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Monday, August 3, 2015
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New border crossing In 2017 construction will start on an upgraded border crossing near Creston. page 5
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Bugaboo Teens climb The 2015 Conrad Kain Bugaboo Teens faced severe weather but perservered. page 12
*Plus $545 documentation fee + tax,.
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Monday, August 3 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Ktunaxa Nation and Home Depot fundraising aids Street Angel
Photo submitted
(From left) - Barry Mechalchuk (Home Depot), Roberta Van Steinburg (Ktunaxa Nation), Tim Strauss (Home Depot), Anita Fleet (Home Depot), Tamara Wevers (Home Depot), Jackie Brown (Ktunaxa Nation), Ryan Wilkie (Home Depot). The Ktunaxa Nation and the Cranbrook Home Depot are celebrating a successful Orange Door Project fundraising drive that raised more than $20,000. The Orange Door Project fundraising campaign at the
Cranbrook Home Depot ended on July 2nd raising $10,052. “The Cranbrook Home Depot had the highest percentage in Canada for selling Orange Doors per customer transaction,” said Tim Strauss, Cranbrook Home
Depot store manager. “The Home Depot Canada Foundation is matching the funds we raised totalling more than $20,000 for Street Angel through this campaign.” “We are fortunate to live in a community with businesses
like Home Depot that truly care about the homelessness issue in our area,” said Jackie Brown, Ktunaxa Nation Council Social Sector Urban Services Manager. “Last year, The Orange Door Project raised $15,000 for Street Angel at
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the Cranbrook Home Depot. I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to top it this year, but we did. I believe this speaks volumes to the generosity of the people who live in and around Cranbrook and especially the dedication of the Cranbrook Home Depot employees who helped us in this campaign.” Operation Street
Angel is a program run by the Ktunaxa Nation that provides services to homeless and vulnerable populations in the Cranbrook area including hot nutritious meals, nurse practitioner and mental health services, advocacy, employment and justice services. Operation Street Angel is locat-
ed at 46-17th Avenue South in Cranbrook. The Orange Door Project is a Home Depot campaign that aims to eliminate homelessness by supporting lifeskills development programs. You can read more about the Orange Door Project at ca/foundation.
City reservoir slightly down The water level at the Phillips Reservoir is down about 4 inches, based on measurements taken by staff on Friday, however the reservoir still remains close to capacity. As such, the current year round outdoor water management policy is still in effect and allows for watering of lawns and gardens on Monday, Thursday and Saturday for even numbered properties; Tuesday, Friday and Sunday for odd numbered properties. No one waters on Wednesday. This covers all outdoor water use including: washing of vehicles, RV’s, campers, boats, windows and the filling of kids’ pools or hot tubs. The City of Cranbrook continues to remind residents and businesses to be aware that additional mandatory watering restrictions may still be put into place this summer if we don’t
get regular rainfall to help replenish the reservoir. Public Works staff who monitors the levels at the reservoir will continue to do so throughout the year. The City of Cranbrook will continue to regularly provide updates about the reservoir levels to ensure that everyone has ample lead time should additional watering restrictions need to be put into place. The City’s Outdoor Water Management policy allows for a second phase of water management to be put into effect should the reservoir level reach 75% capacity and is not getting enough additional water to maintain that level. If we get to that point, it would mean reducing the number of times per week you would be allowed to water your lawns and gardens. On Friday July 24, the City began voluntary watering restrictions by
stopping the irrigation of some green spaces and parks including: Pinecrest, Rotary Trail, Pop Price Park, ACT Park, Kinsmen Park, Staple Crescent, the Highway boulevard and Balment Park at Western Financial Place. Irrigation has also been reduced at the Kinsmen Quads, Rotary Park, Confederation Park, MacKinnon Park, Moir Park and Lions Park. The public is also invited to join in the voluntary restrictions to assist in reducing the overall water consumption of the City wherever possible. For more information about water conservation and what you can do to conserve, visit our website at and click on ‘Water Conservation’ under the City of Cranbrook Links on the homepage.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, August 3, 2015 3
The Weekday View
Letter: About that funding ‘mistake’ On July 28th, MP David Wilks released a statement to the media claiming that he had made a ‘mistake’ on a funding announcement in Revelstoke. As people across the riding will know, Mr. Wilks has spent the last two weeks crisscrossing Kootenay Columbia, making massive funding announcements with just weeks to go
Monday, August 3 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
in his mandate. In Revelstoke, Mr. Wilks made a $156.6 million funding announcement for Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks that has now been proven by a Revelstoke journalist and local residents to include a $54.8 million discrepancy. Mr. Wilks’ ‘new’ money promise included significant work that had
already been completed. The people of Revelstoke saw through this false promise, and their outcry resulted in the MP being forced to publicly acknowledge his ‘mistake’. Was this an accounting error or did Mr. Wilks actually believe he could get away with it? Maybe he just said what he was told to say. Mr. Wilks’ re-election strategy is dependent on big, flashy funding announcements that attempt
to prove he’s doing a good job for the people of Kootenay Columbia. He’s even stated that he’s too busy making funding announcements to make plans to attend All-Candidates debates. This situation has cast a real shadow on all the announcements made recently by Mr. Wilks. In this case, questions will continue to be asked about whether or not Mr. Wilks knew he was announcing as new funding proj-
ects that had already been completed. If not, why didn’t he know what was taking place in his own riding? If the money had already been spent, and he didn’t know, can he really take credit for any new money spent in the riding? I’ve spent months knocking on doors and meeting with voters across the riding, and I’m hearing what voters care about, and the standards that they set for their elected officials. I believe
that if Mr. Wilks spent more time talking to a wide range of voters he’d realize that this kind of overblown announcement about projects at the very end of his term doesn’t tell a positive story. Instead, the current MP has reinforced all the things that many voters already believe about him: that he doesn’t have any real connections with the communities he represents, that he simply says what Stephen Harper tells him
to say, and that he doesn’t put the interests of his constituents first. Mr. Wilks has not done his re-election bid any favours by playing with voters in this disrespectful manner. And I believe that voters will have something to say about that on October 19th. ~Wayne Stetski, NDP candidate for Member of Parliament, Kootenay Columbia
Photo Courtesy Cranbrook and District Kennel Club
Come out and see some adorable and very well-trained pooches at The Cranbrook and District All Breed Championship Shows at the end of August.
Championship dog show coming Photo submitted
Pictured are two former dancers of Liela Cooper in Cranbrook. Kasey and Victoria Hawkins were in Atlanta Georgia last weekend to compete in the US Highland Dance Championships. They both qualified to represent the USA in the Northwest Regional competition held a few months ago in Portland. Kasey (on the left) won medals and judges placing in some of her dances. Victoria was 3rd Runner Up in the US Championship for her age category. Victoria also won 1st Runner Up in the Premiership competition and on the following day won 3rd Runner Up in the North American Championship! Congratulations ladies!
Published by Black Press Ltd. 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified: Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
The Cranbrook and District All Breed Championship Shows & Trials are here on August 28 to 30. Come out and cheer on the competitors and meet the breeders/ owners/handlers. On Saturday and Sunday there will be Obedience and Rally
Obedience Trials. There will also be conformation, the Best in Show award, Best Puppy in Show, Baby Puppy in Show and Best Veteran in Show. For those still looking to register, keep these facts in mind: *All dogs must be pre-entered to com-
Zena Williams
Brian Coombs
Kimberly Clayton
pete in any of the competitions *Only purebred dogs can compete in Conformation *Unregistered or mixed breed dogs can compete in any of the Performance events: Obedience, Rally or Agility but must have their CCN number (Canine Companion Number) Application forms can be found on the CKC website under
forms on-line, registration Please note: only dogs competing are allowed on the grounds. Visit www. for online entries. Visit the Cranbrook and District Kennel Club at The show happens from August 28 to 30 at Moir Park, 530 Industrial Road G. Entries close on August 12 at 8 p.m.
