Smithers Interior News, July 08, 2015

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InteriorNEWS THE

108th Year - Week 267

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

PM 40007014

$1.30 (gst included)

Isaiah Clunie-Mcleod, 10, swims with a porpoise at Lake Kathlyn on Canada Day. The lake has been busy as Smithereens try to beat the record heat seen across the province. Rain and a reprieve is not in the forecast until early next week.

Four-storey, 83-room Main Street hotel public hearing soon By Chris Gareau

Tuesday night, and APC liaison Coun. Greg Brown said the public hearing would likely be on July 28. “It’s an important conversation and we need to get it right. I think it’s how this town identifies itself; how it views itself and how outsiders view it,” said Brown. “Because it’s not buried or surrounded by other buildings, it will be a prominent building at four stories, it has to be done right.” Hotel consultant David McWalter said the four stories — one more than allowed without a bylaw and official community plan amendment— were necessary for the hotel to be profitable. See ROUNDABOUT on A2

Smithers/Interior News

Smithers’ advisory planning commission (APC) has sent the proposed four-storey Main Street hotel to council with four recommendations as the process enters its public consultation phase. Bryton Group out of Prince George wants to build the 83-room hotel on its property east of Highway 16 behind the Boston Pizza which the company also owns. Council was expected to pass first and second reading

morice river crash A woman was pulled from the Morice, but a man is still missing.

Midsummer music festival Two pages of photos that capture the spirit of the music festival last weekend.

animal welfare approved A Telkwa farm is the first in B.C. to be Animal Welfare Approved.




Friday Only!

see last page in A

Jim davidson passes Former Smithers Mayor Jim Davidson passed away June 30. Story on page A11.

Dragon King Long Grain Rice 9.07 kg





The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Roi TheaTRe I Max

Fri. & Sat.: 7:30 & 9:30 Sun.-Tues.: 8 • PG

A conceptual drawing of the proposed Main Street Bryton Group Hotel. It would be franchised as a Coast Hotel.

Horizon North drawing

Roundabout may solve hotel traffic From HOTEL on Front “The site is quite small, so in order to achieve the number of parking stalls that we want on our site, which is one per room ... we need to have a fairly small footprint and go up as opposed to going out,” said McWalter, who is an engineer. “The second reason is the soil’s condition is poor. We have to put in piles that are 100 feet deep to support the building. The bigger the footprint, the bigger the piling cost.” McWalter said he was pleasantly surprised by how early he was able to get feedback from the APC.

The APC came back with four recommendations: conduct a viewscape analysis of the proposed building with regards to shadowing on the adjacent properties; consider allowing on street parking, to reduce the onsite parking requirement, in order for a three storey building to be feasible; consider an upper storey level set back to reduce shading; and consider requiring onsite covered accessible handicap parking. Bryton Group also has to do a traffic analysis. One solution proposed was a roundabout for the intersection of Main

and King Streets. The small section of Ninth Avenue between the streets would be converted to parking space. McWalter said he is meeting council in camera to discuss the possible roundabout. The company feels confident a hotel built for the ski season and completely landscaped by spring would be a success. It is building projects across the North to support the LNG industry. “There are more hotel chains looking at Smithers and Terrace and Rupert to put flags on,” said McWalter, pointing to the recent purchase of Hudson Bay Lodge by Prestige.

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Laurel Borrett - Sales Cell 250-877-9444

TUESDAYS: ALL SEATS $7.00 250-847-2440

The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015



Open fires banned throughout BC

By Chris Gareau Smithers/Interior News

The open burning ban put in place for the Bulkley Valley and much of the rest of the Northwest is now in place for almost the entire province of B.C. Effective at noon on Friday, July 3, all open burning, including campfires and fireworks, became prohibited throughout the majority of the province, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced July 2. This prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. This extraordinary step is being taken to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. Unseasonably hot and dry weather is being experienced around the province and any preventable, human-caused fires divert critical personnel and resources from other incidents. The BC Wildfire Service was responding to more than 150 active fires in the province last week,

a number that was growing over the weekend. Campfires will still be allowed in the area known as the “Fog Zone” along the western coast of Vancouver Island. This ban applies to: —open fires of any size, including campfires; —the use of fireworks, sky lanterns and tiki torches; —burning barrels or burning cages of any size or description; —the use of binary exploding targets (e.g., for rifle target practice); and —the use of air curtain burners (forced-air burning systems). This prohibition does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes. It also does not apply to a portable campfire apparatus with a CSA or ULC rating that uses briquettes, liquid or gaseous fuel, with a flame length of 15 centimetres or less. The use of this equipment may be prohibited locally and at a later time if deemed necessary so check “current fire bans” online

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Hours: Mon-Thurs 11-8 • Fri-Sat 11–9 • Sun 10-8

SM I L E F OR T H E WE E K There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island. – Walt Disney

Virtually the entire province is under a fire prohibition.

Government of BC map

at: The use of a portable campfire apparatus that does not meet the conditions noted above is prohibited. This prohibition covers all B.C. Parks, Crown and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by a fire department. Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may

be issued a ticket for $345, required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs. To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call 1-800-663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.

Tracey Turko, RD

1142 Main Street, Smithers • 847-5318

First Impressions Count


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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

N EWS Reel Woman saved from Morice, man missing News By Jackie Lieuwen Houston/Interior News

A woman was rescued from a truck that was flipped and floating in the Morice River early last Tuesday. The 46-year-old male driver was still missing Monday. RCMP Sergeant Stephen Rose said the woman was sitting in the window of the floating truck when she was seen by several Houston people on their way to work. After calling 9-1-1, the locals threw a rope to the stranded woman and pulled her to shore. RCMP Sgt. Rose said the crash happened close to 3 a.m. on June 30. At 5:24 a.m., the locals saw the truck and called 9-1-1. Ambulance, fire and police responded to the accident 23 kilometres up the Morice River Road. They immediately called in Search and Rescue from Houston and Smithers to look for the missing male driver. The woman was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, Sgt.

Rose said. Bulkley Valley Search and Rescue (BVSAR) from Smithers brought in two jet boats and two inflatable kayaks for the search. The search continued Tuesday to Thursday, and Search Manager Whitney Numan said they had 14 to 17 SAR volunteers, water technicians, boat drivers and ground searchers. Numan says that while boats scoured the river, Houston SAR members combed the banks of the river on both sides for two kilometres. Two swift water technicians from Terrace and a search manager and two technicians from Vanderhoof came to help Thursday. Numan said they will be looking for the body in the river. “The likelihood of him being onshore is next to nothing. We have ground searched both sides of the river down two kilometres and there is no sign of him,” he said. The search was called off Thursday night and Numan said they planned to try again

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Saturday. “Our plan is to wait until the river levels drop and water clears up a bit to continue… It is expected the river levels will drop eight to 10 inches in the next week.” Houston police and a Prince George traffic analyst are investigating the cause of the accident. Cpl. Dave Tyreman, RCMP media relations, said alcohol is considered to be factor.

Read the latest in fishing news & tips from the experts at McBike

MAIN ST. SMITHERS 250.847.5009

Locals pulled a woman from the Morice last Tuesday. Contributed photo

InteriorNEWS THE

The Interior News


The Interior News

N EWS RCMP warning of phone scammers threatening to turn Hydro power off Police Beat Smithers RCMP responded to 145 calls for service during the week of June 25 – July 2. Smithers RCMP received a number of calls July 2 regarding phone scams. Callers identify themselves as Hydro representatives and demand immediate payment by credit card or they will cut power to the home or business in 30 minutes. BC Hydro does not conduct business this way. Smithers RCMP discourage anyone from providing credit card or other banking and personal information over the phone. June 25 – A motorist was issued a notice and order to remove red LED lights surrounding the headlights of their motor vehicle. All registered owners are reminded to check Division 4 of the B.C. Motor Vehicle Act regulations if they are considering adding extra lighting or décor lighting to their vehicle. Illegal lights can result in a ticket or fine being issued. Regulations can be found at June 26 – Smithers RCMP received a report of possible gunshots heard in the Dohler Flats area. Members attended, spoke with residents and made patrols but were unable to confirm the report. June 27 – Smithers RCMP responded to a complaint of a possible impaired driver at Tyhee Lake Provincial Park. The

