Invermere Valley Echo, August 12, 2015

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The Invermere


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2 August 1 2015


Setting his sights on a music career

Lake Windermere was the common theme for three weekend events, including Summer Splash at James Chabot Provincial Park on Sunday, August 9th. See page A16 for more photos. PHOTO BY KATIE WATT

react to 3 Candidates Wilks’ debate demands




Maxwell Realty Invermere


Interior Health eyes changes to lab services BREANNE MASSEY Interior Health has begun investigating how to improve lab services throughout the East Kootenay region. “We have a need to move in a different direction, (and) to adopt a different business model,” said Marty Woods, Interior Health’s regional director of lab services. “We have committed that we (Interior Health) will be coming out and doing a large scale (public) engagement sessions across every site with all of the physicians and caregivers; so no decisions have been made yet. This is just sort of an announcement that we need to go in a different direction.” The growing demand for complex testing by lab services has been hampered by staffing recruitment, budgets and tools, as well as service equity. But the most distinct problem that affects the quality of service is retention. “There just simply are not enough new technologists being trained and coming into the system to be able to backfill the potential retirements that are forthcoming,” said Mr. Woods, noting that nearly 50

What does ART mean to you?

per cent of his staff are expected to retire in the next five years. “And this isn’t a problem that exists only in Interior Health. This is actually a phenomenon that is nationwide. Nationwide, there is a shortage of lab technologists, so given that we’ve got the shortages coming, we’re saying we need to find a different business model and we’re proposing that we’re going to work with the physicians and caregivers in each

We’re saying we need to find a different business model and we’re proposing that we’re going to work with the physicians and caregivers... to figure out the best approach for each community. MARTY WOODS INTERIOR HEALTH LAB SERVICES REGIONAL DIRECTOR

community to figure out the best approach for each community.” Mr. Woods believes improving the quality of services over a two-year period will require some creativity, research and public engagement sessions in different communities.

“It’s not a cookie-cutter solution for each community,” he said. “It’s about finding the best solution for each community, and so that solution may be introducing what we call Point of Care Technology. Point of Care Technology is a portable, hand-held device that can do a test and provide the result right beside the patient.” The proposed vision for this transition could mean centralizing lab services, which could mean that a patient’s test results will be sent to Kelowna General Hospital for analysis. Interior Health has plans to discuss the prospective changes to lab services not only with health care professionals but their corresponding unions. However, it remains unknown when the plans will be in effect. “We’re going to start (public engagement) sessions in September,” said Mr. Woods. “We haven’t got them scheduled yet, but we’re going to start working with the medical and caregiver community in the fall. These sessions will go on for a period of time. It’s probably going to take a couple of months to go through every site and hear all of their feedback, then come back and ask more questions, so we’ll be doing this throughout the fall.”

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo


The highest point of The Judge (the triangular-shaped rock illuminated by the sun in the foreground) offered great views of the Columbia Valley and the Rockies (with Kootenay National Park in the background) despite the cloudy weather on Friday, August 7th. The Judge is the predominant mountain overlooking Diana Lake north of Radium PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG



Government extends deadline to comment on climate action plan STEVE HUBRECHT

Those interested in having input into B.C.’s new climate action plan now have a bit more time to do so, with the provincial government having extended its deadline for public consultation. The government announced last week the deadline for written submissions from B.C. residents about their vision for its Climate Leadership Plan is now September 14th, 2015. Local Groundswell Network Society executive director Bill Swan said that in general terms, he’s quite pleased with the idea of such a plan. “I’m strongly in favour of a climate action plan. Parts of B.C’s climate action so far have been really significant, in terms of the showing leadership in climate action. In particular, the carbon tax has been an example of something done here in B.C. that has generated a lot of interest, not just across the rest of Canada, but also internationally as well. Many jurisdictions want to, or are, copying it, ” said Mr. Swan. “Of course, anytime you mention carbon tax there’s bound to be some negative attention, but if you go into the literature, you’ll actually find a lot of hard research showing its positive benefits.” Mr. Swan said government leadership, be it municipal, provincial or federal, is needed (in a variety of forms, including carbon taxes and climate action plans), but community and individual buy-in to climate action is also necessary. “It’s imperative that we address this,” he said. “I strongly believe climate change is the leading issue of the day.” The government press release announcing the new deadline for written sub-

missions came in response to requests from many groups, who wanted additional time to prepare more comprehensive submissions. An initial 30-day public consultation was launched last month. “As we pass the half way point of the public engagement period, we’re seeing significant interest from British Columbians about the new Climate Leadership Plan. I encourage everyone to have their say and help shape the future of climate action in B.C.,” said B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak in a press release. When the consultation began, the government made a discussion paper and survey are available at Although the deadline for written submissions has been extended, the deadline for taking the survey remains Monday, August 17th. “As chair of the Climate Action Team, I look forward to hearing the wide range of views British Columbians have on climate action. Our team will use this public feedback as we put together recommendations for a strong Climate Leadership Plan,” said Parliamentary Secretary for Energy Literacy and the Environment and MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky Jordan Sturdy in the press release. B.C. residents will have further opportunities to provide input. The province plans to release a draft Climate Leadership Plan in December 2015, on which the public can provide comment on the specific policies and actions proposed, and then the final Climate Leadership Plan will likely be released by government in March 2016. To take the survey, review and comment on the Climate Leadership Plan discussion paper, visit

