I N S I D E : Desert Daze this weekend. Page 7
Volume 120 No 32 PM # 400121123
Thursday, August 6, 2015
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Rodeo re-homing not fast enough
Above, Ayden Arnett, 6.5 years old, tries out one of the children’s game sites set up at the HVC mine open house on Monday. Right, the Mine Rescue competition team was giving demonstrations and practicing for the Western Canada competition in September. Back, l-r: Sean Davies, Neal Rideout, Dustin Kamps, and Dave Maddocks. Front, l-r: Dave Potter and Dale Konowalchuk. Missing: Brian Klohn.
Crowds welcome back HVC mine’s Open House by Wendy Coomber It was a great day to hold an outdoor Open House at Highland Valley Copper mine. Billed as “celebrating 29 years of success”, the popular event was back this year after an absence in 2014 - one of three uneventful years since the open house began. Hundreds of people flocked to the open house to tour the mine, the mill, the lab and other areas of the giant copper/molybdenom operation.
Children enjoyed the “Copper Challenge Games” and the giant equipment, the science booth and the magic shows with Uncle Chris the Clown. Adults joined in at the prospecting area where minerals glittered in rocks that were strewn around the front of the tourist trailer, the concession stands with proceeds that went to many service groups in the area, and the mine rescue demonstrations. HVC’s Mine Rescue team has close to 100 members, but there are only sev-
en on the competition team. This year, they’ve won the zones and the provincials and are looking forward to the Western Canada competition in Fernie next month. Gerry Wong, one of the organizers of the Open House, says the event takes a lot of work to prepare for, such as looking over the grounds beforehand for safety hazards that are part of an industrial work site, but as the event unfolded, everyone was starting to relax and enjoy it.
by Wendy Coomber Although it’s less than two months since the Ashcroft Rodeo was cancelled, time is running out for plans to keep the rodeo alive in Ashcroft according to association members. Ashcroft Council held a special closed meeting on July 29 with Rodeo Association executive. Everyone else was turned away. “The Village still has some irons in the fire, but we are definitely looking elsewhere,” said association spokesperson Heather Philpott. “The time element is getting very short and we need to put fenceposts in before freeze up.” “It’s not a dead fish in the water yet but it’s on it’s last gasp,” she added. After many years of holding rodeos on the grounds north of Ashcroft, the property owners, the Porter family of Desert Hills Ranch, told the rodeo association they could no longer hold the rodeo on their property out of insurance concerns. The association approached the Village, asking to use municipal property on the Mesa. The Village held a public information meeting but has not responded to the request. In all fairness to the Village, said Philpott, there is a shortage of space. Mayor Jack Jeyes said the holdup is the property that was set aside for a new school years ago. He said once the Village finds out whether the school board is willing to release the land and what the constraints are that go with it, the matter has to go to Education Ministry for approval and then to Crown Lands for release to the Village. “I think the Association understands how we have been working on their behalf,” said Jeyes. “It’s not going to be a fast process.” Philpott said the insurance scare is hurting the community. The rodeo weekend is a benefit to many of Ashcroft’s businesses who depend on that annual income - the drugstore, the grocery store, the liquor store, the hardware store and Ashcroft Work Wear. She said Vernon asked the BCRA for the Father’s Day weekend slot this year and got it, but they couldn’t get the sponsorship needed to put on a rodeo. If the matter isn’t settled soon, she said, others will be given the slot. Philpott said all of the association’s members want the rodeo to stay in Ashcroft, but if there’s no land, they’ll look elsewhere.
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Gold Trail welcomes new Minister by Wendy Coomber
Gold Trail School District is welcoming the appointment of Mike Bernier, MLA for Peace River South to Cabinet as the new Education Minister. Premier Christy Clark announced a small Cabinet shuffle on July 29 that made former Minister Peter Fassbender the MinMike Bernier, ister responsible for Education Minister TransLink, and gave Bernier his first Cabinet assignment. Board of Education co-chair Carmen Ranta said the Board’s first choice would have been the area’s own MLA Jackie Tegart because of her background on the school board, but that wasn’t to be this time. “Minister Bernier seems to be a very caring person, coming from a rural community [Dawson Creek],” said Ranta. “We hope that will be reflected in his decision making.” She said the Thompson Okanagan Branch of the BC School Trustees Association is holding a conference in Osoyoos this September and they’ve invited someone from the Ministry to attend. She says she hopes it will be the Minister himself. Ranta said there is a lot of interest from the local board of education in speaking to the Minister. At the top of their list, they would like to discuss funding for capital projects and capital planning in the District. She said there are still projects Lillooet and Lytton that are on hold, waiting for money. She said they have already invited the new Minister to come and visit the district to they can build a good relationship with him.
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Thursday, August 6, 2015 The Journal
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Pushing boundaries
July 28 at 1 pm police were called to the Chevron station in Cache Creek for a panhandler who was disturbing customers outside. Police attended and located the 36 year old Cache Creek man who was in a wheelchair. The man apologized for his behaviour and said he would leave. At 1:40 pm police received more complaints about a man in a wheelchair on the highway near the Subway, impeding traffic. He was gone before police arrived. At 8 pm police were called to the Cache Creek pool where an intoxicated man in a wheelchair was causing a disturbance and refusing to leave when asked to by staff. He left prior to police arriving, but the incident is still under investigation. At 10 pm police received a complaint by the same man, still intoxicated, saying that he had been assaulted near the apartment building on Collins Rd. He said he’d been punched in the face, but he could not provide a description of his assailant. He gave the name of a possible suspect, but the suspect no longer lived in the area. There are no other suspects.
Accident halts traffic
July 29 at 8:05 pm police were called to downed power lines on Hwy 99 after a tractor trailer hauling heavy machinery brought down several overhead lines and two power poles. One of the poles landed on a vehicle travelling on the highway. No one was injured but the highway was closed to traffic for three and a half hours while BC Hydro and Telus worked to reassemble their lines. BC Ambulance was called to check on the people involved in the accident. Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) attended and determined that the load dimension exceeded height restrictions on the highway. The driver of the truck, a 61 year old Lillooet man, was issued a $115 fine. The occupants of the other vehicle, a 67 year old male and 66 year old female from California were uninjured. Their rented vehicle has visible damage but they were able to continue driving.
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
Family member assaulted
July 30 at 9:20 am police were called to a residence on the Ashcroft Reserve after a 46 year old woman reported that a 25 year old family member had assaulted her. Police located the male suspect and arrested him. He is facing charges of assault and mischief. A telephone was reported broken during the incident.
Disturbance at motel
July 31 at 1:15 am police were called to a Cache Creek motel after a guest called to report he had just been threatened by another guest. Police attended and spoke to the suspect, who reported that he had been woken up several times during the night by the “victim” next door, a 52 year old Kamloops man, who was “yelling and such” and making quite a bit of noise. The suspect was warned about making threats and the victim was asked to keep the noise down.
Collectible daggers stolen
July 31 police were called to the Castle Inn in Cache Creek after the owner reported the theft of about 10 collectible daggers from a storage room. The theft had taken place about two weeks prior but the report was delayed as the owner determined what was missing. Anyone suspecting that they might have seen one of these daggers is asked to contact the RCMP at 453-2216.