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

vehicle was said to be “gunning it” and driving erratically. Police located the vehicle in question a short time later and observations led to an impaired driving investigation. An immediate 90-day roadside prohibition was issued, the vehicle was impounded and a ticket served for open liquor in a motor vehicle. Smithers RCMP appreciate the public’s assistance in reporting dangerous drivers and remind everyone to please drink responsibly and to not drink and drive. June 28 – Smithers RCMP and BC Ambulance responded to a single vehicle collision on Highway 16 near Grieder Road. A motorcycle and injured female driver were located off road. The driver was taken to Bulkley Valley District Hospital by ambulance and later transported to Prince George. Investigation has not revealed any criminal offence. June 30 – Police were advised of a single vehicle rollover near the 10 km mark of Hudson Bay Mountain Road. Minor injuries were suffered by a couple of the passengers. Loose gravel and driver inexperience may have been contributing factors. The vehicle was severely damaged and later caught fire while being recovered by the tow company. Due to dry conditions and the location of the vehicle amongst trees and tall grass, Forestry was contacted and attended to ensure

the fire could be contained and eventually put out. July 1 – Smithers RCMP received only 10 calls

for service on Canada Day. Members conducted routine patrols and checks throughout the area, including provincial parks and boat

launches. Submitted by Smithers RCMP Cpl. Kimberly Delwisch


Public Notice

In accordance with Section 26 of the Community Charter, the Town of Smithers intends to dispose of the following lands to the Smithers Minor Hockey Association by way of a 5 year lease agreement at $2,372.58 in year one, $2,443.76 in year two, $2,517.07 in year three, $2,592.58 in year four, and $2,670.36 in year five, plus applicable taxes for the concession and meeting room contained within the Smithers Civic Centre. Legally known as “Assigned Parcel A, Plan 1054, District Lot 865, Coast Range 5 except Plan 12338, commonly known as 4204 4th Avenue. This is not a tender nor a request for offers. Further information can be obtained by contacting Susan Bassett, Director of Corporate Services at (250) 847-1600, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday or on our website at

Fair Time Submitted by the BVX

What’s new at the 2015 Fall Fair August 27-30, 2015 Smithers Rodeo Club and the BVX bring back the action packed BCRA Rodeo and Bullarama on August 27st through to August 29th. We start off the Rodeo lineup with the ever popular Bullarama on Thursday evening at 6:00 PM. In this show it’s all Bulls, cowboys and pure Adrenaline! The cowboys are vying for a $2500.00 added purse sponsored by Shooting Star Amusements and the Smithers Rodeo Club. Each bull rider will attempt to ride not one but TWO bulls, all supplied by C+ Stock Contractors, during the 2.5 hour performance. The rider tries to stay on for 8 seconds (the longest 8 seconds of his life?) … and we should warn you, the bull usually wins! The high combined score will be the 2015 SRC Bullarama Champion Bull Rider.

Prepare to be WOWED by our half time entertainment in all three rodeo performances this year! Young Gunz Trick Riders come to us after representing Canada in the Australian Trick Riding Championship in Sydney. These three young riders will dazzle you with their athletic ability in the saddle -- and the horses that they trust with their lives will amaze you with the precise training and talent in this partnership performance. These kids are all under 16 years old and have been performing together for several seasons. Be prepared for a spectacular show by these kids and their mounts.

In Partnership with:

Also on for all three performances is the Wild Horse Race sanctioned by the Canadian Wild Horse Race Association. This is always a favorite, and features some local boys competing in this event as well as teams from across BC and Alberta.

Friday and Saturday evening performances start at 5:00 PM. These are BC Rodeo Association sanctioned events offering a full lineup of Saddle Bronc, Bareback, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Breakaway Roping, Tie-down Roping, Ladies Barrels and Bull Riding for the adult competitors. Youth Events include Jr Steer Riding, Breakaway Roping, Barrels and of course PeeWee Barrels! The Wild Cow Milking will be on Friday and Saturday showcasing all local businesses and teams of three trying desperately to get that elusive drop of milk into the pop bottle. Get a team together and try your luck! Our shows would not be complete without our announcer Jay Savage back for another year; keeping everyone informed and involved. Veteran Squirrelly Early Anderson from Alberta joins us this year as our Rodeo clown; he’ll be bringing us lots of laughs. Also for your enjoyment and thanks to our great lineup of SUPER sponsors will be the Rodeo Program complete with a huge selection of prizes donated by our Rodeo business sponsors; don’t miss a chance to go home with a helicopter ride or gift certificates to your favorite restaurant! Please check out all the great sponsors of the rodeo at www.smithersrodeoclub. com or fb/smithersrodeoclub . Drop in, say hi and tell them “Smithers Rodeo at the BVX” sent you! See ya’ll at the 96th Bulkley Valley Exhibition, Smithers Rodeo Club



The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Published by Black Press Ltd. 3764 Broadway Avenue, Smithers BC V0J 2N0


Publisher Grant Harris, Editor Chris Garreau CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2012


Web poll Are you concerned about the current state of the Bulkley Valley’s air quality?

No 44%

Yes 56%

B.C. still the Wild West for elections

GUEST VIEW Tom Fletcher


he man behind “HarperPAC” says it lived and died in a few days to make a point about third-party advertising in Canadian politics. When it launched, I wondered why he would choose such a deliberately provocative name. No, not “Harper,” but the acronym for “Political Action Committee,”

which has come to symbolize the financial excesses of U.S. politics. HarperPAC ran one radio ad, accusing Liberal leader Justin Trudeau of blaming voters for his declining popularity, and suggesting that Trudeau’s “months of mistakes” are a likelier cause. No kidding. HarperPAC spokesman Stephen Taylor, who like Stephen Harper before him has worked for the National Citizens’ Coalition, announced the end of the project last week. “We have contributed to a new discussion about political financing in a fixed election era that is critical to our democracy,” Taylor said. “We note that this discussion only occurred once a right-wing analog of the left’s PAC-style efforts emerged on the scene.” Indeed, it was when HarperPAC emerged that muttering began about “dark money” in Canadian politics. Unifor, Anti-Conservative

front LeadNow and the many faces of the Tides Foundation somehow failed to ignite much discussion in the Canadian media. Taylor launched the bid in response to the emergence of “Engage Canada,” a unionfinanced action committee that he said was part of a broader effort by the left to oust the Conservatives. Engage Canada portrays itself as a brave alternative to shadowy rightwing groups such as Working Canadians, which has also run pro-Conservative ads. Engage Canada’s latest ad plays on the union movement’s cherished “inequality” theme, selecting statistics to portray the wealthy as making out far better than the rest of us in Harper’s Canada. (The notion that “inequality” can and should be fixed by ever-higher taxes on “the rich” staggers on, zombie-like, as if capitalism was the cause of poverty.) Two recent developments have led to all this. Scheduled elections

every four years have finally taken effect at the federal level, after a series of minority governments. And courts have repeatedly struck down efforts to restrict thirdparty spending in the so-called “pre-campaign” period as an unwarranted restriction on free speech. The B.C. Liberal government tried and failed several times to restrict third party spending, largely in response to the milliondollar tirades of the teachers’ union. Former attorney general Wally Oppal used to warn about American-style influence by wealthy interest groups targeting scheduled elections. Their strategy was not so much to keep corporate money out of B.C. politics as to keep it flowing through the B.C. Liberal Party. This spring the B.C. Liberal majority passed Bill 20, the Election Amendment Act. Not only did this recognize the freedom of outsiders to weigh

InteriorNEWS THE

Serving Smithers, the Bulkley Valley, the Hazeltons and District, Houston and District, and published on Wednesday of each week at 3764 Broadway Avenue, Smithers, B.C. V0J 2N0 Copyright number 321634. Stories, photographs, illustrations, designs and type styles in The Interior News are the property of the copyright holders, its illustrations repo services and advertising agencies. Reproduction in whole or in part, without written permission, is specifically prohibited. Authorized as second-class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. PM40007014

in on elections, it also did away with pre-campaign restrictions on registered political parties and candidates. NDP MLA Leonard Krog warned that this sets the stage for “some mad Wild West show,” with politicians so desperate to raise money they start looking for the B.C. equivalent of renting out the Lincoln bedroom in the White House. The big difference between the pre-campaign ads for this fall’s federal election and the next provincial vote in 2017 is that corporate and union donations to parties and candidates have been eliminated at the federal level. That means more money available for third-party campaigns, but it seems to be fairly well distributed between the two sides, the Conservatives and everybody else. Here in the Wild West, nothing’s going to change as long as the B.C. Liberals are in the saddle.


MEMBER: B.C. and Yukon Community Newspaper Association Canadian Community Newspapers Association International Newspaper Promotion Association B.C. Press Council THE INTERIOR NEWS IS A POLITICALLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BLACK PRESS GROUP LTD.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES including GST: Local – $40.50 per year Seniors – $30.00 per year Out of Area – $55.00 per year USA – $230.62 per year

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The Interior News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Distressed Animal Act a good initiative

Turning the page The 2015 graduating class of Bulkley Valley Christian School at their graduation ceremony.

