Calendar Lake Country
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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September 9, 2015
Back in school
A new building
and a financial jump start for the Lake Country Food Bank is a great role model. ...............................
When the doors of Davidson Road Elementary opened for the 2015-16 school session yesterday, it was all they could do to fit all the students into the building, the biggest and busiest of the three elementary schools in Lake Country. In fact, close to 50 students living in the Davidson Road catchment area—many in kindergarten but spread throughout K to Grade 7—will be in school in either Peter Greer Elementary or Oyama Traditional as school officials continue to grapple with how to change the catchment area for Lake Country’s three elementary schools. “We’re still trying to come up with better catchment areas for Lake Country,” said school superintendent Hugh Gloster. “That area has been the subject of some challenge with the Davidson Road catchment having the majority of the growth in Lake Country. “We know we have to adjust and we hope to bring that to closure before the winter break and new catchments will start for the following
Lighting up in Lake Country parks may soon be a thing of the past as one district councillor wants to catch up with other municipalities and ban the practice. ...............................
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‘Super’ looks back on school years KEVIN PARNELL
LAKE COUNTRY’S busiest elementary school is Davidson Road which continues to operate at capacity. This year close to 50 students in the Davidson Road catchment will attend school at either Peter Greer or Oyama Elementary. September.” As schools in the Central Okanagan opened their doors and welcomed some 22,000 students into classrooms for the start of another school year, the school district is forecasting a slight increase in students across the board in the district, one of just a handful in the province that has increasing enrolment. However, outgoing superintendent Hugh Gloster says while growth in numbers is better than declining enrolment, it is putting a strain on current facilities. “We’re in an enviable position where we have
pockets of real growth but where we are having trouble is accommodating everyone in some areas,” said Gloster, who will close out a 30-plus year career this fall with the Central Okanagan School District. [See related story this page.] “It’s a lot easier to face the pressure points and grow than to have to close schools.” In Lake Country, there are still long term plans to build a new middle school next to George Elliot, a move that will free up space in the three elementary schools as it would allow the middle school to move to the new Grade 6 to 8 configuration. The
school district owns the land but is currently leasing it back to the Aspen Golf Course for use until a new school is approved, some time in the future. School’s in Rutland are the first area in the school district that will move to a new grade configuration this year as elementary schools move to kindergarten to Grade 5, middle schools to Grade 6 to 8 and high schools to Grade 9 to 12. The school board mandated the move to the new grade configuration in 2012. However, no other area in the Central Okanagan is yet able to make the switch and the district says it will likely be the better
part of a decade before all schools are changed over. Other changes this year include the implementation of new curriculum from the provincial government, designed to engage students better and develop deeper thinking as opposed to just memorizing facts. The new curriculum is optional in kindergarten to Grade 9 this year, before it is mandated next year. Grade 10 to 12 will have its optional year with the new curriculum next year before its implemented for the 2017 school session. newsroom
As Central Okanagan School District superintendent Hugh Gloster walked through the halls of Kelowna Secondary School last week, he stopped to peruse some of the old school pictures and reminisce about his days as a teacher at KSS. You couldn’t blame him for the trip down memory lane. Come this fall, Gloster will retire from a 36-year career in Central Okanagan schools. He was a teacher for a decade where he taught everything from kindergarten to Grade 12, then a principal and vice principal, and finally into school board administration, where he has been superintendent for the past six years. To say Gloster has been a fixture on the Central Okanagan education scene is an under-
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Lake Country councillor puts forward pitch to ban smoking in public places KEVIN PARNELL Like a lot of people
who live in Okanagan Centre, Lake Country councillor Blair Ireland
enjoys a good walk along Okanagan Lake, taking in the sights and the
fresh air. Along with the beautiful setting, there
is another constant that Ireland has noticed on his walks: Cigarette
Blair Ireland butts. “Every day I walk down Okanagan Centre Road and there are fresh cigarette butts up and down the road,” said Ireland. “It’s a new world and we have to take more responsibility for the environment we live in.” At last week’s Lake Country council meeting, Ireland served notice that the District of Lake Country could move into fresh territory as the first-term councillor put forward a notice of motion in an attempt to ban smoking in public parks in Lake Country. “With all the interface fires happening all over the area, a lot of them have been caused by smoking,” said Ireland. “We have a lot of parks that are rustic in nature—in Okanagan Centre, Spion Kop— lots of places that are extremely dry. The abil-
Different for many reasons.
ity for people to smoke in those areas gives us a chance to have a fire. “It’s time we said there is no smoking in those areas.” Ireland said there are as many as 50 jurisdictions in the province that have already moved to ban smoking in public parks and said it’s time Lake Country took the step as well. At the close of the last regular council meeting, Ireland made the notice of motion, meaning a potential bylaw will be discussed by Lake Country council at its next meeting. “Things need to change going forward,” said Ireland. “We can’t afford the property damage caused by someone who smokes and decides to toss it out. There are 53 other jurisdictions that have done this. The state of Oregon banned it 10 years ago, so we are a little bit behind the times. “I have sympathy for those people that are addicted but at the same time just because they are addicted I don’t think it’s fair they endanger people’s lives and property.” The motion is expected to be discussed when Lake Country council next meets Sept. 15.
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No definite time set to access rail corridor RICHARD ROLKE Locals and visitors will have to wait until they can explore a former rail corridor. The Regional District of North Okanagan, City of Kelowna and Lake Country district purchased the former Canadian National line earlier this year, but there is no timeline yet to open the property up to the public. “CN is going through a salvage program and environmental remediation,” said David Sewell, RDNO chief administrative officer. “They are likely starting down in Kelowna and the (RDNO’s) line will be last to have its ties and steel pulled up.”
Removal of the track will occur some time next year, and then the jurisdictions must initiate a planning process to determine how a recreational trail will unfold. One of the issues is governance of the corridor. “We want to see how there will be a common look and feel,” said Sewell. Some non-profit organizations want to fundraise to construct the trail, but Sewell insists a go-slow approach is required. “We want to make sure we’re not over-selling and we know what we’re selling in terms of timelines and what we’re developing,” he said.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 9, 2015 A3
Campfire ban lifted
PROGRESS on the Lake Country Food Bank building as of last Friday. The building is still about $50,000 short of its goal to finish construction but is expected to be open for business by November.
Food Bank poster project for insurance company fundraising campaign The campaign to win $100,000 from the Aviva Canada Insurance Company to go towards a new home for the Lake Country Food Bank has been chosen by Avivia to launch the company’s next online contest. Aviva Canada has chosen the Lake Country campaign as the success story to launch its 2015 Community Fund contest. Aviva Canada executives and a video crew were on site last Friday, creating a video showing how the Community Fund can stimulate projects that benefit a whole community. Last year, the food bank project won the $100,000 grand prize in the Aviva Canada Commun-
ity Fund competition, thanks to a community-wide drive for on-line voting. Since then, Aviva Canada’s donation of $100,000 has enabled the Rotary Club to commence construction at 9830 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Students in the trades training program at Okanagan College, Vernon, provided 6,000 hours of free labour to erect the walls and roof. Since then, doors and windows have been installed and sub-trades are ready to begin electrical, plumbing and mechanical connections. With the help and support of local individuals and business, the building should be ready for Food Bank volunteers to move supplies and services in by November, be-
fore the Christmas rush. The Food Bank normally serves about 600 needy families every month. Over Christmas that number can rise to more than 1,000. This year, for the first time, applicants for assistance will not have to stand outside in the cold waiting for their turn to be helped. Thanks to the grant from the Aviva Canada Community Fund, donations of work from Okanagan College, private donors, and donations of services and materials from local businesses, the project is now less than $50,000 short of funding. Additional donations will provide for fixtures and equipment to complete the Lake Country Food Bank building .
After a scorching summer filled with fires and smoke, campers got some relief last week with the removal of a campfire ban in the Kamloops Fire Centre including Lake Country, and the rest of the Central Okanagan. The BC Wildfire Service says the campfire ban was rescinded early last week due to recent widespread precipitation, which resulted in a decreased risk of wildfires in the region. The fire danger rating heading into the long weekend was primarily low to moderate throughout the fire centre. Here’s some important campfire safety information if you are going to have a campfire. Category 2 and 3 open fires remain prohibited throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre. These prohibitions include all open fires larger than a half-metre wide by a half-metre high, fires with a burn registration number, industrial burning, fireworks, sky lanterns and burning barrels. These prohibitions cover all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but do not apply within the boundaries of a local government that has forest fire prevention
bylaws and is serviced by a fire department. Please check with local governments for any other restrictions before lighting any fire. Tips for camp fires: • Have a shovel or at least eight litres of water available nearby to properly extinguish your campfire • Campfires cannot be larger than 0.5 metres high by 0.5 metres wide • Do not light a campfire or keep it burning in windy conditions. Weather can change quickly and the wind may carry embers to other combustible material • You must maintain a one-metre fireguard around the campfire. This is a fuel-free area
where all flammable materials (grass, kindling, etc.) have been removed • Never leave a campfire unattended • Make sure that the campfire is completely extinguished and the ashes are cold to the touch before leaving the area for any length of time • People who light campfires are legally responsible for making sure that they don’t escape. They may be held accountable for damages and fire suppression costs if their negligence results in a wildfire. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, go to
Consequences of causing a wildfire Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may be issued a ticket for $345, and be required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.
Leaving long career still feeling privileged to be an educator GLOSTER FROM A1 statement. He left his mark on the district by focusing on kids and people first. “I was looking at those pictures reminiscing about the grad classes, and the different students I knew particularly well, and I had a great sense of pride,” said Gloster as he prepared to open his final school year as a full-time educator and school administrator. “It was a privilege working with young people and seeing if you could help them. One of the things I always felt was you could change a kids’ life by just spending some time with them.” Among the pictures that Gloster stopped to look at was a great student and athlete from years gone by. His name was Al Lalonde, who
moved onto a career in education, following in Gloster’s footsteps as a teacher first and now a principal. Lalonde said it was Gloster who made him want to be a teacher. “He’s one of those people that motivated me to get into teaching,” said Lalonde, now in his fourth year as RSS principal. “As superintendent he’s been a great leader. He’s a great people person. He really cares about people and he has really motivated a lot of us to care about children. It’s always been students-first and peoplefirst for Hugh and I think that’s really impactful as a leader.” Originally from the UK, Gloster moved with his family to Canada as a young boy, living in Prince Rupert and Vancouver Island. After high school he attended UBC and the University of
Victoria before completing his masters through Gonzaga University in Washington State. As a teacher his speciality was high school social studies but he could do it all, including what he called one of his most challenging assignments when he switched from high school to kindergarten in one year. When he entered work as an administrator at the Central Okanagan School District 12 years ago, he set his sights on the graduation rate, focusing on increasing the number of kids who come out of school with a Grade 12 diploma or equivalent for special needs students. “When I started we were in the mid-70 per cent of kids graduating,” said Gloster. “We looked at that and said ‘this is a pretty affluent area and that’s not acceptable.’
HUGH GLOSTER at the Central Okanagan School
District administrative offices in Kelowna. He retires from school administration at the end of December.
