Calendar Lake Country
Petrina Koltun R
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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July 8, 2015
Hwy 97/Oceola intersection
Traffic islands to facilitate right turns, a northbound acceleration lane onto Highway 97, raised centre medians, an extension of the northbound left turn lane, pedestrian crosswalks, and a new signal with left turn advances are under construction at Oceola Road. The work is expected to be done by the fall. ...............................
No progress on Pelmewash Drainage, traffic and rock scaling are among the reasons put forward that the province has not relinquished control of Pelmewash Parkway to Lake Country. ...............................
Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ Hometown ■ Jysk ■ Rona ■ Safeway ■ Save On Foods ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples
See more on this issue on pages A11 and A12.
Lake Country doctors propose changes in health care philosophy KEVIN PARNELL After almost three years trying to recruit more physicians to Lake Country, doctors at the Lake Country Family Practice have put together a proposal to Interior Health on a new way of providing health care in the community. Dr. Tim Murphy says since the retirement of two doctors a few years ago, the clinic—which has four family practices—is looking to change into a multi-disciplinary facility where patients could not only see a doctor but also where health specialists and nurse practitioners would be available for patients to see as a first point of contact. “We have been advertising in every journal provincially and nationally and have had residents come in and be taught here,” explained Murphy, who said many people in Lake Country don’t have a family doctor and all four practices in the district are jammed full. “We have not had a physician that wants to come and relocate here. I think it’s a commen-
DR. TIM MURPHY, who runs one of four general practices in Lake Country, says they haven’t been able to
recruit any doctors in over two years. The Lake Country Family Practice has proposed a new model for health care in Lake Country.
New doctors not interested in small town family practice tary that many physicians don’t want to come to this style of practice. They want to work in a different setting and in different kinds of primary care.” Murphy said many new doctors are looking for a different setting than the traditional family practice where a physician carries a lot of overhead with staff and costs of running a large practice adding new doctors also have plenty of choice with shortages right across the country. And with three of the remaining five doctors (two of them split one practice) in Lake Country over the age of 58,
All the physicians here are not leaving and are committed to finding a solution but we’d like to hope, down the road when we retire, there is a better health care system as opposed to closing our practice. We’re doing everything we can to set it up. Tim Murphy
time is of the essence to either find new doctors or a new system. “All of our physicians have been here for decades and everyone of them feels a responsibility to the community we live in,” said Murphy, who has been working in Lake Country
since 1984. “For me it’s been a great job and continues to be a great job but looking at the volume of people that need care and the fact we’re not able to provide some of them support, we need to look down the road. “All the physicians here are not leaving and
are committed to finding a solution but we’d like to hope, down the road when we retire, there is a better health care system as opposed to closing our practice. We’re doing everything we can to set it up.” For the past six months, the Lake Country Family Practice has been working with Interior Health, looking into a new system for delivering care. Under the proposal, patients would not have to first see a family doctor for certain conditions and the health clinic would have numerous other health professionals working there and seeing patients.
“Interior Health is currently working with the Lake Country physicians and community partners to ensure we meet their future medical needs,” said Dr. Curtis Bell, the executive medical director of community and residential services at Interior Health. “We are developing a joint proposal for a health centre which will be reviewed by community physicians, other community health providers, community partners and community members.” In Lake Country, Dr. Murphy says in the end it will have to be a political decision to change the way health care is provided in the province. “The trend everywhere, not just in Canada, is to completely change the face of primary care and go to a multi-disciplinary clinic to provide more comprehensive care,” said Murphy. “Instead of the physician being the only firstpoint of primary care, other health care professionals who are expert in their area, can become the first contact.” This system would free up doctors to deal with patients as opposed to having to first visit their general practitioner as a first step. Murphy said among those health experts would be
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
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Lake Country
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Back-flow devices will protect Lake Country’s overall water system KEVIN PARNELL
The announcement of a senior government grant to help pay for upgrades to Lake Country’s water system should allow the district to complete its move to a universal water metering system for both residential and agricultural water users by the end of 2016. Lake Country received $788,036—
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$394,018 from the provincial and federal governments repectively—and will kicsk in its own $394,018 for a $1.18 million project to install back-flow prevention devices on agriculture water systems, protecting Lake Country’s overall system from contamination. The funding is part of the overall water master plan in the district which this year has seen about
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Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
two-thirds of residential customers receive new water meters with the aim of having all residential customers updated to the new water meters this year before work to complete the agriculture systems takes place in 2016. “This year the primary focus is on residential installs which we started in early March in the Oyama area before we moved to Win-
field, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing and we’re now working on the Coral Beach and Lakepine water systems,” explained Kiel Wilke, Lake Country engineering technician. “The water meters are really going to ensure our water system is able to run sustainable for years to come. The water mas-
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 8, 2015 A3
Outdoor burning including campfires banned in B.C.
Still no timeline for Pelmewash plans KEVIN PARNELL After being put on the back-burner since the end of 2013, the District of Lake Country is hoping to move forward with talks with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on handing over control of Pelmewash Parkway to the district. The old Highway 97 along Wood Lake, renamed Pelmewash Parkway by Lake Country when the new section of Highway 97 opened, is still owned by the provincial government despite the fact the new highway has been open since August of 2013. At the time it was expected the government would hand over control of Pelmewash to the district within a year, but negotiations have
dragged on between the two sides for a variety of reasons. “There are many technical details regarding road drainage, traffic, rock scaling and others that have required some study and analysis,” said Lake Country administrator Alberto De Feo in explaining the process. “There are also a number of permits with a number of residents in the area that we are reviewing as part of our due diligence, similar to what was done for the acquisition of the CN corridor.” The acquisition of the CN corridor was another issue that took some time away from the district being able to move forward with the final acquisition of Pelmewash Parkway from the province. As well, dur-
BC Cancer Foundation canvassing door-to-door BC Cancer Foundation door-to-door canvassers are currently in Lake Country. Canvassers will introduce local residents to the foundation, the largest funder of cancer research in the province, and the group’s monthly donor program. Monthly donations support the life-saving research taking place at the BC Cancer Agency—helping to change the way the world prevents, detects and treats cancer. For security and safety purposes, canvassers wear ID badges and BC Cancer Foundation purple vests. Please note that BC Cancer Foundation canvassers will invite you to take part in the foundation’s monthly giving program only and will not accept cash or one-time gifts at the door. Once you have signed up for monthly gifts, you will receive an email confirmation immediately. If you have any questions relating to the partner in discovery door-to-door monthly giving program, or a fundraiser in your neighbourhood, call Colleen Malli at 1-888-906-2873 or visit
ing last November’s civic election campaign, Mayor James Baker talked about rock scaling work that needed to be done along the old highway prior to Lake Country taking over control of the stretch of highway. De Feo said the condition of the road and the pullovers is one issue Lake Country and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways are talking about with the cost to make improvements being negotiated between the two sides. “Local government road standards are different from provincial road standards,” he said. “We need to overcome some of those differences. The cost to the district and the willingness of the province to participate to those costs is part of the discussion.”
When the public was last involved in the Pelmewash discussions it was in November of 2013 when the district unveiled a concept plan for the parkway. The consultant who wrote the plan pegged the highend cost of developing Pelmewash at $12 to $13 million and the district said grants would be available along the way to developing, much like the CN corridor. With the district acquiring its portion of the CN corridor earlier this year, the district now has two different trails to develop going though its boundaries. “With the acquisition of the CN corridor on the other side of Wood Lake, this asset (Pelmewash) becomes even more important as it creates a very nice
loop around the lake,” said De Feo, who added that more public consultation will likely need to be done once the road is handed over to district control. “Council will have to review the work done last term and maybe add some more public consultation to see if people are still interested in the concept that was laid out then. These planning exercises take time as there are many issues and many affected people who live in the area that need to be taken into consideration.” De Feo said he is unsure when the highway will finally be given over to Lake Country control but added both sides would like to see it happen at some point this year.
As of last Friday, all open burning, including campfires and fireworks, was prohibited throughout the majority of the province. Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson said the prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. This extraordinary step is being taken to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. Unseasonably hot and dry weather is being experienced around the province and any preventable, human-caused fires divert critical personnel and resources from other incidents. As of Friday, the BC Wildfire Service had responded to more than 150 active fires in the province. Campfires will still be allowed in the area known as the Fog Zone along the western coast of Vancouver Island. A map of the area covered by this open burning prohibition and campfire ban is available online at: http://bcwildfire. ca/ftp/!project/WildfireNews/ This ban applies to: • open fires of any size, including campfires; • the use of fireworks, sky
lanterns and tiki torches; • burning barrels or burning cages of any size or description; • the use of binary exploding targets (e.g., for rifle target practice); and • the use of air curtain burners (forced-air burning systems). This prohibition does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes. It also does not apply to a portable campfire apparatus with a CSA or ULC rating that uses briquettes, liquid or gaseous fuel, with a flame length of 15 centimetres or less. The use of this equipment may be prohibited locally and at a later time if deemed necessary so check “current fire bans” online at: The use of a portable campfire apparatus that does not meet the conditions noted above is prohibited. This prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by a fire department. Please check with civic authorities for any restrictions before lighting a fire. The “Fog Zone” is a
Funding follows where water conservation is in place WATER FROM A2 ter plan is about supplying safe, sustainable and affordable water to the community.” The district’s 20-year water master plan is now into its fourth year and universal metering was originally set to be completed in 2015. But due to budget constraints the project extended into next year and according to Wilke will go a long way to ensuring the project is completed on budget. While the residential portion of the water meters is expected to be complete by the end of this year, residents
In community after community it’s been proven that the best way to ensure water conservation techniques is to have the customers pay for the water they use. Kiel Wilke, Lake Country technician
won’t be paying on a user-pay model until 2017 as the district will instead go though a year of a
mock billing cycle where they will receive a regular bill the same as past years but also a mock bill, showing how much water they have used and how much it would cost under the new system. “In community after community it’s been proven that the best way to ensure water conservation techniques is to have the customers pay for the water they use,” said Wilke. Farmers will have a different system and the district is investigating what is called an allocation system where agriculture users are allocated a certain amount of water per acre.
It’s a lot more difficult to get grant funding if you don’t have water meters or water conservation techniques in place. Kiel Wilke,
The 20-year-plan contains $80 million worth of capital projects including the universal water metering as well as a new water treatment facility. The majority of the projects within the water master plan will rely on senior government fund-
ing support and if the district doesn’t receive the funding, the project likely gets re-scheduled to a later date. But Wilke says completing the universal meters is a big step that will not only benefit the water system as a whole, but will help the district secure more grants. “It’s a lot more difficult to get grant funding if you don’t have water meters in place or water conservation techniques in place,” he said. Next year will also be the final year of five years of a $50 water rate increase to help fund the water master plan in the district.
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Something you can’t give back
OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2
t rained all day that Sunday. The rain came down in sheets. The wind drove it against our windows.
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
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Not that I’m complaining—we needed the rain. The woods were tinder-dry. Burning was banned. The seedlings in my garden gasped for water. Then Monday morning dawned with a sky like fine porcelain.
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Outlook cloudy for climate policies L iberal Leader Justin Trudeau came to Vancouver last week to unveil his environmental platform for the Oct. 19 federal election. Trudeau promised an overhaul of the National Energy Board and a vaguely defined intention to work with provinces to impose a “price” on carbon dioxide emissions across the country. Trudeau’s media tour took him to the Burnaby facilities of General Fusion, where, like Premier Christy Clark a few weeks before, he stood at his podium before a prototype fusion reactor. This massive octopus of pistons and wires is an attempt to capture the nuclear reaction that powers the sun and other stars, containing its fury within steel walls and magnetic fields. The old joke about controlled fusion is that every 20 years, scientists tell us it’s just 20 years
BC Views
Tom Fletcher away. If it ever is developed, such a process could quickly put an end to our hand-wringing about fossil fuels, largely replacing them with endless, emission-free energy. This is the type of technological revolution that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s officials indicated would be needed, after Canada announced a pledge with other G7 leaders to make their economies carbon-free by 2100. That’s right, some time within the next 85 years.
Clark visited General Fusion in May to announce her new climate action advisory panel, which has to give her a plan to take to Paris next December. That’s the next big United Nations climate summit, where Trudeau hopes to lead a delegation of premiers to stop the flow of “fossil awards” given to Canada by people in polar bear suits. Asked about the fusion reactor she had just toured, Clark laughed off the question, comparing it to the “flux capacitor” used for time travel in the Michael J. Fox movie Back to the Future. Trudeau recently told university students that we need to change our concepts of time and space, and he didn’t seem to be kidding. The point here for voters is that all these leaders, Harper, Trudeau, Clark and many others, are talking down to you. You aren’t sophisticated
enough to understand this climate business. The Pope has weighed in, assuring us that carbon trading systems are not going to cut it. This is a rebuke to California, Quebec and the European Union, where effective carbon trading is, like controlled fusion, just around the corner. Pope Francis warned that our “throwaway culture” views nature “solely as a source of profit and gain” and so people won’t voluntarily do the right thing. (The results of the Metro Vancouver transit plebiscite could be interpreted this way, if you ignore the bumbling, waste and political posturing that really did it in.) The Pope concludes that there is “an urgent need” for a “true world political authority” to impose order on the greedy capitalist humans that infest our beautiful planet. Presumably this would be run by the UN, so my advice is to start
hoarding candles and cat food now. B.C.’s frozen carbon tax has ceased to have much effect, with gasoline consumption back up over 2008 levels amid the usual volatility of prices. Gasoline is going for around $1.30 a litre, despite the prolonged slump in crude oil prices, and people have basically forgotten about this tax on top of all the other gas taxes. Perhaps B.C. can brag in Paris about the Pacific Carbon Trust, which limps along after its near-death experience in 2013. The trust continues to divert tax dollars from B.C. government operations to purported carbon-saving activities, including paying coastal First Nations not to log the portions of forests that they demanded be preserved. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.
Flowering trees glowed. Rejuvenated grasses waved enthusiastically at the sun. I took the dog for a walk. “Lovely morning,” I called out to a man trimming the edges of his lawn. “Every morning is a lovely morning!” he called back. His response set me back for a second or two. Because I tend to take mornings for granted. Mornings are, after all, quite predictable. Day follows night. Sunrise follows sunset. I can be just as sure that morning will come as that gravity will not go on strike overnight, or that water will not freeze when heated. So I expect to wake up. I expect to groan as I coax my hips into
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 8, 2015 A5
Science funding front and centre for federal government
s a top priority of the federal government, science and research funding was again front and centre when our federal minister of state for science and technology, Ed Holder, announced that UBC Okanagan researchers were the recipients of more than $2.6 million in financial grants, fellowships and scholarships via the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The funding helps researchers as they make new discoveries in science and engineering that push the boundaries of knowledge, create jobs, opportunities, and improve the quality of life of Canadians. Congratulations to Deborah Buszard, UBC deputy vice-chancellor and principal of the Okanagan campus, and all the recipients.
The Kelowna Mu-
MP’s Report
Ron Cannan seums Society will broaden its conservation skills thanks to $8,942 in funding through the Museums Assistance Program. This funding will enable the society to partner with multiple heritage organizations to present a series of workshops to foster specialized conservation practices for textile, paper and object collections. The workshops will be held at the Ursula Surtees Regional Conservation Laboratory in Kelowna—the only facility of its kind in British
Columbia outside of the Lower Mainland. The project will build and strengthen regional conservation knowledge by bringing together staff from the Kelowna Museums Society, as well as from the Sncewips Heritage Museum in Westbank and the SS Sicamous Paddle Wheeler and Heritage Park in Penticton.
Gus Van Harten has once again been given the opportunity in our local media to share his views on Canada’s trade efforts and the investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism. As a long-time member of the Standing Committee on International Trade, I have heard similar arguments a number of times from Mr. Van Harten and the NDP, which have been rejected by trade experts including Canada’s chief trade negotiators.
