Kettle River Museum Presents
Tiller’s Folly September 11, 2015 Call 250-449-2614 to get your tickets
Includes tax
Thursday, august 6, 2015
VOL. 33 Number 32
A drone flying over private property causes concern because of children playing in the back yard.
Wing Night
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Texas Holdem Poker
Thursday, Registration 6:30 pm
Saturday, August 29 8:30 pm Family Friendly • Rooms Available
As many as 200 ATV enthusiasts are set to descend on Greenwood for a provincial AGM and jamboree.
Look fo r it insid e this We and loc st Kootenay A week’s ations dvertis throug hout th er e Boun d
RDKB calls for review of health safety code DELLA MALLETTE Boundary Creek Times
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary will not be calling on the government to put a halt to the installation of smart meters. However, the regional district (RDKB) Bob is going to petition the government to Bugeaud recommend a review of Health Canada’s 250-449-1982 safety code. Acting on information and reports submitted to the RDKB, discussion about the safety and health concerns of smart mePierre Cloutier and his magnificent wagon train rest in Greenwood. Cloutier is nearing the end of an impressive 4,000-kilometre journey that began in Montreal, and will end in the Cariboo. ters was added to the agenda at the board’s PHOTO: ANDREW TRIPP meeting in Grand Forks last Thursday. A small group of concerned citizens attended. Chair Grace McGregor began by exKELOWNA (Wstbrg) plaining that in regards to smart meters, wagons rode into Greenwood last Thursday, much ANDREW TRIPP local government does not have any juristo the delight of numerous residents enjoying their Boundary Creek Times Reporter diction. morning coffee at the Copper Eagle café. A recent resolution by the RegionInvited for breakfast by proprietors Joanne Looking like a 19th century pioneer about al District of Okangan Similkameen to complete his westward journey from the east, Marien and Vanessa Chartier, Cloutier spent sev(RDOS) has no teeth, she explained. That Montrealer Pierre Cloutier and his horse drawn • See CLOUTIER page A6 district requested the metering project be stopped and that all smart meters already Located in Westbridge and proud to service the area installed be removed. gional District of Kootenay Boundary Board of ment of Canada to work in collaboration with the 1-250-446-6808 “We need to take a stand on what we Directors petitions the Premier of British Colum- health departments of the provinces and territories, can take a stand on, ” McGregor added. bia, the Honourable Christy Clark, the Minister of to examine existing cancer data collection methods �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� Before making his motion, Area D/ Health, the Honourable Terry Lake, and the Chief in order to improve the collection of information reRural Grand Forks Director Roly Russell Medical Health Officer for B.C., Dr. Perry Kendall lating to wireless device use and cancer.” explained that authorized actions are limto recommend review of Health Canada’s Safety “The resolution we passed has a way bigger imited. “There needs to be clarity as to what Code 6 to ensure appropriate protections for our pact [than the RDOS resolution],” McGregor said. is, and what is not, the RDKB’s mandate citizens, based on the precautionary principle and a The best action for citizens is to take their conand jurisdiction.” transparent review of the available research. cerns to their MLAs and to health authorities, both 0 24543 16681 8 Therefore, “It is resolved that the Re“Further, that the board also petition the Govern- she and Russell stressed.
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Boundary Branch C REDIT U NION West Castlegar West Boundary Branch
256256 Copper, 76box #S. 100 630 -Box 17th Street, S. -Copper, p.o. 76, Castlegar, B.C. V1N Greenwood, b.c. voh ijo Greenwood, BC V0H 1J04G7 phone: 250-365-7232 Phone: 250-445-9900 Tel: 250-445-9900 Fax: 250-365-2913 Fax: 250-445-9902 Fax: 250-445-9902
Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351
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2 Calendar of Events
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, August 6, 2015
263 South Copper Avenue, PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:
Be sure to send in your event information. This section is free of charge.
Saturday, Aug. 8: Tropical Picnic in the Park and a Movie. Presented by the Midway Community Association in the James G. McMynn Village Park. Free dinner and fun games. Starts at 5:30 p.m. Movie feature, Back to the Future (PG) begins around 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8 and 22: Horse racing is returning to Desert Park in Osoyoos. 1 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6: Foot Clinic, Greenwood Medical Clinic. Please call the clinic at 250-445-6626 to book an appointment. Aug. 11 - 16: ATV Association of B.C. Jamboree, Greenwood. Friday-Sunday, Aug. 16-16: 7th Annual Midway Music Festival-Old Country Western Bluegrass Weekend at the Boundary Expo Recreation Centre, 735 7th Ave., Midway. Contact Vic and Brenda at 250-442-2159 or Dave and Birdie at 250-449-2703 for more information. Friday-Sunday, Aug. 21-23: Ponderosa Music Festival at the Rock Creek Fairgrounds.
REGULAR EVENTS: Mondays: Drop-in crib at Greenwood Legion at 7 p.m. $3 buy-in. Mondays: Girl Guides of Canada meets after school from 3:30 to 5 at WBES. Contact Janine Fraser at WBES or Linda Sheppard at 250-443-1529. First & Third Monday: Midway Village Council meeting; 6:30 p.m. with a delegation or 7 p.m. if none. First & Third Monday: The Bridge Drop-in Centre in Midway is open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed on holiday Mondays, but will be open the next day on Tuesday.
First Monday: Greenwood Seniors Centre meeting at 2 p.m. Info: 250-445-2290. Second & Fourth Monday: Greenwood City Council meeting at 7 p.m. Third Monday: Bridesville Women’s Institute meets at 11 am. Info: 446-2210 or 446-2121. Third Monday: Frolicking Fancies – the Greenwood Red Hat Ladies Group meet monthly in Greenwood. Information Francine 250-445-6734; or Shirley 250-445-9908. Third Monday: Discover Rock Creek Society meeting at 6:30 – for location info phone 250-5280227. Last Monday: Kettle River Recreation Commission meets at the Little Red School House at 7 p.m. Info Bill Watson 250-446-2325 or Sherry Dalziel 250-446-2997. Mondays and Wednesdays: Boot Camp at McArthur Centre in Greenwood from 6-7. $10 drop-in or $60 per month. Info 250-442-3664. Postponed until further notice. Monday & Wednesday beginning Sept. 15: Country Kids Playschool 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Rock Creek Health Centre. For info or to register call Sara Eek 250-446-2202. Tuesdays: AA Meetings at McArthur Centre in Greenwood at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: Drop-in social at the Greenwood Seniors’ Centre, 9 -11 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 11 - 3 pm Greenwood Seniors’ Centre Thrift Store, 100 Deadwood. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Taekwondo at BCSS gym from 4 to 5 p.m. Open to ages 6 (with supervision) to 106.
The Fun Spot
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Boundary Women’s Resource Centre on Market Avenue in Grand Forks open from 9 a.m. to - 3 p.m. Info 250-442- 5212. First Tuesday: Elks #493 monthly meeting at the Slavonic Hall in Grand Forks at 7 p.m. Info: 250442-2856 or 250-442-4276. Third Tuesday: Kettle Valley Wildlife Association meets at the range in Rock Creek at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Writer’s group meeting at 11 a.m. at Bored Room Bistro in Midway. Wednesdays: Girl Guides of Canada meet at King of Kings Church in Midway, Sparks ages 5-6 and Brownies ages 7-8 meet at 4:30-5:45; Guides ages 9-11 and Pathfinders ages 12-14 meet from 6 to 7:30. Info 250-449-2309 or 250-445-9955. Wednesdays: Midway Crib Tournament – Bored Room Bistro, 607 Eighth Avenue, Midway at 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Senior’s Bingo at 1 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior’s Drop-in Centre. $1 admission. Wednesdays: Women’s Counseling in Rock Creek and West Boundary: Free and confidential. For information call the STV counselor at 1-855-4413131 or 442-3131. Childcare and transportation subsidies are available. First Wednesday: West Boundary Senior Housing Society meeting at 1 p.m. in Parkview Manor Midway. Second Wednesday: Boundary Citizen’s Patrol meets at Midway Senior’s Centre from 7 - 8 p.m. Info: Wayne 250-449-2191, Paul 250-445-2111, or Wolfgang 250-446-2455. Second Wednesday: Greenwood Board of Trade meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek Women’s Institute meet for a potluck lunch at 11:45. Info: 250-4462454 or 250-446 -2608. Third Wednesday: Main River Women’s Institute meets in Westbridge at 1 p.m. Info: 250-446-2616. Third Wednesday: Rock Creek & Boundary Fair Assoc. meets at 7 p.m. at the pavilion from March through November. Info: 250-446- 2465. Thursday mornings: Free Yoga Classes in Green-
wood at the McArthur Centre from 10:00-11:30 a.m. For more information call: Diane at 250-4456364. Thursdays: Kinesiology at the old Kettle Valley School House from 9:30 to 12. Thursdays: Anglican Thrift Store from 11-3. Info phone Les Williams 250-445-2216. Thursdays: Quilters and other crafters meet at the Midway Senior’s Centre at 9:30 a.m. Come for coffee and bring your needle project to work on. Membership fee $10 per year. First Thursday: Rock Creek Medical Society meets at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the clinic. First & Third Thursday: Food bank at the Evangel Chapel at 11 a.m. Donations welcome. Info 250445-2125. Second & Fourth Thursday: Kettle River Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. in the Medical Clinic boardroom at Rock Creek. Fridays: Bingo at Greenwood Community Hall. Doors open 5 p.m., early bird 7 p.m. Progressive jackpot. Fridays: Coffee at Midway Seniors Centre from 9:30 - 11. Fridays: Overeaters Anonymous 11 a.m. - 12 noon at St. Jude’s Church in Greenwood. First & Third Friday: Karaoke at the Royal Canadian Legion in Greenwood. 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. Third Friday: Movie nights at Midway Community Hall; 7 p.m. Bring your own travel cup. $3 includes movie, drink and popcorn. Saturdays: Lion’s Club Meat Draw, at Prospector Pub in Rock Creek. Starts at 3 p.m. Saturdays: Greenwood Royal Canadian Legion Canteen open 2-6 p.m. Meat draw 3:30 p.m. Last Saturday: Karaoke at Hotel Midway – Hot-L Pub at 8:30. Last Saturday: The Bridge is open from 10 a.m. 12 p.m. Greenwood Public Library: Open Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. Opens at noon.