Our graduation rates have improved dramatically and that has been a total team effort. We’re now into 91 or 92 per cent of kids graduating. That just means there is still eight per cent of the kids that this still isn’t working for them. We want an engaging program where kids are excited to come to school everyday so we’re going to keep working at it.” While Gloster will retire as superintendent at the end of December, he will keep his foot in education with some contract work that will also allow for some more personal time. Over the years his philosophy has been handed down to other administrators and to teachers and he plans to keep working for the improvement of schoolaged children. “I think one of the things I have been most
proud of as an organization is we have really been committed to continuous improvement,” he said. “We never once sat back on our laurels and thought we had it all figured out. We were always looking to improve. Maybe we weren’t meeting the needs of every kid and until you can completely say that there is always work to be done. “I’m very proud of the effort our teachers make and the support they get from the principals and vice principals, everyone in the schools, they all come together to say ‘how can we do the best job.’” New school superintendent Kevin Kaardal is in the district working now and will take over full-time from Gloster on Jan. 1. @KP_media1
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
If you couldn’t use words at all
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reeds are too easy. Once they become familiar, the words trip mindlessly off the tongue: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth…”
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Their cadence becomes as familiar as the clickety-clack of a railroad track. But the question came up in a discussion group recently: “How would
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Urban society slides into helplessness
f all the immature, ignorant whining that came out of the recent power failure in the Lower Mainland, one example summed up the decline of our urban culture for me. It wasn’t the people who flooded 911 with calls demanding to know when their power would be restored, or complaining about their freezers. It wasn’t those on Twitter insisting BC Hydro pay for food that went bad. It was another social media moment. With part of his community without electricity for a third day, Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart went to his Facebook page, which has a wide following. There he pleaded with residents to stop phoning city hall to demand that a local bigbox supermarket provide milk and eggs. Power had been restored at the store only a few hours before, in
BC Views
Tom Fletcher the dead of night, and it’s safe to assume that all stores were working flat out to restock perishables. Where do people get the notion that city hall, or whatever all-powerful nanny state they imagine, controls grocery stores? How do they conclude that in the midst of the worst electrical grid failure on record, BC Hydro is going to address their personal situation above all others? Vancouver broadcast media weren’t much better. Their big focus was that BC Hydro’s web-
site crashed, so people couldn’t call it up on their smartphones and find out instantly when their power would be back on. Some even questioned why wireless power meters didn’t help. Perhaps these were the same journalists who fed the tinfoil-hat superstition about their signals. The facts should be known by now. After an extremely dry spring and summer, a high wind shattered trees and took down more wires and poles than BC Hydro had ever coped with before. Further damage was done within areas that were already blacked out, leaving overtaxed technicians unable to accurately assess the full extent of it. In Coquitlam and elsewhere, poles were down in areas too rain-saturated for heavy repair trucks to reach. Yes, there were some too-optimistic repair estimates given out, in response to the constant
screeching for instant answers. About 15 years ago I experienced my worst power outage in the Fraser Valley. In a semi-rural area with little backup grid capacity (since greatly improved), my family went three days without power. This was in winter, due to wind and freezing rain followed by snow and cold. Trickles of water kept pipes from freezing, and the gas stove provided a bit of heat. I heard no complaints about the crews struggling around the clock with the dangerous job of repair. Media coverage was mostly adult supervised. Megastorm madness isn’t an isolated case. A couple of weeks before that, a temporary construction bump on the Lion’s Gate Bridge deck caused panic and rage. Aggravated by a couple of accidents on the alternate route, and fed by hysterical media, drivers of West Van lux-
ury cars were whiteknuckled. Traffic choked the region that had recently declined to pay a bit more for road improvements. In both cases, people outside Lotus Land were muttering: Welcome to our world. This is pertinent to the federal election. Are you competent to save for your retirement with RRSPs and a tax-free savings account, or do you need the government to do it for you, by force? Are you capable of managing your own child care, or should the nanny state create a hugely subsidized system, which has already failed in Quebec, from coast to coast? Are you ready for the day when the machine stops? Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. @tomfletcherbc
you express your deepest convictions if you couldn’t use words to do it?” Suppose you lost the ability to speak— or write—how would you encourage your children to tell the truth? How would you tell a neighbour why you go to church, and to this church in particular? How would you explain what you believe about death and dying? Mozart did it, when he wrote his Requiem. As a musician, he expressed his deepest convictions in music. So did Bach. Every piece incarnates his theology. Dancers make their bodies express their thoughts. Sculptors communicate with clay or metal. Painters, it seems to
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 9, 2015 A5
Don’t be a victim of recreational vehicle theft
he excitement of buying a new recreational vehicle can cause buyers to overlook one huge concern—is this vehicle stolen? If it hasn’t crossed your mind, it should— and the Central Okanagan Crime Stoppers Society has a new way to investigate before you buy. Noting that the Central Okanagan area had a high percentage of ATVs and snowmobiles that were never recovered, the Central Okanagan Crime Stoppers Society started a program called ‘Hot Recs’ to help recover some of this stolen property and prevent it
MLA’s Report
Norm Letnick from getting into the hands of innocent buyers. The society’s website, www.crimestoppers. net, features a ‘Hot Recs’ page which includes a link to the Canadian Public Information Cen-
tre. Here, members of the public can query the vehicle identification numbers to determine if they have been reported stolen to the police. I encourage you to take a look and share this information with anyone who’s thinking about purchasing autos, trucks, vans, SUVs, motorcycles, snowmobiles, farm vehicles, heavy equipment, trailers, or ATVs. Certainly here in the Okanagan, many of us amass a lot of these types of items as we enjoy year-round recreation opportunities. Items like ATVs and snowmobiles are popular with many local residents—and
they’re atTIPS tractive to (8477). Items like ATVs thieves as So far, well. two snowand snowOn the mobiles mobiles are ‘Hot Recs’ and a trailer popular with page, you’ll have been many local see a list successfulof recrealy recovered residents—and tional velocally. The they’re attracthicles that society is ive to thieves as have recurrentwell.” cently been ly fundraisstolen. It’s ing in the hoped this might help hopes of adding other generate tips and leads vehicles to the ‘Hot Recs’ on the whereabouts of program, such as stolen these items. It’s worth heavy duty equipment noting that all tips to and cargo trailers which Crime Stoppers are analso appear to be popular onymous, and can be with thieves. made through the Crime When it comes to Stoppers website or by preventing the theft of phone at 1-800-222your recreational vehi-
cles, Crime Stoppers offers several helpful tips. Park your vehicles in a well-lit area, with lots of pedestrian traffic if possible, to deter thieves who do not like to be seen. At the same time, never park your vehicle in a place where it can easily be loaded onto a truck by thieves. Never leave an ignition key in the machine while unattended, and invest in anti-theft devices for your vehicle and snowmobile. Disable your tow vehicle when not in use—do not make it easy to lose both your truck and your ATV or sled at the same time. In the event your
vehicle or machine are stolen, it’s extremely helpful if you’re able to provide the full serial number to police. Keep a separate record of your registration number, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and other ownership papers. I’d like to thank Coordinator Gerry Guiltenane and everyone at the Central Okanagan Crime Stoppers Society for the work they do to prevent these crimes in our community. Let’s all do our part to stop thieves and protect our valuables. Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country.
Art exhibition expresses insights into death TAYLOR FROM A4 me, have a unique problem. They can’t paint abstract concepts like divinity or honesty. They can only paint visual impressions of how they experience those concepts. And that impression ceases to be abstract, the instant an artist commits pigment to a canvas. Immediately, that formerly fluid vision takes on a specific colour, shape, and location. Yet an artist is not a photographer. The artist’s job is not to render an exact duplicate of what her eye sees. Rather, she paints less than her eyes see, so that the viewer can see more. The viewer fills in the delicate tracery of lace, the details of a ship’s rigging, the weathered wrinkles in aging skin.
The artist paints the possibilities that others may see. Creeds, by contrast, thrive on abstract words. My church’s creed affirms a belief in “Life, death, and life beyond death.” But how would you say that, without using words? The Central Okanagan Hospice Association has taken that challenge seriously. “When I mention to a stranger that I work in hospice and bereavement, the most common response is a physical movement away from me, as if where I work is contagious,” says the Hospice Association’s Karen Kuchta, “This reaction makes me realize just how uncomfortable with dying most people are.” A press release commented, “We will all die,
yet the words ‘death,’ ‘dying,’ and ‘died’ are spoken in hushed whispers—if they are spoken at all…Through starting the conversation on living until death, we hope to create an atmosphere where to die is not to lose a fight, but an inevitable step on one’s journey.” So the hospice invited artists to present their impression of what it means to come to the end of a life. Thirty artists submitted 49 pieces for consideration. A jury of local artists selected 26 pieces from 21 artists for
the show, Expressions of Death: Dying, grief and life after,” now showing at the Alternator Centre for Alternative Art, in the Rotary Centre for the Arts in downtown Kelowna. “The stigma around death, dying and grief can be challenged through a normalization of these processes,” says Karen Kuchta. The display is worth seeing, and worth thinking about. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Speed clock installed on MP Williams Hill; Gravel pit to follow legal hours Both elementary and high schools were back in session as of Sept. 8 and there are lots of excited kids running around. Please be careful, slow down and pay a bit of extra attention. School speed zones will also be
back in effect.
Many people have asked about the installation of the speed clock on Oyama Road just
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north of Winfield. Following is the explanation that I got from Greg Buchholz, director of infrastructure services: “Speed count data collected in July of 2014 over a one week period revealed that the northbound (uphill) lane on MP Williams Hill (Oyama Road climbing up from the Lodge and Woodsdale intersection) saw over 1,100 vehicles per day with almost 200
Councillor’s Report
Owen Dickie
vehicles per day traveling
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at over 70 km/h. The highest recorded speed for the period was 146 km/h at 7 p.m. It is based on these factors that we selected this location to install the display board. “In addition to the display capability they also serve to log traffic volumes and speeds and we are testing them out to determine their effectiveness at any given location including seeing if they lose effectiveness overtime at a given spot.” I have asked for an update on the speeds of traffic on the hill since the speed clock installation but have not gotten any information yet. As soon as I have something, I will let you know.
I have been contacted by many people concerning activities at the Pier Mac Gravel Pit, particularly operating into the evening. Following is the information I have received regarding their hours of operation from Steve Windsor, protective services: “An in-depth review was carried out between the bylaw and development services department regarding sand and gravel extraction as a re-
sult of residents’ concerns with the hours of operation. The gravel extraction and processing has occurred on this site since 1972, they advised bylaw enforcement that they had some large gravel contracts that they were trying to fill and were running a second shift. “Initially they had been starting work at 6 a.m. and agreed to conform to the bylaw 857,2013 Section 5(5.5) and not start work until 7 a.m., the report to council, File: SR96-001 dated April 29, 1996 re Oyama Aggregates Ltd., recommended Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources consider the following issues. 1. Hours of operation should be restricted to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2. Ensure drainage courses be protected 3. Applicant to be aware that the Soil Removal Bylaw will be implemented once adopted by council 4. Approval of Highway Access Permit. “So in summary I believe that as long as they stay within their operating hours they are operating legally.”
There isn’t much to report on the Rail Corridor. CN has indicated they are hoping to begin removal of the rails and ties in September, but that is not confirmed yet.
Adult Book Club: Please join Rita on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m, for a lively discussion of each month’s title. Tea and treats and great conversation are the order of the evening. Copies of each title will be available in the library. • Oct. 6: Time in Between by Maria Duenas • Nov. 3: Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin • Dec. 1: Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. Knitting Circle: Every Tuesday from 6 to 7 p.m. September to May. Drop in sessions for all experience levels. Tea is served. Bring your own project and supplies—needles, wool, imagination, creativity and fun. Owen Dickie is the Lake Country councillor for the ward of Oyama.
Storytime begins at libraries As children aged five and up head back to school, libraries throughout the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL)
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system are gearing up to begin fall storytimes for the under-five set. Having served as a children’s librarian for al-
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most three decades, the ORL’s Linda Youmans wants parents to understand the many benefits of storytime at the library. “The live interaction of storytime, where we use songs and puppets and books, is still valid and perhaps even more important in this age of technology. It offers an opportunity to socialize for both children and adults,” Youmans explained. “For many babies it is their first chance to be in a group and they learn to share, have fun and make friends.” All 29 library branches that comprise the ORL system host storytimes through the school year for children aged five years and younger. “Storytime activities such as singing, stretching and rhymes help children learn words and concepts that are the foundation of educa-
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 9, 2015 A7
Thomson says inspections have found 26 mussel-infested boats ALISTAIR WATERS Forests, Lands And Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson says the province’s new invasive mussel defence teams have made great strides over the last three months in keeping quagga and zebra mussel out of B.C. waters. Thomson told the media last Thursday that since May, the teams have inspected over 3,200 boats in 19 communities, from the Lower Mainland to Valemount, including Kamloops, Osoyoos, Midway, Castlegar, Cranbrook and Golden. He said thanks to the enhanced invasive mussel defence program announced by the B.C. government earlier this year, 26 watercraft requiring decontamination were identified and dealt with, either by provincial inspection crews or through decontamination orders provided to the vessel owners. Four boats required a 30-day quarantine period, in addition to decontamination, to ensure B.C waters remain free from the destructive mussels. These decontamination and quarantine orders issued under the Provincial Controlled Alien Species Regulation were the first issued in B.C. “Invasive mussels pose a threat to more than just ecosystems,” said Thomson. “(They also pose a threat to) drinking water facilities, hydro stations, agricultural irrigation
and more.” But he warned while the province considers the work of the invasive mussel defence
teams “success stories” this summer, the public still needs to do its part to keep quagga and zebra mussels out of B.C.
“I encourage everyone to practice ‘Clean, Drain, Dry’ activities (the procedure for making sure no mussels are on or in
a boat or its mechanical workings) and report all problem vessels to the B.C. Conservation Officer Service hotline.
Anyone who transports a boat into or within B.C. needs to clean the boat, trailer and other equipment by complete-
ly removing aquatic animals, plants and mud, drain all water out of
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STORYTIME FROM A6 tion,” Youmans said. Library programs also give new parents a chance to interact and meet each other. Fall storytimes at the ORL start during September. All are free and open to the public; some branches require registration due to limited space. For more information, check out branches.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
New coach, new learnto-skate programs With fall just around the corner the Winfield Skating Club is looking forward to its hottest season yet with fun and learn-to-skate programs for kids of all ages. In the summer, the club bid a fond farewell to retiring coach Laureen Daniel who’s been with the club for over 35 years. Daniel shepherded more than 3,000 skaters from first steps on the ice to regional, provincial and national champions. Last year alone, the Winfield club brought home a slew of medals from the regional and national championships including one gold, three
silvers, a bronze at the regionals as well as four golds, two silver and one bronze at the nationals. The club’s new head coach is Charlene Wehrmann who began skating at the Kelowna Figure Skating Club and competed for several years. Wehrmann studied at Sport Seneca College in Toronto, specializing in figure skating techniques obtaining her level 2 NCCP and level 3 theory and technical certificates. Wehrmann was chosen to work beside world-renowned coach Louis Stong and had the privilege to work with
elite students competing at world level. She’s since taught at Vernon, Armstrong and Mount Boucherie rinks with choreography as her specialty. The Winfield Skating Club’s after school fall/ winter programs include Can Skate which are learn-to-skate lessons for boys and girls age three and up, as well as various Star Skate programs for more advanced skaters of all abilities and ages. Those programs start on Oct. 6 and you can register online at www. or in person at the Winfield Arena on Sept.14 or 16 from 4 to 6:30 p.m.
C Reseach partnership between B.C., France t
ZOE URBANE of the Winfield Skating Club shows her form.The club has a new coach and new programs be-
Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.
Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
CREEKSIDE THEATRE info 250.766.5669
Lake Country, BC
Reservations: 250.766.9309 ArtWalk 2015 Presents: Kinshira’s Memory Park Sat., Sept. 12 • Doors 7pm Show time 7:30pm
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ginning Oct. 6 at the Winfield Arena. Register on-line at
The University of British Columbia Okanagan and KEDGE Business School, of Bordeaux, France, have formed a partnership to study and make recommendations to the BC Wine Institute regarding change and innovation in the British Columbia Wine Sector. Funded by the federal government’s Western Economic Divers-
ommendations to the BCWI board of directors that resulted in the establishment of the BC Wine Appellation Task Group—a partnership between the BC Wine Industry and the BC Ministry of Agriculture to bring forward industry-led recommendations to government regarding the BC VQA certification process for 100 per cent B.C. wine.
