Golden Star, August 19, 2015

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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 33 $1.35




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Batter Up! Local Ultra runner readies herself for race ........................................2


Rock Creed fire destroys 29 homes ....................................4


Local couple have their hands full with gardens ...................................8


Jordan Ironside launches one into the outfield with his teammates from the Ball Bangers looking on, during the Ray Jean Memorial Slowpitch Tournament and Parson Fall Faire over the weekend. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Candidates eager to debate in eight communities Golden Sound Festival coming this weekend .................................9

Jessica Schwitek The Kootenay Columbia riding is a large one, covering 64,000 square kilometres. It’s a lot of ground to cover for each of the Member of Parliament hopefuls in the riding, but with this election’s extended campaign period, the candidates are up for the challenge.

“We’re getting out and about to meet as many people as we can,” said Liberal candidate Don Johnston, adding that not much has changed since the election was officially called. Wayne Stetski, running with the NDP, and Bill Green, running with the Greens, have also begun pounding the pavement in the Kootenay Columbia. Stetski alone has already knocked on hundreds of doors, including many in Golden.

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“The number one thing that I’ve been hearing from people is that it’s time for change, and that Harper needs to go,” he said. “I’ve also heard that from people who traditionally support the Conservatives, that they’re not happy with the direction things are going.” Continued on page 3




Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Star

Local runner preparing for grueling Golden Ultra race next month Joel Tansey

The Golden Ultra is an imposing race for even the most seasoned distance runners. At 80 kilometres and nearly 4000m of elevation gain and loss over the three days, that’s fairly obvious. It’s even a bit intimidating for Jen Stronge, who has completed a range of marathons and ultra marathons, including the Boston Marathon, the appropriately named 125km Death Race out of Grand Cache and the infamous Sinister Seven out of Crowsnest Pass. Most competitors in the Sinister race compete as a team, with each individual running one of the seven stages in the 100 mile course. Stronge, however, competed alone. So yes, it’s fair to say that she enjoys pushing the limits, but one of her favourite aspects of ultra marathons is the camaraderie that is felt between competitors. That friendliness results in a kind, supportive environment that helps make these races such a positive experience for her. “The people that do these runs are really incredible…You can run for an hour without seeing anybody and then all of a sudden you’ll come across somebody and it’s such a great thing,” Stronge said. While 80 clicks over the span of three days might seem like a casual Sunday stroll around the Rotary Trails for a woman who has completed races twice that distance in the past, Stronge says she isn’t taking anything for granted. The three-day format is particularly significant, and

Stronge believes it will be her recovery between stages of the race that will be the key to her performance. One hindrance for Stronge as she trains for the Sept. 18-20 race is that she’s currently on a work program in Inuvik in the Northwest Territories. Stronge, a nurse, will be spending eight weeks in the remote northern community and won’t return until a few days before the Ultra. While she continues to run on a daily basis, typically totalling well over 70km per week, the terrain in the arctic isn’t what she’ll have to face when she competes in Golden. Usually Stronge likes to mix in a fair bit of mountain biking into her training, but that isn’t possible in Inuvik either. “(Cross-training) has been a huge part of how I’ve trained… this year’s kind of different being up here because I don’t have my bike here and it’s all flat,” Stronge said. “There’s not much in the way of trails here either, so far I’ve been running on the airport road and on the treadmill…it’s going to be a huge challenge.” Stronge will have a week back in Golden before the race and says she plans to run similar routes to the ones that will be used in the race in order to prepare herself, although she will have to avoid pushing herself too hard in the days leading up to the Ultra. In the end, it’s her fellow runners that keep her inspired and always pushing for more. “I don’t know that I would call it a runners high but it is a lot of fun…there’s so many great races out there and places to go and I get so inspired by some of these

Golden’s Jen Stronge is getting set to compete in the Golden Ultra in September. It’s the type of race that Stronge is used to competing in after completing several ultra marathons in recent years. Photo Submitted amazing (runners).” Regardless of the outcome, Stronge is pleased to see an event like this happening in Golden

and commends organizer Magi Scallion for getting the race off the ground. “I think it’s such a great thing

for our town…it’s a growing sport and in Golden we’re in such a great spot to be doing these things.”

Chance to win a GoPro Hero with CSRD’s annual photo contest CSRD Story Submitted The CSRD is once

again holding its ‘Capturing the Columbia Shuswap’ Photo Contest. The con-

test opened on May 1, 2015 and submissions will be accepted until midnight on Septem-

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ber 30, 2015. The contest first ran in 2013 where several fantastic photos showcasing the beauty and diversity of the regional district were submitted. Photo submissions will be used on the CSRD website, the CSRD Facebook page and in other promotional materials for the region. Photographs must be taken within the Columbia Shuswap Regional District boundary, which includes the municipalities of Golden, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm and Sicamous. There are two entry categories: people or landscape/nature. Photos can be in black and white or colour. The contest is open to amateur photographers only (please

Field native Craig Chapman’s picture of the Kicking Horse River took the top prize in last year’s photo contest. Photo Submitted no professional photographers). There are three age group categories: 12yrs and younger, 13yrs -18yrs and 19yrs and older.

The grand prize is a GoPro HERO sports camera. For further information on contest rules and entry instructions, please

visit the events page on the CSRD website at news-notices/eventscalendar.

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A3

Dolphins celebrate after successful competition in Kamloops and swam in many finals to conclude the 2015 season with a bang. In Division 5 was Anna Sutter who pushed her limits and got best times in her events. The littlest swimmers at Regionals were the Turtle swimmers, swimming in the 6 and under category, Thane Malaka, Malcolm Russell, and Hunter Thorne. All

three of these boys had an amazing time attending Regionals and showed their love of swimming by great performances in the pool. Overall the swim meet was a great success, and a wonderful way to end of the season. Coaches Caprice Rosentreter and Hailey Kehler are very proud of all swim-

mers this season. They would both like to thank everyone in the club and outside the club for all their help and generous donations to the swim club this year. They look forward to many more successful swims at Provincials next weekend and hope to bring back more medals to the Town of Golden.

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The Golden Dolphins pose with their medals from regionals before they head off to Victoria for provincials this weekend. Photo Submitted Dolphins Club Submitted


Provincials are coming up and the season has been victorious! What a great summer it has been for our local swimming team. The Golden Dolphins are wrapping up their 2015 season this coming week and are celebrating all the great success they had.

The BCSSA Regional Swim Meet took place in Kamloops, BC last weekend where the swimmers made many best times and made their qualifying times to attend Provincials. Attending Provincials in Victoria, BC this summer are swimmers, Roxy Coatesworth, Josh Hiraoka, Zara Johnson, Hannah LaRoy, Kaelan Malaka, Elyssia McClean, Quinn

Morgan, Hayley Plonka, Emma Russell, Marika Sutter and Carter Thorne. Other swimmers who attended Regionals managed to perform great swims and completed with personal best times in the majority of their events. Starting off with our Division 2 swimmer, Talon Malaka, who achieved best times in all 4 of his events,

managing to make it into A finals. On the ladies side, Katrina McClean had great performances and got many best times. Katrina attained a time for her 50 Breaststroke and took off 15 seconds in her 100 IM. In Division 3, Emme Abbs, Katey Durant, Amelia Hudson, Thorin Malaka and Lauren Russell, crushed their times

Green jobs are the future: candidates

Continued from page 1

Green echoed that sentiment saying that he’s, “hearing very strongly that people are ready for change.” Earlier in the summer, Stetski sent out a challenge to incumbent David Wilks (Conservative) and the other candidates to eight debates in eight communities. Since then, representatives from Stetski, Green and Johnston have been meeting to co-ordinate schedules so that the candidates can attend forums in communities that decide to organize one. “I’m looking forward to debating Wilks any chance I get,” said Stetski. “I think it’s really important for the people to have an opportunity to see us in person, and be able to ask questions.” Several issues can be expected to arise as the campaign goes on, but as usual the candidates expect jobs and the economy to top the list. “In our region in particular, we have to look at the environment and climate together with the economy,” said Johnston. “We live here because it’s beautiful, and there are so many natural resources here, so we need to move towards jobs in green technologies, and we can do it.” “This region has a plethora of renewable energy resources, and we can build an economy around that,” said Green. “It will be about getting the incentives right.” But before any change can happen, voters need to get out and voice their concerns, which the candidates agree will probably happen more after summer. “What I suggest and encourage people to do is to pick one issue they care about and Google it,” said Stetski. “You’ll see the difference in our platforms and you’ll see why Harper needs to go.” In the last federal election in 2011, Kootenay Columbia had a 63 per cent voter turnout, with David Wilks winning with 23,910 votes. The NDP candidate received 14,199, Green received 2,547, and Liberal received 1,496. David Wilks could not be reached by print deadline.