Canada is a leader in dispute settlement transparency. Hearings are open to the public and documents are available on the DFATD’s website. Canada explicitly safeguards health, safety and environmental protections in investment agreements. Nothing prevents the parties from regulating in the public interest. Nothing allows foreign companies or a tribunal to force a government to change its laws and regulations. Foreign investors are subject to the exact same laws and regulations as domestic investors, including those aimed at protecting the environment and ensuring high labour, health and safety standards. Providing companies that invest abroad, including Canada, with a safe and predictable investment environment and an effective and enforceable ISDS mechanism benefits businesses
and provides a clear signal that countries intend to maintain an attractive destination for investment. Canadians have been the clear beneficiaries: Our overwhelmingly positive trade relationship with the US has resulted in US investments in Canada of well over $300 billion under NAFTA. Robust investment and trade is essential to supporting Canadian companies, creating jobs, and maintaining strong economic growth. Our sovereignty is secure and Canada will continue to pursue a robust trade agenda, one that is fair and beneficial to Canadians.
standing. I expect to grunt as I bend my back far enough for me to pull my socks on over my toes. Some things settle so deeply into routine that I forget to notice the loveliness that surrounds me. The sheer joy of hot water running over my body when I have a shower. The crisp crunch of breakfast cereal. The sound of a song sparrow up the hill, trilling his descending minor thirds. The dog who gazes at me as if I can do no wrong. There was loveliness even on the rainy Sunday before that perfect Monday morning, if I had looked for it. I could have listened to raindrops slapping the leaves of the trees. I could have lit a fire in the fireplace, and watched flames dancing to a tango only they can hear. I could have let the bass rumble of distant thunder massage my shoulders. I could have inhaled the rich scent of wet earth…. But I didn’t. The loveliness is always there. Even if I don’t bother noticing it. And I wonder, sometimes, if paying attention, if making a deliber-
ate decision to appreciate the beauty and loveliness that surrounds us, is a form of gratitude. So often, we treat gratitude as an obligation to give back. Because we have received, we should repay it, by doing a good deed in return. Or we should pass our benefit along, so that others may in turn be grateful for our generosity. But that’s a narrow and materialistic view. It deals with tithes and percentages. With cash in
the collection plate and cheques for worthwhile charities. It assumes that money and things are all we should be grateful for. But I can’t give back loveliness. I can only appreciate it. Revel in it, perhaps. Absorb it. Let it infiltrate me, fill me, warm me… It’s hard for me to break the habit of thinking that I need to pay back someone’s kindness. I was brought up with the maxim, “It’s better to give than to receive.”
But I can’t give loveliness. I can only receive it. Perhaps a lovely morning is trying to teach me that it’s OK just to
Infrastructure support is essential to growth in the local and regional economy and many have asked about the status of some of our local trans-
receive, gratefully. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
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prove pedestrian and vehicular safety by installing new crosswalks, acceleration lane, raised centre medians, new signal with left turn advances and more. Lastly, Parliament has recessed and I am home working in the riding and meeting regularly with constituents. If you have any questions or would like to talk about any federal issues, please contact me at: or 250-470-5075. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.
A lovely morning isn’t expecting a thank you card
portation projects. MLA Norm Letnick and I recently met with BC Ministry of Transportation officials who informed us plans are 90 per cent complete for both the Highway 97 Edwards Road to Highway 33 section and the John Hindle Drive connection from Glenmore Road to UBCO and ultimately Highway 97. Major intersection improvements on Highway 97 at Oceola Road are now underway, expected to finish in the fall of 2015. Upgrades will im-
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Taxpayer asks Lake Country to itemize CN corridor tax To the editor: Re: District of Lake Country refuses to separate CN corridor tax increase. When I received my tax notice this year, I noticed a very big increase from last year’s tax notice. So then I sent an email to Mayor James Baker and the rest of council asking how much of the increase
was for the purchase of the CN Rail corridor. They then passed my email on to Rose Bronswyk Kassa (financial services manager). She said for this year they only requested $60,000 to service the debt for the rail corridor and it was lumped in with the rest of the municipal taxes. I then told her that all tax increases for this should be separated on
our tax notices much the same as school taxes are. Her answer to this was that the District of Lake Country would not be segregating this capital purchase on our tax notice. If you recall leading up to the referendum on this purchase, Mayor Baker was telling everyone that it was only going to cost us $27 per year increase in taxes based on
a property valued at $465,000. By lumping this tax in with the rest of the municipal taxes, we will never know how much each property owner is paying. In fact, by the time the 20 years is up you will have paid much more than the $27 per year starting at the $465,000 level. I am asking all Lake Country property owners to call Mayor Baker
and the councilor for your ward and get them to change future tax notices so that we can each see exactly how much we are paying each year for the rail corridor, as everyone will be different according to the value of your property.
Ron Volk, Lake Country
District’s top financier spells out Lake Country tax increase To the editor: A letter from Mr. Guy Bissonette has been published indicating that the District of Lake Country incurred a 5.14 per cent tax increase.
Mr. Bissonette’s letter suggested that the district added the funding for the rail corridor to the overall 3.13 per cent tax increase resulting in a 5.14 per cent increase.
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As chief financial officer for the District of Lake Country, this representation is simply not correct. The District of Lake Country had a 3.13 per cent tax increase and included within the tax increase was partial fund-
ing for servicing of the rail corridor debt ($60,000). Full servicing of the debt will be required in 2016. Therefore in 2016, the budget will include an additional increase of approximately $107,000
to fund the final amount required to service the debt. This additional money will be part of any increase requested in 2016 as part of the overall budget considerations. Lake Country encourages property
owners to follow the budget process and to stay informed. Information on all requests for funding can be found in the budget document. The 2015 document is on the District website at https://lakecountry. Budget%20-%20Final. pdf.
Rose Bronswyk Kassa, CPA, CMA, chief financial officer, District of Lake Country
What happens with money you pay for a traffic fine?
et’s say you’ve been caught speeding in a school zone in Lake Country. A police officer pulls you over and hands you a fine for $196. This is not how you wanted to start your day. But have you ever wondered what hap-
pens to the money you and thousands of other British Columbians pay to resolve traffic tickets every year? You might be surprised to learn a portion of your fine comes back to Lake Country twice a year in the form of a grant to fund policing
MLA’s Report
Norm Letnick
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Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
initiatives and community safety projects. Lake Country, Kelowna and several other B.C. cities each received the second instalment of their annual grants last week from the province’s traffic fine revenue sharing program. Kelowna received just over $1.1 million for a three-year total of more than $3.6 million. Lake Country received $59,950, bringing its three-year total to $210,094. That’s not all. As a community with a population of less than 20,000, Lake Country also qualifies for a twice-yearly Small Community grant. Since March 2013, Lake Country has received $780,551 in small community grants, including $222,372 in last week’s instalment. These two grant programs are a blessing for local governments be-
cause they pay for needed municipal projects without burdening local taxpayers. Here’s how they work: • Traffic fine revenue funding comes from ticket fines and court-imposed fines on violation tickets. The program returns 100 per cent of net traffic fine revenues to communities that are responsible for policing costs. Traffic fine revenue funds must be spent on enhancing community safety and policing. • The small community grant program provides unconditional grants, meaning local governments can spend the funding according to their needs and priorities. The grants apply to communities with fewer than 20,000 people and are used for infrastructure, administration and delivering services. There is a third grant program as well. Regional district grants are also applied twice a year and, like small community grants, are unconditional and can be spent however each regional district sees fit to assist with administration costs. The Central Okanagan Regional District received $88,781 from the program last week. Since 2009, the traffic fine revenue, small community and regional dis-
trict grant programs have provided more than $792 million in funding to communities throughout B.C., to help pay for local projects. For example, these grants helped the RCMP pay for a school liaison officer for George Elliott Secondary School in Lake Country, and assisted the Kelowna RCMP in hiring extra officers. The grants also help communities pay for initiatives such as municipal road projects, recreational infrastructure, restorative justice programs and more. Unlike other grants that earmark funds for a specific purpose, these grants can be used at each community’s discretion on local projects that might otherwise go unfunded. Our government understands there is no cookie-cutter formula for addressing municipal priorities. These programs allow local decision-makers to fund needed local projects that build safer, stronger communities— without draining local coffers. It’s a winning formula I am proud to be part of. Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS
‘Have I Just Been Had?’
Q: Several months ago, I had a severe toothache on a molar. It was on a Saturday and few dentists were open. I went to a dentist (new to me) and he said it required a root canal. He claimed he couldn't do it. He gave me painkillers and referred me to an endodontist. I questioned the pricing, and didn't get much of an answer. The specialist charged me almost $2000, and sent me back to the first guy for a crown that he charged $1400. I had asked if the tooth was shot, and whether an implant might make more sense. Both these doctors swore by the root canal. Now, the root canal has failed and had to be yanked. I have two holes, in my wallet and the other in my mouth. Why didn't they just proceed with an implant? A:
I don't believe you were intentionally taken advantage of, but I also don't have the luxury of reviewing your entire file and all the X rays. I can't say I would have done anything any differently.
Why should I have a buyer agent? When someone tells me they are looking for
Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.
Dr.Paul Rollett Optometrist
Why doesn’t it hurt to look at the sun during a sunrise/sunset?
a home in Lake Country I take them under my wing. Having a buyer agent means you have someone who knows the area, does a
lot of business here, and often has already toured the home that you are looking for. Another benefit of having a buyer agent is that I often know about homes that are soon to be listed that are not on the MLS system yet. So what that means to you is that you have “insider information” so to speak, of the best opportunities in Lake Country. I follow a professionally developed buyer process that allows me to treat my clients professionally. My service includes confidentiality, instant information, insider advantage, active agent advantage which coordinates the whole entire experience into finding your perfect home. 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Another big issue here (and one reason we can't prescribe dental or medical in writing or online) is that everyone's health is individual. As much as a knee jerk answer would be to so these doctors performed a procedure that may have been incorrect – you haven't mentioned other mitigating factors. Are you a smoker? This can have a significant influence on the success of failure of an implant. A female patient with low estrogen levels can encounter more failures with dental implants. Either of these conditions would have some dentists not recommending implants. The doctor you were referred to had at least an additional 2 years of dental training for root canal therapy, so I am reluctant to second guess his work. He is the expert in that specific field. There is a phrase in dentistry that 'guarantees are for washing machines'. When it comes to your body accepting or rejecting specific treatment, it is actually illegal for dentists to guarantee anything.
Firstly, if a tooth can be saved that is always a responsible dentist's first choice. You had what they considered a compromised tooth, not a 'hopeless' one so they opted for that treatment. A root canal is usually a one visit treatment. Usually a crown is added later, to protect it. Although dental implants have the highest ratio of success for any dental treatment available today – they are not immune to individual failure either. If it goes bad, it can lead to multiple appointments. Most of the cases we encounter are with patients who opted for a bargain basement implant in some tropical country on vacation. Some of those can never be repaired.
Petrina Koltun A7
I do have to start by saying that it is never really a great idea to look directly at the sun at any time of day (especially without sunglasses). That being said, sunrise and sunset are the times when it is far less likely to have an effect on the health of your eyes. The reason behind this has to do with the thickness and location of our atmosphere. When the sun is directly above us on a sunny summer day, its rays only have to pass through 60 or so miles of vertical atmosphere before reaching us. When rising and setting however, the sun’s rays come toward us horizontally and so must pass through a significantly thicker portion of atmosphere. This functions to block a large amount of light before it reaches our eyes, making the sun safer to view. This interaction between light and the atmosphere is what protects our eyes from the rising and setting sun and also what gives the spectacular reddish sunsets that we are so fortunate to enjoy here in the Okanagan. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240
YOUR QUESTIONS? YOUR ANSWERS If you would like to be featured in
for a low price of $49 per issue please contact Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 or email:
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Fires banned in B.C. until further notice
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$15/mo. for the first year.
two-kilometre-wide strip along the outer coast of Vancouver Island, stretching from Owen Point (near Port Renfrew) north to the tip of
That’s over
The prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by a fire department.
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June 17, 2015
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015
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Vancouver Island and around to the boundary of the District of Port Hardy. This strip extends inland two kilometres from the high-tide point. A map of the Fog Zone is available online at: Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may be issued a ticket for $345, required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs. To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.
Client/Account Manager
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 8, 2015 A9
Thoughtless smoker causes grass fire; expect more throughout drought fuels—the small branches close to the ground that enable a ground fire to easily climb a tree. Several trees ‘candled’ prior to crews being able to knock the leading edge of the blaze down.
It was under control by 7 p.m. that night. In all, four engines, two brush trucks, one water tender and two command trucks responded. The cause of the fire
couldn’t be pinpointed as the area of origin was worked hard by the crews. However, fire officials did confirm it was started by humans, either a motorbike or smoker’s material.
Fridays 3-7 pm June to Sept. Swalwell Park CONTRIBUTED
LAKE COUNTRY fire crews responding to a grass fire on Okanagan Centre Road West that was started by an errant cigarette butt.
Lake Country fire crews continue to deal with fires that are started by humans including more carelessly tossed cigarette butts causing problems. A grass fire was set ablaze on Okanagan Centre Road West in Lake Country last Thursday and local fire officials say the blaze was almost certainly started by an errant cigarette butt. After being called out to the scene on Okanagan Centre Road West, fire crews were faced with a grass fire that had grown to about 150 by 75 feet in a steep area fairly close to a nearby homes. The fire department snuffed out the blaze, dug a fire guard around it and put it out. An investigation revealed a three-foot area where the blaze started, also where smoker’s ma-
terials were concentrated. “It could not be confirmed that this was the exact point of origin; however, when considering the location (right next to the road), the direction the fire progressed, and the lack of any other indicators— smoker’s material was the likely cause,” said Lake Country deputy fire chief Brent Penner. Fire crews from Lake Country also dealt with a significant fire on Sunday, June 26, at the end of Moberly Road that grew to roughly three acres in size. On Sunday, all three Lake Country Fire Stations were dispatched to the south end of Moberly Road at 3:42 p.m. for another human-caused fire. The fire started in the grass within a stand of pine trees and quickly moved up the hillside, climbing up the ladder
Smokes and a Bic: $15 80 ha grasslands: Priceless
The Dry Grad Parent Committee and Grads of George Elliot Secondary would like to extend a
to all service clubs, businesses, GESS teachers and administrators, and parent volunteers for their generosity in supporting our 2015 dry grad event. The GESS “Non Noblus Solum” (not for ourselves alone) motto is truly lived in our community. We wish all of our 2015 Grads the very best in their future endeavours. Woody’s Pub GESS PAC Committee Kelowna Actors Studio Oyama General Store Winfield Lions Club Kiwanis Club of Kelowna Lake Country Interior Savings Bank Lake Country Dollar Store Lake Country Rotary Club Lake Country B.C. Liquor Store District of Lake Country Al & Ingy @ Gatzke Farm Market Lake Country Business donations of gift cards: Tim Horton’s School District #23 Bus Drivers
Our vendors sell fresh local produce, hand-made crafts, & hand-prepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area with FREE parking, live entertainment, and a water park. Bring a friend to the market in July & enter to win 2 nights at Sparkling Hill Resort! 10090 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Lake Country
Old Old Teddy Old Teddy Teddy
Fashioned Fashioned Bear Picnic Fashioned Bear Picnic Bear Picnic
Join us at Kopje Regional Park for an afternoon of family fun, entertainment, and activities for all ages and species! A free event for children, their families and their favorite stuffed animals! Join us at Kopje Regional Park for an afternoon of family fun, entertainment, When: July - 3:00pm andSunday activities for19, all2015 ages12:00pm and species! Where: Gibson Heritage House yard at Kopje Regional Park A free event for children, their families and their favorite stuffed animals! 15480 Carrs Landing Road, Lake Country Join us at Kopje Regional ParkJuly for an of family fun, entertainment, When: Sunday 19, afternoon 2015 12:00pm - 3:00pm andstuffed activities for all ages and species! Bring your friend, a picnic lunch, and a blanket. Refreshments provided. Where: Gibson Heritage House yard at Kopje Regional Park A free event for children, their families andRoad, their favorite stuffed animals! 15480 Carrs Landing Lake Country When: Sundayfriend, July 19, 2015 12:00pm - 3:00pm Bring your stuffed a picnic lunch, and a blanket. Refreshments provided. Where: Gibson Heritage House yard at Kopje Regional Park 15480 Carrs Landing Road, Lake Country Bring your stuffed friend, a picnic lunch, and a blanket. Refreshments provided. 250-469-6140 250-469-6140 250-469-6140
Local Job Postings. Just one of the reasons to follow on Twitter.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.
Leader among peers acknowledged
Calendar Lake Countr y
Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Appointment Notice Rick O’Connor, President and CEO of Black Press Group Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Franklin as Director of Digital Development for the Black Press Group British Columbia Divisions. Andrew will be responsible for developing, implementing, tracking and optimizing digital marketing and audience development across British Columbia. He will work with digital staff and group Presidents to further develop our websites and mobile platforms as we continue to grow the digital part of our media business. Andrew has managed award-winning teams over his 30-year newspaper career and has received North American-wide industry recognition for innovative digital initiatives over the last five years. Recently he has taken a lead role in launching new products including the crowdfunding program BlackPress4Good.
Cold Lake, AB — Summer camps are in full swing and a youth from the Central Okanagan will experience a summer of adventure and challenge as the most senior staff cadet at the Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre. Throughout the regular cadet training year from September to June, Paul Smith is the Warrant Officer First Class, Squadron Commander at 243 Ogopogo Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Kelowna; however ranks change during summer camp to reflect cadet staff positions. After a lengthy period of evaluations, Smith was selected to be the top cadet position at the centre. He will be the Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre Warrant Officer.
PAUL SMITH,Warrant Officer First Class and Squadron Commander or the 243
Ogopogo Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Kelowna (centre) has temporarily been promoted to the top cadet position to lead others at the Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre this summer. Selected out of a possible 140 candidates, he was promoted to Warrant Officer First Class.
