Thursday, August 20, 2015 ▼ Volume 51 No. 34 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.35 Includes GST
Families and boys thankful. See A5 inside.
First Place Best All Round Newspaper & Best Editorial Page Second Place Best Front Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2014 First Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2014
Blue River seeks 69 per cent property tax increase Keith McNeill
Blue River Improvement District intends to ask property owners for permission to borrow up to $385,000 to purchase a new fire truck and apparatus. According to a letter sent out recently by Dustin Deuling, improvement district chair, the borrowing would result in a tax increase of 69 per cent per year for the average property. "The current fire truck is a 1980 GMC and is very outdated and no longer certified to be operating as our first responding truck," Deuling wrote. "Therefore, we need to purchase a new fire truck to continue to operate." The loan for the truck would be paid back over 10 years at no more than a six per cent interest rate. As an improvement district, Blue River is not eligible for government grants that are available to regional districts and municipalities. Several years ago, Vavenby and Blackpool fire departments were taken over by the Thompson-Nicola Regional District.
A major factor in the takeover was that the regional district would be able to get government grants that would help with major equipment purchases. However, that option has not been considered with Blue River’s fire department, according to Willow MacDonald, TNRD director for Thompson Headwaters (Area B). "The Blue River Improvement District has a dedicated and hard working volunteer board," MacDonald said. "They are happy to continue with the services they control, namely the fire department, garbage pick up and street lighting." The Thompson Headwaters representative noted that, with new provincial regulations regarding fire departments, the purchase of a new fire truck has become an issue the BRID must address or Blue River could lose its fire department. "A new fire truck is much needed by the community, as the old one doesn’t comply with current standards and if the BRID does not replace it we will have no fire department
at all," she said. "As this would effect our house insurance negatively, I feel that the purchase of a new truck is a good investment." She pointed out that the improvement district has not had a tax increase for 30 years. A special general meeting to decide on the proposal will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 2, in the Blue River Community Hall at 7 p.m. A secret ballot will be held and the meeting will be the only way in which a vote will be counted. A majority vote would allow the improvement district to adopt the bylaw and then borrow the money. In order to vote at the special general meeting, a person must own property within the boundary of the Blue River improvement district, or be the owner’s authorized agent. The voter also must be at least 18 years of age, a Canadian citizen, have been a resident of B.C. for at least six months, and not be disqualified by law from voting in local elections.
All-candidates forum next month Keith McNeill
Gateway to Wells Gray Park A photo taken from a Yellowhead Helicopter on Friday morning, Aug. 14, shows the roundabout at the junction of Highway 5 and the road to Wells Gray Park in the foreground and Raft Mountain the background. Photo by Keith McNeill
Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce and Clearwater-North Thompson Times are once again cooperating to put on an all candidates forum for the upcoming federal election. Cathy McLeod, a Conservative and the incumbent Member of Parliament for the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding, has confirmed she will attend. Also confirmed are challengers Bill Sundhu of the NDP, Steve Powrie of the Liberals, and
Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441
Green Party candidate Matt Greenwood. The format will follow that used in previous elections: short introductions by each candidate, to be followed by a question-and-answer session with the audience, and then closing comments by each candidate. An informal meet-and-greet will end the evening. The all-candidates’ forum will be held at Dutch Lake Community Centre on Thursday evening, Sept. 24, starting at 7 p.m. The federal election will be held Monday, Oct. 19.
Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148
Located on Highway 5
A2 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
Forest fire danger remains despite recent rain Keith McNeill Recent heavy rains have dampened the surface fuels within Clearwater Fire Zone, but the deep duff and larger fuels are still dry, according to forest protection officer Jim Jones. Despite the wetter weather, the two threeperson Initial Attack crews assigned to the fire zone were busy. “Our crews have been on the go every day,” Jones said. The constant pace has meant that a IA crew has been transferred in from Smithers to give the local crews a break. As of Monday, the largest fire in the Fire Zone was a 20 ha blaze east of Murtle Lake. The fire was just outside the boundary of Wells Gray Park, but the smoke was affecting traffic on the road to the lake. Unlike most Forest Service roads, the road to Murtle Lake is not radio-controlled. Signs have been put up asking people to drive carefully.
As of Monday, a 20-person unit crew had the Murtle Lake fire 100 per cent contained. A 200 foot wide secure strip around the perimeter was expected to be established by the end of the day. The lightning-caused fire was discovered on Aug. 12. Fast action by a logging crew that was on-site is being credited with limiting the size of a fire near South Dudgeon Creek near the Adams River to 1.9 ha. BC Forest Service received a call reporting the fire at 3 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 14. The fire was in a felled and bucked cutblock. Cause is still under investigation. Besides the Murtle and South Dudgeon fires, Clearwater Fire Zone was handling five other fires, all in the northern section around Blue River and Raft River. Three involved rappel crews, while two others were being attacked using IA crews on the ground. All were lightning-caused.
Smoke rises from a 20 ha forest fire east of Murtle Lake on Friday morning of last week. As of Monday it was 100 per cent contained. Photo by Keith McNeill
Kinder Morgan’s pipeline plans have helicopter-skiing company nervous Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week
Barry Gerding Managing editor at the Kelowna Capital News. With 34 years of experience in B.C. community newspapers, helping to shine a
committed to the public interest.
spotlight on issues affecting Central Okanagan residents.
With a few keystrokes you can sample thousands of opinions, aoat in a sea of information. But as the volume increases, the accuracy and reliability of professional journalism is essential. Gathering and sorting the facts, weighing and interpreting events, and following the story from beginning to end is more important than ever.
The head of Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing is expressing frustration with what he said is a lack of detail on the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. Mike Wiegele is slated to make a presentation on Sept. 10 in Burnaby as part of hearings convened by the National Energy Board (NEB). “We need to know when the project will take place,” said the founder of Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing based in Blue River. “It could kill us ... You don’t want construction on your doorstep.” The current Trans Mountain line runs directly through Wiegele’s resort beside the Yellowhead Highway in Blue River. He said guests who come for the experience — and can spend tens of thousands of dollars doing so — don’t want to see a construction site on their dream vacation. Even construction during summer threatens to deter tourists who stay over en route between Alberta and Vancouver. “Every day counts for us,” he said. Carey Johannesson, lead
for lands and right-of-way for Trans Mountain, said the corporation began discussions with Wiegele last year and has been in contact since. While it is dealing with thousands of land owners along the proposed route to twin the pipeline, Johannesson said Wiegele is among a unique group due to his mix of feesimple lands and Crown leases. Some ranchers are in the same position. Still at play is the route and timing, which Johannesson pledged won’t be in Wiegele’s prime winter season. “We’re going to be doing construction in summer,” he said. Johannesson said representatives will meet with Wiegele next week to get into more detail about routing, timing and compensation. It has made a compensation offer on fee simple lands, but not on Crown lands where Wiegele has a licence for use. “We’re still in the process of having that discussion,” Johannesson said. Even if the project is approved in early 2016, construction permits are unlikely until the spring of next year. Earlier this week, more than 30 people scheduled to
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make presentations to the NEB hearings next month pulled out, calling the process biased. Wiegele said he believes the project will be beneficial overall to the province and country, but remains concerned about lack of detail from Kinder Morgan. Johannesson said Wiegele’s property is unique, but his questions as a landowner are not, including about timing and what the project will look like when complete. Johannesson said the company will provide more clarity in the coming months. The original Trans Mountain Pipeline was built in 1953. Trans Mountain is proposing an expansion of this existing 1,150-kilometre pipeline between Edmonton and Burnaby. The proposed expansion, if approved, would create a twinned pipeline that would increase the nominal capacity of the system from 300,000 barrels per day to 890,000 barrels per day. The twinned line would come through Kamloops, with Kinder Morgan seeking to run it alongside an existing Telus right-of-way in the Lac Du Boise Grasslands Provincial Park above Westsyde. Last summer, Kinder Morgan Continued on page A3
Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A3
Long list of conditions for Trans Mountain approval Tom Fletcher – Black Press The National Energy Board has released a draft list of 145 conditions for approval of Kinder Morgan Canada's oil pipeline expansion project, including environmental protection plans for land and marine operations. Conditions include the possibility of dredging for the expansion of the Westridge Marine Terminal in Burnaby, where the original Trans Mountain pipeline has delivered crude oil and refined products since 1953. Kinder Morgan is proposing to twin the line to ramp up shipments of diluted bitumen from northern Alberta that began intermittently in the late 1980s. The $5.4 billion expansion project would nearly triple the line's capacity to 890,000 barrels per day, resulting in a seven-fold increase in oil tankers entering and leaving Vancouver harbour. Kinder Morgan Canada president Ian Anderson said Thursday the company will be seeking clarification on the timing of some of the conditions, and will file its comments to the NEB review panel Aug. 20. Most