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How Many Tie Downs Do You Need?

The load consisted of rough lumber, about 2x6 or 2x8 size 12 to 14 feet long and 3 feet high on a flat deck trailer pulled by a large pickup truck. Load security was provided by a single heavy strap wrapped once around the middle of the load. The combination was being pulled at highway speed which was 90 km/h. Do you think that this load was secured to the trailer sufficiently? Even if you knew nothing about the rules that must be followed to properly tie down this load I think you would join me in shaking my head. Have you seen a commercial truck drive past with a similar load at any time while you were driving? How many straps did they have wrapped around the load and how big were they? This knowledge alone should tell you that one strap is not enough. The minimum number of tie downs needed is determined by the length of the load. Since the load was more than 10 feet long but not more than 20, it needed three. These straps must also be distributed equally along the load. Next, the capacity of the tie downs must be considered. The aggregate strength must be at least equal to half of the weight of the load. Depending on how strong the tie downs are, you may end up having to use more than the minimum of three but never less. There are many other loads and situations that can complicate securing a load fully and properly. Rather than trusting to luck, a quick call to the nearest weigh scale, some of which are always open, will get you the expert advice that you need for everyone to be safe. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Star

A chance to view the night sky from the top of KHMR gondola

Stargazers will get a chance to identify craters and mountains on the moon during a stargazing event at KHMR on Aug. 21. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Goldenites are likely very familiar with the stunning

panoramic views from the top of the gondola at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort during the daytime. This weekend, locals and tourists will have a chance to see what those same views look like at night during a stargazing event organized by the resort. Calgary astronomer Doug Thorp, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada for the past seven years, will be in Golden on Aug. 21 to deliver a presentation and to take his audience on a tour of the dazzling night sky above the resort. Thorp says he has been fascinated by space since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, and it’s a passion that he began to pursue more seriously once his kids grew up and left the house. He’ll be bringing along his own telescope and attendees will have a chance to see a variety of features in the night sky during the event even with the presence of a quarter moon, which will set around midnight. “We should be able to pick out some detail on Saturn with the telescope that I’m bringing…we’ll be able to zoom in and look at some really nice craters and features (on the moon),” Thorp said.

“Towards the eastern sky we’ll be trying to look at double stars to show the difference between size and colour…(and) try to look at some of the brighter galaxies, for example the Andromeda galaxy.” Thorp hopes that those in attendance will learn how to spot a few of the major constellations and get a full appreciation for just how much of the night sky is lost due to light pollution, even in a small town like Golden. Of course, a lot of the show will hinge on the weather, with clear skies being the obvious preference. According to Thorp, however, even under partly or mostly cloudy skies there will be plenty of opportunities for stargazing. “If there are clear patches, we call those sucker holes and we can look through that sucker hole for a short period of time and see what’s in there and then when another one shows up you spin the scope and look at what’s in that,” he said. For more information on this event, scheduled for Aug. 21, log on to and click on “Events” under the “Resort” tab. Only 100 tickets are available.

Golden College of the Rockies campus gets xeriscape makeover Joel Tansey

A crew from Mountainside Gardens works on the xeriscaping project outside of the College last week. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

The area in front of the College of the Rockies will soon have a new look to it as a team from Mountainside Gardens finishes up a xeriscaping project over the next couple of weeks. The project has been a College priority for a long time, says Campus Manager Karen Cathcart. Cathcart would frequently see students and members of the community lounging on the grass in the area before, making this project a clear winner in her eyes. “It’s going to be sort of a gathering place…with benches and tables and things for our students and

for the community,” Cathcart said. The project is also a winner from a conservation point of view. Large lawns take a lot of water to maintain especially with the soil in Golden, as project manager Tyler Tetrault of Mountainside Gardens explains, and that’s not the only thing that makes this an environmentally friendly project. “There’s a lot better carbon footprint as a consequence because all of the plants are going to sequester a lot more carbon than grass per square footage,” Tetrault said. Tetrault was approached by the College and created the final design with his team. An elm tree will fea-

ture in the centre and there will be an octagonal bench around it as well as tables and timber frame benches once it is complete. According to Tetrault, the rest of the design will feature vegetation that will be attractive all year. “There’s going to be quite a display of fall colour that comes through there and lots of spring and summer blooms. It should have a real nice seasonal animation to it…it’s a four-season landscape,” he said. The project is due to be completed in the next couple of weeks, in time for the start of the fall semester, which begins in September.

Kootenay boundary fire reaches 3750 hectares over weekend Golden Star Staff The wildfire which started west of Rock Creek near Highway 3 is currently estimated at 3750 hectares, and is the likely cause of the smoke that was setting in Golden over the weekend. The larger estimated size of this fire later in the weekend was due to increased visibility in the area which has permitted more accurate mapping. The majority of the fire's growth took place on August 13, but heavy smoke previously limited mapping capabilities. The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has completed an assessment of damage in the area and has confirmed that 29 homes and additional structures have been lost. An Evacuation Order and an additional Evacuation Alert issued by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary remains in effect. BC Wildfire Service crews are working with structural protection firefighters from throughout the region to protect life and property. The public is asked to

avoid the Evacuation Order area. This wildfire is uncontained and extremely dangerous. Anyone entering the evacuation area will be putting themselves and firefighters at risk. This area contains multiple potential hazards, including active wildfire, “danger trees” (trees whose root systems have been weakened by fire activity), heavy equipment use and downed power lines. Entering the evacuation area can delay firefighting activities, contribute to the growth of the fire and possibly put more property and people at risk. Safe fire suppression efforts depend on the support and understanding of the public. Today, crews are working to reinforce and extend control lines on the north and south flanks by establishing machine-guard and fuel-free areas. More than 100 BC Wildfire Service firefighters are being supported by seven helicopters, 14 pieces of heavy equipment and airtanker groups as necessary. The closure of a section of Highway 3 west of Rock Creek has now been lifted. A section of Highway 33 remains closed.

The Rock Creek Riverside Campground was among the areas devastated by a fast-spreading fire late last week. Photo Submitted The cause of this wildfire is under investigation, but it is suspected to be human-caused. All human-caused wild-

fires are preventable and unnecessarily divert firefighting resources from naturally occurring fires.

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A5

RCMP Report: Coop catches fire in Blaeberry Golden Star Staff Chicken Coop Fire The Golden-Field RCMP were called to respond to a fire in the Blaeberry on August 10 where it was reported that a large chicken coop had caught fire and was fully engulfed in flames. “The fire occurred outside the fire protection area, which results in police being dispatched to ensure that everyone on the property is safe,” said local RCMP spokesperson Cst. Spencer Lainchbury. The BC Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resources were also advised of the fire which resulted in arrangements being made to have the Golden Fire-Rescue and Nicholson Fire Department attend to ensure the fire didn’t spread to surrounding forest. Disturbance at Hotel Police were called to respond to a disturbance on August 10 after guests staying at a local motel reported hearing screaming coming from another room. Upon attendance police were not able to locate anyone inside the room however a lone male returned sometime later resulting in a drawn out confrontation with police. “The male was displaying behaviour that caused the responding police officer to fear for their safety,” stated

Cst. Lainchbury. Additional police responded along with BC Conservation officers, and the male was arrested without incident. “After speaking with the male it became apparent to police that he was suffering from mental health issues, and required medical intervention.” The male was transported to the Golden Hospital where he was assessed by a doctor, and then transferred to Cranbrook for further psychiatric assessment. Payphone Destroyed On August 11 police were advised that someone had smashed the payphone at a local gas station on the Trans-Canada Highway overnight. Surveillance footage shows a male in a silver car pull up to the gas station and walk towards the pay phone. Police believe that the male may be associated to an unrelated file from the previous night but are asking anyone with information regarding this incident to contact them at 250-344-2221 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Roommate Steals Vehicle The Golden-Field RCMP were called on August 11 after a male reported that his roommate had stolen his vehicle overnight. “Police are continuing to investigate but at this time the vehicle is still unaccounted for,”

said Cst. Lainchbury. Teenage Prank Call Police were called on August 11 after receiving a report that a female had called a house line and told the resident “I need help.” Police were able to trace the call to a house in Nicholson where it was determined that the call was placed as a prank during a teenager’s birthday party. Motorcycle Accident Police and BC Ambulance responded to a collision on Highway 1 near Heather Mountain Lodge on August 12 after it was reported to them that a motorcyclist had lost control of his bike. Upon attendance police noted that the bike had tipped over and slid for several feet. The driver was transported to the Golden Hospital with minor injuries. Woman seeks help A female was transported to hospital by BC Ambulance on August 12 after police received a report that she may be suicidal. As in all reports of this nature, police responded ensuring that the female was assessed by a doctor. Assault in Spirit Square The Golden-Field RCMP are asking that any witnesses who may have seen an assault occur in Spirit Square on Wednesday night contact them, after

