Volume 61 No. 36
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Stacie Reis is lifted by love and support
Stacie Reis enjoying an afternoon at Tamitik Arena, on an outing from her hospital bed at Kitimat General.
More time yet for Kitimat road work.
/page 3 Trailer saved from a dip in the river.
/page 7 PM477761
Cameron Orr From the bottom of a 50 foot embankment the trees looked awfully high. Stacie Reis found herself contorted, her driver’s seat to her right, the cup holder above her, and her windshield smashed. She estimates now that she was unconscious for no more than 30 minutes, but it was the start of a 14 hour period trapped in her car. She remained certain that she’d be found when daylight broke. From what she remembers right before the accident that sent her Ford Escape over the edge of the highway between New Hazelton and Terrace, was a stop for an ice cream cone. Forever an optimist, she remembers it being delicious. Her story has captured the attention of the world over, from major media outlets in British Columbia to worldwide Internet outlets like Buzzfeed. She laughs when asked how she expected to have been made famous in her life. “I don’t think I ever thought I was going to be famous. It’s pretty funny,” she said. Her skills as a nurse — which she does for a living in Prince George — played a heavy hand in to how she got through that night in early July.
“I just prayed for 15 minutes or so, I was like ‘I need some extra strength.’” She saw her legs twisted in the wrong directions and straightened them out. “I just prayed for 15 minutes or so, I was like ‘I need some extra strength,’ and then I picked them up and moved the one and then I picked the other one and moved it.” She was in pain overall, but with the revelation of the extent of the number of broken bones she had, she says she wasn’t in nearly as much pain as she would expect under the conditions. The pain was nothing to the relief she felt in the morning when, some time after sunrise, she heard her name being called. A group of her friends from her church in Kitimat had found her. There were scores of other friends and family members elsewhere on the highway scouring for signs of her. Some people had gone out the moment they knew she was missing and spent the night in their cars searching while Stacie awaited in hers. Continued on page 9
Reclaim the River group hosts first in-person meeting of its followers Cameron Orr The group seeking a solution to the Kitimat River —and how people use it for camping — held their first in-person meeting August 28. The group had initially gelled on social media through Facebook and the leaders have taken the momentum to heart. While the turnout to their meeting was low, something they attribute to the slow pace of the community through the summer, they did get the mayor and some councillors out and they’ve received past reports on the river as well to help guide their thoughts. The group has always said it’s not seeking to outright ban people from using the riverbank, but given the ongoing question of the riverbank camping issue the grassroots team is looking to forge some sort of new understanding or arrangement that will lower the tension on the subject. “We had lots of positive input,” said Maryann Ouellet, one of the group’s founders.
The river report, which was done by a person based in Terrace, covers some of the challenges of the river, in terms of what can be developed or enforced and what can’t. “We have that [report] and we’ll have him hopefully as a guest speaker once school and everything’s returned and everybody’s settled down,” said Ouellet. She said a group goal is to regulate, in some fashion, riverbank camping. The group has gathered information about the potential of expanding camping in the area, putting proper sites in the area of the Giant Spruce, with the goal of putting people a short distance from the river rather than having them camping directly on it. “We would like to make sure it’s more regulated, give another variety of camping areas for people who want to come here and make sure things are being monitored more carefully,” she said. Continued on page 6
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Police Beat
Online posts cause headaches for all August 25 A complaint from a member of the public to the RCMP said that they had read, through social media, that someone was planning on assaulting two people, believing them to be causing a majority of recent crimes in
the community. Police said the complainant had advised members of the families of these people in advance. The person who made the post was spoken to by officers and told that this type of behaviour is not acceptable and that threatening
people, and identifying them by name in crimes they have not been charged with on social media, can spiral out of control. The subject person was apologetic and took down the post. That same day, police were called on
a report that several people were loading firearms in to a vehicle. The complainant was a person identified through the social media post referred to in the earlier file, and so feared for their safety. RCMP arrived and spoke to all parties
and determined the firearms were merely paintball guns, “and this had nothing to do with the previous threats file.” Police also report that the complainant “admitted to possibly embellishing their story as they were still ‘jacked up’”
Haisla Boulevard toward town. A suspect was identified by the complainant and the person arrested, and subsequently released with a court date in October. The machine was reclaimed and driven back to the compound.
from being named in the social media post. August 30 Police were called on a file that a piece of heavy machinery was being stolen from a business in the Service Centre. Police were told the machine was being driven on
Case not fully closed on wildlife offence Cameron Orr The Kitimat fishing guide operator accused in a cruelty to animal charge will return to court in October after his court appearance was adjourned last week. Andreas Handl, who runs Kingfish Westcoast Adventures, was charged with one count under the criminal code and three under the Wildlife Act. Handl was the guide on the fishing trip in question, along with his client, Rodolfo Lopes, who has since pled guilty to offences in Terrace court. According to the Canadian Press report by Robin Rowland, Lopes had tried to pull the deer on to the boat on the
Douglas Channel, where there were four other people, using a jig or gaff. The deer managed to escape on its own. After pleading guilty on September 2, Lopes was ordered to pay a $1 fine to the court, but also ordered to give $5,000 to the Heritage Conservation Trust Fund for conservation efforts in the Kitimat area. Lopes pleaded guilty to one Wildlife Act charge — herding or harassing wildlife with the use of a motor vehicle — and the court offered a stay of proceedings on other charges, including hunting or harming and animal while it is
swimming. The court also offered a stay of proceedings for the Criminal Code charge of causing unnecessary pain to an animal. Lopes is from Portugal and was reported in the Canadian Press to have been a supervisor of a sub-contractor on the Rio Tinto Alcan modernization project. Lopes has since returned home and was represented by his lawyer in Terrace. When this story was first reported, Handl told the Northern Sentinel he was advised by his lawyer not to make any public comments.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015 3
REGIONAL BRIEFS College For the first time on a B.C. public post-secondary campus, work campstyle housing will be used, at Terrace’s Northwest Community College campus. “This new facility will not only serve to begin meeting the demand for student housing, it will also play an important role linking students registered in trades to a living scenario that closely emulates the style of remote work camps serving large scale projects,” said NWCC president Ken Burt. While the housing is available to any student, preference will be given to trades students so they can experience first-hand what its like to live in a camp setting while they complete their education. The facilities include 49 single-occupancy rooms each with a bed, desk, refrigerator, closet space and drawers, a flat screen television, Wi-Fi access and individual climate control.
