Castlegar News, July 09, 2015

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, July 9, 2015

Breaking news at

Vol.12 • Issue 28

Lorene MacGregor RE




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New player joins Saints Derek Georgopoulos is returning to the West Kootenay. See page 14

Air Cadets ceremonial review Soccer supplement The 581 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets 62nd annual ceremonial review. See page 7

8 page Castlegar youth soccer supplement. Starting on page 17

Canada Day 2015 Full page photo spread on page 2

Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.


Nancy Trotman Mortgage Broker

250-365-9513 888-998-9513 There were lots of great smiling faces at the Castlegar Canada Day celebrations last week.

Photo by Betsy Kline

Castlegar stop part of 85 day journey BETSY KLINE

Carmen Harris

Your HometownRealtor

Castlegar News

Kate MacEachern, two riders on horse back and the rest of The Long Way Home team were escorted into Castlegar last Tuesday by representatives of the Castlegar Fire Department, RCMP, military, first responders and a string of emergency vehicles. The Castlegar stop is part of an 85 day journey the re-

tired Canadian Forces Corporal is taking from Nipawin, Saskatchewan to Chilliwack, BC as part of a fundraising and education mission. The Long Way Home is a non-profit organization created to help support victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The beneficiaries from this year’s walk are organizations that train service dogs for victims of PTSD and the Wounded Warriors Weekend, an organization that brings veterans together to honour,

remember and salute. During the weekend resources and professionals are available to begin a relationship of support with those that attend and help as they transition at home. Castlegar RCMP Constable Steve Smith worked tirelessly in the weeks leading up to the arrival to plan a fund raiser and reception for MacEachern and her team.

continued on page 4

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Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News





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Castlegar came out by the hundreds to enjoy Canada Day celebrations at Millennium Park. The crowds enjoyed the food vendors, dunk tank and live music, then finished the evening off with a movie on a giant outdoor inflatable screen. Photos submitted

Weather records set in June

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BETSY KLINE Castlegar News

Weather statistics for the month of June are in and the figures show it was not your imagination, June was definitely warmer than usual. Record maximum daily temperatures were set on June 8, 9, 10, 26, 27 and 28. Those temperatures were 35.1, 33.3, 32.9, 36.7, 39.7 and 38.3 degrees respectively. The 39.7 record on the 27th also set a new record maximum for the month of June. Ron Lakeman, weather forecaster of the Southeast Fire Centre explained, “Summer began early this year as an upper ridge of high pressure centred south of the International border dominated for

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unseasonably warm/hot and dry conditions during the majority of the month.” The mean monthly temperature of 20.3 also set a new record maximum for the month. Ironically, a record low temperature was also set during on the 13th, when the mercury dropped to 4.1 degrees. Surprisingly, the rain fall amount for the month was 11 per cent higher than average with a total amount of 80.2 millimeters. Most of that rain fell during the first three days of the month when a slow moving Pacific system brought showers and thundershowers that dropped 61.5 millimeters of rain or 77 per cent of the monthly total. The month ended with two days of storms which brought serious damage and extended power outages.

f f o % 50 l lenses al

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

Community A3

What do SPCA dogs dream about? Your loving home.

Courses starting in Castlegar Kootenay Fiddle, Guitar & Piano Camp July 13 Beekeeping for Beginners: Extracting Honey Aug 9 Occupational First Aid Level 1 Aug 15 Occupational First Aid Level 3 Aug 17 Prenatal in a Weekend Sep 11 Beekeeping for Beginners: Preparing for Winter Sep 13


Fire crew battles fire 1km outside Castlegar

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CHELSEA NOVAK Castlegar News

Officials from the Southeast Fire Centre discovered a forest fire outside Castlegar early Saturday afternoon. Air tankers responded immediately, dropping several loads on the flames. The fire was located up near Blueberry Creek, 1 km outside the city limits of Castlegar. Jordan Turner, the fire information officer at the Southeast Fire Centre, estimated Saturday afternoon that the fire was half a hectare in size. An initial attack crew and three helicopters worked to contain the fire on Saturday. Air tankers and helicopters continued to fight the blaze on Sunday, and finally contained the fire that afternoon. Monday morning found crews mop-

ping up. “We’ll have crews in there today,” Turner said Monday morning, “but it should be of no concern at this point.” Fire crews were also battling two additional forest fires in the area, one near Kokanee Creek Park and the other near Duhamel Creek. The fire near Kokanee Creek was contained over the weekend, but crews continue to fight the fire between Duhamel and Sitkum Creeks. The fire reached 300 hectares by 8:16 p.m. on Sunday night. It was estimated at 150 hectares Sunday morning, but increased visibility allowed more accurate mapping later in the day. The Regional District of Central Kootenay has issued an evacuation alert affecting residents in the area between Sitkum Creek South and Willow Point, but as of yet there is no evacuation order.

Fire crews responded to a fire outside Castlegar early Saturday afternoon. By 3:30pm very little smoke was visible. Photo by Chelsea Novak

Pass Creek

Gospel Music Festival Saturday, July 18

6:30 p.m. at Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds No Admission Donations Taken Gospel Music With Talented Local And National Singers/Musicians

In case of rain, the concert will be held at the Pentecostal New Life Church. For more comfortable seating, please bring your lawn chairs.

Group talks to council about smoke free Kootenays

lights of the negative impacts of tios, hospitals and outdoor events smoking on the health and well (parades, fairs, markets, concerts, Castlegar News being of the community, envi- spectator events, etc.). The proposal also calls for a bufThe Kootenay Smoke Free ronment and economy. A strong Coalition made a presentation to reminder of the fact that there is fer zone of at least seven metres Castlegar City Council Monday no safe level of exposure to second from doorways, operable windows and air intakes, transit shelters and evening. The group represents the hand smoke was also given. With the extremely dry con- stops and bar and restaurant paCanadian Cancer Society, The BC Lung Association, Interior Health, ditions currently in our area, the tios. One of the purposes of the BC Cancer Agency, Heart & Stroke group emphasized the environmental impacts of smoking related Kootenay Smoke Free Coalition Foundation and is to aid municipalities and busiThe coalition has been making forest fires. In 2012, there were a total ness owners in the education and presentations to municipal councils throughout the Kootenays re- of 430 fires that were caused by implementation of smoke free garding smoke free outdoor spaces smokers materials in public build- bylaws. Over 40 BC communiwith the hope that those councils ings, parks or outdoor areas in BC. ties have already passed similar �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� The group proposes that a by- bylaws. will adopt bylaws that prohibit law be passed that would prohibit Several city councilors exsmoking in public areas. Interior Health has a smoking smoking on municipal property pressed interest in pursuing the rate of 19 per cent, which is higher including parks, playgrounds, recommendations and requested than the provincial average of 14 beaches, marinas, trails and rec- that more details and information reational facilities. Also included be given to the city’s CAO John per cent. The presentation included high- would be bar and restaurant pa- Malcolm. BETSY KLINE

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Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News



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Top: Kate MacEachern and Long Way Home team pose with event organizer Constable Steve Smith and members of the 44 Engineer Sqaudron of the 39 Combat Engineer Regiment, Trail, BC. Bottom left: City councillor Dan Rye was arrested as part of he “Jail and Bail” fundraiser. Bottom right: The Long Way Home team was escorted from the weigh scales into town by representatives of the RCMP, fire department, military and emergency vehicles. Photos by Betsy Kline

Archaeology Open House

All Welcome

July 12, 2015 10:00 a.m. Lemon Creek Trail Head, Slocan Valley Join us and learn about the 2015 Slocan Narrows Archaeological Project and Field School, operated by New York’s Hamilton College. Tour the site and find out what has been unearthed this summer through interactive guided tours. A BBQ will raise money for the Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society.

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Fundraising and education mission continued from page B2

The event had everything you need: food, live music (provided by Ruckus), community spirit and a good cause. The “Jail and Bail” event saw over 20 citizens arrested and held in a jail at the Castlegar Complex Park until they could post bail. Among those arrested were Mayor Chernoff and city councillors Dan Rye and Kevin Chernoff. The Castlegar Fire Department joined the fundraising action by hosting a BBQ, which raised $675 for the cause. Several members, including fire chief Gerry Rempel, also joined MacEachern on the last leg of the approach to Castlegar in full gear even though temperatures were sweltering 33 degrees. Castlegar citizens were very generous and more than $7,000 was raised. The 3,100 kilometre walk is part of MacEachern’s own journey to recovery from PTSD. MacEachern is a fighter and has already recovered from a broken neck, spinal cord damage, a fractured skull and a bleed in her brain that occurred in 2007. Her family was told she would most likely remain in a vegetative state and that if she did awaken, she would be paralyzed and not the same person she was before. “I started physically recovering, which took a long time. I managed to keep my uniform on. I managed to stay in (the military),” MacEachern said. Then tragically 18 months after the accident, she had a stroke caused by a blood clot from the previous injury breaking free. Her family would receive news similar to the first time, but MacEachern beat the odds again. However, the emotional scars were taking their toll. “I started falling into a severe depression, to the point that I was barely taking care of my son at the end of it.There was a lot of days I couldn’t get out of bed. Anxiety, nightmares, I did not understand what was going on, anger that I never had before. I kept blaming it on everything but what it really was.” said