Take your best shot!
We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
S “Strategic recommendations from the initial forum were endorsed by s the BCWI board and t have resulted in the Ap- c pellation Task Group, D which is currently in the middle of an inclusive f discussion that will bene-s h fit our industry as we position ourselves for the h future”, said Ezra Cipes, u a director of BC Wine s Institute, chair of the BC Wine Appellation Task Group and CEO or Summerhill Pyramid ▼ Winery. “Having the neutral, academic setting; that brings a whole world of international experience to our doorstep and engages the entire B.C. wine industry and helps us set ourselves up for the next level of success,” v b Cypes said. t The Western Ecop nomic Diversification funding will support the continued activ- c ities of the partnership, 3 including further indus- t try-wide engagement on key issues identified during the Wine Leaders’ Forum in April 2015, as well as future forums. “The BC Wine Institute was established by the Province of BC as the voice and governing body of industry to represent and advance the sector on behalf of all the wineries in B.C.”, said Miles Prodan, BCWI president and CEO.
S y
We’re looking for photographs for our annual Lake Country Calendar ‘2016 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents, or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or 13 MONTH CALENDAR the wonderful scenery of Lake Country.
Lake Countr y
10241 Bottomwood Lake Road, Lake Country
ification Canada, the UBCO/KEDGE partnership has been collaborating with the British Columbia wine sector since fall 2012 through meetings with winery owners and principals and institutional bodies culminating in BCWI’s support of the inaugural 2014 UBCO/KEDGE Wine Leaders’ Forum. Outcomes of the first forum included rec-
Compliments of the
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Photo by Geri Allan-Helmer
Prizes to be won!
Jpeg submissions may be sent to: Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Advertising Representative 1.250.979.7329
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 9, 2015 A9
ject has been completed and mounted on the south wall of the Winfield Memorial Hall, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the District of Lake Country. The mosaic was designed and painted by many community members using smaller pieces and modelled after two works by Lake Country artists Rose Braun and Chris Malmkvist. The mural is located right beside the traffic circle near municipal hall.
Communities need more provincial funding to clear underbrush fuels from forest floors
The provincial government should step up and provide better funding for fire mitigation, according to West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater. Fires cleanse the underbrush of forests every few years, Findlater -says, but for the past century fires have been hastily put out, which has created 100 years of fuel in the underbrush to feed wildfires. Fire mitigation is the process of sending out crews to clear out the
underbrush and remove dead tree branches, which makes a potential fire in the area easier to deal with. While West Kelowna has been able to do some underbrush clearing, Findlater noted there are some neighbourhoods next to vast natural forest areas that haven’t been touched, and without federal or provincial help they don’t have the means to do it. There is a provincial program for underbrush clearing, but its budget of $5 million doesn’t provide close to enough to get the job
done. Findlater added if the province can spend $300 million annually on fighting forest fires, it can spend $20 million to $40 million on prevention. West Kelowna will be putting forward a resolution about the issue at the annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities Conference, being held in Vancouver from Sept. 21 to 25. Findlater is optimistic there will be support for the resolution.
Local Grapes S ’ R E Now in Season FARM FRUIT & E C U D O PR We are proud to support local Farms!
Okanagan’s Largest Art Show The 22nd Annual
Canadian Blood Services is encouraging blood donors to support their local emergency personnel. The Sirens for Life campaign is on until Oct. 31. With their donation every blood donor
will mark themselves on a board as donating in support of police, fire, ambulance or search and rescue. “We’re just doing a fun little tally in our clinic each and every week where you can say where
ntry Lake Cou Wellness d n a h t l a He Fair
your donation is going to,” explained Canadian Blood Services territory manager Gayle Voyer. “It’s just a fun, friendly little competition where the community can say thanks. We also track our partners, which in-
OCTObER 3, 2015 10AM-3pM WINfIEld MEMORIAl HAll
clude many of the emergency personnel in our community, so we’ll track their donations throughout this program as well.” The Kelowna Blood Donor Clinic is located at 103-1865 Dilworth Dr.
Artwork by Aaron K Metz
Support the emergency service personnel of your choice as you donate to the blood bank
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
donors celebrate the successful $12 million Interior Heart & Surgical Centre fundraising campaign wrapup at a reception in the hospital’s new courtyard.
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KGH Foundation reaches goal for heart, surgery centre A fundraising campaign to raise $12 million for the new Interior Heart & Surgical Centre (IHSC) has been successfully completed.
The Kelowna General Hospital Foundation announced last week its Be a Lifesaver campaign end up raising $12,140,503.
The campaign was launched in 2013, dedicated to outfitting the IHSC with critical, state-of-the-art equipment.
Under the guidance of campaign co-chairs Drs. Gary Goplen and Guy Fradet and their leadership team, the dedication of countless volun-
teers and unwavering public support, the KGH Foundation called the campaign a remarkable achievement.
Visit to Learn More
Visit to Learn More
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 9, 2015
take part in the Carnation Ceremony following the Breast Cancer Awareness Race held recently on Okanagan Lake during the 2015 Kelowna Dragon Boat Festival. The annual ACROSS raising of the carnations 1.toPart of B.A.both is held remember 5. in Burro women treatment as 8. Votes in favor well as those who have 12.Cashmere, lost their lives to breast cancer. e.g.
20.Mariner 22.Burrowing rodent 24.Embroidered 25.Hurry 26.Woodcutting tools 27.Wound trace 28.Shopper’s bag
42.The British ____ 44.Deadlocks 46.Sincere appeal 47.Avails 48.Overly inquisitive 49.’60s do 50.Not high 51.Sweet drink
Program helps recovery after a stroke
mation visit
11.Gardener’s nemesis 17.Snow runner 19.Coffeepots 21.Burn 22.Enrage 23.Naughty kids 24.World supporter 25.Cat’s sound 28.Greasy 30.Songs of praise 31.Winter Olympics event 32.Drums
35.Cinch 38.Copied 42.Sailor’s yes 44.Hot vapor 45.Tiff 46.The Kingston ____ 47.Fair feature 48.Eye rudely 50.Label 51.Respectful fear 53.Contest 54.Blunder 55.Canadian whiskey
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
33.European peak 34.Farm towers 36.Appropriate 37.Relaxation 39.Grassy area 40.Hen output 41.Light beams 43.Beasts of burden 45.Wander away 48.Make a choice 49.Garment ticket: 2 wds. 52.At any point 56.____-de-camp 57.Hole punch 58.Well-ventilated 59.Like some stockings • 778 – 215 - 5247 Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
30.Garden 54.Motored vegetable 55.Letter before dee 31.Important 56.Charges time 57.Had an 32.Shy ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 779 obligation 33.Light bender 58.Hazardous 13.Spoil WARREN HENDERSON/BLACK PRESS 35.Exclamation curve 36.Dined 14.Onionlike 59.Elementary veggie 37.Tough row to ____ 15.Emblem DOWN 38.Cousins’ 16.“____ Day 1. HoleIf youWill or someone for has had a stroke, the services for programs helping to deal with the emoCome” you care mothers Heart17.Solely and Stroke Foundation can help through thepunching tional and very personal aspects of stroke recovery. “It 40.Convert, as instruments Living with Stroke program. coupons was natural for me to take on the role of being a LWS 18.City haze 2. imChamber Stroke survivors and their families will learn to facilitator and I am so glad that I did,” she said. 42.Stopover spot 3. For takeout: prove19.Splash their quality of life, cope with challenges and “I love to meet people and help them move for43.Impish kids clumsily 2 wds.ward and take control of their own recovery again.” connect with others through the free program. 45.Twirled 21.Birthday Led by trained facilitators, Living with Stroke4.conMotto Register to join the next Living with Stroke prosists of eight weekly, two-hour sessions which explore number 49.Extra weight 5. Stoodgram, up Tuesdays starting Sept. 29, 1 to 3 p.m., at the the challenges of stroke and its eff ects on being back Rutland Activity Centre meeting room 1,765 Dodd 23.Wild animals 52.None 6. Eternal CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS home and in the community. Rd. USE AMERICAN SPELLING 27.Office writer 53.As well spirit To register, Through her own stroke experience Jennifer call 1-888-473-4636. For more infor-
ACROSS 1. Flat bread 5. Competent 8. Hide 12.Eager 13.Regard 14.Type of cone 15.Mistake in print 16.Attendance 18.Student transport 20.____ up (tense) 21.Hawker 24.In a group of 26.That fellow 27.Log 29.Sunnyside-up part
Health Planning Society
CommuniTy eVenTS
Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
Monaghan realized that there was a serious gap in
Huron 25.Sir Franci ____ Lake Country Creating Community Connections! 27.Wonderla girl ... supporting Community Wellness since 198229.Vinegar is HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR 30.Holiday tu October 3, 10am-3pm • Winfield Memorial Hall 31.Split Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street 34.Magnify A11
60.Honey producer 61.Insignificant
DOWN ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 781 1. Dab 2. Building vine 3. Bit of advice 4. Kind of brick 5. Poisonous serpents 6. ____ your request 7. Golf gadget 8. Quick 9. Little 10.“____ in a CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING Lifetime”
Copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date ACROSS
• The Lake CounTry Library & oyama Library - Knitting circles beginning in Sept. The 1. branch Awryat 15718 Oyama Roaddocument Oyama will have its knitting 59.Wings circle each Tuesday night from 6 pm-7 pm, 4. beginning Sept.at15. The Lake Country call branch in the Municipal Hall at #2-10150 Bottom Wood Glance 35.Bird 60.Saute Lake Road will hold its circle on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm-8 p.m. starting Sept. 16. 8. Green gem 36.Needle part Both knitting circles are free, drop-in, & open to any age and skill level; bring your yarn, needles & whatever project you are working on. 12.Microscopic 37.Squid’s fluid DOWN TO PU •oLD13.Aspiration aGe PenSionerS’ orGaniZaTion CribbaGe TournamenT - 4th SundayANSWER of the month 1. Possess 38.Not as wet plus 5th Sunday if on the Calendar. Registration at 9am games begin at 10am sharp. $30 per team 14.Burn soother includes hot lunch etc. Pre-registration call 250-762-6208 or 250-766-5437. Charge for 40.Musical staff 2. 15.Beginner •Lake CounTry SeniorS CenTresymbol - 9832 Bottom Wood Lakeuse Road. Fall sessions starting first week of Sept. Stop by for an events schedule. 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568 for more 17.Actor Smith 3. Small information. 42.Loaf 18.Stick •Lake CounTryup SeniorS buffeT - 9832 Bottom Wood Lakeamount Road will start up again on Sept. 8 43.Flowering for the fall schedule. Meals will be $9. Take home meals will be $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When 19.Immensely 4. Drive away available don’t forget about the 2 freeshrub meals. 21.Festive •Lake CounTry SeniorS CenTre - 9832 Bottom Wood5. LakeJazz Roadband on Monday afternoons will 47.Conducted 24.Stench be hosting Prime Time starting Sept. 15 at 1-3pm. Free. Everyone welcome. Come down & see the 6. Monkey 49.Run changes. Call Joanne at 250-766-0667 for more information. 26.Andes pack •Lake CounTry SeniorS CenTrecompetitively - 9832 Bottom Wood7. LakeJittery Road, Chair Yoga will be starting animal on Sept. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30pm.50.Sky Paid monthly at the rate of $3Shark per session. Call 250-766-4220 8. movie water 28.Molasses between 10am & 2pm Monday to Friday or call 250-766-4568. 9. Came to 55.Lodging spirit SeniorS CenTre •Lake CounTry - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Pancake breakfast on Sept. ground 19 from 8-11am. $6. places 29.Picnic •Lake CounTry SeniorS CenTre - 9832 Bottom Lake Road Annual Yard Sale Sept. 19, 56.Cover with Wood10.Plaything nuisance 8am-noon. Now accepting donations. Call 250-766-4220 or 250-766-4568. gold 11.Slippery 32.Moose’s CROSSWORD P •Lake CounTry farmerS & CrafTerS markeT - Fridays 3 to 7 pm, July through Sept., USEhandmade AMERICAN Swalwell relative Park, 10090 Bottom Wood Rd, Lake Country. sell fresh 57.Pitcher handleVendors 16.Stuff fulllocal produce, crafts, sweet & savoury treats, & hand-prepared foods, in a relaxed, shaded grassy area featuring lots of FREE parking, live entertainment, public washrooms, a water park, & a skateboard park. Contact: or 250-826-7100. •LC SeniorS’ CenTre Chair yoGa - Strengthening fitness class. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm. Call 250-317-3508 for more info. •WinfieLD auXiLiary CribbaGe - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •baDminTon - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •oyama LeGion branCh PUZZLE NO. 782 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. 10 inch Canadian Pizza for $7 available. Veggy or special toppings should be ordered in advance. 8. Neck hair • beTTer aT home is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing nonmedical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light 9. housekeeping Range & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. 10.King Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by of b volunteering. 11.Summer •LC fooD bank ThrifT STore 3250 Berry Rd. Winter hours starting Sept. 15: open Tues., tones Wed., Thurs. 11am-4pm. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. 19.Archaic •LC SeniorS’ buS SCheDuLe - Tuesday Sept 15, 22, 29 Buffet Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, 21.Wrinkle Saturday Sept 12 Vernon Schubert Centre breakfast, and shopping, Tuesday Sept 15, 22, 29 Buffet treatmen Lunch Winfield Senior Centre, Saturday Sept 16 Gellatley Nut Farm, West Kelowna, Koi Gardens Kelowna, lunch to reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131, 22.“____ Ma Thursday Sept 17 - local shopping, Saturday Sept 19 - Keremeos Fall Fair. Moment” •LC ouTDoorS CLub - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, 23.Solemn please contact us at: statemen •ViSiT The Lake CounTry muSeum anD arChiVeS at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake 25.Recluse Country. Admission by donation. Open 7 days a week, 10am to 4pm, from Mother’s Day through Labour Day. 250-766-0111 or visit the website 27.Stains •LC fooD bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 329.Pets days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits30.Wheel in nicely withsh the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CribbaGe. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving Copyright © 2015, Penny Press coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •WinfieLD uniTeD ChurCh ThrifT ShoP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 29.Bad guy Call 250-766-3387 55.Historic 10amACROSS to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. for info regarding appropriate donatioåns. times 1. Candy unit 32.For what ____ •LC Line Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ 4. ADanCerS long way off 1:30pm 56.Ship’s poleCentre. Beginners worth always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 8. Fountain drink 33.Chinese 57.Eternity •SoCiaL briDGe Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-76658.Take out, 3982.12.Hymn of mammal ANSWER praiseof Senior CiTiZenS as istext •The CounCiL orGaniZaTionS (COSCO) an advocacy group devotedTO PU 35.Wood splitter to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to 13.Drill 59.Looks at affiliate or individuals wishing to36.Feminine become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or 14.Opera for info. 60.Enemy pronoun show-stopper •LC heaLTh PLanninG SoCieTy - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! agent 37.Have Meaningful opportunities are available, in thebills Better at Home program & on Committees: 15.Promos Communications, Nominations,38.Singer Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 orDOWN “get connected” at www. 16.Mary’s pet Haggard 1. Feathered 17.Light gas 40.Semester •Do you Like To DriVe? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neckwear 18.Browning’s neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is 42.Rude look matchingwork volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better2. at Home SayProgram. furtherTraining, support & compensation are provided. Call43.Entry for info 778-215-5247.