Contributed photo

Senate is out of control


Editor: The contention that the Canadian Senate’s sense of entitlement is out of control is an understatement. The Senate has a simple mandate, to give sober second thought to any legislation that is considered by the Government of the day. Without the authority to introduce, amend, rescind, adopt, or even stop legislation from becoming law, the Senate is almost irrelevant, and that is probably why the Senate was neutered before it was adopted. Touring the country on the tax-payers dime, promoting the party that appointed them to the Senate is clearly outside of a Senator’s well defined mandate. Canadian politicians do not want democratic governments, where the politicians are accountable to the people, and when the administration of the British North America Act (BNA) was transferred to the Canadian government in 1982, the government of the day arbitrarily retained the Colonial power structure. The recent Supreme Court ruling that we cannot reform the Senate is pure nonsense. Provincial governments supported the adoption of the ‘Constitution Act of Canada’, but the Canadian ‘Constitution’ is not a Constitution adopted by the people by means of a binding national referendum, it is in fact nothing more and


Grant Harris Publisher

Letters to the editor policy

Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to: editor@

Andy Thomsen Peachland, B.C.

Premier Clark admits health firing scandal needs more investigation Editor: After months of insisting there was nothing more to learn about the BC Liberals health firings scandal, Premier Christy Clark has finally conceded that the matter needs further investigation. The choice to ask the province’s Ombudsperson to conduct the investigation is a positive step, but the political games Premier Clark has been playing on this issue for three years lead me to believe she’s hoping the issue will disappear in obscure legislative procedures. We will not let that happen. New Democrat members on the committee, led by committee

vice-chair Carole James, will fight to make sure the terms of any investigation undertaken by the Ombudsperson will cover everything that happened, not just the parts around the edges the premier is willing to let the public see. We will demand that questions around the new Ombudsperson’s connections to this issue in his past role at the Ministry of the Attorney General are dealt with so no perception of any conflict remains. We will ensure that the Ombudsperson’s terms of reference are as broad as they need to be, including answering the questions put forward by the fired workers themselves in a letter to the health minister. New Democrats will demand that the committee, not the government, drafts the referral to the Ombudsperson, ensuring this review is thorough, open, and finally answers the questions that the families, the opposition, and the premier’s hand picked reviewer said remained unanswered: Who ordered this firing, and why? John Horgan New Democratic leader


Chris Gareau Editor

Doug Donaldson


nothing less than another Act of the federal Parliament that can be amended by the government of the day.

Laura Botten Front Office



e are experiencing above normal temperatures already this summer, not just here but across the province. The scorching heat can be deadly for us and no less so for domestic animals that are placed in situations by owners where they can’t escape extreme temperatures. Such was the case in 2014 in Langley where six dogs died from heat stroke after being left locked under a canopy in the box of a pick-up truck for 40 minutes. It was 20 degrees outside, nowhere near the temperatures we’ve been getting, and the truck was parked in the shade with water bowls available inside but even that wasn’t enough. The B.C. SPCA says that a dog can be overwhelmed by heat in as little as ten minutes. They received 850 calls regarding animals left in hot cars in 2013 and in 2014 they received well over 1,000 calls. The horrible incident last year prompted

action by one of my colleagues, B.C. NDP MLA for CoquitlamMaillardville Selina Robinson, to introduce a private member’s bill in March called the Distressed Animal Act. With only 26 special provincial constables working across the province, the B.C. SPCA liaises with RCMP and municipal bylaw officers to respond to urgent calls of dogs and other animals in heat distress. The Distressed Animal Act would have permitted bylaw enforcement officers in cities, towns and villages across the province to seize animals in distress where there is inadequate ventilation in a vehicle — powers to enter locked vehicles to rescue a dog for instance, that they don’t have right now. It also would amend the Motor Vehicle Act, noting that a person commits an offence if they are transporting an animal without providing for adequate ventilation. The Distressed Animal Act would permit first responders to take immediate action and ensure more awareness and compliance so that animals need not die such a horrible death while the driver runs a few errands or only intends to leave the animal for a few minutes. The government did not allow this private member’s bill to get beyond the first reading introduction, but after a summer of temperatures like we are experiencing perhaps they will see the usefulness of what we are proposing. Doug Donaldson is the MLA for Stikine

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The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

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Young riders are already putting the new Elks Park bike park to the test last week. Oliver (left), 8, said he likes all the drops and bumps to take jumps.

Jackie Lieuwen and Grant Harris photos

New Smithers bike park open

Designed as a place for all skill levels By Jackie Lieuwen Smithers/Interior News

Smithers bikers are already flying over the jumps of the new bike park in Elks Park. “It’s awesome!” said six-year-old Quinn of the track. “There are lots of jumps.” The skills park was designed and built by the Smithers Mountain Biking Association (SMBA) with lots of donations and volunteer support. It features a centre pump track with berms and rollers and a progressive line of jumps and drops,

from beginner to intermediate to advanced. SMBA Trails Director Derek Pelzer said it was designed so beginner riders could see a progression and advance in their skills. “We didn’t want to limit people with the park. We wanted to keep it for people to build their skills before they head to the hills,” Pelzer said. Parent Danielle Doucette said it is a great place to bring her kids. “There is a place for everybody on the track. The inside is for little guys and then the outside gets bigger,” she said. “There is something for everyone. That’s the best part about it.”

Larry McCreighton said he thinks it is fantastic to have. He said it is a bit tight for bigger bikes, but it is great and attracts every age. Paul Creighton agrees. “It’s a really great feature to have in town. It gives a good controlled place for people to learn how to ride and get better, especially little guys.” The skills park was started in early June and opened June 20, and SMBA Pelzer said it still needs a few finishing touches. A grand opening for the park is in the works for August, but the trails will be open all summer for riders.

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Mark Weme figures he’s met a lot of the people who live here. He enjoys provding them with an excellent product and has been proud to be part of the effort by BV Wholesale to provide local products to local customers.

The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015



Have a Story? Let us know

250-847-3266 Email Find us on Facebook at Smithers Interior News

Faith Matters Evangelical Free Church Dwayne Goertzen 250.847.2929 The Bulkley Valley Child Development Centre helps 24 kids learn to bike at its second annual camp. Chris Gareau photo

What is Faith?

Smithers Cst. Jennifer McCreesh helps Jono put his tattoo on at the camp. Chris Gareau photo

Question – What is Faith? Most religions talk about faith or the need for faith, but what is it and how does it work?

CDC gets kids rolling at bike camp By Jackie Lieuwen Smithers/Interior News

Bursting with new confidence, 13 Smithers kids successfully pedalled their bikes for the first time last week. The kids learned to bike at a week-long camp put on by the Bulkley Valley Child Development Centre at St. Joseph’s School. The camp was also held for 11 kids in Houston. Parent Stephanie Wicks says the camp was amazing. “It means a lot to Olivia to be around other kids who are like

herself, who she can relate to and see that she is not the only one who can’t ride a bike,” Wicks said. “It’s such a great experience.” Pete Breuer agrees. “It means so much for Eric to gain his confidence by learning how to ride a bike, and socialize and meet new friends during the summer.” Breuer says his son feared falling off the bike, and through the

Public Notice In accordance with Section 26 of the Community Charter, the Town of Smithers intends to dispose of 270 square meters of land at the Smithers Regional Airport, to facilitate aircraft parking, referred to as the leased lands, to Don Parminter by way of a 5 year lease agreement at $566.48 in year one, $583.47 in year two, $600.97 in year three, $619.00 in year four, and $637.57 in year five, plus applicable taxes. This is not a tender nor a request for offers. Further information, including a map of the leased lands, can be obtained by contacting Susan Bassett, Director of Corporate Services at (250) 847-1600, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday or on our website at

camp he learned he was not alone in that fear. At the camp, the kids slowly learned skills to handle a bike and gradually built up their confidence. The goal of the camp is to help kids who need a little extra

help, learn to ride their bikes, said coordinator Caitlyn DeBruyne. The camp “is all about having a really fun and inclusive environment and then adapting the bikes themselves as well as the environment to teach them those

skills.” With help from sponsors, the BV Child Development Centre bought 11 new bikes which will be part of a bike loan program for families to loan bikes free for the summer.

A young child once defined faith as “believing something that isn’t true.” Some might see faith that way but faith has to have a reliable object. When I was a teenager, our family had some guests over for dinner. My mother sent me downstairs to get an extra chair. Unfortunately, the chair I selected had a broken weld. When the guest sat down, the chair broke and she landed on the floor. She had complete faith in the chair, but didn’t realize that it was not reliable.

See BIKING on A10

The amount of faith we have is not as important as the object of our faith. A man was once walking gingerly across a frozen lake. He was terrified that the ice would break at any moment. Meanwhile, another man drove a team of horses with a heavy load across the lake without the least worry. Both men When it comes to made it across safely Christianity, faith in because the object of Jesus Christ is reason- their faith was reliable. able and reliable. The Jesus, Himself, said Christian faith has that faith as small historical, verifiable as a mustard seed is evidence. The death effective – as long as and resurrection of it is placed in the right Jesus Christ has eye- object. Faith in Jesus witness accounts that Christ is reasonable can be checked out and many have found and studied. it be reliable.

