and 6:00am is restricted to automatic systems controlled by a timer and must be registered (annually) theallowed District between office. Residents new lawns register with the DistricttheOffice Watering isatnot the hourswith of 10:00am andmust 6:00pm. Watering between hoursforof permission to water daily until the new lawn grows long enough to be cut. After the first cut the resident 12:00 midnight and 6:00am is restricted to automatic systems controlled by a timer and must be registered must revert to regular sprinkling regulations. (annually) at the District office. Residents with new lawns must register with the District Office for permission to water Water daily until the–new lawn grows enough to bebecut. After thewith firstacut the resident must revert to regular Other Uses All hoses used long outdoors should equipped working spring-loaded shut-off sprinkling regulations. device. Hand watering of plants and hand washing of vehicles used with a spring loaded shut off nozzle or a hand held container is permitted at any time.

Summer Community Recreation / Healthy Living Program is out – check your mail box for this summer’s recreation programs, something for everyone. Events Calendar

The District of Clearwater advertises local events both on their website and in our bi-monthly you would to include please at email detailsSports to FRE-gatta – this yearnewsletter. Council will beIf hosting a falllike festival in place your of theevent, Canoe Regatta the Rotary Park – save the date – September 11th and 12th and keep an eye out for the wacky fun for everyone! Community Events June 12thEvents , 2015 Opening of the Hospital Rim Trail – 4:45pm at the old Hospital parking lot Community th , 2015 come Information sessions Trails Master DutchCentre, Lake Community July 2,June 201517 @ 7:00pm out and celebrate theon Firstdraft Music NightNetwork at the Dutch LakePlan; Community 209 Dutch Lake Road. Centre and check out! Festival will held at the Edgewater Blue. August 6th, 2015 - 2015 Star Gazing2-4pm Festivaland NEW6-8pm LOCATIONCome – the 9th annual StaritGazing

Upcoming Meetings of Council: Public Welcome. Upcoming Meetings of Council: Public Welcome. June2015 16th, 2015 Infrastructure Committee of –the Whole Meeting – 1:00pm July 07th, Parks & Recreation Meeting 1:00pm June2015 16th, 2015 Regular Council 2:00pm July 07th, Regular CouncilMeeting Meeting –– 2:00pm Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website and “Like” us on Facebook.

Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website and “Like” us on Facebook.

Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road • Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:



Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

“ They could not capture me except under a white flag. They cannot hold me except with a chair.” - Osceola, Seminole chief Published by Black Press Ltd. 74 Young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2

editorial by keith mcNeill

Hospice house at hospital might be a viable option

Time to get worried about LNG fracking Editor, The Times:

John Horgan has awakened — a little late maybe? But better late than never, as they say. Petronas recently expressed great satisfaction with the latest concessions from Christy Clark's Liberals. Well, they should. After all, this B.C. government has given them everything they wanted and possibly more. Christy Clark's gang has followed the lead of those 'stupid' Albertans, of whom

Ralph Klein was the perfect example. Gone was the vision of that great Albertan (and great Canadian) Peter Lougheed — an orderly development of the Athabaska tar sands, refineries built right in Alberta, etc. Under Ralph Klein it became a free-for-all development, with far too low royalties and environmental concerns thrown to the wind. Remember when it was wonderful Alberta, glorious Alberta — let's all go

to Alberta — and, true, many did and many earned good — in fact great – wages and salaries. However, it was a fraud, a facade — Potemkin prosperity. Even at the height of oil prices, Alberta was sliding into the 'red.' Some $6 billion just a short while ago. And Jim Prentice was about to make the people of Alberta pay for all this lack of vision. Remember when poor Ed Stelmach wanted to raise royalties up to a more appropri-

BC Press Council The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers

complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE

NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

ate level? “Oh, no,” cried the Calgary petro thugs, “we can get a better rate in Saskatchewan.” Alberta's populace made history and now these same oil sand thugs are stuck with Rachel Notley's NDP government. One wonders if these Calgary oil clowns will ever acknowledge their role in the orange wave in Alberta. Now, with officials at Petronas grinning like Alice's Cheshire cat, 'Yoga on Burrard Bridge' Christy is following the same path that was so ruinous to Alberta. It would well be that any LNG fracked from the bowels of B.C. could actually cost us money. It's this Mad Hatter's LNG plan that John Horgan is worried about. The rest of us should be too!

Dennis Peacock Clearwater, B.C.

The North Thompson Valley simply does not have the population to support a stand-alone hospice house facility. Although carefully worded, that was the main conclusion of a consultant's report released during North Thompson Hospice House Society's annual general meeting in Little Fort Hall on June 23. A dedicated enhanced acute/ residential room seems to be the option preferred. That must be a disappointment to the members of the society, who have worked hard for several years to bring about a stand-alone hospice facility. Little Fort would have been the preferred location for many, as it would serve both the Clearwater and Barriere communities. However, with the numbers indicating that only one hospice care bed would be needed, it is hard to imagine how such a facility could be staffed and operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That being said, however, there does seem to be a consensus that the present situation or status quo (what might be called option

three) needs improvement. The Valley's population is aging and there is increasing desire for alternatives that provide the chance of dying with dignity in a non-institutional setting. There is a fourth option that might be worth investigating. That would be to construct a stand-alone hospice facility on the grounds of Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital. Anyone who has walked the new trail behind the hospital cannot help but be struck by the beautiful vistas up and down the valley that can be seen from the trail. None of those views, however, can be seen from within the hospital. Possibly a small building could be constructed with large windows in a place that would take advantage of those views, but still near enough the hospital that it could be serviced by hospital staff and volunteers. Patients entering the last few days of life could be moved there where they could spend their final hours in a place of quiet beauty, surrounded by members of their families.

Don’t let it happen to you! Editor, The Times:

When it comes to accidents, it's common to think, oh, it will never happen to us. That is what we thought until our sixyear-old son, Roan, now a member of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, lost his leg in a lawn mower accident. A few years ago, Roan was riding on a lawn mower with an adult when he fell off and severed his left leg at the knee.

As he was airlifted by helicopter to the hospital, we wondered if we were going to see him again. With lawn cutting season here, we want to help spread Roan's message across the country that kids should never be around a lawn mower. It doesn't matter how good you are with machinery, it just takes a moment for a life-changing accident to happen. Today, Roan is an active and ener-

getic child thanks to help from The War Amps with financial assistance for artificial limbs, regional seminars and peer support. We just hope that his story will prevent even one child from being injured. If you would like to learn more about how to encourage children to play safely, please visit

Jolene and Neil Heck The War Amps

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A5

Question of the Week


Are you more concerned than usual about forest fires this year?

Carol Vesak:

Oh, absolutely. It's hot and I don't think we had much of a snowpack. I'm concerned about people's campfires and cigarettes.

Help for parents with the high cost of kids Editor, The Times:

It’s no surprise that parents with young children hold more than half of all of Canada’s household debt. From parental leave and daycare to sports and school supplies, the costs of raising a child don’t stop adding up. House prices alone have surged ahead of income, and are now about eight times the average pre-tax income of a fulltime worker. With increased financial pressures and rising costs, we need to ask if the support the federal government provides to parents is enough. The answer is no. The current system is a jumble of four programs with different criteria: some are taxable, some are not; some help all kids, some don’t; some disappear if you lose your job; some favour the wealthy. No parent has the time to figure out the complicated system while raising their kids. The Liberal Party of Canada has a plan to bring back fairness: the Canada Child Benefit. By rolling all these funds together, topping them up with money saved from eliminating waste, and then targeting lower and middle income families, it would provide a lot more help per child every month, completely tax-free, to nine out of ten Canadian families. The lowest income families would get $6400 a year for a child under six, and $5400 for a child over six. The benefit would be reduced gradually as family incomes become larger. The statistically “median” family — two parents and two kids (one under six and one over) with a total income of $90,000 — would get $5875 per year tax-free, over $2500 more than the current system. The current system gives money to those who need it least. We can do more for those who really need help by helping those who truly don’t less. That’s a fairer system. By giving more help to middle-class parents and all those who are working so hard to get there, the Canada Child Benefit will ease pressure on family finances and help every parent give their children the best possible start in life. Fairness is a better plan.

John McCallum, MP Liberal Party of Canada

Judy Hartmann:

This year, yes. It just seems there are more stupid people around that cause the fires. Also, (the warm, dry weather) is earlier this year.