Andrew currently serves as director of both the CCNA and BCYCNA newspaper associations and will continue to hold his position of Publisher at The Abbotsford News and Mission Record. He also serves on multiple committees and boards in the community.
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
He has been awarded Rotary’s coveted Paul Harris Fellow on two occasions. He is married and lives in Abbotsford. Andrew has a passion and a key understanding of the steps we need to take to further enhance Black Press’ s’ capabilities in the digital space. Please join me in congratulating Andrew ulating An ndrew in this new role with Black Press.
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Rick O’Connor President and CEO Black Press
Andrew Franklin Director of Digital Development
A leader amongst peers, Smith will motivate and guide all of the other staff cadets while being mentored by Cadet Instructor Cadre Officers; adults who specialize in working with young people to implement the cadet program. Smith began summer camp in late June and will return home mid-August where new experiences and added skills will be brought back to friends and family and applied to future endeavours. You can follow his summer and the adven-
1/4 PAGE Ad with colour (Offer expires within 6 months of joining the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce)
For information contact:
Help someone you love quit smoking
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
tures of the other cadets in Cold Lake by following the centre’s Facebook page at www.facebook. com/ColdLakeCTC. The Cadet Program is a national youth development program which aims to grow in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, promote physical fitness, and stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of the Canadian Forces. For more information on the Cadets, go to:
Advertising Representative
250.979.7329 OR
Follow your nose and find us on Main Street in Winfield ! Open noon to 9 pm weekends
second pizza !
Away at events the next two weekends! We’ll be back in Lake Country July 25 & 26!
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 8, 2015 A11
Lake Country
Health Planning Society
... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
Searching for solution to doctor shortage KEVIN PARNELL If you are a senior and don’t have a family doctor in B.C., there is an organization that can help you. However in Lake Country, folks over 65 would still need to travel to Kelowna to access that doctor. The Central Okanagan Division of Family Practice is a doctor and Ministry of Health-funded non-profit society that includes physicians from Lake Country, Kelowna, West Kelowna and Peachland aimed at improving patient care in the Central Okanagan. “We are trying to improve the health system by using the collective resolve of family doctors,” said Tristan Smith, the executive director of the Central Okanagan
Division assessment of Family unit that The system is Practice. would make “We have a first assessstruggling with a number of the issue of doc- ment and activities we then set the tors retiring are working person up and there is not on. Recruitwith a docment and tor. Howenough comretention of ever, Smith ing in to take up new docsays for what is missing. tors is imLake CounThe multi-disciportant for try residents our whole this means plinary care area. There is getting a model would a physician doctor in create more cap- Kelowna as shortage acity for doctors. none of the throughout the whole doctor Lake Counprovince. try doctors Right now we are taking on are focusing on how to new patients with practisupport people that are ces that are full. over 65 and don’t have a Smith said the situafamily doctor.” tion in Lake Country is The division’s GP similar across B.C. and for Me program alsays, unfortunately, the lows people over 65 the doctor shortage could get chance to book an apworse in the next decade pointment with a mobile as 38 per cent of doctors
in the Central Okanagan will retire in the next nine years, according to a survey done by the Division of Family Practice. Smith says changes to the health care system are coming, it’s just a matter of when. “It’s inevitable. I think we just need to find the right business case and business model,” he said. “The system is struggling with the issue of doctors retiring and there is not enough coming in to take up what is missing. The multi-disciplinary care model would create more capacity for doctors.” To learn more about the Central Okanagan Division of Family Practice, go to and to contact a GP For Me call 250 718-8116.
9. Cockeyed 10.“O ____ Mio” 11.Florida island group 17.Verge 22.Praises 24.Encouraged 25.“My ____ True Love” 26.Seek to persuade 28.Little goat 30.Ocean scene 31.Bird that gives a hoot 32.Willie Winkie’s size Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Boast 5. Fit 9. Beg 12.Wedding toss 13.Ump’s call 14.Deep sadness 15.Without repetition 16.Previously 18.Glides on snow 19.Joan of ____ 20.Changes the color 21.Cold-cuts store 23.Embrace 25.Be in debt 27.Biblical craft
29.Plant again 33.Triumphed 34.Spending 36.Lamb’s ma 37.Well-known 39.Stag’s mate 40.Beer’s kin 41.Cleopatra’s snake 43.Keats poems 45.Gator’s cousin 48.Played the first card 50.Sour compound 53.Mixed drink 55.Steak order 56.____-advised 57.Get up
58.Heroic story 59.Passing grade 60.Lemon coolers 61.Student’s table
DOWN 1. Sis’s sibs 2. Hockey site 3. Mishap 4. Water birds 5. Social events 6. Dolt 7. The Addamses’ butler 8. Shade tree
35.Soup’s pasta bits 38.Every individual 42. Tartan design 44.Having hearing organs 45.Snazzy 46.Irritate 47.Gawk at 49.Other 51.Bright spring flower 52.Card pack 54.Bikini top
Volunteers Needed!
Must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. See Phyllis MacPherson at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. 250-766-0125
Volunteers Matter! Without volunteers in the community many organizations would not exist...
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247
Community eVents Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•Lake Country Farmers & CraFters market - Fridays 3 to 7 pm, July through September, Swalwell Park, 10090 Bottom Wood Rd, Lake Country. Vendors sell fresh local produce, handmade crafts, sweet & savoury treats, & handprepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area featuring lots of FREE parking, live entertainment, public washrooms, a water park, & a skateboard park. Contact: or 250-826-7100. •st. edward’s CateChism - Catechism classes for children grades Kindergarten to Grade 7 beginning in September, 2015; to register or for more info call 250-7663303 •LC seniors’ Centre Chair yoGa - & Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-317-3508 for more info. •winFieLd auXiLiary CriBBaGe - 3rd Sunday every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-8782834 for more information. •Badminton - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •LC seniors’ Centre Prime time - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will be hosting Prime Time again every Mon. from 1:00 until 3:15. Entertainment & refreshments are served & everyone welcome. Call 250-766-4220 or Joanne 250-766-0667 for info. •LC seniors’ Centre notiCe - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., will effectively have someone on site from 10:00 until 2:00 Mon - Fri., call or stop by if you have questions pertaining to Senior issues. Call 250-766-4220. •royaL Canadian LeGion BranCh 189 Ladies Auxiliary Cribbage Tournament - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the calendar. Registration at 9am, games begin at 10am sharp. $30 Per team includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 •oyama LeGion BranCh 189 Meat draw every Saturday at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. • Better at home is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC Food Bank thriFt store 3250 Berry Rd. Open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10am6pm, April-September. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. •LC seniors’ Bus sCheduLe - Sun., July 12 Fintry Summer Fair. Thurs., July 16 - Local shopping. Sun., July 19 - Kopje Park, Gibson House, Teddy Bear Picnic. Saturday July 25 - Vernon Halina Centre breakfast and shopping. Wed., July 29 Three Valley Gap, lunch. To reserve a seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LC outdoors CLuB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •Visit the Lake Country museum and arChiVes at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10am to 4pm, from Mother’s Day through Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website www. •LC Food Bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CriBBaGe. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •winFieLd united ChurCh thriFt shoP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donatioåns. •LC Line danCers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •soCiaL BridGe Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •the CounCiL oF senior CitiZens orGaniZations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC heaLth PLanninG soCiety - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at •do you Like to driVe? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778215-5247.
All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
Sex: Males Are you looking for two loving canine Spayed/Neutered: Yes companions to join your family? These have been together since the Age: 2 Yrs & 4 Mths 3Wks brothers day they were born and we are hoping Animal ID: to keep it that way! Dozer and Charlie are best of friends and love to spend 293942/371176 their time hiking and walking. They House Trained are great with other dogs and would OK with Dogs enjoy time9, visiting and socializing with THURSDAY, JULY 2015
Method successful in other communities
This is not an investment that DOCTORS FROM A1 country’s like Sweden. pen with doctor shortbined process with physphysicians alone “If you look at the baby ages across the counicians, Interior Health, them. Like most dogs, these two are can do. There not fond of cats, so we would prefer boomers and the number try. And he said doctors the municipality, busidietitians, nurse practiTSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS has KCTS KING a home without felines. They are to be many of people getting older, alone can’t make it hapnesses in the communtioners, diabetic nurses, used to the warmth and comfort of an _ # $ % & ( ) * ` 1 6 7 9 ; < A N P inside home. They are quiet and well pen. ity,” he said. “Th is is notDivorce partners counsellors, pharmacists, there are not enough to make In The View CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Ninja Sharks Steve Four Sesame Today :00 BattleFrog Pitchin’ behaved dogs who loveBookaboo to curl up onThe Price Is Pitchin’ In MLB’s Best G. Shrinks The View Debt/Part ” in a movie Bo On/Go Blue more. Jays PAW Patrol doctors.” ” ” Kid vs. Kat With Weddings Divorce Street family “Th is isNow a change in ” anHarvey investment that physworkers and 10 :30 Ch. THURSDAY, JULY 2015 the floor 9, and take or two. Right socialDebt/Part this work. cont’d 2015 U.S. Rachael Ray The Rachael Ray MLB Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal Rated A for Carole Mayday Family Feud Four Judge Dinosaur New Day We believe youMarilyn will wantHeartland to add themYoung & “It’s Murphy said the philosophy and a huge icians alone can do. There gone that way ” Denis Show ” Restless ” Baseball: Bucket-Dino News Minds Rated A for MacNeil ” Family Feud Weddings Judge Dinosaur 11 :00 :30 Women’s to your heartCIVT and home once you meetKIRO CHAN TimNorthwest Murphy TSN Noon CHBC CBC SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Chucks YTV CBC NEWS DISC Law KAYU TLC WTBS Peg KCTS KING change would some investment forNews the comto&be many partners News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noonareas News and Toronto Blue PAW Patrol The Chewtake Criminal Daily Planethas Love; Lust Hot Bench Plus Cat KING 5 in other it has :00 Open: them and see what soulful and loving Dozer 12 :30 # $ they are.Please % & the _ ( ) canines contact been successful,” said :00 Kelowna SPCA to meet them; They :00 & Charlie 1 :30 Murphy, pointing to have been waiting forever to meet you! 10 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 3:30 :30 12 THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 :00 :00 4:30 :30 1 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP :00 5:30 :30 2 # $ % & _ ( ) :00 6:30 :30 :00 :00 3 :00 10 :30 7:00 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 8:00 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 9:00 :30 :00 :00 61:30 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 72:30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 83:30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 94:30 :30 :00 :00 105:30 :30 :00 :00 116:30 :30 :00 :00 127:30 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 :00 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP 11 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) :00 12:00 :30 10 :30 FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP # $ % & _ ( ) 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 2:30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 4:30 :30 12 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP 5:30 :30 1 :00 # $ % & _ ( ) :00 6:30 :30 2 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 7:30 :30 3 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 8:30 :30 4 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 9:30 :30 5 :00 :00 :00 :30 10 :30 61:30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 83:30 :00 4:00 :30 9 :30 :00 5:00 :30 106:30 :00 :30 :00 117:30 :00 :30 :00 :00 128:30 :30 First Round
” BattleFrog ” Ch. ” 2015 U.S. ” Women’s ” Open: ” First Round SportsCentre ” Amazing ” Race CFL Pre. ” CFL ”
Days of our Pitchin’ Lives In Debt/Part The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Noon Vieira News Show Hour Young & Days of Restlessour Lives News ” The Talk Global” Nat.
The Social The View ” ” Dr. Phil The Marilyn ” Denis Show Ellen DeGeCTV neresNews Show Vancouver The Dr. Oz The Social Show ” CTV News Vancouver Dr. Phil ” CTV News
Best Recipes Bookaboo Stefano Bo On/Go Steven and Heartland Chris ” Republic of CBC DoyleNews Now Dragons’ Best Den Recipes Stefano CBC News Steven” and Chris CBC News
Peg Plus Cat News
The Doctors KOMO” 4 News Steve The Chew Harvey ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital News World News The Doctors ” 4 KOMO
The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 American ” Takedown Beyond Scared The First 48 ” Beyond
Wayside Rated for Kid vs.AKat Rated A for Sidekick Chucks Nerds Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Kung Fu Sidekick Odd Parents SpongeBob Wayside Kid vs. Kat Assembly
Power & Carole Politics MacNeil ” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Andrew Lang Nichols CBC News Power” & Politics The National
Ninja Sharks Mayday ” ” Spawn of Daily Planet Jaws: Birth ” Daily Planet Super”Predator Battle. Monster Mako Ninja Sharks Shark ”
Joint Relief Family Feud Feud Family Family Feud Paid Prog. Law & Pets.TV Order: SVU Secret? Top Cooker Raising The Office Mike Anger Joint Relief Family Feud Two Men
Love; Lust Four Lust Love; Weddings Love; Lust Love; Lust Lust Love; Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; Lust Love, Lust or RunLust Love; Love; Lust Lust Love;
The Middle Judge The Middle Judge Seinfeld Hot Bench Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Bang King Big Bang King Browns Payne The Middle The Middle Browns
Super Why! Sesame Thomas Street Sesame St. Dinosaur Cat in the Dinosaur Hitler’s FaPeg Plus Cat vourite Royal Peg Plus Cat Royal CousSuper Why! ins at War Thomas World News Business Sesame St. Cat in the PBS
Assembly Sidekick Wayside Nerds Nicky, Kid vs.Ricky Kat Stanley Dyn. SpongeBob Rated A for KungKidding Fu Just Rated A for Just Kidding Odd Parents Chucks SpongeBob Gags Squirrel Gags Assembly Almost Assembly Haunting Sidekick Haunting Nicky, Ricky Wayside Just Kidding Stanley Dyn. Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding Just Kidding Sidekick Glee Just Kidding Nerds Concert Gags SpongeBob Gags Fu Kung Haunting Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Just Kidding Assembly Just Kidding Assembly
” CBC News ” CBC With News Now ” Amanda Carole LangNational The MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News ” The Now National With ” The National Andrew ” CBC News Nichols ” CBC News Power & The National ” Politics ” The National ” Amanda ”” Lang The National Amanda Lang ”
” of Spawn Ninja Jaws:Sharks Birth Shark ” ” Daily Planet Mayday Shark””Dark Shark Monster Daily Planet Mako ” ” Shark Shark Super Pre” dator Battle. Shark Shark Dark Ninja Sharks Daily Planet ”” ” Shark Dark Spawn of Spawn of Shark Birth Jaws: Jaws: Birth ” Daily Planet Shark”
Mod Paid Fam Prog. Steve Pets.TV Big Bang Harvey Big Bang Secret? Family RaisingFeud BOOM! Family Feud Mike ” Law & Anger Wayward Order: SVU Pines Two Men Top Cooker Mod Fam News The Office Mod Fam Big Bang Joint Relief Mike Big Bang Family Feud How I Met BOOM! Paid Prog. Cougar ” Pets.TV Name Game Wayward Secret? Pines Raising
Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Fam Mod Divorce Seinfeld Big Bang Judge Big Bang Family Guy Judge Family BrownsGuy Hot Bench PayneDad Amer. Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns King Payne Jeffersons King Gimme Mod Fam The Middle Movie: Seinfeld The Middle “Eurotrip” Family Guy Seinfeld ” Guy Family Mod Fam ” Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang
NewsHour News Hitler’s FaEllen DeGeSesame vourite Royal Today neres Show American News Street cont’d SciTech Royal Cous- Evening KING 5 Dinosaur New Day ins at War News A Place to Food Dinosaur Northwest Call Home Fighters World News KING 5 Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Business News Vera Aquarius Peg Plus Cat News ” News PBS ” Nightly Super Why! Days of our NewsHour News ” Hannibal Thomas Lives Murder American News ” Sesame St. Dr. Phil Myster. KING News SciTech Evening Cat in the ” Infinity Hall Tonight A Place to FoodDeGeHitler’s FaEllen Live Show Call Home Fighters vourite Royal neres Show Film School Seth Meyers Vera Cous- KING Aquarius Royal 5 ” ins at War News ”
CBC News News CBC ”” The National The National ””
” Monster Shark Dark Mako Daily Planet Shark ””
News Mike Mod Fam Anger MikeMen Two How Fam I Met Mod
BrideSt. Love; Lust Four Love;to Lust Dare Weddings Wear Love; Lust Four Love; Lust Lust Love; Weddings BrideSt. Love, Lust Love; Lust or Run Dare to Love; Lust Wear Love; Lust Love; Lust Bride-Lust St. Love, Love; Lust or Run Dare to Love; Lust Love; Lust Wear Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; Lust Lust Love; Paid Prog. BrideSt. Love; Lust Paid Prog. Dare to Love; Lust Wear Lust Love; Love, Lust Lust Love, or Run Run or Love; Lust Love; Lust Love; St. Lust Bride-
Jeffersons Browns Gimme Payne Movie: Browns “Eurotrip” Payne
” World News Murder Business Myster. PBS Infinity Hall NewsHour
Spawn of Shark Jaws:”Birth
Cougar Paid to Prog. Big Bang Dare Name Game Wear Paid Prog. Big Bang
” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
Live Show American News Film School Evening Seth Meyers SciTech
A&E 1
Park Astroblast G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Waterfront PAW Patrol Cities Doki Jelly Jamm Dinosaur Brazil with Bucket-Dino Palin Dan Dino PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Movie: Kate and “It Might Rescue Astroblast Park Get Loud” Poppy Cat ” Waterfront Mister Maker Waterfront Cities Curious Cities Brazil with Astroblast It Might Get Palin PAW Patrol Loud Movie: Doki “It Might Dinosaur
News Steve The View Harvey Wheel” Jeopardy! KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News AstronautNews Club News The Chew World News Mistresses ” KOMO” 4 General News Rookie HospitalBlue Wheel” The Doctors News Jeopardy! ” Jimmy AstronautSteve Kimmel Live Club Harvey Nightline Mistresses KOMO 4 News ”
Scared The First 48 CSI: Miami ” American ” Takedown The First 48 Criminal ” The First 48 Minds ” Beyond Criminal Scared Beyond Minds Scared Beyond American Scared Beyond Takedown Scared American The First 48 American Takedown ” Takedown The The First First 48 48 The First ”” 48 ” Beyond The First 48 Scared ”
SportsCentre Race ” CFL Pre. SportsCentre CFL ” Football:
The National CBC News ”” CBC News CBC News Calgary Murdoch Stampede Mysteries Coronation Coronation
Under the Early News Dome Global Nat. News Hour News Hour Final ” ET EntCanada The Doctors ET Canada
Get DinoLoud” Dan ” Wild Kratts Waterfront Rescue Cities Park It Might Get Waterfront Loud Cities
Rookie News Blue World”News News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Wheel Live Nightline Jeopardy!