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, August 3, 2015 5
Construction on new Rykerts border crossing to start in 2017
Photo Brian Lawrence
From left: Kootenay area ports Chief Lorne Black, Regional District of Central Kootenay Area B director Tanya Wall, Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks, RDCK Area C director Larry Binks, Lower Kootenay Band Chief Jason Louie, Rykerts Supt. Melinda Medland. by Brian Lawrence, Creston Valley Advance Construction on a new Rykerts port of entry facility will begin in 2017, Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks announced today
on behalf of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister Steven Blaney. Wilks told Canadian Border Services Agency representatives and Creston Valley elected officials that $37.5 mil-
lion would be used to improve infrastructure in B.C., including the Kootenays’ Rykerts and Waneta border crossings. (The Rykerts crossing’s portion will be released after contracts are awarded.)
“This facility has been in place since 1972 and has worked well for the last 43 years,” said Wilks. “But it’s time for some TLC.” In addition to the general office space, the facility south of
Creston has kitchen, washroom and locker facilities for staff, as well as a holding cell and upstairs storage. But it was built for only four CBSA officers, and now has eight full-time officers and a superintendent, as well as additional support staff in the busier summer months. The border crossing upgrade was welcome news to elected officials, including Lower Kootenay Band Chief Jason Louie, who appreciated the invitation to the announcement — a similar invitation likely wasn’t extended when the building opened. “We’ve worked together to progress as a country,” Louie said. “We are an equal government and looked at as a legitimate government by the CBSA.” With 270,085 travellers crossing in 201415 and 276, 398 in
2013-14, the new facility — to be built with a modular design — will help to keep traffic flowing between Canada and the U.S. “It gives the opportunity for business to keep moving out of Creston, and also for Creston,” said Regional District of Central Kootenay Area B director Tanya Wall. “This is one of our most beautiful areas and a great opportunity for a new building.” RDCK Area C director Larry Binks added that he was pleased with the investment in the Creston Valley, and noted that rural communities often feel left out of government funding. “Thank the minister and prime minster spreading that around,” he told Wilks. The investment is part of $440 million announced in November 2014 to
replace aging ports of entry across the country, part of the CBSA’s efforts toward modernization. “Improvements to port of entry facilities help ensure the free flow of legitimate travel and trade across Canadian borders,” said Blaney in a press release. “Our commitment to invest $440 million in border infrastructure to modernize port of entry demonstrates our government’s ongoing commitment to the safety and prosperity of our country.” The $440 million is in addition to the $241 million already invested by the federal government to expand and modernize ports of entry over the last five years. The Kingsgate port of entry south of Yahk received a $16.3 million expansion a few years ago, with the new facility opening in March 2012.
Provincial Cabinet shuffle sees familiar faces with different jobs on the creation of a 0.5 per cent regional sales tax to fund transit expansion. Fassbender, a Surrey MLA, has extensive history on the TransLink file as a former Langley City Mayor who once chaired the Metro
mayors’ council as it tried to persuade the province to grant a new revenue source. Stone as minister made statements supportive of the mayors’ plan and the new tax but did not actively campaign for it dursee Cabinet page 6
Photo submitted
(From left) Mike Bernier is now the Province’s Education Minister, Coralee Oakes is now the Minister of Small Business and RedTape Reduction, and Peter Fassbender takes over as Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. by Jeff Nagel BC Liberal backbencher Mike Bernier is B.C.’s new Education Minister, while predecessor Peter Fassbender takes over as Community, Sport, and Cultural Development Minister, with responsibility for TransLink as well. The mini cabinet shuffle announced Thursday by Premier Christy Clark also shifts Coralee Oakes, who previously headed the ministry that deals with municipalities, to Minister of Small Business and Red-Tape Reduction,
with responsibility for the Liquor Distribution Branch. Fassbender headed the province’s negotiations with B.C. teachers during last year’s strike. He held out for a negotiated settlement the province achieved rather than legislating teach-
ers back to work, as had been the pattern in several previous teacher strikes. The removal of TransLink from Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Minister Todd Stone’s portfolio comes in the wake of the defeat by Metro Vancouver voters of a plebiscite
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REGISTER NOW Cranbrook And District All Breed Championship Shows & Trials August 28, 29 & 30, 2015
Moir Park-530 Industrial Road “G" Entries close: August 12, 2015 @ 8pm MDT
*All dogs must be pre-entered to compete in any of the competitions. *Only purebred dogs can compete in Conformation. *Unregistered or mixed breed dogs can compete in any of the performance events. Obedience, Rally or Agility but must have their CCN number (Canine Companion Number) Application forms can be found on the CKC website under forms on-line registration or online entries @
6 Cabinet from page 5
ing the plebiscite required by Clark on any new tax. Fassbender, along with fellow Surrey MLA Marvin Hunt, was more blunt, at one point speaking out against No campaign critics of TransLink’s record. “Is it totally mismanaged? I don’t believe that, I never
have,” Fassbender told Black Press in March, pointing to audits in recent years. “The previous commissioner looked at it and said it was a wellrun organization.” Metro Vancouver board chair Greg Moore welcomed Fassbender’s new role. “It think it’s a good move,” the Port Coquitlam mayor said. “He has a deep
Monday, August 3 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser understanding of the legislation and not only the challenges but also the opportunities of being able to work together to find solutions for TransLink.” Moore noted Fassbender, when he led the mayors’ council, was “very proud” of the agreement struck in 2010 with then-premier Gordon Campbell to negotiate
Hugs: To the manager and staff of Arby’s restaurant thank you for being so friendly and for serving gluten free buns as a option for people like myself who can’t have gluten. Would Love to see other restaurants giving the option of gluten free bread or buns. Thanks again Arby’s your doing a great job. Slugs: To the slug against the people who slugged tailgaters on the highway. You know, if you look closely at the top of the 100 km/h sign, you might notice it says “Maximum” and not “Mandatory.” Hugs: To the great employees at Denham Ford for their wonderful customer service. They go above and beyond, ensuring satisfaction in a friendly and cheery manner. Slugs: To the people who “walk” their dogs by riding their bikes and either having the dogs on a leash or running loose. This is extremely dangerous for the dogs since they are loyal to their owners and will run until they collapse. Dogs are not built to run long distances because they sweat by panting. They are sprinters not longdistance runners. Put yourself in your dogs place, can you run for miles or even a few blocks on a hot day? Hugs: To the staff at Chalet GM for the great customer service and experience during the trade of our older vehicle and purchase of the newer vehicle. It was a very pleasant experience. Huge thanks to Al, Kathy and Shannon for making it work for us and being super accommodating. You all were friendly, funny, honest, and did your jobs very well. Will definitely recommend you to others and hope to do business with you again sometime. Slugs: To the lady that let her dog poo on someone’s nice manicured lawn and then left it there. I saw you when I drove by and was very disappointed you watched your dog poo on this lawn and then walked away when it was finished. How hard is it to bring a bag and pick it up. People work hard to maintain their properties not to have to pick up your animals dung. Shame on you. Slugs: To the people that send in slugs about the tailgaters between Cranbrook & Kimberley. It’s still against the law to tailgate. Maybe you should leave 5 minutes earlier. Hugs: To the RCMP for patrolling the road between Kimberley and Cranbrook more often. Thanks. Slugs: Slugs or more appropriately disappointment in the attendance at our evening Farmers markets get, the people put a lot of time and effort with their products etc and to do all that and to have so little people come is frustrating to them I am sure. I attend all markets and enjoy the atmosphere and music that is there as well. So to vendors and musicians last night, July 15, good job and those who did not come they missed out on a nice evening. Slugs: To our inconsiderate neighbor who locks their car using the remote FOB, which results in the horn honking
a new funding source. Mayors saw Clark’s promise of a referendum as a betrayal of that deal. NDP transportation critic Claire Trevena called the shift in TransLink responsibility a “slapdown” for Stone “because he hasn’t delivered.” Bernier, a former Dawson Creek mayor with 20 years experience in the natural