Quote of the Week: Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you’re scared to death. – Harold Wilson (1916 - 1995) Joke of the Week: What is the difference between a golfer and a fisherman? “When a golfer lies he doesn’t have to bring anything home to prove it!
Drone causes complaint
Break and enters possibly related
cause there were children playing
MIDWAY LIBRARY in their back yard. The drone had POLICE Shortly after 4:30 a.m. on July been observed hovering for up to
28, Midway RCMP responded to a report of a break-and-enter at the Race Trac service station in Greenwood. Thieves had apparently used their vehicle and an attached chain to remove the front door of the store. One witness observed a black Dodge truck with two occupants leaving the area. It is believed that the two same culprits may be have been responsible for the subsequent breakand-enter of My Udder Store in Greenwood. Suspects there gained entry by driving a similar black Dodge truck into the side of a receiving area and made off with a large quantity of cigarettes and other miscellaneous items. The investigation into these crimes is ongoing and if anyone has any information regarding these incidents, they are asked to contact the Midway RCMP. Drone spurs complaint On July 30, Midway RCMP received a report of a toy drone flying in Greenwood over private property. The complainants were concerned be-
15 minutes. The owner of the drone was contacted and advised that a charge of mischief could be warranted, as the complainants’ rightful enjoyment of their private property was infringed. Man charged with assault On Aug. 2, police responded to a report of an assault in progress in Greenwood. Attending officers found a male and female who had both been drinking alcohol, and the male was subsequently charged with assault and sexual assault. The matter is before the court for first appearance in Nelson. Motorcyclist sent to hospital On Aug. 3, Midway RCMP responded to a report of a motor vehicle collision on the south Kettle Valley Road. A motorcyclist had lost control of the vehicle and ended up in a ditch. The male driver experienced chest trauma and road rash, and was transported to Boundary Hospital in Grand Forks for treatment.
Weed control under way
Steward addresses weed control Highway Ltd to promote tourVillage of Midway council wel- MIDWAY LIBRARY ism through green initiatives, has identified the Kettle River Museum comed Boundary Invasive Species site as a good location for the elecSociety representative Barb Stewart tric vehicle charging station. There to its regular meeting held Tuesday, is no capital cost for the three EV as she provided an update on recent chargers that would make up the station, though weed control in the village. Invasive plants such as hoary alyssum and installation could cost as much as $3,000. It was baby’s breath are being controlled on municipal mentioned that the RDKB may be able to support roadways, and there are treatments planned for the installation through a fuel tax grant. According to Sun Country Highway, the availcommon tansy on Myers Road and Fritz Road. Additionally, hoary alyssum has been pulled ability of EV charging stations can draw eco tourin municipal well buffers and has declined near ists to a destination and are promoted on the Beamish well. It is, however, still dense near the company’s EV charging station map. Councillor Dunsdon mentioned he had seen well adjacent to the community hall. Stewart also reported that treatments were such a station in Penticton, and that it was charging users for the power. Mayor Kappes, however, completed on the rail trail. was under the impression that electricity charges Marshall updates on trees A report compiled by arborist Fred Marshall would be the responsibility of the village. Council agreed that more clarification was was presented to council, outlining the status of needed regarding that matter and the village will numerous trees located on or adjacent to village be contacting the program in the very near future. property. Marshall assessed the condition of about The deadline for applying for entry into the 20 trees to identify potential risk of their causing initiative is Aug. 15, 2015. personal injury or structural damage to nearby buildings. Council voted to use Marshall’s services Sani-dump will be installed again, if needed, as the village moves forward with Council also discussed the installation of a addressing those trees he deemed dangerous. sani-dump, described as vital in a letter from Riverfront Park campground manager Steve Stewart. EV charging station discussed All members were in agreement that one Council discussed Midway’s potential involvement with the Destination Program, an initiative should be available to RV tourists, and that it that provides qualified destination entities with should be installed as soon as possible. Councillor Schierbeck noted that council had already budgetfree electric vehicle charging stations. The Thompson Okanagan Tourist Association ed for such a facility and the village should move (TOTA), who has partnered with Sun Country forward with the installation in a timely fashion.
Thursday, August 6, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
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Boundary Creek Times Thursday, August 6, 2015
A DIVISION OF BLACK PRESS LTD. Mailing address: Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Street address: 263 South Copper Street, Greenwood, B.C.
Can the Bloc rebound?
With the recent drop of the writ by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to signal the beginning of the federal election campaign, once again the quest for Quebec’s independence from Canada will be one of its components. After watching his party virtually wiped off the electoral map in 2011’s election, losing all but two of its 47 MPs, Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe has come out of retirement looking for redemption. According to the National Post, Duceppe is once again convinced that his party has a future, suggesting that the crushing defeat in 2011, largely at the hands of the NDP, was the result of nothing more than Quebecers indulging in strategic voting to get more out of the Canadian experience, as opposed to a rejection of Bloc principles or Duceppe himself. He also points out that the last time Quebecers went to the polls, they were driven by their affection for former NDP leader Jack Layton, who managed to woo Quebecers into forsaking the Bloc. “The person who was responsible for us losing many ridings was not Thomas Mulcair,” Duceppe said while kicking off his campaign Sunday. “It was Jack Layton.” Still, it appears Duceppe’s party has a very long way to go to redeem itself in the eyes of Quebecers, while the NDP, both provincially and federally, appears to have the wind in its sails and will strive to show that the surprising election of 59 MPs in 2011 was no fluke. Quebec has engaged in two sovereignty referendums to date; the first spearheaded by then Parti Québécois leader René Lévesque in 1980, and the second by Jacques Parizeau in 1995. The second one was particularly close, with only 51 per cent of voters against separation. As this election begins, most believe it is doubtful that the Bloc will win back control of the province, and Quebec sovereignty will again be left on the backburners.
Letters Policy The Times welcomes letters to the editor that are of interest to our community. Whatever the subject, there are a few basic guidelines to follow before The Times will publish your comment. – Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Monday for the following week’s paper. – One letter per person per month. – Letters should be typed or neatly written and present the issues as clearly as possible in 500 words or less. – All letters must contain the name, address and signature of the writer, and a phone number where they may be reached during business hours. – Anonymous letters will not be published and pen names may not be used, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the editor. – The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste or style. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or belief of this newspaper. Send all letters to
Publisher: Chuck Bennett
Associate Office Publisher: Administration: Dyan Adele Stoochnoff LaRiviere
Reporter: Andrew Tripp
In search of an “Easy rider” lifestyle That was one loud long weekend! tired of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s leadership style West Boundary highways were packed with motor- and unimpressed by his government’s recent performance. cycles last BC Day weekend, as the annual ‘Boogie Bash’ Small and medium business owners, for instance, are gravely came to Rock Creek, joining those riders that were passing concerned about the current state of the Canadian economy, through on their way to Creston, Nelson and other iconic and are looking very closely at the three main political parBC destinations. Personally, I don’t believe I’ve seen as much ties’ platforms. It seems likely that many of them are poised leather and as many tattoos since I stumbled upon a Vil- to turn to the Liberals or NDP for solutions to the current lage People reunion concert in San Francisco years ago!The downturn. Rock Creek Fairgrounds were home base for In the Boundary, we have three candidates hundreds of chrome beasts, mostly embossed from the “triumvirate” that are all brand new IN FOCUS with a name beginning with “H” that cruised to federal politics. The Conservative hopeful is the West Boundary from dawn to dusk. I could Marshall Neufeld, a young Penticton real estate but smile as I watched groups of riders pass each agent who was encouraged to enter politics by other, the traditional dropped hand providing a former MP Stockton Day. His platform is fairly friendly salute to fellow hog-lovers, a gesture in typical: keep taxes down, increase jobs and keep stark contrast to the road rage that many fourour communities safe. wheel drivers succumb to each day. NDP candidate Richard (Dick) Cannings, Andrew TRIPP The bikes moved with steadiness and puralso from Penticton, is an award-winning biolopose, rarely eclipsing the speed limit as riders, gist and author of a dozen books on natural hisappearing to be thoroughly enjoying their choice of trans- tory. portation, seemed in no hurry to see their journey’s end. I met Dick several weeks ago and found him down to Classic rock wafted through the air, pumped out by earth and likeable. According to his promotional material, state-of-the-art stereo systems, as chaps-clad couples, each he is ready to tackle climate change, help launch NDP leader perched on their own $20,000 machine, chatted over hi-tech Tom Mulcair’s plan for affordable childcare and create good, headsets. middle class jobs through hiring incentives. This motorcycle madness is, indeed, a culture all its own, Rounding out the top three is Liberal candidate Connie populated traditionally by Baby Boomers, though now re- Denesiuk of Summerland, a former school trustee who curportedly with an average demographic of 47. Harley Da- rently runs a construction company with her husband Bob. vidson, especially, has recently been aggressively marketing The Liberal platform is so vast that I’d need another page to their machines to a younger audience in the hope of secur- describe it! ing a future customer base to replace the aging boomers, It appears to many that Harper’s early election call smacks and is striving to make motorcycles hip amongst well- of political strategy, designed to make the lesser-financed heeled, largely single gen-exers. candidates wilt under the pressure of maintaining a maraI have little doubt that the culture will survive, and likely thon campaign. The ruling party denies this, of course, sugthrive, as the lure of the open road draws those in search of gesting weeks ago that the “campaign has already started.” an “Easy Rider” lifestyle into their local Harley Davidson Personally, I find the Conservative television commerdealer. cials unnervingly smart, even effective, and I am questionI expect the next B.C. Day weekend to be no different ing my desire to “vote for change.” After all, we seem to be than this one was. holding our own, don’t we? ~~~ Or not. It’s official; Canadians are going to the polls on Oct. 19 to All in all, this political crusade seems to be setting up as a determine the nation’s path for the next several years. very contentious battle for one of the most influential politiI may be wrong, but I sense there is a real appetite for cal posts in the western world. change in this country, with many Canadians seemingly Let’s hope the outcome is beneficial to all Canadians.