Stu Bates:

Yes. It looks to me that we're going to get an extended period of warm weather. This area hasn't been burned over that much, so if we get a fire, it could be a big one. Let's hope not.

Jack Vogels:

Oh yes. When it's this hot, it doesn't take very long to dry everything out. When it's over 30, it only takes a day or two.

Vicki Sauve:

Yes, because it's very hot. I remember the last time. I lost a whole freezer of groceries – no power for nine days.

How about some dandelion soup? Editor, The Times:

Nothing — not grass nor chickweed — grows more profusely everywhere in the world than dandelions. Moments after the last snow disappears, dandelion leaves appear like a child’s drawing of a pointy Christmas tree. Yellow faces overtake lawns, fields, roadsides and ditches. They congregate in churchyards and farmyards and sneak into backyards. They creep under back alley fire escapes, picnic tables and deck chairs, reflecting in glass patio doors and the shiny limbs of seated children. They insinuate themselves between cracks in the sidewalk and patio blocks, sidle next to aristocratic irises, invade rockeries, leap into plant pots and window boxes, strangle petunias and threaten lobelias and intimidate geraniums. They lurk beneath hedges, under flowerbeds, vegetable rows and fruit patches. They gather in doorways, lean against lamp posts and dive under dumpsters

and trash bins. They embroider the edges of apartments, hotels and vacant city lots. Everyone tries to root them out with weed weasels, pointy tools or nasty chemical concoctions, hoping the fragments of sinewy taproots left behind won’t propagate. I think we should let their blooms take over, pick their leaves and make salads. Put them in egg sandwiches and quiches. Enfold them into chicken dandelion casserole and dandy cream soup. Steep them with ginger to make tea and ground roots into dips and sauces. Cook them with chopped onion and minced garlic to stuff red peppers topped with parmesan cheese. Pickle them in mustard sauce with beans and cucumber seeds, squash them into relish with vinegar, tarragon, carrots and green tomatoes and roast them with turnips. Their blossoms could be rendered into jam or syrup, sweet as honey, fermented for wine and herbal beers,

Do you have a news story? We'd like to hear from you. Call us 250.674.3343

folded into chocolate chip cheesecake and dipped in flour and cinnamon for fritters. Harmonious diagonal feng shui rows of dandelions could be planted and harvested. New apothecaries would spring up, with magical potions to preserve youth and promote well-being. Powders could be pressed into tablets and caplets with names like Magic Lion, Tigger Energy Powders, Peter Pan Youth Nectar and Baby Boom Extender. Their juice could be used for elixirs and tinctures to neutralize free-roaming radicals, reduce inflammation, blast sticky plaques, clogs and blobs and boost flavonoids. Topical skin preparations would fade freckles and brown spots, remove corns, calluses and warts. Milky sap could be congealed into nonallergic rubber gloves, dental dams and mosquito repellent to ward off West Nile virus.

Dandelions could be a new muse for artists and architects — replacing sagging old Venus, the overused moon, worn-out singing birds and tired roses. Landscapes of yellow diagonal lines would vanish into complementary blue skies. Paintings of still life with dandelions, prolific in vases, companion to oranges, apples, and fine china placed on draped tables in front of stained glass windows would hang above the couch. An art dano architecture of dandelion motifs could spring forth, ring eaves and roof tops, accompany gargoyles on church corners, decorate arcades, festoon windows, lintels and doorways and replace the acanthus flower atop Corinthian columns. They could ornament door knockers, beautify balustrades, mosaic floors and rival William Morris

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wallpapers with arabesques of dandelion leaves and flowers. We could celebrate rites of passage — weddings, graduations and funerals — shredding their blooms for confetti, adorning at the centre of tables and birthday cakes and draped over coffins. We should celebrate the dandelion’s spring glow, its transformation into feathery lightness and its gourmet, medicinal and artistic gifts. We should dedicate festivals to the dandelion and applaud its refusal to be deleted, depleted or denied.

Wendy Weseen Kamloops, B.C.




Two people were killed, two were injured and two were missing following an accident in Wells Gray Park. Apparently their car had crossed the Mushbowl bridge and had almost reached the top of the steep hill when its wheels lost traction on mud. The driver started to back down, lost control and the vehicle went over the edge into the Murtle River. Central North Thompson Rod and Gun Club protested a proposed lodge to be located near Silence Lake in Raft River valley. Central North Thompson Chamber of Commerce was erecting a building of logs to be used as a tourist information booth.


YEARS AGO: Minister of Education Donald Brothers told School District 26 (Birch Island) trustees that

there would be no amalgamation of the district with Kamloops without the school board's consent. Brothers was visiting all the school boards in the province. Harry Fairbrother retired after operating the Blackpool ferry for nearly 21 years. The new operator was Frank Sheman of Clearwater.



A Clearwater man died as fire swept through his small frame home. Fire Chief Art Gillan told of being awakened at approximately 3:30 a.m. with the house already in flames.



A census by Clearwater Incorporation Committee found the population within Clearwater Improvement District to be 1,845. Chairperson Bill Mattenley was to

HISTORICAL Perspective

BACK IN TIME discuss with the Department of Highways which roads would be the responsibility of the proposed municipality.



More than 70 persons at a Clearwater Chamber of Commerce farewell banquet honored longtime Clearwater residents Howie and June Mjolsness. The former owners of Dutch Lake Resort had been instrumental in building the hospital, obtaining doctors and in other projects. School District 26 trustees debated whether to continue involvement in a community bus. Secretarytreasurer Tim Klotz described it as a "white elephant."`

Your news Your way



A consultant reported to Clearwater Airport Society that the local airstrip could be extended from its 2,400 feet to 4,000 feet, but this would require relocation of buildings and hydro lines. Apparently there were provincial and federal funds available for airport development. Access by hikers to much of the northern portion of Wells Gray Park had been cut off as the result of the collapse of the bridge across Lickskillet Creek, said backcountry ranger Bill Brierly. The aluminum bridge had been set up on the trail between Clearwater and Hobson Lakes the year before.



A barn and contents on a Schmidt Road property were completely destroyed by fire. The structure was completely involved when Clearwater fire-



Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital would like two more full-time nurses but was having difficulty recruiting them, coordinator of community health services Berni Easson said at a meeting hosted by the local community health advisory committee. There were about 14 nurses at the hospital at the time. Vavenby Volunteer Fire Department celebrated its 25th anniversary. Paul Caissie, owner of Clearwater Cable, announced that his company was about to introduce high-speed cable Internet to parts of Clearwater. All three Clearwater softball teams competing in the District playoffs in Kamloops, Midget girls, Peewee girls and Squirt boys, won berths to the provincials.

Clearwater's Zoe Ovenden is among 658 youth offered a place to spend this July immersed in the Shad Valley Program (SHAD) at one of 12 host universities in Canada.

"I'm so honoured to be accepted to SHAD," she said. "I'm beyond excited to discover a new world of learning and opportunities, I know SHAD will help me throughout my entire life." The local youth said that last summer

Meat Draw

July 4, 2015


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YEARS AGO: Canada Day was celebrated in the rain and in style at both Clearwater and Blue River with many activities including parades, music, canoe races, and birthday cake! Preliminary discussion ensued between TNRD director Bert Walker, CID chair Jack Braaksma and MLA Kevin Krueger over the hot debate surrounding incorporation. Feelers went out to see if a referendum would be possible. The previous referendum, in November 2001, had come back with a 62 per cent "No" vote. A consultant hired to do an economic study admitted that Clearwater, Blue River and Barriere each needed a different approach due to different economic, values and expectations. The outcome of the focus group session was mixed. A long list of factors have impacted the valley's economy, including forest fires of 2003, Weyerhaeuser's shutdown, closure or downsizing of government entities, including Bear Creek prison camp, the mountain pine beetle infestation, increasing fuel costs and the rising Canadian dollar.



About 20 patients were evacuated from Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital as well as residents of nearby homes during a propane fire next to the hospital. Members of Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department controlled the blaze. Clearwater celebrated Canada Day with games at Dutch Lake Beach while Blue River held its traditional parade through town to Lake Eleanor. Aaren RitchieBonar was named Senior All-Round Student during awards ceremony at Clearwater Secondary School.



