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Get ready for pancakes
The Tamarack Centre will have cakes on the griddle to kick off Sam Steele Days. page 5
Local honoured John Przeczek won the Tony Milligan Book Award for his work with Teck. page 6
2015 Dodge Journey CVP
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Keeping the roads safe Area Alexa’s Team members kept hundreds of impaired drivers off the highways. page 8
*Plus $545 doc fee plus tax.
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Monday, June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, June 8, 2015 3
NDP declare overnight stays will help create “private hospitals”
Photo Black Press
Private clinics may be permitted to go beyond day surgery to multi-day patient stays. Jeff Nagel The province may let contracted private clinics keep patients over-
night for as long as three days so they can take on more complex surgeries than the day procedures they’ve so far been per-
mitted to perform. That possibility is mentioned in a health ministry discussion paper of potential surgical
reforms that’s gone out for stakeholder comment. “Improved access to surgical services may include performing select surgical procedures which have length of stay up to three days, in private surgery centres using public funds,” the paper says, adding the change would require amending the Hospital Act. B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake announced an extra $10 million Monday to perform more day surgeries this summer – some through private clinics using public funds – in order to cut wait times. But NDP health critic Judy Darcy said letting private surgery clinics go beyond day surgery to multi-day stays would be tantamount to turning them into fullfledged “private hospitals.” Private surgery clinics so far perform barely one per cent of government-funded procedures in B.C. when public operating rooms aren’t available.
Our community-minded Canadian Tire is here to provide efficient customer service and deliver an exceptional shopping experience.
Longer patient stays would open the door to many more surgeries flowing to private facilities, Darcy said, adding critical staff may follow, further reducing capacity in public hospitals. “Health professionals are in short supply – anaethesiologists, specialty nurses – and if we drain them out of the public system into the private system we effectively become captive to private for-profit clinics,” Darcy said. She called the proposal a “game changer” that has been quietly advanced under the guise of a short-term “bandaid” to cut waits. “They ought to be doing the innovation and the strategic investment to use our public system to the maximum.” Fraser Health does not initially foresee hiring private clinics to supply the extra 500 surgeries it plans over the summer – it will open more of its own closed operating rooms. But the Vancouver Is-
land and and Vancouver Coastal health authorities have indicated they expect to make some extra use of private surgeons. Health Minister Terry Lake was unavailable for an interview. The ministry instead issued a statement defending extended private clinic stays as a successful method of handling more hernia surgeries in Toronto. “This is just one option that is on the table for consideration,” it said. “Not all of these will be implemented.” The policy paper indicates the main reason that about one in six hospital operating rooms are closed at any time is lack of funding, while staff shortages and lack of demand are also responsible in some cases. The ministry says it’s working to increase training for specialist nurses and support recruitment and retention of key specialists, including anaethesiolo-
gists. Doctors of B.C. president Dr. Bill Cavers said health watchdogs are right to be wary of the potential to drain staff from the public system, but said the association believes some increased use of private surgery clinics “can be a good idea” as long as it’s publicly administered and funded, and quality and safety standards are upheld. Demand on hospitals can vary due to flu season or a backlog of patients waiting for a particular procedure, he said. “We feel that utilizing different avenues of access to care can improve the overall efficiency of the system,” Cavers said. “We have surgeons right now who can’t get enough operating room time.” He said he doesn’t foresee large numbers of clinics opening to the extent that they might cause problems for the public system.
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Monday, June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Making a plan in case of emergencies
Extreme weather events and other natural disasters may be beyond our control, but there are ways to reduce the risk and the impact of whatever emergency we might face – whether natural or human-induced. Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services and the RCMP are encouraging both residents and business owners alike to ensure they are capable of being completely selfsufficient for a minimum of 72 hours in the event of a serious emergency situation. “One of the most significant considerations for residents is that
emergency services may not be readily available, as increasing demands will be placed on responders during these events,” says Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services Chief Wayne Price. “It may take us some time to get to you as we help those in most critical need first.” Being prepared is crucial. By taking a few simple steps, you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies – anytime, anywhere. It is important to: • Know the risks – Although the consequences of disasters can be similar, know-
ing the risks specific to our community and our region can help you better prepare. • Make a plan – It will help you and your family know what to do • Get an emergency kit – During an emergency, we will all need some basic supplies. We may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency. Residents are encouraged to prepare themselves to be capable of being completely self-sufficient for a 72 hour period minimum in an emergency. Having a well-stocked
emergency kit in your home, and a well laid out family emergency plan will allow you and your family to better handle long term emergency situations, like gas or hydro outages, storms or other potential emergency situations. For information on how to best prepare yourself and your family for any type of unforeseen emergency, visit or www. Safety.html Photo submitted
(From left) Brian & Heather Masich present EKFH’s Patricia Whalen with an ICU recognition gift.
Local jeweler donates for ICU campaign
L&L Auto Electric Ltd. STARTERS & ALTERNATORS FOR AUTOMOTIVE • Farm • Industrial • Commercial • Heavy Duty 250.426.5654 Serving the East Kootenay for over 40 years
Thank You! The Cranbrook Triton Swim Club would like to extend a sincere Thank You for helping make our first sanctioned swim meet a great success. Thank you to the parent volunteers, Save On Foods, Superstore, Safeway and of course the swimmers!
Regional Hospital ICU is supported by four specialized physicians (internists) and a team of nine specially trained nurses. This week EKFH received a very special gift of $2,000 that recognizes the contribution, commitment and work of this specialized team. Brian and Heather Masich of Jewels on Ninth made the gift. “Our daughter Victoria is part of the ICU team and we personally wanted to let her and the others know
Open fires permitted again
We will be making electrical system improvements in your area. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately four hours.
Where: All customers in Elko, Jaffray, Wardner and on Highway 93, to the U.S. border. When: Sunday, June 21, 2015 Time: 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. (MDT) Outage Ref. number: 8-00202694 To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please turn off all lights, electrical heaters and major appliances and unplug all electronics.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore power as soon as we can. Visit or call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) for more information.
The East Kootenay Regional Hospital ICU team is getting excited about the department’s move to the new 6-bed unit in the spring of 2016. This new addition to the regional hospital replaces the current fourbed unit and will also include two new, high acuity beds. The ICU is traditionally known as the department that treats the sickest of the sick, including trauma cases, cardiac & stroke care and multi-system failure. The East Kootenay
how much we appreciate their dedication and service to others. We are honoured to show our support by making a donation to help equip the new unit,” said Brian. The fundraising drive to raise $1,000,000 to fully equip the only ICU in the East Kootenay continues; donations can be made online through www.ekfh. ca. Jewels on Ninth has provided a standard of excellent in the realm of fine jewellery in the Kootenays for over 22 years. To learn more about this wonderful EKFH supporter visit them on-line at www.
Effective at noon on Thursday, June 4, 2015, Category 2 open fires will once again be permitted in the Southeast Fire Centre due to a decreased risk of wildfires. The public is now permitted to burn waste, slash or other materials in a pile not exceeding two metres in height and three metres in width. The rescinding of this prohibition does not include Category 3 fires. A map of the Category 3 prohibition area is available online at: http://bit. ly/1Qa2mZQ For more information on the difference between campfires, Category 2 fires and Category 3 fires, please visit: The rescinding of the Category 2 open fire
prohibition applies to all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of a local government that has forest fire prevention bylaws and is serviced by a fire department. Anyone contemplating lighting an open fire should first check with local authorities to see if any other burning restrictions are in effect. Anyone planning to conduct an open burn should use caution and follow these safety precautions: * Locate the fire site away from buildings, trees and other combustible materials. * Do not burn during windy conditions. * Have adequate people, water and hand
tools available to prevent the fire escaping. * Never leave a fire unattended. * Ensure that the fire is completely extinguished and the ashes are cold to the touch before leaving the area for any length of time. Anyone lighting a fire must ensure that the burn is conducted safely and responsibly, as outlined in the Wildfire Act and its regulations. If an open fire escapes and is determined to have caused a wildfire, the person(s) responsible may be liable for fire suppression costs and damages. To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call 1 800 663-5555 tollfree or *5555 on a cellphone.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, June 8, 2015 5
Start off Sam Steele Days with the Tamarack Pancake Breakfast Tamarack Centre hosts the Kick-Off Pancake Breakfast during Sam Steele Days on Thursday June 18th from 8 a.m.-11 a.m. Get in the spirit and enjoy a tasty breakfast by donation. 100% of the proceeds raised will benefit the Kootenay Child Development Centre. Marketing Manager at Tamarack Centre, Cristina Borgogelli suggests a $5 per person donation to help meet the goal of raising
$2,000 that morning. The tents and tables will be set up in front of Bulk Barn/Winners Entrance. In case of rain tables will be inside. Festival buttons will also be available for sale. Get dressed up and you could win prizes if you are spotted by an administration staff member throughout the morning. Treats and a mini hay maze will also be set up for the young ones. Attendees will also
receive an entry to win 2 tickets to see the Barenaked Ladies in October. A special thank-you to the following sponsors for contributing to the success of the breakfast year after year: Save-On Foods, Tim Horton’s, Bridge Interior and Green Door Catering For more info visit www.TamarackCentre. ca
Get ready for a tasty breakfast as the Tamarack Centre prepares to kick off Sam Steele Days with its annual Pancake Breakfast.
Putting her education to good use locally ing more sustainable.” Tanner, who celebrated her graduation from the BBA program at the College’s May 29 commencement ceremony, has an interest in seeing advancements in the accounting industry as she is currently working toward becoming a Certified General Accountant. Learn more about College of the Rockies’ Bachelor of Business
Ashley Tanner, a College of the Rockies Business Administration student, is helping a local business transition to being a more paperless office. College of the Rockies Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) student Ashley Tanner was instrumental in helping a local business transition to a paperless client records system. To complete the sustainability requirements of her degree, Tanner needed to find an industry partner to work with on a research project. She chose Hryciuk Gallinger Certified General Accountants. “The timing was great for us,” says Bruce Hryciuk. “We had been wanting to transition to a paperless system for a long time. Working with Ashley was the kick-start we needed to get us on that road.” Through interviews, questionnaires and data collection, Tanner was able to determine the financial, psychological and ethical implications and benefits of the CGA
firm moving to a paperless system. Though Hryciuk Gallinger was utilizing recycled paper, she found that the environmental and financial benefits of shifting to an online system were significant with very little downside. Tanner was then able to identify and research a document management software option that Hryciuk Gallinger was interested in. They have taken the first steps to implement the new software and hope to be fully utilizing it this summer. “I learned so much about sustainability in the BBA program. It has affected me on a personal and professional level and will affect my decision making in the future,” says Tanner. “I’m thrilled to see Hryciuk Gallinger implementing a paperless system and achieving their goal of becom-
Administration: Sustainable Business Prac-
tices program at: cotr. ca/bba.