Wiegele nervous about pipeline Continued from page A2 filed updated information with the National Energy Board, including an alternative corridor in the Kamloops area. Should the Ajax project receive all of its necessary regulatory approvals, both Trans Mountain’s existing pipeline and the proposed pipeline corridor would require relocation for the purposes of mine activities. Kinder Morgan has identified an alternative pipeline corridor. Should the existing pipeline need to be relocated, it would undergo a separate regulatory process from the facilities application under consideration by the NEB for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. http://www. kamloopsthisweek. com/kinder-morganlooks-reroutepipeline-aroundajax/
major conditions, including plans for watercourse crossings along the route, are to be filed at least 90 days before construction begins. "Our initial review of the draft conditions is that they are rigorous but achievable," Anderson said. NEB hearings are to resume Aug. 24, where the B.C. government is expected to formalize its position, based on Premier Christy Clark's five conditions for new heavy oil pipelines. They include a "world-class" spill response capability on land and sea, approval and benefit sharing by affected First Nations, and a still-undefined "fair share" of benefits for the province. Those conditions were included in B.C.'s position opposing the Enbridge Northern Gateway project, which the federal government approved with its own list of more than 200 conditions. The province does not have authority to veto either pipeline project, as each would run from Alberta to B.C. Draft conditions for Trans Mountain include identification of all sites on the proposed second line affected by earthquake, including the "Holocene for Sumas Fault, Vedder Mountain Fault,
Trans Mountain pipeline expansion work near Jasper Alberta, which was completed in 2008. Black Press file photo
Fraser River-Straight Creek Fault and Rocky Mountain Trench, as well as other possible hidden faults." Conditions also include submitting
A call for aboriginals to vote in federal election Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week A leader in a North Thompson First Nations community agrees with a call by a national group calling for aboriginal Canadians to vote in the October federal election. The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples is urging the nation’s 1.4-million aboriginal people to vote on Oct. 19. The KamloopsThompson-Cariboo riding includes the small Chu Chua reserve in the North Thompson Valley. Former chief Nathan Matthew said there have been efforts in past to get out the vote. “If we voted as
Former Simpcw chief Nathan Matthew
a block, that could make a difference,” the former band chief and educator told KTW. NDP candidate Bill Sundhu said while voter participation among aboriginal people has not traditionally been high, all the parties in the riding “are keenly interested in getting aboriginal persons to vote.” Sundhu noted former veteran New Democrat MP Nelson
Riis was successful in getting First Nations votes in this riding. Since the development of the Sun Rivers subdivision in the late 1990s, it is difficult to determine the participation rate of voters from Tk’emlups Indian Band reserve. At one time, polls on reserve were exclusively utilized by band members. Matthew said Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have consistently blocked efforts to recognize rights and title and self-government, something he will tell incumbent MP Cathy McLeod if she visits the community. “I’d say, ‘What have you done for First Nations lately?’ I can tell you, not a heck of a lot,” Matthew said.
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Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
“ Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness.” - George Orwell, writer
Published by Black Press Ltd. 74 Young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N2
editorial by Tom Fletcher
With more time, will more voters care about the election? North Thompson Communities Foundation seeks new volunteers Editor, The Times:
Are you an ‘idea’ person or a ‘big picture’ thinker? Would you like to be on a team of individuals with a vision of connecting caring communities in the North Thompson? Volunteering with our local Communities Foundation may be a great place for you to consider investing your time and skills. Currently we are looking for new board and committee members with computer skills, accounting knowledge, social media skills or have strong communication skills, and an interest in the future of the valley. If this describes you, we invite you to contact us at
ntcommunitiesfoundation@gmail. com for further information. The North Thompson Communities Foundation’s annual general meeting will take place in Clearwater during the third week of September. Please watch this newspaper for our advertisement. Since the North Thompson Communities Foundation covers the entire North Thompson valley, we actively welcome inquiries from all communities within the valley. Thank you for your interest.
Cheryl Thomas, chairperson North Thompson Communities Foundation
Pipeline supporter did not deal with main issues Editor, The Times:
John Hunter's letter (“Pipeline supporter takes critic to task” in the Aug. 13 issue of the Times) against Dennis Peacock's does not deal with the main issues of pipelines. (Prime Minister Stephen) Harper has gutted the environmental review
process. Not allowing cross examination of pipeline companies at NEB (National Energy Board) hearings and limiting presentations is a violation of due process. The NDP want to build refineries in Canada to create jobs. Harper wants to ship our raw
BC Press Council
resources out of the country – without proper environmental protection. How's that going for you Harper and Cathy McLeod? I haven't seen one project get off the ground!
Times THE
www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
Trudeau, having expelled all Liberal senators from the party caucus, has warned that Harper’s plan and Mulcair’s long-standing position to abolish the Senate are both unworkable, if not unconstitutional. Trudeau has promised changes to the Senate appointment process, but no specifics so far. Party policies are being doled out one bit at a time, and the national and local candidate debates may help clarify them. Here are a couple that could use closer scrutiny. Harper has promised to revive a stimulus program from the 2009 economic crisis, offering a 15 per cent tax credit for home improvements between $1,000 and $5,000. This sounds great if you’re a homeowner, but does nothing for renters, drives up the cost of housing in already overpriced urban markets and encourages more consumer debt. Trudeau has promised an additional $2.6 billion over four years for First Nations education on reserves, and accelerated spending on school infrastructure. Mulcair has promised to hold a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. Mulcair and Trudeau both pledge to reverse the Conservative moves to eliminate what’s left of door-to-door mail delivery, and to extend the age of eligibility for the Old Age Security pension from 65 to 67. All of these promises are presented in the most appealing way possible by the parties that promote them, and all involve spending and taxation tradeoffs that the parties would prefer not to discuss. Another possible dividend from a formal campaign stretching more than two months is that more voters will pay attention to the real issues and actually take the time to cast a ballot. If that happens, and the long decline in voter turnout is reversed, it’s a good investment. – Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @ tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@blackpress.ca
Tourist says thanks for the help in a time of need
David Sager Clearwater, B.C. Editor, The Times:
The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
VICTORIA – Several readers took me to task for last week’s commentary on the beginning of our long, hot federal election campaign. They pointed out, among other things, that there are substantial cost increases to Elections Canada as well as higher spending limits for the parties. And thanks to generous tax deductions for political donations, taxpayers subsidize all party spending whether they want to or not. That’s the system as it is today, so rather than rail against it, it seems more useful to ask what we’re getting for our forced investment in this exercise. First, more leader debates. The traditional main event organized by TV networks for Oct. 8 appears to be a bust, with only Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and Green Party leader Elizabeth May expected to attend. Conservative leader Stephen Harper declined, prompting NDP leader Thomas Mulcair to say he will only take part in debates that include Harper. Harper, Trudeau and Mulcair have agreed to a Sept. 17 debate hosted by The Globe and Mail and Google Canada. This one is to be focused on the economy, which should force participants to get beyond their talking points and pointing fingers. On Sept. 28 there will be a debate focused on foreign policy hosted by Munk Debates, a charitable foundation. Harper, Trudeau and Mulcair have accepted. May and Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe were not invited to either of these. The national media have decided that the biggest issue currently is the trial of suspended senator Mike Duffy, but this has turned out to be a rehash of facts and assertions heard many times over by those who care. The expense account abuse has pushed the issue of Senate reform to the forefront. Harper declared his intention to starve the Senate by refusing any more appointments, after most provinces ignored his call to elect their nominees.
On July 20 of this year my husband Keith and I had a minor motorcycle accident in Wells Grey Provincial Park. My husband sustained a badly broken leg that required ambulance transportation to Clearwater Hospital. I want to thank all the people who stopped helped to help and support us – particularly a mother and
daughter who stayed for the duration of our roadside wait, suppling towels for shade, blankets for comfort and water. Their friendly smiling faces as I floundered in the shock of the situation will remain with me. Many others stopped, offered help, made phone calls and delivered messages. The help continued at Clearwater's hospital, where
five professional, friendly women cared for us so well. Dr. Broadbent attended to Keith, also in a professional, caring manner. After nine days in Kamloops Hospital we are home in Australia and Keith is recovering well. Thank you, Clearwater. You will be remembered for the very best reasons.