Rebecca Santanna and Emily Freeman with the N.A.S.H. Project, an organization that rehabilitates neglected animals as service animals rode into Castlegar as part of the Long Way Home team. Photos by Betsy Kline MacEachern. In 2010 she was diagnosed with PTSD. A diagnosis she struggled to accept. “So I threw myself for a solid year into trying to be bigger, better, than everyone else because I was broke and I was trying to fix it.” said MacEachern. This path led her deeper into depression, until it reached a point she was considering taking her own life. This became a wake up call and she realized she needed to get help. She started treatment and began the process of getting back on her feet. A conversation with her grandmother planted the seed that would grow into her first walk from CFB Gagetown, NB home to Antigonish, NS, a 576 km trek. MacEachern called home and told her dad she wanted to walk home. “I have got to do something, there are a lot more people like me,” she told him. “I care and I am scared of losing them.” At this point, she had already buried seven of her friends, all with PTSD diagnoses. Burdened by the lack of resources available for PTSD MacEachern decided to go for it and

turn her journey into a campaign. “I thought,it’s not going to kill me. They told me twice now I would never walk again, so lets prove them wrong. I have not stopped since,” she said. She walked in uniform, with a full ruck sack and raised $20,000. Her second walk took place in 2013 and took her from Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton, NS to Ottawa. This journey was over three times longer, 1864 km. Now a civilian, the uniform was missing, but she still carried the 45 pound rucksack. MacEachern was touched by the reception she recieved here. “It can be daunting, because you are physically hurting, emotionally hurting, but then we do Saskatchewan, Alberta, B.C. and we have not had any down time.” she said. “It’s amazing, almost every day we have a reception, or people puling over. We get into a community like this, and it just like you guys cant do enough. A bonus of being here has been the first responders response. It is mind blowing.” In return Castlegar was moved and inspired by MacEachern.

Hair News Spray

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

Springer Creek micro hydro project garners interest TAMARA HYND Castlegar News

A micro hydro project on Springer Creek is still waiting on permitting and funding, according to Slocan mayor Jessica Lunn. “We’ll just have to see whether we get the infrastructure grants, which should be this fall,” she said. The village is also waiting on a development permit, applied for over a year ago and accepted in January. The project, expected to cost $3.4 million to build, would generate about $50,000 per year in revenue to the village. Village council held an open house about the project at the end of May, which Lunn said was well attended. She said although there was not a lot of new information since last year’s open house, there was a much higher turn out and more questions. Twenty-nine signatures were on the signin sheet but many more actually attended. “I think we needed to bring it back to the

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DOUG’S DISPOSAL Make-Up A before-and-after artist’s conception of a weir in place above the upper canyon on Springer Creek. Photo credit Courtesy Village of Slocan public,” said Lunn. “It did seem like there was more interest in the project. At the same time we still are at a go or no-go decision. The open house was just putting it out there, where we are with the project, and listening to any feedback.” People had questions about fish and fish habitat, which Lunn said is part of the permit, as well as water flow levels. “The majority of the habitat is not where the majority of the water is being diverted anyways,”

she said. “But that is part of the environmental research process done through Selkirk Power a couple of years ago.” Project consultant Mike Walsh of SNT Engineering was on hand to answer questions. Walsh explained fish cannot get up the creek. He added that rainbow trout stocked in the 1970s are gradually washed down the creek to ponds that they live in for years. One person’s question of where the water will come from as Ko-

kanee Glacier diminishes prompted Walsh to say the creek is fed only from snow pack. Walsh said water levels are extrapolated from 25 years of data from many creeks in the area, which came from the Washington State University Climate Impact Group. The village is also waiting for the government to grant a provisional water licence, which will outline the amount of water that can be diverted from the creek.

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Slocan Paddle Party June 27th • Cariboo Brewing • Nelson Brewing Company • Boston Pizza • Werner • Oso Negro • Sweet Protection


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West Kootenay SUP Race July 3-5 Every day millions of women slap on body moisturizer, Xe • Sleemans • Celgar • Kokatat Werner • Kialoa apply lipstick or mascara •without a second thought Es about what they are putting on their skin. A study from th Arrow LAkes rAinbow regAttA the UK claims that the average woman applies more en June 13, 2015 than 500 chemicals to her body every day during her sy The weekend started out windy, reportedly up to four foot waves. But routine. beauty co Saturdays weather provided us with suntans and smooth fishing water. without Varicose Veins re Friday night was eventful up at Bowman. Some Ragatta go’ers stood around Why shouldDiosmin you be concerned? the fire and enjoyed the surroundings and ate some of Jay’s homemade and hesperidin are two important bioflavonoids found orrhoids. Varicose veins affect approximately 40% of womenan chilli.....YUM, YUM... After a day full of fishing and catching, the winners of such asfruits.parabens naturally in citrus They are extracted from (a citrus synthetic fruits and 17% of menpreservative in Western countries. With varicose veins the biggest fish were Rick Price: 9.85 LBS., Mike Belanger: Chemicals 1.78 LBS., Ben including bitter oranges and lemons in the warm, sunny cli- and hemorrhoids, the blood vessels in the area have becomeca Posnikoff:1.76LBS. Ricks fish is currently undergoing anabolic steroid testing everything toothpaste to shampoo) mates offrom Spain and the south of France. They are actually weak and leaky and thisand results in reduced blood supply beand a scale sample has been sent away to find the true originin of that monster found in the white pith portion of the peel. If you’re hoping ing returned to the heart, along with pain, swelling, inflam-ex rainbow. Way to go guys, well done. All in all everyone got home safely. phthalatesto (a class of atchemicals that aremation found find them in citrus fruits the supermarket and ulceration in the area. Diosmin and though, you’re out of luck. Diosmin amounts are hesperidin work to repair, strengthen and toneeff the Arrow Lakes rainbow regatta would like to thank all the sponsors in regatta manya “fragranced” beauty as at their highest in the immature fruits and then products such the blood vessels. They also provide antioxidant and Participants who helped make the June. 13, 2015 decline significantly as the fruit grows and ripsupport against further free radical damage, and successful one. lotions, perfumes and these deodorants) are classified asswelling, pain, heavi-So ens. For optimal absorption, flavonoids reduce inflammation. The are micronized into a smaller size, and then enness, leakage, and poor blood flow is gradually Acuren. Hall Printing. xenoestrogens. mimic our natural capsulated as Xenoestrogens 450 mg of diosmin and 50mg of reduced over the course of a couple of months.ou Acklands. Lyman Plugs. hesperidin per capsule. These proportions are These bioflavonoids have been used for many ADI Process Solutions LTD. Martech. estrogens creating hormone chaos by increasing the standard amounts per capsule as they were decades now and have the been shown to be safew Air Liquide. Mitchell Supply. discovered to be the optimal ratio in the clinical for long term use. This is very good news, seeApplied Industrial Technologies. Mountain Valley Sport Fishing &amount of estrogen, resulting in a condition total studies. Dr. Oz also recommends this formulation ing as the other options for getting rid of vari-w Castle Brew. Tours. based on the studies. cose veins are compression stockings, surgery, Chaylor’ Tails Fly Tying & Planer Pacific Rim Industrialcalled Insulation estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance has Starting in the late 1980s, Diosmin and hesperiinjections, and laser vein stripping techniques.ho Boards ( Dean Kasai ). LTD. din have been studied in numerous clinical trials Some of these can be quite invasive so it’s defiBob Shaw Playmor Power Products. been implicated many conditions including: breast for their benefits in in strengthening and protecting nitely nice to have something as safe, effective A Chinook Scaffolding. Pulp & Paper Woodworkers of weak blood vessels. Most of the studies done on and non-evasive as Diosmin and hesperidin and prostate cancer, obesity, infertility, endometriosis, CIMS. Canada. diosmin and hesperidin lasted between 1 and 12 available for dealing with this problem. da C & I Cross Roads. RHC Insurance. months, but the use of these ingredients to proThey are also sustainable and vegan, so you uterine fibroids, early onset puberty, hormonal acne Central National Space- Space Rocky Mountain Energy. tect the vascular system dates all the way back to 1971 in can use them with confidence, knowing they will effectively Gottesman (CNG). Scott Paulson. The studies found that diosmin and hesperidin helped repair your veins in a much less invasive, and less expensive and PMS. France. Century Vallen. Scotties Marina. relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and leg way than other available options. When looking for a natu-

Imagine your legs

Dimension Manpower INC. Downtown Shell. Electro/Mechanical LTD. Esso. Jason “ The Chilli Maker” Leitch. Jeff Bond Fly’s. Gill & Gift Balfour. Golder & Associates.

TAK West. The Fish. TVE Industrial Services. Viking Sprinklers. West Kootenay Mechanical LTD. West Fraser. Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership

Again thank You for your generous prizes, and all the participants who fished their faces off, you truly made the regatta what it is… Hope to see you again next Year…

A Healthy Liver = Healthy H

ulcers (due to poor venous blood flow) and accelerated their rate of healing over a larger area than usual. Weak, leaky blood vessels often spell pain, discomfort, swelling, and inflammation in the form of varicose veins and hem-

ral health product that contains these two bioflavonoids, be sure to check that the amounts are the exact same as the amounts used in the studies, 450 mg of Diosmin and 50 mg of hesperidin.


Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News


Editor: Greg Nesteroff Publisher: Chuck Bennett Published Thursdays by Black Press Ltd. at Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Thank you

City says thank you for great work on huge storm Castlegar’s Mayor was quick to thank the community’s emergency responders, city workers and residents for their help during last week’s storm. “I would like to thank our emergency responders, City workers and Castlegar residents for their efforts and hard work during the city’s recent extreme wind and rain event,” said Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. “Within 30 minutes of the start of the storm, our fire department received over 40 emergency calls from our residents. The intensity of the storm was shocking and a number of houses and vehicles were damaged by falling trees. In addition, our City’s electrical infrastructure was seriously damaged.”


Chernoff also pointed to Fortis for its quick response. “We would like to especially thank Fortis for responding so decisively and quickly to the City’s needs,” added Chernoff. FortisBC had all of its local crews out immediately and then brought other field crews from the East Kootenay, Okanagan and from Vancouver to continue to put the city’s electrical infrastructure back in order. In total, Fortis BC had eight FortisBC crews and 13 contractor crews working around the clock. “The City was very pleased with and grateful to FortisBC’s commitment to our community”.

A Retrospective Walter Volovsek

Castlegar House was rebuilt by Sir Ross Mahon, the grandfather of Edward Mahon. This engraving shows the new headquarters of the Mahon Estate in County Galway, after which our fair city was named by Edward, as it looked in 1820. The architect, Sir Richard Morrison, incorporated portions of the older structure into the new design, and won the admiration of later visitors.

(Engraving from Greg Nesteroff collection)

Special spot in the summer sun

t’s that time of year when we lie out under the sun and scorch both our bodies and our brains. After we’ve lathered ourselves with sunscreen, we often like to do some reading, perhaps a novel. Propped up on elbows, we hold a book or i-pad with one hand and shade our eyes from the sun’s glare with the other. Those who own cottages or cabins are usually smarter. They get a good sun-tan, but they retire to a shaded spot or a corner of the cabin to read. Visit a friend at a summer spot and you’ll find books or a loaded i-pad lying around. In their spare summer moments, people like to read. A number of years ago, I met a teaching-professor who told me about a holiday she and her husband took each year. As sum-

Spots in Time Gord Turner mer was approaching, she made the rounds of the library and the local bookstores gathering books. Each year she came up with a suitcase full of books. Then in July she and her husband travelled into north-central B. C. to an isolated lake. For years they had been renting a cabin at the far end of the lake. There were only six cabins somewhat isolated from each other. To get to the cabin, they had to be taken by boat ten kilometres up

Is a subsidiary of Unit A - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone 250-365-6397

the lake. Each year, they spent three weeks there, catching whatever sun was available, swimming from the dock, and hiking into the nearby mountains. But mostly they got to know one another again and talked to each other as they hadn’t during the year. It seems they were too busy during the year to do anything more than communicate in passing. At this isolated lake, they had no television and no telephone. They left their computers at their city home and refused to take a radio with them. They acknowledged their cabin-neighbours, but made no effort to socialize. All they had were the essentials and a suitcase full of books. So when they weren’t picking huckleberries or wild strawber-

ries to add to their breakfasts, they were devouring books. She said it was amazing how many books you could read in three weeks if you had no other diversions. Both she and her husband could barely wait to finish one book before starting another. Sometimes she had two or three books on the go in various locations—under her favourite white pine, at the dock, at the kitchen table, or in the bedroom. Sometimes if rain didn’t seem likely, she left books in her special outdoor spots. She might put a rock on top to keep the wind from blowing the book onto the ground, or sometimes she carried a plastic bag and cached the book on a stump or a notch in a tree. Sometimes she carried a book with her when

they hiked, and if the trail were even, she would read a few pages as they walked. Strange? Not really, not to a book lover. Her job at the university was so demanding that she only had time to read material related to her work. If she stopped to read the latest Alice Munro fiction, it cut into her marking and her preparation. For her, teaching was a 7-day a week job. When she wasn’t actually teaching or marking or preparing or meeting students, she was thinking about the work ahead. What I remember most about her story was her comment about how therapeutic this book-reading sojourn was each year. She told me they came back totally unaware of what had happened in the world and completely relaxed.

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015 7

Pet of the Week


Betsy and Bootsy Fairweather are two little friendly girls that are well socialized and love to play. They have been vet checked and had Betsy & their shots and are Bootsy ready for their new home. They are being fostered in Nelson. If you would like to meet the Fairweather kittens please first complete the Adoption Application on this website. Be sure to first save the application to your computer before completing it, then save it again and attach it to an email to

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Castlegar cadets stand at attention for inspection.

Photo submitted

Air Cadets 62nd annual ceremonial review

Submitted to the Castlegar News The 581 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets in Castlegar held its 62nd annual ceremonial review at the Castlegar complex. The event, which included the change of command, was held June 4. The Reviewing Officer for the parade was Commander Andrew Muir, the Commanding Officer of the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific) in Victoria. During the parade, the cadets demonstrated their skills in First-Aid, Rifle Drill and Effective Speaking and two cadets were presented medals. F/Sgt Naima Notarstefano was presented with the Lord Strathcona Medal. Sgt Shjon MacDonald received the Legion Medal of Excellence. After the parade, displays were set up that showed the activities the cadets participated in during the 2014-2015 training year. The displays included Gliding, Range and Survival. At the dinner following the parade, the following cadets received awards: Most Proficient Sr. WO2 C. Fergie & Sgt M. Ismay Most Proficient Jr. F/Cpl T. Veilleux Most Improved Cadet Cpl J. Colley Fellowship Award Sgt S. MacDonald Male Rookie LAC M. Silva Female Rookie LAC D. Kaiser Dress & Deportment Sr. WO2 C. Fergie Dress & Deportment Jr F/Cpl. C. Dunlop & Cpl Z. McLachlan Best Attendance Sgt S. MacDonald CO’s Award F/Cpl S. Illes Community Service Award Cpl. T. McLachlan & Cpl Z. McLachlan Best Rifle Cpl J. Colley Best Marksmanship F/Cpl S. Illes

During the change of command, Captain Jean Lundquist turned over command of the Squadron to Captain Gerry Rempel.

Captain Rempel returns to 581 after seven years working the Air Cadet Squadron in Nelson. Captain Lindquist will retire from Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) and remain with 581 as a Civilian Instructor. CIC officers like Captain Lundquist and Captain Rempel are members of the local community who volunteer to be part time members of the Canadian Armed Forces and help the youth in their community. The Change of Command was presided over by Commander Andrew Muir, the Commanding Officer of the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific) in Victoria. The 2015-2016 training year will start in September and all area youth between the ages of 12 and 18 invited to join. The Royal Canadian Air Cadets, in partnership with the Air Cadet League of Canada and the Department of National Defence has been training youth in Canada for over 70 years. The Cadets are the largest government funded youth program in Canada with over 50,000 participants across Canada. The Royal Canadian Air Cadets accepts youth between the ages of 12-18 who have a desire to learn more about the air element of the Canadian Forces, wish to develop the attributes of leadership and good citizenship and who wish to promote physical fitness. While the program is military based, there is no obligation for a cadet to join the Canadian Armed Forces when he or she finishes their cadet career. Cadets are also encouraged to learn more about opportunities within Canada’s Aviation Industry. For more information about 581 Castlegar Squadron, email For more information on the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, please visit For more information about the Air Cadet League of Canada, please visit


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Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News





JULY CASTLEGAR SENIORS ACTIVITIES AT THE COMPLEX Monday: 9:30 Floor Curling 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist Tuesday: 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool Wednesday: 9:30 Floor Curling 1:00 Rummoli Thursday: 9:30 Floor curling 1 :00 Bingo Friday: 1:00 Crib Open for coffee during the day.

CASTLEGAR CONCERTS IN THE PARK: Kinnaird through July 29

YOUTH ARTS AND TALENT EVENT: SUNDAY, July 12, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m Winlaw Hall , 5897 Highway 6. The Castlegar Youth Council will be holding an arts exhibition and talent show at Selkirk College. The event will feature musicians, speakers and artists. There will also be food, door prizes, kids games, face painting and a silent auction.

DELUXE RUMMAGE SALE FUNDRAISER SATURDAY,July 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m All proceeds go to benefit the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which supports African grandmothers that are raising grandchildren in the wake of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free (or nearly so) that run at the editor’s discretion. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit A - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or call us at 250-365-6397.

INTERNATIONAL SPY ACADEMY: July 20 to 24 9 a.m. to noon Kids Grades K-6 are invited to attend this exciting Vacation Bible School. Join us for games, crafts, snacks, drama, friends and fun. This is a free event. Castlegar Baptist Church. Register at castlegar


ROBSON FLEA MARKET is open all summer. Sundays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Breakfast served until food runs out. Crafts, collectibles and much more. Call Elke to book a table: 250-3657022. BLUEBERRY BOTTLE DRIVE: Please drop off refundable bottles and cans at the Blueberry School. All donations go towards funding programs and events at the school. LEGION MEAT DRAW: At the Castlegar-Robson Legion, Branch 170 every Saturday, 4 to 6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Guests must be signed in.

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

MYRA DUFF WILL BE HOSTING SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS: For information about the Heart Support Group please call Myra at 250-3656369.

Wednesdays and Saturdays only. See Open Monday thru Thursday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enquiries 250-365-7317.

2738); Wednesday at noon (Dan 250359-7817) Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216 or Alex 359-7031) and Saturday at 8 p.m (Len at 250-365-7805).

COMMUNITY LEARNING PLACE: drop in to get free help with basic computers, reading and writing, Test preparation, and skills upgrading at the Castlegar and District Public Library on Tuesdays from 12 to 3 p.m.