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ment. You can easily “believe” in Alexander the Great, but that doesn’t lead you to become his follower. Belief in Jesus Christ is more than intellectual assent. It involves a faith commitment to be His follower or disciple. Instead of relying on your abilities to be good enough for God, you rely on Jesus Christ and what He did as the sacrifice for our sins.

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Faith also involves a response or commitSubmitted by the Smithers Ministerial Association


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The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Community Calendar

To list your nonprofit coming events please drop off your listing at The Interior News, 3764 Broadway Ave., fax us at 250-847-2995, or email More information is available through our Online Community Calendar at Deadline for submissions is Fridays at noon. Maximum 25 words. Limited space is available. We regret we cannot accept items over the phone.

BLACK BELTS Brodi Pence, Maya Buchanan and DeEllion Hunt get their black belt grading at Shogun Dojo in Smithers.

Seventh Day Adventist Vacation Bible School July 6-10, 9 a.m. to noon. Bible stories, nature time, crafts and singing. Ages 6-12, siblings 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Pastor Neil 250-917-9070 or Scott or Stella 250847-2398. Salmon Journey July 8-31 at Studio 8 in the Central Park Building. Show opens in the Smithers Art Gallery Aug. 14. Please drop by to learn how to felt and creat for the show. Somatic Awareness Week July 13-17, various locations around town. 1969 Thomas Hanna defined the living human body, the soma, as “the body expreienced from within”. AJ Klein discussion on extreme energy and what you can do about it Tuesday, July 14, 6-9 p.m. at the Old Church. Potluck starts at 6 p.m. Telkwa Elementary Homecoming 2015 July 31 to Aug. 3 at the BBQ Grounds. For students and families previous to and including 1980. For registration package and info 250846-9093 or Pioneer Day in Hazelton Saturday, August 8. Comes celebrate in Historic Old Hazelton. Events include a

Contributed photo


Biking equals freedom From BIKE CAMP on A9 DeBruyne says they have bikes of different sizes, some with pedals, no pedals and training wheels, so they can adapt the bikes to fit each kids’ level. Each kid also got a helmet to take home. DeBruyne says a lot of kids struggle to learn to bike independently. “[Biking] was a goal that families kept identifying because I think biking is such a form of freedom and independence for kids. It’s such a strong confidence booster,”

DeBruyne said. “It makes kids feel like they are part of the community and they have this sense of individually and freedom when they’re biking.” The BV Child Development Centre thanks sponsors Glacier Toyota, COB Bike Shop, Dungate Community Forest, Variety the Children’s Charity, Smithers Mountain Bike Association, MOST Committee, Houston Early Childhood Development Committee, and Houston and Smithers RCMP.

Don’t lose your photos to the digital dark age, print them today!

parade, sports tournaments, contests, vendors, live music, kids games and much more. Fraser Lake Festival of the Arts is calling on visual artists of all mediums, quilters, pottery, bands, singers, poets, etc. The Festival is Saturday, August 8. Call 250-699-1234 or email: BV Famer’s Market New Hours 9-1 Saturdays at the Corner of Main St and Hwy 16. May 9-Sept. 26. Locally grown produce, live music, coffee. Brain Fitness Classes Tuesdays Sept. 22 to Nov. 3, 10 a.m. to noon at the Healthy Living Centre. Learn how to keep your brain fit through out Brain Fit 5. Tanya Davidson 250877-7723, BV Museum Summer Exhibit 100 Years of Photography in the Valley. 250-847-5322. Admission by donation. Legion Meat Draws every Friday 6-7 p.m. and Saturday 3-4:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. BV Roller Derby New Recruits. Free Roller Skating Adult (19+) and Junior Ages (10-18). Every Tuesday at Davidson Hall 6:45-9 p.m.




ar accidents often result in obvious physical injuries – for example, broken limbs caused by the sudden impact. Typically you can recover “damages” or compensation from the person at fault, including for pain and suffering.

But an accident can sometimes result in more subtle, less obvious injuries. These cases are often more difficult (and sometimes impossible) to verify objectively. Even though medical examinations may not pinpoint a physical cause, you may still have pain, sometimes long after the accident and normal recovery period have gone by. Can you still get damages for your pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life when your pain is subjective only? Yes. Take the case of Claire (name changed), a fit and active 23-year-old Surrey woman, whose car was rear-ended. The only minor damage was to the rear bumper. While she was somewhat in shock and felt “a little sore,” she exchanged insurance information with the other driver and drove herself home. The next day, she visited a walk-in medical clinic and got a prescription for shoulder and upper back pain. Over the next four years, Claire reported persistent pain in her shoulder and mid/lower back on the left side, which radiated to her left hip. For the first year after the accident, she went for 13 physiotherapy treatments. However, most of the medical examinations and tests – including a CAT-scan, MRI and X-rays – couldn’t find any direct link to a physical injury causing her pain. Her doctors determined she had suffered soft tissue injuries in the accident. Although the normal recovery period for those tissues to heal had passed, she continued to find it uncomfortable to sit for long periods, couldn’t play hockey or volleyball anymore (though she could swim and do yoga), and was more irritable due to her ongoing discomfort. Although she probably would still improve by following a structured exercise program, she’d never be as fit as she was before. The BC Supreme Court said Claire wasn’t exaggerating her symptoms or pain. She was a credible witness, whose testimony was consistent with the reports of her physicians and the evidence of other witnesses. “The absence of objective physical findings is not determinative of whether [she] continues to suffer from chronic pain,” said the judge. “Since pain may well be a subjective phenomenon not easily measurable by independent objective indicia, the assessment of [her] soft tissue injuries to a certain extent turns on the assessment of her subjective complaints and reported symptoms.”

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The court also rejected the defence argument that the severity of her reported injuries was inconsistent with the minor damage to her car. The negligible vehicle damage was only one factor to be considered, said the court; the extent of her injuries was to be assessed on the evidence as a whole. After considering all the testimony, the court awarded her $40,000 in compensation for her pain and suffering, plus another $22,000 for lost future earnings and care. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident due to the fault of another, consult your lawyer. He or she can advise you and help obtain the compensation you may be entitled to receive. Written by Janice and George Mucalov, LL.B.s with contribution by GILLESPIE & COMPANY LLP. This column provides information only and must not be relied on for legal advice. Please contact RICK GARNER of GILLESPIE & COMPANY LLP at 250.374.4463 or for legal advice concerning your particular case. Lawyer Janice Mucalov is an award-winning legal writer. “You and the Law” is a registered trade-mark. © Janice and George Mucalov

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The Interior News

C OMMUNITY Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Former Smithers mayor Jim Davidson made his mark in many ways. Pictured left: the mayor gets the royal treatment while draped in the town flag during the Fall Fair in 2003. Pictured right: Davidson has his years of dedication to Smithers recognized with a Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013.

Contributed photos

Davidson remembered as a community builder By Chris Gareau Smithers/Interior News

Jim Davidson has left an indelible mark on Smithers. The former mayor passed away last Tuesday at the age of 83. His daughter Kathy said people had no trouble getting the mayor’s ear. “If you went to town with dad on errands, you could be a while. If people had something to say, he stopped to listen.” People have told her that his commitment to his town and St. James Anglican Church did not go unnoticed. “They say that he gave a lot of time and commitment to the community, and to having the best town that we could have,” said Kathy. “He encouraged people to try a different thing, or to work on an area or run for council, if they had an interest in it, to support the community. He believed in supporting everybody. He worked with First Nations; he worked with Smithers Community Services’ board to get it started. “He was always a community builder.” First elected to council in 1988, Davidson served as mayor from 1990-93, 1996, and 2002-08. Growing up on her dad’s farm, Kathy

remembers helping out by taking phone calls. “As kids, we all knew how to take phone messages so that he would be able to call the person back and understand what the main topic was so he’d be ready to talk to them,” Kathy reminisced. One of the many initiatives Davidson undertook to build community in the Bulkley Valley was getting special needs children to be involved in the education system. “That was back in the ‘60s. There was no special education in public schools. So a group of parents worked together ... to develop a society for education in the valley, and they got permission for Happy Valley School, which the school district agreed to house on the Telkwa school grounds,” said Kathy, adding that the special needs children were integrated more each year with the other children in the district as a whole. Davidson’s long legacy list also included the airport runway expansion, establishment of a partnership to create the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest, the CN overpass, paving of Pacific Street, building of the new town hall building on Aldous Street, and chairing the Northern Development Initiative Trust and Northwest Regional Advisory Committee. Coun. Bill Goodacre was a family friend and colleague of Davidson’s. “He was a part of my life since I was born. I’ve always admired Jim, so when I finally got

onto council in 1990 — the first year he was elected as mayor — it was a real pleasure for me,” said Goodacre. “I always used to tease him. I’d say ‘Jim, you don’t give speeches, you give homilies.’ Whenever he talked he’d just wax eloquent about the people of the valley, about the beauty of the valley and the power of community.” Goodacre said a lot of Davidson’s hard work went into taking over the airport when the federal government passed the responsibility on to municipalities in the ‘90s. He added that about 12 years of effort went into creating the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest. “The timber belongs to the people. It’s something the community should have a stake in, and there is the idea that you have to demonstrate to us that you do more than forestry, you also have recreation opportunities there. We depend on the forest for a large part of our livelihood,” said Goodacre. “It’s proven to be a real success story for the community. The Wetzin’kwa puts back thousands of dollars into community groups every single year.” All that time spent on projects was also meticulous according to Goodacre, who passed reporters on to Davidson when they were looking for details on the new town hall.