Fire season Campfire bans have been lifted for most of B.C. heading into the Labour Day weekend, and rain in most areas of the province has helped crews make progress on most of the 176 fires remaining. Campfire bans are lifted in the Kamloops and Southeast fire centres, although restrictions continue on use of burn barrels and fireworks. No fire bans remain across northern B.C., and the only remaining campfire ban is in the Cariboo fire centre for areas west of the Fraser River. Kevin Skrepnek, chief information officer for the B.C. Wildfire Service, cautioned that areas of high and extreme fire danger remain in the Chilcotin, South Thompson River valley but cool weather offer some relief.
Heavy machinery at work on Haisla Boulevard which is undergoing a lot of road re-surfacing, both around City Centre and further down the road at the Kuldo and Haisla Boulevard intersection.
Roadwork means more hold ups Kitimat’s effectively gone back to the 1960s. That is to say, its roads are pretty groovy right now. Ongoing road surface work around City Centre and at the Kuldo/Haisla Boulevard intersection has meant delays for motorists working their way around town. This is also coinciding with deck weld-
ing taking place on Haisla Bridge which was expected to be completed last week. There may be another week or so of the work to be expected in Kitimat. Director of Engineering Tim Gleig says the paving of the roads is weather dependent but estimated approximately 10 more days, as of September 3.
Golf club gets their 60K The Hirsch Creek Golf and Winter Club has been given a $60,000 advance from Kitimat Council. Councillors voted unanimously in favour of a motion to release a $60,000 advance to the club “on an agreement in principle that [the golf club] continues to operate the Club’s operations and that the District acquires surplus lands surrounding the golf course.” Since last November there’s been discussion about the town acquiring lands in the Whitesail area that belong to the golf course, which tied in to discussion of monies for the club from the town. In February the golf club asked for $162,000 in financial aid. Debate about that whole amount hasn’t taken place and will be included in the 2015 year end financial and operations report to council, staff say. Discussions at the staff level about the town acquiring the lands are continuing to take place. Mario Feldhoff noted in the debate to provide the $60,000 that an earlier presentation from the golf course observed that there were immediate
spending needs on curling rink equipment to get that portion of the operations going this year. Those costs in theory, said Feldhoff, could use up the entire $60,000. He said he hopes to hear more about those needs, if they are time sensitive issues, in the coming weeks. In an August presentation to council, club President Robin Lapointe pointed to a number of items the club will have to pay for in the coming months. The immense snow dump in February crushed their driving range cover and they’ll need to replace that. A technician’s report on the curling rink’s condenser revealed it would have to be raised, which is estimated to cost $30,000. Another $30,000 is estimated to replace the dehumidifier in the curling rink as well. The cost for the driving range cover is estimated at $40,000, but that is a temporary budget, and may be reduced once the board finds out how much industrial donation will fit in to it. He said the steel has already been donated, but costs such as equipment are so far unknown.
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Path ahead It’s true, matters of pipelines, First Nations and rights and title are complicated ones. The ongoing issue of a portion of Unist’ot’en members, themselves under the wider umbrella of Wet’suwet’en nations, has been a long-running issue in the north, with the members actively keeping out people working on natural gas pipelines, both for projects that would supply LNG Canada and Kitimat LNG in Kitimat. Wet’suwet’en chiefs issued a press release the other week which in part took aim at the media for, to interpret the message, dumbing down the issue. Namely the media, of which admittedly the Sentinel is a part, has at times presented the issue as a Unis’tot’en issue versus the rest of them. But it’s a group of people within that group that are the activists in this case. Long story short, news people are brushing the First Nations in question with a single brush. They have a good point in that regard. We wouldn’t look at the Stanley Cup rioters and think “Canadians are certainly an aggressive bunch.” On that point it’s a good reminder to all of us who present the news that as hard as we try there’s always room for improvement, and room to learn too on just how their systems work. Pushing ahead though, the press release from the chiefs as I mentioned goes further than just media criticizing. It talks about the complexity of the entire issue of pipeline development. They note that sustainability may mean something entirely different to people in the north than it does for people in the south of the province, where people have signed a petition called “We Stand with the Unist’ot’en.” It’s a question of supporting their people “that are anxious to climb out of poverty and find meaningful opportunity,” said Chief Rene Skin of the Skin Tyee Nation. Ultimately it’s an issue that “needs to be resolved by the Wet’suwet’en people” added Skin. Their news release ends with a call that the path forward is through collaboration and balancing environmental protection with economic opportunity. You can’t argue with that. On one side you may have people adamant about protecting the environment, but on the other you find the need for jobs. The middle ground exists, and I doubt there are many people who disagree that a resolution can be had to bring the two perspectives together. Making an informed decision comes with understanding the facts and issues. We all have two ears don’t we, one for each side of the story? The news release from the Wet’suwet’en chiefs talks about First Nations’ paths, but it’s a reasonable approach that can certainly apply to everyone no matter their heritage. Cameron Orr
Pragmatism over emotional appeal Have you heard? There’s a huge refugee crisis going on in Europe and the Middle East. And it has suddenly become the hottest issue worldwide as literally hundreds of thousands of desperate people are trying to make themselves prominent in a bitter scenario that has seen as many as 4,000 people already lose their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean to various European countries, such as Italy or Greece. There’s also a federal election going on in Canada. I know we’ve all heard about that and equally suddenly it has become an urgent humanitarian hot button issue for candidates from coast to coast. For Canadians, this is probably the worst possible time for just such a refugee crisis involving so many men, women and children fleeing war-torn Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and a half dozen ISIS or Al Queda dominated African countries. (As many as four million migrants may already be en route or at least on the move, with the number of displaced people who have
Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
been affected often placed at an estimated nine million people.) Why has it become a distraction in the election? Because it opens the door for leaders of our three major parties, who have an opportunity to govern one of the world’s largest and possibly the most under-populated countries in the world, to enter into a bidding war for migrants numbers to meet humanitarian needs. I’ve been watching this crisis escalate for some months and watching also as the hyperbole and the politically-correct chatter escalate equally as quickly on TV, newspapers and social media and to an even more important extent, in the real world of the United Nations and European Union politics, it has developed into one of the biggest political headaches since
the end of World War II. The image of the limp drowned body of an innocent four-year-old boy being gently lifted from the surf of a beach in Turkey has resonated across our country and around the world creating different natural human reactions. A day later, the Canadian connection is revealed when we find that the father of the high profile four- year old was the only one of his Syrian family to survive a sinking at sea and that the family was eventually headed for British Columbia, where other members of his family were trying to officially sponsor the family through Canadian channels. But the applicants lacked required documentation and there’s confusion which part of the large family the applications were for. On the news is the reaction of potential prime ministers in Canada. And yes, the public is certainly being asked to choose (with their votes) what number of refugees Canada could or should take in to help stem the tide. Continued on page 5
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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
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The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org. Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015 5
Question of development has a lot at stake When I was first elected to Haisla Nation Council, I was generally opposed to industry. It didn’t take long before I was confronted with the harsh reality of what our communities have been facing — poverty, suicides, and the hopelessness. Government handouts from Ottawa were not helping our people. There had to be a better way, and we had to help ourselves. We had to find a way to dig ourselves out of grinding poverty. A gas company came knocking at our door in 2004 with an opportunity that we saw as something new that just might make a difference to the families in my community. We could get our people off welfare and into good-paying jobs.
