Invermere Valley Echo, August 05, 2015

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The Invermere

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Stetski engages Invermere youth




On Friday, July 31st, Barry Milliner of Calgary made the most of the summer heat with a few passengers — Jessica, Lexi and Milliner — along for the ride at Kinsmen Beach. The importance of wearing lifejackets while recreating on rivers and lakes cannot be emphasized enough. See page 7 for the most recent B.C. drowning statistics. PHOTO BY BREANNE MASSEY

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Foundation 3 Community gives back to students




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Local crackdown on distracted driving eyed STEVE HUBRECHT The proliferation of mobile communication devices in the past decade has made communications easier, but is also making the roads increasingly more dangerous — a trend B.C. residents are concerned about, according to a recent provincial government consultation. The provincial Ministry of Justice wrapped up its four-week public consultation on distracted driving last week, receiving more than 10,000 submissions, many of them heartfelt and with strong opinions, and most of them pointing to phones and other mobile devices as a significant problem. “It’s on the rise here in the valley. We’re seeing more and more of it. It’s pretty bad,” said Columbia Valley RCMP Staff Sergeant Marko Shehovac. “People just don’t seem to get it, that it’s not a smart thing to do. Probably the only way they

will get it is if they (the provincial gov- most any electronic device, in your ernment) increase the fines or allow us hands, that constitutes distracted drivto impound vehicles.” ing,” said Mr. Shehovac, adding that alThe current fine for distracted driving though the Motor Vehicle Act contains in B.C. is $167 and three penalty points exemptions for police officers, allowtaken off the offender’s driver’s licence. ing them to, for instance, talk to the “It’s getting to the point where soon victim of a domestic abuse incident on we might have to do a blitz, go down- the phone while driving to the scene, town and ticket evhe still encouragIf you have an erybody we catch. es his staff to pull We are contemelectronic device... in over to the side of plating that kind the road when usyour hand, that constitutes of crackdown. It’s ing mobile devices (distracted driving) distracted driving. in all cases except STAFF SGT. MARKO SHEHOVAC certainly a cause emergencies. COLUMBIA VALLEY RCMP for accidents. In Mr. Shehovac told that respect it’s right up there with im- The Echo that just the previous week paired driving,” said Mr. Shehovac. he had been sitting in a marked police Distracted driving is more than sim- cruiser at an intersection in Invermere ply talking on a phone — it encom- and watched as a woman drove right passes texting, fiddling with iPods or through while chatting on her phone, even simply using a phone to check completely oblivious to the fact that a what time it is. police officer was even there, until he “If you have an electronic device, al- pulled her over.

“How much more distracted does it get? I was sitting right there in plain view and she didn’t have a clue I was there. They are increasingly finding that when people are talking on their phones, their minds are not on the driving. This woman I stopped is living proof of that,” he said. Mr. Shehovac said that because B.C. had distracted driving laws before Alberta, in the past some Alberta drivers would plead ignorance when pulled over for such an offence, but now that both provinces have similar laws, that excuse just doesn’t wash. The consultation carried out by the Ministry of Justice found that more than 90 per cent of the 10,000 submissions respondents said they were concerned about distracted driving, that more than 90 per cent of respondents felt distracted driving fines should increase and that 96 per cent of respondents See A9


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Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


Our Valley Snapshot series by Joe Lucas continues this week with another stellar image, this time of two butterflies perched atop flowers that Joe spotted on the way back from a hike to the top of Mt. Pinto. “We literally saw thousands on the road drinking from the puddles on the drive down,” said Joe. PHOTO BY JOE LUCAS



Snapshot Lake Windermere Pulse Check*

It was overcast when we set out on the lake the morning of July 28th. The rain that had fallen the night before had brought down the temperature of both the lake and the air. The mid and north stations were 19 C and the south was a chilly 17 C. These temperatures were down significantly from the 23 C and 20 C readings of the heatwave weeks. Volunteer Crisanna McLeod said, “I love the lake. However, I have just been a user — swimming and kayaking. The watershed tour and water monitoring have given me the opportunity to be a contributor. Thanks Megan, Ella, the Lake Windermere Ambassadors and their funders. I appreciate learning how to give back.”

Volunteer of the Week: Crisanna McLeod, Invermere, B.C. *To volunteer, call 250-341-6898 or email

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


Scholarship go to dozens of valley students STEVE HUBRECHT The Columbia Valley Community Foundation is giving education a shot in the arm, having recently awarded scholarships to dozens of local students. The foundation has been giving out student awards for years and, this year, 57 valley students have received a combined total of more than $57,000 through funds from three established donors, including the Arnold Ellis Scholarship Fund, the Opportunities for Youth Fund, and the Bidder Bursary Fund. “We are excited to help open doors of the future to so many students,” said Columbia Valley Community Foundation Grants and Student Awards Committee chair Barb Kloos in a press release. “Through the generosity of these donors, we have awarded 91 students more than $118,000 in the last two years. This is an exceptional example of how we connect donors with causes that inspire them.” The Arnold Ellis Scholarship Fund was established in 2004, and when Ellis passed away in 2012, he greatly bumped up the scholarship, leaving $1,475,000 to the Community Foundation (its largest donation received to date). Ellis had a Grade 8 education and wanted to help others further their education. The Opportunities for Youth Fund was set up in 2006 by Arlene and George Loewen to support valley residents under the age of 21 in expanding their social, career and personal skills. The Bidder Bursary Fund was established in 2006 in memory of Robert Bidder and provides funds to help young people from the valley go to trade schools, technical schools, and college and university institutions. “The foundation is so pleased to be able to support students between the ages of 17 and 35 years pursuing post-secondary education and training all across the country and in such a wide variety of studies,” said Columbia Valley Community Foundation chair Roberta Hall in the press release. “These students have attended our valley schools for at least five years and are outstanding citizens in so many ways. We are proud of them and wish them every success in their educational pursuits.” The Columbia Valley Community Foundation is a collection of endowment funds (now totalling more than $3.3 million). The funds are pooled and invested with the income distributed as grants to charitable organizations, and students across the whole valley.