June Driscoll Victoria, Australia
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
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Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A5
Question of the Week
? Are you looking forward to school re-opening?
McGary O'Dette
(formerly of Clearwater, now 100 Mile House): Kind of. I'll miss my cousins but I'm excited that I'll be with my friends.
Charlotte Cederholm:
Personally, I don't need to worry about it, but I'm sure a lot of parents are ... and so are the kids.
Sharon Chaytor: Yes, because it signals the start of my favorite time of the year ... the fall, although I'm sad to see summer go.
Carol McNeil:
George Juergensen:
Yes, maybe it will cut down on the traffic Yes, because it means more work for on the highway. me. I'll be delivering more stuff to the schools.
Boys and families give a big High gas prices are petro-nonsense thank you to the community Editor, The Times:
Editor, The Times:
Let us start with the fact that we live in the best place on Earth! We would like to say thank you to everyone who took the time and donated the money to send Parker and Sunny to Camp Winfield. The boys spent a weekend there in June as first time campers to get familiarized with going to camp, and a week in August. Fun is an understatement of what they experienced. Words cannot express how much joy Parker and Sunny have received by this opportunity. They swam in the pool, canoed on the lake, took part in plays, played mini golf and basketball, all the time surrounded by kids just like them and awesome support staff to cheer them on. So a huge thank you to Clearwater! A big thank you to Ralph Sunderman and the Snow Drifters for bringing this opportunity to our boys. Also, thanks to Clearwater Fire Department, the Hosers hockey team, and Guy Holland for the additional financial support. We truly do live in the best community.
Parker, Scott and Krista Thomas Sunny, Mary Lou and Darryl Deugau
Parker Thomas (l) and Sunny Deugau of Clearwater enjoy the sunshine at Camp Winfield near Kelowna recently. Clearwater Sno-Drifters raised money during Snowarama last winter to send the two best friends to camp. Other organizations and individuals also contributed. Photo submitted
If it is not criminal, it is certainly morally reprehensible, as unfettered capitalism tends to be. I speak of our record low crude oil prices at the same time as we are paying record high fuel prices at the pumps. Vertical integration, oil wellto-fuel pump control, allows energy giants like Shell, Esso and Chevron to manipulate pump prices to compensate for low crude prices. The excuses would fill the Pacific Ocean – high demand, refinery shut downs, government taxes, high transportation cost. Why you would
think that they were shipping their fuel products to the international space station and back to us. Oh, and of course, there are the crude oil spills from year-old poorly constructed pipelines. I could go on and on, but we all know that greed, not service, is the motivating factor for these petro corporations. The right honourable Steven Harper is four square behind these greed driven energy corporations. In fact, his legislation on energy has weakened environmental protection, extended
Canada needs a national seniors strategy
Editor, The Times:
Canada needs federal leadership to create a National Seniors Strategy. An aging population means changing needs in housing, transportation, home and community care and support, a new Health Accord and adequate pensions. Seniors are worried about their retirement. Seventy percent of Canadians do not have a private pension plan. The federal government ignores expert advice for improving the CPP and has raised the OAS to 67. The CPP needs improvements to help vulnerable seniors live in dignity. Tom Mulcair and the NDP will strengthen pensions and stop Harper's plan to raise the retirement age to 67. New Democrats will restore the $36 billion of planned Conservative health care cuts,
work with the provinces to make necessary reforms and create a National Seniors Strategy that addresses adequate housing, assisted living, at home care needs and examine the viability of a national pharmacopeia plan. Overwhelmingly, the evidence shows that the financial needs for many low-income seniors dictates that they go without some of their basic health needs in order to pay their rent. The home support system is fragmented, underfunded, and at a breaking point. The goal is to stay independent at home for as long as possible – but, it's harder than ever for seniors to get support. Transportation is also a significant issue for many seniors. Funding should be based on a long-term (10 year) plan for a home support delivery system that provides quality,
cost effective services, includes family caregivers, and supports seniors to better manage their chronic physical and mental health needs. A National Seniors Strategy is necessary to holistically address the needs of all seniors. It takes leadership. New Democrats are committed to ensuring seniors receive the benefits and services they need. We care for each other. This core Canadian value is lost under the current federal government. I have met with many seniors in my travels in KamloopsThompson-Cariboo. We must respond to this challenge and work for a system where every senior can live in dignity and respect.
Bill Sundhu, Federal NDP Candidate, Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo
tax benefits to these corporations and whole heatedly supporting their efforts to fire sale (excuse the pun) all our resources to the Chinese, Americans or whoever wishes to take advantage of our Walmart approach to resource trade. Yes, some Canadians will benefit in the short run, but we will all pay the price for Conservative Harpernomics in the long run. So, on Oct. 19, please exercise your franchise and choose anything but Harper Conservatism.
Wes Morden Blackpool, B.C.
Drug shortages and price changes may necessitate a change in brand of your medication. Most of the time this isn’t a problem but if it’s a thyroid or warfarin brand change, it is good to get a blood test a short while after the change to ensure the new brand is doing the job as well as the old. Since the human papillamo vaccine was introduced back in 2006, there has been a 56 per cent decrease of HPV infections in girls aged 14 — 19. Side effects of the vaccine are rare (1 – 10 cases in a million doses given) and the vaccine does not encourage early sexual activity. It’s recommended for girls starting at the age of nine and is a protection against cervical cancer in the future. It’s quite evident when looking at the statistics on tobacco and alcohol use why Russia leads the world in cardiovascular disease. Russians are the biggest users of tobacco products and their alcohol consumption is also high which places the country near the top in the number of cancer deaths per year as well. E-cigarettes are still unregulated products. There are no standards as to how much nicotine or other ingredients they contain. The United Kingdom is one of the first countries that will legislate these products starting in 2016. Proponents of the product say they are safer than smoking tobacco but they still contain nicotine an addictive substance, that increases blood pressure and heart rate. If you still smoke and want to quit, we can help.
PHARMASAVE Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5
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A CNR train carrying an injured member of the Valemount RCMP detachment was met in Clearwater by the Kamloops City ambulance, carrying Dr. Orr of the Burris Clinic. The constable had been crushed by a cat while visiting a logging operation. The doctor judged him too seriously injured to be moved, and continued with him to Kamloops on the train. Billy Goss, the 14-year-old son of the owners of Nehalliston Lake Fishing Camp,
was out overnight after becoming badly mixed up as to direction while hiking near the end of Ta-Weel Lake. He came out near Star Lake the next morning. Times owners David and Mary Berryman invited everyone to an open house to see six tons of newly installed equipment, including linotypes, presses and folder.
John Harwood, chairman of the North Thompson Hospital Committee, had a meeting arranged with
Nursing Foot Care
Diabetes ... do you have it? Part 3 of 3 Here are some warning signs to be aware of when checking your feet daily: Skin colour changes Elevation in skin temperature Swelling of the foot or ankle Pain in the legs Open sores on the feet that are slow to heal Ingrown and fungal toenails Corns and calluses Dry cracks in the skin, especially around the heel Do not second guess yourself or feel that the change is too small to seek medical attention. Left untreated, small injuries or changes can become very serious and lead to complications and possibly amputation. Much can be done to prevent complications. The importance of proper foot management cannot be stressed enough. Learn good daily foot care practices. Inspect your feet regularly: Pay attention to changes in colour and temperature of your feet Look for thick or discoloured nails (a sign of developing fungus) Check for cracks or cuts in the skin – peeling or scaling on the soles of feet could indicate Athlete’s Foot Look for signs of redness or blisters Wash your feet, then dry them well and moisturize Dry especially well between your toes, and do not apply cream between the toes Care for calluses Trim toenails regularly – if you are unable to reach your toes or do not have feeling in your feet, have a Foot Care Nurse look after your toenails for you Wear shoes at all times, indoors and out, and shake them out before you put them on Buy shoes with closed toes as they protect your feet from injury Change your socks everyday Shoes are of supreme importance for Diabetes sufferers; poorly fitting shoes are involved in as many as half of the problems that lead to amputations. Because foot size and shape may change over time, everyone should have their feet measured by an experienced shoe fitter whenever they buy a new pair of shoes. As a means to keep weight down and improve circulation, walking is one of the best all-around exercises for the Diabetic patient. Walking is also an excellent conditioner for your feet. Avoid commercial, over-the-counter preparations that remove warts or corns. These can burn the skin and cause irreplaceable damage to the foot of a Diabetic. Never try to cut calluses because the risk of cutting yourself is too high, and such wounds can often lead to more serious ulcers and lacerations, and potentially infection. See your Foot Care Nurse for assessment and assistance in these cases. Foot Care Nurses can be a valuable resource for Diabetics, as they also make referrals to other health practitioners who can assist in keeping you mobile for years to come!