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo A3


Conservative candidate Wilks sets debate requirements KEVIN NIMMOCK

According to the Liberal candidate, variation in or- organizing debates. “It seems a little surprising and bordering on arroganizers is positive because it broadens the scope of gant to, in the first place, refuse to take part in disaudiences at debates. “We will be going to debates that are outside of the cussions with candidates about debates in the riding A month after Kootenay-Columbia NDP candidate Wayne Stetski challenged his opponents to form a de- framework that Mr. Wilks put forward,” Johnston and then, at this late stage, come in and decide that bate committee, incumbent Conservative candidate said. “We will live up to our commitments with those you are going to be the one that sets all the rules and community organizations that we have already said requirements,” Johnston said. David Wilks has responded with a plan of his own. Stetski’s idea was to form a committee made up of yes to.” Stetski also took issue with Wilks rea member from each candidate’s team, which would help co-ordinate and organize eight debates across questing only questions collected in advance be asked during debates. the riding, to assure full candidate attendance. “This kind of dictate “David Wilks must commit to be at an shows that now that Mr. all-issues debate in every major comis being forced munity,” Stetski said while launching DA Wilks A N by public pressure to his challenge in early July. “That means AND RECEIVE A WAGE SUBSIDY CA consider attending dewe organize events in Revelstoke, Goldbates, he is attempting en, Invermere, Kimberley, Cranbrook, • Small businesses, to use Harper-like tacFernie, Creston and Nelson, and we cenon-profit, First Nation or public organizations may tics to control the pubment it into our calendars.” The School Works program apply. lic’s ability to ask him tough In response, Liberal candidate Don Johnston provides an $8/hr student • Co-op and Practicum and Green candidate Bill Green quickly agreed to questions,” Stetski said. “Mr. Wilks wage subsidy during the student hours eligible. nominate a representative to the committee. Wilks, shouldn’t be afraid to debate anyone, school year. the lone standout, decided to decline the challenge or to take any voter’s question. He is For more information: trying to hide behind arbitrary rules.” after the two-week deadline came and went. Application forms available 1.877.489.2687 ext. 3584 or According to Johnston, it is unfair “I am not going to move forward with an NDP sugonline August 13, 2015. gestion,” Wilks said. “If that is what the NDP want for Wilks to expect debate organizers to do, they should do that. That is their strategy, to be able to collect a wide range of questions prior to a debate. not mine.” Connect with us “I think the notion that Chambers Now, less than a week after the writ was dropped on August 2nd, Wilks’ team has released a statement un- of Commerce, or any other group organizing a debate, derscoring his support for debates, It seems a little are going to be able but only if they meet a strict set of to reach out to as requirements. surprising and broad a group as “To facilitate understanding and PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - BYLAW 2628 bordering on arrogant... will be in the room comparison of the differences beDON JOHNSTON Bylaw Amendment - Wilmer tween parties, structure and orderly LIBERAL MP CANDIDATE on the night of the The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by event to collect format for candidate dialogue is of Karen Cote and Marie Wilson to amend the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the paramount importance,” Wilks’ senior advisor Jim questions seems to me very unlikebylaw will amend the zoning designation of the subject property to accommodate a proposed ly,” Johnston said. Abbott said in a press release. two parcel subdivision. The subject property is located on Donovan Road in Wilmer as shown on In reaction to the debates over deWilks has asked that debates be hosted and orgathe attached map. nized unilaterally by Kootenay-Columbia Chambers bates throughout the last month, Bylaw No. 2628 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning of Commerce. In addition, his requirements state de- Green said his opposing candidates Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 305, 2015 (Wilmer / Cote & Wilson)” will amend bates should be 90 minutes in length and questions have forgotten where they should be the designation of Lot A, District Lot 377, Kootenay District, Plan NEP82894 from SH-2, Small Holding Semi-Rural Zone to SH-1, Small Holding Residential Zone. should be collected before the event, which will “cre- looking for leadership on the issue. “One major thing the Wilks camate efficiency and reduce duplication.” A public hearing will be held at: Wilmer Community Hall 9179 West Avenue “This kind of dictatorial attitude about who can paign and the Stetski campaign are Wilmer, BC host and what the format will be shows that Mr. Wilks missing is these are community-hostTuesday, August 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm still doesn’t understand the importance of engaging ed events, based on the interest and

ES T O V 5

Hire a student


Regional District of East Kootenay

with communities and with voters,” Stetski said in a press release. Prior to Wilks’ statement, the debate committee had begun to plan debates around the riding, some of which will not be hosted by Chambers of Commerce. “I’m happy to attend debates hosted by Chambers of Commerce, but I also believe that it is simply wrong to eliminate any other community group from hosting,” Stetski said. Green echoed Stetski’s thoughts, adding that any group should be welcomed to propose a debate, as long as they are non-partisan. “David suggested in his media release that only Chambers of Commerce are non-partisan and I do not think that is correct,” Green said. “There are lots of groups out there who are advocacy groups, including Chambers of Commerce, but they are also non-partisan, meaning they do not side with any particular party.” In Nelson, Mir Centre for Peace and the Citizens Climate Lobby have joined forces to organize and host a debate.

enthusiasm of local community organizations, and we have to respect that,” Green said. “We have to work with dates, times formats that work for the communities.” Green also took issue with the limit both Stetski and Wilks put on debates with their plans. Instead of eight or fewer debates across the riding, Green said there should be 11 or 12, so that new parts of the riding, like Nelson, Kaslo and Salmo, can be included. “People should not have to drive more than 30 minutes,” Green said, adding that he would also like to see a debate for First Nations communities. Wilks has set a deadline of September 4th for Chambers of Commerce across the riding to get back to him if they are interested in hosting and

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F, Electoral Area G and the District of Invermere.

If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. SUBMISSIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email 19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Ph: 250-489-2791 • 888-478-7335 Email: • Website:


Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo


Funding for community initaitives changes Kevin Nimmock

The Columbia Valley Community Directed Funds (CVCDF) program may have come to an end after its three-year contract expired with Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), but the program’s committee will continue in an advisory role. Three years ago, the Trust granted the program’s committee $600,000 to fund initiatives across the valley. Money was given to the Family Resource Centre, Invest Kootenay, Greenways Trail Alliance, the Permanent Resident Retention and Attraction program, and to other branding and marketing initiatives around the valley. “It is hard to say what the future holds for the committee. However, the members of the committee as well as CBT are committed to continue working together with the focus on valley-wide strategic initiatives,” said Wendy Booth, the committee’s chair, in an email. For now, the committee will continue to meet quarterly, playing an advisory and strategic role for CBT. Funding will come directly from CBT, which will make final discretionary decisions. “The input of the committee will be one aspect of the decisionmaking process that CBT will use,” Booth said. “It is hard to say how it will rate in comparison to other aspects.” If there are major funding projects up for deliberation

outside of the quarterly meeting schedule, the committee will be able to use an online forum to give input. Wayne Lundeberg, CBT’s director for the delivery of benefits, said the shift in structure should ultimately allow the committee to assume the role CBT had hoped it would three years ago. “The real value in the committee was to have a regional lens to look at what the real challenges in the area were,” Lundeberg said. “They are not meant to look at projects per se, although we will look for their input on major projects, but really this is more for the

... but really this is more for the things they started... like a regional marketing approach and other strategic initiatives like that. wayne lundeberg CBT director for delivery of benefits

things that they started in the last months of their mandate, like a regional marketing approach and other strategic initiatives like that.” The CVCDF was the first of six regional committees across CBT’s territory, meaning it was also the first contract to expire. According to Lundeberg, during the CVCDF’s tenure, it served as an example for the other committees. “They worked hard at it, but they had some real challenges at getting traction,” Lundeberg said. “What we discovered in going through the process is that a lot

David Thompson Secondary

School New Student Registration and Timetable Changes DTSS will be available for timetable changes and to register new students from August 24th – August 31st, Sept 1st. Please phone Mrs.Stevenson at 3429213, extension #4521 to make an appointment starting August 24th, 2015 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00

of their resources were being chewed up doing a lot of the administrative work of the committee.” The new structure will take administrative pressures away from the volunteer-based committee. Instead, CBT staff will handle strategic funding administration. Lundeberg said the other major problem with the committee’s structure was that it had to spend $200,000 each year, which caused unnecessary restrictions to the size of initiatives that could be considered. Under the new system, CBT will consider spending more than $200,000 per year, if the initiatives under consideration warrant the investment. “Community development does not always happen equally each year,” said Lundeberg, adding that projects like the District of Invermere’s multi-use centre would have drained the committee’s full budget. So far, the Columbia Valley’s committee is the only one to accept the parameters of the new directed funds structure. Lundeberg said CBT is thrilled to work closely with the various community leaders currently serving on the committee. “Going forward, the committee will be operating with our support as long as they want to and as long as we all feel there is useful, meaningful work coming out of the partnership,” Lundeberg said. The CVCDF committee (now under CBT) is comprised of the five RDEK directors (Gerry Wilkie, Clara Reinhardt, Gerry Taft, Wendy Booth and Ute Juras) plus Craig Knapp, John Rouse, Dee Conklin, Rick Thompson and Melanie Sam.