Canadian Blood Services seeks donations

Canadians are being asked to roll up their sleeves and donate blood to the Canadian Blood Services this summer after a landmark decline in inventory. “Summer is a challenging time for blood collection, when many regular donors are on vacation — this is great time for new donors to join us and help prevent a further decline in the national inventory,” says Mark Donnison, vice president of Canadian Blood Services donor relations. “Platelets derived from blood are critical to help stop bleeding and unfortunately expire just five days after a blood donation.” Canadian Blood Services manage the national supply of blood, blood products and stem cells across Canada, with the exception of Quebec. It is a not-for-profit charitable organization that is regulated as a biologics manufacturer by Health Canada and primarily funded by the pro-

Award Recipients Stephen Bagan, Araleigh Cranch, Madeleine Danyluk, Alana Davison, Charlotte Dibb, Kevin Dibb, Ede Hunter, Courtney Falkmann, Kirsten Geiger, Blake Glassford, Henry Helmer-Smith, Lily Helmer-Smith, Mary HelmerSmith, Erin Hillary, Dominique Jensen, Monika Juras, Melissa Kashuba, Sierra King, Megan Kinley, Blair Kloos, Nicole Kloos, Lauren Logan, Aleshia Maclean, Allissa Marchand, Haley McDonald, Montanna McIlwain, Sam McIlwain, Josephine Mouly, Jane Mouly, Megan Neale, Haley Newman, Leah Newman, Emily Paget, Logan Powell, Madison Prosser, Olivia Rad, Miranda Raven, Breanna Sass, Kiana Strand, Trygve Strand, Alexandra Taylor, Bradley Thomas, Ciona Thompson, Leigh Thompson, Carson Tomalty, Jesse



vincial and territorial ministries of health. However, there are no upcoming clinics in Invermere. “Canada’s national blood system is complex and it’s difficult to accommodate all potential donors with our clinic locations,” said Marcelo Dominguez, Canadian Blood Services spokesperson. “In B.C., Kelowna is the closest permanent clinic location where local residents can donate blood; we also run a mobile clinic in Kamloops several days each month. Our best suggestion is the next time your readers travel within Canada, to please use the clinic locator on the home page of our website to find a clinic near where they’ll be.” The Canadian Blood Services need a minimum of 16,000 units of blood donations every week to meet the needs of patients, which means that the Canadian Blood Services should have between 20,000 to 30,000 units of blood in stock at a time. See A4

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


Canal Flats steps up fight against impaired drivers KEVIN NIMMOCK

Councillors from the Village of Canal Flats met for a regular council meeting on July 27th, during which they discussed the items of a particularly slim midsummer agenda. During the meeting, Katryna Sigurdson of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Kimberly-Cranbrook made a presentation to ask council to receive 911 signs and to allow the signs to be put up around the village. “Council decided to proceed with the MADD signs,” mayor Ute Juras told The Echo after the meeting. “They will provide us with six signs and we will discuss a donation under our discretionary grant program during the next budget deliberations.” The signs are meant to encourage residents to call 911 to report suspected impaired drivers. “Campaign 911 gives citizens CANADIAN from A3 an important way to help police take impaired drivers off our However, platelets expire after five roads, and sends the message to days, red blood cells expire after 42 days impaired drivers that other moand plasma expires after one year. torists are watching and will re“There are many people who need blood port them to police,” Sigurdson on a daily basis,” said Jill Nicholson, a blood donor recipient. “Just think of all the people who need blood because of accidents and medical conditions. Blood donors are the great people who help save them. They help keep so many people alive without even knowing them.” For more information about the national inventory of blood, visit bloodtype. Book an appointment by calling 1-888-2-DONATE to make an appointment in advance.

wrote in a letter. MADD plans to work with the village and local RCMP to determine the optimal locations for the signs. In addition, MADD will cover all costs associated with the signs, including printing and installation. Paving the cracks Council received a report from chief administrative officer Brian Woodward containing an initial bill from Blackline Paving Ltd. Asphalt paving and crack sealing has cost the village $15,155.18. Woodward said Canal Flats normally spends $24,000 per year on fixing the roads. “This is part of our annual plan,” he said. “We have about $9,000 worth of crack sealing and pothole patching left.” Woodward said he would present a second bill to council once a second round of asphalt work is completed later this year. Like a dock over Canal Flats’ waters Council also received a report from Woodward detailing Canal Flats’ new floating dock, located at Tilley Memorial Beach, which was recently purchased for $2,100. “The Fairmont Lions have contributed $1,000 and the fire department’s emergency group donated $1,100 from their account, which paid for all of the cost.” Woodward said the dock will be a strong asset to Canal Flats’ recreational appeal.

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Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick with SunMine and the Canadian Rockies in the background. SunMine is B.C.’s first grid-connected solar facility, the first re-development of a former mine site into a solar facility in Canada and the highest altitude solar facility in Canada at 1,200 metre. A 1.05 megawatt solar power plant, it’s also the first large-scale solar photo-voltaic facility developed, owned, and operated by a Canadian municipality. More information on the project can be found at or search Kimberley’s SunMine on YouTube. PHOTO BY CNW GROUP/CITY OF KIMBERLEY

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00



Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


The Invermere


HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@

Published by Black Press Ltd. at Cranbrook Daily Townsman 822 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC



Dean Midyette

Nicole Trigg





Candidates’ media relations analyzed

Breanne Massey

Steve Hubrecht





Kevin Nimmock kevin@

Amanda Nason




Kevin Nimmock Kootenay-Columbia is a massive riding, which spans three regional districts and several major communities. Candidates in Kootenay-Columbia have to battle the added challenge of being active and present across the riding, so that voters can get a sense of who they are and what they believe in. This challenge extends to communicating with the various community newspapers in every corner of the riding, since the papers are often the candidates’ best means of connecting with their constituents. At the Invermere Valley Echo, like all

other community papers, we maintain a relationship with the four candidates representing the four federal parties and the various members of their campaign teams. We rely on them to tell us when they will be in the area and what they will be doing. We also rely on them to provide comments for our stories, to maintain an equal balance of opinions. So far, during the unofficial election period, the four candidates have each been impressively reliable and helpful, often calling the office the same day that a request for an interview is sent. Typically, Green Party candidate Bill Green and NDP candidate Wayne Stetski are the quickest to get back, though Lib-

eral candidate Don Johnston is normally close behind. Often, incumbent Conservative candidate David Wilks takes an extra day or two to reply, which we attribute to the fact that Wilks is still working full-time as an MP, which obviously takes up a great deal of his free time. Outside of traditional interviews, written press releases are an efficient means for a candidate to share their thoughts on an issue with local media. Since February, Stetski has sent seven, Green has sent five, Johnston has sent four and Wilks has sent 11 (none of Wilks’ have See A6

