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August 19, 2015
Massive mural to ring in 20th
Firefighters take cover as retardant is dropped on a grass fire that sparked up on Beaver Lake Road last week. ...............................
Fish biologists have counted far fewer sockeye salmon making their way into the Okanagan Water Basin so far this year. The summer heat, coupled with drought conditions extending back to the winter of 2014-15 all play a role in the stress on the fish migration pattern. ...............................
Flyers ■ Proctor & Gamble ■ Rona ■ Safeway ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples
The next time you drive around the traffic circle near the Winfield Memorial Hall, it might be worth pulling in and checking out the latest, and largest, public art display in Lake Country history. The 20th anniversary mosaic mural project has been built and constructed along the south wall of the Memorial Hall to celebrate the district’s 20th anniversary. Artists Chris Malmkvist and Rose Braun are putting the finishing touches on the mosaic; a collaborative effort between the two local artists as well as hundreds of community members. The mural is made up of two distinct sides, one featuring signs from the community done by Braun while the other is a landscape portrait including a kayaker on Okanagan Lake, by Malmkvist. Residents painted 480 separate, smaller pieces to represent the landscape while 21 larger
LAKE COUNTRY public arts advisory commission chairperson Sharon McCoubrey (above left) discusses installation of the large mosaic before installers (at right) get busy putting up the panels. pieces were put together to form the side representing new and old signs from around Lake Country. Together they form a unique and collective art project the likes Lake Country has never seen and certainly the piece of art that has had the most public participation. “I think the final image will look great for a couple of reasons: It is a combination of two intriguing images, and secondly, because it is not literal and will require some thinking and discussion,” said Sharon McCoubrey, chairperson of the Lake Country public art advisory commission. “It’s the kind of im-
age that you will be able to look at many times and see details that you had not noticed before,” McCoubrey said. “The mural is an impressive addition to this large, bare wall, with great site lines from the traffic circle with its many approaches.” The 20th anniversary mural was a collaboration between the Lake Country Art Gallery, Lake Country ArtWalk and the Lake Country Public Art Commission. Braun travelled various roads around Lake Country and took notes on the many signs, some commercial, some handmade and some symbolic, and from them creating a larger image incor-
porating what she had seen. Many people took part in the public painting events to help bring the work to fruition. “There were many great painting sessions held in parks, or at the Art Gallery, or people took panels home, so many people were thrilled to paint a square and contribute to the overall image. We had absolutely no trouble getting enough people
to paint the panels,” said McCoubrey. “The sign montage might be an unusual image for many people, as it is not a typical landscape or traditional picture. It adds a unique contribution to the public art within Lake Country, and invites people to consider the many different types of artworks that make up a diverse collection of artworks.” The landscape of the kayaker by Malmkvist
was recreated by using 12 inch by 12 inch panels then assembling them. “We are so pleased to increase the public artworks in Lake Country by adding this mural, which is particularly special because it was painted by so many citizens. We look ahead to continue to develop the aesthetics of our community through public art and design features,” McCoubrey said. @KP_media1
Residents worried about soil removal at Ok Centre Road KEVIN PARNELL An Okanagan woman is concerned for the health of her elderly mother and other Lake
Country residents near the site of several gravel pit operations now that another application is before Lake Country council this week.
Maggie Getz, a registered nurse, says locals will be affected if Lake Country council gives the go ahead to another soil removal operation
near the corner of Glenmore Road and Okanagan Centre Road West. “There is a concern about people who al-
ready have breathing problems,” said Getz, who’s 90-year-old mother lives nearby. “It’s dusty already in the area. My mother planted a row of
cedars to help keep the dust down. There is also a lot of noise pollution and traffic is really bad on
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Council should think about residents’ health before it ‘saves a few bucks’ Gravel from A1
Glenmore Road.” Council met Tuesday night to discuss the application. Results of the
meeting were not available at press deadline. The owners of the 8.5 acre parcel of land received approval for the soil removal in 2008, al-
though there was no action because they couldn’t get the additional approval to access the property. Now they have that
approval off Okanagan Centre Road West. Family member Mike Large says it’s not a full scale gravel pit operation and the plan is to level
the land and prepare it for a future use which hasn’t been determined. “The property has been sitting for a long time and we have been
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looking into what we could do,” said Large, whose parents own the property. “We had tried to do a housing development there but that was voted down. This is just a temporary permit and the soil will just be used as needed.” The adjacent properties are already soil removal and processing sites with the Ministry of Highways operating a gravel pit as well as pits operated by Peter Bros. and OK. Builders. Large says if his family’s application receives approval to move ahead, residents won’t notice much change and any additional dust or traffic would only be temporary. “It’s basically just a mound there, so once that is depleted there won’t be any operation there and then we will have to see what Lake Country’s plans are,” said Large. District of Lake Country staff were recommending approval of the application, in part because it fits in with future plans to re-direct Okanagan Centre Road West. In his report to council, Lake Country planner Paul Wolanski admitted that “gravel pits have been contentious
issue…particularly due to the length of time an operation exists and the lack of reclamation.” Under the proposal the applicant would build a three-metre tall berm along Glenmore Road to shield residential areas. They would also have to put up a $30,000 bond to ensure dust control measures are in place as well as reclamation when the operation is complete. Wolanski said the operation fits well with Lake Country’s future plans for Okanagan Centre Road West. “The intent of the soil removal process is to sell gravel product as well as bring the area to roughly level K with Glenmore Road,” Wolanksi wrote in his report. m The district’s future l plans show the subject i property being intere sected by Okanagan t Centre and Glenmore i roads. e “Council can flatten c that out without having a gravel screening oper- s ating there,” Getz said. h “The health and safety of residents in the e area should come bem fore council saves a few r bucks on flattening an g area out.” t newsroom u i W B L w t
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A3
was called in to help Lake Country firefighters deal with a large grass fire on Beaver Lake Road Aug. 11. Here local crews standby as the wildfire service drops fire retardant on the blaze. The fire was brought under control and was being mopped up within a few hours of the breaking out late in the afternoon.
Winfield Community Church
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Concern for fish grows as drought intensifies KATHY MICHAELS Lawns turning brown may be one of the most lamented drought issues in suburbia, but as rivers and streams intrinsic to the ecological well-being of the region start to evaporate, other concerns come to the fore. Fish, in particular, are susceptible to this year’s hot and dry conditions. Over 500,000 sockeye salmon entered the mouth of the Columbia river in Portland, Oregon this year to make their annual journey up the Columbia, then into Okanogan River in Washington, entering B.C. through Osoyoos Lake. Around 300,000 were expected to survive the swim. Currently just 15,000 sockeye have made it across the border, and when the migration is complete no more than 45,000 are expected to arrive. Fishing has been banned along the mainstem of the Okanagan River between Okanagan Lake and Osoyoos Lake to protect the few surviving fish. The problem is what
Okanagan Nation Alliance biologists call a thermal heat barrier. ONA biologist Tessa Terbasket said in Washington, on Okanogan River, they’ve recorded water temperatures as high as 26 C to 28 C— warmer than body temperature. The norm for the river is below 21 C. “Salmon don’t like that (heat),” said Terbasket. “It pretty much halts their migration, and makes them more susceptible to disease.” Spikes in high temperatures aren’t abnormal, and fish have survived worse, but Richard Bussanich, a fellow ONA biologist, explained this year is unique because the low snowpack and early run off have magnified conditions all along the migratory path. “The whole landscape from here down to Bonneville lock and dam, near the mouth of the Columbia has changed, so these fish are having to migrate under higher than normal temperatures all the way along,” he said. The devastation to the salmon population,as
well as sturgeon and chinook in other areas, is now clear, but the question is what will happen in the years to come. Bussanich explained while you can’t control nature, damage that’s been done can be reversed, as has been demonstrated by ONA programs. Their habitat restoration, fish water management tools as well as hatchery and fishery programs brought back salmon populations in a way that once seemed impossible. “This is temperature stuff, and there are examples out there where you can actually reverse this. In Brazil, in Amazonia, there was complete desertification on some 2,000 plus acres, but groups have spent countless dollars reforesting and turning what was once baron into a natural habitat, then gleaning from that,” he said. “You can reverse this stuff if you have people in different canoes paddling in the same direction.” Renaturalizing systems that have been stripped as human populations swelled was one
of the key messages the ONA team brought to a meeting of the Okanagan Basin Water Board. There are policies that can make a difference, technical programs that are meaningful and add value across the board and approaches that benefit all. That, and a message of hope for the future. “What traditional knowledge has shown us through time is that these events happen— they’re not a rarity, they do happen from time to time,” said Bussanich, noting that applying modern scientific approaches with traditional practices could go a long way to riding out rough patches. Terbasket pointed out we all have a choice in how our future plays out. “One thing we are seeing is we do have a lot of pull,” she said. “The salmon are super adaptable, but we as Okanagan people are also adaptable and show the same amount of resiliency as the salmon and the water. We need to think proactively how we manage that as a
community in the Okanagan.” For more about better water management, go to
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Disposing of sacred symbols
OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2
woman wrote Annie’s Mailbox (the continuation of the late Anne Lander’s advice column) asking, “Can you tell me how to dispose of an old Bible?”
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Life and Faith
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Jim Taylor
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
It wasn’t a particularly valuable Bible, the writer continued: “It doesn’t include a family history or anything like that. It is simply worn out… If we aren’t supposed to put our country’s flag in the
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With more time, will more voters care? VICTORIA—Several readers took me to task for last week’s commentary on the beginning of our long, hot federal election campaign. They pointed out, among other things, that there are substantial cost increases to Elections Canada as well as higher spending limits for the parties. And thanks to generous tax deductions for political donations, taxpayers subsidize all party spending whether they want to or not. That’s the system as it is today, so rather than rail against it, it seems more useful to ask what we’re getting for our forced investment in this exercise. First, more leader debates. The traditional main event organized by TV networks for Oct. 8 appears to be a bust, with only Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and Green Party leader Elizabeth May expected to attend. Conservative leader Stephen Harper declined,
BC Views
Tom Fletcher prompting NDP leader Thomas Mulcair to say he will only take part in debates that include Harper. Harper, Trudeau and Mulcair have agreed to a Sept. 17 debate hosted by The Globe and Mail and Google Canada. This one is to be focused on the economy, which should force participants to get beyond their talking points and pointing fingers. On Sept. 28 there will be a debate focused on foreign policy hosted by Munk Debates, a charitable foundation. Harp-
er, Trudeau and Mulcair have accepted. May and Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe were not invited to either of these. The national media have decided that the biggest issue currently is the trial of suspended senator Mike Duffy, but this has turned out to be a rehash of facts and assertions heard many times over by those who care. The expense account abuse has pushed the issue of Senate reform to the forefront. Harper declared his intention to starve the Senate by refusing any more appointments, after most provinces ignored his call to elect their nominees. Trudeau, having expelled all Liberal senators from the party caucus, has warned that Harper’s plan and Mulcair’s long-standing position to abolish the Senate are both unworkable, if not unconstitutional. Trudeau has promised changes to the Senate
appointment process, but no specifics so far. Party policies are being doled out one bit at a time, and the national and local candidate debates may help clarify them. Here are a couple that could use closer scrutiny. Harper has promised to revive a stimulus program from the 2009 economic crisis, offering a 15 per cent tax credit for home improvements between $1,000 and $5,000. This sounds great if you’re a homeowner, but does nothing for renters, drives up the cost of housing in already overpriced urban markets and encourages more consumer debt. Trudeau has promised an additional $2.6 billion over four years for First Nations education on reserves, and accelerated spending on school infrastructure. Mulcair has promised to hold a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.
Mulcair and Trudeau both pledge to reverse the Conservative moves to eliminate what’s left of door-to-door mail delivery, and to extend the age of eligibility for the Old Age Security pension from 65 to 67. All of these promises are presented in the most appealing way possible by the parties that promote them, and all involve spending and taxation trade-offs that the parties would prefer not to discuss. Another possible dividend from a formal campaign stretching more than two months is that more voters will pay attention to the real issues and actually take the time to cast a ballot. If that happens, and the long decline in voter turnout is reversed, it’s a good investment. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc
garbage, then why would we do it to a Bible?” That question, I admit, had never occurred to me. The bookshelf behind me holds 19 versions of Bibles; I just counted them. When their shelf-life expires, I expect to toss them in the recycling bin. But Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, Landers’ former editors, replied, “There is no single answer for the prop- T er disposal of a Christian Bible. The general consensus is to wrap it and bury it with respect…” They also suggested, “You can also ask your minister if you can bring the Bible to your church for appropriate disposal.” What would constitute “appropriate disposal”? A formal funeral? With pall-bearers and
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A5
opinion ▼ LETTER
Restricted access to watching politicians debate
To the editor: I continue to be concerned about what’s happening in Canada. Among numerous concerns I have, I am particularly concerned about the lack of televised accessibility to the ,debates. The debates have always been available on TV and radio but now they are not.
The Conservatives under Harper rejected participation in televised debates three months ago ( stephen-harper-election-debates_n_7265086.html). As a result, the only access we have to the debates is online.