Wildsight hosts film festival Jessica Schwitek What better way to explore environmental issues and outdoor adventures than to do it outside, with Golden’s mountains as a backdrop. That is why Wildsight Golden has decided that for their first year holding the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, they will do it outside at Keith King Memorial Park on a giant screen. “Other branches of Wildsight hosted the film festival last year, and it was really successful,” said Natasha Overduin, outreach coordinator for Wildsight Golden. “But Golden will be the first place to host it outdoors, so we’re really excited about that.” The festival will feature one full-

length film, and several shorts covering a wide variety of topics that Overduin says will leave you feeling optimistic, not guilty or worried. “The films that were chosen are very positive. They won’t leave you feeling guilty, or scared for the future,” she said. “They’re more like, ‘look at all these great things that people are doing in our world.’ They’re very uplifting.” Wildsight is also hoping that this event gets more people interested in what the organization is doing. Overduin says there is a fantastic, dedicated group of volunteers in Golden, but their workload is getting to be a bit much. The hope is that once people learn about some of the initiatives that Wildsight is working on, some new blood will join in and volunteer their time. Continued on page 8

it was reported that a male was hit over the head with a beer bottle. “Police were conducting patrols in the area and flagged down by a pedestrian advising that someone had just smashed a glass beer bottle over her friend’s head,” said Cst. Lainchbury. The male was treated for minor injuries however the suspect fled on foot. Police can be reached at 250-344-2221 or you can provide information anonymously through Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Bridge Jumper Police were called to a disturbance on August 12 where it was reported that a 19 yearold female may be trying to jump off the pedestrian bridge in Spirit Square. Police officers were already in the area dealing with another complaint and immediately located the female and a group of friends drinking vodka at the end of the bridge. The female denied that she had been attempting to jump off the bridge and confirmed that she was not suicidal. The group was asked to dump the alcohol they had been

drinking and departed. Minutes later the same police officer saw a vehicle related to the 19 year-old female drive by them on 10th Avenue North. A traffic stop was conducted and the female failed two roadside alcohol screening devices tests resulting in her losing her licence for 90 days and having her vehicle impounded for 30 days under the Motor Vehicle Acts Immediate Roadside Prohibition program. Vodka Hidden in Pocket A 25 year-old male from Alberta was issued a ticket for consuming alcohol in public after police spoke with a group of three males in Spirit Square after bar close Saturday morning. The group was cooperative with police however as they walked away a glass fell out of one of the guys’ pockets smashing on the ground. The male admitted that he had been hiding his vodka drink in his pocket while police spoke with him. The male was asked to clean up the area and issued a $230 ticket for having open alcohol in public.

Columbia Shuswap Regional District AUGUST 20, 2015 BOARD MEETING GOLDEN, B.C. The August meeting of the Regional Board, Columbia Shuswap Regional District, will be held at the Golden Civic Centre located at 806 – 10th Ave. S, Golden, B.C. on Thursday, August 20, 2015 commencing at 9:30 AM. Please check the CSRD website at www.csrd. to view the Board meeting agenda. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Star

Smoky Said it Best

Area A Report: Input from Parson meeting

I think one of the cheesy characters from our childhoods needs to make a comeback. Smoky the Bear with his profound catchphrase: “Only you can prevent forest fires,” is desperately needed right now. Smoke filled the valley over the weekend, enough to not only - I SURMISE obscure the view of distant mountains, but By Jessica Schwitek enough to fill our noses with the smell of campfire. The closest major fire to Golden is the Rock Creek fire, burning 3,750 hectares in the Kootenay Boundary region. I’ve received several press releases from the BC Wildfire Service with updates as suppression efforts continue, and last paragraph of each release always makes me shake my head in disbelief. “The cause of this wildfire is under investigation, but is suspected to be human-caused.” Almost 300,000 hectares have been burned in British Columbia so far this season. Fortunately most of that has been in the sparsely populated northern regions, causing little community and property damage. The Rock Creek fire however, has already resulted in the loss of 29 homes and other structures. A campground (photo on page 4) also suffered a lot of damage from the blaze. Can you imagine being the person responsible for all this destruction? But every time someone flicks a cigarette out a window, or does not adhere to the fire ban, the result could be disastrous. That is why I find it so disturbing to hear how many instances on non-compliance there has been this summer. There were reports of conservation officers in the Okanagan region being threatened by rambunctious campers who wanted a fire. Closer to home, conservation officers in the Southeast Fire Centre have been out almost every night doing patrols through the East Kootenays. They are still finding people having campfires almost on a nightly basis. Between July 3 and Aug. 12 there were 58 violation tickets issued (at a rate of $345) and 55 campfires have had to be put out by COs in that time. There has been no shortage of publicity about the ban. No one can plead ignorance. Despite some recent rain, these bans remain in affect for a reason and need to be respected. Twenty-nine people/families lost their homes this weekend because someone didn’t take the wildfire risk seriously.

On Tuesday, July 28, we had our Local Advisory Committee meeting at the Parson Community Hall. Approximately 77 residents came out to participate in the community session that followed the meeting portion. There were 11 tables of approximately 7 people at each table. Residents from all neighbourhoods of Area A were present. At the session we asked the residents 4 questions: • What are the issues in your neighbourhood? • What would you like to see happen? • What don’t you want to see happen? • Where should the Area A Director focus her energy? Here are the highlights from the resident input: • The residents that attended do not want to see zoning and bylaws that interrupt Area A Report their sense of freedom in Area A. • We need to do a better job on the mosquito control issue. By Karen Cathcart • Boat launch for Parson is a priority. • High speed internet is important for residents and the economy • Road maintenance and dust control is a safety concern. Access to the backcountry, Gorman Lake and Mummery Glacier are important tourism sites and we need to look at fixing this. • Preventive maintenance for creeks. • A comprehensive noxious weed program is needed. • Support local farmers: the CSRD to be a voice at the provincial and federal table to support local farmers and limit restrictions on licensing. • Walking and cycling path from Nicholson to town • What can be done with the Parson school? A beautiful facility - create a local committee to look at usage? • Communication: residents want to have input on decisions. They would like to see information on meetings in the newspaper, social media and through email. • We need to attract more industry to the area to support our young families to be able to live here. • Eliminate the recycling frustration. The above list is the concerns and opportunities voiced by the residents. In other words the topics above were mentioned at most every table. As we move through the Area A communities, I will report back to the residents on the key topics and the action taken. Continued on page 7

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you make an effort to grow and produce your own food? log onto to make your vote count

Last week’s poll question: Have you found the mosquitoes are worse this

year than the last?

Yes 71%

No 29%

DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 500 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

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Joel Tansey



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Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A7

Golden point of view

Do you make an effort to grow and produce your own food?

Kyle Coulter

Erin Van Acthe

Irene Gray

“I don’t personally but I definitely support people who do it. I like to shop at the Farmer’s Market.”

“Yeah I’ve got a little garden. It’s a small one but I think it’s important and good to teach my son how to garden.”

“Yeah but not as much as I’d like to. Mostly salad veggies.”

Many stars to the Town of Golden Maintenance Crew for the wonderful condition of the Ball Diamond fields for the Biannual Alberta/BC Church Ball Tournament and delivery of all the benches. Stars to all the people who came out to the fair in Parson and made it such a wonderful event.

