Kitimat Northern Sentinel, August 12, 2015

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Volume 61 No. 32

Working together to reclaim the River Cameron Orr The issue of the use of the Kitimat River bank continues as a sore spot for some, but for others it’s an opportunity waiting to present itself. A citizen-formed think-tank on the Kitimat River, and what to do with it, formed around a conversation made on Facebook, which lead to the creation of Reclaiming the River, a Facebook page dedicated to sharing thoughts about what to do about riverbank camping and other recreational use. But if there’s one thing the group’s founders want clear is that they’re not a group intent on giving the boot to river bank campers. They just want a way for everyone to just get along. “What we’re doing right now is coming up with a list of people who are identified as the stakeholders and we’ll try to meet with them either individually or as a group, after we’ve actually had a public meeting where we can get some idea of public input,” said Liz MacDonald, a cofounder of the group along with Maryann Ouellet. “We want to find something that will be happy for all people to enjoy the river,” said Ouellet. “And come up with a sustainable plan that’s going to work for camping, for people who just want to just go down to spend the day. So right now we’re just taking people’s opinions.” If there’s a sticking point to their concerns, it’s not that people are camping for free, but that people are camped for months at a time, which further begs the question what is happening to all the waste and sewage being generated by those campers. “We’re not saying their necessarily dumping their refuge on the river bank, but if they’re not using their tanks they’re certainly using a washroom somewhere,” said MacDonald. Continued on page 8

New life at Centennial Park begins.

/page 3 ATV safety put in the spotlight.

/page 9 PM477761

Wednesday, August 12, 2015



The Gyro community Christmas tree, which once stood to the delight of patients at the former hospital, now faces possible destruction with the development of Haisla Town Centre. Cameron Orr

Gyro Christmas tree is now facing an uncertain future Cameron Orr Just like an advent calendar, the community Christmas tree’s days may be numbered. The Gyro Club’s community Christmas tree at the old hospital site may soon disappear with work ongoing at the Haisla Town Centre. The possibility of losing the tree has divided some, with a loyal group of history-minded residents concerned for its possible loss. That includes the Kitimat Gyro Club, who was responsible for planting the trees in the 1960s and maintaining the tree through it’s life. At least immediately though the tree isn’t going anywhere, even if it looks like the developer is moments away from uprooting it. The Sentinel did not get an immediate reply from Kerkhoff Construction through e-mail requests for an interview, but e-mail correspondence between

Leonard Kerkhoff and the mayor show that the work being done right now is to connect the District of Kitimat’s utilities to their property. The tree will stay for now, said Leonard in the e-mails to the mayor, until a plan is made to deal with it. Mayor Phil Germuth shared the knowledge that the professional opinion so far given to Kerkhoff is that the tree relocation would cost $60,000 with no guarantee it will survive the move. The uncertainty around the tree has the Gyro Club on alert. We’re looking at different locations maybe, with a different tree,” said longtime club member Chris Rigoni. He said he’s heard the same reports that the tree may not survive an attempt at relocation. They have no firm plans at this time though and will discuss new locations at a Gryo meeting. Rigoni says the tree was ini-

tially planted in 1964 by Kitimat’s Walter Bors. “He wanted to get the Christmas tradition from his native Germany,” said Rigoni. “That’s how it got started.” Also, in no small part, the tree was meant to give patients at Kitimat General Hospital something to look at. “There was something [to] give them a little Christmas spirit seeing the tree decorated outside.” he said. “That’s what he planned it to do.” The Gyros re-strung LED lights on the tree about six years ago, he added. While the Gyro club is responsible for the tree, maintenance of it has gotten more challenging for members, he said. “When your in your 30s or 40s most of the work was done by the members. Now everybody is reaching 60, 65, 70, and nobody is going to tackle going up on the tree.” The Gyros are a club of 17 at the moment.

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Police Beat

Car stolen from Kitimat home ends up in Smithers Police patrolled for a stolen vehicle reportedly taken from the Egret Street and Lahakas Boulevard area. Patrols all turned up negative however, so neighbouring detachments were put on alert for the vehicle.

That notice paid off when a short time later the Smithers RCMP reported having found the vehicle, and three Kitimat residents inside or nearby; two men and one woman. The three were arrested in connection to the theft.

The three people are well known to the Kitimat RCMP, a detachment news release said. One male was found to be breaching his no contact conditions with the other male from a previous file in Kitimat. The suspects were also in

possession of bicycles and other property that did not belong to them. The Kitimat RCMP want to remind the public not to leave valuables in their cars and to ensure they are locked and secure when parked.

If you are missing any property, or know who might be the rightful owners of the bicycles, give the RCMP a call at 250-6327111. Anonymous tips can also be called in to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Males lighting gasoline on driveway are warned July 27 Police responded to a single vehicle collision on Saunders Road, where it was determined an unlicensed driver had driven in to the ditch with speed as a factor in the accident. The passengers in the vehicle were all intoxicated, police say,

but no one was hurt. A ticket was issued to the driver. July 30 On a call about people lighting fires on their driveway, police found and spoke with two males at a home who admitted to officers they were pouring gasoline on the drive-

way and lighting it. The males were spoken to about how dangerous and reckless the act was. While unrelated, police note that the two males were passengers in the July 27 vehicle incident. July 31 RCMP acted on a complaint of a vehicle

possibly being operated by an intoxicated driver with children present. The driver was found and determined to be intoxicated, and now faces charges in Kitimat court later this year. August 1 A complainant reported fireworks be-

ing set off near a playground and was concerned about the fire hazard. Police discovered unknown persons were setting off roman candles. The RCMP are reminding the public that fireworks are only permitted in Kitimat during certain times of the year,

although the fire chief may issue a permit to persons wishing to pur-

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ended with this year's crop of Grade 12 graduates. Based on marks, the Passport to Education program provided $250 to students completing Grade 10, the same amount for completing Grade 11 and $500 for finishing Grade 12, with the money meant for specific post secondary education programs. But the provincial education ministry announced three years ago it was phasing out the program in favour of one aimed at

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Province to announce new scholarship program Jackie Lieuwen Coast Mountains school district chair Art Erasmus says he's looking forward to a revamped provincial scholarship program for graduating students because it's expected to include trades students as well as ones headed toward more academic post secondary programs. “Trades are going to be important as we move forward. The Passport to Education [program] was not based on that,” he said of the program which officially

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015 3


Terrace RCMP are asking the public for any information in regards to the theft of the Kitsumkalum fire truck. I nv e s t i g a t i o n has determined that the thieves approached the fire truck in a pickup truck at 2:48 a.m. on August 2nd, said police August 6. Minutes later the stolen fire truck was seen heading north on the West Kalum Forest Service Rd. The fire truck is described as a red 1986 GMC pumper truck with expired BC licence plate 3162MF and the words “Kitsumkalum Vol Fire Department” on the doors. If you have information about this crime contact the Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS, online at www.terracecrimestoppers. ca or by texting TERRACE plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). If your information leads to an arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.