OPINION Theresa Kains


Renice Oaks


NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

2009 2009 WINNER


Radium’s annual report is now available

he Village of Radium Hot have been working with the Regional UNDOWN U Springs Annual 2015 Anprovincial government to nual Report is now posted at improve the tools available Knowto us to mitigate ungulate ising that not everyone has sues. Funding applications the time to go and review it, were submitted to initiate I thought I would share some research trials so as to help of the highlights of progress maintain bighorn sheep mimade towards achieving our gratory behaviour. LARA 2014 objectives: • An interim signage policy • The district water mewas adopted, which allowed tering project, the Madsen sandwich board signage and Road water booster station replacement which clarified the process for seeking and the Whiskey Jack sewage lift station approval of prohibited signage. Five dereplacement have been completed as of velopment permits for signage were isspring 2015. The combined value of these sued in 2014, which included approvals improvements is $820,000. for back-lit signage. • An ungulate safety policy was devel• A preliminary decision has been made oped and council has started to discuss to construct a new multi-use “community management options with respect to mule hall” facility. A financial and implementadeer and bighorn sheep. A public educa- tion plan will be formulated in 2015. tion forum was held in the fall to improve • The Village continues to partner with public safety and knowledge, and we Canfor on the Community Advisory Com-



mittee to seek and implement actions that mitigate issues arising from Canfor operations. • 2014 saw the introduction of two new shoulder season events: the “Golden Larch Artists Retreat” and “Bighorn Sheep Festival.” These events will continue in 2015. • The evaluation of existing road conditions resulted in a six-year plan for upgrades and repairs estimated at over $700,000. • The sidewalk and pedestrian transportation plan to prioritize future pathway development has yet to be completed. Planning for an extension of the Sinclair Creek trail network will begin in 2015. • Discussions with Parks Canada to improve pedestrian connectivity (sidewalks and street lighting) between the Village and the hot springs are ongoing. See A6



Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo



Do you see a lot of people talking on a phone or texting while driving?

“Yeah and I think it is insane. I see more talking on the phone than texting, for sure.” David Neustadt

“Yes, and I think it is very terrible because it can easily cause an accident. I see a lot of both texting and talking.”

“Everyday. I see more texting, at least from the more dangerous people, for sure.” Shawn Sykes

Fred Thode-Hamilton

MEDIA from A5

been related to his campaign, instead focusing on his work as an MP by way of funding announcements and Conservative government initiatives). Interviews and press releases aside, there is great diversity among the candidates in terms of who visits the Columbia Valley the most and, most notably, who tells us about it. Stetski has held four public events in Invermere about which the valley papers have been informed. Johnston has not held any public events in the area that our local media is aware off, but he did take the time to come to our office and introduce himself when he travelled to Invermere to hold a private meeting with a few locals. At the very least, this gesture helped establish a working relationship between the paper and the candidate. Green has not held any public events in the valley to the best of our knowledge. Wilks, who has relentlessly been on the road with funding announcements and public appearances (for example, he was recently in Invermere for the Cenotaph re-commemoration) has said he will not start officially campaigning until the writ is dropped, which could happen very soon. One thing that gives Stetski a leg up in terms of being present in the area and in local media is that he has a campaign manager solely for the Columbia Valley. This is an unparalleled effort, which has diverted his attention frequently to this corner of the riding. All of this is worth mentioning because papers can only report on what their reporters know about. By extension, the public will only learn about what their community papers have been told. It is up to our candidates to continue to maintain strong communication with the newspapers in their riding.

INTERNATIONAL DESTINATION... For the third year in a row, the College of the Rockies was ranked by international students as number one in Canada and, for the second consecutive year, first in the world for overall average student satisfaction. Conducted by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate), the International Student Barometer is the largest annual survey of international students in the world. It covers four benchmarks – arrival experience, learning, living and support. The College ranked number one in all four categories. Feedback was gathered from international students from 183 post-secondary institutions in 18 countries world-wide. PHOTO SUBMITTED RADIUM’S from A5

• A citizen advisory group was established to review Council remuneration. The recommendations were implemented effective January 1st, 2015. • An interface wildfire mitigation project, focused on protecting our water treatment plant infrastructure, is proceeding in 2015. The value of these works is $260,000. Clara Reinhardt is the mayor of the Village of Radium Hot Springs and a Regional District of East Kootenay director for the Columbia Valley.



Will MP David Wilks’ decision not to form a debate committee with the other parties hurt his chances at getting re-elected?


Would you like to see more severe penalties for distracted driving?





Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo A7


Drowning fatalities in B.C. remain higher than national average Breanne Massey Swimmers and boaters should prepare for the dangers of drowning and avoid becoming a victim. The BC Drowning Report 2014 indicates that the average drowning rate has decreased by 14 per cent when comparing 2007-2011 statistics with the statistics from 2002-2006, according to the Drowning Prevention Research Centre. The dramatic dip in drowning deaths in B.C. over the last five years (1.8 per 100,000) has been welcomed by researchers, but ultimately criticized as it is (1.5 per 100,000) still higher than the national average, according to the Chief Coroner of B.C. The Columbia Valley recently witness the loss of a 32-yearold Calgary man, Ryan Bjolverud, who capsized approximately 200 metres from the northwest end of Columbia Lake on June 28th. Mr. Bjolverud, a third year firefighter, was camping near Fairmont Hot Springs and perished around 4 a.m. when he was unable to surface from the accident. Alcohol was believed to be a factor. “The concern for me when conducting boat patrols is the fact that although most boaters have enough PFDs on board, they choose not to wear them while on the water,” said Columbia Valley RCMP Cpl. Grant Simpson. “Having PFDs on board does not save lives — wearing them does! Accidents on the water usually happen within a fraction of a second and there is not enough time to put on a life jacket properly or safely. The recent drowning of the Calgary firefighter on Columbia Lake is a tragic example of this. PDFs only work if they are worn.” The Lifesaving Society, Canada’s lifeguarding experts believe the major risk factors that contribute to drowning for boaters includes alcohol consumption (30 per cent); boating alone (34 per cent); not wearing a lifejacket (51 per cent); rough water while boating (21 per cent); falling overboard (41 per cent); boating after dark (24 per cent). For swimmers, the Lifesaving Society reported, the biggest risks are swimming alone (23 per cent); poor swimming ability (19 per cent); alcohol consumption (27 per cent). In total, the highest number of fatality rates in B.C. are among young men between the ages of 20 and 34 years old, which typically peaks at rivers and lakes on a warm weekend — around 19 per cent of swimmers become victims in August. For more information about the BC Drowning Report 2014, visit