Meeting of the Board The Board of Education of School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) invites everyone to a Regular Public Meeting of the School Board
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Cranbrook Board Office 3:30 pm
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Host an International Student!
Thank You! The BC Senior Citizens Assoc. Cranbrook Branch 11 hosted the Provincial AGM in May. We wish to thank the following businesses and people for their generous donations to our silent auction • RONA • Superstore • Home Depot • Home Hardware • Dairy Queen • McDonalds • Starbucks • OK Tire • Bridge Interiors • Medichair • Arbys • Northstar GM • A&W • Cranbrook Dodge • 7-11 • Tim Hortons • L. Thate • I Collinson • Cranbrook Quilters
Home Services/Contractors Directory
Add an international flavour to your home this fall by hosting an international student studying at Parkland, Laurie or Mount Baker schools. Most students come from Germany, Spain, Mexico, Brazil and Japan and stay for one semester or one school year. Placements for September are arranged in June. For an information package, please contact Ulli Murtagh at or (250) 489-3866.
What about Hosting Two Students? We encourage empty-nester parents or any family to consider hosting two students from different countries. Such double placements are consistently very successful. Host families receive a tax-free allowance of $660 per student per month and vacation coverage is available.
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Monday, June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
The Weekday View
Letter: Park-On-Us Campaign nearly here To our Cranbrook Businesses: The United Way East Kootenay is excited to be celebrating its 13th-annual Park-OnUs Campaign this year on Friday, September 18th. This annual oneday event has grown every year from $1,900 in 2003 to $16,056 in 2014. This great success was only possible, due to the generous support of the City of Cranbrook and participating local businesses, organizations and residents. Events such as this ensure that United Way is able to continue working through partnerships and community investments to improve and strengthen community support systems for all.
Park-On-Us features a unique win-win community event. This is how it works: Businesses and organizations purchase parking meters for $25 each for the day. Those purchasing multiples of 10, 20, or more will have larger signs depicting their purchase level. The United Way provides signage which volunteers place over the parking meters by 7:00am on Park-On-Us Day. The sign reads: “Park on Us with United Way, Courtesy of the City of Cranbrook and Your Business Name”. Large signs will accommodate your business name and logo, prominently displayed. Please note: larger sign minimum purchase is 10, with levels ranging
from Bronze 10, Silver 20, Gold 30 and Diamond 40. The Park-On-Us Day partnership provides all-day advertising for your business, recognition of the City’s support and community awareness of United Way. We hope that every business and organization will purchase at least one parking meter for the day, so that, on Friday, September 18th citizens and visitors are able to park downtown free! Last year, we sold the equivalent of 527 parking meters, breaking our previous record year in 2013, when 432 meters were sold. Every year, our goal is to improve on the previous year and we hope you will help us do it! Cranbrook’s citizens and visitors really appreciate this free-parking campaign. It is a great, practical form of
customer appreciation, welcoming people to our town and encouraging them to shop. It also shows strong community spirit. Tourists have voiced their amazement at Free Parking! “No other community does this,” they say! This is a great way for you, your staff and business to support your United Way, while enhancing our community image with citizens and visiting customers. From a business perspective, our campaign’s colourful signs give your business and organizations an eye-catching, memorable, positive public exposure which is far greater than a small-font mention in a thank-you announcement. In order to make certain that you are assigned the meters directly in front of your business or your pre-
Photo submitted
That’s right, the United Way’s Park-On-Us Campaign is right around the corner. ferred area downtown, please make your commitment today! We encourage businesses to hold BBQs, sidewalk sales, or other fun activities, with a portion of the proceeds directed to United Way. Let’s have some fun on our upcoming Park-
On-Us Day! A great day for customer appreciation! What to do if, after your canvasser leaves and you want more meters? Please call the United Way office @ 250-426-8833 to arrange for additional meters. Deadline is
Tuesday, September 15th. Thank you for supporting United Way! Remember every dollar raised here, stays here! ~Sincerely, Donna Brady Fields, Executive Director
Farmers’ market update The Jaffray-Baynes Lake Farmers’ Market opens its doors for the twenty-fifth season this coming Saturday, June 20th at the Baynes Lake Community Center. The hours for the outdoor market will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and will be held every Saturday throughout the summer up to Labour Day week-end. The Baynes Lake Community Hall Society and the Folks Society will also be offering a pancake breakfast every Saturday throughout the summer from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Baynes Lake Hall. Plus, there are many 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: Advertising E-Mail: Editorial E-Mail: Distribution Email: Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
other concessions that are open all morning offering many goodies, or that great cup of coffee. A wide variety of quality items that are either home-made, home-baked, homegrown, or home-produced will be offered for sale at each of the twelve markets. There will be garden produce, honey, BC fruit, baked goods, wooden furniture, toys, meats and sausage, garden planters, knitted items, children’s clothes, jewelry, quilts, and many other items available at each market. There is always something new and unique offered each
Tamara L’Hoost
Saturday. The Jaffray-Baynes Lake Farmers’ Market is a great place to visit and shop with friends, neighbours, or the many visitors that come to explore the lakes, campgrounds, and recreation of the South Country. The market is located within minutes of the Koocanusa Marina, the Kikomun Creek Provincial Park, and the many other marinas, and recreational areas of the South Country. The popular market is Photo submitted a fun place with great buys for every member Nicole Pesonen, outgoing chair of the BC Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation (TRCR), of the family. Happy presents the Tony Milligan Book Award to John Przeczek at the Mine Closure 2015 conference. Przeczek and Lanny Amos had presented their award winning paper on a tree and shrub planting program at Teck Coal Farmers’ Marketing!! Ltd.’s Elkview operations at the TRCR’s 2014 symposium in Prince George, BC.
Steve Zsillei
Lily Durham
Zena Williams
Brian Coombs
Shannon Stewart
Erin Carlisle
Bridget Fix
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, June 8, 2015
You can make your garden bee-friendly
Making homes for native bees will help make your garden healthier. Cranbrook Food Action Committee and Wildsight Kimberley/ Cranbrook are pleased to announce the first garden workshop of the spring, A Bee Happy Garden, is scheduled for June 9th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Kimberley Open Gate Garden and June 11th from 6 to 8 pm at the Cranbrook Public Produce Garden. The cost is $10 for Wildsight members and $15 for non-members. Bees help us by pollinating 1/3 of our food
supply and now it’s time we help them! Honey bees usually get all the credit but there are thousands of different species. Both the mason (also known as orchard or blue orchard) and leafcutter bees are excellent pollinators. It would take 60 honey bees to pollinate 12lbs of cherries, but only 1 mason bee to do the same work ( These overlooked bees are gentle natured, do not produce honey and are resistant to the type of mites cur- 7 rently devastating honey bee populations. This two hour workshop will cover general information about mason and leafcutter bees including how to protect our native bees, how to create a bee habitat in your yard, and how to care for nesting bees. The workshop also includes a hands on component of building a bee house for your garden! Participants will be exposed to lots of tips and tricks on how to care for these wonderful little pollinators. The Bee Happy Garden Workshop is 1 of 3 spring workshops devoted to enhancing the garden bounty and teaching new and exciting uses for your harvest. The next workshop in the series is the We Love Rhubarb Kitchen Workshop on June 16th in Kimberley and June 18th in Cranbrook. The three part spring series concludes with Soil Mates Companion Planting Garden Workshop on July 7th in Kimberley and July 8th in Cranbrook. These workshops have been made possible by funding from the Real Estate Foundation of BC. To register or find out more about the
workshops visit www. or call 250-427-9325. Register soon to avoid
disappointment. To connect with the Cranbrook Public Produce Garden visit Cranbrook
Food Action Committee on Facebook or email cranbrookfood@ To learn
more about the Kimberley Open Gate Garden please contact dirk@
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(1) Offer valid from June 2, 2015 until August 4, 2015. Prices are suggested retail prices only and are subject to change without notice at any time. Dealer may sell for less. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included. Attachments and implements sold separately. See dealer for details. (2) Offer valid from June 2, 2015 until August 4, 2015. Taxes, set-up, delivery, freight, preparation charges and a $50 documentation fee will apply. 0% APR purchase financing for 60 months on new John Deere 1 Family Sub-Compact and 3E Compact Utility Tractors. Down payment may be required. Representative Amount Financed: $10,000, at 0% APR, monthly payment is $166.67 for 60 months, total obligation is $10,000, cost of borrowing is $0. Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. MSRP cash price based on highest priced product in series: $15,781 (includes $50 documentation fee). Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. Minimum finance amount may be required; representative amount does not guarantee offer applies. The charge for amounts past due is 24% per annum. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Additional dealer fees may apply. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only. See dealer for details. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. Discounts or other incentives may be available for cash purchases. By selecting the purchase financing offer, consumers may be foregoing such discounts and incentives which may result in a higher effective interest rate. *Manufacturer’s estimate of power (ISO) per 97/68/EC. Images may not be exact models advertised. See dealer for details.
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Monday, June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Keeping impaired drivers off the road
Photo submitted
Photo submitted
(From left) Darby Dean and Brittany Johnson shooting in competition.
Local archers competing in international event Brittany Johnson and Darby Dean headed to Yankton, South Dakota to compete in the 2015 World Juniors for Archery on June 6th. Both girls attended the
World Juniors in 2013, travelling all the way to China. Although they are travelling a shorter distance this time the competition is still the best athletes across the
Rocky Mountain
Pro Drivers
world. Brittany competed in the Junior category in China finishing in the 8th place where Darby competed in the cadet category finishing in 9th place overall. Both girls have been training hard and look forward to the tough competition.