Ellis Ross Guest Column
It was a risk, and I was as big a skeptic as there was but I also knew it was something we had a duty to consider. We have studied the LNG industry and its proposals for the last ten years. We have seen that natural gas is the cleanest of all fossil fuels, and that it can improve the global environment by offsetting dirtier fuels in Asia — after breathing the air in Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo I can appreciate the desire of those countries for cleaner energy. This last decade of careful research has convinced our community of the strin-
gent environmental safeguards that are in place, as well as the safety and environmental records of natural gas pipelines and LNG transportation. We have also made some important gains. During the preparation activities anybody in Kitamaat Village who wanted to work was hired. This is a positive step, but believe me, there is much more work to be done. That’s because most of the jobs that are available consist of shortterm labour or service jobs connected to nearby construction camps. For us to be truly successful, we need to
see our people among the first in line for the permanent skilled jobs — pipefitters, electricians, millwrights — that will come if LNG projects move ahead. In Kitimat’s boom and bust economy, that will be the only way for us to make good on the promises we’ve been making to our youth – that if they get an education, they will get good jobs and build fulfilling careers. Doing this is not easy. It means negotiating with governments and major multinational corporations on everything from environmental protection to economic benefits. On this, First Nations across B.C. have taken different approaches. One that I have been watching recently is the Squamish Nation, which con-
ducted its own environmental assessment on a proposal by Woodfibre LNG to build a modest sized export terminal near Squamish. Squamish has yet to make a final decision on that project, but it has already issued 25 tough conditions that would hold the project to account in key areas of environmental and cultural protection. If Woodfibre LNG does goes ahead, these conditions will make for a better project, and I think embody the kind of creative thinking we all need if we are to strike that key balance between economic benefits and stringent environmental protections. Other nations are also finding that balance, like those involved in the Pacific Trail Pipeline (PTP)
from Summit Lake to Kitimat, where an unprecedented 16 First Nations – all of the nations along the proposed route – have joined a First Nations Limited Partnership to support the project. Other Nations have concerns about the impacts of fracking or pipelines or LNG carriers. I understand these concerns and I believe every First Nation must satisfy themselves about environmental and safety considerations before they turn to the economic benefits that can come their way. We have done this work, and are keen to share it with those Nations which do not have the benefit of our ten years of experience. As I discovered more than a decade
ago, we have a duty to take these opportunities seriously. We must look at them carefully to understand if the benefits can outweigh the risks. Because services like healthcare, highways, water and sewer – ones enjoyed by First Nations and non-First Nations alike – come with a price tag. Without reliable revenues, cutbacks are inevitable. I began this journey as an opponent, but today I am firm in my conviction that we must work together to ensure these projects proceed while also protecting the environment. Too much is at stake. Ellis Ross is Chief Councilor of the Haisla Nation and Chair of the Aboriginal Investment Council.
Pragmatism Continued from page 4 Trying in any way to minimize the impact of these recent events is a waste of time. What we are seeing is European governments reacting in different ways. Germany has said it is prepared to take up to 800,000 refugees if they can get to Germany. Hungary is one country that attempted to put the plug back in the bottle and is insisting on European Union countries’ existing rules for migrants. Violent demonstrations have accompanied the Hungarians’ hard stance. In Canada, as the personal element of the dead child’s family in Canada, politicians like Tom Mulcair, almost in tears, demands Canada admit 10,000 Syrian refugees immediately. Justin Trudeau upped the ante by offered a “bid” of 25,000 immediately. Stephen Harper, on a campaign stop in British Columbia, tried to introduce
Letters to the Editor
better perspective, stating what Canada sources for refugee immigration. Perhaps has done in terms of accepting two and a loosening in restrictions is called for a half million in its refugees programs but to my mind what cannot be allowed while continuing significant needed hu- to happen is the emotion of this current manitarian aid, He pointed to the Moslem crisis to create a situation where these jihadi ISIS attacks in Iraq and Syria and migrants are permitted to jump the long Canada’s continuing role in military op- queue of applicants wishing to seek refposition, and squarely placed the blame uge in Canada with their own families on that growing crescendo of violence on who have been working for years, legally and through the existing system. ISIS. “We are doing everything we can and we will do more of everything. We have Solution in the Classifieds to do more and will continue Clues Across to do more but what we must 1. Prejudiced person 37. Final: Abbr. 6. “Monty Python” airer 38. “Gotcha” continue to do also is more to 9. Equal 39. “Miss ___ Regrets” get to the root causes of the 13. Antipasto morsel 41. Treated with sulphur in order to 14. ___-tzu preserve endless wave of migrants... 15. Certain print 43. Hit against the continuing violence in 16. Used by the Swiss to sound the ranz 45. Eternal des vaches and other melodies 46. Margin between the skin of the that region,” Harper said, 18. Native nursemaids pastern and the horn of the hoof exactly at the same time as I 19. Archaeological site 47. A pint, maybe 20. Big coffee holder 48. Sage write this for deadline. 21. Crimson 49. Cursed Canada has finite re24. Columbus discovery of 1493 52. Diagram of an electrical or
Losing tree a great loss Dear Sir, Kitimat Christmas Tree is gone! This Sacred Symbol of Christmas that is celebrated by all the Christians of the globe and here, is no more. The decades long efforts of Mr. Walter Bors, his business and his Gyro Club that lit it up every year to keep the Christmas Spirit in this community, now by simple act of the chain saw vanished. As a Christian I am hurt and sad. While we Canadians appear to
respectfully attend to preserve of every multicultural group’s spiritual, religious and cultural symbol, here we commit, in my opinion, a cultural blunder. I am sure that there was enough time available to make better solution yet those in administration representing this community failed us again. I wonder what Mr. Walter Bors would have to say. May he rest in peace. Sincerely, Leon Dumstrey-Soos
Horrible? Yes. Heart wrenching, certainly. But heartless, or the fault of the government of Canada? No. Simply a sensible, pragmatic reaction that there’s a process to be followed, thousands are already patiently doing that. This current wave is noisily, often tragically drawing more attention to themselves but cannot be allowed preference over others who have waited patiently and legally.