For more info please call Colleen 250.819.1632
Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
HISTORICAL Perspective
BACK IN TIME MLA Phil Gaglardi for help for the much needed hospital for Clearwater. Harwood said he had asked Premier W.A.C. Bennett for his support after a dinner in Kamloops to celebrate the opening of the new Yellowhead Highway. About 300 demonstrators displayed signs and banners for the benefit of the B.C. cabinet, which was scheduled to pass through the area.
Clearwater Business Association asked the TNRD to postpone a proposed referendum to allow the CBA to obtain further information on the costs of providing television coverage to every home in Area A. The proposal would take the signal from Barriere rather than direct from Kamloops, and would have a hydro line installed to the repeater site to replace the propane used at the time. It was also hoped that a tentative date could be obtained on the availability of cable television.
The Clearwater Incorporation Committee was still waiting for a reply
from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to set a date for a public meeting to discuss incorporation. Little Fort's Kym Jim, age 11, was the National Hereford Association junior public speaking champion, following a competition held in Red Deer, Alberta. His brother Kyn Jim, age nine, placed second in the national showmanship competition.
Propane explosions were believed to have been the cause of a fire that destroyed the home of Mike Lysak, located across the old highway from Dutch Lake beach. A forest service water bomber and spotter aircraft flew over the area monitoring the blaze, in case it became necessary to bomb the area with fire retardant.
A derailment north of Vavenby resulted in three grain cars coming to rest in the North Thompson River. Greater opportunities for economic growth, access to government grants and programs open only to municipalities,
and more effective representation to business and other levels of government were the major advantages of incorporation, according to a study done for the Clearwater Incorporation Investigation Committee. Disadvantages would include a greater chance of small groups to affect decisions, and greater chance for council to commit the community to long-term obligations. Impact on property taxes would likely be slight, said the consultant. A mini gas war between two local service stations saw the cost of gasoline in Clearwater drop to 49.9 cents per litre. It soon went back up to 55.9 cents.
YEARS AGO: Clearwater Ambulance unit chief Robin Mann was happy to hear that $49,000 had been approved to establish a First Responder program in the North Thompson valley. "It's going to enhance our response time, guaranteed," said Mann. "Somebody will be there a lot quicker than we (the ambulance crew) are – because they live there."
DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER PERMISSIVE TAX EXEMPTION PROCESS Notice is hereby given that Council will be considering requests for permissive tax exemptions as per Section 224 (a) of the Community Charter. Permissive Tax Exemption application forms are available at the District of Clearwater office at 209 Dutch Lake Road or the District of Clearwater website at www.districtofclearwater.com. Charitable, philanthropic or other not-for-profit organizations and places of worship (not previously exempt or for which exemption has expired), wishing to be exempt from paying property taxes must make application to the District of Clearwater in the prescribed form by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 31, 2015 to be considered. If there has been a change of use/status on any currently exempted property, it is required that the change of use be disclosed to the District of Clearwater. At a Regular Council meeting scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15th, 2015, Council will consider requests received by the August 31st deadline. Groups wishing to make a presentation at the September 15th meeting must contact Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer, by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 to request time on the Council agenda. Please email or call Wesley Renaud, Director of Finance at wrenaud@docbc.ca or 250-674-2257 if you have any questions.
Calgary businessman Blaine Mersereau reported that he had approached Department of Fisheries and Oceans and North Thompson Indian Band regarding purchasing the Clearwater Hatchery, but without success. His company, Kome Investments, had significant commercial investments in Clearwater since 1976, he said.
Fast action by neighbors was being credited with saving the sawmill at Darfield from fire. "Thank goodness that this is such a close community," said Sandra Burkholder, one of the business owners. People just started showing up with shovels, tractors and water tanks. "About 110 workers at Slocan's Vavenby mill and another 80 employed by logging and trucking contractors would be affected by an upcoming two-week shutdown," said division manager Steve Pelton. Weyerhaeuser was also cutting back during the summer. Although the fire danger continued to be extreme, there were only two new forest fires, both small, in the Clearwater Fire Zone. Year-to-date count at the Wells Gray Infocenter was 50,000, more than twice the number at the Kamloops Visitor Information Center. Infocenter manager Kathy Downey credited the facility's location for the difference. Betty Hinton, the former mayor of Logan Lake, was campaigning in Clearwater to be the Alliance Party of Canada candidate in the next federal election. Doris Laner's painting, The Span, was chosen to appear at the AIM for Arts international juried art show in Vancouver.
The painting was of the Mushbowl bridge in Wells Gray Park.
TNRD proposed to raise taxes to cover the increasing operating costs of running a public transit system. A bylaw gave the TNRD the right to increase the annual taxes in order to cover costs without going to a referendum. Mountain biking in Blue River had grown over the past few years with literally over a hundred miles of trail. For their third year in a row Sugoi Dirt Series hosted a bike camp during which riders got heli-dropped on top of the Monashee mountains.
Area residents and travellers joined members of Simpcw First Nation during First Fish ceremonies held on the grounds of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans next to Raft River. "We fished in Clearwater, picked blueberries in Wire Cache and huckleberries in Avola," said Harold Eustache of Chu Chua.
Rodeo Rednecks put on a gymkhana to benefit the three children of Angila Wilson. The children had been left motherless following a domestic dispute the previous May. Neskonlith Indian Band issued an eviction notice to Imperial Metals, owner of the proposed Ruddock Creek Mine, which is located near Tum Tum Lake east of Avola. The eviction by band chief July Wilson was in response to the Mt. Polley tailings pond spill.
“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, we are here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call. www.NTfuneral.com
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Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015
Domestic assault leads to charges against both parties
On Tuesday, Aug. 11, Clearwater RCMP responded to an assault report in the Little Fort area. Investigation showed that a husband and wife had assaulted each other after an argument. The incident resulted in the husband and the wife both having charges of assault being forwarded to Crown counsel in Kamloops. The couple will attend court later in the year.
Immediate roadside prohibition X3
On Aug. 14, Clearwater RCMP were making patrols for impaired drivers. Police stopped a vehicle and spoke with the driver, who had the odor of liquor on his breath. Police demanded a breath sample from the driver. The sample resulted in a fail reading. The driver’s vehicle was impounded for 30 days and a 90-day prohibition was put on his license.
www.clearwatertimes.com A7
1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report The following day, on Aug. 15, RCMP stopped another driver on Highway 5 in Clearwater for failing to maintain the correct lane. Police spoke with the driver and noticed the odor of liquor A breath sample was demanded and the driver provided a sample of his breath, which resulted in a fail reading. The driver was served with a 90-day prohibition and a 30-day impoundment of his vehicle. Also on August 15, a Clearwater RCMP member making patrols down Highway 5 noticed a vehicle that did not have its taillights on.
Police stopped the vehicle and spoke with the driver. The driver admitted to consuming liquor and a breath demand was given. The driver provided a sample of his breath, which resulted in a fail reading. This third driver was also given a 90-day prohibition and a 30-day vehicle impoundment.
We will be Closed Monday September 7th
Motor vehicle incident
On Aug. 15, Clearwater RCMP attended a report of motor vehicle incident on Highway 5 near Raft River Forest Service Road. Police investigation found that a group of local residents in a small sedan had been attempting to turn left off the highway when a dark pickup truck attempted to pass them on the right. The vehicles bounced off each other and the police were called. The driver of the pickup truck was issued a violation ticket for passing on the right.
Seniors grant improves Elks Hall
Deadlines for ads: September 4 ~ 12pm
Have A Great Labour Day Long Weekend!
Next Self Employment Program Orientation: September 9th 1:00pm-4:00pm Please contact a Case Manager to see if you are eligible to attend.
(L-r) Phyllis Bucknell of Clearwater Elks 499 accepts a new microphone from Eileen Sedgwick and Kay Knox, members of the committee administering a grant received from the New Horizons Seniors Program, which is funded by the federal government. The microphone will improve the sound system used during seniors' lunches and other events held in the Elks Hall. The presentation was made July 25. Photo submitted
CRA scams target area residents Times Staff Several area residents have reported to police phone and email scams in which a fraudster purports to be a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) representative, according to Sgt. Kevin Podbisky of Clearwater RCMP. People are being called by someone who claims to be from the tax agency. The caller uses coercive and threatening language, and pressures the potential victim to pay a non-existent debt. The victim is often threatened with court charges, jail or deportation.