Motorcycle and rider assaulted
July 31 at 5:30 pm police were called to the Chevron in Cache Creek after a report of assault and mischief. The victim, a 69 year old Vancouver man, reported that while stopped there, a black Dodge Ram pulled up behind and bumped his motorcycle. Then
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the passenger got out of the truck, kicked and dented the motorcycle and head-butted the victim. The truck’s license plate was passed on to the RCMP who identified it as belonging to a 63 year old Coquitlam man who was travelling at the time with his 26 year old son. The matter is still under investigation.
Too much of a hurry
Aug. 1 at 8:30 am police received a report of a Honda travelling at a high rate of speed on Hwy 1 near Venables Valley Road. The vehicle was located travelling at 126 kph in a 100 kph zone. It was stopped and a 40 year old Abottsford woman was issued a ticket for speeding.
Asleep under the stars
Aug. 3 at 8:30 pm police were called to assist BC Ambulance after a report of an unconscious man lying next to Hwy 97 by the Petro Can. The intoxicated 24 year old Prince George man was woken up and a family member in the area came to retrieve him.
Meeting to decide new development by Wendy Coomber A new building on Railway Ave. needs a Development Variance Permit before it can proceed, so a public meeting will be held Aug. 10 at 6 pm in the Village Office, followed by a special public Council meeting at 6:30 to consider granting the permit. Ashcroft Council reviewed the permit at its July 27 meeting. Ashcroft developer Henry Dahms has proposed a contained retail/residential complex to be built in the empty lot between the Central Cafe and Sun Country office. The complex will consist of two separate retail units each having their own entrance from Railway. The complex is a two storey structure with a single living residence on the second floor and an entrance off of Railway. However, the area falls within Ashcroft’s Development Permit Area, which means that any developer must follow a detailed set of rules about how the structure will be built, what materials will be used, where features will be placed on the structure, etc. The Zoning Bylaw allows commercial buildings a setback maximum of one metre, but the building plans propose 1.5 metres. “The DPA bylaw is outdated,” Administrator Michelle Allen told Council, “and many of the requirements are no longer reasonable due to changes in Provincial safety legislation.” She said that having the proposed 1.5m building setback allows the doors to open outwards and a reduced possibility of hitting a pedestrian, but because of the current bylaw, it requires a Development Variance Permit. There are several differences between the bylaw and the proposed building plans that include facades, canopies over sidewalks, roof slopes and roofing and facade materials. Allen said after the meeting that the DPA bylaw ties in with the Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan, all of which are scheduled for updating in the coming year. “I think it will be a nice addition to Railway,” said Coun. Barbara Roden. “It will fill up one of our empty lots and be in harmony with buildings on either side of it.” Mayor Jack Jeyes agreed that it would be a welcome addition to downtown Ashcroft.
The Journal Thursday, August 6, 2015
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Flood fund applications out by Wendy Coomber Applications are ready for victims of the May 23 flood in Cache Creek to access the funds raised by donations and collected by BlackPress4Good. Over $261,000 has been raised since the sudden debris flood swept down on the town, washing away possessions and infrastructure, damaging homes and leaving behind massive amounts of mud from the surrounding hillsides. The Cache Creek Flood Relief Committee has issued separate application forms for residents and businesses affected financially. This is an opportunity for those people recover at least a little more of the money they’ve spent on putting their homes, businesses and lives back in order. Application deadline is Tues., Sept. 1 and the completed form must be handed into the Village of Cache Creek by the end of the day in order to be considered. The committee will review the applications and determine how best to distribute the donated funds.
Applicants may not receive the full amount they asked for, because the funds are limited, but it is hoped that the money they do get will assist them to return to their pre-flood lives. Forms are available at the Village of Cache Creek, the Cache Creek Library and the Cache Creek Liquor Store. Anyone still wishing to donate to the fund may do so at the Village Office or online at www.cachecreekvillage.com . The South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society (E Fry) offers counselling at their office in Ashcroft for flood victims who are feeling overwhelmed, either financially or emotionally. Those who wish can make an appointment with the Family Support Worker who will talk to them to see what their needs are, said manager Yoriko Susanj. If E Fry can help them, they will. If they can’t, they will refer them to outside resources, whatever their needs are.
Pressure system gets funding by Wendy Coomber Cache Creek received official word last week that it was receiving $133,332 from the provincial/ federal infrastructure programming for its new Pressure Reduction System (PRV) Relocation and Safety Upgrade. MLA Jackie Tegart made the announcment in Cache Creek on Friday. “It’s extemely helpful when we get project [applications] that are well planned,” she said. “We look forward to a ribbon cutting!” Mayor John Ranta thanked the MLA for “going to bat” for the Village. The grants represent two-thirds of the project cost. The Village is responsible for the rest. The PRV system comes as a
pre-engineered building which houses the entire system, and is expected to be located on Stage Rd. next to the cemetery. It would even out the pressure around Cache Creek and keep a consistent flow from the reservoirs. That would reduce bacterial build up inside the reservoirs and reduce maintance costs for the tanks. It would also ensure sufficient water pressure to all fire hydrants around town and prevent pressure collapse. The system was recommended to the Village by former Superintendent of Public Works, Deb Channell, whom Mayor John Ranta acknowledged, as well as grant writer Gayle Olson. The project’s design and construction are expected to cost around $200,000.
Councils past and present gathered on Friday to celebrate the announcement that the Village had received $5,725,356 in provincial and federal grants for the new water treatment plant. L-R: former Coun. Jerry Fiddick, former Mayor Andy Anderson, Mayor Jack Jeyes, MLA Jackie Tegart, Coun. Barbara Roden and former Coun. Alice Durksen.
$5.7 million announced for new plant
by Wendy Coomber Ashcroft’s new Water Treatment Plant got a $5.7 million boost on Friday when MLA Jackie Tegart, on the behalf of the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, announced that the Village’s grant application had been accepted under the New Building Canada Fund’s Small Communities Fund. Under the infrastructure grant fund, the provincial and federal governments both contribute a third of the the project’s costs, leaving the Village to come up with the remaining $2,862,678. The total cost of the project is expected to be just over $8.5 million. Present and past Council members, Staff and the Public Works crew were on hand to hear the announcement. MLA Tegart thanked the Village Council and Staff for submitting an application that both important and wellwritten, making it an easy pick from among the many applications submited. She also read out a brief message of congratulations from MP Mark Strahl (Chilliwack-Fraser Valley) who sent his regrets. “We are proud to invest in projects like the Ashcroft Community Water Treatment Plant that will benefit our community by improving much needed local infrastructure,” he said. Building the new MLA Jackie Tegart with members of Cache Creek Council after announcing that Cache Creek treatment plant will would receive $133,332 in provincial and federal funding. L-R: Coun. Lisa Dafoe, MLA Tegart, contribute to the local Mayor John Ranta and Coun. Herb Hofer.
economy and create jobs, she said. “These kind of jobs don’t happen without leadership at the local level,” said Tegart. Plans for the new water treatment plant began under the previous mayor and council and culminated under the current government. Former Mayor Andy Anderson and councilors Alice Durksen and Jerry Fiddick joined current Mayor Jack Jeyes and councillor Barbara Roden in the announcement. Mayor Jeyes thanked the former Council and Staff for starting the process. The new plant, he said, would eliminate turbidity and provide clean, safe drinking water. The Village of Ashcroft will use the funding to construct a new drinking water treatment plant, including an upgraded water main pump station, to accommodate increased water demands within the community. It will access raw water from an existing water supply pipeline without impeding the water flow rates of the Thompson River, and generate ample potable water for residents and businesses for years to come. The 55 projects approved for funding in British Columbia under the Small Communities Fund so far include 24 drinking water projects, 22 wastewater projects, four major roads projects, two disaster mitigation projects, two brownfield remediation projects and one solid waste management project.