Beyond Beyond Scared Scared American Beyond Takedown Scared The First 48 American ” Takedown
Under the KIRO News Dome KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Blue CBSBloods News Ent ” Corden The Insider
at Edmonton Food Eskimos Fighters
Big Bang McCarthys
The Nature of Things
Big Bang Mom
Food Fighters
SportsCentre Big Brother ” ”
Mistresses ”
Doc Zone ”
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
SportsCentre Under the ” Dome
Saving Hope The National Under the ” ” Dome
Sportsnet St. Louis Central Cardinals at Sportsnet Pittsburgh Central Pirates Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball: Angels at Mariners ” ”
2015 U.S. Women’s
Rachael Ray The Marilyn ” Denis Show
Heartland ”
Young & Restless
Open: Second
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Round ”
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”
” Wimbledon ””
The Talk Pitchin’ In ” Debt/Part
Dr. Phil The View ””
Just Kidding The National Shark Dark Just Kidding ” Shark
Love; Lust Bride- St.
Family Guy Family Guy
A Place to Call Home
Food Fighters
Gags Gags
The National ” ” Shark
Wayward Pines
Dare to Wear
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Vera ”
Aquarius ”
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Love, Lust or Run
Jeffersons Gimme
” Murder
Hannibal ”
Love; Lust Love; Lust
Movie: “Eurotrip”
Myster. Infinity Hall
KING News Tonight
Film School Sesame Street
Show Seth Meyers Today cont’d
” Criminal Minds
YTV Glee6
Concert Wayside Kid vs. Kat
NEWS Amanda 7
DISC Spawn 9of
Name Game Paid Prog. Steve Four Harvey Weddings
” Divorce Divorce
Rachael Ray Champion of Jelly Jamm News ” Champions Bucket-Dino Seattle
Donnie Donnie
Rated A for Rated A for
Carole MacNeil
Mayday ”
Family Feud Four Family Feud Weddings
Judge Judge
Dinosaur Dinosaur
Noon News Hour
European Poker Tour
Donnie Donnie
Nerds Squirrel
CBC News Now With
Daily Planet ”
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Days of our Lives
World Poker Astroblast Tour Poppy Cat
Wahlburgers Almost Wahlburgers Sidekick
Andrew Nichols
Paid Prog. The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
The Talk Pitchin’ In ” Debt/Part
Tim and Sid Premier Darts ”
Wahlburgers Criminal Wahlburgers Minds Criminal Donnie Minds Donnie Criminal Donnie Minds Donnie
Power & CBC News Politics Now With Carole” ” MacNeil
Top Cooker Say Steve FourYes Family Yes HarveyFeud Say Weddings 21 Day Feud Fix Say Family FourYes State Yes Family Feud Say Weddings
The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce
Sesame Sesame St. Cat in the Street
Dr. Phil Today cont’d”
Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge
Antiques Dinosaur Moone Boy Dinosaur
Paid Prog. Law & Raising Order: SVU
What Not to Say Yes Wear Say Yes
Big Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bang Bench
KNOW KOMO It Might *Get Kimmel `Live
Loud G. Shrinks PAW Patrol
PAW Patrol Kate and
Nightline The View ”
The Chew ”
KNOW KOMO General * ` Hospital
Alouettes at Round Blue ” Bombers ” ” ” Wimbledon CFL ”” Football: ” 2015 U.S. Roughriders CFL Women’s at Lions Football: Open: ” Alouettes at Second ” Blue Round SportsCentre Bombers ”” ”” SportsCentre CFL ” ” Football: ” SportsCentre Roughriders ”” atCFL Lions Football: ” ” Alouettes at Blue SportsCentre ” Bombers ” SportsCentre
CFL ” Football: SportsCentre ” Roughriders at Lions
Final News--11:30 CBC Ent etalk 2015News Pan ETCanada Canada Big BigBang Bang American ET Calgary The Doctors Seth Meyers Divorced Shark Tank Stampede Games: Divorced ” Opening
Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET
” Blue Bloods The National ”
TSN CHBC # $ SportsCentre ET Canada
CIVT % Big Bang
CBC & Calgary
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” ” Final News--11:30 CBC News ” 2015 Wimbledon
Central Kansas City Country Coast Murder”
Royals Sportsnet The Doctors Central Divorced Sportsnet Divorced Central
Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Gotta See It 0 0 Blue Jays
KIRO _ ”
KIRO News Blue Bloods
Myster. Murder Myster.
American Takedown
A&E The1 First 48
A&E 1
Wayside Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Rated A for Chucks Rated A for Nicky, Nerds Ricky Hathaways Squirrel
Criminal Wahlburgers Henry Almost Minds Wahlburgers Bella Sidekick Criminal Stanley Dyn. Wahlburgers Wayside Minds Assembly Wahlburgers Kid vs. Kat Criminal Wayside Criminal Thunder Criminal Sidekick Minds Kid vs. Kat Minds Alvin and Minds Chucks Donnie Rated A for Criminal the Criminal Nicky, A Ricky Donnie Rated for Minds Chipmunks: Minds Hathaways Donnie Nerds Criminal Chipwrecked Criminal Henry On Donnie Squirrel Minds Game Minds Bella Wahlburgers Just Almost Criminal Kidding Wahlburgers Just Sidekick Criminal Stanley Dyn. Minds Kidding Minds Assembly Wahlburgers Haunting Wayside Criminal Wahlburgers Haunting Kid vs. Kat Criminal Thunder Minds Minds Alvin and Criminal Sidekick Criminal AlvinMinds Chucks Criminal the Minds Chipwrecked Minds Chipmunks: Criminal Nicky, Ricky Minds Hathaways Criminal Chipwrecked Minds Game Criminal Henry On Minds Bella Criminal Just Kidding
A&E 1
Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
Jimmy Minds Wheel Criminal Jeopardy! Minds Kimmel Live Criminal Nightline Shark Tank Minds Criminal ” Minds
News Hour Final
Sportsnet Central
For King and News Country Jimmy
Criminal Minds
Haunting Haunting
A&E 1
News PGA Tour
SportsCentre ” ” Calgary
PGA Tour Golf: John
News PGA Tour
Toronto Blue Dogs/Jobs Jays at Dogs/Jobs
2015 Wimbledon
Wahlburgers Movie: Wahlburgers “Jr.
Golf: John Deere
Corner Gas Corner Gas
Deere Classic,
Golf: John Deere
Kansas City Royals
Hope for Wildlife
Donnie Donnie
Racing ” 2015 WimSportsCentre bledon”
Classic, Third Round Fish’n Storm Real Fishing Planets
Third Round ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Changers
Classic, Third Round Fish’n Storm Real Fishing Planets
Gotta See It MLB’s Best MLB’s Best Sportsnet Blue 2015 Jays
Mega Builders Wild Kratts Waterfront Wild CitiesKratts
ChampionPrerace ships NASCAR
Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV Simpsons
Canada’s ” Worst Driver ” The Social 2015 Pan Cash Cab The National ” American Steele Relations It Is Written The Marilyn Games 2015 Pan Operation ” Denis Show American
McCarthys Canada All In Tour Simpsons PGA News McCarthys Sings Sports Stars Simpsons Golf: John PGA Tour
SportsCentre True SC Golf:Crime John Racing: Simpsons ”Cup Scene NASCAR DeereNat. Sprint Global SportsCentre News Final Racing Classic, Series: News Hour ”” Saturday Third”Round Quaker SportsCentre Night SportsCentre StormLive State 400 16x9 Planets ”” ” ””
Bitten News 48 Hours Corner Gas Games Stampede Deere The Social KIRO News ” Gas Gags ” Corner on CBC Classic, etalk ” KIRO News News Winnipeg KIRO News Canada’s ThirdNews Round CTV News ”” CBS News--11:30 Scandal Worst Driver Comedy ” Vancouver ”” KIRO News Movie: Mr. ” Cash Cab TheDNational EntertainPaid Prog. W5 Calgary “Shattered” Mr. D Paid Prog. Steele Relations Changers ” Stampede ment ’Night
True Golf: Crime John Simpsons Scene Deere Nat. Global News Final Classic, News Hour Saturday Third ”Round Night StormLive 16x9 Planets ””
A&E 1
Donnie Final Donnie Born-Explore Flipping World of X Storage Sea Rescue Vegas World of X Storage MLB Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Wahlburgers CONCACAF Kingdom of Cougar Storage Baseball: Martha Outback Wahlburgers Gold Cup the Cobra UW 360 Storage Toronto 2015 Wahlburgers ” Blue Dogs/Jobs Brazil with NewsWimStorage Jays at Dogs/Jobs bledon Wahlburgers Pan Am Pre. Palin World News Wars Kansas City Hope ChampionDonnie 2015 Pan Hope for for KOMO 4 ” Royals Wildlife ships: Donnie American Wildlife News ”
Paid Powerboat All InProg. Simpsons Paid Prog. TV Sports Stars Driving Simpsons Motoring News SportsCentre ” PGA Racing: Simpsons The Social Games KIROTour News News Simpsons SC PGA Tour ” Calgary Golf: John PGA Tour Sprint Cup Global Nat. etalk ” KIRO News Global Nat. SC Golf: Gas Stampede Deere Golf: Series: NewsJohn Hour Corner CTV News ” CBS News NewsJohn Hour NASCAR Deere ” Corner Gas on CBC Classic, Quaker Vancouver ” KIRO News Deere” Racing Canada’s Third Round Classic, Gotta It State 16x9 W5 Entertain16x9 Games 2015400 Wim- Classic, Fish’n The Social Calgary 2015 ”Pan Paid Prog. Fish’n MLB’sSee Best ”” Third Worst ”Driver ” ” Third MLB’s ” Stampede ment ’Night ” ” Best bledon Real Round Fishing ” American Paid Prog. Real Round Fishing Blue Jays SportsCentre Cab The National Paid Prog. Storm Sportsnet SportsCentre Canada Amazing on CBC The Canada Champion- Storm Powerboat Cash It Is Written Games PaidMillers Prog. Powerboat MLB Planets Relations Changers Planets 2015 Sings Race ”” The Sings Central ships”” Driving TV Steele Operation PaidMillers Prog. Driving TV Baseball:
KNOW KOMO Women’s * `
Mega Sicily’s Wild Kratts Builders Mummies Wild Kratts Waterfront Heartbeat Mister Maker Cities ” Martha
Women’s Wheel Born-Explore Final Jeopardy! Sea Rescue World ofDocs X Celebrity Wildlife World of X Family Feud Outback
A&E 1
Donnie Storage Flipping Donnie Wars Vegas
Shark Clans News ” Mod Fam
The National Daily Planet ” ”
Mike How I Met
Detective Agency”
Assembly Assembly Rabbids Assembly Bread Assembly
Turtles Assembly Sanjay Assembly Movie: Assembly “Jr. Assembly Detective Assembly Agency” Max
Family”Guy Family Guy
Vietnam: PBS NewsHour American
Dare to Wear
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Doctor Blake Mysteries
Jeffersons Break
Last Days in Dateline Vietnam: NBC
What Not to Wear
Movie: “Miracle”
American Experience
KING News Tonight Show Seth Meyers European PGA Tour
” Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Pain Free 2015 U.S.
My 600-Lb. Life
Browns Lemony
Skinny Gut Vibrant You
Tomlinson ”
Daily Planet ”
Women’s Open:
My 600-Lb. Life
Snicket’s Series of
With Brenda Brain-
Sharks, Shad.
Third Round My 600-Lb. ” Life
Unfortunate Movie:
My 600-Lb. Life Extreme My 600-Lb. Extreme Life
“Red Eye” ” Paid Prog. First Family Paid Prog. Box Office
My 600-Lb. Untold StoLife of ER ries Tomlinson Daily Sharks Planet Regional Women’s My 600-Lb. the fifth Alien Creep. Open: Life estate” ”” Coverage Crawlies ” Sharks, Third Round My 600-Lb. The National Sharksanity ” Untold Sto” Shad. Life of ER Marketplace 2 ”” ries
The National Shark Clans Marketplace ” CBC News Shark Clans The National Alien Sharks CBC News Mansbridge ”” NowNature With Mayday The To Be Asha ” of Things Announced
KAYU ” ;
” Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Storage Assembly The National Alien ” ” A Cinderella Now Doc Zone To BeSharks Pain Two Free Men Wahlburgers Turtles With Mayday Storage Assembly Mansbridge PaidBang Prog. ” Story: Once Asha ” Announced Big Wahlburgers Sanjay ”” 2015 U.S.
Celebrity Storage a Cougar Assembly 2015 WimWahlburgers Upon Movie: Family UW 360Feud Wars Storage Assembly bledon Wahlburgers Song “Jr.
The National Sharksanity Nature Daily To BePlanet Tomlinson Mansbridge 2 of Things Announced ” ”
Sportsnet Kansas ” City Central Royals Pan Am Pre. Pan Am Pre. Gotta See It 2015 Pan 2015 Pan MLB’s Best American American Sportsnet Games Games 2015 ”
Celebrity ” ChampionDonnie News Storage Family Feud Wars ” ships: News Donnie World News Storage Women’s Donnie KOMO 4 ” Castle Wars Final Donnie News ” ” World”of X Wheel Storage Burn Notice ” World of X Storage Jeopardy! Wars
Lost Hero ” the fifth estate” The National National Marketplace Marketplace The Lost National Hero Mansbridge ”
Atlantic Sharks, Alien Sharks Jaws ” Shad. To Be Clans Shark Sharksanity Announced ” 2
Pain Free MLB 2015 U.S. Baseball:
Two MLB Men Women’s Big Bang Baseball: Open:
NBC News Nightly News KING News
What Not to Wear
Mayday ”
” ”
Experience News Tonight Washington Charlie Aging Rose Evening Show Backwards America’s Seth Meyers Father Brown Got Talent
Now With Asha
Assembly The National Shark Clans Clans Paid ” Stanley Dyn. CBC Lost Hero Atlantic Paid Prog. Prog. Rabbids News Shark Assembly Marketplace ” Game On ” Jaws ”” Mike Prog. Bread CBC News Paid
Gags Detective Assembly Haunting Agency” Assembly Haunting Assembly Haunting Assembly Max Cinderella Assembly Stanley Dyn. Story Assembly Game On
Aging Backwards Wild Kratts Wild Kratts
Blue Jays Endeavour CONCACAF of Toronto Blue Kingdom Dogs/Jobs Icons ” Gold the Cobra Jays Cup at Dogs/Jobs
Hope ”with for Brazil Park Wildlife Palin Waterfront Mega for Hope Cities Builders Wildlife Endeavour Waterfront Sicily’s ” Cities Mummies
AlvinThe National Zombie Cougar Paid Prog. Chipwrecked CBC News ” Sharks Game Paid Prog. Rabbids Shark Clans Name Paid Prog. Extreme Bread CBC News ” Paid Prog. Extreme
11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 2:00 :30 :00 10 3:30 :30 :00 :00 SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 11 :30 4:00 :30 :00 12 5:30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 1 6:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 7:30 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 9:30 :30 4 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 51:30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 62:30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 :30 73:30 Orphan Just for The Marilyn 2015 Pan SportsCentre ” Black Show Laughs Denis American ” Calgary
Wear Lust Break Love; Browns BrideSt. to Payne What Not Movie: Wearto “Miracle” Dare Mod Fam Wear Seinfeld Paid Prog. ”
Gotham ”
Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Wahlburgers Turtles Martha Outback Wahlburgers Sanjay
SportsCentre Canada Prerace Simpsons Motoring News Sings NASCAR Simpsons SC ” PGA Tour
” Mod Men Fam Sharks, Two Shad. Daily Planet Mod MikeFam How I Met Shark ”Clans Big Bang ” Big Bang Zombie Cougar
Chipwrecked The National Sharks, Game On ” Shad.