More than 60 people, including MLA Terry Lake, took part in a tour of Upper Clearwater to learn more about concerns that logging have on the region's economy and other values. The tour was organized by Wells Gray Action Committee. Clearwater and Wells Gray Park attract a disproportionate number of European visitors said Tay Briggs, one of the speakers. “Why? Because it's wilderness,” she said.

Summer enrichment at UBC

Times Staff

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fighters arrived, said Captain Steve Roberts.


Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

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BAR OPENS AT 1PM ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION • BRANCH 259 257 Glen Road • Clearwater • No Minors

she went to India and learned more than she thought she could and this summer she plans to do the same. "I want to spend my quickly disappearing youth absorbing as much information as I can, there is so much out there to discover," Ovenden said. Now in its 35th year, Shad is a summer enrichment program. There are currently over 14,000 Shad alumni, including 27 Rhodes scholars. Ovenden will be going to University of British Columbia. “Centred on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), SHAD empowers exceptional youth to make the world a better place,” said

Zoe Ovenden

Barry Bisson, SHAD President. “SHAD is where Canada’s top youth achievers are exposed to great ideas, inspired to look at things differently, challenged to reach for the highest levels of excellence and encouraged to embrace their Uncommon Purpose – the pursuit of their own potential to change the world.”

Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A7

Girl Guiding's Clearwater Secondary top award goes to recognizes achievements Clearwater resident Times Staff

Times Staff Clearwater's Hanna Wadlegger has received her Canada Cord, the highest award for Pathfinders, from Girl Guides Canada. Wadlegger received the award on Monday, June 22 as members of the Guiding movement in Clearwater held their final meeting of the year, with girls moving up to the next age group along with the presentation of awards. To meet the requirements for her Canada Cored Wadlegger had to complete 20 modules in nine program areas. Fourteen were required and six were her own choice. Within those 20 modules she had to do at least four activities. Wadlegger accomplished most of these activities on her own. She worked on it as a sole Pathfinder, then when she was away in Austria for a year of schooling, and finally finishing up bits and pieces during this past school year. Not an easy task when you see her schedule. She also completed over 15 hours for her Community Service Award by helping with swimming lessons and participating in a building project in Guatemala during a Spring Break. She received her Citizenship Certificate and has done First Aid. You may wonder how a young person can manage to accomplish so much while going to school and receiving good grades, playing hockey and various school sports, and helping on the farm. Former Girl Guide leader Jean Nelson sums it up best with these

words: “From a very early age we knew as leaders, that here was a girl who was born for Guiding. Hanna’s diligence, her hard work, her desire to do the best job possible no matter what the task. These are characteristics that will serve her well no matter what association one is in but they certainly are traits we like to see in the girls we work with.” According the Nelson,

Hanna Wadlegger shows off the Canada Cord she received during a recent Guiding meeting. Photo submitted

Wadlegger's camping skills are top notch and her natural ability and willingness to teach young girls all the things she has learned make her an exceptional Guide. “It is only occasionally that I have met a girl that seems to exemplify all of the Guide laws but we have one here. Certainly Guiding wishes Hanna the very best in the future,” Nelson said.

The following is a list of the students who received awards during Clearwater Secondary School's awards assembly on Tuesday, June 23: Youth Week Awards – Shanequa Harwood, Karter Romeo, Alex Arduini, Ivan Reygadas Jr. Art – Cassidy Redman Sr. Art – Kaylene Redman Jr. Music – Stacia Panko Most Valuable Musician – Emily Hewlett, Emily Talbot Jr. Home Economics – Emily Fraser Sr. Home Economics – Foods – Gabby Chandler, Sara Porter Computer Skills – Wyatt Dame Initial Attack – Robin Fraser, Jacob Madden, Karter Romeo Wood Products Manufacturing – Justin Sutherland Gr. 8 Girl Athlete – Haliya Arduini, Annika Wadlegger Gr. 8 Boy Athlete – Cedrik Menard Jr. Girl Athlete – Shawna Podbisky, Hanna Wadlegger Jr. Boy Athlete – Connor Dee Sr. Girl Athlete – Robin Fraser, Reid

Horour Roll and Service Award winners at Clearwater Secondary Honour Roll 2015: Year 1 – Zara Bieber, Hannah Booth, Tyson Braaten, Keanen Bromley, Keana Burke, Mitchell Chayer, Michaela Daase, Connor Dee, Ashley Foster, Ryan Green, Jaxon Kjenstad, Hailey Lepine, Dorian McGill, Cedrik Menard, John Meyer, Grayson Panko, Jenny Panko, Sara Porter, Cassidy Redman, Bobbi Russell, Sarah Schwaiger, Tiffany Schwaiger, Cole Stone, Zach Stone, Paytten Yurkiw, Amanda Zittlau, Rylee Zittlau Year 2 – Natalia Biagioni, Aliya Bieber,

Jesslyn Bordeleau, Savannah Dee, Emily Giesbrecht, Emily Hewlett, Kaitlyn Hunter, Adrian Romeo, Morgan Thomas, Hanna Wadlegger, Annie Whelen Year 3 – Mackenzie Alain, Emily Fraser, Hailey Griffin, Vanessa McGill, Stacia Panko, Shawna Podbisky, Kaylene Redman, Breanna Regier, Kiran Sharif Year 4 – Jesse Dana, Janice Lau, Leevon Levasseur, Karter Romeo, Megan Sim, Larson Wadlegger, Lachlan Whelen

Year 5 – Reid Rebinsky, Jenna Zietsov Service Awards: Athletics – Haliya Arduini, Keltie Arndt, Kaya Breda, Makayla Breda, Annie Butcher, Michaela Daase, Connor Dee, Robin Fraser, Emily Giesbrecht, Mitchell Graham, Shanequa Harwood, Jacob Madden, Timo Menard, Taylor Neufeld, Jenny Panko, Stacia Panko, Curtis Podbisky, Shawna Podbisky, Sydney Raes, Talon Rhodes, Karter Romeo, Cole Stone, Annika Wadlegger, Hanna Wadlegger,

Nate Wadlegger, Annie Whelen Student Council and Athletics – Mackenzie Alain, Reid Rebinsky, Megan Sim, Jenna Zietsov Soccer – Ahmae Eakins, Boden Eakins Athletics and Soccer– Leevon Levasseur, Lachlan Whelen Youth Engagement Activities – Will Ellis, Adrian Romeo Wood projects for the community – Tristan Huybregts, Austin Rauch Singing O’Canada at assemblies – Emily Talbot Gym duties – Tyson Braaten

Rebinsky Sr. Boy Athlete – Jacob Madden Daryl Pipev Mem. Award - Outstanding Athlete – Megan Sim Jr. PE – Tyson Braaten, Shanequa Harwood Sr. PE – Curtis Podbisky Jr. English – Mackenzie Alain, Stacia Panko Sr. English – Jenna Zietsov Jr. Creative Writing – Emily Fraser Sr. Creative Writing – Reid Rebinsky Jr. French – Stacia Panko Sr. French – Reid Rebinsky Jr. Social Studies – Mackenzie Alain Jr. Mathematics – Mackenzie Alain, Stacia Panko Sr. Mathematics – Reid Rebinsky Jr. Science – Mackenzie Alain Sr. Science – Reid Rebinsky Award to Parent – Alex Arduini Award to a Community Member – Jim Zsednai Perfect Attendance – Jesse Dana Effort Award (gr. 8) – Grayson Panko, Paytten Yurkiw Effort Award (gr. 9) – Morgan Thomas

Grade 12 student Reid Rebinsky won the senior best all round student award with the Fred Allen Memorial Bursary, as well as several other awards during Clearwater Secondary School's recent awards assembly. Times file photo

Effort Award (gr. 10) – Hanna Wadlegger Effort Award (gr. 11) – Lochlan Whelen Effort Award (gr. 12) – Breanna Regier Highest Achievement (gr. 8) – Grayson Panko Highest Achievement (gr. 9) – Emily Giesbrecht Highest Achievement (gr. 10) – Stacia Panko Highest Achievement (gr. 11) – Janice Lau Highest Achievement - Practical and Fine Arts (gr. 12) – Larson