Correction The Journal omitted that Ashcroft Mayor Jack Jeyes voted against Council’s decision to send a letter to the school board and Minister of Education to expressing disappointment and displeasure with the Board’s choice of a new name for the only remaining school in the community. Both he and Coun. Alf Trill voted against the motion to send the letter.
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published by Black Press Ltd. 402 - 4th St., Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, August 6, 2015 The Journal
Summer’s over it’s election time What a way to put the binders on a perfectly good summer! Thank you Prime Minister for thrusting your presence yet again into the forefront of the news. Perhaps it’s the fact that for the past year, press releases on my desk that for decades read “The Government of Canada” have been reading “Harper Government...” Did you know that he and his government discovered Franklin’s ship, The Erebus, last year? That was after his government declared nearly 1,000 lighthouses around Canada “surplus”, and after the Parks CanA GLOBE THISTLE begins to blossom near the Cache Creek Cemetery ada workforce was severely downsized. Still, I don’t suppose there were any lighthouses in the Northwest Passage in 1845, and with a few thousand less employees, maybe Parks Canada needed help in amused to see a flock of sheep all hud- roads locally and were stunned by the raising Franklin’s ship. dled together in the shade of a lone vistas that appeared before us. In Fall Dear Editor But I digress. I suppose the longer one tree. Who said that sheep were stupid? we went through Back Valley to DeadWhat do I say and how do I even remains Prime Minister, the more actions I must admit that my inclination man Creek and were amazed by the begin this thank you? they’re going to take that people don’t in these temperatures has been to sit gold and blue pictures we saw, just like I had recently reached out to The agree with. Like making Veterans fight for around in the “cool” and watch all the a calendar and we had always thought Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal after athletes at the PanAm games exerting calendar pictures were too perfect to being deployed with the Red Cross in their benefits and taking them to court. your community for the flood. The rea- themselves in the heat and humidity of be true! Last week Harper requested writs of a Toronto summer. They were all so Close to hand are Spences Bridge, son I asked for help was because my election for a federal general election from energetic, agile and (almost all!) graLogan Lake, Merritt, Savona, Clinton, tablet with some very special pictures Governor General David Johnston on Aug. had gone missing. cious in their various successes and 70 Mile House and Green Lake. Later 2. The date of the vote is determined by the losses - they are wonderful examples we would visit further away spots like I received a special gift in the mail fixed-date Canada Elections Act. Barkerville - a marvellous reconstruc- that had all of the special pictures that of what our young folks are. I have also been reading the newstion, Radium Hot Springs in the Koowere not replaceable along with the This comes just a week or two after lotenays, the salmon run at Adams Rivcal voters in the new Mission-Matsqui-Fra- tablet. It almost brings tears to my eyes papers and finding myself taken back to our arrival in Ashcroft at 6pm at 106 er, Manyberries in southern Alberta, to how grateful I am. OK in all honesty, ser Canyon riding (us) find out their Condegrees F in the shade! There has been name a few. There are so many spots it did servative candidate has been disqualified. much talk of “staycations” - what a close at hand as well as within a day’s So I say a super huge Thank You, At this point, voters have only Liberal can- whoever you are, and to The Journal wonderful creation that word is! - and journey, just waiting for us to discovdidate Jati Sidhu (Abbotsford) and Green this took me back to our first years in er them. Taking our visitors to see just for publishing my letter. We all stand Ashcroft, when our time off was in the what we have here always renews our together when disasters happen and I candidate Arthur Green (Hope) to choose height of summer when the schools pleasure in this area when we had foram so glad that I was able to come to from. But one would hope that an impendclosed and the price of airfares and hogotten how much we really enjoy it all, my community where I grew up when ing election will cause the riding officials tels soared with the temperatures! We and makes us aware that we should rethere was a need. in at least one of the seven national parties visit some of the old haunts before they Debbie Blumauer compromised by travelling locally fielding candidates to get their act together Abottsford and exploring close to home, when we disappear. before Oct. 19 and provide us with at least were not at the swimming pool, down Another thing that seems to slip our by the river and the old bridge, and the collective memories quite often comes one - hopefully two - more candidates. kids were learning to swim. to mind when we read the list in The Kelowna-Lake Country has five candiWe discovered Cornwall MounJournal of the clubs and organisations dates including one from the Pirate party tain in the early summer when the and groups of supporters we have here. and one from the Libertarian. Good choice! snowdrifts had gone and all the wildWho would have believed that a comIn Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo, inflowers were blooming in profusion, munity our size could support so many Dear Editor cumbent MP Cathy Mcleod (Cons.) will be and experienced “Alpine coffee” cour- talents and interests? Here we are, halfway through our tesy of the Forestry Fire Watch OfThere does seem to be an ebb and Summer Break already, and still the on the ballot with Liberal candidate Steve ficer. We found Loon Lake, Pavilflow to many clubs, though. They aptemperatures are rising! This is when Powrie and NDP candidate Bill Sundhu. ion Lake and Barnes Lake where John pear and, with a hard working memwe really appreciate air-conditioning Variety and choice is always key to votloved to fish and teach our kids how bership, thrive for a few years, then indoors and the shady spots outdoors. er turnout. Let’s hope our riding isn’t shortto catch and clean fish ready for the The other day we were on our changed. pan. We took drives along the backway to the Bonaparte when we were See LETTERS on p. 5
Tablet with special memories returned
Staycations provide most satisfaction
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A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, August 6, 2015
LETTERS die through attrition, and some new ones start up instead, taking in different interests and talents. One organisation that has stood the test of time displays the variety of talents available here, the event of the Fall, The Ashcroft Fall Fair. There is such a great deal of work that goes into the production of such an event that is never seen by the public, and we should all be sure to let the committee know how much we appreciate their
Continued from p. 4
COMMUNITY efforts, even if only by turning up at the event on Sept. 13. Our own Seniors group will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 12:30pm for carpet bowling and card games. No doubt there will be exchanges of summer adventures and talk about all the places we have been to and the things we have seen and done! Why not mark us on your calendar and join us at the old Lady Minto building, that now holds the Village Offices, to share your adventures? You would be most welcome! Joyce West Ashcroft
$2,101,105 in Small Community grants, including $277,925 just last Jackie Tegart month. MLA, Fraser Nicola Cache Creek has received 1,837,483 since 2011, including $248,064 last Let’s suppose you’re runmonth. ning late for an appointThese grant programs are ment and you’ve been caught great for local governments speeding in a 30 km/h zone in because they pay for municiAshcroft. pal projects without affecting You’re pulled over and a local taxes. police officer hands you a fine This is how they work: for $196. · The Small CommunWhat a way to start your ity grant program provides day! unconditional grants, meanBut have you ever woning local governments can dered what happens to the spend the funding according money you and thousands of other British Columbians pay to their needs and priorities. The grants apply to communto resolve traffic tickets? You might be surprised ities with fewer than 20,000 to learn a portion of your fine people and are used for infracomes back to B.C. commun- structure, administration and ities twice a year in the form services. · Traffic Fine Revenue of a grant to fund policing infunding comes from ticket itiatives and community safefines and court-imposed fines ty projects. on violation tickets. The proThere’s more. As comgram returns 100 per cent of munities with a population net traffic fine revenues to of less than 20,000, Ashcroft communities that are responand Cache Creek also qualify sible for policing costs. Rural for twice-yearly Small Comcommunities and municipalmunity grants. Since March 2011, Ashcroft has received ities with populations under