Tourism tax rate increases Breanne Massey

The Columbia Valley could be well on its way to becoming even more of a tourism hotspot thanks to new support from the province, but at least one local official remains skeptical about the latest funding announcement. Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills, Shirley Bond recently announced the provincial government approved a one per cent increase to the maximum Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) program rate allowed under the Provincial Sales Tax Act, which became three per cent instead of two per cent in the 2015 budget. However, the MRDT rate will only apply to municipalities, regional districts or eligible entities that request the increase — and receive approval by the province.

In addition, there will be a Tourism Events Program to help support the planning, marketing and organization of provincially significant events and celebrations in tourism, which will be sponsored under the new provincial program. “We know hosting events is an important way to grow our tourism sector and the new Tourism Events Program is a great way to build on the successes of the 2010 Winter Olympics, the Canada Winter Olympics, the Canada Winter Games and the FIFA Women’s World Cup,” said Bond. “These investments mean we can further strengthen our reputation as a world-class event hosting destination and increase the number of visitors to B.C.” But the funding announcement to boost tourism numbers in B.C. has raised red flags for some, says Invermere mayor Gerry Taft. See A15



Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo


The Invermere


HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@

Published by Black Press Ltd. at Cranbrook Daily Townsman 822 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC



Dean Midyette

Nicole Trigg





Health warning: read between the lines

Breanne Massey

Steve Hubrecht





Kevin Nimmock kevin@


Amanda Nason




Interior Health is at it again — this time with a focus on lab services. In just the last few years, the dispatch for local ambulance services was moved from Cranbrook to Kamloops and the Invermere & District Hospital lost its dialysis unit, and now lab services in the East Kootenay are coming under scrutiny. According to Interior Health’s regional director for lab services, Marty Woods, the main underlying reason for needing to adopt a “different business model” when it comes to the lab services is staffing. The same reason was told to the Colum-

bia Valley by Interior Health two years ago when the decision was made to remove the dialysis unit from the local hospital. Mr. Woods says laboratory technologists are in short demand, and any technologist will tell you the same thing, but for the opposite reason — that not enough are being hired, resulting in understaffed, overworked health care employees who are taking on more than their fair share of responsibility as positions get eliminated. But once again, Interior Health is touting problems with recruitment and retention as the reasons for having to change the way services are being delivered to a rural area.

Without any mention of the BC Jobs Plan — the government’s plan to keep B.C.’s economy “diverse, strong and growing” — or B.C.’s Skills for Jobs (the targeted focus on training for high-demand jobs), the solution appears to be centralization and/or filling these positions with technology. No doubt about it, health care eats up a substantial amount of B.C.’s budget and these costs will continue to grow as the number of seniors in B.C. is expected to reach 1.5 million in 20 years, but centralized lab services will result in a tremendous drop in the quality of care currently offered locally, and residents should speak up and make sure their feedback is heard before it’s too late.

OPINION Theresa Kains


Renice Oaks


NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

2009 2009 WINNER


Trashy style of garbage disposal has to stop

ith another busy sumextremely efficiently and the Regional UNDOWN U mer period comes life expectancy (or years left the often stinky and unpleasto operate) has actually been ant by-product of garbage growing as new techniques — and lots of it. The level of in operating have been imgarbage collection service plemented. Part of the propwithin the Columbia Valley er operating also includes varies. Within Invermere, measures to control or stop there is curbside pick-up for wildlife interference and conERRY most of our residential areas, tact with the garbage. Secand there is also the collecondly, there is an area to tion of garbage and recycling dump garbage or yard waste bins — sometimes referred to as the In- or things that can be re-used by someone vermere mini-transfer station in our In- else (sometimes referred to as the Windustrial Park in Athalmer. dermere Walmart) and it’s completely Throughout the valley there are other FREE! For household garbage, there is no transfer station and community bin ar- charge. Only a very small number of speeas, but the one underlying theme for cific things like a refrigerator or tires get garbage is where it all ends up — and that charged. is at the Columbia Valley Landfill near the Often the excuse or reason for dumpWindermere Golf Course. ing improper items in the improper area What is unique about the Columbia Val- (ie. not at the Windermere Landfill, but in ley landfill is twofold. First, it is operated some other bin or transfer station) is also



twofold: people might be trying to skirt some kind of dumping fee (which there isn’t), and then there’s the excuse that it is just too far and out of the way to go to the Columbia Valley Landfill. The laziness of not being willing to drive to the landfill to properly dispose of large items is unacceptable. People will drive very far to save on a jug of milk or a litre of gas, and those folks who live part of the time in the city often drive for hours a day between work and family obligations. A few extra minutes to dispose of things properly doesn’t seem like too steep a price to pay to keep this area beautiful. Two things happen when garbage isn’t disposed of properly. First, when it is put into a private bin that a local small business pays to have emptied, it costs that business more money because they have to have it emptied more often. See A7



Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo



Did you watch the Maclean’s National Leaders Debate? And, do televised debates still matter?

LETTERS Watchful eye on Jumbo Glacier Resort Dear Editor: The July 21st, 2015 meeting of Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality (JGMRM) received a letter from the Jumbo Glacier Resorts (JGR) and development proponent, Oberto Oberti. It said, “Glacier Resort Ltd. (parent corp. of the proposed JGR) cannot allow the project to be dismissed after having substantially done everything that it was asked to do and was permitted to do up to October 12th, 2014, and it believes that a judicial review (J.R.) will show clearly that the minister did not make a correct decision in declaring the project not substantially started. Glacier’s lawyers will submit a request for a J.R. as soon as the case is prepared.” That will make the fourth J.R. relevant to the proposed JGR and development. The most current is the West Kootenay Eco-Society challenging the authenticity of the JGMRM. Mr. Oberti’s letter also stated, “GRL intends to work with minor amendments to the Resort Master Plan and the Master Development Agreement, reducing the size of the project below the thresholds of the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) by moving forward under the All Season Resort Policy (ASRP) as the ASRP does not contain the same substantially started deadline aspect as the EAA.” In a recent interview with my government contact person in the Mountain Resorts Departement of the MFLRO (Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations), I learned the following: “There is still some evaluating happening having to do with the latest events for the JGR proposal but we are close to the end. And so

“No, I did not watch it. I think debates can matter. In general, I think local debates matter even more than federal debates.” Gerry Taft

“I watched some of it. To me, the televised debates are something of the past. Nobody watches it. I think the youth of today could care less. Younger people do not watch TV.”