Wadlegger Highest Achievement - Academic (gr. 12) – Reid Rebinsky Most Improved – Kennedy Ash, Kylia Neufeld Jr. Citizenship – Shanequa Harwood Sr. Citizenship – Jenna Zietsov Jr. All Round – Mackenzie Alain, Stacia Panko Sr. All Round / Fred Allan Memorial Bursary – Reid Rebinsky






Magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in our bodies. These reactions affect heart rhythm, our bones and our immune system. The average adult female needs 420 mg daily (310 mg for men). We get some magnesium from our food but many people are still deficient. Supplements are helpful here. A new baby in the family? Congratulations! Just a reminder to keep the child on its back in the crib, don’t use blankets and pillows and dress the baby in a one-piece sleeper. Also keep soft toys and other objects out of the sleep area and don’t let anyone smoke around the baby. New babies should sleep in an area near where the parents sleep but NOT with the parents. All these suggestions will minimize SIDS (Sudden infant Death Syndrome). Even though electronic cigarettes are not legal for sale in Canada, some people still use them. One of the problems with these devices is that there is no regulations about what they contain besides the liquid nicotine. E-cigarettes are relatively new so there is a lack of long-term scientific evidence to support their safety. There still is concern that their use will lead to nicotine addiction. Sometime, people who are hard of hearing don’t let on this is so. We want to know about it. When talking to you about a new prescription, we want to be sure you hear the information as well as read it in the handout. Hearing and seeing helps learning. If your hearing isn’t great, we can always move to a quieter area of the store. We want to make sure you get the whole story about your medication.

PHARMASAVE Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5


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Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

Gottfriedson elected regional chief of B.C. Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week

Raffle winner Clearwater's Rob Griffiths holds his prize after winning a 50/50 spring raffle put on by North Thompson Fish and Game Society in Barriere recently. Griffiths won about $3,800 and plans to use it to re-roof his house. Photo submitted

LIFE WITH PETS Trail Etiquette Summer is a great time to get out hiking or walking with your dog. In these warm temperatures, it is important to be very careful that you don’t overheat your dog as heat stress can cause severe medical issues and may even be fatal. Dark-colored dogs, long coated dogs and short-faced breeds are particularly susceptible to this condition. Avoid walking your dog in the heat of the day, even for short periods. Early mornings and late evenings are a much safer time to take your dog for some much needed summer exercise. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise that your dog can do and keep cool at the same time. It is also great exercise for those older dogs with arthritis as it proCompassionate PET CARE Close to home

Michelle and Pam vides flexibility for the joints without putting extra stress on them. Also be vigilant of pets that may rest in the shade under vehicles or equipment. Check underneath before you start your engine. Sharing the trails and hiking paths provides lots of opportunities to meet dogs that you don’t know. If you are the owner of a small dog, keep in mind that some large dogs may not


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be familiar with small dogs. Allowing your dog to run up to a strange dog without a proper greeting or to bark at the other dog may invoke an aggressive response. Use care and common sense when introducing two dogs that do not know each other. Dogs that are obviously aggressive or overexcited are best to be avoided rather than forcing the issue. Some dogs are naturally more relaxed and social than others. Dogs tend to be more relaxed and at ease when they are on a loose lead. Pulling on a tight leash increases frustration and may cause otherwise friendly dogs to become agitated. Wishing you and your pets a fun and sun-filled summer.

Tk’emlups Indian Band chief Shane Gottfriedson is B.C.’s newest regional chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) following a first-ballot election victory on June 25. “I credit the victory to my dedication and passion,” Gottfriedson said in a telephone interview from Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, where chiefs from around B.C. or their delegates cast ballots for regional chief. Gottfriedson picked up 87 votes, slightly higher than the 50 per cent needed to declare a victor on the first ballot and avoid a run-off. His closest rivals were Bob Chamberlin, vicepresident of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, with 38 votes, and former Snuneymux chief Doug White, from the Nanaimo area, with 37. Former Adams Lake Indian Band chief Nelson Leon garnered only four votes. It is the second time he has run for the position, losing in 2009 by nine votes. Gottrfriedson was sworn in for the three-year term immediately after the election. Outgoing regional chief is Jody WilsonRaybould, now a federal Liberal candidate in the riding of Vancouver-Granville. Gottfriedson will also soon travel to a national gathering of the Assembly of First Nations in Montreal. The TIB chief will continue living in Kamloops and will serve out his term until the local fall election. Gottfriedson was first elected TIB chief in 2003 and has served four successive three-year terms. “I think 12 years of community service is a good run,” Gottfriedson said. “I think’s it’s time I let someone else lead our community.” Gottfriedson said there has been a lack of leadership in B.C. in the past six years. “Land claims scare the hell out of investors,” he said. “If you treat me and my people fairly, there is nothing to be afraid of. We will not back down,

Shane Gottfriedson

but the door is always open to a fair deal.” Arguing Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government has a policy of “extinguishing native peoples’ land rights,” Gottfriedson said it is time for a unified approach to aboriginal title rights and treaty. “Canada and B.C. have learned we can be their greatest ally or their darkest nightmare,” he said. “The choice is obvious.” Gottfriedson’s new position will come with a pay raise. Outgoing regional chief Wilson-Raybould, while opposing the First Nations Financial Transparency Act last summer, sent out a tweet announcing her salary as being $107,645.92. As chief of the Tk’emlups Band, Gottfriedson earns $82,000 a year — along with another $11,000 annually in pension and other benefits — all tax-free.

TNRD directors add to flood relief for Cache Creek Adam Williams – Kamloops This Week More relief is coming to the Village of Cache Creek. The Thompson-Nicola Regional District’s board of directors has voted in favour of a resolution that will see electoral area directors donate a portion of their discretionary funds to the village, to aid in relief efforts following flash flooding on May 23. The resolution will see the TNRD’s 10 electoral area directors donate about $500 each to the village — less in the case of a few directors who didn’t have the sum available. In total, the village will receive in the neighbourhood of $5,000. “The generosity of people, related to the unrecoverable losses some of the citizens of Cache Creek suffered, is heartwarming, for sure,” said John Ranta, Cache Creek’s mayor and chairman of the TNRD board of directors. All of the funds donated have been earmarked for individuals or small businesses that suffered as a result of the disaster. None of the money will be used on village

infrastructure in Cache Creek. A committee of what Ranta termed “community-minded residents” will decide how the funds are allocated. Ranta pegged the cost of damage done to personal property in the village at about $3-million. Roughly five properties were damaged beyond repair — two houses with foundational damage and another handful of properties in the Riverside Trailer Park. Ranta’s estimated figure didn’t include damage to non-essential property, such as retaining walls and landscaping, which are not covered by disaster-relief funding. The mayor said recovery efforts are continuing to progress in the village. Residents have put in their applications for disaster-relief funding and the municipality has a list of about 20 projects it would like to see completed. Ranta pegged total damage costs at about $5-million, including personal and public property. Residents had until this past Wednesday to file claims with Emergency Management B.C.

Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A9

CounterAttack roadchecks began July 1 Insurance Corporation of B.C. Every Canada Day, an average of 22 people are injured in 97 crashes in the Southern Interior. Also in the Southern Interior, an average of 14 people are killed in impaired-related crashes during the summer months every year. That's why the B.C. government, ICBC and police kicked off the CounterAttack campaign on July 1 to keep impaired drivers off our roads this summer. Whether you're out golfing, boating or at a BBQ with friends, everyone needs to plan ahead for a safe ride home this summer – arrange a designated driver, call a taxi or take transit. Police will be looking for impaired drivers at CounterAttack roadchecks across the province.

With so many options to get home safely, there is no excuse to drive while impaired. But some drivers still aren't getting the message – here are the top excuses given by impaired drivers to police at CounterAttack roadchecks: • "My girlfriend was too drunk to make it home from the bar, so I'm going to pick her up." • "I'm an idiot!" • "But I have a driver's licence, no one else had a driver's licence!" • "I don't feel drunk!" • "I'm only two blocks from home." • "Mom told me to bring the truck home." • "I had to pick up my husband." ICBC supports CounterAttack with funding for enhanced police enforcement and an education campaign which promotes the use of designated drivers.