I invite all residents to attend the next Local Advisory Committee Meeting in Nicholson/Habart at the Eco Adventure Ranch, Tuesday, August 25th, from 6pm to 8pm. Morrow Bioscience and CSRD staff members that can speak to the boat launches and the mosquito control will be present to answer your questions. The August 20th CSRD Board of Directors meeting will be held in Golden at the Civic Centre starting at 9:30am. If you would like to see your local government board in action, please plan to attend. If you would like to connect with me, please do by calling: 250-344-8357 or 250-348-2226 or

Stingers to people who drive around in their cars and rev their engine loudly. We all get it, you have a cool car. We don’t want to hear it, too. A star to people who think of others ahead of themselves. If only the whole world were

like that. Stars to friends who help you out in your time of need. Stars to Kicking Horse Culture for an awesome Summer Kicks season. My family and I enjoyed all of the bands you brought in! Stingers to people who park in handicap stalls.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6

Stingers to the weather for not cooperating on Saturday for the fair.

Climate Change Editor, This summer’s forest fires have brought the reality of climate change to the forefront of British Columbian’s concerns. You now have the opportunity to influence our province’s future policies on addressing climate change and reducing our collective greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Last month the BC Government presented their “Climate Leadership Plan – Discussion Paper”, and the public input period ends August 17. We encourage everyone to complete the online survey ( While we applaud the Leadership Team

for requesting the public’s input, our local Citizens’ Climate Lobby chapter is concerned that the proposed goals are too vague and do not outline a clear process as to how these actions will occur, how they will be monitored, and what remedies would be in place to enforce new policies. Another concern is that BC’s very successful carbon tax, instituted in 2008, has been frozen for a 5 year period. In order to continue to be effective at reducing GHG emissions, this tax needs to increase as it was intended. Using a more transparent approach, like carbon fee and dividend, would protect lower and middle income families, while encouraging the innovation needed in our transition to a low carbon economy.

The Government’s current focus on developing a new carbon-based energy infrastructure (LNG) is contrary to the long term goals of meeting BC’s GHG targets. At this time, the province will be hard pressed to meet its 2020 GHG emission reduction targets. Developing new carbon energy projects will make that task even more difficult. We will be submitting a formal response with our concerns. We encourage other organizations to do so, too. At this critical time in history, we must all be actively involved in envisioning the future that we want. Ron Robinson, Mike Geisler, Laura Sacks Nelson-West Kootenay Chapter Citizens’ Climate Lobby (

New initiative has plans to boost the Kootenay economy Kootenay Workforce Developement Submitted An initiative to enhance the regional workforce and strengthen the economy in the Columbia Basin-Boundary has been launched. The Kootenay Workforce Development (KWD) is a two-year project that builds on the recommendations of the Kootenay Regional Skills Training Plan that came out of stakeholder roundtables conducted between 2011 and 2013. Funded by Columbia Basin Trust, the KWD looks to operationalize the thorough work done by the plan that was published in May, 2013. “The strategy laid out in the Kootenay Regional Skills Training Plan is important to the future of our region,” says Frank Marino, the chairperson of the KWD steering committee. “The committee has the benefit of drawing from the input of a broad cross section of

stakeholders from the area which will now guide the work that will benefit our local economy.” In line with the provincial government’s BC’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint, over the coming months the KWD will be putting some of the recommendations of the Kootenay Regional Skills Training Plan into action. The goal is to provide proper training programs for the workforce and bolstered support for different sectors that will help grow the regional economy in a more cohesive manner. Through events, pilot projects, inventory development, research and collaboration with stakeholders, the KWD will move forward with identified needs. The KWD initiative encompasses the East Kootenay, West Kootenay and Boundary region of the province. Led by Selkirk College in collaboration with College of the Rockies, the KWD will be headed by two coordinators and directed by the steering committee comprised

of representation from throughout the region including school districts, Columbia Basin Trust, businesses, industries, sectors, government and community. The recently formed steering committee has identified a number of objectives in the plan’s key goals that will form the focus of activity over the next year. The goals include enhancing and building regional industry/education/community collaboration, promoting training related to small and medium sized enterprises, helping lower-skilled people upgrade and upskill, and continue to ensure that local training is aligned to workforce needs. “The work to date has provided an important direction for what is to come,” says Carol Currie, KWD Coordinator. “With guidance from the steering committee, we will now be able to spend the next two years providing leadership and support for projects that will have an impact in our communities.”

Interview Tips. Just one of the reasons to like on Facebook. /localwork-bc


The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19 , 2015 A8

The Dakin garden among those to be featured in annual tour Joel Tansey Jean and Gord Dakin moved into town from Parson because they wanted to downsize, as many couples do as they pass retirement age, when maintaining a large expansive property becomes too much work. However, the Dakins haven’t exactly put their feet up now that they live in Golden. Quite the

opposite. Not only do they maintain a sizeable garden on their own property, they also maintain the gardens of three of their neighbours who don’t have time to garden themselves. One of those gardens belongs to Sigi Liebmann, a local who allowed the Dakins to garden an area in the backyard of a house that he owns. The couple needed some extra space for their

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potatoes. “We were wandering up and down the alley because we’ve got a garden on the other side…we got in contact with him and ended up with a patch of garden,” Gord said. “He brought manure, he brought soil in,” Jean added. The Dakins used Liebmann’s garden as a teaching tool, inviting a class from Lady Grey Elementary to help them plant potatoes and other vegetables each spring. The program has been a hit with the students, and one young girl has continued to help Jean once a week throughout the summer. “When they first started and brought them down here… none of them wanted to get their hands dirty. By the end of the session they were up to their elbows,” Gord recalled. Jean also got her start in the garden from a young age while growing up in


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Jean and Gord Dakin keep busy all summer working in their own garden (pictured) and those of a few neighbours who don’t have time to garden themselves. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Parson. “My father was a farmer. We were very self-sufficient,” she explained. “One of my first memories is saving seed…he’d spread it out on the table and we’d have to pick out the big ones.” The concept of seed-saving has stuck with Jean ever since. This year she planted peas from seeds that are now 50 years old. The couple saves seeds by freezing them in envelopes, rather than plastic, in order to keep the

seeds free of moisture. The Dakins have also been longtime members of Seeds of Diversity, an organization that specializes in heritage plants, for over 30 years. They used to list some of their own seeds for use for other members, but have stopped doing that in recent years because it requires a lot of work. Their gardens yield much more food than the two could ever eat themselves. A lot

of the extra produce gets donated, to both the food bank and to older members of the community who might remember what a freshly picked tomato tastes like, but no longer have the means or the ability to garden themselves. The Dakin gardens will once again feature in Golden’s third annual Edible Garden Tour, an event that the couple found to be very productive in the past. It offers an opportunity for curious beginners to

pick the brains of veteran gardeners like the Dakins, but it also gives experienced gardeners a chance to trade ideas with each other about gardening in Golden. The tour, which will include 12 home gardens from around the community, is set to take place on Aug. 22 and will begin at 10 a.m. Tour packages can be picked up at the Golden Museum for $10. For more information, call Joyce deBoer at 250344-6741.

Golden first to host festival outside Continued from page 5 The cost to get into the film festival will be $15, or $20 to also get a lifetime membership to Wildsight. “We’re hoping that people will pay the extra five dollars, get on our email newsletter list, and get excited about some of the things Wildsight is doing,” said Overduin. The festival, which features two hours worth of film, will start at 8 p.m. on Sept. 12 at the ball diamonds. There will also be snacks and refreshments for sale. “Bring a lawn chair and a blanket, and come out and enjoy

Stand, a film about the B.C. coastline, will be featured at Wildsight’s film festival. Photo Submitted some great films,” said Overduin. In the event of rain, the

festival will be moved to the Mount 7 Rec Plex.

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A9

Final Kicks at Spirit Square

The Matinee will be performing at the Rockwater on Saturday as part of the Golden Sound Festival. Photo Submitted

Matinee performing at Fest Golden Star Staff It’s been an insane year for the Vancouver-based band, The Matinée, with four major Canadian tours, a few residencies in and around Toronto and the odd sojourn into the States under its belt to promote their breakthrough 2013 release, We Swore We’d See the Sunrise. And they’ll be rounding out the summer season with a performance at the Golden Sound Festival this weekend. Eighteen months since Light Organ Records released their debut fulllength album, thanks in some part to the band’s punishing work ethic, you’d be hard-pressed to walk into a bar without hearing the CBC and MuchMusicminted hits “Young and Lazy” or “The Road” pumping from the radio.