While most Canadians have Internet access, many still do not. That is simply not acceptable in a democracy. This is a critical time in our history and we must have maximal access to our potential leaders’ thoughts and policies. Further, under the misnamed Fair Elections
Act, pushed through a year ago by the Conservatives, Elections Canada is prevented from encouraging people to vote, even putting an end to kits designed to teach our children about democracy and voting in
Canada. The Act eliminates Elections Canada’s investigative capacity altogether. It also helps the Conservatives make it more difficult for the poor, the homeless, First Nations
and students to vote. And, do not get me started on the attack ads—thoroughly unCanadian. We seem to be spiralling ever downward into the political
The Tomato Fields are full!
Symbols are just that: They simply represent the real thing honour guard? Probably not putting it through a shredder. The problem is confusing the symbol with what it stands for. We treat symbols with respect because they point us to what we consider sacred, not because they themselves are sacred. Disposing of them is not the same as treating them with disrespect. We show disrespect when we deliberately burn flags, burn Bibles or Qur’ans (or science textbooks), as public protests. That too acknowledges their roles as symbols—in this case, of something disliked or opposed. Years ago, when A.C. Forrest was the editor of The United Church Observer, a reader asked what he should do with leftover communion wine—in our tradition, typically Welch’s grape juice. Forrest suggested pouring it into a urinal. “Flush afterwards,” he added, “so that no one suspects you of having a bladder problem.” Forrest had a habit of being controversial. But few comments evoked such a storm of protest from church members. That “wine” had been consecrated, they fumed. It now belonged to God. It should not be disposed of irreverently. Traditionally, leftover wine must be consumed. During the World Council of Churches’ meeting in Vancouver, in 1983, organizers expected 5,000 to attend a Eucharist. Only 3,500 turned up—a remarkable attendance, but it still left 1,500 servings of wine unconsumed.
After the service, organizers pleaded with departing worshippers to come to the altar and have some more wine. It couldn’t just be thrown out. My last memory of that service is of one liturgist standing before a long line of stillfilled wine cups, swaying slightly as he methodically emptied one after another. From where, no doubt, the wine would pass into a urinal anyway. We need to remember that the wine is not the blood of Christ; the
printed book is not the word of God; the flag is not the country. I’ve seen flags that have frayed to half their original size. Their colours have faded. It seems to me they have done their duty, long ago, and might welcome the chance to decompose in a landfill site. That’s not disrespect for the symbol. Once a symbol has done its job, it has no further value in itself. As long as what it points to remains. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Make your medical recovery top priority after a car crash
set out in this series of columns to provide a priority list of what to do after being
injured in a crash. I got carried away last time with the highest priority item—pursuing
medical recovery. So today let me continue with the priority list. Your injuries, and the
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PUBLICATION: Abbotsford News, Aldergrove stAr, CAmpbell river mirror, CAstlegAr News, ChilliwACk progress, Comox vAlley reCord, duNCAN CowiChAN piCtoriAl NewsleAder, kelowNA CApitAl News, kooteNAy Advertiser, lANgley times, mAple ridge News, missioN City reCord, NANAimo News bulletiN, NelsoN stAr, NortherN CoNNeCtor, pArksville QuAliCum News, peACe ArCh News, peNtiCtoN westerN News, port AlberNi vAlley News, priNCetoN similkAmeeN spotlight, QuesNel observer, shuswAp mArket News, summerlANd review, surrey/N. deltA leAder, trAil dAily times, verNoN morNiNg stAr, viCtoriA regioNAl, viCtoriA sooke News, williAms lAke, wiNfield lAke CouNtry CAleNdAr / AD#: 05-sdm-wlu-2015 / SIZE: 4.3125" x 8"
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pain, stiffness and other symptoms that are part and parcel with those injuries, are only a part of the post-crash aftermath. The other is the impact those injuries and symptoms have on your life. Impacts can be relatively small, limited “only” to the physical experience of enduring those symptoms, and leaving the victim able to carry on with work, household duties, recreation, hobbies and all the other bits and pieces that make up our day to day lives. At the other end of the spectrum, impacts can be profound—disability from an established career path, interfering with home and yard functions, and taking away the ability to participate in (or enjoy) recreation, hobbies and
Achieving Justice
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“life” in general. Here comes my recommendation of your next critically important priority, second to the diligent pursuit of your recovery. I recommend that you struggle with every fibre of your being to let go of as little of your life as possible during the initial, most acute stage of your injuries and symptoms and, as symptoms ease during your recov-
ery, to kick, claw and scratch to take back as much as possible of your life that you initially lost hold of. You are the victim of a negligent driver. There was nothing you could have done to avoid the injuries. Your goal, second to achieving as complete and quick a recovery as possible, is to minimize the impacts those injuries and associated symptoms have on you, your life, and the lives of those around you. How do you accomplish this? It takes a complete shift of approach from what the world expects. Instead of asking your doctor for a note to take time away from work, and returning for more notes as time goes on, I recommend struggling to try not to take any
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time off work, leaving it up to your employer to send you away if you are clearly unproductive, or your doctor to order you away from work. If ordered away, I recommend pushing to get back to work as quickly as possible and, in the meantime, working with your employer and doctor to figure out lighter duty work, or a shortened shift, that you might be able to handle. Not cost effective for your employer? Offer to work at a reduced wage, or even on a volunteer basis; anything that will keep you in the loop and as productive as possible. The same goes for life outside of work. Certainly, consult with your doctor and others on your treatment team if you are fearful that returning to this or that activity might interfere with the top priority of recovery from your injuries, but continually try to get back to your activities except as medically restricted. If your treatment team holds you back in any way, get clarification to know exactly what the restrictions are so that you can work around them. Also, push to have those restrictions lifted as your recovery progresses. Does this sound like medical or rehabilitation advice? Is this what you would expect to hear from an insurance company? It happens to be the best legal advice you could get to maximize the prospect of fair financial compensation for your injuries and losses. I did it again; I took an entire column for the top priority and now again for number two. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a personal injury lawyer at Hergott Law.
6:30-7:15pm Oyama Community Hall Olivia Penalva 15710 Oyama Rd 7:30-9:00pm Blue Skies, The Trio
2015-08-10 1:01 PM
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A7
Hot dogs are for summer picnics, not vehicles
his has been a summer of frustration for those trying to prevent senseless losses and tragedies in these hot, dry months.
in the car with the best intentions of returning quickly, but other circumstances can get in the way of that happening.
ter to leave your pet at home where it has access to cool areas, water and other comforts. There are steep consequences for those who
fail to heed this good advice. People who expose animals to excessive heat or deprive them of adequate ventilation can
be charged under B.C.’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. The act carries the toughest penalties in Canada, with maximum
penalties of $75,000 fines and two years of imprisonment. The B.C. SPCA does
A great deal just bubbled up.
MLA’s Report
Norm Letnick But this time, I’m not talking about wildfire danger and the seemingly endless reminders about campfire bans and carelessly-tossed cigarette butts. I’m talking about the dangers of leaving pets sweltering inside hot vehicles. Every summer, the BC SPCA and other animal welfare groups warn us about how quickly a dog will start to suffer when left inside a vehicle in hot weather. Yet people continue to do it. We’ve heard story after story of dogs being rescued from cars— if they’re lucky. Others have perished after the suffering became too much to bear. The B.C. SPCA notes that the temperature in a parked car, even in the shade with the windows partially open, can quickly reach a level that will seriously harm or even kill your pet. Leaving the air conditioning on is also a risk, as many pets have died as the result of a faulty system. What’s more, dogs and cats cool themselves by panting and by releasing heat through their paws. On summer days the air and upholstery in your vehicle can heat up to temperatures that make it impossible for them to do so. Many people mistakenly assume they will “just be gone for a minute” and their pet won’t start to suffer in that period of time. Trouble is, even the quickest errand can turn into an unexpectedly long trip. Maybe it’s tougher to find the product you went into the store for, or you’re stopped by an old friend and get distracted as you catch up. You can leave your pet
It takes just 10 minutes for your pet to be seriously harmed in the heat. The B.C. SPCA advises it is simply bet-
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*Offer includes TELUS Satellite TV Basic Package and is available until September 14, 2015, where access and line of sight permit, to residential customers who have not subscribed to TELUS TV or Home Phone in the past 90 days. TELUS Satellite TV is not available to residents of multi-dwelling units. Cannot be combined with other offers. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television required to watch HD. Minimum system requirements apply. Final eligibility for the services will be determined by a TELUS representative. TELUS Home Phone and Long Distance service terms apply; visit for details. Taxes and 911 service charges are extra. †Savings are calculated based on the current bundled price for Satellite TV Basic ($39.95/mo.). Regular prices will apply at the end of the promotional period. Rates include a $5/mo. discount for bundled services and a $3/mo. digital service fee. Bundle discount applicable for customers with more than one TELUS Home Service. The service agreement includes a free PVR rental and 2 free digital box rentals; current rental rates apply at the end of the term. A cancellation fee applies to the early termination of a service agreement and will be $10 for the digital boxes and PVR rental multiplied by the number of months remaining in the service agreement. Rental equipment must be returned in good condition upon cancellation of service, otherwise the replacement cost will be charged to the account. TELUS, the TELUS logo, TELUS Satellite TV, and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. ©2015 TELUS.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
news Kelowna Regional Transit
Fare Change
Leave your dog at home
Effective September 1, 2015 Cash
Tickets (10)
Monthly Pass
Semester Pass
Senior (65+)
handyDART *5 tickets
Quality, value and savings! specials sTaRT FRiDaY!
Visit for details. City of Kelowna City of West Kelowna District of Lake Country Westbank First Nation District of Peachland Regional District of Central Okanagan
Transit Info 250·860·8121 •
5036_KEL BC Transit Lake Country 5.8125" x 6" Insertion date: August 19, 26, September 2 , 2015 Reber Creative for BC Transit 250-385-5255
a great job of looking out for vulnerable animals and pursuing these types of penalties when infractions do occur. Our government was pleased to support their work in
Service change, September 6, 2015.
Budget 2015, where we provided $5 million to upgrade SPCA shelters and facilities in multiple communities including Kelowna. We’ll have more to say on this serious issue soon. Until then, please
SpecialS in effect aUG 21St - aUG 27th NEW SUMMER HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am-6pm • Saturday 9am-5pm
9 16 1 1
TOP SIRlOIN $ 57 BUTT STEAKS.................$18.90/kg LB BISON $ 73 RIBEYE STEAKS........$36.90/kg LB PASTRAMI OR $ 89 ROAST BEEF ........................... 100 GR OVEN ROASTED $ 99 TURKEY ................................... 100 GR
4 6 4
$ 45 FRONT qUARTER............................................ $ 09LB HIND qUARTER.............................................. LB SIDES..........................................................$ 85
AVAIlABlE SEPT 1,2015.
Just 10 minutes north of the airport at
530 Beaver Lake Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4463
Driving instructions and map for the car cruise around Lake Country:
heed the warnings about leaving pets in hot cars so we don’t hear of any more senseless tragedies. Norm Letnick is the Kelowna-Lake Country Liberal MLA and B.C.’s Minister of Agriculture.
Housing sales improving In the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board’s central zone (Peachland to Lake Country) single family residential sales remained about level with last July, rising a nominal 1.1 per cent, while year-to-date totals improved by 11 per cent over the same time period last year. July saw overall sales of all property types dip slightly (0.9%). But yearto-date sales activity improved by 9.5 per cent.
Bring the family & visit the 7th annual...
Saturday August 22, 2015
- Car cruise 5pm starting point: Main Street proceeding through Lake Country and concluding at 12025 Oceola Rd., (Lake Country - Alliance Church)
Swalwell Park
Sunday August 23, 2015 10090 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country
Start Follow Yellow Path Finish
Invite your car-loving friends & neighbours to watch the car cruise from your front lawn! Tour route will be clearly marked.
Thanks to Coopers Foods & Lake Country Alliance Church for donating products & Services to Saturday’s Cruise!
- All Day: Car show viewing Swalwell Park 10am-4pm - Live entertainment - 50-50 Draws - Door prizes - Water Park for the kids - Vendors’ alley - Kangaroos from the Kangroo Creek Farm!
3:00pm: Grand prize draw and trophy presentations
Leave Main St. go down to the roundabout and north on Bottom Wood Lake Rd. right on Lodge Rd. right on Sherman Rd. left on Copper Hill Dr. turns into Teresa Rd. right on Twana Rd. left on Cheryl Rd. left on Darlene Rd. left on Russel Rd. right on Sherman Rd. right on Lodge Rd. straight ahead up the hill on Oyama Rd. turn left at the light onto Pelmewash Parkway turn right at Tim Hortons on to Oceola Rd. right on Lake Hill Dr. left on Shoreline Dr. left back onto Lake Hill Dr. right East Hill Dr. straight ahead on Cliffshore Dr. left on Lake Hill Dr. straight ahead on to Okanagan Centre East Rd. right on Davidson Rd. Left on Camp Rd. left onto Okanagan Centre East Rd. right on Oceola Rd. turn left into Alliance Church.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 19, 2015 A9
CRUISE & CAR SHOW Admission is free!
LCCC is asking people to donate a non-perishable item for the local food back. Cash donations gratefully accepted with proceeds donated towards the construction of a new Lake Country Food Bank building. A proud CHROME sponsor of the
Lake Country Customs & Classics Car Show
LAKE COUNTRY Saturday, August 22, 2015 LIQUOR STORE
Best selection of Okanagan wines in town Cooper’s Village Mall #72 - 9522 Main Street 250.766.1166 Open Every Day 9 am - 11 pm
(See Map on Pg.8)
Sunday, August 23, 2015 Swalwell Park, 10090 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country.