Editor: Della Mallette
A division of Black Press We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
PO Box 99, Greenwood, B.C. V0H 1J0 Phone: 250-445-2233 Email:
Annual subscription rates Local (West Boundary): – $40.00 (plus $2 GST) Elsewhere in Canada – $50.00 plus $2.50 GST Outside Canada – $90 (plus $4.50 GST) Canadian
Thursday, August 6, 2015 Boundary Creek Times WEEKDAY AFTERNOON
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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8 AUGUST 2015
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Goal English Premier League Soccer SC Motoring SC MLS Soccer News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving News PGA Tour Golf Marilyn Denis The Social Written Opera Gas Gas SportsCentre Our Vancouver Absolutely Doc Zone Nature/ Things Parapan Am All In Chan Play/Purpose PGA Tour Golf WGC Bridgestone Invitational, Third Round. News Fish’n Fishing Boat TV Driving News PGA Tour Golf Magic Creative Wild Wild Maker Martha Dogs Dogs Ash and Ice Rescue Wildlife Outback Explore Paid Special Olympics World of X Games (N) (Live) Auction Auction Auction Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Flippers Flippers Flippers Flippers Hunters Hunt Intl Lake Log Carib Hawaii Wahl Wahl Wahl Wahl Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie Storage Storage CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Vital CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Sponge. Parents Parents Bread Turtles Sanjay ›› “Ella Enchanted” NCIS NCIS “Chimera” NCIS “Requiem” ››› “The Blind Side” Last Frontier Mayday Mayday Barrett-Jackson Live (N) (Live) Debt “Sherlock Holmes-Game” ›› “Sherlock Holmes” Robert Downey Jr. Paid Paid Paid Paid Kds Old Paid Relief “Curse of Jade” Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life Cold Justice Complications Murder in the First Graceland Proof “St. Luke’s” (10:45) “David Copperfield” ›› “Jumanji” ››› “The Big Picture” Austin I Didn’t K.C. Jessie Liv-Mad. Playlist ›› “Teen Beach 2” Ross Lynch. Paid Friends King of Friends “Spy Next Door” ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” Just for Laughs Theory Theory “Road Trip Beer” ››› “About a Boy” Hugh Grant. (8:30) “Santa Fe Trail” (12:15) “The Naked and the Dead” ›› “Seven Angry Men” Pioneer Pioneer Food Network Star Guy’s Games Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Paid Paid Canadian Pickers Restoration Ice Road Truckers Cnt. Cnt. Geeks Geeks Face Off “Transmorphers” “Transmorphers” Amy Weber. Joe Kidd (7:30) ›››› “Jaws” ›››› “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” Border Border Border Border Bggg Bggg Border Border Border Border Big Toopy Caillou Cat in Zack Ready, Back Mike Truck Dino Home Old House Kitchen BBQ Cooking Cook Victory Antique Roadshow Wake FINA/Champion. Motorcycle Racing English Premier League Soccer (N) (Live) Miami Miami Miami Miami Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas 21 Day Skin White Collar Friends Friends ››› “Sherrybaby” Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dr. Pol Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Expedi RockWalker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger State Coolest ›› “Ella Enchanted” ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” Gumby Casper Dexter Dexter Dexter “Jetsons-Flint.” “Kung Fu Magoo” Punjab Mehak Punjabi Lamia Virasat Quran Punjab Pyar Hi Pyar Hi Gurbani 30 Days to a Younger Heart Aging Backwards Brain Maker With David Travel Skills “The Rebound” Style Style Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Science Science Picture Picture Filthy Riches Dead End Express Security Security
3 PM
Varied Programs SportsCentre Varied Programs The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News News Dr. Phil Ellen DeGeneres The Dr. Oz Show CTV News CTV News Steven and Chris Parapan Am Varied Programs CBC News CBC Murdoch Let’s Make a Deal The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil News CBS KREM 2 News at 6 The Talk Meredith Vieira Young & Restless News News (5:59) News Hour Maker Curious Astrob PAW Doki Dinosaur Dino Wild Varied Programs Queen Latifah Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Varied Programs Holmes Makes Bryan Decked Varied Programs Hunt Intl Hunters Varied Programs First 48 Varied Programs Situation Room Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Varied Programs Chucks Kid Sidekick Chucks Sponge. Varied Parents Sponge. Thunder Assem NCIS Rookie Blue Beauty & Beast Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs How/ How/ Daily Planet Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU True Crime Scene Debt Debt Varied Programs Varied Fam Varied Programs Raising Mike Anger Two Mod Say Yes Say Yes Varied Programs Criminal Minds Flashpoint Person of Interest Blue Bloods Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie K.C. Varied Programs Next Middle Middle Seinfeld Mod Theory Theory Browns Payne Browns Payne Just for Laughs Gags Gags Frasier Frasier Theory Theory Match Gas (1:45) Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Cookery Course Chopped Varied Food Food Chopped Varied Programs Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Varied Programs Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Star Trek: Voyager Inner Scare Stargate SG-1 Castle Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Ghost Adventures Gotta Eat St. Moves Moves Security Security Varied Programs Blaze Bubble Little Charm Zack Mike Toopy Peg Truck Cat in Thomas Sesame Curious Cat in WordGirl Wild News Busi PBS NewsHour TMZ Minute Ellen DeGeneres Judge Judge News News News Million. Varied Programs TMZ etalk CSI: Crime Scene TMZ Live Varied Programs Mike Mike Two Two Theory Theory Varied Programs Maury KTLA 5 News at 3 Bill Cunningham Steve Wilkos News News Blue Bloods Funny Videos Funny Videos Videos Varied Mother Mother PIX11 News at 5 News Celebrity Two Two Varied Programs Animan. Toon Looney Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Dexter Batman Ninja Doc Martin Emily of Moon Murder, She Wrote Columbo Varied Programs Wild Varied PBS NewsHour Busi Varied Programs Love My Movie Varied Programs Charmed Varied Charmed Varied Forecast Varied Security Security Life Be Varied Programs
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8 AUGUST 2015
10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
MLS Soccer SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) 16x9 Canada Sings Canada Sings True Crime Scene News SNL W5 Amazing Race Orphan Black Bitten News CTV Absolutely News Love Child Barry 2015 Parapan American Games (N) White Collar Hawaii Five-0 News Closer 48 Hours 48 Hours 16x9 Canada Sings Canada Sings True Crime Scene News SNL Prehistoric Hunters Heartbeat Park Waterfront Cities Endeavour “Sway” (N) Entertainment Ton. Funny Videos Save My Life: Bos Boston EMS (N) Scandal Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Jail Cops ››› “I Am Legend” Bryan Bryan Decks Decks Beach Flip Bryan Bryan Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage The Seventies The Seventies The Seventies Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Beach Bash “My Babysitter’s a Vampire” Weird Gags Haunting Haunting Haunting “Resident Evil” ›› “Resident Evil: Extinction” › “Resident Evil: Afterlife” How/ How/ Deadliest Catch Street Outlaws Deadliest Catch Street Outlaws (N) “Sherlock Holmes-Game” OC ›› “Sherlock Holmes” Robert Downey Jr. Two Theory News Wanted Animation Dom Bullseye Home Free My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life “Tom, Harriet” (10:45) “Heartbreakers” ›› “Bandits” Bruce Willis. (6:15) “Jumanji” Resident ››› “The Dark Crystal” (9:35) ››› “The Fifth Element” The X Factor HZipzer Good “Hatching Pete” › “Avalon High” “Pelham 123” Fam Guy Fam Guy Seinfeld Seinfeld King King “Bad Boys II” Laughs-Access Theory Theory Just for Laughs Laughs-Access Comedy Now! “God Co-Pilot” (7:15) ››› “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” (9:15) ›› “Desperate Journey” Guy’s Games Chopped Chopped Canada Guy’s Games Cutthroat Kitchen Liquida Liquida Mantracker Dog and Beth Conspiracy Wild Things Cape Breton Battle Castle ›› “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” Kevin Costner. “Reign of Fire” (8:15) “Age of Dinosaurs” (10:15) ››› “Alien 3” Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels Jeepers ›› “Fantastic Four” Ioan Gruffudd. The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files The Dead Files Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Starlight Ballroom Simon & Garfunkel: The Concert in Central Park Spy Austin City Limits The Good Wife Running Wild News SNL Aquarius (N) Hannibal (N) “Good Times” Spun Spun Beverly Beverly “The Good Times Are Killing Me” Side Seinfeld Mother Mother Raising Raising King Wealth Entertainers Two Two Two Two Fam Guy Fam Guy KTLA News at 10 News Scary 3 ›› “Batman Returns” Michael Keaton. ›› “Scary Movie 3” Anna Faris. News Sports Ray Ray The Pinkertons Alien Alien “School-Scound” Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Garfield Garfield Toon Animan. “Jetsons-Flint.” Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Success Vehra Joyce 60s & 70s Slow Simon & Garfunkel 30 Days to a Younger Heart Disease Proof Cosmo Excused CSI: Miami CSI: Miami ›› “The Rebound” Security Security Filthy Riches Dead End Express Security Security Alaska-Trooper
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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8 AUGUST 2015
6 PM