Wearing lifejackets while out recreating on the water is the key to staying safe, according to RCMP Cpl. Grant Simpson, like young paddleboarder Estella Milliner was demonstrating at Kinsmen Beach on Friday, July 31st. Photo by Breanne Massey


Geoff Hill

Funding aimed at Women’s Resource Centre Breanne Massey

BC Housing has committed $7,000 through the Building Repair and Small Capital Replacement Program to the Family Resource Centre. The funding commitment to the Family Resource Centre will be paid forward to the Women’s Resource Centre to improve safety measures for their clients. By making fire safety upgrades to the Women’s Resource Centre, Family Resource Centre executive director Pat Cope aims to better protect women and families using the centre’s services. “This will include adding additional lit emergency fire exits signs, a fireproof steel exit door with panic hardware, and a new set of exit stairs at the back of the building,” said Ms. Cope. BC Housing provides funding to non-profit housing providers for both new and existing housing properties through grants and subsidies. Ms. Cope applied to the 2015-16 program and was approved because the Women’s Resource Centre is a permanent drop-in centre with a safe space for victims of abuse. The Women’s Resource Centre is currently funded by BC Housing under the Emergency Shelter Program and the Women’s Transition Housing and Supports Program.

MaxWell Realty Invermere



Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


NDP candidate holds youth event in Invermere Kevin Nimmock Youth from across the valley met in Invermere on July 28th to attend a barbecue hosted by Kootenay-Columbia NDP Candidate Wayne Stetski. The event was Mr. Stetski’s second youth-oriented barbecue, coming of the heels of one he organized in Cranbrook. He said it is important to make a strong effort with younger voters, since the 18 to 34 age demographic has traditionally had the lowest voter turnout during federal elections. “This is their country and this is their future,” Mr. Stetski said. “We are trying to make sure that youth interests are considered.” At the barbecue, attendees shared their thoughts on several key election issues, such as the environment, security and child care. Local organizer Brodie Smith said it is important to allow youth the chance to ask questions and learn from their federal candidates. “I know a lot of young people in the area here who have not been partici- Approximately 25 supporters and undecided youth voters (holding Tom Mulcair beard signs) attended Kootenay-Columbia NDP pating in democracy by not voting and candidate Wayne Stetski’s (back row, far right) barbeque in Invermere on July 28th. Photo by Kevin Nimmock not caring because they do not know enough about it,” Mr. Smith said. “I grew up here and I know a lot of people from “It is especially important for a party like the NDP to target youth because they here, so I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to encourage my friends offer the incredible opportunity for millennials to elect the first NDP federal govand other people to come and learn a bit and get involved.” ernment,” Mr. Knight said. “This would give people our age the chance to begin Since Canada has approximately seven million eligible youth voters, Mr. Smith our own political legacy.” emphasized how important the age demographic could be to the country’s fuNot all the attendees at the event fit into the youth demographic. David Schindler, ture. a retired professor of ecology from the University of Alberta, was brought in by “As a whole, if we went and voted, we would have a lot of power in an election Mr. Stetski because of his knowledge of environmental issues and his experience like this,” Mr. Smith said. mentoring youth. Corey Knight, a 19-year-old who attended the event, said political parties who “I think that youth ought to realize that they are one of the biggest and most do not target youth are doomed to cynicism and an eventual loss of popularity, influential groups,” Mr. Schindler said. “I think what they have been lacking is since today’s youth will run Ottawa in a few decades. information and that is why events like this are good.”


Premier Clark shuffles cabinet Jeff Nagel Black Press

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ter Todd Stone’s portfolio comes in the wake of the defeat by Metro Vancouver voters of a plebiscite on the creation of a 0.5 per cent regional sales tax to fund transit expansion. BC Liberal backbencher Mike Bernier is Fassbender, a Surrey MLA, has extensive B.C.’s new Education Minister, while predehistory on the TransLink file as a former cessor Peter Fassbender takes over as ComLangley city mayor who once chaired the munity, Sport, and Cultural Development Metro mayors’ council as it tried to persuade Minister, with responsibility for TransLink the province to grant a new revenue source. as well. Stone as minister made statements supThe mini cabinet shuffle announced Thursportive of the mayors’ plan and the new tax, day by Premier Christy Clark also shifts Mike Bernier but did not actively campaign for it during Coralee Oakes, who previously headed the ministry that deals with municipalities, to Minister of the plebiscite required by Clark on any new tax. Fassbender, along with fellow Surrey MLA Marvin Small Business and Red-Tape Reduction, with responsiHunt, was more blunt, at one point speaking out against bility for the Liquor Distribution Branch. Fassbender headed the province’s negotiations with No campaign critics of TransLink’s record. “Is it totally mismanaged? I don’t believe that, I never B.C. teachers during last year’s strike. He held out for a negotiated settlement the province achieved rather have,” Fassbender told Black Press in March, pointing than legislating teachers back to work, as had been the to audits in recent years. “The previous commissioner looked at it and said it was a well-run organization.” pattern in several previous teacher strikes. See A9 The removal of TransLink from Transportation Minis-