The Industry Leader in
Professional Driver Training
Pro Drivers would like to congratulate Amos. He is now working for Arrow Service out of Cranbrook, BC.
250-417-0193 866-417-0193
It has been seven years since four-yearold Alexa Middelaer was killed by an alcohol-impaired driver. In that time the police, her family and their supporters have worked tirelessly to make British Columbia’s roads safer for everyone – and they are. Since new measures to combat drinking and driving in B.C. were enacted in 2010, the Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) has been successful in helping reduce the alcohol-
related death toll on B.C.’s roads by 52%, saving an estimated 238 lives. In that time, Alexa’s Team members have processed more than 66,000 sanctions for alcohol and drug related driving offences. Alexa’s Team is a program that recognizes RCMP and Municipal police officers that make an extraordinary contribution in reducing the number of alcohol and drug affected drivers on the roads of our communities. The success of the IRP
a sobering reminder of the consequences of impaired driving,” said RCMP, OIC E-Division Traffic, Supt. Denis Boucher Alexa’s Team is pleased to welcome MADD Canada as an official supporter. MADD Canada is a national charitable organization dedicated to stopping impaired driving and supporting victims of this violent crime. Local Alexa’s Team stats: 2014 Alexa’s Team Kimberley - Cst. Gord Skulnec, Kimberly RCMP - Total impaired drivers removed = 24 2014 Alexa’s Team Cranbrook Cpl. Rod Hrehirchuk, Cranbrook RCMP, Cst. Jeffrey Nielsen, Cranbrook RCMP, Cst. Robert Roy East Kootenay TS All-Star, Cst. Jamie Weber East Kootenay TS Total impaired drivers removed = 168
Network and nosh with the Chamber
re You’re Hi
• Commercial Driver Training • Class 1, 3, 4 & Air Brakes • Advanced Mountain Training • Driver Assessments #11 600 Ind. Rd #1 Cranbrook BC • TDG/WHMIS Courses
Alexa’s Team (Southeast District) has helped take many impaired drivers off the road.
program was followed up by the province’s roll-out of Alexa’s Bus, a mobile road safety unit (MRSU), launched last October at an event hosted by the Justice Institute of BC. Used as a tool in the fight against drinking and driving, Alexa’s Bus has been deployed 30 times to communities around the province educating the public about the dangers of drinking and driving, as well as helping police remove drivers affected by alcohol and drugs from the road. “I want to acknowledge and thank all those officers, from across the province, who have become part of Alexa’s Team. Their contribution to the fight against impaired driving is to be commended. The sad part of acknowledging them for their great work is the fact that there are still those who choose to drive while impaired. The death of Alexa sparked a province to action, unfortunately her death is also
• Class 5 & 7 Driver Training • Re-Testing Assessment • Defensive Driving Courses • Corporate Training
The Heid Out Restaurant and Brewhouse is hosting the Chamber’s June 11 Chamber Business After Hours. The event will be chockablock full of excitement and fun. The business gathering is the unofficial launch party for Sam Steele Days and will feature the unveiling of the 2015 Sam Steele Honey Lager brewed in house by Fisher Peak
Brewing. The events starts at 4:30 pm and runs through to 7. Rivers Crossing Cranbrook has come on board as a partner sponsor with The Heid Out. Chamber Executive Director David D. Hull is pleased with the partnerships for this event. “It is going to be a fantastic evening. The partnership of The Heid Out, Rivers Crossing
The 117th Phillippine Independence Day
June 8, 9 & 10• 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Western Financial Place Lobby Division
Birth Year
PUPS 2010 MITES 2009 NOVICE 2007-8 ATOMS 2005-6 PEEWEE 2003-4 BANTAM 2001-2 MIDGET 1999-00
There will be food, music, dancing and more
Everyone is invited
friends, or potential new Chamber members,” said Hull. “Come on out and raise a glass to Sam and kick off the biggest festival of the year in Cranbrook!” The event is open to Chamber member, their guests, and non-members. Attendees need to RSVP to the Chamber at or to 250 426 5914.
Cranbrook Minor Hockey Registration 2015-2016
Come join us in celebrating
Sunday, June 14 • 10am-3pm Rotary Park, Cranbrook
and Fisher Peak Brewing with the Chamber is great,” said Hull. “The combined efforts are certain to make this a super fun evening of networking, noshing, and sipping. Admission is $10 for the first ticket, $7 for the second and $5 for all subsequent tickets. “We tier the pricing to encourage folks to bring their clients, staff,
Registration Fee
322.00 $ 510.00 $ 510.00 $ 523.00 $ 567.00 $ 567.00 $ 567.00 $
All PeeWee, Bantam and Midget House teams will be playing in the East Kootenay League which is a Non-Body checking league. Half price for anyone at bantam and midget level and all females who were not registered in any hockey association in the 14/15 season
REP TRYOUT FEES $ Tier 2 70.00 $ 50.00 Tier 3 $ 70.00 Atom Travel Team $ 50.00 **Female Program ** If female try-outs are required, a $50.00 fee must be paid prior to the try-outs. Additional $40 for concussion baseline testing and support at the Bantam and Midget levels. Deadline for Rep Tryout Registration is August 27, 2015. Rep Coach Application deadline June 10, 2015
Payment Options
Debit, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Cash Posted dated cheques – June 30th, July 30th, Aug 30th, Sep 30th, Oct 30th and Nov 30th All registration must be fully paid by November 30, 2015 Registrations after June 10 are subject to a $50.00 late fee. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Registrar at Cranbrook Minor Hockey Association #10 – 1777 2nd St. N Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G9 Telephone: (250) 489-8199 or Fax: (250) 489-4619 or Email:
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, June 8, 2015 9 UP TO
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Φ On select models. Financing offers only.
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Offer based on new 2015 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551F) with a selling price of $24,832. ¤ Sportage SX Luxury shown‡
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Offer(s)availableonselectnew2015modelsthroughparticipatingdealerstoqualifiedretailcustomerswhotakedeliveryfromJune2toJune30,2015.Dealersmaysellorleaseforless.Someconditionsapply.Seedealerforcompletedetails.Vehiclesshownmayincludeoptionalaccessoriesandupgradesavailableatextracost.Alloffersaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.All Φ pricingincludesdeliveryanddestinationfeesupto$1,715,$22AMVIC,$100A/Ccharge(where applicable). WE’VE GOT Excludestaxes,licensing,registration,insurance,variabledealeradministrationfees,fuel-fillchargesupto$100,anddownpayment(ifapplicableandunlessotherwisespecified).Otherleaseandfinancingoptionsalsoavailable. BonusCashamountsareofferedonselect YOU COVERED 2015/2016modelsandaredeductedfromthenegotiatedpurchase/leasepricebeforetaxes. Certain conditionsapply.Seeyourdealerforcompletedetails.§ “Don’tPay forto 90days” onselectmodels(90-daypaymentdeferral)appliestopurchasefinancingoffersonallnew2015ForteandSportagemodelsonapprovedcredit(OAC).Nointerestwillaccrueduringthefirst60days Go *5-year/100,000 km ofthefinancecontract.Afterthisperiod,intereststartstoaccrueandthepurchaserwillrepaytheprincipal interestmonthly overthetermofthecontract.OfferendsJune30,2015.¤RepresentativeFinancingExample:Financingofferavailableonapprovedcredit(OAC),onnew2015ForteLX+AT(FO743F)/2015SportageLXMT(SP551F)withasellingpriceof$21,752/$24,832isbasedonmonthlypaymentsof worry-free for Other Savings $296/$272,andincludesdeliveryanddestinationfeesof$1,535/$1,715,$22AMVICfee,andA/Ccharge ($100,whereapplicable)for60/84monthsat0%witha$0downpayment/equivalent trade,Great $0security depositandfirstmonthlypaymentdueatleaseinception.OfferalsoincludesBonusCashof$4,000/$2,000Φ.Othertaxes,registration,insuranceandlicensingfeesareexcluded.OfferendsJune30,2015. comprehensive ≠ warranty. RepresentativeLeasingExample:Leaseofferavailableonapprovedcredit(OAC),onnew2015Soul1.6LLXMT(SO551F)withasellingpriceof$18,732isbasedonmonthlypaymentsof$179andincludesdeliveryanddestinationfeesof$1,715,$22AMVICfee,andA/Ctax($100,whereapplicable)for60monthsat0.9%witha$0downpayment/equivalenttrade, $0 security deposit first monthly payment dueat leaseinception. Total leaseobligation is$10,728 with the option topurchase atthe end ofthe termmay for$8,607. Lease has16,000 km/yrallowance (other packages available and $0.12/km formay excess kilometres). Othertaxes,and registration, insurance feesare aresubject excluded. Offerends June 30,2015. Offer(s) available onand select new 2015models through participating dealers toqualified retailcustomers who take delivery from June2toJune 30, 2015. Dealers sellorlease forless. Someconditions apply.See dealer forcomplete details. Vehicles shown include optionalaccessories upgradesavailable atand extralicensing cost.Alloffers tochange without notice. All Ω ∆ Lease payments mustbeand made onamonthly orto bi-weekly basis asnegotiated cannot bemade onaweekly basis. Weekly leasepayments are foradvertising purposes only.**CashSavings (Cashcharges Credit)for 2015and RioLX MT(RO541F)/2015 Optima LXunless AT(OP742F)/2016 SorentoOther LX2.4L AWD (SR75BG) areoptions $3,670/$4,465/($1,500 cashCash creditamounts and$1,000 Bonus )and pricing includesdelivery destination feesup $1,715,$22 AMVIC, $100A/Cbut charge (where applicable). Excludes taxes, licensing, registration, insurance, variable dealeradministration fees,fuel-fill upthe to$100, down payment(ifapplicable and otherwisespecified). lease and financing alsoavailable.