Violence funds The B.C. health ministry is adding an extra $2 million to improve security at four facilities identified as having the highest risk for violence. Extra staff, new alarms and violence prevention training will be among strategies for Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Port Coquitlam, Hillside Centre in Kamloops, Seven Oaks Tertiary Mental Health in Victoria and Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Eight more health facilities have been identified as priorities for additional help, and more are expected to be identified this fall, Lake said.

The cenotaph at Centennial Park was re-dedicated last week, in honour of former Kitimat fire chief Aubrey Creed, who designed the cenotaph himself in the early 1970s. At top right, a photo tribute to Creed, and below retired fire chief Bill Dawson speaking at the event. Max Patzelt group photo; Cameron Orr side photos

New life now for Kitimat cenotaph Cameron Orr The District of Kitimat and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 250 re-dedicated the community cenotaph, which has recently been beautified under a two-year municipal program at Centennial Park. The event brought to the forefront the memory of one of Kitimat’s early pioneers, Fire Chief Aubrey Creed. Creed designed the cenotaph, which was completed in 1972, the year after Centennial Park was

“You will always be remembered here.” opened in 1971. Creed based his design off of the Bronze Star award given to him by the United States, awarded for valour during the Italian campaign in World War II. Retired Fire Chief Bill Dawson remembered Creed in his speech to those gathered at the event August 6. He remembered Creed for establishing Kitimat’s emergency services

program, including ambulance service which began with a single Ford van. Creed was also instrumental in the development at Bishop Bay and Weewannie for their hot springs. Creed also was distinguished with a knighthood. “You will always be remembered here,” said Dawson about Creed and the cenotaph. Creed’s children Kim and Ingvar were also on hand, and spoke in thanks for the beautification proj-

ect and the importance it has to their family. Speaking on behalf of Kitimat Council, Rob Goffinet noted the extensive work that has happened in the park, which includes new gardens, walkways and a flag pole, in addition to the new plaques on the cenotaph itself. He said it was in partnership with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 250 that council, in 2013, were able to repair and update the cenotaph area of the park.

At a crossroads for sewer setup There was heated discussion at the August 4 council meeting on, of all things, the sewer system. Or more specifically, whether the District of Kitimat should take on responsibility of sewer connections the developer of the Crossroads — that large cleared lot next to the Chamber of Commerce — have to build to service the site. Those utilities are a challenge to development of the site, which has to connect to the sewage main at Lahakas and Quatsino Boulevard, as there is no capacity to connect to the Nechako lines. There are two sides to whether the District should take on the ongoing responsibility of the utilities developed by the site. District staff formally recommended

that the town not take on the responsibility of the Crossroad’s sanitary sewer because doing so “could be viewed as assisting a commercial operation,” which would be a large conflict for council to approve. Staff’s report to council also note that the work camp owned by Civeo will have their own sewage lift station and main, as will a proposed townhouse development on Kingfisher. The existing Kitimat Official Community Plan also does not envision further developments of this sort in the area — which is served by septic tank systems — so staff did not see the value in taking on the cost of maintaining the system. Councillor Mario Feldhoff disagreed, who presented a mo-

tion counter to staff’s recommendation. His motion would have council accepting Crossroad developer Horizon North’s proposal for the District to take on approximately 27 kilometers of sewer main. Feldhoff said that future developments in that area can’t be discounted with a growing community and while the service would initially benefit the one development it would open up the possibility for further developments in that area. Basically to do so will open up future opportunities. There are uncertainties, including what specific route the line will take to get to the District’s services at Lahakas/Quatsino. Councillors also debated within themselves whether Feld-

hoff’s motion was in line, as Goffinet felt unprepared to discuss the options of taking on responsibility given the materials councillors had mainly pertained to why they shouldn’t. Ultimately though Larry Walker and Rob Goffinet were outnumbered in a vote, and council has approved the plan to take on the responsibility of the line. The Crossroards is a planned 300 room hotel and a 1,000 bed work camp. A covenant is on the property between the developer and the District that the hotel will have to be constructed as well as the camp. When the Crossroads plan was initially brough to council it was a proposal by a different company, Bryton Group, who has

since sold it to Horizons North. The complex may

also include restaurants and meeting room spaces.



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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015



O community tree Look, I’m fairly new to Kitimat in the scheme of things. I moved here in 2007 for the first time. To me the old Dollar Store next to the former Ed’s Bake Shop will never be the old pharmacy, and the old hospital would never have been, well, the hospital. (I can proudly direct people to the old Book Masters at least.) So anyway, why am I drawing attention to my lack of ‘Kitimat maturity’? It’s because there’s this discussion going on about the community Christmas Tree at the old hospital site and I can’t wrap my head around it. Here’s the parts I can figure out: there’s a community Christmas tree that has been a part of Kitimat since the 1960s. Yet as much as maybe it was a centre piece in earlier days for the community, it’s been lately a stable yet background attraction for Kitimat. So today, a developer may have to tear it down to make room for an intersection and roadway to access the future Haisla Town Centre. If you haven’t fainted yet at the idea allow me to continue. There had been a hope to relocate the tree on to District property somewhere. The tree was initially on District land but a park-swap took place a few months back so now the tree is squatting on private property. Relocation seems fine but professional estimates say it will cost $60,000 to move the tree, and it might just die in the process anyway. Despite being iconic, the tree, from my time here, hasn’t been a focal point for the local holidays. The Light-Up Kitimat committee has rectified the winter community-spirit issue for me with last year’s first round at a community light-up event, involving the tree at the fire hall, and displays in Mountain View Square. Even without the light-up, Kitimat is known for the snowflake decorations which adorn light posts around town. No where, in my mind, does the Christmas tree at the old hospital weigh in with my memory of holidays in Kitimat. Thankfully it seems the Gyro Club is looking to adopt a new community tree somewhere in the community to make up the loss of this one. Certainly it won’t appease some who will lament the loss of the original from 1964, but really the original tree has stood effectively by itself for years. Perhaps I better armour myself from a deluge of angry letters to the editor (and please send them in!) but it might be time to say goodbye to that tree and look to a new one. That tree next to the fire hall is looking pretty good, and that one’s probably not going away for a long time Cameron Orr