Weekly Crossword
28. Capital of the Campania region 29. Yellow mineral occurring in conjunction with realgar 30. “Mi chiamano Mimi,” e.g. 31. Smallest detectable sensation 32. Break out 33. Mental or emotional
Clues Down
mechanical system 56. Downy duck 57. “MS. Found in a Bottle” writer 58. First: Prefix 59. Ancient 60. Barley bristle 61. Church assembly
1. Constrictor 2. Calamity 3. Deprive of by deceit 4. Exaggerate one’s acting 5. Staying power? 6. Person with fair skin and hair 7. Blocks 8. Voting “nay” 9. Person who is not a Christian 10. In-flight info, for short 11. Addis Ababa’s land: Abbr. 12. ___ judicata 15. Cocktail made of gin with dry vermouth 17. Goes quickly 20. Open, in a way 21. ___ lab 22. Plug of cotton, wax or rubber fitted into the ear canal 23. Specially long, formal letter 24. Knight’s “suit” 25. Kind of mold
26. Not alike or similar 27. Store convenience, for short 29. Blotto 31. Seating sections 34. Not so nice 35. Trigger, for one 36. Surrounding like a crown 37. ___ Today 40. Undertake, with “out” 42. Burned brightly 43. Exclusive 44. Blowing apparatuses 46. “Suzanne” songwriter 48. Boat with an open hold 49. Caribbean, e.g. 50. Top secret? 51. “___ to Billie Joe” 52. Marienbad, for one 53. Elephant’s weight, maybe 54. “Am ___ believe ...?” 55. Atlantic catch
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Continued from page 1 The group hasn’t limited themselves to just that section of town though. They’ve added to their scope a look at Radley Park erosion, with the hope of work being done to curb future loss of the campground, and they’re also adding to their workload a look at the ways to make Hirsch Creek Campground bigger and a more viable camping solution, said Ouellet. “It’s quite a huge project,” she admits. “We’re now going to be working on a brochure for Reclaiming the River and what we’re about and hopefully get people onboard that will help participate in doing a lot of this stuff with us.” The primary group members, she said, is herself, Liz MacDonald, and Dan Carter. Having council members at the meeting was also important because she says they’re not trying to duplicate government work or overstep. “We’re not there to step on toes or overstep our boundaries,” she said. For future meetings the group hopes to have Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Rio Tinto Alcan and Haisla input. “With the amount of work that’s supposed to come in to this community it would be nice to see the province even step up and invest some of that money in to here,” added Ouellet. There’s no immediate schedule for the group’s next meeting but you can follow them on their Facebook page at facebook.com/ reclaimtheriver.
Ensure children’s vaccinations are up to date for school Tom Fletcher With communicable diseases such as whooping cough, mumps and measles making a comeback, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall is reminding parents to make sure their children’s vaccines are up to date as they return to school.
And Kendall has added his voice to that of the Canadian Medical Association, calling for mandatory declaration of vaccination when children enrol at school, as is done in Ontario and New Brunswick. The CMA voted at its annual meeting in late August for other provinces to follow suit, requiring
immunization records but allowing exemptions for medical or religious reasons. Doctors also called for development of a national database to pull together records from schools and offices. “By the time a child reaches five or six years old, he or
she should have received booster shots ... and kids in Grade 6 and 9 should receive follow-up vaccinations.” “This is all part of B.C.’s free, routine immunization program.” Kendall emphasized that vaccinations themselves would not be mandatory.
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7/31/15 10:18 AM
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015 7
Refinery opinions sought Trailer avoids a watery fate Somebody wants to know what local residents think of an oil refinery and of the prospects of exporting refined products. Telephone polling to that effect took place in Kitimat and in Terrace Aug. 31, says the company hired to do the work. “It was done in Terrace and Kitimat on the 31st, from the late afternoon to the early evening,” said Mike Witherly from Rushbrooke Communications which is based in Vancouver. Witherly would not disclose who hired Rushbrooke or the reason behind the polling or why it was confined to the Terrace-Kitimat area. But he did say the questions concerned the acceptance of an oil refinery and of the export of refined fuels instead of raw crude oil. Other questions centered around job creation and the impact a refinery would have on the economy. The questions were posed by a recorded voice, asking the person who answered the phone to register their range of agreement or disagreement by using a number button on their phone. “They're good in the sense you can reach a lot of people,” said Witherly of the automated system known as interactive voice response.
The fewer and more succinct the questions are, the more answers are received, he said. Of the two oil refineries being contemplated for the area, one is at Kitimat and the other near Prince Rupert. Kitimat Clean Energy president David Black, who also owns Black Press, the owner of the Northern Sentinel and other northwestern B.C. newspapers, said he did not commission the poll. Black instead pointed to previous poll results posted on the Kitimat Clean website. Those polls, now several years old, indicate the “majority of B.C. residents agree that BC and Canada should add value to natural resources before exporting (86%), that it is better to refine bitumen within B.C. rather than offshore (76%), and agree with diversifying exports to find markets beyond the United States for Canada’s petroleum products (70%).” Comments from Pacific Future Energy, the Vancouver-based company with plans for a refinery near Prince Rupert, were not immediately available. Both projects would export refined oil products to Asian customers and both would cost billions as well as need pipelines carrying crude oil from Alberta.
Cameron Orr A husband and wife did their good deed by pulling away a trailer on the Kitimat River which was coming uncomfortably close to the rising edge of the water. Heavy rains saw the Kitimat River rise notably last week, but one unattended trailer was at risk of being washed away until Chelsea Mejaski and her husband saw the danger and acted. “We noticed the water was pretty high so we took a drive down there,” said Mejaski. “We’d seen that trailer there all summer long and when we went down [that day] the water was just coming to the tires.” She said other people at the river had said the water had been even higher earlier. As regular anglers on the river, she said she and her husband had not seen people at the trailer in months. “I didn’t know where we should leave it so I called the cops and they said just pull it out higher,” she said, adding that soon after she re-
A trailer came too close for comfort to the Kitimat River after waters rose. Chelsea Mejaski
ceived a message from the owner. Mejaski had posted the photo on Facebook. “So we just ended up towing it right to her house for her,” she said. “I fish the river all the time so I’d hate to see it floating down the river and polluting it and someone losing their trailer.” She said the owner was very happy for them to have towed out the trailer.