MLS Soccer SportsCentre (N) CFL Football: Roughriders at Argonauts PGA Tour Golf To Be Announced Simpson Simpson Global National (N) (5:59) News Hour Worst Driver Cash Steele Marilyn Denis The So etalk CTV News Parapan Am Mercer 22 Min Doc Zone Land One/One National Market PGA Tour Golf Turbo Paid Access Hollywood News News News Paid PGA Tour Golf To Be Announced Simpson Simpson Global National (N) (5:59) News Hour Mega Builders Waterfront Cities Mystery Fish SacWondBrit Ash and Ice Rawhide McCarv XTERRA News ABC News Insider SportsCenter (N) Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Vegas Jail Cops (N) Cops Beach Flip I I Bryan Bryan Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Income Income Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Seventies The Seventies The Seventies Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Assem Max “The Blind Side” Beauty & Beast “Resident Evil” “Ghost Storm” Crystal Allen. Highway Thru Hell How/ How/ Cash Cash Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch “Sherlock-Game” Fatal Vows Handsome Devils Stranger--Home “Sherlock-Game” “Curse of Jade” Mike Mike Two Theory Bones Fragments. Bones (ESP) My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My Giant Life My Giant Life My Giant Life Suits Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint “Tom, Harriet” Missing “Analysis” (6:15) “Jumanji” (2:15) ››› “Junior” (4:05) ›› “Annie” Aileen Quinn. Phineas Gravity Good I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Dog Jessie Gaming Derek Next “Spy Next Door” 1st Fam Box Offi Commun Atl. Eats Middle Middle “Pelham 123” “Road Trip Beer” Theory Theory Just for Laughs ››› “About a Boy” Hugh Grant. Naked (2:45) ››› “Action in the North Atlantic” ›››› “East of Eden” James Dean. Diners Diners Burgers Road Gotta Gotta Food Food Chopped Canada Wild Things Liquida Liquida Storage Liquida Mantracker Storage Liquida America America Ancient Aliens The UFO Files Ice Road Truckers “Transmorphers” Geeks Geeks Face Off Doctor Who “Reign of Fire” Hell on Wheels (N) (1:30) ››› “Joe Kidd” ››› “High Plains Drifter” Clint Eastwood. Border Border Security Security Security Security Border Border Ghost Adventures Blaze Bubble Little Charm Dora Peg Toopy Mike Truck Charm Aging Backwards 30 Days to a Younger Heart Glorious Women Never Age Starlight Ballroom Horse Racing Relief Paid Beauty Judge News News News J’pardy! Brave Inside Spun Spun Beverly Beverly “Good Times” TMZ (N) Mike Mike Two Two Theory Theory ››› “Sideways” Paul Giamatti. Animal State Coolest On Spot Middle Middle Celebrity Celebrity News News Walker, Ranger Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods News Pregame MLB Baseball New York Mets at Tampa Bay Rays. (N) Rules Rules “Jetsons-Flint.” Looney Looney Garfield Garfield Animan. Toon Gadget Goose Tehlka Sardari Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab Mulaqat Made in Des-Pardes Travel Skills Starlight Ballroom (My Music) Alfio in Concert 60s & Love My Celebrity Damage CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper
7 AUGUST 2015
8 PM
Football SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Robin Robin Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: New Orleans CHBC News Final etalk Theory Shark Tank Motive Blue Bloods News CTV 2015 Parapan American Games Like Me Like Me News Mercer The National (N) Inside Holly Hawaii Five-0 Blue Bloods News Scorpion Elementary Ent ET Robin Robin Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: New Orleans News Hour Final Coast Murder Myster. Museum Drea Take Me Silent Witness (N) Ent Insider What Would KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank 20/20 Cops Cops (10:15) Lights Out Cops Cops GLORY 23 Beach Flip Hunt Intl Hunters Income Income Beach Flip House Hunters Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Thunder Game Just Kid Just Kid Haunting Haunting ›› “The Prince & Me” Julia Stiles. ››› “The Blind Side” Sandra Bullock. ››› “The Blind Side” Mayday Mayday Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Mayday (6:00) “The Social Network” Emer Law & Order: SVU ››› “The Social Network” Theory Theory News Mod Mike Mother MasterChef Gotham Gown Gown Gown Gown Gown Gown Gown Gown Gown Gown The Listener Criminal Minds Perception Perception Missing “Thin Air” “Events Leading” Decem › “Ed” Matt LeBlanc. (9:35) ››› “Field of Dreams” Playlist Playlist (9:49) The X Factor X Factor Good ›› “Teen Beach 2” Ross Lynch. Mod Dr. Ho Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break “The Stepfather” JFL Gags Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Theory Theory Laughs-Access Hepburn ››› “The Sea of Grass” Spencer Tracy. ››› “Mary of Scotland” Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Forbidden Storage Storage Wild Things Ice Road Truckers Alone Cape Breton Athelstan--Jour. Canadian Pickers Inner Scare Killjoys Dark Matter Castle Dark Matter (N) Jaws 2 ›› “Jaws 2” Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary. ›› “Tremors” Kevin Bacon. Security Security Border Border Border Border Bggg Bggg Border Border Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Wash Charlie Doc Martin Live From Lincoln Center Vicious Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon America’s Got Talent “Judge Cuts 4” Dateline NBC (N) Soup Com etalk Pop Hollywood Cycle Soup Com TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Friends Rules Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Masters Whose? Penn & Teller KTLA 5 News News Friends Mother Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Fturama Fturama He-Man Jem Hercules Hercules “Kung Fu Magoo” Dexter Ninja Ninja TimeTimeEmily of Moon EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Il Volo Il Volo: Live From Pompeii 60s & 70s Slow Songs 30 Days to a Younger Heart Excused Love My Sex-City Sex-City “The Party Never Stops” Sara Paxton. Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border
9 AM
9 AUGUST 2015
10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30
1 PM
SC SC SC Top Prerace NASCAR Racing News Ances Context Osteen Paid News PGA Tour Golf Operation Smile The So Celebrity Worst Driver SportsCentre W5 Cor Cor Cor Market Our Vancouver Land One/One Steven and Chris Paid Blower PGA: This is Major PGA Tour Golf WGC Bridgestone Invitational, Final Round. News Ances Context Osteen Paid News PGA Tour Golf Dino Arthur Wild Little Little Anne. Animals Animals Waterfront Cities Hiring Spaces Paid Paid Turbo Made We Have a Dream Paid Paid Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Decks Decks House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Home Free Beach Flip Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared The First 48 The First 48 State of the Union Fareed Zakaria CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Bella Bella Thunder Thunder Henry Henry Beach Bash Nicky Nicky Dominion › “Resident Evil: Afterlife” ›› “Resident Evil: Retribution” Dangerous Flights Jade Jade Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Overhaulin’ Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles ››› “Ocean’s Thirteen” Paid Paid Paid Dr. Ho Sexy 21 Day Theory Mod “Ella Enchanted” I Am Jazz I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am Marry Marry Boston’s Finest People “Good-Die Hard” › “The Three Musketeers” “The Age of Innocence” ›› “That Old Feeling” (12:15) ››› “The Four Seasons” Austin I Didn’t K.C. Jessie Liv-Mad. Playlist HZipzer “High School Musical” Payne Paid Browns Paid “Anchorman: Legend of Ron” ››› “Shrek 2” Just for Laughs Theory Theory “H’mooners” › “License to Wed” (8:30) “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” “Song of Love” “Her Highness and the Bellboy” Chopped Chopped Canada Guilty Top 5 My. Din My. Din Diners Diners Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Paid Paid Gladiator ››› “Troy” Brad Pitt, Eric Bana. Inner Reign › “The Wicker Man” (11:45) › “Season of the Witch” Walk (9:45) The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Booze Traveler Booze Traveler Booze Traveler Booze Traveler Time Time Big Toopy Caillou Cat in Zack Ready, Back Mike Truck Dino SciGirls Watch A Celebration of Peace Through Music Life on the Reef History Detectives Paid Cook Paid USA Swimming Voll. 2015 FINA World Championships Rich Kids of Rich Kids of Rich Kids of Total Divas Hollywood Cycle Paid New “Lifted” Trace Adkins, Nicki Aycox. ›› “Annie” Aileen Quinn. KTLA News at 9 In Touch 21 Day Paid Paid Paid Cos 21 Day Heat of the Night Heat of the Night Heat of the Night “In the Heat of the Night: Justice” On Spot Animal 21 Day Paid WWD WWD ›› “Scary Movie 3” Anna Faris. Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Hour Found Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Peter David Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions 30 Days to a Younger Heart Healing ADD With-Amen (8:00) “Two Weeks Notice” Style CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, August 6, 2015
Sunday July 24, 6:00 - 7:009pm Sunday, August Bridesville6:00 Community Hall - 7:00 pm
Bridesville Community Hall
“Is God Enough?”
ponderosa arts & Music festival
aug 21-23 2015 | rock creek bc
3 days of liv e music
river floatin’
riverside camping
weekend passes with camping and parking only tickets and info at
Swimming instructors and students gather at the beginning of a ‘Swimming to Survive’ workshop presented by the Lifeguard Outreach Society. PHOTO: ANDREW TRIPP
Lifeguard society floats into Boundary
a 367 the production sponsored in part mething like above —— sobyI can change the date and title each time….
the 2nd and 4th Sundays (twice a month for the year)
Kettle River Veterinary Services
Your pet’s records are available and are kept with us. Call 250-442-3799 and leave a message with the new veterinary clinic’s information and the records will be transferred in a timely manner. Thank you for your support over the years. We will see you in a few years.