Vavenby Park upgrades get money for trees Times Staff The Vavenby Community Park green-up project is receiving a $4,300 grant from Tree Canada and BC Hydro, according to a letter presented during a Thompson-Nicola Regional District board of directors meeting held June 18. The letter was addressed to Sherri Madden, services coordinator for Wells Gray Country (Area A). Benefits of TRU to TNRD Christopher Seguin, vice-president of advancement at Thompson Rivers University (TRU), gave a presentation to the TNRD board on June 18 about the positive impacts TRU has in the TNRD. The board accepted an invitation from Seguin to tour TRU’s Kamloops campus and perhaps also hold a board of directors meeting there. Support for B.C.’s coal industry Alan Fryer, Coal Alliance spokesperson, Mike LoVecchio, director of government affairs for Canadian Pacific Railway, and Scott Lunny from United Steelworkers provided a presentation on behalf of the Coal Alliance. They shared information about the economic importance of the coal industry to

communities in British Columbia. The board passed a resolution to write a letter recognizing the importance of the coal industry in B.C. and encouraging the industry to maintain leading environmental standards. Endorsement provided for winery lounge During its June 18 meeting, the TNRD board recommended for approval an application for a winery lounge endorsement for the Monte Creek Ranch Winery. The recommendation to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch would be subject to the limitation of hours of operation from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

The current winery licence allows the applicant to manufacture, sell, and store wine and provide product samples to the public in a designated sampling area at the winery. Wineries may also operate one onsite retail store. This winery lounge endorsement, if approved, would allow patrons to purchase and consume wine manufactured and bottled in B.C. by the glass or bottle in a designated lounge area (which may be an indoor area or outdoor patio, or both). Composting regulation goes to public hearing Kamloops South Official Community Plan Amendment

Bylaw 2524, 2015, and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2516, 2015, were both given two readings and will be taken to public hearing in conjunction with a future regular board of directors meeting. The changes to the bylaws were in response to numerous complaints about recent composting operations, including those in Botany Valley and Nicola Valley. Complaint response was limited given local government has almost no authority in the realm of either zoning or nuisance bylaws when composting is done as a part of an agricultural operation. When it is an accessory use to a residence

or when it is a primary use, such as a commercial operation, local government's scope of authority broadens. Regulatory authority over the commercial sale and export of on-farm composting does however rest with both local government and the province. The proposed changes limit or pro-

hibit sale of manufactured farm compost, and thereby limit the scale of an operation and the potential for neighbourhood conflict. Additional $15,000 for Smith Pioneer Park The board approved a request for an increase in Gas Tax Funds previously

provided for improvements to Smith Pioneer Park in Lower Nicola. A total of $15,000 in Gas Tax Funds from Electoral Areas “M” and “N” were contributed in addition to the original funds, to allow for a roof upgrade to the building at Smith Pioneer Park.



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Invitation to submit a Request for Proposal Invitation to submit a Request for Proposal Campus of Care Feasibility Study No. 2015-05 Campus of Care Feasibility Study No. 2015-05 OLA The District isThe seeking Request for Proposals complete a Feasibility Studyathat will include but that will include but District is seeking Requesttofor Proposals to complete Feasibility Study BARR Agate IERE Bay not limited to not statistical on information demographics, (gaps/needs) of current care limitedinformation to statistical onassessment demographics, assessment (gaps/needs) of current careChChBouinuloodekr CoMouventain Chua system, business modeling and a concept plan for a care facility. This proposal will include system, business modeling and a concept plan for a care facility. This proposal will include AVOLARIERE BAR recommendations with regards towith the feasibility of the a campus of care to be in te Bay TES OIMountain recommendations regards to feasibility of afacility campus oflocated care facility to be located in OlBaEPdrriP steCAAga EN Boulder rs & e SoCov ook lic FirChin Hall Noa itors Clearwater servicing the North Thompson Valley. 300 - eChu .1 125 4t Chu AV

Clearwater servicing the North Thompson Valley.

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The proponent will be expected to reference the following documentation: proponent will Study be expected to reference the following documentation:  NorthThe Thompson Hospice  Community North Thompson Study Policy Framework  Primary and Care in Hospice BC: A Strategic  Services Primary in and Community Care in BC: A Strategic Policy Framework  Rural Health BC: A Policy Framework to Provide a System of Quality Care  Deliveringa Patient-Centred, High Performing Sustainable Health System ina BC. Rural Health Services in BC: Aand Policy Framework to Provide System of Quality Care

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Delivering a Patient-Centred, High Performing and Sustainable Health System in BC.


Digital PDF documents for the “Campus of Care Facility Feasibility Study RFP No. 2015-05” will be available beginning Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 at or by Digital PDF documents for the “Campus of Care Facility Feasibility Study RFP No. 2015-05” contacting th

will be available beginning Tuesday, June 16 , 2015 at or by

contactingmust Request for Proposals be clearly marked Campus of Care Facility Feasibility Study RFP No. 2015-05 and submitted either by mail, by courier or electronically to:

Request for Proposals must be clearly marked Campus of Care Facility Feasibility Study

LeslieRFP Groulx, Administrative Officereither by mail, by courier or electronically to: No.Chief 2015-05 and submitted District of Clearwater Postal: Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2 Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer Courier: 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N1 District of Clearwater Electronic:

Postal: Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2 Courier: 209 Lake 2:00 Road, BCJuly V0E10, 1N1 Proposals must be submitted no Dutch later than: pmClearwater PST, Friday, 2015 The District reserves Electronic: the right to reject any or all Proposals.

Proposals must be submitted no later than: 2:00 pm PST, Friday, July 10, 2015 The District reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals.

Times Office Star/Journal Office 14-74 Young Road, 1-4353 Conner Road, Clearwater, BC 250-674-3343 Barriere, BC 250-672-5611



Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A11

Global warming bike trip raises awareness

Map shows the approximate route taken by Clearwater residents Jean Nelson and Keith McNeill as they cycled from the Rouge Hill GO station northeast of Toronto to Ottawa. They started on May 23 and arrived in Ottawa on June 1. They stayed overnight in Oshawa, Cobourg, Trenton, Napanee, Kingston (rest day), Rideau Lakes, Smith Falls, and Carleton Place, and did interviews with local news media in all of them, except Trenton. Much of the route followed dedicated bike trails: the Waterfront Trail most of the way from Toronto to Kingston, and the Cataraqui and Trans Canada trails from Kingston to Ottawa. Google Maps graphic Green Party leader Elizabeth May accepts a memory stick with the more than 28,000 names on the petition from Keith McNeill and Jean Nelson. May was the only federal party leader to meet with the pair. Photo by Cathy Orlando

Members of Citizens Climate Lobby - Canada meet Clearwater residents Jean Nelson and Keith McNeill (on right) after they cycle from Toronto to Ottawa to promote a petition calling for a referendum on carbon fee-anddividend in Canada. The online petition has over 28,000 names on it. Photo by Cathy Orlando

McNeill and Nelson get ready to start cycling from the Rouge Hill GO station. In 1987 and 1989 McNeill walked from Clearwater to the GO station. Photo by Keith McNeill

Jean Nelson takes a break as the Parliament buildings appear on the horizon. Our nation's capital has an excellent system of bike trails. Photo by Keith McNeill

McNeill and Nelson meet with noted Canadian author Naomi Klein during a rally in Toronto. Following Pope Francis' latest encyclical, Klein has been invited to a meeting in the Vatican on climate change.

Right: Keith McNeill and Jean Nelson get their bikes out last winter as they get ready for the bike trip they did from Toronto to Ottawa this spring to promote a petition for carbon feeand-dividend. The online petition can be found by Googling: "Care2", "petition", "carbon", "fee", and "Canada". The URL is www.thepetitionsite. com/850/161/365/petition-for-a-referendumon-carbon-fee-and-dividend-for-canada/ Photo by Mikael Kjellstrom


Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

Sports Rod and gun club holds open house

Members of Central North Thompson Rod and Gun Club relax in a new scorekeeping shed built at the club's trap-shooting range. The sign acknowledges the support received from Wells Gray Community Forest. Pictured are (l-r) club president Jeff Chase, trap-shooting committee members Marlene Herman and Ron Anderson (hidden), and club director Lyle Haughian.