ST. DAVID’S & UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: located at 605 Columbia Ave. Summer hours are Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed all Stat. Holidays. Stock includes clothing, shoes, bedding, linen, books and household items. Also come check our weekly in store specials. Clean donations are accepted during working hours.

AL-ANON MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8 to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Sydney 250608-1867.

YOUTH POLISH SHOW & SHINE: July 25-26 Trail Riding Grounds. Open to Youth 8-18. Registration only $20. For information call 250-365-1959. THE NEW LIFE CHURCH (behind the Castlegar Primary School) will be serving hot nutritious meals for people in the community every Thursday. Doors open at 3:45 and the meal will be served at 4:30 p.m. Please use the basement entrance at the back of the church. For info phone 250-365-7500.

1507 Columbia Ave Castlegar 250-365-2955

July 17, 18 & 19 Tickets on sale now! BILLETS: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 to 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH: Meets Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Resker Hall in Robson (next door to the Robson Community Church) on Waldie Ave. Phone 250-365-6405 for more information. CASTLEGAR HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is offering for sale quality furniture, household items, clothing, footwear, books, monthly silent auctions and many other items. Donations are received

SELKIRK WEAVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD: meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, 10 to 11 a.m. followed by show and tell. COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK & DROP-IN CENTRE: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. to 1:30 Wednesday Drop-in centre 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30 Friday Drop-in centre 10 to 1:30 (free). Lunch served 11 to 1:30. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St. David’s Church. Call 250-608-2227. ALL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING: Informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tuesday 10:30 to noon. More info: 250-365-3662, or see CASTLEGAR A.A. MEETINGS AT THE PIONEER ARENA Sunday. at 10 a.m.; Tuesday at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-

TOPS GROUP MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:30 to 10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 250-365-7956.

FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250-6082254.

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS: Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Drop-in for families with young children, oneon-one tutoring. Free. More info call Corinne at 250-687-4714.

THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION L.A. #170 have their monthly meeting on the third Monday of the month from September till the end of June.

COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK The food bank needs donations. Cash, cheques and food items can be dropped off during food bank hours or at the Station Museum.

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

Val Koochin 250-365-1846

Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831

Carmen Harris 250-365-1520

Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679

toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |

Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

Tammy Peitzsche 250-365-9640

Connor McCarthy 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

Tyler Gienger 250-304-7865

James Kereiff 250-304-8970

Canada Day Paddle Parade Endless Adventures hosted their second annual paddle parade July 1st to raise money for Castlegar Hospice. Over 65 paddlers hit the Columbia River and raised $1400. Submitted photo

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9 2015



Pigs top list at quiet council meeting Betsy KlINe Castlegar News

Grants and Sponsorships

Council approved a $500 grant to the West Kootenay Minor Lacrosse Association to assist with expenses to travel to the 2015 Minor Lacrosse Provincial Championships. Also approved was an allocation of $1,500, from the Parks Maintenance line item in the 2015 Budget, to the SHSS Rotary Interact in exchange for Club members committing to 150 hours of garbage pickup over the months of July and August, to be coordinated in conjunction with the Communities In Bloom clean-up initiative. Council voted to purchase a 1/4 page ad in the Selkirk College Saints Men’s Hockey 2015/16 Program, with a home game sponsorship package at a total cost of $800. The expense will be allocated to the general office advertising budget line item.

Licenses and Permits

Business licences are up very slightly from the year to date figures of last year, with 605 applications. Building permits are also up for the year, with 105 permits valued at $4,488,124, about $1.5 million more than last year.

Potbelly Pigs

Council revisited the animal control bylaw with respect to the regulating of potbelly pigs.

The subject was brought to light because of a complaint that a resident was in violation of the current bylaw prohibiting pigs within the city. City staff conducted research on potbellied pigs and reported to council. Grand Forks is the only local municipality that allows for potbelly pigs, with restrictions that they must be miniature and under 100 pounds. Pigs are not allowed in Nelson, Trail and Creston. After some discussion, council decided to keep the current bylaw in place and notify the resident that they will have to remove the pig from their property.

Paving The city’s paving program will begin mid-July in the downtown/north area then will move south. The streets being paved this year are: 18th St from 17th St to Connors Rd, 18th St. from Connors Rd. to Edgewood Rd., 4th Ave. from 4th St. to 5th St., 5th Ave. from 6th St. to 5th St., Recreation Centre parking lot Silverwood Cres. from Ridgewood Dr. to Pinewood Dr. 9

Paper Products

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they mean t a h w s g in Popular say they came to be. w and ho

“Beat around the bush”

Meaning: To prevaricate and avoid coming to the point. Origin: Beat around the bush evolved from “beat about

the bush,” a term used in birdhunting to rouse the prey out of the bushes, and into nets. Grouse hunters still use beaters today.

Community Gardens Council decided to pitch in $899 to help the Castlegar Community Gardens pay for insurance for the year. After having had some difficulties, the nonprofit has just got started with a new board and needed some help to keep the gardens up and running.

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Don't Miss out on all the FUN this summer!

Great Summer Camp Programs July & August

Register Now!

Summer Cool Camps till August 14

Mondays Cool Camp Daze (specialty pool days) Multi Theme Camps (Tues - Thurs) Friday - Destination Daze Red Cross Swim Lessons

Session 2 – July 21 – 31


Session 3 – Aug 4 – 14 (register early) Fitness Classes

BC Hydro is seeking snow removal and road sanding services for the MICA Generating Station,

Pilates – Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am

located on Highway 23 North, Mica Creek, B.C.

Stand Up Paddle – Saturdays or Thursdays

The contract term will be for three (3) years from the award of the contract, with an option to

Drop In Fitness – Monday – Friday

extend for a further two (2), one (1) year periods to be exercised at BC Hydro’s sole discretion.

Personal Training Sessions available – check it out.

Potential proponents are invited to attend a mandatory site visit on July 13, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. Soft copies of the Request For Proposal document should be obtained from the BC Bid site at




Kamloops This Week (BCNG)

5.8125 x 85 lines


5.8125 x 85 lines

conserve • reduce • recycle Insertion date:


Community Events

Salmon Arm Lakeshore News (BCNG)

date: July 03, 10

Revelstoke Times Review (BCNG)



Size: 250.365 .6397

Go on line at or call 250365-3386 to register. Go online to to view the Summer Leisure Guide. Camp Subsidies are available

July 2, 3, 7, 9 and 10 Okanagan Regional Buy (BCNG) 5.8125 x 85 lines

Concerts in Kinnaird Park Wednesday July 15 Spirit of the West 7pm Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.

If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.



Province-wide fire ban put in place

7 Annual Classic Rock Classic th



Castlegar Hospice Society

Hole-In-One Sponsor

Fireside Inn

Hole Sponsors Sagona Strategies Selkirk Paving Heritage Credit Union Vandenbilt Auto Body West K Concrete Zellstoff Celgar Steve’s No Frills

Columbia Power Endless Adventures Glacier Honda Sun Life Home Hardware Mitchell's Supplys

Castlegar Toyota Chances Castlegar Chopsticks City of Castlegar Clean Scene Columbia Basin Trust

Prize & Auction Sponsors Balfour Golf Course Birchbank Golf Course Sherry Molnar-Gray Castlegar Golf Club Castlegar Sandman Champion Lakes Golf Course Christina Lake Golf Club

Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News

Save On Foods Mike's RV Canadian Tire Super 8 Motel Canada Safeway The Gift Box VH SportsCIBC

Element Club Bar and Grill Granite Pointe Golf Club Kokanee Springs Golf Resort Suzanne Lehbauer Noel Veitch Pacific Coastal Redstone Resort

Submitted to the Castlegar News A campfire ban is in place for the majority of the province, including the Castlegar area. On Friday, July 3, 2015, all open burning, including campfires and fireworks, were prohibited throughout the majority of the province, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced late last week. This prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. This extraordinary step is being taken to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. Unseasonably hot and dry weather is being experienced around the province and any preventable, human-caused fires divert critical personnel and resources from other incidents. The BC Wildfire Service is responding to over 150 active fires in the province. Campfires will still be allowed in the area known as the “Fog Zone” along the western coast of Vancouver Island. A map of the area covered by this open burning prohibition and campfire ban is available online at:

This ban applies to:

Special Thank You to: Brian Miller Pat Biln Brian deVooght Castlegar News

Karen Marshall Wells Marshall Rob Lindskog

Noel Veitch Helen Moore Jerry Vandenbilche

-Open fires of any size, including campfires; -The use of fireworks, sky lanterns and tiki torches; -Burning barrels or burning cages of any size or description; -The use of binary exploding targets (e.g., for rifle target practice); and -The use of air curtain burners (forced-air burning systems). This prohibition does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes. It also

does not apply to a portable campfire apparatus with a CSA or ULC rating that uses briquettes, liquid or gaseous fuel, with a flame length of 15 centimetres or less. The use of this equipment may be prohibited locally and at a later time if deemed necessary so check “current fire bans” online at: The use of a portable campfire apparatus that does not meet the conditions noted above is prohibited. This prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by a fire department. Please check with civic authorities for any restrictions before lighting a fire. Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may be issued a ticket for $345, required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs. To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone. “We’re committed to safeguarding B.C.’s families, natural resources and infrastructure from wildfires,” said Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson. “Given the hot and dry conditions in most of the province, we are implementing this provincewide campfire ban to help protect our communities.” For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, go to: You can also follow the latest wildfire news on Twitter at:!/BCGovFireInfo or on Facebook at:


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Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

Castlegar ArtWalk Artist Bios Artist name: Mirja Vahala Venue: Castlegar Chiropractic & Health (#11) Medium: Acrylic and Oil Paintings (Landscapes) Artist home: Castlegar Contact: mirja-vahala Bio and artist statement: Ideas come to me from the common well of human experiences: how we relate to time, to change, and to mortality. As I paint, my intention is to translate life into art

through messages found in nature. I also create artwork as a way to connect with people. My family are all “makers of things,” so creating art as a young child felt very natural. From the time I saw my babysitter’s sketchbook and was inspired to draw, to my degree in graphic design and visual arts, artwork has marked the peaks and valleys of my life. Drawn to nature and the great outdoors, I made the trek from B.C.’s Lower Mainland to the Kootenays to establish the Mirja Valhala Art Studio at the Windborne B&B in 2007. The visuals of wilderness mountains and waterways, and the coastal scenes of my earlier life, have a definite influence on the evolution of my artwork.