Traffic fines put to good use
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 5
Change in tactics needed to find doctors
which Ashcroft once had? Why does the village of Lytton, much smaller than Ashcroft have at least two rotating doctors (who come from Lillooet)? Perhaps we are negotiating with the wrong people. Perhaps we should be negotiating with the people who first settled this country. Both the Ashcroft Band and the Bonaparte Band have functioning medical clinics. Federal money may very well be involved. Both communities mentioned have large native Indian populations. Ashcroft has the hospital, the lab, the medical offices. What we don’t have are the doctors to keep them running. When I called the Ashcroft Medical Clinic for an appointment to renew my prescriptions this week, I was told that there was no one there to do so. I was advised to go to ER, which was open from 6 pm on Friday, until 8 am on Monday, and ask for a prescription renewal. I find this bizaare. Everyone working so hard to get us what other nearby communities have. Calling in the Health Minister, negotiating with Interior Health, etc. doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere. Two doctors in seven months, may be available? Fresh out of medical school? That’s a pretty dim vision to contemplate when you need a prescription filled. Esther Darlington MacDonald Ashcroft
Dear Editor Ken Platz, whom I’ve known for a number of years and consider a good friend, is down there three times a week at MLA Jackie Tegart’s office, with a placard. People honk as they go by, expressing agreement with what he is doing - protesting our lack of medical doctors and the gradual dismantling of our once beautiful hospital. Ken is a quiet, very sensible man, not inclined to protest or writing letters to the editor 5,000 who do not pay directly (like yours truly). But he is for policing participate in the down there, reminding us all program through a reduction of what we do not have. in the police tax. I read in our Journal There is a third grant pronewspaper, that our MLA is gram as well. Regional Disdoing everything she can to trict grants are also applied bring attention to our plight. twice a year and, like Small Ken himself, appreciates the Community grants, are untime and the effort that the conditional and can be spent Wellness and Health Action however each regional district Coalition group are making sees fit to assist with adminto get us some doctors. istration costs. The ThompThe point is, none of this son-Nicola Regional Disis working. trict received $95,707 from As to the oft stated, ‘But the program last month, and there are no medical doctors $721,411 since 2011. available’, I wonder. Since 2009, the Traffic Why does the town of Fine Revenue, Small ComLillooet (which is about the munity and Regional District same size as Ashcroft) have grant programs have providfive permanent medical doc- Deadline for Letters is Friday at 10 am ed more than $792 million tors? Have a beautiful hosfor the following issue. in funding to communities pital with all the resources throughout B.C., to help pay for local projects. Unlike other grants that go toward a specific purpose, these grants can be used at each community’s discretion Prices in Effect August 4 - 19, 2015 on local projects that might otherwise go unfunded. Our government underCLEARANCE SALE stands there is no standard formula for addressing priority projects in individual communities. These programs allow decisions to be made locally to help pay for projects that build safer, stronger communities – without burdening local taxpayers.
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Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between July 30th and August 31st, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on Chevrolet Spark, Sonic, Cruze, Volt, Trax, Malibu (except LS); $750 credit available on others Chevrolet (except Colorado 2SA, Camaro Z28, Malibu LS, Silverado Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on all Chevrolet Silverado’s. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt, HHR, Avalanche, Aveo, Epica, Orlando, Optra, Tracker, Uplander, Venture, Astro, Blazer, Jimmy, Trailblazer or GMC Envoy, Safari or Buick Rendezvous, Terraza that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between July 30th and August 31st, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,000 credit available on Chevrolet Spark, Sonic, Cruze, Volt, Trax, Malibu (except LS); $1,500 credit available on other eligible Chevrolet vehicles (except Chevrolet Colorado 2SA, Camaro Z28, and Malibu LS). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered from July 30th and August 31st, 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Spark, Sonic LS 1SA, Cruze LS 1SA & Diesel, Malibu 3LT, Volt, Impala, Camaro 1LS & 2LS, Trax, Equinox LS AWD, Traverse, Colorado 2WD, Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2WD WT and Crew Cab WT/LS, and Silverado HD’s WT with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $476.19 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
Thursday, August 6, 2015 The Journal
The Journal Thursday, August 6, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 7
Desert Daze music festival this weekend in Spences Bridge Tickets are very reasonable for a weekend pass! For further information please go to www.desertdaze.ca or call 250-458-2282
Bob Seger tribute at MITP
Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society presents ‘Music in the Park’ Outdoor Concert on Wednesday Aug. 12 with Sabrina Weeks and Mike Hilliard. Moonlight Movie features Opening set starting at 6:30pm Big Hero 6 features Local Singer/Songwriter Interior Savings presents Nadine Davenport. Ashcroft Moonlight Outdoor Sabrina and Mike will be preNadine Davenport Movie featuring Big Hero senting a special show called ‘Reon Wednesday, Aug, 26. The flections of Bob Seger.’ The night event starts at 7pm with concession and activities. The will be a celebration of the music Bob Seger. Sing along. movie starts at dusk which is roughly 8:30pm. AdmisDance all night, Take a stroll down memory lane... Sabrina’s voice is a ménage à trois between Etta sion is by donation. All donations are going to Desert James, Fae West and Doris Day writhing beneath black Hills Tri Club. Big Hero 6 is an animated movie about the special satin sheets. Add Mike Hilliard who is by far one of the bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot most underrated yet insanely talented guitar players in Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a Canada and you have something exciting and fresh. group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. These popular evening Concerts on Railway Ave are held throughout the Summer in June, July and August and are every second and fourth Wednesday night from 6:30 - 9:30pm. Bring your family and friends, a comfy lawn chair and a blanket GS s N I ’ and prepare to enjoy wonderful live music in SAVe world rers! a relaxed, family friendly venue. Admission is E u free, but pass-the-hat donations are encouraged. WID ff th ufact
Desert Daze Music Festival this weekend
Spences Bridge is gearing up for its sixth annual Desert Daze Festival Aug. 7-8. Two days of music and workshops, shopping, and fun and games! Friday kicks off at 2 pm with the Siska Drummers. This group of Indigenous drummers opens the festival with a prayer and a welcome song. Some highlights of the music schedule include Merritt-based Bobby Garcia and Six More Strings, who played at the fall dance in Spences Bridge last year, and also graced the stage at this summer’s Music in the Park in Ashcroft. Bobby Garcia and Six More Strings is playing on Friday night and will have you singing along and dancing to their country style. If country isn’t your thing, Bluesfoot from Kamloops will close off Friday night with rocking dancing favourites! Bluegrass anyone? The Honkey Tonk Dilettantes hail from Vancouver and this bluegrass trio pluck and harmonize some of the good old tunes. Murfitt and Main, also from Vancouver, have played in this region before, and their country harmonies are not to be missed. For something completely different, Kara Kata! This is a 15 piece Afro Beat band not to be missed – with horns, backup singers, drums….sure to be a lively jumpin’ set! Closing the festival Saturday night is George Leach and his amazing blues trio. Leach is a Juno award winner, and hails from Lillooet; his blues guitar style of playing is amazing and not to be missed! Of course our little festival would not be complete without our very talented local musicians; Spiritus Mundii, Flat Busted, John Kidder, Jennifer Ferguson, Nadine Davenport and more! You can find links to theses musicians’ websites or YouTube on our website in order have a listen to them. Vendors and volunteer are needed for this event; please go to the website for details www. desertdaze.ca . It’s also on Facebook. Beside from the canning and pickling workshops there will be a drumming workshop facilitated by Dave Dumont, so bring your djembes, hand drum, rattles and shakers! Yoga yoga! with that the very talented yoga instructor Maya Nadine. There is a workshop with “Doug the Hug” the quirky guitarist! as well as an Indigenous traditional art workshop with local Indigenous artist Carolyn Lytton.
Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra Dinner Concert
The Grand Central Station will co-host a Dinner Concert featuring the fabulous gypsy folk six-piece band Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra on Thursday, Aug. 27. Doors open at 5:30pm with music starting at 7:30pm. Tix are available for the Dinner/Show or just for the Show and are available now at UniTea Tea Room and The Grand Central. Look for posters around town. TMO has cycled through far-flung influences and youthful forays into sounds from all over, finding new vistas of creativity that bring them closer to their own beginnings, to the people and places that have shaped them. Discover Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra for yourself Thursday, Aug. 27 here in Ashcroft.
Kids summer Arts Camp returns
Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society is pleased to announce that this year’s Fine and Dramatic See CURRENT on p. 10
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Thursday, August 6, 2015 The Journal
A 8 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Too much talk, too little action on weeds At least once a year Loon Lake residents are re- Lake did not pay school taxes. minded that they are either in no-man’s land or a frontier Just to set the record straight, the provincial assessterritory. According to service providers like Telus and ment authority has no difficulty in finding Loon Lake BC Hydro, Loon Lake Road is Road and all properties are in Clinton. According to Canada taxed for schools, and this Post, Loon Lake Road is in Cache means that those who have Creek. So when we ask Telus to summer and vacation homes mail us a telephone directory, here and a home elsewhere Barbara Hendricks which is something all customers in the province actually pay are entitled to, we can’t get one two sets of taxes for schools. because our post office address is Cache Creek but we Even property owners living outside of BC must pay are asking for the Williams Lake book which includes school tax on their property. In the same way we also our exchange. Telus will apparently only send those dir- pay hefty taxes for hospitals and policing even though ectories through the Clinton Post Office. these services are centred in not-so-nearby towns. Of course, we are told nobody uses telephone books The suggestion that townspeople are the only ones anymore as everyone uses the internet to look up a num- paying for these services is incorrect. Every year the ber. Um – No, we don’t and many of us do not have in- property owners of Loon Lake Road send many thouternet. If we ask for one through Yellow Pages we are sands of dollars to governments in towns and cities for either told they are not available or they say “Yes, they services based there which we can only access intermitwill send one”, but it never arrives. It is impossible to get tently, if at all. anyone in Telus to do anything about this as their computer apparently overrules the people. Canada Post staff I frequently write about gardening and plants in this has tried to help but have run into roadblocks from Telus. column as I enjoy time spent in a garden much more The latest no-man’s land situation is the confusion than time spent in front of the TV. Besides, sitting is very regarding where Loon Lake Road is concerning the bad for your health. Provincial Fire Centres. While it may seem most logical Associated with my joy of gardening and plants is to many that Loon Lake Road would be within the juris- my concern about the loss of plant diversity in nature as diction of the Kamloops Fire Centre, it is not; it is the invasive weeds take over roadsides and forest lands. In Cariboo Fire Centre that makes the rules for Loon Lake BC we have a law regarding noxious weeds and while Road. So while there is a campfire ban in the Kamloops millions of dollars are given every year by the governdistrict, there is no campfire ban in effect at Loon Lake ment to various invasive species councils across the Road as I write this (Saturday Aug 1). This situation can province, it seems to be a losing battle about the weeds change any day and if you want the latest update on our while the councils multiply and grow like bad weeds. situation regarding campfires it is the Cariboo Fire DisThe literature put out by the Invasive Species Countrict you look to for the information. You can find that cils shows we have now up to five categories of undesironline at bcwildfire.ca – Cariboo or call the office in 100 able plants – according to them. There are: provincial Mile at 250 395-7831. noxious weeds, regional noxious weeds, invasive plants, invasive horticulture plants and “unwanted” horticulture While we may be a no-mans land or a “border” area, plants – in total adding up to about 120 plants. Most lowe still pay plenty of taxes. I read recently in The Jour- cals can’t identify 10 plants, so good luck with that. Fornal someone suggesting that property owners at Loon tunately, many of these cannot grow in the cold climate and alkaline soils around here but still enough is
enough, and this is too much. I would much prefer to see these councils target a handful of the most problematic weeds and develop strategies to get them under control, including getting BC Ministry of Transport to accept that they must do more to prevent the spread of these weeds along roadsides and into adjacent range lands. Where I live annual cornflowers, Mountain bluet, Russian olive, Evening primrose and several others are valuable plants that do not spread beyond the cultivated garden. In fact, it is darn hard to get some of these plants to produce seeds and there is no danger that they will invade the neighbouring land. Meanwhile contractors for the BC Ministry of Transport continue to accidentally spread the seeds of knapweed, Dalmatian toadflax and other, more harmful weeds along roadsides. I have seen beautiful mountain meadows that once flowered with showy daisies and penstemons completed overtaken by knapweed. I think the way to go is develop a list of the “10 most wanted weeds” and concentrate on eliminating these from crown land and roadsides, then target another 10 when that is accomplished. This would be much more effective although the approach requires that someone would actually have to go out on the land and pull weeds, and physical labour is to be avoided it seems, except at the gym. For example, if all knapweed was eliminated from lands held by the provincial government, this would go a long way to improving the diversity of plants and property owners would not have drifts of knapweed seeds moving in from the roadsides every summer when they are mowed. As summer progresses there are signs that early fall is just around the corner. Suddenly a few days ago most of the hummingbirds left. I will miss those little entertainers. After cleaning all the berries off the Nanking Cherry, the robins, tanagers and various warblers have moved on to another garden. The squirrels are busy cutting down fir cones for their winter stockpiles. (They really seem to like to drop those cones from the tree tops onto some kind of metal roof or storage tank and the sound echos across the valley.) It is time to start collecting seeds for next year and it looks like there will be enough to share at various seedy events next spring. Already the first fall bulb catalogue has come in the mail and it is indeed time to start thinking of where to plant some and where the ones already planted are hiding.