Catching up on the miscellaneous It’s about time for me to give the 2015 federal election a rest. I’ll come back to it fairly soon likely because the controversy is building up in a fast and furious way. But this week I would like to draw some attention to by Allan Hewitson some things that are happening in the world which either amuse me greatly, sadden me, or simply beggar belief. highly visible minority of police offiStarting in the sad category: a cers who drag much of the great work former Summerside, PEI, deputy po- being done by police officers across lice chief has resigned his voluntary the continent into the gutter. It’s very post as president of the Island chapter hard not to be incredibly cynical as of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk the startling numbers grow. As stated Driving), after he was charged with these police cases have a high profile impaired driving. David Griffin, 65, and deservedly so. was the volunteer president of the Less prominent in the news is MADD chapter in East Prince County. the culmination of sometimes years He was charged with impaired driving of work to solve numerous serious in June and will appear in court at the crimes. Cold cases are being solved end of this month. mostly as a result of improved forenEven though I am as stunned as sics and a willingness to spend some anyone at the wave of deaths of un- resources on egregious cold cases, armed black men and youths across mostly murders that could fall into North America at the hands of what the serial killer category. I don’t want I would have to categorize mostly as to defend these awful crimes by either “rogue cops,” I know that these are a racist, arrogant or over-frightened of-

Under Miscellaneous

ficers in over their heads, and, I suspect, very poorly trained. The United States’ justice system has been under the microscope for some time, and while Canada does not exactly have the same volume of problems we are certainly not in the clear in this respect. In the beggars belief category, I have to give great credit to Daphne Bramham of the Vancouver Sun for the one of the most fascinating current affairs stories featuring the bizarre possibilities of new Canadian child care and parental income splitting rules in the equally bizarre ongoing case of polygamist Winston Blackmore of Bountful, B.C., a prolific “daddy,” current awaiting a return to court for trial on criminal charges of bigamy. Bramham posits that with 133 children, 98 of them in the eligible age ranges for cheques from the Harper government’s backdated child care credits, she figures Blackmore was in line for a payday of over $43,000 last month. Continued on page 6

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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor

Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution

The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015 5

Letters to the Editor

The critics choosing to ignore realities Dear Sir, Official Opposition and Canadian media for months have accused federal government for failing in management of Canadian economy and job creation. Yet they are not reporting or commenting that Canada does not stand alone economically in today’s global market/ trade and how global ups

and downs affects Canadian economic activity. It takes lot of skill to balance these occurrences with domestic ones. The Prime Minister has worked hard at it. We never hear the comments or reports of these wise economic experts how in the past 10 years opposition (directly or indirectly), individuals and self interest

groups stopped or blocked economic opportunities of oil, gas and mining industries through endless public inquiries and litanies of concerns, that brought most of the projects to a dead stop. And would you believe it, they continue with their economic autopsy to prove the dead more dead yet they have gall to blame the fed-

Columnist pens response to the Wozney letter Dear sir, I was pleased to see past mayor Rick Wozney reply to my Sentinel, July 29 column on riverbank camping. It is gratifying that I can count one of the community’s elder statesmen among my readers. I particularly liked

his keying on the first paragraph of the column by signing off with “nostalgically submitted”. Masterful. But I feel I must point out that I did recognise that privately owned lands existed and suggested a solution to that perceived problem.

That said, I concede that Mr. Wozney’s alternative of getting the owners of that land to donate it to the District of Kitimat is more elegant than mine. And join him in encouraging council to pursue that goal. Sincerely, Malcolm Baxter

A race of three right now in the election As of press time there were three parties represented to run in the federal election in the SkeenaBulkley Valley riding. Incumbent Nathan Cullen is once again carrying the torch for the NDP party. Cullen will be seeking his fifth term as a member of parliament. He’s being challenged by Conservative candidate Tyler Nesbitt, a born-and-raised Prince Rupert citizen who now lives in Terrace. Rod Taylor also has his name forward representing the Christian Heritage Party (CHP). Based on the election results from the 2011 election, the race is, for the most part, down to the NDP and the Conservatives. Both parties are the only two to break 10,000 votes in the 2011 election. The Conservatives took 12,117 votes for 34.5 per cent of the vote. The NDP took 19,431 votes for 55.3 per cent for the win. The Liberals took third in that race (3.5 per cent), followed by the Green Party with 3.1, the CHP with three, and finally the Canadian Action Party with half a per cent of the vote. Nominated in May, Nesbitt said he’ll spend the first part of the

campaign juggling campaign duties, work and home life before taking up his holiday time to campaign full time as the election date draws closer. This will be the first federal campaign for Nesbitt, 32, who is a manager with Nechako Northcoast Construction in Terrace. “I’ll be knocking on as many doors as humanly possible in every single community I can,” he said. “Right now we’re getting the team together and lining up our volunteers,” Nesbitt added. Organizing volunteers also factored in comments made by Gord Lechner, the campaign manager for incumbent NDP MP Nathan Cullen. “We’ve never had as much money as our opponents but what we do have is volunteers. We’ll out-volunteer them,” he said. Lechner said late last week that lease agreements for space in Terrace, Prince Rupert, Kitimat and Smithers were being finalized. He described the election period, because of its length, as a chance of voters to really understand the issues that will arise. Continued on page 7

eral government for a recession. What was/is the real effect on Canadian economy and jobs? Where are the reports? Why the management and governing skills of “Government in Waiting” are also not equally scrutinized? Like NDP provincial failures of governing in Ontario and B.C. in the

past 50 years. While NDP Alberta’s victory occurred at the same time there was an NDP loss of one Maritime province (not much talked about), one NDP MP called Alberta s victory: “Last Nail in the Coffin of Enbridge”. This is very unprofessional. It is scary to think about the future of this Country if MP’s may carry

a nail gun. In closing I see the only solution for the government in waiting; Majority government with the privilege to print, not borrow, all the money for the Stimulus Budgets thus be able to stand alone (at least for five years) amid the world’s economics. Some prospect. Sincerely, Leon Dumstrey-Soos