~ Dr. Ruth Sims
Too hot to cook? Round up the gang and come on down for some great summer specials!
Thursday 5-9 pm: Wing Night Friday 5-9 pm: Steak & Prawns All Day Saturday: Open faced Roast Beef sandwich with mashed or pan fried potatoes. And don’t forget our Saturday and Sunday breakfast specials. Open till 12:30 p.m.
321 Copper Avenue, Greenwood, BC 250-445-6623
Kamloops-based Lifeguard Outreach Society held a three-day workshop in Greenwood and Rock Creek this week, with Swim to Survive lessons on tap for those interested in improving their confidence in the water. The lessons came free of charge, and were offered at the Greenwood Public Pool and the Rock Creek deep swimming hole for three consecutive days. The mission of the society is to send lifeguards to remote communities to teach free drowning prevention swimming lessons using the Swim to Survive program. Recently founded by Paul Wechselerger, who has been a lifeguard since the age of 17, the organization teaches the techniques of lifesaving to young and old alike, though youngsters make
up the majority of the participants. The society is non-profit, relying on sponsors such as the Lifesaving Society of B.C. and Yukon for support. Wechselberger and his team teach swimmers and non-swimmers how to rescue others without becoming victims of drowning themselves, which is not an uncommon scenario. Would-be rescuers are often pulled into the water by a struggling swimmer, with both subsequently finding themselves in peril. Close to 500 people succumb to drowning each year in Canada, which makes programs like Swim to Survive so relevant. The group will be at the pool and deep hole until today (Thursday) offering families an opportunity to sharpen their swimming skills.
Continued from page A1
eral hours posing for photos and accepting wishes of continued good luck as he makes his way north. A trek that began in November of last year is now nearing completion, an epic journey of more than 4,000 kilometres that has seen Cloutier make hundreds of new friends and experience the great hospitality that Canadians are known for. Asked why he undertook such a challenging excursion, the 41-year-old smiled. “I wanted to show people that you can always make your dream come true,” he said. “This trip is something I dreamed of since I was a boy, and it has been even better than I’d imagined.” Cloutier was prepared for a solitary expedition, but he soon discovered that toughing it out alone was going to be more difficult than he’d expected. “I realized that I needed a lot of help,” he explained, “and that has been happening the entire trip. That’s been my biggest surprise, people help, people open their door —I’ve never been refused anywhere. “I was surprised that people helped me... I know it worked like that 200 years ago when you (could have) knocked on a door (and asked) for a piece of bread... now, in 2015, it’s exactly the same way,” he said. “That’s touching my heart very much, for the
first couple of weeks, I cried a couple of times.” Cloutier’s rig is comprised of two covered wagons, which he constructed himself, drawn by four sizeable draft horses ranging in age from seven to 14. Travelling 18-20 kilometres per day, the wagons are equipped with brakes to help the horses more easily navigate hilly terrain, along with emergency flashers and the standard slowmoving vehicle sign. Surprisingly, the horses have been re-shoed only a handful of times along the way, and one quick glance at the heavy-duty steel shoes worn by the animals explains why. Cloutier notes he has had absolutely no complaints from the police regarding his vehicle throughout the nine-month trip. The affable Québécois plans to end his journey in the vicinity of Williams Lake, where he hopes to continue life as a farrier and an auctioneer, while pursuing his second dream of starting a country music band. For Pierre Cloutier, this has been a journey of a lifetime; for the Canadians across the nation who have shared his experience, it has been a reaffirmation of the spirit that helped form this nation. Because of his courage and endurance, as well as an unflappable sense of humour, Cloutier seems destined for a long and prosperous life in the Cariboo.
Thursday, August 6, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
Greenwood Community Association
Friday Night Bingo
Doors open 5 pm Bingo starts 7 pm McArthur Centre, 1355 Veterans Lane Three early bird games, 11 regular games, two express, two progressive, two odd/even, two bonanza, luckyball and 50/50. Our 1st progressive pot will be $650 in 53 numbers. The 2nd Progressive pot will be over $650 in 53 numbers. Please come out and support upgrades to your community hall and bring a friend. The more in attendance the bigger the pots. Full concession (hamburgers/hotdogs). Players must be 19 years of age and older.
HALL RENTALS CALL 250-445-6558
What you call JUNK could be someone’s TREASURE.
Midway firefighters cook up a sizzling pancake breakfast for hundreds of hungry visitors.
Riverfest is all about the Kettle
Rock Creek’s annual Riverfest attracted a large crowd to celebrate everything about the Kettle River last Saturday.
Got stuff to give away? Recycle it! Call or email us with your items and we will put it in the Free 4 All. It doesn’t cost you a penny!
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Prospector Cliff demonstrates the art of gold panning for curious passersby.
McKenzie Eaton shows off one of her chalk drawings created at Rosemary Phillips’ kid’s table.
Teddy Bear Farm owners John and Leda Fair show off their beautifully crafted and decorated line of bird houses.
20 lb +
Field, Round & Roma
20 lb+ for $14.00 40 lb+ for $20.00
Cantaloupe and ¢ Honeydew Melon 59
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Medium Size Bread & Butter
on the Cob
2 for $1.00
$1.25/lb $1.00/lb
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250-442-2510 4415 Hwy 3 West of Grand Forks
Boundary Creek Times Thursday, August 6, 2015
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
2 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
6 PM
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10 AUGUST 2015
Basket Women’s Basketball SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Running Wild CHBC News Final etalk Theory Castle News CTV So You Think You Can Dance (N) Murdoch Cor Parapan Am News Parapan Banished (N) The National (N) Inside Holly Broke Odd NCIS: Los Angeles News NCIS: LA Scorpion Ent ET Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Running Wild News Hour Final Hope for Wildlife Edwardian Farm Apocalypse Hope for Wildlife Rococo (N) Ent Insider Bachelor in After Paradise KXLY 4 Kimmel The Whispers (N) Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Contrac Lip Sync Lip Sync Bryan Bryan Hunt Intl Hunters Expand Expand Bryan Bryan House Hunters The First 48 Behind Bars The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Assem Max Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Gags Gags Rookie Blue NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS Alaskan Bush How/ How/ Island Mega Alaskan Bush How/ How/ Million Dollar Income Income Law & Order: SVU Million Dollar Million Dollar LA Theory Theory News Mod Mike Mother So You Think You Can Dance (N) Little People Little People Little People Little People Little People Murder in the First The Listener Criminal Minds Cold Justice Murder in the First “Eve & the Fire” “Serial Mom” ›› “TMNT” ›› “Major Payne” Girl Girl Wingin’ Derek Warth Wizards Good “Evermoor” Naomi Sequeira. Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Paid Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break “Memoir-Geisha” JFL Gags Spun Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory JFL Nightly “What Ever Happened-Jane” ››› “Flamingo Road” (8:45) ›› “The Damned Don’t Cry” Top 5 Top 5 Giving You the Diners Diners Top 5 Top 5 Guilty Guilty Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage Storage Hillbilly Hillbilly Treasures Weird or What? The UFO Files Ancient Aliens Ice Road Truckers Atlantis Inner Scare Castle Dark Matter Atlantis (6:00) ›› “Armageddon” Bruce Willis. ›››› “Jaws” Roy Scheider. Security Security Ghost Adventures Security Security Security Security Secrets- Lege. Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Simon & Garfunkel Ken Burns: The Civil War Little League Charlie Rose (N) Running Wild News J. Fallon J’pardy! Wheel American Ninja Warrior (N) Beverly TMZ etalk Pop Soup Com Beverly TMZ TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Friends Rules Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Penn & Teller Whose? Signifi KTLA 5 News News Friends Mother Mother Raising Raising ››› “A Time to Kill” Sandra Bullock. News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Ninja Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget Organic Panic Emily of Moon Un Popoff “Diamond Girl” Joely Collins. Story of Jews Aging Backwards Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions Pain Prescription Charmed Celebrity Legacies Ghost Whisperer Love My “(500) Days of” Science Science Life Below Zero Picture Picture Science Science Brain Street