But progress never stops. Returning exhausted to Vancouver at the end of the winter, vocalist Matt Layzell, drummer Pete Lemon, and guitarists Matt Rose and Geoff Petrie decided to power onward – approaching their old collaborator Steve Bays (Hot Hot Heat) with a batch of new songs and half-cooked dreams of the next album. Bays turned around and said, “No dice—we’re starting from scratch.” Appropriately enough, “Call of the Wild” is the first public blast from those wild sessions. It’s urgent, raucous, quirky, and manages to stuff about four different hooks into three-and-ahalf minutes. The Matinée will be playing from midnight to 1 a.m. on Saturday night at the Golden Taps. For ticket information go to www.goldensoundfestival. com.

Krista and the Krybabies played the in between act for Gary Fjellgaard during the final Summer Kicks show of 2015 on Aug. 12. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

The Net Result: Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx shine in Collateral

Tom Cruise is at his best in Michael Mann’s Collateral, a dark thriller that delivers on its promise. Dreamworks Joel Tansey Another summer week with precious little to choose from as far as new Netflix content goes, so we're taking another

look back, this time to 2004 and the action/thriller Collateral. The film, directed by Michael Mann, centres around Max (Jamie Foxx) a chatty L.A. cab driver who is

unknowingly about to have a nightmarish night behind the wheel. His trouble starts when he picks up Vincent (Tom Cruise), a slick fast-talker who pays Max a handsome

sum to drive him around for the night. It's an offer that Max accepts after some gentle coaxing from his passenger. It's certainly one that he should have declined. Vincent turns out to be a cold-blooded assassin and he needs Max to drive him around the city so that he can complete his latest job, the murder of several witnesses and a prosecutor in an upcoming trial. Max discovers Vincent's line of work at their first stop when a body lands on the roof of his cab and continues to drive Vincent around under considerable duress. Collateral features a pair of incredible acting performances from its two leads, Foxx and Cruise.

Foxx plays the role of the frightened everyday cab driver perfectly, showing his full range as an actor. Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but given the right role, the man can act, and this is him at his best. He'd have stolen the show if he was cast opposite a lesser actor. It's also shot beautifully. Taking place exclusively at night, Collateral's dark mood is reflected in its setting as we are chauffeured around the streets of L.A. and get a first hand look at the criminal underworld of one of North America's largest cities. The editing and sound also deserve credit for elevating the movie to the next level. There's also some fascinating symbolism during a seem-

ingly random scene, but I'll leave that for the viewer to discover on their own. Collateral offers

everything you'd expect out of a thriller, and is worth 9 mouse clicks out of 10.

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Is the event over? Call us! A10

Call or email and let us know what we can put in and take out Have an upcoming event? Call us! of our Community Calendar. Is the event over? Call us! Call or email and let us know 250-344-5251 what we can put in and take out THE of our Community Calendar.

Golden THE 250-344-5251

Golden Golden THE

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: Terminator Genisys Showing Aug. 21 to Aug. 24. Shows are at 7pm daily. Magic Mike XXL Showing Aug. 25 to 27. Shows are at 7pm daily.

This Week

Art Gallery of Golden presents: Lyn Baldwin, Finding Place: Exploring Home through Field Journal Art. At the AGOG from June 19-Sept. 9. Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool from 1-4pm Monday to Friday, 3-8pm Sat/Sun, and 7:30-9pm Mon/Wed.

Wed, Aug. 19

Let our visitors know what you have to offer! Call Andrea to set up a personalized advertising campagn to fit your budget. 250-344-5251 •

Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:158:15pm (adults). Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Golden Farmers’ Market, Wednesday market From noon-5 in the CP Parking lot.

Thurs, Aug. 20 In partnership with

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Visit to Learn More Visit to Learn More

Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at

Visit to Learn More

8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday 3:45-5:30pm. Cribbage at the Golden Seniors Centre every Thursday from 1-3pm. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 3448392 to register.

Fri, Aug. 21 Youth Swim every Friday from 4-5:30pm at the Golden Swimming Pool A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250344-8392. Golden Sound Festival Aug.21 & 22 various downtown Golden locations. Stargazing at 7700 Feet Astronomer Doug Thorp will host an interpretive tour under the twinkling canvas of the night sky at the top of the gondola at KHMR on Aug. 21 at 9:15pm.

Sat, Aug. 22

A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Saturday Lego . Club at

• For more information... go to

the Library from 11am12pm for all school aged children. Golden Farmers’ Market Saturday market from 10am-3pm in Spirit Square. Golden Sound Festival Aug.21 & 22 various downtown Golden locations. Toonie Bike Race at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Bike Park. Aug. 22. $2 per event day.

Sun, Aug. 23 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment.

Mon, Aug. 24

Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play & Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. N.A Meetings Mon. in the Library basement. 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Crafts at the Seniors Centre every Monday from 1--3pm. Art classes at the Golden Seniors Centre every Monday from 10am-3pm. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:158:15pm (adults). Al-Anon Group meets Mondays at the Women’s Centre from 6-7pm. 3446492 for more info.

Tues, Aug. 25 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S. Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm.

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Grab a Granny and Go, Tuesdays at 3:30pm at Durand Manor. T.O.P.S (take off pounds sensibly) Family Centre, Tue., 6-7pm. 344-7228, 344-6492 for more details. English Language Classes, free! Tue. & Thur. 10am-12pm. 344-8392 to register. Area “A” Local Advisory Committee Meeting At the Golden Eco Ranch from 6 to 8pm on Aug. 25

Upcoming Events

Farmers’ Market at KHMR On Sept. 6 from 10am4pm. 9th Annual Golden Stompdown on Sept. 12. International Wild & Scenic Film Festival Wildsight is hosting an outdoor film festival on Sept. 12 featuring outdoor adventure and environmental films. Golden Museum Fall Faire On Sept. 13 in front of the Golden Museum. Events include wife carry and lawn tractor racing. Golden Ultra A three-day Get the running word out! mountain stage race from Sept. 18-20. 2015 BikeFest Sept. 25-27. Weekend events include a movie premier, Top to Town Enduro, Townie Tour, Kids Poker Ride, and Cedar Lake Barbecue. Do you have a community event coming up? Let us know and we’ll put it in our Community Events Calendar. 250-344-5251.

Visit to Learn More

This week's achievement award goes to...

Carter Thorne for winning silver in his swimming event at regionals.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A11

Keeper of the prisoners in Golden Gaol recorded a diary in 1900

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

There are so many wonderful documents, photos, diaries and daily journals at the museum that I would like to share with everybody. Unfortunately that isn’t possible, nor in some cases is it practical. Most of these valuable pieces of history are hand written and some are very hard to decipher, making reading them very difficult. And of course there are the rules to follow regarding privacy as well as the political correctness of the documents. What I am most interested in doing is reminding you that the museum is a won-

derful place to come; either to research some of Golden’s past or just to spend an afternoon walking in the past. I think you’d be surprised at how much fun you could have. I would like this week to share with you some of the daily notes recorded by he keeper of the prisoners in Golden Gaol (old English spelling of jail). We do have the prisoner’s effects, books, and gaol books from the Donald Gaol, starting in 1895 but while they have great bits of information, the fellow recording information in the gaol book seemed more interested in recording the daily weather conditions, than he was in reporting what was happening around town. Not that the weather record is a bad thing especially considering the many times I was asked over the holidays about the last “brown” Christmas, but that’s

for another column with a great deal more research. Please keep in mind that these are exact quotes, so if something isn’t politically correct, it’s because it happened more then 100 years ago. It’s really the year in the life of the Sheriff. From the Gaol Diary, 1900 January 1st I received check for $50.00 for salary. 2nd, held two prisoners until January 6.9th, one prisoner brought in drunk and I needed assistance. 10th prisoner fined 200 dollars. 20th, one prisoner is doing odd jobs around jail. February 7th, head man for C.P.R. was ran over by car and killed. Went to find and investigate witnesses to accident. 9th, Dr. Taylor was called to attend to sick prisoner. 12th, Dr. Taylor called in again March 6th, posted vaccines for smallpox. 14th, arrested William Lawson for

D&D. 15th. William Lawson discharged and sentenced is suspended. 31st J. Robinson arrested in Kootenay House for disorderly conduct and drunkenness. It took twenty minutes to cuff him as he put up a big fight. April 2nd. J. Robinson is fined 10 dollars or 14 days in jail. 15th, man Clinty arrested for bad language and being drunk. Clinty escapes. Arrested John Bouchard, drunk. Arrested J. Robinson only for assault. 16th, Magistrate release John Bouchard only with a caution at Revelstoke for one week. May 14th, go to building owned by Tam Sing to inspect it. Give him 24 hours to clean it up. 15th, J.H. Robinson convicted of having stolen watch in his pocket. W. Bainbei arrested in streets of Golden ran while I was trying to arrest him. 16th, W. Bainbei fined 100 dollars. 26th, arrested John Hancock for D&D.