April Cuffy Castlegar Art Walk Editor

The 19th Annual Castlegar Art Walk is organized each year by the Castlegar Art Council and runs from June 22 until Sept. 20. Featuring local and regional artists and artisans, the self-guided art tour is hosted at

Artist name: Karen Godbout Venue: Castlegar Airport Terminal (#25) Medium: Composite Photographs Artist home: Trail

more than 25 participating venues around Castlegar. Detailed maps are available at the Castlegar Visitor Centre and more information, please visit culture-guide/castlegar-art-walk. Each week, the Castlegar News will feature biographies from the exciting artists in the show.

Dancing is an art of constant motion and change where the dancer and the dance are one, evoking an endless cycle of creation and re-creation. The Nataraja series contemplates ideas of interconnectedness and interdependence, oscillation, transformation and eternity, reflecting on the beauty of the created world—plainly simple, yet infinitely complex—and the wonder of our human consciousness that brings it meaning. In my photography, I explore creative processes, art as prayer, art as meditation, and renewed ways of seeing. The bees are my muses.

Contact: Bio and artist statement: Nataraja, a form of the Hindu Lord, Shiva, dances to destroy the world, and old patterns of thought and behaviour, in order to create them anew. Nataraja’s dual aspects, creator and destroyer, mirror the mythical Phoenix that dies in dancing flames and is reborn from the ashes. Honeybees dance for the very same reason: waggling in a figure-eight, symbol of infinity pattern, they direct their sisters to sources of food, while destroying themselves for the continuing life of the hive, literally working themselves to death.

HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! Congratulations to Joan Reid on winning the Spring into Summer basket! Book an appointment with Lanette, Colleen, Christine, or Cara

Evenings by appointment.

Walk-Ins Monday 9:30am - 2pm | Tues - Fri 9:30am - 5pm Welcome! 2327 6th Ave. | 250-304-6933

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Have you always wanted to try our Business Directory? Try our special introductory offer! Sign up for three months and pay only $15/week! (Offer valid for new customers only)

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Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News


SD20 students become filmmakers for a week would turn to each other.” Ollie Flick attended the course and worked on editing and special effects on “The Walking Lead: Zombo Combo,” one of the three short films that came out of the workshop. He said working on the project helped him teach others about the technical side of filmmaking, something he did in his spare time anyways. “At the beginning, while we were doing the idea board, I felt a connection with camera work and I connected with editing on the computer, while some people went to the writing,” he said, adding that he was excited to put skills into practice that wouldn’t normally get taught in a classroom. “It was really good to apply. Some of that stuff they don’t teach at school and it was cool to teach to the other kids when they probably wouldn’t never have been taught to do that kind of stuff.” Debbie Flick, Ollie’s mother, was also at the board meeting, and says she could see a noticeable difference in her son during and after the workshop. “I noticed with my own son, that that was a week, including the Saturday, where I didn’t have to wake him up,” she told trustees. “He was ready to go on his own. I noticed that it doesn’t change the world, but it is a step forward. I have seen an increased commitment to his school studies after that week. As a parent, it was very worthwhile.” The “Zombo Combo” movie was played at the meeting for trustees

Liz Bevan Castlegar News

Bright green smoke billows from smokestacks at Teck, zombies are on the hunt, and School District 20 (SD20) students created it all. Fred Nock, a Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (KCLC) online teacher, made a presentation at the SD20 board meeting on Monday, sharing the success of the Living Landscapes project – a week-long film making workshop for students from anywhere in the district. In May, the group of 15 students created three short films in just under a week, starting with writing scripts and shooting scenes and finishing up with editing and special effects for a polished final product. The KCLC teacher told trustees all about the alternative learning environment and how it gave the students a chance to explore new skills in broadcast and moviemaking, all while learning curriculumbased information. “We had teens in there writing, creating, storyboarding, looking at english language concepts like story structure, visual and art concepts, different shots, audio concepts and levels, performance, drama, technical and computer skills,” he shared, adding that the project was all about independence and collaboration. “The wonderful thing about film is that the kids teach each other. When there was a problem, they didn’t come to us teachers first. They

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(May - September) Pass Creek Fairgrounds Call or come into the Castlegar News office 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar

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Columbia Heights

Mountain St

St th 17

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Broadwater Rd




Knight Rd

Marshall Rd

18th St



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Advertise your Garage Sale for

your address here!

6th Ave


Knight Rd


7th Ave


your stuff here!

Marshall Rd


8th St

10th Ave


5th Ave



material, beads, yarn, Cha misc household 9th Ave rlston A stuff

9th St


8th Ave


10th St


11th St


Oak St

enor Pl Grosv

Housing 14th Ave

Items for sale:

July ? ????


July 10th & 11th Multi Fam. sale: tools for leather 8am - 4pm making, leather

About 30 Woodland Park Housing Co-op 14t 1674-1692 Families clearing out 4169 Broadwater Ave Rd bia d Dr Silverwood Crescent their basements. um dlan l o o o W C

Your Sale here! 5


Relkoff Rd


Moving sale:

Fri - Sat

Relkoff Rd


July 11th 10am - 4pm h Ave


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Hazelwood st



Open Tuesday – Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday’s 11am-3pm


Across from Castlegar Airport (250) 365-1009

eD 17r. t






Horcoff st


Vine St


Vine Rd


and attendees and got a few laughs with zombies running around Trail and Teck Trail Operations before being killed off by the film’s hero. Darryl Ganzert, board chair and Beaver Valley trustee, believes that filmmaking provides students with an opportunity to learn even if they are having trouble in the classroom. “I think you have really struck on something here that meets the needs of a lot of students whose needs are not being met right now,” he said, adding that he fully supports more programming like it. “This is where education is going. This is what the new education plan envisions and Fred, what you are doing is showing us what quality education is going to look like in the future.” Teri Ferworn, trustee for Area I and Area J, says she would like to see filmmaking as education and creative outlet take off, and even rival some of the summer workshops held in other Kootenay communities. “I would love to see something like (a film festival) happen in this community, starting with this,” she said, adding that she really enjoyed the screening of “Zombo Combo”. “I know that we lose a lot of students during the summer to Nelson for the film program they have there. It would be great to have something like that locally.” To view the three short films written, directed, shot and edited by SD20 students visit A13

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015


The Robuster’s team competing in Lethbridge.

June 26 - July 31, 2015

Photo submitted

Robusters rise to the challenge Submitted to the Castlegar News The local dragon boat team, the Kootenay Robusters, recently took part in the ATB Financial Lethbridge Rotary Dragon Boat Festival, held at Henderson Lake in Lethbridge from June 26-28. Travelling from Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Castlegar, Trail and Rossland, the team arrived Friday evening in time for a final practice. The festival organizers had provided newer dragon boats called Elementals and, after a few tippy moments, the team got used to the different feel and quick response these boats provide. Saturday saw the team compete in two heats in the women’s category (open to all women) as well as the special race for breast cancer survivors only. For that race, the Kootenay Robusters, who were travelling with only 14 survivors, combined with the Cranbrook team, Abreast in the Rockies, to form a new group, Kootenay Abreast, completing the roster of 20 paddlers. Despite never having paddled together before, the amalgamated team won gold in the survivor race and took the C Cup, donated especially for this race. Afterwards, all survivors took part in a moving “Rose Ceremony” plucking the petals from roses and setting them adrift in the waters of the lake, to remember loved ones who have been stricken with cancer.

Thanks to a strong effort on the first day of the festival, the Robusters earned the right to compete in the A finals on Sunday. Dragon boat placements at this festival were decided on by the times posted on the first day – so the women’s teams were sorted into three levels: A, B and C. Pitted against the fastest teams at the festival, the Robusters placed fourth in the semi final and then streaked to first place in their final race of the day – the A consolation round. This win meant they placed fifth out of the 21 women’s teams competing. The team was thrilled with the excellent result and the fact that they had been able to put together some races that showed what they were capable of achieving. As one member put it, “When most people look at us they see a quiet team with some gray hair and perhaps a few extra pounds. When our coach (Trish Ostlund) looks at us, all she sees is raw potential – with no limitations that can’t be managed as long as we work together.” This may account for some of the amazed looks from the younger, stronger teams as they cross the finish line behind the Robusters. It’s something we love to see. If this team sounds like something you’d like to get involved in, all women are welcome. For more information visit our website: or call 250-362-5289.