gas industry, is a firstterm MLA for Peace River South. Clark also shifted Naomi Yamamoto out of the small business ministry, making her Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness, underneath the transportation ministry. Jordan Sturdy is now parliamentary secretary for energy literacy and
at all hours of the night! You can lock your vehicle manually when it is “after hours” so it doesn’t disturb the entire neighborhood! Hugs: To all the hundreds of volunteers who volunteer their time to help such great community events take place, such as another very successful Sam Steele Days! Hugs: To the Garden Club and to all the Cranbrook area residents who so kindly share their beautiful gardens for us all to admire and enjoy! And thank you to the Garden Club for supporting the hanging baskets around town, for a more beautiful Cranbrook. Hugs: To our businesses and the City of Cranbrook, for keeping up their landscaping on their lots and plant trees, shrubs and flowers. The strip looks better every year! Slugs: To businesses who let weeds grow rampant in their businesses, no matter where it is located and do not do simple landscaping. Hugs: To businesses that proudly fly our Canadian flag but SLUGS to those businesses that fly the Canadian flag, but do not replace it when it starts to fade and get shredded. And please follow the etiquette of how flags should be displayed on a flag pole (eg. correct order if flying more than one) and the disposing of a flag when it is time to replace. Hugs: To our service clubs that keep up our parks and support events held throughout the year. Without you, many events could not take place! Hugs: To The Play Pen for strategically placing containers with baggies inside, so EVERYONE can pick up their after their pets, should you forget to bring your own. Slugs: To those pet walkers who ignore the by-law of picking up after their pets, and SLUGS who do pick up but then place the full baggie on the walk way, instead of walking a few steps to the nearest waste bin. Hugs: To the Playpen for putting up the pet waste stations in the community forest. Slugs to all the people that continue not to use them. Slugs: GIANT SLUGS to a certain grocery store in Cranbrook for charging such outrageous prices for your goods! $.65 for a hot dog bun! Really? I am NEVER going in that store again! Hugs: Giant HUGS to Williams Moving and Storage for moving a piano from there to here in record time and a great price! Thank You! Hugs: More Giant Hugs to a certain church in town for literally giving away a piano and stool for FREE! Slugs: Huge slugs to the two females in a truck who, on Saturday afternoon, July 18, around 1:10 pm, flew through the intersection of Victoria Ave & 6th St N. The
the environment under Environment Minister Mary Polak – Bernier’s previous post. He’ll also chair the province’s Climate Leadership Panel. “We have the opportunity now to build on a record of student achievement with long-term labour peace in place, to strengthen our support for small business, which is the
backbone of our economy, to work together with communities to prepare for the future, and to put in place a plan to prevent and manage emergencies or natural disasters so that our province can recover with our future secured,” Clark said in a news release.
pedestrian light was flashing and all other traffic was stopped for 3 people crossing the street. Slugs: To the vehicles that travel Victoria Ave with their speakers thumping at full throttle. How enjoyable is that for you and your passengers? I can tell you it’s no fun for the people whose houses back onto that street. Slugs: To the City for placing the black boxes of poison by Confederation Park, to kill the gophers so they won’t dig holes at the baseball diamond. It is heartbreaking to see a gopher bleeding and breathing shallow and dying. Shame on you! Hugs: A BIG hug to the very kind lady that returned our son’s wallet, which he lost at a local gas station on July 10. You brought it right to our front door, your honesty & kindness will not be forgotten! Slugs: To the person or persons who shot a young Canada Goose at Elizabeth Lake with a high powered pellet gun, the goose will survive with 2 pellets lodged in it’s body. Elizabeth Lake is a protected wildlife area, what are you thinking? Apparently you don’t have a heart! Slugs: Slugs to the people that left their beverage cans, food cans and garbage in the fire pit at Widlhorse River last Sunday, July 18!!! Hugs: A big hug to the driver of the Esso fuel truck driving up the Wildhorse Road slowing right down as he passed me walking my dog, instead of leaving me enveloped in dust and flying gravel as some drivers do. Many thanks! Slugs: To local businesses who do not have bicycle racks. There are some of us who do not own greenhouse gas emitting gas guzzlers! Hugs: To Gerick’s Sports and Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza for the fantastic service you’ve provided me. Hugs: To all the health care staff and volunteers who work so hard to help people like me take care of my brother, who has Alzheimers. Their tireless efforts are a God-Send and will be forever appreciated. We are so lucky to have them. Hugs: To Rob & Staff at Just Liquid, thanks for the great service!!! Rob you are amazing! Hugs: To Russ & Colin at Fun Hogz, I’m loving my electric bike! Soooo much fun! Hugs: To the lady who found my purse in a cart in Safeway’s parking lot more than a month ago and turned it into the office. Many thanks! Hugs: to Christie with red hair at Superstore for being so helpful and courteous. Many hugs.
If you have a Hug or a Slug...we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. We will print the anonymous submissions for all to see. Be honest, but all we ask is you keep it tasteful. Hugs and Slugs will be printed as space allows, if we miss yours check back next week and you will be bumped to the start of the list. You can also drop by a written submission to our office at 1510 2nd Street N. or call Shannon at (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, August 3, 2015 7
Tour participant snaps pic of rare egret in Columbia Wetlands
Photo by Thor
A species on record for having been spotted only a handful of time in the Columbia Valley, a great egret was seen in the local wetlands on July 19th. Courtesy Invermere Valley Echo. This summer’s first sighting of a rare great egret in the Columbia
Wetlands has evoked great excitement for some. Local biologist and ornithologist Cam Gillies confirmed the
elusive find from a photograph taken by a participant while on a tour of the wetlands with Blazin Trailz Adventurz
(which operates out of Fairmont Hot Springs) on Sunday, July 19th. Gillies added the great egret is a bird
that is rarely found in the Columbia Valley. “In the bird checklist, which was published in 1997, there are three records (of
CKCA grants funds to arts, culture and heritage
Photo submitted
Scaramouche Jones, which can be seen during Kimberley’s Kaleidoscope festival, was one of the CKCA funding recipients. Over 160 arts, culture and heritage projects—including the Columbia Basin Culture Tour—have received a total of $706,000.00 in funding support for the 2015–2016 season through the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA), in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust. “The CKCA Steering Committee was pleased to be able to supply Trust funding to good projects all across the Basin. We hope cultural
organizations will start thinking about activities that will be happening between June 2016 and May 2017 and planning their applications now for the next funding cycle,” said Jacquie Hamilton, Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance Chair. In Cranbrook, the funded initiatives are: • A Winter’s Star, Symphony of the Kootenays Association - $2,000 • Summer Sounds 2015, Fisher Peak Performing Artists Society - $3,500
• Accademia Europea Dell’Opera, Amanda Weatherall - $2,000 • Shakepeare’s Othello, Bard in Your Own Backyard $2,500 In Kimberley, the following projects have been funded: The Sound of You: A Novel, Lindsay Cuff - $700 Scaramouche Jones, Kimberley Arts Council / Centre 64 Soc. - $1,000 The Oak Republic Demo II, Jason Toner (The Oak Republic) $2,380 CKCA administers and manages arts, culture and heritage program funding on behalf of the Trust. Funding applications were adjudicated in May by the CKCA Steering Committee, with input from community arts councils. Support will go toward a wide range of projects, including individual and group projects, master classes, major exhibitions and heritage capital projects. “Each year we look forward to seeing the list of projects that will bring
such cultural wealth to our region,” said Lynda Lafleur, Columbia Basin Trust Community Liaison. “We have many creative, innovative and hard-working people in the Basin, and it’s their visions and efforts that make our arts, culture and heritage sector so strong.” CKCA funding helps individuals and organizations realize heritage projects and projects in all arts disciplines, including visual art, theatre,
music, dance, media, literature and interarts. For a list of funded projects, visit the CKCA website at www.basinculture. com or call 1-877505-7355. Columbia Basin Trust supports efforts to deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin. To learn more about the Trust’s programs and initiatives, visit www. or call 1-800505-8998.