ΦBonus areCash offered onselect available oncash purchase offers only.Cash varybymodel/trim andare deducted fromCertain thenegotiated selling price before taxes.Cash purchase pricefor § thenew2015RioLXMT(RO541F)/2015OptimaLXAT(OP742F)/2016SorentoLX2.4LAWD(SR75AG)is$11,982/$21,987/$28,832andincludesdeliveryanddestinationfeesof$1,535/$1,535/$1,715,$22AMVICFee, “Don’tPayfor90days”onselectmodels(90-daypaymentdeferral)appliestopurchasefinancingoffersonallnew2015ForteandSportagemodelsonapprovedcredit(OAC).Nointerestwillaccrueduringthefirst60days 2015/2016 models andare deducted fromsavings thenegotiated purchase/lease price beforetaxes. conditions apply. See yourdealer forcomplete details. A/C charge ($100, where applicable). Dealerstarts mayto sell forless. taxes,registration, andlicensing Basedon selling Offer endsJune 30,2015. Cash Credit bymodel andtrim and2015 isdeducted from thenegotiated sellingprice taxes cannot combinedwithisspecial lease andfinance offers. ofthe finance contract. After thisperiod,interest accrue andOther thepurchaser willrepaytheinsurance principalinterest monthlyfees overare theexcluded. termofthecontract. Offer endsprice Juneof 30,$15,652/$26,452/$31,332. 2015.¤RepresentativeFinancing Example: Financing offer available onvaries approved credit(OAC), onnew ForteLX+ AT(FO743F)/2015 Sportage LXMTbefore (SP551F) withand aselling pricebe of$21,752/$24,832 basedon monthly payments of ∆ ‡ Cash bonusand amounts aredelivery offeredand onselect 2015/2016 modelsandare$22 deducted from the negotiated purchase/lease pricefor before Certain apply. Seeyourdealerfortrade, complete details. Model shown Manufacturer PriceOffer for2015 SX(FO748F)/2015 Rio4SXwithΦNavigation Sportage Luxuryfees (SP759F)/2015 Luxury $296/$272, includes destination feesof$1,535/$1,715, AMVICfee, and A/C charge($100, whereapplicable) 60/84taxes. months at0%conditions witha$0down payment/equivalent $0security deposit and firstmonthly paymentSuggested dueatleaseRetail inception. alsoForte includes BonusCashof$4,000/$2,000 .Othertaxes,(RO749F)/2015 registration,insurance andSX licensing areexcluded.Soul OfferSX ends June(SO758F) 30,2015. ≠ is$26,695/$22,395/$38,495/$27,295. Highway/city fuelconsumption iscredit based(OAC), onthe2015 Rio2015 LX+ECO AT/2015 Forte 1.8LMPI4-cyl AT/2015 Sportage 2.4L4-cyl AT/2015 Soul2.0LGDI 4-cylMT.of These updated estimates arebased ontheGovernment ofCanada’ sapproved criteria and testing methods. Refertothe EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide.payment/equivalent Youractualfuelconsumption RepresentativeLeasingExample:Lease offeravailable onapproved on new Soul 1.6L LX MT (SO551F) with a selling price of $18,732 is based on monthly payments $179 and includes delivery and destination fees of $1,715, $22 AMVIC fee, and A/C tax ($100, where applicable) for 60 months at 0.9% with a $0 down trade, ® will based ondriving andother factors.The wordmark and logo areregistered trademarks and areowned byBluetooth Information inthisadvertisement isbelieved tobeaccurate atthe timeofprinting. For more information onour 5-yearwarranty coverage, visitkia.caor callusat1-877-542-2886. Kiaare isatrademark ofKiaMotors Corporation. $0vary security deposit andhabits firstmonthly payment dueBluetooth atleaseinception. Total lease obligation is$10,728 withthe option topurchase attheSIG, endInc. ofthe termfor$8,607. Leasehas16,000 km/yrallowance (other packages available and $0.12/km forexcess kilometres). Other taxes,registration, insurance andlicensingfees excluded.Offer endsJune 30,2015. Ω Leasepaymentsmustbemadeonamonthlyorbi-weeklybasisasnegotiatedbutcannotbemadeonaweeklybasis.Weeklyleasepaymentsareforadvertisingpurposesonly.**CashSavings(CashCredit)forthe2015RioLXMT(RO541F)/2015OptimaLXAT(OP742F)/2016SorentoLX2.4LAWD(SR75BG)are$3,670/$4,465/($1,500cashcreditand$1,000CashBonus∆)and availableoncashpurchaseoffersonly.Cashsavingsvarybymodel/trimandaredeductedfromthenegotiatedsellingpricebeforetaxes.Cashpurchasepriceforthenew2015RioLXMT(RO541F)/2015OptimaLXAT(OP742F)/2016SorentoLX2.4LAWD(SR75AG)is$11,982/$21,987/$28,832andincludesdeliveryanddestinationfeesof$1,535/$1,535/$1,715,$22AMVICFee, A/Ccharge($100,whereapplicable).Dealermaysellforless.Othertaxes,registration,insuranceandlicensingfeesareexcluded.Basedonsellingpriceof$15,652/$26,452/$31,332.OfferendsJune30,2015.CashCreditvariesbymodelandtrimandisdeductedfromthenegotiatedsellingpricebeforetaxesandcannotbecombinedwithspecialleaseandfinanceoffers. ∆ Cashbonusamountsareofferedonselect2015/2016modelsandaredeductedfromthenegotiatedpurchase/leasepricebeforetaxes.Certainconditionsapply.Seeyourdealerforcompletedetails.‡ ModelshownManufacturerSuggestedRetailPricefor2015ForteSX(FO748F)/2015Rio4SXwithNavigation(RO749F)/2015SportageSXLuxury(SP759F)/2015SoulSXLuxury(SO758F) is$26,695/$22,395/$38,495/$27,295.Highway/cityfuelconsumptionisbasedonthe2015RioLX+ECOAT/2015Forte1.8LMPI4-cylAT/2015Sportage2.4L4-cylAT/2015Soul2.0LGDI4-cylMT.TheseupdatedestimatesarebasedontheGovernmentofCanada’sapprovedcriteriaandtestingmethods.RefertotheEnerGuideFuelConsumptionGuide.Youractualfuelconsumption willvarybasedondrivinghabitsandotherfactors.TheBluetooth®wordmarkandlogoareregisteredtrademarksandareownedbyBluetoothSIG,Inc.Informationinthisadvertisementisbelievedtobeaccurateatthetimeofprinting.Formoreinformationonour5-yearwarrantycoverage,visitkia.caorcallusat1-877-542-2886.KiaisatrademarkofKiaMotorsCorporation.
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Monday, June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Things to See & Do
TO PLACE A listing in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and nonprofit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee
of publication. We reserve the right to edit information.Only non-profit organizations/events will be allowed.
CDAC presents: “Historic Figure Portrait Contest for Sam Steele Days 2015”, featuring original portraits of local historical figures from the 19th century. Prices will be given for the best portraits in four categories. Contact Marisa Phillips 250-426-4223 or email Display is available for viewing through June 16-26th.
UPCOMING East Kootenay Silver
Fox Run,Friday September 18th 11am at Joseph Creek Village. 35th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run. Contact 250-417-0666.
2015 marks the United Church of Canada’s 90th year and in honour of this glorious day the church bell will ring 90 times at
Father’s Day Celebration Saturday, June 20 & Sunday, June 21 $2 Train & Wagon Rides Dads ride free on Sunday!
For more information please call 250-417-6000 or visit our website at
Home comfort you can depend on.
® ® You cancount countononHeil Heil natural gas heating You can heating systems for systems for quiet, energy-efficient and quiet, energy-efficient reliablebyperformance, reliable performance,and backed outstanding warranties. backed by outstanding warranties.
cert i fi c a t e f
Legacy Builders Summertime lunch (for those 50 and over), 11am. Abundant Life Church, 501- 11th Ave. S, Cranbrook. FREE. Just let us know you are coming. 250-4262866. Everyone welcome.
10am to 5pm
10:30am. We invite anyone to come down to the corner of 12th St.S and Baker to hear them ring out this anniversary day. Street Angels’ Car Wash, 11am-3pm at the Memorial Arena. All donations go to the Street Angels program. CDAC AGM, 7pm9pm at the CDAC Gallery, Room #104, 135 10th Avenue S, Cranbrook. For more information contact Marisa Phillips at 250426-4223.
Timely registration required. See warranty certificate for details and restrictions.
© 2014 International Comfort Products
$800 rebate on high-efficiency natural gas furnaces
Craftsmanship we are proud to put our name on Residential & Commercial Air Systems, Furnace Sales, Replacement and Installation
Tel: 250-919-3517
Email: Web: *Must Pre-Qualify with FortisBC prior to July 20th and have new high efficient furnace installed by October 31
Garage Sale Donations, Friends of the Cranbrook Public Library are accepting donations for household items for their garage sale. Please bring items to the Manual Training Centre from 9am-5pm. No large furniture please. For more information, 250-489-6254 Marilyn Columbia Valley Twirlers Square Dance Club is hosting a square dance at the Community Hall in Radium. Friday June 12, 8pm-10pm. A “Funshop Shop” Dance on Saturday June 13 morning 9am11am, Mainstream Dance Saturday night 7:30-10pm. The callers for the weekend are Gary Winter from Edmonton and Barry Sjolin from Penticton. Please call Albert at 250-347-6573.
Spaghetti Supper & Silent Auction in support of Jennifer De PippoParalympic Swimmer. Help Jennifer reach her dream of representing Canada in the 2015 Paralympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Tickets on sale at Lotus Books. $15. Supper starts at 5:30pm at the Colombo Lodge, 2250-8th Ave. S, Cranbrook. Garage Sale of the Friends of the Cranbrook Public Library, Manual Training Centre, 1212-2nd St.N (adjacent to the library). 9am-2pm. Everyone welcome! EK Outdoor Club hike, Lakit Lake. Lorne, 250-426-8864. EK Outdoor Club
Hike to Lakit Lake. Call Lorne Sinclair 250-426-8864
Cranbrook Tennis Club Tournament-Mt. Baker Courts, Registration 8:15-8:55am. Double/Mixed combined. Two categories-recreational and competitive. Contact Walter 250-489-2285 or Cathy 250-4641903.
Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association Meeting, Executive 10am, Regular meeting 10:45am, Guest speaker (Rick Lockhart, Pharmacist (shingles vaccine) 11:30am. No host lunch Noon.