People are also being sent emails that connect to what appears to be the CRA website. On the website they are asked to enter extremely personal information. Police say that Canada Revenue Agency will never ask you for information about your passport, health card or driver’s licence. It will also never leave personal information on an answering machine, or ask you to do the same. Police offer the following tips to help prevent you from becoming a victim. Ask yourself the following questions:
• Is there a reason that the CRA may be calling? • Am I confident I know who is asking for the information? • Do I have a tax balance outstanding? • Is the requester asking for information I would not include with my tax return? • Is the requester
asking for information I know the CRA already has on file for me? • How did the requester get my email address or telephone number? If you receive such a fraudulent call, hang up and report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
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A FULL LIST OF JOB POSTINGS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: WWW.CLEARWATEREMPLOYMENT.CA _________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operati operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: info@clearwateremployment.ca www.clearwateremployment.ca Operated by Yellowhead Community Services
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
Campgrou Housekeep Assistant H Mechanic Restaurant Housekeep Dishwashe Housekeep Food & Be Helicopter Swing Coo Server CB0 Barber C06 Housekeep Baker’s He
North Thompson Star/Journal Thursday, August 20, 2015 A8 www.clearwatertimes.com
A13 Thursday, Augustwww.starjournal.net 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
Canadian Horses raised in Barriere
350 years of history for Canada's National Horse, now a rare breed In 1665 King Louis of France sent a shipment of two of his finest stallions and 20 mares to New France. On July 16, only 14 horses disembarked. Eight of the mares had perished on the journey. More foundation stock was shipped and eventually a breeding program was established to increase Canadian horse herds in the colonies. The horses were rented out to leading farmers who bred and returned foals to the program as payment for the use of the animals. The sturdy horses became famous for their strength, endurance and freedom from disease. In the mid-1800s there were 150,000 Canadian horses spread across North America but eventually mass exportation became a problem. The federal government became involved in trying to increase the population through a breeding program. In 1981 the effort ceased. The population of the breed afterwards was estimated at 400 and declared “critical.” Private breeders and supporters stepped in and continue to help slowly increase the number, now estimated at 6,000 worldwide. One of those private breeders is Elk River Candians, owned by Susan and Richard Arthur of Barriere B.C. The Arthurs say, “We discovered the Canadian breed in 1991, shortly after moving to a rural area of Quebec. We had bought a little blue roan mare as a riding horse. We were told that she was a Canadian/Quarter Horse cross, but we didn’t have a clue what a Canadian horse was at that point. After having Tracey for a short time and noticing how different she was from the other horses, we started our research. It was a fascinating history we found, and we soon knew that we wanted to help preserve the breed for future generations. We bought Du Couteau Lalou Ellie, as an untrained two-year old, and brought both horses with us to B.C. “Elk River Canadians started in Sparwood, B.C., when we lived near the Elk River at the edge of the Rocky Mountains. “In the summer of 2004, we moved to Barriere, where we found more land and more opportunities to ride and drive. We have never become a big operation and recently we’ve decided to cut our Canadian breeding program even further so that we have more time to enjoy our horses. “All of our Elk River horses have inherited the lovely movement and personalities of their parents. (Their sire is South Forty
Prince Fonzie, owned by the Hillsdens in Cherry Creek, B.C.) Like most Canadians they are constantly “in your face,” checking out your work when you do fence repairs, following you around the paddock just in case you do something interesting, and mostly simply wanting your attention. “They are quick learners...which isn’t always a plus, since they learn the bad just as quickly as the good things you teach them. That’s one reason a young Canadian doesn’t match well with a beginning horseman. Yet, a well-trained Canadian is a perfect find for young and old alike and will make a lovely addition to your family for many years to come.” Due to the low numbers of the breed the Livestock Conservancy, an international watchdog for rare and endangered breeds, has just announced that the Canadian Horse’s status has changed from threatened to critical. The number of new foals being born and registered has dropped drastically over the past several years, and is now at the point where there will soon not be enough horses of breeding age to maintain the balance between births and deaths. The loss of this breed would be a tragedy, as it represents a living link to the past for Canada and all of North America. This year marks the 350th anniversary of the Canadian horse landing in this nation, and Canadian horse enthusiasts around the country and the world (such as the Arthurs and Elk River Canadians) are celebrating a breed of horse that comes with a special mix of sturdiness, smarts and good disposition. They are also working very hard to inform the public about Canada's National Horse and the importance of the continuation of the breed. As one of the first distinct horse breeds in North America, the Canadian Horse has contributed its genes to a number of other breeds, including the Morgan horse, the Tennessee Walking Horse, the American Saddlebred, and the Standardbred. Canadian Horses were exported to the US by the thousands as cavalry mounts, artillery horses and pack horses. They helped the Northern Armies win the American Civil War; those that survived the battlefield never came back to Canada. Across North America, they hauled logs and pulled plows, pulled stage coaches and sleighs, and carried cowboys and city folks alike. Eighteenth century historian Etienne Faillon described the Canadian as “small but robust, hocks of steel, thick mane floating in the wind, bright and lively eyes, pricking
HOURS OF OPERATION Monday to Saturday 9am - 6pm Closed Sundays
Photo by: Rob Stratton
Pictured is Elk River Canadians competing with their Canadian horse, Ranch D-5 Vulcan Gamine at the Spruce Meadows Battle of The Breeds, driven by Richard Arthur, with Patty Carley on the back of the cart, . sensitive ears at the least noise, going along day or night with the same courage, wide awake beneath its harness, spirited, good, gentle, affectionate''. The same description can still be applied to the majority of Canadian Horses today. Elk River Canadians say they will be promoting and exhibiting their Canadian horses this summer at: • The Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver which has dedicated Aug. 26 as Canadian Horse Day with riding, driving and historical demos held throughout the day. • The North Thompson Fall Fair, where they will participate in the Sept. 5 parade, and then will have their horses on display on the fairgrounds from Sept 5 - 7. The Arthurs say they support the views of CHHAPS, the Canadian Horse Heritage and Preservation Society. If people want more information on the horse, they can check out their website at www.chhaps. org or the FaceBook site https://www.facebook.com/pages/Canadian-Horse-Heritage-Preservation-Society
Submitted photo:
Richard Arthur riding Canadian Horse, Elk River Fonzie Koko.
PHARMASAVE North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012
Proud to support
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Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between July 30th and August 31st, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on Chevrolet Spark, Sonic, Cruze, Volt, Trax, Malibu (except LS); $750 credit available on others Chevrolet (except Colorado 2SA, Camaro Z28, Malibu LS, Silverado Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on all Chevrolet Silverado’s. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt, HHR, Avalanche, Aveo, Epica, Orlando, Optra, Tracker, Uplander, Venture, Astro, Blazer, Jimmy, Trailblazer or GMC Envoy, Safari or Buick Rendezvous, Terraza that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between July 30th and August 31st, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,000 credit available on Chevrolet Spark, Sonic, Cruze, Volt, Trax, Malibu (except LS); $1,500 credit available on other eligible Chevrolet vehicles (except Chevrolet Colorado 2SA, Camaro Z28, and Malibu LS). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered from July 30th and August 31st, 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Spark, Sonic LS 1SA, Cruze LS 1SA & Diesel, Malibu 3LT, Volt, Impala, Camaro 1LS & 2LS, Trax, Equinox LS AWD, Traverse, Colorado 2WD, Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2WD WT and Crew Cab WT/LS, and Silverado HD’s WT with gas engine. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $476.19 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2015 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015 www.clearwatertimes.com A9
A10 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
19 20 21 22 23
9AM-6PM 9AM 6PM 10AM 10AM-3PM 3PM
V I S I T W W W. K A M L O O P S A U T O M A L L S A L E . C A F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N
Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A11
Hike to Battle Mt. Hikers walk uphill from Fight Lake Chalet to 52 Ridge. Photo by Yevonne Cline
Paragliding fun One of about 15 paragliders who rode the winds near Birch Island the weekend before last enjoys the ride. People came from all over western Canada for the informal event, which coincided with the 100-year anniversary celebrations in Birch Island. Photo by Keith McNeill
Two tourists from Austria enjoy the view from the top of Battle Mountain. Photo by Yevonne Cline
Ian Eakins of Wells Gray Adventures (centre) guides a group to the top of Battle Mountain in Wells Gray Park the weekend before last. Photo by Yevonne Cline
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re There!