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August • Week 2 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 You’re very good at marching to the beat of a different drummer, Aries. But keep in mind that sometimes it’s advantageous to follow along with what others are doing.
Thompson River Ride September 20, 2015
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you hope that others appreciate what you are doing for them this week. You may not get a verbal thank-you, but expect some to show their appreciation in other ways. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, many people are willing to lend you a helping hand when you need one. Make the most of their generosity, and then give back whenever possible. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, enjoy the fruits of your labor this week. You worked hard, and now is a great time for you to rest, relax and catch up with some old friends. Good times are ahead. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, leave room for others to share their opinions after expressing your own. It never hurts to see another’s point of view, and a loved one’s opinion may prove enlightening. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a heavy workload may force you to regroup and start over next week when you have more energy and inspiration. This is just a temporary setback. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, now is the time for a change, however big or small that change ultimately may be. You may benefit from adopting a new hobby or changing careers. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Your life can’t always be a bundle of excitement, Scorpio. Sometimes you have to sit back and enjoy those periods that are not so on-the-go. Relish in the slower pace. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, others are looking to you for advice this week. Give any inquiry the thoughtful consideration it deserves, doing your best to take others’ concerns to heart. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, even if you have a million ideas running through your head, push them aside in favor of some much-needed rest. You need to take some time for yourself. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, embrace the coming days as a chance to distinguish yourself at work. Extra work presents an opportunity to put your value to the company on display. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Romance is in the air, Pisces. Enjoy this exciting time and take things slowly at first. Enjoy the slow pace and get to know your new love interest.
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The Journal Thursday, August 6, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 9
Clinton rolls out the flowery carpet for judges once again p.m. while Saturday hours are from 11 to enter the a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. Scotts Mir- to 4 p.m. Admission is by donation and acle Gro attendees will be asked to vote for their Best Garden “pick of the show” and best “wildlife Competition. themed” selections. Members of Some of the artists/artisans will be the Clinton giving demonstrations on Saturday and Communities Sunday. There will also be a children’s in Bloom table so dress the young people in old Committee clothing and let them try out various had the un- artists materials. enviable task There will be a silent auction going After the delightful picnic lunch in the museum grounds the of selecting on throughout the show and winners judges posed with Clinton CiB members and mayor: (l-r) Roger 10 properties will be notified to pick up their items at Younker, Christine Johnstone, Yvette May (in front), Susan Swan, to receive the the end of the show. If you would like Bonita Lundberg, Alice Crosson and Mayor Jim Rivett. awards. to donate to the silent auction please The categories included contact Rebekah Bowen at 250-459Best Residential Flower Gar- 2519. den, Best Residential Edible The theme this year is “Wildlife”. Garden, Best Business Flower Anyone wishing to display their work Susan Swan and Edible Garden and Best can contact Nancy McMinn at 250459-2224 or 2325 Youth-Run Edible Garden 459-2976 before Aug. 7 when entries countrysquire@ – youth 14 and under. Win- close. bcwireless.com ners receive a gift pack of two This is an open show and entry of Scotts Miracle Gro products original works in all mediums is enand a sign for their yard. couraged. This includes works by phoCiB Judges Tour Clinton The winners in Clinton were tographers, artists, artisans, sculptors, In spite of flight delays and being re-routed, the National CiB judg- Amanda Mercer - Lagoon Court authors, musicians, and video makers. The Society’s mandate is to proes finally arrived in Clinton after 9 p.m. “Flowers and Edible combined”; Maron July 28. Thankfully, nothing had nie and Bernie Nieuwenhuis – Lagoon mote and support area cultural activbeen planned for them that evening so Court “Edible Garden; Melanie Nichol- ities. They welcome your best effort if they were able to settle into their mo- son – Lagoon Court “Perennial and you are a beginner and have never disHerb Gardens”; Catherine Marcoux played your work as well as the skilful tel rooms and prepare for the next day. Judges Roger Younker of Charlotte- and Bill Holt – Soues Street “Potted pieces of mature and professional arttown, PEI and Bonita Lundberg of Sas- Flowers on fence”; and Bernice Beeds ists. The Society members invite you to katoon, Sask. were escorted around – Lebourdais Avenue “Flower Gartown the following day. Tour guides dens”. Also among the winners were come and meet others who are interChristine Johnstone and Susan Swan John and Fran White – Engeman Lane ested in the wonderful world of art and had people at each of the stops to ex- “Flowers, Edible Garden and Land- artistry. scaped Yard”; Nancy McMinn/ plain what they were seeing. The judges visited Robertson Cordova Farm – Pavilion Road Lillian Martin Square and the community garden, “Edible Garden”; As the Crow August 29, 1918 - July 24, 2015 sewer treatment plant and lagoons, the Flies/Brenda Slade – Cariboo Pioneer Cemetery, the new water treat- Hwy. “Best Business ImproveIt is with great sadness that the family of Lillian “Lily” Martin (Aie) announce ment plant, museum, Village Office ment of building frontage and her passing on July 24, 2015. Lily was and fitness room, Reg Conn Centennial grounds with flowers and edborn on August 29, 1918 and grew Park and proposed dog park location, ibles”; and the Government Liup in Ashcroft, BC. She was the second of eight Kings Lake Cemetery, David Stoddart quor Store/Tracy Fallstrom – children and is predeceased by School and Whispering Pines/Clinton Cariboo Hwy. “Best Business parents Wong Du Dai Aie and You for unique flowers and edible Indian Band Native Cemetery. How Lim Aie, sister Betsy, brother Edward and her husband Donald. Following the official stops the garden frontage.” Lily is survived by siblings Betty The Cloverbuds – Clinton judges were driven around to view Wong, Loyd (Renee) Wongs, William some of the Funky Flowerpot entries 4-H Young Horticulture Club (Chui Chu) Aie, Renay (Cort) Larson and Jerry Aie. She is also survived by grandchildren (great) and numerous and Scott’s Miracle Gro winning prop- won the “Best Youth-Run Ednieces and nephews. It is with deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks erties. During the tour a picnic lunch ible Gardens”. Eight young to her granddaughter Pam and husband Kyle (Klumpp) for their was held in the museum grounds with gardeners showed off their dedication and loving care of Lil during recent