Introduction to Strategic Planning-Planning skills to benefit your Non-Profit Organization, College of the Rockies Rm 205, registration is FREE includes refreshments. Presented by and Cranbrook & District Community Foundation. Register today online www.basinreach. ca Please contact Theresa Negreiff 250-352-6786
Kimberley Aquatic Family Swim, 6pm7pm, sponsored by Kimberley Health Care Auxilliary.
EK Outdoor Club hike to Cactus Mountain. Call Lorne 250426-8864. CDAC presents: The 2015 Sam Steele Days Kids’ T-shirt Designing Booth, Rotary Park. Kids get a free tshirt to draw their best illustration of Sam Steele or a related figure on their shirt. Limited entires so sign up early. Contact Marisa Phillips at 250-4264223 or email cdac@
Kimberley Aquatic Public Swim, 5pm6pm, sponsored by Kimberley Vision Care.
Kimberley Aquatic Family Swim, 6pm7pm, sponsored by Apps & Diehl Law Office.
. Jaffray-Baynes Lake Farmer’s Market, starting Saturday June 20th and held every Saturday Morning throughout the summer. Baynes Lake
Community Centre, 9am-12:30pm. For more information contact 250-429-3519. Shuffleboard has come to Cranbrook. We play on 40 foot boards, with cues and discs in the Cranbrook Curling Rink. Saturdays at 10am. For the month of June-Shuffleboard is FREE. For more information contact Linda or Dennis at 250-421-9176 after 4pm daily. SCLERODERMA SUPPORT GROUP, Call Betty (250)4288875, Bev, 427-5033 in Kootenay Region. CHILDREN: OUR FOUNDATION for Success! Contact Patricia Cranbrook Family Connections Centre Beside Cranbrook Skatepark 250489-4246 MILITARY AMES VETERANS MEET First and third Tuesday of the month. This group gives veterans a chance to talk and mingle with other veterans in a comfortable, easy atmosphere. It meets in the Kimberley Public Library, upstairs in the reading room. The reading room can be accessed through the back door of the Library (115 Spokane St.) off Kimberley Ave. at the north end of the Platzl. ADDICTIONS SUPPORT RECOVERY Group Thurs. 2 – 3:15 pm EK Regional Hospital Psych Outpatient Dep’t Conference or group room for info 417-6171 AL-ANON MEETING EKRH Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Basement EDC Room B. 250-489-1388 CROSS CULTURAL NIGHT will be held the last Wednesday of every month. 7-9 pm, 32 13th Ave S., Mila 426-2943.. DO YOU WONDER IF YOU ARE IN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARTNER? Do you feel valued and respected? Info. 426-4887 or 1-800200-3003. TIRED OF CLUTTER in your household? Take clothing items to our convenient Walmart Location. Thank you from the Big Brothers and Sisters Crib / Whist : Crib or Whist alternate weeks, Senior’s Drop In Centre, Fernie, Tuesdays 7.30 p.m. Seniors Drop In Centre 562 3rd Ave. CRANBROOK EARLY CHILD-
HOOD Development Committee: Meets the 1st Tuesday of every month (excluding Summer) 1-3 pm. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, service providers and businesses are always welcome. KINDERGARTEN IMMUNIZATIONS are available for children between the ages of 4 and 6 years at the Cranbrook Health Unit. For an appointment call 250 4202207. CANADIAN RED CROSS is seeking Client Service and Technician Volunteer for the Health Equipment Loan Program in Cranbrook. Please go to http:// for more information or call 1-855-995-3529. TRITON SWIM CLUB, accepting registration for children ages 6 & up at anytime. Gretchen, 489-4365. O N G O I N G MEMBERSHIP, ABREAST in the Rockies Dragonboat Team, a non competitive paddling team, bringing awareness to breast cancer survivorship. FMI, Barb, 489-6260, Diane, 489-3372. CRANBROOK STROKE RECOVERY Club meets the 2nd & 4th Wed on each month, 10 am-1 pm. Lower level Seniors Citizens Hall, 125-17th St S. We assist stroke survivors & their caregivers to promote their independence & improve their overall quality of life. Newcomers are most welcome. Tootie Gripich, Coordinator, 426-3994. THE LEGION IS LOOKING for anyone that has served or is still serving in the Armed Forces for the BC/Yukon Command Military Service Recognition Book. Forms can be picked up at the Legion.Every Saturday Meat Draws starting at 3:30 ending at 5:30 INVERMERE SENIORS, 1ST & 3rd Tuesday of every month, potluck, 6 pm & meeting 7 pm. 1st Wednesday, carpet bowling, 1:30 pm, 2nd & 3rd Thursday, bingo, 7 pm, 1st & 3rd Friday, crib, 7 pm. EAST KOOTENAY OUTDOOR CLUB Monday night hikes. Different hike every week. Phone Lorne 250-426-8864
Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, 8, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, JuneJune 8, 2015 11
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1-866-539-1230 Community Campus Children’s Society Annual General Meeting, June 23, 2015 5:15pm at Kids on Campus Children’s Center
Limited seats and travel supports available for Kimberley, Wasa, Jaffray & Moyie participants
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
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LICENSED HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC full time. Class 1 license is an asset. Apply in person at 1420 Northwest Blvd. Creston, BC, or fax resume with refs: 250-428-3971 or email:
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Qualifications Experience with InDesign an asset; Superior writing skills; Ability to write on a variety of topics, including local government, arts and sports; Proficiency in photography; Experience in posting content to the Internet; Ability to adapt to emerging trends in multimedia reporting, including social networking.
Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 Only those selected for interview will receive a response.
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The Free Press, Fernie, BC
School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) is now accepting applications for the following position in Cranbrook
The Free Press has an immediate opening for an Editor for its weekly community newspaper.
For complete details and to apply for this position please visit our website: and follow the links to staff, employment. When applying please quote posting number. Deadline to apply - June 17, 2015 For further information contact Darlene Soper, Accounting Services Manager at: (no telephone calls please)
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C1516-004 Accounting/Payroll Clerk
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Dianna Marie Rice March 3, 1958-June 10, 2012 I feel a warmth around me like your presence is so near. And I close my eyes to visualize your face when you were here. I endure the times we spent together and they are locked inside my heart. For as long as I have those memories we will never be apart. Even though we cannot speak anymore, your voice is always there, Because every night before I sleep I have you in my prayer.
Love Dan
We are seeking a candidate who will find and capture compelling stories and features and who will thrive in a deadline-driven environment to produce stories for our newspaper and online products. The successful candidate will be able to write stories, take photos and assist with online and social media responsibilities.
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The Free Press, a Black Press weekly publication in beautiful Fernie, B.C. is seeking an exceptional, full-time journalist/photographer to join our editorial team.
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Career Opportunities OVERWAITEA Foods is HIRING GROCERY CLERKS! No exp. necessary. Apply online today at:
Reporter, Full Time
• • •
Sat., June 13 from 2-4pm at the Cranbrook Curling Club Friends of Lynda’s and friends of the Dickson family are invited.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Celebration of Life for Lynda Dickson
You will work closely with the publisher to help set the editorial vision for this newspaper and as Editor, you will take a lead role in community engagement, which means getting involved in different organizations to promote the newspaper’s role and brand in the community.
This job requires a tremendous amount of effort and time in order to be successful and we are looking for a dynamic individual to join our team. Compensation for this position will be based on experience and qualifications. There is an excellent benefits package as well as a car allowance and other related benefits. A reliable vehicle is required. Fernie is considered by many one of the most desirable places in the province, if not the country, to live. People come for the skiing and stay for the lifestyle. Fernie offers a myriad of opportunities to the outdoor enthusiast, including skiing, mountain biking and fishing to name just a few. It is also a wonderful community to raise a family. Black Press Community News Media is an internationally recognized newspaper publishing group with more than 190 community, daily and urban publications in BC, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio published at 14 regional printing centers. Black Press employs 3,300 people across North America. Please send resume, with cover letter, to Andrea Horton. We thank all of those who apply, however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Andrea Horton Publisher The Free Press 342 2nd Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Email: Deadline for resumes: Friday, June 12, 2015 No phone calls please.
Monday, June June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, 8, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Professional/ Management
Permanent PT Weekend Heavy Equipment Operator, year round, required in Cranbrook area, please apply in person Southeast Disposal, 1425 Industrial Rd. #2, Cranbrook (250)417-3607
Help Wanted 7019051
Scale Attendant required immediately. Permanent part time. Sparwood area. Basic computer knowledge required, able to deal well with the public. Submit resume to the Sparwood Transfer Station or fax to Southeast Disposal (250) 417-3617
RESIDENTIAL Caretaker Golden BC, 2 apartment buildings - 50 suites. Must be energetic handy personable & detail oriented. Experience an asset. Send resume:
Help Wanted
Help wanted
Melody Motors in Kimberley is currently seeking a
We are a well established and respected full-service Ford dealership located in beautiful Kimberley, BC. Proven experience in sales and the automobile industry would be an asset, but not mandatory. We offer on going training to ensure your success. The ideal candidate will be career oriented, possess a positive “can do” attitude, a team player with a strong desire to succeed. Customer service and satisfaction are paramount in our dealership as well. If you feel that this describes you, we’d like to meet with you. Apply by email: or in person at Melody Motors.
Communication Services
Misc Services
NOW HIRING Grocery ReLine Clerks. 3 week full-time contract. Apply online now at:
Help Wanted
We are people working together to build strong and empowered families and healthy communities.
Sales associate with a flair for home interior and design Full time, some Saturdays Drop off or email resume to:
232 Slater Rd. NW, Cranbrook
Bring your dedication, enthusiasm and willingness to make a difference to be part of our dynamic and history making organization.
Social Worker
Positions available at our Creston, BC and Windermere, BC Of¿ces The Social Worker is part of a team of professionals dedicated to the well-being of Aboriginal peoples and their families. 4uali¿cations
%achelor degree in Social Work or related ¿eld 0inimum of years¶ Social Work e[perience E[perience working with families at risk E[perience working in Aboriginal &ommunities.