930 Rossland Avenue 250-364-1661



Don’t miss Pass Creek Gospel Music Festival Submitted to the Castlegar News The 2015 Pass Creek Gospel Music Festival is fast approaching. This year it will be held on Saturday, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds. This year’s special guest musical group is Double Portion from North Battleford, Sask. Their name certainly is appropriate as the group consists of Duncan and Debra Hemmerling and their

nine children. They have won numerous awards and toured extensively from Newfoundland to B.C and from Nashville to Alaska. The local groups who will be appearing have not been finalized at this time, except for the ever popular Blueberry Pickers bluegrass group. Don’t forget to bring lawn chairs or a blanket, as seating is limited. Also bring bug spray and a jacket or sweater for when the

sun goes down. A freewill offering will be taken. This is a family event, so bring the whole family and enjoy some nationally acclaimed entertainment, but please leave your pets at home. In case of rain the event will be moved to new life church, 602 – 7th St. Castlegar. For more information call John at 250-365-7456, or email

Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

When you’re in the Kootenays, you’re In Kootenay Chrysler Country!

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Appointment Notice

Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News


Rick O’Connor, President and CEO of Black Press Group Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Franklin as Director of Digital Development for the Black Press Group British Columbia Divisions. Andrew will be responsible for developing, implementing, tracking and optimizing digital marketing and audience development across British Columbia. He will work with digital staff and group Presidents to further develop our websites and mobile platforms as we continue to grow the digital part of our media business. Andrew has managed award-winning teams over his 30-year newspaper career and has received North American-wide industry recognition for innovative digital initiatives over the last five years. Recently he has taken a lead role in launching new products including the crowdfunding program BlackPress4Good. Andrew currently serves as director of both the CCNA and BCYCNA newspaper associations and will continue to hold his position of Publisher at The Abbotsford News and Mission Record. He also serves on multiple committees and boards in the community. He has been awarded Rotary’s coveted Paul Harris Fellow on two occasions. He is married and lives in Abbotsford. Andrew has a passion and a key understanding of the steps we need to take to further enhance Black Press’ s’ capabilities in the digital space.

Derek Georgopoulos is returning to the West Kootenay this fall to play for the Selkirk College Saints where he will be part of a team that will be striving for its fourth straight BCIHL championship. Photo submitted

Please join me in congratulating Andrew ulating An ndrew in this new role with Black Press.

Derek Georgopoulos headed to the Selkirk College Saints

Rick O’Connor President and CEO Black Press

Submitted to the Castlegar News Veteran Kootenay Junior International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL) forward Derek Georgopoulos will suit up for the Selkirk College Saints starting this September. The defending British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League (BCIHL) champion Saints announced this week that the Cranbrook resident will join the team for the 2015-2016 season. “I’m very excited to join the Saints and attend Selkirk College,” says Georgopoulos. “I have heard Craig nothing but good things about the hockey program and I’m very familiar with the West Kootenays so I feel like it will be a great fit for me.” The 5-foot-9, 165 pound forward recently completed his final KIJHL season with the Fernie Ghostriders where he scored 20 goals and added 15 assists. Georgopoulos spent three full seasons with the Ghostriders and also played one campaign with the Castlegar Rebels in 2013-2014. Earlier in

Andrew Franklin Director of Digital Development

George will bring speed, excitement, and a great personality to locker room ◆


+ Castlegar’s Community Pharmacy offers a full prescription service, vaccine injection service, no extra charge blister packing of medications, blood pressure monitoring, natural health supplements, wound care products, compression stocking fitting, braces and supports and a full range of home health supplies and power mobility aids at very competitive prices. Trevor has extensive training in hormone replacement, chronic pain treatment options, travel medicine, natural health alternatives, and all aspects of custom medication compounding. Working together with you, your physician, and other members of your health care team, I.D.A. Castlegar Community Pharmacy’s only focus is your health and well-being. Make any purchase in July and enter to win a Golden Technology Lift Chair! Valued at $1799. (one entry per purchase)

Seniors Appreciation Day every Thursday - seniors receive 15% off!

(some restrictions apply)

his hockey career, Georgopoulos was a member of Kootenay Ice Major Midget team based out of Nelson. In 169 KIJHL regular season games, Georgopoulos posted 67 goals and 67 assists. He is a proven winner at the Junior B level. “George will bring speed, excitement, and a great personality to the locker room,” says Ghostriders head coach Craig Mohr. “The fans will love his work ethic and his ability to get them jumping out of their seats.” Georgopolous joins other member of the reMohr cruiting class: Dallas Calvin (Trail BCHL), Troy Maclise (Osoyoos KIJHL), Marcel Fuchs (Creston KIJHL), Richard Gratz (OCN SJHL), Ashton McLeod (Humbolt SJHL), Nathan Browne (Campbell River VIJHL), Bret Huber (Summerland KIJHL), Nelson Hurry (Summerland, KIJH) and BJ Avery (Swan Valley MJHL). Georgopoulos plans on enrolling in the School of University Arts and Sciences at Selkirk College in the fall.

YOGA CLASSES July 6 - August 12

30% OFF all Atoma products for July!

Yoga for MS

250-352-5331 July 10th - Snowday + Rabs and Mooves July 11th - Heavy Airship - Nelson’s own Led Zeppelin Tribute Act July 16th - The Sadies July 17th - Rhapsody July 22nd - Jenn Grant w/Mama Kin - On Sale soon

Hours of operation Monday to Friday 9:00 - 5:30 Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 Phone: (250)365-0006 1002 Columbia Ave.

July 24th - The Good Ol’ Goats w/ Cam Penner & guest July 25th - Ekali - Live From The Pickle Jar

July 26th - Talib Kweli w Mabus, Dazza, and Rafferty Funksmith July 31st - Val Kilmer & The New Coke Aug 12th - Rising Appalachia - AreaOne Events Aug 13th - Biome & Geode - AreaOne Events

Aug 14th - Daniel Wesley - w Joshua Hyslop - On Sale Soon

Aug 22nd - The Boom Booms w House of David Gang + Gisto

Sept 11th- Roots Roundup - Kootenay Coop Radio Birthday Celebration Sept 12th- Gabriel Palatchi Band - Roadkings Rooftop Dance Afterparty Sept 16th - The Dears w Vogue Dot - On Sale soon!

Monday 1:00 - 2:30

Stay Strong Yoga for Older Men & Women

Tuesday and Thursday 8:45am - 10:15am

Yoga All Levels Men & Women Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 - 12:00

Yoga for All Levels Tuesday 6:00-7:30

Yoga for MS in Trail Rosewood Manor Wednesday 10:00 - 11:15

Private Yoga Sessions Wednesday by appointment

Janice Ferraro. 250 365-5428

815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sports Photos to the left and below: the Castlegar Aquanauts show off their hardware. A15


Successful weekend for Aquanauts The Castlegar Aquanauts had a very successful past weekend at the Creston Invitational Swim Meet, placing first overall. There were 25 swimmers in attendance at the swim meet. The Aquanauts made a few new meet records and had a lot of top finishes. All of the swimmers went incredibly fast and showed the other teams that the Aquanauts are the team to beat this summer. Both of the head coaches, Laura Zevenhuizen and Michaella Yang were very impressed with the results achieved by the Aquanauts this weekend. “It was so great to see all of our swimmers have such success this weekend. There were definitely some races that had Michaella and I on the edge of our seats,” said Zevenhuizen. A particularly exciting moment during the swim meet was the 50m freestyle eliminator. An event that takes the top 5 50m freestyle finalists for divisions 1-3 and 4-8 and has them continuously race to be the last ones standing. The Aquanauts received 1st place in all four eliminators! This was one of the many achievements for the aquanauts this swim meet. “This past weekend at Creston was amazing. Both Laura and I were stunned at how well everyone raced. Each and every single swimmer should be proud of their performance,” said Yang. The next swim meet for the Castlegar Aquanauts will take place in two weeks time in Colville. It is about halfway through the season and the swimmers have already had a ton of success.

Who’s walking you down the aisle? Light , comfortable and lots of selection with many sizes and widths to choose from.

Individual Meet Results

50m Free Eliminator Winners

Div 1 Boys: 1st Place: Ethan Marshall Div 2 Boys: 1st Place: Reid Quintanilha Div 2 Girls: 1st Place: Avery Cooke Div 3 Boys: 3rd Place: Ayden Quintanilha 2nd Place: Bryce Anderson 1st Place: Ethan Lawczynski Div 3 Girls: 1st Place: Claire Cartwright Div 4 Boys: 2nd Place: James Marshall 1st Place: Cayden Cooke Div 5 Girls: 1st Place: Emma Lawczynski Div 7 Girls 1st Place: Michaella Yang Div 7 Boys: 1st Place: Jeffrey Ashton Div 8 Boys: 2nd Place: Ron Anderson

Div 1-3 Girls: Claire Cartwright Div 1-3 Boys: Ethan Lawczynski Div 4-8 Girls: Emma Lawczynski Div 4-7 Boys: Jeffrey Ashton

Overall Team Points 7th: Colville Sharks - 45 6th: Trail Stingrays – 159 5th: Grand Forks Piranhas - 233.5 4th: Creston Waves - 266 3rd: Nelson Neptunes – 385.5 2nd: Kimberley Seahorses – 454 1st: Castlegar Aquanauts - 591



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Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News


Skaters honoured at dinner

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. CHEVROLET.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. CHEVROLET IS A BRAND OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Applies to oldest 30% of dealer inventory as of July 1st 2015 for Cruze and Sonic and 15% for other eligible models. Valid July 6 to 28, 2015 on cash purchases of select vehicles from dealer inventory. Not compatible with special lease and finance rates. Credit is tax exclusive and is calculated on vehicle MSRP, excluding any dealer-installed options. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this cash credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Dealer may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details

Congratulations to all the STARskaters. Thank you to coaches, Rachel Steward and Andrea Poznikoff for a wonderful season. Photo submitted




Submitted to the Castlegar News The Castlegar Skating Club celebrated the end of the 2014-15 skating season with their annual year end dinner and awards banquet.