Warm weather doesn't slow lady golfers

Family fishing fun Youngsters and adults listen to a Learn to Fish program held as part of a Family Fishing Weekend event on Saturday, June 20 at Hallamore Lake. The event was sponsored by the Family Fishing Society and Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and run by staff from Clearwater Trout Hatchery. The hatchery provided food for a barbeque while Buy-Low Foods donated water. A total of 16 kids attended this year's event, along with 18 adults. With the weather being mostly sunny with some showers everyone had a great time. Photo submitted

Drive Safe and be safe The Times

Submitted Heavy grey clouds threatened rain all day but all we had to contend with during Ladies Night at Lacarya this week were hordes of mosquitos. There were 16 ladies out despite the higher temperatures, although it looked as if there were fewer

walkers than riders this week. Our winners for Flight #1 were: Carol Hindle – low gross; Debbie Pearce – low net, long putt; Lois Vandamme – long drive; and Tanya Desjarlais – long drive in 2. For Flight #2: Jan Johnston – low gross; Marg Anderson – low net,

11th Annual Quad Riders (ATV/BC) Poker Ride 11th Annual Quad Riders th th 11 Annual Quad Riders Saturday July 18 , 2015 ATV/BC Poker Ride

11th Annual Quad Riders (ATV/BC) Poker Ride Saturday July 18th, 2015 Clearwater, B.C.

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long drive, long putt and long drive in 2 (good job Marg); and Joan Slingsby – KP. For Flight #3: Joan Streadwick – low gross; Abbey Bates – low net, KP, long drive, long putt (it pays to record your distance no matter how short); and Anna Mae Dee – long drive in 2. Jane Olson, Daisy Hystad and Joan Slingsby put one into the pond on #4 so all received a newish ball to replace the one they lost. Carol put her tee shot closest to the pin on the green on #7. Anna Mae had the longest putt for all flights. Tanya had the least putts

and Sheila Colter had the most. Jan was the closest to the windmill on fairway #3. There were no winners for the birdie or deuce pot. Thank you to our sponsors for the week: Fleetwest (hole in one sponsor), Home Hardware, Century 21 Realty, O’Bryans Café, Maclennan Farms, The Painted Turtle, Pharmasave, The Caboose, Wells Gray Inn, Raft River Greenhouses and The Strawberry Moose. See everyone next week. Remember to book your tee time with Linda at 5876100.

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Lyle Haughian helps Tommy Panko learn trap-shooting during Central North Thompson Rod and Gun Club's open house on Saturday, June 20. Photos submitted

Full Year 1One Year full coverage


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Legacies That Last Forever. or on Facebook

Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A13

Vavenby youngsters enjoy Fun Day Robyn Rexin

Top players in the season 14 tournament at the Wells Gray Inn Poker Club are (l-r) third place winner Trevor Digby, first place winner Bob Daoust, and second place winner Fred Roach. Photo by Goldie Krawec

Poker club ends Season 14 Goldie Krawec Play for Season 14 has ended with 29 different players taking advantage of the free weekly poker game of the Wells Gray Inn Poker Club. Play starts at 7 p.m. each Wednesday evening at the Inn with a tournament at the end of each three-month period. Participants collect points each time they play, depending on where they finish for the evening. The top eight players plus a wildcard player play for prizes at the end of each season. If you play on the Internet, why not come out and experience a live game where every player at the table handles the cards and chips and interacts with the rest of the players! See the expressions when they are bluffing or not. Learn how to deal a real hand of poker, plus the betting and blind routine. It can get real interesting when blinds are three and six thousand and you may only have a little more than that.

``What do I do now?`` you ask yourself. Come, join in, and find out. The top placing players to eighth place for Season 14 are: 1, Chris Moore, 9,150 points; Fred Roach – 7,550; Deb Watson, 7,200; Justin Morrison, 6,800; Goldie Krawec, 6,200; Bob Daoust, 5,200; Linda Merritt, 4,750; Millie Rempel, 3,100. Players placing second to fifth place only had 700 points difference. Trevor Digby won the wildcard seat on June 17, making nine players eligible to play in the season tournament, which was held June 24. The highest hand of the season was a Royal Flush with a King High Straight Flush in second place. There were many other exceptionally good hands recorded in the past 12 weeks. Sometimes there were two hands with Four of a Kind (Quads) in the same evening. We have had Quad 8`s against Quad J`s and Quad J`s against Quad Q`s.

“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, we are here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.

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Each evening of play the player who records his or her high hand with the tournament director is rewarded with a little gift plus 100 extra points. There is also an extra 100 points awarded to the player who takes out the Bounty player. The Bounty player is the player who won the game the previous week. There are also weekly prizes awarded. Winners of Season 14 Tournament are: 1, Bob Daoust; 2, Fred Roach; and 3, Trevor Digby. Once again, a wildcard player has placed in the top three of the tournament. Play for Season 15 commenced on July 1.

On the morning of Wednesday, June 24, the Vavenby Strong Start and Primary School students had their year end Fun Day. The weather was good – not too hot or cold. The primary children started the day with classes in the classroom. While this was taking place the Strong Start children helped their leader, Mrs. Amy, set up the play areas for the Fun Day. When the primary Mrs. Amy (r) leads Vavenby Strong Start and Primary School students as they hold a students came out to coloured parachute and sing songs. Photo by Robyn Rexin join them there was a race. The children were a wonderful way to end the school year. A big divided into two teams, the Aliens and the Spaceships. They threw mete- thank-you should be given to Mrs. Amy for organizing a great day. She sent the Strong Start ors (beanbags) out as far as possible and then, children home with a book and hoped she would on the count of three, ran out to pick them up see everyone again in September. Strong Start one at a time. When all the "meteors" had been is for all children up to five years old and gets collected they were counted and the team with them ready for Kindergarten. the most won. The school has now got a new roof. It took Next everyone did some songs with the parathe men three weeks to complete the job, workchute. Then all went into the school for snack ing in hot temperatures. time. Mrs. Amy had the children make fruit pizzas. Each was given a wafer and some cream cheese to spread on top. There was a good variety of fruit to choose from to put on top of the wafers or to just eat. There were cherries, strawberries, and pieces of peaches, cantaloupe, and papaya. When finished eating the children went back outside for recess and then Fun Day continued. The students were told to dig in the sandbox for buried treasure until they had a handful. Then they were shown the six different stations to play at, just two students per station at a time. The most popular ones were the face painting station, where the children painted each others' faces, and the bubble station. The students ran with their wands to form bubbles and the Iyannah Toscano (l) and Hunter Crystall prepare and school's dog Cash would jump to catch them. enjoy their fruit pizzas. Photo by Robyn Rexin Everyone had a really good time and it was

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church Non-denominational congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive Wayne Richardson (Pastor)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.7073 or 250.674.2912


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm

324 Clearwater Village Road 250-819-5579

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 4:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service) Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy


Worship Service 10:30

Pastor Doug Spinney 250.674.3624


Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

Business & Service Directory Rive



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Business & Service Directory


Residential includes Blue Bag Recycling Clearwater Information Centre Area Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.

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Construction and Home Renovation





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call Safe Home (250) 674-2135 in Little Fort, Clearwater, Clearwater 2, 2015 BirchTimes Island,Thursday, Vavenby,July Avola & Blue River (250) 682-6444 in Dareld, Barriere, Chu Chua, Louis Creek and McLure A15

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Business & Service Directory

Anytime day or night - Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Call us now. We can help. If you would like to volunteer, call 250-674-2600 and ask for Wendy


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Automotive Repair • Used Auto Parts • Mobile Repairs Designated Vehicle Inspection • C.V.I. Inspections AVAILABLE 24 HOURS • 7 DAYS A WEEK Commercial Truck & EQ Repair 250-674-2214 • 250-674-1542 Fully Licensed Technicians


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Offering Heavy Duty mechanical and Inspections Mon. - Fri. • 8am – 5pm • 851 Yellowhead Hwy S.

Will She Find Your Business?