3. Reaction 20.Indian and 47.Nighttime Atlantic 4. Up to snuff hooters 22.Chisel, e.g. 5. Becomes 49.Chilly frothy 24.Insult 50.Clarinet’s kin 6. Coat sleeve organizations. 26.Gives All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit 52.Resort, 7. Bounce 28.“____ Good P for all other inquiries, please email CROSSWORD back USE AMERICAN Cop” of a sort or fax 250-762-3220
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Joint effort of B.C., Canadian Border Services, western provinces, the U.S. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015
CIVT tackle CBC KIRO CHAN KNOW KOMO A&E in- YTV NEWS KAYU the issue of keeping the mus-SNPBorder Services Agency. Mussel perform roadsideDISC watercraft in% sels out &of B.C._ ( Basin) spection *programs `across the 1Pacif- 6spections 7 9 ; The Columbia and decontaminations,
TLC KCTS KING smallerWTBS watercraft, such as kayaks, < Acar toppers N are notP canoes and ex-
SportsCentre Sugar The View Trust Bookaboo The Price Is with Sugar For- Curling ic Northwest Boj The Vieweach CSI: Miami CBC Mayday Steve Sesame Today bilges, :00 ballast tanks, engines or live in collaboration notify other of Wayside as well asNews expanded monitoring for Four empt.Divorce ” Debt/Part ” Monster Right Debt/Part Plays/Month PAW Patrol ” ” Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Harvey Weddings Divorce Street cont’d 10and :30 wells, ensure the boat is dry. Th e public is encouraged to Day report tisBC and Columbia Power Corp. watercraft traveling from mussel inzebra and quagga mussels and inPGA TOUR Rachael Ray The Marilyn Heartland Young & Rachael Ray Gotta See It Monkey See KOMO 4 The First 48 Rated A for Carole Highway Family Feud Four Judge Dinosaur New :00 Golf Talk ” Denis ” Curling Bucket-Dino News ” Rated A for MacNeil Hell Family Feud Weddings Judge Northwest 11 :30 this Earlier year, the province an- Showkicked” in anRestless mussel-aff ected Dinosaur boats or equipment additional $360,000. fested waters. creasing Clean,Thru Drain, Dry educaHockey Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 Chucks CBC News River Law & Say Yes Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 nounced was providing to theHot B.C. Conservation cers Keeping B.C.s” waterways inBritish “enhanced” andWith outreach programs. Hour $1.3 milVancouver Now Hour ” Kate and Columbia’s ” ” Squirrel tion Now Monsters Order: SVU Say Yes Bench Peg Plus CatOffi News 12 :00 :30itLunch Motoring Days of our The Social Best Recipes The Talk Days of our ” Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 Almost Andrew Fool’s Gold Paid Prog. Say Yes King Super and Why! Polluters Days of our lion—in :00partnership with B.C. HyReport All Poachers vasive mussel-free is a joint eff ort by defence program includes six mobile It is a ticketable off ence for failTSN Lives CHBC CIVT CBC CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV Nichols NEWS Fool’s DISC KAYU TLC WTBS Thomas KCTS Lives KING ” Best Recipes KIRO ” Lives ” Tumble Leaf Hospital ” Sidekick Gold The Office Say Yes King 1 :30payMotorcycle dro—to for early The detection and (RAPP) hotline at N 1-877-952-7277. province and Western provinces decontamination units, 12 trained report atAirplane watercraft inspection Talk Dr. Phil Stefano Let’s Make a The( Talk Tim ) and Sid Maya The` Doctors The1 First 48 Wayside Power & 21 Day Yes TheA Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil :00 Off Record # $ % the & _ * 6ing to 7 9 ;Fix Say< P Interruption ” ” Stefano Deal ” ” Curious ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics Repo Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Cat in the ” 2 :00 :30 mobile rapid response teams to The View and U.S. states and the CanadianCurling auxiliary conservation offi cers whoWaysidestations and vehicles transporting SportsCentre Sugar Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar Boj The View CSI: Miami CBC News Mayday Steve Four Divorce Sesame Today
10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 12 :30 5 :00 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :30 8 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 9 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 10 :00 :00 6 :30 11 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 12 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 8 :30 SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 FRIDAY, 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 11 :30 :30 :00 FRIDAY, 12 :30 SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 11 :30 :00 5 :30 SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 12 FRIDAY, 6 :30 1 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 8 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 9 4 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :00 1 :30 12 7 :00 :30 2 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 3 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 12 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 1 7 :30 :30 SportsCentre ” ” PGA TOUR U.S. Open Golf Talk NFL Kickoff Hockey 2015 Lunch NFL
The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young & ” Restless Noon News News Hour ”
Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver
Republic of Monster Doyle Heartland Dragons’ ” Den CBC News CBC News Now ”
Motoring Football: Motorcycle Steelers at Off Record Patriots Interruption ”
Days of our News Hour Lives CHBC News The Talk Ent ” ET Canada
The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang
The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young & ” Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat.
” Plays/Month Blue Jays Gotta See It MLB Curling Baseball: ” Toronto Blue ” New Jays at
The Doozers PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate Kratts and Wild
Best The Talk CBC Recipes News KIRO News Best Recipes CBS News ” Murdoch Stefano Let’s Make Mysteries The Insider a Stefano Deal Coronation Ent
Days our News of Hour Lives ” The Ent Talk ” ET Canada
York ” ” Yankees Tim and Sid Sportsnet ” Central
Ruf-Tweet General Watchers KOMO 4 Tumble Leaf Hospital Park News Maya The Doctors Waterfront Wheel Curious ” Cities Jeopardy!
The First 48 Almost Behind Bars: Thunder ” Sidekick Overtime Talia The First 48 Wayside Behind Bars: Nicky, Ricky ” Year Kid vs. Kat Rookie Stanley Dyn.
A&E 1
Andrew The National Fool’s Fast N’Gold Loud Nichols Fool’s”Gold ” Power & Airplane CBC News Cuban Politics Repo ” Chrome
Ellen DeGeThe View Big Bang neres ”Show Odd Couple The Marilyn Dr. Oz The Goldbergs Show Denis Out Show Spun CTV CTV News News Saving Hope Vancouver Vancouver ”
Republic of Bookaboo The Nature Doyle Monster of Things Dragons’ Heartland Doc Zone Den ” CBC News CBCNational News The Now ””
Curling Gotta ”See It Blue Plays/Month Blue Jays Jays MLB See Gotta It World Poker Baseball: Curling Tour Toronto Blue ” Sportsnet Jays at ” New Central
The Doozers Boj Islands of PAW PAW Patrol BritainPatrol Mister Maker Monkey See Bobby Creative Bucket-Dino Fischer Dino Dan PAW Patrol Against Wild Kratts Kate and Snapshot
Steve The View Shark Tank Harvey ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO Scandal News News ” News The Away Chew Get WorldMurder ”News With
The First 48 CSI: Miami Behind Bars: ”” Year Rookie The First First 48 48 The ”” The First 48 The First 48 Behind Bars: ”” Overtime
Sidekick Wayside Funny Home Nerds Kid vs. Kat Videos SpongeBob Rated A for Wipeout Turtles Rated”A for Odd Parents Chucks Haunting SpongeBob Squirrel Haunting
” CBC News The National ”” Now With Amanda Carole The National Lang MacNeil ” CBC News News CBC Now With ””
How/Made Mayday How-Made How/Made ” How-Made Daily Planet Highway How-Made ” Thru Hell How-Made
KIRO KIRO News News Under the KIRO ”News Dome
The Meredith Sugar Bones Vieira Debt/Part ”Show Young & Ray Rachael Big Brother Restless ” Early News Noon News Under the Global Nat. Hour Dome
CBC Recipes News CBC News Best Murdoch Coronation Best Recipes Mysteries Rick Mercer Stefano Coronation 22 Minutes Stefano ” Bones Big Bang The Nature SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of SportsCentre Odd Couple of Things ” Vieira ”Show neres Show Doyle ” Big Brother Goldbergs Doc Zone U.S. Open Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ SportsCentre ” Spun Out ” NFL Kickoff Restless Show Den SportsCentre Under the Saving Hope The National 2015 News CTV News CBC News ” Dome ” ” NFL ” Vancouver ” SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News Football: News Hour CTV News CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Coronation Steelers at CHBC News Vancouver Murdoch SportsCentre TBA Anger Rick Mercer Patriots Ent etalk Mysteries ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes ” ET Canada Big Bang Coronation
KIRO News KIRO News The Talk CBS ShowNews Late ” The Insider Colbert Let’s Make a Ent Corden Deal
News of Hour News Days our ” Late ShowLives Ent Colbert The Talk ET Canada Canada ET ”
York ” Sportsnet Yankees Central ” Sportsnet Sportsnet Tim and Sid Central Central ”
Watchers Waterfront Ruf-Tweet Park Cities Tumble Leaf Waterfront Bobby Maya Cities Fischer Curious
KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Kimmel Live The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ”
Behind Bars: Behind Bars: The First 48 Overtime Rookie ” Year Behind Bars: Behind Bars: The First 48 Rookie Year Rookie ” Year
Thunder Just Kidding Almost TaliaKidding Just Sidekick Nicky, Ricky Funny Home Wayside Stanley Dyn. Videos Kid vs. Kat
How-Made RiverN’ Loud Fast How-Made Monsters ” The National National Fool’s Fast N’Gold Loud The Cuban Andrew ” ”Gold ” Chrome Nichols Fool’s CBC News Cuban Amanda How-Made Power & Airplane ” Chrome Lang How-Made Politics Repo
Big Bang Bold Mom ThisMinute Big Brother Judge Judy ” Judge Judy Under the KIRO News Dome KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Late ShowCBS News Colbert The Insider Corden Ent
Bones The Meredith Vieira ”Show Big Brother Young & ” Restless Under the Early News Dome Global Nat. News News Hour Late Show” Colbert Ent ET Canada ET Canada
Gotta ”See It Blue Jays Jays Blue World Poker MLB Tour Baseball: Sportsnet Toronto Blue Central Jays at New Sportsnet York Central Yankees Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central
Islands of The Doozers BritainPatrol PAW Bobby Mister Maker Fischer Creative Against Dino Dan Snapshot Wild Kratts Waterfront Watchers Cities Park Bobby Waterfront Fischer Cities
Shark Tank Steve ” Harvey Scandal KOMO 4 ” News Get Away News With Murder World News News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live Wheel Nightline Jeopardy!
Behind Bars: The First 48 Rookie ” Year The First 48 The First 48 ” ” Behind Bars: The First 48 Overtime ” Behind Bars: Behind Bars: Rookie Year Overtime Behind Bars: Behind Bars: Rookie Year Rookie Year
Funny Home Sidekick Videos Nerds Wipeout SpongeBob ” Turtles Haunting Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Just Kidding Thunder Just Kidding Talia Funny Home Nicky, Ricky Videos Stanley Dyn.