This past season saw incredible growth and accomplishments in the STARskaters at every level. The STARskaters received Certificates of Participation and Achievement and Badges. Special awards were presented to the following skaters:

Most Iproved Junior:

Most Dedicated STARskater:

Olivia Koorbatoff and Taylor Singer Preliminary STARskater of the Year: Jordan Singer Intermediate STARskater of the Year: Alexia Kardash and Allison Soukeroff Senior STARskater of the Year: Megan Cousins and Candice Soukeroff




Tara Gleboff and Hailey Gleboff Congeniality Award: Allision Soukeroff Best All Around: Sarah Cousins Program Assistant of the Year: Annika Cheveldave Artistic Award: Candice Soukeroff

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HURRY, OFFER ENDS JULY 28TH Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]


Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015


1721 Columbia Ave 250.365.7771

our minor soccer players energized!

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Congratulations Congatulations Dr Yuro Ihns 2503657511 Dr Peter Lawczynski 2503042111

to players! to all Minor Soccer Soccer players!




Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News

WE knOW OuR Stuff 660 18 St, Castlegar (250) 365-5588 532 Baker St, Nelson, BC (250) 352-3200

o n i t s a l u t a r g n o C to all the participants.

Contact information: (250)365-0259 A19

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

Congratulations to all teams!

WELL DONE! 635 Columbia Ave, Castlegar (250) 365-6561


CONGRATS Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News A21

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

SERVICE & SALES 1602 Columbia Ave., Castlegar

On all your wins and all your losses that taught you to work harder.


635 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC 250.365.1011

Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News

All the staff from Kootenay Market are proud to support minor soccer in Castlegar! A23

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015

WELL DONE TEAMS! Proud supporter of team work, in sports and on the job.

1982 Columbia Ave, Castlegar

Proud sponsor of

Playing with your heart, not just your feet.

ZELLSTOFF CELGAR Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment‌. our future!


Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News

1465 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC


Visit 1128 3rd St, Castlegar

. . ..

g s o m o a o e .. t

Castlegar News Thursday, July 9, 2015 A25

Your community. Your classifieds.



bc email








Coming Events




CANCEL YOUR timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

BONNER’S FERRY DAY TRIP Jul.30/15 Call West’s Travel 1-877-365-7782 Myrt 250-368-7371 BC Reg.No.23776


Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

GREAT CANADIAN Dollar Store franchise opportunities are available in your area. Explore your future with a dollar store leader. Call today 1-877388-0123 ext. 229; online:



MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1-855-7683362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

15th Annual New Denver Antique & Collectible Street Fair Sunday, July 26th, 2015 8 am to 3 pm. Set up time 7 am Space rental call Helen @ 250-355-2354

Cuba Cruise Feb 2016 Limited seats available Call Totem Travel 250-364-1254

Captain Louis Holuboff November 20, 1933 – June 25, 2015 Longtime Arrow Lakes Towboat Captain and life long resident of Robson, BC passed away unexpectedly from Guillian-Barré syndrome. Left to mourn his loss is his loving wife of 60 years Helen and his sons Keith and Kenton, also loved by his grandchildren Ryder and Leigh, brother Peter (Eleanor) and sister Vera Tomlen. There will be no service by request, cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations in Louie’s Memory may be made to: Guillian-Barré Foundation of Canada Inc. 3100 Garden Street PO Box 80060 RPO Rossland Garden Whitby ON L1R 0H1 “He will be sadly missed”

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Michael Gerald Connolly of Genelle passed away peacefully on June 18, 2015 at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. Mike was born June 11, 1934 in Clarke City, Quebec. He worked 44 years in construction as a Crane Operator. His trade took him to every province across Canada, including the Northern regions. In his spare time he loved woodwork, making bird houses for God’s little creatures as he called them. He really enjoyed cooking especially seafood. Mike loved Àshing and hunting and was also very witty. He loved to laugh and make other people laugh with his Irish sense of humor. Michael is predeceased by his parents Anna and Jerry Connolly, son Lee, sisters Kay, Patricia, Jocelyn and brother Harry. He is survived by his loving wife of 26 years Louise Riley, brother Jerry of Montreal, sister Ruth of Carolina, son Kelly (Kim) and 2 granddaughters Kodi and Kaci. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made in Michael’s name to a charity of your choice. A Memorial Service will be held at Carberry’s Chapel on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:30 a.m., with Father Bart van Roijen, Celebrant. Al Grywacheski of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services™ has been entrusted with the arrangements.

• Castlegar Public Works • Fortis B.C.

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

• Telus • Shaw Cable

For their prompt service and support after the severe storm. A special “Thank you” to all our friends and neighbours for all their help. We are very fortunate to live in a great neighbourhood!!


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“Do Widzenia” In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Castleview Care Centre where Mary was so well cared for in her final years. Cheques should be made out to “Acts of Kindness for Seniors Society” please write “Designated to Castleview Care Centre” in the memo line and send c/o Castleview Care Centre 2300 – 14th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 4A6.

If you are interested, please drop your application at the Castlegar office. Van-Kam Freightways Ltd. 1360 Forest Road Castlegar, BC V1N 3Y5

Education/Trade Schools

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Mary Baff

Her faith in God was first and foremost. When dementia tugged at her mind, her character and gifts still shone through the fog. She left an empty hole in our hearts and we are forever grateful for the gifts that live on in us. Mary’s life was celebrated at St. Rita’s Catholic church on July 7, 2015.

Applicants should have a clean driver’s abstract and a detailed knowledge of the local Kootenay region. Basic use of computers would be asset.

We thank all applicants for your interest!

In Loving Memory of

Mary was a woman of strength and conviction, fiercely loyal and loving to her family. She is predeceased by her son Peter, a special needs child, who was for many years the center of her life. Determined and keenly observant, Mary had a curiosity which held innocence and wonder at the intricacies of life. She was always smiling, putting on a brave face. She carried her burdens with grace and dignity. Mary stood her ground for her values and opinions but had a generous heart that genuinely cared for people, nature and animals.

Van-Kam Freightways Ltd. requires part time class 1 drivers to work out of our Castlegar Terminal and to provide P&D local services.

Van-Kam is committed to equal opportunity and environmental responsibility.


Mary Baff, nee Miroslawa (Mirka) Libera (10 Nov 1925 – 30 June 2015) was born in Poland and lived an idyllic childhood on her family farm until life was forever changed by the cruelties of WWII. Coming to Canada in 1949 to seek a new life, she met first husband Ed Chwist and had children Alice (Richard) and Eddie (France). Mary’s life changed again when she was “swept off her feet” by Rudy Baff, her second husband of 56 years. They brought into the world children Richard (Rose), Mario (Teresa), Francis (Janice), Angela and Peter. The family traveled west from Ontario eventually settling in Castlegar in 1969.

Class 1 (Driver) – West Kootenay Local P&D

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9X1

Very proud of this guy! Congratulations Brenden Mercer in achieving your bachelor’s degree in Natural Resource Science from Thompson Rivers University in April 2015. Wes, Cathy, Kelsey and Molly Mercer.




Rudy and Dorothy Martini are celebrating 60 years of marriage. We are having an open house for them on August 8 from 1 to 4 at 2500 11 avenue

Al & Carol McLean Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary July 2015 With Love from your Family!


Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News


Merchandise for Sale

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Misc. for Sale

CANADIAN MILL Services Association (CMSA) is looking for a Lumber Inspector/Supervisor for the Prince George area. Duties include visiting CMSA members for the purpose of inspecting lumber for proper grade, moisture content and grade stamping, reviewing kiln records, and providing Grader training. The idea candidate is a self-starter, works safely, is willing to learn, can work with minimal supervision, and possess a valid BC drivers licence. Ideal candidates will have a lumber grading ticket. CMSA offers a very-good salary, pension plan, & benefits, and also supplies a company vehicle, laptop & smartphone. Please submit a resume in confidence by July 15, 2015 to to:

INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 1250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: C- 250-938-1944





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted Part-Time & Full Time Taxi Drivers

GPRC, FAIRVIEW Campus requires a Heavy Equipment Technician Instructor to commence August 15, 2015. Caterpillar experience will be an asset. Visit our website at:

Home Improvements


CRANBROOK or CASTLEGAR! $[LV )DPLO\ 5HVRXUFHV /WG KDV EHHQ LQ RSHUDWLRQ VLQFH ZLWK RČ—FHV throughout the Interior and Northern Regions of BC. If you have related education and experience, excellent references and are passionate about working with youth at risk, youth with developmental disabilities or with families consider joining our team in the following positions: Part Time Behavioural Counsellor Residence Workers CranErook Ç? EeneČ•ts included

Casual Residence Workers CranErook or CastleJar

)or further information on Tualiȕcations for the above positions, refer to our website under job opportunities, Kootenays. Cover letters with resumes can be emailed to or faxed 250-851-2977.

required for Trail, Castlegar & Creston Class 1, 2 or 4 drivers license required. Must like working with the public. A great way to meet people and keep in touch with the community. Please indicate the area you wish to drive. Please send resume to HOUSE PARENTS for Children’s Residence. Looking to contract a couple to support children in a live-in home setting. – careers for more information or 604-485-6411.