Golden looked very different in 1894, during the time when the Donald Gaol was in use. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum

27th, John Hancock fined 5 dollars. June 2nd, Bundett arrested for drunkenness, Richard Maine arrested for being drunk, released until court. 25th, arrested William Brunkman for exposing his person (making water) just opposite Mr. Hamilton’s house at railings or bridge at Golden. 26th, William Brunkman fined $1.00 and $4.00 costs. Continued on page 12

Answers to your health and wellness questions

- Dr. Erika Buckley-Strobel Ask Dr. Erika

Q – I love my black tea, but I’ve heard that green tea is healthier for you. Is this true as I thought both are from the same plant? A – It is true that both black tea and green tea are from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, and the same part of the plant is used for both (the upper buds and their top two adjacent leaves). But although they are from the same plant, it is how the plant is processed that makes black and green tea different in taste and health properties.

The process to create green tea preserves the antioxidants, or polyphenols, that are known to make green tea so good for you. This is why green tea has a greener colour and fresher flavour. Unfortunately, the process to dry black tea destroys these same antioxidants. If you’re curious, oolong tea is halfway between green and black, being a partially oxidized tea. There have been many studies about the health benefits of green tea. Most of these benefits have been linked to green tea’s polyphenol content. The benefit that many people find exciting is the link between the consumption of green tea and the decrease in cancer rates (specifically cancers of the gastrointestinal tract). A study from Shanghai, China, showed a strong

inverse association between green tea consumption and various cancers. That is, the group that drank the most green tea had the lowest cancer risk. There are other health benefits that have been shown with green tea consumption. Important cardiovascular health benefits include increased HDL (or “good”) cholesterol, decreased LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol and decreased blood pressure. People with high blood sugar can benefit from specific polyphenols in green tea that slow the breakdown of starches to sugars, thereby slowing blood sugar increases after meals. Green tea can even prevent dental cavities by blocking bacteria’s ability to stick to teeth. This isn’t to say that green tea consumption has no side effects or toxicity. As with any

caffeine-containing beverage, excessive amounts can cause nervousness, anxiety, insomnia and other stimulant effects. But substituting some or all of your favourite caffeinated beverages for green tea can be a great health prevention strategy for anyone to try. Do you have any health questions for Dr. Erika? Email them to the editor (editor@ and watch for an answer in an upcoming column. Disclaimer: The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your

healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Driver/Equipment Operator Wanted Local company in Golden, B.C. is looking to fill opening for a Driver/Equipment Operator. Must have some experience and a minimum class 3 driver’s license (class 1 is preferred) with air brake endorsement as well as some experience on a wheel loader. Good wages and benefits available, please email resume to

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You’re Invited: Come Talk With the Board Please drop by and meet the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) Board members and Program Manager. Learn more about FWCP’s work across the Columbia Region. When: Where:

August 27, 2015, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. The Sutton Place Hotel, Revelstoke Mountain Resort

For more information, email, or call 250 365 4591 The Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations, and Public Stakeholders, to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife impacted by BC Hydro dams.


Golden Church Services Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Tuesday - 7pm •Wednesday - 9am Thursday - 9am • Friday - 9am Saturday - 7pm • Sunday - 10am Father Cecil 808 - 11th Street • 250-344-6328 Golden Baptist Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Richard Campeau 1343 Pine Drive • 250-344-7676 Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Jim Dorst 717-10th Street S • 250-344-2459 Rocky Mountain Alliance Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tom Fehr 712 - 10th Street • 250-344-2456 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday - 10:30am Pastor Tim Schneider 909 - 9th Street • 250-344-2935 Golden Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Frank Johnson 917 - 11th Street St. Andrew's United Church Reverend Michele Rowe Sunday - 10:30am 901 - 11th Street • 250-344-6117 St. Paul’s Anglican Church 913 - 9th Street S • 250-344-6113 Columbia Valley Bible fellowship Sunday - 11:00am Ralph Kirchhofer Parson Community Hall • 250-348-2059 Golden Sikh Cultural Society Sunday - 11am Upstairs at the Sikh Temple cover heads • no shoes Lunch After Prayer by Donation

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Star

Faith Column: Respect and honour Mary Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Submitted Why do we honour and respect Mary? Mary is human, not God. So our honour and respect for her is or should not be equal to God. But she should be given honour and respect because she has a special task and role in salvation history. She offered and dedicated her life in her mission to be the mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. The Bible gives us testimonies of what and how Mary’s role in the salvation history came to be. In Luke 1:42, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, when she was visited by Mary to help Elizabeth who was six months pregnant, and Elizabeth said to Mary, “Most blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” We know that the fruit that Elizabeth is talking about is Jesus Christ in the womb of Mary. So that at this point Mary and Jesus are inseparable because Jesus, who is the second person of the Blessed Trinity, became human through Mary. This happened when Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel who announced to her that she was chosen to be the mother of our saviour Jesus Christ [Luke 1:28]. With all the questions asked by Mary to the angel Gabriel answered and maybe not satisfactorily, but relying on her

trust and obedience to God she accepted her role. She said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word.” [Luke 1:38] With this answer of Mary Jesus was conceived and born and we are redeemed. So this makes sense if we honour and respect Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour we should honour and respect Mary as his mother. She carried Jesus nine months in her womb; she cared for him as a child until Jesus started his public ministry. On one occasion before Jesus’ public ministry began, when they were at the wedding at Cana, Mary asked her son Jesus for help. That was Jesus’ first miracle, the changing of the water into wine. [John 2:1-11] On another occasion when Jesus was busy preaching and teaching, his disciples told him that his mother and relatives were looking for him. Jesus answered, “My mother and my brother are those who hear the word of God and act on it.” [Luke 8:21] With these words Jesus gives honour to his mother as an outstanding example of hearing the word of God and keeping it. Even while the Apostles were waiting for the Holy Spirit, Mary was with them, praying. [Acts 1:14] So, just as Jesus was born in Bethlehem through Mary, so the church, through the Apostles, was born with Mary present. So with facts Mary must have a place in our hearts and we should honour and respect her.

Brawl over arrest wounds officer in charge Continued from page 11 July 4th, Mr. Bubar was drowned by falling off a boom of logs working for Columbia River Lumber Mills. Later the same day his body was found, stripped of all his clothes, even his shoes. August 6th, Manual Dainard acts as Deputy now.

September 17th, arrested John Bryant for D&D at Brisco. 18th, J. Bryant fined 5 dollars. November 1st-14th, in Revelstoke, 14th-19th in Nelson. December 11th checked J. McGovern and found he has stolen gloves and a coat from the Kootenay house. 22nd, arrested


A. Anderson for D&D, he threatened to kill me, there was a big brawl and I was badly hurt. 23rd to 31st, Sheriff Redgrave still on duty although he was in a great deal of pain.” Hope this peeks your interest enough to make a visit to the museum and spend an afternoon immersed in the past.

AuguSt 19 to 25

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Focus on your finances in the coming week, Aries. This is not just something that should last this week, but for the rest of the month to get your affairs in order.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Courage will be your secret weapon this week, Libra. When everyone else is backing out of a difficult situation, you will rise to the challenge and show your mettle.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you have the opportunity to see yourself more clearly this week. This may help you focus your goals precisely and change your life for the better.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, even if you want to pursue personal interests this week, you may not be able to get any time alone. You may need to put aside these tasks and handle what’s in front of you.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, take some time to review any aspirations you may have pushed aside, especially those pertaining to love. Open your heart instead of turning off feelings.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Use this week to rededicate yourself to diet and exercise, Sagittarius. Don’t be distracted from your fitness goals, and you will begin to feel better immediately.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Surround yourself with friends and loved ones, Cancer. You enjoy spending time with those you love, and time spent that way will make you happier.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, enjoy this carefree time when you have little on your plate. Such times may be few and far between, but making the most of them can ensure your happiness.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, step aside and let someone else shine in the coming days. You enjoy the spotlight, but this person can use a little positive energy coming his or her way.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Celebrate your personal successes this week, Aquarius. You deserve any fanfare that you can get. Escape from your responsibilities and share the moment with loved ones.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, it is easy to find yourself pulled in different directions. You want to please everyone at the same time, but that’s not always possible. Choose one project.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Minimize any chaos in your life by trying to get into a schedule. Sticking with a routine will make it easier to juggle your responsibilities.