Women’s Basketball CFL Football: Blue Bombers at Tiger-Cats PGA Tour Golf Haven Torrens Simpson Simpson News News News The So etalk Amazing Race CTV News ›› “Step Up Revolution” Nature/ Things Back Mr. D q (N) 2015 Parapan American Games (N) PGA Tour Golf Paid Paid Back Edition News News KREM 2 News at 6 PGA Tour Golf Haven Torrens Simpson Simpson News (5:59) News Hour Rescue Park Ash and Ice Everyday Miracles Victorian Phar. Architect/Change The Love Boat Remington Steele Streets of S.F. News ABC News Estate Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Income Income Decks Decks Buy It Buy It Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Beach Flip (N) The First 48 Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Special Report The Hunt The Hunt (2:15) “Daddy I’m a Zombie” ›› “Igor” Voices of John Cusack. ››› “Rio” Defiance Lost Girl Rookie Blue Beauty & Beast Defiance (N) Bering Sea Gold Cash Cash Alaskan Bush Naked and Afraid Mighty Ships (N) Ocean’s Princess Emer Emer Emer Emer ›› “Evan Almighty” Steve Carell. “Ella Enchanted” Paid Raising Livin’ Paid Celebrity Simpson Monopoly Mil. Marry Marry Marry Marry Marry Marry Who Do You Who Do You “Good-Die Hard” Twice in a Lifetime Flashpoint Missing “Good-Die Hard” (3:50) “Robin and Marian” “The Age of Innocence” (2:05) ›› “Grumpy Old Men” Phineas Gravity Good Next Next Next Next Next Next Next (1:00) “Shrek 2” Theory Paid Theory Theory Mod Mod “Mission: Imp. 2” “H’mooners” Theory Theory Just for Laughs › “License to Wed” “Song of Love” (3:15) ››› “The Clock” ›››› “Strangers on a Train” Diners Diners Food Food Carn Carn Kids Baking Food Network Star Wild Things Liquida Liquida Liquida Storage Mantracker Liquida Storage “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” (1:30) ››› “Gladiator” Russell Crowe. Dark Matter Killjoys The Last Ship (N) (1:45) ›› “Reign of Fire” The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Humans (N) Booze Traveler Security Security Museum Secrets Museum Secrets Big Crazy Family Blaze Bubble Little Charm Dora Peg Toopy Mike Truck Charm Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions Disease Proof Yoga-Arthritis Rock, Pop-Doo Beach Volleyball Paid Cooker Paid Paid NFL Preseason Football: HOF Game E! News Weekend Couch Inside Pop Pop Stewarts-Ham. I Am Cait (N) Annie Seinfeld The Good Wife The Good Wife Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Traveler WWD News News ››› “Cold Mountain” Jude Law, Nicole Kidman. Heat of the Night ›› “Step Up” Channing Tatum. ›› “Meet the Fockers” News Celebrity Celebrity Celebrity Monopoly Mil. Two Two Two Two Dexter Dexter Fl’stone Fl’stone Gumby Garfield Animan. Toon Gadget Goose Arise Tom’row Beyond Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Leading J. Meyer Healing Poldark on Masterpiece Il Volo: Live From Pompeii Downton Abbey Whistler Whistler CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express
9 AUGUST 2015
7 PM
12 AUGUST 2015
Golf PGA SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET Robin Robin News Hour Final Big Brother (N) Extant (N) etalk Theory Amazing Race Criminal Minds News CTV MasterChef (N) Murdoch Cor Parapan Am X Company News Parapan The National (N) Inside Holly Criminal Minds News NCIS: LA Big Brother (N) Extant (N) Ent ET Robin Robin News Hour Final Big Brother (N) Extant (N) Rescue Park Game Gala From Berlin 2010 Fla Park Rescue Ent Insider Middle Gold Mod blackish Celeb.-Swap KXLY 4 Kimmel Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Lights Out Lake Carib Hunt Intl Hunters Home Free Lake Carib House Hunters Donnie Lachey’s Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Donnie Lachey’s CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. Newsroom Newsroom Bella Henry Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Just Kid Just Kid NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS “Dog Tags” NCIS “Dog Tags” River Monsters Alien Sharks Alaskan Bush River Monsters Brainwashed True Crime Scene Law & Order: SVU Suburg. Suburg. The Hero Theory Theory (9:01) Home Free News Mod Mike Mother MasterChef (N) I Am I Am Leah Leah I Am I Am Leah Leah I Am I Am The Listener Criminal Minds Proof “Reborn” (N) Suits “Mea Culpa” Proof “Reborn” (6:30) “Sabah” Scarface ››› “Murder by Death” (9:35) ››› “Married to the Mob” The X Factor Wingin’ Derek Warth Wizards Good “Jump In!” Corbin Bleu. Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Paid Amer. Jeff’sons Break “Lord of War” JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Why? JFL Nightly HomeRyans (7:45) ›› “Thunder Road” ››› “The Yakuza” Robert Mitchum. Burgers Road Food Food Diners Diners Burgers Road Barbe Barbe Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Dog and Beth Storage Storage Hillbilly Hillbilly Pawn Pawn America Swamp People Ancient Aliens Yukon Gold “Shark Night 3D” Inner Scare Castle › “Shark Night 3D” Sara Paxton. “Lara Croft-Life” “Missing in Action 2: The Beginning” ›› “Street Kings” Keanu Reeves. Trip Flip Trip Flip Ghost Adventures Border Border World World Trip Flip Trip Flip Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Glen Campbell: Good Times John Denver: Country Boy World’s Fair Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel America’s/Talent Robin Robin Comic Standing News J. Fallon Brave TMZ etalk Pop I Am Cait Soup TMZ TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Friends Rules Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two Top Model KTLA 5 News News Friends A Wicked Offer (N) Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Ninja Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget Downton Abbey Emily of Moon Super Popoff “English Butler Masala Chai” Tenors -- Under Starlight Ballroom (My Music) Healthy Hormones Heal Yourself Charmed Celebrity Legacies Ghost Whisperer Love My “Art-Getting By” Dead End Express Forecast: Disaster Filthy Riches Dead End Express Security Security
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
7 PM
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# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
% ∂
# TSN 400 400 $ E! Kelowna - % CTV B.C. 250 321 & CBC Vanc. 251 308 _ CBS Spokane 289 372 ( Global B.C. 252 336 * Knowledge 268 354 ` ABC Spokane 288 371 / Spike 628 584 0 HGTV 600 564 1 A&E 615 520 2 CNN 500 140 6 YTV 552 543 8 Showcase 617 164 9 Discovery 520 505 : Slice 601 193 ; FOX Spokane 290 373 < TLC 521 560 = Bravo 620 165 > EA2 312 26 @ Family 557 541 A PCH 294 592 B Comedy 626 176 C TCM 292 539 D Food 603 561 E OLN 411 457 F History 522 516 G Space 627 528 H AMC 293 257 J DTOUR 619 167 L TREE 553 546 N PBS Spokane 291 374 P NBC Spokane 287 370 U E! 621 168 [ WSBK Boston 296 654 ¨ KTLA L.A. 298 653 ≠ WGN Chi. 295 651 Æ WPIX N.Y. 297 652 ≥ ToonR 599 181 ∂ Vision 261 72 √ PBS Det. 284 364 À Cosmo 608 198 Õ Nat. Geo. 524 276
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10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
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8 PM
9 PM
10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
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11 AUGUST 2015
Basket Women’s Basketball SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans News Hour Final NCIS “Patience” etalk Theory Spun Cleve Game Night News CTV Zoo “Sleuths” (N) Murdoch Cor Parapan Am Creek Standing The National (N) News Parapan Inside Holly NCIS: New Orleans News NCIS: LA NCIS “Patience” Zoo “Sleuths” (N) Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans News Hour Final NCIS “Patience” Mega Builders Everyday Miracles The Story of the Third Wave Train Mega Builders Ent Insider Freshblackish KXLY 4 Kimmel Extreme Weight Loss (N) Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master (N) I I Hunt Intl Hunters Decks Decks I I House Hunters Storage Storage Big Smo Big Smo Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Weed 2: Cannabis Newsroom Newsroom Max Game Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Gags Gags Lost Girl Hawaii Five-0 NCIS “Tribes” NCIS “Stakeout” NCIS “Tribes” Deadliest Catch Cold Water Monster Mako Deadliest Catch Cold Water Housewives/NYC Matchmaker Law & Order: SVU Housewives/OC Housewives/NYC Theory Theory Are You Smarter Brooklyn Last News Mod Mike Mother Little People My Giant Life Little People My Giant Life My Giant Life (N) Saving Hope The Listener Criminal Minds Marshal Law Marshal Law (6:15) “Fakers” (10:20) “Nowhere to Run” ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” Keanu Reeves. Derek Derek Wingin’ Derek Warth Wizards Good ›› “The Cheetah Girls” Youthful Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break “Match Point” JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Theory Theory JFL Nightly “Anna Lucasta” ›› “Cabin in the Sky” ››› “Sahara” Humphrey Bogart. Chopped Diners Diners Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Mr Goodwin Storage Storage Hillbilly Hillbilly Ancient Weather The UFO Files Pawn Pawn America Treasures Geeks Geeks Inner Scare Castle Face Off Geeks Geeks “Day Earth Stood Still” ››› “The Abyss” Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. Big Crazy Family Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Bikinis Bikinis Big Crazy Family Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & 30 Days to a Younger Heart Bee Gees: One Night Only All About Prints Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel Game Night News J. Fallon America’s Got Talent “Live Round 1” Hollywood Cycle etalk Pop Total Divas Hollywood Cycle TMZ Live Seinfeld Seinfeld Mother Mother Friends Rules Comics Rules WBZ News (N) Two Two KTLA 5 News News Friends The Flash iZombie “A Time to Kill” Rules Rules Rules Rules Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Ninja Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget “Diamond Girl” Emily of Moon Un Popoff ››› “Chariots of Fire” Simon & Garfunkel Il Volo: Live From Pompeii Brain Maker With David Healing ADD Charmed Celebrity Legacies Ghost Whisperer Love My “Management” History’s Secrets Forecast: Disaster Security Security History’s Secrets Southern Justice
8 PM