A panorama photo shows the spectacular view from near the top of Battle Mountain during a group hike the weekend before last. Photo by Corbin Musselman
Drought moves to Level 4 A graph shows that the flow of the North Thompson River at McLure is well below the median for this time of year (green line) and close to the minimum ever recorded (pink line). On Monday the province declared that the drought level for the North Thompson watershed had moved up to Level 4. River Forecast Centre graphic
A12 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
New bike trail at Candle Creek Members of the Friday Morning Hiking Group enjoy a bench situated alongside the new bike, hike and ski trail near the Candle Creek ski trail. The group enjoyed the one hour hike around the newly constructed trail and were impressed by the quality of the trail construction and the splendid view at the top. Pictured are (l-r) Bonnie Harms, Cheryl Pesicka with Vlad, Ray Harms, Nella LaBelle and Molly the dog. Photo by Sandra Holmes
Beat the heat at Clearwater Hockey School
Ball-hockey night Devin Green (l) and Parker Collins battle for the ball during a ball-hockey session in front of Clearwater Secondary School. Games are played there every Thursday evening as part of District of Clearwater's community recreation program. Photo by Keith McNeill
Do you have a news story? We'd like to hear from you. Call us 250.674.3343
NORTH THOMPSON SPORTSPLEX Hockey Lives Here! THE SPORTSPLEX WILL BE OPENING FOR THE SEASON ON AUGUST 30 Coming Events Clearwater Hockey School Aug. 30 – Sept. 4 Full Day session - $150 Beginners “Learn to Play Hockey” – only $50 Includes equipment
All Sports Registration Day Sept. 10 @ the Sportsplex 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Adult Ice Breaker Tournament - Sept. 25 – 27 Register as a team or individual Call – 250 674 2143
Raft Mountain Skating Club Register @ www.raftmountain.com
Clearwater & District Minor Hockey
Become part of a winning team. Join Minor Hockey and learn to play Canada’s Game Open to Boys and Girls.
Ice Times begin Sept. 8 www.cdmha.info/ Register @ 250 674 2594 or nissa1537@gmail.com
Adult Hockey
Mens Drop In Hockey will begin September 1 @ 7:30pm Oldtimers Hockey begins Sept. 23 @ 8:00pm For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
Submitted Clearwater Hockey School is coming back to the Sportsplex from Aug. 30 to Sept. 4. This year the school will feature a beginners program for new players at only $50. For parents who are considering registering their child in Minor Hockey for the first time, it gives beginning players a good start on the season. For new children in the
community the hockey school gives them a chance to make friends before schools start. Included in the school are a variety of off-ice sports and recreation activities based on age group. Your child can enjoy six days of fun, friends and fitness. The instructors will ensure that the kids have a good time; hockey schools are supposed to be fun. For the younger
COMMUNITY FOREST Community Forest Corporation Seeks Two Directors Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation (WGCFC) is looking for 2 directors to join the Board of Directors. The seven person Board of Directors is responsible for managing the affairs of the Community Forest. The applicant must have a proven record of working effectively in a board/team setting and be a respected member of the community. Any applicant with a broad range of skills/experience that compliments the other board members will be considered. One position will require forestry/ logging background, the other position requires no forestry experience. If you have an interest in serving on this Board, please pickup an application form from the YCS office at the Dutch Lake Community Center and return it to the same office by Sept. 23, 2015. If you have any questions contact David Meehan, Board Chairman, Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation @ 250-674-3217
players it is learning to skate and the fundamentals of hockey. For the older kids the instructors try to concentrate on what makes hockey fun – offense and scoring goals, without ignoring fundamentals. Head instructor this year will be Ken McKay. In hockey your child learns more than on ice skills. Sports create a healthy environment for children. The school is open to both boys and girls. Price for the full day program is $150. Families receive a 10 per cent discount when registering a second child. There will also be a goaltenders session. "We try to keep our prices as low as possible,” said one of the organizers. “This is our community hockey school at our community arena. If you compare the price of the hockey school against the cost of paying day care, I think you will find that hockey school is very reasonable." Full sets of equipment are available for new players at no charge. For more information about Clearwater Hockey School, call the Sportsplex at 250-6742143, or email rmayer@ docbc.ca.
Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A13
Pharmacist educates seniors on health topics The next complimentary luncheon will be Tuesday, Sept. 2. The next meeting of the Wells Gray Senior's Society will be Wednesday, Sept. 3. A bus trip to learn about geo-caching is being planned for September.
It is your dedicated help that makes this event so enjoyable. The complimentary senior's luncheon is a monthly event sponsored by Wells Gray Country Seniors' Society and funded by the Government of Canada, New Horizons for Seniors Program.
Sandra Holmes On Tuesday, Aug. 11, Jag Deol, a clinical pharmacist working at Pharmasave in Clearwater, gave an informative talk to about 40 seniors during a seniors' luncheon held monthly at the Elks Hall. Deol works not only here in Clearwater but does contract work in the medical field all over the world. Her volunteering includes participating in the bike ride from Vancouver to Seattle Clinical pharmacist Jag Deol speaks to a seniors' luncheon on Aug. 11 in support of the BC Cancer about health care topics. Photo by Sandra Holmes Agency. At the seniors' luncheon, Deol told about the new Pharmasave bubble packing medication for The talk was followed by store and some of its features. folks who take several kinds of a delicious lunch made by the Then she talked more medication at several different Challengers and a brief talk specifically about three health times of day. about volunteering and its topics. First she talked about Third, Deol talked about the surprising benefits. how to safely dispose of old importance of seniors being Thanks to all those who medications and vitamins. vaccinated against shingles. This helped set up and clean up Second, she talked about the debilitating nerve illness causes (including Anastasia Warner, many services a pharmacist can serious pain and distress to many visiting granddaughter of offer. One very helpful service is elderly people. Evelyn and Leonard Warner).
North 2N0o1r5th 2015 Thposm onpThoorm pTshoonm m o North TNhorthm irneCitcsyoot nm D Dy2ir0ep1cs5otonry2015 y it C n u u o m m m m o o C C munit munit y Direcy Direc tory tory 1
IHA’s new chairman takes a rural trip in an ambulance or by helicopter when medical personnel at a rural setting need a higher level of care and there is a limited amount of time, Brown said. HART,
Dale Bass – Kamloops This Week If there’s one thing that has struck Erwin Malzer as he travels through the Interior Health Authority region, it’s the strong interconnection between the body of medical experts in Kamloops and their colleagues working in small, rural clinics. “I have a much deeper understanding of that relationship than I knew of before,” said Malzer, a longtime member of the IHA board who was recently elected its chairman. “It’s huge for rural doctors,” he said of the relationships that can see a lone doctor facing a challenging situation able to make a phone call or send an email to a doctor or clinician in one of the IHA hospitals and get an answer quickly. “It gives them comfort both in hand-off of a patient to the hospital, but also in the way this relationship helps with treating patients.” Susan Brown, IHA vice-president
Erwin Malzer
of acute services, is also touring the area with Malzer and said she was struck in particular at feedback from rural physicians in Clearwater who felt supported by this. Malzer said the situations that create this interdependence comes from the simple reality that, with vast area like the IHA’s, it will have many rural doctors and large tertiary hospitals like Royal Inland — and they often need to communicate with each other. Adding to the inter-relationship is the IHA high acute response team (HART), which regularly sees a specialized team of an emergency-room nurse and a respiratory therapist head out
Read us on facebook @ www.clearwatertimes
Susan Brown
created three years ago, is mainly used to assist with trauma and cardiac cases. The pair was especially delighted to see the work proceeding on the clinical-services building and parkade on what used to be the north lawn of the hospital. Work has begun to build a business case for the anticipated next major construction at RIH, a surgical tower that could be located to the east of the hospital.