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


N A9

Prospects for B.C.’s biggest investment

B.C. NDP leader John Horgan and other ow that the political back-and-forth IEWS MLAs made much of the lack of job guaris over, there are two questions left antees, pointing to similar projects in about the Petronas-led proposal to make Australia. Natural Gas Development Minthe biggest private-sector investment in ister Rich Coleman issued a statement B.C. history. with excerpts from the state of Western Will it actually happen? And is it a good Australia’s agreement for the Gorgon LNG deal or a bad one? project. The so-called guarantees contain Premier Christy Clark ducked the first qualifiers like this: “... except in those casquestion on the day the project agreeOM es where … it is not reasonable or ecoment for Pacific Northwest LNG was apnomically practical to do so, use labour proved by the B.C. legislature. available within Western Australia.” “After many predictions about the CaObviously there were no job guarantees, which could nucks and the Alberta election, I don’t make predictions any more,” Clark said. “But I can say that this only exist in a command economy, in other words a project has gone farther than any of our critics said communist dictatorship. Everyone agrees that specialized trades such as that it would.” For what it’s worth, my prediction is on record: it welding alloys for low-temperature operation will be will go ahead. The latest evidence is the company’s brought in. And LNG processing trains will be shipped continued, costly effort to gain federal and local ap- in pre-fabricated from places like proval for a suspension bridge to Lelu Island to mini- South Korea, as they have been in mize the marine impact. Lax Kw’alaams Band mem- Australia and elsewhere. bers could not have had details on that change from Pacific Northwest LNG is on record an underwater pipeline when they voted to oppose with federal regulators that in the latter stages of construction, the use of the project in May. Is it a good deal? The mayors of Prince Rupert and foreign labour for the project could Port Edward have made their views clear – they see reach 70 per cent. Does that make it as a lifeline for an area that has struggled for years it a bad deal? Perhaps B.C. could attempt develop this expertise from the with a faded forest and fishing industry. The B.C. NDP is also now clear, having voted against ground up. It seems to me that was the project agreement in the brief summer session of tried with aluminum ship fabrication, the legislature that concluded last week. Whether the and it didn’t work out too well. For David Keane, president of the project proceeds or not, this will be a key election isB.C. LNG Alliance, the question is how sue in 2017.



LOCAL from A1

felt drivers who have had multiple distracted driving tickets should face greater sanctions. “British Columbians have clear and passionate views about all forms of distracted driving. They deserved to be heard, and I thank everybody who participated for their candour. Our government will carefully review their feedback and champion new, tougher approaches against distracted driving that are effective, defensible and fair. Over the past five years, police across PREMIER from A8

Metro Vancouver board chair Greg Moore welcomed Fassbender’s new role. “It think it’s a good move,” the Port Coquitlam mayor said. “He has a deep understanding of the legislation and not only the challenges but also the opportunities of being able to work together to find solutions for TransLink.” Moore noted Fassbender, when he led the mayors’ council, was “very proud” of the agreement struck in 2010 with then-premier Gordon Campbell to negotiate a new funding source. Mayors saw Clark’s promise of a referendum as a betrayal of that deal. NDP transportation critic Claire Trevena called the shift in TransLink responsibility a “slapdown” for Stone “because he hasn’t delivered.” Bernier, a former Dawson Creek mayor with

many large LNG projects, pipelines and all, can be managed at the same time as the Site C dam is being built. It was skilled labour shortages, and particularly a shortage of supervisors, that caused Australia to lose some of its proposed projects. Keane said all LNG proponents here want to use as much local labour as they can, because it’s less expensive and it builds local support. And he disagrees that B.C. is a sweet deal for the industry. Among other things, pipelines have to be built across two mountain ranges. Not only that, B.C. producers would pay an LNG income tax, which is a first in the history of the industry. Add to that PST, GST, payroll taxes, municipal taxes and federal and provincial corporate income taxes. Add aboriginal revenue sharing, and we have a deal. Tom Fletcher is a Victoria-based legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Find him on Twitter @ tomfletcherbc. Email

B.C. have provided strong enforcement of our existing distracted driving laws, and we absolutely want to support their continued vigilance with any new measures we introduce,” said B.C. Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton in a press release on the consultation. RoadSafety BC will complete its analysis of the consultation submissions and will likely make recommendations about new sanctions this fall. The province anticipates finalizing new measures by spring 2016, and potentially earlier depending on the outcome of the analysis. 20 years experience in the natural gas industry, is a first-term MLA for Peace River South. Clark also shifted Naomi Yamamoto out of the small business ministry, making her Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness, underneath the transportation ministry. Jordan Sturdy is now parliamentary secretary for energy literacy and the environment under Environment Minister Mary Polak — Bernier’s previous post. He’ll also chair the province’s Climate Leadership Panel. “We have the opportunity now to build on a record of student achievement with longterm labour peace in place, to strengthen our support for small business, which is the backbone of our economy, to work together with communities to prepare for the future, and to put in place a plan to prevent and manage emergencies or natural disasters so that our province can recover with our future secured,” Clark said in a news release.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


Valley artists recognized with funding for projects BREANNE MASSEY

Kootenay Culture will be visible on the horizon thanks to the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) and the Columbia Basin Trust’s $706,000 funding to support the 2015-16 season. The funding is supporting over 160 arts, culture and heritage projects across the Basin, including the Columbia Valley’s own artisans Dorothy Blunden, Thelma Brown and Anne Jardine. “The CKCA Steering Committee was pleased to be able to supply Trust funding to good projects all across the Basin,” said Jacquie Hamilton, CKCA chair. “We hope cultural organizations will start thinking

about activities that will be happening between June 2016 and May 2017 and planning their applications now for the next funding cycle.” The CKCA encourages education, personal growth and informative projects in a creative approach by a juried application process — which included feedback from the community arts councils. Their aim is to put funding toward a wide variety of projects, including individuals, groups and exhibitions, as well as master classes and heritage capital projects. Approved projects through this program include visual arts, theatre, music, media and literature. “Each year, we look forward to seeing the list of projects that will bring such cultural wealth to our region,” said Lynda Lafleur, CBT community liaison.

“We have many creative, innovative and hard-working people in the Basin, and it’s their visions and efforts that make our arts, culture and heritage sector so strong.” For a list of funded projects, visit the CKCA website at or call 1-877-505-7355. Dorothy Blunden After residing in the community of Windermere for nearly 20 years, Ms. Blunden has dabbled in a multidisciplined approach to working creatively. She has been a member of the Windermere District Historical Society and has served the Windermere Valley Museum for more than 15 years. See A15

EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years

2009 — During the annual Loop the Lake event, hosted by the Rotary Club of Invermere, 660 participants ran from Windermere to Invermere, finishing at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. ECHO FILE PHOTO


years ago (1960): Sheep from the Echo Farm on the Toby Benches competed at the Calgary Stampede. Owner George Annis said he earned third prize for his Cheviot ram.


years ago (1965): The Valley Echo moved into its new office on Third Street. The new premises was divided into two portions. The western portion was the stationery store, in which a full stock of schools supplies and office supplies was caried. The eastern portion housed the reporters and editors.


years ago (1970): A party of nine 13-year-old boys from Rocky Mountain Boys’ Camp participated in a mountaineering trek to Mt. Nelson. Seven members of their group, led by camp supervisor Fred Hunt, scaled the 10,772-foot peak. The ascent, which was first made by pioneer Charles Ellis, took three days.