www.the CLUES ACROSS 1. Actor Damon 5. Resort 8. Low continuous tones 11. Cape Verde capital 13. Abbreviation for clean 14. Shoe retailer 15. Dashery 16. Head covering 17. Canadian flyers 18. A plant fiber used for making rope 20. Prime Minister __ Hirobumi 21. Hani 22. Nonexistences 25. Mexican victory holiday 30. Avowed 31. Ref 32. 2013 Philip. volcano eruption 33. Beard lichen genus 38. Tennis player organization 41. More saline 43. New York City 45. A ship’s cheapest fare 47. A winglike part 49. At the stern

50. Oral polio vaccine 55. Tatouhou 56. In addition 57. Baltic flat-bottomed boat (alt. sp.) 59. Search for 60. Gray sea eagle 61. Music timings 62. Make a mistake 63. Root mean square (abbr.) 64. Sleeveless Arab garments CLUES DOWN 1. Speedometer rate 2. Turkish/Iranian river 3. Japanese socks 4. Drawstrings 5. Formal separation over doctrine 6. Tableland 7. Word with opposite meaning 8. Cabs 9. 45th state 10. Matakam 12. Macaws 14. Scottish hillside 19. Load for shipment 23. Sleeping place

24. Linking verb 25. Br. University punting river 26. Marsh elder 27. Horse noise Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 28. Contract research organization (abbr.) 29. Excessively ornamented 34. Engine additive 35. Small bite 36. Snakelike fish LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS 37. They __ 39. Performance arena 40. Enact before an audience 41. Special interest group 42. Grows old 44. Conductor’s implements 45. A heavy cavalry sword 46. Tropical ship’s wood 47. A domed or vaulted recess 48. Lascivious look 51. Mentally quick and resourceful 52. La __ Tar Pits, Hollywood 53. Unstressed-stressed 54. Celery cabbage 58. Wrong prefix

250 344-5251

Golden Star Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A13 A13

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Edward James (Ted) Lonsdale July 24, 1946 July 15, 2015

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your workat-home career today!

Education/Trade Schools


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HOUSE PARENTS for children’s residence. Looking to contract a couple to support children in a live-in home setting. Go to - careers for more information.

Ted’s family is saddened to announce his passing at the age of 68 at St Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver. He touched the lives of many and his memories are held in the hearts of family and friends. By request, there will be no service.

Ken Burns We are sad to announce the sudden passing of Ken Burns on Aug 11, 2015 in his home in Nicholson. Details to follow at a later date.

Information CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canada New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.


Employment Business Opportunities HIP OR knee replacement? Arthritic Conditions/COPD? Restrictions in Walking/Dressing? Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Tax Credit $20,000 Refund. Apply Today For Assistance: 1-844-453-5372.

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Career Opportunities MARINE ENGINEERING and Deck Officers required for civilian positions with the Department of National Defence Canadian Forces Auxiliary Fleet in Victoria and Nanoose Bay BC. Online applications only through the Government of Canada website Applicants must meet all essential qualifications. Engineer Reference# DND15J-009781000048, Selection Process# 15-DND-EA-ESQ-394701, Link https://emploisfp-psjobs. applicant/page1800?poster= 820743. Deck Officer Reference# DND15J-013566000006, Selection Process# 15-DND-EA-ESQ-394258, Link https://emploisfp-psjobs.cfp page1800?poster=817589&to ggleLan guage=en. Possibilités d’emploi Mécaniciens de marine et officiers de pont requis pour des postes civils à la flotte auxiliaire des Forces canadiennes du ministère de la Défense nationale à Victoria et à Nanoose Bay en Colombie-Britannique. Postuler en ligne seulement par le site du gouvernement du Canada. Les candidats doivent posséder toutes les qualifications essentielles. Mécanicien

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START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765


UCLUELET HARBOUR SEAFOODS is currently seeking FISH CUTTERS Wage: $16.00 to $18.00 hourly based on piecework earnings, 8-10 hours up to 12 if is needed, 30 -60 hours per week. Important information: Shifts of work: We require flexibility on schedule as hours of work can be: from 5:00 am to 1:00pm or 2:00pm, sometimes working until 4pm or 5:00pm is required during summer time when production is heavy and overtime is available

Apply by e-mail to: uhsjobs@ or call at Ph: 250-726-7768 x234


Patricia Alma Joan “Pat” Franson Patricia Alma Joan “Pat” Franson passed away suddenly at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital, Cranbrook, BC on Thursday evening, August 6, 2015 at the age of 83 years. Pat was born to Alec and Alma Piggot in Calgary on March 28, 1932. They brought her home to the Golden area, where she lived most of her life. Pat and Len owned and operated the Royalite Service Station, Gulf Bulk Plant, the Nicholson Store and the Golden Dairy Queen. Besides enjoying her work, Pat’s other passions other than her family included knitting, camping, baking, gardening, reading, watching baseball, curling and hockey. Pat was predeceased by her husband, Len (2011) her infant son, Douglas(1954) and brother Grant (1960). She will be lovingly remembered by her four children, Gordon of Calgary, Sharon Wood of Golden, Terry (Frances) of Golden and Tami (Derek) Colonna of Golden; eleven grandchildren, Stephanie, Jared, Kyle, Andrew, Raelene, Brandon, Kristen, Ashley, Chase, Alysha and Robynn; and seven great grandchildren, Cole, Sophie, Quade, Liem, Blake, Rowan and Arwen. Pat’s cremated remains were interred in the family plot in the Golden Community Cemetery. A celebration of her life followed at the Golden Seniors’ Centre on Saturday, August 15th. If so desired, contributions in memory of Pat may be made to the Golden and District Hospital Ventilator Fund.

Vera Annice Volard It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Vera Annice Volard on August 8, 2015. Mom lived a full life with many adventures. Born in Yorkshire, England April 20, 1926 to parents Annice Bassinder and Langryk Millner. She had a large family including 5 siblings, Bill, Doug, Brian, Len and Betty. In May of 1944 she joined the British Military, and was discharged in May 1946. While in service she had met her first husband a Canadian soldier Kenneth Dustin. They married February 1946. She joined Kenneth and his parents Wallace and Beatrice Dustin, in Canada to settle in Fort Frances Ontario where they raised 4 children, Bill, Karen, Brian and Susan. During her time in Ontario she and other War Brides formed a branch of the Overseas Wives Club, she then joined the Legion in 1963. In 1964 they picked up and moved to BC where she continued to be involved in the Legion branch in Golden. After the passing of Kenneth in 1982, she continued to be a proud member of the Legion. During a Legion convention in Kimberly she met her second husband Maurice Volard. They were married for many years until his passing March 2009. She was predeceased by 3 brothers Bill, Brian and Doug. She is survived by her sister Betty (Arthur) Kinman of South Africa, brother Len (Pat) Austwick of England and their families. She is remembered by her children Bill (Cecilia) Dustin of Saskatoon, Sask. Karen (Ed) DeGagne of Golden, BC, Brian Dustin of Surrey, BC and Susan Johnston of The Pas, Man. as well as numerous grandchildren, and great grandchildren. There will no funeral but a Tea will be held at a later date, which will be announced in the local Newspaper and on social media. Online condolences can be sent through Vera’s obituary at Arrangements were in the care of Hindman/Bowers Funeral Home, Golden.

Online condolences may be sent through Pat’s obituary at

Local Job Postings. Just one of the reasons to follow on Twitter.



A14 A14

Wednesday, August 2015 Wednesday, August 19, 19, 2015 The Golden Golden Star Star




Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate



Home Care/Support

Alternative Health

Financial Services


Acreage for Sale

Duplex / 4 Plex

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Frost free fridge in very good condition $60. Call 250-2900056.

Spectacular Views on 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.

3 bdr upstairs 1/2 Duplex. Clean, in town. W/D, sundeck, dishwasher & garage. Avail Immd. $1100, util incl. Refs. No pets. 250-344-5398.

Cars - Sports & Imports

RN, LPN and HCA position in Prince George, Kelowna, Fort St. John, Terrace. On-call, casual position with full-time hours currently avail. in Pr. George for HCAs. Send resume to, F: 250-717-7538.