“I said he knows what colour the gravel is, and that was not necessarily a facetious remark” laughed Goodacre. “He lived the job ... The quality of life here meant a lot to him. A lot of people have this idea of growth for growth’s sake but in Jim’s case, it had to be good for the community. He wasn’t opposed to development, but he definitely would go through everything with a fine-toothed comb ... No special interest got his support; he was community first.” Current Smithers mayor Taylor Bachrach said he met Davidson as soon as he moved to town. Davidson convinced Bachrach to run in 2008, and left him with some sage advice. “He told me simply to remember that the community isn’t a collection of buildings and streets ... it is about the people, and to keep that in mind,” said Bachrach. Another project that started with Davidson was the second sheet of ice. A goalie back when goalies did not wear masks, Davidson championed the cause starting in the ‘90s. He spoke at the opening ceremony in January of all the people who put years of work into making it a reality, with the benefit going to their children. “We ought not to forget that as we move on in this community, and face other challenges,” said Davidson. A memorial will be held in August.

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The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015



Oh Canada! Ben Yuen

May No Cavity Club Winner Ben receives 2 movie passes for his perfect dental checkup.

Smithers Plaza

For appointments 250.847.2722

Canada Day in Smithers ended with a bright bang of fireworks at Elks Park (bottom left). The day included horse-drawn rides, music at Bovill Square, where people of all ages danced in the summer time heat, and a game of street hockey. Chris Gareau photos

St Joseph’s School BBQ Bake Sale and Raffle At Safeway on: • Friday July 10th 2:30pm - 7:30pm

BULKLEY VALLEY FOUNDATION Your charitable donation in memory of a special person or in honour of our community will enhance the quality of life for friends and family. Donations are tax deductible and tax receipts are issued. For more information, please contact: Executive Director Box 4584

• Saturday July 11th 11:30am - 4:30pm Proceeds raised from this event will go towards purchasing picnic tables and benches for around our new field and playground equipment.

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The Interior News


Public talk on extreme energy on Tuesday


Tar sands, pipelines, fracking and the Site C dam are putting water sources, climate and public health at risk. Tuesday, July 14 at the Old Church there will be a potluck, starting at 6 p.m., followed by a public talk on extreme energy. A.J. Klein, Vancouverarea community organizer and Council of C a n a d i a n s organizing assistant, Emma Lui, water campaigner for the Council of Canadians are presenters. There will also be a pre-potluck video: This Edge of Courage by Pravin Pillay. Bring a dish to share and your thoughts and questions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Glenwood Hall is looking for photos from long ago, either of the area around the hall or events held at the hall. They plan to choose four photos and have them enlarged, framed by barn board and placed in a hallway by the washrooms. You are asked to have a look through your photo albums; you have until August 21. Photos can be submitted by email: corted2@gmail. com, or by mail to The Glenwood Hall committee, 17371 Telkwa High Road, Smithers, B.C., V0J 2N7. Sending in a photo means you are giving the committee permission to use it on the hall’s Facebook page as well as in the hall. Please identify yourself and give your permission. Tell the committee a bit about the photo: when it was taken, where and if there are people in the picture, who are they. The chosen

photos, once enlarged, can also have your name placed on the frame. They have a few already, lovely black and white photos of the area. Something to think about: in the United States the police department in the city of Madison is going to implement a program of m e d i t a t i o n . Richard Davidson, a University of Wisconsin professor, researched the benefits of meditation and “mindfulness exercises”, including periods of focusing on physical sensations and the feelings of others. Potential benefits could include better emotional control, improved health outcomes and hopefully, reductions in implicit biases that are unconscious beliefs or stereotypes that affect people’s behavior. I have seen lots of articles lately on the value of meditation and have been

leaning towards giving it a try. Can’t hurt. Read an article that said to think about food waste before you go to the store, rather than figuring out what to do with it at home. You do not save by buying in bulk if you throw away some of that food. You can be price savvy at the store but tend to overlook the food waste at home making it very unlikely that you gained any savings. Better to buy less food more often, planning maybe three meals ahead to leave room for when you don’t feel like cooking or want something different. I have given this some thought and it makes sense to me: Project by Pravin Pillay Collaboration by Jen Castro. Closing with: “Security is a superstition — it does not exist in nature. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.” — Helen Keller

Breaking News? Let us know 250-847-3266 Email Find us on Facebook at Smithers Interior News

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The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Midsummer Music Festival

The 32nd Annual Midsummer Music Festival blanketed Smithers in sound last weekend. Clockwise from top left: A young girl gets the best seat in the house for Miss Quincy with help from her dad; Keith Berg and Jane Houlden play their alphorns at Crater Lake during their visit with Orchestra North; A girl feels ducky as she keeps cool during the hot weekend; Orchestra North practice on Main Street during the week before their Saturday performance; This little guy shows he can pluck strings too. Opposite page clockwise from top: The children of the valley join hands Saturday night; The Local Vocals mix it up on Sunday; The rope maze amazed kids who tried to get through; Miss Quincy gets the crowd stomping. Chris Gareau, Grant Harris and Laura Cook photos



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The Interior News


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The Town of Smithers would like to thank the following for their generous donations of time and prizes at the Canada Day events and games on July 1st. Thank you, to the Smithers Rotary Club for their donation of many volunteers to serve the pancake breakfast to more than 400 people.

Thank you, Smithers Volunteer firefighters and Stoney Stoltenberg for putting on the wonderful fireworks.

Thank you, to Tim Hortons for donating all of the coffee. Thank you, to Stefan Bichlmaier for setting up all of the great music and musicians for the evening.

Thank you, musicians.

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a new or demonstrator 2015 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab, or purchase of a new or demonstrator GMC Terrain SLE-2 AWD. License, insurance, registration, PPSA and dealer administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. *Applies to oldest 15% of dealer inventory as of July 1st 2015. Valid July 6 to 28, 2015 on cash purchases of select vehicles from dealer inventory. Not compatible with special lease and finance rates. Credit is tax exclusive and is calculated on vehicle MSRP, excluding any dealer-installed options. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this cash credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Dealer may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. **U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s New Car Assessment Program (




Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The Ebenezer Canadian Reformed School grads pose along the Bulkley River dressed in their finest as they prepare to climb life’s next mountain. Contributed photo



The Interior News

Special Olympics send out a HUGE Thank You to Billabong and A&W for fundraising for our Smithers Local

% = $ 12,720



















2015 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 AWD, $32,945 MSRP.



Call Coast Mountain Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-847-2214, or visit us at 4038 Yellowhead Highway 16 West, Smithers. [License #10041]

The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

C OMMUNITY Sheltering animals for 25 years


A lynx licks its paw at the Northern Lights Wildlife Society’s open house on Canada Day, which of course had a beaver. At bottom, Ava Quock, 2, holds on tight as she gets a pony ride after seeing a baby bear. The shelter has been open for 25 years. Chris Gareau photos

Kitimat LNG Community Notice Please be advised of the following tentative schedule of activity in your region:

• Limited right-of-way surveying • Routine road and right-of-way maintenance • Continued archaeology and environmental studies For more information please email

from the Back Here at the Bulkley Valley Museum we are doing a spot of spring/ summer cleaning: we’re reassessing, reorganizing and repacking our catalogue of artifacts. ‘From the Back Room’ will be where we show off our most interesting/ mysterious rediscoveries from the past week. Whale teeth and opera glasses; stereoscopes and old dentist equipment: your local museum is filled with strange and wonderful artifacts. Anything highlighted here will be on display for the following week so you can come in and see it for yourself. Sometimes we will solicit the community for information. If you think you might have an answer to one of our questions, we doubly encourage you to come on by. So, without further ado, this is what we found in the back room this week... Our inaugural artifact is an old wooden box. Carved into


the top of the lid are the letters ‘WLD VCE’. On the inside of the lid are three words in handwriting: the first appears to be ‘new’ but the other two are currently indecipherable. The box houses 23 glass plate negatives from an unknown photographer. The museum received them as a part of a large donation from Byng Webster. This donation includes most of the cameras that are currently on display as a part of our ‘100 Years of Photography in the Valley’ exhibit. The negatives appear to be taken during travels abroad: Singapore is scrawled in faint pencil on one part of the box and pictures of palm trees are found alongside those of human powered rickshaws.. We invite the public to visit us and help flesh out more detail about this box and the negatives inside. When were these taken? What does the handwriting say? Which camera would have produced these? Come back next week for another interesting find from the back room. Listen in Thursdays at 12 noon to hear more about our back room items on CICK 93.9FM a project of the

Win a $25 Boston Pizza Gift Card! Next #LawnChairLounge is Thursday July 10 from 6-8 pm Presented by:

1. Take a selfie at Lawnchair Lounge 2. Upload to Instagram 3. Tag it #LawnChairLounge

You will automatically be entered to win a $25 gift card from Boston Pizza! Draw every Monday in July.