Common Ground program Cameron Orr Before the Microtel hotel opens its doors on Dadook Avenue this month, the company has launched a voting campaign to get Kitimatians to pick a local charity to receive $5,000. The company developing the property, MasterBUILT Hotels, have taken the lead up to their opening as the place to launch their program called Common Ground. The company says it’s a “thank you” to the community for their welcome. Residents can vote on their pick out of the three pre-chosen charities and non-profits to receive the $5,000 by going online to microtel- The choices are the Kitimat Humane Society, the Kitimat Gymnastics Club and the Kitimat Child Development Centre. The public has until 11 a.m. on September 7 to place their vote and show “We look forward to being part of the Kitimat community and feel the Common Ground initiative highlights the importance of working together and supporting the wellbeing of the community,” said MasterBUILT Hotels Chief Operating Officer Eric Watson. “We are pleased to be working with three great organizations that offer important services to this community.”

LETTERS WELCOME The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: or Fax: (250) 639-9373

Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across

1. Special way of doing something 6. Auspices 10. Fat unit 14. Accept 15. Aquarium 16. City near Lake Tahoe 17. Astronomers who study the physical properties of celestial bodies 20. “You ___ bother!” 21. Entreat 22. Expressed admiration of 25. Forever 26. Affirm 30. “Absolutely!” 32. Disease caused by a thiamine deficiency 35. King Mark’s bride

Clues Down 1. Top Tatar 2. Barely beat, with “out” 3. A chip, maybe 4. 128 cubic feet 5. Swedish money 6. Addis Ababa’s land: Abbr. 7. Chipper 8. Deep down 9. Whole alternative 10. Give the third degree 11. Sow again 12. Hollow in a bone 13. Go (along) 18. “Harper Valley ___” 19. Bean counter, for short 23. “B.C.” cartoonist 24. Domain controlled by an emir 26. Lying, maybe 27. Lyra’s brightest star 28. “Aeneid” figure 29. Deep 31. “Good going!” 33. Buzzer

41. Concerns for your own interests and welfare 43. Ran away from quickly 44. North America, South America and Central America 45. “La Scala di ___” (Rossini opera) 47. Formally surrender 48. Adjust, in a way 53. Sweetheart 56. Make over 58. Rapid active commotion 63. Crude incendiary bomb 66. Aces, sometimes 67. Okla., before 1907 68. Brings home 69. Medical advice, often 70. Give the cold shoulder 71. “The Playboy of the Western World” author 34. Aims 36. “Dear” one 37. Auditory 38. Vermin 39. Gone 40. “___ quam videri” (North Carolina’s motto) 42. Mosque V.I.P. 46. Big roll 48. Knight’s “suit” 49. Freetown currency unit 50. British ___ 51. Hamlet’s father, e.g. 52. ___ King Cole 54. “20/20” network 55. Strikes at with firepower 57. Cookers 59. “Don’t go!” 60. Mountain pool 61. Diminutive suffix 62. “... or ___!” 64. French vineyard 65. Sun, e.g.

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Kitimat contributes to northwest readiness Cameron Orr The District of Kitimat has been used as a model for planning purposes provincially, says Executive Director for the provincial government’s Northwest Readiness program Nichola Wade. Wade gave councillors an overview of the program, the first time for the new council. “We’ve taken what

you’ve learned about work camps and are applying those to areas of impact,” said Wade as an example of local lessons applied elsewhere. While her presentation was mainly an overview, she was still pressed on some notable Kitimat areas of ‘readiness’, as she was encouraged to take council’s concerns to other layers

of government. Haisla Bridge was brought up, as the mayor says he doesn’t want to delay mega projects due to an aging bridge. Wade agreed that it is an area of priority for the ministry of transportation. She said the bridge poses challenges because “tragically it’s yours yet it’s a significant investment to upgrade, to replace... It is most definitely on

the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s [minds].” Larry Walker emphasized a need to develop the tourism industry, which to him includes a more comprehensive rail transportation system for the winter, and the release of Crown lands to the District for local development. Mario Feldhof meanwhile inquired

about taxation issues, encouraging the government, via Wade, to not limit a municipality’s ability to set property tax rates on major industries, noting that communities such as Kitimat have been fair and balanced in how they’ve approached the matter in the past. Wade responded that her ministry, the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural

Development, has been focused on facilitating the tax process so that other ministries don’t feel the need to look at the issue broadly, as has been suggested in the past. Wade said she has facilitated tax negotiations between the Petronas LNG project in Port Edward and that municipality, which she said was needed because of the multi-

billion dollar project setting up in a community of under 1,000 with a usual operating budget of just $2 million. She’s also facilitated service agreements between that project and Prince Rupert, and played a role in the recent project development agreement between Pacific Northwest LNG (PNW) and the province.

In partnership with

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Geoff McFarlane in front of his carefully restored 1928 Pontiac Chiefton, which is the same approximate age as the Dance Hall at Heritage Park Museum in Terrace. Kitimat’s Geoff went in for the Skeena Valley Cruizers’ Show and Shine event, which is a group of vintage car enthusiasts from Kitimat and Terrace. The Show ‘n’ Shine took place June 21. Kelsey Wiebe

Browse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach just $5, 1. Browse & Shop 2. Upload Receipt Get Cashyou Back! for your favourite brand’s andin submit it 3.the money save will Get Cash receipt Back 3 Easy Steps mobile app 2.Take a photo ofapp your Once youCash reach just $5,your 1.Browse Browse & Shop Upload Receipt 3. Get Back! offers, andthe purchase through the be transferred into for your favourite brand’s receipt and submit it the money you save them at any store PayPal wallet Browse the mobile app Take a photo of your Once you reach justwill $5, offers, and through the app 1. Browse &purchase Shop Upload Receipt for your favourite brand’s 2. receipt and submit it

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Kitimat to commemorate the 62 years of Queen Elizabeth Kitimat Council will send a warm greeting to Her Majesty the Queen and will also commemorate her long reign as monarch on September 9 at Centennial Park. Councillor Rob Goffinet put forward the motion for council to recognize Elizabeth as the longest reigning monarch in modern times, which will be made official on September 9. Kitimat will mark the occasion by sending an official letter of congratulation to the Queen, and the day will be commemorated with a brief noon-hour ceremony at Centennial Park that same day too. In his memo to council on the motion, Goffinet notes that Queen Elizabeth II’s reign “almost perfectly overlaps the history of Kitimat.” Her coronation was in 1953 as Kitimat was being build, and her husband Prince Philip represented her at the first metal ceremony in Kitimat in 1954.