Please fax or e-mail your cover letter and resume to 'arlene Trach, +5 0anager, at 250-489-2438 or Closing 'ate -une 9, 20 5 Please review the detailed description on our website
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
CHIMPS HANDYMAN SERVICE Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Painting, Flooring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements & More
WE DO THAT! Call Doug
250-426-7222 Leave a message
Home Improvements Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471
Located in Kimberley, Hwy 95A We are people working together to build strong and empowered families and healthy communities. Bring your dedication, enthusiasm and willingness to make a difference to be part of our dynamic and history making organization.
Early Years Outreach Worker Permanent, Full Time
The role of the Early Years Outreach Worker is to provide hands-on education and guidance to families and to promote growth in parenting, health and wellness. 4uali¿cations 'egree in &hild and Youth &are preferred &omEination of education and e[perience may Ee considered One to two - years of related e[perience Working knowledge of &hild 'evelopment E[perience working with families at risk E[cellent communication and interpersonal skills. Please fax or e-mail your cover letter and resume to 'arlene Trach, +5 0anaJer, at (250) 489-5760 or &losing 'ate -une 9, 20 5 Please review the detailed description on our weEsite
Help Wanted
Advertising Sales Representative
Sand,Gravel & Top Soil. We deliver anywhere. Call Lo-Cost Sand & Gravel, (250)417-9291 Pets & Livestock
ROTOTILLING & Yard Cleanup. 250-489-5981
New subdivision coming summer 2015
New subdivision coming summer 2015
The Kootenay News Advertiser has an opening for an experienced multimedia Advertising Consultant. By joining the community newspaper serving Cranbrook, you can develop a rewarding career in advertising and marketing while contributing to one of the best communities in Canada. The team environment at the Kootenay News Advertiser will inspire you to the highest level of customer partnership and reward your motivated approach to excellence. You should be a strong communicator, well organized, self motivated and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Print and/or online advertising sales experience is preferred. A car and a valid driver’s license are required. The Kootenay News Advertiser is a member of Black Press Canada’s largest private independent newspaper company with more than 150 titles in print and online in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio. Please submit your resume and cover letter by June 15 to: The Kootenay News Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2
Meadowbrook Horse Drawn Cart,
made of Oak, comes with brakes, also with double tree, like new, $2200 obo. (250)342-0617
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under Pond fish, Kootenay raised, 3 large Goldfish, $55; 3 medium size, $25. (250)417-2040 Roper double door fridge/freezer, with ice maker, good cond., $100 obo. (250)426-1993 Three serviced self propelled lawnmowers, starting at $100. (250)417-2040
WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind
Mountain Man Outdoors
250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666
WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
Furniture Rustic 8-piece custom made dining room set, including 2 matching corner cupboards, Yellow Pine from Quebec, $1600. White cabinet with glass doors & interior light, $900. Two 3’ fancy table lamps, $20/each. Two modern lamp tables, hand made, gleaming white, small $40, big $80. Gas BBQ, used once, $300. All obo. (250)427-4875
Heavy Duty Machinery
Livestock Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372
Pets We will sit or walk your dog $10/hr 250-426-8153.
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under 12 qt. pressure cooker, canner, ex. cond., $70. Brush & garden shredder, $70. Bike, 21-spd, ex. cond., $70. (250)417-3343 4 Ford 15” aluminum rims, car or van, 4” center to center, 5-hole, $20/each. Four 235/75/R15”, $25/each. Turn at Lordco, down hill, past dump, 1st right, follow in to 1st barn on left. 5th Wheel tailgate for 90’s Chevy pickup, $100. Call (250)426-7504 Assorted tires: 13” to 18”, $25/each. Pairs & spares. I buy some tires. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to barn on left. Bathroom cabinets, $50. Double bed frame, $40. Entertainment stand, $5. Monitor, $25. Humidifier, $25. Recliner, $25. Office chair, $25. Pet and smoke free home. Call (250)489-2697 Four P175/70/R14”, $25/each. Four 185/65/R14”, $25/each. Turn at Lordco, down hill past dump, first right, follow in to first barn on left.
710B JD Extend A back hoe, slides & cylinders have been repaired, digging & clean up buckets 80%, detachable, no tractor, digging depth 23’ $2500 (250)417-6536 A-CHEAP, LOWEST PRICES STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. 40’ containers as low as $2,200. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale Car dolly & lights, $750. Corvette center caps, $150. 2-fan room water cooler, $200. (250)423-0328 Composted manure, top soil, bark mulch, lava, pond boulders, flagstone & stackers, delivery available (250)421-7399 Shoprider scooter, Trailblazer, SEL889, good cond., canopy, windscreen, rain rider, basket, new $4500, asking $1500. (250)426-8020 or 417-9127
Antlers, Horns,
All Kinds, Taxidermy Kelly, (250)426-6993
Misc. Wanted Antlers Wanted,
Four serviced lawnmowers, starting at $65. Call (250)4172040
Sheds & Sets, Elk & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444
Paving/Seal/ Coating
Paving/Seal/ Coating
BLACKTOP NOW! Driveways & Parking Lots No job too small! Free Estimates! Serving all the Kootenays
1-888-670-0066 Call 250-421-1482
Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser Monday, 8, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, JuneJune 8, 2015 13
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Misc. Wanted
For Sale By Owner
Antiques wanted by private collector, car dealership, gas station or soda signs & door pushes, pre 1970 tin toy trucks, cars & windups, also brewery or soda calendars. (250)427-0500 or (250)4207129 Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Coins, Silver, Gold, Jewelry, Estates Chad: 778-281-0030 in town.
Dovetail log shell packages
Wanted antiques by private collector, Medalta advertising, like Ogilvies flour, milk pitchers & bowls, or pottery whiskey jugs, with town names on them, also Seltzer bottles, soda pops or pottery ginger beers, from BC, AB or Sask. 1 (250)427-0500 or 420-7129 Wanted: truck camper for longbox truck, 1998 or newer. Also looking for canopy for 8’ GMC box. (250)417-9527 •
24/7 anonymous confidential • in your language •
for cabins, garages or barns, includes Mortised loft timbers, 22 long, 18 wide, 10 high and larger. For more info, call Dalton, (250)428-0108
Kootenays New subdivision coming summer 2015
Mobile Homes & Parks
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.
Creston: 2005 28’X60’ Must be moved. Asking $100,000 For more info call Brian 403302-7588
Rentals Acreage New subdivision coming summer 2015
Real Estate Business for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Modular Homes
Cars - Domestic
Commercial Vehicles
Mobile home pad available at Wycliffe Mobile Home Park. $300, newer trailers only. (250)489-9321
FOR RENT • 1 & 2 Bedroom units • Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital
OFFICE: 106 1850 2nd St. N.,
Cranbrook Phone (250)489-5160 (250)417 1260 2-bdrm unit available in Victoria Villas, rent includes W/D & water, starting at $825/mo + electric. N/P, N/S, 1-year lease. Call (250)417-7325 Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $625/mth; 2-bdrm, $775/mth, Call (250)417-7379 Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, W&D, w/deck, no pets, $700 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926. WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2-bdrm units, $725-$800. 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379
Homes for Rent
Reno’s Completed!, 2-bdrm unit, f/s, laundry room, private parking, window covering, definitely no pets, n/p, n/s, avail immediately, references. (250)489-1906 or 919-2075 SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
Call John, 250-489-8438
Rare opportunity to purchase private 150 acres 5 minutes from Cranbrook BC. Borders crown land on 3 sides. Mixture of timber and fields. Not in the ALR zoned RR60. Serious inquiries only, $648,000. 250-489-9234
Reduced to $179,900
1308D 11th St S, clean 1bdrm, complete with living room, kitchen & bathroom, parking & yard, n/p, n/s, one year lease, $585/mth + electric. (250)417-7325
Suites, Lower
1998 Subaru Forester AWD, well maintained, new timing belt, battery, windshield, no rust, 220,000 km, $5000. (250)346-3378
2002 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dr, runs great, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, good tires, 270,000 km, $2500 obo. (250)489-1521 (250)464-9997
1956 DeSoto Seville, rebuilt Hemi, runs, shop manual, $5000. 1956 Packard Clipper, shop manual, $3000 as is. Call between 12 noon & 4pm, (250)270-0698
2002 Merc Cougar 2.5L V6, Std, almost new, rebuilt front to back, ex. cond., very fast, $5000 Too many details to list. (250)489-1956
2-bdrm apt in clean, quiet 4-plex, laundry avail, mature tenants only, references, pet considered, n/s, n/parties, $800/mth + utilities. Call (250)426-9726
1979 Chev Malibu Classic, 2-dr, new: engine, paint, headers, top end cam & lifters, ex. cond., asking $5500. Call after 5pm, (250)426-5498
Open Houses SCAN HERE
Selling on behalf of Service Alberta, City of Airdrie, City of Medicine Hat, FortisAlberta, Town of Cochrane, Town of Banff & other consignors
DAY TWO - UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION WEDNESDAY, June 17, 2015 10:00 a.m. Complete Dispersal for GTG Energy Systems 8516 40 Street S.E., Calgary, AB For a comprehensive brochure please call Canadian Public Auction Ltd. 403-269-6600 or 800-786-0857. For more information or Live Internet Bidding www.canadianpublicauction all internet purchases are subject to an internet buyer’s fee & a deposit may be required depending on your purchase history. Auction License # 200278, AMVIC License # 200279.
for a map of our
Cranbrook • Tuesday, June 9
6:00-7:00pm 207 8th Avenue South
Stop wasting rent money! This 2 bdrm home has tons of updates!