years. Lillian attended Lady Byng Elementary School. She travelled to the judges, museum society members, flower gardens, hanging basChina with her family and later returned to Canada in 1938 to CiB committee members, mayor, coun- kets, vegetable plots and garwork in Red Deer, AB. In 1942 she enlisted in the C.W.A.C. as a dens. They learn to cook with cil and village staff. nurse in Yorkton, SK and was the first Chinese lady to join in that province, and perhaps in Canada. Lillian was posted to Halifax, An informal dinner comprised of herbs from their gardens. ConNova Scotia. Upon returning to Saskatchewan, she later met and local foods was held at the Memor- gratulations to Cale Townsend, married Donald Martin in 1944 who in 1945 was discharged ial Hall on Wednesday evening and a Colton Wedler, Rachel Miller, when the war ended. They returned to Ashcroft in 1952. Lillian was widowed in 1969 and was left to care for her working breakfast with the judges, CiB Mattie Miller, Cade Allison, granddaughter. She worked locally at the area fruit stands from members and CAO Tom Dall was held Tate Allison, Colton McCorCache Creek, the Ashcroft Manor, and as far as Spences Bridge. on Thursday morning prior to the judg- mick and Jesse Fletcher and She was very involved with family and community, which included baking for church teas. Her hobbies included crocheting, playing their leader, Linda Allison. es being returned to Kamloops. scratch tickets and reading romance novels. She loved flower and Well done everyone. Your The Village of Clinton was the last vegetable gardening, canning and cooking. Lily was famously of four communities with population efforts make our community known for her butter tarts and daily walks to town, where many of the locals would often pick her and her groceries up and help under 1000 that these judges evaluat- so much better. her home. Her kindness, graciousness and loving ways will be ed. The results will be announced at the greatly remembered by her family and friends. May you rest in CiB National and International Sympo- Summer Fine Art Show & peace, Lily. Funeral Services were held in Ashcroft on Saturday August 1st sium in Kamloops on Oct. 1. The judg- Sale from Zion United Church where burial followed at the Ashcroft The Clinton Art and Cules seemed to be very impressed with Cemetery. the community and the friendly people tural Society are hosting a Fine Donations in Lily’s memory may be made to Variety ~ The Children’s Charity. Online condolences may be made www.tvfh.ca they met along the way. Let’s hope that Art and Artisan Show and Sale from Friday, Aug. 14 to Suntranslates into a good evaluation. day, Aug. 16 at the Clinton Thompson Valley Funeral Home Ltd. Memorial Hall. Scotts Miracle Gro Winners Ordinary people. Extraordinary care. 250-453-9802 ~ 1-800-295-5138 Friday evening is from 6-9 The Village of Clinton was invited
GARAGE SALE 1368 Government St. (across from pool) August 8/15 • from 9:00 - ?? Having a Garage Sale? Advertise here $12.25 + GST.
Celebration of Life for Robert “Bob” Parsons Saturday, August 8, 2015 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Hal Rogers Kinsmen Centre 2025 Summit Drive, Kamloops
Coming Events
Aug. 7/8: Desert Daze music festival in Spences Bridge. Two days of music, arts, culture and agriculture. Aug. 12: Music in the Park with Sabrina Weeks and Mike Hilliard with special guest Nadine Davenport. Music begins at 6:30 in Heritage Park. By donation. Aug. 14-16: Clinton Art & Cultural Society Annual Art Show and Sale at Clinton Memorial Hall. Aug. 17: Cache Creek Council meets at 7 pm in the Village Office. Everyone welcome to attend. Aug. 22/23: CMDRA Race featuring North West Street Outlaws at the Eagle Motorplex on Hwy 1 south of Cache Creek. Aug. 26: Music in the Park with Paisley Groove and special guest Kirk Watson. Music begins at 6:30 in Heritage Park. By donation. Sept. 4-6: Twelfth annual Lytton River Festival. Free event featuring music, arts, crafts, plays, and much more. www. riverfestival.ca Sept. 13: Ashcroft & District Fall Fair, 10am-5pm at Dryland Arena. Sept. 19/20: NHRA King of the Track! Last race weekend of 2015 for Eagle Motorplex on Hwy 1 south of Cache Creek. Every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. The Cache Creek Market is open at the main intersection in Cache Creek, next to Chums Restaurant, until October.
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., AUGUST 7th • 6:30 - 7:15 pm
Chicken & Ribs $10/plate Served with Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Dinner Buns and Dessert
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
Hamburgers & Chicken burgers served every Wednesday from Noon Bingo 1st & 3rd Wednesday Doors open 6:00 pm, games start 6:30 pm. Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
Thursday, August 6, 2015 The Journal
A 10 www.ash-cache-journal.com
River Fest shares a rich culture Arts Summer Camp will be bigger and better. It is designed for students entering Kindergarten through to Grade 12. Elementary students will sing with Sabrina Weeks and Mike Hilliard, paint with Jo Petty, play music with David Dumont and act with Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan. New this year: High school students will have the opportunity to work on a special week-long project with Gareth Smart. The camp will be held at Cache Creek Elementary School Aug. 17-21, where classes run from 9:30am-2:30pm. Register by phone, email, or online by Aug. 7. Phone: 250 453-0036 or e-mail windinCurrent from p. 7
griversarts@gmail.com for costs and information.
Lytton River Festival – Labour Day Weekend
Each year the Lytton River Festival pays tribute to the Thompson and Fraser Rivers and celebrates Lytton’s vibrant community and First Nations culture. This free, family-friendly three-day event is the largest of its kind in the canyon with live bands and street dances, children’s activities such as face painting and a climbing wall, farmers markets, organized hikes into the Stein Valley, First Nations artisans, and a traditional Pow Wow. For a complete list of the weekend’s
activities, visit http://riverfestival.ca/ events/ Friday morning kicks off with a stroll along the Fraser at 8:30 am after meeting at the Visitor Centre. The Farmers Market opens at 10 am Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Visit the Museum at 3 pm for story telling - Lytton Legends. Have dinner at the Legion, 5:30. The Pernell Reichert Band takes to the stage at 5:30 and starts off an evening of music, capped off by Ritchie and the Fendermen at 9 pm. Start Saturday morning off with a Pancake Breakfast at the Parish Hall. 8-10:30 am. At 10 am the Festival officially opens with a Lytton hand drum welcome. The Welcome Booth opens at 10:30 am and signals the beginning of many activities including live music, new geo caching releases from Gold Country, the Two Riv-
ers Art Show (11-6), Mr. Bubbles the Clown (noon-3 pm), Circus West performances, magic shows and workshops (1-3:30 pm), and the climbing wall (2-4 pm). Spiritus Mundii takes the stage at 5 pm, followed by Ten Souljers at 7:30. They’ll stop for the Fire Dancer performance at 9 pm and resume playing at 9:30. Sunday is a little more laid back: the local First Nations artisans conduct workshops and demonstrations starting at noon and First Nations cultural performances take to the stage, first with the Tuckkwiowhum Heritage Inerpretive Village (1-2:30 pm), followed by Kevin Loring’s Savage Society perform “Songs of the Land” (2:30-4 pm), the Interactive First Nations Experience (4-5 pm), ending with First Nations blues performer, Gerald Charlie from 5-7 pm.