7am: Gates open for set up 10am - 4pm: Open to the public
All Day:
- Live entertainment - 50/50 Draws - Door prizes all day - Water park for the kids - Vendors’ alley
“WE REPAIR MINOR DENTS, DINGS, AND HAIL DAMAGE” No Paint. No Bondo. No Fumes. Maintain Your Factory Finish!
#5-1060 Leathead Road Kelowna 250-491-4439
Your Link To Okanagan Real Estate
Garth Donhauser REALTOR®
A Proud ‘Chrome’ Sponsor!
Grand Prize Draw & Trophy Presentations #101, 9685 Hwy 97 Lake Country, BC • 250-766-1050
Visit our booth on ay Sund for a e chanc to
WaIN FREE e ziplin pass!
Lake Country Customs & Classics Car Show is now in its 7th year as one of the most pristine car shows in the Okanagan Valley. We invite you to join us this year for what we believe will be one of the best cars shows you will attend all year, whether it’s a classic, hot rod, muscle car, pro touring car or just a car that you want to show we encourage you to come out. We look forward to seeing you!
Enjoy the Show! Cooper’s Village
Hwy. 97
A Proud ‘Gold’ Sponsor!
Enjoy the Show! Visit our sidewalk sale Friday & Saturday, Aug 28 & 29
T: 250.766.2666 • F:250.766.2608
Fresh Always & y friendl Always
A Proud ‘Chrome’ Sponsor!
Amazing Food & Incredible Views
Routes Grill creates fresh, locally inspired comfort food in a charming, family friendly atmosphere. Open daily for lunch & dinner. 10058 Hwy. 97N, Winfield 250-766-0777 •
2850 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country
Visit for more show information!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS
Where Has the Summer Gone?
Q: We meant to have our annual family checkups done here now that we've moved and settled in. Our kids are 2,8, and 13, and my youngest hasn't seen a dentist. We're probably at the 18 month mark since any of us saw a dentist, so I need to organize that soon. We do brush normally – what can we typically expect to be faced with? A:
Welcome to Lake Country! It's hard to provide a 'typical' answer. Your 2 year is actually past due for his/her 'first' dental appointment. We usually see them at 6 mos, and again at age one. You have no idea of the amount of time and expense that can be avoided by early detection of childhood dental abnormalities. With your 8 year old and 13 year old they may breeze through with a cleaning, fluoride, and exam – but other problems may arise that surprise us. It's time for screening for ortho problems. If we start functional orthodontics with retainers we can avoid full braces later on. One young teen recently was seen who had taken up drinking sugared energy drinks by the case load since his last visit. Surprisingly, he was under the impression this stuff was actually good for him. He developed 8 cavities in just over one year. His mother told our hygienist she thought they were like Gatorade and 'were good' for you.
Petrina Koltun
What has the market been like here in the Okanagan?
The bottom line is...June 2015 was the 2nd best month for sales in the history of the Okanagan Mainline real estate board! This simple fact gives us an important benchmark by which to evaluate both the health and the strength of our local real estate market. The average number of days that it took to sell an average priced home dropped to 64 days in July. I am finding that the majority of our buyers are moving from the coast or are already living in the Okanagan and are making changes in their lives. To take advantage of this fast moving market, my advice to buyers is that it is extremely important to monitor the market and new listings daily and that they work closely with their realtor to monitor this fast paced market. When preparing to buy your dream home, it is critically important that you have pre-arranged your financial groundwork with a mortgage provider so that you are prepared when that perfect home pops up for sale. If you are a seller in this active market, it is important that you have a knowledgable realtor that is experienced in your targeted market, has a proven marketing plan and can show you a proven track record of success and satisfied clients! When you are ready to buy or sell in this active market, I am ready to work with you to get the results you expect from your realtor! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100
It might be time to begin reading labels. He may have been brushing, but it turned out he had a 'stash' of empties behind his bed and he was drinking them in bed with his iPad keeping him company. Bad habits – video games – rocket fuel - just one year – and 8 cavities. We're hoping his liquid dynamite habit ceases or is dramatically curbed. Adult health compromises can quickly change your oral health with medications for anything from cardiac problems to blood thinners. We see adult patients whose health has been constant for decades, yet suddenly require 4 month hygiene cycles because of increased plaque buildup due to decreased natural saliva. Again, regular checkups are preventative maintenance and not unlike an oil change in your car. Your most inexpensive and comprehensive dental care will be earned through regular visits. Back to school time is busy in our clinic. Families have been on vacation, company has been visiting (why do so many distant friends 'just happen to be driving through' Lake Country in July and August?), and we are scheduling patients right through the fall right now. Call us. Discover why so many area families have come to trust the family care at Winfield Dental. We'd love to help you cross that chore off your list!
Winfield Dental Centre
208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.
Dr.Paul Rollett
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
I’ve been doing a bit of wine tasting over the summer and it got me thinking – how does alcohol affect our eyes?
You may have noticed that when out on the tasting trail, the world just seems to look a little different. Maybe in colour; maybe in brightness; maybe in clarity? In fact, alcohol has a profound effect on many of the internal mechanisms of our visual system – which makes the assignment of a designated driver so important. Short term consumption of alcohol impairs both the intraocular muscles that control visual focus (accommodation) and brightness (iris sphincter and dilator). This makes it more difficult to adjust to changing visual scenes and is one of the reasons why police officers will shine a light directly into the eyes of a driver to assess sobriety. Alcohol also impairs tear production and creates vasodilation of our eye’s external blood vessels, leading to a characteristic red and dry appearance. For the sake of the article, I have naturally assumed that the intake is in moderation – long term excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to cataracts, macular degeneration and optic nerve atrophy with accompanying blindness. So, when out on the trail this summer be sure to arrange for responsible transportation and enjoy the wonderful wine our valley has to offer in moderation. 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240
YOUR QUESTIONS? YOUR ANSWERS If you would like to be featured in
for a low price of $49 per issue please contact Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 or email:
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 19, 2015
feature 25.Noteworthy 24.Deer time 25.Noteworthy 26.Lisa, to Bart time 28.Sickly 26.Lisa, to Bart 29.Stocking tip 28.Sickly 30.Slip up 29.Stocking 32.Classifiedtip 30.Slip up 34.Exceed 32.Classified 34.Exceed
Whitman down 39.Walk ande.g. 41.Root up beer, down ready 42.Make 41.Root beer, e.g. 43.Wishes 42.Make ready 45.Misters 43.Wishes 46.Timeworn 45.Misters 48.____ Haven 46.Timeworn 49.Auto 48.____ Haven 49.Auto
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
2. Onion’s 32.Seaman ACROSS Copyright © 2015, Penny Press 1. Resound 33.Relaxes cousin 6. Tub soakings 32.Seaman 2. ACROSS 34.Tyke 3. Onion’s Land force 1. Resound 11.Antenna 33.Relaxes 35.Guilt cousin 4. Tuck’s 6. Tub soakings 34.Tyke 13.Confidential 37.Venomous 3. Land force ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 776 CONTRIBUTED partner 11.Antenna snake 35.Guilt 14.Place of 4. Tuck’s THE LAKE Country Classic and Custom Car Show goes this weekend with 400 cars and 4,000 people expected 5. “For Me and worship 40.Inclined 13.Confidential ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 776car show from to attend. Cars will parade37.Venomous from Main Street starting at 5 p.m. Saturday. Th en they collect for the partner My ____” snakee.g.Park. 15.Clothes 14.Place of Sunday41.007, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in Swalwell 5. “For 6. StakeMe and worship 40.Inclined 16.Cloud’s 44.Din ____” 7. My Opera location 15.Clothes 41.007, e.g. 47.Audience’s y r request 6. Stake division 17.Sink ount44.Din 16.Cloud’s Lake Country akeorCbend Llocation s s e 7. Opera n l 50.Pleasantly 19.Small nd We47.Audience’s l 8. Voyage a bend 51.Subdue th or alexplosion He17.Sink request Planning Society 9. division Deli order r i a F 20.Mortarboard 50.Pleasantly 19.Small 52.Edit ... supporting Community 8. Voyage 10.Gait Wellness since 1982 danglers explosion 51.Subdue 53.Enfolds 9. Deli order 12.Drop off 24.Longs for 20.Mortarboard 52.Edit 10.Gait Odanglers CTObER 3, 2015 10AM-3pM 13.Cooking something for the 27.Cream of the 53.Enfolds DOWN whole family! 12.Drop WINfIEld M1.EMORIAl HAll herb off crop 24.Longs for Hit Broadway CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 13.Cooking USE AMERICAN SPELLING 18.Pack animal musical 31.Beginning 27.Cream the business Promoteofyour or agency at this great Advertising & Marketing Opportunity. DOWN herb crop Call now 778-214-9343 or email 1. Hit Broadway CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 18.Pack animal USE AMERICAN SPELLING musical 31.Beginning
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Latest word 5. Jam ACROSS 1. word 9. Latest Polka ____ 5. Jam 12.Guinness of films ____ 9. Polka 13.Infrequentof 12.Guinness films rage 14.Fierce 13.Infrequent 15.“Mr. Mom” star rage 14.Fierce 16.Selects 15.“Mr. Mom” star 17.Saltwater body 16.Selects 18.Streaks 17.Saltwater body portion 20.Circle 18.Streaks 22.Nudniks 20.Circle portion 25.In addition 22.Nudniks 28.Refracting crystal 25.In addition 28.Refracting
31.Square-dance 58.Sign gas Copyright © 2015, Penny Press party 59.Until now 33.____ Tin Tin 58.Sign 31.Square-dance 60.Poe, gas e.g. party 34.Grab ____ 59.Until now 61.Sports sites (claspTin tight) 33.____ Tin 60.Poe, e.g. 36.Sorrowful 34.Grab ____ 61.Sports DOWN sites (clasp tight) 37.Eight-legged 1. Old horses creature 36.Sorrowful 2. Jack ____ DOWN 39.Things 37.Eight-legged of horses 1. Old creature 41.At what time? 2. Jack “Cannonball ____ 39.Things 42.Indoctrinate Run” of 41.At what time? 3. “Cannonball 44.Gun a motor “You ____ 42.Indoctrinate Meant for 46.Walk Run” Me” ____ 44.Gun a motor 50.Fawn’s mother 3. “You 4. Meant Fragments for 46.Walk 52.Amazes Me” 5. Angry 50.Fawn’s mother 55.Wind 4. instrument 52.Amazes 6. Fragments Blame 56.Notices 5. 55.Wind 7. Angry Picasso instrument work 57.Shift 6. Blame 56.Notices 7. Picasso
8. Minor plateau 9. Reveal 10.Crude mineral 8. Minor plateau 11.Afternoon 9. Reveal beverage 10.Crude mineral 19.Chart again 11.Afternoon 21.____ in the beverage face 19.Chart again 23.Not these 21.____ in the 24.Fa facefollower 26.Played the fish 23.Not these 27.Ceases 24.Fa follower 28.Front ofthe a ship 26.Played fish 29.Opulent 27.Ceases 30.Bank of payment 28.Front a ship 32.Judgment 29.Opulent 35.Crudepayment shelter 30.Bank 32.Judgment 35.Crude shelter
38.Individual 40.Multitude 38.Individual 43.Good quality 40.Multitude 45.Flirt 43.Good quality 47.Conform to 45.Flirt 48.Weaving machine to 47.Conform 49.Magnifying 48.Weaving glass machine 50.24-hour 49.Magnifying period glass 51.Solemn verse 50.24-hour work period 53.Pursue 51.Solemn verse work 54.Woman of Eden 53.Pursue 54.Woman of Eden
Volunteers Needed!
Must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. See Phyllis MacPherson at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days778 noted. ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 250-766-0125
Lake Country
Creating Community Connections!
Health Planning Society
... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR October 3, 10am-3pm • Winfield Memorial Hall
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247
COMMUNITy EVENTS Copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date
•OLD AGE PENSIONERS’ ORGANIZATION CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT - 4th Sunday of the month plus 5th Sunday if on the Calendar. Registration at 9am games begin at 10am sharp. $30 per team includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 or 250-766-5437. Tournament Sun., Aug. 23 & Aug. 30 will be held in the Winfield Senior Citizens’ Activity Centre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Fall sessions starting first week of Sept. Stop by for an events schedule after Aug. 24. 250-766-4220 or 250-7664568 for more information. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS BUffET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road will start up again on Sept. 8 for the fall schedule. Meals will be $9. Take home meals will be $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road on Monday afternoons will be hosting Prime Time starting Sept. 15 at 1-3pm. Free. Everyone welcome. Come down & see the changes. Call Joanne at 250-766-0667 for more information. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Chair Yoga will be starting on Sept. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Paid monthly at the rate of $3 per session. Call 250766-4220 between 10am & 2pm Monday to Friday or call 250-766-4568. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Pancake breakfast on Sept. 19 from 8-11am. $6. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Annual Yard Sale Sept. 19, 8am-noon. Now accepting donations. Call 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568. •LAkE COUNTRy fARMERS & CRAfTERS MARkET - Fridays 3 to 7 pm, July through Sept., Swalwell Park, 10090 Bottom Wood Rd, Lake Country. Vendors sell fresh local produce, handmade crafts, sweet & savoury treats, & hand-prepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area featuring lots of FREE parking, live entertainment, public washrooms, a water park, & a skateboard park. Contact: or 250-826-7100. •ST. EDwARD’S CATEChISM - Catechism classes for children grades Kindergarten to Grade 7 beginning in Sept., 2015; to register or for more info call 250-766-3303 •LC SENIORS’ CENTRE ChAIR yOGA - Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-317-3508 for more info. •wINfIELD AUXILIARy CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •OyAMA LEGION BRANCh 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. • BETTER AT hOME is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC fOOD BANk ThRIfT STORE 3250 Berry Rd. Open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10am-6pm, AprilSeptember. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. •LC SENIORS’ BUS SChEDULE - Sun., Aug 16 Enderby Garlic Festival, and Tool Museum. Thursday Aug 20 - local shopping. Sat., Aug 29 Penticton Farmers Market, Hardy Falls, lunch To reserve a seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •LC OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/ lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •VISIT ThE LAkE COUNTRy MUSEUM AND ARChIVES at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10am to 4pm, from Mother’s Day through Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website •LC fOOD BANk has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRIBBAGE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •wINfIELD UNITED ChURCh ThRIfT ShOP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donatioåns. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250766-3982. •ThE COUNCIL Of SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC hEALTh PLANNING SOCIETy - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at www. •DO yOU LIkE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247.