The National How-Made ” How/Made How-Made ”” How/Made The National How-Made Amanda Daily Planet ” How-Made Lang ” CBC News Fast N’ Loud CBC News How-Made ” ” ” How-Made The National Cuban The National Fast N’ Loud ” Chrome ” ” Amanda How-Made CBC News Cuban Lang How-Made ” Chrome
” Bones SportsCentre ”
Big Bang Odd Couple
The Nature of Things
Big Bang Mom
Bones ”
Gotta See It Blue Jays
Islands of Britain
Shark Tank ”
” Big Brother SportsCentre ”
Goldbergs Spun Out
Doc Zone ”
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
World Poker Bobby Tour Fischer
Scandal ”
SportsCentre Under the ” Dome
Saving Hope The National Under the ” ” Dome
Under the Dome
Sportsnet Central
Against Snapshot
SportsCentre NASCAR ” Racing SportsCentre ”” Golf
CHBC News Sugar Final Debt/Part TBA Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Anger The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show
CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Monster Rick Mercer Heartland 22 Minutes ”
KIRO News The Price Is Late ShowRight Colbert Young & Corden Restless
News Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Colbert Rachael Ray ET Canada ”
Sportsnet Curling Central World Poker Sportsnet Tour Central Curling
Waterfront Boj Cities PAW Patrol Bobby Monkey See Fischer Bucket-Dino
Television CFL 30
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
” ”
PAW Patrol Kate and
Fishing Flats Days of our All for One Lives
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Best Recipes ”
Off Record Interruption
Dr. Phil ”
Stefano Stefano
SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ”” SportsCentre U.S. Open PGA TOUR ” NFL Kickoff Golf Talk SportsCentre
The Meredith Sugar Bones Vieira ”Show Debt/Part Young & Ray Rachael Big Brother Restless ” 2015 News Hockey Noon News SportsCentre Under the NFL Lunch” Hour ” Dome Football: News of Hour SportsCentre CHBC News Motoring Days our Steelers CHBC ” at Final Motorcycle Lives News Patriots Ent SportsCentre TBA Off Record The Talk ”” ET Canada Canada ET Interruption ”
The Talk ”
CTVSocial News News-Lisa The Vancouver News--11:30 ” etalk Anger Dr. Phil Big Bang Seth Meyers ”
Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News
Bold The Price Is Big Bang ThisMinute Right Mom Judge Judy Young & Big Brother Judge Restless ”Judy
Days of our Lives
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
” SNP )
Tim and Sid ”
Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News The Chew News World ”News
KNOW Get KOMO Away With Murder * `
The First ” ” The First The First ” ” The First The First ””
48 48 48 48
Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds Rated A for SpongeBob Rated A for Turtles Chucks Odd Parents Squirrel SpongeBob
” Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News CBC News Now With ”
Our Little Family
Family Guy Family Guy
Country Boy ” Victor Borge Fighting
The First 48 ”
Bones ”
Our Little Family
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
The Civil War
A&E 1
Wipeout ”
The National How-Made ” How-Made
KCTS ” ” N
Traffic KING News
Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam
Little People, Jeffersons Big World Break
News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle
Behind Bars: The First 48 Rookie Year ” Behind Bars: The First 48 Rookie Year ”
The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
Cuban Mayday Chrome ” How-Made Cold Water How-Made Cowboys
Mike SteveI Met How Harvey Cougar FamilyGame Feud Name Family Feud
Suddenly Four Royal Weddings Paid Prog. Four Prog. Paid Weddings
Confessions Divorce of a Divorce Shopaholic Judge” Judge
” KING News Sesame Today Suze Tonight Street cont’d Orman’s Show Dinosaur Sol Seth New Day Financial Meyers Dinosaur Northwest
The Chew ”
Behind Bars: Nerds Rookie Year Squirrel
CBC News Now With
How-Made How-Made
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital
Behind Bars: Almost Rookie Year Sidekick
Andrew Nichols
Fast N’ Loud Sexy Abs! ” The Office
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Maya Curious
Behind Bars: Wayside Rookie Year Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
Cuban Chrome
Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
The Middle The Middle
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
” CBC News ” Now With
How/Made Mayday How/Made ”
Joint SteveRelief State Harvey
Four Weddings
Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce
Foyle’s SesameWar Street”
Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show
Daily Planet Cold Water ” Cowboys
Paid Prog. Family Feud Four Raising Family Feud Weddings
Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge
Father Dinosaur Brown Dinosaur
KING 5 New Day News Northwest
Edge of How-Made Alaska How-Made
Mike Law & Anger Order: SVU
Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes
Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench
World News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News
FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes
Browns King Payne King
KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
A&E 1
Just Kidding Wayside Just Kidding Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Rated A for Videos Rated A for
KIRO News KIRO ”News
Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.
Toronto Dino Dan ” Blue PAW Patrol Jays at ” New Wild Kate Kratts and
Tiger-Cats at Days News of Hour CTVSocial News Fishing Flats our The Toronto CHBC All for One Lives News Vancouver ”
CBC Recipes News KIRO News Best The Talk Murdoch Best Recipes CBS News ”
News of Hour Days our Lives ”
York ” Yankees ”
Argonauts Ent Off Record The Talk SportsCentre Interruption ET Canada ”
etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ”
Mysteries Stefano Coronation Stefano
” SportsCentre ” NASCAR Racing SportsCentre CFL Pre CFL ”” Golf SportsCentre Football: ” Hamilton Television
Movie: Ellen DeGe“Source neres Show The View ” Oz Code” The Dr. ” Show The Marilyn DenisNews Show Blue Bloods CTV ” Vancouver CTV News
Gags Republic of 22 Minutes Doyle Bookaboo Monster Like Me Dragons’ Like Me Den Heartland ” The CBCNational News ” CBC News
Mister Maker Monkey See KOMO News 4 Creative Bucket-Dino News Seattle
News CriminalBars: Nerds Henry The Chew Behind World ”News Minds Thunder Rookie Year Squirrel
Waterfront KOMO 4 Ruf-Tweet General Cities Leaf Hospital News Tumble
CBC News ” Now With
The National Fast Highway Two Men Andrew N’ Loud Sexy Abs! ” Thru Hell Mod Office Fam Nichols ” The CBC News Power & ” Politics
Minds The First 48 ” Criminal Minds The First 48 ” Criminal Minds Behind Bars:
” CBC News Now With The National Amanda Lang Carole” MacNeil CBC News ” CBC News
Divorced Vieira Sugar Show Debt/Part Hawaii FiveYoung & 0 Restless Rachael Ray ” Real Early Stories News Global Nat. Noon ”News
Baseball: Blue Jays Curling World Astros at MLB Poker Angels Baseball: Tour Curling Blue Sportsnet Toronto Central Jays at ” New
YTV 6 “The Sidekick
Hour News News Hour Late Show” our Days of Lives Colbert Ent ET Canada ET TheCanada Talk
Sportsnet York ” Central Yankees ” ” Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central Tim and Sid
Rookie Criminal CriminalYear Minds Minds Bars: Behind Rookie CriminalYear Criminal Minds Minds Behind Bars:
Squirrel Haunting Bella Haunting Talia Almost Sidekick Adventures Thunder of Tintin Movie: Wayside
” Harvey The View Shark KOMO”Tank 4 News ” Seattle 20/20 News ”News World The Chew
Kate and Apocalypse: Waterfront World Cities War I Ruf-Tweet Tumble Murder Leaf Coast Myster. Maya ” ” Curious Divorced MLB ” Murder Divorced Myster. The Meredith Baseball: ” The Doozers Vieira Show Blue Jays PAW Patrol Hawaii Five- Astros at George 0 Angels Gently Young & MLB Mister Maker Restless Baseball: Creative Real Stories Sportsnet ” ” Central Early News Toronto Blue The DinoSecret Dan Global Nat. Sportsnet Jays at New Apocalypse: Wild Kratts News Late World War I NewsShowHour Central York Waterfront ” Yankees Cities Colbert Sportsnet Murder ET Myster. Ent Canada Central Sportsnet Coast
News KOMO” 4 Jimmy News General Hospital Kimmel Live Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors
Now With The The National National ”” Andrew Nichols Amanda CBC News Lang Power” & Rookie Year Kid Politics Think ”It Up Criminal “Thevs. Kat The National Minds Adventures Steve ” Criminal Sidekick ”” Harvey Minds Chucks ” Shark Tank Criminal of Tintin” The National ” Minds ” ” KOMO 4 Criminal Assembly Amanda News Minds Nicky,ItRicky Lang News 20/20 Criminal Make Pop CBC Minds Make ” News ” Criminal Henry It Pop CBC News World News Criminal Minds Thunder ” News Haunting The National Jimmy Minds Haunting ” KOMO 4 Criminal Bella The National News Live Criminal Minds Talia ” Kimmel Adventures Amanda Nightline Minds of Tintin Lang Wheel Criminal Thunder CBC News
ET Canada
Divorced Divorced
Think It Up ”
Criminal Minds
“The Adventures
” Murder Myster.
SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Code” ” 0 ”
Like Me Like Me
Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Astros at 0 0 Angels
SportsCentre ” UEFA EuSportsCentre ropa League ” Grey Cup SportsCentre Stampeders ” 2015 U.S. Open
Real Stories ” Fish’n CHBC News Real Fishing Final Powerboat TBA Driving TV ET Canada Noon News Hour
The National ” Absolutely CBC News Canadian Coronation Doc Zone Backstage ” 22 Minutes Triathlon ”
Tennis: Women’s
Ancients Be- Corner Gas having Badly Corner Gas
Battle Castle Amazing ” Race
Adventures Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat of Tintin” Assembly Nicky, Ricky Rated”A for Rated ItAPop for Make Henry Make It Pop Thunder Nerds
NEWS Mayday DISC Cuban ” Chrome 7 9 The National Airplane ” How/Made
Myster. PAW Boj Patrol PAW George MisterPatrol Maker Gently Creative Monkey See Bucket-Dino ” Dino Dan The Wild Kratts PAWSecret Patrol
MLB Baseball:
Criminal Behind Bars: Thunder Wayside Minds Rookie Year Movie: Kid vs. Kat
A&E 1 Criminal
Think It Up ”
CriminalBars: Almost Bella Behind Minds Year Sidekick Talia Rookie
CHAN Sportsnet SNP KNOW Wheel KOMO Tim and Sid Coast Maya The Doctors Central ” Jeopardy! ” Curious ” ( ) * ` Divorced Murder Think It Up The Meredith MLB ” The Doozers Steve
The Let’sInsider Make a Ent The Talk Ent ET Canada Deal ”
Gags 22 Minutes
Cash Cab The Social Cash Cab Canadian The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show etalk The Social SportsCentre etalk ” CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver Corner Gas W5 Amazing ” Race Amazing Cash Race Cab Cash Cab Orphan The Social The Marilyn Black Canadian Denis Show Bitten It Is Written The Social etalk ” etalk News SportsCentre CTV News News--11:30 ” Vancouver Indecent Corner Gas W5 Proposal Corner” Gas
” Ellen DeGeFighting neres Show Traffic News KING News NFL Kickoff Dateline 2015 NBC NFL KING News Football: Tonight Steelers at Show Patriots Seth Meyers ”
CBC News ”
CBC News Now ”
Movie: Fish’n “District 9” Real Fishing ” Powerboat ” Driving TV ” Noon News CHBC News Hour News Hour Ancients Be” having Badly The West Battle Block Castle ” Movie: Movie: “Taken in “District 9” Broad Fish’n ” Daylight” Real Fishing ” Continuum Powerboat ”” TV Driving CHBC News News Final Noon News News Hour Saturday Hour ” Night LiveBeAncients The West ” having Block Badly
Football: KING News Days of our Steelers at Tonight Lives Patriots Show Dr. Phil ”” Seth Meyers
Behind Bars: Haunting Overtime Haunting
News Noon News Hour ”
SportsCentre UEFA EuCFL ropa League Football: Grey Cup Roughriders Stampeders at Blue 2015 U.S. Bombers Open ” Tennis: CFL Women’s Football: Final Calgary ” Stampeders SportsCentre at Edmonton CFL Eskimos UEFA EuFootball: SportsCentre ropa League Roughriders SportsCentre Grey Cup at Blue ” Stampeders Bombers SportsCentre 2015 U.S. ”” Open CFL SportsCentre Tennis: Football: ” Women’s Calgary
2015 5 KING Dateline NFL News NBC
Football: Television Hamilton CFL 30
Ellen TodayDeGe” neres Show cont’d Fighting News New Day Traffic NFL Kickoff Northwest KING News
Behind Bars: Funny Home The National How-Made Rookie Year Videos ” How-Made
Assembly Rated A for Amanda Carole Nicky, Ricky Rated A for Lang MacNeil
Blue Bloods ” The Social News-Lisa Canadian News--11:30 It Is Written Big etalkBang Seth Meyers SportsCentre ”
Masterpiece Sesame Country Boy Classic Street Victor Borge Great British Dinosaur The Civil Baking Show Dinosaur War
The Civil Great British War Baking Show ” World News ” Business ” PBS Suze NewsHour Orman’s John Financial Sol Denver:
Sidekick Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat
Movie: “Source