Janet Holder has died Janet Holder, who was a lead executive for the Northern Gateway Pipelines project, has died. Holder was the executive vice president for Western Access for the pipeline project until her retirement last November. A letter issued to members of Enbridge’s Community Advisory Board last week announced the
news, saying Holder had passed away from complications relating to her battle with Leukemia. The letter, signed by Gateway President John Carruthers, said that her passing, after months fighting cancer, was not unexpected but “it still brings great sadness to all those of us who had the pleasure of working with her at Northern Gateway.”
Janet Holder
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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015
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Thanksgiving... more details in next week’s Northern Sentinel. SPONSORED BY K
A planned office space for Wakashan Boulevard would occupy the vacant land next to the veterinary office. Graphic from development permit application
Office space planned for downtown Cameron Orr A planned one-storey office building in the empty lot next to the veterinary office is expected to be built starting this year. The developer received a development permit last year but changes to the design meant the application had to be re-approved by council. Council has, as per their process, referred the new development permit application to the Advisory Planning Commission
for input. The lot would add a new structure to Wakashan Boulevard, opposite the library. The discussion at council did spark conversation about the Wakashan corridor as a whole, and the plans for its future development. Namely the future of pedestrian traffic was an issue brought up by councillor Larry Walker, noting the challenges of pedestrian access to the post office and the parking lot at Envision.
“There’s no way for pedestrian traffic that I can see that they can actually service those businesses,” said Walker, asking if there’s been thought to install a sidewalk on that side of the road. Director of Engineering Tim Gleig said there have been a number of plans for Wakashan including walkway and sidewalk developments, including a crosswalk to tie the walkway next to the post office to a crosswalk.
“Whether that’s what will end up depends on other developments,” he said. There are also decisions such as whether if there will be roadside parking spaces as well. Director of Community Planning and Development said the staff has had plans for Wakashan to present for some time but such discussions are part of capital budget planning and a plan would depend on budget approval.
Ross supports Wet’suwet’en chiefs Cameron Orr Wet’suwet’en First Nations chiefs are speaking out against the ongoing conflict between a faction of the Unist’ot’en group and the developer of a natural gas pipeline, calling out the media as well for not recognizing the complexity of this issue. Namely, media reports referring to the Unist’ot’en activist group has portrayed them as speaking for the whole nation, says the group of four Wet’suwet’en chiefs. There has long been a blockade by members of Unis’tot’en near Houston which had prevented field work being done by the Coastal GasLink pipeline, which is the pipeline that would supply LNG Canada in Kitimat with its gas. Speaking against the recent media coverage, four Wet’suwet’en chiefs clarify their support for natural gas development. “We have long believed it is short sighted to turn down projects such as the Coastal GasLink project before understanding the true risks and benefits. That is just an easy way to avoid dealing with complex issues,” says Wet’suwet’en Chief Karen Ogen, spokesperson for the four Chiefs and for the First Nations LNG Alliance, a group of First Nations that support LNG development in British Columbia. Burns Lake Band Chief Dan George adds that the support for responsible resource development is “a way to bring First Nations out of poverty and bring opportunities for our young people.” Nee Tahi Buhn Chief Ray Morris also says that there is the opportunity now to bring the First Nations leaders together. “We are urging all Wet’suwet’en leaders... to meet as soon as possible to discuss a path forward. We as leaders are responsible for the collec-
Dr. Mills and Staff
are delighted to inform our patients that
Dr. Ojistoh Horn
tive well-being of Wet’suwet’en people. We have an obligation to work together in our collective interest to represent our people.” Haisla Chief Councillor Ellis Ross responded in support to the Wet’suwet’en chiefs’ statements. Referring to Aboriginal rights and title, he said it’s only a tool “to get to a better place. It is not the solution. For anything to happen, politics, economics and caselaw have to be working towards the same goal together; not in isolation,” he wrote. “The Haisla Nation supports the elected Wet’suwet’en leaders in their efforts to resolve the concerns of the Unist’ot’en and allow work on the Coastal GasLink and Pacific Trail Pipeline to proceed, as the First Nations communities along both pipelines have agreed.” Meanwhile the Unist’ot’en activist group have recently begun fearing an imminent RCMP raid of their blockades, although the RCMP and the members have recently had meetings where police have assured there’s no plan for raids. In conjunction with the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, the camp last week issued a press release claiming members of its camp were preparing for a “large-scale RCMP mass arrest operation”. Camp spokesperson Freda Huson told Black Press that a police source had leaked information about a possible operation. Huson said a perceived increase in the police presence in Smithers and Houston was another reason members of the clan suspected the RCMP was planning a raid. The B.C. Civil Liberties Association also wrote to the RCMP yesterday to warn against raiding the camp based on information from camp members. - Files from Alicia Bridges, Interior News K
will be joining the City Centre Medical Clinic in Kitimat, and hopes to begin practicing, as early as September, as a full service General Practitioner. Dr. Horn has a special interest in Obstetrics and Women’s health. In addition,
Dr. Claire Feenan
will arrive towards the end of this year, and
Dr. Jennifer Pond
will join the clinic in May 2016. Together, they will all come with us, in late 2016, when we move in to the planned new medical clinic located by the Kitimat General Hospital.
Need more EXERCISE? Delivering the paper is a great form of exercise! What better way to burn calories, enjoy the outdoors and make a bit of extra cash. Consider becoming an independent carrier for the Northern Sentinel, our awardwinning community newspaper, every Wednesday and the Northern Connector every Friday.
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Contact the Northern Sentinel at 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat
Connector The Northern
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015 9
Curriculum changes coming to schools The new school year in B.C. is the start of a three-year transition to a new curriculum that Education Minister Mike Bernier says will emphasize "hands-on" learning. The new curriculum is being phased in this year for Kindergarten to Grade 9, with higher grades still in development. Bernier said this year it will be up to local school districts and teachers to begin implementing it before it becomes mandatory in 2015-16. Bernier, the Peace River South MLA appointed education minister this summer, said he's heard from teachers who are looking forward to a curriculum that allows more flexibility and individual learning. He
stressed that basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic will remain, but students will also be taught life skills, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Two areas of emphasis for the new curriculum are environmental education and an aboriginal perspective, which Bernier said will be present in "every single component in the curriculum." Local schools are encouraged to work with aboriginal communities across the province to represent the full diversity of aboriginal experience, he said. Hands-on learning is already in place in schools, and Bernier used the example of
a shop teacher in his home town of Dawson Creek who encouraged students at risk of dropping out to take his course. They learned mathematics and physics through taking motors apart and reassembling them, he said. Bernier invited parents to look for themselves at grade-by-grade documents posted at curriculum.gov.bc.ca, listing learning standards and areas of emphasis. In the science curriculum, for example, students are to be taught "big ideas" that in grade one include "observable patterns and cycles occur in the local sky and landscape."