All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
Meet O’Malley. He is a young, high Sex: Male energy and yes, a full of beans, Spayed/Neutered: Yes canine who is searching for his Age: 1 Yr 1Mths forever home. He’d likely make an excellent running or hiking partner. Animal ID: 373617 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, is2015 An active household a must for House Trained any canine with the Husky breed in OK with DogsTSN CHBC 23, at theKOMO OkanaganA&E them. He isCIVT a highly intelligent CBCcanineKIROOkanagan CHANCentre’s SNP KNOW who needs a% guardian who is willing _ annual community fesCentre Park with events # $ & ( ) * ` 1 to explore different types of training tival Centrepiece takes running from 11 a.m. to SportsCentre Pitchin’ In The View Bookaboo The Price Is Pitchin’ In Plays/Month G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 such as agility or nose work. We are ” Debt/Part ” Bo On/Go MLB’s Best PAW Patrol ” :30 confident he would excel at any taskRight placeDebt/Part this weekend and 3:30 p.m. ” Rachael Raywould The Marilyn & Rachael Ray Darts Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 Fins which challengeHeartland him both Young organizers say its the Th e festival takes the ” Denis Show ” Restless ” ” Bucket-Dino News ” :30 Timbersports mentally and physically. O’Malley Noon News CTV News CBC News Noon News European PatrolofThe Chew garThe First 48 THURSDAY, AUGUST 2015 :00 Golf perfect way to wrap up PAW form a 1920s seems toVancouver really20, like other dogs but KIRO ”News ” Hour Now Hour Poker Tour Kate and ” ” :30 can be a bit high energy for some an Okanagan den party and is the ” Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk Days of our summer. World Poker Astroblast General TheperFirst 48 :00 slow introductions will be necessary. TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” Lives ” Stefano ” Lives Poppy Cat Hospital ” :30 Centrepiece 2015” fect opportunity to meet Please contact the Kelowna SPCA to ” The$ Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s_ Make a The ( Talk Tim ) and Sid Mister Maker The ` Doctors The 1 First 48 # % & * :00 meet O’Malley; He has been waiting takes place Sunday, Aug. and catch up with other ” ” ” Chris Deal ” ” Curious ” ” :30 SportsCentre Pitchin’ In The View Pitchin’ In Plays/Month G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 SportsCentre The Meredith forever to meet you! Bookaboo The Price Is The Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold Meredith ” Astroblast Steve Behind Bars:
Visit Centrepiece this Sunday
10 11 12 1 2 O’Malley’s :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :30 7 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 8 :00 :00 4 :30 11 9 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 :30 10 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 1 11 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 2 12 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 8 :30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 11 :30 :30 :00 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 12 :30 5 :00 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015 :00 1 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2 :30 7 # $ % & :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 9 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 12 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 1 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2015 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 12 :30 :30 :00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2015 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2015 :00 6 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 1 :30 ” ”
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Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young” & Restless Noon News Early Hour News Global Nat. Days of our News Lives Hour ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Pitchin’ In Food Vieira Show Debt/Part Fighters Young & Ray Rachael Big Brother Restless ”” Early News Noon News Under the Global Nat. Hour Dome News Hour Days our News of Hour ” Lives Final
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” ”
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CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Bo On/Go Rick Mercer Heartland 22 Minutes ”
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CBC News Now
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Dual Survival Law & ” Order: SVU
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Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
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Andrew Nichols
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Say Yes Say Yes
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” ”
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Cash Cab The Social Steele”
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Steve We Day The View Harvey ” ” KOMOTank 4 Shark News ” Seattle 20/20 News
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” Vancouver CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver The Social ” Big Bang etalk
The Meredith Bones Pitchin’ In Vieira ”Show Debt/Part Young & Hawaii FiveRachael 0 Restless Ray ” Divorced Early News
Blue Jays at Murder Angels Myster. ”
SNP ” Sportsnet )
Paid Prog. Prog. Paid Mod Fam Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Jeffersons Gimme Browns Payne Movie: “One for the Browns Paid Prog. Money” ” Mod Fam Seinfeld
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Say Yes Yes Say Say Paid Prog. Say Yes Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes
Say Yes Say Yes
Family Guy Paid Prog.
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KING ” Dateline P
Duck Dynasty
Nim’s Island”
” ”
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Hoarding: Buried Alive
Movie: “She’s the
Heart-Masley ” Glorious Beach
KNOW KOMO ” ” 20/20 * `
Hope for Wildlife
Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say PaidYes Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
Travels Movie: Wayside Kid vs. Kat “Gulliver’s
Seahawks Paid Prog.
Misplays Gotta See It
“One for the Paid Prog. King King Money” Mod Fam ” Seinfeld The Middle The Middle Family Guy
Chaser -- Cat KING NBC Business News 5 Peg Plus Peg Songs KING News PBSPlus Cat News Nightly News Ken Burns: Tonight NewsHour Newsof our Super Why! Days Thomas Lives The Civil Show Washington News War Meyers Charlie Rose Evening Sesame St. Seth Dr. Phil Cat in the ” Father America’s
The National Mayday ” ”
Perfect Sportsnet Fish’n MLB Storms Real Fishing Central Baseball: Simpsons European Powerboat Cleveland Simpsons Poker Tour Driving TV Indians at Simpsons MLB’s Best News New York Global Nat. Blue Jays PGA Tour Yankees News Hour MLB Golf Misplays ” Baseball: ” Gotta See It 16x9 Blue Jays at ” Spartan ” Angels ” Race Canada ” Perfect Sportsnet Sings ” Storms Central Fish’n MLB Canada Sportsnet Simpsons European Real Fishing Central Baseball: Sings Simpsons Poker Tour Powerboat Cleveland True Crime Sportsnet Simpsons MLB’s Best Driving TV Indians at Scene Central Global Nat. Blue Jays News Final New York Sportsnet NewsTour Hour Yankees MLB PGA Saturday Central ” Baseball: Night Sportsnet Golf Live Misplays 16x9 ” Blue Jays Central Gotta See at It ” Angels
Gimme Payne Hot Bench Hot Bench Movie: Browns
“Gulliver’s Travels”
Museum Wild Kratts Apocalypse: Wild Kratts World War I Mister Maker Murder Martha Myster. Dogs Dogs/Jobs
SNP Spartan Race )
Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Say Yes Yes
Travels” Sidekick Chucks ” Game Ricky On Nicky, Hathaways Just Kidding Just Kidding Henry Bella Haunting Haunting Stanley Dyn. Assembly Gulliver’s Travels Thunder Movie:
Thru Hell MasterChef Thru Survival Hell Preseason Dual Law & ” Order: Mayday ” SVU Highway Football: ” and Gotham Thru Hell Seahawks Naked Paid Prog. at Afraid The Office Mayday Mayday Chiefs” Lang ”” Mike ” Power” & Tanked Paid Prog. Politics ” Family Feud The National Mayday Seahawks ” Paid Saw! Prog. ” How/Made Best ” How/Made State The National Highway Two Men ” Thru Hell Big Bang Amanda Mighty Paid Prog. Lang Planes Pregame CBC News Highway News ” Thru Hell MasterChef CBC News Highway NFL ” Thru Hell Preseason The National Mayday ” ” ” Gotham The National Highway Football: ” Thru Hell Seahawks at Amanda Mayday ” Lang News ” Mike CBC Mayday Chiefs ” ” ”
Criminal Minds
Central MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central Cleveland Sportsnet Indians at Central New York Yankees
Just ” BellaKidding CBC News Nerds Squirrel NowNational With Haunting Stanley Dyn. The National Haunting ” Assembly Almost Andrew Sidekick Nichols Gulliver’s Amanda Thunder CBC News
Say Yes Yes Say Four Say Yes Yes Say Weddings Say Yes Yes Say Four Say Yes Say Yes Weddings Say Say Yes Yes
We Day ”
Divorced Fish’n News Hour Real Fishing Final Powerboat ET Canada Driving TV The Doctors News PGA Tour
CHAN ” ” (
Sidekick “Gulliver’s Wayside Chucks Travels” Kid vs. Kat Nicky,” Ricky Rated A for Game On Hathaways Rated A for Just Kidding Henry
” ”
A&E Criminal 1
KNOW KOMO A&E Mega ” Storage Builders Wildlife * `Docs Storage 1 Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts Crucible of Mister Maker Life Martha Sacred WonDogs ders of Brit Dogs/Jobs Hope for Hope for Wildlife Wildlife Prehistoric Mega Hunters Builders Heartbeat Waterfront ” Cities Wild Kratts Quirke Crucible of Wild Kratts ” Life Mister”Maker Sacred WonMartha Park ders of Brit Dogs Waterfront Hope for Dogs/Jobs Cities Wildlife Quirke Hope for Prehistoric ” Wildlife Hunters
Outback Born-Explore Storage Wahlburgers Paid Prog. Storage Sea Rescue Wahlburgers Paid Prog. Storage World of X Duck D. UW 360 Storage Games Duck D. News Storage Little League Duck D. World News Storage Baseball Duck D. KOMO 4 Storage ” Duck News Storage ” Dynasty Wheel Storage ” Storage Jeopardy! Storage Wildlife Docs Storage Funny Home Storage Outback Storage Videos Storage Paid Prog. Storage Born-Explore Beyond the Wahlburgers Storage Paid Prog. Storage Sea TankRescue Wahlburgers Storage UW 360 Storage World ofEMS X Duck D. Boston Storage News Storage Games Duck D. ” Storage World News Storage Little D. NewsLeague Duck Storage KOMO 4 Storage Baseball Duck D. Castle Storage News Storage ” Storage Duck Wheel Storage Burn Notice Storage ” Dynasty Jeopardy! Storage
A&E 1
YTV NEWS ” Just6 Kidding CBC7 News
YTV Hathaways Hathaways 6
NEWS The National Marketplace 7
Hathaways Odd Parents The CBCNational News Hathaways Mansbridge Bread CBC News Hathaways The Nature Turtles Now With Hathaways of Things Sanjay Asha Hathaways the fifth Movie: Tomlinson Hathaways estate “Return to ” Assembly The National Nim’s ” Max Marketplace Island” ” Stanley Dyn. The Woman Hathaways The National Game On Who Wasn’t Hathaways Marketplace Movie: Doc Zone Hathaways The National “Hook” ” Hathaways Mansbridge Odd Parents CBC News ” The National Hathaways CBC The Nature Bread News ” Mansbridge Hathaways of Things Turtles” NowWoman With The Hathaways Asha the fifth Sanjay ” Who Wasn’t Hathaways estate Movie: Tomlinson Haunting The National Assembly The National “Return to ” Haunting Marketplace Max Marketplace Movie: The National Nim’s ” Stanley Dyn. The Woman “Hook” Mansbridge Island” ” Game On Who Wasn’t
DISC Highway 9
DISC Highway Thru9 Hell
KAYU News ;
” ”
KAYU ” ” ;
TLC Say< Yes
WTBS Jeffersons A
TLC Man” WTBS Hoarding: Buried Alive ” < A
KCTS Straight NNo
NBC Match of the KING News Day Tonight Premier Show Down Seth Meyers Track and Field
Women Never Age
Volleyball: World Series
How/Made Mayday How/Made ”
Paid Paid Prog. Prog. Mod Paid Fam Prog.