Advertise your business for as low as $16/week Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road


Campfires banned throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre BC Wildfire Service KAMLOOPS – Effective at noon on Friday, July 3, all open fires – including campfires – will be prohibited throughout the entire Kamloops Fire Centre. This prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. Kamloops Fire Centre includes Clearwater Fire Zone. This step is being taken to help prevent humancaused wildfires and protect public safety. A map of the area covered by this open burning prohibition and campfire ban is available online at: http://bit. ly/1sfqVr9 The fire danger rating is currently “high” throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre, with some areas rated “extreme”. With the

current trend of warm and dry weather, wildfires in the region have displayed aggressive behaviour and have required additional firefighting resources. Human-caused wildfires can divert critical resources and crews from responding to naturally occurring wildfires. In addition to campfires, this prohibition applies to open fires of any size, industrial burning, fireworks, tiki torches, sky lanterns and burning barrels. This prohibition does

not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes, or to a portable campfire apparatus with a CSA or ULC rating that uses briquettes, liquid fuel or gaseous fuel, so long as the height of the flame is less than 15 centimetres. This burning prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of a local government that has forest fire prevention bylaws and is serviced by a fire department. Please check with local government authorities for any other restrictions before lighting any fire (District of Clearwater usually follows BC Wildfire Service on campfire bans, etc.). Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may

be issued a ticket for $345, required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/ or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs. To report a wildfire or an open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 or *5555 on a cellphone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, go to: You can also follow the latest wildfire news: • On Twitter at: BCGovFireInfo • On Facebook at: BCForestFireInfo

Called to the bar Former Clearwater resident Carolynne Burkholder celebrates after being called to the bar at the Law Courts in Prince George in a ceremony held June 25. A graduate of Clearwater Secondary School, the new lawyer also has a master's degree in journalism. Photo submitted


Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

Thought of the week Never put the key to happiness in someone else’s pocket.


Eureka SCIENCE CAMP for Kids July 6th – July 10th

The EUReKA! Science Program is coming to Clearwater on July 6th-10th, 2015. At EUReKA! you will get to do Crazy Chemistry, unBelievable Biology, Exciting Engineering, and Funky Physics. The best part is… you get to do all your own experiments! Our wacky instructors will be there to guide you along the path of discovery! This week long camp will take place at the Dutch

Lake Community Centre in Clearwater. Camp hours are: Monday to Friday from 9:00

am to 4:00 pm. If you are interested check out the EUReKA! website at or call1.250.371.5534 for more information. We would love to have you join the EUReKA! team for this exciting summer. P.S. that means there will be more people there for the water fight!


Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS


July 4: Meat Draw, Legion Branch 259, 257 Glen Rd., 3-5:30PM, Bar opens1:00PM July 17-19: The Canadian Blue Moon Elvis Festival. NT Fall Fair Grounds. info at or call 250-319-0402 July 18: ATV Poker Ride, info July 25: Legion BBQ, 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5 pm, dinner served 6 pm. Sept 4-7: North Thompson Fall Fair & rodeo

ONGOING EVENTS 1-3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-674-3233. • Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Sat. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, info 250-674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • BUNCO: 3rd Tue of every mth, Dutch Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre, 1:30 – 3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • WGCSS Writers Circle: Meets 1st & 3rd Thur. @ Library


$105 $135 $795

TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 209 Dutch Lake Rd. EMAIL: •

July 11: Legion BBQ, 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5 pm, dinner served 6 pm.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: Every Saturday May – Oct, 9 am – 12 noon, Elks Hall. • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Upstream Community and Heritage Society open house Tuesdays: 9am-9pm @ Avola School House, various activities. Info ph Fay 250-678-5302. • Thompson Valley Quilters. Meet 2nd Wed. and 3rd Mon. of the mth at NTAC in the DLCC, 9 am - 4 pm. Info Linda 250-6743437 or Dorothy 250-676-9270 • Vavenby Needle Arts Group. Meet every Tues. 11am - 4pm at Vavenby Community Center. Info Dorothy 250-676-9270 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 HEALTH & HEALING • Hospice Grief Support: 2nd Thur of every mth, NT Funeral Home


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Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A17

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Barriere A-A Meetings Every Tuesday at 7:30pm Pentecostal Church 818 Amnesty Road 250-672-9643 250-672-9934

Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Clearwater 250-674-2135 Barriere 250-672-6444

Clearwater Alcoholics Anonymous Sunshine Group meets every Tuesday, 8 pm, Elks Hall 72 Taren Dr. Open to Everyone For info contact Wendy 250-587-0026 Do you need help with reading, writing or math? FREE confidential adult tutoring available. • Clearwater Literacy 250-674-3530 • Barriere Literacy 250-672-9773

Merchandise for Sale

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Houses For Sale

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Food Products

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by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

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Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

District of Clearwater

MV/ICBC Clerk II Part-time Temporary Position

Applicants are invited to apply for a part-time temporary position for an MV/ICBC Clerk II (0.20 FTE) with the District of Clearwater. This position will report to the Director of Finance and is required to perform general duties in relation to MV/ICBC insurance, and other office related duties. Applicants must have experience with a variety of office equipment; be proficient with the Microsoft Office suite; and demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills. Working knowledge of regulations, procedures and computer software programs used in a Motor Vehicle / ICBC application is a must. It is an asset to have Certification for Autoplan Essentials. (ICBC); Customer Services Representative Tutorial Completion and Fraud Completion and or experience in equivalent or related work. Wage: $22.75 per hour plus 4% vacation pay Term: July 13th to December 31st, 2015 This position is a part-time temporary position at 0.20 FTE or 7 hours per week with additional hours to cover for vacation and sick leave. This position is subject to the provisions of the CUPE Local 900 Collective Agreement. Written applications marked “Confidential” will be accepted by the undersigned until NOON, Friday, July 10th, 2015. The application must include a resume outlining related experience and qualifications. The District will only contact those that are shortlisted. Attention: Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer, Box 157, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0, Phone: 250-674-2257 or Fax: 250-674-2173

Wanted:Will pay cash for construction equipment, backhoes, excavators, dozers, farm tractors w/loaders, skid steers, wheel loaders, screeners, low beds, any condition running or not. 250-260-0217.


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A18 A18

Thursday,July July2,2,2015 2015 Clearwater ClearwaterTimes Times Thursday,



Cars - Domestic 2004 Toyota Corolla, 5 spd manual, a/c, winter & summer tires, 200,000 km, good cond. Ph. 250-587-6306

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A July p r i l Capricorn, This week is you all may to look aboutneed give and take, atCapricorn. a problem from Do for another perspective others, and they will to theAbest soludofind for you. special tion. your event Discuss calls for some findings with others extra-special gifts. December 22– and see if they have January 19 any suggestions.

January 20– February 18


1957 - 2015

1925 – 2015

Francis William “Frank�




Take easy Somethings habits are hardand let your Aquarius. intuition to break, work fora mentor you, to Look to Aquarius. help and youFinancial will or business-related succeed. A fitness projects fall achieved in your goal is easily lap, work with and a newyou piece of through equipment.them quite easily.

Emotions reach The odds may be a high after hearing stacked against you, good this Pisces,news but that doesn’t week, Pisces. mean you won’tIt’s come okay your out ontotoplet with a little guard down a bit ingenuity. A weekend around loved endeavoryour requires a February 19– ones. leap of faith. March 20

After a lengthy illness Francis “Frank� William De Neef passed away surrounded by his family at Royal Inland Hospital, Kamloops, BC, on Tuesday, June 23, 2015. He was 57 years of age. Frank was born on August 19, 1957 in Kamloops, BC to parents Francis and Marina De Neef. He is survived by daughter Lindsey (Cody) Braucht of Hinton, Alberta; grandchildren Ethan, Bria, Asher and Isaiah Braucht; mother Marina De Neef of Clearwater, BC; sisters Darlene (Bruce) Lewis of Merritt, BC, Teri (Joe) Pelton of Clearwater, BC, Margy (Mike) Slute of Moyie, BC, Mary Ann (Robert) Mattenley of Clearwater, BC, and Kathy (Gary) Braaten of Clearwater, BC; adopted brother Lyle (Gail) of Elkford, BC; adopted sister Tammy (Glen) Moore, and a multitude of nephews, nieces, and great nieces and nephews. Frank was predeceased by his dad Francis Joseph De Neef of Clearwater, BC and sister Carol Ann of Kamloops, BC. Frank attended Clearwater Secondary School and he worked for Weyerhaeuser. His passions were gardening and his dog Jedediah Bosephus. He loved golf, hockey, music, fishing and camping. A graveside service took place for Frank on June 27, 2015 at the Riverview Cemetery. Services entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services, Clearwater, British Columbia, telephone 250-674-3030.

2 2-3 July - 2 8, 9 , 2015 2 0 1


March 21– April 19

Your is pleasSpeakmood up, Aries, and ant and playful the problem will bethis week, a solved.Aries. A little It’s miracle perfect at home time makesto forplan an ainteresting social engagement weekend. or party at your Travel plans come home. together.Invite friends and family and have a good time.