“I watched part of it. I think, in this day of social media, TV is still very important. People need to see these guys all together and debates are one way to do that.” Bev Hansen

Pam Rendell

far, a scaled-down version has not been submitted. The scaled-down version allows maximum 2,000-bed resort with a maximum of 600 beds for resort guests.” I asked, “Does that mean 1,400 beds for employees and private ownership like condos, townhouses and private residences?” The answer was affirmative. Any resort proposal over 2,000 beds falls within the EAA. The original Jumbo Glacier Resort and development proposal was for a city the size of Nelson, B.C., with 6,200 hectare land base. Now, looking at a nose count of 2,000, we see a place twice as big as Kaslo. At that July 21st, 2015 JGMRM meeting, council members voted unanimously to give the third and final reading to the Jumbo Official Community Plan (JOCP) and formally adopt it. “The OCP is now a fact on the ground, one of the few at the moment,” said JGMRM mayor, Greg Deck, adding that “if nothing comes of the proponent’s J.R. petition against Minister Polak’s decision, then I expect the municipality and it OCP and by-laws will be dissolved. If the J.R. is successful, then the OCP is already in place; and if a scaled-down resort proposal ends up going ahead, then we (JGMRM) will do what every municipality does — amend and change our OCP.” So that’s what’s been brewing while we took a little breather — not at all surprising, actually. The ASRP has a reputation for not being as stringent as the EAA so we should expect the pace to quicken. For Jumbo Wilders, it’s back to the front lines while the government and the proponent continue their marathon of smoke and mirrors that has, thus far, been part of three different political parties and eight different governments. ROWENA ELOISE WEST KOOTENAY COALITION FOR JUMBO WILD ARGENTA


Would you like to see more severe penalties for distracted driving?


Have you or do you plan on contributing to the public comments on B.C.’s new Climate Action Plan?


Don’t resist change


s I move through Grow Your REATNESS the valley on errands and with my gardening business, I can’t help but notice how abundantly big everything is this year. Have you noticed it as well? Shrubs are growLIZABETH ing wildly tall and fat, rose bushes are blooming profusely, the beautiful flowers on main street are an explosion of colour and I can barely fit the kale leaves from my garden into my fridge. All of the glorious sun, heat, rain and even hail has been the perfect fuel for growth. Many people I have spoken with this summer have also noticed that things are just a little off. This has been most noticeable with some of the bloom times this year, earlier cooler nights and the apples, plums and cones falling from the trees already. Apart from these details, what I find interesting is that so many people are noticing these slight shifts in nature around them and adjust accordingly. For some people, these shifts can have a huge impact on their lives and how they conduct business. For others, it has little or no impact. In our own personal lives, we know nothing stays the same yet many of us experience some degree of resistance when shifts or “changes” arrive. See A7








Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo TRASHY from A5

Many people have been concerned about the health of businesses in the area — don’t hurt them by adding to their costs by filling up their garbage bins! Secondly, if a bin is already full and garbage is piled on top or outside, that garbage is then an easy target for birds, dogs, deer, bears and other wildlife. Not only is that garbage often dangerous for wildlife, but it also gets spread around and then becomes a nuisance for other people and animals and the rest of the ecosystem. If you wouldn’t open a bag of your garbage and spread it around your front yard, why would you leave it outside a full bin and let that happen to someone else’s yard? Gerry Taft is the mayor of Invermere and a Regional District of East Kootenay director. He can be reached at taft.gerry@gmail.

DON’T from A5

Change is happening all around us to some degree, 24/7, and it’s our perception as to what we feel is a big or small change for us. For example, when we hear ourselves complaining or feeling overwhelmed and negative, these are all really forms of resistance. A good question to ask yourself is: “What is one thing I can release, from where I am right now, to help me feel just a bit better?” Try it and you will find a sense of ease and your perception will shift. The more you release the resistance, the more at ease you will feel. This doesn’t mean you go turtle up to the world. You can take a stance, feel a range of emotions, and you can go forward from of place of empowerment, energy and vitality rather than from a place of fear and resistance. Elizabeth Shopland is a personal growth and development coach, a certified horticulturist, and the co-owner of Shopland Grow & Bloom. She can be reached at and 250-342-1124.

Geoff Hill MaxWell Realty Invermere

250-341-7600 A7


Valley rockin’ blues star keeps performing KEVIN NIMMOCK

On July 25th, local musicians showed that the valley is full of talented performers and songwriters during Steamboat Mountain Music Festival in Edgewater. Among the performers, Eli Beingessner set the stage on fire with his memorable guitar solos and his unmistakable musicianship. As always, Eli played with his dad, Marty, who he has been performing with since he was 15 years old. “It is neat when you can sing and play with someone you are close to,” Eli said. “Our voices, because we are related, complement each other really well.” Eli, 21, has been playing music since he was three, when he started learning the piano. He has since replaced keys with electric guitar strings, developing into a budding blues star. “The thing I really like about the guitar is it is very expressive,” he said. “It is really easy to show emotion with it because you can bend the strings and make a note waver. Basically, you can manipulate the notes you are playing so you can put some more feeling into songs.” Though he has played a variety of musical styles over the years with his dad, Eli is most passionate about rockin’ blues — a heavier version of the blues genre. But he has also kept another genre close to his heart. “Because I grew up listening to my dad playing country music so much, there are little hints of country in me as well,” said Eli. “Those are the roots I always fall back on.” As an accomplished songwriter, Eli’s performances include a mix of tunes he has

penned himself and a collection of his favourite classics. “People easily relate to covers because they have grown up with them and they have heard them before,” he said. “Once you get them engaged by doing something they recognize, they are more prone to listen to you and enjoy what you have written.” In April, Eli graduated from the horticulture program at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. Even while working hard to complete the program, his training did not dilute his passion for music. “My goal is to do something longterm with music,” he said. “Horticulture would be something to fall back on. Musically, I want to run a studio and be a studio musician.” Eli’s dream is to record his own albums and record albums for other musicians who need an accompanying band. His other main goal is to keep performing for engaged audiences. “Realistically, my type of music is not the most popular anymore,” he said. “I do not see myself getting incredible rich and famous, but I don’t need all that. As long as I am playing my music and I have an audience that is appreciating what I am doing, I am happy.” Though Eli is now back to living full-time in the valley, he sees himself moving elsewhere to follow his dreams. “Longterm, I think I probably want to move to a bigger centre where there is more happening musically,” he said. For now, Eli is happy to play events like Steamboat and the weekly farmer’s market at the Crossroads. “There is a nice stage up there at the Crossroads and they even have a nice big tent and picnic tables, so people can sit and listen to music,” he said. Looking back on his six years of performing in the valley, Eli said playing with his dad has moulded him into the versatile musician he is today. “Me and my dad b o t h do different kinds of music, so it has forced us to widen-out,” Eli said. “I play stuff that is a little more energetic than what he does, so I force him to speed up, and he forced me to sit back and relax.” Recently, he released a CD full of original tunes — 6 Foot 2, Wild and Blue is available on iTunes and at Bliss Hair & Esthetics in Invermere. While Eli does not know exactly what the future will hold, he knows it will involve music, and lots of it. Eli Beingessner was a magnetic performer at this year’s Steamboat Mountain Music Festival. He has been performing with his dad, Marty, since he was 15 years old at concerts and farmer’s markets around the valley. Photo by Nicole Trigg


Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo

Valley Child Care Innovative early learning at Little Badgers SUBMITTED Little Badgers Early Learning Program Little Badgers has been in operation for eight years. This very successful preschool program was started by Maxine Hawes and the Akisqnuk First Nation, and has evolved throughout the years to what it is today. The program currently includes preschool for three to five year olds, daycare facilities, a toddler program for 18 months to three year olds, and now an out-of-school program for kindergarteners to 12 year olds. Little Badgers Early Learning Program runs out of the Eva Joseph Family Centre. It is surrounded by beautiful grasslands, mountains, and has a one-of-a-kind outdoor classroom. A big part of the program is spent exploring the outdoors and discovering the unique ecosystems that are found there. Thanks to the Columbia Basin Trust and many volunteers, our outdoor environment has been enhanced with new plants, an upgraded trail system and gardening opportunities, creating a very unique facility. Our staff currently includes fully licensed early childhood educators. The combination of a Certified Infant Toddler Educator, an educator with a Bachelor of Education with Montessori Training, a First Nations Cultural Educator and an Early Childhood Assistant gives us a unique blend of individuals who meet the needs of our communities. We have an open door policy for anyone who wishes to visit our centre and discover what we are about. Everyone is invited to join us at our Open House

Little Badger Early Learning Program students aged 18 months to five years watched as Oliver from Winderberry Nursery plants a tree for 2013 Earth Day. File photo on Wednesday, August 26th from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Please call 250-342-6331 for more information or to register your child for the fall.

Spaces now available! Three year old Preschool Program Mondays & Thursday 9:00 am – 11:30 am $97 / $117 per month

Little Badger Early Learning Programs Preregister early to guarantee your spot for our upcoming preschool year

Open House

Wednesday, August 26 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3046 Highway 93/95 Windermere, BC 250-342-6331 th

Four year old Preschool Program

Out of School Daycare Program $3.75 / hour Drop in rate: $4.50 / hour  After school care  Bus drop off at daycare  Full days during school closures (Pro-D Days, Summer Break…etc)

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am – Noon $137 / $157 per month

3 – 5 year old Group Daycare $4.00 / hour

Play based Learning, Arts, Crafts, Field Play-based Trips, Picnics, Outdoor Play Everyday, Baking, Dancing, Yoga, Music and SO MUCH MORE!

Drop in rate: $4.50 / hour

630 3rd Street, Invermere | (250) 342-3168 | | | Manager: Pat Miller

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo


Where the buffalo roam...

Local naturalist Larry Halverson and his wife Karan camped for 39 days in Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, exploring the scenery and admiring the wildlife. Halverson photographed many rare and endangered species while on his trip. These photos were taken in Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan. Grassland areas have a great significance locally in B.C. One-third of the province’s endangered species are supported by grassland areas, which only constitute one per cent of the provincial land base. Clockwise from top right: a Plains Bison takes a dust bath (a threatened species reintroduced into Grasslands National Park after a 120-year absence); the sunrise on the Frenchman River; watching the sunset in Grasslands National Park; a red-winged blackbird; a prairie rattlesnake seen on the road while cycling; and a beautiful pin cushion cactus. Photos by Larry Halverson

Arne SahlĂŠn, Piano Classics to Moderns

Wed. Aug 19, 7 p.m. Christ Church Trinity 250-341-1432 Admission by donation Amusical sampler, Pathetique to Pink Panther, with lively stories from music history Past raves for Arne: infectious brilliance! Outrageously enjoyable. piano teacher 45 years witth many awardwinning students; he will teach piano in Invermere. Contact or 250-427-2159 Kimberley.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo


Group helps local residents research family trees STEVE HUBRECHT

Those interested in learning more about their family’s past but not sure how to start will be glad to learn there’s a genealogy group right here in Invermere. “It’s just an informal group,” said group leader Dorothy Blunden. “We help each other to trace family trees and give guidance and help to people starting to look into their family history. We do a myriad of things and we have a different topic each month.” The group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at Columbia Garden Village, with some of the members having been interested in genealogy for a long time and others more recently. Newcomers are always welcome. “Genealogy is history coming alive,” said Ms.

Blunden, adding the group encourages people interested in learning more about their family tree to start with the familiar (parents, grandparents) and then work back from there. Group member Dot Proulx has even managed to publish parts of her family tree. “It is really interesting here in the valley because we have people whose roots go back not just to the U.K., but also to Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. It’s fascinating to learn about,” said Ms. Blunden. “Some families go back many, many years in the valley and in learning about early families here, we also learn about the hardships of life here in those times. We try to get people to learn not just about their family members, but also about what life was like for them. This is so they have some idea not just about the details of their lives, but also about the context

of their lives. So its not just a skeleton, there’s some flesh on the bones.” The group began about 10 years ago, when Ms. Blunden worked as the local museum curator. The group has no president or fee and anybody can join. Ms. Blunden initially became interested in genealogy through conversation with her grandparents and great aunts about how and why they moved to Canada. “Family really does open the door to history,” she said, adding she learned not only about her grandparents, but also about her great-grandparents moving to Canada as older homesteaders in 1912. The group often makes use of the Internet when researching family trees, but also help each other learn to delve through censuses and histories of towns and villages. Anybody interested in learning more about the group can contact Ms. Blunden at 250-342-2005.


Nigeria overcomes polio with help from Rotarians

BREANNE MASSEY The last reported case of the poliovirus in Nigeria was a landmark triumph for Rotarian fundraisers across the country. Rotary International has donated $688.5 million to fight polio in Africa, including a $200 million cash injection to the cause in Nigeria. Rotary Club of Invermere spokesperson Milt Deck credits the Rotarian community for supporting the cause with a wide variety of fundraising initiatives, such as the PolioPlus program to help thwart the debilitating disease. “It is a disease that can be controlled, and it was immobilizing and crippling

In partnership with


people around the world in large numbers,” said Mr. Deck. “By us (Rotarians) doing the eradication (fundraising efforts), we’re improving the lives of so many people by not being inflicted with polio. It’s an ongoing fundraiser.” The Columbia Valley alone has contributed $16,852 to the polio cause over the past several years, which is a figure that is matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “For a long time, they (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) matched dollar for dollar — but, currently, for every dollar that we donate, they match it for two dollars,” explained Mr. Deck. Polio spreads from person to person, invading the brain and spinal cord and causing paralysis because there is no cure, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. After the spread of the poliovirus was previously stopped, it was then reintroduced and continues to spread in the Horn of Africa, Cameroon and Syria. However, the spread of polio has never stopped in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Today, Nigeria has reported no new cases of the poliovirus in one year, which is the longest

NIGERIA’S ONE-YEAR MILESTONE the country has gone without a case. This means it could be removed from the list of polio-endemic countries this September. Rotarians believe it’s an important cause to support because the possibility to eradicate polio is a strong and worthwhile cause. “We have to keep working on it,” said Mr. Deck. “Just because we’ve got the numbers greatly reduced doesn’t mean that the threat is gone. The wild poliovirus is still out there and with all of the

#endpolio |

refugee camps that are being built now because of the unrest in the Middle East, there’s a chance that the immunization program isn’t getting all the children, so we could have an outbreak again. It could be back to very big numbers in a very short time.” Visit to watch a video featuring Rotary International president K.R. Ravindran on polio eradication in Nigeria. Visit to learn more about Rotary’s poliovirus mission.