years ago (1975): The largest hang gliding event in Canadian history was held at Fairmont Hot Springs. Mount Swansea International Hang Gliding Competition hosted 100 fliers from all over the United States and Canada. The competitors flew for a hefty $2,500 prize.

lumbia Valley Rockies players, up from 20 the previous winter, participated in an alumni game at the Columbia Valley Recreation Centre. Recreation coordinator Eddie Mountain said he was most excited to see Anaheim Mighty Ducks signee Jason Marshall play.



years ago (1980): The ice plant at the Columbia Valley Recreation Centre was turned on after a summer of inactivity to cool off the cement based and interior of the arena, in preparation for laying the ice. This marked another exciting skating season.


years ago (1985): Helicopter pilot Dale Griffin, 31, was killed on impact when his helicopter crashed near the Meadows Subdivisions, shortly after take-off from Fairmont. Griffin was attempting to fly to Invermere.


years ago (1995): Sixty ex-Co-

years ago (2000): Five volunteer fire departments responded to a fire at the Radium Valley Vacation Resort. “We were exhausted,” Radium fire chief Dave Dixon said. “It was about 12 a.m. when we finally went to cool down and find something to eat.”


years ago (2005): Interior Health officials remained on the alert for sightings of West Nile virus in the East Kootenay. At the time, incidents of the virus had been recorded in every province except for B.C. locals were advised to avoid large, stagnant bodies of water and wear mosquito repellent while outside.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo A11


WEEKLY Beat this free, self-guided tour within the Columbia Basin. Visit cbculturetour. com or call 250-505-5505 or 1-877-5057355 for more information.

Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com

• 12 p.m.: 39th Annual Lakeside Paragliding event. Hang glider and para glider pilots take off from Mt.Swansea and land in water targets at James Chabot Beach.

and Artists Invermere.



• 10 a.m.: Radium Public Library’s Teddy Bear Picnic at Legends Field. Children aged 3-5 are invited to search for teddy bears hiding in the trees surrounding the park. Music and refreshments. Visit radiumhotsprings. com for details.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 23RD • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast every sunday at the Edgewater Legion.

MONDAY, AUGUST 24TH • 9 p.m.: Movie in the Mountains at Pothole Park, featuring the film Sponge Bob: Sponge Out of Water.

• 6 p.m.: Live music by Ted Alexander SUNDAY AUGUST 16TH THURSDAY AUGUST 27TH at Invermere Legion. Meat Draw and THURSDAY AUGUST 6 • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast every • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free Live Music at Pothole 50/50. • 1 - 4 p.m.: Summer Reading Club: Sunday at the Edgewater Legion. Park every Thursday. Build it yourself. Drop in with the kids TH SUNDAY AUGUST 9 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Fairmont Farmer’s to do a craft and pick up some books FRIDAY AUGUST 28TH • 8 a.m.: Lake Windermere open Markets on Sundays at Fairmont at the Invermere Public Library. water swim starting at James Chabot Ridge Mall, until August 16th. • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free Live Music at Pothole Provincial Park/ Athalmer beach. Market on Main every Friday till Park every Thursday. MONDAY AUGUST 17TH August 28th. Music on Main starts at • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast every • 9 p.m.: Movie in the Mountains 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. FRIDAY AUGUST 7TH Sunday at the Edgewater Legion. at Pothole Park, featuring the film com for details. • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Fairmont Farmer’s Dinosaur Island. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows Market on Main every Friday until Markets on Sundays at Fairmont Peoples Choice exhibition till August August 28th. Music on Main starts at Ridge Mall, until August 16th. TH THURSDAY AUGUST 20 28 - 29. 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free Live Music at PotMONDAY AUGUST 10TH com for details. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art hole Park every Thursday. Walk from June 19th to September 11th • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows 20 • 6:30 p.m.: Mondays in July and ST August, drop-in Ultimate Frisbee for every Friday. For more information new painters. 20 new paintings on FRIDAY AUGUST 21 adults/youth (15+) at Laird Elementary visit exhibition, August 7th - 8th. • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and Field. Free of charge & beginners • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art Market on Main every Friday till welcome. No equipment required. SATURDAY AUGUST 29TH Walk from June 19th to September 11th August 28th. Music on Main starts at every Friday. For more information • 9 p.m.: Movie in the Mountains at 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion Summer market, Pothole Park, featuring the film The com for details. visit Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. Boxtrolls. • 6 p.m.: Roast beef dinner at the • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog Invermere Legion with live music TH Armand F. Vallee exhibition, August concession and more.














by Ted Alexander. $15/person. Reservations recommended. Call 250- • 6:30 p.m.: Twilight Storytime at the library. Bring a blanket & be prepared 342-9517. for an outdoor storytime and craft. • 7 - 10 p.m.: Fresh Fridays Open Mic at Pynelogs. Showcasing young talent THURSDAY AUGUST 13TH from the valley. All ages, licensed bar. • 12 p.m.: Senior’s Lunch at the First Friday of every month. Invermere Legion. $5 at the door. • 10 p.m.: Hoodoo Grill hosts The RSVP by calling 250-342-9281 ext 1227 Steadies. No cover. or emailing


SATURDAY, AUGUST 8TH • 8 a.m.: 20th Annual Loop the Lake. Visit • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion Summer market, Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog concession and more. • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers and Artists Market, downtown Invermere. • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Headwaters Art show at Fairmont Lions Den.

• 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art and Artists Market, downtown Walk from June 19th to September 11th Invermere. every Friday. For more information SUNDAY AUGUST 30TH visit • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast every SATURDAY AUGUST 22ND sunday at the Edgewater Legion. 21st - 22nd.



• Invermere MusicFest/ Waterfront Music Festival at Kinsmen Beach HOURS greenspace from August 22nd to • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free Live Music at Pothole NVERMERE LIBRARY 23rd. Cost $40 early bird, $50 general I Park every Thursday. admission, $40 evening only, kids 12 • Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m TH and under free. For more infomation • Wednesday: 10 a.m - 8 p.m. FRIDAY AUGUST 14 • Thurs – Saturday: 10 a.m - 5p.m. visit • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and Market on Main every Friday until • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion Summer market, RADIUM LIBRARY August 28th. Music on Main starts at Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog • Wed - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. concession and more. com for details. • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 1p.m. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers Client Photos Become Artist Creations and Artists Market, downtown WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM Invermere. exhibition till August 14 - 15.