The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

C OMMUNITY “True life is lived when changes occur” fortunate that now I can call both of them friends. What can be better than that? A nice change for me.

Winston Churchill had a comment about that. He said, “To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change of-

ten.” Feel like a change? Come out to Telkwa for coffee, breakfast at the Telkwa Diner or coffee

and baked goods at the Telkwa Bakery. The village people look forward to welcoming you. “That is how

change happens, one gesture, one person, one moment at time.” Hope to see you at one place or the other.

Let me know what you think about the changes in Telkwa when you call 250846-5095 or email a note to

SPICE OF LIFE Brenda Mallory Let me begin with a quote from Leo Tolstoy. He said: “True life is lived when changes occur.” Not exactly profound but probably very true. Change happens to all of us. Some of us have lost our life partner, others have seen good friends die. The death of an animal companion is a big change for many of us. Not as dramatic perhaps but significant to some of us was when the Midway Café changed hands. Trixie and Leroy had been there a long time. Their kindness when lost was suffered through, their friendship to so many became the backbone of a community. What would we do without them? Thankfully they are still there doing the garage thing which is great. Now we have the new Telkwa Diner. The décor is very pleasing. But most of all it is the food I am sure many will enjoy. A great breakfast is presented with fantastic bread coming from the bakery. Organic eggs and other breakfast fare. Good thing for some is that breakfast is served all day. The lunch menu looks quite good as well. I know you will be pleased with the portion size. Well worth your dollar. What are the hours you ask: 7-3 every day except Tuesday and Wednesday when they are closed. On those days you can try the Telkwa Baeckere Kaffeehaus. Marvelous breads, muffins and other goodies. Fancy coffee is brewed to your liking. For me it is nice to have a couple places I can gather with friends. Jonathan and Matthias are good hosts. I feel

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Burns Lake

Fraser Lake




100 Mile House

117 Hwy. 16

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916 Alpine St.

*Offer includes TELUS Satellite TV Basic Package and is available until August 10, 2015, where access and line of sight permit, to residential customers who have not subscribed to TELUS TV or Home Phone in the past 90 days. Cannot be combined with other offers. †Savings are calculated based on the current bundled price for Satellite TV Basic ($38.95/mo.). Regular prices will apply at the end of the promotional period. TELUS Satellite TV is not available to residents of multi-dwelling units. Rates include a $5/mo. discount for bundled services and a $3/mo. digital service fee. Bundle discount applicable for customers with more than one TELUS Home Service. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television required to watch HD. Minimum system requirements apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative. TELUS Home Phone and Long Distance service terms apply; visit for details. Taxes and 911 service charges are extra. TELUS, the TELUS logo, TELUS Satellite TV, and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. © 2015 TELUS. TEL933_STV_OFFER_UPDATE_SIN_8_83x12_vf.indd 1

6/30/15 1:41 PM

The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Bulkley Valley Real Estate


Real Estate


Real Estate

Email: Located in the Log Office at 3568 Hwy. 16 Each Office Independently Owned & Operated

Pick up your FREE copy of our Real Estate Flyer and our map of the Bulkley Valley. View more of our listings online at or on Facebook. NEW LISTING












1314 Main Street

13674 Highway 16

N Babine Lake

40 Chapman Street, Granisle

4912 Fourth Avenue

62 Fulton Street, Granisle

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

Thriving Restaurant & Steakhouse 86 seat capacity Prime Main Street location Well maintained. Lease available

Donna & Leo NEW PRICE

mls n4507517


Picturesque 91 acres hobby farm 2 bedroom main home, rental cabin Gorgeous views, gardens, trails Barn, shop, RV shelter, greenhouse

Ron & Charlie

mls n



Unique recreational cottage Babine Lake waterfront, 5.33 acres Incl 2 bdrm guest house, storage Shop, screened sundeck, appliances

Karen & Leo

mls n246418



Solid 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home 1 car garage with basement entry Rec room & cold room in basement Freshly painted exterior and interior

Jantina Meints

mls n246494



8000 sq. ft. 3 level executive home 7 bedrooms, office, 5 bathrooms Home theater,game rm, huge kitchen Quality custom built

Ron Lapadat NEW PRICE

mls n


4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home Clean, newer windows and flooring Private backyard,covered sitting area Carport, storage shed, pellet stove

Jantina Meints

mls n246587



12801 Denis Road

#28 Watson’s Landing

1496 Willow Street, Telkwa

1971 Dominion Street

1311 Lagopus Place

48680 Mill Bay, Granisle

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

7 acres, river front Partially fenced for horses 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 18x24 shop

Leo Lubbers

mls n241358

Pristine, 2 bedroom, 2½ bathroom Vaulted ceilings, huge 2 car garage Lake access, mountain views

Ron Lapadat

mls n238376


Attractive 5 bdrm + den, 3 bathroom Master on main, big games room up Large fenced yard, space for RV

Ron Lapadat


mls n244411

3326 sq ft, 5 level split 4 bdrms, 3 bathrooms, gas fireplace New carpets, slate tool table incl Double garage, RV parking

Donna Grudgfield


mls n243369

Large corner lot in Silverking Brick accents, clay tile roof Vaulted ceiling, Jacuzzi, 2 fireplaces

Leo Lubbers

mls n243139


Beautiful home on Babine Lake Large sundeck, osbe, shop, carport Vaulted ceiling, bright, open layout Gardens, greenhouse, full basement

Jantina Meints

mls n244386



3874 Alfred Avenue

3885 Seventh Avenue

5855 Lake Kathlyn Road

2943 Rosenthal Road

Lot 5 Blue Jay Road

Blk K Coalmine Road, Telkwa

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

Brand new ranch style home Wheel chair friendly 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom, open floor plan Great for home based business

Peter Lund

mls n244412

Great family home 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Newer windows, doors, flooring Central location

Peter Lund

mls n243714


4 bedroom main house, 4000 sf shop Detached office/studio Telus tower contract in place Seller may trade for a home in town

Donna Grudgfield


mls n241290

5.5 acre horse/hobby farm Near town, across from river Roomy 5 bdrm/den family home

Ron Lapadat


mls n243710

5 acre building lot Dead end road Treed for privacy Mobile/manufactured home allowed

Donna Grudgfield


mls n244118

5.53 acres, treed Industrial zoned Living accommodations allowed Located in Telkwa industrial park

Donna Grudgfield

mls n4507417



#1-4223 Astlais Place

#11 - 1205 Montreal Street

Lot B Hislop Road

1139 Queen Street

Francois Lk, NoraLee Resort

1892 Princess Street

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 1/2 duplex, close to schools Double paved drive, garage New roof, new sun deck

Donna Grudgfield

mls n246035

2 bedroom, 1170 s.f. condo Enclosed garage, double paved drive Lots of upgrades, new flooring Nat gas fireplace, new deck

Donna Grudgfield mls n243234


Prime rural 7.07 acre parcel Overlooks lake and mountains Hydro and telephone close by

Leo Lubbers


mls n239384

1 Prime corner lot, downtown C-1A zoning allows for multiple use Offices, entry foyer, bathroom

Leo Lubbers

mls n4507388


8 cabin units, RV site 15 acres with 1200’ frontage Operate the storage + restaurant

Leo Lubbers


mls n4507208

Large corner lot, 2 bedrooms Full bsmnt, family room, nat gas, f/a Hardwood floors, fireplace, deck

Leo Lubbers

mls n240279



3524 Fifteenth Avenue

Skillhorn Road, Telkwa

3350 Poplar Road

#4 - 1205 Montreal Street

3213 Turner Way

1541 Sunny Point Drive

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 storey + bsmnt Shop, paved drive, fenced yard Family room & rec, f/p, ensuite

Leo Lubbers

mls n240406

5 acre lots, hydro, telephone avail. Level, good sunny exposure Good water and 60’ in the area

Leo Lubbers

5380 sf building on 1.07 acres Zoned P-1, 6 km from Smithers 7 offices/bedrooms, kitchen, lounge Meeting room, washrooms

Leo Lubbers



mls n4506691

2 bdrm, 1-5 piece bath, garage n/g fireplace, sundeck, paved drive $175/month strata fee

Leo Lubbers

mls n243850


Family home, spacious 5 bdrm+den Huge kitchen, open,vaulted ceilings King size master, 5 piece ensuite

Ron Lapadat


mls n243488

Silverking bench, awesome views Over 750sf of deck space, large yard Spacious & bright, large 2 car garage