Dr. Phil Patriots ””
Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Browns Break Payne Confessions Browns of a Payne Shopaholic Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
Criminal The First 48 Minds”
Divorced Divorced
Days of our Football: Lives Steelers at
Sesame St. John Cat in the Denver:
Our Little Suddenly Family Royal Little People, Our Little Big World Family Suddenly Our Little Royal Family Paid Prog. Little People, Paid Prog. Big World
Criminal The First 48 Minds”
” ”
Super PBS Why! Thomas NewsHour
Bones Joint Relief ” Raising News Mike Mod Fam Anger Mike Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar Big Bang Name Game Big Bang
Young & Ray MLB Rachael Tour Restless Baseball: ” Curling
Den National Blue Judge Judy The Bloods ” CBC News KIRO ”News Vancouver ” News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News--11:30 Coronation Late CTV News CBC News KIROShowNews Toronto CHBC News Big Vancouver Murdoch CBS News SportsCentre TBA Bang Backstage Colbert ” ET Canada Seth Meyers 22 Minutes Corden Argonauts Ent etalk Mysteries The Insider SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Coronation Ent
Mod Fam Shopaholic The Middle Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam
The Meredith Curling ” The Sugar Boj Doozers Steve The View Vieira Show Blue Debt/Part WorldJays Poker PAW Patrol Harvey ”
ShowBloods Blue ” CTV News
Little People, Paid Prog. Say Yes Big World Paid Prog. Say Yes Our Little Cake Boss FamilyBoss Cake
Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless
CFL Restless SportsCentre Real Stories ” Football: News ” Hamilton SportsCentre CHBC” News ” Tiger-Cats at Final News Hour
Ellen DeGecont’d neres Show New Day News Northwest NFL Kickoff KING 5 2015 News NFL
Big Bang Cougar 21 Day Fix Big Bang Name Game Family Feud BOOM! Paid Prog. ” Pets.TV
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right
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Stefano Murdoch Mysteriesof Republic Doyle Just for Bookaboo Dragons’ Laughs Monster Den The National Heartland CBC News ”” ” CBC CBC News News CBC Coronation Now News Murdoch Rick Our Mercer Mysteries 22 Minutes Vancouver Coronation Stefano Murdoch Stefano Mysteries Republic Just for of Doyle Laughs
” Big Bang Odd Couple Bold ThisMinute Scorpion The Price Is Judge Right ”Judy Judge Judy NCIS: Young Los & KIRO News Angeles Restless KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News KIROShowLate ”News CBS News Colbert The Talk The Insider Corden ” Ent FABLife Big Bang ” Odd Couple Bold Scorpion ThisMinute ”
” our Days of Lives Ent ET TheCanada Talk Movie:”
The Doozers PAW Darts ” Boj Patrol PAW MLB ” MisterPatrol Maker Baseball: Champion of Creative Monkey See Champions Bucket-Dino Boston Red Dino Dan Sox at Wild European PAWKratts Patrol Poker Tour Kate and Baltimore Ultimate Orioles Engineering World Poker Ruf-Tweet Tour Tumble MLB Hope forLeaf
“Captain The Meredith Vieira Show America: Sugar Young & The First Debt/Part Restless Avenger” Rachael Ray Early News Simpsons ” Global Nat. News Noon News News Hour Late Hour Show” Colbert Days of our Ent ET Canada Lives ET Canada The Talk Movie: ” “Captain The Meredith America: Vieira Show The First
Mariners ” ” Darts ” MLB ” Baseball: Sportsnet Champion of Boston Red Central Champions Sox at Sportsnet European Baltimore Central Poker Tour Orioles Sportsnet World Poker MLB Central Tour Baseball: Tim and Sid Angels at ” Mariners ”” ””
NFL Young & 49ers Avenger” Football: Restless SportsCentre Simpsons Philadelphia News News ” CHBC Eagles at SportsCentre Final ”
The Dr. Oz Castle Show ” CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30
Dragons’ The National Den ” CBC News News CBC ” Coronation
Judge Los Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Angeles
Young & Avenger” Restless Simpsons
MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central
Baseball: Tim and Sid Angels” at
Beyond Scared
A&E 1
Beyond Competition Scared The View CSI: Miami News ” Beyond ” Castle Scared KOMO 4 The First 48 Behind News ” ” Bars: Burn Notice Rookie Year The Chew The First 48 ” ”
Maya Curious
The First 48 ”
A&E 1
The First 48 ”
The First 48 Harvey ” The View CSI: Miami ” KOMO” 4 The First 48 News ” KOMO 4 The First 48 News ” News The First 48 World News The First ” The Chew 48 ” KOMO” 4 The First 48 News ” General The First 48 Hospital ” Wheel The First 48
The Doctors KNOW Jeopardy! KOMO ” Dancing * With` the Steve
Wildlife Maya
A&E 1
” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 Harvey ” Stars The 48 The View CSI:First Miami KOMO The First 48 ” 4 ” News ” DanceBattle The First 48 KOMO 4 News The First America ” News ” 48 World News ” News The The Chew The First First 48 48 KOMO” 4 The First 48 Jimmy ”” News ” Kimmel GeneralLive The The First First 48 48 Wheel The First 48 Nightline ”” Hospital Jeopardy! ” The Doctors The First 48 Dancing The First 48 ” ” With the ” Steve The First First 48 48 Stars The Harvey ” ” ” Mister Maker KOMO 4 The First 48 The Great DanceBattle The First 48 Creative News War Tour America ”” Dino Dan News The First First 48 48 Hope for News The Wild Kratts World News Wildlife Jimmy ””
Curious Edwardian FarmDoozers The PAW Patrol Vincent: The Boj Mister Maker Full Story PAW Patrol Creative The Great Monkey See Dino Dan War Tour Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts Hope for PAW Patrol Ultimate Wildlife Kate and Engineering Vincent: The Ruf-Tweet Hope for Full Story Tumble Leaf Wildlife Maya Edwardian Curious Farm The Doozers Vincent: The PAW Patrol Full Story
Make It Pop Assembly
The National Yukon Men: ” Revealed
Haunting Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Haunting Rated A for Movie:A for Rated “Turbo” Nerds Squirrel
Elizabeth: Queen, Wife CBC News The National Now With ” Carole The National MacNeil ” CBC News Now With
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Airshow ” ”
NEWS 7 ”
DISC 9 ”
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
Canada’s ” Worst Driver CBC News Mayday Now With ” Amanda Daily Planet Lang ” Carole Cold Water MacNeil Cowboys CBC News How/Made ” How/Made CBC News Highway Now With Thru Hell The National River ” Monsters Diana Swain Airshow ” ” CBC News Treasure
Game On Wayside
Kid vs. Home Kat Funny Videos Sidekick Chucks Wipeout Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs.” Kat Kung Fu Haunting Rated A for Odd Parents Haunting Rated A for SpongeBob Gags Nerds Thunder Gags Squirrel Talia Funny AlmostHome Assembly Videos Sidekick Game On Wayside Funny Home Kid vs. Kat Videos Sidekick Wipeout Chucks ”
Power” & Politics The National ” ” The CBCNational News Amanda ” Now With Lang CBC News Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” The CBCNational News The ” NowNational With ” Amanda Diana Swain CBC News Lang ” ” Power & The National Politics ” ” The National ””
SpongeBob Haunting Kung Fu Haunting
Amanda CBC News Lang ” Odd Parents The CBCNational News Gags SpongeBob Gags ””
Sister ”Wives ”” Cougar Big Bang Sister ”Wives Paid Prog. ”” Simpsons Mod Fam Paid Prog. Burgers ” Name Game Paid Prog. Burgers ”
Family Guy Last Man
News ” How I Met Mayday Steve Naked” and Cougar Harvey Afraid Paid Prog. Cold Water Family Feud Yukon Men: Family Mod Fam Cowboys Feud Revealed Name Game Highway Crime Watch Thru Hell Daily
Sidekick Chucks Wayside Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Kung RatedFu A for Rated A for Odd Parents SpongeBob Nerds Squirrel Thunder Talia Almost Sidekick Assembly
News Raising How I Met Monopoly
Paid Prog. The Office
Sister Wives ” ” The Closer ” TLC ” <
Quest MythBusters ” How/Made How/Made Canada’s Worst Driver River Mayday Daily Planet Monsters ” ” Treasure Cold Water How/Made Quest Cowboys How/Made How/Made Highway River How/Made Thru Hell Monsters How/Made Airshow Treasure How/Made ” Quest MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made Canada’s River Worst Driver Monsters
Daily Planet Treasure Quest ”
Mod Paid Fam Prog. TheBang Office Big
In Their Own Cowboys Words 5th Quarter
” The Closer
Masterpiece KING 5 Mystery! News
Movie: Divorce “She’s the Divorce Man” Judge Judge” There Yet? Millionaire Millionaire
The Town ” Sesame Vicious Street Vicious Dinosaur Downton Dinosaur Abbey Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat
Dateline NBC Today KING News cont’d The 206 New Day Bensinger Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News
Say Yes Say Yes
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Randy to the Rescue Four Weddings Lost His Face Four Weddings Human Spiders Say Yes Say Yes Mermaid
Payne Browns
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
Mod Fam Mod Fam Divorce Divorce Big Bang Big Bang Judge Judge Movie: “Vicky Millionaire Millionaire Cristina
Masterpiece Mystery! Sesame Street” ” Dinosaur Dinosaur World News Business Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat PBS
Ellen DeGeneres TodayShow cont’d KING 5 News New Day Northwest KING 5 News 5 KING News Nightly News
NewsHour Super Why! Thomas The Big
News Days of our Lives News
Band Years Sesame St.
Evening Dr. Phil ” American Ninja Warrior Ellen DeGeneres Show Today” KING cont’d”5 News ” New Day KING ”5 Northwest News KING KING News 5 Nightly Tonight News News News Show Days of our NewsMeyers Seth Lives Evening Dr. Phil American ” Ninja Warrior Ellen DeGe” neres ”Show
Girl: Shiloh’s Barcelona” Say Yes Crazy Talk Say Yes Crazy Talk Journey Seinfeld Big ” Seinfeld PaidBang Prog. Say Yes Payne Family Feud Say Yes Browns So You Body Bizarre King ThinkProg. You King Fam Paid Randy” to the Mod Big World Rescue Mod Fam Can Dance Human The Middle Steve Four Divorce Paid Prog. Lost His Big Bang ” Spiders The Middle Harvey Weddings Divorce Raising Face Big Bang News Family Family Feud Mermaid Four Judge Guy Mike Human Movie: Mod Fam Girl: Shiloh’s Amer. Family Feud Weddings Judge Dad Anger Spiders “Vicky Mike Amer. Dad Crime Watch Journey Say Yes Millionaire Mermaid Cristina Two ” Family Guy DailyMen Say Yes Millionaire Mod Fam Girl: Shiloh’s Barcelona” How Met Peter Popoff Payne Paid IProg. Say Yes Crazy Talk Big Bang Journey Seinfeld Cougar Paid Prog. Browns The Office Say Yes Crazy Talk Big Bang ” Seinfeld Paid Prog. Say Yes Payne So You Body Bizarre King Family Feud Say Yes Browns Think You ” King Paid Dance Prog. Randy to the The ModMiddle Fam Can Human Big World Rescue Mod Fam ” Spiders The Middle
Dateline America NBC NFL Vicious KING News Weekend Football: Vicious A Chef’s Life The New206 York Downton Bensinger Great British Giants at Abbey Prog. Baking Show Paid Dallas
Sister Wives ” Four ” Weddings ” Four Paid Prog. Weddings Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
MythBusters Paid Prog. Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes Paid Prog. Big World Steve Harvey Paid Prog. Raising Family Feud Family Feud Mike Anger Crime Watch DailyMen Two
” Eats Atlanta Movie: Special “She’s the Mod Fam Man” Mod Fam ” Movie: There Yet? “Red Eye”
Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Movie:Dad Amer. “Vicky Guy Family
Cat in the (My Music) ” Masterpiece Mystery! American Sesame Experience Street” ” ” Dinosaur World ”News Dinosaur Business Hava Nagila Peg Plus Cat PBS (The Movie) Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Il Volo:Why! Live Super The Big ” Thomas Band Years Sesame St. (My Music) Cat in the ” Masterpiece American Mystery! Experience ”” ””
Paid Prog. News Raising Mod Fam Mike Mike Anger Two Men
Lost His Mermaid FaceShiloh’s Girl: Human Journey Spiders ”
KING ”5 News ”
Two Men How I Met Mod Fam Cougar
Mermaid Cristina Peter Popoff Payne Girl: Shiloh’s Barcelona” Paid Prog. Browns
PBS Il Volo: Live NewsHour ”
Nightly News Show NewsMeyers Seth
Big Bang Big Bang
Journey ”
The Big Band Years
News Evening American Ninja Warrior
KIRO News News KIRO KIROShowNews Late
Early News News Global Nat. Late Show-
Boston Red Sportsnet Sox at Central
Atlanta News Hour CTVBang News CBC Mercer News ” TBA Big Rick Falcons CHBC News Seth Vancouver Murdoch SportsCentre ET Canada Meyers 22 Minutes
KIRO News Colbert CBS News Corden
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
Baltimore Sportsnet Orioles Central
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Ultimate KOMO 4 The First 48 Thunder The National River Vincent: The Kimmel Live Funny Home Amanda How/Made Engineering News Talia Monsters Full Story Nightline ” Videos Lang ” How/Made
NFL Football:
Ent ET Canada
etalk Big Bang
Mysteries Coronation
The Insider Ent
Ent ET Canada
MLB Baseball:
Hope for Wildlife
Wheel Jeopardy!