• Everyday: 10 p.m. - 4 p.m.

• 12 p.m.: 4th annual Free Fairmont Hot Springs Airport Fly In August 22 INVERMERE THRIFT STORE and 23. Call early to register 250-345• Thurs - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 2121 or email Free BBQ for fliers at 2:30 p.m.Free Pancake RADIUM THRIFT STORE breakfast Aug 23. Free camping on • Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. site, free shuttle to golf course and • Fri - Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m. • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.: 7th Annual Columbia Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. resort. discount on golf at Fairmont Basin Culture Tour August 8th - 9th. Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog Hot Springs Resort. Prizes SUMMIT YOUTH CENTRE Explore artists’ studios, museums, art concession and more. • Tuesday: 5 - 9 p.m. galleries, and heritage sites through • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers • Wednesday: 4 - 9 p.m. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.: The Art of Five art Walk from June 19th to September 11th show being held at the CPR Lodge, every Friday. For more information 1720 - 4th Avenue, Invermere, featuring visit art from three local artists and two SATURDAY AUGUST 15TH artists from the Purcell Mountain painters. • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion Summer market,







Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!



Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo


CLUES ACROSS 1. Molten rocks 7. More (Spanish) 10. Artists’ workrooms 12. Radiant light around an object 13. More threadbare 14. Moses’ elder brother 15. Become aware of 16. Exclamation of relief 17. Swiss river 18. Mimics 19. Colored fabric 21. A bunch of bills 22. Despised 27. “Today’s” Roker 28. “Twilight Zone” host 33. Three-toed sloth 34. Actor 36. Lawyer’s organization 37. Maldives capital 38. In bed 39. Wedgelike metal fastener 40. Winglike structures 41. Mesoamerican resin 44. Glasses 45. Green 48. Large South American burrowing rodent 49. Shoulder blades 50. Noah’s boat 51. A female ogre CLUES DOWN 1. Unkind 2. Vestments 3. A derisive remark 4. Japanese apricot 5. They __ 6. Soviet Socialists Republics 7. Arad river 8. Lined up one beside another 9. Diego, Francisco or Anselmo 10. One who analyzes metals 11. To that place 12. Expressed pleasure 14. Fills with horror 17. Find a sum 18. Cognizant 20. Female making debut in society 23. Members of U.S. Navy 24. A group of three 25. And, Latin 26. Fall back time 29. What was that? 30. Inches per minute (abbr.) 31. American/Canadian falls

32. North Palestine region 35. Bird beak 36. Manila hemp 38. Smart 40. Three-banded armadillo 41. Short cloak 42. Scops owl genus 43. 100 = 1 afghani 44. A health resort 45. Equal, prefix 46. Microgram 47. Make imperfect

W eekend WEATHER Friday August 7 Cloudy with showers Temp: 26oC o

Feels like 27 C

Low: 10oC

Saturday August 8 Answers to last week

Sunny with showers Temp: 24oC o

Feels like 24 C

Low: 10oC

Sunday August 9 Sunny Temp: 25oC o

Feels like 25 C

Low: 11oC

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 It almost seems as if something is working against you this week, Aries. It could just be your overactive imagination. Channel your energy into a creative project.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your imagination may push you in the wrong direction this week. Daydreaming instead of getting things done is risky. Focus on the tasks at hand.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You know what needs to be done, Sagittarius. You may not have enough manpower to get everything accomplished, so put out a few feelers to see who is up to helping.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You may get swept away in some lifelike dreams this week, Taurus. It may be difficult to discern when you’re awake or asleep. Don’t get carried away..

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, your coworkers will come through in a big way this week. Make the most of this opportunitity to work together as a team, and it will pay dividends going forward.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, continue with your consistent approach to handling your many responsibilities. You’re juggling a lot these days, and you’re benefitting from your work ethic.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a professional predicament may have you feeling as if you have been run ragged. Regroup, even if it means taking a few days off. This time away is just the remedy you need.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a little daydreaming can be good for the soul. Give daydreams their due time, but remember to refocus on real life as well. You’re up to a challenge you face this week.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, adhere to your original plan this week, avoiding distraction until the tasks at hand are a distant memory. Your plan is reliable and sure to work.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 It’s nearly impossible to stick to your schedule this week, Cancer. Too many things will pop up, and you’ll be spending your time juggling multiple responsibilities.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, your schedule is about to clear up so now is a great time to take some time off. You deserve a break after buckling down for so long. Relax and enjoy yourself.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 It’s nearly impossible to hide your emotions right now, Pisces. So why not share them and get some support from friends and family?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The5,Valley The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 2015 Echo A13 A13 <our community. <our classi¿eds.



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Place of Worship

Place of Worship

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Do you hav e p roven bus in ess experience? Want to use your skills to h elp en trepreneurs? The Basin Business Advisors Program is coŵŵiƩeĚ to strenŐtheninŐ businesses anĚ supporƟnŐ business oǁners in the oluŵbia asin͘ dhe proŐraŵ proviĚes free, one-on-one aĚvisory services to sŵall anĚ ŵeĚiuŵ sinje businesses incluĚinŐ social enterprises͘ dhe proŐraŵ is seekinŐ a usiness Ěvisor to support business owners in the Southeast Basin region. The posiƟon is baseĚ out of the oŵŵunity &utures ast <ootenay oĸce in ranbrook. Travel is reƋuireĚ. A Ĩuůů ũoď desĐriƉƟon is avaiůaďůe onůine aƚ ǁǁǁ͘Ĩuƚures͘ďĐ͘Đaͬadvisorͬ

Apply in person or via email ( for both positions. &unĚeĚ by oluŵbia Basin Trust ͮ DanageĚ by oŵŵunity &utures