Ron Lapadat

mls n245000



#10 - 3278 Park Place

1816 Princess Street

9257 Glacierview Road

6234 Jane Haven Road

19 Starliter Way

1355 Morice Drive

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

1134 s.f. 2 bedroom home Addition for third bedroom 8x24 covered sundeck, fenced yard 8x13 front entry, freshly painted

Donna Grudgfield

mls n243290

Custom finished, 4 bdrm, 3 bathroom Beautifully renovated inside & out Fully finished basement, 99x122 lot

Ron Lapadat

mls n245461


Beautiful lot in a great neighborhood Partially constructed log home Shed and outbuildings Treed with lots of flat area

Sandra Hinchliffe


mls n244995

1996 rancher 2409 sq. Ft. Living area Detached garage/shop, outbuilding Stunning glacier view, fenced

Sandra Hinchliffe



mls n245427

Premier lot Lake front, spectacular view Fully serviced lot 10796 square feet

Sandra Hinchliffe


mls n227134

Affordable family home 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Open design, large deck, carport Large family room, hot tub room

Charlie McClary

mls n244825



4096 Third Avenue

3596 Railway Avenue

4391 Reiseter Avenue

13165 Alder Road

1127 Toronto Street

Lot 3 Passby Drive

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

3 bdrm, 2 bathroom, 1718 s.f. Home Close to arenas, pool, park, shopping New windows, ext doors, appliances Carport, paved drive, storage

Karen Benson

Peter Lund Res. 847-3435

mls n245733

2 bedroom, updated 1115 s.f. home Immaculate and well maintained Bath has heated tile floor, laundry Single garage, vaulted ceilings

Karen Benson

Donna Grudgfield Cell. 847-1228

mls n245640

Leo Lubbers Cell. 847-1292


Impeccable rancher, walk out bsmt Vaulted ceilings, 4 bdrms, 3 baths West exposure, Silverking subdivision

Ron Lapadat

Ron Lapadat Cell. 847-0335

mls n245408

2 bdrm, 2 bath home on 5.36 acres Private landscaped lot, fenced Open layout, bright clean Shop, woodshed, 20 min to town

Jantina Meints

Sandra Hinchliffe Cell. 847-0725

mls n245320

Charlie McClary Cell. 877-1770

Well maintained, clean home 3 bdrm, 3 bath, office, family room Updates inc new furnace & shingles Great location, sunny lot, RV parking

Jantina Meints

Karen Benson Cell. 847-0548

mls n245419

Stunning 5.8 acre lot, min from town Cleared building site, driveway Access to recreation trails Privacy, variety of trees

Kiesha Matthews

Jantina Meints Cell. 847-3144

mls n245198

Kiesha Matthews Cell. 876-8420



Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thank you! NWCC wishes to extend great appreciation to everyone who participated in our

A Telkwa ranch

Golf Tournament & Student Bursary Fundraiser at the Smithers Golf & Country Club on June 19. Bronze Sponsors: Bulkley Valley Credit Union Canfor Corporation McElhanney Consulting Services All for Less Warehouse Inc. Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd. BC Web Inc. Big Smiles Kids’ Store Bonnie McCreary Bugwood Bean Bulkley Valley Electric Bulkley Valley Insurance Services Bulkley Valley Printers Bulkley Valley Wholesale Calderwood Realty Ltd. Canadian Helicopters Canadian Tire Central Mountain Air Coast Mountain GM Country Wide Printing & Stationary Ltd. Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd. Edmison Mehr Chartered Accountants Finning Four Dimensions Glacier Electric Heartstrings Home Décor, Gifts & Furniture Hetherington & Hooper (1969) Ltd. Highland Helicopters Ltd. Hoskins Ford Hudson Bay Mountain


Rev. Alyssa Anderson Sunday 10:00 AM Worship & Children’s Program

At the corner of Queen St. & 8th


Bethel Reformed Church Welcomes you to worship with us 10 am & 2:30 pm every Sunday

Pastor Lou Slagter 3115 Gould Place Smithers


CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Worship Services temporarily at 11 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (4023 First Ave.) Sunday School for ages 3-6 during the morning worship service. Pastor Ken Vander Horst Phone 250-847-2333

“Groundwork” on The Peak at 9:30 am Sundays

Hy-Tech Drilling J&F Distributors John Himech Logging Ltd. LB Paving Ltd. Marks Work Wearhouse North Central Plumbing & Heating Ltd. NWCC – Trades NWCC – Workforce Training & Continuing Studies Outdoor Essentials Pro-Tech Forest Resources Ltd. Randy’s Image Design RBC Rudolph’s Sausage Safeway Smithers Golf and Country Club Smithers Home Hardware SpeeDee Printers Smithers Stork Nest Inn Summit Camps Summit Reforestation & Forest Management Ltd. Tyhee Forestry Consultants Sysco Woodmere Nursery Ltd.

To all our sponsors and players, we thank you for your contributions to an incredibly successful event that raised thousands of dollars towards a legacy of bursaries for students at Northwest Community College.

By Jackie Lieuwen Telkwa/Interior News

Telkwa is home to the first farm certified in B.C. for both animal rights and naturally grassfed beef by Animal Welfare Approved (AWA). Owned by Les and Chris Yates, Lemieux Creek Ranch is a 327acre ranch with 40 cows. They sold 13 yearlings last year, half locally, five in the Lower Mainland, and one each in Kitimat and Prince Rupert. Les says they want to grow their market to sell up to 40 calves locally and across B.C. To get certified, the ranch had to meet rigorous standards

regarding animal care and environmental sustainability. Satisfying 26 pages of regulations, Les says they only changed one thing at their ranch: they wean calves after eight months instead of seven. Since their cattle are butchered at the Bulkley Valley Custom Slaughter plant in Telkwa, it also had to be certified by the AWA. Lemieux Creek Ranch was approved for the AWA certification in June after a detailed application, two phone interviews and a day-long visit from a Texas AWA auditor. “For us it was a validation of what we are already doing,” Les said. They always

wanted to be selfcontained and since they love animals, they treat them well. For Chris, the biggest thing is that the animals have a happy life and are not stressed, she says. The couple bought the Telkwa ranch in 1993 and not a fence was standing worthy to hold an animal, Les said. They built nearly everything, coming to the ranch on weekends with their family from Prince Rupert. In 1998, they moved to the ranch and started off with three Galloway cowcalf pairs. After growing their herd to 40 — perfect for their 327-acre ranch — they started selling. Les says they always sold meat

FAITH REFORMED CHURCH OF TELKWA Pastor James Folkerts (URC-NA) 1170 Hwy 16, Telkwa

Sunday mornings 10:30 a.m. Pastor Rick Apperson

Services at 10 am & 2:30 pm

1065 Main St., Smithers Phone: 250-847-1059

Christian Fellowship Upper floor Fitness Northwest Centre, Broadway Ave. 10-12 noon Sundays Youth meeting Fridays at 7 pm

locally to those who wanted grassfed beef, but only seven years ago they found out they fit a niche market. When Les retired three years ago from managing the Telkwa Bulkley Valley Home Centre, they started actively marketing their meat. Grassfed beef is known to be “lean, clean and nourishing.” There is no concern about genetically modified organisms (GMO). It is low in saturated fat and there is a better balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6, which is lower in cholesterol. It also has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is believed to fight cancer, prevent diabetes and inhibit obesity.

Come worship with us at

Main St. Christian Fellowship

Faith Alive

The Interior News

Listen to “Whitehorse Inn program” Sundays at 9 am on The Peak 870 am

Join us for Services. Renew your FAITH! We welcome visitors and new members.



Rev. Jacob Worley

Morning Worship 10:45 am with Junior Church and Nursery

1636 Princess Street

Sunday 10:00 am - Service and Sunday School

4th Sunday

2:00 pm service at St. John the Divine, Quick

Rev. Don Mott, Phone 250-847-3864

250-847-6155 • Quick 250-847-9881 • Smithers

on the corner of Queen St. and 7th Ave.

Pastor Chris Kibble


This proof has been carefully prepared by THE INTERIOR NEWS

according to our understanding of your specifications. It may contain CANADIAN Mount Zion errors, please check for proper spelling of names, prices and phone numbers. Fax changes to us at 847-2995 REFORMED CHURCH Lutheran Church Sunday Worship Services

Meeting in the Historic St. Stephen’s Church

10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

1620 Highway 16 in Telkwa

Pastor James Slaa 2788 Upper Viewmount Rd. All welcome to attend! Contact number 250-847-5879

Sunday Morning Worship 10 am

For information e.mail

Saturday Service • Everyone Welcome •


Welcomes You! Sunday Celebration Service 10:30 a.m. Children’s Ministries during service Corner of Viewmount Rd South & Hwy 16

250-847-2466 Affiliated with the PAOC

Seventh Day Adventist Contact 250-847-5983 3696 4th Avenue

Rev. Dwayne Goertzen Pastor Trevor Brawdy 250-847-2929 Email: Website:

Service 10 a.m. 1838 Main St.