Hospitality Looking for servers for new Bistro opening. Must have serving it right, experience, & over the age of 19 Please email resume to:

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services Castlegar & District Community Services Society


May, 2015


Stopping the Violence Counselor

Paraprofessional Wage Grid: Hours per week

14 – $24.07 – 28.03 16

Job Summary: Provides individual and group counseling services to women who have experienced sexual assault, violence/abuse in relationships, or childhood abuse in accordance with ministry principles and guidelines and from a feminist and trauma theory perspective. Reports to:

Executive Director

Key Duties and Responsibilities: Service Responsibilities: 1. Assesses the safety of the clients and their children and supports clients in reducing safety risks. 2. Interviews clients, prepares case histories, assesses problems, develops counseling plan with clients, and outlines services provided by the agency. 3. Provides individual and group counseling to clients from a feminist and trauma-based perspective using techniques such as therapeutic group counseling and self-skill workshops. 4. Provides information, support, and advocacy and makes referrals to other community service providers, resources, and professionals as required, including for signiďŹ cant others. 5. Participates in or initiates case conferences with other professionals as required. 6. Facilitates the creation of group counseling and/or self-skill workshops in the community. 7. Maintains related records and statistics as per Ministry contract and produces reports as required. 8. Maintains best practices and current knowledge of issues and resources related to abuse and violence; conducts presentations and public awareness activities about services and issues; participates in relevant community/regional committees to ensure client-centred, coordinated services. 9. Performs other related duties as required. QualiďŹ cations: Education & Experience: Bachelor’s degree in a related human/social service ďŹ eld. Two (2) years recent related supervised experience, or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Job Skills and Abilities: i) demonstrated knowledge and skill in providing feminist assessment and counseling; sensitivity to cultural differences and needs ii) excellent interpersonal, counseling, oral and written communication skills iii) demonstrated skill in group process and facilitation techniques; skilled in providing advocacy services iv) familiarity with STV standards, VAWIR policy, relevant legislations and local resources v) ability to work effectively with other agency staff, agency teams, and with community vi) good organizational, case management, time, and stress management skills


RETIREMENT home in Osoyoos seeks Food Service Manager. Must have Red Seal. Apply:


SALMON ARM area logging company looking for hydraulic loader op and buckerman. Must have exp. to apply. Competitive wage & benefits.


Alternative Health


LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Trades, Technical Financial Services

AUTO SERVICE TECH required in Penticton. Guaranteed pay scale depending on billable hours and experience. Permanent position, 40 hour week guaranteed. (250)809-9780 or Dave (250)492-5630.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Coming Events

Coming Events

STEEL BUILDINGS. “Our big 35th anniversary sale� 20x20 $4500. 25x24 $5198. 30x30 $7449. 32x36 $8427. 40x46 $12140. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422,

FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area 1800-573-2928

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service

Merchandise for Sale


Estate Sales

Apt/Condo for Rent

Estate Auction-Denise Blaker 3605 Kettle Valley Rd. E. Rock Creek. July 11th @ 10 am. Irrigation pump, sleigh bed, antiques chairs, yard tools and much much more. Rothwell Auctions. 250-306-1112

Heavy Duty Machinery

MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with Canada’s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535 or

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale Older electric stove, works perfectly, $25.00 call 250.365.8047

CASTLEGAR Downtown 3 Bdrm Apartment $975/mth, F/S, W/D, Heat included N/S, N/P Handicap acces. Phone (250)365-2290 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday Rota Villa now accepting applications for studio suites. Age 60 & over. Call 250.365.7010 for information

Commercial/ Industrial

WAREHOUSE: CASTLEGAR Industrial area, Mulitpurpose 2400 Sq.Ft: 14x20 Door ground

level: Covered Storage or Ample

parking out: Double door entry in back w/shelves in storage room: OFF highway 3. Susan: $1350.00/ 250-365-1769

Homes for Rent Castlegar 3 Bdrm house, South Castlegar, F/S, W/D, DW, A/C,1400 sq ft, N/S, ref reqd $875/mth + utilities, Avail Aug 15th

Coming Events


Rooms for Rent Room for rent in North Castlegar on bus route. $400 plus half utilities, phone 250.687.1247

Trail Riding Grounds

W.TRAIL, furnished room for rent. $450./mo. incl. util., internet, laundry. N/S, N/P. Ref. 250-608-4425

Ages 8 - 18

Youth Polish, Shine & Show Clinic

Suites, Lower CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 Bdrm Basement suite in quiet 4-plex Clean, spacious & bright Laundry available, N/S, N/P $650/mth incl utilities 250-352-5659


July 25th & 26th, 2015

Cars - Domestic

Now taking applications!!

1992 Honda Civic, 5sp standard, 230,000km, great condition, new clutch, $1,900/obo. 2002 Nissan Altima, 4cy, 4dr, auto, excellent condition, fully loaded, $3,900. 250-442-0122

Thanks to funding in part by the Columbia Basin Trust!! Cost is $20.00 Fee includes: Lunch, Drinks, and snacks Sat & Sun, BBQ Sat Night, T-shirt & Goodie Bag. Clinicians covering di #.#+0 0,-'!/ /1!& / 10.'0',+ "")# 500'+% Stable Management, Anatomy, Showmanship and much more!!

For info email: or call 250.365.1959


Legal Notices A27

Castlegar News Thursday, June 18, 2015

Specials Pork Side ribs 9 Sweet kale Salad B.C. grown sweet and sour cut. (340 gram pack) Rainier Cherries



Canning Sale on Now!


20 lb box of peaches - $18

Ingredients • 2 cups packed brown sugar • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour • 1/2 cup cider vinegar • 1/3 cup water • 2 tablespoons soy sauce

(Early Red Haven)

• 2 tablespoons ketchup • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 8 bone-in country-style pork ribs (3 inches thick and 8 ounces each)

Cranky Mom’s

20 lb box of apricots - $18

Borscht $10/jar

10 lb Lapin Cherries - $25 B.C (non-GMO) corn - 6 cobs/$5

(Peachs and Cream and Yellow)

For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall

Directions In a small saucepan, combine brown sugar and flour. Stir in the vinegar, water, soy sauce, ketchup and garlic. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Place ribs in a 5-qt. slow cooker. Top with sauce. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours or until meat is tender. Skim fat. Serve ribs with sauce. Yield: 8 servings. Serve with a fresh kale salad. PU B •


NT •

Contact Christine Esovoloff 250.365.6397



Your ad could be here!

Thirsty Duck


‘Great Food & Funʻ

Happy hour Monday thru Saturday 3-5 plus Tuesday & Thursday 7-9 *Draft beer 3.50 & 4.00/House wine and hi-balls 3.50 Exotic offerings (wild game sliders) Thursday 5-9 Kids welcome all hours we are open *taxes extra

4370B Minto Road, Castlegar 250.365.0035 • Open 11am Daily



44th Anniversary

Thursday, July 9, 2015 Castlegar News


THE FIRST 200 CUSTOMERS WILL RECEIVE A FREE GIFT BAG WITH FREE PRODUCTS ON FRIDAY JULY 17TH & SATURDAY JULY 18TH (hours 9am to 6pm)! Enter in-store July 17th & 18th to win a Vitamix Blender! Sponsored by

Mother Natures 44th Anniversary Sale July 17th & 18th


20% Off

Not to be combined with any other promotion. You must present this coupon at time of purchase. One coupon per customer. Regular priced products only.

• Food & Beverage Sampling • Many gift baskets to win! • Cake on Saturday at 1:00pm

Come te celebruas! with

Come meet Leah, the owner, on Friday from 11am-2pm

Experience all three stages


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Ortho Adapt™

60 veg caps


All natural pain relief

Ortho-Adapt™ can provide a boost for anyone who is stressed, tired, or trying to keep up with the demands of today’s fast paced lifestyle at work, school, sports or family life at home.

ON SALE 120 capsules

Have your makeup done by Dawn on Saturday from 10am-2pm


120 + 20 v-capsules

Thank you to all of our customers for 44 amazing years!

High-potency care for your colon

Run down? Get Energized! Made with raw, juiced greens for a clean refreshing taste.

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Colon Care delivers 80 billion probiotics from 10 strains that specifically benefit colon health.


ON SALE 30 veg caps


Moroccan Argan Soap

Prairie Naturals® Super Strength Serra-Force 120,000 SU helps to reduce symptoms such as pain, nose, ear and throat infections as well as inflammation in the face and mouth.

Argan oil is rich in Vitamins A & E and is abundant with natural anti-oxidants. Moroccan Rhassoul clay containing numerous mineral and trace elements adds an extra luxury polish for your skin to glow.





ON SALE Mixed Berry 400 g



Boody™ Bodywear Boody™ is sustainable, plantbased and pesticide free. Keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter.




Sale Ends July 18th, 2015

Sale Ends December 31, 2012 Downtown Castlegar ● 250.365.7750 •

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