The First 48 ”
Assembly Game On
Minnesota Vikings at
Movie: “Captain
So You Think You
Murdoch Mysteries
Big Bang Odd Couple
Movie: “Captain
Angels at Mariners
Edwardian Farm
Dancing With the
The First 48 ”
Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made
So You Think You
Body Bizarre King ” King
America: The First
Can Dance ”
Just for Laughs
Scorpion ”
America: The First
The First 48 ”
Wipeout ”
The National River ” Monsters
Can Dance ”
(My Music) ”
San Francisco
Human Spiders
The Middle The Middle
American Experience
KING ” ” P
49ers SportsCentre SportsCentre ” UEFA” SportsCentre UEFA
Avenger” Sugar Simpsons Debt/Part CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ”
Castle The View ”” News-Lisa The Marilyn News--11:30 Denis Show
The National Bookaboo ” Monster CBC News Heartland Coronation ”
NCIS: Los The Price Is Angeles Right KIRO News Young & Late ShowRestless
Avenger” Sugar Simpsons Debt/Part News Rachael Ray Late Show”
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Gags A for Rated Gags A for Rated
CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Carole ” MacNeil
Treasure Mayday Quest” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
News Steve Mod Fam Harvey Mike Feud Family Two Men Family Feud
Mermaid Four Girl: Shiloh’s Weddings Journey Four ” Weddings
Family Guy Divorce Amer. Dad Divorce Amer. Dad Judge Family Guy Judge
” Sesame Street ” Hava Nagila Dinosaur (The Movie) Dinosaur
” Today cont’d ” KING News New Day Tonight Northwest
Colbert KIRO News Corden ”
Colbert Noon News ET Canada Hour
DanceBattle CSI: The First 48 The View Miami America ” ”” News The First 48 KOMO 4 The First 48 Jimmy News ”” Sportsnet Vincent: The The Kimmel Live The The First First 48 48 World Poker PAW Patrol Chew Central Full Story Nightline Tour Kate and ” ””
How/Made River How/Made Monsters
How I Met Peter Popoff Millionaire Payne Crime Watch Say Yes Cougar PaidYes Prog. Browns Daily Say Millionaire
Il Volo: Live Show 5 Peg Plus Cat KING ” Cat News Seth Meyers Peg Plus
Crazy Talk Crazy Talk
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Payne Browns
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
SNP ” ” )
Sportsnet Gotta See It Central Premier Sportsnet League Central Darts
Vincent: The Stars Full Story ”
A&E 1
The Great Boj War Tour PAW Patrol Hope forSee Monkey Wildlife Bucket-Dino
CBC News ”
Seinfeld Seinfeld
” TBA News Champions Noon SportsCentre Hour ET Canada League
Big Bang Rick Mercer CTV News CBC News Seth Meyers Now 22 Minutes Vancouver
Soccer ”
The Social ”
Best Recipes The Talk Best Recipes ”
Days of our Lives
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital
The First 48 ”
Almost Sidekick
Diana Swain Treasure ” Quest
Paid Prog. The Office
Dr. Phil ”
Stefano Stefano
FABLife ”
The Talk ”
Tim and Sid ”
Maya Curious
The First 48 ”
Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Power & Politics
How/Made How/Made
Paid Prog. Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
SportsCentre Sugar The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic The View Bookabooof ” Vieira Show neres ”Show Doyle Debt/Part Monster
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right
The Meredith Gotta ”See It Sugar Vieira Show Blue Jays Debt/Part Premier
The Boj Doozers Steve The View PAW Patrol Harvey ”
Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”
Sidekick Wayside Nerds Kid vs. Kat
” CBC News ” Now With
How/Made Mayday How/Made ”
Paid SteveProg. Eco Co. Harvey
Fat Fam FourFabulous Mod Divorce ” Mod Fam Weddings Divorce
Queen Sesame Victoria’s Street
Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show
Young & Ray The Dr. Oz Rachael Marilyn Restless Show ” Denis Show
Dragons’ Heartland Den ”
Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless
Young & Ray MLB Rachael League Restless Baseball: ” Darts
Mister Maker Monkey See KOMO 4 Creative Bucket-Dino News
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
SpongeBob Rated A for Chucks Rated A for
Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made
Paid Prog. Bang Family Feud Fat FourFabulous Big Judge Raising Fabulous Big Bang Family Feud Fat Weddings Judge
Empire Dinosaur ” Dinosaur
KING 5 New Day News Northwest
CFL 30 Champions SC League
News Noon News Hour ”
CBC News Now ”
KIRO News KIRO ”News
Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.
Toronto Blue Dino World Poker PAW Dan Patrol Jays Wild Tour at Kate Kratts and
Fool’s River Gold Fool’s Gold Monsters
Mike Crime Watch Labor Say Yes Anger Labor Daily Say Yes
Movie: Millionaire “Shark Millionaire
World News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News
World/Poker News Hour News Soccer Days of our CTV The Social Lives News Vancouver ” ” CHBC
CBC Recipes News KIRO News Best The Talk Best Recipes CBS News ” Murdoch
News of Hour Days our Lives ”
AtlantaPoker Ruf-Tweet Hope for KOMO 4 World General Tour Tumble Braves Wildlife Leaf Hospital News
Tale” Talk Crazy Crazy ”Talk
PBS Why! Super Thomas NewsHour
Off Record The Talk World/Poker Ent Fishing ” ” Flats ET Canada
Stefano Mysteries Stefano Coronation
The Talk Ent ” ET Canada
Tim and Sid MLB ” Baseball:
Payne Seinfeld Browns Seinfeld
Sesame St. Members’ Cat in the Choice
Days of our Lives
Off Record The Talk Fishing Flats ”
CTV News Vancouver
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang
FABLife The Insider Ent ”
SportsCentre The Brother Meredith Ellen Republic of Bold Grey Cup Big CTV’sDeGeBig Rick Mercer Big Brother ” Vieira ”Show neres Show Doyle Stampeders Fall Preview Fool Canada ThisMinute ” Hockey SportsCentre UEFA ” SportsCentre ” CFL 30 SportsCentre SC UEFA”
Young & Wild Running Restless Sugar” Debt/Part News NCIS: New ” Ray Orleans Rachael
The Dr. Oz Zoo Show ” The View ” CTV News Best Time Vancouver Ever The Marilyn
Dragons’ Creek Den Still Standing Bookaboo Monster CBC News The National ”” Heartland
UEFA World/Poker SportsCentre ”” Champions League World/Poker SportsCentre ”” Soccer Grey Cup ” Stampeders Off Record SportsCentre Fishing Flats ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Hockey SportsCentre UEFA SportsCentre ” ” CFL 30 SportsCentre UEFA SC UEFA” World/Poker Champions ”
News ”Hour CHBC News CHBC News Final Noon News Hour Ent TBA ET Canada Canada ET Days of our Big Brother Lives ” The Talk Running ” Wild ” The Meredith NCIS: New Vieira Show Orleans Young & CHBC News Restless Sugar Final Debt/Part News TBA Rachael ” Ray ET Canada ” News Hour Noon CHBCNews News
DenisNews Show CTV News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News Vancouver etalk Big Bang Big Bang Seth Meyers The Social CTV’s”Big Fall Preview Dr. Phil Zoo ” ” Ellen DeGeBest neresTime Show Ever The Dr. Oz News-Lisa Show The View News--11:30 ” CTV News Big Bang The Marilyn Vancouver Seth Meyers Denis Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver
” CBC News News CBC Murdoch Coronation CBC News Now Mysteries Rick Mercer Coronation 22 Minutes Best Recipes Rick Best Mercer Recipes Fool Canada Stefano Creek Stefano Still Standing Republic of The National Doyle ” Dragons’ CBC Den News Bookaboo Coronation Monster CBC News Rick Mercer Heartland ” 22 Minutes ” CBC News CBC News Murdoch
Judge Judy Zoo Judge ”Judy The Price Is Right News KIRO NCIS: New KIRO Orleans YoungNews & Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News Late KIROShowNews ” The Insider Colbert Ent Corden The Talk Big Brother ” ” FABLife Zoo ” ” Bold NCIS: New ThisMinute Orleans Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy The Price Is Late ShowRight KIRO News Colbert Young & KIRO News Corden Restless KIRO News KIRO News CBS News
The Insider
CHAN ( Young & Wild Running
KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
A&E 1
News Storage The Chew The First 48 World ”News Storage ” Storage The First 48 ” Storage
Maya The Doctors Storage The First 48 Cliff Hangers Wheel Curious ” ” ” Jeopardy! Storage
Odd Parents CBC News Chucks SpongeBob ” Squirrel Now With
The National Edge of Diana Swain Treasure ” Quest Alaska
Two Men Paid Prog. The Mod Office Fam
Power & CBC News Politics ”
PaidBang Prog. Say Little Yes Big Our Family Feud Family Say Yes Big Bang
How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell
YTV NEWS 6 7 SpongeBob The Amanda Wipeout National
DISC 9 Daily Planet Edge of
MacNeil The National The National ”” CBC News Now With CBC News Amanda ” Lang Diana Swain The National ” ” Power & The National Politics ” ” NEWS CBC News ” ” 7 Amanda The National Lang News CBC ” Now CBC With News Amanda Carole” Lang MacNeil The National CBC News ”
How/Made Edge of Rockies Alaska Rockies River Monsters Highway Fool’s Gold Thru Hell Fool’s Gold Treasure Rockies Quest Rockies How/Made Edge of How/Made Alaska How/Made DISC Highway How/Made Thru9 Hell Daily Planet Rockies ” Mayday Rockies Fool’s”Gold Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold Fool’s Fool’s Gold Gold Edge of Edge of Alaska
Paid Prog. Movie: Eco Co. “Scary
Fat Fabulous Mod Cake Boss King Fam ” Mod Cake Boss King Fam
Queen” Victoria’s ”
Ellen DeGeAmerica’s neres Show Got Talent
Restless Sugar” Debt/Part Early News NCIS: New Global Nat. Orleans Rachael Ray News ”Hour News ” Late NoonShowNews Hour Ent Colbert ET Canada Canada ET Days of our Big Brother Lives ” The Talk Running ” Wild ” The Meredith CHAN NCIS: New Vieira Show Orleans ( Young & News Restless Sugar Late ShowDebt/Part Early News Colbert Rachael Ray Global Nat. ET Canada ” News Hour Noon News ”
Creative “Ping Boj Pong” PAW Dan Patrol Dino ” Wild Kratts Take MeSee Monkey
News With the The View News ” Stars World ”News KOMO 4
Storage CSI: Miami ” Storage Storage Storage Storage The First 48
Big Bang The Middle Divorce DivorceGuy Movie: Family “Shark Amer. Judge Dad
News 4 KOMO News News Jimmy The Chew ” Live Wheel Kimmel Jeopardy! Nightline General Fresh-Boat Hospital Fresh-Boat The Doctors Dancing ” With the Steve KOMO Stars Harvey ” ` KOMO 4 News News The View Jimmy News ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 World News Nightline News KOMO 4 The Chew News
” Storage Storage Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage 1 Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Storage The First 48 Storage Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage
Weddings Cake Boss Fat Fabulous Cake Boss Fat SayFabulous Yes Say Yes Our Little Paid Prog. Family Paid Prog. Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss Say Yes Our Say Little Yes Family FatTLC Fabulous Labor ” Labor < Fat Fabulous Fat Fat Fabulous Fabulous Four Fat Fabulous Weddings Labor Paid Four LaborProg. Paid Prog. Weddings Cake Boss Say CakeYes Boss
Judge Dad Tale” Amer. ” Guy Family Millionaire Millionaire Seinfeld Payne Seinfeld Browns Crazy Talk King Crazy Talk King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Mod Fam WTBS Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad A Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce Family Guy Divorce Movie: Payne Judge “Shark Browns Judge Tale” Millionaire ”
” Experience Sesame Street”News World Business ” Dinosaur Dinosauron PBS VOCES NewsHour PBS Peg Plus Cat
News Today” cont’d KING 5 Best Time News Ever New Day
Bucket-Dino Hope for Cliff Hangers Wildlife ” PAW Patrol Kate and Cliff Hangers Movie: ” “Ping Pong” Ruf-Tweet Archaeology Tumble Leaf ” Maya Movie: Curious “Ping Pong” The Doozers KNOW ” PAW Patrol Take Me * Mister Maker Cliff Hangers Creative Boj ” PAW Patrol Dino Dan Movie: Monkey See Wild Kratts “Ping Pong” Bucket-Dino Hope for PAW Patrol Wildlife
Raising Steve ” Harvey Mike News Anger Mod Fam Family Feud Family Feud Two Men Mike Mod Fam Two Men Crime Watch
Fat Fabulous Family Four Weddings Labor Labor Labor Labor Four
Darts Atlanta Sportsnet Braves Central World Poker Tour MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Central World Poker Angels at Tour Mariners Tim and Sid ”” ” ” SNP Sportsnet Blue Jays Central ) MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Misplays Central Gotta See It Toronto Blue Sportsnet Champion of Jays at Central Champions Atlanta European Braves
Chucks ” Wayside Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Rated A for Rated A for Thunder Gags Talia Gags Chucks
Cliff Hangers Wheel
CBC News
Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.
SportsCentre Young NCIS: New Hockey & ” Orleans MLS Soccer: Restless
Stars 4 Mister”Maker KOMO Take Me Creative News ”
Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.
Haunting SpongeBob Haunting Penguins
Storage Duck D. Duck D. Storage
GagsParents CBC The National Rockies Odd News River SpongeBob ” Monsters Gags Rockies
The Social Big Bang ”
Best Recipes The Coronation Ent Talk Best Recipes ”
CTV’s Big Rick Mercer Big Brother Dr. Phil Stefano FABLife Fall Preview Fool Canada ” ”
Big Brother The Talk ” ”
Poker Tour
Kate and
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Baseball: ” Jeopardy! Tour Tumble Leaf Hospital
Angels at Tim and Sid Mariners ”
The First 48 Storage ”
Archaeology Fresh-Boat Storage Maya The Doctors The First 48 ” Fresh-Boat Storage Curious
The National Edge of ” How/Made Alaska ”” How/Made CBC News Amanda Lang ”
NewsProg. Paid Mod Fam Raising
Labor Suddenly Labor Royal
Mike Anger Two Men
Amer. Dad Fat Fabulous Movie: ” “Shall Fat Fabulous FamilyWe Guy
VOCES on World News Business PBS
News KING 5 News Tonight Nightly Show News News Seth Meyers
Now With
Diana ”Swain Highway Thru Hell ” Thru Hell
The National Rockies Power & Rockies ” Rockies Politics
Our Little
Crazy Talk Seinfeld Crazy Talk
Say Yes
Payne King Browns
Our Little Little Our Family Family
The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang
Cake Boss Say Yes Cake Boss
NCIS: New Young & Orleans Restless
Sportsnet MLB Central Baseball:
News News Early Global Nat. Late Show-
Sportsnet Cliff Hangers Toronto Blue Dino Dan News Jays at Wild Kratts World Central ” JimmyNews
City FC News CTV News SportsCentre TBA Hour Big Bang SportsCentre CHBC News Vancouver ” ET Canada Seth Meyers Champions Ent etalk UEFA ET Canada Big Bang
CBC News Rick Mercer Murdoch 22 Minutes
KIRO News Colbert CBS News Corden
News Hour Colbert ” ET Canada
Atlanta Sportsnet Braves Central
Cliff Hangers KOMO D. Movie: Kimmel4Live Duck Storage ” News Duck D. “Ping Pong” Nightline Storage
Thunder National Fool’s Gold Funny Home The Amanda Talia Fool’s Videos Lang ” Fool’s Gold Gold
Two How Men I Met Mod Fam Cougar
Fat Dance?” PaidFabulous Prog. Payne Fat ” PaidFabulous Prog. Browns
PBS End Dieting NewsHour Forever!