$179,900 Lori White
2003 Buick LeSabre, $2500. 1993 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4, $800. 1(406)291-7201 Grasmere, BC
2005 Corvette Convertible. Red exterior, cashmere interior. Loaded. Mint. Only 21,000 km. Power top. 400 HP. Heads up display. Senior driven. Never seen snow. $35,900 obo Call 250-402-6565 2005 Ford Mustang, 72,000km, 5-spd manual, $8900 obo. (250)426-9735 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona RT, yellow & black, 54,000 km, 20” rims, custom stereo, ex. cond., $20,500. Call (250)417-6617 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, 121,650km, 1-owner, hwy driven, summer & winter wheels, new front pads & rotors, new spark plugs, new anti freeze, all recalls completed, no accidents, Carproof, $6500 obo. (250)427-7153 2008 Dodge Charger RT, 5.7L, 85,000km, one owner, summer driven only, $18,500. (250)417-7163
7:30 - 8:30pm 1508 20th Avenue South
2008 Pontiac Grande Prix, V6, 1 owner, no rust, no dents, 111,000 km, $9500. Call (250)427-7094 (250)427-8758
2009 Pontiac G5, 4-dr, manual, FWD, 97,390 km, ex. cond., $6250. (250)489-5392
Gorgeous 3+ bdrm, 2 bath home, steps to Kootenay Orchard School. Lori White for open house maps, rental properties, property details and mortgages
25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211 385 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley 250-427-0070 1-866-427-0070
2007 Honda Shadow Spirit
Mint Condition 12,500km includes saddle bags & cover. Always stored inside.
Cars - Domestic
1966 Chrysler Windsor, partially restored, $7000 obo. (250)429-3937
2003 Ford Model 20 passenger bus, Econo diesel, 450,676km, located at Jaffray Seniors Centre, Rosen Lk. Rd., fully serviced, safety inspected, ready to go, asking $5000 obo. (250)429-3435
Auto Accessories/Parts Four 205/60R16 Goodyear Nordic winter tires on 5-hole universal mag wheels, Nitrogen, balanced. Used one season, ex. cond., $450 firm. (250)489-2100 (250)421-0020
East Kootenay Realty
DAY ONE - UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY, June 16, 2015 8:00 a.m. 9320 – 52 Street S.E., Calgary, AB
1992 Toyota Corolla Wagon, new alternator, new winter & summer tires all on rims, newer muffler, well maintained, 277,000 km, $1400. Call (250)428-5624
Quiet 1-bdrm suite, single occupancy only, major utilities included plus shared W/D, n/s, n/parties, n/p, avail July 1, $500/mth + DD.(250)426-4401
Duplex / 4 Plex
M&M Meat Shops franchise for sale in Cranbrook, BC
1985 Thunderbird Elan V6 Automatic 78,500 km No rust excellent condition $5,500 OBO (250)421-7054
1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary Edition, black, V6, auto, loaded, 30,000km on new motor, $4700 obo. (250)428-7454
Antiques / Classics
Recreational/Sale 1970 Travel Air trailer, new upholstery, flipped axle, no leaks, $1500. (250)421-3102 1978 24’ Prowler, good cond., $1900. (250)427-3300
2-BDRM bungalow 10km west of Cbk, on hwy 3/95, $550/mth + hydro, satellite, available immediately (250)489-2376 2-bdrm house, 5-appliances, window coverings, close to elementary & junior high schools, preferably no pets, avail July 1, references. (250)489-1906 (250)919-2075
Cars - Sports & Imports 2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $7777.77. (250)426-7354
Commercial Vehicles 45’ Commercial transport van, heated, new 24.5 rubber, $5000. (250)489-8794
1979 Honda XR500, running, $750. (250)426-8508 1982 Honda Interstate Goldwing, 1100cc, A1 shape, 62,372km, inc. trailer, asking $5500. Henry, (250)428-3545 1990 BMW K-1, 1000cc, rare model, red & yellow, flat four, 4 valves per cylinder, fuel injection, stainless steel exhaust, new Michelin radials, 55,000 km, $4500 obo. Must be seen! (250)426-8408 2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, great cond., new tires, 16” apes, braided steel cables, custom grips, Cobra slashcut exhaust, forward controls, saddlebags, $4900. Call (250)489-8731 2004 Black Honda Rukas scooter, 50cc, low mileage, $1500. (250)417-9976 2004 Vulcan 2000, 2053 of power & torque, if you are searching for the most powerful cruiser in mint cond., this is it! $7900. (250)2316720 Kimberley 2004 Yamaha Roadstar 1700, ex cond, 40,000km, lots of extras including Stage II upgrade, $8400. (250)489-2474
2006 Yamaha V Star 650 Silverado Classic, 9459km, saddle bags, windshield, sissy bar, halogen headlight, bike cover, electric vest (new never used), $5800. (250)489-4532 2008 750 Honda Shadow, 16,823 km, c/w windshield, saddle bags, sissy bar, engine guard & bike cover, ex. cond., $6000. (250)529-7724 2009 Honda Goldwing, nav, audio, CB, other extras, call in evenings, (250)428-4301 2011 HONDA CRF230F w/riding gear, low km, 10 hrs approx riding time, $4800. 1 (250)426-3606 HD Sportster factory 1200 custom, 5400 km, mint. (250)426-7710
Off Road Vehicles 1996 Yamaha Big Bear 350 quad, plow, winch, $4000.(250)423-0328 2010 Dinli Centhor, red, 700cc ATV, trunk, wench, 500km, $5500. (250)428-7305 350 Honda Odyssey, full suspension, good cond., $2700 obo. (250)427-2491
1984 21ft Citation motorhome, sleeps-6, new curtains, LED lighting, stove, fridge & furnace all in very good condition, rear storage bin, ready for your summer enjoyment $7200. (250)426-6686
1991 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel & 2010 Adventure camper. 140 watt solar panel, television, skylight, surround sound stereo system inside & out. $24,999 obo for both. (250)427-6806 1992 PROWLER Regal 26ft holiday trailer. Good cond. $5,600. 250-428- 8912 1992 Terry 5th wheel, 17.5’, unique rear entrance, 1/2 ton towable, $3500. (250)3442788 1997 22’ Komfort travel trailer, very good cond, solar panel, new awning, California room, equalizer hitch, sleeps-6, $6500. (250)489-4532 1997 Vanguard Wrangler 5th wheel, 26’, hitch included, asking $8000. (250)426-5535 1998 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27.5’, like new, original owners, never smoked in, used 2 weekends, slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, paid $51,900, reduced to $11,500 obo. (250)427-4435 1999 25’ Salem 5th Wheel, slide, loaded, $5600. Call (250)422-3217 1999 29-1/2’ Fleetwood Storm Class A, good cond., from Arizona, 451 C.I., 34,000 miles, queen bed in rear, $16,000 obo. 1976 Class C Dodge 17’, Tioga, 318 C.I., fiberglass body, like new tires, good running cond., $3000 obo. (250)428-4775 or (250)4894688 2001 31’ Vanguard trailer, w/slide out, new awning, very good cond., set up at Bayshore Resort on Kootenay Lake, $17,000. (250)421-0300 2005 29’ Holiday trailer, equipped with solar panels, 285 watts, 2000 watt inverter, large slide w/awning, dual wheels, mint cond., $16,000 obo. (250)342-6805 2008 28-1/2’ Passport Ultra Lite travel trailer, 1/2 ton towable, hardwall, all options, slide (couch, sink & stove), new tires, ex. cond., road ready, everything works, $15,500, includes hitch, $15,000 without. 1(250)4026663 2008 Pioneer 19’ trailer, ex. cond., barely used, $13,500. (250)421-3885 2011 Coleman 26-1/2’ Lite CT250GS travel trailer, walk around queen bed, ducted air & heat, slide has couch, sink & stove, 1/2 ton towable, power awning, hard wall siding, $17,500. 1(250)402-6717 2011 Lance camper 1181, slide out, full bathroom, winter package, solar, loaded, like new, $28,800 obo. (250)4269832 2011 Westland truck camper, like new, queen bed, stove, fridge, bathroom, outside shower, professionally installed fan above bed, includes aluminum folding camper steps, $13,000 obo. (250)428-0360 2012 Jayco Jayflight Swift SLX 184BH trailer, weighs under 3000 lbs, sleeps-5, a/c, sink, 2-burner range, fridge, microwave, tub/shower, toilet, ex shape. $9200. (250)4219286
Monday, June June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Monday, 8, 2015 Kootenay NewsAdvertiser Advertiser
Sport Utility Vehicle
Trucks & Vans
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Trucks & Vans
2013 Jayco Travel Trailer, 19’, featherlite, one slide out, brand new, $25,000. (250)489-8401
Hunter’s Special: 1980 Chev pickup, with Okanagan camper, great shape, comes with canopy, $3500. (250)421-9160
35’ Toy hauler, has 10’ garage, sleeps 8-10, $16,000. Two 8’ campers, both have fridge, stove, furnace, one has bathroom, $1200 & $3000. Good clean units, Call (250)428-9759
Selling locally, 2003 GMC 4x4 pickup, 5-spd standard, regular cab, short box, $6000 obo. Call for more details, (250)427-7171 or (250)4645214
Combo: 2002 F150 4x4 truck, 110,000km, and 1996 5th Wheel, both in good shape, many extras, $12,000 obo. (250)426-2471 MOBILE SUITES 5th Wheel, 2004 Model TK3-36ft. 3 slides. Original owner, used weekends only from Memorial Day Labor Day. Hauled from Spokane dealer to seasonal campsite Twin Rivers Canyon Resort in Moyie Springs Idaho, less than 120 miles and never moved. Fully loaded, 2ACs, fireplace, w/additional extras incl. central vac. Covered for winter and stored at resort. Immaculate cond. $31,000 USD. Call 208-263-9531 or 208-2638487 for appt to show. Or check with Rex at resort office 208-267-5932. Resort website ONLINE RV DEALS Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447
REDUCED 2012 Creekside 22RB, walk-around bed, couch, oven, MW, large bathroom, day/night blinds, 30 lb propane tanks, black tank flush, solar panel, p/awning, new battery, 3-yrs left on EXTENDED WARRANTY, $18,700. (250)489-1645 Reduced by $1200. Camping & Hunting. Truck & camper, rebuilt motor, trans, drive shaft, 8000lb winch, new water pump, alternator, power steering pump, master cylinder, shocks, 3-way fridge, stove, heater, many more, asking $4700, may consider trades.Call Ray,(250)489-5038 Tour Edition Presidential Series, 35’ Golden Falcon, used 2 summers, like new, solar panels, holding tanks enclosed insulated and heated, $30,000. (250)417-1783
Snowmobiles 2005 Arctic Cat M7, $3500 obo. (250)489-2877
Sport Utility Vehicle
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988 1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5 V6 engine. 4DR 4X4 green with PS/PB/Power windows, cruise control, winter rated tires, trailer hitch. In excellent condition with 330,000 Km . $4800 OBO 250-430-7446 1999 Chev Blazer SUV, good cond., 239,263km, 4WD, auto, sunroof, 31 10.50 R15 LT tires, clean, V6, $4000 obo. (250)427-3040 (250)427-6376 2000 4-Runner, 3.4L, V6 standard, 5-spd, running boards, sunroof, tow package, new clutch, 372,000km, 2nd owner, $4200. Dave, (250)489-0999 2002 Explorer Limited, V8, w/trailer tow package, ex. cond., $5500. (250)426-7354