Hoarding: My Mom Is Buried Alive Obsessed
First Family Just Like Box Office Heaven
Greener Wild Kratts Greener Wild Kratts
LazyTown Match of the Luna! Day
Cash Cab Mayday Cash Cab ” Deadliest Buying Al. Catch Buying Al. Deadliest Highway Catch Thru Hell MythBusters Highway ” Thru Hell How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Mayday Deadliest Cash Cab Catch ” Cash Cab Mayday MythBusters Deadliest ” Catch Buying Al. Deadliest Deadliest Buying Al. Catch Catch Gold Rush Highway MythBusters ” Thru Hell ”
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Hoarding: My Mom Is Buried Alive Obsessed My 600-Lb. Hoarding: Life Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Hoarding: Life Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Hoarding: Life Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Hoarding: Life Buried Alive My Is My Mom 600-Lb. Hoarding: Obsessed Life Buried Alive Mom Is My 600-Lb. My 600-Lb. Obsessed Life Life Hoarding: My 600-Lb. Buried Alive Life Peter Popoff Hoarding: My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. Buried Alive Life
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Greener Aging Greener Backwards Greener 30 Days to a Greener Younger Weekend Heart-Masley News Glorious The Jewel in Women the Crown Never Age ExtraordiGreener nary Women Greener Wild Kratts American Greener Wild Kratts Masters Greener Aging ” Greener Backwards Previews Greener 30 to a TheDays Forsyte Weekend Younger Saga News Aging Heart-Masley The Jewel in Backwards Glorious the Crown
Biz Kid$ Premier Kids News Down KING 5 Track and News Field Nightly News ” KING News Beach Traveler Volleyball: Backroads World Series Running Wild LazyTown ” Luna! Match of the Aquarius Biz Kid$ Day ” Kids News Premier Hannibal KING 5 Down ” News Track and KING News Nightly News Field Saturday KING News Night Live ” Traveler ” Beach Backroads
10 :30 4 :30
Formula Lorna Dueck Celebrity ” One Simpsons ”
Marketplace Paid Prog. ” Pets.TV
KIRO News ” 60 Minutes ” ” ” Big Brother ” ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Madam Paid Prog. Prog. Secretary Bull Riding Changers CSI: Cyber ” Pets.TV ” PGA KIROTour News KIRO Golf KIRO News News KIRO News ” CBS News The Insider KIRO ”News Scandal ” 60 Minutes ”
Lorna Dueck Simpsons Joel Osteen Simpsons Paid Prog. Global Nat. News News Hour PGA Tour ” Golf Security ” Burgers ” Big Brother ” ” Ancestors Ice Pilots Lorna Madam NWT Dueck Secretary Joel Osteen TV-Torrens Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons News Simpsons News Final PGA Tour Global Nat. Ancestors Golf News Hour In a Name ” In a Name ” Security ” Burgers
Misplays English Gotta See It Premier MLB’s Best League Blue Jays Soccer MLB Blue Jays Baseball: Sportsnet Blue Jays at Central Angels Blue Jays ” MLB’s Best Soccer ” Misplays European Sportsnet Poker Tour Gotta See It Central Sportsnet MLB’s Best English Central Blue Jays Premier Sportsnet MLB League Central Baseball: Soccer Sportsnet Blue Jays at Central Angels Sportsnet ” Central
Little Prince Mysteries Little Prince The Queen’s Annedroids Palaces Animals Architects of Animals Change Waterfront Secret Cities Cities ” Watchers New Park Tricks ” Wild HopeKratts for Little Prince Waking the Wildlife Dead Little Prince Solar Waking the Annedroids Mysteries Dead Animals The Queen’s Prehistoric Animals Palaces Hunters Waterfront Architects of New Tricks Cities Change ” Watchers Secret Cities Park ”
Paid360 Prog. UW Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News Little League KOMO 4 Baseball News ” Funny Home ” Videos ” Bachelor in Paid Prog. Paradise Rescue Paid Prog. Paid ” Paid Prog. Prog. ” Paid Prog. Primetime Katrina: Paid Prog. UW 360 10 Years After Little NewsLeague News Baseball World News Castle ” 4 KOMO News ” Burn Notice Funny” Home Paid Prog. Videos
Scared ” The First 48 Intervention ” ” The First 48 Intervention ” ” The First 48 Intervention ” ” Behind Bars: Behind Bars: Rookie Year Rookie Year Beyond Intervention Scared Intervention ” ” The First 48 Intervention Intervention ”” ” The First 48 Intervention Intervention ”” ” The First 48 Intervention Behind ” Bars: Rookie Year Behind Bars: Intervention Rookie ” Year
Big PaidBrother Prog. ” Paid Prog.
Big Brother Ice Pilots NWT ”
Blue Jays ” MLB’s Best Sportsnet
New HopeTricks for ” Wildlife
Bachelor in Paid Prog. Paradise Paid Prog.
Behind Bars: That’s-Weird Matter of Intervention ” Doc Zone Rookie Love” ” ” Year Gags ”
Racing:Calendar Joel Osteen Canada’s Our Bull Riding August 19,KIRO 2015 rLake Country :00 MLB SimpsonsWednesday, Amazing Movie: News :00 Belgian Paid Prog. Worst Driver Vancouver ” 11 :30 Baseball: CHBC News Race “Beethoven” KIRO News 5 :30 Grand Prix News SportsCentre Land & Sea PGA Tour SUNDAY, AUGUST 23,News 2015 :00 Giants at Global Nat. CTV ” CBS News :00 CFL Pre. PGA Tour ” Mansbridge Golf
12 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :30 7 :00 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 11 :00 1 :30 6 :00 12 :30 2 :30 7 :00 8 :00 3 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 :30 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 9 4 :00 :30 :00 11 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 7 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 10 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 12 :30 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 :00 :00 2 :30 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & :00 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :30 :00 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2015 :00 2 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :30 10 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 5 :30 :30 :00 12 6 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Pirates CFL ” Football: ” Ottawa SportsCentre RedBlacks ” 10 SC Top at Toronto Formula One SportsCentre Argonauts ” Racing: SportsCentre SportsCentre Belgian ” ” Grand MLB Prix SportsCentre CFL Pre. Baseball: ” CFL Giants at SportsCentre Football: Pirates ” Ottawa ” RedBlacks ”
CHBC News Golf Security ” Burgers ” Big Brother ” ” Ancestors Ice Pilots Lorna Madam NWT Dueck Secretary Joel Osteen TV-Torrens Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons News Simpsons News Final PGA Tour CHBC News Ancestors Golf Global Nat. In a Name CHBC” News In a Name ” Security ” Burgers
Vancouver W5 Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie: Goldbergs “Robin Anger The Social Hood: Prince Celebrity 19-2 of Thieves” ” Canada’s ” CSI: WorstCyber ”Driver ” SportsCentre Amazing News Race ” News--11:30 W5 CTV News Castle ” Vancouver ” Movie: Big Bang “Robin Big Bang
” Steven and Heartland Chris ” The Nature When Calls of Things the Heart Coronation Track and Marketplace Fool Field Canada Still Standing Our ” The National Vancouver ” ” Land & Sea Movie: CBC News Mansbridge “Beethoven” the fifth Steven ” and estate Chris ” Canadian The Nature Heartland of Things ”
A&E 1
Thunder SpongeBob Henry SquarePants Henry Movie Game On Movie: Game On “Escape Nicky, Ricky From Planet Nicky, Ricky Earth” Movie: That’s-Weird “Robots” Gags Thunder ” Thunder Gags ” Gags Henry The Haunting Henry SpongeBob Haunting Game On SquarePants Haunting Game Movie On Haunting Nicky, Movie: Ricky EscapeNicky, Ricky “Escape Earth Movie: From Planet “Robots” Earth”
CBC News estate Now With The Woman Asha Who Wasn’t Tomlinson The National ” ” ” Movie: ” “The Dark ” Matter of Marketplace Love” CBC News Doc Zone CBCNational News The ” ” Nowfifth With the Movie: Asha estate “The Dark Tomlinson The Woman Matter ” of Who Wasn’t Love” ” The National The National ” ” Movie:” Marketplace “The Dark
Jade Fever ” Deadliest Alaskan Catch Bush People Deadliest Naked and Catch Afraid: Un. MythBusters Naked and ” Afraid Bering Sea Dual Survival Gold ” Jade Cash Fever Cab Jade Alaskan Cash Fever Cab Bush People Deadliest MythBusters Naked Catch ” and Afraid: Un. Deadliest Alaskan Naked and Catch Bush People Afraid MythBusters Naked and Alaskan Afraid:” Un. Bush People Bering Naked Sea and Gold Afraid
Best Prog. PresPaid sure Cooker! NFL 21 Day Fix Preseason Golf Football: ” Rams at ” Titans ” ” ” Burgers ” Burgers Paid Prog. Joint Relief Best PresMonopoly Old House Millionaires sure Cooker! Livin’ Dream News 21 Day Fix Paid Prog. How I Met Golf NFL Cougar ” Preseason Paid Prog. ” Football: How I Rams ”Met at Raising Titans” ”
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Goldbergs Calls Hood: Prince When Track and Anger the Heart of Thieves” Field
Madam SportsCentre TV-Torrens Secretary ” Simpsons SportsCentre Simpsons MLB Simpsons ” Simpsons Baseball: CHBC News SportsCentre News Giants at GlobalFinal Nat. ” Ancestors Pirates CHBC News SportsCentre In a Name ” Security In a Name ”” Burgers
19-2 ” ”
Madam TV-Torrens Secretary Simpsons
European Central Poker EnglishTour
Waking the Solar Dead Mysteries
” Primetime ” UW 360
Intervention ”
The National CSI: Movie: KIROCyber News ” “Beethoven” KIRO ”News News CBC News KIRO News CTV News ” CBS News News--11:30 the fifth KIRO Vancouver ” KIRO News News Castle estate The Insider Big Bang Heartland 60 Minutes ” Canadian Scandal Big Bang ” ”
Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Global Nat. News News Final Hour Ancestors ”
Sportsnet Premier Central League Sportsnet Soccer Central Blue Jays
Waking the The Queen’s Dead Palaces Prehistoric Architects of Hunters Change
Katrina: 10 News Years After World News
Intervention Intervention ”” Intervention Intervention ””
In a Name Security In a Name Burgers
Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central
News KOMO 4 Castle News New Tricks Bars: EscapeNational Alaskan How I Met Secret Cities Funny” Home Behind Intervention From Planet The Movie: Naked and Titans ”” Burn Notice Rookie ” Bush Videos ” Year Earth Earth” “The Dark AfraidPeople Raising ”
SportsCentre Big Brother ” ”
Goldbergs Anger
When Calls the Heart
Big Brother ”
Blue Jays MLB’s Best
New Tricks ”
Bachelor in Paradise
SportsCentre Madam ” Secretary
Fool Canada Madam Still Standing Secretary
Madam Secretary
European Poker Tour
Waking the Dead
Gags Gags
Simpsons Simpsons Pitchin’ In News Final Debt/Part Ancestors Rachael Ray In a Name ” In a Name Noon News Hour
CSI: Cyber ” The View News ” News--11:30 The Marilyn Castle Denis Show ” CTV News Vancouver
The National ” Bookaboo CBC News Bo On/Go the fifth Heartland estate” Canadian CBC News Now
CSI: Cyber ” The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News Young & The Insider Restless Scandal KIRO News ”
Simpsons Simpsons Pitchin’ In News Final Debt/Part Ancestors Rachael Ray In a Name ” In a Name Noon News Hour
Sportsnet Central World Poker Sportsnet Tour Central Misplays Sportsnet English Central Premier League
KNOW KOMO ” Katrina: * `10
Intervention ”
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Motoring SportsCentre Motorcycle ” Hockey Lunch
Waking the Dead G. Shrinks Prehistoric PAW Patrol Hunters Jelly Jamm New Tricks Bucket-Dino ” PAW Patrol Kate and
Years After The View News ” Castle KOMO 4 News ” Burn Notice The Chew ”
Intervention ” CSI: Miami Intervention ” ” The First 48 Behind ” Bars: Rookie Year The First 48 ”
Haunting Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting Rated A for EscapeRated A for Earth Nerds Squirrel
Amazing Race
Days of our Lives
Days of our Lives
General Hospital
The First 48 ”
Fool Canada Madam ” Changers Still Standing Secretary ” Pets.TV
CSI: Cyber Amazing Race ”
Big Brother ”
“S.W.A.T.” Big Bang
SciGirls Balance
Field Backroads
Big World Prayers Little People, Who Do You Big World ” Little People, My 40-YearBig World Old Child Little People, Who Do You Big World ” Little Little People, People, Big World My Big 40-YearWorld Old Child Little Do People, Who You Answered Big World ” Prayers Little People, Answered Who Do You Big World Prayers ” Little People, Who Do You Paid Prog. Big World ” Paid Prog. Little People, My 40-YearBig Old World Child
Movie: Mod Fam “Red Eye” Movie: ” “Match Movie: Point” “Shall We ” Dance?” ”” Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “S.W.A.T.” Paid Prog. Big Bang The Closer Cont’d Big Bang ” Movie: Big Bang Movie: “Red Eye” Mod Fam “John ” Mod Fam Carter” Movie: Movie: ”We “Shall “Match There Yet? Dance?” Point” ”
Wildlife Det. Brown Movie: Weekend “National American Gallery” Life in the ” Undergrowth ” Wolf Hall on ” Masterpiece Sid Science Capturing SciGirls Wolf Hall on Grace Masterpiece McLaughlin A Perfect Masterpiece Wildlife BalanceDet. Mystery! Movie: Father “National Brown” ” Gallery” Weekend Disease ” American Proof Life in”the ” Undergrowth
Beach News Volleyball: Nightly News World Series KING News Cycling: Hollywood U.S. Pro Game Night Challenge, Hollywood Stage 7 Game Night Track Poppyand Cat Field American Tree Fu Tom Ninja Warrior ” Raw Travel Beach” Backroads ” Volleyball: KING 5 KING World Series News News The 206 Cycling:News Nightly Bensinger U.S. Pro KING News 21 Day Fix Challenge, Hollywood Stage Game 7 Night
Wolf Hall on Hollywood Capturing Poppy Cat Masterpiece Game Night Grace Tree Fu Tom
Gags The Gags SpongeBob
The National Alaskan 40-YearProg. the fifth MythBusters Monopoly Livin’ Dream My Who Do You Paid Big Bang Bush People Millionaires Old Child The Closer estate” ” Paid Prog. ” Big Bang
Wolf Hall on American A Perfect Raw Travel Masterpiece Ninja Warrior Balance Backroads
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Movie: The Woman “The Who Dark Wasn’t Matter of The National Love” ”
Dual Burgers CashSurvival Cab Joint Relief ” Burgers Cash Cab Old House
Who You Paid Prog. ” Little Do People, ” Paid Prog. Big World Big Bang
Naked News Alaskanand NFL Afraid: Un. How I Met Bush People Preseason Naked Cougar Naked and and Football: Afraid Paid Afraid: Un. RamsProg. at
Answered Answered Prayers Prayers Who Who Do Do You You ””
” Mod Fam Movie: Mod Fam “John Movie: Carter” “Match Paid Prog. My 40-Year- Point” ” Paid Prog. There Old Child ”Yet?