Visit to Learn More

Visit to Learn More



Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Wikipedia The Queen herself has visited B.C. before, including a stop in 1959 to Terrace. “This singular lady has been an example of service, dedication, integrity and hard work for the past 62 years,” wrote Goffinet.


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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015 7

Miscellaneous Continued from page 4 Tax will be due but with income splitting in the offing and a known 24 wives listed on his polygamy charge income splitting could be complicated, but exceptionally beneficial. Last September, Bramham also reports, a federal court of appeal unanimously decided Blackmore had underestimated his income by about $1.8 million over six years. (Just by my own long division, that could have been reduced to $75,000, hardly even a challenge to Mike Duffy.) Makes you wonder if the $3 billion cost estimated by the government as the cost for child care programs covers families the likes of Mr. Backmore’s. No matter how this all goes down, thanks Daphne for a fascinating alternative look at the unintended consequences of poorly thought-out policies. I chuckled for an hour. And finally the BBC has been “watching” some public fig-

ures and has shown a couple of embarrassing trends, with the help of some eagle-eyed social media watchers. These people have been blowing up some photos of prominent

people and asking some interesting questions. Like, when Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dimitry Peskov and former Olympic champion figure skater Tatyana Nav-

ka, wed in a luxurious hotel in Sochi, it was Peskov’s watch that drew attention. It was identified as an 18-carat gold Richard Mille watch, worth almost £400,000 ($670,000)

that raised eyebrows. An opponent blogger says the cost “far exceeds” his earnings as a civil servant. Peskov explained it was a wedding gift from his fiancee but media found

other earlier photos of him wearing the same watch. And, Abu-bakr Al-Baghdadi, leader of the so-called Islamic State, went under scrutiny when he

was spotted wearing an ultra-expensive Rolex watch last year. Humorists wondered how the ISIS leader couldn’t figure “what millenium he was living in” with such a nice timepiece.

A great deal just bubbled up. $15/mo. for the first year.

That’s over



in savings.†

Con’t from page 5 Cullen, 43, who is also the NDP’s finance critic, was first elected in 2004 and was returned to office in 2006, in 2008 and in 2011. The Bulkley Valley resident has increased his share of the vote each election, gathering in 55 per cent in the 2011 campaign. Also running is Rod Taylor, another Bulkley Valley resident, who is president of the Christian Heritage Party. It will be his fifth race. - Files from Terrace Standard

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7/31/15 10:18 AM

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Century of groceries The Overwaitea stores turned 100 this year and the Kitimat store celebrated the milestone as well with an outdoor historical display, which included the company’s original Model T car. The displays are part of a travelling showcase around the province. Local store manager Jas Pannu says he’s thankful to the community for its ongoing support, including their generosity as donations were being accepted during this event, on August 6, for B.C. Children’s Hospital.

Reclaim river Continued from page 1 The Reclaiming the River group is anticipating holding a public event to gather ideas about the river, and will meet with various river stakeholders, from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Haisla. The organizers know that the process will miss this fishing season but they envision having a handle on some type of change by next spring. Something, they say, does need to be done. “There’s no other river in the province where you can actually camp on the river for months on end. Terrace has the advantage of Ferry Island. Other communities have provincial parks. There’s two outside of Terrace,” said MacDonald. “We do not have a provincial park in Kitimat. Yet we have thousands of campers that come here from all over the world, for months on ends.” Ouellet said something, anything, needs to be done at the river. “There’s lots of scenarios that are happening down there. It’s just not very good pub-

“There’s no other river in the province where you can actually camp on the river for months on end. ” licity even for all of the tourists that are coming to Kitimat. We want to maintain the people who are coming as well as the locals, so we’re looking for better solutions. This isn’t about shutting down the river bank,” she said. Concern that the town may shut down the riverbank camping brought long-time Kitimat resident Mary Bouzane to the August 4 council meeting. Bouzane was responding to an article she saw in the Northern Sentinel regarding the issue of riverbank camping. She said people should have the choice to camp on the river. “Everybody has the right of choice and this one, I find, people have the right of choice to visit our wonderful community. They come to the river bank, they employ people in the fishing stores, the grocery stores, the gas, everything,” she said. “And yet council says ‘well, they’re not getting any money...’

“Every year this issue wastes council’s good time and money. There was $12,500 spent on a survey at one time. That’s a lot of money.” Mary Murphy did respond to Bouzane’s presentation, noting council’s lack of control at the river. “We don’t have control right now who camps at the river and who doesn’t, and I look forward to all these people coming and visiting our community, and they do enhance our community. And we do have Radley Park, and I know sometimes it gets filled and we are working on expanding Radley Park.” She said the majority of feedback on this issue is against riverbank camping and is appreciative that Bouzane came to give her side. Mayor Phil Germuth added that their ultimate goal is to ensure the environment is being protected. “If we had enough

camp sites I’d be all in favour of not having them there. At least charging them for

something to make up for some of what we do put in to it,” he said. He also added of

the Reclaiming the River group, “I would commend a group for getting together to try

to do something like that. They’re not trying to kick anyone off.”

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9

ATV safety urged by Northern Health Cameron Orr All-terrain-vehicle (ATV) riders, particularly men, should be sure to exercise caution when out in the back country. In the Northwest area of the Northern Health Authority, of which we’re a part, 263 files, from 2001 to 2012, were reported of hospitalizations relating to injuries from off-road vehicle use. Out of the 1,558 total files in the entire Northern Health region, 1,279 of those were of men. Northern Health is pushing for ATV safety due to the high prevalance of cases, which over that time frame has cost over $8 million in direct health care cost, not including other costs such as rehabilitation. The largest demographic of people at risk are men 15 to 29

Top safety tips • Wear a helmet • Drive sober • Drive at safe speeds • Don’t ride with passengers • Take an ATV rider safety course years old, and youth in general. “We also experience a much higher rate of ATV related injuries than the rest of the province,” said Shellie O’Brien, Northern Health Injury Prevention Coordinator. She says intoxication is a big reason that accidents happen, or not wearing safety gear such as helmets. Holly Christian, Northern Health’s regional lead on men’s health and activity, says the prevalance of men’s injuries from the sport is partly a fac-

tor of men being the largest user group of ATVs, but also says men are more likely than women to engage in risky riding behaviour. ATV injuries, she adds, are still the leading cause of sports-related hospitalizations in Northern Health. Between 2006 and 2011 there were 33 ATV-related deaths, half of which involved drugs or alcohol. Her key emphasis is that all ATV injuries are preventable. “We want everyone to make it home safely,” she said.