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services Days Inn Golden is hiring: Looking for servers, bartenders, dishwasher and restaurant supervisor.Experience an asset. Apply via email to or in person 1416 Golden View Rd, Golden BC

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Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™ Help Wanted

Golden Optometric Clinic is looking for a Part Time Receptionist / Optometric Assistant. Must have: • Excellent computer skills • Excellent people skills • Be multi-task oriented • High school graduate • Must be personable, dependable & get along well with others Preferred: • Experience in a Health Care Clinic • 2ptometric $ssistant Certi¿cate Duties: • Answering phones and booking appointments • Greeting and checking in patients • Small spectacle repairs

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Wanted Firewood Looking for firewood, preferably delivered. pls call 403308-4268

The link to your community

Heavy Duty Machinery A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200DMG. Huge freezers. Experienced wood carvers needed, full time. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866-528-7108 or 1778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB

Misc Services

Misc. for Sale



GARDEN Shed/Workshop 10x12 Wood garden shed. Wired/insulated. New roof. $1200. Leave Message at 250-421-1747.


Hunters Compound bow and long bow for sale at half price by 80 yr old semi retired hunter. Some arrows and arm guard incld. Call 250-3446035. Ask for Ulrich

Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Parks


Move your NEW or Newer Mobile Home onto our lot and we will pay up to


For Sale By Owner House For Sale Newly renovated split level house for sale on 505, 5th St in Golden. 4 bdrms, 2 bath, sunken family room $365,000 Phone 250-344-2074 or 250272-0530

Houses For Sale DON’T OVERPAY! Website: “Your Smart Housing Solution” Canada’s largest provider of manufactured housing. Text or call (844-334-2960). In stock 16’/20’/22’ Homes on sale now!

Rentals Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.

Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Cottages / Cabins

Call Karen Cotton at 250-344-6935 Kicking Horse Village MHP Employment Agencies/Resumes



Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.

Employment Agencies/Resumes

Cabin for Rent Cozy, quiet 2 bdrm cabin. 10 mins west of town. Partially furnished. No pets, N/S. $650/mo., Sat TV and internet incl. Util. extra. Call 250-344-7008.

Employment Agencies/Resumes

Advertising Sales

The Golden Star has an opening for an advertising sales person for our weekly publication. If you’re looking for an opportunity to explore life in a growing mountain community while gaining experience in a career in sales, this is the position for you. We are looking for a team player who isn’t afraid to take initiative. You will be organized, self-motivated, outgoing, and work well with the public. This position is perfectly suited for someone who loves to work in a fast-paced environment, and can work well both independently and as part of the team. We prefer an experienced hand, but are willing to train the right candidate. Preference will be given to candidates with recent and relevant experience. Resumes with cover letter and references should be forwarded to: Michele LaPointe, Publisher The Golden Star Box 149, 413A 9th Ave. N. Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 e-mail:


Get Paid to Learn

Need to build your skills in a new area? Earn while you learn through a paid work placement! Call us today to find out more.

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w w w . e k e m p l o ym e n t . o r g The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

Misc for Rent

FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

Mobile Homes & Pads Mobile Home Lots for rent. First 3 months free! Creek side available. Ph. 250-344-0751.

Homes for Rent 2 bedroom house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95 South. $950/month + utilities. No parties, mature reliable tenants preferred. References and damage deposit required. Call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No parties, mature reliable tenants preferred. $950/month + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Tel: 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr, 2 Bath house with electric heat. $1200/mth + utilities. Heated detached garage. References, NP, NS, long term, adults only. 250-344-6234

Office/Retail GREAT RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE IN PERFECT LOCATION!!! Retail space for rent between Kicking Horse Embroidery and the Golden Bakery Avail.Sept.1. 1800 sq ft. Call Darren 250-344-1065 or 250344-2928. Office/studio for rent: $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, hydro/heating/wi-fi/ parking/waste disposal incld, private washroom, no smoking, no pets, avail June1. Inquire: 250.344.2443 Konan / 250.348.2591 Vreni.

Rooms for Rent CLEAN fully furnished rooms available. All inclusive,mature adults only. Call 250-3442444.

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

Suites, Upper 2bdr. ground level suite.1109 13st. No pets. References. Avail now. Call Frank 250-3445691

Townhouses Black Press is Canada’s largest independent newspaper group with over 100 community, daily and urban papers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Hawaii, and Ohio.

Until there's a cure, there's us.

3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500+ sqft townhouse with balcony. Propane fireplace & dishwasher. No pets; no parties. Long term preferred. Good references & security deposits required $1595 per month + utls. 250-344-6710.

1994 Corvette Coupe. Great shape. $9900. Leave Message at 250-421-1747

Utility Trailers FOR utility trailer Leave 1747

Sale 4x8 Snow Bear trailer. Spare tire and jack included. $350. message at 250-421-

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A15

Golden Business Directory FENCES RENOVATIONS


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Did you know that Stars & Stingers and Letters to the Editor are free?! If there’s something on your mind feel free to call, email, mail, or pop by the office with your thoughts.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 The Golden Star

$445,000 1361 Pine Drive

4 bedrooms

3 baths


$570,000 1429 Granite Drive

5 bedrooms

4 baths


$328,300 517 - 12th Street

4 bedrooms

2 baths


2 baths

1,270 sqft

Rural Propery with 2 Homes

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$669,000 509 Main Street

Land & Building Fully Rented

$229,900 820 - 11th Avenue 1 acre


$174,900 1 bath

$410,000 1515 Cedar Street

5 bedrooms

3.5 baths


2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres

6 bedrooms

3.5 baths

2.5 baths



707-9th Street

3 bedrooms


1 bath

$2,300,000 1000 Kicking Horse Drive 8.7 acres

3,704 sqft

5bdrms 2.5 baths 2,544sqft .98 acre

164 Acres

5 bedrooms

2 baths

20 acres

RURAL ACREAGES Cromac Ridge............................................... 4 acreages available ............. from $210,000 to $260,000 Pcl A, 3067 Wiseman Road........................... 70 acres....................................................................$210,000 1359 Black Bear Drive.................................. 2.4 acres...................................................................$135,000 Lot 1 Blaeberry Road................................... 4.94 acres.........................................................$179,900 2000 Highway #95 South............................ 4.22 acres..................................................................$136,300 1717 Oberg Johnson Road.......................... 2.13 acres........................................................$145,000 Lot 2, Campbell Road................................... 2.5 acres...................................................................$120,000 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South.................. 5.8 acres...................................................................$189,000 Lot 3, Forde Station Road..................................... 3.16 acres.................................................................$89,900 Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South................... 2.72 acres................................................................ $129,000

3 baths

1 bath

3 bedrooms


2 baths


$294,900 2 bedrooms

2 baths


$189,000 #201, 521 - 8th Avenue

2 bedrooms

1 bath

813 sqft

$565,000 2328 Holmes Deakin Road

5 bdrms

2 baths

3,032 sqft

60 acres

$925,000 1669 Dogtooth Close

3 bedrooms

2 1/2 baths


$474,300 901 - 7th Street

Land and Building


$725,000 319 Fisher Road

735 Kinsey Road

7.27 acres

Land & Building




$249,900 705 - 11th Street

3 bedrooms


#14, 415 - 5th Avenue


1114 - 10th Street

$1,599,000 320 Fisher Road

3 bedrooms

$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue



$175,000 524 - 11th Street



2 baths


3377 Highway #95, South 2bdrms 1 bath 952sqft 2.41 acres

3 bedrooms

3 bedrooms



4bdrms 1 bath 2,680sqft 77.8 acres


DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435


$949,000 1739 Oberg Johnson Road


4300 Beards Creek Road


504 - 9th Street

1,374 sqft


515 - 11th Street

1282 Horse Creek Road

$875,000 1638 Purcell Woods


2 baths

$399,900 1515 Fir Crescent

$469,000 2016 McMurdo Road

3 bedrooms

4 bedrooms

20 Acres

2 bedrooms

$330,000 910 - 12th Street

4260 Thomas Road

#204, 521 - 8th Avenue

40 Acres

$235,000 #412, 1420 Palliser Trail



$249,900 3071 Tegart Road


LS7, Thomas Road

$282,300 1124 - 8th Street

2 bedrooms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

1 bath



#5, 604 Almberg Road

2 bedrooms

4bdrms 3 baths 2,200sqft .55 acres


SOLD $299,900

$365,000 790 Nicholson Frontage Road

1 bath

4 bedroom

714 - 9th Street 2 baths


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