Myster. Wild Kratts Wild Kratts
PBS Nightly News Sesame St. Dr. Phil NewsHour News Cat in the ” Sesame Today Washington News Antiques Ellen DeGeStreet Charlie Rose cont’d Evening Moone Boy neres Show Dinosaur New Day Father America’s Father KING 5 Dinosaur Northwest Brown Got Talent Brown News Peg Plus Cat KING 5” Doctor Blake World News KING ”5 Peg Plus Cat News Mysteries Business News Super Why!in Days of our Last Days Dateline Thomas Lives PBS Nightly News Vietnam: NBC NewsHour News Sesame St. Dr. PhilNews American KING Cat in the Washington News” Experience Tonight Charlie RoseEllen Evening Antiques Aging ShowDeGeMoone Show Father Boy neres America’s Backwards Seth Meyers Brown Got Talent Father KING 5 Brown Doctor Blake News ” Mysteries World News KING 5” Business Last Days in News Dateline
Just Kidding CBC News Just Kidding ”
MLB Baseball:
Browns The Middle Payne The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Seinfeld Divorce Seinfeld Mod Fam Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne King Jeffersons King Browns Break Payne The Middle Movie: The ModMiddle Fam “Miracle” Seinfeld Seinfeld ” Mod Fam Family ” Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Browns Payne Jeffersons
Criminal Minds
Criminal Nightline Minds Born-Explore Flipping Sea Rescue Vegas
Browns King Payne King
What Would Criminal You Do? Minds
KNOW KOMO * ` Murder Kimmel Live
New Day Northwest
Love; Lust Say Yes Bride- St. Say Yes Four Dare to Say Yes Weddings Wear Say Yes Four Love; Lust What Not Weddings BrideSt. to Wear Say DareYes to What Not to Say Yes Wear Wear Say Yes What Not to Say Yes Love; Lust Wear BrideSt. Say Yes What Not to Say DareYes to Wear Wear Say PaidYes Prog. Say Yes Love; Lust Paid Prog. Bride-Not St. to What Wear Dare to Wear What Not to Wear What Not to
SNP ) Sportsnet
What Not to Say Yes Wear Say Yes
” Museum
CHAN ( ET Canada
Super Mike Shark PrePaid Prog. dator Battle. Anger ” The Office Sharks, Two Men Shark Top Cooker Shad. Mod Fam ” Family Feud Shark Shark Clans Steve Big Bang Zombie 21 Day Fix ”” Harvey Big Bang Sharks State Mayday Feud Shark After Family MasterChef Daily Planet Paid Prog. ” Family Dark ” Feud ” Raising Daily Planet Law & Sharks, Gotham Super” Pre- Order: Mike ”SVU Shad. dator Battle. Anger Shark Shark Clans Paid NewsProg. ”” The Sharks, TwoOffice Men Mod Fam Shad. Mod Fam Shark Daily Planet Top MikeCooker Feud Shark””Clans Family Big Bang How I Met ” BigDay Bang Zombie 21 Fix Zombie Cougar Sharks Shark After State MasterChef Sharks Name Game Dark Planet Paid Prog. ” Daily ” Raising Sharks, Gotham Shad. PreSuper Mike ” dator Battle. Anger Shark Clans News
Silent Witness
Powerboat Driving TV
Stampede on CBC
Ceremony Power & ” Politics CBC News ” ” Now CBC With News ” Carole The National 2015 Pan MacNeil ” American CBC News The National Games: Now With ” Opening Andrew CBC News Nichols Ceremony ” ”& Power The National Politics ”” CBC News ” The National ”” The National ” 2015 Pan American The National ” Games: Opening CBC News
Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest Father KING Peg Plus Cat KING 5 5 Brown Peg Plus Cat News News World 5 our Super News Why! KING Days of Business News Thomas Lives
Sportsnet Central
The Doctors MLB’s CentralBest Fish’n Real Fishing Blue Jays
Games: Andrew Opening Nichols
” Zombie Mayday Sharks” Daily Daily Planet Planet ””
Dual Suspects
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Motoring SC
2015 Pan CBC News American Now With
DISC 9 ”
TLC Paid< Prog.
Name Game Love; Paid Prog. MasterChef Lust ” Bride- St.
Corden Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
It Is Written Operation
Jaws: Birth Shark ”
KAYU Cougar ;
Chipwrecked The National ” SharksAfter the Shark Chipmunks: ” Dark
Games ”
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Lang CBC News Now With
Just Kidding ” Stanley Dyn. Ceremony Assembly ” Haunting The National Haunting Thunder ”” Alvin CBC News Alvin-and The National
The Doctors The SethSocial Meyers 2015 Stampede Fish’n Pan Real Fishing ” American
” Shark Dark
Mike How I Met
Mister Maker The View Doctors G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol ” The Meredith ” Astroblast Steve Rachael Ray Champion of Jelly Jamm News Vieira ”Show Champions ” PAW Patrol Seattle Harvey Bucket-Dino YoungNews & MLB’s Best PAW Doki Patrol The KOMO 4 Noon European Chew Restless Blue Jays Dinosaur News ” Hour Poker Tour Kate and Early of News MLB Poker Astroblast Dino Dan News Days our World General Global Nat. Tour Baseball: Wild Kratts World News Lives Poppy Cat Hospital News Hour Toronto Blue Waterfront KOMO 4 The Talk Tim and Sid Mister Maker The Doctors ” Jays at Cities News ” ” Curious ” Pitchin’ In Premier G. Shrinks The View Ent Kansas City Coast Wheel The Meredith Darts ” Astroblast Steve ” Debt/Part PAW Patrol ET Canada Royals ” Jeopardy! Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Harvey Rachael Ray Sportsnet Champion of Murder Jelly Jamm Shark News Tank Divorced Young MLB’s Best Doki ”& Champions Bucket-Dino KOMO Seattle Divorced Central Myster. ” 4 Restless Blue Jays Dinosaur News Noon News European PAW Patrol The Chew Hawaii Five- Gotta See It Silent What Would Early News Poker Tour Dino Kate Dan and ” 0Hour News MLB Blue Jays Witness You Do? Global Nat. Baseball: Wild Kratts World News Days of our Sportsnet World Poker Astroblast General Dual ” 20/20 Lives Hour Tour Poppy Cat Hospital News Toronto Blue Waterfront KOMO Suspects Central Museum ” 4 ” Jays at Sid Cities News The Talk Tim and Mister Maker The Doctors News Hour Sportsnet For King and News ” City Coast Curious Ent Kansas Wheel Final ” Central Country Jimmy” ET Canada Royals ” Jeopardy! TheCanada Meredith Sportsnet ” Astroblast Steve Live ET Murder Kimmel Vieira Show Sportsnet ” PAW Patrol Shark HarveyTank Divorced Murder The Doctors Central Myster. Nightline Divorced Central ” 4 Young & MLB’s Best Myster. Doki KOMO Restless Blue Jays Dinosaur News Would Hawaii Five- Gotta See It Silent What 0Early News Blue Jays Witness You Do? MLB Dino Dan News Global Nat. Sportsnet Baseball: Wild Kratts World News Dual ” 20/20 Suspects ” 4 News Hour Central Toronto Blue Museum Waterfront KOMO ” Jays at Cities News News Hour Sportsnet For King and News
Ceremony ”
Hannibal KING 5 News ” KING Nightly News News Tonight News
The First 48 ”
Steven and The Let’sPrice MakeIsa Bookaboo Chris Deal Bo On/Go Right The Meredith EllenMarilyn DeGe- Heartland Republic of Young Bold & Rachael Ray The Vieira ”Show Denis neres Show Show Doyle ” ThisMinute Restless Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ JudgeNews Judy Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO Restless Show Den Judge” Judy Hour Vancouver Now Newsof our The CTVSocial News CBC Recipes News KIRO News Days Best The Talk Vancouver ” KIRO ”News Lives ” ” Stefano Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO News The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a CHBC News Vancouver Coronation CBS News ” ” Chris Deal Pitchin’ In The View Bookaboo The Price Is Ent etalk 2015 Pan Ent The Meredith Ellen DeGeRepublic of Bold Debt/Part ” Bo On/Go Right ET Canada Big Bang American The Insider Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute Rachael Ray Shark The Marilyn Heartland Young & Divorced Tank Games: Elementary Young The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge ”& Denis ” Restless Divorced ” Show Opening ”Judy Restless Show Den Judge Judy Noon News CTV News Ceremony CBC News Hawaii KIRO News Hawaii Five- Motive FiveNews CTV News CBC KIRO News Vancouver Now News ” 0Hour ” ” 0 ” Vancouver ” KIRO News Days of our Blue The Bloods Social Best Recipes The Talk Dual ” Blue Bloods Lives Nat. CTV News Stefano Global CBC News KIRO News Suspects ”” The National ”” CHBC News Vancouver Coronation CBS The Talk Dr. Phil Steven Let’sNews Make CHBC News News-Lisa ” and KIRO News a ” ChrisNews DealBloods Ent etalk 2015 Pan Ent Final ” News--11:30 CBC Blue ET Canada Big Bang American The Insider The Meredith Big Ellen DeGe- Calgary Republic of Bold ” ET Canada Bang Vieira Show Shark neres Show Games: Doyle ThisMinute Divorced Tank Elementary The Doctors Seth Meyers Stampede Corden Divorced ” Oz Opening Young & The Dr. Dragons’ Judge” Judy Restless Show Den Judge Judy Hawaii Five- Motive Ceremony Hawaii Five0News ” ” 0 CTV News CBC News KIRO News ” Vancouver ” KIRO News Dual Blue Bloods ” Blue Bloods Suspects ” The National Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO”News CHBCNews News News-Lisa Vancouver Coronation CBS News CHBC ” KIRO News
Hawaii Five- Motive 0 ”
Beyond Scared
Just Kidding The National Daily Planet Just Kidding ” ”
Sportsnet Central Premier Darts
News Jimmy
ET Canada The Doctors Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
Mistresses ”
Waterfront Cities
” Corden The Price Is Right
Brazil with Palin
Haunting Haunting
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Stampede ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Wimbledon Pitchin’ In The View Bookaboo ” Debt/Part ” Bo On/Go
Days of our Today Lives cont’d Dr. Phil New Day ” Northwest Ellen DeGeKING Show 5 neres News KING 5 Days of our News Lives KING 5 News Dr. Phil Nightly” News
Movie: “It Might
Rookie Blue Beyond ” Scared
Sportsnet Central
” ”
Glee Ricky CBC Amanda Nicky, News Concert Dyn. Lang ” Stanley
Get Loud” ”
News Hour Final
9 :30 SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 Blue Bloods :00 SportsCentre Dual
Sportsnet Central
KIRO News Blue Bloods
Blue Ent Bloods The Insider ” Corden Elementary ”
Under the Dome
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Calgary
CFL Open: Football: Second
Kate and
Astroblast G. Shrinks Poppy Cat PAW Patrol Mister Maker Jelly Jamm Curious Bucket-Dino Astroblast PAW PAW Patrol Patrol Kate and Doki Astroblast Dinosaur Poppy Cat Dino Dan Wild Kratts Mister Maker Curious Rescue
” Pirates The Meredith ” Pitchin’ In MLB’s” Best Vieira Show Ent MLB Debt/Part Blue Jays ET Canada Baseball: Young & MLB Rachael Ray Baseball: MLB Restless Food ” Angels at Baseball: Fighters Mariners Early News St. Louis Noon News Toronto Blue Global Nat. Cardinals at Big Brother ” Hour Jays at ” News ”Hour Pittsburgh Days of our Chicago ” Pirates Under Sportsnet Lives the White Sox Dome Central Ent MLB The Talk Tim and Sid News Hour Sportsnet ET Canada Baseball: ” ” Final Central Food The Meredith Angels” at ET Canada Mariners Sportsnet Fighters Vieira Show ” The Doctors Central Big Brother Young & MLB ” ” ” Restless Baseball:
Under News the Dome ”
Jays at
Chicago MLB’s Best White Sox Blue Jays Tim and Sid MLB ” Baseball: ” Toronto ” Blue Jays at MLB Chicago Baseball: White Sox St. Louis Cardinals at Tim and Sid ” Pittsburgh
Murdoch of CBS News Republic Bold Bookaboo The Price Is Doyle ThisMinute Mysteries Ent Bo On/Go Right Coronation The Insider Dragons’ Judge Judy Heartland YoungJudy & Den Judge The Nature Big Bang ” Restless of Things Mom CBC News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News ” KIRO News Doc Big Brother NowZone ” ” ” CBC News KIRO News Best Recipes The Talk Murdoch CBS News The National Under Stefano ”the ” Dome Mysteries Ent Steven and Let’s Make a CBC News KIRO News Coronation The Insider Chris Deal Calgary Blue Bloods The Nature Bang Republic of Big Bold Stampede ” of Things Mom Doyle ThisMinute Coronation Corden Doc Zone Big Brother Dragons’ Judge Judy Den ” Judge” Judy
” 2015 U.S. ” Women’s
10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30
” Minds Squirrel Now7 With ” Order: SVU Love; Lust Hot A Bench * but in` 1 6 he 9 ; < time the long run munity,” said. “It has toTop make this work.” General American Almost Andrew Super PreCooker Love; Lust King The View CSI: Miami Wayside CBC News Ninja Battle. Sharks The Steve Four Lust Divorce Hospital Takedown Sidekick Nichols dator Office Love; King something needs to hapto be some sort of ” ” Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Harvey Weddings Divorce
Days of our Pitchin’ Lives In Debt/Part The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Noon Vieira News Show Hour Young & Days of Restlessour Lives Early News Global Nat. The Talk News ”Hour
Football: CHBC News Ellen Vancouver ” The Meredith DeGeBattleFrog Pitchin’ In The View ” Vieira Show neres Ottawa Ent etalk Show Ch. Debt/Part ” RedBlacks ET Canada Big Bang SportsCentre Young & The Dr. Oz 2015 U.S. Rachael Ray Show The Marilyn Amazing Restless at Edmonton Food Big Bang Women’s ” Denis Show Eskimos Fighters McCarthys Race News CTV News Open: Noon News CTV News CFL Pre. ” Vancouver SportsCentre Brother Mistresses First Round Big Hour Vancouver ” CFL ” Global” Nat. CTV News ” Days of our The Social Football: CHBC News Vancouver SportsCentre Under Saving” Hope ” Lives the ” Dome Ottawa Ent etalk ” ” The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre ET CHBC News Big News-Lisa RedBlacks Canada Bang ” ” ” ” Final News--11:30 at Edmonton Food Bang ” The MeredithBig Ellen DeGeSportsCentre Fighters ET Canada McCarthys Daily Show Eskimos ” Vieira Show neres Show ” The Doctors Seth Meyers SportsCentre Brother Mistresses SportsCentreBig Young & The Dr. Oz ” ” Amazing Restless Show”
Saving Hope CTV News ” Vancouver CHBC News News-Lisa Global Nat. CTV News Final CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver SportsCentre ET Ottawa EntCanada Daily etalkShow ” The Doctors Seth Meyers RedBlacks ET Canada Big Bang
The Talk The Price Is ” Right Let’s Make a Young & Deal Restless Bold KIRO News ThisMinute ” Judge Judy The Talk Judge Judy ” KIRO News KIROMake Newsa Let’s Deal KIRO News
Golf Triathlon ” ”
World Series of Fighting
Browns Community Lemony Community
Wheat Belly ” Total Health” Wild Kratts European William LazyTown Wild Kratts PGA Tour Glorious Luna! Skinny Gut Biz GolfKid$ Women VibrantAge You Kids Triathlon Never News
Snicket’s The Middle Series of The Middle Unfortunate AdventureMovie: land
With Brenda Aging BrainBackwards ChangeWeekend Perlmutter News
” KING 5 News ” World NightlySeries News of Fighting KING News
My 600-Lb. “RedProg. Eye” Didn’t See It Paid ” Extreme Life ” ”” Extreme Paid Prog.