Mysteries Coronation
The Insider Ent
Ent ET Canada
MLB Baseball:
Watchers Park
Wheel Jeopardy!
Duck D. Duck D.
Make It Pop Bella
Big Bang Big Bang
Suddenly Royal
Disease Proof
News Evening
Champions League
Dragons’ Den
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
Angels at Mariners
Silk Rt ”
The Middle Goldbergs
Duck D. Duck D.
Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell
MasterChef ”
Fat Fabulous King Fat Fabulous King
Nature ”
America’s Got Talent
X Company ”
Criminal Minds
ET Canada Behind The
Suddenly Royal
America’s Got Talent
Soccer ET Canada SportsCentre Behind The SportsCentre Carmichael ” Carmichael
” ”
Criminal Minds
The National NFL: ” Undrafted
” ”
Airplane Repo
Darcey’s Ballerina
Mod Fam blackish
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National River ” Monsters
Carmichael Carmichael
Sportsnet Central
The Bolshoi ”
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Coronation
KIRO News Late Show-
News Late Show-
Sportsnet Central
Watchers Park
News Jimmy
SportsCentre TBA ” ET Canada
Colbert Corden
Colbert ET Canada
Sportsnet Central
Silk Rt ”
Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.
Big Bang Rick Mercer Seth Meyers 22 Minutes
CBC News ”
Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ”
Say Yes
Say Yes Family Say Yes
KIRO News KIRO News Late Show-
MasterChef ”
The National Judge NCIS: New Dragons’ Judy Orleans Den ” Judge Judy
Days of our ET Canada Lives
Northwest Nightly News KING News News Tonight KING 5 News Show Evening Seth DaysMeyers of our America’s Lives Got Talent Dr. Phil ”” ” Ellen DeGeBest neresTime Show Ever KING 5 KING News News Today Tonight cont’d KING 5 Show New NewsDay Seth Meyers Northwest Nightly News KING News 5 News News Days of our Evening Lives America’s Dr. Phil Got Talent ” ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show
Daily Big Bang How I Met Big Bang Cougar Paid Prog. Movie: The Office “Scary Paid Prog. Movie” Family Feud ” Paid Prog. News Eco Co. Mod Fam Paid Prog. Mike Raising Steve Two Men Harvey Mike How I Met Family Feud Anger Cougar Family Feud Two Men Crime Watch Mod Fam Daily Big Bang Paid Prog. Big Bang The Office Movie: Paid Prog. “Scary Family Feud Movie” Paid Prog. Animal” Atlas
Peg Dieting Plus Cat Members’ End Choice Forever! Super Why! ” Thomas ” Sesame St. American Cat in the Experience Queen ” Victoria’s ” Empire VOCES ” on Sesame PBS Street World News End Dieting Dinosaur Business Forever! Dinosaur PBS Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Members’ Super ChoiceWhy! Thomas ” Sesame St. ” Cat in the American Victoria’s Experience Children
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News-Lisa Toronto FC News News CBC News at New Vancouver ” ” York Final ” News--11:30 Coronation
Big Brother ”
BestDr. Time The Oz Ever Show
Dr. Phil News ” Evening
Sidekick ” How/Made Funny Home The National Rockies Nerds ” How/Made Videos Rockies
Movie: Dancing The Doozers Steve “Ping Patrol Pong” Harvey With the PAW
Grey Cup Big Brother Off Record The Talk Stampeders ”
Nightly Days ofNews our Lives News
Storage Storage
KCTS N Empire American
KNOW KOMO * ` Mister Maker Dancing KOMO 4 Movie:
” Alaska Mayday Fool’s ”Gold Highway Fool’s Gold Thru Hell How/Made
TLC WTBS < A Fat Big Our Fabulous Little TheBang Middle
The Doozers Steve Archaeology Fresh-Boat PAW Patrol Harvey ” Fresh-Boat
Lang ” CBC News Now With CBC News CBC News Carole””
KAYU ; Paid Prog. Movie”
CakeYes Boss Say Say CakeYes Boss
Running Wild The Meredith ”” ” Vieira ”Show Blue Jays
Wayside Max Kid vs. Kat Henry
SportsCentre The Running Wild Ellen Zoo DeGe- Fool Creek Zoo SportsCentre Meredith Canada Bold Still Standing ThisMinute ” ”” Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Gags
World/Poker Ent Days of our ET Canada
Soccer ” ”
Say Yes Say Yes
Thunder Almost Sidekick Talia
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Wednesday,September September9,9,2015 2015 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
A14 A14
Your community. Your classifieds.
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Moving & Storage
Advertise in the 2016 - 2018 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis ✱Largest Sportsman’s publication in BC.
EMERALD CEDARS: Direct from Okanagan Grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL: 6’ tall, 10 for $300. Delivery & planting available. Call George, Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 or email
DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282
If you see a wildfire, report it to
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 or email:
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years.
1-800-663-5555 or *5555
Painting & Decorating (1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour
on most cellular networks.
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Be responsible don’t litter!
Employment Drivers/Courier/ Trucking US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
Moving & Storage
ROLL ENDS Are Back in Stock!
GREAT for the kids to draw on, plus puppy training, gardens and packing for moving. Cleaner Than News Print! $1.50 + up. Talk to the girls in classified to purchase yours.
Financial Services
at The Kelowna Capital News. 2495 Enterprise Way
It Starts with You!
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
Dececember 1, 2015 - September 1, 2015 It is with a great sense of honor that the Campbell family announce the passing of our father. Born to Scottish parents, James and Janet Campbell, in Trochu, Alberta near Three Hills in 1922, Graham grew up on a farm with his sister Dorothy (September 18, 1916 - September 14, 2008), living a Canadian life. Predeceased by Margaret Ann Campbell (1933 -1977), the mother of his five children and love of his life, Graham leaves a legacy of integrity, family and spirit to his children Paul, Jamie, Tim, Teresa and Duane, and grandchildren Brad, Isla, Josh, Cassandra, Arne, Bronte and Elisbeth. Graham’s early life included working with the CPR, Calgary and Edmonton taxis and then an enrollment in the Canadian Forces in 1944. After driving trucks across the nation he settled in Calgary to eventually start his own business. His family of 5 kids moved to Winfield in 1966 where he commuted to work for 2 years to Castelgar before starting on his 19 year career with the Winfield and Okanagan Centre Irrigation District (WOCID). Graham and Margaret Ann built their dream home on Okanagan Centre Road where his family thrived on the life of the area. Summers were spent at the beach at Okanagan Centre and on the balcony where endless days and nights were spent entertaining the frequent Calgarians that visited year after year! Dad was an active community member, being involved with Jack Seaton Park, an avid curler and supporter of the Winfield Curling Club and as a support to the Winfield Volunteer Fire Department, where he did everything he could to make sure the Department had the equipment they needed. After retirement, Dad started his second dream home at Okanagan Centre, on 2 hilly acres. His park, as it was described by a long time OK Centre resident, was his oasis in the summer. For 22 years he lived the snowbird life and wintered in Yuma, Arizona, his home away from home. Known for his taste for cigars, Dad is fondly remembered for being able to swim with a lit cigar, and even dive off the rock at the Venables beach, without putting the cigar out. Others may remember the cigar differently - especially the ladies at the CIBC. His last years were spent at Teresa’s watching OK Centre grow. His chair on the deck was empty only at night and when there was no work being done in the area for him to supervise from afar! Of course he wouldn’t have done it the way you did it! In such a long life, he met and amassed countless friends. He sorely missed his boyhood friend Tom Bishop, almost a brother, from whom he never was far in Rock Creek, and then Tom’s daughters after Tom’s death. They were always in his thoughts! When he moved to Winfield in 1966, his neighbors were Bill and Marion Dobson, who also had five children. As the ten children grew, so did their friendship. Dad missed them for years. They would have made great growing old partners - for the front deck! Dorothy and Jess Percifield were the great growing old partners. Dorothy and Dad continued to talk daily. Our family would like to recognize the great care given Graham for years by all those entrusted to see him grow old. The nurses at KGH Hemodialysis were his favourite - his second family, he would say, especially Janice, who cared for dad like more of a friend, as were Doctor Michaud and Doctor Welsh and Doctor Lyle at KGH. All the care workers from Interior Health brightened his day. Dad was had 3 family doctors in Winfield since 1966 - Dr. Marion Dobson, Dr. J. Cameron and Dr. T. Murphy. Thank you for the years of care. The family would also like to thank Veterans Affairs Canada for supporting Dad since 1944 and allowing him the life dignity that every veteran deserves. We miss you already - and always will.
rLake Lake Country Country Calendar Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,September September9,9,2015 2015 A15 A15
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Fruit & Vegetables
HUNTING Season Savings on selected used rifles/shotguns. Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6
Blackberries, Garlic, New Potatoes & Pickling Cucumbers, Table Grapes, Peaches & Nectarines.
INDOOR BOAT and RV storage 5 min from Salmon Arm. Safe, clean, affordable. 604615-5108
Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!
Misc. for Sale
Antiques & Collectables Sale Vernon Collectors Club 27th Annual Vernon Rec Centre 3310 - 37 Avenue Next to Curling Rink 120 + tables of collectables! Fri. Sept 18 2 - 8 PM, Sat Sept 19, 10 - 4 PM Admission $3.00 is good for BOTH days ENTRANCE at WEST SIDE OF building (backside) Table Rental 250-379-2587
Quit. Before your time runs out.
CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
Free Items
FREE kittens, looking for a good home, can deliver. 250859-9441.
Quick. Easy.
Dream Catcher
Fruit & Vegetables
! * & *& " *& * % ! % % ( & ! */ #!$!% * ) /&+( '!* # !%) * . % !) * )* !%, )*$ %* !% * % ( +) &+( &$$!*$ %* - * , ( !*) )!0 -!## #' $ " % ( !)*&(/ % ! % % ( & ! */ +% ) * $&)* ( ) ( )+''&(*) * $&)* ' &'# % ! *) *& '( , %* ## */' ) & % ( # ) &%* * .* &( $ !# *)* +%*&% % ( --- % (
AUTO Financing
OYAMA APPLES NO SPRAYS Macs, Galas, Jonagold Minimum 20 LB order. Farm Market Prices. Also 5 Litre Pasteurized Pure Apple Juice. Call Colin 778-483-3030.
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! Roosters Barber Shop
Roosters Barber Shop Serving the community since 2005
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Hair Services
for the month of September.
The Strand Hair Co By Appointment Only
250-300-6058 â&#x20AC;˘ 10074 Hwy.97, Lake Country
I look forward to seeing all my clients again!
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Landscaping â&#x20AC;˘ Bobcat â&#x20AC;˘ Excavation Trenching â&#x20AC;˘ Landscape Supplies Post Hole Auger â&#x20AC;˘ Dump Truck â&#x20AC;˘ Screened Topsoil
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â&#x20AC;˘Design & manufacture of custom furniture, cabinets, wall units & entertainment centres â&#x20AC;˘Antique furniture restoration & repairs â&#x20AC;˘Specialty & regular millwork â&#x20AC;˘Hardwood & laminate flooring â&#x20AC;˘Tile setting â&#x20AC;˘Renovating/building kitchens & bathrooms
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â&#x20AC;˘ Custom & domestic cleaning â&#x20AC;˘ Flexible schedules available â&#x20AC;˘ Thorough, efficient and detailed â&#x20AC;˘ References available many years of experience â&#x20AC;˘ Free initial consultation
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Offi OfďŹ ce/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Lake Country CalendarL
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
Council has been asked to approve a Temporary Use Permit to allow for the use of soil removal equipment (excavator, loader, crusher, a screening plant) associated with soil removal permit SR2015-001. The applicant also is seeking approval for the outdoor storage of portable (rental) fencing, storage bins, and construction equipment. A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Permit may be carried on.
APPLICANT/OWNER: AG Appel/Large PERMIT: TP2015-002 SUBJECT PROPERTY: Glenmore Road LEGAL: Lot 1, Section 3, Township 20, ODYD, Plan 26595 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
Volunteer Committee Members Needed The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on the following advisory groups to Council:
Access & Age-friendly Committee Agricultural Advisory Committee Public Art Advisory Commission Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in identifying gaps and suggesting solutions in the District? Would you like to provide recommendations to Council on issues pertaining to enhancing access, agricultural matters, public art, or parks and recreation? Review the Terms of Reference for each advisory body to see where your interests and experience could benefit the community ( Please provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on the Committee or Commission most related to your interests to Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Services Manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M
Saturday, September 19 11am – 3pm
Beasley Park
3450 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country, BC FREE Community Event Food Activities Music Have your say! Be a part of the vision for the parks, trails and recreation facilities in our community. Your valuable input will help guide the decision-making for future planning. Come to the Party in the Park for some family fun and let us know what you value about parks and recreation in the community. GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed permit and application, and relevant background documents can
be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from September 9 until Tuesday, September 15, 2015 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250 766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email
Speak at the Council Meeting
Written submissions are included in the Council Meeting package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
September 9, 2015
Pick up your Party in the Park invitation and Prize Draw Passport from Municipal Hall before Sept. 19th or on site at the event. Collect stamps from each of the COME PLAY! kiosks and turn your passport in at the last one you visit for a chance to win prizes.