Northern Health is urging ATV safety. Off road sports contributes to a number of injuries or deaths each year. Black Press file photo Sergeant Al Steinhauser with the North District RCMP says files involving ATVs have been rising rap-

idly this year. Now in the peak season he says calls come in each day regarding an ATV injury.

the RCMP here deal with. The detachment has their own ATVs and conduct patrols regularly.

Preliminary treaty agreements

Coming Events September 1 Sportfish Advisory Committee meeting, 7 p.m. at Kitimat Rod & Gun Club. Topics for discussion: Fish possession limits and transporting; and Steelhead plan. For more info call Jack Riddle 250-888-8202. Ongoing Do you or someone you know have bladder cancer? You’re not alone. It’s the 5th most common cancer in Canada. Bladder Cancer Canada is here to help... or just to talk. In Kitimat, call Glen Sevigny at 250-632-3486. Or emailglensevigny@gmail. com. HOSPICE: Do you have a couple of hours a month to make phone calls, plant flowers, share memories, play cards, etc.? Hospice can provide you with excellent training. Call us now at 250-632-2278. Branch 250 of the Kitimat Ladies Auxiliary hold regular meetings every second Thursday of the month. More information by calling Nancy at 250-632-4051, or Lyn at 250632-2351 Consider joining the Friends of the Public Library. To do so contact Luce Gauthier at or Virginia Charron @ vcharron@ or call 250-632-8985. EVERY THURSDAY, the Kiti-

Kitimat Sgt. Graham Morgan says they don’t keep records specifically on ATV incidents, but it is a matter

mat Pottery Guild meets in the Riverlodge arts wing, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Interested in playing with clay? All experience levels welcome. For more information call Anne at 250632-3318. HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year (older siblings welcome). Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more information call 250-632-3144. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FunSpot drop-in for children aged birth to 5 years with caregivers. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am- 12 pm. Fridays are now a combined drop-in/multicultural playgroup. All are welcome to attend. Contact 250-632-3144 for more information. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more information phone Maureen 250-632-5444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would like

to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016. AGLOW of Kitimat - All are welcome at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and women, singles or married, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. For information phone Brenda at 250-632-1616. DID YOU KNOW that literacy is more than just being able to read? The Kitimat Adult Literacy Program provides FREE tutoring services for adult interested in improving their reading, writing, math, communication, and information technology skills. Is English NOT your first language? We provide FREE tutoring and small group English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. For more information please call Brandi at 250-632-7393 or to see what’s happening at the Community Corner check us out at or find us on facebook. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? Individual and group counseling. For more info call 250-6328313 during operating hours Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. to noon, Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - or leave message on our voice mail. We are located on the second floor of the Kitimat Hospital in the Home Support offices. K




The Kitsumkalum and Kitselas can now formally advance into the final stages of their treaty negotiations with the federal and provincial governments thanks to agreements in principle. Both First Nations approved their agreements more than two years ago through referenda but senior government approval wasn't made official until today's signing. The Kitsumkalum Agreementin-Principle provides for approximately 45,406 hectares of land, north and west of Terrace, and $44.2 million (to be adjusted for inflation), once a final agreement is reached.

The Kitselas Agreement-inPrinciple provides for 36,158 hectares of land east of Terrace, and $34.7 million (to be adjusted for inflation), once a final agreement is reached. It may take several years yet of negotiations to reach a final agreement for both First Nations. Kitsumkalum chief councillor Don Roberts and Kitselas chief councillor Joe Bevan signed for their governments while the province was represented by aboriginal relations and reconciliation minister John Rustad. - Terrace Standard

Need more EXERCISE? Delivering the paper is a great form of exercise! What better way to burn calories, enjoy the outdoors and make a bit of extra cash. Consider becoming an independent carrier for the Northern Sentinel, our awardwinning community newspaper, every Wednesday and the Northern Connector every Friday.

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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015 A10

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Northern Sentinel

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Arts/Music/Dance DANCE KITIMAT Ballet, Jazz & Contemporary Classes for ages 4-18 Registration Forms @ the Kitimat Museum! Sign up: Aug 24th 5pm-7pm at the Presbyterian Church.

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Elio Bravo (Leo) June 8, 1933 - July 31, 2015

Elio Bravo died peacefully Friday, July 31st, 2015, at the age of 82, in his home in Nanoose Bay, BC. Elio was born to the late Giuseppe and Virginia Bravo, June 8, 1933, in San Vito Al Tagliamento, Italy. In 1957 he married the love of his life, Rosa Schwegler. As one of Kitimat’s early pioneers, arriving in 1952, Elio came to Kitimat to begin his legacy. With a passion for hard work and a dream to see his new adopted home town prosper, Elio, along with his late brother, Joe Bravo, started businesses that continue to operate today. He was a member of the Kitimat Rod and Gun Club, Italian Cultural Club, Gyro’s and the Chamber of Commerce. Work, friends and family were Elio’s driving forces and he impacted all those who knew him in ways beyond measure. Elio is survived by his beloved wife of 58 years, Rosa, his four children, Pino Bravo (Patricia) of Kitimat, Rosanna Bravo, Silvana Bravo and Elia Bravo of Vancouver Island; six grandchildren: Lindsey (Michael), Nikka, Alexandra, Elio, Helena and Seanna and many nieces and nephews. Whether at work or play, Elio’s larger than life presence, booming voice and powerful hugs, will be missed by all. Funeral Services will be held on Wed., Aug. 12, 2015 at Christ The King Catholic Church 1760 Nalabila Blvd., Kitimat, BC, at 1:30 pm. Reception to follow after the Funeral Mass.