My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Untold StoMy Life of ER ries Life
First Family WilliamGut Family Guy Skinny American Browns Box Office Glorious Family Guy Vibrant Masters Lemony You Seinfeld Community Snicket’s Seinfeld Community Series of
” Women With Brenda Moone Boy Never Age Brain-
King Unfortunate The Middle King Movie: The Middle Movie: “Red Eye” Adventure“Match land ”
The Town ChangeAging ” Perlmutter Backwards
Point” First Family ” ”” Box Office
Wheat Belly ” The Jewel in European Traveler Wild Kratts Total Health- PGA ” the Crown Backroads Wild Kratts Tour
Creep. Untold StoMy 600-Lb. Crawlies ries of ER Life
News Untold StoThird Round My 600-Lb. Regional Creep. Wanted ries of ER ” Life Coverage Crawlies Animation Didn’t See ”” My 600-Lb. Untold Sto-It Domination ”” Life ries of” ER Alien Sharks Glee Peter Popoff Alien Sharks ” My 600-Lb. Atlantic Paid Prog. Didn’t See It ” Paid Prog. Paid Life Jaws ”” MikeProg. ”
” ”
LazyTown Running Wild Golf Luna! ” Triathlon Dateline Biz Kid$ ” NBC Kids News ”
”5 World KING Series ” of Fighting News The Forsyte Wheat Belly KING ”News Weekend Nightly News Saga Total NewsHealth- Saturday KING” News Younger Night Live William The Jewel in LazyTown Traveler Heart ” Glorious Luna! the Crown Backroads
10 :00 :30 11 5 :30 SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :30 7 :00 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 :30 12 :00 2 7 :30 :00 3 8 :30 4 :30 9 :00 :00 10 5 :30 :00 11 6 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :00 MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :30 :00 11 6 :00 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :30 TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015 :00 1 :30 6 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 3 :30 8 :30 :00 4 :00 10 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 5 11 :30 10 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 11 :30 :00 7 :00 1 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 2 :30 WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 3 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 :00 11 :30 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 :00 8 :30 1 2 :30 9 :00 3 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 6 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30
4Country :30 Calendar Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Prog. rLake ChampionJoel Osteen Canada’s Games Paid Beach Simpsons Amazing Calgary KIRO News :00 FIFA FIFA Beach bledon Soccer
TV-Torrens The Social Lorna Dueck etalk Celebrity Simpsons
The Story of Paid Prog. Little Prince UW Paid360 Prog. Science
Duck D. Big Smo Duck D.
Movie: Thunder “Barnyard”
the fifth CBC News estate
Tiburones: Jaws Sharks
Livin’ Dream Gypsy Paid Prog. Prog. Say Yes Paid Sisters
Paid Prog. CHBC News News Nat. Global PGA Tour CHBC News Golf: John Security Deere Burgers Classic, Final Big Brother Round” Ancestors Ice Pilots Madam Lorna NWT Dueck Secretary Joel Osteen TV-Torrens Family Guy Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons News Simpsons News Final PGA Tour CHBC News Ancestors Golf: John Global Nat. Mackenzie Deere CHBC News In a Name Classic, Security Final Round Burgers SportsCentre Ice Big Pilots Brother ” NWT ”
Joel Osteen Simpsons Worst Driver Stampede ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Race KIRO News Global Nat. SportsCentre ” PGA Tour News CTV News ChampionCBS News News Hour ” Calgary Golf: John Vancouver ship on CBC KIRO News PGA Tour ” W5 Bang Stampede Deere Golf: John Big Calgary 60 Minutes Security ” on CBC Classic, Deere Big Bang Stampede ” Final Burgers Movie: ” Round Classic, Final Criminal on CBC Big Brother Big Brother “Two Weeks Round” Minds ”” ”” The Social 2015 Pan Paid Prog. Ancestors Notice” ” Paid Prog. Ice Pilots The Just for Madam Madam Celebrity American Paid Lorna ” Rick Mercer Secretary Paid Prog. Prog. NWT Dueck Following Laughs Secretary Canada’s Games Paid Prog. Joel Osteen The Social Our The Insider TV-Torrens CSI: Crime The National CSI: Crime Family Guy Worst Driver ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. etalk Vancouver Pets.TV Simpsons Scene ” Scene Simpsons SportsCentre ” PGA Tour News Amazing Calgary KIRO News Simpsons News ” CBC News KIRO News News Final Calgary Golf: Tour Race Stampede KIROJohn News PGA Global Nat. News--11:30 the fifth KIRO News Ancestors W5 Stampede Deere Golf: CTV News ChampionCBS News NewsJohn Hour Criminal estate The Insider ” on CBC Final Mackenzie Deere” Vancouver ship on CBC Classic, KIRO News Minds Canadian Scandal In a Name Movie: ” Round Classic, Big Bang Calgary 60 Minutes Security Final “Two Weeks Stampede ” ”” Round Big Bang Burgers Notice” ” Paid Prog. Ice Criminal on CBC Big Brother Big Pilots Brother Rick Mercer Paid Prog. NWT ” Minds” ” ”
MLBAm Pre. Pan Baseball: 2015 Pan Toronto Blue American Jays at Games
Little Prince Medieval Annedroids Lives Animals Architects of Animals Change
Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News 2015 WimKOMO 4 bledon News
Henry” Henry” Game Movie: On Game On “The Ant
Now Hero With Lost Asha ”
Waterfront Druid Cities Sacrifice Rescue New Tricks Park ” Wild HopeKratts forthe Waking Little Prince Wildlife Dead Little Prince The Story Waking theof Annedroids Science Dead Animals Medieval Sicily’s Animals Lives Mummies Waterfront Architects of New Tricks Cities Change ” Rescue Druid Park Sacrifice Hope for New Tricks Wildlife ”
Mayday Shark Island ”” To Be Naked and Announced Afraid XL Sharksanity ” 2 ” Atlantic To Be Jaws Announced Atlantic Lair ofIsland the Shark Jaws Mega ”Shark Mayday Tiburones: Naked” and Sharks Afraid XL To Be Island Shark ” Announced ” ” Sharksanity Naked and Lair of the 2 Afraid XL Mega Shark Atlantic ” Jaws ” Lair of the To Be Mega Shark Announced
Pain Free Name Game 2015 U.S. Simpsons Women’s Monopoly Open: Millionaires
Kansas ” City Royals Sportsnet MLB’s CentralBest Plays/Month Blue Jays Gotta See It Sportsnet Gotta See It Blue Jays Central Icons MLB Blue Jays Sportsnet Baseball: Icons Central Toronto Pan Am Blue Pre. Pan Am Pre. Jays 2015 at Pan 2015 Pan Kansas City American American Royals Games Games MLB’s” Best Plays/Month Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central Blue Jays
Country Duck D. Country Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Donnie Duck D. Donnie Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Country Duck D. Duck D. Country Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Donnie Duck D. Donnie Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.
FIFA Beach TV-Torrens SportsCentre Madam Soccer Simpsons ” Secretary
The Social etalk Following
The Story of Paid Prog. Waking the BattleBots Science UW 360 Dead ”
ships Soccer MLS Soccer: Soccer: MLS Toronto FC Sporting at at New York Whitecaps City FC FC SportsCentre SportsCentre CFL 30 ” 2015 WimSportsCentre SportsCentre bledon” ” ChampionFIFA Beach SportsCentre ships Soccer ” MLS FIFA Soccer: Beach SportsCentre Toronto Soccer FC ” at New York MLS Soccer: SportsCentre City FC at Sporting ” SportsCentre Whitecaps CFL FC 30
Our American Vancouver
The Insider Paid Prog. Pets.TV
TV-Torrens Blue Jays Lorna Dueck Icons Blue Jays Simpsons
The Insider Madam Pets.TV Secretary
TV-Torrens Madam Simpsons Secretary
Blue GottaJays See It Icons
Calgary News The National KIRO CSI: Crime ” SceneNews Stampede KIRO
Simpsons Family Guy Simpsons Global Nat.
Pan Am Pre. Medieval Sportsnet Waking the Central Dead 2015 Pan Lives
SportsCentre News Final NewsNews CBC News KIRONews News MLS Soccer: Global Nat. CTV ChampionCBS ” at Ancestors News--11:30 ship the fifth Sporting CHBC News Vancouver on CBC KIRO News
Final News Hour Ancestors ”
Pan Am Pre. Architects Sicily’s News 4 American of KOMO 2015 Pan Mummies Castle Games Change News
FIFA Beach Simpsons SportsCentre Family Guy Amazing CSI: Crime ” Simpsons Scene Soccer CHBC News Race
Our Just for Vancouver Laughs
Home KNOW Funny KOMO ships: Videos Men’s Final * ` Celebrity
Family” Feud Rescue E:60 Profile BattleBots Paid Prog. ”” Paid Paid Prog. Prog. Castle Paid Prog. UW 360 ” 2015 NewsWimNews bledon World News Castle ChampionKOMO 4 ” ships: News Burn Notice Men’s Funny Final Home ” Videos
E:60 Profile Celebrity Family” Feud
A&E 1
Duck D. Duck D.
News Duck D. Castle World ”News Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.
Stanley Dyn. Bully” Stanley ” Dyn. Movie: That’s-Weird “Over the Gags Thunder Hedge” Gags Thunder Gags ” Henry Movie: Haunting Henry “Barnyard” Haunting Game”On Haunting Game”On Haunting Stanley Movie: Dyn. The Ant Stanley “The AntDyn. Bully Movie: Bully” “Over ”the
Tomlinson The National ””
BURN:” Detroit” Fire ”” Marketplace Marketplace CBC News Doc Zone The CBCNational News ”” Now With the fifth BURN: Asha estate Detroit Fire Tomlinson Lost Hero ”” ” Mansbridge ” The National The National ”” ” ” BURN: Marketplace Detroit Fire Hedge” That’s-Weird Doc Zone ” ” Gags ” Marketplace
Final Round Burgers ” Burgers ” Simpsons ” Brooklyn Secret? ” Guy Family Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Golan the Pain Livin’Free Dream News 2015 U.S. Paid Prog. How I Met Women’s Name Game Cougar Open: Simpsons Paid Prog. Final Round Monopoly How I ”Met Millionaires Raising ” Burgers ” Burgers
” Simpsons Paid Prog. Brooklyn
” The National Naked” and Mansbridge ” Afraid ”XL
Shark Name NakedIsland and News Game Gypsy Afraid ”XL How I Met Simpsons Sisters
The National Lair of” the How I Met BURN: Burgers Mega ”Shark Burgers Raising Detroit” Fire
Cougar Monopoly Paid Prog. Millionaires
TheMinutes Insider 60 Scandal ”
Mackenzie Security In a Name Burgers
American ” Games Sportsnet
New Tricks Druid ” Sacrifice
Funny” Home Duck D. Burn Notice Duck D. Videos
The Ant Bully” Bully ”
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
Central Blue Jays
New Tricks ”
Celebrity Duck D. Family Feud Duck D.
That’s-Weird ” To Be Gags Marketplace Announced
SportsCentre Madam ” Secretary
The Following
Just for Laughs
Madam Secretary
Madam Secretary
Gotta See It Icons
Waking the Dead
Duck D. Duck D.
Gags Gags
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ””
CSI: Crime Scene The View News ” News--11:30
The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Bo the On/Go fifth
CSI: Crime Scene The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News
Family Guy Simpsons Pitchin’ In News Final Debt/Part Ancestors
Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Pan Am Pre. Central 2015 Pan
Waking the Dead G. Shrinks Sicily’s PAW Patrol Mummies
Duck D. Duck D. CSI: DuckMiami D. ” Duck D.
Haunting Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting
Motoring Ray SportsCentre Rachael Mackenzie Motorcycle ” ” In a Name Hockey Noon News Lunch Hour
The Marilyn Criminal Denis Minds Show
Heartland estate ” Canadian
Young & The Insider Restless Scandal
Rated A for The Ant Rated Bully A for
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Rachael Ray Icons Mackenzie American ” Plays/Month In a Name Games Noon News Champion of Hour Champions
Criminal Duck D. Minds Duck D.
CTV News Vancouver
Criminal Minds
Nerds Squirrel
Carole The The National Alaska: Lair of the MacNeil Last Frontier ” Mega Shark CBC News Highway Now With Thru Hell
Amazing Race
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Canada’s Paid Prog. ” Worst Driver The Office
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
The Social ”
Our Vancouver
SportsNation The Talk ” ”
Days of our Lives
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Hockey Motoring Off Record Motorcycle Interruption Hockey CFL Pre. Lunch CFL Amazing Football: Race Toronto SportsNation Argonauts at ” Calgary SportsCentre Stampeders SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Hockey ” Off Record Motoring SportsCentre Motorcycle Interruption ” CFL Pre. Hockey SportsCentre Lunch CFL ” Football: Amazing SportsCentre Race Toronto ” Argonauts at SportsNation ” Calgary Stampeders SportsCentre
The Meredith Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Debt/Part Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” News Noon ”News Hour Global Nat. Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Continuum The Meredith ” Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Remedy Debt/Part Young” & Restless Ray Rachael Running Wild News ”” ” Noon News CHBC News Hour Global Nat. Final CHBCofNews Days our ET Canada Lives Ent The Doctors ET Canada The Talk ” Continuum ” The Meredith
Ellen DeGeneres Show The View ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” So You Ellen DeGeThink You The View neres Show Can Dance ” Oz The Dr. ” Show The Marilyn Castle Denis Show CTV News ” Vancouver CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Social Daily Show etalk ” Seth Meyers Big Phil Bang Dr. ” So You Think DeGeYou Ellen
” SportsCentre ” Hockey Off Record SportsCentre ” Interruption
Vieira Show Remedy Young” & Restless Running Wild News ”
neres Show Can Dance ” Oz The Dr.
2015 Pan American Bookaboo Bo On/Go Games Heartland ” ” CBC News CBC News ” Now CBC News Our Murdoch Vancouver Mysteries Steven and Coronation Chris 2015 Pan 2015 Pan American Bookaboo American Games Bo On/Go Games ” ” Heartland The National ” CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC News Now CBC News Pan AmeriMurdoch Our can Games Vancouver Mysteries Coronation Coronation Steven and Chris 2015 Pan American 2015 Pan American Games ” Games
SportsCentre CFL Pre. ” CFL SportsCentre Football: ” Toronto Argonauts at
CHBC” News Final Global Nat. ET Canada CHBC News The Doctors Ent ET Canada
News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News Daily Show Vancouver Seth Meyers etalk Big Bang
” CBC News CBC News ” Pan AmeriCBC News can Games Murdoch Coronation Mysteries Coronation
So You Think You
2015 Pan American
Calgary Continuum Stampeders ”
Show Castle ” CTV News
KIRO _ Bold
CHAN ( The Meredith
ThisMinute The Price Is Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’sInsider Make a The Deal Broke Girl Bold Mike The Price Is ThisMinute Scorpion Right Judge” Judy Judge Judy Young & NCIS: Los Restless KIRO News Angeles KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News NCIS: New CBSTalk News The Orleans ” Ent Corden The Insider Let’s Make a Deal Broke Girl Mike Bold
Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Debt/Part Young & Rachael Ray Restless ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Continuum The Meredith ” Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Remedy Debt/Part Young” & Restless Ray Rachael Running ” Wild Early News ” GlobalNews Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News Hour Final ” Days of our ET Canada Lives Ent The Doctors ET Canada The Talk ” Continuum ” The Meredith
ThisMinute Scorpion Judge”Judy
Vieira Show Remedy Young” &
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Jelly KOMO” 4 New Jamm Tricks Bucket-Dino News ” Burn Notice PAW Patrol The Chew Kate and ”
World Poker Astroblast Tour Poppy Cat
SNP ) ”
Tim and Sid ” ” Sportsnet Central MLB IconsCentral MLB Plays/Month 2015 Home Champion Run Derby of Champions ” World”Poker Tour ” Tim and ” Sid ” Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet ” MLB Central MLB See It Gotta MLB Central Icons Sportsnet Plays/Month 2015 Home Central Run Derby of Champion Sportsnet Champions ” Central World ”Poker Sportsnet Tour ” Central ” Sid Tim and ” Sportsnet Central ”
The View News Castle”
General Hospital
A&E 1 The First 48
YTV 6 Sidekick
PAW Patrol G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Doki Jelly Jamm Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Dino Dan PAWKratts Patrol Wild Kate and Architects of Astroblast Change Poppy Cat Hope for Mister Maker Wildlife Curious Medieval Astroblast Lives G. Shrinks PAW Patrol The ImpresPAW Doki Patrol sionists Dinosaur Jelly Jamm For King and Bucket-Dino Dino Dan Country Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Hope for Kate and Architects of Wildlife Change Astroblast The ImpresPoppy Cat Hope for sionists WildlifeMaker Mister Curious Medieval Lives Astroblast
” CSI: Miami ” The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” CSI: Miami ” The First ” 48 The First 48 ” ” Criminal The First 48 Minds The First 48 ” ” Criminal The First 48 Minds The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First ” 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48
Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Rated A for Odd Parents Rated A for SpongeBob Nerds T.U.F.F. Squirrel Thunder Almost Assembly Sidekick Assembly Wayside Max Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding Sidekick Just Kidding Wayside Chucks Gags Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Gags Odd Parents Rated A for Haunting Rated A for SpongeBob Haunting T.U.F.F. Nerds Gags Squirrel Thunder Gags Assembly Almost Doctor Sidekick Assembly Dolittle Max Wayside Kid Kat Justvs. Kidding Just Kidding Sidekick
Harvey The View ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The Steve Bachelorette The View Harvey ”” KOMO ” 4 News 4 KOMO The News News Whispers World News The Chew News ” KOMO 4 Jimmy News General Kimmel Live Hospital Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelorette Steve
A&E 1
PAW Patrol Harvey The Impres” sionists Doki KOMO” 4 Dinosaur For King and News The Country Whispers Dino Dan News
KIRO News NCIS: New KIRO News Orleans CBS News Corden Ent The Insider
MLB ” Gotta See It MLB Restless Central Running Wild MLB Sportsnet ” Central Early News 2015 Home News Hour Sportsnet Global Nat. Run Derby Final Central News Hour ” ET Canada Sportsnet ” ” The Doctors Central Ent ” ET Canada ”
HopeKratts for Wild Wildlife Architects of The ImpresChange sionists Hope for Wildlife
News News World Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
Broke Girl Mike
Continuum ”
Medieval Lives
The The First 48 Bachelorette ”
” Judge Judy The National NCIS: Los Angeles KIRO News
Sportsnet Central
KNOW KOMO * ` Astroblast Steve
Mister Maker The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”
” The First 48 ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 ”
WheatCousBelly Hollywood Bensinger Royal Total FREE Wen! ins at Health War Game Night
The National Shark Island Family Guy ” ” Golan the
Gypsy Sisters
” The Closer
Poldark on Masterpiece
BURN: Detroit Fire CBC News ” Now With Mansbridge
Gypsy Sisters Four Gypsy Weddings Sisters
Divorce “War” Divorce ” Judge” Judge There Yet?