Place of Worship

Place of Worship

Place of Worship

Place of Worship

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S WINDERMERE ROMAN CATHOLIC RADIUM CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF JESUS FELLOWSHIP CHRIST OF LATTER LUTHERAN MISSION VALLEY SHARED CHURCH DAY SAINTS OF INVERMERE MINISTRY #4 - 7553 Main Street W, 250-342-6167 ANGLICAN-UNITED Radium 5014 Fairway, 100 - 7th Ave., Invermere Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6633 Fairmont Hot Springs 250-426-7564 100-7th Ave., Invermere Confession: 1/2 hr. before Mass 250-347-6334 250-341-5792 250-342-6644 Pastor: Rev. Fraser Coltman Canadian Martyrs Church Pastor Rev. David Morton Reverend Laura Hermakin President: Adam Pasowisty 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Worship Service Columbia Valley Branch Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. Worship Services Bacon, Friends & Faith, 9:30 a.m Sundays, 9 a.m. Sundays Worship Services (Sept. - June) Bible Studies 1:30 p.m. Sundays St. Joseph’s Church Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Worship, Every Sunday:10:30 a.m. Christ Church Trinity, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hwy. 93-95, Radium Hot Christ Church Trinity, Invermere Kids’ Church Invermere Springs 1st and 3rd Sunday, 9 a.m.: All Edgewater Hall Sundays, 11 a.m. Saint’s, Edgewater Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. 2nd Sunday, 7 p.m.: June - Oct. at St. Anthony’s Mission St. Peter’s Windermere Loving God, Corner of Luck and Dunn, Loving People Canal Flats All Saint’s, Edgewater. Saturdays, 4:30 p.m. St.Peter’s Windermere

LAKE WINDERMERE VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY ALLIANCE CHURCH 326 - 10th Ave., Invermere Hwy. 93/95, 1 km north of Windermere 250-342-9535 250-342-9511 Lead Pastor: Trevor Hagan Pastor: Murray Wittke Asso. Pastor: Matt Moore August 9th 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Worship and life 10 a.m. Worship & Word instruction “A summer of Kid’s Church Provided Miracles – Gone Fishing”. Pastor Matt Moore Sharing Truth ministering. Showing Love 7 p.m. Sing & Celebrate Following the Spirit at LWAC. You’re welcome to join us for an evening of singing the great hymns of the faith;food; and fellowship.

A14 A14

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. Wanted

BUD HAYNES & Ward’s Firearms Auction. Sat., Aug. 29, 10 a.m., 11802 - 145 St., Edmonton, Alberta. Estate Stan Andruski of Manitoba. Website catalogue w/pictures online. To consign phone Linda 403597-1095 or 780-451-4549;;

WANTED kitten, call 250-3411153 or 250-341-5146.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH apartment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, 2parking spaces, stainless steel F/S, D/W microwave, Washer, hardwood and carpet. $775/mo + utilities & D.D. N/S, pets negotiable. Available September 1/15. Call (250)489-8389.

Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Suites, Lower WALK TO KINSMEN BEACH: Spacious, clean 2 bdrm basement suite downtown, separate entrance, 4 appliances, backyard amenities, N/P, N/S, no partiers. References/deposit required. Rent includes water, hydro & heat. 250-342-7590.

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Announcements Garage Sales Garage Sales























August 1st & 2nd 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. 5151 Riverview Road, Fairmont Hot Springs



1 Sat. & Sun. We Don’t want to miss you!

GATE W PL RD Sony Bravia LCD RIVERS IDE PL flat screen TV- 32�, RIVERSIDE RIV E R V VILLAS photo equipment, RIVERS IDE CL electronics, web WIL cams, Sony portable FAIR DER MO NT CRE DVD player, satellite EK R D DRIVE radio, solid maple TV stand on wheels, antique wooden medicine cabinet, Antique mirror and more. Vintage/estate jewelry. White enamel 7’ patio table, vintage production@ Fisher Price doll house, furniture, etc. Lots of other toys, games, 20� boy’s bike, Christmas decorations (some estate/vintage). Double solid-brass princess bed with frame, clothing, scarves, boots, footwear, kitchenware, luggage, blinds. Workshop and gardening items, wire deer fencing (2�) /gas weed whacker. And so much more. Come see. Come buy! IE





C o l u m b i a Va l l e y 2014/2015









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Brisco Canal Flats Edgewater Fairmont Hot Springs Invermere Panorama Mountain Village Radium Hot Springs Spillimacheen Windermere

It’s FREE!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo VALLEY from A10

Previously, she worked as a teacher; wrote a monthly column for a senior’s magazine; was the CEO of the Golden Age Club in Calgary; and served on the board of directors of Fort Calgary Preservation Society. Now, she is on the board of directors of the Heritage Federation of Southeastern BC and continues to adapt to the changing world around her by delving into her own genealogy. Ms. Blunden also helps lead a local genealogy group to help other locate their own roots. Thelma Brown After completing a business diploma in 1970 and working in a string of managerial as well as bookkeeping opportunities, Ms. Brown began to spread her wings from the Golden area into several unique arenas. She began honing the silversmithing, raku and watercolour crafts while pursuing the life of an A15 outdoors enthusiasts in the Columbia Valley. Ms. Brown draws upon cross-country skiing, kayaking, yoga and travelling for personal influences to support these creative endeavours. Anne Jardine Even though Ms. Jardine dedicated most of her life to advocating to create powerful art projects, it was retiring to Edgewater from working as a secondary school teacher that pushed her into the passion of creating. She was heavily involved with the Columbia Valley Arts Council’s efforts to have Pynelogs Cultural Centre formally recognized. In addition, Ms. Jardine sings alto in Valley Voices and plays viola in a community orchestra in Golden. She believes visual and performing arts are essential elements of education and human development, which is largely why she delves in several mediums. Ms. Jardine is a calligrapher, curator, journalist, playwright, producer and director.

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Edgewater-based Anne Jardine was the writer, producer and director of The Visionary and The Ghost operetta that was performed at Pynelogs in March. She is also one of the organizers of the Steamboat Mountain Music Festival. File photo

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015 The Valley Echo




Since the busy summer weeks started, The Echo has received several great submissions that focus on the power of Mother Nature from the community. We wanted to highlight a few great snapshots. Clockwise from top left: A butterfly recently perched atop some lavender lilacs in Radium Hot Springs (Photo by Sharon Wiens); A momma eagle keeps a hawk eye on her dark-coloured youngster who appeared determined to fly (Photo by Bonnie-Lou Ferris); A black bear was spotted taking a stroll up 12th Ave. in Invermere at 12:30 p.m. on June 22nd (Photo by Christina Jones); The valley soaked up some much needed summer showers several weeks ago (Photo by Brian Fenerty); Cowboys took a ride on the wild side recently at Bull Bustin’ in Invermere (Photo by Jerry McLeod).

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