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Logging Supervisor & Buncher Operator Fort St. James, Full Time Logging Supervisor: Applicant must have experience in the logging industry. Applicant is required to go to camp when needed. Applicant will lead, supervise and motivate a variety of operators, employees, and sub-contractors to achieve high levels of production in a safe and conscientious manner. Applicant must have experience on operating multiple pieces of logging equipment, a mechanical background is required and level 3 first aid is an asset. Buncher Operator: Applicant must have 2 years minimum experience on bunching machine. Successful applicants will be offered a competitive compensation package. Please call 250-996-0196 and leave a message if no answer. Resumes can be emailed to or faxed to (250) 996-2217.

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Administrative Assistant

HEART Kitimat DISEASE. The operator of a local fishing guide company has been charged with one count under the criminal code and three under the Wildlife Act, relating to charges under cruelty offences to animals.

Better your odds. Visit

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015 11

guide facing charges Andreas Handl will be returning for his next court appearance in September. The CTV report on the charges refer to an incident where it’s alleged Handl and his client that day, another

man also charged named Rodolofo Martins-Lopes, tried to catch a swimming deer in the Douglas Channel. The deer was not caught or killed, and a video of this alleged incident was shared

on Facebook but has since been removed. Handl told the Northern Sentinel that he has been advised by his lawyer to not make any statements regarding this incident at this time.

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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, August 12, 2015

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Homes for Rent

Suites, Lower

SANDPIPER APTS Lrge 1 Bdrm Basement Suite KITIMAT fully furnished, quiet, lg yard, W/D, F/S. Non-Smoking, emNewer Buildings ployed tenant wanted. $950/m Elevators Kitimat call: 250-639-0194 Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies



Cars - Sports & Imports

Homes for Rent newsroom@ 3 Bedroom Bungalow For Rent Honda in Kitimat with garnorthernsentinel. 2006 Civic age,196,550 fully reno’d with owner, F/S, W/D, km, one com D/W and fullymaintained. fenced back dealership yard. Negotiable C/w setPets of snow tires on avail: Sept 1st $1600/m rims, 17”profi le summer tires call: 1-250-266-4536 on “sweet” rims.Adam Manual transmission. Kitimat Asking $4500 Pet Friendly, 4 Bdrm,or2 Bath, 250.632.1467 F/S, W/D. $1600/mnth250.632.3908 Kitimatcall 1.604.760.4418 for more info

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W/D, F/S. Non-Smoking, employed tenant wanted. $950/m Kitimat call: 250-639-0194

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Cars - Sports & Imports

Transportation Homes for Rent 3 Bedroom Bungalow - Sports For Cars Rent in Kitimat with garage, fully reno’d with F/S, W/D, & Imports D/W and fully fenced back yard. Pets Negotiable avail: Sept 1st $1600/m call: 1-250-266-4536 Adam

Kitimat Pet Friendly, 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, F/S, W/D. $1600/mnth- call 1.604.760.4418 for more info CLASSIC/COLLECTOR 1971 300SEL 3.5 Mercedes Benz. 75,000km. Very good condition, always garaged, never1 Bdrm drivenBasement in winter.Suite Well Lrge maintained. Maintenance fully furnished, quiet, lg yard, records, book. W/D, F/S. service/parts Non-Smoking, emManuals. Some spare$950/m parts. ployed tenant wanted. Kitimat250-632-6755 call: 250-639-0194

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Serious Inquiries Only Please


Cars - Sports & Imports

2006 Honda Civic

196,550 km, one owner, dealership maintained. C/w set of snow tires on rims, 17”profile summer tires on “sweet” rims. Manual transmission. Asking $4500 250.632.1467 or 250.632.3908 Kitimat

Tom Fletcher Federal party leaders squared off in their first TV debate last Thursday, a mostly polite two-hour exchange of Recreational/Sale views on the economy, environment and military action overseas. The environment segment was most focused on B.C., where Prime Minister Stephen Harper was pressed on stalled pipeline proposals to the west and east 2006as 8ftwell Adventure coasts as to the U.S. Harper said CAMPER low world prices for energy make it the 3 burner stove, 2-way fridge (gas & electric), washroom. only sector that is under-performing, Sleeps 4. Excellent cond. Asking $9,000. while the rest of the economy is growing. Ph. 250-632-2781 Kitimat Green Party leader Elizabeth May urged NDP leader Thomas Mulcair to opBoats pose the twinning of the TransMountain oil pipeline from Alberta to its Burnaby terminal. Mulcair stuck to his position that he will await a federal environmental review. 32’ FIBERGLASS Harper noted that Liberal leader FERRELL BOAT

Justin Trudeau has opposed capital cost allowances for liquefied natural gas investors, weakening the case for new gas pipelines. He said his government approved the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed to run to Kitimat with more than 200 conditions, because “that’s how the system works.” Trudeau and Harper sparred over greenhouse gas emission efforts, with Harper noting he moved ahead on curbing coal power plant emissions three years before U.S. President Barack Obama. Harper agreed that approval of the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to southern U.S. refineries will likely have to wait for Obama to leave office next year. May said Harper is nowhere near meeting his own commitment to curb emissions, as forest fires rage and ex- A11 treme weather increases all year around. The debate moderator, Maclean’s magazine columnist Paul Wells, asked Harper if he owes Canadians an apology for appointing since-suspended senators Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau. Harper did not apologize, saying the provinces need a consensus to reform the senate through elections as he proposed, or to abolish it. Mulcair and Trudeau oppose the current bombing missions against Islamic State terrorist targets in Syria and Iraq. Mulcair said he would support military action sanctioned by the United Nations or under Canada’s NATO commitments. Harper said the deployment of six fighter jets with special forces support is what Canada’s allies want to do, and Islamic State is a “nerve centre” for a global movement that has targeted Canada specifically.

2300hrs on New 370H.P. Fresh Water cooled 8.1L Diesel Engine, Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering, 2 Hydraulic Deep lines and Trap Puller, Sounder, Radar, 2 Radios, Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop, 8’ Dinghy. Assessed at $84,400 Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. Includes slip Best offer over $55,000 Contact Warren Poff at 250-632-6119


2006 8ft Adventure CAMPER

3 burner stove, 2-way fridge (gas & electric), washroom. Sleeps 4. Excellent cond.