The Crimson ” Field ” Sesame Today Scott & KING News Street cont’d Bailey The 206 Dinosaur Day Wheat Belly New Bensinger Dinosaur Total Health Northwest FREE Wen!
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
NEWS 7 ”
” CBC News Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Diana”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National ”” CBC News ” The National Now With Amanda ” Lang Carole CBC News MacNeil CBC News ” ” CBC News The National Now With The National ” Diana ”Swain Amanda ” CBC News Lang Power” & Politics The National ””
Chucks Gags Gags SpongeBob
” The National ” Amanda Odd Parents Lang Haunting CBC News Haunting ” SpongeBob CBC News Gags The National T.U.F.F. ” Gags ” Thunder The National Doctor Amanda Assembly ” Dolittle Lang Assembly CBC News Max ”
Naked and Afraid XL Mayday ” ””
News How I Met Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog.
WTBS A Seinfeld
KCTS N The Jewel in
How/Made Mayday ” Rise of the Alaska: The Machines Last Frontier How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell Alaskan Canada’s Bush Worst Driver Alaskan How/Made Bush People How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Mayday How/Made Alaskan ” the Rise of Bush Machines Alaska: The Alaskan Last Frontier How/Made Bush People How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell Alaskan How/Made Bush Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver Alaskan How/Made Bush People How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Big World Steve Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising Family Feud Mike Law & Anger Order: SVU Two Men Paid Fam Prog. Mod The Office Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang Family Feud So You Paid Prog. Think You Steve Big World Can Dance Harvey Paid Prog. ” RaisingFeud Family News Family Feud MikeFam Mod Anger Law & Mike Order: SVU Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Paid Prog. Cougar The Office Big Bang Name Game Big Bang Paid Prog. Family So YouFeud Think You Paid Prog.
BrideFour St. Weddings Secret Four Wedding Weddings Little People, SayWorld Yes Big Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes Little People, BrideSt. Big World Four Bride- St. ” Weddings Secret” Wedding Four ” Weddings Little People, ” Big World Say Yes Secret Say Yes ” Wedding ” Say Yes Peter Popoff Say Yes ” Paid Prog. ” Say Yes Say LittleYes People, Big World Bride- St.
the Crown Sesame Street The Forsyte Dinosaur Saga Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Old House Sesame St. Antiques Cat in the Antiques The Jewel in Roadshow Sesame the Crown Antiques Street The Forsyte Roadshow Saga Dinosaur POV Dinosaur World”News Business Peg Plus Cat Why Not Peg PBSPlus Cat Us? NewsHour Super Why! Alone in the Thomas Old House Wilderness AntiquesSt. Sesame Cat in the Antiques Roadshow The Jewel in
How/Made Alaskan Bushof the Rise
Big CanWorld Dance ” Paid Prog.
Bride- ”St. Secret”
Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Amer. Dad Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Judge Jeffersons Judge Browns Break Payne Hot Bench Movie: Hot Bench Browns “Mr. 3000” Payne King ” King Mod Fam ” Seinfeld The Middle The Middle Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Mod Fam Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang
Ellen DeGeneres TodayShow cont’d KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” American Ellen Warrior DeGeNinja Today neres Show ” cont’d KING ”5 NewsDay New Running Wild Northwest KING ”5 News 5 KING KING News News Nightly News Tonight News of our Days Show Lives News Seth Meyers Evening Dr. Phil ” American Ninja Warrior Ellen DeGe-
the Crown Antiques Roadshow The Forsyte
neres ”Show KING ”5
Wedding Big Bang ” Jeffersons ” Break Little People, Browns Secret Movie: Big World Payne Wedding “Mr. 3000” ” Browns Peter ”Popoff Payne” Paid Prog. ” ” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
Saga POV World ”News Why Not Business Us? PBS Alone in the NewsHour Wilderness Old House Antiques
News Running Wild KING ”5 KING News News Tonight Nightly News Show News Seth Meyers News Evening
Little People, Family Guy Big World Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
American Ninja Warrior
Antiques Roadshow
Machines Raising Alaskan News Bush People Mike Mod Fam How/Made Mike How/Made Anger How/Made How I Met Alaskan Two Men How/Made Cougar Bush Mod Fam How/Made Name Game Alaskan Big Bang Bush People Big Bang
Just Kidding The National How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made
So You Think You
Remedy ”
MLB Gotta See It
The Impressionists
Gags Gags
The National Alaskan ” Bush
Can Dance ”
Sportsnet Central 2015 Home Sportsnet Run Derby Central ” Sportsnet ” Central ” ”
” KNOW KOMO ” The` *
The First 48 ”
Running Wild ” Pitchin’ In News Hour Debt/Part Final Rachael Ray ET Canada ” The Doctors Noon News Hour
For King and Country G. Shrinks Hope Patrol for PAW Wildlife Jelly Jamm The ImpresBucket-Dino sionists PAW Patrol Kate and
The First 48 Whispers ” The View CSI: Miami News ” The First 48 ” Jimmy ” KOMO 4 Criminal Kimmel Live Minds The First 48 News Nightline ” The Chew Criminal ” Minds
Haunting Haunting Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Rated A for DoctorA for Rated Dolittle Chucks Squirrel
CBC News ” CBC News The National Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News Now With
News Mod Fam Steve Mike Harvey How I Met Family Feud CougarFeud Family Name Game Law & Order: SVU
Blue Jays MLB
Astroblast Poppy Cat
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
The First 48 ” CSI:Smo Miami Big ” Big Smo
Wayside Kid vs. Kat Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds
Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Big Smo Wahlburgers Big Smo Donnie CSI: Miami Storage Storage Storage ” Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage The First 48 Wahlburgers Storage ” Donnie Wahlburgers The First 48 Donnie ” Storage Big Smo Storage Big Smo Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage
Our Vancouver
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Steven and Chris Bookaboo 2015 Pan Bo On/Go American
Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute
Fishing Flats Hockey Timbersports Off Record Hockey Interruption Lunch SC Top 10 E:60 SportsCentre ” ” SportsNation SC ” SC Hockey CFL 30 Lunch All for One SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre Off Record ” ” Interruption Fishing Flats SportsCentre SC Top 10 Timbersports ” SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre Lunch” ” SC E:60 SportsCentre SC ” ” CFL 30 SportsNation All for ”One
Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days of our Global Nat. Lives CHBC News The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith NCIS Vieira Show ” Pitchin’ Young &In NCIS: New Restless Debt/Part Orleans News Rachael Ray NCIS:”New Orleans GlobalNews Nat. Noon News CHBCHour News Hour Final Ent of our Days ET ET Canada Canada Lives The Doctors NCIS The Talk ””
Heartland Games ”” CBC News News CBC Now ” Our CBC News Vancouver Murdoch Steven and Mysteries Chris Coronation 2015 Pan 2015 Pan American American Bookaboo Games Games ” Bo On/Go ” CBC News Heartland The National ” ” CBC News CBC News Murdoch Now Pan AmeriMysteries Our can Games Coronation Vancouver Coronation 2015 Pan Steven and American Chris
Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News Let’s Make a Ent Deal The Insider Bold NCIS ThisMinute ” The Price Is Judge Judy Zoo Judge Judy Right ” KIRO News Young & NCIS: New KIRO News Restless Orleans KIRO News KIRO CBS News ”News NCIS: New Ent Talk The Orleans The Insider ” Corden NCISMake a Let’s Deal ”
The Talk Tim and Sid ” ” Pitchin’ In The Meredith 2015 Home ” Debt/Part Vieira Show Run Derby ” Rachael ” Young & Ray MLB Central ” ” Restless 2015 MLB
Games 2015 Pan ” American The National Games ””
Zoo Bold ” ThisMinute NCIS: New KIRO Judge Judy Orleans Judge Judy
” All-Star ” Game Blue Jays ” MLB ” Tim and Sid ” ” ” ” Sportsnet ” Central 2015 Home MLB Central MLB 2015Derby MLB Run Blue Jays All-Star ” Sportsnet Game” Central ” Sportsnet ” Central ” Blue Jays Sportsnet MLB ” Central Sportsnet Tim and Sid Central ” NCIS: New MLB ” The Meredith Orleans Blue Jays Vieira Show ” NCIS: New Sportsnet Young & MLB Central Orleans Central Restless 2015 MLB
News News Hour Early Pitchin’ In Final Global Nat. Debt/Part ET Canada News Hour Rachael Ray The Doctors ””
SportsCentre Hockey Lunch” SportsCentre Hockey ” Off Record
The Dr. Marilyn The Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeCleveland neres Show The Millers The View Dr. Oz Zoo Show ” ” CTVMarilyn News The Hollywood Vancouver Denis Show Game Night CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 etalkSocial The Daily Show Big Bang ” Seth Meyers Cleveland Dr. Phil The Millers ” NCIS: New Zoo DeGeThe Meredith Ellen Orleans Vieira Show neres ”Show NCIS: New Hollywood Young & The Dr. Oz Orleans Game Night Restless Show News Hour News-Lisa News CTV News Pitchin’ In The View Final News--11:30 ” Vancouver
SportsCentre Interruption SportsCentre ” SC Top 10 ” Debt/Part SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre Global Nat. PGA TOUR Rachael Ray ” The Doctors ” CHBC” News Golf
CBC News News CBC Bookaboo Pan Ameri” ” Bo On/Go Daily Show can Games CTVMarilyn News CBC News The Seth Meyers Heartland Coronation Vancouver Murdoch Denis Show ”
KIRO News News KIRO The Price Is NCIS: New KIRO News Right Orleans KIRO News Young Corden& CBS News Restless
SC Hockey SC Lunch
Ent News KIRO The Insider ”
Ent News Noon ET Canada Hour
etalk News CTV Big Bang Vancouver
Mysteries CBC News Coronation Now
CFL 30 NCIS of our Open Cham- Days All for One pionship Lives ”
Cleveland The Social The Millers ”
2015Recipes Pan NCIS Best The Talk American Stefano ”
SportsNation Talk SportsCentre The NCIS: New ” ” Orleans
Dr. ZooPhil ”
Steven Games and Chris ”
Noon News News Early Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith NCIS Vieira Show ” Pitchin’ Young &In NCIS: New Restless Debt/Part Orleans Early News Rachael Ray NCIS: Global”New Nat. Orleans News News Hour Noon News Hour ”Hour Final Ent of our Days ET ET Canada Canada Lives The Doctors NCIS The Talk ””
Ent News Noon ET Canada Hour NCIS of our Days Lives ”
Let’s Talk Zoo Make a The NCIS: New Deal ” ” Orleans
Sportsnet All-Star 2015 MLB Central Game All-Star Sportsnet ” Game Central ”” ”” ””
Sportsnet ” CentralBest MLB’s Tim MLBand Sid ” Blue Jays
TLC < Bride- St.
Scorpion ”
Dr. Phil ” The View Ellen DeGeneres ”Show
KAYU ; Paid Prog.
Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
NCIS: Los Angeles The Price Is KIRO News Right NCIS: New Young & Orleans Restless Corden KIRO News ”
The Social ”
Say Yes Say Yes
WTBS ” A Movie:
Miss USA 2015
DISC 9 How/Made How/Made How/Made
Games ”
The Talk ” Pitchin’ In The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show
Family Feud Four How I Met Paid Prog. Family RaisingFeud Weddings Paid Prog. Law & Say Yes Order: SVU Say Yes
The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Bo On/Go Pan AmeriHeartland can Games ” Coronation CBC News Now
Days of our Lives
KING News Nightly News The 206 KING News
Last Tango in Halifax
Can Dance ”
“War”in Scott & Alice Weekend ” Bailey Wonderland SciTech
” The Closer
Castle ” The View News-Lisa ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Daily Show Denis Show Seth Meyers CTV News Vancouver
SportsNation ” SportsCentre Hockey Lunch”
Gypsy to Return Sisters Amish
” There”Yet?
Running Wild ” Pitchin’ In CHBC News Debt/Part Final Rachael Ray ET Canada ” The Doctors Noon News Hour
Paid Prog. Gypsy Paid Prog. Sisters
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Fishing Flats SportsCentre Timbersports ” Hockey Lunch
Return to Amish
Simpsons Brooklyn
SportsCentre Remedy ” ”
Father The Crimson KING ”5 Field Brown News ”
Lost Hero BURN: Detroit” Fire
estate Calgary Canadian Stampede
A&E 1
Red Bull News Signature Nightly News SeriesNews KING ” Hollywood Action Night Game Sports Miss USA 2015 ” European Poppy” Cat PGA Tour Tree Fu ” Tom Golf Raw Travel ” Red Bull Backroads ” Signature KING 5 KING News Series News The 206 ” News Nightly Bensinger Action KING News FREE Wen! Sports Hollywood Game” Night Poppy Cat Miss USA Tree 2015 Fu Tom
Mod Fam ” Movie: Mod Fam
” Haunting Haunting ” Haunting Movie: Haunting “The Ant
on CBC ”
KNOW KOMO ” Castle * ` ”
Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Return to Sisters Amish Say Yes Gypsy Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Sisters Say Yes Gypsy Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Sisters Gypsy Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Sisters Gypsy Return to Paid Prog. Sisters Amish Paid Prog. Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Return to Sisters Amish
Browns American Mod Fam Brown Paid Prog. Suze OrAlice in Weekend Payne man’s FinanWonderland SciTech Movie: cial Solu” Royal Cous“The ” tions You ins at for War Sorcerer’s Aging ” Last Tango Apprentice” Backwards The Closer in Halifax Bedtime Sid Big Bang LastScience Days ” Poldark on in Stories SciGirls Big Bang Vietnam: The Closer Masterpiece Paid Prog. McLaughlin Big Bang American ” The Crimson Browns American Big Bang Experience Movie: Field Paid Prog. Suze Mod Fam FatherOr“War” Scott & Payne man’s Mod Fam Brown Finan” Bailey Movie: cial SoluAlice in Weekend ” Wheat Belly “The for You Wonderland tions SciTech There Yet? Total Health Sorcerer’s Aging ” Royal CousApprentice” Backwards ” ins at War Big Bang Last Days ” Tangoin Big Vietnam: TheBang Closer in Halifax
American Raw Travel Poldark on ” Experience Masterpiece Backroads ”
Criminal Big Bang Minds Big Bang
Say Yes Sisters Gypsy to Return Sisters Amish
Big Bang ” Big TheBang Closer
Criminal Minds
Raw Travel PGA Tour Backroads
the Dream Thefifth National Tiburones: Shark Island Livin’ Family Guy Gypsy estate” Sharks Paid Prog. Sisters ” Golan the
SportsCentre Big Brother ” ”
American SciGirls Experience
Movie: Gags “Barnyard” Gags
SportsCentre Security Mackenzie Whitecaps ” In a Name FC Burgers
Family Guy Simpsons Pitchin’ In News Final Debt/Part Ancestors
Big Bang Stories Big Bang Say Yes Paid Fam Prog. McLaughlin KING Golf 5 A13 Gypsy Mod Father
Running Wild ” ” Sesame Today Why Not KING News Street cont’d Us? Tonight Dinosaur New Day Alone in the Northwest Show Dinosaur Wilderness Seth Meyers Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
” KING ” P
Diana Swain Alaskan Paid Prog. ” Bush People The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Power & Politics CBC News ” Now With ”
How/Made How/Made Mayday How/Made ” How/Made
Paid Prog. Family Feud SteveProg. Paid Harvey Eco Co.