Basket Women’s Basketball SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Security Burgers (8:01) Big Brother Madam Secretary Fam Guy Simpson News Ances Theory Theory Gold Millers News CTV 19-2 “Tables” CSI: Cyber Heartland Calls the Heart Fool Standing The National (N) News fifth est. (8:01) Big Brother Madam Secretary News Fam Guy 60 Minutes (N) CSI: Cyber Security Burgers (8:01) Big Brother Madam Secretary Fam Guy Simpson News Ances Human Family New Tricks Waking the Dead Waking the Dead Prehistoric Hunters Funny Videos (10:01) Castle KXLY 4 V’Impe Bachelor in Paradise (N) Catch a Contractor Bar Rescue (9:01) Bar Rescue Catch a Contractor (11:05) Bar Rescue Home Free Buy It Buy It Beach Flip Home Free House Hunters Behind Bars (9:01) Intervention (10:01) Intervention (11:01) Intervention Intervention (N) Death Row Stories The Hunt The Hunt Death Row Stories Newsroom Weird Gags Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Haunting Haunting (6:00) “Rio” Beauty & Beast Defiance Dominion Beauty & Beast Dominion (N) Naked and Afraid Dual Survival Alaskan Bush Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Emer Emer Emer Emer OC ››› “Ocean’s Thirteen” George Clooney. Burgers Burgers Simpson Brooklyn Fam Guy Last News Mother Cougar Paid Angels Angels Who Do You Angels Angels Who Do You Marry Marry “Good-Die Hard” “Three Musk.” ›› “Robin Hood” Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett. “Age-Innocence” “I Know What You Did Last Summer” Final ›› “Gossip” The X Factor HZipzer Girl Liv-Mad. Wizards Good “High School Musical” “Mission: Impossible 2” Paid Paid The Closer ›› “Mr. 3000” LOL :-) LOL :-) Theory Theory Laughs-Access Just for Laughs Spun Spun “What Next, Hargrove?” “The Beginning or the End” ››› “See Here, Private Hargrove” Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Canada Food Network Star Cutthroat Kitchen Guilty Top 5 Liquida Liquida Mantracker Haunted Collector MeatEa MeatEa Wild Things “Robin Hood” ›› “Clash of the Titans” › “Wrath of the Titans” The Last Ship › “Season of the Witch” › “The Wicker Man” Humans Humans ››› “The Fugitive” Harrison Ford. Bikinis Bikinis Museum Secrets Big Crazy Family Bikinis Bikinis Time Time Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Rock, Pop-Doo Downton Abbey Rediscovered New Tricks Jewel in Crown NFL Football KHQ Wheel Blue Bloods Robin Robin News Paid Pop Pop I Am Cait Stewarts-Ham. Reign “Forbidden” Reign “Forbidden” Theory Theory Two Two Mike Mike Paid Paid Rules Rules Monopoly Mil. Friends Friends 5 News Sunday News at 10 News Bensin Meet Manhattan Bones Fragments. Bones ›› “Scary Movie 3” News Sports Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Fam Guy Fam Guy Rules Amer. Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Fl’stone Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Gadget Gadget Osteen Prince Found Popoff Jewish In Touch V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Downton Downton Abbey Brain Maker With David Sweet Revenge-Turn Excused Whistler Whistler ›› “Two Weeks Notice” Sandra Bullock. Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express Dead End Express
9 AUGUST 2015
7 PM
13 AUGUST 2015
Football SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) Ent ET (9:01) Big Brother Under the Dome CHBC News Final Food Fighters (N) etalk Theory Theory Odd Saving Hope News CTV Mistresses (N) Murdoch Cor Parapan Am Doc Zone News Parapan The National (N) Inside Holly Mom Mom (9:01) Big Brother Under the Dome News NCIS: LA Ent ET (9:01) Big Brother Under the Dome News Hour Final Food Fighters (N) Waterfront Cities SacWondBrit “Alfred” “Baseball Girls” Waterfront Cities Ent Insider Astronaut-Club KXLY 4 Kimmel Mistresses (N) Rookie Blue (N) Lip Sync Lip Sync Repo Repo Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Hunt Intl Hunters Income Income Flipping Out House Hunters Flipping Out (N) Behind Bars (8:02) The First 48 Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Behind Bars The Seventies Anderson Cooper The Seventies Newsroom Newsroom Nicky Stanley Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting Just Kid Just Kid NCIS Hawaii Five-0 “Rise of the Gargoyles” Eric Balfour. NCIS “Recoil” How/ How/ Bride of Jaws Naked and Afraid Tanked Tanked (N) Emer Emer True Crime Scene Law & Order: SVU Emer Emer Emer Emer Theory Theory News Mod Mike Mother BOOM! (N) Bones (HDTV PA) The Big Day Love; Love; The Big Day Love; Love; Dates; Soulmate The Listener Criminal Minds Complications Graceland Graceland (N) Celebrity Damage “The Mummy Returns” ››› “The Last Samurai” Tom Cruise. The X Factor Wingin’ Derek Warth Wizards Good ›› “Starstruck” Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Paid Amer. Amer. Jeff’sons Break “Sinbad: Legend” JFL Gags Gags Simpson Just for Laughs Key Key JFL Nightly “Carnal Knowl.” ›› “Once a Thief” Alain Delon. ››› “Tommy” Roger Daltrey. Restaurant: Im. Gotta Gotta Diners Diners Restaurant: Im. My. Din My. Din Storage Storage Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Liquida Storage Storage Hillbilly Hillbilly Yukon Gold Swamp People American Pickers Canadian Pickers Alone (N) Killjoys Inner Scare Castle The Last Ship Killjoys Uncle B. (7:15) ››› “The Breakfast Club” ›› “Sixteen Candles” Ghost Adventures Border Border Time Time Booze Traveler Booze Traveler (N) Caillou Mike Big Max, Back Bubble Umi Band Max, Toopy & Foyle’s War Revisited Jewel in Crown Foyle’s War “High Castle” Charlie Rose (N) J’pardy! Wheel News J. Fallon Food Fighters (N) Dateline NBC Couch TMZ etalk Pop Stewarts-Ham. Couch TMZ TMZ Live Under the Dome Seinfeld Seinfeld The Mentalist The Mentalist Comics Rules Two Two Beauty & Beast KTLA 5 News News Friends Arrow Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Parks Raising Raising News PIX11 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Two Ray Fam Guy Rules Amer. Goose Gadget Hercules Tintin Ninja Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Jetsons Gadget McMillan Minister Emily of Moon EastEnd. (9:40) EastEnders EastEnd. Super Popoff Fast Metabolism My Music: Country Pop Legends Victor Borge’s Timeless End Diet Sex-City Sex-City Celebrity Legacies Ghost Whisperer Love My Sex-City Sex-City Underworld, Inc. Forecast: Disaster Underworld, Inc. The Raft Security Security
Thursday, August 6, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
News tip? email Andrew at
BCT Two of the sights that ATV riders will be exploring at the upcoming ATV Jamboree in Greenwood.
ATV group hosts B.C. AGM
As many as 200 ATV enthusiasts are set to descend on Greenwood on Tuesday, Aug. 11, as the Quad Riders ATV Association of B.C. holds it annual general meeting and jamboree in and around the city. Hosted by the Greenwood Boundary ATV Club, the six-day event is expected to generate thousands of dollars in sales for local merchants, as well as provide ed-
ucation and training for off-road riders. Quad riding will be take place on marked trails, with both self and tourguided options. Areas that will be explored include Jewel Lake and Mount Roderick Dhu, Williamson Lake and Marshal Lake. The Quad Riders ATV Association was formed in 2000 in Green Lake, B.C., with the idea of promoting environ-
mentally friendly and responsible riding practices within the province, and in association with similar ATV associations across Canada. The B.C. chapter was officially incorporated in March 2001, at which time the membership was 299. That number has since grown to 2,630 members and continues to rise as the sport’s popularity increases.
Fire threatens downtown Greenwood AL DONNELLY
Chronicles of Boundary Country from the pages of The Boundary Creek Times Volume VI, No. 8 – June 24, 1899
➤ Two Hotels Destroyed – “A fire which seriously threatened the total destruction of the business portion of Greenwood started underneath the Clarendon Hotel (on the west side of Copper Street close to where the Masonic Lodge is today) at an early hour. Between the Clarendon and the International Hotel was a small frame building which was soon a mass of flames and served as a connecting link with the International. The Clarendon burned quickly. “The heat was so great that the Sperry & Co.’s store across the street from the Clarendon caught fire but that blaze was quickly quenched. A suggestion was offered that the International should be blown up with the view to keeping the fire from spreading – but that suggestion was not adopted. The fire was only
The West Fork country stopped by the vacant lot BLASTS and Canyon Creek will, between the International FROM THE when the new road is and the Arlington Hotel. PAST completed, be nearer Had the Arlington caught, Greenwood than Rock the business portion of the Creek. Prospectors city was doomed. and others will buy all “From the Arlingtheir supplies here and ton north to Greenwood make Greenwood their Street, there is no vacant headquarters. Canyon space save where the Guess Creek empties into the building is being erected Kettle River about 35 (now the Copper Eagle)”. ➤ Another Devastating Business miles above Rock Creek. The mining District Fire – “Last Saturday, the busi- camp runs back to Cedar Creek, anothness portion of the town of Republic er stream entering into the river about 8 was destroyed by fire. At present writ- miles below.” ing, it is estimated that the total loss will ➤ Physical Culture? – “Mrs. H.E. exceed the sum of $200,000.” Foreman cordially invites all the chil➤ Road Being Built from Green- dren of Greenwood to Barrett’s Hall on wood to Canyon Creek – “Alderman Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock Sutherland, Jas. Robinson, and a gang when they will be instructed in physical of men are rapidly pushing a wagon culture, free of charge. Mrs. Foreman road from Greenwood to the West also invites ladies to her free lectures on Fork (of the Kettle River) area at Can- physical culture on Friday afternoon at yon Creek . . . where enormous possi- 3:30.” bilities of a new mining district exist.