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this species) for the Columbia Valley. There have only been a few since then,” explained Gillies, noting the great egret
species is typically found in the southern United States of America. “They seem to have this habit of showing up at this time of year.” The great egret — also known as the common or large egret, as well as the great white heron — inhabits tropical regions of the world and southern Europe. “It’s safe to say there are maybe only half a dozen, fewer than 10, records for the Columbia Valley,” said Gillies, noting the great egret species adventures out of its home after breeding. “It’s a more tropical bird than what we’re used to seeing… the great thing about great egrets is that they’re really obvious to spot because they are really big and they are white, so it’s a great bird to look out for in the wetlands. It’s an exciting sighting.”
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Remarkable 5 acre property located just minutes from downtown.
Theresa Kostiuk Real Estate, Property & Strata Management & Mortgages
25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 385 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070
Monday, August 3 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Things to See & Do
TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.Only non-profit organizations/events will be allowed.
“THE WAY”. STARTING Thursday July 30 and every Thursday at the Kimberley Library for the next 12 weeks, St. Aidan of Lindisfarne Orthodox Church Parishioners and Fr. Andrew Applegate will be hosting the 12 week course with video lectures by various speakers, open discussion and Q and A sessions. Anyone interested is invited to come out for the entire course or to any Thursday during the course. To cover basic costs a $10/session or $50 for all 12 sessions donation is asked but not mandatory. For more information contact Fr. Andrew at 250-4201582 or stop by the Kimberley Library on Thursday evenings at 7pm. GATEWAY TO NATURE HIKE- Every Saturday morning in July & August, guests from Riverside Campground, and everyone who feels like it, can join us at the Campground Trail Kiosk for the Hike. This is a moderate 2.5 hr, 5.5km guided interpretive hike with a 250 metre elevation gain.
FREE KIMBERLEY COMMUNITY BandMusic in the Platz, 7:30pm Summer Concert Series 2015. Donations accepted with all proceeds toward the Music Scholarship Program.
EK OUTDOOR CLUB hike to Mt Bigattini. Phone Lorne 250-426-8864.
er- Struan Robertson 250-427-5048. Meet at the Matthew Creek Rd turn-off for a short drive, then a 1.5 km hike up into the Tora Bora Valley. Come prepared for a 3 hour round trip.
“Geology in the Park”, 9 a m - L e a d e r- Ra l p h Rudser 250-427-1590. Join a professional geologist for this hike, approximately 3 hours. Meet at the Matthew Creek turn-off to arrange for car-pooling. Bring water and a snack.
“THE WAY” every Thursday at the Kimberley Library for the next 12 weeks, St. Aidan of Lindisfarne Orthodox Church Parishioners and Fr. Andrew Applegate will be hosting the 12 week course with video lectures by various speakers, open discussion and Q and A sessions. Anyone interested is invited to come out for the entire course or to any Thursday during the course. To cover basic costs a $10/session or $50 for all 12 sessions donation is asked but not mandatory. For more information contact Fr. Andrew at 250-420-1582 or stop by the Kimberley Library on Thursday evenings at 7pm. July 30-September24th
JUNE 20-AUGUST 29 Kimberley Heritage Museum summer hours: Tuesday to Saturday 9am-4:30pm. Exhibit “Our Fashionable Past” which explores Kimberley’s history through fashion. Mine exhibit, or peruse memorabilia, photographs and more. Contact kdhs@ or 250-4277510 CDAC- KIDS SUMMER ART Program Series, ages 6-13 years. Starts on Monday July 13th-August 29th in Rotary Park at the Art in the Park Celebration. This program is eligible for $500 Arts Child Tax Credit. Information or to register please contact Marisa Phillips at 250-426-4223 or email 2015 ART IN THE PARK-Celebration of the Arts, FREE family friendly event will showcase the Summer Kid Program participants creations. For more information contact Marisa Phillips at 250-426-4223 or email:
FERNIE LIONS DEMOLITION Derby. Registration starts at 8am, Derby at Noon. More than $4000 in prizes and trophies. NO DOGS allowed. Pick up registration forms at Fernie Auto Parts or contact Fernie Lions Demolition Derby on Facebook.
SEPTEMBER 15-18 ARTIST’S RETREAT with Joseph Cross at the Bull River Guest Ranch. Sponsored by the Kimberley Arts Council. Enrol by July 31 to get a spot. For more information go to : www.paintersretreat. ca, or call Kimberley Arts Council at 250427-4919.
NAY SILVER FOX Run,Friday September 18th 11am at Joseph Creek Village. 35th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run. Contact 250-417-0666
. LEARN THE GAME OF SHUFFLEBOARD. Every Monday 10am at Cranbrook Curling Rink, For more information contact: John 426-3959, Dennis 421-9176. Everyone welcome-come out and have fun! CRANBROOK QUILTER’S GUILD is a large group of enthusiastic women who meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, September-June, 7:15pm at the Cranbrook Senior Citizens Hall, 125-17th Ave.S. Interested???? Call Jennifer at 250426-6045. Visit us on Facebook and check out our website MASONIC LODGES OF B.C AND YUKON will supply transportation to cancer patients who have arrived at Kelowna or Vancouver. This free service will be at the destination point. Example: from airport to clinic and clinic to airport on return, also around the destination city. Information may be received from your doctor, Canadian Cancer Society, or by phoning Ron at 250 426 8159. CALLING ALL FISHERMEN AND WOMEN. Have a passion for fishing and like to learn more about all types of angling? The Cranbrook Rocky Mountain Fly Fish-
ing Club meets every second Tuesday of the month. 250-919 5292 for information. CDAC PRESENTS: Member Open Art Exhibition. August 4-August 28. For more information contact Marisa Phillips, 250426-4223 or email: KING’S COTTAGE THRIFT STORE, Kimberley at former Meaadowbrook School. Wed., Thurs. 9:30-2, Fri. 9:30-1, Sat. 1-2 Good clothes and shoes for children, womena nd men at low prices. Donations gratefuly accepted CRANBROOK & DISTRICT KENNEL Club meets monthly on the 2nd Tues 7:00 PM at Mt Baker High School Cranbrook. Club details at www.cdkc. ca or Esther 250-4890409 or Linda 250417-3177 High House Museum, 3286 Moyie Ave, Moyie. Open on Sundays from 1pm-3pm July & August. Everyone Welcome! Jaffray-Baynes Lake Farmer’s Market, starting Saturday June 20th and held every Saturday Morning throughout the summer. Baynes Lake Community Centre, 9am-12:30pm. For more information contact 250-429-3519. SCLERODERMA