By Grade 8, they are to learn that "Earth and its climate have changed over geological time." Science competencies required by grade seven include the ability to "exercise a healthy, informed skepticism and use scientific knowledge and findings for their own investigations to evaluate claims in secondary sources" such as media reports. By that time they should be able to identify possible sources of error in their investigations, understand qualitative and quantitative evidence and "demonstrate an an awareness of assumptions … and bias in their own work and secondary sources."
Stacie Reis Continued from page 1 Among the things Stacie has learned from this ordeal is that her network of support and friendship extends far, far further than she had ever expected before. “I wouldn’t have dreamed that I was so loved. I didn’t know,” she said. The attention she’s receiving is apparent. Over the course of speaking to the Sentinel — which she did while in Tamitik Arena watching her niece skate — she had her nephews and mom at her side, a group of young girls stopped by to say hello, and more friends arrived at the end. “Everyday I have at least one person come to visit me. Usually more,” she said. Even as her mom pushed her in her wheelchair from the Kitimat hospital to the arena, Stacie says a chef at Mr Mikes called out to her and said “You don’t know me but I know you. Hi Stacie!” “It was pretty funny, it was nice,” she said. “[The atten-
tion’s] given me and my parents a good laugh.” The support has been tangible too: friends in Prince George opened a fundraising campaign for her and raised $17,000. Some money has already been earmarked to cover the expenses incurred by her parents who spent a lot of time by her side during her month-long recovery at Vancouver General Hospital. Meanwhile she said she’s seen so much other support, including prayers and wishes from other churches throughout the Northwest. The last weekend in August Stacie managed to arrange her first outing away from the hospital — a trip to Sunday service at the Kitimat First Baptist Church, where her fellow congregation has been continually offering prayers and support through her recovery. Stacie said she has a couple more months before she can start putting weight on her left foot, and she has another surgery expected on her right in about three months. Doctors say it’ll be a year before she’s really up and
moving around. A return-to-work program awaits to get her back at her job too. It’s the best possible outcome from one of the worst possible scenarios. But from the moment she was found it’s been an upward motion. “It was so amazing. I can’t even really describe it, how good it is to be found after so long.” She always knew she’d be found though. That night, with the trees looming over her, she had faith. “As far as being afraid, I really wasn’t too afraid in the night. Every once in awhile I would look out my window and I would see how tall the trees are...and I’d get a little nervous.” She just kept calm and waited for the rescue she said she knew would be coming. “Thankfully I was right.” It turns out the love from her family and friends is greater than the trees are tall.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Northern Sentinel
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Purple life proof case, *Betty Boop Sticker on back* Lost in Park area behind Doris’ Deli. Please call: 250-632-6361
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PFOH Edwin
Born June 23, 1930 in Fernie BC to Jakob and Theresa Pfoh. He spent his younger years between Fernie and Calgary following the rodeo circuit. In 1956 he met and married Myrtle Edwards. In 1966 he brought his family to Kitimat to work at Alcan. During his time at Alcan he worked in the pot-lines he was a crane operator and trainer. He finished his work for Alcan at Kildala Beach for 5 years. Those were his best working years. Our home was a home to many kids over the years. Dad used to say that he had to count heads when he went to work, then count again when he came home because he never knew if our family would be bigger at the end of the day. Dad spent many of his years in Kitimat walking the river during steelhead season. He shared this love with his children and grandchildren. In 1999 mom and dad moved to Mission. In 2004 dad lost the love of his life when mom died. A big part of dad died that day too. Dad lived in his own home until November 2014 when he moved into a retirement home. It was with deep sorrow that we found out dad had passed away on August 20, 2015. He was predeceased by his parents, brothers and sisters and Myrtle, his wife. Left to mourn and cherish our memories are Tom (Iona), JoAnne (Butch), Rob (Michelle), Margaret (Kevin), Eddie and Ray, grandchildren; Robbie, Cindy, Troy, Allison, Michael & Terry Anderson, Mackenzie, Brett & Luke Pfoh, Danielle Clingwall, Crystal & Eli Wilson, great grandchildren; Miranda, & Kyle Anderson, Heath, Jaxx, & Kaiyah Anderson. There will be a family celebration of life in Kitimat sometime in September.
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Must be a licensed Commercial Transport or Heavy Duty Mechanic and have a valid BC CVIP Inspector certiďŹ cation, with air brakes endorsement. Must also possess a valid BC driver's licence with air. Interested candidates should submit their resumes to: Philip Malnis, Regional Manager, First Canada ULC, 780 Lahakas Blvd., Kitimat, BC V8C 1T9. Fax: 250-632-2154. E-mail: phil.malnis@ďŹ rstgroup.com An equal opportunity employer that values diversity.
Help Wanted
Looking for a caretaker couple for 80 suite apartment complex in Kitimat, BC. Must have some maintenance skills & caretaking skills. Will train. Contact Robert Herman at Sterling Management Services Ltd. 250-785-2829 Or E-mail Robert.herman @sterlingmgmt.ca
, 1 , 1- , 9 Haisla Nation Council HAISLA PO BOX 1101, KITAMAAT VILLAGE, BC V0T 2B0
PH: (250) 639-9361 Toll Free 1-888-842-4752 FAX: (250) 632-2840
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls
The Haisla Nation Council has an opening for the position of:
Lands Manager
The First Nations Framework for Land Management allows First Nations to opt out of land related sections of the Indian Act thereby enabling us to manage our reserve lands under an overarching Haisla Land Code. The Haisla Land Code was ratified by the community last year. We are looking for someone who is qualified or is likely to qualify by April 1, 2016, for a position of Lands Manager, to contact us at humanresources@haisla.ca.