April 20– May 20

Taurus, time Cast asidetake all doubt, to find The waysoffer to isrelax Taurus. and unwind. genuine and willThis bring could mean removyou many rewards. A ing yourself from test of faith begins— tense or competitive be strong. Money woes situations for a little ease. while until things calm down.

July 23– August 22

May 21– June 21

Your imagination is Feeling blessed ignited this week, these days, Gemini? Gemini. ThisAcan Pay it forward. clear the path for compromise at home new raisesbeginnings. everyone’s Make decisions spirits sure and fun ensues you make now all weekend long! are centered and empowered.

Don’t be surprised Spend less, save more if your feelings are all and you’ll definitely over the place get more, Virgo. this More week, in yourVirgo. bottom The line week might and more peacefeel of like amind. rollerFlowers coaster, but provide you will feel great a great pick-me-up. by the end of the August 23– September 22 week.

June 22– July 22


Cancer, your energy A business relationship levels arewith elevated blossoms an this week. Make addition. A larger-thanthe most of this life personality drops newfound energy by with an offer you by tackling allOh of boy, those can’t refuse. projects you have oh boy, Cancer. been putting off.

Libra, an irritating Lady Luck smiles on issue seemsandtothere fix you, Libra, itself andbeyond that isyour reis nothing lieving. Remember, reach. A treasured you do not have to heirloom resurfaces, take on everything bringing back many yourself. Plenty of fond memories. September 23– people are willing to October 22 lend a hand.

This brings Oops,week Leo. You fall all sorts behindofoninteresting a project, ideas raisingand somedesires, Leo. There’s eyebrows. Not much to to keepYou you worry. willbusy, get but sure you backmake on track sooner don’t overdo than you think, things. thanks Avoid the urge to to an innovation. stretch yourself too thin.

Scorpio, The tiniestyou of have lately changesbeen makemore a vast comfortable improvement inwith a your role in life project. A rejection is and your responsia blessing in disguise. bilities. Itfor seems Be grateful what you have all you’reeverything given, Scorpio. together, and others may seek out your advice.

October 23– November 21

Sagittarius, when News from afar gets your imagination the creative juices is stimulated, there’s flowing, and you nothing you cannot accomplish more than accomplish. Thistime, you have in some may be an AinterestSagittarius. game of ing you, witsweek at the for office restless energy November 22– asproves challenging. December 21 has you seeking an outlet.

Lillian Vreeman

Today we remember and celebrate the life of Lil Vreeman, who passed away on June 26, 2015, just five days before her 90th birthday. She was the youngest of seven children, born Lilly Kary on July 1, 1925 in Zetland, AB. She grew up on a farm, working hard, surrounded by the support of family, friends, and church. She attended Berean Bible College in Calgary, AB for several years. She married Peter Heidebrecht on April 7, 1951. God brought two beautiful children into their lives, Kerry, born on April 15, 1953 and Sheila, born on September 2, 1954. They lived, loved, and farmed in Lacombe, AB until Peter was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and was eventually called Home on February 13, 1964. In July, 1967 Lil packed up and moved to Kelowna, BC where she worked at a jewellery store. While there, she met John Vreeman and they married on April 10, 1971. They made their home in Clearwater, BC where John worked at the lumber mill. Both Kerry and Sheila married and soon grandchildren became the delight of her days. In 1989, they retired and moved into a condo in Kelowna, BC. Lil looked after the gardens at the condo and was very involved on the Strata Council. In 2007, they moved back to Little Fort and lived with Byron and Sheila for a couple of years until John moved into Forestview Place and Lil moved into private care. Lil will be greatly missed by John, her husband of 44 years, her children, Kerry (Phyllis) Heidebrecht of Vernon, BC and Sheila (Bryon) Anderson of Little Fort, BC; her grandchildren, Daryl (Nancy), Alisa (Ed), Jesse (Colleen), Peter (Shannon), and Kathryn (Brody); and greatgrandchildren, Grace, Nate, Hope, Lillian, Fynn, Kiana, Hayden and Nicolas and another one to arrive in the fall. She was predeceased by her first husband, Peter Heidebrecht; her parents, Chris and Emily Kary; two sisters, Martha Burtis and Paulina Rennich; and four brothers, Adolph Kary, Robert Kary, George Kary and Gus Kary. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital, Forest View Place, 640 Park Drive, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N1. Service entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services, Clearwater, British Columbia 250-674-3030.

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Clearwater Times Thursday, July 2, 2015 A19

Nepali earthquake is frightening experience Keith McNeill It's one thing to hear about a disaster on the other side of the world but it's another thing entirely to actually live through it. That was the lesson that Clearwater resident Jessica Gunn, her father Grant and her brother Cody brought back after experiencing and surviving the earthquake in Nepal last April that killed more than 8,000 people. “It was about noon on April 25,” said Jessica Gunn. “We were on a street in Kathmandu, looking for our favorite bakery. We hear a noise that sounded like a big dump truck coming up behind us. We looked over our shoulders for the truck when the buildings started to buck and the street to roll. “I yelled, 'Earthquake!' The shaking was so violent you could barely stand up. We hugged a post in a more stable building to try to stay safe. “It went on for a minute or maybe a minute-and-a-half. It was just a weird sensation. After it was over you asked yourself, 'Did that just happen?'” The devastation after the earthquake was extensive. They saw people who had been hit by bricks and other falling debris. Houses and other buildings had collapsed, while many of those still standing were leaning or had cracks in them. There were cracks in the ground as well. Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage site nearby, was completely flattened. The Gunns had been to Nepal several times before and had stayed at their hotel three times. Once the shaking stopped they went back to the hotel and grabbed the essentials.

(L-r) Jessica, Grant and Cody Gunn have happy smiles and tilakas on their foreheads shortly after arriving in Nepal last April. A few hours later an earthquake hit.

staying in their hotel the first night but constant after-shocks meant they had to run outside twice. Eventually, they moved into an open construction site where many other people were taking shelter. They went to the Canadian consulate but were sent from there to the British embassy. After lining up there for two hours they were told to go to the American Club, which is located behind the American embassy.

The Clearwater residents stayed there for three days, living off army rations. “We kept going back to the egg roll guy. His food was really good,” Jessica Gunn said. The Gunns had taken a stock of surplus medical supplies from Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital with them to Nepal for a hospital outside Kathmandu. After the quake struck they took the supplies to the Red Cross.

“They were happy to have them,” said Jessica, “except they asked us to catalog them. Nothing like asking foresters to catalog medical supplies.” Five days after the earthquake hit, they finally were able to fly out. Since then the Gunns have been involved in various efforts, such as the games day held at Clearwater ski hill recently, to raise funds to help Nepal.

Do you need to take Training to be eligible for the work you need? Are you motivated and ready to get ahead? Do you need some advice and/or financial help to get there? Cody Gunn checks out a collapsed building in Kathmandu.

“The hotel is still run by the same people,” Jessica said. “They were really good to us. They made sure we were looked after. Because the Gunns had arrived in Nepal just a few hours earlier, they had no Nepali currency. Interestingly, they were able to get cash out of a bank machine. It was only about six hours after the quake that all power went out. That night a young man, a street vendor, showed up at the hotel with a bike loaded down with momos (Nepali dumplings) and egg rolls. The food was greatly appreciated. The Gunns tried Tents and other improvised shelters cover an open area in Kathmandu as people seek safe places to sleep. Photos submitted

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Cody (l) and Grant Gunn pack bricks as they help clean up Durbar Square



Barber C0687 Housekeeper C0686 Employment Case Manager CB0684 Baker’s Helper C0682 Safe Home Workers CB0680 Janitor Custodian C0679 Relief Motel Manager/Housekeeper C0678 Sandwich Artist CB0677 Housekeepers (multiple positions) C0676 Line Cook C0675 Servers C0672 Motel Housekeeper C0671 Fire Fighters, Chainsaw Operators, Fallers (BC Forest Safety Council Certification), & Wildfire Danger Tree Assessors C0661

A FULL LIST OF JOB POSTINGS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: WWW.CLEARWATEREMPLOYMENT.CA _________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of op operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Operated by Yellowhead Community Services

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Thursday, July 2, 2015 Clearwater Times

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450 g


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