The Interior News


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Appointment Notice Rick O’Connor, President and CEO of Black Press Group Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Franklin as Director of Digital Development for the Black Press Group British Columbia Divisions.

of happy cows

Andrew will be responsible for developing, implementing, tracking and optimizing digital marketing and audience development across British Columbia. He will work with digital staff and group Presidents to further develop our websites and mobile platforms as we continue to grow the digital part of our media business. Andrew has managed award-winning teams over his 30-year newspaper career and has received North American-wide industry recognition for innovative digital initiatives over the last five years. Recently he has taken a lead role in launching new products including the crowdfunding program BlackPress4Good. Andrew currently serves as director of both the CCNA and BCYCNA newspaper associations and will continue to hold his position of Publisher at The Abbotsford News and Mission Record. He also serves on multiple committees and boards in the community. He has been awarded Rotary’s coveted Paul Harris Fellow on two occasions. He is married and lives in Abbotsford. Andrew has a passion and a key understanding of the steps we need to take to further enhance Black Press’ s’ capabilities in the digital space. Please join me in congratulating Andrew ulating An ndrew in this new role with Black Press. Rick O’Connor President and CEO Black Press

Andrew Franklin Director of Digital Development ◆

Les and Chris Yates are the owners of Lemieux Creek Ranch, where they retired and raise grassfed Galloway-Angus cattle, now recognized for humane animal treatment.

Jackie Lieuwen photo

It also has better texture and “a different flavour, richer taste,” Les said. But it is more then health and flavour that draw people to the beef from Lemieux Creek Ranch. As they started marketing, Les says they got calls from people in Vancouver. “It didn’t take me long to learn that those people were as concerned about the welfare of the animals as they were about the health benefits of grassfed beef.” Lemieux Creek Ranch got certified last

year by Verified Beef Production for food safety and by the Government of Canada for having an environmental farm plan. Now they have their animal welfare certification as well. Les says their cows are born on the farm and live out their lives on the grassy range there. They are transported only the 24 kilometres to the slaughter house, he said. “My daughter-in-law says we should market our beef as ‘happy cows.’”

a watchdog over the powerful.

Richard Rolke

Senior reporter and columnist at the Vernon Morning Star. A recipient of numerous community honours, he has been a respected voice in the North Okanagan for 25 years.

With a few keystrokes you can sample thousands of opinions, aoat in a sea of information. But as the volume increases, the accuracy and reliability of professional journalism is essential. Gathering and sorting the facts, weighing and interpreting events, and following the story from beginning to end is more important than ever.

Grant Harris, Publisher of The Interior News proudly stands by their newly installed sign as one of the many sponsors of the new arena. Major sponsor’s signs are prominently displayed throughout the facility. In addition The Interior News covered the entire cost of the new arena’s local time clock.

Nick Briere Photo


Wise customers read the fine print: *, †, Ω, ≥, § The Trade In Trade Up Sales Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers on or after July 1, 2015. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,695) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees, other dealer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Dealer trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2015 vehicles and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. †0% purchase financing available July 1 to July 31, 2015 inclusive on select new 2015 Ram 1500 and Ram Heavy Duty models to qualified customers on approved credit through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Example: 2015 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 (25A+AGR) with a Purchase Price of $28,998 with a $0 down payment, financed at 0% for 72 months equals 156 bi-weekly payments of $186 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total obligation of $28,998. Ω$10,000 in total discounts includes $8,500 Consumer Cash and $1,500 Loyalty/ Conquest Bonus Cash. Consumer Cash Discounts are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. $1,500 Ram Truck Loyalty/Conquest/Skilled Trades Bonus Cash is available on the retail purchase/lease of 2015 Ram 1500 (excludes Reg. Cab), 2014 Ram 2500/3500 or 2015 Ram Cargo Van and is deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. Eligible customers include: 1. Current owners/lessees of a Dodge or Ram Pickup Truck or Large Van or any other manufacturer’s Pickup Truck or Large Van. The vehicle must have been owned/leased by the eligible customer and registered in their name on or before July 1, 2015. Proof of ownership/Lease agreement will be required. 2. Customers who are skilled tradesmen or are acquiring a skilled trade. This includes Licensed Tradesmen, Certified Journeymen or customers who have completed an Apprenticeship Certification. A copy of the Trade Licence/Certification required. 3. Customers who are Baeumler Approved service providers. Proof of membership is required. Limit one $1,500 bonus cash offer per eligible transaction. Some conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. ≥2.99% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2015 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT models through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Example: 2015 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT with a Purchase Price of $28,998 (including applicable Consumer Cash) financed at 2.99% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 416 weekly payments of $78 with a cost of borrowing of $3,615 and a total obligation of $32,613. §Starting from prices for vehicles shown include Consumer Cash Discounts and do not include upgrades (e.g. paint). Upgrades available for additional cost. ••With as low as 7.1 L/100 km (40 MPG) highway. Based on 2014 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption ratings. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. 10.2 L/100 km (28 MPG) city and 7.1 L/100 km (40 MPG) highway on Ram 1500 4x2 model with 3.0L EcoDiesel V6 and 8-speed automatic. Ask your dealer for EnerGuide information. ¥Longevity based on IHS Automotive: Polk Canadian Vehicles In Operation data as of July 1, 2013, for model years 1994-2013 for all large pickups sold and available in Canada over the last 20 years. ≤Based on 2500/250 and 3500/350 class pickups. When properly equipped. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc.


A26 Wednesday, July 8, 2015




Starting from price for 2015 Ram 1500 Sport shown: $39,765.§



21,498 $


78 2.99





2015 RAM 1500 ST

The Interior News

in total discounts


get up to







30,000 LB



The Interior News

T HREE R IVERS Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Gospel Mountain Music Festival

Lecia Goerke sings a set of songs she wrote about God’s faithfulness during hard times.

The Burning Bush Band leads a set of country gospel songs and hymns.

Jackie Lieuwen photo

Jackie Lieuwen photo

Indigo grant stocks school book shelves By Chris Gareau Hazelton/Interior News

Majagaleehl Gali Aks Elementary teachers are building up their class libraries after being awarded a $38,000 grant from Indigo. The bookstore company owns Chapters, where the Hazelton school’s teachers will now be able to order books from online and have them delivered to be used for student literacy development. New principal Mark Newbery said the grant will be spent over

the next three years. He said literacy coach Deborah Koehn played a large role in getting the grant, which was announced at the end of the school year. “We have a literacy team with myself and two teachers [Kathy Dodd and Tina Giguere]. They’ll go to the teachers [to help choose books],” said Newbery. “We’re focused on literacy development, so to support that we’re trying to find ways of building our libraries with a variety of books that kids can reach for and read,” explained the principal.

Kids stay cool in the shade and test their building skills at the Gospel Mountain Music Festival in New Hazelton.

Jackie Lieuwen photo

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The Interior News

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 8-14, 2015


Your Pantry Fill Specialists




Long English Cucumbers

Coca-Cola or Pepsi Products 12x355ml





Tomatoes on the Vine

Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee

Nestea Iced Tea

.99 .99 99 3

or Minute Maid Juices or 5 Alive 12x341 ml




Nugget Potatoes

Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee

Armstrong Cheese


Assorted Varieties, 600-700 g


Fresh Blueberries



Canadian AAA Eye Of Round Steaks 11/kg








Whole Pork Tenderloin 8.80/kg


Rudolph’s Weisswurst Sausages 600g


G R E AT BA R G A I N S Western Family Junior Novelties

Christie’s Cookies


2 for

or Sundae Cups 6x100 ml 24x50 ml


Del Monte Fruit Bowls Assorted Varieties 6x107-112 ml

2 for



Italpasta Noodles Assorted Varieties, 900 g

2 for



Western Family Plastic Cutlery

Selected Varieties, 300 g



Post Honeycombs Family Size or Selected Varieties 510-595 g

Folgers Classic Roast Coffee

2 Varieties, 1.75 litre

Pieces and Stems 12x284 ml

Prego Pasta Sauce





Western Family Mushrooms



Dixie Ultra Paper Plates

2 for

2 for



Jergen’s Liquid Hand Soap

Western Family Baby Wipes



2 Varieties, 2 litre





Assorted Varieties, 48’s


Assorted Varieties

1.36 kg

Assorted Varieties & Sizes


Chatter’s Barbecue Sauce

Refill, 576 count


Western Family Napkins 200’s

2 for


HP Steak Sauce Original, 400 ml



Western Family English Muffins Assorted Varieties, 6’s

2 for


Aylmer Tomatoes 3 Varieties, 8x796 ml



Alcan Foil Wrap 3x100’


Javex Liquid Bleach

Friskies Cat Food


2 for

3x3.57 litre


Assorted Varieties, 1.4-1.5 kg



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