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GOLF NEWS Mountainside Ladies’ Club As expected, July was a very busy month for the Mountainside Ladies’ Club. We all enjoyed the good weather even though it was sometimes way too hot ,but no one complained too much. Our Senior’s Championship has been re-named in honour of Sue MacDonald and it was held on July 28th and

30th. The big winner was Marlyn DesBrisay who won the overall low net. Marlyn was also our hostess for the Appy Party which followed Day 2. We had a great evening and the weather was beautiful allowing us to enjoy Marlyn’s lovely deck. The winners of each flight were as follows: Flight 1 — Shirley Bergman; Flight 2 — Lil MacPherson; and Flight 3 was Mary Bussard. We would like to extend our congratulations to John Denhamer for his Hole in One on Number 3 and to Dave Gibson for his Hole in One on Number 5. These members of the Men’s Club are now held in great esteem by the rest of us. Submitted by Sharon Nichol

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo A11



Kayak. Call 250-342-2589 for more the Invermere Legion. $15/person. every Friday. For more information Reservations recommended. Call 250- visit information. Have • 7 - 9 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All • 1 - 3:30 p.m.: Rotary Gardens 342-9517 Meat Draw and 50/50. an event you’d Radium Hot Springs Grand Opening • 7 - 9 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All ages, $5 at Invermere Curling Club. like listed? Email celebration and Sponsor Thank You. ages, $5 at Invermere Curling Club. it to: production@ SATURDAY AUGUST 29TH Everyone welcome. Come take a stroll invermerevalleyecho. SATURDAY AUGUST 22ND throughout the gardens. Free light • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion summer market, com refreshments and snacks. Located • Invermere MusicFest Waterfront Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. behind the Parks Canada building on Music Festival at Kinsmen Beach Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog Columbia Ave. in Radium. greenspace from August 22nd to concession and more. TH 23rd. Cost $40 early bird, $50 general • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers WEDNESDAY AUGUST 12 SUNDAY AUGUST 16TH admission, $40 evening only, kids 12 and Artists Market, downtown • 6:30 p.m.: Twilight storytime at the • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast every and under free. For more infomation Invermere. library. Bring a blanket & be prepared Sunday at the Edgewater Legion. visit for an outdoor storytime and craft. SUNDAY AUGUST 30TH • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Fairmont Farmer’s • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion Summer market, Markets on Sundays at Fairmont Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake breakfast every THURSDAY AUGUST 13TH Ridge Mall, until August 16th. Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog Sunday at the Edgewater Legion. • 12 p.m.: Seniors lunch at the concession and more. • 2 - 5 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All Invermere Legion. $5 at the door. • 6 p.m.: Fairmont Hot Springs features RSVP by calling 250-342-9281 ext 1227 The Rambler’s at Mountainside • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers ages $5 at Invermere Curling Club. Grille. Includes a buffet dinner and and Artists Market, downtown or emailing MONDAY AUGUST 31ST 1 glass of beer or wine. $25/person. Invermere. • 1 - 4 p.m.: Invermere library summer Music at 7 p.m. • 12 p.m.: 4th annual Free Fairmont Hot • 6:30 p.m.: Mondays in August, dropreading club. This week’s theme is nd Build A Mystery. Drop in with the kids • 2 - 5 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All Springs Airport Fly In August 22 and in Ultimate Frisbee for adults/youth 23rd. Call early to register 250-345-2121 (15+) at Laird Elementary Field. Free to do a craft and pick up some books. Ages $5 at Invermere Curling Club. or email Free BBQ of charge & beginners welcome. No • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free live music at Pothole MONDAY AUGUST 17TH for fliers at 2:30 p.m. Free pancake equipment required. Park every Thursday. • 9 p.m.: Movie in the Mountains breakfast Aug 23rd. Free camping on • 9 p.m.: Movie in the Mountains at at Pothole Park, featuring the film site, free shuttle to golf course and Pothole Park, featuring the film The FRIDAY AUGUST 14TH resort. Discount on golf at Fairmont Great Outdoors. Dinosaur Island. • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and Hot Springs Resort. Prizes. Market on Main every Friday until TUESDAY AUGUST 18TH FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH August 28th. Music on Main starts at SUNDAY AUGUST 23RD • 11 a.m.: Invermere Library Pop Up • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. story time at Edible Acres. Join us • 9 -11 a.m.: Pancake breakfast every Artym Artist Gala Exhibition. com for details. in Winderberry for a delicious story Sunday at the Edgewater Legion. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the lake Art • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows time. th th • 2 - 5 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All Walk from June 19 to September 11 Client Photos Become Artist Creations every Friday. For more information exhibition until August 15th. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19TH Ages $5 at Invermere Curling Club. visit • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art • 7 p.m.: Eagle Ranch presents TH MONDAY AUGUST 24 • 7 - 9 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All Walk from June 19th to September 11th Theatre under the Stars featuring The ages, $5 at Invermere Curling Club. • 9 p.m.: Movie in the Mountains every Friday. For more information Avengers: Age of Ultron. Free lawn at Pothole Park, featuring the film visit seating with non-perishable food item HOURS Sponge Bob: Sponge Out of Water. for local Food Bank. Call 1-877-877• 6 p.m.: Pork dinner at the Invermere INVERMERE LIBRARY Legion. $15/person. Reservations 3889 for more information. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26TH • Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m recommended. Call 250-342-9517. TH • 6:30 8 p.m.: Little Badgers Early THURSDAY AUGUST 20 • Wednesday: 10 a.m - 8 p.m. Meat Draw and 50/50. learning program open house. We • Thurs – Saturday: 10 a.m - 5p.m. • 7 - 9 p.m.: Glow Roller Skating. All • 1 - 4 p.m.: Invermere Library last have an open door policy for anyone Summer Reading Club. Drop in to the ages, $5 at Invermere Curling Club. who wishes to visit our centre and RADIUM LIBRARY library for the SRC wrap-up event discover what we are about. Please • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. TH SATURDAY AUGUST 15 (there will be cake!). call 250-342-6331 for more information • Wed - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. • 9 - 11 a.m.: Legion summer market, • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free Live Music at Potor to register your child for the fall. • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 1p.m. Saturdays at the Invermere Legion. hole Park every Thursday. Crafts, baking, used books, hot dog THURSDAY AUGUST 27TH FRIDAY AUGUST 21ST WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM concession and more. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Free Live Music at Pothole • Everyday: 10 p.m. - 4 p.m. • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmers • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and Park every Thursday. and Artists Market, downtown Market on Main every Friday until INVERMERE THRIFT STORE August 28th. Music on Main starts at Invermere. FRIDAY AUGUST 28TH • Thurs - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. • 10 a.m.: Radium Public Library’s com for details. • 4 - 9 p.m.: Radium’s Music and Teddy Bear Picnic at Legends Field. Market on Main every Friday until RADIUM THRIFT STORE Children aged 3-5 are invited to • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows August 28th. Music on Main starts at • Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. F. Vallee exhibition, August search for teddy bears. Music and Armand 7 p.m. Visit www.radiumhotsprings. • Fri - Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m. st nd 21 22 . refreshments. Visit radiumhotsprings. com for details. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art com for details. • 5 - 8 p.m.: Artym Gallery shows SUMMIT YOUTH CENTRE th th • 2 p.m.: Columbia Wetlands Paddle Walk from June 19 to September 11 Peoples Choice exhibition until • Tuesday: 5 - 9 p.m. with the Invermere Legion. $50/ every Friday. For more information August 28th - 29th. • Wednesday: 4 - 9 p.m. canoe for a 2 hour trip including all visit • 5 - 8 p.m.: Invermere on the Lake Art • Thursday: 5 - 9 p.m. equipment. Meet at Columbia River • 6 p.m.: Baked Chicken Dinner at Walk from June 19th to September 11th • Fri - Saturday: 6 - 11 p.m.






















Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo

EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years

brook took top money for his 106-foot jump, leaving Invermere $75 richer.


years ago (1960): A new camp opened at the Windermere Valley Resort. Camp Ki-o-ti offered lessons in swimming, life-saving, sailing, campcraft, canoeing, riding and a variety of other recreational activities.


years ago (1970): Thirteen people competed in Jump-for-Money, a waterski competition in Invermere. Contestants were allowed two jumps each on the five-foot ramp at 35 miles per hour. Clayton Mackay of Cran-



years ago (1980): Older hockey players from Invermere won an eightteam tournament, triumphing over Canal Flats, Beaver Valley, Calgary, Olds, Fairview, Airdrie and Brentwood.


years ago (1995): The provincial government and Glacier Resorts Ltd. signed an interim agreement concerning the proposal to build a four-season ski resort in the Upper Jumbo Creek Valley. “This will help to ensure that Glacier Resorts understands all the steps required

to develop within acceptable environmental guidelines,” Employment and Investment Minister Glen Clark said.


years ago (2000): In response to resident backlash, the Village of Radium Hot Springs vowed to improve the quality of its tap water. Resident Lorri Snihor said the water was “thick enough to write your name on.”


years ago (2005): Derek and Joe Woodske of Canal Flats competed in the Canadian Track and Field Championships in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The brothers placed second and third respectively in the hammer throw event.




Answers to last week


CLUES ACROSS 1. Molten rocks 7. More (Spanish) 10. Artists’ workrooms 12. Radiant light around an object 13. More threadbare 14. Moses’ elder brother 15. Become aware of 16. Exclamation of relief 17. Swiss river 18. Mimics 19. Colored fabric 21. A bunch of bills 22. Despised 27. “Today’s” Roker 28. “Twilight Zone” host 33. Three-toed sloth 34. Actor 36. Lawyer’s organization 37. Maldives capital 38. In bed 39. Wedgelike metal fastener 40. Winglike structures 41. Mesoamerican resin

W eekend WEATHER Friday August 14

Chance of shower

24 C o

Saturday August 15 Cloudy with showers

21 C o

Sunday August 16

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


2011 — Preschoolers showed up with their favourite teddy bears to the Radium Public Library’s Annual Teddy Bear Picnic. The event sought to make reading fun for the valley’s youngest residents. ECHO FILE PHOTO

A mix of sun & clouds 25 C o

44. Glasses 45. Green 48. Large South American burrowing rodent 49. Shoulder blades 50. Noah’s boat 51. A female ogre CLUES DOWN 1. Unkind 2. Vestments 3. A derisive remark 4. Japanese apricot 5. They __ 6. Soviet Socialists Republics 7. Arad river 8. Lined up one beside another 9. Diego, Francisco or Anselmo 10. One who analyzes metals 11. To that place 12. Expressed pleasure 14. Fills with horror 17. Find a sum 18. Cognizant

20. Female making debut in society 23. Members of U.S. Navy 24. A group of three 25. And, Latin 26. Fall back time 29. What was that? 30. Inches per minute (abbr.) 31. American/Canadian falls 32. North Palestine region 35. Bird beak 36. Manila hemp 38. Smart 40. Three-banded armadillo 41. Short cloak 42. Scops owl genus 43. 100 = 1 afghani 44. A health resort 45. Equal, prefix 46. Microgram 47. Make imperfect

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 12,Valley 2015 Echo A13 A13

<our community. <our classi¿eds.



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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2

Part and Full-time Positions Available Start date – ASAP Year-round Employment Excellent Medical/Dental Benefits Food Service Supervisor Permanent, Shift

Food Counter Attendant Permanent, Shift

No education required One to two years experience required. Nights/early mornings/weekends $12.40/hour + medical/ dental/group benefits.

No education or experience required. All shifts available – nights/overnights/ early mornings/weekends $11.50/hour + medical/ dental/group benefits.

Apply in person or via email ( for both positions.

START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765

Medical/Dental MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with Canada’s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535 or

Help Wanted

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UCLUELET HARBOUR SEAFOODS is currently seeking FISH CUTTERS This position requires the ability to fillet a minimum of 150Lbs of Rockfish fillets with a 30% Skin- off recovery (500 Round Pounds) per hour or, 140 or more whole Rockfish per hour. Apply by e-mail to: uhsjobs@pac or call at Ph: 250-726-7768 x234


Help Wanted

Advertising Sales

The Golden Star has an opening for an advertising sales person for our weekly publication.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to explore life in a growing mountain community while gaining experience in a career in sales, this is the position for you. We are looking for a team player who isn’t afraid to take initiative. You will be organized, self-motivated, outgoing, and work well with the public. This position is perfectly suited for someone who loves to work in a fast-paced environment, and can work well both independently and as part of the team. We prefer an experienced hand, but are willing to train the right candidate. Preference will be given to candidates with recent and relevant experience. Resumes with cover letter and references should be forwarded to: Michele LaPointe, Publisher The Golden Star Box 149, 413A 9th Ave. N. Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 e-mail:

Black Press is Canada’s largest independent newspaper group with over 100 community, daily and urban papers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Hawaii, and Ohio.