t Work with Haisla Land Advisory Committee to draft Haisla Land Laws t Obtain and organize information required to make decisions about the use, development and administration of land t Review and evaluate land applications and development proposals by taking into account basic land administration and planning concepts as well as land administration by-laws, community plans and zoning by-laws t Maintain and use records and information systems to manage community land t Prepare sketches, drawings, maps and site plans and interpret legal survey plans, maps and air photos t Prepare and approve land leases, land agreements, land use permits and land development permits t Administer, monitor, and enforce land contracts through field inspections and surveys, and through compliance requests, public awareness and negotiations t Maintain and use records and information systems such as GIS to manage community land t To follow the HNC personnel policy and manual t Other related duties as required
t Experience with land administration, community planning, zoning, legislation, by-laws, the land application process, inspections and reports t Able to develop leases and legal contracts, general document execution, land title registration, land use permits, quarry administration, land development, lot pricing and revenue procedures t Well acquainted with modern technology such computer applications (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Databases) t Comfortable with making presentations and public speaking t Knowledge of significant and relevant environmental legislation t Must possess a valid BC Drivers license t Must be willing and able to pass a criminal record check
Personal Skills: Be a Self-starter, diplomatic, people person, team player, and self-confident.
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Needed in Kitimat
START A new career in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, call: 855-670-9765
Commercial Transport Mechanic
Education/Trade Schools
Education: Minimum Grade 12 with verifiable land management or land leasing training or experience or enrolled in a land management or real estate course. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume, which must include names of three (3) references and the express permission for HNC to contact the references, to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101, Kitamaat Village, BC, V0T 2B0 Fax (250) 632-2840, Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Email: humanresources@haisla.ca Applications accepted no later than 4 pm on Friday, September 18, 2015. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015A11 11 www.northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Employment Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
MEDICAL Transcriptionists are in huge demand! Train with Canada’s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1-800-4661535 www.canscribe.com or info@canscribe.com.
Museum Assistant
The Kitimat Museum & Archives has an employment opportunity available for a Saturday Student. The successful candidate would work Saturdays starting immediately. Training will be provided. If you are in Grade 10, 11 or 12 and would like to apply, please bring a resume and cover letter to:
Trades, Technical ELECTRICIAN Houston, BC
Kitimat Museum & Archives at 293 City Centre or email us at info@kitimatmuseum.ca Attention Louise Avery, Curator.
Trades people required at North Enderby Timber. We offer competitive wages and comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9668 or email to netimber@junction.net
Career Opportunities
DH Manufacturing is looking for a F/T Electrician. Applicant must be certified and have experience. Benefits after 3 months, wage neg., based on experience. Email to: houston@dh manufacturing.com or drop off in person.
Career Opportunities
MILLWRIGHT Houston, BC DH Manufacturing is looking for a full-time, certified Millwright. Exp. an asset. Wage negotiable on exp. Full Benefits After 3 Mos. Email to: dhmnfg@gmail.com or drop off in person at: Dh Manufacturing 1250 Hols Road.
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Career Opportunities
Merchandise for Sale
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Misc. for Sale
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Kitsumkalum Home Care/ Community Nurse OPEN PERIOD: Until incumbent found
SALARY RANGE: Non Union Wage
POSITION INFORMATION: This is a part time position for Home Care Nurse and a Part time Community Nurse, requires reporting to the Health Director and working collaboratively with the Health Care team DUTY LOCATIONS: Kitsumkalum Health Center, Kitsumkalum, Terrace B.C. KEY REQUIREMENTS t Nursing registration and membership with the College of Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC or CLPNBC) t Knowledge of First Nation(s) culture is an asset t Up dated Criminal Record Check t Valid B.C. driver’s license and own vehicle JOB SUMMARY: Kitsumkalum Health Centre strives towards eliminating barriers to Health Care Services to support community members to achieve a higher standard of Health and well being through community partnerships with the Provincial Health and other Health Care service providers. Home Care/Community Health Nurse must have extensive knowledge of home/community health and be dedicated to providing exceptional care based on current best practice methods. The Position requires the ability to work autonomously with little supervision, and as a member of the Kitsumkalum Health Centre team. Provision of a comprehensive range of nursing functions and services in Kitsumkalum, in program areas of community/public health. General Duties and Responsibilities t Recognizes the importance of First Nations cultural identity, principles and protocols as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle for individuals within a the community of Kitsumkalum t Applies and utilizes key nursing knowledge and critical thinking to choose options to plan, implement, and evaluate programs and interventions to address health issues, taking into account relevant evidence, legislation regulations and policies t Builds capacity, improves performance and enhances the quality of the working environment by sharing knowledge, expertise, and experience with members of the health center team t Competes and submits service delivery data and reports as required to First Nation Health Authority Home and Community Care Program t Adheres to infection-control guidelines Maintains client confidentiality and ensures that all records are stored securely. Ability to maintain a professional demeanor and confidentiality t Participates in case management and family conferences as appropriate t Maintains nursing skills through attendance at workshops, conferences, in-service and staff meeting, in addition to reading current literature and Best Practice Guidelines t Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a variety of people and circumstances t Ability to guide, supervise, and establish realistic performance expectations for Personal Care Aide Worker t Documents the assessments, care plans and service delivery on the clients chart update all fillies on a annual basis Responsibilities t The main role of the Home and Community Care nurse is to consistently and accurately assess clients, develop, maintain, revise care plans and liaise with physicians, pharmacy and other health care providers on behalf of the Home Care Clients. t Maintaining Electronic Service Document Report Template (EsDRT), Nurse monthly reports t Identifies community members requiring service from the home and community care program and enroll them into the program. t The position requires meticulous statistical information keeping, regular reporting on all Home Care services and possibly supervisory duties related to the of the Personal Care aspect of the program. t The position requires approximately 12 – 20 Km of weekly travel within the community. t It is preferred that the Home/Community Health Nurse has previous experience in First Nations Home Care, and or Acute care. t If you are seeking an independent, nursing as well as your aspirations to provide exceptional care within a supportive environment Kitsumkalum Health Center, Home/Community Health Nurse may be the position that you seek. Please submit resume, cover letter and proof of registration to by September 14, 2015 4:00 pm Mrs. Charlene Webb, Health Director Kitsumkalum Health Center PO BOX 544, Terrace B.C. V8G 4B5 health.director@kitsumkalum.bc.ca
Merchandise for Sale
KITIMAT BOXES, BOXES, BOXES You need them and we have them. Buy one bundle of 10 for $5.00 and we will give you a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue 9:00am - 4:30pm
Houses For Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
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Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
Real Estate Acreage for Sale
HILLCREST PLACE APARTMENTS Totally Renovated (ask for details) Security Entrance, Dishwasher, No Pets, No Smoking 250-632-7814 KITIMAT
Lakefront Acreages
133-264 acres, good fishing & hay producing, middle of the best farming & ranching area of BC.Visit our website for more properties starting from $27,000. Contact: sales@niho.com or Call: 604.606.7900 Website: www.Niho.com
• • • •
FIREWOOD SALE FIREWOOD $150 Per Load 3 Loads(2 cords) for $400 GE DRYER -$100 STOVE-$100 93 Toyota a.w.d (parts)-$50 Please call: 250-632-5150
for sale by owner 1150 Sq ft. Newly renovated bathroom, new floors through out. New electric panel, ducting, plumbing, insulation, bonus room within attached garage. Some Doors and Windows replaced. New Roof, W/D and F/S. Snow blower and lawn mower included. ASKING $239,000 780-983-0509 Serious Inquiries Only
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Misc. for Sale
Real Estate
• • •
Starting at $725 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website www.kitimatapartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking
SANDPIPER APTS KITIMAT Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies www.kitimatapartments.com
Homes for Rent FURNISHED and unfurnished homes available in Kitimat at reasonable rates. Email marps68@hotmail.com or call 780-974-3945.