SUPPORT GROUP, Call Betty (250)4288875, Bev, 427-5033 in Kootenay Region. AL-ANON MEETING EKRH Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Basement EDC Room B. 250-489-1388 KINDERGARTEN IMMUNIZATIONS are available for children between the ages of 4 and 6 years at the Cranbrook Health Unit. For an appointment call 250 4202207. CANADIAN RED CROSS is seeking Client Service and Technician Volunteer for the Health Equipment Loan Program in Cranbrook. Please go to http:// for more information or call 1-855-995-3529. O N G O I N G MEMBERSHIP, ABREAST in the Rockies Dragonboat Team, a non competitive paddling team, bringing awareness to breast cancer survivorship. FMI, Barb, 489-6260, Diane, 489-3372. THE LEGION IS LOOKING for anyone that has served or is still serving in the Armed Forces for the BC/Yukon Command Military Service Recognition Book. Forms can be picked up at the Legion.Every Saturday Meat Draws starting at 3:30 ending
at 5:30 EAST KOOTENAY OUTDOOR CLUB Monday night hikes. Different hike every week. Phone Lorne 250-426-8864 ARE YOU CARING for a senior family member or friend? If so, would you be interested in attending a support group and meeting with others in your community with similar situations? For more information call (toll free) 1-877-489-0803. To receive a free copy of E.K. Caregivers Network newsletter 420-2210. SENIORS HELPING SENIORS. The Friendly Visitor Program in supporting the quality of life is offering visits for seniors wanting companionship, transportation as well as support for those caring for seniors. 427-2449. THE CELLAR THRIFT STORE Open Monday to Saturday, noon to 4:30 p.m. Bargain hunters are always welcome. Baker Lane Entry at 2 - 12th Ave. S. Cranbrook, BC. We are an outreach program of Cranbrook United Church. Donations of new or gently used items are always welcome. FIRST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH, Jaf-
fray Senior Citizens Pancake Breakfast at the Seniors Hall (turn at Rosen Lake Road). Everyone welcome! HARLEY OWNERS GROUP: Meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm, all enthusiasts welcome, Bob Webb 421-2064. Heritage Inn (no summer meetings) Interested in performing at Fisher Peak Events? Log onto Fisher Peak Performing Artists Face Book Page, click on files at the top right hand corner, click Expressions of Interest Performers.doc and email the completed form to Contact Marisa at 250426-4223. FOR SURVIVORS OF acquired brain injury get together every 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 2-4 pm at the United Church, Cranbrook. If you struggle living with ABI and/ or want to share your successes Janyce, 417-6220. EAST KOOTENAY BAHA’IS welcome you to interfaith devotional gatherings For times & place in your area please contact: 417-0223, 426-4081, 344-6991, www.bahai. org, LSAcranbrook@
The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help
Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank ofce 104-8th Ave. S. 250-426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)
Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, August 3, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, August 3, 2015 A 9
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Pets & Livestock
Pets & Livestock
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Financial Services
Lost: expensive extension cord at Canada Day Celebration at Moir Park. Call the Candyman, (250)427-7786
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
Paving/Seal/ Coating
Paving/Seal/ Coating
Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
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AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package
Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply, careers & then choose the FastTRACK Application.
Education/Trade Schools Get CertiďŹ ed to work in the oil & gas industry!
H2S Alive Training th Saturday August 8
Courses, Fri. Aug 7 At the Heritage Inn Cranbrook, BC
Contact: Allstar Enviro Safety to book Call:1.403.214.1558
Help Wanted Cranbrook Denture Clinic is seeking a dental lab tech/assistant for a permanent full time position. The successful candidate will be responsible for various dental laboratory procedures needed to fabricate any and all types of dentures. Having experience in this field would be a huge asset but not necessary. Willing to train the right person. Wages and benefits will be negotiated based on experience. Please email resume to Closing date is September 1, 2015
Work Wanted Mr. Klean Up. Reno. Home, Acreage Klean ups. Dump Runs. (250)417-6603
Alternative Health
LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Contractors Stucco, parging, plastering, imitation rock & stiple ceilings. Free estimates.(250)489-1298 (250)421-1432
CHIMPS HANDYMAN SERVICE Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Painting, Flooring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements & More
BLACKTOP NOW! Driveways & Parking Lots No job too small! Free Estimates! Serving all the Kootenays
Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,
made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617 Toy Poodle Shih-Tzu cross,
ready to go, Females $450 Males $400 Recommended for Senior Companions (250)348-2287 Leave Message
Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372
Pets Purebred German Shepherd puppy, ready to go, 12 weeks old, black & tan, first shots, vet checked, $500. (250)426-2836
In Memoriam
1-888-670-0066 Call 250-421-1482
Help Wanted
In Memoriam
Sharon Adele (Marbry) Garrison October 15, 1944 – July 28, 2005
Within our hearts we always keep A special place for you, And try to do our best to live As you would want us to. As we loved you, so we miss you, In our memory you are near; Loved, remembered, longed for always With the passing of each year. Lisa, Tracey, Roy, and Gordon
Carriers Wanted in Cranbrook & Kimberley We are recruiting carriers for Cranbrook & Kimberley please call today!
Call Kim (250)489-3455 or 1-800-665-2382
WE DO THAT! Call Doug
Leave a message
250-426-7222 Home Improvements Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471
Household Services KOOTENAY Duct Cleaners & Pressure Washing. Locally owned & operated, affordable, professional and insured Duct Cleaning services. We offer Pressure washing and Softwash services too. Toll Free 1844-428-0522 (Free Estimates).
Sand,Gravel & Top Soil. We deliver anywhere. Call Lo-Cost Sand & Gravel, (250)417-9291
Help Wanted
NORRIS, Diana (nee Vinish) 1946 – 2015 Diana “Diane� Norris (nee Vinish) passed away at Kelowna General Hospital on July 26, 2015 due to complications following lung cancer. She was 69. Diane was born on November 30, 1945 in Melville, SK to her parents, Ignace and Eva Vinish. She married Kenneth Norris in 1967. Diane is survived by her loving husband Ken, her daughter and son-inlaw, Wendy and Mark Roberts of Cranbrook, BC; her son and daughter-in-law, Jacob and Kami Norris of Seattle, WA; her brother, Larry (Paulette); and two grandchildren, Melissa and Justin. The family would like to thank the doctors and staff of the Creston Hospital and the Kelowna General Hospital for the care that they extended towards Diane. A memorial will take place at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Canadian Cancer Society.