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Neighbors Lawn Care Serving the area for the past 10 years
Power Raking, Fertilizing, Hedge Trimming and Weekly Lawn Maintenance New customers always welcome Reasonable rates, and great service!
Call Jamie at 250-457-0542
Kelly Adamski Broker / Owner
Box 160, 401 Railway Avenue Ashcroft, BC V0K1A0 250-453-2225 Office www.goldencountry.ca remaxashcroft@telus.net 250-453-2622 Fax
er Terry Daniels Publish
Office: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 cjournal.ca e-mail: publisher@ac • V0K 1A0 BC t, rof hc As t, 402 - 4th Stree www.blackpress.ca
Celebrating 22 Years Three licenced techs, no apprentices Come to the place with experience
AUTOMOTIVE Junction of Hwy.1 & 97C, Ashcroft
250-457-6698 albert44@telus.net
Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, August 6, 2015
www.ash-cache-journal.com A11
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.453.2261 fax 250.453.9625 email production@accjournal.ca
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Utility Trailers
WORD CLASSIFIEDS Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue
AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 7:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206
MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with Canada’s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535 www.canscribe.com or info@canscribe.com.
BUD HAYNES & Ward’s Firearms Auction. Sat., Aug. 29, 10 a.m., 11802 - 145 St., Edmonton, Alberta. Estate Stan Andruski of Manitoba. Website catalogue w/pictures online. To consign phone Linda 403597-1095 or 780-451-4549; www.budhaynesauctions.com; www.WardsAuctions.com.
Loon Lk Resort: Yard Sale all summer. Pop fridge display freezer, pizza oven, dirt bikesnew unique summer clothing, and much more! 2726 Loon Lk Rd. Cache Creek BC Call for more info: 250.459.2537
ASHCROFT Hillside Manor
DISPLAY ADVERTISING Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements Community Announcements Employment Business Services Pets & Livestock Merchandise for Sale Real Estate Rentals Automotive Legals AGREEMENT It is agreed by any display or classified advertised requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event to failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. bcclassifieds.com cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors after the first day of publication any advertisement. Notice or errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention on the classified department to be corrected for the following edition. bcclassifieds.com reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the bcclassified.com Box Replay Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental. DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of bcclassified.com. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 Sales: sales@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca Production: production@accjournal.ca www.ash-cache-journal.com 402-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.
CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or visit online at www.canadabenefit.ca /free-assessment. If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. PH 250.457.0786
CLASS 1 DRIVER in Golden, BC area. Start IMMEDIATELY. Experience is an asset. Call 866-344-2215 or Email: S h a u n @ b n w c o n t ra c t i n g . c a Competitive Wages & Benefit Package.
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Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-7683362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
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Help Wanted TUG SKIPPER Full time senior & junior positions available. Minimum Limited Master <60GT Certificate required. Apply via email:
alertbaytowing@cablerocket.com www.blackpress.ca
Trades, Technical
or fax to 250-974-5216.
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca NEED A loan? Own property? Have bad credit? We can help! Call toll free 1-866-405-1228 firstandsecondmortgages.ca
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Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
STEEL BUILDINGS. “Our big 35th anniversary sale” 20x20 $4500. 25x24 $5198. 30x30 $7449. 32x36 $8427. 40x46 $12140. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422 www.pioneersteel.ca.
Best Apartments in the area!
1500 Government Street Renovated 1 & 2 bedroom VIEW SUITES Available immediately Clean, quiet & well maintained. Air conditioning Rent includes heat, hot water & cable TV (valued at over $100/month) Walking distance to hospital and schools.
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Business for Sale
DON’T OVERPAY! www.rtmihomes.com “Your smart housing solution” Canada’s largest provider of manufactured housing. Text or call (844-3342960). In stock 16’/20’/22’ Homes on sale now!
Extremely successful old-time photo studio in Barkerville for sale. High producer, lot of fun and immensely popular attraction. Incl. training & equipment: sale@barkerville.com or 250-392-7119 $139,900
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
SAW FILERS Vancouver Island, BC
WFP is currently seeking Certified Saw Filers at a variety of Sawmill locations on Vancouver Island, BC. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Reporting to the Head Filer, you are required to safely perform quality work within the scope of the trade as it pertains to sawfitting. A Saw Filer (bench ticket preferred), ideally with experience in Heavy Industry, but not limited to, experience in the Forest Industry, you bring to the job an excellent safety record and a strong work ethic. You are a highly motivated team player with excellent skills in relation to time management and prioritizing, accountability and dependability. This is an hourly paid position. Rates of pay and benefits information can be found in the WFP/USW Collective Agreement. Details of the collective agreement can be viewed at http://westernforest.com/business-value/our-people-employment/employees/
PLEASE APPLY AT http://www.jobs.net/jobs/westernforest/en-ca/all-jobs/ As only short-listed candidates will be contacted, WFP thanks you in advance for your interest.
Please give our Resident Manager Bill Manton a chance to impress you. 250-457-0433
Now Open - NW Trailers Etc Cargo / Utility / Equipment trailers Sales / Parts / Service 6784 Trans Canada Hwy. Savona (the old blue buildings across from the lake)
We are on your route or only a phone call away 250-373-0097 Your new Continental Cargo and Rainbow Trailer Dealer
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years.
Seniors Discount available.
Homes for Rent ASHCROFT:2 bdrm.hse. F/S. N/S, $575/mo. 250-453-9983
Be responsible don’t litter! www.spca.bc.ca
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
NOTICE OF REZONING APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING The Village of Ashcroft has received an application to amend existing C-1 (Commercial Mixed Use 1) Zone for 110 Railway Avenue (Lot AM5, Block 23, Plan KAP189, District Lot 423, Kamloops Division Yale District, except Plan KAP 47433, See DD 252981F, PID: 012-631-761). The proposal is to permit the following on a site specific basis only: • Boutique Manufacturing: A Use that involves the manufacturing of small tools and other hardware, and assembly in buildings occupying small footprints and not requiring outdoor storage This application is a proposal is being considered under Bylaw 737, the Village of Ashcroft Zoning Bylaw, 2005. Public Hearing Date: Monday, August 10th, 2015 Time: 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM Place: Village of Ashcroft Council Chambers 601 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft
Register Online at www.bcdailydeals.com
BCDaily Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from parker dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
For more information or to submit comments:
Merchandise for Sale
Antiques / Vintage WANTED: Looking to buy Meccano collections, and Meccano products: Dinky Toys, Hornby Dublo trains, and other vintage Meccano products. Mike 250-453-2306.
Website: www.ashcroftbc.ca/rezoningapplications
THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA, BC BRANCH Toll Free 1-800-567-8112 www.kidney.ca
Contact: Michelle Allen, CAO admin@ashcroftbc.ca tel: 250-453-9161 Village of Ashcroft 601 Bancroft Street Ashcroft, BC
A12 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, August 6, 2015 The Journal
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