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S WINDERMERE ROMAN CATHOLIC RADIUM CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF JESUS FELLOWSHIP CHRIST OF LATTER LUTHERAN MISSION VALLEY SHARED CHURCH DAY SAINTS OF INVERMERE MINISTRY #4 - 7553 Main Street W, 250-342-6167 ANGLICAN-UNITED Radium 5014 Fairway, 100 - 7th Ave., Invermere Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6633 Fairmont Hot Springs 250-426-7564 100-7th Ave., Invermere Confession: 1/2 hr. before Mass 250-347-6334 250-341-5792 250-342-6644 Pastor: Rev. Fraser Coltman Canadian Martyrs Church Pastor Rev. David Morton Reverend Laura Hermakin President: Adam Pasowisty 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Worship Service Columbia Valley Branch Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. Worship Services Bacon, Friends & Faith, 9:30 a.m Sundays, 9 a.m. Sundays Worship Services (Sept. - June) Bible Studies 1:30 p.m. Sundays St. Joseph’s Church Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Worship, Every Sunday:10:30 a.m. Christ Church Trinity, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hwy. 93-95, Radium Hot Christ Church Trinity, Invermere Kids’ Church Invermere Springs 1st and 3rd Sunday, 9 a.m.: All Edgewater Hall Sundays, 11 a.m. Saint’s, Edgewater Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. 2nd Sunday, 7 p.m.: June - Oct. at St. Anthony’s Mission St. Peter’s Windermere Loving God, Corner of Luck and Dunn, Loving People Canal Flats All Saint’s, Edgewater. Saturdays, 4:30 p.m. St.Peter’s Windermere

LAKE WINDERMERE VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY ALLIANCE CHURCH Hwy. 93/95, 1 km north 326 - 10th Ave., Invermere of Windermere 250-342-9535 250-342-9511 Lead Pastor: Trevor Hagan Pastor: Murray Wittke Asso. Pastor: Matt Moore August 16th 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Worship and life 10 a.m. Worship & Word instruction “A summer Kid’s Church Provided of Miracles – A Wake to AWAKE”. Pastor Trevor Sharing Truth Hagan ministering. Showing Love Following the Spirit

A14 A14 Services

Merchandise for Sale

Financial Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale STEEL BUILDINGS. “Summer madness sale!� All buildings, all models. You’ll think we’ve gone mad deals. Call now and get your deal. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422

Misc. Wanted WANTED kitten, call 250-3411153 or 250-341-5146.

Real Estate Business for Sale Extremely successful old-time photo studio in Barkerville for sale. High producer, lot of fun and immensely popular attraction. Incl. training & equipment: or 250-392-7119 $139,900

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

Household Services KOOTENAY Duct Cleaners & Pressure Washing. Locally owned & operated, affordable, professional and insured Duct Cleaning services. We offer Pressure washing and Softwash services too. Toll Free 1844-428-0522 (Free Estimates).

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions ONLINE AUCTION COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTOPENS WED AUG 12 - CLOSES WED AUG 19......... COMMISSARY BAKERY & STEAM EQUIPMENT incl. Doyon Bakery & Cleveland Steam Equipment, Pizza Oven, Electric Convection Ovens, Dishwashers, Canopies, Freezers, Coolers, Fryers, Ranges, sinks AND MORE!!!!! View Weekdays 9am to 4pm @Active Auction Mart - Unit 295 - 19358 96th Ave, Surrey, BC--- view ONLINE & REGISTER to BID --- Tel: 604-371-1190 email:

2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH apartment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, 2parking spaces, stainless steel F/S, D/W microwave, Washer, hardwood and carpet. $775/mo + utilities & D.D. N/S, pets negotiable. Available September 1/15. Call (250)489-8389.

Mobile Homes & Pads Windermere: Trailer pad #13 in Williams Trailer Park. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 250-342-9390.

Suites, Lower WALK TO KINSMEN BEACH: Spacious, clean 2 bdrm basement suite downtown, separate entrance, 4 appliances, backyard amenities, N/P, N/S, no partiers. References/deposit required. Rent includes water, hydro & heat. 250-342-7590.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo A15

Lake Windermere Pulse Check*

It was quite an adventure of the lake on August 7th. We ran out of gas mere minutes from the marina. Thankfully there were some kind people who were able to give us a tow. Said Volunteer of the Week Dustin: “Worrying is like a rocking chair. It’ll give you something to do, but you won’t get anywhere.” In other news, the lake is doing well. Oxygen levels are some of the highest we’ve seen all season due to the prolific plant life. Overall turbidity is low and the lake is a beautiful 20 C (averaged throughout the lake). If you would like to volunteer with us, we can be reached at 250-341-6898 or by email at We sample every Tuesday (with some exceptions) and will be going into September.

Volunteer of the Week: Dustin Amaral, Radium, B.C. *To volunteer, call 250-341-6898 or email

TOURISM from A4 “This is a complex issue, and I think it is unfair for the province to call this a new funding program, as this is not a share of existing provincial revenue, but rather, it potentially allows additional hotel room tax to be collected — an additional one per cent,” said Taft by email. According to Taft, the program used to be called the Additional Hotel Room Tax (AHRT) and was designed to fund tourism marketing for destinations. “The two Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) in the Columbia Valley have been a bone of contention for some people,” said Taft. “Some folks believe that only the Columbia Valley name should be promoted, not the brands of Radium and Invermere/Panorama (the two organizations). Also, under the existing framework, Copper Point Resort and Fairmont are not included and do not collect taxes or fund any work of the DMOs.” He ultimately does not believe it is an avenue worth pursuing for the Columbia

Valley and urged the community to opt in favour of the Columbia Valley Directed Funds initiative instead. “The Columbia Valley Directed Funds supports a facilitated process to explore valley-wide branding and marketing,” said Taft. “There is now a steering committee of industry participants who are continuing to explore this work, which is being co-chaired by the presidents of Panorama and Fairmont Hot Springs. Part of the work of this committee is likely going to explore if the current DMO models are the best ones moving forward.” The co-chairs of this Branding and Marketing Steering Committee are Panorama Mountain Resort president and CEO Steve Paccagnan and Fairmont Hot Springs Resort president and CEO Pascal van Dijk. “In my opinion, there is no potential to apply for and try to get the accommodators to agree on increasing the additional tax collected from two to three per cent until the future of the DMOs and the overall model for the valley is better understood.”

To advertise, call: To advertise, call: 250-341-6299 250-341-6299

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015 The Valley Echo



Runners, paragliders, artists and those who were lucky enough to see them all in action had a great weekend around the Columbia Valley. Clockwise from top left: two young environmentalists learned about water stewardship during Summer Splash at Lake Windermere on August 9th (Katie Watt photo); Sharlene Scofield showed off her fibre working skills during the Art of Five art show at CPR Lodge in Invermere on August 8th (Breanne Massey photo); A speedy runner crossed the finish line at Loop the Lake, the annual race put on by the Rotary Club of Invermere on August 8th (Breanne Massey photo); A paraglider quickly approached the sand at James Chabot Provincial Park during the Lakeside Event, Canada’s longest running light aviation meet, on August 8th (Breanne Massey photo); a paraglider enjoyed the blue sky during the Lakeside Event (Breanne Massey photo).

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