10 A0
Monday, August 3 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, August 3, 2015 Kootenay News
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
$100 & Under
Heavy Duty Machinery
For Sale By Owner
Apt/Condo for Rent
Duplex / 4 Plex
2 Cooper 245/75/R17” like new winters, $75/each. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to first barn on left. 5-piece Rogers Silverplate tea service set, $100. Elegant 18-piece breakfast set for 4, Rose pattern, Gold trim, made in Poland, $75. Dr. Scholls foot spa with massager, wet or dry, warm or cold, $150 new, asking $50. Old fashion washboard, manufacturers name visible, $50. 10” cast iron fry pan, $25. 12” cast iron fry pan, $35. Three 10-1/2”x13” Oak picture frames with mattes, $25/each. Two exterior electric light fixtures, $20/each or both for $30. OBO on all. Call (250)417-0337
APARTMENTS FOR RENT • 1& 2 Bedroom units
710B JD Extend A back hoe, slides & cylinders have been repaired, digging & clean up buckets 80%, detachable, no tractor, digging depth 23’ $2500 (250)417-6536 A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
For Sale by Owner $269,900 512 20th Ave S Executive 2206 sq.ft. updated Town Home, open floor plan, 3-bdrm, 2.5 bath, new kitchen cabinets, finished walkout basement, covered patio deck, RV parking & much more. Listed on Kijiji - Cranbrook Homes for Sale (250)489-6171
China cupboard $75, Desk with hutch $75, New glass shower door w/hardware $50, (250)426 9715
Houses For Sale
Electric typewriter, Smith Corona XE6200, spell check & auto correction, 2 extra ribbons & correction tapes, 2 print wheels, $100 obo. (250)489-1535
Are you selling Huckleberries? Call Sam, (250)341-7605
Assorted tires: 13” to 18”, $25/each. Pairs & spares. I buy some tires. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left. Cat accessories: Litter Locker 2, $15; red harness & leash, $15; nail clippers, $5; 2 litter boxes, $5/each; Animal Planet pet bed, $10. (250)489-1535
Enterprise woodstove, $100. Apartment size swivel rockers, $25 each. Hammond organ w/cover, $100. 4 seat couch & chair, $100 obo. Whirlpool electric dryer, $100. Call (250)428-7431 New in box,5200 BTU window air conditioner,$60 (250) 4898009 Norco Bicycle car $25. (250)426-8508
Patons Beehive Shetland chunky knitting wool, 11-50g balls, white, $20. Assorted colors available. Macrame craft cord, 6mm, 100 yard balls, $5/each, assorted colors. Antique cocktail shakers, 2, $20 each. Engagement ring in box, $75. (250)489-4532 Pet carrier, Petmate, 20” long, 12” wide, 11” high, $30 obo. (250)489-1535
$300 & Under 4 Firestone Destination LE M&S tires, 245/75/R16”, 60% tread, Jeep type tires, $300 obo. (250)426-7064
GUN SHOW Crowsnest Pass Pistol Club Aug 8th, 2015 9:30am – 4:00pm
Misc. for Sale Composted manure, top soil, bark mulch, lava, pond boulders, flagstone & stackers, delivery available (250)421-7399 Horizon CT 7.2 Treadmill, like brand new, paid $1999.99 at Canadian Tire, asking $900 OBO (250)919-2411 I have quit making wine, all my wine making equipment for sale. (250)426-2137 Propane heater, good for house, shop, etc., good shape, $700. (250)422-3346
Misc. Wanted Antiques wanted by private collector, car dealership, gas station or soda signs & door pushes, pre 1970 tin toy trucks, cars & windups, also brewery or soda calendars. (250)427-0500 or (250)4207129
Antlers Wanted,
Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444 Wanted antiques by private collector, Medalta advertising, like Ogilvies flour, milk pitchers & bowls, or pottery whiskey jugs, with town names on them, also Seltzer bottles, soda pops or pottery ginger beers, from BC, AB or Sask. 1 (250)427-0500 or 420-7129
Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex 5702 – 22 Ave Coleman, Alberta 1-866-425-0083
Carolina industrial band saw $800. Call (250)426-5022
270 WEA. Mag. custom built on Winchester action, $750. Hoyt V-Tec compound bow, 60 to 80 lbs, lots acc., over $1600 invested, sell for $600. Will consider trade for 325 W.S.M or larger caliber. (250)887-3231
Real Estate
WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
For Sale as new Stihl MS391 chainsaw, 64cc, 21” bar, lockable carrying case, approx 2 min running time, has never sawn a stick of wood, paid $750, will sell for $450 OBO (250)427-1711
For Sale By Owner
CRANBROOK, 1-bdrm apartments, $650/m, 2-bdrm apartment, $750/m, includes utilities. (250)417-5806 Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $625/mth; 2-bdrm, $775/mth, Call (250)417-7379
Mobile Homes & Parks
Seriously... Why Rent?? 1933 Kokanee Crescent N Moduline manufactured home. 1150 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Very clean, great shape.
Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, W&D, w/deck, no pets, $700 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926. WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2-bdrm units, $725-$800. 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379
3-bdrm upper level in 4 plex at the end of a cul de sac. Bright & spacious, large deck. #1 1300 10A St. S. Available Sept 1. Comes with fridge, stove, washer, dryer & dishwasher. Also includes 2 parking spots, one of which is covered parking & inside storage. Walk-in closet in the master bedroom. NO SMOKING, NO PETS. Rent is $1100/month plus electricity. References required. Call (250)421-7777 or email
Homes for Rent Big newly renovated 1-bdrm suite in Cranbrook, W/D, n/p, n/s, n/parties, $700/mth + 1/2 utilities. (250)581-0952 Reno’s Completed!, 2-bdrm unit, f/s, laundry room, private parking, window covering, definitely no pets, n/p, n/s, avail immediately, references. (250)489-1906 or 919-2075 SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
Rooms for Rent Furnished room for rent, close to College of the Rockies Gold Creek Campus, $550/mo plus DD, n/s, n/p, n/parties. Call (250)489-5016 (250)919-4172 or email
Seasonal Accommodation Kelowna annual timeshare until 2092, 2-bdrm & 2-balconies each week. Ed Johnson, (250)426-7415
Community Duplex / 4 Plex 1308D 11th St S, clean 1bdrm, complete with living room, kitchen & bathroom, parking & yard, n/p, n/s, one year lease, $585/mth + electric. (250)417-7325
250-489-1230 or 250-417- 5257
$125,000 includes land!!
$ 699/month!!!
Mobile Homes & Parks
We’re at the heart of things™ Mobile Homes & Parks
LIVES Help a stranger today and donate.
ONLY $999/month!
Moving, furniture, appliances, household items. Call (250)417-3445
106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250) 489-5160 (250) 417-1260
Great location , Move in by fall. Pick colours for new home!
DRY LARCH & pine Logging truck loads of firewood. Call Frank for pricing (250)4172751
2-bdrm unit available in Victoria Villas, rent includes W/D & water, starting at $825/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)417-7325
12x18 dovetail cabin, transportable with loft . We build up to 22x24 250-428-0108
Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.
• Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT 5 appliances, no smokers, small pet okay. Large yard. References required. $1000.00 per month plus damage deposit. Utilities included.