2011 Chev Traverse LT, 60,000km, AWD, 8-passenger, 2-1/2 yrs left on extended warranty, never winter driven, ex. cond., $25,500. (250)342-6968 Windermere
Trucks & Vans 1984 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 350 V8, 700 rear transmission, 9 bolt Curry rear end, $6000. (250)427-7094 1993 Chev Silverado 1500 Ext cab 2x4, 350, 4-spd auto, hard cover, running boards, Michelins, tow package, 288 K, runs great, $2400 obo. (250)402-6043 Creston 1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $6000 obo. Call (250)428-9884 1999 Dodge Dakota, V6, 5-spd, 4x4, good runner, $4500. (250)423-0328 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab 4x4, $5200 obo. Call (250)426-8032 2000 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel, 24 valve, loaded w/leather, good shape, 200,000km, $11,800. Leave message at (250)829-0773 or call (250)421-7133 2001 Ford Windstar van, 332,000km, auto, FWD, grey, runs well, 2 brand new tires, cruise control not working, some rust, $1100 obo. (250)426-0408 2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 4.7L, auto, 205,000km, 4-dr, air, very clean, $6900 obo. (778)517-5084 2004 GMC Sierra SLE 2500, 6.6 Duramax, 4-dr Ext cab, fully loaded, auto, 342,000 km, ex. shape, clean interior & body, 1 season on new winter tires, $12,400 with topper, $11,800 without. (250)4231377 2005 WORKHORSE step van, auto, comes with summer & winter tires, $1500 obo as is (250)417-1760 2006 Chev Silverado 2500HD Ext. cab 4x4, includes aluminum bullboard, drybox, stainless steel stepbars & 4 winter tires on rims, only 122,000km, $18,500 obo. (250)426-5987 2006 Ford F150 Supercab, 4x4, p/w, air, new rubber, clean, $14,000. Leave message, (250)427-5162 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4x4, V8, auto, a/c, 260,000km, well maintained, receipts for new parts, $15,000. (250)426-8591 2007 F150, 4x4, 133,000 km, red with matching canopy, immaculate cond., trailer tow package, has all service records, can be seen at Mister Tire in Cranbrook, $14,000. (250)426-9606 2007 Ford F150 Lariat Supercrew, 4x4, 5.4 V8, leather interior, p/moonroof, sprayed shortbox, tri-fold Tonneau cover, air suspension kit, 61,000 km, ex. cond., $20,000. (250)426-9572 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box,$30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199 2008 F150, 4x2, Super Crew, XLT, V8, 170,000km, loaded, white/tan, new 3-fold Tonneau cover, great cond., $10,999.99. (250)426-5093
2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid Platinum. Red with kona brown interior. Pristine condition. 125,000 KM. Fully loaded. Over $100K new. New tires. Full warranty until Sept./15. A real beauty. $33,900 obo Call 250-402-6565
2009 Silverado pick up, longbox, 2WD, V6, auto, air, p/w, $6500. (250)428-0108
Flatdeck trailer, 16’x8’, heavy duty, double axle, new tires & spring shackles, $3500 obo. (250)489-5798
2010 Ford F-150, 4x4 ext cab, loaded. Also other good used trucks. 1 (250)427-6199
Tandem utility trailer, flatdeck, 8x16, $2200. (250)4176893
Black hi-rise canopy, shortbox, 6’6”, for GM Truck, late 90’s, $450. (250)417-6603
14’ Lund, 2 motors, on trailer, many extras. $2200 obo. (250)489-1640 2003 SEARAY 185 Bowrider. with trailer. Tan colour, V6, 4.3L engine with 25 hrs run time. New stern drive. Swivel seats, bimmi top. Complete with manuals, serviced regularly. Exc. cond. Stored in covered garage in winter. $12,950 Call (250)342-5229. 2008 Campion Explorer 552i 225 HP, inboard 4.3 L Mercruiser, 8HP troller with remote control fully loaded for fishing $35,000. 250 417-6867 Boat stall for rent, Green Bay, Moyie Lake, $650/year. Call (250)426-6798 Riot Britney lake/ocean kayak, 2 hatches, 2 seats-adjustable, compass recess, rear rudder & has skag, cockpit net for storage, pump & life jacket, paddle pillow, paddle, new $1800, used 3 times, asking $1000. (250)427-7158
Commercial Vehicles
Commercial Vehicles
Commercial Vehicles
2009 Chev Silverado 1500 Extra cab 4x4, immaculate cond., 121,000km, $20,000 (250)428-9606
Utility Trailers 24’ Gooseneck trailer, tandem axle, good cond., ball hitch or 5th wheel, $3200. Call (250)489-0676
School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Operations Department USED BUSES/VEHICLES FOR SALE School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the following vehicles/buses. All vehicles/buses are sold on an “as is where is basis”. No warranty or condition of roadworthiness is expressed or implied. Golden Zone Bus 3060 - One (1) 2003 International School Bus - 72 Passenger Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 254,199 kms. Bus 3061 - One (1) 2003 International School Bus - 72 Passenger Engine 444E Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 257,603 kms. For further details or to view please contact Alan Ure, Operations Supervisor, at (250) 344-8643 or (250) 344-0217. Invermere Zone Bus 0062 - One (1) 2000 Bluebird School Bus - 84 Passenger Cummins ISC, Automatic Transmission, 402,722 kms. Bus 2062 - One (1) 2002 Bluebird School Bus - 84 Passenger Cummins ISC, Automatic Transmission, 425,340 kms. RM18 – One (1) 1988 Toyota Pickup, 3L, V6, Standard Transmission, 225,750 kms. RM13 – One (1) 1990 Ford Van, 2WD, 350 Engine, 3 Speed Auto Transmission, Gasoline, 244,147 kms. RM6 – One (1) 1997 Ford 4x4 1 Ton Truck, 285,589 kms. For further details or to view please contact Brian Nickurak, Operations Supervisor at (250) 342-6814 or (250) 342-1728. Kimberley Zone Bus 7060 - One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 84 Passenger 8.3 Cummins, Automatic Transmission, 386,868 kms Bus 8061 - One (1) 1998 Bluebird School Bus - 72Passenger Engine T444E Diesel IHC, Automatic Transmission, 281,622 kms. Bus 3063 – 2003 Bluebird School Bus – 72 Passenger T444E IHC, Automatic Transmission, 246,380 kms. Bus 2061 – 2001 Bluebird School Bus – 72 Passenger T444E IHC, Automatic Transmission, 261,999 kms. For further details or to view please contact Evan Stavrev, Operations Supervisor at (250) 427-2268 or (250) 427-8727. The highest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Closing date: Friday, June 19th, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. (MST) Please quote individual bids for each vehicle. Clearly mark your bid envelope with “Used Vehicle Tender” and submit sealed bids to: Steve Jackson, Director of Operations School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) 620 – 4th Street PO Box 430 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0
INVITATION TO TENDER Finishing Mower The City of Cranbrook is inviting Tenders for the supply of a Finishing Mower. Tender documents will be available from City Hall at 40 – 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC. The documents are also available on BC Bid and on the City’s website under “Business – City Tenders”. Sealed Tenders labeled with Tenderer’s name, project name and Owner’s name must be submitted by 2:30 pm, local time, Thursday, June 18, 2015 to: Attention: Financial Services Manager City of Cranbrook 40 – 10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Late submissions will be rejected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders submitted.
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IT WILL GO ON LINE! INVITATION TO TENDER Compact Utility Tractor The City of Cranbrook is inviting Tenders for the supply of a Compact Utility Tractor. Tender documents will be available from City Hall at 40 – 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC. The documents are also available on BC Bid and on the City’s website under “Business – City Tenders”. Sealed Tenders labeled with Tenderer’s name, project name and Owner’s name must be submitted by 2:30 pm, local time, Thursday, June 18, 2015 to: Attention: Financial Services Manager City of Cranbrook 40 – 10th Avenue South Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Late submissions will be rejected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders submitted.
Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, June 8, 2015 15
Arrow Volkswagen 2034 Cranbrook Street N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 3T1
For up to 72 months*
On the Volkswagen Jetta, Passat and Tiguan - including TDI!
2013 Hyundai Elantra GT $15,900*
2014 VW Golf TDI Highline $26,900*
2014 Kia Soul LX+ $22,995*
2014 Kia Soul EX+ $22,900*
2010 Jeep Wrangler Sahara $19,900*
2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT $19,900*
2011 VW Golf TDI Comfortline $19,900*
STK#VC2085 路112 point inspection and Carproof report
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2012 Chevy Sonic LT $16,995* STK#VK5239
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*All prices and payments are plus DOC fee, admin fee and taxes. Vehicles may not be exactly as illustrated, please contact dealer for further information.
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Monday, June 8, 2015 Kootenay News Advertiser
Spring Specials
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Cash & Carry
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LANDSCAPE TIES CEDAR DECKING Large, green.................................................................................. $5.99ea 5/4x6x10’ ................................................................................... $13.99ea DECKING 5/4x6x12’ ................................................................................... $16.99ea Moisture Shield, Cap Cod Grey ......................................... $3.25lin.ft. 5/4x6x16’ ................................................................................... $21.99ea SHELVING $16.99ea 16x8 Laminated Pine............................................................. $23.99ea
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DISCONTINUED PAINT $5ea 4 litre.....$10ea
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Cranbrook Building Supply
*While quantities last • In Stock Only OPEN Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:30, Sat. 8:00-5:00, Closed Sundays (family day)
250-426-2006 1-877-426-2006 1500 Theatre Rd., Cranbrook, BC