Masterpiece Father Mystery! Brown ” Weekend ” American
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Who Do You ” ” Paid Prog.
Wolf Hall on Hollywood Masterpiece Game Night
The National Alaskan Monopoly ” Bush People Millionaires
My 40-Year- Paid Prog. Old Child The Closer
Wolf Hall on American Masterpiece Ninja Warrior
Movie: “The Dark CBC News Matter of Now With Love” Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Now With
Answered Prayers Four Who Do You Weddings ” Four Paid Prog. Weddings Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
Movie: Divorce “John Divorce Carter” Judge Judge” There Yet? Hot Bench Paid Prog.
Masterpiece Mystery! Sesame Street” ” Dinosaur Disease Dinosaur Proof Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat
” Today KING News cont’d The 206 New Day Bensinger Northwest 21 Day Fix KING 5 News
Say Yes Say Yes
Behind Bars: That’s-Weird Matter of Rookie Year Gags Love”
A&E 1
Big World ”
Little People, Cont’d McLaughlin ” Answered Mod Fam Father KING 5 A13
Naked and Afraid: Un. Mayday Naked” and Afraid Alaska: The Alaskan Last Frontier Bush People Highway Thru Hell
News How I Met Steve Cougar Harvey Paid Prog. Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Raising Law & Order: SVU
KING ”5 News ” KING News Nightly News The 206 KING News Disease Bensinger Life in the Hollywood Proof DayNight Fix Undergrowth 21 Game
The Social ”
Our Vancouver
The Talk ”
Soccer ”
Astroblast Poppy Cat
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Canada’s Paid Prog. ” Worst Driver The Office
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
World/Poker The Talk ” ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Tim and Sid ”
Mister Maker The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
MythBusters Paid Prog. My Giant ” Family Feud Life
The Middle The Middle
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
World/Poker SportsCentre ” ” Hockey Motoring Off Record Motorcycle Cabbie Hockey CFL 30 Lunch SportsCentre Amazing ” Race MLB World/Poker Baseball ” ” World/Poker ” ” SportsCentre ” Hockey ” Off Record Motoring SportsCentre Cabbie Motorcycle ” CFL 30 Hockey SportsCentre SportsCentre Lunch ” ” Amazing SportsCentre MLB Race ” Baseball World/Poker ” ”” World/Poker ” ””
The Meredith Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Rachael Restless Ray ” News Noon ”News Hour Global Nat. Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Hawaii FiveThe Meredith 0 Vieira Show Pitchin’ In NCIS: Los Young & Debt/Part Angeles Restless Rachael Wild Ray Running News ” ” Noon News CHBC News Global Hour Nat. Final CHBC News Days of our ET Canada Ent LivesDoctors The ET Canada The Talk Hawaii Five” 0 The Meredith NCIS: Los Vieira Show Angeles
Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” The Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver CTV News The Social Vancouver ” etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ” So You Ellen Think DeGeYou neres Show The Can View Dance The Dr. ” Oz Show The Marilyn Castle CTV News Denis ”Show Vancouver CTV News News-Lisa CTV News Vancouver News--11:30 Vancouver The Social Anger etalk ” Seth Meyers Big Bang Dr. Phil So You ” Think You Ellen DeGeCan Dance neres ”Show
Republic of Bookaboo Doyle Bo On/Go Dragons’ Heartland Den ” CBC News CBC News ” Now CBC News Our Murdoch Vancouver Mysteries Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch Republic Mysteriesof Doyle Bookaboo Banished Dragons’ Bo On/Go ” Den Heartland The National CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC Now News Coronation Murdoch Our Mercer Rick Mysteries Vancouver 22 Minutes Coronation Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Republic Banishedof Doyle ”
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” The Insider Let’s Make a Ent Deal Broke Girl Bold Odd Couple ThisMinute The Price Is Scorpion Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy Young Los & NCIS: KIRO News Restless Angeles KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News Madam CBS News The Talk Secretary The Insider ” Corden Ent Let’s Make a Broke Girl Deal Odd Couple Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”
The Meredith Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Rachael Restless Ray ” Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Hawaii FiveThe Meredith 0 Vieira Show Pitchin’ In NCIS: Los Young & Debt/Part Angeles Restless Rachael Wild Ray Running Early News ” Global Nat. Noon News News Hour News Hour Hour Final ” Days of our ET Canada Ent LivesDoctors The ET Canada The Talk Hawaii Five” 0 The Meredith NCIS: Los Vieira Show Angeles
” World ”Poker Tour MLB Misplays Baseball: English Houston Premier Astros at League New York Soccer Yankees ” MLB Tim and Sid Baseball: ” Oakland ” at Athletics ” World SeattlePoker MLB Tour Mariners Baseball: Misplays Sportsnet Houston English Central Astros at Premier Sportsnet New York League Central Yankees Soccer Sportsnet MLB ” Central Baseball: Tim and Sid Oakland ” Athletics at ” Seattle ” Mariners
Astroblast G. Shrinks PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Doki Jelly Jamm Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Dino Dan PAWKratts Patrol Wild Kate and Architects of Astroblast Change Poppy Cat Hope for Mister Maker Wildlife Curious Edwardian Astroblast Farm PAW Patrol G. Shrinks Rococo Doki Patrol PAW ” Dinosaur Jelly Jamm Apocalypse: Dino Dan Bucket-Dino World War I Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Hope for Architects Kate and of Wildlife Change Astroblast Rococo Hope for Poppy” Cat Wildlife Mister Maker Edwardian Curious Farm Astroblast Rococo PAW Patrol ”
Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Bachelor in Steve Paradise Harvey The AfterView KOMO ” 4 Paradise News KOMO 4 The News News Whispers World News The Chew News KOMO ” 4 Jimmy News General Live Kimmel Wheel Hospital Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors Bachelor in ” Paradise Steve After Harvey Paradise
The First 48 CSI: Miami ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48: The First 48 Misfortune ” The First 48: The First 48 Misfortune ” The First 48: The First 48 Misfortune ” The First 48: The First 48 Misfortune ” CSI: Miami The First 48: The First 48 ” Misfortune ” 48 The First 48: The First 48: ” Misfortune Misfortune 48 The First 48: The First 48: ” Misfortune Misfortune 48 The First 48: The First 48: ” Misfortune Misfortune The First 48 The First 48: ” Misfortune The The First First 48 48: ” Misfortune
Sidekick Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob RatedFu A for Kung Rated A for Odd Parents Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel Thunder Almost Assembly Sidekick Assembly Wayside Max Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding Sidekick Just Kidding Chucks Wayside Gags SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Gags Kung Fu Rated A for Haunting Odd Parents Rated A for Haunting SpongeBob Nerds Gags Thunder Squirrel Gags Assembly Almost What a Girl Assembly Sidekick Wants Max Wayside Just Kidding Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding Sidekick Gags Chucks Gags
Power & CBC News Politics Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Power” & Politics The National Power” & Politics CBC News The National Amanda Now With ” Lang Carole CBC News CBC News MacNeil ” ” CBCNational News The The NowNational With ” ” Diana Swain Amanda CBC News Lang ” ” Power & The National Politics ” Power & The National Politics ”
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Rise of the Alaska: The Machines Last Frontier Rise of the Highway Machines Thru Hell Alaskan Canada’s Bush Worst Driver Alaskan MythBusters Bush People ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Mayday Alaskan Rise of ” the Bush Machines Alaska: The Alaskan Rise of the Last Frontier Bush People Machines Highway Rise of the Alaskan Thru Hell Machines Bush Canada’s How/Made Alaskan Worst Driver How/Made Bush People MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Alaskan How/Made Bush
Paid Prog. Steve Big World Harvey Paid Prog. Family RaisingFeud Family Feud Mike Law & Anger Order: SVU Two Men Paid Fam Prog. Mod The Office Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big Family Feud So You Paid Prog. Think You Big World Steve Can Dance Paid Prog. Harvey ” Raising Family Feud News Mike Family Feud Mod Fam Anger Law & Mike Two Men Order: SVU How I Met Mod Fam Paid Prog. Cougar Big Bang The Office Name Game Big Bang Paid Prog. So You Family Feud Think You Paid Prog. Can Dance Big World ”
My Giant Four Life Weddings My Giant Four Life Weddings My Giant Say Yes Life Say Yes My Giant Say Yes Life Say Yes My Giant My Giant Life Life My Giant My LifeGiant Life Four My Giant My Giant Weddings Life Life Four My Giant My Giant Weddings Life Life SayGiant Yes My My SayGiant Yes Life Life Say Yes Peter Popoff My Giant Say Yes Paid Prog. Life My Giant My Giant Life Life My My Giant Giant Life Life
Seinfeld Divorce Paid Prog. Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge Browns Hot Bench Payne Paid Prog. Browns King Prog. Paid King Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Paid Prog. Divorce Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Amer. Dad Big Bang Judge Jeffersons Browns Judge Gimme Payne Hot Bench Movie: Browns Paid Prog. “War of the Paid Prog. King Worlds” Mod Fam King ” Seinfeld The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Amer. Dad
The Jewel in Sesame the Crown Street The Forsyte Dinosaur Saga Dinosaur World News Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas Easy Yoga Sesame St. for Arthritis Cat in the Aging The Jewel Backwardsin the Crown Sesame Antiques The Forsyte Street Roadshow Saga Dinosaur POV World ”News Dinosaur Business Peg Plus Cat ” PBS Plus Cat Peg Royalty NewsHour Super Why! Royalty Easy Yoga Thomas Close Up for Arthritis Sesame St. Aging Cat in the Backwards The Jewel in Antiques the Crown Roadshow
Ellen DeGeTodayShow neres cont’d KING 5 New Day News Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days of our News Lives News Dr. Phil Evening ” American Ellen Ninja DeGeWarrior neres Show Today” KING ”5 cont’d News New DayWild Running KING ”5 Northwest News KING 5 News Nightly News TonightNews News Days of our Show News LivesMeyers Seth Evening Dr. Phil American ” Ninja Warrior Ellen DeGe” neres ”Show
Hockey SportsCentre Off Record ” Cabbie SportsCentre CFL 30 ” SportsCentre ”
Young & Wild Running Restless ” News News CHBC Final ”
The Dr. Oz Castle Show ” CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30
Dragons’ The National Den ” CBC News News CBC ” Coronation
Judge Los Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Angeles KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Madam
Young & Wild Running Restless ” Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final
MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central Houston Sportsnet Astros at Central
Doki Apocalypse: Dinosaur World War I Dino Dan Hope for Wild Kratts Wildlife
KOMO 4 The News Whispers News News World News Jimmy
The First First 48: 48 The ” Misfortune The First First 48: 48: The Misfortune Misfortune
SpongeBob CBC Amanda Haunting News Kung Fu Lang ” Haunting Odd Parents The CBCNational News Gags SpongeBob Gags ””
Rise of the Alaskan Machines Bush People Rise of of the the Rise Machines Machines
Paid Prog. News Raising Mod Fam Mike Mike AngerI Met How
My Giant Giant My Life Life My Giant Giant My Life Life
Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang Gimme Browns Movie: Payneof the “War
The Forsyte POV Saga ” World ”News Business Royalty
KING 5 Wild Running News ” KING News 5 KING News Tonight
Global Nat. CTV News CBC News ET Canada Anger Rick Mercer CHBC News Vancouver The Doctors Seth Meyers Murdoch 22 Minutes
KIRO News Secretary CBS News Corden
News Hour New York ET Canada Sportsnet ” Yankees The Doctors Central
Architects of KOMO Rococo Kimmel4Live The First 48: Thunder What a Girl Change News Misfortune Assembly ” Nightline Wants
The National Alaskan Amanda How/Made Bush Lang ” How/Made
PBS Royalty NewsHour Close Up
Nightly Show News News Seth Meyers
MLB Baseball
Ent ET Canada
CBC News ”
etalk Big Bang
A&E 1
A&E 1
Two Men My Giant Cougar Peter Popoff Browns Worlds” Mod Fam Paid Prog. Name Game Life Paid Prog. ”
Mysteries Coronation
The Insider Ent
Ent ET Canada
Hope for Wildlife
Wheel Jeopardy!