Reduced Rent to Great Tenant
Lovely 3 Bedroom ranch style home in Kitimat with carport, Rent is offered at a reasonable rate for those whom will care for our home as though it was theirs. Please call: 250.631.7608
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Bus Drivers Needed in Kitimat
2006 8ft Adventure CAMPER
First Canada, our nation's largest provider of bus passenger transportation, has openings in Kitimat for casual, on call, bus drivers. The outlook for increased working opportunities is favourable. Successful applicants will hold a Class 2 licence with Air, or higher, and will have previous professional driving experience. Drivers may need to drive transit or school buses and highway coaches. A clean Driver’s Abstract, background checks and drug testing are required. Current First Aid certification will be considered an asset. We offer a friendly, safe, respectful work environment. Retirees are welcome to apply.
3 burner stove, 2-way fridge (gas & electric), washroom. Sleeps 4. Excellent cond.
Asking $9,000. Ph. 250-632-2781 Kitimat
Trucks & Vans
Please mail, email or fax resume and Driver’s abstract to Mr. Philip Malnis, First Canada ULC, 780 Lahakas Blvd., Kitimat, BC V8C 1T9. Fax: 250-632-2154, email: Phil.Malnis@firstgroup.com An equal opportunity employer that values diversity.
FOR SALE 2007 Mazda b2300 4 cylinder, grey body, regular cab, automatic, low mileage, A/C, no rust, c/d player,c/w winter tires. Excellent work truck. Very reliable. $5000 o.b.o. 250.639.0356 pls lve msg
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
~ Stein, Morgan & Kingfisher (65) ~ Albatross (65) ~ Finch, Fulmar (75) ~ Eagle, Egret (60) Wed. ~ Raley (40) NorthernSentinel
1981-FARRELL HULL BOAT 36 Foot 228 HP Diesel Cruises at 8 knots, inboard motor Mooring spot secured in Kitimat. $55,000 very well maintained. 250.639.9615 /250.813.1902
32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 2300hrs on New 370H.P. Fresh Water cooled 8.1L Diesel Engine, Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering, 2 Hydraulic Deep lines and Trap Puller, Sounder, Radar, 2 Radios, Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop, 8’ Dinghy. Assessed at $84,400 Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. Includes slip Best offer over $55,000 Contact Warren Poff at 250-242-4445
Community Call today! Fri. The Northern and Connector
Contact the Northern Sentinel at 250-632-6144. 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat
Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Sports & Leisure
KidSport week in Kitimat
Mayor Phil Germuth signs the Kidsport Week proclamation, with Cyndi McIntosh and Shaun O’Neill.
Cameron Orr Mayor Phil Germuth, seen at left with Cyndi McIntosh and Shaun O’Neill, signs the proclomation marking September 6 to 13 as KidSport Week in Kitimat. The designation complements the same province wide, declared by Lt. Governor Judith Guichon. “The provincial government is pleased to proclaim the week of Sept. 6-13 as KidSport Week in British Columbia. We believe in the many benefits that come from an active lifestyle and share KidsSport’s commitment to ensuring that every child in this province has the opportunity to play organized sport. By proclaiming this week, we are bringing awareness to this important cause and supporting the work of KidSport across B.C.,” said Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community Sport and Cultural Development in a media release. The Director of KidSport BC said the week helps profile the importance of organized sport in children’s lives. “We would like to help an additional 500 kids to play as a result of our efforts during KidSport Week. We also want to profile the incredible volunteers, corporate partners and athlete ambassadors that help KidSport every day,” said Pete Quevillon, Director KidSport BC. Kitimat KidSport has run for a number of years locally, and the program seeks to provide
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“We believe in the many benefits that come from an active lifestyle.” financial assistance for children to participate in organized sport activities to families who may have trouble enrolling their kids. People who’d like to enroll in the program, or to donate to it, can call Shaun O’Neill at the Tamitik sports complex at 250-632-9855.
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Winners of the Wild Wild Descent mountain bike race line up with organizer Bruce Martindale. L-R is first place winner Kylar Highe, second Nik Berndt from Kitimat, and third Rich Payjack. Mark Charles
Kitimatians join bike race in Terrace Jackie Lieuwen Kylar Highe flew into first place in the Wild Wild Descent Mountain Bike Race Aug. 23. The site of the showdown was the two-kilometre Pack Horse Trail on Copper Mountain, and organizer Bruce Martindale said all the winners clocked super fast time. Kylar made it down in 2:29, only five-seconds faster than second-place winner Nikolas Berndt at 2:34. Third went to Richard Payjack with 2:38. “Kylar was the first one to come down the mountain at 2:29:62 and nobody beat him for the rest of the day,” said Martindale. Seventeen riders from Kiti-
mat and Terrace showed up on the mountain to compete. There was “lots of sunshine, and [some] rain and wind and everything, but it was good,” Martindale said. The race was organized by Wild Bike and sanctioned by Terrace Off-Road Cycling Association (TORCA). The winning females were first Renee Froese at 2:51, second Stacey Blake at 2:52 and third Helen Purslow 3:01. Of the under-19 racers, first went to Brendan Barnett at 2:43, second was Marlon Quack at 2:46, and third was Kyle Anderson at 3:31.
Home hardware
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