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Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive Wayne Richardson (Pastor)
Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: www.clchch.com For information 250.674.7073 or 250.674.2912
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
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Clearwater Christian Church
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St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm
324 Clearwater Village Road 250-372-2581
Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James
Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615 www.norththompsonpc.ca
Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 4:00pm
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
(Kids church during service) Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30
Pastor Doug Spinney 250.674.3624 www.ccbaptist.ca
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Neighbours nip fire in the bud Robyn Rexin In mid-afteroon on Friday, Aug. 14, there was a lightning strike near Birch Island Lost Creek Road in a grove of trees. The strike bordered an irrigated green hay field on Aveley Ranch, about a half km west of June Moilliet's home. Moilliet and Ted Richardson discovered the fire at 4 p.m. and Richardson rushed home for shovels. Moilliet phoned for the fire department. Someone at Canfor spotted the fire from the mill across the North Thompson River and phoned John Stone. The Stone family, Richardson, and Joseph and Seth Moilliet all arrived at the scene at the same time. Everyone started digging a fireguard around the flames. Joseph brought a water can and started to douse the flames. The flames were candling a good 30 feet up the trees. Vavenby Volunteer Fire Department arrived shortly after being contacted. They had the fire out within an hour of arriving. When it was out a couple of trees had to be cut down and then soaked with water. The fire department stayed until they felt it was safe to leave, about another half hour. June Moilliet feels that Neil McRae and Phillip Weber, drivers for the fire department response team, were the heroes of the day. They got there fast to nip the fire in the bud, preventing a wild fire. She also says, " It was a blessing that it was near the side of the road, so the department had access."
Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road
Pipeline company vows to spend $1 million restoring grasslands route Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week Kinder Morgan has pledged to spend $1 million restoring a right-ofway through Lac Du Bois Grasslands Provincial Park northwest of Kamloops, as well as areas damaged by off-road vehicles in its application to permit twinning of the Trans Mountain pipeline. The spending pledges are contained in the corporation’s most recent addendum to it proposal to twin the Trans-Mountain line through a number of provincial parks and protected areas, including North Thompson and Finn Creek provincial parks and the Lac Du Bois Grasslands protected area above Westsyde. At Lac Du Bois, Kinder Morgan has pledged to spend about $1.2 million on measures to improve habitat, reduce intrusion and increase signage in the park. The offer is made to compensate for placing its pipeline through the park alongside a Telus fibre optic line that predates the park’s creation in the
early 1990s. The Telus line through the grasslands was replanted with a European species, crested wheatgrass, commonly used because it is quick and successful. Kinder Morgan stated in the latest version of its application to the province it is working with Thompson Rivers University researchers and a subsidiary of the Tk’emlups Indian Band to harvest native seeds that will be used if it is permitted to develop the route. Next month, the corporation pushing to twin its petroleum pipeline between Edmonton and Burnaby will appear in front of a National Energy Board panel to make presentations in support of its application. More than 75 intervenors are also lined up to speak to the proposal, including the B.C. Grasslands Conservation Council. The grasslands group opposes placement of the pipeline through the park. Executive director Scott Benton said the group continues to push for Kinder Morgan to make public details
and costs of other routes. Thus far, the company has said following a route along Westsyde Road would cost $20 million. Restoration of the grasslands route alongside the Telus line with native species is estimated at $900,000. Kinder Morgan also pledged to spend $100,000 fixing off-road vehicle damage and another $200,000 on signage, park patrols to keep out unauthorized vehicles and an invasive weed survey. “They’re offering to spend up to $900,000 [on the Telus right-of-way],” Benton said. “I have no idea if that’s adequate.” Similarly, Benton said the grasslands organization wants to see more detail on the pledge to spend $100,000 restoring areas destroyed by off-road vehicles. Kinder Morgan also said in its revised proposal to the province it will spend $100,000 at Finn Creek Provincial Park and $75,00 at North Thompson River Provincial Park on restoration projects if the project is approved.
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Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
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OFA Level 3 courses qualify candidates for certification by WorkSafe BC as first aid attendants in industry. TRU provides instruction in both the theory and practice of first aid. The OFA Level 3 examination will follow the completion of the course. Prerequisite: 16 years old Fee: $795 (incl. book & exam)
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Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS
Aug 20: Summer Nights music night, DLCC play field, 209 Dutch Lk Rd, 7-9 pm, hosted by various guild members and with featured guests. Aug. 22: Legion BBQ, 257 Glen Rd, doors open 5 pm, dinner served 6 pm. Adults $12; children 7-12yrs $6, 2-6 yrs $3 Aug. 23: WGRA Gymkhana, 25 km up Clearwater Valley Rd, concession on site. Free to watch. Aug. 26: First Fish Ceremony, starts at noon, dinner at 5pm, by donation. Raft River Viewing platform.
$105 $110 $795
Aug. 27: Summer Nights music night, DLCC play field, 209 Dutch Lk Rd, 7-9 pm, hosted by various guild members and with featured guests. Sept 4-7: North Thompson Fall Fair & rodeo Sept. 11-12: FRE-gatta, @ Rotary Sports Park. Sept. 12: Canfor Summer BBQ, Rotary Sports Park, 12 – 3 pm Sept. 18-19: Little Britches Rodeo Finals @ NTFF Grounds. Sept. 20: Terry Fox Run. Walk, Run, Wheel or Ride. Sept. 24-28: Provincial Winter Fair
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 209 Dutch Lake Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Indoor Market: Every Saturday May – Oct, 9 am – 12 noon, Elks Hall. • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Upstream Community and Heritage Society open house Tuesdays: 9am-9pm @ Avola School House, various activities. Info ph Fay 250-678-5302. • Thompson Valley Quilters. Meet 2nd Wed. and 3rd Mon. of the mth at NTAC in the DLCC, 9 am - 4 pm. Info Linda 250-6743437 or Dorothy 250-676-9270 • Vavenby Needle Arts Group. Meet every Tues. 11am - 4pm at Vavenby Community Center. Info Dorothy 250-676-9270 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 HEALTH & HEALING • Hospice Grief Support: 2nd Thur of every mth, NT Funeral Home
1-3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-674-3233. • Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms.com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Sat. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, info 250-674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • BUNCO: 3rd Tue of every mth, Dutch Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre, 1:30 – 3 pm, info 250-674-2400 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • WGCSS Writers Circle: Meets 1st & 3rd Thur. @ Library
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Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clearwater Times
Obituary The fun of VIA Rail travel IN LOVING MEMORY
Douglas “Philip” Sansom 1943 - 2015
This Crossword Sponsored by
Philip Sansom was born April 18, 1943 in Edmonton, Alberta and passed away August 11, 2015 at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital in Clearwater, British Columbia. He was born to Thomas and Emilia, and was one of four children. Philip leaves his loving wife Sandra (nee Cooper) Sansom, and his children Tracy Zork, Leanne Heuman and Kyle Sansom. He is also survived by his sisters Carmen Pearce, Claire Helmers, and Janice McNeil as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Philip was predeceased by his father Thomas Carlton Sansom and his mother Emilia Victoria Regnier. Philip was a teacher and principal and he loved teaching young people. He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and was very involved in the church. He was also a lay minister in Clearwater for ten years. Philip loved
Clearwater passionately and all of the natural beauty in the area. His wish was to be cremated and taken to Edmonton where his parents are also laid to rest. A Celebration of Life for Philip Sansom will take place at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Blackpool, B.C. Donations in memory of Philip Sansom may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.NTFuneral.com. Funeral arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services in Clearwater, BC, telephone 250674-3030.
A August p r i l 2 320- - 226, 9 , 2015 2012 Capricorn, This week is enjoy all this aboutcarefree give andtime take, when you have little Capricorn. Do for Capricorn, This week is enjoy on your plate. Such alltime others, and theycarefree will this about give and take, times may few do for you. Abe special when you Do have Capricorn. for little and between, eventfarcalls for some but on your plate. Such others, and they will making the most extra-special gifts. mayAbe few 21– do you. special March December 22– of themtimes canfor ensure and between, but eventfar calls for some April 19 January 19 your happiness.