The First 48: Assembly Misfortune Max
My Giant Life
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Easy Yoga for Arthritis
News Evening
Hawaii Five- So You 0 Think You
Murdoch Mysteries
Broke Girl Odd Couple
Hawaii Five- Oakland 0 Athletics at
Edwardian Farm
Bachelor in Paradise
The First 48: Just Kidding The National How/Made Misfortune Just Kidding ” How/Made
So You Think You
My Giant Life
Family Guy Family Guy
Aging Backwards
American Ninja Warrior
” ”
NCIS: Los Angeles
Can Dance ”
Banished ”
Scorpion ”
NCIS: Los Angeles
Seattle Mariners
Rococo ”
The First 48: Gags Misfortune Gags
The National Alaskan ” Bush
Can Dance ”
My Giant Life
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Antiques Roadshow
SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre Fishing ” Flats UEFA SportsCentre Champions ” League
Running Wild Pitchin’ ” In Debt/Part CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada NoonDoctors News The Hour
Castle The View ” ” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show Anger CTV News Seth Meyers Vancouver
The National Bookaboo ” Bo On/Go CBC News Heartland Coronation ” Rick Mercer CBC News 22 Minutes Now
NCIS: Los The Price Is Angeles Right KIRO News Young & Madam Restless Secretary KIRO News Corden ”
Running Wild Pitchin’ ” In Debt/Part News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada NoonDoctors News The Hour
Sportsnet Misplays Central Premier Sportsnet League Central Darts Sportsnet World Poker Central Tour
Apocalypse: G. Shrinks World War I PAW Patrol Hope for Jelly Jamm Wildlife Bucket-Dino Rococo PAW Patrol ” Kate and
The The View Whispers ” News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live The Chew Nightline ”
The First 48: CSI: Miami Misfortune ” The First 48: The First 48 Misfortune ” The First 48: The First 48 Misfortune ”
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags Rated A for Gags Rated A for What a Girl Chucks Wants Squirrel
CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With
News SteveFam Mod Harvey Mike Family Feud How I Met Family Feud Cougar Law & Game Name Order: SVU
My Giant Four Life Weddings My Giant Little People, Life Big World Peter Popoff Little Prog. People, Paid Big World
Jeffersons Divorce Gimme Divorce Movie: Judgeof the “War Paid Prog. Worlds” Hot Bench ” Hot Bench
POV Sesame ” Street ” Dinosaur Royalty Dinosaur Royalty Peg Plus Close Up Cat Peg Plus Cat
Running Wild Today” cont’d KING News New Day Tonight Northwest Show KING 5 Seth Meyers News
Soccer ”
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”
Days of our
World Poker Astroblast Tour Poppy Cat
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Alaskan Paid Prog. ” Bush People The Office
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
World/Poker The Talk ” ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
SportsCentre World/Poker ” Fishing Flats Hockey UEFA UEFA
Pitchin’ In The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless
The View Ellen DeGeneres ”Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show
Bookabooof Republic Bo On/Go Doyle Heartland Dragons’ Den ”
Champions Cabbie League SC Soccer SportsCentre ”” World/Poker Little League ” Baseball
Noon News News Hour ”
CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver Days of our The Social Global Nat. CTV News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC The Talk Dr. Phil Ent etalk ” ” ET Canada Big Bang
KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk ( Deal_ ”
The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy CBC News News KIRO News News CBC KIRO Now ” KIRO ”News Best Recipes The Talk CBC News KIRO News Stefano ” Murdoch CBS News Steven and The Let’sInsider Make a Mysteries Chris Deal Coronation Ent
World/Poker The Meredith Ellen ” NCIS Spun DeGeOut Vieira ”Show neres Show ”” Cleveland Hockey Young Los & The Dr. Oz SportsCentre NCIS: Zoo UEFA RestlessIn Show SportsCentre Pitchin’ The View ” Angeles ” ” Debt/Part ” Cabbie News CTV News SportsCentre NCIS: New Hollywood SC ” Ray The Vancouver Fishing Rachael Marilyn ” Flats Orleans Game Night UEFA ” Denis Show SportsCentre Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa ” CHBC News Vancouver Champions Noon News CTV News ” Final News--11:30 League Vancouver Little League Hour Ent etalk SportsCentre ET Canada Anger Baseball ET Canada Big Bang Soccer DaysDoctors of our Seth The Social ” The Meyers ” NCIS Spun Out Lives ” ” ” Cleveland World/Poker The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre NCIS:”Los Zoo ” ” ” Angeles ” World/Poker The Meredith Ellen DeGeSportsCentre NCIS: Show New Hollywood ” Vieira neres Show ” Orleans Game Night Hockey Young & The Dr. Oz SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa UEFA Restless Show SportsCentre Pitchin’ In The View ” Final News--11:30 ” Debt/Part ” Cabbie News CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada SC ” Ray Anger Vancouver Golf ” Rachael The Marilyn The Doctors Seth Meyers UEFA DenisNews Show SportsCentre Global” Nat. CTV
Republic of Bold Rick Mercer NCIS Doyle Fool Canada ThisMinute ” Dragons’ Judge Judy Creek Zoo Den Judge Judy Bookaboo The Price Is Still Standing ” Bo On/Go Right CBC News KIRO News The National NCIS: New ” KIRO News Heartland Young & ” Orleans ” Restless CBC News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News Murdoch CBS News CBC News KIRO News Coronation Madam Now ” Mysteries The Insider Rick Mercer Secretary Coronation Ent Best Recipes The Talk 22 Minutes Corden Rick Mercer NCIS Stefano ” Fool Canada ” Steven and Let’s Make a Creek Zoo Chris Deal Still Standing ” Republic of Bold The National ThisMinute NCIS: New Doyle ” Orleans Dragons’ Judge Judy CBC KIRO Den News JudgeNews Judy Bookaboo The Price Is Coronation Madam Bo On/Go Right CBC News KIRO News Rick Mercer Secretary ” KIRO Heartland YoungNews & 22 Minutes Corden ” Restless CBC News KIRO News ” CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch CBS News Champions Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News League Hour Vancouver Now ” Little League Ent etalk Mysteries The Insider Soccer Days of our Big TheBang Social Best Recipes The Baseball ET Canada Coronation Ent Talk ” Lives ” Stefano ” ” NCIS Spun Out Rick Mercer NCIS World/Poker The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a ” ” Cleveland Fool Canada ” ” ” ” Chris Deal SportsCentre NCIS: Los Zoo Creek Zoo World/Poker The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of ” Angeles ” Still Standing Bold ” ” Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ThisMinute SportsCentre NCIS: New Hollywood The National NCIS: New Hockey Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy ” Orleans Game Orleans Champions Restless Show Night Den ” Judge Judy SportsCentre News News-Lisa CBC KIRO Cabbie News Hour CTV News CBC News News KIRO News News ” Final News--11:30 Coronation Madam CFL 30 ” Vancouver ” KIRO News SportsCentre ET Canada Anger Rick Mercer Secretary Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO News ” The Doctors Meyers 22 Minutes Corden CHBC News Seth Vancouver Murdoch CBS News
Pitchin’ In The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Young & Ray ” Restless
KNOW After KOMO Paradise * `
SNP KNOW Hospital KOMO Tim and Sid Mister Maker The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”
A&E 1
A&E The First 48 1 ”
G. Shrinks Astroblast PAW Patrol Jelly Adven. Jamm Doki Bucket-Dino Dinosaur
The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News
CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ”
Misplays ” Premier ” League Misplays DartsJays Blue World Poker MLB Tour Baseball: World Poker Toronto Blue Tour Jays at
PAW Dan Patrol Dino Kate Kratts and Wild Astroblast Hope for Poppy WildlifeCat
The Chew News World ”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News
The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith NCIS Vieira ”Show
Tim and Sid Texas ” Rangers ” Sportsnet ” Central
Mister Maker Mega Curious Builders Astroblast ExtraordiPAW Patrol nary Journey
NCIS: Los RestlessIn Pitchin’ Angeles Debt/Part Early News NCIS: New Global Nat. Rachael Ray Orleans News ”Hour News Hour ”News Noon Final Hour Ent ET Canada ET Canada Days of our The Doctors NCIS Lives ” The Talk NCIS:”Los Angeles The Meredith CHAN NCIS: New Vieira Show Orleans ( Young & News Hour Restless Pitchin’ In Final Debt/Part Early News ET Canada Global Nat. Rachael Ray The Doctors News ”Hour ” Noon News
Misplays Blue Jays Misplays Blue Jays Premier MLB Sportsnet Baseball: League Central Darts Toronto Blue Sportsnet Jays WorldatPoker Central Tour Texas Sportsnet Rangers World CentralPoker Sportsnet Tour Central Tim and Sid Misplays ” Blue Jays ” SNP Sportsnet ” Central ) Misplays Sportsnet Blue Jays MLB Central Baseball: MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Houston Central Astros atBlue Toronto Jays at New York
TranscendDinosaur G. Shrinks ent Man PAW Patrol Dino Dan ” Wild Kratts Jelly Jamm Chung Bucket-Dino Hope for Mega Wildlife PAW Patrol Builders Kate Megaand TranscendBuilders Astroblast ent Man ExtraordiPoppy Cat nary Journey Mister Maker TranscendCurious ent Man Astroblast KNOW ” PAW Patrol Chung Doki* Adven. Mega Dinosaur G. Shrinks Builders PAW Patrol Dino Dan TranscendWild Kratts JellyMan Jamm ent Bucket-Dino Hope for Wildlife PAW Patrol
Yankees Texas
Kate and Mega
Sportsnet Tim and Sid Central
ExtraordiFresh-Boat Storage Mister Maker Fresh-Boat The Doctors Storage Donnie nary Journey
CHAN ( Young &
Hour Ent
Days of our ET Canada Lives
The Talk ” ”
SNP ) Misplays
The Meredith ” Angeles Blue Jays Vieira Show ”
NCIS: New Young & Orleans Restless
Sportsnet MLB’s Best Central Blue Jays
News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.
Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:
Astroblast ent Man PAW Patrol
” Doki Chung Dinosaur
Mega Dino Dan Builders Wild Kratts
YTV Wayside Kid 6 vs. Kat
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
Alaskan Mayday Bush People ” Rise of the Rise of the Machines Machines How/Made Alaskan How/Made Bush
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
Hot Bench Browns Hot Bench Payne King Browns Paid Prog. Payne
Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour
KING KING 5 5 News News Days of our Nightly News Lives News
The Doctors Storage The First 48 Wheel ” ” Jeopardy! Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
PaidBang Prog. LittleLittle People, Big Our Family Feud Family Big World Big Bang Little People, Little People, Big Big World World
The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld
Sesame St. Nick Stellino Cat in the Rick Steves Royalty A Few Great Close Up Bakeries
Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeAmerica’s neres Show Got Talent
Extreme News The View Weight Loss News ” ” World News KOMO ” 4 News 4 KOMO News News The Chew Jimmy Wheel” Kimmel Live Jeopardy! General Nightline Fresh-Boat Hospital Fresh-Boat The Doctors Extreme ” Weight Loss Steve KOMO ” Harvey ” ` KOMO 4 News News The View Jimmy News ” Kimmel Live World KOMONews 4 Nightline News 4 KOMO News The Chew
Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage 1 Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage After the
Gags Chucks Wayside Gags Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Haunting SpongeBob Rated A for Haunting Rated A Thunder for Gags Assembly Chucks Gags Squirrel Max Picture This! Game On Almost” Just Kidding Sidekick Just Kidding Wayside Gags Kid vs. Kat Gags Sidekick YTV Haunting Nerds Haunting 6 SpongeBob Gags Chucks Wayside Gags Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents Picture This! SpongeBob Rated”A for Rated A for Thunder Assembly Nerds
Brooklyn Raising Steve Last Man Harvey Mike News Anger Feud Family Mod Fam Family Feud Two Men Mike Mod Fam Law & How I Met Order: SVU Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Paid NameProg. Game Are You The Office Smarter Paid Prog. Brooklyn Family Feud Last Man Paid Prog. KAYU News Eco Co. Mod Fam Paid; Prog. Mike Raising Steve How I Met Harvey Mike Cougar Anger FamilyGame Feud Name Family Feud Two Men Mod Fam Law &
Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Amer. Dad Divorce Browns Jeffersons Payne Judge Break Paid Prog. Browns Movie: Payne Hot Bench “The Hot ModBench Fam Pacifier” Seinfeld King ” Paid Prog. Family Guy The Middle Amer. Dad The Middle Amer. Dad Seinfeld WTBS Jeffersons Mod Fam Break Big A Bang Movie: Big Bang Divorce “The Paid Prog. Browns Pacifier” Payne Judge” Judge Browns Payne Hot Bench
Having It All Masterpiece Sesame ” Street World News Frontline Business Dinosaur ” Dinosaur PBS Film School NewsHour Peg Plus Dowdle Cat Peg Cat Nick Plus Stellino Having It All Rick Steves Super”Why! A Few Great Thomas Bakeries Sesame St. Having It All Cat in the ” Royalty KCTS Frontline Close Up ” WolfN Hall on Film School Masterpiece Sesame Dowdle Street World News Having It All Business Dinosaur ” Dinosaur PBS NewsHour Peg Plus Cat
” News Today ” cont’d KING 5 Hollywood NewsDay New Game Night Northwest Nightly News KING News News KING 5 Tonight News Show Evening Days of our Seth Meyers America’s Lives Got Talent Dr. Phil ” ” Ellen DeGeKING Hollywood neres Show Game Night P KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight cont’d KING 5 Show News New Day Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News News KING 5
First 48 Storage
Squirrel Max
Hot Bench Mod Fam
Peg Plus Cat News
Wahlburgers Almost Storage Game On Wahlburgers Sidekick Lachey’s
Steve D. Weight Loss Duck Storage Harvey Duck D.