New log home on .33 acres, comes with renovated 3 bedroom mobile home for rental income 2 title package with mountain view $159,900 Creston area 1-250-428-0108
$ 0 down options $219,000 package price. Turn key. (250)489-1230 Toll Free 1-866-539-1230 On the Strip, Cranbrook
Kootenay News Monday, August 3, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, August 3, 2015
Transportation 11
Antiques / Classics
Cars - Domestic
1956 DeSoto Seville, rebuilt Hemi, runs, shop manual, $5000. 1956 Packard Clipper, shop manual, $3000 as is. Call between 12 noon & 4pm, (250)270-0698
2005 Ford Mustang, 72,000km, 5-spd manual, $8900 obo. (250)426-9735
1976 Class C Dodge 17’, Tioga, 318 C.I., fiberglass body, like new tires, good running cond., $3000 obo. (250)4894688 1984 Frontier 21’ tandem travel trailer, air, furnace (thermostat), 3-pc bath, 4-burner stove top oven, sleeps 6, bunk beds, re-cond. 30lb propane (2), good rubber, new awning, large dometic fridge/freezer, new brakes, etc., first $3000 takes it. To see, turn at Lordco, down hill, past dump, first right, follow in to first barn on left. 1991 8’10” camper, flush toilet, 3-way fridge, large windows, approx. 1300lbs, propane tank & alum. stairs inc., roof has been resealed, ex. cond., $4500 obo. (250)4270500
2005 Volkswagen Passat TDI Station Wagon, low mileage, heated leather seats, sunroof, ex. cond., 142,000 km, $10,000 obo. (250)428-7012 2008 Dodge Charger RT, 5.7L, 85,000km, one owner, summer driven only, $18,500. (250)417-7163
1969 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4, Restored Stock, Mint Condition, Red in Color, $17,500 obo. Will consider “some trades” Call Brad, (250)426-7087 or (250)464-0972 Auto Accessories/Parts 5th Wheel hitch, no rail design, $925. Cut away tailgate, $275. Both fit Ford Super Duty. Also Truck tool box, black, 63’’ wide, 18.5’’ high, $275. 1 (250)489-2452
2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758 2009 Pontiac G5, 4-dr, manual, FWD, 97,390 km, ex. cond., $6250. (250)489-5392 2012 Volkswagen Jetta Sportline Model, loaded, standard, gas, 29,000km, ex. cond, $17,000 obo. Call (250)489-1644
Cars - Domestic
1966 Chrysler Windsor, $5500 obo. (250)429-3937 1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498
2013 Camaro Convertible RS, black, 33,600km, V6-325hp, 6-spd auto, leather interior, back-up camera & alarm, new tires, remote start, $25,000 obo. Needs minor body work. Call Mike, (250)426-3616 Reduced: 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, 121,650km, 1-owner, hwy driven, summer & winter wheels, new front pads & rotors, new spark plugs, new anti freeze, all recalls completed, no accidents, Carproof, $5500 obo. (250)427-7153
Cars - Sports & Imports 1994 Corvette coupe. Great shape. $9900 leave Message at 250-421-1747 2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $7777.77. (250)426-7354
Commercial Vehicles 1985 Thunderbird Elan V6 Automatic 78,500 km No rust excellent condition $5,500 OBO (250)421-7054 1992 Toyota Corolla Wagon, new alternator, new winter & summer tires all on rims, newer muffler, well maintained, 277,000 km, $1400. Call (250)428-5624 1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454 1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378 2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997
45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5000. (250)489-8794
Motorcycles 1979 Honda XR500, running, $550. (250)426-8508 1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545 1990 BMW K-1, 1000cc, rare model, red & yellow, flat four, 4 valves per cylinder, fuel injection, stainless steel exhaust, new Michelin radials, 55,000 km, $4500 obo. Must be seen! (250)426-8408 2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, great cond., new tires, 16” apes, braided steel cables, custom grips, Cobra slashcut exhaust, forward controls, saddlebags, $3999. Call (250)489-8731 2004 Black Honda Rukas scooter, 50cc, low mileage, $1500. (250)417-9976 2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley 2006 Honda 1300 cc Touring bike, liquid cooled, shaft drive, windshield, foot pegs, back rest, saddlebags, excellent tires, burgundy color with all chrome accents, 35,600 km, $5800.(250)421-3556
2002 Merc Cougar 2.5L V6, Std, almost new, rebuilt front to back, ex. cond., very fast, $5000 Too many details to list. (250)489-1956
2003 Buick LeSabre, $2500. 1993 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4, $800. 1(406)291-7201 Grasmere, BC 2005 Chevrolet Impala, 198,000km, air, cruise, power everything, summer & winter tires, $3200 obo. Call (250)464-9981
2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724 2009 Honda Goldwing, nav, audio, CB, other extras, call in evenings, (250)428-4301 HD Sportster factory custom, 5400 km, (250)426-7710
1200 mint.
Off Road Vehicles 2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, wench, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305 350 Honda Odyssey, full suspension, good cond., $2700 obo. (250)427-2491
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 26’ Wilderness, front kitchen, twin beds, newer fridge, hot water tank, awning, sofa folds down to bed, ex. cond., $6000 obo. Call (250)489-1948 1992 Terry 5th wheel, 17.5’, unique rear entrance, 1/2 ton towable, $3500. (250)3442788 1996 29’ Corsair 5th Wheel, very good cond., polar package, 3-way fridge 4-burner stove w/oven, dinette, asking $8000 obo. (250)344-7636 or (250)344-0111 1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5’, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $11,000 obo. (250)427-4435 1999 25’ Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $5600. Call (250)422-3217 1999 26-1/2’ Frontier 5th Wheel, awning, slide, completely self contained, great cond., $10,000 obo. Call (250)426-4704 2003 Triple E Topaz 5th Wheel, 25’, rear kitchen, double table/couch, slide, 3-burner stove/oven, fridge, microwave, awning, air, furnace, two 30lb propane tanks, outdoor shower, BBQ, vent covers, no smoking, no pets, towed from Calgary new & never moved since, ex. cond., will sell fully equipped, asking $15,000. (250)426-4015 2003 Vanguard 5th Wheel trailer Model 266SL, 28’, sleeps 4, rear kitchen, 11’ slide, full winter package, 15’ awning, like new, ex. cond., $16,500 obo. (250)489-8373 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805 2005 Forest River Rockwood Premier tent trailer, $4800 obo. To view, (250)421-0751 2006 Mallard 21’ travel trailer, sleeps 5, great cond., $11,000 obo. (250)919-7580 2008 28-1/2’ Passport Ultra Lite travel trailer, 1/2 ton towable, hardwall, all options, slide (couch, sink & stove), new tires, ex. cond., road ready, everything works, $15,500, includes hitch, $15,000 without. 1(250)4026663 2008 Pioneer 19’ trailer, ex. cond., barely used, $13,500. (250)421-3885 ONLINE RV DEALS Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $28,800 obo. (250)4269832
2008 Springdale 189FL 23.7’ double axle trailer, gently used, very clean, single owner, ex. cond., microwave, tub surround, 13.5 BTU A/C, front Diamond plate, 6 gallon gas/electric water heater, cable TV hook up, fridge/freezer, $12,500. (250)919-0734 Cranbrook 2011 Coleman 26-1/2’ Lite CT250GS travel trailer, walk around queen bed, ducted air & heat, slide has couch, sink & stove, 1/2 ton towable, power awning, hard wall siding, $17,500. 1(250)402-6717 35’ Toy hauler, has 10’ garage, sleeps 8-10, $16,000. Two 8’ campers, both have fridge, stove, furnace, one has bathroom, $1200 & $3000. Good clean units, Call (250)428-9759
LIKE NEW! 9ft awning. loaded, inside/outside shower, $9,900 250-428-4079 cell: 250-435-0234
Combo: 2002 F150 4x4 truck, 110,000km, and 1996 5th Wheel, both in good shape, many extras, $12,000 obo. (250)426-2471 Hunter’s Special, older 8-1/2’ Vanguard camper, new jacks, good shape, $700. Call (250)422-3346 MOBILE SUITES 5th Wheel, 2004 Model TK3-36ft. 3 slides. Original owner, used weekends only from Memorial Day Labor Day. Hauled from Spokane dealer to seasonal campsite Twin Rivers Canyon Resort in Moyie Springs Idaho, less than 120 miles and never moved. Fully loaded, 2ACs, fireplace, w/additional extras incl. central vac. Covered for winter and stored at resort. Immaculate cond. $28,500 USD. Call 208-263-9531 or 208-2638487 for appt to show. Or check with Rex at resort office 208-267-5932. Resort website Price Reduced: 1997 22’ Komfort travel trailer, very good cond, solar panel, new awning, California room, sleeps-6, $5800. Includes equalizer hitch. Call (250)4894532
REDUCED 2001 31’ Vanguard trailer, w/slide out, new awning, very good cond., set up at Bayshore Resort on Kootenay Lake (45 minutes from Creston) $14,500 (250)421-0300 (250)426-5446
REDUCED 2012 Creekside 22RB, walk-around bed, couch, oven, MW, large bathroom, day/night blinds, 30 lb propane tanks, black tank flush, solar panel, p/awning, new battery, 3-yrs left on EXTENDED WARRANTY, $17,900. (250)489-1645