Princeton hosts traditional music fest Submitted
Traditional music fans can’t wait for this year’s Princeton Traditional Music Festival, now in its eighth year. “Every year brings something different,” said Jon Bartlett, organizer of the three-day free festival. “Because we are a free festival, only performers who love the music and a chance to play come and join us.” Dozens of musicians, excelling in shanties, Canadian logging, fishing and
mining songs, and songs from England, Ireland and Scotland, fill the town for the entire weekend. The festival takes place in downtown Princeton from Friday to Sunday, Aug. 14 - 16. Friday night sees a street dance, starting at 6.30 p.m. The dances are traditional too: some from Scotland and England, and some from north America, with music from a ceili band, No partners are necessary, and all taught on the spot. On Saturday and Sunday, two outdoor
stages (under tents and with chairs) and one indoor stage in the local library, will feature songs and tunes from over 100 performers, many from the interior. The festival is free because all the performers, the volunteers and the organizers, give their services for free. Grants from the provincial and local governments cover the necessary costs of tents, publicity, meals for the performers and the like. For information, visit the website at
Business cards, letterhead, envelopes, brochures, posters, post cards, rubber stamps & much more. The Hall Printing & Boundary Creek Times team has your priNTing needs covered. Hall Printing will produce your proJEct and deliver IT to the TIMEs office for pick up. PHone or email DYAN today for pricing or advice on your next printing project 250-442-2191 ext. 206
West Boundary Corner Below is the motion that was passed at the July 30, 2015 Board of Directors’ Meeting. Note that it refers to “health risks associated with non-ionizing electromagnetic fields from wireless devices” in general, and not smart meters in particular. Regional districts have no jurisdiction over Fortis. They get their approval from the Province. Also, we wanted to consider the cumulative effects of wireless devices, and not just the latest one to be implemented. “Recognizing that many scientists and cancer specialists around the world are concerned about the potential health risks associated with non-ionizing electromagnetic fields from wireless devices, and that the Report of the Standing Committee on Health, presented to the Government of Canada in June of 2015, clearly identified the same concerns, And recognizing that the British Columbia Public Health Act gives ultimate responsibility for Health Protection to the Minister of Health and to BC’s Chief Medical Health Officer, and under Sec. 83 (1), the Act requires that any local government must take action upon being made aware of any health hazard or health impediment within its jurisdiction, by reporting the health hazard to a Provincial Health Officer, or by taking other authorized actions, Therefore, it is resolved that the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary petitions the Premier of British Columbia (the Hon. Christy Clark), the Minister of Health (the Hon. Terry Lake), and the Chief Medical Health Officer for BC (Dr. Perry Kendall) to recommend review of Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 to ensure appropriate protections for our citizens, based on the precautionary principle and a transparent review of the available research, and further petition the Government of Canada, to work in collaboration with the health departments of the provinces and territories, to examine existing cancer data collection methods in order to improve the collection of information relating to wireless device use and cancer.” Director Roly Russell from rural Grand Forks is organizing a presentation by Dr. Malcom Paterson of Penticton on the health & fire risks of smart meters. It’s on Wednesday, August 12 from 6-8 pm at the Seniors Centre in City Park in Grand Forks. I’ll be going, and have room for 2 more people in my car if anyone would like to come. Let me know.
Vicki Gee, Regional Director (250) 446-2042 • Facebook: Vicki Gee Regional Director
A10 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, August 6, 2015
Ambulance service by air too receiving facility and discuss this…we would then determine how soon the paBoundary Creek Times Contributor tient needs to move and the best way.” Jeff Olsen is the local BCAS Unit It’s a service you hope you or you Chief and he has seen first hand how efloved ones won’t need, but you’re glad fective the air ambulances are at saving it’s there when you do. lives. Without a doubt, paramedics help He said for the auto-launch emergensave lives in Grand Forks and throughcies, the helicopters can land very close out B.C. Paramedics help stabilize pato the scene of the emergency in most tients and get them ready for transport cases. as needed. “That’s the beauty of the program— Providing transportation for patients arriving on the scene in the helicopter are ground ambulances as well as air and meeting the local ambulance crew ambulance, which are either fixed-wing are two highly trained, Advanced Life (plane) or rotating (helicopter). Support paramedics with advanced The Boundary region is covered by training in trauma stabilization,” a helicopter dispatched out of said Olsen, Kelowna as needed. SO WHAT WE HAVE NOW IS THE “So what we have now is the Sunny Dhaliwal, executive director for provincial program for ABILITY TO TREAT PATIENTS WITH A ability to treat patients with a much higher degree of care at BC Emergency Health Services MUCH HIGHER DEGREE OF CARE AT the scene of an accident and have (BCEHS), said the air and land them at a trauma receiving facilambulance programs are operated THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT. ity in approximately 30 per cent or by BCEHS. better of the usual time.” Dhaliwal said the province has Olsen said the helicopter will take a total of nine air ambulances, five of for trauma emergencies, and inter-facilthose severely injured patients to a trauwhich are fixed-wing and four which are ity transfers. The auto-launch scenario is where an ma centre where they will have immerotating. All the air ambulances are contracted out and cover the whole prov- air ambulance is automatically sent to diate access to highly-trained, technical ince. They are located at various bases the scene of an emergency such as an ac- surgeons in various fields. “The helicopter lands on the roof of including Prince George, Richmond, cident on the highway. “Auto-launch means even before we the hospital in Kelowna,” he said. Kelowna, Vancouver, Langley, KamOlsen estimates that over the last have the exact details of a patient but loops and Nanaimo. knowing there are potentially severe three years out of the Boundary area “These nine aircraft are dedicated injuries, we could automatically launch they’ve sent 15-20 trauma patients dicontracts which means they are solely the nearest helicopter at the time of the rectly to Kelowna hospital. meant for us,” said Dhaliwal. “In addi- 911 call,” said Dhaliwal. “If the area was Grand Forks is 60 minutes from Kation, we have some service agreements very remote we might send one of our mloops by helicopter and the traumawith about 48 other ad-hoc service pro- ad-hoc contractors.” At the same time receiving hospital in Kelowna is 30 minviders. They are spread out around the a ground ambulance is dispatched to utes back. province and we might use them three scene with local first responders to asses, Barriers to the program can be weathor four times a year.” treat and stabilize the patients ready for er or resources are already dedicated to Dhaliwal said there are currently air transport. other events. two fixed-wing airplanes based out of Interfacility transfers are when the air Auto-launch has been in B.C. since Kelowna and one rotary-wing in Kam- ambulances are used to move a patient 2002 and in the Boundary since 2012, loops as well as others in the north and to a higher level of care such as would be and has proved itself as saving lives with at the coast. provided in Kelowna or Vancouver. decreased morbidity rates, decreased He added that although those are “In that case, the sending physician ICU stay times and overall improved outtheir bases, they can fly to anywhere in would get hold of the patient transfer comes to patients utilizing the program. the province as needed. network and explain the condition of Boundary Hospital is also equipped “The aim is to make sure we are able the patient, why the patient needs to with a helipad, capable of landing any to get the right patient at the right time be moved, the acuity of the patient and size helicopter. The helipad was made with the right resources,” said Dhaliwal. where the patient is going to be moved,” possible thanks to the generosity of the “We work very closely with the attend- he said. “We would get a hold of the local Clifton family. CRAIG LINDSAY
ing physicians and local facilities. By working very closely at all levels we are able to prioritize calls on a provincial level and deliver the best care possible to our patients.” Dhaliwal said the air ambulances moves approximately 7,500 patients per year, including 214 from the West Kootenay/Boundary and 35 from Grand Forks last year. He said the aircraft come equipped with all the necessary equipment for the two Advanced Life Support paramedics to do their job. Air ambulance cases are broken down into two distinct scenarios: Auto-launch
Stay safe around dams Remember to stay safe this summer when visiting dams and around reservoirs
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Church Directory GREENWOOD Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fr. John Kellogg – 326 Church Avenue Mass - Saturday 5 pm St. Jude’s Anglican Church of Canada Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 145 S. Kimberley Services at 4 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday) Evangel Chapel Interim Pastor Martin Fromme 250-449-1978 Food Bank (Errol/Gerry) 250-584-4164 401 N. Kimberley Service - Sunday at 10 am St. Columba United Church of Canada Rev. Kim Horwood 250-442-3311 101 S. Government Service & Sunday School - Sunday 9 am MIDWAY Boundary Community Church Pastor Ryan van Kuik 250-449-1439 at the Midway Community Hall Service - Sunday at 10 am King of Kings New Testament & Academy Pastor Rick Steingard 250-449-2252 735 9th Ave Service - Sunday at 10 am Jehovah’s Witnesses 943 13th Street 250-449-2665 Tuesday - 7 pm Sunday - 10 am ROCK CREEK New Kettle River Chapel Recessing services for the summer and recommencing on Sept. 13. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kettle Valley Service - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10:30 am BRIDESVILLE Sidley Mountain Cowboy Church Pastor Ed Brouwer 250-495-4877 Service at 6 pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday Bridesville Hall WESTBRIDGE
• Avoid fishing, boating and swimming above or below a dam. • Beware of floating debris and concealed hazards. • Use caution walking on slippery banks and shorelines. • Obey all warning signs and stay outside of restricted areas. For more safety tips, visit A message from the partners of the Cooperative Safety Program 15-142.9 06/2015
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Thursday, August 6, 2015 Boundary Creek Times
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A12 Boundary Creek Times Thursday, August 6, 2015
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