Say Yes Say Yes Four Lust Love; Weddings Love; Lust
The Middle The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam
Sesame St. Cat in the Sesame The Crimson Street Field
Dr. Phil ” Today Ellen DeGecont’dShow neres
Rated A for SpongeBob Rated A for Chucks Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Thunder Sidekick Assembly Wayside Max Kid vs. Kat Game On Sidekick Just Kidding Nerds Just Kidding Wayside SpongeBob Gags Chucks Kid vs. Kat Gags Odd Parents Rated A for Haunting SpongeBob Rated A for Haunting Thunder Chucks Gags Assembly Squirrel Gags Max Almost Doctor Game On Sidekick Dolittle 2 Just Kidding Wayside Justvs. Kidding Kid Kat Gags Sidekick Gags Nerds Haunting YTV SpongeBob Haunting Chucks
Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News News CBC Now With ” Diana Swain The National ” ” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The National ” ” CBC News Amanda The LangNational Now With ” CBC News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The National CBC News The ” NowNational With ” CBC News Diana Swain Amanda ”” Lang The National Power & ” Politics
How/Made Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever Alaskan Catching Bush Monsters Alaskan Deadliest Bush People Catch How/Made Deadliest How/Made Catch How/Made Cold Water How/Made Cowboys Mayday Jade Fever Deadliest Jade Fever ” Catch Catching How/Made Deadliest Monsters How/Made Catch Deadliest Alaskan Cold CatchWater Bush Cowboys Deadliest Alaskan Catching CatchPeople Bush Monsters Cold Water How/Made Cowboys How/Made
Four People, Little Weddings Big World Say Yes ” Say Yes ” Say Yes Little People, Say Yes Big World Say Yes My Giant Say Yes Life Love; Lust Little Love;People, Lust Big World Four Little People, My Big Giant World Weddings Life Four ” Little People, ” Weddings Big World LittleYes People, Say ” Big World Say Yes ” My Giant Say Yes Paid Prog. Life Yes Say Paid Prog. LittleYes People, Say Big World Say Yes My Giant Love; Lust Life Lust Love; Little People, TLC Little People, Big World World Big
Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Hot Bench Browns Hot Bench Payne King Browns King Payne The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Amer. Dad Browns Judge Jeffersons Payne Judge Gimme Browns Hot Bench The Payne Hot Bench International Mod Fam King ” Seinfeld King ” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle
The National Deadliest ” How/Made Catch ”” How/Made CBC News Deadliest Amanda Jade Fever CatchFever Lang ” Jade
Family MLB onFeud FOX Family Feud Pregame Law & 2015 MLB Order: SVU All-Star Paid Prog. Game The Office ” Paid Prog. ” Family Feud ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Eco Co. Mod Fam Steve MLB on FOX Two Men Pregame Harvey Big Bang 2015 MLB Family Feud News All-StarFeud Family Mod Fam Game Law & Mike Order:” SVU How I Met ” Paid Prog. Cougar ” The Office Name Game Paid Prog. Prog. Paid Mod Fam Family Feud Two Men Paid Prog. Big Bang Eco Co. News KAYU MLB on FOX Mod Fam Pregame
Amer. Dad Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Jeffersons WTBS Big Bang Gimme Big Bang
Dinosaur Poldark on Dinosaur Masterpiece Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour Sesame St. Nick Stellino Cat in the Rick Steves The Crimson Abolitionists: Field American Sesame Poldark on American Masterpiece Street Experience World News Dinosaur Frontline Business Dinosaur ” PBSPlus Cat Peg Film School NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Dowdle Nick Stellino Super Why! Royal CousRick Steves Thomas ins at War Abolitionists: Sesame St. American Cat in the American The Crimson Experience Field Frontline KCTS Poldark on ” Masterpiece
New Day KING 5 Northwest News KING 5 KING 5 News News Days of our Nightly News Lives News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeAmerica’s neres Show Got Talent Today KING 5 News ” cont’d ” KINGDay 5 New Hollywood News Northwest Game Night Nightly5 News KING KING News News Tonight Newsof our Days Show Evening Lives Seth Meyers America’s Dr. Phil Got Talent ” ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Hollywood KING KING 5 Game Night News
Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage Storage PAW Patrol ” ” Vanishing Kimmel Live Wahlburgers Hope for KOMO 4 Storage Jelly KOMO 4 Criminal PointJamm Nightline Donnie Wildlife News Storage Bucket-Dino News Minds
GagsParents Odd Wayside Gags SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Doctor Thunder Rated DolittleA2for Assembly Rated A for
The National CBC News CBC News ”” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil
Cold Water Catching Mayday Cowboys Monsters ” Catching Deadliest Catching Monsters Catch Monsters
Mike MLB 2015 Steve How I Met All-Star Harvey Cougar Game Family Feud Name Game Family” Feud
”” Four ” ” Weddings Paid Prog. Little People, Four Paid Prog. Big World Weddings
The Browns Divorce International Payne Divorce ” Browns Judge ” Payne Judge
Film School World News Sesame Dowdle Business Street Royal CousPBS Dinosaur ins at War NewsHour Dinosaur
KING 5 News KING Today Tonight News cont’d Show Nightly News New SethDay Meyers News Northwest
MegaPatrol PAW Builders Kate and
Max Nerds Game On Squirrel
CBC News News CBC ” Now With
Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch
Law &” Order:”SVU
My Giant ModBench Fam Leah Remini: Hot Life Remini: Hot Seinfeld Leah Bench
NickPlus Stellino News 5 Peg Cat KING RickPlus Steves Evening Peg Cat News
Paid Prog. Prog. Paid ModOffice Fam The
Little Remini: People, King Family Guy Leah Big World Family Guy Leah Remini: King
Abolitionists: America’s Super Why! Days of our American Got Talent Thomas Lives
KNOW Hospital KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
Mister Maker Curious G. Shrinks Astroblast PAW Patrol Patrol PAW
The View Steve ” Harvey
Jelly Adven. Jamm Doki Bucket-Dino Dinosaur PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate and Wild Kratts Astroblast Hope for Poppy Cat Wildlife Mister Maker Mega Curious Builders Astroblast The of PAWStory Patrol Science G. Shrinks Doki Adven. Vanishing Dinosaur PAW Patrol Point Dino Jamm Dan Jelly ” Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino Red Run Hope Patrol for PAW Mega Wildlife Kate and Builders Mega Astroblast Vanishing Builders Poppy Cat Point The Story of Mister Maker Science Curious
KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News The Chew News ” World News General KOMO 4 Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy! Steve Fresh-Boat Harvey blackish The View KOMO 4 Extreme News ” Weight Loss News 4 KOMO World”News News ” KOMO 4 The Chew News News ” Jimmy Wheel General Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Hospital Nightline Fresh-Boat The Doctors blackish ” Vanishing Extreme Astroblast Steve Point Weight PAW Patrol Harvey Loss ” ” 4 KNOW KOMO Doki Adven. KOMO Red Run ” Dinosaur News * ` MegaDan News Dino News G. Shrinks The View Builders Jimmy Wild Kratts World News
Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! ”
The Story of General Fresh-Boat Astroblast Science blackish Poppy Cat Hospital
A&E 1
A&E 1
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Alaskan Bush People Mayday How/Made ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Alaskan Bush
Wahlburgers Almost Just Kidding Diana The National Cold Water Wahlburgers Swain Deadliest Donnie Just Kidding Cowboys Wahlburgers Sidekick ”” Catch
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Jeffersons ” Break Four Divorce Secret Movie: Weddings Divorce Wedding “Mr. 3000” Four Judge Peter Popoff Judge” Weddings Paid Prog. ” Say Yes Hot Bench Say Yes Hot Bench
A&E 1
” TLC ” ” <
The Middle The Middle
Mister Maker The Doctors Wahlburgers Wayside Vanishing Extreme Storage Gags Curious ” Loss Wahlburgers Kid vs. Kat Point Weight Storage Gags
Power & Ice Cold The National Deadliest Politics Gold ” Catch
Paid Leah Remini: The Middle Two Prog. Men My Giant Amer. Dad Family Feud Leah Middle Big Bang Life Remini: The Amer. Dad
Sesame St. American Cat in the Experience
Dr. Phil ” ””
Hockey Meredith Ellen DeGe- 2015 Pan SportsCentre The NCIS: New Hollywood The National Lunch” Vieira Show neres Orleans Game Show Night American ” 2015 ESPYs Young & The Dr. Oz Games SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa CBC News Countdown Restless Show ” ” Final News--11:30 Pan Ameri-
Bold NCIS: New ThisMinute Orleans
The Meredith ” NCIS: New Sportsnet Vieira Show Central ” Orleans
Astroblast ” PAW Patrol Red Run
Steve ” Harvey ”
Donnie Storage Donnie Storage
Sidekick Haunting Chucks Haunting
” CBC News ””
A Place to Frontline Call Home ”
Ellen DeGeHollywood neres GameShow Night
Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy NCIS: New
Young & News Hour Restless Final
Blue Jays Sportsnet Misplays Central
Doki Mega Dinosaur Builders
KOMO News 4 News Jimmy
Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage
SpongeBob Gags Penguins Gags
Amanda First The National Pluto: Cold Water Lang ” Encounter Cowboys
Paid Leah NewsProg. Little Remini: People, Seinfeld Jeffersons Animal Atlas Leah Remini: Mod Fam Mod Fam Big World Gimme Paid Prog. Leah Remini: Big Mike ” TheBang Raising Leah Remini: Big Bang How I Met ” International
Last Film Tango School in Halifax Dowdle
KING KING 5News News Tonight
2015 Home News SportsCentre ET Canada Run Derby ”
CTV News
CBC News
KIRO News Orleans KIRO News
Early News ET Canada Global Nat.
Pan Am Pre. Dino Dan Vanishing Wild Kratts
News Duck D. Odd Parents CBC News Kimmel Live Wahlburgers Doctor Amanda World News Duck D. SpongeBob ”
” ”
Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News Vancouver
CBC News Murdoch
KIRO News CBS News
News Hour ”
American Games
Mega Builders
KOMO 4 News
” ”
Ent ET Canada
Wheel Jeopardy!
Daily Show can Games Vancouver ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation
Sportsnet 2015 Pan The Doctors Central
etalk Big Bang
Mysteries Coronation
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
” Sportsnet
Rescue Park
SportsCentre Big Brother ” ”
MasterChef ”
2015 Pan American
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
Central Misplays
The Chinese The 2015 Hajj ESPYs
SportsCentre Rookie Blue ” ”
Amazing Race
Games ”
Criminal Minds
Rookie Blue ”
World Poker Movie: Tour “First
SportsCentre Extant ” ”
The National Extant ” ”
Extant ”
Sportsnet Central
SportsCentre News Hour ” Final
News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Pan Ameri-
News Hour Final
Pan Am Pre. Park 2015 Pan Rescue
Orleans Corden
ET Canada American The Doctors Games
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show can Games ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation
Position” Window
Dolittle 2
How/Made Deadliest How/Made Catch
Mighty Ships Mike Catching Cougar ” Anger
Duck D. Thunder Wahlburgers Assembly
The National Deadliest ” Catch CBC News ”
Donnie Lachey’s
Bella Henry
Duck D. Duck D.
Just Kidding The National How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made
” ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Gags Gags
” ”
Duck D. Haunting Wahlburgers Haunting
News Jimmy
Donnie Lachey’s
The Chinese Kimmel Live Duck D. Hajj Nightline Duck D.
Catching Monsters
Leah Remini: Browns ” Payne
World News KING 5 Royal Cous- Show Business News
Leah Remini: Browns It’s All Rela. Payne
PBS NewsHour
Paid Prog. It’s All Rela. Name Game Paid Prog.
Two Men Mod Fam
Big Bang Big Bang
I Am Jazz ”
MasterChef ”
Leah Remini: Family Guy It’s All Rela. Family Guy
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Seth Meyers
Nightly News News
Science & Islam
News Evening
Operation Wild
America’s Got Talent
American Ninja Warrior
The National Mighty Ships Bullseye ” ” ”
I Am Jazz ”
CBC News ”
Leah Remini: Jeffersons Leah Remini: Break
Leah Remini: Movie: It’s All Rela. “Mission:
Globe Trekker
KING News Tonight
Front and Center
Show Seth Meyers
Alaskan News Bush People Mod Fam
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
ins at War
Just Kidding The National Catching Just Kidding ” Monsters
Mike How I Met
Doctor Dolittle 3
Cougar Peter Popoff Impossible Name Game Paid Prog. 2”
Amanda Lang
How/Made How/Made
” ”
Wednesday,July July8,8,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
Lost & Found
Trades, Technical
FOUND at Pebble Beach, menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ring. Please call to identify, 250-766-0016
CANADIAN MILL Services Association (CMSA) is looking for a Lumber Inspector/Supervisor for the Prince George area. Duties include visiting CMSA members for the purpose of inspecting lumber for proper grade, moisture content and grade stamping, reviewing kiln records, and providing Grader training. The idea candidate is a self-starter, works safely, is willing to learn, can work with minimal supervision, and possess a valid BC drivers licence. Ideal candidates will have a lumber grading ticket. CMSA offers a very-good salary, pension plan, & benefits, and also supplies a company vehicle, laptop & smartphone. Please submit a resume in confidence by July 15, 2015 to to:
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
SALMON ARM area logging company looking for hydraulic loader op and buckerman. Must have exp. to apply. Competitive wage & benefits.
Landscaping EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email
Moving & Storage DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282
Painting & Decorating
Farm Workers
FARM WORKERS for thinning picking, pruning $10.49/hr to 50 hrs/wk. Feb 10 to Oct 15. Contact DAVE BRAR. 15544 Old Mission Rd, Oyama, BC. 1-(250)766-3745
3 Rooms For $299
Gray Monk Cellars Ltd., located at 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre, BC, is seeking 7 temporary vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and Okanagan Valley, to start work August 15, 2015, for approximately 13 weeks. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maintenance. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to: 250-766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.
(1) 250-899-3163
2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Quality Applicants. Just one of the reasons to call for all your job recruitment needs.
Wednesday,July July8,8,2015 2015 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, A15
Merchandise for Sale
Firearms SUPER Summer Savings on selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6
Fruit & Vegetables FARM FRESH BLUEBERRIES U-Pick, $2.00/lb. We-Pick,$3.00/lb. Open 7am-5pm 7 days a week JAY’S BERRY FARM Corner of Pow/Oceola Rd., Winfield 250-766-1117
FRESH LOCAL Blueberries, Raspberries, Red Currants
Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!
Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Misc. Wanted
Better your odds. Visit
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Coins, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Chad: 250-863-3082 in town. •
24/7 • anonymous • confidential • in your language
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! ROOFING
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s
So worth the wait! Coming soon... Lake Country Adventure Centre
Landscaping • Bobcat • Excavation Trenching • Landscape Supplies Post Hole Auger • Dump Truck • Screened Topsoil
— 25 years experience —
• 10 Year Workmanship Warranty • Liability/ Torch-On Insurance
250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
• New Construction • Custom Metal • Re-Roofs • Asphalt • Torch-On •Tile •Shakes • All Repairs
Visit our office/showroom at 682 Fitzpatrick, Kelowna e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 Call today for your FREE ESTIMATE!
Josef Kalis
•Design & manufacture of custom furniture, cabinets, wall units & entertainment centres •Antique furniture restoration & repairs •Specialty & regular millwork •Hardwood & laminate flooring •Tile setting •Renovating/building kitchens & bathrooms
Josef Kalis 250.766.1234 Serving the Okanagan since 1988
Only $15
and the creative department will design it for free! CONTACT Teresa Huscroft-Brown 250-979-7329 or
Don’t Burn… Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
• Commercial • Residential • Controls • Design
• Hot Tub Repairs • Trenching • Fire Alarms
Office/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
TEDDY BEAR PICNIC JULY 19 (12-3PM) AT KOPJE REGIONAL PARK 15480 Carrâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Landing Road
CAMPFIRE BAN IN THE OKANAGAN Effective July 3, 2015 all campfires are prohibited throughout all Central Okanagan municipalities. As a result of extremely dry conditions and an extended period of hot, dry weather, local fire chiefs have decided to implement the total ban on campfires within all local government jurisdictions of the Regional District of Central Okanagan. Violators could receive a fine and be charged the cost of the fire department response to a burning complaint. Report anyone who is illegally burning by calling the Regional Fire Dispatch Centre at 250-469-8577.
Anytime you see smoke, call 9-1-1 and report it.
THE PADDLE PLACE Be a part of a paddle community. Explore Okanagan Lake quietly. Families welcome. Store your own kayak, canoe, or paddle board or use the club canoe. Located on the lakeshore in Okanagan Centre. $125/yr per family. Membership limited. Opening special $50 for 2015! A satellite of the Lake Country Sailing & Boating Association has been set up in Okanagan Centre for all types of paddlers. Community Volunteers and Parks staff have worked hard to renovate the cabin and make the site on Okanagan Centre Road West welcoming to all. The goal is to create a safe and friend place to rest boats between escapades on the lake. Everyone in the paddling community welcome. Family memberships are still available. Call 250.766.2011 for info.
Find out more at