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 Tour Edition Presidential Series, 35’ Golden Falcon, used 2 summers, like new, solar panels, holding tanks enclosed insulated and heated, $30,000. (250)417-1783
2001 Chev S10 4x4 with canopy, 135,000km. Call (250)427-3063 2001 Ford Windstar van, 332,000km, auto, FWD, grey, runs well, 2 brand new tires, cruise control not working, some rust, $1100 obo. (250)426-0408 2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084 2004 GMC Sierra SLE 2500, 6.6 Duramax, 4-dr Ext cab, fully loaded, auto, 342,000 km, ex. shape, clean interior & body, 1 season on new winter tires, $12,400 with topper, $11,800 without. (250)4231377 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591
Hunter’s Special: 1980 Chev pickup, with Okanagan camper, great shape, comes with canopy, $3500. (250)421-9160
Snowmobiles 2005 Arctic Cat M7, $3500 obo. (250)489-2877
Sport Utility Vehicle 1989 Jeep Cherokee, 5-spd transmission, $850. Call (250)426-5022
Selling locally, 2003 GMC 4x4 pickup, 5-spd standard, regular cab, short box, $6000 obo. Call for more details, (250)427-7171 or (250)4645214
Utility Trailers Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798 Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893
Boat Accessories Tow rope, 4-adult life jackets, motor flusher, Merc oil drain pump, anchor 15lb, all for $150. (250)426-8508 Under boats kicker motor. 1 (250)426-7710
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988
1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376 2002 Explorer Limited, V8, w/trailer tow package, ex. cond., $5500. (250)426-7354
10-1/2’ Fiberglass pontoon boat with double hull, oars, life jackets, 28 lb thrust Minnkota, like new in the box, trailer with spare tire, $1250. Call (250)428-9145
2007 Ford Ranger 2wheel drive, 114,000 kms
$5000 obo Call: 250-420-1262 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199 2008 F150, 4x2, Super Crew, XLT, V8, 170,000km, loaded, white/tan, new 3-fold Tonneau cover, great cond., $10,999.99. (250)426-5093
12’ Springbok aluminum boat, oars, 2 seats, 6 hp Evinrude motor, 5 gallon gas tank, $1100. (250)427-5706 or (250)427-4019 16’ Open Bow inboard/outboard, EZ-Load trailer, ready to go, some accessories, $6000. (250)427-4987 2008 Campion Explorer 552i 225 HP, inboard 4.3 L Mercruiser, 8HP troller with remote control fully loaded for fishing $35,000. 250 417-6867 454 Sleekcraft jet boat, 18’, kids have grown, asking $5500 obo. (250)489-5392 Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, reduced to $3900 obo. (250)829-0708 Variable speed prop. 14 to 19 variable pitch, $250. Call (250)426-5577
2008 Buick Enclave CXL, 141,000 km, fully loaded, twin skylight/sunroof, new winters, tan with leather seats, Navigation/On Star, immaculate, $19,900. (250)919-8564
2009 Chev Silverado 1500 Extra cab 4x4, immaculate cond., 121,000km, $20,000 (250)428-9606
2009 Chevy Silverado Longbox, 2WD, V6, auto, On Star & air, accident free, recent tune-up,
2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere
$6400. (250)428-0108 2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199
Trucks & Vans 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350, 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $2400 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston 1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884 1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $3500. (250)423-0328 2000 Chev Astro van, body & interior good, good mechanically, $2200 obo. Call (250)420-1897 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab 4x4, $5200 obo. Call (250)426-8032 2000 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel, 24 valve, loaded w/leather, good shape, 200,000km, $11,800. Leave message at (250)829-0773 or call (250)421-7133
2010 GMC Sierra 1500, 4x4, 4-dr extended cab, auto, 4.8L V8, 195,000 highway km, recent inspection done, all new brakes, newer tires, Tonneau cover, ex. cond., $15,500. May take partial trade on ATV. (250)421-0252 2012 Black F350 XLT 4x4 Crew cab, 3” lift, fender flares, headache rack, box rails, toolbox, custom seat covers, custom rims, 35” Toyo mudders, 6.2L gas, V8, 97,000 km, asking $22,000. (250)421-0195 2014 Silver F150 4x4 XLT Crew cab, full load, off road package, V8, 3” lift kit, 33” Toyo mudders, custom rims, custom exhaust, fender flares, smoked lights, push bar & light bar, purchased one year ago, 22,000 km, mint, asking $41,000. (250)421-0195
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Monday, August 3 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Conrad Kain Bugaboos Teens brave elements for spectacular climb
Photo Pat Morrow
(Foreground) Ben Wiegert and Christine Constable, (back, from left) Karlee Hall, Nathan Cuell, Matt Swallow, Josie Ruoss, Kieran Moore, Bryn Muir, Maya Streloff, Kennedy Sterzer, Jennifer Olson, Tim McAllister, ACMG guides atop Eastpost Spire, Snowpatch and Bugaboo Spires behind. by Pat Morrow, Chair, Conrad Kain Centennial Society It wasn’t looking too good for this year’s Conrad Kain Bugaboos Teens climbing camp. On the morning of July 25, a team of ten East Kootenay youths, three ACMG guides, a BC Parks ranger, a mountain author and I set out from the Conrad Kain hut into a light drizzle, hoping for a break in the weather. We had practiced violent art of self arrest with our ice axes on steep snow slopes the day before, and today we hoped to tackle one of the iconic granite peaks that makes this area so famous in the mountaineering world. However, the malevolent weather gods
assured us that we’d have to be content with learning about roped travel on the remnant glacier beneath the east face of Snowpatch Spire, and pray for visibility so we could at least get a glimpse of the peaks we had come to climb. After some hours, the outing turned out to be a test of the waterproofness of our rain garments, and our patience for coping with hypothermic conditions. We decided to abandon this character-building exercise and head back to the warmth and camaraderie of the hut. It was here that we first heard radio reports of climbers stranded on Howser Spire, the highest in the Bugaboo range. A team of two had ignored the weather
warnings of the day before, and were now lost in the clouds with an airborne SAR team from Golden trying to locate them. In the very last light of day the clouds parted and the rescue chopper was able to sling them to safety. They were lucky to emerge from their lapse in mountaineering judgment with only superficial bruises to their pride. Our third and final day dawned clear, but with a forecast of more rain on the way, we got an early start. A couple hours later, with route-finding and roped assistance from veteran guides
Photo Josie Ruoss
Maya Streloff and Kennedy Sterzer test their patience with the infamous Bugaboo weather. Jennifer Olson and Tim McAllister we stood atop 2697 meter East Post spire, watching the clouds roil behind Snowpatch and Bugaboo Spires. Satiated, we lowered off this fantastic vantage point just as the first flakes of snow began to alight on our upturned faces. Another year, another seminal experience shared by a great group of kids – Christine Constable, Matt Swallow, Ben Wiegert, Bryn Muir, Nathan Cuell and Kieran Moore from Invermere, Kennedy Sterzer from Kimberley, Josie Ruoss from Cranbrook, and Maya Streloff and
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Karlee Hall from Jaffray. Despite the inclement weather, Josie Ruoss was impressed: “The Bugaboos are something I believe everyone should experience to truly appreciate the beautiful world we live in. I feel refreshed, humbled and inspired to create some more artwork. I am excited
Photo Pat Morrow
Learning the basics of glacier travel. for my next adventures in the mountains.” The CKCS would like to thank the Alpine Club of Canada, BC Hydro, the Columbia Basin Trust, the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides, Canadian Mountain Holidays, BC Parks, the membership of the CKCS, Leigh Cormier – teacher of the Outdoor Ed
getting answers.
class at Mt Baker high school in Cranbrook, and the many others who contributed their time toward this annual event, including the parents who provided the shuttle service to and from the trail head. Visit for more pictures.
Richard Rolke
Senior reporter and columnist at the Vernon Morning Star. A recipient of numerous community honours, he has been a respected voice in the North Okanagan for 25 years.
With a few keystrokes you can sample thousands of opinions, aoat in a sea of information. But as the volume increases, the accuracy and reliability of professional journalism is essential. Gathering and sorting the facts, weighing and interpreting events, and following the story from beginning to end is more important than ever.