Asking $9,000. Ph. 250-632-2781 Kitimat

Better Boats your odds. Visit

32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 2300hrs on New 370H.P. Fresh Water cooled 8.1L Diesel Engine, Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering, 2 Hydraulic Deep lines and Trap Puller, Sounder, Radar, 2 Radios, Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop, 8’ Dinghy. Assessed at $84,400 Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. Includes slip Best offer over $55,000 Contact Warren Poff at 250-632-6119


2006 8ftPROOF Adventure BEAR CAMPER 3 burner stove, 2-way fridge YOUR HOME (gas & electric), washroom.

Sleeps 4. Excellent cond. Keep garbage cans Asking $9,000. in the house, garage Ph. 250-632-2781 Kitimat or shed until the morningBoats of pick up.

Aerial view of Wood Lake wildfire north of Harrison Hot Springs. BC Wildfire Service

Fire season in BC not over yet Jeff Nagel Lightning sparked dozens of new fires across B.C. last week, and officials say an expected weather shift back toward sunny, dry conditions by the weekend could worsen the risk. “We do not want people getting complacent,” B.C. chief fire information officer Kevin Skrepnek had said.

There are currently 147 active fires – more than 100 of them lightning caused – and 10 major “fires of note.” More than 130 firefighters continue to battle the newest major wildfire at Wood Lake north of Harrison Hot Springs. That aggressive fire has grown from just a few hectares to more than 650 hectares

in just four days. So far this year, B.C. has had 1,418 wildfires, an estimated 282,000 hectares has burned and firefighting costs are currently pegged at $180 million. The area burned is already more than four times worse than the average of 63,000 hectares over the past 10 years.

And 2015 appears certain to go down as one of the worst wildfire years in B.C. of all time. Approximately 30 per cent of fires so far have been caused by people – due to everything from thrown cigarettes and improperly extinguished campfires to industrial activities and vehicles igniting vegetation.

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sports & Leisure

Cathers takes on Canada’s best Jason Cathers The Kitimat Marlins had two swimmers qualify for the Canadian age group nationals swimming championships in Quebec City over the August 8-9 weekend. To qualify the two swimmers had to reach the tough qualifying times in three events for their age group. The qualifying times are based on the top 50 fastest times in the country for each age group from the previous season. There are thousands of competitive swimmers in each age group across Canada so to be among the top 50 fastest times is a great accomplishment. To understand how fast those times are Zachary Dumas and Kleanza Cathers from the Marlins had to establish Northwest B.C. regional records in the 15 and over category in each event they qualified in to reach those standards. Unfortunately because of the Kitimat pool closure only Cathers was able to train in July by living with family in Vancouver and training there to attend the swim meet in

Quebec City. Cathers had some great results while competing with the best 15 year old girl swimmers in the country at the age group nationals. Her best result came in the distance event the 1500 meter freestyle. Cathers was seeded 18th and finished 15th with a personal best time by 10 seconds lowering her regional record in the process. She also had an excellent swim in the 800 meter freestyle. Cathers already held the regional record in the event short course (25 meter pool). She took 15 seconds off her long course (50 meter pool) time and broke the 15 and over girls regional record in the event held by Stephanie Nicholls from Prince Rupert from 2001. Her improvement brought her from being seeded 25th to finishing 19th overall in the event. Cathers also finished 24th in the 400 free, 34th in the 200 free and in her free non qualified swim the 100 free where she was seeded 47th, she had a solid personal best time to finish 34th overall.

Kleanza Cathers was one of two qualifying swimmers to attend Quebec City, but the only one to actually go due to training opportunities in the lead up. Submitted

Men’s Open tournament Submitted Sixty-one men from Smithers, Prince Rupert, Terrace and Kitimat played in the annual three day Kitimat Men’s Open golf tournament. Overall low gross winner was David Venman with a score of 208. Overall low net winners was Joe Lagana with a score of 203. Winners by flight are; Championship flight 1st low gross - Dylan Kerbrat - 209 2nd low gross - Scott Rigler (Terr) - 216 3rd low gross - Russ Nicholson - 229 Lap gross - Alex Sterling 252 1st low net - Gene Kerbrat 208 2nd low net - Rob Brady - 216 3rd low net - Kyle Vales - 221 Lap net - Joel Demelo - 229 A Flight 1st low gross - Nathan Steenhof (Smithers) - 235 2nd low gross - Augie Penner - 243 on a countback 3rd low gross - Steve Hynes (Terr) - 247 Lap gross - Angelo Demelo 258

1st low net - Grant Frater 211 2nd low net - Wayne Hatto 213 3rd low net - Mitch Turco (Smithers) - 220 Lap net - Clayton Thom - 229 B Flight 1st low gross - Bruce MacKay (Smithers) - 255 2nd low gross - Andrew Schaffer (Pr. Rupert) - 262 3rd low gross - Tony Santos 266 Lap gross - Bill Blair - 269 1st low net - Greg Saunders 220 2nd low net - Paul Sampson (Terr) - 228 on a countback 3rd low net - Teru Yamamoto (Pr. Rupert) - 228 Lap net - John Vales - 233 on a countback C Flight 1st low gross - Randy Prinz (Terr) - 258 2nd low gross - James Alderman - 267 3rd low gross - Paul Zenuk 270 4th low gross - Ed Martin 275 Lap gross - Frank Thomas 288 1st low net - Jeremy Alfred (Smithers) 208

2nd low net - Brad Riley - 216 on a countback 3rd low net - Harvey Gunnanoot - 216 4th low net - Paul Voykin 221 Lap net - Carol Gabel - 236 Long drive winners over the three days were; Championship flight; Scott Rigler (Terr) and Dylan Kerbrat A Flight Angelo Demelo, Aaron Singh and Wayne Hatto B Flight Joe Lagana, Jason Majore (Terr) C Flight Randy Prinz (Terr), Brad Riley and James Alderman Closest to the pin winners Championship flight; Simon L’Hevreaux, Scott Rigler (Terr) and Jacob Cachia (Smithers) A Flight Augie Penner, Dallis Kerbrat and Nathan Steenhof (Smithers) B Flight Doug Jay and John Vales C Flight Wayne Sanwald, Randy Prinz (Terr), Frank Thomas.

telling the whole story

Margaret Speirs Cops and courts reporter for The Terrace Standard. Her coverage keeps law and order front and centre for readers.

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