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August 20 - 26,, 2015 2 0 Courage 1Lady2Luckwill beon smiles
goals precisely be strong. Money and woes change ease. your life for April 23– Gemini, take somethe better. Virgo, it isJuly easymore to Feeling20– blessed Spend less, save time to review any find yourself pulled May August 22 these 20 days, Gemini? and you’ll definitely
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and more peace of
the same time, but mind. Flowers provide that’s always a greatnot pick-me-up. possible. Choose one August 23– September 22 project.
and its idiosyncrasies
Part 1: Jasper to Prince George Day 2 of our threeday train trip from Clearwater to Prince Rupert saw us leaving By Kay Jasper around noon, a rather scrawny dark brown bear seeing us off. Our whole unit was only four carriages long, with a snack bar, no sleepers or dining car. The train, the crew, and on-going passengers would overnight in Prince George. Once again, although we could wander from here to there, the dome car with its superior visibility was our favourite haunt. It seems to be up to the employees on VIA Rail which announcements they make. And we really lucked out with our lady conductor/server/first aider/ luggage handler for the rest of our journey rattling over the rails. After making announcements about safety, her five jobs and more, with “Two engineers doing one job up front!” she invited us to relax and enjoy ourselves on VIA Rail (otherwise dubbed “Very Irregular Arrivals” by some). We did, and loved every minute of it, with varied descriptions of the historical places we saw en route. Passengers waved the train down here and there, and others alit into almost deserted areas. This train is a life-line for people living along this route – First Nations particularly needing its services. As we retraced our “steps” west from Jasper, we saw again the devastation left by the passing of the pine beetles. A couple of days later, hearing of fire near Jasper, we were horrified. Although eventually hearing the fire was in unique Maligne Canyon was bad enough news, we were relieved that it was not roaring across those red mountain-sides. We passed Moose Lake once again, and, with map in hand this Courage beon Lady Luckwill smiles time, could track the Fraser River your secret weapon you, Libra, and there making its tiny this week, Libra. is nothing beyond your entrance into that When else exiting to continue reach. Aeveryone treasuredand large lake, isheirloom backing out of a resurfaces, its long journey west with us as far difficult situation, bringing back many as George. you will rise to the fondPrince memories. challenge show Thatand morning, the cloud had your mettle. risen higher during our leisurely window-shopping in Jasper; John Scorpio, even The tiniest of if that Mt. Robson and I hoped you want to apursue changes make vast would beinclear. It was indeed, the personal interests improvement a
train slowing almost to a standstill so we could snap several photos of it – proof that it has glaciers on its wide shoulders near the Knox peak. After that and Tete Jeune Cache, it was on to the grasslands and ranches of McBride. Tree-covered hillsides and mountains closed in later. Bridges, with us upon them, crossed the white, tumbling water of the juvenile Fraser River often. At times we saw the highway we were also paralleling, cars whizzing along, not held up when another vehicle came from the other direction as we were! Freight trains put us into sidings for long and short waits. The train used to stop in the community of Penny, even when the postmaster was its only inhabitant, so passengers could buy post cards and mail them back to Penny, thus keeping the place in business for several more years. It closed down in 2013. As we approached Prince George, we could see the Nechako River flowing in from the west, joining right at the bend of the Fraser where it makes a big swing southward to empty into the Pacific Ocean near Richmond and Steveston. The Aussies with us would not see it again, but John and I paralleled it again on our homeward drive as far as Hope. Here, in central B.C., we crossed it one last time on the old bridge that once had cars using the outside lanes with the railway in the middle. Cars now have a bigger, fancier bridge, slightly downstream. We were not quite on time rolling into Prince George, but our friendly B&B man/chauffeur, had been in touch with the station and was waiting for us when we arrived. “Would you like to have a tour of the city?” he asked. And off we went to see downtown, the site of the recent Winter Games, the University, and points in between. His hospitality was a symbol of the lovely home where Vera had arranged for the five of us to stay the night. And don’t get me started on the delicious breakfast menu....
Trekking Tales
this week, you may project. A rejection is not be able to get a blessing in disguise. any time alone. Be grateful for whatYou may toScorpio. put you’reneed given, aside these tasks and handle what’s in front of you.
Use to Newsthis fromweek afar gets rededicate the creative yourself juices toflowing, diet and and exercise, you Sagittarius. Don’t accomplish more than be from youdistracted have in some time, your fitnessAgoals, Sagittarius. game of and begin witsyou at thewill office feel better imNovember 22– toproves challenging. December 21 mediately.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, August 20, 2015
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Grizzly shot in home just outside of Kimberley Carolyn Grant Kimberley Daily Bulletin In what Conservation Officer Jared Connatty says should be a wake up call to everyone, a grizzly bear was shot in a home on the edge of Kimberley early Sunday morning, Aug. 9. Mark and Niki Traverse were awoken at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday to noises in their kitchen and found a grizzly bear eating dog food. “We have an air conditioner in the bedroom and it drowns out any sound,” said Niki Traverse. “But our dog was going nuts. He’s just a little dog, about 20 pounds, but he was outside the bedroom door barking the house down. “I got up to check. Mark stayed in bed. He just said, don’t let the dog out, because there are coyotes. “I came around the corner to the entry way where we have the cat and dog food. I see this huge black mass. I booked it back to the bedroom screaming, ‘There’s a bear in the house!’ Mark’s like, ‘Really?’. ‘Yeah, really.’ “We have a gun cabinet in the bedroom, so Mark unlocked the gun.
“He came out and turned on the kitchen light. As soon as he turned on the lights the bear came out into the kitchen, straight toward my husband. “Thank God I didn’t turn on the light when I checked, that would have been bad. “The bear was 10 feet away and Mark took a shot. He came another three to four feet and Mark took another shot. It was down but still moving. We didn’t want it moving, so Mark took another shot.” Niki sums the experience up this way. “It was pretty damn scary. I was freaking out but my husband is a hunter. We’re the only house on the block with a gun (a Weatherby 300). I guess the bear picked the wrong house.” Connatty says the bear pulled apart the window and got through about a three foot by two foot space. The bear also broke the screen door, but its access to the house was through the window. “The family woke up, heard a noise and found the bear feeding on dog food. Fortunately they had a firearm in the bedroom and shot the bear right in the
kitchen. “It’s a pretty remarkable story because that bear was obviously in the house for some time. They were pretty lucky. An encounter with a bear in an enclosed area is a super high safety concern. When a bear breaks into a home, the chance of contact is extremely high.” The Traverse family were managing their attractants, Connatty said. “The dog food was in a sealed container, everything, including garbage, was inside the house,” he said. “These people were doing everything right. They had the gun stored properly, everything was done properly.” For a bear to get to the point of breaking into a house, it’s been rewarded for this behaviour before, the CO says. “These people were managing their attractants, but obviously at some point someone wasn’t, and this bear learned from it.” “We did one thing wrong,” Niki said. “I left a window open. I’ve lived in this house since 1991 and we always leave a window open when it’s hot. Not anymore. I’ll never do that again.” Connatty says the
bear was not in great shape. “He was definitely on a downward slide. It could be he’d been pushed out of his territory by another big grizzly boar, but it could also be the bear was hungry because it’s a very poor berry year. You could speculate until you’re blue in the face.” “It wasn’t in great shape,” Niki said. “The CO said by the size of its teeth, he figured it was at least 10 years old. But it was skinny and I thought a 10-year old grizzly would be bigger than that. This is a good reminder to everyone, that especially with berries poor this year because of the drought, attractants have to be managed carefully from now right through to November. “That means garbage, fruit trees, dog food,” Connatty said. “In town the fruit trees seem to be doing well, but in the upper drainages the berries are not so good.” If you have a human wildlife encounter you are asked to call the RAPP line at 1-877952-7277. That will get you in touch with a conservation officer. However, in an emergency situation, it’s best to go through 911.
This grizzly was shot in the home of Mark and Niki Traverse early Sunday morning. Photo by James Archie Archibald (Facebook)
After 65 66 years we are old enough to know ...
Drought spurs more cattle to auction Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week Ranchers running out of grass and water are responding to this summer’s drought by bringing cattle to market early, rather than betting that the weather will turn. More than double the number of cattle went through auction last week at the B.C. Livestock Producers Co-operative Association in Kamloops compared to the same week last year.
“I’ve got some guys running out of pasture,” said auctioneer Wayne Jordan. “For others, drinking water for livestock is an issue.” The federal government announced measures this summer encouraging ranchers to reduce their cattle numbers in wake of the drought across Western Canada. The program also allows ranchers to move some of the resulting income to next year. Barriere rancher
Ed Salle said the dry conditions are affecting all operations. “In our area of the North Thompson, it’s a little less dry. It’s a wait and see.” If conditions don’t improve, Salle said many ranchers will bring cattle to market early or choose not to hold animals over winter due to shortages of feed. “The problem is, you can’t find feed even if you have they money to buy it,” Salle said. Bringing cattle to market in summer
rather than fall will result in lighter weight and, therefore, less revenue for ranchers. Offsetting that reality is prices that continue to climb. Jordan said prices given to ranchers by cattle buyers, who will send animals to Alberta feedlots and then to slaughterhouses, are up roughly 20 per cent over 2014 — a record-setting year itself. “Prices are still strong,” Jordan said. “Strength in the U.S. dollar really helps.”
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