KOMO 4 News ”
YTV NEWS 6 7 SpongeBob Amanda
Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.
News Storage News Duck Jimmy World News Storage Dynasty
DISC Paid KAYU Prog. Are You Eco Co. Smarter 9 ; Mighty Ships Paid Prog.
The National Lang News CBC ” Now CBC With News CBC News Carole”” MacNeil The National The National ” CBC News ” Now CBC With News Amanda ” Diana Lang Swain The National ” ” Power & The National Politics ” Power & NEWS CBC News Politics ” 7 Amanda The LangNational CBC News ” Now CBC With News Amanda ” Carole Lang MacNeil The National ” CBC News
Deadliest ” Mayday Catch ” Land Rush Deadliest ” the Rise of Catch Machines Deadliest How/Made Catch Alaskan How/Made Bush Deadliest Land Rush Catch Alaskan ” How/Made Bush People How/Made How/Made Deadliest How/Made Catch How/Made DISC Deadliest How/Made Catch 9 Mighty Ships How/Made ” Mayday How/Made ” Land Rush Land Rush ” Land Rush ” ” Deadliest Catch Deadliest
Now With CBC News
Catch Deadliest
Diana ”Swain Deadliest Catch ” Catch
Just Kidding The National How/Made Wayside Ice Cold Just Kidding Power” & How/Made Kid vs. Kat
Sidekick Gags Chucks
Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Penguins
Power & ” Politics
The National Deadliest How/Made Catch CBC News Amanda Lang ”
Little People, Paid Prog. SayWorld Yes The Middle Big Family Guy
Family Feud Say Yes
King Seinfeld King
Our Little I Am Jazz Family”
Paid Prog.
Amer. Dad
Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam
Jeffersons Big Bang Break Big Bang
Little People, Movie: Leah Remini: Browns Big World “The Leah Remini: Payne
Cougar Paid Prog. Pacifier” Two Men Leah Remini: Browns Name Game Leah Paid Prog. Mod Fam Remini: Payne” Big Bang Big Bang
I Am Jazz ”
MasterChef ”
Leah Remini: Family Guy Leah Remini: Family Guy
Ent ET Canada
Texas Rangers
Watchers Park
Wheel Jeopardy!
Lachey’s Lachey’s
Bella Henry
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
Sportsnet Central
Silk Route ”
The Middle Goldbergs
Duck D. Duck D.
Just Kidding The National How/Made Just Kidding ” How/Made
Extant ”
Rigoletto Mod Fam from Mantua blackish
Duck Dynasty
Gags Gags
SportsCentre ET Canada Anger Rick Mercer ” The Doctors Seth Meyers 22 Minutes
Say Yes Our Little
Say Yes Family Say Yes
Paid Prog. Our Little Last Man ” Animal Atlas Family
Gags How/Made Odd Parents The CBCNational News Mighty Ships Mike Mike Gags ”” How/Made How I Met SpongeBob ” Anger
The Insider Ent
News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Coronation
” Big World Four ” Weddings Little People, Our Little Big World Little People, Family Big World ” Little People, ” LittleWorld People, Big Big Our World Little Paid Prog. Family Little People, Paid Prog. Little People, Big World Big World Little People, ” Big World ” Little People, TLC Our Little Big World Family Little< People, Little People, Big World Four Big World Weddings Little People, Paid Prog. Big FourWorld Paid Prog. Weddings ” ” Say Yes
Kimmel Rush KOMO 4Live Storage Wahlburgers Picture ThunderThis! Amanda The National Land Deadliest Nightline Storage ” Lang ” News Donnie Assembly Catch ”
Dragons’ Den
SportsCentre News Hour ” Final
Are You Paid Prog. Smarter
TLC Seinfeld WTBS Paid Prog. Mod Fam Family Guy < A Little People, Big Bang
ET Canada Sportsnet News Hour Toronto Blue TranscendMega The Doctors Central ent Man ” Jays at Builders
Mysteries Coronation
X Company ”
Order: SVU Big Bang
Paid Prog. Big Bang The Office
Deadliest News Mighty Ships Paid Prog. Catch ” Mod Fam Raising
MasterChef ”
The National Criminal ” Minds
Extant ”
MLB’s Best Blue Jays
Carmichael Carmichael
Sportsnet Central
KIRO News Madam
News Hour Final
Sportsnet Central
Secretary Corden
ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Central
” ”
Dr. Phil ”
Little People, People, Little Big World World Big Little People, ” Big World ”
etalk Big Bang
Amazing Race
KCTS Sesame St. Cat N in the
Law & Mike Order: SVU Anger Paid Prog. Two Men The Mod Office Fam
Big Brother ”
Criminal Minds
TLC WTBS Little People, The Middle Big < World TheA Middle
KING ” ” P
TodayDeGeEllen cont’d Show neres New Day KING 5 Northwest News
Ent ET Canada
Extant ”
Little People, King Big World Paid Prog.
Sesame Royalty Street Up Close Dinosaur Wolf Hall on Dinosaur Masterpiece
Teams TBA ” ” ”
Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big
MLB Baseball:
SportsCentre Carmichael ” Carmichael
KAYU Paid Prog. ; Family Feud
Four People, Little Weddings Big World Little People, People, Little Big World World Big
General Jeopardy! Hospital
CBC News Power & Now With Politics Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang
SteveProg. Paid Harvey Eco Co. Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising
A&E 1 Storage
Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds Rated A for SpongeBob Rated A for Chucks
Mayday How/Made ” How/Made Rise of Ships the Mighty Machines ” Chucks CBC News News Alaskan Odd Parents CBC Land Rush Squirrel Now With Bush ” SpongeBob ” Almost Diana Swain Alaskan Thunder The National Deadliest Sidekick ”” Bush Assembly CatchPeople Wayside Power & How/Made Max CBC News Deadliest Kid vs. Kat Politics How/Made Game On ” Catch Sidekick Power & How/Made Just Kidding The National How/Made Nerds How/Made Just Kidding Politics ” How/Made
KNOW Steve KOMO Fresh-Boat Harvey Fresh-Boat * ` Doki Adven. KOMO 4
MLB’s Best Astroblast Rangers Builders Plays/Month Poppy Cat
Alaskan Big Bang Bush People Big Bang
” ”
MLB Baseball:
Celebrity Wife Swap
Wahlburgers Haunting Donnie Haunting
” Watchers
News Jimmy
Lachey’s Lachey’s
Silk Route ”
Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.
CBC News ”
Land Rush ”
Mod Fam Paid Prog.
KCTS N Wolf Hall on
Nick Stellino News Days of our Evening
Super Why! Rick Steves Thomas
A Few Great America’s Sesame St. Got Dr. Phil Bakeries Talent Cat in the
Having It All
Doc Martin ” ”
Ellen DeGe” neres Show
Film School World News Dowdle Business
KING 5 News KING Tonight News
Having It All PBS ” NewsHour
Show News Nightly Seth Meyers News
Frontline Hollywood Wolf Hall on KING 5 ” Game Masterpiece News Night
Fixed: Science/Fiction
News Evening
Kangaroo Dundee
America’s Got Talent
The National Mighty Ships Home Free ” ” ”
I Am Jazz ”
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Nature ”
Carmichael Carmichael
CBC News ”
Leah Remini: Jeffersons Leah Remini: Gimme
Nature ”
Last Comic Standing
I Am Jazz ”
Globe Trekker
KING News Tonight
Front and Center
Show Seth Meyers
Alaskan News Bush People Mod Fam
Just Kidding The National Land Rush Just Kidding ” ”
Mike How I Met
The Last Airbender
Cougar Peter Popoff Name Game Paid Prog.
Amanda Lang
How/Made How/Made
Movie: “Year One” ” ”
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Blackberries, Garlic, New Potatoes & Pickling Cucumbers, Table Grapes & Nectarines.
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions ONLINE AUCTION COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTOPENS WED AUG 12 - CLOSES WED AUG 19......... COMMISSARY BAKERY & STEAM EQUIPMENT incl. Doyon Bakery & Cleveland Steam Equipment, Pizza Oven, Electric Convection Ovens, Dishwashers, Canopies, Freezers, Coolers, Fryers, Ranges, sinks AND MORE!!!!! View Weekdays 9am to 4pm @Active Auction Mart - Unit 295 - 19358 96th Ave, Surrey, BC--- view ONLINE & REGISTER to BID --- Tel: 604-371-1190 email:
Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins, Sets, Paper $ etc Call Chad at 250-863-3082
If you see a wildfire, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! ROOFING
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days)
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Lake Country, BC
Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers | Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Lake Country, BC
Under Section 40 and 26 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that Council proposes to consider adoption of Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw 931, 2015 at the Tuesday September 1, 2015 Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw may make representation to Council by way or written submissions prior to the meeting or by presentation at the meeting.
Under Section 40 and 26 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that Council proposes to consider 3rd Reading of Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw 926, 2015 at the Tuesday September 1, 2015 Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw may make representation to Council by way of written submissions prior to the meeting or by presentation at the meeting.
Bylaw 931, 2015 authorizes the District to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of portions of Tyndall Road and dispose of the closed portions of the road for the purpose of consolidation with the adjacent lands upon subdivision of Phase 3 of the Lakestone project (shown in red on the below Schedule “A” map) in exchange for a similar sized road allowance for the realignment of Tyndall Road to the east.
Bylaw 926, 2015 authorizes the District to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of those portions of Kalamalka Lane outlined in red on the map below (“Schedule A”). Title of the closed road will be transferred to the adjacent properties being Lot 1 and 2, Section 14, Township 14, ODYD, Plan 6738 in exchange for using a portion of the adjacent property owners land to provide public access to the remnant of Evans Road.
GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the applications and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday August 18, 2015 to September 1, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674.
HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
Speak at the Council Meeting
Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
August 19, 2015
30% Voluntary Water Use Reduction The District of Lake Country is currently at Water Conservation Stage 2. See more info on Water Restrictions at Note that sprinkling is only permitted 2 days per week on the following schedule:
Addresses ending in 0 – Saturday & Wednesday Addresses ending in 1 – Sunday & Wednesday Addresses ending in 2 – Monday & Saturday Addresses ending in 3 & 4 – Tuesday & Saturday Addresses ending in 5 – Wednesday & Saturday Addresses ending in 6 & 7 – Thursday & Sunday Addresses ending in 8 & 9 – Friday & Sunday
The District is urging all residents to do their part to conserve water. For residential users to conserve 30%, that can be achieved by moving to 2-days/week watering schedule. And if you must water outdoors, make water work more efficiently and effectively. Find easy but effective tips at Residential outdoor watering accounts for the 2nd highest use of all water in the Okanagan (24%). At the same time, there is less water available per person in the Okanagan than anywhere in Canada. Considering most of the residential water used outdoors is used on lawns – which are mostly for cosmetic use – this is where we all can make a difference and Make Water Work.
Make Water Work! Get the most from your water:
Water between dusk and dawn Water plants, not pavement Leave grass 2-3 inches tall (5-8cm) Leave grass clippings as mulch Aerate your lawn and top dress with compost Change out some lawn for droughttolerant turf and/or low-water plants
Take the MAKE WATER WORK PLEDGE and enter to win $8000 in prizes, including a Grand Prize of a WaterWise yard upgrade.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
2015 Fall/Winter Activity Guide Knitting, Wood Carving, Karate, Zumba, Yoga, Dog obedience training, Ethnic cooking . . . are just a few of the interesting activities you can register to participate in this Fall/Winter. The Activity Guide is in the mail this week and the first day of registration is August 21. Register online at or call 250 250-766-5650.
Universal Water Meter Meters installations Water Meter installers from Neptune Technologies have now completed the scheduled water meter installations for Lake Country water customers. If you did not yet respond to the mail out and phone call invitation and reminder, please book your appointment immediately by calling: 1-800-667-4387. This phase of the project is nearing completion and home owners that have not yet had a meter installed need to book ASAP to avoid an individual installation fee. Note: If you already have a meter it will need to be upgraded to be compatible with the District’s new meter reading system.
Community Events Lake Country Customs and Classics Car Show kicks off Saturday
evening with a vehicle parade through the community starting from Main Street at 5pm August 22 and ending at Lake Country Community Church. The main car show event takes place all day 10am-4pm Sunday, August 23 at Swalwell Park (10090 Bottom Wood Lake Rd) with an estimated 400 customs, classic, hot rods participating. There will be entertainment, a Vendor Alley, 50/50 draws and door prizes all day.
Lake Country Open Air Performance in the park behind Oyama
Community Hall (15710 Oyama Rd) from 6:30-9pm Saturday, August 22 featuring Olivia Penalva as well as Blue Skies, the Trio.
Centrepiece at Okanagan Centre Park and Museum (11255 Okanagan
Centre Rd. West) Sunday, August 23 11:30am-3pm with lots of activities for children, toe-tapping tunes from a Dixieland Band, refreshments, and photo ops in period costumes.
Nature Sculpture Event at Kaloya Regional Park (Trask Rd.) Sunday,
August 23 1-2pm. Kids and their families can spend a FREE fun-filled afternoon designing sculptures out of nature’s art supplies.